#and like i'd buy it for ivan also
glamaphonic · 2 years
the seemingly intimidating leather daddy who would stand up for you to the cops and who you could hide behind in the gay bar is in fact fang send post
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nyeobium · 2 months
I've seen one too many wrong hcs abt Ivan and I'd just like to say:
He grew up with two sisters.
Not only will he know how to buy similar cheaper products that don't have the pink tax on them, what the best make-up brand is, how to cut and style hair, how to do nails, how to treat their s/o during their menstrual cycle, exactly what to give them to eat during it, the perfect brand of feminine hygiene for every "flow" but he'd also try his best to help them feel better during their period no matter what cuz...
...and I repeat...
Like u have a "girl-y" problem? He's ur man
Spread the word!!
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tyrantisterror · 2 days
Early Wizard School Mysteries Concept Art Pt. 1: 2017 & 2018
Wizard School Mysteries Book 3: Wicked Witchcraft has been available for purchase in paperback and kindle editions for about a week now, and to do my due diligence as this series' author, editor, and marketing executive, I've gotta make a post about it to annoy you all with so that maybe more people read it and build up a bigger audience for the next one.
So! To accomplish that in a way I find palatable, I've dug up some very old concept art for the series, and am going to parade it out for your enjoyment! Come, look upon my old art and despair be inspired to buy my books!
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We're going to start with the earliest sketches I could find, which is from 2017. I kind of adore how ridiculously enormous I made James's hat in this early sketch - it's so huge that he actually has a strap to keep it on his head (look close, you can see it!). His design has a lot of touches from Wizardmon that didn't make it to the final product, namely the abundance of stitches and false faces on his outfit. He's also got a sort of ascot which I'm pretty sure is an homage to Fred from Scooby Doo, because he's in the same role as Fred in our Mystery Solving Teens group. Jesus, that's a big hat.
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2017 Ivan doesn't seem too different on a surface glance, though his outfit feels too clean/new to me. It looks nice, but doesn't convey a lot of his character to me.
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Ew, 2017 Gretchen, why are you white? Well, ok, the clear answer is because you're just Wizard Velma Dinkley at this point, but hey, at least you've got your iconic scarf!
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Jesus Crumbs, I really did not give my human characters enough skull above the eyes to contain a proper brain, did I? A lot of Margot's key visuals are still present here - the gauntlet, the high collar, the partially armored boots - but just, you know, a bit worse, a bit less uniquely designed. She's called Joan at this point because hey, it's from 2017, when the author who everyone associated with wizard schools whose first name happens to be Joanne hadn't gone fully mask off about being a TERF yet, and I could name a wizard character I like "Joan" without worrying that people might think it's a reference to said writer (when it was intended as a reference to Joan of Arc instead).
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2017 Rodrigo is pretty recognizable, actually. Kinda weird to me that I had his look pinned down so early compared to the others - though his staff here definitely doesn't fit his status as the most well-off wizard of the bunch, so I can see why I changed it to something more sleek later.
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By contrast, 2017 Serena is basically a completely different character on every level. No magical girl trappings, no pigtails, I don't think she was even Asian yet. The name "Cerrigwen" had been given to at least one other character I ended up scrapping for a different project before this, and I'd thought I found a home for it here, but obviously not (though a Cerrigwen did get mentioned as a historical important wizard in WSM Book 2, so maybe I'll find a story for her eventually). Serena's role in the Mystery Solving Teens dynamic is "the weird one," but for whatever reason I wrote "the Joy and the Laughter" here instead. I do think Serena's personality is shining from this design, even if none of the actual details are recognizable - the manic bubbliness here would carry on in all future designs.
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Charlotte also looks recognizable at first glance, and I think in some ways she's more explicitly monstrous/nonhuman here. I don't know if that's to her benefit, though? The gangly limbs feel very awkward, like they don't quite fit her frame, and her face is a bit too inexpressive (also holy shit that hat is hilariously too small, it's the opposite of 2017 James's hat). I like the hairy feet and fingers, but it does kinda bog down her design with unnecessary detail.
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Holy Christ 2017 Polybeus, you're a fucking nightmare. What's going on with your face? And why are you so skinny? Why are all these people so goddamn skinny?
Let's move to the next year, I don't like looking at this guy. He looks like he'd be voiced by Pauly Shore or Andy Dick. Awful.
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2018 James takes the 2017 design and refines it a bit - still has the ascot, has even MORE Wizardmon style false faces and stitches, still has the enormous hat, just all tightened up a bit. I think the problem with this look comes through when comparing the polished design with the sketches I abandoned halfway through above it - namely, the freaky Wizardmon look just doesn't fit with the quiet, deep-thinking personality James is supposed to exude. It looks rad as hell, yes, but it's flashy and chaotic in an attention-claiming way, which doesn't fit James's analytical nature. Good design elements that just didn't fit the character they were slapped onto.
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2018 Ivan is also a refinement of his 2017 self, and I like his wacky little pose here - it really communicates his accident prone nature. But he still feels too polished, the outfit can be pushed farther.
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Gretchen's looking a bit more like herself now - she's got more layers draping over her body, longer hair to cover her face, and the little tassels on the end of her scarf. Is she still white, or was I just a coward who thought I could just give her a dark skin tone while still drawing her with a straight bob cut and call it good? Not sure.
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Margot's getting closer to her current self too - slightly longer face and nose, a bun where her pony tail will eventually go, and I think she's got broader shoulders than her first design? The gauntlet still doesn't feel like it's got the right personality but it's a bit more unique than the first take, and that's progress.
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The only big differences I see with 2018 Rodrigo and his current self - beyond the fact that I got better at drawing humans (still not enough room in this drawing's cranium for a human brain) - is that I kinda toned him down from here. This Rodrigo's more or less his current self, but more flamboyant.
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Alright, Serena's definitely Asian here, and her costume feels more distinct than her 2017 self, but still doesn't really match her personality. I definitely wanted her outfit to showcase her energetic nature, but the big bulky layers just don't fit. She needs bows and ribbons!
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Ok, Charlotte's coming together better too! Still a bit too awkardly gangly, but her face is getting that sweet, friendly look a bit better.
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oh thank god
2018 Polybeus is such an upgrade. His outfit's pretty close to what he'd end with, and he's beginning to get that onion-esque hairdo his modern self has, although here it's a bit more like devil horns, befitting his status as an antagonist-turned-ally. Still too thin, though, you gotta start weight training Poly!
That's it for part 1! Next we're skipping to 2020, because for whatever reason I don't have any sketches from 2019.
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rebouks · 5 months
helooo!! okay, okay, come with me...
WHAT IF: we know bruno is a guy who sees the bigger picture of things, he goes through the actions and foresees patterns and consequences. what i mean is that he usually doesn't act out of spontaneity and whims (unlike our baby ivan). he thinks through, he overthinks, he plans. and this is why I AM NOT BUYING THIS BRIVAN ARC BECCA!! or the line of events as you wish to portray to us, i mean 😏
somewhere - somehow - our old gal norma reached out to Bruno again. remember this conversation right here?
well, with our other 'dear' friead kian leaving the prison, i think bruno was contacted by norma again. to put a permanent end to it. 'it' being the business because something tells me that kian wants to take the reins of del sol now ash is out of the scene...
bruno is in some sort of undercover work, like leah or silas once did...
and he is doing it by sacrificing his family bliss because he believes THAT is a cause worth fighting for. a world with less 'kians' is definitely a better place.
obviously, this is causing inner conflicts. he doesn't like to lie to ivan and he is difinitely thinking twice on whether this is reason enough to put his family through this... hence, the depression.
this is not structured as i'd like it to be and probably not even written in a way to make sense, because my mind is...
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Anaaaaaaaa.. 🤯
He DOES overthink things, doesn't he?! So either he's swanning off to do something heroic and sacrificing his supposed happiness for it OR he slowly realised he's a square peg in a round hole and he can't deal anymore n' self sabotaged himself out of his lil corner.. OR a secret third thing?! who knows honestly 🤷‍♀️ me.. i know
Love this theory tho!! Would also love to see if anyone has anymore thoughts abt this too 👀
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Hi! I've seen you mention fireweed a few times, and I live in the Scandinavian Arctic where we also have a TON of it right now. I was wondering if you had any recipes you'd be willing to share for it, as I'd like to try to do something with it but I don't know what. It's so pretty this time of year! Sorry I know this isn't atla related lol but I love seeing your posts about food
I don't have any recipes on hand but i know there are some online. You should look into:
Ivan chai
Fireweed syrup (i bet it would be great on some leafy greens with balsamic vinager, mild cheese, seasonal berries, and a serving of fish)
Fireweed jam
Since the petals are edible, you could probably follow a candied rose petal recipe but swap the rose petals out for fireweed petals. I'm sure they would make for a lovely cake decoration with that color
Drying the petals and adding them to tea blends.
This late in the summer, you've missed your chance to roast the roots and fresh shoots at their best tasting. Maybe next spring before they bloom. In the meantime i believe the stems are also edible
You can also see if your local beekeeper has fireweed honey availably to buy. I like it better than wildflower honey
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I've had a terrible day full of significantly elevated anxiety for no discernible reason (aside from, it's too fucking hot and this always happens when it's too fucking hot, also a number of other things but the level of anxiety is disproportionate to any of those real situations, probably because it's too fucking hot). I looked around my room to see some things I like to cheer myself up. I have don't quite a good job of making my bedroom into an over-decorated museum of things I like, which is convenient on a day when I want to just look around and quickly see something nice. Anyway, here are some pictures of my comedy-related collections.
On the wall - the old Josie Long poster that I got her to sign when I saw her in Montreal, and then I got Grace Petrie to sign it when I saw her live a couple of months later, even though I was so anxious about approaching either of them at all, much less giving Josie Long the weird request to have her sign a poster from ten years ago, or giving Grace Petrie the much weirder request to have sign Josie Long's poster from ten years ago, but I explained to her how it's because I already have Josie's signature and I'd love the idea of both their autographs on one thing, and I did also buy Grace Petrie's CD and have her sign that too, even though I already owned that album off Bandcamp, I just felt obligated to buy it rather than only say "Hi could you sign something that isn't even yours?", and to pay her money for the CD as a bribe to briefly talk to me. Anyway, as nerve-wracking as it was to get, I love that I get to look at it every day now. I have it on my wall next to the lovely quote from The Bugle episode 66 that @nyomkitten made in fancy fonts, and that I jokingly said I want on my wall, and then realized I actually do so I went and had it printed on cardstock.
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Books on my shelf. Most of my Britcom books are in ebook or audiobook form, but some are on a shelf.
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CDs and DVDs. The top one is Grace Petrie's Connectivity, which I bought to bribe her to talk to me long enough so I could get her to sign Josie Long's poster. There's also Kitson's Shenaniganagain CD, and the Lucksmiths CD that I bought on eBay because Kitson wrote the liner notes on it. Then we have John Oliver's stand-up special, Flight of the Conchords, Thick of It and In the Loop DVDs that I picked up at a Celtic music festival once, couple of Monty Python movies, a hard move away from comedy in the BBC House of Cards, some DVDs purchased back when Joss Whedon was still cool, and I did used to be a big hockey fan and follow the Edmonton Oilers really closely. Haven't cared in years; they made the Stanley Cup finals this year and I didn't give a fuck. But I used to.
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Stickers on the side of my book shelf. The Taskmaster seal and Nish Kumar with a coconut on his head, both gifts from my then-girlfriend, attached to a Christmas card she gave me a couple of years ago. Now a somewhat painfully tainted memory, but I still like the stickers. A couple of other stickers that I took off the packaging from Daniel Kitson's CD, the official seal of Higgldy Piggldy Enterprises, which is how he incorporated himself. And a couple of playing cards that Ed Gamble threw into the crowd last year during the Max & Ivan pretend wrestling event, as his thing was "Ed The Gambler Gamble" so he had a bunch of cards. Cards that audience members could just pick up if they wanted to, and one of the people who did that happens to be a friend of mine who sent a few of them to me, which is fucking cool.
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And finally, this weekend I moved some stuff around from my old hard drives to have more things in one place, on the big comedy folder that's on my 5TB hard drive. I've actually bought two 5TB hard drives this year, which might not be the best use of my limited funds, but I don't want to risk losing all that. So I have the one hard drive that lives in a pocket on the back of my laptop and is always connected to it as a working drive with this massive comedy folder on it, and another with a second copy of that folder. Part of why I bought the second one was I think I'm going to take the first one with me when I got to the UK so I can put stuff on it there, but if I don't have a backup at home, I'll be too worried about losing it.
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(Note: I do not endorse the views or work of every comedian who has a folder on my hard drive. Most of it is there because I like them, but please do not assume I am a fan of all things expressed by, to pick 2 examples just in the As, Alfie Brown or post-2019 Alun Cochrane. Technically there are three people in the As whose views I do not share, because Alan Partridge has some ideas about immigration policy that just wouldn't be feasible. Oh and I don't like how Adam Hills got an MBE a couple of years ago and suddenly started expressing monarchist sentiments a lot. Only one letter in and I'm already disagreeing with plenty. On the other hand, I'm almost sure that Alice Fraser has never said anything wrong in her entire life.)
Of course, the hard drive lives on the back of my laptop next to my other Nish Kumar sticker, which I got because of the laptop that Nish had in season 4 of The Mash Report, which got filmed in his home due to lockdown:
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I've definitely posted all of this before, but collecting those things again put me in a slightly better mood, which was the goal. Hope everyone's having a nice week and they solve climate change soon.
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atalossofwords · 5 months
Not a req.
Just wanted to say your IvanTill AU is so silly and I love it /pos
I can't wait to see where it goes and I genuinely love how empathetic and passionate you write Till to be. He would be the type to remember all his regulars and be curious about someone like Navi. I also think it's very sweet that Dewey is his older brother in it! I'd love to see more about their backstory together at some point too!! I love thinking about the small things like... how long did it take for Till to warm up to Isaac? What kind of brother was Dewey to Till as they grew up? When did Hyuna get introduced into their life?? Little details like that would be so cool to know!!
I genuinely can't wait for more Navi & Till interaction tho!! So excited!!
Aw thank you so so much!! You're not the first person who's liked my Till characterization, which surprises me a little. I really wasn't sure about him, since Ivan comes so much easier to me.
I'm not sure how much of their backstories I'll include in the story, since I do prefer the "show not tell" approach, so I'm going to apologize in advance for rambling a little about them in here :3c
Dewey is 7 years older than Till. Their father was a POS who said he "traveled a lot for work" but he was actually just keeping a second family in Japan, his home country (which means Dewey and Till are half Japanese, mostly because AKUGETSU, Till's VA, does a lot of covers of Japanese songs). Dewey practically raised Till himself, and moved out as soon as he was 18; Till was too young to move out, but he spent most of his time after-school at Dewey's house, since their mother was either too overbearing or not present to the point of leaving Till at 12 to make his own food.
Till really disliked Isaac when he and Dewey started hanging out! He was 15, at the height of teenage angst, and he was worried Dewey's new cool friend would make Dewey leave him behind, like a lot of Dewey's exes did. Luckily for him, Isaac actually loves kids, and sat down with Till to help him with school and other things, which also meant Introducing him to Hyuna, who was 18 at the time, and Isaac's childhood friend.
Isaac is actually a firefighter!! He met Dewey at the community center when Dewey was looking for cheap places to buy food, since he used most of his money to buy things for Till, lol. He fell in love at first sight with the tough motorcycle guy who took care of his little brother, and helped Dewey get into a better place in life to confess, which took around 2 years of dancing around one another.
Hyuna actually isn't as close to Till, she's got her own stuff going own, but she's always there if need be, and she was super happy when Till started streaming.
I'll stop here, I could ramble about all of them for a long while lmao. Lmk if you want to know anything else!!
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Batmarch Finale: Batman (1989) Review: At Long Last Joker Dancing on Parade Float
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Hello all you happy batpeople and it's time for the finale of Batmarch! It's been a fun ride that really made me love the character again and it ends here with something i've been wanting to do since the start of this blog: IT's time to talk about Tim Burton's Batman, the 1989 classic blockbuster that created the first superhero movie boom, solidified the caped crusader as a dark brooding vigilante in the public eye, and gave us not one but two iconic scenes of joker dancing to prince music that live rent free in my head forevermore.
Batman took almost a decade to get going, with Producer Micheal Uslan, a comic book historian who taught a succesful course on comics as literature, wanting to take batman back to his earlier days as a mysterious figure of darkness. His timing was great as by the late 70's when he started his crusade for the caped crusader, Batman had been on a course back to those very roots thanks to the works of Neil Adams and Denny O'Neil. Comic fans ate up a darker batman and Batman returned to being a creature of the night.
The problem was for most audiences.. he was a creature of camp. While I adore the Adam West Batman, i'm honestly shocked i've only covered ONE episode of that gloriously goofy series, it left a mark on the character, with everyone assuming "Well that's what batman is". It's a common trait in comic book adaptations: TV and Movies reach a wide audience. It's why most people think Scott Summers is a plank of wood instead of a tatctical genius with a lot of baggage.
Thus studios either flat out rejected them or wanted a comedy in the vein of the adam wast show. Or rejected it for reasons like "It would be called Batman and Robin and we just had a film with robin in the name tha tbombed" or "It and Annie are both "from the funnie" pages and Annie just bombed (yet did INCREDIBLY well on home video)"
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Thankfully the film got rescued as, with John "Giant Mechanical Spider Peters" getting on board, he suggested they do what they did with superman: promote the hell out of the film and the script they had and hope someone buys into the hype. Sure enough it worked as Warner Bros picked up the film and to my suprise they already owned DC Comics, the rights simply got sold off for the reasons film rights to properties often do
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So Warner was eager to get the property back in house and profit off it.
With that it was time for a full script by Tom Mankiewicz who based it largely on Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers short but memorable run on Detective Comics I wasn't aware of till doing research for this review, but now happily own. Rogers was even brought on to do concept art. The script went through NINE revisions according to wikipedia, but all were based largely on tom's original. Directing wise Joe Dante and Wes Craven were both considered and i'd loved to see what their version of the film would've been like. Ivan Reitman also was, but wanted a comedy starring billl murray with the studio eyeing eddie murphy for robin.
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Thankfully the success of Pee Wee's Big Adventure lead Warner Bros to go with their new golden boy, who was just coming off production of another soon to be hit, Beetlejuice, Tim Burton, pictured here looking like Batman's goth best friend he takes in the batmobile to get him out of the house.
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I'd pay so much to see that version of this movie.
Burton wasn't a comic fan , but upon getting the project was a fan of recent hits The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke, and was fascinated with what batman could be. Meanwhile Warner brought in Englehart himself to make a draft. Burton then brought in Sam Hamm, a rookie screenwriter and HUGE fan of the character who quickly proved to be the perfect fit, tightening up the screenplay: he removed Robin (something no one was sad about as he was a studio mandate), replaced Silver St Cloud (Bruce's love intrest during the Englehart Run) and Rupert Throne with Vicki Vale and Carl Grissom and the script was set.
So casting began. After a number of more traditional leads were considered, Burton went with Micheal Keaton at the suggestion of Peters, who felt Keaton has the tortured quality batman needed. It was a great call as he fit both sides: he was stoic and comanding as batman, but as bruce was perfectly absentminded, as if he was far away, yet still charastmatic and likeable. It was a good contrast and also made it easy to see why no one suspect this guy was batman.
Unfortuantely the fans.. were not pleased. Yes even then peopl ewere liable to throw hands over casting decisions before seeing them proper. I've not been imune to this: I liked Ben Affleck but wasn't sure he fit batman, only to be proven wrong when he was easily one of the saving graces of Batman V Superman and it's regretful he couldn't be batman in a better movie.
Fans worried that Keaton , who up to this point had mostly been in comedies, meant the film would be camp like the tv series and film again, to the point this MADE HEADLINES. The studio even breifly considered reasting, but burton held firm.
If your curious other actors considered were Pierce Brosnan (who had no intrest in doing a comic book movie), Mel Gibson (dodged a bullet there), Kevin Costner, Charlie Sheen (Another bullet dodged, too much tiger blood to be a bat man), Tom Selleck, Harrison Ford and Dennis Quaid. None of these really.. feel right, and it's burton's first choice before realizing Keaton was it , the green goblin himself Willam Dafoe, that woul'dve worked with what he was going for. None of these actors are bad, even sheen and gibson are good actors just..awful human beings, they just don't fit the part. Sheen in paticular feels like the worst timeline and I pity the earth that got saddled with frat bro batman.
Naturally every hero needs a good villian and while another row of talent was considered, the studio and Peters heavily pushed for Jack Nicholson over other competiors such as Brad Douriff, Tim Curry, and David Bowie, all versions of this film i'd LOVE to see in some other timeline. That said Nichelson was the perfect choice.
How they finally nailed him down is my faviorite story I found from the documentary: So Nicholson was open to it, liking the part but to lock it down wanted them to meet him for horseback riding. Burton , nature's perfect indoor kid, was naturally deeply uncomfortable on a horse and i'd pay good money to get the picture they claimed existed of Tim Burton on a horse with Jack Nicholson. I find it fascinating in of itself that Jack Nicholson rides horses and has a deep love of horses. That's a thing that fits, but just never occured to me. The most uncomfortbale horse ride ever netted him the part and Nicholson trusted burton completely on set and spoke highly of him in the documentary.
The final main cast addition came due to , of all the possile reasons, a horse riding accident. No it wasn't tim burton himself, but Sean Young, who'd been cast as Bruce's reporter love intrest Vicky Vale and had to bow out, replaced by Kim Bassinger.
Rounding out the cast we have Robert Whul as local reporter and only one digging into this batman case Knox, Cool School owner and operator Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent, Pat Hingle as Comissioner Gordon, acting legend Jack Palance as crime boss and the joker's boss Carl Grissom, and Tracey Walter as Joker's NUMBER. ONE. GUY. Bob.
Promotion for the film was something unique. Nowadays we're used to big, omnipresent ad blitzes with our blockbusters, a huge swath of adds to let you know THIS FILM'S A COMIN. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THIS FILM. I DON'T CARE IF YOUR AMBVILENT ABOUT ARTHUR AND THE KING YOU WILL GET 20 ADDS FOR IT JACOB. THE HYPE MACHINE HATH SPOKEN.
To start Jon Peters helped cut a teaser trailer, wanting to get SOMETHING out to show that no, this wasn't going to be like the Adam West show stop calling me about it dennis. The trailer was only a minute and a half, had no music behind it, something I only found out, and is clearly just whatever clips they had that were ready. You can find it here. It's throughly intresting.
It also.. works. While it's only a short teaser, it gets across what this film is, shows both joker and batman enough to get hyped, all while not spoiling the film. Granted they probably didn't have enough footage yet TO do that but still, it's a well done teaser with only one or two bits feeling like their just.. thrown in there and given the time crunch to get this in front of a teast audence, I can salute that it's still works.
And it worked MASSIVELY. People bought tickets JUST to see this teaser, bootlegs of it sold like hot cakes. It was meant to get people hyped up for what this film actually was.. and it DID, erasing doubts Keaton wasn't batman and showing people just what they were getting.
Warner then went all in promoting the hell out of this film, to the point Marvel's she hulk did a parody of this where a new super heroine does a simliar add blitz: There was cereal, tiger games, merchandising of all kinds. It was a huge gamble as if the film failed to live up to the hype... it'd be a joke NOTHING could live down, would sink the careers of everyone involved from production on down, and possibly destroy warner.
Naturally though.. it didn't. The gamble paid off. It's almost like if you actually RELEASE a film and have faith in the creators, you'll make money. The film was a massive success leading to three more films in this series and a mind boggling 11 theatrical and 60+ total films JUST starring the batman. That's not getting into team movies.
So join me under the cut as we see if , after 35 years of excellence, this film still lives up to the hype in a genre now packed with classics.
Bat Class and Bat Style:
Starting out with the style of the film, it can't be overstated the sheer impact this film had on Gotham city as a place. Before this it was mostly a standard city, just more of a crime hole than most. It was weird reading some of that very Steve Englehart run I mentioned and seeing Gotham. .as a pretty standard metropolis, if not obviously THE metropolis.
Batman is where , to my shock, Gotham was first portrayed as this art deco 40's style hellscape, a city of old buildings with the crime built into it's very foundations: a city of frequent nights, heavy shadows and plenty of places for an up and coming here ot perch and brood. It's an atmosphere that almost feels consuming: you can't escape gotham and it won't let you. It's a monster as much of a city. Batman the Animated series would build on this, making this what gotham was: a city with it's dark history seeped into it's stone that feels massive and endless, like no matter how much batman does the city is almost too big for him to ever fully save.
The rest of the style is after the 40's, a nice nod to batman premiering JUST before they started in 1939. We have large flashes on the cameras, reporters in suits the like.
I also realized this wasn't just a cool style choice, it's a thematic one: Most of Gotham wears these types of clothes, fitting with how Gotham is: a city with a long proud history.. but one it finds itself stuck in. A lot of those men in suits are either helpless goverment types who WANT to make things better but can only do so much like Gordon or Dent, or outright corrupt men like the various mob bosses who control it from the shadow. Even Knox , who tries to go for the scoop, is stuck in the old behaviors of sexisim, hitting on his photographer and creative partner vicki a lot nad being a possesive dick about her romance when it's none of his damn buinsess.
The people who may actually change this city are the ones who come off more with the time: Bruce most of the time wears looser suits or , in one scene casual clothes. The one time he dosen't is to fit in at his own party, to blend in so well Knox and Vale don't even notice he was behind them for a whole scene. When he's himself he's awkward, but also kind and charming. When he's his truest self batman he's calm, intmidating and of course dressed in a lot of rubber. He dosen't fit with Gotham.. but by doing so he can change it for the better.
Vicki is diffrent, fitting in a bit better but her hair and styles tend more toward practical, often wearing her glasses which look neat. Wish I had a pair like that. She brushes off Knox's comments, dosen't want anyone taking ownership of her and rightly calls bruce out for ghosting her (Granted he's also right ot try and get her to stop for one minute so he can tell her she's batman). She's trying to change it more by simply finding the batman, but it's still someone diffrent.
Finally we have the Joker, who stylistically dosen't deviate greately as jack.. but once he becomes something else, he changes. he wears the suit sure... but it's a bright purple with a giant boutiner. He wears makeup, but it's barely covering and by the time of the art heist there more for a joke than actual cover. His attempts to fit in are really more a joke than an actual attempt. Napier never really fit in... he simply stopped putting on the pretense once he became the joker.
Joker's moderness also comes through in othe rways; his biggest scheme heavily involves the rise of cosmetics and the television, using his then modern Smilex adds to stow paranoia. He vandalizes classic art for funsies to a dope prince song. And for his final masterstroke he captalizes on the greedhead nature of the 80's: he correctly figures if you throw enough money at people they'll forgive anything, and throws a ton of money into the crowd in the film's best scene, capering and hamming it up as he prepares to kill them all by luring them into one place. It's telling that the only two places in the film itself Prince's songs show up are with the Joker, who embodies the excess of the 80's while still having his classic 40's born design.
And since we're talking about him...
The Devil in the Pale Moon Light
Nicholson's joker is fantastic. I wasn't big on him for a long time.. but I realized on rewatch it wasn't the performance. Nicholson fucking nails it, having that manic energy hid with a genial calm that makes a good joker to me, that sort of charisma where you geninely can't tell if you'll end the scene as his NUMBER. ONE. GUY. or with a bullet in the belly. He's hammy as hell when he wants to be, deathly calm when he wants to be, and the only one who truly understands himself always.
Nicholson's joker strikes me as a mad Performanceartist, an interpretation I like: his jokes are carefully crafted pieces always done for a terrified audience of some kind. Only one of his kills or crimes post putting a smile on that face dosen't have an audience, Grissom, and he STILL puts on a show for him, shooting him to opera music while giggling like a mad man. Every other crime is a big show, which isn't inconsitant for joker. Every joker has theater kid tendencies, this joker is just the one who has the most thespian energy.
His schemes are also fantastic, props to Burton and the writers: their the right mix of operartic performance art and ghastly crime. From defacing a museum for the attention, to the utterly brillaint smilex ad which parodies the hell out of 80's ad trends and is one of the best joker scenes in media, perfectly capturing his sort of scheme, this versions love of a good performance, and the time it was in. The poor editing and his "Chances are you already own some" and the laugh after.. it's genius. Every piece is great. I also love the pen stabbing which I didn't really pay much attention to before but the mimes, the awesome as hell outfit, the "Uncle bingo" line.. it's so damn fun and the mundanety of the stabbing, feather quill or not makes it a shocker
The two best though are the ones embeded on my mind from childhood to present day: THe art scene is awesome and I love the way he says lawrence, with him just getting into general dicking around shenanigans because it's fun, saving a picture because it's horrifying. I also love his dickish "date" with vicky where he just calls all her glamour photo's crap. You can tell Jack Nicholson is loving EVERY second of this. Granted who wouldn't love grooving to Party Man, which is a truly awesome song. Prince didn't half ass it for this album and while his inclusion is a clear studio mandate Tim Burton didn't seem enthused about in the documentary, Burton still made it work perfectly. It's really hard to not make prince work granted, but it's still flawlessly used.
My faviorite scene of the film though... is Trust aka "Jack nicholson fucking destroys while riding on a blimp" Those hand moves, his expressions, bob and lawrence's grins as they throw money, the banger that is Trust behind him. While Partyman is good and really fits Joker, Trust is a fun banger jam that fits the party atmosphere of Joker's final gambit. The sight of joker throwing money everywhere while mugging is just.. peak joker and one of the best moments of the character and in superhero cinema period.
While Nicholson's joker is mostly celebrated there are two big points of contention, two elephants in the room to tackle.
The first is the fact we get Joker's name at all, that we know anything about him before he became joker as a huge part of his mystique is being this mysterious murder clown who just.. fell in a vat one day and that's all we know before he started chasing batman.
I prefer his past to be a mystery, it adds to the charm and the terror of this guy... but on this watch I felt the Jack Napier version still really works. Nichson does a good job making both Jack and Joker feel like two very diffrent people: Jack was a fairly unambitious hood who WANTED to run everything, but had no real plans for it, content to screw the bosses mistress and be done with it. It's easy to buy into corrupt cop Eckhart's view Jack has no future.. because he didn't. The second Grissom found out what he was doing, he set Jack up to die. Jack ONLY escapes ace chemicals alive due to pure luck: Gordon got informed in time to take over and stop a potetial execution and Bob turned out to be the best guy ever and held said Gordon hostage to get batman to let Jack go. And even then Jack's own impulsiveness nearly killed him, falling into the vat. He's ONLY alive because of sheer luck and knowing a good back alley doctor using tools he got from a dentist who mysteriously died a few decades back.
Jack is an impulsive trainwreck.. the joker.. is Jack with all his inhibitions stripped.. and tha'ts why knowing Jack works. Jack was a pretty common hood: even the Wayne murder, we'll get to that shortly, was just buisness as usual. Jack had ambitious DREAMS, but seemed content to just wait for Grissom to die naturally then take his empire.
Joker by contrast is a mad artist: he sees gotham as his canvas, a toy to play with. He has all of jack's greed and drive, but none of his hesitance to act on it. He's impulsive but unlike jack, he thinks out his impulsive plans. He wants vicky kidnapped, but has his minons bring her, has a bunch of stuff ready and has a whole music video ready after. He barges in on her apartment but brings goons just in case. He's still impulsive enough to be the joker: He dosen't have a plan b for the parade, the pen stabbing comes off as "wouldn't this be neat let's do that", but it's still more than jack ever thought. Jack is truly gone: vestiges of him remain in his new self, he makes sure Grissom dies and wants to control gotham.. but he's now got the higher calling of mayhem: ruling gotham isn't because it's there.. it's because it's FUN. It works because it shows just how FAR joker can go, going from a midly high level enforcer, to a mad god whose only stopped by batman yanking hard enough. Jack works because, ala killing joke, it shows a mostly normal person becoming something far worse. The Joker has an origin and it informs him a bit.. but who jack was is gone by the joker and it's fascinating watching hwat he became.
So that brings us to the OTHER big change: Jack Napier killed Batman's parents. Now this one I agree was a bad idea: the tragedy of the wayne murders. .is that it was just some guy. Some random hood, sometimes named joe hill, shot two innocent people and doing so broke a child and created a bat. It being his future arch enemy feels contrived. Like IT HAD to be someone important because it was his destiny to be a vengeful orphan man! It can't have been just some guy it had to be a number one guy yes yes. It misses the point entirely and it just feels dumb and that reveal clouded my judgement. Jack on his own isn't bad but making him batman's parent's killer is just.. too much. That part sucks but everything ELSE about Uncle Bingo rules and one bad decision, that writer Sam Hamm swears wasn't his idea and came after it was in Burton's hands so blame accordingly, shoudln't negate such a fine performance.
Let's Get Nuts
Speaking of fine performances, let's talk about the Batman of the hour himself. While I went Joker first, Keaton's batman is awesome and has gotten it's due praise over the last few years.
Ironically a lot of what fans hated about him, his everyman looks and not being "muscular" are what make this bruce work. Much like Robert Pattinson's brilliant turn after, this is a Bruce who doesn't really socialize. Unlike Pattinsons he does put in the bare minimum, throwing parties and such... but it's clear while bruce is a known philanthropist, he's not really a big name figure in gotham beyond that. He's an inconspcious guy, so much that Vicky and Knox dont' even notice him or realize it is him. And that suits what he does great: he's so nondescript that once people start looking for batman they won't look there.
Not tha this secret identity being in danger is a big issue at first: Batman's experinced here, but also early enough he's just a myth: Only Knox thinks he's real and even he has no idea what this guy looks like. The criminals know, but both bruce and batman are unknowns at first and prefer it this way.
Bruce is a kind, gentle, down to earth guy: he quickly wins Vicki Vale over.. simply by showing an intrest in her work. It's subtly contrasted with the other two men in her life: Knox first notices her legs, hits on her mildly agresively and is a possesive tool, while Joker outright claims her and tries to kill bruce for stepping on his territory. Bruce wins Vicky over.. because he sees her as a PERSON and not boobs or a prize to be one. Basinger and Keaton have really great chemistry and while the two don't get a ton of scenes together, you see why Bruce takes to her so quickly.. and why he pushe sher away. His war on crime is ALL he has, and he dosen't want her getting caught in it, ironically taking away the agency that brought him to her. It's only when he realizes HOW much she means that he tries to open up. Then a clown shoots him but you know , thems the breka. It's telling when Alfred, to finally break this will they or won't they stalemate, brings her down he's not the least bit mad and is honest with Vicki and continues seeing her.. until she didn't come back for the sequel but that's a review for another day. A christmas day.
I bring up the relatoinship because it's what defines bruce, and while romances can be rushed in these movies.. this one works and fleshes bruce out. It creates a nice divide between the man he thinks he should be, the creatue of the night who scares a cowardly and superstitious lot, who dosen't flinch in any situation and is always calm.. with the all too human bruce who simply dosen't want to be alone. Well he has alfred but he can't rely on his dad forever.
As batman.. there isn't a ton to talk about as he's mostly stoic and badass. Keaton does a really good job of that.. but there's not a ton of expression other than "scowling and it's only in his final confrontation with the joker, his parents murderer he really emotes with pure unyielding rage. It's not bad.
There is one aspect that needs to be talked about though: This batman.. kills. It's a divisive idea as by this point batman's no killing rule was in place... but it's one I get Burton not using. He and those around him based this film on the earliest works, and in those.. Batman had no issue killing if he had to.
It works for me largely because Batman isn't wontonly killing: he uses the machine guns primarily to clear the way and presumibly, like the dark knight returns which is where Burton probably got the machine gun, their likely rubber bullets. The only person he truly tries to kill repeadetly is Jack. Not at the plant, as while it's said he drops him .. it really dosen't come off that way. It's left ambigious if batman did it on purpose or simply COULDN'T hold onto jack much longer. The only person Batman truly wants dead.. is the man who created him. Any other kills are mostly just life or death struggles. I prefer batman not to kill... but one who does so judciously still fits the character.
Finally before we move on we have the way his origin's done: While I said I didn't like the jack part the film tries to treat this as some big mystery.. with the problem being even in a post adam west pre burton world.. most people probably knew batman's parents were dead. It works to a point, but out of all the things in the film.. it feels like padding. We know why he's doing this, we're just waiting for Vicky to catch up and i'd be fine with that but ther'es juts.. nothing really added. She finds out his parents died. A matter of public record he didn't really bury. The only shocking reveal she finds is who killed his parents, which while a decen tswerve, couldv'e been hidden until the reveal. It just.. pads the film slightly, but not so much it obstructs it
The People of Gotham
Now for our side cast. Starting with our third lead we have Vicky Vale, she of the 80's hair, neat glasses and inconstient spelling in this review. Kim Bassinger does a great job with the character and they do TRY to flesh her out: she's been both a war reporter and a fashion photographer, is great at her career and while enamored with Bruce only takes his shit so far.
That being said while I do LIKE Vicky, it's largely down to the performance: Bassinger is a talented actress and i'd like to see her in more films. I mean i've only seen her in this, Wayne's World 2 and bits of Cool World. She did fine in all three, it's just clear she has talent and I hope to see her make a comeback if she wants. She makes a character given just enough sparkle.
That being said... plot wise.. Vicky's just there for exposition and as an object. They give her some depth, being a former war photographer, but the film's unintrested in exploring her as a person, instead having her explore bruce.
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And get put in danger three diffrent times. I mean she only gets kidnapped once but it feels like she's mostly there to get scared or romance bruce. The romance plot IS important as it fleshes Bruce out as a person... but it's telling it's mostly to flesh HIM out. Vicky and him have chemistry.. but again that's because her actress is that good. I can kinda see why she didn't want to return for the sequel, and feel bad that her replacement of sorts got way more with her character. Vicky.. deserved better.
Onto Alexander Knox, who is probably confusing those of you who haven't seen the film. Knox is a reporter and is intended as mild comic relief at times. In practice he's aged like fine cheese on a sidewalk covered in radioactive ants and pudding. His first words upon seeing Vicky "Hello Legs"
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He then offers to do nudes and in general just.. tends to hit on her often, while she clearly just wants to work with him and is only putting up with her bullshit because she's so clearly used to sexist bullshit and come ons at this point. I DO think some of this is intetional as there's a contrast in how he greets her and how Bruce greets her: Knox recognizes her work, but is mostly interested in
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While Bruce you know.. sees her as a person. That said Knox.. is also creepily posessive, telling her not to go out with bruce, not getting what she sees in him, and clearly being jealous. He's just kinda there to set up that batman's been a thing and is mostly seen as a myth then ceases to be relevant but sticks around the film anyway. He does go after some guys with a baseball bat but it's too little too late.
Finally out of our heroes side, we have Alfred. Micheal Gogh dosen't get a ton to do, but really owns the roll, giving you the impression of a man who simply dosen't want to see his surrogate son spend his whole life in a cave. he says as much outright but you can see just how HAPPY he is that Bruce has Vicky and how much he dosen't want him to loose her. He dosen't get to do much.. but his one big action was a source of contention for Sam Hamm, as it was added after. Alfred takes Vicky to the batcave. In Hamm's words "That would be his last day of employment"
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Alfred... is Bruce's dad. Not biologically, that we know of, but he raised Bruce. Even by this point in the comics it was clear Alfred was just as much a faithful retainer as he was Bruce's dad. Bruce would get mad about something like this.. but he'd never fire Alfred as a snap judgement, especially when Bruce WAS GOING TO TELL VICKY ANYWAY. Alfred likely knew this. All Alfred did was eliminate a step. It wasn't like Alfred invited his acapella group, the Alfredpellas, down there.
We then have Alicia. Alicia dosen't get much to do as this script REALLY wasn't intrested in women but is intresting. My friend Jess the Vampire pointed out when we watched this she's kind of a proto harley quinn: someone deeply intrested in the Joker despite how he abuses her. At first it's fairly equal: Jack gives her attention Grissom isn't and him becoming joker shocks her but isn't bad. Then he horribly scars her as an art piece, and abandons her for Vicky and the sheer trauma causes her to throw herself off a building. It's a tragic story as she didn't relaly do anything wrong, she just had bad taste in men: first Grissom then Jack then Joker. It's not as layered as poor harley, but it's a good first draft and adds to what a monster Joker is. He just makes her into his horrifying art then throws her away when he's done.
Finally out of the major characters we have Bob. Bob is a quiet MVP in this film, Jack's best friend and #2 and Joker's Number. One. Guy.
What I hadn't noticed before is even pre joker.. Bob is LOYAL to Jack. He gets Eckhart not to shoot jack, and most importantly saves Jack from Batman at Ace Chemicals, holding Gordon hostage. From the go he's invauable to his bestie, helping make up for Jack's impulsivness. And while Jack just kinda shrugs, as he tends to, Joker recognizes this. He instantly makes Bob his NUMBER. ONE. GUY. and unlike grissom, who only said it in jest and as a veiled threat, Joker really seems to mean it. He has Bob stalk vicky for him, lure her to the musuem, all creepy shit sure but all stuff Joker needs vitally done and trusts Bob to do without any ulterior motive. And he does. Bob's also just fun: he capers a lot during partyman and is one of the best parts of Trust, his expression as he's throwing money gives me life. It also makes his death tragic. Bob was not a good guy, again he stalked a woman because he was told to.. but he was loyal and friendly.. and joker kills him simply because he got pissed off. His death is, fitting the joker, hilarious, just the casual way he asks for a gunt hen shoots bob with it, but it's a sad end to a NUMBER. ONE. GUY.
The rest of the side cast.. is pretty one note. Gordon is just the police chief, something that carries over to most other versions we've seen on film, Dark Knight being the exception. He has a great moment at ace chemicals but does fuck all the rest of the film except light up the bat signal. Harvey Dent is there to set up a future role that never comes for Billy Dee Williams. Grissom is memorable thanks to Jack Palance's delivery of "NUMBER. ONE. GUY. ", but otherwise is just a standard gangster man. The rest of the cast is mostly there to do plot and they do do it well but don't do much else.
Conclusion: And with that Bat March comes to a belated end. I enjoyed this review as it made me take a close look at a film I loved... and ended up loving it MORE. Batman has rough edges, some due to age some due to simply being one of the earlier comic book movies, but it' sstill damn good even today. It's a classic, a fun ride with banger performances, a lot of detail and deft direction from Burton. If you haven't watched it in a while, please do. If you have.. well do anyway it's that good.
Thanks for reading and thanks for enjoying batmarch
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snifekinner · 11 months
what hetalia characters would be like if i served them in a pub
(based on my experience in a pub in Waterloo right near the station)
england is that asshole regular who is always in at the same time, has way too many opinions, is pretty decent to the older staff but ruthlessly grills the new ones and gets scathing if they don't know his regular order or they don't use the right glass. he lives nearby. he goes to the pub and has like 5 or 6 pints there then on his way home he goes by the 24/7 offie and picks up a 4 pack of Stella (or two if it's been a really hard week) and then goes home and drinks them on his own watching old british tv. usually drinks the exact same thing for the first few rounds (pint of house bitter, has to be in a glass with a handle) and then tries some of the guest beers. likes a pale ale or a porter, nothing too far on either side of that.
ivan as a customer, i'd see him once or twice a month because he usually has people to dinner at his and has to travel a lot for work even though he hates travelling, so whenever i see him he's like. exhausted and either very irritated and liable to start an argument, or very sociable and will buy drinks for the bar staff. there's been a night where we think we'll have to call the police because he refuses to leave at closing time and starts smashing glasses but the manager kind of talks him round and takes him outside for a cigarette, and the next few nights everyone's steeling for the worst thinking he'll come back and we'll end up having to bar him (which like, no one wants to do because he's generally a nice guy and he drops a lot of cash when he visits) and then he finally turns up like 3 weeks later with gifts for the bar staff and full of apologies for how he acted last time and he's super repentant for the next few months (until he starts getting comfy and starting arguments again).
france - i would love him as a customer tbh. he would be lovely and charming, he would give tips even though he doesnt have to. he'll buy red wine by the bottle, even if he doesn't drink the whole thing, he'll take the rest home with him. he comes to the pub because it's near his (beautiful very expensive victorian terrace) house but he likes to also pretend its beneath him. mainly because arthur is the other local regular and he loves to piss him off. the caveat to him being super generous is he is also very exacting, so everything has to be perfect. he will complain if the glass has a smudge on it. he can see smudges that are not visible to the normal human eye. he also turns up with different women all the time and the staff say nothing.
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dunne-ias · 4 months
Well, my beloved BaCC, Brightshroom Islands, got corrupted (just as I'd unlocked university too!), but I wasted no time and quickly restarted. This time, I started with six families, and the second generation has just started growing up and heading out on their own, so I made them some family photos, for fun.
Once again, I use a name generator to give me random names from all over.
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On the left, the O'Hannigans.
Cash, the redhead is the Mayor, and together with his townie husband, journalist Keith, he has four children, one set of triplets, from the left, Veronica, Alfred and Lysette. Lysette also had a teen pregnancy but it's time for Lin's other mommy to have custody now, so you'll see her in a later photo. Cybelle is their fourth child. The triplets are almost adults and while I think Veronica is going to be the one to stick around, I haven't decided for sure yet.
On the right, what's left of the Buckolz family.
Well that sounded ominous, but I mean that there's only one kid from gen2 living here now. Shania, the blond, is the town's Architect and also runs the electronics store, while her wife, Carolina is the town medic. They had the first kids of the hood, but Ester and Ivan have moved out, and left is only Nessa, who will take over the store when she ages up to adult.
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On the left, the Atterberry family
Jie, pale man, is still unemployed after he closed down his fledging home art business, and we're waiting for a lot point to open up so he can run a gallery for his pottery and art. His husband Robert is still unemployed, and also still in his clothes from when he moved in because he hasn't gone to the clothes shop when it's been open yet. So this family survives on Jie selling some of his pottery and Robert occasionally refurbishing a car.
They had one of those double pregnancies at the same time, and the boys, Valère (in purple) and Hamid (in red) were born as twins mere hours before Niamh was, so effectively they're triplets. If I remember correctly, Hamid is actually pregnant with Ismael Werther's baby, so that'll be fun in their tiny house with no income.
On the right, the Werthers.
Margareta, in yellow, has the second angriest face in this whole hood, and I love it. She's the town's first carpenter and runs a toy shop (crafted toys can be sold to buy and upgrade furniture according to my rules), and her townie wife Chloe is a chef. They have two kids, that again, are the result of a double pregnancy. Margareta had bad luck when she birthed Ismael though and died. Luckily, one of her neighbours missed her on the same day a Genie lamp arrived, so she was brought back to the joy of everyone, especially Chloe who hours later gave birth to Ernst. Ismael works for the clothes shop, so I think Ernst will be the one to take over the toy shop one day. Soon actually, I think. Ismael, as I've said, has a baby on the way with Hamid Atterberry, but they're only one-bolters, so I don't think there'll be any long-term relationships there.
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On the left, the Kohouts.
Freya Kohout was so damned pretty as a teen that I packaged her, aged her up to adult and let her be one of the founders for Brightshroom Islands Mark 2. She runs the town's clothes shop with much flair. Gordon, her townie husband, is the town's only Criminal so far and brings in some much needed dough. They have three children. Georgiana, the eldest has a baby daughter with Jillian Leighton, Madge, who now lives with the Kohouts since it's Georgiana's turn to have custody of her. Little Abraham is almost a teen, and there's also little Erik, who is a baby. I don't like posing babies, so they're not in this picture.
On the right, the last bit of the Leightons
Indiana Leighton is an artist, but a struggling one. His townie wife Brenda, a teacher, has the most severe resting bitch face I have ever seen in my entire life and it's a huge struggle to make her look like she's not pissed off at her entire family in these photos.
Together, they had four daughters. Not pictured: Livia, the eldest who has moved out and Siobhan one of the twins, who moved out with Livia. The only redhead is Jillian, the other twin, who recently birthed Madge with Georgiana Kohout. She sadly died from the childbirth, but the die was on her side, and Georgiana had a genie lamp, so now Jillian is back alive. Her daughter Madge, as mentioned, is currently under her other mother's custody. Last in the family is Diana.
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And lastly, the newly founded households of the second generations!
On the left, two Leighton sisters. I let Livia bring one of her sisters since Shiobhan isn't far from adulthood because of this town's housing crisis. Neither of them have any definite plans regarding dating or careers, because there are no jobs right now unless they can beg for a job from one of the local businesses, but Livia has plans to restore cars until she can open a car dealership.
On the right, the eldest second generation, Ester and Ivan Buckolz, brother and sister. Ester is the manager of Freya Kohouts clothes store, and Ivan recently started working for Margareta Werther in the toy shop. He'd like to open his own furniture store at some point in the future though. They also have Ester's teenaged mishap Lin living with them, as Lin has already spent a season with her other mother, Lysette O'Hannigan. I don't tihnk anything will keep happening between Ester and Lysette once they're both adults though, because they only have one bolt, but Ivan has a townie boyfriend from his teen years that I aged up and I'm just waiting for him to start having some wants in that direction soon.
And that's it. Lots of teen pregnancies, but well, there are rules regarding birth control and I very recently unlocked it for teens, so hopefully we can have less of them in the future.
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keeperofthebox · 1 year
songs on my playlist kitty section would listen to (3 - keeperofthebox edition)
i was invited to contribute with an installment to sunny's (@bittersweetresilience) lovely series so here we are LOLOL
this is all over the place genre-wise but has a slight lean toward harder songs
spin doctors - two princes
Marry him, marry me I'm the one that loves you, baby, can't you see? Ain't got no future or family tree But I know what a prince and lover ought to be I know what a prince and lover ought be Said if you want to call me baby Just go ahead now And if you like to tell me maybe Just go ahead now And if you wanted to buy me flowers Just go ahead now And if you like to talk for hours Just go ahead now
do i even really have to say anything else. also luka's taste definitely leans edgier/heavier but i do think he listens to anything and everything that has passion and heart put into it
evanescence - my immortal
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have all of me
this is another one where like. do i even really have to say anything else. look at juleka!! evanescence is made for her!!! for this song i think of her having sadgirl moments about rose being sick
hole - violet
When they get what they want, and they never want it again When they get what they want, and they never want it again Go on, take everything, take everything, I want you to Go on, take everything, take everything, I dare you to
i just think she would be really inspired by courtney love's vocal style! so i put the lyrics of the part that's delivered the most roseishly
deftones - risk
Come outside And breath in Relax your arms And let me in I'll find a way I'm confused though But I think I can try I will save your life I will save your life I'll try for you
do i even really have to say anything else
queen - killer queen
Drop of a hat she's as willing as Playful as a pussy cat Then momentarily out of action Temporarily out of gas To absolutely drive you wild, wild She's out to get you She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind Anytime
i'm convinced queen would be his favorite band. or whatever the miraculous universe equivalent of queen is i guess. i mean just look at him. also this song in particular is kind of just his taste in women
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hey hey! idk if this is where I submit for the match up! but I would love to see who you think I'd fit in with! I'm a creative soul who tends to try to develop deep friendships with people above everything. I have a bit of a savior complex as well lol I work hard and play harder, trying to find new adventures to go on with those i care about. I tend to support others before supporting myself, and while im happy to let others open up to me its hard for me to open up in return. the best way i can feel close to someone is deep conversations and being creative with them!
My current fav song has been Maybe IDK by John Bellion, specifically the lyric "i guess if i knew tomorrow i guess i wouldnt need faith"  just the idea of living today to the best you can just because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. the worries of the future should keep you down today
My current fav Redacted audio has to be the Helping your Werewolf bf shift again. Specifically the acting is just so good to me. Erik did an amazing job of portraying Milo's anguish and pain at not being able to shift. Plus the relieved sobs at the end is so satisfying and emotional. 
The one boy i cant get the hype around is Ivan. like sure the yandere thing is somewhat attractive to some, but i just don't like the idea of an actual psychopath being obsessed with me.
my favorite movie is definitely the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller. its less of a quotable movie and more of i remember every scene very distinctly. its a movie that envelops my own escapism. its beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and a wholesome story on a rainy day.
my platonic redacted crush has to be Damien. he seems like a blast to interact with and tease. he's a hard worker and is tied close to his goals which i can admire. i would love to body double with him if i had some tasks to get done
space is also 100% my ramble subject when im sleepy, that and greek mythology
My guilty pleasure media is currently the animated shows Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid. despite being kids shows, both of these are beautifully animated and shockingly well written!
I hope that gives you an idea of me! I look forward to who you think i match with!
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Hmm, lots of good tidbits of information to consider. You strike me as really thoughtful, really caring, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
A savior complex, from what I understand, is just wanting to help people and make their lives better, and Lasko’s a guidance counselor, so y’all would have that in common. What’s good about pairing two people like that is y’all could keep each other in line, so to speak. Something that’s important when you’re always looking out for other people is to make sure someone is always looking out for you and vice versa. You and Lasko together would always make sure you’re taking care of others, each other, and yourselves.
Another reason I like the two of you together is that you like being creative with one another as a bonding activity. You know what’s the ultimate way to be creative together? Tabletop role playing games! If you don’t already play, Lasko would be so excited to help you with a character sheet, to help you craft a backstory, paint some mini figurines, go out and buy the perfect game dice and notebooks- the greatest combination of nerdy and cute in a couple.
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go/ Will you won't you, be the one I always know?/ When I'm losing my control, the city spins around/ You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
One, the whole vibe of “you slow me down, I’ll look after you, we’re here for each other” vibes are exactly what I’m picturing for y’all. Also, Lasko and I are around the same age, and I heard this song a lot growing up. I have some weird, like, emotional resonance with it from childhood, and I think Lasko does too. Like, it makes him nostalgic and longing; maybe he always wanted someone to look after and to look after him, and now he’s finally found that in you.
A very reasonable runner-up for you would be Camelopardalis because he would do a great job making sure you balance work and your personal life and that you don’t put others before yourself too much. A more fun runner-up would be Guy because I love sticking that beautiful Creative Writing major with other beautiful, creative people!
note: thank you for waiting, dear, and I hope you like your match-up! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years
Thanks for the ask!
12: Do you read any fanfics and if so, what’s your favourite one?
Yes i read fanfics all the time! My all time favorite is Slovenskych's Diamond in the Rough. (Listen it says something I'm willing to buy a physical copy of a fic.)
Another good one that was one of the first I read is Lithuania: 1940 it's on FF.net. I think I read it the same weekend I watched the show for the first time.
28: If you could ask Himaruya one question only, what would it be?
Will we ever get to see Central Asia in Hetalia?
"What was your thought process and what influenced you to write Feliks the way you did."
33: What are some of your biggest headcanons?
Hmm i got lots, since canon makes it hard not to. Idk what my biggest ones are because at this point I've taken canon deconstructed it and made it something completely different.
Here are a few off the top of my head
1. I have always played with the idea of Feliks being Ivan's cousin or just related somehow
2. Czechia is Jewish
3. I think Spain was particularly emotionally neglectful to his colonies. Even prior to the olive oil thing I just don't think Antonio is all what he seems on the surface. "Wow!" you say someone else other than the Eastern European countries? Yes I'm quite familiar with Spanish history, Art, and Literature because my Spanish teacher was also my academic tournament coach and I loved listening to his stories about things like how art reflects the history of Spain.
4. I think Yao is the person to be the most immune to Ivan's attempts at emotional manipulation. This stems all the way back to the class lecture on traditional Chinese views on virtue and philosophies etc back in my East Asian history class.
Okay now that I'm reading my answers I wish I could take every history class in college because then I'd have so many headcanons. I envy my sister taking Russian history...
Why can't I take classes just to listen to lectures. I don't want to write essays but if you pull me aside I will definitely have a whole discussion about my thoughts on everything I learned in the past 80 minutes.
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years
What is your view on the web series Harmony and Horror from Battington? Recently, the third episode of Season 2 was released and it was quite a banger for how the creator put out his characters, story, and horror aspects. While I get that all of us are patiently waiting for the new episode of the Walten Files (especially the Jophie content) it wouldn't hurt to take a look for Analogue Horror content.
Well. To be fair to Harmony and Horror, I've never truly given it a fair chance, but from what I've seen it is DEFINITELY not for me, but that's honestly the case for the majority of analog horror anyway. It's not really a genre i care for inherently in any respect. I'm not an analog horror fan, I'm a The Walten Files fan.
I mean I'm also absolutely a horror fan, like in general. Horror is like the foundation of my whole life I don't know who I would be without it. I also really do not need help with occupying my time while we wait for TWF4, I have that perfectly covered thank you.
(under this readmore is just me talking about things i felt like talking about. click it if you want)
Have spent a lot of time recently binging horror movies, which is an avenue of horror art that I am sorely under-versed in. I really liked the movie Ginger Snaps (2000) that one honestly surprised me with how incredible it ended up being. Definitely check sites like Unconsenting Media and Doesthedogdie before going into this one, though.
Other fun more 'internet horror' things i can always recommend is Diminish, a 'This Game I Found' webseries with a deeply personal and touching twist on the genre I really enjoy. It's honestly probably one of my favorite pieces of art, like, ever. It's currently on something of an indefinite hiatus but its creator definitely wants to get back to it and soon. MASSIVE warnings for loss/grief, particularly surrounding the loss of a sibling/family member. Also lots of self-deprecation with an obvious undertone of suicidal ideation, as well as at least one direct reference to a suicide attempt and/or a suicide. Episode 14 contains what I personally think are some pretty unjustified references to real-world murder and genocide, but to be fair that is more of a personal opinion on its depiction rather than an objective analysis of its content and inclusion.
Another thing I'd love to recommend is Ivan Zanotti's My Madness Works' IMSCARED, which is probably my single favorite video game of all time. You've probably heard of this one if you like indie horror games or watched youtube videos in 2012 because this thing is an absolute darling of indie horror and was a huge hit in the horror letsplay scene on youtube when the demo came out. It just had a 10 year anniversary update that remastered the whole game that i've.been meaning to play. Huge warning for jumpscares and for imagery relating to suicide. That's the bread and butter of this thing and it makes up its most striking and impactful iconography. Its 4 dollars you should absolutely buy and play this game if you can and want to.
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stories-poetry4all · 6 months
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Do I have your undivided attention, Ms. Goodacre?"
I snap my focus back to my boss, Ivan Stepanov, who's giving me that trademark look of his—not that I've messed up, but because that's just his default setting.
Truly, he's the living proof of the cautionary tale parents tell their children about the risk of a face freezing in a permanent scowl if they're not careful.
I suppose his annoyance is somewhat justified. Not that he knows it.
He just caught me in the middle of a vivid daydream, where I'm wielding a magical remote with the power to silence his endless chatter at the press of a button. My fantasy escalates to the point where I hit the fast-forward button, zipping him through his lavish office's panoramic windows and into a comedic dive into the bustling streets of Manhattan.
It's hard to fault my daydream; the day has stretched my patience to its limits, and I can feel my stomach growling.
I am thoroughly DONE with jumping through hoops for him today.
I've been at Stepanov Holdings since an ungodly hour this morning, after leaving the office last night at 10:00 P.M. For goodness' sake, I even missed the Season Finale of the Bachelor.
I haven't had a moment's peace today, and now, without having had my lunch at 3:00 P.M., I'm just about ready to call it quits on this devil in an Armani suit.
Without my trusty sidekick—aka four shots of espresso—I'd be a goner for sure.
Yet, even fueled by caffeine, I'm a hot mess express.
I'm mentally face-palming for convincing myself that buying these ultra-skinny work trousers on sale was a savvy decision.
Right now, my legs are on the brink of rebellion, decidedly unhappy about being crammed into what I thought was a steal of a deal. I had to wear an extra long dress shirt to mask my camel toe.
Ivan, meanwhile, is the picture of unbothered elegance.
It's actually unfair how he manages to look like he's stepped out of a magazine, despite being on the go as much as he is.
His suit, his stubble, those piercing eyes—nothing's out of place.
"Ms. Goodacre, you haven't answered my question."
"Oh, right," I manage to say. "Yes, you have my full attention." My eyes dart to my notebook. "The financial report is due to be reviewed by Mr. Thompson in Compliance first thing. Also, new ergonomic chairs for the executive conference room have been ordered, and I'll follow up on the delivery. Your 10:00 A.M. tomorrow is now at 11:30, the 11:30 has moved to 2:15. And for next Thursday's meeting, I've left a note saying—they can, um, 'get lost.' Did I miss anything?"
Ivan raises an eyebrow, a gesture that could mean anything from ‘I’m impressed’ to ‘you're on thin ice.’
"Is there a hint of sarcasm I detect?"
Keeping my expression as blank as possible, I reply, "Not at all, sir. After the incident with the incorrect financial forecast last month, you wanted 'zero sass'. I remember."
That sound, coming from Ivan Stepanov, the enigmatic CEO of Stepanov Holdings, is enough to send shivers down the spine of anyone. I've seen it—a supplier once came in to negotiate a contract and left looking like they needed a stretcher, all because of a single "Hm" from Ivan.
He's not just formidable to outsiders; even I've been on the verge of tears more times than I can count since starting here. And yet, here I am, plotting his remote control demise as a form of twisted self-therapy. What has my life come to?
"And the email I asked for?"
I hand a printed email to the corporate lion.
He looks at me, his gaze as penetrating as a laser.
"I asked for this to be emailed, Miss Goodacre," he says with a voice smoother than a whiskey on the rocks.
"Oh, it’s been sent," I retort, sprinkling just the right amount of sass into my words. "But given its vanishing act last time, I thought a hard copy might stick around longer."
He raises his eyebrow again. I’d bet a million dollars he popped out of the womb with that exact same intimidating expression.
Intimidating and sexy.
It's in fleeting moments like this I find myself admiring just how unforgivably handsome he is. Despite my best efforts. The tall, dark, and brooding thing really works for him. If only his personality matched the exterior.
Wishful thinking.
With the elegance of a maestro, Ivan navigates to his inbox, spots the email, and dives into a reply. All business, no pleasantries.
Then, without missing a beat, he's onto his next demand. "I’ll be having a late lunch from that Mediterranean place on 5th. They're always swamped, just so you know. Please tend to the paperwork on your desk when you return."
Being an assistant to a man who thinks the world revolves around his wants requires a particular brand of insanity.
If I didn’t need this job so badly, I might just have the courage to tell him where to shove his five-star meal.
"Thank you, Miss Goodacre."
Clearly, my time's up.
As I make my way to Medina, the city's rhythm pulsates through the streets, a symphony of honking taxis, chattering pedestrians, and the ever-present tune of sirens in the distance.
Navigating Manhattan's Financial District is akin to playing a real-life game of Tetris, where I dart and weave through an obstacle course of tourists mesmerized by skyscrapers stopping to snap a photo of literally everything.
It’s a dance of waiting, smiling politely, and gently nudging the staff with a reminder that I am there to pick up an urgent business lunch for Stepanov Holdings to get the order expedited.
Upon securing the culinary treasure, I return to Stepanov Holdings Headquarters. The building, much like Ivan, stands tall, imposing, and unapologetically opulent.
By the time I return, holding Ivan's gourmet lunch and my modest salad, he's vanished.
As I settle down to tackle the mountain of paperwork he's generously left behind, my desk phone starts ringing off the hook.
My phone becomes a hot potato, passing from one crisis to another with the skill of a seasoned diplomat promising that Mr. Stepanov will indeed return all calls, knowing fully well he won't.
Between bites of my salad and sips of coffee that's already gone cold, I navigate the treacherous waters of high finance by soothing egos and making promises I can only hope Ivan will keep.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
A smidgen of recognition from Ivan wouldn’t hurt.
Some acknowledgment of the tireless effort behind making his life run as smoothly as a well-oiled machine.
As I glance at his untouched lunch, a part of me wants so badly to dump it on over his head. I’ll have to save that vision for my next daydream.
Ivan sweeps back into the office like a stormfront.
"The paperwork, Miss Goodacre," he says, his voice cutting through the air like a knife.
My eyes dart between the semi-conquered paper mountain and him. "I didn't forget." I start, trying to keep the frustration from my voice. "Your clients have been calling nonstop, and I’ve been doing my best to keep them from losing their cool."
He fixes me with a look that could freeze lava. “Ten minutes."
I open my mouth to protest, but the look in his eyes stops me—the unyielding demand, the expectation of perfection.
In his world, there's no room for excuses, no space for the human element.
He leans in, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper. "I hired you because I thought you could handle the pressure. Don't prove me wrong."
With that parting shot, he strides away, leaving me feeling about two inches tall.
It's moments like these that I question my life choices.
Anger and frustration bubble up inside me like a shaken soda bottle, threatening to explode. But I refuse to cry, refuse to show any weakness in this high-stakes game of corporate chess.
Instead, I channel all that emotion into finishing the paperwork, my fingers flying over the keyboard like a pianist in the midst of a frenzied solo.
Feeling like I could blow up any minute.
Finally, with the printouts in hand, I march to Ivan's office.
I drop the papers onto his desk with a deliberate thump, watching them scatter forcefully.
He looks up, his expression unreadable as the papers flutter across his desk.
"That’s everything you asked for," I announce, my voice quivering with a storm of suppressed fury. "Now if you don’t mind, I’m clocking out for the rest of the day." The words hang between us, a bold line drawn after a day where every ounce of my patience was tested.
For a moment, Ivan only watches me, his dark eyes giving nothing away.
It's infuriating, like shouting into a void and waiting for an echo that never comes.
Ivan finally breaks the tense silence, his voice as steady and composed as ever, betraying no sign of irritation or amusement. "Miss Goodacre, you’re free to leave," he says, his tone embodying the very essence of professional detachment he has practically made as his signature.
I quietly leave his office, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest.
I gather my things, pretending to be calm, my hands shaking as I shove my laptop into my bag.
I could totally be fired tomorrow.
I don't look back as I leave, the doors closing behind me with a finality that feels oddly satisfying.
The cool air hits my face, and I take a deep breath, trying to let go of the anger and the frustration.
As I walk, my mind keeps replaying the scene in Ivan's office.
That unreadable look in his eyes, was it indifference or something else?
"The chemistry is off the charts and the characters work well together.
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thekultofo · 2 years
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Hey Kultists! I'm thrilled to share my latest radio show with you!
I've been exploring some amazing #AvantGarde and #MusiqueConcrète lately, and I can't wait to play some of my favorite discoveries for you.
From experimental soundscapes to unconventional sounds, this show has it all. But even if you're not already a fan of this kind of music, I think you'll find it a fascinating and mesmerizing experience.
So join me for a journey through the weirder side of the music world, and be sure to share your thoughts and reactions in the comments below. I'm always glad to hear what you think!
Original artwork: -
I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g, ivan & R. Relique.
If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon:
Tracklist will be posted this weekend together with links to bandcamp so you can buy/download the tunes I played! You can find previous tracklists here.
Blog https://www.thekultofo.com/horae-obscura-ab-invito/
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