#and luna's been hiding under my bed for like two hours :(
paddington-two · 1 year
fuck fireworks for real tho
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 4 - Calm before the storm
Summary: Izuku is self-conscious about the silliest things. Y/N does her best to change that.
Kyouka is looking for a new flat so Y/N helps her with the flat-hunt.
Warning: This chapter ends with a cliffhanger, sorry in advance!
⚠️: Suggestive, mentions of Izuku’s “morning problems”, swear words, hint of angst!
First Chapter Master List
“I don’t want to go.” Izuku mutters into your ears, his body flush against yours as he cuddles into your back at 5AM. It’s been ten days since the agency tour; having Luna around until late really made you both exhausted so instead of enjoying your new relationship you decided to take a breather and go straight to sleep.
Things have changed a lot. For instance, your usual Netflix binge is nothing but a make out session now; Izuku is constantly glued to you when he’s not working.
If you are still in the middle of making dinner when he gets home, he clings to your back and asks questions about the dish. He leaves the bathroom door open when he takes a bath so he can talk to you while he relaxes. That made you really flustered when he did it first but eventually, you got used to the lack of privacy so much you started to leave the door open when it’s your turn to take a bath as well. He’s also a cuddler when he sleeps, so… it’s constant. Not like you mind, it’s actually quite the opposite; as Izuku works extremely inhuman hours almost every day, having him in your space feels like a silent apology for all the time he’s not around.
Needless to say, Izuku didn’t let you sleep in your own bed since; hence why you just got woken up to Izuku’s blaring alarm today.
“You need to.” You giggle into your pillow. Izuku only whines at that, pulling you even closer, his hand wondering on your belly under your shirt; your whole face is red from the interaction and it’s extremely hard not to jump on the opportunity to keep him by your side for a bit longer.
There is a new kind of tension in the house since you two decided to act on your desires instead of suffocating on them; and that’s… well… sexual tension. A lot of it. Mostly from Izuku’s side.
Okay, that’s a lie, it’s definitely a mutual problem but you are so much better at hiding it; Izuku probably doesn’t even realize how hot his hands feel on your naked skin, how you can feel the twitch of his member at your lower back as his hands wander aimlessly over your soft skin, how possessive it is when he pulls you so close and takes a deep breath with his face hidden in your hair, filling his lungs with your scent so he can have you with him for the next 12-14 hours while he works. He’s also not shy to claim; sometimes, his innocent neck kisses end up leaving some marks; really tiny ones, barely there but the way Izuku looks at them when he sees a tiny splotch of pink half-hidden under your T-Shirt… his eyes are downward animalistic.
This makes you think about all the cringey Alpha-Omega fanfictions you’ve read on Tumblr and it really makes you laugh because most people consider Izuku as an Omega character but the real Izuku is far from that; if someone would ask you what type of character Izuku would be in this situation you would probably say the “hidden alpha” kind; everyone would think Izuku is an omega thanks to his adorable demeanor and they would probably shit themselves when Izuku gets jealous for the first time in his life. To be fair, Izuku being so possessive is kind of your fault as you were the one who told him to let himself have the things he wanted and he took it to his heart, but… yeah.
Oh my, how did you end up talking about fanfictions while the real thing is literally right next to you?! You are such a fucking weirdo, honestly.
You know Izuku did not fall back asleep again even though he did not move for the last five minutes at all; there is no fucking way he can think about sleeping in this position and… well… Izuku naively thinks you are not aware of his morning problems down south but it’s really hard to ignore them when you can literally feel it. No pun intended. You swear.
Ahh, you forgot to say; you haven’t… done those things yet. Nothing. Zero. You both try to make sure to stop right when it gets too heavy for some reason which is probably for the best because you really don’t want to rush this, especially not without having a proper talk about your current relationship status. To be honest, it has been bugging you for days; you know you two don’t really need to put a label on it to know that this is much more than two roomies sharing a bed but it would also be nice to be reassured that this isn’t just a temporary thing. Don’t tell this to anyone but Izuku isn’t the only one who wants to “claim” but you have no balls to do anything about it.
“I will think about you all day.” Izuku finally moves but instead of going out of the bed he positions himself right on top of you while he leaves tiny kisses all over your face, lips and neck then he moves down to your collarbone, cheekily trying to suck a tiny pink splotch there before he leaves.
“Maybe try not to think about me all day, otherwise you’ll feel really uncomfortable in your hero costume.” You giggle when Izuku stops his shenanigans to look up at you questioningly. His eyes are dark and sparkly, his hair disheveled and hell… you really want him to stay. It should be illegal to look this attractive so early in the morning.
“What do you mean?” Izuku mutters, looking like a puppy who doesn’t know what he’d done wrong.
“Well, your suit is really… tight.” You snicker and by the look of it, he still has no idea what you’re talking about so you cheekily decide to test your luck by flicking the hem of his underwear once. When the realization hits the poor boy he scatters to the furthest corner of the bed with his head hidden between his knees.
“You knew?!”
“Izuku, how would I not? You were snuggled into me just a few minutes ago.” You snicker, trying to soothe the pained hero by playing with the bird’s nest on the top of his head.
“I’ll never cuddle you ever again.” He mutters ashamedly and you swear there is smoke coming out of his ears.
“Hey! I would hate that!” You reprimand, while you grab his hair to force him to look up at you. Izuku makes a sound you try not to decipher for your own mental wellbeing. “I love this. I love all of you. Stop being so mean to yourself. I really hate when you do that.”
It’s true; you hate how Izuku stops himself all the time because he thinks he’s not allowed to do certain things. He also thinks he needs to be perfect, like having flaws will be the end of the world peace and he constantly overthinks the smallest arguments, makes himself feel terrible about things he can’t change… what Izuku doesn’t know though is that the only flaw you hate about him is this, his constant need to be perfect even though it’s his flaws you fell in love with, not the perfect facade he keeps up for the people every day.
“Sorry.” He mutters and moves his head to snuggle into his favorite place; your neck. “It’s all so… new. I’m not sure what I’m doing. I might freak out a few times in the next few weeks.” He admits as he slowly moves his body towards you. You embrace him as tightly as your sleep muddled body lets you; Izuku shudders first but finally, he relaxes into your touch.
“I love you. That’s not gonna change because of stupid things like this. I want to kiss your self-consciousness away. I want to kiss you everywhere until you realize how perfect you are. But go and get ready now, otherwise I won’t let you go.” You mutter into his hair while your right hand scratches Izuku’s scalp soothingly. He makes a content noise and lets himself be pampered for a few more seconds before he moves out of the bed, leaving a tiny kiss on your nose as he walks past.
“Come home soon, yeah?” You mutter into your pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Always, Sweet Pea.” Izuku smiles and closes the door behind him.
Fuck, you miss him already.
“Hey, wanna help me look for flats?” Kyouka calls you around midday, out of the blue.
Apparently, she’s been kicked out of her apartment complex because the owner decided to renovate the whole building; you have no idea what the heck needs renovating on it as the last time you’ve been there it looked fancier than any of the other complexes in the area but it is what is, you guess.
“Yeah, of course!” You perk up; you are extremely happy to be able to help her out a bit, even if it’s nothing compared to what she’s done for you. “Wanna come over tomorrow? We can both save some links and have a chat about it!”
“Sounds like a plan, my dear!” Kyouka chirps, and the line goes dead.
Oh well, you really wanted to get some work done today, but it can wait a bit.
The rest of the afternoon goes by really quickly, you manage to find a few good deals and also make a few phone calls to get some more information which you write down in your notebook to go through with Kyouka tomorrow. You barely realize when Izuku gets home. You jump up when the door opens around 11PM; you literally have no idea how it got so late to be honest and by the grumpy look on your roommate’s face, he’s not happy about you not waiting for him by the door tonight.
You quickly close your laptop and make your way to Izuku who doesn’t wait too long to lean his forehead on your shoulder, clearly too exhausted for his own good.
“You didn’t respond to my message.” He grumbles into your shirt. Fuck’s sake, you really didn’t mean to ghost him today.
“I’m so sorry, Izu.” You mutter into his hair; he’s still in his hero uniform which means he haven’t had the time to shower yet but his hair still smells amazing. You love how the curls feel under your chin, you love how it tickles your skin when you snuggle into it… fuck, you missed him so much. “Go take a shower Izu, I want to cuddle.”
“Warm the bed for me, will you?” Izuku puts his hand on your cheeks and gives you a scorching hot kiss; you swear you’ll never get used to Izuku’s passionate side.
“Hm, if you keep giving me kisses like that…” You mutter into his mouth, licking his lower lip possessively. “I might just follow you to the shower.” Well, needless to say the boy is as flustered as a virgin teenager now; he quickly escapes your embrace and makes his way towards his shower, muttering under his nose with a red face. “Have fun!” You giggle as you quickly change into your pajamas and make your way into the bed to warm it up.
“You are the worst, Sweet Pea!” Izuku whines while you burst out laughing at how high pitched his voice is; he tends to make a really silly sound when he’s embarrassed, it kinda sounds like he just inhaled some helium. That reminds you of your first phone call with him when Izuku was hit by a quirk that made him sound the same way for a whole day; you remember how stressed you were, thinking that Kyouka set you up to live with pro hero Grape Juice as a prank but then…
Well, you know the rest. You feel so fucking lucky to be able to call this amazing human being your partner. Ahh, you really want to make this official now!
As Izuku makes himself comfortable next to you, you rest your head on his pecks for a bit; you can’t really sleep in this position because… well… Izuku is quite big in the chest area and you usually end up having a terrible headache for the whole day after sleeping like this. Extremely sad, you know.
“You are mine.” You mutter into his skin as you leave tiny kisses all over his chest. Izuku yelps, clearly surprised by your sudden possessiveness, but he doesn’t seem to mind; his hand wanders into your hair, his fingers moving on your scalp soothingly first then he grabs your hair to pull you up for another scorching hot kiss. You can’t even try to hide the surprised yelp that leaves your mouth which might as well be a moan, to be absolutely honest.
“Okay.” Izuku mutters into the kiss with a tiny smile on his lips. “Yeah, okay. I would absolutely fucking love that.” The kiss gets a little bit sloppy as Izuku can’t stop grinning but it still manages to make you all dizzy; you don’t really know when you ended up on top of Izuku, but fuck if you care; you barge in for another a kiss and for another while Izuku’s hands caress your sides under your T-shirt. It goes on and on until you both realize that Izuku needs to wake up in a few hours and do another 14 hours shift.
You were so close to finally see that tattoo on Izuku’s bum. So close.
Would it be really weird to just ask him to show you? Not right now, but like… tomorrow? During a less uhm… intimate moment? Damn, you are such a fangirl sometimes.
“When I’m next free…” Izuku mutters into your neck, back in his usual sleeping position. “Wanna use the hot tub? Together? Uhm… in less clothing maybe?” You can feel the heat of Izuku’s cheeks even without seeing the blush.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought it would be nice… to cuddle like that. Uhm… okay, nevermind, this is absolutely wrong, I’m so sorry…” He starts his usual anxious ramble, but you don’t let him overthink.
“Izuku, I’m more than happy to do that with you, stop freaking out over nothing.”
“Uhm… I can’t wait for this week to be over.” The tightness of his grip is a little bit suffocating, but it says so much more than thousand words ever could.
I love you. I need you. I miss you. You are mine and I am yours.
There is no need to say any of that out loud; the message is quite clear.
Midoriya Izuku is in seventh heaven right now. It’s 5 fucking AM but he’s already bursting with energy; maybe if he puts 120% into the day instead of his usual 110% he might be able to come home sooner.
The coffee tastes sweet, his brain took a trip to dreamland and the empty space in his skull is filled with fully pink cotton candy. The weather is good, Sweet Pea just told him she wants him to be hers, her kiss was so sweet and warm Izuku is quite sure his whole body melted and he’s only a blob of meat right now. Talking about blobs of meat, Izuku wonders how’s Shishikura doing; the guy had a terrible attitude back in high school but his quirk was extremely fascinating. Can he shape the blob now?
Izuku, focus.
Ahh, look! Sweet Pea left her notebook open!
He really wanted to ask her what she was doing yesterday but he kinda forgot between all the sweet kisses. She wasn’t drawing, that’s for sure; Izuku knows the exact face Y/N makes when she’s concentrating on a drawing and that wasn’t it. She wouldn’t mind if he would take a look, would she?
- Flat 1 ( xx street): Good price and fancy but a bit too far from the center + no stores are open after 9. Pets allowed.
- Flat 2 (center): Pricy but has the perfect location and looks relatively new - Close to Kyouka’s workplace. No pets. Really nice view!
- Flat 3 (center): Good price, quite old looking but tenant is allowed to make changes! Pets allowed, close to the police station and Kyouka’s agency isn’t too far away either.
- Flat 4 (center): Who has money for this?! I certainly don’t. High security, gym and swimming pool in the building, rooftop garden.
Izuku almost faints from the sudden surge of anxiety. He’s definitely misunderstanding this situation, right? There is no way…. There is no way his Sweet Pea wants to leave him right now. Why is she looking for flats then?
Was he too much? Is this too quick for her? Does she need space? Maybe she realized Izuku isn’t as perfect as she thought?
He knows he’s overthinking this and there is probably a really obvious explanation and his problem could be sorted with only one question, but… everything is too good, too sweet, too perfect… Izuku is ready for the catch and he feels like this is it, this is the day when his world crumbles again. Izuku is not used to having good things in his life, especially when it comes to love.
Izuku closes the notebook and decides to skip breakfast today; he doesn’t have the appetite anymore. The door closes behind him even though he doesn’t remember leaving the room.
Midoriya Izuku is on complete autopilot; the word is black and white, his mind is blank, his heart is bleeding all over the concrete as he makes his way to his agency to start the worst fucking day of his whole life.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Uhm… sorry! 😭 You know me though, I can’t do angst for long so this will all be sorted in the next chapter and you’ll absolutely love it :D
- If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send a comment!
- About the first bit: Izuku’s freak about about his “problems” down south might not make sense now but it will all make sense after the next chapter. Izuku has a reason for walking on tip toes when it comes to everything. He’s a broken little boy 😭
- So I managed to binge the first season of this (finished it in two days bro, I got hooked lol) and I need to say I really had to take a deep breath to not change the first few chapters up but it was really nice to see how the quality got better as the story progressed! I’m proud of myself!
- I ordered a beautiful Deku figurine. I’ll show it off once it has arrived. I literally have no space for any more figurines. With that said, I went out today and got 2 more. Send help.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦🌈✨
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 7 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 55 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Can you keep it down?" I hear a soft, breathy male voice and I startle.
I whip around to the noise, spotting an Omega figure sitting in the corner of the room.
Ferix has another victim.
My stomach turns as my eyes go to his stomach, realizing he's pregnant... and heavily so.
No. No, this is horrific.
"I'm not a ghost. You don't have to look at me like one," his golden eyes glint, pale face framed by choppy dark hair.
He's so thin, like how I used to be when I was locked up in here.
"Did Ferix... did he..?" I choke out, panic clawing at my throat.
"Did he abduct and rape me? Yes. Am I now pregnant with that monster's pup? Anything else you'd like to know?"
I shake my head, holding back tears.
"I'm... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
He ignores my blubbering.
"You're Ash, aren't you?"
I sniffle, confused.
"I am. How did you...?"
"He calls me your name when he violates me," he says casually, as if he's bored of the topic.
I want to vomit.
"W-We have to get out of here. You can't let him have the pup. He'll abuse it. He'll kill you both."
"The only way out is if he magically becomes sane and lets us out," he counters, crossing his arms.
"If you've got some fairy spells you wanna try to make that happen, be my guest."
I sigh, picking at the skin around my nails.
"My mate, he should be coming soon. I'm sure of it. He'll get us out."
"So you escaped and got to go fall in love with your dear mate. Meanwhile, I was stuck here, carrying a child that you were supposed to have."
I want to argue that he's my stepfather, my uncle by blood.
That no one was supposed to be subjected to this cruelty but I don't say anything.
This person has been suffering, constantly violated by that disgusting man.
I apologize again but he brushes it off.
Daemon is going to come for me... he'll be here soon... right?
An hour goes by, and the house is silent.
The Omega dozes against the wall, heavy dark circles under his eyes.
I still don't know his name.
He keeps his frail arms crossed over his belly protectively.
The sight of how full he is makes me queasy.
How will he be able to run if we try to escape?
What if he falls on his stomach, hurting the pup?
So many horrible thoughts are racing through my mind when a loud boom rings out.
The Omega and I startle, both looking toward the door.
Another bang and then we see that the metal door is denting.
Another and another... I shriek as it breaks, sending the door flying into the room.
It misses the both of us but I still hide behind my hands.
"Oh, Ash, my little boy," my father's voice rings out and I dare to look at the intruder.
My heart fills with affection and I leap up, running into his arms.
"Dad..." I sob, burying my face in his chest.
"Y-you're here."
"Yes, I'm here," he strokes a hand over my hair, pressing a kiss to my head.
I pull back to look up at him.
"How did you get in here? Where's Ferix?"
His face is grim when I ask that and my stomach turns nauseatingly.
"Felix and Daemon... they're fighting?"
My grip on his arms tightens, chest filling with panic.
What if Daemon gets hurt?
What if... what if Ferix takes away the one thing that really matters?
I couldn't live with that...
"Ash, I need to get you to safety. We must move quickly."
I dig my teeth into my lip so hard I draw blood.
He's right... we need to get out of here... and fast.
Ferix's henchmen could arrive at any moment to stop my father's rescue attempt.
And there's the matter of the pregnant Omega.
I need to be strong... I can't panic... I have to help... I have to be the mate that Daemon deserves.
The Luna he deserves.
My father and I learn that the Omega's name is Rory.
He can barely walk with two sprained ankles and I don't miss the look of profound pity my father has as he takes in the Omega's state.
He knows what Ferix did to him.
He must know that my mother was treated the same way.
Forced to bed a man who had cast her mate out and kept her to be abused.
It's the cruelest fate I can think of and my heart twinges in pain.
My father doesn't deserve that grief, yet he will always bear it.
"Where are they fighting?" I ask as we make our way up the stairs from the basement.
My father carries Rory in his arms, the Omega looking nauseous.
"Ash, you don't need to know. Daemon ordered me to keep you away until everything is over."
"What?! While he risks his life?"
"I agree with him," my father shakes his head.
"You've gone through enough as it is."
I'm about to argue back when we reach the top of the stairs.
I'm surprised to see Jay and Yvonne there, smack dab in this house of horrors.
Just looking around makes my stomach turn.
"Ash," Jay exclaims.
"Are you..." he goes silent when his eyes fall to the small Omega in my father's arms.
I glance at Rory, who's eyes have widened.
"You're my...?" he questions in a small, quivering voice.
'No way.'
Jay looks extremely confused, clutching his chest where I imagine his heart is pounding a mile a minute.
"Mate," Jay gasps and I share a look with my father.
Jay rushes forward to take the weak Omega from my father's arms, who gives him over willingly.
Rory doesn't say anything, simply closing his eyes and curling into Jay's chest with a whimper.
Jay holds him close, arms protectively enveloping the boy and my heart aches with tenderness.
They finally found each other.
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 8)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: underage drinking, angst, hoseok’s bare abs
Word Count: 10,705
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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“Okay, even you have to admit this is too soon.” Finn stared, appalled at the chalkboard. “It’s not even Halloween!”
Laughing a little, you looped your arm around his to drag him towards the back. Plopping down in a chair, you placed your order number in the center of the table. Seating himself across the table from you, Finn began to undo his coat.
“Come on.” He grinned, brown hair flopping when he leaned forward. “Admit it – this is too early for holiday drinks.”
“Okay, maybe it’s a little early,” you acquiesced. “But Halloween is tomorrow! They probably just put up the holiday drinks so they don’t have to do it on Sunday.”
“Laziness!” he cried, jabbing a finger in the air.
Shaking your head, you smiled when Namjoon, the barista, placed a pumpkin soy latte before you.
“Thanks!” you said, pulling this towards you.
“No problem,” he said, flashing his dimples before he turned to leave.
Taking a long, slow sip of your drink, you groaned. “Oh my god. This is it. This is heaven.”
Finn laughed. “Is that seriously your first pumpkin drink of the season?” Sadly, he shook his head. “I remember our senior year, you dragged me out of bed at 7:00 AM on a Saturday just to get the first pumpkin drink of the year.”
“I know,” you sighed. “But I’ve needed the extra caffeine jolt each morning. Sweet drinks just don’t cut it anymore.”
“Ah, the first step in addiction.” Finn nodded sagely.
Smiling, you settled back in your seat as he took the first sip of his black coffee. It had been two weeks since your fight at the club and since then, Finn had been on his best behavior. For about a week, things between you had been awkward but slowly, your relationship was returning to normal.
Seated in the corner of your favorite coffee shop, you drank from your cup and glanced around the room. This was what you’d pictured when you imagined you and Finn living in the city together. Coffee dates, going on new adventures and continuing your relationship where it had left off.
Of course, this morning was only possible because Miss Britt’s ballet class had been cancelled. A contemporary master class had been scheduled for the afternoon, but your day before then was free – something you’d immediately taken advantage of by calling Finn. It was becoming easier to fit each other into your schedules, more like second nature, but things were still tense whenever things didn’t line up.
None of this was eased by the burgeoning whatever-it-was you’d shoved to the back of your mind regarding Jimin. Since the day of Mr. Vlad’s ballet class, you’d managed to keep your emotions in check, but were constantly on the lookout for dangerous situations. You and Jimin were professionals, obviously, but you were also only human. It was reasonable to have subconscious wants and desires, but these weren’t important unless you chose to act upon them.
You didn’t tell Finn about it because honestly, there was nothing to tell. Okay, so you’d felt an errant spark one day during a lift. Big deal. Finn had been your boyfriend for over two years – it would take more than that to threaten your relationship. A relationship which, frankly, had been getting stronger as of late. Telling him something as inconsequential as a spark you had with Jimin would only take you further down the wrong path.
“Are you sure you’re okay with us doing separate things tomorrow?” Finn interrupted your thoughts. His brow furrowed. “It is Halloween, after all.”
“Ah, yes.” You nodded. “Halloween, the internationally known couple’s holiday.”
He laughed. “Okay, point made – but still.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. This was something you’d already been over. “It just makes sense like this! Your friends are going to that off-campus party and I promised Noelle I’d go to this club thing with her.”
“Right, of course.” Finn grinned. “I’m bummed I’ll miss seeing you as the Powerpuff girls, though. Who’s going to be the third one, again?”
“Well, I’m Blossom – obviously.”
“Of course.” He nodded. “Miss Responsibility.”
A twinge of annoyance went through you, but you pushed it aside. You didn’t think you were always the responsible one but admittedly, you’d been more on edge than usual lately.
“Anyways,” you continued with a roll of your eyes. “I’m Blossom, Noelle is Buttercup and Irene is going as Bubbles. It’ll be fun! Aside from the whole club part, of course.”
“It does sound fun,” Finn admitted, a tad mournful. “Meanwhile, I’ve been roped into the classic college bro costume of Ghostbusters.”
“Oh, come on! That is classic! You’ll be super cute in your… suit? Cargo pants? What do Ghostbusters wear again?”
“Knowing Ben, something tragic from Party City. Pray for me.”
“I’ll light candles.”
Finn grinned, sipping his coffee again and your conversation slipped naturally to other topics.
Halloween fell on a Saturday this year, which meant every college campus was gearing up for some epic parties. Noelle had managed to snag tickets to a club fancy enough to require an RSVP. Apparently, said brother she missed was a DJ and could get tickets to a lot of things if Noelle bothered to ask.
A bunch of people from Russet were going, which made you excited. There hadn’t been many parties with your classmates so far this semester. Despite technically being in college, your classmates were all under the same intense pressure, only made worse by constant early morning ballet.
This week though, even your teachers seemed to have decided you needed a break. Aside from the master class you had this afternoon, there were zero Russet classes until Monday morning. The break in schedule meant you could actually go out – and drink – if you so decided. You and Noelle were planning on attending a ballet class tomorrow, but your entire day after would be free.
You’d originally planned on seeing Finn during the day, but then he’d been invited to a Halloween darty (day party) starting at noon. Despite not seeing Finn on Halloween, you weren’t feeling stressed. It was only one holiday and not even a couple’s one, as you’d said.
After coffee, you kissed Finn goodbye and headed to class at Danley Hall. The atmosphere was different as soon as you entered the classroom – all of the students were buzzing, excited by the prospect of the weekend ahead. The excitement only grew when coupled with the fact that today’s class was contemporary.
For nearly two months, your training had been mostly ballet. This was the foundation of all western dance, and where most dance students were expected to start. Finally though, you were being given a chance to show off. Today’s teacher, Luna Jordan, was a well-known contemporary choreographer across the globe.
You’d done a master class with her once back in high school and honestly couldn’t wait to learn from her again. She wasn’t alone, though, you noticed as you walked in – an unfamiliar, dark-haired guy stood beside her, stretching lithely before the room’s mirror.
“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered as she came to a stop. “That’s Jeon Jungkook.”
Startled, you looked twice and saw she was right. You hadn’t recognized him without his bevy of followers, but Jeon Jungkook was known in the dance world. A child prodigy, he’d been on America’s Got Talent at age eleven and finished in second place. Following this, his family had moved to LA and he’d been in high demand for movies, music videos and performances ever since.
You remembered hearing he worked with Luna Jordan, but the thought hadn’t crossed your mind before now that he might be here.
Noelle cocked her head to one side. “He’s hot.”
“Noelle,” you hissed, trying to shush her.
“What!” A devious grin spread across her face. “Am I supposed to be blind, as well as mute?”
“Well, no, but –”
“Alright, everyone!” Miss Luna clapped her hands together. “I know everyone is excited for the weekend, but we unfortunately have an hour and a half together before then. Everyone spread out for warm-ups!”
A few people laughed, spreading out on the floor as class began. Noelle wriggled her eyebrows, pulling you towards the front in order to get the best spot. Hiding a smile, you ducked your head and settled beside her into a stretch.
Noelle was nearly as excited as you were for the opportunity to dance contemporary. Most of your classmates knew this to be your forte – you caught glances from the corner of your eye while you warmed up, trying not to let their attention get to your head.
Jimin was also near the front, although on the opposite side. You suspected your class was equally excited to see him perform – as talented as Jimin was at ballet, there was a reason you hadn’t thought he’d be at Russet this fall. Jimin’s strength in jazz and contemporary was unparalleled. You would’ve thought he’d gone to LA to become a dancer like Jungkook.
Speaking of whom – Jungkook really was attractive; that much couldn’t be denied. He had dark, wavy hair pulled into a bun and cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass. When he glanced up from his stretch, his gaze somehow found yours and he smiled.
Eyes widening, you stared until you caught sight of Jimin behind him. Glancing between the two of you, Jimin’s expression soured before he looked away. Lips parting, you felt the sudden urge to say something, but there was too much distance between you.
“You ready?” Miss Luna called, an upbeat pop song blasting from the stereo. “Let’s go!”
She launched into isolations, leaving the rest of the class to follow. Warm-ups passed quickly and before you knew it, you were gathered at center to learn the combination. Miss Luna’s style was right up your alley. The steps came easily and, once you’d learned the whole chorus, she left you alone to practice.
You were helping Ari with a difficult move when you caught sight of Sabrina as you turned. She’d positioned herself near the back, which had to be a first. Usually, Sabrina was front and center to allow for maximum receipt of teacher praise.
The decision to stand near the back could’ve been strategy – sometimes, dancers did that at conventions. Conventions were giant weekends of competition with teachers from all over the globe who taught master classes to hundreds of dancers in hotel ballrooms and convention centers. Space at the front tended to be limited, so some stayed at the back, where there was more room to dance and be seen. You had a greater likelihood to capture the teacher’s attention when you had the room to do incredible leaps.
Sabrina’s decision didn’t seem strategic, though. While you watched, Sabrina stumbled transitioning from one move to the next. A brief twinge of pity went through you.
It was easy enough to spot ballerinas dancing anything but ballet. Although ballet was the root of modern westernized dance, it could be hard to translate into other styles. Ballet was more rigid than contemporary, jazz or hip-hop. In ballet, each position was defined, individual style was limited, and dancers were expected to all look the same. Standing out in the corps de ballet was equally frowned upon as missing an entrance.
Not that ballet wasn’t important to all dance styles, mind you. Even hip-hop dancers took ballet to improve their balance, core strength and general understanding of the body. There was an element of individuality in other dance styles, though, which lacked in ballet. Contemporary and hip-hop dancers were expected to have relentless technique all while creating their own, unique flair.
Just looking at Sabrina you could clearly see the holes. She was trying so hard to emulate the moves of Miss Luna, she was kind of missing the point. When Miss Luna did a certain flick of the wrist, it wasn’t a defined part of the choreography, but rather an individual choice.
Without thinking, you took a step forward – only to stop. Sabrina wouldn’t want your help; she’d already made that abundantly clear. Besides, you knew her friend Katie to be a contemporary dancer. She could help Sabrina and yet, when you looked, you saw Katie practicing near the front with Jungkook.
Jungkook obviously knew the steps, since this was probably the tenth time he’d learned the combination. Dance teachers often did that – selected a dancer to attend classes with them, traveling to different cities to demonstrate the combination and help when they weren’t free.
Before you could decide whether to help Sabrina, Miss Luna clapped her hands again.
“Let’s do groups!” she declared. “I’ll count you off into groups of four, and each group will showcase. Sound good?”
It wasn’t really a question so much as an announcement. The rest of the class nodded, waiting while Miss Luna counted you off. You ended up in the same group as Irene, Paulo and a few others. Jimin and Noelle were in the group two, while Sabrina was in the group after theirs.
Jogging off to the side, you waited while the first group took center. You were part of group four, which meant you’d be amongst the last to dance on the floor. When the music began, you closed your eyes and began to mark the combination. You tried not to focus on what anyone else was doing, but this became difficult once Noelle’s group stepped up.
Noelle had trained in jazz and contemporary, although she’d stopped in high school to focus mainly on ballet. Still, her artistry shone in her movement. She could definitely stand to loosen up a bit but was still one of the best in the bunch. You found yourself smiling when she landed a turn, silently cheering her on from the side.
While you were watching, Jimin cut across your vision.
Dropping to the ground, he rolled and arched as his forehead brushed wood. His quality of movement was breathtaking and for a moment, you felt like you were back in high school.
Suddenly returned to those dimmed auditoriums, you watched Jimin take the stage like an otherworldly being. His body seemed to move before your mind could comprehend. Barely did he finish one move before he was starting another, the steps flowing endlessly together like unhindered water. Although you knew the combination and knew how you would dance it, watching Jimin perform was a different experience entirely.
Ballet required dancers to stay on the beat but in contemporary, they were expected to lag. Extensions were all the more breathtaking when they clung to the last second, seeming as though the dancer might not make it before they caught up. Jimin was an expert in this, knowing exactly when to hang precariously over the edge and when to pull back.
Watching him dance, that pesky, strange something bloomed in your chest again.
Squashing this quickly, you looked away and resumed marking the combo. The end of the song was improvisation though and, unable to stop yourself, you found your attention drifting to Jimin again. He was ridiculously beautiful – you nearly didn’t hear when Miss Luna called for them to stop. As she turned off the music, she applauded the group while they walked from the floor.
Breathing heavily, Noelle came to a stop alongside you and – somewhat guiltily, since you hadn’t been watching – you gave her a high-five.
“That was awesome!” you said with a grin. “You definitely stood out in the group.”
Noelle snort-laughed. “Not with Jimin up there, but that’s okay. This is his specialty – and yours,” she added with a wink. “I’m psyched for group four.”
“Ah,” you groaned, rubbing your neck. “Too much pressure.”
Noelle laughed, shaking her head as group three took the floor. Both of you fell silent to watch, your curious gaze finding Sabrina in the back. Sabrina looked almost nervous; an emotion which seemed out of place on her features. It made her look almost human.
As soon as the music began, you stifled a wince. Sabrina stood out from the group, and not in a good way. She had the combination down but moved with a woodenness you would’ve expected from someone half her age. It was enough for you to glance at Miss Luna, wondering if she had noticed.
“Wow,” Noelle whispered, looking almost gleeful. “Sabrina is terrible.”
“Noelle!” you whisper-laughed.
“What? After everything she’s done? After everything she’s said?” Noelle’s gaze narrowed. “Sabrina deserves this.”
Despite privately agreeing, you couldn’t help but feel bad as Sabrina continued. Not wanting to watch any longer, you turned towards the front and resumed marking the combo. As soon as Miss Luna cut the music and polite clapping ensued, you turned back around.
It was time for group four. A shaky, sick feeling entered your stomach as you walked to center. So many eyes were on you, but it had been so long since you danced contemporary. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were as good as people seemed to imagine. Surrounded by so many dancers at Russet, surely your own talent would pale in comparison.
As soon as the music began though, everything faded. Insecurities slipping away, a lightness entered your chest as, eyes falling shut, you slowly inhaled.
Taking a step forward, you opened your eyes and began.
To you, dance had several phases. The first was learning, where you memorized each step and put them in order. The second was understanding, where your muscle memory began to take over and the combination felt smoother. The final phase, performance, was when you thought not of the steps, and were free to just dance.
This was your favorite phrase. In this phase, your mind separated from your body, leaving you only with sweat and emotion. Dance was the only art form composed solely of the body. An odd combination of physical strength and artistic beauty, it was both a testament to human capability and human emotion.
Losing yourself in the music, you ebbed and flowed through the combination until the choreography ended and improvisation began. Finally, you let go and held nothing back. Raw, unbridled passion poured out as you lost sight of yourself, so consumed by the movement.
When the song finally finished and you came to a stop, you were panting for breath. Glancing up, the first person you saw was Jimin.
He stood off to one side, leaning casually against the rungs of the barre, but his expression was anything but. Focused on you, his gaze had turned dark in a way which made you catch your breath.
Miss Luna clapped both hands once again, returning your attention to her. Blinking, Jimin shook his head and in your peripheral, you saw him straighten.
“Very good!” Miss Luna scanned the group. “I know our time is nearly at and end, but why don’t we have a few students come out and demonstrate?”
Again, this was fairly common in master classes. After learning the combination, teachers would often single out students to perform as examples. It wasn’t always the students with the best technique who got chosen. Oftentimes, it was as much for passion and performance quality.
Taking a step forward, Miss Luna began to call out names. You were one of the first – setting your water down, you jogged back to center. Jimin was the next person called, then Noelle, much to your excitement. Jungkook was also instructed to join on the floor.
Turning the lights halfway down, Miss Luna pressed play and let you improvise until the combination began. Jungkook started dancing and honestly, he was beautiful, but you couldn’t linger on him for long. 
Catching sight of Jimin again, you were once more transported to earlier times. This wasn’t the first time you’d been called out together. Oftentimes, this had happened at conventions but back then, your mind had been too clouded to see him for who he was.
You’d always wanted to beat him in high school, but now, you were consumed by the oddest desire to see him do well.
Glancing up, Jimin caught your gaze and he smiled – but then, the combination began.
By the time you were finished, you could hardly catch your breath but somehow, you felt the most alive you’d been in ages. Back in your own element, surrounded by some of the most amazing dancers in the world – this was what you’d imagined when you came to Russet.
People around the room clapped, some of them begrudgingly. You got the impression many of your classmates weren’t used to not being chosen. As you walked from the floor, you saw surprisingly, Sabrina wasn’t amongst them.
Instead, Sabrina simply looked tired – as though she’d tried her best and it hadn’t been enough. You knew that look. You sympathized with that look.
The look lingered in the back of your mind while you packed up your things and listened to Noelle discuss Halloween tomorrow. When she mentioned Ari had decided to visit her family this weekend, an idea began to form in your mind.
“Wait,” you interrupted, looking up. “Ari can’t come tomorrow?”
Noelle shook her head. “Her brother just turned eighteen, so her whole family is having a party or something.”
“So… her ticket is free, then?”
“Yes…” Noelle paused. “Why? Y/N, what are you planning?”
“Okay. Hear me out,” you said as you shrugged on your coat. It was cold enough now for the coat to be necessary.
Noelle sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Alright, I’m listening.”
Glancing away, you saw Sabrina packing her things on the other side of the room. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you returned to Noelle.
“What if we invited Sabrina?”
Noelle snorted. “Pass.”
“Noelle,” you laughed, reaching out for her arm. “Come on! Do you really think she’s doing anything for Halloween?”
“Probably not. And that’s her own fault.”
“Maybe,” you said, glancing at Sabrina once more. “But how could it hurt? We have an extra ticket, there’ll be tons of people tomorrow night. She’ll probably say no – at least this way, you can claim a write-off on your way into heaven!”
Noelle upper lip twitched. “Oh, is that how write-offs work?”
“Well, I can only assume.”
Finally, she laughed. “Ugh, fine. You can invite her – but only because it’s Halloween, and Halloween is a time for peace. And slutty costumes.”
“Thanks, babe,” you said, squeezing her waist in a one-armed hug.
Sighing exaggeratedly, Noelle waved aside your thanks. Hiking your bag higher, you began to make your way across the room. As you closed in on Sabrina, you began to rethink your choice. It had been nearly a month since anything bad had happened between you but still, you found yourself feeling wary. As tough as you pretended to be, rejection hurt you just as much as the next person.
Still, dancing with Jimin had been a reminder of just how bitter your relationship used to be. If that relationship could change, you had to imagine things with Sabrina could, too.
Coming to a stop at her bag, you waited for her to look up. When she finally did, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
“What?” Sabrina asked, sounding defensive. “What do you want, Y/N?”
You couldn’t really blame her for her suspicion. Had your situations been reversed, you would’ve been equally distrustful. It was likely Sabrina thought you were coming over to gloat, or say something to do with class today. Another twinge of pity went through you as Sabrina zipped her bag shut to stand.
“I just wanted to know what you were doing tomorrow,” you said, trying to smile. “Noelle has an extra ticket to a Halloween party, and we thought you might like to come.”
Sabrina stared. “What?”
“Tomorrow is Halloween,” you said, a bit slower. “You know – when we were kids, it was all about costumes and candy. Now, it’s about costumes and booze?”
Sabrina failed to crack a smile. “And you want… me to come to this party?”
Something about the way she said this made you sad, as though she genuinely thought this might be a joke. As though at any moment, someone might jump out and yell SIKE.
“Yeah,” you said, softening a little. “Look – it’s not a big deal if you can’t make it. A bunch of our class is going though, so we thought of you.”
Sabrina hesitated, then glanced at the door. “Okay,” she said, looking back. “Okay, yeah. I’ll come.”
Stifling your surprise, you nodded. “Great. I’ll text you where to meet us tomorrow before the club. Wear a costume,” you added before walking away. “Noelle said it’s required.”
“Alright,” Sabrina said, so quiet you almost missed it.
Walking away, you were nearly at the door when Jungkook popped up before you. Flashing a smile, he fixed a loose strand of hair away from his face. Feet fumbling to a stop, you could only stare.
“Y/N, right?” he said, sounding shy.
Unable to find the words, you blinked in response. The way Jungkook danced had been so confident, you’d only assumed this to be his off-floor persona, as well. Hearing him sound shy was unexpected. 
Also – you hadn’t expected him to know your name.
“I… yeah, that’s me.” Shaking your head, you smiled. “Jungkook, right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I just wanted to say I’m such a big fan of your dancing. It was great to take class with you today.”
Without meaning to, a laugh escaped your lips. Jungkook stared at you, baffled until you quickly waved him off.
“Oh, no – no! Sorry,” you said. “I’m not laughing at you! I’m just laughing at the ridiculousness of you saying you’re a fan of me.”
Some of Jungkook’s wariness disappeared, and a small smile played across his lips.
“Well, I am.” His grin widened. “I used to assist on the convention circuit, too and I remember you being called out all the time. You and Jimin,” he added, glancing across the room.
You looked, too and saw Jimin still packing his things. His back was stiff, pointedly not looking in your direction. Lingering on him a moment, you returned to Jungkook.
“Still,” you said with a laugh. “It’s a bit of a stretch to say we took class together when you’re the teacher’s assistant.”
“True.” Jungkook paused. “Well, next time you’re in LA, let’s fix that. Let me know if you’re ever in town and we can take a class together.”
Despite yourself, your brows raised. It was harmless, but Jungkook was definitely flirting with you. He was attractive, sure and seemed nice, but he lived in LA and you had a boyfriend. You should probably leave before things had the chance to go any further. The last thing you needed was another complication. Adjusting your bag, you gave Jungkook a small smile.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said before turning away.
Jungkook chuckled from behind. “Bye, Y/N.”
As you joined Noelle at the door, she stared over your shoulder.
“What?” you said, coming to a stop.
Noelle’s gaze moved to yours in disbelief. “How?” she demanded as you exited class. “How do you have all these men just… tripping over themselves for you?”
Heat rising to your face, you shook your head. “That’s – I,” you sputtered. “You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I?” Noelle grinned. “First Jimin, now Jungkook… and all this while having a boyfriend.” 
“I… you... Jimin is not tripping over himself for me!”
Both her brows shot way, way up. “Is that the only part of the sentence you took objection to?”
“Shut up,” you groaned and shoved her in the side.
Noelle laughed but nodded. “Alright, fine! I’ll stop. Did Sabrina say she’ll come?”
“She did.”
“Great. I still don’t like her,” Noelle said, pushing open the door. “But I guess you’re right, I have an extra ticket. It’s nice to be nice.”
You laughed, pulling your coat tighter as you walked outside. “You’re a saint.”
While you walked, your phone dinged and pulling this from your pocket, you saw a notification on Instagram. Jeon_Jungkook97 has followed you.
Shaking your head, you returned this to your jacket as you continued. While it was nice of Jungkook to compliment your dancing, his approval didn’t mean as much as certain other peoples had. This realization stuck in your mind, making you wonder about Noelle’s teasing jibe.
She had said Jimin flirted with you, but that wasn’t true – was it? You would have known if Jimin were flirting. It was hard to pick out though, since Jimin was friendly with everyone. That was just who he was; as he’d said earlier, he liked to be liked. A note of uncertainty entered your thoughts though, recalling the ballet class with your chest pressed to his. Shoving this away, you forced yourself to focus on the upcoming weekend.
Halloween was a night for fun, for letting loose and enjoying yourself with your friends. You refused to let the night be spoiled by any lingering feelings – either from you, or towards you.
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The next night was perfect Halloween weather.
Chilly, but not cold enough to risk snow falling. There were several Halloweens from childhood you could recall trick-or-treating with a winter coat flung over your costume because the temperature had dropped below freezing.
You, Noelle and Irene showed up to Paulo’s house around 8:00 PM, shivering a little while you stood on his doorstep. Paulo was one of the few freshmen who lived off-campus, having known several upperclassmen before he came to Russet. The brownstone he lived in was cute, with window boxes you imagined hosted flowers in the summer.
Tugging your pink and black minidress down, you adjusted your bow as Paulo opened the door.
Blinking, he took in your costumes. “The Powerpuff girls!” He cheered, raising an arm overhead. “Try not to take down any of the villains upstairs, yeah?”
“No promises,” said Irene, flicking hair over her shoulder.
Entering the house, you heard thumping bass from an apartment upstairs. Paulo lived on the third floor and as you climbed the steps, the music grew louder. It took Paulo two tries to shove open the door – “warped wood,” he explained – but once you were inside, you saw familiar faces.
“The Powerpuff girls!” Jasmine cried, jumping up from the couch. “Finally! Thank god – can you take down Eamon? He came here dressed as a potato, or something.”
“It’s an avocado!” Eamon shouted from the kitchen. He was dressed in a round, green costume with a halo overhead. “I’m ‘holy guacamole’ – get it?” he said, pointing at the halo.
Jasmine stared at him a moment. “That’s terrible. Worse than mine,” she said with a wave down her body. “I’ve been Princess Jasmine for the past five Halloweens. It’s easy to remember and I already have the outfit.”
Laughing, you shrugged off your coat and added this to a pile on the couch. “It’s a classic,” you agreed as you turned.
Noelle had managed to procure at least twenty tickets to the party tonight, so a lot of your freshman Russet class was in attendance. Including Sabrina, who stood in the corner, talking to Louis over cups of red punch. She looked up when you entered, pausing before she gave a small wave. Surprised by the gesture, you did the same.
“No.” Noelle groaned, coming to a stop alongside you. When you looked, you saw she’d already removed her coat. “Tell me Sabrina didn’t come to this party dressed as a ballerina.”
“We did invite her at the last minute,” you laughed. “Hard to find a good Halloween costume in a day.”
“Hey,” Noelle argued. “There’s no we here. You were the one who invited her, and you’ll be the one to accept the consequences should your social experiment fail.”
“Done,” you agreed. “Speaking of social experiments though, I’m ready to get drunk tonight. Where’s the alcohol?”
“Kitchen!” Irene called, brushing past. “Or – that’s where Brian disappeared to when we entered, so I can only assume.”
Telling Noelle you’d be back with drinks, you wound through the room towards where Irene had pointed. The kitchen was tiny, on par with most city apartments. There was only room enough for one or two people, so you were lucky it was deserted when you entered.
Surveying the counter, you found the usual party staples. A bowl of red punch, a bunch of beer and various liquor bottles with chasers. Skipping over the communal punch bowl, you reached for a bottle of diet coke and coconut rum.
“Oh,” a voice said as they entered the kitchen. “Sorry – I didn’t know you were in here.”
Glancing up, you saw Jimin and froze.
He’d dyed his hair black – that was the first thing you noticed. Jimin’s hair was no longer blonde, but completely dark. His outfit confused you at first – a frilly, white blouse with slicked-back hair and dark trousers – until you saw his bright red contacts and the dribble of blood at his mouth.
“A vampire,” you said, finally recovering your voice. Scanning his body, you frowned. “Where are the teeth, though?”
Jimin blinked, his gaze jerking up from your waist.
“Huh?” he said, sounding a bit strangled.
Cheeks heating a little – your dress was pretty short – you repeated yourself. “The teeth,” you said, pointing at your own lips. “Don’t vampires have fangs?”
“Oh, right.” Jimin dug around in his pocket – fuck, were his trousers tight – to produce twin fangs. “I took them off when I got here. They’re really hard to talk in.”
“Go on then, Park,” you said with a grin. “Put them in.”
“One second.” Twisting to face the wall, Jimin popped them in his mouth. Turning around, he bared his teeth. “Sexy?”
With the teeth in though, the word came out more like shex-shie and you burst into laughter. “So sexy,” you agreed, reaching past him for a cup.
Jimin stiffened when your arm brushed his front. Unbidden, you thought about what Noelle had said – Jimin had been flirting with you. Pulling away, you resumed making your drinks and tried not to look in his direction.
Even so, you remained aware of his presence. Jimin inched his way behind you, reaching for the whiskey on the other side. His arm brushed your elbow as he went, right knee nudging yours in an intimate gesture.
Glancing up from the counter, you accidentally caught his gaze. Despite your earlier joking, he did look sexy. Devastatingly so. Even the blood-red contacts weren’t enough to deter the shiver which ran down your spine.
Shaking yourself free from your trance, you grabbed both cups and pulled back. 
“So, what’re you drinking?” you asked. 
You decided it was best to steer the conversation away from how sexy Park Jimin was or was not.
Seemingly oblivious to your inner turmoil, Jimin poured whiskey into his cup. “Whiskey and coke. Can you pass me that bottle?”
“Sure,” you said, leaping at the chance to prevent him from walking past you again. “Here you go.”
Pushing this forward, you watched Jimin pour both drinks all the way to the brim. He paused near the end, staring into the depths before he looked up. He seemed to be warring with something, debating whether or not to speak whatever was on his mind.
“So…” He paused. “Do you know Jungkook, or something?”
You blinked. “Jungkook…?”
“You know, Miss Luna’s assistant. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh! Jungkook. No, I don’t really know him.”
“You were talking to him at the end of class, though?”
Hearing the curiosity in his voice, both your brows raised. “And?”
“And nothing,” Jimin said, sounding uncomfortable. “I just… I didn’t know you knew him, that’s all.”
“I mean, I don’t.” You paused. “But even if I did, what does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.” His cheeks began to redden. “It’s just – ah, never mind. We don’t have that great a history, that’s all. He’s kind of the reason I’m at Russet this year.”
You stared at Jimin a moment. “Wow, what a tragedy,” you said, stifling a laugh. “To have been forced to attend one of the most prestigious dance institutions in the world.”
His upper lip twitched. “It’s not that. I was deciding between attending Russet and accepting a job offer out west. I was asked to join this pop star on tour… anyways, Jungkook’s never liked me much. It’s a long story.” Jimin’s brow furrowed. “My offer was rescinded at the last minute. The artist never said why, but I always got the feeling he had something to do with it.”
You stared at Jimin a moment, unsure how to respond. Jungkook hadn’t seemed like that kind of person, but you supposed you’d only talked to him for a few minutes. If that was true, what happened to Jimin sucked and yet, the next words from your mouth nearly had you face-palming.
“And here I thought I was your biggest rival, Park,” you said.
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Are you… jealous, Y/N?”
He sounded almost pleased by the notion, which sent a different kind of shiver down your spine.
“Not at all,” you said quickly, turning back to your drinks.
Jimin made a soft tsk-ing sound, as though he didn’t believe you.
“That sucks,” you continued, determined to change the subject. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Yeah. Maybe it was all for the best, though. Things happen for a reason, right?”
Looking up, you caught Jimin’s stare. He didn’t look immediately away and you got the oddest sensation he meant more than what he said. Hastily, you pushed this feeling aside, clutching your drinks as you entered the main room. Jimin followed close behind, two cups in his hands.
“When did you get here?” you asked. “Been here long?”
Jimin shook his head. “Nah. Hoseok and I got here like, ten minutes ago. He should be around here somewhere, he –”
You looked up just in time to see Hoseok, Jimin’s roommate, barreling towards you.
“It’s been so long!” Crushing you to his chest, Hoseok wrapped you in a hug. “Hope Jimin isn’t boring you to death,” he stage-whispered before he pulled away.
“Just for that.” Jimin arched a brow. “Both these drinks are for me.”
“No – wait, wait. I’m sorry!” Hoseok pouted. “Hand over the drink, Park. It’s been the longest fucking week.”
Jimin grinned and relented, handing Hoseok his cup as you laughed. Hoseok was a newer friend, but he was close to Jimin, so he’d gradually bled into your latest gatherings. Despite not being on the ballet track, most of the dancers at Russet knew of him. Hoseok had that way about him.
Glancing down at your outfit, Hoseok held up a finger. “Let me guess – Blossom,” he said, turning to scan the room. “Which means… aha! Irene is Bubbles and Noelle is Buttercup. Makes sense.”
“And you are…” Pausing, you squinted at his outfit. “Someone at the spa?”
“Sure.” Hoseok shrugged. “Honestly, I just wanted to wear a bathrobe.”
Said bathrobe was paired with only boxers, the front of the robe open to display his toned abs. The costume didn’t surprise you, based on past interactions with Hoseok.
Casually, he twirled the robe tie in a circle. “Impressive, no?” Hoseok glanced away. “Whoa, wait – they have beer pong? See you all later!”
Hurrying off, he left you alone with Jimin. Shaking your head, you glanced in his direction and saw Jimin down his whole drink. Arching a brow, you were about to ask why when Irene called your names from across the room.
“Y/N!” She waved her hands. “Jimin! Get over here, you two – we need more for flip cup!”
You found yourself pulled in this direction despite your insistence you didn’t do well under pressure. Jimin ended up at the other end of the table and you lost sight of him when you started to play, paired with Jasmine for a partner.
By the end of the first round, you discovered you weren’t as horrible a player as you’d imagined. Then someone suggested mixed drinks for the second round, and things became fuzzier. There were more people present than just current students of Russet. One of Paulo’s roommates knew Seokjin, so you saw him in the room, along with Sana.
You chatted with both over the course of the evening, in addition to a guy who’d recently debuted on Broadway, Kim Taehyung. Apparently, there was already buzz around him for a Tony. Taehyung was nice, but it was sometime during this conversation you realized how tipsy you were. Apparently, not drinking for several months and then going ham made for very low tolerance.
Collapsing onto the couch, you joined Irene and Brian’s conversation. In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Noelle – a terrible flip cup player, she’d roped Hoseok into giving her private lessons, but these seemed to be going terribly. Or perhaps very well, given how much the two of them were laughing.
You completely forgot about Jimin until you spotted him across the room talking to Sabrina. Seeing them together, you straightened. Both seemed fairly comfortable, which struck you as odd. Since that morning in Jimin’s dorm, you hadn’t really seen them hang out together.
Despite this, Jimin was laughing at something Sabrina had said. Tearing your gaze away, you forced yourself to focus on the conversation at hand. It didn’t matter who Jimin spoke to, or even who he decided to go home with tonight. He was your dance partner and friend, nothing more and besides – you had a boyfriend.
Blinking, you reached into your clutch and pulled out your phone. To your disappointment, you’d gotten no texts from Finn since this morning. You assumed he was still at his party but didn’t know for sure. Shooting him a text, hey, you waited for a response and when you got none, returned your phone to your purse.
Across the room, you heard Noelle yell your name. “Y/N!” She cupped her mouth with both hands. “We need another person for flip cup!”
Laughing, you pushed yourself from the couch and were immediately roped into your fourth game of the night. The night blurred again after that, turning into a pleasant hum of conversation and booze. At some point, Ubers were called to bring you to the club. As you rushed downstairs, you realized you forgot your coat as soon as you stepped outside.
Shivering violently, you rubbed your arms and cursed yourself for poor foresight.
“Y/N?” Jimin came to a stop alongside you. “Hey, where’s your coat?”
“Inside,” you said through chattering teeth. “I-it’s fine, though. I’m fine!”
Jimin gave you a look. “Where’s Paulo?” he said, glancing around. “I’ll grab him, we can get your coat before we go –”
“The Uber’s already here, though,” you argued, grabbing his sleeve to drag him towards the curb. “I’ll be fine from here to the club!”
Jimin sighed but gave in, following when you rushed to the grey SUV. Irene had claimed the front seat, so you and Jimin pulled open the middle door – Noelle and Hoseok were crowding behind you, so you and Jimin ended up together in the backseat.
Collapsed in a heap, you giggled as Jimin tried to squish himself in a corner. “Sorry,” he said, trying – and failing – to keep his knees separate.
“Jimin.” You snorted. “Are we going to go through this again? Your hands have been in way more inappropriate places than that this semester.”
Jimin’s lips parted, shocked, but you were already hoisting yourself over the middle seat. Draping your arms next to Noelle, you begged her to play your favorite song on the radio. Had you been more sober, you might’ve recognized your position to be precarious – perched on the edge of your seat, your ass hovered inches away from Jimin’s face.
Plopping back down, you glanced sideways at Jimin and found him frozen. Suddenly, you realized the visual he’d had.
“Um, so what happened to the teeth?” you blurted, determined to change the subject.
Jimin blinked and managed to meet your gaze. “Casualty of flip cup,” he said. “One of them fell out during the game and I couldn’t find where it rolled.”
“Well, that’s okay. You can just be one of those vampires who blend in with normal humans. You know, the kind whose fangs only come out when they want to bite someone.”
“That’s true.” Jimin arched a brow. “Lucky for you, I’m not hungry.”
“Lucky for me? Lucky for you,” you retorted. “My blood is about half alcohol right now. If you drank my blood, you’d be a very silly vampire.”
The idea of a silly vampire made you laugh – even more so when you pictured said vampire as Jimin. He seemed much too coherent for your liking right now.
“A silly vampire, huh?” Jimin looked on, amused. “Damn, Y/N – when was the last time you went out? Your tolerance is shit.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I haven’t drunk much this semester. Too much dance, too little time. I think the last time I went out was –”
“We’re here!” squealed Noelle, throwing open the door.
A blast of cold air hit you and you shivered, wishing you’d worn your coat. Jimin’s gaze remained steady on yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he said lowly. “I can give you, uh…”
“Your shirt?” you said dryly, lifting a brow as you brushed past. “Then you’d be shirtless, Park. Let’s think this through.”
Jimin chuckled before he followed suit, although you cursed as soon as you left the car. He was correct. It was freezing, even with your alcohol-induced blanket.
“Come on!” you yelped, following Noelle towards the entrance.
Bypassing the line, Noelle walked straight towards the bouncer and showed him her phone. He nodded and waved her past, counting your friend group who followed. Not everyone from Paulo’s place had gone to the club, but enough for you to make quite the entrance.
“Y/N!” Noelle doubled back to link arms with you. “Come on – this way! That guy’s going to show us to our table.”
“Table?” you asked her, wide-eyed.
Tables in a club on Halloween night were ridiculously expensive, but it seemed Noelle had downplayed her brother’s connections. Your group was led right to the front of the upper balcony, getting a coveted spot overlooking the dance floor below.
This was undeniably the coolest club you’d been in. Not that you’d been in many, mind you, but this one had to take the cake. A half-circle of tables took up the top floor, with twin staircases descending to the main room below. Most of the lower floor was for dancing, although you saw additional tables pushed to the sides. Fluorescent bars and dance platforms were dotted throughout and above all was the DJ booth, blasting the latest songs.
“Whoa,” you breathed.
Noelle grinned, squeezing your arm to pull you into the booth. As soon as you settled in, Jasmine leapt up and clapped her hands.
“I want to be in one of those!” she said, pointing to a glowing cage at the center of the dance floor.
“Oo, me too!” Irene leapt up to join her.
“Me, three!” said Paulo, clambering out of the booth.
“Awesome.” Irene beamed and glanced your way. “What about you, Y/N? You in?”
The idea was tempting for a moment, but then Finn flashed through your mind. You highly doubted he’d be on board with you gyrating for a room full of strangers without him. Somewhat dejectedly, you plopped back on the bench.
“That’s okay,” you sighed. “I think I’m going to stay here for a while. I’ll join you later!”
Irene frowned but nodded, following the rest when they left for the stairs. About half the group went, clearing out the table while you stared at the dance floor.
Jimin slid into the bench alongside you. “You don’t want to dance?”
Startled, you glanced in his direction. While you watched, Jimin began to undo his cuffs, casually rolling the sleeves of his shirt. His hair, which had been slicked back at the start of the night, was starting to fall. Several dark strands hung over his forehead, although this only seemed to make the look more appealing.
“No,” you said, crossing your legs. “I just… don’t really feel like it.”
“Is this the whole hating clubs thing again?”
“Kind of.” You laughed. “I don’t know. Club dancing isn’t like normal dancing, you know?”
“It is when you’re at the club with all dancers,” Jimin pointed out, nodding towards the floor.
Following his gaze, you saw Jasmine dancing full-out in a lit-up cage. She wasn’t so much gyrating as she was creating choreography on the fly. The mere mortals around her looked on in awe. Fighting a smile, you returned to Jimin.
“Okay, that does look like fun,” you admitted. “The last time I was at a club was with Finn.”
Jimin blinked. “Sorry – what?”
“In the cab,” you said, leaning closer in order to be heard. “You asked me when I last went out. It was that night… um, the night you came and picked me up.”
Jimin stared at you a moment, as though contemplating something important. Abruptly, he stood and held out a hand. You blinked at this like he’d offered a football.
“What are you doing?” you said, glancing up.
“Taking you down to the dance floor.” Jimin retracted said hand. “Come on, Y/N! You don’t have to give out dry lap dances, or whatever.”
“Hey!” In disbelief, your mouth fell open. “You said you’d forget all about that!”
His smile turned impish. “Seriously, we can just do the sprinkler, or something. It’ll be fun!”
“The sprinkler?” Starting to laugh, you stood. “Was that really the first move you thought of?”
“Nah. My go-to move is the criss-cross, but I figured this was more your speed.”
Snorting, you shoved him in the arm before following Jimin to the dance floor. It didn’t take you long to spot your other friends, clustered near the front and around the DJ booth.
“Y/N!” Noelle cheered, breaking off from the pack. “You made it!”
She nearly spilled her drink while she danced, catching herself just in time as she spun around. You grinned, entering the circle with Jimin by your side. He did, in fact, pull out the criss-cross – Hoseok joined in and soon, there was a Fortnite dance battle between them. You truly haven’t lived until you’ve seen a TikTok dance-off between two semi-professional dancers.
This ended with both declaring mutual defeat, and Hoseok disappearing to buy the next round. Noelle shimmied her way over to Jasmine, accepting the hand given to stand on the platform.
You laughed at their ridiculous dance moves, choosing instead to stay on the ground. The crowd around you had thinned since you’d joined. Eamon disappeared a few minutes later, saying something about needing a drink upstairs. Before long, Irene had joined Jasmine and Noelle on the platform, leaving you alone with Jimin on the floor.
Under other circumstances, you might have felt uncomfortable, but Jimin was so good at putting you at ease. Determined to keep you in the present, he came up with more and more complicated dance moves which had you snorting with laughter.
On a particularly flamboyant spin, Jimin accidentally smacked the drink from someone’s grasp. Blue vodka splattered everywhere, drenching its owner – a burly man in leather who snarled in frustration.
Looking up, he met your gaze and his eyes narrowed.
“Shit. Run!” you blurted out.
Grabbing Jimin by the arm, you dragged him into the crowd.
“No, wait – let me apologize!” Jimin tried to twist around. “I can pay for his drink! I can –”
Once there was suitable distance between you and the guy, you came to a stop. Laughing so hard you nearly fell over, you turned sideways to face him.
Bodies pressed against you from every side but rather than feel claustrophobic, all you could think about was Jimin before you. His hair had become thoroughly mussed during the night and you fought the sudden desire to smooth it down.
Although your breath came hard, the club around you seemed to slow. The music somehow had narrowed to pinpricks, a heady thump of bass while everything dulled.
What you should’ve done was taken a step back – but you didn’t.
Instead, your gaze drifted across his face. Jimin stared back, something intense to his gaze you couldn’t quite name. Breath caught in your throat, his eyes dropped to your lips.
Before you could react, someone bumped into you from behind, sending you careening forward. Jimin caught you easily, one arm around your waist and your chest pressed to his. You could feel every hard line of his body, his thigh wedged between your legs while you grasped at his arms. Heart thudding traitorously against your ribcage, you tried to ignore the emotions which followed.
It was impossible. 
The song playing was slower, sexier than the one which had inspired the dance-off. Without meaning to, your weight subtly shifted. This caused your hips to move against his as Jimin quietly sucked in a breath. The effect this had on him was instantaneous. His grip on you tightened, gaze heady with desire and something more. Before you could second-guess what you were doing, you moved your hips again – this time, on purpose.
Jimin’s eyes darkened. Without looking away, his grip on you tightened as he slowly dragged you up his thigh. Suddenly breathless, your hands gripped him tighter while your eyes fluttered shut. The heat of his body on yours, the faint smell of cologne and sweat, the tension in his limbs and the knowledge of what he could do to you – it all left your head spinning.
“Y/N,” Jimin murmured, low in your ear.
You weren’t used to him saying your name like that.
You were used to him saying your name in every other way, but not that. Sharp with dancer’s critique, brusque with instruction, light with teasing – but not like something heavy was lodged in his throat. Maybe his heart.
Panicked, your eyes flew open.
What were you doing? This wasn’t some random stranger and this sure as hell wasn’t your boyfriend. This was Jimin. Stumbling backwards, you broke from his hold. Jimin seemed equally stunned, staring at you on the dance floor.
“I have to go,” you blurted and whirled around.
Shoving into the crowd, you heard Jimin emit a soft groan. Despite this, he didn’t immediately pursue, for which you were grateful. Stumbling through strangers, strobe lights flashed brightly overhead. You squeezed between someone dressed as a go-go and another person dressed as a werewolf. Skidding to a stop on the edge of the floor, you scanned the room and saw no one from Russet.
When you glanced over your shoulder, you saw Jimin now followed. Panicking again, you began to move. Beside one of the bars, you spotted a hallway labeled restrooms. Heading in this direction, you quickly disappeared inside the door marked women.
Once inside, you locked yourself in a stall, lowered the lid and sat down. Head in hands, you slowly exhaled. You were a coward; that much was clear. Jimin was probably out there looking for you right now, but you’d rather hide in a bathroom than face him.
The fluorescent lighting overhead was too bright – it made you feel overexposed. After a long moment, you fished around in your purse and pulled out your phone. Flipping to your thread with Finn, you saw he’d sent no response since your text. Complete and utter silence.
Heart cracking a little, you slid this in your bag and stared at the door. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. When you imagined you and Finn at college, you’d always pictured you together, attending the same parties and sharing the same adventures. Tonight though, had proven to be anything but that. Finn hadn’t once glanced at his phone judging by the unread mark next to your text.
Dimly, you wondered why you weren’t more upset about this. It should bother you that Finn hadn’t called or even texted throughout the day. Sure, he was out with friends, but so were you and you’d reached out – as soon as you thought this, your heart sank.
You weren’t sure you could call Jimin a friend after what had just happened.
Sure, you’d only danced, and it had only been for a second but still, guilt bloomed behind your ribcage. The idea of Finn doing the same thing with anyone else made your heart twist. You wouldn’t feel that way if what you’d done wasn’t wrong.
Groaning out loud, you lowered your head to your hands. After several minutes, you felt calm enough to stand and pretend-flush the toilet. As you exited the stall, you walked to the sink and began washing your hands. Staring at yourself in the mirror, a million things ran through your mind.
Clearly, the situation with Jimin was worse than you’d thought. The spark you’d felt kept returning, no matter how much you tried to ignore it. Maybe the only solution was to find a new partner. The very idea made your heart sink, but you couldn’t deny things had gotten out of hand.
Before you could seriously consider the option, the door to the bathroom flung open and banged against the wall. Sabrina stormed in, wiping both eyes with the heel of her hand. You froze, staring at her in the mirror but she didn’t seem to notice your presence.
When she finally lowered her hands and took a deep breath, she saw you and froze.
For a moment, you both only stared at each other and then – you coughed. Awkwardly, you began to dry your hands.
“Are you okay?” you asked, tentative.
Sabrina stiffened. “I’m fine,” she muttered, walking to the sink.
You watched her wash her hands, struggling and failing to control her expression. Sabrina’s hair was a mess and you stared, wondering where she’d been. You hadn’t seen her since you’d entered the club, but had assumed she’d stayed on the second floor.
“Are you sure?” you pressed, remembering your night at the other club. “You know, you can –”
“Will you… just stop.” Sabrina closed her eyes. “Will you … stop pretending like we’re friends, or something?”
Struck with disbelief, you could only stare. “I… are you serious?”
“Wow.” You shook your head. “Just wow.”
Her lips tightened and finally, she whirled around. “What?” Sabrina demanded. “What is it?”
The look in her eyes was familiar. Her frustrated, angry look was mirrored in your expression, but you found you didn’t care. Sabrina was clearly going through something, but her rudeness to you was the final straw. Tired from Finn, Jimin and the constant pressure you were both under, something about Sabrina’s words made you break.
“Why are you always such a… such a bitch,” you blurted, hurling the word like a knife. “What did I ever do to you? Why do you always act like you hate me so much?”
Sabrina’s upper lip curled. “Why do you always think this is about you, Y/N? Maybe I just wanted one second of peace and instead, here you are. Like always.”
“Here I am, in the public restroom of a club we’re all at?”
“No. Here you are in my life,” she snapped, pushing herself from the sink. “People won’t talk to me? It’s because you’ve run your mouth about things you think I’ve done. I’m falling in the class ranks? It’s because you’re after my spot. Jimin doesn’t want to be my partner? It’s because of his feelings for you. I’m sick of turning around and always seeing you there!”
“Okay, but none of those things – I, Jimin doesn’t have feelings for me,” you sputtered.
Sabrina gave you a look. “Oh, please, Y/N.” Her laughter was harsh. “Why else would he turn me down?”
“Um, maybe because he’s a decent human being? Unlike yourself.”
“Great, yeah.” Sabrina glared. “Make me the bad guy again.”
“I’m not the one doing that,” you huffed. “You are. You want to blame me because no one wants to be your friend? Maybe try reaching out first. Maybe don’t talk shit about people behind their backs. And I’m improving because I’m taking extra lessons. No thanks to you, of course.”
“Don’t try and make me feel bad because I didn’t have time to give you lessons.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m trying to explain why I’m improving and you’re not.”
Sabrina bristled. “Are you saying I don’t work hard, too?”
“No.” Mirthless, you laughed. “I know you work hard – maybe even as hard as I do. But you know what the big difference is between you and me?” you said, drawing yourself to your full height.
Sabrina’s eyes glimmered while she stared you down. Still, she retained her aloofness when she said, “What? What’s the big secret?”
“You think everyone’s out to get you,” you said, stepping closer. “You think not asking for help makes you stronger, but it’s the exact opposite. At least I’ve improved since the start of the year. What have you done?”
Not waiting for an answer, you pushed past Sabrina and walked out the door.
Shoving it wide, you entered the hallway. Dance music flooded your senses and you winced, remembering where you were and what you’d been doing. Luckily, Jimin was nowhere in sight. He must not have seen where you’d disappeared to.
Shoulders slumping, you pulled out your phone and dialed a number. Walking to the front, you concentrated on breathing while you waited for them to pick up. Coming to a stop beside coat check, you didn’t leave the club – a lesson you’d learned the hard way.
Noelle answered on the third ring. “Babe?” she yelled, barely audible over the din. “What’s going on? Where are you?”
“Are you…” Closing your eyes, you paused. “Can we leave?”
Noelle paused, then muffled her phone with one hand. “Irene!” you heard her yell. “You good to get a ride home for these people? Okay, cool. Bye!” Her phone became un-muffled. “Where are you, babe?”
After explaining your location, you hung up and hugged yourself with both arms. Noelle burst into view a few moments later, scanning the crowd like a mom on a mission. When she saw you, she rushed over – and you promptly burst into tears.
“Oh, no!” Pulling you into a hug, Noelle began to rub your back. “No, no, babe! Don’t cry! What’s going on? Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”
Hearing Jimin’s words said by Noelle only made you cry harder. Wisely sensing this to be a problem not easily solved, Noelle continued rubbing your back while walking towards the exit.
The two of you went outside and, as luck would have it, saw a group of people arriving at the club. Noelle snagged their taxi, helping you in the backseat and giving the driver your address. As you settled against her, your head on her shoulder, Noelle kept rubbing your arm and waited for the tears to stop.
You weren’t really sure why you were crying.
Of course, Sabrina was terrible, as was the situation with Jimin, but it was more than that. Dancing with Jimin hadn’t caused problems in your relationship with Finn. There had been problems in your relationship Finn and so, feelings had crept in which led you to dance with Jimin.
More than that though, you couldn’t help but notice Noelle had come to your aid much faster than Finn ever had. Even Jimin had dropped everything when you asked, and he was someone you’d once called your enemy. Noelle had been having fun, but she’d cut her night short because you were upset. This knowledge crushed you and for the very first time, you realized your relationship with Finn might be unfixable.
Curled up on the backseat, you let yourself cry a bit more. You could be calm and rational in the morning, you decided but for now, you just felt defeated.
When you finally climbed into bed at your dorm at night, you looked at your phone and saw Finn still hadn’t texted.
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Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! 😊 New chapters of Raise the Barre are posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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Dear nonnie who requested that I write something for Pride month, I'm so, so sorry! Somehow this got lost in my inbox and I didn't see it until I started working on 'Bargain' this afternoon. Please accept this humble ficlet and my deepest apologies. <3
I'm kind of nervous about this one. I know coming out is a deeply personal experience and I'm not sure I wrote it terribly well. Please know that you are loved, valued, cherished, and accepted just as you are. I know for many people the struggle is so much greater than what I wrote in this ficlet. You are all amazing. <3
cw: Internalized homophobia, homophobic parents (happy ending)
June 12, 1999
"Hey!" Harry said, bursting into Draco's room like it was his own.
Draco looked up from the essay he was writing, the last one he needed to finish for his eighth year at Hogwarts. "Hi," he replied and he couldn't help but admire the dimple that stood out on Harry's cheek as he smiled at him.
"Some of us are heading down to Hogsmeade for the pride celebration they're having there tonight," Harry said. "Did you want to come?"
His brow furrowed, "Pride? Like house pride?"
Harry laughed but not unkindly like it would have been prior to this year, "No, like gay pride. It's to celebrate people who are lgbtq+, to affirm their dignity and worth as human beings, you know?"
Draco felt his cheeks flushing hot, "I'm not," he managed through the way it felt like someone had closed off his airway, shaking his head, "I'm not gay!"
"Err," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck, "Right, I wasn't trying to imply anything. Just," he shrugged, "I think I'm bi, and there's GInny and Luna," he continued, stumbling over his words.
"But I'm not!" he protested
"Right," Harry repeated, brow furrowing, "We just thought..." he trailed off, "Ron, who's like as straight as they come is coming too, to show his support."
"I can't," Draco said. "I've got all this work to do, I just-"
"It's okay," Harry said, shaking his head and holding out a hand, "Totally fine, sorry to have bothered you," he added as he quickly fled the room before Draco could say anything else.
(Continue reading below the cut)
He stared after him, still feeling panicked and full of regret at the same time.
Malfoys aren't gay. Malfoys aren't gay. Malfoys aren't gay.
And in spite of the fact that he'd told Harry he needed to finish his essay, he spent the rest of the night trying to get his heart to slow down, his breathing to come easier, and his mind to stop spinning.
The essay remained untouched.
June 9, 2000
Draco was having murderous thoughts.
They had a tradition on Fridays that everyone who lived in Grimmauld sat down together for dinner and if you were dating someone, you were allowed to bring them home with you for dinner. Draco never brought anyone home because the women he dated were so unattractive to him that he just couldn't bring himself to see them for more than a date or two.
Harry, on the other hand was always bringing someone home. He had men and women there with him every week. Usually, it was a different person every week and that didn't bother Draco all that much. But he'd been seeing Conor for six weeks now and the way the other man was always clinging to Harry, always laughing and batting his eyelashes at him; it made Draco feel ready to kill him.
"So I was thinking," Harry said when there was a lull in the conversation, "The Leaky is having a Pride Night celebration tomorrow. Maybe we should all go together?" he asked hopefully.
There were murmurs of approval all around the table and Draco dropped his gaze to his plate, his palms started to itch. Malfoys aren't gay. Malfoys aren't gay.
"What about you, Draco?" Conor asked, all toothy smiles as he rested his arm around Harry's shoulders.
He couldn't help but look over at Harry who was suddenly watching him in that way that made him feel like he was being held under a magnifying glass. People thought that Harry was oblivious but Draco knew they were wrong. Harry knew everything about Draco just from watching him.
Draco swallowed, "Yeah," he managed. "Yeah. I can come for a bit."
Harry smiled at him then, soft and sweet, his dimples showing, "Yeah?" he asked.
And Draco was fairly certain there was nothing he could have said no to when Harry asked like that, so he nodded.
"Great!" Conor enthused and the moment dissipated like fog in the sun. "It'll be so fun to have all of your friends there, babe."
"Err," Harry said, looking over at Conor, "Yeah. Totally." Then he turned back to look at Draco once more, "Yeah," he said again.
June 10, 2000
Draco had made a mistake.
Malfoys aren't gay. Malfoys aren't gay. Malfoys aren't gay.
"Hey!" Harry said, appearing out of nowhere and wrapping an arm around Draco, "I'm so glad you're here."
"Me too," he lied.
"Come on," Harry said, "Let me introduce you to some people."
Draco spent the next hour meeting all sorts of people, he listened to people telling their stories, people who were claiming their own lives and destinies, and all he could feel was loss.
Every person he listened to felt like another stone tied around his neck, their joy and freedom made him feel even more trapped. Harry went to fetch drinks as he listened to a trans woman named Jocelyn talking about how difficult it had been to come out to her family. And it was the final straw, he lost it. Tears slipped from his eyes and before he could do anything, she was hugging him, "We've all been where you are," she whispered.
He shook his head and pulled back, "I'm not-" he covered his mouth, he couldn't quite force out the lie.
She nodded knowingly, "We've all been there, too."
"I've got to go," he managed, rising on shaking legs and making his way out of the bar as quickly as he could.
When he got outside he bent over, resting his hands on his knees and trying to catch his breath.
"Draco!" he heard as the door opened and he wasn't ready for this.
"Don't," he said, standing up and holding out his hands to stop Harry from coming any closer.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern and Draco hated it.
"Malfoys aren't gay!" he exploded.
"What?" Harry asked as though his words hadn't been perfectly clear.
"Malfoys aren't gay," he repeated.
Harry tilted his head at him, "Alright."
"So you can stop this," he said, gesturing at the door. "I don't need help coming out. I'm not gay," he spat.
"I'm not trying to help you come out," Harry said, his voice measured and calm in a way that told Draco just how hard he was working at not getting emotional. "I just wanted to introduce you to-"
"Bull shit," he hissed. "Every person you 'introduced me to' told me about coming out."
"It's Pride, Draco. They're," he stopped and corrected himself, "We're celebrating coming out. We're celebrating not hiding who we are anymore. If you think it's about you, well," he shrugged a shoulder, "You probably have more in common with us than you want to admit."
"I'm not gay!" he shouted, shoving Harry away from him.
There was a flash of hurt across Harry's face before he put his hands on his hips and that fire that Draco so remembered from Hogwarts filled his eyes. "No one said you were!" Harry shouted back. "And if you were so afraid of having people think you are, why did you even come in the first place?"
"I guess I shouldn't have."
Harry took a step back away from him, shaking his head, "I guess not." He turned on his heel and stalked back into the bar, leaving Draco standing on the sidewalk, shaking as the adrenaline flooded through him.
June 11, 2000
It wasn't quite morning when Draco heard a soft knock at his door.
With no small amount of effort, he reached for his wand and cast a spell to open it. Harry was standing in the doorway and Draco huffed, "I've already packed," he said. "I'll leave in the morning."
"What?" Harry asked, sounding panicked, "No!" he said, stepping across the threshold of Draco's room and moving to the chair across from Draco's bed. "No," he repeated. "Draco, please don't leave. I'm sorry. Alright?" Harry said. "I shouldn't-"
"You're sorry?" Draco asked, sitting up and staring at the other boy, "No, I'm sorry," he said, quickly. "I was awful and I didn't le-"
"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "It's my fault. I shouldn't-"
"I'm gay," Draco blurted and then realized what he'd just admitted. He covered his mouth with his hand and his eyes filled with tears.
"Hey," Harry whispered, climbing onto the bed next to him and pulling Draco into his arms, "It's okay."
Draco shook his head but couldn't manage any words around the sob that was choking him.
"It's okay," Harry soothed, stroking his fingers through Draco's hair and rocking him. "I've got you," he breathed. "You're safe," he said, "You're safe," he repeated. "You're loved and you're accepted," he told him, "I've got you."
Draco sobbed, all of the fear, and the guilt, and the shame was built up high in his chest and he felt like he couldn't breathe around it.
"Okay," Harry soothed, "Slow breaths with me, yeah? Just try to match your breathing to mine," he said, his hand rubbing soothingly over Draco's back.
He sucked in a deep, gasping breath that burned all the way down into his lungs.
"That's it," Harry encouraged, "You're alright."
He continued breathing slowly and Draco tried to mirror it until his sobbing was just the occasional hiccup and the tears were just trickling out of his eyes.
"Okay," Harry breathed. "Better?"
Draco nodded and pulled back, "Sorry," he murmured, then he caught sight of Harry's shirt covered in tears and snot and wished that the earth would open up and swallow him, "Salazar, I'm sorry," he said, reaching for his wand and casting a hasty drying charm followed by a cleaning charm.
"It's fine," Harry said, reaching out to still Draco's motions. "It's fine," he repeated. "Look, I didn't mean to pressure you into coming out," he said. "I won't tell anyone," he added hastily.
He shook his head, "It's eating me up inside." Draco wiped the tears off his face, "I'm going to die alone."
"Don't say that," Harry said.
"Well it's true!" he said, "What am I supposed to tell my parents?"
Harry took his hand, "It's up to you," he said softly. "I won't pretend to understand the challenges you're facing. My parents are dead."
"Oh, thanks. Play the dead parent card."
Harry huffed a laugh, "Shut up. I'm trying to say that I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. It's not an easy decision and I want you to know that I am here for you, that I support you, no matter what."
His eyes filled with tears and he let out a groan, "Stop it."
The other boy wrapped his arms around him, "No."
"What is this?" he asked, from where his face was buried in Harry's neck.
"Disgusting," he murmured.
"Want me to stop?"
He shook his head because when Harry wasn't hugging him everything felt a little too big and a little too close.
And he had no idea what he was going to do but when Harry was holding him it didn't seem quite so scary.
A few weeks later, he and Harry had started dating in secret. Harry was very sweet, very patient as Draco struggled against years of deeply ingrained negative thoughts. Draco still felt like he was a bit of a burden but Harry always insisted he wasn't.
Just over a month after that, Hermione had figured it out on her own, Pansy had tricked him into confessing, and Ron had walked in on the two of them making out on Harry's bed.
And the world didn't end.
Slowly, over the course of the next seven months, they told all of their friends. Everyone was supportive. Everyone was happy for them, happy for him that he'd decided to walk in the truth.
Truth be told, he was happy too. His anxiety still got the worst of him some days and his fear was sometimes bigger than anything else but he got through those days and those days slowly became fewer and fewer.
He got comfortable with Harry; comfortable holding hands, comfortable with casual kisses, comfortable with bickering that turned into flirting, just comfortable in his skin.
One chilly March morning, he and Harry were out to breakfast and they were laughing and teasing each other, like they always did and Draco was happy all the way down to his toes.
He looked across the table at Harry, "You've got whipped cream on your mouth," he laughed.
Harry stuck his tongue out and missed completely.
"Here," he said with a laugh, "Let me," he added as he grabbed the front of Harry's jumper and pulled him close so he could kiss it off his grinning face.
He was pulling back to check that he'd gotten it all when he heard a gasp that he would have recognized anywhere. Draco would never be quite sure what his face and body language were saying at that moment but Harry was instantly on alert, scanning the room for danger. "Shit," he breathed.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy," his mother hissed. "What in Merlin's name do you think you are doing."
"Don't make a scene, mother," he said and even he was surprised at how calm the words came out.
"I don't think that I am the one making a scene, Draco."
"Mrs. Malfoy," Harry said, "Why don't we go somewhere more private for this conversation."
"Oh no," she said, "I don't think there is any conversation to be had. Draco, we'll be leaving. Right this instant."
Draco looked at her, at the woman who had dried his tears, who had sacrificed for him, who had given him life and his heart yearned for her. He longed to reach out and hold her hand like he had when he was young, to let her reassure him that everything would be alright. And it could be. He knew if he walked away with her today, he'd go back to living the life that had been planned for him.
But then he looked at Harry and all he could see was freedom. His heart expanded as he remembered the late nights talking over a bottle of wine, the early mornings as the sun filtered in through Harry's window and painted him golden. He remembered the cuddles on the couch and the evenings spent cooking dinner together. And he knew that he could never go back. He could never live a life of duty and obligation knowing that this one was possible.
"I love you," he said softly as he stared at Harry.
The other man blinked before his mouth curved up in a grin, his dimples showing, "I love you, too."
He reached for Harry's hand to ground himself as he turned to his mother, "You know that I love you," he said to her, "but I can't live a lie. I can't be the boy that you wanted."
"Draco you are being ridiculous."
"Maybe," he replied. "But I never knew what it was like to be free before these past few months with Harry and I won't give them back."
She cast a belated muffliato. "There are plenty of Purebloods who are gay, Draco," she said, keeping her voice low, "You still have your obligation to have a pureblood heir. Marry a nice girl and take a lover if you must, but you will continue your bloodline."
He laughed, it sounded a bit hysterical even to his own ears. "Do you hear yourself?" he asked. "The Malfoy line can die with me. I'm not marrying some woman just to please you."
"No," he said sharply. "No. I can't do this, mother. I can't be what you want me to be. I'm done." He shook his head, "You can accept this, accept me or not. Either way I am done."
She straightened her spine and smoothed the emotions from her features and Draco knew the decision she had made before she started speaking. He clasped Harry's hand tighter in his. "Very well, then," she said. "Good day," she murmured before she walked away without a backward glance.
They sat in silence for a moment before Harry asked, "Are you alright?"
"I don't know."
"What can I do?" he murmured, squeezing Draco's hand again.
"Can we go home?"
Harry nodded, "Yeah, love. Of course."
He apparated them back and they spend the afternoon cocooned in Harry's room until their friends came to find them for dinner.
June 9, 2001
This year it's Draco who asked about going to the bar to celebrate Pride.
Harry smiled and pulled him in for a long kiss before nodding and getting dressed.
When they arrived, Draco slipped his fingers through Harry's holding his hand tightly; proud of Harry, proud of how far they've come, and proud of himself for how much he's grown and how brave he's become.
Several of the people he'd met the year before remembered him and are quick to congratulate him and welcome him again. The night was full of music and dancing, of listening to stories and starting to tell his own, it's everything Harry had made it sound like.
And he thought he might be happy, in spite of that little bit of his heart that always ached for his parents.
They're about to head up for another round of drinks when Harry tugged on his hand. "Look," he murmured, pointing to the door.
Draco followed his pointing and saw that there was a woman standing in the door who looked remarkably like his mother. "What?" he managed.
But Harry was already waving to her and nudging Draco forward.
"What?" he repeated when he was standing in front of her.
Without a word she wrapped her arms around him, enfolding him in the comforting feel and scent of his childhood.
"Mummy?" he whispered.
"Yes, darling," she replied, voice equally thick with tears.
Harry cleared his throat, "I'll fetch us some drinks. What can I get you Narcissa?" he asked.
"Whiskey neat," she replied without releasing her hold on Draco.
He pulled back after one more moment, "What are you doing here?"
"Where else could I be?" she asked. "When we didn't see you for your birthday last week," she shook her head. "Well, I knew that I was making a mistake."
Harry returned handing them their drinks and nodding toward a table nearby.
They headed over and she sat next to Draco, "You're my child, Draco," she said. "And I love you more than you can imagine."
He nodded once but didn't say anything. This sounded too much like the start to one of the 'I love you and if you love me, this is how you should act' talks.
"Fortunately, your Mr. Potter has sent quite regular correspondence."
"What?" Draco said, whipping his head around to look at Harry.
He nodded once but before Draco could question him his mother continued.
"He invited me to come tonight," she continued, "To support you. And I've missed so much already, how could I say no?"
"This isn't a phase," he said. "I'm not going to change my mind or be cured one day."
She nodded, "I know."
"Does father?"
She hummed, "We're getting there." She took his hand in her's, "For now, won't you introduce me to some of your new friends?"
Two years later, when he and Harry got married, both of his parents were there, sitting right in the front row and cheering them on.
Thanks for the prompt! I don't quite know what you were hoping for so I hope this is okay! <3
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booksforevermore13 · 3 years
The Mystery Girl
This is my too late entry to the Hinny Ficfest. I just got to know about it a few days ago, and I just loved the concept of something solely being for Hinny fanfiction. I haven't been writing very long, but I just had to participate.
Thank you to @clarensjoy for organizing this!
Also written for the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition.
Huge thanks to my QLFC teammates for beta-ing this!
Prompt 68: "Are you just `going to stand there and gawk?" / "Yes." / "Well stop it. You look stupid." Prompt 23: "I'm not afraid of your sister, you're afraid of your sister." Prompt 29: "Do you even know what a whisper is?"
Summary: "I swear, if you're Draco Malfoy or another one of his cronies, I'll hex you where it'll hurt. Badly."
"I'm not," Harry replied hurriedly, though he suspected even Malfoy would answer no to that.
Missing moment in HBP between Harry and Ginny.
Read it on Fanfiction if you prefer.
"She's crazy," Harry heard Ron moan, "and just when you think you've reached the bottom of her craziness, there's a crazy underground garage," and winced as the latter banged his head on the table.
That morning, when the sky was barely blue with a chorus of greys, Harry had heard Ron scream bloody murder and shot up off the bed, only to see him behind a huge oval mirror — courtesy of Neville's grandmother — and went back under the covers. He'd figured that if Ron was potentially being threatened by a crazed homicidal maniac, he wouldn't have been screaming about it while standing behind a century old mirror. So he'd gone back to bed and been woken up an hour and a half later by a snickering Fred and George on a visit to Hogwarts, who'd informed him of a very distraught Ron in the Great Hall.
Of course, he'd rushed out, slipping on a shirt backwards, and scrambling towards the Great Hall, heedless of the beautiful day outside and how perfect the wind was for a game of Quidditch, closely followed by the twins, who snickered all the way there. It was only when he reached it did he fully grasp that the situation couldn't have been too bad if the twins were snickering.
Worst case was, there'd been a prank gone wrong. Ron being on the opposite side of it.
Harry squinted as he walked forward, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to discern the misshapen blob on top of Ron's head. For a second there, it did look like a spell gone wrong and Harry felt a twinge of panic as he walked faster. It was red from what he could see, and he came to a stop as he realised that it looked frighteningly like a poorly knit hat.
"Why," Harry said, still squinting, "are you wearing that?"
Ron didn't answer, instead wailing as he buried his head in his hands. Harry shared a look with a still snickering Fred and George who'd taken a seat on either side of Ron while Harry took the seat opposite.
"Beautiful hat eh, Ronniekins?" Fred said, in a vaguely condescending tone. "Though, if I might say, a poor choice for impressing darling Lav-Lav."
Ron didn't answer and let out yet another sound of anguish which sounded more like a distraught sob than a yell.
"Are you…. okay Ron?" Harry asked a second later, out of necessity more than concern.
"No I'm not okay!" Ron wailed, "I'm not bloody okay! Do I look okay? No! I'm wearing a bloody woolen hat in the middle of May!"
"We've noticed," Harry said, as he took small sips from his mug. "Why though, are you wearing a woolen hat?"
"Oh, let us," Fred said, a sly grin on his face as he bent forward and ripped Ron's hat off.
George howled in laughter as Harry choked and spluttered out his pumpkin juice, coughing violently as Ron lunged forward at Fred, who dangled the hat at arm's reach.
"You've got pink hair," Harry laughed at the same time Ron yelled at Fred to give back his hat or go and do something he dared not mention in front of Mrs. Weasley.
"Oh, Ronnikins," Fred laughed.
"you look so awfully good —" George quipped.
"— have we mentioned?"
"Suits your brows," which were also pink.
"— and your eyes —"
"— not to mention the lips." George puckered his lips slightly, making a popping sound that only managed to anger Ron even more as he looked fit to murder.
"Mind your own bloody business," he yelled at anyone who looked twice at him, or more specifically, at his head.
"It's pink!" Harry giggled again, covering his mouth as Ron shot him a glare, before dissolving in hysterics again.
"It's lavender, I'll have you know," he grumbled.
Harry laughed harder, before finding it in himself to sober down. Fred and George, though, paid no heed as they continued laughing hysterically, Fred even going to lengths to ruffle Ron's lavender hair, met by a glare and a well-placed curse word.
"What were you trying to do?" Harry said, glancing at Fred as he bit back a smile. "Match with Lavender?"
"Sure, yeah Ron," Fred added, "it'd be even more fun to stick your tongue down her throat with that head full of hair of yours. Imagine her hands tangled in your lavender hair, her lips —"
Ron punched Fred in his side, cutting him off as he doubled over laughing, while Harry drew his legs in as Ron's flung over to kick his.
"Ginny did this, not me," he defended. "And I'm going to have it out with her, I tell you. I'll dye her hair purple, or green, or-or black —"
"Wait, Ginny did this?" Harry gaped. "Wow, I mean, bad wow, very disappointed wow," he said quickly as Ron shot him a look.
"You underestimate her," Ron grumbled, "she's the devil's spawn, that one, even worse than these two gits here." He pointed at a smirking Gred and Forge.
Harry smiled to himself, his cheeks reddening rapidly as he spotted George looking at him with a suggestive grin. Fred joined in, wiggling his eyebrows, and Harry ducked down in embarrassment.
"Won-won!" he winced as heard a shriek cut through the silence, "ohh, my precious Wonnie-boo!" He cringed as he heard Lavender making kissing noises as she ran over to where they were sitting.
"Murder me, Harry," Ron muttered.
"Yeah, no," Harry replied, "you're doing a pretty good job yourself," he shook his head as he picked up a piece of toast, quickly leaving as Lavender threw herself over Ron.
He was screwed.
His assurance of his screwed-ness became even stronger as he heard Filch hurrying down the corridor and calling out for Mrs. Norris. The dastardly cat was going to die a horrible death, Harry was sure of it, and he cringed as he heard another pair of footsteps right outside the broom cupboard.
The small space was cramped, just high enough for Harry to rise up to his full height, and it was dark. Pitch dark, and if this was the metaphorical colour black — as Luna so wisely commented time and again — he didn't like it very much.
Harry held his breath as hurried footsteps stopped in front of the cupboard and turned around to hide his face as the door opened, eyes blinded by the light outside. He heard the door close again.
And then the blackness resumed.
That was until he felt a hand push him backwards roughly and he shrieked, his hands going up in mock defence.
"Who the hell are you?" the person demanded, and Harry discerned it to be distinctly feminine, and familiar. Very familiar, he thought.
He stayed silent though, wary of giving his identity away to a girl in a broom cupboard. Perhaps, he thought, she'd get the memo and leave, though he couldn't for his life guess why she had been hiding there in the first place.
The girl stayed silent for a second, probably waiting for a response before she said fiercely. "I swear, if you're Draco Malfoy or another one of his cronies, I'll hex you where it'll hurt. Badly."
"I'm not," Harry replied hurriedly, though he suspected even Malfoy would answer no to that. But the girl seemed satisfied as she humphed and turned around. There was a soft mellow in the mystery girl's voice and he knew he'd heard it before, he just couldn't place where.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, before cursing under his breath. Normal conversation generally required a 'who are you?' and mutual knowledge of their identities, but clearly, that wasn't the case here, and anyway, Harry had a slight feeling that the girl wouldn't disclose her identity even if he asked.
He waited. And then sighed as the girl remained silent.
"You're talking too loud," she said finally. "Obviously, you're hiding in here from something, or someone," she snorted there and Harry smiled, "so if you don't talk softly, then you're going to get us caught."
"Filch's cat," Harry said.
"I'm hiding from Filch's cat."
"Oh," the girl gave a humorless chuckle, "bloody thing's going to have a miserable death. I'm sure of it."
"So I take it you're hiding from her, too?"
"Filch actually," the girl said, "and I suppose that includes the cat too."
"What did you do?"
"Set off fifteen dung bombs in his office," and Harry could swear she had a tinge of pride in her voice, and for a moment, marveled at the nerve of this girl who'd threatened to hex his parts off the first minute they'd met, now claiming to have thrashed Filch's den. There were very few in the school who had the guts to do that, and Harry felt himself flushing as he wondered whether the girl in front of him was Ginny.
Before he could say anything more though, she stepped forward and pried open the door, peeking out to look for what Harry knew now was Mrs. Norris and her owner.
He caught a glimpse of her red hair as the door opened, and his suspicions about her identity grew and almost the very next second, the girl shut the door close, and he could make out her leaning on it.
"Bloody hell," she cursed, and Harry for the second time was flooded with how familiar that sounded, and how he had heard Ginny curse like that before as he felt her push him against the back wall of the cupboard and shuffle in behind him, so that now they were just barely touching, yet not, her body shielding his. Harry felt himself smiling at how the girl, who he had now deemed about a foot shorter than him, was trying to shield him from whatever came knocking on the door. The feeling felt almost foreign for him, for nobody before the Weasleys and Hermione had ever so readily provided a shield so unanimous and here was a girl, who could very well turn out to not be Ginny, shielding him from a petty predator.
However trivial that sounded, Harry felt a warmth blossoming in his chest.
"Just remember, if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English."
"I think Filch's coming our way," she explained.
"Do you even know what a whisper is?" the girl hissed, and Harry's instincts went into overdrive as he clamped his hand on what he could hope was her mouth, pushing her backwards as he shielded her petite body with his, so that he was now between her and the door.
He waited for the footsteps to pass, completely aware of how close the two of them were, and he waited with baited breath as he heard Filch's grumbles get softer. The moment the sounds became distant, Harry yelped and snatched his hand away. She'd bit him!
"Lumos Maxima," the girl whispered and her wand lit up. Harry blinked as he saw her features come into view and her bright brown eyes glare fiercely up at him before they softened.
"Ginny?" Harry said, more like a fact than a question, because he'd already known who it was all the way. He just couldn't believe he hadn't recognized her the second she'd entered the cupboard. It was hard not to.
Ginny laughed, and Harry turned red, satisfaction brimming in his chest as he took in her illuminated face. Her chuckles died down as she looked up at him.
"Are you just going to stand there and gawk?" Ginny asked, a smile playing on her lips, and Harry had an unexplainable urge to just bend down and kiss her. They were just a few inches apart, probably the closest they had been since forever, and it would take him to bend just a few inches to capture her lips with his.
"Yes," Harry found himself answering truthfully.
"Well stop, you look stupid."
And Harry laughed, and Ginny joined him, and Harry found himself just looking at her and thinking how beautiful she was. And not just beautiful, she was… radiant.
His hand was still pressed beside her head and she slipped out underneath it, the light in her wand dimming as she made her way to open the door.
"Aren't you coming?" she asked as the door swung open. Harry squinted, his eyes adjusting from the dark to the light as he, for a brief second, noticed how her red hair seemed to light up against the sun, making it seem as if it was on fire.
So he followed her out, and they smiled as they met each other's eyes.
Ginny noticed him before he did.
"Shit," Ginny cursed. "We're screwed."
Filch glared at them as Mrs. Norris purred, and Harry couldn't help but agree.
"Oh there was a time when they used to hang students by their thumbs in the dungeons," Filch said darkly. "Those were the days."
"I suppose you were hanged like that a lot," Ginny said sweetly, and Harry nudged her, sending her a warning look.
"What did you say?"
"They probably used your toes. Seeing your thumbs weren't large enough."
"Two months scrubbing the toilets with a toothbrush," Filch screamed shrilly, and Harry pushed Ginny backwards as the man advanced on her, Mrs. Norris following him.
He stopped as he saw Harry's menacing glare. "You, boy," he said, glaring at Harry, "you're going to spend a month in the dungeons. Scrubbing the floors till they shine."
"That's not fair," Ginny bellowed, and Harry pulled her away before Filch could open his mouth. He suspected if they stayed there for a second longer, there'd be murder committed. Or at least a heinous crime.
"Two months in the toilets," she muttered darkly as they walked down the corridors, "that lying, cheating piece of scum," she growled. "And his cat—oh, I hope that cat rots in hell."
Harry laughed, and then stopped as Ginny shot him a look, both of them lapsing into silence.
"Seeing your thumbs weren't large enough," Harry chuckled, seconds later. "You don't take things seriously sometimes, you know?"
"Never take life seriously," Ginny said, and Harry looked at her, glimpsing a side of her he hadn't seen before. "No one ever comes out alive anyway."
And though those words were too crude to be true, Harry agreed with them wholeheartedly.
"Wait," he said as they neared the Gryffindor common room, before laughing, "you dyed Ron's hair pink."
"Lavender, actually," Ginny replied, "thought it'd match his girlfriend."
Harry chuckled, shaking his head as Ginny grinned an impish grin. "You're scary, you know." The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Amazing, but scary."
Ginny laughed as she leaned against Harry's shoulder. "That's one of the best compliments I've ever received."
"One of the best?" Harry asked. "What's the best?"
"Oh. I don't know," Ginny shrugged, "probably on the lines of crazy ass she-demon who hides under children's beds."
"Really?" Harry laughed, "who said that?"
"Ron. I think Charlie agreed too."
Harry laughed and flushed as his hand brushed against hers. Instinct took over as he interlocked his fingers with hers and Ginny looked up in surprise, before relaxing into his hold, smiling happily. She was beautiful, Harry couldn't help but notice again as she swung their hands to and fro like two children.
But, he supposed, it probably wouldn't hurt being a child once in a while.
He'd never been one before — he'd at least never felt like one, even with Ron and Hermione. Like the entire world, they expected things from him, however few they might be. Ginny never expected; she'd always been the one to give without expecting anything in return. Never once, looking at him in pity or with a look that showed she understood everything he was going through.
She didn't, and she knew that and she made sure everyone around her knew it too. She tried to understand though, but if she wasn't able to, she didn't try further. Never pressed for more. Ginny, Harry had seen, was as open as he was withdrawn. What he saw was the truth — at least to him — and she was fiercely proud of that,almost daring anyone to oppose, but nobody ever did. He liked that.
Harry looked at her once again, smiling as he saw her glance at him through the corner of her eye.
"Oi, Harry!" He heard Ron's voice break through his reverie and felt a surge of disappointment as Ginny spotted her brother and let go of his hand. Ron was wearing that hideous woolen hat again, and Harry and Ginny exchanged glances, looking away to hide their grins.
"Heard you got into detention with Filch," Ron wheezed, "and you too." He pointed at Ginny.
Both of them nodded and Ron looked at them suspiciously before asking, "Were you two together all afternoon?"
"Yeah, well —" Harry looked at Ginny.
"We kind of fell in trouble together."
Harry smiled.
"Can't imagine why," Ron replied snarkily. "And you," he said, looking at Ginny, "don't think I haven't let you off the hook for this." He pointed at his hat, slightly grimacing.
"Didn't know I was on a hook," Ginny said cheekily. "I think you've lost your bait."
"Just taking pity on the number of toilets you have to scrub."
"I'll ask you for help if necessary."
Ron shook his head, exasperated. "He didn't do anything, right? Filch?" he asked, moments later.
"Relax, Ron," Ginny smiled, "I can take him any day."
They watched her walk away, a spring in her step, Harry with a smile on his face before Ron turned to him.
"I'm not going to see you with green hair tomorrow, am I?"
"I'm not afraid of your sister, Ron. You're afraid of your sister," Harry said and he grinned.
I think I'm in love with her.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Where Loyalties Lie
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Potter!Reader
Summary: A forbidden romance is betrayed when the very dark wizard who is out to kill you is your lovers master...
@jeyramarie @drewswannabegirl @teamnick @jiaraendgame @agirlwholovescoffee @outerbongs @jaxxandcomet @velyssaraptor @baby-pogue @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @must-be-a-weasley-92 @kaitieskidmore1 @ma10427 @ifilwtmfc @lasnaro @justcallmesams @judayyyw @lonely-kermit @gviosca @iamaunicorn4704 @jellyfishbeansontoast @fernweh-fangirl @runway-to-my-aid @eb15 @hurricane-abigail @tangledinsparkles @amanda-rotigliano @hxfflxpxffs @bannerbubble @hybridfamily @coldlilheart  @fandom-phaser @sunwardsss @http-cherries @bibliophilewednesday @evaporatedrosepetals @thetomatosaucee @tomatosauceagent @redosmo @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @susceptible-but-siriusexual @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless  @obx-direction-sos​ @thefandomplace​
Part 2
Note: The people have spoken and I am excited to start this! I made a blurb about this topic, but I am going to make this part to provide more of the back story.
There will be multiple parts so if you want tagged message me or comment on this post! I tagged everyone in my overall taglists so if you don’t want to be in this fic just let me know!
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How far would you go to save the person you loved? 
When did it become too much?
These were the questions that burned in my brain on a daily basis. My forbidden romance to my brother’s worst enemy looming over as it became harder to hide. I was sure at least Hermione knew, she had caught on to the longing looks between us. She never mentioned it, but she’s a genius so of course she suspected. 
Sixth year had started, and with the rise of Voldemort it became the upmost importance to find out everything we could about him. I was supposed to be helping Harry with becoming closer to Professor Slughorn, but I couldn’t stop the nagging feeling about Draco. Something was different with him, and I was going to find out.
Harry had come into the Great Hall, his face covered in blood. Just before that Draco had entered, so I suspected that got into a bit of a scuffle. After Dumbledores speech, I waited in the hall as everyone else began to pile out. Draco was the last to exit, having known I’d be waiting for him. He reached out to caress my cheek, smiling softly. 
“You messed up my brother’s face pretty bad, why?” I asked, holding on to his suit jacket.
“Payback for my father.” he murmured.
“I was there too, you gonna punch me?” I mumbled, looking down when I couldn’t meet his gaze.
“I wouldn’t ever lay a hand on you, you know that.” he hissed, moving his hand to take a fist full of my hair.
Draco pulled me tightly against him, leaning to join our lips. We hadn’t been able to see each other for the entire summer, the pent up emotions leaking from both of us. He licked my bottom lip, my tongue came out immediately to play with his. Our kiss became deeper, hands leaving to feel every inch of each other. 
Once we pulled away, he stayed close to lean his forehead on mine. I hugged him tightly to me, taking in this precious time we had together. We were both damaged on the inside, so I saw that as as sign that we were meant to be together. 
“We should go before the Prefects come looking for us.” Draco mumbled, but not making any moves to let go.
“I’ll see you this weekend though right?” I inquired hopefully.
“As always darling, good night.” he spoke, kissing my lips gently.
He walked towards his common room, turning to glance at me one more time. I blew him a kiss to which he caught and held to his heart. I too made my way back to the common room, being met with the inquisitive look of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
“Where have you been?” Harry interrogated, folding his arms across his chest.
“I was talking with Luna,” I lied, shrugging my shoulders.
“You’re lying y/n.” he hissed.
“Can we save the interrogation for a later time, I’d like to go to bed.” I snapped.
“You realize we have a job to do, if Dumbledore didn’t entrust us with this it wouldn’t be important!” he scolded.
“You think I don’t know that! Stop acting like you’re the only one affected by all of this Harry! I was there too, I have a scar just as you do!” I bellowed.
“This isn’t helping anything you two! We all just need to go to bed.” Hermione mediated.
I stomped off to my room, throwing my bag under my bed. I did my nightly routine, then huddled into bed. I was still aggravated with my brother, so it made it almost impossible for me to be comfortable. After some time of me shuffling around, I finally made it so I could drift off to sleep.
After a stressful first week of classes, the weekend was finally here. I was excited to finally spend some time with Draco, now just having to make up an excuse to get away from my brother, Ron, and Hermione. I grabbed the invisibility cloak, stuffing it in my bag. The trio came down in the common room where I was currently sitting by the fire.
“Are you not coming to Hogsmeade?” Harry questioned.
“No, I think I’m going to stay in and study for herbology. I have a big paper that I need to get started on.” I lied easily.
“I’m rubbing off on you aren’t I y/n?” Hermione joked.
“I think so, have fun guys!” I grinned, watching until they disappeared.
I waited for a minute before jumping up from my spot, jerking the cloak out of my bag to throw it on. I walked quickly to mine and Darco’s meeting spot, choosing the Room of Requirement. I imagined a room with a fireplace, and a huge comfy king sized bed. 
I waited hours, starting to get extremely angry. How could he just blow me off like that? I was about to leave when Draco entered the room, worry in his eyes. Something was off about his movements, he was jerky and nervous. He relaxed when his eyes fell on me however, but I was still boiling with rage.
“It’s a little late Dray,” I griped, turning away from him.
“I’m sorry darling, I was...I was caught up with something.” he stammered. 
“Caught up with Pansy?” I snapped, folding my arms over my chest.
“Y/n, you know it’s not like that.” he griped, gripping my chin to make me face him.
“You looked pretty cozy in potions the other day.” I challenged.
Draco pulled me in his arms, my arms going around his middle. I pouted up at him, his hands coming to hold my face. He smirked, knowing that I was jealous. I hated that we had to hide our relationship. Until this war was over, we had to cherish each moment we had with each other.
“You know you needn’t worry about my feelings for you, you mean the world to me.” he spoke, leaning down to connect our lips.
I held on to his sides as I kissed him, our tongues immediately coming out to explore the other’s mouth. His hands traveled over my body, I felt a scorching heat despite still having clothes on. I took a step, moving him back towards the bed. He hummed deep in his chest, not pulling away from our kiss. Both of us shoved our shoes off, Draco sitting on the bed as I stood between his legs.
I pulled back from him, my eyes wildly staring into his. I pulled his shirt off, feeling his bare shoulders down to where I could reach. I stopped at his pants, and he stood from the bed. He shucked his pants off, my eyes being met with his very hard manhood. Draco grabbed under my jaw, yanking me so I was flush against him. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, a nod coming from me.
His demeanor changed then, pushing my shoulders so I was on my knees. He gripped my hair in a ponytail, shoving me to his dick. He took his member in his hands, tapping it on my lips. I opened my mouth to take him down my throat, moving until I gagged. He threw his head back, his abs flexing when he moved back to look at me. Draco assisted in moving my head by tugging on my hair, his breathing starting to become more labored. 
I bobbed my head faster, my hands taking place on his thighs. I flicked my tongue over his head, causing him to let out a choked moan. He tried to push me down further, but I dug my nails into his skin. I gagged when he tried to fuck up into my mouth. 
“I know you can take all of me.” he gritted.
I took a deep breath and pushed until my forehead touched his v-line, shaking my head against him. He gasped loudly, his hands coming to hold the back of my head. One of my hands came up to fondle his balls, squeezing them lightly. 
He yanked me off of him, pulling me to my feet. He turned around to shove me roughly on the bed, following as I crawled up the bed. Draco ripped my clothes off, leaving me naked before him. He got right to it, throwing my legs over his shoulders. I whimpered when he took my clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue out. He licked all over my heat, coming back to suck on the nub.
His fingers prodded around my entrance, my body twitching in response. I moaned loudly when he slowly entered his fingers, curling them up into me. He moved faster, pounding his fingers into me. My body tried to raise off the bed, but Draco wrapped his arms around my hips to hold me down. I dug my hands into his blonde hair, tugging harshly on the strands. He moaned on me, making my orgasm hit me out of nowhere.
I yelped, writhing on the bed as he continued his movements. Draco hovered over me, lining up with my entrance. He pushed in slowly, both of us tensing up. I stared into his eyes as we became one, both our panting breaths hitting each other’s skin.
“I love you,” Draco confessed, my heart taking flight.
“I love you Dray, always.” I breathed, bringing his lips to mine. 
He held still for a minute, letting me get used to the feeling of him being inside of me. He moved his hips a little, sending a wave of explicit pleasure through me. I cursed loudly, my legs coming around him. He smirked, doing to movement again. I hissed through my teeth, digging my nails into his back. 
Draco picked up his pace, starting to go a little faster. I dug my head deeper in the pillows, whining loudly at how good I felt. I could already feel my second high nearing, my hips now leaving to meet with his. I choked out a moan when Draco moved one of his hands to rub my clit, staring at where we were connected.
He rubbed me faster, jamming his hips into mine. His other hand squeezing my hip bone hard enough I knew there’d be a bruise, but I didn’t care. He let out little moans, leaning down to leave his mark on my neck. I could feel myself building closer, my muscles starting to tense up. One particular thrust hit that spot inside me that made me lose it, arching my back completely. Draco continued to move until he stilled inside me, his seed splashing in my walls.
Draco collapsed on top of me, rolling over slightly so all his weight wasn’t on me. We held each other for hours, basking in the after glow. I ended up falling asleep to Draco combing his fingers gently through my hair.
It had been weeks since that night which had me on edge. I noticed that Draco had become more distant than ever, skipping meals, class, and he looked so tired.
What was he up to?
Did his parents have him roped into something?
We were in the Great Hall one morning, Harry still reading that stupid potions book he was obsessed with. Hermione caught our attention, calling for us.
“There’s Katie, Katie Bell.” she spoke. 
The both of us shot up from our seat, going towards the girl that was hexed. 
“Katie,” Harry called.
“How are you?” I asked.
“I know what you both are going to ask...but I don’t know who cursed me. I wish I could remember, but I just can’t. I-” she stopped, staring at someone behind us.
We turned to see Draco, looking like he had just seen a ghost. My heart dropped to my stomach, a thought clicked in my head about that night weeks ago. He was late because of Katie, he cursed her. Harry took off, chasing after Draco who had ran out of the Hall. It took me a moment before I followed, running after my brother who was set to no doubt kill or harm my lover.
“Harry! Stop!” I shouted.
He didn’t listen though, bursting into the men’s room. I heard crying, seeing Draco hunched over the sink. I clutched at my chest, my heart feeling like it was going to burst from my chest. 
“It was you. You hexed Katie didn’t you Malfoy?” Harry taunted, my arm shooting out to grab his wrist.
“Harry,” I hissed, but he ended up pushing the both of us down. Draco fired a spell at us that I didn’t see coming. 
The three of us fired spells back and forth, I purposefully missed Draco. Harry yelled out a spell I had never heard before, hearing a thud as Draco hit the floor. My instincts kicked in as I ran to him, blood covering his whole upper body.
“Harry, what did you do?! Oh Merlin! Dray, baby can you hear me?” I cried, pulling him into my lap. 
I started to cry uncontrollably, unsure of how to reverse the damage. Harry stared at me as realization came to his features, Before he could say anything, Professor Snape came through the entry way. He came to the other side of me, Harry running out of the room. 
“Help him Professor, please.” I blubbered, sobs wracking though my body.
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just2bubbly · 3 years
Perfect Now
TLC Ship Week 2021!
*written for tlcshipweek2021- kaider for prompt 'Song Day AU'
He keeps the crown on her head making sure to not disturb her intricate yet beautiful braid.
"Now you, My Queen are perfectly ready!"
Last minute panicked thoughts can make a person desperate for escape, a mildly insecure Cinder looks for comfort in her boyfriend- one who is having a trip down his memory lane.
Ship: Kaider
Words: 2k
Genre: Hurt- Comfort, Trip down a memory lane
Prompt: 'Song Day AU'
Song: Perfect Now by Louis Tomlinson
*Post Winter
A/N: Some mild changes are made in the song lyrics to meet the Cinder's characters.
Bold Letters are Song Lyrics
Italics are memories
Plain words are present
Kai's Perspective:
You say to me your jeans don't fit You don't feel pretty and it's hard to miss
"Kai, I don't think this is a good idea- like I feel we should just stay inside..."
"Cinder, you do seem to realize that you are the one hosting the party?" he asked only to receive a nod for confirmation as she examined herself in the mirror.
"I don't think you can ditch your own party, one which has so many international leaders in it at least."
"Can't you just go and tell them I'm sick or something like that?" she lamented.
Now, this took him by surprise, Cinder had put hours and minutes to make the State Dinner cum Lunar Ball a success and seeing how she wanted to last-minute ditch it was strange.
"Hey, everything okay?" he questioned, standing behind her.
"Yeah," she said, offering him a short smile, "Just stressed out to back out last minute."
I wish that you could see my point of view As someone staring back at you
Nudging his head in the crook of her neck, he placed his lips at the base of the collar bone, "Don't worry, you would do good!"
"Easy for you to say- I'm panicking on the inside! This is my first time trying to act like royalty. I'm even wearing a pretty dress hosting a big parade of leaders like the Queen of Luna. I just don't want anyone to think I'm the incompetent Queen who has no idea of what ruling a country is- I really don't want to come out as a fool to anyone," she rambled.
"Cinder, look at me," he asked and stared into her eyes, "You will do fantastic and not come out as an ignorant ruler to anyone. I will be there to help you through it remember?"
"I don't think asking you how to use the cutlery at the dinner table is the best thing to do to make an impression," she sassed him.
"Now that depends on the person sitting near you- you won't want Queen Camilla seeing you be unroyal enough to not know how to hold your spoon now would you?" he retorted.
"Well, I'm worried about that too," she admitted, clearly going back to the same topic from which Kai was trying to drive her away.
Sighing he asked, "Is this because of what happened the day before yesterday?"
Reluctantly she nodded her head, her reflection seen in the mirror before them.
"C'mon no one cares even in the slightest if you hugged me before all the masses of people and journalists, I have heard we are quite trending in today's news-"
"Kai, you are not helping!"
"Maybe you could go for a kiss next time," he suggested.
"Ha, as if I would, after what happened?!" she exclaimed.
"Who cares about what Camilla and Andrea think anyways?"
Cinder had made a nice fuss in her own mind trying to regret her decision of bear-hugging Kai before everyone, which on his part he was delighted about. And maybe Queen Camilla and Prime Minister Andrea had been a bit too loud about speaking of Cinder's rash actions.
"Hmm.. yeah. Obviously, I do," she said, clearly not paying attention to her words.
"Did you sleep yesterday?" he asked.
"A little bit," she hesitantly admitted.
"How long?" he demanded.
"A few hours maybe-" he shot her a glare which did its work as she answered,"- two hours."
"Stars above, if not for this ball. I would have put you to bed."
"What's the hurry, Kai?" she asked, making the tips of his ears flush light pink.
"Okay- okay. I think you are fine now that you want to flirt with me!" he affirmed.
She smirked and moved around to face him, setting her hands on his shoulders and laughed, "Scared of me, are you, Emperor?"
He pulled her closer, holding her in a warm embrace and whispered, "Aren't you wickedly evil, Your Majesty?"
He leaned in closer, capturing her lips with his own, tasting the red lipstick she had put. Before they could initiate anything more intimate, there was a knock on the door followed by Iko's voice, "You two should really come out before someone makes the right assumptions about what you are doing in there!"
Now this made both of them flush with embarrassment as they gave flustered looks towards the door anticipating the arrival of Iko inside. She never came saving them both from a lot of discomforts.
"Well, I think we should get going?" he questioned.
"Yeah, I think I need a moment," she replied.
"Then I would-"
She cut off his words, asking," Would you please stay here?"
"Uh- Sure, Cinder," he replied.
"Thank You, Kai." She said looking relieved.
He decided to sit on the armchair till she picked herself up to look like a regal Queen. With silence for his only companion, his mind wandered around, thinking about the person standing a few feet away from him.
One Friday night when we're all out I turn to you and you're looking down And you don't wanna dance I know you love to dance You never stop given half the chance
"He looked at her only to find her avoiding his gaze. Staying back he asked, "Hey, what happened?"
"Uh- nothing!" she lied terribly.
"Cinder are you going to really make me believe that?"
"I don't know but just buy that lie," she pleaded.
"You don't want to get your hands dirty?"
"I don't feel like myself right now."
Surprised he incredulously asked, "You, a mechanic doesn't want to go under a podship and get your hands dirty?"
"No," she muttered.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"You just seem stranger than usual self."
"Trust me, Kai, I don't want to become dirty before my first diplomat meeting as the Queen while another mechanic is already present there," she insisted.
"Fine then.""
Just keep your head up, love, keep your head up Don't hide away, don't ever change
"Kai, do you think I should get a Garan's device too?"
"Well, I don't think you need to have that device. Like irrespective of what people tell you and what you try to convince yourself- you are a Lunar. The Lunar gift is surely fabulous- like don't get me wrong but you can feel someone's bio-electricity, it's sorta a blessing in disguise unless you decide to use it for the wrong purposes- I know you won't do that. Practically, I think it might help in Earth-Lunar political relations if you have the device but it does not really make much of a difference. Winter has it yet stupid leaders think she is manipulating them with her beauty. I think you should not install it- the gift is a part of you. Being Lunar- It is what you are! Don't change it because some angry citizen calls you a Lunar witch. You are what you are and I love you for that!"
"Kai if I would have been there I would have kissed you senseless!"
"Good, I don't deserve anything less after making such a sentimental speech," he said, smirking.
Keep your head up love, keep your head up Don't look away, don't look away 'Cause everybody's looking at you now My, oh, my
That time when she had addressed the issues on cyborgs and Lunar- discrimination on Earth. Her eyes were ablaze with passion as she happens to look determined to make a difference. To change the wrong-doings around her, to change the age-old prejudices in the society- to change the future of both her nation and her kind.
"-I believe that together we can make a difference. I hope the sufferings of people in the society decline and look forward to the situations changing for cyborgs, Lunars and Earthens. I look forward to a world where we can live together harmoniously. I consider that no one is liable for the nature of misery and treatment that my kind has suffered in the past. I trust we can change the world for every one of us- for the better of my kind."
Even when your tears are falling down Still somehow You're perfect now
""I'm so relieved that I can't cry right now."
"Cinder, I told you it would have been fine and I'm sorry... Besides I care- "
"Kai, they happen to call me names. I did not want to look like a sick crybaby before them who cried just because I was called an 'ugly Lunar slash Cyborg','" she fumed.
Seeing how she needed comfort more than ever, he hugged her, drawing circles on her back- trying to loosen the tension in her shoulders.
"Cinder, even if you were ugly crying right now, you would have been the most beautiful person in the world," he reassured, meaning them.
"You are perfect just the way you are!""
You never do but if you asked me to I'd tell the truth lying next to you 'Cause you're the only one When it's said and done You make me feel like being someone good to you
He wondered if he should tell her how beautiful she was. She was the perfect mixture of strength, compassion and determination. She never fetched compliments, never asked Kai how she looked, if she was pretty. That did not stop Kai from showering her with affections that she had been lost on in her early years.
Even at your worst You steal the scene and it's unrehearsed
"Queen Selene Channary Jannali Blackburn was sighted in the outer sector TC-6 helping a young man of 20 named, Mr. Stiton. He tells that he was facing difficulties when Her Majesty encountered him during her tour to sector LM-14. He states that she helped him fix one of the technical difficulties faced while flying a podship. Her Majesty previously had worked as a mechanic in the city of New Beijing. Sources tell she was the best in town."
Kai wondered who these so-called sources were. Somehow Cinder managed to excel at unexpected works- even when she was not trying, she had everyone's attention.
'Every insecurity as a neon sign as bright as day'
"Kai, I really think I should cover my hand! Just pass me the glo-"
"No! You are not wearing the gloves to cover your hand," he denied, making sure to keep the said pair of gloves away from his girlfriend.
"It's so different, not to mention with the hand being gloveless I feel naked, can't you please give me that glove, please," she begged, with a pout.
"Cinder, I said 'No'. There's no way I'm going to let you wear that. Stars- and Iko wanted you to flaunt your leg!" he exclaimed, dragging his girlfriend out.
How could a person as bold and determined and beautiful as Cinder, ever feel insecure?
If you knew what you were to me You would never try to hide away
Cinder, through her own eyes, was an unworthy soul but if she only knew what she meant to Kai- more than just a lover. Within just a year, she was his everything. She was the one- being with her made him whole, made him feel blissful and lively, like all of sudden his life had found its meaning. She was like the water in a desert, the fire in the cold, the chill in the heat. He would convey the depth of his feelings someday- not today. This was a conversation for another day.
I guess some queens don't need a crown And I know why
She looked too good, even powerful without the Lunar crown and Kai finally understood the meaning of, 'Some Queens don't need crowns.'
Still somehow You're perfect now
He keeps the crown on her head making sure to not disturb her intricate yet beautiful braid.
"Now you, My Queen are perfectly ready!"
A/N: Hurt-Comfort Trope or was that too much insecurity!? This I think is the last of my 'insecure' fics.
It was written for 'Song Day AU' using the song 'Perfect Now' by Louis Tomlinson (If you have not listened it by now you better do it right away!)  Just Emperor Kai love in his girlfriend Queen Selene- not going to miss a chance to call her perfect now, is he?
I have short-listed too many songs for this prompt and I'm likely going to try to write for all of them.
Be sure to comment and vote.
I do take requests so if you want you can hit me up (I write for Kaider only.)
Taglist: @cinderswrench @gingerale2017 @linhcinder686 @shellyseashell @ladyvesuvia @shelbylmkaider @levanariddle @cindersassasin @kaider-is-my-otp (Tell me if you wanna be added/removed)
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luminescencefics · 4 years
you feel like home - part eight
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It seems that Harry feels the same, because she can hear him replying, “Of course I didn’t forget your birthday! How about you turn the telly on and wait for me, yeah? I’ll cook you my famous eggy bread and we’ll kick off your big day properly.”
Ryan hears Jackson squeal excitedly and she almost wishes she wasn’t buried underneath Harry’s duvet so that she could see his gleaming grin. And just before she can hear the door shut, Jackson asks, “Can we still invite Ryan and Luna to my party?”
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*** In Which Five is a Big Number
“Oh my god, Ryan.”
Ryan’s almost positive there’s no better sound than Harry groaning her name. It’s somehow scratchy yet completely audible, and Ryan can hear the little breathy sounds in between each syllable. It’s a juxtaposition of breathlessness and clear-cut clarity, and when her name falls off his lips like a secret, she feels special that it’s only for her ears to hear.
The tip of her nose tickles the thin patch of hair at the bottom of his naval, and when she feels him hit the back of her throat and tears start to spring from her eyes, he lets out another guttural “Christ, Ryan,” and she knows he’s very close to falling apart.
They’ve spent the past two months getting acquainted with each other’s bodies. After Harry finally kissed Ryan in her living room, he carried her over to the couch and they snogged like teenagers—all bitten lips and roaming tongues, knocking teeth and wandering hands. When Ryan started rutting against his thigh and the tightness in Harry’s pants became unbearable, they separated and decided to take things slow.
But that was two months ago. Now, if things went any slower, they’d be stagnant.
Those first three weeks they kissed so much that Ryan’s jaw ached and Harry’s lips were permanently raw. He wanted to take things slow because he assumed Ryan would grow overwhelmed with each next step they took. But one night after Ryan came over for dinner and pretended to say goodnight to Jackson, she waited in the hallway until Harry was certain Jackson was down for the night, and when his front door ripped open and his hands grasped her arms, he dragged her onto his couch and kissed her like he did every other night before that. 
But Ryan was growing restless, and while she thought it was admirable the way Harry wanted to be patient with her, she was practically losing her mind with the way his hands stayed planted on her ass and never went anywhere else, the way his lips kissed every inch of her skin above the neckline of her shirt, the way she would be begging for more and Harry wouldn’t oblige. 
Even though Ryan could barely look at Harry those first two months they were tiptoeing around each other, she knew that right now—with his mouth licking at the underside of her jaw and his hands squeezing the thick fleshy parts of her ass—she was going to fucking lose it if he didn’t do anything more.
Because they’ve finally figured it out. The unanswered questions that were plaguing them in the beginning have slowly been answered with every moment she spends with him. The lingering gazes and unknown feelings finally meant something to both of them. But now—now that she’s had a taste and gotten a glimpse of what Harry could do to her, she’s practically gone crazy thinking about it all. 
Ryan’s never been more sure of one thing in her entire life. And it’s that if she and Harry go any slower, she’ll burst.
So in a blind moment of bravery, Ryan reached down between the pair of them and palmed the growing bulge in his trousers. His mouth ripped from her skin and his head fell back against the armrest of his leather couch, a deep moan working its way through his throat. And when it finally exploded from his parted cherry lips, Ryan could feel herself freefalling, losing sight of everything in front of her and crashing aimlessly below.
“Shit, Ryan.” His voice was strained and Ryan loved every second of it, and before she could have a conscious thought of what she was actually doing, her hands undid the black button with ease and her tiny fingers worked their way through his zipper, and suddenly she was reaching into his briefs and feeling him completely. 
That was the first time she ever heard Harry groan like that, and Ryan’s almost positive she’s been addicted to the sound ever since.
That first night on Harry’s brown leather couch started a series of sneaking in and out of each other’s flats during all hours of the day just to get a piece of the other. Harry would slip out of his own when Jackson was down for his afternoon kip, opening Ryan’s front door and tasting her until he heard his mobile buzz with the sounds of Jackson’s stirrings. He’d sneak out just as quickly as he came, leaving her with a mouth-tingling kiss and the overwhelming urge of wanting more more more. 
Ryan would come over for dinner almost every other night, keeping the hidden touches and stolen kisses between the two of them without Jackson truly understanding what was happening. And when it was time for Jackson to go to bed, she’d say her goodbyes and wait for Harry in the hallway until his grabby hands were on her own, dragging her back inside. They’d fool around in Harry’s bedroom quietly, swallowing each other’s giggles and grinning whenever stars exploded behind their eyelids. 
Harry knew that if he dragged his teeth around Ryan’s earlobe she’d practically become a writhing mess below him. Ryan knew that if she wrapped a dainty hand around the column of Harry’s neck and licked at the piece of skin where his collarbone met his shoulder, his eyes would roll in the back of his head. Harry knew that Ryan was shy whenever he’d start kissing at the skin just underneath her belly button, simultaneously making sure that his green eyes never left her brown ones—because direct eye contact while he was lapping at the most sensitive parts of her body made her want to look at the ceiling or close her eyes tightly. But when they would switch positions and Ryan was the one in between Harry’s legs, she knew that sneaking a glance up at him while her mouth was around him was the exact thing that would bring him over the edge.
And she loved every second of it. She loved being the person bringing somebody like Harry to his end, watching the way his cheeks flushed a deep red color and his mouth opened widely, the way his chest would constrict and his hands would grip the closest thing to him—which most of the time was Ryan’s hips that she happily allowed him to bruise—the way his eyes would shut at the actual last moment, making sure to remember the way everything looked around him before his vision blurred with desire and his body vibrated, completely spent. And when it was all over and he would breathe deeply, a quiet hum resonated through his body that made Ryan’s heart flutter and her body wrap around his own like two magnets with opposite polarities. 
Harry loved how confident Ryan grew around him in these moments. While her cheeks still tinged pink whenever he would compliment her as she removed a layer of clothing, she knew exactly what she wanted and felt comfortable enough to tell him. She would tell him that she liked when he gripped her hair, she would tell him that she liked when he ran his tongue down the front of her body, she would tell him that when he gripped her too hard at times that she didn’t really mind it—in fact, she enjoyed it, she wanted it. And with each time they explored a new part of one another, she would grow much more at ease, until she was the one encouraging him to try new things.
And he was fucking addicted. 
Ryan tried not to make a habit out of staying over, because explaining to Jackson what was going on while she was trying to sneak out of Harry’s bedroom wearing one of his obnoxious graphic tees was completely mind-boggling to her. She didn’t want to make Jackson feel uncomfortable—and while Harry and Ryan both knew that they had to eventually tell Jackson about their relationship, sneaking around and keeping things just between the two of them has made everything that much easier. Because everything felt new and different, and bursting that bubble just as they were exploring one another seemed a bit disheartening.
Which is why when Ryan feels Harry’s hands gripping the base of her neck while he tries his hardest to subdue another groan, she’s immediately brought back to the present. The present— which consists of her sucking Harry off under the covers of his charcoal-colored duvet in the early hours of the morning, wearing nothing except one of his bright jumpers with vibrant lettering and images of kittens littering the front.
And just before he grips her hair harder and is practically careening towards his end, she’s surprised when she can hear the excited pitter-patter of bare feet slapping against hardwood over Harry’s strangled moans.
Before she can even scold herself for accidentally spending another night in Harry’s sheets, his gold bedroom doorknob begins to wiggle. All at once, Ryan tears her mouth away from Harry’s twitching length, muttering a frantic “shit!” from her position underneath the duvet cover. The door springs open before she can even contemplate hiding inside the attached en-suite, and suddenly Ryan finds herself in a position that’s possibly more humiliating than getting rug burn in front of her attractive neighbor almost four months ago—face squished against Harry’s bare stomach, chest flat against his thighs, and legs stretched out around his own, completely buried underneath the duvet.
Harry sits up gently, making sure Ryan’s body is flat against his own and hidden underneath the darkness of his room. “Hey—hi! Bubs, uh, what’s up?” His voice comes out extremely high pitched, and Ryan can’t tell if it’s from the fact that they were nearly caught in a compromising position by his four-year-old son, or from the fact that he was seconds away from an orgasm that never came.
“Daddy! It’s my birthday! Why are you still in bed? We have to celebrate me!”
Scratch that. Five-year-old son.
Without thinking, Ryan pinches the extra skin around Harry’s waist, causing him to jolt upwards in shock. Her brain instantly starts whirring, working in overdrive to try and remember if Harry had mentioned his son’s fifth birthday to her at all during these past few weeks. And when she can’t think of anything, Ryan feels herself frowning against the rigid muscles of Harry’s abdominals, immediately feeling bad about overlooking this important occasion.
It seems that Harry feels the same, because she can hear him replying, “Of course I didn’t forget your birthday! How about you turn the telly on and wait for me, yeah? I’ll cook you my famous eggy bread and we’ll kick off your celebration properly.”
Ryan hears Jackson squeal excitedly and she almost wishes she wasn’t buried underneath Harry’s duvet so that she could see his gleaming grin. And just before she can hear the door shut, Jackson asks, “Can we still invite Ryan and Luna to my party?”
Ryan bites her lower lip to try and hide the smile stretching across her face. She wishes that Jackson already knew about their relationship, because if he did, she’d rip the duvet off of the bed and scoop him up in the biggest hug she could muster, tickling his sides until his arms were wrapped around her neck and she could carry him into the kitchen, waiting patiently for Harry to cook them both his famous eggy bread. 
But unfortunately, she’s supposed to be hidden, and that looming thought turns her concealed smile into a heavy frown. Somehow Harry can sense it, and before their cover gets blown, he tells Jackson, “Of course they can come. Why don’t you grab the invitation we started yesterday and finish decorating it. We can drop it off after brekkie, sound good, Bubs?”
Jackson must have nodded appreciatively, because suddenly Harry’s bedroom door clicks shut and the charcoal-colored duvet is thrown to the bottom of his mattress. Ryan looks up at him with wide eyes, her lower lip bitten and her eyes tinged with sadness.
“We’re dickheads, huh?” Ryan offers, clambering off the bed and trying to locate her joggers on his carpeted flooring. 
Harry watches her, tucking his erection uncomfortably into his tight briefs and selfishly wishing his son had better timing.
“Don’t say that. Just got carried away, is all,” Harry offers lamely, running an exasperated hand through his messy hair when he notices Ryan practically fully dressed in front of him.
“We need to tell him, Harry. He’s got to know something, considering I’ve been going to the park with you guys and joining you for dinner almost every other evening.” Ryan keeps her voice down as she exchanges Harry’s obnoxious jumper for her cardigan and vest combination she showed up here in the night before.
Harry nods, offering, “We’ll tell him. Tonight, I promise. Can you just—just come here, please?” He’s growing dizzy watching her run around his bedroom grabbing her discarded items, and all he wants is to have her close to him so that they can potentially finish what they started moments ago. 
Ryan can tell from the look in his eyes that he’s desperate for her touch. And when she rejoins him on the bed, straddling his thin waist and wrapping her arms around his neck in a quick cuddle, her chest completely flat against his own, she wishes now more than ever that they could wake up every morning just like this.
She lifts her head from the crook of his neck and plants a quick kiss to his temple, before untangling herself from his body and slipping her trainers on her feet. “You’ve got a birthday boy to entertain,” Ryan mutters with a wink.
Harry rolls his eyes from his position on the bed, moaning in frustration when the sudden shift of his body makes his length twitch unforgivably. “How am I supposed to cook with a full stiffy? I’m in pain here, babe.”
Ryan just snickers before throwing Harry the shorts and hoodie he wore last night. “Have a quick wank in the shower, you’ll be sorted in no time.”
“You’re cruel,” Harry complains, slipping the clothes on and adjusting his shorts so that his erection wasn’t so painfully obvious.
“I’ll see you later, okay? We’ll finish this properly,” Ryan offers, snaking her arms around his waist when she notices the smirk threaten to break across his face. His strong arms wrap around her middle, and Harry brings his hand up to wrap his long pointer finger around a stray piece of Ryan’s hair that fell in front of her line of vision. 
“Properly, yeah?” He teases, bringing her closer so that the tips of their noses are brushing against one another. 
Ryan nods with a pretty smirk covering her lips. “Maybe daddy will get a present, too.” Harry drops his forehead against hers, puffing out a frustrated breath that fans against her cheeks. 
“You’re killing me, baby,” he whispers against her mouth, before pressing his lips against hers with a forceful kiss. Ryan’s arms tighten around his body, and when she feels his tongue prod against her lower lip, she backs away, knowing they need to reign it in before they get too lost in one another.
“Later, I promise,” Ryan says, hinting at the one barrier that they haven’t crossed yet, praying that Harry understands what she’s implying.
And when his eyes light up wickedly and he gives her one last toe-curling kiss, she’s almost certain that he knows exactly what she’s talking about. 
He opens his bedroom door and heads out into the hallway first, making sure Jackson isn’t lingering in the bathroom or kitchen as they pass. When they encroach upon his position in the living room—telly blasting Paw Patrol as he lays on the rug with his tummy on the shag carpeting, flannel-clad feet bent behind him as his chin rests against his opened palms comfortably—Ryan gives Harry’s waist one last squeeze before she slips out of the entranceway and into the hallway undetected. 
When Ryan enters her own flat and greets Luna with a sleepy smile, she immediately heads to her bathroom and turns the shower on. As she’s undressing, Ryan peeks at her reflection in the mirror and almost doesn’t recognize the woman looking back at her.
This version has messy hair tangled at the back of her neck from greedy hands knotting themselves through the tendrils. This version has flushed cheeks—but not in the way she’s grown accustomed to. No, this version’s cheeks are flushed because she’s excited, she’s thrilled, she’s exerted her sexual prowess on a deserving man and she’s in awe of the way she can make him practically fall to his knees in front of her, begging for more more more.
This version has love bites littering the swells of her breast. And if she squints hard enough, she can make out the dents carved by fingertips across her hips and along her sides, permanent reminders of the way someone else could want her. Could need her.
And when she looks at this version’s face and takes in her swollen lips from overuse, the bags under her eyes from choosing to stay awake and fool around with her boyfriend instead of choosing to sleep, the smile that seems to constantly grace her lips whenever she leaves Harry’s presence—Ryan finds that she doesn’t want to look away. 
She wants to stare at it. She wants to remember it. She wants it to consume her.
Comfortableness is a look Ryan never thought would suit her, and with each day she lets her walls fall down, she falls more in love with the person she’s becoming. Someone who is confident, someone who no longer lets her social anxiety rule her life, someone who is finally happy with where she is at.
Because falling in love and feeling free somehow coincide with one another. And as Ryan lets the hot water seep into her skin, she knows now that this is where she’s meant to be. 
“Fiona, for the hundredth time, I’m not describing Harry’s dick to you over the phone,” Ryan harrumphs through her mobile, reaching for the emerald green wrapping paper and unrolling a significant portion to begin wrapping Jackson’s birthday present.
“That’s not fair, Ry! I’ve gone into exquisite detail about Roger’s!” Fiona exclaims back, pouting dramatically from her position leaned up on the coffee table of Ryan’s mobile.
Ryan rolls her eyes before reaching for the scissors. “Once again, that information was unsolicited.”
“Ugh!” Ryan giggles from her position on the floor of her living room, folding up the edges and covering her gift with the wrapping paper. “I can’t wait until this lockdown is over so I can come by and slap you upside the head.”
“Since when have you become so violent?” Ryan asks, securing the wrapping paper with scotch tape.
“Since my best mate won’t tell me about her apparent dazzling sex life!” 
Ryan puts the wrapped gift to the side and rests both elbows on the coffee table with her back to the juniper couch. Her arms cross at the middle so she can rest her chin on her wrists, giving Fiona her full attention.
“Well, we haven’t really—um, you know,” Ryan begins, her voice nearly a whisper as her cheeks flame in embarrassment. 
“Haven’t really what, Ry?” Fiona presses, always the over-eager one.
Ryan gulps. “Done that.”
Fiona pauses for a moment, observing Ryan through the FaceTime call as she patiently tries to read her friend’s emotions. “You haven’t shagged him yet?” It’s not asked in an accusatory tone, or even a shocked one at that—just complete and utter curiosity. 
Ryan knows Fiona’s testing the waters to see how she feels about it all, and she’s a bit grateful to her friend for not being so glaringly obvious. “Uh, yeah. Haven’t really gotten there yet.”
“Well, do you want to?” Fiona asks.
Ryan looks at her with a dumbfounded expression. “Of course I do, Fee. He’s my bloody boyfriend!” 
“So what’s the problem here, Ry?” Her prodding is nothing but gentle and calculated.
“There’s no problem. It’s just—” Ryan takes a deep breath and sits up straight. “It’s just that I don’t want to muck this up, Fiona. He’s great and he’s kind and he’s so patient with me, it’s incredible. I’ve never had that before. And I love that he’s taking his time—that we’re taking our time. But I just want to be at that next step with him. I want to be able to spend the night without having to sneak out the next morning. I want to feel so comfortable around him that having sex is just easy, and natural, and just—I don’t know if I’m making sense.”
Fiona blinks a few times with a gentle smile on her face, and suddenly Ryan is nervous about her response.
“I’m proud of you, Ryan.” It’s simple, somehow profound in a way, and Ryan just cocks her head to the side in confusion. “Stop looking at me like that, you twit!”
A smile breaks out across Ryan’s face, a laugh ripping through her throat. “You’re just so happy, Ry, and I think a lot of that has come from Harry. Because not only did you find someone who wants to be with you, but you found someone who wants you to be yourself.” Fiona pauses, leaning a bit closer to her screen. “And I think you just need to tell Jackson the truth. It’s not like he’s going to be upset—from what I’ve heard, that boy is already in love with you.”
Before Ryan can reply, she hears the sound of paper scraping against hardwood flooring from the entranceway of her flat, followed by a familiar high-pitched giggle echoing through the hallway. 
She waits a moment before grabbing her mobile and heading towards her front door, bending at the knees when she scoops up the hand-drawn folded invitation on the floor. 
“Should I be concerned?” Fiona asks surreptitiously.
Ryan smiles and shakes her head. “No, no. Luna and I have been formally invited to a very important five-year-old’s birthday party next door.”
She holds up the paper, smiling when she notices the capitalized scrawl at the top of the page, clearly done by somebody who can spell Quarantine Birthday Party without hiccups. Surrounding the handwriting are various images drawn by a five-year-old: a picture of Luna sleeping on Harry’s brown leather couch, two Nerf blasters along the bottom, a pizza with orange squiggles that Ryan can only assume to be bell peppers in the top right corner, and finally Harry Potter along the top. 
Ryan turns on her heel, heading into her kitchen and hanging the invitation up on her refrigerator with a magnet. 
“I’ve got to go, Fee,” Ryan says, slipping her Reebok’s on and gathering Jackson’s presents. 
“Alright, alright. But seriously, everything’s going to be alright, you hear me?” Fiona’s yellow-painted pointer finger is extended to the camera, and Ryan smiles at the sight of her mate trying to be stern.
“Yes, Fee. I know. I’m going to be okay.” Ryan responds, meaning every word. 
Fiona nods and drops her finger, before adding, “And when you finally do shag, I would love a full synopsis on how Harry—”
Ryan hangs up before the blush could coat her cheeks.
Scooping Luna up in one arm and balancing her two gifts in the other, Ryan makes sure the lights are off before slipping out into the hallway and knocking thrice on 4G’s heavy oak door.
Not even a minute goes by before the door is being ripped open, revealing a sight that still manages to bring a smile to Ryan’s face.
It’s Harry—dressed down in a casual pair of brown corduroy trousers paired with a yellow Swim Deep graphic tee that Ryan can’t wait to wear to bed later on in the evening. His hair is held back by a clip, somewhat familiar to the way he wore it the first time they met in the ghastly hallway. And when her eyes finally land on him and he’s grinning like a fool, Ryan can’t help but mirror it, wondering if they’ll always feel like this whenever they see each other.
“Hi,” he says softly, reaching out and grabbing the two wrapped gifts from her hands.
“Hi,” Ryan responds, hoisting Luna further up in her arm so that she’s resting against her chest.
“You look pretty,” Harry says, and when he reaches down to plant his lips on hers, he’s halted in his movements when Jackson appears, practically bubbling with excitement.
“Ryan! Luna! Hi! I’m five!” His chocolate brown curls are in small cloisters framing his face, making his almond-shaped sage eyes twinkle in the light. He’s wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt that Ryan can only assume was gifted to him by his father, and when he skirts by Harry’s leg and stands right before Ryan, she can only grin right back.
“I heard! Happy birthday, champ. How do you feel?” Ryan asks, squatting down on her toes so that she’s eye level with Jackson.
She watches as he contemplates his answer, rubbing a small hand against the fur on Luna’s head. “I feel the same but bigger. I’m happy now that you guys are here, too. Do you think I could show Luna the toys daddy and Auntie Gemma got me? I’ll be quick.”
Ryan nods, handing Luna over to Jackson and watching as he holds her gently and carries her through the living room and down the hallway into his bedroom, chatting with her softly along the way.
When she stands up, Harry’s mouth is on hers greedily, pulling kisses from her lips and wrapping his arms securely around her body as if he was scared she was going to disappear. 
“Mmm, missed you,” he mumbles once they’ve parted. 
“You just saw me a few hours ago, crazy boy,” Ryan responds, tickling her fingers through the curls resting against the nape of his neck.
With one last kiss, he drops his arms. “Miss you whenever you’re not here.”
Ryan smiles shyly, taking a half-step back before Jackson can catch them. “I want to tell him today, Harry. Think he’ll be okay with it?”
Harry looks at Ryan with wide eyes, wondering how she could even fathom Jackson disliking that she was going to be a part of their lives. “Of course he’ll be fine with it. In what world wouldn’t he be?”
Ryan sighs. “I know.”
With one last look, Harry wraps his arm around Ryan’s shoulders and brings her body against his side, cuddling her closely until the tip of her nose was bushing against the veins pulsing in his neck. “I’m gonna miss having you all to myself, though.”
Ryan giggles loudly, hugging Harry closer to her body. “You’ll learn to be a good sharer.”
He pouts dramatically before dragging her into the kitchen, her body still tucked into his side. When she enters the threshold she notices the island countertop is covered with flour—three evenly spherical doughs spread out over top, with ceramic bowls filled with toppings littering the outskirts. 
Ryan leaves his side and looks at him with a quizzical look. “Pizzas on a non-Friday?”
Harry grins. “The birthday boy demanded it! How am I supposed to say no?”
Ryan just smiles before heading over to the sink and washing her hands. When she turns around after drying them on a tea towel, she notices a matching set of white feeding bowls on the tiled flooring to the right of the sink counter. And when she squints, she can make out LUNA etched in black writing along the front. 
“Is this…?”
Before she can get a conscious sentence out, Harry rounds the island countertop and meets her in the middle of the kitchen. When he notices the look on her face is a mixture of complete shock and adoration, he shrugs shyly at her and rubs his sweaty palm against the back of his neck.
“Yeah. Figured if you were going to start spending the night here, Luna could come too so you wouldn’t have to worry about feeding her.”
It’s amazing how a simple notion of purchasing cat feeding bowls for your girlfriend’s kitten can somehow make Ryan’s heart beat wildly against her chest. But it does—and she’s left looking at Harry fondly, wondering if the wicked thumping of her heart and her shortness of breath and the deep look in her eyes can equate to something like love.
“You didn’t have to,” she offers lamely.
Harry scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I wanted to.”
The sudden sound of a phone ringing from the living room interrupts Harry and Ryan, and when he cranes his neck and notices the noise coming from the iPad strewn across the brown leather couch, he steps back from Ryan and starts following the ringing.
“It’s probably Rachel calling from New York. Wants to wish Jackson a happy birthday,” Harry explains as he grabs the device and answers the call with a simple greeting.
Ryan backs away and heads down the hallway into Jackson’s room, knocking on the opened door and crossing her arms against her chest when she notices him and Luna sprawled out on his rug as he attempts to build his brand new Lego set.
“Hey, champ. Your mum’s on the phone,” Ryan says from her position leaned against the doorframe. 
“Really? All the way from New York?” Jackson asks, standing up quickly and grabbing Luna so she’s securely nestled under his armpit.
Ryan nods. “Yeah, go say hi, okay? She wants to wish you a happy birthday.”
“Okay, Ryan,” Jackson obliges, hobbling past her figure and heading into the living room to grab the iPad from Harry. Making sure not to eavesdrop, Ryan returns back to the kitchen where Harry is spreading red sauce on all three pizza doughs. 
She watches him, taking in the way his arms strain against the thin material of his shirt deliciously. When he bites his lower lip as he makes a spiral with the tomato sauce, making sure each pizza dough has the same amount, ensuring he left space for the crust to lift at the edges, Ryan tries her hardest to keep her giggles at bay. She finds it incredibly adorable that Harry is such a perfectionist, even without an audience to watch him.
When he lifts his head up after feeling her hot gaze on him, he smiles at her bashfully before cocking his head to the side, gesticulating that he wants her near him. “C’mere and pick your toppings,” he says slowly, dropping a kiss to the crown of her head when she’s settled against his side. 
They work together in comfortable silence, working around each other in grabbing handfuls of cheese, chopped up pieces of vegetables, scattered slices of pepperoni. When Ryan grabs the bowl of pepperoni slices from Harry’s hand, he chuckles to himself before opening his mouth wide, waiting for her to feed him. She giggles at his immaturity, but eventually obliges, popping a slice into his mouth and letting the tips of her fingers graze his lips until he’s left shivering in his place.
Once their pizzas are finished, Harry starts spreading cheese on Jackson’s, before asking Ryan offhandedly, “Do you mind asking him what else he wants on his pizza? I want to pop these into the oven.”
Ryan nods, trying her hardest not to be difficult. But when she cleans off her hands and pops her head into the living room, she’s suddenly flushed with nerves. She feels bad interrupting Jackson’s conversation with his mum, especially on his birthday when she’s practically an entire world away. 
When there’s an appropriate lull in the conversation, Ryan clears her throat and calls out, “Hey, champ? Daddy wants to know what toppings you want for your pizza.”
She watches Jackson’s neck snap in her direction, an excited smile plastering his face. “Ok! Tell him I’ll pick them myself! Here, Ryan,” and with that he jumps off the couch, thrusting the iPad into Ryan’s hands without ending the call or saying goodbye to Rachel on the other end.
“Jackson, wait! Say goodbye to your mum!” After waiting a few seconds and hearing nothing but silence, Ryan sighs to herself before looking down at Rachel’s patient gaze on the screen. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for him to run off like that.”
When Ryan looks at the screen, she’s a bit astonished when she sees Rachel’s mouth begin to form a laugh. It’s the same expression as the photograph of her in Jackson’s room—full lips parted, mouth hanging open slightly, tongue resting against her bottom layer of teeth. She looks pretty with her straight hair clipped against her shoulders, and when Ryan takes in her bare face and fluffy white robe, she suddenly doesn’t feel as nervous around Rachel as she was in the past.
Because for once, she seems like a normal girl. And when her smile doesn’t break and she’s looking at Ryan without dark eyes filled with anger, Ryan’s not quite sure what to make out of it all.
“It’s okay, pizza is probably infinitely more interesting than speaking to his mum at the moment,” Rachel jokes, her laughter floating through the speakers in a way that makes Ryan crack a grin.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Ryan offers, trying to figure out how to end this conversation without making their already awkward relationship any worse.
“That’s nice of you to say,” Rachel responds quietly, tucking a stray piece of blonde hair behind her ear. “I’m glad you’re there, by the way. You mean more to them than you could ever imagine.”
It’s quiet for a moment as Ryan takes in Rachel’s words. Her simple comment of approval somehow makes the nervous pit in Ryan’s stomach unravel, and suddenly she starts seeing Rachel in a different light. Maybe in the past, she was the villain in Harry’s story, but that doesn’t mean it always has to be that way. Because Ryan finally sees Rachel for who she is—a mum who simply is trying to do her best, no matter how many mistakes she’d made.
“Thanks, Rachel. That means a lot,” Ryan says with a smile.
“No problem. I should probably go, I’ve got a Zoom meeting in an hour. Tell Jackson I said goodbye?” Rachel asks softly.
“Of course. Bye, Rachel,” Ryan says, smiling when Rachel waves just before ending the call.
Ryan locks the device and places it on the end table before rejoining Harry and Jackson in the kitchen. When she pokes her head in and watches Harry appropriately place the pepperoni slices wherever Jackson wants them, she can’t help but smile like a fool at the sight of it all.
And just before Harry asks if Jackson was happy with his pizza, his son quickly adds, “Daddy, can I add bell peppers too? The green and orange ones, like Ryan has,” and Ryan tries her hardest not to gasp.
Harry grins before sprinkling the same amount on Jackson’s pizza, before popping all three into the oven. Ryan decides then to enter the kitchen completely, leaning her torso over the island countertop across from Jackson who’s happily munching on a stay pepperoni slice from his position perched on the leather barstool.
With a quick look at Harry, Ryan wordlessly tells him that now is the best time to tell his son about their relationship. Harry nods before sidling up to Ryan’s side across the counter from Jackson, looking at his son once he’s finished swallowing his snack.
“Hey, Bubs, Ryan and I have something we want to tell you,” Harry starts, watching his son nod happily on the barstool. 
“Okay, daddy,” Jackson says easily, looking between the two adults across from him with wide, inquisitive eyes. 
Harry looks at Ryan before speaking. “You know how we’ve been spending a lot of time with each other lately?” Harry starts, pausing until Jackson’s head starts bobbing up and down. 
“Right, well we’ve decided that we really like each other. And that we want to keep spending time with each other, if that’s okay with you?” It’s quiet as Jackson mulls this over, his hand resting on his chin as he tries to wrap his five-year-old brain around what his father just explained to him.
“Of course that’s okay with me. I like Ryan too, daddy,” Jackson says, his green eyes squinting in confusion as he struggles to understand what Harry is trying to tell him.
“I know that, Bubs. But I like Ryan the way adults like each other, do you know what I’m trying to say to you?” Ryan can tell that Harry is struggling, because his palm flies up to the back of his neck as he rubs it awkwardly, beginning to stumble over his words as his brain begins to work in overdrive.
“I think so,” Jackson starts, placing both palms down on the counter as he cocks his head to the side and looks at both of them from across the counter. “So you like her. And you kiss her, too? The way you used to kiss mummy?”
Ryan looks at Harry with wide eyes, hoping he can salvage the rest of this conversion before it implodes right in front of their faces.
“Yes, but I kiss Ryan because she is daddy’s girlfriend. Do you understand now?” Harry asks.
Jackson nods, looking down at the countertop before lifting his eyes to meet Harry’s. “Yeah, I get it. What does that make mummy, then?”
Ryan blushes, looking at Harry nervously. She can tell that he’s thinking, because how do you explain the difference between a mother and a girlfriend to a five-year-old? 
After a minute passes in silence, Harry clears his throat and says, “Mummy is still your mummy. And well, Ryan is, uh. Ryan is your—”
“—Your friend. Your very best friend, who cares about you and will always be here for you whenever you need me,” Ryan says, interrupting Harry before he stutters all over his words. 
Without thinking, she reaches her hand across the counter and grabs Jackson’s smaller ones in her own, the same way he did to her the first day they met four months ago in the hallway. And once his eyes are locked on hers firmly, she adds, “Think of it as having two women in your life that care about you very much. Do you think that’s something you’d be okay with?”
Jackson squeezes Ryan’s hands tightly in his own before a ginormous grin breaks across his face. Harry can feel his shoulders slump in relief, and when he brings his arm around Ryan’s shoulders and brings her against his side, Jackson just giggles loudly across from them, happily wiggling in his barstool.
“I think that’s just the bestest news ever!” Jackson exclaims, smiling so big that the tiny dimples carved into his cheeks deepen. 
The timer goes off, indicating that their pizzas are complete. Harry rounds the counter and begins pulling them from the oven. Ryan walks over to the barstool and lifts Jackson up from underneath his armpits, placing him on the ground so that he can settle into his spot in the breakfast nook.
After Harry places the pizzas on the table and grabs their beers and Jackson’s juice from the counter, the three of them sit around the table while Ryan cuts small pieces for Jackson’s little hands to grab. 
Once she’s made sure that Jackson’s completely settled, Ryan reaches for her own beer and begins cutting her into her pizza. The domesticity of it all no longer makes Harry or Ryan uncomfortable. Instead, they welcome the feeling with open arms, no longer batting an eye whenever Ryan wipes tomato sauce from Jackson’s grabby hands, no longer falling slack-jawed when Jackson asks for a piece of Ryan’s pizza instead of his own, no longer growing red in the face when Jackson grabs Ryan’s hand when she’s done eating her dinner.
Ryan offers to help Harry clean up, but once Jackson notices the two emerald wrapped presents in the corner of the living room, Ryan’s practically dragged into the living room so that he can excitedly rip open his gifts.
“How about we wait for daddy, champ?” Ryan asks, sitting cross-legged against the floor with Luna in her lap and her back against the couch while Jackson begins strategizing how he should rip open the wrapping paper. 
“I’m too excited I don’t know if I can wait!” Jackson squeals, reaching for the smaller box below to try and guess what’s hiding underneath.
After a few minutes of painfully waiting for Harry, he finally emerges and sits behind Ryan on the couch, caging his legs around her frame. When she feels him settle in behind her, Ryan leans back so that her head is closer to his lap, and Harry begins rubbing at her shoulders comfortingly while they both watch Jackson tear into the larger package.
“You didn’t have to get him anything, you know,” Harry whispers into Ryan’s ear.
Ryan turns so that she’s looking at him over her shoulder, rolling her eyes amusedly and repeating his words from earlier. “I wanted to.”
Jackson’s excited shriek causes both Harry and Ryan to look at him, and when he holds up the brand new Nerf blaster that he tested out with Ryan almost two months ago, she can’t help but grin wickedly back at him. 
“No way! This is so great, Ryan! Thank you!” The fluorescent orange plastic gun sits on his lap as he begins pulling the trigger and watching the empty ammunition compartment spin clockwise. 
“Should I be worried?” Harry asks ominously from behind Ryan, causing Jackson to look from his father to Ryan with nervous eyes.
With a subtle wink, reminding him to keep their secret between each other, Jackson giggles quietly before placing the gun back on the floor beside him. “Nothing to worry about, daddy,” he says, reaching for the smaller yet heavier wrapped package in front of him.
As he begins tearing at the paper, Ryan grows more alert, sitting up straight so that she can see the expression on Jackson’s face when he finally reveals the contents of his present. When the paper is finally removed from the top part of the gift, Jackson gasps when he notices seven varying sizes of books all with the words Harry Potter inscribed on the spine. 
“Whoa.” It’s the first time Jackson’s ever struggled with finding words, and when he turns the books over that are tied together with white tinsel, so that he can see each book separately, Ryan almost swears she can see his mouth open and close repeatedly.
“Figured you should have your own,” Ryan says quietly, reaching over to untie the string so that he can thumb through the brand new pages of his own books. 
“This is the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten,” Jackson whispers, dropping the books to the floor so that he can scramble up to his knees and wrap his arms around Ryan’s neck, engulfing her in a tight hug.
Ryan tries her hardest not to cry with happiness, because out of all of the hugs she’s ever received in her entire lifetime (including the warm embraces Harry has gifted her in the past two months) this hug from Jackson beats them all. His tiny fists knot together at the nape of her neck, and she can feel him squeezing her tighter when her own arms fall around his torso, bringing him closer to her.
“Thank you so much,” he whispers into her shoulder, letting her go and sitting back on the floor so that he can look at his brand new presents.
When Ryan sits back, she turns around so that she can see the look Harry gives her. She’s almost certain that it could be love, but when he leans down and kisses her on the cheek, thanking her profusely, she’s not sure if she’s overthinking it all. 
After the excitement of the party dwindles down and Jackson’s muffling yawns into the crook of his elbow, Harry decides that it’s time for bed. Jackson doesn’t put up a fight, and when he gets up and begins heading into the bathroom to start his nighttime routine, he turns around before Harry can get up from the couch and follow him.
“Ryan? Can you put me to bed tonight?”
His question makes the warmth she feels whenever he looks at her flush through her insides, and when his sleepy green eyes twinkle and he holds a hand out waiting for her to hold, she’s up and by his side without a second to spare. 
She lets Jackson pick out his pajamas, and when he’s too tired to put his head through his blue sleep shirt, Ryan holds it over his body so that he can stick his arms through the holes and she can push it down appropriately. She pulls out the stool for him in the bathroom so that he can step up and brush his teeth, making sure to reach the deep corner of his mouth and swipe his toothbrush over his tongue until his breath is minty fresh. And once he’s finished, she walks him into his bedroom and pulls down his covers, letting him slide in so that she can tuck him in tightly.
“Hey, Ryan?” Jackson asks sleepily, tucking his chin over the folded duvet against his chest.
“Yeah, champ?” Ryan asks, swiping a stray curl off of his forehead.
“Does this mean Luna gets to have a bed here, too? So she doesn’t feel alone in your home whenever you're here?” His question is a simple one, but somehow Ryan can’t find the words to answer. Because she’s spent a lot of time feeling alone in her own home, and in the past two months she hasn’t felt that feeling at all. She’s wondering what it all means.
Before she can answer, Harry pops his head in from the hallway. “Ready for bed?”
Jackson nods, yawning one last time before snuggling deeper into his pillow. “Mhm. Night daddy. Night Ryan.”
“Night, champ. Hope you had a great birthday.” Ryan doesn’t wait for him to respond, instead, she switches off his bedside lamp and flicks on the nightlight against the wall, shuffling across the room to meet Harry’s waiting arms. 
But before the door can fully close, they hear Jackson call out, “Love you both!” and Ryan halts in her steps.
It falls out of his mouth so easily, without question, as if it was something she should already know. And when Harry responds and Ryan’s left staring dumbly at the wall, she’s wondering if it really is that easy to fall in love with somebody else.
She’s thinking about this while getting ready for bed with Harry later that night, exchanging her jeans and jumper for the yellow shirt he wore all day. It smells like him—hints of vanilla and sandalwood, all citrusy shampoo and that distinguishable smell that follows him around. They work in comfortable silence in his en suite, sharing the one sink as best they can. Harry waits while Ryan washes her face, and when she’s hidden behind a face towel, Harry pinches her bum underneath the hem of his shirt and reaches for the toothpaste. Ryan squeals, and once Harry’s begun brushing she does the same, smacking his hands away whenever he tries to bring her backside against his front, dribbling blue foamy toothpaste onto her shoulder. And when they both spit into the sink and head towards the mattress, her mind is still reeling. 
It’s no secret that Ryan’s never grasped the concept of having a home. Growing up, she had two homes with two sets of parents in two different places. And when she became an adult, Ryan moved around more than anybody else—perfecting the ability to live out of cardboard boxes in different flats with different postal codes. 
But now, she’s actively thinking about what Jackson said about Luna having a home here in their flat. Because home isn’t a physical place—it’s a feeling. It’s that warmth, that feeling of wrapping yourself in a heavy duvet on your mum’s couch. It’s mixing up parcels on purpose with the perfect excuse to knock on their door and see them again. It’s that giddy feeling you get when you notice the other person’s tea mug resting on your drying rack, a piece of them seemingly interwoven with your own life. It’s reading a book you’ve read hundreds of times over again to somebody who’s never experienced it before, saying each word as if it were the first time you’ve ever seen them. It’s having matching food bowls for your kitten and a second bed for her in a place where she can make her own home.
Home is having two separate flats but feeling completely safe wrapped around each other on a juniper couch or in a king-sized mattress with grey sheets. 
And when they’re settled in these sheets, Ryan’s legs wrapped securely around Harry’s waist, Harry’s hands crawling further down her body until the tips of his fingers skim the hem of his shirt resting on her thighs, they both know that this is it. This feeling they’ve been running from suddenly makes sense—suddenly makes loneliness feel like the stupidest thing in the world. 
Just before Harry can rip the shirt off of Ryan’s body, they hear his doorknob begin to wiggle for the second time that day. Harry groans frustratedly underneath his breath, allowing his head to fall against Ryan’s shoulder before the door falls open. Jackson stands in the doorway, clad in the same blue flannel pajamas Ryan had just helped him put on, holding a red and orange book cover in his small hands.
“Everything all right, Bubs?” Harry asks once Ryan’s unwrapped her legs from his waist and rolled over so that they’re lying side by side. 
Jackson nods, shuffling into the bedroom inch by inch. “Since it’s my birthday and stuff, do you think Ryan could read to me a little?”
It’s timid and adorable and Ryan can’t help but start to smile, already knowing that she’s going to say yes without even acknowledging that his birthday is almost over as soon as the clock changes from eleven thirty to midnight. 
“C’mere, champ,” Ryan says, patting the mattress happily. 
Harry tries to argue, but when he sees his son’s sleepy grin and his girlfriend’s matching one, he knows there’s no use. So once Jackson reaches their bedside, he grabs him from underneath his armpits and plops him comfortably in the space between him and Ryan. 
Jackson shuffles under the covers, dropping the brand new hardcover into Ryan’s lap. Harry flicks the lamp on the nightstand before turning on his left side, releasing his head on his waiting palm with his elbows bent so that he can watch both of them. 
“Where’d we leave off?” Ryan asks even though she already knows from the dog-eared page in her own copy that Jackson clumsily marked off the last time they read together. 
“The map! Harry has the Marauder’s Map!” he squeals, turning his head so that he’s practically cuddling into her chest.
Ryan giggles and Harry feels himself melting into his mattress. “Oh that’s right. Okay, here we go.”
Before she can let the first word on the page fall past her lips, Harry interrupts, “Does this mean I finally get to hear the Hagrid voice?”
She looks over and rolls her eyes, ignoring the amused twinkle in his own.
Once she’s finished the first page, she can feel Harry’s arm extend over Jackson’s head and reach towards the messy plait falling past her shoulder. With steady hands, he removes the hair bobble and starts untangling the strands, wrapping a wavy tendril around his finger and letting out a quiet but relaxing breath that makes her feel more at home than ever before. 
And with Jackson curling further into her chest and Harry running soothing fingers down her scalp, Ryan should be feeling the complete opposite. 
But when she sneaks a look at Harry as she’s turning the page, she notices that he’s been looking at her instead of the black text carved into the book. And when their eyes lock for a brief moment, she feels time stand still. Her heart lets out a strong string of heavy thumps, her skin feels just the right amount of warmth, and she’s never been more sure of her place in the world. 
She thinks back to Fiona’s declaration of love at first sight, and wonders if the glimmer in Harry’s green eyes and the soft smile on his face is the same expression Roger wore the first time they met in that overcrowded club all those months ago. 
And when Harry scrunches his face, wrinkling his nose adorably and squinting his eyes, Ryan knows for sure that Fiona’s right.
It’s love. It’s always been love.
A/N: And just like that, we’ve reached the end of YFLH. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I never thought Ryan and Harry’s story would go past a oneshot, and I’m so happy that you all have grown to love them as much as I have. I want to thank all of you who have reached out to tell me your thoughts, to those who have liked or reblogged, to those who have recommended this story to somebody else--I truly owe you the biggest thanks. You’ve made this process so easy and fun, and I’m so grateful to you all!
Don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know your thoughts about part eight or everything and anything in between. This story was a submission for the 1DFF Quarantine Challenge, which has other amazing writers participating as well, so feel free to check out the page! Hope you all have a safe and happy Holiday season, and I’ll see you all soon! x
(In the meantime if you’re looking to do some more reading, you can click here for my masterlist!)
taglist: @stylishmuser @vikki1220 @greatestview @verorax @cronias13 @adoremp3 @ilovegolden @taintedwonder @stepping-into-the-light @onlyphysicallypresent @dontwanttobealone @justsaying20 @elemayox @awomanindeniall @ihearthemcallingforyou @halloweenniall @live-at-the-forum @kakayam @harryinsweatersandbandanas @hopelessly-harry @ficnarry @morethanamelodyy @niallgolden @harryswinterberries @caramello-styles @harrysstyle @greatestview @solllaris​ @niallgolden​ @mellamolayla
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 29)
this was never a game.
The night was silent. It was so quiet that it felt like a dream that just a few hours ago there was an akuma on lose. Everyone slept in the cozy warm bed unaware of the events that might happen sometimes later.
 Many shadows ran across the rooftops. There wasn’t a single word exchanged between them. The tension was running high in the team.
 Today was the day.
  Today, they will strip the black cat of its power. They are getting the miraculous of destruction back.
 Just as they were closing in the Eiffel tower they all separated. Luna’s illusion magic covered all of their tracks, from their shadows to their very presence.
 Honeybee and Luna were the closest to the meeting spot. They were going to take action against black cat if he dares to retaliate. Ryu and Python were further than the others, ready to come out if need arise.
 Just as ladybug landed, chat also landed. In his hands was a big bouquet of red roses. It was clear what was going in his head and how far off from the real reason he was.
 His ear twitched as if trying to see the rest of the team was there or not. He seemed quite pleased when he couldn’t hear them. Not like he could top the extra layer of magic over them.
 Alright bugaboo, you don’t have to say anything! I just know how much you love me. I mean it was just a matter of time.
 Chat rambled as he waved his hands around. He wasn’t even giving her a chance to speak. The frown on ladybug’s face deepen as she kept listening.
 Was it always like this?
 Sighing, she cleared her throat effectively stopped chat from rambling any further. Chat stilled for a moment before smiling waiting. Ladybug sighed before put her hand out, looking at him expectedly.
 Chat’s face lit up as he tried to kiss her hand but ladybug pulled it away before he could.
 I’m asking for your miraculous.
 Are you saying we’re going to tell our identities to each other!?
 Chat asked excitedly, still not thinking about what could go wrong. He was just forcing his fantasies once again. Ladybug gritted her teeth, her patience was getting thin. She was so done with everything. Having people walk all over her or being a better person or being a good example or even still trying to see better in every person despite being hurt by them again and again.
 Chat, return your miraculous. The guardian has decided to strip of your power.
 There was silence. Chat tried to process what he heard. She must be joking, right?
 I think I heard you wrong. I swear I hallucinated when you said that I have to return the miraculous.
 No chat.     Ladybug looked at him with cold eyes.       You heard right. Return the miraculous.
 His eyes widen before he hid the ring in his other hand while walking back. Ladybug took a step towards him.
 n-no! This can’t be happening! You need a cat to stay active! You can’t get my miraculous back!
 It seems like you know. Fine then. The Guardian has decided since you haven’t been a true black cat, they decided to renounce your miraculous.
  She said it.
 Even though she winced inside, she didn’t show it on her face. Chat who was hiding his ring, started to put his guard up. He looked around as soon as realization dawned on him. Ladybug threw her yoyo but his reflex were faster as he hit it back with his baton.
 It was like he still had his instinct. Throwing her yoyo one more time ladybug fought chat to get his miraculous. He fought back, no wanting to return the miraculous. The only freedom he had.
 How could you betray me?!
 Betray you?! Do you think acting like all of this is a game and leaving me to fight akuma on my own while you threw a childish tantrum, isn’t it a bigger betrayal?!
 You know it you love me too! Why can’t you just say it? Stop throwing a tantrum and admit it!
 I never said that I loved you! All of that are your own fantasies! How many times I told you that I don’t like you!? If I wasn’t worried about getting my identity compromised I would have complained for sexual harassment.
 They were now on top of another rooftop. They had fought, trying their best what they thought was right. But now ladybug was angry. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Hawkmoth had sent an akuma by now.
 Sexual harassment? Not once have you said anything about my flirting! Now you want to just throw me away!
 Chat looked at her in dark eyes. He was not going to give up his miraculous. Not if he can help it.
 A familiar energy formed on his hand making ladybug gasp.
 His hand inched closer. The crazy look in his eyes was something she wasn’t used to. Her eyes were blown away. He was ready to get rid of her. How could have this escalated this much?
 Just as it looked like she was going to turn into dust, something wrapped around her waist. A sense of Deja vu came over her, before she was pulled away. A pair of familiar arms caught her.
 Looking up, her eyes met yellow glowing ones. Her body slumped in relief. She wasn’t alone. She was never alone. Looking at chat, she saw him frozen. Honeybee had used her venom on him. Now Ryu and Python were turning off his cataclysm.
 Python used a paper and touched it with the destructive energy. As soon as he did, the paper turned to ashes. Ladybug and Luna joined in as well. They were going to pull the ring off his finger.
 Ladybug pulled off the miraculous and the transformation was gone. Honeybee gasped as she saw who was beneath the mask. Adrien Agreste was under the mask.
 Gritting her teeth, ladybug looked down on the blonde in distaste. To think she actually had a crush on him.
 Adrian Agreste, as the guardian of miraculous, I renounce your miraculous. From now on you will not be able to use any miraculous or share anything about miraculous with any other soul. That also include telling your former identity. Let this be a lesson for you.
 Putting a hand on his chest, she poured her guardian magic. A Chinese character formed on his chest making him groan in pain. As soon as she was done, Adrian looked broken.
 y-you can’t do that. I won’t have any more freedom. I would be caged in my own house. Please ladybug! Please! I need to speak to Plagg! He will listen to me! I need to see him!
 Despite other members frowning and hopping she would stop wasting her time on this lost cause, ladybug put on the ring and the Kwami of destruction came out.
 Plagg! Plagg! Tell them! Tell them you still want me as your cat!
 Plagg looked sorrowful, but said nothing. He was disappointed. He liked Adrian but he was tired. He tried. Really. But now, he was just tired.
 The betrayal was clear in his eyes. He was alone. Luna walked behind him before knocking him out.
 Let’s get him home and leave. I’ll take ladybug back.
 Hearing that, they looked at their ladybug. True, she looked like she needs rest urgently. They waved at each other. Python and Ryu decided to get Adrian home.
 Luna kneeled in front of her. Apparently she was giving ladybug a piggyback.
 I’m oka-                   just get on.
 Not wanting to argue, she quietly get on, letting Luna run on the roof towards her home.
 Was it wrong of me to take his miraculous?
 No. you did the right thing. He would have been a liability in the future.
 I..... I just thought maybe I was mad at him and I just snapped. I could have dealt with it better.
 Anyone in your place would have done the same. It’s just different when they would have reacted.
 Ladybug stayed quiet, enjoying the cold wind. Luna was so strong. She had been supporting her as soon as she met her.
 She wanted to be just as strong.
 Just so you know. I would have killed him the first chance I had if I were in your place.
 A laugh spilled out of her mouth before it echoed in the quiet city.
 Ladybug landed next to Honeybee on the roof of Le Grand Paris. Calling off her transformation Chloe said goodbye to pollen promising to see each other again in the future.
 Just as Chloe return the miraculous, ladybug pushed it back to her.
 Keep it. You’ll need it tonight.
 Wait tonight?
 ....we’re taking chat’s miraculous.
 Chloe was silent before sighing in relief.
Thank heaven! I was hoping you would get rid of that mangly cat. He was so ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
 Ladybug sighed before waving goodbye to Chloe and swing away.
 Extra Bonus:
 I was so pissed at Adrian that I completely forgot about akuma. I’m so glad there was no akuma.
 Marinette fell on the deck chair. Tikki flew around getting a macaroon to eat. Kaylan still in her costume, waited for her to get inside.
 But she decided to sit out for now.
 Whoever is out there, thank you for not sending akuma!
 About that.........
 Luna brought out a few jars. The jars were specifically made to capture akuma with miraculous magic coated on it.
 Marinette looked at the jars blankly. Luna gave a crooked smile, making the bluenette scream in horror.
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burberryfaerie · 3 years
If Tonks had a younger sibling Pt 4 :
Pairings : Cedric diggory x gryffindor!reader
Warnings : Angst, fluff, character death, torture, crying, swearing, a war basically, possible spelling mistakes
A/N : In case if you're asking, yes i was crying during writing this.
Tags: @loveitsonlyforthebrave ❤️
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Hermione apparates you to a place called Tottenham Court Road.
“The heck is a cappuccino? Is it better than butterbeer?”
Your ring suddenly rings violently and you can't understand why?
Dolohov and Rowle rudely interrupt your thoughts.
Going to Grimmauld place knowing damn well you're being followed.
Arthur Weasley's patronus reassuring that everyone is okay.
Remus's unlikely visit.
Muggle-borns are targeted by the ministry.
Your father and best friend are targeted.
Dora's pregnant.
You'll have your own niece / nephew.
But he wants to leave her.
“Me and my family went through shit Remus, and I won't let you break my sister's heart.”
Hating Remus with every inch of you.
Because how dare he breaks Dora's heart.
Kreacher's tale.
Regulus died as a good person who lived beneath the shadows of his prejudiced family.
The locket is with umbridge.
well, fuck
You know what's fucker?
Snape is headmaster
“who the heck are the carrows?”
Going to the ministry after drinking polyjuice potion and morphing in your case.
"Magic is might"
Seeing 'Umbitch'
Harry stupefying umbitch.
Escaping the ministry before Yaxley gets hold of you.
Apparating to a mysterious place.
A forest apparently.
Ron's splinched.
Hermione's protection spells.
“How do you have time to learn all this stuff? Last time I checked we go to the same school,”
“Last time I checked you don't study a word.”
Taking turns in wearing the locket since you can't destroy it.
Feeling so cruel once it rests around your neck.
It's a part of voldemort's soul afterall.
Ron leaving three months later.
Crying your eyes out every night because you miss your best friend so much it hurts.
Same thing with Hermione.
“Why haven't you told him Mione?”
“Tell him what?”
“That you love him”
You give her a knowing look, she returns it with the faintest of smiles.
Going to Godric's Hollow.
Looking at the statue of Lily, James amd baby Harry with sadness and awe.
They were too young to die.
Too innocent to die.
You visit their grave.
You smiled because you suddenly felt their presence, two warm souls watching over you.
Bathilda Bagshot.
Fuck that's a snake.
Voldy is here and he was about to murder the three of you right before you apparated.
Fast forward when Ron returns.
You're so. bloody mad at him but can't help it and pull him into a hug.
“You're such an idiot, Ronald Billius Weasley.”
Hermione's so mad too but you know damn well she still loves him.
Ron and Harry telling the events of last night, first horcrux is destroyed, wohoo.
Visiting Xenophilious Lovegood.
The deathly hallows and the tale of the three brothers.
Luna's painting of you, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and her.
“She's so precious.” you think.
Xenophilious's betrayal.
Hermione wiping the fuck outta his memories.
fast forward a couple of days later.
listening to potterwatch. the norm.
lee jordan's voice
“Let's take a moment to report those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network  and Daily Prophet don't think important enough to mention. It is with great regret that we inform our listeners of the murders of Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell.”
Feeling the worst heartache you've ever felt.
feeling as if every muscle, every cell in your body stopped functioning.
he can't die.
he was always okay. he can't just die.
he's expecting a grandchild. he can't just go.
The trio rushing to hug you.
Harry not able to meet your eyes.
“I'm so sorry” Hermione sobs into your neck.
You don't cry.
You can't cry.
You just sit there, feeling emptiness.
You suddenly get up, shoving everything in your way.
Ron holding you back.
"it's okay, I'm here” he reassures you.
You letting out a heart-wrenching scream that came out from god knows where.
Thank god Hermione has protection spells.
The trio tuck you into bed, making sure you were asleep.
You slept almost instantly, dreaming of your father who speaks to you.
“I'm always here, watching over you. Don't give up sweetheart, fight for your mom, dora, Remus and Cedric.”
“How'd you know about Cedric? ”
“I knew all along” he smiled
Waking up feeling slightly better the next day.
Fast forward when the snatches caught you.
Taken to Malfoy Manor
Bellatrix torturing you and craving "traitor" on your arm.
She also tries to slit your throat.
“You know? I want to murder you so badly, so you'd end up like your mudblood father, but I'll torture you, unril you beg for mercy.”
Literally screaming throughout the whole process.
“I know about Diggory, he's quite of a traitor, but his blood is pure, he won't want a filthy half-blood traitor like you with him.”
being cut of with her dagger cutting your skin.
she moves on to Hermione next while you watch helplessly.
Dobby, Harry and Ron save you two.
Apparating to shell cottage.
You spot a small, weak figure in the distance.
You try reaching out for it, but you're too weak.
You loose consciousness in Ron's arms.
Next thing you knew you were in a room, Fleur watching over you.
Learning that Dobby's lost his life.
Feeling so weak.
Remus visits.
Little Teddy is born!!!
Can't help but feel so happy and hugging Remus, forgetting about all the drama.
Harry's Teddy's godfather.
You hide under Harry's cloak.
You get caught.
Robbing Bellatrix's vault.
Getting the horcrux and giving griphook the sword.
Aaaaaand Griphook betrays you.
Escaping on a dragon.
Basically having to head to hogwarts.
To get the horcrux.
Hogsmeade at Abeforth Dumbledore.
Ariana Dumbledore's portrait.
Him looking terrible yet dashing at the same time.
From your conversation, you concluded that the carrows and Snape are absolute assholes.
Reuniting with all your friends!
Harry goes to Ravenclaw tower with Luna.
The order is here .
Cedric spots you.
He literally just picks you up and kisses you.
infront of everyone basically.
including the adults.
feeling sorta awkward but you don't care.
Harry interrupts your adorable moment.
Voldemort wants Harry.
“Potter's right here! someone grab him”
yeah of course, pugface parkinson.
literally everyone jumping in to defend Harry.
The battle has started.
You seeing Dora and running to hug her.
“MY BRAVE SISTER!” she shouts.
“Once we're outta here, we're spoiling Teddy with every inch of me.”
“I kinda approve though”
Duelling multiple death eaters.
Including Dolohov, Rookwood, Rabstan Lestrange.
Saving Malfoy's arse from the flames in the room of requirement.
Going to the shrieking shack to face Voldemort.
Snape's dead.
He's acting weird all of a sudden.
Voldemort wants Harry to meet him in the forbidden forest.
The chaos has calmed down.
You enter the great hall.
Your eyes roam around the room to find the redheads huddled together, the Diggorys, somewhat crying?
You take a closer look, seeing what they're all mourning.
You shake your head in disbelief.
Remus and Dora?
Your sister?
Your soulmate?
They just had a baby.
You felt Fred and George hug you, Hermione and Ginny hugging eachother.
You kneel down.
Your world is crushing.
They're dead but they look so peaceful.
You hugged Dora.
Ever so tightly.
The last time you'll ever hug her.
You wished you can turn the clock back, to listen to to weird sisters together, to giggle behind the Malfoys back together, to annoy your mother together.
Perhaps you could've been able to save her.
You rest your head on her chest.
Muffled voices of everyone else speaking were in the background.
But you didn't care.
You let out a cry, a small one.
You let out a slightly louder one.
You felt your chest tighten, your stomach churn, you felt your eyes twitch underneath your lids.
You heard Cedric's comforting voice.
“Shhhhhh.. I got you love”
But his words are not comforting you.
You just lay there on Dora's chest.
By that, you knew your hair will never turn pink again.
You don't know how many minutes or hours had passed by.
You heard the familiar snake-like vouce of Lord Voldemort.
“Harry Potter is dead He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle, now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live, and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together.”
You slightly lift your head.
The great hall was deadly silent.
You were sure he was lying.
You slowly walked up, holding hands with Ron and Hermione, exiting the great hall.
Voldemort and his army stood and your eyes spotted Hagrid.
He was carrying someone.
It was Harry.
Your body can't lift you anymore.
Mconagall let out a terrible scream followed by yours , Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Cedric's then everyone else.
Neville standing up to Voldemort.
He- he killed the snAKE??!!!
You just watchung Neville like a proud mom.
Cahos erupts once more.
Harry's gone?
No like seriously, he's just vanished.
Spotting Cedric taking over three death eaters all at once.
Just being so proud of him.
You duelling Rodolphus Lestrange.
Took over him (as you should)
Moving to Bellatrix Lestrange.
Duelling her with Hermione, Luna and Ginny.
Bitch just aimed a killing curse at Ginny??!
About to make your move but-
“Not my daughter you bitch”
literally internally screaming because MOLLY WEASLEY DID NOT JUST CUSS???
Bellatrix's downfall.
Just felt a bit relaxed.
Voldemort is about to kill Molly but—
Voldemort's downfall.
The man who everyone feared sayimg his name, just, fell down.
You hug your mom so tight , she knew about everything.
You raising Teddy along with your mother and Harry.
You still have nightmares and trauma from the war.
But, Cedric was always there for you.
Not like he was any better, but you two comfort eachother.
Him placing soft, small kisses around your "traitor" scar after telling him about the Malfoy Manor events.
You, Harry, Ron amd Hermione gather at the burrow, just sitting there in comfortable silence, holding eachother.
Three years pass by and Cedric's on one knee, asking you to be his forever.
You frantically saying “Yes” before hugging him.
You were now an auror, just like Dora.
The wedding was so simple.
You had Hermione, Ginny and Luna as your bridesmaids.
Looking at the empty seats made especially for your father, Remus, Dora and Sirius.
Saying "I do" before leaning in and kissing him.
And for the first time in three years, your hair turned pink again.
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nitannichionne · 3 years
If He Was Your Fan, Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2 (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)
Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2
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Henry announces that he is driving you and Stella to a place for breakfast. You and Stella are both relieved you got dressed up a bit. The name Lanes of London Mayfair is a big indication that you should. You are dressed in a fluffy burgundy fisherman’s sweater and black leggings with brown riding boots, looking ready for a day of shopping but not at the gym. Stella is in a white shirt and beige jeans with dark brown sports jacket and ankle boots. You are happy you left your usual athletic gear behind.
After that, Henry takes you and Stella to a place that is not even listed.
“I looked up London Trench,” you tell him. “They are online orders only, aren’t they?”
“For the general public, yes.”
You and Stella look at each other. She looks excited but you feel sick for some reason.
With a knock on the door, and Henry telling his name and time on the intercom, you are buzzed in. You step into a boutique that almost looks hidden.
“Mr. Cavill?” a woman bows.
“Hello,” he nods. “This is my lady and her friend. My lady needs a few trenches.”
A few? Did he say few? A few trenches was like…rent money! You look at him incredulously, and he only gives small smile.
“Must make it worth their while,” he shrugs.
Within an hour you are in selections called the Queen Classic, a straight cut, and the Goddess, an A-Line for dresses. You opt for the Goddess, and he takes you to Burberry’s for something shorter and surprisingly more expensive than that. You are cringing inside, and Henry hasn’t flinched. He is happy to see you try on coats. You feel the looks of the sales people at both stores. Face to face they are amicable and friendly, but you see the looks in the reflections of the mirrors when they do not think they’re looking. They don’t think much of you, maybe they think you’re a flavor of the month? Maybe it’s all in your head?
“Well, that’s that,” he sighs. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you smile. “yeah.”
“Sweetheart?” he says slowly, his blue eyes searching yours.
“I-I didn’t realize they’d be so—”
“Good coats are required here, love, I won’t have you getting sick,” he nods, tipping your face up for a quick kiss.
You nod and smile in understanding.
“Alright, you two, don’t get into too much trouble,” he winks. He gets in his car and is gone.
“Gotta be at work today by four for the dinner rush,” Stella said brightly. “What do you want to do?”
“Let’s just hit a mall or something,” you say. “and we can’t go someplace Henry would.”
“I know, the places he took us!” Stella laughs. “He’s…he’s kinda out of it, isn’t he?”
“Childhood weight problems aside, I don’t think he realizes how hard it is out here, no!” you laugh back. “Experience is the best teacher on those things.” You get slightly serious. “I hope he never suffers like that. No one should.”
You both decide to go to Victoria’s Secret several blocks away, opting to start walking off that massive breakfast you just had. When you arrive, you ask for what they have in emerald green.
“That his favorite color?” Stella asks.
“No, it’s actually blue,” you say. “hey do you have any blue green?”
“Hold on, let me see what we have,” the clerk smiles and leaves to check.
“You seem to buy a lot of that stuff,” she says softly. “Do you wear it?”
You are looking on a rack, but you are thinking of the previous night:
“It’s tomorrow,” Henry said softly and pinned you against the door to kiss you.
You instinctively put your arms around him, welcoming his kiss, his touch. You raise your leg and he semi squats to help you wrap it around him. You both pulled at each other’s clothes hungry to feel skin to skin, your kisses passionate and breathy. You pulled your sweater over your head as he wrapped your other leg around his hips, kissing your chest and licking the skin between your breasts that your bra left exposed. He carried you up the steps to your loft bedroom and laid you on the bed, pulling your jeans off. He smiled at your navy blue bra and panty set. He returned to kissing you, and you pull at his sweater as he unbuckles his belt, slid it off and threw it carelessly on the floor. He slid his jeans off, and stood in nothing but boxer briefs that did not hide his arousal. He crushed you into the sheets and you arched to him, wanting nothing more than to feel him…
“It’s a lot easier to always wear bra and panty sets,” you joke softly.
“How many do you have?”
“Uh….I really don’t know?” you answer honestly.
After getting lingerie and clothes, you catch the tube to Angel Central Mall, and do some shopping there. You feel terrible that there isn’t time for a mani pedi, so you find a massage place that does shoulders and neck, promising to do a pamper session on another day.
As you both make your way back to Brixton, you look at the sights out of the window, try to remember the exchanges. You are so grateful to Stella for being your friend, smiling at her as she steals a nap during the ride home. You notice that some young people are staring at you. You sigh. You may be recognized, you have to get used to that.
Back in Brixton, walk back to your building together.
“There were people staring at you?” Stella gasps “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“There was no danger,” you tell her smoothly.
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“I post all the time—”
“Never pictures of yourself, though.” Her eyes narrow. "And never of you and Henry."
“Even before I dated Henry, I never posted much about my love life online,” you shrug. “My s/o’s asked to take pictures, so I didn’t deny them, but I’m not big on my love life on social media. Special occasions or requests sure but—”
“I get it, you like that your relationship is between you and Henry, not you, the world and Henry.”
“Yeah, it’s more intimate that way,” you smile. “I have pictures of Henry and me on my phone. Besides, it’s lots easier if there is a breakup.”
“Breakup?!” Stella chortled. “Break up? You and Henry? I don’t think so.” She pauses and turns you around in mid walk. “I’ve seen how he looks at you. He has no intention of letting you go.”
“I know,” you nod. “I’ve had the rug ripped out from under me before, that’s all.”
“You have?” she asks. “How bad?”
“Engaged,” you shrug, earning a small gasp from Stella. “he thought the ring on my finger, though not the marriage one, meant he could treat me any way he wanted. He cheated, he lied…it was like he thought the commitment gave him carte blanche to act up.”
“That’s shitty.”
“Yeah,” you shake your head. “Rings can be a symbol of love that will never end, but for some it is ownership or cuffs.”
“Kinda dark, there.” she says softly. "I don't think Henry is--"
“Sorry, it’s in the past, and I’m over it, but I learned that commitments mean different things to different people.” You take a deep breath. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way, Stella.”
“What do you mean?”
“The last time I was in love was my ex-fiancee,” you tell her. “and that was a long, long, time ago.”
“So you are in love with Henry!” she cheers.
“Yeah, of course, I am!” you laugh at her. “He’s intelligent and fun, has a good degree of common sense. He’s a natural leader and he is protective of and warm to those he loves. I need that, all of it. I have never felt so safe before, never..”
“He’s not bad looking either!”
“His looks can only go so far,” you shrug. “I’ve dated men who were good looking, even a model and an athlete. You’d be surprised how little that all matters if they are thick or coldhearted. Or even worse, a man with money who thinks he can treat you any way he wants because he buys you things--”
“Yeah…” you giggle, realizing you’re using a British term. “thick.”
You both drop your stuff and go back to Market Row, Stella to work and you to do more shopping. Upi check out some of the surrounding stores, hoping for some really special finds that could liven up or make you feel more unique.
You finally make your last huge purchase: a bicycle. You head to Brixton Bikes for that, and get the lights, the helmet, anything you need. Strapping your bags to the rack in back and no longer a single walking moving target, you head home.
Just as you get a good stride on, your Bluetooth starts to play the instrumental version of “Addicted to Love.” You smile, clicking on. “Hey, love.”
“Hey….are you out and about?”
“About to head home,” you say.
“By yourself?”
You don't miss the edge in his voice. “On my new bike,” you tell him. He is quiet. Ooh, that’s not good. “Sounds like you’re in pub.”
“Yeah, yeah, very good, I'm at the pub, " He says. You can hear the smile in his voice for not using the word bar. "just for a pint with friends,” he says. “I just wanted to see how your day went.”
“Pretty well, but we didn’t have time for spa,” you say. “but I did find some nice things.”
“Good, glad to hear it,” he says. “I’ll stay on till you get home.”
“Awwwww.” Some men sigh dramatically in the background.
“Shut up!” Henry laughs.
You talk until you are safely inside your studio. “Alright, I’m locked up tight.” You feed Luna.
“Good,” he exhales. “they say it isn’t safe for women—”
“I am a moving target now, Henry.”
“Alright, alright,” he exhales heavily. “Talk to you later?”
“Definitely,” you sigh, sitting on your couch and starting to unpack your purchases. “Love you.”
“I love you, too.” He purrs, earning another round of catcalls from his friends. He laughs.
“Good night.” You shake your head at him and his friends.
“Good night.”
The first forty eight hours in your studio have been anything but calm, but now there is quiet. After unpacking your things and washing them for wear, you finally get ready to go to sleep. You take a shower and make your way up the steps to bed. It suddenly looks too big to you. You suddenly notice there is something under your covers. You pull them back and find the t-shirt he wore under his sweater last night. You squeal and throw off your nightshirt, trading it for this one. His scent surrounds you as you pull it over your head and you fall on the bed, your impact setting off the scent of him in your bed. You inhale with a smile as Luna jumps up and sleeps at the foot of the bed opposite you, where she usually nestles by Henry’s feet. You look at each other and you sigh dreamily, closing your eyes and letting sleep claim you.
BULLETIN: With this new beta thing, I may have to start a new master list. I will be sure to put the link to 1-60 if I do. Love you, thanks for your support and especially for your comments, likes and reblogs. You truly give me life, people, you really do.
@mistress-of-ward @nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75 @angelcavill66 @marantha
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thatmultifandomhoe · 3 years
Knitting You a Home - 8
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Pairing: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Human Reader
Word Count: 2,731
Genre/Rating: Hybrid AU - Established Relationship - Angst - Fluff - Smut - Rated PG-13
Overview: Things have changed for you and Namjoon. It’s been a year since the two of you got together, and despite a rocky start, it was impossible to deny the bond and love you shared for each other. But ever since Hoseok had been separated from his Mate, Namjoon has been withdrawing himself from you and doesn’t come home until late at night.
With questions far larger than either of you imagined, you can’t help but wonder if he’s let his past and old fears come back to haunt him. You had shown him that it was possible to have a home and be loved once before, but will you be able to do it again?
Warning: Talk of nightmares - discussion of Hybrid abuse - implied mentions of drinking, drugs, hybrid mills - abandonment - Underground fights.
Music Playlist:
Main Master List:
Knitting You a Home Master List:
Mated Love is Never Easy Series Master List:
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - ?
©thatmultifandomhoe 2021. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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You weren’t expecting Namjoon to come home at a normal hour. To keep yourself busy after Luna headed out, you plated all the goodies you made and cleaned up the kitchen, softly humming the entire time as you refrained from baking any further.
When dinner came and went, you had curled yourself up on the couch. The blanket you were knitting was long enough to cover your knees, but it still had a long way to go. In the living room there were two large windows looking out the front yard, a picture-perfect view of the tall oak and evergreen trees that surrounded your neighborhood.
The sky overhead turned pink as the sun began its descent, washed out burnt orange lights streaked the sky until it reminded you of peaches. If Namjoon had been here, he’d find a spot outside on the grass and watch until the sky was overflowing with stars. By then the fireflies would be out and he’d want to stay, mesmerized as they sparkled on and off until you went out with a shawl wrapped around your shoulders and a teasing grin to try and coax him back inside.
The knitting needles had stopped clicking a while ago. You were so lost in thought that you set the project back in its basket and stood up, tugging your sweater around your body as you made your way over to the window.
In the summer the sun didn’t set until eight at night, dragging out the painted skies for as long as nature allowed for it. Glancing around the room, an old book sat on top of an end table, the cover flipped open to reveal thinly aged paper. It made you smile softly as you picked it up, flipping through it to find the small black typed letters of poetry written long ago.
He was such a lover of words, always amazing you with how wide his reading interests ranged from, to how he even viewed life and the world. After everything that he went through, he still spoke about the world like it was a gift.
Screaming echoed in the house as you shot up in bed, chest heaving as you threw back the blankets to hurry to Namjoon’s room. Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t have entered without knocking, but this wasn’t the first time he’s had the nightmares during his stay with you.
It had been over a month since the storm, and while Luna had said many times that they weren’t as over-packed at the Homeless Center, you didn’t have the heart to tell Namjoon that he could go back. At least here he had a bed – a real bed and not a cot – his own room, new and clean clothe,s and home cooked meals. Even if the Center wasn’t over crowded since the storm had long since passed, it would still be loud and crowded, the very things that Namjoon didn’t need right now.
Turning on the lamp on his night stand, you crouched over Namjoon to gently shake his shoulder. He was breathing heavily as he gripped the blankets underneath him, beads of sweat dotting his forehead and tears formed under his eyelashes, dripping down his cheeks.
"Wake up Namjoon,” you called out, briefly scratching his ear as it twitched. “It’s just a bad dream hun, it’ll be all over when you wake up. I promise.”
He painfully cried in his sleep, body flinching when you touched him, but you didn’t stop trying to wake him up. It hurt to see him suffering like this and you knew, had he gone back to the Center, no one would have attempted to wake him once they realized this wasn’t a one-time occurrence.
“It’s gonna be okay Namjoon, you just gotta wake up.”
It took a little more coaxing on your part, but with one final shake Namjoon gasped as his eyes opened wide, searching around the room until they landed on you. He didn’t look away and he didn’t rip his arm away, a positive sign in your book since he had been doing that the previous times you woke him from a nightmare.
He never told you about the nightmares. Instead, he simply apologized and said to not worry about them. There was just one problem, you did worry. You worried because you knew that whatever was haunting him had been happening for years and every morning afterwards, there were dark circles under his eyes.
You worried because over the course of the last month, you’ve grown to care about Namjoon.
The clock on the nightstand said it was three a.m. Knowing that you weren’t going to be falling asleep anytime soon, you straightened so you were no longer leaning over Namjoon and let go of his shoulder.
“Want some tea?” You gently asked, realizing that the two of you had been staring at each other without speaking, long enough to make your cheeks blush.
Namjoon glanced at the clock too, momentarily coughing into his hand as he tried to catch his breath. You weren’t expecting him to say yes, he declined each time you previously offered after his nightmares. Knowing that, you still asked because a part of you hoped that one day, he’d trust you enough to open up to you.
“Sure,” he spoke, his voice hoarse from crying.
Your eyebrows lifted in shock, surprised that he had agreed. You didn’t let that deter you though, instead you gave him a small smile. “Okay. Come on out when you’re ready.”
Namjoon nodded once and you left shortly afterwards, closing the door behind you to give him privacy. Internally, your heart was leaping around, happy that he was appearing to come out of his shell, even if it wasn’t in the greatest circumstances.
Once you reached the kitchen, you moved out of habit, used to making late night drinks for Luna, but when you reached for the tea, you hesitated. You didn’t know what type Namjoon liked to drink. He only ever had coffee in front of you.
Leaving the orange mug empty for now, you prepared yours with instant coffee, knowing that it wouldn’t impact your sleep. As the hot water poured into the mug, you rifled through the tea bags you had, fingers pausing on one labelled Chamomile. Luna tended to favor this one when it was an especially stressful night, claiming that it helped calm her down.
Namjoon’s cries echoed in your mind and the next thing you knew you were plopping the tea bag into his mug and pressing brew for the hot water to dispense. If he didn’t like it, there were plenty other teas for him to choose. Leaning back against the counter, you softly smiled as he walked into the kitchen, his footsteps silent against the hardwood floor.
He glanced at the Keurig behind you, eyebrows scrunching up as he tilted his head at the smell. You didn’t recall making this one since he’s moved in.
“It’s Chamomile,” you softly explained, watching as his feet shuffled closer to the table. “It’ll help you relax. I thought you might like that after your nightmare.”
The corner of his lip twitched and a faint smile became visible. “Yeah, that sounds pretty good right about now.”
Hearing the Keurig finish, you turned back around to retrieve his mug, grabbing him a spoon and the honey bottle as well. “You’re gonna wanna dunk the bag a couple times,” you suggested, placing it in front of him. He raised an eyebrow at the honey and you shrugged as you retrieved your coffee before sitting across from him. “I wasn’t sure if you liked it sweet or not.”
“Thank you,” taking the honey, he poured a small amount in and stirred, carefully avoiding hitting the sides of the mug. “I…I really appreciate all that you’re doing for me.”
“It’s not a problem. I know things haven’t been easy for you.”
“But you didn’t have to help me.” He spoke, holding his mug in both hands. “You didn’t have to offer up your guest room, or be patient with me and share your meals, but you did.” Licking his lips, he raised an eyebrow at you. “And you didn’t have to let me stay this long. The storm ended weeks ago and the Homeless Center isn’t as chaotic, but you haven’t even mentioned that.”
Your eyes widened, feeling caught in the act when he softly smiled before taking a sip out of his drink. “How?”
“Luna called while you were away at work on day. She was wondering why you hadn’t told me that I could go back.”
Damn technology, you thought, shrugging as you tried to hide your embarrassment by pulling your knees up on to the chair and to your chest.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he softly asked. Lowering his mug, the spot between his eyebrows furrowed as he patiently waited. “Why didn’t you tell me to leave?”
A part of you wished you were able to play dumb and pull it off, to coyly act like you had no idea what he was talking about. Namjoon would know immediately though. His ability to pick up on your emotions hadn’t gone unnoticed in the time he’s lived with you.
The words escaped you for a moment, so you shrugged once as you tried to form the right thing to say. It only lasted a few seconds, because when you met his gaze, it flowed naturally. “I didn’t want you to leave,” you found yourself telling him, unable to say anything but the truth.
He blinked in surprise, leaning back in his seat as the silence took hold again. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. You didn’t mind it, figuring he was assessing your emotions to find the truth in what you said.
As he gathered his thoughts, you rubbed a hand across your eyes in an attempt to ease the headache from lack of caffeine.
“I told Luna it was better for that little Hybrid to be abandoned now because it’s true. It’s a shitty thing to experience when you can remember it.”
Tonight, was perhaps the most that you’ve heard Namjoon speak, and you were surprised with where he was directing his attention towards. Ideas swirled around with what he was talking about, about where this was going to lead, but you remained quiet as you focused on him, allowing him to speak at the pace he wanted to go at.
Namjoon ran his thumb around the rim of his mug, taking a deep breath. “I’ve lost track of all the owners I’ve had. There hadn’t been as many when I was younger, but as I grew up, grew bigger and taller, I got sent back to the Adoption Centers until one day, one of them got lazy and dropped me off at the Homeless Center. I was maybe, fifteen then.”
“Even with all the constant changes, I always knew I was a Hybrid. None of my owners ever let me forget that. They put me in small rooms, sometimes I didn’t even have a room but a closet or a mattress on the floor.” Lifting his gaze, he gestured around the kitchen with a bittersweet smile. “Everything in this room alone, to be able to have a cup of tea and not be afraid of the consequences, was once a dream for me. Still is sometimes.”
Shifting in your seat, you set your cup down on the table, having lost interest in the coffee that you usually loved. Because you were watching him, you were able to see his fingers tighten briefly.
“It was bad,” he simply said, not meeting your gaze this time. “There’d be days where I wasn’t allowed to eat, where I was expected to clean up after everyone and keep the house spotless and if I didn’t, well…sometimes not eat eating was better than their punishments. Almost forgot my own name with one owner. She only ever called me Hybrid.”
A rock settled inside your heart at what he was implying, and suddenly it made sense. The way he flinched at your touch, how you always had to encourage and reassure him that it was okay to eat and have more. Your eyes watered up and you bit down on your lower lip, unable to control the way your emotions seemed to fly around.
His ears flickered in your direction, finally looking at you again. He gave you a sad smile, leaning forward and shakily raised his hand, hesitating only once before running his thumb across your cheek. His touch was gentle but it only reinforced what you were thinking. How could anyone hurt someone as gentle as Namjoon?
“Don’t cry for me,” he whispered, doing it again to the other cheek. “It’s in the past, we can’t change what happened back then.”
Your bottom lip wobbled, leaning into his palm when he cupped your cheek, both drinks long forgotten as you closed your eyes, absorbing his touch. He wasn’t done with his story and for some reason, you knew that it wasn’t going to get any better.
“My last owner wasn’t any different. Like the rest of them, he felt like he was entitled because he had money to waste, and thought he was better because he was human and I was a Hybrid. But unlike them, he participated in the Underground.”
Frowning, you almost leaned back to get a better look at Namjoon, but when your cheek stated to slide out of his hand you stopped, choosing to stay in his touch. “The Underground?”
He gently tapped your cheek with his thumb, slowly nodding. “There’s the good part of it, and then there’s bad side. The good is mostly known for the music and art scene, but that’s not what most people think of. The Underground is mostly known for its bad side; the drugs, gambling, the Hybrid Mills and such, but everyone just calls it by one name since the lines blur together.” Namjoon shrugged, still rubbing your cheek as if to keep you calm. “One of the popular events are the fights, and as long as I was able to stand on my own two feet, he had me in them every night.”
You may not have known or understood what the Underground was, but with a little thinking it didn’t take long to understand what Namjoon meant.
“I was big and as a Wolf Hybrid, I had an advantage over some of the others. We…none of us wanted to fight, but if we didn’t, the consequences were worse than had we just lost.” Sighing, Namjoon lowered his hand from your face, his gaze falling to the floor once again as his shoulders slouched.
“My last fight had been against a kid, barely even eighteen and shaking. The crowd was screaming and whoever his owner was was threatening him…all I could do was stare at him, wondering who the hell I had become. For a split second I had considered it, it would have only taken one punch, and immediately I was disgusted with myself. The fact that I had even thought about it made me realize that I was no better than the human who owned me.”
You blinked as your mind resurfaced from the memory, pulling your fingers from the book cover as you stumbled backwards. Even now, there was still an ache when you thought about the life that Namjoon had been forced to live, the things he had to do to survive until he was able to escape. It had been a damn miracle that he ended up at the shelter that Luna worked at and she had called you when that storm came in.
Sighing, you plopped back down on the couch and turned the TV on, hoping to ind on a show that could manage to keep you awake for the next several hours.
Please Joonie, you thought, gently laying a hand on the Mate Mark that you treasured and wore with immense pride. A life with Namjoon was what you wanted, what you still wanted, but it was starting to feel like the two of you were heading in two different directions and all you wished for was to find the spot where things began to change. But you could only go so far, do so much, by yourself.
Please come home. Please.
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the idea of loving you | 4
Being in love is never easy. Especially with a certain blonde-haired Slytherin around.. /4th year, Voldemort not coming back/
pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw reader
word count: 2300
warnings: bad language, smut (kinda)
a/n: Uni is kicking my butt, but I finally finished chapter 4. Thank you so much for all the positive feedback, I love you all <3
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There was an awkward tension lingering between Cho and you as you were walking back to your dorm from the party. She was walking a bit ahead of you, so you didn't get to see the face she was making. You were scared. This was the worst possible outcome of the night. You wanted to talk it out with her, but you were too nervous to start speaking. You've already been through so much together the last few years, from small arguments because of your untidiness to full-on fights because her first boyfriend called you a bitch, and she did nothing. But still, you've solved everything. You've suddenly stopped walking when you realized that running from this was only making it worse. It was now only her footsteps that echoed on the empty stairs. When she noticed you stopped, she turned around to look at you. She didn't seem angry or mad. She seemed just as confused and scared as you did, and seeing that gave you the strength to talk.
"Cho... How are you feeling?" you asked sheepishly, fingers fidgeting with the rings you were wearing.
She took a long pause before answering. You felt your heart racing more and more with each passing second. "If it's about the kiss, it's all good y/n. You did what you had to do."
It was almost midnight. You figured your other roommate was already asleep, so you sat down on the top of the spiral staircase of the Ravenclaw tower. Cho immediately joined you .
"You know, I've always imagined my first kiss to be with Cedric," you started, eyes fixated on the cracks of the stairs. " I thought it's going to be in our garden on a summer afternoon with the blue sky above us while the sun warmed our skins. That we'd just lay there on the grass, and he'd finally steal a kiss. You have no idea how much I wanted this. I gave him so many opportunities, but he never took them. It hurt so bad, I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't wished to feel nothing at all. I thought that I'm never going to get over him. But when we kissed it wasn't like I imagined it to be. It was disappointing, really. It's not that the kiss itself was bad, I-I guess I'm just changing." you said, finally looking up, to see her reaction. 
She looked at you, her tender eyes full of sympathy. "Telling me all this... I knew you're not a chicken," she chuckled softly, but her face turned serious as she continued. "I always wondered how much it hurts you that Cedric and me... you know, are dating. I was always so scared that you're going to break, even if you said it was okay. I live in constant guilt y/n." she said, trying to blink her tears away.
"I'm full of self-love, you've got to try harder if you want to break a person like me," you laughed, which made her smile. 
You've talked for a little while, before deciding it was better to get going. That night you slept together in your bed. She fell asleep quickly but your thoughts kept you up. It was dark, the only source of illumination was the moonlight from your tall windows. You stared at the ceiling as you listened to her breathing. Life really was unfair, you thought.
The next day was chaotic. No one cared about the classes, since everyone was thrilled about the upcoming ball that day. Even the teachers looked excited, and most of them gave you permission to read quietly or study for other classes. Not Snape though, he seemed like he was over this whole ball thing, so you brew potions. You didn't mind it, it was something you were good at. There was just one little thing that annoyed you, and it was a blue pair of eyes that burned a hole in the back of your head. You turned around in annoyance, not wanting to put up with this anymore. But your angry eyes were met with a playful wink from his end. You rolled your eyes and turned back in your seat, trying to concentrate on your potion when you heard him call your name.
"Psst, y/l/n." 
You let out an audible sigh, then turned to him. "What?" 
"Hope you're looking good for me tonight darling, I wouldn't want to hang out with Pansy all night," he said with a grin. 
Your blood was boiling at that point. Who does he think he is? Leaving you like that in the Three Broomsticks and making you feel like you're easily replaced as he's openly flirting with everyone in front of you, was not it. You're not even going to mention the fact that you were just a tool for him to get under Harry's skin. You seriously needed to do something about his cockiness. You needed to take the lead. And you needed to do it tonight.
Classes were finally over, so you ran to your dorm to meet up with your friends. You all decided that you're all going to get ready together. You were sitting on a chair, trying to put on your necklace as Marietta did your makeup. Or, at least she tried.
"Oh, for Merlin's sake, y/n. Stop moving!" She said in a slightly annoyed tone. It was the fourth time she said that in the last 2 minutes. 
"Sorry," you said. You realized you were very bad at sitting in one place for a longer period of time. You also realized that it hurts a lot when someone pokes your eyeball with a mascara wand. 
After an hour of dolling you up, you were done, and you felt beautiful. Marietta did amazing on your makeup. It wasn't much, but it really enhanced your features, making you look the prettiest you've looked in a while. You did your own hair, and while you weren't the best at it, you've managed to do something presentable. Or so you thought before Cho offered to do it for you because she thought it was only half-done. You took her offer without hesitation.
"Merlin, look at us, we look so good," Cho said in awe after you were all done.
"Yeah, and look at our titties, we are full-grown women now," Marietta said while giving her boobs a squeeze. You agreed, looking at your own pair of boobs. All of you showed a little cleavage, except for Cho. She was a little more conservative in this field.
"Girls! You are intellectual women, and intellectual women don't talk about their tits," Cho laughed.
"Well, I guess we are intellectual women, who also love their tits," you compromised while trying to fix the strap of your dress.
When you went down to find Draco, you saw him already waiting for you. And Merlin, he looked immoral, with his perfectly styled hair and expensive tuxedo. When his eyes met yours you felt your cheeks heat up. No, you can't do this right now, you had to concentrate, you thought. But it was hard with him looking like that. 
When you got closer to him, he let out a low whistle as he looked you up and down, not even trying to hide the fact that he was checking you out. "You clean up well, y/l/n," he said, before taking your hand and kissing the back of it. Merlin, he made you so nervous, but you needed to loosen up for this to work. Tonight, you make him pay. 
Entering the great hall, your jaw dropped. It had never looked better. Everything was white and silver, and it looked so elegant. There were a few circular tables on either side of the room, and each table had its own ice sculpture in the middle. The first two tables from the door served drinks and food, and at the very back of the room stood 3 snow-covered Christmas trees. It was beautiful, you thought. 
The waltz went pretty well. Draco was a surprisingly good dancer, but the real fun started after the formalities. Luna told you, that some people mixed some Firewhiskey into the punch bowl. Some people being Fred and George. After hearing this, you quickly hopped to the table to pour yourself some. You've danced a lot that night, although you weren't sure if what you were doing could've been classified as dancing. You were mostly just jumping up and down and swinging your hip to the rhythm of the music. But the more punch you drank, you better you got at it. You were in the middle of slow dancing with Luna to a slower song when a hand grabbed your waist from behind. As you turned around you were met with none other than Draco himself. You kind of lost him after the waltz, since you went dancing with your friends, and he went off with his. 
"Where were you?" you asked him as he put one of his hands on your lower back and pulled you close to him, while the other reached for your hand. You were dancing with him now.
"With Pansy," he said simply, as he spun you around. " It got boring too quickly though." His voice was low, and you were suddenly aware of the close proximity between you two. 
"So you came back, to me," you drawled. "How noble." His hand on your back was dangerously low now.
He licked his lips "Don't worry, we didn't do anything bad. I'm all yours tonight." His voice hardly rose over a whisper. You wouldn't have survived this conversation if not for the alcohol in you. 
"Oh is that true?" you teased. Your faces were so close, that one small push could easily end in your lips pressed together.
"Want me to show you?" he breathed, eyes never leaving yours.
"Oh, I don't know, I might need a bit more motivation," you said with a smirk. Everything happened quickly. He gave you a grin, then guided your hands to the back of his neck before he raised your chin with his fingers, there was a pause, while he looked you in the eye with a serious expression before he kissed you. Your body reacted instinctively, and you opened your mouth a little, letting him deepen the kiss. It wasn't an innocent, sweet one. No, it was heated, and full of passion. Merlin, you hated how good it felt. He let out a groan as you bit his lower lip and you felt like the world was spinning around you.
"Was this motivating enough?" he whispered into your ear as he ended the kiss.
You bit your lips in hesitation. What you were about to do was very stupid and reckless, but this was your chance. He's made a fool of you several times before, but not today. This time it was you that wanted to leave him wrecked. "Let's get out of here," you purred.
So there you were, in an empty, half-lit corridor that echoed of your panting. This whole situation was so sinful. Red, swollen lips and hungry eyes were the only things you saw. You curled your fingers in the hair at his nape and jerked your hips against his, which resulted in a low groan from him. His eyes greedy as he snaked an arm around your waist, resting it on the curve of your ass, to urge you closer. You didn't waste a second, as you rolled your hips against his, feeling his hardening length as you sucked bruises on his delicate skin. He threw his head back to the wall in pleasure, as he let out a groan before he started fidgeting with the zipper on your dress.
You chuckled lowly as you snapped his hand away, "Eager much?" you cooed.
"You're such a fucking tease," he smirked with heavy eyelids.
"I'm not this easy, you might need to persuade me a little more," you purred. You'd definitely be embarrassed at your behavior, but the combination of alcohol and seeing the Slytherin Prince a desperate mess under your hands made you shameless. When you were with Cedric, you felt like a girl, and you liked that feeling. But with Draco, you felt like a woman. You felt dangerous and desired and it drove you crazy.
Your lips parted as he brushed his thumb against your lower lip before his fingers followed a trail under your jaw, hooking a finger under your necklace to pull you closer to him. "Is this how you want to play, y/l/n?" lips brushing against yours as he spoke before he snapped his hips forward. He was so hot, you wanted nothing more than to finish what you've started. And you were sure, you will at some point, but this wasn't that night. He looked at you, with confusion in his eyes as you took a step back and cleared your throat. 
"What are you doing?" he asked, in disbelief.
"Oh, I forgot I promised Harry a dance, and we certainly wouldn't want to make him wait now, do we?" you breathed, with a sly smile on your lips, before turning around to go back to the great hall.
He stood there in complete shock. He couldn't believe that this really just happened. You played him and left him with blue balls. He let out a laugh in disbelief when you had the audacity to turn around and send him a wink before disappearing into the hallway.
"Two can play at that game y/l/n," he said before he fixed himself, and headed back to the ball to find Pansy.
taglist: @dreaming-about-fanfictions @streetfighterrichie
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Kindness & Kidnapping
A JSE Fanfic
I’ve written something that’s less than 6000 words for the first time in a year, whoo! I was planning to include more plot but after a while I realized there was too much to put into one chapter so I broke it into two. And now, this chapter is short, but it has some important and...interesting developments. Let’s just say, Anti makes his move. I don’t know what to say beyond that, so just read on ;)
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
It was a bright morning outside, but Chase didn’t know that. He was inside, sitting at a hastily-done computer setup inside his closet. It was cramped and dark and honestly kind of dusty. But he hadn’t wanted to keep this setup out in the open. Because this was the computer he’d been using to access Anti’s website, and if he kept it out in any other room of the house, he knew he’d keep glancing towards the windows and doors, waiting for something to happen.
Though...nothing had happened in the past week or so since he’d first found the website. He’d told the police about it, contacting that detective, Nix, who was in charge of the search for Jackie and JJ. Nix had been really appreciative, saying that this was a helpful clue and the police would be right on it, but he’d warned Chase to not go looking at any websites like this again. “These are dangerous,” he’d said. “And many of them use trackers to gather information or worse.”
Yet here he was. First thing in the morning. Staring at a creepy hitman website while sitting in his closet.
Part of his mind was yelling at him to stop. That even though he’d waited a few days before accessing the site again, that didn’t mean anything. This was dangerous. But...he couldn’t help it. This was the first time he felt like he was doing something, like he was actually helping the search for his friends. So, he stayed there.
His study of the website mostly consisted of scrolling through the anonymous reviews and trying to find ways to look at the source code. Chase...wasn’t that good with computers. Despite the fact that recording videos and putting them on the Internet was his job. He’d basically absorbed all his knowledge from Jack and his editor and only knew how to do things like editing because of that. Anything beyond what was required for YouTube was a mystery to him. But he was trying.
His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he gasped, then felt silly. It was just a text notification. Sighing at his own jumpiness, he took out his phone and looked at the message on the screen. It was from Marvin. Hey do you know any quick ways to get food? Other than ordering.
Oh? Chase responded. Are you out of bed this early? Thats a 1st. And he didn’t just mean because Marvin was having trouble getting out of bed recently. Marvin never woke up before ten, even before JJ disappeared, so this was strange.
Luna was yelling at me because i forgot to fill her bowl last night and i couldnt deal with it anymore so i got up and thought i might as well get breakfast.
Thats great bro. As for food I bought you some microwave mac n cheese and noodles.
Marvin instantly replied, I’m not eating fucking noodles for breakfast. That’s weird.
Chase laughed a bit. Sorry, Marv. I know your sense of order is a big thing for you, but sometimes you need exceptions.
This time, the reply was slow. The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared a couple times before finally: i just cant. maybe another time.
Ah. Of course, even if he was out of bed, Marvin was still struggling. Chase thought for a moment, then said, Alright, Marvin. No problem. How bout toast and butter? It takes five to ten minutes depending on how much you want it burnt. That was a frequent go-to for him. I know u have bread and butter, too.
Alright. Thanks.
No problem. Chase paused, then added, Hey I was gonna go visit Jack again later today. Do u think youd be up for coming with?
Another long pause. I dunno. Ask me again when it’s closer to time.
Got it. And with that, Chase set his phone down and returned his attention to the website.
About an hour later, he gave up. He couldn’t find any clues at all, and reading this was really starting to get to him. Carefully standing up, so as to not knock over the computer setup in the tiny closet, he turned off the monitor and CPU, then edged around to the closet door. He hesitated, feeling uneasy anxiety rolling in his stomach, then slowly opened the door.
Nobody was outside. Well, of course not. He took a deep breath, and stepped out into the hallway. It was time to get ready for the day.
But still, that anxiety followed him. And he couldn’t help but remember the notice that Anti had put at the top of the website. Something about business being closed until something was “taken care of.” That just...sounded very bad. And Chase couldn’t help but think about what might be happening to Jameson and Jackie.
Nearly a month had passed since Anti had taken JJ. For nearly a month, Jameson had been stuck in this room with Jackie. And with no means of escape that he could see. He’d looked, of course. But even with Jackie’s help, they couldn’t find a way out of the room. The closest thing he could think of was somehow unscrewing the door hinges, and he’d actually spent about a week trying to do that, but without any tools, there was no way those hinges would budge.
The only opportunity that he could see was when Anti visited, which he did often. But even that would be difficult to pull off. Jameson and Jackie might have numbers on their side, but Jackie was pretty weak after almost a year of captivity, and JJ had never been that athletic. Still, he was starting to consider it. Maybe Anti wouldn’t be expecting it, if he could just convince Jackie that they could do it, and if they could find an opportunity...
But even if they were going to try, today would not be the day. Anti had come into the room for one of his visits, which were becoming worryingly frequent, and Jackie had decided to hide in the attached bathroom. Jameson refused to look at Anti, in the vain hope that he’d go away if he didn’t engage.
“Jamie.” Anti pulled a chair away from the table, and then indicated the one across from him. “Come s...sit down.”
Jameson shook his head. He folded his arms, and stayed where he was, standing next to the bunk bed.
Anti stared at him for a while, then sat down. It didn’t ease the tension at all. For some reason, Jameson still felt like he was looming over him. “Alright. F-fine.” He paused. Waiting. Watching him with his mismatched eyes. Today, the fake one was brown, not green. Odd, but it didn’t lessen the intensity of his gaze.
After a few silent moments, Jameson couldn’t take it anymore. He slowly walked over to the table and sat down. God damn it. Why was just the silence enough to get him to respond?
“Ah, there we are.” Anti smiled. “About time. You’re always so...so tense, Jamie, when you really shouldn’t be. I won’t h-hurt you.”
What do you want this time? Jameson signed stiffly.
“Why do you keep asking that? I don’t want...anything, I just want to...talk.” Anti leaned back in the chair. “I don’t understand th-this. You’re so...different. And I’m trying, you know. Know. You know—I know, by now, that this wasn’t the best starting point. But I’m trying to...to get everything back to the way it was. You want that, don’t you?” His voice was soft, like he was talking to an easily startled animal. Or a child.
No, I don’t. Jameson said firmly. I don’t want everything to go back to how it was, because back then, you were making me help you throw bodies in the river.
“That was a mistake, okay? Oka-ay?” Anti sighed. “I shouldn’t...should never have gotten you involved in all this. So, I’m not going to, ever again.”
Jameson laughed. You’re a bit late for that! Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you kidnapped me!
“That was another mistake, and I’m sorry that you f-f-feel I was out of line. I can see what you...what you mean. But you’d never talk to me otherwise, let alone go anywhere with me.” Anti’s fingers tapped an irregular rhythm on the table. “But I can pr-promise you, no more dead bodies. Ever. Ever again. You’ll be safe.”
He sounded genuine, and JJ had to admit that at least there was still a part of him that cared about—no! Jameson stiffened and pushed away that softening feeling. It didn’t change any of this. Anti still abducted him, and he was willing to bet that ‘safe’ to Anti wasn’t the same as ‘safe’ to him. It would be more of this, most likely. Trapped inside, unable to go anywhere, always under Anti’s watchful eye. Why was he even continuing this conversation? Jameson balled up his hands and shoved them under his arms, physically preventing him from saying anything more.
Anti’s expression shifted slightly. “You’re being so difficult, my god. We’ve been doing this for a-a-a month and gotten nowhere. If you would just li-listen, we could go—past—move past this.” The tapping rhythm increased slightly, nails on wood. “But alright—okay. Fine. Yes. I-I-I have a pro—” And then the tapping stopped. Anti’s eyes suddenly widened. “Oh. That’s it.”
Jameson leaned back a bit, waiting for something. Those last words sounded like a threat. But—
Out of nowhere, Anti slumped forward onto the table. JJ gasped and stood up. In an instant, he was moving automatically, rolling Anti’s head to the side and looking for anything dangerous nearby. There was nothing. Could he breathe? Was this a good position, or should he move him? He should’ve recognized it, Anti was having difficulty with his words, he knew that was a sign—Wait, the watch. The watch he was wearing around his neck, the chain it was on had tightened a bit. JJ grabbed the chain and adjusted it so it was more loose.
A few seconds later, Anti gasped, and pushed JJ away. He stepped back.
“I...fuck.” Anti blinked, eyes glancing around the room. For a moment, he was confused. JJ could see the recognition slowly fade back into his expression. “Thwshnnbad.”
JJ watched anxiously. For a moment, he glanced over towards the door. But...he just couldn’t. Not now. Maybe he was too nice, but it just felt cruel to try and leave after that.
Anti took a few deep breaths, then looked over at JJ. “You helped.”
Jameson hesitated, then nodded.
“Hmm.” Anti didn’t say anything, but there was a look on his face that made Jameson squirm a bit. Almost smug. Almost. There was a fair share of gratitude that prevented it from being fully self-satisfied. Anti reached for his pocket, and after a few tries, pulled out his phone. “That was...not that long?”
Just a few seconds. Maybe fifteen or so, JJ said. No twitching or jerking. 
Nodding, Anti tapped on his phone for a bit. “It’s...been a while,” he said quietly. “They’re not that bad anymore, you know.”
Unsure what to say, Jameson just nodded again.
A few moments later, Anti took a deep breath, and returned his phone to his pocket. “Anyway. As...I was saying. I have a proposal.”
Immediately, all Jameson’s sympathy was gone, replaced by cold fear. What is it? he asked warily.
Anti didn’t answer for a bit. Instead, he reached inside his jacket, and pulled out a small keycard. “Do you know what this is?”
A card? Like...for a hotel?
“No, not for a hotel.” Anti smiled a bit. “Though I guess...it’s sort of like it.” His eyes darted towards the bathroom door, slightly ajar. “He’s been telling you about what happened. With him and the doctor.” It wasn’t a question. So Jameson didn’t answer. But he didn’t have to. “Did you ever meet that doctor?”
Jameson started to shake his head, then reconsidered. Once, he said. He thought I was you.
“We do look similar. Even more so than all these...these doppelgangers do to each other.” Anti tried to twirl the keycard around his fingers, but failed. It fell to the table, and he quickly picked it up again. “So, you only met him once. Hmm...I expected you to interact with him more. You’re part of this...this friend group now. I thought, surely, they’d introduce you to each other. Well, I guess they tried. I’m assuming it didn’t go well.” He paused. “But still. You’re a good person, Jamie.”
What are you saying? Jameson almost didn’t want to ask.
“You wouldn’t want anything to happen to him, right?”
Anti fell silent, but Jameson didn’t dare to answer. He couldn’t. 
“This keycard happens to give me...access to the hospital where he’s staying,” Anti continued. “I’ve already been there. I know how to get him out.”
Don’t hurt him, Jameson said, all color gone from his face. Please.
“That depends on you. Well, and our friend in there.” Anti indicated the bathroom door again. “Originally, I was going to use him, but then I thought, that didn’t stop that doctor woman from leaving. But he might try to leave himself, especially with the two of you...here. Together. So I thought I’d use something that’ll affect both of you.”
He hasn’t done anything to you. Leave him alone.
“That doesn’t mean he’ll never do anything,” Anti suddenly snapped. “The cops know I exist now. It’s only a matter of time before they start to ask him questions.” The anger drained away. Now his face was still, unreadable. “Besides, that didn’t stop me before.”
Why did you even take him in the first place? Jameson asked. Why? It wasn't for your...work. All of this could’ve been avoided.
“I was...curious. He thought I was his friend Jack, you know. When I ran into him that night. And I thought to myself, this man is clearly delusional. But I figured it would be easier to play along. After he realized what happened, he explained his whole condition to me, and I wondered. I wondered how I could use that.” Anti’s smile was sharp. “It’s not every day an opportunity like that runs into you on the street.”
Jameson backed away, horrified. Too late, Anti noticed his reaction. And for a moment, he looked hurt. Then angry. Sad. And finally, determined. “Think about what I said.” He stood up, and headed towards the door. For a moment, Jameson considered following him. But he hesitated for a second too long, and Anti was gone, the door locked behind him.
The room was silent. Jameson stood there for what felt like forever. Then he moved, walking towards the bathroom. He slowly pushed open the door, peering inside. “Hmm?” he hummed.
“Down here.” Jackie was sitting on the tile floor, up against the shower in the corner of the room. The bathroom was sparse and small, containing only the necessities of a toilet, sink, and shower, along with a bonus medicine cabinet that was empty. There was nowhere to sit except the floor.
JJ stepped inside. Did you hear all of that?
Jackie nodded silently. His hands were covering his head, fingers digging into his scalp. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, and judging by the tracks, a few already had. “H-he can’t—Schneep is going to—he won’t be able to—”
It’s going to be fine, JJ said, kneeling next to him. We won’t let anything happen to him.
“The—the only way to make sure of that is—but you can’t—you could get away if you—but not if he’s—”
It’s going to be fine, Jameson repeated uncertainly. I’ll make sure that it’ll work out. Maybe I can get Anti to listen to me. We can find a way. The police would notice Henrik disappearing, they’ll find us.
Jackie choked on a sob. He pulled his knees up to his chest and folded his arms on top of them. “They haven’t,” he said quietly. “They’re...not going to.” And he buried his face in his arms, shoulders shaking. 
Jameson didn’t have anything to say to that. All he could do was stay close, and hold Jackie tight as he cried.
It was a lovely day outside. For late-November-near-December, that is. Though the sun shone bright in a cloudless sky, there was still a chill to the air that forced people to wear jackets, or even coats. But Schneep didn’t mind. He hadn’t been outside in so long that anything would feel refreshing.
Silver Hills had itself a back garden where some patients could spend time. It was fenced in, for safety, but it was still quite large. Dr. Laurens had told him the news at the end of yesterday’s session: she’d gotten approval for some supervised time outside. Schneep had been hesitant at first. Some of his old paranoia and fear resurfacing. When he’d been with Anti, he hadn’t been allowed out without permission. And even when he had permission, Anti always found a way to keep an eye on him, either via cameras and GPS or by accompanying him himself. What if—what if this was another trick? A test? And if he failed the test—
No, of course not. Everything was alright here. There were other patients out and about, going on walks along the paths and stopping to look at flowers nearby. Schneep watched them from where he was sitting on one of the garden’s benches. He twirled his medical bracelet around his wrist. They’d also finally decided that he could wear clothes—besides the standard issue white shirt and pants—again. As long as they didn’t have any hard fastenings or dangly bits like strings, but that was understandable. So now the bracelet was the only sign that he was a patient here. Which was the same as everyone else. That...helped, actually. Somehow.
“Schneep? Is everything alright?”
“Hmm?” Schneep blinked, realizing he’d been gone for a while there. Oliver was nearby, as always. In this case, sitting at another bench nearby, far enough away to give Schneep his own space but close enough in case of an emergency. “Yes, I am fine. It is just a bit chilly.”
“Well...you’re not wrong there,” Oliver muttered. The orderly uniform was short-sleeved, and evidently, they weren’t allowed to wear anything over it.  His arms were covered in raised goosebumps. “Anything else?”
“No, I was just thinking.” Schneep looked down at his lap. Laurens had given him one of her notebooks and a box of markers. He’d said that he wanted to try drawing, like they’d done in one of their sessions, and she’d been encouraging. So now he was trying to draw the gardens. It was hard. He wasn’t particularly artistic, and he was pretty sure a twelve-year-old could do better than him. But it was...nice. Focusing. Grounding.
Oliver nodded, and went silent. Schneep returned to his paper. The markers were a bit annoying, since they couldn’t be erased. But it was fine. He worked around the mistakes.
Quite a bit of time passed before he was ready to go inside. A few clouds had appeared in the clear sky. Schneep stood up, closing the notebook. Oliver looked over at him again. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, I’m going back to my room.”
“Alright, then.” Oliver stood up as well. “Let’s go.”
They made their way inside, winding through the halls and then up the stairs. It was so good to have his old room back, from before that tiny, featureless room on the first floor. Apparently those rooms weren’t supposed to be lived in for that long, a fact that the lovely Dr. Newson had neglected to mention. But that was in the past. Now he had a window! And some battery-powered lamps, and a bathroom joined to the room, and more furniture than a bed and a single table. It was amazing.
“Alright, here we are.” They stopped outside Room 309 and Oliver unlocked it with a swipe of the key card. It was only ever unlocked when nobody was inside; another difference between this one and the tiny first-floor room. “You remember to push the button if you need anything?”
“Yes, yes.” There was a call button on the wall inside. Pressing it would bring an orderly to the room, hopefully within minutes. “I remember.”
“Great. I’ll be around.”
“Thank you.” Schneep opened the door, adjusting his grip on the notebook and box of markers before heading inside. “I will be seeing you, then.”
Oliver smiled a bit. “Of course. See you.” He waved a bit, then walked off, disappearing down the hallway. Schneep waved after him, pulling the room door closed shortly before he started to turn the corner.
By now, it was solidly in the afternoon, and the sun was shining its beams directly into the window. Schneep blinked in the sudden brightness, then once his eyes adjusted, he walked over to the table and put down the notebook and markers. He opened up to the page with the garden drawing and considered it. Not bad, really. For someone who wasn’t an artist. Jackie and Marvin would’ve done much better. Maybe they could have given him advice, if they were here.
It would be some time before dinner. A little over an hour, judging by the numbers on the digital clock on the table. In the meantime, he could get some reading done. The room had a shelf, and Laurens had been providing him with some books for it. He was just barely starting a new novel, but it had already sucked him in. Yes, that was a good idea. Get through a few chapters of that.
Schneep headed over to the shelf, running his fingers over the spines of the books until he reached the one he was looking for. He was just about to pull it off the shelf when there was a movement in his peripheral vision.
He stiffened instinctually. Even though he’d been seeing strange movement in his vision for years now, he’d only been uneasy about it ever since his time with Anti. But he wasn’t supposed to acknowledge it. It was better that way. Just ignore it, just ignore it, just ignore—
There were footsteps behind him. And he couldn’t help but turn around. The first thing he saw as he turned was the door to the adjoining bathroom. It was open. Hadn’t he left it closed? Could he have not closed it all the way? Then some sort of shift in the air could’ve opened it, causing the movement he saw?
No, that theory was disproved when he saw the second thing of note in the room: a man. Who hadn’t been there before. He was wearing the orderly uniform, but Schneep didn’t recognize him.
No, he did recognize him.
His eyes were a different color, and his face wasn’t scarred, but there could be no mistaking him. Anti.
Schneep froze. No. No, it wasn’t real. He was just hallucinating. He’d done the same a few days ago, thought he’d seen Anti in the rec room. That couldn’t have been real. So this couldn’t be real. So it wasn’t. If he just ignored the hallucination, it couldn’t do anything to him. Slowly, he turned back around. He reached with trembling hands to take the book off the shelf.
More footstep sounds. He saw in the corner of his vision the image of Anti again. Anti was circling around him to his left, staring, watching, staring, watching—why is everyone always watching him?!—No, no, don’t let it get to him. It wasn’t real. He pulled the book off the shelf, and knocked down its two neighbors in the process, grabbing those as they fell. It was fine. Everything was fine.
He took a few deep breaths and turned away, taking the three books to an armchair near the window of the room. The image of Anti watched him, watched him with interest, curiosity. He always did that. He’d done it in the beginning, when he’d trapped Schneep in that house with him, always curious about how far he could push his limits.
“Es ist nicht real,” Schneep said to himself. Just a reminder. It couldn’t be real. How’d he get into the room? The front door hadn’t opened, and it was impossible for him to be inside beforehand. The room had been locked. Nobody could get in without unlocking it with a keycard. “Es ist nicht real. Es ist nicht real.” It was impossible.
Footstep sounds. Schneep could see the image of Anti approaching out of the corner of his vision. He didn’t turn his head, and focused on stacking the three books on the window sill. “Es ist nicht real, ist nicht real, ist nicht real, nicht real, nicht real,” he continued to whisper under his breath. “Nicht real, nicht real, nicht real.”
The image reached out and—
It grabbed his arm. 
He felt a sharp pain.
Panic flooded his system. Schneep screamed and spun around, picking up one of the books and throwing it at the man. The book connected solidly, hitting with enough force to snap the man’s head back and cause him to let go. He yelled out in pain.
No, someone was here. It wasn’t a hallucination. Someone was here and they weren’t supposed to be. Schneep ran across the room, heading for the door.
“You—!” The man recovered quickly, and ran to the door as well. He was faster, and Schneep skidded to a halt as the strange man who looked like Anti blocked the door. 
Okay, no door then. Schneep’s eyes scanned the room, and—the call button! Of course! He lunged to the side. The man saw where he was going, and pounced.
Schneep’s hand landed on the button for a split second before the man grabbed his wrist. He started to yell for help, but the man covered his mouth. “Shush,” his voice hissed as he wrapped his other arm around Schneep’s torso.
No! Schneep immediately started struggling, kicking his legs and trying to wriggle free. For a moment, his right arm pulled away, and he hit the strange man in the face. But the man was quick, and recaptured the escaped hand before it could do any damage. “Calm down, you’re going to be asleep in a few moments anyway,” the man said. “Don’t make this hard on yourself.”
That voice—it was—but it couldn’t be. It was impossible—how would he get inside? That—no. Schneep’s thoughts swirled in broken fragments, unable or unwilling to finish and come to the natural conclusion. He shook his head and continued to struggle. The man’s grip was firm. Unbreakable. It was...a familiar feeling.
There was something on his hand. Something powdery, chalky. Like...some sort of makeup. Like...something that could be used to hide blemishes. Or scars. It was on his right hand, the one he’d used to hit the man’s face.
Where Anti’s scars would be.
No...it wasn’t possible. This couldn’t be happening! It wouldn’t be—was it all a trick? All of it? Was he always planning to come back? Or maybe it was all in his head—no. He refused to believe that one.
Strangely, the longer he struggled, the slower his movement became. Sluggish...weak. And Schneep recognized these effects immediately. A sedative? But when...oh. Oh, that sharp pain he’d felt when he had grabbed him...that was a needle, wasn’t it? It was too late, wasn’t it?
Too late...yes, his vision was starting to waver. Schneep gave up on the weak escape attempts. They weren’t doing any good, anyway. Maybe he’d managed to hit the call button, and someone would be coming. Maybe...maybe they could...stop this...help him...please...please...
He looked up into the eyes of his captor and the world faded away.
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dranza · 4 years
16th December
Draco x Reader
Slow burn babyyyy!
Word count: 2703
Warnings: talk about shitty parents.
Please let me know if you notice any.
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I shake snow out of my hair as I enter the Great Hall, weaving through the kids to locate my usual seat on the slytherin table. Sat comfortably, already tucking into his toast, Draco looks up at me with a cocked eyebrow, “Punctual as ever.”
“Morning.” I groan at him, nudging his arm. 
“Morning Y/N” he returns with a side smile. “What took you so long?”
“Ginny and Ron were having a snowball fight in the courtyard, I got roped into it.” I shrug. 
I’d grown quite close to the Weasley siblings since I moved here and I quickly learned that, as much as they love each other, they are almost always ready to jump at each other's throats. I normally like to stay out of the way but when Ginny used me as a human shield, it meant war. If it wasn’t for Hagrid splitting us up, we would probably still be out there. 
“My hands feel like they're going to drop off, feel this.” I place the back of my icy hand against the pale-haired boy’s neck. 
“What... are you crazy?” He flings his hand up to my wrist and pulls it away. “You’re freezing!” Once he is over the initial shock, he balls his fingers around my hands, gently whispering a charm over them. A rush of goosebumps flow up my arms. The temperature from his hands transfers into mine and in a few seconds my entire body is filled with a pleasant warmth. He finishes the last charm and looks up. His gentle grip lingers around my hands for a few seconds before he suddenly drops them and averts his eyes. An awkward cough escapes him “better?” 
I let out a single breathy giggle and lean my head on his shoulder, “Thanks Dray.”
“Not a problem.” Draco hands me a bowl for my cereal and then reaches over the table for an apple, careful not to move the arm I’m resting on. 
“Y/N” a distinct voice calls out to me from a few feet away.
“Uncle Filius?” I look over, confused, at the short man walking towards me (He rarely leaves the teachers table at meal times). Then I notice the cupcake in his hand, a small flame over the icing. The confusion escapes me instantly. Is he seriously doing this? 
“Happy Birthday Kiddo.” He reaches me with an ear to ear grin. 
I try my best to hide my shock and not get too excited, blowing out the candle gently. “Thanks Uncle Filly.” I can’t quite believe he even knew. It's just that I’ve never actually had a good birthday since my father passed. My mother was always “too busy at work” or had “just received a new lead” so she never had time to find me a gift, most years I didn't even receive a card. My friends at school never realised they missed it. I’ve learned to never have any expectations now. To be completely honest, I’d been so caught up in the christmas festivities, I’d forgotten myself. 
“I must rush back but do have a lovely day Y/N!” Professor Flitwick gives me an awkward side hug and continues back towards the teachers table.
I turn my eyes back to my breakfast to notice Hermione sitting opposite me. “I can’t believe you never told us it's your birthday?” Ginny and Harry stand behind her, matching shocked expressions on their faces. 
“We have to celebrate!” Ginny states gleefully.
“I’m sure we could go out for butterbeer?” Harry suggests with enthusiasm.
“I don't know… would you guys really be up for it?” I ask sheepishly.
“Are you kidding me? We’re always up for a celebration!” Ron pops up on the other side of Hermione, chocolate muffin in hand. “The Three Broomsticks has this brilliant crumble pudding this time of the year, it's the perfect birthday treat.”
I let out a soft laugh and agree to their plans, touched by their friendship.
“You're not going to Hogsmeade today, are you?” A soft voice calls out from the table next to us and we all turn to the pretty girl perching next to Neville. “I read there would be a snow storm, quite inconvenient.”
Harry runs his fingers through his dark hair “Please! The sun is blazing and it's a clear sky. Any snow that set last night will even melt by midday.” 
“We’ll leave at midday then.” Ron bounces his hand off the table. “That's if we don’t get snowed in, right Luna?” he leaves the table laughing to himself.
“I’ll send out an owl to Madame Rosmerta to save us a table for eight.” Hermione pulls out some parchment from her robe and begins writing the note. 
“Eight?” I ask, unsure how she can so confidently say so many people would want to come out to celebrate my birthday. 
“The six of us…” she signals to herself and the small group around her, “And you two.” 
To this Draco’s head shoots up, “Me?” his grey eyes flick left to right to make sure he heard correctly. “I…” he stares at the bitten apple in his hands, “I’m not exactly welcome there anymore.”
Hermione lets out a sharp breath, trying her best to not let the memory of Draco’s darker days show on her face. “Okay, well I’ll sort out someplace else. Let’s just meet in the courtyard in 2 and a half hours.” Her eyes cheekily dart towards Harry and Ginny “Don’t be late.”
“We promise.” Harry dramatically places a hand on his chest.
“We’ll be there.” Ginny nudges him playfully. “In exactly 3 hours, right?” she winks at Hermione and pulls Harry away, the both of them chuckling at Hermione’s exasperated sigh.
I wait for Draco in the Slytherin common room, ready for our day out. I have been to Hogsmeade a few times in the last three and a half months but I can’t hold in my excitement for today. This is going to be so much fun. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m really thrilled that it's my birthday. I feel so lucky to finally have people that care to make my day special. It's so foreign to me. I’m basically pacing around the chamber (chewing on mint leaf, after mint leaf) and suddenly I hear a voice coming from the fireplace. 
“Y/N? Are you there?” Hermione pokes her head through the fire. “I can’t believe this is happening, but Luna was right. A snow-storm has literally blocked everything.” 
“I’m suggesting we just apparate but  apparently it’s too dangerous.” A fiery red head pokes next to Hermione’s. 
“Eugh,” she shoves him to the side and continues “It is too dangerous in this weather! And anyway, no one can apparate in or out of Hogwarts. I’m sorry.” She gives me such a genuinely sad smile, I can’t help but feel the need to comfort her.
“It's ok, we can’t control the weather.” I tilt my head like I’m convincing a child. “Don’t worry about it.” 
Harry’s voice shouts from behind her “Ginny is bringing the flu powder from her room and we’ll all be there…” 
“Unfortunately that will not be permissible. All students will have to remain in their own respected dormitories until the storm has passed.” Professor Snape interrupts in a low voice from behind me. 
“No ‘buts’! You must remain in your own dormitory until further notice.” and with that, the head of Slytherin house leaves to inform the rest of the students of the new restrictions.
“This is such a bother.” Hermione frowns deeply, a calculating look on her face, trying to figure out some way she can get around it.
“Don't worry about it . Seriously, it's no bother at all.” I attempt to sound as convincing as I can.
“We’ll make this up to you. I promise.” and with a sweet smile she leaves and human/fire returns to being just a fire.
I sigh, annoyed that I let myself get so carried away. Obviously it wasn’t going to be a good day. It never is for goodness sake. I know this. I decide I’m going to spend a lazy day in bed and get away from the rush that is now forming in the dungeon common room. I mindlessly walk through the corridors and turn a corner only to crash into someone’s chest. I take in a sharp, startled breath and a woody scent accompanies the oxygen through my nose. With a lean arm clasped around my waist and a hand gripping my forearm the man stops me from falling. I look up to meet a familiar cheeky smirk. 
“Careful Y/L/N!” Draco lazily unravels himself from me. “Where are you rushing off to?” 
“My birthday is cancelled. The Universe can’t give me one good day. The weather hates me. So I’m going to lay in my bed and stare into nothing for the rest of the day.” I dramatically hold my arms up into the air and try to continue on my way but Draco takes a side step and obstructs me.
He lets out a soft chuckle. “Ok, The weather doesn't have emotions (You know that!)...” He raises his eyebrows and brings his head down to my eye level. “I will be personally having a word with ‘The Universe’ to get its act in check for you later tonight, and as for your Birthday. It is not cancelled. That… is actually kind of impossible. Only your plans have changed.” He fixes his back and shrugs nonchalantly. “You and I could still do something?” 
“What could we possibly do, stuck in this bloody dungeon?” 
“Just follow me.” and with that he carries on down the corridor and turns a few corners into places I have never even thought about going down. “Alohomora.” Draco turns back at me with a side smile as he unlocks the door and walks through it. I follow him into a small chamber, confused as it is nothing special until I notice the window. The top half of the glass reveals a beautiful view of the snow and the bottom half is submerged under the lake. Although not many creatures are coming up to the surface because of the storm, I spot a little horn-backed squid and a group of silvery fish. I look over to Draco, my face beaming in delight. “This is amazing! I can’t believe you’re only just showing me this.”
He scratches at the back of his head and points towards the top of the window. “It’s obviously a much better view in spring and summer, you can see all the way to the moorlands and there are so many different creatures in the water. It’s alright, isn't it?” He does his classic impressed, upside down smile. 
“It's perfect.” I whisper as I climb onto the window sill. I notice Draco open a cupboard on the other side of the room and pull out a small bag, from it he pulls out a chocolate frog and holds it up as an offer. I cock a brow at him. “Are you serious? Who knows how long that's been there.”
“About 2 weeks.” He states flippantly as he comes up to sit next to me. “My father told me about this place, I usually come here to study when I want to be on my own.” He hands me the chocolate frog and pulls out a liquorice wand for himself. Chewing it, he leans his head back against the cold window and turns to me. “So, why is it you never actually told us it’s your Birthday today?” 
“Err, honestly I didn’t really remember myself.” I continue to look out into the lake and quieter I add. “Also, I guess when for the last however many years, the 16th of December is just a day that emphasises how much people don’t actually care about me, it can be easy not to talk about.” I try to give a convincing smile (like it doesn’t bother me) but it doesn't work. 
“I recognize that. Although people around me always give me gifts and letters on my birthday, it's clear it's never for ‘me’. They do it to prove a point to my parents or to make themselves look impressive. It's more a statement about themselves.” He looks down and wipes some dust off the bag. 
“We’re a sad pair, aren’t we?” I let out a deflated laugh and slip a mint leaf out of my pocket into my mouth. 
“We should change that. You can carry on from today, a new, happy, 17 year old woman.” he lifts his liquorice as if he is holding a drink and making a toast.
“Might be a little difficult as I’m only 16.” 
“What? That doesn't make sense at all!” He leans his head away from me, trying to get the whole of my body in his view, as if I had some clear visual way of telling my exact age. 
I giggle at his confusion. “McGonagall put me forward a year at Hogwarts because I had already done the 6th year spectrum at Durmstrang. I’m sorry, I thought you knew.” 
“I didn’t.” An impressed smirk takes over his face. “Graduating a year early? You're not just a pretty face then, are you?” 
I playfully slap his arm, distracting from the blood I felt rushing into my face. “Oh shut up Dray!”
We continue in comfortable conversation for the next few hours. Only sometimes stopping to point out something in the window or picking out another snack from the bag. At one point we fall to the ground laughing because Draco is demonstrating a new quidditch move he’s learning and ended up looking like he was doing some strange animal mating ritual. We don't realise how much time has passed until Professor Snape walks into the room. 
“Dinner is being served in the common room if you wish to eat. I also inform you, should you wish to sneak off into one of the unauthorised rooms again please let someone know, it would save me having to search every room in the Slytherin House.” with a flick of his robes he left the room as quietly as he entered it. 
Draco and I stand in silence for a few seconds and then burst into laughter. “We should go.” I say when we calm down and start exiting the room. 
“Wait…” Draco’s voice pulls me back. “I kind of have a present for you. It’s not anything special because… well… I didn’t have much notice. But, I remembered I had this from years ago.” He goes back to the window sill where he had removed his outer robes and from the pocket he reveals a small pot. 
Taking it from his hand I read the label.
‘Sensuale Pingunt Nigrum’ 
I look up at Draco in disbelief, “What? How?” Shaking my head I push it back into his hands. “I can’t take this.”
“You don't like it.” He mutters the statement, barely audible.
“No… I… It’s beautiful but it’s so rare and expensive, I can't take this from you.”
“Please, it's getting wasted just sitting in my old stuff. I know it's cheeky re-gifting (my Aunt got it for me when I turned 12) but it just reminded me of you.” He holds my hand tight around the pot of paint.
“Draco…” I’m speechless. This paint is so rare, it changes consistency and shade based on how the painter feels. 
“I don’t know. If you don’t like it you can j…”
I cut him off by leaning in and planting a delicate kiss on his cheek, his skin warm against mine. A few strands of his blond hair brush against my eyebrow. “I love it. Thank you Draco.” I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around him, I feel the tension release from his body and his long arms fold around my waist. We stand like this for a few seconds and break away in an awkward giggle. 
“Dinner?” I suggest, pointing my eyes to the door. 
“Yes! Err, after you.” He nods.
I smile as I walk towards the common room holding the paint tight against my chest. This is definitely a day I will remember.
Thankyou so much for the support recently, it has been really suprising! Hope you liked this little snippet. 
Here is a link to my masterlist if you want to read anything else I’ve written. 
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