#and it’s fine if it’s not your bag but it’s not racist to have black ppl at the center of a fucked up complex narrative
genuinely feel that the drama happening in the amc iwtv fandom is what happens when fans promote a show bc it’s gay first and do not mention the plot/genre at all
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thedreadvampy · 1 month
Guys I am BEGGING you to mask up if you're going to counterprotest the fash. They DO take photos and they DO spread them around their networks for targeting reasons.
This is not just targeted at people who consider themselves Serious Radgy Activists, antifa or anarchists.
This is for you, your mum who's angry about people targeting your neighbours, your nan who thinks the racists are being silly, your pals from the pub.
This is for everyone. We all need to stay safe at anti-racist demos.
It can feel paranoid, but things can escalate fast and it's hard to walk back once your photo's out there. A bit of overabundant caution when it's not 100% necessary is better than looking over your shoulder for years or getting jumped unexpectedly in the pub because of a photo you didn't even know was taken.
Honestly, especially with more and more police crackdowns against protesters, this is a good habit to get into at any protest or demo where there's the slightest chance of things kicking off, with fash or with cops.
You don't have to go full black bloc, but even if you're not planning on diving into the fray, stay safe - consider:
Cover your face. Wearing a mask can also help prevent COVID in your network, but if you don't have one or don't want to wear one, cover the bottom half of your face with a snood, balaclava, scarf, etc. If you need to eat, drink, smoke or vape, turn AWAY from the front of the line and ideally duck behind a banner or another person to do it. Keep masked until you're out of line of sight of the demo.
Cover your hair, especially if it's coloured or you have an interesting haircut. I usually part my mohawk down the middle and tie it to disguise the undercut, and bundle it up at the back to disguise the length, before I put on a hat or scarf - but I'm paranoid, and a hat, a headscarf or a hood will be fine. A baseball cap is good too - the brim further obscures your face from a lot of angles.
Cover up big tattoos, or tattoos that are highly identifiable from a distance. I have an upper arm sleeve and I'm honestly still working on summer options for this, but consider long sleeves for arm pieces, a light scarf/bandana for chest/neck tattoos, long trousers or leggings for leg tattoos, and/or gloves if you have hand tattoos (often the easiest to identify cause they're rarer). Even mesh or fishnet can be ok, or in a pinch you can use plasters or draw over it with a felt tip - you don't necessarily need to hide it fully if that's too hard, but try and make it harder to recognise.
If there's an accessory you often have on you in your regular life - colourful shoes, a bag with a fun design, exciting glasses frames, favourite earrings, etc - consider swapping it out for a more generic option. You don't want to put loads of effort into covering your face then get jumped on the way to work because someone recognised your backpack!
Don't help the fash out - if you take any photos, try to avoid including people's faces or tattoos as much as possible. If you post pics on socials, give them a quick once-over and consider putting an emoji or drawing over anyone's face visible.
If you see photos of someone you know at a demo, let them know (especially if they've come from rightwing accounts). If you see one of the fash taking photos, warn people and make the effort to help others cover up if they need it.
We haven't seen fascist/white nationalist mobilisation at this scale in a long time, and most people trying to help haven't dealt with this shit before. The risk factors are different to protests you may have gone on before.
Fash do sometimes come back and target people individually outside of demos if they've marked you out as an enemy. Keep safe, keep covered, keep together.
Few additional safety/security tips:
Once you've arrived at the demo, don't go anywhere alone until you're well away from the area. Stick with a buddy or a group you feel safe with and you're less likely to be jumped. Definitely don't leave on your own.
Cops are not your friends! They've been arresting as many anti-racist activists as racist ones. so remember: no comment, no personal details, don't tell them anything, and this includes blue bib PLOs. If they tell you to do something, ask 'under what power' and if they can't demonstrate that you're legally required, don't.
Don't drink or do drugs at a demo - you're adding risk for everyone around you
If you have your phone with you, make sure it's password-locked. We all sometimes lose or drop our phones and if it gets into the wrong hands you want it to be secure.
If you don't want to risk fighting, that's ok - numbers are still super important and tbh most of us aren't super keen on throwing down. Make sure that if things do seem like they might kick off and you don't think you can defend yourself, that you're moving towards the centre of the crowd and that you're not out on your own.
Look out for each other. Step in if someone's being harassed or attacked - step in as a group so you have more backing, if possible. If you're white, even if you're not able/up for fighting, it can be helpful to be part of a human barrier around people who are more likely to be targeted (eg people of colour and people who are wearing hijab/are otherwise visibly Muslim). When you're surrounded by other people, you're way less likely to get attacked.
If the fash seem to have gone, don't immediately disperse and don't post on socials that you're leaving. Especially if you're defending a specific place, it's very easy for them to wait till you've gone and come back later - give it at least an hour after the expected fash action, ideally longer.
On the flip side, don't be the last small group of people left standing. The usual rule for higher-risk demos is 'when we leave, we leave together as one' - however, for community defence, as above, doing that too early can out the people you're defending at greater risk. However, if there's like 5 of you there when 20 fash come back, you might be screwed - unless you're confident you can handle yourself, try to make sure the counterprotest crowd doesn't fall below 10-15 people. If it does, and you haven't specifically planned for that, you should consider calling it quits and leaving together.
If you're traveling to and from a demo on public transport, keep security in mind - you and the fash may be traveling to and from the same place. As much as possible, stay with buddies. Put away any signs and try not to look like you've just come from a protest. If you feel nervous, consider taking a more roundabout route home, or hopping off the train partway and getting back on the next one.
Don't do the fash's work for them. It's tempting to repost white nationalist calls to action to warn people, but you're kind of just spreading their rhetoric along with it. Instead, keep info to places, times and groups - you don't need to include the fearmongering about immigrants!
Don't post about where you are in too much detail, for the same reason - especially hotels and refuges!!! Fash are targeting those places for a reason, and when you've gone home, the people they're targeting are still there. If you post "we're at X hotel where asylum seekers live," could the wrong person see that and think "oh, that's where the bastards live, I'll remember that"? Remember, it's people's basic safety we're here to defend! Similarly, think about how much detail you share about tactics, who told you or how they knew - on social media you're not only talking to your own side.
also Stand Up To Racism have been at the forefront of a lot of these counterprotests. there's a whole sordid history there which mean a lot of people hate them, but more immediately they're just not always the best example of practical security. Just today they called time on a demo in Newcastle before the advertised fash demos were even due to start, and they are often very free with information and with people's photos. don't take your lead from them! they're playing a role in coordinating things, but ultimately they are not prepared when it comes to keeping either activists or the communities we're protecting safe.
if in doubt, skew on the side of caution - cover up more, share less info, stay in larger groups for longer, and stay later. If you come alone, it's ok to attach yourself to the side of an existing group - they'll understand.
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🌹Ice's Lazy Loc Wash Routine🌹
I wanna preface this with two very important things:
I do not retwist my own locs! It would take far longer if I did. I have the tools and the means, and I know how to do it. I just hate doing it 🤣. It takes patience and arm strength and I lack the will. When I have the money I just schedule a retwist. Usually about every three months (which is longer than usual)
This is the way EYE do it! This is one experience out of countless, so don't assume my way is THEE way. There are people that will probably scream at me through the screen. But alas... It is "lazy" Loc wash day for a reason. And I do still care for my hair, and it's healthy and thriving for seven years (as of this Wednesday) 👍🏾
Okay? Okay.
The misconception about locs is that they are dirty. They're no "dirtier" than any other type of hair, nor do they require dirt to lock. That's a lie, and a racist one at that.
That being said, locs will end up holding the weight of life lol. Skin, sweat, dust, pollen, smells (and for me, bc I have dermatitis, scabs); all those things will end up weighing your locs down. Some people will do an Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda wash to detox their locs.
However, I use this!
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Essentially it's water, apple cider vinegar, orange peel, and some essential oils in a spray bottle, so I can spray it directly on my scalp and locs and massage it in deeply. Let it sit for a bit. Because I only wash my hair every 2 weeks or so, it's fine, but I wouldn't do this if I was washing it more frequently as it could mess up my scalp pH. Again, I have painful dermatitis, so it helps me get closer to my problem spots. Does it burn? Yes. It's working 👍🏾
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Then I use this soap bar, which has things like coconut oil, aloe vera, eucalyptus, tea tree, almond, lemongrass, and more in it to scrub my scalp. You're supposed to rub it into your hands and scrub it in, so naturally I put the bar directly on my scalp. Be better than me. Smells AMAZING though and leaves my scalp clearer than it has ever been.
Medicated Shampoo
I use a medicated shampoo last. While that sits, I bathe 👍🏾 Bathe well, too 👍🏾 Please make sure your characters are bathing when they wash their hair 👍🏾
Once I'm done, I gently pull my locs apart (they WILL start tangling at the root IMMEDIATELY), then I wrap my hair in a beach towel. You're supposed to use t shirts because they're softer on curls, but I don't like water dripping on me while I get dressed. I put on easy to wear clothing. Tits loose clothing. I gotta be comfortable.
So if you know me, this is something I complain about ALL THE TIME. And it's how dermatology does NOT cater to Black patients! Even my shampoo says "for 30 days, wash every night". I'm Black with locs. My shampoos last for months bc that is impossible without me sacrificing my entire night, every night. Even if I had an Afro, we're still not supposed to wash our hair every night for fear of stripping the natural oils.
So I have to DEMAND I be given a medicated liquid solution. No petroleum based products!! A solution is the easiest way to reach my scalp. Does it burn? Yes. It's working. 👍🏾
So if your character has a skin issue (dermatitis, psoriasis, exzema excema eczema) on the scalp... Solutions are the easy way to go.
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I promise this isn't free ads lmao, I just happen to be experimenting with this company and I like what I've seen so far. This is a real lite oil spray with rose water and essential oils, and it cools my scalp.
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Aloe Vera, the goddess of healing. Also cools my scalp and addresses those burning, pink spots from my dermatitis.
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Drying depends on the length and thickness of your locs, and the temperature. Mine are shoulder length, pencil thick. Today I dried at real high heat (unintentionally) and it only took about an hour. At a lesser, safer heat, about two. This hair dryer bag is LIFE fr.
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If I don't have anywhere else to go (and I don't, bc I plan my loc wash days like this) I spray my scalp with oil one more time, put on my loc sock, and then I'm done 👍🏾
Total time today: about two hours. Normally 3 at a lower dry temp. Not bad at all.
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russilton · 3 months
What do you think about all this George hate? Lately it’s been a mess lol.
Not to be the annoying middle ground guy— but the whole team is a mess.
George hate has been high since ZV 22 and it’s not going to go away now. The team addressing it would only drive conspiracy theories worse and frankly if I were George I wouldn’t want them to. It’s sometimes better to continue acting unbothered than have your team say something for you, and feed the idea that you are weak and need coddling. People posting hate replies aren’t going to stop because a twitter admin told them to.
They should step up blocking in the right direction, blocking dumbasses who think they’re making a winning point shouting about Lewis to ferrari at you only makes them feel vindicated.
Focus on the actual hate, of which there is plenty, and it applies to BOTH drivers. Yes certain lewis fans have stepped up the name calling and I’ve seen a shameful amount of violent threats over fucking twitter posts even on tumblr. BUT I have also seen a genuinely sickening amount of George fans spouting anti black rhetoric and doing their own bigoted conspiring about Lewis, and that’s disgusting, especially as a fan group who acts high and mighty about being better than other fans because their driver receives abuse. Seeing people bully your guy gives you no right to act like ignorant fucks. Want to act aloof? Stop giving a voice to you shitty thoughts.
And STOP. LOOKING. FOR. HATE. It’s always going to be there, the comments will always be a nightmare. George is not uniquely effected- I have been a Lewis fan for twice as long as George now and lewis’ comments have always been filled to the brim with racist verstappen fans spouting shit. Mercedes didn’t do much shit to address them either. You can keep calling for Merc to address this without constantly going to look for the bad stuff then dragging it back here and being glued to it for days.
I know the routine of how each race goes perfectly now - race was fine, probably painful, Lewis fans will blame George for being a driver, George fans will say that his comments are once again untouchable, neither driver will care and we’ll get a photo of them standing next to each other in an interview. It’s like clockwork.
The only hate I see anymore is the stuff people drag back here. It’s like people complaining about a trash smell at their job and then bringing the trash bag home and dumping it in your living room so people can see what you’re complaining about. Trust me I believed you will you just leave it..
I am frankly resigned about this getting better before next year, I’m just sitting down and doing my own personal analysis of the boys interview pieces, and then waiting for the next race. Lewis leaving is painful enough as it is I don’t need to add seasoning
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jheselbraum · 5 months
Another thing I'll say about oot ganondorf is that I underestimated the bones of that man.
I came into botw having only played albw, which I loved but didn't really have ganondorf in it at all, just ganon and even then he was kinda the 11th hour power up for the actual villain of the game. I knew of Ganondorf but I'd never played the games he was in, at least not all the way through. So when he showed up in totk I was like "oh neat, hope they're not racist about it" (we all know how that turned out) but I didn't really have context for like... what people who had played oot and tp and ww all the way through were really expecting, if that makes sense? And when the game first came out and all the "holy shit totk retconned oot?" video essays followed suit I looked at oot ganondorf and totk ganondorf and went "no there's no way they're the same person, any more than zelda and sonia are the same person" and I still think that's true but for a different reason now.
Cause as someone who quit their first run of oot halfway through the shadow temple because I have no nostalgia for that game and the revelation that on top of all the bullshit link was going through, the royal family you were helping put back in power used to black bag people they didn't like to be tortured in their torture dungeon before ganondorf's coup proved too high a cost for 17 year old me to justify the time spent slogging through the dated gameplay.
And at that point in the game, you haven't been to Gerudo Valley yet, and you haven't seen what Ganondorf actually looks like now, and I think those two things are really important.
Cause, the orientalism of the whole concept of the 'save the carpenters' sidequest aside, the first thing you as a player learn about the Gerudo now that you've actually gotten to interact with them is that they're... actually pretty chill. I hate the stealth sidequests in the early zelda games because they're fucking difficult and the Gerudo Valley one in particular is fucking racist as shit (other people have explained why a lot better than I ever could but having your society of all brown women suddenly start respecting the white male protagonist after he proved himself in combat is fucked up) but they never actually hurt you unless you're in direct combat with the guard minibosses and, connotations aside, I think that given the context it's important to note that. Because your fight is with Ganondorf, yeah, and he's a Gerudo, yeah, but as far as we can tell, the Gerudo don't have any particular ongoing beef with the Hylians, and if I had to ascribe real-world terms to it, I feel like the implication buried under the orientalism inherent to the situation is that the Gerudo view the Hylians as citizens of a vassal state that is ruled by their king, and not as enemy combatants in an ongoing war. To them, Ganondorf assassinated the Hylian king, took control of Hyrule, and that was that. They're not allowed in en masse but if they can prove they have a half decent resume then they're fine, it's whatever.
Additionally, there's the part during the Spirit Temple where Navi is a racist little shit. When you enter the room with the giant Sand Goddess statue as an adult, she says that the face of the statue looks "evil." And you've already seen this room as a child so when I got to that dialogue I expected her face to actually be different in the future and it wasn't. She was still just sitting there, minding her business. Nice one, Navi. And what that line of dialogue is in a Doylist context is a hint that you're supposed to desecrate the Gerudo's temple in order to progress. Nice one, Link. (Side note, were Koume Kotake and Nabooru just... locked in that back room until someone came in and desecrated the temple? Cause like. There wasn't a fire exit or anything that I could see). But what it is in a Watsonian context is a reflection on the general Hylian view of the Gerudo and their gods, despite the fact that Navi is a fairy and not a Hylian.
So in the Gerudo Valley, the Gerudo aren't really all that hostile towards you, and you endear yourself to them pretty quickly. Link and Navi are more hostile than the Gerudo as a whole. And most of this interpretation is buried under implications and orientalist writing, but it's still important context for later.
So, progressing on to Ganondorf's castle and the final fight, we the player see that Ganondorf looks different than he did in the child timeline, and even looks different from the phantom version of him from the forest temple, before he put on his mask. And you see that his ears are pointy now. And I don't put a lot of stock into the ear racist in Castle Town in the child timeline, I don't think Hylians have pointy ears literally to hear the voices of the gods. Maybe that's just me, because I came from botw where the plot was Zelda the Hylian woman with pointy ears who is literally the incarnation of a goddess cannot hear gods despite her pointy ears, and totk where Link is the only one at Lookout Landing who can speak to the Bargainer, and only Link and Jerrin are able to hear the voice of the Horned God, both of whom are gods and despite the fact that Lookout Landing is crawling with pointy eared Hylians, so obviously whatever's going on with all that it's got jack shit to do with ear shape. But I do think the ear racist guy is, dev intended, just spouting racist bullshit the Hylians came up with to make themselves feel superior. So the choice to make post-triforce-acquisition Ganondorf's ears pointy is an interesting one, because the only thing about Ganondorf that we know changed in the past seven years was that he went into the sacred realm and acquired a piece of the triforce. And I'm not the first person to say that the triforce gave Ganondorf divine madness. Hell, I even knew about that interpretation going in to the game, but what the choice to alter Ganondorf's ears in the future does is it implies a reason for why everything just started getting bad in the adult timeline recently.
Cause you can go back to the child timeline in oot and everything's... fine. Like Ganondorf is in power, we haven't gone back to before that happened because the Deku Tree is still dead af and Zelda isn't in the courtyard, and occasionally the people in Castle Town will mention some sort of commotion at the castle that happened recently, but he didn't gain the Hylian throne and immediately start freezing Zoras and terrorizing Kokiri and genociding Gorons.
And none of this is ever touched upon directly by the narrative, it is entirely within the realm of implications, but at the very least it was enough to change my opinion on oot era Ganondorf from "Look at how he's designed, how compelling can he be?" to "oh, wait, actually there is something really interesting in here under all the racist writing"
Oot ganondorf is not a character that is particularly well written, Nintendo dropped the ball from his inception to the present day, but even if I don't necessarily share that disappointment, because my expectations were different, now that I've played oot and know what the quality of this character's bones really is and have a better picture of what kind of character people were expecting I can at least understand why people were disappointed when totk ganondorf was nothing like oot era ganondorf.
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nadja-antipaxos · 2 years
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Masterlist || Next - Two
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: sex (fingering, oral, PIV), swearing, Logan being casually racist
Note: I wanted to explore what it's like to be married to Kendall and have her be a Lady Macbeth type, savvy businesswoman. I didn't want to change wonderful Rava or take away her well-deserved peace, so Nisha fills that place. It also explains why Sophie is Indian!! Follows canon except for the obvious addition of this character and her family. Whenever something super Indian happens, I'll have a note to explain it.  Thank you for reading and please leave comments if you'd like. Graphic by me. Title from "Heat Waves" by Glass Animals.Chapter covers episodes 1x01-1x03
Word Count: 3,493
There’s a weight on her stomach as she squirms in bed. It feels too heavy to be Sophie or Iverson. No, she wants to go back to sleep. C’mon. It’s not even light out. She lets out a sigh. 
“Nish…” The deep rumble of her husband reaches her ears.
“No.” She rotates her hips.
“I didn’t even—”
“I don’t care.”
“I can’t sleep, Nish.”
“But I can.” She’s ready to hit him with that large diamond he put on her finger almost two decades ago. She huffs and looks down at him kneeling on the side of her bed as her eyes adjust to the darkness. He buries his face in the soft cotton of her sleep shirt and she rolls her eyes. 
“‘M sorry.”
“Then fuck off to your room and let me sleep.”
“I miss you.”
Nisha reaches down to lift his head off her stomach, but her fingertips graze his cheek. The gesture is second nature by now. He leans into her touch all too eagerly. 
“See? You miss me.” He presses a kiss on her palm. 
She huffs again and snaps her fingers.  “Please, get up.”
He moves slowly and flips the switch for the lamp. Even though he claims he can’t sleep, he looks somewhat rested. The bags under his eyes are less prominent.  She’d feel bad making him sleep in one of their guest rooms if she didn’t own the property outright. Not that she should be thinking about that. He just kneels patiently as she looks back at him. He takes her small brown hands in his large white ones. Maybe it was a mistake letting him sleep here instead of the apartment.
“Please, forgive me.”
Nisha inhales a sharp breath. He makes it really difficult sometimes. She lets go of his hands and buries hers in her black hair.
“Get some rest before the ball, Cinderella.” She pulls her knees into her chest so they’re out of his reach. He gives her a look and she twists her mouth to the side trying not to smile. “Fine. Simba. That work better?”
“At least he’s a guy.” He gets to his feet and lets his eyes rake over her. “So, I can’t sleep here?”
“No, cause I don’t wanna wake up to a dick poking me in back, kay?” She arches a dark eyebrow.  “Try to sleep then listen to your ‘Oh My God! I’m So White!’ Playlist.”
“What playlist is that?” He doesn’t hide the smirk on his lips.
“Kenny from the block.” She shakes her shoulders. “The ascension hype man playlist.”
“Uh-huh. Right.” He nods. “You coming to Dad’s? For lunch?”
“Mhmm. I got the kids a half-day at school. I’ll pick them up and bring them over.” She stretches her short legs back out.
“You’re the most amazing woman in the world, you know that?” Kendall hangs by the doorway.
“M’kay, Roy Toy. Go to bed.” Nisha waves him off.
By the time Kendall arrives at his father’s apartment, Nisha is already there in a black and white color block sheath dress with her hair swept up in a bun and minimal light makeup lining her stunning dark eyes. He gives her a nod before his phone starts vibrating and he has to disappear. Logan makes the rounds of forced hellos. 
“Nisha, Sophie, Iverson.” Logan pays attention to his grandchildren first before looking at their mother. They give him their hugs before stepping back. It’s not the welcome they’re used to at their Nani’s. She never thought of her mother as warm until she met Logan Roy.
“Many Happy Returns, Logan.” She flashes him a smile and gives him a light hug. 
“Your family’s good?”
“Mhmm. Ramesh and Kapil have a meeting with Tim Cook today.”
“Created a nice bump in Shiva’s stock. King Cobra of Tech’s at it again.” 
Nisha gives him a closed-lipped smile. Her brother, Ramesh, embraced the racist nickname, but she still hates it.  She knows Logan agreed to the marriage because he wanted an in with her family’s company and not because Kendall wanted to marry his college sweetheart. 
“They send their love.”
Logan nods and moves on to other family members. She sees him catch Kendall. They must be talking about Vaulter. It doesn’t last long because Kendall embraces the kids only moments later. Sophie just lights up at the sight of him. He was gone this morning before she got up. Iverson seems more reserved as is his way, but still happy to see him. They go off with Grace’s daughter, Isla, and Kendall turns towards his wife. His eyes scan her petite frame recalling all the times at Harvard he’d just throw her over his shoulder. Carefree. Laughing. Impossibly in love. That feels so far away right now.
Affection is always minimal in public between his father being Scottish and her mother being Indian unless it is for the kids. He thinks she looks effortlessly beautiful and presses a kiss to her sculpted cheekbone. In her simple black heels, she reaches his shoulder. None of his family knows things are rocky between them. No need to add that to their arsenal. 
“I don’t remember this dress.” His hand trails to her slim waist. 
“Went neutral. Didn’t wanna clash with Marcia or Shiv.” She pulls his hand away but interlocks her fingers with his.  “How’d it go with Vaulter?”
“Almost done.” He attempts to smile. 
A probing question rests on her tongue. He doesn’t want to hear from her anymore. That only worked at school, her Waystar internship, and until recently—their marriage.
Logan calls for his children to meet in a separate room. Nisha furrows her brow.
“Trust stuff.” Kendall touches her shoulder. “Marcy.”
“Should I…” The sentence dies in her mouth before he can even shake his head.
“I already signed it.” He walks past her to join his siblings. 
Grace, some string bean of a cousin, and Frank all stand around awkwardly. 
“Do you need help with the table, Marcia?” Nisha crosses over to her. 
Marcia chuckles and responds in French. Nisha replies with a small smile and turns to see the white guests staring as if the two brown women are plotting their demise instead of discussing wine glasses.  Marcia and Nisha have never had any issues with one another. They both knew how rare it was for them to marry into this family. 
“How is Sophie’s dance class?”
“Good. I think she prefers Bharatanatyam to the ballet, but it’s good for her to do both.”
“They inform one another in a way.” 
“Are you talking about me?” Sophie chirps. Isla and Iverson trail behind her.
“Only good things.” Marcia nods.
There are raised voices in the sitting room and the three children look at Nisha whose face stays stoic. 
“Did you make a picture for grandpa?” Nisha leans over. 
“It’s my idea.” Iverson nods, proud. 
“I can’t wait to see it.” Nisha smiles. 
Kendall storms out of the sitting room and closes the doors to the dining room behind him. Again, bright, young eyes look to her for direction. Nisha playfully rolls her own and scrunches her nose.
“Business stuff is so boring.”
Sophie sticks out her tongue and Isla and  Iverson laugh. Nisha straightens his glasses. 
Logan’s booming voice calls for lunch and Nisha sees Kendall slink out of the room with his eyes practically glued to the floor. She guides Sophie and Iverson into the dining room. She waits until they’re engrossed in a conversation about snakes with their Uncle Connor before excusing herself from the table. She ignores the sinking feeling she’s come to expect when approaching Kendall in a bathroom. 3 years clean. 3 years clean. 3 years clean.
Her hand stops mid-air as the door opens. Kendall looks wrecked. They just stare at each other for a moment. She nods to the door and follows him inside the bathroom. Bathroom accents and toiletries are stuffed into the elegant, wicker wastebasket along with a hairdryer. She sees black scuffs on a white set of drawers. Kendall just looks at her with guilty eyes. 
“Still don’t know how to clean a bathroom, huh?”
He lets out a humorless laugh as she pulls the hairdryer out and tucks it back in one of the drawers. She squats down and picks up more broken pieces to throw out and he just watches her.  She stares up at him.
“Look, you know I feel about shells in a bathroom, but, uh, wanna tell me what happened?”
“It’s not me.”
“What?” She straightens up. 
“He’s staying on.”
“For how long? He’s 80.”
“I don’t know. He thinks I was weak with Vaulter. Signed the trust changes without a lawyer.”
“The what now?”
“Marcia gets two board seats when he dies.”
“Why the fuck—why?”
“What do I do, Nish?”
Her dark eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. Now her opinion matters? She wants to say this, but his face is broken enough already. Instead, she places both hands on his shoulders. Her dark brown eyes lock onto his hazel ones. 
“Get out. Start your own thing.”
“I can’t—”
“You can. You’re smart. You’re capable. You’re well known. You’re the one who wants to get Waystar into tech. Lemme talk to Ramesh.” 
“I can’t abandon my fucking family on my dad’s birthday.” Kendall shrugs her off.
Tears burn in her eyes against her will. He notices and looks back at the floor.
“I-I—I’m never gonna win.” Her voice cracks.  
Kendall opens the door and slips out. She presses the heels of her palms into her eyes and sighs. She should be used to the whiplash, but it still hurts. She checks her makeup in the mirror before walking out. She flags down one of the staff and mentions the mess in the bathroom. Nisha takes a deep centering breath before taking her place next to Kendall at the table. She doesn’t even look at him. 
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The sterile, familiar smell of the hospital reaches her nose as she gets off the elevator. Kendall’s arms hang on his knees and his head is bowed. If she didn’t know any better, Nisha would think he was praying. 
“Ken, get up. Hospital floors are so gross.” She chuckles, folding her coat over her arm.
Kendall looks up at the sound of her voice. Gone is the thousand dollar dress replaced with a black hoodie and yoga pants (that he’s actually seen her do yoga in), but still effortlessly beautiful. 
“Rome and Shiv keep calling for insider info.”
“My mom says he’s in the right hands. They know what they’re doing.”
“She’d know. Kids okay?”
“Yeah. Fast asleep.”
Kendall stays on the ground as he asks if she can bring by their kids tomorrow to see their grandpa. She agrees. Nisha extends her hand and helps him off the floor. Her dark eyes roll upward when he tells her about Shiv and Roman’s concerns about him taking over.
“Wow, well, your siblings don’t miss a beat.”
“Ram and Kap wouldn’t do that.”
“New money, I guess.” She shrugs and he smirks. 
“Oh, sure.”
He looks down and sees their hands are still woven together. She hasn’t let go.
“I’m sorry—for earlier—you’re trying to help—”
She tugs him towards her and wraps her arms around him. Her fingers trail through his black hair and he relaxes closing his eyes. He lets her hold him and maybe gets a little too comfortable as she feels a growing hardness on her stomach. She steps back. He stares at her, exasperated. 
“King Kendall makes an appearance.” She giggles and tries to cover her mouth.
“Shut up.” He hates that she still remembers that. He was 21 and wasted. So wasted he fell asleep on her extra long twin bed with his pants half off. Little Miss Pre Law barely drank that night and teased him mercilessly in the morning. He just thought she’d let it go after almost 20 years. 
“Well, calm down cause tugging you off in a hospital bathroom is not a fantasy of mine.” She’s still laughing. 
“Yeah, that’ll look fucking awesome to the board.” He takes her hand as he walks through the doors. “Thank you for being here.” 
“I appreciate the gratitude.” She snickers into his shoulder.
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“Ken, why are we fucking talking about superheroes? Be a grown man and I don’t know talk to Gerri. Your counsel. Sophie, get off the counter! I gotta go.” The line clicks dead and Kendall’s left staring at his phone.  He really wanted a more concrete answer seeing as companies pay his wife thousands (sometimes millions, Richard Branson) for her expertise on this very thing. He sends her flowers anyway.
He doesn’t see her in person until the next morning at his father’s apartment with the kids and Luanne, one of the nannies. The animal print on her blouse makes him wonder if she’s psyching herself up for a big meeting later. She only wears it when she isn’t feeling powerful. Maybe she really was swamped yesterday. She normally doesn’t brush off business discussions. He doesn’t see her crane her neck trying to hear what he’s talking about to Marcia. The elevator dings and Nisha holds up a finger to Luanne who nods. She skips over and joins Kendall in the elevator. He doesn’t hide his surprise. 
“Hey, I didn’t mean to be a bitch yesterday.”
“No, it’s—it’s okay.”
“Thank you. For the orchids.”
Kendall tries his best not to smirk. 
“4 billion, Christ.”
“And Roman says you pissed off the bank?”
“He shouldn’t be telling you.”
“He was gloating. And lifeboats? Ken?”
“I didn’t mean Titanic.”
“But they don’t use lifeboats unless the ship is sinking.”
Kendall just shakes his head. He doesn’t like the plan he came up with Gerri and Roman last night. It’s not what his dad would do. He rests his head on the metal wall and looks over at her. 
“Think Ramesh would loan us 4 bill?”
She scrunches her nose. 
“You wouldn’t want to be in his debt.”
“Not a bad idea though.”
“Paying your loan without the bank.”
The doors open and she hangs back as he steps out only to come back in. “You free tonight?”
“I can be.” Nisha chuckles.
“Seven? I’ll send a car.”
“Yeah?” His eyebrows lift. 
“Yeah. Now, get moving, Cinderella.” Her mouth drops open playfully as she gently nudges him out of the elevator. The doors close and Kendall smiles to himself.
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High on the success of telling off the bank and being praised for his venture with Stewy in the press, Kendall feels pretty invincible. Nisha must’ve come from work because the animal print blouse taunts him from across the table. He’s aching to touch her. He reaches out and rubs his thumb against the soft brown skin of her wrist. She doesn’t pull away. 
“You’re the man?” She leans in and lifts a dark eyebrow.  “The man who used to finger me like he was looking for a lost remote?”
Kendall smirks and just takes her in. She’s so stunning. Expressive dark eyes. Full lips. High cheekbones. Perfect brown skin. Her whole family is unfairly attractive, but she is something else. And she’s not even trying. She’s giving him shit for being a bad lover when they were young. She was the only girl he’d met that wouldn’t fake it just because his last name was Roy.  The girls he met before would make obscene and unrealistic moans thinking that would keep his interest. It never did.  Nisha let him know right away she wasn’t satisfied and she wasn’t leaving his bed until he fixed it. For this and a million other reasons…
“I love you.”
Nisha sucks in a sharp breath. She’s heard this before. 
“I was being a royal fucking idiot.”
“Please, forgive me, Nish. Please.”
The gears are turning in her head.  It’s been a tumultuous week for him and he’s been seeking out her advice. Maybe he does want her involved again. Nisha flashes him a smile and Kendall smiles right back. The rest of the dinner is perfect. She tucks her head under his chin and lets him play with her dark hair in the backseat. He doesn’t want to drop her back home. He wants to take her to the apartment. Their first apartment that they never got around to selling. 
“It’s you and me.”
She tilts her head up, “Yeah?”
Kendall nods before leaning in and pressing his mouth to hers in a soft kiss. He wants her to know how badly he’s missed her the past three months. Her touch. Her taste. That fucking jasmine perfume. All of her. His fingertips skim the hem of her black pencil skirt. Her tongue clucks in disapproval and it goes straight to his dick. 
“Fikret, just the one stop.”
Kendall raises his eyebrows at her. Nisha doesn’t even blink. 
“Texted Malaya when you were in the bathroom. She can do the overnight.”
The second they’re alone in the apartment, Kendall pounces. Her skirt is somewhere by the door. One heel in the kitchen. Another by the stairs. His hands are all over her body grasping, tugging, squeezing, pulling. He can’t get enough. One moment she thinks he’s going to fuck her on the kitchen counter then against the dining room wall. Now, they’re by the stairs.
“Ken! Where are you going—”
They crash into the wall and he’s tugging her legs open.
“Where are—”
His wet mouth kisses down her stomach before finding a spot between her thighs. She groans and arches her back when he slips off her underwear entirely. He buries his face in all too eagerly because he’s starving for her. She can’t catch her breath. He pushes a single finger in while his tongue licks on that bundle of nerves. 
“Looking…for…” He adds another finger and stretches her out. “…a remote…huh?”
Electric shocks echo through her when he curls his fingers and she doesn’t even remember the question. He keeps up the pace with his fingers and lets his thumb take the over for his mouth. He needs to watch her. Her eyebrows are knit together as her mouth hangs open. Yes.
“You wanna come?"
“Wanna come on my fingers, baby?”
No one else gets this. She falls apart for him.  Any second now.
Seizing all her strength, Nisha surges forward and settles on top of him. Kendall stares up at her, stunned. 
“Enough. Need you inside me.” She undoes his belt while he licks his fingers clean. He smirks at her.  She knows they’re not gonna make it upstairs, so she gets to her feet. Kendall hastily pulls down his pants, then briefs before scooping her up. The back of her head hits the chaise lounge and she shoots him a look.
“Shut up. Just fuck me.” She grips him by the lapels of his jacket and their mouths meet again. He swallows her moans when he pushes inside her. She feels too good and it’s been too long. Her heels dig into his back urging him on.
“Who do you belong to?”
“Say it.” He slams back into her and watches her eyes roll back. He keeps hitting that spot over and over on purpose. It’s too much. She can’t think. Her small hands grip fistfuls of his jacket. Words. She needs to remember words. 
“Don’t—coerce me.”
“Nisha…” His thumb finds her again and moves with his hips.
“Yes! Fuck! I’m yours.” She gasps, feeling her body hit its peak. Pleasure rushes through her and all she can do is hold onto him.
“I’m close. Where—”
“Inside me…just please…” 
Their eyes meet and she nods repeatedly. Kendall groans with one last thrust and lets go. Fuck, she’s amazing. His face drops to her chest. Her heartbeat dances in his ears. He just listens marveling at the power he has over this woman. She rips billion-dollar corporations apart before lunch, but right now, she’s his.
In the morning, Nisha wakes with his hand on her heart. She rolls her eyes as a cheesy thought enters her head. She kisses the back of his hand before grabbing her phone. She should go back before the kids get up. He squeezes her shoulder.
“We’re back together, right?”
“No, this was a one-night stand. I don’t even know your name.”
Kendall presses his lips against her neck and lets his hand wander under his shirt she’s wearing. He looks at her innocently while his palm stretches out over her breast. His fingers rub small circles on her sensitive skin and she arches into his touch. She really should get going, but instead, she rolls on her side and he fucks into her from behind.
“I told you I was the man.” Kendall kisses her shoulder when they’re done. 
“Okay, I really gotta go.” Nisha rolls her eyes.
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lasthymn · 5 months
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— ABOUT.   Mun is 35+. ANYTHING SHIP OR SMUT RELATED IS A NO-GO for people under the age of 21. If you are easily triggered, this may not be a blog for you. Mature or potentially triggering subjects present ranging from mental illness, blood, gore, sexual situations, gas lighting, mental manipulation and control, violent imagery, war, horror themes, murder, torture, suicide, self destructive behavior, loss of limbs, religious themes, demonic possession, questionable intent, learned toxic masculinity, and mentions of drug and heavy alcohol use.
— PRIVATE / MUTUALS ONLY / DNI.   Please feel free to approach! Homophobic, transphobic, racist, Trump/Putin supporting, hating people based on their religious beliefs and generally crappy shit like that isn’t welcome on my dash!
— FOLLOWING.   Give me a little bit to check out your blog if you follow. I like to know your rules out of respect! If I’m following, I want to interact.
— RELATIONSHIPS/KIDS/ETC.   I roll with chemistry. Highly dependent character. Canons may have various outcomes. Platonic relationships encouraged! I do not accept any oc children or siblings for JACK. Family members are met with caution and HIGHLY dependent on how we vibe. We gotta groove, ya dig? OCs loved with plotting so we can make it stick and have all the good things! Send me your ladies! Older muses loved and adored! I won't do pregnancy plots. Not my bag.
— AFFILIATES, EXCLUSIVES AND MAINS.   Accepting on a limited basis for mains and a very limited basis for exclusives. My requirements are: We must be posting together regularly and be mutuals. Affiliates will come naturally. I don't mind being approached or approaching! I, normally, keep the number of the same characters I write with down to a small amount out of personal preference!
— NAUGHTY STUFF.   I enjoy writing mature threads. But will only do so with familiar partners. If it’s not your thing? We can fade to black! I’m 10000% fine with either. I do have a sideblog where all of my spicy threads go. TAG TO BLOCK ALL CONTENT OF THAT SORT ACROSS ALL MY BLOGS IS TW OOH LA LA! 
— POST INFO & SPEED.   I match my partner. There are times when I get hella inspired write bunches. I don’t do one-liners. I use small text and one icon that is static and the graphic changes per month. I can enlarge your text if needed. Blog will fluctuate in speed. If I don’t heart your reply, I might not have seen it. Sending me a link is great. Poking me to remind me about an ask is fine!
— PLEASE NOTE.   OOC drama won’t be tolerated. Constant negativity, bullying or harassment are a strict nope. Anons are always off! Open communication regarding any issues is welcome! I don’t have hidden passwords in my rules. Nor will I send in one from yours.
— GRAPHICS.   Icons / promos / psd / banners are exclusively for this blog by calirph. DO NOT STEAL! Capped by homeofthenutty.
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smackemback · 1 year
Wrong !
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If someone is always insulting And attacking someone's race And saying that the members of that group Would be better off erased
I'd think that there was something wrong And I think we'd have to face it People who do and say such things Are nothing more than racist
And if that same somebody Said that "all those people are the same" We'd really need to make them stop And start to use their brain
Bigotry is not ok And discrimination isn't right It's not okay against anyone Including if they're White
But it seems the rules are different If the person or group is White Cos according to you they're all the same And to attack them is alright
Well, I will not accept it And you, don't have the right To insult me or my race Even if you think you have the right
I will not be your punching bag When you need someone to blame And trying to say we're all the same Is totally insane
The things that you are saying Really make me sick Like because I'm White then that must mean That I am just a dick
Imagine if I said that to you Just because you are Black How long do you think that it would be Until you all attack ?
There is something that is really wrong With your mentality If you think that just because I complain It's somehow "White Fragility"
I'd complain if someone said it to you So please stop with the blaming And whenever I think that something's wrong You won't stop me from complaining
It's time to stop with all this crap And stop trying to divide us We really don't have to be best friends And you don't even have to like us
But for the sake of everyone Let's try to get along And stop with all this racist shit Cos all this hatred is just wrong
Maybe you can just do your thing And I'll get on with doing mine We don't even have to talk at all If you don't want to, and that's fine
I am not responsible For the things wrong in your life And don't say that I am the cause Of all your troubles and your strife
I've never even met you And I probably never will And even though we don't agree I've never wished you ill
So if you expect me to take the blame When you're trying to pass the buck I'm afraid your barking up the wrong tree And your completely out of luck !
Smackemback 24/03/23
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
she sent three policepersons??
> mum left a widow messed in the north
> younger boys going wild without mum
> love for my east end home was a first
> the rule still applies for a mother and daughter
> it's always duty first even aged half a century plus
> the lab crowed she's off to the sticks
> and that's the end of her cause London twists
> got done by  black Charles selling the cottage
> Londoners don't like being told what to think
> restricted life from above find all royal names
> an irish removals sounds fine can't be them
> two up two down small van stuff
> forgot the power of the civil service
> the two workers decided to mess
> can't fit it in you need van two
> in my bag a bottle of best champagne
> a gift from so many East End friends
> after the long journey up north
> a bottle of vodka with their tip for van one
> tomorrows East Europeans better by far
> What didn't arrive wasn't counted
> from my bag the champagne had gone
> was it the west indian or the white
> I can guess but what is the point
> in my spare time between University
> part time jobs night and day
> my voluntary work at Harold Road
> african Refugee teacher in ''spare'' time
> the only unpaid person there and white
> remembering West Indians have white grandfathers!
> Languages and art my specialities
> to University abroad for one year a necessity
> my cottage would need to be rented
> from St Lucia she came not fat then
> seemed nice and a catholic with an asian landlord
> expecting a youngster told a tale of woe
> my heart felt sad for her plight
> so you may rent my cottage for one year
> just as it stands, velvet curtains with every pot and pan
> My friend Beryl from thirteen Coronation Road
> offered to collect the rent not more than for a room
> they soon stopped poor Beryl wrote in horror
> so one September day I returned in the rain
> after plenty of warnings and was told to clear off
> Social Services told us to make you homeless it's not us
> I wandered alone like a cloud no one could take me in
> till a Stani family with eleven children felt pity
> stay with us they begged you are welcome now their gori aunty
> after a weekend at a council hotel the portuguese owner
> smuggled fish to my room seeing I had no money nor to eat
> you have to go to the law for return of your house
> to law I went and nine months later
> house returned every item a damage
> and out in the backyard two foot high mountain of chicken bones
> they got a superb council
> in the streets where East Enders takes part
> just as the social services had promised
> but as I came out of the courtroom in the corridor
> the huge St Lucien gold teeth and many chains foot in the door
> you dare and one night I will rape you all know you live alone
> and that threat was not only once in the streets too
> as his wife showed me the beautiful house they were building
> there on St Lucia from benefits and full time work gleaning
> I want to tell you about the londoners bombed out
> who still havn't got proper houses to this day it was then
> I stopped being a do-gooder and changed to reality...
> >
> >
> > > The Battle of Monte Casino
> > >
> > > they were prisoners of the germans
> > > they were prisoners of the russians
> > > they were prisoners of the germans
> > >
> > > either shot now or released in OUR uniforms
> > > Refusnik on his papers -your choice the end is nigh
> > > no guns to carry, only german wooden sticks
> > >
> > > across countries over mountains high
> > > under streams they walked and marched
> > > hurting no one on the way weaponless
> > >
> > > the german sergeant begged sense men
> > > dig the trenches or you'll be killed
> > > laughed back you on your own kill all us?
> > >
> > > the sergeant set to and dug for all
> > > they would all be shot he dug the trenches
> > > alone for all to live and tell the tale
> > >
> > > they were prisoners of the brits
> > > Scotts guards kicked and beat them mercilessly
> > > pa became a P.O.W. Pay Officer in Rimini
> > >
> > > no one loved the Ukraine more
> > > No one hated Hitler the trampeller more
> > > respected by all the British Officers
> > >
> > > sometimes admitted readily
> > > Germans? what hard working people
> > > not what they seemed.
> > >
> >
  > they have many fancy terms
  > for unpallatable states
  > one is isolation..
  > why isolate?
  > we remember from Hitler
  > it means control
  > isolation takes many forms
  > one form is shredding books and letters
  > particularly sad for unindiginous
  > for forty years no isolation
  > letters sailed daily not a single lost
  > to friends and papers (father journalist)
  > now all go to Elsie and the lab girls
  > only six books out of two ton
  > arrived at their destination
  > they change the addresses
  > they don't send but shred
  > we told Sussman they say
  > we registered you as a simpleton
  > simpletons don't write
  > my friends no longer write either
  > isolation is really quite painful
  > only the poetry remains
  > as they faithfully answer
  > >
  > >
  > > >
  > > > mum left a widow messed in the north
  > > > younger boys going wild without mum
  > > > love for my east end home was a first
  > > > the rule still applies for a mother and daughter
  > > > it's always duty first even aged half a century plus
  > > >
  > > > the lab crowed she's off to the sticks
  > > > and that's the end of her cause London twists
  > > > got done by  black Charles selling the cottage
  > > > Londoners don't like being told what to think
  > > > restricted life from above find all royal names
  > > >
  > > > an irish removals sounds fine can't be them
  > > > two up two down small van stuff
  > > > forgot the power of the civil service
  > > > the two workers decided to mess
  > > > can't fit it in you need van two
  > > >
  > > > in my bag a bottle of best champagne
  > > > a gift from so many East End friends
  > > > after the long journey up north
  > > > a bottle of vodka with their tip for van one
  > > > tomorrows East Europeans better by far
  > > >
  > > > What didn't arrive wasn't counted
  > > > from my bag the champagne had gone
  > > > was it the west indian or the white
  > > > I can guess but what is the point
  > > > in my spare time between University
  > > >
  > > > part time jobs night and day
  > > > my voluntary work at Harold Road
  > > > african Refugee teacher in ''spare'' time
  > > > the only unpaid person there and white
  > > > remembering West Indians have white grandfathers!
  > > >
  > they have many fancy terms
  > for unpallatable states
  > one is isolation..
  > why isolate?
  > we remember from Hitler
  > it means control
  > isolation takes many forms
  > one form is shredding books and letters
  > particularly sad for unindiginous
  > for forty years no isolation
  > letters sailed daily not a single lost
  > to friends and papers (father journalist)
  > now all go to Elsie and the lab girls
  > only six books out of two ton
  > arrived at their destination
  > they change the addresses
  > they don't send but shred
  > we told Sussman they say
  > we registered you as a simpleton
  > simpletons don't write
  > my friends no longer write either
  > isolation is really quite painful
  > only the poetry remains
  > as they faithfully answer.
  > she lived up our street
  > free house beautriful furniture
  > we went to court my son saw the flames
  > she threw petrol through the window
  > I had felt sorry for her poor asylum seeker
  > my cousin is being hounded in Iran. Oh?
  > She got her stay don't they ask why they have run?
  > and had to leave the house for a council flat
  > fury got the better of her she visited me after the act
  > they got her for arson because of son's phone call
  > she returned to Iran her neighbour smiled again
  > came back under an assumed name
  > yet they destroy us and threaten us to get out
  > we had to pay rent for our barracks even
  > we had no child benefit no rent benefit no benefit
  > we helped to rebuild this country with constant insults
  > what a strange nation the english are.
  > good luck to you all
  > hang on, who is in charge?
  > >
  > >   >
  > >   > POETRY POWER
  > >   >
  > >   > she's telling them with words
  > >   > the Asians are worried and witter
  > >   > who reads that poetry stuff
  > >   >
  > >   > I was very VERY rough with her
  > >   > I'll be very gently with the next one
  > >   > we were left unattended and all night
  > >   >
  > >   > the boss said it would be alright
  > >   > she's going to attrocities solicitors
  > >   > she's telling english people now
  > >   >
  > >   > I took money from their accounts
  > >   > we have such sophisticated machinery
  > >   > then put it on the floor for asian kids
  > >   >
  > >   > she teaches our kids
  > >   > she used to be on our side
  > >   > but she's talking now
  > it seemed to me the jews we'd saved then
  > were hammering us over here for corruption
  > to Pakistan a pupil invited to teach, for a rest
  > it's better than you think guys
  > I liked lots of it the british army used to go for hols there
Ø  from India. Mine Host Mr Ali, would you like to come to G.B.
  > I went to St Anthony's
  > no not that one in Israel
  > round which the Isreali soldier
  > emptied three magazines rounds
  > screaming idolators
  > with the Kneset putting out a law
  > that all who carry the new testament
  > be arrested on sight...
  > I thought their enemies were the Muslims
  > like the mosque were nineteen
  > Prayers were shot in the back
  > by a man martyred whose grave is visited
  > by children with flowers
  > (even the russians didn't do the last
  > but try to cover Church abuses)
  > what was I saying
  > daily.weekly at Mass in the East End
  > Human Research ran its debasement therapy
  > no we can't find the form signing for such
  > defilement is another word
  > so I want you to think about that
  > thank goodness I found it wasn't just us R.C's
  > not liking Mass sullied I visited the C of E
  > and guess what they were there too
  > debasing and defiling brain child of Mark
  > Mark thought it made women more pliant to be debased
  > day and night everywhere who won't pli
  > (arn't prepared to be modern
  > might be another word for it..)
  > use all faulty programmes on them
  > they were former stateless D.P's
  > Human Research's work here on the isle
  > is this for what we risked our lives
  > keeping alive Jews and feeding Slavs
  > time and again in different situations
  > has the world gone mad?
0 notes
mushi-shield · 2 years
[Verse 1] Humans been controlled since the day that they was civilized The truth has been so heavily politicized If you don't who's controllin' you and killin' all the little guys Find out who you're not allowed to criticize Black folks who were never ever actual slaves Fighting with white folks who ain't actual Nazis Controlled by rich folks who use the news to make hate While elite folks control all the political parties It's a big lie, tryna make you pick sides Tryna make you burn the cities down and kill each other, they got sick minds Big lies, dеfund the police so that therе's big crime Then take away our freedom to restore order they let die Play with people, turn men into women Make the counterculture mainstream to mix up the system Change the pronouns, if gender is a spectrum, so is privilege I know poor white folks and black celebrities with millions They starve you wit' a lack of information And only give you facts through a branded corporation Distort your worldview with an algorithm that changes Based on propaganda curated for your engagement [Chorus] We can't be free (No!) Can't have no peace 'til we're on the same team But y'all are sheep (Oh!) Glued to screens, just part of the machine Y'all are sheeple, what do y'all believe? To all my sheeple, nothing's what it seems
[Verse 2] Hollywood been rottin' your brain, controllin' your mouth You say "Lit", "Fleet", "Bet", "Cap", they tryna dumb you down They endorse whatever narrative is popular to shout And use minorities in movies for diversity clout Two sides on the spectrum, but ain't none of 'em honest Took the red pill and the blue pill, spit 'em both in the garbage Bein' woke used to mean you understood you're a target And now it's havin' two good legs and never takin' a step forward If you agree, it's free speech, disagree, it's hate speech Erase it if it came from anywhere except the mainstream Trump supporters labeled as the racists, but that can't be Lincoln was Republican, and that's who ended slavery Science been politicized, it's easy to see A mask became a symbol of which side you believe But you'll never cure a sickness 'til you cure all the greed 'Cause the problem with our natural immunity is it's free Society is broke and want you locked inside a cubicle Addicted to pornography, liquor, and pharmaceuticals Tell you that you're fat and poor and you were never beautiful Then tweet how much they love you when they hear about your funeral [Chorus] We can't be free (No!) Can't have no peace 'til we're on the same team But y'all are sheep (Oh!) Glued to screens, just part of the machine Y'all are sheeple, what do y'all believe? To all my sheeple, nothing's what it seems
[Verse 3] If they can't convince you they confuse you, they want you dumb or dead They divided you by race, religion, income, and sex Made everybody right or left, the hatred got so intense If the other side likes oxygen, you'll put a bag on your head And the conspiracy theories labeled as misinformation It's just the terrifying truth that scares the hell out the nation The system treating you like trash and you got rifles to aim with Just imagine how they'll treat you when your guns get confiscated George Orwell, 1984 was his last lecture George called 'em "thought police", now we call 'em fact-checkers Government surveillance tryna catch you, they don't ask questions Mass incarceration equals capital for cash investments The system isn't broke, it's workin' fine Oppressive and chaotic is how it was designed They say, "If we ain't doin' nothin' wrong, there's nothin' to hide" While their agenda and intelligence completely classified They don't teach you rights in school, you never learned 'em at all 'Cause they're easy to remove if you don't know what they are The only people you can rule are the criminal ones So they force you into corners 'til you're breakin' the law [Chorus] We can't be free (No!) Can't have no peace 'til we're on the same team But y'all are sheep (Oh!) Glued to screens, just part of the machine Y'all are sheeple, what do y'all believe? To all my sheeple, nothing's what it seems
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mlmxreader · 2 years
So Long As You're Safe & Protected | Black Noir x gn!reader
Hi, i love your writing!! Can I request some angsty gn reader x black noir with "is that all I am to you?" and "would you fucking listen to me for once?" pretty please??
summary: Black Noir knows that there's only one way he can ensure that you're safe and protected when Homelander threatens your life and Ashley backs him up on it.
tws: mentions of violence, swearing
Ashley had said time and time again that you weren't allowed to be seen with Black Noir in public, and for the most part, you were okay with that; more than okay, actually, as it meant that you didn't need to put up with that cunt Homelander. God, he deserved to fucking die. The way he abused A Train made your blood boil, and the way he abused Noir made you grind your teeth so hard that you thought you would snap your jaw bone in half. You hated him, and when Noir revealed to you that Homelander was none other than the son of Soldier Boy - a racist, homophobic misogynistic pig - you couldn't say that you were surprised; the cunt apple didn't fall far from the fucking cunt tree. You were just fine with not being Noir's date to public events like film premieres and galas and meetings and charity balls, more than content to stay at home and wait for him; but then you heard about certain rumours that you just couldn't put from your mind.
You knew they were more than likely false, just gossip put out by journalists hired by pricks who wanted to cause shit just to sell papers, but you couldn't help it; the pictures that came with the rumours were too much. Black Noir was in love with someone else and he looked... you couldn't see it behind his mask, but he only ever put his hand with his pinky and index fingers, the only ones held up when he was happy; you started to think maybe they were true. Maybe he was in love with someone else. Maybe he was, at any moment, going to up and leave you without so much as a goodbye sticky note.
As days went by, the rumours became more and more realistic, and you snapped when Noir walked into your flat as if nothing was going on.
"You fucking asshole!" You couldn't even bring yourself to raise your voice. "I can't believe you'd fucking do this to me!"
Noir cocked his head to the side, daring to sign: "what?"
"It's all over the papers," your voice cracked a little as you spoke, "you've fallen in love with somebody else. Haven't you?"
Noir didn't react.
"Little more than a fucking place to run to," you scoffed. "Is that all I am to you? Do I matter that little?"
He didn't react, he only sat at the edge of the bed and twiddled his thumbs; he couldn't tell you.
"Noir!" You snapped. "Noir, would you fucking listen to me for once? Please?"
He shook his head, grabbing his overnight bag from under the bed and pulling it out and onto his lap, daring to sign, "do you want me to leave?"
You shrugged. "I don't fucking know. I'd like the truth, ideally."
But he couldn't tell you the truth, even though he wanted to; Ashley had roped him into his PR stunt of a romance with some actor - or maybe they were a singer, or maybe they were a model, he couldn't be sure - after Homelander had found out about you. Being the cunt he was, Homelander told Noir that unless he started this PR relationship, he would find you, and he would kill you. He would fucking laser your eyes out of your skull and make Noir watch when he did. Noir couldn't, and wouldn't, risk such a thing happening to you. He couldn't tell you the truth. He could only hurt you in hopes that it would save you.
"I'm sorry," Noir signed. "I'd tell you if I could."
"The fuck do you mean if you could?" You asked with a scoff and a budding sob.
"Homelander." He hung his head for a moment and let out a quiet sob. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). Please. I love you, but… I have to go."
You couldn't even bring yourself to watch him pack his shit, escaping to the living room and lying down on the sofa with your back turned so all you had to look at was the back cushions; you didn't want to hear it, you didn't want to see it, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything except quietly sob.
In the bedroom, Noir hadn't stopped crying as he packed his bags, the vision behind his mask blurred as he cried softly, quietly; he didn't want to hurt you, he really didn't, and if there was some way he could have stopped you from being hurt, he would have done it. But Ashley never liked you, she had despised you, so of course she sided with Homelander when he made up some bullshit about Noir needing a significant other who was marketable, who would bring his approval points up; and of course, he wouldn't risk you getting hurt. Homelander had fucking roared in his face, spat and cursed at him; he would laser you, he would break your bones, he would fucking kill you in the slowest and most sickly and awful ways he could think of… and he would force Noir to watch every single second of it. Every single second of torture, Homelander would force Noir to watch it; Noir couldn't put you through that, he would not and could not risk such harm coming to you. He loved you, all he ever wanted was to protect you from Homelander. All he needed was to know that you were safe.
But now the safest thing to do, the best thing Noir could do to protect you, was to hurt you; was to break your heart like dropping a glass.
You would think he was an asshole, you would despise him and loathe him… but you would be safe. You would be safe, you would be protected. Homelander wouldn't touch you, as long as Noir left. As long as Noir left you and he broke your heart, you would be safe and you would be protected; he could live with that, he would sleep soundly at night knowing that. Even if he was next to some unattractive false celebrity he had no interest in.
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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theowritesstuff · 3 years
Fooled Around and Fell in Love: Chapter 3
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Adrian Chase x afab!gn!reader
Spoilers for Ep 3 of Peacemaker
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Summary: When hiding out with Peacemaker and Harcourt, the masked Vigilante shows up
Warnings: torture, unaliving
Taglist: @caramelkatsukis-bitch @myguiltypleasures21 @thedamchii @flower-slut00
The day after you ended up having to help Peacemaker escape after killing a butterfly, you were sent on your first real mission.
You had your lunch at Fennel Fields, officially meeting Adrian, then it was time to go to the office.
The group was packing the van. A large white van, that parents might think look a little too suspicious, that was filled with computers and weapons. You were going to take down the first, well meant to be first, butterfly.
Peacemaker and Adebayo were chitchatting about homunculi, while you continued to grab bags and put them in the van.
“I found a miniature spaceship in the apartment of the chick I had sex with.” He found a spaceship?
He then proceeded to brag about making her orgasm four times. You rolled your eyes.
“Where is this tiny spaceship now?” Murn asked.
“Adebayo’s desk, under my lunch.” He gestured back inside.
“John?” Murn called.
“Oh fuck. Hey, I want it back when you’re done with it Dye-Beard!” He shouted to Economos.
He responded with a middle finger, before walking back inside. You could already tell that the arguing between these two was going to get very old very fast.
Peacemaker started to ask more questions, when Adebayo mentioned something about a guy behind the trashcan. You hopped out of the back of the trunk to stand with the pair.
Sure enough, there was a dark helmet, poking it’s head out from behind the dumpster. He quickly moved back to hide again when you all looked at him.
“Fuck. It’s-it’s Vigilante. He’s trying to be helpful.” Peacemaker said.
You remembered Adrian telling you that Vigilante and Peacemaker were best friends, but from the looks of it, it didn’t seem that way.
“Hey!” Harcourt called out. “Get outta here!”
“What?” He walked back around to the front of the trashcan. “I’m just looking from behind a trashcan. It’s a normal thing to do.”
He looked to be fairly tall. His suit was mostly black, with touches of white and teal. The visor covering hiding his eyes was red. His voice sounded familiar, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
“The hell it is!” Harcourt responded.
“Are you a psychiatrist? Then don’t tell me what’s normal! Maybe my secret identity is a psychiatrist, and I know what’s normal.”
“If you’re a psychiatrist we’re all screwed.”
Vigilante had started to walk away.
“Get the fuck outta here!”
He quickly made a u-turn, and stormed back over to the trashcan. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You went to continue putting things in the van.
The arguing continued on, and you tried your best to ignore it.
“Vij, come on, be cool.” Peacemaker said.
“I just wanna make sure you’re okay. I don’t trust these people.” He gestured to the group of you.
You rolled your eyes. “We basically saved his ass last night, thank you very much.”
Vigilante turned toward you, but didn’t respond.
“I’m fine.” Peacemaker reassured him.
“Just remember, even if they end up being okay to ‘work with’ they’re still not gonna be good friends. And none of them is the type to be a best friend!”
“Someone’s jealous.” You mumbled under your breath.
“If one of them does become a friend it should be them.” He pointed a gloved finger at you. “Because they’re pretty… cool! Pretty cool! They seem pretty cool!”
In that moment you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
“Or her.” This time he was pointing to Adebayo. “Because there’s a bunch of rumors going around about you being racist, and, you know, frankly it’s a little embarrassing for me.”
Adebayo looked like she wanted this conversation to be finished with as well.
“As if I become a racist by osmosis. Even though I mostly kill white people, so… Catch you guys later!” He gave a small wave before running off.
“Isn’t that guy wanted on multiple counts of murder?” Economos asked as he walked back outside.
“We have bigger fish to fry. We have a senator to assassinate by the end of the day.” Murn grabbed the last box, before you all piled into the van.
Murn was able to debrief everyone on the way to the site. He showed you pictures of the man you were going to kill, Goff, and his family. Peacemaker seemed a little upset at the fact he might need to kill the rest of the family as well.
He then showed you pictures of Goff’s security. It was a young man. In the photo he was wearing a light green spandex suit. He used the name Judomaster.
“We understand he’s dangerous.” Murn explained.
“He’s two feet tall!” Peacemaker shouted.
“Just because he’s small doesn’t mean he isn’t powerful.” You said.
Murn nodded. “We’ll be on site in about ten minutes. Peacemaker, Harcourt, and Y/n will take out Goff, while Leota, John, and I will work remotely. Don’t terminate the kids or the wife until we tell you it’s okay.”
Once you got there, you all started to gather your things. You carefully checked to make sure you had all of your knives hidden in your clothing.
Peacemaker was checking on his gun, when he started asking about his dove of peace. Apparently he wouldn’t be able to shoot anyone without a dove of peace on the weapon.
Adebayo dug around her bag and pulled out a black sharpie. She handed it over to Peacemaker before walking away, further into the van.
“Fuck. Every time I draw a dove of peace, it looks like a ghost.” He said to himself.
You walked back over to him and held out your hand. “Give it.”
Peacemaker gave you a confused look, then dropped the marker in your hand.
You grabbed the gun, then moved Peacemaker’s shoulders so he was facing you. You started to draw the dove of peace as neatly as you could. When you finished, you handed the gun back, awaiting his response.
“You stick your tongue out when you draw, y’know that?” He said. He looked down at the gun to see a dove of peace. It actually looked pretty good.
“Thanks.” He said.
“No problem.” You started to walk away to follow after Harcourt, but he spoke up again.
“Thanks for getting Eagly last night too. You know, you do seem pretty cool.” He gave you a nod.
“So Vigilante was right?” You asked, a small smile on your face.
“Oh no, he said you were pretty. He’s got a total boner for you.” He laughed out.
“And this conversation is over!” You sent him two finger guns, then backed away, turning around to find Harcourt.
You knew that it was going to be a long night. You were grouped with arguably the two hot-heads of the team. Neither of which was making any attempt at conversation.
Harcourt was too focused on the mission, and Peacemaker’s mind was very clearly preoccupied thinking of other things.
Harcourt and Peacemaker were both sitting with their backs facing the mansion, you were sitting across from them. You twirled one of your knives in your hand, trying to do anything to make the time go by faster.
Harcourt leaned over to offer you some of the trail mix she was eating. You put the knife back in it’s place, and let her pour some in your hand. You quickly started eating the pretzels and candies. She did the same with Peacemaker, but he put some of his helping back in her bag, claiming they were ‘empty calories’.
“Here they come.” Adebayo’s voice told you, through the earpieces you were all wearing.
The four family members were traveling together, while Judomaster was in a separate car. You pulled out two of your knives, one in each hand. Your job right now wasn’t to worry about the family, but to protect Peacemaker and Harcourt in case anyone else showed up.
The family all exited their car, but it was impossible for Peacemaker to get a clear shot at Goff. You would all have to wait until morning to get him.
“What the fuck?” Peacemaker asked, looking through the lens on the gun.
“What?” You asked, crouching down next to him.
“I think the whole family is butterflies.” Harcourt informed everyone.
“Why?” Murn asked.
“The second they were of the bodyguard’s sight their demeanor changed. They dropped the pretense of being a playful family.”
“They’re politicians, right?” Adebayo chuckled. “Maybe the whole ‘happy family’ thing is just what they do in public.”
You could tell that Peacemaker was starting to get uncomfortable again. You put a hand on his shoulder, and gave him a looked him in the eyes. You gave him a small smile, and a nod. He took a deep breath, then looked through the lens again.
It was decided that you all would wait until morning to find a more opportune shot. You decided that it wouldn’t hurt to take a walk around the woods, see if there was anything else to keep an eye out for.
Peacemaker and Harcourt assured you that they could handle themselves if someone came along while you were gone.
You kept a knife secure in your grip, ready to use it at any given moment. The woods seemed quiet. Once you’d walked for a little while you decided to head back.
This time, you heard some rustling in the bushes. You saw a figure dash past, and with quick reflexes, you threw your knife. It landed in the tree, right next to the figure’s head.
“Oh fuck!” He shouted.
“Vigilante?! What the hell are you doing here?” You stormed over to him, and ripped your knife from the tree.
“Awesome shot. But I would’ve been kinda upset if you actually hit me.” He said.
You groaned. “Come on.” You grabbed his arm, and dragged him back to your makeshift camp-site.
You pushed him out into the open space.
“Look who came to visit.” You said, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
“What the fuck are you doing here man?” Peacemaker asked.
“I followed you guys in my Vigilante-mobile.” He replied.
“Vigilante-mobile?” You scoffed. Harcourt rolled her eyes.
“Where’d you get a Vigilante-mobile?” Peacemaker asked.
“You’ve been in it.”
“The Sebring?” Now it was Peacemaker’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Can you believe this motherfucker?” Adebayo asked through the coms.
You tried to hold in a laugh. You knew Murn wouldn’t appreciate having an extra body on the mission, but you figured maybe he could be of some use.
“Is that the fucking trashcan guy?” Economos asked.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s the trashcan guy.” Harcourt sighed.
The four of you settled back on the ground, waiting for further instructions.
“Why don’t we just take out the bodyguards and just storm inside?” Vigilante pressed.
“The bodyguards are probably just innocents hired to protect them.” Harcourt replied, still eating from her trail mix.
“Why don’t I sneak in and kill him?” You asked.
“You can sneak too? Knives and sneaking, what else can you do?” Vigilante turned to you, his voice filled with excitement.
“Boner alert.” Peacemaker said with a sing-song voice.
Movement from the mansion pulled your attention away from the current conversation. The family had all moved to the dining room, with the blank expressions still on their faces.
“Peacemaker do you have a shot on Papa Bear?” Murn asked.
“Not quite yet.” He replied.
The family was gathered at the table, pouring a gold goop into bowls. When Harcourt relayed that back to Murn, he insisted that they were butterflies.
There were long purple tongue looking things coming out of their mouth to suck up the goop. Murn demand that Peacemaker kill them all immediately.
He was getting uncomfortable again. He wasn’t used to killing people anymore. This was really taking a toll on him. You were about to say something when Vigilante stepped in.
“Hey dude, move over for a sec.”
Peacemaker moved away from the gun, his breath ragged. Vigilante took his spot, and started humming as he moved the gun. Every time Vigilante took a shot, Peacemaker flinched.
With three shots, the mother, son, and daughter were killed. He was about to take the last shot when someone popped out from the bushes, kicking him out of the way.
You recognized the green suit from the photos. It was Judomaster. He was fast while fighting the four of you. Harcourt was down first, getting kicked and falling down the hill.
The three of you that were left were throwing punches like crazy. Judomaster was somehow able to know exactly what you were doing, and avoided it perfectly.
You tossed one of your knives to Peacemaker, and he went after him with it. At the last second, Judomaster ducked, causing Peacemaker to land a slash on Vigilante.
“Fuck dude!”
You tried to keep up, but he was just too fast. Peacemaker was down next, with a swift kick to the face.
That just left you and Vigilante. While standing behind him, you pulled his sword off of his back, and tried to keep some distance between you.
He was able to dodge around your attacks, and take you down as well.
When you woke up, you were tied to a chair in a cave. Yellow lights illuminated the walls around you. Peacemaker was sitting next to you, and Vigilante was across the way. Judomaster sat in front of Peacemaker, taunting him.
Vigilante however, had his hands tied in front of him, hanging from a rope. His ankles were tied to the legs of his chair.
Peacemaker and Judomaster bickered for a few minutes, before Goff came inside. He opened a toolbox that was sitting on a table. Judomaster stood up to pull the rope Vigilante’s hands were tied to, pulling his arms up higher.
Goff grabbed two red clamps from the table, and put them on Vigilante’s suit, right on his crotch.
“What are you doing?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed. You pulled on the ropes, hoping to find some give.
“What the fuck?” Vigilante asked. His voice sounded groggy, like he’d just woken up.
Goff tossed a set of keys to Judomaster. “Take the tunnel to the forest. From there go to Glan Tai, let them know what’s occurred here.”
Judomaster left through one of the openings in the cave, but not before giving Peacemaker his middle finger.
Goff moved back to the table, and flipped the switch on the red box that the clamps were connected to. The machine lit up, and softly started humming.
He then moved back over to Vigilante. He grabbed his mask and started to lull it off.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no!” He pulled the mask off. Vigilante started making different odd faces, crossing his eyes, and sticking his tongue out.
“What are you doing?” Peacemaker asked him.
“If I keep changing my facial expressions, he won’t be able to recognize me in a line up.”
You furrowed your brows. “Adrian?!” The cute bus boy from Fennel Fields sat across from you, in the Vigilante suit.
“You need to tell me what you know, how you know it, and who sent you. Otherwise you will know pain unlike ever before.” Goff said, mostly to Peacemaker.
“I’m not telling you shit!” He spat back.
Goff reached over to the red box and twisted a knob. You could hear the flow of electricity, immediately followed by Adrian’s screams.
“Fuck!” He struggled to get out.
You moved your hands around behind your back. If you moved a little bit, you might be able to slide the knife that was hidden in your sleeve down to your hand.
Goff turned the machine off. Adrian was gasping for breath, hunched over in his chair.
“Does that change your mind?”
“Sorry pal, not for sale.” Peacemaker replied.
“What?” You and Adrian both exclaimed.
“Give it all you got!” Peacemaker shouted.
“No, no, no, no!” Adrian begged.
Goff turned the knob again, sending more painful volts to Adrian. He had his head thrown back, and was essentially no longer sitting on the chair.
Goff turned off the machine, and looked at Peacemaker questioningly. “How do you like that?”
“I like it! I like it a lot! I don’t give a fuck!” He shouted.
“What the fuck dude?!” You shouted back at Peacemaker.
“You’re not gonna break me motherfucker!”
“Oh good god no! No, no, no, no, no!” Adrian continued to beg.
You tried to slant yourself so that the knife could fall down your sleeve.
Goff, once again, turned the machine on, and Adrian cried out in agony.
“Oh fuck!” He screamed.
When the machine was turned off again, Adrian was gasping for breath. He kept flinching, like electricity was still running through his body.
It took him a second, but it seemed like he caught his breath.
“You okay?” You ask him.
He looks up at you, an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, that was a stupid question.” You said to yourself.
“Hey. Aren’t you Gut Chase’s younger brother? The one who’s playing DnD all the time?” Peacemaker asked.
“Since then I’ve turned my body into an instrument of vengeance.” It sounded like he was still struggling to speak.
You felt the cool metal of your knife fall into your palm. You slowly readjusted your hands to get a better grip on it.
Adrian and Peacemaker went on about Adrian’s body, and how it had improved.
“Hey, don’t worry, I’m not giving this guy anything.” Peacemaker insisted.
“Uh, maybe you could just give him a little?” Adrian asked.
You were able to flip the blade out of the knife, and began cutting at your restraints.
Goff pulled what looked like a pair of pliers out of his toolbox. “So, pure pain couldn’t get you to talk. What about the fear of losing something more permanent, like a toe? I’ll start with his pinky.”
“What? My pinky? Why me again?” Adrian asked.
“This one’s obviously the alpha.” He gestured to Peacemaker. “More likely to have knowledge. And this one…” He gestured to you. “This one’s to pretty to fuck up.” You felt yourself want to revolt in disgust, but you kept working the knife through the rope.
“And humans are, above all, creatures of empathy. The best way to get them to talk is to hurt the ones they love most.” Goff explained.
“What?” Adrian shouted.
“Fuck it! Cut off all his toes! I don’t care!” Peacemaker yelled out.
“Dude! If someone doesn’t have their pinky toe they fall over! It’s the most important toe on the human body!” Adrian argued as Goff pulled his shoe off.
“I don’t think that’s true.” Peacemaker said, shaking his head.
“It is! I read it on the interne-” Adrian was cut off by his own screaming once more.
You could feel that your hands were almost free from their confines. You could hear the sound of his skin breaking and the wet sounds of his blood.
“Why is it not coming off?” Goff shouted as he kept cutting away.
“Cause your blades are dull as fuck man!” Adrian let out a groan. “Why don’t you maintain your torture shit?”
Peacemaker flinched and looked away from the scene in front of him. You kept sawing away at your ropes.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Adrian shouted.
And just like that your hands were free. You sprang up, and pulled Goff off of Adrian.
You plunged your knife into his heart, pulled it back out, then repeated the process a couple of times. His blood splattered across your body as he collapsed on the floor.
You ran over to Adrian and cut his hands free, then his ankles. He quickly grabbed the clamps, and threw them across the room. You went over to Peacemaker next to cut him free. Once he stood up, you walked back to Adrian to help him up.
He had an arm thrown over your shoulder. One of your arm was around his waist, and your other hand rested on his side that was against you, making sure he didn’t fall.
“Grab his mask.” You told Peacemaker, nodding to the table.
You were about to leave through the exit you saw Judomaster go through, but then you saw Goff started to move again.
His mouth was pushed open, and out flew a large, blue, iridescent butterfly.
The three of you stood there in awe.
“Oh. Project Butterfly.”
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little situation | part 29.
Summary: For years, HYDRA had been trying to use the samples of Steve’s DNA to make another super-soldier. They finally succeed and when S.H.I.E.L.D. breaks her out, Cap is forced to come face to face with his kid and figure out parenting on an Avengers’ lifestyle.
Warnings: maybe potential childhood trauma but nothing really
Pairing: Steve Rogers x blackdaughter!reader, avengers x child!reader, peter parker x black!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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“Dheaidí, it’s a field trip. We have a bus for a reason, you don’t need to drop me off.”
“I’m already headed that way anyway, it’s not a bother.”
Steve watched you dry your hands after washing the excess coconut oil off of your palms from your last minute choice to moisturize your hair a bit more. His hair was starting to become darker over the years, especially now with the beard but your curls seemed to still be the honey blonde of his past. Especially the ends that were strikingly bright compared to the roots that were very very slowly darkening to more honey than blonde.
“Aunty Nat’s gonna yell at you if you’re late to the quinjet again. I. Will. Be. Fine.”
You accented each word with a push to get Steve out the door before he was late. Happy was taking you and Peter to school super early because the juniors were going on a field trip with a semi-long bus ride.
Steve, Sam, and Nat were meeting Pietro, Vision and Wanda to check in on their mission before heading out for a bunker in Taiwan. Bucky would’ve gone with them but T’Challa requested Avenger help for a mission and the trusted “White Wolf” was clearly the preferred option. Everyone was out Avengering in some form except you and Peter who for once were content with just going to school— and Clint, who was with his kids for the week.
Steve chuckled and stumbled out the door, grabbing his shield and your backpack. You both walked down to the garage where the others were waiting. You gave Nat and Sam a hug goodbye before taking your bag from Steve.
“Have a good day at school,” he said as the bag left his hand.
“Have a good mission.” You both hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.
Peter came down seconds later and threw his arm over your shoulder as you walked with him to the car. You turned around when Steve called your name.
“What do you want from Scotland this time?”
“Ooh, a little statue of a yak, I accidentally broke the other one.”
“Noted. Alright, Babydoll, see you soon. One week.” Steve held up a pinky.
“One week.”
You nodded, holding up your pinky as well. You and Peter got into the car ready for a school day that wasn’t actually at school. Over the summer everyone had pretty much come to know that you and Peter were together. Although, a lot of guys didn’t believe it and were positive you would be breaking up with Peter any day now. And because the two of you were joined at the hip around the compound you guys had no problem sitting with your other friends instead of each other on the bus. It was perfect for you since you and MJ were ready to just read. You pulled out your book to swap with her.
“This is a textbook,” she said looking at it.
“No,” you defended. “It’s an anthropology full of mythologies from other cultures. I dog-eared my favorites for you.”
“Okay, I’ll try it. Here’s mine.”
MJ handed you her pick.
“Oh, I’ve never read Gone With the Wind.”
“Really? I was struggling to think of something you hadn’t read.”
“Yeah,” you said as you flipped open to the first page. “My mother said it was racist and wouldn’t let me read it so young, just never got around to it after I guess.”
“I mean she’s not exactly wrong. But it’s an interesting read.”
You both sat back and let your eyes scan the pages. You looked up for a brief moment as the bus went over a bridge and saw the newest billboard promoting new technology from Stark Industries. It was for nanotech that you had actually helped Tony with. You took a picture to send to him and Pepper who were taking a fake honeymoon in the main city of New York— he had taken her so many places over the years that the city seemed like a foreign place. Tony sent you back a picture of Pepper tying her shoe as they finished their morning run.
Peter felt all the hair on his arms stand up. Not from the chill of the bus, but spidey senses. He looked out the window behind him to see a giant spinning spaceship. Well, he wasn’t sure if it was a spaceship considering it looked like a giant bicycle tire made entirely out of metal. Peter reached over the seat to tap you on the shoulder. You put the bookmark in your book and closed it, turning to see what Peter wanted with his incessant tapping. You looked at what he pointed at, mouth agape. Peter pulled Ned’s earbuds out of the boy’s ear.
“Ned, I need you to cause a distraction. Ther—”
“Holy crap,” Ned whispered as his eyes went past Peter. “We’re all gonna die! Spaceship!”
Ned’s yelling and pointing made all the other students on the bus scramble to the back to see. You and Peter looked at each other and shrugged, that was one way to do it. Slipping on your gloves and his webslingers, Peter whipped you both out of the bus and underneath the bridge. You held on tight as you guys swung towards the danger— you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to the swinging.
When you guys got relatively close, you quickly slipped on your suits and comms and started to assist in the evacuation of nearby people. You figured once the civilians were out of the way, you could go fight the danger. You heard the word Hulk followed by a very loud no. Peter nodded and the two of you swung towards the sounds.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter said as he blocked Tony from getting punched.
“Kid, where’d you come from?”
“Field trip, Uncle Tony,” you said, kicking the big alien and sending him back.
Tony attempted to explain what you guys were facing as you fought. Because they used lasers and webbing, you let Peter and Tony handle it for a minute while you checked on your Uncle Bruce who you were very confused to see considering you thought he was still with Thor.
“Um, what was that?” You asked as a flash of red zoomed by you and Bruce.
“That’s the wizard, someone get on it.”
“Got it,” Peter said, leaving you to take his place against the big alien.
You managed to knock the metal claw-like weapon out of his hand before hearing Peter requesting help and saying his location. You ran as fast as you could to see Peter stuck between using one of his webs to hold onto a street lamp and the other web wrapped around a knocked-out Doctor Strange, trying to stop the man from getting taken into the spaceship. Peter looked down as he felt the lamp post tilt backwards and saw you pulling it and twisting the metal downwards to bring them closer to the ground. It was working for a few moments but then suddenly you felt yourself not on the ground.
“Uh, Mr. Stark. We’re being beamed up,” Peter said into the comm.
“Hang on, kid.” You heard Tony say with a grunt.
Peter watched you going flying past him on the spaceship and shot out a web to catch you. You felt yourself being violently yanked by the midsection until you were in Peter’s arms.
“I got you.”
You both looked down, the ship was way too high for you to even consider jumping and hoping to live. You had faith in Tony but didn’t want to test how long it would take him to save you guys so the two of you started looking for any way onto the spaceship.
“Okay, you both let go.” You heard Tony’s voice.
It was getting harder to breathe as the air got thinner. You two let go less by free will and more because you were passing out. Peter felt himself caught by the suit Tony designed but you had passed out completely and your trajectory suddenly dropped causing you to miss your suit.
“Oh, shit.” Peter shot out a web to catch you and threw you into the open port of the ship. “Wait, no, wrong way.”
Peter shot another web to pull himself towards the spaceship as the port of the ship started to close back. He heard the door slam as he went to pick you up and realized you were effectively trapped. You came to your senses and looked at where Peter was staring at a closed door.
“We should’ve stayed on the bus,” you groaned and fell back before steadying yourself enough to get up, with a little bit of help.
“When we get back I’m taking a week off, saying I got the flu,” Peter joked as you guys started walking more towards the interior.
“I second that. Let’s go kick some alien ass so we can go home.”
You two found the cape and followed it. The cape tapped Tony on the shoulder and he turned, jumping slightly.
“Wow, you are a seriously loyal piece of outerwear.”
Peter dropped you and then dropped down from the ceiling himself. “Speaking of loyalty… we know what you’re gonna say.”
Tony looked over both mad and confused. “You two shouldn’t be here… where’s the new suit GI?”
“That’s why we’re still here.”
“God damn it,” Tony muttered. “Okay, come on you two. We’ve got a situation.”
Tony led you guys to where you could see Doctor Strange being tortured by the alien that Tony dubbed Squidward. You and Peter looked at each other and nodded. Tony ran a hand over his face that their plan to save Strange was relying on you two’s choices in movies and recreating what they did.
You pressed the button on your glove letting it pull a sharp-point blade in your palm. Carefully and quietly, you drew a crude circle on the metal paneling of the spaceship and pressed the center to see it started to bend inwards around your fist. Tony jumped down as you ran to a safe space causing the alien to look at him.
“I thought I told you. Your weapons are inconsequential.”
“Yeah, but the kids have seen more movies.”
Tony blasted the paneling you had cut a circle into and the alien was sucked out of the ship. Peter shot a web to catch Strange before he got sucked out of the side of the ship. You ran at Peter to pull him and Strange far back while Tony used the nanotech to seal up the side of the ship.
“We’ve got to turn the ship around,” Strange said.
“Oh, now he wants to run,” Tony muttered.
“I want to protect the stone.”
“And I want you to thank me.”
“For what? Nearly blasting me into space?”
“Um who just saved your magical ass? Me.”
“How do you fit your head into that helmet?”
“Really?” you asked.
“GI, the adults are talking. Thanks to you, Strange, we’re now stuck in a flying donut miles away from Earth with no backup.”  
“Okay, hi. I remember only two teenage stowaways not four. Sarah Wilson-Rogers.”
You stepped up to shake Strange’s hand. He shook yours and then Peter’s and finally introduced himself. Peter nodded slowly.
“Dr. Strange, ohh, we’re using our fake names. Okay, then Spider-man.”
“Peter, I think that’s his actual name.”
Strange looked at you two and then at Tony. “I’m sorry. What is the relationship here, are they your wards?”
“No. Niece and… little prodigy? Sure we’ll go with that.”
Strange rolled his eyes. “Anyway. This ship is self-correcting its course. It’s on autopilot, do you know how to correct that… Stark?”
“Can you fly us home?”
“Yeah, I heard you. I’m just thinking I’m not so sure we should.”
“We’re not bringing the stone to Thanos, do you not understand?”
“No, I don’t think you understand. Thanos has been in my head for years since he sent an army to New York and now he’s back. I’ve seen what he can do and I don’t know if it’s better to fight on his turf or ours. But we’ve seen the destruction and I’m not doing that to Earth again… what if we don’t recover this time?”
“Alright, Stark. We’ll go to him. But know that if it comes down to saving you, the children, or the Time Stone. I will not hesitate to let any of you die. I can’t because the universe depends on it.”
“We’re straight.”
You walked over, not liking what you just heard. You looked at the medallion around his neck that held the Time Stone. It felt like it was calling to you somehow. You tapped at the medallion as you spoke to prove a point.
“I want you to know, if I die I’m coming back specifically to haunt you.”
Strange wasn’t paying attention to you but to the medallion that had opened and dropped the Time Stone into your hand. You noticed the weight suddenly in your hand and looked to see the stone. You were confused since you didn’t mean to open his medallion so you put the stone back in Strange’s hand.
“You shouldn’t be able to do that.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“How the hell did you do that?! That’s not possible! Who are yo—”
Tony stepped in, physically putting a barrier in between you and Strange and pushing him back. Strange watched as you took out your hearing aids and started to shake your head while Peter came up and rubbed your shoulders, trying to get you to breathe. Tony had a look of murder on his face.
He had yelled at you once and saw how quickly you shut down. It was something the team used to forget when you first came back to the compound because you had been doing so well with getting over the effects of HYDRA. But people yelling at you with any emotion that didn’t seem to be happiness put you back in your cell and caused you to shut down.
“Okay, what we don’t do is yell at her. You’ve got a problem, you tell her but your voice so much as goes above sixty decibels and I’ll kill you, universe and Time Stone be damned.”
Strange looked over at you. He realized you seemed very affected as Peter handed you your hearing aids back and pulled you into a tight hug as if he was a weighted blanket.
“I apologize. I was just in shock, the stone is only supposed to react to my spell or one of the other Infinity… stones, may I?”
Strange pointed at the diamond blade that you had yet to punch off from your palm. You hesitated but gave him your hand. Strange started muttering to himself until Tony finally asked him to share with the class.
“I know the Ancient One said but none of us truly believed… HYDRA actually did it.”
“Did what?” Tony peeked over his shoulder.
“The Tesseract, the Space Stone. They managed to weaponize it successfully just once we were told it was a human but after Red Skull it seemed highly unlikely that the experiment turned out normal looking. But you, this isn’t really a diamond casing. It’s spatial pressure.”
“I’m sorry what?” You were more confused than ever.
“Spatial pressure, one of the stone’s powers. It takes the very fabric of space and compresses it with so much pressure in a way that’s like telekinesis. But instead of stopping a knife mid air by hardening the space around it, you’ve hardened the air around your own skin. This is fragments of Space Stone, not diamond.”
“So, I’m part Tesseract?”
“In a sense. It’s remarkable you still look like you, the stone must’ve liked you a lot.”
“Liked me?”
“It’s sentient.”
“It’s a rock.”
“A rock that’s sentient. How do you think the Mind Stone powers Vision? They generate their own energy with some form of intelligence. Most people don’t survive the pure energy of the stones against human skin because the stones make sure you can’t as a defense mechanism of sorts.”
“I was injected when I was three. I think even a rock would tell I wasn’t a threat.”
Strange hummed in agreement. He looked in between you and Tony.
“This makes her a potential problem. It’s not a lot of the Tesseract but it’s enough that Thanos could use her… are you serious about stopping him on his turf.”
“Most serious I’ve been in my life,” Tony responded as he crossed his arms.
“Good because you put two stones together and it becomes like a beacon signal. Next time she touches the Time Stone, Thanos will probably know exactly where we are.”
“Alright, GI, maybe you should sit over there.”
Tony pointed to the seat nearby that faced the windshield of the ship. You agreed and moved as far away from the other stone as you could, Peter coming to sit with you. Tony and Strange started to figure out where to go and how to fly the ship. You punched off the “diamond” blade and leaned your head on Peter’s shoulder as you both stared out at space.
When they came back home from almost getting their ass beat, Steve started asking Rhodey if you were there. To his surprise, Bruce stepped out from the lab and explained everything. The rest of the team sighed. Steve was hoping the Avengers could keep problems strictly on the Earth realm after having to deal with the Battle of New York all those years ago. And more importantly, they didn’t have Tony or Thor… or you and Peter. The only relief coming from the fact that Bruce said you two were with Tony and a wizard?
“So what advantage do we have? Or are we about to dive head first into a losing battle? Cause it feels like a losing battle,” Sam said.
“We have to get rid of the stone,” Vision said. “That’s how we stop Thanos from getting it.”
“Yeah, we get rid of the stone and you with it. We’re not having this conversation,” Wanda cut in. “That’s too high a price.”
“Only you have the power to pay it,” Vision said as he gently grabbed Wanda’s face.
Wanda pulled away from him. Steve shook his head. They weren’t trading Vision’s life— that’s not how they did things. There had to be another way.
“We can’t do that, Vis.”
“Captain, you would’ve done the same in World War 2.”
“And that’s not a light decision to make.”
“What if we extract the stone?” Bruce questioned. He paced as he thought out loud. “Vision is made of the stone, JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me. Kill the stone and there should still be some stuff left.”  
“Can you do that, Bruce?” Steve asked.
“Not me… not here.”
“Then we need to find somewhere fast,” Rhodey said.
“I think I know where. FRIDAY, please get T’Challa on the phone.”
You stood up abruptly as the ship started to approach the planet you assumed was Titan. Tony and Peter each grabbed one of the steering wheels to slowly park the ship as best as they could.
“Um, you guys might want to turn,” Strange suggested.
Tony and Peter turned a little too late and the ship crashed against a building, part of it breaking off, before landing on the ground. It wasn’t the smoothest landing but you all got out unscathed so it was considered a mild win. Peter was hanging from the ceiling as he slowly lowered on a long string of web, facing Strange and Tony who had shook themselves off of debris from landing.
“I just want to say that if aliens wind up implanting something in my chest and I eat one of you, I’m sorry.”
“No more pop culture references out of you for the rest of the trip.” Tony pointed at Peter. “I don’t want to hear a single one.”
You felt the vibrations of something rolling along the metal. “He’s trying to say something’s coming.”
As you said it, a small ball rolled in front of Tony and Strange before exploding. The blast was small yet knocked everyone back but you. A group came in suddenly, guns pointed.
“Thanos!” One of the big guys yelled before Strange’s cape flew over his face and knocked him back.
The other man started chasing after Tony while the weird woman with antennas was walking up to Peter. Despite the glowing antennas, you thought she wasn’t as much as a threat as the man with literal blasters and went to help Tony instead— Peter could handle himself. You knocked one of the blasters out of his hand and he went to punch you. You smirked as he brought his hand back in pain. He shot at you with the other blaster and looked confused as nothing happened. You grabbed him and pinned him to the ground, pointing his own blaster back at him which caused the others to stop.
“Who are you and what do you want?”
“Where’s Gamora?” The man asked.
“Who the hell is Gamora?”
The man took your moment of confusion and when you looked up at Tony or Strange for answers as a chance to knock you off him, grabbing the blaster and moving for Peter instead who had been caught in the electric coils thrown from the antenna woman. You held your hands out as if he was a feral animal in attempts to de-escalate the situation.
“Tell me where Gamora is or I’ll kill this little French Fry.”
“Alright,” Tony said.
“Uncle Tony!”
His glove lit up brighter than you had ever seen it. “You blast him, I blast your guy and we call it even.”
“I’ll kill all of you and beat the answer out of Thanos myself.”
“Wait, Thanos?” Strange asked. “I’m going to ask one time. What master do you serve?”
“What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus?”
“He’s from Earth,” Tony sighed, putting the blaster away.
“I’m not from Earth, I’m from Missouri.”
You walked up to him, footsteps purposely loud so he could hear you and see you weren’t there to attack.
“Hey, idiot sandwich. Missouri’s on Earth, and give me back my boyfriend.” You aggressively pulled Peter from the guy’s arms.
“You guys aren’t with Thanos?”
“We’re here to kill Thanos.”
“Wait, who are you?”
Peter’s mask went back so his face could be seen. “We’re the Avengers.”
“You’re the ones Thor told us about,” the woman said.
Thor’s name was all that was needed to pacify the tension as the three new guys introduced themselves. Mantis, Quil, and Drax. Quil walked next to you as you guys left the ship.
“Sorry about the whole threatening to kill the French Fry thing.”
You looked at him with the straightest face possible and punched him in the arm— purposely hardening the area around your knuckles. He held the spot trying not to cry. Peter, who was holding your hand, kissed the corner of your mouth.
“It’s kind of hot when you’re mad.”
“Yeah, you think so?” you asked in a high-pitched tone that was such a stark contrast to the attitude before.
Tony turned around, walking backwards as he kept up with Strange, and snapped his fingers.
“Hey, you two. We’ve got a whole saving the world mission we’re busy with. You wanna save your little PG-13 love fest for after we all live.”
You and Peter separated abruptly. “Right.”
“Sorry, Mr. Stark.”
(Part 30)...
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
Okay, I know I already sent you another request, but this one...I just had to drop this one on ya. Can I request Bakugo, Hawks, Shinsou, and Dabi’s reaction to seeing their black s/o getting hit on in the most cringiest, fetishizing way while they’re standing next to them? Since the s/o is dating them, they know the things that should and shouldn’t be said to a black person, but the weirdo goes to them and says things along the lines of:
“Do you taste as chocolatey as you look?”
“Lemme conquer you in the bedroom”
“Twerk on me like Megan Thee Stallion”
And “Our kids are going to be great athletes”
Like the she is just stunned into mortified silence since she couldn’t process the audacity for someone to say something so disgusting. She’ll let her man’s handle it cuz the last thing she needs is to be charged with homicide.
(Trust me, writing those lines hurt me but not as much as it hurt when I was told these things 🤢)
“Why Don’t You Just Do Us All a Favor and Shut Up?”
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You don’t understand how many times a trashy guy has said something like this to me thinking I would find it cute or attractive. So gross! As a society we need to do better and stop sexualizing and fetishizing black women and girls.
also the gif has nothing to do with this, I just thought it was cute.
Anyways...starts below the cut!
Warnings: swearing, fetishization of black women and girls, sleazy trashy guys, protective boyfriends, sexual implications
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“Katsu, can we get ramen at that new place that just opened up the street?” (y/n) questioned, her (eye color) eyes wide with anticipation.
“Ok.” The usually explosive blonde agreed, snaking his larger hand into her slightly smaller one. (y/n) had finished training earlier and since it was a light day, Bakugou had suggested they walk around the downtown area. “It’s over this way, right?” (y/n) nodded simply, looking around at the different shops they passed on their way to the new ramen restaurant.
Ever since Katsuki had begun dating the black girl, he had calmed down significantly, though only around her...with everyone else he was just as explosive as he always was. The black girl was fiercely protective over her friends and especially Katsuki, though he didn’t really need it; probably a part of her tiger quirk, though it came off as more endearing than annoying.
“What are you gonna order?” She wondered, making small conversation as they waited to cross the street.
“What I always order.” He answered simply.
“The spiciest thing on the menu.” (y/n) and Katsuki said at the same time, (y/n) rolling her eyes with a smile.
“You won’t have any taste buds left if you burn them all off.” She teased as Katsuki rolled his crimson eyes at her, holding her close to him as they continued to wait.
A whistle caught the couple’s attention, Bakugou’s eyes narrowing as they fell on two boys standing at a shop located behind where they were standing. The two boys looked the same age if not a little older than (y/n) and Katsuki, the taller one had lime green hair and matching lime colored eyes. His pale face had a smirk plastered on it. The slightly shorter of the two had pink hair the color of bubble gum, lavender eyes focusing on the black girl, a smirk on his face also.
Despite (y/n) usually being confident, there was something highly uncomfortable about the way they were eyeing her that made her uneasy.
“Hey Riku, you think she’d go for someone like me? You know I have a thing for exotics.” (y/n) turned around, deciding to ignore them, they weren’t worth the time. She gripped Bakugou’s hand, turning him around, trying to think of something to say to distract them both from the annoying boys.
The ash blonde sent her a bewildered look, confused as to why she wasn’t going to say something to them. “They aren’t worth it. They’re extras, right?” She joked, flashing a half smile at her boyfriend.
Bakugou tched, but decided not to say anything since (y/n) didn’t seem to want him to.
“You know why exotics are the best?” The lime green haired boy questioned, loud enough to make sure Bakugou and (y/n) had heard it.
“Why Riku?” The bubble gum haired boy said, a creepy glint in his eyes.
“Because of that fat ass.” He snickered. “You think she’d let me get a taste of that chocolate?”
(Jesus Christ, I cringed writing that. 🤢)
Bakugou’s head whipped around to glare at the two boys, (y/n) turning around to look at them, holding herself back, but too shocked by what she had heard to catch Bakugou before he did something that would attract the attention of police.
“You two fucking clowns better shut the fuck up before you get a taste of my foot shoved so far up your asses it’ll be coming out of your fat fucking mouths.” Bakugou growled, punching them each in the face, making sure to heat up his hand so that it would definitely leave a mark.
(y/n) looked around to see a few people watching, as she let Bakugou beat up the boys before she finally decided it was enough. She placed a hand on his shoulder, as he looked up, the feral look in his crimson orbs dissipating to a gentle one.
“I just wanna go. Can we please, before the police get here?” She questioned as he punched them and kicked them a few more times before standing up and nodding.
“You won’t be fucking needing these either.” Bakugou said, going through their wallets, taking the money out before snapping the cards in half and tossing them on the street next to the boys who remained on the ground. “Let’s go.” He held out his hand, as she grabbed it and they walked across the street. “I hate these fucking extras.” He grumbled as they got to the ramen restaurant. Bakugou Katsuki had every intention of using the money he had just taken to pay for everything, it was the least they could do.
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The woman was on her way to her apartment, getting off early from her patrol because not only was it a Friday, but the day after was her 23rd birthday and her pro-hero boyfriend seemed to have planned something, despite her telling him he didn’t have to.
Her phone rang, taking (y/n) out of her thoughts as she slid the answer button seeing her boyfriend’s picture pop up. “Hey Kei.” She answered happily, stopping at the corner, waiting to cross the street.
“Hey, Kid.” Came his response, causing the black woman to smile. “You got off early right? You wanna get (your favorite food/ drink)?”
“Really?!” (y/n) grew excited, her voice raising an octave as a laugh bubbled from her full lips. The couple was usually very busy and that meant they didn’t have a lot of time to just go to restaurants and walk around the downtown area, but since they had managed to get the afternoon and weekend off, Hawks was going to take full advantage of it.
“Yeah.” He laughed back. “I’ll meet you there?”
“Ok! Love you.” She told him.
“Love you too, Kid.” He said back before hanging up. (y/n) crossed the street, walking towards their favorite restaurant, her hero costume folded in the black backpack she wore on her back. She too was a pro-hero, though she wasn’t as popular as her boyfriend, she had recently gone pro in Japan, already a famous pro in her native country. She slid her phone into one of the pockets of her black jeans, her simple white t-shirt half tucked into her pants.
She increased her stride, her smile widening as she saw the crimson wings of her boyfriend up ahead. He turned around his own smile growing as she got closer. “How was patrol?” She asked him as he hugged her, the pair pulling away and intertwining hands.
“It was fine...kinda boring.” Hawks answered as they walked inside the establishment.
“Woah.” The cashier said softly, after ringing up your orders. Hawks paid, even though she protested though he responded by saying it was her birthday weekend and she wasn’t allowed to pay. The cashier, who seemed a little older than the two of the pros, named Ukyo, handed her her drink practically ignoring Hawks.
Keigo frowned, growing slightly annoyed, though he wouldn’t really peg himself as the jealous type, Ukyo just made everything very uncomfortable and Hawks was growing irritated that (y/n) was uneasy. It was the protective nature in him, which he would admit could get a little intense at times.
“Um, thanks.” (y/n) replied with a slightly awkward laugh before looking at Hawks to say she was ready to go. They had planned to walk through the park nearby. As they were stepping away, Ukyo called out.
“Hey wait, pretty girl!” He called out, catching the dark skinned woman off guard. “You forgot something.” She turned, raising an eyebrow before going back towards where Ukyo stood behind the counter. He held out a napkin to her, his messy chicken scratch handwriting on the piece of paper. “It’s my number. You should call me sometime, I’d love to get to know you more.”
“I already have a great boyfriend.” (y/n) replied, giving him a smile as he still pushed the napkin to her, managing to stuff it into her bag. At this, Hawks stepped closer, still remaining silent, wanting to let her handle it because he didn’t want to come off as overbearing or suffocating. “Really, I’m not interested. I love my boyfriend.”
“Who? Him? But our kids would be so cute! They’d be great athletes, you know?” He smiled widely at her, grabbing onto her wrist to stop her from leaving. Hawks had heard enough, at (y/n)’s silence and the way her eyes seemed to bore into his own, he dislodged some feathers, sending them at the cashier, stopping them a few centimeters away from him.
“Let her go, before you make me really mad.” Hawks said, glaring at the male, sharpening the feathers into blade-like devices, his golden eyes shining with anger.
“Chill out, Man! She’s hot! She was practically asking for it!” Ukyo put his hands up, Hawks’ eyes narrowing as a growl almost sounded from deep in his chest.
“You’re lucky my girlfriend’s here.” Hawks chuckled darkly, as (y/n) placed her hand in his own. “I would’ve cut your disrespectful racist ass.” Hawks walked away with (y/n), sending the feathers at the wall behind the cashier, just narrowly missing him.
Hawks smirked as he stepped outside, hearing the high pitched scream that came out of Ukyo at the feathers going near him, fearing he was about to be sent to the hospital. Hawks glared at him through the shop window, his wings flapping behind him as if he was about to send more feathers causing Ukyo to scream again, though this time a wet spot began to grow in his khaki colored pants.
Hawks’ eyes lit up as a loud laugh fell from his mouth causing (y/n) to laugh lightly. “Fucking bitch.” Hawks muttered as they walked towards the park. “I should’ve sent the feathers into him.”
“No, you did enough Kei.” (y/n) giggled, Hawks growing happy that he had gotten her to laugh after that rude cashier incident.
Every week after that Hawks would purposely walk past the shop, launching a feather through the window and into the wall, an adult sized diaper held to the wall by the sharp crimson feather, a note usually attached saying:
‘just thought you might need to start wearing these.
I hate you,
Ps: Show this to anyone, tell anyone about this, or do something like that to another person again and I’ll send the next feather so far up your ass, you’ll need surgery to remove it. xoxo’
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(i decided to insert another character, like Mineta but 100x worse and not jokingly either. His name is Shintani Narisuke.)
(y/n) was sitting in the common room where everyone from the general studies class usually hung out during their down time. Although, surprisingly it was empty except for the purple haired Shinsou and his lavender haired girlfriend, (y/n). It honestly was just a coincidence that the pair both had purple hair, though the girls from their class thought it was the cutest. (y/n) placed her head on one of Shinsou’s shoulders as they watched a random movie on his laptop, pushing her goddess braids so that she could be more comfortable.
The common room was empty only because one of (y/n)’s friends and classmates had told everyone that they couldn’t go into the common room because Shinsou and (y/n) were on a date. Everyone obeyed her...she was kind of scary when she was determined about something.
“How can he just get away with that?” (y/n) questioned, placing some popcorn into her mouth, pausing to place some in Shinsou mouth as they continued to stare at the screen. The pair alternated, the next time Shinsou threw some into his mouth and then fed some to (y/n).
“I hate that guy...he reminds me of that annoying little grape kid in 1-A.” Shinsou mumbled, causing her to laugh.
“We don’t speak his name.” Shinsou joked as the pair broke out into laughs again.
“Hey (your nickname)!” The pair turned, Shinsou pausing the movie, to see Shintari Narisuke enter the room. (y/n) raised an eyebrow at the use of her nickname, that ONLY Shinsou used for her.
“It’s (your full name).” She corrected him.
“Aw, don’t be like that.” The average height boy pouted, sitting down next to her, causing Shinsou to sit up more, a frown on his face.
“What do you want, Shintari? We’re busy here.” Shinsou chimed in, slightly annoyed as he rolled his tired purple eyes.
“Not that busy.” The aqua blue haired boy responded, flashing a fake smile at Shinsou. His eyes narrowed as the frown on his face deepened.
“What do you want?” Shinsou repeated.
“Hey (y/n)...” Shintari dragged out, looking at the black girl with big eyes.
“Has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Megan Thee Stallion?”
“No…” The girl answered, confused as to where this was going. To her they looked nothing alike, though she was one of her favorite female rappers. “We don’t even look alike.”
“Your ass does though.” He answered smugly. “You think you could split on me like she does?” (y/n)’s eyes widened as she tried to process what he had just said. She was at a loss for words, completely surprised that he would go that far.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Shinsou grew angry, standing up and getting in the blue haired fool’s face. He had noticed that she was still slightly shocked, which is why he decided to handle it, because normally she was the one that would jump to put someone who needed it in their place.
“She heard me. Right, (your nickname)?” He said teasingly, his eyes not even looking at Shinsou. The usually disinterested male grew increasingly more angry, at being ignored and at the boy for using his nickname for his girlfriend.
“Do you think you could answer something for me?” Shinsou questioned catching the boy’s attention as Shinsou’s grip on his shirt tightened.
“Yeah, what do you want, Villain?” Shintari asked, falling for the trap. Shinsou’s purple eyes glowed softly as he activated his quirk.
“Shut the fuck up and…” Shinsou paused, really wanting to tell the kid to go take a long walk off of a short pier, but he knew he would probably be in trouble if he did that, so he took a deep breath. “Lock yourself in your room for the rest of the week and don’t come out.” Shinsou ultimately decided, letting the boy go with a smug smirk watching him walk down the hall.
The purple haired male turned, his focus going to his girlfriend who had a sick look on her face. “You okay, kitty?” He asked softly, sitting beside her. She simply wrapped her arms around him, listening to his steady heartbeat.
“I hate that asshole.” She mumbled.
“I do too.” Shinsou agreed. “I’m sorry he said something like that to you. That was fucking gross.”
“Thanks for handling it.” She half smiled at him. “I think I would’ve killed him...then he really would’ve called me a villain.”
“Who gives a fuck, let’s finish the movie.” Shinsou laughed lightly, causing her to laugh too. “Besides, he already calls me a villain.”
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(For this one (y/n) works in a bakery)
The black girl came from the back of the shop, a tray of fresh cookies in her hands, the sweet smell filling the store. She opened the glass cabinet, carefully transferring the cookies inside before going to return the tray to the back of the bakery.
Customers sat throughout the store, reading books from the bookshelves in the corner, drinking their coffees and teas while working, or simply just enjoying the warm atmosphere with their friends. (y/n) came back to the front, taking her place behind the register after washing her hands.
She looked up from where she had been adjusting a machine to the door, the sound of the ringing bell meaning someone new had entered. “Hi Baby.” The deep gravely voice said. She could hear the smile in his voice as she looked up, her own smile growing as she immediately recognized the voice.
“Hi Staples.” She teasingly replied. “What are you doing over here? I thought you were busy today.”
“I needed more.” He replied, holding up the bag at his side with the black hair dye inside.
“You want my help when I get off?” She clarified as he nodded, his blue eyes looking over her appearance. “What? You don’t like my uniform?” A soft smile on her face as she wiped down the counter.
“No, you look good.” His signature smirk appearing on his burned face. (y/n)’s heart fluttered slightly, the fiery boy never failed to make her heart skip a beat even after two years of dating.
“I get off in 50 minutes. You wanna hang around? I just made a fresh batch of cookies.”
“The ones I like?” His eyes seemed to sparkle like a kid in a candy store. Dabi loved to act big and bad, and that side of him was definitely...hot, but you loved to see the goofy childish side of him as well.
“Yeah, your favorite.” She replied, a large smile on her face as he nodded quickly, the dark hood of the sweatshirt pulled up on his head. “Alright. Here. I’ll be done soon.” She handed him a few cookies, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he slinked off to the seat he usually took in the corner of the shop when he waited for you.
(y/n) watched as he stood, picking up a book he had already started last time he came, sitting back down and flipping to the page he had left off on. Dabi...Touya wasn’t a bad guy, no matter what anyone told her, otherwise.
She was pulled out of her thoughts at the chime of the bell, a blonde man walking into the store. He must’ve been a traveler because he looked lost, especially with the way he had pulled up directions onto his phone. (y/n) gave him a friendly smile, “Hi, what can I get you?”
“I’ll take a...hot chocolate.” He said weirdly, giving her a smirk as his light eyes trailed up and down her body, at least the part that wasn’t hidden behind a counter. She nodded uneasily.
“Anything else?” Her mood had dropped, already tired of the male customer.
“How about your number?”
“No, sorry. I’m working and I-” He cut the girl off as she handed him his drink, ringing it up after she had made it.
“Come on, if it’s because I’m white...I’m hung like a black guy, if you know what I mean.” He said to the girl, Dabi’s eyes narrowing as he practically glared a hole through the blonde man.
“E-excuse me?” (y/n) repeated, blinking as she ran her hands over her apron, stepping back from him. She wasn’t even sure that had just happened, nothing that bad had ever happened at work before, just the occasional Wow, so pretty or Your hair is so fluffy, like a cloud from a few children when she wore it in an afro, that made her smile though, the kids were cute and everyone was generally respectful.
“If that’s why you won’t give me your number, you don’t have to worry about that.” He repeated.
“Yeah, I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up.” Dabi chimed in, catching his girlfriend completely off guard. She hadn’t even noticed he had come up behind him or moved from his seat.
“What’s your problem man? I don’t think this involves you at all.” The blonde guy shot him a glare before turning back to the black girl behind the counter and stepping closer. Dabi’s blue eyes seemed to hold small flames in them as his anger grew. A dark chuckle left his lips as he harshly brought his hand down onto the blonde shoulder, heating it up until the man’s jacket was practically smoking.
“That’s my girlfriend, man.” Dabi told the man mockingly, his voice low and his eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t mind you calling her pretty, because she’s gorgeous but if you disrespect her, then you’re gonna deal with me.”
“Ew you fucking creep. I’ll call the police.” He threatened after turning and seeing Dabi’s face. Dabi tilted his head to the side slightly, a slow smile growing on his face, though it seemed more eerie than anything.
“I’ll give you something to call them about.” Dabi threatened. “Now, why don’t you leave and if I see you around here again, I’ll burn your ass so bad you’ll be virtually unrecognizable.”
“Fuck all of you. This place is shit anyway and the bitch behind the counter looks like a fucking monkey.” The guy announced going to walk out of the bakery.
“Not acceptable. Apologize.” Dabi demanded, his hand going around the blonde’s neck as he heated his hand up, making sure it would leave a burn.
“Sorry.” The guy cried out, Dabi rolling his eyes before shoving him towards the door, a scoff leaving his lips as the guy tripped on the way out.
“You know you’re gorgeous right?” Dabi questioned as (y/n)’s best friend and coworker told her to go home after that incident. Dabi grabbed (y/n)’s hand, waving back at her coworker before the couple walked towards their apartment, (y/n) excited to dye Dabi’s hair.
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
Heeey i wanted to ask you if you could maybe do a Muslim male reader where maybe like they are on a case and hitch tells him to go talk with the victims family and they are like we are not gonna talk to a ter**orist and like the BAU team defending him and like comforting him (if you don’t feel comfortable writing about it don’t feel pressured please)
I am so sorry if this isn't good. I tried to make it as fluffy as possible. Please let me know if I did something wrong! Edited by @mystic-writes
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"Mr. And Mrs. Hawthorne?" you ask as the door opens in front of you.
"Who're you?" Mr. Hawthorne asks, glaring at you.
You take out your badge and say, "My name is Agent [L/N]. I'm with the FBI. I'm here to ask you a few questions."
"The FBI is hiring terrorists now?" he asks and you freeze. "I don't want you here to blow up my house!"
He slams the door in your face, and you sigh. You pull out your phone and call Hotch, and after two rings he picks up.
"[L/N]," he says over the phone. "What did you find out?"
"They won't let me talk to them. Says I'm a terrorist and I'm going to blow up their house. Can you send Rossi over? Maybe he can help?" you ask and you hear a sigh on the other end of the line.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll send Prentiss as well," he says, and you nod though he can't see you. "Do you want to come back to the station?"
You shake your head. "No, I'm fine. It would just be nice to have some backup," you say, before saying goodbye to Hotch, and hanging up. You lean against the car you were given, a big black SUV, and you cross your arms over your chest, watching the house. After five minutes you see Mrs. Hawthorne peeking out the window every couple of seconds, staring right at you before hiding again, like she just got caught.
Finally, after only a couple more minutes, another black SUV pulls up and Rossi and Emily get out, walking over to you.
"We heard what happened," Rossi says, and Emily nods, walking over to you.
"Are you sure you want to be here?" she asks, and you nod.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You should just take the lead," you say, and Emily and Rossi both nod, and start walking towards the house.
"Hello, Mr. Hawthorne. It's good to see you again," you say as you sit down in front of him, placing a file on the metal table in the interrogation room.
"You can't hold me! I know my rights!" he yells, pulling against the handcuffs holding him to the table.
You shake your head. "You assaulted a federal officer and threatened to shoot me. You're already going to jail for who knows how long, so how about you tell me what I want and we can make a deal."
"I won't negotiate with terrorists!" he exclaims, jumping towards you, but the handcuffs keep him latched to the table.
You jump out of your seat and run out of the room, your breath coming in short gasps as you say, "I'm sorry. I can't do this."
You sit down on one of the chairs outside the interrogation room and put your head in your hands, hyperventilating, when you feel hands on your shoulders.
"Breathe. I need you to breathe for me," you hear JJ say.
You start taking deep breaths in when you feel more hands on you. Looking up, you see Spencer sitting next to you on the other side and you lean into him, breathing deeply as JJ rubs her hand up and down your back.
You see Emily and Rossi walk up, the former with a cup of something and the latter with a plastic bag of crackers, and Derek trailing behind, a sheepish smile on his face. You smile as your breathing starts to even and you reach out, taking what seems to be water from Emily and the crackers form Rossi, downing the cup in three gulps and stuffing a cracker into your mouth. You sigh through your nose as you chew, and watch as Hotch walks over, kneeling down in front of you.
"Are you okay?" he asks and you nod. "I had some words with Mr. Hawthorne. He has now assaulted two Federal Agents, which doesn't look good for him." You frown and Hotch rolls up his pant leg, revealing a bright red splotch on his shin that's probably going to turn into a bruise tomorrow. "Even if he isn't the unsub, we've been able to unearth some… disgusting things from this man's past, with help from Garcia."
You nod and smile, taking his hand as you swallow your cracker. "Thank you, Hotch," you say, before looking at all the faces around you, affectionately. "Thank you, all of you. I really appreciate it."
They all nod.
"Now, I would like to get back to this case and catch this bastard," you say and they all grin. "Also, it's not Mr. Hawthorne."
"How do you know?" Derek asks, massaging his knuckles. He probably punched Mr. Hawthorne and you're not sorry about that.
You smile. "Mr. Hawthorne is a racist, white supremacist. He would never kill white people."
They all nod, and JJ helps you up, and you all get back to work.
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ketzwrites · 2 years
4 wolfstar :)))) glad to see you writing again!
Me too, nonny! Me too! Here we go: “Ask if I’m okay alright. Just ask.”
Send me a marauder era pairing and a number
Remus arrives home to find the apartment in complete utter chaos.
In hindsight, he should’ve expected this. Remus has been gone for ten days and James told him about the Black family meeting. Of course Sirius wouldn’t be doing well.
Sighing heavily, Remus walks in and drops his bag on the floor. He isn’t sure where to start, the half-empty bottles or the cigarette stubs pilling up on their table. Probably neither. Although, there is a box of Chinese food on top of the sofa that is starting to create mould. That’s troublesome.
Still, Remus goes straight to their bedroom. Sirius is laying down, shirtless but still wearing his boots. His hair is a mess, and he has half a hundred necklaces and chains around his neck and wrists. His eyes are open and the smudged eyeliner makes the grey of his iris look lighter.
Sirius turns to Remus and smiles. It’s a sad, sad little thing. “Moony,” he whispers.
Remus goes to him immediately. He climbs on the bed and pulls Sirius to himself. Remus’ entire body hurts, he is in need of a long shower and maybe a bottle of firewhisky. But none of that matters. Sirius crawls to his arms and lays his head on Remus’ shoulder.
“You took forever,” Sirius complains.
“I know.”
“We don’t have food in the apartment,” Sirius continues.
“I can go out and get some.”
“I haven’t showered in days.”
“We can shower together. I’ll wash your hair and use that fancy shampoo you like.”
“I have a hangover.”
“I’ll ring Lily for a remedy potion.”
Sirius finally looks up. He has a storm in his eyes. “Will you stop giving me solutions for just a second, Remus?!”
Remus doesn’t let that get to him. He’s rather tired and he wants that shower desperately but this is more important. Whatever happened in that family dinner, Remus doesn’t care. He only cares that he has to get his Padfoot back from that mountain of self-hate.
“What do you want me to do?” Remus asks. Sometimes it’s easier if he asks.
Sirius narrows his eyes. “I want you to shag me so hard, I forget my own name.”
There’s a challenge in Sirius’ expression as if he’s daring Remus to deny him.
It makes Remus snort. “There’s no bloody chance I’m fucking you in this state, Pads.” He stands up. “Take a shower. I’ll get us something to eat. Then, we’ll see.”
“So now you’re ordering me around?” Sirius asks. There’s no more sadness in his voice. He’s close. Very close.
Remus cocks his head to the side. “Since when is that a problem?”
That is it. Sirius will blow up on him, they’ll have a row and then things will go back to normal. Sirius will laugh about his brother’s stupid manners, Remus will groan over whatever racist thing his mother said, they’ll ignore how little they can do about it.
But Sirius doesn’t blow up. Instead, he smiles an empty smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Why aren’t you asking about what happened? James asked. Lily too, when they came over. Bloody Peter asked.”
When Remus doesn’t answer, Sirius stands up. “Ask if I’m alright,” he says. He begs. “Just ask. Come on, Moony. Ask.”
“No,” Remus says.
“I know you’re not alright, Sirius. I don’t need to ask.” Remus touches his face. “But you will be. I’m going to take care of you and you will be just fine.”
Sirius stares at him for a long time. And then he nods and hugs Remus tight.
“I missed you, Moony,” Sirius says against his clothes.
Remus hugs him back. “Missed you so much.”
Sirius sighs. “I hate this fucking war.”
“Well,” Remus says with the draft of a smile on his lips, “I believe it hates us right back, so we’re even. Come on. How about that shower now, yeah?”
Sirius raises an eyebrow. “And some food? That Muggle bread with the cheese on top? Pizza, innit?” He grins a mischievous grin. “And then that shag?”
That’s his Padfoot. Remus plants a kiss on Sirius’ lips. “As I said, we’ll see.”
When Sirius laughs and pulls Remus towards the bathroom, he lets him.
It is good to be home.
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