#and maybe PotT
ircn-dad · 11 months
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Can we talk about how cute it is that Peter thought Tony was that tall for the bunny ears?
And also... does that mean they didn't plan at all to do bunny ears to each other? I mean, if they had planned it, Peter would have checked to see if he was doing them right.
So that means that originally the photo was going to be with Tony's arm around Peter's back, and Peter's arm around Tony's shoulders.
These two will never stop making me cry.
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victoriawaterfield · 1 month
alsoooo . 'he's not gone, he's just dead.' like jack harkness? like clara oswald? like owen harper? like bill potts & amy pond & rory williams & river song & sooo many companions? like them & their 'well that's alright then!' deaths?
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ouidamforeman · 9 days
Favorite (derogatory) thing abt the Dr who fandom is that whenever anything gay happens in the show everyone freaks out like it’s the first time Dr who has ever Been Queer like this hasn’t been happening since before 2005
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real-odark · 3 months
ride the cyclone as these emojis
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RTC sleepover HC thing lets gooooo
Ocean – MOUTH BREATHER!!! sleeps like a burrito
Constance – quiet as hell. sleeps with 9373929102840 plushies
Noel – either quiet as hell or loud as hell. sleeps holding Mischa
Mischa – quiet ahh snorer. sleeps holding Noel. probably mumbles in Ukranian
Ricky – could probably be mistaken for dead tbh. sleeps with cat plushies
Penny – dead silent, face first, awful position
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sleepboysummer · 8 months
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sirtadcooper · 3 months
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Her feet on the ground and her heart in the stars.
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ifangirlalot · 9 months
. ˚◞♡ Comparing Men I Like To Find The Pattern, Part One ⃗ *ೃ༄
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From what I can tell, I like them mentally ill and facially scarred, blue hair preferred but optional.
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The OG cast at the Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire World Premiere (via Deadline)
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cowboyzzzzzzz · 3 months
wheres the starker fics where peter is tonys new assistant that he gets after pepper is made CEO?
bonus points if pepper is the one who hired him or something like that.
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thissongisawesome · 2 years
"noel gruber, the only homosexual in uranium" my brother in christ you are in choir with 5 of the most homosexual people i have ever seen what are you on
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thinking about spymaster and the fam again. bc the dynamic is a little strange. a little impersonal. sure he fixates on yaz and tries to tempt graham with knowledge but. it's different, bc he doesn't target them. sure he involves them in Schemes but he also never - enslaves their family, or kills their boyfriend, or, and this is The Big One.
he never turns them into cybermen.
bc he threatens their lives occasionally - the plane, the kaasavin - but they're not the targets there, they're collateral damage. he has a chance to threaten ryan directly at the boundary, and he doesn't, he threatens ethan instead. he sets them up to be killed by cybermen but - it's less direct. it's impersonal. (the closest thing he gets to personal is potd, between him and yaz, but that's different again, and you could write a whole essay on that episode)
and i think it's bc he knows. and the doctor knows. and the fam doesn't know but the tardis absolutely sits judgement upon him. that bill was too far.
bill - who was willing to sacrifice herself for the world, willing to let missy kill her, who was conned into friendship bc the master was angry at themselves. for standing with the doctor. bill, who they caused and they walked away from and now the doctor is seething with rage towards them. bill, who they don't know is still alive (sort of) and travelling happily. saxon crossed a line with that - a line that the master hasn't crossed before.
and now killing the doctor's humans isn't fun. or new.
it's dangerous.
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origami-butterfly · 4 months
I think we as a fandom forget how unhinged the Mendies all are (especially Huntington):
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(Cookery talking to Solomon)
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Convinced this is Mendy-language for "You look like shit"
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I'm never getting over Bern calling Stitchery "an evil advisor"
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*Huntington casually suggests extinction*
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heyitsspaceace · 5 months
something i am SO excited about for the new doctor who seasons is that they seem to really be playing with fashion and period specific fashion and i’m SO hyped about that. like seeing 15 have what…like 5 different outfits in the christmas special? the regency outfits in the trailers and the 60’s-70’s vibes for the beatles episode? ive always thought that there should be more historical fashion in doctor who. you see it like once in season one, and it’s just rose in episode 3, the other time in the 50’s with ten and rose as well, it was really great in 11’s christmas special as well and i love it, and the episode where bill and 12 go to the 1800’s. but give me more. like we know the tardis has a sick wardrobe!! use it!! for a person who’s main thing is like “oh don’t mess up time!” (which she fails at miserably most of the time bc she can’t stop messing with time) the doctor never thinks to wear historical dress and i personally think they would love that!! yeah i know it’s probably a “oh each doctor has a distinct look! gotta keep it that way!!” okay but when i see all of 15 outfits, no matter what era, i still see them as still absolutely in line with 15’s vibes.
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every day i pray for doctor who to stop neglecting companions other than rose and doctors other than ten and every day RTD spits in my face and says "more Rose angst"
I just want Martha or Bill or Rory or, god forbid, 11-13 to be treated with respect 😭
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timegays · 1 year
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Finally get to do the @june-doe-event​ !!
First four days- pride hcs, post canon (everyone lives), fav platonic relationship and fav romantic!!
Pride hcs: ocean- aroace lesbian she/her pronouns. Noel- gay bi-gender he/she/they pronouns. Mischa-pan transman asexual he/they pronouns. Ricky-bi genderfluid all pronouns plus cat/space neos. Constance- pan pangender any pronouns. Penny- aroace lesbian non-binary they/she pronouns.
Fav platonic: all of them. Put any of them together and I’ll just be like. “yup. That’s the shit right there”. I love them all so much.
Fav romantic: not a huge shipper in this fandom but spacerap is just. The ship idk why. I love them. Sugarsheep is a close second. Everything else I just think is okay and watch from afar. 
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