#and no one else in the troops i help out with do either
What do you think of historically “for women by women” organizations starting to include non-binary people in them? For example, the Autistic Women Network has recently changed to the Autistic Women and Non-Binary Network. Thoughts?
First I've heard of it. I think it would depend on if they actually include nonbinary people that were born men. Or if it's just nonbinary people that were born female.
Like, regardless of my thoughts on nonbinary as a whole, I can appreciate attempts at being inclusive. But if you're nonbinary (ie. Not a women) pushing yourself into a female space and pushing for a change in name without actually including amab nonbinary people then I have a really hard time supporting that you're even nonbinary to begin with. Sounds more like the whole gender role issue that I've talked about before. Feels like you're attached to being a women but not attached to the expectations it comes with-- which is not what being trans is about.
And yes I get that there is a gray area. Even as a trans man, there are female experiences that I relate to and have first hand experience with. But if I were to go to a female space for women for whatever reason, I would make it clear that I don't want to change the name of the space. I used to be a women, I can give input into the situation, but this space is still for women. I'm allowed to be a gray area, I'm allowed to be an exception without changing everything to include me. Because the group is for women. That's it's big thing. Bending over backwards to include every single exception, rather than letting it be a unwritten rule that they're included, takes away time, energy, and resources from the actual cause of the group. I just don't see the point. I'm fine. It's not a big deal.
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niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: What use is honor in war?
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
*Clouds of ash part to reveal burnt out husks of barracks complexes, shatter communication towers, and looming over all of it was the crumbling structure of the once proud command center itself.*
*Setting down in front of the command building a small squad of human soldiers approach and form a cordon to either side of the lowering boarding ramp.*
*General Marius Fimble slowly walks down the ramp flanked by a pair of black clad honor guard. His robotic left foot slamming against the ramp with a resounding cannon like echo until he reaches the bottom*
Colonel: *Salutes* General.
Marius: *Returns salute lazily while scanning surroundings* Colonel.
Colonel: You can relax sir; we’ve cleared the area of all resistance.
Marius: Complacency breeds overconfidence; never forget that.
Colonel: Sir!
Marius: Do you have him?
Colonel: We are keeping him in the main building to prevent escape.
Marius: *Confused* Have they made attempts?
Colonel: First one he killed three and injured twelve.
Marius: First?
Colonel: Second he killed seven and injured six, then again three hours later with eight injured.
Marius: He’s tried escaping three times already?
Colonel: Oh no.
Colonel: Those were all within the first seven hours of capture; we’re on twenty seven attempts by now.
Marius: *Grunts*
Marius: Let’s get this over with then before he kills any more of my men.
*Colonel escorts the general and his guards inside the command center. Descending three flights of stairs the group comes to an armored door guarded by twenty soldiers and an auto turret pointed at the doorframe*
Marius: Open it.
*The armored door slowly creeks open as all twenty guards take aim at the opening. The auto turret slowly begins spinning its turrets in preparation to fire as the general walks by.*
Marius: *Waves his bodyguards* Wait here.
Colonel: I would not recommend that, sir.
Marius: *Walks past Colonel and into the room* Noted.
*The door slams behind Marius as he takes in the surroundings. A single light hangs from the ceiling illuminating a lone figure secured firmly to the ground my numerous heavy chains*
Marius: Commandant Fring, we meet at last.
Fring: *Spits out glob of purple blood at Marius’s feet*
Marius: *Steps over it without acknowledging it*
Marius: I had heard tales of the great Grung military back in my academy days and I must say after fighting you, I am deeply underwhelmed.
Fring: *Low growl*
Marius: *Circling the room* Over a thousand years of military prowess and I took you apart in less than a day.
*Fring lunges at Marius who doesn’t flinch. The chains straining under the sudden pressure with Fring just out of reach of Marius’s throat*
*Marius watches in silence as Fring continues for several minutes before relenting*
Marius: I never understood that.
Fring: What?
Marius: Honor.
Fring: You do not understand it because you have never held it.
Fring: You preach of taking down our military when you attacked like cowards and thieves in the dead of night! Slaughtering my warriors while they slept rather than dying by their hands on the field of battle!
Marius: The purpose of war is to win.
Marius: Everything else takes a back seat to that one concept; because if you don’t win nothing you were fighting for matters.
Fring: And yet it is the manner of how you fight that defines who you are.
Fring: And you are a coward!
Marius: So you justify your incompetence by claiming I am a coward?
Fring: You dare!?!
Marius: You were unprepared for an attack despite declaring war on my people. They should have been mustering for war and already onboard troop ships heading out of system; instead they were…how did you put it? Ah yes, they were sleeping.
Marius: *Leans in close to Fring who lunges again only to be grabbed by the general’s hand*
*The general’s grip is iron and Fring claws at it as he gasps for air. There is no emotion behind the eyes of the human leader as he watches his foe*
Marius: Honor, is a novelty for those who can afford it. A justification to fight in a manner of combat they prefer regardless of how many souls die by the outdated ideal that is “Honor”. I fight to win wars, and though my victories seem beneath you I ensure that my men, my soldiers, will return home safe and sound because I fought using my head and not my heart.
*Marius let’s go of Fring who collapses to the ground*
Marius: *Looks down at Fring* You fought with your heart and you lost five field army’s worth of soldiers in a single night.
Fring: Do you keep me alive just to mock me? End me then, for I will hear none of this.
Marius: *Chuckles* I’m sure I had a reason for keeping you alive, but seeing you now I can’t for the life of me wonder why I thought it was worth the effort.
Marius: *bangs on door and the door opens*
Marius: *motions to the soldiers* kill him.
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sapchat · 8 months
The Lord's Daughter
Cassian x Devlon!Reader
Synopsis: You’re Lord Devlon’s daughter, which definitely won’t cause any issues. Right? Fluff and Angst
Warnings: Devlon, misogyny :D, abuse, wing clipping, also you’re somewhat of a housewife because I read to many stories of people that end up with Cassian, Azriel or Rhys where they want to train and be strong. You can be strong and take care of a house, fuck that fighting shit. Also, I use female terminology, but you could read it as a more feminine male, FtM or even MtF if wanted.
Words: 7.6k
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The High Lord was coming to the house for a meeting, and then dinner. Father stated they were to talk about the camp, what the High Lord wanted to change, to talk about the girls training. Father stated it was because ‘that bastard general of his’ has reported once again the girls aren’t training. The other lords of Windhaven have all agreed that the girls can train just after their chores.
The only issue with that is the males of camp have just been giving us more work. So where I used to have time to myself to read, or play piano, I spend most of my day now doing chores and helping the younger girls of camp.
I don’t mind it, truly, it helps them out to do what they want. Train. I just don’t have an interest, and it’s not because my Father believes a female’s place is the house, I just don’t enjoy it. I’ve spent enough time helping patch up the warriors in the infirmary to know I want nothing to do with it.
I’d rather be a ‘housewife’ likely to the High Lord’s displeasure.
It doesn’t help that the General has been pestering all the girls lately to see why none of them are training.
It doesn’t help he pestered me before about it. Just before Rhysand became the High Lord. That thought caused me to look to my father, who had been in the sitting room sipping his whiskey.
“Father, do you know how many will be attending the meeting and meal? So, I might be prepared?” I ask, and the look on his face either turned to anger because I interrupted his thought or because of who will attend.
“The bastard lord, and his two-bastard ilk will attend. Not sure about his whore cousin.” He answered and downed his glass. Yea the anger is from the guests.
I wiped my hands on the apron I wore and untied it to set to the side, “Is there anything you’d specifically want for the meal? I can head to the butcher’s tomorrow when he opens. And I believe that the Huxley’s just finished canning and harvesting some of their vegetables for the season, I can stop and see what they have.”
“Get something from a pig. Just what they need to remind them what they are. No better than anyone else. Just nicer versions of pigs.” He poured himself another glass. Three fingers full this time.
“Pig sounds good, it’s been a little while since I’ve made a pig roast. I get some beans and potatoes to mash with it if that sounds good father.” If I’m to roast an entire pig for dinner, then I’ll have to go to the butchers early. Hopefully Elias can help bring it to the spit for me.
Father just grunted in reply, I’ll have to see what good alcohol I can find on short notice to serve. Possibly a cheap wine for me in order to get through it all.
Father was to spend most of the day showing the High Lord, the General and the Shadowsinger how the troops were, and how the girls’ training were proceeding, whilst I prepped the house for dinner. Turns out a pig roast doesn’t take as long as one would think to cook.
So, I got to spend some of my morning and afternoon outside tending to it and watching the camp show what they’ve learned. What new techniques have been taught from the war, whilst some of the girls stood to the side doing simple maneuvers like breathing or stretching.
It was strangely beautiful seeing the males move how they did. Like it was a dance whilst they were paired off, a dance that turned bloody and violet sure, but a dance nonetheless.
I tried my best to ignore the eyes of the three guests but at some points it couldn’t be avoided, and I’d quickly look away and go back to peeling my potatoes. Like a game of camp and mouse, except each time I’d glance there’d be some type of questioning look in one of their eyes. The General’s.
Whilst one of the three would pop in for a visit to the camps occasionally, I was never around. I’d just hear my father’s complaints later. With the occasional slap if it was a real grueling day. They weren’t the worst punishment you’ve received from the man. By the time it gets to the point he wants to slap he’s had a few glasses full, and he doesn’t have much strength.  
Besides he wanted me to look beautiful so he could still possibly find me a husband. Being the camp lord’s daughter did have its benefits. A pick of husbands, not that I’d get to chose but, and less beatings than some of the other women. Because whilst father would have rather had sons, he only has me. And as cruel as he can be I can say he doesn’t hate me. Detest me for not having a cock, sure.
But I am still his child.
Cauldron, part of me thinks just a little he hates he clipped my wings. He’d done it properly, thankfully. Had the best healer tend to it, so I still have functions in my wings and no real pain. Many of the girls and females in camp can’t say that. I’ve tended to many of them after the fact of how mangled their fathers make them. How they can barley even function.
The High Lord has attempted to ban wing clipping, imposing harsh punishments on those who still do it. It hasn’t stopped many of the fathers from clipping in secret. Which has caused more injuries than needed. It doesn’t help many of the males of camp beat their wives and daughters.
No wonder some many of the fae hate us. No wonder the High Lord and his friends hate coming around. Maybe that’s what the meeting is about. More changes to make to the camp. I’m sure father will love that. Something I’ll have to listen to until the next demand the High Lord makes.
I’d been so busy peeling and cutting up potatoes I didn’t see the massive imposing figure next to me. Red siphons littering his body, stature casting a shadow over my body, wings just posed enough to not be aggressive but catching my attention.
“Why aren’t you training with the other girls?” It was the General, Cassian, who had walked up to question me. And I’m shocked to find him talking with me. I’m trying to remember when the last time it might’ve been, and the only time I can think of it was around the time of their Blood Rite at a bonfire.
The war came not long after that, and then once it ended, I started taking care of the house more. Learning how to be a good wife from my mother, learning from some of the healers how to care for wounds.
“I’m peeling potatoes…” It’s the most obvious thing that I’m doing. He can see the potato in my hand, the others that had been peeled, and the skins on the ground around me.
“The girls of camp are to train just everyone else. So… why aren’t you training yourself?” He asked again, as if it’s the strangest thing in the world to not want to train. To rather cook, clean and care for a home than fight and get bloody and bruised.
“Because I’m prepping for dinner. After the meeting with the High Lord.” It’s a simple answer, one anyone should be able to guess, especially the General.
“Lord Devlon has been instructed that all girls of training age, or those that wish to, train before doing chores.”
“I know the rule Lord Cassian,” He cringes lightly at the title, “My father tells the camp of the rules the High Lord has created and has been enforcing. Believe it or not, I am not of training age nor do I want to train. I am perfectly content doing what I have been.”
The General almost seemed shocked at what I said. And just as he went to add something else, someone called him back to the others. He looked at the voice, then back to me, as if he was going to ignore them. Continue to question me; but he left.
Once he left, I took the food inside, to finish cooking it. The Generals presence reminding me of that bonfire. What the night brought, what rare fun you got to have. Before many of you had responsibilities for the real world….
“If your father finds out I allowed you to go out tonight he’d have both our heads.” My mother had stated glancing hesitantly at me from over the counter.
“Well, father is going to be in meetings with some of the camp lords, and other males of camp. Hence why this party is happening tonight.” I told her, the crunch of an apple piece ending my statement from the fruit she had given me for a snack.
“You’re not going to do anything… reckless are you? Nothing to…-“
I interrupted her, “Mother I’m not going to sleep with anyone. My pureness will be intact when I leave the house and will still be present when I come back. You’ll have no issue marrying me off. Even then, you and father are still able to have children.”
My mother had walked around the counter and pulled me into her chest, kissed my head and stated, “Why would I ever try to mess up perfection?” She had always said I was the best thing she made; no other child would be able to compare.
By the time I had gotten to the party it was in full swing, liquor and ale being passed around in cups, people sneaking off to the shadows to feel or hook up.
I had just planned on seeing some of my friends, only have maybe one or two drinks, I hadn’t expected the heir to the Night Court to be there. Which meant his two shadows would be around him too, both bastard low-born males, one who fought for his place in Windhaven and slid his way to the heir’s side. The other, the one everyone says was kissed by flame and shadow, who was dropped off here by his father’s guards as a favor to whoever his mother was. Just because the Lady of Night was a family friend.
The three of them weren’t much older than I, maybe by a few years, they were nearing the age and power to compete in the Blood Rite, where many Illyrian males aim for the age of 30 to compete. The name is self-explanatory, it’s a rite of passage where lots of blood happens.
I had spotted the long-hair male, I believe his name is Cassius or along the lines, standing by the fire passing a cup of ale to another female. Brushing through the crowds, I made my way over looking at the different drink options feeling hazel eyes looking at me.
Without even looking at the person staring I ask, “Going to give a suggestion or just keep starring?”
“I mean either works for me. Which allows me to stare longer?” Cassius… Cassiel… shit what is his name…
“Hmmm… giving a suggestion allows me to sip something as you stare.” I finally turn to look at him, and realize how much taller he is. He’s standing at least a head over me, if not two heads. Maybe a head and a small head.
“Ale is always a good choice. If you’d like something harder, a whiskey mixes or rum. Something sweet, I saw someone walk by with wine earlier so that’s somewhere… Cassian by the way.” CASSIAN! That’s his name.
���Y/N, and I’m okay with ale. My mixed drinks either varies by too strong and mainly the liquor or not enough and its basically just soda.” He nods his head and takes to pouring me a cup, getting no foam in it before handing it over.
“So, Windhaven native orrrr….?” He asks, and I can’t tell if he expects to end the night in my pants or not. If he actually just wants to get to know me.
“Native, my father is one of the lords sooo. Kinda have to follow the line. Only reason I got to come tonight was the meeting.”
“Yea, that was the main reason for this soiree. Helps that the High Lord is there taking the attention off of us to do it.” My eyes widened just a little, not realizing that the Lord of the Night Court was present.
“I didn’t realize he was coming to that meeting… how do you know that, figured it’d be a bit of a secret.” I watch as he points off to the side, following his direction I see how he knows, the heir, Rhysand is against a tree. Kissing another male with a female between them.
“He’s… committed?” I don’t even know how to describe it, and whilst it wouldn’t be me… I won’t judge others. That’s wrong.
“Oh,” the sharpest grin spreads on Cassian’s face, “He’s a very committed High Lord.”
“I’m sure the Night Court will be in… loving hands?” It’s a questionable laugh, one I hope doesn’t offend him or his friend.
“He will be, he’s got plans. Hopes to make Illyria a better place. But none of that, you’re drinking with one of the next Carynthian!” He’s proud of the statement, as if knowing he’s going to win no matter what.
“Oh, you’re competing this coming spring? Are… are all three of you doing it?” It’s a simple question, one because I know my father has already complained about them signing up together. It’s somewhat nice seeing others give him a headache rather than I.
“You can bet you’re sweet ass.” My eyebrows raise as I blink at what he exclaimed, “We all plan to complete it together. We started as one, we’ll end as one.”
“That’s… sweet. To many Illyrians die during it… To much blood shed just to come out on top just to come out with bragging rights.”
Cassian shrugs as if it isn’t too much of an issue. “Everyone in this camp is out for someone’s blood. The blood rite keeps everyone… sated. It’s a way to get rid of your enemy’s or people you hate without having to deal with a punishment from Lord Dickhead. Illyria is awful anyway with how everyone gets treated, if there weren’t challenges or the blood rite, we’d never be an army. Be to busy fighting each other.”
He's right but the name ‘Lord Dickhead’ throws me off… he’s not talking about…? “Lord Dickhead?”
The biggest grin ever splits across his face, and that’s how I know 1. He’s talking about my father and 2. He doesn’t know I’m his daughter. “Lord Dickhead, Lord Devlon. He’d answer to both I think.”
It had caused me to laugh, Windhaven is a big camp so not everyone realizes that my dad is one of the lords, let alone realize I’m his daughter. We talked more that night, but Cauldron knows I can’t remember. The ale was pretty strong, and I hadn’t drunk much before. But I do remember the night ended with a sloppy kiss.
We had moved to just the outskirts of the party, and he made a comment about going to be the best warrior the camp has seen. His goal was to be a general one day. And I had made a silly little comment about me being the fair maiden and him being the amazing knight.
He told me that the knight always gets a kiss before and after saving the maiden. So, he said he earned a kiss before the Blood Rite. So, I risked it. One of the only times I ever risked my status and the ire of my father.
I pressed my lips against his, hesitantly. He cupped my cheeks in his hands, tilting his head just slightly and pressed his lips against mine a rush of heat flowing through me. My brows furrowed just as he ran his tongue along my lip and in my confusion, I followed instinct and raised my hands to cup his face.
It had been a hot, hungry rushed kiss. My first kiss, something no other male got from then on. The war came after, among a thousand other things. But it always felt like a part of my soul was missing from then on.
I had been so lost in my daydream I had finished the potatoes. The type of ‘blackout’ where you just rely on muscle memory and continue doing whatever you were and come back out after going “Oh I actually cooked those right and didn’t just imagine it right?”
I quickly started setting everything out on the table, laid out the glasses, with a pale of ice cubes if wanted and the slightly expensive whiskey I found set out as well.  
And just as I finished stirring the mashed-up potatoes, I heard my father lead the males in. In walked the High Lord, the Shadowsinger and Cassian. I walked into the doorway of the eating room, watching my father lead them in, the whiskey and glasses already on the table from earlier today.
My father nodded to me, seeing that everything was out for them already. He then turned to the others and nodding in my direction and three sets of eyes lay on me. Each holding different twinkles in their eyes. “I’m not sure if you all remember back from, you’re all’s youth, but this is my daughter. Y/N Devlon.”
The High Lord’s and Shadowsinger’s expressions stayed neutral, but Cassian’s eyes widened just a bit. Either from realizing that I would in fact know the rules because of me being his daughter. Or because he finally remembered who I was. 
Either way I bowed just enough to be respectful, “Hello. Dinner is ready, and I left the option of drink choices. I hope everything is to your guys’ liking.” The Shadowsinger’s gaze glanced over the table, likely trying to see if anything would be poisoned but his gaze stuck on the roasted pig sat out, glistening with juices.
As if realizing what caught the shadowsinger’s attention, the High Lord and Cassian’s attention moves to it as well. Cassian only really seemed to have an issue with it, his teeth clenched and fist slightly clenched.
The High Lord took it in stride however, “Devlon, I’m glad you remembered how much I loved a roasted pig. Did it come from the Collymore family? They still have their butcher shop don’t they?”
My father leaned over his seat, and poured himself a glass, “You are correct Rhysand, the Collymore’s still have their butcher shop, their son has helped take it over. Truly it was them to remember your love for pig. Too many of you boys I raised and sent off to remember it all.” There’s a little eye twitch in his eye at the dig. “Please sit. Let’s not let this meal go to waste.”
I helped pour glass for the males, asked if anything else was needed before being waved away by my father. Walking back into the kitchen for my own dinner, I felt eyes follow me.
My own meal was smaller, consisting of really only the sides, pork wasn’t my favorite choice of meal, especially when it came to having to look at the face of a pig while eating. I spent most of dinner trying to ignore the conversation happening one wall over.
Voices varying in differing heights as disagreements and agreements happened. Why they elected to have a meeting over a meal? I’m not to sure. Doesn’t seem like much eating is actually happening. And as the person who cooked the meal, it kind of upsets me that my work is going to waste.
I could see the little shadow join me in the kitchen as I ate. Giving me some company, granted I’m sure it’s reporting back. As soon as that thought happens, it shoots off and another replaces. At least I think it’s a different one.
I’d been so distracted by the noises from the other room and the little shadows I didn’t see the massive frame entering the kitchen from the back. I jumped a good foot when I heard him speak.
“Why didn’t you say you were Devlons’ daughter?” General Cassian.
“Pardon?” It comes out quickly, just with one breath as I stare at him. His wings flexing with a slight irritation to them.
“You know what I asked.”
“Are you talking about earlier today or when we first met?” It’s a good question. Simple enough that if he doesn’t remember then I don’t have to possibly deal with the fact we drunkenly kissed. Or I can let him have some panic for calling my father ‘Lord Dickhead’. Even if that shoe fits.
“That depends. When do you think we first met?” I just slightly narrow my eyes, then glance in the direction of the dining room and back. What’s his game? And how do I play?
I’ve grown up around these warriors. Whilst I’d rather stay at home, I can bite back. “’Lord Dickhead.”
A saccharine smirk grows across his face, a glistening white canine peaking out. “What would Devlon thing about his daughter kissing an Illyrian bastard?”
“He didn’t know. The only one who did was my mom. Maybe your friends. But I never said a thing. I don’t kiss and tell.”
“That why you don’t train? Because he’s your father and he doesn’t allow you to?” He seems almost pissed as if it’s my father not letting me train.
I finally set my fork down with my plate and glare, “If I wished to train with everyone else. I would. It’s my choice whether I do or not. The High Lord doesn’t require me to train, he just states that the girls that wish to train, do. And I don’t want to.” My wings have started to flare just lightly, likely the only amount of dominance I’ll ever show.
He glances at my wings, eyes narrowing as if now realizing that my wings were clipped. A slight growl coursing through his chest. “So doesn’t allow you to train and clipped your wings. Wonder how Rhys would feel about him breaking both rules he’s imposed.”
I pull my wings back in close and tight to my back almost self-consciously before saying, “My wings are none of your business. It especially doesn’t concern the High Lord. What I do is not any of your business either. If I wanted to train, I would.”
“It matters if the Lord of this camp is breaking the laws that have been imposed by the High Lord. Rhysand has explained in great detail what the punishments are for wing clipping, and for not allowing the girls of camp to train.” I understand they want change. I do. But the punishments he’s talking about is either a beating or death. To “prove a point” they just kill them.
We’re in silence for a few minutes, him waiting for me to bite back likely. And when he seems to think I won’t, he turns to leave. To go back to his precious High Lord, but as he hits the doorway something makes me open my mouth, “They were clipped before I met you. Even before the bonfire.”
It makes him pause, but he continues back to the dining room.
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It’s a week later until I see him again. I had been walking around the farmer market the camp has. And he seemed to be walking around buying some of the food, either for a quick lunch or just to support some of the families of Windhaven.
So, being the peace maker, I try to be, I go up to him, “Hi.” Simple, if he wants, he can ignore me, or he can engage.
“Y/N. How are you?” Okay so not an immediate ‘fuck off’ so that’s good.
“I’m doing great! How about you?”
“Good.” Okay so maybe he’s just being polite.
“…What brought you to the market today.” He just glanced at me, and it’s really making me rethink trying to be nice.
“Have you been over by the Monroe stall since being back at the camps? Cade and his wife Calliope run it now. I think he did the Blood Rite a couple years after you.”
He sighs, “What are you doing?” He just barley looks down at me, an emotion in his eye I can’t pinpoint.
I just shrug, “I don’t know, I figured you’d maybe like the company. I know you’re not the most popular in the camps all considering. Plus, that first time we met we were friends,” I look down at that, “At least I think we became friends. Even if it was just for that short time! I didn’t really see you after…. And I know the second time we met it was tense, but you were eating dinner with my father-“
He cuts me off, “Whilst you were eating the bare minimum in the kitchen. Alone.”
My eyebrows furrow just lightly, “I couldn’t really eat with you guys. You were discussing camp policies. Not really a place for me.”
“Because you’re a female?”
“No, because I don’t know anything about camp policies. It wouldn’t make sense for me to be there. It’d be like if I showed up for a war meeting. No reason for me to be there.” It makes sense in my head so I would think it makes sense in his.
“That’s your home. You prepared the meal; you welcomed us into the home. You should have sat at the table and ate.”
“Can I ask something General Cassian?” It’s something I want to know. But his face makes me smile just a little.
“You can just call me Cassian; but yes.” It’s almost a grumble with how he answers.
“Why does it bother you so much? How I decide to do things with my life?” He pauses in his step as if debating something. Either to answer or to tell me.
“That night. The… night of the ki- of the bonfire.” He rephrases his statement as if remembering we’re around others of camp. As if he realizes if anyone overhears, my virtue will be in question. My reputation in the camps, ruined. “I… I know we’re older. Now. But I thought I felt something… that night. Something deep in my soul. And then you were gone, the Blood Rite happened, then the war.
Just to find out you were under my nose the entire time. Did you know that Rhys didn’t know Devlon had a wife, let alone a child. One so close in age. Let alone one who’s wings had been clipped, doesn’t train with the other girls and females of camp.”
“He doesn’t have a wife anymore. My mother died not long after the war ended. And I told you the other night that my wings were already clipped the first time we met.” I sharply turn in front of him, “Also, I didn’t realize I had to inform you who I was when we met. I don’t usually walk up to people go ‘Hi my names Y/N, my father is Lord Devlon lets go make out!’ When we met, we were nobodies. You didn’t have a title, such an important role, so many responsibilities. So, I stayed out of the way. No matter what I might’ve felt that night.”
It's like a ripple is sent out. Something in the wind has changed. But all we can do is look at one another. Both breathing slightly heavily from what’s been shared.
Cassian looks away for just a second, nostrils flaring. “Is that why you didn’t come around? Because I’m a bastard? A fatherless motherless brute with no standing?”
I scoff at what he’s trying to imply, “Why would your parents matter to me? I didn’t come around because 1. How did I know you wished me to? You were sent to the Blood Rite the night after, then the war came, Rhysand became the High Lord and you left. 2. You forget that even though my father is Lord Devlon, I am a woman, a daughter to a brute that cares more for this camp than I. I have no standing which is something I’ve accepted.”
“So, I just assume I’m supposed to sit here and believe, that even when I was not a general, you would’ve had me? Would’ve let me court you?”
“YES!” I exclaimed, the few people still wondering around the market glancing in our direction. I hold my stuff a little tighter before glancing back at Cassian’s eyes, “Come on, follow me before we get into any more trouble.”
The winged male slowly followed behind, as if he were a child that had gotten in trouble. Luckily, father was to be with the ‘troops’ and wouldn’t be at home until late. So, we would be left in peace for a bit.
“Won’t Devlon get pissed your in here  unchaperoned with a male?” He’s almost hesitant in walking into the house, as if he’ll be run off for just walking in.
“Believe it or not, even though I’d rather stay in the house and raise kids than fight, I am allowed to make my own choices. Much to my father’s anger.” There’s just the smallest smile that graces his face, it lights up as he does.
“Is that why you don’t want to train? Because you would just rather keep house than be a warrior?” It’s as if he’s finally understanding me, finally realizing that everyone wants something different.
“I’m an only child, I always begged for siblings, always played with babydolls, or played house. My mother couldn’t have anymore kids, I never truly knew why I just know she couldn’t. Because of that, I spent most of my time playing ‘mom’ with different things and people. That’s all I wanted to be… Then my mother passed away after the war, that disease that passed through the camps, remember? The dreams of a sibling kind of… shattered, unless father remarries.
Then the High Lord became the High Lord, started changing the rules of the camps, trying to make change. Think what you want about my father, I know how he seems and gets viewed, but he’s always been like that distant in his own way. Cass, I wish I was one of the females of camp that wanted to train, he’d allow it if I truly wanted to, but I don’t. It’s not something I want for me, I want to be in the home taking care of people, raising kids if I get to have them. And if that’s not something you can accept… then I don’t know if there could be an… us.” I glance up towards him, and the most heartbroken look is on his face.
“I couldn’t care less if that’s what you truly want. I only cared because I thought you were being kept from what you wanted to do. I didn’t know you truly didn’t want to train, I thought you were being forced to keep house. That’s why I was pushing for it so much, that’s why I cared.” He still has the look on his face, as if I’ve killed his mate…. Wait….
“Earlier… you said something… about the night we… kissed. That you thought you felt something… What did you mean?” It’s like a white sheet has draped over him, his tan Illyrian skin lighting to an unhealthy look.
“It-it’s nothing. Just I don’t know Y/N we were drunk, but I just feel like-“ He’s twiddling with his fingers as I interrupt him. Something I never picture the general doing, the famed Prince of Bloodshed.
“It felt like something more? Something… in the making, or in the forming?” His hazel eyes make contact with mine, an almost knowing glint in them. Like he’s already thought that’s what it was, although there’s still a look of fear.
“I’m not sure if that’s what it is. The only experience I have with mates is Rhys’ parents’… and they weren’t… the best examples. I just know that night I felt something, and ever since then it felt like something’s been missing. Until we met again, and that feeling came back.” I chew on the corner of my lip, chewing on the skin some.
“So… are we mates?” That beautiful grin is back on his face, the color her lost coming back to the usual tan.
“I think we’re mates.”
Right as he says it, as if talking about it summoned it, that beautiful golden bridge is formed between us.
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It’s been almost a week since the mating bond formed between us. Something that I’ve kept away from my father, which Cass has been in full support of. He has started to buy and give me courting gifts, which I can’t tell if my father noticed and is ignoring or not. Granted I did want to put feelers out at dinner tonight.
“Father?” I hope my tone isn’t as anxious as it sounds, but I fear it might be.
“What would you like Y/N?” He asks still reading the report he has in his right hand as he eats.
“Would....” How do I approach this? “Would it be okay if someone… started to court me?” This makes him pause mid-chew, and it’s then I start to wonder if maybe he is just slightly more male than I thought, than I saw.
“Is there a male in the camps courting you? Because if so, they should be coming to me for permission. Who is it?” Okay yeah maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.
“I don’t think it’s actual courting, I just think someone has been giv-leaving gifts for me. Just little things that usually get seen as courting gifts. I just wanted your opinion on it father.” Simple, appeasing to his pride.
“I’m not sure which game you’re playing child, but if someone does wish to court you, then the proper way is through talking with me and allowing me to approve it. Are they a respectable male? The one leaving gifts.”
He doesn’t believe he’s respectable, but he’s more respectable than the males in camp. “What if they’re my mate? I know it’s rare, but if The Mother and Cauldron wished it, would you still accept them?”
My father stops chewing once again, as if getting tired of my questions during our usual meals. “You’ve been reading to many of those books again, haven’t you? They still need to speak with me if they wish to court you. Mating bond or not.” Okay so maybe he will accept Cassian then! “But if he is not a male of good standing, then it won’t be happening. I won’t have my child marrying some bastard, mating bond or not.” Shit.
“The books bring me joy father. Something to do once I’m done with my chores.” Entice my father with the sweet words for the females of his time, where we’re happy with doing chores. Which for me I am but still.
It wasn’t until hours later when I go meet Cass that I told him.
“How’d your father take it?” He asks, wrapping me up in his arms holding me close to him. The bond thumping along our chests, even unmated and it thrives with life.
“I chickened out… Don’t look at me like that! I asked how he’d feel if someone started courting me, and he said he wanted them to come to him to ask permission. So, I asked what if they were my mate. But he said if that was the case, even so rare it is, that he’d technically allow it, unless they weren’t in ‘good standing’.” Cass lightly pushes me slightly away from him to look at me.
“So, your father’s definitely not going to allow me to court you. My mate. I knew your father hated bastards but…” He sounds upset about the fact, which is understandable.
I look up and run a finger along the length of his nose, “You could always rescue me, be the amazing knight again and me being the maiden. Take me away to the Moonstone Palace safely tucked away.” He gets some kind of guilty look on his face at the mention of Moonstone Palace.
“Is that what you’d want? For me to take you away from your father, bring you back to my home with me?” he’s sincere in his question, and I know he’d do it in an instant.
“I wanted my father to approve. I wanted him to be okay with our relationship, with our eventual mating. To be happy for me that I was able to find a male that could care for me. Mates aren’t something that happened, let alone happen in these camps. But I’d never forgive him if he tried to keep me away from you.” And I wouldn’t. He’s my father and I’d do almost anything for him, like he’s done for me, but this is a chance at my happiness.
“I’ll see what I can do, speak with Rhys about seeing if there’s anything that can be done. If there’s a loophole.” He’s sweet and doesn’t even have to do what he plans to do. Really, he could just cut his losses and move on.
The issue was we were wrapped up in each other, we never even noticed the male watching from the shadows. So, when I awoke the next day, my bedroom door locked; I didn’t know what was to happen. Was even more shocked when I found my father in the corner of my room waiting.
“Are you fucking him?” It was all he said. Just like that my loving father was replaced with the male Lord of the camp.
“What?” No, seriously, what?
“Are you fucking that bastard?”
“Father what are you talking about? I haven’t been with anyone, you know this.” Really, all me and Cass have done is kiss. Yet that little brush of question down the bond from him makes me wonder if it could be seen as more.
“It’s been reported to me that you have been seen sneaking out. Then meeting that bastard born foot solider. So, I’ll ask you again. Are you. Fucking. That Bastard.” He’s pissed, I’m pissed that someone’s followed me to him. Because this is going to fuck over whatever plans me and Cass made.
The anger on his face makes me pull on the bond and send just the smallest rush of panic down the bond. Hopefully letting him know that somethings wrong, that I might need assistance. “Father, I don’t know what someone claims to have seen but they are wrong. You know I would never do that, compromise us like that. You’ve raised me better than that.” He didn’t necessarily raise me at all, my mother did. He just kept us alive in terms of money.
“So, the male is lying to me and your telling the truth?”
“Father, you have nothing to fear. You know I am waiting for your approval and marriage. It would be unladylike of me to not have my maidenhead before being married.” It’s not a lie, I do still have my maidenhead, but I am kind of sneaking around with Cass.
Speaking of who, responds with my earlier tug, with one of his own, and a questioning feeling down the bond. I tug back almost instantly, sending back reassurance but still a little push of panic. Hopefully getting the point across I need him.
“If that is the case you won’t care for me to go get the male and question him again. See which of you are lying.” He knows something. Either there’s actual evidence of me and Cassian sneaking around, or someone is trying to screw me. I’m not happy about either.
I just shrug in response, “I just planned on cleaning up around the house today. So, I’ll be here if you wish to ask me anymore questions.” I smiled at him kindly.
I need to figure out a way to get out of camp.
My fathers’ eyes just narrow at me, before his lip curls and he leaves the room completely. Not locking the door behind him thankfully.
It was only two hours later I heard a knock on the back door; a sharp tug following after telling me who it was. Picture my surprise when I let Cass in and the High Lord and Shadowsinger follow in behind him.
I start to try and bow but before I can even attempt to Cass pulls me into a hug. “What’s going on?”
I push back lightly, “Someone saw us the other night. When we met and talked about leaving. Someone had followed. Father thinks we’ve…” I stop, and glance at the other two before finishing.
The High Lord leans against the wall, the Shadowsinger joining him, “So he thinks you’ve slept with him and thus are basically worthless in terms of any marriage deals.”
My face rushes to a heated tint, and Cassian growls in response, “Rhys.” It’s a simple command he makes. Don’t speak about my maidenhead so casually.
“Do you know who the male was that reported seeing you guys?” It’s the Shadowsinger that speaks now.
I shake my head, “No, he locked me in my room, waited for me to wake then basically came and interrogated me. Just said someone reported to him that they watched me ‘sneak out’ then followed me and saw me meet up with Cass.”
He shares glances with the Lord and Cass, before Cass asks, “How pissed is he?”
“Well, I can almost guarantee that when he comes back later after questioning that male again it won’t be a happy dinner.”
Cassian runs a quick hand down his face, and it makes me feel bad that I’m putting him through this stress. As if noticing my feelings, the High Lord speaks.
“Devlon would be pissed no matter what. The Cauldron themselves could be your mate and he’d be upset. It does slightly complicate things, but this is an easy issue to solve.”
“Rhys. Don’t insinuate my mate is an issue.”
“Not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Az do you think you’d be able to intercept Devlon before he finds out to much information?” Cass asks, and before I can tell them it’s likely to late, he’s gone. Shadows hiding him away taking him… somewhere.
“Y/N, do you want to stay and see what happens or would you like to pack some stuff to leave?” The High Lord—Rhys, I guess is what I should call him now. Cass has told me enough about him I feel it’d be appropriate.
“Do you think it’s needed?” I don’t want to leave my home. It’s the home I was born and raised in, the home my mother lived and died in. The home I learned my purpose of life in.
Cassian answers instead, “Me and my brothers were talking. The three of us think it may be safer if you come with us. But… I’ll leave you with the option. The choice to see how your father reacts. We just think it’ll be safer if you come with us at the end of the day. We… we don’t know what Devlon will do once finding out we’re mates.”
I must look sad about that because Cass brings me closer, if possible, and his wings just slightly curl towards me. “He wouldn’t hurt me. He might be some type of monster but he’s still my father.”
Rhys answers for Cass, “It’s not that we think he’d intentionally hurt you, but he said it himself, he wouldn’t marry you to your mate if it wasn’t a… good match. But it wouldn’t be a happy life if you stayed. I know it’s a big ask, this is your home, all you’ve known. But I also know Cassian would be a lot happier if you were with him. Safe.”
Closing my eyes, I sigh because I know they’re right. I’d be happier in the long run with him. “I’ll go pack some things. Should I wait or just leave a note?” My voice is solemn.
Cassian and Rhys look at one another, but Cass answers, “I’d leave a note for now. We can always come back if you want to see if he’d like to make amends.”
And so, I do, I leave a simple note apologizing. Telling him that I was in fact still a maiden, even if he thinks I’m not. Tell him that Cass is my mate, and I couldn’t have a higher-ranking male as my husband. If he wishes to speak with me, he can send letters.
Other than that, I take my most prized possessions. Some of my mother’s jewelry, books, a few more odds and in’s I’ve collected in my few hundred years of living.
Then we left. So, I can be happy with my mate, and his family.
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Author's Note:
This was going to be 5.6k words but last night I felt it needed just a little more angst because we all know Devlon would be pissed.
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dividers came from @firefly-graphics
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(work is not nsfw, but this blog is generally intended to be 18+)
synopsis: cal forgets about his birthday. you don't.
pairing: cal kestis x gn! reader
content warnings: pining, fluff, reader is a jedi
word count: 1.5k
a/n: something short and sweet to say happy jedi survivor release everybody. game looks amazing & i'm so happy to see cal again. might be a part 2, but i'm not sure atm
if cal kestis has a million fans, then i'm one of them. if cal kestis has one fan, then i'm them. if cal kestis has no fans, that means i'm dead.
Cal decided that fighting the Empire would be a priority in his life five years ago.
After he destroyed the holocron so the force-sensitive children in the galaxy could live in peace, that was his vow.
The Mantis crew got to work; blowing up Haxion Brood bases and wiping out legions of stormtroopers at a time. The fight thrilled him and every battle only left him in anticipation of the next.
It got to the point where he struggled to think of anything but the fight. Every thought was the next move, their wrongs and the perpetrators. The scars, the injuries and the losses continued and Cal never wavered.
He knew it was an obsession, but he just couldn’t help it. It was a need, etched into his soul and a part of his identity. His was Cal Kestis. The rebel Jedi, the most wanted man in the Empire. And the most dangerous.
Then he met you. 
Well, he met you again, because he’d met you years ago, back when the temple on Coruscant was a Jedi temple. When Master Tapal was alive and little Cal’s mind couldn’t even fathom an Empire taking everything from him.
You’d been his crèche-mate and friend, long before either of you had been padawans.
In between lessons, you would spar or lounge in the dining hall, where most of the other younglings liked to loiter. He formed a puppy-love crush on you that made his Master chuckle. It’s only natural, Cal. The feelings will fade with time. He has half-right, Cal supposes.
He remembers vividly the last time he saw you when he and Master Tapal were minutes away from loading onto a cruiser with their clone troops. Thinking back, he’s embarrassed by how hesitant he was to leave you.
Don’t get all sentimental about this, you told him wisely. We’ll see each other when we get back.
It was so hard to tell himself you were dead. 
Cal Kestis was the last living Jedi, fighting against the Empire that deemed his kind a traitor and punished them for crimes they never committed.
You had died, so had your master and so had everyone else he once knew. That had been difficult for him to accept.
Merrin and Cere understood the pain and that helped, at times. Though sometimes he didn’t want to understand. He wanted to see you, feel your arms embracing him and hear your voice in his ear. He didn’t talk about you to them though. He wanted something for himself, a little what-if to hold on to during the nights he felt particularly melancholic. 
Then came his trip to Segra Milo, to speak with Saw Gerrera about his next move.
By that point, the Partisans recognised him on sight and offered him only a nod of acknowledgement when he passed by. 
There you were, in all your glory. Older, a bit more rough around the edges (like himself) and even more attractive than you’d been about nine years ago.
When the two of you locked eyes and time bowed at your feet, to allow you both this moment of silent disbelief.
“Cal?” you had whispered. He whispered your name back and you smiled widely. 
You embraced him like he had been so desperate for you to do. And he heard your voice, the one that had previously only reached him in dreams.
“I thought you died,” you told him.
“I thought you died,” he said, in a single breath. Emotion threatened to explode from his chest until Saw Gerrera cleared his throat.
“I hate to break up this lover’s reunion,” he said. “But we do have a war to fight.”
“Tonight,” you whispered into his ear and he felt like a padawan with a crush again.
Sure enough, the two of you made a rendezvous under the moonlight. The cavernous, dangerous terrain of Segra Milo felt so inviting that night.
You explained to him that you and your master had been ambushed by your own troopers. You and your master were separated when they received the orders and by luck, you weren’t the one in a room full of clones. Quietly you found an escape pod and left for the nearest planet. You cut your padawan braid and disassembled your lightsaber on the same day. The kyber crystal that powered it hung from your neck, hidden behind layers of clothing.
“One day I watched them string up a man for dropping his drink on a trooper's foot,” you recalled to him. “They claimed he had done it as an act of civil disobedience and that it was anti-Imperial activity. I rebuilt my lightsaber and started looking for the Rebellion the same day.”
You were the same person he remembered, only better. Now you were stronger and smarter, without losing your humanity. 
The next day, you were separated again. You were travelling to Devaron to provide the Partisans there with support. He tried to go with you, but you sagely reminded him of the danger of two Jedi being found together.
You exchanged comm links the night prior and hugged tightly before you boarded your ship and he the Mantis. It reminded him of the one you gave him before what he thought had been your demise. He prayed he wouldn’t have to remember this hug the same way. 
“Until next time, Cal,” you said, hopeful and bright.
“Until then,” he replied, leaving you with a smile.
The next time he saw you, he thinks he might have hugged you tighter than he’d ever hugged anyone.
There had been a next time, he thought. There could be another one.
And there was. In fact, there had been many next times. He couldn’t count on his hands how many times he had gotten to see you. On the good days, you spoke and drank together. On the days, you fought and mourned together. But you were together and it was so much easier than it had been before.
Recently he’d probably gone the longest without seeing you, which made him realise the effect you had on him.
The Empire was still are the forefront of his mind, almost always. It consumed his actions and words. Slowly but surely, however, you had been weaselling your way into an important position in his life.
He didn’t care about the Empire when he was looking at you and he may as well have not met an Inquisitor when he’s hearing your laugh. You were there and he didn’t need to think about any of that.
Then, when the gap you filled was empty again with your departure, he was consumed by the need to fight once more.
He forewent sleep and food, only collapsing when his body refused to preserve and eating when the hunger pangs came. Fight, fight, fight, was all he could think about. It never really occurred to him to celebrate his victories or even do simple things, like check the date. 
But you returned to him again and reminded him of what he was missing.
“A win like this is worth sitting down for,” you insisted, sitting beside him at the fire. “Besides, today is special.” His brow furrowed. 
“What’s today?” he asked you, which made you laugh, loud and beautiful.
“You can’t be serious, Cal.”
“I am! What’s today?”
“Cal,” you sighed. “It’s your birthday.”
His mind went blank as the gears started to turn. “Oh,” was what he came up with. You laughed at him again.
“Did you really forget?” you asked him. 
“I haven’t celebrated it in years,” he admitted and you frowned, making him wish he lied. He hated it when you frowned, though you did make a cute face when you were angry.
“Well we’ll have to make up for that, won’t we?” you announced, standing from your seat and downing your drink. “Stay here for a second.” He nodded and you slipped away.
You returned not long after, with something behind your back.
“Close your eyes,” you instructed. He looked at you curiously. “Just do it.” His eyes fell shut. He heard you shuffling and muttering something to BD-1. “Put out your hands.” He open one palm and pushed it toward you. “Both of them.” He opened the other. He felt a weight in his left hand, then in his right.
Cal was greeted by a cupcake in his left hand and a multitool in his left.
��I tried to find a cake, but apparently Devaronians aren’t very fond of them,” you explained. “And this,” you pointed to the multitool. “I bought this for you back on Corellia, but you were gone before I could give it to you. It’s got everything you need to keep Beedee in working order.” BD-1 chirped happily at that.
Cal was starstruck. He hadn’t experienced softness like this since before the Clone Wars. Suddenly his chest felt fuzzy and his face was hot. 
“Thank you,” he managed. “No problem,” you answered breezily.
He shared some of the cupcake with you, but you insisted he had to eat at least seventy per cent of it. The multitool found a place on his belt, though with the amount of combat he saw, he’d be using it soon.
You sat beside him at the fire on his birthday and Cal Kestis felt hope again in a way like he’d never felt before. Hope for not just the present, but the future.
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hollewdz · 1 year
g/t brainrot prompts don't stop
Character A washes up on the shores of lilliput, and they escape into the woods, running from tiny guards and guns and cannons. Over the next few weeks they try to negotiate with the troops the kingdom sends, but the soldiers come out swinging each and every time- "death to the giant" and all that. One day, the troops just stop coming; Not that A minds- they were hoping for this result anyway. It is weird that it just happened out of nowhere, though. A becomes a legend, designated as mythos. They're not looking for trouble, so they've resigned themself to living alone, in the woods, for the rest of their days. It beats the hellish life they left behind, so why not. A likes camping, anyway. But they're definitely lying to themself about being lonely. And then, Character B ends up at the doorstep of your cave**. They're injured, busy escaping from wild beasts that have them just about cornered. Character A has a choice to make: do they invite the trouble of interacting with Lilliput into their quiet life, or do they let this tiny person just die? **the story can start here, with everything else as backstory maybe? idk :eyes: think of the drama......... Ch.B has heard stories, but never believed them............ is the giant a bad person? Or they more of a monster? ~oOoooOOOOooooOOo~
Character A 's roommate bailed on them, and now Ch. A desperately needs a replacement to make rent. Ch.A hastily accepts the first applicant without really vetting them- they only had one phonecall to make sure they weren't a total creep. When Character B shows up, Ch.A realizes there was a bit of a problem- B is a tiny. Ch.B didn't seem to realize Ch.A was a human either, with Ch.B's own circumstances making them rush to find any apartment they could. Can they find a way to live together? Do they fall in love? Are things wholesome/lewd/serious? What is society like about these things? Who knows! :3c
Character A is an angel, who is given a divine mission to guide a straying Character B. But, the thing is, Character A sucks ass at following rules, and this is their last chance to get it right before their Angel-dom is revoked, and being absorbed by the Great Spirit. Ch.A visits earth, and sees that Ch.B is in shambles, and to stop them from making a terrible decision, Ch.A reveals themself- Ch.B snaps out of it, but sees a literal, tiny angel on their shoulder. From then on, Ch.A has to figure themself out while helping Ch.B as best they can. If you are inspired by any of these PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE write away!! and tell me about it!!!!!!! I want to read these stories so bad T o T !!!!!!
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lukedanger · 2 months
I made a previous post calling out how Regill's spiel against Irabeth was complete nonsense, and two things were brought up in reblogs: wondering what achievements the Hellknights have to their names without the Knight-Commander or crusaders helping them, and interest in looking at their tactics further.
To summarize the first one: as far as I am aware, the only achievement the Hellknights make on their own is taking that outpost near the Gloomy Gorge, which was described as an abandoned ruin. Everything else they succeed at - even escaping from the Lost Chapel - is either done with the Knight-Commander or with the help of other crusaders like Sosiel. And even then, sometimes with the KC's help they're counter-productive, not to mention hypocrisy that I didn't realize until digging through my screenshots for this.
So, let's actually go down what the Hellknights contribute. I will be focusing specifically on Act II as this is where the "Hellknights are uber competent" nonsense is at full blast.
This is a long post, so the most of it will be under a 'Read More' for the sake of scrolling. TLDR, the Hellknights aren't actually that useful, especially when looking at these four sections:
The Siege of Drezen - Another Way In?
Leper's Smile - Vescavor Fodder
Lost Chapel - Hypocritical Murder is the Best Dumbest Solution
Reliable Redoubt - Regill's Folly
The Siege of Drezen - Another Way In?
During the Siege of Drezen at the climax of Act II, if you saved him at the Reliable Redoubt, Regill offers another way into the city to target the giants manning the artillery. He wants the Knight-Commander to accompany him in taking out the artillery to clear the way for the rest of the army, just in case they run into a mythic demon again. And to be entirely fair, on paper and as presented this is an entirely reasonable recommendation! Taking out the artillery quickly is a good way to mitigate casualties, and this is exactly the kind of task that the Knight-Commander and their lance is best at doing. Leper's Smile was overcome exactly through this tactic.
However, in practice... what it actually does is let you skip one skill check to get to past the first gate (crossing the gap to the barracks) or the dungeon path that Nurah could send you down (which you probably want to go down anyways to recruit Arueshalae). Otherwise, you still have to either skill check your way up the walls or fight through the cathedral... and you probably want to clear those anyways just for the loot and XP.
All while costing you morale if you don't have Galfrey and Irabeth to provide leadership to the main army, and locking you to hauling Regill around the entire siege. Quite frankly, I'd rather have Seelah and her noble steed Iomeneigh.
Either way, Regill's "big tactic" at Drezen is basically a wash, all things considered. It lets you skip one skill check at a potentially very high cost, a cost that Regill sneers at not understanding the value of morale in a siege assault. While some of this could be chalked up to level design not lining up with the narrative (would not be the first time - take a look at the stats of units in Crusade Mode), I can't help but wonder if Regill was hoping to swipe a lot of credit for the liberation of Drezen with this.
And this is the most positive contribution the Hellknights offer to the campaign.
Leper's Smile - Vescavor Fodder
Leper's Smile is the first 'big' challenge that you face, by this point having either abandoned the Hellknights to their fate or taken the time to rescue them. Faced with the challenge, you need a unit to act as bait to pull the swarm out so the Knight-Commander can take a lance and drive it through the Vescavor Queen's thorax. You get five options of who to pick, the best being Sosiel where his troops hold their ground so he can quickly heal anyone who is overwhelmed - otherwise anyone who scatters too far can't be healed in time.
To focus on the Hellknights, first of all we should remember why Regill is volunteering his forces: "My superiority over the crusaders will not permit me to cower behind them."
Yep. Mister "emotions are a useless distraction" himself wants to feed his own men to vescavors because his ego won't let him allow others to do it. And if they hold their ground, this gets a lot of Hellknights killed. Better them than crusaders, but that's the kind of thing that you expect out of a gentleman officer in Sharpe, not someone who prides himself on pragmatism. His alternative tactic is actually pretty sound - his best protected troops draw aggro, then the rest of the Hellknights hurl acid and fire into the swarm. It costs him some of his best troops, though. Even adamantine doesn't make you invulnerable, whether it's to a vesvacor who gets through one poor sod's visor, or the acid hurled at them.
Either way though, Regill is specifically putting his own troops forward without any of the support that could open up other options because his ego won't allow him to stay behind while others distract the swarm.
The grand irony? The "ideal" solution in this situation is probably to have Sosiel's contingent consist of Hellknights: the Hellknights are a disciplined force who are most likely to hold their nerve and among the most well-armored of the troops on hand. That heavy protection and discipline would merge with Shelyn's miracle through Sosiel to completely minimize casualties - even more so than Sosiel alone and a KC who doesn't delay going after the queen.
Then again, the Hellknights will throw away a perfectly fine Armiger if they can't actually make it to Hellknight, wasting all the resources that went into their training and losing a competent warrior or spellcaster in the process. Why are we surprised?
Lost Chapel - Hypocritical Murder is the Best Dumbest Solution
So first of all, the Hellknights get more or less completely captured during this. Even though they presumably would have had their own men on watch due to not considering the crusaders competent. Now, the Hellknights do manage to break out on their own, but they are far from the only ones - other crusaders are able to as well such as one Iomedean paladin who CPEs an entire squad of ghouls or the guy who might lose more than his tooth you can rescue along the way.
Of course, we inevitably meet Yaker at a mixed lance of Armigers and Crusaders, and after some bantering if you comment on the fight in the Hellknights, Yaker will want to execute one of the Mendevan soldiers for panicking. The dialogue in the fight prior does show the Mendevan men-at-arms are at the breaking point, but none of them actually flee the engagement despite escape being the primary goal at the time. And Yaker wants to execute them because Chelaxian law demands an example be made of those who flee when none of them actually have.
Forget the fact that it's somehow "Lawful" of the 'acceptable for a paladin' variety to murder a Mendevan under Chelaxian law while in territory where Mendevan law has jurisdiction. We're trying to rescue as many soldiers as possible, and you want to execute one for being at the end of their rope and about to panic but not actually running away? And yes, doing this will increase your casualty counter for the entire sequence, potentially costing you quite a few soldiers in a portion of the game where they're hard to get!
It's worth noting that this is after Regill had formed a rearguard further up the mountain to buy time for troops to escape and await reinforcements. So not only do we have the above, Yaker is pissing away the objective here. Of course, Regill also claims he will always strive to preserve allied forces, but we've already seen how much of a lie that is at Reliable Redoubt and Leper's Smile... can't believe I missed this line in my first playthrough.
Funnily enough, Regill also makes a lot of noise about how the standing orders for scouts is to not be taken alive and that it was better to kill the wounded than let them be taken even though he had no idea why the gargoyles wanted prisoners. The only Hellknight who chose to die was Marenta, the Armiger who had Trever's shield. Even then, she was acting as a rearguard to allow allies to escape after breaking out of captivity. So much for "never allow yourself to be taken alive" and "deny the enemy prisoners".
(Thank you @forestdragoncat for pointing that out in your reply to my other post!)
Reliable Redoubt - Regill's Folly
I could honestly do an entire post dissecting this for how much of a complete failure it is on part of the Hellknights at every level even as the narrative tries to convince us it was cold, ruthless rationality. In the interest of not dissecting the sequence line by line here, I think there's five points that really sum it up well:
The gargoyles specifically went after the supplies of the Sunrise Sword knights in the earlier engagement, retreating once they had completed that objective. The gargoyles didn't even bother with this kind of harassment against the Hellknights: they just overwhelmed them. And that's with them being reinforced by the now-exhausted Sunrise Sword!
Regill had full warning that the gargoyles were coming thanks to the Sunrise Sword, the Sunrise Sword didn't and were ambushed. Yet Regill's troops still had their asses hanging in an undefendable position that they then retreat from to a more defensible location rather than having prepared for the attack.
Even knowing another attack was coming, he gave the Sunrise Sword no supplies and did nothing to bring them back up to full combat effectiveness in anticipation of the attack. This wasted not only the warning they gave but troops he actually thinks had potential! This is the same Hellknight who later says that he will "always preserve the lives of allied forces" because he is thinking in terms of "efficiency and achieving your goals".
The only way the Hellknights win the encounter is if the Knight-Commander diverts the entire campaign to take Drezen to save them. Without that, the Hellknights are crushed. And the Knight-Commander only knows because Yaker disobeyed orders and fled the battlefield... the exact thing he says warrants execution in Lost Chapel.
On top of that, Regill had others killed to stop them from being taken prisoner despite explicitly admitting he doesn't know why the gargoyles wanted them. He and a number of his troops are quite alive should you not reinforce him and find him in Lost Chapel on the hook next to Irabeth.
In short, Regill had every opportunity to put together a better defense thanks to the Sunrise Sword's efforts getting to him, and he pissed it away. I'm not going to say that he could have won the battle outright without the KC, but at close examination it becomes clear that he had failed beyond "competent but up against something where that isn't enough". And then has the audacity once the battle is won to act as if it was the Sunrise Sword who were weak for their "excess of morality" and needed to be remade into Hellknights.
I wonder if Regill realized in his Reckoning after the Reliable Redoubt that he had fucked up and that's why he's so eager to prove himself at Leper's Smile - to hide his folly from his superiors and his new comrades.
In the final tally... in Act II, for all the Hellknights acts superior and say they have to teach the Crusaders everything, they either don't contribute much, are outright counterproductive, or they only succeed because the Knight-Commander bails them out. Regill's suggestions in particular tend to be only "better than the default options", and even then not by much.
At least in the councils he gets his act together and starts making some good suggestions, or at least pragmatic ones if ruthless... along with the expected bad suggestions.
Either way actually digging into this makes the sheer hypocrisy of the Hellknights in Wrath of the Righteous come out even more. And I can't tell if this was intended as a subtle criticism of Lawful Evil that a lot of people - myself included - missed because of how much is going on, or if they had genuinely wanted to write the Hellknights as competent Lawful Evil and ended up making them only good at looking like they were competent for making "hard" decisions.
And the sad thing is? Even with all this, Regill is a fascinating character because he actually seems to believe in what he says for the most part - a few exceptions regarding allied forces aside. He's a different kind of Lawful Evil than the usual corruption of Hell as we see in Aeon->Devil, and that contrast would work really well if they leaned into that more.
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moonlight-tmd · 5 months
I guess the last post on Celestial!Bee AU since no one seems interested. Anywho-
I suppose after the last one where Sari blasted Bei, nearly killing him Bei got to training Sari to learn to control her new powers. He still got the shivers down his spine when Sari used said powers in training but if you were immortal deity and something nearly ended you ya would be wary too.
Then the whole deal with Megatron and Decepticons got in the main picture- Earlier when Megatron kidnapped Bee to interrogate him, he didn't expect to be face to face with the one who had granted him his powers long ago... The Lord of Wishes himself. They had a talk, in the end Megatron was allowed to do whatever he needed to do under a condition to not kill any of Bee's comrades. His troops knew the order, few were confused as to why the warlord didn't want any corpses and in fact strictly forbidden finishing them off in fights, but they were to intimitated by him to question that.
After the near-death incident the fight for the Allspark happened. Bei wasn't really allowed to interact with any of the mortal conflicts but he still made an effort to go with them and help out on the sidelines without hurting the enemies... Then a bright flash from the tower appeared and a beam of light descended down to strike the giant mech Megatron had created to march on an take the Allspark. Everything around was in ruin, the Decepticons either lay dead or injured, few scampered off before the battle took a more heated turn. In amidst of chaotic serenity they dug Megatron out of the rubble and arrested him but at a great cost... Prowl had died in attempt to sway the fate's favor onto them and succeeded.
After the captured had been put in ship's cells for transport, both Team Prime and Elite Guard had gathered around a table he laid on to honor Prowl, well, all except Bee- the scout has vanished since the aftermath. But not for long... In fact, he was sitting right there on a container- oh wait he looks a lil fucked up-
"Oh, what a loss... Truly a waste of talent, so sad..."
Team Prime has gotten accustomed to Beisilan's antics by now to know he was being empathetic... Elite Guard however- yeah they screamed. Well, except Sentinel- he's "met" this thing before, Bei paid him a nightly visit as a 'sleep paralysis demon' as he put it and threatened him to be nicer or else. It kind of did the trick, at least he wasn't rudely commenting about anything being not the way he wants it.
There was a brief exchange of words between them and Bei before Sair perked up suggesting that if he has god powers he could revive Prowl, right? Sadly, Bei could not... at least not with those that haven't made a deal with him- oh wait what is this scroll- SO turns out that a while before this whole fight went down, Prowl talked with Beisilan about the possibility of their success. It was then that Bei proposed the deal- Prowl was aware that after he had died his sould would serve Bei as a guardian to the Dream Realm, in everything that could go wrong it was a reasonable price, so he signed it, making his soul an asset in Bei's servos.
Prowl's soul was at his command and Bei could do whatever he pleased with it... "Now, I don't know about you- but celebrating a victory isn't a time to be sleeping!" He giggled in his multitone voice before blowing the scroll like a candle- but instead the scroll set on fire that the smoke that came after the flame surrounded Prowl's body. Then a spectar air horn popped out and blasted the sound and in an intsant Prowl jumped awake and fell off the berth. All colored and alive. And spooked for his life, just like he'd been woken up for real. Prowl's contract was terminated and the binding was revoked. He was once again a free mech- but Bei warned that this won't happen again so they better be careful what they do. Then when they were talking Bei lowered himself to the ground and in a puff of smoke he was Bee again- "So- who's ready for a celebration party?!"
So the Elite Guard got to learn what Bee really is and has gotten hit with flashbacks to all the times they were mean to him. The Jettwins may have been scared of him briefly but after Bee showing them few neat tricks they were good, if not a little curious about him.
A long while after the battle and everything settling back into place, Optimus was offered to join in the higher status in Cybertron. He however declined and chose the peaceful life on earth. Their Base had gotten a major upgrade to a proper state instead of a near-ruin thanks to Bei so they did not have to worry about anything. I would sare say Prowl and Jazz had turned their attention to the small altar they build in one of the rooms to leave offerings- they had been taught about the greatness of Primus but after hearing stuff he did from Beisilan they decided to aid the weaker god instead. (no, they didn't start a cult, they were just paying their respects to Beisilan instead of Primus) (altho at this point the whole team would do that so i guess they became some sort of a cult) Bee pretends he doesn't know about the altar or whatever they do in that room but on the inside he's very happy that someone has given him worship at last in over few hundred neons. He continues to unnoticingly bless each and every member that leaves their gifts and prayers at the altar.
And of course, he wouldn't be a mischevious god without some good ol' pranks! It's very fun to mess with the mortal, regardless if he's friends with them or not.
And I think that's it for now. All of the events I had already thought of had been written, up to you whether you wanna know more.
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deejadabbles · 11 months
hello there, Deeja!!! for the Halloween prompts, may I please request:
“I think someone’s watching us.” + 🎭 masquerade
with Fox or Jesse 💙💙
happy writing!!!
SEV! How did you know that I'm in love with the idea of Fox in a masquerade setting!? I kept getting more and more ideas for this one so I hope they all mesh well together 💙
Among the Hedge Maze (Fox x GN Reader)
Summary: You were desperate to find some alone time with Fox among the chaos of the ball. Hopefully, he gives chase. Rating: T (But Minors DNI) Word Count: 1,801 Warnings: Kissing, reader is GN but is called "vixen" once.
Edit: Here's a good song to listen to while reading Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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Lavish skirts rustled, wine glasses clinked, joyous laughter rang, all colliding with the strings and keys of the live band to create quite the spectacle of sounds. Yes, the grand hall of the senate was alive with celebration tonight. Masked patrons held gloved hands as they twirled about the dancefloor, an enchanting song topping off the scene to craft the perfect image of a fairy tale.
All you needed was your masked prince.
Not that he would ever abide by being called a prince, though you might get away with knight. You would have given anything to see the look on his face when you called him either, but alas, nearly two hours into the party and you had yet to see your beloved commander. There was still hope, though. He had been tasked with mingling tonight, after all, rather than his standard guard duty.
Yes, mingling. Fox was expected to be the face of the troops tonight, and raising money for his brothers was the only thing that could have gotten him to accept such a role without tossing himself out his office window.
It would have been amusing to watch him try his best to schmooze with the Coruscant elite, but you had spent the last two hours rubbing elbows of your own. As much as you loved the party you weren’t about to miss an opportunity to help the troopers.
Now though, now you were craving a break and, once you heard a whisper that the good commander had been pulled into a waltz by the flirtatious dowager Starfield, you decided it was more than time. 
You skirted the dance floor, knowing full well that the moment you entered the throng you would be pulled into dance after dance. Still, even given the crowd, you actually managed to spot your Fox. He was stiff as a board, that red and silver mask of his doing nothing to hide how out of his element he was. Dowager Starfield was comically shorter than Fox, practically being able to rest her head on his stomach as he pushed them through the crowd in the moves you had shown him barely more than a week ago.
Though, even out of his element, Fox was more than competent. Despite his stiffness, he moved in the dance just as well as anyone else, showing that the little classes you’d given him in your office weren’t wasted. Maker, was there anything this man couldn’t do?
His strategic side was showing too. You did not miss the way he stuck close to the edge of the dance floor for a quick escape.
Fox wasn’t the only one who could plan, though. Keeping your head high, you moved along the rim of the crowd, always staying where his eyes might spot you while you thought up a fun little game.
You noticed the moment he saw you. The way his eyes widened behind the mask, the way his shoulders lifted…and how he glanced down at the widow who was clinging to him like a prom date. Aw, he didn’t think you were jealous, did he? You flashed him your best smile and watched the very subtle way his back seemed to relax, just a bit.
Perfect timing, too, as the song was drawing to an enchanting end. Keeping your eyes on his, you tilted your head towards the open glass doors not far away, then started to walk towards them.
Confident that he saw and could find some excuse now that the dance was over, you stepped out into the enclosed courtyard.
One thing you loved about these parties was the chance to come here, to the well kept gardens where florals and fauna from all across the galaxy were cultivated. It was a breathtaking sight within this city. There were a couple of guests out on the veranda but, what looked completely deserted, was the small hedge maze at the center of the garden.
By the time you reached its entrance, you glanced over your shoulder and were delighted to see Fox rushing out of the double doors, head turning as he searched for you. The moment he spotted you, you blew him a kiss and darted into the maze.
Excitement filled your chest as you ran, especially when you heard the rustling of greenery behind you. In truth, it wasn’t much of an actual maze, but it was enough to give the tantalizing illusion of a chase. There wasn’t even a need to slow down, you knew he was probably right on your heel, right where you wanted him.
Unfortunately, the hidden little path ended too soon, and let out deep in the heart of the all but deserted garden. Crisp night air filled your lungs as you slowed to a stop and caught your breath. Oddly enough, now that you were still, you realized that you no longer heard Fox’s pursuing footsteps. You peered back into the corridor of hedges, confused. There was no way you had lost him-
Strong arms closed around your waist, pulling you back against a firm chest and causing you to gasp in surprise.
“Caught you, my little vixen,” a voice purred in your ear, which nearly caused your knees to go weak right there.
Instead, you turned your face towards his, finding that your lips were dangerously close. “Have you? Or was this all my grand scheme to finally get you alone?”
He hummed, as he lowered his lips to brush against your neck. “I think it’s both. And thank the maker, if I had to spend one more minute with them, I was ready to say there was a bomb threat in my office.”
You gasped theatrically, “And leave me here to deal with them all alone? How rude.”
“At least you’re used to this sort of thing,” he grumbled, “I was hoping the mask would help them overlook me- isn’t anonymity the whole point of these masquerade things?”
“It’s the illusion of anonymity.” Despite the hold he had on your waist, you turned within his arms so you could face him. 
Finally you could take in his appearance up close, the deep red silk with white lining the cuffs and accenting the lapels in swirling patterns. Not to mention the mask made of surprisingly delicate looking metal, whose striking design curved into ears that pierced his curls. Fox looked absolutely stunning.
You hummed playfully as you ran a finger over the red metal, “Of course, if you wanted to stay anonymous, you probably should have worn a less obvious mask, Fox.” Your hand moved to the back of his head and untied the silk strand that held up the animalistic accessory. “You need a mask with a little more mystique.” With your other hand you untied your own mask and, with a bit of maneuvering, managed to secure it on your lover’s handsome face. “There, now they definitely won’t recognize you!”
“Ha ha,” he said dryly, but there was the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. 
Then, his eyebrows lifted as he watched you put on his own fox mask. When you looked at him and batted your eyes playfully, you could have sworn you heard his breath hitch.
“Well, how do I look?”
Now his eyes were half lidded, and the arms around your waist tightened. “I think it suits you,” he said, voice low as he leaned in closer to you, “just like I think these colors suit you.” He ran his hand over the scarlet collar of your top, where your chest was exposed. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing my colors,” he whispered, his warm breath touching your lips.
“Maybe I just like the color red,” was your breathless reply and your eyes fluttered shut right when his lips pressed against yours.
You moaned into the kiss, never tiring of the way he felt and tasted. Your arms wrapped around him to pull him closer, deepening the kiss as his lips moved against yours. One of Fox’s hands slid up from your hip, running along your spine until he could cup the back of your neck and press you harder against him.
Lips had just parted, letting his tongue slip in, when he paused. To your dismay he was pulling away the next second, scanning the nearby trees and bushes with narrow eyes.
“I think someone’s watching us,” he whispered to you.
Before you even had the chance to respond, Fox was bending to pick up a decent sized stone from the pebbled path and, with an expert flick of his wrist, sent it shooting like a bullet. Before it even had a chance to hit its target within the bushes, the greenery rustled frantically until two figures fell into view.
Despite their masks and even from this distance, you could tell who they were from the hair styles alone. Their training had them dodging that stone, but even still, Thorn and Hound were caught.
“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” Fox said, arms crossing over his chest.
“We weren’t spying,” Hound assured.
“We just saw you run off and thought we should check on you,” Thorn added without missing a beat.
Fox’s tone took on that commander quality, “And that required you to hide in the bushes?”
“Well yeah, we were taking cover,” Thorn rolled his eyes.
“Optimum camouflage, you know,” Hounded nodded.
“So you two were waiting to…what?” Fox snapped, “Save me from taking a walk with the senator?”
“Walking?” came Hound’s snort.
“Since when do walks need that much tongue?” Thorn muttered.
“Inside. Both of you. Now!”
The dangerous tone may not have actually scared the two, but they at least had enough respect for Fox to turn and hightail it out of there at the order. By the time their footsteps were nothing but an echo in the night, Fox let out a long suffering sigh.
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and pull him back into your embrace, “You know you love them.”
“I can love idiots,” he grumbled, before letting out another sigh and pressing his forehead to yours. “Sorry if they ruined the moment.”
“They didn’t ruin anything.” You pressed a light kiss to his lips. “Want to go back inside? I think you still owe me a dance.”
He let out a tired hum, “Hm, not inside.” Then, he took your hands and placed them on his shoulders. “We can dance here, just the two of us.”
As if all the social stresses of the day had caught up to him, Fox rested his forehead against your shoulder, taking comfort in the feel of you being so close.
"This is what I wanted all night," he whispered against your skin. "You and me, enjoying the night together."
And with that, he started swaying your bodies to a slow, intimate melody that only the two of you could hear.
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Tag List: @sev-on-kamino @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @funeralreunion @chubbyhedgehog @ladytano420 @trixie2023 @mssbridgerton @wizardofrozz @vithepotato @mythical-illustrator
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
I slightly disagree with the Netflix angle. I think that the cooking show came together quite quickly and they likely didn’t begin shooting until after ARO launched. I suspect Meghan used the press of that to bring into support like you mentioned to gain approval from Netflix. Now I think the polo show was likely something Netflix approved in the aftermath of their docuseries, it’s just that Harry has really wish washy about moving forward with it. I mean Harry far more than Meghan has been increasingly vocal about wanting to come back in for a half in half out. his reputation has taken a huge hit and nothing they’ve really done since the book and docuseries has come out has helped them out in a big successful way.
the news about Netflix came fast and furious with more details being leaked every day. Which tells me they’re repeating exactly what they did before the docuseries, trying to gauge interest. ultimately I think the polo series will have more BTS about their family then anything else, because that’s what Netflix want the most. And one will certainly premiere around TTC.
Maybe. Netflix and the Sussexes' PR have both said that Harry will only briefly appear in the polo doc and it won't be about him. Time will tell.
Trooping (two months away) is too soon for either one of these to premiere. The only way they can meet a Trooping premiere date is if something is already in the can and neither one of them have anything in the can.
If Meghan's cooking show was in the can or close to being done, they'd have released promo stills for the announcement. They didn't, so they don't have anything, probably just cutting floor footage from the ARO infomercial. And for Harry, the report is that Netflix cameras were at the event yesterday, so he doesn't have anything either.
Going by the Sussexes' typical PR timeline, these shows are probably being targeted for a September/October release. The Sussexes traditionally do a huge PR campaign that time of year to compete with the BRF's "back to work after summer holidays" press coverage.
(Plus that's also when Kate may be back to work so that's probably Meghan's ideal release window.)
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galaxynajma · 20 days
thoughts about furina? headcanons, interpretations, theories that kinda stuff I wanna hear what u have to say <3
FURINAAAA my beloved. I remember when her design was first leaked, it was love at first sight or something . I was CHEERING when she first showed up in the archon quest
Hmmm I do have some headcanons
With her new found freedom, she tried baking sweets for herself! … the first few tries weren’t the best but she’s getting better! She managed to bake some cupcakes for Navia
On the topic of cooking, she’s also learning different pasta recipes. macaroni will forever be her favorite though
She’s always been secretly intimidated of the duke Wriothesley. The last time she ever saw him before becoming the duke was at his trial, and that was when he was still a teenager . So imagine her surprise when the next time she sees him, he’s a fucking brick wall of a man . But Neuvillette says he’s trustworthy so Furina has nothing to worry about, besides, he has an amazing tea collection to share
She likes the melusines a lot , they’re always so kind to her and some even let her pet their soft little heads . She kinda misses seeing them helping around in her days as a archon
When she’s out surfing , she’ll sometimes pick up all the pretty sea shells that she finds. Originally she had no idea what to do with so many of them , but Navia suggested to start painting them! Furina gladly took that idea. Furina gave some of the painted shells to the theater troop 
In her days as a archon , she would fidget with her pigtails as a way to ease stress . It took awhile to get used to not having them there to toy with
A melusine gave her some boba tea to try for the very first time, of course with Furina’s sweet tooth and her love for tea , it was no surprise that she immediately loved it . She gets at least two cups every time she orders some
Her bed is FULL of plushies. Some of gifts from the people when she was a archon, some are from her friends. Her favorite one is of a gigantic baby seahorse Neuvillette got her for her 463th birthday
Okay I think that’s enough for headcanons. About other stuff , hmm I do wanna talk about my opinion of her relationship with Neuvillette
I dislike how everyone either sees them as romantic or purely family, like siblings, some say Furina is like a daughter to Neuvillette , or the opposite with Furina being a mother figure to Neuvillette?(how???)
I obviously don’t see them anything close to romantic, and while I don’t hate the whole family idea ( I like it in some cases) it never really sat right with me
To me , I always saw their relationship being similar to Scara and Nahida, they’re more than just friends ( not in a romantic way ofc ) but something deeper, something close to being familial but not quite having a label for it . They can understand each other almost better than anyone else
Idk maybe I’m just spitting nonsense
Anyways. I hope we see more of Furina soon! I would love to see her meet more of the cast! Maybe like Nilou? That would be cute
Ty for being there to my yapping session <3
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
5 times Melshi and Cassian talked about Jyn Erso (and one time they didn't have to)
Canon compliant you guys - or at least, it doesn’t directly contradict canon. Whatever you choose to think at the end is up to you.
5 times Melshi and Cassian talked about Jyn Erso (and one time they didn't have to)
1. Before Wobani
Ruescott Melshi was on his way down the hall when a familiar form caught his eye. 
"Keef," he called out. "Briefing's this way."
Cassian didn't even roll his eyes at the fake name, the one Melshi had known him by on Narkina 5 and still used to tease him. "Change of plans."
"Is the mission off?"
"No, it's on. We need this woman. But I'm not going."
They'd been planning this breakout for a week now. "What's up?"
"I have to meet one of my contacts. He's getting - squirelly. But I'll send Kay with you."
"All right," he said. Infiltrations and exfiltrations were his specialty. Cassian was coming because he needed the woman for something important. But he'd never been an intrinsic part of the plan. Kay, yes, Cassian not so much, even if they generally came as a matched set. "I'll bring her back. No problem."
"Good. Ah, listen - I've read her arrest records. Don't underestimate her."
"Because she's in Wobani? You and I both know how people end up in places like that. I'm not worried." He considered. "Maybe I am. She might get a look at this face and fall in love with me."
It coaxed a crook of his lips, a huff of a laugh. Cassian had never been a particularly jolly guy. But lately he'd been getting tired, drained-looking. The spark of rage that burned in his eyes was getting dimmer and dimmer.
Melshi had seen the same in his fellow operatives over the years, usually just before they burned out, either quietly or spectacularly. Worry wormed in his stomach as he watched his friend walk away. 
2. On the Way Back
Melshi cursed long and fluently as the medic fixed his nose. "Crazy fucking woman."
The crazy fucking woman in question was in restraints at the back of the troop transport. They hadn't planned on it, so they were the decoy restraints that they'd used when stopping the Wobani transport, hastily reprogrammed to actually work. She sneered at him. 
"I told you I was getting you out," he said. 
"I don't know you," she snapped back. "Why should you do anything for me?"
"Good question," he muttered. 
"Melshi," one of his team called out. "Captain on the comm."
Cassian frowned at him through the comm screen. The bruises were probably coming in, dark and nasty, visible even through the bluish distortion of the screen. "Trouble?"
"Yeah, from that nutjob you wanted me to pick up."
Cassian's brows rose.
"She hit me in the face with a shovel."
"I told you not to underestimate her. Did you let her know we were getting her out?"
"Yeah, and then she hit me in the face with a shovel!"
His lips quirked. "I guess you're safe from her falling in love with you."
"Kriff you, man," he said, pleased to see a flicker of Cassian's dry humor for once. "What's your ETA?"
They compared notes and found that they'd be back on base about a day before he would. "We'll put her in a holding cell overnight," Melshi suggested, touching the bruises gingerly. "Maybe that'll stop her from assaulting anyone else."
3. After the Interrogation
When Cassian saw him in person, he said, "Damn."
"It was a big shovel," Melshi said grouchily. Not to mention she'd prefaced it by slamming her boot into his nuts. No need to mention that, though.  Now that more people on base had seen Jyn Erso, he and the rest of Extraction Team Bravo were getting a lot of shit about getting beat up by one tiny woman. "Is she going to help?"
"She agreed. She had to be bribed, but she agreed."
Melshi knew better than to ask what Cassian needed her for. "Well, good luck, then. Don't give her any weapons."
Cassian grunted, still looking out over the shuttle bay. 
"What?" Melshi said. "You worried she'll turn you in for the reward or something?"
"Not that," he said. "I didn't get the sense she had any love for the Empire. She just didn't care about anything we had to say."
"Well," Melshi said. "Lot of people don't care." It burned him too, sometimes, how people could look away, look past the Empire and everything it did, as long as it didn't affect them. And then when it did, they were shocked. 
"It's more than that. She seemed determined not to care. No matter what we said." 
"Lot of people like that, too."
Cassian shook his head. "I know that. It just bothered me. That's all."
4. Before the Council Meeting
There was no official announcement, but gossip spread around the base faster than the clap. Andor had come back after weeks out in the stars with something. Something big. Or maybe it was the woman he was hauling around. Or was it one of the strays they'd picked up?
Anyway, it was big enough that they'd called in the Council.
"What's that going to do?" one of Melshi's men grumbled, and he privately agreed. 
Melshi ran Cassian to ground in the datasec room, where he was paging through screens. "What's the project?" he asked, ready to be rebuffed.
"Trying to figure out who's on base," Cassian said. 
He looked up. "We might need to put together a team. Quickly."
"Well, I'm in," Melshi said.
"You don't even know what it is."
He shrugged. "Hasn't stopped me yet. How's the crazy girl? Is our team going to drop her off on some nice safe asteroid somewhere?"
"She's speaking to the council when they get here."
"She," Melshi said. "She's speaking to the council." He'd assumed it would be Draven, with whatever Cassian had brought back. The woman he'd brought back from Wobani hadn't been interested in talking to anybody. 
"Mmhm." He paged through some more screens, brows drawn. He paused, took a note, and paged on. 
"About what?"
He looked up. "Go and see."
The spark behind his eyes was a blaze.
5. After the Council Meeting
The same blaze burned in Jyn Erso's words as she exhorted the Council to do something besides squabbling and doom-saying. It was hard to say which one of them had lit it in the other. 
He was all the way in the back, up against the wall with the other spooks and assassins and saboteurs. The type that the Council didn't like to be reminded existed. Which was fine, because that was where they liked it. 
Melshi looked around the room at who was nodding agreement and who was shaking their head and looking grim, and he knew how it would go in here. He also knew what kind of team Cassian needed.
He glanced around, saw a few of Bravo Team looking at him, and jerked his head toward the door. They followed him out. 
"Andor's getting a team together," he said quietly. "If you're out, that's fine. Won't hold it against you. If you're in, go find anyone else who would be, too."
They scattered. 
It took some searching, but he found Cassian in a storeroom, picking through some boxes for what looked like the most portable weapons, talking on his comm at the same time. 
He hung up and looked at him. "You heard?"
"Yeah." His blood was still chilled at the idea of the Empire with a weapon like that. He went down to check the box. "No, you want these," he said, shoving another one over to him. "They make a lovely boom. Stormtrooper bits all over."
Cassian didn't reach for it. "You still in?"
"More than ever."
"We might not come back. We probably won't come back."
"Keef," Melshi said. "I know. I'm in."
Cassian nodded. 
"Your crazy girl coming with us?" 
"She doesn't know about this. Yet."
"She said that thing you always say. In the meeting."
"What thing?" He checked his messages and nodded to himself, then shot off another one.
"You know the one. About hope."
His hands stilled. He smiled a little. 
+1 In the Shuttle Bay
The team Cassian had scraped together out were clustered in the shuttle bay, getting the details. Some had been in the Council meeting, some hadn't, but everyone knew Cassian, and they all knew he wasn't the kind to go in guns blazing unless there was no other choice. 
Melshi saw Jyn Erso come storming out of the council meeting. He reflexively checked for shovels, then nudged Cassian. "Your girl's here."
He looked over his shoulder to where she was talking to the other strays that had gotten dragged back with them, then turned and started walking toward her. 
Even though the team he'd pulled together was all around him, and their strays were all around her, and the business of the shuttle bay was all around all of them, Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso might have been the only two people in the entire cavernous bay.
"They were never going to believe you," he called out. 
"I appreciate the support," she snarked. 
"I do," Cassian the spy said, simple and true. "I believe you."
Her face went slack with shock, and for the first time it occurred to Melshi to wonder what kind of life she'd had, that her first instinct on getting sprung out of a place like Wobani was to attack her rescuers and try to escape on her own.
Her eyes roved over the team Cassian had brought her as he spoke, more naked truths spilling out of his usually tightly closed lips. His words dug into Melshi's belly, all the ugly realities of the life they lived, and the burning flame of why underneath it. 
She didn't say anything in reply, but the pilot still in his beat-up Imperial uniform did, talking about the practicalities of the shuttle they had to work with. She looked at him, then back at Cassian, with a little smile and the tiniest of nods.
He took that for the agreement it was and dispatched his team - her team, now - with barked orders. 
Melshi looked back as he picked up the carton of grenades he'd recommended in the storeroom. Cassian was standing very close to Jyn, their faces tipped toward each other. It would actually be a little sweet if they weren't all going to almost-certain death.
But when they were inside the shield gate at Scarif, she spoke to them directly. She was no orator. Her words, by themselves, were blunt and a little fatalistic. But it was the flame in her eyes that lent them power.
"We'll find those Death Star plans. We'll find a way to find them."
He believed her, and he could feel the same belief stealing through the veins of all the battle-scarred soldiers in the shuttle with them. 
A dead man's voice whispered in his ears. How long we hang on, how far we get, how many of us make it out, all of that is now up to us.
"We'll take the next chance," Jyn said, "and the next, until we win, or until our chances are spent."
We will never have a better chance than this.
Cassian had always been good at that. Finding a person who could change the tide, who could rouse people to action. Jyn and Kino seemed different on the outside - an angry young woman, a careworn older man - but the blaze in their eyes was the same.  
Ruescott Melshi had been living on borrowed time since the moment his feet had touched the electrified floor of Narkina 5. He'd followed Cassian Andor out of that hell, and now he'd follow him into hell on Scarif.
It felt right that this was how his time would come due.
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Of Two Worlds (Book 3) Chapter Seven
Fushiguro Megumi x Half-Curse! Reader
Chapter Seven: Bodies
Summary: Everything starts to go wrong.
            (Y/N) glanced around at the unconscious (or worse) bodies of the American military troop that had attacked them. They had, of course, been nothing against Itadori, (Y/N), Megumi, and Kurusu. (Takaba had been very little help).
            “Are you alright?” asked Megumi.
            Kurusu perked up and smiled at him, but her expression faltered as Megumi walked past her to (Y/N).
            The half-curse nodded. “They didn’t hit me.” It had been the easiest fight so far despite the troop outnumbering them.
            “Good,” said Megumi, nodding.
            Kurusu felt her heart clench. He barely looked at her. She swallowed and tried to push the sinking feeling in her stomach away. She had found him again after all those years. It wouldn’t be for nothing. That would break her heart.
            “Hey, this one’s awake!” called Itadori, and Megumi and (Y/N) walked over.
            “What were you doing here?” demanded Megumi, getting straight to the point.
            The man coughed, but after facing them in battle, he listened to the teenager and responded quickly. “I don’t know all the details because I’m just a grunt, but they want to study your cursed energy as an alternative energy source.”
            (Y/N)’s nose wrinkled.
            Itadori made a face. This man was Japanese and had completely sold out the Japanese sorcerers for the Americans to experiment on. On multiple levels it was a disgusting choice.
            “They must want a way to become energy self-sufficient,” said Megumi.
            “Then why didn’t Japan do that sooner?” asked Kurusu. She was disappointed when Megumi didn’t answer her but (Y/N) did.
            “The Higher-Ups would never allow anyone else to control cursed energy like they do. They have a monopoly,” said (Y/N).
            “With a new energy source as bait, Kenjaku lured non-sorcerer soldiers into the colonies and offered them to curses,” said Megumi.
            “Their deaths will fill each colony with cursed energy and complete the ritual preceding Tengen’s merger with the populace,” said Kurusu, eager to impress.
            “That would take a crazy amount of people. Kenjaku is a double-dealer, so he must have contacted a lot of countries,” said Megumi.
            “We should help them,” said Itadori.
            “The military? But they want to abduct us for experimentation!” said Takaba.
            “We have to risk ourselves to keep everyone from combining with Tengen,” said (Y/N). She didn’t like the idea of helping people who wanted to hurt her, but she was used to that after growing up with the higher-ups looking for reasons to execute her, so it wasn’t a change.
            “Yeah, I still don’t get that,” said Takaba.
            “Don’t bother.” The Angel appeared. “In both Tokyo colonies, fifty sorcerers fought and fell, so Tokyo No. 1 is already full of cursed energy.”
            “Which means?” asked Itadori.
            “Which means there’s no point,” said the Angel. “Even if we save the soldiers, the result will be the same.”
            Oh, so we don’t have to bother with them. (Y/N) was fine with avoiding pointless battles.
            “Yeah? So what?” Itadori didn’t feel the same.
            “Hana and I live in symbiosis,” said the Angel. “If she’s in danger, then I’m in danger, so don’t drag her into a meaningless fight. We weren’t together to begin with, so let us go our own way.”
            “Don’t be bossy,” said Itadori. “I don’t trust you.”
            “Are you talking to the Angel or me?” Kurusu glared. “Either way, it’s unpleasant.”
            While Kurusu flew above to rescue anyone she could find, Itadori led the run through the alleys below.
            “This isn’t like you,” said Megumi.
            “…You sure about that?” said Itadori.
            “Everything else aside, were you referring to the Angel and Sukuna?” asked Megumi. “I would’ve expected you of all people to be more considerate to Kurusu.”
            Itadori slowed to a stop. He was silent and glanced over his shoulder. “Ever since I rejoined you…I’ve been afraid of her replacing Kugisaki.”
            Nobara. (Y/N)’s heart clenched, and she looked down.
            “Don’t be dumb,” said Megumi.
            “No one can replace her,” said (Y/N).
            “I’ll apologize later,” said Itadori.
            Kurusu landed in front of them, angel wings oustretched behind her. She winked and smiled. “Don’t you have something to say?”
            “…I’m sorry,” said Itadori sheepishly.
            Kurusu smiled. “It’s alright.”
            Itadori let out a breath of relief. “So did you find someone up there?”
            “A few soldiers were alive,” confirmed Kurusu. “So I killed the curse trying to eat them.” She glanced at Megumi, searching for his reaction to her helping people.
            “We need to get going. We have barely any time until it’s time to meet with Maki for news of the outside.” Megumi didn’t even notice her.
            “I hope she’s okay,” said Itadori. There was no way to know from within the Culling Game.
            “Maki will be alive.” (Y/N) knew she would adapt. It was part of who Maki was.
            “Maki?” asked Kurusu curiously.
            “One of our upperclassmen,” said Megumi. “She has no cursed energy, so she can pass through the barrier of the Culling Game without trouble. She’s checking on the situation with Tengen and then coming to meet us.”
            “Let’s keep going,” said (Y/N).
            As (Y/N) predicted, Maki was alive. However, something rested in her eyes that wasn’t there before. (Y/N) understood it: death. It was the same thing she knew was reflected in her eyes after killing Naoya in cold-blood.
            (Y/N) focused on Maki’s words instead of dwelling on that. “The pre-prep ending is one thing, but according to Itadori’s ‘older brother,’ Kenjaku took Tengen.”
            Shit, thought Itadori, Megumi, and (Y/N).
            “Tsukumo is the same rank as Yuuta, yet she lost despite working with a Death Painting Womb and Tengen,” continued Maki. “We always knew Kenjaku would be a challenge. At least the back of the Prison Realm is safe.”
            “Then why hasn’t the merger started?” asked Itadori.
            “Sorcerers can probably resist the merger with cursed energy, so nothing’s happening in the colonies, but it may have started outside,” said Kurusu.
            “No, a few people were affected, it made the news, but for the most part, Japan hasn’t changed,” said Maki.
            “I don’t know why. Maybe Kenjaku can’t start the merger yet, or maybe he just doesn’t feel like it,” said Megumi.
            “If he’s waiting, he’s waiting for something,” pointed out (Y/N). “That can’t be good.”
            “There’s no way to know, so Tsumiki comes first,” said Itadori. He cocked his head. “By the way, why didn’t Senpai add rules sooner? We had already decided what to do. You know, first transfer points, then entry and exit from colonies, then communication across colonies, then leaving the Culling Game.”
            “Well, to start with one, Culling Game players are subject to cursed technique removal if their points don’t change for nineteen days. That means messing with their brains. It amounts to death. The point is to force players to kill each other,” said Megumi.
            “We wanted to add a rule for point transferal, so players could change their scores without killing,” said Maki. “And you already did that.”
            “Not me, Higurama,” said Itadori.
            “The problem is part two and three,” said Maki. “Moving and communications across borders.”
            “What’s the problem?” asked Kurusu.
            “Players can’t go in and out of colonies,” said Maki.
            “I can!” chirped Kurusu.
            “And why is that?” asked Maki.
            “I have the Angel cursed technique,” explained Kurusu proudly.
            “Can you use it on others?” questioned Maki.
            “That’s tricky,” said the Angel from Kurusu’s cheek. “Destroying the barrier technique with my cursed technique requires destroying the root of the barrier. If I don’t know where that is, then only we can pass through the colonies.”
            “This won’t be easy, huh?” said Maki, running a hand through her short hair. “Anyway, regarding two and three, the rules never forbade players or communications from crossing colony borders.”
            “You talkin’ ‘bout Makoto Kawamoto!?” called Takaba from a nearby roof.
            “What’s with that guy?” asked Maki.
            “Ignore him,” said (Y/N).
            “I’ll check the rules,” said Itadori, gesturing to his kogane with a scroll as a stomach. “So you mean the problem isn’t the rules. It’s the barriers.”
            “No matter the rules, the barriers might still be unbreachable,” said Kurusu. “That’s why you didn’t add the rule.”
            “Regarding comms, we decided that Ui-Ui and I could be liaisons for now,” said Maki. “Which leaves four. We must prioritize players leaving the game. Yuuta’s team already transferred the points.”
            On cue, Megumi’s kogane popped up, showing he had 379 points.
            “Kogane, add a rule allowing players to leave the Culling Game,” said Megumi.
            “Denied!” chirped kogane. “That conflicts with Rule 7.”
            “What about a rule allowing players to leave if they invite a new player into the colony as a substitute?” amended Megumi.
            “Then how can anyone leave the game?!” cried Itadori.
            “The Culling Game has a suggestion,” said kogane. “A player could leave the game by expending one hundred points to invite a new player into the colony as a substitute. Then approval is possible.”
            “So there’s no problem!” cried Itadori.
            “No, wait!” said Megumi. “A substitute wouldn’t change the number of players, but it’d require the deaths of at least twenty players for one hundred points! Wouldn’t that break Rule 7 about long-lasting effects?”
            “A player could then leave the game by expending one hundred points to invite a new player into the colony as a substitute,” repeated kogane. “Then approval is possible.”
            “Understood,” said Megumi. “That’s enough.”
            Everyone’s kogane popped up.
            “A player has added a rule to the Culling Game! Rule 11. A player can leave the game by expending one hundred points to invite a new player into the colony as a substitute!” announced the kogane.
            Megumi was satisfied. “Maki, bring Tsumiki to this colony.”
            (Y/N) perked up. They were close to helping her.
            “Hm?” said Itadori.
            “What’s wrong?” asked (Y/N).
            “Tsumiki’s a player, but she’s outside the colonies,” said Itadori in confusion. “Isn’t it safer to send her points from a distance?”
            “That breaks the first two rules,” said (Y/N). “She could lose her technique and die.”
            “Oh! Good thing you noticed that!” said Itadori.
            “The longer we hold points, the more inviting we are as targets,” said Megumi. “So we need Megumi with us fast.”
            “Right. But I can’t come with her,” said Maki. “I don’t have cursed energy, so the barrier doesn’t recognize me. We’d get separated upon entry.”
            (Y/N) nodded. “That happened to us.”
            “You need a parachute,” said Itadori.
            Maki blinked slowly. “Right…I’ll go and get Tsumiki. Be ready.”
            “We will be,” said Megumi as she turned and left.
            (Y/N) reached out and put a hand on his forearm. He glanced at her, and she smiled. It was a silent bit of encouragement. (Y/N) knew he was worried about Tsumiki, and she wanted to be there for him, even if she wasn’t good with words.
            Kurusu’s heart clenched at the sight. Despite seeming so detached and apathetic, there was a connection between the pair. One she didn’t have it wished she did with Megumi.
            For Megumi, his heart beat a little quicker as (Y/N) touched his arm. Despite her cold skin, he felt a warmth spreading through him. (Y/N) was beside him. As long as he had her, he had hope and strength.
            Megumi relaxed in relief as Tsumiki appeared out of thin air before them. It was a quick meeting instead of having to worry for her. And now…now she was there, standing, awake, healthy.
            “Whoops!” she stumbled clumsily before chuckling at herself.
            “Huh?! She just walked right in!” said Itadori, impressed.
            “Whoa, what a surprise!” chuckled Tsumiki, rubbing the back of her head.
            “Uh, yeah,” said Megumi.
            “You’ve got good luck, Tsumiki,” said Itadori
            (Y/N) cocked her head. It was extremely good luck. For them, everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. Strange that the same hadn’t happened to Tsumiki.
            “Pleased to meet you!” said Tsumiki, bowing to Itadori.
            “Yeah, same here, I’m Itadori!” he said, friendly as ever.
            Tsumiki stood and smiled at Megumi and (Y/N). “Hey, you two. I’ve missed you.”
            Megumi looked away in embarrassment at his sister’s words, and (Y/N) nodded, unsure how else to react.
            “Oh, good, I wasn’t needed,” said Kurusu, flying back down to the ground.
            “This is Kurusu!” said Itadori. “She was patrolling the skies in case you dropped in from above.”
            Kurusu nearly blushed happily. Itadori made her sound so good.
            “Let’s do this fast, Kogane,” said Megumi, getting to the point.
            “Notice how he acts even more indifferently around family,” snickered Itadori to Kurusu.
            “How cute,” said Kurusu.
            An irk mark appeared on Megumi’s forehead.
            “I don’t get it,” said (Y/N).
            “Don’t try to. Itadori’s being an idiot,” said Megumi. He faced Tsumiki. “We gave you one hundred points so you can leave the game. Maki told you about the substitute, right?”
            Tsumiki didn’t respond and just turned to her kogane as it appeared and displayed her points. For a moment, something flickered across her expression, and (Y/N) felt a shift in cursed energy surrounding Tsumiki.
            “Kogane,” said Tsumiki. “Add a rule allowing entry and exit across colony borders.”
            “Approved!” chirped the kogane.
            (Y/N), Megumi, and the others’ eyes widened in shock as the announcement went out.
            Tsumiki (No, this wasn’t Tsumiki. It didn’t feel like her at all, not as the strange cursed energy seeped out around her. (Y/N) knew that definitively) smiled cunningly at the group.
            Megumi’s eyes were wide in horror. “Who are you?!”
            “Who am I?” Not-Tsumiki grinned malevolently, a terrible expression on Tsumiki’s face. “I’m your sister, Fushiguro Megumi!”
            (Y/N) understood. Tsumiki was not a player with an awakened cursed technique. It was a sorcerer from the past in Tsumiki’s body that impersonated her with her memories.
            Not-Tsumiki giggled. “Funny, no?”
            “Fushiguro, what’s going on? Fushiguro!” shouted Itadori in alarm.
            Megumi was frozen, staring at his sister’s face. He hadn’t saved her. He had failed her.
            (Y/N)’s stomach twisted at the knowledge that a curse was using Tsumiki’s body as its own. It was a violating idea, and (Y/N) knew that Tsumiki must be screaming for freedom within.
            “I’m Yorozu,” said the sorcerer from the past, twirling a strand of hair. “Maybe people of the past would know me.”
            “Why?! All this time?!” cried Megumi.
            “You came to me with your plans and gave me one hundred points for free, which I’m happy to accept,” said Yorozu. “I haven’t fought for a thousand years, so I want to choose who and where I fight.” Insect-like wings unfurled behind her. “And first I choose Sukuna.” Her wings fluttered, and she rose into the air. She pointed a finger at (Y/N). “And then I choose you, Child of the Night.” She smirked. “I’ll be waiting.” She flew into the air and left the group behind.
            “Let’s go after her!” cried Kurusu.
            “Yeah!” said Itadori, lunging to run.
            Itadori froze as Sukuna’s mouth appeared on his cheek and spoke the single word. Curse marks spread across Itadori’s face. (Y/N) and Megumi’s eyes widened, and in the moment it took them to react, Sukuna had grabbed Kurusu and knocked her out. He let her body hit the ground and stood, grinning triumphantly, at Megumi and (Y/N).
            “I cut a Binding Vow with the boy to not kill or hurt anyone for one minute,” said Sukuna.
            “Sukuna?!” said Megumi. Everything was going horribly, horribly wrong. He didn’t have time for this. He needed a way to save Tsumiki.
            “Why?” snapped (Y/N). He had something planned, she knew it.
            Sukuna ignored her and lifted a hand. His pinky finger swirled with condensed cursed energy. “However, from here on is a gamble.” He tore the finger off gleefully as Megumi and (Y/N) watched.
            When nothing happened, Sukuna cackled. “That boy is such a dumbass!” he crowed. “A vow to not hurt anyone didn’t include him!”
            (Y/N) summoned her katana, and her curse marks blazed to life with her icy flames. Beside her, Megumi readied his ultimate move.
            “With this treasure, I summon—!”
            Sukuna grabbed Megumi by the face. (Y/N) turned and slashed at Sukuna, reaction time deadly, but Sukuna was just as quick and dodged in a split second. He pulled Megumi back with him and disrupted the hand signs. With his other hand, he squeezed Megumi’s cheeks and forced his mouth open. Megumi’s eyes widened.
            (Y/N) was a moment too late, and the finger was forced down Megumi’s throat. The malevolent cursed energy condensed around him, and (Y/N)’s eyes widened in horror as the markings on Itadori’s face disappeared.
            “Well…Now this is interesting.”
            Sukuna smirked cruelly from Megumi’s body.
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Four-Eyes
At first I had another idea for the ending, but seeing Brave Order's Twitter post, it completely shifted the story. So hopefully you all enjoy it!
PS. Black Tea is Fine will be out by the weekend. I'm sorry for the delay, but I got irl things that distracted me and delayed my writing.
AO3 Link: 💜
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"-substract from recreation budget?" Nanaba suggested in a hushed voice.
"No. We're already at a low with them and I don't think we can go lower unless we want troop morals to waver. It's not up for debate." Erwin's authoritive voice answered.
Muttering and disgruntted murmurs filled the usually empty room.
"I know! We can deduct from the cleaning budget! We'll make due with what we have for a while longer. We can stretch out the soaps a bit if we add water or-"
"No one is fucking touching my cleaning supplies." Levi interrupted as he made himself known to the room. A dozen frightened eyes turning to him from his unexpected appearance.
"Ouluo! You're bleeding!" Petra shrieked as she turned to her companion, who'd bitten his tongue out of fright after having his captain catch him suggesting the budget cuts on cleaning supplies.
Instead of answering or addressing the preposterous suggestion, he turned his attention to Erwin, who was sitting at the head of the table, a bemused smile on his lips.
"What's everyone up to at this hour? Don't you all have fucking things better to do than gossip or putting my cleaning supplies on the chopping board?" He grumbled, taking a seat on an empty chair next to Mike.
Having made sure that no one had followed after the newcomer, Nanaba closed the door behind her before settling back down in her seat. "We were discussing what to do for Hange's birthday. Our budget has been slashed more than usual so we don't have much to go on. So we're wondering where we can cut some spending for a small party."
"Tch. That's stupid. Why we putting money on a measly birthday above something that can actually help the corps?" Levi grumbled, to which everyone else in the room threw wary glances across each other in silence. It was not unexpected that Levi would come to this conclusion, which was why he wasn't originally invited to the conversation in the first place. It'd been two years since he'd joined the corps, and a year since Erwin had been elected as the new commander. Despite having been forced to work closely alongside the bespectacled brunette, he had made his distaste towards his fellow comrade quite obvious since the start. Despite Hange's many attempts at becoming close to him or getting to know him, he always brushed her off and complained about her annoying presence.
"Well... Hange's been putting more effort than most into trying to find a way to defeat the titans. Whether it's on field or off doing research, she's been tirelessly trying to find an answer for us. We just thought it'd be nice to show her some appreciation for what she's done so far." Erwin said carefully.
Rolling his eyes, Levi scoffed. "All that effort to simply throw our men to their graves. All her bullshit about titans have caused our men to die for nothing. We haven't gotten anything out of her shitty obsession other than making headquarters stink of decay and unidentified corps."
A heavy silence fell over the room at his words. While it wasn't entirely wrong that Hange's overly enthusiastic views towards titans had caused some deaths along the way, it wasn't as if Hange wanted that outcome either.
"You're wrong, sir. Section leader Hange Zoe is very much self aware of the dangers and consequences of her actions. She plans out everything thoroughly and is by far the most caring person I've met. The time she puts into her revisions and plans is beyond anything we've done outside the walls, and if there's a reason we might win against the titans, it's because of section commander Hange Zoe." A young man said, standing out of his seat. His face red in embarrassment over the attention, but his eyes piercingly dark as he spoke of his team leader.
"Moblit... please calm down..." A young girl with red hair pleaded from his right, gently pulling at his sleeve to come back down next to her. But he refused, continuing to stare down at Levi.
"And you might be the new second in command in the Hange team?" Levi guessed. "You know her last one lost his life after she went chasing after a titan instead of following protocol like she should've, right? If you're willing to blindly follow that shit-head then maybe you deserve his same fate."
"Levi, that's enough." Erwin's voice boomed, his face one of displeasure. "We're here to celebrate Hange, and whether you personally like her or not, it doesn't stop the fact that everyone else in this room feels like they want to do something nice for her. A birthday is meant to be to celebrate and thank an individual for making it another year- for being with us for another year. And we all here are thankful that Hange is still with us, helping humanity out for the most part. So if you don't want to be part of it, or have nothing nice to say about it, then I have to ask you to please leave the room immediately."
With a tch, the man got up and left the room.
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The aftermath and loss of that day's expedition was probably the worst one Levi's experienced. Only a third of the troops that set out made it back, with most of the survivors being badly injured and/or missing limbs that probably meant they'd no longer be able to serve the corps. No one talked, no one looked at each other, and no one dared to look behind them. To where they'd left their fallen friends and soldiers, their lifeless bodies unable to be retrieved. Even the commander fell silent as he led them through the silent crowd.
That evening the castle was silent. And even the dining hall usually full of life and laughter was void of activity. And Levi, out of habit, decided he was better off cleaning the halls to distract himself from thoughts on the heavy loss they went through.
He was just on the landing of the west side of the third floor when a horrendous stench composed of something like a mixture of decay and dried blood seeped through the walls. Pulling the cloth tighter around his nose, he followed the smell until he was standing in front of a door. A particular door he tried his best in avoiding on purpose.
Of fucking course.
"Oi, Shitty-glasses." He barged into the room, not giving the resident even a heads up about his intrusion. "Why the fuck is your room stinking up the fucking place?"
But instead of the hyper and loud version of the fourth section leader he expected to come into, he was met with complete silence. Her messy ponytail facing him unmoving as she continued staring at something in front of her. Her silence and lack of enthusiasm so unnatural it starting causing Levi to worry about whether she was alive or not.
"Am I a bad person, Levi?" She finally asked. Her tone hushed and void of streght.
"Huh? What bullshit did you fall upon this time?" Levi grumbled, throwing a disgruntled look at the mess of papers on the floor beneath him. It started to seem like his plans on just cleaning the interior halls would no longer be the case.
Just as he started picking up some of the discarded paper, Hange spoke up again. "Did I lead everyone to their deaths? Erwin entrusted me with planning out today's expedition and... Maybe you're right... maybe my experiments are useless... Maybe that's why Erwin always disapproves of them despite being nice to me about it. But I kept pushing and pushing to capture a titan and do some experiments on them... I deviated from the plan... and I... all those innocent lives...." She fell silent. And if he strained his hearing enough, he was sure he could hear her silently sniffling.
Levi carefully threw a look towards the brunette, unsure of how to respond to her sudden emotional outburst. Despite his distaste towards her, it seemed the expedition did a number on her too. And the guilt she seemed to be feeling seemed like something he couldn't ignore. "Erwin trusts you." Was all he said.
A snort met his words. "Hah! Wrong judgement on that... I know everyone questions my methods, I know the way people talk behind my back about me. But I never paid mind, thinking I would prove them wrong someday. I thought Erwin would come to see my brilliance one day too. But I think instead I just proved how wrong I was all along. And maybe... maybe you were the only one who saw through all of that. You were always the one to advise Erwin and everyone against my ideas... I was stupid... If only I'd listened to you."
He stayed silent. A strange feeling of shame filling him from hearing the brunette's confession. Sure, he'd brashly spoken multiple times about how bad her ideas seemed to be. And he had indeed badmouthed her for being a lose canon ready to explode and destroy everything in her path just for the sake of needing to quench her curiousity. But he wasn't aware his words had hurt her in any way before.
The usual vibrant individual that had a hard time staying still and silent for longer than two seconds was suddenly the complete opposite. And it was throwing him off. It made him feel guilty somehow.
"You stink. Clearly you haven't washed since our expedition. Go take a bath." Levi responded in the only way he knew how to answer. "I'll set up the tub for you."
Hange stayed silent, eyes still downcast to whatever had been occupying her attention the whole time he'd been there.
When Levi came back, he was surprised at seeing the woman slouching over the table. Seemingly worn out from the day's events she had finally succumbed to her fatigue.
"Tch... fucking Four-Eyes..." He grumbled. But seeing as there was no other way around it, he took his jacket off, carefully placing it on the bed so it wouldn't get soiled before going around and picking the sleeping form up. Hange whimpered a few times, but otherwise didn't stir much. As he carried her to the tub, he couldn't help but take a peek at her face. And his heart stopped for a moment when he came to notice the trail of tears that made their way down her cheek. In his state of shock, not having paid mind to his surroundings, he ended up knocking a bottle of ink down, covering her desk in black.
"Shit." He swore, snapping out of his stupor as he continued carrying Hange towards the bathtub.
"Oi, Shitty-glasses. You going to undress yourself or you're going to make me do it?" But her lack of response combined with the silent tear still hanging on her lash was enough for an answer. Carefully and with the most respect, he stripped her off her clothes, peeling each soiled layer one by one until she was completely bare in the tub of warm water. Having thoroughly washed her hair and face, slowly her eyes fluttered open as he started scrubbing at her legs. A surprised look on her face as she noted the state they were in.
"Ah, you're up. Continue scrubbing yourself. I got to clean the mess you created." He grumbled as he handed her the sponge. "And make sure to scrub well. I will throw you back in if I see as much as a speck of dirt on you."
Closing the door behind him, Levi let out a tired sigh. Why was he suddenly feeling sympathy towards her? She knew what she got them all into. She understood her nonsense brought death to their comrades which she never seemed to show a care or remorse towards. So why did he suddenly feel like he was in the wrong? That he had this need to care for her? Shaking his head, he went onto cleaning the ink off the table. Luckily the pot seemed to have been almost empty, so except for a few splotches here and there, everything seemed to be clear of ink. Moving a few of the clutter away, his gaze suddenly landed on an open book. Curiousity getting the best of him, he let his eyes wander through the lines of writing, only to feel his face contorting into one of confusion.
Anabelle Haste, 21. Killed trying to save Lauren Bell, 19, who died by being eaten by a ten feet titan.
Edward Crown, 18, Ethan Bret, 18, Emma Krist, 16, all killed together by being caught off guard at the rear of formation.
Thomas Heist, 17, Morgan Heist, 17, twins. Both died together trying to help carry the corpse of their older brother Peter, 18, back.
The names of their past comrades and their deaths continued flowing throughout the whole book. Each line detailing their ages and the people they were closest to. Followed by where they lived and small trinkets Hange had been able to scrape from their personal belongings if possible.
And then his heart dropped as he went back to the beginning of the book. The first two names imprinted on the page being of his two best friends.
Isabel Magnolia, 17. Died alongside Furlan Church, 18, during their first expedition outside the walls. Both were from the Underground, but were very promising in their abilities using the ODM gear. Isabel loved the yellow dandelions we had growing around the pond near HQ, this one was found in one of the books she was reading. Furlan dreamt of owning a tea shop with his best friend Levi. I found this coin on his desk.
Feeling his eyes sting from unshed tears he hadn't realized were forming until then, he quickly wiped them away as he heard the door open behind him.
"Thanks for the bath, I didn't realize how much I needed it unti-" Hange stopped as she came into view of Levi holding her familiar book in his hands.
"What the fuck is this, Shitty-glasses?" Levi questioned, pointing to the leather bound book. His face contorting to one of anger and confusion.
Seeing as there was no way out of it, Hange sighed, flopping onto her bed in defeat. "Where I keep names of our fallen comrades."
"I can fucking see that much. But why do you have it?"
"Because... It's sad just forgetting them. They all had dreams before them but gave up their lives for our cause. We all dedicated our lives to fight off the titans, and letting their memories go as if each of them were disposable is not something that I can bring myself to do."
Levi stared at the woman. "And you wrote down each of their names?"
Slowly Hange nodded. "Yes... I try tracking down those close to them, try to figure out their age and how they died. We can't afford to send each of them off in a lavish manner, but at least keeping their name and sacrifice alive is something doable on paper. I'm hoping someday when we can all defeat the titans, we can use this record to build a proper memorial for all our comrades."
Silence fell over them as Levi continued staring at Hange's deflated figure.
"I... I was doing the same for the comrades that we lost today but... There's so many of them, Levi. So many lost and so many I can't name or put something personal about them because they all died along their friends. There's no one to retell their story, or nothing to showcase what they loved or even that they existed. I'm just... so tired. And to think this is all because of me and my decision to go after some stupid tit-"
"It's not your fault." Levi interjected. His voice ringing against the silence of the night. "They flanked us. We weren't aware they had huddled near the east side because some meddlesome treasure seekers sneaked out to get some valuable off the corps of our comrades... None of today's loss were because of you. So don't take blame over something other fucktards did, Shitty-glasses. Our comrades died on their conscience, not yours."
At his words, Hange's eyes widened. Her brown eyes staring right at him as her mouth hung agape.
"Fucking close your mouth, you look like a fucking fish." Levi threw at her, turning to the book at hand to avoid her piercing gaze. A few minutes of silence passed as Levi continued flipping through the pages, small recollections of certain comrades coming to mind after glossing over their names.
"Chase Piercer, 21. He died after hearing the cries of the treasure seekers. He was the first at the scene and flared us to get help. He died along with Nathan Feekle, his boyfriend, 20." Levi said, opening the book to the most recent page, where half the slots were empty. Confusion clouded Hange's brown orbs as she glanced up at him, not sure what he was getting to. It wasn't until Levi took the ink pot and a feather pen to her that she realized what he'd meant. Excitement and curiosity flared in her chest at the information her companion had just given her, a newborn sense of purpose filling her once again.
Having watched the woman scribble down their names in her most neat handwriting, he pulled out something from out of his jacket pocket. "And these... these were their wings of freedom. They each have their names at the back of them. Add them next to their names."
And with a brilliant smile, Hange threw herself at Levi, enveloping him in the warmest embrace he'd ever gotten. "Thank you, Levi... Thank you so much."
A birthday is meant to be to celebrate and thank an individual for making it another year- for being with us for another year. Erwin's words rung back at him.
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"Happy birthday, Hange!" The room exploded with activity as the brunette entered the once darkened commander's office. Candlelight immediately illuminating the table full of delicacies usually unattainable with their budget, while her friends and closest companions threw themselves at her.
"What is all this?! When did you all get the time for this?" Hange laughed as she spotted what could only be Moblit's drawing of Hange smiling next to a titan on the wall behind Erwin.
"We thought you needed a little break. As well as a thank you from all of us for the efforts you've put into helping us defeat the giants. No one does it like you, Hans." Nanaba said, wrapping her best friend in a tight hug.
"Right. We also needed an excuse to get something more palatable than charred carrots." Mike commented, earning a slap on the head from Erwin.
Throwing her head back in laugher, Hange smiled. "I appreciate all of this... Thank you. I too have grown tired of charred carrots. That's probably why i don't have much of an appetite lately."
"Tch... that's probably also why your eyesight is so shitty, Four-Eyes." An unexpected voice commented, causing her to swiftly turn to the corner of the room, where Levi stood in solitary, avoiding the center stage of the celebration.
"Levi! You're here too!" She cheered happily, quickly letting go of the blonde as she made her way to the unexpected guest.
"You're the last person I'd expect to be at my birthday celebration." Hange teased, to which Levi rolled his eyes at.
"I was forced to attend. Besides, I need to keep an eye out and make sure you guys don't get the place too dirty." Hange let out a snort. "Of course, that's the reason." She said with a peek of her tongue at him. But they didn't get to talk much more as Nifa immediately grabbed onto her section leader's hand, leading her to the desserts which she and Petra had spent all night making.
"Petra decorated this one so prettily! I tried to do it too, but seems I'm only good at baking, so I left the decorating to her."
The rest of the evening went by without a hitch. Funny stories being told, with the members becoming more and more lively as the night went on from the alcohol consumed. Even Levi, who usually detested and flat out refused to drink anything other than tea, decided to join in for the night.
"I'm just sorry we couldn't get you anything nice, Hans. We tried scrapping up some money but could only really afford to get you a few nice stationary." Nanaba lamented as Hange opened her gift.
Hange shook her head, smiling from ear to ear. "No, I'm already thankful enough having you all here with me. I love it, thank you."
But Erwin interrupted, gently coughing to get everyone's attention. "Actually, I think we all missed a present. There's one under the table we all seemed to have glossed over."
Confusion engulfed the room as everyone exchanged confused glances with each other. Although the brunette's excitement blinded her to the mayhem behind her, causing her not to notice her companions' confusion.
The gift was neatly wrapped, perfectly pressed with nothing out of line in a bright yellow colour. As Hange opened it in anticipation, a particular individual watched her closely in silence. His heart beating out of his chest as he watched the birthday girl's expression.
Hange's eyes narrowed as her brows furrowed in confusion. Her silence causing everyone in the room to fall into expectant anticipation as well. "I... I don't know what to say." She whispered just above a whisper.
And for a second, Levi's heart dropped. Did she not like the gift? Did he guess wrong? Had he ruined the mood? It was his first time gifting someone, and he didn't know whether he'd done the right thing or not.
But his doubts were quickly eased when Hange's excited shout filled the room.
While the others looked on in confusion, Erwin threw a knowing smile to Levi. Causing his face to pink from embarrassment. "Shut it. Unless you want the rest of the night to go to waste." He grumbled. And luckily for him, the older man didn't test him as he chuckled and headed back to join his friends.
The night winded down later than expected. And by that time, half their friends had already passed out, while the other were dealing with a terrible hangover. Hange told everyone she would stay behind and clean up, and Levi being Levi, was already going to do so, so they both ended up cleaning up the mess.
For the most part they were silent, focusing on their tidying duties as the aftermath of the party started leaving their systems. Until...
A wet substance of mass hit him on the face. His surprise only lasted a second as Hange's laugher followed. "Your face! I've never seen you so defenseless before!"
"Oi... you're really asking for it now." Levi grunted as he started chasing the brunette around the room, a broom in one hand, the other with a rag. By the time Levi chased her down, it was already daybreak. Tired and out of breath, the two laid on their backs to the wooden floor as they stared up at the ceiling above them.
"Thank you, Levi." She softly spoke up after an elongated silence.
"Huh? What for? Chasing you around with a rag?"
A snort followed his words. "No... For celebrating with me. For giving me the names of those missing soldiers. For comforting me when I felt lost. For being my friend... and for the microscope." She said.
He froze, unsure of how to answer.
Sensing his predicament, she slowly turned on her side so she was looking at him. "Don't deny it. You're the only one that would actually go out of your way to get me one. You're the one who's always getting sponsorships and gifts from the public... it's not out of the realm of possibility for you to reach out to someone to make one."
Throwing a glance at the woman next to him, he sighed. closing his eyes. "Fine. It was me. But it's so that you owe me from now on." He answered. And as expected, Hange giggled at his response.
"I already owe you a lot. Just add it to the list of favours you can get out of me for the next ten years."
This time, Levi turned fully to her, his eyes catching her curious brown ones. "It's not just me you're helping with the microscope, Four-eyes. You're using it to help everyone as you study titans and their origins. Thanks to your experiments, we can become stronger. I will ask for your continued support." He said.
With a smile, Hange nodded. "To defeat the titans... let's work together to get rid of them."
And at seeing the bright morning light illuminated in her irises, he couldn't help but smile as well. "I'll hold you to that. Happy birthday, Four-Eyes."
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linked-history · 5 months
I'm still planning to make this into a little mini comic cause I want to draw these two, but I had this typed up on my phone and wanted to share it.
So here's the reunion between Ravio and Marin in Hyrule Warriors. I'm sorry ahead of time for any grammar errors or spelling mistakes, this was typed on my phone and I'm too tired to proof read it again.
It'd been about a year since he'd met Link and helped save both Hyrule and Lorule but here he was, once again sitting in the light world, trying to remain covered from the painful rays of a sun that were too bright. It was strange to meet another Link, one who was possibly a decendant of the one he called a friend and more who were possibly related.
Personally thinking about the whole time jumping and portal craziness that seemed to be happening gave him a headache so Ravio opted to ignore it in favor of applying some of the balm that Hilda had prepared should he ever find himself in the light world again(Though he had doubted that outcome).
He also listened in on some of the conversations around the camp knights that he had been tasked to lead(which was another thing he was struggling to wrap his head around). Majority of it related to news traveling between the different camps that had spread throughout this Hyrule, some of it was related to him and someone else in another Camp who had a similar appearance, calling herself Midna(he wondered if it was the same from his peoples history or one who shared the same name, he'd have to try and meet them), and finally there was news of new recruits and more people brought out of their own times to help push back their adversary.
These final rumors piqued his interest as there was news of 2-3 other heroes, though one they weren't quite sure of.
As Ravio finished applying the balm that would hopefully protect him a bit more from the sun his ear twitched as a conversation between two troops sitting in front of his simple shelter started on a new topic.
"Surprised to see someone like that on the front lines like this." one of the knights said, taking a moment to inspect the work they'd done removing some of the scuffs from their armor.
"No kidding a sweet girl like that? what are the generals thinking?!" Their companion responded, stirring the coals in the fire pit to bring it back up as they placed some water to boil over it.
"She's got some interesting stories though, and her singing is great too." Responded the first, rubbing at a difficult spot on their armor with their sleeve.
Ravio sat up a little straighter at that, interest rising as he tried to quell his rising hope. He'd made his peace(lies) and accepted that he wouldn't see her again(more lies). It was either all a dream, as he'd convinced himself, or he'd destroyed an entire island and killed the inhabitants when he woke that stupid "Wind Fish", something he didn't want to believe, but there was no possible way it was her.
"Do you remember what the name of that song was though? I can't remember what she said."
Ravio was standing now, still under the shelter, when the reply froze him in place.
"Kinda, it was something something 'Wind Fish' whatever--"
The conversation no longer mattered as Ravio raced from his shelter, ignoring the sun's light as it still burned despite the balm. His ears stood at attention, listening for the familiar song he'd only heard in his dreams since he'd lost her.
Then he heard it still far enough where it was only a whisper, but the notes were familiar, and the voice was one that had almost haunted him.
He turned, losing his footing in the loose soil and landing on his side, long protective clothing hindering his movement as he scrambled to get back to his feet. He ignored the looks he got as he raced forward, nearly tripping again as he came to a crowd that blocked him from the source of the singing that was most likely at its center.
Ignoring the exclamations or swears he received, he pushed his way forward and then froze.
Long red hair blazing as it reflected the sun's light, tan shoulders covered in a million freckles like stars, she had a few new scars that he was able to see and a bandage on her upper left arm. She'd also replaced her loose skirt for some trousers that were still adorned by the pink sash that she'd received from her late mother.
When he first arrived in the clearing her back was to him, though as she sang she still moved freely, feeling the song and the music through her whole body as she always had and then she was facing him, her eyes still closed as she let herself be truly enveloped in her song.
Ravio stood transfixed in her music easy enough to imagine that they were once agin on Koholint. It took a moment to realize that the singing had stopped, and when he focused again, he realized her eyes were open, and she had been staring at him frozen.
Slowly, she took a step towards him, the knights around them forgotten as she closed the distance, hand outstretched and reaching for him though stopping just before truly coming into contact with him.
Without much thought he brought his hand out and closed the distance, a shock going through him as their hands made contact and then she leapt and he caught her, tears blinding both of them as the sound of shuffling feet around them was ignored.
"I thought I'd never see you again!" she was crying into his side. "I woke up, and you were gone, and then a week later, somebody new arrived, and then more and we weren't trapped anymore, but you weren't there."
He hugged her tighter as he gently lowered them both to the ground, he understood completely how she felt, and didn't want to add his own pain to the reunion, happy to just know that she was okay.
Then she shifted and the burn that he'd been able to ignore in light of their reunion reminded him of its presence, and he winced, an action that she noticed immediately.
"Bun? What's wrong?" The familiar nickname fell easily from her lips as she looked up at him, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, and she took him in.
"Nothing serious, the sun, it doesn't quite agree with me." He explained, trying to lighten the mood and joke, taking in every detail of her that he could, afraid she'd disappear again.
She stood and extended a hand out to him, "Then let's get you under some cover, you silly man." She smiled when he took her had, and it was brighter than he ever remembered it. She continued smiling as they walked towards his little shelter, telling him everything that had happened since she last saw him, her smile never dropping.
When she would turn to him, her smile would brighten a little, and he felt that the burn from the light of this world was but a minor pain when faced with the healing balm of her smile.
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furinafocalors · 10 months
Genshin Impact in Hogwarts
what houses I think each Genshin Impact character would be in <3 with explanations bc why not
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Mondstadt Characters
Diluc -> his tenacity and ambition out weigh his smarts, kindness, and cunningness.
Jean -> i don't feel like i have to explain why Jean is a Gryffindor.
Eula -> i don't feel like i have to explain this one either.
Amber -> although Amber is very kind and would fit in with Hufflepuff, i felt like her outgoing personality fit Gryffindor better.
Diona -> she has a lot of personality. i didn't think she would fit in anywhere else.
Noelle -> she is Gryffindor you can not change my mind.
Razor -> i felt like his willingness to go into danger was stronger than his kindness.
Klee -> she's too sweet to be anywhere else but Hufflepuff.
Barbara -> i didn't feel like she would fit in any other house.
Bennett -> he's much more social and caring than he is ambitious.
Sucrose -> i don't think i have to explain this.
Venti -> he's just too sneaky and mysterious.
Fischl -> she just felt like a Slytherin.
Kaeya -> do i need to explain?
Lisa -> i think it's pretty obvious why she's in Slytherin.
Rosaria -> she's too cunning and sly to be anywhere else.
Albedo -> i don't think i need to explain.
Mona -> she's really smart apparently.
Mika -> he's also very smart apparently.
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Liyue Characters
Kequing -> she is super smart but she's also very ambiguous and straightforward.
Xiao -> i don't feel like i have to explain this one.
Beidou -> this one is obvious.
Xiangling -> i felt like her ambitiousness and dedication out weighed her kindness.
Childe -> despite being evil, calculated, and intelligent (?), Childe is so sweet, charismatic, and caring when he's around people he trusts.
Qiqi -> her personality is very hufflepuff ig.
Chongyun -> he's a sweetheart, prove me wrong.
Xinyan -> honestly idk, she just gives off hufflepuff vibes.
Yun Jin -> she is hufflepuff.
Yao Yao -> how can you not put her in hufflepuff?
Baizhu -> he literally has a pet snake.
Hu Tao -> she's always so mysterious and sneaky.
Yelan -> i don't think i need to explain.
Ganyu -> she's actually like really really smart.
Zhongli -> he won the archon war so he has to be like really smart.
Nigguang -> she literally runs liyue.
Xingqiu -> he's very book smart.
Yanfei -> she's a freaking lawyer.
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Inazuma Characters
Kaedehara Kazuha -> i don't think i need to explain.
Gorou -> he lead troops into battle.
Kuki Shinobu -> she literallly leads a gang when itto is too busy procastinating.
Kujou Sara -> she is so, so loyal and extremely dedicated.
Itto -> okay i know he leads a gang but he's such a softie and it's basically kuki leading the gang.
Kamisato Ayaka -> she does kind of fit in with gryffindor but i felt like her personality aligns better with hufflepuff.
Yoimiya -> she's so bubbly and kindhearted.
Kirara -> i don't think i need to explain.
Sayu -> she doesn't fit in with anything else...
Thoma -> he's so cuteeeeeeeee and like the sweetest person ever.
Kamisato Ayato -> he's often seen as a mysterious and sly person.
Kokomi -> she's a war tactician and is really good at saying the right things.
Yae Miko -> i don't think i need to explain.
Heizou -> his personality is what made me think he fit in with slytherin.
Raiden Ei -> she helped build a bunch of copies of herself...
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Sumeru Characters
Cyno -> he's brave and loyal. what else is there to say?
Dehya -> she's brave and loyal. what else is there to say?
Candice -> even though she's very kind and smart i feel like the hardworking and just side of her is more prominent.
Collei -> she is very sweet but she is so, so brave and adventurous.
Kaveh -> his ambitions out weigh his other attributes in my opinion.
Nilou -> i don't feel like i need to explain.
Scaramouche -> i think we all agree that scaramouche is a slytherin.
Dori -> i don't think i need to explain this one.
Alhaitham -> i'm pretty sure he's like the smartest person in sumeru.
Nahida -> she's the archon of wisdom...
Tighnari -> i don't think i need to explain.
Faruzan -> i don't think i need to explain.
Layla -> she's super sweet but she's literally a genius.
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Fontaine Characters
Clorinde -> she seems like a hardworking, diligent, and loyal person.
Wriothesley -> i don't think i need to explain this one.
Furina -> even tho she like tricked herself i feel like furina's personality is so bubbly and childish.
Navia -> i don't know much about her yet but she just gives off hufflepuff vibes.
Sigewinne -> same as Navia.
Charlotte -> she didn't quite seem like a gryffindor, slytherin, or ravenclaw so i put her in hufflepuff.
Freminet -> he seems like such a softie.
Lyney -> no spoilers, he's a magician...
Lynette -> no spoilers, she's a magician...
Neuvillette -> he's literally like the smartest person in fontaine.
this is the end of my list for now! it will be updated accordingly when i receive more information about future characters. you should totally follow this blog if you want to hear more of my headcanons and rants. my genshin fic rec blog is @furinafocalor. i'm also an author on archive of our own my user is furinafocalor.
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moonbreezes · 7 months
wait George Villiers was a shitty person? what did he do?
Hi! I’d like to preface my answer to this question by saying that I’m not a historian (I have a degree in linguistics and literary studies), and all of my information comes from doing a lot of research regarding George on my own, therefore there might be a lot more info on what exactly he did or did not. So if there is someone more knowledgeable about this, please correct me.
What George Villiers did, and, quite frankly, how his career had gone could be described by a line reportedly spoken by Queen Anna of Denmark to Abbot, the archbishop of Canterbury (and Pembroke), two people who worked together to install George in James’s bedchamber as a favourite “You and the rest of your friends know not what you do. I know your master better than you all, for is this young man be once brought in first person he will plague must be you that labour for him.”
As opposed to the previous favourite Somerset (Robert Carr), Gorge was deeply ambitious as he not only wished to enrich himself while in favour, but he also wanted to become an important player in the political sphere. (If I dare say so myself, I believe, that his time as a politician, would not be half as bad if he had received a proper training. Tho he was undoubtedly a shitty, to put it mildly, person) He knew that key to his success was the affection and love of the king as he could literally take everything that was given to him and make him once again the poor George that he once was. (I really do not want to talk about their relationship as it would take more than a sentence to summarise it). Thans to how rapidly he climbed the social ladder and received more titles and positions at the court which in turn allowed him to have actual sway in the country’s internal and external politics. Geore was also keenly aware that apart from the royal favour he needed connection to face his opposition (the ancient families of England). So patronage, it was something common (even now). He installed his immediate family at the court and secured them positions, (mmm nepotism), the marriage market was also fair play as George slowly but surely arranged marriages for people in his family, win-win situation.
Addressing his now growing family, his wife – Kate Manners, became one as he possibly kidnapped and raped her. (There are some rumours that he “what-a-surprise got locked” with her in one building so after that they just had to get married.) It was a marriage for the money she could bring, and the connections did not hurt either, a nice bonus, one might even say. He also made a deal with Edward Coke to marry off his daughter (her mother protected her fiercely) to his brother. It is said that she cried during the ceremony.
In lieu of the theme of nepotism, as he slowly transformed the royal bedchamber into a place of the de facto lawmaking. He packed every place possible (to an extent) with people what would back him up. For that he was notoriously selling patronages, titles, and land, especially in Ireland where law did not hold him so much. Literally whenever the parliament tried to remove him from power because of how badly (Imo he would have done much better if he had training and not just gone with the general fuck around and find out rule.) he did his job, and people were fed up with him. He started a whole 20D chess match with Richelieu which was pointless, started a few campaigns that ended with him often not paying the soldiers (I mean no one would stab him to death over such thing… right), the last one being a pointless siege that only made England loose troops and money. (He could have one that one, he was so close to it, but he had to celebrate the possibility of victory rather than making people sing papers). He enraged the protestant England by helping to offer help France with fight off Protestants. What else… oh yes, he almost sa’d Anne of Austria which just… mmm the flavour of historical silencing of women, misogyny and men who just have dick measuring contests because.
Tho what I do not believe, and what many line up with, is that he did not poison James (or at least wasn’t aware of doing so??) because I think that he would gain more from helping the king survive than just killing him.
Bellany, Alastair, and Thomas Cogswell. 2015. The Murder of King James I. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Cogswell, Thomas. 2017. James I (Penguin Monarchs). Penguin UK.
Lockyer, Roger. 2014. Buckingham. Routledge.
Stewart, Alan. 2014. The Cradle King. St. Martin’s Press.
Veerapen, Steven. 2023. The Wisest Fool. Birlinn Ltd.
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