#and please don't crucify me for this but i do think it has to do with the fact that people are being condemned so heavily for the media
crossedwithblue · 2 months
random thought but yknow Janis's refusal to pronounce Cady's na,e correctly? kind of weird and pass-agg in the OG film (cited as one of the reasons she's not all that great a friend to Cady, though it's pretty far down the list LBR), has extra layers in the 2024 version where Janis is played by a PoC. Her own name may be a 'white' name that's relatively easy to spell and pronounce, but you can't tell me she's unaawre of the connotations of who gets to have their name pronounced right and who doesn't, that she's never heard relatives discuss it, maybe even that she was given that name because her parents were sick of theirs being mangled.
Does she see this naive, attractive, wet-behind-the-ears white girl, this girl who's probably gonna fit in easily without trying too hard where Janis never can, and unconsciously want to inflict just a little bit of that frustration on her? just a touch of using it to create a power dynamic?
(this post brought to you by the 'nobody ever spells my name right' gang)
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pennyserenade · 2 years
what is happening to the genre of historical fiction because of tayl*r jenk*ns re*d is killing me. i don’t know how to describe it really, but it feels like there’s just this influx of books that are so concerned with making the main characters icons that it seems the authors forget to also make them real, relatable people. the authors give them these messy backgrounds and real life troubles that are apt for the time periods, but they just ... they make them talk like non-humans. it just feels like the authors are trying so hard to convince the audience these people are really and truly important and cool and iconic that they completely overlook that the important parts of character development
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oceansprompts · 1 year
text message prompts
[text] You okay?
[text] GO TO BED!
[text] hey you better be alive in there
[text] SOS save me please holy shit
[text] call me this date is going so bad
[text] I have way too much shit to do.
[text] Honestly I'm really worried about you.
[text] Why are you trending on Twitter?
[text] Please let me come over and pet your (pet).
[text] We are in the same building, you could come talk to me.
[text] It's not going to work out.
[text] This is a terrible idea.
[text] people have fetishes
[text] They really do crucify anyone these days huh
[text] I don't know why but that really means me want to stab you
[text] That movie was awful.
[text] For the love of god please help me
[text] I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.
[text] I'm blocking you.
[text] I regret swiping right.
[text] Everyone lies on their dating profiles.
[text] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you.
[text] This forced open my third eye and I saw the devil
[text] I'm like a child in line for the newest fucked up disney ride
[text] That's just all fucking sorts of fucked up
[text] Why are we here? To suffer? Every other day I get messages that cause pain
[text] In the department of old man fucking, we've got you beat.
[text] have you gotten any work done?
[text] I am beyond shame, try again
[text] You left your left your underwear at my place.
[text] Don't you dare put this on Facebook.
[text] My brother in Christ you're being haunted
[text] I want to wring you like a wet towel and slap you against a wall
[text] The mind is weak but the body is funky
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
[text] Jealous of my massive honkers
[text] We left you to die to play minecraft
[text] She would never ever take away one of these stupid fucking hats
[text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat.
[text] I just took a screenshot of that and posted it to Reddit
[text] You said you'd be right back and it's been months.
[text] Can't we talk about this face to face?
[text] Yeah, you'll come learn I just have a thing for milk
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014?
[text] Now's as good a time as any to exchange nudes.
[text] Why would you send me an eggplant emoji?
[text] I write five paragraphs, pouring my heart out, and all you reply with is k?!
[text] Who would dare to lie on the internet?
[text] When I die, please delete all my shit off the internet
[text] He's so hot, I briefly started texting like a straight person
[text] And because I'm god and I've decided that; no, in fact, I'm not done.
[text] I know you love bloopy reggae jams, now is not the time.
[text] You better not be standing catatonic in your room again.
[text] God has abandoned his children but unfortunately for you I pay child support and I will smite thee.
[text]: My neighbor just told me he can fix my water heater for 50 bucks. I’m skeptical.
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: I mean, I wouldn’t say I have a problem with buying Squishmallows..
[text]: Hey, so you know how you told me no dog? *sends pic* I don’t do well with no’s.
[text] Stuart Little is a bitch and Remy could take him any day.
[text]: My roommate just said that Lola Bunny is hot. I’m moving out.
[text]: Hey I posted that vid of you drunk, singing Ariana Grande, wearing all black and people said not to do it again. Sorry.
[text]: Do you think the price is ever right? Like, I feel like it’s not.
[text]: I booped your nose. Boop the last five people you texted or–nothing happens really.
[text]: I’m actually in the ER and it’s a long story that involves Best Day Ever from spongebob.
[text]: I fucking hate you–wait you’re not my ex. Who are you?
[text]: You ever ask yourself if birds see a bee and just go ‘wow a bee’? im high.
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
[text]: I love you—not as much as I love my dog. But still a lot!
[text]: I found a cat on the way home and now it’s mine. But it hates my guts so this should be fun.
[text]: I have questions about the marvel cinematic universe…how long do you have?
[text]: why do donald duck and winnie the pooh not have to wear pants but other people do?
[text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky.
[text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America.
[text]: On a scale of one to ten, how many drinks would you need to sleep with me? This isn’t a tiktok trend…or it is.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 3 months
Lord Husband (Chapter 12)
A/N: ik it took be forever to post this, pls dont crucify me. I also don't care if we have canon cregan; thats literally not my man
WORD COUNT: 1,078 words
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You gave him hope. You knew you did and perhaps you shouldn’t have. It would have been easier if you didn’t, but you think you… wanted to? Do you want to have dinner with him?
“Seven hells.” You grumble to Sȳndror after you’ve dismounted. “I suppose I have to eat with him.”
Well, you know you don’t have to. You didn’t even give him proper confirmation, but it’s much simpler to think of it as something you can’t avoid, you decide, making the walk back inside the castle.
“Draw my bath.” You say to Rose as you enter your chambers. “And you’ll need to select a proper evening gown for me today. I’ll be having my supper with Lord Stark.”
“You will?” Your handmaiden asks, looking at you as though you’ve grown a second head.
“I have just said it, haven’t I? Don’t look so bewildered.”
“My apologies.” She curtseys and runs off to start your bath.
When you walk over to the prepared tub, she begins to help you undress. “My apologies for my harsh tone. The situation is simply unusual for me.”
“You never need to apologize, princess. I understand fully.” She finishes undoing your dress and lets the garment drop before also helping you out of your shift.
“I brought him to meet Sȳndror today.” You say wistfully as you step into the perfectly hot bath. Rose always knows just how you like it.
“What prompted that?” She asks carefully, knowing that not even your closest friends have met the beast.
“He caught me watching him train. I wanted to frighten him.” You reply and she giggles.
“I would expect nothing less.” She says and begins to wash your body clean from the smell of dragon. “I also quite like watching the way the northernmen train.”
“There is something unique about the way they move.” You murmur thoughtfully.
“I would say there is something… primal in it.” Rose says with a giggle, clearly thinking about a different adjective in truth.
“Yes, it's very rough.” You muse.
“Did he get along with Sȳndror?” She asks, now running her fingers through your wet hair.
“He is not dead. So, I suppose the answer is yes.” You both giggle.
“Well, I am sure he is appreciative of the honour.”
“He doesn’t quite realize how much of an honour it is.”
“Lord Stark doesn’t know he is the first non-Targaryen you have brought to meet your dragon?” She gives you a slightly bewildered look.
“Of course not. He would be far too pleased with himself if he knew.” You roll your eyes and with your hair washed, you stand, Rose bringing you a robe.
“It is very gracious of you to allow him the meeting nonetheless.” 
“I am known to be gracious.” You reply with a cheeky smile and the both of you giggle.
“I am excited that you’ll be getting more wear out of your evening gowns.” Rose says as she throws open the doors of your closet. “This one could be most suitable.” She holds out a stormy grey dress and you scoff.
“There’s no way in the Seven Hells i’m wearing Stark colours.”
“But it would make him go positively insane.” Rose muses.
“I’ll have one of my black and red gowns.” You say, ignoring her. “The one with the sleeves that Baela adores.”
“Oh, that will be a splendid choice. Lord Stark has never seen you in a proper evening gown. This one will make for a strong start.” She admires the dress in the cupboard before fetching your small clothes.
When you’re dressed, you look nothing short of phenomenal. 
“He may faint from the sight of you.”
“I hope he does.” You murmur, checking yourself one last time in the mirror before strutting out of the room. “Come, Ser Robert. I will be suppering with Lord Stark.” You say to the surprised guard as you walk past him.
“You will dine… with your husband, princess?” He asks in a confused tone as he catches up with you.
“Well I just said that, did I not?” You shoot in a snarky tone.
He chuckles. “My apologies. I simply did not realize you enjoyed his company.”
“I am starting to think that I don’t enjoy your company. Perhaps I should get a new protector.” 
“Any man but I will be subpar and that is the second time you have threatened to replace me today, princess. Should I be worried?”
“Not worried. Perhaps just less irritating.” You smile.
“Anything to please her highness.” He responds playfully just before the two of you arrive at one of the smaller dining halls in the castle. The doors are thrust open for you, your protector waiting just outside as you walk in.
Cregan stands when he sees you and immediately makes his way over before bringing your hand up for a kiss. “Princess.” He murmurs, not wanting to seem too casual by using your name (even if you are his wife).
“Lord Stark.” Your formality makes him frown. His own formality also made him frown.
“That dress looks beautiful on you.” He says, wanting to make sure you know he’s complimenting you and not the gown. He couldn’t care less about a few pieces of fabric.
“You are also looking well.” You murmur in response, meeting his eyes for a fraction of a second before gliding out of his hold and to your seat. You can feel the ghostly touch of his lips on your hand and you see how he lingers for just a moment before sitting down himself.
“How was your ride today?” He asks as you start to plate your food.
“‘Twas as good as it can be. Sȳndror is restless these days. He doesn’t enjoy flying as high as he used to; I think the bite of chill in the air bothers him.”
“I hope that he can settle soon. It will get warmer… in a few months' time.” Cregan tries to help, but the discussion of the passage of time unnerves you. You don’t want to think about how in a few months, you will still be here.
“He isn’t used to being alone.” Neither are you.
“Then we will have to house your brothers for a visit. I know how important family is.” He sees it then, the little glimmer in your eyes at the suggestion. Your husband feels like he’s made you somewhat happy for the first time ever.
“I would like that.”
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
could you talk more about fanon vs canon tim drake? i havent gotten too far into the comics yet but have seen a lot of him (mis?)characterized by others
Just a preface, I'm not gonna crucify any Tim fans who find themselves writing these tropes, because it is fandom, and everyone's allowed their own interpretations of the character, I'm just personally not a fan of these takes on Tim because in my mind they just don't make sense for the character. If anyone has differing opinions, feel free to (politely) explain them to me, because I'm happy to hear them.
Ok, so much like Fanon Dick Grayson, there are two versions of fanon Tim Drake.
There's version A.) where where he's one minor inconvienience away from becoming a supervillain (I understand where this one comes from and I don't HATE it) and there's version B.) where he was criminally neglected as a kid and is infantalized (This version of Tim I Loathe)
I'll start with version A. I see where it comes from. Mainly the Red Robin 2009 run, but we have to remember that Tim was grieving pretty much everyone close to him during that era. He was being self destructive because of that grief, and yeah, grief changes a person, but Tim is the type of character who would still turn out good despite all the hurt handed to him. Oh! But Gun Batman-- Tim actively chose against being that. He would rather kill himself than let himself become a version of Batman who went against everything Batman stood for. I know there are multiple storylines where Tim meets and evil future version of himself, but those versions would constantly be like a weight on him to be good. All in all, if I had to choose between the fanon Tim Drakes, I would choose villain Tim Drake, as long as it's done in more of a character-study way rather than a 'He deserves to go evil, as a treat' because it's an interesting take with the right motives.
Now onto Version B. Loser Tim Drake. The reason I Loathe this version of Tim is because it usually involves Characters Assassination of the characters around him. Ok, so do I agree that Tim Drake was somewhat neglected? Yes. But goddamit, the way I see Jack and Janet portrayed, you would think that they were running from the feds or something. They were good people, just bad parents. Maybe a little immature to raise a child, but it wasn't to the point where they would probably need to call CPS. Neglect isn't black and white, and the Drakes fell into that grey-- which I personally believe to be a lighter shade. You do have to remember that a lot of Tim's introduction was written in the 90's where parenting styles were a lot different compared to Today. Still, they sent him to boarding school, meaning they made sure that some form of adult was taking care of Tim AND a lot of people try to make Jack Drake out to be the villain for stopping Tim from being Robin, and blackmailing Bruce for it, but... It's What Any Sane Parent Would Do? I'm 18, but I know if I ever had a kid, and then fell into a coma and then woke up and found out that my Kid was fighting crime in one of the most CRIME RIDDEN CITIES alongside my middle-aged neighbor who dresses up like a furry I WOULD CALL THE FUCKING COPS. But enough about the Drakes. Because not only does Loser Tim Drake assassinate their character, but why is 17 year old Tim the victim when it comes to 10 year old Damian-- "Oh he tried to kill him' They're both trained by assassins. They're both trained. They're both Trained. Why Is a Junior/Senior in high school hurt by the actions of a 5th grader. I have a similar age gap with my younger brother. We have had pretty brutal fights and the next day we're fine. I'm not going to get into "Attack on Titans Tower AUs" but I will say this, Every Time I Start To Read One Of Those, I Lose Half Of My Hair Because of How Bad the Characterization Of Both Jason And Tim are. Please, Read, The, Comic. Jason Wasn't Trying To Kill Tim. If He Was, Tim would Be Dead. ANd Tim was Snarking Jason Through The Entire Confrontation. Lastly, Why Has DICK 'BAMF' GRAYSON TURNED INTO TIM"S NUMBER ONE OP????!!!! DIck IS LITERALLY TiM's ChiLDHOOD HEro!!!!! NoT BAtMAN, DICK GRAYSON. And like, not only that, Dick and Tim are the most brotherly. I'm Begging, Please go read a 90's comic. Why is it, the only time I see Dicks Manipulative side in fanon, It's in opposition to Tim? I bet it's bc of Teen Titans Go. I bet the only Tim and Dick interaction they've seen is TTG Robin going "No BOdy cARes AbOuT TiM DrAke"
Sorry that ended up becoming rant-y, and less objective. Since actually reading comics, fanon Tim Drake gets on my nerves.
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mars-ipan · 3 months
sooooo. remember when i was posting about being up way too late for a powerpoint thing i was doing with friends? yeah i'm posting that final powerpoint now.
allow me to introduce you all to...
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(aka a demonstration in unmedicated ADHD)
120 slides. 163 MB. somewhere between 14 and 22 hours of work. sleep deprivation. influence from @anonzentimes , respected komahina scholar. this bad baby has it all this is a powerpoint presentation summarizing and analyzing just about everything you need to know about komahina in sdr2 (and a bit from adjacent media as well). we go in-depth and we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that komahina real and love wins (loses?)
ok cool! some other things to keep in mind under the cut:
i made this powerpoint in two sittings across 2 days, each sitting about 8-12 hours long
i got about 7 total hours of sleep in that time. not for each day- total. i was mad scientist delirious by the end of this
originally, i wanted to include far more- i wanted to analyze other media in depth (like the stageplays, the drama CD, komaeda's official songs, and even official art and materials) but i did not have the time for it. maybe i will make a new testament powerpoint detailing these as well as fandom analysis but that is not currently in the works
this is a presentation! as such the intended way to consume it is As A Presentation! unfortunately i am not someone who records videos so i cannot present it to you. if you would like to present it to you feel free. if you would like to present it to your friends feel free. if you would like to present it to the internet i'm honored but would like for you to talk to me about it first. cool
the original target audience for this was my friends and not all of them are anime people so. i am using the more english-friendly terms (as well as first names). i don't think this will bug any of you but i'm making it clear anyways
all art included in the presentation is credited with a caption linking back directly to the original artist's account. if you see your art in here and you do not want your art in here: let me know! i will take it down immediately and without question.
i may have missed some details/glossed over some things! if you think i've made a mistake somewhere or have missed something important, talk to me about it! i'd love to discuss it and if i make the new testament sequel powerpoint then i will include your corrections at the beginning :)
a lot of the jokes i make happen in the transitions of this powerpoint. some of them use audio- click on the little speaker icon to play the audio and time the animations yourself i suppose. i'd recommend playing it as a slideshow ^-^
have any questions about a particular point i make? ask me! i will elaborate for you
ok that's all i can think of!! have fun folks :]
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kanmom51 · 5 months
Public service notice
Remember how I said I haven't blocked you just yet @chaotickoalacat ?
Well, got your reply ask, and let me tell you this:
I'm really tempted to do it right now.
I am not going to answer this ask, more so because I know how you will be literally crucified in the comments not only for the utter nonsense you are spewing but the way you are doing so.
I will address a couple of things you are saying though. Because seriously dude, I'm in utter shock as to how you are actually able to come up with this stuff.
You believe MHJ? Really?
You tell me that because she created NJ then her saying that Illit are copying her then that's it? It must be true? She also said that BTS copied her concepts in the past, that true too? You are aware of the fact that she is all about the visuals and has nothing to do with the music part of things, right? Just checking.
And in the same breath you are also full on acknowledging that she was the one behind the BTS leaks, including the damaging leak of JM's private info.
So, let me get this straight, you have no issue in believing a person that is untrustworthy and moved to hurt your fave, as long as it suits your current agenda? Seriously? I kind of think that once untrustworthy always untrustworthy. Or in your world is it once untrustworthy sometimes trust worthy as long as what's coming out of their mouth is what I want to hear?
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Btw, you most definitley showed your true colours with the whole "JK's fling" idiocy. Prey tell me what does it say about JM, or more so, what does it say about what you think about JM if he sticks by JK's side while JK, in your warped mind, is an untrustworthy copy cat cheater? You must think so highly of JM for sticking by JK's side when JK treats him like shit (according to your warped views).
And let me make my views clear as day here. JK did not copy JM nor is JK an asshole cheater that can't keep his dick to himself. Balloon busted for you, I guess.
And yes, we are both BTS fans (or are we? cause you seem to be a solo stan and not a fan of BTS the band and all it's members), but clearly you lack the basic emotional intelligence that someone who is mature enough and with some life and long term relationship experience has. Either you are very young and inexperienced or for some reason lack that healthy relationship experience. Because thinking so low of JK and yet believing at the same time that JM would stick around someone like that, yeah, there is something lacking in your life experience. Maybe no experience, maybe bad experience, maybe too much Kdrama watching experience. Whichever it is, please, do not try and compare us.
There is NO comparison.
You say that you don't view JM as a damsel in distress, that he is a strong person, stronger than JK seeing how well he did in the army. Let me start by saying what a load of bull (not the him being strong part, but the part where you claim you aren't out to 'save' him). He's strong when it suits you, which is when you want to prove he's better than JK and/or the others (I'll get into how disgusting and disrespectful that comparison you are making is in a second). But at the same time he, supposedly in your fantasy world, allows JK and the company to step all over him, to copy his ideas and creativity and to scorn him and mess around with others, and continues to play along with their game, of showing up for JK, going on trips with him, enlisting with him even after he's supposedly, again, been mistreated, disrespected, cheated on. I would kind of suggest that you make up your mind which is it?
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As for this constant comparison with the others when it comes to their army service, I've been vocal about this in the past and I will say it again. It sickens me how disrespectful you are towards not only the other BTS members, each and every one of them doing their utmost best within their army placement, but it's disrespectful towards every single other SK young man that is doing their compulsory military service. How easy it is sitting on your comfy chair in the safety of your own home or wherever it is you are sitting, which isn't an actual war zone, behind your screen and keyboard, grading these young men that have left their lives behind for 18 months to enlist into active duty in a military that is at war with another country. Please have more respect not only for every single one of the members (each serving at their utmost best within their assigned duties) but also for all the other young men that are doing just the same. JM is amazing, he's assigned duties are utilizing his high level of intelligence and mathematical abilities. Kudos to him for excelling at it. But why is it so hard for you to say that and at the same time say the same about each and every other member? Why is there this need not only to uplift one, but to do so at the expense of the other, diminishing what the other is doing? This whole attitude is just so childish and stupid. And you know what? Like I said, it's disrespectful not only to the other members and to every single other soldier, but also to JM, who doesn't need to bring down the others to show just how amazing he is.
This is it. Let me make this as clear as day that even if I end my sentences with a question mark, it's a rhetorical question and not an invitation for your response. I will not reply to any more asks you might throw my way. Obviously you are intrenched in your ideas and opinions, as warped and unhealthy as they may be.
Good luck trying to save JM from the one person he is showing us all that he wants to spend every second, every minute, every hour with.
And good luck with it all when Jikook Karma strikes, cause it's coming and it's coming strong, and when it does come well, all those that lack the respect to either JK or JM, those who are willfully closing their eyes and ears to what they have been showing and telling us for years now...
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...the day is coming when it can no longer be ignored.
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justarandombrit · 21 days
Believe it or not, I did in fact go to see Spies Are Forever (you'd never know from looking at my blog), and, as usual, I wrote down some notes. My memory is shit so I'll probably update this with additions when I remember more, but for now, below the cut...
Act 1:
. They played Show Stoppin' Number and so many people were singing along
. It started midway through them playing The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
. Joey: “Sorry to anyone who thought they were seeing Wizard Of Oz. Although, this show has many friends of Dorothy”
. Emily Proudlock has a beautiful voice. The microphone was struggling a little at the start, though lmao
. Oliver Ormson (Owen) called Curt “Mega” which in the show he doesn't do until he becomes the DMA (not a criticism, just interesting)
. Owen said the “A man needs his privacy”(?) line, so Owen and Barb have officially interacted now
. I love Brian's Informant. His French accent was so over the top
. Brian stared at Clark when he said “The Deadliest Man Alive” until Clark played the keyboard sting. And then whenever anyone else said it throughout the show, he played it.
. They left in a huge awkward silence when the DMA was waiting for Sergio and it was so funny
. Sergio sounded so awkward when he said “You guys can relate, right?”
. Joey fucking SCREAMED “PLEASE!” during Sergio's little Somebody's Gotta Do It reprise
. “The Deadliest Man Alive disarms Mega and escapes”
“He does?”
. Dean John Wilson walked back on stage after his exit, said “The Deadliest Man” and left again
. Okay, so Claire M. Hall is a perfect Cynthia
. You guys are gonna crucify me for this, but I actually liked her Eyes On The Prize I better than Lauren's…
. Joey was making the weirdest faces during Eyes On The Prize II
. Curt cocked his head at Hallucination!Owen and Owen shrugged and mouthed “I don't know” at him
. I LOVE EMILY OOI’S BARB!!!!!! She did a cute little dance during “It's actually a gun!”
. Obioma (Curt) pretending his beard had been shaved lmao
. No Richard Big appearance sadly
. Curt was even more oblivious about Tatiana hitting on him than in the actual show
. The Nazi ensemble stuck around throughout the whole scene and kept gasping when Curt called them villains
. “SAY WE GOT A BIT LOST, WITH THE WHOLE HOLO–” *looks at ensemble* “ehh…”
. They didn't make the audience chant, which was… probably for the best
. Von Nazi yelled “I'm a big boy! A BIG BOY” at Mega then walked off without using his knees
. Curt groaned and hung his head when the DMA said “I'm gonna torture the living shite outta you”
. Actually gasped at the overlapping “Doesn't even matter if I killed my best friend” and “To show you the horror of staying alive”, even though I knew it was coming
. The homoeroticism 🤌🤌🤌🤌
Act 2:
. Joey shouted out loads of cosplayers still in character as Vanger Borschtit
. Everyone was so excited about Vanger Borschtit, and Joey made everyone cheer for an acceptable amount of time “for his reel”
. The new We Love the Prince lyrics really are so much better (also what did he do to the Pope?!?!?)
. Vanger Borschtit was DISTRAUGHT when the prince died
. Obioma stared so blankly into the audience at “Or whatever it is you boys do in the rumpus room”
. I think out of all of the new cast members, Evelyn Hoskins (Tatiana) sounded the most like the original actor (she was also so cool)
. Obioma actually sung the little “Very good place to start” Sound Of Music reference and Tatiana looked so annoyed
. Tatiana was SO into Doing This up until the kiss (which wasn't a real kiss lmao)
. The lights flashed rainbow after the line “So we're just… friends?”
. Curt looked straight at Barb when he said “Some of us may die”
. Curt paused before he drank the shot, and then started drinking a load and everyone stared at him, really concerned. It was a really neat piece of acting
. Von Nazi kept stressing how he had no idea how Feurgin was killed
. The Informant looked so concerned at the start of NSB reprise, then actually kinda got into it
. Jak Malone (Von Nazi) made his death SO DRAMATIC. He fell to the ground and went “Ow, my back! Ow, my front! Ow, my…self” and then got up and bowed
. Owen stood behind the DMA and they just spun around while Joey narrated
Dean: *Crouch-walks away*
. Owen stared directly at Curt (and addressed him instead of Tatiana) when he said “Don't slip up” and loads of people “Ooh”ed
. Owen seemed actually on the verge of tears in Spies Are Forever (Reprise)
. He also fully yelled “You're a caveman!”
. They changed the line “Taking your advice” to “Moving on”, just like Curt (I think it was Curt? Edit: IT WAS JOEY) wanted in the livestream
. The speech before Spy Again (Reprise) was so good. Everyone came out on stage and it was all just incredible
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glittergelpensblog · 1 year
Shadow and Song (Azriel x Reader) Part Two
Part two! Thank you so much for all of the support for part one! I have so many ideas for this series and can’t wait to see where it takes me :)
Azriel x Reader
Word Count: 2,577
Part One
It wasn't until you felt Elain's hand on your back that you finally let go of Feyre.
"Mrs. Laurent, draw up some tea and bring it to the drawing room." Elain spoke.
Mrs. Laurent looked like she wanted to do no such thing, glancing between the three of you. It was with one final glare to Feyre that she turned around and made her way to the kitchen.
Elain and Nesta sat on the opposite side of you and Feyre. Everyone quiet, too scared to speak, too scared to find out what made your sister return home.
It was she who finally broke the silence, "Where is father?"
"In Neva," Nestas voice was sharp. " Trading with some merchants from the other half of the world and attending a summit about the threat above the wall. A threat I wonder if you've come back to warn us about."
You drew in sharp breath. A threat above the wall? Why hadn't Nesta mentioned that to you? Why didn't she tell you anything?
"Whatever the reason, Feyre," Elain spoke softly. "We are happy to see you. Alive. We thought you were--"
"I never thought that." You sent a look to Elain before your gaze met Nesta's. You knew it was coming, knew the look in her eyes.
But before she could snap back at you, words bound to be as sharp as knives, Feyre pulled down the hood of her cloak down.
Elain's hands immediately began shaking, teacup rattling in her saucer. Your eyes widened as you took in your sister. Her slimmer figure, her taller stature. Her ears.
She was Fae.
"I was dead. I was dead, and then I was reborn--remade." Feyre's voice shook.
Elain set down her cup and Nesta angled herself, the movement barely noticeable, between them and Feyre. Her hand slightly stretching out, as if she wanted to take you behind her as well.
Feyre did nothing but hold her gaze with Nesta. "I need you to listen."
You were silent as she told her story. She spoke of the trials Under the Mountain, about Amarantha, how the red-headed witch had killed her, and then how the other Fae gave her back her life. She briefly mentioned leaving Tamlin and her new life in the Night Court. Her job with the High Lord. She explained why she was back. The threat at the border. Hybern. What she needed you to help her with.
You knew Feyre was different the moment you saw her. Yes, she was beautiful, almost glowing. But you knew something was wrong. You saw it in her eyes, her tight lipped smile. You felt it in the way she barely hugged you back. The horrors she endured, they had changed her, had taken her warmth.
"You--you want other High Fae to come... here. And... the Queens of the Realm." Elain's soft voice was nearly shaking.
"When?" you asked, not bothering to look at your other sisters, your gaze only on Feyre.
"Find somewhere else." Nesta spat.
Feyre turned to face Nesta, getting ready to speak again.
But Nesta wouldn't allow her. "Find somewhere else. I don't want them in my house. Or near Elain. Or near Y/N."
"Nesta, please," Feyre begged, "There is nowhere else; nowhere I can go without someone hunting me, crucifying me--"
"And what of us? When the people around here learn we're Fae sympathizers? Are we any better than Children of the Blessed, then?"
"Because they cared so much about us when we were starving!" You snapped. "When we were nothing but a poor, dirty family in a rotting cottage? Why do we care what they think when they never cared for us?"
Nesta ignored you yet again. "Any standing, any influence we have--gone. And Elain's wedding--"
"Wedding?" Feyre blurted, eyes scanning Elain's left hand, the dark iron wrapped around her finger.
"In five months," Nesta said. "She's marrying a lord's son. And his father has devoted his life to hunting down your kind when they cross the wall. So there will be no meeting here. There will be no Fae in this house."
"Do you include me in that declaration?" Feyre's voice was quiet, the answer found in Nesta's silence.
Your mind was a blur as you took it all in. The Fae are what took Feyre, what had taken many lives before hers. They would cross the wall to torture, to kill, the Beddors a recent wound still fresh in your Village's mind. But the Fae had also saved Feyre, gave her life. If they truly were as bad as human's thought, then why did Tamlin spare Feyre's life? Why did the High Lords resurrect her?
"Nesta," Elaine spoke again, "If... if we do not help Feyre, there won't be a wedding. Even Lord Nolan's battlements and all his men, couldn't save me from... from them. We keep it secret-- we send the servants away. With spring approaching, they'll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she'll send word ahead, and we'll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays. Father won't be back until the summer, anyway. No one will know."
"There is no other way." Feyre held her gaze with Nesta.
"We'll send the servants away tomorrow." Nesta said.
"Today, we don't have any time to lose. Order them to leave now."
"I'll do it." Elain stood, brushing off her skirts.
"I'll help," You joined, following your sister into the kitchen, mind racing with a million thoughts. You would never get Feyre back, never the way you thought you would. You would never live together again, never have her head against your shoulder as you played the piano late at night. There was no way she could come back, not with her new found life.
You pushed back the tears in your eyes as you approached Mrs. Laurent.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked Nesta.
Feyre was still in the drawing room when you called Nesta from the hall, feigning that you needed assistance with getting something out of your Father's study.
"Why didn't I tell you what?" Nesta said.
"What Father was truly doing in Neva? That there was a threat above the wall. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Like you could've done anything," Nesta's voice was low. "There is nothing you could've done but worry."
"We could've helped, like we are right now--"
"Which we shouldn't be doing! We are putting ourselves in jeopardy--"
"As Feyre did for us," You glowered, "As she did every day in those woods, nearly freezing to death every winter. For us. We are helping Feyre in the way she helped us, in the way she kept us alive!"
"All of the servants have left," Elain's soft voice interrupted, saving you from the next cruel words to spew from Nesta's mouth. "Feyre said there are others here, for us to meet."
You followed Elain into the drawing room.
Feyre entered the room, cloak gone, and you couldn't help but stare at your sister. This was her life now. She wore an intricate gown, probably worth more than you and your sister's gowns combined. Her body was adorned with jewelry, including a crown at the top of her head.
Behind her stood three men, the first, in the middle, seeming to radiate power, the High Lord, you assumed. His dark hair and fine black clothes contrasted with his violet, almost glowing, eyes. The one to his left seemed wild, ancient. He wore an outfit made of leather, adorned with glowing red jewels on his hands, chest, and shoulders, his dark brown hair almost reaching them. And he had wings, giant wings, almost like a bat's.
And to the High Lord's right was what had to be the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He was dressed similarly to the man on the left, wearing black leathers, but with blue gems rather than red. His face was narrow, sharp, expression calm as he looked at you and your sisters. His dark hair slightly covering his forehead, a strand nearing his hazel eyes. Like the other male, he also had large, bat-like wings.
You tucked your head down as Nesta stepped in front of you and Elain.
Feyre stopped a few feet in front of you before she spoke, "My sisters, Y/N, Nesta, and Elain Archeron." She paused, allowing you all to take in the men before you.
"Cassian," She gestured to the man on the left, then slightly turning to the right, "Azriel, and Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. "
You stood silent, surveying the powerful men. The hairs on you neck stood, and your heart was pounding wildly in your chest. You tried to calm yourself. Though the were Fae, they wouldn't hurt you. They had taken in Feyre, cared for her. And they were here to protect you.
Rhysand bowed to you and your sisters. "Thank you for your hospitality--and generosity," A warm smile graced his features.
You smiled back at him, and the other two men. "It is nice to meet you," You fought to keep your voice steady.
Nesta looked at Feyre, then the men. "The cook left dinner on the table. We should eat before it goes cold." She said before she strode off to the dining room
You followed Elain out as she sputtered a "Nice to meet you" to the three men.
Nesta sat at the head of the table, Elain to her left, and you took the right. Feyre sat beside you and Cassian next to Elain, Azriel on this other side. Rhysand slid into the seat next to Feyre .
The two winged males struggled to sit, adjusting their large wings with the back of the chair.
"Would you like a stool?" You asked, noticing their efforts to remain comfortable.
Nesta scoffed at your gesture
"Thank you, but we'll be fine." Cassisan said to you with a reassuring smile.
Feyre was the first to open the dishes of steaming food. Everyone was silent as they began preparing their plates and eating.
Nesta eyed Feyre as the latter took a bite, struggling to chew.
"Is there something wrong with our food?" Nesta clipped.
"No," Feyre replied, reaching for her water, her face slightly tinged pink.
"So you can't eat normal food anymore--or are you too good for it?"
Nesta truly could not leave it alone for one night. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
"I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before. Better, even."
Your face became hot as you blushed at your sister's words, and you heard Cassian nearly choke on his water. Nesta just laughed lowly.
It was Rhys who intervened, attempting to diffuse the building argument. "If you ever come to Prythian, you will discover why your food tastes so different."
You didn't even know visiting Prythian was an option. Perhaps there was hope that you would be able to see your sister outside of the circumstances you were in.
Nesta's glare shifted from Feyre to Rhys. "I have little interest in ever setting foot in your land, so I'll have to take your word for it."
"Nesta, please," Elain whispered.
Nesta ignored her, looking at Cassian who was assessing her with a smirk on his lips. "What are you looking at?"
Cassian's brows rose, the amusement on his face gone. "Someone who let her youngest sister risk her life every day in the woods while the other youngest dealt with sleazy men at the pubs, all while you did nothing. " Your face flushed at his words, not knowing what Feyre had told them of you. "Someone who let a fourteen-year-old child go out into that forest, so close to the wall. Your sister died--died to save my people. She is willing to do so again to protect you from war. So don't expect me to sit here with my mouth shut while you sneer at her for a choice she did not get to make--and insult my people in the process."
Nesta ignored him and turned to Feyre, Cassian's face filling with rage.
"It... it is very hard, you understand, to... accept it," Elain spoke to him, "We are raised this way. We hear stories of your kind crossing the wall to hurt us. Our own neighbor, Clare Beddor, was taken, her family murdered... it's all very disorienting."
"We know you are not here to hurt us," Your voice was steady a you looked between the three men, "But it is rare we experience Fae who are to help and not hurt."
"I can imagine," Azriel spoke, the first you had heard his voice the entire night.
"Nesta and I did not know what to do, how to work or hunt. Our lives were taken from us overnight. We were scared, had received no training, we failed them. Both of us." Elain said.
Feyre turned to face Nesta. "Can we just... start over?"
It looked as if it took everything in Nesta to back down. "Fine."
"Can you really fly?" Elain took Cassian's attention from Nesta.
The rest of the dinner went well after that, Nesta being as civilized as she got while the Fae explained their magic, the Illyrian race, and "Lesser Faeries" or Cassian called them. The meal was ended with a discussion of the sleeping arrangements for the night, Nesta assigning you the task of showing them their rooms before they began working on their letter to the queens.
After you had given them the directions to their rooms, you pulled Feyre aside while the three men began their work, most likely eavesdropping on your conversation.
"I missed you," You spoke, gently grabbing Feyre's hand, "How are you, truly?"
There was a long pause before she replied, "I don't know how to feel... I don't think I know how to feel. What happened Under the Mountain, the horrors I had endured... I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy."
"Is it better, at the Night Court?"
Feyre breathed deeply, looking out the window, up towards the night sky.
"With Tamlin, it was like I was drowning, suffocating. Everywhere I went there were sentries behind me. I was never left alone, I couldn't leave the house. What happened Under the Mountain broke me, but living in that house, it felt like I was trapped under there all over again.
"At the Night Court, I feel... free, I suppose. There's no breathing down my shoulder, no one telling me what I cannot do, where I cannot go. What people think of what I do doesn't matter. I have a job, people to protect... but it doesn't feel like a burden, I don't know what it feels like..."
A purpose.
"What Rhysand said, about visiting Prythian..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, a dream you were too scared to say aloud, like telling one a wish so it wouldn't become true. "Can that actually happen, can I actually visit you there?"
Feyre struggled to keep the tears in her eyes, you were so full of hope, so full of life, of innocence.
She couldn't let you visit, not right now, with war so close. She needed you here, safe.
"Maybe someday in the future, when things are safe. When this war is done with. Maybe then, you can come see me."
"I would love that."
"I would too."
Tag list: @lizziesfirstwife @waytoomanyteenagefeels @starryhiraeth @knmendiola @bionic-donut @caosfanblr @lena-davina @starriestarlight @younxii @starsdoulikedem @lucyysthings @esposadomd @naturakaashi @carolinaflicker @missusbarnes-rogers @vlysseve @lollipop974 @whydohumansss @spaxxxi
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leconcombrerit · 7 months
A warm hug to Non, or when are we going to stop demanding perfection from victims
It's been forever since I thought about making this post but I've finally decided to write the goddamn thing.
Three disclaimers : one, I haven't yet managed to get past the first third of episode 9, so this whole thing is based on episodes 1-8 at best. Two, I'll block on sight again if I see victim blaming on this post. Finally, I'm by no means an expert on the subject. It's complex, I might get things wrong and I'll have to oversimplify at times for clarity and brevity's sake, please don't kill me for it. It's probably gonna be long enough as it is. I've tried my best to organize my thoughts in a way that would make sense, but. Well. I hope it does.
Trigger warning for mention of suicide, bullying, grooming, sexual assault, rape
Non started as the poor little baby everyone wanted to protect -both the audience and Jin ; for all the shit he got after filming Non and Keng, there are a lot of parallels to draw between him and the audience. Then the dreaded episode 7 happened and all hell broke loose. I won't include screenshots of the disgusting things I read from some viewers about Non, but Jin's reaction is pretty telling already.
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The easy explanation would be that he's mad Non isn't returning his feelings, but I think it has more to do with Non not fitting his 'good victim' role anymore. There's sadness on his face, but the dominants are anger and betrayal. Non tries to regain agency and gets crucified for it.
So what's a good victim ?
Non, basically
If you want an examplary blueprint of what society defines as a good victim and survivor, someone worth justice, defending and loving, just take a look at Non. I broke it down in four marks that need to be checked :
-Innocence : none of the person's action prompted the abuse -Moral high ground : the person has values and displays kindness -Helplessness : the person cannot do anything about the situation they're stuck in -Accepting to be saved : self-explanatory. The person has to accept the help that's offered to them, traditionally by a love interest
Non is abused for being poor, something he's not responsible for. He's hardworking, honest, passionate about the things he loves and commits to his engagements. He's kind when talking with Jin. He's resilient in the face of the gang's bullying. None of what he could do or say would make it stop, neither can he help owing Por for a camera he hasn't broken nor get out of Tee's pyramid scheme. His mental illness only increases this impression of vulnerability. Jin doesn't have all these elements, but he's got more than enough to paint a very similar picture of Non as the audience.
As for accepting help, Jin repeatedly offers some -and Non finally lets him in during their conversation on the rooftop. What Jin offers may be little but it's still help ; Non smiles and even gives Jin a shove -what I think is the only time he initiates contact with Jin at all.
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"Thank you so much, Jin, for helping me all along." "It's alright, I'm glad to. I just want to see you smile again, Non."
The audience gets even more of Non being happy and grateful to be saved : he calls his "♥" contact for help multiple times, smiles at the reminder to take his meds and, later on, clings to Phee for dear life after trying to kill himself. He doesn't fight him, he doesn't reach for the scattered pills. Hell, even accepting Tee's offer to make money could count as Non agreeing to be saved by everyone around him.
Non checks all the marks. Everyone in the audience is rooting for him, the other boys can all go get impaled on a branch, and Jin looks at him like he hung and lit all the stars in the sky.
Speaking of the other boys...
Tee and Por victims as well but don't get the same amount of sympathy, if any. Tee isn't responsible for being stuck in a criminal environment and can't get out of it ; no one has offered help, so he gets a pass. But he's been shown to be selfish, opportunist, often cowardly and sometimes gratuitously cruel.
As for Por, it's even worse : every actions he takes seems to confirm his dad's opinion of him. The only mark he ticks is accepting to be saved by his mother, which looks very bad taken on its own. I made a post about Por not too long ago if you want more.
The only way for them to redeem themselves and go from 'horrible people who should die' to 'maybe they don't suck they're my poor little meow meows' is penitence. Take Por ; he's the archetype of the rich son who gets abused by his dad and suffers from having so much money. Just like Kang in Dangerous Romance, or Tanthai in Laws of Attraction. Tee ? I don't have names from the top of my head, but he's that hardened jaded guy stuck in a mafiosi network who has to learn to love and be loved again (enters White). Yet the audience learnt to root for these characters.
Basically, nothing is set in stone. Your status as a good or bad victim can shift depending on your actions and the way they're framed. The usual narrative is to get those characters to grow into the acceptable victim pattern. DFF however is going for reverse development (Non, Jin) or stagnation (Por, Tee, Fluke). It makes for gritty yet very realistic storylines ; and while I'm the first to yell that the masked figures should get their ass stat, I also recognize that there's much more complexity to them than this. Except Top. I have yet to come up with a good explanation for what they're doing with Top, but I will at some point.
How did Non fall from grace if he's such a good example ?
Three points : Phee, the paradox of the demand for Non to seek agency but not too much, and his inacceptable betrayal.
Phee as a magnifying factor
I love this kid to bits but Phee's appearance in the flashbacks concurs with Non's flawless image being torn to shreds for a reason. He's a good, strong and caring person who loves and tries to protect Non -something the audience has wanted to do for weeks ; so we all gathered behind Phee and made him our emissary, carrying out the impossible task outsiders to the series' world couldn't : saving Non.
Since Phee voices the questions and concerns of the audience, we are Phee to an extent. Betraying Phee means betraying the hope and love and care the audience has for Non. Phee is the series' moral compass by that point. I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. If not, consider it's a surprise tool that will help us later. When Phee gets hurt by Non or decides he'd be better off lost and dead.
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For the record, in this poll Phee gets even fewer votes than White
Seek agency, but not too much
Discontent starts to rise with the helplessness point first as viewers start to question why Non doesn't ditch the group. Why he's putting himself through such trouble. Non changes from being subjected to others' action to being the subject in a grammatical sense. Yet Non has hiw own reasons to stay (how much does the movie mean to him ? How many hours and sleepless nights on the script ? How long would it take for him to find another chance to get enough funding ? How big of a dream is it for him ?). It's the first occurence of the audience claiming to know best what's good for Non.
Complaints quiet down when Non does try to leave for good only to be stopped by Jin. We saw him try, we saw him fail, he really couldn't leave so he's off the hook.
Jin also makes sure Non remains a perfect victim by bringing him back into the group. I'm not accusing Jin of trying to make Non suffer on purpose ; he's a good guy at heart, come fight me to death on this hill. But the only way for him to exist in Non's life is to remain a savior of sorts. If Non leaves, there's nothing to save him from. Which brings us to my next point.
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Non must try to solve things by himself, sure. But not too much. Because when you thrash to regain control of your life, you might break a few things in the process. Especially if you have to wrest it away from well-intentioned but firm hands.
He rejected Jin's offers to help numerous times. He looked anything but thrilled when Phee put himself in danger to clear his name. He refused to change schools at first, only to begrudgingly agree when Phee insisted. This insistence is the heart of the matter : Phee is sure he knows best, so he bulldozes through Non's objections and hesitation : he doesn't consult him before asking his dad for help, he speaks in his place when Non doesn't answer his proposal, he puts the bracelet on his wrist. He asks him if he's taken his meds, just in case.
Phee has the audience's benediction in doing so. Part of it stems from our knowledge of future events : we know it's going to end bad for Non. We know he has to get the fuck out. We know whatever decision he makes will be a bad one. Kids and teenagers as a whole are often deemed unable, or not mature enough to make informed decisions anyway. Just look at Non's mother telling him to prioritize his studies so he can go abroad like his brother. Multiply it tenfold for people with mental illnesses ; they get babied on a daily basis. So Non cannot, I can't emphasize it enough, cannot do anything.
All of the above end with Phee getting his way. Non can't win against him, so he chooses to lie instead.
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Aside from willing to be in charge of his own life, Non's refusal to let Phee help is also rooted in love and fear. While Phee would offer him an easy way out as he did for the bank accounts, it would most likely only be easy for Non and put Phee in danger. Both their survivals are held in that curt 'no'.
He's already straight up refused help, and now he loses the moral highground by lying (to his perfect holy savior Phee of all people). From here on out, any action he takes will be his -which is what Non wanted ; it's his life, and he won't be a bystander in it. But it also means that he jumped off the pedestal he'd been put on to land on thin ice.
And guess what, Non is a multi-dimentional character in a difficult situation who weighs more than a poor little damsel in distress. Of course said ice cracks. And the Non hate train gets started.
The betrayal
Lying and refusing help to go get it from the worst place he could have had was bad enough. But sleeping with his teacher while he had a boyfriend (Phee, for heaven's sake) ? Unforgivable. Cheating is the BL equivalent of every cardinal sin, the worst of the worst, and no matter the circumstances you'll get roasted for it.
And yet there are circumstances. One, especially, and it's called motherfucking grooming. I won't elaborate on this point cause I've done it over and over already, but Non was groomed by an adult. Does he see things that way ? Probably not. In his mind he's in control of the situation. He can lie to Phee about it because there's no reason for it to backfire. He does what he has to if he wants to save himself, using he one weapon he has : his body. It's cheating, but cheating in a game rigged for you to lose.
Society has two opinions about sex. It's either holy or gross. Take Jin, for instance.
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See the look on his face. He's heartbroken, he's sad, he'll live through it. Witnessing Non having sex with his teacher when he has a boyfriend ? Now that's another story. That's a betrayal.
A betrayal of what, exactly ?
Of this goddamn image Jin had painted of Non. The same the audience was given to see prior to these events : Non was perfect and loveable and worth defending, an innocent, pure, helpless baby in need of saving. So when the illusion shatters in what society and especially BL culture hold as the worst action possible, people feel fooled. Stupid, if you will. And they turn their hatred to Non. Non lied to us ! He pretended to be good, dear god, to think I loved such filth ! My heart is so dirty now, ew.
But Non didn't lie. He lied to Phee, but that's it. Everything else was expectations and assumptions. Fail to meet them and suddenly everything is your fault. It's Non's fault for refusing to be dragged along in his own life anymore, Non's fault for lying in order to get some control, Non's fault for lying again not to lose Phee when caught by surprise, Non's fault for listening to Jin, Non's fault for resorting to use his only weapon to get out of a situation he was cornered in, Non's fault for being tricked into thinking any of the decisions he made regarding Keng were his own, Non's fault for everything.
He wanted to claim his life back and made a mistake, yes. He doubled-down on it when he realized it was too much for him to handle. He clung to it and did his best to keep it together. He dared not to be the perfect victim he was supposed to be ; to try when everyone knew he was bound to fail. And you know what, sometimes there's stuff that's someone's fault, consequences they didn't foresee, things they said, slips and falls, and they're still victims, just as much as they were before.
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I believe that dealing with his debt himself is as important to Non as finishing the movie is. He's ready to be used and abused (by Keng in the former, the group for the latter) and to break his own heart, values, pride and sanity. He's the most resilient and dedicated character in the show to me.
But the world doesn't necessarily see it that way. So when Non realizes the mess he's made of everything, he fights Keng (who represents his desperate and violent search for complete independence) to reach for the bracelet he got from Phee. He wants help. He needs it. But he's not a victim anymore and any help is denied.
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Both Phee and Jin later manage to reconcile their broken image of Non with the man he actually is. Too late to save him, but they still did. I have a hunch that things would have been different if Phee had beat up Keng and taken a crying Non in his arms, holding him tight while whispering none of it was his fault. But our moral compass fucked up, like the hurt kid he is.
What some people did by blaming and hating on Non is closer to the hateful comments he got on the video than Phee or Jin's reactions. They're far worse.
That's the big takeout. What if we stopped stigmatizing or idealizing sex ? What if we stopped demanding perfection and so-called purity for someone's trauma and status as a human being not to be negated ?
Anyway, here's a hug to Non and every victim who live in the paralyzing fear of a single slip. You can make mistakes just like the rest of us. You don't owe anyone perfection.
I'll end this rant on a bright, happy smile. I don't see a good ending for Non, but god knows he'd deserve it.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I just watch Bon Voyage 1. And it gave me clarity on something. Jikook started being sexually active around 2016. Or maybe even before that. Why would you give someone a footsie under the table if you’re not sexually active with each other?
Damn anon. You're just gonna bring this up, no heads up? Okay then.
How do I answer this without getting crucified for delving into their sex lives? 🤔
Whatever. I'm already cancelled.
Disclaimer: this is just what I deduced. Only Jikook know what really transpired.
So due to certain behaviour I am inclined to believe that yes, by 2016 they had gone all the way. Maybe late 2015 (thus my theory for why 8/11/15 is important) or early 2016. Because 2015 we have the 2 things that I linked above, then 2016 we have; like you just pointed out, the crotch footsie and also Osaka Vlive. Oh! And let's not forget Jimin eating a sausage, saying he's a big eater, laughing at reasons only known to him, while looking at the person who was behind the camera. Possibly the owner of the sausage Jimin likes to eat. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
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2016 was full of sexual tension and innuendos and just... things. I think we can all safely agree by 2016 the going was going. 👉🏽👌🏽
That being said, I think before the going started going, other things were being done way before that. I don't need to clarify obvs. Kissing, heavy petting.... c'mon I'm already saying too much don’t make me say it. O__L. Okay, there i said it.
But the thing is, there are Jikookers who have this thing where they say Jimin waited till 2017 in Tokyo or some shit or they didn't do anything at all before they went all the way. Again, because Jimin was trying to be respectful. Or because being gay is illegal in SK. Or a bunch of other stuff that I'm honestly not sure why they would apply.
Jimin is absolutely the type to feel guilty if he thought he made JK do something he didn't want to do. That much i agree on. But, that would come after the fact. Alright? Teenage boys are the same everywhere. Everywhere. The wind blows in their face too hard they get hard at that age. And now you want me to put my faith in two horny teenage boys, living under the same roof and are attracted to eo??? Nah fam.
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I'm not doing that. Regret usually comes later, after the deed has already been done 😂😂
And if the accident was too good it happens again and again and again until you start planning for it and looking forward to it. Maybe by saying you'll be staying late practising the new choreo at the studio? 😌 who knows?
Moving on, we know for sure they had already shagged in 2016 because that is when the push and pull started to happen. This is the example I like to give. When you sleep with your teacher, or with your boss. Right? (By teacher I mean college, please and thank you) Do you know what happens when you fuck your superior? A little respect kind of goes out the window. Suddenly you don't care if you're late for work. You decide not to do your homework just because. Your behaviour changes because you know you can get away with shit now.
And this is exactly what happened with Jikook. Jinmin were reacting to that show JK went on and Jimin was lamenting how JK doesn't listen to him. He complained during the live... and he complained on twitter
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He complained some more
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And complained again
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He was a dog with a bone, couldn't stop complaining
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And that wasn't the only time. Eat Jin. That one live where Jikook were misbehaving with those lollypops. Jimin again complains that JK has changed. He doesn't listen to him anymore.
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He was smiling... but mans was finding JK's behaviour baffling. He couldn't understand why JK had changed.
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Jimin, you let that boy wreck you, he has seen how you look like pliant and at his mercy, begging for the Jungkonda. You did this to yourself. Like a friend said to me, Jimin had made his bed, and he now needed to learn how to lay in it and be comfortable. You chose to give that boy the jibooty, he ain't listening to u 😂
(Sidebar: JK replied "I take it from you" given the topic at hand you can't blame my mind for where it went 😂😂😂😂)
Anyway, it's okay, they worked it out and are now living happily ever after. 😁😁💛💜
So yes anon. By 2016 Jikook were Jikooking. Hard. Pun intended 😏
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JK had no emotions....In anything.... Hmm 🤔
Does that sound to anyone else like JK was hitting and quitting or is it just me? Just me? Okay, I'll show myself out. My apologies.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
Minor spoilers ahead.
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I returned to the mansion alone and quietly closed the door.
(It was here that I first met Drake.)
(To think that this would also be where we part ways.)
As I touched the door that stood between him and me一
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Napoleon: “Mitsuki!”
Mitsuki: “Napoleon, everyone.”
Everyone in the mansion rushed to join me.
Comte: “We got worried after reading your letter. Are you okay?”
Mitsuki: “Yes. I’m really sorry for worrying you.”
Vlad: “Mitsuki, did you go through the door?”
Napoleon: “Did you go after Drake?”
Mitsuki: “Yes. I went to settle things.”
Let’s rewind time a bit.
Drake was leading me through the dark hallway while holding my hand. After confessing our feelings on that cliff, we returned to the hallway that transcends time and space.
Mitsuki: “The mansion’s doors were experiencing some spatial anomalies, yet this place seems fine.”
Drake: “Probably because I’m here now.”
Tilting his head, he tugged at the harness belt wrapped around his shoulder and waist with his thumb.
Drake: “This thing acts as a stabilizer to keep us from getting lost in here. It’s keeping this place stable.”
Drake: “My genius partner created this.”
Mitsuki: “There’s such a thing?”
Drake: "Yeah. Well, his genius led him to bear a responsibility that went beyond simply designing a door."
(Is the person accompanying him the designer of the door?)
I heard Comte and Vlad build the door using a blueprint Vlad happened to come across.
Could it be that Galileo drew the original blueprint?
Drake: "So, what will you do, fawn?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
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Drake: "Right now, you can go wherever you want, whether it's the 19th century or the 21st century where you originally lived."
Faced with an unexpected choice, I could only stand there, bewildered.
(The place I want to go...)
The place that came to mind was neither the 19th nor the 21st century.
Mitsuki: "I want to go to a certain place and confirm something."
Mitsuki: "It might be harsh for you, but..."
(I want to check it for his sake.)
The place I wanted to go was...
Drake: "This place..."
The location we visited was the garden of the old mansion一the place where Drake and his mother were captured.
Peering into that cruel hall from the garden, it seemed like the young Drake had already escaped, as there was no one there except for a woman crucified, her chest drenched in blood.
Drake: "You understand, right? We can't interfere with the past."
Mitsuki: "Yeah, I know."
He averted his gaze, seemingly avoiding facing whatever was in front of him.
This place probably still hurts him.
(I'm forcing him to confront painful and difficult memories.)
Even knowing that I was doing something terrible, I still held onto his hand and mustered my courage to step through the window into the room.
And then, amidst the choking smell of blood, we walked quietly toward his mother, her chest stained red.
(I really don't want to intrude at this moment.)
But if my guess was correct...
(I want him to know his mother's true feelings.)
She probably could no longer notice us as she was looking down, her tear-stained lips faintly moving.
Drake's mom: "That's right, run away, Francis."
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Drake: "----!"
Drake's mom: "Sorry. I'm so sorry. Since giving birth to you, I've only brought you pain."
Drake's mom: "You can hate me, but please, survive."
Drake: "Mom..."
Drake's mom: "I love you, Francis."
With words of repentance and love, she breathed her last, uttering her son's name.
(Just as I thought.)
After shouting that she shouldn't have given birth to Drake, her lips seemed to move again, saying, "I'm sorry."
Mitsuki: "Maybe your mother tried to let you escape and intentionally pushed you away because she loves you."
This was the truth hidden behind the betrayal.
Drake: "Ha...hahaha..."
Drake: "Is this even possible?"
Drake dropped to his knees, covering his face with his hands.
(Believing in something is very difficult, especially when you're consumed by sorrow and anger.)
However, feeling his pain and learning about the hope he had held deep within his heart, I felt that I could confirm it once more.
(The difficulty of believing and the strength to overcome it.)
(My encounter with him taught me that.)
I leaned my cheek against his trembling back and gently hugged him, wanting to ease the despair he had been carrying since childhood.
Drake: "Hey, Mitsuki."
Drake: "Is it okay for me to believe those words?"
Mitsuki: "Of course."
Drake's hoarse voice was both heartbreaking and precious.
Drake: "Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "Yeah?"
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Drake: "Thank you. I'm glad I could hear those words."
Drake: "You've managed to overturn things again."
Drake: "Not that I mind, though."
Gently narrowing his eyes, he held my hand and smiled.
It was a calm smile, different from his usual easygoing and fearless one.
This sight was probably the real him.
(His smile has always made my heart flutter, but right now I'm even more happy.)
Drake: "Hey, Mitsuki."
Suddenly, his voice and expression turned serious.
Drake: "Loving you made me realize there's something in this world worth believing in."
Drake: "But, you know, my hatred and despair towards humans and vampires haven't completely disappeared from within me."
Mitsuki: "Yeah."
(Human emotions are not that simple.)
Even if a ray of light shines through, I don't think it can melt his frozen heart instantly.
Mitsuki: "But it's precisely because I've witnessed your despair that I want to be by your side."
Mitsuki: "I want to live together with you."
(Since he's someone who can even throw himself away, I want to be there to lighten his despair a little.)
Drake laughed as I stared at him with such hope.
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Drake: "Haha! You really are a kind soul, aren't you?"
Drake: "I'm glad to hear you say that, but I'm sure you'll struggle with our incompatibility."
Mitsuki: "That's not..."
Drake: "You can't say that with absolute certainty."
Drake: "You've probably cried and suffered, knowing my betrayal and desires."
He traced my cheek with his finger, as if there were still traces of tears.
(Could it be...?)
My chest tightened in unease as I anticipated what he was trying to say.
He smiled, covering the sadness in his eyes, and continued.
Drake: "Making the woman I love cry is enough for one night."
Drake: "Besides, it wouldn't be fair if I go back and there's someone I can't just leave behind."
Drake: "It might not be enough to make up for what I've done with the guys, but I'll make sure their precious little treasure gets home safely. Then I will disappear from your life."
His gentle smile and determination made my chest ache.
(I could finally touch his heart, and yet...)
I decided not to betray this love, but...
Mitsuki: "Is that what you really want?"
Drake: "Haha! That's a sneaky question."
After letting out a smile, he held me tightly.
Drake: "I thought about kidnapping you to the end of the sea where no one could chase after us, but..."
Mitsuki: "Drake..."
Drake: "But you have your own future that you believe in."
Drake: "A future full of hope and positivity, a future I never wanted."
Drake: "That's why I can't stay by your side."
His strong embrace seemed to express that he didn't want to let go, but at the same time, it clearly conveyed that this would be our last encounter.
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Drake: "Hey, Fawn, would you like to make one final bet?"
Mitsuki: "What kind of bet?"
He let go of me slightly and lifted my hand.
Drake: "The fate of this world diverges into countless futures."
Drake: "Will everything meet its demise as I wish, or is there at least one future filled with hope, as you believe?"
Drake: "It's a bet on an endless future."
(But that's...)
It's an uncertain and endless gamble that spans across time and countless futures.
(Oh, I see.)
(So, this is his way of saying goodbye.)
Drake: "If I win, I'll come to take you."
Drake: "When the world falls apart, you'll be by my side. I promise."
He confidently laughed and made an impossible promise.
I mustered my courage and also made a bold statement.
Mitsuki: "So if I win, you're mine?"
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Drake: "........."
Mitsuki: "Your heart, your trust, and you. I want it all."
Mitsuki: "You'll give up your wish for destruction, live with me, and be mine alone."
(Will I take him or will I be taken by him?)
A bet where we seek each other, a bet that will never lead to a conclusion, and a promise only to engrave each other in parting.
Drake: "Haha! You're even more greedy than me, little fawn."
Drake: "Yes, your majesty, as you wish."
Drake: "When you win, you can have me."
With a tender gesture, he kissed the back of my hand.
In the hallway that spans between the past and the future, we silently gazed at each other and gently exchanged our final kiss.
---------Flashback Ends--------
Mitsuki: "After that, I parted ways with Drake on the other side of the door."
I recounted all the events that had taken place to Comte, Leonardo, and Vlad.
I told Drake's life as a Dhampir, his despair towards humans, vampires, and the world, his desire for destruction, and the existence of his companion named Galileo.
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for being selfish."
Comte, with his fingers interlocked and listening intently, slowly nodded as though digesting my words.
Comte: "Thank you for telling us. So, you came back to the 19th century to convey all that."
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Leonardo: "For Drake, the historical figures who interfere with history are not only targets of his hatred towards vampires but also crucial sources of the destruction he desires."
Comte: "So it seems that the one distorting fate is an everlasting flower, after all."
Mitsuki: "Comte, I don't think that's true. We can't predict how anyone will influence history."
Comte: "You're right. Thank you, Mitsuki."
Vlad: "I'm also wondering what the architect of the door, Galileo, was thinking when he leaped through time."
Vlad, pausing slightly, continued with a somewhat melancholic tone.
Vlad: "I used to think that dhampirs were born from the coexistence of vampires and humans striving for harmony. But even there, persecution arises. Why does the sorrow continue?"
Leonardo: "The divide between races is an eternal dilemma for not just vampires but all beings in this world."
Drake: "The divisions among races are the root of fear and hatred. With that alone, anyone can become as cruel as they want."
Drake: "Whether human or vampire, their essence is the same. Hatred spreads through living beings as part of their nature."
---------Flashback Ends--------
I recalled the words Drake once uttered almost dismissively.
(There are humans who fear and hunt vampires, and there are purebloods who scorn humans.)
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(And in between, there are dhampirs who lose their place.)
Through the incident with the hunters and Drake's past, I have witnessed the sad circumstances in which they persecuted each other.
(It's true that differences in race can give rise to fear and hatred, but...)
Mitsuki: "It's up to us to change the future. We can change it as much as we want."
Mitsuki: "I don't believe I have the power to change fate like Drake was talking about."
Mitsuki: "Even so, if the sad fate that originally existed somewhere has changed, I think it's because we, living in the same world, aimed for a better future together."
(Like the pureblood who loves humans, like Drake and I falling in love, we can coexist beyond our races and change towards a hopeful future.)
(We just need to believe.)
Believing made me feel connected to him, even though he was no longer here.
Leonardo: "That seems like something you would say."
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Vlad: "True. Even if people call it idealistic, I want to believe that."
Smiling at each other, Comte looked at me with a slightly lonely expression.
Comte: "Should we leave Drake's room as it is?"
Comte: "A pirate needs a place to come home to, yeah?"
Comte's suggestion was probably out of concern for Drake and me.
(If Drake's place remains, even if just a little, I would feel a little comforted.)
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Comte."
Despite expressing gratitude, my heart was tightly gripped with pain.
(Drake won't come back anymore.)
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Previous Part ╎ Romantic End ╎ Dramatic End
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hikarry · 2 months
I have a slightly poignant question in relation to Crowley and Aziraphale. Which one is a bottom, and which one is a top?
They are both switches and I shall die on that hill
Aziraphale is quite more dominant even when he bottoms aka power bottom squad, and Crowley is more on the "I'm here to please you" side of things tho
They switch quite often and it's quite balanced. They don't have a preference towards either, they don't think much about it
When Aziraphale bottoms he likes it to be gentle and romantic and when Crowley bottoms he likes to have the brains fucked out of him until he loses idea of where the absolute fuck he is
And - people are going to crucify me for this, and please do it quickly if you must - Crowley does not have a praise kink. Not in my universe he doesn't.
Yes, yes, I get the whole "demon that doesn't hear nice words and isn't praised often" thing, BUT. Ya know what the lack of praise does to him in my universe? He doesn't know how to deal with it. Not in a "I've became a shy maiden because you called me a 'good boy', please top me" way but in a "My whole brain is cringying, please make it stop" kind of way. He's not used to it. He doesn't exactly like it. And Aziraphale might try and praise him more often and he may, slowly, become more used to it and end up appreciating it, but it does not mean it turns him on
Okay, sure. It's a fandom concensus he has a praise kink. I won't fight that. Yall do whatever you must. As long as they fuck I don't really give a damn
But in my universe not only are neither of them virgins when they first sleep with each other - looking at yall, Leo Da'Vinci and Oscar Wilde, you fucking queers - but Crowley wants to be slammed against the bed and be called a desperate little slut, okay?
Not that I write smut often, mind you. But if I ever do again and I end up having Crowley under Aziraphale, you bet your sweet lil ass I will have that grown ass demon turn inside out when Aziraphale pins him by the neck against the door and calls him a "my dirty boy" in a whisper by his ear
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
I really hate how often neo ra/df/ems will go on and on about how trans fem's transitions are waaaaaay more difficult and they're waaaaaay less likely to pass, but if a trans masc dared to make any similar comparisons, they'd be fucking crucified.
There are a lot of feelings I have around sex-based discrimination and the difficulties of a masculinizing transition. On one hand, I don't think comparing struggles like that is useful (i.e. trans women have harder transitions).
On the other hand, I feel like the reality of the situation is actually quite the opposite for many people (everyone acknowledges that testosterone makes your voice drop and you grow hair, but nobody seems to want to acknowledge hysterectomy vs orchi, voice training is still often needed, electrolysis for phallo, the fact that bottom surgery is usually multi-staged [even metoidioplasty is sometimes 2 stages] with a lot of moving parts and far worse scarring, top surgery is almost a necessity for passing whereas not every trans fem wants top surgery + scars are easier to hide, face masculinization is far less common w/ fewer options, puberty begins earlier in perisex people AFAB and puberty blockers don't always allow for full height to be achieved bc they don't typically allow you to start testosterone until you're about 15 even IF you were a "classic" trans-since-3-years-old kinda case, the extreme body horror that is accidental pregnancy and abortion and menstruation when that's dysphoric vs not being able to carry a pregnancy just feels like an insulting comparison sometimes and I've had multiple trans women call me inconsiderate for expressing horror at getting my bodily rights taken away bc "that triggers my dysphoria", testosterone is a scheduled substance and has more difficult administration methods than simply a pill, etc.)
And so I bite my tongue and try to be the better person, because stooping to that low doesn't help anything. But at the same time it's so extremely frustrating to be told that you "have it better" when, considering the facts, it REALLY feels like the opposite. There's this level of bitterness around that that I am DESPERATELY trying to resolve within myself. I have a therapist. I know it's projection. I'm working on my own bullshit. But please tell me I'm not alone in feeling this way? I just wish they'd stop with that rhetoric and realize just how difficult the average trans masc transition truly is
yeah it's really frustrating for ppl to present Trans Women's Experiences and Trans Men's Experiences as diametrically opposed, with one experience being Eternal Pain And Inescapable Suffering and the other being Barely A Blip On The Life Radar. and while i understand it's coming from a place of pain, i've also experienced a lot of trans women shutting me down when i try to talk about how abortion rights affect me. back when i was first dipping my toe into trans spaces, i was friends with a trans woman who told me it was transmisogynistic of me to want to transition because "trans women would kill to have been born in your body." and while it absolutely comes from a different place than when cis men try to assert control over me and there's not the same power dynamic, it's still a complete stranger feeling entitled to tell me what to do with my body because of the sex i was assigned at birth. it's frustrating to have people i'm supposed to be in community with play into the same sexist bullshit that other people, regardless of gender, have been holding over my head my whole life, feeling like they own my body bc women and ppl who are forcibly assigned the role of women in society are seen as public property. our bodies aren't our own. everyone feels entitled to comment on them and touch them and make decisions about them. and it sucks when it comes from other people who should understand how that feels.
and like. obviously this idea that trans men's transition is so much easier than trans women's is unhelpful bc 1. there is no one particular way for trans men to transition, 2. not everyone who transitions in the way typically associated with trans men is a trans man, 3. it doesn't take into account how disability, race, ethnicity, etc. play into people's experiences before, during, and after transition, and 4. it's just not a fucking competition????? the fact that a disabled black trans man is going to be more systemically oppressed in society than a wealthy white trans woman doesn't mean trans men as a category are Objectively More Oppressed than trans women. bc gender is like. the worst possible way to try to gauge a group's place within the system. bc at this point, gender is not the most powerful system, race is. and i feel like a fuck ton of people really do not recognize that.
another thing that has bugged me for as long as i've been in trans spaces is this bizarre attitude that trans women are doomed to this miserable life of clockability and will never be able to pass as cis women thus they must accept that their life will be nothing but pain and suffering. and that's just very much not true! i know plenty of trans women who "pass" or who are happy with their bodies, who have jobs they love and friends and family who love them, who have a community that supports and celebrates them. and it has just always rubbed me the wrong way that people think they're helping trans women by presenting their existence as Inevitably Miserable when all it does is terrify closeted trans girls who think they're better off never coming out or transitioning, or better off dying. like. we have to understand that these narratives we create, the idea of the perpetually suffering trans woman and the lonely isolated trans man, are absolutely driving people to suicidal ideation. and if we give a shit about trans people, we should be changing these narratives.
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journalsouppe · 7 months
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I started and beat this within like 4 days in July 2023, and I just completely forgot to take photos of this spread T-T.
BUT I loved Tunic so much, one of my all time favorite games I've ever played. If this was a Zelda game, it might've been my favorite Zelda game. This was only beat out by Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice bc my aa brainrot is that bad hfjdkal.
All of the stickers come with ordering the physical version of the game on fangamer!! There's also a freebie fox sticker I got from TheLittleBirdeeCo thats below keep reading.
My writing is typed below as well as my game notes. I will not type out my game notes and I also don't recommend looking at them unless you have played the game.
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Game notes^ Plus a little blurb after rewatching a playthrough that I won't type out either since these are more just for fun.
Rating: 9.5 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
similar opening to links awakening
the start screen is gorgeous
THE POT SHARDS ARE MOVEABLE - i love the clay feel
tons of hidden paths and secrets
oooo you find the instruction booklet in the game
oooo you can hear the wind chimes
LOVE the mechanics of the draw bridge
what are the small tuner/bells for
i am apparently really good at finding hidden chests
i love that the fairies are stone versions of the oot/mm fairies
it's hard to get acclimated since I'm so used to 2d zelda strategies and patterns
the statues of the hero perfectly encapsulate my view of oot link, i really love the design
the garden boss is hard T-T
the bell towers are so pretty
the west garden is so pretty omg
idrk what to do at the heros grave
the librarian fight reminds me of the links awakening nightmare fight
frogs domain music reminds me of the forest temple
who am i?
why is the cathedral filled with ... me?
the boss rush was fun but hard
i don't think there's a set order to do "dungeons" so i'm not locked to doing only the siege engine
i thought cat man was pissing
why do i have the power to activate the boxes?
librarian's ghost?
was the heir me?
Game Notes:
beautiful 3D animation and modeling - very pleasing
wide attacking range - don't just attack straight forward
incredible environmental design and path making
two endings - exploration and collection for good end
diverse attack patterns and learning curve + boss rush
What a phenomenal game. I loved playing this game so much. It was challenging and I wasn't used to the souls mechanics, but I learned fast and had so much fun fighting the bosses. I love the two endings. The Bad where you replace your former self as the heir, continuing the cruel cycle. The Good where you free the Heir and find out it's you, older, someone who is no longer stuck in the cycle, and you get to be friends together. The music is absolutely gorgeous. I listened to it while falling asleep and was just sobbing from it. I love how mysterious the lore is and how everything still hasn't been answered. I love the designs of the environments and enemies and how the game can go from nice and serene to dark and creepy. I loved how this game was a perfect blend of 2D zelda plus monument valley plus a souls game, it forced me to think outside of the box and use my journal to takes notes on all the little secrets and surprises. I can def see myself play this game again, it's such a charming game that has a lot of nostalgia despite being a fairly new game. I am so happy I bought the deluxe edition, I truly cherish this game so much and love the stickers and artbooks I received. I highly recommend this game to anyone, it is such an incredible journey to go through. I'm gonna be spending a lot of time watching and reading about the lore and digging deeper into this game. Truly what a phenomenal game with such a cute yet tragic main character, ough i love tunic.
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‼️ WARNING: Some spoilers for the Novel ‘The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo’ and spoilers of quotes that spoil parts of the book‼️
I found myself wondering who Taylor was talking about in ‘…Ready for it?’ With the lyrics
“And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor,”
The lyrics are about Elizabeth Taylor and one of her husbands Richard Burton. Now, I got very excited when I saw it was a reference to Elizabeth Taylor ‘cause, she is one of the inspirations of my favourite book ‘The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo’, wich, if you don’t know, is a queer book about an old Hollywood (around the 1950’s) actress names Evelyn Hugo (Not her real name she had to change it for a couple of reasons) who ends up writing a Tell-All book at the age of 79, and ends up telling the story of her youth as a famous actress in the 50’s through to the 80’s and her “Seven husbands”.
But, it turns out that almost all of her husbands were beards. She ended up falling in love with one of her co-stars, her name was Celia St.James. It’s such a beautiful book and so deeply upsetting, you should read it!
Anyways, Evelyn was a Bisexual woman and Celia was a Lesbian. The book touches on topics like, Homophobia, Biphobia, Racism, Sexism and a lot of other things as you can imagine.
So, the fact that Taylor referenced Elizabeth Taylor has made me so happy! Though, this isn’t to say that it was a reference to Evelyn Hugo, it certainly is fun to think so!
Some of my favourite quotes from the book are:
“Please never forget that the sun rises and sets with your smile. At least to me it does. You’re the only thing on this planet worth worshipping.”
“I spent half my time loving her and the other half hiding how much I loved her.”
“But if you have to go, then go. Go if it hurts. Go if it's time. Just go knowing you were loved, that I will never forget you, that you will live in everything Connor and I do. Go knowing I love you purely, Harry, that you were an amazing father. Go knowing I told you all my secrets. Because you were my best friend.”
“You wonder what it must be like to be a man, to be so confident that the final say is yours.”
“I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box.”
“Say to them, “Evelyn Hugo just wants to go home. It’s time for her to go to her daughter, and her, and her best friend, and her mother.” Tell them Evelyn Hugo says good-bye.”
“And just as she was about to leave the mircophone, she said 'And to anyone tempted to kiss the TV tonight, please don't chip your tooth.”
“It’s not wrong,” Celia said. “It shouldn’t be wrong, to love you. How can it be wrong?”
“It’s not wrong, sweetheart. It’s not,” I said. “They’re wrong.”
“The love of my life is gone, and I can't just call her and say I'm sorry and have her come back. She's gone forever. So yes, Monique, that is something I do regret. I regret every second I didn't spend with her. I regret every stupid thing I did that caused her an ounce of pain. I should have chased her down the street the day she left me. I should have begged her to stay. I should have apologized and sent roses and stood on top of the Hollywood sign and shouted, 'I'm in love with Celia St. James!' and let them crucify me for it. That's what I should have done. And now that I don't have her, and I have more money than I could ever use in this lifetime, and my name is cemented in Hollywood history, and I know how hollow it is, I am kicking myself for every single second I chose it over loving her proudly.”
And the most famous one from this book that you may recognise from TikTok;
“No … because they are just husbands. I am Evelyn Hugo. And anyways, I think once people know the truth, they will be much more interested in my wife.”
If you have read all of this, thank you very much for listening to me. I have a lot of feelings about this book. It’s so good, I love it so much.
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