#and like yeah I could've left but why would I leave when I found a random rave in the wild?? that's so interesting
I meant to go to bed early, but instead I fully accidentally ended up at a rave. This happened within twenty minutes of leaving my friend’s house. Phenomenal. I have several questions.
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navybrat817 · 10 months
I wish I had a smitten Bucky. Just sees me and wants me. 🥺
I know the feeling, nonnie.
Check Yes or No
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky instantly falls for you, but waits to ask you out.
Word Count: Over 2.1k
Warnings: Fluff, could be seen as instalove on Bucky's side, attraction, slight insecurities, minor time jump, Alpine being the best, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: I can't send Bucky your way, lovelies, so I hope you enjoy this short, surprise fic! ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky wasn't looking for love the day he met you, but it found him anyway.
“Hey, Buck,” Steve greeted from his seat when he walked into the conference rooms and nodded to the spot beside him that you occupied. “I’d like you to meet our newest transfer. She’s also moving into the Tower.”
He was a changed man the moment your eyes met. Breathtaking was a word to describe you given how he had forgotten to breathe. He had witnessed many sunrises and sunsets in his life, a kaleidoscope of colors painted in the sky to both soothe and awaken the soul. They paled in comparison to the beauty before him.
One glance and he belonged to you completely.
“Hi, Bucky. It’s nice to meet you.”
While he wasn't sure if Heaven existed, you speaking his name was like hearing the voice of an angel.
“I’m Bucky.”
Of all the things he could've said, reiterating his name was what his mouth went with.
Instead of giving him a weird look or brushing him off when he scowled at himself, you smiled. “I look forward to us working together.”
Bucky couldn't tell you what the meeting was about that day, but he remembered the details about you. The way you leaned forward in your seat to pay extra attention when someone else spoke, also giving him an ample view of your chest before he reminded himself not to stare. The slight crease in your forehead when you jotted down an important note. And the soft giggle you let out when Steve cracked a joke.
He suddenly wished he was funnier.
“Have a good rest of the day, Bucky,” you said when the meeting ended.
Bucky didn't have to try to smile with you. It just came naturally. When you smiled back, it was easy to imagine what it would be like if you were his girl.
“You, too,” he replied, giving himself a mental victory for not screwing up his words this time. “Wait!”
You paused and looked at him expectantly. “Yeah?”
Bucky realized he had no reason to keep you from leaving. He just didn't want you to go. “Do you need help moving your stuff in?”
“I actually got my things moved in late last night, but thanks for the offer,” you replied, checking the time with wide eyes. “I'm so sorry. I have to go. I’m in 2L if you need anything!”
“Bye,” he called after you, turning in his chair to watch you go.
How did he miss you already?
Though Steve had a knowing look in his eyes, he graciously kept his mouth shut as he left the room. He reminded him an hour later that he wouldn't break any bylaws by asking you out. The punk somehow knew that you weren't seeing anyone.
Which made him happy.
While he appreciated Steve looking out for happiness, he still had to get his head on straight.
“Once I completely trust my own mind, maybe I will,” Bucky said, even though the stuff was already out of his head. He owed it to himself to take his time. And you.
Imagine his surprise when he found a note from you on his door the next day.
Hey, Bucky! Lunch on me today? Check YES or NO.
The lopsided grin on his face wouldn't go away when he read it again. You must've been interested in him enough to ask about him. How else did you know his apartment number? Why else would you ask him to lunch?
He nearly shouted “YES” in the hall before he came to his senses and simply checked the option before he returned the note to your apartment door.
When he met up with you later, he told himself it wasn't a date. It couldn't be, right? It didn't keep his heart from stopping when you answered your door. Dressed down and casual, you looked like an angel went to Earth just for him.
“Hey, Bucky,” you smiled. “Ready to go?”
He hadn't said much on the way to the cafe since he was too busy hanging on to your every word, but it was like he had known you for ages as you carried on the conversation. Your questions weren't invasive and you didn't seem to mind the occasional short answers. It was also the shortest meal of his life, over too soon for his liking, and he also refused to let you pay for his meal.
He wanted to show you that gentlemen still existed.
“Lunch again next week?” You offered.
“Sure,” he answered, his head spinning from giddiness.
But it wasn't a date.
It was time to change that.
Today was the day. Six months from the day he met you. Six months of chatting with you between missions and slowly getting to know you over weekly lunches. Six months of falling for you more and more each day and he finally worked up the courage to ask you out.
But falling was the easy part. Confessing was an entirely different story. He would either crash to the ground and hope his wounds would later heal or you’d catch him as he fell. No matter what, he wouldn't let his nerves get the better of him.
“Just like we practiced, okay?” Bucky asked.
Alpine nuzzled her head against Bucky’s with a gentle purr when he huffed. She was his little partner-in-crime through and through. Like you, even though you didn't realize it, the little white ball of fur helped save him. He was fairly certain he wasn't supposed to bring her to this floor, but any reprimand would be worth it.
Besides, the Tower, office, anywhere they operated should allow them to have their pets with them, especially for emotional support.
“I'm counting on you,” he teased, placing the folded up piece of paper in her mouth. “Go.”
He peeked around the corner when he set Alpine down. The sun illuminated you from where you sat in the lounge, curled up in your normal spot on the sofa. You liked to relax there occasionally to read. He wondered what book you had with you today.
Thankfully, no one was around to disturb you.
Except for him.
“Alpine, is that you?” You asked when you looked up, closing the book as the cat approached you. While the feline was cautious of some, she warmed up to you immediately when you met and solidified that you were the one for him. “Whatcha got there? Where’s Bucky?”
His name spilling from your lips was still one of his favorite sounds.
He held his breath when Alpine jumped up beside you, opened her mouth, and dropped the paper in your lap. He immediately began to second guess himself when you unfolded it with a furrowed brow. Why did he think this was a good idea? Why didn't he just ask you like a normal guy?
To be fair, he hadn't been normal for some time.
“Will you go out with me? Check YES or NO. Love, Bucky,” you read out loud with a huge smile, which was enough to make his heart race. You giggled a moment later when Alpine bumped your hand, the soft noise making his stomach do a funny sort of flip. “Okay, okay. Let me get my pen out of my bag.”
Bucky exhaled a little as he moved to stand in the doorway. You didn't toss the paper away, so that had to be a good sign. He carefully kept himself from showing any outward emotion when you met his gaze, but his knees nearly gave out. His palms also began to sweat when you gave him a half smile.
Just when he thought you couldn't look more beautiful than you had the day before, you proved him wrong.
He ran a hand through his hair and hoped he looked halfway decent since he hadn't brushed it. But you commented a few weeks back that you liked it long when you saw an old photo, so he wanted to grow it out. He lost count of how many times he imagined your fingers in his hair
Maybe one day.
Watching you grab your pen, it was like he was drowning. The tide pulled him under as you made a mark on the sheet. His lungs burned when you handed it back to Alpine. He couldn't come up for air. He couldn't breathe.
Until you smiled again.
“Thanks, Alpine,” you said.
His cat gracefully walked back to Bucky and he swore he caught you trying not to giggle as she climbed up his leg. His heart hammered in his chest when he took the slip of paper from her mouth. Meeting your tender gaze, he couldn't bring himself to open it though.
After he told himself he wouldn't let his nerves get the better of him.
“Not going to see what my answer is?” You asked as he carried Alpine into the lounge.
“I want to,” he replied, sighing as he took a seat beside you. His cat was perfectly content to lay in his lap. “But I’m questioning if I did this the right way.”
The note you gave him for a simple lunch request may have been a small gesture in your eyes, but it meant the world to him. He thought by asking you out this way that he could give you something meaningful in return. Something that only the two of you shared.
That was all he wanted.
You turned toward him, your knee touching his. The small touch sent heat down his spine. “Open it and you’ll find out.”
He nodded, thankful that his vibranium hand didn't shake as he lifted the sheet. “Wait, let me say something before I do.”
The corner of your lip tugged as you tried not to smile. “Bucky-”
“I like you. I really like you. I have since the day we met. And I'm going to like you tomorrow. And the day after that and the day after that,” he admitted in a rush, catching your sharp inhale as he looked into your eyes. “But I know my past isn't easy to deal with. If you just want to be a teammate or colleague, that’s okay. Just. Being a part of your life in some way is more than enough.”
Alpine lifted her head and looked between the two of you, as if she was waiting with baited breath to see what would happen next.
Bucky felt a crack in his heart when you didn't speak or react, his body slumping slightly into the couch. It was okay. He took a chance and told you how he felt. He wouldn't force you to reciprocate.
“Bucky?” You asked above a whisper, reaching over to help him unfold the paper. He gasped when he saw the checkmark beside “YES”, blinking rapidly to make sure you picked that box. “I really like you, too.”
“You do?” He exhaled, grasping your hand with renewed joy. He was careful not to squeeze too hard. Hurting you was the last thing he ever wanted to do.
“Yeah. Pretty much since the day I met you,” you admitted, glancing in your lap before you met his gaze again. He saw stars in your eyes. “And your past isn't your fault, Bucky. You aren't something to ‘deal with’, okay? You’re a good man. I can give you a whole list of reasons if you need it.”
Physically, Bucky’s body was in peak condition. Your confession, however, caused all of the air to leave his lungs and made him weak in the best possible way. A familiar warmth moved through Bucky’s veins as he breathed again and it dawned on him at that moment that he hadn't felt cold since you walked into his life.
Not once.
Your faith in him gave him strength. Your mere existence gave him the courage to try. And he didn't have to go it alone.
“Wow,” he breathed, relieved and elated as he gave you a small smile. “How about tomorrow night?”
“It’s a date,” you smiled.
“Great,” he smiled back. A date. He couldn't wait to see the look on Steve's face when he told him that he finally asked you out.
“And I think the note was purrfect,” you teased at Alpine before you scrunched up your face. “I ruined the moment, didn't I?”
Bucky brought your hand to his mouth, kissing it as gently as he possibly could. He could hear your heart race. So was his. “Not at all.”
He knew it was too soon to say he loved you and it was likely too soon for you to feel that way about him, but he felt hope in your smile that you would one day.
For now, he had a date to plan all because you checked “yes”.
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We know it'll be the best date ever, right? Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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wonbinistic · 1 year
Dreams Do Come True
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Rated: 18+ mdni
★ Author's note: i'm sorry for making y'all wait so long forgive me please❤️ this is my first writing piece since a very long time so bear with me... I'm not really satisfied with this it's why I kept delaying releasing it
english is also not my first language! so if you anything grammatically wrong don't hesitate to correct me🧡
★ wonbin x fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 1.7k
summary: movie night goes in an unexpected direction for you and Wonbin
warnings: swearing, lots of kissing, fingering, cum play, cum eating, penetration...
This is not how you imagined the usual movie night would end…left alone with wonbin you squirmed uncomfortably on your seat. Wonbin who sat the end of couch gave you a quick look which you didn't even notice. He let the sound of the TV make the only noise in the room before speaking out. He noticed you were slightly shivering worrying if you were feeling cold.
"I could turn the heat up if you want."
"No I'm alright."You replied before turning your attention back to the film playing in front of you.
From your peripheral vision you could glimpse wonbin moving closer and soon you felt a warmth around you as he wrapped his arms around you. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't feel cold."
You were sure he could hear your heartbeat if not it was your unsteady breathing. You weren't really close to him nevertheless this close. It's something you were longing for the longest time. This closeness. Only one person knew you had this admiration for wonbin and it was anton, who promised never to tell. Somehow wonbin knew.
How could he not though?
Everytime he was in the room you turned all flustered, your cheeks would heat up and you didn't dare to look in his direction. He found you endearing and wanted to approach you, become close with you and spoil you. He kept his distance though. Today he's got you all alone. He might be tempted to try.
He cooed as you murmured a small thanks and let your head fall on his chest. Breathing in your lavender shampoo he tried hard to restrain himself.
"Hey ___?" His gentle voice he used with you made you look up to him. He was so close to you, his lips just above yours. You felt your insides turn. He was just so beautiful…and so he thought about you.
"When was the last time you kissed someone?" The question let your cheeks heat up not expecting that. Your last kiss was a long time ago, it was anton too. It was just a silly little kiss between you two a few years ago. You were young and in middle school.
"Would you mind if we kissed right now?"Your heart stilled, mind not being able to function as you repeated his question in your head more times than needed. When would you ever get the chance for this to happen again?
"We don't have to, I just really wanna kiss you,"He could've put his lips on you as soon as you looked up but he asked you. With your heartbeat beating into your ears you answered back giving him permission to put his lips on you.
Like predicted his lips were pillow soft and so gentle with you. He held your face in his hand bringing more force into the kiss. His tongue run a line on your lower lip before biting into it and pulling away leaving you stunned.
"So soft", wonbins finger traced your lips with his thumb. He went through in his head what the next scenario would be - should he go further?
"princess do you wanna sit on my lap, make yourself more comfortable",his eyes scanned your face for any discomfort not finding any.
He held your smaller hands in his helping you climb on him. From there he resumed your kiss this time it was a little more demanding, spit dripping down your chin as you tried to keep with him before giving up as his warm tongue entered your cavity of your mouth. Your tongues tangled up then went back to exploring. Wonbin shifted in his place trying to control the growing boner in his pants.
"Are you okay?" You asked into the kiss.
"Yeah I'm alright,"He replied dropping his head to your neck. He started with small pecks there before his tongue came into play sucking in a particular spot. That's when you felt a sensation down there. You could feel rubbing yourself on your own wetness. But you weren't the only one feeling some type of way. The throbbing feeling of wonbins cock underneath you was not subtle at all.
"Princess, should we take this to my room?" You were sure if you opened your mouth not a single coherent sentence would come out so you gave him a nod. Your mind was hazy, your attention split on different things to how your bodies were pressed against one another to his lips finding his way back to your neck as he carried you to his shared room with one of his friends. Luckily they all decided to leave, leaving you two alone in the dorms.
A messy kiss was shared as wonbin let you on your own two feet leading you further into his room till you fell onto his soft mattress. His body hovered over you trying not to crush you and there you felt it. His growing hard cock pressing right into your cunt. Wonbin let a groan out when he felt your hand wander between your bodies grabbing right at his erection. He swore if he didn't let his dick out in any minute it would burst.
"getting braver are we?"he muttered under his breath.
"I need you to," you panted, "take these off.”
With no hesitation wonbin worked on getting his pants off ordering you to do the same. In no time you felt one another's skin, warmth spreading throughout the room feeling closer than ever. Breathing intensifies as you feel him pressing right on you, no clothes standing in the way. Wonbin grabbed his cock before taking your hand, leading it right at it and wrapping it around it.
"That's right just move your hand like that."He let go of guiding you seeing you didn't need any further help. his mind was spinning, cock hard as a rock with your hand attached to it. He was visibly throbbing in your hand, drops of precum dropping on your belly. You followed along the lines of the veins pulsing on the side of his cock. More droplets of precum found their way on your stomach as you played with his angryily red tip. A weak spot. Wonbin let his lips wander, finding its way to your earlobe. His teeth held onto your skin before letting it go, finishing it over with a lick of his warm tongue. Oh how he wished he had it in other places.
"I need to prep you princess, is that okay?" wonbin muttered against your lips. You hummed giving him the green light to let his fingers trail down. One swipe was enough to have his fingers soaked in your juices.
He wanted to have you badly on his tongue, drenching him, having you scream his name at the top of your lungs till you succumbed to your orgasm. But he saved that up for another time.
He hopes another time like this would come knowing it would be almost impossible with everyone else being around here 24/7. It's like you eight were attached to the hip. For once in his life he found that frustrating.
"Argh…wonbin please," you groaned. His index finger slowly entered your soppy cunt. Wonbin hissed at your walls hugging his finger perfectly tightly. You pulled him with quickness into a deep sensual kiss tangling your tongue together as you tried to contain yourselves from moaning into each other's mouth - unsuccessfully. You are both a mess.
Filthy wet noises from his fingers thrusting in and out of you filled the room.
"Need to be inside of you"He moaned. Abruptly you were turned on your stomach having him pressed against your back. His tip prodded on your entrance making you curse under breath.
Until you remembered…
Wonbin pulled away from you hearing that. You reached your arm to the bedside table getting a pack and passed it to him behind. Relaxed, you laid back to your previous position feeling a tap on your butt. You mentally prepared yourself to have him inside of you. Wonbin was gifted in width & length and he seemed to know how to put it to use. It's what got him partners from his previous relationships keep coming back to him. They swore they wouldn't get it any better from anyone else which boosted wonbins ego a little bit.
"Why are you so tight doll…oh fuck."
You bit into the pillow under you as he adjusted his length. Wonbins hand grabs onto your tit squeezing the flesh in his hand before pulling his cock out of you to ram back into you. This time you couldn't help but let out a scream. Wonbin couldn't be helped either, he was a hot mess driving any sounds out of himself. He groaned into your ear as his balls hit your clit each time he railed into you with no halt.
The squeaky sound of the bed mixed with the wet clapping sounds of your bodies halled in the apartment.
"My sweet baby girl you're so good to me," he moaned. "Are you going to let me cum on your tummy hm?"
The thought of his seed splattered on your belly had you going crazy. You hummed in response. It was nearing the end, feeling yourself combust any minute with wonbins dick pulsing inside. He too couldn't keep it any longer and soon you felt him throb even more. He pulled the condom off, turned you on your back finishing off on your stomach. You cleaned his cum stained fingers clean before he shoved his tongue down your throat as he messed with the cum on your belly smearing it anywhere on your body. When you pulled off the kiss only a string of saliva connected you two.
After all the work up you needed to relax which Wonbin sensed. So he run you a bath, massaged your tense shoulders and lastly gave you a head message. With changed bed sheets you both drifted off pretty quickly.
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imdead770 · 5 months
anything for Luke and a daughter of hecate, ANYTHING FOR THEM......
had to do my research for this one
for context Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, magic, ghosts, stuff like that. There's probably more but that's what I got from my one minute google search
I kept this kind of fluffy because I wanted to switch it up, I hope that's okay! If you want smut feel free to request again 🩷
Luke didn't known much about your mother, most people didn't. She was one of the smaller goddesses. Well, not small, she just wasn't as well known as Athena or Aphrodite. He had heard her name a few times around camp, not thinking much of it. He didn't pay much attention to the name until he realized your own name was associated with it. Whenever you came to camp, eventually getting claimed by Hecate, he started to do his research. He started listening if one of the counselors talked about her or reading more thoroughly if he saw her name in a book. He wanted to learn more about her for one reason; to get closer to you.
Once he learned more about her, he started seeing the resemblances between the two of you. Your long, silky dark hair was exactly how some book described your mother, as well as your overall beauty. If Hecate hadn't of claimed you, it probably would have been Aphrodite. It also made sense why you and some of the Hades' kids were close, you were all connected to the dead. Another thing that made you alike, you were magical. Something about you almost made him feel as if he was put under some sort of spell. Every time you walked into a room, smiling and laughing, it was as if you enchanted him. Every time he was the cause of your laughter, he would melt, almost as if you had cursed him to fall in love with you.
He didn't know how, but your godly parent eventually came up in a conversation. And God's had he prepared for this moment.
"Yeah, she can control ghosts and magic n' all that, right?"
All of that research was worth it. The way you looked at him, your face holding one of your signature, beautiful smiles.
"Yeah... she can. How'd you know that?"
"Uh... I dunno, I've just always found her interesting."
He managed to get out that excuse, you seemed to believe it. Your smile only grew, sending butterflies into his stomach again.
As the two of you kept talking, your mother fading away and the conversation becoming more natural, he was all smiles. He was smiling for a few reasons. One being that he was proud of himself for being productive and learning about your mother. The main reason, though, was you. How your lips moved when you talked, your sing-songy voice leaving them as you joked around with him. He hadn't realized he was starring until you pointed it out.
"Luke? Are you okay? You're like zoning out or something."
He forced himself to look away from your gorgeous smile, meeting your eyes. They looked stunning. The light hit them perfectly, giving them a magical glow as if your mother was casting a spell from Olympus. As if she and Aphrodite were cursing him to fall head over heels in love and not have a single say in it. Once again he was zoning out, gazing into your eyes like a lovestruck fool. He could've mustered up another excuse if he kept his mouth shut. That only confirmed his theory of being cursed.
"You have really pretty eyes, yknow.."
Shit. He didn't even mean to say that, the words just left his lips. Your mother must've hated him. He wanted to go and dive off the dock and never come back up for air. He was about to go do so until you spoke again.
Since he had been looking down like a flustered idiot, he hadn't noticed the way your smile grew after his words. He hadn't noticed the way your eyes lit up, nor the way you were blushing yourself. Not as badly as him, but you were still blushing.
He looked back up to meet your eyes again, finally noticing how your smile became a grin. He couldn't help but mimic the expression, it was infectious.
He didn't notice how you had scooted closer, bit he did notice how you leaned in. He noticed how your beautiful eyes softly closed, and he especially noticed how your lips met his. It all happened so fast, but Gods.. it was magical.
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toon-tales · 2 months
Hiya! Ok, so, this will be a continuation to this post! We'll be analyzing Broppy throughout Twt!
Let's begin!
Now, everything has changed. Poppy's the queen, and Branch... well, you know, found his true colors
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Here's the thing, Branch is now much nicer to Poppy, unlike how he was in the first movie. He admires her, just like he used to do, but difference is, he's admiring her also in front of everyone, like, not literally admiring but you get it
Moving on to the part where Branch tries to confess his love to Poppy
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Branch was about to say something really important to him, like, super duper important, and Poppy? She wasn't paying attention to him! Like, yeah, she would look at him but her mind was somewhere else, which, takes a point from her
"Being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me, other than being your friend!"
I like that she included their friendship (much to Branch's dismay), because it shows that she did notice Branch's hurt expression, which gives her the point back
Seconds later, the high-five failed, miserably, if I may say, and what I really disliked is how Poppy was chill about it! She literally said, "For some reason we don't seem to make a good connection!" with that smile. But I'm sure this issue will be discussed later
Takes a deep breath
Anyway, let's skip to the scene of the strings, because I love love LOVE the difference between Branch's and Poppy's characters
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"It's when all the trolls lived in harmony, and what's more important than living in harmony?"
"Well, I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting."
They're both right, again. Like I said in part 1, they both look at things from different perspectives yet they're both right.
The strings together did mean one big party, before it eventually led to the fighting
This is exactly like the scene when Poppy decided to go to Barb. Branch knew he couldn't leave her alone, and Poppy, in return, knew she didn't want to do this by herself
Let's move on to this scene:
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You can clearly see that one of the focuses of the movie is that Poppy never listened to anyone but herself, and it shows. Even Branch didn't like it, you can see it in his face
But does Poppy take all the blame? Nope, I don't think so. Why? Look. True, she didn't hear anyone, but has anyone actually talked?
When they went to jail, all Branch did was comfort her. Yeah, she needed comfort because of what has just been said to her, but Branch could've approached the matter gently. But we don't know if he would've said that, because Biggie interrupted them
Later, when Hickory showed up, Poppy literally put too much trust into him, and Branch tried to tell her, but he didn't press the matter, which wasn't right of him. He should've expressed his feelings more, but they were about to get caught, so we don't really blame either of them
Now later, in this scene:
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You can see that Poppy actually seemed to think about what Branch just told her. Maybe she just needed someone to say something. And I really want to know what would've happened if Chaz didn't interrupt them
And even more later, you can see how sad Branch is that Biggie said the truth to Poppy. And even more sad, and overthinking, when Hickory pointed out that Poppy doesn't listen
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Until boy finally let it out
"But you never listened to me." All he wanted was her to listen to him! Like, bro!
"What do you mean?" And I think she was actually trying to at this point
Now, what i really love is how both of them seemed troubled by their own words
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Unlike the usual fights, where (not all, just to be clear) people just want to bring each other down and prove they're right. They were genuinely upset, and accidentally let it out on each other
But I also want to point out how Poppy was when Branch left, cause, girl literally looked like she was about to cry. Her breathing was heavy too
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And now, to 'Perfect for me'
Hear me out-
Now, there are two meanings for this sentence. It could mean that Branch is saying Poppy is the one, or it could mean that he's not enough for her. Imma go with the first suggestion for a reason: it would be 'too perfect for me', and I really think the lyrics goes better with the first one. Anyway, let me know what you guys think!
Now, here's the thing
Poppy wasn't listening to anyone other than herself or whoever agreed with her. She wanted to prove herself as a good queen, and it got them in trouble. She trusted a STRANGER. But to Branch? Oh, she was perfect
See, he loved her, flaws and all, and he was always there for her even if she got into a problem because of her recklessness. He was always there to catch her when she fell
And let's not forget that while Branch is now a gentleman, he was rude to Poppy for far too long. He crashed her invites in front of everyone, he didn't want to save the snack pack from the Bergens. But he had changed, and Poppy saw that. She saw his true colors, she saw him change for the better, even if he was still sarcastic and disagreed with her sometimes. He was perfect. She loved him, even before he got his true colors, as a friend at least
They both said words, hurtful words, yet each one thought of how perfect the other was for them
And I think more people need to understand that differences don't tear you apart
Skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, and hold it here:
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Friendly reminder that they haven't talked, haven't made up, haven't literally anything since the fight, yet here Branch is, with a look of sheer panic on his face when he saw Poppy about to get hit. And here Poppy is, with this concerned look on her face and that desperate, "Branch," for her future boyfriend when he got hit instead
And now, to the confession scene:
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Can you see how Branch looked at her? He looked proud, like, really proud
"And I love you, queen Poppy." He didn't say 'Poppy' like earlier. He said 'queen'. And I think that means that he now sees her as a true queen, after she had learned her lesson
Now can you see Poppy's eyes when Branch said that? She's happy, like, her eyes are literally wide with happiness. See the love in her eyes when she looks at him?!
Anywayyyyyy, that's it for Twt, hope you guys like it. As usual, feel free to add or comment on anything, and stay tuned for part 3!
Part one
Part three
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webshooterrr9 · 8 months
My Hero
Delinquent!Miguel x fem!reader
CW: brief mention of sexual harassment, but don't worry Mig saves her, light smut but nothing too explicit, mainly just these two arguing with each other, mostly just tension
Word Count: 1.4k words
Lmk if y'all want a part 2 🤭
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art credits in alt text!!
“Can you just fuck off?”
“What’s the matter, baby?” the guy said. This creep would not leave you alone. You’re just heading back to your apartment, and all of a sudden this creep decides it’s a good idea to follow you home. You should’ve never decided to take a walk. “You don’t want me? I thought we had a good thing going, shawty.”
“I told you to leave me alone. I’m not interested.” you were getting fed up now. Why can’t he just take the hint? You scoffed and tried walking away, but the creep grabbed your arm.
“Hey!” he said, turning you to face him. “Don’t be a bitch, I’m just trying to be nice.”
“What the hell is going on here?”
You and the creep turned to see a tall, dark-haired punk approach you two. He was wearing a black band tee with tattoos all up and down his muscular arms.
As the man approached you, the creep let go of your arm. “H-hey man, this isn’t any of your business.”
The tall stranger crossed his arms, towering over you two. “Actually, it is my business - seeing as you’re standing right in front of my building.”
You knew this guy, your friend pointed him out as someone in the neighborhood to avoid back when you first moved in. Miguel O’hara, a known delinquent on this secluded side of town. This must’ve been the apartment building he lived in.
“I’m gonna have to ask you to step away from this lady, or we’re gonna have problems, cabrón.” Miguel said, sizing up the much smaller man before him.
“Oh yeah? What kind of problems, tough guy?” the creep replied with confidence much bigger than him - an idiot move. Miguel grabbed the man by his shirt, pulling him close to his face.
“Get outta here, chico. I won’t ask again.” he snarled, getting all up in the guy’s face. The look in Miguel’s eyes was that of a lion, chasing a hyena away from its prey that it found first.
The creep, despite being so cocky earlier, seemed to have lost all his confidence. He pushed Miguel’s arms away and Miguel dropped him. He knew that the delinquent wasn’t messing around.
Miguel scowled. The guy who was harassing you ran away. You were in awe, you thought Miguel was a bad guy, so why did he just protect you?
He turned around to face you, his large frame intimidating. "You alright?"
You froze in silence, not sure what to say to him. He scoffed. "Giving me the silent treatment, huh? Some way to treat your savior, muñeca." Miguel crossed his arms.
"Sorry," you say, regaining your focus. "You, uh, you're Miguel, right?"
You had never been in this situation before. Never needed saving, especially not by someone with as bad a reputation as him. You weren’t quite sure if you should thank him, or if he'd even want that.
“Yeah, that’s me.” you would've thought that someone who just saved you would look a little happier to see you, but he just glared at you like you were a nuisance. Maybe you woke him up from a nap.
“You know, I don’t just do that for anyone.” he commented.
"I figured," you were just standing there awkwardly, not sure how to reply to his sharp tone. You couldn't tell if he was fishing for a “thank you” or not.
"So then why did you, uh, scare him away? You could've just left me to handle it." you couldn't hide your curiosity as to why Miguel protected you from that guy. You had never even met him before, but you knew he wasn't nice to most people… so why you?
"Just protecting a pretty girl, what's so surprising?" Miguel had a smirk on his face. He was definitely fishing for a compliment. He looked you up and down with a hint of flirtatiousness.
You noticed his not-so-subtle stare, and shifted to a more defensive stance. “Well, you don't seem the type to do such a thing. Your reputation doesn't exactly give the 'gentleman' vibe."
"Besides, this isn't the 1950's anymore, I'm not a damsel in distress." you add, gaining more snark as the conversation goes on.
"Oh, so you're assuming that I'm incapable of being nice, preciosa?" Miguel was getting just a little bit annoyed. Usually, most people were too intimidated by him to talk back, so he was taken aback that you weren't. "I don't care what my reputation is, I'm being nice to you because I feel like it." He stepped closer to you, sizing you up with his eyes once more.
"I didn't say you were incapable... it's just unexpected, that's all." The closer he got to you, the more you realized just how much he towered over you. You weren’t even short for a girl, but he was huge.
You lowered your defensiveness, trying not to pick a fight that you knew you couldn't win. "... thank you for that, I guess. It was kind."
"I didn't need it, though."
He rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky you’re hot.” a smirk crossed his face. “But that doesn’t mean this ‘nice guy’ act is gonna happen more than once.”
"It won't have to; I'm not gonna get into a situation like that again, so I doubt I'll need your heroics."
This time, it was your turn to cross your arms. "Besides, you haven't exactly been pleasant company. I don't need more than one interaction with you."
The look in his eyes told you that he took that as a challenge, that he wasn't about to back down. But he also didn't seem the type to overstep his boundaries. He was confident, not creepy.
"Oh, I'm not pleasant to be around? I'm not pleasant to look at either, right?" Miguel chuckled to himself.
"That's too bad- I could've saved you from the next creep that comes around, princesa." He liked messing with you, and seeing your feisty attitude come out. He was definitely trying to get you riled up.
"I didn't say you weren't pleasant to look at." you reply, standing a bit taller than before. He raised an eyebrow, flattered by the indirect compliment.
"I'm just saying that I wouldn't meet you again, if given the choice. Other than saving my ass back there, you've been pretty rude."
"Rude? Me? Never." Miguel feigned shock. "I wonder what's got you being so feisty today, mami.”
"You know nothing about me, this is normal." you say, picking up some confidence. "You're not getting any special treatment."
“Hmm… maybe I want some special treatment.” he leans in a bit closer to you, dropping his voice to a lower tone. You could see the devious spark in his eyes, something playful and challenging. He was testing you, to see how far you’d let him go before brushing him off. And you almost wanted to. But God, the way he looked at you made your stomach flutter in a way it hadn’t in a long time, not since your last ex. And even then, your last boyfriend wasn’t as wild as Miguel seemed to be.
“Some special treatment, huh?” you reply, matching his energy and leaning up towards him. Your faces were only inches away now. “And what exactly were you thinking?”
A large grin spreads across his face. “Why don’t you come inside, mami? I’ll show you.”
“Fuck… Miguel..!”
The sounds of his headboard banging against the wall was sure to disturb the neighbors, but he clearly didn’t give a shit.
“It’s… ‘s too much!” you were panting, arms held tight above your head with one of his large hands, while the other toyed with your clit. His legs separated yours, allowing him to pound into you at a punishing pace.
“Shh, bonita… I’m almost there… jus’ a little more, muñeca, un poquito más…”
You already came once, and you could feel your second orgasm approaching with every roll of his hips. He was desperately chasing his release, sweat causing his gorgeous hair to stick to his forehead.
You'd swear you were seeing stars. “M-Mig…” even with a condom, you could feel how hot and thick his cock was, practically begging to spill into your warmth.
Your back arched as your second peak came crashing over you, and the contractions from your cunt was enough to send him over the edge. As your legs shook, your head fell back - Miguel caught it before it hit against the headboard.
“Don’t worry, hermosa. I’ve got you.”
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tothosewholisten · 1 month
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 09
<<previous chapter | next chapter>>
I went downstairs to see two of my estranged roommates, Allison and Luther with somber looks on their faces. I was about to speak up but stopped once I saw who they were looking at. It was Grace, who no longer moved or sang or comforted us.
She was dead, and I know robots aren’t alive but this felt like another death I'd have to witness.
“The two guys last night, the ones with the mask, did this to her,” Allison said to Luther. The two didn't look up to see me, both were in their heads at the death of their mother.
Grace was sitting in the painting room chair, the space we kids dubbed as her bedroom because she didn’t sleep or have one of her own. The only thing that was missing from her was her signature smile and her normal pale arm. Instead, her arm was sliced open by what looked like a knife and oozed out wires of all different colors.
I don’t remember the two gunmen carrying knives last night but who knows they could've gotten crafty. But It's sad to think If she was a real person, I would’ve been able to save her.
I made my presence known by stomping my shoe and moving closer to the pair. Allison's eyes slightly lit up once she saw me. “You’re okay!” She sighed happily.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I giggled with my arms open as she ran over to embrace me. Luther did not move from Grace's body though, his face was cold and distant. I didn't want to ask but I started to think, what happened last night?
“Oh god, have you seen Mom yet?” She whispered. “This has to do with Five somehow. I mean they were looking for him..”
I frowned. “I haven't seen him or Klaus in some time now and I'm starting to get nervous.”
Allison reassures me that they'll turn up but she turns back to Luther who has something to say. “I know I was arguing to turn Grace off, but it doesn't make seeing her like this any easier.”
“Poor Diego.” I blurt out. “This is gonna be so hard for him.” I couldn’t see eye to eye with him, like ever. But I did see him a bit differently after yesterday.
“Yeah, it's hard on all of us.” He says while walking out of Grace's room.
“Hey, wait,” I called out to Luther before he left. The giant man turns to look at me, uncertainly. “I know it was you last night, the one who saved me. I just want to say thank you for pulling that guy away from me.”
“You’ve saved me in my lifetime more times than I can count. I can tell something is off about you guys today and I don’t think I was awake to hear it but. I just wanted to say thanks.” I smile at him.
“But anyways you guys should talk. I'm going to go look for Klaus.” I shoot Allison one more goodbye before heading out.
“I'm glad you're okay, Y/n” I hear one of them mutter as I leave.
“Klaus?” I yell all around the mansion. By now I've checked all his normal spots. His room, my room, Ben’s room, the kitchen, Reginald’s bar, all the bathrooms and all the random nooks and crannies we'd hide in as children with Ben.
Ben.. to think I've been so preoccupied these past days to think about him. And I think about him all the time. He'd know where Klaus was instantly, he was just that type of person.
I go back upstairs to my room to change before heading outside. To check Klaus's frequent spots around town.
First, the alley where he'd buy drugs and all kinds of things. It was dingy and dark but I'd find him here a lot back when I was younger. I left the mansion but never left him. Even let him crash with me at my ex's house whenever he needed to, which my ex was never happy about. We found happiness in walking the streets and laughing with each other till sunrise.
But it wasn't always good, sometimes I'd catch him in a rough spot due to drugs and he'd push me away. I never stopped trying, I would never give up on him and he wouldn't if i was in his spot.
Next was my actual apartment. I hadn't been back in forever, maybe he got tired of the academy and came here? But my apartment was small and didn't have many places for him to hide, it was clear he wasn't there either.
The last place I could think of was a park we used to go to as kids. There'd be days when Reginald was less diligent about watching us, and after dark all of us kids would escape to come here. And have at least a few hours of solace before returning to hell.
I took a seat against a large tree that blocked the sunlight from shining in the park. He wasn't anywhere I'd known he would be. I thought he wouldn't leave town without telling me, but I'm not even sure. I let out small huffs of frustration as I buried my head in my hands.
Suddenly there were more tears on my head than there were in my eyes. I sniffle while looking up. The once-cloudy sky has turned into pouring rain and I'm outside without an umbrella.
“Are we ready to go?” Asked Klaus.
The three of us, Klaus, Ben and I decided we were leaving for the park. After a particularly hard day and mission, it was clear I needed out. Ben asked everyone if they wanted to go, but they all looked at each other then us and snickered.
They told us we should go just the two of us. We actually were about to leave, but Klaus was the only one stupid enough to join us. Just kidding.
The sky was clear this day but dark, meaning it was a clear indication that it was time. Diego and Allison told us they'd distract Reginald if he asked anything. We knew we couldn't go out the front door, instead we went out my window.
Klaus was the first one to jump down; he insisted that he was the bravest out of all of us. And Ben slowly followed after him.
That left me in the window, looking down at the very tall jump I'd have to land. I shook my head at the two. “Why couldn't we have left down Five's window? There are actual steps there!” I whisper yell.
Klaus chuckles. “We're already here, just jump!”
I know when jumping from a high distance without a cushion landing spot, it would help if you didn't look down. But my eyes were glued to the ground anyway. I would be fine if I jumped, any scars would go away but just the thought of it made me shake.
“Unless you're a chicken! That's okay, me and Benny will go without you.” He yells.
“Keep your voice down,” Ben says, elbowing him in the stomach. “Ow!” Klaus cries. Ben looks up at me. “But he's got the right idea! You'll be okay just jump.” He says stuffing his hands in his black jacket.
“Just go without me! I'll go to bed.” I reply, trying to smile at the pair.
“Y/n, listen to me. You'll be okay, jump and..” I didn't hear the last part of what he said.
“What??!” I yell.
“He said he's gonna catch you!” Klaus snickers. “Shut up Klaus,” Ben whispers back. “I will though, if I have to!”
I sigh not wanting to ruin their fun, I'm the one who wanted to go out anyway. “Okay, I'll jump.”
I take a small running start before leaping out of my large window. The wind in my hair felt great, it made me feel like I was almost flying. Until I looked down at the floor I was about to land on. I closed my eyes as I was about to scream and go head-first into the ground. But as I opened my eyes I saw that the cement never smacked me in the face. Instead, I land on someone else.
Ben tried his best but he is still a boy. He held his arms open but it ended with him knocking into the cement and me gripping onto his black hoodie for dear life. I quickly get off him and pull him to his feet as Klaus hollers in laughter at us.
Once he got up I could tell that Ben's head looked a little bruised as well as his hands. I placed my hands on his and watched as yellow wisps of light reached all of his bruises. "Thanks." He smiled and I nodded back. I stopped holding his hands when I heard Klaus almost falling back in laughter.
"You guys-" I cut him off before he embarrasses me by kicking him in the shins with all my might. "Not another word," I mutter.
He held onto his legs and whimpered in pain, now it was our turn to laugh at him on the way to the park. I did eventually heal him that day but seeing him embarrassed was too funny to see go away. We did this several more times, just the three of us. And honestly, it was probably more fun than the whole group.
I laugh underneath the now suddenly wilting tree at the thought, but it slowly turns into sobs. I don't have Ben anymore but I've somewhat come to understand that, but now I lost Klaus too. And Vanya is gone, I'm truly all alone. I sit there for what I think is hours, thinking back. Until the constant pour turns into drizzling and I stand up to go back to the academy. Maybe take a bath.
I slowly made it to a crosswalk so lost in thought that I didn't even see that it said I can go. But I am brought back to reality by the sound of a honking car. Some dick in a van was honking his horn at me?
What I did to piss this guy off I do not know, this was above even a catcall. He was demanding I move. Deciding to ignore the shithead I start to cross the road, until he almost runs me over.
“There's a crosswalk sign, do you see that?” I yell at the van. But the ugly vehicle would not stop honking at me, after being soaked in the rain I'm starting to lose my sanity. So I walked over to the van, thinking I was going to lay into this man and give him all the rage I'd been feeling. And maybe kick his car a few times.
I look at the man's window to see it's not a man at all. It's a boy? I know this shithead. “Five? Why are you honking at me!” I scream at the pubescent boy.
“Get in.” He yells back.
The two of us sat in silence for a while. I watched this fake teenager drive around and honk at people who were being stupid like a full-grown adult.
“Why are you here?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable in my wet clothes. “I'm looking for someone, I saw you walking.” He mutters.
“Oh okay..” I pause.
“I was calling your name before I started honking at you. You should really look where you're going.”
“I was fine. Aren't you the one who tried to run me over?”
“I have a question. Where'd you steal this van?”
“I didn't steal it, I borrowed it from a man in an alley.” he insisted. “Very likely story Five,” I remark back.
“I'm going to give it back. whenever I'm done with it.
“Okay new question, how do you know how to drive?”
“I can do everything.”
I scoff. “Yeah okay.”
“Well, I have a question for you. Why are you walking alone without an umbrella?”
“Just for shits and giggles, I'm looking for Klaus, have you seen him?”
“Can't say that I have. Where do you want me to drop you off?” He says while taking a familiar path that will lead us back to the academy.
I turn to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. “Can't I stay? Join you on your spy missions?” Five looks at me, clearly not keeping his eyes on the road. Almost in shock about me wanting to stay with him. To break the silence I force a cough. “I mean I don't know what else to do right now. I can leave If I'm cramping your style.”
“Okay” is all he says while turning in the opposite direction from the mansion. “Well, that means we are going to find someone.”
“Who?” I ask.
“You'll see,” Five tells me.
Five parked us in another familiar part of town, where Klaus, him and I were not even a day or two ago. “Oh no, Five we're gonna terrorize these people again?” I said while looking around.
“No, we're just going after the main man. I need more answers.” Five peers out the side window to look at a different busy street.
“You really think he's going to give you more information if you just barge into his office again?”
He turns back to me. “We're not going in, we're going to him.”
“Oh my god..”
Five explains that he plans to corner the man in his own car after he comes back from whatever hobby he does while out of the office. I try to tell him that this plan is going to go wrong but of course he doesn't listen. He reached into his glove compartment and grabbed a small pocket knife, and I'm sure he didn't just grab it to look cool.
“You told me you're going to ask for more information, Five,” I questioned while reaching for the knife.
He grabs the weapon back and holds it higher in the air. “Let's see where the night takes us.”
Five blinks him and I next to a tree, like the one I was at earlier. The tree faces a blue car that must've belonged to the guy whose name slipped my mind.
Not long after he walks toward us, with a tiny puppy in hand. He looked almost unrecognizable out of his lab coat, but not in a good way. His clothes reminded me of a jogging outfit they also matched his blue car.
He opens the car and places his puppy into the back seat then he starts to get into the car himself. Before he can sit down Five pulls me with him when he blinks into the car. Sitting me down in the backseat with the puppy who surprisingly is not barking at me yet.
Five blinks into the front seat, but the man doesn't even notice him. Only flinching back when Five lunges at him with his pocket knife.
“Oh, Jesus!” He cries out. Five doesn't even give him another moment to think before going straight into grilling. “One chance. That's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab.” He yells, putting the knife up to the man's throat.
So much for the peaceful approach. The man moves his eyes towards me for a split second and then back to the terrifying Five. “I… I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market.” He stutters.
“including eyeballs?” Five asked.
The man gulps. “Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean they sell like hotcakes. I--I've got a list, a waiting list, probably twenty buyers.”
“So the serial number, my uh, brother gave you..” He finishes my sentence. “Could've already been bought. Yes, off– off the books.” He says.
Five huffs like he's a chain smoker and starts to get more tense, letting the knife get centimeters away from the man's skin.
“I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!” Five screeches.
I take my eyes off them to turn to the dog that's nearing closer to me. At first, I tried to keep my distance but this puppy insisted on getting close. Which shouldn't be a big problem. It's a small dog, but something was off. I'm squeezing myself practically against the door to get away from this dog but he keeps getting closer. I close my eyes and I'm back to that day so many years ago.
I'm not there anymore, it's time for me to move on but I can't. My hands start to shake and my body runs cold. I couldn't help but think that this dog knew what I did to the other, way back when and wanted to take revenge.
While taking deep breaths I turned my head slowly to get a better look at the pup.. this dog wasn't going to hurt me, it didn't know what I did, and I was okay. So why do I feel like this?
“I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy is in my safe at the lab.” Lance's words break my deep breaths and I try once again to focus on their conversation. This is for Five, as well as saving the world. Letting my depressing nature go is what I need to do now.
“Well, you start the car, then.” Five whispers. “Cause we're going on a field trip.” He slowly takes the knife off Lance's throat.
“O-Okay...” Lance tries to put himself back together at least enough to put his seatbelt on.
Lance drives us back to the MeriTech headquarters which is also where Five’s van is. I'm the first to hop out of the car with Five and Lance a few steps behind me.
But I stopped in place once I saw dark smoke coming from the building. “Something’s wrong,” I told five. But he never stopped walking, and without a second thought, he rushed over to the fire. “Five wait!” I called out while chasing him down. Leaving Lance to his own devices.
The angry flames weren’t just in one room, it had spread throughout every single room in the building making it impossible to go inside. Five stopped at the entrance of the building when I caught up with him. We both stared at the building on fire.
“Get down!” I screamed over the sound of burning rooms as I tackled him to the ground. The flames rose from not just the building but towards us, causing an explosion of fire that could’ve killed him.
He wailed out at the sudden burst, but safely hit the ground. Me on the other hand, I was covered in marks. But thankfully my clothes were no longer wet, just slowly catching on fire. I dragged him out of the way more towards the street as I heard sirens in the distance.
“We need to move now,” I stress to Five but he doesn’t reply back. His eyes never break from the fire. “I know, I know but let’s go,” I say again hoping he would budge this time. But he didn't, so I grabbed him and pulled him back over to the van.
Once we get to the van without Lance, it is clear that whoever had lit the building on fire knew we were there. And I knew that because the front window was fogged with a message.
It read. “Your brother says hi.. brother? Which one.” I say out loud while thinking. Five finally started to move from his motionless state when I looked over at him. But he wouldn't be any help right now. The look on his face and the dullness in his eyes was a look I've seen on many people's faces before.
But then it hit me. “Klaus.”
Would you wanna be on a taglist for this story? Say taglist in comments
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Could you make a oneshot with wenclair x male reader who smokes and skateboards you can add anything you want to it just if R can have messy black medium long hair with purple ends and matching colored eyes
I was hoping I would see this one again I really wanted to do this one before my old account was deleted. I don’t skate so sorry if I sound like a poser.
Sk8ter Love(Male)
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Art by @ellie5756_milky on X
The halls of Nevermore were bustling as per usual. Students talking to each other, cliques walking in groups as per usual, the "mean girls" judging a random passerby, etc. One of these groups suddenly split as you sped down the hall leaving a streak of dark purple. "Watch it!" You yelled out. You were low to the ground on your board a hand on each side gripping the board to help maneuver through the halls, you expertly weaved through the halls having many close calls but you had been doing this for years so it was nothing new. After a few minutes, you reached your destination, your dorm. You power stopped in front of your door unlocked it and walked in picking up your board in the process. Walking in the sound of your roommate playing GTA V filled your ears. "Yo," Your roommate Damien said not looking at you. "Sup, what you doing?" You asked as you sat on your bed taking off your boots and watching the screen to see him get blown up by an oppressor. "I dunno," he responded as he blew out smoke. You rolled your eyes and stood up opening the window. "I thought we talked about smoking with the window closed?" "Forgot," you sighed and grabbed the cigarette from him and took a drag of it before blowing the smoke out the window, "Methonal?" "Yeah, one of the Vamps got it for me," Damien said as you got a text. "You could've asked me to pick some up," you said as you checked the text. It was from Wednesday from the group chat with her and Enid, opening it you saw a picture of yourself blowing smoke out the window. With the text under it reading. "You're smoking already?" You could practically hear her annoyance in the text. You chuckled and responded, "Were you watching my window waiting for me?" "...Just get up here already." "She totally was," Enid texted. You smiled and walked over to your closet. "Imma be at-," "You're girlfriends dorm all day. Don't call or text unless I'm dead," Damien said finishing your sentence. You chuckled tied your hair up loosely and left the dorm with your board.
When you arrive at their dorm you open the door and Enid immediately hides behind you. "Baby, calm her down!" "Mi Amor, please tell the mutt that she can't take the hoodie I took from you for herself," Wednesday said eyes locked on Enid like she was prey, Enid was wearing one of your hoodies which was Wednesday's favorite one of your collection. You sighed and pat Enid's head. "Pup give it back to Wends," you said as Enid pouted. "Why does she get to have one for herself!?" "Cause the one toy usually steal is dirty after you spilled juice on it. Again," you said as Enid groaned and took the hoodie off giving it to Wednesday who was Smirking. Wednesday slipped into it and Enid flopped on her bed and started complaining to Yoko and Divina how unfair you were being. You sat down on Wednesday's bed sat on your lap and took out your hair tie letting your hair fall to your shoulders. She took a strand of your hair and rolled it in between her fingertips. You found out early in your relationship Wednesday loved your hair. Unlike most teens, you keep your hair clean, conditioned, and soft. You always did hair care, skin care, etc. But, Wednesday always loved your hair especially, the way it flowed, and how your hair faded seamlessly into the purple color she came to adore. She loved how it glowed whenever you used your abilities. As she was playing with your hair and staring into your eyes she began to lean in for a kiss but was interrupted when Enid appeared behind you and pulled you down and kissed you first. Enid looked at Wednesday and jumped off the bed grabbing the spare skateboard you kept in the room and began to skate out of the room in an attempt to outrun Wednesday who got off your lap and began to chase Enid with her mace, the medieval kind. Thing crawled out from under Wednesday's bed and tapped the floor a few times. "Yeah... I should probably go after them."
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bazpire · 2 months
Rainy days and warm arms.
Cw: nudity, suggestive, fluff, like pure domestic bliss, Lasko goes into 1 (one) rant, neutral pronouns for dear.
Taglist: @professionallyyappin @jamieeeeee33333
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The weather was awful. Dear never really understood that. People would say that and associate it with rain, but truly, they'd never met anyone who actually thought rain or cold days were awful. Bothersome, maybe, but everyone needed some from time to time.
As they sat in front of the window in only their robe listening to the pitter patter of the drops hitting the glass, the sound of keys turning invaded their ears, and Lasko entered the room. A smile crept up on their lips before even turning around to see him, recognising his steps, his smell, his core. They would always recognise when he entered the room.
"Hi, love." They finally leaned their head enough to meet his gaze, and what they found left them breathless. He was soaking wet, no glasses on, with a goofy smile looking at them like they hung the moon and the stars in the sky. "Wha- Lasko, darling, what happened? Are you okay?" They quickly got up, looking around their home for towels.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, t-that or-or well, i mean, this." He looked down at himself as if he forgot everything except their presence. That would've made their heart swell if they weren't worried about him catching a cold. "I- I don't know..." his face got beat red, and he averted their eyes. Quickly, they found a couple towels, leaving two on the couch and bringing the other two to him.
"You should probably take your clothes off." They whispered to him, pressing the towel to his head.
"Huh!?" He asked, looking at them with wide eyes. They just smiled, and quickly enough he became even redder (if that was even possible) "o-Oh, my clothes, r-right, they're all wet and s-soaked, I'm dirtying your floor too, shit, I mean, s-sorry, I'm sorry, I'll take them off right now." He quickly began to undress. They stepped back, leaving the towels by his side.
"I'll go prepare you a bath, is that okay?" They asked gently, looking back at him in his underwear. He looked so flustered. They wanted to kiss him until he couldn't think enough to feel any kind of embarrassment.
"Y-yeah, of course, t-thank you." He smiled, making their heart borderline burst in their chest. They loved his smile.
Quickly, they got everything prepared, the water warm, and they even lit some candles and incense. Maybe it was a bit over the top, but they just wanted to take care of him.
Once they were back on the living room, they found Lasko still by the door, covered with the towels. "What are you doing there, love? Come on in." They softly pulled him in, sitting him down on the couch.
"I didn't wanna m-make more of a mess than I already did." He whispered, looking ashamed. They crouched on the floor, looking for his eyes.
"Hey... I don't care about that. We can clean it up. A mess is just a mess. I care about you being comfortable." Lasko looked at them with that lovely gaze again, like they hung the moon and stars in the sky. Truly, they wanted to blush and squeal, but they took a deep breath in and kissed his exposed knee. "So why were you out in the rain, love?"
Again, his eyes shifted to shame and embarrassment, this time, they reached for his hand and rubbed the back of it with their thumb.
"I- um... I wanted to c-come over, I don't know why, honestly, I just suddenly felt this sudden need of coming over and I would've told you before hand and I know its so rude that I just come on over without invitation or even t-telling you about it but it's like I just needed to be in your presence and it's not like a-anything was wrong! Like I wasn't, I mean I'm not in a sad mood or anything, i wasn't sad but I was missing you and I know i could've called but it was like the rain was saying your name and I wanted to be with you and, and I didn't think about calling in the moment which is so dumb because my phone was right there b-but nope, i just got up and came straight over without even getting an umbrella which thinking it over of course it's dumb for various reasons and- and I'm sorry. For m-making a mess and coming over unprompted." It was like he finally remembered to breathe.
He was everything they wanted to see at all times.
The rosed, just a bit, to kiss his forehead.
"You can come over anytime you want, Lasko. You don't need to let me know you're coming over. You just do it, and my door will be open for you. That's why you have a key."
He blushed even harder, looking like he was about to go into another rant, but they took a deep breath. As much as they loved to listen to him, the water was getting cold.
"You ready to take that bath now, love?" They asked softly, standing up and still holding his hand.
"Y-yeah! I'd - I'd love that. " he smiled while getting up with them and letting them guide him to the bathroom. Once there, he gasped, looking at the dim-litted bath, the nice smells hitting his nostrils and almost immediately relaxing him before even getting in the bath.
He heard the door close and turned around, seeing them looking at him with a small smile and their eyes filled with love and care.
God, they had him in the palm of their hand.
"O-oh? You're, ejem, you're staying?" He asked, feeling himself go red. His blood had gone to his head so many times in such a short amount of time that he was surprised he didn't pass out earlier.
Their smile grew and stepped closer to him. "I'd like to... if you want me to."
"Of- of course! I mean, sure, um, yes, absolutely, I'd love that." Lasko hit himself mentally for answering so eagerly, but the reply made them look all the more happy, and they giggled.
He loved the sound of their giggle.
They got rid of their robe, and that was about it.
Lasko blushed and looked away. "You were naked the whole time!?"
"Yes, hun." They giggled, bending over and testing the water. It was nice, warm, hopefully not too hot. They felt his eyes on them. They liked feeling his eyes on them. "Enjoying the view, love?"
"I- uh, I- I'm sorry, I mean, of course I do, but I'm-I'm sorry for staring, I didn't mean to, I was just..." Dear turned around, holding his gaze with a playful smirk on their lips. "Yeah, I was e-enjoying the view."
They chuckled, throwing their head back and then leaning forward. "Why don't you let me enjoy the view of you as well, Lasko?" They tilted their head, looking down at his towel covered body.
"O-oh! Yeah, right." He laughed as he took them off. "I- I didn't even realise I still had them on. They're very comfortable."
They nodded and tilted their head towards the bath. Lasko quickly moved, getting inside and immediately relaxing when the warm water enveloped him.
"Is it alright?" They asked, and he couldn't stop himself before replying - "it's perfect. You're perfect."
Even in the dim lighting, he could see the faint red decorating their cheeks, making his heart race. They giggled and stepped inside, turning around and sitting down, their back against his chest. "Is this okay, love?" They whispered, resting their head on his shoulder.
"O-of course it is," he stroked their arms up and down, turning his head and kissing their temple. "My dearest."
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spidernuggets · 9 months
If you don't mind could you maybe write something where Jason and reader get in argument but really it's just Jason being paranoid and accusing her of something she didn't even do, and the argument plus the fact that he doesn't believe her makes her start crying and he just like calls her a crybaby or pathetic or some stupid insult and then leaves but then he finds out she was actually telling him the truth and just how Jason would be after that, would he feel so bad that he avoids her and inadvertently makes it worse or would he immediately go beg forgiveness and apologise?
Jason Todd x Reader
"God, stop crying. This is so pathetic of you. Going off with some guy and then crawling back to me,"
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The champagne flute Jason was holding in his hand looked like it was going to break as he watched you talk to some other guy across the room.
It was Stephanie's birthday, and she decided to go big and bold as she usually does each year. She used Bruce's gala hall as her birthday venue and was so excited when you told her that you'd attend.
Of course, Jason attended with you since he goes to Stephanie's birthday every year, but this year, he wasn't so pleased, especially with the way the guy touched your shoulder as you laughed at a joke that Jason presumed was the worst joke in existence.
Jason was having a conversation with another guest, but by the time he turned to see if you were still at the same spot that you were standing at, you were gone.
And so was the guy.
He walked around the hall, frantically searching for you, only imagining the worse.
Were you kidnapped? Did the guy hurt you?
But when he turned to the giant double doors, he saw you walking in. You were laughing. You came in, and you were laughing with that stupid guy.
So that's where you were? Off to who know where with some other guy? What were you doing with him? Where exactly did you go with him?
Jason's insecurities started bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to throw up. One of his worst nightmares came true. You found someone better than him.
Jason was about to storm up to you. Grab you, take you home with him. But Stephanie interrupts, grabbing a hold of his arm.
"Hey, where are you going?" She asks, beaming at him, clearly having a great time.
Jason didn't want to ruin her happiness. But to him, this was far more important.
"Sorry, Steph. I'm beat. I think I'm going to go home. Happy birthday, though," he lowly says, giving Stephanie a light, quick hug before leaving. And Stephanie caught how miserable he looked, and began to get worried.
"Yeah, and I can't believe she-" You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Stephanie with a worried look on her face.
She doesn't say anything. Instead, she just points to the dejected man leaving the hall.
Your eyes widen before saying by to you guy friend and wishing Stephanie a happy birthday before running towards your boyfriend.
By the time you catch up with him, the two of you are far from the hall.
You grab Jason by the shoulder, making him stop in his tracks.
"Jay? Why are you leaving? If you're too tired, you could've told me. I would've left with you," you said softly, testing the waters of his mood, trying not to push any buttons that might cause an outburst.
"Why would you? You seemed pretty nice and cosy next to your little guy friend," he hissed, shurgging your hand off of him.
You took offence to his comment. "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?"
Jason turns to face you. "It means that you don't have to deal with me anymore. Seeing as you ran off with him somewhere for a good while. What? Does he know how to show you a better time."
You couldn't believe what you're hearing. "Jason Peter Todd. If you're accusing me of something, why not just say it straight."
"Fine. You're cheating on me. That's what that was, right? Leaving me all night to talk to some freak," he spits.
Your heart breaks at his words. How can he say that to you? After all the times you've shown him nothing but your love and affection.
You laugh out of spite. "Wow. Is that really how low you think of me, Jason? You think I'm some.. some bitch that would go off to someone else who isn't you?"
That was supposed to be a rhetorical question. A question that would make Jason think about his accusations. But it took a turn.
"Yeah," he says. "Yeah maybe you are."
He didn't mean to say that. Why would he say that? He's just so angry and insecure but he didn't mean to project any of that onto you.
Usually, in times where Jason would break down like this, you'd leave, give him some space to calm down. But you're too upset to even walk away.
"How dare you!" You yell. You feel your eyes sting, and your vision starts to blur. " I've been nothing but loyal to you this whole relationship! And you have the audacity to accuse me?? That guy is just a friend that I happen to know from work!" You start to cry, your voice breaking, choking on a sob.
What you say doesn't comprehend to Jason. His head is filled with voices that won't leave him alone.
They found someone better. They're even more angry at you. They're going to leave you. They're crying to guilt trip you.
Jason rolls his eyes. "God, stop crying. This is so pathetic of you. Going off with some guy and then crawling back to me," he lowly says, sending nothing but a hateful glare to you.
What the fuck was happening. Those eyes used to look so soft and loving. Now, it's full of sadness and hatred.
Jason doesn't give you a chance to respond as he walks away. You follow him a bit, seeing him go out the doors of the manor, hopping on his bike and drive away without you.
You stood there. You felt paralysed. You sobs grew louder as you tried to muffle them, bring both hands to your face. Your tears started to ruin your makeup, and you couldn't feel like you can even stand any longer.
You were about to drop to the floor, but luckily, Stephanie and Cass were close behind you, searching for where you and Jason went off to. Stephanie held you close on the ground while Cass crouched beside you, a comforting hand on your shoulder.
After the party, Steph offered you to stay in her room. She went around the manor, looking for clothes and pyjamas that you would feel comfortable in.
You highly appreciated her kindness. But you still felt so numb and empty inside. You're still unsure what happened. Did Jason break up with you?
Stephaine, Cass, and Barbara each visited you throughout the days, checking up on you, assuring you that it wasn't your fault, that men suck, and to give Jason time to tantrum his feelings out himself.
It's been a couple of days now, magbe 2 weeks since that night. You've heard that Jason only came in at least 4 times, only to visit the BatCave for vigilante kind of meetings.
Those 4 times, all the girls have been ignoring Jason, sending him knives through their glares.
Jason came by today to drop off some files about the Riddler. He expected no one in the BatCave, but he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
He turned to see Babs, Cass, and Steph behind him, all their arms crossed and giving him a hateful look.
"What?" He said. They weren't sure if he was clueless or just didn't want to talk.
"What?? What! What the hell was that? Accusing them of cheating, are you serious?" Steph yelled at him, makimg Jason slightly wince. Everyone knows it's bad when Stephanies pissed off.
"If they weren't, then where the hell did they go?" he mutters.
Babs pinched the bridge of her nose. "News flash, genius. There was an open bar outside the hall. The two just webt to grab a drink."
"Oh yeah? So why were they so chummy with some rando?"
"Oh my go- That's their coworker, Kev! And also my friend! We all hung out with him a couple of times, man! Plus, he has a boyfriend!" Stephanie yells, whipping out her phone, showing a pic of her, you, Kev, and another guy beside Kev, who was kissing him on the cheek.
After stuffing her phone back in her pocket, Jason looked like a kicked puppy.
"Steph's room. Now." Barb says. Jason slightly nods and heads out the cave, going up to Steph's room.
He knocks three times on the door. He heard no answer. And there was no answer the next three times he knocked.
He slowly opened the door to peek and saw a lump in the blankets on the bed.
A small smile grows on his lips as he saw you peacefully sleeping. But when he crouches beside the bed to take a closer look at you, he takes note of your puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, and his heart broke.
You shifted in your sleep, your body turning away from him.
"I didn't say you can come in," you muttered.
Jason sighs. "I know. Will you look at me... please?"
You scoff. "This is so pathetic of you. Accusing me of cheating and then crawling back to me," you say, your voice hoarse as you mocked his words from that night.
"I know, darling. It is. It is pathetic. I had no right to accuse you. I was... I was so jealous. I thought you finally found someone better than me. That you'd finally leave me. I thought that if I left first, it wouldn't hurt as much. But it still did. It hurt so much," his voice started to break, and tears started travelling down his cheek. "I don't expect you to forgive me. But I'm so sorry, my darling. I love you so much."
One second turns to two. Then a minute goes by. One long, long minute. Jason tries hard not to sob in front of you as he gets up and begind to take his leave, harshly wiping his tears.
"It's kinda cold," you say quietly. Jason turns to you. You can see the confusion on his face. But you can also see his red nose and wet cheeks.
You lift the blanket from the empty spot beside you. "You coming in or what?" You ask. This makes Jason break into another sob, quickly wiping the tears away from his face as he awkwardly takes the empty spot beside you.
He wraps his arms around you as you nuzzle yourself into his chest.
"I'm sorry," he says once more, his voice cracking.
"I don't know if I can forgive you yet, Jay," you say. "But right now, I just want to be with you." Jason sniffles, burying his face to the crown of your head as you placed a light kiss to his Adam's apple.
"As much as this is cutely bitter-sweet, if you two are gonna cuddle, do it in Jason's room. I will not have couple cooties all over my bed," Steph says out of nowhere. Both your heads look over to the door where you see Babs, Steph, and Cass standing where Cass awkwardly waves.
"Yeah, yeah, we're going," you say, getting up, pulling Jason with you.
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hotchfiles · 8 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [GLASS TIES] ❞
request by lovely anon who loves isaac and pain. pairing: isaac lahey x reader. summary: isaac and you share the perfect summer fling. those ties don't last when summer ends. content warnings: mentions of sex and death. there's like a huge teen wolf spoiler but i mean the show is over for years now. word count: 1,4k+
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working during summer wasn't your ideal way to enjoy the warm days and freedom from school work, unfortunately the city library needed help and you needed all the extra crap possible to make your resume look nice, full and interesting for colleges, so you'd spend three afternoons a week helping nerdy teens and old ladies find the books they wanted, register it as they borrowed it and more recently, read to a group of children once a week.
it wasn't the worst job, it could be quite fun... but it was mostly just silence, quietness and a bit of boredom, you enjoyed having access to that many books, but even you got tired of reading after a while, so when the most beautiful guy you've ever seen waited for you to notice him, you were busy laughing at your phone like an idiot.
and he could've faked a cough or anything of the sort to call you out, but instead he decided to simply lean down and insert his head in between your face and your phone, looking directly at you as he did so and making you screech from the scare. "oh my god, what're you doing?"
"getting your lazy ass back to work, apparently." he's nonchalant, his smirk makes him annoyingly handsome, and you'd remember those eyes and those curls anywhere.
isaac lahey, a year older than you, blue eyes, golden curly locks, greek god possibly. you blinked quickly and shook your head, so nervous you couldn't even think of a comeback to his sneaky comment. "so-sorry, do you need help?"
"need a book."
"good, we have some of those here, yes." you found your breach to tease him and you took it without even thinking, trying not to panic as the words left your mouth. isaac enjoyed it though, laughing and nodding along.
"sure, yeah, sorry. werewolves, uh, the less... fictional the better." you're about the laugh it off, yeah right. but he was completely serious, if only a bit concerned about having to ask for those.
you nodded and thought for a minute, putting up key words on the system to see if you could find anything. "we have some really old ones in our more special section, but they can't leave the building. also i wouldn't call them non fictional... i mean, werewolves right?" you shrug, chuckling lightly and he's oh, extremely amused, genuine laughing and you're not sure why. "but uh... they're quite old and kinda damaged, so we don't really know what the purpose of it was."
you take him to the back of the library and shows him the two books you mentioned, they are big, old and dusty and isaac has the time of his laughing laughing at how much you were sneezing back there. "glad you're having fun, but lower your voice, funny boy." you whisper shaking your head disapprovingly, but your smile was too difficult to hide.
you go back to the reception after telling him the library rules again, thinking that would probably be it; but it wasn't.
he took the books to where you were working, taking the closest table to you. he would spend minutes on end just reading, looking beautifully focused, but then he would glance at you and catch you staring at him, isaac would then smile, tell you to go back to work as you told him to keep his voice down.
it was the most fun you had since the summer started.
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isaac went back to the library every day after that, shamelessly leaving if you weren't working until he memorized the days you would be there. he truly wasn't much of a library guy, but he enjoyed spending time with you there. it was quiet, much quieter than his mind and his life, but still, it wasn't boring, at least not for him.
after the first week the books didn't matter, not giving him much more information for what he was going through, making you blush though, that mattered a lot and he noticed he was quite good at it.
he was getting used to having girls looking at him more, but something in you stood out. he figured out soon it was simply the fact you've been secretly glancing at him even before he changed. turned.
you would make comments as he walked you home after your shift ended, and he knew you didn't even notice how endearing it was or how much of a tell it was, so not a bike guy anymore? or you gained some weight, right? like, not in a bad way, not that gaining weight is bad, you're just... stronger now.
isaac felt connected to you somehow because of that, you had no idea of what he was, or how bad his life was before, but still, you liked him even then, even when he was broken and you didn't even know him. knowing someone paid some attention to him back then gives him conflicted feelings, but most of them are good. warm. tender.
you make him feel soft. and normal. and wanted. and he knows he could've made his move on you much sooner, but oh, he enjoyed the pining, the blushing, the way you bit your lower lip and tucked your hair behind your ear whenever he complimented you. he enjoyed the teasing too much.
after he kissed your lips for the first time though, he figured out what he enjoyed more than the teasing.
being a werewolf in a freak city meant he didn't always have the amount of time he wished he had to spend with you. but that summer, all the time he had at his dispose was spent with you. calling you, texting you, working with you.
he would take you to late night movies, bowling and ice cream, so terribly charming even when he awkwardly ended up meeting your mom after sneaking in and cuddling with you all night, she adored him. gave him a pass to sleep over as long as he didn't sneak in and the door to your room was always open.
you both followed the rules strictly, but your mom wasn't a light sleeper, so what started with you guiding his hand down your pants ended up with him taking your virginity. slowly, quietly, tenderly. he locked eyes with you and didn't glance away for one second that night. told you words that were probably too soon to be said.
the three words left your lips like a secret, matching his.
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things changed when summer ended, school coming at you in full speed.
and maybe it was your fault, with all ap classes, extracurricular, volunteer works you put yourself through, or maybe it was the naivety of not asking what you two were, of not labeling what you both shared before the outside world came into play.
or maybe it was isaac's fault, and the way his outspoken personality sometimes served as a shield to his secretive actions. whatever it really was, you would barely see each other at school, each with your own little friend group, different classes, you were lucky to catch him in the hallways, where he would smile at you and touch your hand lightly as if you two were a secret.
were you? not exactly, but isaac wanted to keep you away from the mess, away from the killing, the blood, the fear. he didn't want to taint what you both had, so the more you didn't have time, the more he got away from you, slipped from your fingers.
and before you could even fight it, try anything to keep him, there was allison.
laughing with him, touching his arms, knowing things about him you would never dream about, you could see it, even from afar, the eyes of two people who connected.
it broke you. but you couldn't do anything about it, you felt like it was your fault, as if your oh so busy academic life pushed him away. you let him go, no more texts, no more looking for a glance and a soft touch pass the hallways.
for weeks it was almost like it never happened, like your life was ever the same, like it didn't change past summer. of course you would go through the texts you shared from time to time, shed a few tears and pretend to get over it. and it worked.
until he was at your door sobbing. bloody. completely lost.
allison was dead. and nothing would ever be the same again.
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kakapim · 4 months
Playing devils advocate here.
I still think that Toichi being alive is ... a not very good idea, but... now that the shock has passed and I'm chill about it now, and have been rereading stuff... there Might Be Something Here.
My favorite theory about Toichi that saves his ass from being a completely shitty father is that the assassination attempt did not kill him, but DID leave him disabled somehow. Kinda of what happened to Kudo, except he wasn't shrunk.
That would explain:
1- Why he had to disappear for 8 years. I don't think Chikage could explain to a child that his father "had an attempt on his life and is now hiding" that would be hard to explain, and kids aren't the best at secret keeping.
2- Why Toichi left stuff behind for Kaito. Since he cannot perform magic tricks and parkour anymore, he let Kaito decide if he wanted to carry the mantle of being KID.
3-Why he still hasn't showed up. Remember that Kaito Corbeau was Chikage dressed as him, and in movie 27 is flashback from Yuusaku (as I've heard, I have not watched the movie). And he was dressed as Corbeau, so I guess we don't fully know how he's doing modern-day. Him being in Japan would be too much of a liability.
This stuff also explains why Kaitos room was timed. His door was going specifically open after 8 years, being 17, which is old enough to know the truth and not spill.
Interestingly enough, it seems this decision of making Kaito the Kid was not something Toichi and Chikage agreed on, judging by the fact she asked Kaito to stop being KID and move to Vegas (and the whole Corbeau fiasco) and seemed somewhat upset in the first manga chapter when she realizes Kaito had found out the secret room.
But despite all of this, it doesn't explain why Toichi couldn't have simply just... called him? Like once the door hit the timer, he could've just called the boy. Tell him "Hey son I am alive although not well. Yes, I was the thief KID. I dont know what you will do with this info but have fun I guess". Cmon. Unless the disability in question was amnesia or something.
The only thing that breaks this theory is the fact that apparently Corbeau has been making the rounds in Las Vegas... but as I said before, Chikage asked Kaito to come with her and get there. Which is curious... does she want Kaito to meet the real Corbeau? To know something that's been a secret? Def something to ponder about.
So yeah... Gosho might have burned the rice but he might be able to clutch this. What I'm saying is, while hating on Toichi is funny, perhaps we should be a little more patient to see what happens.
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 3 months
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Prequel to the smau 'always been you'
All those nights
Where we laughed until the sun came up
I had to have you
And no matter how late it got
I didn't even care if my mom found out
I had to
"shhh" you quickly shushed minjeong as she fell on the floor of your bedroom. "I could've let you in you know" you stared down at her body as she had attempted to climb into your bedroom window.
"your mom has super freaky hearing, there's no way you would've been able to walk past her bedroom and open the door." she chuckled.
"but she won't hear you falling on my floor loudly?" you cocked an eyebrow at her teasingly.
"Oh hush before she comes in and kicks our asses." She grinned as she plopped down on your bed, "come here" she motioned to come lay in her arms and how could you deny her? She did sneak out and climbed up a tree just to cuddle with you.
"I missed you," you say as you snuggle closer into her embrace, "how was Seoul?"
"it was scary but also amazing. I don't know if they'll accept me though." she frowned at the thought of her audition, " I could always become a soldier." she smirked.
"you would look very good in uniform." you smiled up at her, "but they'd be so dumb to not accept you! You're amazing."
"look who's talking." she brushes her hand up and down your waist making you pull back and laugh. Unfortunately minjeongs grip was stronger then you thought and she continued to tickle you, " have you heard back from any companies?"
You had send in a clip of yourself to multiple online auditions but none have responded yet, "no, but it's okay. At least I'll have more time with you" you smile up at her.
Minjeong leaned down and kissed you gently when there was a knock on your bedroom door, " I know minjeong is with you and I informed her parents she's here." you both stiffened up at your mom's voice, "we'll talk about it tomorrow, now go to bed. I don't want to hear another sound coming from your room."
Now I'm lyin' in my bed
I've been in it since you left
Truth is nothin' that you said
Could make me love you less
There you were. lying in your new bedroom in a small apartment in Seoul. Minjeong got into sm and you got into the black label. Before she got chosen for debut you were living together, not officially but it felt like it. Then the day came, she walked in with a serious face and sat you down.
"I got selected for debut." she said as she looked down at her hands.
"really? That's amazing baby!" you smiled and gave her a hug, "why aren't you happy?"
"I have to move into a dorm with 3 other girls. Immediately. They want us in the dorm by next week."
"w-well that's... It's what you wanted isn't it?"
"yeah but... I don't want to leave you."
"You're just moving in with these girls, it's not like you're leaving me for someone else are you?" you joked and it lifted the mood a little.
" I won't have much time if I get into the final selection. I know we already have so little but it's going to get worse." she sighed and took a hold of your hands, " i'm talking months of not seeing eachother and I'll have to give up my phone, so no texting or calling either. "
" so you'll just disappear?" you frowned, "they can't do that can they? Like they can't force you, you can say no. "
"I already said yes."
"without talking to me first?" you stood up and walked towards the other side of the small place, "I know this is your future but you didn't even think about us? What we would have to sacrifice?"
"if I said no they would've chosen someone else! I can't let such a small thing hold me back!"
"Small thing? That's what this is for you?" you scoffed as you walked towards your bedroom, "just leave I don't want to talk to you right now."
I hate myself
for missin', missin' you
I know I'm not supposed to
I wish I could forget you,
but it's so hard to
I know I'm not supposed to
I, I miss you, I, I miss you
I, I miss you...
As you're laying in bed all the small moments you had together flash through your mind. It's been a week since minjeong came by and told you she had to move in with the others and give up her phone. A week since she called your relationship a small thing. Eventhough she had hurt you by saying that you still wished she was there with you, holding you as you try to fall asleep. The more time passed by the more you missed her, should you call her? What if they took her phone already? You don't even know where she is now and it eats at you. Knowing she's close but still out of reach.
Reckless nights
It was dangerous but you got me so high
What happened to you?
'Cause we went from skin-to-skin
To you never wanna see me ever again
Said you had to, why'd you have to?
When you bumped into one another a couple weeks later it felt like coming home. It didn' t take long for the both of you to go back to your place and make up in bed. Now as your laying naked next to her her words fly around in your head and you get conscious of the situation you're in.
"so, how is training going?" you ask quietly.
"good, I'm in a competition right now with another girl for main vocalist but she's really nice. No matter what happens we'll both will end up in the group." she stretches herself before putting on her clothes again. She noticed you looking and gave an apologetic smile," sorry, I have to be at the company. "
" can't you be a little late? " you pull up the covers which didn't go unnoticed by minjeong.
" no I can't and why are you doing that? It's just me."
"because I kind of feel used. you haven't reached out in months and then we meet again, sleep together and you run off. Not even a word about what happened before."
"wh-why is this my fault?" She frowned, "i' m really busy and I told you that before! I didn't force you into bed so don't you dare accuse me of using you. Last time I checked, you told me to leave you alone so I did. you're the one that didn't reach out."
"a relationship goes both ways minjeong!" you yelled
"Do we even have a relationship anymore at this point?" She yelled back frustrated. "maybe it's for the best that we break up at this point and just... Never see each other again. "
"what happened to you?" your voice broke at that point as minjeong stood in front of your front door, her back towards you as you sniffled. "the person I knew would've fought for us."
All those stupid fights
that go 'til I cry
I don't know how to leave them behind
Venom falls from your lips
The same ones I used to kiss
And I'm tryin' to get you out of my mind
"I've worked so hard for this and now that i'm so close to achieving it... I can't let anything ruin that."
"so that's it? Just screw me over one last time?" you snapped.
"I didn't mean for any of that to happen! We both got carried away by our emotions and that's exactly what I can't afford now!" She took a breath before turning back to the door, "I can't let you distract me so don't reach out, don't talk to me. when you see me, act like you don't know me."
"wow," you scoffed as tears ran down your face, " you know what leave. It's what your best at anyway."
"this never would've worked and you know it. There are Too many things that can go wrong if we continue. We both got in a company, we're both chasing after our dreams. I would never stand in your way and I hoped you would do the same for me." after she spoke those words she left your appartement, leaving You once again.
I hate myself (I hate myself)
For missin', missin' you (miss you)
I know I'm not supposed to
I wish I could (I wish I could) forget you
But it's so hard to (hard to)
I know I'm not supposed to
I, I miss you, I, I miss you
I, I miss you...
I, I miss you, I, I miss you
I, I miss you
After everything that's said and done she was your first real love. The one that will always hold that special piece of your heart and no matter how hard you tried, you can't bring yourself to hate her. She had hurt you more than anyone ever had but it was hard to blame her for it all. In the end she was close to debuting and had tried to warn you about what was going to happen, you let your emotions take over instead of finding a way out.
The moment you made your debut a lot changed, many people tried to reach out again but never her. You had seen her at different stages but her words rang through your head ' act like you don' t know me' so that's what you will do from now on. You collected yourself and walked past her. in the corner of your eye, you saw her looking at you but you kept walking without turning around. you made a promise to yourself in that moment. To never get hurt again, never get too close and everything would be just fine. If only you knew what the future would hold.
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suguwuus · 9 months
★ love bites
*sighs* i miss my man... also will get started on reqs after i post pretty impressive, huh? already set on rewriting hehe
wc: 870
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"Have you noticed Michael's hands?"
"They're kinda green honestly, why?"
"That's my fault."
You smacked your boyfriend's arm as he giggled, sounding pleased with himself as he snickered about his most recent prank. Though there was not much reason to be suppressing your noises, as he insisted you sit at the farthest row at the campfire and Michael was leading the singalong anyway so he wouldn't have heard you at all. Unless one of you pushed the other off the log you were sitting on, which could happen anytime. That would've definitely caught more than just Michael's attention.
Luckily no pushing was involved, at least not too much shoving. You whispered and flirted and told jokes and chatted there in the back row. Though you didn't have as much freedom as you would have had at the edge of the woods, you were glad you got to spend time with your boyfriend.
At some point you started rambling about your opinions on the latest counselors' meeting, but you couldn't focus. How could you when every time you looked to the side, you'd see Connor gazing at you like you hung the stars in the sky and rooted the mountains in the earth.?
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so widely and trying to resist it. You'd lose your train of thought every time he'd move an inch beside you. You could've sworn you had the biggest crush on him even after you confessed to each other, even after he said he liked you back, even after the dozen times he'd kissed you at just the right times in just the right ways.
"But that wouldn't be effective, right, because majority of the camp is kids, we wouldn't listen, it won't do much to stop us because we'll keep coming back to do it all over again—what?" You asked, catching him for the millionth time that night just watching you speak. You doubted any words were getting to that head of his as he took your hand.
"You're just damn pretty!" He mumbled, whisper-yelling as he kissed the back of your palm.
"Is it my fault?" You whispered in the same tone.
"Yes." He grinned cheekily, and you squeezed his fingers in response. A moment of silence passed, until he asked, "Can I bite you?"
"Can I bite you?" He whispered, slightly louder this time.
He giggled, and then continued doing so like an excited child, pulling you closer until there was barely any space between you two. "So cute, sweetie, I love you, hehe, the cutest..." He mumbled words as he pressed kisses onto your skin. You found it endearing until he actually bit the skin on your forearm. Not that it hurt, you just didn't expect the feeling of his teeth on you.
You gasped, but didn't pull away. You watched as he kissed up your arm until he reached your hand, and then continued on each of your knuckles. He nipped at your fingertips with a big grin on his pretty face, and then went on his knees, pulling your legs to straddle his waist while you stayed on the log.
"Didn't think you'd be into this. You got an oral fixation? Or am I just too...sweet?" You started in a low voice as he kissed up your neck, his other hand going to knead your thighs. He nibbled at your neck, collarbones, kissed your cheeks, lips (and left bites on that, too), any exposed skin you were comfortable with him placing his mouth on out here in the open, concealed only by the darkness.
"That's really corny, baby. Maybe you should leave the comedies to me. Gosh, you know, if you weren't wearing long pants right now..."
"But you call me sweetie."
"Yeah!" You went on, leaving him to his business as he continued, kissing over the spots he nibbled at. Eventually, he slowed down, taking both your hands and cupping his face with them. "Anyway, this is nice. again, unexpected, but it's forgiven because it's you. You think this would look weird if anyone caught us? Nah, I think it should be forgiven because it's you. Is this—what's the word? Cuteness aggression? That's probably what this is. Honestly, I'd prefer you give me a full body bear hug squeeze, but I guess I have no choice but to go to bed covered in—"
"—Love bites," you finished, beaming at him.
One of his hands went to the small of your back, nudging you to come just a bit closer. Still rubbing circles into your skin, he chuckled. "Love bites? Those aren't love bites."
Your smile faded slightly. "They're not?"
"No?" He paused for a second, then laughed. "Sweetie, do you know what love bites actually are?"
"I don't...I used to think I did, but now, probably not. Wait, what are they? Connor!" You swatted his arm at how his teasing smile quickly grew into a snicker. "I didn't know, okay? I thought it was something else!"
He patted your side, mumbling an apology while holding in more chortles. His eyes glinted with the reflection of the bonfire before he said, "It's alright, N/N, I'll give you real ones next time."
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herslvtspeaks · 9 months
Ice Brady | New Year New Us
Ice Brady x Female! Reader
it's been a long time coming 😩 i been waiting for this one hope yall enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it
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Usually you spent New Years with family, but considering you were now in college and nowhere near home you couldn't spend the holiday with them this year. Thus leading you to opt for the next best option spending New Years in your bestfriends dorm.
Overtime you and Ice became friends after learning you both shared the same major. You also were a big fan of hers before you transferred to Uconn the previous spring. Ice would be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of yours herself. Overtime the two of you just grew closer and closer.
You were currently sitting on the floor in the living area of their dorm sandwiched between Ice and Aaliyah. Everyone knew you had a little crush on Ice which is why you weren't surprised when suddenly Kk got cold and made you trade spots with her so she could sit on the couch leaving you next to Ice. You would have protested the swap if Ice didn't practically latch herself onto you and beg you to sit next to her. She was impossible to say no to.
You and the rest of the girls had been so excited to watch the countdown in time square all day leading to all of you cooped up in front of the tv sharing blankets and snacks as you stared intently at the tv. Sitting next to Ice left your stomach in a knot. You were burning up from the inside out and the girl wasn't even doing anything. At some point her head ended up on your shoulder, your breath caught in your throat at the action. You just hoped she didn't notice.
After a while you calmed down and started breathing again. "Hey i'm kinda thirsty" Paige says getting up from the couch. She digs around in the fridge for a second before closing it. "And there's nothing to drink" Ice raises her head from your shoulder. "I could've sworn we just went shopping" she says garnering a kick in the side from Azzi. "I think Y/n and Ice should walk across the street and get us something to drink" Kk suggests. You turn around giving her the meanest mug ever. "Yeah that's a good idea" Aaliyah says agreeing. You look around the room as if these people were mad. "You must be out of your rabid ass-" before you could finish your sentence Ice interrupted you. "We'll go" she says getting up.
You look at her like she's crazy before finally agreeing. "Only because i'm thirsty too" you grumble getting up. The two of you grab your coats, you reluctantly putting your shoes on. It was like 5 minutes until the countdown and you knew the two of you wouldn't make it back in time. "You guys owe us big time" you say before walking out the dorm.
"Wondering why they sent the two of us instead of going themselves" Ice says breaking the silence. "Maybe they hate me or something" you laugh shaking your head. "I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better, i like you more than them" Ice says making you laugh a little more. You both continued to crack jokes until you looked at your phone and realized it was 1 minute until the ball dropped. "I hate that we're missing it" she says looking at the expression on your face. "It's okay, i'm still with my favorite person so i don't mind" you say making her smile.
You both look at the clock on your phone watching as the seconds counted down to the new year. "Happy New Year" you both cheer. Before you had a chance to think she leans in placing a kiss against your lips. You didn't have time to comprehend what was happening but you knew you wanted to kiss her back, so you did. You wrap your arms around her neck pulling her closer as her arms found there way around your waist.
You pull away looking at her. "Whoa" was all you could manage to get out. "I've literally waited so long to do that" she says. "You kissed me" you nearly screamed. "And you kissed me back" she responds laughing. You look up at her not knowing what to say. She still had her arms around you, how close the two of you were was causing that feeling in your stomach to return.
You couldn't explain why you were freaking out. Maybe because this was your bestfriend, the first friend you made when you got to Uconn and yes though you had a crush on her you never expected her to return your feelings. "I've literally wanted to kiss you for the longest" she admits. "If i knew you liked me i would've let you kiss me sooner" you mumbled in disbelief. This felt like a fever dream. "Can we kiss again so i know it's real" you ask making her laugh. She places a quick kiss on your lips. "You're so pretty you know that" she must be trying to kill you. You look up at her fighting the urge to take a bite out of her right then and there. "I literally am gonna explode" you say aloud.
She let's go of your waist opting to hold your hand now. You were screaming internally the whole walk back to the dorm. How could you not have noticed she liked you? You realized this whole time you probably were just in denial.
When you made it back to the dorm the girls were not happy to see that you returned empty handed. They chose to ignore the giant smile adorning your face. "You guys make me sick" Azzi says causing the dorm to erupt in laughter. They all assumed what had occurred, it's not like they didn't plan it. They'd been plotting all day to find a way to get this to happpen. "Now i can stop listening to the two of you talk about how much you like the other" Kk rolls her eyes. You look at ice who had yet to let go of your hand. You probably seen her smile more today than in the whole time you've known her.
The rest of the night you and Ice were stuck like glue. When it was time to go to sleep the girls thought they were going to have to surgically remove you from each other. Let's just say this was the best New Year's you'd ever had.
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Reblogs and notes greatly appreciated 🩷
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chronurgy · 10 months
i loveeeeeeeee your hc about gortash in all your tags!!! can you share your favorite hc about durge/gortash shenanigans in the city?
Yeah absolutely! Shenanigans hmmm....
Some of these will be a little more specific to my durge (Vesper, half-drow wizard) than others
During the Hall of Wonders heist, gortash specifically left some guards out of his reconnaissance to test how Durge handled themselves under pressure. He wanted to know if this was someone he would work with or someone too crazy to manage.
Gortash and Durge did a heist in the House of Hope as a trial run for their heist of the Crown - this is when they stole Raphael's shoes (the helldusk armor boots that Gortash keeps in the chest at the foot of his bed). Gortash didn't tell them about his history there or with Raphael before they went in. I think after seeing him there Durge did put at least pieces of it together and really left lots of burn marks and blood and guts spread around in their wake to get back at Raphael. They also broke at least one priceless and irreplaceable vase on "accident" while they were there. Their ire towards Raphael from this realization actually manages to carry over even when they can't remember why and it's partly why they're so determined to kill Raphael and so insistent that they won't work with him.
Gortash takes Durge to fancy parties, for a number of reasons - as a bodyguard, to bring them close to a murder target, to introduce them to the kind of high society stuff they'll be involved with as his co-ruler. But also because he loves to show them off, his darling assassin, loves the vicious little comments they make about the other attendees. He starts finding excuses to bring them to any party he can because he only ever enjoys these parties when they're with him, when he has someone just as brilliant as he is at his side. Durge usually has to attend in disguise but sometimes just dressing up fancy enough not to look like a sewer rat is enough to fool people.
Gortash is the kinda guy who will work himself to exhaustion and then fall asleep at his desk. The first time Durge found him like that, completely dead to the world on top of his diagrams and sketches, they thought about killing him. They imagined every detail, knew exactly how it would go. It would have been so easy, because he's so defenseless like this. They see his eyes moving under their lids, see his hands flex, and little expressions pass over his face - they know he's dreaming. They wonder what he's dreaming about (is it them?). And they don't kill him. They just watch him sleep, fascinated by the differences between the waking man they know and this unguarded sleeping one. They leave before he wakes up. I think they do this a couple of times before he finally catches them (maybe because they try to stroke his hair or something in a fit of softness). At first he's like, "oh my apologies, please don't hesitate to wake me should this happen again" before he puts together the look on Durge's face and realizes they've been watching him sleep and tried to like, touch his hair. He considers this a success because they could've killed him a whole bunch of times and didn't and they seem to be developing some sort of feelings towards him. He resolutely does not acknowledge the existence of any things he could possibly be feeling about this. Not at all.
Gortash keeps a large fancy estate in the city, Durge has a guest room there - it starts out as just an extra room but as they spend more time there Gortash starts to customize it more to their liking. He also moves their room to be next to his once he realizes that they're staying over more often, blaming a maid for knocking over a candle and causing fire damage in their old room when they ask why it was moved.
I think one night they have to have at least one really stupid caper they pulled off while extremely drunk that neither of them will talk about - as an example, they got super drunk, decided that since they were so good at heists they should do more of them, broke into some patriars estate, and stole a ton of fancy liquor. They also stole the bust of some guy from the entryway and staggered up the stairs to escape out the window of the daughter of the house's dressing room. Anyway, they woke up the next morning on the floor of Gortash's bedroom, extremely hungover and both of them (and the bust they stole) were wearing fancy little fascinator hats they can't remember but must have stolen out of the dressing room. They try to laugh at each other but gortash just ends up violently throwing up in a trash bin while durge lies on the floor with their eyes squeezed shut because the room won't stop spinning. They refuse to speak of this and will adamantly deny it ever happened if asked. Durge absolutely killed sceleritas while trying to force him into a stupid hat. The exact series of events might need some workshopping, but the core idea is some extremely stupid adventure the two of them had together that neither would ever admit to but is also a cherished memory for both of them.
Gortash's gauntlets (before he had the netherstone) used a series of capacitors and a setup akin to a self winding watch to generate an electric charge that he could attack people with. He designed them himself.
Vesper finds these gauntlets fascinating. When they first meet in person, he shows them off and discusses their construction and it's the first thing about him that they find impressive and intriguing.
As a gift, Gortash gave Vesper a set of sharpened rings designed after his gauntlets.
Vesper actually helped Gortash with some of the designs for the steel watch, looking at the plans and making suggestions - they were especially helpful when it came to the magical portions of the construct.
I think the closest the Urge ever comes to forcing Vesper to kill Gortash isn't when they first meet or during sex. It's one day when they're waiting for some spy's report, so they're sitting around in his room. He's tinkering with something at his workbench, and they're sitting at a desk working on a spell. They realize they need certain special inks for the transcription and look up to see them in the desk's little shelving unit and then they look closer and realize the desk is stocked with all the things a wizard needs - inks, chalks, paper, magical components. And this is the desk they always sit at when they're here and need to do some work. And Gortash has stocked it as a wizard's desk. He's made it their desk. And he's working at his workbench and they're working at their desk together in companionable silence. It's domestic, almost. And that's when the urge hits, with just absolutely crushing intensity, and they turn on gortash. Jokes on them, he's into that shit. After some back and forth between them (the level of explicitness is up to you! Or me, if I can get my act together and write this!), Vesper more or less jumps out the window and spends the next couple of days cutting a bloody swathe through baldur’s gate. When they finally return to him, gortash just asks them if they enjoyed their little vacation. After that, even when recreating much the same scene, the urge never comes on as strongly again (they don't know it at the time but this is the first time they've managed to throw off Bhaal's yoke when he really wanted them to kill someone. He never pushed that hard again with gortash because he's afraid of the consequences, though he still does push them to kill him a little bit).
Gortash gave durge a number of gifts over their acquaintance, both practical and fantastic: jewelry, enchanted items, clothes, shoes, books, any and everything you can imagine. He loves seeing them using his gifts, carrying or wearing something he gave them, because it helps mark them as his. He spends absolutely lavishly on them, buying them beautiful and fancy clothes for them to wear when they're in his house or out with him in public. He also buys them more practical gifts, well-fitting boots, weapons, armor, all of it enchanted and worth a small fortune.
On some of his gifts to Durge, he encodes messages for them in their cypher. They say things like "For my dearest assassin" and "To the sorrow of all" on a weapon and "pari pasu" (Latin for with equal step) and "I've always liked to play with fire", plus any number of other things.
Gortash has a thing for Durge wearing his clothes. One cold morning durge throws on his black coat when they get out of bed to check something and seeing them wearing nothing but his coat is such a thing for him that he ditches all their plans for the day to spend the day in bed with them.
Gortash has a number of affairs, to help his star rise in the upper city. He may use them to make durge jealous, but they are ultimately people to be used and discarded. He doesn't care what they do, because they're tools. Durge is his. His partner. And that's why he doesn't share.
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