#and midterms might be stressful
cardinalbe · 6 months
I've been reviewing some of my pictures and I gotta say... well, for one, I am terrible at taking pictures. But! Secondly, Spandau Zitadel really is a hidden gem. It's like seven museums, an archaeology site, and a sick castle-fort all in one place! And it definitely takes more than a couple hours to work through so maybe don't wait until like 15:00 to arrive...
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ra-vio · 10 months
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Its the end of the year
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papayafiles · 8 months
me when charles extends his contract with ferrari and drops a cool motivational video: oh cool ig 🤷‍♀️ idrc lol we knew it was coming anyway
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it was very dumb of me to go back to school right after my dad died tbh
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mochinon-yah · 6 months
School, i hate you 😔 i thought you guys will stop bullying me when midterms are over- nah, jk i know that's not gonna happen haha
LMAO FUNNY STORY TIME ACTUALLY! When midterms were over, i was like "yohoo, pls no more study for a while, i'm tired" but nooo, they just gotta be "okay, let's study now" AAAAAA I SHOULD'VE KNOWN MAN ☝️☝️☝️ THAT ONE TIME AFTER MIDTERMS, I DID NOT BRING A SINGLE BOOK AND WAS JUST YOLO-ING IT HAHAHAHHA
Well, actually i did bring one book but lmao it was a random ass book that i always brought daily to every class
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straylaughs · 4 months
past two weeks have been hell and somehow i forgot about maws season 2 😭😭😭
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cherubxkisses · 8 months
grinding so hard for my midterm tmrw…. i’ve been studying for 6 hours and it’s only 2pm
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sweetly-yours-and-mine · 10 months
And on today's episode of is it a stressed sleep-deprived overcaffeinated skipping a meal or an old woman whose bones ache when the cold hits her type of headache
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orangerainforest · 10 months
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victory-cookies · 11 months
*through gritted teeth* I’m branching out. I’m getting involved
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boowhumps · 11 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 12
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Abuse
~ Mentions of Injury
Karyme taps her fingers on her knee as she flips a page of her book with the other.
Insomnia. A familiar yet equally annoying condition. Even after dealing with it for years, it still bothered her.
She sighs, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes to no avail. She then closes the book with a frown and tosses it aside.
She lays back on the couch, looking up at the dark ceiling.
She turns her head to the clock, which reads 2:16 am.
She runs a hand through her hair, closing her eyes. As she tries to find sleep, she moves uncomfortably as the pain in her stomach begins to increase.
She rolls over to the side, eyes shut tightly as she breathes slowly.
She hugs a pillow with her arms, burying her head into it. A creaking sound fills the quiet apartment, making Karyme open one eye.
She makes out the sound of footsteps. She closes her eyes again.
They get closer.
Karyme ignores them.
And closer.
She focuses on breathing.
They stop.
A hand slowly rests on her shoulder, surprisingly not making Karyme flinch back.
She looks up at Kaiden, who only sighs in response.
"Thought you fell asleep out here." He says softly.
Karyme shakes her head, mumbling into the pillow.
His hand moves under her chin, lifting her head out of the pillow.
"..you okay.?" He asks.
Karyme pauses, then slowly shakes her head.
Kaiden nods in response. "Your stomach is hurting again, isn't it?"
Karyme nods.
"Figured as much." He replies, helping her sit up. "It's been colder these days, that usually triggers the chronic pain."
Karyme is pulled into a hug, her head resting against Kaiden's chest.
"There's something else, right?" He asks.
"..yeah.." Karyme mumbles.
"Okay.. pain meds first, talking after." He says, slowly helping Karyme stand up.
He helps her to their bedroom, laying her down underneath the blankets.
"Bundle up, I'll be back in a minute." He says, leaving the room.
Karyme slowly adjusts herself so the blankets perfectly cover her. She closes her eyes, the pain still present.
A soft shake of her shoulder makes her eyes open.
"Here, take them quick.." He says.
Karyme downs the pills, a shudder running down her spine from the cold.
Kaiden tucks her in a bit for good measure, then joins her in the bed.
He slowly takes her in his arms, his head resting on hers.
"Are the meds helping.?" He asks.
"Mhm.." Karyme hums in response.
Kaiden sighs. "You know I hate seeing you in pain.."
"I know.." She replies.
There's a silence as they both lay together.
"..wanna talk about it now.?" He asks.
Karyme sighs, then nods.
"Whenever you're ready." Kaiden tells her.
"I think I had a.." She starts. "..no.. more like a.. memory.?"
Kaiden raises an eyebrows. "You remembered something.?"
Karyme nods. "I thought it was a nightmare.. but it triggered me to remember.."
"..what was it about.?" He asks.
"..it was all a bit of a blur.. but I was young.. still had those thick black glasses I used to wear.." She says slowly.
"My.. mom was there too.." She mumbles. "Her mouth was moving, but I only heard a ringing sound.."
"..i think I was crying.." She sighs. "Then my mom leaves, and.." She stops, her mind replaying the memory over and over again..
Holding her own head in her hands..
Pulling a hand away to see blood..
Graying in and out of consciousness..
And waking up in the hospital just in time to hear the doctor say, 'head trauma..'
She suddenly clutches onto Kaiden, shaking hard. "..i think she-.. she hurt me-"
Kaiden stops her, shushing her softly.
"..its okay.. you don't need to continue.." He says with a sign. "..never liked your damn parents.."
Karyme takes a shaky breath. "..you didn't like them at first because my dad wouldn't let you take me on a date.."
Kaiden smiles. "..right.. I was pretty persistent-"
"-and we ended up sneaking out together anyways." Karyme shakes her head in a playful manner.
Kaiden goes back to a serious tone. "..you're sure it's a memory though.?"
"Positive.." Karyme responds. "..i think that incident caused my.. bad memory issues.."
Kaiden sighs deeply. "..fuck them.."
Karyme snuggles up closer to him. "Calm, Kaiden.. Calm."
Kaiden rests his hand in her hair. "I know.. calm.."
As if on cue, Karyme yawns.
"Would you look at that? They're kicking in now for sure.." He says.
He adjusts himself on the bed. "Alright, it's time to sleep, and if you wake up.. please wake me up too, yeah.?"
Karyme nods slowly, eyes already half way closed.
Kaiden smiles. "Night, baby."
Karyme mumbles a small 'love you' back and promptly falls asleep.
When she sleeps, no memories pop up..
..maybe it's better that way..
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nope-body · 1 year
#midterms week is so stressful and for what#also losing my phone Thursday evening and only getting it back this morning meant that my functionality over the weekend plummeted#other issue is that with my fatigue I cannot handle a 3 class day- especially one that doesn’t give me time to rest#by the time I get to my last class on Mondays and Wednesdays I am like half asleep and barely capable of coherent thought#and it is an entirely discussion based class that I have to write an essay for#i have a test for one of my other classes but honestly half of it is 6th grade chemistry and the other half is environmental issues I#learned last semester so I’m not too worried#but there’s no clear prompt for the essay!! and I’m behind on the readings and barely remember classes because I’m so fatigued by the time I#get to the classroom- this isn’t even something that becomes a problem halfway through that class#honestly it usually becomes a problem a bit before my second class ends just because of how that class functions#we do small group discussions every class and I can never hear what people are saying because it’s so loud and there’s like three people who#are just. so. loud. and I can’t hear someone else talking even if they’re literally right next to me#so that saps a ton of energy#I might ask my professor if going forward I can choose to opt in or out of that part due to how much fatigue it causes and how much I#struggle just to understand what someone is saying#I also need to send an email to the ODA because they dropped the ball in a couple different ways in regards to my accommodations and I need#them to fix that. also like. I know the head of the department. we have had multiple conversations since I am the chair of the student#disability group and she is the head of the disability department#I also know multiple people working in the ODA (students) and another person who I specifically can go to if an accommodation is denied#because she will get them to revisit my case (and likely approve the accommodation)#what I’m saying is that I have Connections. but they’re worthless if I don’t know if I’ve been approved or denied an accommodation!#I’ll send them an email. cc the person I met with both this year and last year (who somehow managed to remember me?) and see what happens#one of the issues is that they approved me for an accommodation to use this application and said they’d send me a link to access my account#and they just. never did! like they approved an accommodation and then failed to provide me with said accommodation#and the last thing that the ODA wants is the person in charge of the disability group on campus to decide that they’re not doing a good#enough job because I can cause a huge commotion#I have semi-regularly emailed with one of the assistant deans. I am actively communicating with one of the organizers in our#campus’s student labor advocacy coalition (which I was a part of last year) and they are super experienced in making a big impact about#an issue. I also learned from them last year and we support each other this year so again. Connections#they really don’t want me on their bad side. should I have to threaten my way into getting my accommodations? no but I will as a last resort
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ririblogsss · 5 months
hi, if anyone thought I was MIA im srry my computer decided to die on me.
Anyways I have a mini prompt.....
Imagine Danny's just straight up vibing at collage, he has a part time job his doing a degree in aerospace and biology, so he can become an astronauts. (He has fact checked he technically falls under the meta acts, so legally he's allowed to become an astronaut if he so wishes). Anyways back to the point. Danny has 2 difficult majors where he has a bunch of labs to run and multiple test and exams to take and the part time job. I think that with that much stress pilling up and on top of that having to prepare for his parents coming to his university to check on him. Danny is stressed and he isn't being an academic weapon he's more of an academic victim.
So when a vigilante and a freaking clown (as bitch) of a villain barge into his class room where he is currently taking his midterms worth 30% of his overall grade. Danny goes ballistic, I mean ape shit. On both of them he spares nothing pummeling them into the ground until they promise not to do anything until he finishes his exam.
Danny was given 10 points extra credit, and his professor gave him an extension for every assignment. Now every time he's on campus people just go up to him and shake his hand or just admire him.
His parents are just telling him how his following their footsteps when they finally visit. And it would be good and all because he's parents are A grade geniuses, but they're also supervillains. More importantly renowned supervillains. (think of Doofenshmirtz, but family).
the collage students: *if we treat him with respect he might spare us when he eventually turns*
Professor: *Im not going to be held responsible for creating the next Fenton villain*
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sweet-as-kiwis · 2 years
why is midterm season Like This
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moondirti · 6 months
cws: creepy behaviour that leads into future dubcon. you’re not enthusiastic but don’t hate it either? idk how to tag this
a home loaning system where civilians (who pass a thorough vetting by the military) can sublet their home as a safe house for any soldier who might need it.
you’re no patriot. when you sign up, you aren’t doing it to serve those who serve your country like the website suggests. in fact, it’s a last ditch attempt to keep yourself afloat after your roommate moves out and leaves you with a rent you can’t feasibly afford yourself. sacrifice your space in exchange for your housing fully paid for and a headache gone – it’s appealing, certainly, a little too good to be true. you’d suspect it a scam if the url didn’t end in .gov.
they ask for a lot, of course. a photo. your national insurance number, passport details and travel history from the past 10 years. occupation (student, which prompts a second question asking for your school and university ID). a ‘robust’ paragraph about your living habits. family history, health details. you must black out at one point, as you find yourself hitting submit hours later with no knowledge of what to expect.
that is, if you should expect anything. a confirmation email arrives moments later, and that’s the last you hear of it.
until 4 months later. a hefty sum hits your account, set to the exact amount you specified your rent + utilities to cost. the sender is the only indication you get that you’ve been accepted: the royal army pay corps. on their dime now, and expected to act with the utmost discretion – for your sake as much as theirs. you spend that night fighting sleep on the couch, waiting for a knock by some zealot in fatigues.
no one shows up.
not immediately, at least. gratefully – and a tad surprising given your infamously cheap government – you’re paid regardless of whether anyone requires your service or not. for weeks you treat it as passive income, gauze against bleeding finances, tamping your stress so you can focus on your studies instead. life begins to look up. the air smells a little crisper every morning. you sleep deep and well.
but the knock comes. belatedly, but it comes.
at 12 am, no less. you had resolved to pull an all-nighter to study for your midterm, so you don’t miss the low rap of knuckles against your door. though at this point, you’ve long forgotten of the expectation that can be delegated to you at any time. your apartment’s a mess: laundry unfolded, dishes stacked in the sink. what’s more, your spontaneous guest scares you out of your right mind. a quick look through the peephole is enough to tell you that he is not the pizza delivery man, but a figure towering just below two metres, dressed in a balaclava and plain hoodie.
“who is it?” you call out, scrambling for an offensive weapon of any sort. you end up with a broom from the nearby cleaning cupboard.
“lieutenant riley.”
you crack open the door, poking your head out to give him a thorough once over. “you don’t look very military-like.”
“wha’ a shame.”
lieutenant riley then gives you no choice but to step aside, driving himself through the entryway through brute force. your instinct is to react with pure terror, tripping backward until the broomstick crosses firmly over your chest. yet flight rapidly switches to fight as he dumps his duffel bag by your shoe rack and rummages through your fridge.
“hey! don’t they teach you manners in basic?”
“wouldn’ last a day if they did, pet.” he tucks three water bottles under his arm, then picks his stuff off the ground once more. amidst the warmer light of your home, he stands as a herculean anomaly. shoulders that fill the foyer, each hand as large as your skull. his eyes – shadowed, framed in isolation from the rest of his face. and when he stares, unease bleeds into you. as black and void as his civic garb, forming a tightening grip over your heart.
this strange man is in your home.
this strange, large, dangerous man is here to stay for however long he needs.
he lacks all propriety and unabashedly ogles at your bare legs, adjusting himself in plain sight – and to make things exponentially worse, he isn’t uninvited. you brought this man here.
(which means you’ll have to put up with the strange violation already settling in your chest.)
“your… your room is on the left.”
he says nothing, disappearing to where you point him.
so, the lieutenant is a fucking nightmare.
whatever benefits came with having your rent paid for are immediately negated by the amount of food he consumes. groceries that last you a fortnight are gone in a matter of days, which is perplexing given that you never see him cook. you imagine he slips whatever he can down his throat before going back into hibernation, like some beast too primal for preference.
you call it hibernation because that’s what it is. he knocks out for hours, door locked, no sound or light coming from the gap underneath. you once spent half an hour just listening in after he hadn’t shown face all day, wondering whether you’d be making a call to corpse control for the dead body in your guest room. the effort had been purely motivated by concern, you swear it, however hard that was to explain when he stepped out a few minutes later to find you on your knees, cheek pressed against the floor.
the look he gave you is impossible to forget. hungry, amusement palpable behind the eyes that immediately fix onto your raised behind. you stopped wearing pyjama shorts that day. partly due to your discomfort, but mostly because the pair goes inexplicably missing from your laundry basket. a voice tells you to check under his pillow when he steps out, but the possibility is far too upsetting to seriously consider.
not like he’s above it, though. he crosses so many boundaries, you’d think they weren’t common courtesy.
of such instances: in the months since your roommate moved out, you’d gotten into the bad habit of keeping the bathroom door unlocked. while that is your fault, the terror himself isn’t blameless given his address of the situation. he should be able to hear the water running as you brush your teeth or wash your face, and yet he walks in anyway, pulling his heavy cock out to piss as you try to ignore the way it heaves between his legs, even when completely soft.
“doyewmind?” you hiss one morning, mouth still full of foam. it looms in your periphery, fat and ruddy. a trail of wild hair leading down to–
riley shoots you a blank look. “no’ at all.”
then tucks himself back into his pants, hand smoothing across your lower back as he slips out. it occurs to you to be grateful that he keeps away when you shower, up until the absolute absurdity of your standards hit you like a killing blow.
the bar is in hell.
(yet you sneak a finger between your legs sometimes, only when you’re absolutely sure you’ve locked the door, and imagine how things would unfold if he were to infringe on your most basic of rights.)
it doesn’t take long before your quiet fantasy is realised. all it takes is for you to come home particularly late one night – heels in hand and makeup a mess after letting yourself loose at the end-of-term party – to find riley waiting on you, unmasked.
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nilisntgreat · 2 years
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