#and its in the past anyway so why even bother thinking about it anymore
oracle-of-dream · 7 months
Frame by Frame
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your brother Jay invited his friend Sunghoon over to spend the night at the house. The three of you had mostly grown up together, so you knew him pretty well. Something's off with him... he keeps looking at you.
Warnings: Male Reader, Muscle Kink, Rough Sex, Brother's Best friend, Breeding, Spit play, Pet names (Baby), Soft Dom Sunghoon, Sunghoon has a big dick, Aftercare, Jaywon (briefly)
Wordcount: 3.5k
You woke up from a midday nap to the smell of food being cooked downstairs. The Sun was still shining into your window, but you could tell it was the afternoon by its dark orange color.
Climbing out of bed, you remembered your parents said they'd be out of town for the week. Probably because it was spring break for you, and they didn't want to be around when both their kids would be home again. They were way too happy to send you and your brother off to college...
You put on some sort of t-shirt before leaving your room to investigate the kitchen. There were two voices; one was Jay, your brother. The other was Sunghoon, his best friend since you were five years old. Sunghoon and Jay went everywhere together. To the movies, the gym, cafes, and even the same college too. It really felt like they were dating each other with how much Sunghoon was around, even if your parents treated him like another kid.
Stepping into the kitchen, you saw Sunghoon in a sleeveless red shirt with gray sweatpants. Jay was wearing something similar in green and black. They probably just came back from the gym. Jay had shouted something about it before you'd fallen asleep.
"It smells good. What's on the menu today, chef?" You smiled at your brother the way you did when you needed something from him.
"If you do the dishes after dinner, then it's a tomato bruschetta with salmon," Jay replied without looking up at you.
"What!? Why do I have to do the dishes?"
"You want to eat the food I'm working hard to make, then you have to contribute."
You rolled your eyes. "You hate the way I wash the dishes, you always say it's not done right and end up doing them anyway–and what about Sunghoon? He's eating too, so he has to do the dishes!"
Sunghoon was about to protest but Jay beat him to it. "Fine. Both of you start washing these dishes. If it's not clean by the time I'm done, then the dog is eating really well tonight."
Sunghoon didn't bother arguing. "I wash, you dry?" He asked while handing you a clean rag.
Your stomach was too empty to think of a good argument about why Sunghoon was the person who should do everything. "Fine," You snatched the rag from him and lifted yourself onto the counter to sit. For the next ten minutes, you dried the dishes as he handed them to you. Your mind wandered, thinking about how hungry you were. You looked over at Sunghoon washing the dishes, his huge biceps flexing as he worked over every dish. He'd been going to the gym as much as Jay, but he always had a better shape than him. His arms were incredible, his shoulders also pretty broad, and his side profile wasn't half bad either... He definitely wasn't the kid you'd grown up with anymore.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Sunghoon's eyes looking over at you, catching you staring at him.
"Y/n, you alright?"
"Y–Yeah, just still a little drowsy..."
Jay finished making the food and started planting the table. "Did you really sleep all day, y/n?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Those are the same pajamas you've been wearing for the past two days..." He dryly replied.
"Well–What did you do today, Jay?"
"I cleaned the house, got groceries, picked up Sunghoon, and then we went to the gym. Then we came back here and I cooked for the entire house."
"Three people, but okay... that's supposed to be a break and you're working like a house husband!"
Jay picked up the plate sitting at your place at the table. "So, that's a no to the food?"
"Okay–Let's not get out of hand. You started it."
"That's what I thought," Jay set your plate down and returned to his seat. He waited for you and Sunghoon to finish the dishes and join him. Dinner was pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, with a bowl of fruit. Jay knew you loved breakfast for dinner, and it was all prepared and set to perfection.
You all eat together, not talking very much as you focus on the food. Sunghoon was wolfing the food down like usual, making a mess.
"Hey, you're going to get food on the floor!" You pushed him slightly, "I'm not cleaning the floor if you make a mess."
He replied with a mouth full of food, "Relax, Mom!" Sunghoon has egg on his face and crumbs on his shirt.
You pinched the egg off his face and tossed it to the dog to eat. But when you looked back at Sunghoon, he was staring at you.
"What? Were you gonna eat that?" You asked.
He shook his head, "No, it's nothing."
The air hung heavy between you. Sunghoon has been acting like that sometimes around you, creating some sort of tension between you. But you couldn't think of what you could've done to make him bothered by you. He was fine earlier...
Jay cut through the silence. "Well. Sunghoon, are you still staying the night?"
Sunghoon nodded. More invested in the food now, even though his plate was almost empty.
Jay turned to you, "Y/n, you doing anything tonight? We can all hang out if you want."
You shrugged. "I don't think I've got anything for me. So I'll be around."
The three of you continued dinner without much extra conversation. You went back to your room, Jay started washing the dishes from dinner, and Sunghoon stayed in the kitchen to talk to Jay.
You watched some TikToks in your room until you got a text from Sunghoon.
SH: Hey...
You sat up in bed so you could give it more attention. Why would he put the ... in there?
YN: What's up?
SH: I hope I didn't make you upset earlier. About the dishes. You were kinda giving me daggers, so I just wanted to make sure we're cool.
YN: Of course! I didn't mean to look upset, I was just thinking.
SH: What, about?
YN: Random stuff, I can't even really remember it now...
You knew you couldn't just say, "Oh I was thinking about how good you've been looking these days. Great gains, bro!" You needed to play it cool.
SH: Oh, okay. Can I get your thoughts on something?
Your heart raced, just for a moment.
YN: What is it?
SH: What do you think about this, hot or not? Jay says not.
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You stared at the picture of Sunghoon in the gym's locker room. You tried not to laugh at his expression.
YN: I think you could work on your expression. Try smiling or something. Most guys just focus on showing their body rather than their face at the gym anyway.
There was a pause in the messages. Sunghoon didn't reply for a full five minutes...
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SH: What about these?
YN: Sunghoon, why do you need me to tell you if you look good? You've always been the most handsome out of you, me, and Jay.
SH: Well, Jay won't even look at them. But it's good to know you think I'm good-looking.
You blushed and scoffed at your phone... You couldn't tell if he knew what he was doing to you. Your body was going crazy.
YN: Well, whatever. I think the photos are all fine.
SH: Last one.
You braced yourself for another sleeveless selfie, but what you got was way better.
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You almost dropped your phone when you saw him shirtless. He was absolutely doing it on purpose. Making sure not to actually show you anything, just some collarbone.
SH: Thoughts?
YN: Yep, still looks good.
SH: Well, you can send me photos too. Let me rate you.
You caught a look of yourself in the reflection of your phone. You looked more than a little rough.
YN: Um, I don't really have photos...
SH: Then should we fix that? I can take some photos for you.
YN: Why do I need pictures?
SH: ...I dunno. It just felt fair, since I forced you to look at me. I should look at you too.
You thought about sending Sunghoon photos of yourself. What kind of photos would he even want?
YN: What kinda photos are we talking about?
SH: Anything, I'm just here to help. Just like you did for me.
You spent almost twenty minutes trying to find a photo that seemed decent enough to send. Changing your outfit, messing with your hair, cleaning your room a little bit. You settled on a candid photo of you reading a book in some loose-fitting clothes. Your shirt was almost falling off your shoulders, and your shorts barely peeked out to show you were wearing any. You sent it to Sunghoon and waited anxiously for his response.
SH: Looks good.
You frowned at his response. You really look all the time just to get that kind of response from him... You tossed your phone away from you and went to the living room to find Jay and Sunghoon. Both were sitting on the couch, using their phones. But as soon as you walked in, Sunghoon tucked his phone.
"I'm gonna hit the bathroom really quick." He said as he brushed past you.
Jay didn't acknowledge it, but you sure did. Sunghoon was acting weird again.
"Jay, have you noticed anything about Sunghoon lately?"
He shook his head. "Nope. Same old Sunghoon."
You scoffed at your brother. "Since when have you been so uncaring?"
"And since when did you care so much?" Jay raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his phone.
"Never!" You turned and stormed off from Jay. Clearly, he wasn't going to be helpful, so you needed to get to the bottom of things yourself. As soon as you got into the hallway of the bathroom, you could see the light was on, but the door was barely open. The bathroom door got messed up when Jay closed the door too hard, making it difficult to keep the door shut. A small push could open it. But Sunghoon didn't know that. You moved forward to pull it closed, but then heard Sunghoon breathing heavily.
You leaned closer to the door to listen.
"...Jeez. You're so beautiful. Y/n, holy fuck." Sunghoon softly moaned.
You moved to peek through the crack. Sunghoon was jerking himself to something on his phone, moaning your name. You didn't realize you were holding your breath watching him. His hand stroked quickly, his hair bounced lightly, and his mouth hung open with his eyes squeezed shut. His thick arms pulsed, and his veins popped. His legs shook and shifted in pleasure. You inched closer to get a better look at Sunghoon's phone, but accidentally touched the door which creaked slightly and scared Sunghoon.
"Y–Y/N! I–" Sunghoon scrambled to cover himself but he dropped his phone while doing it. His phone landed face up, showing what he was masturbating to; the photo of yourself you'd sent earlier...
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk here..." You said as you turned around and shut the door.
There was shuffling, and then the door opened. Sunghoon's face was wracked with guilt. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I..." His voice trailed off, not knowing what to say.
You turned to him. "Be honest."
He gulped before opening his mouth to answer. "I–I'm really into you, y/n. I've been like this for a while... And, I get it if you're not interested in me."
You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, leaving him dumbfounded. "Come to my room tonight. Wait till Jay's asleep." You walked off toward your room without waiting for his response. You couldn't look him in the face after what you'd seen. All you could think about was his dick and the expression he was making, replaying again and again in your mind. You stayed in your room for the rest of the night, and when Jay knocked on your door to check on you, you told Jay that you didn't want to hang out anymore.
Around midnight, the house had fallen asleep except for you. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you heard a soft knock at the door.
"Y/n? It's me." Sunghoon whispered through the door.
You opened the door and let Sung Hoon in. You sat down on your bed, and he sat down on the far end of it, awkwardly looking at you in the low light of the moon that dripped in from your window.
"I've already seen it, so you can't be awkward with me now." You stated, trying to start the conversation.
"I know... I just didn't want you to find out like that. It's embarrassing." He scratched his head. "You just looked so good in that picture. The moment I saw it, it was hard. And then I saw you in person. I needed to deal with it."
You shifted a little closer to him. "Well, you were sending those pictures first. I was just following your lead."
"I wasn't trying to be sexy in the pictures..."
"Well, you're bad at not being sexy. And, why would you send that shirtless one if you weren't making a pass at me."
Sunghoon's ears went pink. "Well–Maybe I was fishing a little. But I didn't think you'd send anything back to me."
"So it's my fault?"
He turned to you. "No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant–" Sunghoon couldn't finish his sentence as he watched you unbutton your shirt.
"What? Aren't you going to get undressed?"
Sunghoon looked away from you. "Wait, what's actually happening right now?"
You shyly started putting your shirt back on. "I thought you came so we could... have sex. Or something. That was dumb, I'm sorry–"
Sunghoon knelt down in front of you and stopped your hands. "No, it's not dumb. I liked it. I was just thrown for a second. We can do that if you want. But I want to take it off you if you'll let me."
You let your hands rest, Sunghoon slowly stripped off your shirt, touching you gently, caressing your skin, and breathing in your scent deeply as he did. Once your shirt was off, he tossed his aside roughly, revealing his muscular torso to you. You automatically looked away, but he sweetly pulled your chin to face him.
"You can touch me, y/n." He spoke with softness in his voice and looked up at you with warm eyes.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. It was stiff and strong. You traced his muscles down his arm until your hands met his and locked into his fingers.
"We'll go however far you want, y/n. Whatever you want, I'm all yours." He kissed your hand.
"Can you call me baby?"
He chuckled. "Baby."
Your heart fluttered at his deep voice calling out to you.
"Baby, can I touch you?"
You nod.
Sunghoon uses his other hand to wrap around your waist and lift you off the bed, moving you so he'd sit on the bed and you on his lap. "Is this okay?" He slightly leaned in for a kiss, pausing for your consent.
You nod again. Leaning in to meet him.
Sunghoon's hands traced your chest before landing on your hips. Your hands traveled up his waist and stopped at his neck as the two of you made out. Every time you moaned Sunghoon would pull you closer to him, squeezing you slightly. You could feel him slowly grinding into you, his hips lurching upward for just a moment of sensation. You arch your back, laying your ass down to meet him, earning a groan from him.
"Keep doing that, baby." He moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away from the kiss. "We can keep moving forward."
Sunghoon lets you climb off of him. The both of you face away from one another as you toss aside your pants and underwear, leaving you both naked.
You felt a little too exposed. "Actually, can I have my shirt back?
Sunghoon handed it to you, and you took it without looking back at him. You slipped it on but left it unbuttoned and open. Slowly, you turned around to let him see you.
"You look amazing with it on. Good call." He complimented.
You blushed at his compliment and lay on the bed. "Are you coming?"
Sunghoon crawled onto the bed, positioning himself over you. "Are you prepared, or do you need me to do it?"
You covered your face. "Don't ask embarrassing questions. Just check if it's enough for you."
Sunghoon smiled. "Will you lick my fingers?"
You moved your hands just enough to show your mouth and let it open. He delicately placed his fingers on your tongue and let you work them over, tossing and turning them. You got them so wet that they were dripping as he took them out.
"Jesus, that's hot." Sunghoon put them in his mouth.
"Hoon–" He then slipped two fingers into you, making you cover your mouth so you didn't slip out any loud noises.
Sunghoon pushed and pulled softly, searching around and bending his fingers. When he found your spot, he felt you suddenly squeeze his fingers. "There it is. Now, I know where to aim."
You were starting to drool with all the foreplay. Or maybe it was an overexcited thing. Either way, Sunghoon noticed and licked your cheek, drinking your spit.
"We're going to start now. Anything you need to do?" He asked one more time for your consent.
"I've been waiting for you to get to it..." You muttered.
"Oh, baby, are you getting impatient?" He teased me.
You didn't answer and Sunghoon lined himself with your hole before slowly sliding his length inside you. You held the sheets of the bed, trying to control your noises as he filled you. He was so big, and every vein and twitch felt like an explosion inside of you. You struggled to stay still while you got used to him.
"You can do it, baby."
You moaned. "Seven inches is more than I've had before..."
"Did you count my inches with your hole? How lewd." Sunghoon chuckled. "And, we're not done yet."
Your mouth twitched a smile. "Just put it all in then."
Sunghoon put his hands on either side of your hips and pulled up into him, putting the last two inches into you.
"Nine!?" You almost screamed.
"Maybe it's 9.5, but who's counting? Now, stay quiet, or Jay will wake up." He leaned down to you, sliding his hand under your head. "Bite me if you need to."
You thought you didn't need to until you felt his hips move, and then your mouth instantly fixed itself to Sunghoon's collar. He groaned as he started moving slowly but picked up the pace when you moaned. Your thighs were raised, and your legs were around his waist, shaking as Sunghoon pulled you into him to meet his thrusts. You could feel Sunghoon's muscles moving and tensing as he controlled your body. He leaned back to see his work on you and caught you staring at his chest. His pecs were so big and bounced with every thrust.
"Oh? Does Baby like my chest? Wanna touch it?"
You nodded breathlessly.
Sunghoon leaned back down for you to touch them comfortably.
You squeeze them, pinching on his nipples. You were mesmerized by them.
"Since you like them so much, I'll keep them nice and big for you, okay?" Sunghood cool to you.
"O–Okay." You moaned as you held his pecs in your hands, kneading them roughly. The sensations were so intense you didn't even notice you'd already finished once, cum painting your stomach.
Sunghoon's thrusts got sloppier, losing their rhythm as his moans got shakier.
"I'm almost there, baby, hold on a little longer." He growled, hitting a few more times before his cum spilled into you. Which makes you cum again, painting yourself with more ropes of white. Sunghoon rode out his high, thrusting a few more times before pulling out. Cum spilling out of you, onto the bed.
Your body shook and convulsed every few seconds from the rush. You were a sticky mess, and Sunghoon took care of everything. He went into the bathroom and got you hot towels to clean you. And then he carried you to your bathroom so you could do your business. While you took care of yourself on the toilet, Sunghoon changed the sheets and waited for you to come out of the bathroom with new pajamas ready.
Sunghoon tucked you under the covers. "Goodnight, baby, I'll see you in the morning." He got under the covers with you to cuddle you.
You grabbed his arm. "You're not leaving? What about Jay?"
Sunghoon laughed. "He knows. I talked to him. He should be at Jungwon's house right now doing the same as us."
"Why would you tell him–Jungwon!? They're a thing!?"
"Since forever. And Jay's known for ages that I've liked you. After I talked to him about what happened, he chewed me out for being a pervert and jerking off in the house, but he gave me his blessing. So we don't need to worry about him~"
The two of you cuddled together for the night. You drifted to sleep to the sound of Sunghoon's heartbeat, plotting about your next morning...
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comicaurora · 1 year
What are your thoughts on guardians vol.3? (If you have watched it) I went into it, expecting it went to the garbage like the rest of the mcu, but I was pleasantly surprised by its creativity, trope subversion, and how it wrapped up the previously unresolved arks of its characters.
That's what I've heard!
The thing is, Guardians 3 could be the most transcendent work of cinema ever made, and I'd probably still feel little to no motivation to watch it at this point. It's not Guardians's fault - it's just suffering from the same problem that superhero comics have been struggling with for decades: no matter how good an individual arc or run is, absolutely nothing good lasts or matters in the long term, and the stories are shaped in such a way that "the long term" is the only thing anyone gets to build towards.
Whenever I complain about the MCU I get a handful of people loudly complaining about my complaining, with the general thesis that if I don't like it I shouldn't watch it or talk about it - if I'm not having fun, just stop engaging with it. And the thing is, I have. I am intellectually interested in why this massive franchise is fumbling the bag so hard, which is why I still check in on it sometimes, but I've long since stopped turning to the MCU for uncritical entertainment. And even the good movies or shows with a lot of interesting ideas - good character arcs, fun concepts, interesting planting for future payoff - don't draw me in anymore, because they're hooked into a massive moneymaking machine that will scrap and squander anything if they think it'll make them more in the quarter. It doesn't matter how good the writing is, because the writers are not allowed to tell a complete, finished story, and they have no control over what happens to their characters outside of their own script.
Captain America's arc was set up from literally minute one to answer one burning question at the core of his character: does a world without a war still need Captain America? After that incredibly basic tee-up at the end of First Avenger, half a dozen movies failed to come up with a reason to say "yes," and now Steve is retired for good after getting fumbled through four different storylines that couldn't even pretend that they needed him (the unused Chekhov's Phone from the end of Civil War still haunts me). The foundational arc of his entire character never happened because nobody bothered to keep track of it past a single movie.
Taika did something interesting with Thor in Ragnarok - take away Mjolnir, force him to recognize what it means to be the god of thunder, give him a very Odin-y missing eye - and the very next movie undid all of it. Just kidding, never mind, here's an eye and a new weapon and also his old weapon again, and in one more movie we're even gonna give him his hair back, probably as an apology for all the completely unironic fatphobia we're gonna slather him in for two and a half hours. I'm not even surprised Love And Thunder was such an overblown mess that barely took itself seriously - why would Taika bother trying to give Thor another arc when the powers that be will just roll it back in six months anyway?
I hear Rocket Raccoon has a fantastic arc in this movie. That's great, and demonstrates that he's being written by a writer that deeply cares about him. But he's part of the MCU, and the MCU doesn't let anything end, so if current patterns hold, Rocket is going to continue to serve as quippy plushie-bait for the next dozen movies and none of that depth is going to come through in the long term. Hell, since they're making Kang noises for the Next Big Threat and Kang's entire gimmick is rewriting timelines, literally none of this is guaranteed to matter. By next year, it might not have even happened anymore.
The MCU has successfully shaped itself into a paradigm where the bright spots of good writing are overridden and lost as soon as the writers room turns over, and that makes it really hard for me to muster up the enthusiasm to watch even a really good movie that's locked into the exact same grist mill as everything else. I'm glad people liked it, I hope it gets to stay good this time - I just have no desire to watch it.
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renku · 6 months
Shared Bliss
Soloist Choi Yunjin (Jini) x Male Reader
[Part 1?]
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A/N: I just feel releasing this short fic for some reason. Maybe it’s my impatient ass or something. Anyway, I truly enjoyed writing this one so I hope you enjoy it too. Let me know if you’re up for a 2nd part. Ideas are also welcome to my inbox! Good day to all!
To define the relationship you share with Jini is difficult, but to be bothered by such trivial things is a waste of time. People are going to think what they want at the end anyway.
Both of you possess the same traits; carefree, live-in-the-moment type of people, cherish, and spend the youth before it’s gone. No commitments. Feel the joy of life outside responsibilities and duties. Time waits for no man at all.
It started in the old fashion way—kicked off as high school peers that escalated until college. Ironic as it is sounds, met at the same company and now coworkers in the present. Same department, just different sections and ahead of her for a year. Taking into account Jini’s exaggerated storytelling (at least from your point of view) on why she left her previous job: the weight of just being there was unbearable. She said that she’d rather work as a waitress at a pub or something.
Sharing various moments with each other, there’s this bond and connection that felt exclusive and genuine. A safe space—comfort and no judgement. Romance? It doesn't cross your mind a bit and not would even dare to step into that unfamiliar realm.
Here’s the thing: random chances often come by to bring good things, chaos, or something in between the two. In your case, Lady Luck bestowed upon you the last one.
It was one Friday night—her occasional invites for dinner or plain drinking session are something you’ve become accustomed to. A fifteen-minute ride is all it takes. Not bad, better to spend the rest of the night outside than get bored alone.
“Still gets me,” you thought, looking at the front of her house. The amount of detail and work she put are remarkable. After a few steps, you pressed the doorbell.
“Oh, hey loser. Thought you wouldn’t come,” she said, “Just a sec. I’m coming.”
She did not even bother to ask who’s on the other side, like she don’t have any visitor besides you. After waiting for a few seconds, the door opened, and there she is—Jini in her off-shoulder dress with rose imprint.
Stunning... Captivating... Tempting.
Three words to describe the sight right before you, in flesh.
Her dress did its job flaunting her figure. Her presence that exude an intimidating aura—fierce, attitude, and boldness. One fierece look and she can make anyone kneel in a matter of seconds.
“Hey, loser. Hey!”
“What?” you replied, still in shock.
“You zoned out, are you okay?” Jini asked, you just shook your head a bit.
“Yeah, yeah... Hundred percent.”
“Come in then, it’s freezing out here.”
Few common dishes and cans of beer were already placed on the table in the living room. “Not much, but that's a free meal. Besides, I’m not a bad cook,” she winked.
“Full of yourself sometimes, aren’t you?”
“I think the word ‘confident’ is what you’re looking for, mister.”
“Fine, fine... Let’s just eat,” you said, before sitting and opening a can of beer.
“Hah! I won!”
Throughout the meal, different topics fueled the flow of conversation. Some of them were about work, things in the past, gossips, funny, sad, and anything that comes into mind until all that's left on the table were the beers.
“A question,” said Jini, bringing seat closer so she can lean forward towards you across the table.
“Be my guest.”
“Did you ever think about having sex with me?”
Making a surprised reaction would not change the situation so you just answered her in a straightforward manner. “Yes, and if I'm being honest, I can’t stop thinking about it the moment I stepped inside this house. You’re so fucking hot in that dress.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol, or just courage that came out of nowhere but you still said it, and who gives a shit anymore?
Jini finished her remaining beer looking at you. She stood up, walked slowly and sat down on your lap.
“Is that true?” her focus shifted on your lips.
A split second was it all took. She kissed you, and you responded accordingly bringing it to a make out session. Sloppy, wet, and warm. Jini pulled your head closer as her tongue joins the action and so are yours. It wasn’t a fight for dominance, but rather an exchange of intentions; something beyond words and better expressed through actions.
None of you can’t stop as your hand began an exploration of its own—the smoothness of the silk dress gave the impression of touching her bare skin.
Jini broke free; hazy, lust-filled eyes remained in contact with yours.
“Not so fast, pervert. My house, my rules.”
“Playing tough?” you asked, raising both brows. “I’m born tough, loser. Now take that shirt off.”
“Okay, I’ll play along.”
You took your shirt off swiftly in one motion, revealing a body built for years. Astounded, it occured to her that this is the first time she saw you shirtless. Keeping the composure she displayed moments ago is crumbling.
“Oh, shut up.”
She initiated the kiss again—on your neck going downwards, taking her time to taste your upper torso sending sending you into a frenzied state. Her tounge plays one of your nipples, while her finger does the other by means of making these circular motions, teasing you.
Jini’s dirty assault continues and not a word has had left her lips since. She’s acting like a predator aiming to completely devour her prey whole with no intention to stop until she’s satisfied.
“Let’s see what you pack down here,” she said, before pulling in one go your pants and underwear. Jini’s subtle gasp was still noticeable after seeing your cock.
“N- not b- bad...”
“Touch it.”
“Wh- what?”
“You heard me. Just do it.”
It was already erect, and Jini didn’t even hesitate to wrap her fingers around it—contact sent an electrifying feeling as she executed few, careful slow strokes. Unbelievable. It totally feels like the first time. Her jerking you off was overwhelming that precum is already leaking from the tip.
“Oh- oh, shit... That’s good!” you exclaimed, grip tightened on the arm rest of the chair. You don’t want to cum and if you’ll do so, it’s better to land it somewhere more interesting. Grabbing her arm lightly to halt her actions, caressing her face.
“Why?” Jini asked, her face blushed.
You just stared at her eyes, before brushing your thumb on her pinkish lips. She gets the hint and she knew it was going to happen anyway, sooner or later. She nodded as a ‘yes’.
Jini seemed to hold back a bit but she opened her mouth anyway, sticks her tongue out as she starts to lick one of your balls. Fucking hell. She attempted to put one in her mouth, drenched from her saliva. Jini gives a slow, long lick from the base of your dick going to its tip, tasting that precum still flowing. She takes time to know your proud member.
“Ahhh~ fuck, so good! Keep going!”
Hearing words of affirmation encouraged her even more as Jini started to give attention to your head. Putting it just inside her mouth made wonders—her tongue swirls around it and the sensation is driving you crazy. Unknowingly placed a hand on her head for support from the pleasure that travels around your body, trying not to get consumed by her actions.
Jini starts to take more by pushing herself with her tongue tracing the underside of your cock until she reache the limit—tip reached the back of her throat. Her gag reflex is evident as she holds on for a few seconds before releasing your cock with a pop. Jini catches her breath for a moment, still maintaining eye contact after what she just did.
You stood up while Jini is basically on her knees. No words were spoken at the heat of the moment.
You just position your cock right away in front of her mouth, slowly pushing the tip to enter once again and Jini willingly accepts.
Moving your hips backwards slowly until the glans remained inside, one thrust forward and from there the pace started to build up as you just basically facefuck Jini. Subtle, suggestive moans from her were signs she's enjoying it.
Lasting this long was quite a surprise as the inevitable first release of the night started to build up fast. Primal instinct took over you—faster thrusts, lewd and squelching sounds, moans of pleasure from both of you get louder and you knew holding back was impossible.
“Ji- Jini... fuck... I’m about to cum!”
One final thrust as spurts and ropes of cum went straight down to her throat, and Jini just swallowed everything. Some were escaping the sides of her lips. The high feeling of orgasm disappeared and you went back to your senses pulling out your cock.
Jini catched her breath after what you just did. It took her a few minutes before returning to a more relaxed state.
She looked even more sexy; scooping the remaining cum using her finger, putting it back into her mouth.
One word and you knew the night is far from over.
“Should we head to my room? You can still fill me somewhere else, right?”
“Oh, you bet.”
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blu-ish · 9 months
Have you ever searched up facts about the animals sonic characters are based on? If so, what was your favorite fact that you added to your headcannon
*rubs hands together* ALRIGHT HERE WE GO (I'm sticking with the hedgehog gang for this one because I kid you not this will go on forever xD)
I'm pretty sure this is a obvious one, and most can agree one of the cutest. HEDGEHOGS. CAN. PURR. And I love it sm. They are really social creatures so they need buddies, and lots of too, to explore of course! :D They also have poor eyesight, which can make it a bit tricky sometimes to navigate, but their keen sense of smell covers that for them. They can even swim very well, unlike ONE hedgehog. lmao.
I like to think the reason Amy confused Sonic for a lot of people, lmao. Is because she had poor eyesight, I imagine when she was younger, even before she met her friends, she had a bit of trouble seeing where she was going.. so she relied on her other senses. Sonic and the gang definitely got her some contacts lol. (Sonic has bad eyesight too, he gets it.)
Silver doesn't understand why he likes forging around for things, even in his future, he just loves to collect things. When he goes to the past I think is inner adventurer just explodes when he sees nature for the first time. He adores it. He picks up ANYTHING wrappers, sticks, plastic bags, flowers, you name it, he probably has it somewhere. Lmao I like to imagine whenever Blaze comes over to his garden he just decorates it with the most random shit and she's like. TF??? (they are sibling coded to me btw <3)
Sonic is the package deal, he's been doing hedgehog things since he was a kid. Running around at the speed of sound, exploring new places, ect. But, the one thing he grew up with was loneliness for some time. My BIGGEST headcanon for him, was that he washed up on Christmas Island, he was raised by Chao basically, and played a lot with human junk that washed up on the island. Since he was in the ocean for what seemed like FOREVER to the poor baby. He's TERRIFIED to even go near it. So he makes his home in an abandoned cargo plane. (similar to OVA) He can't stand running around the small island anymore so he finds a broken down Bi-plane. (future tornado ik im a genius lmao) follows some old ass instructions that he cant rlly read cuz hes like 5. And he takes off and crashes the plane near the closest continent shjshs. HES FREEEEE. well, until he runs into a lil fox and adopts him.
As for Shadow? Well.. he hears about all these "hedgehog" things, from Sonic or maybe from other hedgehogs he runs into or overhears. But, he just doesn't understand it. It doesn't click. And its not like he really cares that much but, it bothers him. So he does the unthinkable and asks Sonic directly. Who in turn laughs and tells him that, sure, he may be half alien or like lizard for whatever... but he's still a hedgehog. An even COOLER hedgehog! He doesn't have to do those silly hedgehog things to prove that. He explains its just kinda second nature anyway.
(Also, this is more of a shippy headcanon lmao. But Sonic and Shadow definitely, unknowingly, court eachother hedgehog style. Which includes lots of chasing, circling, and headbutting. LIKE COME ON ITS SO OBVIOUS--)
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wander-wren · 6 months
sometimes i wonder about what fandom is going to look like in 5 or 10 years. i think we might have already started to see a shift.
because, look, most of the oldest, biggest fandoms are from tv shows and movies, in particular ones that go on for years and scores of episodes. star trek, star wars, stargate (is everything star?), doctor who, supernatural…even sherlock really got its biggest popularity boosts in the modern day from tv adaptations. marvel and dc were comics first, too, but movies made them more accessible; their “cinematic universe” tags are the biggest on ao3 by far.
but what tv shows are we getting now? short, 8-episode things that get canceled two or three seasons in, that are usually less-than-faithful adaptations of other media anyway.
what movies are we getting? well, marvel turns more to slop every day, and everything else is remakes and sequels no one asked for. the general populace will still go see them and find some good movies that they like, but there’s not much really for fandom to grasp onto.
the best shows for fandom that we’ve had recently, that i can think of, are stranger things, game of thrones, and maybe our flag means death. stranger things is dying off, especially since they’re looking at a 3-4 YEAR gap between s4 and s5. game of thrones’s popularity plummeted after its final season, we all know that. our flag means death is still chugging fairly okay, but after that second season a lot of the fandom dropped it, and with it now being cancelled, i don’t see it sticking around.
yes, we can chalk part of this up to a new generation to of fans having this growing idea that fandom is super temporary, to be abandoned as soon as its not on trend. but media used to be on trend for a whole lot longer than it is now. seasons were longer, we had filler episodes, things were lower quality sometimes but at least they came out on a consistent schedule. i don’t mind if supernatural isn’t an artistic masterpiece, but if i was a stranger things fan waiting until 2026 for the final season, i would be annoyed if it wasn’t damn near perfect. that’s assuming i watched it at all—we’re all so used to not getting endings and moving on, so why would i bother?
i think there are two types of shows doing sort of okay about this. one is procedurals—9-1-1 is a popular one i’ve run into, and it started in 2018, around the beginning of the decline, but it’s managed 7 seasons in those six years, most of them with 18 episodes. the other is, honestly, anime—though we can and SHOULD talk about the terrible working conditions that make the fast turnarounds there possible. look at how big some anime fandoms are.
judging by the relative fandom popularity of other procedural dramas (grey’s anatomy, law & order, criminal minds), i think that’s going to remain sort of niche. fandom likes fantasy and scifi best, and they just don’t tend to have as strong of an overarching arc to dig into. at least, that’s why i wouldn’t watch them. i think there’s also a good chance these will start to die out in the coming years as well.
anime could also die out a little bit. better working conditions would necessitate less/slower content, and it’s true that most of the popular anime fandoms have been around for years, even decades.
so, what, no new, lasting tv show or movie fandoms anymore?
what will the biggest fandoms be in 5-10 years?
podcast fandoms have a shot. the magnus archives is still going strong, and i’ve been seeing a lot about dungeons and daddies. i think we’re kind of almost past the golden age for podcasts, but i am an outsider, so maybe that will change.
book fandoms seem like a kind of obvious choice, but they just don’t get as big without, you guessed it, a movie or show adaptation. and the downsizing has hit them, too—can you think of anything from the last 5 or 10 years that rivals harry potter, percy jackson, warriors, lord of the rings, hunger games, acotar…even game of thrones (asoiaf) again? i can’t. the collapse of the publishing industry is another post entirely.
2020 is really what cemented these changes, though they were starting in the late 2010s, at least. with actual industries shutting down, there was room for indie creators making things alone in their houses to pop up, and people had more time on their hands to try new things out and get into them.
the two things that have really been on the rise since 2020 is rpf and video game fic—often both combined. we’ve got genshin impact, call of duty, minecraft of course being huge, rpf of various youtubers, and k-pop rpf. now, i think rpf is contentious enough that it won’t really become the main fandom, but video game fic…might be it.
even video blogging rpf can often be a blurred enough line that people are more comfortable with it. and the thing is…youtube creators are actually more reliable than mainstream television these days. they need to be, to maintain their platforms. they need to not cancel series and to live up to their own hype as best they can and to not abandon the channel for 3 or 4 years at a time. and again, you can talk about burnout and unrealistic expectations and all of those things, but it’s still true.
maybe i’m completely wrong. maybe in 10 years the film and publishing industries will all sort themselves out and we’ll go back to the status quo. but i think this position fandom is finding itself in is interesting, and i wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if what’s most popular (both in the specific source material sense and the medium/genre sense) is different some time down the road.
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hiii i just found your blog, I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE, and if i can request like an angsty story about house and wilson with reader, and the reader has like some disease that'll kill her😭😭😭😭😭im just craving angst
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YOU ARE SO SWEET THANK YOU 💞💞 it's been awhile since I've written a good angst fic so this is perfect for me
Your Last Breath (Greg House x gn reader x James Wilson)
Warnings: talk of hospitals/medical procedures, reader has a mystery illness that kills them, they/them pronouns used a few times to refer to the reader in a gender neutral way, hurt/no comfort, heavy angst, main character death (spoiler: it's you)
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The doctors had been trying for months to figure out what was wrong with you. Months of invasive tests, months of going back and forth with possible explanations, months of being put on temporary treatments that seemed to work for a short while before you eventually succumbed to whatever was causing your problems again.
Everyone was stumped, and by everyone I truly do mean everyone. Not even House could figure out what was wrong, something that frustrated him to no end for multiple reasons. And by the time he was finally able to figure out what the cause was, it was already too late.
The disease had progressed too far along on its course for the doctors to be able to treat it properly. The best they could do was make you comfortable for the few weeks you had left to live.
Usually he liked having cases he couldn't crack, he liked figuring out the puzzle of what was bothering his patient, he liked being able to go to Cuddy and say "I told you so" when it ended up him being right and everyone else was wrong. But not this time.
This time all he wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die. If only. He'd gladly give up both of his legs if it meant you'd get better.
Meanwhile, the resident head of oncology wasn't taking the news very well, either. It was normal for House to shut himself away for extended periods of time, but not Wilson. He barely left his office anymore, not to check on his own patients, not to accept a request for a consult, nothing. In fact, the only time he ever did leave was to visit you.
Most nights were spent with either him or House at your side, checking your vitals and fetching whatever it was that you needed. You ended up having to beg the both of them to go home at some point, even if it was to just shower and change, but they still refused, choosing to stay at the hospital instead.
Occasionally one of the ducklings would stop by if either of them couldn't for some reason, whether that be due to another patient needing attention or because you finally convinced them to take a break for once.
Foreman was solemn, talking about arrangements that could possibly be made for your body after death if you hadn't decided already. Cameron was sympathetic, reassuring you that they'd make sure you wouldn't be in any pain during your last days on earth. Chase was playful, trying to take your mind off things by cracking a joke or two. And Cuddy was surprisingly very nurturing when she managed to make the time to check in on you.
The whole thing was very bittersweet. While you appreciated everyone caring so much about you, it hurt to know why they were doing it.
Your final day was surprisingly quiet, with no nurses stopping by to check on you every hour or so like they had been for the past couple of weeks where you'd been bedridden almost completely. You suspected someone had requested for that, so you could have a bit of peace in the last few hours you'd be alive for.
House stood at the foot of your bed, watching as you slept. He looked like he was about to say something when Wilson suddenly spoke up from the armchair beside your bed.
"Don't even think about it, House. You're not waking them up right now."
Despite Wilson's firm tone, House couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Oh, come on. It's not like it matters much, they're going to be dead soon anyway."
It took everything in the oncologist not to snap and strangle the man in front of him. The only thing that managed to stop him was the sound of you letting out a hacking cough as you woke up. Even with the oxygen machine, it had become increasingly more difficult for you to breathe.
"Guys, don't fight," you tried to make your tone stern as you lectured them, but your throat was dry and therefore made your voice weak and raspy when you spoke.
"Hey, hey, don't speak, it's alright," Wilson gently reassured you as he reached out to take one of your hands into his. Your skin felt clammy, but he didn't care.
House had a pained look in his eyes as he watched you, but he did his best to cover it up with his usual snark. "We were just talking about you. Trying to figure out who should get your stuff when you die."
Wilson gave him an evil look, but you simply laughed. At least, they thought you laughed. It was kind of hard to tell given how sick you were.
"You guys are funny."
If it were any other time, House would've beamed with pride and joy at being able to make you smile with one of his quips, but this time he just felt empty inside, knowing that it was possibly the last one you'd ever hear. He quietly observed as Wilson helped you drink some water out of a small paper cup, one hand helping you hold it up to your lips while the other rested on your shoulder.
"Thank you," was the only thing you managed to get out once you were done, your breathing stalling yet again when you tried to speak. The three of you knew it was getting close to when it was going to happen. The problem was that only one of you had accepted it, and it wasn't either one of the two doctors who were in the room.
"I love you guys," ended up being your final words, a bittersweet smile on your face and tears in your eyes as you took your last breath. You hoped they knew that you meant that. You hoped they knew that you didn't blame them.
And you hoped that your death helped to bring them closer together rather than tearing them apart. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but who really cared? It's not like you'd be around to witness it anyway.
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End notes: I rarely ever finish a request this early so please don't expect this to become a normal thing 😭 I just got really into writing this for some reason and once I started I just couldn't stop
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
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🏷 taglist: @pigeonmama @caplanreblogsfics
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madaqueue · 6 months
Dripping in Gold | Chapter 3
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synopsis: finding a job was never easy, and why even bother trying after you meet satoru gojo, a man with mysterious and exorbitant wealth, who wants nothing more than to spoil you with it? the only caveat to your little arrangement is that it can never, ever, become personal.
pairing: satoru gojo x f!reader
themes/content: non-curse modern au, sugar daddy gojo. language, fluff, smut. kissing, brief fingering (f receiving), car sex. 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.3k
a/n: the way i've given up proofreading this lmao lemme know if y'all find any errors bc i'm simply not looking for em anymore! anyways eat up :)
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What the hell did I get myself into?
The question repeats in your mind while the cool air in Gojo’s car blasts against your skin, still hot from earlier, as his hand returns to its natural place along your thigh.
After your little encounter, he promised to take you to one of his favorite places for lunch. He also promised to wash your soiled panties for you as he shoved them into his pocket with a smirk, citing how “gentlemanly” he is.
The events of less than an hour prior replay in your mind as you remember how his touch felt, how his lips pressed against yours, how badly you wanted him to bend you over and fuck you then and there. But instead, he just picked up all the dresses you had tried on and marched them out of the changing room to the front of the store, setting them down and paying without a second thought. “Oh, and we’ll take the yellow one she’s wearing, too,” he chirps to the attendant as she rings up an amount you can’t even fathom.
You get pulled out of your thoughts as the car stops, your door opening suddenly as Gojo once again holds his hand out to you. He has brought you to an adorable restaurant you’ve never even seen before, with yellow flowers lining the walkways and windowsills of the old building, perfectly complementing the new outfit you have on.
Once again, the date is actually really lovely. He orders you both champagne and tells you to get whatever else you want from the menu, and conversation flows naturally between you two, almost like old friends. Wanting to learn more about him, you direct the discussion to his past, probing to understand more about his background. While he often acts like an open book, you find that there are three things he will absolutely not talk about: his family, his home, or his money. Whenever one of these topics comes up he maneuvers the conversation elsewhere, often deflecting back to you.
That said, holy shit does this man love to talk - you bet that if you put him in an empty room he’d speak just to hear his own voice. He seems to know something about everything, and he wants to make sure you know it, too.
“Do you ever shut up?” you tease after his fourth time interjecting a random, unwarranted piece of information into a story you were telling him.
“Hmm,” he thinks, bringing a hand up to ruffle through his hair. “Nope, I don’t think so,” a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
While the time you spend with him is nice, his inability to be forthcoming does put you slightly on edge. You can’t help but find yourself wondering, in a tiny corner of the back of your mind, what’s the catch? Why is someone who seems so perfect possibly interested in you?
You push the feelings of unease down as you continue your meal. Eventually you look up and see his eyes locked on yours, taking in your every move. The cerulean pierces through you like a cold wind, and you can’t quite place the feeling it sends through you until you feel his fingertips brush against your knee from under the table.
“You know,” you say, a grin slowly forming on your face, “I love this dress, but I almost feel like it’s getting a bit uncomfortable.”
“Oh yeah?” he tilts his head, knowingly playing into your little game. “Well, that’s a shame.” He sighs dramatically. “I guess you could take it off, if you really need to.”
“Mhm,” you hum, “I might need your help with that, though.”
Leaning forward slightly, his words come out airy, “Anything for you, princess.”
He stands up and holds his hand out again, your fingers intertwining with his as his free hand pulls out his wallet and drops a few hundred dollar bills on the table, more than enough to cover your meal. Leading you back to his car, you feel your heart start to race in anticipation.
Pulling open the back door, you hop in first and get comfortable against the seat before he joins you inside. You hadn’t noticed how spacious the back of his car is but you’re grateful that it at least won’t be uncomfortable; you expected him to take you back to his place or yours, but this will do just fine for now, as your need for him was increasing with every second he wasn’t inside you.
Immediately upon closing the door his lips crash into yours, soft and warm against the lingering cool air inside the vehicle. As you sit in his lap his arms reach around your body to undo the zipper of your dress before sliding it over your head, tossing it somewhere into the depths of the car.
Since your panties were already stuffed into his pocket and you hadn’t worn a bra, you were now fully bare in front of him. He pulls away from the kiss for a moment, allowing his eyes to slowly cover every inch of your body, taking you in as a smile curls at the corners of his lips.
Gojo lays down with his back against the seats so you can straddle him, legs around his waist as you start to undo the buttons of his white dress shirt. With your eyes closed and hands shaking slightly in excitement, you take longer than the man would like as he sighs against your lips and simply rips his shirt open, muttering “I’ll buy a new one,” as it slides off his shoulders.
Your eyes open for a moment to take in his body beneath you - his firm chest, abs surrounded by a v-line that dipped below the waist of his pants, practically begging you to trace along it with your fingers. As you do, you hear Gojo’s breath hitch momentarily at your touch.
“Aw, are you nervous?” you tease against him as your fingertips brush along his waistband, slowly fumbling against the buckle of his belt.
He smirks at you through the kiss. “Just impatient.”
Before you can quip back, he has undone his belt and zipper, allowing you to pull his black slacks down to his ankles, sitting up slightly to let him kick them off. Your hands find the top of his black boxers before his hands wrap around your wrists.
Pulling his mouth away from yours for a moment, his eyes open to meet your gaze. “Are you sure?” he asks through a breathy sigh.
You nod eagerly, starting to lean back down before a hand reaches up to stop you.
“Say it,” he commands, voice suddenly low and raspy.
“I want to fuck you, Satoru,” the words barely leaving your mouth before your lips crash back into his, a new greediness between both of you as your tongues glide against each other’s.
Your attention turns back to undressing him as you pull his boxers down, revealing his fully erect cock. The tip flushed, needy, drawing your hands to it as you use your thumb to drag the leaking precum around his tip before sliding your hand loosely down his length. Satoru sighs into your open mouth at the feeling, reaching his own hand down between your legs.
As soon as he touches you, you feel electricity shoot through your body, his fingers barely brushing against your clit. Maybe you were still horny from earlier, maybe you just needed him that badly, but something in you couldn’t wait any longer.
Your hips move so you’re hovering above him, using your hand around his base to align him with your entrance. His tip slowly enters you, the feeling already threatening to send you over the edge as you envelop him in your warmth.
He moans your name softly as you drop your hips to take all of him inside of you. His cock stretches at your walls, the mix of pleasure and pain better than anything you’ve felt before. You fit him perfectly as he fills up every last inch of you, your wetness allowing him to glide in and out with ease.
“Wanted you so bad,” he murmurs against your lips as you grind your hips in circles up and down his length, “needed you.” One of his hands grips at your waist while the other snakes behind you to grab the thick flesh of your ass.
You continue your movements, using one hand on his chest to stabilize yourself, his cock pressing into every last part of you. “S’good, you feel s’good,” he babbles, a never-ending stream of consciousness leaving his mouth as your body moves against his.
Damn, he really can’t shut up, can he? you think to yourself with a grin.
You don’t mind though, the silky lightness of his voice only adding to your pleasure. As you feel yourself approaching your release, your pussy clenches around him, eliciting another moan from the man underneath you.
His grip tightens on your waist as he suddenly begins thrusting his hips up into you, adding to the pace. You open your eyes slightly as he reaches even deeper into you, glancing down to see the veins in his arms as his fingers dig into your skin.
“F-fuck, I’m close,” he whines, desperation dripping from his voice as he continues pumping into you.
“Me too, ‘Toru,” the words leaving your throat in a hoarse whisper.
You don’t even process the nickname, something simply spoken out of ease as sounds struggled to escape your lips through moans of pleasure, but it sends butterflies through Satoru’s body as he is suddenly pushed into his climax. You follow almost immediately, your body racked with pleasure as your legs shake and cunt flutters around his cock as he finishes inside of you.
The humidity of the car finally hits you as you try to slow your breathing, realizing both you and Satoru are covered in a thin layer of sweat as you peel yourself off of him to sit up.
“Wow,” he pants, reaching a hand up to brush white hair off of his slightly damp forehead, “that was amazing.”
“I know,” you reply slyly, leaning down to place a peck against his lips.
He chuckles, “So cocky already? And here I thought we could have a sweet post-fuck cuddle or something.”
You can’t stop yourself from giggling. “Oh yeah, in the comfort of the back seat of your car?”
“Aw, are you saying you don’t like my car?” he fakes a pout. “Guess you can just walk home then.”
You roll your eyes at his teasing. “You and I both know damn well I’m not walking home, and we aren’t going anywhere until you find my dress.”
“As you wish, sweetheart,” he smirks, sitting up and wrapping his arms tightly around you, placing a wet kiss on your cheek as you laugh and squirm in his lap.
For a while, things with Satoru are easy. You find yourself slipping into a rhythm with him: he calls you, he takes you out somewhere, you fuck, and he pays you. It feels nice to finally be able to afford to live again and not stress about your job hunt, and you start to genuinely enjoy the time you spend with him, looking forward to your weekly dates.
Between the times you see him, you also find yourselves communicating more often. He starts sending you pictures of himself trying on clothes in that all-too-familiar dressing room, asking for your opinions on what he should get so he can match you whenever you go out somewhere. You start video calling each other too, getting to see that stupid grin on his face whenever you pick up. Usually you just talk about your days or what shows you're watching, but you slowly start bringing him more into your life, telling him about your family and whatever gossip you hear about from your friends. A few times you’ve even invited him to come out with your group, but he always declines with a vague excuse. A part of you wants more, to have him in your life fully, but you also know that it would bring with it the complicated explanation of how you met and how your relationship first started.
You also begin to notice that you never hook up in your apartment or his - it’s always in restaurant bathrooms, his car, or the few times he’s gotten you a hotel room to stay with him overnight. You don’t particularly mind, since your apartment is still not the cleanest, although it’s certainly gotten better with your newfound free time, but it does seem odd to you. Whenever you try to bring it up, he just shrugs or brushes it off with a wave of his hand. “It’s too personal,” he always reasons, and you decide that you either have to drop it and accept how things are or push it and risk losing him.
Around six months after your first date, something changes. He drops you off at home after an amazing dinner at a new steakhouse and even better sex, this time in the private lounge of the restaurant. Inside your apartment you shower and head straight to bed. When you awake the next morning, you see two notifications on your phone: one from your bank informing you of a deposit of $6,000, and one from Gojo.
Gojo: Sorry about not paying you right away last night, I must have been a little distracted after our dinner and dessert 🥰 (the dessert was us having sex). I sent you a bit extra as compensation for any emotional damages I may have caused <3
You roll your eyes, a smile involuntarily forming on your lips as you read his message. Suddenly, it hits you: you didn’t even notice that he didn’t pay you. For months, that had been the routine, the expectation you both had set and agreed to. But last night, you didn’t notice. And maybe, you didn’t care?
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indigosunsetao3 · 3 months
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NSFW | 18+ | Religious theming/tones/symbolism, brief mention of blood, church sex
Female reader perspective.
The symbolism in this story is going off the assumption Johnny was/is Catholic.
I haven't been in any sort of religious space since I was about five despite being raised in two households with three different religions. It’s safe to assume things aren’t exactly right/accurate in this story. I researched what I thought I needed and expanded on things I already happened to know.
I should be working on the million other WIPs I have but this feral thing literally woke me up last night.
Soap hadn't been to church properly in years. His mam would be ashamed to know he didn't bother to pass the threshold when he walked past one, even on their holiest of days. That he didn't cross himself with prayer, that he only made the gesture sarcastically to get a laugh out of his friends. And the rosary he received as a lad was long lost in his many moves, he never fussed about getting another.
The issue was, with everything Soap had seen in his years in the military he had a hard time believing in a God. Had a hard time thinking that there was some benevolent being out there pulling all the strings and letting these things happen. He also figured that when his time came, if there was a heaven, his hands were so stained with blood he wasn't getting into their pearly gates. So why bother confessing his sins, why bother with the self punishment and judgements when in the end none of it mattered anyway.
So when you drag him into a derelict shell of a church with only one thing in mind he doesn't balk at the sight of dusty pews. Doesn't flinch at the idea of desecrating holy ground. And doesn't pause in the removal of his vest as he follows you up the aisle with a grin on his face as his heavy footfalls echo around the cavernous ceiling. Discarded and forgotten bibles remain in their seatbacks, and old hymn sheets flutter about in the wind from your passing bodies.
The stained glass windows at the back of the sanctuary were smashed in places long ago. Pieces of glittering colored glass litter the floor and crunch under your shoes as you both reach the lectern. Vines are growing through the holes in the windows and the tapestries are so badly water damaged it's hard to even tell what they were anymore.
The large cross that hung from the ceiling before is half broken and leaning against the wall. You peer at where the occupant of that symbol used to be but is no longer as if someone had tried to save something of this place. Or violate it more by removing its idol.
Soap's hands find your hips from behind as your fingers grip at the lectern. He doesn't care to look around, he's washed his hands of all of this so long ago it's just another building; another victim of war. So as you take in your surroundings with curiosity Soap untucks your shirt to slide his hands slowly up your ribs as his lips find your neck. The soft sigh you give him at his ministrations is all he needs to push him along.
His hands make quick work of your shirt and bra, raising your arms above your head before he guides your hands back to hold onto the lectern again. How many times in his youth did he watch and listen to sermons from a place just like this? Listening to tales of damnation or salvation, depending on the story and the time. He's fairly certain that this would be a tale of eternal hell if the priests could see him now, if they could hear the thoughts he's having as he smooths his palms down your back. You arch to the touch and let out a small sigh of his cold hands on your hot skin.
He steps away from you for a second, shucking off his own shirt and depositing it with yours on the faded red carpet. He doesn't return to you right away though, just looks at the dark silhouette of your body as you stare up at the high ceilings, waiting on him. It would have been a pious pose in any other situation but God had left this place long ago.
Soap captures you in his grip again, his bare chest pressed against your back. You can feel the chain and dog tags digging between your shoulder blades as he presses his hands against your breasts, cupping them for a second before squeezing. He can feel you push back against him, using the leverage of the lectern to keep your balance.
Your fingers snare in the tattered silk that still adorns the worn wood of the furniture before you. Soap has you effectively pinned between him and it and you ball the delicate material in your fingers as he bites your pulse. You lean back into him, resting your head on his shoulder as you stare down at his hands groping you. He teases and taunts the soft flesh, toying with your hardened nipples for only a moment before he slips his hands down toward your pants fingers first.
He's taking his time with your button and zipper. Savoring the way you push up against him and whine in your throat as his fingers just barely break the waistband. When you move your hands to help him he grabs the back of them gently and puts them once again on the lectern, curling your fingers for you to hold it tightly.
Satisfied that you know what to do he glides his hands back up your arms, over your shoulders then back down your back. His ministrations are slow, watching how the goosebumps follow his touches before he finds your pants again. Running his hands over your behind and down your thighs as far as he can go before he kisses the back of your neck.
You hear him adjust then, feel him shift, and dare a glance over your shoulder. You see him behind you knelt on the ground, knees slightly splayed and hands rested on his powerful thighs as he watches you. The perfect position of the submissive solider, the disciplined disciple, looking up at his deity before him.
Soap leans forward and ever so gently grabs one of your legs to slip your boot off, pulling each lace loose unhurriedly before tossing it away into the dark. He takes care of the other one in the same manner before finally pushing up on his knees fully to hook his fingers into the waist of your pants and pulls them down along with your underwear. He can see you shiver as he tugs and pulls, taking his time as he works the material down.
The church is silent around you save for the whisper of cloth as he undresses you, the creaking of the wood as you shift your weight left then right to get the pants off, and then the soft sigh you let out as he kisses your lower back. It's not lost on you that he has you at the front of the church, that you're positioned where any and all eyes could see you if they happened to walk in. That you were the center of this place of devotion.
He grabs your hips then, gently tugging them back so you are forced to shift your feet back some and bend forward. He doesn't stop until you are pushed up on your tiptoes and are bent so far forward that your head hangs between your arms still holding the pulpit as he had quietly instructed you to do. He wants you to watch as he worships you and as his hands grab your ass to spread you, you bite your lip in anticipation.
You are on full display for Soap in this position and he uses his thumbs to open you even more, to see how badly you need him. He doesn't dare let his thumbs brush you where you want it most, wanting his tongue to be the first thing that touches you tonight. He flexes his hands, squeezing the heated flesh, before leaning forward and licking a long stripe up your center. He fights back his own groan at the filthy moan you let out. The sound echoes around the room, breaking the hushed silence that suffocates the place.
He doesn't stop. He holds you tight in place as he feasts upon you, not letting you squirm away as he works you over. He's urging you on, humming against your folds as you whine and clench your jaw in pleasure. He knows you're holding back, doing your best to fight the sounds coming from you because you don't want to draw attention. You don't want your moans and pleads to bounce around the room that was built with those acoustics on purpose. But Soap wants it. He wants you to cry out for God. For him.
Your body is trembling from the exertion of this position, from the onslaught of Soap's tongue and his fingers as they literally slip into you. You aren't even sure if it's two or three at this point as he coaxes you on, his teeth biting down on the sensitive flesh of your thigh as he pumps into you. You can feel the arousal sliding down your legs mixed with his spit and when he begins a harsh pace with his fingers that you are sure is going to knock you off your feet you finally cry out unrestrainedly.
The pleasure races from your stomach and down your legs as you finally let go and climax. The tattered silk on the podium can't fight your grip and it tears into two jagged pieces, the sound drowned out by your pants and moans. He doesn't stop though, he forces you to ride it out and fight the twitching of the overstimulation. Doesn't let you breathe as he reaches up to rest his forearm on your lower back making you arch that much more to him. It's almost painful how he has you held but that feeling goes away as you feel him lap away the mess you had just made with his tongue.
Soap leans back after a few soft kisses against your sensitive center, doing his best to not smirk at how swollen and ready it was for him. His fingers massage the back of your legs as you groan and push up, letting the purple obliterated silk fall to the floor. Turning around to face him you push your hair back off your forehead where pieces had stuck to the sweat there and smile at him as he gazes up at you reverently.
His chest is heaving as he watches you, breath catching as you kneel down to him and reach for his pants and yank them. You aren't as soft and patient with him as he was undressing you. Your hands shake as you get the belt and button loose. Not from fear but from anticipation. You can feel how painfully hard he is as he shifts to get the clothes off and he nearly growls as your hand wraps around him to give him a few precursory pumps. He doesn't need it, he's already leaking for you but you taunt him anyway, running your thumb over the tip.
He bucks up into your hand as you kiss him, your teeth and lips clashing harshly. You can taste yourself on him as he sweeps his tongue in and you sigh in satisfaction as his hands come up to cup your face. Greedily you climb into his lap as if he hadn't just worshiped you to oblivion a few moments before. You need more, you need him in you, to consume him.
Soap obliges you, wrapping his arms around you and shifting to sit on the few steps that lead up to the podium. Where parishioners would kneel to pray up to the cross, to their leader. He plants his feet on the ground and leans back on his elbows to watch you as you push back from the kiss. He stares as you rise up over him with one hand braced on his chest as the other holds him to guide him to you.
Once he's aligned at your entrance you snap your eyes up to his and watch his face in the faint street light coming in from the windows behind you as you sit down on him. It's an easy motion, your body already so slick and ready for him and you can feel him twitch at the sudden warmth around him. He groans, his hands slipping a bit on the carpeted steps before hissing and drawing them back.
Turning his right hand up Soap sees that his hand has run right over a hidden piece of stained glass in the carpet. The thin line of blood that wells up on his palm is instantaneous. He supposes this is penance, for his lack of faith, and lack of respect, for this place. Or perhaps his payment for you, payment in blood to show his devotion to the only thing he would ever get on his knees for again.
You hesitate at the painful hiss but Soap grabs your hip with his other hand and moves you over him. The temporary pain forgotten as you begin to ride on him, the movements slow as you slide all the way up him before back down. Your hand on his chest balls into a fist to hold his dog tags there, curling your fingers tight around the chain and tugging a bit to keep him locked on you.
He doesn't need the bite of the chain in the back of his neck to keep his eyes on you though. The streetlights behind you sets your face in shadow, the light glowing around your body as you ride him; use him. He groans as you move faster, your other hand grabbing his bloody one and lacing your fingers together. You hold his hand tight as you bend down over him and kiss him, rolling your hips in a harsh snap down on him.
Soap begins to meet your moves thrust for thrust, the sound of your slick body's slapping against one another filling up the chamber. It's rhythmic, a music in its own making that's more powerful than any other hymn that had been sung there before. As the song reaches its peak Soap finds his climax, yelling out as you push him hard into the floor and fuck him as if it were the end of days.
You're chasing your own release as you grind down on him, not giving him a chance to recover just like he had done to you. He's huffing and you can see the pleasurable anguish on his face as you finally reach that apex. Your cries lilt and your movements become more frantic as you feel yourself come apart and you sit up on him, grabbing his waist for support as you bounce on him.
In that moment, as Soap watches your face and feels you clamp around him, he becomes a believer again. Not in God, he had abandoned him long ago. In you. You were his center, his home, his goddamn reason for being, for breathing. You knew how to tear him apart and put him back together again and he was going to worship you until you brought him into heaven or dragged him down to hell.
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bambooshuohuop · 5 months
He loves me, He loves me not. (One-Shot)
In many possible AU's, someone could be lucky enough to be Zhongli's (mortal) lover, the famous Liyuean in the Harbor. they get to experienced his gentle and patient love, his sweet whispers and caress cuddling them a good night.
yet all was for nought, when they realized Zhongli could only whisper those sweet things because they reminded him of Guizhong— who he kept insisting was his mere friend.
; attempted angst (no comfort?), Zhongli x Reader, Guizhong (mentioned), distorted perception of love(?), lowercase
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it was a humble day in Liyue Harbor. the night was calm with its gentle breeze, the laughter in the night market being its main jolly tune. amidst the pairs of lovers, people could see the most famous one walking hand in hand.
Zhongli could most definitely feel the gossips and stares. although he was already immune through the millennia that he had to endure it, the same thing couldn't be said for his dear lover.
❛darling, should we brisk walk to that boutique?❜ he asked as he sneakily placed his free hand on his pocket, glad that he remembered to bring a stash of Mora. after all, his lover has been paying for their dates the past few weeks. it was only fair to pay them back.
❛oh, is there an occasion?❜ they asked as though unfazed, yet Zhongli could feel their grip tightening on his arm. he caresses his fingers through their clothes in hopes to calm them down.
❛hm? should there be an occasion to show my love for you?❜ Zhongli felt them flinch at his question, but he paid no heed thinking they were merely shocked.
to them, they grimaced at their involuntary movement. their heart beating erratically as the searing burn in their chest began to flame hard. his question ignited the ugly emotions swirling within, even with their attempts on quelling it down.
they didn't think Zhongli had noticed, but he had been quite different lately.
from the start, (Name) didn't mind his stories. in fact, they asked for them. they knew that Zhongli isn't just the 'man with abundant knowledge' because he is the knowledge itself. the history of Liyue weaved in his hands.
it wasn't the reason they loved Zhongli though. it was more than that and he could see it— see the genuine love they held for him.
when they asked about his history, Zhongli complied. a smile adorning his face that (Name) could swoon over.
it soon fell when he kept talking about her. every. single. day.
❛these meals were one of Guizhong's favorites. I brought these when she's feeling dejected. I think you'll come to like it too.❜
❛do you love the gift I crafted you, my darling? the inspiration originates in one of Guizhong's creations.❜
❛she truly is a magnificent god. her beauty is as beautiful as the Liyue skies. might I tell you that time where—❜
❛hm? of course I love you, dear. nothing could ever surpass my feelings about you.❜
now, they weren't jealous. their love stood strong even when the fear attempts to pierce through. multiple what-ifs going through their head, but they didn't bother themselves to it. Zhongli loves them. he didn't love her, he said it so himself..
..so why does it feel like they were only a replacement for someone Zhongli couldn't have anymore?
❛(Name), are you alright?❜
❛huh?❜ they blinked, suddenly finding themselves staring right into his handsome face, ❛no, of course not.❜
when a frown etched in his face, they realized their mistake, ❛I- I mean! no, there's no need for an occasion to show one's love. anyway, let's go to the boutique?❜
the smile went back to his face once more. and it was infectious as their clouded mind began to clear, their steps a tad lighter as they went ahead to the newly opened boutique.
when they arrived, the staffs greeted them with pure customer service. they didn't suffocate them much with it, but their stares told a different meaning; they love the gossip too.
❛welcome to Lion's boutique!❜
(Name) was kind of glad the staffs kept their professionalism. else they'd dug themselves a hole and hide forever. after a few chit-chats and fake smiles, the staffs went ahead and let the loverbirds roam around the shop freely.
❛Zhongli, what do you think fits me best?❜ they questioned, fiddling with a random fabric.
they could hear him hum as he thought of a reply. they knew that their lover had a keen eye in clothes as much as he is in history. soon enough, he offered (Name) a specific grey fabric, a loose dress fit for most adult Liyueans.
❛these shall do.❜
❛alright, thanks!❜
thinking nothing much of it, they merrily whisk themselves in the fitting room. their heart basically soaring at the fact that Zhongli chose them a clothing. it was the first out of all things they've done as lovers, so it felt quite special.
when they came out, Zhongli's eyes creased with a smile— the soft, endearing look they received made everything worth it.
❛that fabric design suits you well, darling.❜
if (Name)'s heart could jump out and fly away, it would.
❛thank you, love.❜
the dress was fine, the dress was fine. they thought repeatedly as a thought occured.
❛Zhongli, what do you think should I wear next-❜
❛what a coincidence,❜ he utters loud enough for them to hear, ❛the design on your clothes..❜
he paused, suddenly noticing something. when he had that familiar look again, (Name) knew what was about to come as their confidence slowly dwindled. they could only hold back a frustrated sigh as they let him do as he pleases.
❛it is similar to how Guizhong once embroided the Glaze Lilies on her skirt once for a formal occasion, to emphasize how much she truly loved the flowers.❜
you could've just said you love her too.
❛..how interesting,❜ they grit out, going back to the dressing room to change their clothes that they knew Zhongli's precious girl—friend Guizhong wouldn't wear. with how much he yaps about her, (Name) already felt like they met the god. so they went ahead and chose a dress for themselves. the anger quelling down but never diminishing.
after the silent quarrel, the days continue to come as normal. yet a seed of doubt began to grow in their mind. was it just nostalgia in Zhongli's eyes when he began reminiscing his time with her? was it truly alright to bear with the fact that he now sees them with the mask of a dead woman?
right now, they mustered up the courage to make excuses. they left Zhongli back in the Harbor as the pain became too much. he smiled more when it was about her. all about the woman he kept insisting was his friend.
(Name) came to a stop in one of the cliffs in Liyue, the tranquil skies being their solace as they sat down. the grass tickling their fingers grounded them to reality.
❛I shouldn't have asked him.. it's all my fault.❜
they knew that Zhongli finally began to notice their weird behaviour. the sudden refusal to go on dates, the outbursts of anger slowly coming undone. still, he couldn't stop talking about Guizhong.
she was lovely alright, (Name) knew that. they respected her even. but when your own lover kept talking about someone else, the one that got away— but hey! she's just a friend and nothing else. how long can (Name) bear it? Zhongli doesn't seem to know it himself, that his thoughts about her were all leading to one thing.
he loves her.
at this point, they didn't know if it was his ignorance or deliberate show. either way, they want to break up with him. they truly do. if Zhongli could have all the patience in the world, they can't.
they weren't immortal.
they could've spend their own feeble eternity with someone else who could make them feel special and wanted. yet his warm smiles, his gracefulness, and eloquent words turns them into a melting mess.
never to be fixed until the cold reality settles in.
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haechansdoll · 1 year
meant to break? - ldh x y/n
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Pairing : Lee Dongyuck x Reader
Description : Even if you barely know him any longer, he remains your first love.
Warnings : ex lovers, reader being called kitten, dom!haechan, eating out, fingering (f!recieving), playing with nipples, holding cum, dominating, edging, rough sex, haechan's a dick, cumming inside the reader.
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A week of deadlines drained you to the point that you didn’t mind going to a get-together you got invited to, well the invitation is for all post-graduate students anyways. You don’t usually go to parties or any gatherings anymore since you started grad school but its fucking exhausting with all the meetings and papers to submit plus having to mark undergrad’s papers.
And instead of relaxing by letting go of all the things that have been wearing you down lately, you’re currently thinking of someone that has been bothering your mind these past few months.
You’re not sure if he’ll be there despite the fact that the gathering's for every department since he hated going to those during your earlier college days. Parties like this may look the same as the undergrad ones but the main difference is that this seems more cozy because everyone knows each other already rather than random strangers you meet on the latter.
You hate that you still think of him even in times when you're supposed to chill. Walking into the house that you don’t even know who the owner is, you spotted some of his friends which made you nervous because he’ll appear for sure any seconds later.
Haechan knows you're here. Hell the only reason he came to this gathering is because he knows that you'll finally come. Not that he's waiting, okay, yeah he is, so? Maybe he'll get a chance to finally talk to you.
You've encountered familiar people and chatted with them for a bit, catching up on some of them who you barely see on campus anymore. Haechan on the other hand is trying to hide from you, afraid that you'll leave when you see him here.
After some time, you walked into the kitchen looking for any booze, the need to get drunk taking over your mind. You paused, wait, you wanna get drunk but at the same time you don't wanna get drunk? What if you ran into Haechan and do stupid shits because of it. You know how you get when you're drunk but you can also use that as an excuse so..
With you getting lost in your own world weighing the pros and cons, you didn't realize someone approaching you, entering from the hallway.
Haechan thinks how cute you still are thinking deeply, eyebrows furrowed in concentration while staring down at the kitchen counter, this is one of the habits he most couldn't forget about you.
Silently, he enters the kitchen which is quieter than the living room he just left with, the rest of his friends and colleagues starting another drinking game that he has no interest in joining. You still didn't notice him so he'll make it not obvious that he already saw you earlier.
Fuck, you’ll always recognize that deep voice anywhere.
No way, no fucking way. It can't be him. He can't be here alone with you.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and turned around only to see someone who you've never thought you'll see this close again. And why is he this close to you wth.
“Lee Haechan” you responded flatly. That was too much of an effort for you to say after what happened between the two of you, more like what he did.
You and Haechan were not really lovers. Sure you have feelings for each other but you weren't official. It's not friends with benefits either because you weren't friends in the first place.
It's what they call MU, or mutual understanding.
You immediately hit it off each other when you locked eyes during lectures. You remember him being dismissive every time like nothing happened and you figured he was just shy so you made the first move.
Gradually, he warmed up along the way. With you showering him with affections non-stop and immediately laying out your intentions.You both do couple-y things more than what actual couples do, even saying "i love you" to each other so people around you actually assumed that you were together.
But then again, you weren't together so technically you both weren't obligated to fully commit and you were pretty stubborn to believe that it could work because you’re both grown-ups anyways but Haechan was on a different page as you.
"I didn't know you go here too" he smiled amusingly, scooting closer to you. With you getting flashbacks of what went wrong you didn’t stop him or moved away so he took it as a sign to continue.
“Nice excuse Lee, but didn't know I had to inform you" you retorted, avoiding his eyes.
No way you're letting him see right through you, and you don’t know why you’re not even moving away from him.
"Cut the crap Y/N you've been avoiding me" he chucked humorlessly, gummies peeking out, ones that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
True. You've been dodging him ever since you found out he goes here too, if it weren't for your current situation you would've attended a different grad school for your masters but here we are.
"You know why, don't you" you stated coldly, still refusing to look at him. why are you talking to him in the first place?
This is why you’ve been avoiding him, you can’t really stay away from him when he’s near. There's always been a pull between you both, like magnets to each other. That’s what your friends always tell you when they see you and Haechan together. Maybe that’s the reason why somehow he always finds you somehow
You finally shifted your eyes on him, to his side profile noticing how he didn’t change much, just seems more mature.
"You're staring" he smirked as he turned to you.
"As if" you scoffed, now trying to distance yourself because you felt your heartbeat increasing already. He's literally cornering you so you can't even go anywhere.
"You haven't changed a bit" Haechan mused, eyes full of wonder while looking at you intently.
He's actually relieved that you're talking to him, he expected that you would just pretend like you didn't know him like you always do every time you see each other or when you were with colleagues.
"Oh I did" you snickered sarcastically, still avoiding his gaze. You’re not gonna look at his cat eyes that you always find cute. don’t get distracted, don’t get distracted, don’t get–
Haechan went closer to you, eyes hooded now. And that instantly changed to the mood you’re trying to avoid. He must've been drinking, he's usually not this forward unless he had a sip already or maybe he just changed.
"Hmm, wanna show me?" he winked, hands reaching out and started twirling your hair with his fingers and you gaped, frozen at your stance.
Screw him. But those fingers though, those damn veiny-
You gasped a little when he pushed your hair back on one side and felt his fingers tracing on your shoulders. Haechan's just playing around though, since the only way for you to respond to him is to irk you.
"Fuck off Haechan" you seethed and jerked his hand off of you. How dare? How dare he?
Haechan's clearly not in his right mind. He’s aware that you're still mad at him but what can he do? He's not gonna get any opportunity to fully reach out, not unless he starts now.
He didn't respond, still staring at you intently like he wanted to say more and then his other hand came up and did the same thing on your other shoulder. This time, you didn't shrug him off.
You know he's never been good with expressing through his words directly so you let him through his touches.
Truthfully, you miss him so you’ll listen, just for tonight.
His fingers descended from your shoulders to your arms, slightly touching the sides of your breasts and you started squirming. Why the hell did you wear a thin ass bralette tonight fuck.
Haechan waited for you to stop his hands, scream at him and pushed him away but you didn't. If not, you're starting to quiver and he can feel your soft breaths quickening.
You should stop him, you should but now you don't want to. Despite everything, you miss his touches and your resolve is already breaking as you're getting aroused with how he’s touching you. His fingers then continued tracing the outline of your breasts, fingers teasing while observing your reactions.
The moment the side of his forefinger grazed on your nipples, you gasped a little louder than you intended to, and that made Haechan smirked.
"Stop me" he whispered lowly, eyes going darker than before while eyeing your clothed tits, his tongue running over his lips. Fuck, your nipples are already this hard and he barely even started. He started pinching them, rolling the buds between the pads of his fingers while slowly kneading both of your breasts.
You couldn't answer and just sighed while closing your eyes as all you can think about is how good his hands feel. You're really this touch deprived, damn your workload for causing you to be too busy to get laid or even touch yourself.
You let out a small chuckle at that and Haechan noticed, eyes narrowing at you. Opening your eyes, they went down to his veiny fingers currently fondling your tits through your thin shirt. Dammit, he looks so hot focusing on them, his brows furrowing and he's now biting his lips.
"H-Haechan.." you moaned when he got bolder and started pinching your nipples roughly.
Thoughts of you ignoring him all this time resurfaced into Haechan's mind so he couldn't help how his touches suddenly became harsh.
"You miss me don't you?" he chuckled in a mocking manner and you just nodded lightly, hoping he'll do more which he didn’t notice.
Your lack of answer just added to Haechan's growing frustration, why tf won't you just admit it?. His demeanor changed and his hands went down to the hem of your shirt, trying to lift it up. But you've stopped his eager hands before he can expose your chest.
"We-we're in the kitchen" you stuttered, breathing heavily. He’s very close to you now that can feel how hard he is already, pressing into you shamelessly. His hands came up to your waist, trying to keep you steady when you couldn’t stop rubbing your knees together.
“I don’t care, everyone’s drunk anyways” he countered nonchalantly. You’re not sure if he’s actually drunk but you know Haechan, you know he would actually fuck you here so before he can proceed you immediately dragged him out of the kitchen towards the quieter part of the house.
You both are still walking in a rush through the hallways when he hastily yanks you back to him, instantly pressing you to the wall behind you. A sly smirk appeared on his handsome face and you whined. His face went closer, staring at your eyes deeply and you closed them, waiting for him to kiss you.
But he didn’t and instead his lips touched the side of your jaw for a bit, you can feel his breath tracing down to your neck while his hands went under your skirt, touch lingering on your skin nearing your ass. Your hands landed on his firmed chest, feeling him through his shirt but it’s not enough. You noticed that his body became buffer too, holyshit.
“There’s a nearest door-” a slap on your ass made you yelped, and you stared back at Haechan in daze when his hands started kneading them after. You open your legs for a silent invitation, simpering cause he’s finally going to give you what you want.
"Shit.." you hissed when Haechan harshly tugged your underwear and your eyes widened in alarm at the thought of him ripping it because it’s a bit expensive.
"No" you whimpered and he sighed impatiently, dragging your panties down through your legs instead. Knowing what he's planning, you helped him by adjusting your skirt higher to your upper waist.
"Fuck, you wore my favorite" he said softly, voice throaty. The way he’s eyeing your lacy, dark red underwear in his hands made you flush. Looking up to your face, you saw how his eyes are changing from the slight longing to sudden anger along with the lust that's already on them.
"Haechan" you whispered desperately. You're already so wet and he looked so sexy kneeling in front of you but you're wondering why he's suddenly annoyed.
“You were planning to get laid tonight weren’t you?” he hissed.
“N-No” you meekly responded. Well you didn’t really plan on getting any tonight, you just decided to wear them just in case.
“Don’t lie to me Kitten” you stiffened, eyes going wide while your heart’s thrumming with confusion. He’s calling you Kitten again, like he used to. He’s drunk, he’s still drunk for sure.
And before you could even respond, he suddenly planted his lips on your inner thigh. Haechan misses you, misses eating you out, misses how you crumble under his tongue.
Tracing his lips on your skin made you shiver as you felt them nearing your core. Haechan reached the apex of your pussy and you eagerly pushed your hips forward, much to his pleasure.
“Behave” he snickered, leaning in and slowly running his tongue on your slit. You moaned at the feeling, hands instantly grabbing his hair which he slapped away. You looked down at him only to find his eyes already fixing at you.
Never breaking eye contact, he slowly moves his tongue on your pussy like he's making out with it. You couldn't look away, there's something about Haechan staring at you intensely while eating you out that makes you wanna stay put. It’s also because you’re afraid he will stop if you look away.
His hands are back on your legs, prying them open when you tried closing them after his tongue started flicking your clit harshly. You’re dripping so much as you can see your juices smearing on his lips already, some of them running down on his neck.
"..so..good..fuck.." you moaned in small breaths, closing your eyes and slowly grinding your hips on his tongue. Trying to balance yourself against the wall while your knees are getting weak is somehow turning you even more.
Haechan's beaming as of the moment. His eyes roamed your beautiful face while your eyes were closed. He's glad that you’re letting him pleasure you like this. Fuck ,he's getting harder every time he feels your pussy clenching on his mouth.
"Pretty pussy" he murmured and you opened your eyes when you felt his fingers running up lightly on your thighs.
"Please" you whined impatiently, begging for his fingers. You didn't want to since his tongue's already enough to make you cum and you're almost there but greed consumed you so now you want his fingers too.
"Not enough Kitten? What is it?" he chuckled, blowing his breath on your sensitive pussy and you squirmed. Fuck him and the cocky smile now on his face. You glared at him but then he slowly removed his hands so you panicked.
"Fingers!" you cried desperately. "Please fuck me with your fingers" you whined, hips moving unconsciously and Haechan smirked. Leaning in again, his tongue is back on your core, pressing even harder that makes you clench around nothing, you just want his fingers inside you!
You thought Haechan would ignore your request until you felt his finger eased on your entrance. You’re so wet and close already, so you moved one of your hands from the wall to your breasts, alternating in flickering your nipples through your thin shirt in hopes of convincing Haechan to slip the rest of his fingers into you.
And it worked. After Haechan saw how needy you’ve become he added another finger, arching it up and then pumping it in and out slowly while his tongue seemed to increase its pace in working on your clit.
Your moans are getting louder and Haechan senses that you’re getting closer with how tight your walls have become around his fingers.
“Don’t cum” he ordered, pace going slower but somehow deeper.
“B-but I’m close!” you cried, hips grinding faster on his face. Surely, everyone can hear you but you didn’t even care that you’ve been moaning loudly on this empty hallway anymore.
“I said don’t cum” his voice stern, adding another finger into you. Your body feels like its on fire, Haechan’s fingers fucking you leisurely while his tongue is doing the opposite on your bud.
“Neediest..pussy..” he muttered, emphasizing each word through each stroke of his fingers.
Your core’s aching already, your release nearing.Haechan’s fingers suddenly went faster. Fuck, you’re almost there,
Almost...and then–
“What the fuck Haechan!!” you cried when he pulled out his fingers and was about to grab his head back to you but he caught your wrist, tightly gripping them.
"That's your punishment for ignoring me," he said coldly, getting up from his knees and dragging you towards the nearest door.
"I hate you" you seethed. Stupid, you should've known he'll eventually get back to you for ignoring him.
He immediately opened it, pushing you inside.Your legs are still wobbly from your denied orgasm but you managed to somehow walk near the bed, steps staggering until you dropped on the edge making Haechan scoffed.
"You hate me huh?" you can feel him behind you at once and you move your hips back desperately, urging him to do something since all you can think about is the need to cum.
“H-Haechan” you whimper when you feel his hands lift your skirt further above your ass.
His fingers started tracing around your exposed core before he inserted two of them back inside, scissoring them slowly.
Moaning loudly you shamelessly bucked your hips back to his fingers only for him to swing his other hand on your ass, rough hand landing a slap that made you arch your back.
"You hate me but your pussy's soaking for me" he snickered and removed his fingers all of a sudden, making you whine.
Haechan ignored you and fumbled his belt, quickly pushing his pants down. He's had enough and as much as he's pissed off at you he can't stop himself in admiring you in your current position. You bending sexily on the bed, your pretty needy eyes looking back at him making him groan at the sight.
You're losing your mind, that’s it. All you want is Haechan's dick inside you but you're also anxious that he's gonna deny you some more. As you can see, he still loves teasing you because you're usually the impatient one between the two of you.
Hands back on you he roughly grabbed your hips, pulling your shaky body up against him. You can feel how hard he is on your ass already, grinding slowly against them. You can sense his breath increasing and you’re getting annoyed because you know he won't budge until you beg. screw it..
"Haechan, please fuck me" you moaned airily using the neediest voice you can muster and that snapped something inside him. He almost slipped, getting lost at the floral scent on your skin to notice that he’s getting softer on you.
He hummed and you instantly felt both of his hands cupping your breasts roughly from behind, his lips harshly kissing the juncture of your neck and shoulder blades. He can feel you chuckling lightly, your current situation making you giddy with how you both are still semi-clothed and so needy for each other in this dark, stranger’s room.
Haechan noticed and released you, tugging you shirt impatiently, signalling you to take them off. Once gone along with your bra, you turned to face him, enjoying the sight of him staring appreciatively at your tits. You giggled at his reaction causing your breasts to jiggle, the action that made Haechan look up to you with a puzzling, dark expression full of lust.
He turned you back around and pushed you back to the bed, making you squeak as you crawl on your knees. He sees that you’re trying to take your skirt off so he swatted your hands away.
“Leave them on” he sighed, full of authority.
You paused, the thought of Haechan fucking you on your skirt made you clench. You’ll never be able to wear this again without thinking of him, maybe that's what he wanted? After getting rid of his boxers, he didn’t move immediately as he’s getting distracted by your glistening folds twitching, begging for his cock.
You whimpered, losing patience with all his teasing but you sighed in relief the moment you felt the tip of his length slowly entering you. You thought he's going to be gentle but then you feel him ram himself fully into you, bottoming out, causing you to moan loudly.
You see, Haechan initially planned to be gentle with you, to let you adjust to his size but he again recalls the moments where you pretended that you didn't know him, the way you didn't even look at him. Anger now back on his veins he grips your hips tight, pulling you back to him as he starts his brutal thrusts, grinning at the thought of bruises that are surely gonna be there for days.
"Haechan..oh fuck!" you cried, in a high-pitched whine that Haechan oh so love. You’re trying to stay put but your thighs are already trembling from earlier and the way how hard he is fucking you right now are making them even weaker.
Your peak is coming fast with you being denied earlier and you can feel it’s going to be more intense than the one prior. Every slight touch from him sends sparks to your core, pushing you closer into it. You just hope that Haechan will let you cum this time, him denying you earlier made everything in your senses heightened, your entire body humming with electricity.
Haechan's never been vocal in the bedroom so you were glad to hear his grunts that seemed to be getting louder every time you clench around his cock. He's getting mesmerized at how good you look like this, moaning and gripping tightly on the sheets while he's pounding you from behind.
"..so..fucking..tight..didn't get laid much after me?" he chuckled mockingly and slowed his pace, each thrust emphasizing each word. He moaned deeply when he can feel your slick walls tightening and thrusted even harder allowing him to reach the deepest parts of you making you scream the moment he reached your spot. Your mind's hazy now, couldn't even answer Haechan with how he's picking up his speed.
Your arms finally buckled with the force of thrusts, making you turn your face to the side when you landed on the bed, your breaths are getting faster matching each of Haechan's hard thrusts. He planted his right leg on the bed and grabbed your left arm, binding it behind your back while his other arm grabbed your hips tightly, bringing you closer to the edge.
In this position, you couldn't see him but you can picture Haechan’s current state. His head falling back, mouth hanging open, emitting guttural moans as he’s getting lost at the sensation of your walls.
"I'm gonna cum..ngghh...Haechan.." you gasped, becoming breathless and he faltered on his pace. He snapped his attention down at you, irked eyes now observing your body, waiting for the perfect timing. You should've just kept your mouth shut because now you feel him suddenly pulling out from you, denying you again.
"No! No! Haechan!" you shrieked and sobbed after, your body shaking with how intense your climax was going to be. He couldn't see your face properly at this angle, but he knows you’re close to your breaking point. A smug smile appeared on his face, pleased with his effects on you. He wanted you to remember this, just in case you’ll ignore him again.
"On your back. I want to see your face when you cum" he said with urgency, his own peak also nearing. He’s always been good at holding himself, it’s just that he’s been so hard for a while already. You sniffled and scurry around right away, getting on your back and blatantly opening your legs.
You can finally see Haechan in full glory under the moonlight through the windows. Your eyes landed on his flushed face and the sheen sweat glistening his body. You bit your lower lip when you looked down at his length. It's so hard and red, slightly twitching as he climbed on the bed.
"You're so hot" you mused, eyes fluttering at him and removing your crumpled skirt.
Instead of answering, a lopsided smirk just emerged from his lips as he settled between your legs. You immediately wrapped them around his waist but he slapped your thighs, removing your legs around him, is it because you removed your skirt? You choked a whimper when he just kept staring at you with unreadable eyes.
"H-Haechan.." you whined, arms latching on his shoulders, urging him to fuck you again. He roughly shrugged them off which made you pout, why doesn't he want you to touch him? Your eyes widened when you realized he's waiting. He's waiting for you to say it. Fuck it. It's what your heart truly says anyways.
"I miss you Haechan..I miss your touch, your kisses, your co–" you screamed in pleasure when he suddenly shoved his dick inside you. He didn’t have to let you adjust because of how wet you are already, your slick allowing him enter you easily. Rough snaps of his hips against yours are making your tits jiggle and his hands are instantly on them, kneading them roughly just like his thrusts.
Haechan wants you to feel how angry he is, how hurt he is of you "forgetting" him. He's glad that you can read his expression very well until now and you were right, he was waiting for you to admit it.
He scoffed when your moans are getting louder. Your eyes closing at immense pleasure he's giving you, back arching when he hits that spot inside you.
"Look at you, squeezing my cock.." he moans but he stopped himself from whining.Your pussy's gripping him so hard, so fucking good, still so good for him.
"Open your eyes Kitten" he growled and set his weight on one of his forearms, the other coming right up wrapping around on your throat. Your whine turned into gasps, feeling the pressure of his hand around the base increasing.
"Still my Kitten" he muttered, looking at you darkly as he got lost in his own pleasure. His breath is staggering, matching your loud gasps.
"Always my Kitten, right?!" he seethes with heavy breaths, voice getting raspier as he removes his hand from your neck. You inhaled sharply, struggling to answer him.
"Yes! Yes! Still your Kitten, always your Kitten!" you sobbed so loud as you finally reach your high, Haechan groaning at the sight of you. You can tell that he’s also close, by how his pace is getting sloppier every passing second. You’re still confused as to why he doesn’t let you touch him but you don’t give fuck anymore.
“Shit..” he groaned at how tight you’ve become. Your walls now very sensitive after him continuously pounding on you nonstop, riding out your orgasm. He’s itching to hold you but he persisted. He doesn’t want you touching him because your touches will make his anger go away. 
Then he felt your legs closing around his waist again, way tighter this time. He knew you have no intention of letting go so dropped his head down, crashing his lips harshly on yours. You let out a gasp, surprised of his sudden action but you welcomed his rough kisses wholeheartedly.
Haechan's pouring all what he's feeling on you, all the need, the desperation, the apology that he couldn't express through his words. However, you perceived his actions differently, thinking that he must’ve really hated you. Haechan felt something wet against his cheeks, noticing your tears. He's not sure if it's because of how hard he's fucking you or something else.
“In me..Haechan please..” you gasped desperately, wanting to feel everything of him.
"Fuck!" he whined, hips faltering in pace with his guttural moans. Haechan couldn't hold back that much longer and you moaned loudly, pussy throbbing as you feel his cum spilling into you.
Riding out both your highs, you're trying to look up to him despite your exhaustion and impending sleepiness but he didn't even spare you a glance.
Actually, Haechan could tell you were going to say something but just waiting for him to look back at you which he wouldn't.
Not now, not yet. 
He wants to savour this moment. He feels satisfied after almost a year of trying, and here you are finally lying beautifully underneath him.
You want to know what he truly feels and you can see through his eyes especially that he is being himself right now like when you were still "together".
He closed his eyes and didn't answer you. Instead, he pulled out himself causing you to whine with the empty feeling. He plopped down beside you wordlessly, facing his back at you and you noticed that his breathing was already slowing down.
You sighed, some things never change.
The first thing you noticed is an arm around your waist after you opened your eyes in an unfamiliar room.
Right, Haechan.
You feel him beside you but you didn't dare to look at him when you felt him move. No doubt of what happened, you weren't drunk so you remembered everything.
You decided to look at the person beside you to find him sleeping deeply while facing you. Very adorable and soft looking compared to what he was the night before. You just didn't think that he would cuddle you this morning though so now you're confused.
Wait, he was drunk. That means he won't remember anything that happened. It's perfect since you don't really want to confront him right now. You should've gotten drunk too because you're still not ready to "talk to him" about it.
Haechan knows you're awake. Actually, he planned to wake up before you just in case and it seems that he's right. You really are going to sneak out from him. He felt a pang in his chest at how dismissive you are after last night.
Slowly, you're trying to lift his arm which somehow got tighter on its hold on you.
Fuck, you really need to leave and fast since he seems to be waking up already. You barely managed to succeed prying off his arm when suddenly–
"So, you were a good lay" he said dryly, immediately removing his arm around you.
You suddenly stiffened with the loss of his warmth and you're trying your best to not get affected when his voice is way deeper than usual and still groggy from being asleep.
"Uh I don't remember what happened" you shrugged, trying to make your voice as stable as possible though it came out weak. so much for lying...
"Bullshit, you barely drank cause you hate alcohol anyways" he scoffed, laughing at himself for assuming that there's finally progress seeing as you accepted him last night.
"I thought you were drunk" you snickered, slowly getting off the bed looking for your discarded clothes. Haechan didn't even move an inch, but you can literally feel his burning stare while you're putting your clothes back on.
"I only had a few sips" he counters, propping up to his elbow now and your eyes are looking everywhere aside from him which made Haechan smirked. Shit, what he would give to take you again.
"You still are tipsy, we both are so can you not", you muttered harshly, still not looking at him while dressing up and putting on your ankle boots. Haechan's shamelessly staring at your legs, he can't help that you still look sexy this early in the morning.
"You were gonna sneak out weren't you?" you flinched when his tone seemed hard, full of accusation. You don't know why you feel guilty when you shouldn't. So what if you did plan on sneaking out? The audacity of him when he was being an ass last night.
"Fuck you Haechan" you seethed, masking your nervousness. You know he's trying to delay you, because he wanted to talk about it. Add that his milky chest is in your view that is clearly clouding your mind, stupid blanket coming off..
"That I did to you, ‘y couldn't stop screaming my name" he humorlessly laughed, still hurt at how you're desperately running away from him after everything. Haechan's running out of options hence why he was so relieved last night, thinking that you're finally giving him a second chance.
"What makes you think you have the right to get mad hmm?" you lightly screamed, looking up and staring directly into his eyes. You're being mindful of others who stayed over like you both that are still probably sleeping.
But you don't fucking care now, you don't care anymore.
"I told you–"
"You were the one who dropped me out of nowhere before!" you cried, your emotions now bursting like a geyser. Haechan sighed, hopelessly thinking of how he's going to articulate his words that would not make you even more furious.
"You don't understand," he said flatly, now avoiding your eyes.
"Then make me!", you're heaving with anger right now. He's starting again, he's doing it again. Pushing you away by being vague and it confuses tf out of you. And he's even worse this time, you really thought he’ll change for the better.
Haechan didn't plan it like this, he was supposed to ask you for another chance and make love to you again just like the night before. You both are going to be together again but you just had to remind him the very reason why he did what he did back then.
"Leave Y/N" Haechan stated, voice laced with finality. He leaned back to the bed, facing away from you. Haechan doesn't know why he's suddenly nervous about this topic when eventually, you both have to talk about it.
You don't know what to actually feel right now. Haechan's the only person who can make you feel all emotions at once to the point that you can't even differentiate them anymore.
"No! I want you to continue, you can't just run from this" he wanted to talk? Then you both will talk. But now he's backing out? Like what the actual fuck does he want from you.
"What? You wanna fucking leave, then leave!" he yelled back and you blinked in surprise. Haechan never ever raised his voice at you, let alone yell at you.
As much as you didn't wanna cry in front of him, still looking fucked out in this stranger's room, you still couldn't stop the tears from emerging in your eyes.
Haechan glanced back at you from the side of his shoulder when you didn't answer him and his expression softened when he saw you on the verge of tears.
You started crying. You're literally crying and he didn't even move from the bed but at least you saw how his features changed into worry, at least.
Haechan was going to get up and comfort you, he was going to–
"What's the point? It's not like we were actually together anyways" you whispered, but Haechan blanched, pausing on his movements when he noticed the emptiness of your voice. Haechan’s even more hurt now, to hear those exact words from you.
And instead of soothing you he decided to ignite the fire by picking the part of your relationship where you have been the most insecure about.
“Right, you were just a part of my quests"
His words sting. It fucking stings that you didn’t realize the loud sob that came out from your mouth. He’s your first love after all, first in everything. He’s not just some random guy you had a quick relationship with. What you both had might not be official but you know you loved each other.
Haechan refused to look at you because you’ve always been his weakness. Now he’s only focusing on getting dressed to get the fuck out here immediately and he doesn’t know if he still wants to keep trying. Clearly, you don’t want him anymore but you still confuse him with your pained expressions so he doesn’t know what to think anymore.
You’re losing him, you know you’re losing him and despite the sharp words he just said you can’t deny that you still love him. You hate how you’re willing to stoop this low for him.
After checking his phone, Haechan hurriedly dressed up and passed right through you but your desperate plea stopped him, for a bit. 
“Wait!” you yelped quietly, voice lace in panic but then he continued walking away, not even looking back at you.
He just...did last night even mean anything to him?
Haechan’s being a dick, he knows he is but his heart’s racing as well for not being in control of the situation. He should’ve been prepared but he needs to get away for now, he needs a break to plan his next move or does he have to though? He ruined his chances again.
You don’t know how long you’ve been crying silently in that bedroom but you know the owner’s going to wake up soon so you need to leave before anyone sees you in this state. You also just realized that you didn't have your panties on but you're a mess so you didn't give a fuck when you couldn't find it in the room or in the hallway.
Haechan must’ve had it..
But you can’t see him again..
Not anymore..
You’re just tired with everything, physically and mentally and you just want to forget Haechan for now because you’re close to going back again, back to how you were when he left you.
Will you be able to avoid him next time though?
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tinyfishtits · 3 months
Sup bro, fartsnifferpro here.
I really love your fics and u said it was ok to make requests so I really hope I'm not bothering.. I usually have several ideas for fanfics but I don't trust my writing enough to put them into practice and laziness usually gets in the way. I was thinking about something related to a Micah Bell dating a reader very, but VERY emotional, like crying very easily (me). I really don't care the way you will write this (like headcanons, fanfic, whatever) I'll will love it anyway your writing is amazing.
Hehe welcome to the blog Fartsnifferpro! I most definitely DO want to write a sad reader fic !! You caught me at a very melancholy time so this was pretty cathartic to write tbh. I hope you like it ❣️
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The small stable in this god forsaken camp had quickly become my favorite place. Being around all those people, sick, sad, broken… It was tearing me apart. I hadn’t been with them for very long, had only just gotten to know those that we lost only days ago. Jenny, Davey, Mac…  
I felt like I had no right to mourn them, not when the others were so devastated by the loss. Not with John still missing and Abigail worried sick. Or the heartbreaking cries of the widow we picked up just yesterday cutting through even the most violent howling winds of the blizzard that hounded our crude shelters. 
So, just as I had the last two nights, I spent my evening tending to the horses while the others huddled for warmth in the decrepit cabins across camp. It was barely any warmer in the stable than it was out in the snow but I'd been so numb the past few days the cold barely registered anymore. I was brushing Baylock, humming some old lullaby I'd long forgotten the words to, when the doors of the stable swung open. 
“Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes…” a familiar gravelly voice said behind me. I didn’t have time to put my brush down before Micah’s arms were around my waist, his wind chilled face nuzzling into my neck as he kissed me, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine as he spoke, “Why you out here?” 
I turned in his grasp to snake my hands beneath the thick leather jacket he wore and wrap my arms around his back, snuggling into his warmth. 
“Goddamn darlin’ you’re freezing.” His body shuttered against my cold touch. Pulling me tighter against him, his strong hands began rubbing my back in an attempt to warm me up. “Shit, how long you been out here?” 
“I don’t know…” I murmured against his shoulder, squeezing him tighter.
“I would have come found ya sooner,” He sighed, “Dutch’s been talkin’ our ears off about… well, it don’t matter.” He let out a low hum, peppering gentle kisses atop my head. 
His comforting hold, his soft voice, the sweet, feather light kisses… It broke something open in me that I'd been pushing down since we fled here. A muffled cry escaped my lips as I buried my head into the crook of his neck. Micah froze at the sound. When the cries didn’t stop, his grip on me tightened.
“What- what is it? What’s wrong?” His tender, soothing voice just fueled whatever pain had broken free inside me. I collapsed against him. Unable to speak, barely able to breath as I choked up sob after pained sob, gripping onto him so tightly my muscles ached. 
“Hey… Hey, shhh” He hushed, whispered curses escaping his lips as I shook in his arms. I knew he wasn’t used to comforting people, that emotional outbursts of any kind weren't a part of his wheelhouse. In all the time we’d been together I’d purposefully hid my breakdowns from him… afraid he’d see me as weak. 
“I- I’m sorry…” I finally choked out, knowing I was putting him in an uncomfortable position. 
“Don't apologize, darlin'. You got nothin’ to be sorry for…” He whispered into my ear. His sweet words just cracked me open even deeper. A hand came up to gently rake through my hair as he continued to shush me like a frightened horse. Which, I realized, was probably the only living thing he’d ever attempted to comfort until now. 
“Just let it out honey, I gotcha.” He said, his grip on me tightening.
“I can't take being stuck up here Micah…” I admitted, the words finally spilling out of me, “It- it's suffocating me… And I'm not asking you to do anything about it. I know it's just how things are with the damn storm and the money... I just…” I trailed off, my breath still stuttering with sobs. 
He let out a long sigh, pulling away from my grip on him just enough to cradle my face in his hands. His bright blue eyes met mine, a foreign, aching sadness welling up in them as he examined me. 
“I know…” He finally said, stroking the streaming tears away from my cheeks. The pained look he gave me had my eyes welling up once more, cursing under his breath he pulled me back into his embrace. Holding my head in his hand he kept me pressed firmly against his chest, like he was afraid I'd break into pieces if he let go. “God darlin’ I- I hate seein’ you like this.” 
His deep voice rumbling against my ear was like music. I hugged him tighter, feeling every breath, listening to it whoosh through him like wind. “Can you… talk.” I murmured into his chest, “About anything… just, talk to me” 
“Um… Sure.” He said, though he went quiet for a long moment as he thought of what to say. “My… My momma used to tell me this story, about a boar… If you wanna hear it.” I hummed in acknowledgement, waiting for him to continue. 
“It was a menace, darlin’, this boar. A real nasty fucker. Killed livestock, ripped up crops, tore people apart… The whole country feared the damn thing. The king offered up his own daughter as the reward for the man who killed it.”
“So these two brothers decided hell, they had nothin' to lose and gave it a try. The older one, a cocky bastard, spent the first day of the hunt getting piss drunk. Figuring his brother didn’t stand a chance.” He ran his hands through my hair, idly twisting strands around his fingers as he got lost in the retelling. 
“That night, his little brother came out of the forest with the beast on his back. Fuckin’ furious, he walked up and shot him dead. Took the boar for himself and brought it back to the king. Told everyone the boar had killed his brother, tore him up and ate the pieces. And they believed him, ‘cause that boar was a menace.” His whispered words were fierce in my ear, he'd always been such a good storyteller. My sobs had ceased by now, my breathing settling into a calm rhythm as I listened intently. 
“He married the king's daughter the next day. Had a huge party outside the castle to celebrate. Even had the boar roasting on a spit for the feast. They was so drunk and happy, the whole place filled with music.” He hummed in my ear, taking my hand in his and swaying us softly to the tune.
“Until a boar, one twice the size of the one the brother had killed, went chargin' for the king's daughter!" He said with a roar, gripping me closer into his chest as if he were the beast coming to devour me. I couldn't help but giggle at his theatrical retelling.
"It ripped her apart while everyone watched...." He bit playfully at my neck in emphasis, coaxing a surprised yelp out of me. Though he didn't miss a beat. 
"The brother, the damn coward, ran off, back to the castle. Let the boar feast on everyone that had come to celebrate his wedding. Let it tear up the fields, rip through the livestock. Until there was nothin' left…” he drifted off into silence, kissing softly at the spot at my neck where he'd bitten. I waited for some happy resolution but it never came.
“Your momma told you that story?” I asked, a shocked laugh escaping my lips at the gorey tale I could only presume he heard as a small child. His chest vibrated with a deep laugh of his own, “What, not the bedtime story you were expecting?” He raised my chin to look at him, his expression softened now that my tears had stopped. 
“What happened to the brother?” I asked. Micah shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “Died alone in that castle with piles of money to wipe his ass with, probably.” 
I laughed, "What made ya think of that story?"
Humming in thought he said, "I don't know... always found it funny." "Funny?" I said, incredulous.
"Well you laughed, didn't ya!"
"At you, ya big weirdo..." I said, playfully hitting him on the chest. My sorrows and worries forgotten as I looked up at him, a beaming smile on his face.
His thumb brushed over my chin as he pulled me up to place a soft kiss to my lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I held him close, keeping his lips on mine as we melted into each other with palpable relief. As if all the tension, guilt and grief that had weighed me down the past few days just needed his warm breath to be set free, evaporating around us now lighter than air. 
With his strong arms hooked around my waist Micah picked me up. His mouth never left mine as he carried me out of the stable, intent on keeping me warm and in his arms for the rest of the night. 
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If you liked this, check out my other Micah works!
★ My Masterlist ★
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xerith-42 · 2 months
So What's Glenda's Deal?
I said the last post was a pre-req for later discussions, and that's because I needed that post to demonstrate that Glenda is one of the least thought out elements of Meteli. Meteli itself isn't very thought out, even in its newer forms, beyond what it serves as a narrative device for Laurance and to a lesser extent Cadenza and Sasha. I went on that whole tangent about the Zvahl Sibling Retcon because it shows a failing in taking to account what that retcon does to the story that proceeded it.
And also that post was meant to show the untapped potential of Glenda because she's such a minor part of the series despite having the potential to be fucking life ruining to Cadenza. But because we don't get any information about her basically ever, it can also be easy to forget what impact she actually had. Now that we have the baseline knowledge of Glenda, her appearances, the weirdness around her existence, and the lack of development given to all of that, we can start developing her.
The first and most important question to answer is: When did Glenda become a Shadow Knight?
I proposed several options in that post, and I'm still unsure of where I want to take it. I have this whole series of headcanons about Cadenza and her connection to plants, and how that connection reflects the presence of Shadow Knights around her. If I take that into account, that the presence of these undead creatures starts to wilt the petals on her skin or roses that she grew, then it seems unlikely that Glenda was a Shadow Knight for her entire childhood.
Obviously that's a headcanon and Cadenza in actual canon couldn't have known, but I work within the bounds of my altered version of this reality and I feel like mixing canon and fanon is so par for the course I don't know why I bother defending myself like this
Anyways, if Glenda wasn't a Shadow Knight prior to Cadenza coming into her life, then the most likely time it would have happened would have been when Joh was kidnapped and taken to the Nether. It's said that most of Meteli's guard force went to save him, including Sasha and Castor, and no doubt Glenda as well. She could have been killed in a fight with a Shadow Knight while trying to free Joh and brought back, but it seems unlikely nobody would notice. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Lucky me, I like working with near impossible odds. In the chaos of the Nether it's possible Glenda was killed and brought back without a second between them, forced to fight through because she either hadn't saved Joh yet, or he wasn't out of the Nether yet. I think they were overwhelmed and she easily could have fallen and sprung back up and continued fighting for him, only processing what had truly been done to her once Sasha was dead and they were back home.
Maybe Hayden knew. Maybe he promised to keep her secret because he cared about her, cared about keeping her at his side, cared about her still being a presence in their daughter's life. Glenda would then have to put her all into hiding it, into containing it, into fighting the calling that has tethered onto Cadenza or Hayden or both. Spending every waking moment ensuring that she isn't going to hurt the people she loves, or that she's going to be found out by anyone else.
Maybe Cadenza's roses do wilt when she walks past, so she avoids them. Avoids Cadenza. Calls it "giving her space to grow" when it's really space to keep her safe. If Cadenza's roses are wilting when she's too close, Glenda might fear what happens if she gets too close to Cadenza.
And then Cadenza goes missing.
Then Kenmur starts piping up about wanting to make change in Meteli, about how it's what Cadenza would have wanted when she isn't even there. Glenda may not have to worry about hiding from Cadenza anymore, and she knows Cadenza is alive, but she worries about her every day. Worries every day she's gone, every day Glenda spends keeping Hayden calm, keeping Kenmur from starting shit again, keeping Laurance off her back when he starts getting suspicious of her.
There's always so much she's handling, so much she's carrying. She used to love the weights she carried. The burden of Cadenza's body weight in her arms as she walked through Meteli babbling away about flowers, the heaviness of Cadenza's heart when she pours it out to her mother after it's first been broken. With Cadenza gone, she's still carrying so much, but she doesn't love it. Not like she used to.
And then while she's about to break, while the weight of everything is pushing her into the ground that she's already risen from, a Certain Someone has to write a Certain Clause to a Certain Document that changes everything for Glenda.
Because according to the now revised Oath that she has lived by for her entire adult life, she should end herself now before she can risk hurting Cadenza or Hayden anymore.
But she doesn't know how to kill a Shadow Knight.
So she runs.
She runs because she spent the last year of her life fighting to hold onto everything she cared about and in an instant it was all gone. She runs because without that she has nothing else to go home to. She can't be Hayden's guard, Cadenza is still missing, Joh is dead and Laurance is soon to follow in his or her example.
And when a Shadow Knight is alone and vulnerable and terrified of killing their family, that's when the Calling and the manipulative voices in her head start doing their work. That's when she starts losing the control she spent nearly a year of her life fighting, and she starts becoming susceptible to... Alternative means.
Wouldn't it be so much easier without those chains? Without that burden? If she let go of it all, severed herself from the people she loves, she'll never have to carry anything anymore. She'll be free of any weight that the world has unfairly put upon her, and she'll be allowed to live however she pleases.
But the life she wants to live can't exist if she severs those connections. She just wants to go back to living with Hayden, to spending late nights listening to Laurance and Cadenza yap by the fire place, to protecting the people she loves because that's how she measures her own value. If she kills them all, what does she have left?
This is why it takes her so long to act. Why Laurance can go to hell and back and Cadenza can be brought to her original form. Because Glenda can't actually decide whether or not it's worth it to kill Cadenza or Hayden. It's a possibility she'll consider, but one that she's still supremely hesitant to act on. For most of her time in isolation in the wilderness, Glenda isn't swayed by her calling the way a normal knight is.
The isolation gives her more room to breathe, think, and communicate with her calling. To try and reason with it and with herself for trying to reason with it. Even when she's alone Glenda is still fighting for something better for her family. She's still putting herself through constant mental anguish and trying to fight a seemingly unstoppable force just to put off the inevitable fate that she's been grappling with since that fateful day in the Nether.
Glenda would rather do anything than kill Cadenza.
So she makes her own plan. Pretends to murder Hayden to draw Cadenza to Meteli, but makes sure that her plans don't harm Hayden in a life threatening way. Because even if she's drawing Cadenza out to seemingly sacrifice her, she's still unable to fully hurt the man she spent so much of her life protecting. And when she captures the now alone Cadenza and takes her to the Nether portal...
And this is where I get really into headcanons--
Glenda wasn't going to kill Cadenza.
She was told by the Shadow Lord, by her calling, by that whisper in her ear that she could have everything she wanted without killing her family. If she just draws the magic out of Cadenza, maybe that will be enough to light the portal without killing her. Maybe then she'll be able to go to the Nether, slaughter whoever she has to to make this voice stop, and then go back to the life she's still desperately grasping onto.
Of course there's no real way for anyone else to know that she wasn't going to hurt Cadenza. The only person who could've thought that is Hayden, who's unconscious behind the wall. Aphmau sees her and shows instant hostility, so it is returned.
The canon of Minecraft Diaries never specifies how to kill a Shadow Knight, but my personal interpretation says that they need a blade blessed by the divine, bonus points if it's blessed by Irene. And you'll never guess what Aphmau woke up outside of Phoenix Drop with in her inventory--
Aphmau is able to kill Glenda. She's able to end her life and throw her body into the lava pit around them before Laurance gets there or Cadenza wakes up. She's able to protect Cadenza from the image of her mother as a monster, and they're all able to safely return home at the end of the day.
That's where Glenda's story seemingly ends.
It never is that simple is it?
After all, she got what she wanted. Cadenza is still alive. But at what cost? At the cost of every member of her family being threatened or killed by Shadow Knights, some of them becoming Shadow Knights, one of them trying to hurt her. Cadenza was taught to value the family she had after she lost her first one and now she's lost nearly every member of her family all fucking over again.
Poor girl.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
i might have talked about it before but i kinda wanna rant a lil how nonsensical both the "getting of the time reversal" and "giving zelda the mastersword" things are
bc ... to get the time reversal powers you touch a ... ghost of the enigma stone that used to be there .. and i GUESS it was the one zelda has now but used to be raurus and since its now linked to her we get .... link being astral projected into ghosty dimension similar to the other sages and we get zeldas sage power, but .. how does that even work, zelda, having supposedly long lost her soul to being a dragon is somehow still able to do the whole sage thing of taking you to fogland mclight dimension, just doesnt tell you the same stuff the other sages do word for word (thank GOD)
but how did that even manifest? even ignoring her soul being GONE how can she make that oath or whatever while shes not awake and just floating there, what business does the ghost engima stone have there and why dont the others have something similar to where they were once stored (in the forgotten temple backrooms tm bc we cant have the sonau NOT touch a thing in this world all of the sudden-)
is it bc they were like ... released of their holder from the old sages since they had long died and those go back to being big floaty stones (for whatever reason .. shouldnt have sonias stone done the same when gan took it then??)- also zeldas ability being put into the hand ability wheel while we gotta chase down the damn sages any time you want to use one of their abilities is so unfair .. you could have made the sages usable .. but no ..
its a relatively small complaint compared to the rest but it still bothers me bc it just ... feels so contrived, like it feels to be so clearly just some loose string to get you that power
the same with the weird ass time bubble to get the mastersword back in time to zelda just so she can have a flimsy reason to do what she does (we wouldnt want the character this series is named after be an actual CHARACTER instead of a pretty prize at the end now would we??) and its jsut so .......... why not have her grab the broken master sword as shes falling into the past (SOMEHOW) or it falling down with her bc really link shouldnt maybe not be able to hold it anymore- wait he reaches for her with that hurt hand .. so he did drop it .. and it somehow got back to him instead of being put into the past WITH zelda right then and there?? why??
(also ..rauru just teleporting him to the sky island ... wasnt that arm the last bits of raurus physical body? was his ghost just chilling up there the whole time- ... can ghosts in totk control and teleport their physical, dead limbs to whereever their ghost is? why can a ghost even be so far apart from the rest of his remains .... or was that spiraling energy stuff just him slowly turning into a ghost there ... but my point about ghosts controlling their dead limbs still stands- WAIT he ALSO has to be able to ... SEE somehow bc he grabbed link before he fell too .... the way he talks when you find him chilling on the island tho is like hes seeing it all for the first time too .. so .. he wasnt a ghost yet and still knew where to go .. even tho the place is somehwere totally different to where it used to be and if he became a ghost right there why couldnt you see him when he grabbed link... if the hand that grabbed link wasnt actual the one that fell off gan why does it look like it then? bc gan hand was long and thin with long ass class and raurus actual ghost hands are barely different from typical human ones- .. i think im having more thoughts about this point thant nintendo had over the entirety of making the game .... also fuck rauru for doing the fake out "oooh noooo im fading awayyy" thing just so he doesnt have to answer any of your thousand questions i guess, only to return at the end going, "actually, i want my arm back and yours was fine anyway lol, and here sonia is here too for some reason! also check this out! zelda is back and you didnt have to do shit, isnt that cool?")
the weird time bubble makes me so angry when i remmeber it exists bc it just .. makes NO sense?? what even is it?? if it was a foreshadowing to zelda learning to use her new time powers and you find more over time in the game where she manifests mroe and more until she manages to return on her own like it was kinda teased with sonia tellign her shell find a way to use her new powers to go back since she (SOMEHOW) also got herself here and that point going nowhere like so many other points (hows it going impah, foudn a way to get zelda back yet? dont bother, turns out the solution was 'beat the bad guy' and it all solved itself) OK fine, that works
BUT ITS NOT a foreshadowing of anything, the time bubble thing is just THERE and it drives me nuts, it really only adds to this whole game feeling so weirdly held together by loose strings and it just gets worse the more you think
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raainberry · 10 months
Blue Hour
“The blue hour is the idea that everything is about to end or, on the contrary, that everything is about to start again.”
Jihyo x gn!reader
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synopsis - it was only supposed to be a fling
wordcount - 1.9K
T/W - Blood (mentioned (1) once)
A/N - missing the killing me good era😔 i actually don’t know how to feel about this one but i miss my girl so
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Twenty to thirty minutes.
That’s how long it takes for the sun to fully rise. To show itself in the morning.
It takes the same amount of time to fully disappear. To hide itself in the evening.
In each case, the moon isn’t too far away. You remember seeing it every time before she showed up.
And every time after she left.
Nature’s schedule is strict. So was her’s, leading the two of you to only meet at night: in between two blue hours.
“It’s a little cloudy today.”
The sound of her voice broke your staring contest with the moon, finding the glow in her eyes to be more interesting. The latter shone brighter than yesterday, you noticed as she leaned against the railing beside you.
Your own smile pulled a little more at your lips as well, excited to see hers again. You’d only part for half a day’s worth every time, yet it always felt like it stretched as each day passed.
“I didn’t get to see much of the sunset on my way home.” She pouted. “Did you?”
She hoped the rooftop of her apartment building had offered a better end to your day than it did hers. After all, the sunrise and sunsets she’d witnessed from here so far were nicer.
You shook your head in response, though, making her frown. “Just a glimpse.”
“Maybe it’ll be better tomorrow.” She said, still hopeful.
Her optimism made you smile. The sun could stop shining for all you cared, she would do its job better anyway. She was one little sunshine, a true ray of light you wouldn’t have dared to approach if she hadn’t done so first.
“I doubt it. Fall is coming soon.” You reminded, but she shrugged, looking at the darkening horizon with the same spark in her eyes.
“The sun still sets during Fall, don’t be so depressing.”
“But it’s not as pretty.” You pointed out, pulling her eyes to you.
Maybe that’s what you were looking for, she realised, giggling at the sight of a familiar smirk on your lips.
“And what if I’m there?” She asked, grinning and posing with a hand under her chin for you.
She fluttered her eyelids, giving further into her own banter; her grin warm, playful and inviting as she urged you to join her point of view.
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics, giving in to the harmless corruption with a soft kiss on her happy lips. She managed to steal a few more from your own, smiling into each one despite having to chase them.
When you managed to pull away, she pointed fun at your flushed cheeks, something you expected by now. You sported the shade proudly, her teasing never bothered you, but sometimes you did wonder how she managed to turn you into such a mess.
Maybe it was because things were still recent between the two of you. Or maybe you were just too far gone and—in all honesty—too down bad for her.
Either way made sense, so you never bothered to look further.
“Why do you still blush like that, we’ve been doing this for weeks, you should be used to it.” She teased, but her words landed in a different tone on your ears.
They made you think.
For weeks, you repeated…
“I am, that’s the problem.” You slipped out just under your breath. It was too late to retain the words, so you tried to keep them out of her ears.
It’d been weighing on your mind for a bit, how uncertain your relationship with Jihyo has been.
Whatever was going on between the two of you, it wasn’t exactly conventional anymore.
It was, only until about three weeks ago, when it was all supposed to end. You should not have seen her face past August 31st. That’s how flings worked. How summer flings worked at least. Or how you thought they worked?
You weren’t really sure of anything regarding love and affection. Relationships had taken a whole new meaning the second she laid her lips on yours that one night at the bar.
The feelings, the thoughts, the moments… It was all new.
She was new.
Maybe infatuation was the right word at the time. Now it just felt weak. Unqualified. Wrong.
You couldn’t tie the bond you’d developed down to such an ephemeral idea.
Not when your feelings for her settled in your heart with intentions so far out of field.
“The problem?” She repeated after a while.
Way to ruin the mood, you mentally congratulated yourself.
“What exactly is the problem, Y/N?” She asked, holding onto your sleeve with a couple fingers.
A timid and discreet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed. Your eyes fell down to her hand, and you couldn’t help but feel some of that hope she’d showcased minutes before.
Meeting her eyes again, you noticed the spark was gone, replaced by a clouded gaze similar to the blue sky above. It seemed heavy. Not as dark, only busy.
Was she worried?
“I just… Don’t know where this is going. That’s all.” You tried to shrug it off, pulling your hand away to get the sleeve out of her grip.
The busy streets below kept an awkward silence away from the two of you, allowing you to feign interest about their noise and random happenings.
The distraction could have been sweet if only it weren’t from your own mind.
It was hard not to think it all over. It was hard to focus on the rational part of it. The one telling you to leave tonight before getting hurt more than you already were.
It was hard because of how loud the other part was.
The one happy with just a glance from the woman beside you. Happy with just standing next to her. Seeing her smile, hearing her laugh. Satisfied with her kiss, her touch… As long as you learned more about her.
More than you should.
You sighed into the night, feeling your rationality push through.
“Would it make you feel better if I said I don’t know either?” She broke the silence.
Your eyes found her again, catching her smiling down at her own hands. That smile seemed heavy as well, as if she was forcing it out to avoid any other reaction.
“Not at all.” You said truthfully, causing a chuckle to escape her lips.
You didn’t understand why, especially when her eyes started watering instead of just… crinkling in joy.
Her teeth suddenly pulled on her bottom lip, nearly drawing blood as she tried to find words. The right ones. Ones that would make you stay even longer.
Her lips alone weren’t enough for that anymore.
“But… Don’t you want to figure that out together?”
A breath caught in your throat. Then another, after a second. It felt as though you didn’t know how to breathe anymore. Like her question shook much more than your heart.
You looked at Jihyo once more, hoping it would fix it like it did everything else, but her focus remained on her own fingers.
“I know I want to.” She said, picking at her nails, a giveaway of her nerves. “I just thought it was obvious.”
Her eyes finally raised to meet yours, sadness written all over the smile she tried to send you.
“Do you actually?”
Your voice came out a whisper, and it didn’t surprise you. You weren’t sure you wanted to know her answer to that question. You gave her a chance not to hear it. To get away and break the rules with no consequences for a little longer.
Truth was you’d let her.
“I think I like you.”
There it went again; your breathing.
“You think?” You chuckled, but only to fight the tears suddenly pooling in your eyes. “Jihyo, I can’t do this anymore.”
You stared out ahead, your gaze landing on nothing and everything all at the same time. So many lights, buildings, so many trees and people… Yet nothing registered.
All you could process, all you could feel… It emaned from right next to you.
The skies above reminded you of it. The familiar blue drowned its details as time deepened its shade. You watched it happen so many times with her you could blindly tell the time.
That’s when she decided to take your hand in hers, pulling you away from the overwhelming sights.
That’s when you felt the warmth of her hands against your cheeks as she made you look into her eyes instead.
You focused on the lights reflecting in them instead, trying to avoid her thoughts. They could hurt.
“Tell me something, Y/N…” She trailed off, her eyes desperate for even a sign of your focus on her. “Do you regret any of what happened between us?”
You watched silently as the effects of your answer painted her features.
They tensed up. Eyebrows lowered, lips narrowed, yet eyes watered, holding a sense of hopelessness you witnessed for the first time… It was messy. As if even she didn’t know how to feel.
You, however, could tell.
She wasn’t angry. She was exasperated. Frustrated.
“Can you feel it too now? Do you see why I regret it?”
You should have known she wouldn’t answer the way you wanted her to.
You knew she was stubborn.
You should have expected her lips on yours.
Just like you knew you’d melt into them with a single kiss despite yourself.
Your will never mattered when it came to her. You always ended up folding to hers, giving into a second kiss before intiating the third one.
And you rarely pulled away first.
“Why?” You practically begged through breaths she’d stolen from you.
The gentle brush of her thumb against your skin, the warmth and care she seemed to hold in her eyes for you, the silent words you could make out in them… It almost made you break down right then and there.
It all suddenly became so obvious.
“Because I like you.” She smiled.
It was bright again. It made you believe her a little more, although you still weren’t convinced.
Maybe she sensed that, as she wasted no time to argue her point.
“That’s why I’ve been making excuses to keep seeing you.”
“My flight back was delayed, can I stay at your place?”
“The company’s letting me choose the flight date and I don’t actually have to go back to work for another week…”
“Can we stay friends? I’d love to just hang out with you. Maybe come see me in Seoul some time?”
“It just happened, let’s just put this on reunion excitment.”
“Yes, friends don’t kiss each other. But friends with benefits do. So no, it’s not weird.”
Maybe they were not all excuses. Some you definitely had a hand in. Yet you remained clueless for some reason.
Love really makes you dumb.
“I thought you were playing me.” You mumbled.
“Then you don’t know me at all.” She said, amused.
“That would be because I wasn’t supposed to.”
“Yet you learned to, didn’t you?”
You nodded, looking down in embarrassment. You couldn’t help but feel ashamed of the drama you’d caused.
You scolded her for not being honest, but you were just as guilty.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again. “This is all new to me, I guess I freaked out a little.”
Your confession caused a few giggles to escape her lips, to your delight. The sound made you smile as you admired the happiness radiating from her features again.
The intensity of your emotions made it feel as though it had been months since you last had the chance to.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry too. My intentions could have been a little clearer.” She admitted. “I want to date you.”
You chuckled at her small clarification, finding the moon in the dark blue sky again.
It shined a little more. The blue was turning into its darkest shade yet, as the day finally left room for the night.
The blue hour was over, and it made you smile.
You had all night to spend with Jihyo. The woman holding your smiley cheeks so softly in between her hands.
For the first time since you met her, you couldn’t wait until the next one.
Because this time you won’t have to forget about her once the sun comes out of hiding.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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lust4life01 · 1 year
I wish I was your girl. chapter 1
First chapter is a little short, just to introduce the story and move it along! Set around the early seasons :) -please check out this post for warnings.
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You dont know my mind.
Your head laid on House's bare chest, as his fingers drew soft circles on your shoulder, while you both listened to each other's heavy breathing from the highs you both just came down from.
Breaking the sweet silence, House couldn't help but ask a provocative question ruining the simplicity being held in each other's company.
“Are you sure you’re not a porn star?” He asks with a huge grin plastered across his face.
“Ha, ha, very funny. And anyway you'd be so lucky, old man.”
Your tone sarcastic yet playful as you try to hide the smile creeping onto your lips, while staring up at him with doe eyes.
House dramatically places a fist to his heart and lets out an exaggerated hiss.
“Ah, ouch! God I hope you weren't this mean to all your other bosses, or well pimps.”
“Mhm only the ones I was sleeping with.” You shot back immediately, earning you a proud smirk from him.
As he goes to get up to grab hisvicodin, and break from your touch, you let out a whine in protest, not wanting to feel the loss of contact.
“God, you're so needy, better keep you away from Wilson. Actually speaking of Wilson he's meeting me here in about half an hour, and quite frankly I wouldn't like to sit and explain why a member of my team is on my couch in her underwear.
You can't help but take his last statement to heart, you knew it was stupid as you were sleeping with Greg House, what more were you expecting? However the desire to be more than a fuck buddy had been creeping up on you lately and you simply wanted more. Was you just an employee with a nice set of tits and a nice arse to him?
“Actually, I was thinking maybe it wouldn't be terrible if people knew about us.”
You lowered your head and your voice was quiet and consumed with seriousness. House didn't reply for a few seconds until you lifted your face to meet his eyes.
“What? You can't be serious.”
After a moment he realised you in fact were not joking and let out a frustrated laugh.
“Oh my god. I don't see how you dont think its a terrible idea, (y,n), we agreed that we would just have great mindless sex, no strings attached. Why ruin that?”
He was defensive which just pissed you off even further.
You became more enraged and hurt the more you thought about the words spilling from his harsh mouth.
“That was then, this is now. Maybe I don't want to be your dirty little secret, who is chucked out everytime there's a threat of someone seeing us, forever. I'm not asking for the moon here House, I just don't see why you're so scared of a little commitment.”
“Yeah well maybe I didnt think by fucking you I was signing up to be husband for god sake. Did we sign a prenup?”
House's voice was mean as he spoke and his hand rested on his forehead out of frustration.
You let out a scoff of shock and disgust.
“Fine. I won't be bothering you anymore, you know unless a patient is dying, if that's even worth bothering you for.”
As fast as the words travelled out your mouth, so did your clothes appear on your body and feet step out of his apartment.
Tears filled with rage brimmed and finally spilled from your sad eyes once outside his apartment door. Thankfully spilling outside of House's sight despite them threating to stream from your face as soon as his vindictive words hit you.
— 2 days later —
Hostility wasnt near close enough to explain the feeling and tension between you and House. Snide comments and brooding stares were exchanged but other than the differentials and generally doing your job you didn't speak or acknowledge House.
House was being more of an ass than usual and it was obvious the team were starting to pick up on it as for the past couple of months he had seemed relatively happy. They ultimately knew there was no point trying to figure out Greg House.
Your best friend Foreman on the other hand had no problem trying to figure out why you had been acting strange. He was worried you might be slipping back into past habits.
He came to look for you while you were in the common room, where you were finishing up paperwork but mainly hiding away.
“Hey, how come you're in here instead of the office?”
He asks the question already knowing the answer, he just wanted to know why exactly you were hiding away,
Feeling slightly defensive not wanting to unload all your problems and thoughts on to your best friend, you did the only thing you could think to do. Lie.
“Um, I don't know, it's just quieter I guess. You gonna join me?”
You try to give him a convincing smile, although it definitely didn't work all that well.
He let out a sign of slight annoyance seeing straight through your lies, not understanding why you weren't being straight with him.
“Quit the bullshit (y,n). I can tell somethings up with you. You've hardly been yourself and believe me I know when somethings bothering you.”
You hated shutting Foreman out but you couldn't be arsed to explain that the reason you had been distant was because Greg House only saw you as a cheap fuck. I mean it's pathetic.
“Okay, yeah i've been a little off lately and im sorry, totally nothing of your doing. I just stopped seeing this fling but i don't know I was delusional to want to take it further. It's dumb really.”
He nodded his head to make sure you knew he was listening before finally giving you a sympathetic smile.
“Not to sound like a jerk but yeah that is pretty dumb. But he'd have to be even dumber to not want you.”
He let out a chuckle and you smiled trying to act like you agreed, despite knowing it was far deeper and more complex than you let on.
“Look, come for a drink with the team after work. Have a few drinks, or a few kisses and forget about whatever idiot you were screwing.”
You nodded your head in agreement.
I mean sure you know that getting out will dull the hurt you feel but the alcohol will only spur on your self destructive manic side.
What could possibly go wrong?
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