#and its been recently so bad after i got laid off and got my new job a few months ago
sandersinabox · 1 year
Not to be a downer on main buuuuuut
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jessejaredstories · 1 year
One Last Adventure
“Did you find anyone yet?”
“Not yet babe, I’m still looking.”
I flipped through the pages of my old high school yearbook while my boyfriend Jack was pacing around our bedroom. He was supposed to be searching through Grindr and Tinder for potential targets, but I knew he was getting frustrated and decided not to push it. My boyfriend has always been the impatient type, but I could understand why he was getting extra antsy tonight. 
About a month ago, my boyfriend and I made a deal with a witch. In exchange for five years off of each of our lifespans, the witch would grant us the supernatural ability to take over other people’s bodies. As you can imagine, Jack and I have been generously using our new powers ever since we got them. We’ve been using them to do whatever we want as whoever we want! Getting easy access to anything we want, getting payback on anyone who’s wronged us, and probably the most fun, fucking as whoever we want. Pretty sweet ability right? 
But of course, an extraordinary power like this doesn’t come without its cost. On top of paying the witch with literal years off of our lives, there were also two conditions we needed to follow. The first condition was the time limit. We got exactly 30 days before our powers expire. Once time’s up, that’s it. No more body hopping fun. The second condition was more of a restriction than anything else. The witch said that we couldn’t just take over anyone’s body. We could only choose people both Jack and I have met in-person before. That condition really limited our options, but even so, that didn’t stop us from having as much fun as possible. 
“Hey, what about these two?” I handed Jack the yearbook with an open page. Unfortunately though, it took him less than a second to shake his head no.
“No good. I knew them but I never actually met them.”
I sighed as I took back the yearbook. Not gonna lie, I was starting to get frustrated too. We just couldn’t find any new bodies to possess! Normally, we wouldn’t get so worked over it, but tonight was different. It was our last day before our powers expired for good. Obviously we couldn’t just let our powers die out without one last body hopping escapade! But after hours of searching, it was not looking good for us…
Or so I thought. I started half-assedly looking through all the faces of our former high school classmates. It was then that two faces stuck out to me. Akshay Khan and Kabir Patel. 
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“How about these two? Remember them? The Indian bros?” I asked Jack.
“Oh yeah, I remember them. Can’t say I remember much though,”
“Neither can I.”
Akshay and Kabir were known for being inseparable best friends, but that was it really. They never got involved in any school activities. That’s why they each only had one photo in the yearbook. Easy to miss, but they were still an option nonetheless. 
“C’mon, let’s check out what they’ve been up to,” I said as I pulled out my phone. 
Jack joined me on the couch. He laid against me as I typed in Akshay’s name. Luckily that was all I needed to get a hit on Instagram. His profile came up and surely enough, it was him. He had recently posted on his story too. I clicked on it and up came a picture of him and Kabir working out at some gym together.
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“Whoa, they’ve really glowed up since high school. The gym’s been kind to them!�� Jack let out a fox whistle when he saw the picture. I turned my head slightly to watch him checking out the goods. I could tell by the hungry look in his eyes that we just found our next targets.
“What do you say bro?” I said while lowering my voice. “You down to hit the showers after we hit this last set?” I caught Jack off guard with my bad Akshay impression, but he caught on right away. We exchanged a knowing look, then proceeded to get ready for the takeover. 
We both laid down on the ground and took deep breaths. We had body possession down to a science with how many times we’ve done it. All that was left to do was to go through steps again. I cleared my mind of all thoughts then I focused on imagining my soul leaving my body, all while maintaining my breathing. Soon enough, I could feel myself becoming lighter as my soul left my physical body. Once I was no longer a slave to the laws of physics, I flew straight to the gym where Akshay and Kabir were. They made the big mistake of tagging their location on social media, which made Jack and I’s job a whole lot easier! 
Thanks to my spirit form, I made it to their location within minutes. I phased through the walls and looked around for the bros. The gym was pretty empty that night for some reason. After some searching, I found Akshay in the locker room area checking himself out in the mirror. He was by himself in there. I crept up behind him, ready to strike while he was distracted! 
“Nrghh… What the fuck?” Akshay exclaimed. He hunched over while holding his stomach. I hesitated jumping into him, then abandoned the idea altogether when I realized what was happening. Jack had beaten me to the punch, he had already begun possessing Akshay.
I decided to stay back a moment and watch as my boyfriend possessed the gym rat. Akshay was groaning loudly. He tried keeping his balance but ended up falling to the ground on all fours. Sweat beads were forming on his face as he began breathing heavily. He then swung his head back with his mouth wide open. I could see his eyes roll back to the back of his head until I only saw the veiny whites of his eyeballs. Akshay then let out a loud, eerie groan. His cheeks and chest puffed up as Jack's soul slithered down his throat. I could see Akshay's Adam's apple bob up and down too! This lasted for a few seconds, then Akshay swallowed the last of Jack's essence in one final gulp. Once it was done, Akshay's eyes went back to normal and he stood up with a cocky grin on his face. 
"Ahh yeahhh... That's the good stuff..." Akshay said while caressing his massive pecs and rock hard abs. Except I knew that wasn't Akshay anymore, that was my loving boyfriend checking out his new body in the mirror. 
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I watched as my boyfriend admired his newly obtained muscles in front of the mirror. I couldn't help but smile as Jack flexed his cannons for arms and made his pecs pop. To be honest, I was slightly jealous of him. Akshay was jacked! I wanted to have that body for myself, but no matter, there was still another body up for grabs anyway. 
I turned around and began searching for Kabir. I looked throughout the gym and eventually found him near the dumbbells. Kabir was busy putting some weights back on the rack. He wasn't perfectly alone like Akshay was, but the sight of his plump butt sticking out as he was bent over was too tempting to ignore. I just had to take the risk and dive right in! 
I steadied my aim first and then charged in as fast as I could. Thanks to my spirit form, I was able to phase right through his gym shorts and go straight into his asshole. 
"Ow!! What the fuck!?" Kabir yelped out, presumably from me penetrating him by surprise. The impact of me entering him made Kabir fall onto the ground on his stomach. He grabbed onto his ass cheeks while squirming around on the ground. Unfortunately I wasn't able to possess him in one smooth motion, but it didn't matter. I was already halfway in, and there was nothing Kabir could do to stop a pro like me.
I started wiggling my way up his ass. The deeper I went inside him, the more I could feel through his body as the body takeover process started. 
"Aaargh fuckk!! Ahh!!" 
Kabir was moaning and thrashing around like a madman! I couldn't blame him though, I could feel the stimulation I was giving him by entering through his ass. I bet I was hitting all the right pleasure spots as I slithered up him! 
"Mmmm... yeahh that's the spot..." I purred using Kabir's voice. I was in full control now, and hearing his accent come out of my mouth was making me hard! I stood up and brushed off any dirt on me. I took a moment to admire my newly possessed body. Jack might have gotten the more muscular body, but Kabir was taller and with a well-toned physique too. He was hot��� No, I was hot! 
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“Hey bro, you good?” 
I felt a hand pat me on the shoulder. Shit! Someone must’ve spotted Kabir thrashing around on the floor! I slowly turned around, but thankfully my worries were for nothing. It was just Jack.
“Yeah man, I’m chilling, all good here,” I answered. Jack shook his head. 
“You sure, Kabir? Looked like you had a pretty ass cramp just now… You don’t need a massage to help ease the pain?”
Getting called “Kabir” threw me off for a moment. Although I quickly caught on when I saw “Akshay” wink at me.
“Actually, you’re right, I could use a massage right now! Think you can lend me a hand bro?” I replied with a smirk. Akshay returned my gesture with a grin. It was moments like this that made me love taking over other people’s bodies with my boyfriend. Nobody but us knew that these two gym rats just got possessed by two other men, and that secret just made it even more fun.
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Akshay and I wasted no time in getting to the locker rooms. Luckily for us, there was still nobody back there. We took off our clothes and hopped into one of the shower stalls together. Akshay turned on the water, and then proceeded to pin me to the wall behind me. He planted a big fat kiss on my lips. It was aggressive, but I loved it! 
We made out in the stall with our tongues fighting for dominance while the running water helped cover up our loud kisses and moans. Naturally, our dicks got hard while we kissed. I could feel Akshay’s dick rub against me as we pressed and interlocked our wet bodies against one another. It was strange. Normally when we possess straight men, we could feel their dormant souls try to resist against us having fun with their bodies. I expected Kabir and Akshay to do the same, but they never did! It was almost as if their bodies were enthusiastic about us having our fun. Perhaps, they’ve already done what we were doing?
Whatever. It doesn’t matter. All that mattered was that Akshay had a hand around my neck, choking me while keeping me pressed against the shower wall. I opened my mouth and Akshay spit in my mouth. I swallowed it like a good boy, then I jumped onto Akshay. He held me up while we resumed kissing. Then, while our lips were locked together, he began to lower me down onto his cock. I could feel his dick tap against my hole, then it slid right in.
“OHH FUCKK!!!” I couldn’t hold back my moans. The pleasure of having Akshay’s whole length inside me… My hole expanding to accommodate his girth was too much to hold back!
“You like that? You want this big, brown cock inside you?”
“Fuck yeah! Fuck me!!” 
“Beg for it then.” He started teasing me by thrusting himself into me slowly. 
“Please bro! Please fuck me hard!! I want you… I need you… Arghh!!”
Akshay started picking up the pace of his thrusts. I thought I saw stars with every deep stroke he gave me. We were probably making a lot of noise between my moans and his grunts, but we didn’t care. We fucked like animals with our new jock bodies and we weren’t ashamed of it! 
It only took us another few minutes of fucking before we were both close. Akshay pulled out and let me down to the ground. We then started tugging our dicks together until we covered both ourselves and the shower stall with our cum. We were both panting as we shot load after load of our sweet spunk out. We then made out again one last time while we were still covered with each other’s cum before the shower washed it away. It was hot, and it was definitely the last body hopping adventure we needed before our powers expired for good. 
Once we finished having our fun, Jack and I were ready to leave. We never bothered cleaning up, we just depossessed the bodies and let them take care of it. Jack and I shared one last loving look as Akshay and Kabir before leaving. However, when we tried forcing our souls out of their bodies, we couldn’t! No matter how hard or how much we tried, we just couldn’t leave! We ended up having to clean up after ourselves for once. We did that quickly, then got dressed and left the gym as fast as we could. We had no idea what was going on! But then I caught a glimpse of the time. It was already 1:30AM! It was already the next day! It was supposed to be a quickie, but I guess Jack and I got a little carried away…
All this happened two years ago. We’ve been living as Akshay and Kabir ever since then. Even to this day, neither of us know what could’ve happened that we’d end up trapped in these bodies. If I had to take a guess, I’d wager that when the witch said that our powers would expire permanently, she meant it way more seriously than Jack and I expected. Without those powers, we couldn’t even return to our original bodies! I don’t know, but honestly, I don’t care anymore. If anything, we’ve been blessed to have Akshay and Kabir’s lives as our own. Sure, Akshay’s new family is super traditional and they’re already setting him up for a bride, but that doesn’t matter to us. We still meet up in secret when nobody’s around. No matter who we are, we are lovers and nothing will ever take that away from us. 
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We’re not sure how exactly we’re gonna get past an arranged family, but as long as Akshay is by my side, we can overcome anything.
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tf-boi · 19 days
May i join your underwear collection? I really want to be your permanent underwear.
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After hearing your request I began to blush slightly. I may write stories of this scenario but it has only been recently that I have been getting these requests. My boyfriend encouraged me to give it a try but I am still getting used to it.
"Are you sure you want that?" I say trying to act cool. "You know I get a lot of requests from my fans haha"
You give me a smirk that kind of shocked me. I thought I'd scare you away.
Without hesitation you took your sneakers and socks off and laid them in front of me. "I have been wearing these for a month master" you said bowing your head.
I thought your performance was a bit much but then it hit me. The musk from your shoes, both were different scents. The socks had a similar scent but slightly different. "W-what?" I said shocked.
You raise your head, "My left shoe was my younger brother and the right was my best friend. My socks were a pair of twins that I was tutoring at the university. All for you."
Still trying to keep cool I snickered "That's nice and all but how about your personal stuff? Got a life don't you?"
With a tap of your phone you returned the same energy "Well it's all yours now sir."
I get a notification on my phone. I check it out as my eyes widened. A large sum of cash, a new car, even a few homes just got transferred to my name. Unable to think of any other escuses I motioned for you to undress, which you do happily. "Welcome to your new life" I said as I snap my fingers. For me it was an instant but for you it was a slow process. The air coming out of all the holes of your body until your were conepletely deflated. All body body hair vanish as your flat body twist and contorts itself. Your skin becoming soft like fabric. Once you body folds itself into the shape of some briefa your skin goes black like a nice black fabric. Your new body falls to the ground gently. You can no longer see in the traditional sense but you can feel my presence approaching. I stop in front of you and pick you up.
"Not bad . . ." I say to myself examining my work. Your body still able to shake and throb a bit. I feel the warmth of your body still radiating. I remove my pants and take off the underwear I was wearing previously, another fan who made a similar request. I have been wearing him for about half a year nonstop and he has began to look worn and torn up. "Looks like its the end for you . . . " I said giving my old underwear a final goodbye kiss as I rolled him up and tossed him into the trashcan nearby. I slip you on and as you move up my legs you feel the warmth of my skin and as I let go on your, your new body snaps into the shape of my body, the curves of my ass and the shape of my cock.
"Well you did go through the trouble of adding some more people to my collection so might as well~" I said as I put your friends on over my feet. Within a moment I realized you rushed transformed these guys as I can still feel them. They feel a mixture of emotions, partly wanting to be turned back, but also a strong desire to serve me now, perfect for some slaves to have when I am bored.
Suddenly I feel your body wiggle around my crotch getting it hard. "Oh I didn't forget about you" I say to you as I start stroking my cock, inside of you. I moan in pleasure as I play with myself feeling the fibers that used to be your body. As I pleasure myself precum comes out of me with every stroke of my rocket, up and down my hand goes. You feel excited and try to help me making yourself tighter. "Ahhh~~ " I say in bliss as your tight body makes it harder for me to think.
I sit down on the ground to take off my new right shoe and gave your best friend a nice sniff as I masterbated harder, and faster. Precum starts to get absorbed by you as you start finding it hard to move. You start feeling your mind with every stroke I do on my cock, ready to burst at any moment. I switched over to your the shoe that was your brother sniffing him as I put your best friend over my you and masterbate with him. After a few more strokes using our friend as a fleshlight I gave one final loud moan as loads of cum flies out of my cock. You used your body to absorb ever drop of my spunk into you. As I finish unloading my cum onto you, I lose connection to you as you are now just a pair of underwear. Still conscious on the inside but no way to communicate. The loads of cum I poured into you stripped you of your scent and replaced it with my musk.
Regaining my composure I drop your best friend and brother back on the ground as I sleep my feet into them and walk off.
I get back home to add your friends to my collection. My BF slapped my ass as he walks by and notoces your wrapped around me. "Oh this pairs nice~" he said playing with my junk through you.
I giggled "yeah hopefully he lasts longer than the other one."
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lol-im-done · 1 year
killer queen | joel miller x fem!reader
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'Your baseball bat looked like a flash of quicksilver in the air, lethal and swift. Blood splattered across its surface like a Jackson Pollock painting, and you the artist.'
'Joel watched as a wide harlequin smile stretched across your plump lips and it made his stomach drop. The fingers that would gently brush through his curls now pushed into the man’s eye sockets.'
His Killer Queen
tags: smut, unprotected sex, PiV, overprotectiveness, falling in love, comfort & fluff, soft!Joel, intense & explicit descriptions of violence, angst, death/murder, talks of child/infant death, trauma, mention/reference to sexual assault, memory loss, ptsd, age gap, badass reader, swearing, jealousy, limited use of (Y/N), 18+ Minors Do Not Interact!
author's note: hello! i was heavily inspired by this great quote- ‘I don’t believe in the glorification of murder, I do believe in the empowerment of women’ . this is my interpretation of a multifaceted traumatized character in the last of us world. reader is in late her twenties. please read the tags, this is a mature story with upsetting themes!
word count: 6k & AO3 link
Boston QZ
“We can’t make it that far out without-,”
The old man watched the standoff with little interest as he puffed away at his cigar, the pair of smugglers before him both equally determined to make each other see reason. They had been going back and forth in a fiery manner, deciding if they could do this job. Tess huffed in annoyance, sometimes she wondered how she put up with Joel Miller. They had only recently decided to take up smuggling after Tommy ran off to join the Fireflies. This run and subsequent trade would help establish them as smugglers in Boston and make the necessary connections. 
“You guys scared or something?” Rick, their new contact, chuckled as he exhaled smoke.
Tess shot him a glare, sharp as a knife. “Sorry if I’m not excited to go into what’s been called the most densely populated area of infected asshole.” 
Rick put his hands up in mock surrender, “If you’re so worried about the infected, I got someone who can help,” he offered.
“We don’t need help,” Joel snapped, eyebrows furrowing over his eyes at the thought of even having to interact with another person. The last thing he wanted was to have to deal with someone who he didn’t know. No one could be trusted.
“If you want to make it back to the QZ alive you will.”
The finality of Rick’s tone made Tess lean in closer to Joel, speaking in a hushed tone. “We don’t know the area well enough, if this person is going to get us through alive we need that.” Joel, exhausted as he was, had no argument with that so he gave a terse nod in agreement. 
“I’ll let her know you’re on your way. She can be a bit of a character, but she’s a nice one....just don’t get on her bad side,” Rick warned before pushing a card with a small map of the QZ drawn in the middle. 
That’s how they found themselves waiting for their so-called ‘backup’, faces stoic and eyes narrowed to ensure they showed no signs of weakness. But on the inside Joel’s stomach twisted in nervous knots, anxiety making his fingers tingle as he thought about all the ways this could go wrong. His racing thoughts were interrupted by incoming footsteps, Joel’s hand going to his gun instinctively but it went slack the moment he laid eyes on you. 
Today was going to be a good day, you had decided. The water from the shower had actually reached a warm temperature, you had eaten a fresh peach this morning, a gift from your neighbor. The sweet taste had made nostalgia wash over you but you couldn’t quite place the memory which wasn’t much of a surprise. There were no clear memories of your life from before the Outbreak. Occasional flashes accompanied by migraines, a vague concept that you had indeed had a life but no names, locations, only blurred faces. There were only the days and years afterwards. Hoping today would only bring you good fortune and not another injury or scar to add to your collection you hummed under your breath looking forward to the prospect of going outside of the QZ, an opportunity for a new book or knick knack.
Joel wasn’t sure who he was expecting but it wasn’t a woman holding a metal baseball bat, an array of rings adorning your fingers. The early morning sun made you almost glow, the relaxed smile on your face curving the lightning shaped scar that ran from your cheek down to your soft jaw. The first thing you noticed about the man in front of you was his handsome features- proud nose and wild curls that kissed his ears. The plaid shirt he wore stretched across his broad shoulders and his stance exuded power. Then your eyes met his and the sounds of the QZ went quiet around you, the pounding of Joel’s heart no longer from anxiety. 
“Rick send you?” 
Tess’ interruption was intentional as she stepped in front of Joel, her voice taking a territorial edge. Both you and Joel blinked harshly, snapping back to reality and to the matter at hand.
“Yup,” your eyes flitted over to the woman who looked at you with only suspicion. 
“You got a name?” Tess asked. “I’m Tess and this is Joel,” she jerked her thumb over towards where he stood. Joel watched as you twirled your bat in your hand, bouncing it off the ground like a little game before answering- “People call me a lot of things- but I’m mostly known as Quinn. Something about some old comic book character.”
Tess was not impressed by your nonchalant manner, crossing her arms with a grimace. Joel on the other hand saw something different, a quiet confidence in your stance and by the way you held that bat he had a feeling you knew how to use it. It only took you a few seconds to assess them, satisfied by your intuition and the knowledge that you had the upper hand out there you beckoned them forward.
“We don’t want to waste time, let’s get going.”
“Wait, we're going now? We need to plan out the route-,” Tess tried to say. 
“You must have looked at the map Rick showed you, right?” you turned to face them, eyebrows quirked upwards. 
“We did,” Joel replied. You weren’t prepared for the sound of his rich Southern accent, it threatened to make you blush. 
“Then you know where you’re supposed to go. I’m simply the tour guide,” you turned to continue walking, leaving them no choice but to follow. As they made it to what seemed like their main exit out of the QZ they encountered their first obstacle. 
A man with a scraggly beard emerged from behind some plywood that covered one of the exits. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Just helping some friends through,” you replied easily. 
“You don’t have any friends,” he retorted.
“Haha. You got funnier since the last time I broke your nose,” you grinned and Joel felt his lips twitch in amusement against his will. 
“Watch yourself Quinn, you’re lucky Rick gives me a cut or I’d bash your pretty little face in.”
Immediately Joel felt his fists clench up unwittingly at the man’s words and Tess shifted uneasily. In a strangely calm manner you simply pointed your bat at his face- “Do it then.” 
Joel felt his heart start to race at the suddenly dangerous tone of your voice, a flash of fear going through the man's eyes. Visibly deflating in defeat he stepped aside, “Keep moving.”
“You’re the best!” 
“Fuck you.”
Turning back to Joel and Tess you gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up and they scrambled to follow you, keen to avoid conflict. Tess looked at you a little differently after that interaction, perhaps she had underestimated you. As they continued on Joel found himself trying to memorize every turn, crawl space and opening in fences that you led them through. It took them a while but the three of you had finally made it out into the ruins of the city. 
“FEDRA guards won’t usually come past here,” you pointed at two collapsed buildings that leaned against one another. “After this point we’ll find a variety of infected,” you continued to explain before the expression on your face turned serious. “Out here and in the city outskirts there’s bound to be gangs, raiders, people who won’t hesitate to kill you. You guys probably know that by now.” 
Even speaking those words you had to force yourself to take a deep breath. Infected you could handle...other people not so much. Joel stiffened at your words, guilt simmering in his stomach so he turned away. “So it's very important that you follow my lead from here on out. I don’t enjoy having to leave people out here.” Tess and Joel shared an uneasy stare at that.  
Joel tried his best to mimic your footsteps as you jumped over cordyceps vines, crouching and crawling in a graceful, practiced manner. Soon after that they had found the abandoned pharmacy which had been obviously picked though, but Rick had insisted there were goods to be found. 
“Not gonna give us a clue where we can find the stash?” Tess asked, pushing a desk over. Joel looked over at you as you sat on the counter munching on what seemed to be a piece of chocolate. 
“I’m just the tour guide,” you reminded them. Joel was actually surprised to see a flicker of mirth on Tess’ face before it became impassive again. It seemed everything was going to plan, the stash of medications was found and they were quietly making their way through a warehouse when an all too familiar click and sound of screeches met their ears- runners and two clickers closing in from either side. 
“I’ll leave you two to handle the clickers,” was all you said before you ran head on towards the runners with a determined glint in your eye. Joel and Tess had no chance to protest, guns and hunting knives coming out for the kill. 
Joel couldn’t help but stare in wonder once he had finished off the clicker, his heart pounding under his flannel both from the adrenaline and what he was witnessing. Your baseball bat looked like a flash of quicksilver in the air, lethal and swift. Blood splattered across its surface like a Jackson Pollock painting, and you the artist. It wasn’t just the force behind each swing but the agility you seemed to use to bring down each one. The infected that surrounded you didn’t stand a chance as you swung your bat into their knees making them crumple in half before you bashed their heads in with a grunt. He found himself wondering where you had learned how to fight like that while simultaneously entranced by your hair swirling around you like a halo. 
It was moments like these that you were transported back to the dark past that haunted you, where you had been forced to fight to the death against other prisoners. Those fighting cages where your captors would toss a few of you into the ring to see who would get bit or torn to bits by the infected that chased after you. Here though, you could fight those memories with every swing of your bat. Screams, blood, screeches, sound of tearing flesh, more blood- you were knocked out of these flashbacks when you rolled backwards, sending your bat clattering to the side. Much to Joel’s surprise he felt a surge of panic for you but with an ease few had, you rolled onto one knee, hand flashing with a knife you procured from a fold in your jacket. The knife went flying through the air and hit the runner dead in the eye sending it crashing to the ground. 
Once you regained your balance with a deep breath, you reached where its limp body had landed moving to grab your knife but something else caught your eye. “Nice,” you grinned. “Score!” you waved the copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the air, before running over to an out of breath Joel and shaken Tess. 
“You two good?” you tilted your head, concern evident in your tone. They exchanged a disbelieving look before letting out laughs of relief. 
“Yeah we’re good,” Joel sighed wiping the sweat off his forehead. 
“Alright then, keep up old man,” you winked at Joel, missing the glare Tess sent you. 
That should have been the end of it, they had secured a connection into the smuggling sector of Boston and made it back alive thanks to you. Tess had offered you a few ration cards upon your return but you simply waved your book insisting it was payment enough. You were a character alright, Joel thought. As the weeks went on the image of you fighting wouldn’t leave his mind. The juxtaposition of your soft smile, playful smirk, and violent display of skill replayed in his mind as he repeated the mindless tasks at his job site. There was a small sense of disappointment he desperately tried to ignore when you hadn’t joined them on another run but to his luck he began to encounter you on the occasional work assignment and daily life. He wasn’t sure what to make of you at first. He noticed that you tended to isolate yourself from the majority of the population, but everytime you approached him you seemed to genuinely want to engage in conversation. Had it been anyone else he would have told them to fuck off or sent them running with his signature glare. It had been your never ending supply of smiles and tangents on the most random of topics that began to soften his attitude towards you. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to his quiet nature, there were so many emotions lurking in his eyes and old smile lines that made you feel at ease. Somewhere in between your lively chatter and his occasional grunts of acknowledgement you had become friends. It wasn’t a partnership based on trades or acquaintanceship by sheer happenstance, you enjoyed spending time with him and Joel actually liked you. 
Joel knew he was treading dangerous ground when he felt an unfamiliar sensation of warmth in his chest when you’d call him ‘cowboy’ once he revealed he was from Texas. He would never voice these feelings, especially to Tess who he felt himself becoming more distant with. While the terms of their relationship were clear, sex between them had once been quite regular but ever since meeting you he couldn’t bring himself to think about that with Tess and it quickly tapered off. She voiced no opinion or objection on the matter even though she knew precisely why, both of them now focusing solely on smuggling. Joel thought that the no strings attached type of relationship was the only thing he would ever allow himself but every minute spent with you made his heart yearn for more. It terrified him and thrilled him in equal measure. 
Against his better judgment he found himself asking others about you, discreetly of course and under the guise that he needed to know more about a potential smuggling partner. Joel Miller understood loss; painful, world shattering loss that left one roaming the earth like a tortured soul. He also understood that in this new world, everyone would be forced to do things they’d never imagine doing, unimaginable things. None of this prepared him for what he learned. It was undisputed that you were a successful smuggler, that you were a force to be reckoned with inside and out of the QZ.  While many would say you had a penchant for violence, they could concede that you had some semblance of a moral code. This was clouded by the stories that followed behind you like a trail of smoke. Someone swore they had seen you fight your way through more than a dozen infected with just your silver bat and sheer will to survive, bathed in blood and gore. Others claimed you were prone to bouts of hysteria, going into blind rampages that had resulted in you killing some people in the last QZ you lived in. Some even claimed to know of stories of you as far back as the start of the Outbreak - “Heard she started to lose it after having to kill her own sister and brother when they got bit. Then she got captured by some slavers…you know how that went. Must have been enough since she sliced all their guts open. Left them out like some deranged warning.”  The stories only became more callous after that- “Got pregnant…not by choice of course. She killed it after it was born.” 
Joel never gave these stories much merit, people liked to make up stories since they had nothing better to do. The only one he could believe was you taking on all those infected, he had seen it himself. That all began to change after one night. Side by side you walked through the busy street, stifling back a yawn. You leaned closer to him as you told him about your day but something made you freeze mid sentence. Joel stumbled into you with an apology on the tip of his tongue until he followed your gaze. The soft babble of the baby, a flash of a memory- Sarah swaddled in his arms the night she was born, made his heart lurch. Babies were a rarity these days, not many were born in the QZ and even fewer survived. When he regained his senses he looked around to find you but you had disappeared. Following his instinct he found himself in a dark alleyway around the corner where he heard heaving sobs. There you were, arms wrapped around yourself and leaning against the wall as you shook from the panic that overtook your body. Before he could stop himself Joel had you in his arms, his strong arms anchoring your body. 
“I- I- my baby--,” you choked out incoherently, hands clutching your stomach as phantom pain engulfed your body and flashbacks made your head pound. It was a curse that your mind could not wash away the terrible memories of her loss like it had washed away the memories of your past life. Her birth was your biggest joy and her death was your greatest sorrow, one that had left you on the brink of madness. Slowly the drag of Joel’s calloused hands along your back began to bring you out of it, the flow of tears slowing and breathes returning to normal. 
“I know darlin’ I know,” Joel sighed against your temple, the term of endearment coming out naturally. He didn’t need to know exactly what had happened but now he understood. Tears gathered in his own eyes at the thought that you had gone through the same pain he felt after losing Sarah. Tethered by this shared loss, you stood there wrapped together in a blanket of grief. Burrowing yourself deeper into his arms you felt real comfort for the first time in years. 
The following day he spotted you in front of your apartment building, your eyes still red rimmed and vulnerable. He was uncertain of the way to approach you and when you caught his eye you bit your lip overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze. Eventually you tilted your heads towards a small bench nearby. After last night it was clear that something shifted in your relationship, what was a friendship was now on the precipice of becoming something else entirely. Something the two of you were not entirely sure how to approach.
“(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
Joel felt his heart skip a beat, emotion filling his chest and in return for the precious gift of your name, he grasped your cheek not caring who saw. He audibly gulped, struggling to put together these newfound feelings into words, so utterly terrified of messing it all up. 
“I don’t know how this will go. I can’t promise you that the QZ will always be safe, but I will be by your side and do everything I can to protect you,” he said, voice thick with emotion. “Fuck. I realize I can’t control anything and that’s why I’ve been so scared of getting closer to you but I want to try, try for us,” Joel finished. 
“I’m by your side, always,” you whispered back. A press of your forehead against his sealed this promise. There was no denying it, you were truly, madly and deeply in love with Joel Miller. 
The next few weeks went by as normal as normal could be for you and Joel. Days spent on trade runs, evenings wrapped in each other's arms or swaying to the sound of your eclectic record collection. He had even introduced you to Bill and Frank one weekend, wanting you to experience the delicacy of their cooking and the soft cotton sheets even if for one night. But normalcy never lasted forever. Not for you. Joel waited at your usual table at DeMarco’s bar, Tess shuffling cards beside him with a cigarette dangling from her lips. She didn’t even bother to start a conversation, saving her gossip for your impending arrival. Joel was beginning to get restless, wanting nothing more than to have you close to his side with a hand gripping your waist like a dragon coveting his treasure. He knew you enjoyed this, a smirk always gracing your features as he stared down anyone he caught eyeing you. The bell above the door let out its usual jingle but there was no dazzling smile or off kilter attempt at a joke. Tempestuous was the only way to properly describe the tight frown of your mouth, emotionless eyes and aura of danger. Anyone in your vicinity scattered hoping they were not the object of your ire. Joel managed to intercept you as you made your way towards the back of the bar, trying to whisper your name but it didn’t seem to register. 
“I know what they say about me,” you whispered, not able to meet his eyes. “They say I’m a monster, that I’m demented, but there’s worse out there…the ones who made me into this.” 
“Sweetheart what’s going on-.”
“I have to finish this.”
As if in a trance you slipped from his grasp, grabbing an empty beer bottle from a table, cracks beginning to stretch across its neck. There was only one thought in your mind, one purpose- to make him pay. Joel watched as you walked towards a man whose face morphed into sheer terror once he saw the bottle swinging towards his head. People jumped at the sound of shattering glass and the pained cries from the man made the hairs on Joel’s arm stand straight up. Joel tried to reach you but your words- I have to finish this and Tess’ grip on him kept him at bay. Taking advantage of your target’s shock you swung your fist at his face, relishing in the resounding crack. He cursed before sending a punch to your cheek that made your face whip sideways resulting in a violent struggle on top of one of the tables. Eventually you both rolled to the ground ignoring the sting of glass that pressed into your knees. You clutched his shirt in your hands to ground yourself for a moment. There was no doubt it was him, the man who haunted your dreams, the only one that had escaped you. 
“I thought- ugh- you were dead,” he choked out as blood spilled out of his mouth and you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. 
“I wish I was Travis but yet here I am,” you leaned closer. “I knew you were out there somewhere surviving like some roach. After I finished off your little friends-,”
“You slaughtered them-,” he tried to protest, another punch to his face shutting him up. In this moment all you felt was unbridled rage, all you could see before you was the man that had imprisoned and tortured you for years. Here was one of the men that had robbed you of any chance at a normal existence. 
“Do you understand what you put me through?” you hissed, digging your fingers into his neck feeling the muscles constrict as he desperately tried to suck in oxygen. “You and those fucking slavers destroyed the person I was. Made me kill other fucking people for your sick entertainment,” you pressed harder into his neck. A sudden flashback made you shudder- the contractions, all the blood, your screams of pain before her first breaths. 
“Then you took her from me, you made me kill my daughter. You thought you were a fucking saint for that, that it was a mercy letting me smother her instead of leaving her out in the blizzard.” Joel had managed to inch closer and it gave him the ability to hear every detail, his heart shattered at your words. It all became clear, the pieces of your tragic past falling together.
“Stupid crazy bitch,” Travis managed to choke out.
“I’m not fucking stupid!” you roared, giving him a rough shake. Travis’ pathetic whimpers were like music to your ears, satisfaction filled you as you watched tears pool in his eyes before cascading over his pale skin. 
“No- no don’t cry,” you cooed, smoothing your fingers across his eyelids. Joel watched as a wide harlequin smile stretched across your plump lips and it made his stomach drop. The fingers that would gently brush through his curls now pushed into the man’s eye sockets. A buzzing sound rang in your ears, drowning out the ear splitting scream of your abuser as you squeezed tighter and tighter. This went on and on until his body went limp beneath you, hands now soaked in crimson blood. Distantly you could hear the sound of someone vomiting, chairs screeching as people ran out of the bar in case FEDRA showed up. You didn’t even seem to register Joel as you stood up with a sigh. Tess pushed past the nausea she felt, gripping Joel’s arm trying to get them out of there but his eyes were latched onto you unable to look away. Taking a seat at a nearby table you took a demure sip of water, hand relaxed at your side with blood pooling down onto the ground. As if nothing had ever happened you began to hum along to the song that came from the jukebox. 
She’s a killer queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Motherfucker got his mind blown alright.
“Go, we’ll handle this and get her home,” the owner, Mr. DeMarco frantically pushed Joel and Tess out of the door before locking it tightly behind them. 
“Let’s go!” Tess cried and left with no choice; he let her drag him off. 
Back at Tess’ apartment, they sat at the table, statuesque in their silence as they processed what they had witnessed. 
“I don’t get it,” Tess finally spoke, running a hand through her hair. 
“What don’t you get?” 
“How you can want her,” Tess replied coldly. Joel’s head snapped towards her, indignation filling him to the brim. “Look I get it we’re not perfect, no one is. We’re all fucked up, but she’s-,”.
“Don’t say another fucking word-” Joel growled, pointing his finger at her in warning.  
“She’s twisted. Broken and twisted back into something barely human.”
Joel felt anger surge through his body at Tess’ words, the same ones so many others had said about you. None of them truly knew you or what you had been through, none of them had any right to judge you. 
“I'm sorry to say it Joel but someone has to.”
“You ain’t sorry about shit. You’re just like everyone else, thinking she’s crazy-,”
“She is! She’s not even afraid of dying! She practically welcomes it with open arms,” Tess slammed her hand on the table. 
“I’m not going to keep listening to this bullshit Tess. You don’t know her like I do. I know who she is,” Joel growled. 
“Does she even know what she is? At least I know what I am. I don’t put on this mask of sweet smiles before I go off and squish a man’s head in,” she snapped. 
“That is who she is, Tess. Don’t you get it? You think it’s some mask? A way to deceive people? You’re more blind than I thought,” Joel hissed. How could he explain to Tess that there was humanity in your hands that were bathed in blood? How could he put into words that for the first time since he had lost everything, he had found someone who truly saw him. Sending her a final glare he stood up and went out to find you hoping he hadn’t lost you. 
True to his word, Mr. DeMarco had somehow gotten you to your apartment. Guilt constricted Joel’s chest, he felt like a coward for allowing them to push him out and then running away from the bar, from you. Using the spare key you had gifted him he entered and there you lay limp on your bed, the blood from your hands staining the sheets beneath you. He knew there was no use in trying to get a word out of you, your eyes were open but there was nothing behind them. With care he didn’t know he still possessed he spent the next hour cleaning you up and tending to your wounds. Diligently he fished out the pieces of glass from your knees with a practiced hand. Joel made sure to ply you with plenty of water before getting you under the spray of the shower, careful to avert his eyes from your naked form. As he finished wrapping your bruised hands, the light slowly returned to your eyes as you lay swaddled in a blanket next to, pressing closer to him. 
“I’ll tell you that story one day. Not tonight but soon. I’ll tell you about the people who took me, what they did to me, what I did to them. Then I’ll tell you about her.”
Joel jumped in surprise not expecting to hear your voice tonight. There was no evidence in your tone that you were upset with him but a knot formed in his throat regardless. 
“Darling I’m so fucking sorry-,”.
“Don’t- Joel you have nothing to be sorry for,” you stopped him, getting up on your knees so that you were eye level with him. “I had to do that, there was no choice for me. The best thing you could have done was to let me do it and you did,” you whispered. The blanket that was once wrapped around you was beginning to slip from your shoulders.
“I shouldn’t have left you there alone,” he hung his head. 
“It was safer for you to leave if FEDRA had shown up. The DeMarco’s handled it though so I think we owe them,” you tilted his chin up. “Probably need to replace Manny DeMarco’s jacket, left a bunch of blood on him when he carried me back here,” you whispered, relishing in the flash of surprise in Joel’s eyes. His hands traveled up to your hips, squeezing the flesh there. 
“He carried you?”
Joel knew that Manny, Mr. DeMarco’s son, had harbored a crush on you for as long as they had frequented the bar and the thought of another man carrying you made jealousy churn in his stomach. 
“I know what you’re thinking Joel, but my act of vengeance probably scared him off for good poor kid,” you chuckled before your eyes filled with uncertainty. “Did I scare you off?” you whispered. Joel gripped you tighter, eyebrows furrowing in incredulity. 
“Scare me off? Baby no, fuck I was scared shitless watching you fight but I ain’t ever leaving your side. I promised you that and nothing you did changes that,” Joel presses you closer to him, your breasts pressing against his chest. The blanket was now slipping into dangerous territory and something began to simmer low in your stomach at his voice. The emotional weight of his words and reassurance of his love made you certain of this next step. 
“Joel,” you beg, hands clutching at his shoulders. 
The breathlessness of your voice, the way you shimmy the blanket off revealing yourself to him makes Joel’s mind go blank. He had always been intentional in making sure he never pushed your boundaries, the furthest thing you had welcomed was a deep kiss. Now his eyes roam over your body appreciating every curve, freckle, birthmark he can spot. Carefully his fingers trace the old scars, evidence of everything you battled in your life. He kisses a particularly rough one, an old brand mark over your rib making your eyes glisten with tears. 
“I haven’t- not since-,” you stammered, shaking those memories from your head.  
“I know,” Joel whispered, wishing he could find all those men who had hurt you and make them pay but he knew that you had already finished the job. You, his beautiful brave girl. 
“We don’t have to do any of this you know,” Joel whispered, hand coming to your cheek, stroking your lightning mark as he calls it. 
“I never had a choice with them and before the outbreak…I don’t remember if I even had any of this. But I want this, I want you. Please,” you assured him. That’s all Joel needed, hands coming to roam across your ass before rocking your soaked core across his clothed cock. The act made your head spin, wetness gushing out of you and nipples hardening. Before you could plead for more, Joel had carefully maneuvered you onto your back careful not to aggravate your wounds. Your mouth opened in wonder as he quickly removed his clothes before coming to hover over you. Joel hoped you weren’t disappointed in him but by the way you licked your lips hungrily any self consciousness disappeared. He wanted nothing more than to take his time with you, but you were making it clear you did not have the patience for that today. 
“Darlin’ let me at least open you up,” Joel kissed down your neck and you squirmed before nodding quickly. His thick fingers prodded at your entrance, your hips coming down to grind down on them. Joel cursed under his breath as he slipped one in before your greedy cunt practically begged for another finger, your cries mingling with his ragged breaths. Finally he felt you were prepared enough so he withdrew his fingers and aligned his hips to yours making you whine. 
“Inside me please.”
Joel moaned loudly into your ear as his cock pressed into you, giving you time to adjust as your cunt stretched to fit him in. He grasped the base of his length to keep himself from finishing too quickly at the sight of your head thrown back in pleasure, a keening cry escaping your swollen lips. 
“Fuckin hell baby,” Joel groaned before you pull him down for a bruising kiss. This was the most intimate you had ever been with someone, his forehead pressed against yours with every roll of his hips as he pushes deeper and deeper. The bed is thumping rhythmically against the wall, the lewd sound of your wetness and combined moans filling the air. Joel felt himself nearing his climax, so his thumb goes to rub your clit in tight motions making your back arch. It only takes a few more minutes of this before you gasp as if dunked into icy water. With a cry of his name your walls flutter around him practically choking his cock, delicious heat spreading across your body as your orgasm overtakes you. Joel barely has time to pull out, groaning as his come spills across your stomach making you moan at the eroticism of the act. You don’t think you’ve seen Joel so relaxed a smile overtaking his features which makes you blush.
“I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you Joel.”
Joel is dutiful as he cleans you, peppering your skin in soft kisses, and soon he is back in bed behind you. As your heartbeats settle there is a peaceful silence in the room, even the apartment building was void of its usual distractions. Moonlight washes over your naked bodies like a blanket, illuminating your sweaty skin. You thought you were imagining it at first but then the soft rumble behind you turned into words. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard, Joel was singing to you. His voice was like velvet tickling against your ears, the warmth of his hands relaxing your body until you drifted off into the ocean of dreams. 
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love-kurdt · 7 months
This is Me Trying (Mike's Version) (byler): 2
word count: 10,471
warnings for this chapter: maaaajooorrrr depression!!! brief sexual content, homophobia, underage drinking, panic attacks, driving under the influence, near-death experiences, suicidal ideation. this is semi-autobiographical so pls be kind <3
in short: if you are emotionally or mentally vulnerable, please dni.
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My eyes danced across the ceiling of Carter’s bedroom where, surprisingly, no one had come in and tried to kick me out. I detested popcorn ceilings. They were so… textured. Texture should not belong on ceilings. Maybe it was a good thing that things didn’t end up going any further with Carter, because then, I would’ve been staring up at a goddamn popcorn ceiling while Will Byers’ doppelgänger had his way with me.
I laid on my back with my skinny legs hanging off the edge of the bed, and folded my hands together over my stomach as I got lost in the travesty that was the popcorn ceiling. I tried to imagine that the endless expanse of polystyrene was actually just extremely puffy clouds, a bowl of cooked white rice, or freshly fallen snow that had recently been compacted together by a winter boot. My eyes trailed to the junction between the ceiling and the wall, which was adorned with a string of multicolored lights. I liked those kinds of lights, even if they kind of reminded me of the ones Joyce used to communicate with Will in the Upside Down. Over the years, slowly but surely, one of Vecna’s various torture mechanisms became simply Christmas lights again.
Fuck, Christmas break was coming up soon. I needed to get Nancy and Holly gifts before making the trek back to Hawkins. I hoped I'd have enough room in my car for everything, since I wouldn’t be returning after break. The realization hit me out of nowhere; since I no longer had a school to attend, I'd never have an academic “break” ever again. The last one I'd participated in was Thanksgiving, and I'd wanted to have one last memory of my parents being proud of me before I became the full-fledged failure of the family. It was evident, from the way Dad had made multiple homophobic remarks aimed directly at me from across the dinner table, that I'd already failed. I chose to keep my mouth shut about potentially dropping out, at the risk of making things even worse. Now that my college career was officially over, though, “Christmas break” would be just “Christmas” from here on out.
I wondered if Will would be back in town for Hanukkah. I hoped so. The holiday season would be different this year. I would get the fuck over myself and leave the house. I would repair my purposefully neglected friendships. And I'd finally get the chance to see Will again, face to face. Though chances were slim, maybe Will would hear me out. Maybe Will’s hatred for me had faded a little bit. I still couldn’t quite comprehend the complexity of what exactly happened within the past year, and how what I'd already assumed to be pretty damn bad became even worse, considering how well the new year started off.
As soon as I had arrived back at my dorm in January, I diligently thumbtacked the post-it detailing Will’s phone number on the wall above my headboard. I wasn’t normally someone who believed in karma, omens, manifestation, or any of that hippie crap (because I was obviously a realist and a pessimist by nature), but I truly believed that seeing Joyce at Melvald’s was fate in its finest form. Forgetting my school supplies (along with my reluctance to just go back home and grab what I needed from my room) resulted in essentially coming out to Will’s mother. And that was one step closer to getting Will back. Now, all I had to do was call that number.
The post-it stayed on my wall for three months. Elvis hadn’t mentioned or questioned it; we weren’t official, anyway, so I was free to see whoever I wanted. Except I didn’t just want to see Will. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Will. If only I could pick up the goddamn phone.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to call; I wanted nothing more than to hear Will’s voice enveloped in grainy audio. I longed for the day I'd get to say Will’s name out loud instead of just writing it. But I was waiting for the right time to do it. I couldn’t call in the morning, because Will had insisted for years that, in the words of his stepfather, “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation,” and refused to be disturbed before 9am. I couldn’t call in the afternoon, because Will would most definitely be in class, or at work if he had a job, or hanging out somewhere with his new friends, and I didn’t want to impose upon that. And I couldn’t call in the evening, because what if the conversation went south? I didn’t want Will to go to sleep angry or upset, especially at me.
In reality, no time was a good time. I knew that confrontation was inexorable, and whether it came across as offensive or not was dependent upon how the conversation began. I, ever the strategist, prepared myself for a multitude of scenarios, from worst to best case; it turned out that predicting all possible outcomes during a supernatural war would help me immensely in this process. Ultimately, I chose to pick up the phone and call Will on the least problematic occasion I could think of: the date was March 22nd, 1990– also known as Will’s 19th birthday.
I had parked myself in the middle of my mattress, sitting criss cross on top of my navy blue comforter. I'd pulled my phone, monstrous, pale yellow, and with a spiral cord, off of my bedside table and into my lap. It wasn’t the most comfortable of positions to be in, and my back was slightly killing me (hunching over a notebook for hours on end all day probably didn’t help either), but it was the optimal setup for either an hours-long phone call or for slamming the handset back in place and hanging up as soon as the other end of the line picked up. But I knew I wouldn’t ever hang up. Never on Will.
I drew my eyes up the headboard of my bed and onto the wall until they met the post-it, in all its glory. I inhaled so hard I thought my lungs would spontaneously combust from the pressure in my chest. I feared my heart would stop the second the dial tone emerged from within the earpiece. I knew I had to do this now, or I never would. I'd already procrastinated doing this for too long. I gulped, my finger hovering over the rotary dial, and tried my luck.
The ringback tone went through once, twice, and–
One of the Christmas lights in the otherwise dark room flickered, causing my body to snap up to attention. I rose to defend myself from any monsters in my vicinity, ready to fight the– woah, I stood up way too fast. I was, apparently, still quite intoxicated. I sat back down on the bed, eyes still glued to the string of bright, colorful lights lining the perimeter of Charlie’s… Christopher’s room? Whatever. It started with C. After a few minutes of engaging in a staring contest with a fucking lightbulb, I let my shoulders go lax. Tension that I hadn’t realized had built up released from my neck as I rested my head on my palms. I wasn’t in danger, not anymore. Well, at least, not in the paranormal realm of things. The only monster I'd have to fight was myself. 
More specifically, the raging… situation that had yet to go down in my obscenely tight shorts. Cadence had done a number on me, even though it only lasted for approximately zero-point-five seconds. I shut my eyes tightly, not sure of what to do. I could wait longer, and run the risk of being caught with a very obvious boner by someone if they entered the room unannounced… or I could make a run for it and try not to be sidetracked by anyone I knew.
I opened the bedroom door a crack and peeked through, and thankfully, it didn’t look like the escape would be too arduous. I rushed out of the room, pushing through the multitude of bodies in search of the exit. The room was extremely hot, likely due to everyone’s combined body heat and the space heaters stationed in the corner of every room, which made it difficult to breathe. I hadn’t been much of a fan of the cold ever since Will and I got stuck in the Upside Down during the Vecnapocalypse. We’d ended up staying there for longer than initially anticipated; having almost kissed at one point, I freaked out and ran away, stupidly tripping on a vine and causing an entire side-battle in the Upside Down, nearly ruining the Party’s chance to defeat Vecna. So, no, I wasn’t much of a fan of the cold, but right now, I needed to escape the sensation of molten lava that crept up and slowly wrapped around my throat. My eyes caught a glimpse of the front door, and relief flooded through my veins.
But that feeling was short lived, because a vine curled around my wrist before I could take another step. I whipped around to see that the vine was actually a hand, and noticed that I vaguely recognized the hand’s owner, who was a girl from my Quantitative Literacy class. “Hey, Mike!” she smiled. She had black hair, light brown eyes, and a septum piercing. She looked badass. Bitchin’, as El would say. However, her bright teal eyeshadow, even in the dark, served as both a boner killer and the source for my impending migraine. So it was a blessing and a curse, really.
I tried to remember the girl’s name, but didn’t want to disappoint her when I'd admitted to not knowing it, so I uttered a painfully generic, “Hey! How are you doing’? Good to see you!” and gave her a rather light, impersonal hug. She appeared to be satisfied enough with my greeting. She pulled me down by my shoulder so she could talk in my ear without everyone hearing over the music.
“My friend over there saw you earlier and was wondering if you were single,” she said, pointing over to a group of two guys and two girls who were all huddled on the sectional couch. I raised a quizzical eyebrow. This conversation could go one of two ways. I hoped I wouldn’t have to make it awkward, but then again, I knew I probably wouldn’t ever see her again after that night. So that made me feel a little better in that respect.
“Oh,” I hesitated. “Uh… which one?”
“Shoot, I should have led with that!” she laughed. I laughed along, but my voice felt hollow. Luckily, she didn’t pick up on it. “The one with the blue hair! Her name is Chelsea.”
I looked over at the group, and made eye contact with the girl with the blue hair. I watched as she blushed and looked away. She was shy. She looked sweet. Damn it, Mike, now you’re gonna break yet another heart. What is wrong with you? Why can’t you just be normal?
“She’s pretty interested, you know,” the Girl With No Name said, unknowingly twisting the knife that rested permanently in my stomach. The lava curling around my throat became even hotter, burning through my skin.
“Yeah, totally, uh… that’s so cool!” I remarked passively. And yeah, it was cool, in theory… but hopelessly incompatible in practice. I glanced at the door, then back at the girl before telling her, “I hate to break it to you, but I’m straight as a circle.”
“Wait, what?” 
“I’m gay, like, really gay.” I blurted, probably loud enough for the entire room to hear. I heard someone whistle, and a few others cheered me on, but I wanted to burst into flames. The girl stared at me, stunned at my sudden outburst, seemingly at a loss for words. I felt myself choking on air. I needed to get out of there, and quickly. 
“Okaygottagoseeya!” I forced out in a single breath, not leaving any time for a response from anyone before I bolted through the crowd and out the door, successfully fleeing the scene. Grass met the soles of my Chuck Taylors as I continued to run across the campus quad, my breathing quick, ragged, and uneven. The frigid December weather did nothing to soothe the burning sensation throughout my body, which by now felt like it was burning from the inside out. My feet loudly slapped the pavement below me, and I was proud that I hadn’t slowed down or stopped yet. If one good thing were to come out of my time at the University of Indianapolis, it was my improved stamina from all the sex. Well, that’s fucking sad… and kind of hilarious, I thought.
I sprinted a few blocks, not caring to look for any oncoming cars. If I got hit, cool. Awesome. I'd thank the driver as I bled out in the street. But no one came to take me out of my misery. So I kept running, and running, and running. My long legs screamed as my practically nonexistent muscles struggled to carry me. The prickly, thin air I breathed in through my mouth reminded me of the sensation when I'd chewed a piece of mint gum and drank water right after. It was so fucking cold, but I was so fucking hot. Like, there was sweat dripping down my face. Or were those tears? Was I seriously fucking crying again?
Up until last year, I had never been the type of person to openly cry. I wasn’t raised to share my feelings or emotions. That was part of the reason as to why I had been so uncomfortable with the prospect of going to therapy. I never opened up to anyone, because I hated the feeling of defenselessness, and even more so despised the idea of being seen as weak. I prided myself on being the “fearless leader” of the Party. For fuck’s sake, I'd been the one to stare Vecna down as I thrust a sword straight into his heart. I'd proven my strength as a leader time and time again. But what would happen when Mike Wheeler let his guard down?
It turned out that I didn’t have to let my guard down; Will broke it for me. Will’s departure broke the dam of emotional repression that I had worked so hard for years to maintain. I suddenly became unable to stop myself from crying. I'd always silently envied Will for being able to express his emotions so freely, but now that I could do so as well, albeit uncontrollably, I didn’t envy Will at all. I wasn’t sure how Will had done it for all those years; the migraines, the exhaustion, the dehydration… It was awful. And I felt even worse when I recalled all the times when I was the reason for making Will cry.
I had also gotten accustomed to panic attacks. I had my first one on the day Will left. My mom came into my room to check on me. I’d looked up at her with scared, red-rimmed eyes, and my shoulders violently shook as I hyperventilated. My mom swiftly jumped into action, meeting me where I was at, grounding me, and helping me come back to earth. She’d held me in her arms as I sobbed, comforted me, and didn’t pry. But… she knew. I could never express enough gratitude towards my mom for what she did for me that day. Little did I know, though, that it only got worse from there. The second one happened after The Phone Call™, which led to my initial downward spiral. The third one happened in Warren Blakeley’s car after I'd been drugged and assaulted at that one party. And the fourth one… ‘twas a-brewin’.
I found my car despite my impaired vision, nearly ripped the driver’s side door off its hinges with how roughly I opened it, and slammed it shut behind me. I collapsed my entire body weight against the steering wheel before letting out the loudest, most guttural scream that I hadn’t even been aware I was capable of. I reached my hands up into my scalp, pulling fistfuls of hair with my hands as my surroundings melted away. I genuinely felt like I was going to die. Everything I'd said, done, and experienced within the past year and a half had been slowly building up inside me, and this was me finally cracking under the pressure.
Dear Will, I hate you. Dear Will, you broke me. Dear Will, I crave you. Dear Will, why? Why, why, why– Dear Will, fuck you. Dear Will, go to hell. Dear Will, I’m sorry. Dear Will, I miss you. Dear Will, I love you. Dear Will—
I turned my keys in the ignition, and the engine came roaring to life. I lifted my head up to the rear view mirror, rubbed my eyes a few times, and took a look at my reflection. The person staring back at me looked absolutely horrendous. I looked as if I hadn’t fully slept through the night since 1983. And that wasn’t far from the truth; I could count on a single hand how many a good night’s sleep I'd had since the day Will was first taken by the demogorgon, and all of those times, Will was there, by my side.
I shifted gears and turned my headlights on, pulling out of my spot and drifting out into the street. I knew what I was doing was a bad idea. Driving drunk was, first of all, illegal, and secondly, dangerous to not just myself, but to others. But I couldn’t give less of a shit; I'd figured out what I needed to do. I slowed down to a stop at the red light of the intersection where I'd have to take a left to go home.
“When you’re… different, sometimes you feel like a mistake. But you make [me] feel like [I’m] not a mistake at all. Like [I’m] better for being different. And that gives [me] the courage to fight on. If [I] was mean to you, or [I] seemed like [I] was pushing you away, it’s because [I’m] scared of losing you, like you’re scared of losing [me]. And if [I] was going to lose you, I think [I’d] rather just get it over with quick. Like ripping off a Band-Aid.”
The light turned green, but I didn’t turn left. I tapped my fingertips against the center console, drove straight ahead, past the light, and turned on my right hand signal.
I swerved onto I-65.
“Hello?” a familiar voice answered. I felt my breath hitch. His voice was deeper than I remembered. It was like he’d gone through a second puberty, if that were even possible.
“Will! Hi!” I exclaimed, sounding far too enthusiastic for my own good. I waited for a reply, but could only hear Will breathing on the other end of the line. I went to speak again, but Will beat me to the punch.
“… Mike?” Will said my name in a tone that I could only label as nostalgic dread. Oh god, I shouldn’t have called him. I shouldn’t have called him, but I did, and Will was on the phone, and had just said my name for the first time in a year.
I reclined onto my comforter so I was lying on my back with my knees bent, wrapping the cord around my finger a few times as I spoke. “Yeah, um… I was just calling to wish you a happy birthday, and to tell you that I miss you.” Well, that was vague, Wheeler. You can do better than– “And love you. So much.” …that. Fuck. Too far.
I heard Will gasp, then try to cover it up by clearing his throat a few times before responding. “How’d you get my number?”
Friends don’t lie, so I told him. “Your mom gave it to me over Christmas break.”
Will exhaled. I’d always savored that sound, and would have been content if that was the last sound I'd ever hear. But… that specific exhale didn’t convey contentment; this one was laced with light exasperation. “She shouldn’t have done that.”
I begged to differ. She most definitely should have done that, and I would be eternally grateful that she did. In the eleventh hour, where all hope appeared to have been lost in the most abysmal Christmas break to ever exist, Joyce Byers saved my life. She’d given me a reason to keep on going.
“And you probably shouldn’t call me again.”
The color drained out of my face. My stomach churned with anxiety that seemed to exponentially increase by the second, and I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. This was the worst case scenario, but I didn’t think much of it. It was only a hypothetical, it wasn’t supposed to actually happen! Will was pushing me away. Again. But why?
“What have I ever done to you, Will?” I heard myself ask, my voice small. I felt like a kid again. At the end of the day, I was still a kid. I’d had to grow up too fast, a powerful disquiet having annihilated a majority of my childhood. I’d been so uncertain of where I’d end up after the war was over. And the one time I was sure of myself, sure of my feelings, and sure that Will Byers was my heart, I– 
“Enough. You’ve done enough,” Will’s voice, followed by the sound of the dial tone made my blood run cold. I set the handset back into its cradle, and continued to lay there on my twin-sized mattress, the rest of my body completely frozen. I felt my facial features involuntarily crumpling in upon themselves as the grief consumed me.
This had to be a nightmare. This couldn’t be real. I rarely prayed; I only did in life-threatening situations, where the probable end result was dying. But right now, I prayed the hardest I’d ever prayed in my entire life. Please, God, help me wake up. Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, whoever the hell you are, if you even exist at all… if this is real life, please kill me. I can’t live like this. After a minute or so, I opened my eyes. Nothing. I huffed a quiet laugh to myself; it was so typical of me to place responsibility on others, let alone God, to deal with my problems. I'd have to face this alone. I was always alone. And I fucking hated it.
I hated that I would never have Will in the way I wanted him, no, the way I needed him. I hated that I could never seem to get the closure that I believed I deserved. I hated that Will wouldn’t just be honest with me! You’ve done enough. What the fuck did “enough” even mean? Had I done something else? Did I do something other than that one time in August? Something during my first semester, or over Christmas break, that I couldn’t remember due to my steadily consistent, months-long intoxication? I couldn’t think of a single thing, which made me even angrier. 
I wished I could just… fall out of love with Will, or something. Maybe I could fall out of love with him. What was the worst that could happen if I picked up the handset again, and dialed the number written on that cursed post-it? What if I said to Will, “Actually, I don’t love you. That was just me being crazy”? Crazy together, that’s what would happen. I'd be reminded of the young boy who recognized his more-than-platonic love for Will; a version of myself that I could never get back; a boy who would call me out for lying to both Will and myself, because friends don’t lie. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that Will had hurt me badly enough to justify a grudge. At least I thought so. Then again, I hated grudges, and the person I became when I held them. Scratch that, I hated the person I'd become, period. I didn’t recognize myself anymore.
I'd started at the University of Indianapolis entirely heartbroken, but on the other hand, I'd finally discovered my identity as a young gay man. I met some new people, and fucked a lot more of them. But parties have to end sometime. I would lay in bed, covered in the sweat and cum of a random guy asleep next to me, and would get weirdly emotional when my mind would, as always, drift to Will. I’d sometimes close my eyes and pretend the guy was Will, and I'd fall for my own brain’s tricks, if only for a minute. After that minute was up, and I'd remember that Will hated my guts… I would drink. A lot. I was the life of the party… with a side of alcoholism. My temper got worse, my fuse got shorter, and my overall outlook on life became so cynical that I sometimes even contemplated dying, and not the kind of dying involving bones snapping and eyes exploding. But I'd never followed through with anything in my entire life, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to kill myself even if I wanted to.
The tears that previously poured out of my eyes like waterfalls had dried up, their presence remaining evident in the stiffness on the surface of my cheeks. I hiccuped, the sharp intake of air causing me to develop a cramp under my ribcage. I grimaced in pain, sitting up and lowering my feet to the linoleum floor. I shuffled to my wardrobe and opened it, sifting through some oversized sweatshirts, a windbreaker, and Will’s godforsaken yellow sweater before I found what I was looking for. It was over. This was it. I'd had my chance, and I lost Will for the third time in my life. I picked up the bottle of whiskey, unscrewed the cap, and raised it to my lips. Fuck Will Byers. Fuck everything.
The sun had traveled up and down across the horizon a few times following The Phone Call™ when I'd startled awake to a shrill ringing in my ears. I checked my alarm clock to see the time, and I rolled my eyes. I extended my arm out to grab the phone without having to move the rest of my body. “Bitch, I swear to God, you better be either pregnant or broken up with by Nathan, because it is two o’clock in the goddamn–”
“Mike. It’s El.”
I sat up then, my eyes wide with conviction. “El? Jeez, I’m so sorry for that incredibly blunt greeting. My friend Alex tends to call me around this time with all her latest life crises, so… I just kind of assumed.”
El hummed in understanding. “It’s okay. Let’s hope your friend Alex doesn’t actually get pregnant or broken up with, though.”
“Yeah, that would not be good,” I agreed with a laugh, leaning back onto my pillows and staring at the ceiling. I'd missed the sound of El Hopper’s voice. It had been way too long. “So, uh, what’s up?”
“I was hoping you’d be able to tell me,” El replied, and my reminiscing came to a full stop. Of course Will had called El. They were siblings who told each other everything. Even back when they were kids, especially after Joyce and Hopper finally got married, Will and El were joined at the hip.
“What happened?” she asked me, and I scoffed, lifting my free hand to run it through my hair, regretting it immediately when my fingers got caught in one of the many knots, since I hadn’t washed my hair in nearly a week.
“Wouldn’t it be counterproductive for you to hear the same story twice?”
“I want to hear it from your perspective,” El told me, and I clenched my jaw.
“Okay. Fine. Where do I start?”
“From the beginning would be great.”
So I told her. I started at the beginning, all the way back to when Will and El had just moved back to Hawkins in April of 1986. I told her about how Will and I hadn’t spoken for the whole six months that he’d been in California. I told her about how I had, in fact, written letters to Will; I'd just never sent them. I told her about the distance that Will carefully maintained between the two of them throughout the entire duration of the Vecnapocalypse, up until when we’d almost kissed in the Upside Down. I told her about how Will–
“And then a few days ago I called him to wish him a happy birthday and… El, I genuinely think he hates me. He hung up on me and… I don’t know. I don’t fucking know. I can't undo the past, and I can't get him out of my head.”
El remained silent for a few seconds, and I feared that our call might have been disconnected and I'd been talking to no one. But then, I heard the faint sound of El breathing, so I continued, “If any of this gets back to Will–”
“Why do you think I called you, Mike?” El cut me off, and I sat there in silence, unable to reply. “I called because I care, and because I want the best for both you and Will. Not just Will. I think you did the right thing letting him know you’re still there if he wants you to be.” Well that was… unexpected. And really kind, considering that this was the first time we’d spoken since she moved to Nashville. I truly had no idea why El still gave a shit about me after everything. I'd been a shitty boyfriend and a shitty friend, and these reasons alone were appropriate grounds to cut me out of her life. But El stuck around.
“Oh,” I whispered. “Thanks.”
“I just…” she trailed off. Oh no. What now?
“Just what?” I pressed, and I heard El sigh. Greeeaaaaat.
“I just think you shouldn’t have called so soon.”
“So soon?” I repeated, horrified. “El, it’s been seven months since I last spoke to him! When do you think should I have done it?” Should I have waited until we were out of school for the summer? Should I have waited until we were both out of college? Should I have waited until Will had forgotten about me?
“You should have let him call you,” El said to me, her voice strangely calm. “Or not called him on his birthday of all days. I don’t know, I’m just throwing ideas out there.” Yeah, no shit. I reached over to my bedside table again to pick up the bottle of whiskey, which still had about half left, and took a gigantic gulp, instantly regretting it when it scorched my esophagus.
“I don’t see how the fuck this is helping, Eleven,” I spluttered, wiping my mouth roughly with my sweatshirt sleeve. Sometimes, I wished El’s powers extended beyond telekinesis and telepathy, and, like, contained the key solution to all of my problems. That would be ideal. But no, she had to be all vague and mysterious and just throw ideas out there.
“Okay, well, if you want to be that way, then fine,” El’s tone turned cold. “I highly recommend you consider hashing it out in person.” She had no idea what she was talking about. The Will she had spoken to must have been a figment of her imagination, because Will had made it abundantly clear that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. As far as I was concerned, I'd never see Will again. But then El spoke once more. “I hope you and Will can eventually get your heads out of your asses and admit that you still love each other.”
With that, the line clicked, and I was alone with my thoughts. Or rather, one lone phrase, as the rest of my mind faded to nothingness: You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. You still love each other. Those words played on a loop in my mind as I finished off my bottle of whiskey. From that moment on, “sobriety” and “Mike Wheeler'' would not appear in the same sentence, not until—
Woaaaahhhh! Livin’ on a prayer!!! The key change of the Bon Jovi song woke me back up with a start. This had already happened a few times, but thankfully, the loud rock music on Will’s mixtape would startle me awake each time I nodded off behind the wheel.
I concluded that I couldn’t blink anymore. Though my eyes were incredibly dry, due to lukewarm air blasting through the vents and directly hitting my corneas, blinking would cause my heart rate to lower and the rest of the world to move in slow motion. If only for a few seconds of my life, I'd trade out the mental torment, the anger, and the loneliness for tranquility, quiet, and warmth… then my eyelids would droop closed.
I pressed my foot a little harder on the gas pedal, trying not to get distracted by the corn fields that seemed to sway to the music with me. Hopefully I would get my third wind sooner than later (my second one was fleeting, and died out as soon as it began). The sun was coming up, which was definitely going to help keep me awake. The song ended, followed by a few seconds of suspended quiet between songs before a familiar guitar riff met my ears.
“Oh, fuuuuck me. Goddamnit,” I indignantly announced to the universe, gripping my fingers tighter on the steering wheel. The voice of Joe Strummer began to shout alongside the wailing electric guitar. Now, I was very awake. My mind became a film reel, playing back memories I thought I'd blocked out a long time ago.
Darling you’ve got to let me know / Should I stay or should I go? 
Once everyone had been debriefed on what was happening in Hawkins, Will and Jonathan immediately went to work on making customized mixtapes for everyone. I sat on my father’s La-Z-Boy in the living room and watched in awe as the brothers put their minds together and churned out each tape as if it were second nature. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of Will’s extensive musical knowledge, for one, as well as the strong sibling bond they shared. Having grown up surrounded by sisters, I often felt like the odd one out. My parents shamelessly and openly favored my sisters over me, which further excluded me, whether it was intentional or not, on their part. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if they ever found out I was gay. That would be a disaster.
If you say that you are mine / I’ll be here till the end of time.
While Will and Jonathan were out getting more cassettes, I got a hold of and sifted through everyone’s handwritten lists. I had no idea Dustin enjoyed metal music so much; most of his list consisted of songs by Black Sabbath and Metallica. It wasn’t much of a surprise to me, considering how much of an impact Eddie Munson had made on the two of them. I still couldn’t believe he was gone. Part of me refused to accept it. Eddie could still be alive. He was just in the Upside Down somewhere. We could still save him. There was still time. There had to be time. My subconscious must have known I'd needed a distraction from the subject of Eddie— not dying— yes, dying, because I found Will’s list. To me, this list was a small glimpse into Will’s mind, so I decided to memorize it. I'd do anything to get closer to Will, even if it meant racking my brain in the process.
“You like my mix?” Will’s deep vocal timbre demanded my attention, and I swiveled my upper body around to see Will leaning over my shoulder, his hands planted on either side of me on the back edge of the chair. When did he get back home? That didn’t matter, because Will’s arms looked amazing in my blue and yellow striped shirt, stretching the short sleeves in all the right places. Was that a vein on his bicep? I gulped loudly, becoming flustered at our very close proximity. God, I needed to get ahold of myself. Pining over my best friend like this was not—
“I can make you a copy if you want,” Will said, and my eyes lit up in surprise. Will would really do that for me? I realized then that I hadn’t said any actual words during this entire interaction, and borderline blushed at the thought of Will rendering me speechless, but I needed to talk. Now.
“Really?” I asked, and Will nodded. “That would be amazing! Thank you!”
“Of course. I’ll have that ready for you in about an hour,” Will smiled, pulling out of my space, but not removing his hand from the recliner. I took this moment to shift in my spot to face Will, placing my hand atop my friend’s before he could walk away. Will turned back in my direction, eyes frantic yet welcoming. 
“You’ve always had the best music taste of the Party. I’ve missed it,” I had a sentimental streak, what could I say?
“You have?” Will squeaked out, seeming surprised at my confession. 
“Uh, of course! Why wouldn’t I have missed it?” I asked, and Will shrugged.
“I dunno, just… you’ve always liked synth pop stuff more than punk rock. Like, your first song on your list is ‘Smalltown Boy’ by Bronski Beat… which I’m not entirely shocked by? But I always thought you liked that kind of stuff over my taste.”
“Well, you thought wrong, Byers, because your music has always been my favorite to listen to,” I quipped, my voice infected by my ever-growing grin. “You taste top tier.”
Wait, did I just… What did I just say? I said, quote, “You taste top tier.” As in Will Byers, as a person… tasted top tier. What if… My mind meandered into treacherous territory as I wondered what Will tasted like– NO! Not now! I was just about ready to pass away right then and there. I could just imagine my headstone; Here Lies Michael James Wheeler. Cause of Death: Inability to Formulate a Fucking Sentence.
“Oh, do I, now?” Will raised an eyebrow, a smirk lifting a corner of his gorgeous mouth. I nearly fell off the chair. Could my egregious mistake have given me a little bit of leverage in the flirtation department? Will seemed to think so.
I played it off casually with a simple, “Yeah.”
“Cool,” Will remarked, placing his other hand over both of ours, sandwiching my hand between Will’s palms. So Will liked being (accidentally) flirted with. Note to self, I thought, fuck up more often.
I smiled so big that my mouth nearly fell off my face. “Cool.”
So you gotta let me know / Should I stay or should I go?
It was the summer of 1989, and all was well. Hawkins was no longer nationally renowned as an extra-terrestrial hybrid between earth and hell, but simply as a small town in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. It was the summer of 1989, and I was lying on the basement couch with my legs hanging off the edge. My eyes were closed, and I wore my headphones which were attached to my Walkman, playing Will’s mixtape on repeat, just as I had from the second it fell into my hands back in 1986. I felt the thumps of the opening and closing of the basement door, followed by light footsteps treading down the stairs. I cracked a singular eye open, but opened them both fully when I registered that it was Will who was entering my space.
“Mike, we’ve gotta talk.”
It's always tease, tease, tease / You're happy when I'm on my knees 
“Okay, what’s up? Are you–” I sat up, pulling my headphones fully off my head and resting them around my neck. Then I saw the look on Will’s face. He looked livid.
One day it's fine, and next it's black / So if you want me off your back / Well, come on and let me know / Should I stay, or should I go?
“What the fuck are these?” Will spat. My eyes widened at what Will held in his hands. How did he–
“SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO NOW!!!” I cried out, cranking the window down with my free hand and letting the wind rush through my long, black hair. My sobs broke into a maniacal, rueful laugh as my hair violently whipped into my eyes. I lifted my left hand and extended it out the driver’s side window, feeling my fingers being forced apart and back together by the rippling sea of oxygen and carbon. Rock bottom felt like the top of the world.
“IF I GO THERE WILL BE TROUB-ALLLLLLL,” I yelled through the thick strands, spluttering a bit as some pieces made their way into my mouth. I tugged them away, but to no avail, as the wind obviously had a mind of its own, but I continued on with my tirade of near-incoherent screeching, face full of loose curls. “AMIFF I SHTAY ISHWILLBEE DUBALLLL!”
The road took a slight bend, and I obliged to the demands of the pavement. The sun was bright enough that it burned into my retinas. I pushed my hair out of my face once more to view the scenery, only to be met with a pair of bright yellow headlights belonging to a tractor trailer. Only now did I perceive the loud noise of the truck’s horn; my car radio had been blocking it out. I also noticed that I was in the opposite lane, and about to collide head-on with the trailer if I didn’t move fast enough,
With enough adrenaline to fuel a thousand demodogs, I swerved to the right and dodged the truck with only seconds to spare. I took a moment to process the fact that I could have died. I knew my hands held the steering wheel, and my foot was still on the gas, but the rest of me was thoroughly detached from reality. “Should I Stay or Should I Go” blared on through the speakers, but I could only feel the vibrations rumbling from the floor of the car. I could have died, but I didn’t. But I felt my heart stop, and it felt simultaneously comforting and cataclysmic..
I knew that I couldn’t continue on, not like this. As if the road could read my mind, a small lookout area appeared within my vicinity, and I took this as a sign to pull over onto the shoulder to regroup. I parked my car, turned the music down, and clasped my hands in my lap, waiting a few more seconds before turning the car off, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the door.
The actual sun had begun to rise. The air was crisp, and the wind chill slightly nudged it into even colder temperatures, sending a shiver down my spine. I hastily cowered back into the lingering warmth of the vehicle, searching the passenger side for… there it was. I pulled a crimson colored University of Indianapolis sweatshirt from behind me and shoved it over my shoulders, zipping it up. I did a double take at what the block-style letters spelled out, rolling my eyes and laughing bitterly to myself at the sheer irony. I continued to laugh as I opened the car door once more, heading towards the lookout.
I stood at the top of a steep cliff, guarded by a rusty guard rail that looked like it would fall apart with the next gust of wind that hit it. The trees below me were bare, their branches contorting every which way, slicing the air around them like an army of spears. Beyond the line of trees I could see the miles-wide stretch of farmland, and the miniscule house that sat on the corner of the property, chimney smoking. In an atmosphere as peaceful as this one, I stood idly at the edge of the lookout, thinking about how this would be a beautiful place to die. If I were to lift just one leg over the rail…
Mike, don't do it! I don't need my baby teeth, twelve year old Dustin’s voice echoed from the back burner of my mind. Seriously, don't do it, man! Of course my thoughts traveled back to that time at the quarry. How could I ever forget? Even as a child, I'd been completely wrecked without Will. If this memory proved anything, it proved that history repeats itself.
Dentist's office opens in five, young Troy’s voice began, and I glanced down. This time, I wouldn’t be able to turn back. Four… This time, El wouldn’t be able to save me. Three… This time, no one would be there to grieve for me. Two…
“What are you doing, Mike? Is this a joke?”
“No, Will, I’m in love with you.”
“Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. You don’t mean it.”
“But I did mean it!!!” I screamed into the silence, startling a flock of birds below. I lifted my hands up to my face, covering my bloodshot eyes. I heaved out a low growl, raising my voice until it hit the top of my range, cracking with an agonizing shriek. “I meant all of it! I love you! I always have! Fuck, Will, why couldn’t you just see that?!”
I let out a quiet sob, but no tears followed; I'd cried the rest of them out over the course of the past few hours. My throat felt like it had been rubbed with coarse sandpaper. I took a step back from the ledge and kicked a few of the rocks at my feet, watching them fall. I decided I didn’t want to die that day; not by alcohol poisoning, not by tractor trailer wreck, and not by jumping off a cliff. The only way I could die was if I did all I possibly could to get Will back. I turned my back on the trees, briskly walking back to my car.
I’m gonna make sure you, William Jacob Byers, know that I meant every single word.
About half an hour later, I walked into the convenience mart of a gas station. My hangover headache was beginning to form, and my intermittent yawning had become more and more frequent, so I figured some coffee would solve both of those problems. I stopped at the entrance, looking down at the stack of newspapers to my right. I recalled myself making a mental note back at the frat party to check my horoscope, so I leaned down to pick one up, searching for Aries when I found the page.
December 15th, 1990: Do expect some appreciation for the efforts you've put into recent days, dear Aries. However, do not get your hopes too high, because your actions may not lean towards gratification if you expect too much.
Well, Chicago Sun Times, it’s a little late for that, I thought, tossing the paper back onto the pile and walking to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water, and then to the coffee station. I filled a cup and dumped about seven packets worth of sugar into it before capping it off and heading to the register.
The clerk behind the counter, an older man, looked like he'd been having the best goddamn morning of his life. He beamed from ear to ear, and I could feel the positivity radiating off of this man from a mile away. When I got closer, I noticed a singular studded earring on his right earlobe.
“Hi, how’s it going?” The man smiled at me, crows feet forming in the outer corners of his eyes. I tried to mirror the expression, but failed miserably.
“It’s going,” I sighed, setting the water and coffee down on the counter and watching the clerk type in the prices on the register.
“Looks like it. You look rough, kid,” the man sympathized, pulling the money I slid onto the counter towards him and counting the bills. I shifted from foot to foot, anxiously waiting for the cashier to hand me my change so I could get out of there.
“Wanna talk about it?” he quirked an eyebrow, and I stopped my fidgeting. I looked up at the clerk, took a deep breath, and–
“Yeah. God, you don’t know the half of it. So I’m gay, right? And, like, that’s cool. And I’m in love with this friend of mine who I’ve known since kindergarten. He’s… he was my best friend. For years. And we went through this major thing that nearly killed us, but somehow it didn’t, and that was great, because then I was able to tell him how I felt. Right? Wrong. So, like, he moved to fucking Chicago without any kind of warning, or maybe, I don’t know, a Hey Mike, you hurt me because you said or did A, B, and C, and this is why I’m leaving. Something that could represent ‘the end’ to me. Because I’m not that great at picking up on when to quit beating a dead whore– horse. Horse. Jesus. I’m not beating any whores, I promise. But anyway, I went to U of Indy, and that was fan-fucking-tastic, because I was finally okay with who I am. I’m pretty good at the gay thing, and other guys seemed to really dick– uh, dig that. And by that, I mean, well… you can put two and two together, right? Right. Okay. So, even when I was with all these guys, I always thought about Will. All the time. He’s a part of me, you know? I couldn’t imagine life without him. So when I called him up on his birthday in March, which was about seven months into the not-talking-to-each-other thing, which I never signed up for in the first place, he basically told me to fuck off and never speak to him again. And then I realized I had to live without him, so I kind of spiraled, and now I can’t fucking sleep without drinking, and I can’t function without some form of physical touch from another man, but I’m never fucking fulfilled because it’s not Will who’s doing the physical touch, and I fucking love him, and I need him more than he needs me, and now I’m fucking driving to Chicago to find him and… Oh my god, I literally just poured my heart out to a stranger. I’m still kind of loopy. I’m so sorry.”
“That you did. I’m happy to listen, though,” the cashier merely chuckled, waving his hand in friendly dismissal. “You’ve really been put through the wringer, kiddo.”
“Well… thank you,” I softly smiled as I took my change from the counter, and shoved it into my pocket before turning around in preparation to leave.
“Best of luck in your travels! Go get your man!” the clerk called after me, and I laughed as the glass door slowly fell shut behind me.
Pulling onto the campus of the American Academy of Art was not something I had expected to be on my Sunday agenda, but here I was, pulling into a visitor parking spot next to the Admissions office building. I got out of my car, slamming the door, and smoothing my jeans over my thighs, feeling slightly self conscious about how they’d been crumpled up in a ball in my back seat after my most recent midnight excursion with Wyatt Bowman. Although, if I were being honest, anything was better than those denim cutoffs. Especially considering the mission I was currently on. Speaking of.
At first glance, this was not a traditional campus. There was not a single quad to be seen. There were no outdated buildings or directories, let alone any form of indication of a college campus, aside from the little rectangular flags with the school’s logo that hung from every other lamppost lining the sidewalks. All of the academic buildings were dispersed amidst other buildings belonging to different businesses and companies within a specific limit of blocks, which would make it much more difficult for me to figure out where the hell Will could even be within this organized chaos. I figured it would make the most sense to head into the Admissions office building first, so I could at least get a map.
The interior of the building was bright, with students’ art framed along the walls. I walked over to the nearest painting in the room, pausing to admire the work. There was a Monet-inspired landscape closest to the door, and a cubist portrayal of a still life stationed beside it. I could see why Will chose this school. They cultivated the talents of their students and turned them into true artists. Nothing could have prepared me for the next piece that caught my eye.
It was me. Fuck, it was me; large in scale, vibrant, and full of life. I held my breath and stared back at the incredibly detailed, realistic portrait. I knew I didn’t need to look at the label that was tacked to the bottom of the painting to know whose work it was, but I couldn’t help myself. My eyes dragged downward and nearly passed away when I read the title: William Byers (b. 1971), “The Heart” (1989). Oil on Canvas. My chest swelled with pride, but quickly deflated at the looming, deafening voice in my head that routinely reminded me of what I'd lost. But that’s where everything stopped making sense.
The label stated that Will had painted “The Heart” in 1989, the same year that Will left me without turning back. He’d begun attending the American Academy of Art in September of that same year, leaving only three and a half or so months of the semester to complete the painting. So why would Will, after he completely erased me out of his life, still refer to me as the heart? And which heart was Will referring to? His own, or the one he’d shattered? I hadn’t realized I'd zoned out, so when a middle aged lady appeared next to me, I nearly leapt out of my skin. Her outfit, a floor length dress paired with a shawl, made her look quite ominous out of the corner of my eye.
“This is one of my favorites,” the woman stated.
“Yeah… mine, too,” I hummed, unmoving. 
“Have we met?” she began, but didn’t give me a chance to reply. “Perhaps you’re one of my lecture students, I can never quite put a name to a face. But I must say, you look quite familiar,” she told me, turning back to the painting with her arms crossed over her chest, deep in thought.
“Probably because I’m the guy in the painting, heh.”
“Oh gosh, silly me!” the woman exclaimed, flushing red as she put a palm to her forehead. “I didn’t even make the connection! So I assume you’re close with the artist, then?”
“Yeah, I know…” I began, then cut myself off with a grimace. “Knew him.”
“How nice!” Luckily, she didn’t pick up on my vacant expression. Instead, she continued on, “If you’d like, I can connect you with some students if you’re interested in touring the school.”
“Uh, no thank you, ma’am, that’s alright. I was just wondering if I could have a map if there’s one available?” I asked, and she nodded, turning on her heel to open a drawer of the front desk.
“Of course! And no need to call me ma’am, Miriam works just fine.”
“Well, thank you very much, Miriam,” I smiled at her as she handed me two pieces of color-coded, glossy paper; a campus map, and a map of Chicago.
“You’re very welcome, Mike. And when you see him, tell Will that I ordered those brushes he needed.” I didn’t recall ever telling her my name, or mentioning Will in our short conversation, but I became hyper aware of the fact that Miriam likely knew something I didn’t. Will had evidently told her about me. Apparently it wasn’t too slanderous, though, so I felt cautiously optimistic.
“Um… I… okay,” I rushed out, backing out the door as politely as I possibly could. “Thanks! Bye!” As soon as I was out of the Admissions office building, I ran down the street. I was so close to finding Will. Now, all I had to do was find the dorms.
I looked down at the map in my hands, then up, trying to find the building number, then back down again to confirm if I was even on the right street. The map said the boys’ dorms should be there, but all I could see was a brick wall in front of me. I was just about to rip all my hair out before I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned to see two girls looking up at me, concern etched on their faces. One of the girls wore a ski hat over her blonde hair, paired with a pink windbreaker, while the other girl donned a sherpa denim jacket and a beanie that still allowed her to show off her impressively long box braids that cascaded down to her hips.
“Hey man, are you okay?” Sherpa Girl asked. My gaze traveled down to notice our intertwined hands and I blinked, looking back at the two girls and nodding. At least I was amongst friends. I gripped onto the map in my hands for dear life, hoping they’d just leave me be so I could be disorientated in peace.
“Yeah, fine. I’m fine,” I shook my head, forcing out a smile. “Thank you though.”
That didn’t seem to cut it for Sherpa Girl, because she shared a knowing look with Windbreaker Girl. “Do you think he looks fine, babe?” she looked up at me with narrowed eyes. “I don’t think he looks fine.”
“No,” Windbreaker replied to her girlfriend, “He most definitely does not. Also, he shook his head ‘no’ while saying he was fine, so… busted.”
“Okay, what of it?” I waved my hands around in the air in frustration, pacing in a small circle before returning to face the two girls. “I’m just walking around this… very complicated campus.”
Windbreaker let out a giggle at that, leaning into Sherpa’s shoulder to muffle her laughter, which melted my heart a little bit.
“You’re obviously lost, dude,” Sherpa pressed. “At least tell us what you’re looking for, maybe we can help you.”
I let out an exhale of defeat, awkwardly shoving my hands in my sweatshirt pockets. “Any chance you know of a guy named Will Byers?”
Sherpa’s worryful expression shifted as she exclaimed, “Oh yeah, Will? He’s the cleric in our D&D club!” My brain short-circuited at the weight that sentence held.
“…He still plays D&D?”
That was when Windbreaker Girl’s eyes widened in recognition. “Wait… are you Mike?” I felt like I was being charged with a crime, but I nodded anyway. “Thee Mike? As in Mike Wheeler?” she asked again, and I couldn’t refrain from feeling a bit embarrassed by the implication that her vocal inflections gave off.
“Unfortunately,” I muttered, but was completely caught off guard when Sherpa did a little jump in place, her face splitting into a wide grin. Wait a minute. They didn’t despise me? I was so confused.
“No. No, this is great!” Sherpa elaborated, letting go of Windbreaker’s hand in order to reach into her purse. Huh? “I’ll give you his address.” Oh.
“He lives off campus with our friend Kate, but she’s usually at work all day on Sundays,” Windbreaker explained while Sherpa found a fancy, expensive-looking art pen and scribbled the address onto a grocery receipt. She handed it to me. I read it, then had to read it one more time to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. 7 Maple Street, Chicago, IL.
I gulped loudly, peeling my eyes away from the piece of receipt paper. I nodded in thanks, as no words seemed to come out of my mouth when I attempted to speak.
“My name’s Ivy, by the way, and this is my girl Hannah,” Sherpa– Ivy– said, wrapping an arm around Windbreaker– Hannah’s shoulders, pulling her into her side as they walked past and away from me. “Tell Will we said ‘you’re welcome’!” I heard her call back to me. I wouldn’t even try to decode what the fuck that meant.
I eventually found my car after wandering around aimlessly for a few more minutes than I'd have liked to admit, and landed in the driver’s seat with a thud. I pulled the map of Chicago out of my pocket and dug in my middle console for a pen, locating Maple Street in seconds. It was about a fifteen minute drive away. Okay. I could do this.
As I drove, I thought about what to say. How could I even begin to explain why I was there, on Will’s doorstep? How could I justify my batshit insane motive? I got drunk for a year and moaned out your name while hooking up with a guy named Carter? I was driving under the influence and decided to come to Chicago instead of going home? I almost killed myself on multiple occasions on the way here, but made it out alive just to tell you that I love you? I groaned. I didn’t want to be a stuttering mess, so I figured I'd at least try to plan out my… speech. But I had never really been much of a planner in respect to my social life. Give me a few monsters, and I'd be golden. But my crumbling social life was far from an apocalypse, and Will was no monster. I'd just have to wing it.
Will’s house was pretty. It was a small Cape Cod style, yellow with blue shutters. It had a small plot of grass in front, with a few stairs leading up to the doorway. The doorway that I stood in, lifting my knuckles to the door.
I knocked.
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Two Choices
I’m gonna change the name I promise. Please send suggestions.)
Chapter 6
Pairing: Eris x reader x Azriel
Summary: The future wife of Eris never cared much for mating bonds, she had spent years in love with Eris and when Beron finally died they could be together. He has full intention to make his love into his High Lady until at a party meant to celebrate Eris’ reign the girl finds herself finding her mate, Azriel.
Warnings: Slight smut, angst, azriel is literally toxic/manipulative and i was going to say kind of abusive but he literally is lol. This chapter contains smut with Azriel (its consensual) and there is a cut off with the warnings for the scene. This will be the only smut scene with Azriel.
Word Count: 4283
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One week before Cardan’s conversation with Eris
I’d slept in Azriel’s room for the past month but we both decided to keep my things in my old room in order for me to still have my own space. 
I also felt kind of happy because over the past month after our fight when I went out to the game night he let me go on monday to the dinner, as long as he was the one to bring me there and pick me up. As well as the fact we’d only fought once since then, he’d gotten mad at me when I didn’t go to a girls hangout the Inner Court girls had that I had no idea about. It wasn’t bad, but thankfully Feyre confirmed I didn’t know because they didn’t invite me like Azriel asked them to.
Since then we hadn’t fought though, instead I’d been showered in gifts and affection. He’d brought me different necklaces and earrings, he got some bracelets at first but quickly learned I didn’t enjoy them and preferred necklaces.
He’d also become more physically affectionate, usually always having an arm around me or holding my hand. He would leave kisses on my head in public while in private kissed me on the lips and neck. They’re was a few times he kissed my hand as well.
The only times I’d been left alone were when Azriel had to go on missions but he convinced Rhysand to not make them longer than a day.
I laid on my stomach on his bed as he searched for a certain book in his collection I wanted to borrow. A book about a human man who was a sociopath and hated women, fun book.
I watched him as he searched for it, before pulling out a red book, “Got it.” He said before walking over to me. I flipped over to my back as he dropped the book on my stomach, I immediately went to pick it up and read the back.
While I read the back Azriel moved my body to lay on his chest, making it a little hard to read it but I managed. When he finished moving me he layed a kiss in the top on my head.
“Thank you,” I said, excited to read the book since I heard about it. I loved reading about people’s mindsets like this. I leaned more into his chest, he moved my head with his fingers to give me a kiss.
I’d grown a lot more comfortable around him, even seeking his comfort out myself. As much as I hated to admit it, recently the days he was gone I felt empty. Like I didn’t know what to do when he wasn’t there. When he was gone I normally just sat in his room reading, not knowing what else to do. I couldn’t go out with my friends as he wasn’t there to bring me or pick me up and I didn’t want anyone in the Inner Court to do it. So I just sat until he came back.
Azriel sat himself up a little more to wrap an arm around me and rest his head on my shoulder, “Aren’t you going to read it?”
I’d learn to pick up on hints, by his tone and how he pulled on the bond I could tell he wanted me to have my attention on him at the moment. As much as I wanted to read the new book I was more concerned in listening to what he was hinting, wanting to keep him happy because everything was calm when he was happy.
I placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll read it later.” he smiled at that before grabbing a large blanket to wrap around the two of us.
He began to tell me about the mission he’d be going on tomorrow, I knew it was coming up but I didn’t want to think about it. It’d be two days long, which meant I’d be alone for two days. He’d mentioned something to Feyre about inviting me to one of their hangout session but mentally I knew they wouldn’t invite me.
As he talked about his mission I kind of spaced out, I didn’t want to think about him leaving, and leaving me alone to fend for myself mentally. I knew the most I’d say was a thank you when someone brought up food.
I let myself bask in the warmth of the blanket and Azriel as he continued talking. As he did he began to play with my hair, running his hands through it and pushing it to the side. 
“Are you tired?” He asked, “You look tired.”
I nodded, “A little.” I just really wanted him to stop talking about leaving.
Azriel moved himself over to allow me to lay down properly before getting up for only a moment to turn off any light in the room, once he’d gotten back into the bed he wrapped his arms around me once again before giving me a kiss on the back of my neck, “Goodnight my mate.” He said before allowing us both to drift off.
He ended up leaving extremely early in the morning, only waking me up for a moment to say goodbye before being gone. I basically woke up alone. 
I ate the food that had been brought up to me before grabbing the book from last night to read, not having anything else to do. I wanted to start before it really sank into my bones that’d I’d be alone, without Azriel, for the next two days.
With breaks in between chapters to use the bathroom I’d finished the 250 page book in four hours. Not having anything else to do I laid there, I didn’t feel like going to my room to get another book and Azriel had told me I’m not allowed to look through his bookshelf. So I laid there, as I laid there my brain processed that I was alone now, that Azriel wasn’t here at the moment. I started to feel depressed. I didn’t know what to do without him anymore, so I laid there.
I ended up accidentally falling asleep for a few hours, I woke up and checked the clock to realize it was already five thirty in the afternoon.
I rubbed my eyes before forcing myself to go to the bathroom to pee, once I got there and finished I’d decided to take a bath as well. Hoping the water would give me some energy. That was a stupid idea, when the bath finished filling up and I sat in it the pure size of it reminded me it was made for Azriel. It made me realize how much smaller than him I was and as I sat there longer the heat of the water started to fell like him.
I felt like I was going crazy, and then felt like even more of an idiot when I started crying. The feeling of the bath had made me miss him, I debated pulling on the bond but didn’t from not wanting to disturb or anger him. I sat in that bath until it started to feel cold before getting out.
When I left I checked the clock to see it was now seven thirty in the afternoon, I had spent two hours sulking like nothing but a pathetic idiot, and I didn’t even get what I wanted out of it. I felt more tired which lead me to pass out.
When I woke up the next day I noticed the uneaten dinner on the desk in Azriel’s room that I didn’t even think about. When the breakfast came I didn’t have an appetite;
I laid there for two hours before going to the bathroom, when I’d gotten out I’d decided I really needed to get myself another book. Before I approached the door I saw the clock hit twelve twenty in the afternoon.
I walked through the hall to my old room while hearing laughter down the stairs, partially girls giggling with each other. I assumed this was one of the hangouts Azriel asked I’d be invited to, I knew I wouldn’t be but it still kind of hurt.
I continued walking to my room and closed the door as soon as I entered. I skimmed through my collection which was much smaller than Azriel’s but at least I didn’t have to as for his permission. 
None of the books really caught my eye, at this point I wanted comfort, I wanted something timeless.
My thoughts immediately fell to the books under my bed that I’d hidden. I didn’t want anyone to know they were there but Azriel wouldn’t be home until tomorrow morning, and no one would check on me. I walked over to my bed and I knelt down to retrieve one.
The book I’d grabbed was a folktale one, one for children which I loved about it. It would be such a simple and good read for me right now. I grabbed a chair and faced it toward the window to use the sunlight as my book light.
As the sun went down so did my makeshift book light, I’d gotten about a quarter of the way through the tales before it started to go down and eventually it turned pitch black, I turned on some candles around me before continuing to read.
Soon I’d feel my heart bumping in my chest as the book was snatched from my hand’s. I’d been so happy this month without the fights, but now my heart sank knowing they’re was about to be a big one.
I looked up to see Azriel’s face turn angry as he read the name of the book, I leaned up on my chair to speak but he beat me. “I thought you were done with this Autumn Court shit.” he didn’t yell or scream. Which scared me even more.
I wanted to explain myself, to tell him it wasn’t what he thought it was but I couldn’t “Please don’t destroy it Az.” I basically whimpered.
“(Y/N), I want you to be so fucking honest with me,” He started out calmly before raising his voice, “Are you still fucking in love with Eris.” He held up the book in my face. His tone switch scared me, making me want to cry.
“I-I’m not.” I stuttered, trying to find my composure.
I swallowed before continuing to speak, “They’re stories from my childhood, they have nothing to do with Eris. Please Az.” 
He dropped the book and ran his fingers through his hair, “Mother, why is it the only fucking time you call me Az is when you fucking plead.” 
My hands gripped onto my chair, “I’m sorry. I was just lonely and I wanted something nostalgic and-”
“If you were fucking lonely you could have accepted Feyre’s invitation for today.” He said, raising his voice.
My eyes widened, “Feyre didn’t invite me to anything.”
“Bullshit, I asked her and she said that you didn’t want to go.”
My breathing became heavy as my heart pounded.
“I cant believe your still fucking in love with a guy who hit you,” I wanted to tell Azriel that he had hurt my wrist, but I stayed silent due to being to scared to speak, “Is this why you wont have sex with me?” He asked.
I didn’t want to have sex with him because I was scared to, I’d only had sex with one other person my entire life. Having sex with someone new scared me.
“That’s not why Az.” I cried out.
He threw his hands out dramatically, making me flinch. “Yeah well that’s what it fucking feels like, (Y/N).” At this point I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek.
“Stay in here with your Autumn Court shit and cry, I’m going to bed.” He said.
My chest grew tighter as these words came out and I rushed toward him, “No, you cant leave me in here alone Az. I didn’t do anything.” I begged him.
“So now your fucking begging?” 
“Please Az,” I begged between sobs, “please don’t leave me alone.”
“Mother you have some attachment issues.” He told me.
Later I’d realize he wasn’t wrong. I really did have serious attachment issues.
Azriel took my arm as he sent one of his shadows to put out the candles before exiting the room with me, he pushed me kind of aggressively down the hall as I sobbed into my hand. I couldn’t see very well through the tears but I saw a blonde girl who I assume was Mor, we passed by her as she said nothing. I was sure she looked at me though.
Once we’d gotten there Azriel said something along the lines of, “Stop crying.” which I did my best to oblige, only to make it worse.
“Az,” I tried to catch my breath, “Please don’t tell me your going to destroy it.”
“Maybe I will,” He said as he changed behind me.
I tried not to sob harder, “Please, I’ll give it away with anything else from the Autumn Court I might still have there.”
I could feel his full attention on me now.
“Just please don’t destroy it.”
I felt the other side of the bed sink down, “Go to sleep.”
I really didn’t feel like I had a choice but to listen.
With me now knowing exactly where everything was in the city, I was able to winnow both me and Azriel to Leilani’s families shop to drop off my Autumn Court things to her. I knew her and her family would take good care of them as they loved Autumn Court things.
I didn’t want to risk keeping anything whether it was big or small, so I was giving her everything I had, from dresses to books to buttons.
Azriel stayed outside as I dropped off the boxes, I didn’t want to give it to her verbally so I instead wrote a note. I was scared I would cry watching the things I love go.
Once I’d finished dropping the things off I quickly winnowed us back to Azriel’s room. Azriel was clearly happy with my decision as he continued to place kisses on my head and cheeks. I wasn’t so happy.
I tried to look like I was for him but I couldn’t, part of me wanted to hit him for making me do this and the other part wanted to crawl under his sheets and lay there until I’d starved to death.
His kisses became less enthusiastic as he noticed my mood, “I’ll get you better things, Night Court things.” 
That did little to comfort me.
I hated Night Court things, especially clothing. The color dulled my skin and made me look dead. It consumed me.
I missed my colorful dresses, my pink dresses mainly. I missed the color pink in general as well as red, Mor was the only one here to wear red. Which was strange to me
We sat on the bed as he let me process the fact that all my items from home, and even some from here, were now gone. The few things left of where I came from I no longer had.
I wanted to be angry, mother I wanted to be so angry at him, but I just didn’t have the energy. I felt like a part of me was taken away and he’d taken it. I reminded my self this was better than him burning all my things.
After a little bit I leaned onto him, not caring because at this point all I wanted to feel was comfort. Azriel wrapped his arms around me and settled me into his chest, giving me the comfort I so desperately wanted in this moment.
He let go of me for a minute to grab a book to read aloud to me, that minute felt like dying as he wasn’t touching me. Once he came back, I was okay.
As he read to me I pretended to listen when I was only listening to his voice, I didn’t care for the book, it was some cheesy romance novel. Which I would never read, it wasn’t the type of romance I enjoyed. I enjoyed listening to his voice.
When he wasn’t yelling at me or raising his voice, when he spoke softly to me or spoke to me like a person, his voice was so soothing. It’s weird how a voice can be so soothing yet scary.
After we were halfway through with the book and the sun was already down I could tell he was tired, he didn’t get that well of sleep the night prior and he’d already basically been awake two days straight. So I asked to go to sleep for his sake.
His eyes looked droopy as he said yes to me, he shut the book and put it on his bedside table while I laid down. He laid down as well to wrap his arms around me.
He placed a kiss by my ear, “Goodnight my pretty mate.” He told me before I felt him drifting off.
As I laid there I realized how scared I was, not of Azriel but of the bond. The bond has made me believe that I could take this, that he was my mate so it was my fate to face this. I would have never put up with this for Eris or any other man, my brothers had taught me better. They taught me better due to my mother, my mother who was murdered by our father out of anger, all because another man had looked at her. I realized that I was going to suffer the same fate as her, the fate my brothers were so scared of me facing. I knew that no matter what I did, if I completely isolated myself, got rid of my Autumn Court heritage and everything about myself Azriel didn’t like it wouldn’t matter. He’d still find a reason to be mad, he’d still find a reason to yell at me. I mean I was reading a book and he got mad? I knew this is how it started for my mother, my father would yell at her for the smallest things and then moved on to not only yelling. I knew soon it’d turn more physical than it already was. At the same time though, where else could I go? Who else did I have? I couldn’t go back to the Autumn Court in case Eris found me, he could exile me if he wanted. I didn’t want to put my brothers in danger either. I had to stay here, I didn’t have a choice.
As I laid there I convinced myself I could take it, at least until Azriel would kill me just like my father did to my mother. 
I unfortunately did not get very much sleep, when I did wake up to hours after finally falling asleep it was to Azriel clinging to me. I realized right now, even with him here I felt so empty.
When Azriel noticed this through the bond he started to completely dote on me, he spent the day placing kisses along my face, reading to me and spending the while day basically holding me.
It wasn’t like I wasn’t trying either, I wanted just as badly as him to just feel something, anything. Nothing he did worked though.
Smut warning: Size kink, fingering, begging, use of the name “baby”, clothes ripping,
Around four was when he started to give up but I didn’t. As he sat on the couch clearly trying to figure out if there was anything else he could do to cheer me up before i moved to go sit chest to chest in his lap, he wrapped his arms around me as I did.
As I sat down on his lap and moved comfortably I could feel his hard-on grow from me being on his lap.
As I felt it I began thinking if it was even worth waiting to have sex with Azriel any longer. I knew it would eventually happen and no matter what I’d feel weird at first, maybe it was just me being stupid in my mindset but I really didn’t care.
“Az,” I said, him perking his head to me, “do you want to have sex with me?” I could feel his cock grow harder.
“Are you sure?” He asked me, which I nodded to. “Words (Y/N).”
He picked me up to move to the two of us to his bed, basically slamming me down as he climb on top of me to give me a heated kiss. He held the side of my face as he made out with me.
He pulled away for just a second to ask, “Can I rip your dress open?” It was a simple black dress I didn’t care for, so I told him yes.
He went back to kissing me before running his hand up my curves to my neckline in order to rip my dress apart.
Due to his training he had no trouble doing this and soon my ripped up dress was thrown into some corner of the room.
His kisses quickly moved down to my neck while one of his hands groped my breasts and another my ass, sending whines out of my mouth.
Keeping the pattern from my dress he ripped my panties off, but was polite enough to just clip my bra. He sat up to look over my body, clearly admiring it. Yet it still made me to cover up with my hands, before I could move them to cover my breast he grabbed them and pushed me up into his lap. “Shit your so fucking hot baby.” He pushed me closer into his lap as he made out with me.
As he ran his hands along my curves and breasts I moved to take off his shirt, we quickly broke the kiss and he put his arms up to pull his off before we continued.
He moved his fingers down to circle my clit, causing me to whine out. “Please Az.” I felt him smirk into the kiss.
“Want me to fuck your pretty pussy with my fingers? Is that what you want baby?” I felt him slip a finger inside, “Az, yes please. Fuck.” I whined out as he pushed me back onto my back.
“Your so fucking wet.” He told me, which I nodded at.
“Please,” Something about the bond made sure he knew what I meant. He added another finger in as I moaned out at the feeling, he smirked hearing me moan and added a third finger in. Causing my head to fall back and me to continue to whine out pleas, I started begging to come.
He continued hitting the special spot inside of me until I began tightening, which when I did, he pulled out.
“Mother Az, why?” I whined out, frustrated I didn’t get my release.
Azriel looked over me to place a kiss on my mouth, “Don’t worry baby, your gonna come around my cock okay?” I nodded to him.
He pulled off his pants to let his cock spring free, once I saw it I got a little nervous. Out of the one cock I had taken, this one was bigger and I had to wonder how it would fit. 
As he loomed over me, ready to stick it in he spoke, “Open up.” I opened my mouth to allow his fingers to enter my mouth all to taste myself. He watched for a second as I sucked on my own juices before pushing himself in slowly.
This stretch hurt as I moaned around his fingers. My eyes shut as I waited for him to finish putting himself in, in order to get myself adjusted to him.
Once he’d pushed himself in all the way he pulled his fingers out of my mouth, “You okay baby?” He asked me.
I knew to use my words this time, “Yes, yes I’m okay.” I whined out.
He leaned himself down to place a kiss on my forehead, “Tell me when its okay to move, okay?”
I waited another minute before giving him the okay to move, I watched him stare intently as he watched my pussy take in his cock, “Fuck you take me so well.” He pushed down on the bulge my stomach had as he began to move faster.
He moved his free hand to grip my hips before moving his hand covering my stomach to do the same.
“Mm, fuck Az.” I moaned out with a string of curses, “Please Az, please fuck me harder.” I begged him.
He did, causing my back to arch allowing him to hit deeper as I whined and moaned for him, “Fuck, my good girl. My good fucking girl.” He moaned out as I nodded.
As we went on I felt myself getting close, I begged him to let me come.
“Look at how I fuck you first, okay? And don’t look away.” He strictly told me, which I obeyed. I looked down to see his cock thrusting into my pussy, I liked seeing the bulge my stomach had.
Thankfully Azriel kept his promise in letting me, I never looked away until my legs stopped shaking and he came inside of me himself.
I laid there with sticky thighs and a heavy heart rate as Azriel returned with a warm wet towel to clean off my thighs.
“You did so good baby, my pretty little mate.” I couldn’t help but smile as he said this.
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russburlingame · 1 year
In 2008, I was working at a small comics-news site, and I was the guy who was charged with writing TO SEE, OR NOT TO SEE. That was the column where we reviewed comic book movies and TV shows (and also things like DOCTOR WHO and THE BIG BANG THEORY), and at one point, my boss asked me to write about the then-new IRON MAN movie.
I am sharing this with all of you, fully aware of how totally absurd it is, but I will say that I have never wavered in my disdain for CIVIL WAR, either in comics form or as a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie.
From 2008-me:
I will not see Iron Man.
As a longtime comics reader and comics journalist, I have never been a huge fan of the character of Tony Stark.  His most compelling arc, to me, is the classic Demon in a Bottle, recently reissued through Marvel's hardcover program, wherein Stark battles with alcoholism rather than a supervillain.
Or, if it's the current incarnation of Stark, a superhero.
That, of course, is what's at the heart of my compulsion to avoid the Iron Man film: Marvel Comics's Civil War and the role that Tony Stark/Iron Man played in it.
Civil War was Marvel's definitive story of the last ten years; nearly all of its central characters played a role, and it revolutionized the way that superheroes are viewed by the public and written by the creators of the Marvel Universe.  The basic premise of the story was that a group of young, irresponsible superheroes took off after villains way over their heads.  When the situation got bad, the reality-TV superheroes were more worried about looking good for their audience than pulling back and saving lives, so ultimately a powerful villain set off an explosion that devastated a large area surrounding the bad-guy hideout.  Caught in the blast radius was a school, and the parents of the children killed managed to guilt Tony Stark into supporting a law mandating registration of all powered beings.  In spite of years of resisting a "Mutant Registration Act" on the grounds that it was discriminatory toward people born with powers, many of Marvel's heroes did an about-face on the issue in the face of the terrorist attack.  Tony Stark led the charge of the characters who were willing to trade their freedom for security.
That weakness of character was not the reason that I gave up on Iron Man.  Obviously, the story could have been a metaphor for the 9/11 aftermath, when people made bad decisions because their fear and confusion led them down a callow path.  What made Stark a villain in my eyes, was his willingness to take the disagreement to the next level.  Superheroes punching each other over just about any issue is old hat--but Stark authorized his people to use lethal force, leading to the deaths of heroes who opposed the Registration Act.  And when, later in the story, he began to seem to lose his handle on the situation, he responded by recruiting villains to his cause, granting them immunity and a license to hunt good guys who didn't agree with his pet legislation. He became, effectively, the villain of the story.
And in that way—using immoral methods that other heroes would not stoop to—he was ultimatley declared the "winner" of the superhero Civil War. In the final moments of the decisive battle, Stark's reliance on technology was laid bare when his armor was shorted out by a clever Captain America—the leader of the insurgents—who could have ended it by killing Stark but didn't do it. Because Captain America is, after all, a hero.
Or rather, he was a hero. In the aftermath of the battle where Captain America spared Iron Man's life, the spy organization that Tony Stark's military ties had put him in charge of arrested Captain America. Betrayed by his longtime friend and ally, the hero of Civil War was assassinated on the courtroom steps en route to his trial.
A fairly reasonably person might ask, "What does the Iron Man comic, which sells around 100,000 copies a month, really have to do with the blockbuster film by the same name, which will undoubtedly be seen by more people this afternoon than the comic is all year long?" It's a fair question, and one that I've been faced with (sans the statistical specifics) by dozens of people who I've told I refuse to see the film.
The answer is Joe Quesada.
Under Quesada's stewardship, Marvel has become more media savvy than ever. Their Internet capabiltiy (and even simple things like providing electronic copies to critics), the fact that they own their own film studio now and Quesada's willingness to run, scripts in hand, to any mainstream media outlet who will carry the story anytime a major plot point is set to be revealed, have come together to show Quesada's understanding of synergy and the notion that comic book characters are not merely two-dimensional personalities inhabiting a 2-dimensional world but rather franchises. The Spider-Man and X-Men franchises, for example, are hugely successful and the merchandising money they bring in far outweighs the money made by the comics. As we saw with the Back in Black story that was shoehorned into the Spider-Man titles around the time that Spider-Man 3 was in theaters, the movies, TV shows and other media dictate to a great extent the direction and even sometimes the specific plot details of the comics.
Put simply: If you give money to Iron Man: the movie, and the Iron Man franchise thrives, then Quesada and his cohorts at Marvel Editorial will be left with the impression that Iron Man—comics and all—is headed in the right direction.
And I just can't give my ten bucks to that.
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pinecellar · 2 months
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. (Or at least attempt to)
Today I wrote out a list of things I want. Here it is:
To create, film, write and act in my own projects
To build or find an artistic (hopefully queer) community and foster it
To be a better friend and support; potentially later a lover/partner
To have an income
How to do this? I frankly have no idea, but I am tentatively optimistic that I can figure this out.
2024 has been one of the toughest years of my life, next to 2013 when I ended up unhoused and lived out of my car. It almost seems like it’s entirely unraveling. I got laid off from a job I loved, I lost my beloved cat Biz, and my partner (of over 10 years) and I amicably broke up recently. Needless to say, I’m pretty shattered and scattered at the moment.
However, there are so many things for which I am thankful. I have my health. I have housing. I have marketable skills and a frankly impressive resume. I have savings I can dip into as finding employment in my professional field currently (product design) is BAD and likely will continue to be bad. I have been on interviews (which I typically ace, thanks to my former life as a professional actor with hundreds of auditions under my belt), I have honed my resume, I have redone my portfolio and personal branding (the latter I know is cringe but necessary), and I have built new skills quickly. I have, as the old Bear Grylls meme states, improvised, adapted and overcome.
I am a survivor. I had to be all my life. However, as I inch closer to middle age, I know I can’t keep this up forever. I don’t want to be an island or a recluse. This I know. No person can be and maintain their well-being, but I also don’t want to say goodbye to filmmaking/acting/storytelling. Not until I figure out what she wants from me.
Creative pursuits are volatile lovers. Filmmaking/acting has been pestering me for years after I left Los Angeles and my inability to properly address her while juggling my “life after her” has had extremely negative effects. I have changed in a bad way. The passionate, vivacious, creative person I was got pushed aside. Yes, I am a far more stable, professional and easy going person than I used to be, but I never evolved that past creative life/person into something else. I never married my past and my present in a satisfactory way. I basically unceremoniously pushed her away like she was some childish pursuit to be shunned and abandonned, but she was always there. Always whispering. Always taking me away from the people and the life I had built after her and making me resentful of it all.
My partner always supported my creative pursuits. I want to make that clear. I just didn’t know how to handle my “creativity mistress” and be what my partner needed. I deeply love my partner still, and always will. I want them in my life, but I want them to be happy and fulfilled. I can’t be a good and present partner for anyone until I figure this creative gnawing out, but I do know I ultimately want to be someone’s lover and partner, fully and generously. I know I’m more than capable to love, give and support through good times and bad times. I’ve done it before, but I want to give myself fully this time.
I have been working on a short “film” for months now. My layoff threw me through a loop financially and emotionally, which delayed its progress. I have learned a lot from this project about what is too ambitious for one person. I am beginning to try new time management processes and project management so I can sustainably continue this type of creative workflow when I ultimately gain employment (unfortunately, you gotta pay those bills).
Things are so volatile right now that I am gonna stay away from the news and lock my phone daily to prevent “doom scrolling.” There are things we can control and things we can’t. I know what I can control and it’s not the national or global political stage. I don’t what is gonna ultimately happen, but I sincerely feel like everything is gonna be okay.
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birrrrddddddyyy · 4 months
Im so fuckin anxious.
I had a terrible anxiety attack last night and ended up waking up my partner in the middle of the night. I just like unloaded everything I was scared about, from the missing messages with that girl that had a crush of them, to how it weirds me out that their other friend messages them at all hours of the night. I was a wreck. And they were wonderful about answering my questions and hearing me out and apologizing. But like.... I still don't feel fully reassured???? They were so patient with me. They ARE so patient with me. I feel like I'm fucking everything up. I feel scared that there's this great divide between us lately and I keep making it worse. I think they're gradually growing into a more secure attachment and I'm still stuck in my anxious disorganized. I should feel better right???? But I had nightmares that they left me for someone else. They were literally kissing them in front of me. And laughing at me. I feel like I failed them last night. My anxiety got too bad and it turned into a whole discussion AGAIN. I'm so tired of having these constant talks. Sometimes I wonder if we actually should be together or if this relationship is just trapping the both of us. But I love them. I see and feel us doing so well, even if things are hard recently. I just feel like I keep fucking things up. I don't know what's wrong with me. Last night I realized that instead of letting myself settle into their kindness I just laid there and thought about how life will be when they inevitably leave and abandon me. I dunno why my mind immediately went there, and I had to like literally challenge myself. For the first time, I realized I do that no matter what. If we fight, I mentally prepare for life without them. Even if we have a good productive convo and they show up for me , my mind still goes straight to how life will be without them. Or snarky cruel things to say, or it fixates itself on how I can get back at them if they hurt me. Because it's soo convinced that they will. I think I've been so deeply wounded in the past that I can't even fathom not being hurt by the person I love most. So when they show up for me and don't hurt me, and wanna do the work to love each other better ...it feels so scary and foreign. I know what to do with abuse and chaos, not this... not actual love.
Also my abusive ass ex was in my dream. He had a wife that I was trying to warn. She didn't believe me. Nobody believed me. That man is a r×pist. He abused me emotionally and mentally for months and then he assaulted me. He fucked me up. I think its obviously the shit he put me through that has scared me the worst. I knew the first relationship after an abusive one would be hard. But JFC this shit is like actually really really hard. It feels like every day I have to fight against my instincts to cut and run to protect myself. I get so so scared. No, I am scared. All the fucking time. And it's like no matter how much reassurance I get, or apologies from my partner when they mess up, or how well they show up for me, I still have it so deeply rooted in myself that they're going to harm and abandon me. That's so unfair to them, I really wish I could just turn my fear off and believe them. I was literally single for FOUR YEARS because of the trauma my ex put me through. I thought I was passed most of it if not all of it. But here I am at six am writing the longest damn vent of my life, wondering when the pain is going to end. Wondering why it's still hurting. Wondering if my pain is unfair to my life partner. The love of my life. It is unfair to them in a way. I wish I knew how to just move on. I wish it didn't still hurt. But being in a relationship again means pressing up against the sore spots. My trust, my fear of abandonment, my anger. Sometimes I feel like Im pulling myself apart piece by piece, to sew myself into a new shape. I'm not the person that I was when I was hurt. That person is dead. Sometimes I feel like Im cutting myself open and ripping out the rot. Then I'll leave it all out to sit in the rocks for birds to pick at.
I feel so vulnerable. I need to be vulnerable.
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workintobebetter · 8 months
Asajj Ventress in Bad Batch...
As awesome as it is to have her back on screen again, she died in no uncertain terms in her own spin-off novel. As much as I want to enjoy her return, the idea they just retconned her book frustrates me.
The up side is I'm probably jumping to conclusions like some other fans. After watching Ahsoka and maybe even the Jedi games, I get the feeling they've been leaning into Dothamirian lore more and more as of late, maybe its not a retcon but deepening that lore?
(Its been awhile si I had to look it up but...) Asajj was returned to Dothamir and laid to rest in a dark pool where the Nightsister's magik is seen again, this time only to welcome Asajj home. Buuut what if that wasn't it? The Nightsister's are almost always trying to ignore death. Zombie Nightsisters, ghost Mother Talzin, more Nightsister ghosts trying to steal living bodies. Maybe Asajj came back with a little Nightsister magik from the beyond. Maybe her death was recent enough after entering the water they could still undo it. Maybe its Asajj Ventress' body but a different soul inhibiting it.
I really don't know but my gut says magik is gonna be the answer. I'm.not that worried about it as long as it doesn't just invalidate the book. I'd also appreciate it not being the dumbest answer possible like "she wasn't actually dead yet" I think to much time passed between Dooku killing her and her being put into the pool. There's no pulling a Darth Maul.
And in the middle of writing this, I did see mention on Wikipedia that the writers aren't retconning the book to bring her back so thats cool. Now that I've got all that out, I definitely am happy to see her again with an updated look.and new sabers?! They aren't red this time! Can't wait to see how things go ^_^
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etrangersvoyageant · 1 year
Rewire, day 2
This day didn’t start as planned. In the afternoon, I saw a migraine attack coming and so I drank some water and laid down. This meant I was going to drop acts in favour of recovering, meaning I was missing Malibu, which was rather unfortunate, because I looked forward to see her live. Regardless, that’s the price of the sickness. So, unwilling to give up on the day I tried to sleep and after a few hours ate something before setting out. My head was still hurting, but I didn’t plan to stay long and had my eyes on some calm acts anyway.
I started with Morita Vargas, who wasn’t bad, but also felt she was and would still be developing her craft further. Her final last track was her best, the weaving of her vocals with the ethereal music worked well. It was a little Julee Cruise-esque.
Then, I had the choice to stay and see Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but I have already been fortunate to see a 3-hour set once and there’s so much more hear. So I went to Nwando Ebizie. She was anything but calm, but she was also a lot of fun. Having recently visited the Black Fantastic exhibition, I imagine she would fit right in. A vibrant singer with humor, sharing the popped corn with the audience to receive as a blessing and ending with a group dance in the middle of the crowd of whoever wanted to join.
Next were Infinity Knives & Brian Ennals. They fit right in with Run the Jewels when it comes to politics, but seemed to focus more on beats. Infinity Knives got to do some live messing around with electronics and Ennals in the meantime was just a menace on the mic, undermining religion, politics and whatever he didn’t like. Singing ‘All we want is some reparations’ to the tune of RHCP’s Californication (Death of a Constable), ‘Realize the American flag same colour as cop lights’ (Sambo’s Last Words) and ‘God is good, pussy is better’, finishing with A Melancholy Boogie and its disco-revival beat. Standing in the back was the right decision. The message reached me, the loudness not so much.
Following them, I went to Lucinda Chua in one of the churches. This location is beautiful and her music fit right in. She performed while Godspeed were still playing, so the place wasn't full, but that also meant that everyone who wanted to be there was there and it created a bond. The only sound the audience made was applause when songs ended. She sang, played the cello, while she was supported by an unnamed synthesizer player. For the last song she was also joined by Hatis Noit on the stage, making me regret a little to not have seen her, but alas choices and choices.
Then out again and off to Alto Arc. That was absolutely insane. This is a project consisting of a singer George Clarke (Deafhaven), a make-up artist Isamaya Ffrench and 2 producers. One is Trayer Tryon (Hundred Water), the other Danny L Harle, who has been making waves for a while now (collaborating with yeule and this On a Mountain remix lives rent-free in my mind).
Anyway, the show had a lot of theatrics with a lot of hard beats. Sound wise it reminded me of those darkwave-esque acts like Witch of the Vale, where the woman takes the high-pitched role and the man does the dusky growling. (I guess old CoF also works?) The electronic stuff reminded me a bit of Violet Cold and its crazy patterns. At some point Darle got the stage to himself and it seemed the room became a sonic witness account of a chain collision of crashed cars. As what we got to see, some sort of play about sacrifice, occultism and rapture? I’m not sure, sorry.
After that I took a breather and walked to Deena Abdelwahed’s venue. Now I mentioned scheduling conflicts before, here’s another: choosing Deena meant no Slikback and no Coucou Chloe (who were on at the same time at the same venue, so switching would be easier). However, I’ve been a big fan of Deena for years and getting the opportunity to see her live outweighed the others.
She was going to premier her new latest work and it didn’t disappoint. Her set was amazing and with help from her partner-in-crime Hamid, who occasionally picked up something like a sitar, they got the crowd moving. So yeah, by the sounds of it, there’ll be a great album coming to you… next year.
After that, I was done, it felt like I asked more than I could from my head. Yet the day after, here I am writing. Honestly, I’m amazed I saw as much as I did, but my head seemed to deal with it. Sometimes the pain just subsided (read: was drowned out by the music, it had no place to go). In the meantime I saw and spoke familiar and unfamiliar people, which sort of kept me busy. And being outside a lot helped too, the evening wasn’t cold, but it kept my head in check.
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nikrangdan · 3 years
lovestruck!enhypen x reader
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pairing: lovestruck!enhypen x reader
genre: FLUFF fluff Fluff
description: how enhypen would be if they became lovestruck by the reader ☹️☹️ this is such an adorable request!!!! itll vary for each member ur relationships so you’ll either be strangers or already dating etc.
a/n: idk if all of them are lovestruck exactly bc i just got carried away with the fluff for some of them and idky maknae line revolves around sleeping BUT IDC sleepy!enhypen is the best 😁
u worked at a pretty popular clothing store
and well well well heeseung had shown up dressed very much your style so u were like
Wow who is this guy....
he was alone just looking around
and there were like 10 other people in the store but u wanted to talk to him so bad so u went up like
“hi, welcome! are u finding everything okay?”
he was looking through a rack of shirts and turned around when he heard u but WOW
when this man turned around he looked even better in person u couldnt believe it 😫
his eyes got so wide u almost laughed it was so cute ☹️
he stuttered and was like “oh um im okay”
Aw man
but u said “okay then! let me know if you need any help finding anything or if u wanna use a dressing room!” and u sent him ur nicest smile u could give
his eyes were still kinda wide open and u gave him one last look before turning around😢😢
“w-wait! actually.. um....uh.. do u.. do u guys have sweatpants..?”
u giggled to urself on the inside bc u knew he just made that up on the spot
“we do! here, follow me”
while u were showing him the clothes u guys had exchanged names and had some small talk
and that was the start of something very Beautiful
and since then he has been coming almost everyday to visit u at work 🤗🤗
jay swore he found new things about u to love every single day
and today wasnt an exception!!!!
u knew jay had been really tired and just worn out from work recently so u had decided to make him his favorite meal for dinner
a nice little surprise for when he got home ❤️
and also the anime he was watching ready on the tv for u two to watch together :(
u had literally been preparing all day and u even decided to go out and buy dessert too
it was 8pm already and jay should be getting home now
u set the table all neatly and put on one of his sweaters
Fate 🔥🔥
romantic stuff like this wasnt really ur forte so this was out of the normal for u
but u wanted to do something for jay because he did stuff like this for u alot
the table isnt in view when u walk into the apartment so he wasnt able to see his dinner yet
“hi” you smile brightly and go up to hug him and give him a little kiss
he had his bad slung over one of his shoulders and he was taking his shoes off in the doorway after he closed it
“hey.. it smells pretty good in here” he gave you a tired smile while one of his arms was wrapped around your waist
“really? it smells normal to me” you giggled before walking to the kitchen area together
he stopped and looked at u with LITERAL HEARTS IN HIS EYES when he saw the table
jay: ❤️_❤️
“surprise!!! you know im not good with words but i wanted to show you that i can cook” you laugh “and that i love you very much and im so proud of you”
jay doesnt say anything but instead drops his bag on the couch and gives u the Biggest Hug Ever
ur face is practically smushed in his chest and his hand is resting lovingly on ur hair :(((
he loves u so much im so sad
“layla!!! layla where are you?” jake was yelling quite loudly in the massive park he was in the middle of
yeah jake lost layla.. uh oh
quite a coincidence you found the cutest dog you’d ever laid eyes on
and she seemed to love u very much
the dog had made u topple over and now she was excitedly playing with you while you were sat on the ground laughing to your hearts content
after a minute of playing you had got up because you knew she was somebodys lost dog and her owner was probably looking all over the park for her
“okay.. lets go find your owner before they have a heart attack” you giggle
just as you said that though, you heard a boys voice yell “LAYLA!!!!”
the dog next to you looked in his direction, tail wagging and tongue out, but she didnt move an inch from her spot next to you
it made me you laugh out loud
as you were watching the boy run up to you, you noticed how cute he actually was
Omg..... ur heart started beating a little faster
“hi..” the boy hunched over with his hands on his knees breathing very heavily “you have my dog”
“uh yeah” you laugh “sorry about that, she ran over to me a couple minutes ago and i was just about to go find her owner”
“its okay, thank you..” he trailed off to find out your name and finally looked up to meet your eyes
“y/n” you told him
“y/n” he repeated with a small grin on his face “im jake”
“hi jake” you lightheartedly give him your hand to shake and he chuckles before taking the offer
“and it was nice meeting you layla” you crouch down to meet her level and she licks your face making you fall on your butt
you laugh and jakes quick to help you up
“layla! thats not very nice” he jokingly scolds her and pets her head
after u got up u bid goodbye to the two before jake invited u to continue walking around the park AND HE EVEN BOUGHT U AN ICE CREAM
Is This A Date, Jake? 😫😫❤️❤️❤️❤️😳😛😛
“you should be more careful” you scold the boy sitting with you standing between his legs
sunghoon had apparently gotten elbowed in the face by his friend and scratched by his friends cat on accident????
“it wasn’t my fault! he turned around and i just happened to be in the way. and i didnt even do anything to the cat!” he whined
“i didnt say it was your fault. i said to be more careful.” you tried to sound stern
u knew ur logic was making no sense but u just thought it was so fun to mess with him
he let out a sigh and gave up, slouching over again
you were stood between his legs, wiping the blood away and applying ointment
“im just kidding, you’re so cute” one of your free hands comes up to rub his hair
a small grin pops up on his face and his arms come to rest on your waist
he looks up at you while you focus on tending to his wounds
“you know y/n” he begins
you hum in response, letting him know you’re listening
“im gonna marry you one day”
you freeze in your place
it took you a minute to collect yourself because you felt like your heart almost leaped out of your chest
“who says?” you joke
he leans up to give you a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back down
you noticed sunoo had been really tired lately and u just wanted to make him feel better :((
the boys were going out and invited you two obviously but you could tell sunoo was iffy about going
“uhh..” you trail off and look over at sunoo who was laying on the couch
“you know what guys? i think me and sunoo are gonna stay home today.. you guys have fun though!” you bid goodbye to the other boys and they all understood and left
you dont even know if sunoo knew they had left already because when you walked over to him his tired eyes were glued on the tv
“hey” you leaned against the couch and looked down at him
“y/n? are we going soon?” his eyes move to the top of his head to look up at you
you start laughing and he literally goes 🤨???
“silly, they already left! so what do you wanna do?” you plop down next to him and he was in the process of sitting up
“what? when did they leave...” his mouth drops open
“like 2 minutes ago” you giggle, leaning back to rest your head
sunoo had sat still, pondering for a moment
“why did they leave us?” he turned to look at you
your eyes met his “well i figured you didnt wanna go... you didnt, right?”
he slowly shakes his head “how did you know?”
you give him a sneaky smile and jokingly push his arm “because i know you so well”
he laughs at this and leans his head on your shoulder
“wow y/n.. im impressed” he grins, snuggling into your arm
your other arm crosses over to pat him on the head, leaning your head to rest on top of his
“but thank you y/n..” his eyes slowly close to rest “im thankful for all the little things you notice about me”
u literally go 🥺
your hand goes down to squeeze his and he falls asleep peacefully on ur shoulder ☹️☹️☹️❤️
“y/n..what is that” jungwons eyes can barely open as he tries to comprehend whats going on while hes waking up
you haphazardly tap around the bedside table trying to turn off the new alarm you set last night
and that new alarm was jungwon singing 🤗
“its you, dummy” your eyes were still closed but you turned to face jungwon and snuggled closer to him
“wha- where did you even get that???” he was almost fully awake now, staring down at your half asleep figure
you yawned before answering in your i-just-woke-up-and-i-should-probably-drink-some-water voice “remember when you sang me to sleep last week? yeah i was secretly recording you. no biggie” you pat his chest twice and leave your hand there, content with life at the moment Lol
“y/nnnn” he whines “change ittt i dont like it”
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan, shocked he would say such a thing!!! “jungwon you sound like an angel threw up on a field of flowers full of puppies and kittens! okay thats kinda weird maybe not that”
jungwon giggles a little and sits up so he can sit against the headboard while your head rests on his lap
“you like my singing that much?” you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks you
you finally pop one eye open to look up at him, a goofy grin in your face
“i love your singing”
his hands run through your hair and you let out a sigh at the feeling
jungwon doesnt say anything
all he does is admire you
you can feel his eyes on you so you open your eyes again (both this time🙏🏼) and meet his eyes
“i can feel you staring straight into the depths of my soul, jungwon”
he laughs at this, bring his other hand up to pinch your cheek
“i’ll sing for you whenever you want me to y/n”
“shut up sunghoon, hes sleeping” you whisper-scolded the boy
ni-ki was currently asleep on you
literally SPRAWLED all over your body and you were basically mummified
by nishimura riki
his legs were tangled in yours, his head shoved into your neck, and his arms were bent around you in ways you didnt know were humanly possible
“you literally have an alien taking a nap on you y/n” sunghoon deadpans before walking out the room
“when you’re asleep sunghoon i will send you into a spacecraft for the rest of your life so you can go see aliens for yourself”
“wowww im so scared y/n” the boy remarks and shuts the door
you half laugh and half scoff before turning your attention back to the ipad screen sitting on the bed infront of you
kind of infront of you because ni-ki’s acrobatic position was basically blocking the view
you were having a decent time watching the show playing, definitely not the most comfortable person on the planet at the moment
until you felt the body on top of you.. rumble?
you knew that feeling
ni-ki was laughing
HOW and WHY the hell was he laughing ?!!?!!?!
“what the hell?” you look down at him and his face is shoved near your shoulder but you caught a glimpse of his big smile
his laughter gets louder and you still dont have answers yet
“why are you laughing???? i thought you were sleeping?????” you try to push him off you but he was persistent in laughing in your shoulder (??)
after a couple minutes of you just letting this happen
ni-ki finally speaks!
“you’re so funny y/n” he finally pulls away from you and wipes his tears
“what are you even talking about... and how long were you awake, you sneaky kid” you poke his chest
he leans down again to hug your waist and start cuddling you again
“10 minutes”
“so you’re telling me i could’ve freed myself from that god awful demon EMBRACE you had me in 10 minutes ago???!!”
ni-ki starts laughing again and looks up at you
“thank you for threatening to send sunghoon to aliens for me y/n” he grins
you laugh, finally understanding what the boy had been going on about
“sunghoon deserved it”
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sinfulcries · 3 years
hi sir! i really enjoy your works so could i request atsumu's senpai catching him jacking off while moaning reader's name in the locker room and reader takes his virginity on the spot?
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maneater — atsumu x male reader
author's notes. UHM I AM SO SORRY THIS IS REALLY LONG I GOT REALLY INTO IT HAHAHA. this was also beta read by my lodicakes @bunbyy <3 thank you so much NJKNDKJA
tw. senpai kink, public sex, exhibitionism, mating press, caught masturbation, university au, virginity loss, peer pressure, belly bulge, size difference, unprotected sex, barebacking, facefucking, facial, sleazy senpai reader
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Miya Atsumu, by all means, was never interested in dating or the concept of love and crushes and infatuation. All of those seemed vaguely unfamiliar to the boy who only had volleyball on his victory-hungry mind. When it came to a certain male on his team however, he would instantly lose his composure. His knees would feel like jelly whenever their fingers would brush against each others accidentally and his face would heat up like wildfire when the flirty, tall senior would attempt to flirt with him.
A crush, Miya supposed. These feelings would go away sooner or later but Osamu and his teammates who clearly caught onto Atsumu’s strange behavior, begged to differ.
More often than intended, you two would have the thickest and most uncomfortable sexual tension. And one of those instances was right now.
After one of your practice matches, you had peeled your shirt off to reveal your seemingly perfect body. Atsumu revelled in the way your skin glistened under the sheer layer of sweat coating your big arms and your toned abdomen, or the way the fabric of your shorts hung low and exposed more than what meets the eye, leaving Atsumu to imagine the rest of what laid beneath. The blonde made sure to take his sweet time memorizing every crevice of your toned stomach, failing to notice the teasing smirk plastered on your face.
Interrupting the male’s not so discreet sightseeing, you chuckled. “Enjoying the view, Tsumu?” You teased, making the said male blush embarrassedly. “N-No! Shut yer trap, Senpai!” He sneered only to receive a grin from you in reply. “You know, You’re really cute when you’re flustered, dollface.”
God, the things you did to him were dangerous and the cute pet name went straight to his cock, making it noticeably twitch against his thigh. The shorter man merely ignored your statement with a blush on his face, giving you an embarrassed wave before walking towards the locker room, “I'm gonna take a shower.”
By showering, Atsumu meant releasing his sexual frustration by jacking off to the thought of you fucking him. The wing spiker shut his eyes in pleasure as he flicked his wrist around his length shamelessly, lips parted ever so slightly as he moaned your name.
The thought of you manhandling him, having him pressed up against your chest as you fucked him raw made Atsumu shut his eyes tightly. His pace only increased as he fisted his cock much faster, imagining that it was your bigger hand instead. This was definitely more than a crush-- Miya just came to the thought of his teammate for fuck’s sake! Thank God you weren’t there to witness the sinful and humiliating act that he had just committed.
By the time he came, shooting thick ribbons of white cum onto the tile walls, he rinsed the rest of his body clean before reaching out of the stall to grab his towel. Before he could even grasp the cloth, another person snatched it before he could, making him groan frustratedly.
“‘Samu, I swear if this is you, I’ll cut yer ba—”
When Atsumu opened the shower curtain however, the culprit was not his twin brother but instead, you stood in front of him with an amused look on your face. Your teasing expression only making the shorter man gulp nervously.
Avoiding your coy gaze, you taunted, “You’re a bad boy, Atsumu.” while moving to pin the blonde against the tile walls. Atsumu let out a soft squeak, feeling your calloused fingertips rubbing teasingly against the rim of his ass.
“Touching yourself to the thought of me.” You growled, leaning in to lap at the expanse of his neck, your teeth slowly dragging against his skin leaving bite marks on the clean flesh.
The blonde let out a breathy moan, as he tried to explain himself, however his mind was clouded with nothing but lust and disbelief. “I’ll give you the real thing instead. How does that sound?” You whispered, making the blonde shake his head. “I-I don’t want to..”
As much as he desperately wanted to feel your cock messing up his insides, he was embarrassingly enough, a virgin. And to have his virginity taken in some dirty locker room had him thinking more rationally, holding himself back from succumbing into his desires.
“Why not? Are you a virgin?” You teased, making Atsumu pipe up with humiliation. “Am not!” He protested.
Not believing the blonde, your hand inched towards his ass, prodding at his entrance with one finger. The male immediately jolted forward into your chest, squeaking as you pushed the digit in. “F-feels weird…” Atsumu murmured.
Ah, a virgin. How adorable.
The best people to fuck, in your not so humble opinion, were virgins. They were quite similar to new toys— they’d have your cock inside of their cunts, getting a good feel of how big you are before they’re reduced to a sobbing mess, feeling your cock molding them into your shape.
“C’mon now, ‘Tsumu, don’t be such a buzzkill for yer senpai.” You mused, giving his ass a harsh slap. “I’ll take good care of you. I’ll be gentle.” Your words weren’t the most convincing especially paired with the predatory gaze in your eyes. Nonetheless, Atsumu complied hesitantly, deciding to trust you instead, “Ugh fine. Ya better be gentle or I’m backing out.”
‘You’d be too addicted to even think about backing out’ You thought to yourself, grinning as you pulled the blonde out of the shower, urging him to lay down on one of the benches before pulling your shorts off along with your boxers.
By no means were you remotely close to small. Atsumu shamelessly drooling at the sight of your thick cock leaking beads of precum in your hand. Miya could only gulp as you pressed the smooth head of your cock against his bottom lip, letting the fat head part his lips open. “W-Wait you won’t go too deep right?” Atsumu mumbled worriedly.
“Just trust me.” You responded, guiding the rest of your cock inside of his mouth slowly. And without a single warning, you grabbed the boy by the back of his head, pulling him in closer as he choked helplessly on your cock. “You can take it right Tsum? Senpai knows you can.” The condescending grin that wormed its way onto your lips made Atsumu moan against your cock, your hips now moving to fuck the wing spiker’s warm throat.
You could vaguely hear the sound of him choking and gurgling around your thick length, the younger man’s jaw now going slack with how long you’ve been mercilessly thrusting into his mouth. “Shh, Samu might walk in at any minute. How would he react to seeing his cute lil twin getting facefucked by his sleazy senior?” You whispered tauntingly, Miya only “mmf!”-ing in reply.
With your thrusts slowly becoming sloppy as you felt your high approaching, you took your cock of the blonde’s mouth before spilling your load on his pretty face, relishing in the way your cum dripped over the boy’s cute features. “S-Senpai…” The boy panted, shakily taking your cock in his small hand “Want more…”
Your prediction was proven to be correct. Miya Atsumu was already addicted to your cock and you haven’t even taken his virginity yet! What a charming lil whore, so easy for you to break and corrupt!
Smiling at the blonde, your fingers were now pushed against the puffy rim of his ass, the dampness from his recent shower making it much easier to prep his hole for your cock. Atsumu let out a soft gasp as you started to curl and twist your fingers inside of him, his body writhing cutely against the bench he was laying on. “Mm so tight, I can’t wait to fill this cute cunt up.”
Miya blushed at your words, the venom in your voice making him flush red with how needy he was for you. Jolting upwards, he could feel your fingers brushing against his prostate, a flurry of high pitched moans ripping past his throat as you continued to fingerfuck the poor boy. “Ssssso good~!” Squealing girlishly, Atsumu’s cock trembled before he came on his stomach.
“Fuck, you look so hot” You rasped out, admiring the way his chest heaved up and down, his oversensitive cock now twitching against his stomach. As much as you wanted to spend your time admiring the view, your patience was wearing thin, and you could barely keep yourself from climbing on top of his quivering figure, aligning the head of your cock against his puckered rim before pushing every inch inside of him. The pain was absolutely unbearable-- the thought of pushing you off of him was the only thing occupying his mind as he blinked back the fat tears forming in his eyes.
As expected, his ass felt so good wrapped around your cock. Nothing beats the feel of a freshly entered, young virgin, especially since he looked so pretty folded down on the bench with your cock filling his ass.
“It hurts! Too big--!” Atsumu whimpered, finally letting the tears he had been holding back stream down his pretty little face. You only grasped both of his legs in response, folding him with ease so that his ass was raised to take in more of your cock. With you, balls deep inside of him-- It was safe to say that Atsumu was slowly breaking. It was obvious with how his tongue was stuck out, eyes crossed lewdly as the tears, cum and drool on his face mixed messily together. The satisfaction of burying every inch of your cock inside of his ass only brought a wicked smile on to your face and it didn’t take long for you to start fucking him and breeding him against the dirty bench, each euphoric thrust sending atsumu overdrive as he breathlessly panted for more. His whimpers sent you into a frenzy, your hips pistolling deeper to abuse his prostate-- and the blonde could only scream for dear life as you pounded into his guts mercilessly.
Rich, deep moans spilled from your lips only aiding Atsumu into orgasming much faster. And Your brash, rapid thrusts made ‘Tsumu moan out in pure bliss, keeping himself balanced as he held onto your sturdy arms. “Such a fucking cockslut for a virgin.” You groaned, Driving your cock deeper inside of him so that you could marvel at the little bump bulging out of his toned stomach.
“Look at that, you can even see my cock in yer little tummy.” Teasing him never got old, especially with the cute whine that came out of his mouth. “If only the team was able to see just how much of a virgin whore you really are.”
That alone was enough to make Atsumu cum once more, and with one more drive of your hips against his colon, you watched as his body spasmed against your cock, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he cried out your name.
Although you did have a bad habit of tossing virgins away once you were done using them up, you were certain that you’d keep Miya Atsumu for a while. After all, he was quite fun to play with.
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jeanownsme · 2 years
vlive head
summary- you give your horny bf head while hes live with his fans
warnings- exhibitionism kink, oral sex (male receiving), hair pulling, secret relationship, mmm not too many warnings, etc
a/n- this was a thought that recently came up in my mind and my god this was hot, i hope there arent any grammar mistakes. its like 5 am rn and took me 2 hours to write 😭 enjoy loves.
"how is everyone doing, have you guys eaten yet ?" the voice of your boyfriend asked, looking at the comments showing up on the screen. he was live with millions of fans watching, that was what made you scared. what if they knew what you guys were doing ? what if they knew who it was ? everybody knew he was in a relationship, but no one besides the people closest to him knew who it was. how would everybody react if they find out that he's dating y/n, one of the most well known and loved actresses. it would be disastrous.
"its been so long since i've gone live.. i missed you guys a lot, sorry for being gone for a while i've been super inactive lately because i've been super busy, but i think i'm going to post after this" his voice sounded clear as your lips were wrapped around his dick, slowly moving up and down drool dripping down your chin. you never knew tae was into this kinda stuff because he was always cautious with cameras whenever you were near him, posting your hand or shadow was the only thing that would ever show online.
he leaned back further into his seat and sharply thrusted into your mouth forcing you to deep throat him, you gagged as tears made its way down your face. to the camera it looked as if he was just adjusting his seat. luckily the music he was playing drowned out the sound. how could he stay so quiet ? you were suffering trying not to make any sounds. he was huge, he could barely fit in your mouth and it was starting to hurt your jaw from the stretch.
you wrapped you hand around the rest of the length and started stroking and sucking even harder and faster. his cock twitching from the sudden change of pace, he groaned but quickly covered it up with a cough eyes moving down to glare at you. and you stared back with an innocent look on your face pretending to not know what you just did.
taehyungs hand wrapped around the base of your head and pulled on your hair gently, a warning to slow down.
he continued reading the comments, many mentioned you. this was bad, this meant that people were catching on.
y/n is also in new york, does this mean they are together ?
are you dating y/n ?
how do you feel about y/n ?
whats your connection with y/n ?
obviously he could see these comments, there were a shit ton. but he ignored them because he knew that if he mentioned your name it would be all over the internet. as you kept sucking, he was getting closer to cumming.
he moaned and leaned over to rest his head on the desk
"ahhh guys its getting late, and im not used to the time difference here yet." he lifted his head to stare at the camera.
"this was really fun army, im gonna go now to get some rest. you guys should get some too, stream our new album. byeeee" he waved and shut off the camera.
"y/n you can stop now" you stopped and got up, tripping a bit from being on your knees for so long. taehyung caught you and held you in his arms and laughed, looking down at you he leaned down and kissed your puffy lips.
"youre so fucking cute baby, i just wanna fuck the shit outta you" you both groaned as the kiss got heavier, his long fingers grabbing onto your waist and slowly making its way down to your ass squeezing it.
"lay down on the bed for me yeah ? " god his voice, it was so sexy and deep. if your panties weren't wet from earlier they most definitely are now. you laid down and taehyung made his way between you legs, he leaned over to your ear.
"lets get these pretty panties off"
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
All I Need is You
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: You do so much for everyone else and so little for yourself that when you almost collapse, Loki finally gets you to agree to let him take care of you. Warnings: the reader skips some meals; a lot of fluff A/N: Its really just Loki taking care of you. But please remember to take care of yourselves too everyone!! Hope you enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02​ @frostedficrecs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely @laurenandloki @fallinallinmendes @sophlubbwriting @mooncat163 @lokislittlesigyn @wolfish-trickster
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki was watching you even more carefully than normal these days. Yes, you’d caught his eye even on your first day in the Tower back when you were just a new recruit, a SHIELD agent with some kind of sixth sense that let you anticipate things, recently transferred to the Avengers Tower. Even now no one was entirely sure if it was a power or just an uncanny knack you had that made you extremely good at your job. Regardless, the trickster god could see how the ability had shaped you.
You’d only been in the Tower a week when you’d started running errands all over the city, offering things to people before they could even think they needed it themselves, then going to pick it up for them. Loki had declined the offer after hearing all the places you were already going. He’d hoped it was a fluke, that you wouldn’t make it a habit of taking care of everyone. Not that it was inherently bad, he just knew how tiring it could be to please everyone, worried that you would burn out. Of course, you had kept doing it, and his worries turned out to be justified.
“Darling, are you going out again?” Loki asked as you passed his seat in the common room on your way to the elevator. He set his book down, frowning. “Did you not just go yesterday? Unless, of course, this time it is for you. Then by all means, please be on your way.”
“No... It’s just Steve and Bucky were talking about some cereals they used to like and we don’t have any in the Tower so...” you trailed off, shuffling your feet.
“And can they not wait for it until the next scheduled trip to the supermarket?”
“Well, yeah, they said they could. But I don’t mind.”
Loki stood and sighed, walking over to you. Gently, so you didn’t have to comply if you didn’t want to, Loki lifted your chin to look at him. You looked tired. Admirable as it was that you wanted to do things for others, you needed a rest day.
“And tell me, darling, when was the last time you did something for yourself?” He waited a moment for an answer, but was met with silence. “What about that drawing you started two months ago? Have you worked on that more?”
“It wasn’t any good, anyway,” you shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”
“It was wonderful,” he reassured you. “What about eating, though? Have you eaten today?”
“I... I had a mint.”
“That does not count.” Now he was outright worried. You did this every once in a while, saying you just got so caught up in other things, you forgot to eat. Whatever the reason, it troubled Loki. “You have had some water at least? You know what, do not answer. I am sure I know already. Just wait here a moment.”
You waited by the lift as Loki padded to the kitchen, searching for a water bottle. The problem went beyond just these shopping trips. Sometimes when Tony or Bruce got stuck on one of their projects, you’d pore over books and blueprints for hours, searching for the answer, losing sleep. Then other times, you took it upon yourself to plan events for the team. It was more than a simple, casual invitation. No, it usually involved at least three days of extensive planning. Everyone enjoyed them and was appreciative, needing a break from their day-to-day lives, but it just took up more of your time and brainpower. Pile that onto your own training and missions, it was enough to wear anyone out.
But what he both loved and hated the most was how you’d always be there to talk. Not just for him, but for everyone. And not merely a laid-back chat, either. No, they were practically therapy sessions. Again, just like all the other things you did, that would be all fine and good, except for the fact you never talked about your own issues. You just did so much for everyone else and practically nothing for yourself, even something so basic as remembering to eat, that it broke Loki’s heart a little more every day.
“Here,” he said, handing you the plastic bottle. “But I am coming with you.”
Smiling brightly, you led the way out into the city streets. You chatted as you went about your task, and Loki was yet to take his eyes off of you. It wasn’t until you started the journey back, however, that he began to grow worried. You hadn’t taken even the smallest sip of the water he’d fetched for you, and on this hot day, it was clearly taking its toll. You stumbled a little, suddenly looking more out of it than Loki could stand. He gently gripped your arm to steady you and led you to a bench. Grabbing the water out of your backpack, Loki uncapped it and held the bottle to your lips.
“Drink,” he ordered, but with kindness in his tone.
One of your hands that was gripping the bench a bit too tightly in an attempt to ground your dizzy mind came up to take the bottle from him. Complying, you downed nearly half the bottle in one gulp. It seemed that was a mistake as your empty stomach gargled, rebelling against the sudden intake. Loki rubbed large circles on your back while you scrunched your eyes closed, breathing deeply as you tried to force yourself to feel better.
“Are you alright, darling?” Loki asked when you felt well enough to take another few small sips. You nodded your head, eyes still closed. “Now do you see why it is important to take care of yourself? Will you please get some rest this afternoon?”
“I’m fine, really. Don’t worry, I-”
“That is madness!” Both Loki and you flinched at his sudden increase in volume. He removed his hand from your back, feeling unworthy to make contact with you after snapping like that. You were his friend, and he was yelling at you for something like this? It made him disappointed in himself. He sighed. “Listen, I am sorry. All I mean is I care about you. I do not like to see you like this. It is not healthy, and I believe you know that.”
You opened your eyes, blinking at him. “You-you care about me?”
Loki felt heat flood to his cheeks as he realized that he had, in fact, said that. “I do. So will you please let me take care of you?”
You bit your lip for a minute. “I will,” you sighed, giving in.
Satisfied, Loki coaxed you into accepting a piggyback ride the rest of the way home. You placed your forehead in the crook of his neck, enjoying his cool skin against yours, which was noticeably overheating. He quickly tossed the grocery bags of cereal onto the counter and brought you to your room, your own little pocket of the world that you trusted Loki enough to share with him if even for a moment. Laying you down on your bed, he told you to rest for a minute, lips placing a ghost of a kiss on your forehead.
The god moved to your bathroom, looking for what he needed. After preparing a bubble bath with nice, cool water, Loki left you to sink into it with only the order to relax. While you did, he hurried to prepare you a light meal, something that wouldn’t upset your stomach. When you padded out of the bathroom in the soft pajamas Loki had left for you and saw the meal on a tray on your bedside table, a smile tugged at your lips.
Loki peeled back the silken sheets he’d put on your bed so you could get under them. With a little bit of difficulty—Loki never had gotten a firm grasp on understanding Midgardian technology—he flipped through the channels on your TV until you found something you wanted to watch while you ate.
“Is there anything else you need?” he asked once you were done eating, before leaving you to your own devices.
You bit your lip as you thought before ultimately shaking your head no. “I’m good thanks.”
“Please, darling, be honest with me,” he pleaded. “Anything you want. Name it, and it is yours.”
“Will you stay with me?” you blurted out. “No, I’m sorry, that’s ridiculous. I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
“Darling,” he tsked. “The only thing on my schedule today is taking care of you.”
You smiled as he slid under the sheets next to you, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you onto his lap. You twisted your body so you could look at him and tuck a few locks of his raven hair behind his ear. You were living in your own place in time, the two of you finding a safe haven in each other’s arms.
“You know what would make me really happy, Loki?” you began. “If I got to give you a little, thank you. Would that be alright?”
The god hesitated for a moment. “I suppose. Depending on what it is.”
“Can I... Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“Well, that depends, again.”
“On whether or not we can make it a regular occurrence,” Loki replied with a playful grin.
“You know, you are always saying I should do things that make me happy. So yes, yes we absolutely can.”
“In that case,” he said, already leaning in, “what are you waiting for?”
Giggling, you bridged the gap between you. As Loki smiled against your lips, he realized something. No matter how stubborn either of you were when it came to accepting help for yourselves, you’d always have the other to take care of you. And even more importantly, Loki thought, you’d have each other to love.
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agnesmontague · 2 years
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Let's hear em!!!
short answer: fnaf poisoned the well twice. first inadvertently and second unironically
long answer: nearly every indie horror game of what i'll call the "kiddie genre" as shorthand has been, for the most part, fnaf inspired. first there was the wave of near identical "locked in a small space (in some kid-oriented setting) while fending off horrors" riffs that just lifted the most iconic part of fnaf, ie the gameplay. those tended not to be well-received bc they were such obvious clones as to merit the title of ripoffs, and fnaf had such a distinctive mechanic for indie horror games at the time that most other parody/clone games generally paled in comparison, if not feeling like absolutely shameless youtube bait games
but when fnaf itself started to move gradually away from that mechanic with its most recent games (esp security breach) it became open season for indie horror games to revert back to their more traditional item-hunting building-exploring flashlight-waving roots while not having to deviate from the other foundation fnaf had laid: the lore. im not a fnaf veteran by any means but i am fully aware that it set the stage for the type of lore and worldbuilding that very few of the modern "kiddie genre horror games" have actually deviated from, ie "these kid-friendly things are, quite literally, possessed by the spirits of whoever was wronged at the time of their genesis." the bite of '87 (or whatever it was called; like i said im not actually a fnaf veteran) was the blueprint for this, in no small part thanks to the extensive coverage from channels like game theory, and the only real big-name kiddie genre game that i can think of that didn't follow this formula is baldi's basics (which does not even have any lore to speak of). just about any other game that got propelled into the public eye in recent years--bendy and the ink machine, andy's apple farm, poppy playtime--has all fallen to various degrees under this same trite umbrella, eventually decaying to various degrees of shameless fucking moneygrabbing based off this same formula that worked once for fnaf.
and mind you, i don't have anything against fnaf at all other than scott cawthon being a homophobic twat, or even think that this phenomenon is in itself some new blight on the indie horror scene. if a huge new game makes a splash, there will be derivatives that ensue for years on end--we saw it with the endless hyperrealistic PT clones, the Slender spinoffs and SCP games of the mid-2010s, and arguably even the "traditional" item-hunting note-collecting mechanic i mentioned above could be the long-lasting influence of amnesia: the dark descent. what really fucks me up with the kiddie genre though is that it's becoming more and more directly marketed AT KIDS instead of being the nostalgic horror intended for adults that it originally was. again, not a bad thing in itself--kids love horror after all--but when combined with the merchandising and blatant greed some of these companies have displayed upon realizing that kids are an easy market it actually kind of turns my stomach a little. it makes for shittier games AND more predatory attempts to scam kids. it's been kind of exhausting to watch this evolution happening in real time bc the indie scene already has so many issues with unoriginality, with so many unethical devs getting away with slapping fancy graphics on top of a boring unworkshopped idea, and i can’t help but feel like this is just another example of that.
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