#and mind you he acts like this when his gf isn't physically in the same place as him like even in class and his gf came to London
restinslices · 9 months
I don’t know if I requested this already but how do you think the Lin Kuei bros would react when each of them got their first gf?
It’s 5am but I’m avoiding sleep cause sleep paralysis been kicking my ass recently so here we are. I didn’t know if you were imagining a certain age or how detailed you wanted it so they’re all at different ages
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Bi-Han doesn't have that much experience when it comes to dating even if he's the oldest brother 
Growing up he was taught to mainly focus on his clan since he'd be the next Grandmaster so naturally dating is something that was at the back of his mind 
When he got his first girlfriend he'd probably be older. So he's mature when it comes to handling himself but he's not mature when it comes to romantic relationships 
I think the first week would be the hardest because he's both nonchalant but also worried if that makes sense
Nonchalant because he doesn't physically show any emotion besides disdain but also worry because whenever he hears about new relationships, people are always so giddy. They're glowing. They're jumping up and down and are cuddled next to their partner all the time. 
Bi-Han though? He doesn't do any of that. He's not sure what he should do and since he doesn't know, it makes him worry that maybe he made the wrong choice. Maybe he took the bit of affection you gave him and ran with it and it went outta hand 
After that first week though, he still wants to be with and around you so he starts to relax and realize he just reacts differently to things 
Some things he would struggle with since this is his first relationship. He'd struggle with the idea of being around his partner so often. Does he enjoy your presence? Yeah. But he also wants a lot of alone time 
Idk how long his first relationship would last. He gives me both “we're in this forever” and “forever isn't realistic” vibes. 
I honestly don't think he'd change much, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's a grown man. He's past all the intense teenage emotions. 
I don't even think his partner would notice a difference tbh. He trails behind you more but besides that, he still acts like your friend Bi-Han which isn't necessarily a bad thing 
Because it's his first relationship, I don't see him initiating things like physical touch that much. I think his partner would have to either ask or hint at it 
Cutsey things just don't come naturally to him. 
Is he happy about his first relationship? Absolutely. He just doesn't see the big deal with certain things like hand holding or other romantic expectations. Honestly I can see that being the cause of his first relationship ending depending on who it is but if it's someone that's on the same wavelength or understands lack of affection doesn't mean lack of love then I could see it lasting forever. 
Kuai Liang 
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Kuai Liang was probably the first to start dating 
Does he have responsibilities? Yes. But that wouldn't stop him from experiencing certain things, even if he had to do it sneakily. 
He was a young teenager when he finally got his first girlfriend. She was apart of a nearby clan and although he was told many times not to focus on women, he couldn't help it. 
It was a simple friendship but it turned into something more. A secret relationship no one could know about
I think Kuai Liang would be happy to finally have a girlfriend. It's something else in his life that gives him happiness besides his family. 
Also this is a teenager so he's geeked as fuck. He tries to appear all calm and cool but it wouldn't really work 
Would always try to sneak away to see her. He wants to spend as much time with her as he can. Half of it is because he's a teenager, half of it is because he genuinely likes her. 
I also think he likes exchanging gifts. It gave them both something to remember the other bye
As a young boy, he wants to tell everyone but because of circumstances, he can’t. Besides that though I just honestly think he’s happy waking up everyday knowing he’ll see her even if it’s only for a few minutes.
She was a break for him. He's always the mediator between Bi-Han and Tomas. He always had to train hard so he could assist Bi-Han when he became grandmaster. When he was with her he was relaxed. 
Enjoys the company that comes with having a partner, even if a lot of the times he's too busy to see her 
He knows he doesn’t know much about relationships, but that’s ok. Life’s a journey and he’s willing to learn and communicate for this girl
Considering it says “first relationship”, that means it doesn't last 
I think the reason would be they eventually get caught. His dad has a tighter leash on him and she's sent to a different area her clan occupies 
He wouldn't take this well but there's really nothing he can do
Takes him awhile to get over even if it was some silly teenage romance according to others. 
Tomas Vrbada
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Tomas gets into his first relationship in his late teens to early twenties
I can see him telling Kuai Liang immediately and asking for advice 
I can see it being a friends to lovers kind of thing. She's an earthrealmer in the know about all the realms and stuff and knows Madam Bo. Tomas is easy to like so they become friends then he asks her out on accident 
Tomas, like Kuai Liang, would be happy to have a significant other. He'd like having a girlfriend because this is his person. He became a Lin Kuei because the grandmaster felt shame about his clan murdering Tomas’ family. To Tomas, that's not him actually wanting him. It's guilt 
Having a girlfriend though means she's with him because she loves him. She actually likes him and chose him.
Very proud boyfriend. He’s surprised he has someone to call his and thinks she’s everything 
He's younger so he's not really confident which I think would show. He constantly wants to be around her out of insecurity. He's worried that she'd leave and find someone else 
He thinks he’s not good enough for anything
Can we blame him? He has Bi-Han constantly making him feel shitty. Sure he’s not the only reason Tomas is insecure but he’s not helping
He's also paranoid about anyone else he loves being hurt. People get hurt, he understands that but he cannot say goodbye to someone else prematurely. Especially someone that makes him so happy
Since it's his first relationship, he doesn't know how to properly communicate these feelings 
He genuinely likes this person and wants to be something serious. The problem is all this hovering and worry could cause problems in the relationship and lead to it ending. 
His solution would be trying to change himself 
Letting go is not something he wants to do. This person makes him happy so why should he? He could definitely change and do better. 
And since this is his first relationship, he’s nervous something like this won’t happen again. 
Unfortunately for him you can’t get rid of insecurities easily and you have to love yourself before loving anyone else
You'd expect him to have the longest lasting relationship but he probably wouldn't. The relationship wouldn't end with harsh feelings but he'd still be upset by it and it'd encourage him to work on himself 
I promise you Kuai Liang is my favorite brother. Idk how Bi-Han got around 440 words and him and Tomas got around 380- I also plan on writing angst after I eventually go to sleep so tune in
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Don’t mind me while I scream incoherently about the latest chapter of WsDB because holy shit was it good!!!
Ghost is the biggest shit ever and I love that for him (he deserves those strawberry’s).
all the gifts from his family the skull jumper were really well thought out (Soaps gonna lose his shit when he finds out Ghost’s part Scottish) The Akubra!!!! and the Skull omfg the sweet and twisted fluffy feelings 😭 They’re both in love and neither of the dumb arses realise it yet (I bet everyone else does though)
Poor price though he’s so worried for is anti social son. Ghost: *going out of his way to show affection and share things about himself with the team* Price: *sweating* wondering if he needs to call an ambulance or a priest first
Were Prices photos an 09 reference? How old is that hat?! I forgot you mentioned that Gaz’s girlfriend would be a spider! She must cop so much shit all the time (good on Kyle for not letting anyone add to it) I have a couple questions about her but all ask them later. Soap is so excited about his big family and ghost is about to go “hold my beer”. THE SPIRAL holy shit, like yes Ghost you do need therapy but that’s besides the point, your fucked up feelings are both weirdly sweet and reciprocated. Soap would 100% honour and respect every part of Ghost dead or alive they match each others freak. So your telling me that at the family show and tell Roach brought a photo of him with the rest of the 141 acting like idiots because they’re his family (your paying my physic bills because my heart just broke)
I love how Gaz and Roach are initially shocked by Ghost being trans but after it wears off they don’t actually care (meanwhile soap is in the background trying to do math) it’s just a thing like the sky is blue, the earth is round and Ghost is trans. The bigger shock is the whole rabbit situation, I can’t wait till soap finds out exactly what type of rabbit Ghost is. (Especially after what he just said lol) and Ghost’s last words for the chapter amounting to “I wouldn’t betray your trust but I have and will continue to fuck with you.
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this, but I wanted to give people a change to read it since this is a bit spoilery for chapter 3. ❤ Hopefully its been enough time, let's dive in!
Ghost being a little shit is one of my favorite parts of this fic, he deserves to be a menace.
Soap and his Akubra have been rotting my brain since it was first mentioned, and it will come up again. The man looks damn good in that hat.
Soap giving Ghost a fucking rabbit skull of all things, he's trying so hard to get into Ghost's good graces, and had no clue at the time how fucked up that action was 😂 next chapter will have our first taste of Soap's POV and his realization of the implications of his actions.
Price watching Ghost come out of his shell like 😰 lol the poor guy, he's never seen Ghost act like this and he's worried the man is losing it.
So Price's photos were a bit of a personal headcanon of mine, because Modern Warfare's Price isn't the first, only Price in the Call of Duty games. There was a Captain Price in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2, who looks similar but his accent is way thicker and the timeline is set in WW2. There's also mention of a Johnathan Price in COD Black Ops. It's never explicitly stated (to my knowledge) that that man is one and the same as our Captain from MW. Anyway, I like to believe that the Price family has been sending their boys off to be Captains for generations.
Please ask about Gaz's spider GF, I love her, and want to talk about her!
Roach's family photos was fun and sad to write. Basically, by joining the military he severed ties with his old gang, who were all he had. So the 141 means everything to him. This will be important later. 😈
Ghost: I'm trans
Everyone: huh, okay, didn't know that. Woulda never guessed.
Ghost: also I'm a rabbit
Everyone: minds blown, chaos, worldview shattered
And lastly, as much as Ghost is fucking with and going to continue fucking with Soap, trust that I have all kinds of mental and emotional fuckery planned for you lot, my lovely readers. 😘
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
Sooo what characters of yours are open for shipping? And if you're willing to tell, what are their ideal types? For science of course
Currently Bluey, Bastion, and Verde! Tombstone has a gf, Morte is engaged, and Rampart is married. But there will also be future characters on the blog who will join their teams that will also be open for shipping! the crossed-out names are their current crushed but nothing has been set in stone in terms of a relationship outside of friendship developing.
Percy Bluey is looking for a male from the human-like egg group with many qualities similar to her father, Riddle. Those qualities are that they have to be sweet/kind to an extent and HAVE to be family-oriented/ok with kids because Bluey wants kids. She wants a partner who will be a good dad and who isn't afraid to tell his family that he loves them and wants to spend time with them. Bluey's primary love languages are words of affirmation and Quality Time. She wants someone who is ok with affection but doesn't mind if they are not a fan of PDA. Someone who will push her to be her better self and who isn't afraid to challenge her stance a bit when she's being stubborn. She also likes silly little guys and is more likely to be attracted to someone who's a little skinny and scrawny when it comes to body type. She isn't one to be automatically impressed by big rippling muscles.
Bluey. Bastion is looking for someone, be they male or female, who is incredibly affectionate and down for PDA. Bastion is very touched-starved and wants a partner who will hold him and kiss him without making a fuss if it's in public, and he is 100% on board with the idea of them not keeping their hands off of him. Bastion's primary love language is physical touch. He'd like for them to appreciate and notice the little things he does for them or even larger favors he does for them because another of Bastion's love languages is acts of service. He wants a partner who would be considerate enough to do little things here or there without needing to be asked and who would appreciate him doing the same. The biggest hurdle a possible partner will have is getting Maggot to approve of them. Bastion will always choose what's best for Maggot regardless of his own desires.
Verde honestly isn't truly looking for anyone after the death of his wife, Copper. He loved her so much, after all, they had a child together and even a grandchild. And the way she was taken from him wasn't the way either of them wanted that bond to end. For someone to be a good partner for Verde is probably best if they are older. After all, Gramptus is in his late 60's. It would have to be someone who is patient with him and willing to take things slow and ease him into the idea that it is ok to move on. It would also be important that this person has a positive relationship with Bluey. If you treat his Blue Bug poorly he will turn you into his personal pin cushion. Verde's primary love languages are quality time and gift giving. After all, he is old and doesn't know how much longer he's got on this ball of dirt, he'd want someone who'd spend the last of his days in his company and who'd kept all the little things he'd give them to remember him by.
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robotpussy · 2 years
oh i knew i was anxious for a reason. he rlly is a 2 timing bitch 😭😭
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1-up-chump · 2 years
Mortal kombat MK 1 roster general SFW relationship HC
Liu kang
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A relationship with liu kang is a sweet one, he's the type who would never be afraid to hold your hand in public. Although before an established relationship, would get annoyed with "ooo you like them" comments from others, which yeah he likes you but also "shut up they're not my bf/gf" until he gets over himself and just goes "yeah and?"
Liu kang would give meaningful gifts, something he knows you would like but also use. But obsesses a little bit over it being your "favorite color"
If you're not "kombat ready" liu kang would at least want you to know how to defend yourself bc he knows he can't always be there to protect you (but by the elder gods he will always try anyways)
Johnny cage
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Mr Hollywood himself takes absolute pride and joy in your relationship, Johnny may be a funny cocky man but he is 100% loyal to a fault and will go above and beyond for you. No price is too high for his sweetheart, the financial kind or the life risking kind. And contrary to what some might think, Johnny prefers more privacy between you two bc paparazzi is a bitch and a half, but also his love is something thats for you and nothing to prove to anyone else.
Johnny gives all the "klassic" romantic gifts, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears dressed up as scorpion. The amount of cheese this man gives off when it comes to love is astounding, but Johnny is just too charming to completely say "no" to when he's trying to woo you.
Despite the glamour and dramatic cinematic esque romance, Johnny would literally die for you no questions asked "Kombat ready" or not. But if you can kick some ass he wouldn't mind being "damsel in distress" for a moment even if it might hurt his pride a little (who knows, Johnny might find it kinda hot)
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Raiden's affection for you in private vs public is like night and day, but one thing no one can deny, you make him so much happier. He's more reserved in public but he's not going to deny you a kiss to the hand or a flirty, playful wink that's so quick you might miss it. But in private he's so much more relaxed around you, expect like, a lot of kisses and cuddling. Raiden might be a little touch starved, but even then he always asks for consent even if you already agreed to it before. He's also sassy as hell (raiden absolutely has personality and a sense of humor and just bc nrs forgot doesn't mean I did too)
Raiden is more of an "acts of service" type than a gift giver. But if he does give a gift it's either practical like clothing or maybe a little treat, or something very sentimental like a protective charm, something to give you peace of mind and to remind you he's always there for you even if not physically.
Raiden is definitely making sure you can handle yourself to some degree however capable you can be. If you are very willing to be "kombat ready" be prepared for some pretty intense training, but raiden is fair and won't push you unnecessarily anymore than you can handle
Scorpion/hanzo hasashi
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Baby is so fucking protective of you its no joke, has the energy of a big looming dog if someone so much as look at you the wrong way. Very circumstantial with showing affection publicly, only comfortable when it's around people he knows wouldn't lay a finger on you. In private he is the biggest sweetheart, very very touchy and cuddly, and not afraid to show just how much he loves you and how much you mean everything to him.
Hanzo isn't much for gift giving, rather doing things for you more than anything. However he gives small but very thoughtful gifts, be it your favorite treat or a beautiful piece of jewelry that you once eyed like a week ago. He sees the little things that you like and takes note to give it to you, especially if it makes you smile, your smile gives him life.
Do i even need to tell you how devoted this man is? The man literally went through all manners of literal hell for his family before, the same applies to you. Only this time he will be better to not let rage blind him, should the worst happen. But by the elder gods whoever hurt you will pay dearly
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(Listen i know thats his noob-saibot form but i couldn't find a better gif of him)
Like hanzo, very devoted and passionate but less intense about it. It's cheesy as hell but you warm his heart, he might not like being overly affectionate with you on the account someone might "attack his soft spot" but regardless he still loves you no matter what, his actions will always say otherwise even if he's being "cold"
He's traditional with the gifts, flowers, hand written notes, and on rarer occasions he might give you a frozen treat. His letters however is where he can pour his heart out comfortably, where verbal words fail him, written poetry tells you just how soft you make him
Bi-han might be distant with you, at least to outsiders. But you know better, you know he'd do anything for you when it comes down to it. Perhaps even challenge his other loyalties if it comes to it
Sonya blade
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Sonya is a bit awkward with affection, she's not the touchy feely type but she does love to sneak kisses when no one is looking or paying attention. She does love and care for you but she shows it a bit differently
Acts of service all the way, sonya would rather do something for you or with you. Not really the material type at all, but not to say she wouldn't give practical gifts like clothes or an item you would use often. However sonya would give you flowers on a very special occasion, sunflowers. Roses are usually the "klassic" but she thinks sunflowers are prettier anyways
Sonya cares so much she absolutely would die and kill for you. She'd probably also make sure you're "kombat ready" too, as much as you can as she knows she won't always be there to protect you, but by fuckin elder gods she'll try anyways
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Kano is a stinky bastard, the obvious being said, it's no secret you're his soft spot. And kano makes sure to dial up the "big macho man tough guy" to 11, just to make sure no one even thinks about using you against him. Which may include kano being mean to you in public on purpose to keep up certain reputations. But in private? Like a whole new man, he's rough around the edges but he genuinely tries to be considerate. Super touchy and handsy, there's no inch of you he hasn't laid his hands on and thats not even in a raunchy way, he just likes holding you.
Kano is definitely the type to get you anything you want, but mostly gives you some nice (totally stolen black market) jewelry. You can have literally anything as long as you don't ask where kano got it (bc the answer is always something illegal probably)
Kano will never give you up without a fight and by elder gods he's gonna put up a fight because no one is gonna touch you except him. And perhaps fighting because of you he has some shred of honor. Although he wouldn't mind you defending yourself at all, hell that makes his life a lot easier
Shang tsung
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Shang tsung isn't afraid to show affection, however in public it feels more like a display of "look at my pretty little toy" than something closer to a legit relationship, but that's only because shang knows better than to ever let anyone know the truth that you have his heart and soul. In private he is sensual, he's intense, passionate and all consuming. Shang is very vocal about showing his love to you in private and he will always remind you that not only your soul belongs to him, but his belongs to you. A rare gift you shouldn't take lightly.
Speaking of gifts, they are the most extravagant and expensive things. But shang pays attention, he knows exactly what you want when you want before you even know what it is that you want. Basically shang tsung's gifts are flawless and he will settle for nothing less.
Shang tsung may not seem like it to others (for obvious reasons) but he would quite literally raise hell if anything bad were to happen to you to a point he'd put his own ambitions on hold if it ment you'd be safe. Which is very significant for a man like him, consider yourself the most lucky (or unlucky depending on who you ask) person in the whole universe to ever had won his heart
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Everyone is shocked to see syzoth take a lover, but for syzoth this is very much a big deal. Therefore he protects you fiercely, the one person to show him not only the respect he deserves, but also kindness. His race never truly had this sort of show of affection, they were lizard folk so they're detached from those sorts of bonds. However this doesn't mean syzoth can't feel love, he actually loves how warm you are. And as such will cuddle you to a point you might get annoyed bc good luck trying to get this big lizard off of you.
Food is a big gift you're gonna get, it's going to be a lot of raw meat so definitely tell him what you actually can and like to eat. Syzoth tries his best to give you things he thinks you'll like, so if you don't actually tell him what you like he'll give you shiny things and flowers (that are mostly weeds)
Syzoth absolutely defends you to the death and no one is gonna keep a limb if they dare hurt you. Although you might have to watch out bc syzoth might attack anyone else around even if they weren't involved in hurting you. You'll have to calm him down
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Goro is the type to pick you up and go "look at my lover they are amazing" if the shokan prince takes a lover he's gonna show them off like a prize. But make no mistake he loves you and someone's gonna have to have some balls to disrespect you in front of goro.
Goro will make sure you have everything you ever need or want, although he's not much of the spoiling type, he might just make an exception if you bat your eyes at him and "put on your charm" so to speak. Depending on his mood goro might give you something no problem, but he might be either cheeky or moody and you'll probably have to literally fight him for that so, don't even try if you know you can't beat him in a fight.
It's a bad idea to hurt goro's beloved so rest assured that goro is gonna tear the limbs clean off whoever so much as dare threatens your life. And then proceed to beat them to death with their own limbs with one pair of arms, while holding you close with the other
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slasherlouvre · 2 years
This is the same anon again, but what are you looking for in a boyfriend (assuming you dont want a gf)
Specifically Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, and Lester Sinclair. Also big boys like Thomas Hewitt.
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So if you're one of them, dm me 🥴
But if this was a serious question, uhhhh here's some info to get to know me better?? ⬇️
About me
I'm cis, fem/afab
Between 20 - 25 years old
Straight, but in an inclusive way?? I know a lot of cis straight women only go for cis straight men when they say they're 'straight' but I'm attracted to anyone who identifies as male (not sure if there's a specific term for this, sorry)
Ngl, I have not fallen for an irl man/been in a relationship in over 5?? Years??? And I guess I'm currently questioning on whether I may be fictosexualflux/fictoflux???
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- Just because I've always been heavily attracted to fictional men way more than irl men, but also it may just be that I don't care to go out very much to meet potential romantic interests/go on dates? And also, I've been hurt before so I guess it could also be accounted to some kind of defense mechanism,, ANYWAY-
My main personality traits are probably:
• Kind, Patient, Loyal, Emotionally strong, Introverted, Insecure/Self deprecating, Thoughtful, Physical touch/Gift giving as my main love languages, Mature, Funny (I think), Emotionally needy (although I hide this a lot,,), frequently horny (I think that one was obvious though..), Prideful, Stubborn, Protective, Affectionate
What I'm looking for in my future boyfriend:
When I say I'm attracted to personality and I couldn't care less about physical appearance, I mean it genuinely (Source: i'm literally attracted to slasher men and monsters). Of course I have preferences (I think everyone has a few), but when I'm in love with you, nothing you're physically insecure about could make me see you otherwise.
Personality traits I mainly look for are:
Shy, but also able to take the lead at times so ideally he's a switch/vers like me
Introverted for the most part
Comfortable with his masculinity
Willing to be vulnerable with/for me even if it's something we need to work on/take slow
Love language is primarily acts of service and words of affirmation (physical touch is nice too)
Kind, Understanding, Protective, Loyal, Responsible, Affectionate, Emotionally intelligent, Involved
An animal lover
Considerate of my mental health issues (depression, anxiety) & adhd
Enjoys quality time even if it's just sitting in quiet, comfortable silences
Treasures small moments, photos, and otherwise 'meaningless' things
Remembers small details
Communicates to avoid misunderstandings to the best of his ability
Treats women, people of color, LGBTQ+, etc. with consideration and respect (so not a bigot)
Isn't a bystander when he can help in a situation
Doesn't want children
Doesn't pressure for marriage; comfortable with our relationship status
Respects boundaries
Patient with me physically/sexually because I still have a lot of 'firsts' I haven't experienced and even though I'm touch starved I also have fears of intimacy
Isn't into BDSM (light bondage, edging, overstimulation, etc. are all fine)
Open minded; enjoys trying new things
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That's all I can think of rn,,,,, sorry for rambling on <3
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fairycosmos · 2 years
how would you deal with a (guy) friend who apparently still has feelings for you (after having rejected him TWO Years ago, and who has a gf) who keeps being very hot and cold with you and manipulative, being mean and then acting like im imagining it, pushing me away but then being angry when i get a bit more distant, but is very good and old friends with your best friend (who knows about what hes doing btw and finds it very fucked up) youre never really gonna be able to cut him off also bc he used to be really fun to hang out with like i feel like im losing my mind girl i want to kill someone rn this has been going on nonstop for the past week but started half a year ago i feel homicidal i cried at work today bc of this i cant handle this lmao
hey, sorry to hear :( he sounds like a major cunt and honestly it's his issue to get over like. you don't owe him shit and certainly not romantic reciprocation LOL. if he can't accept that and he's still acting like a pissbaby about it 2 years later i mean. is he even worth being mates with, to you and your best friend? it's a good question to reconsider imo. though i appreciate that friendships can be really complex and much harder to just get over/let go of than ppl often think, so i was wondering if maybe you could start grey rocking him. it's obviously just a suggestion and feel free to ignore everything i'm saying if it's not resonating, but since you can't physically distance yourself from him due to ur mutual connections and shared history, then maybe emotionally distancing yourself is the next best thing.
grey rocking means you don't give him any sort of response to bounce off of, to manipulate, to get mad at next time he goes off on one. or even ever. you reduce your relationship down to the barest minimum for your own sake. when you do have to interact with him, it's direct and short lived and hopefully about some other third party. if he starts trying some weird guilt trippy shit or getting back on his manipulative crap, you don't reply or you shrug or you just give one-word non-answers. you don't engage with it, and you make it as irrelevant to your life as possible. then he has nothing to work with at all. look up the term if you're interested in how to utilize it as a communication device effectively, it can be super helpful when done right. i appreciate this isn't exactly a comfortable or easy answer, and that it might make things a little difficult with your friends but - he's already doing that. and at least this way, after you've practiced the habit enough and gotten used to phasing him out, you'll regain back some of ur inner peace and mental stability instead of being so anxious all the time. you don't deserve that. i know it sucks, and it must be unimaginably painful to essentially lose someone you care about like this, but it really seems like he's not the same person he used to be. like he's just causing more trouble than he's worth. it's not on you to make him act like a fucking adult, and that's the bottom line. you know?
though this is kind of a practical response to what you're going through, i wanna recognize that i know the emotions involved will inevitably make it really messy, and much harder to deal with than i can possibly conceive of as an outsider. i'm really, really sorry you're in this situation and that it's stressing you out so much, love. it seriously must be so panic inducing and frustrating :( he's a dick who clearly has no consideration for what he's putting you through, and if he cared about you that much on any level - platonic or otherwise - he would extend you some empathy. it's truly his responsibility to reflect and improve upon his behaviour, all you can do is decide how much you're willing to put up with, either literally or mentally. i really hope things start getting better for you soon, and that the weight of this is lifted from your shoulders little by little. sending you a huge hug rn. please just try to be kind to yourself as you work through this and figure out what's best for you, which is really what matters the most if you're at your wits end with him. do what you need to do to feel okay and breathe easy again, there's never anything wrong with that. take care. x
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I have a bunch of questions for WS anon since I am interested in other celebs possible pr too!
1. With your job, is it regular for anyone working in the industry to have tea? And do people working in or share what’s real or not?
I would say it gives you the opportunity to hear gossip or rumors that only people in the industry would know. I will say you'd probably need to go out of your way to learn about it. In my case I work with athletes and aside from the people they hookup with, their scandals, vices it's not really a place with tea. But I do make a lot of friends in the industry and we gossip all the time and they share from their respective fields and about the celebs they work with or have a connection to. I guess it's the same as any kind of workplace gossip.
Working in what? You mean working in pr? A celeb's pr team will never tell you what is real/authentic or straight up fake or a mix of both. The most they'll give is what strategies they impose or how they mold things. But not directly, oh this is fake btw. For obvious reasons, they keep a lot of things secret and things only they would know. A lot of friends in pr do like sharing input or teach our gc how things go or look for the signs or the strategies we wouldn't even have figured without their help. A lot of times we also just hear a lot of rumors from inside sources that just outward contradicts what is being presented by the media/pr play of a celeb.
2. Can you tell me your thoughts on often thought pr couples? I am not a harrie at all and I see this from pop culture blogs.
lily/timmy - I don't know if it's pure pr or not but I've at least heard Timmy was also hooking up with other women during all those times he was with Lily. A lot of people have told me it's pure pr/mostly pr though. They did seem like a nice match as future it girl/boy but their reunion it didn't seem as interesting.
seb/ale - I actually don't follow either of those two enough. I thought Seb has always been pretty open about his gfs? At least I thought him and Leighton were pretty public. For his current gf, if it's pr then he hasn't gain a lot of fame imo. The only place I see him relevant or getting talked about is the tumblr/twitter stans which while loud isn't that big. I mean his fans sure let his last film flop hard, I doubt the BO was even enough to pay him.
henry/nat - I feel like I blocked out Henry's love life when he was dating a 19 year old. But I would say this is real. Until I see Natalie suddenly becoming a star I'd say this is pretty standard for Henry. Him and Kaley, yeah none of you can convince me that was real.
chris/jenny - A lot of people will kill me, but since Jessie admitted she also thinks they're pr then I'll admit I do too.
tom/zendaya - I think they're real. Either way I love it. We can probably judge based on how long this will last.
shawn/camila - real, but my friend says they're way more subdued in private at least
bennifer - I already sent an answer to this before
ben/ana - the blueprint
hiddleswift - pr
abelena - pr
If you're asking if I think they're pure pr, I don't know what happens when they're alone together to say it's all fake. I imagine hiddleswift, abelena, ben/ana probably hookup in private but was never as serious or real as they made it appear. If you're asking if they're real and using it for pr, well yeah I would say all of these would qualify as they're using it for pr too which isn't a bad thing. Like Ryan/Blake are obviously real and using their relationship for publicity.
3. Do you think hiddleswift was bad pr for Tom?
Not really. I do think it was meant to be longer with a full better rollout and ended too early with Taylor backing out. As someone who considers herself a self-hating swiftie, Tom gained a lot of loyal fans in the fandom for example and hiddleswift was pretty memorable pop culture moment in general.
4. How do you really feel about the holivia questions and harries in general since you tend to get the most abuse from them?
I'm irritated because of the angry anons and people who can't respect opinion. Other than that, my opinion on holivia still remains the same and it will not physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or financially hurt either Harry or Olivia. In the first place, I don't remember ever spending money for them. I think as long as Jessie allows pop culture discussion and allows the question, we can all and should respect opinion. I'm not in any way anti or pro holivia. I don't mind a pr relationship cause to me it's a normal and harmless part of their job. I also don't think pr should be equated as bad at all. We're kidding ourselves if we don't think celebs are like this.
5. I’m just basing this from the harry stans in this blog, but how do you see Harry benefit from holivia?
I already said this to my one harrie friend here but I always saw his fans overestimate his fame. Harry is big but he isn't BIG. He hasn't come to the level of Taylor, Drake, Ed, JB, or their counterparts for actors. Every celeb who came at that level went to levels of attention seeking and pr. When you're trying to venture into film, there are separate pr that could also be demanded from you. Being big in one industry doesn't equate to being an instant hit or success in the other. Especially when the film industry does have a lot of hesitation with singers to actors. Especially when with Harry he seems to want to be taken as a serious actor rather than the easy going route many of his contemporaries have done to jump start their acting career. Harry is being talked about a lot by blogs and accounts that used to barely mention him before. He is being discussed as a regular gossip which didn't happen for years. Imo fans just think he's too big for anything or that he is immune to pr or attention seeking. Me and my friends never saw him that way and we also never saw Harry as incredibly relevant or big, rather than he has an incredibly dedicated fanbase
Question for WS anon but I would also like to hear your opinion Jessie? Do you think Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling call the paps . Because I've generanlly heard that he is an extremely private ccelebrity but all those spottinga with his kid don't necessarily seem very organic to me Also are there any celebs that dont really call the paps?
You can be a private celeb and still call the paps. Ryan is a private guy but he has always been pretty open who he's dating and end of day they don't give us a lot of update or info about their relationship. Abel has started calling the paps a lot, but in hindsight he's still very private about himself.
I think the only celebs who don't call the paps are ones who don't have publicist.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
You answered this so thoroughly, thank you! X
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