#and jem mentioning will
spartanlocke · 6 months
I left tumblr but I guess I might be coming back soon for real time since apparently Elon's bots ARE POSTING ACTUAL, REAL LIFE CP AND CSA NOW.
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I'm not even fucking joking. There are dozens of people in the replies and QRTs saying the same thing: the "PUSSY IN BIO" bots pots posted actual CP on their tweets.
IF YOU USE TWITTER, DO NOT HAVE AUTO-RECORDING ON, DO NOT STREAM AND MAKE SURE YOUR CACHES ARE CLEAN, POSSESSION OF CP - EVEN ACCIDENTAL - IS ILLEGAL. IF YOU SEE A TWEET HIDDEN FOR SPAM, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm lucky to not have run into any CP/CSA footage myself yet, but I'm going to be extremely careful and I recommend you all be too. And if you DO happen to run into it, you can use websites like https://tips.fbi.gov/home. report.cybertip.org or iwf.org.uk/en/uk-report/ to report it.
Don't bother reporting it to twitter. Elon's already been exposed for restoring the account of a man who posted real CP. He won't care. He's a demon and twitter has become exactly the way he wants it.
Stay safe and pray for Elon Musk's downfall.
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wikitpowers · 2 months
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tildeathiwillread · 3 months
I liked the Infernal Devices series a lot more than the Mortal Instruments, but oh my stars I cannot get over how Cassandra Clare "solved" the love triangle.
You're telling me Tessa married the mortal one and then when he died of old age she went and married the immortal one after he left whatever the fuck you call the Brotherhood.
Perks of being immortal I guess but hey what the fuck
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quarter-lif3crisis · 9 months
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The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
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mmonetsims · 8 months
jem 🪕
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jem winters, 24, 6'2, aquarius
click for hq. more lore/backstory under the cut.
it all started when jem recieved a concerning message from his mother in south carolina, so he and his girlfriend, dottie rode down to his rural hometown to see what the matter was. the next few days that followed, were a living hell. his family had been infected, transformed into something that wanted to kill him, and wouldn't stop until they succeeded. they ended up killing dottie, and after that jem had to take his family down. of course after that, and poorly timed, the government arrived. they took him out of the town, put him under the witness protection program, and moved him to a small town in massachusetts, called grim's hollow. he adjusted to it over time, and soon he was mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and essentially the town's unlicensed handyman. but he can never catch a break, can he? only a few years after he moved into the town, it turned dark. it had just as soon turned into a place ravaged by monsters of all kinds, that of which he had face to face contact with, and apparently on the verge of some territorial war. that he wants no parts in.
if you didn't guess it, jem is based on ethan winters from the resident evil franchise. he's genuinely one of my favorite ocs, and probably the reason why i got into resident evil in the first place.
he has the same regenerative mold powers as ethan does in the games!
he has a blue pickup truck named georgia
jem really, really wanted a family with dottie, and kind of hoped to even find someone of the same magnitude after her death, but obviously life has it out for him
mans has pulled a fast and furious running from werewolves, fought off 7ft+ vampires (then got kidnapped by said vampires), survived russian roulette, only to get kidnapped by a secret government organization
his middle name is cassidy
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blo0dywr1sts · 5 months
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Upload!! Oki to ogolnie co do weekendu to bylo okropnie , fajnie sie bawilam itp ale za duzo zjadlam przyjexhal moj tata wiec kontrolowal cale moje jedzenie :c W sobote jeszcze wypilam matche w starbucksie WAAAH TO BYLO TAKIE DOBRE ale i jak kaloryczne. Chwila przyjemnosci nie jest warta tych wszystkich kalorii.. Dzisiaj zjadlam juz na sniadanie tosta wiec z jakies 350 kalorii kms lecz tata przed chwila wyjechal wiec ogranicze jedzenie i moze faktycznie przejde na ta diete gdzie sie je jedynie owoce :3 postaram sie wiecej cwiczyc i codziennie robic deske (30 dni deski challange) polepsze sobie kondycje , a to giga wspomoze mnie w ćwiczeniach bo teraz patrzac na moją kondycje jest tragediaa. Zaraz powinnam wychodzic do szkoly ale nie mam totalnie sily , nic nie umiem na trzy odpowiedzi ustne i sprawdzian z fizyki (r.i.p). Moze namowie mame i nie pojde lecz nie chce byc dla niej znowu problemem , za duzo omijam lekcji i mam straszne zaleglosci.. Badzcie silne motylki , dojdziecie do swojego celu!! 🦋🦋
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secretly-a-catamount · 6 months
(for @lescahiersdesable)
Jem: If you water water, it grows.
Will: …What.
Alec: He’s got a point.
Annabel: Kind of like the opposite of when you murder a murderer, the number of murders stays the same.
Will: . . . What?
Alec: She’s got a point, too. Although, now that I think about it, if you murder a murderer the number of over-all murders increases while the number of living murders decreases.
Will: . . . What?
Alec: Will, you keep saying that, are you having trouble hearing or something?
Annabel: Of course he is, what else do you think all that empty space inside his head is good for? It makes the sounds smaller.
Will: Yea— Hey! That not even how sound sleep work!
Annabel: “Sound sleep”, William?
Will: Yes, Annabel, “sound sleep”—
Jem: What my husband means is that didn’t get much sleep last night because Tess started teaching the kids how to safety summon demons, and it — well, got out of hand.
Annabel: Moving onward, about what you were saying earlier, Alec, I didn’t think about that.
Jem: Well then, adding on to that, too, what is something that gives you less of it if you give it itself?
Alec: Time?
Will: Footsteps? I’m not sure.
Annabel: Chickens.
Alec: . . . Why?
Annabel: Cannibalism.
Will: Chickens eat each other?
Annabel: Oh, yeah, absolutely, all the time.
Jem: How do you know that?
Annabel: Malcom and I have started raising chickens; they’re supposed to be relaxing, help us with our trauma.
Alec: And does that work?
Annabel: Who knows.
Will: If the chickens eat each other, what else do they eat?
Annabel: Literally anything. Even human corpses.
Jem: And why do you know that specifically?
Annabel: I’m not you, Jem, I don’t like everyone.
Jem: I don’t like everyone.
Alec: Name one person you dislike.
Jem: Miss Dearborn.
Will: Fair. I don’t like her either.
Alec: I hate her.
Annabel: An example of someone who has gone to the chickens.
Alce: And just for the record, guys, I set the bar too low for Jem.
Will: You really did.
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section-69 · 2 years
There's been a bunch of these going around but none with the options I'd pick so...
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wikitpowers · 6 months
everybody tough as hell until i mention the clockwork princess epilogue…
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rhiannons-bird · 5 months
I think it's also funny that most of the "Heronstairs is incest" people ship Emma and Julian like. Bro pick a lane
No that’s actually insane 💀
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sunflowertrick · 2 months
me and jem are going out again today and im thinking of asking her about pandora and orion and how she found out about them to begin with and all those other things i was thinking about the other day
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stubborngods · 4 months
@storiesbreathed asked: [ patch ] sender carefully patches one of receiver's wounds tessa & jem!
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jem hissed through his teeth as her fingers grazed over the wound - the gash was too deep for an iratze, and will was away so even a more powerful version was out of the question. there was no point in summoning any silent brothers to the institute now, when it seemed as though tessa had it all taken care of. it was almost domestic - in a way that only nephlium houses could be domestic - if he ignore the way his hands were shaking. he watched her draw a steady amissio on his arm, causing a slightly heavy feeling to spread through his limbs as his blood slowed. with a soft exhale of breath, jem asked, tone light, " so, how bad is it, qīnàide? am i gonna make it? "
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teegeeteegee · 2 days
Tee's 30 Favorite Cartoon Opening Theme Songs
My recent Animaniacs post reminded me how much I adored its opening theme, leading me to re-watch it again. This sparked a wave of nostalgia for other cartoon theme songs that have brought me joy over the years and thus inspired me to compile a list of some of these songs. I started with the intention of including just 20 but as I revisited more themes, however, I found it impossible to stop at that number. I expanded the list to 25 but eventually stretched it to 30 as more themes came to mind. I had to draw the line there; otherwise, I might still be adding to it! 🤣
(For the record, the Animaniacs theme will appear in this ranking; where it appears, however, everyone will have to wait and see. 😉)
Before I begin, I want to shout out a few honorable mentions that just missed the cut:
Batman: The Animated Series
Among the most legendary cartoon opening themes ever, "Batman: The Animated Series would have certainly earned a spot on my list had I expanded it to a Top 35. The haunting ambiance combined with the high-octane rhythm that kicks in after the halfway point perfectly embodies the spirit of the series.
Wow, this theme really gets the blood pumping! Much like B:TAS, the score for "C.O.P.S." encapsulates the show's atmosphere beautifully. In contrast to the darker undertones of B:TAS, however, this theme is a relentless rush from start to finish. It makes me feel as if I’m navigating a chaotic, crime-infested futuristic city. Bulletproof’s narration also brings a significant weight to the overall theme. As an aside, I also love the outro, where Bulletproof names the officers and the villains.
Jem and the Holograms
Much like the titular character, this theme is truly outrageous! The 80s synth pop/rock sound fuses glamor with a mellow vibe that I nod my head to whenever I hear it. Moreover, the interruption by The Misfits introduces a jarring yet compelling contrast before the original melody returns to wrap up the track.
Kim Possible
"Kim Possible" boasts a theme that’s a vibrant pop anthem laced with R&B influences. The rhythmic beeping cleverly ties into the show's technological essence, highlighting Kim's role as a teenage spy who relies on an arsenal of gadgets during her escapades. The catchy refrain, 'call me, beep me, if you want to reach me,' rings out throughout the song, establishing itself as a memorable catchphrase for the entire series.
The Simpsons
In simple terms, "The Simpsons" stands as a monumental television series that has left an indelible mark on pop culture. It holds the record as the longest-running animated series in America, the longest-running sitcom, and the longest-running scripted show in prime time. One of the standout features is undoubtedly the opening theme. I adore how it begins with a soothing melody that gradually spirals into delightful chaos, with Lisa's saxophone solo providing a lovely contrast. It's a catchy tune that never fails to make me hum along whenever I hear it.
On a different note, I miss the days when Homer would scream and dash away from the car instead of getting hit by it now. I haven't watched in what feels like forever, so that change surprised me while browsing for a video. Hence, I posted a video with that classic part for this post.
I could easily add more themes to the list but just like with my Top 30, I'd be here forever if I didn't establish a limit! 🤣
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
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karouvas · 1 year
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a) this scene really does encapsulate the subtextual polyamory of the infernal devices
b) on a less poignant note did Jem think that Will was in love with Magnus and not Tessa for the past two books? Wild. The number of people in the tsc universe who had theories about Magnus and Will having a thing, Camille Woolsey Alec Jem…
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mari3452 · 2 months
Czy mogę pić oshe różowe z winogron podczas fasta? Wiem, że ma pewną ilość kalorii, ale dzięki temu bardzo długo wytrzymuje bez jedzenia..
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