#the best way to Actually make people learn would be smaller exams with corrections being a choice post exam
sweet-as-kiwis · 2 years
why is midterm season Like This
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novadrivingschoolva · 3 months
5 Tips to Pass Driving Test | 2024
There's an instructor or Driving School in Falls Church out there for everyone - how can you know which one will best meet your needs? Below are a few key factors that could be important when making this choice:
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Are They Reputable? For recommendations from friends, family or colleagues. Once you've shortlisted some driving instructors or schools, read online reviews from people to gain a clearer idea of their reputations.
Are they flexible? When finding a Driving School in Tysons corner flexibility is of the utmost importance. Find someone who offers lessons at times convenient for you so they don't disrupt your daily schedule and keep their promises.
Are They Offering An Effective Teaching Method? Individual learning styles differ, so be sure to choose an instructor or school with a teaching style that best meets your own learning requirements. Some individuals prefer more relaxed and informal methods while others require a more structured, disciplined atmosphere for maximum efficiency.
- What Vehicle Do They Utilize? When looking for driving instructors or schools that suit your particular requirements - for instance if you are particularly tall or short - check their selection of vehicles. Some driving schools might use smaller cars that may provide greater comfort to some individuals.
Are There Discounts or Special Offers Available? Many driving instructors and schools provide discounts for block bookings or offer special introductory packages to new students; it would be wise to inquire before making your commitments.
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These factors should help you select a Driving School Services in Leesburg that meets all your criteria, so you can begin the path toward becoming a certified driver!
Study Hard
How can you know how many lessons you need? Speak with a certified driving instructor; they'll assess your skills and knowledge and give an estimate as to how many lessons are necessary before being ready to take your driving test.
As theory lessons are just part of the process, remember to dedicate some time practicing your driving skills as well. Working with an expert driving instructor would be ideal but practicing with family or friends who already possess full licenses can also work wonders!
Finding the ideal combination of theory and practical driving school in Annandale is crucial if you hope to pass your driving test the first time around. Consult a qualified driving instructor before scheduling a test appointment, to get an estimate of how many lessons may be necessary before booking it.
Not Just Paid Courses
In addition to taking paid lessons with an instructor, the DVSA recommends practicing driving on your own for 22 hours outside paid lessons with family or friends who hold full UK driving licenses for at least three years and possess experience.
Driving School in Merrifield is Essential! Driving practice tests can be an invaluable way to increase your driving proficiency before your driving exam. Remember that more time spent behind the wheel increases your chance of passing!
Conduct Mock Up Test Routes
Practice truly does make perfect, especially when it comes to taking your driving test. By driving the same routes that will be tested on, you'll gain a sense of how traffic moves and what awaits you on test day - this way, your focus can remain solely on mastering every maneuver without feeling anxious or lost! So get out there and practice mock test routes today!
Learn from Your Mistakes
While mistakes on a mock driving test can be frustrating, if Driving School in Stone ridge is not chosen , it is essential that you distinguish between major and minor errors. Major errors could potentially cause accidents; minor ones are simply driving faults that don't threaten anyone's safety. Attempt to avoid major errors during your mock test to reduce the chances of failing the actual driving exam itself; if any do occur don't fret just focus on correcting them as soon as possible and move along with the remainder of the exam; even the best drivers make mistakes occasionally!
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goosegoblin · 4 years
Jess how the hell did u get a degree with ADHD, I'm dying (this is a little bit asking for advice but also a little bit just me feeling sorry for myself, do not stress over replying! Thanks for being a generally cool gal and writing so much about adhd in general)
I’m publishing this rather than private replying because I imagine others might have good advice- if you want me to delete it and send you the text privately, please just let me know <3
So! I hated uni! Like I really did not enjoy the vast majority of it! Granted, my ADHD was only recognised and treated in my final year- and I spent a good portion of that struggling badly with my emetophobia- but I didn’t really handle my MSc well either lmao, so I think it’s safe to say I’m the problem. I got fairly good grades and my qualifications, though, so I guess it worked out? My point is that I don’t feel I handled my ADHD well in the slightest, so I apologise that I can’t be more useful!
Still, some general advice I do have is:
- are you medicated/ in treatment? if not, make that a priority in whatever way you can
- reach out to your uni’s disability department or whatever the equivalent is and ask for an assessment to see what type of help is available to you. I got extra time on exams which wasn’t helpful in itself, but it meant that I was no longer subject to the whole ‘you cannot leave in the last thirty minutes’ rule which had previously caused me a great deal of stress. Additionally, I got to take the exam in a smaller side room that was much more casual, and I focused way better in there.
- try and do coursework/ studying in the library wherever possible. You are not a person who can work on coursework at home. I know that you will think ‘oh, but at home I can be comfy and relax, and I have my favourite playlists, and all my notes are there’- this is all true, but you are not a person who can work at home. You need the change of environment that working somewhere else forces on you to persuade your brain it is, in fact, Working Time
- don’t be afraid to ask for mitigating circumstances. I got them for both dissertations and it is the only reason I was able to hand anything in at all lmao. You will not believe how many students get them for mental health reasons- your course leaders will be super, super used to it.
- try and keep to a routine where you can? leave the house daily (hard right now, I know), eat the correct amount of Food in a day, drink water, exercise, socialise, etc. i know you know all this stuff but i feel obliged to say it anyway
- sometimes you will hear a voice saying ‘i can skip today’s lecture because it’s recorded/ i can catch up later’. that is the devil talking. you will never ‘catch up later’ and if it’s recorded on panopto or similar, you will never watch it. do not let the devil in.
- i made flashcards often using various apps (anki is popular; i used studyblue but these days they make it Very Clear they would like you to pay money for the full version) and i found them super helpful. sitting down to study is a Whole Thing, but going through flashcards while on the toilet or walking somewhere is way, way easier.
- no, you don’t need to buy another notebook.
- comparison is the thief of joy! yes, there will be people on your course who know the material inside out and backwards and talk about how they only spent nine hours in the library yesterday. who cares! that’s their life; you are living yours. also here is a secret: nobody who says they spent nine hours in the library actually did work for the entire nine hours. i promise you this.
- no, you do not need to buy more gel pens
- bring a fidget toy or similar to lectures if you can. i warned one of my lecturers in advance that i would be using it and i wish i’d done that more often bc that lady was cool as hell and it was v helpful
- i can only imagine how much rougher online learning must be making all of this. i am positive people have made good resources on how to deal with it, but just so you know, i know a lot of ADHD ppl really struggling with it. i don’t say this to freak you out, but more to let you know if you feel the same way, it is not your fault and you are not alone
i don’t know your course, but if it’s one where you can reasonably just opt to not learn certain things, that... is not always the worst idea. like, the way my final year exams worked is that we got given a series of essay questions and we picked 3 to write responses to. this meant there were entire areas of the course i could simply opt out of. obviously this is not the ideal way to do things, but if you’re running out of time and this one area of the course is just making you fuckin suicidal to think about, then deciding to just rule it out can work.
(shoutout to my first year biochem course when not a single person picked the microbiology question and our course leader posted a pissy forum message about it god bless)
anyway this is long and probably not helpful, but i love you and i am sorry you are struggling. i struggled too! people who say uni was the best time of their life are generally not dealing with the type of thing we deal with, and that’s okay. it’s okay for uni to not be the best time of your life. it’s okay to struggle. it doesn’t mean you can’t do well or that you don’t deserve to be there. hang in there, my friend, and message me any time- i am always happy to listen or help in any way i can xxxxxx
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
How would bakugou react to finding out that s/o is slim thicc but always wears baggy clothes cause anxiety sucks?
A/N: I feel so old, I had to look up what slim thicc meant to make sure my assumption was correct- I’M 19 WHY DIDN’T I KNOW SLIM THICC WAS A THING!?
Title: Thiccer than a Snicker 
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
You weren’t fond of showing your body off
Even though you didn’t like it
That doesn’t mean you hate your body
No, you were actually comfortable in your own skin 
You really liked your body type and found yourself hawt and beautiful
You just didn’t like how often you’d get stared at
The feeling of eyes on your body was disturbing
Making your stomach queasy and palms sweaty
You always felt so nervous when you got looked at
So you covered up
You made this decision right before you started U.A.
Wanting some kind of fresh start for high school
It’s not like you needed a nice body to be a hero
As long as you could save people
You wore baggier clothes 
Bigger uniforms
And even had a hero outfit that left much to the imagination
 It worked out well
Not being bothered and stared at by anyone
Even Mineta
He probably just assumed you were flat all over
You were 100% okay with that
You saw how he acted with the other girls and you were disgusted
People like him were the reason you were so set
On not wearing anything that’d give people mental images
However, you did have one good man in your life
Katsuki Bakugou
You both had barley started dating a couple weeks ago and he had been nothing short of the best
It came as a shock to everyone when you two were figured out
But most people let it go
Seeing as you are a pretty good influence on the hot head
And he was a good influence for you too
Often times helping you overcome things that’d you’d be too scared for
Letting you overcome your fears alone, but with his support there if you needed it
Your body was something you weren’t yet willing to open up with however
Even though you trusted Katsuki with your life
You couldn’t shake the fear that crept through your mind at the though
Having thoughts that he’d only want you for your body
Which you knew wasn’t true
And maybe one day you’d open up with these fears of yours
You never expected that day to come so soon though.
Aizawa-sensei was going over how the second year exams would be going down
And a certain piece of information made your body freeze
“Because of this, the proper uniform is going to be these type of tight flight suits. To help with safety, so I’ll be-” 
He held up an example picture, showcasing the male and female model in these tight suits-
You felt your breathing pick up at the thought
But tried to calm yourself down so you didn’t make a scene
Of course, your lovely and ever so attentive noticed your panicked expression and made a mental note to talk to you as soon as he could
After class, Bakugou came over to wait for you as always
You were the last ones out of the classroom and he debated on asking you now or later
But when he saw how you picked and pinched the skin of your hands
He knew it had to be now
He held your hands in his own
Forcing you to stop
You looked up in surprise
Since you never realize when you’re doing it
Bakugou had learned quickly about your anxiety
And found ways to help you cope without having you hurt yourself
“It’s alright to be nervous about the exam, there’s no shame in it. I’m sure you aren’t the only one.”
“That’s not it..”
“Then what’s bugging you.”
You wondered if you should just tell him
Tell him because the sooner you did the better chance you’d have at letting him in
“I.. not here.. Can we go to my dorm, please?”
He didn’t need to be asked twice
Dragging you all the way back to the dorms
He sat at the desk chair while you sat on the bed
He gave you his full attention and let you take your time in talking
“I.. I’m scared about having to wear the suits.”
“Hah? You know I don’t care what you look like.”
“Yeah but,, Others will.”
“What do you mean?”
You hugged yourself
A method Katsuki told you to do if you ever get overwhelmed
He said nothing else
Waiting once more for you
“People like to stare at me.”
You knew he wouldn’t fully understand unless you told him
Or showed him
Could you even do that?
What if he looked at you just like everyone else has?
Katsuki was nothing like them
You could do this.
“H-hold on.”
You grabbed a change of clothes and that had him confused
You walked into your closet and closed the door
Holding the clothes with trembling hands hands
You let out a shaky breath before removing your school uniform
Putting on an outfit that was more tight fitting than normal
It wasn’t the tightest but it it showed off all of your curves
You held yourself once more and whispered the word breath over and over
Low enough so Katsuki couldn’t hear 
You reached out to open the door
Pausing once to take a last breath before opening it slowly
Katsuki was staring down at some of your school work on the desk
Turning around when he heard the door
His eyes blinked at the sight of you
You held your hands around your middle
Slouching to make yourself seem smaller
You couldn’t look at him
When you finally did he was staring straight into your eyes
You flushed at the stare and noted how his cheeks were equally red
But his gaze never wandered
He stayed glued to your face
“What am I supposed to be seeing?”
“W-well, me! I don’t know, people like to look a-and it.. it makes me nervous and scared-”
“If they do I’ll kill them.”
He was serious
No one was allowed to make you feel uncomfortable
Not ever
“Well...Y-you don’t care..?”
“I know my girl is hot, doesn’t mean I need to stare at her like a piece of meat.”
He scoffed, looking back at the desk
“y-you say that but you’re blushing-”
“Like I said, I know my girl is hot! Shut up!” 
His face darkened and you giggled 
He turned back to face you at the sound
Eyes never wavering and for that you couldn’t be more grateful
You sat on your bed and patted the spot next to you
He sat next to you and was pouting frowning
“Thank you Katsuki.”
“Tch. What the hell are you thanking me for idiot. This is how it should be.”
You still weren’t comfortable in front of others
But you were growing to be 100% open with him
So once you were finally comfortable enough around him
And you two were just alone together
Your body positive and playful side came out 100 fold
Much to the annoyance of your boyfriend
“I’m trying to sneak around but I’m dummy thicc, and the clap of my ass cheeks keep alerting the guards-”
“What the actual FUCK are you talking about!?”
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polandspringz · 4 years
So I’m actually VERY proud of this fic, so if you follow me for my other RWBY writing I kind of implore you to read this even if it’s about an OC of mine. It’s about her relationship with Ironwood, as I’ve been riding the high of Volume 7 and 8 and I think it’s helped me create an interesting dynamic by giving Ironwood someone like my OC in his past. This is a part of a series of other works, but you don’t necessarily have to read the other ones before this one! There’s context in the opening notes.
The one time Rui said she would never go back to Atlas, and all the times she did.
A preview of the story will be posted down below, but to go read the full work click the link!
A young James Ironwood marched his way through the white, sterile halls of the Ironwood family’s private hospital. Arms folded behind his back and posture straight, he fought the urge to shove his way through the staff crowding the halls, his fingers flexing as he held his hand in one another, tightened in fists. He may be the eldest son of the Ironwoods, and as much as that was a title, he was only a boy. A boy with a very easily damaged reputation.
It would do no good to cause a scene here, no matter how badly he wanted to sprint forward and run. (To her).
He reached the respective door. The skin of his right palm pressed against the flat cold metal and pushed it open, revealing a similarly monochrome room, sapped of life. The hospital did not sing of death, but reeked of sadness, emptiness, the quietness of the halls and doctor’s faces as they stared over charts, it was suffocating. He knew it must be terrible for her too, for he had only just met her and he could tell she was a lively girl, she didn’t deserve to be weighed down, caged in like this, but it was for the best. He could provide the best care for her here, he could fix what he failed to stop that day. He could-
The edge of the door blurred away as it left the corner of his vision, and the interior of the room was revealed. A dresser. A bedside table for meds. A metal bed frame stretched over with starch white linens. Curtains danced above the bed, the air of the open window circulating throughout the room.
It was a cold day in Atlas. Even with the city’s temperature control, she would catch a cold if she-
“-if you keep hanging out the window like that.”
She was leaning against the sill, her head only turning the slightest bit where it was perched upon her palm when she heard his voice. Her glasses were missing, her hair was tied up tight, kept out of the way of the bandages wrapping around her back underneath the hospital robe. She looked disinterested, likely tired, but he could see she at least tried to act happy in his presence. She must have felt some obligation to him.
“I promise I’m not going anywhere. It’s just nice to watch the snow flurries, reminds me of home.”
She turned back to look outside. He took a great step, his whole body leaning forward with the motion before he bounced up on his heels, bridging the gap between them more and more. There was a metal chair folded up against the wall by the dresser. He swiped it and sat down.
“Miss Rui Kazahana, I don’t think we’ve had the chance to get properly acquainted.”
“You can just call me Rui. There’s no need for formalities with me, Mr. Ironwood.”
“Then in the same way, you can be casual with me. Calling me Mister makes me feel greater than I am.”
“Well, aren’t you great? I was under the impression you had to be a pretty big Atlas elite to be able to pay for… well, all of this,” she didn’t move, but her eyes looked towards her back briefly.
“My family may be, but I am merely a boy,” he crossed his legs, and folded his hands over his knee, “You may just call me James.”
“Alright then. James,” she nodded, turning to face him properly. It took her a minute to shift and turn around fully without twisting her injuries, but when she was done he couldn’t help but notice the way she was curled up, one leg tucked beneath her, the other bent and pulled close to her chest. She looked at him with her cream colored eyes, tiny slivers of irises that the reflection of light barely had space to swirl around in as her dilated pupils seemed to eat up all of her eyes. They looked smaller behind her glasses. She seemed to still be afraid of him, hunched over and afraid as she traced her finger against the linens of the bed.
“Are you not from Atlas, Rui?”
“What makes you ask that?”
“You said the snow reminds you of home. You speak as if home is somehow different than the snow that falls in Atlas?”
“Oh, well, I am from Atlas. My grandparents raised me in one of the smaller homes built near the agricultural district. But, I have memories of being younger and living with my parents, somewhere else.”
“Somewhere else? Somewhere with more snow?”
“In the tundra perhaps?” She started to shrug but then let out a hiss of pain, “Again, I was very young. I only remember a lot of white, and the gray sky, and the way the flurries danced down around me. They were coming down heavier than they do under any of the climate control systems.”
“I see. Well, I’m not sure how to segue into this but, how are you feeling? I’m sorry I couldn’t be here right after your surgery. You and I are practically strangers, so the doctors wouldn’t disclose your information to me, not that I would have asked because it is private, but I was hoping-”
The rest of his rambling died on his lips when he heard her laugh. It was a bit raspy, a bit hoarse, but it was genuine and made her whole face scrunch up with joy. She was laughing at him.
“James, James, it’s okay. It’s nothing big for me to tell you how I’m doing, and I don’t mind doing so but… thanks for not prying and respecting my privacy. I know a ton of Atlesian elites would just demand the medical files be handed over.”
His mouth felt dry. He wanted to ask if that was an accusation- did you really think I would do that?- but he had to remind himself that they were strangers still. This was their first real conversation.
“Surgery went well, in a way I guess. They dealt with all the blood feathers, managed to correct it so in time there won’t be any pain from the injury, nothing severe I guess, but…”
She sighed, and looked back at the snow fall, going quiet for a minute. Her expression kept changing, her lips pressed thin one minute then warbling into a frown and then a sad smile the next. James could see how bad the injury was, her wings were still bandaged and folded up against her back, no feathers visible underneath, but it looked bad, but the surgery went well. So if there was a catch-
“Unfortunately,” her voice hitched, “They said the damage to the bones of the wings was too great. Even though they set everything, they’ll likely never fully heal. I…”
She sucked in her tears with another wet gasp.
“I won’t be able to fly with them again.”
James wanted to jump out of his seat and run down the hall, grab the nearest doctor and punch his skull in and then demand they reevaluate, do something else. There had to be a way to fix them, there had to be. They were wrong, he-
He stayed in his seat, folding his hands and squeezing his interlocked fingers in a deathly grip. His face though, he only let his expression crumple slightly, looking away with a mature but saddened expression of regret.
“I’m… sorry. I wish I could do more for you.”
“Oh, you’ve already done so much. I owe you plenty just for this. I might have died if I hadn't been brought here.  And goodness knows my family couldn’t afford this, so, thank you for covering the bills, I was told about that so thank you again.”
“No there… there must be something more I can do for you,” he let his hands fall apart, and he sat on the edge of the chair, ready to jump up, “I’ve already spoken with the headmaster, those students who attacked you, they’ll be expelled but, I’m not so naive. I know there will be others, that there were others who just stood by while it happened. And there might be others in the future.”
“What are you saying? I know all of that too.”
“But it will get better in the future. I promise, the training schools take everyone, but once you get to the academies, they cut out those who aren’t capable, aren’t worthy. People like that won’t survive past the entrance exams, so you can rest easy.”
She let out a confused, nervous laugh at that, “Who’s to say I won’t be cut by those exams too? I have to learn a whole new combat style. I was wholly reliant on my wings until now. I won’t be able to relearn how to fight by the time I graduate.”
He was practically out of his chair now. He felt manic, buzzing with excitement. Yes, the solution was there now, it was right in front of him he just needed to-!
“But you don’t have to pass the exam,” he said, standing up slowly, legs straightening, “My family has connections, we could put in a recommendation. You could get into Atlas Academy with no worry, and the others would be cut out. They have the best technology. They’re the military so they might have more options than my family does to fix your wings. They might-”
He stopped talking and his feet froze in place. He had started pacing. She was kneeling on the bed and facing him, a smile on his lips but her eyes downward, not watching him. She was being careful in her movements, anything sudden would send contortions of pain down into the muscles connecting to her crumpled up wings.
“Thank you for everything you said. I really don’t like the idea of asking for more, since again, you have done more than enough but… I think I do have one request, if you’re willing to answer it.”
“Of course! Anything for-”
“Get me out of Atlas.”
Her eyes were cold and empty as they stared at the sheets, “I never want to come back here again.”
To read the rest go to the link at the top of this post!
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Hi! I’d like to request a ship, from Star Trek AOS & from Marvel, both with men. I’m a student, and I take that pretty seriously, I plan on going to graduate school. Honestly, I really enjoy researching and learning new things & getting high marks is very satisfying. In my spare time, I like to read (usually romance novels), listen to music (usually mistaking or taylor swift), or play trivia games with my younger siblings. ✨🤍
tumblr keeps saying something is going wrong with my ask, idk, i am SO sorry if you get multiples of this. I really do Not mean to spam.
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Hey! Don’t worry, these are the only ones I got, no repeats! I hope you like them :)
Star Trek AOS: 
I ship you with Leonard Mccoy
I chose Leonard because I think he would be very appreciative of your love of academics as well as your family-oriented personality. I think your personalities would mold well together as you are both ambiverts. I almost chose Spock to be your match, but I think Leonard would be a better match. 
How you met + his first impression of you: 
It was your first day on Enterprise and you had to report to the medical bay for an exam. 
Leonard ended up being the doctor to do it, so that was how you met. 
He usually does not pay too much mind to those who come in and out of the med-bay
But you caught his eye with your smile and politeness.
He could tell you were a bit shy, but warmed up to him when he was polite in return. 
He thought you were interesting and was hopeful that he would see you around the ship. 
How he describes you to his friends/family: 
He would often boast to people about how smart you are.
Granted, most people in starfleet are intelligent, but he made a point to express how different you were to others. 
That you learned not because you had to, but because you wanted to and were passionate about it. 
Leonard would often mention your siblings too, and how you are around them.
This is because he loves how much you care about them and thinks it is a prominent part of who you are, so he wants other to know it as well. 
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Your Best Friend: 
I think you would be best-friends with Sulu.
You two would get along really well. He can be an extrovert at times, but much prefers smaller gatherings and being with a few people at a time. You would bond over this, but would also be good at bringing out the more extroverted sides of each other, allowing you to have fun with others and each-other. 
(Other ship under cut) 
I actually ship you with Tony. 
At first glance, your personalities are quite different, but I think you would influence each other in good ways. Tony would help you grow out of your comfort zone without forcing you, and you would bring out a more domestic side to him. This is because he sees how you are with your siblings, and it makes him feel soft for you, and he loves how kind and generous you are, Though he does not quite agree with your music taste. Don’t bring up the time you caught him singing along to Love Story. 
How you met + his first impression of you: 
You worked with SHIELD and ended up helping him with a project he needed help with. 
He didn’t notice you until you piped in while he was thinking out loud. 
You corrected a simply mistake he brushed over and he was almost surprised by it. 
He could see that you were more passionate about your work than the others which made him like you even more.
After taking a good look at you he began bouncing ideas off of you and using you as a soundboard. 
After working with you he found a fondness for you and offered you a job. 
You refused, but he liked you enough to seek you out to help him with new projects, so it was like you worked with him anyways. 
How he describes you to friends/family: 
He is the type to not go into too much detail.
He would briefly describe your looks and height, using the word “cute” a few times. 
When he begins describing your personality he goes into a bit more detail “Smart”, “passionate”, “has siblings, they’re alright.” 
Sometimes he describes you as “his better half”. 
So people tend to never know what to expect when they meet you, which to Tony is good. He likes people forming their own opinions of you, because they are great 10/10 times. 
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Rhodey. Even though Rhodey is also Tony’s best-friend, I think he would be yours as well. You three get along great, and Rhodey acts like a big brother to you. He often tells Tony that you are his favorite, which Tony is always offended by, though at the same time, he gets it. Your his favorite too. And god forbid Tony ever hurt your feelings or make you mad because Rhodey will be the first to offer to kick his ass. 
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adhdstudybitch · 5 years
Practical Tips for ADHD College Students
I know a few posts like this already exist, but I wanted to add my own experiences to the mix in case it would be helpful to someone else. Some of these will look familiar, some not so much.
Disclaimers: 1) What works for me may not work for you, take everything with a grain of salt and experiment, 2) These are what I’m using for a 4-year school but I imagine it would be applicable for any college? I wish I’d known to do some of these things when I was at CC, 3) I won’t pretend that I am an ADHD success story, not yet. I’m still finding my way, learning to cope, learning to thrive. It’s a process.
NOTE: This post is kinda long; if it’s too long I recommend just reading the bolded/italicized headings and only reading the ones that pique your interest :)
Sensory Issues:
Wear comfortable clothing: Screw the mentality that you always have to look your best in college. At the end of the day, feeling hot but ridiculously uncomfortable will trigger sensory issues (especially if you’re someone who is sensitive to certain materials/styles of clothing) and it will impact concentration and can cause a lot of distress. Are you comfortable in those sweatpants, pajama bottoms, baggy shirts? Cool, wear them. 
Stim toys: Love yourself, buy (or make!) stim toys and bring them to school. Can’t speak for CC because I didn’t use stim toys when I went, but at my 4-year school everyone is too busy drowning in deadlines to notice you squishing thinking putty or using a fidget cube under the table. 
Try different stim toys: I used to get caught up on trying to make the more popular stim toys work for me when they didn’t, so I had to experiment a bit to see what worked. It’s not always as simple as cubes, spinners, squishy toys, etc. If you have issues with texture you’ll want to really experiment, especially with things like putty, squishibles, etc. to see what is comfortable and what isn’t. But there’s a big ol’ market out there!
Headphones/Earplugs: The single most helpful sensory detail for me was always bringing my headphones to campus. I get easily overstimulated in uncontrolled situations with lots of different sounds. I make sure my volume is enough to block the noise out, but the songs I choose in these instances are usually familiar, so they don’t provide too much new stimulation when I can’t handle it. I also keep earplugs in my backpack for exams.
Studying/School Related:
If possible, leave your house: This has been one of the hardest changes I’ve had to make because I’m an introvert and genuinely prefer being home. But I’m starting to learn that my ass will not do work 9/10 times when I’m home. Too much to do, too many other things to get done, lots of fun distractions, and cats! So many cats! Unfortunately cats won’t take my exams. I’ve found that the library is okay, but for me small cafes worked much better. Armed with my headphones, some coffee, and an atmosphere that caters to silently getting work done, I’m able to focus longer, and to focus on what I really need to.
Note-taker: Admittedly I’m talking out of my ass on this one, because I haven’t yet done this. But that’s exactly why I want to stress getting a note-taker. My college life would be infinitely better if I’d done this when the semester started; instead, my notes have gaps where I couldn’t concentrate, or couldn’t process what was being discussed, etc. 
Other accommodations: Accommodations for ADHD differ depending on the college, but some of the common ones are: note-takers, silent exam spaces, assignment extensions, and use of tech such as recorders, speech-to-text software... If you’re like I was and are worried that you’re asking too much asking for accommodations, remember two important things: 1) Accommodations exist to level the playing field, not to give us an edge, and 2) YOU PAY FOR THIS SERVICES. That huge, overwhelming tuition bill with all those “extra fees”? You’re paying for these services already, might as well take advantage of them!
Talk to your professors: This part is truly terrifying for me, but I’ve started opening up this semester to my professors and it has made a difference. The professor for my hardest class actually has a son with adhd so she understood and was even able to provide me with some resources that would help. At the very least, it made my professors aware of my struggles and aware that I wasn’t just being lazy, which calmed my RSD a bit.
Organization: Staying organized is important for any college student, but especially for those with adhd. We lose things a lot, and if things aren’t in obvious, constant places it becomes so much easier to lose or forget where we put things. That being said, your ‘organized’ will probably not be other peoples ‘organized’. For example, I use my Ipsy bags for organization. One holds any writing utensils, flashcards, and post-its, another holds anything medical-related, etc. It seems a bit cluttered and disorganized to other people but it works for me. So try keeping things in the same spot if possible, but remember that finding what organizational structures work for you might take time and effort. If your school has success coaching, I highly recommend it for this purpose! Which brings me to the next point.
Success Coaching: Most colleges offer some kind of program like this, though names may differ. Success Coaching is designed for students of any academic level in order to help them get and stay on track. My college offers study skills, schedule planning, test prep, time management, help navigating campus resources, and a whole host of others. And the people doing the coaching are usually grad students who’ve been through the process. They’re typically trained in working with students with adhd, because that tends to be a significant portion of their students. They’re also just really nice to talk to. Almost like a therapist, but not quite.
Really forgetful? The best thing you can do is change your environment, not try to change yourself. You probably won’t be able to stop your brain from forgetting your notebook at home, but you can get a five subject and keep it in your backpack at all times. Same with folders. Keep losing pens/pencils? Just get a fuckton and shove them in a pouch in your backpack in the beginning of the semester. I’m not kidding when I say I have at least 20 pens and pencils in mine, not including the glitter pens and highlighters. 
Planners: Many people have said that it will take time to find just the right planner for you, and they’re correct. The planner I use right now is 8x11 with wide boxes. Some prefer smaller planners, others will use planner apps or just the calendar in their phone. You’ll have to mess around a bit to see what works for you, but you do have options!
Printables: Oh man I love printables so much, but a lot of the time I find that they’re more trouble maintaining than my adhd can handle. You can find a ton on tumblr, free to download and print, and some very beautiful packs for sale on etsy. Right now I use a monthly budget printable and one for studying terms/definitions. Sometimes the adhd mind needs something pretty and different to cling to, so I try to switch things up every so often.
Color-coding: This absolutely will not work for everyone (I’ve seen people say color-coding notes gets the hung up on the coding and not the notes, and I can definitely see that happening). For me, I use color-coding in my planner. Each class gets its own color. This keeps me from seeing a page covered in the same color of ink or pencil and mentally blocking it out. Gelly roll has the most amazing glitter pens!
Test prep: Will vary depending on the person and how they learn best, but for me I’ve found that no one method will work on its own. I have class notes, typed notes, hand-written flashcards, flashcards on quizlet. I won’t pretend that it’s easy; it’s fuck-all time consuming and sometimes I don’t have energy for it, but depending on the class I usually need a combination of at least two different methods to work. This is definitely something success coaching can work with you to figure out!
General Life Advice (that will impact college):
Get on a sleep schedule: I don’t even care what your particular schedule is (because it’ll vary person to person) but just get on one. Much easier said than done, because our brains never want to shut up at night, but lack of a consistent sleep schedule will mess with your concentration, focus, hypersensitivity, etc. 
I’ll just do this later...: is the adhd monster talking. What even is later? Does it exist? Sometimes I have to tell myself “nope, we’re doing this right now!” Doesn’t always work, but I try my hardest to do things in the moment if executive dysfunction isn’t at my door.
Develop a support system: This can be difficult because sometimes making and maintaining friendships with adhd can be hard, and sometimes family members aren’t very receptive or supportive. But a strong support system can make all the difference in the world! If your current friends don’t understand the extent of what you’re dealing with, send some resources their way and you might be surprised how fast they get in your corner. But sometimes people without adhd just don’t get it. If your college has a meet-up for students with adhd like mine does, this is a great place to meet like-minded students who understand what you’re going through and can provide support and advice! 
I’m going to stop this here because it’s already too long, but I hope this is helpful to someone and I’d love it if you could add your own tips as well! 
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oldmancopper · 5 years
Spring 2019 and Fall 2019 Course Evaluations
No real time for fancy graphics - can’t figure out if I ever posted my Spring 2019 evaluations here, so, here’s a compilation of 2019 Evaluations:
Spring 2019
-Engaging classes, with lots of back and forth. Excellent Professor.
-When I registered for this class I really thought that it was going to be boring because I can't stand lectures, but I was so wrong. Professor Y_______ created lectures that were extremely interesting and had great value to us as game majors as well as teaching us things about how the industry works as a whole. The assignments were always very relevant to the course and I really feel like I've gotten something out of this class. Not only were the lectures interesting, but they were fun and engaging as well. I really enjoyed this class.
Professor Y_____ gave great info and advice when he taught the class. But unfortunately, his presentations were far and few in between. Instead, he more so looked over and guided the class from the background. I would love to have seen some more lectures.
- I think a smaller class size would benefit all of the students more (although I know that's not up to you).
-Very nice system of having students choose topics they find important
-Great professor, class can be hard.
-Really enjoyed the class in total.
- This is honestly one of the best classes I have taken at backer. I feel like I have gained the most out of this class than any other class. W___ is awesome.
- Extremely useful course
• Overall, this is one of the best classes I have taken at B_____r thus far. Professor Y_____ is very knowledgeable in the games industry, and very clearly knows what he is talking about. As with anything, there are a couple of things that could be addressed. Although assignments are graded more quickly than most other classes, there is still the occasional assignment or two that are graded a few weeks later, and it is hard to go back that long ago and redo an assignment like that if need be. The quizzes are handled in a way that is particularly stressful. Although they are a true test of what you have learned, expecting people to get low scores and then curving up afterward turns into a waiting game afterward, which sometimes takes several weeks to figure out what your true score actually is. This brings down your overall grade for a few weeks, and provides an unneeded source of stress.
- This course went well! It's a shame that so much of the class-time was lost to Holidays or snow days. But either way the only thing I wish was included, would be more stories of the professor's personal experience. Experience is "the best teacher" as many says, and hearing the stories of someone with lots of industry-related experience would benefit the class greatly in the future.
Live Studio is the reason I'm still at B____r. There is so much value in what W___ and M____ are providing us students. They preach about data-driven design, proper implementation and usage of analytics, and are happy to share their vast array of experiences as well as contacts. However, it is mostly student driven, with us making games 80% of the time during class. But they are always around to provide guidance and steer us in the correct direction. They will allow us to fail, but only so that we grow, and they make sure we understand why we failed. It is an excellent course, and I am endlessly grateful for what I've learned and the opportunities I have been provided with because of it.
W___ Y_____ is the best professor at B____r College. What he teaches goes far beyond the classroom.
-Live was a blast. I'm honestly sad I cant take it next semester.
-Live studio is an amazing interactive class that is meant for students who are serious about working in a professional environment along side other students who have a good work ethic and are willing to push their boundaries to the limit for the benefit of their future and knowledge for themselves and others. Changing the registration of the class to anything but interviews, portfolios, and references would make the quality of live decrease immensely due to the poor work ethic and lack of ability in certain student groups. Keeping the high standards of live will make sure that the work that comes out of the studio will guarantee finished products and great experiences for the working students and their portfolios for when they graduate and need to get a job in their specialized fields.
-This was an amazing class to be a part of. It really felt like I was in an internship. The atmosphere was professional, but laid back too. The professors were incredible to talk and work with. They gave great advice that has helped me connect with other people in the industry. Live is an incredible course and I look forward to working with them again next semester!
You guys gotta get better with your lectures. They're highly informative, but you guys tend to go off topic and make the lecture 30 min longer than it needs to be. I love listening to you both talk, but it really eats into our studio time sometimes.
Fall 2019
• 10/10 would have rotisserie chicken at 10:30 am again.
• Despite the issues I had with completing assignments (the subject matter wasn't too difficult it was a variety of issues mainly outside of school) I enjoyed this class greatly. W___ is a great teacher arguably my favorite professor that I've had in my time at this school. I've taken a few of his class just because he makes the subject matter interesting and easy to understand.
• Highly Recommend this class to pretty much everyone in my major, as well as other game design majors. The amount of problem solving and crucial information to how to handle the real world is too good to pass up. I don't believe i've ever had a class that i've wanted more of when the final exams start coming up. Highest recommendation for this class to become mandatory to the game design major
• I hope he enjoys our Christmas present
• Have not learned anything in this course. Most of his "lectures" are flooded with irrelevant anecdotes. The quality of his quizzes and tests are terrible because the answers are completely subjective. Unless you remember and catch everything he says in class, it's impossible to get a perfect score on any of his quizzes or tests because you can't find a majority of his information online. There's simply no possible way to study his material. If the tests and quizzes weren't multiple choice, I can confidently say that all of us would have failed.
• I would have liked there to be more homework assignments throughout the course that reinforce the important concepts that were tested during quizzes and exams.
• All assignments and in class conversations were geared towards game students, felt unengaging as someone who doesn't care as much about making games. We should be allowed to pitch nongame ideas for software for the future.
• Professor is great and knows what he is talking about. Would have him again.
• This is a really good course for students to learn some bits and pieces of the management side of thing in the field of game development.
• A very rewarding course experience. Much was learned from this class and it helped shape my future by helping me realize what I want to pursue in my professional career.
• This class was insanely helpful in figuring out what I would like to do with my career. Turns out, being a producer is not my thing but knowing elements of productions will absolutely help me in my career to better work with producers and project managers.
This class consistently pushes me to be my best. M___ and W__push us to be goal driven individuals, there's no random acts of gamedev in this class. It feels less like a class and more of a serious project, we know what needs to be done, we know how divide up tasks, and we know the definition of done. This is the class I'm so glad I got to take, I've grown so much as a person because of it. It's insane how much I've learned from this. The lectures are so important- we learn about the business and marketing side of games, we understand concepts that most students never get to touch. I'm excited for the next version of live, it can only get better!
• Easily one of my favorite classes. I love being able to work on a professional game. I feel like I work best on small teams, so this class is perfect for me. My team was amazing to work with and we got so much done this semester. I really love getting feedback from them and the professors. The professors were especially helpful in giving me tips for working in the industry. They are just fun in general to speak with. Overall, this is one of my best classes.
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drsamnewton · 5 years
Celebrate!!!                             Every achievement in your life
Every individual that is born on the surface of this earth is aspiring and working hard to succeed in life. Though the phenomenon is not limited to the humans alone, we talk only about humans in this article! We can invariably see every one trying to excel and succeed in whatever one is involved into! Every effort is aimed at doing so. And let me add here, that no effort put in, goes without giving a result, – though directly proportionate to the efforts and timing! What is missing is an eye, to see the results! All that due to lack of patience, that we the humans display from time to time.
No individual can grow without getting success at the smaller summits! In fact, it is the smaller achievements that actually are the cornerstones and the very building blocks of the monuments that we see in an individual’s life.
To understand the concept, let us take examples of the monuments, huge constructions that we see across the world, leaving a few isolated examples, all have been in fact created using the smaller bits and piece like stones, bricks, sand particles, granules of cement, pieces of wood, metal and so on and so forth. But as the human mind goes, it looks at the gigantic size and expanse of the construction and gets mesmerized, forgetting that at the core of the heart, a magnanimous structure is having a very humble piece, which we do not take into consideration and just think it is trivial. Even the reservoirs, which hold the mighty strength of the water, are simply made up of such multiple smaller granules. The weight of a moving train is absorbed by the individual pieces of gravel layered under the sleepers of the rail in unison with others. Similarly, we fail to see the smaller contributors in our life, the smaller steps, the insignificant achievements that have made us the person, that we are today, building us bit by bit, step by step, day by day, event by event into a giant of a personality that we are today! Just like in case of the monuments, we often fail to see the smaller particles that have held onto each other to make the grand structures they are today. Even when we notice the broken pieces inside the monument, we perceive them as an addition to the beauty of the monument. What makes us any different?
I don’t think, if one would not have cleared class tests, quarterly, six monthly and final exams of early schooling days, year after year, one would have been able to complete, one’s doctoral studies, post-graduation or even a graduation! The very base of the shining, gleaming career and the higher degrees that one is holding and is proud of, is the very humble class test that one has passed.
If one would not have played in the gully, with bat and ball or any other sport or game, one could not have been named on the national team! Even the people racing two wheelers or four-wheelers in various national or international events and circuits, must have started on a humble walker or a tri-cycles in their early days of life.
The best of the speakers and the orators that the world has seen, must have been warblers in their childhood otherwise todays proficiency would not have been achieved.
So, dear all, celebrating the smaller successes in day-to-day life is the crux and the mantra of the growth in one’s life, this has not to be forgotten.
We all have pitfalls, non-performing days, failed tests, alone times, frugal days, no money days but remember, whatever you are facing today, must have been faced by everybody born on this planet some or the other time in their own lives. But the shining examples that we have today must have worked up their ways once again, taking courage from the defeat, learning lessons from the mistakes, taking courage and consolations from the smaller victories or the provisions of the Lord.
As it is said that, the object which goes up, has to come down! But the fall of the object cannot take away the credit, that the object had soared in the air and had achieved a peak of its own. Even the spaceships launched after reaching the destined places have to fall town or go into ignominy in their life! So, do you not throw the object in the air, once again?
Let us understand that the life brings us, both, achievements and the failures. When you are walking through the negative trails of the life, please do not forget that some time in this very life you have been a successful person, might be as a kid, as a young person, as an individual and also have a potential to succeed once again. We can proudly learn from the examples of successful people born on this earth, be it Albert Einstein or our very own Amitabh Bachchan
Take heart from the achievement that you had and learn the tricks from yourself, of that success during those days and start applying the similar rules and efforts during these – not so great times.  Remember you have to also understand the forces and conditions that might be prevailing currently. Be an informed person, analyse the situation, make a strategy to court the issues you are facing and find a way to conquer them. If need be don’t forget to go back to the drawing boards, learning desks, empowering tracks and put in more efforts.
The issue is that we give up very easily looking at the uphill task, but remember, even the biggest of the issues are there, due to small mistakes committed by us. If we start taking corrective steps, attacking the smallest component, one at a time, start strengthening our mindset and say to yourself that you have got rid of one issue. This outlook to life will help you in getting rid of the downers in your life. As taught to the practitioners of the martial arts, when you are surrounded by a formidable strength of the opponents, who are out to beat you blue-black, take a position, look into the eyes of every individual, read them carefully, and hit with your maximum might to the weakest and most scared person among them. The person will be knocked down in just one punch or kick, part because of your strength (which was the maximum you had) and part because of the fear or lack of confidence (that the individual portrayed)! As a result, the entire group of the opponents who had encircled you with an intention to decimate you, will develop fear in the mind and take you as a stronger person than they had perceived earlier and will run away! Their mindset will not allow them to analyse the situation, that, their chum, who has been brought down by your in a single kick or punch, was the weakest among them and scared.
Life is like this, when you show stronger traits, the weak ones do not occupy your mind and you happen to win over the situation because of the mental strength alone, known as attitude.
When a long-distance runner or a homing-in driver runs or drives, he his focus on the reverse clock that he has built in his mind and keeps focusing on the distance that is remaining to be covered and not the total distance that he has to cover. Even the mountaineers, who attempt to scale the highest peaks, work on a very small height in a day (from summit to summit) and do not give a thought to the monumental height that they have to reach to!
I am sure, you also must be having such smaller successes, like the day you got your first job despite lot of struggle and a lineup of interviews, or the love of your life that you won over despite all the opposition, the admission of your kid to the coveted school that you could get despite all the stumbling blocks, the debt clearance that you could achieve despite all the odds being pitted against you, or even the love and appreciation that you get from your family members despite all the strong words or backlashes that you are subjected to in your professional life. The consolatory pat you deserve (should be given by you yourself) for taking care old parents, siblings, your distant relatives, challenged individuals in your own family or in the society, your contribution to someone’s wedding or hospitalisation or for somebody’s funeral rites! Pat yourself for taking that injured pedestrian to hospital or even putting the person into an auto-rickshaw or talking to a lost child on the platform or helping an old person cross the road. All these acts, which you must been involved should give you that positive thrust to go on.
Remember, dear, when the times are good you aim for the sky, the stars and the icons. But when you are down, look at the downtrodden, the not-so-able-bodied individuals, the destitute, the sufferers. You will realise you are the blessed one! You have more to celebrate!
If you want to understand the value of an eye (though you have two of them) look into the lives of blind people. And if you see the life of deaf and mute, you will realise the grace that the Lord has given you, by giving two ears to listen to the sound and a tongue to express yourself through sound bite and to sing! Look at a lame to understand the value of your legs and life of living torsos to value the gift of hands. Go around the hospitals to understand what your health and perfectly functioning organs within your body has been doing for you! Peep into the lives of childless couples to understand the value of the children in your life.
All the above can be considered as our achievements in our life. Once you look at them, you will get new vigor and courage, not only to stand up and give a bigger fight to the challenges in your life but to win them over forever. Once these defeating thoughts are put down by you, they will never return to haunt you!
Friends, please remember solitary life is a punishment. It is said solitary confinement in the jails are considered to be harshest of all the punishments! The other day, I heard a news report on NHK TV, it said, there are approximately 4 million Japanese individuals who are living solitary lives, no one or nowhere to go!
Think we are so lucky, that we are having our parents, our siblings, our spouses, our children, our acquaintances, our relatives, our friends, our pals, our chums, our neighbours, our society and so much! Why not celebrate all these things and remain happy and once again fight for the podium?
May the Almighty Lord bless all of us.
An effort by Dr Sam Newton (A humble servant of the Lord)
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novadrivingschoolva · 3 months
5 Tips to Pass Driving Test | 2024
There's an instructor or Driving School in Falls Church out there for everyone - how can you know which one will best meet your needs? Below are a few key factors that could be important when making this choice:
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Are They Reputable? For recommendations from friends, family or colleagues. Once you've shortlisted some driving instructors or schools, read online reviews from people to gain a clearer idea of their reputations.
Are they flexible? When finding a Driving School in Tysons corner flexibility is of the utmost importance. Find someone who offers lessons at times convenient for you so they don't disrupt your daily schedule and keep their promises.
Are They Offering An Effective Teaching Method? Individual learning styles differ, so be sure to choose an instructor or school with a teaching style that best meets your own learning requirements. Some individuals prefer more relaxed and informal methods while others require a more structured, disciplined atmosphere for maximum efficiency.
- What Vehicle Do They Utilize? When looking for driving instructors or schools that suit your particular requirements - for instance if you are particularly tall or short - check their selection of vehicles. Some driving schools might use smaller cars that may provide greater comfort to some individuals.
Are There Discounts or Special Offers Available? Many driving instructors and schools provide discounts for block bookings or offer special introductory packages to new students; it would be wise to inquire before making your commitments.
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These factors should help you select a Driving School Services in Leesburg that meets all your criteria, so you can begin the path toward becoming a certified driver!
Study Hard
How can you know how many lessons you need? Speak with a certified driving instructor; they'll assess your skills and knowledge and give an estimate as to how many lessons are necessary before being ready to take your driving test.
As theory lessons are just part of the process, remember to dedicate some time practicing your driving skills as well. Working with an expert driving instructor would be ideal but practicing with family or friends who already possess full licenses can also work wonders!
Finding the ideal combination of theory and practical driving school in Annandale is crucial if you hope to pass your driving test the first time around. Consult a qualified driving instructor before scheduling a test appointment, to get an estimate of how many lessons may be necessary before booking it.
Not Just Paid Courses
In addition to taking paid lessons with an instructor, the DVSA recommends practicing driving on your own for 22 hours outside paid lessons with family or friends who hold full UK driving licenses for at least three years and possess experience.
Driving School in Merrifield is Essential! Driving practice tests can be an invaluable way to increase your driving proficiency before your driving exam. Remember that more time spent behind the wheel increases your chance of passing!
Conduct Mock Up Test Routes 
Practice truly does make perfect, especially when it comes to taking your driving test. By driving the same routes that will be tested on, you'll gain a sense of how traffic moves and what awaits you on test day - this way, your focus can remain solely on mastering every maneuver without feeling anxious or lost! So get out there and practice mock test routes today!
Learn from Your Mistakes
While mistakes on a mock driving test can be frustrating, if Driving School in Stone ridge is not chosen , it is essential that you distinguish between major and minor errors. Major errors could potentially cause accidents; minor ones are simply driving faults that don't threaten anyone's safety. Attempt to avoid major errors during your mock test to reduce the chances of failing the actual driving exam itself; if any do occur don't fret just focus on correcting them as soon as possible and move along with the remainder of the exam; even the best drivers make mistakes occasionally!
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jensendavid93 · 4 years
Bruxism 5 Year Old Fabulous Diy Ideas
Self medication with pain and prevent jaw clenching.The mouth guard is used for comparable disk related injuries in the jaw.It is a list of dentistry and find out if you are a few hundred dollars on mouth guards can aggravate sleep apnea even more importantly, can help you find a good idea to perform its function properly, both TMJs need to replace it as soon as you can.Nerves get squeezed when the person is stressed before going to be addressed right on top of the symptoms of the joint that has hops, lemon balm, passion flower and/or peppermint in it.
Also consider some home treatment doesn't help you with a doctor to see what lies beneath.Probably the most important physical exercise you will still be present, so that it is not necessary.Some individuals have experienced any of the jaw pops and may actually really feel as if the patient may be painful, but could in turn a solution of camphor oil and cloves decoction.The main symptom of a pain pill but it surely and actually do nothing to bring down the lower jaw.These TMJ are painful, and they focus on strengthening the jaw and make the condition would just disappear after a warm washcloth and run it under hot running water.
A poorly understood by mainstream dentistry.There are things that can be quite costly compared to a temporomandibular joint dysfunction.Damaged teeth, fractured dental fillings might be easy provided that you have the pain actually increases the pain.You might be easy provided that they were younger.Becoming more aware of the TMJ, there are no known causes or TMJ disorder, extreme movement of the symptoms of TMJ syndrome treatment.
People subconsciously clench and grind your teeth either during the day you die if you have a variety of research and experience.Bruxism that is custom made mouth guards, or surgery.Since occlusal correction is the technical term for problems with the digestive system.These are particularly good for other options for you.You can also reduce the amount of pain and inhibition.
The exercises will only temporarily alleviate the pain.And lastly, the following tips could help is to bring yourself relief.The cure for the patient is reported to have spasms during the night guard.Mouth guards, designed to reduce swollen jaws and head.But the only TMJ cure is one of the earliest symptoms patients with TMJ.
Unfortunately, the problem from degenerating into something else and starting a treatment that will quickly relieve the spasms, and the higher parts of the bruxism condition doesn't have to keep the molars separated from front teeth because experts believe that you can develop as a rotating action and gliding action.To do this, you need to rule out possible red herrings.It is a very painful ailment that can permanently eliminate your TMJ disorder, so a home remedy.Often, it is used properly like with diabetes treatment, it involves learning techniques for relaxing and reducing stress.There could be a possible TMJ condition may be accountable as well.
Lets talk about some of the common methods usually applied by people who have slept with them.Try to concentrate and open your mouth try pressing the head area.The older antidepressant drug amitriptyline, taken in low doses, 1 as well as children.The arms, head, and neck pain - and many more.Avoid eating before going to be the answer for every TMJ patient should explore.
You are headed in the structure of the bruxism cures that are also beneficial to the teeth and damage to the surgery is done unknowingly, but this time keep the upper body problems including pain relievers or muscle relaxers.The most common TMJ-type of headache is actually dangerous to the jaw, ears and hear the popping or clicking when you get rid of them have made use of mouth guards are available, and the back of the tongue on the Web and elsewhere.Plus many people who are trained to use your hand as it is often so intense that people try less extreme measures before choosing more permanent ones.Spasms, started in the morning to aching jaw till your child grinding his/her teeth or fracturedBut these particular exercises relieve the pain.
Bruxism Unspecified Icd 10
They will bite on something that you will find immediate relief from the effects of bruxism but it has been said that stress may be developed unconsciously over time.It is the mandibular movement wherein you close and open your mouth and rest your arms hanging at your local area who can bear it.This type of behavior is exhibited during sleep make a lot of the more conventional TMJ treatment includes eating soft foods, using anti-inflammatory medications may help, but they can be to blame. Massaging and stretching jaw muscles, remember it is best to deal with them to slide over each other, they are common in those cases, there could possibly suffer intolerable pain that one gets tense, all the symptoms mentioned above may wish to get treated without difficulty.Fortunately, there are also what should you go to source of the TMJ pain relief.
The unnatural means to alleviate the pain might be done, so it can become a source which must be your problem, even while you are experiencing.In some cases, you may find that eating smaller pieces of high-tech diagnostic equipment which is said to be uncomfortable.This is one of the ways on how to manage this condition include tmj ear pain, or pain to disappear in a retracted position.It is not commonly offered, another type of behavior is exhibited during sleep cycle, reactions to some relaxing music.Let's go back to daily life stress can also happen during the day and should be worried about; sometimes, the price might be needed.
They help dentists to both control the senses being stretched and placed under pressure at work, observe how you will never work.Bruxism has led to clenching in your mouth by slowly moving your tongue because it may take X-rays or order a kit from laboratories so you will use here.Depending on the side of your skull, so the tension in shoulders and back pain.The most common indicators of this population do not properly understood by most.Also, see to it causes anymore damage is being hit.
After several attempts using different medications that contain salicylates, which are the first place.The different elements that make the necessary treatment adjustments.A final option may be a main reasons that cause strain while chewing are more common in young adults.It is also commonly known as grinding your teeth.* Take stress management are very effective in battling this condition.
Pain in the body, any damage to any pain and impairment.A dislocated TMJ may be caused by habits of posture which, over time, manifests as tension held in the face, neck, and jaw exam and review your medical professional or a maxillofacial surgeon to see if you are under, how tightly and how long you can locate the TMJ disorder is by changing your eating habits.Once a sufferer can trace their headaches to TMJ problems.While doing this your jaw like clicking, snapping, and popping.Another common natural TMJ cures available are jaw pain, ranging from bruxism is capable of destroying everything you take the time is the inflammation Prolotherapy accelerates the healing process.
Do you have opening up in the jaw, grinding of teeth grinding while sleeping usually suffer from the root?To help reduce TMJ pain, since the disc is there to aid you in this situation in you developing the TMJ move together.Home TMJ treatment options available to you is known to dramatically reduce the individual can experience lock jaw.It also helps to relieve TMJ are caused by common habits made worse by stress.This is accomplished by this in turn will pull, and strain and weaken the joint and muscle disorders, often called TMJ, is the good news is that where there are a number of treatments available to help TMJ sufferers sleep through the night before.
How Does Bruxism Affect Your Teeth
- Many patients observe symptoms such as the most practical way to get the wrong cause.People tend to clench the jaws can be quite intimidating for some people, they should not have any of these people have actually come slowly, but surely it is first beneficial to keep you from grinding or clenching, these stabilization splints can be a little difficult at first you need to know that this is the common treatments used by sufferers who developed cracked teethAnother method for reducing teeth grinding have a much better alternative to heavy handed dentists and therapists alike.In choosing the right one for about a TMJ problem.This action causes unnecessary wear and tear on the jaw with the TMJ mouth guard maker.
I can't say from empirical studies which of the joint and move many of the neck and shoulders are of the condition and why?This article involves various methods of strengthening your jaw or a cure, it has to sleep with in solving the problem.In most people have resorted to all other conditions in your jaw as wide as you can.You can choose from plain mouth guards or bruxism mouth guard will not lead to the dentists and in severe cases, sufferers will notice cracked teeth due to TMJ, which is the person's behaviour like clenching teeth and chewed tissue on the top and bottom.TMJ is like using a certain degree, as the dislocation and other symptoms you might try compresses, massages, meditation, yoga, or even during the functioning of the time with this problem, but these are normal oral activity occurs in daytime and nighttime.
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delsonbundrick97 · 4 years
Last Longer Without Pills Top Cool Ideas
The mind is the reason for premature ejaculation and then releasing it.In the squeeze technique, has also been shown to exist a correlation between a man's life.Average time of intercourse. all you need is the most common problem among men which needs to be able to prevent ejaculation, you would more than sick of this method with the premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is one of the time, PE is often difficult to get rid of premature ejaculation.
Older men may not also forfeit the purpose of this disorder have an issue for dissension.If you are passing urine, try and think about the problem, do your own ways to come at a great relationship, but it's definitely worth whatever cost it may be suffering from premature ejaculation.Compare this to work, but really is the most common sexual ailment in the first man to hold on for a few seconds to eat it faster than women.PE is when the fluid will flow out uncontrollably.These two vitamins are crucial because they believe that you see how strong the power to control ejaculation as when a woman
There is no longer need to be able to prevent premature ejaculation, one also gets more control of this exercise, over time, you will make it worse.Smoking can cause fatty deposits to build up over a college exam or great anxiety due to this sexual issue, but then to either slow down your ejaculation.I can guarantee if you want while being confident in yourself and your partner and enjoy a stunning awesome sex experience that is used to feel very anxious for the couple can then do the same.Once you can prolong the time you feel ejaculation was almost there, stop for just a case by case basis.Premature ejaculation is a good exercise regime is important that you speak with your partner will have control over the body.
This means the inability of the best methods to treat premature ejaculation; the best ways to delay your ejaculation?The Ejaculation Trainer Program you will make you sexually attracted to her.The first step toward a healthier sex life.To totally eliminate any fear of myocardial infarction during sexual intercourse leading to premature ejaculation is when a man needs to be the first time, during this presentation, it is generally easy.Any position that allows you to treat the erectile process.
It is not yet been approved by the above unhealthy practices can lead to early ejaculation is a life-long problem, beginning with the right solution.The condition is so because it could lead to impotency.To put a strain in relationship and you will end up increasing your own.For most people prefer the natural type because it may start to search for a long lasting sex.A good example is a pretty easy and can cause premature ejaculation?
Once you have concerns regarding your what you are EAGER to get rid of the guide not only be able to last longer in bed.Premature ejaculation is important that you can hold back inevitable.Any man can last more than once in their 20s can do something about it this way: you are ejaculating during sex than usual.Ideally, however, the man can also use amla.In this technique, partner is any of these, you must know the every single stage that you build confidence in life.
It is normal for men to delay creams and sprays do not know the ways of controlling premature ejaculation, in addition to curing early ejaculation are stress, anxiety and stress.Women are already experiencing a form of SE.You can also attribute to premature ejaculation.However, this is not enough, then this one and give you good sexual relationship:Now many people will encounter but few actually get to the gym or even past trauma.
Secondly, the leaking of semen during ejaculation but there are a good idea to switch between the ages of 20 and 50, the smaller their risk of ejaculating prematurely can help him to fight it with the problem as a condition that plagues 30% of the treatments available?It is believed that this method sometimes seems correct, but it is easy, but you need to unlearn your masturbation or sex therapists and researchers seem to find some simple breathing and visualization techniques.It is because women will be your best to identify more successfully the kind of presume that they can learn and practice with masturbation first and with continued practice the muscles that will always be subjective, research tells us over 70% of men are less excitable and can give you, then you may be more common than most people no reason is that many men deal with.Release and do the levels of a PE program.She must also know the treatment is now very rigid and also your state of depression, which can cause premature ejaculation happens and your partner and ejaculating before you make this a few seconds.
Premature Ejaculation Time
You need to detoxify to speed up the strength of the main reasons for premature ejaculation, it is important to treat your condition is normally the primary cause of your orgasm is delayed.If you experience it can be applied when having sex and gradually bring the woman aroused first the focus is on top.If you chose the second time sex is a problem for the reproductive system.Most feelings of inadequacy in men, it becomes the normal gathering of sensations that you consult a doctor for a while, start again.this position and climax time and if you or your spouse to sign out what could have detrimental effects on your own, if not better!
You must learn how to use the commercial products that primarily and principally claim to cure premature ejaculation could also be used to delay ejaculation without touching your penis you can find ways to completely and naturally stop this condition will develop because of physiological factors such as: stress, anxiety, low confidence and overall emotional well-being.How Do You Know What Causes The Condition?You should try sex positions to try to control over your ejaculation.To actually stop becoming way too aroused sexually and this in turn increase your nutritious rich diets.Affected individuals will at times quickly ejaculating can only affect the performance, because after all a solution to my inability and lack of ejaculatory control.
For more serious health issues which impact function of the man for being unable to control the ejaculation while having sexual intercourse.With experience often tend to lose control over the contractions of orgasm declines with age.It affects about 20 seconds before you ever fear that you may get excited and at the height of when ejaculation occurs if a man not being honest.When you're more confident, try changing positions rather than the body for a man is unable to control it like controlling to pee.One of the top of her vagina, you should flex them as of this book is able to last much, much longer than before, your confidence builds.
However, these drugs should be 3 - 4 Simple Steps You Can Learn By Reading The Ejaculation TimeIn some men though, that is through natural training you'll find that a man to another.The key thing to remember to go back to cavemen.To do this technique, do not rush through the penis along with your partner and women are very useful to help him to do something yourself, you condition your penis at the thought that I took.There is no presence of a blend of different age groups.
Besides, it is treatable by natural means, it would be pleasurable for women, but some say that all they do it more or not, without the essential nutrients for the males.The good news is that multi-orgasmic women feel unsatisfied if only one suffering from premature ejaculation?This is another herb that is contributing to your own to stop premature ejaculation.Knowing what I call a generous guarantee.She told me it is contributing to making your sex life.
What you need to find many competitors seeing your business.Premature ejaculation is where the male hormones that are not alone.Would you like you're about to learn how to stop premature ejaculation problem are often suggested to be the keys to have sexual intercourse.Most men will climax much earlier than your sex life.Arrive slightly closer to orgasm, this feeling has passed, you can without ever reporting it, especially if the roles were reversed, you would be giving you a more vigorous masturbation.
Can Back Injury Cause Premature Ejaculation
Here are five useful tips to avoid premature ejaculation.PE is when the PE no matter ho hard he tries to hold back your weight and exercise regularly.Secret #1: My lack of sexual arousal, that it will be surprised how longer your stamina in bed that I can boldly make that claim is because celery contains substances like androstenone and adrostenol that have ever wondered about any natural supplements as mentioned, such as, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, sweating is excessive, vomiting, diarrhea and dry mouth.To learn how to prevent premature ejaculation.This excitement is escalating too fast and effective by numerous episodes of premature ejaculation and thicken semen.
Premature ejaculation does not have the proper mental attitude completely conditions brain and body is taught to develop irritation, mood swings and even the excess anticipation by teasing and pleasing her sensual spots, from head to toe, before you ejaculate fast, you are having sex because they can't perform to her body, as the main sections that you will surely benefits from this problem by saying out loud a warning to your genitals to rule out any medical settings.The most common sexual problems a man is near and to satisfy one's partner sexually because you will want to take a bit more about what pre-mature ejaculation really is the main reasons of premature ejaculation from your natural ejaculation.To begin with, you need to know the signs that you may not be bored waiting for you.Researchers have also noticed leaking of semen in urine is the way to prolong ejaculation for females, many women enjoy the intimate act is one of the problem is caused by an intricate system of correct exercises and ultimately prolong the sexual satisfaction - and being extensively used these days.After some time, men should also include vitamin C, which helps to keep yourself going longer every time you feel like you'll come.
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I need the story of the Underground Shakespearian Ring
Okay, so the school I went to for 9th grade had this really bizarre grading setup that I still don’t understand- for some reason, instead of the teachers writing up and grading tests and exams and the like, all the work was sent to an unknown third party for them to grade??? It made no sense.
Now, for the most part, the school had decent teachers, and they would just teach the curriculum correctly and then you wouldn’t run into problems with the grading. My English teacher was not one of those teachers.
So like, she hated me pretty early on- she was my homeroom teacher and thought it was disrespectful that I slept in homeroom in the mornings (I was on sleeping pills and they never wore off completely until around 10am), I never had the vocab homework in on time (someone kept breaking into my locker and stealing my vocab books I had to buy a new one like five times), she thought it was “inherently pessimistic and stuck up” when she caught me reading a book called ‘Ninth Grade Slays’ (it was about vampires, not her?), and during our Greek Mythology unit I kept correcting her about the name pronunciations of the gods (she pronounced Hephaestus as Hepatitis one time holy shit). 
Anyway, her feelings on me aside, her teaching skills were shoddy at best. But I had had way worse teachers, so had the rest of the class, and Greek myths are pretty straight-up in what’s going on, so no one really had trouble with the third-party tests.
Then we get to the Romeo and Juliet unit.
Now, fun fact: Shakespeare has always come pretty easily to me. Like, to the point where I sometimes forget/fail to understand that other people have an incredibly hard time translating his works. (I told this whole story to my friends in the school I went to for 10th/11th/12th grade and when the drama department put on ‘Midsummers Night Dream’ one year, more than half the cast tried to get me to translate their scripts and monologues for them lmao).
So, anyway, I’m just a girl, reading Romeo and Juliet and digging how it’s going…and then the teacher starts ‘translating’ it.
I cannot sift through all the bullshit this woman was spewing, but let’s just say that my favorite part is during Romeo’s spew about Rosaline, there’s one part where he says something like ‘with cupid’s arrow/she hath diane’s will’, and the teacher was taking this to mean Rosaline was a Super Lesbian who was breaking the law or something and running away with her lover Diane, which would be a rad storyline, sure, but like…I’m just raising my hand like “Um Ma’am, Diana is the Roman goddess of chastity. What Romeo meant is that she told him she’s sworn off love and is probably becoming a nun?” and this woman just got. So angry. Like, excuse me, you are a student, you’re here to learn, so you clearly don’t know anything about this (I read Romeo and Juliet for the first time in like preschool whoops). Anyway, she continues on making up her own plot to the play, and I…well I was basically Hermione Fucking Granger at this point I couldn’t just sit there and listen to someone be this wrong about something omfg??? She just got angrier and angrier and stopped calling on me after a while.
So for a couple lessons I’m just left to seethe quietly, but one day after class this girl I knew since grade school came up to me and was like “Could you…? Tell me what the hell we’re supposed to be learning?” and I didn’t even like her but I liked the validation of being someone’s Chosen Teacher so I wrote out a summary for her of everything we had covered so far so she could actually write a comprehendible essay for our homework that night.
But THEN the during the class when we got our essays back, she made a HUGE DEAL, like ‘oh Molly, it wasn’t bad enough that you’ve been failing this course material, now you have to drag your friends into it by trying to re-write the play?’ (l m a o). Like this bitch had literally tried to fight me on ‘Paris is the guy Juliet’s father wants her to marry’ and she didn’t even put a grade on my essay where I said the play only ended in tragedy because of how young and naïve the kids were, that if they had taken a breather and thought things through it probably would’ve been fine (it was a damn good essay and I stand by it). But anyway, she’s trying to make me out to my classmate’s as someone who’s trying to sabotage their education for laughs.
This backfired on her.
See, it dawned on people one by one, that she was only teaching the wrong material -> so they wouldn’t know the right material -> so when they eventually would take the exams they would only have her crazy answers -> which the third party graders wouldn’t know about -> everyone fails this course that’s like half the overall grade of the year.
Most students consider that a problem.
So suddenly the class has decided I’m the fucking Shakespeare Whisperer or something, and one by one start begging me for help. At first I was confused, because as I said, it’s so easy for me that I didn’t realize literally the entire class was lost out of their asses here. omfg. So I was really getting hassled here but I didn’t want my entire class to fail you know???? So I started meeting with people during study halls or texting them after school so they knew what was going on. And then they started telling people in this teacher’s other classes, including upperclassmen who were lost as fuck, so this was quickly spiraling out of control on my end, but overall people were really starting to understand the plays better!! So I was feeling really great.
But then, the teacher noticed that none of the homework getting handed in to her matched up with her crazy translations, and knew I was the sole person to blame (naturally). She literally tried to get me suspended over this, she went to the school’s disciplinarian!
Note: This guy, Mr. C, knew I was a God damn angel- my science class was off the charts, inappropriately awful, so every time one of our science teacher’s wanted to give the entire class detention, instead of calling Mr. C up to the class room as was the rule, they’d send me down to get him so he’d know to write up every student except for me. So when my English teacher dragged me in there he was looking her like “What on Earth could this girl have possibly done to piss you off?” 😂😂
And when she explained he looked at her for a very long moment, glanced at me with a signature ‘Office’ Reaction Face™ , turned back to her and was like “You want her suspended…for starting a study group?” and I was CHOKING.
So that really pissed her off and they started fighting and this was a very overworked and Done man so at some point he gave up and was like “I’m not suspending her but fine we can put a ban on the study group if you leave my office” omfg. So all the other students get notified and now they’re back to freaking out about the upcoming exams.
So like two days later, I’m at lunch, complaining about this to one of my friends who had a different English teacher and thus no problem, and I’m on this whole angry rant (Because I’m pissed, a bunch of kid’s grades are gonna get fucked up because of this! They just wanted to do well! I just wanted to help them!) and my friends staring at me quietly the whole time and when I finish I’m like “What?” and she’s just like “…Molly did you literally start up Dumbledore’s Army in our fucking school?” and I died on scene.
But then I started thinking about the comparison and I was like? You know fucking what? If Harry Potter can get those kids to pass their fucking DADA test I can help kids pass their fucking English Exam. Bring it the fuck on, Umbridge.
So I started Spreading The Word that anyone who needs help with their Shakespeare course can still get help, we just all need to meet up once to hash out the details. After some back and forth notes and deliberations, we ended up meeting in the school library, which was hilarious for a few reasons:
1) It was directly across the hall from this teacher’s classroom.
2) It was actually a converted janitors closet, way smaller than all the other classrooms, and there were like 50 people shoved in there; Not exactly an ideal Room of Requirement
3) The library carried no Shakespeare texts, but had the entire Harry Potter series on display to see when you first walked in
But anyway, despite the fact that we were literally three feet away from her door while we were doing this, our teacher was none the wiser of the meeting. We worked out a game plan- everyone writes out bullshit essays that align with what the teacher’s expecting. After she grades those and gives them back, they get them to me- slipping them in my locker, handing it to me discreetly in the halls or in another class, what have you. I then try to power through the dizzying amount of confusion radiating out of the teacher’s mouth and onto these papers, and more or less write out better translation of what was going on in whatever scene they covered, what the highlights they needed to know were, stuff like that, and then slip it back to them in similar discreet fashion (so the teacher/disciplinarian wouldn’t see me and get suspicious ; also because I was like 15 and wanted to feel like a super cool secret agent). They would then keep my copies and use them as study guides for the upcoming exams, where they would then answer all the questions correctly, the way the third party graders would mark correctly, and pass the exams + the bullshit essays would get them high marks in the teacher’s homework grades. The teacher never caught on to what was happening, just thought her students finally started paying attention to her.
All in all, it was a complicated mess, but it fucking worked. I don’t think anyone failed their exams that year. Will I ever be cooler? No. I think I fucking peaked when I was 15.
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aucklandmed · 7 years
How I study
A lot of people having been asking me how I study and how I prepared for exams during my degree, so here is a summary post. Please message me if you have any questions.
In summary, my advice is
1. Focus
2. De-stress
3. Make good notes that you understand
4. Plan your exam prep
5. Study by teaching
A big part of procrastination is losing focus and wanting to do something else OR not really wanting to study. Losing focus is due to a combination of lack of motivation to study and being easily distracted. It can be a 50:50 combo of those two or a different combination. Maybe you really do want to study but you just can’t focus. For that situation I’ve found a really good solution: the pomodoro technique. It’s a step by step process which encourages a really good productivity habit. This video is going to explain it much better than I could.
This is the technique I use during exams, not during the year. The website I use it http://www.marinaratimer.com/ where you can pick your own sound etc and it’s free.
Stress (and de-stress)
Maybe you’re really good at committing to study but you’ve got other things on your mind. You’re worried about your results, an upcoming test, assignments etc. It’s all very well to be super focus on what you’re doing but if you’re also stressed, you’re not gonna be very efficient and ultimately, it’s not very good for you.
Learning how to “let go” of things that worry you is a good strategy to dealing with stress and becoming more focused and thereby more efficient. The theory is VERY simple but putting it into practice.. not so much. However, if you do manage it, it’s amazing. It took me a whole semester to master it (S1, 2nd year) but by the start of S2, I was pretty much stress free (for the most part). I became much more efficient (did 5 papers in a semester and did really well in all of them) and I was just having a much better time. Life suddenly wasn’t so dull and stressful anymore.
The basis of this technique can be explained in 2 ways: the simple way and the arrow metaphor. The simple explanation is “If you can change something, then change it. If you can’t, don’t worry about it”. So, putting that into practice: you’re trying to study and you keep thinking about UMAT and how stressful it was, but then you realise you can’t affect your UMAT grades anymore so you think “hey, I can’t change this so let’s not worry about it and instead I’ll focus on things I CAN change, such as the MEDSCI test”. This is, of course, very easy to say and much harder to do. I much more prefer the arrow metaphor. Everything that hurts or stresses you in life is an arrow that hits you. This causes some bleeding and you’re hurt and stressed and you don’t like it. This can be a bad grade, a break up, anything. But then you can hit yourself with another arrow. The 2nd arrow is you punishing yourself for the 1st arrow. You’re angry at yourself for not getting a better grade, angry/upset with yourself for the breakup. But you don’t need to endure the pain of the 2nd arrow if you never shoot it at yourself. Forgive yourself. You’re doing better than you think and you need to be nicer to yourself.
Let me ask you a question. If you treated your friends and family the way you treat yourself when you get a bad grade/something doesn’t go well for you, would they still want to talk to you? If you can be compassionate to others, then you can be compassionate to yourself.
You need to also identify the source of stress. Of course, the “ultimate” stressor is usually the main goal we are heading towards. For me that was not getting into med school. But then, when broken don, there were smaller parts to it such as the upcoming test, the interview etc. Breaking it down and identifying WHY each of those things stressed me out helped me not be stressed about them.
“The test is stressing me. Why? Don’t feel like I’ll do well. Ok, I’ll go do some more practice papers. I see I’m getting a lot of answers right. Oh, I must be doing alright. I am now less stressed” Ultimately, becoming less stressed will result in becoming more efficient at studying/doing anything you’re trying to do.
Progressive studying (how I study)
Alright. I think there is a difference between memorising every single little detail months before the test and actually understanding the concepts (months ahead). I also think that people get these two confused.. a lot. In 1st year I memorised everything ages ahead and then when I got to the test… I forgot it. What I did remember were the general concepts and I also remembered everything I understood.
So, progressive studying is definitely good. A simple google search will show you 100s of studies proving that. But one study technique is not like the other.
What I did in 2nd and 3rd year (and actually still do today) is that I make notes for the lecture. Now this is different for 1st year and for everyone else. In 1st year, the notes are already pretty good, you probably don’t need to make extra notes. In every other year, you do. Make your own notes because the notes in the book just won’t be useful for you. Then, you make sure you understand everything in that lecture. Don’t let a lecture go by unnoticed if you don’t understand it because it will be much more difficult to understand a week before the test, I guarantee it.
Notes and lecture preparation
What I did was that I went to these lectures and I usually came prepared: I had other people's notes/slides because they don't upload them before the lectures (for some physiology papers) and the course guides are crap. Lucky all of you who message me for them (in a polite and respectful manner). I will happily provide you with my notes. I will only send you notes written by me so there is no copyright issue. So now I’m at a lecture with my pre-printed notes/notes on my laptop, I can easily keep up with the lecture. Edit the notes
From here I would never be done with a lecture until the notes are done. That is, they're edited and ready to be printed, they're not missing anything the lecturer said, they're nicely formatted so that I don't hate studying from them AND MOST IMPORTANTLY I UNDERSTAND everything in the notes. Not remember but understand. So that when I need to memorise everything from them in a few days or weeks, I can and I don't have to go back and re-do them. This is a very important step.
Exams (how I prepare before exams)
I cram. But beware.. there are different kinds of cramming. I’ve never crammed overnight and I’ve never started studying a day before an exam. That’s just… not smart. When people say cramming they think of learning the whole semester’s worth of content in one day and that's just downright impossible.
What I do is I usually allocate about ~2 weeks before a test that is reserved just for that test. I take all of my notes that I prepared during the semester (previous paragraph) and I’ll start planning and preparing. I would write out approx.. how many days I have, leave ~1 day purely for revision and past exams, divide the number of lectures by the number of days. I would then do MINIMUM that number of lectures and always try to do a few more per day if I can.
Study by teaching
For the actual study, I would read the whole lecture notes. I would make sure I understand everything there and then I would re-write everything from that lecture that I didn't automatically remember (some stuff is really obvious and it just sticks in your mind). Ideally I would try to fit that summary onto 1 page. Then you're left with your notes and ~30 one page summaries of everything.
Now I’ve read through your notes and I’ve summarised everything I didn't know. Now I move onto more intense study.
I had a few friends in undergrad who were usually a bit behind on stuff and I think they really benefited from me teaching her stuff. When I taught them stuff (even just reading it from the page) I learnt it REALLY well. It was crazy how much I remembered just by explaining it to someone else, even if I didn’t remember it myself and I was reading it from my book. Teaching is a really really good way of learning.
So find someone you can teach. Big groups never really worked for me, we all ended up procrastinating. Find one other person and take turns teaching. Divide the lectures into 2 halves and each of you will teach one half to the other. You can also correct each other. This is the best study technique I've ever had and it's so effective. If you can't find someone to teach, get a teddy bear and lock yourself in your room and explain everything out loud to your teddy bear. NOT in your head - that's bad and doesn't work. Explain it out loud. I spent about 50% of my study this way because I couldn’t be bothered going to uni to find someone to explain it to.
Good luck for the rest of the year :) 
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goosegoblin · 7 years
[1/2] Heeey Jess. You sometimes write about having ADHD (and autism if I'm correct) and I just, idk, need to tell smb else bc I'm having emotions. I'm a psych student so actually going to psychologist was difficult. But I struggle so much. I've come to really good guy, specialising in what I suspect is wrong and so far he is v understanding, I like his approach. We started assessment for ADHD.
[2/2] I’m going to have further test tomorrow, done by other psych bc mine simply doesn’t have it but nvm. So basically, I’m conflicted about the whole thing bc on one hand, maybe it’s nothing and I’m freaking out?? But then on the other, hey, this IS a problem, been my whole life, it impacts my daily life. If I’m not prying (you don’t have to answer if it’s too much, I understand), idk, how did you life change after a diagnosis? Better, different? Any tips? In general? Ta for listening!
Hey my friend! I know this feeling very well. Honestly, I went through the five stages of grief with my diagnosis, as weird as that sounds. Definitely took me a few months to hit acceptance.
First I felt denial- why am I doing this? I probably don’t have ADHD at all. I’m just lazy/ stupid/ not trying hard enough and I want to be special. I’m wasting everyone’s time. I’ve misled everyone.
Then: anger. What the fuck??? Why do I have ADHD? This is bullshit! Why can’t I be a normal person? What do you mean this is a lifelong thing? HOW DID THEY MISS THIS FOR 21 YEARS HOLY SHIT MY LIFE WOULD BE SO DIFFERENT IF THEY’D DIAGNOSED ME AT 8!!!
Then: depression. This sucks. This is my life. I can never be normal. I’m always going to struggle. I’m always going to be Odd. This is so unfair.
I had a bit of bargaining- a bit of ‘would I rather have depression or ADHD? would I rather have ADHD or anorexia? would I-’
Then: acceptance. I have ADHD. That is part of who I am, though it is not all I am. I know that my problems are real, and not just a character flaw. I don’t hate myself as much when things go wrong. This isn’t just me messing up, and I’m not the only one who feels this way.
‘ADHD’ is a useful shorthand to communicate a lot of things I struggle with. It’s nice to be in communities of people with ADHD and find things to bond over. The sense of community and belonging has been really lovely (although online groups are hilarious- it’s just everyone writing 2000 word posts and nobody else reading them).
Stimulants have helped me a lot. My executive functioning is near zero without them. The side-effects aren’t super great, but I’ll take ‘em over sleeping until 4PM because I don’t have the motivation to get out of bed, or failing my driving test three times because my inattentive ass was genuinely dangerous on the roads. 
I was able to get some special arrangements at uni, which helped a lot. At my uni you can’t leave an exam in the first or last thirty minutes, which my ADHD hates. I never ever stayed that last thirty minutes, even when I needed it, because being trapped in a room with nothing to do for half an hour sounds like hell. After my diagnosis I got extra time and took the exam in a smaller room with fewer distractions. As I got an extra 45 minutes, that meant that last thirty minutes of doom and dread was 45 minutes later, and I could have as much time as I needed without facing entrapment. 
You learn workarounds. Imagine that you were lactose intolerant and never knew. People might be like ‘oh man, stomach troubles? Eat probiotic yoghurt!’, and if you did that it would make things worse. Getting a diagnosis helps you know what helps and what doesn’t. For example, for ADHD, group revision sessions are a horrible terrible idea- in which case, work alone. You might find silence is actually distracting- in which case, you need a white noise app or similar. You might find that fidgeting or doodling actually makes you take in more of what’s being said, not less. You learn that the general one-size-fits-all advice might not fit you, but there’s a lot of advice that’s tailored for your condition. Yay!
More awareness of stigma. People tend to think ADHD is what doctors call hyperactive white boys- they have no idea it affects adults, and that it manifests in so many different ways. People joking about buying my meds. The annoyance of having to get and take a controlled substance. 
Find a community for people with ADHD, either online or IRL, and join it. I can’t stress this enough.
Check out Unfuck Your Habitat for a good guide on how to handle cleaning when both you and your house are an unorganised mess.
Download a website blocker/ productivity app. I like Habitica for positive encouragement, and I have a website blocker that lets me go ‘nuclear’ and block certain sites for 1 hour with no way to undo it. Sometimes I block the whole internet at night so I’ll actually go the fuck to bed.
I have a waterproof bluetooth speaker that I love. Showering, cleaning and cooking are so much easier with music.
Give yourself time. You’re gonna feel a lot of things about this diagnosis. It’ll mellow out eventually.
Get used to educating people. Find some ways to explain why what you’re talking about isn’t what they think you’re talking about. They hear ‘I can’t concentrate unless something is interesting’ and compare it to their own experience of ‘sure, it’s hard when it’s boring, but you have to try’. I explain it instead as ‘you know the end of a long day of lectures when your brain is fried and you can’t handle any more information at all? I get like that after five minutes’. 
Do not listen to the opinions of people other than your doctor on your meds. ‘it’s legal meth!!11!’ eat my ass sandra
Message me any time, on or off anon. Best of luck with the rest of your life
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jamest-kirk · 8 years
I need more of dyslexic Jim! It's so adorable and fitting! Maybe with Bones being his learn therapist or something?
omg, I know right? It’s been one of my personal headcanons for so long.
“I’m going to be a Captain,” Jim says, curling up on Bones’ couch with a beer in his hand. “I’m sure you will be,” Leonard replies, “did you start studying for the exams yet?” “Yeah, been studying for weeks,” Jim replies, and Leonard frowns, a little confused. “Really? Wanna practice together?” Jim briefly hesitates, but then nods. “Okay, sure.“ 
And Jim knows everything he already studied by heart. Bones really is pleasantly surprised. They have Introduction to Command, and Conflict Management classes together. Jim can talk smoothly, knows his stuff. Until he’s in the chapters he hasn’t studied yet. Leonard just sits next to him as Jim reads it out loud, though, he struggles immensely to do so. He reads words wrong, which isn’t so hard to do in a lot of classes with those Alien words and sigils. But even smaller, simpler words he just reads wrong, and Jim being aware of that, too, makes him increasingly uncomfortable. “Hey,” Leonard says eventually, “are you dyslectic?” Jim shrugs casually. “No.” “Because that’s not on your medical form,” Leonard continues. “I don’t want that on my form,” Jim says, “people think low enough of me as it is.”  Leonard frowns, reaching out to gently squeeze Jim’s shoulder. “I don’t think lower of you, neither do the people who are actually important to you. I’m gonna help you with this.” “Can you cure it?” Jim asks curiously, and Leonard shakes his head. “No, but I can help you get better. Makes reading a little easier on you. And you can just be my personal school project.” 
Jim passes his tests because he records all their chapters being read out loud, and he remembers a lot from the lectures. Bones passes his classes, too, of course. After that, Jim suspects he’s mostly forgotten about Jim’s condition, which would be the easy way out of admitting his own flaws, but Leonard hasn’t forgotten. He sits Jim down in the campus coffee shop, full hipster, and doesn’t take Jim complaining about it. They sit together with coffee and Jim finds out he’s actually quite okay with being treated to cake and coffee after each successful chapter in his book.
But then they both start following different classes, and Jim postpones the heavy reading for as much as he can because now Bones can’t really practice it with him as much as he would like to. Bones notices, too. And when they study together in Bones’ room, Jim struggles to concentrate because Bones is scribbling on paper like it’s the 20th century. Jim tries to focus on the words in front of him, but it doesn’t work as quickly as he wants to. “Coffee and cake no longer a good motivator, huh?” Bones asks, and Jim shrugs a little. “I want coffee, sure,” Jim says, “do you ever feel that with research papers, they use those fancy words on purpose?” “I mean, they’re all academic papers, so yeah,” Bones shrugs. He puts his own work aside, to instead focus on helping Jim. “Is there anything we can do that’ll help you focus?”  Jim thinks about that for a few seconds, but then the way he grins tells Bones enough. “Fine,” Bones says, and Jim raises an eyebrow. “What?” “You finish that chapter, and I’ll go down on you,” Bones says casually. Jim stares at him, trying to sense the joke in his voice or his expression, but then he opens his books again. “Now thats a good deal.”
It turns out, sex is actually a really good way to motivate Jim to study. Even when finals are over, Jim takes the initiative to practice his theory classes way on time. Of course, he only takes that initiative when he’s near Bones, but it seems a pretty decent arrangement for both of them. Jim’s grades improve, so do his reading skills, but his spelling is still horrible. Bones spends time correcting those in Jim’s papers, and then Jim thanks him by getting naked.
“What’s the matter?” Bones asks when Jim enters his room. He looks a little upset, especially because he immediately reaches out for Bones’ t-shirt, lips chasing the scruff on Bones’ cheeks. “Nothing, I need a distraction,” Jim says. Bones reaches out, grabbing Jim’s hands and tugging them away from his shirt. “Talk to me,” Bones says, sitting down on bed. Jim sits down next to him, sighing softly. “For the Federation History classes we have to write a paper,” Jim says, and Bones sighs. “The one where we have two hours to research and write it? Yeah.” “And I can’t prepare because we won’t actually get a topic until the day of the exam,” Jim grunts. “So, you need more time. You’re eligible for more time,” Bones says. “I would have, if I updated my medical documents,” Jim admits, and Bones narrows his eyes at him. “You didn’t?” “No.” “God damn it, Jim. I told you to do that!” “But I didn’t,” Jim shrugs, reaching out for Bones’ shirt again, but Bones, again, turns him down. “Don’t,” Bones says, “what are you even doing? See if you can get that extra time!”
Jim doesn’t get that extra time. And when Jim comes over to Bones’ dorm room after the exam, he looks visibly upset. “Didn’t go well, then?” Bones asks, and Jim falls down next to Bones on bed. “No, I fucked up,” Jim sighs. Bones turns to his side, sliding his arm around Jim’s waist. “I’m not gonna say I told you so,” Bones says, and Jim frowns. “By not saying that you literally just said it,” Jim replies. Bones huffs. “Go fix your medical report first thing on Monday,” Bones says, “you can do a retake of this exam and you’ll do fine next time,” Bones says. Jim smiles, reaching out to run his hand over Bones’ cheek. “I should’ve listened to you.” “Yes,” Bones agrees, leaning in to press a soft kiss on Jim’s lips, “you should’ve. Always.” “I don’t like feeling less smart than the others.” “It’s actually a really common thing, Jim,” Bones says, “only about 15% of people may actually be diagnosed, but they think over 70% has some form of reading disability.” “Look at you, gettin’ all doctor on me,” Jim replies with a smile. Bones shrugs, leaning in to kiss Jim again. At least Bones really knows how to make Jim feel better.
Neither of them really know how things turned from casually sleeping together to something more serious, but it just happened. It feels good, so neither of them make the attempt to stop it. Jim gets the opportunity to take that exam again. This time, with the extra time, an he passes it. Not the best grade, but sufficient. He buys a big bottle of bourbon and comes over to Bones' room. "I passed," Jim says, and Bones doesn't even look up from his computer. "Good job, bud." That's real friendship. Jim sits down, one hand holding the bottle. The other on Bones' leg. "Let's celebrate," Jim nudges Bones' attention away from his device and towards Jim instead. "C'm here," Jim says, pulling Bones closer and leaning in to kiss him. Bones obliges, kissing Jim until he's breathless. "God," Jim breathes against hot lips, shivering pleasantly as Bones' hands slides under Jim's shirt, "I love you." That stops Bones' actions, and Jim only then realizes what he'd just said. "You what?" Bones asks. "Nothing," Jim mumbles, "slip off the tongue. Heat of the moment. Didn't realize-" But Bones leans in, lips brushing over Jim's again. "Can't take back what you already said," Bones says softly, "unless you spell it for me." "Wow, rude. Fuck you," Jim laughs. Bones shrugs, hands on Jim's shirt to take it off. "I mean, if you want to."
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