#and like sometimes i just become very aware of my weight or my thighs or my stomach/belly whatever lol or how a pair of pants fit a bit
eowynstwin · 11 days
Blackbird, Fly - Two
Cowboy Gaz x mail order bride—only, not his. After exchanging letters for half a year with ranching man Hans König, you finally travel out west to marry him. It becomes clear to you that something is bothering him—perhaps it has something to do with you. previous masterlist ao3 next
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Kyle Garrick—who instructs you to call him Gaz, explaining it as a nickname—drives you out of town in a two-horse wagon. The countryside is dyed in pastels by the softening light of a just-setting sun, every bit as beautiful as Hans had written when he told you about it.
Like a painting, he said. Everywhere you look could be framed in gold. I wake up every day in this land and thank God I have the fortune to live in it.
Here now, as the wagon rattles down the wheel-carved trail, you understand his words. You feel that if you brushed your fingers against the sky overhead, towering with lavender-bottomed clouds as thick and soft as cotton on the stem, that they might come away smeared in blue and pink and violet. The surrounding landscape is a cornucopia of vibrant greens, rich browns of trees and soil, and clusters of orange, yellow, and white wildflowers.
You keep looking all around you to take it in, jostling your driver beside you, but Gaz seems not to mind. At least, he doesn’t say anything.
You’ve been trying not to feel so aware of his presence, but the endeavor is impossible. He is a solid weight beside you on the driver’s seat, exuding warmth where your shoulders brush against each other, and the earthy, masculine scent of him is inescapable. Every time his elbow or knee or thigh nudges yours during the natural sway and jostle of the wagon ride, you have to keep yourself from leaping out of your skin. Ever since you stepped foot off the train, you’ve felt like a lightning rod set out in anticipation of a storm.
You ascribe it to displaced longing for your husband-to-be. You’d spent the whole journey west imagining how you’d meet, longing for the moment he took you into his arms for the first time. Gaz is a handsome man—it’s only natural that your unfulfilled anticipation would transfer onto him. Especially considering he said you were perfect.
But then said very little after that. He’d seemed—well, not friendly, but at least amicable on the train platform, so you wonder if your manners have offended somehow. He’s spent most of the drive now with his eyes ahead, partly obscured by the brim of his hat. Occasionally he glances at the letters in your hand, but otherwise does not acknowledge you.
After one such glance, your discomfort with the silence becomes too much to bear.
“I read my favorites every night,” you tell him.
If Gaz is surprised when you break the silence, he doesn’t show it. “That so,” he murmurs.
All you have is his profile, very handsome in the light. The line of his mouth is taut.
“I know it’s silly,” you continue nervously—you have a bad habit of rambling when you’re uncomfortable. Adjusting your carpetbag in your lap, you go on, “but you must understand, this is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. I never expected to marry, you see.”
He grunts.
“Much less to be a mail order bride,” you say. “I always thought I would be an old maid, for lack of available suitors if nothing else. Mama and Daddy thought I ought to learn to read and write, to improve my prospects, but most folks where I’m from don’t care much about all that.”
“I see,” replies Gaz. He still does not look at you.
“Sometimes I think it even made them like me less, like I was putting on airs, being smarter than them.” You realize immediately how arrogant you must sound. “Oh, but I don’t mean any offense! I don’t mean to suggest I have ideas above my station. It’s only just that, I wondered for years and years why no one offered for me, and it was the only thing I could think of. Why would a farmer’s daughter need to read and write? And why would a wife need to, if her duty is to tend to her children and her home? So that must be why no man has ever been very interested in me.”
You realize with horror that words are pouring out of you faster than you can keep up with them. And your driver’s attention has not shifted; his eyes remain on the road.
You look at your lap, face burning. “I’m sorry, I’m just annoying you, Mr. Gaz. I’m sorry.”
Shame grips you, tight and awkward. If you’d wanted to endear yourself to this cowboy at all, you’ve already failed.
But Gaz finally says, “Most men are idiots.” You look at him; he does not look at you. “I’ve only just met you, and I like you fine.”
He says it matter-of-factly, as if no more need saying on the subject. Simple and to the point; an economy of feeling you imagine must be characteristic of men in this part of the country.
Hans was like that too, in his letters. Communicating feeling without dancing around it, with a bluntness that ends up soft in its honesty.
It eases the tension frothing poisonous in your belly. “Thank you,” you say.
You ride in silence for a stretch. A cool breeze catches the free-floating ends of your hair, rustles along in the tall grass by the wayside. The steady thump thump thump of the horse’s hooves, and the creak of tackle and leather, are the only sounds populating the air.
Home was quiet like this, too; the fields stretching endless and green beneath the sky, the silence there so blank and open that birdcall traveled for miles, and the lowing of the family milk cow sounded sometimes like the trumpet of God.
You peek again at Kyle Garrick. There’s a furrow to his brow, the kind a man gets when he’s in a mood and won’t admit it if asked.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, quietly, because he made you feel better about things, and you’ve done little more than whine.
He finally looks at you, the edges of his face lined and glowing in the evening light. Studies you, for a moment. The furrow eases.
“No,” he says, “I’m sorry, Miss. I don’t mean to be short with you. I’m afraid manners are secondary on a ranch, without a good woman nearby to remind about ‘em.”
You give him a small smile. “Have you worked for Hans very long?”
He turns his gaze back to the road. “Six or seven years, now.”
You toy with the clasp of your bag; you’re brimming with questions. “Is he really all that tall?”
“Oh, yes,” Gaz says. “Like a giant.”
“What’s he like?”
Gaz gives a great breath through pursed, full lips. “Fair, I guess. Asks a lot of us—but then most bosses out here will. Worked for his father for a few years before him, too.”
“You must be a good hand then,” you say.
“I work hard,” says Gaz. “That’s all that matters.”
“I’m sure Hans is grateful,” you reply. “He must trust you very much, to send you for me.”
The furrow returns. “He must.”
It becomes clear to you that something is bothering him, and it’s nothing you will resolve between now and when you make it to the ranch. Perhaps it has something to do with you—a new face, an unknown quantity that threatens to knock the balance of his livelihood askew.
You sigh a little. Of course, you should have expected to have to win Hans’ people over. Their loyalty to the late Mrs. König will inevitably be challenged by your arrival.
Neither of you speak again—you decide not to push what little grace Kyle Garrick has given you, and he does not volunteer any more conversation. The rest of the ride is unremarkable, leaving room for anticipation to grow in your stomach; soon the wagon crests the slope of a hill, and your destination comes into view.
Long Mask Ranch sits at the base of a range of mountain foothills, fed and watered emerald green by spring runoff. You’ve been on Hans’ land for a while now; opening up before you is the ranch proper. A collection of buildings form a semicircle around a large corral in the valley: stables, a barn, some cabins, and a large two-story gabled manor, painted white.
The sun sinks further toward the horizon as you approach, painting the world in liquid orange. Figures resolve themselves, people moving tables and chairs around, and on the manor’s front porch, observing the proceedings, stands a tall man in a rancher’s coat and hat.
Lightning suddenly bolts through you. You sit very, very still as Gaz pulls the wagon through a cast iron archway adorned with LMR at the apogee. Your heart thrums in your throat like a picked guitar string. When you finally come to a stop, the man’s head turns to toward you.
At the worst possible moment, shyness grips you. You look around, at anywhere but him, at the house, the corral, the cowboy beside you.
You startle to meet Gaz’s eyes. The expression he wears is a mask of seriousness.
“This is it,” he says.
Your voice leaves your chest trembling. “Thank you, Mr. Gaz.”
“Just Gaz is fine, Miss.”
“I couldn’t possibly,” you reply. Propriety feels like the only solid thing to cling to just now.
He looks away. The line of his mouth tightens. “Of course,” he says.
He dismounts the wagon in one smooth motion, boots hitting the packed earth hard. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the tall man start his way over to you. Gaz rounds the back of the wagon, and you give your bag to him once he’s at your side. He offers his hand to help you down.
You’re dazed as you take it, lightheaded as suddenly the present moment becomes very, very real. It’s warm, his hand; rough in all the places you expect a cowboy’s hand to be. Yet there’s something soft in the way your palms meet, how the dips and contours align with each other and fit together. You’re shaking very hard as you ease your way from the seat, gripping him tightly until your feet meet the ground, and his grip circles yours with a solidness to it in a way unlike any man has ever held you.
You meet his eyes again when he hands you your bag. Gaz gives your hand a squeeze, averts his gaze, and lets you go.
“There she is!” an accented voice announces.
You pull your gaze from Kyle Garrick and the mystery of his tension with you, and turn to face your intended husband.
Hans König has loomed large in your imagination for half a year. He’d described to you what he looked like, of course, as best he could, but you find as you look upon his face that no written word can convey what it means to meet for the first time the man you will marry. You’d fallen in love with someone formless, absent, but inscribed in other ways with enough distinction to nurture your tender feelings.
Looking upon him now, though…his appearance offers nothing to that distinction. He’s neither ugly nor handsome. As he comes to stand before you, you think he rather looks like every other middle-aged man you’ve met in your short life, although certainly much taller. You meet his eyes—pale blue, as he’d related—and the rush of love you’d expected to feel, once you knew who he was, simply does not come.
This man is a stranger to you.
You reprimand yourself immediately. He isn’t a stranger. You’ve known him for six months. His face is simply not one you have attached any love to yet; the measure of his character is contained in the stack of paper in your hands. In the promises he made to you to make your quietest dreams come true.
So you smile the way you’d dreamed you would—like watching the sun crest the horizon after a long night of darkness, seeing the bounty of the near future coming toward you. Summoning joy by making room for it to exist.
“Hello, Hans,” you say, “it’s me.”
Hans König steps forward. He looms over you truly, now, eclipsing your vision. “It is you, indeed.”
Without another word, right there in front of Gaz, Hans grips your shoulders, bends down, and kisses you on the mouth.
Your brows shoot upward. It’s the first time anyone has ever kissed you. His lips are…hard, and motionless against yours. Almost perfunctory. You are so shocked he’s done it that you don’t think to respond, and then as suddenly as it happened, it’s over. He pulls away, pats your shoulders with a little smile, and then looks at Gaz.
“Get that wagon put away and then go help the others,” says Hans to the cowboy, slinging one arm around your shoulder.
Your brows lift further. Is that all he has to say to him, for delivering you safe and sound?
Gaz doesn’t seem to share your feelings. “Yes, sir,” is all he says, even and toneless.
But he looks between you and his employer for more than just the span of a heartbeat. Eyes going from him, to you, to the arm around your shoulders. Then he meets your gaze, expression stony.
If Gaz is wary of your presence here—if you’re going to win him over—the best time to start is now. “Thank you very much for seeing me here safely,” you say. “I was so glad of your company, Mr. Gaz.”
To your dismay, his expression only tightens. Gaz looks at Hans again, then back at you.
“You’re welcome, Miss,” he says.
Then he climbs back into the wagon, gives the reins a snap, and drives away.
a/n: fun fact, the ranch and neighboring town are based off Valentine and Emerald Ranch from rdr2 :) the ranch layout is more like Pronghorn Ranch however.
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purplish11 · 2 years
A Change of Clones
(For adult eyes only: breast/nipple/lip/tongue expansion, clones, magic, mind control, reality alteration. All characters are 18+)
“Go on, open it!” urged Katie, clasping her hands giddily.
Claire turned over the bundle of wrapping paper in her hands. Her roommate prided herself on picking just the right gift for each occasion, and this holiday season was no exception. 
Gingerly unfolding the paper, she revealed a small journal with a black leather cover.
“I know you’re always filling up notebooks, Claire,” Katie smiled. “I thought this was just the thing for you.”
Claire looked more closely at the book. Its leather cover was ragged and well-used, although the sheets of lined paper inside were crisp and clean. 
“Check the first page,” Katie encouraged.
Claire flipped to the start of the journal, where a message had been written in a flowery script:
Happy holidays, Claire! Did you know that anything written in this journal becomes true? — Katie
“Very funny, Katie,” Claire said, rolling her eyes at her roommate’s attempt at humor. It was a thoughtful gift, but she was all too aware now that she had forgotten to get anything to reciprocate. She flushed crimson in her cheeks. 
It wasn’t easy for Claire, living with such a statuesque beauty. She was ashamed to admit she harbored lewd thoughts about her roommate’s tall, lithe body. Katie had the biggest, sexiest breasts that Claire had ever seen, let alone on such a slender girl! Claire imagined she’d need to use both hands to wrangle even one of her roommate’s oversized breasts.
Some friends had mentioned that Katie’s massive chest looked out of place on her thin frame, but Claire disagreed, even though Katie would sometimes complain about the weight of her bosom. Katie had kept up a rigorous fitness routine to strengthen her back and assist in carrying her big chest, becoming delightfully firm and tight all over. 
Then there was Katie’s incredible body. She was slender and toned everywhere, with powerful thighs and arms that remained alluringly feminine. Claire had never met any other woman with such perfect breasts and so slim a figure, and she found it plenty titillating just to watch her roommate’s huge chest bouncing and tight curves slipping around their apartment.
She had developed darker fantasies too, like the idea of seeing not just one of her beautiful roommate, but a pair of Katies! Oh, to see Katie together with her clone or identical twin, especially if they were both competing for her affection. But this was an impossible dream. And besides, as far as she knew, Katie was an only child.
“I’m so sorry, Katie,” she finally admitted, “But I didn’t get you anything this year.”
Katie’s grin faded. She turned away, then cast a glance over her shoulder. “That’s okay, Claire. I know how busy you’ve been.”
Claire’s heart sank as she watched Katie sit on the couch and sigh, staring down at her phone. 
As busy as Claire may have been, it now seemed to her that no amount of distraction was worth the disappointment she saw on Katie’s face. Unless…
She looked back to the book in her hands. Flipping it open, she pondered the curious message on the first page. She sensed an opportunity to change the subject.
“So what does this message mean, Katie? Anything I write becomes true?”
Katie looked up, her lips pressed together. 
“The store clerk told me that book was magical, but then again, she’d probably say anything to close a sale. So, I thought I’d take her word for it, and I played it up in my message to you,” she said half-smiling, then rose to her feet. “Anyway, I have to head out soon with my friends. I’ll see you later.”
Claire grabbed her pen and looked up, leering at her roommate. She loved to admire Katie’s toned body, and she could easily spend an eternity just staring at Katie’s giant chest. 
After all, Katie was beautiful, and she knew it. But to Claire’s ongoing dismay, Katie never seemed interested in being more than friends. 
Just underneath Katie’s message in the journal, Claire added:
Katie doesn’t mind that I didn’t get her anything for the holidays. She wants to spend the whole day at home with me!
She rolled her eyes. Writing down her idle fantasies felt ridiculous.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything this year, Katie,” she frowned, looking up. 
Katie brightened, smiling back at her.
“That’s okay, Claire! Don’t worry about it at all. Hey, why don’t we stay in today? We can watch a movie, bake some cookies, and we’ll even order delivery if you like.”
Claire sat back, stunned. Katie had seemed upset only a minute ago, but now she wasn’t bothered at all. And she never wanted to spend this much time together. What was going on?
Claire’s eyes swung rapidly between the book and Katie. Could it be…? Her eyes drifted back again to her stunning brunette roommate.
Katie was wearing a loose shirt with an oversized neck opening, which granted Claire’s peering eyes a generous view of exposed cleavage. This wasn’t the first time Claire had gone into a trance admiring her roommate’s breasts, nor was it the first time she’d been caught.
Katie, reclining on the couch, sensed this attention. She cleared her throat. 
“I wish you wouldn’t stare so much, Claire,” she frowned.
Claire flushed red and looked away. She glanced down at the book, and with pen firmly in hand, she wrote:
Katie likes when I look at her breasts and wants to encourage it. She loves showing off her chest to me.
She put her pen down and looked up, just in time to catch Katie making an elaborate show of raising her elbows and stretching. Katie placed her hands on her knees, straightening her arms and squeezing her large chest between them. She looked back down at her phone, fluttering her eyelashes while presenting her exposed flesh in Claire’s direction.
Claire sat in stunned silence, her mind swinging wildly between two impossible truths: that the book worked, for one, and the dreamy sight of so much exposed breast flesh being so willingly presented. 
Katie sat back on the couch, still holding her arms forward. She looked awfully silly with her arms straight out, but kept up the pressure on her soft melons, forming a luscious set of hills through the large neckline of her shirt. She looked down at her chest for a moment, grinning as if satisfied, then shocked Claire again by suddenly looking straight at her.
“Ooh, my back,” Katie said, biting her lip. “It hurts from carrying these boobs around. They’re just so, so big, and I’ve been thinking about a reduction… but I know you like looking, Claire, and I like when you look at them,” she smiled.
Claire’s mind was whirling as she stared openly at her roommate’s exposed cleavage. Katie hadn’t seemed to notice anything she’d written down, even as everything happened just as she’d written. Katie just internalized this new truth, as if what Claire had written was the way it had always been. 
Claire’s lips slowly parted into a wide grin. This was much how she’d dreamed Katie would act around her, but there was always room for improvement. She wrote in the book:
Katie’s back never hurts because of her chest. She thinks big breasts are super sexy, and lately, she’s been trying to grow larger! No matter how big she gets, her breasts are always firm, shapely, and beautiful!
She threw down her pen and spun around in her chair, taking in the view of Katie’s chest. The large neck opening in her roommate’s shirt revealed two gloriously perky mountains, still squeezed together between Katie’s outstretched arms. Katie arched her back as she squeezed and presented her chest to Claire.
“So while we’re at home today,” Katie said, shaking her chest, “I thought you might like to try one of my new breast creams?” she asked earnestly. “It’s one of several dozen I apply each day. You know how I’ve been trying to grow these girls bigger, and I think this one might finally do the trick!” 
She emphasized her point by tugging hard on her neck opening, revealing even more creamy flesh, now even more firm due to Claire’s writing. Katie bounced in her seat, setting her chest swaying enticingly. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Claire was watching her, which seemed to make her even happier.
“Heehee! I just love these big boobies,” she cried. “I’m so glad to be living with you, Claire. Most of the girls I know get weirded out by my breast care regimen, but you’ve always been so understanding. That means so much to me,” Katie said, placing her right hand gently atop her chest.
Katie sighed happily. Her attention soon wandered and she grabbed her phone, although she made sure to keep tugging on her neckline to give Claire generous views of her big chest. Occasionally, she grabbed one of her breasts with her open palm, squeezing it gently and releasing it, all while stealing glances at her roommate to make sure she was still watching.
Claire bit her lip, again finding herself staring openly at Katie’s cleavage, but the fabric of her roommate’s top obscured most of her chest from view. 
She turned back to the book on her desk, writing:
Katie has a collection of sexy outfits that emphasize her chest. She likes to model them for me.
Claire squirmed in her seat. She was burning hot between her legs, and the power she felt was intoxicating. It was time to turn up the heat. She appended another line in a quick scrawl:
Each time Katie changes her outfit, she’ll be more turned on and more attracted to me.
Katie had taken to openly palming her breasts with both hands. She looked up, smiling. 
“Hey Claire, I just got the cutest tops for my big boobs! You’ll love them. Can I show you?” she asked. She hefted her chest upwards and forwards, doing her best to emphasize it as if to help convince her roommate.
Claire nodded eagerly. Katie rose to her feet and skipped into her bedroom, returning scarcely a minute later. 
Katie was wearing a short plaid skirt that hung only to mid-thigh, leaving her long, toned legs mostly bare. She had tied the bottom of a white, button-up shirt around her tiny waist, which left her flat stomach mostly on display to Claire’s peering eyes. Above the knot, Katie’s tiny shirt was unbuttoned, exposing so much of her creamy breast flesh straining against the tight fabric.
“I call this look ‘sexy schoolgirl’,” Katie grinned. She posed with both hands behind her back, then raised a hand to cover her mouth coquettishly, giving Claire an exaggerated wink. “Do you think it shows off my chest enough?”
Katie bounced and hefted her chest through her tiny white shirt. Claire thought her roommate’s skimpy clothes were incredible, but she wanted more. 
“Your chest looks spectacular in that top,” Claire answered honestly. “Actually, could you please hold there just a minute for me?”
Claire turned back to the leather-bound book. Katie stood in place, craning her neck to look over Claire’s shoulder.
“What are you doing there?” Katie asked. “You sure like writing in that book, Claire.”
Claire squinted, pen in hand, up towards her roommate. She wrote:
Katie doesn’t think it’s unusual if I stop to write something in this book.
When anyone looks at Katie’s breasts, even clothed, Katie gets more aroused and her nipples fully harden. This effect is new for her and starts now.
Claire put down her pen and eagerly raised her eyes toward Katie’s chest. Two thick nubs were almost immediately visible through the thin white material of Katie’s shirt, straining against the tight fabric. Claire could see plainly that Katie wasn’t wearing a bra.
“I… ooh, sorry, Claire,” Katie whimpered. She crossed her legs and bit her lip. “I’m not sure what came over me just now.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Claire asked, smirking.
“I’m… I’m fine,” Katie stammered, twisting her foot back and forth as she stood in place. “It’s just that… Claire, you’re so pretty, if you don’t mind me saying. I’m so lucky to live with you!”
Claire’s grin widened. She could write Katie into her lover, of course, but she was having so much fun toying with her roommate. Grabbing her pen, she added to the lines on the first page:
When Katie is aroused, her pussy gets so wet that it drips.
She glanced up and took in the sight of Katie’s long, slender legs, which were now sparkling wet with obvious arousal. As she stared more closely, she could see a small river trickling down from behind Katie’s short skirt, spreading into numerous smaller rivers that flowed down her bare skin.
Katie tugged at the corners of her shirt, loosening the fabric above the knot and exposing more of her creamy breast flesh. She pushed upwards on her chest from beneath, forming even more mouthwatering cleavage as she showed herself off for Claire’s benefit.
Katie inclined her head, licking slowly across the top of her right breast. Looking up to make sure her roommate was watching her, she turned the other way, licking slowly across the top of her left breast.
Claire was captivated. Her mouth opened slowly, then closed again. 
Katie followed Claire’s gaze downward. “Oh gosh, I’m so embarrassed!” she cried, sliding her wet legs together. “Every time I get turned on, I get really… wet,” she managed, turning away in embarrassment.
“Not at all, Katie!” Claire gasped. “You’re beautiful!”
“Oh, you’re just saying that,” Katie replied while stepping backward, her hand covering her groin. Her fingers were soon dripping with wetness.
Claire was perturbed; this just wouldn’t do. Before she knew it, the pen was in her hand once again. She added more to the first page:
Katie always feels confident and sexy, no matter how she looks. She loves showing off her body to me.
She squirmed in her seat again, realizing that she was getting awfully turned on herself. For now, she thought it best not to use the book’s power on herself… so why not indulge herself some more? She wrote:
 Katie will change her clothes whenever I ask her to. Every time she does, her breasts will grow larger and her nipples become thicker and longer. She won’t notice this until I point it out, then she will be extremely turned on by it.
Katie twirled slowly, showing off her luscious, long legs and how slick they were with her arousal. Her sinfully short schoolgirl skirt hardly reached mid-thigh, and her tiny white shirt strained against her large bosom. She was finally the astonishing beauty that Claire knew her to be.
Claire felt her heart beating in her chest. “Say, Katie,” she whispered. “Could you change your outfit for me?”
Katie beamed her gorgeous smile. “Of course, Claire, if that’s what you want!” 
She was gone a moment later, leaving Claire quivering in her seat. Thankfully, Claire didn’t have to wait long.
“Puis-je vous aider, mademoiselle?” Katie purred, stepping out in a lacy French maid outfit. Claire took in Katie’s long, slender legs, clad in black stockings, and a growing wet spot on Katie’s upper thighs showed her prolific wetness. 
Katie sensed her roommate looking and opened her legs wide, revealing her lacy black panties, clearly soaked through with her arousal. She beamed, twisting her legs and thrusting her hips slowly, making sure that Claire could see the extent of her wetness from all angles.
Katie’s firm, flat stomach was bare, her slim waist glistening under Claire’s peering eyes. Katie wore a frilly black half-cup bra, which raised and presented her large, round breasts while failing to cover them.
“I’m sorry, mademoiselle,” Katie frowned. “But my bra doesn’t seem to fit me anymore.”
Claire could see that Katie’s breasts were noticeably bigger now, each sphere larger than her head. Katie’s nipples were thick columns of flesh, flaccid at present, that drooped an inch down from her sizable areolae. Katie seemed to sense the attention on her chest, and her frown soon curled into a moan.
As Claire’s eyes lingered, Katie’s nipples quickly became fully erect. They doubled in length, thrusting nearly three inches ahead of her breasts, bobbing gently in the air. Katie and Claire both stared down at them.
“Mm! I guess it’s a bit cold in here,” Katie smiled, shimmying her chest and setting her giant nipples tracing arcs back and forth. “I’ve told you how big and sensitive my nips are, after all, so I thought you’d enjoy finally seeing them! Anyway, this is my maid outfit. Do you like it?”
Claire nodded dumbly. “You’re spectacular, Katie.”
Katie twirled in place again. The thick nubs atop her breasts swung wildly, bouncing and swaying. She grinned when she saw Claire watching her.
“Say, Katie,” Claire began. “Is it just me, or is your chest bigger than it was a minute ago?” she asked, grinning.
Katie looked down, her eyes widening as she seemed to notice her growth for the first time. She ran her palms across the sides of her enlarged bosom, testing their weight and showing how they remained incredibly perky despite their immense size. 
“Oh my gosh, Claire,” Katie marveled. “My boobs are even bigger now. That is so hot!”
Claire enjoyed watching the rolling, bouncing masses of her roommate’s bosom, knowing that her stare was making Katie even more turned on. A large gush of liquids escaped with force through Katie’s lacy panties, splashing down to the carpet in front of Claire.
Claire was now feeling especially squirmy and moved one hand between her legs, her fingers resting on her panty-covered mound. She didn’t need any assistance from her book to be super turned on, and she could feel her panties were damp with her arousal. 
As she groped herself, she saw Katie watching with a shocked expression — another issue to fix, Claire realized, quickly addressing her roommate.
“Katie, go change your outfit for me,” she intoned, feeling more confident.
“Hooray!” Katie exclaimed, already skipping off. “This next one is my personal favorite. Just wait ‘till you see it!”
Claire grabbed her pen and wrote as quickly as she could:
Katie thinks it's normal for us to have any kind of sexual contact and activities while we're at home. Katie enjoys being nude around me.
When I ask Katie to change her outfit, she will role-play a personality associated with her new outfit.
Claire quickly stripped off her clothing. Her panties were around her ankles when she saw a flash of white in the corner of her eye.
“What seems to be the trouble, citizen?” called a sultry voice.
Out stepped Katie in a superhero outfit, as if there were any who would dress so scandalously! A tiny pair of white panties covered Katie’s puffy mound, and as Claire looked more closely, she could see they were rapidly soaking through with Katie’s effusive arousal that dripped down her legs.
A white cape around Katie’s shoulders matched her panties and an enormous white sports bra, which featured a large rectangular window. Through it, a mass of breast flesh was trying to escape her oversized top. 
Claire immediately recognized her roommate’s sexy superheroine, complete with its iconic cleavage window, although she knew the original character’s top wasn’t nearly as overstuffed as Katie’s. After all, she realized with glee, Katie’s massive breasts had swollen even larger than before.
She allowed her eyes to linger once again, focusing on the large bulges at the front of Katie’s breasts. Hardly a second later, and powered by her peering eyes, Katie’s nipples had quickly swollen and hardened to their full lengths. Two great peaks were now thrusting into the front of Katie’s top, immediately stretching the fabric near its breaking point.
Katie grinned, patting the sides of her bosom gently, so as not to further strain the fabric of her top. 
“Looks to me like a damsel in distress,” Katie said, grinning at Claire’s nudity. “Come, citizen, sit with me on the super-couch,” she embellished, gesturing.
Claire was in a sensual daze. The pen fell out of her hand as she rose to her feet. She left the book behind and joined her roommate on the couch, sliding in next to her.
She’d never been this close to Katie before. This spandex-costumed, super-busty version of her was even more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. Katie was breathing heavily, clearly lusting for her just as badly as she did for Katie.
They wrapped their arms around each other, pulling each other close. A creaking and groaning noise sounded in protest from Katie’s overstuffed top, which started to tear as her bosom compressed against Claire’s nude body.
Katie beamed at her, then tilted her head, gesturing down and forward. “Citizen, you are encouraged to suck on my nipples,” she said.
Claire pondered this. Maybe some of her written commands didn’t work too well with others. She could correct them, but she could also stay here forever, just inches from her roommate’s impossibly enormous bosom…
She leaned further, resting her cheek gently on the grand swell of Katie’s left breast. “You know, Katie, your super-breasts have grown bigger again.”
Katie looked down, once again seeming to notice her growth for the first time. Her eyes went wide, and she strained forwards, craning her neck over the curve of her chest.
“By Krypton! You’re right, citizen!” Katie gasped. “And that’s not all. My super-nips are bigger than ever before!”
Claire giggled, raising her head and reaching out. She wanted to feel Katie’s big bosom more than anything else. She was so close…
“Hey girls!” called a voice, making Claire and Katie jump in their seats. It was Sophie, their next-door neighbor. Claire realized that Katie must have left their front door open again.
Sophie strolled into the living room, beaming first at Katie and then at Claire. “Just got back from the gym,” she began, then stopped in her tracks. “Oh my gosh, Katie, what the heck are you wearing? What happened to your boobs? What are you two doing in here?”
Claire knew that Sophie worked out regularly, and it showed: she was even more toned and subtly muscular than Katie, and a good amount taller as well. She had a long, blonde ponytail that Claire found especially enticing. Even now, it swished back and forth across Sophie’s firm back, while her black spandex top and shorts left her stunning physique mostly exposed. 
Sophie was no stranger to unwanted attention, quickly sensing Claire’s peering eyes raking over her. The leering was bad enough at the gym, and she didn’t need it from her neighbors as well. She frowned and turned away, calling over her shoulder.
“Ugh, whatever. You weirdos have fun with your fake outfits. I’ll see you later.”
Claire leaped up from the couch, rushing over to her desk. She grabbed the book and quickly scrawled:
Sophie lives with us in our apartment.
She paused in thought. Theirs wasn’t the roomiest apartment, and they only had two bedrooms. She appended:
Sophie sleeps with me in my bed.
Her grin widened.
Everything written in this book about Katie also applies to Sophie.
She closed the book and looked up, expectantly. Sophie stopped in her tracks and walked back towards them, her incredible smile on display. She stepped over to Claire’s chair, then leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
“Hey, babe!” Sophie smiled at Claire. She continued over to the couch, then sat next to Katie. Claire realized that she and the tall blonde must now be girlfriends; they did share a bed, after all.
“Your boobs look spectacular, Katie! I’m so jealous,” Sophie sighed, gazing happily through the open window into Katie’s cleavage. She admired the long points of Katie’s erect nipples, grinning as she saw Katie squirming with arousal under her glare.
“Can I try that new breast cream?” she asked. “I’ve used so many of them, but nothing has gotten these girls any larger,” she pouted, glancing down at herself. Her chest was far smaller than Katie’s tremendous spheres, although just as perky and firm.
“Of course, Sophie! I’m thrilled to share,” smiled Katie, who had returned to instinctively squeezing her giant chest between her arms and presenting her cleavage. She brought her left arm in, gently bouncing her huge left breast for emphasis. 
Sophie smiled back at her, then turned towards Claire. “Say, Claire,” she started. “We love when you look at us, so you’re probably the best judge: who do you think has the sexier breasts?”
Sophie made an elaborate gesture of placing her hands on her knees, flexing her abdomen, and showing off her tight, firm body. She brought her arms straight together, imitating Katie’s pose and squeezing her much smaller chest between her arms.
Katie giggled and stretched her arms, hugging her breasts even tighter and fluttering her eyelashes. She moved her arms slowly back and forth, creating an undulating valley of jiggly, firm cleavage. They both looked up, each girl doing her best to draw Claire’s attention.
Claire sat back, stunned. The book’s power was immense, no doubt, but there would be time to investigate that mystery later. For now, she wanted nothing more than to revel in the lascivious sight of her two beautiful roommates showing off for her, presenting their breasts and encouraging her to stare.
There was Katie’s slender frame, trim and taut everywhere except for her oversized chest. Claire had lusted after her for so long, only now to see her showing off her body willingly. And there was her pretty blonde neighbor, whom she’d just made into another roommate, eagerly showing off her chest and her gorgeous muscular figure.
Sophie spread her legs wide, showing off her tight spandex pants, clearly soaked through with her arousal. A trickle of clear liquid was making its way down both of her firm legs.
“You two are both breathtaking,” Claire said honestly. “I can’t choose. Just wait there a second,” she added, turning back towards the book. She wrote:
Katie and Sophie will change into any outfit I request, and they'll always find the clothing they need in their dresser. They will gladly act out any scene that I request.
The first time Sophie changes her outfit, her breasts and nipples will grow to match Katie’s. She won’t notice this until I point it out.
“So, girls,” Claire smirked, looking up. “You’re going to act out a scene for me. Sophie, you’re a sexy teacher keeping your hot student Katie behind after class. You are both extremely attracted to each other. We’ll start there, and I will add more notes throughout, which you will accept and incorporate into the scene. For now, go change your clothes.”
“Sure thing, babe!” Sophie purred. “That’s a great idea!”
“I love it!” Katie beamed. She and Sophie stood, holding hands, and walked together into Katie’s bedroom.
Claire sat back in her chair, her heart racing. That had been a close call with Sophie. She’d have to be more careful with her newfound power.
Katie soon emerged, wearing an even skimpier parody of the already-minimal schoolgirl outfit she had worn earlier. There was nothing whatsoever above her hips, revealing that her enormous breasts had grown even larger. They slapped lazily together below her waist, obscuring her firm stomach from view. She wore a thin, plaid thong that barely covered her dripping pussy and disappeared entirely into her firm bottom. 
Katie stepped confidently before Claire, then sat on the couch. She watched the wall clock, waiting expectantly. As Claire sat staring, she could see Katie’s tremendous nipples immediately harden, becoming thicker than any of her fingers. They strained forward, painfully erect and bobbing gently, their tips stretching more than six inches into the air above her pretty pink areolae.
There was the click of high heels. Sophie entered, wearing a thin white blouse and a dark black micro-skirt. Several spurts of translucent liquid dropped from beneath her tiny skirt, falling to the carpet between her legs. 
Her white blouse was huge, but her even larger breasts had grown to equal Katie’s in every aspect. Clare leered at the large, bumpy masses of flaccid nipples that were visible through Sophie’s shirt. 
Claire allowed her eyes to linger. Sophie’s thick teats were instantly erect, thrusting a wonderful six inches into her shirt. This proved too much for her top, and a large horizontal tear snaked through the fabric. With a loud rip and a great bounce, Sophie’s thick nipples were victorious, now hanging lewdly in the air ahead of the remnants of her blouse.
Claire hadn’t planned this for their scene, but she’d never allow a wardrobe malfunction like that to ruin her fun. At least she had an endless variety of clothing for them.
“Neither of you notice Sophie’s exposed nipples at first,” she commanded.
“So what gives, Miss Sophie?” Katie asked, smacking her lips in her schoolgirl persona.
“I think you know why I kept you after class today, Katie,” Sophie intoned, her expression stern.
“Katie,” Claire interjected, “You realize suddenly that your breasts and nipples have grown larger in the last few minutes. Sophie, you are detaining her for so indecently growing larger breasts during class.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s true!” the topless Katie exclaimed, looking down at her enormous nude bosom. She’d just realized that, while seated, her breasts extended beyond her knees! Her thick nipples were throbbingly erect, stretching so far above her bosom. Her mouth opened wide in unbridled joy.
“My boobies have grown so big! I LOVE THEM!” she cried, wrapping her arms around them. They were so large that she couldn’t bring her hands together in front of them, so she resigned herself to grasping a thick nipple in each hand. She began sliding her hands up and down, gently stroking her six-inch nipples.
“So Katie, you freely admit it?” Sophie frowned. “Your breasts grew even larger during my class just now?”
Katie looked up at Sophie, her eyes pleading. “I admit it! I’m sorry, Miss Sophie, I couldn’t help it! My big boobies just feel so good!” she wailed, moaning while stroking her nipples.
“That may be, Katie,” Sophie frowned. “But the other girls in class were so jealous when your breasts grew! It isn’t fair to them, you know.”
“Sophie,” Claire cut in. “You now realize that you’ve grown larger as well.”
“Goodness!” Sophie gasped, her hand over her mouth. “I’m hanging out of my top! I’ve outgrown it so quickly! You just turn me on so, so much, Katie.”
Katie looked up, her eyes lingering on Sophie’s exposed nipples. “Miss Sophie, did your boobies grow bigger too?” she asked.
“They certainly have, Katie,” replied Sophie. “Look at us! We both have such truly enormous bosoms. And look how long our nipples have become!”
Claire sat watching this, rubbing the heel of her palm along her bare pussy, but that didn’t stop her from piping up. 
“Sophie, you want to teach your student how to handle such big, beautiful breasts,” she said, knowing that her roommates would act out her directions. 
She wanted more than to be loved by these girls. She wanted to be loved by their bodies as well; another of her darkest fantasies. Before they could begin, her pen was in her hand, writing:
Katie and Sophie's breasts and nipples have limited self-awareness, inner mobility, and the capacity to feel love. Their breasts and nipples are in love with me and with each other.
Katie and Sophie are hyper-orgasmic! I can make them climax on command an unlimited number of times in a row.
Katie and Sophie never have trouble carrying their chests around.
Claire watched in rapt fascination as her roommates’ breasts came to life.
Katie was already topless and seated, so hers were the first to act. The great spheres resting in her lap, overhanging her knees, bounced and rippled in delight. Katie remained motionless as her bosom immediately started moving. Her right breast lurched ahead, settling heavily on the outside of Sophie’s bare leg. 
Her left breast followed a moment later, inserting itself between Sophie’s spread legs and thrusting as far forward as it could. At its tip, a great fleshy column, topped by a fully erect six-inch nipple, wobbled gently in the air. Katie’s bosom had completely enveloped Sophie’s leg.
“Ugh, I’m sorry,” Katie said, momentarily breaking character to look apologetically at Sophie, then towards Claire. “I talked to my boobs earlier to make sure they’d stay in character, but they just can’t help themselves around you girls!”
Sophie’s equally huge and sentient bosom had wrestled out of her too-small blouse. Freed of the fabric prison, her colossal chest bounced happily around her hips. Claire saw only brief flashes of Sophie’s hard stomach as Sophie’s colossal bosom shimmied, obscuring the rest of her torso from view.
Sophie’s nipples thrust forwards, wrapping around Katie’s head. They embraced the girl seated in front of them, and as Claire watched with glee, they twisted themselves together on the back of Katie’s head as they held her close.
Sophie rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Katie,” she sighed, breaking character as well. “I talked with my nipples earlier, and they promised they wouldn’t hug you like this again. They just love you so much!”
Katie spun around in her seat toward Claire. As she rotated, her face came into view, with Sophie’s thick nipples still clinging to each other across her upper lip. Katie grinned, straining to speak from within her roommate’s tight teat embrace.
“Heehee! I knew it, Sophie’s nipples are in love with me! KAY-EYE-ESS-ESS--“ she giggled and sang. The nipples on her face tightened, drawing her further back between Sophie’s tremendous breasts. She extended her tongue upwards, doing her best to lick against the hard teats intertwined over her lip.
Sophie sighed. “Katie, you indulge them too much. When you keep spoiling them like that, it’s no wonder they’re all over you.”
Claire rose wordlessly from her chair. She didn’t care that her actors had broken character; she just had to be a part of this scene. As she stepped towards the couch, Sophie’s immense bosom began to jiggle and quiver, sending great waves through its vast expanse, shimmying ever faster as Claire drew close.
When Claire was standing but a few inches away, Sophie’s intertwined nipples separated, freeing Katie’s face. Sophie’s right nipple whipped around, its six-inch length coming to rest across Claire’s bare stomach. As she stood still, Sophie’s nipple began to rub itself up and down along Claire’s tender skin.
Katie’s chest wasn’t to be outdone, clearly sensing Claire’s presence as well. Claire pressed her right leg into the wall of Katie’s right breast, which embraced her, wrapping around her leg and gently squeezing and massaging as if in thanks.
Claire pushed herself forwards until she was standing directly between her roommates. Her legs were enveloped by the seated Katie’s titanic chest, while her entire torso was sandwiched between the standing Sophie’s equally oversized bosom. 
“Continue the scene. Pretend I’m not here, but don’t move from this position.”
Claire felt all four breasts wrapped around her start vibrating with pleasure. They couldn’t help themselves while touching her, the object of their lust. Their acting chops, such as they were, fell apart immediately. 
“Now then, Katie,” Sophie managed, biting her lip. “Let’s start with some remedial lessons. The most important thing for a girl to know is how to tell when her breasts and nipples have fallen in love.”
Sophie wobbled on her feet, moaning. She was feeling such intense pleasure in her chest. Why did Claire have to stand literally in the middle of their role-play? Not that she minded, of course, but her breasts obviously did, and they couldn’t help themselves. They were having the time of their lives!
“My big boobies feel all warm and tingly right now, Miss Sophie,” Katie whimpered, feeling every inch of her sensitive breasts wrapped around Claire’s legs. “Are you feeling it too? Does that mean they’re in love?”
Claire was whimpering, as something hot and hard started rubbing against her bare pussy, sliding and squelching up and down her tender flesh. She suspected it was one of Katie’s nipples, but she couldn’t see anything below the expanse of Sophie’s cleavage enveloping her up to her shoulders.
She was surrounded by so much firm, sexy breast flesh that it supported her entire weight! Reeling, she wobbled, her feet briefly leaving the floor as the nipple stroking her pussy brought her to climax. She shrieked, laughing and gasping as she fell forwards, resting her cheek atop Sophie’s right breast.
Sophie’s eyes went wide. Her sexy brunette girlfriend was just inches away, beaming at her.
“Yes, Katie, I feel it as well,” Sophie whispered to her student while staring at Claire. “My breasts are quivering and shaking with joy. That means they are close to someone they love.”
“So it is true, Miss Sophie?” Katie whispered, feeling her chest practically vibrating with pleasure. “My breasts have fallen in love with you. And so have I.”
Claire sighed happily and leaned towards Sophie. They kissed, slowly and tenderly, atop the shimmying mass of Sophie’s vast, firm bosom.
They separated a minute later, leaving them both gasping for air. Even Katie, seated below and behind them, was breathing heavily from the intimate contact with her roommates’ flesh.
Claire watched Sophie intently. “Both of you girls,” she intoned. “Cum for me.”
The moaning increased in her ears, and she knew they had both launched into powerful climaxes. The masses of breast flesh around her rippled, thunderstruck by the intensity of their owners’ feelings, as if all four of them were having their own mini-climaxes in concert with their owners. Their nipples flailed, waving wildly back and forth.
Sophie was gasping and wheezing just inches from Claire’s face. “Oh goodness, thank you, Claire! My nips needed that one.”
“I’ll say!” called Katie from below. “My boobies loved it!”
Claire pushed and twisted to the side, extracting herself from her fleshy prison. This was hindered by Katie and Sophie’s breasts and nipples trying to wrap around her and prevent her escape, but they were wet with the girls’ combined arousal, and she slipped out without too much fuss. As she stepped away, she could see both Katie and Sophie’s titanic bosoms deflate somewhat, as if saddened by her departure.
Katie rose to her feet and embraced Sophie. They were soon kissing with more than just their mouths, rubbing their chests together to allow their nipples to kiss as well. Their long, thick teats embraced each other, corkscrewing together in two columns of throbbing pink flesh.
Claire’s heart was racing. She could finally live her deepest, darkest fantasy. As incredible as Katie and Sophie were with each other, she had always fantasized about seeing a beautiful girl with herself. There was something she couldn’t explain about two women, identical in every way, going crazy for each other. She grabbed the book and wrote:
When Katie and Sophie have an orgasm while scissoring, an exact clone of each girl will pop into existence next to them.
Anything written in this book about Katie or Sophie applies to their clones as well.
Each girl harbors an innate dislike of her clone, and vice-versa. Each girl and her clone are convinced that they are the real one. They will be open to all of my suggestions on how to resolve their dispute. As competitive as they are with each other, they are even more intensely attracted to each other.
“Look at our nipples, Miss Sophie!” Katie cried, pulling Claire’s attention back to the ongoing scene. “I’ve never seen them do that with any other girl. Does that mean they’re in love?”
Sophie smiled, giving Katie a quick peck on the lips. “They must be. Oh Katie, my big nipples feel so good curling around yours!”
Katie grinned, playfully pulling back from their kiss. “What will the other girls at school think, Miss Sophie? Will they be jealous?”
“I should think not,” chuckled Sophie. “For their breasts and nipples don’t fall in love with a girl as ours do. They will never know a love like ours.”
Katie was gazing down at her own chest. “My big nipples are so hot as they kiss your nipples, Miss Sophie! You’re making them feel so good!” she wailed.
Her legs gave out and she careened forwards, overcome by another climax. A torrent of her arousal gushed between her legs, and she may have fallen to the ground if it weren’t for the strong grip of Sophie’s nipples holding her upright.
“Sophie,” called Claire, her heart pounding. “You want to show your student how to scissor her pussy with another girl. And for this lesson, you want to make sure you’re both naked.”
Sophie beamed at the girl in her arms. “Katie, let’s have you sit down on the couch for a while. There’s something special I want to show you. Something special just for us girls.”
She helped Katie onto the couch. Her student didn’t have many clothes to remove, having already been topless in her skimpy schoolgirl outfit and sporting only her tiny panties. Sophie reached out and grabbed them, finding them so wet that her fingers dripped, and yanked them off her student’s slender legs.
A gush of arousal burst forth, Katie’s dripping bare mound now freely spreading wetness between her slender legs. 
Sophie shed her white blouse and unclasped her black miniskirt, revealing that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her beautiful bare pussy was sparkling wet, dripping its endless arousal down to the carpet below. 
She sat on the couch, swinging her leg and spreading herself open for her student. Katie turned until they were facing each other, each girl’s right leg under the other’s left leg, their bare pussies drooling just inches away from each other.
“Your pussy is beautiful, Miss Sophie! It’s so wet!” Katie gushed, peering over the tops of her breasts to find her teacher’s eyes.
“It certainly is,” smiled Sophie. “Your little pussy is dripping too.” 
“Miss Sophie, are we going to touch our pretty pussies together?”
“My, you are a quick learner! Yes, Katie, we’re going to rub and scissor our hot pussies together until we cum!”
Their long nipples found each other again, twirling together in their favorite display of affection. Two thick, twisting columns of flesh emerged as their breasts mashed together, wobbling and waving wildly with their movements.
Claire reveled in the sight of her two roommates fully nude for the first time. The sense of power was more than intoxicating. She could have those girls act out any scenario, no matter how lewd.
Claire’s pen was already in her hand. “Just hold on a second, you two,” she called. Katie and Sophie paused, watching her expectantly. She wrote:
Just like their breasts and nipples, Katie and Sophie's pussies have limited self-awareness, mobility, and a capacity to feel love. They are in love with me and with each other.
Claire set down her pen and set the final piece of her plan into motion, addressing her roommates amid their torrid embrace.
“You’ve both heard a rumor,” she said, her voice almost cracking. “Two women whose pussies are in love can create life if they scissor their pussies together.”
Katie’s pussy spread itself open like a dripping wet flower. Her labia were of modest length but especially thick, and her dripping gash was straining forwards, doing its best to stretch towards the other pussy just a few inches away. Katie’s clit was a furious red color, angrily poking out of its hood and vibrating with pleasure.
Nearby, Sophie’s gushing pussy had come to life as well, swelling angrily and stretching ahead with its labia. Her pussy lips were a fair bit longer than Katie’s, but despite their best efforts, there was still a fair distance left to cover.
Both girls’ pussies continued lunging toward each other. The desire each girl felt in her heart was made manifest in her lower lips, their pussies gaping open, stretching, and straining towards each other in an obvious display of affection.
Sophie’s gaze fell on the thick column of her right nipple, twisted lovingly around her student’s left nipple.
“Katie,” she said, turning back towards the brunette. “I’m sure you’ve heard what all the girls at school are saying. That two girls really can create life if they rub their pussies together, but only if their pussies are in love. It’s true, Katie! My pussy has never wanted this with any other girl.”
Katie, on the edge of tears, looked towards her teacher. “My pussy wants it too! I think it loves your pussy, Miss Sophie.”
“The other girls won’t understand,” whispered Sophie. “Their pussies will never fall in love. This will be our special secret, Katie.”
Katie nodded eagerly, her spread legs revealing her pussy still squirming and straining. “I’m ready, Miss Sophie. My pussy wants this more than anything!”
“Come, Katie!” Sophie wailed, scooting forwards and thrusting her pussy against Katie’s.
Their legs, already wet with their arousal, slipped and slid together. Their pussies were reaching, grasping, stretching forwards, and when they finally made contact, they formed a perfectly airtight seal as each girl’s throbbing labia embraced the other.
As their pussies continued to drip and squirt, their combined juices gathered in the fleshy tunnel between their centers. They were inseparable, their living labia joyously content to slide together, each girl’s pussy doing its best to suck the other girl’s labia inside of it. 
Even as the two girls remained still, they could feel their pussies eagerly sucking and biting at each other, their horny clits poking and prodding with abandon.
“It feels so good!” wailed Katie. “My pussy is so hot for you, Miss Sophie!”
Sophie bit her lip, feeling her labia give an especially big tug on her student’s wet folds. “Yes, Katie! Give it to me! My sweet pussy wants you so bad!”
Their rhythmic motion increased in speed, but despite the rapid movement of their hips, their pussies never separated, still grasping and sliding together amidst their torrential lovemaking.
Claire thought her roommates looked incredible together, taking delight in just how much they were under her control. Her breath was ragged, and she realized she couldn’t wait much longer.
“Girls,” she managed, barely a whisper. “Cum for me. Cum on each other’s pussy.”
“I’m too hot, Miss Sophie!” Katie cried, gripping the couch tightly in her hands. “I want it and my pussy wants it too! We want to make life with you!”
The sucking and slurping noise increased in their ears. Their pussies were soaking wet, but the tight seal formed between them kept pushing their prolific juices back and forth into each other’s love canals. Feeling the hot liquids moving between them, and the delirious love their pussies were experiencing, was more than enough for them to launch into a shattering climax.
Their wailing and moaning reached a fever pitch. Katie was thrown backward, landing flat on the couch, as her tremendous nude bosom jiggled and swayed. Her long, thick nipples unwrapped themselves from Sophie’s. 
Sophie was rendered helpless as well, gasping and wheezing on her back as her pussy desperately grabbed and tugged at Katie’s wet folds.
At long last, their pussies detached from each other with a wet splash! Waves of their combined juices spilled onto the couch between their slender legs. Each girl’s pussy drooped, their wet labia quivering in the hazy afterglow of their climax.
In the blink of an eye, exact copies of Katie and Sophie popped into existence in front of the couch. The two clones were tall and slender, just like their originals, and each clone bore colossal breasts below her hips with long, thick nipples matching her original as well. The clones, like their progenitors, seemed quite comfortable carrying around the immense weight of their gigantic chests.
Katie’s clone reached out, grasping the hand of Sophie’s clone. They turned towards each other, smiling. Their sentient nipples were alive, as Katie’s clone’s left nipple soon twisted together with Sophie’s clone’s right nipple to demonstrate their mutual affection. Their unoccupied nipples were pointing straight out to the sides, nearly perpendicular to their breasts, as each nipple tried to avoid its twin nearby.
“What the heck is going on here?” Katie’s clone growled, staring down at her twin on the couch with her legs still wrapped around Sophie.
“Oh my… what the…?” Katie gasped, her head swiveling. “Who are you?”
“I’m you. Or rather, you’re me,” her twin replied. “But never mind that. Who do you think you are, trying to pretend like you’re me?”
Sophie’s clone piped up. “That goes for you as well, sister,” she snarled, glaring down at the other Sophie on the couch. “You’d better not be telling Claire that you’re the real me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Sophie frowned. “We’ve been here the whole time, role-playing this scene. You two are the ones who just showed up.”
“Excuse me?” her clone scoffed. “We’re the ones who have been role-playing for Claire! You two couch pussies are the impostors.”
Katie and Sophie rose from the couch, standing next to each other and facing off against their clones. All of their chests were pressed closely together, with each girl facing her twin and glaring hatefully into each other’s eyes.
All eight of their breasts began quivering and shaking, infuriated to be so close to their twins. Katie’s right nipple was still corkscrewed lovingly together with Sophie’s left nipple, leaving her left nipple free to swat angrily at her twin’s right nipple.
Loud fleshy slapping sounds soon filled the air. Each girl’s unoccupied nipple was taking out its aggression, slapping hard against the breasts of its twin. Four thick, six-inch nipples aggressively slapped and slid against each other, and with each girl’s skin mostly covered in her own wetness, sprays of liquids were soon arcing in all directions.
Claire looked lower. All four standing girls instinctively spread their legs wider for her benefit, even as they continued to fight. She had to move and stretch to see around their hanging breasts. It was clear that all four of their pussies were shaking, quivering, and dripping with rage, just as angry as each girl’s breasts that there could be an impostor so close by.
“Bitch!” Katie’s clone insulted, staring daggers into Katie’s eyes.
“Slut!” Katie hurled back. “How dare you!”
“Whore!” Sophie’s clone snarled at her twin. “Claire knows that I’m the real Sophie!”
“Pussy!” Sophie growled back. “You lying little pussy! I’m the real Sophie, and Claire knows it!”
Claire sat back, reveling for a moment in her fantasy, but she didn’t wait long. She was in control, after all.
“Girls, girls!” she called. “Calm down. There’s no need to fight. I have a foolproof way to determine which of you is real and which is the clone!”
Four heads swiveled in Claire’s direction, their fighting suddenly on pause.
“You do?” asked Katie’s clone.
“Tell us!” Sophie begged.
“You girls will role-play some scenes for me,” Claire instructed. “Try to stick to your characters, as I will award points to each of you based on your performance in the scene. The points will give us a clear, unbiased answer as to which of you is real and which is a clone.”
This was utter nonsense, but Claire was pleased to see all four of them nodding along. They were eager to accept her ridiculous suggestion to resolve their differences, just as she had written they would. 
“That makes sense,” nodded Katie. 
“I agree,” added her clone. “It’s got to be unbiased.”
Sophie’s clone seemed to concur. “It has points, so we know it’s fair.”
“For sure,” said Sophie. “Good idea, Claire!”
Claire was awash in a delirious mixture of power and arousal. She could have these girls do anything at all for her, and she had more than a few sexy scenarios in mind. They would happily perform for her, as lewdly as she wanted, as she filled their heads with nonsense: that this would help them identify their clone.
“Sophie,” Claire began, “You are a suave spy meeting a famous pop star, played by Katie. You intend to seduce her to gather information. After you find her, you are discovered by your clone and her clone, who have also arrived to try to seduce her. I’ll need all of you to change clothes for this.”
All four of them nodded and hurried out of the room, eager to carry out Claire’s orders.
Katie returned first, sporting her skimpiest pop star ensemble. Her tremendous breasts had grown even larger, prompted by her outfit change and Claire’s written command. She wore no top at all, allowing Claire to see just how colossal she had grown. Two grand spheres hung below her waist and obscured her groin while thrusting outwards, seemingly defying gravity nearly an arm’s length in front of her. 
As astonishingly huge as they were, they seemed super perky and firm, and Claire could see that they were still very much alive. As Katie sat on the couch, primping and preening herself in front of an invisible mirror, her tremendous bosom filled her lap and spread beyond her knees.
Between Katie’s legs, Claire could see a simple black pair of panties, plainly soaked through with arousal. As she looked more closely, she could see Katie’s pussy writhing and biting at the thin fabric, pulling it inside itself to form an exaggerated camel toe. Katie’s pussy happily sucked on her panties as it dripped its effusive arousal.
Claire’s eyes fell upon Katie’s newly grown nipples, which hung flaccid more than four inches below the centers of her dinner-plate areola. As she continued staring, they immediately rocketed to full erection, thickening and stretching more than eight inches above her pebbly pink areolae.
“I can’t wait to get back on stage!” Katie said, to no one in particular, as she flipped her dark hair behind her ears. “My fans need me!”
She glared down at her chest.
“Now girls, I need you on your best behavior for the show. Boobies, that means you need to stay put in my sparkly top. No bouncing out! And yes, I know how uncomfortable it can be.”
Her bosom bobbed and swayed in her lap, acquiescing to her wishes. They were performing their own part in the role-play, as the sentient breasts of a world-famous pop star.
“And you two,” Katie continued, looking up at her nipples. “You can move and curl around things while we’re at home, and I know you like to get hard as soon as anyone looks at you. Just please stay pointing straight while we’re on stage performing! We want to avoid freaking anyone out.”
Her teats wobbled approvingly. She moved her hands near them, pointing with her index fingers. Her long, thick nipples lovingly wrapped around her fingers in an intimate embrace.
She used both arms to part her bosom, gently spreading her breasts to the sides, even as her nipples remained wrapped around her fingers. She looked downwards, past her tiny waist and flat stomach.
“And you,” she cooed at the soaking wet fabric between her legs. “I haven’t forgotten about you, sweetie! As soon as I get off-stage, you’re all mine.”
Her pussy sucked harder at her panties, swallowing even more of the fabric within its dripping folds. Her tiny black panties were now extremely tight, outlining every delectable inch of her flawless womanhood. A continuous drip of liquids emerged from the extreme camel toe, pooling between her firm thighs on the couch.
With one final suck, Katie’s pussy pulled her panties so tight that her juicy labia popped out, emerging from either side of the overstretched fabric. Her exposed pussy lips wiggled happily as if relieved, waving gently in the air as they continued dripping into the pool between Katie’s legs.
Sophie emerged from Katie’s bedroom. She wore a pair of dark aviator sunglasses but was otherwise completely nude. Her breasts had grown as well, still matching Katie’s in every dimension, due to her scandalous new outfit and Claire’s earlier written command. 
Sophie was taking careful steps on the balls of her feet, moving as stealthily as she could. Her tremendous bosom compressed and shrank somewhat, holding itself close to her chest and doing its best to minimize itself, playing its role as part of Sophie’s character.
Her nipples couldn’t hide as easily, though, especially after Claire’s gaze instantly made them throbbingly, urgently erect. Their eight-inch lengths bounced in the air as Sophie stepped forward. Katie sat on the couch, obliviously bouncing her own breasts like an air-headed pop star, and pretended not to notice Sophie’s arrival.
Claire grinned and said nothing. She knew these girls wouldn’t notice their newest breast growth as long as she didn’t mention it, and she wanted to see them try to act around their increasingly large chests.
“Ah, Katie, just who I expected,” said Sophie, straightening up and flaunting her enormous chest for the seated girl. Her breasts and nipples did their part, preening and waving along with her.
Katie looked surprised. “Who are you?” she asked, looking up at Sophie. “Look, I’m about to go on stage. I can get you an autograph after the show.”
“The name’s Blonde, Sophie Blonde. And I believe you have information vital to my mission,” Sophie replied, removing her dark glasses and flipping her yellow hair.
Sophie took several steps closer until her titanic bosom was hovering just next to Katie’s equally massive pair. Their four nipples instantly broke character, eagerly wrapping tightly around each other in shared exuberance, as each teat recognized its lover.
Katie glared at her unruly nipples for a moment, then returned her gaze to Sophie. “What information is that, Miss Blonde?” she asked, trying to stay in character. It wasn’t easy to focus, though, as she felt her nipples eagerly tugging and being tugged by Sophie’s equally incredible teats.
Katie’s clone strode angrily into the room, nude save for a similar pair of dark sunglasses. Her colossal chest equaled the size of the other two girls, bouncing and jiggling as she struck a pose with her legs open. Like the other girls, her bosom was now large enough to obscure her pussy as she stood, but it was still obvious how her wet pussy had painted her firm upper thighs with its excitement. She arched an eyebrow and pulled her sunglasses down.
“Just what is going on here?” she frowned, glaring at her twin’s nipples twisting together with Sophie’s.
“Ugh, not you again,” growled Katie, rolling her eyes at her clone. Under Katie’s glare, her clone’s nipples immediately became fully erect, easily matching the other girls in length, thickness, and enthusiasm. 
Katie looked earnestly up at Sophie. “Miss Blonde, please! You can’t tell anyone that I, Katie, the world’s most famous pop star, got herself cloned! It can happen to anyone! My fans might be okay with it, but still…” she trailed off.
Sophie’s clone finally arrived, strutting angrily into the room nude except for her own dark sunglasses. Her chest had grown to match the other three girls, her tremendous breasts shimmying with excitement as she strode right up to Katie’s clone. She, too, struck a pose with her legs spread, revealing how drenched her thighs and calves had become with her wetness.
“I should have known!” she said, pulling off her sunglasses and glaring at the other three girls.
“It’s you!” muttered Sophie, glaring at her clone. “Of course you’d be here, trying to get to Katie before me!”
Sophie’s clone glared back at her. “And it’s a good thing I arrived when I did, you impostor!”
Sophie sighed, looking back to Katie. “You’re right, Katie. Accidental cloning can happen to anyone. It looks like my clone is here as well.”
Claire called across the room. “Katie, you are super turned on that all of these girls have arrived to seduce you! You’ll decide who goes first by seeing for yourself which girl is the best kisser.”
“Like, wow!” Katie exclaimed, looking from her clone to the beautiful Sophie standing next to her, to Sophie’s identical twin, and finally back to her clone. “You girls are all here to kiss me, aren’t you? For that, the show can wait.”
The other three girls brightened, and they all moved closer to the couch. As Sophie’s clone drew nearer to Sophie, though, Sophie’s thick right nipple uncurled itself from Katie’s left nipple, then began slapping angrily across the surface of her clone’s breast. 
Sophie’s clone’s nipple immediately retaliated, starting to slap itself against the vast side of Sophie’s breast. Slap! Slap! Sophie and her clone’s nipples were flying, attacking each other’s breasts with abandon, each reflecting its owner’s disdain for its twin.
“Stop that!” Sophie’s clone whispered urgently, glaring at her nipple. “You’re going to cost me points in this scene!”
Sophie was chastising her own nipple. “Hey, girl, I get it!” she said, grabbing her thick nipple around its base. “I don’t like her either, but we need to keep it together for this scene, so we can prove that bitch is fake!”
Their nipples reluctantly calmed themselves, straightening out and pointing straight ahead. Each girl was still lightly slapping her hard nipples against the other’s breasts, but now solely from their natural movements, helped along by their chests continuing to rub against each other.
Katie and her clone, having witnessed the unruly nipples of the other two girls, each glared down at their own long teats. Katie was pleased to see her right nipple remained twirled together with Sophie’s, while her left nipple was pointing accusatorially at her clone. Her clone, in turn, was all too keenly aware that her nipples were pointing angrily at their twins on Katie’s chest.
“Cut! Hold on, hold on,” said Claire, feeling like a film director. “Stop the scene.”
She stood and walked to the four girls near the couch. She put one hand on Sophie’s shoulder, and the other on Sophie’s clone’s shoulder. Sophie and her clone both felt their breasts shimmying with excitement from being so close to Claire.
“I’m sorry, Claire!” pouted Sophie. “I did talk to my nipples backstage about how important this scene is to me.”
“I’m sorry too!” frowned Sophie’s clone. “I had a chat with my nipples too, but they are just misbehaving around her,” she said, glaring at her twin.
Claire nodded. “Your passion can be powerful if harnessed in your acting, but only if you don’t let it interfere. So, you two,” she said, looking toward Sophie and her clone. “Is there anything you want to say to your nipples right now?”
Sophie beamed. She grasped her bosom in her arms — or at least as much as she could, only barely able to reach the base of each of her thick nipples. She squeezed tightly, hugging her tremendous chest close.
“I love you so much, girls!” she exclaimed. “You’re so beautiful, so feminine, and so very me! You’re the best, prettiest nipples in the whole world.”
Her breasts and nipples danced happily, exalting in the compliment. Her expression soured slightly. “It’s just so important for you to play your part in our role-play. We have to prove that slut is fake!” she urged, glaring at her twin.
Sophie’s clone had adopted a similar pose, lovingly hefting and squeezing her tremendous bosom as she grasped the bases of her thick nipples. “That goes double for you, girls. You know how much I love my big, sexy boobies and my pretty nipples!”
She wobbled on her feet for a moment. A large gush of liquid splashed between her legs.
“Ooh! Yes, my sweet little pussy, my delicate flower, I haven’t forgotten about you!” she wailed.
This seemed to calm her needy pussy, for she was soon able to stand upright once more and finish addressing her bosom.
“Please, girls. Please be on your best behavior. Do it for me, so we can prove that whore is fake,” she whispered, inclining her head to leave a trail of kisses atop each of her titanic spheres, which bounced and slapped together as they lovingly embraced her.
“That’s more like it, girls,” smiled Claire. She returned to her chair, pointing at the other four girls. “Hold on just a moment.”
The pen was soon in her hand, and she wrote: 
Katie has an unusual affliction: her tongue grows longer each time she kisses another girl. Sophie has a similar condition, where her lips grow when she kisses a girl. This is a new ability for both of them, starting now. They will be extremely turned on by it.
Claire looked at her latest addition, satisfied. She put her pen down.
“Continue the scene,” she directed. “Sophie will kiss Katie first.”
She quickly realized she’d have to be more specific next time, as each Sophie immediately embraced her respective Katie. Sophie was eagerly slipping her tongue into Katie’s mouth, while Sophie’s clone was urgently kissing the lips of Katie’s clone.
A moment later, both Sophies pulled back, breaking their kisses with their respective Katies. 
“Babe, what’s up with your tongue?” asked Sophie’s clone.
“Yeah!” said Sophie. “Katie, was your tongue always that long? It’s filling my mouth. That is so hot!”
The Katies extended their tongues and flexed them in the air. Their pink muscles had grown much longer, waving in the air more than six inches beyond their pretty lips.
“Girl, what about you?” asked Katie’s clone, slurping her long tongue into her mouth and peering at Sophie’s clone. “Your lips look so puffy. I love it!”
The Sophies grasped their lips in their fingers, tugging and pulling. Their lips had grown huge, each blonde’s lower lip now large enough to obscure her chin from view. They stood in place, joyously rubbing and sliding their fingers over their newly grown lips. 
“It must be our kiss! I love my new lips!” gasped Sophie.
“Your lips are so big! So sexy!” agreed Katie.
“Wonderful!” called Claire. “Let’s close the scene there. Katie, I loved your bubbly pop princess! Ten points to you,” she said. Katie beamed back at her.
“And to my three spies,” Claire continued, “A job well done! I give you each six points for sexiness and another four points each for style.”
Katie’s expression lit up, then she looked confused. “That’s… wait, it’s a tie! A four-way tie!”
Sophie’s clone gasped. “Gosh, what are the chances? How will we know which of us is real now?”
Claire nodded solemnly. “A four-way tie is an extremely unlikely event, girls,” she nodded, restraining her giddiness. “Let’s try a new scene. That will be sure to break the tie,” she suggested, knowing that the girls were conditioned to accept.
“Sorry again, Claire!” Sophie’s clone apologized. “My nips are always like this when they think I haven’t been giving them enough attention. I promise they’ll be on their best behavior for the next scene.”
Claire’s grin widened. She thought back to Katie’s sexy comic book costume from earlier.
“Katie,” she directed, “You are a sexy superheroine in the lair of Sophie, a supervillain who has stolen a cloning machine. You arrive only to discover that she has already cloned herself. She also created an evil clone of you who wants nothing more than to suck and lick your breasts and nipples! And all of you, change your outfits for this scene.”
All four girls grinned and turned on their heels, bouncing and shuffling into Katie’s room. Claire sat back, gleefully anticipating her roommates, with even larger breasts, acting out her latest fantasy.
Sophie and her clone emerged first, both wearing matching purple sheets in a toga-like sling. Their colossal chests were even larger now, each tremendous sphere hanging down to mid-thigh and extending out more than an arm’s length ahead into the purple fabric. As Claire sat and stared, all four of their nipples rapidly hardened, tenting great peaks into the fronts of their togas.
Sophie had her arm over her clone’s shoulder. “Is everything in place for her arrival?” she asked.
Sophie’s clone threw her arm over Sophie’s shoulder. “Yes, my lovely. Soon that super-slut will fall right into our trap,” she purred.
Katie paraded into the room wearing a cartoonishly oversized spandex top. A tremendous sheet of stretchy white material was wrapped around her colossal breasts, which were newly grown every inch as large as the other two girls. A golden armband circled her powerful upper right arm.
Claire noted with glee that, as in Katie’s earlier costume, a rectangular cleavage window was open in the front of Katie’s top. It revealed a large area of her colossal breasts pressing together.
Katie proudly spread her legs wide, showing how her dripping pussy was biting at her simple black panties. Her pussy sucked so hard on her panties that she soon had another epic camel toe, showing off every inch of her firm mound.
“How dare you use the stolen cloning tech on yourself! Stop right there, evildoers!” Katie cried, holding up her palm. “You’ve terrorized our fair city for long enough!”
Sophie cackled. “Ah, if it isn’t the super-slut?!”
Her clone joined in. “Yes, welcome, Katie-slut! We have a surprise for you!”
Katie stomped her foot, sending great vibrations through the fleshy mass in her overstuffed top. “Stop calling me that! That’s not my name!”
“It will be when I’ve finished with you!” called a new voice. Katie whirled around to see her clone arrive. Her clone’s equally massive breasts were stuffed into a matching top, black instead of Katie’s white, with a silver armband circling her right arm. Katie glared at the rectangular cleavage window in her twin’s outfit.
“What dark magic is this?” Katie gasped, glaring at her twin. “Who are you, and why have you stolen my costume?”
“Ha ha!” Sophie’s clone laughed, embellishing with an overly long, slow clap. “Now, Katie-slut, you see the power of our cloning machine!”
Sophie’s clone leaned over and kissed her twin. They began eagerly sliding their lips and tongues together.
“Fiends!” Katie spat. “How… how dare you kiss yourself like that! This cannot be allowed to stand!”
Sophie and her clone ignored her, continuing their embrace. As they kissed, their lips swelled larger until their upper lips obscured their nostrils from view. They laughed and giggled, enjoying how their lips were now huge enough to slap themselves in the face as they moved.
Katie glared back at her clone. “And you! You are beautiful, but… it’s wrong for me to be attracted to you! It’s sinful!”
“If you think that’s sinful,” growled her clone, “Wait ‘till you see what I have in store for you!”
With a flash of dark fabric, Katie’s clone leaped, tackling Katie to the carpeted floor!
“You!” roared Katie, flat on her back and glaring up at her clone. “I don’t know what evil creature you are, but you will be vanquished this day!”
“Not likely, super-slut!” her clone shot back. “I think you’ll find yourself quite tied up in just a moment!”
Katie’s clone pressed a small button on her armband. Her dark black top vanished, revealing her enormous nude breasts. The black armband unbuckled itself and clattered down to the floor. 
Her nipples, newly grown to a stunning ten inches, stretched outwards and whipped around Katie’s wrists. Together with the great weight of the breasts pinning her down, they were easily able to restrain Katie.
“Treachery!” cried Katie, struggling with her wrists, but they were bound tightly by her twin’s teats. “Your evil nipples are turning on my super-pussy! Release me at once, whore!”
“Release, eh? Be careful what you wish for, girl!” Katie’s clone taunted, before pressing the costume release button on Katie’s armband. Katie’s costume vanished, her armband detaching itself just like her twin’s, leaving her nude except for her tiny black panties.
“By the teats of Themyscira!” frowned Katie. “Why do I keep that costume detach key on my armband, anyway?”
Sophie and her clone were still ignoring them, locked in their intense embrace. Sophie’s clone had wrapped her thick lips around Sophie’s equally huge lower lip, sucking it as hard as she could with her own newly grown lips.
Katie’s clone cackled, rotating herself around while keeping close enough for her nipples to restrain Katie. She grabbed Katie’s right nipple in her hand, pulling and twisting with abandon.
“How dare… mmm… how dare you!” Katie moaned. “Unhand my super-nipple this instant!”
Her clone cackled. “Now, Katie, feel the power of my tongue on your precious super-nipple!” she said and dove in, using her extremely long tongue to lick along the tremendous length of Katie’s teat. 
Katie saw her nipple wiggle and wave in the air, clearly enjoying the sensations it was feeling.
“No, my love!” she begged, gazing longingly at her nipple under her clone’s assault. “Don’t give in! I love you more than she ever could!”
“Fat chance!” her clone taunted. “I’m loving your nipple more than you ever have! She’ll have fallen for me before you know it!”
Katie moaned as she endured her clone’s licking and sucking assault on her nipple. It didn’t help that her clone’s tongue had grown just as long as hers, and she could feel its entire hot length wrapped around her thick teat.
Everything seemed to be going splendidly for the forces of evil, especially Katie’s clone role-playing as Katie’s evil twin, until her twin’s legs suddenly gave out and she fell to her knees. She thrust both hands between her thighs, her bosom shaking, as she rode out a powerful orgasm. 
Katie’s eyes went wide. Something about her twin’s predicament tickled her just the right way. She plunged into her own climax, writhing on the floor beneath her twin, their pussies repeatedly gasping open and slamming shut.
“Cut!” Claire called. “Hold up there. Stop the scene!”
She stood, making an elaborate show of disdainfully approaching her performers. 
Sophie and her clone quickly separated. Now that they were no longer acting, their mutual dislike was once again burning in their eyes. Their tremendous lips, grown huge from their kissing, wobbled and swayed. Most of their faces, except for their glaring orbs, were obscured behind their jiggling lips.
Sophie put one hand on her hips, watching Claire and the other girls while standing back to back with her clone. Their lips bounced and slapped their pretty faces as they waited for Claire’s further instructions.
Katie’s clone staggered to her feet, easily lifting her enormous bust off her twin and stepping back. Her long nipples unwrapped themselves from Katie’s wrists. She used her arms to spread her breasts apart, looking downwards between her own legs.
“I’m so sorry, my love, my morning light,” she began, pulling her drenched panties to the side and staring directly at her pussy. “I know I haven’t been giving you enough attention lately. I almost can’t blame you for ruining the scene just now.”
She used her other hand to gently stroke her labia, which wiggled happily under her touch. “I promise, when this is all over and that fake bitch is gone, I’ll spend the whole day with you,” she said, lovingly staring at her pussy while stroking it. Satisfied for the moment, she straightened up, looking apologetically toward Claire.
“I’m sorry, Claire,” she said. “My pussy — she can’t help herself sometimes, especially around such pretty girls.”
Claire nodded, looking from Katie’s clone back to Katie. “Now girls,” she said gently, “Is there anything you’d like to say to your pussies right now?”
Katie nodded eagerly. She reached between her legs, tugging on her tight little panties until, with a wet squelch, they came free of her grasping pussy. Her labia wiggled happily as they were exposed to the cool air. Katie kept her bosom spread with both arms, staring directly at her dripping pussy.
“Sweetie, you know how much I love you,” she began, caressing her labia with her other hand. “You’re my special girl,” she said softly. Her pussy quivered happily from the intimate attention of its owner, spreading its wetness onto Katie’s fingers.
“But I need to do well in this scene. For me. For us!” Katie pleaded to her pussy. “So please, my love, keep it together for just a little longer?”
Her pussy gushed its approval, spurting happily across her slender thighs.
Standing nearby, her clone was also using her arms to spread her breasts apart. She gazed down between her legs. 
“My darling, my eternal summer, my dewy sunshine,” she said, whispering to her pussy. “You know my love for you knows no bounds. I just need you to hold on a while longer, so we can expose that fake slut!”
She grinned as her pussy spasmed and shuddered, already turned on and even more thrilled to receive such adulation from its owner.
“So girls,” Claire began, looking between all four of them. “The evil forces of darkness were doing rather well until someone was betrayed by her own pussy,” she said, her gaze coming to rest on Katie’s clone. “But still, a wonderful scene!”
All four of them stood. Each girl curtseyed towards Claire, sending her titanic chest wobbling.
“To our gallant superheroine Katie,” Claire continued, “Especially for her improvised dialogue, I award 42 points!”
Katie grinned to herself, while Sophie and her clone seemed astounded. Even Katie’s clone looked impressed at such a high score.
“And to our three villainesses,” Claire continued, “You were so deliciously evil! I award each of you 42 points.”
Katie pondered for a moment. “Is that… is that another four-way tie?”
“Great Scott!” Sophie’s clone boggled.
Claire could barely keep herself from laughing, but she was able to hold it together long enough to offer more direction.
“Girls, you’re all doing wonderfully. It’s just that your breasts, nipples, and pussies simply aren’t convincing in their roles. Honestly, they just seem horny for each other. The audience can tell, you know.”
Sophie’s clone stomped her foot, sending her bosom quaking. “I told you!” she exclaimed, glaring at her nipples. “You two girls are too horny today! You’re messing up my scenes!”
Katie’s clone looked back down at her own pussy for a moment, then apologetically back to Claire. “I’m sorry, Claire! I did my best, but my pussy can’t help itself sometimes.”
Katie seemed similarly upset. “I can’t believe we tied again! What will we do now, Claire? How will we know which of us is real?”
“Don’t worry, girls,” Claire comforted them. “I have one more scenario in mind. Something especially… taboo. This time, I’m sure we’ll be able to pick a winner.”
Their eyes went wide with delight. Sophie looked positively giddy. “Brilliant!” she exclaimed.
Her clone followed suit. “You’re so smart, Claire!”
The two Katies were interested as well. All four of them were soon gearing up for their next scene as Claire exalted in her ability to control them.
“Katie,” Claire directed, “You and your clone are identical twin sisters who are curious about cunnilingus. Katie is initially reluctant, but your ‘twin’ is super horny and soon convinces you to practice on each other! Then your identical twin older sisters, played by Sophie and her clone, arrive to lend a helping hand.”
They were all nodding happily. “And be sure to change your outfits for this scene,” she added, grinning.
They filed away into Katie’s room, their tremendous chests jiggling and swaying. Claire squirmed in her seat, thrilled that her most taboo fantasy was about to be made real. She also knew her roommates’ breasts would become even larger in their new outfits. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long.
Katie emerged first, wearing a cartoonishly oversized pink nightgown. Her tremendous spheres swayed heavily below her knees, with their front edges extending more than three arm-lengths in front of her. Despite their phenomenal size, and the sheer expanse of pink material covering them, she seemed unbothered and moved easily and gracefully. She skipped happily into the room, sitting at the edge of the couch.
As she settled, her massive bosom revealed it was still as alive as ever, rippling and bobbling happily as it covered her legs and rested on the floor in front of her. 
Claire allowed her eyes to linger, and two giant peaks were instantly tenting the front of Katie’s cavernous clothes. 
Katie’s clone entered next, wearing a matching pink nightgown that covered her colossal chest like a tarp. 
“Oh hey, sissy!” Katie said, beaming at her twin.
“What’s up, Katie? Can’t sleep?” asked her clone.
Katie nodded. “I’ve been so on edge lately. I need to relax.”
Katie’s clone sat next to her on the couch, her own titanic chest splayed over her legs and onto the floor.
“I know what you mean,” said her clone. “And I have just the trick to help you relax.”
“You do?” asked Katie, wide-eyed. “What is it, sis?”
“Tell me, Katie,” said her clone, smirking. “Have you ever eaten a girl’s pussy?”
“Katie,” Claire interjected, her mouth dry. “You’re a virgin. You’ve never even touched yourself before.”
It was a ridiculous suggestion, but she knew they would happily incorporate it into their role-play.
Katie flushed bright red and covered her mouth. “Goodness no, sis! I’ve never even… even…”
“Touched yourself?” her clone offered. “Don’t worry, babe. Your sis is here to help.”
“What?” Katie gasped. “We can’t! We’re sisters! And we’re identical twins, too! It would be like… like…”
“Having sex with yourself? Aren’t you curious?” asked her clone, leaning in close and planting a kiss on Katie’s cheek. Katie flushed even redder.
“You’ll love it, sis,” her clone continued. “Let me help you feel good.”
Before Katie could object, her clone stood up on the couch next to her and turned, lurching her titanic bosom toward her twin. Katie ducked to avoid being hit by the vast overhead shelf of nightgown-clad breasts.
With a great heave, Katie’s clone flipped herself upside-down, planting her head and torso deep in the valley between Katie’s breasts inside her shirt, while her pajama-clad legs pointed upwards, her ankles over Katie’s shoulders. Her twin’s titanic bosom was now resting upside-down on hers, and both girls had their heads firmly within the vast expanse of each other’s titanic cleavages.
The world went dark for Katie. She felt the hot flesh of her clone’s sentient breasts pressing in on either side of her head, wriggling and writhing as they gently caressed her cheeks. From below, she heard the muffled sound of her clone calling to her through several feet of their combined bosoms.
“Just relax, Katie,” said her twin. “Feel what our tongues can do.”
Katie felt her pajama pants being roughly pulled down her legs. Her clone tugged, forcing her arms through her own cavernous cleavage until she had discarded Katie’s pants on the wet floor in front of the couch.
Katie’s upside-down clone pushed her head forwards, soon coming face to face with Katie’s dripping pussy. Even though it belonged to her hated enemy, it was still so beautiful that she took a long moment to admire it.
Katie’s puffy mound was swollen, protruding down between her slender thighs. Her labia were glistening wet and had swollen unusually thick, betraying their obvious arousal. Her clit was throbbingly erect, poking out from its hood.
Katie’s sentient pussy sensed its enemy’s face. As her clone leaned closer, Katie’s pussy recoiled, spreading its labia straight out and rippling menacingly, like a cornered animal.
Katie’s clone rolled her eyes. She was doing her best to role-play this scene, but now her twin’s stupid pussy was breaking character again, showing its obvious dislike for her. She hoped this wouldn’t cost her any points, and resolved to play up her part even more.
“Katie, your pussy is so beautiful!” she called upwards, through their colossal cleavages. “It’s just gushingly wet, and your labia are so puffy too! I can tell your pussy is happy to see me.”
Katie’s clone pushed her head ever closer to Katie’s wetness. When she was mere inches away, her mouth curled into a snarl. 
“You’d better behave yourself, you dumb pussy,” she whispered, glaring at Katie’s pussy. It writhed unhappily at her, but that didn’t stop her from lashing out with her tongue. 
Four inches of her thick muscle buried themselves into Katie’s hot pussy. She had so much more to give, though, and soon the full ten-inch length of her tongue was stuffed inside her twin’s love canal.
“Oh!” came Katie’s muffled wail from somewhere above. “It feels so good! You’re my sister, but it’s so good! Sis, your tongue is so big inside my tight little pussy!’
Sophie strolled into the room, wearing a similarly oversized nightgown, although hers was a baby blue color instead of the Katies’ pink. Her titanic breasts wobbled below her knees and extended three arm-lengths before her, like her sisters’, although she too seemed able to easily move around with their immense weight.
“My, what have we here?” she asked, then looked over her shoulder. “Sis, come quick!”
Sophie’s clone hurried in, wearing a huge blue nightie that matched her twin. She stood next to the other Sophie, chuckling.
“Is this what I think it is?” Sophie’s clone asked. “Are our sisters licking each other’s pussies?”
Katie gasped loudly, still enveloped within her clone’s bosom. Her muffled voice reached the other girls.
“No!” she wailed. “We weren’t doing anything! Look, she only just fell on me!”
Sophie laughed at her. “It’s okay, Katie. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Katie!” Claire almost shouted, making sure she could be heard from within their cavernous cleavage. “You are shocked to learn that your sisters are intimate with each other!”
“After all,” Sophie continued. “It’s not like this is anything new for us.”
Her clone nodded. “It’s true, Katie. We lick each other’s pussies every night before bed!”
“No, it can’t be!” came Katie’s muffled wail. “My sisters are all having sex with each other!”
Katie’s clone mumbled around her extended tongue, still buried deep in Katie’s pussy. “Join us, Katie,” she managed.
Katie clenched her fists with resolve. Reaching up, she yanked her clone’s pajama pants off, tossing them aside. Claire saw the discarded pants emerging from within Katie’s clone’s cleavage, flying off to land on the soaked living room carpet.
“I… I admit it!” Katie cried, looking up at her twin’s beautiful nude pussy, just inches from her. “Your pretty pussy is so sexy, sis!”
As she leaned closer, her twin’s sentient pussy reacted to her advance, flapping its labia wildly. Katie rolled her eyes. Her scene had been going so well, and she was sure she’d earn the most points, but only if her twin’s stupid pussy stopped acting up. Couldn’t her twin keep her pussy in character for just one scene?
Katie unrolled her long tongue, its tip poking out of her lips. Before her twin’s pussy could react, she shot her muscle forwards, plunging its entire ten inches deep inside her twin’s tender pussy!
Sophie’s clone turned to her twin, her enormous lips flapping and jiggling on her face, obscuring most of her pretty features below her eyes. Sophie turned to meet her eyes, her matching oversized lips moving enticingly.
“So, sis,” Sophie’s clone cooed. “You want to show our sisters a thing or two about kissing?”
Sophie nodded eagerly. They embraced, pressing their huge, puffy lips together, which quickly started swelling even larger between their faces as they kissed.
Katie was determined to sink even more of her tongue into her twin’s unruly pussy. She leaned her head closer, seeing her twin’s pussy lips flapping aggressively at her as she drew near.
Between her legs, her upside-down clone had begun the same motion, leaning ever closer as Katie’s pussy angrily swatted at her.
Contact! Katie’s lips sealed around her clone’s unruly labia, just as her clone did the same to her. Both girls felt their pussies quivering with furious rage as their most hated enemy wrapped her lips around their sensitive forms! Their pussies were overjoyed to be filled with the hot fleshy warmth of such a long tongue, but they felt even greater rage from being forced to be intimate with their impostor.
Katie’s labia reared back, pressing flat against her puffy mound. A moment later, they swung rapidly in the other direction, slapping loudly against her twin’s cheeks! Enraged, Katie’s clone’s pussy reciprocated, pulling its labia back only to slap them wetly against Katie’s face!
Slap! Slap! Slap! Katie and her clone were each subjected to an ongoing series of slaps from her twin’s furious pussy. They held out as long as they could, but while each girl knew her pussy couldn’t cause anyone much pain, the humiliation of being pussy-slapped was almost too much to bear.
“Ugh!” Katie’s clone wailed, withdrawing her tongue from her enemy’s dripping pussy and breaking character. “Katie, your stupid pussy keeps hitting me!”
Katie pulled her tongue out of her clone’s pussy, slurping the juicy liquids into her mouth and swallowing. “Argh! Your dumb pussy is slapping me too!”
Slap! Slap! The wet sounds grew louder as each girl’s pussy slapped the other girl’s face with as much might as its labia could muster.
Katie’s clone pitched herself upwards, extracting herself from Katie’s bosom and careening around until, with relative ease, she came to rest standing next to the couch. She glared at Katie.
“Your slutty pussy ruined our scene, Katie!”
Katie glared back at her twin. “As if! Your pussy is the real slut, and couldn’t keep it together while I was trying to lick her!”
“Lies!” Katie’s clone yelled. “Your pussy can’t get enough of my tongue!”
“Bitch!” Katie yelled back. “Your slutty pussy loves my tongue more!”
“Girls! Girls!” Claire called, waving her arms. “Calm down. That’s enough for now.”
She’d been watching them for so long, becoming increasingly turned on as her roommates and their clones got progressively more lewd with each other. The sense of power was making her feel delirious. She’d waited long enough. It was time to indulge herself. 
She wanted to lick their long nipples, suck their dripping pussies, and feel the weight of their colossal breasts. And she knew that all of their sentient body parts would give her nothing but love in return.
“Girls, I’ll be entering the scene now… to help with your evaluation, of course,” she directed. “I will be your other sister. And you know that she only wants to help.”
She walked over to the couch, kneeling in front of it. 
“You girls, amuse yourselves,” she directed, then vanished as she dropped to the floor and crawled under the colossal overhang of Katie’s pink nightgown. Katie was still sitting on the couch, her legs spread wide, and Claire crawled further until she finally came face to face with Katie’s dripping pussy.
Katie’s immense bosom weighed down on Claire from above. She felt it gently rubbing and squeezing her torso from all sides, expressing its love for her as only a colossal pair of breasts could.
She looked up, reaching out with her finger. As she touched Katie’s pussy, it embraced her, its labia wrapping around her finger and hugging it tightly. Katie’s big clit was whipping happily back and forth as it strained in its hood, eager to greet its lover.
She pulled her hand back again, seeing Katie’s pussy missing her touch. This was beautiful, she thought, the kind of love she’d never imagined having with a girl… or her pussy. She moved onto the cushions between Katie’s thighs, pushing her chin forward, and delighted in her cheeks and nose being caressed by Katie’s dripping pussy.
Above and behind her, beyond the vast expanse of Katie’s cleavage, the other three girls were leering at each other. 
Katie’s clone grasped the hand of Sophie’s clone. “Say, babe,” she whispered. “I’ve heard the most delicious rumor. Want to try?”
Sophie’s clone nodded eagerly. Both girls quickly dropped to the floor and spread their legs wide. Their bosoms helped out, also spreading to the sides, so the two girls could gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes. Sophie’s clone pulled off her blue pajama pants, then scooted forward, her pussy quickly suctioning together with Katie’s clone’s pussy.
They rocked their hips together, moaning and wailing. They were already awfully turned on from Claire’s role-playing session, and it wasn’t long before their pussies, sucking hard on each other, began passing greater and greater volumes of their liquids back and forth between their love canals.
“Yes, babe!” Sophie’s clone wailed. “It’s so good! My pussy loves your pussy so much!”
“My pussy loves yours so much too!” Katie’s clone cried.
Claire was happily buried beneath Katie’s vast bosom, and neither heard nor saw as a new Katie and a new Sophie popped into existence on the floor nearby.
The new Katie, wearing her own oversized pink pajama top with her breasts swaying heavily below her knees, grinned at the new Sophie, who was wearing an equally huge blue top.
The two newest clones reached toward each other, grasping their hands together.
“I think those two have the right idea,” said the newest Sophie, tilting her head. “Don’t you?”
The newest Katie smiled back at her. “Babe, I want nothing more than for our pussies to love each other.”
They fell to the floor, and a moment later had begun eagerly scissoring their sentient pussies together, their juicy labia locking and intertwining together in mutual joyful worship.
Pop! Another hugely busty Katie and Sophie appeared on the other side of the room. 
Pop! A Katie and a Sophie appeared by the doorway into the kitchen.
Pop! A sixth Katie appeared, gazing lovingly into the eyes of the sixth Sophie who had just appeared next to her.
There was no standing room left, as the entire living room had filled with fleshy abundance. Somewhere amidst the writhing, shifting masses of breasts, a hyper-orgasmic Katie was still grinding her hips together with a Sophie, their pussies grasping each other in a loving embrace.
Claire heard what sounded like a great chattering of voices, and reluctantly pulled herself away from the dripping embrace of Katie’s pussy. Katie’s labia tugged on her cheeks, doing its best to keep her close, leaving a wet trail along her skin.
She pushed backward, through several feet of Katie’s enormous, warm, sentient bosom. It gently parted for her, easing her egress, even as its great folds gently caressed her arms and face.
At long last, she emerged into daylight. There was Sophie and her clone, but also Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, and Sophie, and Katie, Katie, Katie, and… her mouth fell open. A flash of movement above her head caused her to look upwards.
In the air above, another new Katie and Sophie suddenly appeared, for there was nowhere on the floor left for them to stand. 
The newest Katie’s enormous right breast was falling, careening rapidly toward her face — 
Darkness consumed her. She fell out of time for a while, luxuriating in the most wonderful wet dream. There were Katies and Sophies for miles around, all of them eager to serve her, following her orders as she commanded them to strip and wash her lovingly. 
She was introduced to all of their beautiful bodies, her fingers twirling together with their nipples, her mouth kissing their wet pussies, and they all lived together in a sparkling castle…
Warm sunlight fell upon her face. Her fantasy dream faded away, and she blinked rapidly as she awoke. She was lying on the couch in her living room. She sat up, whirling around, and found the room to be mostly empty. Had it all been a dream?
Katie was sitting nearby, wearing her familiar loose top with its oversized neck opening. Through it, Claire could see the bare skin of Katie’s original, merely head-sized breasts.
“Good morning, sleepy-head!” Katie said cheerfully. She was waving the black leather-bound book in her hand. 
Claire felt her heart drop. She froze.
“There were so many sexy things written in this book!” Katie chortled. “I made my own addition at the end.”
She grinned, opening the book and holding it towards Claire. 
A large circle had been drawn around Claire’s writing. Pointing towards the circle, there was an arrow labeled:
This part isn't true
Katie grinned and took the book back again. Pen in hand, she began filling up the next page.
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endermahn · 1 year
Oh my god writers block for fhe IFHY series is beating my ass rn bc i lost my reference.
(Still expect a new chapter, just expect if sunday night or monday early early morning like 1am or something my time/my country time.)
So have a little Wednesday Boxer Au where shes selective mute 👍
Idk how to start it…
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none really, some violence but its VERY minor, just like “She knocks them out!” Stuff like that, saving all my detail for the series. Oo theres some mention of blood though. VERY BREIF mention of needle?
This is unchecked over, like all my other work.
No specific music, dont stop believing started playing though, so maybe its a sign?
Wednesday stepped into the changing room and got dressed quite quickly.
Her match was up in 3 others.
She was used to the weighted feeling in her stomach, the feeling that tingled up her spine and left through her arms, sometimes creeping up her neck to give her an involuntary twitch to be rid of it.
The ravenette quite enjoyed it, though. The horrible feeling it gave quite euphoric, making her feel even more weightless than usual.
She heard the first match end, with that the feeling grew, attempting to escape out of her mouth.
The soft, droning chatter kept her grounded, the talk of who was next, people trying to see their opponent early or just having general conversations as if they weren’t about to knock each other out a moment later.
Thing tapped softly on her thigh, and with that she looked down.
Her eyebrows questioned his actions and he signed to her
“I found your opponent.”
And with that the second match was over, cheering, clanking and over all screaming could be heard from practically miles away.
She signed back
“Where are they?”
“Follow me.”
Wednesday got up, leaving the space with her bag and water bottle behind.
After quite the short walk, she spots the character thing was describing on the way over.
Blonde, the bottoms being dyed opposing colours.
Fangs being exposed while she was laughing, intimidatingly needle like.
“This her?” Wednesday’s hand started signing, making quite klunky sounds on the table next to her.
However, she didn’t get to finish as her opponent noticed her.
She turned around and happily skipped toward.
Wednesday’s eyes were glued to her, skeptically eyeing her and checking her out to see how she could beat her.
“Hey!” She shouted out “Are you my opponent? My friends pointed you out to me a second ago!” The blonde chuckled, huffing out air. “Im Enid, pleasure to meet you. And to fight you, of course.”
The raven like girl backed up a bit, slightly frowning at such a bubbly girl.
Her hand didn’t hesitate or leave a beat to pass as she signed:
“Yes, I am your opponent. My name is Wednesday. It is a pleasure to fight you. Thing told me about you.” She struggled a bit with the last parts, not being sure how it were to translate properly.
“Ohh” Enid’s eyes were struck with realisation. “Okay I get you, Its really nice to meet you, Wednesday! And hello, thing” Her eyes calmed a bit as she said the other girl’s name, her shoulders slightly relaxing.
Thing waved to Enid happily.
“It really is nice to meet you, sometimes I go into the ring not knowing the opponent and the look in their eye kinda scares me” The taller girl huffs put happily now.
Wednesday signed quickly, now more knowing of Enid’s abilities of reading sign. “Personally I find their look of pure murder relaxing, it makes me become much more relaxed when I see that break down as they run out of stamina.”
“Ah, well its a selective likeness, I suppo-“ The bell rings out and another floor of cheering fills the gaps in the air.
“We’re on.”
“We are. Well it was nice speaking to you, and just so you aren’t disappointed, be aware my flame definitely isnt going to be put out.” Enid smiled at this, giving the other girl a wink, then she walks out and to her side.
Thing signs on the remaining girl’s shoulder.
“I like her”
Nothing could tear Wednesday’s eyes from Enid Sinclair.
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freshfitness2 · 2 years
Modified Yoga Strengthens Legs
Many senior clients come to their first modified yoga class lacking leg strength and with balance issues. On average, older individuals deal with many leg and feet issues, including hip and knee replacements, spider veins, sciatica, and ankle and feet challenges. By participating in a modified mat or modified chair yoga class consistently, most start developing their leg muscles, which immediately helps with balance, agility, their gait, and circulation. It's not just the seniors who can benefit. An inactive person, and one who sits too long, will have leg challenges. An overweight individual may also have some leg challenges. Others who have a leg or knee injury. A person with diabetes could have leg challenges.
Everyone who takes a modified yoga class will feel their legs getting stronger. In a modified yoga class, we also implement the use of straps, to aid in flexibility and isometric exercises challenges. By using a strap we are using the body's force against itself, and it causes leverage. In my experience, hamstrings are one of the tightest areas for most clients. Once they start loosening up the hamstrings, participants can usually do more weight-bearing, and lunging type of poses, and begin to develop more strength, agility and flexibility. By working against a wall, we can also create isometric poses, which aid in the strength building and flexibility.
It takes some discipline and practice to work your legs and protect your knees at the same time. Quad muscles are also tight for many clients. Think that everything is connected. From your lower back, hips, hamstrings, and quads, to your knees. If you have tight hamstrings and thighs, your knees Exercise Resistance bands and hips may also become challenged. If you have a knee challenge, you tend not to move too much because you are in pain. The quad muscles actually start atrophying from lack of use. You can't actually stretch your knee. Its bone, and cartilage. To heal your knee, a person will work on strengthening the thigh muscle, and the little muscles and ligaments on the outside or inside of your knee, and the hamstrings.
Leg lifts, done one leg at a time, with your knee slightly bent, while you are sitting, is just one exercise that will strengthen your quad muscles. A lateral leg movement to the side, will strengthen the muscle group on the side. Deep low lunges and presses like modified push-ups, or plank, side plank also build your legs. The warrior or triangle pose is another great strength builder. And these poses just don't strengthen your legs, but your gluts and your free your hip connectors.
I smile when beginners come to me with the idea, about yoga that it is just breathing, meditation, and some arm stretching. I listened politely and then ask, "What about the push-ups? Have you ever tried yoga? You will feel it like a work out." Even a modified yoga class; will create stamina, strength, and looser muscles. You will not feel the ache, of having just worked out with weights. But your own body becomes your weight. We do weight-bearing exercises, like push-ups that build the arms and legs.
Modified means that you can use straps, and you can do alternatives to poses, or a less strenuous version of a pose. But most clients feel a modified yoga class like a work out. It's a practice, it's a discipline. But modified yoga is very deceptive. You're not really aware that your body is getting stronger, until one day you notice that you can do more, that you have better stamina, that your legs are stronger. Perhaps it's when you took that long hike. Or after you did weight lifting, and realized that you had better focus, or breath control.
One client, eighty-two years young, was hiking through Asia, when she realized just how strong her legs had become. She said that sometimes she climbed over or under fences, and across walls, and up huge staircases to the temples, in very remote areas. All the travelers were about the same age, but she passed some resting along the way. She stopped and realized how strong her legs had become with our yoga classes.
The craze of power yoga, is like the fascination of an extreme sport. I advocate, yoga as a strength building, calming and healing the mind and body. Yoga to me, is ALREADY powerful. I don't think it's necessary to emphasize POWER YOGA. So if you don't want a Power yoga class, and you want something that is more modified. Modified yoga will work on your physical, mental and well-being. It will develop your overall strength, including your legs, ankles and hips and almost every other part as well. You can do it at your own pace, and modifying poses as you can. Are you ready to strengthen your legs, and do some modified yoga?
0 notes
thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
Things Have Changed
request: Can you plsss do a Peter x reader relationship where the reader is a family friend and Peter has always had a crush on her and idk ends up admitting it to her at night or something and things get very heated like smutty or whatever.
Did I decide to edit this a day early because I'm procrastinating my school work? Perhaps. But anyways, I hope you all like this fic!
warning: smut below the cut
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I could feel the beginning of sweat start to drip down the side of my face as I squinted my eyes trying to see the others in the water. The sand was at the border of being too hot to stand on in bare feet, causing me to walk closer to the water where the cold ocean had cooled the ground. “C’mon (y/n)!” Lucy shouted over the sound of the waves crashing into the shore. “The water isn’t even that cold!”
This was a lie and we both knew it. The icy water brushed the tip of my toes as I held back a shudder. At least the water would help me cool off from the unforgiving sun. As I stood contemplating what to do, I felt a hand graze my back. I turned to see Peter walking by me, a grin on his face. “Too scared to run in, (y/n)?” he asked. That was enough to kick me into action as I started to follow him into the water.
“Of course not,” I replied, holding back the instinct to let out a gasp as the cold water wrapped itself around my stomach. Both of our parents stayed by the towels and umbrellas, leaving the ocean to their children as they drank and talked about whatever it is that adults talked about. The blue house that our families had rented stood tall and proud behind our parents, overlooking the beach and whatever sat beyond what reaches of the ocean we could see.
Peter and I came to a halt as we reached where Lucy and Edmund were. “Where’s Susan?” Ed asked as Peter dunked his head under the water.
“I believe she said she was taking a nap,” I replied as Peter’s head reappeared from the dark water. His blond hair was now pressed against his forehead and had become a few shades darker from the weight of the water.
“Watch out! Big wave!” Lucy just managed to shout out the words before my vision was painted white as the wave crashed down on us. I lost control of my body as I let the current drag me around like a rag doll until I felt myself crash into something solid. At first, I thought it was a rock before I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my chest.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” I heard Peter say as my head broke the surface. I gulped in a deep breath of air, the oxygen reaching my lungs as I wiped the salt water out of my burning eyes.
“Thanks,” I managed as the taste of salt water danced down my throat.
“I think some of the water went up my nose.” I heard Edmund say while Lucy was pushing her hair that had been plastered in front of her eyes out of her face. I turned my head to look at Peter whose arms were still around me. The sudden realization of the situation finally dawned on me and I felt my face warm at the close proximity. Suddenly his arms felt like iron chains around me and I couldn’t ignore the feeling of their weight on me. Peter seemed to have also become aware of the sensation of our bodies pressed against each other as he slowly removed his arms from me.
“Sorry,” he said softly, his face now also a light shade of pink.
“Yeah, no worries,” I said quickly. I was suddenly thankful for the large wave coming our way as I turned to face it, focusing my thoughts on not being drowned by the rushing water.
“I almost drowned!” Lucy exclaimed as we all sat around the dinner table. It had been my mom’s turn to cook dinner and so she had made us all steak. I started to cut into the meat as Lucy told Susan all about our adventures in the water. Peter and I had become a bit more quiet since the incident in the ocean. I felt myself stealing glances at him every now and then. Sometimes he had already been looking at me too.
“I’m so happy you guys decided to join us here in the states.” I heard my mom say to the Pevensies’ parents. “I feel like we haven’t seen each other since we moved to America.”
“I know, it seems the kids are having a lot of fun hanging out again,” Mrs. Pevensie replied. I turned back to the conversation but could feel the burning glances Peter occasionally threw at me throughout dinner. I was thankful when dinner was over, trying to wash the dishes as quickly as possible and avoiding being near Peter as much as the confines of the kitchen allowed. The parents had disappeared, most likely to the balcony that overlooked the water to drink some more and catch up on what they had missed in the past five years. As soon as the dishes were done, I excused myself blaming my exhaustion on the sun and went to my room.
I was surprised when I woke up to a dark room. I had expected myself to be unable to sleep and instead toss and turn until the rest of the lights went out in the house. I got up from my bed, checking my phone to see it was around three in the morning. My stomach growled as I turned on my lights. It seems that pushing the food around your plate does little to actually satisfy your hunger. I paused at my mirror before leaving. I brushed out my hair and checked to see that the pajamas I wore were acceptable to be seen by the public. I wasn’t sure if I would run into Peter, he was most likely still asleep, but I wanted to play it safe. I wasn’t sure why I was so concerned about my appearance around him. When we were younger, before my family moved to America, I could have cared less about what he thought of my appearance. But then again, we had been younger then. Five years younger to be exact. We had grown since then. His shoulders had broadened and he had become taller. My body had developed curves where it used to be straight and I had finally grown into myself. We weren’t how we were back in the UK. We were older and more mature.
I shook the thoughts from my mind and opened the door to my room. I walked as quietly as I could past my parents’ room and then past all of the Pevensies’ rooms before reaching the stairs that led to the living area that held the kitchen. I opened the fridge as my stomach automatically growled at the sight of all the food. The best part of being on vacation was the fact that the fridge was always filled with leftovers from dinner. I settled on some of the mac and cheese, spooning some into a bowl before putting it into the microwave. I stood patiently as the whir of the microwave filled the silence that had settled into the room.
“What are you doing up?” I jumped at the voice before turning to see Peter standing by the entrance of the kitchen.
“I was hungry,” I said while pointing my head to the microwave. He walked over to me and I was suddenly thankful I had spent the extra time on my appearance before leaving my room. He wore only a pair of grey sweatpants. I couldn’t help myself and let my eyes wander his exposed abs. He definitely did not have those five years ago.
“I missed seeing you,” he said, causing my eyes to jump from his abs to his ocean blue eyes which I could easily drown in if I weren’t careful.
“Me too,” I replied, my voice much softer than I expected it to be. I cleared my throat before speaking again. “I missed having someone I could annoy like an older brother.” Peter’s face scrunched as he shook his head.
“Please don’t call me an older brother. That’s weird.” I raised an eyebrow at this, my heart racing. All this time I had thought he saw me as another little sister. But if that wasn’t the case, what did he see me as?
“And why is that?” I questioned. Peter’s face seemed to have reddened. I wasn’t sure if it had already been red from the sun and I just hadn’t noticed or if he was blushing. Before he could answer the microwave went off causing me to jump. Peter opened the door, taking the bowl out as steam rose from the food.
He set the bowl down on the counter before turning back to me. His eyes seemed to be studying me. I subconsciously bit my bottom lip in anticipation. I watched as his eyes followed the movement. “You’ve grown a lot since I last saw you,” he finally said.
“And so have you.”
“The thoughts I have about you…” Peter started as he walked closer to me, stopping so that we were almost pressed against each other. “They are not thoughts a brother has about his sister.” He leaned down towards my ear, his hot breath brushing the bare skin behind my ear and sending a shiver down my spine. “That is why it’s weird for you to call me an older brother.” My face must have been the color of a lobster at this point, and I was no longer afflicted with hunger. Instead, lust coursed through my veins. He paused for a moment as if in thought before pressing his lips on the same skin his breath had just caressed. I let out a soft sigh allowing my hand to grasp onto his strong bicep. My other hand had crept around to his stomach, tracing the abs I had just moments before been admiring. He moved his lips, kissing down my neck as I moved my head back to give him more access.
His hands wrapped around my waist before he lifted me into the air. I let out a gasp in surprise before my ass met the cool counter. His eyes looked me up and down, filled with lust and desire. “Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?” he asked. His hands were by my hips as his thumb traced shapes on my thighs. I found myself blushing at his words. Many people had called me beautiful before but the way he spoke it was the same way people sing praises to the gods they worship. He stepped towards me and I opened my legs for him so that he was as close as physically possible.
He stopped for a moment, his eyes meeting mine. They seemed to be saying all the things that had been left unsaid since we had reunited. You’re different. I’m different. These emotions are different. I love you. I wrapped my legs around him, forcing him closer (something I had not thought possible). His hands moved so that they were on either side of me, resting on the counter. My own hands were on his shoulders. I moved one so that it caressed his face. My mac and cheese sat patiently on the counter next to us, expecting to be eaten soon. I had a feeling the bowl would be staying there until the morning. Peter brought his face closer to mine. He paused for a moment, his eyes moving from my lips to my eyes. I gave a slight nod. Then, he kissed me.
We kissed and suddenly I understood what the authors of the romance books I used to read were writing about. He was like a drug. With each touch I needed more. With each kiss I craved just one more moment of the taste of his lips. My hands traveled to his hair as we continued to kiss. His hands wandered my back, traveling beneath the fabric of my t-shirt. I didn’t want to pull away. I wanted to stay like this for eternity. On the other hand, I wanted more. I wanted to connect us even more. I wanted him to fuck me.
I pulled back just long enough for my shirt to be discarded. Then I immediately reconnected our lips. I kissed him hungrily, as if those few seconds apart had left me famished. His hands slipped between us, holding my breasts. A small shudder went down my spine as his thumbs brushed my nipples. His hands continuously moved, as if they weren’t sure what to do with all the newly exposed skin. He squeezed my breasts before letting his hands travel down my stomach, gripping my waist harshly as we continued to kiss.
I could feel a growing wetness between my legs. The feeling of something hard being pushed against my inner thigh informed me Peter was just as turned on. He disconnected our lips, tasting my chin and then neck and then collar bone until he reached my tits. I attempted to catch my breath as his tongue flicked across my nipple. I let out a soft gasp as my back arched in pleasure. He started to suck on my tits, making sure to show great care and attention to both of them. His grip on my waist tightened and I was sure there would be a slight bruise in the morning. I couldn’t bring myself to care at the moment as that slight pain was the only thing keeping me grounded as pure pleasure pulsed throughout my body as Peter continued to kiss and suck and bite on the sensitive areas.
He stopped abruptly, standing upright and looking me directly in the eye. His erection that had been increasing in size and hardness was now protruding from his pants and pressing into the soft skin of my thigh. “When I was younger, I had always felt an attraction to you, (y/n),” he said. His voice was lower than usual and he seemed to be slightly out of breath as he spoke. “I never knew whether it was a friendly attraction or something stronger than that. But the moment I saw you for the first time in five years, I knew the feelings I felt for you...it wasn’t something most people feel. It was something so strong it took everything in me to not fall to my knees in defeat. In a happy defeat where I surrendered my heart to you.” I felt as if my heart was going to burst from my chest as I listened. “My body burns with desire for you (y/n). Please. Let me show you how you make me feel. Let me love you.”
I licked my lips, suddenly aware of how dry my mouth felt. I took a deep breath, hoping some of the fresh night air would clear my lust-clouded mind for a moment. “Yes,” I said. “Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes a million times.” I could feel a large grin growing on my face and Peter was wearing a matching one. He grabbed my face in his hands before bringing us together for a kiss. It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen as his hands left my face and traveled down my bare top before playing with the band of my shorts. I inched towards the edge of the counter before sliding off, our lips parting for a moment as my feet hit the ground before immediately reuniting.
He roughly pulled down my shorts and panties in one motion, letting the clothes hit the ground. I followed suit, pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. We parted for a moment, the moonlight shining through the window that sat over the sink allowing enough light so that I could see the true length of him. I had only a few moments to admire him, the thickness of his cock was sure to stretch me out deliciously, before he turned me around. I bent over the counter, the cool stone pressing against my naked skin. His hands gripped my hips to hold me in place before he pushed into me.
I let out a loud moan, causing him to put a hand over my mouth. He stayed in place, leaning over so that his mouth was next to my ear. “We have to be quiet. Unless you want both our families to see what we’re doing.” I nodded in understandance as he stood up straight again. He started by moving slowly. He pulled out halfway before pushing in all the way to the base. I felt my pussy flutter around him. He continued this slow rhythm for a while, testing out the water while stretching me out to fit him completely.
Once I felt myself start to adjust he started to go faster. I could feel the edge of the counter dig into my stomach each time my body was thrusted forward. My breasts moved in rhythm with Peter, my weight being supported by my forearms which were propped on top of the counter. His fingers dug into my hips as he fucked me. The kitchen was filled with the sound of skin slapping skin and our muffled moans as we did our best to stay quiet. The smell of sweat and sex hovered in the room. The moon acted as a spotlight for our indecent act. My vision was obstructed by my hair which was now a mess, strands of it sitting in front of my face.
“Peter, please,” I moaned quietly. I could feel myself getting closer, my legs now weaker than before as my arms were the only thing holding me up. Peter sensed this, using his hands that were on my hips to lift me up. I felt my mouth open, but no noise came out as my mind became overtaken with pleasure. I could hear Peter let out a groan as I felt myself collapse around him. I let my head fall forward as I attempted to recover from my orgasm. The pleasure started to become more bearable as Peter continued to fuck me. His thrusts were becoming more desperate. Just as I started to think he couldn’t be any rougher, he pulled out.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded. The way he spoke brought butterflies to my stomach. He spoke much more forcefully than before, his voice laced with lust as he was too concerned with his own release to speak gently to me. I obeyed, opening my mouth for him unprompted. I started moving my head for him, wanting to make him feel just as good as he made me feel. His head fell back as his hip thrusted forward. I fought back the reflex to gag as his cock buried itself deep within my throat. His hand pushed on the back of my head, keeping me in place as I felt the beginning spurt of a warm and bitter liquid shooting down my throat. I swallowed all of it greedily, wanting to have as much of Peter as I could.
As the last drop of his cum slid down my throat, he slowly pulled away. I wiped away the small dribble of drool that had fallen down my chin. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, a smile on his face. His hand ran down the side of my head before caressing my face. I slowly got up, my legs still slightly weak. “Wow,” I said, slightly out of breath. Peter let out a soft chuckle before pulling me in for a kiss. We quietly got dressed. Peter grabbed my hand, leading me to his room. Our clothes didn’t stay on for too long as they quickly found their way to his bedroom floor. The night was filled with whispers of confessions of love, hands in hair, and lips pressed on naked skin. The next morning I would wake up, afraid that it had all been a dream before I turned to see Peter’s face on the pillow next to me. Then, a smile matching Peter’s sleepy one would form on my face.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
thank you for infecting me with total naoya brain rot, nat. can i request a breeding kink scenario with him and curvy, thick reader that he thinks looks perfect for bearing him an heir 👀 feel free to make him as nasty as you want, i love to read about this absolute trash fire of a man
Covet - Naoya x Fem!Reader (3.6k)
Naoya wants something from you - you see a chance to get something you want too.
warnings: afab reader, fem pronouns. breeding. power imbalance (reader is a maid at the zen’in estate). talk of pregnancy, knives, misogyny, fingering, coming inside/creampies. the mandatory warning that this fic is about naoya.
You are fairly certain that Naoya Zenin does not know whether you exist. If he has ever noticed you attending to your duties, so much lower and less important than he, he probably doesn’t like you.
At least, you did not think he liked you before this moment. Even now, with his hands on your hips and your body pressed flush against the wall outside his chambers, you’re not certain – there’s a weight to the way he’s holding you, a twist to his lips that you can see from where your cheek has met cool wallpaper. He looks like he’s considering you; sizing you up.
Your cheeks burn as he sizes up your lower half, eyes tracing your hips and ass and thighs without even a hint of remorse, as if it’s his god-given right to look upon you like this even though you’ve barely ever spoken more than a cursory polite; ‘I brought you this, Sir’. That’s what you’ve been taught to do.
Be respectful, stick to the shadows, do what you’re told. It’s an honour to serve the Zenin clan, it’s an honour to be here in the estate – it’s an honour to get a brief moment of any of their time, even if they’re just making demands on you. You sometimes hate yourself, for not being born one of them - you want, you want, you want, like a physical ache. The luxury. The nice treatment. People to think that you merely blessing them with a look is an honour--
It’s an especial honour to be worth Naoya’s time – everybody knows that he’s going to be the next leader. There are always rumours buzzing around the grounds about him; about his power, about his temper, about his personality . . . about which pretty young woman he’ll make his wife and have beside him to rule the clan.
You’re brought back to what’s currently happening by his hands sliding down from where he is clinging onto your hips, generously tracing the curve, admiring just how broad they are.
“Pity you have to hide beneath that,” he says, smirking. Your cheeks are hot. “You’re pretty, you know. At least. . .” One hand moves from your hip, thumb and forefinger squeezing your cheeks to turn them more thoroughly towards him. He looks entirely unruffled by the situation, every inch of him at ease that you will bend to what he wants. “Your body is pretty.” Eyes scan over your face, and you’re suddenly aware of every imperfection, every feature you’ve ever scrutinised. “Hm. Not bad either.”
“I . . . I don’t understand,” You find yourself breathing. He raises one elegant eyebrow. The hand that’s on your hip moves, tracing the plush of your ass through fabric, his lip curling into a smirk. He presses a little bit forward and you feel something stiff press against your other cheek (the one not occupied by his hand) – and your throat goes dry as you realise precisely what he means.
You should run. Good girls do not do what Naoya wants you to do. You have duties to attend to! You have things that must be done, lest your seniors sigh and tut at you and punish you for neglecting your work. But your throat is very dry and your heart is pounding and there is suddenly a strange twist of heat low in your gut, as Naoya Zenin looks down at you with the air of a man who will devour you if you let him.
You can’t deny it’s thrilling to be wanted – more thrilling to be wanted by someone like him.
“I’ll give you ten seconds,” he says, and his tone is patronising. “If you don’t want me to take you to bed and fuck you, I suggest you make yourself scarce.”
He says it so openly, so brazenly – you suppose that’s what comes of being born into this family. He has nothing to fear in these walls. Not like you.
You imagine yourself underneath him for a second, his hair in disarray, hakama abandoned, his perfectly composed face twisted in pleasure. You should not go to his bed. But . . . you want to. And don’t you deserve something you want, when you’ve spent your entire life watching other people enjoy it?
“You don’t need to,” you breathe, swallowing. Naoya pulls back in amusement, his eyes darkening. He seems so much taller and stronger than you. Even swathed in fabric, it’s clear that there is muscle and strength beneath the clothes. He has been trained to within an inch of his life since the day he was born. He makes a considering noise in the back of his throat. A thumb trails over your cheek.
“Are you sure about that?” The smirk in his voice says that he knows you are. “I won’t be gentle with you, you know. I don’t have all day to romance you. I just want to get you on your back . . .” His thumb slides over your jawline, past your earlobe, until he’s taken a hank of your hair and yanks it back roughly, exposing your throat and making you gasp. “And fuck a son into you.”
He must see the look on your face, because he laughs, the sound cruel even to your ears. He’s still pressed so close to you. Nobody who walked down this hallway would mistake the embrace the two of you were currently in for anything clandestine. You suppose he has nothing to worry about – but your reputation? He’d ruin you for marriage.
“Come on,” he murmurs, chuckling. “Have you seen yourself? You’re made for bearing a child, sweetheart.” The pet name is almost mocking, but your heart skips a beat anyway. “Don’t worry too much. You don’t think I could take care of you, if you carried my heir? You’re a servant, right? You already know how to behave.” His smile is like a wolf. “So, I give you my word that if it takes, I’ll take care of you. Sounds fair, huh?” He jerks on your hair again. “Ten seconds,” he reminds you. “If you want to get out of it. You don’t think there are girls lining up around the block to have me?”
(Judging by the whispers about him, you actually don’t think there are – but judging from Naoya’s eyes, he certainly thinks so.)
He lets go. He steps back. His eyes are still on you, but he raises his arms either side of him as if to show you that you’re free to go. And you do consider it – you let the possibility of running flicker through your head. It’s quickly replaced by the thought of Naoya on top of you, an end to the aching between your legs, and the knowledge of just how you might be treated if Naoya did succeed in his mission.
It’s fine to want nice things, every once in a while.
“Five,” he says, warningly, but his eyes are dark with hunger. “Four. Three.”
You turn towards his bedroom door and grasp the handle, and he laughs, the sound very loud.
“Oh,” he says, “so you’re going to be fun.”
The minute his bedroom door clicks behind him, Naoya wastes no time on being on you. He’s full throttle, immediately – hands pulling at your clothes, rough, his mouth on your neck. He avoids your mouth, like he doesn’t quite want to kiss you – but as you bite back a moan as he nips at your throat and he groans in response at the noise, you realise that he wants to hear you.
Figures a man like that wants the reassurance that you’re enjoying yourself. Figures he wants to crow over every whimper that drops from your lips. Hands pull at your kimono, almost ripping it in his hurry to have the fabric out of his way and on the floor. You barely even notice he’s been pushing you across the room until you’re pushed hard down, and your back meets pillows and sheets instead of the floor.
The way you fall makes a perfect tableaux; the material of your outfit pooling around you, your body in the middle of it, clad in only your underwear. His light eyes rake over you hungrily.
“Fuck,” he says. His hands immediately go to your hips, thumbs pressing hard into the soft flesh. You barely fit in his hands, the curve of you dramatic. “You’re going to be perfect for this, huh? Look at you. It’s a fucking shame you’re not knocked up right now--”
Your body reacts to his touch and his look, though you can’t help but be embarrassed by it – it’s one thing to be entranced by someone pretty, you think, but it’s another thing to be entranced by the idea of how pretty someone will look when their stomach is swollen and their breasts have swelled and their hips have filled out because they’re bearing your child.
He doesn’t bother with unclipping your bra. He reaches into his hakama and panic flashes before your eyes when he pulls out a knife, but he uses it merely to slice the gore between your bra cups, right between the cute bow adorning them.
“I—I liked that,” you say, but your voice sounds very wobbly in the room, under Naoya’s gaze, under his hands. He snorts.
“I like you better without it,” he says shortly, as if your likes and dislikes are not a consideration to be taken into account. For him, you suppose they’re not. “Besides.” Hands travel from your hips to cup your breasts, squeezing the meat of the mounds so that you groan and arch your back, desire pooling between your legs. “I wanted to see these. I wanted to touch them.” He grins. “I wanted to imagine how nice they’re going to look when they get bigger.”
He squeezes the point of each of your nipples, so hard that the pleasure almost becomes pain.
“I think I’ll leave marks on you,” he says, conversationally. He pulls an arm back and suddenly has slapped you, your breast stinging, a brief imprint of his hand showing on your skin. He admires how your breast moves with the force – you’re too surprised to even make a noise of pain. “Good girl. I want you to remember how I feel when we’re done.”
You don’t think you could forget. You definitely can’t forget the sting of the second slap, this one making you moan – it hurts, but part of it feels good to be marked by him. You definitely can’t forget his thumbs hooking into your underwear, dragging it past your thighs – the way that he drinks in the wet patch on the fabric. You definitely don’t think you’ll be able to forget the chuckle that leaves his mouth as he spreads your thighs and sees your sex for the first time, already slick.
“You like being treated rough, huh?” He asks you. There’s that grin again; a predator, a man who has never been told no, a man who doesn’t know what it’s like to not have everything he has ever wanted at his fingertips. “Good. I like playing rough.”
He still doesn’t kiss you. He dives his head down, though, his teeth once more nipping at your neck, at your breast, tongue lathing across your nipples. One of his hand delves between your legs, spreading the plump labia, fingers briefly stroking your clit and sending a hot bolt of lightning all through you.
“That’s right,” he murmurs, as he pushes a finger inside of you. You’re slick and tight around his digits, hot and silky – one of his fingers alone is like a vice. You’re going to feel so good. He doesn’t much care whether his cock hurts you or not – but he wants you to be so fucked out by the time he’s come inside you that you don’t care about him leaving your legs propped up so not a single trickle of come leaks out of you. He doesn’t want a whimpering little bitch in his bed – he wants someone who’ll lie there, patiently, prettily, and let him make sure it takes.
You’re going to be good for that, he knows it. With a body like that, and eyes like that, and a clear longing for something better than the shitty hand you’ve been dealt? Oh, yes. You might not know it, but Naoya likes you immensely.
That you’re a servant, who’s been taught your place - that you’ll look at the ground respectfully and walk behind him and agree to whatever he says, like women should? Even better. Perfect. Fuck any of those snooty young women of a clan who think that just because they were born with a name, they were somehow more than a cunt for breeding--
Two fingers. This one gets a cry from you, almost too full – Naoya clicks his tongue against his teeth. He’s not patient, but he slows down, scissoring you open. One of your hands seems to flex out as if going to grab his bicep – but thinks better of it, clutching for purchase on the bed instead. Cute.
He can’t help but watch his fingers dive in and out of you, already coated in your liberal slick. They already look so good – he can’t even imagine how good his cock will look, hilted so deep in you he’s all you can feel.
Three fingers. You’re making soft little noises, circling your hips – there’s a coil in your belly that Naoya’s fingers are stoking in a way you didn’t expect, one that you feel like you’re so close to getting to spring forth – he slides his fingers out of you as he feels you tightening and tensing around him. If you’re close enough to come on his fingers, he reasons, you’re close enough to take his cock.
He didn’t expect to be so entranced by how pretty you looked, all curves and soft on his bed – but there’s time for that later. Right now, his cock is driving a hole through his own underwear. The thought of fucking his seed into you, of having you coming around his cock . . . you moan in frustration at the lack of stimulation as his hands busy themselves peeling off his own clothes.
“What’s the matter?” He asks you, a little breathless. You don’t notice that – good. He hates people witnessing weakness. “You need to be filled up?”
“I—” your teeth dig into your bottom lip, and Naoya has the urge to kiss you that he pushes back.
Not now. Not yet. Not while you’re still scum. He can transform you, and maybe you’ll be worthy of that – but right now, you’re an empty shell, and Naoya needs to mould you into something fuller and better before he’ll lower himself to brush his lips over your own. That’s too intimate. That’s too much.
“You don’t need to use your words,” he purrs. “You’re soaking wet.”
You urge your thighs further apart as Naoya’s clothes slip off of him and you see his cock jutting proud against his stomach. You haven’t had much experience to know whether it’s a nice cock, whether he’s big – but Naoya grins when he sees you looking, ferocity sparking in his expression.
“You may as well look at it,” he tells you, “because it’s going to be buried inside you in just a moment--”
He’s on the bed, his body on top of yours. His hands are clinging to the hips he’s admired so much, his grip tight enough to mark. His face is close enough that you can see the sculpt of his lips and the fan of his eyelashes, the dark pupils. The wet head of his cock smears precome on your thigh as he positions himself at your entrance – and as he sinks inside, your body welcomes him.
He hisses in fluid pleasure as his cock descends inside of you inch by slow, inexorable inch – the stretch, the burn, the slick fluid pleasure. This time, one of your hands does find purchase on his shoulder – but Naoya is enjoying the feeling of your walls kissing his cock, embracing him tight and deep, too much to snap at you for being such an insolent thing. Your nails leave little crescent moon marks in his shoulder that he decides to forgive. After all – you’ll have bruises in the shape of his handprints tomorrow, he knows it. He doesn’t have a single crumb of shame about it.
If he gets his way, you’ll have more than just those as a mark of tonight. He hilts inside you, his skin pressing hot against yours. You’re so full – he feels so very deep, buried as far as he can go. All of your breath has been knocked out of you.
Your eyes meet his for just a moment.
“Better hold on,” he tells you. “I told you I wouldn’t be gentle.”
The first pull out is swift, immediately thrusting back inside you with such force that your body rocks on the bed. He wasn’t lying about not being gentle; his hips quickly establish a punishing rhythm, helped along by the slick glide of your channel, the wetness leaking around his cock. He pulls you a little with every thrust, the hands on his hips assisting him being able to watch his cock drive in and out of your sex. It’s a mark of the strength he has that the only sign that you weigh anything at all is a huff of breath in between his thrusts – you’ve never exactly felt delicate  in your life, but something about Naoya’s way of handling you makes you think that he could break you in half if he tried.
That is, if his rough thrusts in and out of you don’t split you in two first. You give up trying to do anything other than hold onto him, your mouth dropping open in a series of wordless wails and moans.
(Naoya prefers quiet women, he has to admit – but there’s something endearing about you giving up in bed, giving yourself to him in voice as well as body. Perhaps he doesn’t mind a loud woman, as long as the reason she’s loud is because he’s fucking her silly).
His skin slaps against your skin. The sound mixes with your own whimpers and gasps, Naoya’s quieter breathing, the embarrassingly wet sounds of his cock plunging in and out of you. The release that was denied to you earlier with his fingers is creeping back up on you again, all hot pleasure and tight tension. With every thrust, Naoya is hitting a spot amongst your plush walls that has your eyes rolling back in your head and your body all hot and needy. He doesn’t care if you come, really – this isn’t about you – but . . . just another of those things he supposes he could get used to, as the ball of pleasure inside of you finally unravels and you feel yourself come.
And oh, he could get used to that feeling too – how your walls pulsate around him, pulling his cock tighter inside of you, practically milking him. His hips just get faster, snapping against you like a man possessed – heh. Isn’t that funny?
Your chest is heaving, but he’s enjoying the feel of your hips too much to play with your tits again. When they’re all swollen with milk and bigger and rounder, he’ll probably fuck you again, slower . . . and then, he’ll get his feel of touching them. Just like he’ll get his feel of your thighs even plusher, your stomach rounder, your hips even better in his grip--
It’s those thoughts that push him over the edge. Your body softened and rounded with his child – his son, his heir. You’re fucking perfect for it. He groans, his hips snapping and driving so deep inside you that you think he’ll break – and then, he’s groaning, and his cock is pulsing inside you as the sensation of his come painting your walls hot and thick overtakes your senses.
He pumps his cock a few more times inside of you after the initial release, as if he’s trying to push his seed even further within you. You’re shuddering, exhausted, your body aching – and so, you don’t argue beyond a soft noise of pain at the unpleasant prickle as he pulls his cock out of you. You don’t argue when he slides a pillow beneath your hips and says;
“Keep your legs bent like that.”
Naoya takes a moment to admire you. Your pretty cunt is darkened from his aggressive fucking, clit swollen, slick with your own desire-- he frowns as he notices a drop of something whiter and thicker. That won’t do. Two fingers roughly push his come back into you, pressing it deeply, making you groan and your hips weakly thrust against them.
It’s cute that you’re still welcoming to his fingers; that your sex still sucks them in as if it’s greedy to be fucked again. Your eyes are half-lidded, glassy – your lips bitten dark. He thinks he could fuck you again and you wouldn’t even complain.
Yes. He grins at you. Give it a little while, to make sure his come takes – and then, he thinks, he will fuck you again. There’s no harm in being thorough, right?
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queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Seven
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 4,241
Warning: Smut
Note: This plays in 2020.
In the dark, you began to search for your phone to shine some light and, as you were reaching for the bedside table, your hands brushed Cillian a couple of time until you found it.
‘You were saying?’ you chuckled as you turned the little light on your phone on, flashing it towards Cillian.
‘It’s difficult Y/N’ Cillian then said, covering his eyes and you simply nodded.
‘That’s just life sometimes Cilly. I am sure you will find your way with whoever she is’ you then said, caressing his cheek gently before standing up.
‘Remember the last time we were in a blackout together?’ Cillian then asked, causing you to nod.
‘Oh my god yes. It was at your holiday house in Kerry and Danielle was freaking out, thinking that we will never get back to civilisation’ you laughed, remembering that night very well.
‘She was high so I can see how this happened’ Cillian laughed, before turning on the light on his phone as well.
‘Well, I don’t have any Weed but there is a whole bottle of red wine in the kitchen and a cabinet full of board games’ you suggested before gathering some candles while Cillian lid the fireplace in the living room for some extra light.
After you threw a few blankets and pillows down in front of the fireplace and Cillian eventually found his reading glasses, you started with some Scrabble but, usurpingly, after you finished half of the bottle of red wine, this soon became too difficult when you made one spelling mistake after another.
‘You are hopeless’ Cillian eventually observed as he won again, using the most absurd words he could think off after you only scored some points with words like ‘Soup’ and ‘Breasts’.
‘Well, how about a game that I am good at, huh?’ you laughed as you pulled out the Twister mat.
‘You don’t think that we are a little too tipsy for Twister?’ Cillian laughed, remembering that, the last time you played this game drunk, he ended up with four stitches.
‘Nope! I will catch you if you fall’ you chuckled as you started to warm up and opened up the ‘Twister-For-Two’ App on your iPhone which was giving you both directions with thirty second intervals.
‘Jesus, I am getting too fucking old for this’ Cillian said before getting into position, showing off his strong legs which immediately caused you to bite your lips. The fact that he wasn’t wearing anything but his black briefs and a grey t-shirt certainly was an incentive for you.
Left foot blue!
He was certainly getting an easy start, at least so he thought.
Right hand yellow!
But clearly, he was wrong when he watched you bend over right in front of him wearing your rather short Pyjamas featuring Bambi.
‘Interesting clothing choice’ Cillian chuckled as Bambi was staring right at him, covering your deliciously round ass.
‘Get your eyes off my ass Murphy’ you laughed but, deep down inside you didn’t mind him staring at you.
After just five minutes, both of your hands and feet were on the mat and so were Cillian’s.
By this point, Cillian and you had managed to thoroughly tangle yourselves together in a laughing mess and, at right foot yellow, Cillian accidentally bumped your breast. Slightly surprised, you took little notice.
Cillian on the other hand began to struggle as, once again, his manhood began to stir.
‘Seriously?’ he thought to himself as, just moments earlier, he couldn’t get himself into the mood with Lindsay and now that he wanted to prevent exactly this from happening, he couldn’t and was hard as a rock.  
At right hand green, things had become too much for him as you had to slide your right hand along Cillian’s inner thigh on your way to green. As you slowly moved into position, you got a glimpse of what was happening in between Cillian’s legs but yet, you pretended that you didn’t notice his erection.
‘Fuck, that’s it, you won. My back is sore’ Cillian suddenly huffed out, standing up abruptly before walking to the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but grin as Cillian shouted out to see whether you wanted another glass of wine.
‘Yes please’ you giggled rather pleased with yourself but still, you thought that it was simply the friction that aroused him.
‘Do you want another game?’ you asked when he returned with two full glasses and, unsurprisingly, Cillian shook his head which is when you began talking.
You talked about almost everything and anything for about thirty minutes while sitting on the blanket together in between the scented candles and the fireplace.
By this point Cillian’s erection had subsided and you were curious as to whether it was you who caused it in the first place or whether it was something else.
‘Despite the blackout and you breaking it off with Lindsay, I thought that tonight was really fun’ you eventually observed after you finished your glass of wine
‘Well, you are a lot of fun to be around which makes it pretty easy’ Cillian said, finishing off his wine as well.
He smirked and shrugged. His eyes dropped and he started to trace a design on the crumpled blanket with his finger as if he wanted to say something else.
‘Can you ask you a question?’ you then asked out of the blue after having built up some courage.
‘Of course’ Cillian responded as his eyes lifted to yours, and you almost lost your nerve.
‘You, uhm, seemed to have enjoyed the game of Twister a lot more than I had anticipated’ you said, biting your lip nervously while looking down at his crotch.
Cillian immediately blushed, the flush spreading down his neck and the top of his muscular chest. Mortified, he looked at you with wide eyes and his right hand rose to his forehead.
‘Oh, god, Y/N…I am so sorry, it’s just that…the wine…and….’ Cillian shuddered nervously, realising that you saw his arousal and, before he could finish his sentence, you quickly leaned forward and placed a hand on his chest, just above the collar of his t-shirt where some of his chest hair was sticking out. Your palm tingled against the soft spatter of hair there.
‘Cillian, don't! I didn't mean to embarrass you’ you suddenly blurted out as you felt bad that you had, but also stimulated at the thought that you might have aroused him and that, perhaps, it wasn’t just a coincidence.
You were suddenly very aware of the soft, warm skin beneath your hand, and the warm wetness in your panties.
‘I promise you'll never say anything about it again, I just...I have to know...was it friction from the game, or was it, you know...me?’ you then asked, retreating you hand momentarily from his chest and squinting your eyes nervously.
Cillian sighed heavily and grabbed your hand, placing it back against his chest after you leaned away a little. His heart was racing, and you thought yours might pound straight out of your ribcage.
‘It wasn't the friction Y/N’ he then admitted and your breath caught in your throat.
‘I don’t know what it was or what it is, but I know it’s you. I am attracted to you’ Cillian then explained, causing you to grin excitedly.
‘So, when you just got aroused, what did you think about’ you asked as you played with his chest hair.
‘Y/N, we’ve been friends for so many fucking years and I don’t want to ruin this’ Cillian said almost embarrassed and you cut him off again.
‘Yes, and friends tell each other the truth. So, tell me, what was on your mind just then on the Twister mat?’ you asked, causing Cillian to sigh heavily again.
‘I was wondering what you would taste like’ Cillian said almost heavy hearted, admitting his desire for you before apologising for it.
Your heart felt like it stopped. Your entire body tingled, and warmth spread through your belly, snaking straight between your legs. This could absolutely be a dream.
‘Why don't you kiss me and find out?’ you said with husky voice as you moved your face closer to his.
With no hesitation, Cillian’s free hand moved around the back of your neck as his full lips met yours.
Your eyes closed and you opened your mouth, allowing his soft tongue to explore. He pulled you in and kissed you harder while you wrapped your arms around him to run your hands along his back and shoulders.
This continued for quite some times with neither of you being able to let go of the other as you smiled, kissed and moaned into each other’s mouths. Eventually, Cillian wound his hand in your long hair and broke the kiss to move his mouth to your ear.
As it was, you moaned, you shivered, and you dug your nails into his back. Your enthusiastic response drove him to be even more aggressive. He pushed you onto your back and rolled on top of you, the growing bulge in his briefs pressing directly into the spreading wetness between your legs. You gasped at the gratifying sensation.
Cillian pushed himself onto his palms, concerned.
‘This will change everything between us. Do you want this?’ Cillian asked.
‘I wanted this for over a fucking month Cillian. If you don’t fuck me now, I will never forgive you’ you huffed out almost breathlessly and slightly tipsy, causing Cillian to chuckle.
Of course, he wanted it as badly and as much as you did, but he was still somewhat worried about your long-lasting friendship and thought that, ideally, you should both be talking about this first. You needed to clarify what this was and what you were going to become after you slept with each other.
But the wine and his raging erection eventually got the better of him and you immediately wrapped your arms around him to keep him on top of you.
You ground your hips into his and forced his lips to yours, bringing his full weight back to your waiting body. His hot mouth made it back to your neck and ears, and you moaned again, biting your lip in an attempt to stifle the noises he was eliciting from you. He propped himself up on one forearm and began to explore your eager body with his other hand.
He was teasing you, tauntingly caressing you through the thin pyjamas shirt you wore. You writhed beneath his palm, wanting more. His hair wasn't long, but long enough that you could wind your fingers into it and guide his ear into your mouth.
You toyed with it, tracing it with your tongue, sliding the lobe between your teeth, enjoying hearing his breath get heavier and feeling his cock getting harder as he kneaded your breast through the t-shirt. Then he stopped.
‘Y/N’ Cillian huffed out, causing you to enquire why he stopped.
‘I saw you, earlier in the bath when you were masturbating’ he admitted.
‘You looked away though didn’t you?’ you smirked, causing him to shake your head.
‘I am sorry’ he said and you immediately grinned.
‘Did you enjoy watching me?’ you then asked as you raised an eyebrow and panted, rubbing yourself against him.
‘What do you think?’ Cillian chuckled before asking you what you were listening to on your headphones.
‘An audio book you narrated’ you smirked and he looked dumbfounded, which in turn surprised you, considering what he'd said to start all of this.
‘What can I say Cillian, you’ve got a goodman sexy voice’ you admitted before you pushed him off of you and sat up on your knees, peeling off your shirt to reveal your pierced breasts.
He sat, slack jawed, legs outstretched before doing the same with his t-shirt.
‘So many freckles’ you observed before you went further and hooked your thumbs around the waistband of your Bambi panties.
‘Since you already watched me masturbate, there are no more secrets for me to reveal in so far as my body is concerned’ you smirked as you slowly inched them past your hips, leaving you completely naked.
Cillian’s jaw dropped nonetheless. His eyes were hungry and he reached for his own briefs and removed them as well.
‘Well, unfortunately for you, I had no secrets to start off with. You’ve seen it all already’ Cillian said as he gave you a familiar, lop-sided grin that exposed his teeth. So gorgeous.
‘And I love seeing it all again’ you huffed out as your mouth watered at the sight of his erection. But, instead of letting him climb back on top of you, you firmly pressed your naked body against his chest and then straddled his taut body and kissed him soundly.
His hands roamed your body freely, exploring your legs, your back, your breasts, your ass. He caressed and kneaded, he stroked and fondled, all the while kissing your mouth and neck and ears.
‘Oh god Cillian’ you moaned as you ground your clit into his erection, whimpering in pleasure and whispering his name over and over again, something which sounded rather familiar to him.
After placing soft kisses across your neck, he cupped your breasts and rubbed circles on your rigid pierced nipples with his large thumbs, making you tremble. With his gaze boring into yours, he lifted each breast to his lips and gently nuzzled your nipples before gently tugging on each of your piercings.
‘Don't stop...please don't stop’ you moaned as you rode him harder, begging breathlessly and he wasn’t event inside of your yet. The only friction you got was on your clit against his very hard cock.
Cillian complied with your request and fixed his soft lips around a pink areola, sucking hard as he manipulated the firm nub and your piercing with his tongue. It pushed you over the edge and you came with a low moan, your fingers digging roughly into his scalp.
Keeping one hand around his neck, you slumped back onto his muscular thighs and tried to catch your breath.
‘Did you just cum?’ he asked rather surprised and you nodded, unable to say more.
‘Fuck, that is incredibly hot’ he said as his mouth hung open while he looked at you expectantly, and you knew him well enough that he was wondering if your orgasm meant you were done playing.
‘The tension building up over the past month was just too much, but please don’t dare think that I am done with you yet’ you smirked and Cillian mirrored your wicked smile and kissed you deeply until you placed both hands on his chest and pushed him onto his back.
He resisted at first, eager to keep touching you. Finally he relented and propped himself up with one hand behind his head, watching you as you kissed and licked and sucked your way across his muscular chest and stomach again and again.
Any time you came to his nipples, his eyes pinched tight and his hips involuntarily jerked toward you. You pressed your slight body down onto his rigid cock, making him emit a deep, guttural moan. It was all you could do not to impale your wet pussy on the willing flesh, but you were enjoying the anticipation far too much.
You slid your body down on his, his freckled skin a striking contrast against your much darker tan. While you made your decent, you briefly thought again about just climbing onto him and lowering your wet, ready pussy onto his very hard cock, but you decided that as late as it was, it was still early enough in the night to do everything you wanted. And you wanted to make him come in your mouth just as you had fantasised for weeks.
When you finally reached your destination, Cillian’s cock, was standing at attention in your hands. It was so long and thick that it made your small hands look positively tiny in comparison. You ran them up and down the length of his shaft, taking the time to trace every line and curve carefully.
‘Fuck, Y/N, this feels so fucking good’ Cillian groaned as he watched you with hooded eyes and you started stroking him more rhythmically. His head rolled back, his hips jutted forward, and you couldn't contain yourself any longer.
You inhaled all that you could at once, which admittedly wasn't much considering all that remained. You pulled your head back, sucking hard, and went down for another try, and another, and another, gorging on a little more of his shaft each time.
‘Jesus Christ’ Cillian groaned again loudly as you finally managed to take all of his length and he bottomed out against the back of your throat.
You grinned as you accomplished what you had hoped and began bobbing your head up and down his shaft.
Occasionally, you snuck glances at his face when you could; sometimes he was staring at you fixedly, his mouth pinched to a narrow line, other times his eyes were screwed tight.
‘Y/N, I am close, fuck, you need to stop’ you eventually heard him weakly say as you continued to pleasure him with your lips and tongue.
But, instead of stopping, you looked him straight in the eyes and took his cock deeper down your mouth.
‘Y/N, fuck’ he groaned, trying to delay his release until he realised that this was what you wanted as you continued to suck him eagerly.
Eventually, with another loud groan, his entire body tensed and you could feel his sweet cum spurt into the back of your throat. Rope after rope, you drank every drop and, when he finally came down from his high, you gently licked him clean and he sat up and pulled you into his lap, kissing you deeply.
‘You just kissed me after you came in my mouth’ you observed when your lips drifted apart which is something James, the only man you had ever been with before tonight, would never have done.
‘Does that bother you?’ Cillian asked concerned and you shook your head.
‘No, I think its fucking sexy’ you blurted out before kissing him again and, just as you did, you felt his erection reviving underneath your ass almost immediately.
While sucking on your tongue, his large hands grabbed around your waist and rolled you over on the blanket beside him.
He crawled over you and stuck his tongue in your ear, making you claw at his back until he whispered ‘When I said that I wanted to know what you taste like, I meant that I wanted to eat your pussy.’
This was probably the dirtiest thing you ever heard him say to you and you liked it a lot and wiggled out from underneath him just enough to spread your legs provocatively.
His breath on your legs, coupled with his revelation that he had been fantasising about licking you, made you quiver. He slowly kissed the inside of your thighs, occasionally brushing your soaking mound with his nose or his lips. You relished every second and it wasn’t long until he locked your gaze and pressed his tongue flat against your vulva.
‘Oh god yes, Cillian, fuck’ you moaned out as he was licking and sucking you.
He covered your labia and clitoris in wet kisses before sticking his tongue deep inside you, causing you to scream out louder than ever before.
As he continued to pleasure you, one of your hands was buried in his hair, tearing at it as he made your body go crazy whilst the other clenched against the blanket beneath you.
You remembered what Laura had said and there certainly was some truth to it. He was good, very good and it wasn't long before you'd built into another orgasm, but you didn't feel the need to warn him beforehand.
‘Oh, my fucking god’ you shouted out eventually as his wicked tongue sent you over the edge and your legs began to shake crazily while he pinned you down.
No man had ever made you cum with his tongue alone and the sensitivity on your clit following your orgasm was overwhelming and made you squirm.
Still, he continued to ply his tongue into your sensitive folds until you used both hands to pry his head back by his hair. He grinned from ear to ear, and you knew you were paying for teasing him earlier.
Languidly, he pulled his body over yours, pausing to kiss you here and there while you regained a little composure. His breath was heavy when he found himself at your ear again.
‘I want to be inside you’ he whispered and you nodded fervently.
He raised himself to his knees, his erection again at full mast. You felt a momentary twinge of nervousness. He was bigger than James and this worried you just a little.
‘Do you want me to go and get a condom?’ Cillian asked and you knew that he kept some upstairs in his bedside table which, ironically, Lindsay had bought for him.
‘No, I am on the pill. I want to feel you, all of you’ you said, biting your lips with anticipation.
This was all Cillian needed to hear and, within seconds, he lined himself up you’re your soaking wet entrance.
He knew that you had never been with another man other than James and was gentle and slow as he entered you, increasing the pace of his thrusts only after you'd had a chance to get used to his length and girth and began raising your hips up to meet his.
‘Oh god, you feel so fucking tight Y/N’ Cillian groaned as he thrusted in and out of you.
‘Cillian, fuck me harder, oh god’ you screamed out almost at the same time. He felt so amazing inside of you that you could barely breathe! You probably looked like the proverbial fish on dry land, gasping for air as you drown under wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure.
You were almost grateful when he folded over you and groaned into your neck, the sound of your name from his lips bringing you to one last climax as he enjoyed his.
‘Fuck yes Cillian’ you groaned as you could feel him pulsate inside of you, filling you with his seed as you climaxed in sync.
By this point you had lost count of how many orgasms he'd given you, but you were fairly sure that you could make him come every hour on the hour for the next three or four days and still be in his debt.
You never had sex that good and you struggled to contain yourself after you both were breathless. Cillian held his body close to his as his breath normalized, and you shuddered as he pulled his softening cock from inside you, lamenting its absence and causing some of his cum to leak onto the blanket beneath you.
‘What do you think? Should we get to bed?’ he eventually huffed out and you nodded, but weren’t so sure whether you would be sleeping in the same or separate bedroom.
‘I might need some help getting up’ you giggled, knowing that you wouldn’t be walking straight for days.
Cillian was quick to flash up his phone and scoop you up from the floor in response to your comment and carry you to your bed.
‘Uhm, do you want me to stay with you?’ Cillian asked somewhat nervously and you bit your lip and nodded at him.
Within seconds, he slid into bed with you, turned off the flashlight on his phone before pulling the top sheet over your nude forms before sliding an arm around you to curl you into his warm body.
‘This was incredible, even better than I had ever imagined’ he said and you nuzzled into the soft hair that sparsely covered his chest, still reeling that the most amazing wet dream you'd ever had had happened during your waking hours.
The following morning, you were woken by your phone which rang not once, not twice but three times in total until you finally answered it.
‘Hey, what’s up’ you huffed out with a dusty head while Cillian was stirring besides you.
‘I really need to talk Y/N, I am sorry. I know that Cillian is seeing someone by the name of Lindsay and I am really fucking upset about it’ Laura went on to say before telling you once again that she wasn’t over the break up and suspected that he was seeing her and Lindsay at the same time.
‘I can’t really talk about this right now’ you said, your head pounding as Cillian’s arm wrapped around you.
‘Can you call me back when you can please. I know you said that you wanted to stay out of this, but there is more to it’ Laura then said and you were immediately overwhelmed with guilt.
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
unexpectedly becoming a sugar baby
pairing: ceo!sunwoo x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: reader is desperate for money so she has sex with her boss
warnings: lots of oral and fingering, use of vibrator in public , office sex, sex for money
a/n: wrote this yesterday instead of studying for my final. the exam went well tho :) also please send in requests!!!
masterlist + requests
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to say you were desperate would be an understatement. today you had received an eviction notice that stated that you had exactly 30 days to either pay back all the money you owed your landlord or leave your apartment.
due to your mother's illness you had to pay for all her medical bills. your father hadn't been in the picture for a long time so you alone were responsible for your mother's health. you couldn't just let her die. but because of all these costs you hadn't been able to pay your rent and now you were on the verge of homelessness.
never in a lifetime did you imagine that you would be begging someone for help. you felt so helpless that you honestly didn't really care how you got the money.
you decided to ask your boss for a raise and were prepared to work your ass off in order to get it.
mr. kim's office was on the fourth floor of the company, one you barely had ever been to. normal employees were usually only to be found on the lower floors so taking the elevator up felt wrong.
you were determined, however, to not let your pride get in the way. the money was more important than how you felt.
you knocked on the door twice. as if to make you feel even more nervous, it seemed like mr. kim waited extra long to respond.
when you entered he was sitting behind his desk. he didn't even look up at you so you just stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.
'why don't you just sit?' he finally asked annoyed and closed his laptop.
you quickly took a seat and tried to put up a professional front.
'what can I do for you, um…' 'y/n,' you helped him out. 'right, y/n. what can I do for you?' he asked.
'I would like to ask for a raise, sir. you see, I am usually the first employee to enter the building and also most of the time the last one to leave. I do my work reliably and deliver solid results. my coworkers are pleased with me and we also get along well. I think I contribute a lot to this company and wanted to ask whether it would be possible to raise my pay.' you really tried to not make it seem like you had simply memorized all of this and forced yourself to speak slowly but firmly while looking him in the eyes.
mr. kim didn't respond at first but opened his laptop.
'to my understanding you have been working here for a very long time already. your pay is already the highest it can get. there is no way for me to raise it because there is no room for improvement.' he sighed and waited for your reaction.
you started sweating. this wasn't going as planned. you hadn't known that you were already receiving the highest pay. you were barely able to afford food with your current money.
'please, sir. I will do anything you ask of me. I don't care how many extra hours I'd have to work. I can do it. I promise. please give me a chance,' you begged him.
he was intrigued by you. why were you so desperate for the money?
'first, why don't you tell me why you are so keen on a raise?'
was your boss even allowed to ask you such personal questions? you answered anyway.
'my mother has cancer. I am the only person paying for her medical expenses and the treatments are all very expensive. I am about to get evicted because I cannot pay my rent.'
he seemed to be deep in thought. his gaze on you was intense.
your heart skipped a beat when he placed his hand on yours.
'y/n, I'm extremely sorry that you have to deal with all of this. I wouldn't want anyone to have to experience the same thing. believe me when I tell you that I want to help you. you know what? come back tomorrow. I have an idea how I might be able to help but I need to think about it further. would that be alright for you?'
it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. you didn't care about what you had to do. you stood up, bowed deeply and thanked him over and over.
he let out a deep chuckle. you were cute.
the next day you came back again in the afternoon. this time he answered the door quicker and his attention was focused on you from the start. the energy felt much different than the day before. he seemed excited and was smiling at you. this had to mean good news, right? he shook your hand and pressed firmly while looking you deep in the eyes.
'y/n, I came up with an idea to help you. but it is less conventional and it depends on how much you are willing to do.'
'mr. kim, I will do anything,' you assured him. the smirk he flashed you threw you off guard.
'okay then. first, I'd prefer it if you called me sunwoo as we'll be seeing more of each other if you were to agree.'
this lowkey felt like crossing some boundaries but you wanted to please him.
you nodded eagerly. 'okay, sunwoo it is.'
'so my idea is that there are certain things you can do to earn money. I will pay for everything with my own savings and you will receive it in cash. we will start off easy and over time I'll add new tasks. of course, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to do them or not. that is completely up to you.'
the look of confusion on your face must have told him you didn't fully understand.
'it's hard to explain. I'd rather you figure it out by trying it. since today is friday, the task I'll give you is for monday. I would like to choose an outfit for you. I'll send it to your apartment and you have to wear exactly what is inside the box. if you were to do this I'd give you $20 cash.'
that was a weird request. why would he want to decide what you were wearing? did he not like your outfit? did you look disgusting?
'let me get this straight. you pick an outfit for me and if I decide to wear it I get money?' you ask him to see if you had understood correctly.
'exactly. that doesn't seem so bad, right?' you shook your head. it was whatever.
'that's great. you'll receive your outfit and I can't wait to see you in it on monday.' you didn't know if you were imagining it but it seemed like he was eyeing your body. h god, he definitely didn't like what you were wearing.
$20 wasn't much but still more than nothing. and apparently the other tasks would be worth more. guess you had to start somewhere. with the money you could at least afford something to eat.
you say goodbye and continued with work until it was time to leave.
you waited anxiously all weekend for the clothes. sunday you decided to go for a walk and when you opened your door you almost tripped over a package.
on monday morning you tried on the outfit sunwoo had picked out for you.
the white blouse was a bit see through and a bit too tight around the boob area but looked neat otherwise. the black skirt hugged your curves perfectly and made you look quite sexy in your opinion. he even picked out a bra, underwear, stockings and high heels for you. the note he had left clearly stated to wear exactly and only what was in the box. so you did.
you usually wore something more simple and loose but you didn't feel too uncomfortable in this look.
when you entered his office his eyes lit up.
'I'm glad you wore this. it looks very good on you.'
you were sure you blushed a bit at his words. you weren't really used to receiving compliments from men.
'I like it too,' you admit. sunwoo smiled contentedly.
'so would you like to do the same tomorrow? I'll send you another outfit,' he asked you.
this one wasn't bad at all so you agreed. he handed you $20. when you stood up and walked out the door he couldn't stop admiring the way your butt looked in the skirt. tomorrow was going to be even better.
the blouse was almost the same one. however, this time the skirt was a lot shorter. it ended at the middle of your thighs. but that wasn't even the weirdest thing. this time he had forgotten to send you panties.
you felt very unsure what to do. the note clearly stated to only wear what was in the box.
you sighed and pulled down the skirt as much as you could. this would have to do. as long as you were just sitting, everything would be fine.
you went about your day and some time in the afternoon you were called into sunwoo's office.
you were wondering whether or not to tell him about the missing underwear but decided to keep your mouth closed. panties didn't seem to be a topic to talk about with your boss.
'today, I want to offer you an additional task. you will receive your $20 dollars for sure and you can make another 30 by cleaning my office. what do you think?' he proposed to you.
that would be $50 in total. you needed all the money you could get.
'of course. just tell me what to clean and I will be happy to help.'
everything was going according to sunwoo's plan. he was excited and told you you could start by dusting the shelves.
your eagerness was cute and he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
some of the shelves were higher up so you had to stretch to be able to reach them. when you did your skirt rolled up higher and he was able to see the just the outline of your butt cheeks. he unconsciously licked his lips.
for the rest of the week you continued these two tasks. but you noticed that the underwear kept on missing and the skirts also progressively became shorter.
this was a struggle when you were cleaning and organizing his office. you were aware of your skirt rolling up and you were hoping that sunwoo wouldn't notice.
of course he did. that had been his intention all along. when you bent down he could sometimes get a glance at your pretty pussy. he couldn't help but get hard at the sight of this and palmed his bulge through his pants.
in one week you had received $220. you would have been more happy if you hadn't gotten another bill from the hospital asking you for another $1200. the health care system was simply fucked up. whatever the next tasks were, you had to do them.
on monday you were cleaning his office again. you wanted to pick up some files but you struggled reaching them from the highest shelf. you felt your skirt roll up again.
'wait. I'll help you,' sunwoo announced and walked over.
you gasped as you felt something hard poke your thigh as he stood behind you to reach for the files. when he took a step back you saw the clear outlines of his hardened cock.
unable to hide your surprise, sunwoo laughed.
'this is all your doing.' so he did notice your skirt roll up. wait. had he given you these clothes with this in mind?
'do you want to touch it?' he asked.
you just blinked at him. what? were you perhaps still dreaming? it was possible that you were having a wet dream about your boss. sunwoo was very handsome and you had to be blind not to notice.
'if you help me get rid of it, I'll promise you $100.' he knew you were thinking hard. you couldn't keep your eyes off his bulge, clearly not sure what to think of this.
this was against all the work protocols but you would kid yourself if you said that you didn't want to. not only was he very attractive but you'd do a lot for a mere $100.
you reached for his belt. sunwoo smirked; he had won.
you pulled his pants down and were immediately greeted with his veiny cock.
'you aren't the only one not wearing any underwear, my dear y/n.'
so that had been intentional. interesting. you realized you must have been very naive to have believed that he had simply forgotten to put panties in the boxes.
you started by rubbing the tip softly with your thumb. it was pretty and pink and already leakined pre-cum.
you felt strangely good about having this kind of effect on someone. with a few pumps his dick was completely hard.
sunwoo propped his hands on the desk behind him and leaned back in bliss.
deep moans were escaping his beautifully luscious lips while you were pleasuring him with your hands.
you decided to put your left hand you use as well by massaging his balls.
'fuck! when did you learn to do this so well?' sunwoo groaned.
during high school you had had a lot of sex. it made you feel good and you enjoyed it. now your experience turned out to be lifesaving to you. well, he'd probably pay you even if you weren't as mind blowing.
'hmm, practice,' you simply state.
'if this is already so good I wonder what your mouth can do, baby girl.' being called that aroused you way more than expected. this was so exciting.
'I'll give you another $100 if you suck me off.'
before sunwoo knew it you had already wrapped your lips around his cock. you skillfully bobbed your head up and down. when you looked up at him with big eyes he swore he was about to explode.
with most of the dick in your mouth your other hand was continuing to knead his balls.
he was coming close quickly and grabbed your hair so you would stay still.
he proceeded to fuck your mouth harshly. you felt spit running down the sides of your lips and tears escaping your eyes as he buried his cock deep in your mouth. you tried to relax in order to deep-throat him properly.
he came hard and emptied his load in your mouth. to prove a point, you swallowed it and then opened up to show him.
panting hard he said: 'fuck you're just amazing!'
you looked absolutely delicious with your face full of cum. he had a good feeling you were the right person to do this with.
you licked off some of the white liquid from your lips and smirked at him.
this was definitely not what you had expected what you would be doing but you weren't one to complain.
sunwoo quickly disappeared to search for some paper towels to clean your face. his employees couldn't see you like this.
after your face was clean again he handed you $250. 'you deserve it.' 'thanks.'
he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and leaned closer. 'maybe we can do more tomorrow.' ooh, sounds exciting.
'then I'll look forward to seeing you.' with a wink you left.
you wondered how much money you would get for some sexy time with your boss.
the next morning, you couldn't fully button up the blouse he had sent you. the top buttons had to be left open and a lot of cleavage was visible. this horndog!
this time you actually received some underwear but only for a special reason. you found a pink mini vibrator in the box as well.
so you were walking around with a vibrating stick up your pussy. you didn't want to come in front of your co-workers so you turned it off whenever you got too close and waited to calm down.
'did you have fun today?' was the first thing sunwoo said to you.
you laughed ironically. 'I had so much fun pretending I wasn't being masturbating in front of everyone…'
he made you turn around and lifted up your skirt. the outline of the vibrator was visible and he could see your panties shaking.
with one quick move he pulled your underwear down and took the vibrator to turn it off. it came out with a wet plop and juices were running down your thighs.
sunwoo surprised you by sucking on the wet vibrator.
'sit on the desk,' he commanded you.
you did as you were told and sunwoo spread your legs wide apart.
he inserted his index and middle finger which slipped in with ease. your pussy made wet noises as he pushed them in and out of you.
finally having privacy you allowed yourself to make sounds. he made intense eye contact while fingering you, loving the way your face was scrunched up in pleasure.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing him. his tongue easily won the fight over dominance and started exploring your mouth.
you two were basically just sucking each others faces off until he broke off the kiss and lowered his body. he attached his mouth to your clit and started sucking. you pulled at his hair in pleasure and had a hard time controlling your breathing. damn, he was skilled at this as well.
when he felt you clenching around his fingers he withdrew them and you let out a disappointed noise of protest.
'don't worry. you'll have more soon.', he laughed at you. he quickly took off his pants and pulled you off the desk. he turned you around so your ass was facing him.
he started rubbing his thick cock between your ass cheeks and coated it in your juices. every time he got into contact with your tense pussy a shudder overcame your body.
he lifted your leg and placed your foot on the table. the angle from when he thrusted into you from behind was just perfect.
sunwoo attached his lips onto your neck and started leaving hickeys there. at the same time he was kneading your breast through your shirt.
he had barely ever felt such a perfect pussy around his cock. the way you took him in seemed too good to be true.
while his dick was still inside you, he lifted you up and placed you on all fours on the floor.
he grabbed your hips so tightly that he left red marks on them. at this point, he was just uncontrollably slamming into you while you were losing your mind. you were screaming his name loudly, glad that you knew no one could hear you.
as you could feel both of you getting close, he pulled your upper body up to his chest and wrapped one hand around your neck.
the pressure he applied was just enough for you to see stars but not enough for it to be unpleasant.
the lack of oxygen stimulated your senses even more and while repeatedly screaming out sunwoo's name you finally came hard on his dick.
with a few more thrusts, sunwoo's hips started stuttering as well and he shot his load into you. while riding out your highs he was just fucking his cum right back into you.
when he finally pulled out, a pool of his semen started dripping out of you. you suddenly felt so empty. his thick cock had filled you up so good that you were already missing it.
while you were still catching your breath on the floor, sunwoo had gone to get paper towels.
when he came back, however, he seemed hectic.
'I'm so sorry. there has been an emergency and I need to leave right now. I'll leave these here as well as the money.' he placed everything on the desk and walked back to the door.
he turned around one last time. 'I hope we can do this again.' he smiled at you.
you later saw that he had left you $750.
kind of becoming a sugar baby had never been your plan but you didn't mind it. if only the circumstances had been better.
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood
Word Count: 1276
Even with your respirator, you still have a hard time seeing through the smoky air. You carefully wade through the uneven piles of debris while dodging the ceiling beams and cables hanging down like vines. Steve assigned you to search the 3rd floor of the 12-floor condominium, but so far, you haven’t located a single living person.
“Hello? Anyone out there?” you call. With your enhanced hearing, you hear something shuffle in the rubble. A hand pokes out, bloody and white with dust.
“Here!” a feminine voice responds.
“I’m coming!” You leap over holes ten-feet wide and balance on beams thinner than a windowsill to reach them. You kneel to brush some dirt aside and find a young woman lying beneath a large ceiling panel. You click the microphone button on your collar and tell your team, “I got a live one on the third floor.”
“So bring them down,” Clint responds.
“I was just getting to that, thank you for the suggestion.” You grab the ceiling panel and toss it aside, offering a hand to the woman. She accepts but cries out as you pull her to her feet. There’s a piece of rebar, nearly as long as your arm, skewered straight through her calf.
“Hold on, it’s okay.” You remove a tourniquet from your pocket and cinch it around her upper thigh. “Let me carry you. I’ll get us out of here.” You gently pick her up bridal-style and retrace your footsteps. Her arms wrap around your neck as she clings to you like her life depends on it.
Then you remember that the staircase had long ago crumbled, and you’d gotten up here by climbing. There was no way you were getting down the same way.
“Um, wait, I didn’t think this through,” you admit to the woman, but she’s in too much shock to catch your joke. “Hey, guys,” you address your team again, “There’s no staircase for us—”
“So jump.” Natasha’s voice crackles in your earpiece and you smile. 
“You are all so very helpful today.” You look around to find an alternate route. Two stories down, part of the floor is still intact. You had used it as a platform to jump up to the third floor—it should be able to take your weight coming down, right?
“Hey,” you say to the woman in your arms, “There’s no stairs, so I’m gonna have to jump. Just hold on to me and don’t look down, okay? I won’t drop you.”
She nods and tucks her head against your chest. You tighten your hold on her and take three great steps, pushing off into the unknown. You land on your feet harder than expected, but your enhanced bones take the impact in stride. From there, it’s just a simple path through the rubble back to the street.
“I’ve got a live one!” you shout, and paramedics rush towards you with a gurney. “She’s got some rebar through her leg, so be careful with her.”
“We got her,” the paramedics assure, helping you set her on the gurney.
“You’re gonna be okay,” you promise the woman, patting her shoulder.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her hand lingering a little too long across your chest.
“You take care of yourself now.” You wave as the paramedics roll her away, then turn around and see Natasha walking towards you with an expression of jealousy. “What?” you ask, removing your respirator and wiping sweat off your forehead.
“Did you have to carry her like that?” Natasha says.
“Carry her like what?” you respond. “She had some rebar in her leg, Nat, I was just trying to—”
“We’re in public. You need to be professional.”
“No, you’re just jealous.” You step towards her, close enough to see the flecks of brown in her swirling green eyes. “Because I carry you like that to our bed all the time—”
“Don’t lead her on like that, you’re never gonna see her again.” Natasha steps back, but you see the blush in her cheeks and the twitch of a smile on her lips.
“I’m just doing my job,” you say. “Besides, I’m already in love with someone else.” You reach for her hand and squeeze it gently.
“Looks like Y/N found the last live one.” Steve comes up behind Natasha, his face streaked with soot and his hair matted just like yours.
“Perfect. So, we’re done here, right?” you say.
“Not just yet. We’re still not sure what caused the collapse—”
“Oh, come on, Steve, you know how these building owners are,” you interrupt. “They cut a bunch of corners, don’t build up to code, and then the whole thing comes down at the slightest—” Natasha shuts you up with a glare.
“How much longer do you think we’ll be here?” she asks.
“Could be a while. There you are, Barton.” Clint falls into place next to you.
“Well, if we’re here long enough, maybe we can hit up the nightclubs,” you say, throwing a glance at Natasha, but she doesn’t look at you. “Or, we can get some shawarma. That’s always a fan favorite.”
“Y/N.” Clint clears his throat.
“Sorry.” Sometimes you go a little too far, but that’s just how you are. Doing your line of work isn’t easy or normal, and you always try to keep things fun and light.
“We can celebrate after we’ve got this mess sorted out,” Steve says. “So what we need to do next is—”
You hear two gunshots; all of you do. But you’re the only one who gets hit.
The first bullet tears through your right shoulder and it feels like you’ve been struck with an anvil. Your body jerks upward and your blood sprays across the faces of your teammates. Before you even start falling, the second bullet spirals through your lower back and you swear you feel your organs explode. You stay standing, swaying slightly. You see the expression of shock on Natasha’s face, then the blood on her cheeks. Your blood.
“Shots fired, shots fired!” Steve leaps forward and slams Clint to the ground. Clint rolls out from under him and takes cover behind a car. Steve looks back and sees Natasha still standing, looking like a deer in headlights. None of your limbs seem to work. The respirator slips from your hand and your legs finally buckle to the right. “Get down, Nat!” He pushes himself up and tackles her to the ground.
“Everybody get down!” Clint yells. Paramedics and police officers scatter, civilians run in all directions.
Your right arm cushions your head from slamming on the asphalt and you hear your heartbeat in your ringing ears. The pain is dull, an annoying background sensation, and you’re not even aware of the blood pooling beneath you. Maybe you should’ve worn your bulletproof vest, but you hadn’t planned on being shot during a rescue mission.
Natasha stares at you helplessly, watching you gasp for air. Instinctively, she tries crawling towards you, but Steve flattens his weight on her.
“Don’t move, Nat!” he orders. “Stay down!”
But she doesn’t hear him. She only sees you. She sees your eyes glaze over, your fingers clawing weakly at the ground, trying to reach out to her. She sees the blood puddle forming around your body, practically drowning you in a sea of red.
Darkness pulls at the edges of your vision, threatening to swallow you whole. Your chest flames in agony with each shallow breath you take, and the darkness becomes more and more tempting. Your eyelids flutter; you don’t have the strength to keep them open. You don’t hear Natasha screaming your name as you blank out.
Click here for Part 2!
AN: I never thought I’d write fanfics again, but this brilliant idea popped into my head when I was watching 9-1-1 and I just had to write it. This is also the first time I’ve written a reader-insert story and one with no planned ending, so we’ll see what happens!
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mooni-bunni · 3 years
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Armin With a Chubby S/O Headcanons
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A/N: Hi, I just want to really emphasize that this is all REALLY self indulgent. I’m a very very plus size person, so these headcanons are personal and come from my own experience. I don’t wish to offend or trigger anyone, so please read the TW and CW’s so you know what is being said, and take into account that is mostly from my own life.
CW: Modern Day!Armin x Reader, Plus Size/Chubby Reader, very very fluffy and cute, supportive bf, self indulgent headcanons.
TW: mentions diets, clothing struggles, exercise habits, weight loss, (slight) weight gain, insecurity in relationship, body image mention.
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First of all, Armin loves every body size. I don’t think it matters much to him, he’ll love you at every size.
Armin picks up on people’s insecurities well, so it doesn’t take him very long to figure out what about your body makes you feel the worst sometimes. He’ll surprise you with kisses in that area and remind you that he is in love with every part of you.
Sometimes shopping for chunkier people is hard because clothing is a nightmare. Armin is very aware of that, and he is completely patient and understanding. He always looks for stores that carry your size and he studies a little fashion so that he can help you accessorize and stylize an outfit if you don’t love it. Hell, this guy would go so far as to become a fashion designer and MAKE you clothes that you’d enjoy.
If you’re the type of person to have a harder time with dieting and exercise, Armin is right there to motivate you and give you support. He loves you regardless of how you look, but he is very supportive and understanding of your desire to change, so he will help you keep your goal in mind. He isn’t the pushy type either that makes you feel bad if you don’t meet your quota for the day. If you have a cheat day or a moment where you’re too lazy to go to the gym, your boo thang is reminding you that you’ve got tomorrow to try again.
If you go to the gym with him and feel like everyone is staring, Armin makes himself way more noticeable so that all the attention is on himself and not you. He’d rather you have a good gym experience than to feel like you can’t even work out because people are staring.
Let’s say you have no plans to lose weight or aren’t in a place to focus on it, he is also completely supportive of that! Makes you feel beautiful either way with kisses, hugs, you name it! He’s always in support of you and what you’d like to do with your body.
He thinks you’re one of the best cuddlers he’s ever had. You’re so soft to touch, so lovable. He’s got his hands on you from the minute you walk in the door to the second you step out. Hips, thighs, belly, arms, wherever he can hold you, he will.
I think his favorite thing to do when you guys are on the couch watching tv is to sit on the ground and place his head between your thighs. Of course he’ll cuddle you snd hug you, but any time he has the chance to just get between them (in the least sexual way possible), he’s there.
Scared to sit on his lap? Don’t be! Armin always encourages you to do so, doesn’t matter how big you think you are. He also understands if you don’t feel comfortable doing it, so don’t feel like you’re being pressured! Try it out, it’ll go better than you think.
If you’re a foodie kind of person, Armin remembers every single recipe you like and will randomly make it for you. Let’s say you’ve been doing great on a diet and he knows you need something to bring your spirits up? Bam! Favorite type of ice cream in a smaller portion right there for you. Feeling bad because of work? Wapow! Favorite food right on the table for you. Goodie baskets are also a big ticket gift item he gets you.
If at any point and time you worry about whether or not you’re “too fat” to be with Armin, he is so quick to reassure you and tell you otherwise. He knows that it’s hard to believe when you feel a certain way, but he always does his damndest to remind you that there is nothing about you that could turn him away. He always precedes that comment with every part of you that he adores and reminds you that your insecurities don’t reflect how beautiful you are. He knows he can’t change how you feel, but he is always there to help you be more positive about your body and how you imagine it.
If I haven’t mentioned it enough already, Armin just loves you and your body and who you are. He’s supportive and caring and always validates every struggle you have. There’s never a day where he won’t make you feel like you’re beautiful.
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
Din Djarin x reader
Summary: You had been traveling with the Mandalorian for weeks now. He’d saved your life, inevitably creating a stronger bond between the two of you. One evening, Din opens up to you.
Warnings: just fluff (“no smut?” yes! I am just as surprised as you are), Din being starved of affection
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: In this fic, the child is not with him (don’t kill me). this has not been proofread yet, might be some grammatical errors.
I have requests sitting in my inbox and I’m so sorry for pushing them to the side right now but I got hella inspired to write for mando and could not wait. I’ll get to them soon I promise 💕
gif is not mine
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He saved you.
Three weeks ago, he broke his metaphorical tough exterior shell and saved you from an impeding doom.
He didn’t have to, in fact it was probably easier for him to leave you there, but he placed himself in that same danger to rescue you.
You were standing there, suddenly surrounded by troopers, some with artillery questionably beyond his defense capabilities. Mando had escaped, he was fleeing successfully, but he returned when he realized you weren’t with him anymore. 
Never had you seen a human being destroy so many armed enemies so swiftly in the realization that he may lose you without even a single scratch upon your skin. Prior to this occurrence, you didn’t believe he cared about you at all. You were just temporarily valuable to him.
You joined him on his adventures after meeting him in the cantina on Sorgan, with the promise to present him with information on a bounty if he provided you shelter from people who wanted to harm you. You told him it was complicated, and you couldn’t go into detail about the situation. He was reluctant, and even told you no initially. You weren’t sure if it was the motive to collect the bounty money or his secretly warm heart that changed his mind, but you were thankful nonetheless.
After your rescue, you gave him the information he sought, he captured his target and gathered his reward, but still, three weeks later, you remain a passenger of the Razor Crest, and he hasn’t insisted that you leave him. 
After it happened, there was a lot of silence between you two. Gradually, though, he spoke to you more. To your surprise, he initiated most of the conversations. He wanted to know about you. Unfortunately, your past created a wall, a barrier, between you and anyone who tried to get too close. You bonded with him slowly, and you were appreciative of his company. Against your strong intentions, you were starting to have romantic feelings for him. Feelings you had tried to ignore for the sake of having your heart inevitably broken in time. Feelings for a man you’d never even truly seen with your own eyes. Somehow, though, the mysterious nature of the Mandalorian was all the more interesting to you.
He was lonely, living in the vast galaxy all alone. No matter someone’s lifestyle, surely that becomes hard after some time. You wonder if his loneliness drove him toward you. He was kind, that much was obvious, but even with his warmth, he seemed to block himself off from you as well. You’d call him a friend, or an acquaintance at the very least. The new feeling of being able to trust him with your life added a thick layer of depth to your friendship.
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Tonight, both of you were rested opposite to each other around a crackling fire located in the distant forests of the lusciously green moon of Endor. The air was thin, and a slight breeze sent chills down your exposed arms every now and then. Mando wanted to stop here as peaceful place to rest for the night rather than sleeping on the Crest again. A change of scenery is certainly nice, you thought.
“Its quieter here than I imagined” you break the silence. 
“Wasn’t always quiet here” he mumbles, looking up at the stars beginning to peak into the evening sky.
“That is true...” you agree, remembering the events that took place here only a few short years ago in the days of the Empire.
Mando brewed some tea on the fire. You’d both grown to enjoy the soothing heat of the tea before you went to sleep.
“Do you want some?” he called out to you, pouring a cup for himself in the process.
“Yes, please”
You walked over to him, the fire warming the skin on your arms as you passed it. You attempt to look him in the eyes, only to be met with the reflection of the small flames staring back in the shine of his helmet. You smile softly, still aware that he could see into your eyes.
“Thank you” you nodded to him, accepting the mug from his gloved hands. As you move to return to your seat across the fire, a leather encased hand wrapped around the small of your wrist and pulled lightly toward him.
“Stay, please” he gently pleads. You were surprised, he’d never been so forward before.
“Okay” you responded, turning back toward him.
“I need....someone” he released his hold, spilling his words out uncomfortably.
“I’ll stay here, I don’t mind” you comfort him, noticing in his tone and shifting body language how shy he was becoming. You sat next to him, your knee barely brushing against his.
“Thank you” he spoke quietly, dropping his head.
“Are you okay, Din?” You asked, uttering his name out loud to him for the first time since he’d told you his real name. He looked toward you again, likely warmed and charmed by hearing you address him correctly.
“Yes. I’m okay. I’m just..” he started. It was obvious he was struggling with his words.
“Lonely?” You filled in his sentence for him. He audibly exhaled, indicating that you hit the nail on the head with your assumption.
“I guess you could say that” he mumbled.
“Din, I’m always with you” you consoled him.
“I know. Sometimes I just need more than that” he said sadly. You knew he didn’t mean sexually. You knew he wasn’t implying that he wanted you to give him anything.
“I know what you mean” you admitted.
“You do?” his tone was hopeful.
“Yeah...sometimes you just need the touch of another human being” you said, moving your hips- toward him. You were as close to his body as you could be.
“Sure” he agreed immediately, thankful that you formed the words for him.
“Have you always been alone, Din?” 
“Not always, there were more of my kind that I was close to, years ago” 
You dared not question what happened to those people as you were certain it would upset him.
“I thought, after what I’ve been through, that maybe I wanted to be alone” You began. “But, its growing old and I’m growing lonelier”
“You’ve probably wondered why I’ve let you stay with me this long”
“Everyday, I wonder why...every single day”
“You’ve grown on me, y/n” He said after moments of silence. “I care too much about you now to leave you in danger. I realize that may be overstepping some boundaries” he was gentle in his words. A smile was plastered onto your face. Never had the Mandalorian dug so deep into his feelings for you.
“I care about you, too” you reciprocated the gesture. He snapped his attention to you, certainly not expecting this from you either.
“Its not something I’m used to. Being cared about” he said, looking down to the forest floor again.
Your heart was shattered at the sound of his confession. This gentle giant was deprived of affection and was turning to you for comfort.
“You are just as deserving of love as any other being in this galaxy” you blurted suddenly. You realized the weight of your words, and you worried none for how he’d respond.
He was without words and you expected no response.
“That’s...that’s kind of you, y/n” he says. You could hear the blushing smile he possessed.
You planted your palm on top of his hand that rested upon his knee. You slowly, and hesitantly, leaned your head onto his shoulder. The beskar shoulder plates made it uncomfortable against your skull, but it was the best effort you could make in the moment. His body shifted, noticeably unaware of how to react to you.
“I know we are still getting to know each other, but, I’m here for you” you said.
Din was silent. But after a deep breath, his hand pulled itself away. You were worried you’d made him uncomfortable, but it was quite the contrary. His other gloved hand gripped the tip of the middle finger and pulled the thick covering from his hand. For the first time since you’d met this man, you were seeing his bare skin. Internally, you gasped, but you were inaudible to him in response.
As your palm lay flat on his lower thigh, you watch him lower his newly exposed hand move to lay atop of yours. The warmth collected on the surface of his skin from being encased in the glove immediately transferred heat your frigidly chilled hand.
“You’re so cold” he sweetly states the obvious.
“I’m okay”
“You need to get warm” he says, wrapping his fingers around your hand and squeezing lightly. Your heart fluttered.
“I feel warmer sitting next to you” you reassured him. This was true, as the heat from the fire stored itself in his armor at a quicker rate than that of your skin.
“You can get closer, if you want”
You did just that, and removed what little space remained between you and him. You looked up at him, wishing so badly that you’d be able to kiss him. You knew the impossibility of doing so.
“Your cheeks are red” Din said with concern. He released your hand and slowly raised it to meet your cold cheek. There was not only another transfer of warmth from his skin to yours, there was a spark of electricity that felt so deeply intimate. You leaned your face into his hold, and closed your eyes with the feeling of affection he offered.
You opened your eyes again, to see him intently staring, or so it seemed. You wrapped your hand around his wrist, encouraging him to continue his touch against you.
“I wish I could be even closer to you” you muttered. Speaking partially against his palm. You respected his culture but wanted nothing more than to really feel him.
“Can I trust you?” He spoke at a whisper. Your mind wandered. What could he mean?
“Of course. You’ve saved my life. The least I could be is trustworthy to you”
“Can I kiss you?” He inquired. Your heart began to beat rapidly in eager anticipation.
“How would y-” you began, knowing it wasn’t allowed for you to see his face.. He already knew the end of your sentence.
“Close your eyes, cyar’ika” he said sweetly. You didn’t know what that word meant, but with his tone, you assumed it meant something kind. “As long as you don’t see me, it’s okay”
You did as he asked, nonverbally giving him permission to kiss you. You heard the beskar unlatch and be lifted from his head. You breathed in sharply and slowly released your lung’s capacity.
“Keep them closed” his voice, now not muffled by his helmet, was such a wonderful sound. It graced your ears so raw, and so close to you. You’d always imagined what he sounded like without the thickness of his helmet blocking his mouth, but actually hearing it was breathtaking to you.
His hand returned to your face to cup your cheek. You felt him move closer to you without saying a word.
Suddenly, his lips delicately crashed into yours, and you form your lips into him. Your mouths were fused and still for a few moments, just taking each other in. You were able to finally smell him. He gave off an aroma of cedar that mimicked the scents of the luscious forest trees mixed with a deep masculine scent. You absorbed the presence you could observe of him without the sense of sight.
His lips were surprisingly soft and supple as they pressed into yours. He was gentle, and by the sharp breath he took, it was obvious he had not kissed anyone in a long time. If ever. You were both enthralled in one another’s affection. Neither of you expected this contact when you first sat around the fire. Slowly, you both rotated your lips in sync together, as if you’d both rehearsed it.
After what felt like a lifetime of connection to Din, you both made the decision to pull away. He breathed out in a giggle. The type that you hear when someone is overwhelmed with passion. Your eyes remained closed until he couldn’t put his helmet back in.
As you hear it latch back, you still wait for his confirmation.
“You can open your eyes now”
And he looked the same as he did the last time your eyelids were open. You tried to wipe the uncontrollable smile off of your face, but that effort alone made it more noticeable.
“Thank you for trusting me” you broke the silence. He grabbed your hand again, and lightly squeezed as he did before.
“Y/n” he called to you.
You looked to him.
“I don’t want to be lonely anymore” he said plainly.
“You don’t have to be, Din” you promised him.
“That’s why I never asked you to leave” he started “You make me feel whole...I don’t know how else to say it” he spilled out. It was clear that he was hesitant to say these things and be so forward, but it also seemed to be a relief to him.
“I’d love to stay with you. Wherever you go, I’ll go. I’ll stay until you decide you don’t want me around anymore” you said. You were both speaking at a whisper, despite being alone in the forest.
“That won’t happen” he assured you. “I can’t let you go now”
You smiled ear to ear. Your heart was full in the intimacy of your conversation. You couldn’t wait for the endless travels and adventures that the two of you would have to come.
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 16
The Chapter is finally out my Guardians 🐉
Chapter 16 : In the deepest memories of the last of the dragons
My hands would follow their path taken for several minutes, forming various abstract forms of their weak caresses. Many chills arose from time to time with my fingers when I explored new areas but no protest was ever heard, which prompted me to venture out again and again, savoring this almost suspended moment in time.
Blinking hard with white lids in the dim daylight streaming through the curtains, my gaze fell for a moment on the long locks that partially obscured Lance's sleeping face. With his head resting on my bare chest, he didn't seem to want to wake up from his deep sleep, an arm slung over my request now firmly pressed against him.
I directed my caresses a little higher until I reached a scaly area on his shoulder. Fascinated, I drew each outline as if to come to memorize them, surprised to feel them vibrate with each passage of my fingers.
It had been some time since I realized one thing. One thing who, each time he let me see it, filled my heart a little more with new feelings.
More and more often in my presence, Lance seemed to forget his barriers. So sometimes the young man let an infinite number of improbably colored scales run over his skin while, at other times, his ice ran through my body without any logic, drawing complex and involuntary shapes. I’m always surprised at the sweetness of these manifestations, yet they are born of a raw, primitive nature. Because despite his human appearance, Lance was nonetheless a dragon whose instincts he had and, beyond the brutality that accompanied some, I loved to see him let go. I had the impression that in those rare moments when the barrier between his two forms was weakening, he could finally relax, really be himself.
But to share with him this moment of physical intimacy In purely instinctive outbursts, he loved to mark me with his presence, ranging from his powers to his scent and at times, to his claws. Lance had been unintentionally brutal at times, but was it strange if I admitted that I absolutely loved every moment ?
The dragon pulled me out of my reveries, stirring lightly. Lifting his face with still sleeping features, he arched an eyebrow as he analyzed the situation, his gaze drifting over our still naked bodies. My breath quickened as one of his hands lingered on the slope of my hip as his eyes were already dark with desire. Without warning, he tightened his embrace and rocked over me. His long hair tickled my face as he leaned down to explore every inch of my neck, making me moan in spite of myself with languor.
- Hello, my angel, he said in a hoarse voice against my skin.
I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders as a weary smile stretched my lips.
- Hello, my great dragon.
Lance laughed in the crook of my collarbone as he let his icy hands rest on my thighs, causing goose bumps to grow in the grooves of his palms. His lips entered the slope of my jaw, and when they finally met mine, it was with some authority that he lifted my legs on either side of his narrow hips.
We kissed for a long time, our tongues meeting without delay to deepen our embrace. Between my legs, I felt him pulsing more and more vigorously, increasing with maddening speed the desire that had not left me.
- You do well not to forget in whose arms you find, he amused himself in a voice with a much deeper sound than usual.
I dug my nails vigorously into his muscular back as his hips pushed against my lower abdomen.
- How could I, exactly ? I questioned him with difficulty, so much the least of his gestures obsessed me. You don't really help me forget it...
- It's true that I can't keep my human form completely, with you.
- I don't mind, you know, I said with a laugh.
A gentle smile lit up his face, which features often so harsh. In a light mood, the dragon lifted my chin with his fingers to orient my face in his direction. I plunged without hesitation into his eyes which had occupied all my thoughts for several weeks.
Becoming serious again, we didn’t say the least for several long seconds, we observe with a heavy look of meaning.
- Andraste...
I knew what was going on in his head.
Our relationship, our past, our present... To be in each other's arms was absurd, totally unconventional and we were both deeply aware of it. What would become of each other once we got out of this room ?
Nothing. There was absolutely nothing we could become for each other. And we knew it.
Deciding to stop our respective paths of thought, I crossed the short distance between us, feverishly pressing my lips against his. I kissed him with anger, despair, envy. I placed my fears in those powerful hands that encircled my hips, those greedy lips that devoured mine as if to come and seek some breath. I needed to feel him losing control, needed to drown in his eyes that screamed at me that they loved me.
Or at least, during these short, resolutely forbidden moments.
- Please, don't say anything, I said between two kisses, starting to move my pelvis against his. We'll have plenty of time to worry about this later.
Seeming to consider my words at first, Lance suddenly planted one of his hands on my hip as I shifted more and more vigorously under his weight that crushed me. Not giving me time to think, he shamelessly slipped two fingers inside me without ever taking my eyes off suddenly feverish. Reaching my guard, he stirred slowly but confidently, torturing me with his thumb a little higher. My God, I had never wanted someone so much, I was sure.
Each of his movements made a myriad of sensations explode in the pit of my stomach, making me turn my head with his precise gestures. My pelvis quickly accompanies his fingers, guiding them silently while each of my moans is found drawn to his lips. When a multitude of stars erupted in my field of vision, I firmly grabbed his throat as he led me over the edge of the precipice without warning.
As I lost ground, I noticed with a blank eye that my light was diffused into him. Starting from the base of his neck just under my palm, it illuminated him tanned skin with its bright, warm colors. In this story, it wasn't Lance who lost control the most.
I think it was me.
Not that I ever really had control over my powers, that would have been lying. But I no longer control anything. My emotions, my fears, my desires; I was constantly jostled, tossed about between everything.
When the dragon in turn realized that I was marking him without permission with my light, he groaned in satisfaction before promptly removing his fingers from my privacy. I didn't have time to figure out what was happening to me as I already found myself astride him, Lance having grabbed me to reverse our places, his hands feverishly running my back as his tongue attacked my chest. Tilting my head back, I let his hungry mouth move up to my ear, biting my skin with his suddenly sharper teeth until it slightly marked me.
With one hand, I pushed him away in order to come and press his back authoritatively against the mattress. His gaze darkens again as I lean over him, starting a slow descent from his abdomen. Another gasp escaped him as my palm met his erection, slowly working its way up from the base to the end, never taking my eyes away from his. Lance slid his fingers in an inordinately gentle gesture through my hair to achieve my face, making it easier for me. His hands began to shake slightly when I finally took him in my mouth, unable to fully accommodate him as long as he was imposing.
His breathing quickened as I started my task, fascinated to be able to discover him in my turn as he had done that night with my body. Very soon, I heard him utter several quiet moans which excited me to the highest point before he hastily tugged at my hair to make me lift my head. Bluntly, he pulled me up to him while vigorously grabbing my lips, framing my face with his large hands.
- I think I want you too much, my angel.
The water hit my head heresy, hitting my long hair hard against my shoulders. How long have I been wandering here ? My eyes narrowed at the force of the rain that fell on me, I moved forward as in a kind of constant blur.
My gaze was followed by a small shadow which is quickly in front of me. Running under the downpours, she didn't seem to feel them, moving freely in the surrounding darkness. I put a feverish hand in front of my face to try to make out something around, having lost the figure between the trees. Sailing blind, a childish laugh catches my attention as I push two branches in my path. Deciding to follow the sound of that unfamiliar voice, I sank deeper into what looked like a real maze.
The closer I got to the shadow, the more it seemed to take shape before my eyes. Very soon, I could make out rainbow-colored hair that blended into pale skin, accompanied by two small horns. The young girl was running innocently, as light as the air despite the brutality of the force of nature that fell on me. My heart skipped a beat when I thought I was losing sight of her again, which prompted me to pick up my pace even more. I stumbled many times, sliding across the muddy ground, hitting oversized roots. The thundering sound of the rain covered the sound of my frantic breath, my hair clinging to my face, entering my mouth, sticking to my eyelashes. My sight was diminishing, darkness absorbed me with its cold arms.
I didn't know what to do anymore, I was lost.
But suddenly the little girl's big silent eyes appeared in front of me. An arm outstretched in my direction, she invited me to join, as bright as the sun. When my fingers made contact with her skin, the scenery changed completely, making my head spin at breakneck speed.
The movements finally calmed down. I immediately recognized the Crystal Room, but it wasn’t the one I knew now.
Several people with unfamiliar faces stood in front of me. With serious faces, they were discussing without seeming to notice my presence.
- He will be the one we send there.
- A Guard Chief, when the situation is totally out of control there ?!
- He's far too young !
- Bring him in, cut in the man who seemed to be the decision-maker here.
A shiver ran through my back as the door opened wide, letting slow, sure footsteps echo through the room. When the young man in question passes close to me, brushing my right arm in the process, a sharp sensation marked my skin under my sleeve. He seemed to feel it too, for the expression on his face changed for a brief moment, almost flustered. His gaze caressed mine without actually seeing me.
- Lance, we were expecting you.
Continuing on his way, a confident smile widened the full lips of the dragon with such youthful features.
- Please excuse me for being late, Master Kaze.
Completely caught up with what was happening in front of my eyes, I was surprised to find the young girl's little fingers wrapped around my forearm. When I turned my head in her direction, the world shifted once again.
A companion collapsed at my feet, spurting blood against my legs. A violent gag took hold of me when its organs fell from the gaping wound that sawed through its stomach. Horrified, I backed up several meters when my attention was signaled by a huge dragon crashing into the rocks not far from me, all with a thudding noise. In a last rattle that comes back to my stomach, the creature collapses to the ground before taking on a semi-human form. Tears flooded my cheeks as I rushed over to him.
My voice creaked, broke in my throat. I could only see the red puddle that gradually spread around his neck like a macabre web when my vision changed once again.
I was sitting on a bed in a windowless room. Beside me, a small gas light glowing faintly in the dark. Looking down, I noticed I was perfectly dry. No more blood stained my clothes.
- So if I understood correctly, you want to help me break this damn Crystal ?
A harsh laugh shook the broad shoulders of the young man as his interlocutor didn’t move a millimeter, perfectly stoic.
- You understood me very well, Ashkore. Do you want to make this deal, yes or no ?
Lance's gaze shone with a gleam that made my blood run cold. A carnivorous smile crossed his crazy-looking face.
- Very well, my dear deamon. But don't think you'll get me right.
The light suddenly went out, revealing once again the bluish color of the great Crystal.
Serenity reigned in the room. This time, no sound comes to disturb the religious calm of this atmosphere. A movement at the back of the room made me turn around anyway, revealing Lance once again.
Alone, casually assisting on the floor, his gaze didn’t seem to want to leave the luminescent jewel.
His eyes had never been so dark.
- That was the last time he was here, until you woke up.
I jumped at the sound of the small voice behind my back. The young girl stands there, motionless. I hesitated for a moment.
- Ophelia... where are we ? I questioned weakly, having her decide to disappear again.
Her expressionless gaze was lost for a moment in the void behind me. I thought she wouldn't answer me.
- In the deepest memories of the last of the dragons.
- But why ? What are we doing here ?
Walling herself in silence, she walked straight ahead until she crossed my body and passed to the other side.
- You have to find the answer for yourself, Andraste.
The recommended image to blur around me. No, not now, I had to catch up with her !
- Ophelia !
Abruptly opening my eyes, I woke up sweating in my bed, breathing heavily from my parted lips.
I was dumbfounded when I realized that tiny ice crystals were forming under my astonished gaze.
Damn, what happened to me ?
(Chapter 17)
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
I write sins not tragedies - Andy Barber smut
The one where you’re Andy’s sugar baby and he loves seeing you in lingerie
Warnings: rough sex, daddy kink, sugar daddy relationship, infidelity (reader is the other woman), throatfucking, curses, some degrading name-calling in a very loving way
A/N: Day 5 of kinktober and I can’t believe I’m still keeping up with this! Prompts for today were daddy kink and lingerie!
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I didn’t even notice him entering the apartment, that’s how focused on my study session I was. But then two strong arms wrapped themselves around my torso and before I could even consider tensing up from the surprise, his cologne calmed my brain down and I was automatically melting against him.
“Hi, daddy.” I turned my head to the side to meet his eyes, but no such luck. He had buried his face against the crook of my neck, and his delicious beard was tickling me, making me thrash around in his arms.
“Hi, princess. I thought you’d missed me,” he mumbled against my skin, making me giggle. For someone who was constantly accusing me of being dramatic, he could be so much worser than me sometimes. Especially when he had a hard day in the office or in his family life.
“You know I always do. Did you have a rough day?” At that, he finally released me, allowing me to turn around on the bed so I could look him in the eye, taking notice of the dark patches underneath them. “Oh, Andy. I wish you’d take better care of yourself.”
My words brought a little smile to his face, and his eyes shined with a particular light as he looked at me, his hands cradling my cheeks. “You’re the only one who can take care of me properly.”
I tried not to show how he made me feel warm inside with just that one sentence, because I was honestly very worried about him, so I simply rolled my eyes. “Then I guess you have to move in, so I can take care of you 24/7, huh?”
It was just a teasing remark, I honestly didn’t have any second intentions with my words. I knew what I was getting into when Andy approached me with the proposition to become his sugar baby. I knew he was married and had a kid not that much younger than me and I never deluded myself into believing he’d simply abandon everything for me.
But when things got bad and I couldn’t be there for him when he actually needed me, that was the only time I second-guessed this entire arrangement. Because the truth was, I had fallen for him, hard. And it was difficult to remember he wasn’t mine to take care of most of the time. 
“Please, ignore what I said. I didn’t mean it like that. Come here,” I begged, wrapping my hands around his suit’s lapels and pulling his weight down on the bed, so he’d be on top of me. Even frozen from the shock provoked by my words, he still easily followed, allowing me to cradle his face and kiss him all over until he was comfortable enough to talk again.
“Y/N…” He suddenly started, trying to push himself away from me, his voice in such a serious tone that I immediately knew what he was going to say, but I didn’t need to hear it. So I followed his movements, sitting up on the bed too, before covering his mouth with one of my hands, climbing on his lap.
“Please, Andy, don’t. Really. All I meant was… It doesn’t matter, you just don’t need to worry about it. I love what we have. I’m not asking for more. Promise.” He didn’t look like he trusted me that much, but then again, it could also be a bit of his own guilt as he stared me down with those expressive brown eyes of his. But I wouldn’t let him get dragged into that useless whirlwind, at least that I could do for him.
“Here, let me take your mind off of it. Wanna see something nice?” He still looked wary as he watched me get out of bed until I was standing in front of him, but after a few minutes and a sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair and nodded.
“If it comes from you, always.” The tiny smile he gave me had my heart doing backflips in my chest, and I returned it with a much bigger one, hoping to show him that I really was fine. And then I started to push down my sweatpants, wiggling out of them before taking off my sweater too, until I was left with only my latest purchase. 
The sound of Andy’s breath hitching was everything I needed to know I was in the right direction. The piece I was wearing was yellow with white little daisies that covered the places there were supposed to be lace or any sort of fabric. It was ridiculously expensive for something with so little, but the way Andy was looking at me made it seem worthy.
He always did have a thing for seeing me in lingerie. Well, I didn’t know if it was me, specifically, just that it was the first thing he started to gift me just as soon as he covered all the essentials I needed to live.
For a long time, they were all that I had except for his impromptu gifts that always consisted of new lingerie pieces and some other frivolous thing, like a designer bag or some jewels, and I always accepted it with gratitude but insisted that he didn’t have to bother. I liked him and all I needed was for his help with the bills, but still, he wouldn’t have it.
He’d say that spoiling me was the best part of his week and that me accepting what he got me was one of the things I needed to do for him in return, so really, what could I do? The problematic part was when he started to include in the allowance money that he gave me to buy groceries a few hundred dollars supposed to be destined for me to buy some new pieces myself. 
He wanted to be surprised, he said. As much as he loved to pick out some pieces for me and imagine me in them before actually getting to see them against my skin, he also wanted to have me amaze him once in a while. And this was the first time I finally got the courage to do so.
“Babygirl, you look so…” Immediately jumping back into the mindset that I wanted him to be in, I silently congratulated myself not only on being able to distract him but also for my choice in underwear. “Delicious,” was the word he settled in, the hand that was holding mine as I twirled around for him to get a full-view suddenly disappearing as he stood upright in front of me, towering over my scantily-clad body with his full height while still wearing his suit. 
The way he was looking at me had me shivering under his gaze, and he smirked when he noticed, just before dropping to his knees and grabbing one of my legs to put it over his shoulder. “In more ways than one…”
And then his tongue was right over my pussy, a single finger from the hand that wasn’t helping me stay up curled against my underwear to allow him to move freely. He hummed at my taste, making my knees instantly buckled. “How the fuck are you so delicious, huh, babygirl?” 
Before I could even consider answering, he sucked on my clit, making me release a strangled gasp as I tried to keep myself up, a hand on his hair and the other on his shoulder. He knew how hard it was for me to do anything when his face was buried against me, knew how talented he was with that tongue, but still, he didn’t have any pity for me. 
“Answer daddy,” he admonished, slapping the back of one of my thighs, almost making me fall to my knees. “C’mon, sweet girl. You know how much I hate when you leave me unanswered.”
Taking a deep breath to try to gather my thoughts, it was hard for me to even remember what it was that he’d asked me in the first place. Finally, after another slap, this one over my ass, which he took the opportunity to grab after, I managed to spill out an “I-I don’t know, daddy.”
It wasn’t the answer Andy wanted, that much I knew, so it didn’t surprise me too much when he detached myself from my pussy after one last lick, before getting up to his full height, his hands immediately going to his belt.
“You know that’s not good enough, baby. Get on your knees for me.” I bit on my lower lip to stop a smile from appearing on my face, for the sake of our game. This was supposed to be a punishment, I knew that. I couldn’t very well just show him how eager I was to have his taste on my tongue again.
But the smirk he sported as he slapped his cock against my cheek let me know he was well aware of the fact. The number of times I’d been called his cockslut, after all, couldn’t very well be forgotten by the very man who had trained me to take him like a pro.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, sweetheart,” he warned, making me bite the inside of my cheek to stop the giggles that I could feel rising through my chest. “But if you let daddy fuck your throat the way he likes, he just might give you what you want. Open up,” he orders and I, ever dutifully and simply his, do exactly as he says, my tongue sticking out to welcome his weight on my mouth.
“Shit, baby, I always forget how incredible you feel,” he comments mindlessly, and despite knowing it was nothing less than a compliment, it hurts my chest for a moment the possibility of him going home and simply pretending that I don’t exist, ignoring how great I can make him feel.
Blinking away the tears that were already rising under my eyelids, I couldn’t really attribute them to the lack of oxygen yet, but I was hoping the excuse would fit if one managed to escape. So I blindly reached out for Andy’s ass and pulled him to me, effectively choking myself on his dick.
“Jesus fucking CHRIST, what has gotten into you today?” He asked as he pulled me back from his cock by my hair, and I coughed a bit as I gathered my breath, before shaking my head as well as I could while he kept his grip on me.
“Nothing, daddy. I just really want to pleasure you.” He looked suspicious again, but now wasn’t the time to inquire about it. Not when his cock was throbbing, the red tip leaking precum drops that you were too eager to lap up. “Fuck, okay. But stay put, alright, princess? Let daddy decide the pace.”
Your mouth-watering at the sight of him helped the blowjob immediately become sloppy, just like he liked. “Fuckkkk. Just like that, baby girl. Now, relax your throat, okay?” I did as he said, allowing him to dip my head back as I reminded myself to breathe through my nose before he immediately started to fuck his cock on my throat, provoking my gag reflex to act up and the tears to start again.
“Hold it, baby. We both know you can. Don’t you like it when daddy’s cock is nested inside your pretty throat? When you can’t breathe and it’s all because of me?” His hand gripped my neck, aiding the asphyxiation as he felt himself inside of me. “Oh, yeah. See? This is why daddy loves coming to see you. Only you can treat him so. fucking. well.”
After a particularly hard thrust that left me coughing out my lungs, he pulled me to my feet by my hair before throwing me on the bed, face down. “And since you’ve been such a good little girl for daddy, he’ll give you what you want.”
I could feel my wetness dripping down my thighs as I heard him open the condom packet. Just the sound of the foil was enough to make me whimper. Behind me, I could hear Andy chuckle at my eagerness.
“Such a good little princess for me. So crazy for my cock, huh?” The blunt head of his length rubbing against my throbbing clit was exactly enough to get me even needier for him. I sucked in a breath as he teased me for a little while, rubbing himself over my opening but never actually pushing in.
Andy’s P.O.V.
“Y-yes, daddy. Only for your cock.” Fuck, she just knew exactly what to say to make me lose control. This was precisely why I needed her so much. Why I couldn’t even feel bad about what I was doing. Not when she was the only one with whom I could actually be myself.
Thrusting inside of her for the first time in a night was always the best feeling, probably akin only to walking through the gates of heaven, perhaps because that’s what she was to me: my own little piece of heaven, my angel on Earth. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” I asked, my heart overflowing with emotions I couldn’t allow myself to feel as I carefully brushed the strands of her hair away from her face, so I could hold them all in my makeshift ponytail. When she hummed in agreement, that’s when I felt comfortable enough to start thrusting in and out of her, appreciating the wet sounds of her pussy trying to keep my cock inside of her.
“Daddy… please…” She begged, her hands reaching forward to hold onto the duvet of her bed while I abided by her desires and started to fuck into her harder. She really was my other half, the only one who understood and reciprocated my needs.
“Daddy got you, little one. Just hold on tight.” Her hands practically curled into fists, I started to fully pound her against the mattress, one of my hands coming around her to hug her back to me, while I played with her clit. “Such a perfect little girl for your daddy. Now daddy needs you to cum around him, can you do that, princess? Can you be a good girl for me?”
The dirty talk always got to her, and within seconds she was trembling in my arms, gasping in need of air as her pussy milked my cock until all of my cum was safely inside the condom. 
I could still remember when we had that discussion. I obviously had wanted to fuck her raw, but that was one of the only limits she established right away. “You’re still gonna be fucking your wife, I need to be safe.”
The fact that I hadn’t felt anything when she pointed out that if I was cheating, Laurie could very well be doing the same, should have shown me just how screwed up I was. “Princess…” I started after cleaning us both with a wet towel from the bathroom. She looked up at me expectantly, obviously curious about what I had to say, but the seconds our eyes met, she already knew the subject I was going to approach.
“No, Andy. Let it go! We’ve been through this already.” Sighing, I couldn’t help but smile as I sat down by her side on the bed, as always fascinated by the fact that she could so easily read what was on my mind. 
“As incredible as you are, baby girl, I don’t think you know precisely what I got to say, and the truth is, I need you to hear this.” She shut her mouth at that, but still pouted, showing me how skeptical she was.
Chuckling softly, I held her hands in mine before caressing her cheek, trying to show her through the intensity of my gaze that my words were 100% honest. “The reason I got so shocked by what you said was that I was overcome with the desire to do just that. To move in here, with you.”
For a few seconds, no one said anything. It was just her and me, her eyes twice their usual size as she blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what I had just said. “But, Andy…” Sighing, I already knew what she was going to say, so I just squeezed the hand I was still holding, signaling that she didn’t need to say anything yet.
“I know, baby. I know.” I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, hugging her to me and giving a kiss on her forehead, hoping that she could once again understand what I wanted to say, even if I couldn’t yet put it into words. “I just wanted you to know.”
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wwilloww · 4 years
just between us | jhs
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Pairing: Dom!Hoseok x Sub!Reader
Genre: Smut.
Rating: Explicit.
WC: 3.7k
Summary: What’s Hoseok to do when you wake him up unintentionally? 
Warnings: Spooning. Grinding. Daddy kink. Dom/sub. Oral (m. receiving). Hair pulling. Brief restraint. Begging. Slight degradation. Unprotected sex within an established relationship. Multiple orgasms. Creampie. Aftercare and cuddling. 
A/N: Cheers to daddy dom Hobi. This is part of a larger project which I’ll be revealing soon, but I wanted to give you all something while the rest of it is being put together. I hope you enjoy!
|| masterlist ||
©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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It’s not the light blazing in the window or the alarm that wakes Hoseok up.
It’s a tight little ass wiggling against him.
His eyes flutter open, his view blurred with sleep. He looks down to see you mumbling incoherently and clearly lost in a dream.
After last night, you had passed out on Hoseok’s chest, his arms wrapped securely around your back, your cheek pressed right into the space above his heart. However, sometime during the night, you had wiggled your way into his side and he had turned as well, pressing himself to your back to spoon you. The two of you always slept best like this, curved into one another like two matching puzzle pieces. Usually, the position was cute, even. But with your ass pressed firmly into his crotch, your hips circling against his morning wood, the situation is anything but cute.
Hoseok groans softly as you push back into him. He’s sensitive after edging himself for hours yesterday, and the pressure of being squeezed between the babysoft skin of your ass and his hard abs sends a jolt of pleasure up his length and into his abdomen every time you move. As he looks down at the gentle swell of your bottom, he realizes he’s been leaking precome onto you for who knows how long.
Were he a younger, less controlled man, he would reach down to wrap his hand around his throbbing length and jerk himself to completion. Technically, he still could. But the thought of waking you up, of making you take care of him is much more appealing.
You continue to rub yourself against him, rotating your hips until he finally slips between your ass cheeks. Hoseok suppresses the primal groan that threatens to rip through his chest as he feels your swollen, dripping lips wrap around him, coating him in your arousal.
Even in sleep, you moan as you drag yourself against his cock, the tip prodding at your tight entrance.
It’s at this point that Hobi’s hand comes down on your hips, stilling your movements entirely.
“Wake up, little one,” he growls in your ear.
He watches the curve of your back as you stretch. A gentle smile dances on your features, arms reaching above your head, as you yawn and smack your lips.
“Mmm, good morning, daddy,” you grumble, your voice gravelly from sleep and having his cock fucked into your throat the previous night. He shivers as he hears the way the title rolls so instinctively off of your tongue�� like it belongs there— even when you’re still half asleep. You roll over and nuzzle your face into his chest. “How late did we sleep in?” His skin is soft and warm and smells all too much of him and the previous night’s activities—you sigh into it, relishing in the comfort that washes over you, entirely unaware of the disaster you’ve created.
However, held so tightly in Hobi’s arms, you quickly become aware of the situation as a very large, very hard cock is pressed into your stomach.
“Daddy?” you ask, your eyes popping open.
“You’ve been a bad girl, rubbing yourself all over me,” he says, his voice soft despite the persona he is very quickly slipping into. “So hungry for cock that you can’t even go without it when you’re sleeping.”
Mischief sparks in your eye as you realize what’s going on. You quickly right yourself, placing your hands on his chest and looking up at him.
“Daddy,” you pout. “You know I didn’t mean it.”
“Did I not fuck you well enough last night?” He says, tucking your sleep tangled hair behind your ear. “Were three orgasms not enough for you? Or do you just need cum dripping out of that tight little pussy at every possible moment for you to be able to function?”
You whine and squirm against his tightening hold.
“I think you oughta take care of the mess you made, don’t you think, princess?”
Your eyes light up.
“I can touch you?”
Usually, Hobi makes you work for his body, binding your hands behind your back as you pleasure him, tying you to the hooks on the wall while you watch him fuck someone else, or, worse of all, edging you until you are begging to tangle your hands in his hair and thrust your hips up into his touch.
But judging by the tightness with which he’s squeezing your ass and the oh-so-subtle way he’s rutting against your stomach you know he’s just as close to the edge as you are.
“No hands though,” Hobi says as you crawl backwards down the bed. “Only your mouth.”
“Anything for you, daddy,” you smirk, relishing in the slight edge of power you think you’re holding this morning. You’ve obviously worked him up to the point that he’s willing to break some of his own rules.
Hips straddling his knees, you toss your hair over one shoulder and bend so that your mouth is just an inch away from his straining cock. You peek up at him to see his lip caught between his teeth, his eyes fiery and desperate for you.
His cock stands hard and long and pressed against his abs, which flex as you watch. Quick to get to work, you lick a long stripe from the base to the head, circling your tongue around once. Then, lifting your mouth from him, you purse your lips and blow softly on his cock. You know the sensation of cool air hitting the moisture where your tongue so recently warmed him will send a spark straight up his spine. And you’re right. His hand snaps up to the back of your head, intertwining his fingers with your hair and pulling you up so that your neck strains underneath the force.
“Don’t tease, little one, unless you really want to upset daddy.” Despite the confident smirk that plays along his lips, you recognize the desperation in his actions: he’s already panting, his gaze is half-focused, and his thighs are clenching every time you touch him.
So you lower your lips—without breaking eye contact, of course—and gently suck his head into your mouth. There, you let it rest on your tongue, making sure your movements are soft and light. Ever so slowly, you begin to take him deeper, opening wide for him to see his cock fill your mouth.
With the pace of a snail, you slide down on his length until you finally wrap your lips around him. They frame his cock in a delicious pout as he hits the back of your throat. You gag, your throat trying to force him out.
And then you just stay there, holding him in your mouth and at the entrance to your throat, alternating between sucking lightly and not at all.
“Fuck,” Hobi curses. “You’re such a fucking tease.”
You pull off of him, reaching up to stroke him with your hand in the absence of your mouth. “Daddy, I’m just trying to make you feel good.”
Suddenly, Hobi’s arms are beneath your elbows, gripping you hard. He tugs you up to his face before flipping you over. The air whooshes out of your lungs as your belly hits the mattress.
“What did I tell you?” he hisses, hooking his leg over you as he sits down on you. The position effectively keeps you in place, immobile. He takes both of your wrists within one of his large hands and pulls back so that your back arches off the bed. “No hands. And you couldn’t even fucking listen to such a simple order.” He releases you slightly and you crumple to the pillow.
Hands bound, body captive, your mind has nowhere to go but to sink into the weight of his body atop yours and the tension that feeds within you. Your arousal has built to such a frenzy that all you can think of is how it will feel when he finally slides into you.
Keeping your wrists locked in his grasp, he slides his other palm to the valley of your back, spreading his hand flat against you. Slowly, he slides it up along your spine until he reaches your nape. There, his hand curls so that the edges of his nails scrape against the sensitive skin. He pushes his fingers into your hair. The sensation of his nails grazing against your scalp shoots stars into your vision—stars that explode when he twists his fingers into your locks, a handful of hair in his grasp, and yanks.
Hobi knows exactly what pulling your hair does to you. He smirks as he listens to your breath catch in your throat in a mix of pleasure and surprise as he tugs your head backward. Your eyes roll back and your body falls into the precious, pulsing feeling beneath his fingers wrapping and pulling at the delicate skin. Blood rushes to your face, warming you inconceivably.
Even with the stars spreading through your vision, you can’t help but clench and unclench your hands, trying to reach out for Hobi, just to feel him closer. You manage to brush your fingers against the taut skin of his stomach, but your efforts are quickly thwarted as Hobi slams your wrists into your back.        
“You’re so dumb for cock that you can’t even keep your hands off of me.”
“I want you,” you sob into the pillow. “I need you so bad, daddy, please fuck me.”
“I know you want my cock,” Hobi says. “But I wanna know what you’ll do for it.”
“Anything. Anything, daddy.”
He releases your hair from his grasp and you fall to the pillow, tears of pleasure and desperation spilling onto your cheeks. He bends over you, pressing his lips to your ear.
“I want to fuck you like the hole you are--and I want you to take it like a good girl.”
“Y-yes please,” you gasp, wriggling beneath him. “Fuck me, daddy, use me.” You push your ass towards him, whining as his cock slides between your slick folds. At this point, you’re so wet that it provides no friction and no satisfaction whatsoever. “Wan’ it.” He lifts himself up from you, grasping his throbbing length in one hand as he lines himself up with you. You swivel your hips back, trying to rub yourself on him.  
“I should tie you up for that, but instead—” He rams into you in one stroke. “I’m just going to fuck the brat out of you.”
Your back arches off of the mattress when he bottoms out. He only gives you a second to adjust before he begins to drag the bulbous head of his cock in and out of your fluttering walls.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, princess,” Hobi gasps. “You take my cock so well. It’s like I didn’t even spend three hours fucking you open last night.” His pace is even and controlled as he draws back with each stroke, leaving just the head within you before sliding smoothly back in.
“Daddy, you’re so big,” you groan. “But—” you gasp as he swivels his hips against your ass. “Need more.”
His movements slow.
“Does my little one want me to use her as a fuck hole?”
You nod furiously against the pillow.
“Please, daddy, use me. I’m yours. Use me as your fuck hole.”
Hobi chuckles, savoring the way your brow looks so sweetly pressed in concentration. He knows you are trying so hard to be a good girl for him, keeping your hands to yourself and lifting your ass for him to fuck into.
“When I’m done with you, you’re not going to be able to think of anything else except the way my cock feels hammering.”
He lifts his hips back and slams into you.
A whine, primal and high, is forced out of your body by his jackhammering.
“Daddy!” you yelp, your eyes going crossed.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking good.” The curve of his cock kisses your cervix, the pain mixing with the pleasure of his thrusts. His balls slap against your clit, their weight teasing a spark of delight from the depths of your cunt. “You gonna come for me?”
“Yes, daddy,” you cry.
Hobi is surprised. You don’t usually come this quickly—but whatever you had been dreaming about must have brought you right to the edge before he woke you up.
“That’s it, baby,” Hoseok coos. “I want you to cum on my cock while I fuck you. I wanna see your cum coating every inch of me.”
Just when you feel your orgasm building, getting ready to snap within your abdomen, Hoseok pulls out, leaving you whining and pushing your ass back in search of his cock.
“Flip over, baby, I wanna see your face when you come.”
You quickly turn on your hip and spread your legs wide for your boyfriend. He grins at the sight of you holding yourself open for him, squirming and desperate for his touch. He’s done holding out on you though, so rather than sitting back on his heels and making you wait for him, he leans over you and slides his cock teasingly through your lips. The desire rippling through his abdomen is not one to be waited on. Reaching down, he grips his cock tightly, presses it to your entrance, and slides right in.
With the combined mixture of your slick and his precome, there’s no resistance as he resumes his punishing pace, jackhammering you into the mattress.
You feel full of him. Each thrust sends a shockwave through your entire body and it’s not long before your orgasm begins to build again.
“Daddy, I wanna cum.”
“Then fucking cum,” he hisses. “Fucking cum on this cock.”
You let go with a gasp. Your body twists beneath the pleasure coursing through you and you reach out to grasp Hoseok’s hips and pull him deeper into you. He gives you this, letting your hands pull him forward until he’s fully seated within you, your walls pulsing deliciously around him.
When your breathing has returned to normal and your eyes have fluttered back open again, he grins down at you.
“You good?”
“Better than good.”
“Can I—”
Before he can even finish his question you’re pulling his face down to yours, kissing him deeply and tugging one of his lips between your teeth before you say “Fuck me.”
He gasps into your mouth as you bite down on his lip, before pulling away just enough to push the hair out of your face. “You’re gonna help daddy now?”
You smile, a sleepy edge tinting your features.
“Mhmm,” you hum.
Rather than resuming his punishing pace, Hoseok lets his weight fall atop you, burying himself deeper within you. Clenching his abs, he chuckles and grinds his hips down into you, his pelvic bone grating against your clit. He knows just how sensitive you are. He can tell by the way you squeak and buck up at him.
He continues to circle his hips against you, and you yelp.
“I thought it was your turn!” you cry, overstimulation shooting stars through your whole body.
“I decided I want to see you cum again.”
He grins as he watches your hands scramble for anything to hold onto as you try to divert the overwhelming sensations that he’s mercilessly driving into you.
He brings his hand down on the softness of your belly and presses. Beneath his hand he feels his own cock grinding into you, circling through your abdomen. He groans at the sensation, at the notion of how deeply he reaches into you.
“Too much—,” you gasp.
“Do you need to use your safeword?”
“Then I’m not going to stop until you cum again,” he murmurs into your lips, refusing to slow his pace. “I’m going to force this orgasm out of you if it’s the last thing I do.”
At this point, language doesn’t exist.
Dumb little noises slip out of you. Hobi’s hand, pressed into your abdomen was the only thing keeping you in place as you squirmed and wiggled beneath him.
“S-so good,” you gape, your overstimulation finally receding into a depth of sensation. Electricity zapped between your bodies, startling your senses to life.
You swear you can feel every ridge of his cock dragging through you, every place on your body where his skin brushes up against yours — you could memorize every breathy and graveled sound that falls from his lips. To see him lost in his own pleasure — it has your heart racing again and desire flooding your veins.
Hobi sees your gaze change. Sees the way your hands come back to his body, urging him forward. Seeing this shift, he knows you are ready for more and so he quickens the thrust of his hips, beginning to really fuck into you. He smirks at the little gasp that slips through you — your surprise and delight, his.
Picking up his pace, watching the way your breasts jiggle with each thrust, Hoseok knows he can’t keep this up much longer before he unravels.
“You’ve been so good letting daddy fuck you, but I don’t think you’ve proven to me that you’re not just pretending to be good for daddy’s cum. I wanna fill you,” he pants. “But bad girls don’t get daddy’s cum in their cunt.”
“Please, no,” you gasp, his relentless pace shoving language from your mind. “I’m good, I’ll be good.”
“No,” he growls.
“Please, I want your cum, daddy,” you sob.
“Then touch yourself. Make yourself cum again and you can have me.”
You whine but reach down to circle around your clit as he’s asked. The stimulation of your fingers tracing familiar patterns against your clit and the throbbing pressure of Hobi filling you has your wrists shaking. Your fingers falter and brush against your entrance and in the process flutter oh-so-delicately against his cock.
“Fuck,” Hoseok gasps. “You don’t even know what you do to me.”
A whine rips through the both of you as you work to pleasure both yourself and Hobi. You can feel the rope of your pleasure building to an ache within you as you circle feverishly against your clit. You are so close, you just need—
With an extra amount of force, Hoseok rams into you, his pelvic bone hitting your clit at just the right angle. You yelp and twist, your orgasm coursing through you.
He hisses, throwing his head back as your walls clamp down around him, trapping him within you. Your second orgasm washes through your belly and through your limbs, your body falling limp beneath him, eyes rolling back into your head.  
The blissed-out look on your face has him gripping your hip with one white-knuckled hand and pumping into you one last time before he spills into you. His hand is still pressed to your abdomen and beneath your skin, he can feel the bulging head of his cock twitch as it releases stream after stream of cum, painting your insides white.
He holds himself there for a moment, letting the warmth of your body and the press of your arms cradle him. With a sigh, he pulls out of you, coming to rest at your side.
Beside him, sweat shines on your brow and gleams upon your chest. Fucked-out, bedhead hair is splayed around your face like a halo and he’s not sure he’s ever seen anything more gorgeous. Your lids are heavy as you turn to him, reaching out for him to take you into his hold. He pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around you and stroking rhythmically up and down your back.
“You did so well for me,” he finally says. “You always do.”
You smile sheepishly at the compliment, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I want to do well for you,” you say, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“How did I get so lucky as to have you?” he said, wrapping you tightly in his arms.
“It’s me who’s the lucky one,” you giggled.
“Agree to disagree.”
The two of you just stay there like that, wrapped up in each other, feeling the other’s breath fall against your skin. As dominating and rough as Hobi can be, he will always take you into his arms like this, reminding you that you are the most precious thing in the world. Just as Hobi is about to drift back into sleep a thought flashes across his mind —
“Tell me, baby. What were you dreaming about before I woke you up?”
“I—” You look embarrassed as you fumble for words.
“It’s okay,” Hobi says, pulling back just enough to catch your gaze. He brings a hand up to stroke the still-warm skin of your cheek. “You know I’m not going to judge you. You’ve heard most of my sick fantasies.”
You laugh. “True, tr— wait—” Your eyes narrow. “How did you know it was a fantasy?”
“Darling, you were basically fucking yourself on my cock.”
Your eyes widen in shock as you clap a hand over your mouth, body shaking as you laugh.
“Alright, that’s a fair assumption to make then.”
He pulls you closer, his palms clasped together behind your back.
“So what was it? It must be really delicious if you’re so hesitant to tell me.”
“Promise you won’t be mad at me? That you’ll tell me if it’s not okay?”
Hobi raises a brow — “Of course,” he says gently.
“I… I want to fuck Jungkook.”
Oh. If he’s being honest, that’s not what he was thinking would come out of your mouth.
“And you. At the same time.”
“Yeah...” You look down in embarrassment, but he pulls your chin up. As you meet his eyes, you realize just how intensely dark his gaze is.
“Well if that’s what you want, little one, then that’s what you’ll get.”
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taglist: @ppersonna​ @thatlongspringnight​ @myimaginationsrunningwild​
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|| masterlist ||
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Their girlfriend is curvy and thiqué
Bang Chan
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° If you wear ripped jeans, he will 100% slap the skin that shows through it. Rubbing it afterwards and then slapping it again. Unless you tell him to stop or if he notices it becoming too red.
° If you have stumpy squishy fingers (Like me), Chan will always be seen playing with your chubby cute fingers, sometimes playfully biting them.
° Loves falling asleep on your chest, he once called them his favorite pillows. Your chest is also victim to most of his hickeys, soon buying at least 10 different turtle necks after you notice the purple marks across your cleavage.
° When he is turned on or just wants to tease you, he will pinch your butt in public. Always failing to hide his sly smirk and small chuckle. You either get him back and return the favor or simply lightly slap his arm.
° Doesn't like when you feel self conscious over your curves and fluffy body features, since he loves every inch on you from head to toe. Will usually stand you in front of mirror and correct you on what you think is 'Ugly'.
"I don't care if you are size 0 or over 300 pounds, I love you for who you are inside and out. Never forget that."
Lee Know
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° Will randomly squish your cheeks together until you form a cute pout, always kissing the pout even if he is in public or not. Calls them his little steam buns because they heat up from blushing and are squishy like buns.
° Falls asleep on your stomach when he is really worn out from practice, tickling your sides for your attention when he eventually wakes up.
° Rubs your belly like a cat when he's tired and wants affection, usually rubbing his face into your neck to get comfortable. You were at first a bit hesitant about it since you didn't really like your stomach, but you now beg for his belly rubs when going to sleep.
° Loves when you wear ripped jeans or a tight dress, showing him that you are confident in your looks and embrace your curves. But if anyone looks at you sensually he will block there veiw with a sharp glare.
° Never understands how you can see yourself as anything but a goddess. When you pinch your fluff and whine, he'll kiss your lips to stop you from saying something bad about yourself. Shows you how beautiful you are through kisses that lead into something more 9/10.
"You are nothing less then a goddess that any guy or girl out their would die to have in their arms. And whoever denies that is lying to themselves."
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° Before you two dated, he always wished he could squish and kiss your adorable cheeks. And now that he can, he won't stop... It has officially became his way of saying hello and goodbye to you.
° If you ever where a skirt or a dress, he will cover your legs with his jacket when you sit down or go up and down the stairs. Because those butt cheeks belong to his eyes only.
° Wakes you up by gently pinching your thighs, running down the hall screaming if he ever pinched to hard. But his screaming is also a mix of laughter because you are too cute to be scary, even if you are legit about to beat his ass.
° When showering together, he will pat a song on your butt. Always ending his "Songs" with an extra hard smack, rubbing it afterwards because he feels bad. Grips your chest in the shower, but not in a sensual way... Kind of like a stress ball to squish.
° If someone ever makes fun of your weight, they won't be able to finish their sentence because he would've knocked their teeth out by then. VERY protective over you because he knows how self conscious you can be.
"I love you so so so much, live isn't even a stong enough word to describe my feelings for you. They are just jealous that they don't have an ass like yours."
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° You are pretty self conscious about your weight and always tell him how heavy you are. So to prove you wrong, he will carry you everywhere until you get the point that you are beautiful and are never too heavy to carry.
° Randomly spanks you just because he can, will become a bit shy if another member catches him though. But if you are alone or if a member didn't see, a sly smirk spreads across his face.
° Praises the hell out of you when you two go shopping together, and if an item you really wanted isn't in your size he blames the store for being shitty. Feels his heart melt when you look at yourself with admiration for once in the mirror.
° Is towel ready for when you come walking of the pool, full aware that a wedgy almost always occurs when you step out of the water. Doesn't mind if you two are alone when it happens though.
° His savage side comes out harsh if someone ever insults your curves, he will not hold back one bit. Once made a guy who was a foot taller than him cry, making everyone who witnessed it realize he will protect you no matter what.
"People suck. You are a beautiful fairy that anyone should be grateful to lay their eyes on. I love you, so let's go home and cuddle."
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° Everyone's cameras are out when you two eat, just because both of your cheeks look so cute and puffy when you do eat. You two are nicknamed the chipmunks because of it, which you actually find cute.
° When you are alone he will literally suck your cheeks after he kisses them, always leaving you laughing at how weird it feels. Sometimes he will also breath on your cheeks if your face feels cold.
° Like Hyunjin, he will praise the hell out of you when you go shopping. He's just 10× more loud and hyper when doing it. Once brought strangers over to tell them how absolutely stunning you are, and will pretend to be papparzzi while asking for you to pose.
° Likes being the little spoon when you cuddle, so he can burrow himself into your chest and keep warm. But when he is the big spoon, he will stroke shapes into your stomach and burrow into your neck.
° An mc once talked to Jisung about you, saying how you are uglier than him. Jisung's playful manner quickly faded into serious rage, warning the host to not talk about the love of his life in such a disgusting manner. Stay & Skz backed up Jisung and forced an apology out of the MC.
"Don't listen to that idiot, he clearly doesn't know what beauty means. You are a stunning princess who deserves only love."
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° Your chest means one word to him... Pillows. Whenever you cuddle, you will always see his head laying against your boobs. He never thinks of it as sensual, unless you want it to become smexy time.
° Felix will attack you in a huge koala clingy hug, trapping you in his arms before continuously drumming his hands across your butt. You would smack anyone else who did that to you, but you know he's a precious sunshine who means no harm.
° When you two are chatting alone, he will randomly just squish your cheeks with his small fists. Usually rubbing his nose against yours while giggling cutely, making you wonder how you scored such an adorable angel.
° Likes to bite you playfully, whether it be your arms or thighs you know his teeth will be attached. You weren't surprised when he first did it since he is quite playful, but it honestly melted your heart because you found it so cute.
° Deep voiced taekwondo master Felix comes out to play whenever someone insults you, your sunshine kitten will immediately switch into a deep voiced six pack aussie in a matter of seconds. You appreciate how protective he is, always repaying him with your love.
"You don't have to repay me princess, I do it because I love you. And when I love someone, I won't let anything hurt them."
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° Soft boy is shy when it comes to PDA, So he always reminds you how beautiful you are with words. Coming up with your favorite nickname 'Pumkin', it is a common cute nickname but it's the way he says it that makes you melt.
° When you two are heading in for the night, he will sit you on his lap and wipe your face from any remaining makeup or dust/dirt. He loves how no matter how gentle his swipes are, your cheeks always cave in and squish you lips into a pout.
° Finds your plump belly absolutely adorable, constantly wrapping his arms around your stomach. Seungmin doesn't like how insecure you are about your body, so hugging you is another way for him to express how beautiful he thinks you are.
° Whenever he is on his phone or reading, you will block his veiw with a pout. He always replies by squishing your cheeks and pulling you in for a sweet but short kiss. When you feel satisfied enough with his kisses, you'll go back to whatever you were doing.
° Doesn't bother talking to idiots, instead he worries about you and makes sure you aren't listening to those stupid assholes. If someone won't stop picking on you he'll tell them off, but if they back off after a while he will just stay and confort you instead.
"They don't know what they are talking about, you are amazing and they are just crazy hateful people."
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° Thought you were the most precious girl he has ever witnessed, and his love for you only grew over time. Even though you denied that someone so attractive like a kpop idol could like you, he proved you to be 100% wrong.
° His favorite thing on you is one of his Tshirts on you, because they fit your curves perfectly but also look loose due to the height difference. If you want cuddles immediately, simply wear oen of his shirts.
° Gets flustered whenever you wear a button up, since the gaps between the buttons are always opened slightly to reveal your bra. But he is too sweet and shy to ever point it out to you, because he doesn't want to embarrass you.
° Helps you with chafing burns, always feeling bad that you get them so easily. But you reassure him that it doesn't hurt overly bad, but that won't stop him from applying lotion to the burns on the inside your thighs.
° Isn't the type to get up in someone's face and threaten them, but will instead reply in sarcasm when someone insults you. Telling them to get a life and not to bring someone down to try and get their anger out. You are amused by your soft boyfriend's sarcasm.
"They are just trash, don't think about what they said for one second. You are stunning and the best girlfriend on earth."
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rainy-day-coffee · 3 years
A very self-indulgent Riddle fic my brain came up with at 1 AM. There might be some grammar errors I need to fix later
But anyways, I suppose this counts as my own little treat in a way! That or I will wake up tomorrow and simply stare
A Scene to Warm the Heart
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“I do hope you’re aware we’re continuing after this.”
As you skim through the movie channel, you hear Riddle huff and puff next to you. Exams were next week and your boyfriend was very adamant about you studying. You’d be lying if you were to say it wasn’t a sweet gesture. However, as sweet as it was, if you have to see one more fact about Twisted Wonderland’s long history, you would be a little closer to flipping a chair over.
“We’ve done nothing but study these days,” you whine. “I think we both deserve a little break! Give that head of yours some breathing room!”
“I’m not the one who needs to study. I’m well prepared already. You, on the other hand-”
“Oh, wow! Would you look at that? They still have that movie I was telling you about. I loved it, so we’re watching it!”
He sighs heavily. Riddle knew you still needed to get through some more material. He would have moved off the couch had it not been for the weight of your legs trapping him. 
In reality, he could easily stand if he so desired it. Was he going to? Of course not.
As the movie starts, you swing your legs off Riddle’s lap. Folding your legs underneath yourself, you shuffle a little closer to him. You latch yourself onto his side and his arm moves to comfortably rest on your thigh.
“Comfortable?” he muses.
Snuggling into his side, you hum, “Quite.”
Faces turn toward the screen, you both watch as the main characters are introduced.
At some point, you stopped watching the movie. Instead, you had opted to shift your attention to your lover’s face. Silently you take in all his facial expressions as the characters in the film move forward in their quest towards victory.
Sometimes he would stare in disgust as someone did something foolish. Other times he would look in awe as the heroine performed a brave act. Different expressions would paint his face. They were subtle, but they were certainly there. Above all of them, the relaxed look he displayed occasionally was your favorite. A look of relaxation you had only begun to see recently. A stark difference to the red stressed one he had adorned almost all the time when your relationship was fairly new.
Eventually, he notices what you’re doing. 
Looking down, Riddle frowns and squints at you, “Are you even paying attention at this point?”
You reach up and grab his chin with your hand, turning his face back towards the television screen. “Ssshhhhh, details. Just watch-this is my favorite part!”
He sighs but doesn’t protest. Thinking you had turned your head to watch as well, he once again becomes absorbed by the action happening on the television.
Meanwhile, you continue your staring. Internally, you let out a sigh of bliss. Taking into account the little twinkle in his eyes as images continue to flash across the screen, you even smile.
You would take a picture if you could, but moments like these are best to keep in the secure chambers of your memory. He’s come far and you couldn’t be happier.
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