#and ooo sally face
arsonistman · 2 years
Img they changed the age rating of Sally face from 18 to 16!!!!
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aerkame · 1 year
Just a silly thought...and more
Just a silly little thought I had on Wally headcanons while I was trying to take a nap. EDIT: This turned into a short fanfiction, I will now have to make this a full one, there's too much potential.
So like Wally comes off as super out of it when it comes to our world almost. Like he's never been outside of the show, he's so used to being in Welcome Home with all his friends. Wally also seems like he's the only one truly sentient of himself within the show and the outside world.
He also seems pretty smug, or some other version of him does, No doubt Wally's ego has to be through the roof with being the center of attention all the time. Not only that, but he gets to spend all day with each and every one of his friends!
I'd imagine that if one day some poor unfortunate reader just accidentally brings home all of the puppets thinking they're ordinary puppets and wakes up early in the morning to these very odd and colorful strangers in their house. Like the puppets just came to life looking like their cartoon versions of themselves and also became life-sized, even some of the shorter characters just tower over you easily, and Barnaby can hardly fit through any of the doors!
Wally is sitting at the edge of your bed staring at you with Barnaby sleeping against his legs, Frank is looking at your shelves reading through books, sketchbooks, etc, Sally being more interested in the sketchbooks, Julie found some workout equipment and is playing with a jump rope, both Poppy and Howdy are rummaging through the kitchen, already antsy about needing to make stuff, Eddie is pretty interested in your printer, and you're sitting up in bed getting ready to scream bloody murder.
You don't scream though, but you're ready to. You can't tell if you're dreaming or not. Dreams are usually a pretty trippy falling feeling right? This feels real though. Where's that weird falling feeling you get when dreaming? Why are you able to think so clearly? Your brows furrow in deep thought.
Wally just sits there smugly smiling at you, leaning forward to give you a hello, he's so tall you feel like a small child compared to him. "Hello, I'm sorry that we had to meet like this, I hope you don't mind." His voice sounds soothing, monotone, and deep, and he isn't blinking. Instinctively, you slap your hand on his face and keep it there, feeling his expression scrunch up in confusion.
Nope, not a dream.
He gently takes your hand in his and removes you from his face, a small red area showing up where you slapped him.
It took about an hour of talking you down from being freaked out for Wally and the others to introduce themselves. They had sooo many questions of course. Like "What is this thing that makes colored paper come out?", "Why do you have these heavy thingies?" Sally holds up a 50lbs dumbbell with one hand like it's nothing, or "Why aren't you more colorful like us? Ooo can we cover you in paint?"
Needless to say you also had a lot of questions too, none of them were really answered though as all of the colorful characters were busy inspecting your house or were preoccupied with asking you about all sorts of items, they were like little kids. Wally was the only one that seemed to be the more mature one here though, it felt off, like he already knew you or like he was used to this.
At dinner, you went ahead and made food for everyone while also showing Poppy how you cook in this world. You noticed Wally didn't touch anything but the food simply disappeared right before your eyes, leaving you slack-jawed and speechless. "Oh don't worry, that's just how he eats!" Sally waved off your concern. This was starting to freak you out a bit.
After dinner you did your best to find places in the house for everyone to sleep until Wally suggested they all just sleep in your room like one big sleepover...something told you that he just wanted an excuse to be closer to you or to be able to keep a close watch though. Que you being squished in between these giant softies like a kid hiding in a giant pillow fort. Barnaby did make for a comfortable pillow though, and Poppy's feathers were so soft...and..and..you dozed off, not taking notice of Wally's staring eyes.
Sure, Wally has his friends to keep him company, and Welcome Home is such a cheery and colorful world! But it's missing just one thing. You.
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kenphobia · 1 year
AKSHEJ I LOVE YOUR WRITING!! Could be possibly get more yan Wally?? I have like a horrible staring problem and usually make eye contact like a pro when talking to people due to my parents just driving those mannerisms into me lmao how would Wally react to someone with somewhat similar manners to him? Hope you have a good day/night <3333
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"And I have a sweet tooth."
summary. wally couldn't help but be interested when the new neighbor also has a habit of staring. i wonder how that turned out? (headcanons / rewritten / see end notes)
contents. too much fluff. one-sided julie x reader because mmmm, funny little fuzzy man is happy.
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✦ Staring was something Wally enjoyed doing. He didn't do it out of malicious intent�� sometimes, he does but that's a story for another time —but rather people fascinate him a lot. From the way they dress and move to how they interact with others and the environment around them, it sounds a bit silly and weird but it's something he just can't control.
✦ He supposed it was because of him being an artist. After all, he did spent a lot of his time training his eye to focus on every tidbit of detail in his muses. The roundness of an apple's form, the colorful patterns on Frank's vest that doesn't seem to shift along with his movements, the cute little pads on Barnaby's feet— he had it all jotted down in his mind and every one of his paintings seemed reference his friends or the neighborhood.
✦ Or maybe he's just bored, dissociating on random ocassions that he couldn't help but fix his eyes on something. Maybe it was just that, but god was he so happy you're also doing the same thing as him.
✦ It happened during a simple hangout within your friend circle and Wally caught you staring at him. He stared, of course, unblinking as always but you also stopped blinking.
✦ The unprompted staring contest ended after you finally blinked, your eyes tearing up slightly. Wally laughed and offered you his handkerchief to which you gratefully accepted and wiped your tears away.
"Hey, Frank." Julie whispered to her best friend, "What are they doing?" She pointed towards the bench where you and Wally just kept on staring at each other, unblinking and unmoving like mannequins.
Frank looked from the book he was reading, squinting his eyes at you two. "I have... no idea, Julie. Can I please go back to reading now?" He sighed in exasperation, tired from not having a single peaceful moment with any of his cheery neighbors buzzing on and about.
Another puppet plopped herself down next to Julie and Frank. "Ooh, what are you two doing? Spying on the new neighbor again?" It was Sally, giggling herself silly as she nudged the unfortunate Frank's arm.
"I am not spying on them." Frank glared at Sally, his frown deepening. "I never have been and it was mostly Julie doing that since she's too nervous to even approach them."
"I'm not nervous!" Julie argued, her face flushing red. "They're just so pretty and I don't wanna make a bad impression! I know you'd also do the same if you saw a pretty person, Frank." She puffed her cheeks, crossing her eyes as she squinted her eyes at the puppet.
"Ooo, does Frankie have a crush?" Sally's eyes lit up at Julie's words.
Frank quirked a curious brow. "What's that supposed to mean—"
"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" Eddie's voice suddenly rang through the air as he jogged up to the trio. His arms rested on the back of the bench, pushing his body weight forward as he leaned. "Is that Wally and (Name)?"
Frank immediately stood up, his face flushed for a moment before it went back to its normal grey color.
"Oh, hey Eddie!" Sally greeted, raising her hand up to the mailman who gladly gave her a high five. "Frank and Julie are spying on them!"
Frank's face bursted suddenly in warmth. "Stop lumping me with Julie's—"
"Oh hush, Frank. I know you just as interested as we are. I mean, look at them!" Sally jabbed her hands to your and Wally's direction as if she was presenting a business proposal to the three.
"I think we should let them be, okay?" Eddie smiled, patting Sally's head. Sweat dripped down from his forehead, sliding off his cheeks in a nervous, almost jittery manner. "They're just doing a staring contest, nothing to worry about."
"I mean, that is true..." Julie hummed, pushing her lips in a form of a pout. "Wally really likes staring, and (Name) too!"
Frank shrugged, crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the bench. "Match made in heaven, I supposed."
Your staring competition with Wally came to an abrupt stop when you hear Julie scream and see her tackling Frank to the ground. Sally was cheering for Julie in the sidelines while Eddie is desperate trying to stop them from fighting.
"What in the world—?"
✦ ... Moving on! Wally would never admit it but he does get flustered by your stare at times, especially in moments where he's extremely chatty and he catches you looking at him. Bonus points if you did that little smile that his heart always go kaboom though.
✦ He'd find himself tongue tied and his face burning redder than the color red itself! If you could just excuse him for a moment, he's just gonna scream into a pillow, thank you.
✦ Wally's glad that someone is like him and it reassures him that staring is a common habit people have. Not that he's insecure about it, no! He's proud of his eyes and his staring, he just loves having someone to bond over it. It's the little things that makes it special for him <33
"You know, Neighbor... Your eyes are really beautiful, have I ever told you that?" Wally asked during a little sleepover you two had one day.
"You told me that a long time ago, Wally." You chuckled, patting his head. You gently combed your fingers through his hair, it was weird seeing it down but you wouldn't deny he was beautiful.
"Oh, Ha. Ha." Wally merely said before laughing. "Ha, I see. But they are really beautiful, you know?" He mumbled, snuggling closer to you as he wrapped his arms around you. He closed his eyes and buried his face in your chest for warmth.
"I love you, (Name)."
"I love you too, Darling."
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author's note. this was rewritten to be non-yandere since it was barely even yandere in the first place sjshshd but yeah!! this one gets to stay up lol
also this is my entire masterlist, wooe
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jacenotjason · 11 months
hellooo!! helloo!! I have... I have TWO QUESTIONS!! 1. How would each of them react to someone being homophobic/transphobic towards them? 2. uhhh how would they react if they saw their parents? especially the ones that don't like/have never met parents (i was gonna put something else for the second one but uhhh i frogor uh oh)
OH BOY TWO QUESTIONS!! Ok lets all pray Tumblr doenst eat this its gonna be a lot
Ok first question, how would they react to someone being queerphobic to them?
Eddie: “mhm… sure…” he does not care. He deosnt really listen to people in the first place, the second you start trying to offend him he just tones you out. He does not give half a shit. Maybe if you keep talking.. a fuck will fall into his hand!
Poppy: being queerphobic to her?? Eh. Who cares. She lived through a homophobic cult and also bigoted parents, shes got tough skin. Being queerphobic to her children? PREPARE TO CATCH THESE TALONS BIIIITCH
Julie: absolutely roasts you. She takes one look at you and digs up your nastiest trauma some how. Like this “ew a girl dating a girl thats gay (idk how to be homophobic)” “? *looks up and down* okay? I didn’t ask, go tell your mom. Oh, wait shes dead isn’t she? And your father isn’t even present, he left when you were 6 and you had to rely on your Grandfathers homophobic ideology and your Grandmothers abuse. I don’t care what you have to think.” Then the homophobe just lays on the floor in the fetal position.
Sally: “” get doxxed.
Frank: he just starts crying :( then he goes and tells Eddie and hes gonna stab you
(How do you even be homophobic to someone questioning??) Barnaby: “I know my identity isn’t the root of your anger.. come here, sit down, lets talk it out..” uuuh free therapy? He just summons tea bc all grandpas have the ability to just summon tea
Howdy: i actually have no idea. Ik hes sort of gotten this reputation as violent but hes- guys hes pathetic. He probably just laughs at them and shoos them away, maybe pull the gun from under the counter if he needs to
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OK ooo o this ones a little less fun.. if they met their parents
Eddie: quick Eddie lore he was raised in joint custody, his parents hate each other so… uhm.. were getting the gang back together! He’d probably just sit with his face in his hands as his parents fight like “Ohmygod.. guys stop” they blame each other for how Eddie ended up and hes like “Im literally right here”
Poppy: shes long gotten over her fear of her parents. She’s happy and thats all that matters, she’ll happily tell off her parents like a GIRLBOSS YEAAAHHH happily explain how she escaped the cult they sent her too and how happy she is rn
Julie: uhm.. Julie’s parents are dead. Next question. Lmao ok but fr if she like.. came back to life she’d be so happy :3 she, and all the other joyfuls, were raised by a single mom and Julie got all her “men are trash, defend urself, never be afraid to punch a man” type ideology from her mom and her mom was super accepting and she misses herrr :((
Sally: now you may think Sally has a terrible relationship with her parents.. but she doesnt :3 shes unable to see her mom (for agoraphobic, mental health, and also legal reasons) but she loves her a lot. Her mom did sort of raise her in shitty conditions, but Sally doesn’t blame her at all and misses her a lottt wah
Frank: no
Barnaby: ooohh no… so uuh lore for those that dont know, Barnaby’s parents gave him up to the “”””boarding school”””” when he was four and he doesnt remember them. He’d probably be happier then he should to meet them, but most definitely get gaslit by his parents :( like they have what Barnaby thinks is a normal conversation but really isnt.. someone stop it q-p
Howdy: he fuckin loves his dad!! And all his family!!! And he sees them regularly, so itd just be a normal visit
AAA big post ee
Also tumblr didnt eat it thank u tumblr
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Anyway, please enjoy an abridged list of the random thoughts I had while watching the PJO finale. Spoilers (duh)
I will not be fixing the spelling mistakes for a more authentic experience
This is making me way too happy
he said the word wrong (riposte) 😔
“whAt” -annabeth
He’s on the ground :(
he got stuck in a glue trap
Annabeth really clutched thyn pearls
That was sOoOoo cOoOOoL
Oh- he’s doing the doctor who thing
Ooo colors
Awww (where is he)
Okay, the helm is a helmet… Or like- an old scuba mask
Sashay away
Sand… on his face
They love each other
She’s so scared for him
Luke is spreading propaganda
I want to go to there
I’m so excited to see Zeus
Why is he sitting like that tho
He’s impertinent or whatever
Where is poseidon :(
His eyes so big
He’s my father he just doesn’t know it yet (I’m a child of Hephaestus, I have no clue what I was talking abt)
What the flip was that
“Everybody”? Really just left out half of the olympians
He zipped away
“The sea does not like to be restrained” (I just really like this line for some reason)
How did I just realize it’s person shaped
Stop it I’m gonna kill you rick
It looks like a pirate sword
I love how sympathetic they’re making him
This is great
“This isn’t you babe”
“I’m sorry”
He’s impertinent
I love Mr. D so much
She’s so pretty istg
I need to see him in the wedding dress
oh no, not the ominous music
I’m so excited for season 2 PLEASE
why does he talk like that
The mom ever
Grandpa >:(
Aw, they didn’t kill gabe :(
Haha… reddick
He’s silly, Silly in the way I wanna punch him in the face
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trills-n-clicks · 7 months
Lieutenant Shre Laverick
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Mainly going by Shre, he's the lieutenant of TF Arach.
TF Arach Masterlist
DOB: January 25th 1993. [30 years old]
Relationships: ↓
//////// Pentick- Ex-partner <dead>
Mary Laverick- Mother <alive>
Dawson Yolen- Biological Father <dead>
James Laverick- Step-Father <dead>
Sharlet Yolen- Aunt (Father's side) <alive>
Lin ////////- Niece (Mother's side) <alive>
Bornel /////////- Brother <dead>
Sally /////////- Sister <alive> {Married to Alicia ///////}
Physical details: ↓
Head: Black, chin-length, mostly straight (1A) hair(he likes to keep it in a ponytail and clipped out of his face). Dark brown and hooded eyes. Slightly crooked, down-turned Greek nose. Thin lipped. Oval face shape.
Body: Mesomorphic, trapezoid shape, only way I can describe his build is Sleep Bod™
Marks (scars, birthmarks, tattoos, missing limbs, etc.): Large Phoenix tattoo on his back, from shoulder to shoulder. Birthmark from nose ala to corner of mouth in a curved shape. Scars include cuts across wrists from SH and interrogation from enemies. Burns from actual fires(spanning from legs to neck in splotches) and cigarettes(he was used as a bit of an ashtray, so trauma :'( ). Missing limbs include just his left pinky lost during torture from enemies. He's got a nose bridge piercing as well.
Other (height & weight stuff, skintone, nationality, etc.): His skintone is very pale, no freckles, a few moles scatter his body and face though. He's Australian and with relatives from Thailand. He's 7'2 (2.18m) and weighs 285 lbs (129.2 kgs). Yes he is a big boy. He likes wearing a grunge and steampunk mixed style, but he despises gears, instead going for chains. He likes the cling-clangy sounds they make.
Personality details: ↓
He's questioning his sexuality but knows he's greyromantic and on the ace spectrum. He's also a cis man. He likes the colors navy and black but will never admit that he is quite fond of deep red-ish pinks, especially roses. Outside people describe him as reserved, gloomy and quiet, but Arach describes him as sweet, wistful and quite father-like. And he may be an introvert, but he needs social interaction, otherwise he'll spiral down. He does have a sensitivity to smells, just smells them stronger in general. But he also had a few mental disorders including PTSD, Anxiety, and he's slightly on the spectrum for autism.
And Military info!: ↓
He joined in 2011 at 18 years old and was transferred to work in the SNS just 2 years after boot camp. He has skills in hostage rescue, basic emergency medical aid, covert operations, sniper techniques and knife combat. But he struggles in self hostage situations(ooo trauma) and clearing bodies(the smell always gets to him).
Basic picture using gacha(I just use the app to visualize what they'll look like with color) ↓
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And I will insert a photo I drew below ↓ (it will not have color)
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Left is his hair up and right is it down, ok it's not the best but it was my first variant of him and the rest are doodles.
I'm sorry if it's too long, read if you want but you really don't have to, he will be basically described in the fic.
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soulless-computerbug · 8 months
Hi Scrolly. I saw your sensory thing and was wondering what you thought for Masky, Hoodie, and Sally? Hope work is less boring!
Ooo i havent had a chance to talk much about sally!
Fiery red sunsets over highway signs and bridges. Dusty motel rooms and pressed stale sheets, clean white lines and navy blue quilts messed up under flat pillows. The burn of the vodka stirred into your soda, the pleasant warmth that settles in your stomach afterwards. Cigarette smoke mingling with early morning fog, blue hour and hazy clouds painted on the horizon line. The smell of gunpowder and the flashbang of a hunter's gun, the screams and crunch of grass and underbrush as you run aimlessly, panicked and startled like a deer. Predators chasing close on heel, burning static blooming in your face, behind your eyes and nose. Overtaken, blacking out, and feeling someone else's blood fill your veins and move your hands.
Cold steel, silver, titanium. Rings and circles and holes and loops of black metal, coils of fence wire, spiraling endlessly inwards and inescapable. The roar of a motor, the hum of the engine under your feet, wind through your hair and whipping tears from your eyes. Slammed stops at signs, at crossroads, at little moments of hesitation you shame yourself for still finding and hitting. Thick itchy wool gloves, splintered old wood in your palms, the nauseating scratch of brick and mortar under your nails. Absence and brain fog, like trying to tread through wet sand and slurried mud. Waking up with the taste of mold and blood thick on your tongue. Resigning yourself to forget it once again, it wasn't your mouth that bit anyways.
Midnight tv static, sheer lacy curtains barely swaying in the still air. Soft fluffy carpet over old creaking floorboards, thin socks and excited shushes. Cotton and chiffon, bright summer days and clean white laundry on the clothesline, shading small white daisies in the grass. Mud on the hem of your dress, the cuffs of your pants, wood chips prickling under your feet as you sit with your friends by the swings. The smell of breakfast tea and the sweet taste of cherry jam, the crunch of a fresh green grape and scrunching up your nose at the seeds inside. Catching a moth in your little hands and being awed at the dusty soft touch of its wingbeats against your skin. The way laughter bubbles in your chest and spills out like water from your lungs, bubbles of soap that cast rainbows against the peeling white walls.
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
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felix belongs to @necodama!! octavian belongs to @jesi-jess!!
[felix propaganda rule: "As long as it doesn't contradict, it's free real state!" octavian propaganda rule: "don't mis gender, change colors, or change body size!"]
FELIX: - "He trained a dog to bite people's (scouts) nuts <3" - "Ooo I'm mentally I'll. You have no idea how much I love him.He got kicked out from his house so he went to live in the forest. He made his own top surgery. He has a vulture called Sally. He trains birds to whack you in the face. His pronouns are he/him and he's a boy kisser" OCTAVIAN: - "He is the best medic ever cause he is a vampire obviously, and vampires are the best!" - "Octavian is a vampiric doctor from the Victorian era tHat looks much younger than he appears. Octavian is easily what you could say a bit above average in all areas. He is slightly taller than most, a slightly larger build but nothing too impressive, a bit of a tan for a vampire."
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hybridanafrost · 11 months
Ooo let’s see…Do you have any rare-pairs that you enjoy 🤔?
I don't know if this is qualified as a rare pair, but I think Sally and Luck had the potential to be an amazing ship.
You could have had the cheery beserker visiting his girlfriend, the terrorist, in prison. The comedy writes itself. Finral is crying over him being single, and Luck is dating someone in prison.
Luck, just rubbing it in Magna's face to rile him up too.
Luck: See ya. I'm gonna visit my lady friend.
Magna: I didn't know a battle freak like you had friends that weren't Black Bulls.
Luck: I have a life outside of you, Magna. 😀
They're both so hyper happy and would have such scary kids, both physically and intellectually. I consider them a crack ship, but I'm disappointed Tabs hasn't gone anywhere with these two. The potential for comedy and chaos is free real estate.
This next one is 100% a crack ship, but I think it is slept on for those that headcanon Mimosa as a comphet lesbian. Mimosa and Mariella! A royal healer and an ex assassin from an enemy kingdom! Plus, Mimosa is all cheery and adorable while Mariella is cold and aloof. They're the perfect opposites!
If there was more content for these ships, I'd be so excited.
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The beginning #1 ----------------------
The excited pitter patter of footsteps filled the once silent dusty air. Muffled giggles and the soft scratching of wood as two friends desperately tried and failed to keep silent.
“I TOLD you it was real! I told you! I told youuuuuu! You owe me ten knobs nerd!”
“SHhhHhHhhHg! Screech!! Your gonna wake everyone up!!! I don’t wanna get into trouble with your parents aga-“
Screech gestured to a large wooden door. Upon it’s surface contained hundreds of tiny intricate wooden engravings depicting tiny ghosts.
Most of them were asking questions to larger entities, writing or perhaps drawing in what appeared appeared to be even tinier books. Others did their daily routines beneath a large orb with strange rays beaming from it and wearing sunglasses while eating, sleeping, playing..sewing.. Hiding from ..something..scratched out... And it in the middle of it all..contained a quote in a strange language that neither child could comprehend..but ended in a large question mark that was the center of it all. Window brushed its fingers over the tiny intricate wooden engravings on it in silent awe.
“I’ve never seen a door like this before..”
“Cool huh?” Screech said, popping its head out from an even smaller door that was integrated into the larger one.
“Heck yea!” Sally said with an excited shake of its tail.
“Cmon cmon! There’s more inside!”
Sally slipped through small entranceway with ease. It was greeted to a room with a single desk, scattered blank scrolls pelted the floor, bits of shredded fabric lay askew, sewing thread and needles ran amok and small shards of shattered glass peppered the ground. Sally thumped its tail in excitement, carefully lifting up a dark green spool of thread. “This one reminds me of my dad! But..darker!”
Sally reached for another spool, but still with tiny flannel squares.
“Ooo! This one reminds me of ‘60!” Sally said with a little wave of its tail. It tucked the spool into its back fur and kept rummaging through the scattered debris.
Screech picked up an old knarled long peice of wood and twirled it for a second. “I found this earlier. This looks like one of Snare’s arms..but uhh.. wood? Wood thing!”
Sally stopped what it was doing and turned its head to look. “Ooo! Lemme see!”
“Nope. Wood thing is mine!”
“Gimme!” Sally cried.
“Nope! Mine!” And then Screech unceremoniously whacked it over the head with a stick.
“Ow, stop! Give it to meee!”
Window snapped around, grabbed a large spool of and turned around grinning before striking back with a quick and horrible vengeance. “MPH-“ Screech recoiled, rubbing it’s head. "That..didn't even hurt!"
"Yea, sureee..Now- Gim-"
A loud, ominous creaking sound filled the air from behind the two young entities. Both turned to see the source of the noise only to find a large locked chest behind them. It is somewhat different from the ones that normally appeared in the hotel. It was made from a lighter-colored wood and larger than usual... That, the varnish on it made it look newer than it probably currently was. "Hell yea! Treasure time baby!" Sally said, its hand already reaching into its fur to grab something. "Wait- Sally this wasn't..This wasn't there before.." It's voice trailed off as Sally plucked a pair of lockpicks out of its back fur. Sally took notice, briefly it paused and tilted its head. "What.. Are ya scared?" it said, twirling the the lockpicks around for a second before pointing them at Screech like it was a microphone. Screech recoiled, it's smile became slightly uneasy."PfFT N-no! Just..open it up already!" Window rolled its eyes and began to carefully pick away at the the lock. After a few minutes of non-stop digging, it's eyes narrowed and it's smile began to fade to into pure concentration. "What's taking-" A finger was swiftly jammed into Screech's face. "ShhHHhhhAAAAAND-" Click.
Screech’s eyes widened in surprise, before curiosity got the best of it and it scrambled over to see what the box contained.
Sally slowly opened the box.. - Only to see 100 pairs of beady eyes stare right back at it. .. ... ...... Two screams were heard across the hotel. - About thirty minutes later -
The sound of a ticking of a grandfather clock was the noise that filled the room once the two children finished retelling the events to several exhausted hotel denizens.
Seek stood at the center of group of parents, its hands had long since risen to cover its face and a muffled groan could be heard from behind them.
Rush, the smile of whom had long since faded away into a look of pure emband concern. and a tiny bit of pride that its child had managed to pick a lock all by itself. started first. "Aaaah, well uhhhh uhmm.." it tapped it's fingers together for a few before clapping its hands. "ANYWAYS, I think it's time you go to bed Sally. You ahhh.. little stinkers shouldn't have been outa bed in the first place-..!" Rush began to scoot Sally out a nearby door with a massive cartoonish hand. "But Paaaaar!! What about the ghosts??" Sally whined. "The adults are talkin about it. Goodnight, sleep tight and don't go around pickin any locks without permission!" It said, it's smile growing slightly wider before lowering its voice. It turned it's head to quickly check before reaching into its fog and pulling out a pair of lock picks and stealthily gave the smaller entity a pair of lockpicks. "Or at least don't get caught, ya coot!" Sally smile grew wide, it grabbed the lockpicks and gave its parent a hug before racing off into the hallway.
Seek raised its head from its hands slightly.
“You too, Screech. It’s late and you shouldn’t have been up in the first place.”
“Bed. Now.” It said icily, it’s voice no longer cascading and resonating but instead was filled with withering exhaustion.
Screech shrank a little before reluctantly creeping away. Seek’s eye softened a little before raising its head and turning to address small ensemble of entities that sat encircled near the the fateful box.
“Have any of you seen..such a room before?” Seek rubbed it’s eye.
“Nah, never seen it.”
“No, have you..?”
“Wait- the kids ain’t in danger?”
Figure shook its head.
“No. ⁿᵒ.”
Jack slowly crept away, while Rueben whispered something to Figure who quietly nodded before quickly departing soon after.
Seek sighed before shaking its head. “How..? How has this room evaded our sight this long? It doesn’t have a label…number..nothing.. and I can’t even find it with ANY of my eyes.” It said, blinking away visions of rooms after fruitless rooms.
“ More ᵐᵒʳᵉ importantly ⁱᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃⁿᵗˡʸ. ⁽ˡʸ﹖⁾ why ᵈⁱᵈ did ⁱᵗ it ⁽ⁱᵗ﹖⁾ ˢʰᵒʷ show ⁱitself ᵗᵒ to them ᵗʰᵉᵐ﹖ ᵃⁿᵈ and ⁿᵒᵗ not ᵘˢ us?” Eyes mused as their gaze drifted towards the box.
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“Seek, should we em..be keepin them in there?”
“Here.. let me have a look at them.” Hide calmly over to the chest and knelt down.
“Be careful Hide, we don’t know how they’ll react once freed.” Seek said cautiously as Hide gently opened the chest.
“Shh..” It quietly answered as it carefully cracked the chest’s top open just a peek to peer in. It’s eye dilated before making itself relax.
After a few seconds, it opened the lid wider and slowly placed a hand inside..
..For a few minutes, the room was silent as Hide waited patiently with its hand in the in the box’s lid.
Finally Ambush spoke up. “Should we do somethin because it’s-“
“No, wait- here we go…” Hide murmured, before carefully standing back up with an asker in its hand.
All the entities stared in shock for a moment.
“oh dear.”
“Wait ʷᵃⁱᵗ Didn’t ᵈⁱᵈⁿ’ᵗ..ᵈⁱᵈⁿ’ᵗ Sally ˢᵃˡˡʸ ˢᵃʸ Say ᵗʰᵉ The ᵇᵒˣ Box ʷᵃˢ Was..ˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ Locked..?”
“W-Wait Seek what’s going on-..?”
“-Is that a fuckin kid…?”
“..Oh my god…how long were they in there?”
“W-wait..T-this one isn’t a c-child..I can tell from the energy they give off..But..” Hide melted a little, still keeping the asker comfortable as possible as it did.
“-yes..I-I did see some b-babies in there-..” Hide said with a hint of despair in its voice.
Ambush’s face fell into a deep frown.
“Oh ain’t that any better? Don’t really matter if they ain’t fuckin kids or not- Some..asshole locked a buncha small entities in a dark cramped container for potentially days on end.”
“I think I’m going to be sick..” Figure trilled, still trying to find its words and with its hands now firmly placed on its ears.
“From..what I can hear..it’s..That’s..that’s just dreadful..but that can’t be true, right Ambush? Besides from Shadow, Halt, and well……..Jeff and El-Goblino….There’s so few resident in the hotel who aren’t here tonight..” Figure’s voice trailed off, unsure of what to say anymore.
Rush’s pupils grew increasingly wider and let out a creaking noise whilst Ambush licked its teeth.
“..Very interestin you mentioned Jeff, Figure.”
Eyes shivered, while Hide quickly put the asker back into the the box and slithered away into a nearby closet while Seek began to bubble.
“But it wouldn’t be all that out’ah his ball park considerin what he and that prey thief did to A-60’s face..”
“We don’t know if he’s done this yet.” Figure gently clicked. “While..I hate Jeff too..I don’t think this his or the prey thief’s doing..I don’t think we should jump to conclusions without reasonable evidence.” Figure’s clicks became more nervous.
While the two talked, Rush carefully pulled the chest toward itself and pulled a granola bar out of its fuzzy fog. Carefully cracking the top of the chest just a little to feed it to them. "Anyone hungry in there..?" Crunch crunch crunch. "There ya go.."
“You don’t have any idea, do ya Fig? Do you even REALIZE what the prey thief is even capable of..? And IM PRETTY DAMN SURE from day one that it hated us for pretty much existing given all it’s done to us so far!!!”
“Ambush, please listen to me! That’s..a good point..but listen..something about this doesn’t seem like..I don’t know-..would..Jeff have something to gain from this..?” Figure trilled back.
"I dunno..I mean what would he have 'ta gain from what he allowed It to do to Wrath..? Knobs? Power?...Is he 'datin the damn thing? I'm as clueless as you are Figure but what he did to it was pretty clearly fuc-!"
".. Cease the chatter about Von Tentacle this instant."
Seek interjected loudly, its voice gripping the room like a vice and its body tense and still.
"..." ".." It melted partially into the floor. "..It is..it is very late... I am very tired..and there are more important things to worry about." Seek said gesturing to the box with a melted hand. "Yea..I don't..Well uh Hey seek?..I'm sorry for bein that guy but I don't think any of these little guys hunt too well..Are you sure it's a good idea to uhhh.. be keepin them up here?..andmaybeweshouldtakethemoutoftheboxnowbecausetheyaregettingreallyantsy.." "You're right. Let me check in on them. Once everything is fine, I'll ask where they want to take up residence or if they even wish to stay." .. Seek carefully opened the chest. This time fully exposing the ghosts to the open air. "Hello in there, I am so very sorry for keeping you in here for so long. Are you all okay? Do you need any food or water?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ASKS ON -
Also I ONLY HAVE ONE REQUEST OF YOU GUYS..YOU CANNOT REMEMBER ANYTHING BEFORE THE BOX!!!! (unless your human in origin, in which case you know you were human. But not how you got into the box.)
Originally.. I was just gonna have them take the askers to their room. But I figured that it wouldn't be right for Seek or anyone else to leave you guys in the box without at least checking on you to make sure you aren't injured or gaining input on were you guys might want to stay.
So yea ask away!!!
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
Okay so like, a MONTH b4 I got into welcome home and shit when the website was still down I wrote a little comic idea for what I thought the plot was gonna be (in a funny way ofc) and I think it is…Kinda interesting at least???
So it starts like
Julie goes up to wally with the mailman [Eddie] (didnt look up like most of the characters names when writing this lmao) and sun-lookin dude [Sally] with a worried expression on hers and sun’s faces and a frustrated look on mailmans [Eddie] face.
“Yes, Julie Joyful?”
“So we’ve been thinking…About how you’ve been acting recently and—“
Mailman [Eddie] cuts in. “It’s downright creepy! What on earth is goin’ on with you? I mean you’ve even scared poor ol’ Barnaby!” *points at Barbaby who’s terrified of the horrors* “Ya see? Now mister you’re gonna tell us what the gosh darn heck is happenin’ to you!”
Wally stares at them for a panel.
“I went to the house that makes you self aware.” *He points to the house which mumbles ‘ooo im a nice house, I’m a nice friendly friendly house I wont bite you just come inside i wont make you question your existence I promise oooooooo im so niceee’*
Julie and the other look horrified and say “THE WHAT?!?!”
The green apple guy [Howdy] walks by in the middle of this and also goes “The what?!” And everyone looks at him. And it ends.
Honestly I mainly just needed to switch Howdy with Barnaby and Barnaby with like Frank and it still couldve worked maybe probably not
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nixotinix · 2 years
who is/are your comfort characters?
OOO ok I have a bunch from a bunch of different medias, so let's go down the list: (This will include some OCs :3)
-Ofc, Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde from Monster High!
-Alastor Creed from Heartless!
-My DND character, Hevel!
-Larry Johnson from Sally Face!
-Genji Shimada from Overwatch!
-My other OC, Epithet!
-Death the Kid from Soul Eater!
-Zagreus from Hades!
-Achilles! In general!!! (yes I'm mentally ill)
-Quirrel from Hollow Knight!
-Madeline from Celeste!
-Gris from... Gris!
-Hugo from Vat7K!
-Link from the Zelda series!
(there will probably be more added fair warning but this is all for now :3)
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pipwife · 2 years
top 5 blorbos? :0
Philip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Travis Phelps (Sally Face)
Nathan Prescott (Life is Strange)
Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle)
Merrill (Dragon Age)
thank you for the ask! :D
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lxdymoon0357 · 6 months
POV kianna komori vibes
It reminds me a lot of her because she likes standing in the rain
Also if you're curious about those characters in the pictures I sent you they're from a game called Sally face
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Ooo! It matches Kianna a lot! Kianna is also very similar to my character Osana!! I like it!!
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undeserved-halo · 10 months
*does that weird hypnotic thingy*
oooOoOoo you wanna play sally face so badd OoO
yes yoOouu doooOoo
you wanna play sally face sooo badd OoOOo
*done with the hypnotising thing*
no i don’t anon and ive already said even if i wanted to i couldnt
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Ooo, Sally Face is a good one! I'd recommend Hollow Knight or Journey, I adore both of those games! Journey is a really beautiful and short story based game, and Hollow Knight is also a very pretty metroidvania style game. Both games have awesome soundtracks too!
- M
Awesome thanks! I’ll definitely have to check those out.
I also forgot about Little Nightmares 2, that one is SUPER good
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