#and one day she'll love food and then the next she does not go near it
jessiesjaded · 1 year
#I'll put depresso talk in the tags to spare innocent bystanders#I just cannot figure out if the little cat is done for or not#like sometimes she seems better and is meowing super loud bc she wants to go out#and then other times she just seems... idk i look at her and im like is this it?#are you going to go to sleep and not wake up?#the most frustrating thing is that she was always skinny since she first wandered up to the door#and one day she'll love food and then the next she does not go near it#like treats that she would decimate one week the next she wont even look at and then the week later she will#she ate some chicken breat i cut up small today so shes not totally empty but shes def not interested#is this the normal thing she always did or is it like the same thing with my old dog#like its impossible to tell if shes just being her weird self + recovering from last week#or if its like something more serious#i looked at the paperwork the vet gave me and turns out they never did a blood test so ??????? wouldnt that be the first thing you'd do#idk man its just worse than not knowing for sure#if i knew there was no hope id be sad but its an answer#as of right now its just an unknown quantity and i dont know what to do for her#whatever shes going back to the vet tomorrow hopefully they'll at least give her some fluids since shes not drinking enough#and check her teeth and just see whats happening#Honestly after watching my Nana horrifically die in march I really dont want another death this year#especially since this cat kinda showed up not long after my nana and was a bright spot#like i wish she could just be healthy and happy
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Happy Mothers Day!!
HBO!Ellie Williams X MotherFigure!Reader
Summary: The first mothers day Ellie has ever celebrated and she's going to make sure that it's amazing.
Contents: tooth rotting fluff, happiness, extreme cuteness
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Pancakes were supposed to be simple. Key word supposed.
Ellie woke up at the ass crack of dawn that morning, she had set her alarm clock for 6m and had switched yours off- discreetly forcing you into sleeping over time. She'd gathered all the ingredients the recipe had told her. Said recipe having been ripped out of the book they were originally in and found laying near a library a little outside of Jackson.
Ellie had squeezed fresh apple juice as she waited for the first pancake to cook through. A bad habit of Ellie's was losing track of time, she got carried away, squeezing the apple juice lead to her finding cutlery which lead to her cleaning said cutlery which lead to finding the right tray to put the silverware on. Ending up with the smell of burning flooding the kitchen.
She slammed the kitchens door, attempting to stop the smoke from wafting through the house alerting you of her antics and waking you up. She opened the window, the chilly air ventilating out the smell of smoke before she turned off the stove.
To say the pancake was a little crisp would be a bit of an understatement.
Shit. She only had enough for two, one for you, one for her. Oh well... She'll have the burnt one, today's about you anyways.
Take two was a little more successful a bit crisp on the edges but it'll do. She flopped them onto the two blue and white china plates- covering yours in fruit and hers in chocolate, balancing them on a wooden tray with the two glasses of juice before she took to the stairs.
She nudged open the door with her foot as she walked into the dark room, curtains closed and blocking out the ever insistent sunrise from seeping into your bedroom.
Cautiously, she placed the tray on your bedside table quietly before tiptoeing over to you window and drawing the curtains apart- the warm glow of the morning lightening the space.
Ellie watched as your eyes fluttered open. "Fuck kiddo. What time is it?" You grunted rolling over to look at your alarm clock 7:45am. 1 hour and 30 minutes late for patrol. Before you opened your mouth the soft voice of your daughter interrupted you.
"Don't worry Mom... I talked to Maria and she cancelled your patrol today" her hand gestured towards the tray of overlooked pancakes, before she whispered a shy "Happy mothers day mama..."
"Oh sweet girl come here" you opened your eyes as a blur of brown hair launched itself at you, her arms wrapping around you and giggling when you pecked her forehead lovingly.
"I tried to make you breakfast. It's not the best but-"
"It looks amazing kiddo. Thank you so much_ you smiled into her hair, before scooching up the bed- your back meeting the headboard as you move the tray onto your lap.
You took a bite of the fruit covered pancake, and honestly you couldn't tell whether or not Ellie was a culinary genius or you were just a smitten mother. Because fuck it tasted good.
Ellie's doe eyes looked up at you expectantly and with worry and anticipation. "Well done Ellie. This tastes so so so so good. You gotta cook for me more often now kid." You hummed, she seemed content with your answer.
"oh wait I got you something else" the girl said darting off your bed and out of the room before swiftly returning with what looked like... A sketch book? "I uh didn't really know what to get you and I thought you would enjoy something personal... So..." She shoved the sketch book into your hands "here."
You set your food aside, opting to open up the leather bound pad of paper instead. The first page read.
To Mom.
I know how much you like my drawings so I decided to put something together for you. Happy Mothers day.
Love Ellie.
You flipped to the next page and there was a beautiful sketch of you, sitting a the barstool of your kitchen island, glasses resting on the bridge of your nose as you read a new recipe
The next one was of you and Ellie. She had sketched out and traced the photo you both took in the malls arcade.
The next one was of a cartoon giraffe wearing a space suit on the moon.
It went on and on and on for 80 pages, sketches of you, her favourite things, her favourite hobbies, her favourite people it was so so so beautiful.
A single tear dripped down your cheek, "come over here baby" you sniffles hugging your girl tightly "my baby's so talented..." You hummed hands playing with her hair as she smiled joyfully.
"Thank you so much kiddo.."
I actually celebrated mothers day 2 months ago! But I have baby fever rn so here I am again, healing Ellie Williams mommy issues.
Taglist:@aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @eywaskisses @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13 @ilovebufflesbians @srryhoneyy @222fine444u
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Raz Reads Les Mis (XXVII)
Saint Denis - The House in the Rue Plumet
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A sketch of the highly characterful secret Rue Plumet house
It makes me think of the flamingo's house in Gnomeo and Juliet - once beautiful and full of love, before being shaken by sadness and abandoned
So it's the perfect hideout for Valjean and Cosette to live happy and undisturbed
For the sake of keeping himself, his identity, and his location hidden, Valjean actually has three houses
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that exceeds the average number of houses a person has
The Rue Plumet house he all but gives to Cosette
She has a room with a fireplace, with beautiful furniture, with soft fabrics
In the same house, Valjean gives himself only the most sparse room
He tries to eat black bread when he has dinner with Cosette, but she says that means she'll eat black bread too, so he eats better in order that she won't object to having good food
It's such a silly detail, but it made me smile
Cosette is also apparently 14 and they only stayed at the convent for five years? Why did I read it to be that they stayed there for eight?
Anyway, Cosette finds out that she's beautiful and it initially scares her
She also falls in love with Marius at first sight, but the nuns failed to add any understanding of romantic love into her education
Valjean notices Marius looking at Cosette more than the other way around, and he gets wary of Marius
Let's go protective dad Valjean!
Maybe a little overly protective (tell Cosette her mom's name damnit) but his heart is in the right place
I mean, he does say that seeing Marius made him realise he's still capable of hate so maybe not the exact right place
But it's always good to have a balance of intellect
Valjean ends up changing his routine to make sure Marius really is following them to swoon over Cosette
He is. Marius isn't even being cautious about it
Cue also more paragraphs about how pretty Marius is
The little requited but unaware yearning is adorable right up until I remember Marius is in his early 20s
I'm really just trying to read it for the story and for its time in history and the really good writing and not impose modern morals on the past
One day Valjean and Cosette are out on one of their walks when a procession passes them
A procession of galley slaves
Which leaves them both shaken, albeit for different reasons
Cosette saying that she can't stand the thought of even being near one of them
Valjean saying, when asked, that only sometimes are they still men
Valjean takes Cosette to a fair the next day to try get her to forget it
Not that it works, she's still curious about what exactly a galley slave is
This was a cute little hidden romance chapter right up until Hugo remembered what book he was writing and had to make it tragic at the end. If there's one thing this man has proven he can do, again and again and again, is to make the most rich, emotionally-wrought descriptions and still keep the story flowing easily the entire time.
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The Heathers + Veronica and their Pets
This is just a silly little thing I wrote before I start working on my next big work
Heather Catler the Cat
She's a dark greyish-black maine coon
She's Chandler's pet, but the cat doesn't really care for her at all
Mac is actually her favorite, but that's probably because she always sneaks her treats
When the Heathers and Veronica began their jobs, Chandler hated being alone all day, so she decided to go a get a companion
She stopped by the animal shelter where Mac sometimes volunteered, looking to adopt a cat as she was afraid of dogs
She decided on a maine coon because she had read up on their intelligence and gentleness, and figured that one would be a great companion
And sure they shed fur a lot, but its a small price to pay
Despite being a rather expensive breed, the actually had one at the shelter, and when Chandler approached her she began to rub up against her legs and purr
She was immediately sold on taking this little cutie home, and within a few minutes they were on their way
But as soon as they got home, the sweet gentle cat from the shelter was gone, replaced with an incredibly sassy drama queen
She would sit on the couch, hissing at Chandler anytime that she got close, only getting anywhere near her when she was hungry
She would let her know that she wanted food by going up to her, looking her in the eyes, and meowing very loudly until she gave in and got her food
Eventually her gfs returned home and were all greeted by hissing and loud, dramatic meows when they tried to sit on the couch
Chandler started to complain about her day and how the cat was a nightmare, only for Mac to giggle and say that yeah she does that
Apparently this isn't the first time that this has happened, as the cat was brought back on at least two separate occasions after she pretended to be a low maintenance cat to get adopted, only to reveal her true colors one they got home
Veronica then joked that the cat reminded her of someone and gave Chandler a pointed look, to which she got flustered and annoyed
Thats where the name Catler came from, full name Heather Catler, sometimes just Heather
Mac, because she's a nice person, would often sneak the cat treats which endeared her to her
Now she'll follow Mac around wherever she goes, occasionally trying to meow and get treats
She's also the only one who is allowed to touch her, so despite being Chandler's pet Mac is the one who has to brush her and bring her to the vet
When the four of them cuddle, Catler will come up and hiss at anyone who is touching Mac, but she has never bitten anyone
She's all hiss, no bite
Everyone just kinda tolerates her, she's that one roommate no one really likes but also aren't willing to get rid of
Chandler still tries to get her to love her, giving her treats, constantly buying her new toys and cat trees, but the cat still just views her as 'food human'
Most of the time she can be found at the top of her tallest cat tree, laying there like Simba on Pride Rock, overlooking her kingdom
She gets along with the other pets for the most part, but if one of them is getting too much attention from Mac she gets upset and makes it known
She will literally just sit on whatever poor creature has Mac's attention at the time until she acknowledges her existence
When she isn't home Catler becomes upset and will throw tantrums, just flopping near Chandler and meowing saying 'make nice human come home now food human'
How she views everyone;
Chandler - Food Human/Spare Human
Duke - Lazy Human
Mac - Nice Human
Veronica - Annoying Human
Cornelius the Snake
He's Duke's Ball Python
She had always wanted a pet, but her parents were dicks and told her that she could get one once her grades improved, which of course they never did
So now that she was an adult and could make her own decisions she decided to get a snake
When she told her gfs about her idea for a pet Chandler flipped out, saying that there was no way in hell she was going to let a snake into her house
Duke started teasing her, asking if she was scaaaaarrrrreeeedddd
Duke then said that if it having no arms scared her then she could just get a tarantula, they had 8
Chandler's face went white, and then told Duke to just get her stupid snake
After doing her research to see the kind of enclosure that a ball python would need, the food and where to get one from an ethical source, she was able to finally get her dream pet
After some arguing it was decided that the snake, which Duke dubbed Cornelius for literally no reason at all, she just thought it was a funny name, would be staying in her room
He's a snake, so he doesn't do much, but Duke really enjoys just watching him exist
She thinks that he's just so cute, and she just loves when he flicks his little tongue
Whenever she's stressed or upset about something and can't talk to her gfs about it she'll sit in front of his enclosure and rant to him, always thanking him for being such a good listener
JD will often come over just to see the snake, and him and Duke will just sit around and talk about snakes while Cornelius explores Duke's bed
Being the chaos gremlin that she is, she knows that she can use Cornelius in pranks, especially with a certain one of her girlfriends who is afraid of snakes
Like one time, after Chandler beat her at Wii Sports and spent the rest of the night gloating, she snuck the snake into her makeup cabinet and waited for the screams
Of course Chandler eventually opened the cabinet, saw the snake and screamed, and then Duke walked in laughing, telling Chandler that this was for last night
Speaking of Chandler, it was her job to feed Cornelius when Duke was at work
To help her accomplish this task while also ensuring she stayed as far away from the snake as possible, she ordered these 3 foot tongs, allowing her to hold the rat (which she found disgusting as well, but not as much as the freakin' snake) and let Cornelius get it while she stayed away
When Duke saw the tongs she told Chandler that she was being ridiculous, he's a ball python his defense mechanism is literally curling up into a ball, he can do nothing to her, but Chandler didn't wanna hear it
Since he's a snake he's not all that intelligent, so all he does is just slither around his enclosure, but even still Duke has declared him to be her son and that she won't let the mean Chan-Chan hurt him
Munchkin the Rabbit
This is Mac's pet
He's a tan Holland Lop with just the most floppy ears one has ever seen
He was surrendered to the animal shelter Mac volunteers at and whenever she saw him she knew she was taking him home
Mac loves most animals, but rabbits especially
They just have cute little twitchy noses and floppy ears and just every part about them radiates cuteness
She didn't do any of her work that day, she just sat there and watched him just do his thing
Without telling her gfs she adopts him and heads straight to the pet store, buying literally anything and everything she thinks a rabbit may need or want
She then heads home to where her gfs were waiting, being like 'hey Mac where have you been, you're never usually this late'
And Mac, who is bursting with excitement, gets the crate and opens it up, and Munchkin, who she named such because he's so cute and tiny like a little munchkin, hops out
Veronica immediately coos over him, and he just loves the attention
Chandler and Duke are less than thrilled, mostly because she made an impulsive decision and they don't really have the proper things to care for a rabbit, and that's when Mac goes get everything out of her car and they spend the rest of the night helping set everything up
They have one of the many spare rooms being used as a rabbit room, where Munchkin has free reign to bounce around in
It is filled with a little kingdom, a rabbit-sized castle that he can hop in and on, along with plenty of toys and hay
Mac makes it a point to spend at least an hour with him every day, but usually more than that, and unless it's raining or too cold/hot she'll take him outside to let him roam around their spacious backyard
Munchkin is a extremely friendly rabbit, not afraid of any people or other animals, so they can bring him out with them into the living room
Whenever Martha come over the first thing she wants to see is Munchkin, and just like when JD comes over her and Mac will spend time in the rabbit room just watching him hop around
He's also very cuddly and enjoys laying on the couch with Mac or any of them while they watch TV or whatever
While he may like everyone, someone really does not like him
Catler despises him, which is sad because he loves her
She hates how much attention he gets, and will hiss whenever she sees him
He doesn't seem to mind however, even when she sits on him
He'll just go up and sniff her, and when she hisses he'll take it
Despite being a rabbit and therefore not that smart, he has figured out how to get out of his room, usually by jumping over the fence or chewing through it
On several occasions Mac has woken up at 3am to see a rabbit trying to burrow into their cuddle pile, and it being 3am she's too tired to bring him back to his room
This has resulted in some hilarious moments whenever whoever is sleeping next to Mac feels something warm and furry when waking up and jumps and screams out of fear, only to see Munchkin's cute little head poke out of the blankets
JFK The Cat
He's an old tabby cat, blind in his left eye
He's Veronica's cat that she's had since middle school, and although he is getting up there in age he shows no signs of slowing down, mostly because he's already slow
She named him JFK after learning about him in history class during middle school, and he was a gift from her parents after she begged them for years to get a cat
He is the laziest cat to ever exist, all he does is sit in their library and occasionally get up to eat or go to the bathroom, before returning to his spot
This isn't even out of the ordinary or something that happened with his old age, even when she first got him he would just sit on her bed all day
He does so little that Catler didn't even know there was another cat in the house until 6 months after she was adopted, when Veronica had to bring him in for a vet appointment
Catler was so confused and meowed very loudly in protest
Veronica checks in on him everyday to make sure he's alive, and she gets more and more surprised each time
She jokes that he's 'too lazy to die', like literally the cat grim reaper would come to take him to cat heaven or whatever and he'd say 'that sounds like so much work, I think I'm gonna just stay here'
Veronica tries to play with him, but he always just stares at the toys and then her with a judgemental old man cat stare
Regardless of all that the Heathers know that she loves that old smelly cat and that when he dies she's gonna be heartbroken
But despite his advanced age he is in perfect health, the vets are amazed that she shows no signs of any diseases or issues that cats normally get towards the end of their life
Other Possible Pets
They've talked about getting more pets
And by they I mean mostly Mac
Chandler has said that she wants to get another cat, maybe one that actually loves her, but A they don't want the cat to fight with Catler and B despite her attitude Chandler still loves her and hopes that one day some understanding can be made between them
Duke also wants some more pets, mostly a frog bc 'they're gay, they have to get a frog they're gay icons' and a ferret bc she thinks they're cute
Chandler told her hell no bc frogs are gross and ferrets are creepy
And then we get to Mac
Mac wants every animal under the sun because they're all just so cute and she wants to be friends with all of them
They range from normal things, like a dog (specifically a golden retriever bc Duke always called her the human version of one) or tortoise, to things that are illegal or very difficult to own like lions or penguins or ostriches
She's heavily debated buying some land out in rural Ohio and converting it into an animal sanctuary, but she also knows that she doesn't really know what she would be doing so that idea is on the backburner for now
The main thing she's thinking about is finding another friend for Munchkin, maybe a little girlfriend, because although she loves him she's worried about him being lonely when she can't be around
The only reason she hasn't is that apparently its hard to find a neutered female of similar age that is friendly with people and other animals
She wants one with a similar temperament to Munchkin so that they get along, but apparently most rabbits are skiddish and don't like most people, who knew
Veronica doesn't know if she'll get another pet after JFK, but since he probably isn't gonna die anytime soon she doesn't need to worry about that just yet
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Part 2!
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The next day as Bella woke up going into the kitchen hoping to beat her family to breakfast and go to work early.
As she ate her food and left she quietly and quickly left the house. She thought things would be easy until "Morning Bella!" Said Camilo she groaned "Hi Milo."
"So where are you headed?" "To work. " "I'll join you. " "No..no there's no need." "Yes there is mama said I had to watch you to keep you safe if not she'll flood the village like she did when you where 16."
Bella left the house and never told anyone thus having Pepa flood the village 😑.
The teenage boy influenced her to sneak away that's when all hell broke loose and she never snuck out again.
"Ok ok you can come." "Great also Tia Julieta packed some of her healing meals ."
Disappointed that she couldn't use her beautiful long hair she spoke "I was actually going to use my hair milo. " He looked at her with a stern look "No don't ever use your hair on anyone else in the village..ever!"
"Ok ok jeez I'm just kidding Camilo! " She wasn't but she knew that was better then arguing with Camilo and the others.
"Ok good girl. " He pet her head as they went to work.
Lunch time
Bella walked to the stairs hoping not to see her family until Agustin saw her "Mija how was your day?" "Oh great papa." He looked at her hair as if he was examining it like he always does.
"I didn't use it papa." "She didn't use it tio." Said Camilo "Good must make sure that you are safe." He hugged her tight before walking into the kitchen.
"Antonio your shift! " Said Camilo as he went to shower as his brother walked down the stairs smiling "So..what do you want to do?"
"Nothing but rest." He shook his head as he took her to his room with his pet cheeta "Long day huh?" "Yup. " "Camilo watched you again huh?" "Yes and yes boy this family is a piece of work!" She said stuffing her face in a pillow.
"Look at this way everyone here loves you. "
"Yes I know tonio I know maybe that's the problem they love me too much."
"Lunch is ready guys!" Said mirabel
As everyone ate Bella wondered how would it be if she healed someone with her hair? Again like she use to? "Uh..we did well with the food today mama." "Oh great job mija and Camilo told me all about it I'm so proud of you! "
Oh how she wished she could be like other girls in the village..free.
Dolores saw She wasn't eating her favorite food. "Sis are you ok? You haven't touched your favorite food?" Everyone turned to see that she hasn't taken the first bite which worried them especially Julieta she got up to check her fevor.
"Oh dear are you sick?" "No mom I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "...well no actually. " Isabella got up "Who's Messing with you again I'll finish them!" "What no?! It's no one It's just that I wonder why I don't use my gift? "
"You did use your gift today you painted that beautiful picture on the wall near the river, a couple of houses-" "No Camilo I'm talking about my hair!"
She said frustrated everyone looked at her then at Mirabel "Bella you know what abuela said about using your hair-" she said calm but Bella as had enough
"No! No I don't know Mira why don't you tell me?!" "Bella-!" "No Julieta this is crazy!"
"Bella!" "Bella do not speak to your mother that way!" Said Agustin as she got up from the table "I don't know what crazy secrets your hiding but I'm so done I'm leaving!"
"No you can't! " Said Pepa thundering in fear "Why?! I'm old enough to take care of myself now! "
The cracks in the wall showed up as she walked up the stairs as Bruno was getting scared "No no no mija you..you must stay here!"
"Why tio Bruno? " "because you have to..you- before he could say anything Pepa covered his mouth "shush mama said to not speak about this and we keep our word." She whispered to her brother "I'm leaving. " I'm sorry you can't escape us my dear. " Camilo charged at her pinning her to the ground "Hold still sis."
Julieta pulled out a needle "What is that?!"
She scramed "Something that'll help you forget this..f o r e v e r." She said sticking her in her arm "Soon everything will be the way it should be."
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Prologue I
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.2k the start of jennifer's life, and how she ended up in hawkins before the events of season one take place.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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In Detroit, Michigan at 2:45 AM on May 1, 1966 --
-- in a hospital room, a woman — aged 16 lays atop a medical bed in immense amount of pain. Her hands hold the bars beside her as she heaves a large exhale. A doctor rushes in with a few nurses as they all surround her, telling her to push as she does. The female was scared, a little too scared, knowing that she'll be a mom to a little bundle of joy.
With all her might and a few extra pushes later, a baby girl arrives in the hands of a doctor as well as the world. Above, her mother can breathe fine again whilst beginning to cry tears of joy as the baby gets placed in her arms. 
“What’s her name?” The doctor asks. 
“Her name is Jennifer Marie Bennett.”
“Beautiful name,” the doctor complimented as jennifer began to open her big blue eyes.
Her mother was in awe at the sight of her daughter, admiring every little detail on Jennifer's face. The corners of her mouth twitch, forming into a big grin. She was tired, but it was worth it.
Jennifer Marie Bennett, born in Detroit, Michigan on May 1, 1966 was written on her birth certificate.
But that certificate will soon get lost somewhere in the world.
The details in her footprint was painted on the paper, given to her mother as well.
Throughout the beginning three years of Jennifer's life was easy to her. But to her mom, things were difficult. She was working two jobs plus taking on extra shifts, to pay for needed baby supplies as her mother watched over and cared for the young Jennifer. However, things go downhill in the next coming years...
Jennifer's mother struggled with providing for her daughter, leaving her in the care of her deadbeat dad or her grandparents. She got tossed around by various family members, because her mother worked days and nights, barely being able to see jennifer most of the time, or getting to spend her evenings with her baby daughter. She was a good mom for wanting something good for her daughter, however when Jennifer was developed a heart murmur, things took a turn. The money eventually went from buying diapers and baby powder to doctor visits. Luckily though, her heart murmur closed up by the time she turned three years, being able to get some money for food and other necessary items.
A couple years later, when Jennifer was just eight years old, her and her mother were evicted from their apartment for not paying the bills on time, so they resorted to a friend's house for another three years until they were forced to live in their 1970 Land Rover. Growing up, Jennifer learned things that most mother’s shouldn’t teach their young daughters. Other moms were teaching their daughters beauty and elegance, whilst her mom taught her how to use a gun, to hot wire a car, and other extreme things most girls her age don't learn unless it's an emergency.
Jennifer, who was nearing thirteen, was taken by CPS to a foster home and there. until she was around fifthteen -- eagerly waiting to get out, so she can enjoy and experience the life her mother wanted her to have. When she was in foster care, she was rarely abused... on some occasions she would be mentally mistreated which lead to her anxiety and depression -- she was diagnosed at fourteen years old.
Jennifer didn’t think anyone would adot her since she was a troublemaker, but that all changed when a married couple came in one evening and saw the young girl.
She later was adopted by Claudia and Mr. Henderson (at 14-years-old) was taken back to their home where a little boy awaits. Dustin Henderson was the name of the little boy, who became her younger brother. Of course Jennifer didn’t like the idea of having a sibling since she grew up as a single child, but she loved her younger brother with all her heart. As the years past by, he would get annoyed with her at times and would become easily embarrassed if she teases him at times...
In 1981, Jennifer started attending Hawkins High School, where she met various types of people... even some like her, who were almost outcasts. During her lunchtime, she noticed a girl ditching and smoking in the bathroom not far from the cafeteria. When she met the female, she was standoffish, but was polite. Wilhelmina Byers (commonly known as Billie), the daughter of Melvald's General Store employee, Joyce Byers and the sister of Jonathan Byers. Even though Phoebe was a bad girl, she was well-liked and very known by the popular kids despite her brother.
They later became friends, beginning to ditch class and smoke to leaving for the whole school day. However, Jonathan was not too fond of the friendship, but later came around and befriended the new girl as well.
Starting in 1982, Wilhelmina would take Jennifer to a nearby tree house -- well, one in someone else's backyard to hide when they ditched. But that later caught up to them before their sophomore year of high school. Later, Wilhelmina began experimenting as Jennifer was hesitant, unsure if she should do it too, considering the cons of sexuality. But Jennifer had her first kiss with Jonathan, almost embarrassed about it for a while, however, liking the idea of being with boys as they had a fling with each other.
When Billie found out, Jennifer was quick to get her feelings in check as she then called the whole fling off. It didn't hurt either one of them, and she knew that she did the right thing.
1983, her junior year in high school looked up. That was until met stuck-up priss, Nancy Wheeler. They weren't fond of each other, but dealt with each other for a while. Eventually though, Jennifer came around dressed different, looking hell of a lot better than she did before. She Switched her style from edgy to innocent. It earned the attention from Steve and his friends, and were later accepted into the group including Nancy and her nerdy friend Barbara.
There, she developed a crush on Steve Harrington. A huge mistake, unaware that Nancy was having a fling with him.  She was crushed and devastated, but held her head high even when she wanted to fight Nancy, not wanting to think ridiculous shenanigans. She made herself a promise not to reveal her past, and where she came from since she already told her little brother who later told his friends as that upset her in many ways. Though she did accept it.
She then revealed her past to Wilhelmina, unknowing that she'll be accepted no matter what and she was loved by so many people. Everyone liked her too, some didn't, but that wasn't the point in Jennifer's life. All she wants to do is live her life the way she wants to. She struggled with her romantic feelings toward steve, vowing to determinate them before ruining friendships and eventual relationships.
This time, though, Jennifer's life was just at its peak when her best friend's younger brother vanished, leaving with mysterious, unanswered questions... November 6, 1983.
0 notes
crimsonblackrose · 2 months
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I guess it's kind of an orange red, but those mirrors are not nearly as orange as that one shot had been.
If they're just now taking off the larusso auto plate does that mean that Johnny's been driving around for months without a liscense plate?
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Miguel has a skateboard
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This is kind of funny since it's the club Miguel lied to his mother and said he was instead of karate. Though it might be a reference to something else. Miguel also changed up his art and posters and moved things around a little.
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The put a tape player in from Pioneer.
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Custom molded snake lol. It's kinda cute.
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He finally has a real license plate.
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lol they're on friends street
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I always enjoy the Miguel and Johnny opening.
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I think this is confirmation that Robby sleeps on a couch and that it's a one bedroom where his mom has the bedroom. They don't even have a pull out bed.
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Shannon came back for medication. Rick says he's taking her to Cabo-adjacent. She's been gone for a few days.
Robby was right to kick this guy, his friends Trey and mustache guy no longer with mustache are probably after him.
The next thing she grabs is more pills
They're in apartment 3
She says she'll call the next day.
Robby asks about bills because he doesn't and then it's cut off. I don't know if that's doesn't have enough money or the ability to do so.
Rick is supposed to pay that month.
All the photos of Mr. Miyagi's ancestors were in Okinawa. Did they bring those home with them after Tkk3? Because Daniel hasn't been back right?
Sam dear, the cutting yourself off and stopping what you want to say because of the people around you is one of the biggest issues you had at the start of your relationship with Miguel. Now you've added Robby to the mix.
The front of the house where all the parking is is dirt.
Mr. Miyagi has a white canoe (I think it's from the film or they're attempting the one from the film) and it's sitting out out front with the cars but opposite of the cars.
Daniel seemed to have realized sparring in the back with the giant rock is a terrible idea so they're up front with the cars with a sand circle.
Daniel's says it's been a long time since there's been more than one student in Miyagi-do. I wonder if he means he and Julie trained together at one point or counts that, or if he counts himself and Sam together. Or if he means all the way back to Sato and Mr. Miyagi.
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Johnny's classes are an hour. He has a 4 pm class and a 5 pm class.
If I'm not wrong season 1 and 2 are the only times Johnny has money from this venture right? Where he's not scraping by?
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That's an interesting landline also a good sturdy printer
Johnny gets a new term he's unfamiliar with and thinks prank call. He really needs Miguel to like help him with interactions.
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I never noticed their pun food shirts before. I love it. Cobra Kai and Miyagi do truly break up all the childhood best friends. So far we've got Sam/Aisha (repaired temporarily), and soon Demetri and Eli, and eventually these two.
Also Hawk's nicknames are unoriginal, shithead 1 and shithead 2 aren't creative.
Aisha's choice is a little better (Though i mean still mean) Mary-kate and asshat.
Chris is such a sweetie, he held the door open for them last time and is stepping forward to introduce himself. Johnny these kids are getting mean, you gotta do some more work. Your chat only worked on Miguel. Ope, forgot Miguel had one too: Assface and douchebag. Do we not get the other kids name?
did I miss something? I don't remember Johnny saying yes to kreese. I guess that was supposed to be a leave you hanging and then he's back. I love his pointly little cowboy shoes.
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Okay that's what I thought, Bert joins first. See I thought they were the other childhood friends but clearly not.
There's white cubbies in the corner seems like that's where the bags and shoes go.
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I always assumed near the door, but I guess the entire floor isn't a mat just the center. And I'm honestly surprised how many people wear shoes over it when not in an actual lesson.
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oh wait Kreese is being respectful of the mat. The red and black now I get where Johnny got his eagle fang color scheme from.
Kreese already taking advantage of the crumb Johnny gave him and encroaching. Tomorrow became today. He should've kicked Kreese out and told him to come back tomorrow.
Robby isn't wearing shoes to train, but Sam is.
Robby's kind of dressed Daniel-esq with the pants under his shorts.
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Johnny introduces Kreese as a visitor which makes me think the agreement was he could come to one class and no more. Mr. Kreese is just an observer. Yeah he's trying to draw a line that Kreese walks right over.
The dab joke and the snake hiss
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I originally thought was embarrassing for Johnny to have happened in front of Kreese. But also very telling of how much they love Johnny and the class. Because they had to have all practiced that. But then after the dallies seeing Kreese say fall in and all the cobras fall in a circle behind him giggling makes me think it's a time honored tradition for cobras to be a little silly.
However, as much fun as they're having, maybe not the best choice with a guest around.
I also feel like they're very good at telling Johnny's moods and Aisha going straight for the second punch being a joke seems a little out of character based on how they a. Know Kreese is there and b. know that Johnny's sounding kinda pissed off.
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5am corner of Fulton and Raymer
To be fair I think if Johnny had explained who Kreese was they would've been much more serious. He did tell them to ignore Kreese, but at the same time he could've been someone trying to determine if they were good enough or if Johnny was a good enough sensei and whether their dojo would stay open or not. Like an inspector of sorts.
Emergency is at the North Hollywood location, which we haven't been to yet. Vic got taken by Tom Cole without letting there be a counter along with top two sales people during the last week of the month on purpose for timing. So Tom Cole is wasting money stealing Daniel's staff.
the North hollywood coffee station:
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Amanda is right. Daniel said he could balance teaching and doing work. It's weird anyway that the kids are there to study from him during the day and that he can't be at work during the day. It's not like Shannon's home. And Sam is Daniel's daughter, so why not evenings after work? And this is a big thing that means they're short on people and Amanda needs Daniel there, the company needs him.
Sheila runs errands as well. He told Amanda to call Sheila to go get a suit from his closet, so I guess Sheila has a key to the house?
Even though his compromise is let's sell 10 cars in one day, it really does show how good Amanda and Daniel work together.
I am surprised they tried to sell the car in the showroom and not in one of the offices. I figured anyone would want that to be private.
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To Danny and Mandy. It's interesting because I think the only one whose called him Danny other than himself in this moment is Terry Silver. Though that might've been Danny-boy.
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The glasses they're drinking out of look weird. Almost like vases.
She told the service team they can go home early. What if there were more people who wanted to buy cars? Just because they met their quota for the month doesn't mean people have to go home or that they don't need to sell more cars.
Mechanic drops wheel in middle of floor, why other than to give Daniel an idea?
ah yes cement mixer my beloved/beloathed. I forgot the kids mix the cement themselves before hand.
Johnny's cement friend is named Cutter and the company is called Panorama City Cement
The goal I guess is to make them scared of cement, according to Kreese who seems disappointed that they're just mixing cement.
Cutter's only doing this because Johnny's paying off his bar tab, so they must be drinking buddies.
There is pretty much no food in Robby's fridge. But he drinks 2% milk. Though the milk jug is almost empty. He also had one microwave half eaten container and one take out container and one 7 up.
The keene apartment
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Daniel this thing holds two bonsai's surely it'll also hold students, he says without testing it.
The poor Koi fish that live in there
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This isn't particularly safe either. I know we tend to note all the unsafe stuff Johnny puts his students through, but the amount of rocks and stuff around and probably under that balancing board, not to mention how much algae and stuff is on the ground of that pond. Plus it's a floating wooden disc, you slip and that thing hits you in the head???? Not to mention the board is wet.
Pretty much both cobra kai and miyagi do students are making valid arguments for safety and all are being ignored.
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Johnny should've started hosing the first batch of kids down long before they all got out.
Proud of Robby for being honest and transparent. Sorry for being snappy my mom left and missed some bills. I.e. the power went out and I've got no food and no parental unit.
Robby's house part 2:
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Daniel should've told Johnny as soon as Sam told him.
Robby is eating Corn pops with water. At least the water hasn't been shut off. But still.
It looks like Robby or Shannon put up a white board calendar...outside their apartment???
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Why? Also wish I could read it.
Daniel ready to adopt Robby.
Amanda: You have to talk to his parents, he has parents.
Daniel: I tried his mom.
Amanda: He also has a dad who you know.
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Literally the way she's looking at him and speaking is like, I love you but you're a dumbass.
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Monday 9-12 intermediate class (So longer than the 1 hour classes he mentioned over the phone)
Tuesday 407 Beginner class.
Wednesday 12 to something Advanced.
It must be summer or something.
In the next shot Beginner karate is smudged, so Kreese leaned against it.
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Wednesday 12-3 Advanced training
Thursday 9-12 conditioning
Friday 10-2 outdoor training. So i guess every Friday he takes them on a field trip?
Saturday 9-12 eEginner
Sunday Open schedule
Frank owed dues.
Proud of Johnny for turning down free booze from Kreese (Tallboys)
Kreese wasn't originally supposed to come back the next day for a third lesson, but he's working on it for sure.
Miguel's got keys and bringing food over because Carmen doesn't want Johnny eating slim jims for breakfast any more. 😂
Johnny's added two new take out menus to his fridge and moved Robby's photo up to eye level.
Also how on earth can Miguel tell from a 2010 photo of Robby in soccer gear and glasses that that is Robby? Like if he flipped it over to the back and it said something like Robby Keene's soccer at such and such school for such and such team I'd get it. But I can't tell that's Robby so how can Miggy?
Kreese is being a dick to the mini mart owner who last we saw seemed to be on better terms with Johnny due to mutual unhappiness over rent being raised.
Kreese bought Johnny his favorite Coors but can version. How much money do you think Coors gave cobra kai to be Johnny's beer? It's in every episode. Do you think William Zabka actually has to drink it or do you think they fake the cans and bottles and put like soda in them or something?
Kreese's almost all of us could've meant silver until he said my condolences.
Johnny saying "you don't know what you're talking about man" is maybe the only standing up to himself he does. And he is being honest. Daniel is unaware of the situation.
Kreese moving in and Daniel not clocking the way he shrugs off Kreese's hand and moves away always gets me.
No Daniel, no. You came to ask if Robby could live with you or if he knew that Robby didn't have a home, but completely skipping that and not saying and it and just making assumptions...infuriates me. Yes you don't want Robby anywhere near Kreese, but also neither does Johnny. And Johnny has a right to know where Robby is and his situation. I believe this is has Robby been kidnapped part 3. Fueled extra by mongoose brain. I want to know how the conversation with Amanda goes after this. Like did you talk to Johnny? Yes. What did he say about Robby? We didn't talk about Robby. Honestly, Daniel should go in the dog house for that one. You can't just adopt/steal a kid without parental permission Daniel.
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strangerficsx · 8 months
Prologue i
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.2k the start of jennifer's life, and how she ended up in hawkins before the events of season one take place.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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In Detroit, Michigan at 2:45 AM on May 1, 1966 --
-- in a hospital room, a woman — aged 16 lays atop a medical bed in immense amount of pain. Her hands hold the bars beside her as she heaves a large exhale. A doctor rushes in with a few nurses as they all surround her, telling her to push as she does. The female was scared, a little too scared, knowing that she'll be a mom to a little bundle of joy.
With all her might and a few extra pushes later, a baby girl arrives in the hands of a doctor as well as the world. Above, her mother can breathe fine again whilst beginning to cry tears of joy as the baby gets placed in her arms. 
“What’s her name?” The doctor asks. 
“Her name is Jennifer Marie Bennett.”
“Beautiful name,” the doctor complimented as jennifer began to open her big blue eyes.
Her mother was in awe at the sight of her daughter, admiring every little detail on Jennifer's face. The corners of her mouth twitch, forming into a big grin. She was tired, but it was worth it.
Jennifer Marie Bennett, born in Detroit, Michigan on May 1, 1966 was written on her birth certificate.
But that certificate will soon get lost somewhere in the world.
The details in her footprint was painted on the paper, given to her mother as well.
Throughout the beginning three years of Jennifer's life was easy to her. But to her mom, things were difficult. She was working two jobs plus taking on extra shifts, to pay for needed baby supplies as her mother watched over and cared for the young Jennifer. However, things go downhill in the next coming years...
Jennifer's mother struggled with providing for her daughter, leaving her in the care of her deadbeat dad or her grandparents. She got tossed around by various family members, because her mother worked days and nights, barely being able to see jennifer most of the time, or getting to spend her evenings with her baby daughter. She was a good mom for wanting something good for her daughter, however when Jennifer was developed a heart murmur, things took a turn. The money eventually went from buying diapers and baby powder to doctor visits. Luckily though, her heart murmur closed up by the time she turned three years, being able to get some money for food and other necessary items.
A couple years later, when Jennifer was just eight years old, her and her mother were evicted from their apartment for not paying the bills on time, so they resorted to a friend's house for another three years until they were forced to live in their 1970 Land Rover. Growing up, Jennifer learned things that most mother’s shouldn’t teach their young daughters. Other moms were teaching their daughters beauty and elegance, whilst her mom taught her how to use a gun, to hot wire a car, and other extreme things most girls her age don't learn unless it's an emergency.
Jennifer, who was nearing thirteen, was taken by CPS to a foster home and there. until she was around fifthteen -- eagerly waiting to get out, so she can enjoy and experience the life her mother wanted her to have. When she was in foster care, she was rarely abused... on some occasions she would be mentally mistreated which lead to her anxiety and depression -- she was diagnosed at fourteen years old.
Jennifer didn’t think anyone would adot her since she was a troublemaker, but that all changed when a married couple came in one evening and saw the young girl.
She later was adopted by Claudia and Mr. Henderson (at 14-years-old) was taken back to their home where a little boy awaits. Dustin Henderson was the name of the little boy, who became her younger brother. Of course Jennifer didn’t like the idea of having a sibling since she grew up as a single child, but she loved her younger brother with all her heart. As the years past by, he would get annoyed with her at times and would become easily embarrassed if she teases him at times...
In 1981, Jennifer started attending Hawkins High School, where she met various types of people... even some like her, who were almost outcasts. During her lunchtime, she noticed a girl ditching and smoking in the bathroom not far from the cafeteria. When she met the female, she was standoffish, but was polite. Wilhelmina Byers (commonly known as Billie), the daughter of Melvald's General Store employee, Joyce Byers and the sister of Jonathan Byers. Even though Phoebe was a bad girl, she was well-liked and very known by the popular kids despite her brother.
They later became friends, beginning to ditch class and smoke to leaving for the whole school day. However, Jonathan was not too fond of the friendship, but later came around and befriended the new girl as well.
Starting in 1982, Wilhelmina would take Jennifer to a nearby tree house -- well, one in someone else's backyard to hide when they ditched. But that later caught up to them before their sophomore year of high school. Later, Wilhelmina began experimenting as Jennifer was hesitant, unsure if she should do it too, considering the cons of sexuality. But Jennifer had her first kiss with Jonathan, almost embarrassed about it for a while, however, liking the idea of being with boys as they had a fling with each other.
When Billie found out, Jennifer was quick to get her feelings in check as she then called the whole fling off. It didn't hurt either one of them, and she knew that she did the right thing.
1983, her junior year in high school looked up. That was until met stuck-up priss, Nancy Wheeler. They weren't fond of each other, but dealt with each other for a while. Eventually though, Jennifer came around dressed different, looking hell of a lot better than she did before. She Switched her style from edgy to innocent. It earned the attention from Steve and his friends, and were later accepted into the group including Nancy and her nerdy friend Barbara.
There, she developed a crush on Steve Harrington. A huge mistake, unaware that Nancy was having a fling with him.  She was crushed and devastated, but held her head high even when she wanted to fight Nancy, not wanting to think ridiculous shenanigans. She made herself a promise not to reveal her past, and where she came from since she already told her little brother who later told his friends as that upset her in many ways. Though she did accept it.
She then revealed her past to Wilhelmina, unknowing that she'll be accepted no matter what and she was loved by so many people. Everyone liked her too, some didn't, but that wasn't the point in Jennifer's life. All she wants to do is live her life the way she wants to. She struggled with her romantic feelings toward steve, vowing to determinate them before ruining friendships and eventual relationships.
This time, though, Jennifer's life was just at its peak when her best friend's younger brother vanished, leaving with mysterious, unanswered questions... November 6, 1983.
0 notes
saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 1, Episode 17 ("The Breakup Part II")
What happens in this episode: In the previous ep, Dean dumped Rory because he is a barrel of smelly expired coleslaw. Rory eats two giantic beach pails of ice cream over it. Lorelai continues to dole out questionable relationship advice to her daughter. Rory goes with Lane (?!) to a massive Chilton party. Rory takes a can of Parmasean cheese into her bedroom and Lorelai doesn't blink. Rory throws Dean's pointless shit in a box and Lorelai has been throwing pointless Max shit into a box as well. Rory and Diet Logan share an unnecessary kiss. Everyone is boinking everyone except our eternal virgin girl scouts Rory, Lane, and Paris. It's a boinkfest with sprinkle cheese on top. Strap in. 9 episodes to go until a breath of fresh air arrives in Stars Hollow and everything goes to hell in a different way. (talking about Jess).
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OK THIS IS NOT CUTE OR HEALTHY LORELAI. ESPECIALLY NOT FOR A TEENAGER. LG: "Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material." NOT CUTE! Lorelai is so stunted when it comes to dating that she is passing this unhealthy shit down to her daughter. Why is Lorelai only tolerable when she's not getting involved in Rory's love life? The scene: Rory throws everything Dean ever looked at or touched including The Quarter on A String bracelet into a box. RG: Dean gave me this sweater. He saw me in it and he liked it. LG: Well, he's got good taste. RG: He said it bought out the blue in my eyes. LG: Then he's gay. Early 2000's tv writing, everyone! LG: In the future you might regret that you don't have those things anymore. They're 16 fucking years old. It's not like they were getting married. Half of what she threw in there were some old books Dean pretended to read. I think she'll live. I need to come up with a headcanon about what Rory put in her Jess Box. Ideas, people. I need ideas. Rory asks Lorelai to burn the box, throw it in a dumpster, get the box out of the house, etc etc. Lorelai agrees but just hides it in a closet under some blankets. If that were Rory's Jess Box, Lorelai would definitely have burned it.
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Some guy out there selling nuts on the street at like 7am. I respect the hustle. Thought it was going to be another festival. Guess Taylor ran out of funds to embezzle. For now. Rory doesn't want to go to Luke's because Dean might be working next door at Doose's. Luke is unbothered by their frequent boycotts because the Gilmore Girls never pay him for their food anyway.
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Now we can't go past the high school either because if he happens to be off from work he'll be playing football. Are these the same "Friends" Jess "played football with"? I need to see these guys, okay? I don't believe they actually exist. I guess Dean is a jock again. Lorelai is panicking because Rory won't go near Lukes. Just dump her off at the Nut Cart and go there yourself. Cut the cord, Mamma. You'll both live. Does Luke put crack in his Folgers? Is he dealing Lorelai drugs out of the stock room? Mamma is SWEATING. They take a detour through a back alley that I don't remember seeing again and enter Luke's through a back door #ThatsWhatSheSaid
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I have to share this amazing accidental screen shot.
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Let's place our bets on whether or not Rory is too naive to realize why Rachel is wearing Luke's shirt.
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Heh heh. They had sex. Rachel is working at the Diner because why not. Luke hires literally everyone in town at some point except for Rory. Who never held a single job throughout all of high school & college except for swiping meal cards at Yale for one day (she slept through it). The only thing Rory contributed to society was picking up trash during her community service. Anyway where was I...
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The boinking was good huh? Tomatos Sign spotting!
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Luke has got a real post-boinking smirk going. Luke: I knew that kid Dean was trouble. Does he think he can do better than Rory? Well, Lindsay seemed pretty nice, other than having questionable taste. #JusticeForLindsay
Luke spots Dean trying to come in and he runs outside to kick his fucking ass! LD: "Do you see a smile on this face?" DF:"No, but what's so different about that, you're not exactly the town crackup."
Babette: "I can tell Rory about how you have to go through a lot of bad relationships to get to the good one." Ah yes. The Jack Pearson burnt pancake theory. "I can tell Rory about all the horrible men I've known in my day, really, truly awful men. I was pushed out of a moving car once." #ILoveHer
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A paper invitation. How quaint. #Giraffes?
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Rory pulls out a can of Kraft Parmesan cheese and retreats to her bedroom with it. Lorelai does not question it. As if this is a regular occurence. I know Rory is going through a breakup but this may be a cry for help. I need answers. You know what else I need answers to? How Lane was allowed to go out to a Chilton party with Rory and leave the house in a spicy red low cut blouse AND she has a midnight curfew?
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Oh stick a fork in my eye. What is this? It's either A Max Box or a Christopher Box? That she keeps in the same closet as the Dean Box? That closet needs an exorcism. (it is never directly said, but it is likely a Max Box). Overwhelmed with emotion over her Box Of Max Shit, Lorelai first stops at Sookie's house where Sookie is interfering with Jackson's cooking a romantic meal. Lorelai then makes her way to Max's doorstep without any prior notice and the first words out of her mouth are "Rory and Dean broke up." And then she starts one of her rambles. Max looks reasonably befuddled and then invites her inside. Figured he'd shoot his shot with an emotionally vulnerable Lorelai just like Christopher did a few episodes back. Just like with Christopher, it worked. This is a first and probably a last: Lorelai actually admits she's a hypocrite. She uses the words "I'm a hypocrite." That's refreshing. She is the BIGGEST hypocrite. You know what it means when Lorelai starts rambling to a man? They're gonna have sex. They had sex. Still no answers on how Lane was allowed to go to this Chilton party. Besides being in awe of the size of the house she seems comforable and unfazed at this massive party that should be wayyy out of her element (same for Rory), but maybe that's just my own social anxiety talking.
Here's a Dork Hall of Fame worthy quote from Rory to Paris: "Can you show us the way to the soda?" Such a good little girl scout. Lane, not to be outdone: "All this soda is French!" I never drank in high school or even much after that, so there's nothing wrong with drinking soda whatsoever, but they still sound like absolute fucking dorks and it's kinda cute. Although there are people walking around with red Solo cups, there is curiously no alcohol mentioned or visible at this massive unsupervised teenage rager run by a pair of Bad Girls (the show had no issue with depicting an underage keg party in season 3 but I guess they needed time to build up to that or in season 1 there were censors up the writers' asses or something) In this episode Rachel and Luke boinked, Sookie and Jackson presumably boinked, Lorelai and Max boinked, Madeline and Louise presumably had an orgy with their 30 year old looking hookups with frosted hair, and Tristan has an argument with a girl named Summer who boinked some guy named Austin in a bathroom. Rory, Lane and Paris remained unfucked soda-sippers who bring books to parties. I want to see Rory and Jess tucked away at a table reading together in the strip club.
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#StepCousinSoulmates Lane and Henry dancing at the party is one of the cutest moments of the show. Lane has got some moves too. Later, Lane explains to Rory how Henry has all of the qualities her parent (s)?? would love but she doesn't want to date someone her parent(s)?? would actually approve of. I thought this is where we'd hear Lane's panic set in when she realize she'd have to find a lie to tell Mrs Kim. How would she explain to her Mom that she met this perfect boy at an unsupervised high school party at a mansion with a pool table and soda in plastic cups? But no. Still no answers about Lane's presence/escape. Lorelai and Max are making out awkwardly. Max pulls away. MM: We have to get a grip here. LG: I thought that's what we were doing. Lorelai you dirty bird! Diet Logan (Tristan) is attending this party and he's being mopey and annoying. Rory, being the ever sweet and thoughtful soda-sipping girl scout that she (currently) is, decides to talk to him and see what's bugging him.
Tristan (aka Diet Logan): "Think you'll get back together with Dean?" Rory: He was pretty set in his decision. Narrator: Neither Rory nor Dean were "pretty set in their decision". Diet Logan pretends to empathize when Rory tells DL that Dean dumped her and "apologizes" for bullying her. Whatever. Then just like Max did to Lorelai in this episode, DL takes advantage of Rory's vulnerable emotional state to kiss her. DL says "did I bite your lip?" after he kisses her and Rory looks like she's about to cry. All I can think about is the time Rory told Logan he bit her lip after he kissed her. I want to jump in my time machine and tell her to be patient because someone who actually knows how to kiss without mangling her mouth (Jess) is going to arrive soon. The dynamic between Rory and Tristan (and also Paris and Tristan) continues to be utterly confusing. I still don't know what purpose Tristan was meant to serve.
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I have never seen such a huge plastic beach pail of Ben and Jerry's like that before in my life. Plus there are two of them and one already appears to be empty. Slow down, kid. Don't waste the good ice cream on Dean. ESPECIALLY not Cherry Garcia. The best flavor. Can we get another shot of this pail? Holy moly. That must be a Costco-sized tub that's meant to feed an entire birthday party.
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OMG. We STILL haven't gotten to one of the worst advice speeches Lorelai ever gives Rory (besides the one she just gave about how stalking is so cute). It's already two or three episodes further into the show than I remember it being and still hasn't happened. If you don't know which one I'm talking about you hopefully will soon and this misery can end. The Good: Actually not a lot of Dean in this episode. Luke kicking Dean's ass. Henry and Lane are adorable. Rory and Lane being dorky. Lorelai admits she's a big fucking hypcorite. New Headcanon: The content and fate of the Jess Box. The Bad: Lorelai's usual sketchy advice. Men taking advantage of vulnerable women. The Confusing: No answers are given on how Lane ended up at a Chilton party either without her mother noticing or without revealing what lie she told Mrs. Kim to be allowed to go. Just like Jess, Dean claims to have friends he plays football with when we know he has no friends. A man is selling nuts at 7am. Rory eats two buckets of ice cream by herself and lives to tell the tale. WHAT DID RORY DO WITH THAT PARMESAN CHEESE?
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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in your arms || aether, bennett, chongyun
masterlist characters: aether, bennett, chongyun genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o is in desperately need of cuddles. notes: ah i miss cuddles :(( if you can't tell from how i write cuddling, i'm big on physical affection like hugs and stuff. can't do that now tho :( also, hun is a petname i use like... all the time. idk man, i just really like it :D
aether -
i feel like this boy gives some of the best cuddles.
i like to think he's the "older" twin out of the two.
on the coldest nights of their adventures, him and lumine would cuddle up next to each other next to a fire to keep warm (platonically of course).
if you're in teyvat after he's lost his sister, he'd put everything into those cuddles.
he misses her so much and he hates the idea that one day, you'll be gone too.
although he held high statuses in both mondstadt and liyue, aether still preferred to camp outside the city limits.
something about the calm and quiet outdoors brought peace to the otherworldy traveler.
and you never really minded it.
as long as you were able to be next to him, you were content with any living condition.
luckily, it never really affected your nightly cuddles with the blond :)
one day you both split up to handle separate commissions, right?
one brought him all the way to mondstadt while yours required you to head to liyue.
this commission, however, was one you didn't particularly enjoy.
it wasn't because you couldn't handle, because of course you could.
in fact, it was purely because of the neverending stress building on top of you.
so once your commission was complete, you definitely were in need of some good ol' aether cuddles.
you waited for him by your usual spot, the aching feeling in your chest growing more unbearable as time went on.
until eventually--
"(name)! sorry, did you wait long?"
"we brought you some food to make up for it!"
the familiar voices of of your beloved traveler and his emergency food companion called out to you from down the path.
aether was running over to you with paimon in tow.
and you, desperately wanting to wrap your arms around him, ran over to him and met him halfway down the path.
before he could talk again, you had already jumped into him and were squeezing him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
"wh-whoa! (name)?"
instinctively, he'd wrap his arms around you.
he wouldn't need to ask about how your commission was, he could already tell by how tight your grip was around him.
he'd pat his hands on your legs, signalling for you to jump up into his arms.
and, of course, you do.
he still needs to set up your tent and all, but he doesn't want to let you go either...
next best plan? just build the tent with you in his arms.
it'd take him longer than it normally would since he was busy holding you, but he'd get it done.
paimon definitely wants to tease the two of you, but she'll save that for tomorrow when you're feeling better :)
once paimon disappears to wherever she goes, it's just you and aether in your tent beneath the moonlight.
you're both accustomed to the hard floor beneath your tent, but that never mattered.
all that mattered was that the two of you were together.
if you're still awake, he'll whisper some stories of how his day was and what happened during his commission.
i like to think his go-to position for cuddling would be the honeymoon hug?
i mean, like i said before, cuddling is something that reassures him that you won't be leaving anytime soon.
so something like that type of cuddling where your both holding each other is his absolute favorite.
but if you're in need of comfort, he'd be laying on his back with you on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist and hugging you close to him.
he likes to talk to you, surprisingly.
i mean, we've seen how quiet this boy is.
but with you, he'll talk to you even after you've fallen asleep.
"i know today's been kind of rough on you, hun... i hope just being here with me, holding you close to me, is enough to help comfort you."
bennett -
bennett... has absolutely no experience in cuddling whatsoever.
you'd have to be the one to help him out.
he's always afraid something will go wrong due to his bad luck that he's tried his best to stay away from intimate things like that.
plus, he's also very energetic and jittery so cuddling isn't something that's crossed his mind to begin with.
you'd be the one to show him all of the different positions you could do, include those where you're just sitting next to each other.
he's definitely touchy since he's never experienced this before.
still kinda hesitant though because of his luck ://
he needs a lot of reassurance from you before he even thinks about fully cuddling in his sleep.
in fact, a lot of the time it'd be you who's cuddling him after a bad day.
i think his favorite position before fully allowing himself to cuddle would be ones with lingering touches.
like a simple arm slung over the shoulder and your legs crossing each others' in your sleep.
those small gestures.
but once he's used to cuddling...
he loves the idea of having you hold onto him while sleeping.
kinda like the sweetheart cradle with you being the one to hold him.
he just needs that reassurance that you're okay with him and his luck won't do anything to change that.
but sometimes you need to be cuddled too.
you're day has been rough, what with the countless things you needed to do that day (be it because of procrastination, schedule mishaps, etc.)
you'll head towards the adventurer's guild in search of bennett.
his dads all know you, of course, so whoever meets up with you takes him to wherever he is.
you wouldn't need to say a lot to bennett for him to know something's up.
probably just a small hum or murmur would be enough to clue him in.
you'd drape yourself over his back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and digging your nose into his neck.
he'd jump for a moment, thinking someone else knocked into him because of his luck.
but then he realizes you and he relaxes.
he'd bring his hands up to rub your arm, hearing your muffled whines as he does so.
his dads would already notice you're having a bad day, so they don't say anything that'll disturb you two.
honestly? bennett would probably want to cuddle with you right then and there.
he's not one to get embarrassed too quickly, so he wouldn't mind.
but his dads bring up a good point that you both should probably be resting in an appropriate bed instead of the floor or a bench.
so the two of you would head home as soon as you could!
bennett would talk your ear off about his adventures that day.
if you don't wanna talk, he can do enough for the both of you!
anyway, you'd both head home and jump into bed as soon as you can.
he'd instinctively go to your standard position but then he remembers that you're in need of some well deserved cuddles.
so instead, he'll be the one to hold you close.
he'd let you rest your head on his shoulder or chest.
you could trace the scars running up and down his arms.
he'd rub your back lightly while talking about his adventures again.
he'd tell you tales of the mare jivari he's heard.
and when you're off to sleep, the stress leaving your system, he'd continue to rub his hand along your back.
"how about tomorrow we go on an adventure? just me and you. we could do whatever we want to get your mind off of things..."
chongyun -
this poor boy doesn't cuddle a lot!!!
he's gotta stay cold, y'know?
as much as he'd love to just wrap his arms around you all night, he can't...
but he will try!
he'd definitely try to push himself near the beginning of the relationship.
i'm talking forcing himself to cuddle all night, no matter how hot it gets.
but, as the loving s/o you are, you tell him that it's okay he can't do the full body cuddles like other people.
but he still wants that touch, even if it's a little.
his cuddles are the ones where only a certain body part is touching the other.
like his arm is up against yours or your legs are touching.
those types.
he feels bad he can't do more though :((
he for sure owns those cooling blankets, even if it isn't for cuddling.
if you're under one of those, it's more likely for him to try and give you a hug as you both drift off.
he'd eventually separate from the hug if he's feeling too hot.
and as much as you're okay with those small cuddles with fleeting touches, there are times where you just need a good cuddle full of hugs.
he'd come home from another day of trying to exorcise evil spirits, wanting to simply fall into bed where he knows it's nice and cool.
he'd greet you once he walks into your bedroom but he'd notice...
you're wrapped up in your blanket and hugging your pillow tight, acknowledging his entrance with a simple nod.
he doesn't know what's causing you to feel upset or stressed, but that doesn't really matter anyway.
he'd hop into bed right next to you, slowly unwrapping your body from the blanket.
you're still clutching onto your pillow once the blanket is gone.
he'd have to turn you over for him to even be able to look at you.
you're resting your cheek on top of your pillow while looking up at him with tired eyes.
he'll cup your cheek with his hand, smiling softly when you nuzzle into his cold palm.
he would stay on top of the sheets while you're lower body is tucked underneath it.
he'll rub his thumb along your skin, watching as your eyelids flutter every now and then.
"have you been awake long?"
you shake your head.
"i see... come here."
he'd open up his arms, a gesture you hadn't seen for a long time.
this one, however, was different.
he didn't have a forced smile on his face and his arms weren't tense like before.
this time, he had that soft smile you'd always see when you two are enjoying popsicles together and his arms were relaxed.
you'd scooch over the bed, tossing your pillow behind you as you nuzzle into his chest.
he'd let out a quiet chuckle before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sorry i don't do this often."
"...it's okay. i like our cuddles no matter what."
"but you deserve this every once and a while."
you'd just hum in response, smiling at the feeling of his thumb rubbing your skin.
he won't talk as much as the other two, opting to keep the calm silence in your room.
you could hear his quiet breaths and his heart beating in his chest.
and you fall asleep to it, the feeling of his arms around your body permanently marked on your skin.
"i normally... get too hot when we cuddle like this. but now... it's feels really nice."
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dark-and-kawaii · 4 years
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 : Makki and Matsukawa would totally share the same pussy and that thought alone makes my brain go brrr 🥴 same with tsumu and samu sharing 💦 do you think ushi would share with tendo sorry my brain is on a three way kick
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : Hanamaki x Reader x Matsukawa - Atsumu x Reader x Osamu - Ushijima x Reader x Tendou
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : NSFW - Fluff - I love them
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮 : I 100% agree they would be in a poly relationship with you xoxo and thats how it would be. But again I'm going to try and capture how they'd actually be when sharing xoxo I hope you like it!!! I hope I captured them xoxo!!!
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Matsukawa and Makki 100% are both in a relationship with you and they love every minute of it.
They don't do anything with one another but they sure as hell do a lot to you. Making you break between them is something they both look forward to damn near every day.
Matsukawa works during the day and because Makki is currently jobless he's left to "take care" of you. Don't worry, Makki makes sure you're nice and satisfied before you leave the house. Makes sure you leave feeling full, if you catch my drift. 
Speaking of being full, you'll more than likely be with them for the long run because they honestly couldn't imagine being with anyone else… and they both want a kid… of their own. 
They will be filling you up with their cum till you're nice and pregnant, and there isn't really a plan. They both just fuck you and see who's kid comes first. 
If Makki's kid comes first then you're off limits until Matsukawa gets you pregnant… they aren't trying to raise more than two kids… Neither of them could afford it as much as they'd love to see you pregnant 24/7.
Both are protective of you. If you're at a bar with them and they see some guy getting handsy with you they will come up behind you- Makki snakes his arm around your waist while Matsukawa wraps his arms around your neck. 
They'll put on a small show for the ass hat who dared tried to swoop you up,  Makki starts to raise your sexy little dress and Matsukawa begins to mark your neck. 
After the guy hastily makes his way out of the bar -stumbling in the process- Matsu and Makki push you in the men's restroom to have some fun with you. 
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Osamu and Atsumu will share you for about a year or two before Atsumu breaks down and forces you on the spot to pick one of them. 
You didn't ever see yourself being in such a  predicament, but here you were… stuck between the Miya twins as they fight over who gets to date you. 
Atsumu is the one who grabs you by your arm and pins you to his chest, his other hand running through your hair "(y/n) knows who the better choice is!"
Osamu is next to grab you by your arm and yank you to his own chest, "Do ya feel threatened by ya much better lookin twin!!"
Atsumu was furious and in a blind rage he thought what he was saying was the best thing "HOW BOUT WE SHARE HER THEN!" 
His plan was to prove to you he was the better twin…
Its not all the time, but now and then they will both tag team you and spit roast you.
Atsumu isn't a fan of sharing -even though this was his idea…  he's an idiot-.
Osamu isn't really a fan of it either. Samu however won't ever admit it… but he loves to smirk at his brother devilishly when pounding into your tight cunt. Making you scream his name and moan in pure bliss. He knows he's bigger than Atsumu and it makes him cum ten times harder knowing he can please you and reach deeper than his twin. 
Thus what starts to claw at Atsumu. He knows he knows much better tricks and moves in bed but the way you moan for Osamu is different.
Samu hates it when he's trying to sleep and Atsumu has you caged underneath him, pounding you raw and making you scream as he bites down on your neck. Osamu likes a sleep schedule and Atsumu loves fucking it up with your help.
There are decent days where they do actually enjoy sharing you. 
Osamu will make you your favorite for lunch and Atsumu will have you in his lap while you and him both eat samu's delicious meal. It makes Osamu smile tenderly, watching both you and his twin enjoy his food. 
Atsumu enjoys walking in on you and Samu playing video games, his twin laying atop of you lazily while smashing the B button. It makes Atsumu want to jump on the two of you, so he does :). 
Nights like those usually end with all three of you curled up. Osamu with half his body on you and Atsumu wrapping himself around your other half. Or you'll be snuggled into Osamu’s back and Atsumu will be spooning you. They don't admit it until it's the end of the relationship, but they both really liked sleeping like that. 
Both keep an eye on you when out in public and to be honest no one ever tries to mess with you when they're around, it's nice.
About a year and a half goes by and Atsumu is starting to make it big, more girls are trying to get him in their bed and he hates it. He wants you and only you. He wants a family. 
Osamu is starting to feel similar feelings, he wants a child to feed his food to, he wants you to himself in his own bed and he wants you to work at his restaurant with him…
You're all having dinner when Atsumu aggressively slams him utensils down and stands up dramatically, "Ya gotta pick (y/n), me or him." Both him and Samu's heads are hanging low… one of their hearts were about to shatter, they just hoped it wasn't theirs. 
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You were originally JUST Tendou's girlfriend. He doesn't share, and you sure as hell didn't want some grimey girl to put their hands on him. 
But, things change and now Ushijima is on top of you pounding into you as if you were going to be his last lay. His cock slamming into your cervix as you cry fresh tears. 
Ushijima looks up at Tendou who is now caressing your cheek, wiping away your tears, "its okay, she's enjoying it.  My little bunny is just really sensitive and is trying to hold back her climax." 
Ushijima has never had a girlfriend before and he never really was interested in one until he met you. He was jealous of you and Tendou and eventually his guessing best friend caught on. 
Tendou is the one who offered Ushijima to join in the next time you and him had sex,  that it would only be a one time thing. But that one time turned into another time and then a third time until finally it was just a normal thing.
Now you have two tall men in your life who want nothing more than to please you and make you happy. 
When they're both out at the mall or grabbing groceries they'll both either find a small pin for you or some small trinket and bring it home for you. Or if they're at the grocery store they will both pick out a treat specially for you.
Ushijima sometimes doesn't know what to pickout for you though so Tendou will walk up to him smiling and help, "no no, this one! She'll like these the most!"
They both enjoy curling up with you on the couch to watch movies and fall asleep. Ushi and Tendou are big babies and it always makes you giggle when they both fall asleep on you.
Bedtime is HOT, and not as in sexy hot but sweaty hot. My god both these beast put out a lot heat and as much as you try you can never roll away from them. If its not Tendou pulling you back to them its Ushi wrapping his strong arm around you so you can't move. 
Best to sleep naked or in your undies babe.
~ 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝔀𝓲 𝔁𝓸𝔁𝓸
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VAXLETH WEDDING?? I saw your proposal fic and I would love a wedding sequel!!!
tw: panic attack (also I don’t think this is what you were asking for but this is what came out when I started writing)
Keyleth paces the room anxiously, chewing on her thumbnail. Percy and Pike are watching her sitting on the bed, both silent since she snapped at them not a minute earlier. "Keyleth, you need to breathe," Pike tells her gently.
"I can't, Pike," Keyleth replies, her voice sharp as she paces slightly faster. "This is the most important day of my life and I can't fucking breathe and I-"
"Okay, okay." Percy steps in front of her and grabs her by the arms. "Keyleth, calm down. You are perfect, he already loves you, this is just making it more official."
"Percy is right." Pike walks over to her as well. "Just breathe."
She shakes her head, "I can't, I can't. I need Vax, Pike, I need him."
"I'll go get him," Pike tells her calmly. "Fuck traditions. But while I do, you need to listen to Percy."
She nods, as long as she'll bring Vax she doesn't care. The next few minutes are filled with futile attempts on Percy's behalf to try to get her to breathe. Eventually, the door opens and Vax rushes towards her. She barely has a second to appreciate how he looks in his black suit with golden details before he takes her into his arms, holding her close.
"What's going on?" He asks her gently.
"I don't know, I'm kind of freaking out," she tells him rapidly. "My hair is so tight and my feet hurt and I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Well," Vax holds her at arm's length and looks at her calmly, "those are two problems we can fix right now. Come here." He leads her over to the bed and sits her down on the edge, climbing up behind her. "Let's just take all this hair down, okay?" Keyleth nods because honestly she is so near tears and overwhelmed and Vax is the one thing keeping her calm.
Vax starts pulling out pins, her hair falling down her back and shoulders as it comes undone. As he does, he presses kisses to her shoulders. "I love you so much, Keyleth. I know that this is overwhelming and if you wanted to I'd leave with you right now and we could get married with my sister and Freddy as our witnesses and no one else. I don't care about any of it, just you."
Keyleth sniffs and wipes her nose on her arm, "I know, I'm sorry I'm freaking out."
"It's alright, to be honest, I was kind of freaking out with Vex earlier." Vax chuckles as he pulls the last pin out and Keyleth's hair falls around her shoulders in a protective shield. Vax then moves to in front of her and starts undoing the straps of her shoes.
Once her feet are free, he stands and smiles at her, "Better?" She nods, suddenly feeling very stupid. Vax kisses her forehead. "I have an idea. What if we push back the ceremony an hour and the two of us get some food and we just take a breather together."
"Are you sure?" Keyleth asks. "I don't want to keep everyone waiting."
Vax squeezes her hand, "You are more important. Besides, my father is out there and he can wait as long as I damn well please."
She chuckles a little and then says, "Okay." Keyleth leans against him as he sits down on the bed next to her. “As long as you’re sure.”
“I am.” He kisses her softly and then leans back, tucking his arm around her waist. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
Keyleth blushes a little, “So do you.” She runs a hand down Vax’s chest, feeling the soft material of his suit. She’s wearing a white dress that honestly looks more like a sundress then a wedding dress with golden flowers embroidered on the hem and thin straps that show off her shoulders and the freckles covering them.
“I should tell Vex that we’re going to postpone the wedding for a bit.” Vax says after a moment.
Keyleth nods and forces herself to pull away from him. “Can she bring us some food too?”
Vax smiles, “Of course she will, she’s got a soft spot for you.” Keyleth makes a face, that’s definitely not true, but she knows Vex will do it anyway.
As Vax heads to the door, Keyleth falls backwards onto the bed, hands resting on her stomach. She takes a deep breath and feels the sun rays washing over her. She knows that in a little over an hour she and Vax will being taking the most important vows of their lives in front of all of their friends, but right now she feels safe and calm. And with Vax by her side, those feelings will last a life time.
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Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way - Chapter 2: Age 15
this story will be angsty, so consider this your warning! there will be a happy end though, so I hope that helps. enjoy!
cw: angst
word count: 1.774
read on AO3 || masterlist
chapter summary: the one where Rowan has a crush
The history lesson is deadly boring. Aelin is seriously afraid she's going to fall asleep any minute now. She wishes she could care about the Kings and Queens that have ruled Terassen hundreds of years ago, but her thoughts are otherwise occupied. 
Rowan has been acting strange the past week. He isn't listening to her anymore, his mind always drifting, and when they are at school, he is usually looking around until his eyes find a specific group of students: the cheerleaders. Aelin is trying to figure out who in that group has caught his attention, but so far she hasn't succeeded. 
She herself doesn't have any classes with the popular girls, so it's been very hard to figure out who Rowan is always looking for. Though she does have a creeping suspicion. She'll just have to wait and see or gather up the confidence to confront Rowan. She's not sure which option is worse yet.
"Please read chapter 36 of your textbook for tomorrow's class and take some notes on the problems the rulers had to deal with." The teacher's voice announcing the homework pulls Aelin's mind back to the class. 
She really should have paid more attention, but what is done is done, she guesses. Maybe she'll ask Rowan to help her with the homework. He's always been kind of a nerd, interested in so many different topics that her mind already feels exhausted just listing them all. 
The most annoying thing though is that he has such a good memory that he only needs to read a text once to be able to recite the information from memory. Aelin wishes she could do that, but alas, studying for multiple hours is the only way she can even halfway reliably remember anything.
Aelin takes her bag and leaves the classroom, making her way outside to the lunch tables near the lacrosse field. Rowan is hoping to get a spot on the team next year, their sophomore year, so he loves watching the lacrosse guys mess around on the field. 
She doesn't really get what he gains from watching them, but she doesn't mind the view. Watching a couple of hot athletes mess around isn't the worst way you can spend a lunch break. And besides, it isn't as if she has an abundance of friends wanting to spend lunch with her. Aelin is friendly with most people. She knows everyone at least by name, and they know her, but there aren't any true friends she has besides Rowan. 
High school hasn't been as she thought it would so far. She can't believe how naively she believed she would suddenly have a ton of new friends, just a year ago. But making actual friends has been harder than she would have ever imagined.
When she sits down at the table, Rowan's not there yet and Aelin remembers he's just had maths with Mr Ellinger, who loves to teach lessons that are a few minutes longer than they're supposed to be.
And just as anticipated, five minutes later Rowan plops down on the bench opposite her. Aelin already spread her lunch out on the table between them. This is a little tradition they have: whatever lunch they packed in the morning or buy in the cafeteria, they spread it out on the table (or sometimes the ground when they're dying for some shade in the summer and therefore sit under a tree) and then share. 
It started in their middle school days when Rowan had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich one day, while Aelin's parents packed her a turkey one. Aelin was dying for something sweet, so she offered Rowan a bargain: half of his pb&j for half of her turkey sandwich. He accepted and from then on they started sharing their food every lunch. Aelin has never told him, but she always makes sure to pack something she knows he'll like. She loves the way his face lights up whenever he sees one of his favorite snacks on the table. 
When he spots the peanut butter crackers she packed specifically for him this morning, he gets significantly happier. Aelin can tell just by looking at his face. 
Rowan's hair has gotten longer the past few months, curling around his ears now and constantly falling into his eyes. He takes a hand to wipe it out of his face and Aelin's stomach gives a slight flutter at the sight.
This has been happening more and more since that night of stargazing a year ago. Rowan is doing some completely mundane thing and randomly her body has this weird reaction. It's become so normal at this point that she barely even notices anymore.  The first few times were irritating and confusing but after that she just decided to ignore it as best as she can.
"Ugh, you won't believe what Mr Ellinger put us through today," he starts, unpacking his own lunch and adding it to the table. This also manages to pull Aelin out of her reverie about hair and butterflies and why everything is so confusing recently.
Aelin patiently listens as he complains and chimes in with her own tales from history once he is finished.  "That actually reminds me: Do you want to come over to do homework today? I could really use your help with the history assignment."
Rowan doesn't answer. His gaze is somewhere to the left of her, the direction of the lacrosse field. When she follows it, she can see the cheerleaders standing on the sidelines and cheering on the lacrosse players during their fake-brawl or whatever it is they are doing. Aelin doesn't know and also doesn't particularly care if she's honest with herself. 
She looks back at Rowan, barely restraining herself from rolling her eyes. Fed up with him, she gives his shin a kick under the table. "Ouch, what was that for, Aelin?" he asks, slightly indignant.
"Whoops, my foot must have slipped," she says, giving him an apologetic grin. "Anyways, I asked you a question. Our did you not hear because you were too busy ogling some cheerleaders?" At this she gives him a meaningful look. It doesn't really feel satisfactory though to see his ears turn red and a slight flush spread on his cheeks. Instead, it turns her stomach. Aelin already guessed that Rowan has a crush on one of the cheerleaders, but they haven't talked about it yet. This is the first confirmation he's given her and Aelin isn't sure she's ready for the rest of the conversation. But since she's the one who started it, it would be bad best-friend-fashion to turn back now. 
"Well, I guess I…I actually wanted to talk to you about that." Rowan looks slightly sheepish. 
"Did you? Because you don't sound so sure." Aelin knows she shouldn't be needling him like this, should be happy that he decided to finally talk to her. But even knowing this, she can't bear to make it easy for him. She doesn't fully understand why.
"I did," he says, more resolve in this voice now. "So, there's this girl I like-"
"One of the cheerleaders?" Aelin interjects.
"Yes, one of the cheerleaders. She's in my English class and we had to work on this group project together with a few other people a little while ago and she's so nice but also smart. Like, she's super smart, Ace. And she's also so pretty, like her eyes-"
"Okay, that's amazing," Aelin interrupts again, feeling like her lunch might make a reappearance if Rowan continues talking. "But maybe tell me her name so that I can actually put a face to this mystery girl?" She's pretty sure her voice sounds way snappier than the situation calls for, but she's to focused on not letting her distaste show on her face to control her voice as well.
"Oh, of course. Her name is Remelle."
Remelle. Of course Rowan had to choose the most popular cheerleader, at least of the ones in their year. Remelle is beautiful. There is no other way of seeing it. She has pale blond hair, actually a similar shade to Rowan's and vibrant blue eyes. 
Aelin doesn't know Remelle, they have never even talked before since they don't share any classes, but of course she heard all kinds of things about Remelle. She doesn't try to listen to gossip too much though, so Aelin doesn't really have an opinion on her. 
"Ookay," Aelin just says. What else is she supposed to say to this whole thing? What would a friend say in a situation like this? "Have you talked to her yet?" Is what she settles on.
"I mean, we talked during the group project," Rowan says.
"No, dummy, I don't mean school related stuff. I mean actually talked to her. Like about her interests or something."
"Oh. No, then I guess we haven't talked yet. Is that bad?" He sounds unsure now.
"No, it's not bad," she reassures him. 
"I really want to talk to her. I just don't know how. Or what to talk about." Suddenly he gets this new look in his eyes. "Can't you help me with that Ace?"
"Me?" Aelin splutters. "How am I supposed to help you? I don't even know her!"
"Well, you're a girl, aren't you?" Rowan says, as if that were a completely rational reasoning. 
"How very perceptive of you," Aelin almost hisses. God, she can't believe him sometimes. This whole conversation is just getting worse and worse.
"Sorry, sorry," Rowan rushes to apologize. "That came out wrong. I just mean, don't you know how a girl wants to be talked to?"
"I guess I do."
"Great. So maybe you can give me a few tips? On what to do and what to avoid?"
"Yeah, fine. I guess I can do that." She gives in way easier than she usually would, but she just wants this conversation to be over. Thinking of Rowan talking to this girl, of her liking him enough to go out with him – because who was she kidding, Rowan is amazing, so of course Remelle will want to go out with him – of them kissing and then starting to date, makes Aelin's stomach turn. 
"Thank you, Ace! Thank you so much! What would I even do without you?" Rowan has a huge grin on his face and Aelin hasn't seen him this excited since their ice-cream eating contest last summer. And he had been very excited about that. 
"Of course," she says, forcing a smile on her lips. It feels brittle and fake. This is what best friends do after all, right?
thanks for reading!
comments/reblogs/likes are always appreciated! <3
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mha-adore · 4 years
General HCs: Students
Excluding Dekusquad and Bakusquad I have everyone else here, I hope you like it ☺
Tokoyami (+Dark Shadow)
* He's really trying to be a harbinger of truth and exposer of deciet. He's a dork. He's just trying to impress you.
* He's so stupidly into music and has like seven playlists he's made for you. Please listen to them he worked hard. He's really shy about his music tastes.
* Dark Shadow teases him relentlessly. You're walking near him? Tokoyami mysteriously trips into your open arms. You need help reaching something on a high shelf? Shadow birb got you covered. His only goal is to make you notice how flustered he is with you.
* He's insecure about being part avian. Most people aren't really attracted to birds, right? Honestly he could look like anything, it doesn't matter. He's a little angsty but kind hearted and pays close attention to you.
* She's written like fifteen songs for you and you've heard none of them. They're top secret hidden in her locked diary. If you ask her very nicely and promise not to judge she'll play some for you.
* Expect a lot of punk and metal gifts from her. Her entire existence is punk and metal please lift her up. She is so shy about it.
* Totally the flustered gf. Borrows your clothes without asking and denies it only to approach you in front of everyone else and be like "oh hey here's your shirt back btw" and leave like it was nothing but she is screaming inside.
* Honestly just share a closet with her you two would trade clothes so often you'd need to stitch your names into the tags to keep track. Share the same perfume/cologne too while you're at it. Did you use the same fragrance or did you snuggle together for an hour? No one else knows.
* She knows other people are after her either for her physique, her family wealth or both and as such, is distrustful at first. She doesn't want to fall for someone only to learn they're using her. Give her space to get comfortable with who you are.
* That said when she knows it's genuine feelings she spoils you rotten. Designer clothes, expensive jewelry, a custom hero costume etc. Her wallet is yours for the taking. Please don't fuck her over.
* Because her family is well known both as elites and heroes she has a reputation to keep up. She insists that you go with her dressed well and looking great so she can show you off with style.
* She is actually very soft hearted and needs some soft love sometimes. Just sit with her under a blanket she made and watch a romcom. Don't judge her for binge eating, she needs to eat well to support her quirk. If anyone makes fun of her kick their ass into the stratosphere.
* He simply will not stop sparkling and neither shall you. He shares his skin care, hair care and multi vitamins with you. You're both glowing, literally.
* He can be spontaneous and over the top in everything he does. He likes to show off and catch stares. He wants to catch your stare. If you gaze longingly at him he'll act suave while squealing with glee inside.
* He spends his money frivolously. He buys expensive care products, jewelry, clothes, stuffed animals...Did I mention it's all for you? He's penniless for you and doesn't mind that at all.
* He craves your attention so much. Spend some time alone with him and just look at him. In public keep your eyes locked on him. His ego will go through the roof, in the best way.
* He is so fucking full of himself. Until you're around. He's usually narcissistic and up his own ass but when you walk by he's suddenly humble, kind and friendly. It's just him wanting you to see his good side.
* Sweet hearted asshole wants to feel loved. Just be kind to him. Help him with his homework. Spend free time with him. Help him show up 1-A. He'll love it.
* Totally uses you as a reason 1-B is better than 1-A. "Sure you guys fought villains and all but you don't have anyone even vaguely as attractive as my beloved!" Just let him have his fun in the sun.
* His hero costume is over the top for a reason. He wants to be the prince to sweep you off your feet, kiss you and ride off on a horse. He has the attire covered. Next, your love.
* Above anything please just be accepting of his quirk. Don't ask him to use it for anything unnecessary or say anything bad about it. He's been ridiculed his entire life for his "villainous quirk", please be kind.
* Nap with him dammit. He's sleeping deprived because he pours all day and night into becoming good enough for 1-A. He wants to be a real hero and he values that over sleep. Cuddle with him at night and he'll sleep like a happy rock.
* You must love cats, end of discussion. His backpack is cat shaped, his phone case is a cat, his spirit animal is a cat, he may as well be a cat. He'd be over the moon if you compares him to a Maine Coon.
* When he does get into 1-A please be happy for him. He worked so hard for it, show your support. Even if you're in different classes you can see each other during lunchbreaks and after school.
* He is sunshine. He is warmth. He adopts introverts. It's our man. His hugs are like butterfly kisses if they could crush you.
* He's the type to be really into you and still treat you like a friend. He can't get with someone unless he knows them very well beforehand.
* Though he's friendly and out reaching to others he's still a private person who shares little about his personal life. He needs to learn about you first. Being open yourself will encourage him to start chatting about himself.
* He loves romantic songs. He isn't one for Spotify, playlists or the such but if he hears a song that makes him think of you he's texting you the link immediately. He gets so caught up texting you that he stops listening to others and is in his own little world.
* He is just....So shy. So baby. He really wants to be a strong hero and save the people he loves but he is so shy. Don't pressure him into anything, he just needs someone who will let him be himself.
* That said, he has no experience in love. He's had crushes over the years but nothing meaningful enough to mention. Until you came along and took his heart for a stroll. Now you're all he thinks about. Is your hand warm? Do you like to kiss cheeks? What's your favorite flavor Pop Tart?
* When he manages to confess to you (not if, when) it'll be something cheesy but sweet. Like on Valentine's Day he'll leave a heartfelt card on your desk with his signature and a flower. He's a simple man.
* His feelings are so sensitive please never yell at him, not even out of excitement. He's scared of upsetting the people he cares about and wouldn't dream of upsetting you, his little mochi ice cream. Yes all his pet names for you are based on food.
* She's the personification of a flower crown. With thorns. Very soft, sweet and pleasing to the eyes but very capable of defending herself. She is not a sex object and beats the ass of anyone who says so about herself or you.
* I personally headcanon her as asexual but that's my idea on it. You can see it however you like. Either way she's very romantic and loves cute gestures like 3 foot tall teddy bears and hand sewn clothes.
* Imagine this: at the beauty pageant, she wears a dress you sewed for her yourself and, alongside her natural beauty and talent, wins the pageant. She would have just been proud to show everyone your skills but she won wearing that dress, you can bet she's telling everyone you made it.
* She treats Eri like a daughter and hopes you'll do the same with her. Call it a little childish but she loves the idea of playing house with you. Married in a little happy home caring for Eri together.
I think that's everyone I need to add for now. If you want to see someone else in this let me know! My next two posts will be this same format for pros and villains. If you have any headcanons to share or a request my inbox is open
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Nothing's More Important Than Quidditch
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Some Swearing. Highly Suggestive. Someone gets hurt.
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Using Prompts two and three: "OH...MY...GOOOOD!"/"MY EYES! MY EEYEES!"
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Fred and George Weasley were men of simple tastes. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred he would argue that there were nothing more important than Quidditch.
He'd never missed a game. Never missed a practice, and had been able to afford it he'd never miss a Cup. So that being said, you can imagine how shocked his team were when he told them he wasn't feeling well enough to train tonight.
"You're dying aren't you?"
"What? No, Lee. I'm not dying!"
"Then I'm sorry I mustn't have heard right when, the Fredrick Gideon Weasley, just said he wasn't well enough to play Quidditch?"
"Piss off."
It was Sunday lunch in the Great Hall and Angelina had the whole Gryffindor team huddled together. She was discussing her newest game strategies when Fred spoke abruptly, all eyes bulging at his words. Expressions a mixture of confusion and concern. Fred never. Missed. A. Game.
"Hey!" [Y/N] had arrived and happily sat her self amongst her close group of friends. "What's with the faces?" Her brows furrowed as she filled a Goblet with her favourite drink.
"Fred says he's not training Tonight." Angelina answered, still gawking at the Redhead in question.
[Y/N] choked on her drink. "He's what!?" She coughed, hand on her chest in shock.
"It's not a big deal!" Fred groaned. "I've just got one cracker of a headache. Need to sleep it off and I'll be right as rain." He forced a smile, though to the group it appeared more as a painful grimace.
"Well, I do hope you feel better." [Y/N] leant over the table, placing her hand atop of his to offer some comfort with a reassuring smile. "What about the rest of you?" She straightened herself, taking a pastry from the bowl infront of them as she did so.
"We're still training" George replied, "Not all of us roll over because of a wittle headache" he pouted at his brother, trying to stir him up. Fred retaliated, through the light laughter of his friends, by throwing a bread roll at his brother.
"Coming to watch, [Y/N]?" George spoke, still laughing as he brushed crumbs from his clothes.
"Afraid I can't, tonight."
"What!?" Lee groaned, "come on! I'm going!"
"Yes, well as tempting as it may be to spend more time by your side Lee", she leant into him with doey eyes batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, hands cupping his bicep. Returning to her previous position she continued, "I have so much Homework to do it's not funny. I'll find myself joining the next Headless Hunt if I don't hand Snape his Most Potent Poisons Assessment tomorrow."
"Barrell of fun you two are, today" George rolled his eyes.
"Right, well the rest of you. We've got training to do!" Angelina stood, gesturing for the Quidditch team to follow. Somewhat begrudgingly, with various disapproving moans escaping their lips, they made for the Pitch.
"Positive you'll be okay, Freddie?" George lagged behind in a final ditch effort to convince his brother to join them. "You could always just watch from the stands."
"I'm positive, Georgie. I'm just not right at the moment."
"Do you want me to stay? I will if that's what you'd prefer..."
"Who are you? Mum now?" Fred joked "Get out of here you sap!" He waved his arm as if trying to shoo him from the hall.
"Don't worry, George. I'll look after him" [Y/N] assured.
"Such a faithful little bestie you are." He said while ruffling her hair. "Alright then, see you two in a couple hours" he waved to them as he ran to catch up with his team.
"Come on you. Let's get you to bed." [Y/N] spoke to Fred and they made their way to the common room.
So much for a couple hours. Mere forty minutes later saw the same team arriving back through the Fat Lady.
"How was I supposed to know she was right behind me!?" George complained loudly, followed closely into the room by the light giggles of Lee and Harry. No such laughter, however, could be heard from the mouth of the Gryffindor Captain.
"A concussion George! You gave Katie a concussion!" She was near shouting at the boy.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY! I didn't see her!" He threw his arms up in defence. "Pomfrey says she'll be right in a few days, what's the fuss?"
"The fuss, George, is that we just lost a whole night's training! You're just lucky our next game isn't for another fortnight, Weasley. I have to take Katie some things for her stay in the Hospital Wing, YOU! had better think fast about how to make this up to her." With a final menacing point of her finger Angelina stormed off towards the dormitory she shared with Katie.
"Should we check on Fred?" Lee spoke to break the guilty silence.
"Yeah, hey - don't forget to tell him how his Golden Boy brother sent our best chaser to the infirmary!" Harry goaded making his way over to Hermione and Ron by the fire.
"Little prat" George grumbled as he and Lee made their way to the dormitory. Lee was laughing hard at his friends remark."He doesn't watch it he won't be 'The Boy who lived' for much longer. Might pick up where You-Know-Who left off." George went on as he leant his back against the door, pushing it open as his hand twisted the door knob. Lee's laughter only increased.
"I'd like to see you- OH...MY...GOOOOD!!" laughter and smiles faded instantly as his eyes fell on the tangled mess of sheets and the bodies of his two close friends in place of where Fred should have been resting.
The sudden exclamations catching the attention of [Y/N] and Fred, their eyes shooting directly across the, should have been empty, bedroom.
"SHIT!" Fred yelled as he pulled off of [Y/N] and covered her with his blanket. "YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE BACK FOR A COUPLE HOURS!"
"MY EYES! MY EEYYEES!!" George screamed dramatically. Turning away from the scene he covered his face by his hands, desperately trying to lose the imagine of his brothers and best friends mostly naked bodies.
"It's not what you think!" [Y/N] began, throwing Fred's jumper on over her head which could very well have been a dress on her. She stood, tugging at the material willing it to stay in place before fixing her hair.
"It doesn't look like you were napping!" Lee snapped sarcastically, "nor does it look much like a POTIONS ASSIGNMENT!"
"[Y/N]" George began, not turning to face the two - rather speaking to the ceiling as his back faced them. "I know you said you'd look after my brother but MERLIN I should have laid out some guidelines, that is not how you handle a headache."
Fred had put on a pair of trousers and a singlet and quickly made his way to stand infront of the two boys, arms out pleadingly, "I know you're both a little shocked right now and this is going to take some time to process but for the love of GODRICK!" He clenched his teeth and spoke in a low growl, "would you keep your voices down before the entire bloody common room hears yo-"
"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Ron had burst through the door. "Oh God" Fred groaned throwing his head back walking away from the door.
"We heard shouting, is everything okay?" Hermione asked frantic, as Harry followed her in.
"Yes, Hermione everything's fine -" [Y/N] went to explain.
"NO!" Lee interrupted "NO! THEY'RE DOING IT!" He screamed pointing his finger accusingly at the two red-faced teens. Harrys eyes were wide with shock.
"It's not what you all think! Please just listen to me..." Fred begged as [Y/N] stood beside him. Looking to one another defeatedly.
Everyone, aside from George, turned to face them. Awaiting the explanation as to why these two had been...doing what they were.
"Uhmmm..." seeing the group stare before him suddenly ran Freds mind blank. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Actually it happens a lot." Not the best opener. The group grimaced, looking very uncomfortable at their friends confession. [Y/N] dropped her head into her hand. "What I mean is" he tried to recover, "this isn't a one time deal. We're not just fooling around, we're..." the words caught in his throat.
What were they? A couple? Was he wrong and they were just friends with benefits? What was this?
They looked at one another, Fred's eyes searching [Y/N]'s face for the answer. She smiled, grabbing his hand gently.
"We're together" she spoke. Eyes not leaving Fred.
"That's great and all. But this is still traumatising." Lee deadpanned as he gestured between the couple and Fred's bed.
George cleared his throat, "umm, yeah. I'm really happy for you two."
"That'd be more convincing, had you actually said it to us rather than the wall." [Y/N] laughed. Fred threw his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Georges head turned slightly, eyeing the two in his peripheral before shutting his eyes tightly. Trying to muster the courage. "Yeah, sorry bout that just...it may be difficult to look at you the same for a while. I saw a lot more than I'd had like to." Everyone laughed at the comment. The light atmosphere helping him to relax a bit he turned to face them. Even if his eyes fixed to anything but them.
"Wait a minute." Harrys laughter had stopped completely. "Did you two plan this whole thing?"
"I guarantee we never planned on getting caught" Fred replied.
Rolling his eyes Harry continued "ditching practice I mean."
Lee and George both looked at each other before slowly turning to glare at the couple.
"Well. Yeah" [Y/N] answered.
A slow clap started to sound throughout the room as Lee and George mockingly applauded the two. "Well done. Truly you two that was quite the convincing performance." George smirked. "Honestly, [Y/N], that spit take really sold the whole thing. Couldn't have done better myself." Lee nodded as she playfully curtsied with her hand on the seam of Fred's jumper.
"WELL!" Lee clapped once loudly, rubbing his hands together. "This calls for a celebration. Shall we?" He bowed to the door, ushering everyone from the room.
"Ummm Lee. Mind if I put some pants on first?"
"If you-OH! right. Yeah. Meet you two down there!" He was the last to leave, closing the door with a quick wink.
Fred and [Y/N] looked shyly back to one another before breaking into fits of side splitting laughter. Fred wrapping his arms around her waist as they calmed down.
"So...we're together, huh?" He grinned resting their foreheads against one another.
"Only if that's what you want." [Y/N] placed her hands on his chest, eyes nervously searching his.
"That's all I've ever wanted" he moved a hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips into his. Kissing her like he never had before.
Fred and George Weasley were simple men. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred, he would argue there were nothing more important than Quidditch. Well...maybe one thing.
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for the recent numbered one: 3, 6, 14, 20, 26!
3. Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
I don't know if Nabooru can ever keep herself calm enough to properly go on vacation. She's gotten it ingrained in herself too deeply that the entire fate of the tribe depends squarely on her, so she can't bear to leave for more than a few days on anything less than necessary business. However, she would enjoy it if someone else were to prepare a festival so she could enjoy it on her own. She's loathe to delegate, both because she's a perfectionist and because she doesn't want to put any more tasks on anybody else if she can help it.
If she could let go long enough, she would love to attend a new bloom's festival, which marks the end of the cool season. The Gerudo celebrate with dancing, swordfighting competitions, and more food than they eat during the first half of the year. It was her favorite festival when she was a child, and if she could relax and not worry about running everything for a week, she'd be able to be with her sisters in a more meaningful way than she has in years.
6. What is your muse’s earliest memory?
When she was three years old, Nabooru was waiting at the temple when her mother was praying with the other priestesses. She was alone with several older children, but she managed to get away from them and went careening toward the oasis. Before she could realize that water was not in fact breathable, she'd slipped onto the deepest shelf. The older children yelled and tried to save her as she thrashed, but she was sucked to the bottom of the pool by an errant whirlpool. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was a hideous, monstrous face - she believes it was some strange sort of fish that lived in the pool, but to this day she can't be sure.
She doesn't remember, but one of the adults did hear their screaming and rescued her before she properly drowned. She wasn't allowed outside of her mother's sight for months afterward, which gave her a headstart in temple ritual.
14. What type of music does your muse not enjoy listening to?
Nabooru is quite a musical person in general. Even her generally xenophobic attitudes fall by the wayside. She likes a Hylian flute as much as she does a Gerudo stirnal. On the few occasions she leaves the fortress, she often picks excursions which take her near Zora's domain, since no matter how hard they try, the musicians she knows just can't seem to get the hang of Zorian flute. The only exception to this rule are Goron drum beats. They're very close to the rhythms used during Gerudo ceremonies, which puts her on edge. It's an uncanny valley of hearing something just similar enough to try to predict the song and be wrong, mixed with the anxiety of feeling like a taboo is being broken. She doesn't begrudge the Gorons, of course, but it's not something she'll ever get used to.
20. Describe your muse’s nighttime/whenever they get ready for sleep routine.
When she's at home, she will wash her face and cleanse the rest of herself , brush out her hair and braid it loosely over her shoulder, and make any repairs her clothes may need. She's very rough on her garments through no fault of her own, so she's learned to be quick to mend in case anything really rips the next day. She takes off her gloves and applies healing salve to the scars, even if she knows they're beyond help at this point, and replaces them before she gets into bed, says her last prayers for the night, and falls asleep. At least, in theory. She usually gets up a few more times because she can't get her mind to rest and either spends her time studying, mending, or walking around the fortress.
26. What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
The first thing she does is a morning prayer, followed by a short yoga/stretching routine. She usually wakes up well before the dawn so she can go outside and tend her horse and start the long walk to the temple if she has time. On days when she isn't preparing festivals or ceremonies, she'll treat herself to a cup of mint or herbal tea and a small breakfast of flatbread and root fry, then begin a set of rounds around the fortress to check on the changing guards, see if anything happened in the night, and get a leap on any eminent emergencies. 
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