#and probably I wouldn't want to go back anyway
sunderwight · 3 days
SV fic where Luo Bingge discovers that Shen Jiu had a long-lost half-brother or something, and subsequently decides that he's going to infiltrate the minor sect which this "Shen Yuan" belongs to in order to get close to him and then indulge in revenge fantasy 2.0 when it inevitably turns out that Shen Yuan is like Shen Jiu (i.e. a horrible abusive scum teacher).
So Bingge uses some magical object or technique or other, makes himself look like a scrawny 12-14 year old, then puts himself in Shen Yuan's path in hopes of convincing the man to take him on as a disciple. The idea being that after Shen Yuan abuses him, Bingge will be justified in reenacting his Shen Qingqiu Revenge Arc again and maybe finally feeling some closure about the whole thing.
Yes, this is a very deranged plan. No, no one is going to tell the emperor of the three realms that. Bingge also wants it to be clear that this has nothing whatsoever to do with his recent escapade in an alternate universe, except that he was inspired to find Shen Jiu's relative as a consequence of that. But he's absolutely sure that this guy is going to turn out just as rotten as his brother, given the opportunity. That is definitely the only reason he is doing this!
Flash forward about four years. Bingge's retainers are begging on their knees for him to actually come back and do some administrative work. The harem is running itself at this point and they're all very terrified of the situation with Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing (i.e. ruling with lesbian iron fists) and whatever the heck Ning Yingying is up to (no one is certain but it's something). The outer provinces are rebelling. Mobei Jun's somehow found another weird human surnamed Shang to cavort with, except this one is basically running admin for the entire northern kingdom now and no one's even sure if they're fucking or if it's some kind of mind control situation or what.
Bingge is annoyed. He doesn't have a good explanation for why a bunch of demon lords would be showing up on the doorstep of Tiny Cultivation Sect to beg him for anything. They're going to spoil his cover! And they're interrupting his schedule! It's already four o'clock and he hasn't started on Shizun's dinner yet! Shoo! Get lost!
Anyway, eventually some of his demon followers get desperate and dramatically kidnap him. Shen Yuan is horrified and grieved when it seems that his precious disciple, so like white lotus Luo Binghe from the novel, has been captured by demons. He tries to track the assailants down, but they've covered their tracks too well. In the end, there's only one path left to him to pursue: taking this matter to the protagonist!
Yes, the protagonist! Because the thing is, Shen Yuan noticed the similarities between his disciple and the book character he so admired. Not only that, but he did manage to glimpse Bingge one time from afar. It wasn't anywhere near to a real interaction, but it was enough for him to notice the strong resemblance between the protagonist and the mistreated little lamb who showed up at his doorstep. A resemblance for which there can only be one explanation:
Shen Yuan's disciple is one of Binghe's kids!
Yes, he had it figured out since fairly early on. Not only was there a resemblance, and not only were their dispositions quite similar, but also the boy showed a lot of signs of some demonic heritage. Shen Yuan was just working up to broaching the subject, partly because he had been trying to avoid any direct or even indirect interactions with the emperor, and partly because he... became somewhat reluctant to part ways with his student. Sue him! He got attached! And anyway, he knew how missing child plots usually went. There was probably someone in the harem who was out for his disciple's blood, and it wouldn't be safe to send him back into that mess until he was strong enough to look after himself.
But as is inevitable, the plot seems to have reclaimed Shen Yuan's student all on its own.
He just... needs to make sure that it isn't a tragic outcome. It seems it falls on him to make the emperor aware of his son's survival, and subsequent peril, and help launch a rescue!
Which also means approaching Luo Binghe in person, which he knows is very risky indeed, due to his connection to the infamous Shen Qingqiu! He'd been avoiding the protagonist at all costs for that exact reason.
But if it's his only hope of rescuing his disciple, he will simply have to take the risk, and hope that enough time has passed that Luo Binghe doesn't read too much into a shared surname and a passing resemblance. Or that restoring the emperor's long-lost son to him will be worth seem lenience for the crime of being connected to Shen Qingqiu. Maybe if he's lucky, he will even be allowed to continue visiting his disciple! (Ha, yeah right! More likely, Luo Binghe's going to take his head for hiding his own kid from him for so long!)
Anyway, cue Luo Bingge running around swapping between his Emperor and Disciple forms, dramatically trying to orchestrate a situation where he can fake the emperor's death and go back to the sect with Shizun as his disciple, or something, only for it all to blow up in his face because Shen Yuan keeps flinging himself between Bingge and potentially fatal threats that could plausibly kill him???
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 days
shirts off
for @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up round 'summer'
rated m | 966 words | no cw | tags: steve harrington has a big stupid crush on eddie munson, road trip, bad luck turned into a good situation, getting together, friends to lovers, implied sexual content
The tire popping was really only the start of the problems on this road trip.
The overwhelming heat and humidity was another.
Steve was trying to convince himself this road trip wasn't doomed, that it was just a short series of bad luck and everything from now on would be perfect. Eddie was grumbling as he tightened the lug nuts on the spare tire.
"You sure you don't need any help?" Steve asked him for the fifth time in as many minutes.
"If you ask me again, I'm leaving you here," Eddie replied, dropping the wrench on the ground and letting out a long sigh. "I'm done anyway. Please tell me there's cold water in the cooler."
Steve opened the cooler in the trunk and grabbed the last bottle of water they had for the road. Their plan was to stock up when they got to the beach, but clearly, they'd been derailed for longer than they hoped.
He handed it to Eddie, who proceeded to dump its entirety over his head.
"That was the last one," Steve said quietly, not wanting to admit that he hadn't planned for the worst.
Eddie looked up at him from the ground before closing his eyes and letting out an unamused laugh.
"We're still three hours away," Eddie complained. "We gotta stop at a gas station or something and grab a couple more. It's too fuckin' hot to not have water."
Steve was too busy staring at the way water was dripping down Eddie's neck to process anything he was saying.
"Hello? Earth to Harrington!" Eddie's fingers were snapping in his face, bringing him back from his daydream. He absolutely planned on blaming it on the heat. "Dude, you dehydrated or something?"
"Uh, yeah. Must be, sorry." Steve picked the wrench up off the ground and threw it in the trunk before slamming it shut and turning back to Eddie, who had his brows raised and an amused smirk on his face. "What?"
"Were you distracted by somethin', Stevie?"
Oh no. He'd gone all summer without Eddie being suspicious of anything. Nearly two months had gone by of Steve hiding his stupid crush that was probably a lot closer to love than he would admit out loud.
"Nope. Just hot," he gave a small smile before turning to the passenger door to open it. It was Eddie's turn to drive.
"I'm pretty hot, too," Eddie stood in his way, arms crossed over her chest. "You know what would probably help?"
Steve shook his head, but he could tell by the way Eddie was standing, so confident and knowing, this was going somewhere he wasn't prepared for.
"Ditching our shirts. Get some air on skin, ya know?"
"Right," Steve gulped. "I think once we get the air conditioner blowing, it'll be better."
"Sure, sure. But I'm all wet, and I wouldn't wanna get your seat wet. Might as well take it off until it's dry."
Steve watched as Eddie lifted his shirt off, throwing it in the open window into the backseat.
"I don't think it'll dry if it's bunched up like that-" Steve gasped as Eddie's hands gripped his hips, chests brushing together as Eddie's breath hit Steve's neck.
"I don't think I care, do you?" Eddie's low voice rumbled against Steve's skin. His lips were right there, grazing his pulse point.
Steve leaned his head back, offering himself up on a silver platter, hoping whatever was happening wasn't some heat-fueled daydream.
"So needy," Eddie groaned before licking a stripe up Steve's neck and nipping at his jaw. "Can't believe you didn't think I'd notice you staring for the last 20 minutes."
"I-" Steve couldn't fucking breathe. Eddie's hands were running up his sides, and his leg was pushing his own legs apart. "Eds, we're on the side of the road."
"A road no one has driven down in the last 20 minutes. It's fine," Eddie still pulled his head back, taking in Steve's ruffled appearance. "I'll stop if you're uncomfortable, though. Nothing we can't do when we get to the motel."
Steve's dick was already hard in his shorts, a fact that Eddie seemed to realize at the same moment as Steve.
"You can use my thigh. Take the edge off," Eddie offered.
"How the fuck am I gonna ride for three more hours in these shorts if I do that?" Steve wasn't completely opposed, he just wanted to see how far Eddie was willing to push.
"With the promise of being able to ride me for three hours when we get there," Eddie shrugged, completely nonchalant with what he was implying.
"Three hours? You think you can last that long?"
"For you? I can last all night, big boy." Eddie pushed his leg forward until it made contact with Steve's cock. "Wanna get one for the road though."
The heat was barely even a thought anymore as Steve rutted forward, knowing he wouldn't last long at all with Eddie's lips sucking a bruise into his shoulder.
He wasn't quiet, didn't even try to hold back.
It was the best thing he'd ever done, and he was still fully clothed.
When they got back in the car, Eddie handed Steve a bottle of water from the backseat. It was room temperature, but still refreshing.
"How long you been hiding water back there?"
"How long you been hiding your crush on me?" Eddie shot back.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning his face to hide his blush. "A while."
"I know, sweetheart." Eddie's hand covered Steve's knee as he pulled back onto the deserted road. "Don't have to anymore, though. I got you."
Steve's head fell back against the seat, turning over to stare at Eddie. He had a post-orgasm glow despite not getting off with Steve.
"Yeah, you do."
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(not using my tq cuz this is gonna be pretty long)
After 10 years of torture I finally did it. I'm so proud of mahself :33 yesterday was our graduation party and it wa actually SO FUN AND RAD!!!!
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^ mah graduation fit btw >:33 I made lots of selfies and photos/vids of the party, tho I'm not gonna show them here for other people's privacy
I honestly still can't believe it's over. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE ITTT /vpos
Anyway now onto another good news: I haven't talked about here on mah blog b4, but a while ago I applied 4 an art school 2 go there after summer holidays, and after some time I got a letter back SAYING MY FIRST DAY THERE IS GONNA BE ON LATE AUGUST ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ I GOT ACCEPTED THERE!!!!!!! I can't waitttt 2 go there, I always dreamed of going 2 an art school (I just hope everything there will go better than in my previous schools..)
da art school is a bit far from my house, and I don't rly want 2 take the train and sit there for an hour every morning 2 get there, so I'll be moving into a youth dormitory right next 2 da art school! Dis is gonna be my first time of living without my parents, I'm excited but also nervous.. ;-; but I still have high hopes 4 both the school and dormitory ^_^ I actually gots to get 2 know mah future roommate and he's so kewl!! He's also a student of the art skool, he's trans & queer jus like me and we generally have lots of the same interests and hobbies, can't wait 2 live with him!
Anyway, I just wanted 2 thank everyone who helped me go through these tough school times, dat includes my mother and step-father, my irl friends, my online friends, my Tumblr followers and even just strangers online who decided to help check up on me after seeing my concerning posts. Without y'all I probably wouldn't be here right now, and I wouldn't be able to pursue my dreams of going 2 an art skool
I love y'all so much <333
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pensbridge · 2 days
Do people really think that Colin means what he says? I can't; I have no words.
I was kind of saying this in a post before it premiered: Colin's words to Penelope are not about her. They all lead back to his insecurities.
Pen is trying to entrap Colin
Did you forget this happened to him before? He's A) questioning her feelings. He's also the "overlooked;" (we just went over this in part 1) he gets mocked and laughed at for not going with the status quo by people including his family. It wouldn't be far-fetched to think Penelope who he trusts so much now falls into that category. AND BECAUSE THE CARRIAGE ALSO HAPPENED BEFORE HE KNEW. AND NOW HE KNOWS SHE WROTE THAT BAD PAPER ABOUT HIM. So, to him it looks like she lied ABOUT EVERYTHING. BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE SHE WAS PLAYING HIM & LAUGHING ABOUT HIM IN THAT PAPER & THAT SHE LOOKS DOWN ON HIM. Also, I just wrote this in a different post, his upset in feeling "entrapped" comes from the pain of loving her and not being able to shake it. He says to Eloise, "feel lucky you have never been in love," DIRECTLY in the scene before this! Dear God, pay attention to him. He's B) Insecure Af BECAUSE THIS HAPPENED TO HIM BEFORE (thnx Marina love her tho) Can we acknowledge the trauma?
He mentions Marina (and his family).
This isn't about Marina. I'm gonna break this down real quick because I wanted to do this anyway:
He asks about the El writing, because now he's putting the pieces together of why they're not friends and is confused how she could do that to her bff that questions her true loyalty which is super important to him.
"Miss Thompson-Exposing her as you did. Ruining her." sidenote Colin can't let go of this "Thompson" (not Crane) name thing, probably because he's traumatized from the public embarrassment. BUT HE'S TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF. He was publically embarrassed (and it was repeated with the s3 paper). Even though it was directly exposing/"ruining" to Marina as a woman, he felt like he was exposed for being stupid. It affected his confidence.
Then he says "Then, you should have told me to my face," which is a small & obvious line but I feel like it's important: He's telling you that the public embarrassment is the part that makes him upset. "Or do you not respect me enough?" ding, ding, ding! His big problem with her doing this. She talked bad about him behind his back (literally in the s3 paper, and indirectly in the Marina issue). He's like: you must think I'm dumb, then...[which leads into the jealousy-She's an accomplished author. He feels inadequate. He has to correct this on his own, AND HE DOES!] Nonetheless, he feels like she essentially put one over on him, because she had this inside knowledge and he was clueless (Marina issue, s3 issue). another sidenote: his eyes get so much more teary at that respect line.
"It is clear you do not, after what you have written about me this year...that I hardly know myself. What were you thinking then?" Oh do you think that of me (and so little of me)?
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surielstea · 11 hours
Ballroom Benefits
1k celebration request!
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader and Eris find themselves in the center of a ballroom yet again, despite their passionate feelings towards each other.
Warnings: smut | minors dni | 18+ | p in v | unprotected sex | cream pie | fingering | name calling (baby, fawn, brat) | brat taming | rough sex | orgasm denial | and probably a lot others
A. Note: Lucien is high lord of the day court in this (sorry Helion) and Eris is high lord of autumn! (P.s, posting on Father’s Day with Eris Vandaddy, you’re all welcome)
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The ball thrown by the High Lord of the Day Court had a mix of guests, varying from different courts as well as groups from the same.
Lucien's always been a people person, gallivanting across Prythian, whether he was running from something or searching for another it didn't matter. That's how I met him, on one of his many adventures— I later became his Winter Court contact, keeping him informed of the situation in my Court through correspondence during Amarantha's reign of terror.
Once Lucien became High Lord I had been offered a place to stay in the Day Court, so the galas and balls were mandatory since they occurred in the very palace I was living in.
I wouldn't have come if I had any other choice, it wasn't as if I spoke to Lucien much during these events anyway, he was always preoccupied with his mate's family.
Which left me leaning against a wall, sipping my wine, staring at a familiar stranger beyond the sea of decadent gowns and obnoxiously large skirts, mirroring my position on the opposite wall. His deep red hair was unmistakable, stark against the inky green— nearly black, of his suit. His ringed hand was holding a whiskey glass, the amber liquid nearly matching the color of his hair. The golden crown atop his head was delicate and simple like a wreath of thin leaves dipped in liquid gold.
I avert my gaze when I realize I've been analyzing him far longer than I should have. But only a moment later my eyes trail back to him, unable to stay away for long but this time he was staring right back at me, my gaze catching his and my breath getting lost on me.
He smirks, the action foxlike and sinister, I can't help but return the expression with a scowl. His auburn eyes leave mine, in favor of raking down my dress with a slow, lustful drag. He admired every curve and every dip with such intensity that I swore I could feel his hands on me the way they were last night, possessive and demanding and everything I loathed on a man but when it came to him I was helpless.
When he decided he was done eating me with his eyes they found mine again, and his smirk widened as he brought his crystal glass up to his sensuous lips. The bastard delighted in this sweet torture.
He was a High Lord, he could do whatever he wanted, and be with whoever he wanted. But I was a simple female who had only lived amongst the common folk, and in the autumn court, a simple high fae like me would never be worthy of a High Lord, especially not one from a foreign court.
But when his lips first met mine I knew I was ruined. I wouldn't let myself fall in love with someone I could never have, I wouldn't subject myself to such a comforting torture, so I chose to morph my emotions into the opposite of how I truly felt. Resentment, loathing, pure hatred.
He liked to tease me for it, which made our charade all the more easier. I couldn't stand his snide remarks, especially not when they reigned so painfully true. He drove me mad, kept me awake at night, plagued my dreams when I ever did get sleep.
I looked away from him and down to my goblet, swirling the red wine lazily. I could still feel his gaze tracking my every move, just as influential as any words he'd ever said.
I flick my eyes back up after a few songs go by, expecting to meet his again but his spot on the wall is now vacant, and the High Lord of Autumn is nowhere to be found. My brows crease and I map the ballroom, afraid he'd gotten bored with my silent staring and found someone else to play his game with.
"Looking for someone?" An all too familiar voice hums from directly beside me. I steel my features and grit my teeth, pivoting only the slightest inch to face the much taller male. He had a sloppy smirk on his face, putting his sharp canines on display.
"Just scoping out the dance floor," I murmur, a poor lie but he didn't call me out on it. "Why aren't you out there?" I look back to the center of the room, Fae from all different courts twirling amongst each other. "You're not one to shy away from a waltz," I finalize, looking back at him with narrowed brows.
He simply shrugs, taking each of the dancers in with his piercing eyes. "Perhaps I'm waiting for the right partner?" He suggests and I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I don't dance," I claim but be was entirely unconvinced and took an invasive step closer, cinnamon and campfire smoke surrounding me.
"Don't? Or won't?" He questions with a raised brow, clearly knowing the answer.
"C'mon," His hand meets my waist and even through the layers of expensive cloth and my corset, I felt that familiar warmth. "Don't make me beg," He hummed, his voice low only for us to hear.
I shivered visibly, like the weather of my home court had gusted into the ballroom but his hand on my waist remained warm, as if he absorbed all the heat in the room. "People will stare," I say, twisting the bracelet on my wrist anxiously.
"People are staring at you anyway," He hums. "A pretty girl from a foreign court, you're the talk of the town, fawn," He hums, his hand snaking further around my waist, my breath hitching as his large hand splayed over my hip, claiming and territorial the way his eyes were marking me earlier.
"And I suppose you want to sink your teeth in me first?" I ask and I can feel his arrogant smile from behind me.
"Haven't I already?" His chest presses to my back, his head ducked towards my shoulder so his lips could ghost the shell of my ear. People were staring, and if they weren't blatantly studying us they were stealing glances.
"If I dance with you will you leave me alone after?" I question and he hums in contemplation.
"How soon is after?" He asks.
"Right after, Vanserra," I grit, stressing my words. I spat his last name like a curse, and I knew the blow hit him harder than any other insult I could've thrown at him.
"Alright, right after, I'll leave you alone." He gives in, letting go of my waist and extending his hand out to me properly. I twist my lips to the side, my internal debate dying away when my eyes meet his. They were so warm and brought me comfort in an odd sort of way because the way he stared at me was so intimate.
"You're the worst," I murmur, taking his hand and placing my wine glass down on the window sill at my right. His smile widens and he practically catapults me out onto the dance floor.
The orchestra seemed to have noticed our arrival, the waltz song died down for something a little faster.
Our hands slotted together, my chest against his, and our faces all too close. It was too natural, too familiar. Eris and I have been parading around each other with this game of ours for years, occasionally hooking up when needing to blow off some steam— and the sexual tension between us was enough to satiate the lust of a pleasure hall. But it's never been quite like this.
When he danced each step he made was calculated and thorough, yet so fluid. He controlled me like a puppeteer pulling strings. I matched his every move. The music was consuming as it mounted in a crescendo, my spinning becoming sharper and when the strings of the orchestra came to a sudden stop Eris did the same as if he could feel the music thrumming beneath his very skin. He stops me too, pulling me into him, one of his hands pressed to the small of my back, forcing my chest against his, and his other hand was hooked beneath my bare thigh that had escaped from the high slit in my gown, holding it to his hip as I latch my arms around the nape of his neck for balance.
Heavy pants filled the silence, his lips so close to mine that we shared the same breath. "You want me to leave you alone now?" His voice was low as he spoke between breaths. No, I never wanted him to leave me alone. I wanted his hands on me all the time, his warmth, his eyes. I needed every inch of him against me. An unfamiliar sensation bloomed in the pit of my stomach and it began to eat away at my insides. I shuddered, hating every part of its devouring.
"I said 'right after' didn't I?" I mock and he smirks, his hand still on my thigh slipping higher.
"We live long lives you and I, if time is relative how soon really is 'right after'?" He asks and I roll my eyes at his plotting.
"You're relentless," I grumble, attempting to ignore the way his hand continued its journey upward.
"You didn't answer my question," He claims and my brows furrow in confusion. "Do you want me to leave you alone now?" He repeats and I swallow thickly, my cheeks threatening to blush but I fight the warmth off and say exactly the opposite of how I truly felt.
"What I want, is to wrap my hands around your throat and strangle you," I grit out and he nearly laughs.
"Tempting," He smirks, dropping my leg before his hand could slip fully beneath my dress.
I look around the room, the stares have eased off but the tension between us was felt by everyone else just as much as us, enough for it to make a noticeable impact on the way people danced around us, like we had been centered in a ring of fire and no one dared face the flames.
"We should get out of here," He muttered, bringing me back to him. My eyes locked with his yet again. Had he been staring at me this whole time?
"Finally, something we can agree on," I tighten my grip on his left hand, letting the other go as I lead him through the ballroom and into a separate alcove that led to a vacant hallway.
My hand detached from his the moment we were alone, but his arms wrapped around my waist, his head meeting the junction of my neck and shoulder.
"Get off of me," I groan, squirming half-heartedly beneath his grasp, not truly wanting him to release me.
"You're so cold baby, I have to warm you up," He claims, referring to my naturally cold skin, hailing from the winter court had its downsides, and being eternally cold was one of them. I huff, turning around to face him with narrowed brows. He smiles down at my stubborn features, his hands clasping behind my back.
"Don't call me that," I frown.
"Call you what, baby?" He asked a lilt in his tone making it clear he was teasing.
"That." My arms cross over my chest as I seethe the word out. "It could give someone the wrong impression," I argue and he tilts his head down at me demeaningly.
"Oh? And what impression is that?" He smirks, leaning lethally close. I can't find it in myself to reply. If I told him the ideas running through my head he'd tease me endlessly for it. So I kept my jaw shut and continued to stare up at him with a piercing gaze. "Tell me, baby, am I making you nervous?" He inclined his head.
"Shut up before I—" My words are cut off by his cynical laughter, the sound rocking through me.
"Before you what?" He drawls, pulling me into him closer. I seal my mouth into a thin line. "No, tell me, baby, I want to hear you finish that senten—" I crash my lips onto his.
Rising onto the tips of my toes and eagerly closed the distance between us, silencing him with my lips but he recovered quickly, his hands grasping at my hips and pulling me closer, kissing me with the same passion I met him with.
It was over as soon as it began, my lower lip being pinched between his teeth as he fought me from pulling away. "Shut up, before I do it for you," I finish my sentence he so rudely interrupted. He looked at me with hunger in his gaze, the way a predator sizes up its prey before attacking, it was lust-filled and besetting.
"Stop looking at me like that," I mumble, a blush creeping onto my features.
"Like what?" He smirks.
"Like you, want me," I mumble as if the idea was absurd.
"Want you?" He leans closer, saying the idea like it was the most insane thing he's heard to date. "No, baby I need you." He finishes, pecking my lips so casually it made me feel like we were more than what we truly are.
I ignore the swell in my chest and match his expression as he pulls away. "You're insatiable," I grimace. He only smiles and leans in again, his tongue swiping over my bottom lip, claiming my mouth as he penetrated it with the muscle, exploring every crook and crevice he could find. I pull away, my hand on his chest as a warning.
"Do you remember where my room is?" I purr, mapping my hands up his chest, across his broad shoulders, then clasping at the nape of his neck.
"Now look who's insatiable," He smirks and I roll my eyes, but I can't get a retort out before he's winnowing us into my private bedroom and pinning me against the wall.
It all happened so suddenly. One moment we were in the hall arguing, and the next in my bedroom with our lips locked.
My back pressed against a wall, his tongue exploring my mouth like it was his to claim. My hands roam his chest, undoing button after button of his shirt. Our movements were rushed and anticipating as we thrashed for each other's clothes, the sound of tearing echoing off my walls, making me cringe. This was my best dress, and he most definitely just tore it in half.
"Eris," I seethed and he smiled against my lips.
"I'll buy you a dozen new ones," He promised, his hands coming to my now bare waist, the discarded dress pooling at my feet.
He lifts me up with ease, guiding me back against the wall. The thrumming in my heart was demanding for more, and he was so very generous to give it to me.
His hips press into mine, the cloth of his pants the only thing separating us fully. I work at his belt while he reigns over my mouth, his tongue beating our silent battle and now tasting whatever place he can find.
The thud of his belt as it hit the ground might've been the best sound I had heard all evening, that was until I palmed him through his pants and he released an involuntary groan, which I decided was the best sound I'd hear all evening, and I'd make it my mission to hear it again.
"Eris," I whisper on his lips, a tone of need slipping into it while I undo the ties of his pants.
"I know, baby," He murmurs, helping me with the action.
"I want you," I confess and he smirks against my lips, making my embarrassment spike.
"Yeah?" He hums and I nod, not wishing to argue, just wishing for him. "You want me?" He prompts, only wanting to hear it from my lips again.
"C'mon, you know I do," I practically whine, my head falling back against the wall as he drops his mouth down to the column of my throat. He smiles against my skin at the sound and the desperation of my words.
"No, I don't think I do," He claims. "Why don't you show me?" His lips pulled away from my neck so he could look at my disgruntled expression.
"I hate you," I grit out.
"And yet no one gets you off, but me," He taunted and the smirk was heard in his voice. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back on the wall, refusing to feed into his already inflated ego.
"Eris," I sigh, my nails digging into the skin of his muscled back but he didn't flinch.
"Say it." He kissed up my jaw between words. "Say it, baby, and then I'll give you what you want," He hummed into the shell of my ear while cupping his hand to my heat and an incriminating noise slipped from the base of my throat, the sound somewhere between a whimper and groan.
"You're the only one," I sigh out, grinding against his palm. "The only one who makes me come," I say, my words honing true despite my passionate feelings towards him. "I can't even get off on my own hand without thinking of you," My confession caught us both entirely by surprise, I hadn't meant to say it, but the friction between my thighs was enough to drive me mad. He smiled against my skin at the visual I painted for him.
"Yeah? I bet you wished it was my fingers didn't you?" He questions and I nod, leaning into my admission, there was no taking it back now and I sure as hel wasn't going to shy beneath his gaze. "You want to feel my fingers now, baby?" He asks and my breath hitched before I began nodding fervently again.
"Please," I cry out and he smiles in reply, pushing off the wall and carrying me to my welcoming bed, the mattress plush as he lays me down onto it, my head falling to the pillows as he mounts over me, his hands dancing along the straps of my panties.
"This is okay?" He flicks his eyes up at me and I nod. "I need words, Fawn," He urges and I flush, my cheeks growing hot.
"Please, more than okay," I mutter and his smile morphs from fox to wolf, my last piece of clothing being discarded like nothing onto the floor. He nearly groaned at the sight of me, all spread out beneath him, entirely bare.
"I've barely touched you and you're soaked," He admires, his head tilting down at me demeaningly but before I can muster a retort he swiped a finger through my folds and I'm cut off with a gasp.
"That sensitive?" He smirks and I nod, my head reeling as he adds another finger, coating them in my slick as he continues his slow, almost lazy movements. I close my eyes at the stimulating feeling, my back bowing against the mattress as his thumb comes down onto my clit, doing tight circles around the peaking bud, resulting in me mewling his name uncontrollably. "Baby," He tuts pitifully, the sound making me clench around nothing.
"Please, more Eris," I gripe and he smirks.
"Yeah?" He croons. "Think you can handle more Fawn?" He didn't give me time to reply before one of his lithe fingers pushed into my entrance.
My breath hitched at the stretch, gripping the sheets beneath me at the sudden sensation. "I think you can take more than this, don't you?" He asked and he quickly added another one. "Oh don't tell me just my hand is too much?" His brows creased as if he was genuinely worried, the sardonic pitch of his voice made the middle of my back arch off the mattress.
He smiled, that reaction good enough for him and he began pumping his fingers inside of me, his thumb never leaving my clit.
Once his hand was entirely coated in my arousal he stopped thrusting his fingers in and out of me, but instead began curling them methodically, somehow immediately finding my most sensitive nerves and torturing them.
"Eris," I cried out, tears pricking my eyes at both how amazing it felt and the pain of the stretch. "Eris— I'm," He leaned down, catching the rest of my words with his mouth, and I seemed to have forgotten what I was going to say anyway, so I kissed him back. My perked breasts press against his chest, hardened nipples brushing against him in an awfully sinful way, the feeling making me grind down onto his thumb, his fingers continuing to curl into that perfect spot, the knot in my stomach tightening and suddenly I remember what I needed to tell him.
"Eris m'close, please," I whimper into his mouth, my legs jolting with his unrelenting ministrations. "Please, can I come?" I beg but he only continues looking down at me, watching as I fall apart in his arms. My breathing picks up and so does his pace but right before my climax, he removes his hand.
I gasp, my body shuddering at the sudden absence of his stimulating touch. My brows crease, a cry ripping from my throat as I realize he wasn't going to let me come. "Gods, you're a fucking bastard," I curse, hitting his shoulder.
"Baby," He grabs my wrist, pulling it away from continuing to pummel him. "I'm not letting you come unless it's on my cock." He gives me a pointed look and I frown pathetically. "Now be a good girl, and suck for me," He brings the fingers that were just inside of me to my mouth.
"C'mon," His thumb pulls at my chin and I narrow my eyes up at him defiantly. "No? You don't want to be good?" He tilts his head, removing his fingers from my lips. "Such a fucking brat," He sighs, both his hands meeting my hips and forcefully flipping me over, his touch rough and demanding, so different when compared to earlier.
"Eris, please," I whine as he presses my head down into the pillows, leaving my hips up, creating a perfect curve with my back, my hips aligned with his.
"No Fawn, if you're going to act like a brat I'm going to treat you like one," He says, his voice rough and possessive, the sound alone making my slick drip down my thighs. "Now, spread," He grips my hip in warning and I suppress a whine as I draw my legs open, sinking down until I was straddling nothing and my hips were aching as they pressed down into the bed.
I couldn't see him but I knew he was smiling at the sight of how vulnerable I was for him.
"Look at that, you're capable of listening," He teases and I flush, gritting my teeth and gripping the sheets to restrain from retorting again.
"Just, fuck me please," I sigh out, his hands grip my hips harder.
"Yeah? You that needy for my cock?" He suggests and I nod with a whine and paired it with a moan as the weight of his length pressed to my cunt, my arousal dripping onto it as he begins to drag it through my folds, the feeling indescribable.
"Please," I mewl and he grunts at the feeling of me clenching around nothing, so very needy for his penetration.
"Eris," I plead, wishing he could see the tears running down my cheeks and how badly I needed this.
"Be patient," He demanded and all I could do was obey, my stomach churning in anticipation as he wrapped his hand around himself, spreading my slick down his length with a rough grip. He lets out a strangled groan as I arch deeper into to pillows, giving him the perfect view of my sopping wet cunt, ready for his entrance.
He pressed his tip to where I needed him most and I nearly thanked every god I could think of, but I didn't get the chance because he was already dipping into me. The throbbing head of his cock was expanding my walls, molding me into his width as he proceeded deeper inside of me.
I cried at the feeling, each of his thrusts resulting in his length going deeper and deeper, my legs couldn't spread any wider, and yet the stretch was too much.
"Gods, baby," He grunts and I whimper in reply, our noises meshing together into a symphonic chorus, his thrusts and the clapping of our hips as he bottoms out adding to the rhythm. I cry out his name, my head buried in the pillows as I attempt to stifle my moans.
The head of his cock slams into my most sensitive bundle of nerves, unrelenting and harrowing against it.
"Fuck, you feel so perfect wrapped around me." He grunted and I squeezed around him tighter in reply, my head spinning as he pounded into me with an outmatched speed.
The position we were in made it feel like he was penetrating my womb, every inch of him sheathed inside of me like I was a sleeve perfectly crafted for him and him alone. No one ever got me off because I was molded to him, every ridge and vein filling me so perfectly.
"Eris," I pant out, my hips aching as I could already feel my soreness developing. He didn't care, didn't slow his pace in the slightest as he was too caught up in fucking me ruthlessly.
One of his hands left my hip and curved around my waist, two of his fingers met my clit and I gasped at the overstimulation against the puffy, reddened bud. I screamed into the pillows, unsure whether I wanted to scramble away or grind into it. I decided on the latter, my body arching into his touch without my control.
"Your little cunt is so tight, baby," Eris grunts, the head of his cock still ramming right into my bundle of nerves. "All for me," He hums and I nod, even if he was speaking to himself I could only agree with him. I pull away from the pillows for a moment to catch my breath but he grips my hair and forces me back down, making me clamp around him tighter. He grunted, one of his hands on my clit, the other forcing my head down as he drove his hips into mine with I screamed into the pillows.
"Gripping me so tight, already so close aren't you?" He teases and I nod, hoping he can understand me despite my lack of air.
He smiles manically, lust taking control of him as he lets go of my head and leans down so his chest is pressed against my back, his free hand wrapping around my torso, and ever so slowly pressing into my lower abdomen.
I could barely breathe and yet the sensation of him feeling just how deep his length was inside of me had my breath hitching. I gasped at how much bigger he felt as he pressed himself into my walls, forcing me to feel every ridge and pulse of his cock.
Tears continue to cascade down my cheeks, my thighs quivering beneath him as the throbbing need in the pit of my stomach continues to grow and grow, ready to rupture at any moment.
"Eris, I can't," I pull away from the pillows, still catching my breath. "S'too much," I whine but his thrusts continue, pressing his fingers harder into my clit, his circling getting rougher. "Be good for me and take it, yeah?" He hums, nipping at my shoulder. I nod with a pant, my limbs burning from staying in this position for so long but I didn't care, as long as he kept fucking me senseless I couldn't find it in myself to tell him I didn't secretly like how rough he is with me, how he used me like some doll. I loved it, loved every moment of it and he knew well enough that I didn't actually want him to stop.
"Eris," I sigh out.
"What is it, baby?" He hums into the shell of my ear.
"M'close, please can I come this time?" I beg and I can feel the smirk on his face as he kisses along my bare shoulder.
"You going to beg for it?" He asks and my stomach flips at the idea. Fucking bastard. I don't reply, because I know he already knows the answer.
"C'mon, I'm waiting," He croons and I release a moan, my stomach hollowing as my climax pleads to be released, but he wouldn't let me, and I knew if I did without permission it'd be a much longer night.
"Please," I murmur.
"What was that?"
"Please, Eris," I say louder this time. "Please, let me come I promise I'll be so good for you," My cries are like music to his ears, my cunt twitching around him and my legs jolting as they beg for my orgasm too.
"Yeah? You'll be good?" He asked and I nodded pitifully.
"I promise, just, please Eris can I?" I mewl and he's quiet for a moment, the beating silence making my insides shred while he continues his harsh thrusts.
"Go ahead," He says and a wave of relief washes over me. "Make a mess for me, pretty girl," He allows and then a different wave washes over me, with an all-consuming amount of pleasure, the kind that fueled fires. The feeling bloomed in the pit of my stomach before spreading throughout the rest of my body, all the way to my fingertips. My entire body caved into the mattress and my legs spasmed as I clenched tighter than I ever had before around him, resulting in a twitch of his cock, signaling that he was close.
"Come inside me," I say, still overwhelmed with the passion between us.
"Fuck," He grunts at my request. "Please, fill me Eris," I whine and he can't hold back anymore, with one last rough thrust he finds his release and paints my walls white, pumping his fluids out into me with my name on his lips.
After a few more languid strokes he pulled out, my legs immediately shutting and screaming at me in pain with the action, I'd be sore without a question in the morning. I release a deep sigh, letting my body sink into the bed entirely, not even bothering to roll over.
"No baby, you can't fall asleep like this," He reprimanded, grabbing my waist with a gentleness that rivaled his earlier rough touch. I whined incoherently as he pulled me from the warm bed and carried me to the bathroom where he'd clean me up.
He was tender as he washed my inner thighs, and even more so when wiping near my folds. We didn't speak, just sat in a comfortable silence, avoiding the thoughts of where we went from here. I was too tired to pick through my feelings at the moment, so I allowed myself to lean on him when he carried me back to the bedroom, and I allowed him to dress me into a soft nightgown and a new pair of underwear.
He tucked me in with the blankets, using a hand to brush my hair from my face, and for a second it seemed like he was going to kiss my forehead but instead, he pulled away and searched through my room for his clothes.
I unabashedly stared as he put his boxers back on, the torture of watching him leave was agonizing, but I never looked away. But as he reached for his pants I couldn't bear it, and let myself speak up. "Don't go."
He looked at me with pinched brows and an amused smile on his lips, I rolled my eyes at his expression.
"You're the only source of warmth in this stupid room, come back to bed," I grumbled and his grin remained as he dropped his pants and glided back to my bed. I scooted over for him but that was senseless since he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his chest. I look up at him with a glare and he simply shrugs.
"You said you were cold," He murmurs, his hands growing warmer against the small of my back.
"Whatever," I mumbled, stuffing my face into his warm chest. He chuckles softly, his other hand coming up to my hair and running through it soothingly.
"Goodnight Fawn," He hums.
"Night, Vanserra," I murmur.
The sun-kissed my skin as it rose over the horizon and spread onto my face. The action makes me stir, my brows pinching together as I mumble incoherently, my dreams still controlling me as I prattle on about them with half-finished sentences and slurred words.
A deep chuckle makes me peek my eyes open, spotting an all too familiar face staring right at me. He was framed by the beaming sunrise behind him, yellows and oranges bringing out the gold of his hair.
"What are you laughing at?" I seethe, flipping over so my back faced him, deciding to be dramatic about it.
"You're just cute when you wake up," He hums and I grumble a curse beneath my breath. "I slept so well last night, baby," His hand snaked around my waist and pulled me into him, my back flush against his chest.
"That makes one of us," I say with venom on my tongue but he ignores it, his hand trailing down my waist and slipping beneath the covers where my thigh was.
"It's too early to argue with you," He mumbles into my shoulder, his hand coming back up but this time slipping beneath my dress. "Go back to sleep," He urges, his hand heating up the slightest fraction, the warmth coercing me back to my slumber but I wouldn't give in.
"Get off of me," I huff, wiggling in his grasp but he only chuckles and watches as I fight the blankets, and ultimately lose.
"You wanted my hands all over you last night, remember?" He crooned, nipping at my shoulder and I groaned, flipping around to face him.
"Just because I let you come inside of me doesn't mean we're some old married couple, stop acting like this," I poked his chest and he raised a brow.
"Like what, snow?" He hummed, his nose brushing against mine.
"A new nickname too? Gods, you must be in love with me," I muse and he smirks at the accusation.
"I must be," He agrees, his arm tightening around me, pressing against the small of my back as our legs tangle and our noses touch.
"Shut up," I murmur, the blush across my face evident.
"Are you going to make me again?" He questions and I roll my eyes, moving past his nose and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, my hand coming to his cheek as he tightened his hold around me, rolling us over so I was lying atop him.
I detached from his lips, albeit reluctantly. "Don't you have to go back to Autumn?" I ask. "High Lord business and all," I murmur and he smiles.
"You going to miss me?" He surmises and I stuff my head into his neck, running my fingers through his hair unconsciously.
"Just want to know when you're going to finally leave me alone," I grumble.
"You still have me for a few hours, unfortunately for you," He hums and I groan in annoyance, contrary to me also kissing up his neck.
"Maybe we should go back to sleep. The time will pass faster," I hum.
"Or we could do something else to pass the time," He suggests and I pull away from his neck to give him a glare, which he returns with a knowing smirk.
"You're insatiable," I say.
"For you." He retorts.
I huffed and lay back down on his shoulder, secretly enjoying the way I could hear his heart beating, the steady thrums quickening whenever I kissed up the column of his throat. It was amusing, how much of an effect I had on him and I'd be lying if I said it didn't boost my ego at least a little bit.
"You're so cold," He observes, running his hands up and down my waist.
"No shit," I mumble.
"Are you always this freezing?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Only when I'm away from the Winter Court," I explain, lifting my head up to take in his expression.
"But you're never in the winter court?" His brows crease, one of his hands leaving my waist in favor of cupping my cheek.
"Mhm." I nod. "but you do a pretty good job at warming me up too," I hum, leaning into his hand. I hadn't meant for the movement to be so intimate, but he didn't seem to mind as he warmed his hand, his fingertips heating against my cheek.
"Yeah? It doesn't burn?" He asks, hesitantly pulling his hand away but I catch his wrist and put it back on my jaw.
"It feels nice," I reassure and he offers me a rare smile, the gentle kind, void of malicious intent.
"Go back to sleep, I'll still be here when you wake up." He guides my head back down onto his shoulder, resting atop his chest, just over his heart.
"Wish you weren't," I mumble, running my fingers up and down the grooves of his bicep, my fingertips feather light and icy cold as I dance them along his skin.
"We both know that's a lie, fawn," He says and I swallow thickly, deciding not to reply because this was all starting to feel too soft, too warm. He was melting me in his comforting hands and like water, I was slipping between his fingers faster than he could catch before I crashed to the ground. I close my eyes, shutting off my incessant thinking for a few moments, selfishly preferring to cherish this fleeting moment. "You better be here when I wake up," I whisper, my voice raw. My violent tone disappeared.
"So you can tell me this will never happen again?" He shifts beneath me, my head coming to the same pillow he was lying on.
"Something like that," I murmur, cupping his sharp jaw in my hand. "Maybe I'll even threaten you, I haven't decided yet," I hum and he smiles at the idea.
"Looking forward to it," He mumbled, before leaning forward and nudging my face upward with his nose before placing his lips on mine once more, the movement was so much more tender than it's ever been before, it made my stomach churn and my fingertips jolt. I hated it, whatever he was doing to me. Hated every second of it, yet he left me addicted, pleading for more like a bad drug. "Sleep, I'll be here," He pulls away a fraction, still close enough to share the same breath as me. I nod and settle into the crook of his neck, my arms tightening around his chest comfortingly. His warm hands were placed on my back and thigh, rubbing slow circles with his thumb and coaxing me back to sleep.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @hufflepuff-pa55 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @cumuluscranium @adharanotfound @azrielsmate3 @aelincaddel @hiddlestonspassionsackx @dee-writes-smut @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @pit-and-the-pen @mybestfriendmademe @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @circe143 @bubybubsters @joshysloshy @username199945 @ivy-34 @notsarareallynot @vixenshiftsvrs @aurorab99 @pey2618 @loving-and-dreaming @mmg777 @andreperez11 @thatacotargirl @123345566 @one-big-fangirl @moonslitluna @imyherondale @salvawhxres @bookishbabyyyy @anuttellaa @breadsticks2004 @azriels-human
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whose-lozerrr · 1 day
what about denying Bachira (+ whoever) his kisses because readers lips are chapped
(No pressure ofc!)
Summary: Denying kisses from bllk boys because of your chapped lips
Characters: Bachira, Rin, Chigiri, Isagi, Nagi
Genre: Fluff <3
AN: I'm so so sorry this took so long. I've had such a horrible writer's block. 😭😭 I hope this is good. Kinda oc but I hope you enjoy reading this!! <3
Bachira Meguru
How could you deny this cutie patootie his kisses!!??
But you had to because your lips were chapped
He would definitely get upset and complain that it's fine that you have chapped lips
Would probably end up stealing a kiss or two anyway
"Meguru, no. No kisses, my lips are chapped badly right now." You say while pushing him away and denying his attempt to kiss you. He looks at you, his mouth agape in shock that you just denied his kiss. He pouts and storms off but not even a few minutes later, he storms back in and says, "I don't care about your chapped lips, I need my kisses." Then he would kiss you. Oh, you only thought once? Oh boy, you're in for a ride.
Rin Itoshi
What a mistake you made, denying Rin his kisses.. 💀
Honestly, he probably wouldn't care about your chapped lips. He just wants his kisses
Wouldn't listen to your pleas and just continue to kiss you
As Rin leaned in to kiss you on the lips, you backed up not wanting to kiss him with chapped lips. He looked at you kinda hurt that you denied his kiss. "Why won't you kiss me?" He asked softly. "Ah, sorry Rin. It's just that my lips are kinda chapped right now.." You admit bashfully. He then looks at you with annoyance in his eyes and grabs you by the waist to pull you in. "So? I don't give a shit." Then he continues to make out with you. Poor you. 😉
Chigiri Hyoma
Imo, he would be kinda hurt that you thought he would care that much
If anything would give you Vaseline or chap stick before he kisses you to make you feel better
But truly doesn't care
He just lives for his kisses
"Really? [Name], you're not gonna kiss me cause your lips are chapped?" He looks at you as if you just said the dumbest thing in the world. "Well.. Yeah, I mean I thought maybe you'd be grossed out.. " "Seriously?" He looks at you a bit flabbergasted before reaching into his pocket for a chap stick then applying it to his lips and kisses you very, very roughly. "There, now your lips aren't that chapped anymore."
Isagi Yoichi
Man, this precious boy 😭😭
Wouldn't give your chapped lips mind at all
If anything he probably has kinda chapped lips too
Would comfort you about and still kiss to show he loves your lips no matter what
"Um, Yoichi" You said softly as Isagi leaned in to kiss you. "Yes, [Name]. Is something wrong?" He backs up looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "Uh, I can't really kiss you right now because my lips are pretty chapped." As soon as you said that Isagi just stared at you in confusion before he laughed. "It's alright, love. So are mine." He says to reassure you before he smiles at you then leans closer to kiss your chapped lips.
Nagi Seishiro
Genuinely wouldn't give a damn
Probably wouldn't even give you a chance to tell him
He loves everything about you
Plus everything's a hassle to him so his lips are slightly chapped as well
"Uh, Nagi. My lips are chapped. So let me get my chap-" He cuts you off by kissing you. You look up at him in shock after he pulls away. Your face is flushed. "Nagi! Seriously! I didn't get to finish what I was saying!" Nagi holds you by your waist. "You were going to go grab something and that's too much of a hassle. I don't care about your chapped lips." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Omg, you big baby" You say voice coated in annoyance but you have the cheesiest smile on your face.
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rems-writing · 2 days
Doberman cafe but a Maltese owns it?
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Trope: barista!Yeosang x officeworker!reader
This will be tied to the dilf YunGi fics I posted a while back but this time, the reader will have no connection to any of the characters. Just a heads up lol
Includes: swearing, yelling, Yeosang being a total softie for the reader, reader is a certified simp for Yeosang (i mean who wouldn't be lol), mentions of a non-Ateez member, just a shit ton of fluff lol
Originally, I was going to post a Hongjoong fic. However, in observance of the birth of the man named Kang Yeosang, I've decided to post this first before the Joong fic.
Thank you to @bunnliix for helping me decide the order of the remaining fics that I should write and post
The calming effect of the soft jazz music playing in the background of the Doberman Cafe provided much needed soothing effort for those that entered the small coffee shop. From college students to families that wanted a day out, the owner would always greet his customers with a smile.
Kang Yeosang was happy where he was at. After quitting his old job, he found it relaxing to grind coffee and mix in various ingredients to create caffeinated drinks varying from sweet to bitter. He also got some help from his best friend Jung Wooyoung, who was currently in the back baking various pastries. The two have been friends since diapers and they vowed to never abandon the other.
Yeosang has heard tales of Wooyoung's other best friend getting together with Jeong Yunho and the widow of Doh Kyungsoo dating Song Mingi.
When would it be his turn?
Business was slow as usual for today. After all, it was Friday so most of his usual customers weren't coming in which was fine. It gave the man time to relax and rest his hands from making coffee. The bell attached above the front door chimed and Yeosang looked up. He was getting ready to greet the customer with a kind smile when he heard the argument that came through.
Oh dear. This person sounded angry. Wooyoung must've noticed Yeosang's confusion and slight fear since he poked his head out of the back and heard the unintentionally loud conversation this person had with this Jones person.
Oh. This just got interesting. As Yeosang saw the customer sit down, he couldn't help but to be smitten with them. Sure, they were angry as hell and very much stressed yet he couldn't help it. He tilted his head and eavesdropped some more. Unintentionally.
"Look, Jones! After gathering the divorce papers, make sure you also provide documents for a restraining order against my soon to be ex-husband. It may be too much, but I don't care. I'm so fucking tired! I'm just... done. Let me know when those papers are finished and fax them to me. My boss won't care. He knows of the shit that's happening to me right now. Hence, that strangely kind offer for me to take a trip down to the Bahamas. Anyways, I have to go. Tell your wife and kids I said hi."
You hung up after your attorney and former college roommate Jones bid you goodbye. You groaned quietly and laid your head on the table that you sat at. You felt someone sit across from you and you were about to tell them to kindly fuck off when you lifted your head and was immediately greeted with a statue staring down at you with big brown eyes that were full of curiosity and wonder.
'Quit it, Y/N! He probably thinks you're a lunatic with the way he must've heard you scream over the phone.'
'Damn it! Ok I'll stop my simping...'
After you finished internally scolding yourself, you looked down to see him move a white teacup slowly in your direction, along with a slice of cake.
"Hey. I figured you'd need this. I didn't mean to, but I overheard you yelling at someone over a certain douchebag that's also a man-child. Hopefully, this cheers you up." He said in a rich honey-like deep voice.
In the cup was a freshly brewed batch of lavender green tea and on the plate was a slice of black cherry chiffon cake. You smiled sheepishly and thanked him shyly for the treats.
When you sipped the tea, all the stress over your cheating soon-to-be ex-husband washed away and you instantly relaxed. You then picked up your fork and took a piece of the cafe before eating it.
You were in heaven. You definitely needed this.
"Um... thank you." Your voice came out softer than usual and had a twinge of shyness to it. Yeosang smiled and beckoned for Wooyoung to come sit with you.
Wooyoung was extremely sexy, but not as sexy as the man sitting across from you.
"I hope you guys don't mind me coming in here at this ungodly hour. If you haven't heard, I'm... kind of going through a lot right now."
Wooyoung, who was usually loud as hell, softened his voice.
"It's no problem. Fridays are our slowest days and since Saturday is our day off, we usually stay in here until we decide to go home. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."
"Thank you. By the way, these are amazing."
"Thank you! I made the cake." Wooyoung proudly said with a smile.
"And I made the tea." Yeosang said. "Speaking of which, would you like to spill the tea on your oh-so shabby life?"
You found yourself smiling at that and Yeosang found his heart beating rapidly with excitement.
"Oof. Where do I start?"
From there, you spilled the tea on everything. From your recent tragic event to your life in general, you said it all. Yeosang and Wooyoung were sassy and savage and you found yourself giggling at their quick and witty responses. Finally, you felt yourself becoming sleepy and you yawned. Yeosang found the sound cute. Wooyoung cleared the dishes while Yeosang stood up and help you with your things.
"Would it be possible to walk you home? Not only do I enjoy your company but uh... the Namhae Strongman is still out there. You need to stay alive in order to sign those divorce papers and file that restraining order against that ex of yours."
You shivered at the thought of the killer coming after you. Even though you were angry at your ex, you wished him well enough to pray for his safety.
The Namhae Strongman is not someone you'd want to mess with.
"Of course, Yeosang. I live down the block from here so it'll be a short walk."
Yeosang grinned excitedly and your heart ached in adoration for the human personification of a Maltese. After Wooyoung locked up the shop, you three headed to your apartment. You talked some more and kept an eye out for any suspicious activity or sign of the killer. Finally, you reached your apartment.
"Thanks for the walk home. Oh and for the tea & cake as well. How much do I owe you by the way?"
"It's on the house."
"No no, Yeosang. It's ok. I seriously need to repay you-"
"Repay me by giving me your number. So you can send updates."
Wow. He was smooth.
You blushed lightly and nodded before exchanging numbers with him. After that, you bid him goodbye and entered your apartment. You sighed dreamily as you closed the door behind you and locked it. You set your keys on the counter and made your way to the kitchen, where your roommate was still awake.
"So... you got a new man now?" He teased you and smirked at your reaction.
"Shut up, Jongho!"
A couple of days later, you found yourself in Doberman Cafe again. Insomnia was being a bitch to you so you woke up way earlier than Jongho. Sighing to yourself, you threw on a hoodie and walked to the coffee shop before looking for the one person you were majorly simping for.
He just so happened to be standing in front of you with a grin on his face.
"Good morning, lovely."
The pet name gave you butterflies.
Yeosang led you to your seat from Friday night and sat down across from you.
"What will it be today?"
"I'll get a caffe mocha with a soymilk substitute and if possible, a slice of that black cherry cake?"
"Ahh. Now with that cake, it only pairs with tea since it's sweet. Unless you have a giant sweet tooth, I'd recommend some of our breakfast sandwiches. Specifically, a roast beef sandwich with a fried egg all on ciabatta bread that's toasted to perfection."
"Ooh! In this case, I'll have that then. And maybe later, when I leave, can I get an iced americano to go?"
"Sure thing, lovely. It'll be $10 by the way. For your order and that iced americano."
You pulled out a $10 bill and gave it to Yeosang before seeing him walk away and do his magic. While you waited, you received a text from Jones.
Jones: Hey. I'd thought I'd stop by and give you the papers myself. Are you home?
You: No. I'm at the Doberman Cafe. I couldn't sleep anymore so I'd figure I'd stop by here and wake myself up.
Jones: Oh? Ok bet. I heard from my wife that the owner is handsome. Maybe I'll see for myself. ;)
You: And I oop - You: Don't go simping for the barista now, Jones. You're married and he's actually mine fyi
Jones: Can't a man appreciate another man's good looks?
You: Of course you can. Just don't go full on simp mode. XD
Jones: Like you? XD
You: Fuck you <3
Jones: Ew. No thanks <3
You: Hurry with the fuck ass papers, you dickhead.
Jones: Ok ok! XD
"Is that Jones?" Yeosang asked curiously. You would expect the Maltese to be jealous, but since he overheard your conversation two nights away, he wasn't too worried.
"Yeah. He's coming by here to drop off the divorce papers and the necessary documents to file a restraining order." You clarified to him. "I know I said that he'd fax them to me, but I didn't think he would get them that fast. Hence, why he's coming over to drop them off himself."
Yeosang nodded and set your coffee and meal down before sitting next to you. You thanked him and began to eat. You two made small talk and even introduced Yeosang to Jones when Jones came walking in to deliver the papers. Yeosang grabbed a pen and you happily retrieved it from him before signing the papers. After that, Jones put all of those papers away and bid you goodbye before buying a coffee from Yeosang and going home.
A weight lifted off your shoulders and you felt at ease. Yeosang was feeling the same way, especially since he found you attractive.
Little did he know that you felt the same way.
"Now that it has been done, want to turn this little encounter into a date?"
Yeosang was shocked by your boldness but he eventually nodded eagerly.
"I would love nothing more than that."
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animazi · 2 days
icl i fundamentally disagree with the 'oh the acolyte shows anakin could have left the order anyway actually so he's so much worse bc he had an easy way out the whole time' discussions I've been seeing, because, like. literally why is this even a topic of discussion? ok ok hang with me here, I'm doing a list.
there is literally nothing in the prequels that suggests this is ever an option for him. up until shmi's death he is happy with the order - most of the problems he expresses come specifically from his relationship with obi-wan not the jedi generally, so why would he want to leave. once shmi dies, sure I getcha. his mum died and the jedi have a significant hand in that, and then he immediately breaks the code and does a massacre. however, and some may have missed this, its a fairly small plot point, the clone wars begin. anakin is not only never characterised as the sort of guy who would back out of this conflict (esp since he was involved from the get go), but also there is literally no time between anything - aotc and rots take place over such short time spans, comparatively; we see quite literally All the events happening at once.
so why doesn't he quit in tcw/rots? again. there is a war on and he is directly involved. tcw shows him as having made personal connections with the clones, and if there's one thing about anakin that everyone should be able to agree on its that he sure has attachments. also, again, rots takes place over such a short span of time and he is fairly clearly not in the best place in like fucking any of it
it probably wouldn't even fix anything bro. anakin is not the central turning point of the war, not really. that's palpatine. with or without anakin palpatine still gets the war, and realistically if anakin leaves the order then war breaks out, he is going to turn to palpatine as one of the only people he is close to, and ergo probably falls anyway. maybe he doesn't kill the younglings but like. shit still happens, jedi still get order 66'd
No Please Understand One Busy And Isolated Woman Is Not A Full Support Network Stop It. ok so. padme isolation is something that I fully see in the films. I will not yap on about that now, but take it as read for this point (although. even if she has a great and healthy support network that is not the issue! you are still saying that padme, who has a very busy job and her own life regardless, should functionally drop everything to support anakin). a key part of support networks is that they are a network aka not one woman. look me dead in the eyes and think anakin and obi-wan (already not having a great communicative relationship) are still talking after he leaves. go on. try. realistically speaking once the war starts anakin is in an, if anything, worse position - his fatherbrothermentor is out there fighting and he cannot help, his wife is barely home, the senate is always busy, and he is so so jobless (again. here is where palpatine would swoop in...bro cannot win fr fr). and Again, One (1) Padme Should Not Be Responsible For Dealing With The Entirely Of Anakin's Issues. stop it.
I don't actually have a full point 5 rn I just like it when the numbers do this :3
so bonus not-quite point: tcw and the acolyte both explicitly say the jedi don't prep you for the outside world if you leave the order, transferable skills etc etc BUT ALSO does your ex-jedi have any records of employment? any space gcses or a-levels or space degrees? a letter of recommendation? are they actually skilled enough in say mechanics/engineering to be able to survive in a world where droids exist and clearly have a huge presence in those sectors? any any money to help them get a flat or smth (not applicable in anakin's case but worth saying anyway)?
in short. I don't think it's a fair point to make when criticising anakin. it relies on a really weird reading of the prequels that misses a) the war, b) palpatine, c) the inherent misogyny of putting the wellbeing of anakin, guy who is hanging on the same thread as my sanity after exam week, entirely in the hands of one woman, d) the lack of regard for how support networks are, in fact, networks, e) how fast everything happens in the prequels
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talesofesther · 3 days
what once was mine | ch 8
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Yes, this is long overdue and I'm sorry for the long wait; but now it's finally here and I hope you can enjoy it, we're nearing the end :'). If it's been too long since you've read the other chapters, I'd maybe recommend checking them out again because we're picking it up right where we left off. The next chapters will be posted soon <3. Also, Mobius plays cupid here and we love him for it lol.
Masterlist | Read ch 7 here
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You kept your head down as you walked, not particularly looking at where you were going. Rogue tears were falling onto TVA's hallways with each step you took, a hand covered your mouth to stifle the sobs. The sight of your rapidly moving shoes became more unfocused by the second.
You needed an out, you needed to breathe. And you didn't care that the bathroom you rushed into was a communal one, you slammed the door shut behind you and turned the lock, praying that the stalls were empty.
Silence hung in the air, the only sound being your heavy breathing. Gulping back a massive lump in your throat, you leaned back against the closed door. The smooth wood was cold, feeling going past the fabric of your shirt and raising goosebumps on your skin. With the back of your hand, you tried drying your tears.
Would this be it? Were you truly broken beyond repair?
You wanted to shout apologies in the air; for the Loki you'd just found, he deserved it, he did nothing wrong; for yourself, for the bruised heart beating in your chest that you'd promised to mend.
Part of you also wanted to berate yourself for being overly sentimental and utterly incapable of processing your feelings. For being stuck in this limbo.
You pressed your palms to your eyes, feeling them dampening, fingers shaking.
His touch had been like a bonfire on a cold night—a strange metaphor, given the fact his skin was usually colder than yours; yet it held truth—it enveloped your heart in a warm and familiar embrace, the most blissful kind of pain. It hurt, you couldn't quite place why, but it did.
Maybe it was the fear of knowing you wouldn't be able to live through another loss.
There were telltales of a steady rhythm thudding beneath your skin and through your veins; the ghosts of it tickled your fingertips and called out your name. His heartbeat, as real as you'd pleaded for in countless sleepless nights.
And when you finally held it in your hands again…
'But you're not him.'
You regretted it, probably as soon as the words left your mouth. Because… they were a lie. A lie you told yourself for fear of losing him, again.
Yet now, you couldn't help but feel like you just did.
─── ·❆· ───
Thor had once told Loki about the red string of fate—when the god of thunder had been strangely obsessed with Midgardian folklore in his teenage years. A red string that connected soulmates, it could stretch and bend as the two souls drifted apart and then met again, however, it would never break.
Now, as Loki heard your steps getting further and further away from him, he couldn't help but hear a snap.
Maybe he was the one who fucked it up, maybe it was his fault. You weren't his to have or to lose anyway. As much as he wished you were.
Loki stood awkwardly by your desk; he felt almost as if he was invading just because this was your space and, as you'd just made abundantly clear, you wanted nothing to do with him anymore.
He took advantage of your secluded nook to brush off the tear tracks on his cheeks—he didn't need anyone asking questions he barely knew the answers to—before running a hand through his hair, straightening the collar of his jacket, and taking a deep, hopefully steadying, breath.
For the first time, he felt utterly lost, without a north to guide him. He stalled by neatly organizing the mess that was your desk, thinking maybe you'd have a change of heart and come back to him. He stacked documents, organized pencils, and even folded a cardigan of yours that was hanging on the back of your chair.
Loki stalled the longest he could, until there was nothing more to tidy and no hope left. When you didn't come back, he walked up to the elevator, and now stared at the many buttons without knowing which to press. Truth be told, his mind was miles away; focused on the feeling of your soft skin against his and the sweet perfume of your shampoo. Would he ever get to feel you so close again?
"Hold it, please," Mobius called from a few steps away, hurriedly walking towards Loki. The god extended a hand to hold the doors open for him.
Mobius skipped into the elevator with a big sigh, clutching a rather large stack of documents to his chest. "Thanks," he breathed, shooting a glance at Loki. A beat passed and he did a double take, with a frown as he looked Loki over, who still glared at the buttons in front of him, all puffy eyes and pouty lips. "… What happened?" Mobius' voice held the tone of someone who probably already knew the answer he'd get. He reached past Loki and pressed the button that led to the cafeteria—a coffee break couldn't hurt.
For long seconds, Loki kept silent, contemplating whether to lie or be honest. He felt too drained to come up with a lie. "I… believe I messed it up."
Mobius didn't need names. He raised a hand to pat Loki's shoulder. "She'll come around, buddy."
Loki's eyebrows softened, he had a faint, bittersweet smile on his lips as his eyes welled up with tears again. It stung, bitterly. Perhaps he was never destined for happy endings. It was okay, he decided, he'd be okay with loving you from afar; so long as he got to love you at all. He already counted his lucky stars that the slim odds were in his favor and he got to meet you. "I don't think she will."
The weight of his words didn't go unnoticed by Mobius, who turned to Loki with a rather bewildered expression. "You really do like her… Don't you?"
Loki lowered his head, lips parting in a futile attempt to try and word his feelings. All he managed was a defeated sigh as he brought a hand up to rub one of his eyes. That was answer enough.
─── ·❆· ───
It's been a week. Or at least what would be the equivalent of a week in the TVA. You didn't know if you were the one avoiding Loki or if he was the one avoiding you. But you haven't seen each other ever since you said those hurtful words to him.
Your spoon clicked against the ceramic of your mug, stirring a coffee that had probably already gone cold. You stared off into space, watching from a secluded corner table as a few of your colleagues walked by with their own coffees, yet not actually seeing it. Your mind was elsewhere, drifting between what-ifs.
It's been like this, for this past week. Your mind mostly numb, stuck on auto-pilot. You couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't stop missing him; his presence had become such a constant in your life these past couple of months that now that you didn't have it, a part of you felt hollow and empty. There was always a vacant chair beside you that left you feeling perpetually cold and alone.
The last few nights had been more sleepless than not, guilt ate away at your insides and kept you from diving into deep slumber. You wondered if the few grimaced smiles you received from your colleagues today were because you'd forgotten to hide the faint dark circles under your eyes.
"Good morning sunshine," Mobius slid into the chair next to you, placing his steaming mug on the table along with a single donut on a small plate. He took a momentary glance at you and his smile dropped a tad, "or maybe not so good."
You tried giving your friend a decent smile but you could tell by the look on his face that it didn't reach your eyes.
"I'll probably regret asking," Mobius pulled his chair closer, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing, "but what's wrong?"
You've never liked it when people asked you that question, it made you wish that your problems really were simple enough to be put into words. You avoided his eyes, something akin to shame and timidness twisting your stomach. "I'm- I'm not sure," a frown came to your brows, as if you were finally seeing past the fog. You shook your head softly, "I think I messed up."
"So I keep hearing," Mobius sighed. It wasn't condescending, no; it just looked like he was in on a secret you didn't know.
"I'm just… I'm so scared, Mobius." There was a sway to your voice that wasn't there before, with your heart on your mouth beating as raw as the wound you'd carried for so long. "I'm-" You hesitated, words heavy as you closed your eyes briefly. "I'm scared, and I'm still so confused."
You could feel the familiar sting of tears building behind your eyes. "I've wanted him back for so long, and seeing him again like this, it just-" Your lips hovered, trembling. You felt a warm touch landing on one of your hands, reassuring. You squeezed Mobius' fingers in gratitude. "… Now I have memories with him that only I've lived, and part of me still doesn't know what to think, what to do. And if I ever were to lose him again, I- I don't think I could…"
With a gentle nod, Mobius took hold of both your hands, he spoke slowly, "I understand… Well, maybe I don't," he chuckled, and when a small and genuine smile crept onto your lips, a proud glint came to his eyes. "But don't you think that, sometimes, we complicate things too much?" He asked, voice tender and drowning out the increasing hustle and bustle of TVA's cafeteria.
"You got him back." Mobius gave your hands a gentle shake to accentuate his words, voice low yet dripping with hope and excitement; "Yeah, maybe he comes from a little before you two met, but it's still the same Loki." He tilted his head with a tight smile, urging you to take his words to heart. "The one thing you wanted ever since you got here, don't you see how lucky you are? Maybe you should just let yourself be happy about that for a change."
For long seconds that felt like hours, you stayed silent, only feeling the bruising beating of your heart against your ribs. The air left your lungs and you had trouble pulling it back in.
He was right, wasn't he?
Maybe you could allow yourself to be happy after all this time. Maybe you could finally go to where your heart had been trying to lead you to. Maybe you really did get a second chance.
Yet, like freefalling into a frozen lake, the last words you'd said to him came rushing back. "I hurt him, Mobius." You winced at the memory, at the desolate look that had painted Loki's eyes as soon as you uttered the words.
'But you're not him.'
Oh, you couldn't have been more wrong then. Because when he looks at you with that same shine to his gentle eyes that had captivated you since the first time you'd met him on the grounds of New Asgard, when his voice takes on that special tone that's kept for you only, when he touches you with the same delicacy you'd always known, when he has the same bashful smile, laughs at the same jokes, drinks the same tea. How could he not be your Loki?
"It was the last thing I wanted, and it happened, and now I- I don't know if there's a way back from-"
"Listen to me," Mobius cut you off before you could go downhill into a pity party, "he's miserable, okay?" He spoke matter-of-factly, to which you only raised your eyebrows. "I'm serious, you should've seen him this morning, looked like a kicked puppy. Trust me when I tell you you're hurting him more by staying away." He added with a smirk; "and you two are killing me with all this 'will they, won't they'."
A small laugh escaped you as you raised a hand to dry your eyes and squeezed Mobius' ones with the other in a gesture that you hoped conveyed the immense gratitude you felt for him.
You missed Loki. You missed him so much it felt like a part of your soul had been torn out.
"Do you have any idea of where he is right now?"
─── ·❆· ───
You stepped into the smoked glass doorway as if you were walking a tightrope that might snap at any second. You held your breath as you went through, eyes closed, and hands clammy.
A familiarity lay heavy in the cold and fresh air, it has brought you peace many times before. The frozen grass crunched beneath your feet and the rustling of leaves did little to drown out the loud beating of your heart. You didn't need to open your eyes to know where you were, but you did anyway.
The clearing was the same as it's always been, with a few trees on both of the far sides, a clean and starry night sky that adorned the beginnings of the spectacle that was the northern lights, and finally, the lonely wooden bench in the middle.
Loki sat on the far right side of the bench you once shared. The night was cold and he only wore a simple dress shirt, for a second you wondered if he was not cold, before remembering his origins.
The moment feelt intimate, precious. You wondered if he knew you were there and chose to stay silent, or if he was too lost in his own what-ifs. You wondered if he's missed you as much as you missed him.
Your feet were glued to the ground, you noticed. Hands closed tightly into fists and mouth dry. A part of you remained so afraid still, as if, now that you're here, it might be too late.
From afar, you admired how Loki's hair flowed effortlessly with the breeze, coming loose from behind his ears and making you wish to run your fingers through it. He had his left hand lying beside him, fingertips touching the wood of the bench; as if reaching for something, someone, who's not there.
You caught it then, how, with the corner of his eye, he finally noticed your presence. You caught it by how his shoulders immediately tensed up and he looked straight ahead as if bracing for something.
No turning back now. You took the first step towards him.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Ch 9 coming soon.
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Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
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elliespuns · 2 days
I wanted to ask you this since you definitely understand the tlou characters down to a T 👌🏻How do you think sarah was conceived LMAO. Like, do you think joel and sarah’s mom were already in a relationship for a while, or were they a pretty new couple n all of a sudden she got pregnant. I’m assuming it was an accident and they were using protection, I don’t think joel would be dumb enough to not use protection.
Since joel’s birthday is in September and sarah’s mom got pregnant when he was 18, he must’ve gotten her pregnant after graduating. School in the US ends around May/June, so he would’ve been 17 during graduation. I wonder if he was supposed to go to college but had to leave bc sarah’s mom got pregnant.
I have the feeling he wasn’t planning on going anyways, otherwise he would told ellie at the university that he was supposed to go to college but didn’t bc of sarah. Not to mention, by the time his birthday came when he turned 18, if he was planning on going to college he would’ve already committed to a school since decisions would’ve come out when he was 17 and still a senior in hs. anyways that was more math than i was planning on doing lol but what are you thoughts?
First of all, I love all of this. Such a perfect, thought-through analysis (what do you even need me for, hun?).
I think everything you say makes perfect sense. The only thing I see differently is the "protection" part. I do, on the other hand, think Joel was dumb enough not to use the protection. I don't know why, but something has always told me he's one of the fathers who get their first girlfriend pregnant accidentally as a result of carefree sex and then end up dedicating their whole life to the baby, be it together with her or alone, because this baby is someone now, someone he's created, and what kind of person he would've been if he didn't want it.
Protection or not, both work, I guess. Both meant he got her pregnant by accident. People had limited options and choices back then when it came to unwanted pregnancies, so I think his initial thought was anything but "We need to keep it." despite the panic he felt.
He probably didn't even want a baby, but then he slept on it and realized there was no way back, so he manned up and married his girlfriend in the hope of raising this child together. Which didn't happen because his wife probably couldn't bear all this pressure of being a young mother and left him and Sarah on their own. That's when I think he manned up to the highest of levels because there was literally no one else who would take care of his baby.
What I think is that his wife just left him in the cold. Simple as that. Some people think she died, but that wouldn't make sense with what Joe told Ellie at the university. If his wife died, he'd probably just tell her, like in a good memory of her or something. He was already sharing his feelings about Sarah with Ellie, so he would do the same with his wife. Instead, he seemed like he didn't want to talk about his wife. I've always felt like it had nothing to do with being hard for him, but rather because this topic was not something he wanted to share with a kid.
Which makes me think his wife either left him and Sarah without saying a thing or they had a fight (she could be problematic, maybe not handling motherhood that well), and he told her to leave, knowing that he'd be a better dad to Sarah alone. 
I think Joel's wife was his girlfriend back when he got her pregnant. Maybe even his first serious girlfriend. That's probably why they decided to get married. Maybe they were even forced into marriage by their parents, because you know what it was like back then. You had to be married to have a kid, because if you had a kid without a marriage, you'd be looked down on.
I will forever wonder what Joel's wife's name was, though. I just hope it wasn't Sarah.
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kaereth · 1 month
I'm thinking of doing something different & fun in between comms!
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sorrcha · 2 months
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leave it, crawl back to where you came from, and forget it
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sysig · 3 months
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It started with a whisper ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Crackship#Xigbar#Of all the crackships that I didn't expect I probably wouldn't have expected these two the most lol#I super wasn't expecting to feel So strongly about them this is like multi-tier Big Feelings in varying directions#One - ZEX - obvious (lol) | Two - Xigbar (hehe II hehehe) - I think I mentioned it like maaaybe once over here but I was Huge into KH#Specifically Org XIII specifically-specifically 358/2 it is the only game in the Kingdom Hearts line that I've beaten and probably ever will#Oh no wait that's not true I did play through all of the DS release of Re:Coded but like......does that count lol I think no#I played the intro of Kingdom Hearts II and shut it off after the bit with Roxas and Sora like - the egg scene how do I non-spoilers this#I own it and I will never beat it I am too sad I want only my Nobodies lol <3#Kingdom Hearts had a big influence on me - that and Magic Knight Rayearth are a big explanation as to Why I'm Like This lol#Cough cough casting away the dark parts of your heart only for it to come back and bite you later and also The Gay™ lol#But AnyWay lol - Xigbar!#He wasn't my favourite-favourite - aside from Main Characters that'd probably go to Marluxia - but I still hold him very fondly!!#Definitely doodled him a good bit he's very handsome ♪#And just - ah ♥ An old fave and a new(er) fave interacting and making each other happy and feel nice and play well I just fsalkfdf#As well as that being Max's body! There's something heightening about all these different aspects that was just overwhelming to me haha <3#If it's not already obvious - yes this was the happy cries lol this is the only explanation I have haha#I feel very strongly about Them and Interactions and Feeling Nice and fjdslafsdf#Anyway! This isn't Just them! Just a lot haha ♪#I have started a playlist lol - so far it's just this song - Everybody Talks - but some of the others from SCII playlist fit well too :)#The rest is just ZEX being cute hehe <3 ZEX not understanding what crying is is very interesting to me :3c No VUX equivalent?#Seems like they don't have the same kinds of chemicals like adrenaline et al so I guess a flushing system isn't as necessary! Interesting :D#ZEX fumbliness leading to him being a bit on the back foot is so cute hehe <3 He wants so loudly and openly but actually accomplishing it-#I also really like how he holds himself - all the tension through him to fight against new muscles and bone everything too alien!#I imagine his hands as being very rigid and all the fingers pulled together straight but that could just be how he describes bones hehe#Alien in there <3 Plenty to read into :3c
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nostalgia-tblr · 17 days
Reminding myself that I resolved not to delete any fics that have a bookmark on them😭
#there's this one frostmaster fic that must be TERRIBLE cos it fails on any metric but for some reason people bookmarked it#though the visible ones seem to be mostly people who bookmark literally everything they read so...#it has one (1) comment and like a thousand hits :|#i think it's not a bad fic! but apparently i am wrong about that :'(#BUT if there's one person out there who silently loves it i don't want to take it from them#i have invented a silent yet adoring audience in my head for fics that “don't do numbers”. between this and the “reason other than quality”#that i preemptively invent for any fic to flop i am left perhaps overly confident in my skillz but also a bit less worried about stats.#btw 'fair alfrida' didn't go too well either but i had fun writing it so fuck it i don't care (...much)#more positively: the frigga gen did v well and the sylki-on-sakaar one i fretted about for months does not actually repel readers!#and this year i feel like i'm doing fairly well despite posting a few quite niche fics :D#tbh some of my own fics are things i probably wouldn't click on cos they wouldn't seem like my jam from the summary/tags#and i beat myself up less about only writing short oneshots now that i've posted a couple of longer works as well#the sylki arranged marriage fic is on-track to be my second-longest fic ever (the bar was low but shhhh)#...as you can see i still put too much importance on length of fic even though i prefer reading shorter works meself :|#ANYWAY STATS BACK OFF NOW I THINK
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murphyslawyer · 3 months
why didn't that idiot just fucking kiss me in Rome? I think I'm going fucking crazy
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devilsskettle · 3 months
i hate that this website has location based ads now like it's one thing to promote the local grocery store chain to me but i am seeing ads for my workplace now :/
#stop it......#i don't want to go back but this is the last sick day i can reasonably take#i probably should've gone back today but i told them when i was still feeling worse that i wasn't coming in.......#ohhhh i dread going in tomorrow so much. i don't even dislike this job i just hate being somewhere everyday#each day feeling its meaninglessness...... my meaninglessness in the space.......... the repetition and redundancy#selling people who don't need to be there things that they don't need#standing all day long just fucking bored#hoping that enough has happened since i've been gone that people can fill me in#ugggh because it's soooo boring but stressful to have to generate conversation with the same people every day#when nothing new ever happens#and i get sick of everybody even the people that i like and i don't really think anybody likes me that much either#i guess i felt this when i worked there part time but because i only had to be there part time it wasn't this constant gnawing feeling#and they didn't have me in the shop all the time....... this schedule is fucking killing me#i walk there i stand all day and i walk home#that's one of the reasons i haven't come back in yet - i was so dizzy and nauseous that the idea of standing all day was like.#i obviously can't fucking do that even if i would otherwise feel well enough to come in#if i had a sitting job then it wouldn't matter if i was a little dizzy#but getting back and forth to work and then standing for 8 hours. even when i'm feeling well it's kind of a lot#idk i guess i'm pretty unhappy with this job and where i am in life etc but i can't quit rn because what else would i do#there's literally job of this type that is going to pay as well and have good benefits#and i'm not qualified yet for the type of work i hope to do in the future#so i just gotta wait it out but it feels like. endless.#sigh anyway i'm just lazy lol#all this is to say. stop putting ads for my workplace on my dash lol i don't need to see all that
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