#and like do i think hes a raging misogynist? probably not
strawberry-finches · 8 months
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vamptastic · 2 years
hate fathers day i am gonna lose it
#mom is sick so my dad is like fuming over it bc it's His Weekend#+ sister is being as Annoying 13 Year Old as usual n he keeps blowing up at her#anyway. if he screams at me again i'm going to stab him i think. i cannot deal w this.#oooh why do you hide in your room n never talk to me. maybe because if i say smth you don't like you scream and try to hit me#or call me degrading misogynistic insults#and i also do not like you as a human being who is not my father.#i get that days like this r meant to honor parents but it defeats the point for your parent who is 24/7 demanding undeserved honor#and respect#to now have a day where he can further justify the idea that he's entitled to respect regardless of how horrible he acts and is like#i just. god. i wish i could make him feel even an ounce of the hurt and frustration he has caused me my entire life#but it just rolls right on by him cos hes so fucking self absorbed that he has to be right and im just upset for no reason#or. idk. i mean idk how any parent can look at a crying child and not realize they fucked up in some way#esp when that child is 17 and you have therefore obviously done smth to warrant that reaction#i just. i wanna kill him. idk. or myself if only to make him upset. probably the first but whats the point cos id end up in jail anyway#i can't do anything but move on but he will literally never pay for any of this he'll probably live a much happier life than me#and just. leave me to bear all of his stress and rage. like he has always done. whatever.#i just think fathers day is like mildly cool if u have a good dad and one of the most horrific days of the year if you don't.#wish it wasn't a thing. u can honor your father any day of the year but this special opportunity for him to further justify all his abuse#only comes once!!#haha. parents. gotta have em! i guess.
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voxswifihotspot · 3 months
SELF INDULGENT HEADCANONS (mostly qpr radiostatic)
Vox imagines Al comforting him when he's upset (would never tell ANYONE)
Vox probably wishes he was a girl so Alastor wouldn't hate him as much
He definitely has internalized homophobia and assumes Alastor doesn't like him because Al’s straight and that's why he acts so much nicer with girls, because he likes them.
He overcompensates by acting like he wants Al to fuck him because that would be better than admitting weakness (he just wants a really good hug from him) (and yes he also wants to fuck him for sure but let me have this)
Alastor got scared off by Valentino, especially when Vox started picking up Val’s sex joke traits (Al would probably say some shit like ' i miss the old times we had…before Valentino…” when Vox made the third ‘that's what she said’ joke of the day)
Alastor enjoys Vox’s company but they're both so prideful they'd never admit it unless it still felt like they were winning in something
Alastor gets invited to girl sleepovers, Vox has a restraining order from them
Vox is so afraid of thunderstorms he's like a cat when a vacuum rolls by (electricity=hes at risk of getting shocked because he’s hes a tv head and he didn't used to be waterproof either so it's just kind of stuck with him)
Alastor is a mama’s boy, Vox has mommy issues. Full stop.
Vox changes the wifi password CONSTANTLY whenever he gets mad at any one of the vees and it pisses everyone off so much
Alastor is absolutely sex repulsed and it disturbs him whenever Vox makes sexual comments about him (Vox has no idea how to express actual affection and he’s gotten used to Valentino’s situationship, which enables him to not have to say anything)
Vox secretly is a sucker for Alastor’s old-fashioned gentleman shit
Vox and Alastor are kind of good cop bad cop but you literally can’t tell which is which because they switch off every time you talk to them
Vox has a caffeine addiction and Alastor literally never has caffeine (claims it makes it hard to sleep despite the fact that nobody has seen him sleep anyway)
Back before the picture Vox has of Alastor was taken, Vox would constantly complain about how Alastor never was on camera and Alastor thought it was just a really stupid bit until Vox started drunk crying about it (Alastor grudgingly allowed the picture to be taken after that)
If Vox ignored Alastor at any point, Alastor would immediately start trying to subtly get his attention, but if Vox ever pointed it out he would get annoyed and say he wasn’t
Vox talks shit about someone once and Alastor immediately starts insulting everything about that person with a sort of pent up rage as Vox stares in horror
Alastor talks shit about someone and it’s really passive aggressive and then Vox just chimes in with “they should kill themselves” (Alastor tries extremely hard not to laugh but it always catches him off guard)
Vox never initiates physical touch but he loves it so whenever Alastor touches him it’s like a treat
Alastor knows like everything about Vox but he hates when he’s called out for it and pretends that he knows nothing
Vox owns a smart fridge just to piss Alastor off and it made him upset when Alastor left because it's useless and he wasted money on it
Alastor loves spicy food, Vox cannot handle it
Vox actually enjoys podcasts but will never say he enjoys radio even though it’s essentially the exact same
Vox is probably a misogynist and Alastor a misandrist (they balance each other out)
Alastor cares for Vox but thinks Vox is too immature and sexual and everything Vox pretends to be around Alastor. They’re constantly caught in a loop of Alastor being too prideful to admit any affection and Vox being too guarded.
Alastor found himself using Vox’s slang when they were closest, he completely picked up his dialect and vice versa.
Alastor compared Vox off his meds to Niffty one time, genuinely didn’t mean it as an insult but Vox didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day
Vox forgets to do anything for himself, Alastor remembers only because of his mother reminding him when he was younger
Vox tells Alastor everything that goes on on the VoxTech cameras, Alastor pretends he doesn’t care then immediately tells Rosie, it's a full gossip chain.
Alastor thought Vox was trying to buy his affection with lavish gifts etc, it was really just his love language
Vox has a spare profile for Alastor on Netflix in case he ever comes back and nobody talks about it
(Flipside, Alastor doodles sharks on everything because he used to draw them for Vox and he misses it)
Alastor and Vox only kiss in the ‘married couple kiss on the cheek’ way, same with Alastor and Rosie
Vox confided in Angel Dust about like…everything by accident one time
Alastor is very practical, Vox thinks he's very practical
Alastor only agrees to things if he thinks it was his idea first. Vox picks up on this and gaslights the hell out of him
Rosie and Vox run their mouths so hard when they’re with each other, if anyone walked in on them, they’d get top quality gossip that would probably get numerous sinners incriminated
Alastor is an asshole and realizing that he cared about Vox genuinely was a pill he never really swallowed
(Vox is also an asshole but he did realize he cares about Alastor and he hates himself for it, so it’s easier to pretend it’s some weird kink of his)
Alastor loves cooking, Vox loves standing around and narrating the cooking in an annoying announcer voice while pretending he's doing something helpful
Alastor feels comfortable around Vox because anything Alastor’s embarrassed about, Vox has already done tenfold
Whenever Vox does something corny, Alastor makes sure everyone else knows that he would never do that
this took way too long
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eskumii · 10 months
yandere!incel!tomura shigaraki + foreigner!darling who can't speak japanese
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TITLE: " RENT-A-GF " — navi.
NOTES: nsfw (18+ only) below the cut (non-con!! somnophilia!!) reminder: this is merely fantasy, i don't condone. will prob proofread someday lol. enjoy!
PAIRING: yandere!incel!shigaraki tomura x foreinger!reader
GENRE/AU: shigaraki is rlly misogynistic and delusional, age gap (you're older), reader is a substitute english teacher who got kidnapped by bwad gwuys and is now... yeah
CHARACTERS: shigaraki tomura (21), reader (24)
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let's be for real: shigaraki was born to be an incel.
and incel!shigaraki is shamelessly self-aware of this, indeed. when he's not out terrorizing innocent citizens with his villainous coups, he takes to the internet to fulfill his insatiable need for an adrenaline rush. gorey video games and brutal death metal makes him light up in glee, but sometimes it's just not enough.
so, instead, he's a frequent on the dark web, diligently scouring sites that specialize in obscure female porn collectives that cater to his twisted kinks. incel!shigaraki glowers at the pictures of stupid, slutty women who prance around in sexy lingerie, but still gets a hard-on because he wishes he had a woman who would do that for him and him only.
and what shigaraki wants, he gets. on another sweaty night in his dark bedroom, he's boredly clicking through the hundreds of entries of women who are being sold for, what he thinks, too high of a price. not that money would ever be a problem for him; if he felt compelled to, he could just kidnap the girl he wanted all over again. so, no, it's not the price—it's what he thinks they're worth based on his attraction to them.
and, so far, all of them are worthless.
you see, the conundrum is that incel!shigaraki has a thing for foreign girls. don't ask why, he doesn't know. maybe he finds it cute that they're so clueless about his culture and language, and he's the one who'll control the narrative that rules their ignorance. maybe it's so cute how they wear their perpetual confusion on their face at all times, like a bratty kid who can't navigate the world without mommy or daddy by their side.
of course, though, women could hardly do anything on their own anyway. every time he came across one they'd wail and cry as he grabbed them by the hair and threatened to kill them if they didn't shut the hell up. they'd beg for their lives or scream for someone to save them, but it would only piss him off more at how useless and brainless they tended to be. he just couldn't help but decay them—they were so noisy and whiny, it wasn't his fault.
obviously, shigaraki has neither patience nor experience with women. in fact, he can probably count with two fingers how many times he's had a non-violent interaction with a woman in his entire lifetime. the mere thought of this drives his insecurities to the brink of rage, but it's not his fault women are so unbelievably tasteless in their choice of men. it's their fault he has to go to such lengths to find a decent woman worthy of his presence.
but imagine his delight when he happens upon a listing of you, an immediately attractive foreign woman who used to be an english substitute teacher of all things. he clicks through your pictures with a renewed vigor, his interest piqued as he studies your unique features. eagerly, he scours through your posted information and it turns out that you happen to be exactly the kind of woman he's looking for.
it's a done deal. the transaction takes less than a few minutes and incel!shigaraki couldn't be more pleased with how smoothly it went. he'll have to leave a good review later on, when and if the woman he's just bought has satisfied him.
it takes just one night before shigaraki finds you literally dropped off at his doorstep like an amazon prime package. you’ve clearly been pampered with the way you’re clad in a skimpy maid outfit; your nails, hair, and makeup are all dolled to perfection. you look exactly like you did in the pictures.
and clearly you're wise beyond your years. you don't speak much because of the obvious language barrier, but you do seem to understand a bit of elementary japanese. shigaraki is delighted by your small mutterings of broken japanese—it’s unbelievably cute. sometimes he'll force you to speak in japanese just because he loves watching you struggle with your limited vocabulary.
incel!shigaraki gets attached to you. you're very attractive in his eyes, and he's completely ecstatic that you're all his. a woman he can do whatever he wants with, and no one would dare question him. the immense power trip sends him over the edge.
that being said, the first couple of weeks are still rather... awkward. you're not happy about being in the situation you're in, but you're smart enough to keep that to yourself. you don't fuss when shigaraki orders you to fetch him liquor or tidy up his filthy room, nor do you complain when he commands you to cuddle with him or keep him company while he plays video games.
"[name], c'mere," he'd bark at you, eyes still glued to the tv screen.
"be a good girl and keep my lap warm, hm?"
he'll force you to wear cute lingerie sets like he's seen the women on porn sites do. somehow you look so much better though, and it feels as though you're teasing him with the way you bend over so much while cleaning. the outline of your pussy through the small fabric that stretches over it has him horny in a matter of seconds. you're such a tease, aren't you ashamed? you just can't seem to stay in line.
however, despite all your obvious sexual innuendos towards him, shigaraki gets no relief. he's resorted to jacking off whenever you go to sleep but no matter how hard or how much he cums, there's an itch that can't be scratched with masturbation alone. and the way you're so shy around him is adorable, sure, but your little playing-hard-to-get act wasn't cutting it anymore.
the remedy? incel!shigaraki starts slipping sleeping pills into your food and drinks.
and it doesn't take long for shigaraki to develop a routine of visiting you while you're sleeping. partly to check up on you and assure himself of your presence, but mostly to creep around the edges of the bed and feel you up. you sleep so soundly that you don't even twitch when he fondles your soft breasts or runs his spindly fingers over your curves.
he almost doesn't want to disturb you; you look so peaceful, totally different than the frightened little faces you muster when you're awake. but the bothersome tightness stretching his boxers taut against its stitches makes it hard to resist his urges. anyway, you're simply doing the only thing a woman is good for: using your body to please him.
his breath is hot and heavy, laced with lust and selfish perversion as he defiles you to get himself off. some nights he just sits and admires your beauty, caressing your face with clumsy, inexperienced fingertips. some nights your shirt is pulled up so he can marvel at how nicely your breasts sit in whatever color bra he forced you to wear.
other nights his cock is nestled between them, thrusting like his life depends on it, chasing that euphoric high he gets when he finally spills his seed across your hardening nipples. and other nights shigaraki is even more daring—cute pajama pants and panties below your knees, face buried between your thighs as he explores every inch of your sweet cunt. he knows it's wrong, but so what? he's a villian, that's what makes it feel so right.
when you make faces in your sleep, he's filled with so much genuine affection—it's almost as if you're telling him he's doing a good job. you love it, don't you? he so desperately wants to hear you cry his name in that precious accent of yours and run your hands through his hair as you lavish your praise upon him for making you cream so many times.
he can't keep his eyes off you. so soft and compliant. you're so pretty while he's stuffing his cock into you and relentlessly flicking your little clit, not stopping even when he feels you clench around him like a vice as you orgasm over and over. not stopping even though you're drooling all over the linen sheets and he's came twice already.
"that's right... y-you gonna cum again? you gonna—ngh—cum all over my cock, you dumb whore?"
shigaraki watches with glassy, intrigued eyes as you squirm ever so slightly, face warped into one of undeniable pleasure as he ravages your gushing pussy. you're such a good girl for him, letting him use you as he wishes.
you're the woman he's chosen to give his virginity to. he's so happy and content that when he cums inside of you for the third time, he doesn't pull out. instead, shigaraki gently maneuvers your body so he can spoon you from behind, whispering tender "i love you's" as if he knows what that means. absently grinding his hips because your warmth is so comforting around his sticky, softening dick.
as much as shigaraki wants to stay and pound you into the mattress all night, the sleeping medication doesn't last forever. not to mention the mess you've made; the sheets are completely ruined and your clothes are strewn about on the floor, long forgotten. it's hot in your room and it stinks of his cum and sweat, but it doesn't really matter. the only thing on his mind is you and how he'll ruin you again tomorrow night.
for now, though, he rewards you for being so good by cleaning you up, smirking whenever you unconsciously nuzzle up to his touch. when your clothes are back on, he plants a tender kiss on your forehead and admires your flushed face from the shadows of your bedside. when the sun begins to rise and you stir in your ignorance, he'll sneak out and act as if nothing ever happened.
incel!shigaraki who doesn't deny that you're just another stupid slutty woman, but you're the only woman he'll ever want to cum inside of. when he returns to his room, he remembers to pull up your archived listing on his computer and dazedly taps away at his keyboard.
"10/10 recommend"
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musashi · 4 months
honestly though if you want a really good technique for avoiding annoying people in fandom, get attached to a widely hated character! or, if you can't make yourself do that? just pretend you are. pick the WORST character. the nastiest, most despicable, most vile character. or the most overhated and misunderstood one, who might not have even done anything wrong. what matters isn't the content of their character, just that they generate discourse. i'm talking your vriskas. find the vriska. pretend they are your favourite if they're not.
then, early on in any given interaction with a new fandom person, mention that they are your favourite. and watch how the person reacts.
i have two characters i do this with. the first is fi from the legend of zelda. her heinous crime that swaths upon swaths of gamerboys decided to froth with rage over for years is that she makes them feel emasculated because she likes to infodump. she is handholdy, she is helpful, and she is blunt and robotic and lacks any semblance of charisma or sex appeal. therefore she is nothing. and she is my favourite video game character of all time. i mention this early on and study the reaction of my conversational partner.
fi weeds out the kind of people i want to avoid in that fandom: misogynists. smug gamerbro types who make you spew novels of lore before they respect your opinion. no one like that is going to like fi, they have nothing to gain from her and everything to hate about her.
the second one is manfred von karma. he orphaned a child and then framed that child for murder 15 years later just, like, for fun. just 'cause he was having a hot girl moment. aforementioned orphan is the traumatized autistic darling of the fandom who all the twitter girlies love to project onto and hate to see any form of nuance in. mvk is cartoonishly evil and has no redeeming qualities. he is unpleasant to be around. he is controlling and cruel. and he's an old disabled man so basically no one besides faggots with good taste find him hot. when talking with ace attorney fans i bring it up as soon as possible that he's like my blorbo of all time. my silly rabbit. i talk about him like he's the fucking sun in my sky and i call him 'papa' because my cringey fictionkin ass does what they want and i watch people squirm and writhe and unperson me for it.
like fi, mvk very specifically roots out a very specific subset of this fandom i dislike: fanon-poisoned twitterbrained AA fans who "play the games" through fanfiction and incorrectquotes. they all think mvk is a child abuser (because evil, evil mean abuse kids, cannot be complex, all evil do a child abuse) and so they point their fingers and call me an abuse apologist because that's activism to them or whatever. they can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, of course, but they're annoying and i want them to leave me alone. and because i love this monster they've created, they do.
the throughline here is: anyone who gets this fucking worked up over made-up pretend people is probably severely online, and uses fandom discourse as a personality replacement. what ever flavour of severely online it is, it's generally best not to associate with people like that because 9/10 times they are fucking deranged and are just waiting on you to cross them in some meaningless way so they can unperson you.
so, my advice to you: find the vriska. find the vriska, love the vriska, do it as early as possible. it will save you SO much time. weed out the people who respond with screeching and wriggling. keep close the people who say things like "haha whaaat? alright, explain that for me!"
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alphacrone · 1 year
Lucy’s skirts were a problem. 
It wasn’t that they got in the way during jobs. On the contrary, Lucy seemed to have the best range of motion out of everyone at Lockwood & Co. George’s baggy jeans tended to catch on corners and trip up his steps, and Lockwood’s and Kipps’ tight trousers did, admittedly, restrict their flexibility. A short skirt with leggings underneath gave Lucy the freedom to duck and jump and spin without issue.
“Why are you telling me this?” Holly asked, stirring a dollop of honey into her tea. “Are you seeking my advice?” 
“Yes,” Lockwood said. George was at the Archives, Kipps was out meeting Flo, and Lucy was picking up a Satchell’s order. It was the perfect time to consult his only rational, discrete friend. “The skirts are distracting. How do I ask her to wear trousers without coming off as-”
“-as a raging misogynist?” Holly sucked the remaining honey off her spoon. “Can I ask you something?” 
Lockwood nodded. “Of course.” 
Holly gave him a cruel smile. “Did you realize I also wear skirts on jobs?” 
Obviously, Lockwood knew this. But Holly’s skirts were different! They were longer and, er…bright colors…and…and…
“You do,” he heard himself say. “Why aren’t your skirts distracting?” 
“Hmm.” Holly hummed into her cup, looking far too smug. Lockwood had the childish urge to tug on her ponytail. “I don’t know, Lockwood. Why aren’t my skirts distracting?” 
“Shit.” Lockwood ran a hand through his hair. It was bad enough he was probably being sexist; now he was treating his employees unequally? “I don’t- What is wrong with me, Hol?” 
To his surprise, Holly laughed. It was a pretty sound, light and tinkling; it reminded him of Jessica’s. His sister had been just as sweet, and just as amused by his failures. “What about her skirts distract you?” 
“They’re so- I don’t know.” Lockwood sighed. “Short? People are always staring.” 
“Are they?” Holly sipped her tea. “I’ve never noticed.” 
“Well you have manners,” Lockwood insisted. “You wouldn’t. But other agents do-”
“Other boys?” Holly asked innocently. 
He paused. He opened his mouth. He closed his mouth. Holly did not break eye contact. 
“Maybe,” he finally relented. 
“Okay,” she said, setting her cup down. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” 
“I feel awful about it,” Lockwood said. “It’s never caused a problem on the job. I just hate the way they look at her.” He traced his fingers over one of Lucy’s sketches on the Thinking Cloth, a rather rude caricature of George. (They were currently fighting over the brand of digestives Lucy had bought during her last grocery run, he believed.) 
“Do you hate it because you’re afraid for Lucy’s safety?” Holly asked slowly. “Or because you’re jealous?” 
The back of Lockwood’s neck burned. “Jealous?” He asked, clearing his throat. “Jealous of what?” 
In a moment of surprisingly unladylike manners, Holly rolled her eyes and huffed. “You like her, Lockwood. You love her. When other boys look at her legs you get insanely jealous and it’s distracting you.” 
“No!” He gaped at her. “I’m not- It’s not-”
“Boys look at my legs, too,” Holly said smugly. “They ask me out all the time when we’re on jobs. They do it in front of you and you don’t even notice. But if Kipps speaks to Lucy for too long…” She trailed off. 
“Kipps is a prick,” Lockwood said crossly. 
“Kipps isn’t the issue,” Holly countered. 
“Fine!” Lockwood let out a sharp huff. “Fine! I’m jealous! But what can I do about it?” 
Holly looked like he’d finally cracked. “You ask her out,” she said. “You talk to her.” 
“Right.” He paused. “And I don’t ask her to wear trousers, right?” 
“No!” Holly rubbed at her temple. “Just tell her how you feel. About her. Not her skirts.” 
“Of course.” Lockwood gave Holly a genuine smile. “Thank you.” 
“Trust me,” she said. “I’m doing us all a favor.” 
Lockwood didn’t want to think deeply on what she meant by this. He wanted to find Lucy as quickly as possible. 
They both started as they heard the front door open. “I’m back!” Lucy called down the hall. “Come help me carry shit!” 
Lockwood jumped to his feet, making Holly laugh again. He ignored her and the way she smirked at him as he left. Lucy was home, and he had some things to say. 
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
ahh~ i’m so glad you liked my little essay~!! i have a knack for analyzing and interpreting stuff, i just think it’s so fun. plus i needed a way to vent out my thoughts and feelings on the little hyper-fixation i’ve developed from your story, my brain just went into overdrive because of how unique it is so i couldn’t resist.
anyway, thank you, seriously thank you for enjoying it, and i’m super happy to say that i have come up with few a headcanons of my own. these are mainly könig headcanons, so they’re more of my interpretations and analysis on him. let me know what you think~! i hope you have a wonderful read, and please keep doing you, you are a wonderful writer, and incredibly talented!!
okay, so first:
despite könig’s openness and acceptance to engels interest in his weaponry, i highly doubt that he would actually allow her to indulge in using any of them. i would even consider that he wouldn’t even teach her how to use one, especially his guns. sure, he’s gifted her knifes but notice that they’re quite feminine and dainty even, könig does try to engage with engel and her interests but emasculates them in a way that should suit her, a cute little knife is practically harmless compared to the massive destruction of his guns. the furthest he would go to showing her anything is how to hold it, but he still wouldn’t want her to hold it herself, and he won’t even shoot it in front of her considering that would damage her hearing, and he can’t bring himself to do that to his baby.
with that, i do think könig is careful and cautious with his engel. i feel like he tries to filter through the good and the bad for her. yes, we’ve been given instances in which the exact opposite has happened, i.e. him stabbing her boss right in front of her, but that was acted purely on impulse. i think after that, he tries his best, and i mean he really tries to shield her from that ever again unless absolutely needed. however, if she were to ask for that twisted ruthless side of him again, because she has the tendency to be twisted herself, then i’m sure he would have to lay down some ground rules, and although hesitant, in the end, he would do anything for her. but despite that, he does not allow angel to consume things that he perceives to be negative for both him and her, and what i mean by that is that he doesn’t allow her to consume any material that could be triggering for him or anything that could alter her behavior that would negatively effect both of them. so, stuff like world news, social media, anything that could give her a sense of empowerment, he doesn’t allow her to have her own phone, she’s constantly monitored, and she’s never alone once she leaves home because könig has to always check in on her. könig absolutely does not want her to be influenced by anything, it’s another reason why she doesn’t have friends, and knowing she isn’t influenced by anything other than him helps keep him from being paranoid, anxious, and violent.
now, back to könig being a raging misogynist at times, he would definitely believe in the value of gender roles, and i mean nothing is more important to him than the normalcy and complacency of the ideal of gendered roles and relationships. also, i hate to admit it, but he just can’t see his woman doing or portraying anything too masculine, it’s a turn off for him, he prefers if she were to just stay at home and do “womanly things” and be a woman, whatever that entails. i think he would even encourage engel to quit the job that she has now, he probably never liked the fact that she worked in such a masculine environment, working such a dirty job in the first place. the only times when he’ll allow engel to even be remotely dominant is during sex, and it’s only if she wants to be, but even through sex he still has the upper hand and has this, ‘this is only happening because i’m allowing it to happen’ mentality. plus it’s a nice thing to let go, relax, and allow her to take control for a little bit, but he would always remind her, both sexually and domestically, where her place is.
könig is completely shameless when it comes to his physicality. he knows what he’s capable of and he knows engel loves his body, so he uses that to his advantage to show off and impress her more. so that means, more unnecessary bouts of strengths used in front of engel, more commitment to his workouts, wearing less clothes around her (he honestly prefers to be casually nude more than he likes to admit, i also think it’s a kink for him to see her so flustered from it too), and insane sex positions. i think he would really enjoy fucking/eating her out standing up, just anything that involves comfortably lifting her up and possibly manhandling her, in a safe way at least.
also, könig is the most expressive when it comes to his sexuality. again, he has little shame, but it’s only because there’s something so special in sex that allows him to let go and just do what he wants in such an intimate environment, and it’s because of engel that it only amps up way more. so, with that being said, the guy is incredibly kinky and experimental. like i said, he likes casual nudity, but only done on his part, he doesn’t really like engel flaunting her body the way he flaunts his and prefers for her to stay modest, it’s really because of the innocent aspect that she tends to play that gets him going because of it. i also see him thriving in animalistic, predator/prey type of sex, especially if it’s outdoors. every time they’re out hiking, camping, or just happen to be in a large remote wooded area, expect some wild sex happening between these two. he just really enjoys pushing his limits and boundaries through sex for the purposes of showcasing the emotions he is unable to communicate normally, which is why he often has an intense sexual drive, but he also enjoys letting go once in a while, being taken cared of, and feeling loved by engel. könig really bonds well when he has this outlet where his emotions, something he constantly suppresses, can be catered, and very often is his emotions expressed dominantly, whether as a hard dom or soft one, it’s mainly about control and acceptance for him.
something könig would slightly be ashamed of though, is receiving open comfort and affection. his upbringing is super fucked and his lack of affection and love as a child definitely shaped himself as a very undeserving man of any of that, although he craves it immensely. so, as contradictory as it is, while he loves giving devotion and intimacy for selfish reasons, he does have trouble accepting genuine love and warmth for himself. it’s something that takes time for him to recognize that he needs and accepts, especially with the right person. so, yes, he’s very hesitant of these instances, but by god, does engel make it so much easier for him. it’s no wonder he’s so indulgent with her and why he’s constantly pushing her limits, it is not because he’s consciously choosing to do the most insane shit but rather, he doesn’t realize it and it’s inappropriateness. i think if engel were to teach him how to properly love and care more respectfully and appropriately, you know something he wasn’t taught as a child, i think he would be a bit more mentally stable in his behavior. however, i do not think she will, it’s because of his dangerous behavior that drew her in the first place and his toxic, overwhelming personality that solidified her place in their relationship, so there’s no way she’s getting rid of könig’s obsessive, possessive, dominant traits that practically has made him into a sex god, but she will suggest therapy from time to time if he continues to exhibit insecure-like behaviors and especially when he’s going through ptsd episodes. i’m pretty sure he has both ptsd and c-ptsd, and to top that off, personality disorders, and mood disorders, soooo…
last but not least, and this one is purely self-indulgent on my end, he is a serial spender for his engel. dude makes an absurd amount of money for what does, and has no reason to use it… until engel walked into the picture. even since then, könig will buy anything for engel and help her splurge to keep her happy, comfortable, and away from society. this man will get her all the material items that she wants, clothes, a big new house, lots of land, entertainment, all the foods that she wants. want a dog and/or cat? sure! he’ll even supply her with weed if she’s that type of girl, but anything to keep her sane and occupied, he is willing to buy, just nothing too illegal, and definitely no vacation spots, dude is way too paranoid to travel and is not willing to risk it.
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These were just pure gold, *chef’s kiss* exquisite!! Every single sentence is perfection. So well thought out, and so well put! I don't even have the words to express how incredible this is (and I call myself a writer lol). Seriously, thank you again!! 💖
Also I want to participate (teacher teacher lemme participate please) by adding a few things:
The first one I wholly agree with, but I also believe König might have a little teeny tiny kink for watching how his innocent Engel brushes her fingertips down the barrel of his huge shotgun or holds one of his biggest knives in her *cute* little hands... The contrast between a woman’s softness and a massive, cold, brutal weapon drives this man crazy.
To indulge in his dark fantasies, he might allow Engel to come to the range with him once or twice. I imagine König getting off on showing a “fragile woman” how to handle and shoot a rifle 🙄 He thinks it’s both horrifying and drugging to see how her smaller body tries to absorb the recoil from his guns. Soon enough he’s like “Ok that’s enough” but not before he has enjoyed that peculiar scene a while longer.
And the fourth oh god. Gave me butterflies. He's shameless. I just know that König sleeps naked. Guy associates nighttime with masturbation – and nowadays, sex with his Engel – so off with his clothes, and off with hers, too. König also gives me semi-somno vibes: he would try to wake Engel up with his dick if he can't sleep. (Give me attention and love and provide me with a distraction from my anxiety! Now...!)
The sixth: yes, I don’t see things getting any "better" as in them suddenly calming the fuck down and learning healthy ways to live and love. They are too enamored with their dark side and as you said, I don't know if Engel would be that fascinated with König if he suddenly developed a conscience and healthy ways to cope with his trauma(s). Their escapades resemble a shared psychosis sometimes, but with time and patience this couple will perhaps find true love and relief together – something bigger and better, a way out of the spiral. They learn to dance on the knife’s edge, so to say. They might even start to behave 🩷
And the last one: YES he would spoil her to bits! One of the reasons for this is that König feels guilty. He doesn't know how to show love and devotion through emotional intimacy so he will try to show it through spending money on her. So yes to all of this.
I see Engel wishing for a pet to keep her company while he's away on longer missions. And König is so thick-skulled he wouldn't even bother to ask what type of pet she wants or if she has allergies, he just shows up with a cat one day like: "Hier. I brought this to you. Do you like my gift? I will bring you a different pet if you don't like this one. 🤨"
(And omg the image of Engel smoking a fat one or using a cute little bong on their porch, perhaps chilling out with that cat and giggling when König comes home... ^^)
Thank you so much for bringing these to us! Tbh I never wanted this essay to end 🩷😭 You're amazing I hope you know that!!
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nevarroes · 3 months
pretend ur duo becomes twitch streamers playing fps games competitively how toxic would they be. i just imagine them doxxing and throwing slurs tbh but i cant differentiate their toxicness in that context LMAO
Cas i can GENUINELY see as a streamer but u know but Gortash.... hear me out. He's obviously far from tech illiterate old man considering what he does in modern AU but do u know what I think he is... grumpy old bitch that looks down on most of these online things😭😭 if anything he has to take part in those charity streams
okay but let me actually answer ur question🙏 Cas is the person that would have a meltdown and start reciting a whole essay if insults and slurs on stream like.... do u remember when I made this. like that. Definitely and I mean 100% shits on everyone on a girly character with the double whammy misogynist behavior and if anyone DARES to type or talk back to him he will villain chuckle and go "do you even know who I am?" and then int👼 He doesn't really have to dox anyone either his fans r gonna go out of their way to make that person's life hell nd probably delete their account without Cas even having to move a finger
Gortash doesn't stream to me but he's actually better at games than Cas is. heart emoji💜 He's toxic in the way where ingame he will just talk down on people like... he'd literally smurf in low elo then say how everyone there has a low iq and how it shouldn't humanly be allowed to be stupid enough to be stuck in low elo. starts typing out a sephiroth speech in ingame chat about how he got to challenger 5 times and they are nothing but useless specks of dust in the universe that are so bad at life they even suck at video games. He rages too but more like clenches fist and screams so loud that Cas falls out of bed😩 he definitely doxxes people that try to insult him but it's kinda hard to get back at him tbh
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halfcarrotikemen · 4 months
So I finally found a way to watch tristamp in English dub (I only ever watched the series in Japanese). I haven’t done any deeper thoughts and analysis, and I’m only halfway through the series but here’s my impression so far:
- I love English dub Vash, especially his gibberish noises, such a chaotic dumbass (affectionate), and although some of his jokes and mannerism didn’t translate as well as I hoped, they did a very good job. They deserved two dozen donuts. (although if you hold me at gunpoint and ask me to choose English or Japanese Vash I will choose the Japanese version with a thin margin because I have personal bias towards Matsuoka Yoshitsugu [he’s from where I live lol, and I’m a big fan])
- I’m also in love with how they play Legato and Roberto, especially Legato, I was surprised by the lack of the feeling out of place (Is that the right word? sorry my brain suddenly stopped working in English) that you usually have when you hear a show dubbed in another language you’re not used to hearing. So smooth. And they nailed the drunkle speech with Roberto.
- I honestly was disappointed with the lack of accent in Wolfwood’s speech (maybe I just didn’t hear it correctly? Idk) because he speaks in heavy Kansai dialect in Japanese, even when he was a child (also casting Hosoya Yoshimasa really emphasized the accent). A huge missed opportunity on the English dub, in my opinion. I was expecting Wolfwood with a heavy Southern accent or something. And on that note they also missed the chance to add some dialect for the worm hunters on episode 4.
- English dub Meryl feels mature and a lot more pulled together to me compared to the Japanese version, which sounds very pristine and innocent until she starts learning about the world. It makes her a little… out of place for me who’s used to Meryl speaking in a very polite formal Japanese to everyone (even when she’s yelling in rage or when she’s cursing people). I think it suits Meryl from ‘98 anime more than tristamp Meryl. Probably because you can’t really translate her distinct way of speaking accurately, it’s not anyone’s fault, just a matter of different language. But I guess I like the Japanese version better for Meryl. I just love the way she speaks, shame there’s no English equivalent to her speech style.
- I don’t like English dub Nai. I’m 100% going with the Japanese version in this. Not the performance, though, I know translations are really hard and I do think the English VA did a great job, but as someone who’s used to how Nai speak in Japanese, the dub just… didn’t feel right. In Japanese Nai speaks in a relatively rougher manner compared to Vash (in how he chooses his words, also the subtle but different way he talks to humans and to Vash) and it didn’t show as much in the English dub. And his pretentious speech that sounds like some people from the church near my house doesn’t get carried to the English dub, I guess. In English he just sounds like a scary villain to me, while in Japanese I can feel his emotions and (warped) love towards Vash just from his words. I saw someone pointing out that Nai refers to the dependent plants with feminine pronouns, and it’s even more prominent and emphasized in the Japanese version. They’re not wrong. Maybe in English it can come across as a bit misogynistic(?), I don’t know, but I like how he does this in Japanese, because to me it feels like he’s always trying to refer to them as “persons” and not “things”, although his treatment towards them is contradictory.
This ended up longer than I expected but overall I enjoyed the English dub and I love analyzing different languages. I wanna know how it feels for people who know absolutely zero Japanese watching the series in English dub and in Japanese with English subtitles. I know that there were differences in the subtitles and the dub but for me I can’t compare English sub and dub because I’d just go with my Japanese interpretation if I watch the subbed version (or I’d rather just ditch the subtitle altogether because sometimes it’s making my brain confused when I speak both languages).
Also to people who write Trigun fanfics in English, where do you base the character speech from? I don’t know how to translate Japanese dialects, so Wolfwood, for example, is very difficult for me to write in English.
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host-club-hq · 2 years
will we ever get a filler chapter or something when y/n is on her period ???
y/n and her hormonal tendencies (OR- kyoya navigating y/n’s period) (an Indeed filler chapter)
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: kyoya’s been doing so much research on menstrual cycles that… he forgets to listen to you and your symptoms, which aren’t universal for everyone
➼ word count: 3.5k
➼ what to expect: "You mean she's shedding her unborn children?!"
➼ warnings: not labeled as smut but talk of sex drives, masturbation (not in detail, briefly mentioned and not in the way you think lol), misogynistic period assumptions, kyoya describing periods in way too much detail
➼ chapter navigation
➼ talk to the characters!
➼ thanks so much to my beta reader for helping me out! so sorry this took so long lol
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"... you're looking more angry than usual."
You groan with the roll of your tired eyes, "Thank you; I'm on my period." 
Kyoya blinks owlishly at your response, stood up straight beside his pulled-out chair as you sit in your own, chin propped on your hand and your eyes glued to the wall in front of you, eyes hooded boredly. 
Kyoya isn't one to typically assume about these types of things that pertain to you, especially out loud. Although, he'd noticed a few symptoms of premenstrual syndrome just a week before today. 
Of course, the first time you entered a cycle while you were involved, he launched himself into diligent research to be as prepared as possible. He thought that... since he was already terribly inept in several aspects of romance, additional research to ensure you're comfortable couldn't hurt in the slightest. 
Kyoya admits that most forums he encountered with men regaling their exaggerated stories of their girlfriends turning into hell-fed demons and demanding the world made him grimace for their sake. Those women would probably be a lot less 'demonic' if their boyfriends spent time tending to their needs rather than complaining about their rage on a public website. 
Kyoya knows that much, at least. 
He also knows that you're nothing similar to the girls he's read about. You're terribly withdrawn, suffering in silence, although you're sarcastic when you speak. 
He can tell that you dwell much too hard on your painful symptoms when you keep to yourself, which only serves to make it significantly worse. The mind is a terribly powerful thing. 
You're also not embarrassed about anything associated with this sort of thing, especially in Kyoya's presence. For example: the fact that you so bluntly informed him of your current condition? A telltale sign of lack of embarrassment. 
Kyoya admires that- he wholeheartedly believes that there's nothing for you or him to be disgusted about. However, he's read several accounts of men shaming their girlfriends for normal bodily functions. He rolls his eyes at those men and hopes their partners will seek companionship elsewhere. 
"Are you doing alright?" Kyoya slides into his seat beside your desk, hooking his briefcase in place. 
Your heart warms, and you manage a smile, "It's infrequent but quite unpleasant when it visits." 
Kyoya nods. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot imagine what you go through each month, but he can try his best to make you feel up to spirits.
He also realizes that there is a fragile line between caring for and patronizing you, and he often stumbles awfully close to the wrong side.
"If you... want some company; I'd be more than happy to oblige." Kyoya suggests somewhat quietly. You glance up at him through tired eyes, "Are you sure? I wouldn't be a bother?"
This is the aforementioned 'suffering in silence' that Kyoya referred to, feeling guilty for something you can't even remotely control. "Of course not; it'll be just like every other time you've come over." Kyoya shrugs, hoping to lift your spirits with nonchalance. 
"If it's alright with you, I'll visit for a bit. Should I mention that to my driver?" You reach for your cellphone to do just that, and Kyoya nods affirmatively. His family driver will simply give the both of you a lift to his estate... as he often does, anyway. 
A quick message to your driver and your ride home is canceled for something much more preferred. Brief panic enters your mind but quickly settles when you remember that Kyoya keeps a modest supply of feminine products in his medicine cabinet. Your cheeks warm to a subtle pink, a fond smile tugging at your lips. 
"What are you smirking about?" Kyoya inquires teasingly. 
You scramble, "Uh- hormones." That ought to put him off the scent. Kyoya straightens, "Ah." He doesn't say another word. 
It seems you've found your newest excuse. You turn away to hide a wider smirk. 
By the end of class, your brain is fried. If you weren't consciously trying to look normal, your eyes would be crossed toward your nose. You've long tuned out your professor, staring blankly at the wall behind him as painful sensations cloud your brain and lower abdomen. 
"... y/n... y/n?" You blink at the call of your name, owlishly glancing at your boyfriend staring down at you from beside your desk.  
"Huh?" You sit up straight, grimacing at the head rush that follows. 
"Everyone's left... you've been sitting there silently for a while," Kyoya informs, looking concerned. 
"Ah." You scratch the back of your neck, confused.
"My driver is waiting for us." Kyoya offers you his hand. Absently, you slip your hand in his and allow him to help you hoist yourself to your feet. 
Without a thought, Kyoya untangles your bag from the back of your chair and hauls it over his own shoulder, striding along ahead of you with the indication to follow him. You follow meekly in his footsteps, silently grateful for the literal weight lifted from your shoulders. Kyoya easily supports your bag while carrying his briefcase at his side. You watch his long strides with calculating, curious eyes. Before you know it, he's opened the door to his car for you. 
The movement of the vehicle during your ride to Kyoya's estate puts you at ease. Although it is, in fact, a luxury car, no automobile is without a few bumps here and the rumble of the engine there- you would know, anyway. 
The soft hum of the machinery lulls you into a comfortable silence, eyes hooded as you suddenly become increasingly exhausted. Your hands are folded neatly in your lap, ankles crossed as your neck seems to struggle to support your head. 
"Tired?" A phantom voice draws you from your daydreams. 
"Mmhm." You manage to nod, blinking slowly. 
Kyoya cracks a soft, fond smile as he watches your head bob, fighting exhaustion. The physical toll of menstruation seems to be running its thorough course through your mind and body if your heavy eyelids are anything to go by. 
The moment you arrive at his estate, Kyoya is a man on a mission. He hurries you to his room and begins rummaging through his medicine cabinet, mind running rampant with the recalled information from countless question forums, articles, and discussions of your condition. 
Although through his haste, you simply fall limp on his sofa with a sigh, cheek pressed into the cool leather as you watch him mill about. Finally, he returns with pain relievers and other necessities, "I struggled in finding specific symptom targeting medication, but I hope this will suffice." Kyoya hands you a bottle of pills. You glance at it with a frown. You're not particularly in pain at the moment, just a dull ache in your abdomen and fatigue plaguing every corner of your mind. 
"What would you say your symptoms are at this moment?" Kyoya props open his laptop along with his notebook, pen at the ready. 
"... what?" You croak from your position. 
"Just from your behavior, I would say... fatigue, headache..."
You furrow your brows as his expression turns flustered, lifting your head in question, "... what are you looking at?" You peer over at him. 
"I'm logging your symptoms into a period tracking website that I signed you up for to better track your cycle." 
Your mouth draws into a thin line, "You're what?" You almost laugh. 
"I can't possibly infer the other symptoms without your input," Kyoya hesitantly eyes the remaining, more invasive questions, "so I'll need your help. The remaining are cramps, nausea, backache, acne, cravings, tender breasts-"
"Okay, okay. Let's stick with fatigue and headache... add nausea." You groan urgently, insisting he stop early in the list. 
"Alright." Kyoya's hands fly across the keyboard, clacking. 
"What would you say your sex drive is?" 
"Excuse me?" You gawk, eyes growing wide as you manage to sit up. 
"Well, it seems to be vital information. You can choose from 'didn't have sex, protected sex, high sex drive, masturba-'"
You sputter, "Are you, my boyfriend, really asking about this?" You almost laugh with a nervous tone. 
Kyoya shrugs, "I suppose you're right.... but there are still three options to choose from-"
"Didn't have sex!" You all but yell, voice pitching with embarrassment. 
Kyoya nods, avoiding your eye as he clicks the option. 
"Let's close the website." You plead. Anyone else would label these questions as incredibly invasive, but you know Kyoya. If aware, he knows better than to make you step too far out of your comfort zone, especially around himself. 
"Suit yourself." Kyoya closes his laptop screen at your request. 
To take his and your mind off the subject of... whatever that conversation was, "I really want pasta right now." You don't mean for your voice to come out as a whine. 
"Pasta?" Kyoya parrots, eyeing you curiously. 
"You know... pasta. Linguine with clams... white wine sauce." Kyoya watches your vision become trained on the coffee table, blinking irregularly... and you might as well be drooling. 
"That can be arranged. Are you okay to wait here?" 
You nod absentmindedly. Kyoya internally shrugs and lifts himself from the sofa, trailing off down the hall from his room toward the kitchen. He pulls his notepad from his blazer and clicks his pen, muttering to himself, "Guess we're adding cravings to the list..." 
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
The first day or so of your period is the most overwhelming for you, as it is with the majority. Your hormones are completely out of sorts, and, this go-round, your stomach seems to be craving particular dishes (it's a good thing you and your boyfriend are filthy rich). Unfortunately, this is also the time that plagues you with the most physically painful symptoms. 
Kyoya has long returned with the dish you requested, and you're eagerly sat beside him, bowl raised to your mouth as you shovel the linguine noodles into your mouth with chopsticks, taking a break to crack open the occasional clam and pair it with a bite of perfectly seasoned noodles. 
"You might want to slow down before you choke," Kyoya advises cautiously, trying to gauge your reaction. 
You stop mid-slurp, blinking at him sheepishly before sucking the remaining noodles from your bite into your mouth and smiling, dabbing your lips with a cloth napkin, "I think I'm finished, anyway." You poke around with your chopsticks a few more times before setting the bowl in front of you, sighing contently. 
"My compliments to your chefs, that was amazing." You lean back slightly, eyes gently slipping shut for a moment. 
For a moment is to be emphasized. Just beside you, your cellphone begins vibrating and ringing incessantly with an all too familiar ringtone. 
Before glancing at the caller ID or photo, you press the phone to your ear, "Hello?"
"y/n! Why didn't you tell us you were suffering?!" Tamaki's shrill voice laced with panic breaches your eardrums. You sigh, "I'm sorry... suffering?"
Beside you, Kyoya can actually hear Tamaki's voice loud and clear; that's saying a lot. 
"Senpai, it's really not that big of a deal." You hear Haruhi's pleading voice in the background. You almost manage a smile. 
"Hikaru and Kaoru were telling me of the horrors!"
You scoff, thinking of the things that the twins must have told him, "I'm sure they know next to nothing." You humor him for a moment. 
"We're already on our way! You can count on the Host Club!" Tamaki says in the most chivalrous voice he can muster. 
You roll your eyes into the back of your skull, "Actually, Kyoya and his staff are managing to keep me company, but thank you for the thought." You groan. 
Kyoya's eyes grow wide and silently signal for you to stop talking before it's too late-
"Oh! You're at Kyoya's place? No matter, that's an easy reroute! Men, we're going to Kyoya's."
It's too late. Both you and Kyoya slouch in defeat. You groan in realization of what you've just done. "Tamaki, really, you don't have to-"
"Nonsense, we'll be there soon. Hang in there!" And with that, the line goes dead. Oh, you can only think of the tragedy arriving by Mercedes in just a few moments. 
"Shouldn't have done that? Yeah... I know." You sigh exasperatedly, burying your face in your hands, feeling as though the stress of seeing them in this state would overwhelm you, but you manage to push it back down. 
To your dismay, a mere ten minutes after that disaster of a phone call, the club has arrived at Kyoya's front door. As much as the pair of you try your hardest to stop them before they wreak havoc, the maids let them in without a second thought. 
The moment Tamaki finds you in Kyoya's room, he scoops you up into his arms and presses you closely, tightly, "Thank God you're alright! We were so worried about you." 
You manage to shove him at arm's length. Just as you get the space you need, Honey is practically next in line. 
"We brought you chocolates and snacks, y/n-chan! As much as we could fit in this bag! And that one, and that one... and that one!" Honey points to four bags full to the brim with chocolates and various sweets. Craving sweets happens to be a very rare symptom of yours... and the saccharine scent is making you particularly nauseous. You do your best to hold back a retch for Honey's sake. Mori stands behind him with a large teddy bear in his arms. 
Hikaru and Kaoru stand off behind the rest of the members, barely meeting your gaze when you look up at them expectantly, "So, are you really bleeding for a whole week?" Kaoru begins. 
"Can't you just like... stop bleeding? You know, hold it in? That would make everything so much easier." Hikaru scoffs. 
You want to cry, you really do. Kyoya steps in on your behalf. 
"That's not how it works at all. You see, y/n's uterus is shedding-"
"y/n-chan is shedding? Shedding what?" Honey pipes up, brightly curious eyes glancing at everyone that towers over him. 
In the midst of heated debate and bickering, Haruhi manages to slide past them all and to your side on the sofa, carefully approaching you, "I brought you a heating pad, Senpai. They always work for me." She passes you a box with the aforementioned life saver packaged inside. 
"Oh, thank you... wow, just the thought sounds lovely." You read over the instructions carefully. 
"You have to understand, cramps are a symptom of being dilated. You know, y/n has to be at least one centimeter dilated during the entirety of menstruation." Your smart-ass boyfriend's voice can be heard when you direct your attention back to the arguing hosts. 
"YOU MEAN SHE'S GIVING BIRTH?! YOU GET THE HOT WATER, I'LL GET THE TOWELS! REMEMBER TO BREATHE, Y/N!!" Tamaki frantically searches through each and every one of Kyoya's drawers. 
"Actually-" You're cut off as more bickering ensues. 
"No, you idiot, her period actually means she's not pregnant," Kyoya calls after his dimwitted best friend. 
"Isn't that a relief?" Hikaru scoffs. 
"Wouldn't want that on your hands, right, Kyoya-Senpai?" Kaoru chuckles. 
"What actually is a period, Kyo-chan?" Honey tugs at Kyoya's blazer with innocent eyes. 
"Well, you see, the eggs that were originally meant for conceiving children are shed through the fallopian tubes and-"
"You mean she's shedding her unborn children?!" Tamaki shrieks. 
"Is that why it's like shark week?" Hikaru jests, drawing a laugh from Kaoru. 
Your cheeks grow red with heat and embarrassment. Haruhi doesn't seem to be faring much better than you. 
"Would you guys stop talking about something you'll never even experience? You have no idea what it's like for us!" Haruhi joins in on the debating and arguing, leaving you alone on the sofa to watch it all take place. 
It all sounds like intense white noise, their bickering sounds jumbled together, and you can only make out a few phrases every now and then. 
"Is there any way to save her from these horrible symptoms every month?!"
"There is one way-"
"-that you could stop it for 9 months, boss."
"Shut up, you two! You don't even know what you're talking about!" 
"You're all morons. I've actually done research on the subject and would consider myself well-versed on how to handle her in these situations. The key is not to patronize her but also to not ignore her."
You raise a timid finger, "Kyoya, could I just-"
Kyoya groans more sharply than he intends to, "Not now, y/n. Can't you see we're in the middle of something?"
His tone is laced with annoyance and the volume of his voice indicates that he's angry with you. Despite his intentions, the remark wedges a dagger into your heart and seemingly your tear ducts, as well. Your finger quickly draws back to your body as Kyoya turns away from you to continue his quarrel. 
You don't seem to be able to stop the pathetic hiccup that slips past your lips at the thought of Kyoya being angry with you, tears flooding your waterline as your chest begins to heave, feeling tight. 
Tamaki's eyes grow wide, and he taps Kyoya, "Uh... Kyoya?" He slightly shoves his friend's shoulders your way. 
Kyoya's eyes land on your quivering lip and glassy eyes, seemingly so small, scrunched up on his sofa beneath all of them. 
"... so much for handling her."
"So was that not patronizing but also not ignoring her?" 
"Don't cry, y/n-chan!" 
"I'm okay." You don't mean for your words to come out in the whimper that they do, causing more embarrassment to flush behind your cheeks and more tears to flow, overflowing over your cheeks like a dam broke behind your eyes. 
"Come to think of it, I think Kyoya-Senpai's the only one-"
"-who's made her cry before."
"Everyone needs to leave." 
At Kyoya's command, Mori snatches Hikaru and Kaoru by their collars and drags them effortlessly from Kyoya's room, Honey following in tow as the twins adamantly protest. 
"Let's go, Senpai." Haruhi takes Tamaki’s hand and he follows compliantly, "Okay..." 
And just as suddenly as they appeared, the host club is gone, save for Kyoya standing before you, completely baffled by your reaction. 
Kyoya isn't quite sure what to do... or what you want him to do. 
"Do... you want me to...?"
"Mhm." You whine with another hiccup. 
Kyoya sweeps down toward the couch and pulls you into his arms. The floodgates swing open and you let out a sob, burying your face into his neck and inhaling with a shaking, unstable breath. Kyoya does what he feels is right, hooking a hand under your knees and pulling your legs across his lap so that you're essentially sitting side-saddle across his lap as you cling tightly to him. 
"I'm sorry, 'm sorry, I really didn't mean to-" It sounds as though you're hyperventilating uncontrollably. 
"It's okay, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry." Kyoya assures as if his gentle tone almost comes naturally to him. He smoothes a hand over your back and hushes you gently. 
As soon as you feel as though you can speak without hiccuping, "I'm not really that upset; you're just a prick. I don't know why I'm crying." You admit, sniffling. 
Kyoya chuckles, "Yes, I'm a prick. But the morons are gone, and that should fix almost everything." Kyoya smiles softly. 
"It always does." You whimper, pulling back to wipe away one of your last stray tears. 
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, y/n. I have no excuse." Kyoya cups your cheeks to assist you in wiping away tears. 
"I'm sorry I'm being such a crybaby." You giggle, urging his hands back to support you around your torso. 
"You're not a crybaby. These things happen; it's completely normal," Kyoya assures, his knowledge shining through when it's needed most. 
"Well... then, treat me like a baby and tuck me in and watch a movie with me?" You add a pathetic sniffle for effect. 
"Fine. Only because you just burst into tears and it was my doing." You and Kyoya detangle yourselves from each other as he moves to acquire a blanket, among other things. 
"What happened to it being normal?” You laugh, “Watch it, Ootori, or it might happen again. It doesn't take much." You remind with a small smile. 
"Ah, but this time I know how to prevent it." He flicks the lights off and moves toward you. 
"Indeed you do... smart ass." You say, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
What if Laena Velaryon had been born a boy?
this one is a stumper for me because it changes a LOT (bc, and I cannot emphasize this enough, but Laena is important to the plot and to Rhaenyra as a character!!)
The great council still sides with Viserys because Laenor was alive, and Rhaenys pushed his claim in canon, so having a slightly older son isn't going to do much for that.
Where this really starts to affect the plot is when Viserys is looking to remarry. Laena is pushed forward as the "correct" match because she is Valyrian, and it would soothe Corlys and Rhaenys' ruffled feathers from the GC 101. But if they have no daughters, that clearly doesn't happen. This also means there is straight up no Valyrian woman able to marry and have children except Rhaenyra during this time period which is a little wild (Rhaenys and maybe Jocelyn are alive, but past child bearing years, and these people just refuse to marry Celtigars which is deeply funny). Viserys has some room to pick whoever he wants to marry in this situation though, and I think it's not unlikely that more than Otto tries to take advantage of that (but Otto is still going to win).
HOWEVER. Especially after Rhaenyra is named heir, I think Corlys starts pushing that a boy Laena (obviously she's called Laenor, and probably actual Laenor is called like, Lucerys or something) marries Rhaenyra. I think it's likely he throws himself behind Rhaenyra hard, insisting that Laena and House Velaryon will uphold her claim, protect her birthright, "We Will Be Strong As We Were In Old Valyria By Joining Our Blood", etc etc, and since Viserys is not snubbing Corlys by refusing to marry Laena, I think there’s a non zero chance Laena and Rhaenyra are engaged very young.
But what does this mean for the Dance? Well…
Rhaenyra is probably less hostile to her marriage. Laena is a daring dragon rider who adores his mother & supports Rhaenyra and, most importantly, can give her heirs, so I think Rhaenyra pushes against this marriage much less. However, part of Rhaenyra’s anger over the engagement isn’t just the risk of marrying a man who may not give her children, or easing her father’s political headaches, but the idea that Rhaenyra is not allowed sexual freedom while Daemon and Viserys (and later Aegon) all are. So whether Rhaenyra is hostile to the marriage largely depends on how well she gets on with Laena and whether she feels like has control over her sexuality. In canon they are close, but in canon Laena is a woman and that does make a difference. There’s also The Criston Cole And Daemon Of It All - if Rhaenyra has a fiancé looking out for her, does Rhaenyra get so attached to him? Does whatever happens the night she goes to Daemon & Criston still happen?
It’s all kind of hard to say considering both Eustace and Mushroom are full of shit and Gyldayn is a raging misogynist. And regardless of the fallout of that, what Laena gives Rhaenyra is incredibly important - Valyrian looking heirs. With at the very least a Jacaerys that looks like a Velaryon (because he is by blood this time), a large part of the Greens propaganda falls apart. Yes, she’s a woman, but she has a Valyrian heir with a husband she probably likes & takes an active role in her life, and the unwavering support of the Velaryons. PLUS with the dragon twins gone, that frees Jace up to marry literally anyone - like, say, Helaena! Or potentially, one of the storm sisters! And if anyone gets too cute with Rhaenyra, well, Laena has Vhagar!
Again, the wildcards here are Criston and Daemon. Daemon especially has no way back into the main Targaryen line because there are no Valyrian women for him to marry. I think that makes him much more erratic when Rhaenyra marries, because he can see his hopes of being “accepted” slipping away and he has no other option to turn to.
So….Rhaenyra is theoretically better off by the time her father dies. If she cares for Laena as a man the way she cared for Laena as a woman, she will have the full backing of House Velaryon, a legitimate heir who is free to make a great political match, a husband happy to back her claim, and once again, Vhagar on her side and Aemond defanged. The question is if this marriage stays happy or if it sours because Rhaenyra feels stifled, or Daemon/Cole does something particularly deranged about it at any point.
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sasukesun · 5 months
Hi Bella! This isn’t an ask I just felt like ranting a bit (a lot) because I’ve got a lot of Naruto feelings lately! No analysis just speaking from the heart so some of this might be up for interpretation lol but I’m mostly beating a dead horse here because what more can really be said?
The “so misogynistic it’s gay” phrase everyone likes to parrot is a complete disservice to Kishimoto as an author because how do you write Naruto and Sasuke’s dynamic accidentally when it’s essentially the driving force of the story? You don’t. And I don’t think he’s this raging misogynist people paint him as because he doesn’t really treat the other women with as much disrespect compared to S or H. He’s probably as misogynistic as the average male author or person out of willful ignorance but writing unlikeable and two-dimensional women, I would say, does not a misogynist make because not all of the women here are written with the level of contempt, sexism and mockery as these two. For examples: Temari was also strong, had a brash and unsavory personality and was labeled “scary” by Shikamaru but was a protective older sister and not unlikeable to readers. Ino, who also began as a “girl in love”, fell out of her crush with Sasuke and gained some perspective on her ambitions and affirmations after Asuma died (and she wasn’t the one to drop her friendship over a “rivalry” for a boy that didn’t return either of their feelings… I get it, I was once a kid too but Sakura still being just as childish in adulthood in regards to Gaiden? What a joke, anyways). Tsunade, Konan, and Kushina and all of their individual strengths do not revolve around the acknowledgement of men and their appeals. Their respective love’s, while tragic affairs, were openly reciprocated by their love interests and each aspect of their story was treated with some level of care. So at this point, Kishimoto simply didn’t feel like giving the same romantic grace to NH and SS because SNS was the entire point! of the manga!
The fact that the words Sakura and Hinata share of their shallow infatuations in their confessions are ignored or outright rejected (more than once mind you) actually ring true when they are frequently paralleled in text with how Naruto and Sasuke feel towards each other should be all you need to understand that! Because their devotion to another is believable! Their evolving, MUTUAL, bond and attempts at trying to understand each other throughout the course of 698 chapters is it! That’s the romance! It’s romantic as hell trying to grasp the deepest parts of someone, connecting with them in a way no one else is able to because of a shared experience through different circumstances and defending them when all others have turned their backs; protecting them, dying for them, “bearing the burden of their hatred” and proposing a romantic double-suicide where hopefully in the new world they are absolved of societies failures against their current selves and the ties still bind them (because they’re soulmates); not being able to cut a single person down because they’re your “one and only (friend)” and without them you’d finally be alone but you’ve seen and know what’s in each other’s hearts and you know they’ll never leave you and they’ll stand by you even at the cost of their life; having complimentary sun and moon symbols on the hands of the arms they both respectively lose together in a battle concluded by both of them communicating in depth how they view their relationship outside of simple labels. This is the single most important relationship in the manga. It’s impossible to ignore but OH do people try and draw incorrect conclusions about their connection and love for the other (that’s an entirely different rant).
And even if Kishimoto cared enough to spare a crumb of reciprocation from either male party towards their future “love interests/spouses” or even any sense of S or H actually understanding Naruto and Sasuke beyond attraction and personal convictions, that wouldn’t change; and ultimately kishimoto didn’t because he didn’t care to and that’s obviously not the story he was telling. Naruto as a manga revolves around the natural progression of SNS’ individual motives and aspirations laced with their mutual care and interest for the other. Their interpersonal connections with others mirror and influence their love and understanding of each other.
I think it’s a disservice to say Kishimoto can’t write romance simply because he didn’t develop those two “relationships”; like Minakushi is the staple blatant romance of Naruto (besides SNS) and both SS and NH fans constantly want parellel their bond, mimic tropes, or make banal and superficial comparisons of their favs to Kushina (and Mikoto too which screams insecurity here like please free them from the mediocrity, I beg) because they know it’s the epitome of love in regards to Naruto. But the closest comparison to Minakushi, trope wise, in my opinion, is literally SNS! And if either SS or NH fans had a single canon moment (written by Kishimoto) rivaling anything SNS have together they would be screaming romance at the top of their lungs but instead they cry “brothers/friends” to some of the most romantic text I’ve ever read whilst all they’re given by Kishimoto is eye sex(?) + (brotherly) forehead poke of rejection (“better than a kiss”; my ass) and “big strong hands” over my slave cousin’s corpse + silly contrived movie with imagery Naruto and Sasuke had first and both a plethora of cherry-picked panels taken out of context. It’s just embarrassing!
This comes from a place of neutrality for both S and H as characters tbh because I acknowledge they weren’t meant to be anything more than what we got. I just don’t like their fan bases praising fodder caricatures or their reductive ships because they “got the guy in the end” in extremely dysfunctional “canon” (lavender) marriages. If they would just let them be girl failures and pathetic in peace and regard them properly I wouldn’t mind. However, the constant character revisionism is annoying because I know I’m not missing some grand aspect to either woman. And they’re not “mothering” at all lol let’s be serious! They’re two cheeks of the same spoiled ass unfortunately and that’s just how they’re written— you’re not gaining feminism points for appreciating women written through a sexist lens like I’d argue that’s more misogynistic then just outright disliking them. Sorry! Kishimoto is an author, and like all author’s, he writes with intention. He wrote what he wanted to, how he wanted to and focused on what was important which was SNS. Laughably undeveloped or plain unlikeable characters be damned, Sasuke and Naruto were the main act and not the side show.
There are plenty of genre’s to choose from for interesting and developed female characters that aren’t contributing to male (and female, mind you) fantasies but unfortunately Shounen really isn’t one of them because there’s only isolated cases of actual decent representation across the board. But in regards to Kishimoto’s work, S and H got the butt end of the intentionally-poorly-written-stick compared to the other women and there’s no amount of personal head-canons no one legitimately subscribes to or cries of “you’re misinterpreting her character” that are changing that. My mind, and many other’s, has been made up because we see them for what they are and how they’re actually written.
Alrighty! Convoluted, possibly contradictory and very opinionated rant over. If you read this, you’re a real one LOL I hope all is well!!
i don’t think i have much to add, especially since you put it so well. i talked about the “so misogynistic that it’s gay” plenty of times before, and how nonsense and homophobic that take is, how kishimoto foreshadowing a romantic double suicide has anything to do with sakura being badly written? and that’s just one small example. people act like just because naruto and sakura are on the same team as sasuke, they must have the same importance to him, they expected both naruto and sakura to have the same influence over sasuke, but that’s not what’s written from the beginning, i believe the logic is “naruto and sasuke have a deeper relationship than sasuke and sakura, who has no room for development, that’s why they look gay (on accident)” but stopping at it is shallow, it’s not solely about their relationship being meaningful, while ss (or nh) isn’t, it’s about why it’s meaningful, and more importantly, only being meaningful isn’t enough either to be gay, it’s about why is it gay? why it feels gay? why so many people read it and think “that seems romantic”? naruto is a story that establishes some actions as romantic and then shows naruto and sasuke act exactly how it was established towards each other. did i mention anything about how lacking sakura and hinata are to talk about the nature of their relationship? no, because homosexuality is defined by who you’re attracted to, men are gay because they love other men, women are lesbian because they love other women, and it’s homophobic to say “actually, women are lesbians because they don’t love men”, it’s the same logic of telling a lesbian she just hasn’t found the right man yet. “naruto and sasuke love each other” and “naruto and sasuke don’t love hinata and sakura” are two facts that coexist and don’t have influence over one another.
i did mention that people say sakura has no room for development, but i disagree, sakura does have room for it, she has opportunities to be better, but she isn’t, it’s a deliberate choice from kishimoto, he simply doesn’t want sakura to be in the same position as naruto, he doesn’t want her to be important to sasuke, but giving naruto development while sakura remains inconsiderate (which is one of the reasons why sasuke dislikes her) isn’t inherently misogynistic. and even if he did want her (and hinata) to be better, that wouldn’t change how sasuke feels towards naruto and vice versa. and yes, i do agree with you that kishimoto writes sakura’s and hinata’s characters with mockery, as much as he writes ss and nh, but i believe he does that to leave no room for doubts, and yet… 🤦🏻‍♀️ for real, if people are already in deep denial of narusasu with naruto and sasuke being written that way towards each other while ss and nh suck, imagine if their relationship was written the same way but they were at least friendlier towards sakura and hinata (especially in ss’ case here), no amount of gay subtext would be enough to stop the homophobia and heteronormativity, the denial would be worse. but “sns shippers” really think they are allies when they help with this logic, that gayness is accidental and ss/nh only suck because sakura and hinata are women.
and this isn’t me saying there isn’t misogyny in naruto. misogyny in naruto is rin dying for male angst, is konan outdoing obito and not only dying, but being completely forgotten, almost erased from the story, is tsunade showing a fear of blood during her battle against orochimaru just so it weakens her in that moment and that is never mentioned again, is kushina wanting to be hokage and dropping that for no reason so minato could be, is even hinata being written solely for male wanking, but i can’t agree that naruto and sasuke not loving sakura and hinata is it.
5th and 6th paragraphs are very on point as well, emphasising them here because i couldn’t agree more. the double standards people have in relation to narusasu vs ss/nh is ridiculous and plain homophobia and, contrary to sakura/hinata stans try to say to scare people off by using serious issues, disliking sakura and hinata is not anti feminist or whatever, praising badly written female characters will only contribute to more of this kind of writing, so no thank you. i think i’m just repeating my and yourself at this point, but i feel bad to read a rant as big as this and only reply “i agree with everything!” hah.
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melonteee · 6 months
how do you feel about momo's character arc? I do like him and I appreciate how he had to learn to be brave and responsible but I was really let down by his ending of becoming shogun. now stay with me but I feel like it's a storyline with the biggest undercurrent of sexism in one piece. because 1) in the arc about examining and challenging the ideals of feudal japan oda couldn't do the most subversive thing that'd be making hiyori, the actual capable adult here, to be shogun, and instead had momo become literally stuck in an adult body and position and 2) when I think of momo I can't help being reminded of rebecca. they're actually very similar, but rebecca's story was about not having to be forced to fight and be violent. meanwhile momo, a boy half her age, gets the plot of becoming a leader. I mean it was probably influenced by little boys being one piece's supposed primary audience, to teach them the value of responsibility etc but I still feel like momo's arc is built on some misogynistic ideas.
The thing with Wano is we are shown and told from the start it's an incredibly sexist country - and this island is meant to mirror historical Japan 1:1. From the samurai, to the country being closed off, to the country's beliefs. Ie, we discover women cannot become samurai, and that makes sense because...we ALSO find out Kuina's lineage is from Wano, meaning her dad was also from Wano.
Now, pause! Think about what her dad said to her!
"Women cannot become swordsmen."
This is why I keep saying we need to remember that Zoro was raised by a literal raging misogynist, cause literally NO ONE else has this view that women can't be swordsmen or aren't strong enough to be swordsmen. Kuina's father is the only person we know who's had such beliefs, and we discover exactly WHERE that came from!
So with Hiyori not being the shogun, we know why she can't be. Because Wano is still ten steps behind the rest of the world, and the Wano arc was not made to challenge Wano's own beliefs. The arc was already way too packed for Hiyori to have a, well, let's say girlboss shogun arc LMAO but! In terms of Momo being a 'man' and all that, it wasn't JUST Momo needing to be a man, but Momo living in Oden's shadow. Momo WANTED to be like Oden, he wanted to be a man worthy of being the shogun, and he couldn't help but struggle to stand up to such a title.
However, we do find Momo is still a cry baby. He still can't help sobbing when things get tough, or tearing up when something upsets him, and I honestly hope this trait sticks! While Momo has had to become a 'man', so to speak - he's still kept this sensitive side of himself. While it can be argued it's because he still has the mind of a child, it can also be argued this is just...Momo.
If anything, I'd argue Momo mirrored Shirahoshi's arc a lot more - as Luffy literally called them both wimpy cry babies at the start, and told both of them that they're not wimpy anymore by the end!
I enjoyed how Momo's arc concluded, and he became a MUCH more endearing character when fighting for his own during the onigashima raid. I was rooting for him till the end!
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chaosmarshmallow · 2 years
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Kiss me you animal
Tw: smut, underage sex, breeding kink, possessiveness
AN: Ello, this is my very first smut work (also posted on ao3 btw) so ehh enjoy ig lmao, let me know what you think and how I can better my smut writing in the comments
Toedles <3
Count Manabu's party was probably the most boring thing ever for you... But there was at least one good thing that came from it.
Count Manabu's ball/party/whatever it was, was, lightly put, absolutely boring.
You knew that Yuuichi wanted to establish as many new relationships as possible, but you'd rather be doing anything other than this.
Just like he was doing all night, Yuuichi was talking to some fat, rich guys who thought they were really funny with their misogynistic jokes. You, ofcourse, didn't say anything, you just stood there by Yuuichi's side looking pretty with a forced smile on your face.
"Hah!" One of the men declared, a smug grin on his face as he combed with his thick fingers through his greasy blond/grey hair, "Yes, women are only good for … thing: cooking, cleaning and…" he stopped, probably to make his pathetic speech a bit more dramatic, "sex!"
The others roared with laughter, grabbing their bulging stomach as they shook.
"Isn't that right sweetheart!" The man left from you exclaimed, as he smacked you hard on your ass, making you yelp in surprise.
Apparently, the others thought that this was really funny too and started laughing loudly again. The man who smacked you, a middle-aged white man with brown slick backed hair, upturned light brown eyes and a nose the size of your hand, snickered and looked you up and down. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pressed his face way too close to yours for your liking, basically hanging over you.
"Say, beautiful," He purred, caressing your cheek with his other hand, "why don't we go to my room and have some fun?"
Your face scrunched up in disgust.
"No thank you, sir." You answered, trying your best to still be polite.
He grinned and licked his lips. "Come on baby, I know you want to." His filthy breath hit your nose as he got even closer, making you want to puke, "Stop trying to play hard to get and just come with me."
You tried to push him away, resulting in him only pressing himself firmer against you, when suddenly you felt a second arm grabbing you by the waist and yanking you away from him.
Startled you almost fell, but just in time you were caught by whoever pulled you away.
Dazed, you looked up at your 'savior' and saw a furious looking Yuuichi. Of Course the other men didn't see it, his face was just as perfectly masked with a polite smile as before, but you saw his eyes darkened with rage and his lips barely noticeable tightened. You knew him well and you knew very well when he was angry…
"I'm afraid I'll have to step in and stop you from doing so, kind sir!" He said, squeezing you tighter against him.
The man, a full grown man, pouted. "Ow come on…" He nagged.
"Sorry, but this lady is already someone else's." He insisted.
The brown haired man rolled his eyes, got too close again and quickly, out of nowhere, grabbed one of your tits, making you yell in protest.
"Come on man, we can share right?" He drawled, "if you want I'll even let you watch if you want!"
Welp, he was dead.
Swiftly, Yuuichi seized hold of the wrist.
The big shot, obviously not expecting that, looked up, bewildered, from my face, only the wince back in shock as he saw the dark and smileless face of the black haired boy.
"I'm afraid you didn't understand, sir…" he said slowly, squeezing his wrist, making him wince in discomfort as he let go of my boob.
"She's MINE." He growled and with a loud snap you heard the bone break. The guy cried out in pain and fell to his knees, his wrist still held by the furious Yuuichi, who was now chuckling.
A massive grin, almost inhuman, appeared on his face as he crouched to his level. Staring intensely in his eyes and pressing his face very close to the rich man's, he threatened: "If you touch her one more time…" He tightened his grip on the wrist again, "I will kill you."
After those words he let go, making the man fully fall to the ground as he cradled his broken wrist. He took your hand and tugged you with him as he stormed away, probably to your room.
You barely had any time to think, when you were pushed against the wall as soon as you entered, so hard that your breath got knocked out of your lungs.
A leg was pressed between yours as his hands firmly grabbed your hips.
Surprised, you grasped his shirt and looked up at his face.
He still looked absolutely livid, but there was also something hungry in his eyes as he looked you up and down, like you were a prey. You shivered and clasped his shirt even tighter. "Y… Yuuichi?" You stuttered.
His breathing fastened and without saying anything he pressed his lips against you in a violent and rough kiss, making you gasp. His lips were cold and a bit chapped, but they were perfect to you. They were him and you loved everything about him. They also had the slight taste of some sweet drink you couldn't place, probably from during the party.
He bit your lip, almost drawing blood, and you immediately opened them. You didn't even try to fight for dominance as his tongue slipped in, you gladly submitted yourself to him. You pressed yourself against him and moaned in his mouth as one of his hands slithered under your dress and grabbed your thigh.
You panted as he pulled away, your vision blurry and your heart fluttering in your chest.
He grinned again as he studied the state you were in. Slowly, the hand on your hip went to your back and undid the zipper of the dress. Thankfully, he didn't rip it like the previous one, you really liked this one. Your bra followed quickly, leaving you almost all naked and vulnerable before Yuuichi, who still was fully dressed.
The dress pooled at your feet and, self conscious, you crossed your arms over your chest, face turning red.
His grin grew as he caressed your face gently.
"Come on, don't hide yourself from me…" He purred, "let me see how beautiful you are."
Slowly, you uncrossed them and looked up at him through your lashes.
"That's it," He slowly kissed a way from your neck to your ear as he whispered, "good girl."
You shuddered again and grasped his shirt again as you exhaled audibly, squeezing your thighs together when you felt a familiar heat building.
He chuckled and without giving you a warning he bit you on a spot below your ear, surely leaving a mark.
You yelped and lightly slapped him on the chest. "Don't do that! Stop! It hurts!"
That obviously didn't make him happy, with a grunt he shifted his leg against your core, making you gasp, as he slammed his right hand to the wall next to your head.
"I can do whatever I want to you." He snarled, "You're mine, MINE." He moved his leg again, the friction making you moan. He chuckled at your reaction and swiped his thumb over one of your nipples.
"You're a fucking liar," he hissed, sounding amused, "telling me to stop, while you obviously like it." He squeezed your nipple as you grinded on his thigh.
"Tch, look at you, acting like some whore." He hummed, one hand playing with your tit while the other stroked your neck. "Maybe I should have let that man have a go, since you're such a slut anyway."
Your eyes winded and you pressed yourself against him, your arms wrapped around his waist and face stuffed in his shirt. "No!" You almost yelled, "I don't want him!".
He smirked and grabbed both your thighs.
"Well, why don't you prove it to me?" He easily lifted you up, your legs automatically curling around his waist as he carried you to the bed. He threw you on it, crawled over you and seated himself between your thighs, looking at you with that dark and hungry look that you loved so much.
With ease, he pulled your panties off, leaving you completely naked and at his mercy.
He kissed you again, just as fiercely as before, but less angry. Your hands reached up and you tangled them in his soft, wavy black hair. Your lips moved in tandem and you slowly grinded against him.
Again, he left you breathless and wanting more as he pulled away.
His teeth latched on your neck once again, making marks that would probably be visible for days after, as his right hand wandered down to your pussy, his fingers softly trailing down your skin, creating a path of goosebumps.
His middle finger stroked over your slit, gathering juices on his finger.
"Would you look at that," He teased, the large grin back on his face, "all wet for me, isn't that right?"
Ashamed, you turned your head away from him and hid your face with your arms.
Without warning he pushed a finger in, making you gasp.
"Look at me." He ordered, as he pumped it once, almost testing. Without saying a thing you obliged, looking into his eyes.
"Good," he purred, circling your clit with his thumb, "now tell me… who's slut you are?"
You moaned and your hands grabbed the sheets tightly as your back arched.
"Y…" you stuttered, "yours… I'm your slut!" "Good." He said, obviously pleased with your answer.
Steadily, he began thrusting his finger in and out, quickly adding a second, a filthy squishing sound and your sinful moans filling the room.
He didn't stop his marking either, your whole neck and chest were covered in bite marks and hickeys… those would be a pain to cover up tomorrow, but you were almost certain that he would want you to keep them visible, to show everyone who you belonged to.
It didn't take long before you felt your orgasm approaching, your legs tightened around his hips and your body stiffened.
"Good girl…" He coos, speeding up his pace even more when he noticed, making you cry out, "Won't you be a good slut and come for me?" And just like that the coil in your stomach snapped and you came on his fingers.
It was kinda funny when you thought about it, the power he held over you… you loved him with all your heart, you would do anything he asked you to… s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶d̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶e̶l̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶.
You whimpered when he pulled out, already feeling empty again and missing the stretch, causing him to chuckle.
"Aw, already wanting for more?" He mocked, as he brushed some hair out of your face, "Fine then… I won't keep you waiting."
He got up and swiftly got rid of his pants and shirt, not wasting a second before he crawled back onto you.
He gave his already hard cock a few pumps, making it stand fully erect.
He didn't have the thickest one, but what he lacked in girth, he made up in length.
"Ready?" He said, grinning like a mad man. You gulped in anticipation and nodded, tightening your hold on the sheets and spreading your legs even more.
With a grunt, he pushed in, holding your hips firmly in place, the slick covering your gummy walls making it easier to enter.
He waited a second, giving you time to get used to it, though you didn't really need it.
He pulled back slightly and roughly thrusted back in. Your walls fluttered and your arched your back, a gasp leaving your mouth.
He immediately took a rough pace, pounding in your tight pussy like his life depended on it, occasionally letting out a grunt or deep moan.
You held onto the sheets like they were a lifeline, writhing and wailing in pleasure, moaning his name with each thrust against your g-spot.
"Y… yes." He snarled, "I'm the… one making you feel this way." He gave an extra hard thrust, almost making you squeal. "You're mine, all mine, you hear me?"
"Y…yes!" You cried out, "I'm yours! Only yours!"
Sloppily, he pressed his mouth against yours in a wet kiss, but it only took a few seconds before he stopped and concentrated again on pounding into your dripping cunt.
"You're mine," his hot breath hitted your face as he panted above you, "I'm gonna cum inside you…" He looked you deep in the eyes. They were filled with an intensity and hunger in them you had never seen before, making the heat in your core grow even hotter. "And your gonna carry my fucking child." His thrusts sped up even more, making you a blabbering mess, unable to answer or even react to what he said. "You'd like that, won't you?" He rambled, "bearing my child? Being a mom?"
The coil in your stumach grew thighter and thighter with each thrust, you were getting really close to the edge…
"And everyone will fucking see," a furious look crossed his face, "that you're fucking mine." Each word he accentuated by giving you a hard thrust. The last one was hard enough to push you over the edge and with a loud moan you came, squeezing his cock even tighter as you reached up and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your nails in his back.
The sudden change in tightness caused Yuuichi to groan and abandon the rough but steady rithm he had and he pounded into you without abandon.
The overstimulation made you whine and your sensitive pussy twiched.
After a couple of thrusts, he came too, painting your walls white with cum as he moaned.
The room was quiet, only the sound of both your heavy pants could be heard. Without pulling out, Yuuichi layed down next to you, slightly turning you to the side to make it more comfortable.
"Can't have me pulling out and waisting all my cum now, can we?" He joked as he curled up and cuddled with you, holding you tightly against his chest.
You peered up at his face, seeing that he genuinely ment it.
"Wait," you said surprised, "you really ment it? You want me to have your child?"
"Ofcourse," he answered, looking at you like you said something rediculous, "you thought I was lying?"
"I…" you didn't know what to answer, "I don't know…"
He hummed, but didn't say anything, only petted your hair slowly.
"Don't cover them up though." He abruptly said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
"What?" You questioned.
"The marks," he answered, "don't cover them up."
You giggled. "Oh shut up, you dummy!"
Maybe having his child wasn't that bad of an idea?
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So I had a thought in the shower today, which was: why is Dany so reviled by her haters for using blood magic to hatch her eggs but Stannis isn't for, at the very least attempting, blood magic through Melisandre to kill his rivals? Like Dany, at least in the books, is very clearly planning on using Mirri Maz Duur as a sacrifice ("Only death pays for life") but it's not 100% clear if she really knows that much about blood magic aside from what little Mirri told and the Dothraki told her. Like as for as we know, she doesn't even know about Old Valyria's connected to blood magic! But Stannis has Melisandre as his advisor, he knows enough to think around the whole sacrifice thing for that spell. However, we know from ACOK that he has no problem with Melisandre sacrificing people, so he really only had an issue with sacrificing Edric Storm. Meaning that if he and Melisandre ever planned on using more blood magic, he'd probably be fine with sacrificing someone, as long as they weren't his blood. All that to say, why does Dany get so much more hate for one instance of (granted it is a horrifying thing to do to someone even once) human sacrifice, while Stannis gets no hate whatsoever? And Dany has shown that she probably won't be down to do that again, especially since hatching her dragons was pretty obviously a special circumstance. Meanwhile Stannis has sacrificed how many people? What is this fucking double standard? I mean that's pretty rhetorical, since we all know it's because "Dragon Lady bad" and the raging misogynists in this fandom.
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littlesparklight · 19 days
Is Hippolytus asexual because from what I’ve read of the play he seems to be celibate for religious reasons not because he doesn’t have any sexual interests
I think "is so and so asexual/aromantic" in Greek myth isn't... actually a question that can be answered with "yes/no" in terms of the actual understanding/intent/cultural meaning in Ancient Greece.
Like, strictly? Neither Athena, Hestia, nor Artemis are on the ace-spectrum.
That is just not what is being portrayed, at least in intent - and the same goes for Hippolytus and Narcissus.
That doesn't mean it's not valuable and without insight/worth to interpret any of these characters this way, especially in a modern lens! (It also, I think, is worth it to acknowledge that people would always have been this way, and that, unintentionally but having no other way to express it, these characters could still reflect asexuality or aromanticism.) But to be strict about it, what, say, the three goddesses are about isn't actually them being on the aro- or ace-spectrum; it's about cultural views and ideas of women, and the mobility (or not) of them in/outside of marriage.
When it comes to Hippolytus (funnily enough I did read almost all of Euripides' Hippolytus the other day)... well. Like above, obviously he isn't actually asexual or aromantic. At least not in intent in the context of the culture his story developed in.
You point out the potential religious angle to his celibacy in the play - and sure, probably? I don't know enough to say I saw any religious reasons as such, nor any otherwise expressed desire, but I do think you're right. So that's one angle. Another is the unfortunate fact that Hippolytus is also a raging misogynist (and clearly sees his goddess not as a "woman" in any way). This absolutely has a huge part in why he is refusing to have anything to do with worshipping Aphrodite/sex (with women, that is. we don't know what his feelings/desires are when it comes to sex with men).
At the same time, whether any of these are the overriding reason for him rejecting sex in general - he's being told his stepmother is attracted to him. Even if they haven't grown up in the same house for years, this is still "incest" that falls under an incest taboo, in the way Ancient Greece would look at it. I think it's completely fair for Hippolytus to be disgusted and reject Phaedra over it. (Even if he does it in a ragingly misogynist way.)
So, would I interpret Hippolytus as potentially asexual? Yeah. I would. I don't think it actually goes against the text to add such a dimension, even if we acknowledge that the religious and/or misogynist reasons are the "main" ones. In fact, it just adds to it, I'd say? Hippolytus, living in the culture he does with the idea of how all-encompassing Aphrodite and desire/sex is, would basically have no other way to express (or understand) any actual/potential asexuality than what his culture gives him.
This is also why I, personally, interpret Athena, Hestia and Artemis as various flavour of aromantic and/or asexual, as well as with Narcissus.
Narcissus especially because there's several variants where you have him simply not attracted to anyone else, but also is cursed to fall in love with his own reflection. Being cursed doesn't say anything about his natural proclivity. Another version has him kill himself because he regrets having caused Ameinias' death. Looking at it from a modern angle, Narcissus should be free to deny anyone he wants, man or woman, if he doesn't want them. He doesn't owe anyone returned affection or desire.
But that isn't how it works myth-wise, and so he will be punished - as will Hippolytus, refusing to honour Aphrodite not just in formal worship, but in his refusing to have sex.
Whatever his reasons actually might be for said refusal.
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