#and not like. quote unquote heroes
tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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shadowslocked · 3 months
I do feel the need to remind people that any further information Lea gets will be third hand. She has no connection to the server to see what’s going on personally and no connection to anybody (Quackity in this case) in charge of changes to ask questions. Any information she gets is second hand, and we have no way of confirming or denying her words unless further evidence is brought forth. We are, largely, going to be in the dark as things are worked on behind the scenes for Quackity Studios and I don’t believe Lea is the best source for CURRENT happenings
Choose to take her words with more or less salt, but I do think it’s good to keep in mind she isn’t directly involved with QSMP anymore and how much she genuinely knows about what’s happening is debatable
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littletinyguydude · 2 months
How to blow up a pipeline harlivy au… need more ecoterrorism and dismantling of the systems that cripple the environment in depictions of the girlies
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cynical-cemeteries · 1 year
the people have spoken!!!
here's everything that could've been for the costume design contest:
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other design thoughts:
i originally wanted to create something for laphlaes,, but i was having too many difficulties so i ended up switching over to lairei instead (sorry grandpa)
the overall idea of having something fancy & elegant stayed the same,, but the only major thing that changed was the character i was drawing for
lairei's look is centered around the idea of a fancy night out,, with outfit elements showing similarities to her base design
base design similarities i wanted were styled hair, necklaces, a large fur collar of some kind (in this case a shawl), a long dress, thigh slits, a relatively open back, and a deeply cut neckline
i'd say the main inspo from her other looks would be her "midnight edition" look,, with the same overall fanciness but More Casual and Less Elaborate??
i was tempted to give her a dark red lip to match her darker eyeshadow but i'm not too fond of how that might match her other elements so i settled for a soft pink
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stonerzelda · 1 year
i succumbed in my only 2 days off of work to soending money on luxury items such as jerma985 stickers and a jerma985 dollhouse shirt. Condolences thoughts and prayers appreciated
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i have found the hottest brad dourif performance and it is in one of the worst movies ever
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plusonetm · 2 years
Shouto has been left in my brain for so so long he has mutated into some half canon divergent au half headcanon version of himself
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again. nearly five am. thinking about g’raha and eyrie
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soft-spooks · 2 years
this is for. a fic that will most likely never be written but i just love the idea of. character who is usually closed off no vulnerable emotions ever bejng soooo worried that the shell breaks
just the. something terrible happens and they run over and hold your face in their hands and wont let you go like what did she do to you are you okay come on lets go home
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breesperez139 · 9 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #4
Viral Thirst Trap AU:
The only thing Danny could feel right now was complete and utter humiliation. As always, it started off as a joke. Tiktok was something Amity Park didn’t have access to for a while considering the fact that they were cut off from the rest of the world until a few months ago when Technus and Tucker teamed up to fix the media blackout.
Amity Park debated on this topic heavily weighing the pros and cons and eventually decided on the outside world only knowing about things Amity Park allowed. Meaning unless an Amity Parker posted it on social media platform meant for the public, no one would know. Hacking would be impossible without ghost resistant tech and visitors wouldn’t be able to expose anything without it so truly there was no downside to this unless someone slipped.
Inside jokes on Phantom and Amity Park were a norm often leaving others confused before scrolling and moving on. In fact most of the posts coming from Amity Park are ignored by the masses. But not this one. No this time someone just had to post a thirst trap edit of him under the “think I need someone older” sound with the caption “when he fits the Bill 😍😍“ on tiktok.
And he knows it’s meant to tease him because of the Invis-o-Bill reference (which fuck whoever’s acc that was for bringing that up) but why did it have to go viral?? Like yes he knows this is a joke on him being “older” because of time travel shenanigans and “colder” because of his ice and “take the weight off your shoulders” because he’s a hero. But why??
Now he had people simping over him and wanting to know more about him and Amity Park (and man where they overjoyed to let others know about their local (and favorite) hero). And just when he thought his undead life couldn’t get any worse, the fucking JL had to show up after he was kidnapped (summoned) by some crazy ass cult. Even worse, their sidekicks immediately recognized him as the quote unquote “hot dead hero from tiktok”. Someone finish killing him now.
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kiefbowl · 7 months
do you guys understand that women don't actually enter relationships with men to fix them. that most women 100% completely buy into gender myths. that most women do feel wretched and deserving of abuse. do you fucking not get it. do you really think women go into relationships with men thinking "I'm the hero no other women ever got to be because I'm the best" and not "oh my goodness he loves me so much he really wants me I can't believe it! he buys me things and takes me out and calls me beautiful I had no idea I deserved love" like can you take your heads out of your asses for one second. is female oppression real and built on rape, rape culture, rape rhetoric, or is it not?? does the hand of god reach down and just turn on men's rape and abuse button when women deserve punishment or is it hmmmmmm maybe men's intentional effort to woo a woman, trap her, and then abuse her for his own satisfaction. I'm really so sick of seeing shit like this on here from quote unquote edgy hard core feminists. fucking baby brains.
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cynical-cemeteries · 2 years
since i wanna branch out to sharing more of my traditional art,, and not Only Digital,, i wanted to start with these drawings i did of lairei recently!!! LET’S GO LAIREI LET’S GO
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sardonic-the-writer · 10 months
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𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩
↳ summary: you ask your distant and cold professor for some help with your thesis. good thing he seems to be an expert on fear
↳ warnings: mentions of murder, booze, guns, and some gore. canon type gotham violence. a wiff of stalking maybe?
↳ song: aleph—gesaffelstein
University life wasn't much different than you had expected. Television and movies glam it up to make it sound like the peak of your young adult life. A time for exceeding expectations and drinking cheap booze out of those weird solo cups in a random person's basement. But this was Gotham—where crime is the highest in the country and misfortune runs galore. The closest anyone got to walking into a stranger's basement these days was with the threat of a gun at their back.
In preparation for the quote-unquote finest school Gotham had to offer, instead of going out and buying the list of supplies your school recommended, you simply lowered your expectations. Not like there was much to begin with in the first place. You could get a protractor later.
Your thought process proved to be worth it too. Barely an hour into your first day, the campus was evacuated as a precaution for a major villain sighting in the area. Something about filling up a building with highly dangerous gas. As of weeks later, details still hadn't been released to the public. That was fine by you. All you cared about was not getting ripped away from your precious lunch again.
The campus cafeteria was drafty and smelled of mold, parties were thrown way too often, and most of your professors were stern with classes people only took so they could get their degrees.
In that case, Mr. Crane was no different from any of the other teachers.
There was certainly no lack of students in his class on the first week—the largely female percentage most likely gathered because of his pretty face. But by the end of it, over half had already dropped out.
You were not one of them. Somewhat regrettably, you had begun to think after hours of pouring over papers in just the first week. But you needed this class to fully understand your thesis topic and you'd be damned if you moved all the way out to Gotham for nothing.
That was what you were thinking about as you rounded the back row of Doctor Crane's class, staring blankly at the missed call from your mother atop your phone's home screen.
It had practically become a ritual for her to call you at least once a day since you'd moved to the city. Anytime you didn't pick up, it would send her into a frenzy—despite your multiple explanations of why you have your phone on silent during lectures. But that wouldn't stop her from constantly pleading for you to come back and finish getting your degree at home. Because even if it would take longer, and completely drain your bank account, at least you would be away from those lunatics. Or so she called them.
"You have nothing to worry about." You'd told her one time while watching a bowl of ramen bubble angrily on your stove. "Even if I was mugged or something, I'm sure the Batman would save me."
It had been meant as a half joke, said only to quell your mothers worries. Yet the more and more newspaper stands you passed on your way to the store, the more the vigilanties name came up. Often accompanied by the words HERO or SAVIOR afterward.
The sudden memory of newspapers stopped you right as you were about to cross the threshold from the lecture hall to the rest of the building. You were quick to turn around, flipping your phone back into your pants pocket loosely before approaching the professor's desk. A few more students filed out from behind you, one even tossing you a wave, before it was just you and the professor left.
Doctor Crane was nothing short of intimidating. Everything from the clean cut suit he worse, to his icy blue eyes—and even his second title as lead doctor in the nearby Arhum Asylum—was surrounded by an air of stoic professionalism.
The man hadn't even been there on the first day of school. Something that would have off-put you if not for the sudden evacuation, haulting any chance of first impressions. Instead, he had shown up the next day like nothing had happened: lips pressed into a tight line and eyes dull as he spoke to the class without really looking at anyone.
He had made it clear on multiple occasions that he was rarely available after class or for tutoring hours, but you doubted that even if he was, nearly anyone would show up for a one on one conversation.
Looks like you would have to be the outlier today.
You waited patiently as he shuffled from one stack of paper to another, eyes never once drifting over the rim of his glasses to look at you. Occasionally you would catch a glimpse of his usually devoid face break into a little frown before making a mark on a paper and moving on. You resisted the urge to peak and see if any of those papers were yours.
"Yes?" He adressed you by your last name suddenly. Packets and papers continued to shuffle. This time he did spare you a glance, a flash of something swirling in his cold eyes before disappearing. Or maybe that had been the dim light. It had been to quick for you to catch.
You cleared your throat before speaking; adjusting your bag unconsciously.
"I had a question or two for you about my thesis topic." You said with a level tone. He asked what it was somewhat dismissively, his monotone way of speaking ever present.
"I've been researching fear and its effects on the human brain for quite sometime, so I felt it was only fitting for that to be my topic."
That seemed to gather his attention. When you looked up from your examination of the plain black stapler on the corner of his desk, you were met with one raised eyebrow. His hand was writing on the stapled essay before him considerably slower.
If you squinted hard enough it almost looked like he was smiling.
"May I ask what has garnered your interest in such a subject?" He pressed. For a moment your mind went a little blank, not expecting such undivided attention from him. It was unnerving, concidering that before today he probably didn't even know your first name.
"Well, I've always been interested in how much emotions have a grip on the mind." The words were now tumbling from your mouth in a flurry of half-baked thoughts.
"It was only after moving here that I really realized how it can affect an entire city, much less just one person. Everyone knows how absurd the crime rates here are, but I don't think they've ever seen the stark contrast in the Gotham residents from, say, another neighboring city.
And not to mention there's a whole group of personas parading around the block inspiring pure fear. When the bigger crimes aren't outwardly released to the public, I'm starting to think the ones the police can cover up are being covered up. I did a quick search of specific types of crimes related to the patterns of people like the Joker, Bane, and Scarecrow, and too much adds up for it to all be a coincidence."
You reminded yourself to breathe. You knew you were passionate about this subject—hence the decision in thesis topic—but you were never this chatty with it. Something about Doctor Cranes' unwavering stare drew it all out of you in one go. He was a surgeon at the moment, prying your brain apart from the inside out and turning it over in his hands.
Or maybe you were over analyzing things again.
"And what do you think of this Scarecrow?" He had stopped grading now, plucking the clear rimmed glasses of the bridge of his nose and folding them neatly beside him. In a second, his icy blue gaze seemed to intensify in strength, pinning you in place like a specimen of his to observe. You made the brief connection between this and a lepidopterist pinning up butterflys by their wings. It was quick to leave.
Instead you thought back as news clippings and articals flashed in bold print on your mind. Pictures of the victims he had since left behind followed.
Most of them had died from shock or poison, toxins coursing through their bloodstream too fast for their bodies to handle. Not a wonderful way to go, but it was no better or worse than the dozens of mugging gone wrong that occurred everyday. If you ignored how they had all clawed their eyes out in terror, that is.
Your response came slow and methodical, words chosen with care. You were well aware that people had been thrown out of prestigious universities for speaking their minds about less, and you couldn't afford that right now. Besides. He had asked you a question. Who were you to deny him?
"I think what he's managed to make, to do, is a breakthrough in the scientific and medical field." If your professor noted the way you swallowed thickly he didn't say anything.
"What else?" It was almost like he knew every thought that crossed your mind before it even formed. As if he had been preparing for this exact moment.
You could continue. You could tell him that you'd started sitting by your thoroughly locked window at night, waiting patiently to catch a glimpse of a masked maniac. You could tell him that monster was the exact thing that pushed you to move to Gotham. You most certantly could tell him that you wanted to get your hands on that gas to do some tests of your own—see exactly what this Scarecrow had managed to create.
But instead you looked to the left and told him that was it.
"Well if that's all, I would like to continue this conversation at a later date." Doctor Cranes glasses were back on now as he stood up and began gathering his things.
"I'm not sure—"
"I'm quite interested in what you have to say." He adressed you by your last name again, shutting his briefcase closed with a chilling click. "After all, I have written some papers on this exact subject."
You know. You had read them in your search for more information on the Scarecrow's toxin.
"I'll keep that in mind, professor." You glanced at the doorway, wondering if it would be unacceptable to make a dash for it. You didn't want to be late for work any more than you were already. And if you were being honest this conversation had taken a turn you weren't prepared for.
By some grace of god he let the conversation drop. Not caring to spare another glance at him, you took to the door, planning out the route home in your head.
If he watched you go, you didn't notice. It wasn't until you had gotten home in your stained work uniform, beat up trainers grayed with labor, that you noticed your folder for his class was missing.
"Shit." You dragged a tired hand down your face, kicking off your socks as you lay next to the spread out compartments of your backpack.
You sighed. Looks like you'd be seeing Doctor Crane again sooner than you thought.
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reiderwriter · 8 months
Thoughts on unsub spencer reid fics?
Hi! I'm not sure if you wanted more of a general answer or meant this as a headcanon or gen request, so I'm just going to go purely on vibes and answer this as a question.
Spencer as an Unsub - Thoughts
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Disclaimer: Anything negative said here is absolutely not an insult towards any specific writer or fic. I don't really read unsub Reid fics, due to facts I'm about to get into, so I'm really not knowledgeable enough to be throwing shade 💀 This is personal opinion!
I personally would need a lot of convincing to believe in an "unsub" Spencer Reid.
In Criminal Minds, it's clear from very early into the show that Spencer is very empathetic with certain unsubs. The entire team have their own types of cases that they get more personally involved in (Morgan and cases involving child victims, JJ and apparent suicides, Emily and quote unquote battered women cases) but Spencer is the only one whose personal attachment to cases leaves him empathising with the unsub instead of the victim.
He's the only member of the team who could have seen himself committing violent acts the way unsubs do had his life veered down a different path. And, based on Spencer's background and the psychology of the show, he's probably right to be concerned.
He's a white male, at the peak of the show in his mid to late thirties, with a background of abuse and a family history of mental illness. By season four, we know he's highly skilled with a gun, and by season 12/13, we see that he can be pushed to violence when he is at the very edge of his limitations.
And then they make his character so intrinsically moral that you never question him ever again.
To a certain extent, Criminal Minds is about the perpetual cycles of abuse that human kind can inflict upon itself. Many of the unsubs were once victims, some of them perhaps still are. The heroes of the story are characters who have been able to break the cycle.
Spencer is neglected as a child. He has an absent father abandon him, a mother with schizophrenia who does physically beat him when she is having an episode. He is bullied heavily in school for his high IQ and his lack of social skills. But he is shown to deeply care for him mother and empathise with her deeply instead of coming to resent her like many of the unsubs in that situation. He resents his father, for sure, but instead turns that resentment into drive, leading him to "just keep getting more PhDs." And his personal experiences with bullying allow him to empathise with the unsubs that have gone through similar circumstances.
So I don't think canonically, Spencer is ever in danger of becoming an unsub. He deeply cares about the world and the people around him, and whilst he does have a kill count on the show, he either expresses deep remorse at having to oull the trigger, or it is in the best interest for everyone involved.
Basically, all that to say: I think Unsub Spencer Reid in fanfiction has to be written incredibly carefully, or it runs the risk of being very out of character. To be clear, I'm not too bothered about characters being slightly out of character in fics because it happens. I've probably written a lot of stuff where Spencer is OOC, too. And that's fine.
I do kind of draw the line at grabbing random unsub traits from the show and giving them to Spencer for a fic. For example, Spencer would never end up as a sexual sadist. He probably wouldn't be a spree killer, either. Not that anyone wants my writing advice, but if you're writing an unsub Spencer fic, think about his background and the profiles they generally give for the kind of signature/ crimes you're about to give him.
If this was a request, I apologise for the misunderstanding. But here's a little hint at what I might do with a general "unsub Reid" request.
☆ It would most likely take place after the events of Season 12/13.
☆ It's angst or nothing.
☆ The basic plot: Reid's headaches come back after taking a blow in the field. He tries seeking help for it but can't find any relief. On his next case, because of his chronic pain, he makes a mistake that gets his teammate, the reader, shot. The unsub escapes, but the reader falls into a coma. When it looks like reader is not going to pull through, he tracks down the unsub and beats his to death after a brawl. Massive overkill. The reader pulls through that night, and he feels no guilt for getting that monster off the street. But each time the readers health takes a turn, or they require a new surgery, he is compelled to go back out there and track down and kill another serial killer until the reader finally wakes up.
☆ I don't think it'd be very well received because there would be no morally grey smut. This is some tragic angst shit only, lmao.
☆ please don't put a request for this in my inbox. If I feel like writing it later, I might, I don't have the brain power right now, though 💀
That's all I've got right now, but I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on unsub Reid :)
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lunarose-moonflower · 2 months
Okay this is a really really niche but I've had this idea for literally ever and my brain won't let me let go of it
So we know that Danny phantom is crossover Central, DC / batfamily crossovers have an inherently different vibe from a lot of the others like in the nicktoons unite sphere which is a whole Canon crossover series with a bunch of Nickelodeon characters and the fandom crossovers with Randy Cunningham the 9th grade Ninja and American dragon Jake Long all of them have an inherently silly vibe to them that the DC crossovers don't have
I also noticed the trend of in a lot of other crossovers Danny is the most tired quote unquote mature serious one of the group which makes sense looking at the characters from the other crossovers but he's usually a petty little shit at Jason with the batfam which again makes sense in context
Which has got me thinking about doing a double crossover, Danny has been jumping dimensions for some times and he's made friends across a lot of them and whatever silly IP you can think of he's been friends with people from that one for a while, and they see him as the serious almost older brother type especially because his hero-ing is pretty intense until one day they see Danny walking through a portal to Gotham and spy on him for a bit to see that he is absolutely a little shit he just doesn't have the luxury of not being the most experienced and mature one of the group so he has to be all serious for like Randy and Jake for example but he regularly gets into prank wars with the robins you know what I mean?
This probably doesn't make sense to most people but my brain had me in a chokehold so I had to talk about it
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purelyfiction · 1 year
Hey! Maybe something with Knockout and Jake? Some kind of "we're trapped somewhere together even though we don't want to be" type scenario.
Oh helll yes, give me forced proximity any day.
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"Two floors. We had to go up two floors, Seresin."
"Hey! Don't look at me!" He holds up his hands in a defensive manner toward your words. You give him short lived scowl.
"Oh yeah Mr. 'When I was a kid we used to jump on these when we hit a new floor'?"
Jake's childish nature had forgotten that he was no longer a whopping 60 pounds like he had been as a child. So when he'd inevitably jumped - he'd screwed up the elevator somehow. Which, if you were certain, hadn't been updated in at least 30 years. That explained how the two of you were stuck in a Naval elevator - late for work and no cell service to get out. You'd engaged the fire rescue button about 5 minutes ago - which meant you still had a bit of ways until help arrived.
Blonde hair pushes up against the elevator wall as he sits, legs in a V shape, feet bouncing side to side - ADHD behavior at an all time high. "Well I can't help it you're a kill-joy." "Me?? A kill-joy??" Your astonished voice moves to look at him - only to hear the click sound of an iPhone camera. There's a coy smirk on his features, looking at the picture. "Oh that's a keeper for sure. Hell, I'd hang that on the wall of heros-" You lunge toward him to grab the phone, but he gets it out of your grasp, his other arm coming to block you.
"Jake, can't you be a decent human for like - two fucking seconds??"
"I don't think 'decent' is in my vocabulary there Kody." There's a snicker as he slides further and further away from you, the two of you both sat on the floor. Jake has run out of room to stretch, but his arms are notoriously longer than yours, meaning the phone, and it's photo, were well out of your reach. A huff of defeat pushes off of your lips and you sit upright.
"You're a dick." You scold and there's a smirk on his face.
"What about my dick?" Your eyes widen, moving to find green ones lit with devilish amusement. Your jaw slacks before moving about the elevator - please, there couldn't be cameras in here to hide this conversation- "There aren't any, sweetheart." He looks at you and you hate how quickly he was able to confirm that.
"Don't you be getting any ideas." You warn and Jake lets out a throaty chuckle, tongue wetting his lips.
"Would it be a crime to admit it was the first thing I thought of when we got stuck in this damned thing?" It was as though every muscle in your body tensed at once. Partly because - you're at work. He shouldn't be thinking of such a thing to start with - follow up with the second part, that you aren't anything. Neither of you are a 'thing' quote, unquote. "Considering we're at work, possibly? How do you even know that??"
Jake turns to you with a knowing smirk.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, babydoll."
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