#and no point to slime trying to be a better parent
avacadokin · 1 year
ok with juanaflippa fucking dying again and tilín dying i am,, less interested in qsmp, possibly by a significant amount.
i understand that the eggs were intended to be temporary but i just cant be invested anymore because i can't make myself hope for a happy ending anymore and the constant repeated tragedy is boring and unsatisfying because it replaces so many potential interesting diffrent arcs with the same oh everyone is sad now because their egg died and any hope is crushes
like the arcs dont even have to have a happy ending (tho i personally prefer them a bit) as long as they fucking exist! like slime's fucking eggxile means less cuz theres no longer the tension between will he get better and save his daughters best friend so they can be a happy family or will he keep making everything worse accidentally. because there's no happy family hope anymore so the loss of that hope doesnt hurt as much
this point is honestly mostly just a preference thing but i was so looking forward to some lighthearted (with angsty undertones) couples therapy arc with slime+mariana and a custody battle arc over tilín to contrast the heavy angst but now there's mo way in hell the therapy arc is happening (and luzu's shit trying to bring back tilín actually seems really cool so i am being a bit mean lumping them together) and it all seems to be heavy heavy sadness. variety is important!
i really want to be invested in all of this but if its not gonna be silly goofy happy and it's not going to bee satisfying what's the point?
angst is cool angst is fun! but it cant be all that, and having it all angst makes the angst less angsty
juannaflippa coming back wrong from hell and the trauma she seems to have experienced down there is never going to be explored, it's never gonna be more than an oh that sucks too footnote, cuz she just immediately fucking died
im probably overreacting to this and they don't have the luxury to plan everything out in advance perfectly cuz of the nature of the challenges and stuff and cuz rolling with and expanding on unexpected stuff is a huge part of the charm, but im just afraid things will just keep going worse and worse and there'll never be a break or fun cuz the intense angsty drama is what gets the most attention and it is their livelihoods so they do have a very strong incentive to go after it even if it (in my opinion ) reduces the overall quality of the experience
#qsmp#vent#minor vent#if someone actually does see this plz reassure me or something#i want to like this#i want to hope i really do#but i cannot think of a single way juanaflippa's arc ends nicely#if she comes back via trial that's repetitive and boring#if she comes back through eggxile or luzu's shenanigans with tilín that would be great#but it does kinda undermine the responsibility of the egg parents and the consequences of egg death as a whole#i mean its still my preferred outcome but i struggle to see how it wouldnt make it seem like the egg life system is pointless#something drastic and an extreme consequence would have to happen#i cant think of a satisfying one but it is possible#if she doesnt come back then theres no point to any of the trial or developing relationship between slime/mariana#and no point to slime trying to be a better parent#we already did the slime and mariana start to get along while trying to be better parents then death#why are we doing it again#the arc had a happy ending and its time to move onto a different one#i thot it was gonna be couples therapy but eggxile works fine too#mariana stepping up to be a (practically) single parent#slime trying as hard as he can to fix what was his mistake this time and make it up to everyone#thats new thats fancy that's different!!#but now we're back to before#makes it feel like there was no point to it ending in the first place#shit this turned into ankther rant#oh well#imma go eat some fruit :]#qsmp spoilers#spoilers#forgot to tag spoilers at first i am so sorry
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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Of All Things, I Became a Geovishap
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You always imagined that if you woke up in the world of Genshin, the possibilities of being a Visionless wielder of elements and a slew of romantic shenanigans would lie in your wake. But when you instead find yourself in the body of a Geovishap with romance likely out of the question, your only conclusion is that the gods of reincarnation isekai hate your guts.
cw. you're a geovishap
pairing. zhongli x reader, xiao x reader, ganyu x reader, yun jin x reader (separate)
notes. don't feel like being a geovishap today? well go ahead and go to the series masterlist and see what your life could be if you were something else in genshin.
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You know the saying 'all men are created equal'? Yeah, whoever made that clearly never woke up reincarnated as a geovishap.
You're not even a geovishap hatchling which is arguably cute enough that a kid could convince their parent to let them keep you as a pet. No, you're a fully grown geovishap and what typically happens when you get spotted? It's attempt to smite on sight. If it isn't someone screaming in fear, it's someone grabbing some sort of weapon to do you in themselves.
Yeah, not all creatures in Genshin are created equally. Hell if you were going to be some sort of Geo creature, why couldn't you be a Geo slime or something? Those are cute!
Either way, you definitely have your work cut out for you.
By far the best companion you could gain in your experience of being a geovishap... in Zhongli's present point and time. If this was him during his war god days? Well, you're pretty sure you would have been smited on sight unless you could convince the dude you were no threat to his becoming Archon
Thankfully as Zhongli is now, he's a lot more patient. Even better is the fact that he knows you're different than the other geovishaps, not to be the main character here
But Zhongli can tell there's something intrinsically wrong with you being a geovishap and considering the two of you can actually communicate with one another, without telling him his entire life is a series of codes and plot devices, you explain to him you're a human that's been turned into a geovishap and you'd really appreciate it if he could find a way to turn you back to normal
He has no immediate remedies for your troubles, but Zhongli promises that he'll let the adepti know not to let any harm come to you should they come across you
He also becomes great company, unexpectedly. Geovishaps aren't really ones to stay in groups outside of the breeding season (which you definitely want to avoid), so Zhongli reasons that this existence is one that is lonely for you
He visits you often and brings you foods you'd enjoy. Things the people eat, which you appreciate because you were getting tired of eating nothing but sunsettias everyday
Asks Cloud Retainer to craft some sort of communication device you can wear so you can communicate with any adeptus you come across. Or the Traveler so you don't just become resources during their adventure
He even teaches you more about the Geo element and how to best utilize those abilities as you are from creating stable structures to keep you safe from the elements when you sleep outside to giving yourself an extra boost to reach things as needed
You really appreciate Zhongli for treating you like the person you are despite the circumstances. Sometimes though he can't seem to help himself when he rests a hand atop of your rocky head gently when he reassures you that he'll find a away to turn you back to normal
You nudge against him when his eyes become clouded with nostalgia as he recalls friends long since passed and he'll learn against you with a small smile, thanking you for the comfort
He makes your rocky heart beat quite a bit but trying to hit on a guy, even a guy that's a pseudo rock dragon, isn't easy to build up the courage to do when you're made of rocks
Yeah. No
You know what sort of timing the conqueror of demons is on and because of that you don't even want to attempt to run into this guy because you know he won't wait long enough for you to convince him you're 'not like the other vishaps'
Just because you aren't a threat now doesn't mean you won't become one later, at least that's what Xiao would likely think
So you do your best not to run into him because unless you somehow manage to turn human again, you don't foresee any interactions with Xiao turning out positively even less so if you run into a member of the Fatui
But should you come across Zhongli and he lets the yaksha know you're not a threat, you won't find yourself speared any time soon. If anything Xiao becomes something akin to a bodyguard to make sure you don't end up getting killed by someone or something. Especially after you get a communication device you wear around your neck
He's not the most talkative though. Usually if he saves you from some sort of ordeal, he handles it and leaves as quickly as he comes
It takes quite a bit of effort on your part to become close to him but if he does end up becoming attached to you, his kindness is still quite clumsy
you'll often wake up to piles of food in front of your den, courtesy of xiao, not that he'll tell you
and he usually checks on you from afar before going about his business contrast to how he normally only waited for you to roar his name if you ever needed him to come to your rescue before ignoring you again
if you ever got yourself into some danger trying to defend him, believing he needs help, he will scold you severely and no amount of trying to look cute (not that a fully grown geovishap can) will stop the onslaught of words
they're out of fear though, not anger. he doesn't want to lose something or someone precious to him and that includes you now
A sweet companion you couldn't be more thankful for
Qilin are peaceful only bearing arms during times of absolute unrest. Thankfully, you reincarnated into the right era because so you don't have anything to worry about as far as Ganyu hurting you
You got her attention when you found her indulging in a nap in the middle of the fields and got worried she may find herself getting attacked, so you decided to stand watch like a rocky guard dog
You even brought qixing flowers for her to nibble on when she woke up, holding them in your mouth to- okay, upon second thought you're sure she wouldn't something covered in geovishap drool in her mouth but maybe she would like the flowers anyway
it was certainly a start when she woke up and saw you beside her but thankfully the qixing flowers were definitely a nice touch in keeping you from getting your ass beat or ganyu taking off at the speed of sound
maybe the easiest companion to form a connection with after zhongli. she finds your gentle temperament sweet and comes to even think of you as her geovishap companion
one she can confess her secrets to knowing you won't tell anyone, nor will you judge her for her worries concerning her adeptus and human halves making her feel like an outsider in both worlds
the only downside is, due to how busy ganyu is, she doesn't get to see you often and you aren't about to lumber your way into liyue harbor and subject yourself to a fearful mob
would be undoubtedly excited if you gained a communication device of some sort, allowing you both to talk and have full conversations with one another that wasn't simply her rambling about her days but even if you didn't, she'd find your way of showing her you care about her lovely
you like ganyu truly........... you're just 99% sure that she thinks of you as something more like a pet than a romantic interest even if she isn't completely human
Yun Jin
If you made a list of characters you thought you could befriend as geovishap, yun jin wouldn't be on it
And yet apparently life had different plans when you encountered the opera singer during one of her nature stints to rehearse and come up with new operas to write
Yun Jin would describe it as something straight out of fiction. A lone girl singing in the forest only to come face to face with a geovishap... but rather than attacking or growing aggressive, the stone creature simply watched in enjoyment
Perhaps that is something worthy of a script!
Of course, that doesn't mean Yun Jin threw all caution out to the wind. In her eyes, you're still a wild animal with elemental abilities and she doesn't wish to subject herself to fucking around and finding out with you
But hoping that this could become a friendship where she at least could start bringing some sort of food with her, you make it habit to watch her rehearse when she finds herself in the same spot time and time again
A surprisingly effective method though because each time you show up to watch Yun Jin perform, the more she lets her guard down. Apparently even a geovishap enjoys partaking in the arts
She won't be apt to feed you after a few weeks though, she'll likely share a snack with you after a couple months only when she is absolutely sure you're not a threat
When she does, you rejoice you have something to nibble on that isn't just edible berries and fruits because you refuse to eat anything else a geovishap eats
Makes you some sort of head dress so it is always easy to tell that you're the geovishap that she often spends her time with. Something of nature, of course, you're not a pet in her eyes. Simply a kindred spirit of another species
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kitsu-katsu · 1 year
There's SO FUCKING MUCH going on in the QSMP with the eggs, the dragon, whatever Dark is, appearing for Leonarda and possibly being the same monster as Quackity's vision after Tilín's death. It possibly being what kills the eggs when the parents don't cime within a day, as BBH pointed out, it's weird that they just die like that, they're getting hunted
Cucurucho. In general. And his apparent rivalry with the angel, telling Maxo not to trust him. Spying on everyone even more now. Watching Slime sleep, watching the group of Maxo, BBH and Foolish as they try and piece together the truth. Him showing Slime footage of his daughter getting killed
The angel telling Slime to pick between bringing back Flipa or Tilín and him choosing Tilín hoping Quackity won't find out
Maxo wanting to make a church to bring his son Trump back, but not trusting Cucurucho, telling him this better not be a joke and Cucurucho laughing at him. Maxo fearing he might become a robot like Luzu, because nobody knows who the fuck messed with Luzu
All the parents of dead eggs are getting desperate, violent, vengeful and also closer to the truth
The eggs are most likely the lotus flower from Quackity's twitter dns. Keeping the players docile and complacent as long as they're there. The ones with dead eggs are swinging towards the other end of the spectrum
Whoever is controlling the whole island experiment also has letters, which mention something about Fabergé eggs (irl a set if 69 artisanal easter eggs for the russian tzar) and how many of them can be shipped out within a week. So the eggs we know are possibly not the only ones and whoever is running this whole thing is purposely sending out new ones
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And also something about sheep's blood for potions... Because it's in style?? I don't even know where the letters came from, tbh
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Kind regards
Let's go back to the XVI century! We need to make a price quotation for sheep's blood. This last fashion trend in magic formulas should be of upmost importance for the laboratory. Yes, we already know that modern budgets almost never include sheep's blood, but this is what our fashion trends seem to require.
With appreciation, we wish to receive your commercial proposals as soon as possible. We thank your great collaboration in advance in preparing the price quotations for us
This is running DEEP
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huevobuevo · 10 months
ive fuckingggg HAD IT . i am going to talk about gegg qsmp because idk why but charlie slimecicle made one of the best representations of age regression ive seen in media and i am NOT joking.
so i dont rlly post alot about the qsmp on my blog, thus i wouldn't be surprised if this post goes unnoticed or ignored by a vast majority of my friends & followers. for those of you who ARE reading this with no prior experience with the QSMP lemme just quickly summarize some much needed background knowledge.
(Quackity Voice) The QSMP Is The Worlds First Multi-lingual Minecraft Server; it hosts a wide variety of twitch streamers who speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. the beginning plotline of the server (which is where Gegg came into existence) follows the various players as they are grouped into pairs to care for a dragon egg. The main ones that will be talked about today are Tilin, Quackity's egg, and Juanaflippa, Slimecicle & ElMariana's egg. The eggs are, of course, played by anonymous admins, who have given these eggs their own unique personalitys despite only communicating through signs and emotes. The players have quickly imprinted on their respective eggs, as expected, and have gone on to view these eggs as their own children. The rules were simple - each egg had two lives and two lives ONLY. each day the eggs have tasks for the streamers to complete ON STREAM or else the egg could die of starvation & neglect (points at Trump, Maximus & DanTDM's egg).
i will be referring to Slimecicles character in the QSMP as Charlie or Slime for better coherency. from now on i will be referring to the characters, not the streamers.
Slimecicle and Mariana were not the best parents to Juanaflippa, but it was clear that they truly and deeply cared for their daughter. They supported her transition and, especially in Slimes case, did everything they could to make sure their daughter was safe. Juanaflippa had lost her second life due to an accident, which caused Slime to loose his shit and go on a murderous rampage to try and get the literal Minecraft Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come back and revive his daughter (she came back after a court case. long story.)
Basically Juanaflippa was loved, and she loved her parents back- but there was someone else she cared for the most in the whole wide world
Tilin, who Slime offered to take care of once her father had to log off game. There was another accident, and Tilin was caught in the crossfire between Charlie and a few mobs at night. She was on her second life, meaning that Charlie had officially ended his daughters best friend right infront of her eyes. Distraught and ashamed, Charlie ran off into self-isolation and left Juanaflippa in the care of Mariana and their friend Roier. During his "Eggxile" while he was trying to find a way to bring back Tilin, Charlie learnt that Mariana killed Juanaflippa AGAIN. Instead of going on another tirade Charlie just lost it.
He's now carrying the deaths of two children on his mind, isolating himself from what little friends he had on the main island. During his initial stay on the island there were only English and Spanish players, but when the French and Brazilian players arrived he still spent a majority of his time in isolation. Charlie wasn't apart of a good chunk of the main island lore for a long, long time, and pretty soon it began to feel like he was completely, and utterly, alone. He attended a wedding and a few parties, but it was visible how outcasted he was from all the new events and connections. He had regular breakdowns and pretty soon began to believe that Juanaflippa wasn't dead, she was just... somewhere else. He was gonna get her back. He did it once, he'll do it again. Fuck, he couldn't even bring himself to attend her own funeral, and even when he was allowed one final goodbye with his dead daughter Charlie still refused to accept the fact that Juanaflippa was never gonna come back home. He built a campfire on the beach of his Eggxile house with three chairs- one for him, one for his wife (who hadn't logged on in months), and one for Flippa.
TL;DR q!slime is going the fuck through it.
Later on Quackity decided to get Charlie in on a plan to try and steal from other peoples houses. They both lost their families, so it seemed only fair to Quackity that they ruin other people's lives as well. Basically Charlie had to pretend to be Quackity's NEW egg so that he can get close with the other eggs and fuck shit up.
Charlie liked it. Charlie... REALLY liked it, actually. His egg name was Gegg, and without knowing it he began to age regress.
Im calling Gegg a form of Age Regression because not only is Charlie mentally AND physically becoming a child, but through Gegg Charlie is allowed the freedom to escape his grief and explore what it means to be a "child" who was loved unconditionally. On the last Gegg stream Slime referred to the little goopy guy as something that lives inside of him. Gegg takes over him and he just looses himself in the act. He's not just playing a character called Gegg, he IS Gegg.
In the very first stream as Gegg he expressed his desire to learn what having a family was like- a common reason most people have for regressing. When "regressed" to this state Charlie/Gegg is constantly acting as a young child and actually enjoys it! He LOVED being Gegg! Even if it got too far in the end, Gegg was allowed to be open about his wants & emotions. Charlie was pushed back into the lives of the other players and fully reconnected with several people again for the first time since his self-imposed isolation. He gained new friends, too, once Gegg was introduced to the Brazilian and French players.
In turn the players never made any effort to expose Charlie's regression. while at the beginning there was some distrust & confusion over Charlie's sudden egg act it never went farther then a few subtle jokes at Geggs "true" identity (commenting on his backflips, which is something Charlie was known for). Aside from Wilbur, everybody treated Gegg as any other egg-child. He was cared for, his tasks would be completed on occasion, and the French+Brazilian players ESPECIALLY loved him! They supported Charlie's regression since at this point they began to realize how much shit he has been through since the deaths of Tilin and Flippa. Not only that, but the eggs as well played along with Gegg's coping mechanism; Leonarda (FoolishGamers + Vegetta777's egg) was one of the first to try and adopt Gegg as their own baby, while Chayanne (Philza+MissaSinfonia's egg) & Tallulah (Wilbur Soot's egg) acted as his "Geggsiblings" (even though Tallulah sorta got a bit rude to him during their second encounter, im guessing due to a new admin who wasn't around during Tallulah & Gegg's first interaction),
Infact, one of the best scenes of the Gegg Arc was during an interaction between Gegg & Bobby. Bobby was Roier & JaidenAnimation's egg, and he was also close to Juanaflippa & Tilin. The two kids talked through signs, where Bobby confessed that he held a grudge against Slime for what he did. Gegg said that he had every right to be upset, the poor boy had lost two of his closest friends after all. But then Bobby did something that shocked Charlie- he forgave him. he told Gegg to tell that "green guy" that he shouldn't be hard on himself anymore, both of them needed to move on already. Not only was Bobby a child, but he was one of the main eggs Quackity wanted Gegg to kill off first. Bobby was the reason why Gegg existed, the reason why Charlie was given the chance to heal from his trauma, and now he is telling Charlie to his face that its ok to forgive himself for the deaths of Tilin and Flippa.
Bobby knows who Gegg is, everybody does, which is why they treat Gegg with the same amount of love that every other egg gets.
Age Regression has frequently been misunderstood, and very rarely does it get the proper representation that it deserves. It is a very "taboo" form of coping, which is unfortunate due to how common it actually is. Most people feel uncomfortable with the image of grown adults acting as toddlers in diapers, and lump it together with the whole Age Play/DDLG ordeal- yet they fail to take into account what age regressors are ACTUALLY like. while it is something that just about anyone can do, the type of regression I will be talking about stems from people who seek refuge from traumatic events usually in their childhood. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and is a way for people to explore & reevaluate what it means to be a child. it is just that- a trauma response, one that im sure many of you participate in but are too scared to discuss it due to the stigma around it. Children who have experienced abuse regress, Teenagers who struggle with mental health regress, Adults with severe PTSD regress, and yet it is such a misunderstood part of the healing process that is practically unaccounted for in media. There is little to nothing on age regression representation that delivers it in a respectful, honest manner, due to this stigma, which only serves to push it further into the shadows of mental health discourse.
So to see age regression be used on a fucking minecraft server of all places in such a healthy light is so refreshing to see. While ironic at first, Charlie showcased age regression as something that shouldn't be shunned. It actively aided him through a dark period in his life and showed that he deserves a second chance. After Gegg canonically "died" Charlie returned to the island for his birthday and was finally ready to move on from Flippa & Tilins death (and then, yakno, the whole Codeflippa Arc happened)
TL;DR #2 Charlie Slimecicle's Character In The QSMP Age Regresses As A Way To Cope From The Deaths Of Two Eggs & Oh My God It Was Actually Really Fucking Emotional
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danrifics · 5 months
Hello Bethanie. my name is Nelson and i have been dating Dan for the past year and i need advice
it all started a year ago, i am from Ireland but i was visiting some friends in London. just a few months prior, i got out of a longterm relationship and was feeling down, so they took me to a gay bar to lift my spirits and thats where i saw him, the most glorious hunk of a man you’ve ever seen, the type of man you’d risk everything for, the type of man who’s smile alone could send you to the ground, the type of man you’d take home to your parents… That man was…..Phil lester. but he was unfortunately already talking to another guy but, next to him was Dan, standing there awkwardly with a hint of jealousy in his eyes as Phil chatted up the other man. I mean, Dan was very attractive but he was no Phil. “oh well. i suppose i could still take him home to meet my parents” i thought to myself as i gathered up enough courage to talk to him. as soon as i walked over to him, he started loudly flirting with me, complementing my accent and laughing at jokes i didn’t even make. almost like he was trying to prove something as he profusely glanced over at phil and the man he was talking to. Phil didn’t seem to care and i didn’t think anything of it. before i knew it Dan took me back to his house and we hooked up. the next morning i was a little shocked to find out Phil was Dan’s roommate and they built the house together. i thought it was a little strange but i overlooked it and Dan and i decided to continue seeing each other.
our relationship started off perfectly! i think we’re truly in love! however recently i started noticing some….things. for our 6 month anniversary, Dan went all out and got reservations to a fancy restaurant, i was ecstatic! i got all dressed up and headed all the way to London only to find out he took Phil with him instead…. and then valentine’s day 2024, i bought Dan very expensive gifts and he came all the way to Ireland and showed up on my doorstep with flowers and chocolates. i thought they were for me but he just asked me if i thought Phil would like them and left. then there was 3 weeks ago. it was my birthday but no one realized and i spent the day watching Dan film some really weird video with Phil, something about slime or something. they held hands and at some point Dan wore Phil’s jacket???? but it’s not just Dan, whenever Dan calls my accent sexy, Phil starts doing a very insulting impersonation of an Irish accent.
Bethanie do you think this means anything? am i overthinking things? im fairly certain these things mean nothing and Dan and i are in love but i think confirmation that im just being silly from you would help a lot!
nelson... hun... im so sorry i have to break this to you... but i think your boyfriend is in love with another man..... i looked up your boyfriend and his friend phil and i watched some videos and theres this one video dan made where he basically says he's in love with phil and im so mad for you that you had to find out this information from me, i think you deserve better nelson......
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I find it amazing how many people are reaction to Pepito and roier relationship, like, expecting him to be the greatest father of all times when he has been dealing with depression for the longest time and now is facing what could only be described as one of the lowest points in his life.
While also forgetting Pepito's own feelings because he clearly wants to get closer to him and worries about him.
It's because they aren't actual Roier fans, because real Roier fans are NOT out here calling him a good father rn. He's fucked up! He needs help! He's doing his best, but he also isn't, and we all know and acknowledge that. Pepito does, too!!
But then we see all these English-POV-Only people taking literally everything qRoier does and going "See? He shouldn't be a father anymore. Let Bad (or Fit or Phil or any English CC) take care of Pepito from now on, they'll know how to do it!!!" And like. That's super fucked up!!!!! Because we had that Otipep bullshit last week that Hispanic fans were understandably really upset about, and then English fans are like "Well actually it was canon and Roier is a terrible dad and his child hates him so Bad should obviously take custody of Pepito because he's perfect!!" like?? That's super weird? Why do people only criticize Roier's parenting rn?
Think about it. Even going back to when Bobby was alive and when even Tilin and Flippa were alive, English fans were discounting Roier's parenting despite Bobby unarguably being the happiest kid on the island up until his dying breath, anyone can tell you that. When Bobby died, everyone said it was Roier's fault. When Tilin died, I saw people saying "Well, this wouldn't have happened if Roier was there instead of Slime. He should've paid more attention." Same for when Flippa died the final time. Some people still don't count Roier as one of Richarlyson's fathers, but they're practically begging for Bad to be one. Or they've been like "Well Roier can't take care of Richarlyson, he'll get him killed just like how he got Bobby killed!" since June
And now we have Roier and Pepito and Otipep's non-canon leaving a sign in English for other parents to see how bad of a parent Roier has to be. qBad saying "Well, Richarlyson is a better parent than Roier is."
But then we have qRoier himself not wanting to be a parent again but taking care of Pepito anyway and giving Pepito cookies when the other islanders could technically take care of Pepito for him. He doesn't trust Pepito at all and he thinks Pepito is evil and a clone or whatever sent to distract him from the Federation, but he's taking care of Pepito anyway, and he's done a pretty okay job at it considering how genuinely depressed and suicidal he is. He's been spending all night every night working on something in secret, but he still went to hang out with Pepito instead of continuing to work on it or instead of sleeping or whatever.
Pepito loves Pepito's dad, and Pepito has been wanting to really connect with him. When ccRoier gets better and feels well enough to get online, I wouldn't be surprised if Pepito stuck close to him to try and cheer him up because! Pepito adores him!! Pepito doesn't want a different father; if Pepito did, Pepito would've hung around Forever or Bagi or Bad all day like Otipep would've (because Otipep hated Roier and wanted a different parent)
But people- and, again, mostly English-POV-onlies, and specifically BBH-POV-Onlies- have decided that Pepito needs to be rescued. Roier is a bad father, Otipep is canon despite several ccs and admins and Quackity himself saying otherwise, Pepito needs someone who can take care of Pepito, and that person? Obviously qBadBoyHalo, who is literally dying in canon. Bad is NOT healthy at all, anyone looking at him can see that.
Not one of Pepito's other parents (who happen to all be Latin American, majority Mexican + Carre the Argentinean.) Not any of the Brazilians or the French. One of the English CCs, who doesn't even speak Pepito's language (because Pepito doesn't like writing in anything but Spanish because! Pepito's parents are all Hispanic! Why would Pepito need to write in English around them?)
So, really, people need to take a look at their attitudes and consider whether or not they think Roier is and always has been a bad father because of his actions or because he's a Mexican man. Same reason why people need to think about this regarding qMariana and Flippa, and qQuackity with Richarlyson.
Because, to me (admittedly as a gringo myself), this all reeks of xenophobia. Why else would a Mexican character and cc and his fans be constantly harassed by overwhelmingly-American fans in defense of a white American man who has not once asked them to do this. Fans demanding Pepito speak in English last night when Pepito was hanging out with Bad and being unhappy when Pepito spoke in Spanish. Fans consistently demonizing the Latin American members and characters and eggs on the server, whether it's the Latin American Hispanics or the Brazilians.
Last night, Bad's fans led a hate campaign against Roier and Cellbit fans on Twitter. They've been pulling this shit for weeks now since Pepito first showed up, and I really think that they need to take a step back and touch some grass and consider their values because this issue goes far deeper than character analysis, I think.
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whirligig-girl · 11 days
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Eaurp E.W. Guz's Personal Log, O27/Y20/M3/D14. (2375 A.D.)
I'm writing this entry in my locked diary personal log, because I do not want anyone else seeing this. If you see this, no you didn't. The idea of this getting out, transmitted through the inter-library network for everyone to see, is so scary that I think I'd rather boil alive.
It's getting harder and harder to avoid thinking about gender and sex. I just don't get it! It's basic biology. Mellanoid Slimes reproduce asexually and so have no sex... and so therefore we have no gender. That's the territory of strictly animals and aliens. It's scientific fact, and if I want to keep my internship at the Space Program it is adherence to scientific fact that I must uphold.
But I've known for a long time that Slamtha isn't lying about her experience. She really is a woman, the same way that a Zaldan or a Human might be. When I first met her when we were little, all our teachers and mentors and parents were convinced this was just a fad, or a phase. When she got older and started shapeshifting and buying her own clothes, they said the same thing. But I've known her for half an Omicycle. This is not a phase. Slamtha is a woman.
I accept that. I always have. It doesn't have to be scientific, minds are weird and strange and I don't care what Eurgus and Dr. Worm say, any kind of diversity of form and thought can be beautiful.
But not for me. No no no. I'm training as a scientist and an engineer. I have to stay objective about these things.
But sometimes I look into the mirror, and I just can't find myself swimming around in the green ocean staring back at me. I have known this face my whole life, it's familiar enough, but it looks dead, or like some kind of puppet, and the older I get the deader it looks.
I made the mistake of telling Slamtha about this in passing. She got kinda quiet, and told me she wanted to show me something at the library next time we went.
We never got that far. Instead, I [eraser marks, green splotchy stains, ripped paper.]
Slamtha Uzgoel returned to the cylindrical dorm complex from her history class. She left her bag behind, so she carried her books in her arms. As she walked up to the glass doors she saw herself in the reflection and she smiled. Three bright, cheery eyes facing the glass, a smiling mouth in profile on one side, and a strong, precision-crafted nose on the other side. Her pony tail was a little rough, the naturally blobby slime upon her scalp had once again defeated her attempts to keep it fully smooth, but it wasn't a big deal. Her figure was tall and slim as always, but had all the curves and proportions you'd expect of a human female.
She only had a moment to study her form in the glass before she entered the dorm lobby, but in that moment, she was again satisfied that things were way better than they had once been.
She found her and Eaurp's dorm, and put her hand inside the latch, and dropped her books in shock.
Eaurp was sitting at Slamtha's vanity with their shirt off, trying to shapeshift their chest, pulling round protrusions of slime out with their hands. They didn't notice Slamtha at first, but when the books hit the floor, it startled Eaurp enough that they rapidly covered their chest with their arms and swivelled around in their desk chair looking as if they were going to melt.
"Slamtha! Hi. I was. just. uh. Practicing my impression of you!" Eaurp said, haphazardly shoving their mouth off to the side of their face, and blinking a false eye into existence on top of their nose.
"Eaurp... cut the gack," Slamtha said, narrowing her eyes. She closed the door behind her, which let Eaurp relax slightly, and then picked up her books and put them on a shelf.
"I was just curious, that's all! Those slime blobs you put on your chest just seem like they'd get in the way, you know? I was wondering what the point was."
"And you didn't think to just ask me?" Slamtha said.
"Well," Eaurp said, "I'm an experimentalist."
Slamtha put her hand on her face, covering up her eyes, but her mouth was smiling. "You're such a dork nerd."
"The 'blobs' are there because they're there on the majority of female convergent bipeds in the galaxy. They serve all different kinds of evolutionary purposes. For Humans, it's secretion of a nursing-slime-like fluid called 'milk.' For Vulcans, it's a fat and water storage structure. For Zaldans, it's thought to have evolved as a floatation device. In most cases sexual dimorphism of breast size corresponds to evolutionary development of the convergent biped face and body plan, in accordance with Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development."
"That doesn't make sense. That's not how evolution works, and anyway, what purpose would they serve for Mellanoids then?" Eaurp said.
"Haven't you ever seen a fat person?"
"N-not without their shirt on!" Eaurp said.
"We really need to get you out of the dorm more..." Slamtha said. "It's the same as our hair. Just storage of despecialized slime. That's probably why you were struggling so much, you were trying to pull out your actual skeletal gelatin and viscera, when you need to treat it more like hairstyling."
"But you're not fat, and I'm only a little bit fat, so why do you have them?"
"Again, I'm going for sexual dimorphism. And it kinda seems like you are too."
Eaurp blushed and their hair dripped down their face.
"Eaurp..." Slamtha said. "is there something you want to tell me?"
Eaurp carefully adjusted their arm to still cover their chest, while their other arm went to cover their face.
"I..." Eaurp said, but then they made a gurgling noise. "It's really hard to say."
"Take your time," Slamtha said. "I'm going to do some reading. If I can have my desk back."
Eaurp perked up, looked around, saw she was still at Slamtha's vanity, and then carefully stood up, only to reveal that she was wearing one of Slamtha's skirts.
"Eaurp. What is that."
"It's a... skirt?"
"But you don't own any skirts," Slamtha said.
"And you only wear skirts, I just wanted to figure out why?"
Slamtha rolled her three eyes. "Well did you figure it out?"
Eaurp's eyes teared up. "They're really flowy and spinny... I'm sorry. I'll... I'll take it off."
Slamtha sighed. "Don't worry about it."
Again, Eaurp's anxious, tense body relaxed. They sat down at their own desk and pulled out their journal. After a moment, they started writing in their locked diary.
Slamtha pulled out a binary calculus book from the shelf and put it down on the desk, then opened it. She worked out some problems, slowly. She could have really used Eaurp's help here, but now was probably not the right time.
Eaurp made a frustrated gargle and furiously erased whatever they had just written, then crumpled the paper, then shouted.
Slamtha looked over her shoulder to see the strange sight. Eaurp's naked back, rising and falling with each frustrated breath.
"Slamtha," Eaurp said, muffled, their head in their arms on their desk.
Slamtha turned around from her desk and knelt down next to Guz.
"Eaurp," Slamtha said. She put her hand on Eaurp's back, and an electric tingling sensation sparked between them. Eaurp let out a small gasp.
"I think you're so gorgeous, and so pretty, and you're so much happier now than you were when we were kids, but I'm more miserable than ever. I want to be like you. I don't know anything about women, you're the only one I've ever met."
"You've definitely met other women here at Gooniversity," Slamtha said. "and um. I know you've seen the USS Voyager mission report tapes enough times. There's lots of women in those tapes. Voyager's captain is even a woman. And also I've told you all about xenofemininity at the library!"
Slamtha's mouth tilted into a soft smile, but Eaurp couldn't see it.
"I... don't think I like not having a gender. And I don't know what that gender is supposed to be... but I'm pretty sure I like the one you do better than the uh... the other one?"
"Show me your breasts," Slamtha said.
Eaurp shot up from their desk in shock. "WHAT?"
They forgot to cover their chest. When they saw Slamtha staring at their chest, they quickly covered it.
"Hmm. No, no, the shape is all wrong. It's like you've just put tiny little hemispheres on your chest. Here, hold on," Slamtha said.
She dug around the bookshelf until she finally found what she was looking for, a Zaldan anatomy textbook. She flipped it open to a page that was clearly more worn than the others. It was a picture of a Zaldan woman's breasts, as well as an illustration of tricorder scans of the interior structure.
"That's what I did, though," Eaurp said.
"No, no," Slamtha said, "The breasts hang from the chest and armpits, like this. They don't just pop out of nowhere. It's like, imagine a fat mellanoid slime's chest, then make it rounder and larger."
Eaurp stared, unthinkingly and unblinkingly.
Slamtha rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, then pulled it up.
Eaurp closed her eyes and looked away, holding her hands in front of her face.
"Do you want to learn how these things work or what?" Slamtha said.
Eaurp peeked, then closed her eyes and turned around, making a high pitched whine.
"Ok ok. We'll. Build up to that, I guess?" Slamtha said.
"Let's just put our clothes on and not show eachother our skeletons and vital organs or chest blobs, and we can just talk like... like normal mellanoids."
"Oh, Eaurp... Neither of us are normal Mellanoids." ------
A few months later
Eaurp Guz stood in the common room of her parent, Dr. Worm's, house. She wore a blouse and a skirt, which would not have raised any particular suspicion if not for the fact that she never used to wear anything other than T-shirts and sweatpants or shorts.
"I've, um, gathered you all here--my friends and family, to uh, to tell you... something important." Eaurp said. She looked to Slamtha, who was sitting off to the side of the group. She gave a thumbs up.
"This is. Um. Something I've been thinking about for a while," Eaurp continued, "I am uh. Oh globs..."
Eaurp's parents shared a confused glance between them. Her friends just watched expectantly.
"I'm a girl. I'm a woman. A female. A-and I want you to use the Federate pronoun 'she' and 'her' when referring to me in the third person."
Eaurp's rocketry club friend just stood up, shook their head, and left.
Her friend from the astronomy club just laughed. "That's uh, pretty funny, Guz. But for real why did you bring us here?"
Slamtha glared at them.
The fellow astronomer gurgled and dripped. "Guz, you're joking right?"
Eaurp looked almost like she was going to cry, frozen in place, her new longer hair drizzling down the front of her blouse, her legs bowing under her own weight.
"I don't think I get the joke," Dr. Worm said.
"No no, I think it's great," Eaurp's other parent, Waral Slaup, said. "Every celebrity needs a gimmick, this can be theirs!"
"Celebrity?" Dr. Worm said.
"Yeah, you know, when they become an astronaut," Waral Slaup, "and they're the first mellanoid to set foot on, I dunno, Glerbuh."
"Isn't Glerbuh made of gas?" Dr. Worm said.
"Hey Eurgus? Glerbuh, made of gas or what? Eurgus?"
Eurgus Fleud, Eaurp's other other parent, narrowed their eyes and stared at her. "I'm not sure why you feel the need to inform your parents about your gross fetish."
Eaurp stared in disbelief. "No, no, I, what?"
Slamtha shot up. "It's NOT a joke, and it's NOT a mucking fetish!"
Eurgus shot up. Waral reached up to try to hold them back.
"I don't wanna hear another word from you. If I had my way you and Eaurp would never have seen eachother again after I found out what you were."
Eaurp ran out of the room. Waral and Dr. Worm ran after her.
"It was all you!" Eurgus shouted, "corrupted! Corrupted by these, these, these FEDERATION values. I knew you were no good. When you were kids I thought oh well, just playing pretend as an animal. I should have KNOWN."
"Hey! This isn't all on me!" Slamtha said.
"You gunking xenos ruin everything. Not even my children are safe from your disease!"
"Fuck you! Fuck off! This is not a disease! This is who I am. And it's who your daughter is too!"
"Call me an animal again! I swear to the globs!"
"Oh! You wanna go?"
Eurgus started to step forward, when the astronomy club member, still sitting down, put their hand up. "Fleud. Please."
"This doesn't concern you, Jenry!"
"Slapping the slime out of eachother isn't gonna solve anything," Jenry said.
"I want my child back," Eurgus said.
"Well too bad," Slamtha said. "My parent doesn't own me, no matter how hard they try, and you three don't own Eaurp either. And now that we're grown, you can't control us so easily."
"You did this to them. You fix it."
"I did not do this to her. I helped her do this to herself. Because she wanted to. Because this is a free planet."
"Federation bootlicker," Eurgus said.
"I've heard that 'insult' my whole life. Well, maybe the Federation is bad, or maybe it's not. But I was miserable before I found out about women, and Eaurp was miserable before she decided she was one too."
"They seem pretty miserable as it is!"
"And why shouldn't they be, with how we all treated them!" Jenry said.
"Jenry, I'm giving you an F on your next intern report," Eurgus said, "If you don't shut up."
"Fine. I'm going to go apologize. Uzgoel, please help me," Jenry said.
"Unbelievable," Eurgus said, to themself in the now empty room. "I knew it. I KNEW it. I knew if I wasn't careful, that yellow stain was gonna turn my babyguz xeno." -----
Without Slamtha there with her, Eaurp Guz sometimes felt that she had stagnated in her gender experimentation. Oh yes, she had trained her body into a soft, curvy figure, her hair voluminous and styled, and now she actually cared to have her clothing fitted to her body properly rather than loosely hanging on her, but since leaving Mellanus she'd spent most of her time in various Starfleet uniforms.
Well, at least there was still some room for experimentation.
Guz looked around to be sure no one was there, then faced the replicator.
"Computer. Engineering skant, fitted to specification Guz-Alpha-Nine, short skirt, duty version."
The replicator whirred, and then Guz pulled out a minidress version of the uniform she was presently wearing, and took it away to the privacy of her bunk.
"The only slime that's gonna trans my gender from now on, is me."
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
Claudia has a pet dragon AU
cute ideas that @strayheartless and I chatted about <3
Claudia probably had a pet dragon at some point that still visits and bothers her for snacks
Dragon: *tail wagging, dancing around, breathing fire* Claudia: *shoves its nose away* go on, git, I ain't got nothin more for ya, you ate all my wolf liver!
Dragon: *rolls on its back asking for belly rubs*
Claudia: ugh, fine. *Delivers belly rubs* Go on, ya daft dragon, I'm taking Cloud to school!
The villagers: ...
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Claudia and her dragon had their babies around the same time, and babysat for each other.
Claudia and Dragon Mama exchange snacks occasionally; Claudia brings special parts of her kills that she and Cloud shouldn't eat, and Dragon Mama sometimes drops off whole carcasses.
Dragon: this deer ain't worth my time, but I killed it and Claudia might give me wolf liver if I drop by!
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Mama Dragon is named Asil, and Baby Dragon is named Knarf. Because backwards, that's Lisa Frank, and they look like Lisa Frank characters. And they're scratch-n-sniff.
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AGSZC visit Nibelheim and AGSZ are panicked when Cloud hears a dragon in the distance and runs off to confront it...only to discover Cloud GIGGLING and play-fighting it. They are more concerned about the giggling, as they've never heard it before.
They expected the Steve Irwin vibes from Zack, who has a pet sahagin in Gongaga, but Cloud was a surprise (he shouldn't have been, he's feral AF).
AGSZC: *walking to Nibelheim*
Dragon: ROAR
Angeal: We'd better steer clear, right Cloud? Cloud?! CLOUD!!!
Zack: Where did he even go?! That was so fast!
Sephiroth: Towards the dragon.
Genesis: Of fucking course.
AGSZ: *runs up just in time to see cloud, unarmed, jump on a dragon*
The dragons immediately like Zack because all animals immediately like Zack.
Angeal wins them over through snacks.
And they're obsessed with Genesis' sword and materia, and Sephiroth's hair.
They keep Sitting On Sephiroth and grooming his hair or staring at it, and they keep trying to steal Gen's stuff. You wouldn't think a puppy-lizard-cat is very sneaky when it's the size of a house, but clearly you would be wrong
Sephiroth: Please, Miss, I don't know how dragon saliva affects hair, and I can't afford for it to go spiky like Cloud's.
Asil: *still sitting on him and licking*
(turns out it's really really good for hair and makes it thick, shiny, and healthy...after you wash out the top layer of slime)
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Knarf and Asil leave Genesis gifts when they steal from him. Sometimes it's worthless crap like a leaf or a rodent carcass; sometimes it's sparkling gems, rare materia, or their own scales, which are hard to come by. There is no pattern.
Genesis tries to bargain with them, bringing an assortment of Wall Market jewelry.
Genesis: Shall we trade? What will you give me for this diamond necklace?
Knarf: *holds up a leaf*
Genesis: How about this fake ruby bracelet?
Knarf: *5 rare materia*
Genesis: Ok, then you must give me something great for this fake ruby necklace, which only differs from the bracelet in that it is longer...
Knarf: *dead skunk plops on Genesis' head*
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Talking about their childhoods:
Sephiroth: My sperm donor would order me to kill kittens.
Genesis: My parents didn't care, but my nanny would hit me with a ruler.
Zack: I'd be sent out into the backwoods to work off my energy and made friends with monsters!
Cloud: I'd go to air jail, where Asil would pick me up by my shirt and dangle me in the air.
Air jail:
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I'd like to think that Sephy starts to have his breakdown, Claudia hears about it and the mysterious head in the reactor, and then sends the boys to help Seph while she and Asil take care of Jenova.
Asil both sits on Jenova and incinerates her, while Claudia shoots Jenova with her biggest shotgun.
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i hate how fucking demonized NPD and BPD are...
i fucking hate hearing the bodies parents call us "borderline" "narcissistic" "sociopathic" "crazy" "psychotic" when i show symptoms of someone who has FUCKING ENDURED ABUSE ALL OF ITS LIFE. and in turn developed BPD and NPD...
we hate being told by others and media that we will never fucking change and that we cant fucking change cuz we have NPD.
it has taken so long to become even an OUNCE of self awareness but sometimes that is just FUCKING LOST in my brain
im just so...like ive given up at this point
i dont even want to get better anymore
the truth is ive never wanted to get better
but i have always tried cuz i dont want others to hate me
i guess those arent the correct reasons and are pretty flimsy..
but at this point i dont want to get better just for others to see me as a fucking person
why should I try and change myself for others
im not out here being abusive im self aware-ish
but i dont WANT to pretend to have high empathy I dont WANT to coddle others when they are doing something i deem illogical
I dont WANT to have to apologize over and over again for symptoms i cant control
why should i have to fucking do that to not be seen as actual slime
honestly im just fucking sick of this world and sick of myself
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
people actually responded to my last post which i didn’t expect so i’ll ramble a bit about it kaminfinamw
it's under the cut tho because im shy adsvnkjasdn
Mariana is a child of Aphrodite because i think that’s fun and yes he gets charmspeak because he is Aphrodite’s favorite <33
Slime is a son of Poseidon and he hangs out by the water nearly all the time
I cannot explain it to you but me and my friend agreed that AU! mariana has two moms (aphrodite and mortal mom) it’s important to me that you know this
Aphrodite is probably a big fan of Mariana and Slime’s relationship, she’s like “aww look classic enemies to lovers :)) Look at my son go”
Mariana would probably charm speak Slime to do dumb shit tbh and Slime can retaliate by drenching him in water
Mariana would use his magic?? or demigod powers on Slime at some point and realize that Slime has a crush on someone and sulk for days after (he doesn’t know the crush is on him. give him a minute)
Slime has lost countless pairs of glasses from jumping into the water because he is a wet goopy guy
Mariana would use permanent makeup on Slime and one time he accidentally makes Slime really pretty and he’s never regretted a prank more in his life (plagued with daydreams of kissing him under the moonlight)
Juanaflippa in this au would be a hunter of Artemis (in training ofc)
when they visit camp halfblood she loves to hang out with slime and mariana :)) they are her favorite people in camp!!
there is no doubt in my heart that she would try and get them together because she loves them both so like…what’s better then having her two favorite people TOGETHER and also GETTING ALONG???
Flippa: i like you both so you should just parent me together smile
okay uuuh that’s all for now knxkhfhina if u want more let me know!! if YOU have thoughts PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!
also if anything is weird/inaccurate to pjo please forgive me i have never read the books and go solely off of my friends knowledge and the wiki
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cheapsweets · 9 months
The perspicacious Yaggzrok
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My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge, from @maniculum
I feel like I'm definitely getting better at drawing birds, but it's also making it much more obvious when I mess up the anatomy :D
Initial pencil sketch, then Sailor fude nib fountain pen with Rohrer & Klingner Sepia ink for the lines. I think I need to find a fine-nib fountain pen, and try drawing with that - the flexibility of the fude nib (in terms of thick/thin lines and being able to transition easily between them) is really nice, but for now being able to keep a consistent (and thin) line would benefit me more in terms of learning and practicing, particularly some of the tiny details I keep trying to include! :D
Reasoning under the cut...
Isidore says this about it: ‘The Yaggzrok is so called because it does not feed on the ground but catches its food and eats it in the air. It is a twittering bird that flies in twisting, turning loops and circuits, is highly skilled in building its nest and rearing its young, and has also a kind of foresight because it lets you know when buildings are about to fall by refusing to nest on their tops. In addition, it is not harassed by birds of prey nor is it ever their victim. It flies across the sea and winters there.’ -
So, we know this is a twittering bird that exhibits 'hawking' behaviour (eating on the wing), and that it nests on the top of buildings. How does it do that? Well, it's here that I start to have some suspicions about this creature's identity, so I start to backpedal furiously. Now, non-small birds that make their nests on houses? How about storks, nesting on chimney stacks? I'm not entirely sure how fire-safe the nest in the top-right illustration is, but maybe the smoke keeps parasites out?
We can also see that the canny Yaggzrok has been very smart about which house the nest was built on. The owner of the house marvels at his good fortune, while his neighbour... :(
The top left illustration shows the Yaggzrok flying in loops over a body of water.
The Yaggzrok is a tiny bird but of an eminently pious nature; lacking in everything, it constructs nests which are more valuable than gold because it builds them wisely. For the nest of wisdom is more precious than gold. And what is wiser than to have, as the Yaggzrok does, the capacity to fly where it likes and to entrust its nest and its young to the houses of men, where none will attack them. For there is something attractive in the way that the Yaggzrok accustoms its young from their earliest days to the company of people and keeps them safe from the attacks of hostile birds. -
It's a small bird, so nothing so magnificent as a raggfong, but we do know it's extremely skilled at constructing its nests (though I suspect 'more valuable than gold' might be pushing it). Again, it's reiterated that it builds nests on human houses - it you look *really* carefully you can see a couple of Yaggzrok chicks peeking out of their nest, waiting for a parent to return.
Then, remarkably, the Yaggzrok creates a regularly-proportioned home for itself without any assistance, like a skilled craftsman. For it gathers bits of straw in its mouth and smears them with mud so that they stick together; but because it cannot carry the mud in its claws, it dips the tips of its wings in water, so that dust sticks to them easily and turns into slime, with which to gather to itself bits of straw or tiny twigs, a few at a time, and makes them stick. It makes the whole fabric of the nest in this fashion, in order that its young can live safely as if on a solid floor in houses on the ground, lest any of them insert a foot between the small gaps in the woven fabric or the cold should get to the very young. -
More detail on the nests - a regularly proportioned home? A solid floor? Maybe the sharp angles in the corners of the nest are a little excessive, but they bring across the point!
In the bottom left, we can see a Yaggzrok gathering material for the next; straw in the mouth, ready to be smeared in mud, but more importantly, *slime* on the wings... :p
This conscientiousness is fairly common among most birds, yet what is distinctive about the Yaggzrok is its special loving care, shrewd intelligence and the extraordinary quality of its understanding. Then there is its skill in the arts of healing: if its young are infected by blindness or pricked in the eye, it has some kind of healing power with which it can restore their vision. -
At this point, I couldn't think of much to express this part of its behaviour, so I opted for a more detailed sketch of the Yaggzrok hawking (which also gave me an excuse to draw a medieval bug!).
In terms of general anatomy, I looked at flycatchers (small, hawking birds, some of which have a small crest), but dialled up the exageration to make it a little more distinctive. In terms of the overall structure and setup, I was influenced by @coolest-capybara's Raggfong illustration and the multiple panels, given that I wanted to express multiple different aspects of this bird's behaviour (I did it in a less narrative way though, which I might rethink if I try this structure again).
I also took some inspiration from this post that @coolest-capybara reblogged; my copy of M.S. Bodley 764 is still in mothballs while I'm following these challenges, so I'm trying to find some good resourses for medieval illustrations (houses was a real struggle!) without doing direct searches for animals and (potentially) getting spoiled...
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Ask Game: How about bio dad might for Bakugo?
1- he puts him up for adoption like i do this ask- i kid i kid
lets try to make this fun, hmm
1- Ok so Toshinori gets Masaru pregnant (oh my god he's a support designer not unlike David. Toshi you can't keep doing this.) and the baby just has a boosted version of Masaru's tiny sparking palms, big explosion palms. because ofa i guess. Except, Masaru is like 'i dont think i can handle being All Might's lover publicly but also i don't think i can handle being a single parent' so when Mitsuki is like Interested he just jumps on that immediately. Toshi figures the baby is safer with a normal couple, pays child support and gets sent pictures occasionally, but doesn't want to impose any more, tho tbh both of the bakugous would be fine if he did.
2- Katsuki has no idea btw. He was told once that Mitsuki was actually his step mom and he didn't believe it. Both his parents figured he didn't need a bigger ego and didn't tell him the truth but did have a lot of fun giggling over getting him All Might merch. This sounds funny now but oh man will it contribute to issues once he knows the truth-
3- speaking of issues, Toshinori does recognize the kid in the slime that the previous kid in the slime is rescuing. he doesn't say anything, but he's extremely glad that this perfect worthy successor kid happened to also save his son. In a panic of losing someone he's never really had, Toshi asks Masaru if he could meet Katsuki in person, maybe start visiting. They and Mitsuki discuss it (complete with injury reveal) and decide why not, though continue to keep his identity a secret. So Toshi spends three hours a day as All Might, and the rest of his time is focused on training Izuku, and in rare breaks from that, hanging out with the Bakugous. Katsuki takes a month before he really believes this guy is who his parents say he is, but he decides the training tips aren't half bad- for a toothpick coughing up gallons of blood every day. For his own part, Toshinori doesn't really pick up anything amiss yet in the family- remember at this point, Katsuki has started to leave Izuku alone, and wouldn't mention him to Toshi anyway. Busy with training and not getting into trouble, none of the more questionable of Mitsuki's and Masaru's parenting choices would be causing much issue or be obvious then.
4- And then UA starts, and on the first day, Toshi watches behind a building as his son attacks his successor, and is as surprised as he is unhappy. but he's not sure how to bring it up, or to fix anything. So he just tries bridging things as All Might for Izuku and as Yagi-san for Katsuki, which... is a process, and also crazy that none of the students realize anything is up there. But so it goes. highlights of things that actually get better because of this: at one point, as Katsuki tells Yagi-san that its a problem because Deku is supposed to be quirkless, Yagi tells him that he's quirkless. Based on his parents expression, Katsuki assumes they didn't know either, but it doesnt make any sense because Yagi isn't annoying and creepy and weak like Deku, he's good at giving hero advice and- oh. oh katuski doesn't like that realization and shoves it down deeper, but also doesn't bite as much about it. Also, Katsuki admits how awful All Might giving him the medal at the SF was for him, and Yagi is very quiet. All Might apoligizes to him the next day.
highlight of something that is so much worse: the final exam.
5- SO THE REVEAL its gotta be at kamino right. The Idiot Rescue Squad has succeeded and are watching the news, and see... All Might lose power on camera. Izuku is already basically in tears, but at the sight, Katsuki reacts by going "OTHER DAD???" which shocks Izuku out of feeling anything else but "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HIM???"
there's a lot of shocked screaming. Iida can't even say anything and Kirishima is on the ground giving up trying to understand as Katsuki and Izuku realize how they're both connected to All Might.
The police finally come help take the kids home. No one dares breathe too loudly or text anyone, afraid of another explosion of conversation like that. For his part, Katsuki is going to shake answers out of Toshi as soon as he steps into the house, no attempting to hide behind Aizawa will make it better. Once that... ordeal of a visit and explanation is done, Toshi wearily suggests he have the conversation with the Midoriyas alone. Aizawa looks at the Bakugos, looks at Toshinori, and is like 'oh hell no im not missing this for the world. lets go round two'
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Every Other Weekend, Part 6
Summary:  You and TJ go out, and Jack and Callum show up
Pairings:  Jack O’Malley X Reader, TJ Hammond X Reader, Mickey Henry X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, PIV sex, one night stand, mentions of divorce, tears, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  4.4K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“Hey!” Jack says excitedly when you call. You never call on your weekend, “Wait, is something wrong? Is Finn okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine,” you hated this. Hated every bit of it, and missed when life was just simple. When you could call him because you missed the sound of his voice. “TJ was wanting to go out tonight, and it’s my weekend. Finn wants to spend the night with my parents, but I wanted to check and see if you wanted him?”
“Oh,” he hesitates, looking over at Cal. “Um, I already had plans.”
“It’s okay. I just wanted to give you that option. Also, wanted to talk to you about maybe getting him on a weekday. He misses you. Maybe have a night or two of dinners at the house? You’re better at math anyways.”
It felt normal and strained all at the same time. Felt so forced, and it almost felt like you were holding onto whatever strings you had left of your family. “You know I want to spend as much time with him as possible,” it was one of the few things you wanted from Jack. An available father. “So where’s the dynamic duo going tonight?”
“We’re going out,” he was such a slime ball sometimes, always trying to trick you into telling him where you were going.  You knew he was going to be doing his own research, and he would find you.
“Hmm,” he playfully chides you.  “I’m guessing you two are dressing in all black, TJ is going to have his fancy little martinis, and you can’t even fake classy like that when it comes to your alcohol, you’re going to have a bottle of beer in your hand, and you’ll be dancing up a storm.  Just stay away from pool tables.”
Both of you sigh, remembering happier times between the two of you.  It was bittersweet to think that it all started with a pool table, drinks, and TJ and Callum.  “You and Cal have fun tonight.  I’m picking the boy up tomorrow, and we’re going to see a movie,” you leave it open for a second, hoping that he will invite himself.  Unsure of why you did it.  But there was still a deep longing for your family.  For your husband.  You just couldn’t trust him.
“If you’re going to go see the latest Batman movie, do you mind if I tag along?”
“You better ask our son.  I need to get him to my parents, and get ready.  Have fun, Jack.”
“You, too,” he clicks off, and puts his phone on his chin thinking.  Contemplating everything that you had said, before jumping up and looking at your social medias.
“What are you doing?” Cal asks, peeking around Jack’s shoulder.  “Get off her page.”
“Her and TJ are going out tonight,” he says, clicking through your recent activity.  Nothing.  You were a ghost online, but not TJ.  TJ wants everyone to know that he’s having more fun than everyone else.
“They should.  TJ is good for her, and you won’t have to worry about her having sex,” Jack turns to glare at Cal, and he holds his hands up in surrender.  “No one has her back quite like Teej, you know this.  Ooh!” He points at a local club that was hosting a new DJ, “Can we go there?”
“Yep,” Jack answers, putting the address in his phone.  “We’re not the only ones.”
“Jack!” Cal throws his head back dramatically.  “You can’t go chasing her around all the time.”
“No, you said I needed to try.  I’m trying.  Me and her have open dialogue.  She can actually look at me again.  She invited me over for dinners at the house with Finn.”
“You’re not weaseling your way in, are you?  Like you legit want to be with your wife?  Want to wake up in the bed with her every morning?  Want to clock out, and go home to her every night?  Want to deal with the hard stuff?  Want to see your son every day?  Want to be there for her?  And want to compromise and have another kid?  This isn’t some conquest.  This is a woman that does in fact love you, maybe she’s still in love with you, maybe she’s in love with the idea that she had in her head of you.  But you can’t just do this, and spend time with Finn and then flake away.  You have to be there for her during the hard times.  Have to have arguments, without turning to someone else who will just tell you what you want to hear.  That woman is who you talk about things with.  Open yourself and be vulnerable.”
“Yeah,” he answers.  Standing up to walk out of the station, “Like I know this is stupid, but I realize what I had, now that it’s gone,” he gets a hard whack in the back of the head at that admission, “I know, I’m dumb.  I am a dumb man.  I wanted to have it all, and now I have nothing.  But she and my son are what I want.  This isn’t just to prove that I can have her whenever I want.  This is wanting the life that I should have been working to have with her.  They don’t make women like her.”
“Yeah, she made the best lunches.  And now, I don’t get snacks.  You messed up my snack time for me Jackson.  I miss those cute little boxes of a cheese and meat platters.  With the little nuts, and jellies.  It was like a charcuterie box.  I’m going to tell her I want that.  She’ll make me one.  I haven’t pissed her off.  So we’re going to this club, and you’re hoping that she and TJ will be there?”
“Yep.  They’ll be there, or we’re going to look like idiots.”
“Correction, you dance like a white boy.  You’re going to look like an idiot.”
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“Stop dancing with me,” TJ yells in your ear, trying to pull away from you, but you pull him back.  “That fine as fuck DJ is checking you out.  Keeps smiling at you, and that tall drink of water keeps thinking I’m straight because you won’t quit grinding on me.  You’re cockblocking me. Again.  And yourself,” he gives a wave up at the DJ trying to push you away.
“Don’t leave me.  He’s working,” you glance up at the man, and he was smiling the whole time, and directly at you.  Waving his hand for you to come up there to him.  “Oh!”
“See!  Now, go suck his dick while he plays or something,” you smack him in the stomach, and his obnoxious and roaring laughter lifts your mood even more.  “Not everyone you date has to be on that app.  You can meet people out in real life.  Go talk to the man.”
“Yeah.  Yeah, I’ll…I’m going up there,” you depart from TJ, going up to the DJ which you find out quickly his name was Mickey.  He even pulls you in front of him, teaching you how to work the turntables.  Getting close to your body quickly.
TJ sits at the bar, ordering up another martini when he sees Jack and Cal walk in, and starts laughing.  Raising a hand to the two men, and they trot over to him, “Quit looking,” TJ says, pointing up at the stage.  Jack’s face falls for a minute seeing you smiling and laughing.  “She just got up there.  He’s been watching her all night.”
“She looks beautiful,” his eyes drift all down your body.  You and TJ always did make a statement when you walked in somewhere.  Coordinated enough, but could still attract the people you wanted.
“She looks hot,” TJ responds, taking a sip from his martini.  “You went digging on my facebook didn’t you?” Jack looks over at him quickly, and TJ shrugs, “You’re predictable Jack.  You can’t stand not to snoop.  And yes, I put that shit out there to lead you to where she was going to be.  She’s not on a date with this guy.  She’s flirting.”
“He looks sloppy,” Jack notes, looking down at his clothes.  TJ pulls apart one of Jack’s layers, and then another.  “What are you doing?” He slaps his hand off him.
“How many layers do you have on today?  Your wife has a type, and it starts with the clothes,” Callum throws his head back, starting to laugh, but Jack squints his eyes, glaring at TJ.  “Ain’t none of y’all going to win best dressed.  She stays with me, so we can look good together, and then she has you and whatever that is to make her look like the queen she is.  Look at fucking Dean.”
“Don’t talk about that man.  I have a meeting with him on Monday.  He’s talking to Finn about his mom,” TJ points up at you, and Jack shakes his head.  “She’d pull Dean’s testicles off his body if she thought that he was including Finn in her dates.  I think she ended it with Dean,” TJ nods his head quickly, “Okay, she definitely ended it with Dean, and he doesn’t like it.  So he involves our son.  She…I gotta go,” he bolts off quickly when he sees you start to walk off the stage, and TJ slaps at Callum’s arm.
“Big guy, that sweet thing right there is checking you out.  Now, if you would please, I have got this man that I have wanted to talk to you, and if it isn’t my bestie, it’s you and Jack.  Talk to her, dance with her, take her home.  Jack is busy.”
“You think this is gonna work?” TJ shrugs his shoulders, taking a sip of the martini, already tapping his finger on the bar for another.  “They love each other.  They know they love each other.  She’s stubbornly trying to prove she doesn’t.”
“She still believes Jack slept with that woman.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.  Doesn’t matter.  She thinks he did.  She’s stubbornly trying to prove she doesn’t love him, so she doesn’t get hurt.  She’s sleeping around, because ‘he did’.  That woman is struggling because her heart starts in her vagina.  But Jack has something no one else does.”
The two men look at each other, and both respond, “Finn.”
“Jack will always have a piece of her heart because that’s Finn’s dad.  She wants things to work.  But she’s playing the game like Jack did.  One foot in and one foot out.”
“Our friends suck,” Cal looks over at the woman that TJ had pointed out, and nods his head at her.  “If Jack plays his cards right…”
“No, you watch, he won’t be going home with her.  I think she really meant it when she said she wasn’t going to sleep with him,” Cal points over towards you and Jack, and you were laughing at whatever he was saying.  Your hand finding any excuse to touch him.  “She’s had a few beers.  And a couple of shots.”
“Twenty bucks says he goes home with her.”
“Thirty bucks says he just gets a kiss,” TJ puts his hand in front of Cal, and they both shake on it.  Going their separate ways with their prospective partners for the evening while you giggle again at Jack.
Grabbing at his hips, you tell him to loosen up.  “Have fun!”
“This is so fun.  So very fun,” he responds sarcastically, and you throw your head back laughing, but grab his hand to place on your hips.  
“Feel the beat.  Or just feel me,” he gulps, as he tries to dance around with you.  He was definitely feeling you.  Had your undivided attention, and you were ignoring the DJ and only looking at him.  Your eyes were shining up at him, and the two of you were laughing.  You weren’t just Finn’s parents at this moment.  You were two people enjoying each other.
“That’s better,” you giggle, turning around, and his hands pull you closer to his body, “Oh, we’re going back to the good ole days, huh?”
“Remind me of how good you can dance,” circling your hips, you lean forward a bit, starting to grind on him.  Even he gets into dancing.  Relaxing enough to enjoy the beat of the music, but mostly your ass on his crotch.  You close your eyes, and forget about the past.  Push aside everything that has happened, and will yourself to live only in this moment.
Your hand goes behind you, and you hold onto his neck.  Jack takes a chance, and leans forward, softly kissing on the column of your neck.  With your first whimper, he nibbles on your skin.  Kissing up your neck, before he comes to your face, and you were looking at him through your lashes.  Your pupils a deep sea of lust.  Your fingers wiggle around on him, urging him closer.
His eyes flash down to your lips, and you pull him even closer.  Inching closer and closer, so slowly, before his petal pink lips touch your own.  The moment he touches your mouth, your body spins around, so you can deepen the kiss.  Granting his tongue access quickly.  It was muscle memory, but it was so full of passion.  You hadn’t kissed him like this in so long.  Hadn’t felt him like this for years.
Jack’s hand starts coasting up your side, and his thumb brushes over your nipple, and you yip on his mouth, and he pulls you closer.  Starting to walk backwards, and get you somewhere private.  A heated moment between two old lovers.  He starts kissing down your neck, looking around the crowded club, and you blink your eyes open.  
Purple haze surrounded you; intoxicating you.  Those thick fingers caress your soft curves, and you hear a scratch of the record, and realize where you were.  Remember just who was sucking on your neck, and you push him off you, “I can’t do this.”
“Sharkie, wait.”
“I’m not some hookup, Jack.  I can’t,” he grabs at your hand, pulling you back to him, “I can’t.  I can’t give you that.”
“Let’s just leave then,” there was so much sincerity in his face that it hurt.  A deep rooted pain fills in your gut, and you hated the way it was making you feel.  “We don’t even have to do anything.  Let’s just go home,” you shake your head no.  Your vision goes blurry as your eyes fill up with tears.  “Why?”
“I can’t do that with you.  I don’t trust myself with you.”
“Because I always fall,” you pull his hand off your own and start to walk away.  Getting closer to the stage, while Jack spins on his heel, and marches out of the club.  Screaming the minute he gets out, and Cal and TJ look at each other from across the way.  
You were already waving your hand to Mickey, who calls another man to take his place, sinking deeper away from the crowd ready for some privacy.  Cal walks outside to Jack who was sitting on the curb, “What happened?”
“We kissed,” his foot toes the ground, but his eyes stare blankly at nothing.  “Not just a little peck, but a real kiss.  It felt like the beginning of our relationship again.  Everything was fine.”
“You were trying to fuck her in there, weren’t you?”
“I don’t know.  She thinks that’s what it was.  I don’t know.  I really don’t know.  I wanted somewhere more private, but we could have left, and just snuggled on the couch.  It doesn’t always have to be sexual.  But I know that’s what she thought it was.  I know she sees me looking at her as an easy way to get my dick wet, and that’s my fault.  Robyn got the sweet flirty side of me, and she got only my dick,” he throws his body back on the pavement looking at the sky.
“Get up off the disgusting ground.”
“I deserve to be down here.”
Cal sits down on the curb with him, nodding his head.  “I really did cheat on her, didn’t I?  Like me giving the best parts to Robyn, even when I was living with my family.  She told me there was no passion in our love making anymore.  I just used her to get my dick wet.  She was supposed to be my everything.  I was with Robyn when my son was in the hospital.  My son was unconscious and my wife was alone.  Scared about our son, and worried about where I was.  And I was drinking coffee with another woman,” Jack starts laughing, closing his eyes, and slams his hands over them.
“I would leave me, too.  I love her.  And I hate that it took all of this to see that.  But I felt it, and I know she did, too.  I know that she felt that spark the moment that our lips touched.  She could feel this passion that we hadn’t had in years.  It was just like old times sake.  And here I was just wanting to get away from the noise, and she took it as using her for her pussy.  Because that’s how I made her feel.  I made her feel like she wasn’t worth anything besides what sits in between her thighs.  And she’s running from what she really feels because I’m dumb.  I wanna drink.  I just want to drink my sorrows away.”
“You’ve got a movie date with them tomorrow.  You can have one more beer.  You’re not drinking your sorrows away.  You’re going to the movies.  You will be Finn’s parents.  Finn needs the both of you.  Monday, you’re marching in and telling Winchester to leave your kid out of his former relationship,” Jack whispers okay, and Cal stands, giving him a hand.  
“She loves me, though,” he smiles up at Callum.  “She can’t fake passion.  I knew at the end it was just sex between us.  That though…that kiss had sparks.  Had desperation and need.  Because my wife still loves me.”
“Come on lover boy.”
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TJ opens the door where he had seen you and Mickey run off to, and you were sitting on top of him.  Ass exposed as you bounce over him.  “I’m gonna lock this door,” he says as he closes it quickly.
Your arms wrap around Mickey’s neck, letting him kiss all over your skin.  You were just going through the motions.  But he was enjoying himself.  Deep panting breaths as he sucks bruises on you.  His long fingers cupping your ass and slamming you down harder on his length.  
Mickey was just as touch starved as you, and he made sure to touch and kiss every part of your body.  Even though this didn’t mean a damn thing, he makes you feel like you were the only one.  He was touching you in all the right places.  Kissing all over your body, not neglecting any exposed skin, but he couldn’t stop returning to your mouth.  Swallowing all your moans was becoming an addiction and his favorite flavor.  You wanted to forget, but in the twenty minutes you are with him, it felt like for just that time, you were in love again.  If only for these precious few minutes.  
You didn’t do this anymore, and yet here you were having the most meaningless sex with someone you barely knew.  Didn’t even know his last name.  But TJ had armed you with condoms, and you were pissed.  Mad at yourself for allowing your vulnerability with Jack to sneak out.  You let him know just how fragile you were when it came to him.  
And now here you were taking some man you just met.  Was balls deep, and between his vocal performance and your squelching sounds, the two of you were quite a pair.  Letting the pleasure seep its way to your own throat, you moan as you get closer.  Hoping that he cums quickly, because you didn’t know if you could go for more.  
Now you just wanted to go to sleep.  Couldn’t properly enjoy a good fuck because it was making you feel disgusted.  Both his hands cup your face, and he swallows every whimpering mewl as your walls clench down tight around him.  Squeaking out his own pleasure, before his head throws back, “That was amazing,” he pants.  Holding onto your hips when you try to get off.
“Where are you doing?” He was a pretty little thing, but there was no way that you could see this lasting.  Had no desire to bring him around your son.
“Can we do this again?”
“Not likely,” he snorts, finally letting go of you, allowing you to stand up.  You shimmy your dress back over your hips and thighs.  Going to reach for your panties, but he grabs them up off the floor, “You’re keeping my panties?”
“Well, since I don’t get to feel that tight pussy again, it only seems fair that I get to jerk off into these pretty lacy things.  Looks like I made you cream before you ever even pulled me back here,” you nod your head, letting him think he was the reason for your ruined panties.  It was easier for yourself to admit that.  
Jack terrified you.  Made you realize that you fell so hard, fast, and easy with him.  And you weren’t sure you could ever give yourself to someone like that again.  “Good luck with the music, Mickey.”
“Yeah, if ever you’re needing a quick lay, I’m here.  I know it’s not serious.”
“You just caught me at a bad time in my life.”
“Even divorced mother’s need sex,” you give him an odd look, and his head flicks towards your hand, “There’s a tanline on your finger.  Mothers are usually pretty guarded.  You protect yourself to protect your child.  It’s not that deep,” he grunts, pulling the soiled condom off, and stuffs his dick back in his pants.  “I hope you find your happiness.  Everyone deserves that.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, giving him a kiss to the cheek.  You walk out, and TJ pouts on the opposite wall, holding his hands out to give you a big hug, “Can you sleep with me tonight?”
“Not like that, right?  Like you got a good fill?  I don’t think I could get it hard for you,” you pinch his butt.  Keeping your head leaned over on his shoulder as the two of you walk out.  “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” he hands over your phone, and gives you a big smile.  “What?”
“Who’s Frank?”
“Shut up.”
“Who is Frank?  I clicked out of that picture so fast.  I didn’t see anything, but a hairy chest, and those deep v’s on hips.  You two sending nudes?  Is he your next victim?”
“No!” You shout, slamming yourself into the backseat of the Uber.  “No, Frank is different.”
“But you’re sending pictures?”
“That just started,” TJ gives you an almost sad smile, and you lay your head back on his shoulder.  Wrapping both your arms around his one.  “I don’t want to rush into things with Frank.  He’s never been married.  He’s a professor.  He wants kids.  Knows that I have a kid.  And he scares me.”
“Why?” He leans over giving you a quick kiss to your head.  Your eyes blink close as a single tear falls down your face.
“Because, these other ones I’m talking to, I’m not really connecting with them, you know?  I’m talking to them, setting up dates, knowing it won’t be much.  Frank I talk to.  Frank I like.  Frank I don’t want just sex with.  But…what if he’s not Jack?”
“You won’t know, until you know.”
“You think I should make it work with Jack?”
“Make it work?  No.  That forcing bullshit never worked in the past.  I think you should let things progress with Jack the way they are.  Integrate him more with Finn.  Have your family dinner nights.  Don’t deny what’s happening with Frank or whoever else.  But let things grow organically with Jack.  He’s a good dad.  He’s a great guy.  He wasn’t the best husband.  I love Jack.  But he had his flaws, just like you should have been honest with him about what you knew and what you wanted from him.  You shouldn’t have asked for a baby to save your relationship.  There’s not a perfect timeline for you and Jack.  Grow in the way that your fast asses didn’t allow in the beginning.  Two months.  Pregnant.  Three months.  Married.  You guys didn’t know how to take things slow.  Take it slow now.”
“You’re right,” TJ usually was.  “It feels…comforting having Jack be with me and Finn.”
“That’s his dad.”
“But you still want him as your partner?” You nod your head, ready to cry on his chest.  “It’s okay to want it, and to be scared of it, and want to explore other options.  Don’t feel guilty about needing to make sure that Jack is who you want.”
“What if he doesn’t want to wait on me to decide?”
“Then,” he says, opening his door.  “He really isn't who you were supposed to be with.  For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure Jack is set on making things work.  But unless you're willing to forgive everything that happened in the past.  Push it back and let it go, don’t go there, okay?  Now Oreos and milk?”
“Please,” you pout as he drags you in the house.  Stopping in the kitchen, while you strip out of your clothes on the way to the bedroom.  Tossing aside your heels, and you grab one of Jack’s shirts and some clean panties.  Jumping in the bed, and TJ appears with a pack of Double Stuf Oreos and a glass of milk to share.  Stripping down to nothing but his boxer briefs.
He doesn’t make a comment about the shirt that you’re wearing.  Never says anything about how it smells like Jack’s smoky cologne.  He is just there for you.  Letting you cling tight to him when you’ve had your fill of cookies.  TJ was such a good friend, he didn’t make a comment about the tears you were spilling on his chest, and trying not to make a sound.  He knew you were hurting and conflicted.  So he was just there.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedjanes @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @feyfantome @calirindo @whimsyplaty92 @charmed-asylum @elrw24 
114 notes · View notes
the-owl-house-takes · 7 months
Revisting a take I made regarding Ammy.
I admit, looking back, my take on Amity was worded poorly and was not so good in general. I'm willing to admit that and learn from my mistake.
I do not hate Amity nor think she's badly written, though I believe she is far from perfect in terms of writing. (Still, not bad).
Regarding me mentioning me not liking how Amity's dream of joining the emprrors coven was shifted into something Odalia wanted. What I meant is that, I thought it should've stayed something Amity wanted outside of her parents. It's just something I would have preferred happening, and imo it shouldn't have been something just mentioned in a one scene. It should've been a little more present throughout the show, even when she's dating Luz. I'm not saying they should've made a whole ass episode of it, no, sudden mentions and scenes would have been nice imo but atlas you know who was being a bitch. I didn't agree with the crew only waiting to bring it up again 1 season later and only to just reveal to something Odalia wanted, (On a side note I think Odalia wanting that of Amity should've also been shown instead of told. We were pretty robbed of getting more depth to the Blights as a family).
Next, regarding Reaching Out going against my point of Amity not having much of a goal. When I said goal, I didn't mean goals like 'Going to the gym', 'Sleeping eariler'. I meant life goals, like what she wants to be when she goes up Yada Yada. But now that I look at it, I'm fine with it either way. (I just hate that the episode was also used to try and get us to forgive Alador. Heard there was a deleted scene where he was meant to be shown more as an abuser). However, she's 14, and I was an idiot to expect much of her.
Again, I apologize for my bad take, and I'm willing to say myself it was poor. I know Amity was 14. However, I still believe they should've better developed her outside of Lumity. Like giving her a little more moments to reconnect with Willow after years, I would have preferred for them to show her trying to figure out a life goal out for herself to better develop her. I feel like if Amity genuinely wanted to join the coven, it would have been a tad better. Maybe I'm just being a greedy like slime and asking for too much but it's food for thought. Again, I'm not saying to give us a whole ass episode of these moments, just B plots or scenes. That's it.
The whole 'Amity is just tomato gay girlfriend after lumity' thing also refers a little to the fandom, I've seen countless people reduce her to just Luz's girlfriend and refuse to see her as more. It pissed me off, honestly. Again, Amity should've had more moments outside of Luz and had more time to develop her as a character and her relationships with other characters.
Also, sorry for how angry I sounded in that take, I was having a shitty day, and my mood was just scrambling itself into nonsense. Unfortunately, my thoughts get a little nonsensical and shit so I apologize for that as well.
I still stand by the Huntlow and Alador opinions, however. They're getting the boot. *kick*
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molluskmirage · 1 year
a list of things q!BadBoyHalo has done for others
this is a list for those who may not know some details on what bad has done for others (i have been watching his stream since the beginning)
bbh has personally saved and assisted every single egg on multiple occasions, while also providing multiple armor upgrades, food, tank upgrades, exp, totems, quests, an early network to revive downed eggs and upgrades and resources to parents to better protect their eggs, along with research on how to better protect. (save from twitch con) bbh has not taken a single break to ensure no egg dies from neglect. Every single egg has been under Bad’s care at one point in some cases many eggs have been under Bad’s care at the same point on many occasions. (Dapper has only had his tasks done twice by another (baghera)) If not for Bad many eggs would have died from neglect.
enchanted iron armor upgrades to-
Chayanne, Tallalulah, Ramon, Bobby, Richarlyson, Dapper (ofc), (eggs not listed are because parents already armored them or were dead, i think i am missing a few though bad was/is constantly taking the armor off his back and gifting it too eggs)
Enchanted diamond armor sets to-
Chayanne x2, Tallulah x2, Bobby, Ramon, Quackity, Max (Dapper was making his own by this point still checked and approved by bad)
enchanted slime armor sets to-
Chayanne, Tallulah, Ramon, Leonarda x2, Jaiden, Slimesicle.
(this is all from memory he gifted more)
During the quest to go were bobby had died Bad had a whole backpack of armor he handed out to those in need (along with food and reviving many people)
Tank upgrades (they arent cheap):
Chayanne, Tallulah, Ramon, Leonarda x2, Phillza, Slimesicle, Jaiden, Max
bad refuels anyone in need of experience (particularly generous to eggs) hes done this so many times its ridiculous to count of non eggs though Foolish is the biggest receiver. he also provides experience cubes in a chest in his subway that he restocks all the time.
Bad has handed out so many resources it’s impossible to keep track of, you ask he provides even if you’ve tried to murder him and his child.
Bad developed a whole net-work (prior to his sharestone knowledge in which he then created the subway) to help downed eggs or downed anyone. If an egg is down badboy is booking, ended pearling and pulling all the stops.
bad typically in fights plays tank and healer. He tries to run around getting all mobs attention on him so that others can more easily fight while also providing food, weapons, and armor to those in need. He helped in the bobby mission, code attacks, the bluebird, the retrieval of the newcomers in prison, the nether 2nd exploration reviving Baghera from lava and quackity, roier, and going back for Bagerha as time was running out, has personally come to the aid of etoiles, forever, roier and many others at the drop of a hat (not all accepting but he would stick around to make sure if they did need help and an egg could be at risk he would be there)
learnings and warnings:
Bad would not shut up about how dangerous swords were (the sweeping bug unidentified at the time), he told everyone he came across and was constantly shouting it out in battle. Bad offered to look after JuanaFlippa the day she died concerned after Tilin had passed. bad knew nothing of modded but in order to protect his son and others better he is constantly evolving and trying new things. He was who made slime armor popular after testing and showcasing to others. When he discovered warp plates he then put them in strategic locations to help revive eggs, creating a whole teleporting room he then evolved to the subway system he made available for all near spawn upon learning of sharestones. He had a working idea for nihno but backed off as Forever decided to put one in action, bad had the first wireless enderpearl system set up for Dapper which he shared with forever. And when Ramon still had yet to set up a room in nihno he set up an enderpealing system in his home for him. Bad is constantly asking the eggs under his care (or even those he simply see’s) if there ender pearl is set. Bad developed a way stone system against the code saving ramon and dapper, when the code evolved so did he, he used an iron golem against it, it worked. He lassoed it. He started a brewing healing potions in mass to help aid others in attacks (with the help of Dapper in the mechanics). He learned how to have totems restock in his hand with a backpack upgrade and made sure every egg has it set up and will remind them often to have them in there offhand.
bad worries a lot and put hours of effort into researching all the ways nihno could be compromised and troubleshooted ways to combat problems. (They have not come to pass of yet but he’s constantly worried and thinking)
when learning of the op code sword bad made a counter using his knowledge he gained from the totem refills and applying it to a whole battle pack (it works!!!)
social and gifts:
after Trump died Bad visited Max to check on him, thinking that some sort of cause might help Max through grief he told him of some theories of the island, this was the start of the theory bros.
bad steals furniture a lot as a guise to be social and check in on everyone. Bad doesnt handle appreciation well (even if he knows it would be good for him he feels so much more comfortable being seen as a villian and preforms self sabotage and self sacrificial acts constantly) he hands over credit to Dapper and eggs a lot ((by no means downplaying dappers kindness and contributions)) but Bad acts allergic to praise even if he needs it. He also believes for himself, not applying to others, that if helping others means wanting praise then it was for ego and he doesn't want that, he believes in unconditional kindness and tries to preform it at every step talking himself down in times of emotion. Bad rarely steals furniture if there is not some sort of social input and often for everything he steals he compensates for twenty times over in supplies, special metals, and food.
He made a backpack for quackity including personal touches like color and a picture of wilbur along with armor, weapons, building materials, food, food upgrade, sharestone. the same for Slimesicle his green with a slimeball, armor, tank upgrade, food.
one for max, black with weapons, tank upgrades, armor and a sweet note
one for Rioers birthday, diamond blocks, emeralds, gold, bear fur, a paxle
Foolish gets his own segment cause theres too much.
bad also made mini thrones with cake and diamonds to let baghera and forever know they were missed at vidcon. Bad also helped Richarlyson build a little spot for forevers return.
Bad built a statue for forever after his presidency to showcase he was appreciated.
Bad made a treasure hunt for Leonarda and Foolish (ok so mostly an excuse on bads part to make a puzzle but really wanted Leo to have fun with her Dad)
Bad made a dungeon that catered to Tallulah’s needs and aesthetic that she could enjoy with her family, with multiple resources provided to ensure there safety and with a self made prize at the end of two backpacks filled with goodies that were of each Chayanne and Tallulahs personal liking.
Bad rebuilt the school after its destruction so the eggs would have a nice place to hang out. Bad helped build and provide materials for every quackity build (at this point 9/1/23) besides his intial starter home and kidnapping spots.
bad scoured the savanna after quackity hid a really tough to make shield Dapper had gifted to Ramon that quackity had looted off Ramon’s corpse from Ramon’s nightmare. It took him days to find, Dapper being the one to locate it but he was resolved to finding it.
foolish and Bad have a unique bond. For everything bad has done wrong for foolish he has also done right. And I will list those actions
bad built an elevator system for foolish twice to better help his builds. In the beginning too Foolish also has no modded knowledge and is reluctant to learn, Bad provides him with all useful info and demonstrates it. He’s provided countless resources, exp, food, 5 stacks of pizza, an item to breathe underwater for his fish tank (that took him several many hours to make), pets, plot intel, he was there for him when others didn’t trust him after he arrested pac e mike. He trusts Dapper with Foolish (this is huge for Bad) and bad has stocked leo on the best gear multiple times and has watched over her many times without even forwarning from foolish.
this isn’t even mentioning the things he’s done for Dapper. Bad is constantly looking to improve everyones play, building and designing in ways that go unnoticed because theyre so helpful and natural like subways, patching creeper and mine holes, repairing exploded buildings, babysitting and watching over all those in need. Bad has done so much more then I even listed. He has not done nothing which is why it stings to see posts that implies he hasn’t. He has flaws sure but he has done far from nothing for the islanders and eggs.
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aroacemisha · 1 year
Listen I'm trying to be supportive of RL Belos here, but if I was Evelyn and he tried to kill me I wouldn't be ten feet near that guy and I sure as hell wouldn't allow my children near him even if he was my BIL.
Did he try to kill her while she was pregnant? Did Caleb have to stop him? Did he ever apologise/make up for it? Because even though he's better in this au he still majorly annoys me like he does in canon and I cannot find it within myself to pity him much at all.
(Was gonna say this at the end, but I think it's kinda silly to follow an AU where a character you find annoying is one of the main characters and is thus heavily focused on. It's also a little rude to come and tell someone how much you dislike a character they really enjoy, it's better to keep that on your own blog. But I digress)
Anyways, I'd like to clarify some things here/give a more detailed timeline of the dynamic.
Evelyn has met Philip before. During her initial visits to the Human Realm, she (~18 years old) pretended to be human, and she befriended Caleb (17-18 years old) - and she was on friendly terms with Philip (13-14 years old) as well, although they weren't close. The relationship went on that way for a couple years, and over that time she started to visit more frequently (originally she started at once every few weeks).
When she finally revealed she was a witch, it was only to Caleb, and both were unaware that Philip was spying on them. Upon seeing her perform real magic, Philip didn't hate her at first, he was just scared. He didn't report either of them, and didn't tell either of them that he knew Evelyn's secret, but was becoming worried that she was dangerous to Caleb.
At one point Evelyn (~22) and Caleb (21-22) were found out and Caleb was about to go on trial, but Evelyn rescued him and they ran away to the Demon Realm. Philip (~18) later followed and found them a few months later, being convinced during his search that Caleb is in danger.
He tried to attack Evelyn in that initial encounter, and she was startled for a bit, before realizing that she can handle him if she just uses magic, since he's human and doesn't have magic of his own. That was also the only time he tried to attack her in that way.
After being calmed down by Caleb and, after a very long conversation, begrudgingly agreeing to give the Demon Realm a chance (for Caleb's sake), Philip remained hostile to Evelyn for a while, but that hostility was mostly bratty child behavior, feral cat behavior (growling, etc) and passive-aggressive prayers. She found some of it funny and once wondered if her beast keeping magic would work on him.
He'd get into some arguments with her, but wouldn't try to physically fight her, in part because he knew she'd just trap him in abomination slime, vines and/or stone if he tried. Caleb's presence was an additional mitigating/soothing factor.
She also figured that if Caleb could change his beliefs after coming from the same place, Philip likely could too, and if he isn't trying to murder or attack anyone, why not give him a chance.
She knew he was only hostile due to being indoctrinated as a child to believe that witches were evil, and only attacked her due to being convinced she was a danger to Caleb, so if that belief was to be dismantled, he would probably become friendly. And it did happen, and he gradually came to accept witchkind as a whole. Realizing his own queerness also contributed to his old beliefs falling apart.
The birth of Caleb and Evelyn's child also helped soften him. By the time the child started to say their first words and learned to call him uncle, it was really pulling on his heartstrings. At that point he was already on generally friendly terms with Evelyn and was allowed to hold the kid sometimes. He was already showing hints of his protective parental traits back then with how he treated the kid, although he would only become a parent himself many decades later.
And yeah, Philip apologized for everything at multiple points during his deradicalization. As for what he did to make up for it, given Evelyn's playful personality, she probably asked him to do something silly to entertain her as an apology. He'd also help her and Caleb fix stuff that broke in their house, and he was showing early signs of his interest in engineering, as he really liked fixing mechanical things.
They ultimately ended up becoming besties, and their personalities meshed well. They only drifted apart and eventually lost touch after Caleb's death, mainly through Philip drifting away, since he blamed himself for the accident in the mines and was particularly ashamed to be around the child.
Also the reason he continued trying to build the portal door even after he accepted the Isles wasn't because he wanted to go back (he felt safer and more accepted among witches), but because he wanted to spread the truth to other humans, and hoped he could change their minds too and end witch hunting, so no witch or human is harmed by them again (this later fed into his developing belief that the realms should be united). So he wanted to fix the systemic problem as well, although his expectations for how it would go and whether it would even work were too idealized.
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