#and made fun of it the whole time (our sister was very jealous that she had to sit with her husband and couldn't join in)
robzombies-hotwife · 2 years
So I was talking about smoking with my brothers and my older brother just casually dropped that he likes to hit a bong BY HIMSELF like??? Who does that??? To me, bongs are only for parties/gatherings and I'd rather smoke a pipe anyway because bongs are a pain in the ass, from prepping them to hitting them. The man's incomprehensible.
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astrophileous · 1 year
if reader is bug, their son is little bug and their daughter is little bug, what is derek's bug related nickname? or is he disappointed about not having one?
OKAY I personally think Derek's usually fine over not having a bug-related nickname (after all, he's the one who came up with them for his lil family 🥺) but I just imagined a scenario that wouldn't be ooc for him to feel jealous of not having a similar nickname and I hope this is to your liking <3
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
It was bound to happen.
With how often Derek dropped the sweet nickname for you every single day, you knew that it was only a matter of time before it was bound to happen.
But that didn't mean you weren't absolutely floored when it happened for the first time.
Derek's eyes caught yours from across the room. "Did she just--"
"Bah. Bah."
In front of you, your daughter stood on wobbly legs. Your face was the exact twin of Derek's stunned expression as you saw your daughter pointing her fingers towards you and said--for the nth time that afternoon--a word that made your brain reduce into a mush.
"Is she--" your voice caught around a disbelieving chuckle, "--is she saying Bug?"
As if confirming your suspicion, your daughter took hold of your hand before pressing it to her face. "Bah."
Derek was laughing as he crossed the room. He picked up his daughter and lifted her in the air, earning a series of delighted giggles from the 1-year-old.
"My smart baby. Who's a smart baby? Yes, you are!" Derek cooed.
"We're gonna have to explain to people why our daughter's first word is Bug." You laughed as you watched your husband smother your daughter in kisses.
"Well, we can just tell everyone that we have the smartest 1-year-old in the world. Isn't that right, Baby Bug?"
For the next few weeks, your daughter's adorable murmurs of bah became the new constant in your home. She started learning to use the word as a means to attract your attention. But it wasn't the only thing that your daughter had managed to learn.
"Lil bah."
"That's right, baby!" Your son clapped his hands ecstatically, his sister mirroring him with an exhilarated grin. "I'm Little Bug. Good job!"
You followed the interaction between the two from the couch, a permanent smile on your lips. Derek was lying with his head on your lap when you heard him sigh.
"You okay, Mister?"
"I'm the only one she's still refusing to call."
The pout Derek had on his face nearly made you chuckle, and you probably would have done it if you didn't know just how devastating the whole thing was for him.
"You should take it as a compliment," you said instead, trying to put a balm on his wounded heart. "She only said Bug as her first word because she listens to you so much. She just wants to mirror everything you do, hun."
Derek exhaled another long breath. "Should I find myself a bug-related nickname just so she would call me?"
You snorted. "Like what? Mr. Bugkeeper?"
Derek pinched your thigh. "Very funny. I'm hurt and all you do is make fun."
That last statement of his actually made you laugh. Derek proceeded to grumble something under his breath, but you were too busy trying to keep your bellowing laughter under control to pay attention to it.
From across the room, your daughter suddenly stood on her chubby little feet before staggering over to where you and Derek were lounging on the couch while your son continued to play with his toys.
"Bah," your daughter said once she had reached you.
"Hi, baby."
"Bah." She proceeded to turn towards Derek after that, tracing the features on her father's face with exploratory fingers and a cute curiosity in her eyes. "Bah?"
"That's not Bug, baby," you told her. "That's Dada. Can you say Dada?"
She stared blankly at your face in response.
"Say Dada," Derek encouraged. "Come on, Baby Bug. Say I love you, Dada!"
Your daughter blinked and tilted her head to the side.
Derek sighed in disappointment. "This is hopeless. She's never gonna--"
You and Derek both froze in shock.
"Da." Your daughter grabbed a hold of Derek's cheeks. "Da. Wuv yu."
You didn't think you ever saw Derek sit up so fast in his life.
"Baby Bug." Your husband's voice was laden with bewilderment. "Can you say that again, sweetheart? Say that again for Dada?"
"Da. Wuv yu."
The laughter that rumbled from Derek's chest spoke of the greatest joy you had ever seen radiating from a person. He picked your daughter up in his embrace, spinning her around until the baby shrieked in glee.
"I told you it would happen, Mr. Bugkeeper," you said around your own jubilant laughter.
If it were any other day, Derek would have given you a side eye over the ludicrous nickname. But at that moment, Derek couldn't find it in his bones to care.
After all, his daughter had just told him that she loved him for the first time.
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mango-fizz · 19 hours
ohh yeah im reminded, your pinned is your (very cool) agent headcanons, do you have any for the idols you'd wanna talk about? i'm wondering
i KNOW you gotta have some for Shiver at least
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sorry for the late reply ^-^
Let's address the elephant in the room here let's talk about the Great Splatfest War of 2016. So, obviously, Callie lost. The Squid Sisters Stories permanently changed my brain chemistry fr. Marie doesn't even know how her cousin is doing. She wonders if she hates her. She wonders if maybe it's her fault for winning that they're drifting away. And Callie never gives any indication of how she feels about it. They literally go out to eat together, go shopping and hang out just like old times, and they don't talk about it, cause things are fragile between them, even if they don't realize it, and Callie is fine! Everything is fine. Sure Marie is looking a little more down than usual but she's probably just tired. Everything is fine, Callie is fine. 
Just don't think about how they're too busy to see each other anymore, how they barely talk anymore, how the Splatfest results deems Marie legally better than Callie, how maybe this idol shit isn't really worth it anymore, especially not if it's just going to be Callie, and Marie. They're supposed to be "The Squid Sisters," right? They're in this together, right? But still she says nothing. Because she’s Callie! The happy fun energetic lovable goofball that makes everyone smile! But really she's so sick of it. She's sick of the cameras, and she's sick of people bringing up her loss and she’s sick of feeling jealous of Marie. 
She feels guilty about it, really, how could she feel that way towards her sister? It's not right. She's sick of it, but it's so drilled into her it's like second nature to smile and nod during talk shows, or give the same lighthearted and agreeable response of “Team Callie did their very best, and we’ll get 'em next time! ⭐” But when Octavio offers her a deal, regardless of whether or not she knew she would be hypnotized, she takes it, because she needs an out. And she certainly isn't telling Marie. 
Now this was before, of course. It's not like that anymore. But I'd say she’s still the best at getting into “idol mode” out of all of them, with Shiver as a close second. I have a friend who thinks it's hilarious how quickly I switch from “AARRGHGH FUCKKKKK” to “Well anyway let’s do something else now” in like a second, it's a pretty funny bit imo but like Callie does this professionally. I think she prolly has a lot of pent up anger she likes to release in turf wars with her big ass dynamo lmao. Also she’s older than Marie. 
Marie really blames herself for everything lmao. Her fault for winning, her fault for not checking in with Callie, her fault that Octavio broke out and took Callie with him. Maybe she should've been more attentive, more considerate. Maybe she shouldn't have talked to Callie that way, before, maybe she should've appreciated their relationship and let her know how much she cared, how much she loves her. Maybe Callie really does hate her. She would deserve it, honestly. 
I already said most of the Callie v Marie thoughts, so I don't wanna be redundant. They made up and became best friends again yippee! I think maybe Marie is a little Extra attentive to Callie now as a result though.
What else… hmmmmm Marie likes to drink. This is more of an inside joke than a headcanon, but honestly it might be real… oh also, Marie learned to shoot from her grandpa since they both use chargers. According to Callie, Marie can look at spreadsheets for hours without getting tired, and I think that's so sexy. But she's also notoriously bad at keeping a healthy sleep schedule lmao. Coffee. 
I think Marie has generally mellowed out since the whole incident, but it just kinda comes with growing up, yknow? She still definitely keeps her dry sarcastic humor though. Just less mean. She has perhaps like a performatively reluctant soft spot for Deep Cut. She might feel strangely responsible for them as their boss.
I don't acknowledge the splatoon manga but i think Emperor and Prince (Prinz?) being Pearl’s little brothers is so adorable. She thinks they're very cute, whenever they see each other she pinches their cheeks type shit, and they're all “wahh sis you're embarrassing meee” and so on and so forth. Pearl and Marina live together in Pearl’s mansion, yes? Yes. Maybe she likes to spoil Marina with gifts, which she sheepishly accepts. After the events of Octo Expansion, she lets Eight stay with them for a while as she gets her bearings in Inkopolis.  
I don't know why but I lk don't really have many hcs about marina idk maybe she's just perfect the way she is. I think she teaches Eight Inklish. Eight probably looks up to her a lot since they have some (pretty important) things in common, and Marina absolutely does not take that fact for granted. She wants to be the best role model she possibly can, not just for Eight but also for any Octoling who escapes the domes.
Ok so Frye was raised by her grandpa cause her parents spend most of their time traveling. She has one younger brother and two younger twin sisters. Her grandfather owns a dance school I think? Frye would often skip out on practice. These aren't really hcs they're actually straight up canon I just need to remember wtf is going on lmao
Ok so I think frye is the leader of deep cut
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I simply think she has leader potential. I'm a really big fan of characters with outwardly laid-back and cheerful personalities being quite terrifying when they get serious. And especially considering Frye’s home life, I think she probably has that grandfatherly wisdom to her yknow what i mean? She'd probably get along pretty well with Cuttlefish somehow,, that would be funny. She comes up with the escape plans for Deep Cut’s raids, she's good at improvising and sticking to her decisions. It’s like driving a car, once you make the decision to change lanes you have to stick to it and you can’t hesitate or else you'll crash. She’s different from Shiver in this aspect, but I’ll get more into that later. And then at the end Shiver and Big Man are all frazzled n shit and Frye is perfectly intact and she's like "See? Told ya it'll be fine!"
I think Frye has the, how do you say, oldest child tendency to become a weird parental figure to their younger siblings? Maybe not quite to that extent, but she definitely feels a certain . Something like that. Maybe. Not like her parents are ever around much either, and her grandpa’s getting old. 
But between bandit stuff and Splatsville duties I imagine it can be kind of difficult to keep up! I actually can’t decide if Deep Cut live in their respective clan estates or if they all move out into a rinky dink apartment to focus on their own things. I mean, their clans are the most important in Splatsville I Assume, right? Like it's probably like a pretty big generational household type shit right? I imagine this is where Deep Cut grew up, but maybe as they matured and decided they would do music (and bandit) stuff they all moved in together? That's sort of what I have in my mind. 
Big Man:
Wait isn't he literally the owner of like a dance school ..? or a music school..? No, it was a dance school. That's so crazy lmao. Kind of hard as fuck. Idk what to write for big man i'm gonna be real. I think he often watches out for the other two cause they tend to be reckless of course. But when it comes to protecting them he would literally do anything. 
This is crazy but he kind of reminds me of Min Yoongi. They're both well known music producers with many collabs under their belt, they're both kind of quiet mellow individuals and care deeply for their band members. Can play many instruments. Highly intelligent . Should BM have a rapper debut. who knows 
Let's get this out of the way first. I am projecting onto shiver every second of the day 24/7 365 even right now as we speak. Not everything, mind you, but certain things. And you'll never know which ones hehehehe 😈
So I think Shiver might have had a pretty strict home life. Now I don't know how she feels about her parents, she's never told me, but what I do think is that she has huge perfectionist habits. Huge. There's not much room for mistakes in her life. She likes to be good at things, and if she's not, then she'll practice and practice and practice until she gets it . Perfectly. Even if it means sacrificing other things, sometimes. She liked pleasing her parents. Good grades, good Stringer skills, good singing, good training with Master Mega. Sometimes it was a little overbearing. Maybe she doesn't want to be perfect all the time. But she has to be, because she's a Hohojiro.
So Shiver was the one most excited about moving out of the clan estates, but somehow I think she manages to keep a good relationship with her parents. Maybe. But still I think she has a lot higher expectations, not just for others but also for herself.
Like I mentioned before, when she's on stage, "the show must go on" is the number one thing. However, off stage, she does have the tendency to get easily frustrated, and she's also very competitive. Sometimes her emotions get the better of her and she can act quite impulsively. 
Shiver had long tentacles when she was younger, then cut them short as an adult.
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She's also the youngest sibling. I kind of have the idea that when she was younger she was very uptight and kinda stuffy ? But when she met Frye and Big Man she started opening up more and being more relaxed and outgoing. I think she has so much shark merch.
She definitely likes the attention (and money) she gets from being an idol lmao. I think Shiver is highkey a fr-- [i am dragged off stage]
Now I will link fics I have written that might be relevant Maybe.
thank u for reading im not sure what counts as canon and what counts as hc so i might be missing some things but i did my best to explain what goes on in my brain 😖😖😖 hopefully it makes sense
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
MDZS aka SephZack adventures update: episodes 14-23 SHUT UP I'M AN ADULT I CAN WATCH 9 EPISODES IN A ROW IF MY BABIES ARE IN DANGER
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Zack: let's fight the tortoise of slaughter!!!!
Sephiroth: *stares in besotted wtf*
Zack: no, it'll be super cool, we can kill it and get the glory and solve the mystery and most importantly, I won't be bored waiting for Genesis to get back!
Sephiroth: *stares in besotted 'bruh, my leg is broke, you ribs is broke, we both got open wounds, we're starving to death, and you want to fight a giant tortoise'*
Zack: no really, I checked and we can't get out, so I'mma be super bored. Come onnnnnn, it'll be fun! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶♥️🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Sephiroth: ...this is going to be our entire relationship, isn't it? Ok.
Zack: YESSSSSS, after we make some weapons, I'll jump into its shell because apparently that's a thing I can do!
Sephiroth: ...ok
The fight with the dick head (literally) Tortoise of Slaughter (solid naming decision) goes great, but Zack succumbs to the infection he undoubtedly got from SWIMMING WITH AN OPEN WOUND AND PROBABLY BROKEN RIBS, THEN RUNNING AROUND THE FESTERING INNARDS OF A TORTOISE OF SLAUGHTER.
Sure, the evil sword energy probably didn't help, and I'm sure canon is saying "um, actually" as we speak, but come on, Zack. The magic grass you packed into your boo's leg wound next to the weirdly short, unsanitary sticks was limited.
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The whole fight, Zack is battling with the evil sword miasma, and Sephiroth is making this face:
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It's very cute, I am HERE for it.
Zack: 😵
Sephiroth: 😦😦😦😦 you have a fever!!!
Salty: gee I wonder why
Zack: mmm sing me a song
Salty: how about medical treatment, such as getting you out of the wet clothes, sharing spiritual energy, prying your hands off the evil sword that made you sick...
Sephiroth: ok *sings in simp*
Zack: 🥴😵‍💫 what's that song called?
Sephiroth: Wangxian, our ship name, but I don't say it out loud so the Chinese censors are happy ❤️
Zack: ❤️😵‍💫🥴🐶❤️😵
Salty: ffs, if cuteness could cure stupidity, we wouldn't be in this situation, but as it is, keep trying to fix his stupidity/fever with adorableness, it's working for my shipping heart.
The next [way too many] episodes:
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Then Wen Ning aka Cloud comes in clutch! Wen Ning is baby, and he is BEST BABY EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐥
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Some quick plot points:
Genesis gets degradation, Zack gets him out of it.
Gen's girlfriend helps because she's nice (?) like that.
Gen's parents die.
A war happens with zombie degradation clones.
Zack gets yeeted by the villains into a den of unmitigated horror (not Hojo's labs, but just as nasty).
Everything sucks.
I sat on the toilet to cry into my shirt, not knowing why. It was because I watched the sad thing in my room and the toilet was the only place where the sad wasn't happening. Also it took me a full several hours to realize watching a sad thing made me sad #neurodivergence #isfun #andquirky!
Sephiroth: you should probably not fuck around with this newfound angry spirit power...
Zack: remember my cute puppy face?
Sephiroth: fuck
Zack: 🐶
Sephiroth: 🥴
Angeal (btw he's alive): they are so fucking cute
Zack's sister: dude they so are ❤️
Genesis: we are at WAR
Angeal: I'm gonna be a bridesmaid
Zack's sister: GASP we should get matching outfits!
Genesis: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Zack: *waits until the LAST minute to whip out his fancy angry spirit powers* Hey Idiot Poop Face, how bout that?!
Idiot Poop Face: 🤬 *chokes Zack* *it's not kinky*
Sephiroth; *is jealous anyway* *catches bb Zack as he passes out from using angry spirit powers and being choked* *my dude was like half a football field away* *then he appeared out of nowhere to catch his boo*
Salty: *clicks rewind several times because it's fucking adorable*
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whynotlol9 · 9 months
My thoughts on Christmas Special.
I was so excited, i was reaally looking forward for it and i was ready to love it but... it just wasnt it! I tried to love it, its the last ever episode of one of my favourite series, but i came out of it very dissatisfied
I like sad endings, i love angst and heartbreak and tragic deaths, and i also love happy endings, what i really dislike is a dissatisfing ending. At the end i felt cheated! I was ready for anything (ghost being sucked off or even alison/mike dying) for as long as it made sense in the episode and it was genuine. I wasnt sad, i was baffled!
First, this felt so disconnected from 5x6! It was such a jump from "family, family, family" and acceptance that they are indeed family, to "oh no, we bother you, you need to be your own REAL family". It needed a whole season to lead to that, ten minutes is not enough, i just dont believe it!
It was established that alison cant live anywhere without seeing ghosts. She will just trade the ones closest to her for a new bunch. It was season one. If she needed some space then they could make some ground rules like ghosts get one wing of the house, living people another and they spend time together.
And speaking of ghosts, all development went through the window! Especially my Kitty, she grew so much, she was ready to be a big sister. We saw her being jealous in season three, she wouldn't be like that. It felt so off, like we saw almost everyone revert coupe years ago. Ghosts grew in that time i just dont think they could be that unbearable, we saw them become better! Alison is not there doing everything for them every minute, she has a backbone, she established boundaries before. They did manage to cohabitate peacefully. And on that note, i felt like alison was changed too much. I get it, motherhood, exhausting, but she was too nice! I would be furious if i saw a priest performing exhorcism behing my back, in my house, maybe killing all my family. Yes, it was made with good intentions, but it was made in secret, no trust there
Also, i liked betty, but in the last ever epusode we barely saw the ghosts. We saw them so little. I just wanted to see them being silly and genuine one last time!
The pacing was way off as everyone saw. I think the biggest problem i have is that tge crew wanted it to be a final episode. They wanted to say goodbye, so they made them separate. To move on themselves, they were too wrapped up the characters. But do we as an audience need to move on so bad? Its a fun and heartfelt show about dead people living on, i dont need great realism, i dont want last great lesson about living your life, i want my Christmas special to be a good episode with lots of heart, not some metaphor for moving on.
Yes, families do move out and stay in contact, but its not the same. And its not like they could call and chat or visit regularly.
Im rambling but all in all, i felt cheated. I really believe that the episode was made more for theythem than for us, they wanted a goodbye and a real sense of finalty. But as an audience maybe we didnt need one, why cant we have a happy feeling knowing our favourite family stayed rogether and just have a final shot of them in button house opening presents and being happy. What is so bad in happy open ending?
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin x fem!reader [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] He introduces S/O to the team
Before you read this, might be a good idea to read the introduction first. To give you the whole low-down of the team and their dynamicsssss.
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Scenario: You and him have been dating for a while now. Why does the team not know and what’s their reaction in finding out/when he introduces you?
Warnings: AU if that’s not your thing then don’t read, not proofread...as usual.
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
You’ve been dating for nearly 5 months at this point. Beforehand the two of you were close friends. So the team kind of already knew you guys were close, but you’d never met the team properly.
It’s not that he was HIDING your relationship, its that he didn’t want to pressure you into meeting his team. They could really be an overwhelming bunch of high schoolers sometimes.
As it happens he walks to the gym hand in hand with you one day, his other hand on his duffel sports bag, thinking that he’d be the earliest one there as always. 
But when he slides the gym doors open his WHOLE TEAM greets him “CAPTAIN!” and then there’s an awkward silence that descends as they all catch him with his hand intertwined with yours.
KAEYA AND TARTAGLIA LOSES IT. “C-Captain, you had a girlfriend and didn’t tell us?!” “You finally made a move on her?!” “S’about time!”
Needless to say they both get knocked on the head by Zhongli’s fist. 
Zhongli sighs and turns to you apologetically but you say that you don’t mind meeting them. He perks up and claps his hands to ask his team to line up.
They do so diligently. Kaeya, Tartaglia and Thoma are giddy while looking at you. Xiao and Kazuha have their mouth slightly agape as if you’re some kind of rare species. Diluc and Albedo stare you down. 
You introduce yourself as Zhongli’s gilrfriend and as you do so Tartaglia’s eyes dart towards Zhongli who has a slightly shy expression on his face. 
“Oh, oh question time!” Thoma raises his hand “Does the captain secretly eat sweets behind our back?” You haven’t even answered when Kaeya asks “Does the captain ever glare at you (he mimics Zhongli’s face) and say 10 Push ups NOW!” Surprisingly Diluc raises his hand too “...Is the captain strict with you too?”
Zhongli gets irked the more questions are asked and he finally steps in with an ominous presence. “10 laps around the gym...NOW!” 
He apologizes to you again but you reassure him it’s totally fine and they all seem like such fun. 
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
The vice captain is a very secretive guy.
Not even his brother knew.
It’s not that he was ashamed of you, he just liked his privacy and you already knew that. 
But there was this one time where he forgot his textbooks under his desk and you had to go and give it to him while he was at practice.
Shyly looking into the door the first one that spots you is Albedo.
“...Do you need something?” you tense up at Albedo’s question and shakily hand him the textbooks.
“U-Uhm... D-Diluc’s...”
Albedo tilts his head and turns to shout at the team. “Someone’s looking for the vice captain,”
Everyone stops what they’re doing and snaps there head towards you.
Diluc jogs over, sweat still fresh on his forehead. Without thinking he takes the books from you, small smile on his face and thanks you.
The rest of his team freezes up all thinking: “Hold on, is he...SMILING?”
You’re oblivious to them staring and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Diluc turns back his team is glaring daggers at him, he stares back at them. Doesn’t say anything, and continues practice.
No one is brave enough to ask him about it.
Tartaglia whispers to Kaeya “You didn’t know about it either huh?”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
This MF would talk about you whenever he had the chance.
Y/N this, Y/N that, Y/N is so cute. 
Frankly the team is kinda tired of it. 
But when you finally visit one of their practices the team levels their gaze at you and think “Oh shit, he wasn’t lying, she is actually cute,”
Sees his teammates expression and brags even more. “I know what y’all are thinking. You’re thinking, OH! She’s actually really cute! Hm?”
Slings an arm around you shamelessly with a grin. “Back off boys, I’ll block all your attempts,”
Diluc is the one that walks up to you and you blink at him. Kaeya blinks at him, confused as well.
Diluc suddenly bows, “I feel sorry for you but please take care of him,”
The rest of the team either bursts out laughing or snickers behind their hand.
Their vice captain is low key savage
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The team finds out about you cause when they finish practice they find you waiting outside the gym.
Kazuha asks politely while the others look on “Are you lost?”
You straighten up and stutter a little, “Ah, uh, no, I’m...” You’re at a loss for words. 
Then Albedo suddenly appears from the gym doors and sees you. “Ah, were you waiting long? Sorry,”
Thoma tilts his head in question. “Albedo...Your sister?”
Albedo at this point was standing next to you already. “...No, my girlfriend,” like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Everyone is stunned into statues.
“H-How did you get one before me?” Tartaglia looks as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.
“Next time you can just come inside and wait inside the gym, it’s dark out here,” their responsible captain suggests and you’re amazed at his kindness and bow at him with a thank you.
Albedo doesn’t see what’s the big deal and just grabs your hand and starts walking away.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The team already knew since the first date. It’s because he.would.not.shut.up.about.it
That particular day at practice his spikes were a tad bit stronger than usual.
“Oi... you’re getting too excited...” Xiao mumbles at him. Tartaglia just grins and scratches the back of his head. “Aaaahhhh... I can’t help it, I’m so nervous for my date with Y/N!”
A few more dates later he starts showing off his phone wallpaper to the others. It’s a picture of you and him.
Kaeya tries to piss him off by saying, “Huh, we’ve never actually seen her in person. Maybe it’s photoshopped,” The others snicker.
Is so pissed, asks you to come immediately.
You thought it was an emergency so you come into the gym with a worried look on your face only to be hugged tight into his chest. “See? See? She’s totally real and totally cute!”
Albedo crosses his arms and blinks, then looks at Kaeya “...You totally baited him, he’s such a simpleton.”
Kaeya responds with a smirk “Right?”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The most formal out of all of them and even tells them seriously that he had an announcement to make.
Next day he comes into practice with you in tow.
Properly introduces you as his girlfriend. 
Everyone is wide-eyed at how official it feels. Then you suddenly take out a big container of fruits and tell everyone it’s for them (The captain doesn’t allow sweets, he thinks it’ll fatten them up or some crap.)
EVERYONE IS BLESSED BY YOUR PRESENCE and Kazuha is just enjoying you getting along with them.
Kaeya and Tartaglia try to whisper and bribe you into making cookies for them. 
Albedo and Xiao stares at Kazuha thinking ‘If someone like you can get a girlfriend, we can get one too, right?’
You offer to come back next time with more fruits and some secret cookies.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tried to keep it a secret because he knows his team will make a fuss about it.
The team finds out when his phone suddenly starts ringing in the middle of practice and he asks for a timeout to pick it up.
“Mm... Yeah... I’ll pick you up when I finish,” Everyone starts nudging each other when they hear him talk to you in an unusually calm and soft tone. So different from when he plays volleyball and gets angry at them.
By this point everyone tries to keep quiet and enlarge their ears to eavesdrop.
“Idiot... I won’t be late. I promised to take you out didn’t I?” 
Hearing their tsundere libero say something so sweet makes everyone combust.
When he turns back everyone is staring at him with smirks on their faces. “Hey, why not just ask her to come here?” Kaeya sneakily suggests.
Xiao blushes “A-As if I’d let her near you bumbling fools!”
He was worried it would scare you away, actually.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Literally no one is surprised he has a girlfriend.
It would be MORE of a surprise if he DIDN’T have one.
But they find out cause he left his phone out on the bench one day and there’d been a text message while Xiao was conveniently sitting on the bench.
“...Tohma, someone me--” Xiao looks at the screen where the message ‘I love you!’ is clearly written.
Xiao is so curious but is not gunna admit it so he nudges Kaeya or Tartaglia who might be sitting next to him and secretly motions over to the phone.
They read it and ask in a real loud voice “Oi Tohma! Who’s Y/N? They said I love you!” 
Tohma laughs nervously and since it’s already out he might as well introduce you. 
“This is my princess,” he says when you enter the gym to walk home with him that afternoon. You bow and introduce yourself and everyone looks at you thinking... “Ah, they look like the perfect domestic couple,”
Low-key everyone is jealous of how you dote on him.
Hello Hello! Technically this could be counted as fluff, but I understand that not everyone is fond of AUs, so, if you don’t mind being tagged to something like this, please fill in the survey again (I’ve added AU as an option, just click that one if you’ve signed up for the others before!)
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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goodvibes24hrs · 3 years
Julieta’s Family Headcanons
Julieta & Agustín knew each other since childhood. Agustín would see Julieta more than once everyday with a new injury for her to heal.
Agustín would play with the triples and always be seen with them. His parents who knew their son was accident prone thought “Who better to befriend our son than the Madrigals?”.
Julieta was the first to development a crush on Agustín and Pepa & Bruno teased her for it.
Their first date was a disaster.
Agustín tried to surprise Julieta with flowers but got chased by bees. They then went to a restaurant were the table broke and spill hot food all over Agustín. They even end up falling into the towns lake when Agustín accidentally trips & drags Julieta with him.
Despite all that happened, Julieta had a fun night.
When Agustín wanted to propose to Julieta, he wanted to get Pepa, Alma, & Bruno’s blessing first. Alma reassured him that he was always welcomed in the family while Pepa & Bruno took advantage of poor Agustín and made him answer their totally serious questions.
“If Julieta was in a burning building would you rush in and save her?” “Sí-“ “If Julieta was about to be attacked by hungry tigers would you sacrifice yourself for her?” “Yes-“ “If Julieta was in a burning building with hungry tigers would you-“ this went on for 2 hours.
When Julieta was pregnant with Isabela, Agustín would deliver Julieta’s healing food for the town.
After Isabela was born the towns people would come to Casita for Julieta’s healing and to see the new member of the Madrigals.
While Julieta cooked Isabela would be sleeping on her chest in a baby wrap.
When Dolores was born, Isabela would sleep in the same crib with her. When either of their parents tried to separate them Isa would cried.
While Dolores first word was “Papa”, Isa’s was “Door”. It took a while for Isabela to say Dolores full name.
Casita helped Isabela & Dolores learn how to walk by letting them hold on to the house’s walls as it slowly moved the tiled floor below them so they could practice.
Once they got the hang of it, there was no stopping them from running around.
Isabela & Dolores would spend their whole days with each other.
When Julieta was pregnant again, Isabela was jealous she wouldn’t be the only child anymore. She’d pout every time they brought up the baby.
When Luisa was born and Isabela got to see her for the first time, all those jealous thoughts vanished. The little 3 yr old wanted nothing more than to hold her new baby sister.
Luisa was a very quiet baby, hardly cried.
Luisa’s first word was “Owie” after she saw her dad hurt himself.
Isabela insisted she’d teach Luisa everything. From how to talk, how to crawl, and how to walk.
So picture a surprised Pepa seeing her daughter hold up baby Luisa while Isabela moved her little legs to show her how to walk.
When Isabela got her gift she couldn’t control the size of her flowers. They’d either end up too big or too small. Bruno (best Tío every) would sit with her and help her practice making flowers everyday.
Isabela would put flowers in Dolores & Luisa’s hair.
Few years later Mirabel was born. Isabela got to hold her.
From the start the family could tell Mirabel had bad eye sight. She got glasses at a very young age.
When she saw clearly for the first time, she wouldn’t stop touching her family’s faces. All these blurry figures now had eyes, hair, and noses and she just couldn’t stop giggling.
When Isabela watched Mirabel, she’d have her in a vine baby sling on her back.
Mirabel’s first word was “Casita”
Camilo was the first between the two who learned how to walk and then immediately showed Mirabel how.
When Luisa got her gift she was scared to help with anything. Everything she tried to hold would break under her new found strength. She locked herself in her room once when she accidentally dislocated her dad’s arm.
Bruno, like with Isa, would spend time with Luisa and help her train with her gift. Soon the other Madrigal kids would follow their uncle to come help Luisa. Isabela would create vines that Luisa would use to climb, Dolores would be sure to let Luisa know when to take a break, and Camilo & Mirabel would sit on Luisa’s back as she did push ups.
Mirabel liked playing dress up with Camilo. Mirabel would wear an apron and pretend to be her Mama while Camilo would put on a big coat and be Bruno. Mirabel would draw a fake beard on Camilo’s face so he can pretend to be his dad.
That’s all the hc I got for them for now! It ended up being Julieta family plus Dolores & Camilo hcs oop!
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After some thinking, a conversation with my sister-in-law with a psych degree, and a couple of sessions with my godsend of a therapist, I think I've finally put my finger on the thing about Mobius that Loki (and a lot of the fandom tbh) so quickly latched onto like a man dying of thirst at the first sign of water:
Unconditional positive regard.
This concept is at the core of client-centered psychology and basically is a stance that a therapist will take in relation to their client, where they simply accept and support their client as a person, regardless of what they do or say.
My therapist uses this framework with me, and when the Loki series came out, I immediately saw Mobius and was like "holy crap, this man has the exact same energy as Sami what???" And I couldn't for the life of me figure out why until I was talking about it with my sister-in-law and she mentioned unconditional positive regard. And then it clicked.
Mobius radiates unconditional positive regard from the minute he meets Loki in episode 1, and arguably even from the first time we even see him onscreen. He approaches everyone he interacts with using a basic framework of "I see you and care about you as a person, and nothing you do or say can change that," so we immediately get the impression that this man is soft, kind, and shaped like a friend. However, it's most obvious and pointed in his interactions with Loki.
While yes, Mobius' primary objective in episode 1 is to interrogate Loki, it's important to note that it's not an interrogation where Mobius is trying to find proof of guilt for a crime like we'd see in a typical detective procedural. Rather, Mobius is trying to see if this variant of Loki is self aware enough to be able to help him in his hunt for Sylvie. It's fundamentally a test to find out Loki's current place in his emotional and psychological development. It is not maliciously intended, and it is not designed to harm Loki. On the contrary, the intent is clearly to help Loki begin to come to terms with the reality of who he is and the choices he has made.
In fact, the whole time this is happening, Mobius very purposefully strives to foster an environment where Loki knows that A.) Mobius sees him. Truly sees and knows him. B.) Despite knowing what Loki is and what he's done, Mobius loves him and regards him positively, and C.) nothing Loki can do or say will change that positive regard.
Loki, however, is super not used to receiving unconditional positive regard. He has no idea how to respond to it. He feels like it's a trick, like there's another shoe just waiting to drop. I related to him hardcore in this scene because that's exactly how I felt when my therapist presented me with unconditional positive regard for the first time. It's confusing and strange and difficult to believe at first. Especially because it sets the stage for honest self reflection and personal growth that can be incredibly painful.
Loki is not a perfectly innocent person. He has done a lot of really bad things and hurt a lot of people in his life. He has a lot of very deep seated trauma that has informed these actions, but he still made those choices and he needs to take responsibility for them. This is not a fun process. Mobius knows this is actually a really awful, sucky process. But he also knows that change and growth requires two things: acknowledgement that a change needs to be made and the expectation that change can and will occur when properly cultivated. Mobius clearly laying out the reality of Loki's actions and who he is in the Sacred Timeline is the first part of that equation, and his unflappable, unconditional positive regard towards Loki as a person despite knowing that reality cultivates an environment for the second part to flourish.
"By definition, it is essential in any helping relationship to have an anticipation for change. In the counseling relationship, that anticipation presents as Hope—an optimism that something good and positive will develop to bring about constructive change in the client's personality. Thus, unconditional positive regard means that the therapist has and shows overall acceptance of the client by setting aside their own personal opinions and biases. The main factor in unconditional positive regard is the ability to isolate behaviors from the person who displays them." (source)
Mobius is not Loki's therapist, but he does take on a therapeutic role in Loki's life. He shows Loki that he is fully aware of all of Loki's faults and mistakes. He's seen them over and over again and knows them by heart because it's his job. And in the face of all of that he looks at Loki and says that he doesn't see him as a villain. That he likes him anyway and believes that Loki has the potential to help him and what he believes is the cause of good. (Yes the TVA is corrupt, but neither of them know that at this point, and the fact that both Mobius and Loki believe this to be the side of good to varying degrees is important here)
Mobius maintains this regard throughout the series and his subsequent interactions with Loki and when talking about Loki to Ravonna and others, and it's a big part of why Loki so quickly trusts and feels comfortable around Mobius. I know some people say it's unrealistic how fast it was, but it made a lot of sense just based on my experience. I mean, after one (1) session with my therapist, I was 100% ride or die for him, and it was kind of absurd. But the feeling of being seen like that is so potent when you're starved for it, that extreme reactions to it make a lot of sense. And if anyone's starved for unconditional positive regard, it's Loki.
Mobius is only human though, and he's not perfect at this. Over the course of the series, it's clear that Mobius has emotionally invested a lot in his Loki, and he struggles to maintain a professional distance, though he usually is able to keep his head enough to give Loki that positive regard he needs. The only time we see this regard slip is in episode 4 when Mobius is feeling betrayed and jealous. In these moments, Mobius is unable to step back from his feelings enough to get into a headspace where he can separate Loki's actions from who he is. He calls Loki an asshole and a bad friend, and it comes from a place of hurt and jealousy. It's also what drives Loki into a defensive mode we haven't seen since episode 1. He's no longer receiving that unconditional positive regard from Mobius and he feels betrayed. He worries that maybe it was all an act in the first place and Mobius never really cared for him at all. For the first time, Loki feels like Mobius doesn't see the best in him anymore and it hurts.
Mobius' unconditional positive regard was genuine, though, and this is reinforced in the subsequent scenes where we see him act on his instinctual desire to assume the best of Loki and investigate his claims. We see it again when he returns to Loki and he reaffirms both his desire to trust Loki and his belief that Loki can be "whoever, whatever he wants to be, even someone good." At this point, Loki is able to accept it and no longer pushes back against Mobius' belief in Loki's goodness and that he "has within himself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his self-concept, attitudes, and self-directed behavior." He's grown and begun to see himself in a more realistic and positive light and it's a direct result of the time Mobius has spent cultivating that relationship based on unconditional positive regard.
That's why their relationship feels so comfortable and satisfying. Unconditional positive regard isn't only a therapy principle. It's something everyone craves in a relationship. To be seen as you are, flaws and mistakes and quirks and all is terrifying and mortifying, but when that person then just smiles and says I love you anyway because you are not your mistakes and you are not your flaws and nothing you can ever do or say can change how I feel about you, the relief and joy and comfort is more than worth the discomfort. So I think the idea that Mobius can look at someone as deeply flawed, broken, and jaded as Loki and love him exactly as he is right there and then, eyes wide open and smiling, believing that beneath it all Loki has the potential to be good, gives us hope that someone could do the same for us. I know that's what Lokius does for me, at least. Mobius represents to me the ideal of unconditional positive regard, and having an image of what that looks like in the character of Mobius gives us the opportunity to apply it to ourselves when we may not get it elsewhere in our lives. And I, for one, think that's very sexy of him.
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folklorelise · 4 years
Squad Leader Mom is pregnant!
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Since all the baby incidents that had happened with you, Levi or the cadets, Levi and you had been thinking about having one of your own, but you never actually talked about it. Then one night, as you were reading before going to bed, Levi sat next to you on the couch ready to have that talk with you.
“Y/N.” Levi called your name seeing that you were not paying any attention to him.
“I want to have–.” Levi started but then stopped.
“What’s wrong?” you asked worried, putting down your book.
“Remember when the kids were turned into children? We said that we would talk about having a kid. I want to talk about it now.” he told you staring at you. “If you want.” Levi quickly added.
“Oh right.” you said mumbled.
To be honest, since you joined the survey corps – having a baby never was an option for you. For Levi, having a child at all was never an option, but since he met you, he felt like anything could be possible.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine too.” Levi said.
“I don’t know.” you admitted. “I loved having the cadets around. It was a lot of fun and I loved them as kids. But a new-born is different.” you paused. “I remember my neighbour; they had one and it was constantly crying and screaming. It looked exhausting. Also, what about my job here? I cannot– I… I can’t go on expeditions knowing that our child could become an orphan.”
“I would never let that happen.” Levi assured you, taking your hands. “I know our situation is not ideal, but can you imagine how great it would be to have a tiny version of us running around. I like that thought. That maybe one day, we could finally retire with our own little family.”
“It does sound nice.” you smiled fondly at Levi. “If that makes you happy, then ok.”
“Really? Because I don’t want to pressure you.”
“I’m sure. We’ll figure it out.”
The more you thought about it, the more you were sure about your decision. You had the possibility to give Levi another chance at having his own family and that was what made you certain of your choice. The next few months were spent in bed with Levi. It was intense – Levi was intense which resulted in making the both of you exhausted for trainings and expeditions.
Eight months into trying to get pregnant, yet there was still no baby in sight. Your doctor reassured you and said that getting pregnant is not an easy task.
You get easily sick during winter, so when a week before the expedition you started to feel nauseous, you just shrug it off. Which you instantly regretted the second you felt like passing out in front of a titan outside.
Eren from far away saw you falling from the sky and did not hesitate a second before transforming and running toward you. He caught you in time from hitting the ground and Mikasa from behind killed the titan that was ready to eat you.
“Mom?” Eren tried to wake you up once Mikasa got him out. “Mom, wake up please.” Eren cried.
Every squad were running toward where Eren transformed, not knowing why he did it. Levi and his squad were the first one who arrived.
“Eren!” Levi yelled at the boy but stopped when he saw you in his arms. A million questions were running through Levi’s mind. He could not move – he wanted to see if you were fine, yet his feet would not move toward you. What if he saw a wound, what if you were already dead?
“Captain,” Eren cried, “I– I saw her falling and I came. She’s not waking up!”
“What’s happening here?” Erwin finally arrived. “Levi wha–.” he asked the captain but stopped when he saw you. “Is she d–?”
“NO!” Eren yelled. “She can’t be, I– I caught her.”
“What happened then?” Erwin asked a member of you squad.
“We don’t know. We spotted a few titans, and we were all going to take care of them. Then – squad leader Y/N was just behind us!”
“She is still breathing.” Erwin checked your pulse. “Levi’s going to take her back, and the rest of us will continue the expedition. You can go too.” Erwin told the cadets.
Every other squads were leaving the scene. Erwin slowly approached Levi.
“She’s ok, you can go and take her back.”
“Ok.” Levi breathed.
Levi slowly approached where the cadets where and took you in his arms. Once you were back, Levi rushed you to the infirmary. The cadets were all patiently waiting outside the room. Every one of them was worried, but Eren was even more.
“What if it’s my fault?” Eren said.
“You saved her!” Mikasa protested.
“When I caught her, maybe I squeezed her without noticing?”
“She is fine.” Jean shouted.
Levi was sitting with them, silently. After just a few minutes of waiting, a doctor came out of the room. Everyone stood up hoping for good news.
“Y/N is doing great. She just needs to rest now.”
“Thank you!” Sasha shouted hugging the doctor.
“Is she waking up soon?” Jean asked.
“She should be up in a few hours top. But from now on she should stay here as the pregnancy is already three months in or something.” the doctor said before leaving for his office.
“The pregnancy?” Levi repeated confused.
“Mom’s pregnant?” Jean asked Levi.
“Mom’s pregnant!” they all shouted excited.
“We’re going to have a little brother or sister!” Connie burst excited.
While the cadets were shouting, Levi was still trying to process the news.
“D– Captain!” Jean quickly corrected himself. “Can we go in and see her?”
“She’s still sleeping, I’ll go and find you once she woke up.” Levi said entering the room alone.
Levi was sitting next to you, waiting patiently for you to wake up. An hour or two later, the cadets could not wait any longer and came into your room.
“Please, can we stay?” Sasha begged the captain.
“Fine, but shup your months.”
A few minutes after the kids came in, you finally woke up. Levi was the first to notice it. He quickly stood up and came near you.
“Y/N, are you feeling ok?” Levi asked.
“Water.” you grunted.
“I’ll get you a glass of water!” Armin volunteered.
After drinking the whole glass, you instantly felt better. You asked Levi what happened and when he explained to you that you fainted due to the pregnancy, you started to cry.
“Don’t cry. It is good right? We’re happy about this.” Levi asked.
“It’s happy tears.” You confirmed laughing slightly.
Levi then left to bring some food. The second Levi left, Eren came and hugged you. Then very quickly everyone else joined the hug.
“You scared us to death earlier.” Eren told you.
“I’m sorry I made you worried.”
When Erwin came back, Levi and you were waiting for him in his office.
“Y/N’s pregnant.” Levi announced it to the commander. “Obviously, she won’t be going to the next expeditions, right?”
“What? Congratulation!” Erwin shouted happily. “That’s really great news.”
“Erwin – the expeditions.”
“Right, of course. Y/N, you have to rest from now on.”
“But I can’t do nothing.” you protested. “I’ll get bored.”
“You’re pregnant.” Levi argued. “You just have to take care of you by staying here. Erwin agrees with me.”
“I–. Y/N if you want to go home and rest, you can.” Erwin agreed.
“I don’t. I’ll stay here and work with you on paperwork, I’ll do everything as usual except going on expedition.” you stated firmly.
Levi knew how stubborn you were, so he did not continue to argue. What mattered to him was that you were not going on expedition. After announcing the news to Erwin, Levi and you went to see Hange to tell them the news. The scream Hange uttered was so loud that Moblit came in running.
“What happened?” Moblit asked worried.
“Y/N is pregnant!” Hange shouted.
“Oh! Congratulation!” Moblit hugged you.
The next person to know about it was Mike, then soon enough the entire survey corps knew about it. After a few days, you decided it was time to go and tell your family about it. You proposed to Levi to come with you since he never met them.
“I’m busy.” Levi told you.
“It’ll just be a day.”
Your parents used to live inside of wall rose, but as your father’s business became more and more successful, they moved inside of wall Sina. You had a brother in the military too. You joined at the same time – he was a year older than you – he ended up being first and chose the military police brigade.
The next morning, you and Levi took a carriage to your home. Your parents made you and your brother promise to visit at least once a month, and you both decided to visit the first Sunday of every month – which was today. You knocked on the door and it was your mother who opened the door.
“It has been so long. Ah, and you must be Levi, right?” your mother welcomed you in.
“Yes.” Levi answered.
“Come in.”
“Your brother is not there yet.” your mom told you. “Do you want to drink something?”
“Tea please, black tea. For the both of us.” you told her.
“I feel uncomfortable here.” Levi whispered once your mother was gone.
“Let’s just tell them the news and then we can go.” you reassured him.
Your mother brought back the tea and she sat on the couch in front of where you were. Your father was nowhere to be seen – he was buying groceries at the market – and your brother was probably still sleeping.
“I heard a lot about you Levi.” you mother finally said.
“Levi’s very popular.” you answered seeing that Levi did not know what to say. “He is humanity’s strongest after all.”
“Good, then I know my daughter is safe beside you.”
“Y/N is strong, and she doesn’t need me to protect her.” Levi insisted, “But that does not mean I won’t do anything in my power to protect her of course.”
“That’s good to hear.” your mother smiled gently.
Just when you wanted to continue to talk, the front door opened, and your brother and father came in. You brother hugged you, then went to hug your mother.
“Captain Levi!” your brother burst out. “You have been going out with captain Levi this whole time?” he asked you.
“Yeah, don’t be jealous.”
“It’s an honour to meet you.” (Y/B/N) told the captain, ignoring you.
Levi quickly started to relax around your family, and you were all chatting together, talking about the military and what your day looked like. After a few hours of discussion, you still did not find the right moment to tell them about your pregnancy.
“When are you going to tell them?” Levi whispered to you.
“I don’t know how to, it feels weird.”
“Do you want me to tell them?”
“No, I’ll do it. I can do this.” you cleared your throat loudly to bring their attention to you and stood up. “I came with Levi today because we had something to tell you.”
“Yes?” your mother smiled.
“I am pregnant.” you announced with a big smile.
“Oh, my dear, that is wonderful!” your mother cried happily.
Your family congratulated the two of you and asked a ton of questions about when it happened, and what you planned to do once the baby arrived. After telling them that you were planning on staying at the survey corps after the baby came. You would probably be less involved, but you could not leave your second family. At night, after taking the extra food your mother had prepared, you left.
“Why aren’t you guys sleeping?” you said seeing the cadets at the entrance.
“We were waiting for you.” Armin said.
“Is that food for us?” Sasha asked excited.
“No.” Levi answered. “Y/N is tired, so leave.”
“I’m fine, I’ll take the food to the kitchen and we can eat this together tomorrow.” you told them. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow.” you warned them leaving with Levi.
The first few weeks of the pregnancy were going well – you worked in the office with Levi mostly, but you would also help Hange with their paperwork. Being pregnant as a survey corps soldier meant being able to have extra food during meals, being able to skip cleaning duties. You could sleep in late in the morning and no one would say anything to you.
When your baby bump started to show and you could not fit into your pants anywhere, you would go around in either dresses or in Erwin’s pants that you cut so it would not be too long.
When you were seven months pregnant, Levi started to become more and more protective of you. He would not let you carry anything, not even your food tray. He forbad the cadets to come even near you knowing how reckless they were. Only Mikasa and Armin were allowed to come and help you. Which obviously upset the other cadets.
“But dad that’s so unfair! I want to help mom too!” Jean pleaded.
“Fine, Jean you can help.” Levi finally accepted only because Jean called him dad which was one of Levi’s weak spot.
“Me too then!” the others shouted which only made Levi walk away.
When you heard about it, you reassured them that it was ok for them to stay around you. Around that time, you also stopped wearing your shoes since you could not put them on, on your own. You walked around in your slippers all the time.  
Nine months into the pregnancy and Levi never let you out of his sight. He would rest in bed with you the whole time.
“What do you want to name our baby?” you asked him one night.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it much.”
“I was thinking about naming her after your mother if it was a girl.”
“What?” Levi asked.
“If you don’t want to it’s fine too!” you quickly shrug it off. “It’s just–.”
“I’d like that. It’s a great idea.” Levi cut you, “I just thought… I didn’t think you would like that name.”
“Of course, I do! What if it’s a boy?”
You both brainstormed all the ideas you had before falling asleep.
You were outside with Levi during his training sessions with the cadets with a book. They were all taking a break, so you decided to join them, but when you stood up you felt something weird between your legs.
“Captain! Mom just peed herself!” Eren yelled panicking.
“Her water broke you idiot!” Sasha yelled at Eren.
Levi was definitely panicking like Eren, but he would not show it. You took a carriage with Levi direction your doctor’s house. After a few hours of labour, the baby was still inside of you.
“I can’t do that anymore.” you breathed heavily. “Just take it out!” you yelled, taking Levi hand in yours.
“It’s here, just push one last time.”
You let out a last scream and pushed as hard as you could before you heard cries.
The doctor cleaned then wrapped the baby in a blanket before giving it to Levi.
“Hello.” Levi whispered to his child.
“Is it a girl?” you asked weakly.
“It is.” Levi said looking into your eyes lovingly.
“That’s good.” you smiled when you heard a knock on the door.
“Hello.” Erwin came in with Hange and the cadets behind him. “They insisted on coming with us.”
“We bought you some flowers.” Connie handed you the bouquet.
“My favourite, thank you so much.” you teared up.
“You idiot you made her cry.” Sasha hit Connie behind the head.
“Mikasa’s the one you picked the flowers.” Connie defended himself.
“I love the flowers you guys. I’m just very tired and extra emotional.”
“Do we have a baby brother or sister?” Armin asked.
“You have a sister now.” Levi answered. “This is Kuchel.”
“Can I hold her?” Erwin asked.
“Well,” you started, “you are the godfather, of course you can.”
“Me too.” Hange exclaimed.
“You, maybe later.” Levi stated. “In a year or two, so when you drop her, she would be fine.”
“It happened once when you taught us how to hold babies.” Hange mumbled.
They were all around the new-born while Levi was laying down next to you, your head resting on his shoulder.
“You have the best mother in the world Kuchel, you’re so lucky.” Armin whispered to the baby.
One night, at the boys’ dorm, a few months after Kuchel was born–
“Do you think it’s weird for us to call squad leader Y/N ‘mom’?” Eren asked. “Now that she has her own, real kid, what does that make us?” Eren continued. “We’re just a bunch of cadets again to her.”
“Why are you always thinking so negatively?” Jean sighed.
“They’re not our parents.” Eren stated sadly.
“Can you stop being so pessimistic for a minute?” Armin shouted. “She is the closest mother figure I had since I was a child, so stop this. Plus, it’s not like ever corrects us when we do. So just stop, please.”
  You obviously noticed Eren’s attitude changing towards you – you tried to talk to him, but he kept avoiding you. You asked Armin and Mikasa about it and Armin just told you not to worry about it which was not possible.
One night, as Eren was taking a walk on the training grounds, you approached him silently.
“Are you ready to talk now?” you asked him. “And don’t even think about leaving before telling me.”
“I’m fine.” Eren said avoiding your gaze.
“Squad leader Y/N.”
“Since when do you call me that?” you retorted.
“It is your name.”
“If there is something wrong, you can tell me. I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“You have a kid now; you can’t worry about me– about us.”
“What?” you asked confused. “Why not?”
“Because!” Eren yelled.
“Because what?” you kept your voice calm and low.
“Because you’re not my mother! And I’m not your kid. We’re just a bunch of soldiers.” Eren cried out. “You have a real kid now, there’s no need to play family anymore.”
“Is that what you think? Is that what you all think?” you asked but Eren did not answer, “Eren… I may not be your birth mother and I would never dare to replace yours, but you are family to me. You all are. Seeing you all calling me ‘mom’ is fine, if you see me as a mother figure – it’s fine. Because I see you all as my grown-up children.” you teared up. “And that’s not going to change with Kuchel around.”
“You haven’t been spending as much time with us as you used too.” Eren guessed hesitating.
“I haven’t been sleeping much to be honest. Kuchel is crying a lot at night. That does not mean I forgot about you. Or you guys.” you turned around finding the rest of the cadets hiding behind the pillars.
“We weren’t spying!” Jean said. “We just… happen to be there.”
“I’m sorry.” Eren apologise. “I’m a terr–.”
“You’re not. You’re amazing Eren.” you hugged him which resulted in all the other boys joining the hug.
From the window of Levi office, he could see you guys hugging.
“See Kuchel,” Levi pointed at you while holding his daughter, “They are weirdos.” he sighed. “Your mother loves them though. I find them tolerable. I guess you can see them as your older brothers and sisters. You’ll grow up with a big family which is great. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as your mother do.”
Levi would talk to your baby bump when you were asleep.
You would be often seen with vegetables in your hand – always eating them as snacks.
You would cry for absolutely no reason too. The first time it happened, Levi was worried sick. You had dropped your apple on the ground and started to cry. From then on, Levi would just hold you tightly until you stopped crying.
The first time it happened in from of Erwin was when he offered you a new baby blanket. He thought you did not like it, but Levi quickly reassured him that it was fine. “I– I– I looove it!” you sobbed.
The first time it happened in front of the trio – Armin, Eren and Mikasa – it was because Armin kept talking about what he read about baby stuff.
“I will be the best brother ever!” Armin promised with a big smile. “No, why are you crying?”
“This is too much for my heart!” you sobbed. “You are too sweet Armin!” you hugged him.
“I’ll be a good big brother too!” Eren said hugging you.
Mikasa from behind pushed Eren and Armin aside before taking you in her arms.
“You both made her cry, I did not. Obviously, I’m the better sibling here.”
When it happened with Connie, Sasha, and Jean –
Sasha and Connie were walking in front of you and Jean.
“This Sunday is a day off; I’ll probably go and buy something at the market with Connie and Sasha.” Jean told you, “Do you need anything?”
You tried not to let tears fall but it was too adorable for you.
“Mom! Why are you crying? I’m sorry!” Jean panicked.
“What did you do you idiot!” Connie slapped Jean on his shoulder.
“Mom don’t cry, please. Dad’s going to kill me when he’s going to find out.” Jean realised.
At the same time, Levi walked in.
“What’s going on?” Levi asked.
“Nothing!” Jean said hiding your face on his chest.
“Y/N?” Levi said. “Are you ok?” to which you only responded with a thumb up. “Are you crying again?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Jean hesitated, “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine.” Levi said, “she’s been crying a lot these days due to the pregnancy.”
Kuchel first word is ‘clean’ – Levi is always talking about it when he is around her.
Kuchel favourite cadet would be Sasha. Sasha is only sharing her food with Kuchel and she loves food too.
Kuchel loves playing ‘to fly’ with uncle Erwin and uncle Mike – the giants of the survey corps.
You bought matching outfits for Levi, Kuchel and you which Levi secretly found adorable.
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Squad Leader Mom gets badly injured
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
angel | kuroo tetsurou
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summary: the only thing that came to mind when you heard the word angel, was your crushes ex girlfriend. so what do you do when suddenly you’re the angel or how a book can bring two people together
pairing: college!kuroo tetsurou x fem!reader
genre: smut, a lotta plot tho, basically pwp
word count: 7.9k
warnings: dom!kuroo, fingering, oral fem! receiving, praise, both being extremly needy, it’s not really kinky, slight breeding kink tho, a few spanks, vaginal penetration
authors note: pls don’t even ask about the book thing, this entire thing is based of one of my dreams and i had no idea why the book appeared, but it did and i didn’t wanna leave it out soooo, ye<3 here’s a link to my masterlist
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you sighed, as you continued typing your essay. maybe coming to the coffee shop was not the best idea you had, since it was friday and apparently every college student on campus decided it was coffee time after their lecture, but you didn’t expect it to be so overflown with people.
sitting at the far back, you realized that you were not going to get any work done with how loud everyone around you was being, so you just sat back and observed the people around you, while drinking the cheap coffee you ordered earlier. observing and analyzing the behavior of those around you always came natural to you. some guy watching his girlfriend as she was deciding what to order, even though she was taking way too long, with love. a friend group of a few pretty girls walking past a table full of sexist pigs who thought the only way to get their attention was by whistling after them as if they were dogs.  and your crush looking at you.
quickly averting your eyes back to your laptop, you could feel your heart rate pick up to an unnatural speed. pretending to suddenly be terribly busy with drinking coffee, a million thoughts ran through your head. you were quite positive that you’ve seen his girlfriend sitting right next to him, so why was he staring so intensely at you?
it’s not as if you never talked. kuroo tetsurou was easily the most interesting person you have ever had the pleasure of having intellectual conversations with. you were taking some business classes in your third semester, since you thought they would be of value for your future. that’s where you met him. kuroo sat next to you since the first day of the lecture but you were way too intimidated by his attractiveness to start the first real conversation beyond greetings, so when the opportunity had arisen, you snatched it right away.
after one of the lectures, he left his phone on the desk and since he was already gone, you took it and hurried after him. just as he was leaving through the huge main doors of your university, you caught up to him and grabbed his arm. embarrassingly, not being the most athletic made you look like a creep as kuroo directed his confused stare at your form, hunched over, breathing hard but still latching onto his arm.
“uh, hi? y/n, right?”, the tall boys’ confusion lightly seeped into his questioning tone as his eyes moved between you and the hand you used to hold him back from walking further.
taking one last deep breath, you forced yourself to stand up right and look into his eyes, but oh, what mistake that was. funnily enough, you never actually looked directly into his eyes, so you didn’t expect to suddenly have to divert all your focus on trying to keep the gasp, you wanted to let out, in your throat. in your memories, from the milliseconds you had the courage to look into his eyes when he greeted you, his eyes were brown but all at once you were confronted with the most beautiful hazel eyes you have ever seen.
as a consequence of having to put all your mental capacity on not gasping out loud or even worse, admitting how attractive he was, the words that came out of your mouth only furthered your embarrassment.
“you. phone. lecture. forgot”, you stumbled over your words as if that were your first attempt at communicating.
feeling your already hot face burn brighter as tetsurous confusion further solidified on his handsome face, you only hoped he thought the running was responsible for you looking like a sweaty mess.
you forced yourself to let out a short laugh as you broke eye contact to gain back your composure. “sorry, I didn’t expect the running to get to me that bad. maybe lev is right, I should try some aerobics with him”, starting to mumble towards the end, you shook your head. “anyway, you forgot your phone on the table in our lecture just now. i didn’t want to hold onto it till thursday and didn’t know where else to find you, so i ran after you. m’ sorry if I kinda freaked you out”, you quickly added while holding out his phone to him.
as you never really talked to the tall man before, your head snapped up to look at him when you heard his deep chuckle. was there something that’s not attractive about this man?
taking the phone from your hands, you were finally able to experience the first full sentence kuroo tetsurou ever directed at you. “well, thanks. i definitely didn’t wanna be without a phone two whole days, so i appreciate you running after me with such determination”, he remarked, as he observed how out of breath you still were, grinning.
“oh god, you know, never doing anything nice for you ever again sounds good right about now”, you groaned, lifting a hand in front of your face to stop him from studying your slightly damp face.
nothing on this green-blue-brown floating rock in space that is also known as the earth, could have prepared you for what you were witnessing next. with your mouth slightly ajar, you looked at tetsurou as he leaned over, clutching his stomach, while letting out the funniest laugh you have ever heard in your life.
in your mind, you saw a quick flash of a scene from ‘the lion king’, in which one of the hyenas was laughing exactly like that. you briefly wondered whether kuroo was influenced by that scene as a kid before you couldn’t keep your laugh in anymore after the initial shock subdued.
“my apologies, the situation was just way too perfect for me to not tease you. i’d be honored if you’d grace me with your kindness again, my highness”, he slightly bowed while, once again, flashing you that sly smirk that made you wanna punch and make out with him at the same time.
you tried to match his energy as best as you could with your head jumbled from the proximity to the man you have been sitting next to every tuesday and thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., but looking back at the interaction, you couldn’t wrap your head around tetsurou wanting to continue talking to you after that conversation.
“i’ll consider it, peasant.”
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after that, you and your smart seatmate talked a lot more. you found out that he was majoring in sports management and minoring in chemistry even though it was so different from management, just because he liked it. lev, your best friend at college since the first day when he didn’t see you from his 6’5” point of view and knocked you over as you were looking at the menu in the very coffee shop you were currently sitting in, turned out to be one of kuroo’s old friends from high school. which let you to find out the most unfortunate information about kuroo tetsurou thus far.
as you were walking to your next lecture with the dark-haired man, lev joined in with a tall, blonde, and gorgeous woman by his side. you immediately recognized alisa, lev’s sister. even though the silver-haired boy was ginormous, he couldn’t hold his liquor very well, which resulted in you having to drag the giraffe of a human home after a party quite a few times. there, you met alisa.
wanting to go in for a hug with the beautiful blonde, you froze at once as you tried to process what you were seeing. tetsurou had an arm wrapped around her petite waist, the other one placed on her sharp jaw, as he softly pecked her lips.
lev excitedly started telling you about a new side job he got as a model and while you supported him with your whole heart and were genuinely proud of him for landing that job, you could only zero in on the sight in front of you. your eyes hyper focused on the way his large hands were gently grabbing her waist, your ears on the soft ‘how was your day?’ and flirty ‘better, now that you’re here’ exchanged.
putting on your best poker face and directing your attention to the excited titan beside you, your own reaction startled you. even more surprising was who you were jealous of. you did have a small crush on alisa at the start, who wouldn’t? she’s tall, beautiful, fun, loving, caring, alas she was way too similar to lev to develop a full-on crush on her. then, it dawned on you, that the one you were jealous of, was not tetsurou, but in fact, alisa.
of course, you thought your seatmate was attractive from the first moment you saw him, but how you managed to develop a crush on him without even realizing it, was beyond you. ugly, jealous thoughts made their way into your head about one of the most loveable people you met. those disgusting thoughts slithered their hands around your throat, trying to suffocate you and so you buried that small crush in the back of your mind.
after that encounter you kept your distance to the handsome male. it was better for you, your sanity and everyone involved. in no way were you ever going to go between a loving relationship because of your own selfish feelings.
for crying out loud, you didn’t even know kuroo that well while alisa was like a sister to you. however, you weren’t able to tune out the insecure voices in your head. of course, he liked tall, model-like women who resembled angels not only physically but also with their personality. who were you to compare yourself to her? not even you yourself liked who you were, so why would one of the most attractive guys you ever saw?
you deserved someone good, but alisa deserved the world, so you just wished that tetsurou was the best for her.
and while kuroo tetsurou was a lot of things, he wasn’t ignorant, so when you decided to sit down in another seat in the lecture a few times or made up some excuses as to why he couldn’t walk with you to your next seminar, he knew something was wrong.
which brings you back to right now, with you staring at your laptop, hoping that the boy you’ve been trying to avoid wouldn’t come over to check on you. alas, your luck was apparently all spent, because you could see a tall, dark figure drop themselves on the bench in front of you.
at the low tone of his voice calling your name, you lifted your gaze from your laptop to look at the boy you were trying to stay clear of.
“hmm? oh, hey tetsurou. didn’t see you there.” bullshit, he thought.
“yeah, ’m here with alisa. just a quick break before she has her next lecture.” while saying that, kuroo focused on your expression, trying to gauge your emotions and maybe get a hint on why you were actively keeping him at arm’s length.
after taking a swift look in the direction the happy couple was sitting just a few minutes ago, you nodded and kept your eyes on your coffee.
“that’s nice, you should probably go back now though. don’t want you to waste precious date time”, you said cheerfully, but weren’t able to keep out the slightly bitter tone out of your voice. that’s exactly why you were trying to stay away from him. the sight of the merry couple only fueled your toxic thoughts about two people you cherished and even though you wished for them to be happy together, the insecurities deep inside you wouldn’t let you.
seeing the slight change in your voice and expression, kuroo cocked his head to the side. did he say the wrong thing?
“she’s already leaving, so i decided to catch up with you for a bit.”
“well,” you remarked while closing your laptop and starting to pack your things, “I also need to get going, was nice seeing you though.”
“i’ll walk you”, was in fact not what you wanted to hear. but the universe hated you for some reason. you looked back at him and waved your hand dismissingly, trying to speedily think of a reason why he couldn’t accompany you: “uh, you see, i, uh... i’m visiting my parents this weekend, so i’ll just take the train. ’m not going back to the dorms.”
even if kuroo would have been stupid and oblivious, which he was not, your hurried attempt at getting rid of him just confirmed all his suspicions. but the ex-captain wasn’t going to let you run away from him so easily.
“no problem, i’ll walk you to the train station. the field i practice volleyball in with lev and a few others is nearby. ‘was gonna head there anyway, let’s go.” this time, he didn’t let you enough time to object, so you were stuck grabbing your things and following him, regardless of what you wanted.
to your surprise, kuroo didn’t say a thing on the way to the train station. you expected him to force you into a whole debate about whether pluto was a planet or not, but he just stayed silent. was that a bit of your luck shining through, or was he angry?
not wanting to push your luck any longer, you stayed silent as well, as you waited for your train at the designated platform. guess you had to make a surprise visit to your hometown because of your little lie, but maybe that was exactly what you needed. some time away to clear your head.
but just as you got excited for the spontaneous trip, kuroo finally dropped what has been on his mind the whole walk or rather, the whole three weeks you’ve been running away from him as if he was on fire and you couldn’t wait to get away from him as far as possible.
“y/n. why are you avoiding me?”, he questioned, looking at the rails ahead, instead of you.
“w-what? i’m not, why would you think that?”, you quickly sputtered out, hardly able to convince yourself of your own lies.
tetsurou gave you a look of complete skepticism, quickly shutting down your protests. “don’t play dumb with me, ’m not stupid. i know you’re not sitting down way further in the back or running out of the lecture on accident. you’re doing this on purpose. even just a moment ago you didn’t want me to escort you. tell me why.”
luckily, the train arrived just on time, so you quickly hoped on with a fleeting 'see you next week' and hoped he would just assume you didn’t quite catch what he said because of the train.
he didn’t though. he knew that you heard him.
the short spontaneous weekend trip turned into you staying for almost two whole weeks because of a cold, so your mom wouldn’t let you return without someone taking care of you, not knowing you had some big news waiting for you once you got back.
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“we broke up.”
wou were currently in the library after returning to campus, trying to catch up on some lectures you missed, when alisa entered. together, you were walking around the english literature section, catching up when she dropped the bomb.
“wait, what? how? when? why? huh? what did he do?”, you asked dumbfounded, feeling bad about your two friends, who were so clearly in love, breaking up. but even more than that, you could feel disgust creep up your spine because deep down you knew you were sickly happy about the fact that kuroo was now single. what a shit fucking friend you were.
“relax”, alisa chuckled. “he didn’t do anything, we just kinda came to the agreement that we don’t love each other the same anymore. i felt like he was always distracted the last weeks we were together, always deep in thought, and i decided to concentrate on my graduation and career as a model. it was a great college relationship and i still care for him, we just… we broke up about a week ago.”
“well, as long as you’re both happy with the decision”, you sighed while picking ‘pride and prejudice’ by jane austen from a bookshelf, not feeling like such a piece of shit for being lowkey happy about it anymore, but you still knew you two would never work. even if the breakup was mutually decided, tetsurou was still her ex.
hearing alisa giggle, you turned your gaze from the book in your hand and wondered: “huh? why are you laughing?” the tall blonde only grinned and continued her way down the aisle. completely confused, you followed her with the book still in hand.
“what the fuck? kinda acting sus not gonna lie.”
“wow, I thought you had better jokes than that y/n”, she teased, sitting down at a nearby table.
breathing out some air out of your nose in mock anger, you sat down beside her, tipping your non-existent fedora. “sorry i’m not up to your comedy standards, m’lady.”
alisa laughed loudly before noticing the book you were still holding, her laughter turning into a knowing grin. once again, you shot her a confused look: “what is it with you today? your mood swings are confusing the shit outta me.”
“you know, that’s like one of tetsu’s favorite books.”
“what? 'pride and prejudice'?”, you inquired, puzzled. why was she telling you this? “are you like, having some post-breakup nostalgia or?”
she laughed once again, waving her manicured hand dismissingly and shaking her head: “it just kinda popped into my head. i never read it, but he once wanted to read it to me. it did not end well; i couldn’t take it seriously and had to laugh the whole time. he just gave up and sulked for the rest of the evening.”
“yep, definitely pbn”. the girl shoved your shoulder slightly while snickering before taking out her laptop and working on something, leaving you alone with your conflicted thoughts.
as fate would have it, you didn’t really talk to kuroo for the last two weeks of lectures. finals were catching up and you had a lot of exams, leaving you with no time to catch up with the tall boy. plus, you were still trying to avoid him. you weren’t about to give into temptation and try your luck with alisa’s ex, which was much easier if said temptation didn’t walk around looking fine directly in front of you.
but with the weekend starting, you agreed to go to a party with the haiba siblings to treat yourself to a break from typing essay after essay. it was obvious that kuroo would also be there and this time, you wouldn’t be able to avoid him. the running had finally caught up to you.
before the party, you decided to go to the library to work on one of your essays, but with how much work there was left, you simply forgot the time. at 10 p.m., your phone rang.
“girl? why aren’t you here yet? and why aren’t you answering our messages? we texted you like a million times”, levs’ questioning voice echoed through the speaker.
quickly checking the time and number of messages you got, you gasped: “oh god, so sorry! i was at the library working on my shitty marketing essay! ’m gonna be right there!”
ending the phone call, you quickly gathered your things and rushed to your dorms. stripping on the way to the bathroom in your one room apartment, you hopped into the shower, feeling as if you were trying to break the world record for the fastest shower known to men.
as you were stepping out of the shower a few minutes later, someone knocked at your door, startling you. did the haiba siblings come to pick you up? with a hasty ‘’m coming’, you hurried to the door in only a towel.
“hey, I just got out of the shower, I just need…” faltering in your sentence, you gripped your towel tighter, trying not to freak out. because there were no alisa and lev in sight. just kuroo tetsurou. while you were standing there. with only a towel on. fuck. “that’s uh… you’re not alisa and lev.”
“er… n-no, no i’m not”, kuroo stuttered out, at least having the decency to avert his eyes to the ceiling, realizing what you had or rather had not on after checking you out. collecting your composure, you shot him a tight-lipped smile and stepped aside to let him in.
“come in, I just need to get dressed and do my makeup. you can wait inside.”
walking past you, the dark-haired man pretended to scratch his head to hide his red ears and quickly surveyed your room. “that’s…”, breaking off his sentence instantly when his voice cracked, he cleared his throat before trying again. “nice room.”
while kuroo tried not to have a mental breakdown and remember what he came here for, you picked up your disregarded clothes from earlier of the floor, being mindful of not to flash the man, and made your way to your wardrobe, chucking in your dirty laundry and scanning your variety of clothes to pick out the most flattering outfit for the party. “uh, yeah, thanks. so, uh, what did you want? ee would’ve seen each other at the party later anyway.”
but there was no answer, making you frown. just as you wanted to turn around, calling his name in confusion, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around your waist loosely, causing you to choke out his name.
kuroo leaned his head down towards your neck, slowly inhaling the scent of your strawberry bodywash before sighing contently. his soft, plump lips slowly trailed up to your ear, creating goosebumps on their way, before lowly murmuring: “you smell delicious. i could eat you up.”
you could feel yourself shiver at the low timbre of his voice and the indication of his words, as your heart rate picked up to the point you had the feeling as though you were going to die right then and there. how did his demeanor change so suddenly? it seemed as if you were in a room with a completely different person.
the ex-captain smugly grinned as he felt your breath quicken and chest heave without him even doing much, tightening one arm around your waist, while his large hand on the other arm splayed itself on your stomach, slowly sliding down towards where you wanted him. “hm? can I do that baby?”
just as quickly as the thoughts of ‘stop, this is so wrong. what about alisa?’ appeared in your mind, they immediately disappeared with the sweet melody of kuroo calling you baby.
not being able to keep a little whine from slipping out at the pet name, you nodded, your cheeks unbearably hot. but that wasn’t enough for him. tetsurou wanted your verbal consent, even if his half-hard cock already slightly twitched at the small noise you let out without him even touching you properly, screaming at him to finally fuck you.
avoiding the area, you wanted him to touch the most, his hand grabbed your thigh, causing you to squeeze your legs together in search of relief. he tsked at your lack of words and lightly spanked your thigh before tightening his grip around the fat, earning him a surprised squeak from you. “no, use your big girl words baby. i want to hear it.”
the instant tetsurou startled you with the spank, you hurriedly grabbed onto his forearms, lightly digging your nails into the muscles. already, everything was getting too much. his smooth voice seducing you, his dominant touch jumbling up your brain, his urgent need to hear your consent, his pleasant scent of a mix of his cologne, mint and husk surrounding you. him, him, him. you wanted more. you needed more. the slick between your legs grew embarrassingly fast, smearing on the inside of your thighs, showing off kuroo’s effect on you evidently.
“please… please touch me tetsu', I need it”, you whimpered out impatiently, making him close his eyes to stop himself from cumming already, your needy voice going straight to his dick standing at full attention. and even though the menace in him wanted to tease you and hear you beg more; he knew that he didn’t have the willpower to deny himself of having you any longer.
as you felt the tall male finally place his hand underneath your towel and cup your pussy, your head rolled back onto his shoulder, giving him full access to your neck. while dragging his middle and index finger through your folds leisurely, his lips and tongue placed hungry kisses on your neck.
“fuck, angel, you’re soaking wet. Is that all because of me, hmm?”, he lowly murmured against your neck, while his fingers simultaneously slowly circled your clit. you couldn’t stop your eyes from lolling to the back of your head or the small whimper that left you, even though the ‘angel’ left a bitter taste in your mouth. as much as the pet name made your stomach all tingly, you always compared alisa to an angel, so it didn’t quite sit well to be called that by her own ex.
but as you felt his middle finger enter you, all thoughts flew out of your head. The only thing on your mind were the raspy praises against your neck and his finger moving at a torturous pace inside you.
“please tetsu', more, I need more”, you complained whiny, because as much as it was all overwhelming, it also wasn’t enough. kuroo could only grin at your eagerness, but couldn’t blame you, since his own patience was speedily wearing thin.
with an uttered ‘everything for you angel’, he added his index finger into the mix, curling the two digits and, not wasting a moment, pumping them into you at a rapid pace, eliciting a quiet moan out of you. the ex-captain noted that you weren’t much of a moaner and mentally made it a challenge to have you crying for him by the end of the night. so, without much warning, his long, thick fingers started hammering against your g-spot while his thumb circled your clit at the same time, making you squeeze your eyes shut with your mouth opening in a silent scream, your hands searching for stability on the closet in front of you.
“c’mon, y/n, baby, i know you want it, fucking give it to me. ‘been fantasizing about this so long, just wanna make you feel good and fall apart for me. show me how much of a good girl you are.” his smooth voice flowed into your ear, seducing you to fully give into him. you felt as if you were being lured by satan himself and you were just a weak little human, not nearly strong enough to resist the whisper of the devil.
with a series of soft, high-pitched moans, you came on his fingers without any warning, your legs giving out at the intensity of it all. tetsurou only tightened his arm around your waist, picking you up without any trouble, making you clench around nothing at his display of effortless strength as he withdrew his fingers from your dripping hole. you thought you heard a small ‘good girl’, but you couldn’t tell for sure with the way you were still floating on cloud nine after he brought you to your orgasm that quickly.
panting and shivering at the goosebumps erupting, you lifted your gaze up at him as he placed you on your bed, only to find him already staring at you with low lids and completely black eyes, the beautiful hazel color of his eyes lost in all the lust and desire that took over his expression.
refusing to break eye-contact, kuroo lifted his with your essence-soaked fingers to his plush lips, wrapping them around the digits and sucking lewdly at them. once again, you felt yourself clench around nothing, rubbing your thighs against each other to get some relief, when you saw his eyes roll back as he tasted you.
the next thing you knew, your back hit the bed with the broad man lying between your spread legs, making you yelp. you could feel the atmosphere around tetsurou change once again. he was a lot more feral than he was before, as if his patience were running out.
his biceps wrapped around your plush thighs, holding you in place since the feeling of his breath against your cunt made your hips twitch up at their own accord, exposing the strong want you had for the man between your legs.
“’m gonna fucking wreck you angel”, he growled against your slit, before diving right in, licking and sucking messily at your clit, your pussy lips, everywhere he could reach. and as much as it shouldn’t feel pleasurable with him being as aggressive as he was, it felt fucking heavenly. you couldn’t help but arch your back, hands flying down to tangle in his messy rooster hair and tugging at the surprisingly soft strands, causing him to moan hoarsely against your sensitive pussy, the vibrations only egging you on. something about kuroo tetsurou losing his usual provocative, teasing demeanor as he ate you out felt so raw and animalistic, that it made your head spin and toes curl.
his large hand crept up your torso and he finally removed the towel that barely hid your breasts from him before palming one, drawing a content sigh out of you at the attention. but as much as he enjoyed listening to you whine and sigh because of the pleasure he was causing you, he wanted, no, needed to hear how much you wanted this, how much you wanted him.
“tell me how it feels angel, tell me how good it feels. ‘wanna hear your pretty voice, baby”, he huskily mumbled against your clit, making you arch your back at the delicious vibrations echoing through your core. but as much as you enjoyed hearing his dirty talk, you felt insecure about yours not turning him on.
preparing yourself mentally as good as you managed with the way he ate you out like a man starved, you allowed yourself a glance down only to see him expectantly observing you. the erotic sight only coaxed another high-pitched whine out of you, your head lolling back against your pillow.
at the next harsh suck on your sensitive bundle of nerves, your hips thrusted up against his skilled tongue and you finally gave in to your desire of wanting to tell him how good he was making you feel. only him.
“fuck, tetsu', d-don’t stop. feels so good, you feel so good, only you, please, please, please”, you needily moaned while grinding your hips up, simultaneously pushing his head deeper into your pussy and if kuroo had any self-control left, it was definitely gone now.
his toned biceps tightened around your thighs. his large hands squeezed your breast and hip harshly, leaving bruises for you to discover tomorrow. his able tongue messily switched between being shoved deep inside you and swirling your clit and you could feel the bed shake with how forceful he was humping the bed just from eating you out and hearing you talk like that. every little thing contributed to your orgasm washing over you like a tsunami. you were fairly sure you even blacked out for a few seconds because the next time you focused your attention back on tetsurou, he was frantically unbuttoning his jeans, with his shirt already off, whipping out his cock.
you felt your eyes widen as well as your pussy clench, you couldn’t remember the last time you were this horny, but you also weren’t sure how the fuck you were supposed to fit a cock this big and girthy inside you. meanwhile kuroo took off his boxers and contently sighed as he finally started stroking himself, giving himself some relief but it wasn’t enough. not by a long shot.
zoning in on your face once again - sweaty, low lidded eyes, blown out pupils- the impatient boy leaned down and kissed you for the first time that evening. after everything that just transpired between you two, the kiss definitely felt the most intimate, but it was also what you were craving the most from tetsurou for months now.
you didn’t know how to possibly express all the emotions you were currently overwhelmed with, so you tried to translate it all through the kiss. kissing back harder, all teeth and tongue, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer, pressing your thighs against his hips, hoping it was enough to convey what you wanted to say.
apparently, it was, because you could hear kuroo lowly growl against your lips before starting to dig his fingers into your hips and grind against you, finally letting you feel him where you needed him the most.
“n-not enough, tetsu'”, you eagerly whined, raising your hips, hoping it was enough to convince him to finally fuck you like you craved him to. but as thin as his patience was at the moment, kuroo tetsurou would not be kuroo tetsurou without his teasing antics.
he slyly grinned, pressing feather-light kisses down from your lips to your throat, making his way to your breasts, where he teasingly kitten-licked your nipples a few times, letting you think you were finally getting what you wanted before he raised his head and stared you down with his almost pitch-black eyes. “mmm, I know you can do better than that kitten”, he gruffly remarked while continuing to grind against you slowly, making you jerk and mewl every time you felt the head of his cock bump against your clit. “what do you want me to do, baby?”
how he still had it in him to tease and deny you, was beyond you, because you were on the edge of breaking down from how bad you wanted him. “’want you to fuck me, tetsu'”, you confidently said while gazing into his eyes, or at least, you tried to sound confident, but you were only able to whine and moan at this point.
kuroo closed his eyes and felt himself twitch against your pussy. you were going to be the death of him. sitting back up on his knees, he grabbed his cock and lined it up with your entrance, making you spread your legs automatically wider at the sight.
with one sharp snap of his hips, you both groaned simultaneously, your groan high-pitched, his low and guttural, at the feeling you’ve both been craving for. “fuck, you’re on birth control, right?”, he asked, straining himself as to not just start pounding you into oblivion or cum right on the spot.
“yes, shit”, you breathlessly answered, putting your hands against his toned abdomen as to let him know to wait, which only made him clench his abs at the feeling of your soft hands on his exposed skin. “j-just give me a sec, need a moment”, you murmured avoiding eye contact, suddenly shy at the fact that you were just lying there with kuroo balls deep inside you.
sensing your mood shift, the tall male grinned his cheshire-grin at you and teasingly remarked: “why? am i too big for you, huh?”, hoping it’d make you laugh and relax a bit, soon realizing that the idea completely back-fired on him.
as you started to laugh at his arrogant remark, hitting his abs slightly and telling him to shut up, your core clenched in-sync with your laughter, making you freeze at the sudden loud, almost pornographic moan escaping tetsurou’s lips.
looking up at him, you finally realized how much he was holding back as to not hurt you or make you uncomfortable. the handsome boys’ wild hair was already sticking to the sweat forming on his forehead, his jaw clenched painfully, nostrils flaring, eyebrows furrowed, biceps bulging with how hard he was gripping the sheets beside your hips to restrain himself. the thought of him wanting to fuck you so bad but holding back for your pleasure and well-being, was enough to make you clench down on him again, rolling your hips up against his and declaring: “’m ready, tetsu'. please, f-fuck me”.
with your words and the grinding of your hips, kuroo really couldn’t hold back the little stutter his hips did against yours but fuck, was he embarrassed by it. he felt like a teenager, touching real boobs for the first time all over again, knowing he wouldn’t last long. not with how long he had fantasized about this and with how you reacted to his every move and touch, squeezing him so tight, he felt like he wouldn’t even be able to move.
“’m gonna break you”, and with those final words, his large, veiny hands gripped your hips in a bruising, vice grip, pulling out so only his tip was inside your messy, drooling cunt, before snapping right back in, making you choke on your breath at the impact.
as much as kuroo wanted to bust inside you right then and there, the strong urge to see you lose yourself on his cock while he ruined every other man for you was much more prominent. so, the ex-captain rutted in your pussy like his life depended on it, wanting your moans and mewls and whines to never stop. there was so much that was running through his head while being empty at the same time. the only thought was to bring you both to earth-shattering orgasms, but he also wanted to spit in your mouth, choke you, spank your thighs and ass till you wouldn’t be able to sit tomorrow. he wanted to come on your thighs, your tits, face, but he also wanted to breed you.
you two were definitely way too young for children but he couldn’t get the mental image of you, stuffed with his cum with it running down your legs out of his mind, only making it harder for him not to cum immediately.
but you weren’t doing better either. the pace that kuroo was fucking you at, had you seeing stars, riding you up higher on the bed with every thrust and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. you gripped the sheets, his hands, his forearms, your breasts, anything, to try to stabilize yourself as you approached your high embarrassingly fast without your clit even being touched.
just as the thought crossed your mind, you felt tetsus’ calloused fingertips, from years of playing volleyball, circle your clit, causing you to throw your head back with your lips open in a silent scream.
“fuck, you’re so fucking tight kitten, so much better than i ever imagined. cum for me, wanna feel you cream on my fat cock, wanna see you lose your mind baby, give it to me”. at this point, he basically started rambling on about how hot and tight you were, how he wanted you to cum around his cock so badly, how you were gonna make him cum so hard, how you were making such a mess for him, what a good girl you were.
just as you felt yourself almost falling over the edge at the added stimulus to your clit and the filthy praises that were coming out of his mouth, you yanked the boy down by his arm, wrapping your arms around him firmly and kissing him so hard, you were sure you both would have bruised lips later.
with the new position and the intimacy of being pressed up against each other, one more thrust, and you were gone. cumming around his cock so hard, you couldn’t remember the last time someone made you cum that hard, if ever.
the pornographic moans of his name along with some ‘fuck’s and ‘so good’s, the jerking of your body against his and the vice-grip of your pussy on his dick as you came. it was all too much for the poor boy who didn’t even cum once the whole time, while you already had three orgasms under your belt. the last straw was your quiet, little ‘cum inside tetsu', want you to fill me up’ and so, a few short, sloppy thrusts later, kuroo buried his face in your neck, groaning loudly as he came inside, spurting hot, white cum against your abused walls.
the feeling of being filled up to the hilt by kuroo tetsurou was intoxicating. you whined, wrapping your legs around his hips, caging him in so he couldn’t pull out, not wanting the moment to end.
you both lied there, trying to catch your breath. as he pulled out after a few moments and got up to go grab a towel to clean you up, your hand caught his. “don’t go, where are you going?”, you whined needily, wanting to cuddle, to worn-out to care about the mess gushing out of your hole onto the bed sheets.
chuckling, the tall boy leaned down, kissing your forehead: “’m not going anywhere angel, I’m just gonna grab a towel and clean you up”. with that he retreated to the bathroom in search of a towel to use.
you, on the other hand, suddenly sobered up from your drunk-on-lust high at the pet name, making you realize what you just did. fuck, you just banged alisa’s ex-boyfriend. they weren’t even broken off for that long and you already betrayed her.
feeling like a bad friend and complete whore, you didn’t even register said ex-boyfriend was back, making you flinch at the sudden contact of your sensitive pussy with the wet, rough towel.
“relax baby, it’s just me”, he teasingly chuckled, while cleaning you up. when he didn’t hear you chuckle or bite back at his teasing, his expression morphed into a frown, lifting his gaze from your core to your face. “what’s wrong?”
“nothing, thanks.” but of course, you were lying. the panic that slowly settled in your chest was threatening to suffocate you. hell, you weren’t even able to look at him properly.
you felt kuroo grab your chin with his fingers gently, turning your head so you had to look at him. tetsurou was completely serious, he only hoped you weren’t regretting what just transpired between you two, as he repeated: “what’s. wrong?”, emphasizing those two words so you knew there was no point in lying.
feeling your eyes water up, you cursed yourself for showing weakness, since you weren’t one to cry often, especially in front of other people. “what are we going to tell alisa?”
that caught him off guard. “alisa?”, he repeated questioningly, as if he didn’t know what you meant. how could he not know? was he that stupid?
you sat up, rubbing at your eyes frantically with the rising anger inside your chest. “yeah, alisa. your ex. the one that’s like a sister to me. how am I supposed to look her in the eyes after what we just did?”
kuroo wasn’t stupid. you could vouch for that any day. you saw him in your lecture, and you had studied a lot with him, but right now, you were sure he was the dumbest person you ever knew, even beating lev. because even after explaining, he still only looked at you with a confused gaze, saying: “i don’t quite follow?”
groaning, you ran your hands through your hair in frustration, declaring: “you’re really smart, but you’re being so fucking dumb right now. how the fuck am I supposed to talk to one of my closest friends after I fucked her ex-boyfriend, who she loved by the way, not even that long after they broke up?”
finally, it clicked in kuroo’s brain. but the last thing you expected, was to hear him laugh. your head snapped up at the sound, glaring at him you almost growled: “what the fuck’s so funny, you fucking bedhead?”
“oh wow, throwing in the insults huh?”, he said between chuckles. “it’s funny because alisa was the one who encouraged me to come here tonight, though I don’t think she wanted us to outright fuck but, you know.”
what now?
“what do you mean she encouraged you to come here?”, you interrogated perplexed. suddenly he was acting all shy and sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck with his big hand, avoiding your eyes.
“well… we’re still friends, so we were talking about our lectures a week ago and she suddenly mentioned how you also were a fan of 'pride and rejudice'. i just… got kinda excited at that, since alisa wasn’t really interested in things like that, so i started asking her about it. she then called me out on my crush on you, saying she already knows why i was so distracted the weeks leading up to our break-up, thinking about you.”
while listening, your anger slowly morphed into nervousness at kuroo openly admitting he also had a crush on you, but you wanted him to finish his story before addressing the elephant in the room.
“i apologized immediately, thinking she was angry at me, but you know her. she was so sweet, saying she would only be happier if it worked out between us. after, she tried to set us up to talk to each other, but you avoided me like the plague, so she told me to come here before the party since you were running late, to confront you and settle it once and for all but uh…”, he sheepishly smiled, “i kinda got distracted when you opened the door in only a towel, so… that didn’t go as planned.”
sitting with your mouth agape in a ‘o’, your brain tried to process all the information, not knowing what to say to his confession and explanation.
“soooo… she’s not gonna hate me and cancel our friendship?”, you carefully pressed, just to be sure. “no, I don’t think she will”, he chortled.
with that, the room was suddenly extremely silent, making you and kuroo even more nervous. clearing his throat, he couldn’t take the silence anymore. “are you gonna give me an answer to my confession, or am I like, totally embarrassing myself right now?”
“uh, no, yeah”, you softly giggled at his obvious anxiousness. taking his face between your hands, you looked right into his hazel eyes in the dim lighting, before gently smiling at him.
“i like you too, nerd.”
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the next morning, you woke up to your phone aggressively vibrating on your nightstand beside your bed. you blindly reached out, picking up the call without even opening your eyes, clearly still half-asleep.
“hello?”, you groggily asked your caller, wondering who the fuck was calling you this early, when lev’s voice filled your ear. “y/n? hey, we we’re worried about you yesterday. why didn’t you show up? it was so much fun”, the big, over-grown baby whined.
looking down at the reason you weren’t able to attend the party sleeping soundly with his head on your chest, you smiled, carding your fingers softly through his raven-black hair.
“just… reasons”.
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marblesphere · 3 years
Gojo Satoru x Reader
!!Warning!! This is self-indulgent fic. Sort of teacher x student relationships. Age gap. Implied suggestive theme. Character death. Fluff. If you are not comfortable, please don’t read this. As a caution, Minor please don’t interact.
[Name] 5 years old
Gojo Satoru 16 years old
Geto Suguru 15 years old
Ieiri Shoko 16 years old
"Satoru." My head poked into the class from the opened sliding door.
"Ah! My cute [Name]-chan!" Satoru grinned as he quickly picked me up. He rubs his cheek to mine, causing me to giggle.
"Satoru, your glasses hurt." I complained.
"Don't worry. Pain, pain, flies away." He smooched my cheek.
"Satoru. Let her down." Suguru sighed at his antics.
"Nope. You are just jealous that [Name]-chan likes me more than you." Satoru planted me on his lap, while still hugging my small frame.
"Konbanwa, Suguru." I smiled.
"Konbanwa, [Name]-chan. How are you today?" Suguru smiled.
"Today, our teacher gave us homework." I excitedly started telling them my day.
"What kind of homework?" Suguru asked.
"Making a flower. I am going to make a lot." I spread my hand to express how many I would make. "I will give you one later, okay?"
"That's very kind of you. I will look forward to it."
"Nooo~. [Name]-chan. You won't give me a flower?" Satoru put his head on top of mine, whining.
"Silly Satoru. Of course I will give you one." I giggled.
"Promise?" He stuck out his pinkie.
"Promise." I warped my pinkie to his. ~"~
 Suguru sighs while looking at his partner's antics. This little girl is the only one he showed affection openly. Usually he will tease, flirt or taunt the opposite gender. But, that's it. He never showed any interest in them. But, this little girl has him wrapped around her fingers.
'...Does that mean…' "Satoru…" The high school first grader called his friend.
"What?" Satoru replied but his thumb was still engaged in chicken fight with the little girl.
"...You won't lay your hand on her, right?"
"..." It took a while for his friend to process what he was asking. "The hell you are thinking." He made a disgusted face. He is fond of this girl and showers with affection. But he regards her as a precious little sister. Well, that might change in due time.
"As long as you know. That's fine." Suguru sighed in relief. ~"~
"What are you talking about?" I blinked up at the older teens.
"Nothing to worry about. So, what kind of flower are you going to give me?" Satoru asked.
"Secret. You will know when the time comes." I put a finger on my mouth, making a shushing motion.
"Eeehhh~. I want to know now." Satoru whined.
"Bad Satoru." I puffed my cheeks.
"Aw. I am sorry. Don't get mad. Or I will… give you a tickle." His hand has already started tickling me.
"I will stop if you forgive me."
"Hahaha….o...okay…" I nodded.
The tickling ceased instantly. "You are not playing fair." I huffed.
"Ahahaha. Don't get mad. Here. A lollipop." He shoved the candy stick to my mouth.
"!!!" My tongue swirled around the candy. "Melon flavor." I blinked. "Ah!" My eyes shot towards the clock which showed 3 o'clock. I wriggle out from Satoru's lap.
"[Name]-chan. Where are you going?"
"I promised Yae-chan to play together." I smiled. "I am going then. Bye bye Satoru, Suguru."
"Bye bye, [Name]-chan." Satoru waved.
"See you tomorrow." Suguru smiled.
Today, Yae-chan and I are going to play tag in a park. Some of our classmates from the Sakura class are also here.
"[Name]-chan!" Yae-chan waved her hand.
"Yae-chan!" I smiled back as I waved to her.
Fun times always fly past quickly. It's 5 o'clock now. Time for us children to go home.
Few days later, Mikan-chan, Hinako-chan, and Sera-chan invite Yae-chan and I to another game of tag. Of course we agreed.
So, after school, I told Ijichi-san I am going to play tag with friends, so I won't be visiting Satoru.
"Mikan-chan, where are we going to play today? The park?" Yae-chan asked curiously.
"Hehe. Nope. We will play in a big house today." Mikan-chan said proudly.
"Big house?" The rest of us blinked.
"Yes. We are almost there." Mikan-chan said. After a twist and turn, we finally arrived at a big house Mikan-chan said.
"...Mikan-chan, are you sure you want to play tag here…?" I looked at the obviously ominous house.
"Of course. It will be so fun here." Mikan-chan talked as she was oblivious of the strange scent the house omitted.
"Hmph. Are you scared?" Hinako-chan jeered.
I frown at her. "I am not. But, Satoru said don't go near the house like this. It's dangerous." I said.
"Satoru? Ah. That neighbour onii-chan." Yae-chan said.
"Hmph. Nothing is dangerous, you stupid. There is no ghost. You are just afraid." Hinako-chan sneered.
"I am not afraid." I puffed my cheeks.
"Yes, you are. And that neighbour of yours is probably lying to you." She added.
"Satoru is not a liar!" I yelled. "Satoru never lies to me!" I told her.
"Adults are always lying. My mother said so." Hinako-chan retorted.
"Satoru is not a liar. I will prove to you that ghosts exist." I was miffed, completely forgetting the warning I had received.
"Fine." Hinako-chan stuck her chest out. Thus, the game of tag is quickly forgotten. Right now, they are going to prove the existence of ghosts. ~"~
Yae quickly runs to [Name]'s house. All she can think about is how to get to her house quickly. Fortunately, the house isn't that far. But, to a little kid this is already exhausting all her strength.
Yae panted as she arrived at Sakuya's house. She sees [Name]'s mother talking to 2 men.
"[Name]-chan's Mama!" Yae yelled, catching their attention.
Hisaki Reika, Suguru and Satoru shift their attention to Yae. The crying little girl collapses to her knees, fortunately being caught by Satoru. "Otto."
"Yae-chan?! What's wrong?" She asked the child, worry and concern evident in her tone and face.
"[Name]-chan… danger…" Yae hiccuped.
"Where are they?" Satoru asked, it's a rare case where he actually talked seriously.
"Yae-chan. Calm down and take a deep breath. Slowly… inhale… exhale…." She instructed.
Satoru shifts his hold on Yae, so Yae is being propped by his arm. Yae follows Reika's instructions, so she starts calming down.
"In what direction?" Satoru asked again.
"Satoru, don't scare her. Let her catch her breath." Suguru admonished, he knew his partner was anxious.
"Yae-chan, please tell me what you know." Reika smiled.
"...They are in an abandoned house near the park we usually play." Yae hiccuped.
"Got it." He transferred Yae to Reika and quickly teleported.
"Satoru-" He left before Suguru could say something. "Yare yare. Yae-chan. Please tell me the whole story." He smiled kindly.
Yae starts telling them their story. "Mi-Mikan-chan said she found a big house to play tag near the park. Then…[Name]-chan said this house is dangerous, she said her neighbour onii-chan said so. Hinako-chan said that onii-chan is lying. [Name]-chan said onii-chan won't lie to her….They fight with each other before [Name]-chan said she will prove to Hinako-chan that ghosts exist." Yae recounted. "...sorry...I should have stopped them." Fresh tears started flowing again.
"Oh no. Yae-chan this is not your fault. Don't worry. [Name]-chan and the others will be fine. That strong onii-chan will rescue them." She assured the little girl.
"R...really?" The little girl hiccuped.
"Yes, of course." She smiled reassuringly at the little girl.
"Then, Hisaki-san, I'll be on my way too." Suguru nodded at her.
"Okay. Be careful. I will go there after I take Yae-chan home." Reika nodded back.~"~
"Sssshhhh…" I tried to shush Hinako's cry. "Don't cry or she will find us." I whispered to the other them.
The exploration starts normally. We argue as we open each door on the first floor. Of course there's nothing. And this fact made Hinako-chan more unbridled. She keeps saying Satoru is a liar. Of course, I am angry too. Satoru is not a liar.
But the deeper we go the more I smell the foul stench. On the 3rd floor. There's this one room with a particular strong vile stench. "The spirit must be here." I mumbled.
"Hmph. I am sure there's nothing inside." Hinako-chan said. Mio-chan and Mikan-chan seem to agree.
"Nee...let's just go. This room feels creepy." Yae-chan said.
"You are just afraid. As I thought, your neighbour is a liar." Hinako-chan harrumphed.
"Satoru is not a liar. I will prove it to you." I huffed. I also feel this room is creepy and definitely dangerous. But she says Satoru is a liar. I can't forgive her. So, I mustered up the courage to push open the door. The old door creaks open. We are unaware of the curse residing inside.~"~
 "Are you ready?" The eerie voice echoed in the building. Hinako-chan and the others clamped her mouth tighter, afraid their cries would leak out. But a small whimper still leaks out from her mouth.
My heart is beating so fast I can even hear it. The voice and footsteps echo louder. I bit my lips thinking what should no, what can I do against that monster.
"Satoru, can you teach me how to exorcise cursed spirits?" I blinked up to the older male.
"[Name]-chan. You need curse energy to exorcise one." Satoru smiled cockily.
"So, I can't?" My mouth turned upside down.
"Well… there's one that you might can do." He drawled.
"Really?! Tell me?!" Excitement bubbled up.
"It's like this." He grinned as he taught me.~"~
"Found you."
I quickly throw the nearest object I found within my reach which has no effect on it.
"Rin pyo toh sha kai jin retsu zai zen" I made a kuji-kiri. The lines I made in the air sort of materialized as light and attacked the curse.
"Let's run!" I yelled. The others and I quickly ran towards the door. Once we are out, I close the door. We still can hear clearly the curse's wail.
"I want to go home." Hinako cried.
"Let's go." I grabbed their hands and started running again. "You guys stay here and don't make a sound." I told them and closed the door. "Rin pyo toh sha kai jin retsu zai zen." I threw another kuji-kiri to focus its attention on me. I quickly ran as I was chased. I didn't run for long before I cornered.
"Are you...ready? Found you…" The grotesque curse stamped toward me.
'Scary...I...am...scared…' "...help...HELP ME! SATORU!" I yelled as I closed my eyes.
A loud crash was heard and a smell of wisteria enveloped me. "Sa...to..ru…" My opened eyes took a glimpse of white hair and sparkling blue eyes.
"[Name]-chan. Close your eyes and ears, okay? And don't move until I say so." He smiled sweetly.
"Eh? Okay." I nodded and obediently did as I was told. I can't hear or see anything except the vile smell that started to dissipate. Again, I was enveloped in a nice wisteria smell.
"You can open your eyes now." He said gently.
"Satoru…?" I blinked.
"Yep. The Gojo Satoru is here. You can rest easy." He winked.
"Where is everyone?" I gasped in realization.
"Don't worry. I found them before I found you. Right now they are outside the building with Suguru...maybe.... They are safe now. So are you." He stroke my head.
"Of course. I will never lie to you." He grinned.
"Hic...hic...Uwaaaaa!" I wailed. The tears are flowing nonstop. "Scary… I am scared…" I clung to Satoru as if he was my only lifeline.
"I am here now… no one can hurt you…" He cooed.
I cried for a good while. Now with my small hands wrapped around his neck, Satoru escorted me out of the abandoned house.
"[Name]!" I heard mama's voice.
"Mama!" I wriggled as I stretched my hands to her.
Satoru transfers me to her arms easily. "Mama!" I wrapped my hands tightly around her.
"It's good you are alright." She sighed in relief.
"Satoru saved me." I smiled.
"Thank you, Satoru-kun. Suguru-kun too, thank you for rescuing the others." Mama bowed.
"No. It was our duty. No need to thank us." Suguru smiled.
"There's no way I will let [Name]-chan get hurt." Satoru supplied.
"[Name]." Mama set me on the ground. My senses are tingling. "Didn't Satoru-kun tell you not to go inside the abandoned house?"
"...I…Hinako-chan said Satoru is a liar. I just want her to know Satoru is not a liar." I muttered, sneaking a peek at her, only to be stared down with hard glare. "Satoru…" I pleaded to the older teen. He always takes my side.
"Even though I am happy. I am quite angry with you too, [Name]-chan." Satoru smiled.
I flinch, then I look at my last resort, Suguru.
"There's no use looking at me, [Name]-chan." Suguru smiled too.
"I...am sorry…I just don't want her to say Satoru is a liar. Satoru is...not a...liar" I hiccuped, tears started flowing again.
"[Name]-chan." I heard Satoru sighed as he lifted me up. "I don't really care if they say I am a liar. I just don't want you hurt. As long as you believe in me. I will be fine." Satoru patted my head.
"[Name], you are a kind child. But Mama doesn't want anything to happen to you. If something happens to you. Mama will…" Mama choked out a sob.
"Sorry...I am sorry, mama!" I wailed. The incident was over. The rescued children were all asleep and brought back to their parents. They were told the children fall asleep after playing some kind of adventure game. The children will quickly forget after they wake up believing that was some kind of dream. The only ones who properly remember this are Yae-chan and me.
Yae-chan has promised to keep this a secret. That night, the dinner was lively. Satoru and Suguru were eating with us.
"[Name]-chan, it's time to sleep." Satoru patted my bed. Wearing blue pajamas, I crawl to the bed. "Let's tuck you to bed." He grinned.
"Satoru, don't turn off the light, okay." I murmured.
"Are you afraid?" He blinked.
"Un…" I nodded my head.
"Then, next time, please don't go to dangerous places. You should just ignore whatever they are saying." He flicked my forehead. A small 'itta' escaped my mouth. "You really worried me, [Name]-chan." He sighed.
"Sorry...Satoru… I promised I won't go to dangerous places again." I stuck my pinkie to him.
"You promised, okay. Don't break it. If you break your promise, you will have to swallow a thousand needles." He wrapped his pinkie to mine.
"I will. So, Satoru, don't leave me alone okay." I am getting sleepy. My eyes are dropping.
"Sweet dreams." With a kiss on the forehead, I am out like a feather. ~"~
Gojo Satoru, he prided himself to be strong. He didn't really understand why he should have protected the weak. This world no matter how evolved, the rule is still the same. The strong prey on the weak.
But as usual, there is always an exception. For Gojo Satoru, his exception is the little girl sleeping on the bed. This seemingly normal girl. Well, maybe not so normal. As the sole heir of the Gojo clan he is always on guard. Because everyone around him always want a piece of him.
That's why he always taunts and teases them. Just to remind them not to mess with him. But at the same time, this attitude earned him a lot of enemies. The Gojo clan praises him as a genius. So, from the moment he was born, he had to shoulder those unneeded expectations.
He used to try hard because of it, but right now he doesn't give a damn.
Well, this little girl is the first one to tell him. It's okay to take a break and just let go of those expectations. Coming from a little girl, this is quite a feat. That was the first time Gojo Satoru let out a genuine smile for her. ~"~
 "Satoru." A small girl not older than 3 years old poked her head into his room.
"[Name]-chan." Satoru plastered a smile as usual. This little kid from his neighbor seems attached to him. Well, he didn't mind. She was quite amusing for her age. Trying to mimic him and all.
"Satoru. Here, kakigori." [Name] smiled as she handed the sweet to him.
"Oh, kakigori. Thank you [Name]-chan." He never declined a sweet.
"Of course. I hope after you eat it, you will become cheerful." She smiled, her baby teeth showing.
"I am always cheerful." He grinned.
"Nuh uh. You are always sad. I don't know. I just know you are sad. Don't get sad anymore Satoru." The little girl patted his head. "Pain pain goes away.." Her little palm covered his eyes before making a motion like throwing something away. "Pain pain goes away… hic… pain...pain… go..away..." She sobbed.
Bewildered, Satoru finally let out a helpless sigh. "Why are you crying, [Name]-chan?" He patted my head.
"Because you didn't cry. Sorry… I can't take your pain away...sowwy…"
"It's not your fault. [Name]-chan. Thank you for crying for me." He pulled the much smaller girl to a hug. "Don't cry anymore. I will be okay. The pain has gone away." He coaxed the girl.
For the first time in his life. Gojo Satoru knew what it was like being worried by other people. "Really? You are not lying?" [Name] hiccuped.
"Of course." He wiped her snot with a handkerchief. "I will never lie to you." He smiled. "So, don't cry anymore."
"Okay." She nodded, smiling.
"Good, let's eat kakigori toge..ther…" The forgotten kakigori has melted. "Let's go eat ice cream." Satoru lifted the small girl.
"I want bubble gum flavour. Because it's like your eyes, so pretty."
"Eh? [Name]-chan, does that mean you want to eat my eyes?" He put on a faux hurt expression.
"Of course not. Silly Satoru. I just like the colour of your eyes. They are so pretty. Because they are yours." The girl giggled.
"I see. I like your eyes too. They are so honest. Just like you."
"Hehehe, thank you."
From that moment, a genuine bond formed between them. And his affection to her too has become genuine. In other words, he spoiled her rotten, of course within limits. She might be the only one who can bend the Gojo Satoru to her will. Later, she will be known as the Gojo Satoru's owner. ~"~
 After the incident, Satoru and Suguru agreed to teach me some basics of close combat for self defense. And apparently, I am not allowed to go out alone for a month. Either being accompanied by Mama, Satoru, Suguru sometimes even Nanamin or someone from Jujutsu High.
Apparently I was born with innate ability as an onmyouji. But, my necklace which was given by my late father is some kind of seal, sealing the ability to see. The seal has weakened, and I start seeing the curse. Mama has told Satoru, Suguru and Masamichi sensei my origin.
Apparently, my great great great...uh… many generations ago, someone from my father's side is a direct descendant from a Keikain, an onmyouji. She is married to a youkai. The Keikain clan died out many generations ago. Father is, what was the word, a leftover. At that time, my grandma from generations ago was expelled from clan because marrying a youkai. They took different surnames and voila, I was born after generations had passed.
When I was born, papa said my spiritual power is too strong, this kind of power is attractive to curses. They are effective in purging curses but also in attracting curses. So, he sealed my power. Hoping I will just live as a normal girl.
But alas, the seal quickly weakened, one because I hung around a lot with someone with a cursed power. Two, I have encountered cursed spirits.
"Mama, am I bad? Is it because this Papa has gone far away?" I blinked my watery eyes.
"Oh no. Of course not, honey. It's definitely not your fault. Papa has gone far away to search for a way to help you." Mama gave me a teary smile.
"Okay…" I nodded.
"...Onmyouji, huh? I am not sure how to handle onmyouji spiritual power." Sensei sighed.
"Is that different from curse power?" Suguru asked.
"If curse energy is negative energy. Then spiritual power is positive power. Though all the same it can be used like curse power. It just, spiritual power is far more attractive to curses than curse power or curse object. I am not sure whether the way of handling them are the same." Sensei said.
"My late husband had some books for spiritual power. I am not sure whether this will help or not." Mama said.
"Can I take a look?"
"Of course." Mama then led Sensei to Papa's study.
"Satoru, Suguru. Will I be okay? Is Mama troubled because of me?" I asked the older males.
"Of course not, [Name]-chan. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. This Gojo Satoru will protect you. And Reika-san is not troubled because of you." He patted my head.
"Not only Satoru, I will also protect you. What Satoru said is right. Your mom is not troubled because you. That's why don't worry." He smiled.
"Thank you, Satoru, Suguru." I smiled.
So, in the end it's decided I will stay in Jujutsu high with Satoru because it's the best option for my safety. Mama will stay with me every weekend or holiday. My room is in between Satoru and Suguru. Someone will take me to school every morning.
Even though I have my own room, I mostly sleep in Satoru's room when he is not out. And in the morning Suguru will wake us. After school, sensei will tell me how to meditate. According to him, even though I have different power, the way of channelling is more or less the same. So, meditating is the first step. ~"~
Few months later
"Who is this little girl?" A big sister wearing a maiden shrine outfit peered down at me. I hide myself behind Nanamin's leg.
"She is a special student here." Nanamin told her.
"Kon...konichiwa, I am Hisaki [Name]. Umm… nice to meet you." I bowed and hid myself again.
"So cute." She smiled. "I am Iori Utahime. Nice to meet you, [Name]-chan." She kneeled down to my level and smiled.
"Un!" I smiled.
"By the way, she has another nickname." Nanamin said.
"Gojo Satoru's owner."
Big sister suddenly freezes. "Onee-chan, what's wrong?" I blinked.
"This little girl is what?" She asked again.
"Gojo Satoru's owner." Nanamin said again.
"We are talking about that Gojo Satoru, right? The annoying arrogant prick. There's no way he will listen to other's orders. Let alone a small girl." Utahime Onee-chan said indecorously.
"But, this is the truth." Nanamin said.
"Are you two fighting?" I looked up at them.
"No. We are not fighting. She is just having trouble processing that you are Gojo-san's owner." Nanamin said.
"Satoru? Onee-chan knows about Satoru's too?" I smiled at her.
"Well, no one doesn't know who he is." Utahime onee-chan grumbled.
"Onee-chan, do you hate Satoru?" I tilted my head. "Satoru is nice. He just doesn't know how to show it."
"Did he brainwash her?"
"No. It's the opposite."
"I can't wait for Utahime to come."
"Satoru, don't tease her." The door opened, revealing Satoru and Suguru.
"Ah! Satoru, Suguru." I waved my hand excitedly.
"[Name]-chan. I have come back. I bought a lot of sweets." Satoru grinned. "Ah, Utahime, there's none for you." Satoru told the girl.
"I don't want any!" Utahime Onee-chan yelled.
"Bad Satoru, sharing is caring." I scolded.
"Well, I care about you, so I share my sweets with you." He grinned.
"Then, what about Suguru?" I titled my head.
"...well, I will give him one then."
"Nanamin too."
"Ok, one for Nanamin."
"What about Utahime onee-chan?"
"Utahime doesn't need it. She is dieting." Satoru whispered (loudly) to my ear.
"I am not!!" Utahime onee-chan yelled.
"See what I mean." Nanamin sighed as he would rather go outside to exorcise curse spirits rather than being in the same room with Satoru.
"Ah, Nanamin." I called. I grab a few sweets from the plastic bag. "Thank you for accompanying me today." I smiled.
"...you are welcome." A slight smile curved on his lips.
"Ah! Nanamin smiled. Let me get a picture." Satoru exclaimed, taking out his phone.
Quickly as it came, Nanamin's smile disappeared. "Then, I will be on my way." Nanamin left.
"Onee-chan, let's eat sweets together." I smiled.
"Ehh~ [Name]-chan. I thought this is our quality time." Satoru whined.
"The more the merrier. Let's ask Shoko too." I clapped my hand.
Shoko finally arrived. We are already waiting for her as we munch the sweets. Utahime onee-chan ate some too. "Shoko, you are late." Satoru said.
"Shoko, I saved your favourite." I waved.
"Thanks, [Name]-chan. Looks like even though you spend a lot of time with Satoru, your personality is still intact." She patted my head.
I… don't understand a thing she said. I blink and look at Satoru. "Shoko, that's not a nice thing to say. I am just fine." Satoru said.
“Satoru.” I called.
“Hm?” He hummed in respond.
“What is owner?” I asked curiously. Satoru blinks owlishly at me.
“Nanamin said, I am Satoru’s owner? What does that mean?” I munched a pocky stick.
“That means, [Name]-chan can ask me to do anything.” He grinned.
“Anything?” I blinked.
“Anything. What do you want me to do?” He smirked proudly.
"Then, Satoru, can you open this for me?" I asked as I handed him a pocky box.
"Of course." Satoru smiled as he used his cursed technique to open the box.
"Amazing." My eyes sparkled.
"Is it? Because I am the strongest." Satoru laughed (cockily).
"You are so amazing, Satoru. I hope I will become like you too." I clapped my hand.
"Yep. But I will be way stronger by then." He smirked.
"Is that so? Then, you will protect me, right?" I smiled.
"Of course. Leave it all to Gojo Satoru." He grinned. ~"~
While the others are still eating without batting an eye. Utahime is gaping. That Gojo Satoru is acting nice in front of a little girl. She was quite skeptical when she heard [Name] is Gojo Satoru's owner. She did tell him to share his sweets and he complied. But, she thought it was just to humour her. Utahime never thought he was so whipped. She can clearly see his affection is genuine.
Utahime looks at Shoko. "This is the usual." Shoko munched her sweets.
"Eehh…" Utahime is processing the scene in front of her. ~"~
"[Name]-chan, it's your bedtime." Satoru lifted me up.
"Eehh… I want to play with Shoko and Utahime onee-chan too." I pouted
"No can do, young lady. It's 9 o'clock. It's time for sleep. Reika-san will get angry if you sleep late." Satoru said.
"...okay… bye bye Shoko, Utahime onee-chan, Suguru." I waved.
"Bye bye." They waved.
After changing into my pajamas, right now I curled in Satoru's bed. "Satoru… Bedtime story." I am excited for bedtime story. Satoru always has some funny stories.
"Well… long long time ago, there was a strong sorcerer named Gojo Satoru…" I giggled at his opening.
"He is so strong that no one can win against him."
"How strong?" I blinked.
"Hmm…. I can win with just one finger." He smiled.
"Really really." He nodded. "Then, one day. Some old geezers came to challenge him."
"Who are the old geezers?" I asked.
"Annoying people." He answered.
"So, the old geezers challenged him and lost miserably. The end." He grinned.
"So fast." I pouted.
"It's time to sleep." Satoru slipped into the bed too. I quickly snuggle to him and out like a feather. ~"~
A year later
I am running on the street, searching for a familiar curse energy. I feel it just now, so he won't be far. "Suguru!" I yelled. "SUGURU!" I yelled out loudly. Finally the said stops moving and turns around to face me. "Don't go, Suguru." I cried.
"I can't. I have lost faith in humanity." He smiled sadly.
"Then, why are you so sad? You don't want to go, right? Then don't go! Stay with us!" I cried not caring how ugly my appearance was.
He shakes his head. "I am sad maybe because I won't be seeing you ordering Satoru around." He patted my head.
"Please don't go. I will work harder, I won't slack off anymore. I will cut my sweet. I will properly sleep in my bed. Hic...don't go...hic."
"If you do that, Satoru will be lonely." He sighed helplessly. "Please stay with him, okay." He smiled
"Su...gu..ru…" As soon as he touched my forehead, I felt sleepy. 'No...I can't…'
Suguru catches the unconscious girl. He brings her to the nearest park, takes a photo and sends it to Satoru. After that, he leaves some of the cursed spirit to guard her.
Satoru, just as he has received the picture from an unknown number, quickly teleports to the park. Fortunately [Name] is unharmed. "Don't...go...Suguru…" A lone tear escaped her already tear-stained cheek. ~"~
~Few years later~
[Name] 15 years old
Gojo Satoru 26 years old.
This happened before my promotion to a semi-second grade sorcerer. I was staying over in Satoru's house because Mama is out for vacation.
"Breakfast is ready." A cheerful voice said.
"Good morning, Satoru." I rubbed my sleepy eyes.
"Good morning, [Name]-chan. I have made your favourite." He grinned. Satoru is wearing a casual black long-sleeved shirt and white slacks. His sunglasses perched on top of his nose bridge.
On the table two plates of omurice are placed, complete with the tableware and two glasses of milk.
"Go get freshen up before the breakfast goes cold." He ushered me to the bathroom.
"Ummm…." I nodded.
After breakfast, we are just lounging around in the living room. Watching horror movies. No matter how terrifying they made the ghost, it doesn't phase me a bit. I have been meeting a lot of curses in any shape. This one that is shaped like a human seems more human.
"[Name]-chan." Satoru called.
"Why are you not scared?" He asked.
"...Because it's not scary…?" I tilted my head.
"...But, this movie guarantees that everyone will be scared if they watch it…" He pouted.
"Then, Satoru, why are you not scared too?" I asked back.
"Because I am the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Gojo Satoru." He smirked.
"Then, I am not scared because I am Gojo Satoru's owner." I said flatly.
"...the nickname seems stuck with you." He sweatdropped. "But, I like it." He grinned. "But, I like it more if you are scared and cling to me." He wrapped his arms around himself. "Kyaaa!!! Satoru, it's so scary." He said in a very disgusting high-pitched voice. "Don't worry, [Name]-chan. I am here." He said in his voice again.
"..." I looked at him for a while and ignored him, focusing my attention on tv.
"[Name]-chan has become so cold." He fake-cried. "Where is my cute [Name]-chan that always clings to me and calls me Satoru."
….There's a reason why I act like this. This guy is unbelievably popular. Whether it's a little kid, teenager, career woman, married woman, even grandma will act like a girl with her first crush just by seeing his face.
And there's one time the commotion happened in my school. I think I was in 5th grade. That time he substitutes my mom coming to school. It's a parent-teacher conference. I still remember how happy I was, until this guy showed up without his blindfold. You can imagine the commotion he caused. Everyone, by everyone I mean everyone. From students to teachers to parents. They are ogling at him. He knew and enjoyed it.
And so, going home from school, I banned him from wearing his sunglasses when outside. He has to stick with a blindfold. At least, with blindfold, no one pays attention to him. In other words, it's just the jealousy of a hormonal teenager. But, there's no way I will tell him this.
"Satoru… you are creepy." I deadpanned.
"[Name]-chan." He whined.
"...So, you want me to act scared or not." I sighed.
A wide grin with his hands stretched out is the answer. ~"~
Right before summer vacation, the whole class is going to do a test of courage. You know this is some kind of matchmaking. They will choose some of that was not scary at all. Pair the class into girl boy pairing and they have to walk around the designated perimeter together with just one flashlight. The scared girl will cling to the boy, and the boy will assure her they will be alright. What a scam.
They have agreed to meet in the old school building entrance tonight. "Will something pop out there?" Yae asked.
"Old school building? I have long exorcised the curse spirit over there." I answered.
"As expected from onmyouji. So, what progress have you made with your 'Satoru'?" Yae teased.
"...There's no progress to report. He is older than me, like what? 11 years." I sighed.
"But, you like him right? As in you want him to ravish-"
“Let’s stop before our conversation steered away to unknown territory.” I cut her off. “Besides, that’s not love. It’s called lust.” I mumbled, cheeks tinted pink, because my mind dangerously hovered on a certain image she said.
"You think I am 3 years old?" She rolled her eyes. "Love and lust are always together. Love is just more glorified than lust. Because if you love someone then you want everything they are physically and spiritually. While lust might be because they like one or more aspects they have."
"Yae… how come you know this?" I blinked.
"Anime and movies are the source. Unlike you who only watch horror genre and can even laugh at it." She snorted.
"Well, it can't be helped because it's not scary. Their movements are funny too. Cursed spirits don't move like that. They-"
"So, do you like him or not?" She asked.
"...of course I like him." I mumbled. "But, I am sure to him I was just a little sister." I said.
"Did he tell you that?" Yae asked.
"Umm...Few times when I was in grade school?" I blinked.
"That is hardly a proof. I mean, if he showed interest when you were a grade schooler, doesn't that make him a dangerous person?" Yae snorted.
"Well… I can't deny that." I nodded.
"Besides, it's just an 11 years age gap. Did you forget there was a time when a 40 something old man married an 18 something girl. That's what we call a cradle robber." Yae raised her brow.
"It was in the past…" I mumbled.
"Not really. There are some cases like this too right now. Well, all you need is to wait until you are 18 and then eat him in one swoop." Yae grinned.
"I...am not going to eat him. By the time I am 18, he might already have a girlfriend or wife." I grumbled.
"....with that kind of personality? I don't think so. I think only you can handle him. Or at least he is tamer with you." Yae smirked.
"Don't talk like he is some kind of pet." I sweatdropped.
"Oh, but he is. You are his owner. You do know your nickname on going in those circles, don't you?" Yae laughed. She is enjoying this.
"...Gojo Satoru's owner…"
"Yep. You should use that to your advantage." Yae giggled.
"...How should I use it?" I tilted my head.
"...Think for yourself." Yae rolled her eyes.
"So, are you coming for the test of courage?" Yae asked.
"No. I have a job tonight. Nothing dangerous will happen there." I shook my head.
"Then, I am coming with you." Yae said.
"Hm? You are not going with them?" I blinked.
"What's the point? Megumi is not there." Yae rolled her eyes.
"Megumi is in a different school though." I sweatdropped.
"That's why I don't want to go. I'd rather watch you exorcise cursed spirits." Yae reasoned.
*Bzzzz* My phone vibrated. I fish out my phone from my skirt's pocket and see a notification from Satoru. I open his message.
"Tonight, Megumi will go with you. (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!"
"I see…"
"What's wrong?"
"Megumi will come with me tonight." I threw my phone to her, so she can see the message.
"Coming with you is really a good idea." Yae giggled. “I will tell class rep we won’t be participating.” She smiled.
This girl will do anything just to see Megumi. Her infatuation is really something. Megumi… I think he might have a crush on her too. And Yae is good at playing pull and push with Megumi. I am sure Megumi has no idea about this. Truly, a copy of Satoru. Sometimes I wonder if they are related to each other.
Who would've ever thought that sweet Yae grew up to be like this. I sigh, this is Satoru's fault. I heard their conversation when I was in 6th grade. Satoru was teaching this girl how to attract Megumi. The content of the conversation is so scary that I ran straight to Megumi's temporary room and told him not to grow up like Satoru.
10 o'clock. Yae, Megumi and I are in front of the cursed building. "Megumi, here. I made too much. Eat them later with Tsumiki-san." Yae dropped a small pouch of cookies on Megumi's palm.
"Thank you very much." Megumi said.
'It's definitely a lie. She must have made it just now.' I sweatdropped. I sigh, "Megumi, let's get this finished quickly and eat some ice cream." I called the younger boy.
"...We have no supervisor? What about Gojo-sensei?" Megumi blinked.
"Our supervisor for today is Ijichi-san. As for Satoru, he said he has business."
"No can do, [Name]-san. You shouldn't allow your pet to roam without you." Megumi said flatly.
"....He's not a pet though…" I sighed.
"But, you are his owner. Please control him." Megumi said.
"...Shut up… talk later. Let's finish this quickly." I huffed.
"Then, I will lower the curtain." Ijichi-san said as he made a hand seal. After the curtain is lowered, we enter the building.
Megumi summons his Gyokuken (Divine Dog) a pair of black and white dogs, while I summon a shikigami, Tanro, a Honshu wolf. "[Name]-san, I will take this one. So, you take the other one." Megumi said.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." I nodded as I mounted Tanro. I quickly arrived at the second cursed spirit's location and easily dispatched it. This building was haunted by some 4th grade cursed spirit. The weakest one in the hierarchy.
The mission is over quickly, dispatching some 4th grade cursed spirits are hardly what we call a mission. This is more to let us accumulate experience.
"It's over." I stretched my hands up as we exited the building. "Ijichi-san. You can raise the curtains. We have finished." I told the older male.
"Thank you for your hard work." Ijichi-san smiled.
"No problem. Megumi, we are going for ice cream. Will you come with us?" I asked.
"...Sorry. I still have homework to do and Tsumiki will get mad if I stay out late." Megumi said. Yae's smile drops considerably. "Maybe next time. I will definitely join next time." Megumi said.
"Okay. You promised." Yae smiled.
'Ah, the push and pull.'
In the end, only the two of us are having ice cream. "Why don't you call Satoru-san?" Yae scooped her parfait.
"He won't be back until morning it seems." I showed her the message.
"I'll be back late. ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ"
"We should go home too, after finishing this." I gazed at the window.
"Can't wait to sleep in his bed?" Yae smirked.
"...I sleep on my bed. I have my own room."
"You can use this chance to sleep on his bed." Come the suggestion. "You guys are used to sleeping together anyway. I am sure he won't mind."
"That was in grade school. I...am not a child anymore." I mumbled, a slight blush coating my cheeks.
"The question is whether you want to or not."
"I...want to…" I muttered softly.
"Then, easy, just do it. You used to do whatever you want anyway." Yae sighed.
"I know… it's just…" I remember the words that that woman said to me.
"I pity him. He has to babysit you so much he can't even have time for himself."
I was so angry at that time. But, now I think about it, she is right. Almost 24/7 I stay with him. Satoru might not say anything. But, maybe because he's afraid of hurting me.
"So, what happened exactly?" Yae sighed.
"Yae… you remember I told you about that woman I saw with Satoru, right?" I opened my mouth to speak.
"Ah. I remember you told me about an old hag hanging around him. Yep. I remember." She nodded.
"You see… that woman told me…" I recounted the tale and the words she said to me.
"I see. What a load of bullshit." Yae deadpanned. "And, you are an idiot too, for falling for her words." Yae flicked my forehead.
"Ittai." I rubbed the sore spot.
"That woman probably just wants to get to his pants. But, was rejected. And she shifted the blame to you. Don't worry much about what other people think. Just think about what you want to do." Yae said.
"What I want...to do…"
"If you keep pushing him away, he might really go away. Satoru-san's personality is unrestrained. He might slip away. Do you want it to happen?"
"I don't want to!" I answered quickly.
"Then, you know what you should do, right?"
"Be more honest with what I want." I nodded.
"Good. You have the entire summer vacation to do it. You are going to Jujutsu high anyway." She smiled.
"Yeah. Thanks Yae." I smiled gratefully at my best friend.
"Of course. You owe me a cake from Sweets Bakery." She said.
"No worry. I will buy it." I laughed. The two of us share a laugh.
*Bzzzz bzzzz*
My phone vibrated signalling an incoming call. "Moshi moshi, [Name] here."
"[Name], where are you right now?" Hinako's voice transmitted to my ears.
"We are eating ice cream at Kinoko's family restaurant." I answered.
"Can you come to sanchoume. We are having kimodameshi here…" She said.
"What?! Aren't you guys in the old school building?" I frowned.
"The thing is, Yuriko told them about this abandoned building in sanchoume. They said it seemed interesting and changed their location. Now they are inside and haven't come out yet. It's almost an hour." Hinako cried. "You are an onmyouji, right? I remember you were the one who help us back then. Please help." She pleaded.
"...Listen. Don't let the others enter the building, okay. Not even to search. I will be there soon." I hung up.
"What's wrong?" Yae asked.
"Those idiots went to an abandoned house in sanchoume. Hinako said some of them have gone inside and haven't come back. I will go and check on them." I grumbled. "I will smack them so hard after I rescue them." An annoyed tick appeared on my forehead.
I put on my jacket and speed dial Satoru's number. "Moshi moshi, my cute [Name]-chan. Have you finished your mission?" Satoru's playful voice came through the phone.
"Satoru. There's an emergency. Idiots from my class have gone to an abandoned house in sanchoume for kimodameshi. Cursed spirits might be there. I will go there right now."
"Is Megumi with you?"
"Megumi has gone home. We have finished our mission. Right now it's only Yae and I."
"Understood. I will take some time to arrive. Don't do anything dangerous." He said seriously.
"I know." I hung up and sped through the street. I want to use Tanro, but this will shock people, so I can only use my feet.
Time like this is how I envied Satoru. He can teleport and fly in the air. Arriving there, I can see Hinako is trying to block them from entering.
"Hinako!" I called.
"[Name]. You are here." She smiled in relief.
"So, who is inside?" I asked without beating the bush.
"Yuriko, Mio, Higashi-kun and Takeuchi-kun." She listed out the most troublesome people in our class.
"Tsk. Stupid idiots. I hope they are still alive so I can smack them so hard they will fly back to their house." I grumbled.
"Please save them, [Name]." She pleaded.
"I will. As long as they are still alive." I said grimly. The stench is too much, my nose scrunched up in disgust. 'This might a first grade.' I gulped. I have only ever fought with second grade and that was under Satoru's supervision. 'Fine. Bring it on. If I keep being like this. I won't be a first grade onmyouji/sorcerer.'
I step into the house. "Tanro." I called for my shikigami. "Let's locate the human scent first. Can you do it?"
"Awooo." He howled. Tanro then speeds through the building. Tanro stops in one of the rooms. "Awoooo!" He howled.
It seems like they are here. "Tanro, bust open the door." I commanded. With a roar Tanro tears open the metal door.
The screams from inside the room prove that they are still alive. "Hi-Hisaki…?" Takeuchi-kun lowered his trembling hands with a pole.
"Wh...what are you riding?"
"Kyaaa! A monster!!!" Yuriko screamed.
"I will smack you all later. For now, let's get out of here." I dismounted Tanro.
"Be-behind you!!"
The cursed spirit is blocked by Rokuson. Another shikigami I have called. A deer. "Bukyoku." I called another one. This time it's a samurai.
"[Name]-sama." He greeted me.
"Tanro, Rokuson, take them out. Bukyoku, we will hold it here." I commanded.
"Yes!" Bukyoku charged to the cursed spirit, which I am certain is a first grade. "Bind." I made a hand seal, glowing light warped around its neck and limbs, sealing its movement. Tanro and Rokuson crash the windows in this room to get outside. The easiest method.
"Ki...kikiki!!!" The cursed spirit gets angry. The room distorts and suddenly all exits are blocked. The binding spell has been broken.
"Domain expansion… this is bad…" A bead of sweat rolled down my temple.
"Kikikikiki!" It sounded like he was having fun.
"Sorry, but I am the hunter and you are the prey." I glared at it. "Rentei!" Another shikigami, this time a koi fish shikigami. "Transform." Rentei transformed into a katana, Nenekirimaru. "Bukyoku!"
"Ha!" Bukyoku and I took a swing at it. I am actually more of a supporting role, as my sealing and binding technique are much in higher level than my almost non-existence offensive technique. That's why I use Shikigamis. But, my supportive skills are weakened in this domain. My sword skill is really average. So, I didn't actually do much damage to it.
Bukyoku falls down to his knees. I can't call back Rokuson and Tanro because being blocked by its domain. The only way to counter domain expansion is to make my own.
I have tried a few times, but I always fail. This time… if I fail I will definitely die. "I won't die. I promised Suguru that I will stay by Satoru's side. Besides, as his owner, I can't die easily."
I released Rentei and made a hand seal. Chains start coming out from every direction, chaining the cursed spirit.
"Domain expansion, Shikigami no Hyakki Yako." In an instant the space around me changed shape again. This time, it's almost like a giant shrine. We are standing right on the Torii gate. The shrine's door opened. White mists spread out from the door, and something no, human skeletons fly out from the door, each skeleton wearing an onmyouji garb and forming a circle, trapping the cursed spirit.
"Harai tamae kiyome tamae, kyu kyu nyo ritsu yo." The skeleton shikigamis made a hand seal. Another layer of binding spell is casted. Sphere of lights concentrated above the cursed spirit, it took a shape of a giant spear. The light spear pierce down the cursed spirit and completely annihilate it.
Completely spent, my domain vanished, I can't even maintain Bukyoku. "Haa...haa...haa…" I panted. "I will become stronger. Strong enough so Satoru won't worry about me." My legs gave out due to exhaustion.
"Otto. Worrying about you is my job, [Name]-chan. No matter how strong you are, I won't stop worrying." Smell of Wisteria flooded my nose.
"I did it. Domain expansion." I gave him a weak smile.
"I know. You did a good job." He smiled, unlike the usual teasing or mocking smile. He gave me a genuine smile. A smile reserved only for me. "But, next time please exorcise it without injuring yourself." He said.
"...I am going to ignore you for the rest of the week, Satoru." I grumbled.
"Eeehhh~." Satoru whined.
Satoru gives me a piggyback ride. "[Name], are you alright?" Yae asked worriedly.
"....Except exhaustion, I am fine." I smiled weakly.
"Hisaki, are you alright? Did that monster get you?"
"I won't be here if it got me, idiot." I rolled my eyes.
"Hisaki, that was so cool. What was that deer and that wolf? Call them one more time."
They keep calling me, it's annoying. "Hai~" Satoru called out. "[Name]-chan is tired right now. So, no more questions." Satoru smiled.
"Hey, why are you wearing a blindfold?"
"Don't tell me he is your boyfriend. A blindfold? Is he blind? Lame."
"...Satoru, don't you dare lower your blindfold, or I am really going to ignore you." I muttered.
"Oya, don't tell me my cute [Name]-chan is jealous." He teased me. He knew exactly what my reaction would be. It usually will be, "I just don't want to handle another commotion. You stupid idiot." With deadpanned eyes and slightly blushing cheeks.
But, this time I promised I will be more honest with myself. "Un. I will be jealous. you are not allowed to look at other girls or women without your blindfold. No sunglasses too." I mumbled softly, just soft enough for him to hear.
It's only for a split second, but I feel his whole body freeze by my unexpected reply. "And don't add -chan to my name anymore." I jumped down from his back.
"I promise I will smack you guys. So, which idiot changed the location?" I looked at them.
All of them start looking at each other. Cearly no one wants to say anything. "You guys are lucky I am nearby. What if something happens to you guys? Think what your parents would think if you guys died earlier than them."
"You...You are an onmyouji, right? Then you have the duty to protect us." Yanagawa Yuriko stuttered.
"We saved people who accidentally caught up in this mess. But, we are not obliged to save someone who courts death." Satoru said.
"H-Hmph. This is not your business, blindfold guy."
"Oh, this is my business. As an adult, I have the authority to report a group of kids who trespassed a forbidden entry building." Satoru flashed a smile as he showed them the number he called. 110
Their faces went pale. "Oi, you kids! what are you doing here? This is a forbidden entry building!" Local polices have come.
In the end, except for Yae and I. They are all being questioned by the police and writing an apology statement. After that, they are allowed to leave.~"~
Outside police box
"So… what advice did you give to her? She has become much more honest." Satoru looked at the girl beside him.
"I just told her to be more honest to herself or else you will slip away." Yae grinned as she looked at the newest picture of Megumi.
"Is that so? She was cute before. Right now, she has become cuter. What should I do?" He grinned.
"Well, I did manage to get from her, why she is not as clingy as she was as a kid." Yae put her phone in her pocket.
"Oh? Do tell me. I will get Megumi's sleeping face for you." He grinned. He knows of her infatuation with Megumi.
"Deal!" Yae exclaimed happily. "So, do you remember which woman that hung around you when we were in 6th grade? Apparently that woman told [Name] she was pitying you, because you will have to babysit her every time and hardly have time for yourself."
"A woman….?...Too many unimportant people hang around me."
"So, I told her it was just that woman's bullshit. She was definitely being rejected by you when she was trying to get into your pants and she doesn't need to care what other people are thinking, but what she wants."
"So, that woman was the reason. If not for her, then [Name] and I will be much closer already." Satoru whined.
"You are calling her without -chan. Why didn't you do it when you were calling for her?" Yae blinked.
"It's an adult's circumstances." He flashed a smile.
"....At least, wait for her until she is in legal age, okay." Yae sighed.
"Will try." ~"~
"Sorry for the wait." I exited the police box. The policewoman was kind enough to clean and bandage my wounds. Even though most of them are just scratches.
"It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. What will you do?" Satoru asked Yae.
"I will sleepover in [Name]'s house." Yae yawned.
"I don't mind. Let's go." I smiled.
They start walking, but I still root on the spot. "[Name]-chan?" Satoru called.
"I can't walk. My legs hurt. Piggyback." I held out my hands.
Satoru grins widely. With a few large strides, he kneels down showing his back to me. His arms are around my knees and my hands loop around his neck. Smell of wisteria is flooding my senses. I start feeling sleepy. "Satoru…" I called.
"I am not bothering you, right? ...You won't be angry if I am clingy, right?" My eyelids are starting to drop.
"Silly [Name]. I like it when you bother and cling to me." He laughed.
"I see… then,...I am...glad." I fell asleep as soon as I got it out of my mouth. ~"~
The whole month passes away in blur. Yae and I spent my whole summer break in Jujutsu High, just like every other year in the past. And I have been promoted to semi-second grade sorcerer by Shoko. Satoru celebrated it by buying sweets. Which is welcomed by us.
Now back to school. The rumour that I am an onmyouji has spread. Everyone will stare at me like I am some kind of rare animal in a zoo. And a lot of pointless requests flood in. 'I feel like I am haunted' or 'the hair of a Japanese doll in my house is getting longer' this kind of thing. In short, nothing is associated with cursed spirits.
Unlike when I was in school grader, where I was being driven to Jujutsu High after school. I was deemed good enough to live at my house again at the start of my middle school. So, no more Ijichi-san after school to escape from this rowdy crowd.
Hinako, Mikan and Sera started having lunch with Yae and I again after the whole kimodameshi fiasco. "[Name]-chan. That blindfold guy… don't tell me, is he the one that helped us in grade school?" Hinako asked.
"...I don't really remember that whole incident. But, I remember a pair of very handsome blue eyed onii-chan and black eyed onii-chan at that time." Sera said.
"Yes. That blindfold guy is the one from our grade school incident." Yae nodded.
"...Huh? Wait a moment. Was he your neighbour onii-chan back then? The one who Hinako called a liar?" Sera blinked.
"Correct." Yae nodded.
"....Was he also the one that came to your parent-teacher conference that time?" Hinako asked excitedly.
"Ah, yes. The very same." Yae nodded happily.
"...Why is Yae-chan the one answered?" Mikan sweatdropped.
I have long dropped into an annoyed mood. "How come this guy still causes trouble without him being here?" I grumbled.
"But, why is he wearing a blindfold? Did he have an accident?" Mikan frowned.
"Nope. He is wearing it for personal reasons." Yae laughed as she sneaked a glance to me. The rest of the girls are also shift their line sight to me, who is chomping on lunch, looking like someone ready to murder a certain someone.
*Bzzzz bzzz*
My phone vibrates, I frown as I unlock my phone. "❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)"
My phone vibrates again before I could type an answer. A familiar playful voice comes out from the phone. "[Name]-chan, I want a ki-"
"Satoru, as I thought, I am going to ignore you for the rest of the week.” I sulked.
“Eeeehhh? [Name]-chan~ don’t be so mean.” He whined.
“If you behave well, I will act scared when we watch horror movie."
"Roger. I am always well behaved." I can hear his grin from here.
"Is that so? Then, why are you still causing trouble without being here?" I raised my brows.
"It's because I am the most handsome Jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Sa-"
"I am going to hang up."
"Wait! [Name]-chan. Don't be hasty."
"I am eating lunch."
"Aw, Is my cute [Name]-chan jealous again?"
“Geee….” The rest of the girls are staring at me.
"Yes. I am jealous. You do remember when you were in high school, you attracted a lot of people, from little girls, teenagers, carrier women, married women, and grannies. That's why I told you to wear your blindfold." I mumbled softly, so they won’t hear.
"Okay, [Name]-chan. I will behave really well. I will buy a lot of sweets for the movie night. Rather, I am going to buy them now. See you later." He hung up, I could clearly hear his proud big grin from here.
"Pffft." Yae trembled in laughter while the other three looked dumbfounded.
"Shut up." I chomped on my lunch, trying to ignore the burning feeling on my cheeks.
"[Name], what kind of kinky play you did?" Yae asked amused
"We are not doing some kinky play. We are just going to watch a movie." I retorted.
"...Why need to act scared? To you, a horror movie is something like comedy though." Yae raised her brows.
"If I don't do it. He won't stop doing some disgusting high-pitched voice." I replied.
"[Name]-chan, is he your boyfriend?" Sera asked.
"Soon to be. Well, they practically are. Just waiting to be labelled." Yae mused.
"So,[Name]-chan. Which part do you like from him?" They grinned slyly.
"I...don't want to answer." I dodged the question.
"Ehhh? You are no fun." Hinako pouted.
“Then, is that why he is wearing blindfold? Because [Name]-chan is jealous?” Mikan asked excitedly.
“Half of the reason. The other half is because his eyes are sensitive to light.” Yae conjured the lie.
“Well, I will be jealous too if he is handsome like that. I don’t want anyone look at him too.” Hinako said.
“Tell us your love story.” Sera exclaimed.
“No.” I refused.~"~
So, the graduation day has arrived. After receiving our diploma. We are at the school entrance, taking a picture with friends and family members. I have already decided to go to Jujutsu High, Yae and Hinako are going to the same school. Sera and Mikan are going to an all-girls school. We promised to hang out if we have time. Yae promised to spend all her school break in Jujutsu High, just for Megumi apparently.
Some of us (read: Yae) have received flowers from our juniors, and confessions from junior or classmates alike. Yae shot down everyone that confessed to her. "Yae-san, [Name]-san. Congratulations on your graduation." Megumi said as he handed us small bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you, Megumi." I smiled.
"Thank you, Megumi." Yae shot him a brilliant smile.
"By the way, [Name]-san, you are going to Jujutsu High, right?"
"Yes." I nodded. "Megumi also will be going there after you graduate middle school, right?"
"Yes. I plan to. By the way, [Name]-san, please put a leash on Gojo-sensei. He's annoying." Megumi deadpanned.
"....He is not a pet. But it's true he is annoying." I said.
"Hisaki-san!!" Someone called out.
I blink as someone I don't recognize is walking to me nervously. He is holding a diploma, that means he is also a graduating student.
"Please go out with me!!" He said, quite loudly I might add. Might be due to nervousness, because his whole face and neck are red. Now the whole students are staring at us. The chatters stop as if waiting one of us to speak.
“Accept him.” One of the students said, maybe his friends?
“Accept him. Accept him.” Soon, all of them are cheering. Yae looks like ready to murder someone. “You all-“ Megumi quickly grabbed Yae’s hand and shook his head. He secretly motioning his head to a newcomer.
"Sorry, I-" I was wrapped in wisteria scent as I was pulled back to a familiar embrace.
"Sorry. This girl is my wife to be. Can you back off?" a playful light-hearted voice said.
"Eh?" (Me)
"Ha?" (Megumi)
"Ara… how quick. Congrats, I am waiting for the wedding." (Yae)
"EEEEHHHHH????" The whole students.
I tilt my head up to look at him wearing sunglasses, paired with a long-sleeved white t-shirt and pair of black slacks. His collarbone obviously exposed with the top button unbuttoned, and to finish off, he wears a more fashionable shades. His obviously grinning mischievous blue eyes stare back at me. "...Didn't I tell you not to wear sunglasses?" I raised my brow.
"But, I am meeting my [Name]-chan. Not some other girls. I have to show off sometimes too. To scare some pests." He grinned slyly. His mischievous bright blue eyes peeked out from his glasses.
"Congrats on your graduation." He patted my head. "As for your graduation gift…” He bent down so his mouth is next to my ears. “It will be me." He whispered in my ear.
As expected, right now, the female population is exclaiming how hot he is and is speculating our relationships. Didn’t they say he was lame last year? The boy in front of me too is frozen like a statue.
"You are saying this now?” I frowned.
“Hm?” He blinked at my quite unexpected reply.
“…Satoru… Aren't you already mine from the start. I mean, I am Gojo Satoru's owner." My lips curled up to a smile.
His face broke into a grin. "...Indeed." He laughed gleefully. "As expected from my wife to be."
"...Since when?"
"Eeeh? Didn't you say you will marry me? I was waiting." He whined. "Satoru, when I grow up, I will be your bride." He made that disgusting high pitched voice again.
"Maki, do you hold playful cloud. Can I borrow it. I want to smack it to Satoru's face." I am already in phone with Maki.
"Send the picture to me later." Maki said.
"[Name]-chan. You are so mean." The overgrown child whined.
"....Please talk about this kind of thing in a private place." Megumi said.
"Megumi, you are here too?" Satoru grinned.
"I will seriously punch you." Megumi said. "[Name]-san. Please control your pet."
“Truth to be told, Satoru’s entrance is quite normal.” I said.
“Which part of him is normal?” Megumi deadpanned. “But, considering his personality, this is really count as normal.” Megumi nodded.
“What kind of entrance you are thinking he would make?” Yae asked.
I look at the overgrown man, who put his head on the top of my head, casually leaning his weight to mine. “Actually, considering his personality, I was thinking he will come in holding some kind of musical instrument bag and say something let’s go home [Name]-chan, today I will have you master “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Something like that.” I said.
“I see. This is more convincing.” They nodded.
“By the way Satoru, you are heavy.” I tried to free my trapped body.
“Nope.” So, the four of us are talking like the usual, completely ignoring the looks we are getting. And I too, completely forgotten I haven’t replied to the boy who has confessed to me.
“I am sorry. I can’t accept your confession. There will be someone who is better match for you. The world we are living is different.” I bowed a little.
“Eh? Ah. Yes.” He replied absentmindedly, obviously still shocked.
“Yae, Megumi. Let’s go home.”
“I will celebrate with Megumi alone. Satoru-san looks like he wants to take you to somewhere important.” Yae snickered. “I will celebrate with you later.” She smiled. “Let’s go Megumi.” Yae dragged the blushing boy away.
"Let's go home, Satoru." I sighed, dragging him away. He shamelessly intertwined his much longer fingers to mine.
I might not want him to attract annoying people. But the sight of Yuriko's face is refreshing. My lips curl to a smile.
"Are you happy that the gift is me?" He smirked.
"...Satoru… I am going to ignore you the whole week."
"Don't forget your promise, [Name]-chan. Tonight is movie night." He giggled.
"....I will try to act scared." I sighed. “So, where do you want to take me to? How come Yae know it?”
“You will know when we arrived.” He answered in a sing song voice. After a series of twist and turn from branded boutique to make-up salon. We have arrived in our destination. A high-class restaurant.
“…Why are we here?” I blinked.
“To celebrate your graduation of course.” Satoru chuckled at my dumb question.
“I thought we are having a movie night?” I looked at him. Again, he is drawing attention. “Haa…” I sighed.
“Don’t worry [Name]-chan, we are in private room.” He laughed as if he knew what was I thinking. I bet he knew.
We are guided to the private room. No, rather than private room, it’s more like a back garden. My eyes lit up, I take a few steps ahead. The garden is decorated beautifully. It feels like I step into some kind other realm. “You like it?”
“Yes.” I nodded, a delightful smile plastered on my face.
“That’s good.” we were seated in the middle of the garden. “You told me once you want to have dinner like this.” A cheshire cat grin on his face.
“I did?” I titled my head.
“Yep, you did.” He nodded.
“….” Who is this mature Satoru? I look at him blankly. “Satoru, did you eat wrong medicine today? Are you sick? Or perhaps you were cursed by cursed spirits?”
“How mean~. I am purrfectly fine. There’s no way I am cursed. I am the strongest. I just want to congrats my cute [Name]-chan for graduating middle school.” He pouted. His maturity has disappeared somewhere in the void.
“Thanks, Satoru.” I giggled. ~"~
[Name] 16 years old
Gojo Satoru 27years old
Geto Suguru 26 years old
"What… Did you say…?" I looked at the Masamichi sensei.
"Suguru is discovered near here and Satoru has gone to hunt him down." Sensei said one more time.
"...Satoru is hunting who…?" The world seems distorted. I put my hand on the table to steady myself. "No…" I whispered. I don't want them to fight. I don't want them to get hurt.
Few years after the incident of a star plasma vessel and the masacre in a small village. I understood why Suguru is doing this. Even so, I just don't want them to fight. Why… Why can we be together again? Just like that time. Before everything spiralled out of control.
I run out from the school. "Ijichi-san, take me to Suguru's location."
"I...am not sure where he is…"
"Then, just take me to the downtown." I said urgently. And to the downtown it is. I exit the car and start running. To where? I don't even know myself.
I don't know how long I ran. My feet seemed to bring me back to Satoru's house after aimlessly running on the street. "Satoru!" I threw open the door.
I panted as I tried to calm myself down. Satoru has just come out from shower judging by the wet hair and towel on his head. I ram myself to him, arms wrapping around his waist.
"What's wrong, [Name]-chan?" He patted my head. The usual Satoru will start teasing how much I miss him. The usual Satoru will grin and smirk at the sight of me coming to his house. The usual Satoru will… my body trembles, the tears I have been holding start flowing down, wetting his shirt. "Why are you crying again, hm?" His voice is getting softer.
"Because...hic...It's because… you didn't cry. Hic...so, I will cry… in your stead. Hic…" I hiccuped.
"...Thank you… for crying for me…"~"~
After a bout of crying, I freshen up in the shower. Even though we are neighbours, I think I spent a lot of time in Satoru's house. Half of my things are in the house. And no, we didn't sleep in the same bed anymore. I have my own room. So, the guest room became my permanent room.
"Let me dry your hair." Satoru grinned as I stepped into the living room. I sit on the couch, between his legs as he starts working his magic. Drying my hair.
The sound of the hairdryer died down. A pair of long arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Satoru…?"
"...Let me stay like this for a while… I will be back like the usual Gojo Satoru tomorrow. So… let's just stay like this for a while." Satoru murmured. His voice sounds so...broken. I have also noticed some tremble from his voice and his hands.
Gojo Satoru knew that Geto Suguru was lying. He knew it yet his hand shot through his friend's chest before he could stop it.
"If you didn't finish me now. The next target will be [Name]-chan. She has grown, hasn't she? The last descendant of Keikain onmyouji. I am sure she will be a great asset. At least her spiritual power is." Suguru sneered.
At that time Satoru only saw red, he must kill Suguru before he could do anything to her. And so, when he came to his hand has shot through his former partner's chest.
Suguru slump on his shoulder. "Listen well...Satoru… Protect [Name]…. As she grows up...her power...will attract...a lot of...trouble… Some...disgusting...old farts...higher ups… also consider her...to bear some...children…for them… Don't...ever let...them...lay hand...on her…. Or...I'll...come back….as cursed spirit...to haunt...you…"
"I promise… I won't let them lay hands on her...ever."
"That's...good...I'll...be...going….first...partner…" Geto Suguru breathed his last.~"~
[Name] 17 years old
Gojo Satoru 28 years old
I sit on bed, frowning. I have a feeling something really bad will happen soon. It makes me feel restless and anxious. "[Na~me]-chan. What are you thinking about?" Satoru poked my forehead.
"No...it's just I feel so uneasy and restless these days. I just have a feeling something bad will happen. I feel like I won't see you anymore." I bit my lips.
"I am not going anywhere." He sat down beside me and pulled me to his lap. His sunglasses are gone. "Even if by chance I go somewhere, I'll definitely be back to your side." He pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"...Aren't you supposed to say you are going to take me along." I pouted.
"Well, I can't take you along if I am going somewhere dangerous." He laughed.
"Hearing this from you makes me mad." I huffed.
"Because it feels like you are saying, I am weak." I mumbled.
"Well, you are weaker than me." He grinned. In retaliation, I pound his chest, which only serves him to laugh harder.
"But, I will certainly be back to your side. This is a promise and I am not lying. You do know I will never lie to you." He flashed me his cocky smirk.
"I know. I just don't like it if something were to happen to you." I rested my head on his broad shoulder.
"Nothing will happen to me. I am the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Satoru." He laughed, his arm slipped under my shirt and was resting on my bare stomach.
"What are you doing, Satoru?"
"The mood is perfect." He grinned. His bright blue eyes are sparkling with mischief. "I have endured well all these years. So, I think it's time I get my reward, don't you think so?"
"Then...close your eyes." I muttered shyly.
"...." Satoru only looked at me with amusement.
"I know your six eyes will see everything, but just close your eyes." I grumbled.
"You do know that's a really pointless request. Since I can see anything, why not let me see." His smirk is back.
"S-shut up! Just close your eyes." I stuttered. My face is all red. I don't need a mirror to know.
"Okay." He relented and closed his eyes anyway.
For a good pointless measure, I cover his closed eyes with my palm and press a quick kiss to his lips.
"Y...you can open your eyes now." I stuttered. I am fidgeting right now. My eyes averted his.
"That was quite a different reward than what I had in mind. Surely, you have thought this much wouldn't satisfy me, [Name]."
When Satoru called me without any honorifics, it sent shivers down my spine, in a lot of ways. I know he wouldn't be satisfied. But, I am afraid… what if my body shape is not to his liking, what if my breasts are too small. I become self conscious. I am still wearing clothes, but I feel like I am already stark naked under his eyes. Is this some kind of Six Eyes special ability too?
"You are worrying about strange things again, aren't you? Don't think about anything else. Just think about me."
Without any warning, his lips crash down to mine. Eagerly devouring and claiming what is his. His slick tongue forced my cavern to open. "!!!" Without wasting any chance, he slipped into my mouth. "....nnn…" His slick muscle explore everything he can touch.
His scent, the familiar wisteria scent flooded all my senses. It makes my senses go into overdrive. I can't see, feel or smell anything except for him. I feel like drowning in his essence. My hands clench to a fists, grasping his clothes in my hand, making wrinkles on his perfectly ironed shirt. I stopped breathing some time ago, and now my brain is in need of oxygen. My hands are pushing him away to let me breathe.
"Breath through your nose, [Name]." He separated our lips to say that before he went back devouring it. His thumb is caressing my stomach, while the other is firmly around my waist, preventing me from escaping.
After what seemed like eternity, the kiss ceased. I pant for the much needed oxygen. My eyes watery and hot blush is coating my cheeks. The silvery string of broken saliva is the only evidence of that heated kiss, and the first evidence of many to come.
"Satoru…" I panted. My own pink muscle lolled out for him. I can clearly see every emotion he holds for me. Desire, lust, possessiveness, greed, gentleness and the glorified love. He wants to drown me in his essence and he will. "Satoru…"
"Hm?" His hand came up to hold my face. Thumb swiping my swollen lips.
"...please, be gentle with me."
And….I unknowingly set off the caged beast inside him.
How is the movie night is actually going.
First half of the story.
“Sa-Satoru, I am scared!” I clung to his arm tightly. We are sitting on the couch with sweets littered on the coffee table.
“Don’t worry, [Name]-chan. It’s not scary at all. You see, the protagonist will be stabbed by the ghost.” He grinned fully enjoying this,”
“Why are you spoiling the story?” I hit his arm.
Second half of the story.
“Satoru, will the ghost die or the heroine die?” I asked as I munched a pocky stick. Our position has changed. Somehow, I am now sitting between his legs, still on the couch.
“They will die together.” He grabbed my hand with pocky stick and moved it to his mouth.
“Satoru, take your own sweets.” I rolled my eyes.
Credits rolling.
I have fallen asleep in that position, not caring how the story ended or post credit scene. One good thing about Satoru is he is nice makeshift pillow. I vaguely heard a good night and a forehead kiss, before I completely fallen to deep sleep.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
'someday maybe' | t.h.
tom holland x singer!reader
warnings: one swear? fluff and angst? kisses
summary: you're so close to finishing your second album when your manager pushes the deadline, your ex tom helps you write the final track.
{listen to someday by michael bublè and meghan trainor (if you want)}
wc: 2.1k
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"Someday maybe when we're old and grey,"
"Yes, yes. I know. You are not being a very helpful manager right now, Noelle." you spoke to your phone as you paced around the living room, "Okay. I'll get working on it. Bye." you huffed and threw your phone against the couch.
Your album was due to be released in two months and you needed one more song to tie it all together. Your manager, Noelle, was pushing you to finish the song so she could start the promo of the album.
You were incredibly grateful for your career, but the pressure weighed down on you everyday. Never ending.
With a final groan you picked up your acoustic guitar and sat on the couch. Picking at the strings, trying to find a melody. You hit record on your voice memo app before strumming away.
"Someday maybe when we're old and grey, we can be in love once more. 'Till then I won't give my love away. Darling, I'm forever only yours." you sang softly.
You and Tom had a joyous relationship. A love that only ever existed in movies and fairytales. The type of love story that gets told for generations and onwards. But alas, all good things must come to an end.
Your breakup was calm, serene and clean. A mutual agreement as if your whole relationship had been a business deal. There were no loose ends or jealous passive aggressive remarks made. Just maturity and respect for one another.
Your pinky still held the promise ring he gave you. A token of appreciation. A reassurance that he'd always be there for you. And he lived up to his word.
Tom walked in and sat across from you, startling you, "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Whatcha writing?"
"Need a final song for the album. Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just get better inspiration here, with all the memories, you know?" you timidly looked back down at the guitar.
Tom nodded, "No need to apologize. We gave you a spare key for a reason."
You couldn't stop yourself from spilling the words from your lips, "That was when we were together."
You could hear the awkward silence start to fill the room before he spoke again, "Still our best friend, Y/L/N."
The pain that crossed your features was instant. Being addressed by your last name felt like a stab to the gut. Especially by Tom.
You nodded before playing again, "Can I help you write it?" Tom asked as he sat next to you.
"Dancer, gymnast, actor and now songwriter. How many hidden talents have you got, Holland?" you teased making him laugh.
He shrugged with a smile, "It's kind of like writing a poem, right?"
You pondered on his analogy before slowly nodding, "Yeah, it kind of is. Give it a go."
You began playing the melody and he listened intently for a few moments before singing, "I love seeing you happy. I miss seeing that smile. It's been such a long time. A– Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. I can't do it." he shook his head aggressively with a loud laugh as you stopped playing.
"No!" you quickly protested, "That was amazing! Don't leave me hanging, c'mon." you nudged him with your shoulder before strumming again.
"Alright, alright." he ran his hands down his face, "And although I don't have you, I know now that I need to?" he paused and gave you a skeptical look before you nodded again, "Somehow make you mine. Mmm."
"Oh, okay. He's giving ad-libs and all. Get it." you nodded as he laughed.
You were so engrossed on Tom actually writing a song with you that you didn't focus on the lyrics he was singing.
"And I won't lie, it's hard seeing you with him 'cause I know he can't hold you like I can." his mood seemed to drop by a thousand as the words left his lips.
"When can we meet this boyfriend of yours?" Harrison flicked your forehead from across the booth.
You, Harrison, Tom and Tuwaine were all sat in the local pub. Pints of beer in front of each of you as loud music and chatting filled your ears.
You shrugged, "He's picking me up, so possibly tonight."
Tuwaine's eyes lit up, "Fina-fucking-lly. I swear you've kept him hidden for years."
"We've only been together for three months, T." you laughed lightly with the group of boys.
And they met him. It wasn't the smoothest of introductions, but an introduction nonetheless.
"Boys, this is Kai. Kai this is Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine." you gestured to the parties as they all shook hands and gave polite greetings.
"So," Harrison started, "What do you do for a living, Kai?"
Kai cleared his throat, "I'm a Senior Resident at Kingston Hospital. Working towards being Head of Pediatrics."
Tuwaine and Harrison both nodded, impressed by his profession. Tom's face remained expressionless as he stared at Kai with cold eyes.
"Do you have any siblings, Kai? Any psycho ex-girlfriends? Any wacky cousins?" Tuwaine joked making everyone laugh. "'Cause Y/N has a lot of wacky cousins."
"We could be in love once more,"
"Hey!" you gasped with a laugh.
Kai pulled you closer to him as he laughed, "No, no wacky cousins or psycho exes, but I do have an older sister and a younger brother."
This game of ask and answer continued on for a few more minutes. Tom didn't say a word, just sipped his beer and burned holes into Kai with his eyes. If looks could kill, Kai would be six feet under.
Kai was a sweetheart, but you two ended ages ago. His work got too much for him and your job had you touring and travelling every second.
You picked up after him with the chorus before diving into your own verse, "I remember that love song. I sang every word wrong, but you didn't mind, no, no."
"I love the things you do. It's how you do the things you love. Well it's not a love song, not a love song. I love the way you get me, but correct me if I'm wrong. This is not a love song, not a love song!" Tom belted the 'Austin & Ally' song from the top of his lungs.
"Your turn!" he pointed the pretend mic in your direction.
You laughed, not knowing any of the lyrics, but still wanting to participate, "I love that you not a licket! And you own a watch and chicken! We got a car!" you sang with full confidence, making Tom burst with laughter.
"Yes! Sing it, darling!" he cheered you on, "Absolutely butchering the lyrics, but sing it!"
"Being stuck inside a car. If it's not a doe, don't kiss it! I can't hear a missing, when there's a shoe inside the ceiling! If you really need to fart, you can lunch on a pig farm! Love song! Love song!" you couldn't even hear the song in the background, your voice overpowering it.
Tom was hunched over from laughing before he came back up and planted a soft kiss on your lips, "You are one hundred percent ridiculous and I love it."
You brought yourself back to reality and sang again, "And I'll admit that I miss you, but only if you do. 'Cause you know that I'm shy. And I can't lie, it's hard seeing you with her. 'Cause I know she can't love you like I can."
Tom's eyes met yours as the words fell from your gentle lips. His mouth was slightly agape as you continued to strum.
"You are absolute rubbish. Imagine coming in eighth. Embarassing." you laughed as you crushed Harrison in a game of Mario Kart.
He shoved you with his shoulder, "You're such a try ha—"
"—It's always the same, Tom! How can I trust you? You follow gorgeous models on Instagram and expect me to trust you?" Nadia's voice cut Harrison's words off.
You looked at him with wide eyes, his expression matching yours.
"Those women that I follow have been my friends for ages. Who I follow on a stupid app shouldn't effect how much you trust me."
You paused the game, cutting off the theme song, "How long have they been fighting like this?"
Harrison sighed, a long groan following, "A few weeks. I think it started when she saw that he liked your Instagram picture?"
You stammered, "M-my post? She got mad about my post?"
Harrison nodded before opening his mouth to speak, but Nadia cut him off again, "And she practically lives here! How do you think it makes me feel seeing my boyfriend play house with a superstar?!"
"Aw, a superstar? I'm flattered." you joked making Harrison stifle a laugh.
"I've been friends with Y/N since we were in nappies!"
"I can't be with you if you're going to be friends with her."
Your laughter abruptly died at her words. Harrison stiffened beside you.
"Y-you can't be serious. You can't make me choose between you and her."
"Why? Because you're gonna choose her?" you could hear her voice crack.
"I-" Tom couldn't make out a sentence for a few moments, "Yeah. I'm gonna choose her."
Your heart fell from it's place, stopping at your feet. Harrison brought a hand to his mouth, "H-he chose you. He chose you!" he whisper shouted before you shushed him.
"Of course. I don't know why I expected anything different. I think I'll be going now." Nadia's footsteps approached the living room.
You and Harrison scrambled to look as if you weren't eavesdropping on their argument/breakup.
Tom followed close behind her, "I'm sorry. I really am."
She nodded, hand on the doorknob, "I know. Goodbye." she stepped out of the house, slamming the front door shut in the process.
Tom let out a breath of relief before turning to you and Harrison who were staring at the Mario Kart home screen with the infamous tune playing.
"You guys are terrible actors."
"'Till then I won't give my love away,"
"I'm forever only yours." the both of you finished the song in unison.
There was a moment of silence before you reached over and ended the voice recording.
"T-that was really good. You can change what I wrote, I know it isn't as good as anything you would've written, but I tried. And it was actually pretty fun and I never knew how difficult songwriting was un—"
"—Kiss me." you cut Tom's rambling off.
His eyes grew wide, "W-wha—"
"—Kiss me, Holland."
He swallowed, a small smile stretching on his lips, "Thank God."
And with that, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. Interlocking like missing puzzle pieces. Moving in sync like waves in the ocean. Soft and sweet, but filled with passion. You could feel his smile against your lips causing you to grin.
His hand came up to pull your face closer into his. Caressing your jaw, fingertips playing with the hairs on the back of your neck. His other hand holding your hip in a tight grip. Pressing the pads of his digits into your flesh, scared that you might slip through his fingers again.
One of your hands was pressed flat against his chest. Steadying yourself, the heat of the kiss threatening to throw you off of your axis. Your other hand tangled itself into Tom's curls. Pulling and tugging lightly causing small groans to fall from Tom's lips. Your fingernails scratching his scalp. Pulling him impossibly closer to you.
"I want my ten pounds." Harrison's voice snapped you and Tom out of your make out session.
Him and Tuwaine stood in the doorway, shit eating grins on their faces.
Tuwaine laughed before placing a ten pound note in Harrison's palm, "You guys couldn't have waited until next month to get back together?"
"You two were betting on us?" Tom laughed at his mates who nodded.
You shook your head with a smile, "Absolute idiots, all of you."
Harrison let out a happy sigh and pocketed the money, "Today was a good day. Had a sick ass shoot. Got ten pounds. And my best friends are finally together again." he waltzed into the kitchen with Tuwaine, leaving you and Tom alone again.
Tom's shy expression met your gleeful one before he spoke, "Someday came a lot sooner than expected, huh?" he chuckled.
You nodded with a laugh, "It certainly did and I am not complaining."
He sent you a wide grin before cupping your face and connecting your lips to his again.
"Darling, I'm forever only yours."
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80s4life · 3 years
You Take Good Care Of Her Pt.1
Word Count: 1,416
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: The Expendables {1-3}
A/N: So this was one of my writings I have on my Wattpad, and decided to have it brought over here to Tumblr. This isn't my best work, but it's okay I guess.
Relationship: Lee Christmas x Reader 
Summary: Y/N and Barney Ross are half siblings. With their lives not being easy, the only people they had were each other, Barney raising her as his own.  But, that all changes when she decides to serve our country, earning many scars outsiders will never see.  When she returns however, she might actually get the happy ending Barney and her have always dreamed of.
Warnings: language, a little bit of angst
Masterlist The Expendables Masterlist Part Two
{Not my gif}
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For the next few years, with Barney's extensive training and knowledge with hand-to-hand combat, how to quick draw a weapon, and how to know how to use it, Y/N had become a strong woman.  Y/N never understood how or why he knew these things, but yet again, she never doubted her brother for a second.  Barney has always been there for her, as he was now, teaching her self defense in the best way possible.
After Y/N had graduated high school, she joined the army, starting out as a nurse but quickly changing ranking when a horrific war came in, needing her well hidden skills.  Barney was proud of his little Gumdrop, the nickname he had given her from the day she was born, but he would be lying if he didn't say he was the least bit nervous.  He knew she could handle herself, especially when Y/N had even made it a point in learning all different types of weapons, perfecting Barney's signature skills, and going way beyond anything either of them could imagine.  Barney was almost like a proud father.
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To say that military didn't change a thing about a person would've been a full-faced lie.  It had made you hard, cold to the touch, maybe in the worst ways selfish, too.  Y/N was never one to put herself first, but in the military world, although you are all fighting alongside each other as a team, the main point was for you to take care of yourself and only focus on keeping yourself alive; no one else mattered on the battlefield.
Y/N had started to write a diary, trying to keep herself from driving off the deep end into insanity.  She was lonely, something that was expected in this way of life.  Battle was a different world, a separate one from the world of the more fortunate ones, the ones not in war.  Y/N had made a few friends, but as the wars raged on outside, they slowly died off, scaring her, and not wanting to have to hurt as much as she does because of how much she cares.
But after all, nothing is permanent.  No one stays forever, and that made Y/N miss her brother all the more.  As she writes in her diary, she also wrote letters home to Barney, those that could have a range of time before getting a response back.  After all, Barney was stuck on missions, making a group called the Expendables, and spending so much time up just to not be alone, worrying for his baby sister, and if she will actually come home alive.
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After 10 years, Y/N was able to return home, different, but whole.  Barney, who had responded a few weeks before, had been the first to see her come down the escalator of the airport, more than ready to feel whole again, to have his family back.  When she had spotted him, she practically tackled anyone in her way, almost tripping down the steps to get to her brother.  With a lunge and a jump, she crushed her older brother in a rib shattering hug, tears of joy not only pouring out of her eyes, but his too, although he'd never admit to it.  Clearing his throat he said, "Let's get you home Gumdrop."
After loads of catching up, Barney told her there were people he wants her to meet, as he was going to show her what he had spent so much time training her for, to be one with the boys, the Expendables.  Barney had blabbed about what it is he had done on the ride before entering Tool's shop, which is what made Y/N so eager to meet the rest of the gang, knowing what and who they were before they even entered her life.
The first person she met was Tool, an older man with a rugged smile, warm eyes, streaked hair, and a creative eye for everything he sees.  Y/N enjoyed him and took a close liking to him immediately, becoming a weird yet funny father she never had.  She was caught up in a conversation with Tool, missing the warm smile her brother had as he watched his sister find someone so alike to her, talk to her, and share interests that normal fathers would, even if it wasn't by blood.  Then, multiple other men filled the room of Tool's tattoo shop, the smell of testosterone, grease, and smoke filling the room as the roaring of motorcycle engines came pouring in, soon shutting off.
Barney and Tool introduced Y/N to every person of the group before they all spread out and did their own thing.  Toll Road, one of the members, had talked to her, being kind and gentle, a total opposite of his professional career choice.  After that, Y/N had made her rounds, talking to everyone: Gunnar Jensen, quiet, handsome, tall, and quite funny.  Yin Yang, small, quick-witted, loyal, and very caring.  Hale Caesar, the most hilarious person Y/N had ever met, very playful, and a lot of fun to hang out with.  She had met everyone, except one; Lee Christmas.  
A few times during the night, their eyes had met, as if it were electric that made them shudder and stare on many occasions.  But, although many looks were made, he had made it his duty to avoid her like the plague.  "But why?" was a constant thought that crossed her mind.
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As time passed, Y/N had become just one of the guys, squeezing her tiny self into the little family they had all made.  Tool had given her her own specialty Expendables tattoo to make it official too.  Decorating it with vines and flowers, "Matching your personality," Tool would tell her, "Beautiful and delicate alongside other flowers in a bundle, yet hard and piercing when messed with by the wrong hands."  Y/N enjoyed her tattoo all the much more, taking his words to heart and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.  She never realized the eyes that watched her so calmly from afar though.
What Y/N didn't know was how Lee actually felt, and that was a charge he knew was on him.  It never stopped him from getting jealous though, stiffening as he watched her every moves.  He had fallen for her soft Y/E/C eyes, and Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair that only she could make beautiful the second he met her.  He would talk to her every now and then, but always kept his distance, knowing exactly who she belonged to.  Barney would have his ass hit by a train if he ever touched her, and that was because she had gone through so much already, Barney not wanting anymore pain in her life.
Despite his attempts, he knew he wouldn't ever be able to resist her, and for that, he didn't care what he had to go through, he was going to have her. Because she was his, and he was hers, no matter who knew.
To be continued...
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Live Laugh Love~ Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
Masterlist | Taglist | Request
Georgie Cooper x Reader
Summary: To appease his worried mother, Sheldon employs the techniques of a self-help book to try and make a friend.
Warnings: None
AN: I plan to write a new chapter once a week. It may change at the end of the school year. On the other hand, I tried to add more to the story. I hope you guys like it.
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Y/N's Pov
I am walking to lunch, and when I round the corner, I see Mary and George looking through the lunchroom window and talking to each other. I make a confused face while listening in on their conversation. "Look at him. It breaks my heart," Mary says sadly. "Poor little guy. Sitting all alone", George says sadly while responding to Mary's comment. "I don't know why his brother or even Y/N can't sit with him. Actually, Where is Y/N. I don't see her anywhere."
"I'm right here," I say, spooking Mary and George before continuing with, "Also, I tried to sit with Sheldon on his first day, and he said it would be best for me to sit with people who have the same intellect as me. I found that rude because he meant Georgie, and I am so much smarter than Georgie. Anyways, Georgie doesn't sit with him because he says In school, they don't know each other". I look between Georgie and Sheldon, then look at my godparents. "Yeah, come on Mary, when you were in high school would you have lunch with a nine-year-old," George asked Mary. "Yes, I would have," Mary responded.  "Well, there is something wrong with you." I took George's words as a sign to leave.
"Well, I'm... gonna... go," I told the married couple before heading into the lunchroom to sit with Georgie and our friends. I sat down to Georgie, trying to fit as many grapes as he can into his mouth. "Fourteen," he yelled out while all of Georgie's friends cheered him on. Georgie spits them all out before turning to me. "What did you think," Georgie asked me, trying to get my opinion on his 'cool' trick. "Georgie, if I wanted to see you stuff your mouth, I would just wait till dinner. In other words, not that interesting," I told my best friend. Georgie replied with a sad "oh" before going back to talking with his friends. I went back to finishing my newest sketch of a finch.
Georgie and I walked into the house. "Georgie, would you do me a tiny little favor," Mary asked Georgie while he was getting a drink out of the fridge. I sat with the girl I thought of as a little sister before saying hi. Georgie responded back with a "like what" before Mary asked Georgie to sit with Sheldon. I already told Mary why I don't sit with Sheldon. Missy with her smart remarks told Georgie, "Don't do it. I ate with him in second grade, it really hurt my social life." Georgie walked off while replying to Mary with a "No thanks". I kicked Missy under the table, then gave her a 'seriously' look. I shook my head and followed Georgie to 'help' him with his homework, which was more like do his work.
I don't follow Georgie because I'm his lost puppy. I follow Georgie to help him. Without me, Georgie would grow up to be a homeless man with great hair. I am basically Georgie's Guardian angel.
"Georgie, why do I always end up doing your homework? At this point, I don't even think you know how to read. Those magazines are just for show, and you know it. You probably only look at the pictures," I said to Georgie while sitting on his bed doing our geometry homework. "Aw, come on Y/N, don't you know that you're the smartest out of both of us. Without you, I would probably still be in the 5th grade. You were right about something though, those books are for looking, but I can read you." I roll my eyes at Georgie's comment before looking down and smiling.
I admit I might have a bit of a crush on Georgie but we're best friends, and how could I ever compare those girls in his magazine. If I tell Georgie that I like him, that could ruin our friendship, and that would be weird because we live together. So, I just stick to being his best friend. That way our friendship isn't ruined and I can still be as close to him as I can.
"Well I finished your homework and it's 10 o'clock, so I guess this is it. Have a good night," I said before heading out.
Georgie's POV
Y/N walked out of my room. I felt sad because she was gone. We talk all day, she does my homework, and we have practiced together, but I still miss her. "Maybe I like her," I mumble to myself while laying down staring at the ceiling. "Naw, that can't be," I said. I shut off my light and fell asleep.
I was leaving my art class when I see Sheldon talking to one of the cheerleaders. It's weird to be seeing Sheldon interacting with people without them running off and crying. It interested me so much I decided to listen in.
"Go wolves," Sheldon said in a monotone voice. Jessica closed her locker confused. Sheldon responded back to Jessica with, "You're a cheerleader, and by saying "Go Wolves" I'm initiating a conversation about something that interests you." "Oh, are you one of those special ed kids," Jessica asked still trying to understand what was happening. The older sister part of me kinda felt angry that she said that, but on the other hand she was talking to Sheldon. "My mom says I'm special. Would you like to be friends" Sheldon asks. She tells him, no, but Sheldon keeps going, "Are you sure? What if I told you I admired your boldly-applied makeup?" Jessica walks off offended.
I walk up to Sheldon frantically and say, "Sheldon, you can't say mean things like that. I'm at the top of the pyramid today, and Jessica is right underneath me." "Oh, I didn't know what I said was offensive. I thought that I was complimenting her," Sheldon says. "Well, just try not to insult people. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything to them." Sheldon replies with an "alright" before walking away from me. I watch Sheldon go before heading to my next class.
I got to my next class and I sat down beside Georgie. "I just ran into Sheldon trying to make friends," I told Georgie while I get the stuff I need for class out of my backpack. "I feel bad for whoever had to put up with Sheldon. That boy is not one for making friends," Georgie responds to my comment. "Well, I think it's cute, but I feel bad because he didn't make one friend." "You sound like my mom," Georgie says. I glare at Georgie. The teacher walks in and starts the class.
I hear Mary yelling about how Sheldon made a friend. I felt happy for him. I feel like Sheldon would really benefit from having a friend. I mean, I have Georgie, and we're inseparable.
I also heard Sheldon ask if he can start his rocketry hobby again with his new friend and I dipped. The last time he launched a rocket he killed a family of squirrels and my eyebrows. I wanted to bond with Sheldon so I helped him with his rocket.
I went downstairs to watch tv with Missy. She was watching DuckTales. "I'm surprised you're not with Georgie," Missy comments as I sit down with her. I roll my eyes and say, "Georgie isn't my whole life. I talked to Sheldon earlier, and now I just want to hang out with you. Sheldon has a new friend now, I have Georgie, but I feel like you don't have anyone to hang out with. So, what do you say tomorrow I take you to get your nails done." Missy's eyes go wide and she excitedly shouts, "Yes, I'm gonna go tell mom!"
After school, Missy and I went to get our nails done.
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(Missy's Nails)
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(Y/N's Nails)
When Missy and I got home Mary told us that Sheldon's friend was coming over. Missy and I sat down to talk and watch tv. There was a knock at the door, and that set Mary off. "He's here," she yelled. "Everybody, stay calm! Just a normal day, just a normal dinner," she continued. Missy asks if she and I can eat in front of the TV, which obviously didn't end well.
We're all sitting at the dinner table, except for Mary, when George starts asking Tam, questions. George makes it weird when he asked Tam if his mom was named Kim-lee. Me and Georgie look at each other with a cringed look.
Georgie releases us from the weird vibes when he asks Tam, "So, Vietnam, like in Rambo." Tam responds with a "yes" and then Georgie continues with, "That's a cool movie." Georgie asks Tam if he's in Rambo and I look at him and elbow him in the ribs. Georgie says, "oww, what was that for" before Tam tells him "no". Sheldon brings the conversation back to George's comment, but it is cut off by Mary serving dinner.
We learned a lot about Tam's family and life. It was very interesting. Georgie said a couple more stupid things, which earned him a few more elbows to the ribs.
I was in my room, getting ready for bed. Georgie walks in and sits on my bed.
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(Y/N's Room)
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(Y/N's PJ's)
"How was the day with my sister," Georgie asks me. I sign for Georgie to get off the bed and say, "We had fun. After our nails, we went to Dairy Queen and got a blizzard. I think Missy and I really needed today, you know." Georgie helps me make my bed and continues the conversation, "I missed you today." "Is Georgie Cooper jealous? Georgie Cooper didn't have someone to do his homework and now he's sad," I said mocking Georgie. Georgie grows a sad look on his face and says, "No, I missed my best friend. Not the girl that does my homework, or the girl that helps me clean my room. I miss the girl I talk to for hours. The girl that makes me feel special compared to the rest of my family. I miss that girl and that girl is you."
"Wow, that was deep for a kid that went a couple of hours without seeing me, but I know how you feel. Missy and Sheldon don't know how to do the things we do. I almost made Missy cry by insulting her earlier. I think I hang around boys too much," I say getting ready to lay down. Georgie climbs into the bed with me and we silently talk for the rest of the night.
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xxxavo · 4 years
Sin getting upset bc he see’s Kouen flirting with his s/o (I mean they both already don’t like each other).So sins getting all alpha dog and is trying to get him to bck off
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Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: A hint of verbal NSFW towards the end? (better known as...LIMEy) Not swear words but a few rude words? Idk
Suddenly getting back into Magi so might be a few imagines being thrown around here and there, depends on how long this lasts!! Feeling a NSFW scenario manifesting itself into my drafts after writing this, I won't lie, but no actual NSFW content today my little imuchakk's! Hope you enjoy!
Sinbad had always liked banquets, weather they be ones held in the kingdom of Sindria, or at his biggest rivals, the Kou empire. There was something exciting about the prospect of consuming alcohol in foreign lands after an important political meeting that made Sinbad feel on top of the world. It was rare for things in Sinbad’s life not to go his way, or to not end up leading towards something better then what he had lost. For this reason, King Sinbad was to an extent, a go-with-the-flow kind of man. Especially with loyal followers such as his generals and his beloved wife!
His beloved was of course very loyal, incredibly so...but, there were people who did not care for that loyalty of hers. This included a certain Kou empire red head who went by the name of Kouen.
“No need to look so sour, Sin.” Ja’far commented beside him, though he was enjoying the fact his King was abandoning his poor drinking habits to instead stay sober and focused, even if he was focusing on his wife and Kouen Ren flirting. “You told her to be pleasant and friendly towards Kouen to gain his favour. I don’t understand why you’re so jealous.” That was enough to make Sinbads eyes flicker from the generous laughter of his wife to the smug face of his right hand man.
“Me!? Jealous!?”
“Hmm.” Masrur agreed from the other side of Sinbad. The King’s neck practically snapped to the fanalis.
“Why would I, of all people, be jealous?”
“Because you’re wife is a smart, sophisticated lady who could do a lot better than a man who drinks sake and shamelessly prances around woman as if he was a young teen in his glory years.” Golden eyes met red ones in a baffled expression of offense.
“That’s a low blow, Ja’far.”
“Hmm.” Again, Masrur voiced his opinion rather humbly. Unlike the other two, Masrur had not taken his eyes away from the Queen, curious to see how her little game would play out; He loved how cunning she was.
The Queen, unlike Sinbad, was sensible. When he was busy hiding from Ja’far she was busy doing the work for him and cleaning up all his messes. Masrur liked how through thick and thin she stayed by Sinbad’s side whilst being the role model his country needed. She may as well have been a general. However, that didn’t mean she didn’t find herself sick of him sometimes.
Unfortunately old habits died hard. Sinbad was an infamous lady killer, flirting and charming any woman he deemed beautiful. No longer did he take it any further but Masrur could always see it in the Queen’s eyes whenever she got upset or jealous with his ministrations. As much as she tried to hide it, Masrur was a man who saw much, yet said very little.
The fanalis saw the way the cogs in her head turned the moment Sinbad had told her to “Gain Kouen’s favour in any way you can! I’m sure he’ll be much more linient with me if he enjoys the company of my other half” and the way she made sure her corset was on tighter and her breasts were pushed up higher only confirmed his supicions. Sinbad was about to get a very bitter taste of his own flirtatious medicine.
The Queen was, despite being middle aged, very beautiful. If she wasn’t married to King Sinbad, Masrur was certain many men would be throwing themselves at her feet. Kouen would possibly be one of those.
The next thing Masrur knew a grumpy Sinbad was pulling on his cheek, his gaze in the same direction as his. “What is it Masrur? What are they saying!? Surely you will stick by your King! Unlike this traitor—“
“Please Masrur. My wife could be in danger.” Sinbad dramatized. Masrur practically had to stop himself from commenting on how pathetic the King looked. “I need those fanalis ears of yours...”
“Did you know, you’re my favourite?”
“I swear to Solomon Sinbad if you—“
Drowning out the advisor and the King, Masrur honed his attention on the Queen and Kouen who sat sharing a bottle of red wine.
“Oh no. No more for me please.” Just as Kouen was about to tip some more of the red liquor in her glass, the Queen politely bowed her head, fluttering her lashes. “My tolerance for alcohol isn’t the greatest thing in the world.”
“Oh?.” Kouen hummed, nodding in response before filling up his own. “I expected you to perhaps be a little more like you’re husband.”
“An old drunkard?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“But is it not what you meant?”
“I—“ Kouen seemed at a loss for words for a second, perhaps embarrassed, but saved himself rather quickly without a hint of emotion on his face. “What I meant was, a lover of a banquet. Sinbad has attended many, I assumed you would have been more on par with him when it came to drinking and party games.”
The Queen watched Kouen take a sip of his wine, her lips pulling up into a soft smirk. “Something tells me Kouen if I was anything like my husband you wouldn’t want to be sat here with me.” Kouen was slow to place down his drink, his sharp eyes meeting Sinbad’s wife’s.
“Would you rather me sit elsewhere?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“But is it not what you meant?” Now, it was his turn to smirk.
“I—“ With a soft laugh, the regal woman before Kouen grew flustered, picking up her glass and swirling the remaining wine contents around to allow her to look elsewhere. “You really are as they say Kouen. Quite an interesting man. I enjoy getting to know you.” Lifting up her head, the Queen rose an eyebrow, a smile now residing on her face. “Every word I say sinks in doesn’t it?”
“Your highness. If any man does not listen to you, does he really deserve to be in your presence? If my sisters were simply cast aside, I wouldn’t be so forgiving to the suitor who was to do that.” It was a lie, the Queen had heard of Kouen and his family sending off the young princess to he married to a King who wanted nothing more then a pretty face. Was there more to the story? Most likely. But was that the gist of it? Yes. However, to indulge both Kouen and continue to gain the nervous attention of her husband shuffling in his seat, the Queen sighed out gently.
“You’re close to your family...?” It was hard to hear the rest, Sinbad practically chewing off his own hand right beside Masrurs ear.
“What are they saying!?” Simply, Masrur shrugged. “Something about family.” It was no fun telling Sinbad everything. Groaning, Sinbad flopped back into his seat, picking up his wine with a pout.
“It doesn’t taste the same knowing at the end of the night she’s not going to be dragging me back to our room...”
“Who? Her highness?” The three men all turned abruptly to face Kogyoku, who smiled sheepishly. “I’m awfully sorry...” she stuttered out. “I didn’t mean to pry, I just came to say hello and over heard you talking."
Knowing that any ill intentions towards Kougyoku’s older brother would harm his reputation with the Kou empire, Sinbad put on his best charming smile, acting as though he wasn’t emotionally conflicted on the inside. “Ah Princess. What a pleasure to be seeing you again. Are you enjoying the banquet?” With a smile, the pinkette nodded her head.
“I am very much your highness. I hope you’re also enjoying yourself.” With that, her eyes flickered upwards to the Queen of Sindrian and the most influential man in the whole of the Kou empire. “It seems her highness is enjoying herself to. I’ve never seen Kouen so invested in somebody. It’s a real testimony to your wife.” Kougyoku was of course NOT JEALOUS. Not once had she imagined herself sat on Sinbad's lap as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear! Nether the less, she continued her façade, knowing that after all it was her duty.
”They’re so deep in conversation, I wonder what they’re talking about.” Her words aren’t helping the purple male.
“As do I...”
“Kouen seems so relaxed around her highness. They really do get along don’t they?” Was she trying to give him a heart attack?
With a delightful laugh Sinbad nodded before finally rising to his feet. "They do indeed. In fact I feel a little bit left out. Perhaps I should pau the two a visit. Excuse me Princess, I do hope of seeing you again soon." Lifting her hand to his lips, Sinbad placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand before walking towards his wife and that thing trying to take her away. The King of Sindria looked at peace with all around him as he strode over, all intentions of causing havoc and disrupting the calm atmosphere completely gone for his being. At least it looked that way. If it didn't, he wouldn't have been a good King.
The two at the table saw him coming before he arrived and where as Kouen greeted him with a cut nod, seemingly displeased he was interrupting his time with his wife, who simply sent him a passive smile.
"Ah Your highness." Not Sin, not Sinbad, not my King, not my love. Just your highness. "Me and Kouen here--" Yet they were on first name basis? "Were just discussing-- Hmmph!"
As done many times before by the womanizer, Sinbad encased the back of his wife's head, bringing her face towards his own and then slamming their lips together in a rather mighty display right in front of the red princes eyes. He made sure it lasted. And his Queen? Who was she to deny Sinbads advances? As usual she practically melted into his affectionate assault, fragile hands moving to clasp at Sinbad's robes in an attempt to lull him closer...but two could play at that game. Pulling back from his beloved, Sinbad made sure to smirk, staring into her eyes for a brief moment. It was his way of saying "I'll get you back for this".
The sexual tension was undeniable and Sinbad had hoped Kouen could sense her thighs rubbing together like he could, because that was the closest Kouen would get.
"Hm? Talking about what? I didn't quite catch that my Queen."
Meanwhile, back at Sinbad's table, Ja'far sighed in aggravation as he watched the scene Sinbad caused in absolute horror. "Honestly, this man really does test my patience! Can he not just let his wife butter up Kouen! If anything it benefits us!"
"Just for one second, can he think about anything else other then his-"
"I was going to say pride but that works too."
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misselko · 3 years
Warnings: Angst, fluff, small violence
Words: 20.130
Loud clashing of lances can be heard through Garreg Mach hallway.
The red-haired skirt chaser barely able to hear you said it when you rushed him. Sylvain knew that he should focus on his strikes.  He didn’t have time to be impressed at this small, petite girl that is jabbing her lance so fast against him. Devastatingly fast. And strikingly strong. ‘It is such a wonder how a small, petite body like hers held so much power’. That’s the last thing that passed his mind before (Y/N)’s lance has cracked so loudly against his that he thought it might snap. Beautiful, fierce, deadly (E/C) orbs that staring into his soul has captivated the Gautier heir and got him hard knock on his shin, felling him over.
“Whoa there! I yield. You do like it rough, don’t you, (Y/N)?” Sylvain raise his hands on the air with and winks seductively. Rolling your eyes, you put a light tap on his neck at his remarks.
“Though she be but little, she is fierce. (Y/N) is the youngest among us, but she is indeed a Lioness!” Dimitri claps over your third in a row winning for today. You beat Felix in sword and Dimitri in the lance spar.
“That’s what you get for skipping classes, Sylvain. And.. keep up with your solid techniques, excellent moves, and rapid quick footwork, (Y/N). That’s all for our combat class today,” said Professor.
“She’s a few inch shorter than me but she had effortlessly defeated Blue Lions’ strongest lancer and swordsman! That’s my favourite lil sis (Y/N) for you!! ” said Annette giddily. She hugs you in a death grip embrace and sings her silly song.
Everyone are so nice to you, to the point of spoiled rotten! Especially Ingrid and Mercie! They are like your big sisters, always offering their help to ride pegasi and give endless supplies of baked sweets that you love very much. Felix is kinda harsh and always eager to spar with you, but he’s the first person to get angry when someone bullies you because you are so small. So kind, almost feel like a big brother! Dimitri helps you with your late night studies and picking books in the higher shelves on the library a lot. Dedue and Ashe cook dinner together with you on your duty day.
They see (Y/N) as the sweet smol bean that has to be protected at all cost!
“Are you free tonight, Munchkin?” Care to join me to visit the town and get something to eat? I know this little restaurant that has nice dessert! My treat, of course! Think of it as a token of congratulations from me on your brilliance today!” Sylvain put his hand on your shoulder in a friendly gesture and wink seductively.
“Seteth will scold us for sure, Syl! This is the fourth or fifth time we went for a late dinner this week,” you pout at his invitation. “He won’t. I’ll walk you back before curfew as usual. Don’t want my Kitten to get  hurt on her way back. Night walk can be dangerous, you know.”
“Why you are being so nice to me, Syl... Your girls will be upset and kill me for sure.”
“Nah.. I don’t have any! It would be a shame to waste such a beautiful evening alone. Besides, I don’t want to let my Munchkin starved in her sleep! Not to mention that you just looked awfully cute with your cheeks stuffed.” You smacked his shin and rewarded with a loud yelp from him.  “Lead the way. And.. it’s not like I like it or something like that, you know! Don’t get any wrong ideas,” you hide your blush and took his huge hand in your tiny ones.
The food was delightful as usual and Sylvain stay true to his words about going back before the curfew.
As you both closed the large door’s that marked the dormitory, you were greeted by the crisp spring night. Warm wind passed over your forms, and crickets chirped in the night.
“While we’re at it, how about a little board games rematch at my quarters? I got a new strategy to show you, Syl!”
“Bring it on then, (Y/N)! Let’s bring some sweet buns as usual to snack on later as well, then.”
“It’s a deal!”
“I’d think playing it on the bed would be more comfortable than doing it on the floor. You might catch another cold and passed out like last month in my room. It scared the living daylights out of me! Nope, never trying that again.”
“It’s not fun being frail and get sick easily.” You sigh.
“No problem. Think of it as a good chance for me to get to carry you around in my arms. For our weddi-- Ouch!!” he faux a sad face melodramatically when you punch his hand away playfully. “You might be small and petite but these hands are a force to be reckoned with. You’re as strong as a lioness,” said the philanderer as he ruffled your hair affectionately.
It was such a beautiful night.
“Do you have a moment, Miss (Y/N)? I have something important to tell you regarding my research and your Crest. We can discuss it in more detailed manner in my research room,” Professor Hanneman ask you out of the blue after the afternoon battle strategy class.
“Crest? But I’m sure I don’t have any, Professor! It’s stated as clear as a day in my enrollment documents, isn’t it?”
“There’s a mistake, Miss (Y/N). And I sworn it on my name as the Father of Crestology, you do HAVE a Crest. A Major one at that! Congratulations! I have sent a letter to your family and inform other Professors and your House Leader regarding this matter. I have my suspicion about your Crests since I watch your  prowess at combat and when it activates, the timing, and the flash of....”
You are a bit shocked about this and decided to ignore this fact, having a hard time to process this shocking information. Your family and other members of Blue Lions will be very surprised of this information. Is it going to be a good thing or not? Professor Hanneman’s murmurs fell on your deaf ears as you politely excuse yourself out of his room. ‘It’ll be better to keep this as a secret to avoid unwanted attention nor unnecessary commotion’ you think to yourself.
Moons have passed. Then the night of the ball came. Urged by your curiosity, you are eager to wait for your true love at the Goddess Tower. You were hardly expecting to see Sylvain, of all people. The surprise at seeing each other was mutual. The both of you stood there for a moment, simply enjoying the scene before you. You wrapped your arms around yourself to stave off the chill that went down your spine, shuffling closer to the older man.
“Do you even believe the rumors about this place?” he asked as he lay his uniform coat over your shivering form. “My curiosity gets the best of me. But am glad to find you here, Syl.”
“Huh.” Sylvain went quiet, his face etched with contemplation. After he thought about it a little, he let out a huff of breath and frowned.
“Well, the person I’m interested in... is already here. You’re here alone. I’m here alone. I was thinking maybe....”
“Wait. Me?”
“Well, of course! We’re the only two people here, aren’t we? I keep thinking about it, and it just makes sense. My Crest and yours...”
“How did you...?”
“Dimitri told me. I have confirmed it with Professor Hanneman as well. A Major one, he said. So lucky.”
He looked down at you menacingly. Your eyes were averted away from his, looking away into the distance. “What do you mean? I’m still me, Syl.  Crest or no Crest.”
Despite your dismissive answer, something changed in his expression. He took his hands from behind his neck and stalked towards you. This wasn’t at all like the kind and flirty Sylvain you loved. He’s... different.
“You know what? I’m a bit jealous. The whole time you were growing up, you never knew you had a Crest. You were free. Nobody pretended to like you. I kind of hate you for that...” he slammed you hard against the wall behind you. Strangled pained noise came from you.
His knees rest on either side of your petite body and his arms cage your head, his much bigger hand grasp yours roughly. “All you’re worth to me is a little bit of fun. We’ve been having fun, haven’t we? I thought that you understood,” Sylvain’s face a mere inch from yours, glaring daggers at you. You can feel your tears begin welling, threatening to spill at his words.
“Is that really what you think of me? I thought... I was different. So… our friendship has just been for nothing?” you muttered quietly, holding back your sobs.
He scoffed. “Of course you are. You’re just some dumb noble looking for crest babies. You never meant anything to me.” His rejection was validation of your worst fear, that you were just like every other girl. Your friendship had all fallen apart and meant nothing for him.
“Playing around with girls is the most fun a guy can have. Besides, I don’t care what you think of me. I don’t intend to change how I live my life. I’m a good-for-nothing, if you haven’t noticed, but I’m still a noble with a Crest. That’s all anyone cares about. It’s best to avoid getting too serious with fools like me.” His expression darkens and unreadable. The carefree mask was long gone.
“My Crest bring me nothing but pain. I thought maybe...if I made someone else suffer, it might help me feel better.” His hand shot up and grabbed you by your throat. Sylvain held you in front of him, tightened his grip, choking you hard. His caramel eyes glowed dark with excitement.
You tried to squirm away but he clamped his hand tighter, making it harder for you to breathe. Your legs felt weak and limp. The pain was too intense.
“You were a spoiled brat who should pay for that Crest. Maybe I’ll collect the debt.” His expression dark as he looked up at you.
Focusing yourself, you punch his jaw as hard as you can. To your surprise, a blinding flash of your Crest shows up when you smack him as hard as you can, making Sylvain flinch in pain, dropping you with a loud thud on the cold floor. You stumbled back and dropped to your knees. Gasping for air, you tried to rub the pain from your throat, doing your best to pick yourself up.
“Sylvain Jose Gautier!  I care not for your Crest nor title! It means nothing to me. I like.. no, love you because you are the strongest, kindest, funniest, and the most caring person that I know. Even you are such a skirt chaser, but you always very considerate and protective of me. I never felt this way before about someone. This is my first time but... This… This was a mistake. Sorry. I hope.. you find your own happiness someday,” you said, your voice is raspy from his deadly grip and your sadness. Tears were finally flowing freely from you.
Sylvain’s posture becoming rigid despite his feigned relaxed position. “H-hey,” Sylvain said, his voice softened somewhat. “Please, don’t cry. I’m sorry...”, he tried to pat your head, but you step back instinctively. The red head flinch and turned away when he saw angry purplish hue on your neck. Guilt began creeping on his conscience.
“I believe you. You’re not a bad person, Sylvain, no matter what anyone says. I care about you. Our friendship, dinners, late nights walk and banters... I cherished them a lot. Really, I do. I love you, Sylvain.” You couldn’t meet his eyes, couldn’t look at anything besides the floor. “That’s what I came to tell you, but... nevermind. Good night, Syl. I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”
“Did you mean that? (Y/N), wait!” He spoke with disbelief.
“Why would I lie?” you asked, hardly audible. “Goodbye, Syl.”
His pleas fell on deaf ears as you dash yourself as fast as possible from Goddess Tower, locking yourself inside your quarters, clutching to Sylvain’s uniform coat, while crying yourself to sleep.
That’s the last thing that you can remember from your Academy Days. Things were never the same since that night. You never talk to the playboy ever again since that incident. No more night walks or late board games. When you have to work together in weekly duty, there’s an unseen awkward distance and heavy tension between you two.
The notorious philanderer went back into his old ways, going around with a different girl each day. You often catch him glimpse at you with eyes full of remorse and sadness (mostly when he thinks you aren’t looking or noticing). Everyone in the Blue Lions noticed the changes between your relationship but being very considerate of your feelings and trying to not mention anything about it.
Your Father called you back home because of his grave illness in Pegasus Moon, insisting you to leave the Officers Academy behind. Blue Lions was taken aback and sad with your abrupt leave. Going back to your home in Fhirdiad, days flies in a blur motion into moons and years.
It’s been 5 years since you left your Academy days in Garreg Mach.
A bloody coup led by Cornelia causes Duke Rufus and Dimitri both to be apparently killed. Her  tyranny left Fhirdiad in poor state with poverty and famine. Holy Kingdom of Faerghus thrown into disarray condition with their Prince’s disappearance. The nation is plagued by civil strife and hardship.
With the vast majority of the former Kingdom lords having bent the knee to the overwhelming power of the Empire, all Blaiddyd territory, including the Kingdom capital, is ruled by those who are cooperating with the Empire, and is thus renamed the Faerghus Dukedom. Houses Fraldarius and Gautier were left to spearhead the resistance as the primary opponents of the Dukedom.
As the legitimate Marchioness of your major noble house in Blaiddyd territory after her Father’s passing, (Y/N) decided to keep on fighting against Empire until the bitter end, along with Houses of Fraldarius, Gautier, and Galatea. You keep maintain close relationships them, mostly with the neighbouring Houses, Fraldarius and Galatea. Whether it may be reinforcements soldiers to House Fraldarius or stock supplies to House Galatea, you are so much eager to give it all (sometimes by going there personally—much to your advisors’ dismay) to aid them.  Being always giving or adding the most relevant information about current war state developments made you overjoyed when you heard about the news of Dimitri’s plan to recapture Fhirdiad.
It’s been forever since your last time fighting on the battlefield. Reclaiming the capital is a daunting task with shortage of soldiers and resources. Rodrigue’s death is a devastating blow to Faerghus’ military strength and resources. Not to mention that House Gautier and Galatea has any resources to spare. With limited resource of your own House, you decided to prioritize evacuation of Faerghus’ citizens and helping Blue Lions to the utmost.
Dimitri marches for Fhirdiad, causing the oppressed citizens to revolt against Cornelia’s tyranny People are rebelling against Cornelia and Fhirdiad has turned into a gruesome battlefield. Fire was everywhere The sound of metals echoed loudly in your ears. Large Titanus crowded the streets and wreaking havoc upon buildings and citizens. With your sword in your hands, you leap and cut through Kingdom Soldiers that is preparing to activate Viskam turrets against Felix.
You pushed forward with great caution. When you are done helping a pair of elders and children under the rubbles to evacuate, you saw him. Sylvain. Fighting over a mage and a large Titanus all by himself. Did he get separated? He barely dodged a fireball when you strike down that mage.
“Munchki--!” He gasped, surprised to see you back.
“Watch out, Syl!”
You leap in front of him, parrying and slash back at the Titanus’ large appendages that is going to smash him. Sylvain cast a Ragnarok and taking down the golem-like creature with a loud explosion, sending flying debris everywhere. He gasped, grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the way. 
“Ugh... that hurts. Are you okay, Munchkin?” He was trapped under the rubbles and the first thing that he asked is your safety?
“W-why did you do that, Syl? You got hurt protecting me. Didn’t you want to kill me?”, you said as you helped him out from the rubble.  Fortunately he is okay aside from a few scratch and bruises.
“When I thought you were going to be killed for real, my reflexes kicked in. I reacted without thinking. It doesn’t mean I’ve stopped being jealous of you. But, come on, I can’t help looking up to you.” He look at you with eyes full of worry and sadness.
“Sylvain..... Well.. It’s been awhile, but as much as I want to chat with you, we have to help Professor and Dimitri first. Cornelia has brought us so many sufferings. Now’s the time to put an end to all of this. And... thank you, Syl.” He nods and push forward to throw his lance at a Pegasus Knight that is fighting against Ingrid.
“I will go to deactivate Titanus’ lever. I know its location and it will help everyone tremendously against that gigantic monster! I’ll open Fhirdiad’s secret passages within my House territory to help everyone to get better access to Cornelia. When I’m done with it, I’ll regroup with reinforcement soldiers from my House to evacuate more citizens on the east side of Royal Capital, then go to help Dimitri fighting against Cornelia. See you later, Syl. Please stay safe.” You bid your farewell and run through smaller alley path, doing your missions, leaving Sylvain astonished at your very thorough, detailed plans.
Without the Titanus, Cornelia only has archers as her backups. As you take the archers down with Felix and Annette, Professor and Dimitri are working together to close in on her and take her down. It was a gruesome battle, but thanks to everyone’s efforts, casualties were kept to minimum and reclaiming Fhirdiad is a big success after Cornelia has been defeated.
It may be spring, but the nights are quite chilly here in Fhirdiad. The people are rejoicing at the return of their King. After a hard won battle of reclaiming Royal Capital of Fhirdiad, celebratory feast shows no sign of stopping. Growing weary of the festivities, you decided to excuse yourself from the banquet at the castle balcony.
“Munchkin. Here you are. His Highness has been looking for you. He wanted to express his gratitude for your loyalty and huge help at reclaiming Fhirdiad.”
“Good evening, Syl. We just did our utmost to help. Fhirdiad’s  peace and safety of the Blue Lions is of the most important thing for me, after all.”
A moment of silence passed where both of you stayed still, just basking in the moonlight and enjoying each others’ presence for a while.
“I’m sorry. I really am.” You are taken aback when Sylvain bows his head deeply in front of you.
“I know I messed up really bad and it’s fair enough if you can’t find it in your heart to forgive me. My jealousy got the best of me and it has brought you so much harm. Most girls just want me for my title or my Crest, and when I thought that it was the same for you, I… I was the one who made a mistake. I’m sorry, truly I am.” Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, you could see the furrow of Sylvain’s brows, the frowning twist of his lips. It was a look you’d never seen on him. Regret and pain. He looks so vulnerable. Somehow, you didn’t doubt the apology.
“Please elaborate, Syl.”
“Since I bear a Crest, my parents made sure I was never left wanting. My older brother didn’t have one, and so when I was born, he was pushed aside. My mere existence stole everything from him. There’s so many people that want to get close to me because of my crest. Because of something I didn’t even want to be born with. I wish I could have cared as little about my Crest as you do yours...,” he grimaces, running a hand through his hair briskly. “Women smile at me for the same reason my parents adored me...and my brother wanted me dead. And I have to meet them all with a smile because I have a Crest.” Sylvain purses his lips.
“But you–you’ve never treated me differently. Always being there for me and understand me, and…and–I like you, (Y/N). No. I love you so much that it scared me. A lot,” he says, closing his eyes.
“You say that, but it doesn’t excuse the things you’ve done.” You didn’t want to look at him, didn’t want to let him see mixed expression you were making at  his sudden confession but you knew he was looking at you. Intently.
“I was devastated when you left Garreg Mach years ago. I lost you once and I won’t let it happen again. So.... what I’m saying is…” he hesitated and briefly appeared at a loss of words which is very unlike of him.
He hugs you closer very tightly it hurts, cradling you gently against his chest. This close, you can feel the rapid pace of his heart and his nervousness. “Can you give me a second chance?” Sylvain’s touch was awkward and clumsy.
“......I will. But first… Please let me go, Syl. You are crushing me.”
Sylvain paused, as if unsure. “Did you mean that?” Vulnerability colored his tone, softened it. “I’d like to be a man who deserves that. Who deserves you. Even if you want nothing to do with me, one day I will find a way to make it up to you, to earn your forgiveness. I promise.” His voice wasn’t strong with his infamous flirtatious bravado. It was sincere.
“You’re so much more than just your Crest or your status, Sylvain Jose Gautier.” Taking his much bigger hand in your tiny ones, you smiled and whisper it against his hand. “You are the most amazing, kind, strongest, and nice man for me. Your path is your own.  I love you just the way you are, Sylvain. Crest or no Crest.” His face turned dark red instantly redder than his hair at your words. Sylvain.exe has stopped working
“You are going to be the death of me, Munchkin!!” Sylvain yells frantically. You can see his ears flushed furious red. He can die happy now. Goddess Sothis please take his soul.
“Why you still call me Munchkin, Syl?” you asked much to your curiousity. “It’s been years but you barely grow a few inch! But y-Ouch!! He yelps when you jab at his stomach. “But you have... grown into a fine, smart, and beautiful woman.”
“Time hasn’t been so kind to me in these past years, Syl. After my Father’s passing, I have to succeed him. Being a Marchioness isn’t an easy task but I learned so much and am still learning.”
“My sincerest condolences for your loss. But... he must be very proud of you, Munchkin. You will be a great Marchioness. Strong, thorough, quick-witted, and lovely as a—”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, Mr. Gautier.” You rolled your eyes at him. The redhead laughs softly and embrace you in his arms.
“When this war is over, will you come with me to my homeland? It’s time for the first step in the right direction. I don’t want to marry a girl who wants to use me for my Crest or a girl who someone else chose for me. I want to marry someone I really care about. With you by my side, I’m excited to find out what this new way of life is all about. (Y/N), I’m serious. Marry me. I’d do anything for you. I’m done lying, especially to myself. I’m going to spend the rest of our lives together trying to make you happy. I promise.”
 “I’d like to.... introduce you to my parents. They’d love to have a new Gauti—Gyaahh!!!” He shrieked when you stomped your feet on him. “I’m so DONE with you, Syl!!” you said with exasperated look, looking away trying to hide the rising heat in your cheeks. ‘A future with Sylvain...’
There’s a pause when you catch his gaze and find something vulnerable there, something familiar. The flicker of hope, mirrored in your expression. It’s as if everything falls into place and clicks. Then his lips were on yours, soft and hesitant, so unlike his usual self. Your eyes fluttered shut, your lips moulding against his, as his hand came up to cup your cheek. It was all the confession you needed.
“I will, Syl. I promise.”
When Professor and the Blue Lions heard about your new relationship with Sylvain, they offer you heartfelt congratulations and throw a little dinner party. Dimitri is OVERJOYED and sobs a little when he saw you are radiating with so much happiness. Back then in your Academy days, he was the one who worry about you the most when Sylvain treated you poorly, after all. Ashe and Dedue throw a lavish dinner to celebrate (Y/N) and Sylvain’s relationship that evening. Mercedes and Annette provide everyone with tasty sweets and dessert. It was a heartwarming small party among Blue Lions members.
Sadly, Sylvain didn’t get to celebrate it together. Rumors had it that Felix and Ingrid has beaten him to a bloody pulp (with Professor’s EXCLUSIVE permission) because he made you their lovely sweet lil sis wept and hurt. Sylvain kept on mumbling something between “Don’t ever hitting another girl”, “RUIN his Lance of Ruin”, “Don’t ever taint her”, or “You’re finished”. Even the kind and benevolent Mercie turned her back and refuse to heal Sylvain. The Gautier heir almost went to hell that evening.
The poor, traumatized philanderer will changing his ways for the better for sure.
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