claraoswalds · 30 days
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It's racist, my dear, to be blunt. People come from outside, they think we're all witches and druids. For God's sake, child, you walked into a piece of string!
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not-the-cheese · 11 months
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
i dont know how to deal with this pain in my chest that's a constant. i dont't know how to take this much hurt.
i was a child of war, i type out and then i say to myself no, i am a child of war. its a funny story i tell people, how when i was to be born they bombarded our city the whole night. the gas that my dad spared so they could take my mother to the hospital was stolen, siphoned from the car, so what happened was that my mother's water broke in the back of a military vehicle that my dad's friends-colleagues-soldiers drove us all in to the hospital. i was born almost 12 hours later during a night when they bombarded my hometown from every mountain around it. it doesnt really matter; they bombarded us all the time.
my mother is a doctor. she worked in the hospital the whole time during the war and she worked relentlessly. she tells the stories of that time with a detachment that used to be curious to me when i was younger and is now just horrifying. "mom," i said to her years ago, "im learning about porphyrias." - "oh," she says, eyes lighting up, "the first time i encountered a case of porphyria was during the war, when we were shut in the hospital for 5 days because they kept bombarding us and we couldnt go home. one of the doctors not on call when we got stuck came with his daughter, drove to the hospital because his daughter was unconscious and we determined she had porphyria. it was really interesting to see." she doesn't see my horrified gaze. she doesn't know what she sounds like. she still doesn't, to this day. i stopped begging her to go to therapy one day when she looked at me, eyes far away, and said "if i go, where do i start?"
my friend was 5 when the war started. she asked me on saturday "are you always afraid of everything?". i shake my head. she said she wakes up sometimes gripped with fear and has to list out all the things in her life that are alright and asks her husband to hug her and still it doesnt help. she thought she was the only one to feel that way and then she tells me a new phrase she learned. generational trauma. i nod and remember her telling me how a grenade hit their building when she was 8, in the year i was born, and how she still has the burn scar on her leg from the shell.
my high school teacher told me a story once. it was war and she was 15, and it was a friday and they stopped bombarding for three days. the youth gathered at the main square on the date that used to be a celebration of youth. her friend had strict parents, "but whose parents arent strict in a war," she says with a laugh, and they all decided to walk her home before her curfew. a bomb hit the square, civillian target, and killed over 70 people. the youngest was 2. he died because a shrapnel pierced his heart as his mother was clutching him. she didn't notice until it was too late. i know her and her husband. i see them around the town sometimes. my mother worked in the hospital that day, when they brought in the wounded. my father brought them in. "thats what i always remember when my kids say im too strict," my teacher says and laughs. i laugh along. what else am i supposed to do.
the year my sister was born another genocide happened. the world looked away then too, like it does now. when the war in ukraine started my gynecologist tells me about it; about a woman who came in and said "i have 5 children." my gynecologist said "what do you mean five," lookimg at the four surrounding her. the women said "i had to leave my wounded son behind. it was the best chance these other four had to survive, if im with them". she has a placid smile on her face as i look at her in horror. "i learned not to ask stupid questions then," she says, and laughs, and i laugh along because what the fuck am i supposed to do.
i dont know how to take this pain of palestine right now and still i look. i look at the victims, thousands of innocent children and people murdered by israel's carpet bombing. i look at the ethnic cleansing happening in front of my eyes, all our eyes. i look at the world which refuses to call it what it is - an ongoing genocide of a whole population. i dont have the privilege of looking away. i opened my eyes into a war when i took my first breath, and i cannot in good conscience look away. war is in my blood; i am a child of war.
there is no point to this except to say somewhere what hurts me the most right now.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. it has to be. anything else is unnaceptable.
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drinkingteawithkate · 1 month
Okay I made a little post about this but it’s jawing at my brain
A deep dive into Ginny Weasley’s music taste
(Not specifically 90s timeline)
Okay so even though it might be cringy now she was definitely so obsessed with the spice girls. With their whole girl power agenda she definitely was really into it, and they have great party music. Hermione being one of her closest friends and muggle born showed her the spice girls over one summer and gave her tons of magazines on them. Tonks offered to take her to see them but Molly said absolutely not. Favorite song Wanna be obviously, it’s her designated getting ready song.
Okay so, Ginny dated Dean for almost a whole year being with someone you naturally gain interest in their interest. Dean being a muggle born introduced Ginny to all sorts of muggle bands The Smiths and Radiohead having a lot of sad songs I think she found very healing with all her trauma from the chamber. Nirvana is like the OG teenage dirt bag band so yes she loves them. Nirvana reminds her a lot of Sirius so she got Harry into listening to them. Weazer came from Seamus actually, when she was getting used to being around Deans friend group music came up and Seamus lent her one of his mixtapes. Her favorite song is Back to the old house because it makes her miss time before Tom and before the war.
So Bowie. I think Bowie would come from Bill and Arthur. Bill was born in the early 70s so it come from his childhood. We all know Arthur loves muggle things so I think music would be incorporated in that. Bowie has a perfect blend of sad and feel good music, we know she was close with Tonks but Remus helped her through second year too and Bowie was one thing they bonded over and what made Ginny trust Remus after Tom. Her favorite song is Changes because it feels like growing up.
Completely George and Charlie influence. She loved D-12 first obviously but she prefers Eminem. She knows every word. To every song. Harry loves when she gets wasted at parties and just stands on the table and belts out the lyrics. She’s totally a Doctor Dre fan too. The Slim shady album is her favorite it dropped in 1999 when she was freshly 17. Charlie took her to see him when she was 19 she went all out saggy jeans, heavy smudged eyeliner, bandana. When family dinners where to serious at the Burrow after the war. Her and George would start singing the dirtiest songs to get Molly’s attention on them. Favorite song in his discography is Under the Influence.
Girl power rock bands I don’t have a ton to say about them. She loves No Doubt but proffers Gwen’s solo stuff. Obviously knows them from Tonks. She gave Ginny her Tragic Kingdom vinyl which released in 1995 perfect timing for her 4th year at hogwarts when she’s angry about being left out of order business. Her favorite Gwen song is Rich Girl.
Okay so Arvil really started getting big in 2002 when her album Let Go came out. She wasn’t super big into her with that album but followed along still. Her teammates on the Harpy’s loved her and played her music in the locker rooms. She picked up again with her when Girlfriend came out but her favorite song is Here’s to never growing up.
(Later music)
I never liked that people think Ginny isn’t girlie because she grew up with 7 brothers. Yes, she is a total tomboy but she never saw being a girl as making her weak. It was just a challenge with her brothers but it just gave her more reasons to get to prove herself. If she had Taylor in her teens her favorite album would be Red or Evermore. Cowboy like me is a perfect song to describe her and Harry. “The skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up” perfect example of their relationships with Voldemort. They definitely avoided that they had that in common for a while but after they accepted it they where able to heal through each other. I think the song I hate it here from TTPD would be one Ginny could relate too because honestly when she was completely alone her therapy was Tom and the diary. It was where she would escape too. I think her hearing that song as an adult would have an even deeper meaning because it’s so sad and describes how lonley-ness feels beautifully.
- If you want my other opinions and more bands I think she would like feel free to ask I have so many others artist and songs
This kinda turned in to me relating Ginny to my favorite music but oh well 🤷‍♀️
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trans-canadiantrain · 7 months
Meta read of why the Twelfth Doctor chose that face
Basically, why the Doctor chose that face can be explained by The Giggle
Twelve tries to figure out why he chose that face, and assumes that it's to remind himself to save people, but that leads to an act of god and hubris in resurrecting Ashildr. He remembers where the face came from, that Donna asked to save "somebody, not the whole town, but somebody", but he only does so in an emotional moment where he's not thinking logically and letting his guilt get the better of him. In actuality, his subconscious chose that face to remind him of Donna, and that he should go back for her and rest a while. After all, he just spent 900 years on Trenzalore fighting a war, that was traumatizing as hell. But he doesn't go find Donna (and Clara, bless her hot mess, is totally an enabler), and whilst he does spend 24 years with River, and then like 70 guarding a vault, he's still on alert, so to speak, not settling, not resting. He embraces endings, but he doesn't know how to emotionally deal with the endings once they've, well, ended. All though Series 10 he's mourning River, he clearly spent that night on Darillium for her sake, not for his. (And as Eleven, he loved the Ponds, but he never settled with them.)
Thirteen's face is the Doctor repressing, hiding this emotional fatigue and weariness under a facade of smiles, choosing in the moment of his regeneration to just keep plodding on because to him "rest" means "death". "One more lifetime won't kill anybody. Except me." The Doctor assumes "oh well, I can just change my face again and be new and maybe this tiredness I feel will go away". They are wrong, they get fucked over with the Timeless Child and the Flux, suddenly have to go through an identity crisis, repress it HARD, friendzone Yaz, then her subconscious goes "Okay time to make this explicit to you" and bam, David Tennant again. The TARDIS gets in on it and drops him down in front of Donna.
And that's how we end up with the specials and Fourteen getting some needed rest and rehab. It's been absolute centuries of the Doctor constantly pushing and pushing and assuming they can't stop running because it's all they've ever known, and now he has finally embraced it with the help of Donna.
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yourmidnightlover · 6 months
timeless - ch. 2
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
series summary: you, bucky and steve were the best of friends growing up. what happens when you're assigned to be a war nurse for the 107th? what happens when bucky finds himself 70 years later with scattered memories of the girl who brought him so much comfort? will your love for each other remain after all of the pain you've been put through? will your love for each other remain timeless?
chapter summary: this chapter is set during civil war when bucky and steve are reunited.
warnings: classing mcu violence, guns, mention of headshots (of the other supersoldiers from HYDRA), death, HYDRA talk, talk of assassins, please let me know if i've missed anything!
w/c: 2.1k+
a/n: hiii! i've missed writing so so much but i've finally finished the second chapter of this series! i'm so excited for it and already have so much planned. it's loosly accurate, but it definitely goes off course with the actual plot the mcu has. so THIS IS NOT CANON. i am making some of it up, mostly towards the end and bits and pieces about the reader being involved in anything. this chapter ALSO doesn't have reader in it because this part is largely the development of how they realize that reader is still alive... you'll understand once you begin reading. anywho, i hope you lovely people enjoy reading!
<- chapter 1 ~ chapter 3 ->
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“which bucky am i talking to?” steve chided bucky as his arm remained in a vice. his voice remind still and steady as if his emotions hadn’t been the victim of intense whiplash from trying to get his old pal back.
“your mom’s name is sarah,” he had what almost seemed like a grin as he continued, “you used to wear newspaper in your shoes.” 
“can’t read that in a museum,” he tilted his head with an almost grimace, recalling the days when he was a few feet shorter and far less invincible. 
“wh-just like that, we’re supposed to be cool?” sam questioned incredulously, reasonably so. sam had no reason to trust bucky. he was never once his best friend. he didn’t know the lengths bucky and steve used to go to to protect one another. 
“what did i do?” bucky could tell by sam’s reaction that yet another bad deed had occurred at his hand, the one that he wasn’t even born with.
“oh god,” bucky sighed as he threw his head back. “i knew this would happen. everything HYDRA put inside me is still there… all he had to do is say the goddamn words,” bucky’s face filled with self-hatred that was all too familiar.
“who was he?” 
steve knew bucky would understand who he was talking about. hell, the man knew his trigger words, bucky wishes he knew who the fuck he was. it pained him that after years of not knowing who he was, being used as a mere object for a terrible agenda, he finally escaped… only to be used once more by a complete stranger.
“i don’t know.”
“people are dead,” steve leveled with bucky as if he wasn’t aware of the magnitude this all has come to. “the bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. i need you to do better than ‘i don’t know.’”
“he-he wanted to know about siberia, where i was kept,” bucky recalled. “he wanted to know exactly where.”
“why would he need to know that?” 
“because i’m not the only winter soldier.”
“what?” sam was in disbelief, his voice going into a higher pitch than steve had probably eer heard. 
“but, steve,” bucky was confused about what he was even supposed to say, how to say what he needed to. hell, he didn’t even know exactly what he knew. “my memories, they’re coming back all… jumbled. it’s like i remember pieces before the fall and then some when i was under HYDRA’s control and i can’t tell which is which. it’s like they’re getting all confused.”
“buck, what’re you trying to say here?” steve wanted bucky to tell him whatever it was he needed to, they had other pressing matters to get to the bottom of.
“you remember y/n, right?”
“how could i forget?” he smiled fondly. “she-she died, though? back when-”
“that’s what i thought too,” bucky shook his head. “but i keep seeing her in the memories with HYDRA. not from the war, not from brooklyn, it’s distinctly HYDRA, but i don’t know how much of my memories i can trust.”
steve took a step back from bucky, trying to analyze what he was implying. trying to decipher what it meant if HYDRA had taken you for all this time too. that means you must have the serum in your veins as well, but how? 
were you being used like bucky in all of HYDRA’s plans? this was all so confusing to him, bucky too. 
“who’s y/n?” sam asked, his arms thrown up in utter bewilderment. 
“she was our best friend,” steve filled in for bucky after a pause, the man clearly not able to accurately describe what you were to him. “she meant a lot to us, but we thought she died back in the war…”
“so that’s not the case? i’m assuming, based on cyborg here?” sam motioned to bucky, clearly confused as to how many people seem to come back to life or survive far past their expiration date here. 
“do you know if she’s still in siberia?” 
“after a while, the i stopped seeing the people in siberia. but i remember being with her a lot more… i don’t know what she did for HYDRA, but i don’t think she’s there,” bucky couldn’t look at steve as he tried to explain where his best friend was. 
“if she’s not there, then HYDRA surely isn’t doing anything good to her in your absence.”
“that’s what i’m most worried about.”
“those other soldiers… who were they?” steve wondered
“their most elite death squad. more kills than anyone in HYDRA history, and that was before the serum.”
“they all turn out like you?” sam sassed.
“the doctor, could he control them?”
steve shook his head, perplexed as he added, “said he wanted to see an empire fall.”
“with these guys he could do it. they speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. they can take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.”
“this would’ve been a lot easier a week ago,” sam mentions primarily to steve.
“if we call tony…” 
“no, he won’t believe us,” sam cut steve’s idea short.
“even if he did-”
“who knows if the accords would let him.”
steve sighed, his head low as if he had been defeated, “we’re on our own.”
“maybe not,” sam had a sly smirk on as he finished, “i know a guy.”
after meeting with sharon carter, an easy fight with most of the avengers, and hijacking the quinjet, steve and bucky were on their own, hurtling towards siberia and a few of the world’s best unknown assassins.
bucky didn’t understand why he couldn’t pinpoint where he had known you from. all he can tell is that you were practically everywhere. because of that, part of him thinks you might’ve just been a figment of his imagination, creating a sense of comfort from one of the only people he’s ever truly cared about in the midst of his pain and the chaos HYDRA forced him to impose on the innocent. 
but if that were the case, then shouldn’t he recall more of steve as well? 
“what’s gonna happen to your friends?” bucky asked, hoping the people who put their necks on the line for him, for his best friend, would be alright. 
“whatever it is…” steve shook his head with a heavy heart. “i’ll deal with it.”
all bucky could think about was the pain of the last 70 years, but not his own. he was thinking of all the memories he’s had surface already of him harming those who didn’t deserve it, as if anyone deserved for their lives to be taken. 
“i’m don’t know if i’m worth all this, steve,” he shook his head adamantly.
“what you did all those years…” he looked thoughtfully before turning slightly to face bucky. “it wasn’t you. you didn’t have a choice.”
“i know, but i did it.”
once they landed atop the mountain, they went to the back to unload a few weapons and headed inside the already open door. 
“he can’t have been here a couple hours.”
“long enough to wake ‘em up,” bucky tilted his head with a grimace, not knowing if he selfishy hoped you were there or hoped you weren’t included in the infamous group of th world’s best assassins.
heading further down the corridor, they come face to face with the one, the only, iron man.
tony heads towards steve and retracts his helmet to greet the men. “you seem a little defensive,” he gestures towards bucky, who’s gun remained aimed at the red-suited man. 
“it’s been a long day,” steve sighed to try and reason with tony, thinking he was here to take him and his fugitive pal in for good.
“at ease, soldier. i’m not currently after you,” tony stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
bucky was still confused, watching the two men interact and trying to figure out his place in their conversation, but opting to simply observe and keep his gun raised in defense.
“then why’re you here,” steve asked the question bucky was also wondering, himself.
“could be your story’s not so crazy… maybe,” tony rolled his eyes as he continued. “ross has no idea i’m here, so i’d like to keep it that way.otherwise, i gotta arrest myself…” he trailed off on that note.
“well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” steve finally lowered his shield. “it’s good to see you, tony,” he addressed the man after figuring out it wasn’t ‘iron man’ coming to him. it was only tony.
“you too, cap,” his attention was brought to bucky after noticing his weapon was still ready to fire, pointed right at him. “hey, manchurian candidate, you’re killing me. there’s a truce here,” tony motioned to himself and steve to emphasize his point. “you can lower…” steve signalled for bucky to loer his weapon, so he did. 
the three continued their way into the bunker, trying to be ready for whatever was awaiting them. 
“i got heat signatures,” tony said after scanning the room.
“how many?”
“uh… one,” with that, the three enter the room. 
hazy yellowed lights flickered on as a speaker began to crackle to life. looking around, the soldiers were still secure in their capsules, but the only one they could see clearly had a bullet straight through their head.
“if it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep,” they recognized zemo’s voice over the speaker. bucky looked in the other capsules, ensuring your corpse wasn’t in any of the capsules. “did you really think i wanted more of you?” zemo scoffed.
“what the hell?” bucky was confused at the actions of the man before him. if he didn’t want to control some of the stronged people in the world, what did he want from killing them?
“i’m grateful to them though, they brought you here,” he chuckled slyly as the other men rolled their eyes and huffed at his secrecy. steve had launched his shield at the booth that zemo was in, only for it to come ricocheting back towards him. “please, captain. the soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“i’m betting i could beat that,” tony piped in, raising his hand, ready to shoot beams through the glass. 
“oh, i’m sure you could, mr. stark, given time,” he nodded in agreement, leaving tony to lower his hand in bewilderment. “but then you’d never know why you came.”
“you killed innocent people in vienna just to bring us here?” 
“i thought about nothing else for over a year. i studied you. i followed you,” he was droning on and on about how dedicated he had been. “but now that you're standing here, i just realized . . . there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. how nice to find a flaw,” it was mockery for him to stand there as if he had superiority.
“you’re sokovian, is that what this is about?” steve simply wanted answers from the man who was only speaking in puzzles.
“sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. no. i'm here because i made a promise.”
“you lost someone?” steve filled in the blanks that zemo clearly had no intention of confessing.
“i lost everyone,” he made eye contact with bucky before he continued, “and i think you’ll be thrilled to know that you haven’t lost everyone, yet.”
“you know where she is, don’t you?” bucky strode towards the glass that was protecting zemo. “where the hell is she?!” his fist slammed against the glass. 
“now, now,” he rose his hands and gestured for bucky to calm down. “that’s no way to get information out of someone, although, i guess that never was your specialty, was it?” 
“did you do something to her?” his voice was a low growl. “i swear to god if you touched a hair on her head-!” 
“i didn’t do anything to her, yet, mr. barnes,” he continued to patronize the man. 
“buck,” steve placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. “he wants you to react. he wants to upset you. don’t give him what he wants.”
bucky turns to face steve, “if he knows where she is-”
“we’ll find her on our own,” steve nodded, trying to get bucky to remain calm. “we don’t need him to manipulate us to get things figured out.”
“look, icicle,” tony chided in, “i’ll use all of my resources to help find this girl of yours - whoever she is.”
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t00thpasteface · 4 months
Hiiiii₍⁠₍⁠◞⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠₎⁠₎
Could you explain the hipster Vs fandom war. I've been on here for like four years and I never knew that existed lol and btw I really really love your art and you are one my biggest inspos for how I imagine and draw my Clark.
i'm not sure i can explain it in a way that makes sense, and certainly not in a way that makes you say "i understand why this was such a big deal", but gl'bgolyb knows i can try.
first, let me take you on a sensory experience... picture in your mind the following things... skinny jeans... nerd glasses... a weirdly dapper fashion sense in a time where everything is baggy and neon... boom, you have 2010-2014 online tumblr hipster culture. and also 70s elvis costello, oddly enough.
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although admittedly i don't know his stance on pumpkin spice lattes.
anyway. now that that's burned into your brain, consider a significant population of this exact type of person that has already been well-established on this microblogging platform around the turn of the decade. tumblr doesn't really have an app yet because smartphones haven't taken over everyone's life yet, and online fandom culture is still largely dominated by deviantart as the main "fandom hub". most people, myself included, are getting their main meme fixes from facebook (which your parents were not yet on) or the icanhazcheezburger image-aggregator network. THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FANDOM NATION ATTACKED.
somehow, a huge crowd of people who considered their favorite books/movies/games to be core personality traits began to set up shop on this fair slate-blue isle. i number myself among this crowd, having been lured here by google-image-searching for miscellaneous fanart in 2011. the "old guard" largely belongs to, and continuously attracts new bloggers within, a burgeoning subculture that 100% defines itself by bucking popular trends and social expectations... whether or not this is actually accomplished by purchasing beverages from starbucks and putting old film filters on every photo, i cannot say.
you may be seeing an issue already arising: hey, if the hipsters hate everything that's popular and gatekeep all their interests, and the fandom bloggers are obsessed with extremely popular franchises and are hell-bent making them even more popular, isn't that going to cause a little friction?
well, yes. it caused a fuck ton of friction. a division arose early on between "the fandom side of tumblr" and "the hipster side of tumblr." some people, like myself, played both sides. others abstained from the rigid dichotomy and considered themselves to be on another "side," like the science side of tumblr, known for explaining relatively straightforward STEM concepts in large essays that began with something like "listen up fuckers."
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ahhh, unfriendable. such a narrow little window in time where cheezburger sites and facebook had equal sway in the online zeitgeist.
interestingly, as someone who trawled a LOT of aesthetic tags, the most popular of which was simply #aesthetic (it was shockingly consistent in there), i never actually saw hipster bloggers complaining about fandom bloggers. it was always the other way around, with fandom bloggers bragging about how much they're freaking out the squares to get cool points with other fandom bloggers, all while never actually engaging with the hipster bloggers because their tags rarely overlapped.
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hi, marge! we're freaking out the hipsters!
regardless of whether there was any material reality to it, or if it was simply a Minitrue level of entirely fictional warfare, this concept entrenched itself into the fandom bloggers, likely as a way to still feel "edgy" and unique while, again, obsessing over extremely popular and mainstream things like doctor who, pokemon, avatar the last airbender, the brand-new mcu, and other decidedly non-counterculture media. even with things it felt like no one irl had heard of, like hetalia and homestuck, those were online juggernauts nonetheless, the former of which had dominated deviantart for years and the latter of which prompted hotels and convention centers across the world to implement very strict rules about unsealed body paint. people treated fandoms like they were some sort of exclusive country club with membership fees and a dress code. and dunking on hipsters became an entire genre of Fake Internet Story, which were already pervasive on this website.
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what's the point of being in a clique if there's no outgroup to flex on? #swag
this whole phenomenon ran concurrently, even symbiotically, with other tumblrisms like "tumblr university" and those horrendous "not like other girls" memes...
which means, of course, it was absolutely dead in the fucking water once DashCon happened in 2014. i don't need to tell you what happened at DashCon (there's a million essays and videos about it if you're one of today's lucky ten thousand who's never heard of it), but all across the fandom side of tumblr, it felt like finding out your parents lied about santa claus. turns out the fandoms you're in don't actually say anything about who you are as a person, a bunch of tumblrinas can't just will a fully functional micronation into existence just by wearing tacky merchandise in a public venue, and magic probably isn't real.
i wish i had some grand way to end this story, but really the moral is the same as it ever was: online drama is eternal, inescapable, and completely fucking worthless. if you only post to get mad at shit, especially if you're just making up a guy to get mad at, cut that out. touch grass. look at images of cats. i don't remember any of the enemies i made from this era, but i fondly remember all the friends, and i'm richer for making those positive connections. that's all for today's episode of Tumblr History with Toothpaste Face... remember to tip your waitress and stay minty.
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Flaunt Magazine, Nov 2016, Article
Photographer: Dani Brubaker
Interviewer: Jon-Barrett Ingels
Grooming: KC Fee
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Original images used in the magazine, including outtakes
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• Full interview
Pedro and I drank coffee (he had tea) at a posh coffee shop in West Hollywood. I was slightly intimidated before we met because Pedro was in everything at the time. He was warm and charming and we had an Orange County connection.
Having played Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones and Javier Peña on Narcos, I figured the Chilean-born Pedro Pascal must be dripping with swagger. But sitting in an ultra-hip WeHo coffee shop watching actors and models sip boxed water, I start to question my assumptions when an unassuming, doped up (recovering from a root canal), apologetic (he had a cold and urged me to wash my hands), and injured (possible herniated disk) Pedro Pascal walks in.
It makes sense that he is out of sorts - life has been nonstop for the last few years. 
“I had 36 hours in Los Angeles before I went from Colombia to Beijing for nearly five months (shooting The Great Wall with Matt Damon), and then I went to do the second season (of Narcos]) and then there was overlap between the second season and Kingsman 2 (Kingsman: The Golden Circle with Colin Firth), which was in London.”
He told me the back injury probably originated on Game of Thrones. 
“If you aren’t completely physically lame, they want you to do your own stunts. Whether it ends up on film or not, you’re gonna at least try. And they’re gonna film it. And you’re gonna fly off the wall. And they’re gonna put you in the harness. And you’re gonna do the flips. And of course these are all new big jobs for me so I am saying ‘yes’ to everything and it is fun at first and then it’s like, ‘Oh, I’m going to break.’
Pascal came to the States at a young age when his parents sought political asylum - a drastic transition from Pinochet’s dictatorship in Chile to the Californian suburban landscape of the late ‘70s. 
“It’s really strange to me when I think about it in retrospect because, as a kid, that’s what was normal to me: completely unsupervised childhood with socialist political refugees. My dad was a doctor and he loved movies. He would take us to movies and we would watch loads of TV together as a family. That became my primary socialization, and the cliché of my wanting to be in movies from childhood.”
Pascal started his studies as a self-proclaimed “drama nerd” at Orange County School of the Arts where he was classmates with Dante Basco (Rufio, for everyone over 30). 
“When I moved to Orange County, I didn’t fit into the Newport Beach crowd and I didn’t have friends for a while so my consumption of movies became more sophisticated and more gracious. I started renting classics and I started reading plays so when I started at OCSA, I already had a head start because I had read so much.”
Having moved to New York to continue his studies, Pascal began auditioning after college, waiting tables in-between small parts in plays, TV shows, and independent films. His paradigm shift happened when he was cast as Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones, quickly becoming a fan favorite on one of the most popular shows on television.
“I knew early on that Thrones was a game changer. My primary concern was just to service it and not fuck it up. Only because I watch it - I’m such a viewer. It initially really pissed me off because it was a part that I didn’t think that I would get. It was absolutely clear to me that those parts are rare. I remember when getting a guest spot on Law & Order felt like it changed my life at the time. The idea of being employed changes your life in this kind of work. It may never happen, but it can happen any time.”
Looking into the vast future of his career, Pascal mused on what opportunities he dreams of. 
“I don’t know what a dream job is, honestly. I know what a dream experience is. Maybe, coming to certain kinds of work a little later in life makes you care a little more about the experience than the actual job. The idea of getting to work with friends or doing something that I have a really good time doing, that’s the dream job. I’m not trying to be noble in my answer at all. I mean it. I really do.”
With that, Pedro Pascal flashes a smile, shakes my hand, and says goodbye, before first reminding me to wash my hands­ - the man is, after all, sick. 
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Au where it takes Voyager nearly the full 70 years to get back home and Naomi Wildman, Tuvok, and the EMH are the only ones of the original crew to survive the journey. Naomi is depressed about her life (chasing a 'home' she doesn't feel connected to + dreads seeing) and battle hardened, Tuvok is fully senile and the Doctor is pretty much fine.
Naomi's Speech: Tuvok, Doctor, I don't know what to do. Starfleet stopped talking to us regularly years ago. Everyone is dead and so are the people who loved them. The people waiting for us now aren't waiting with love or baited breath. They're checking the clock dispassionately, it's a chore to them and it infuriates me but I can't say I'm not just tapping my foot either. There's nothing for me on Earth. There's nothing for any of us there - why are we trying so desperately to reach a place that was never home to any of us? Maybe out of obligation? It was their dying wish after all but they were all buried in this godforsaken quadrant. I was born in this quadrant. And..And it's awful but I love this fucking quadrant. It raised me. This ship raised me. Its people raised me. I don't want to leave it all behind. I've already left so much.
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mywingsareonwheels · 7 months
I was thinking about the whole... what's more progressive debate out of m/m romance representation and actually close and tender (as opposed to buddyish) m&m friendships. And how utterly futile and insulting to the need for more of both a debate it is when we need infinitely more of both and a lot of other things.
Fundamentally, between the lingering after-effects of the Hays Code and the extremist end of Christianity (not that those two are unconnected) and the patriarchy (ditto) and militarism and capitalism... in mainstream Western story media we still struggle to get *any* genuine emotional intimacy that isn't:-
romance between a different-gender couple who are both cishet, and which if it's happy will lead to marriage (but hasn't yet).
marriage between ditto, but only if they haven't been together very long (after they have for a few years they're supposed to bicker all the time).
at an extreme pinch, fond closeness between blood relatives, especially if at least one of them is a woman.
Friendships between men and between women are okay so long as there's a... distancing of rivalry and teasing. If you can imagine one of them tucking the other in or stroking their hair (especially if they're both men) or being utterly and wholly in solidarity with each other (especially if they're both women)... hm, no.
And that's... it. We're still at a point in mainstream western media where anything that deviates from, especially to the extent of serious warmth and trust and confidence and understanding between the characters, that feels at least a little transgressive, especially in e.g. a blockbuster movie. We're still at a point where everything else is under-represented. Less and less so, thank everything, but still.
I'm thinking of some of my favourite relationships in fiction at the moment and how they fuck with those stereotypes and do better things (and always as part of awesome stories, because as always, good rep is important but it should never be treated as everything). :-) This is inevitably a v personal list, I'm not claiming that anything here is The Purest And Least Problematic Thing Ever, and this is very much just a, "this is what's enthusing me right now" thing. :D
yes they're a het couple and both cis, but: Mike and Alison Cooper in Ghosts. They have been married for a few years now, and they actually like each other. They're best friends as well as lovers, and I know that some critics have actually had a problem with this and regard it as unrealistic. [facepalm] I adore so much that they're not a stereotypical sitcom married couple, nothing like. In a quiet way they are utterly defiant and fuck completely with the genre.
Donna Noble & the Doctor in Doctor Who. I mean, do I need to say much more? :D Close, glorious platonic friendship between a woman and... the Doctor. Some of the most beautiful platonic love in any fiction ever and it's so tender and gorgeous and fun. Adore it. <3
Red, White, and Royal Blue is a silly film but omg I adore it and part of it is seeing all of those standard romance beats between two men. And with a lot more true closeness than a lot of het romcoms manage. We're getting more and more of this (we need more between women too, and indeed other queer romances of many and various kinds!!!). <3 <3 <3
yes, they're shit at expressing their love for each other most of the time, but I still stubbornly add: E Morse & Fred Thursday in Endeavour. The fact that they're inhabiting the 1960s-70s and there is no framework for their mutual affection and devotion is of course part of why things get so hard for them both. They don't know what to do with it or where to place each other in their priorities, but the loyalty and the tenderness is there, and some remarkable emotional intimacy at times considering who they both are. We watch and interpret it as father-son or as romantic or as fraternal or as an intense and wonderful (and complicated and difficult) friendship. But it defies easy definition and... and oh goodness well anyone who's been following me for any length of time knows how I can go on about them, apologies. ;-)
the entire Fellowship of the Ring, but especially Frodo and Sam. And whatever my mixed feelings on the PJ films of The Lord of the Rings, my Gods am I endlessly glad and grateful that they retained warmth and intensity and devotion and intimacy. I worry that it wouldn't have been if made now, with a more stereotypical masculinity so much in the ascendant in mainstream film-making (we really are in the midst of a patriarchal/homophobic/transphobic reaction :( ). As with Morse and Thursday, you can absolutely interpret some of the connections there as romantic (and we know that Tolkien was remarkably non-homophobic for a man of his generation and religion), or as platonic. Either way, what matters is that there's serious love there between male characters and that goes right back to the books. Tolkien could be problematic af, but I love him so much for how he writes masculinity and love between men. <3
Heartstopper, not just for Nick/Charlie and Tara/Darcy, but also because of Charlie's friendships with Elle, Isaac, and (especially, actually) Tau.
everything with Found Family, and especially everything with Found Family where there is no easy equivalence to a "nuclear" family to map the characters on to.
Honestly I could go on. Hooray for all of these! But also: we are still in a position where these all feel subversive and make a lot of the more bigoted critics spectacularly uncomfortable (even when there is no actual queer rep). We're still in a position where mainstream film series and some tv shows struggles with anything like this, and/or will sabotage a friendship between men and even an entire character arc because it's got too close and intimate and there's a desperate need to "no homo" everything (*coughs* Steve Rogers *coughs*). We're still in a position where romance between women and any romance involving trans people of any gender is dramatically under-everythinged (but that between cis men is also still not exactly even a fraction of where it should be). We're still in a position where honestly even the representation of romance between cishet characters is most often weirdly distant and lacks real closeness or mutual liking between them (often, let's face it, because the writers struggle to write women as people). I snarked a bit at first about the debate as to which is more important and under-represented between m/m romance and really open and loving m&m friendship, but honestly the main problem with that debate is that dividing up the exact same problem: we aren't going to get more open and loving representations of m&m friendship until the media get less afraid of the relationship being interpreted as romantic whether or not it is, by both fans and haters. (I.e. don't blame the shippers when a production company loses their nerve and trashes a friendship between men so that it's not seen as romantic! Blame homophobia. I mean, to put it on its simplest real-life terms, it's consistently my experience in the UK at least that het male allies are in general vastly more comfortable hugging each other than homophobes are.)
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wonder-cripple · 2 years
I really don’t make posts like this ever, but I need to say something, and I need people to hear it and share it. I need this post to get LOUD.
Systemic ableism is affecting me so badly, it’s actively hazardous to my safety.
I got my doctorate in psychology back in April and a job offer in June. Two weeks later, an agency ready to hire me changed its mind, because their building had no elevator. They offered remote services I could’ve provided, but they chose not to hire me instead.
A similar pattern has followed over the course of over 70 job applications and interviews since then. Everything is fine, until I mention the wheelchair. That’s when the shadow crosses their faces and I can just tell that I’m not getting the job.
And the excuses just get flimsier. If it’s not office inaccessibility, it’s my inability to conduct home visits for similar reasons, or my inability to get out of my wheelchair to chase kids down hallways. Never mind the fact that there are a million approaches to therapy, a million potential workarounds, other staff that can help, the THOUSANDS of predoctoral school and clinical hours I’ve amassed. None of that matters, because these agencies don’t even TRY to be inclusive.
It’s starting to sink in that it might be years before I’m employed, if it ever even happens. And if I can’t get my two years of postdoctoral supervision, I can never get licensed. I can never start my own practice or get hired for a stable position.
And why does this matter?
Because gainful employment can mean the difference between life and death for disabled people. It could mean the difference between escaping abject poverty and not, surviving and not. Because our lives are expensive. Our needs are expensive.
Most importantly for me, it can mean the difference between an independent life and not having one. The ability to start a family versus not being able to, something that’s very important to me and all I’ve ever wanted. And every single fucking time an interviewer looks down in dismay when I mention my wheelchair, every single time I get a rejection email citing some form of inaccessibility, whether direct or indirect, my will to live shrinks that much more. Because I’m tired. I’m tired and I’m FURIOUS. This shouldn’t still be an issue in 2022. I did not devote literally my entire life to the pursuit of helping others feel better about life just to have every door slammed in my face because I’m disabled.
At my eighth birthday party, I had a “feelings corner”, where party guests feeling sad could come and talk to me in private about what was bothering them. I’ve wanted to do this for my entire life. Before I even knew it was something you could do for work. And I might not be able to. No matter how much I love it, no matter how much I want to use the skills I have to help people — especially marginalized groups — I might not get to. It might not happen. Because people are intimidated by the idea of a disabled professional.
My hope is just about gone, and if it wasn’t for amazing people like @kindred-sword distracting me from thinking the worst, and God forbid, doing the worst, I don’t think I would even be here to write this post. I would’ve been gone days ago. I’m fed up, I’m angry and I’m exhausted. Something needs to change, and soon. We matter. Our lives have value and so do our skills.
Disability is not and never was the problem.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 37
It's still 1941! And still London! And we're watching Victory of the Daleks.
Funnily enough, for a truly shite episode, it really benefits from this stupid watch order and following the Empty Child. It makes it much more atmospheric, and makes you feel the world war going on outside. That's good, because there's fuck all real urgency going on. Weird episode, really. Weirdly structured.
Anyway, it's Matt Smith and Amy for this one. No Rory. Amy seems new, too - at the end of the episode they have a conversation which boils down to "So you have archnemeses? I didn't realise travelling with you would be so dangerous." It's actually a very stupid conversation because the Doctor's response is "Yes it is dangerous, is that a problem?" and Amy says "Well I'm still here, aren't I?" which might have been a meaningful line if they were back home in her house or something, but as it is, they're standing in a World War Two war room about 70-odd years away from her timeline and have only just wrapped up the adventure, so there is LITERALLY NO CONCEIVABLE WAY SHE WOULDN'T STILL BE HERE.
This is a pattern of trite lines badly delivered that is repeated through the episode.
Plot-wise: Winston Churchill is trying to use Daleks to win the war. Fleabag's dad is here, and claims to have built them. There are three! Last we saw there was only Dalek Caan. Then the Doctor yells at them in a big badly-written grandiose speech that he is the Doctor and they are the Daleks, and that means up in space their space ship can activate some sort of gene bank to resurrect lots of Daleks. The rest of the episode is six new Daleks in Power Ranger colours trying to blow up Fleabag's dad, who it emerges is a robot. The Doctor can either kill the Daleks, or stop the Earth being destroyed. Obviously he chooses the latter.
It's... okay well, there are some great bits, actually. Love all the Troughton nods - nothing has ever scared me as much as that cliffhanger in Evil of the Daleks where the Dalek is just repeating "I am your servant" over and over while the Doctor screams and begs everyone to believe him that it's going to kill everyone, and they were clearly aiming to recreate that scene. They don't entirely manage it, like, but I love the attempt. Love the quotes, too. All great. Also, here's another way this watch order actually benefits this story: we've just seen a Dalek episode where even the slightest attempt at compromise doesn't work, and they'll kill everyone first, thanks to Daleks in Manhattan. So seeing them here, with them claiming to be on our side, is genuinely shocking.
Uhhhh, the entire rest of the episode is shit, though. Fuck I hate WW2 stories. They just nosedive into nauseating jingoism every time. The fawning and sycophantic dick-sucking of Churchill is just gross, given that the man was a monster who merely happened to be on the right side of a war. I hope we one day get a Matt Smith story with Yaz where he tries this schtick with Churchill in front of her, and she's allowed to strangle him with a Union Jack. Meanwhile, this might be one of the worst attempts at a trolley problem I've ever seen? I think? Like the issue is, if the Doctor allows the Dalek ship to be shot down by the RAF and destroyed, they will activate the countdown on the robot and crack the Earth in half. If he leaves, and lets them go off to the future, they won't.
So he goes with option two, BUT immediately pegs it back to the robot, because he knows they're going to activate the countdown anyway. Which they do. So why did you bother calling off the RAF. What was the point. Just fucking shoot them. But no, the plot demanded it I guess, so here we are.
Also the Power Ranger Daleks are just terrible. The bronze ones are so cool, all steampunky and creepy, and then the Power Ranger ones legit look like they're about to break apart and form a Megazord. They don't even have a good silhouette, they sort of bulge weirdly at the back.
BUT ANYWAY let's focus on what's important - the new info!
Because we get quite a bit here. As the Doctor tries to convince Churchill that the Daleks are evil (over the course of about five separate scenes in which they have the same conversation on a loop and you start to wonder when any plot will happen) he turns to Amy.
"Amy, tell him," he says.
"Why would I know?" Amy asks fairly.
"Because you've seen Daleks!" the Doctor exclaims. "Thousands of their ships, trying to conquer your world!"
Omg what??? When???
"Omg what??? When???" says Amy
So that happened. Meanwhile, the Doctor gets a right cob on with a Dalek and starts boasting about killing them.
"I sent you all back into the void to save the universe!" he says.
Yet more plot threads. I can't believe there are so many. Almost like this is a stupid watch order etc.
Oh, and at the end of the episode, the Doctor reminds us that Amy has unnaturally forgotten the Daleks invading her planet, and we're treated to a weird crack in the wall. I wonder if that's relevant?
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? NEW INFO: how did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What's with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 month
Lost And Found Part 5
Requested on wattpad a few days ago.
TW: R slur and mentions of the bad mental institutions from the 60's.
Vaggie found herself in a hospital bed, alone. She called out for mama but she wasn't there. She noticed that she had both of her eyes and the room looked very similar... oh no. Not here again. She got out of the bed, she was in the stupid hospital uniform gown thing that everyone had to wear. Beginning to panic, she rushed out of her room. Running down the white, depressing halls, she tried to find the door out. She rushed past the other teens in there and eventually found the door. It was next to the front desk. The man working there had already started to call the security.
Vaggie pulled and pushed on the door, trying to get it to open but it was locked. The security ran up to her and tackled her, beating her with a stick. She was carried away from the door, screaming and crying. She just wanted out. She didn't want to live here any longer.
Vaggie was taken to another room where they put a straight jacket on her. She tried to bite their hands off but that only made it worse because they threw into the fucking assylum again. The stupid white, padded, walls greeted her. The last time she was there was when she had a "tantrum". She hated this. The jacket was super itchy and the room was too quiet. She needed to get out. Anything to escape this place. But nothing was there. Nothing to help her escape. She was alone again.
Carmilla woke up to Vaggie stirring in the hospital bed. She checked the time on her phone and it was just past midnight. Realizing the girl might be having a restless night, she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to comfort the girl. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work because the girl woke up with tears running down her face and whimpering.
"Mija, what's wrong?" Carmilla whispered. Vaggie hugged her tightly.
"B-bad dweam," She whined.
Carmilla frowned, wishing she could do something to take this pain away.
"What was it about?"
"Mm, was in da bad hospital again..." She said. It was very scary and she didn't want to share anymore details. She was just glad Mama was with her now.
"Oh, Baby..." Carmilla kissed her forehead and hugged her. After a bit of cuddling, Vaggie seemed to calm down a bit. Carmilla had a few questions and decided it would be best to ask them now.
"Why did you go to the bad hospital, mija?" Carmilla asked. She needed to know if she was going to help her come over any trauma she may have from it.
Vaggied whimpered again and hesitated. She was a little nervous and scared to talk about it but eventually opened her mouth.
"Papa sent me aways too because. I fink da doctor said was autistic, but papa always said wetarded," Vaggie told her. She didn't like having to relive this but knew it would be best if she told her new mother this. (Btw, Vaggie died when Mental hospitals were still really bad, probably around the 60's-70's)
Carmilla's heart broke. She couldn't believe her father! Sending his kid away because she was autistic. And then calling his kid dumb? She wanted to cry just thinking about it. But she needed to stay strong for vaggie.
"Baby, there is nothing wrong with being autistic. It's not retarded either. You're just a little different from everyone else but that doesn't mean it's bad." Carmilla told her. She wanted vaggie to not be ashamed of the difference that she had.
"But den why papa call it wetarded?"
She sighed, not wanting to have to explain what a slur was to her mentally 2 year old.
"He wasn't being kind to you, sweetie. He- he called you dumb," she tried to tell the truth to her in the most friendly way she could think of.
Vaggie whimpered, upset that her father had been calling her that all those years. Maybe she was too dumb if she didn't understand what her father was calling her. She let herself get comforted by Carmilla for a bit until she let out a yawn.
"Wanna go back to sleep?" Carmilla asked. Vaggie nodded and snuggled up close to her.
Carmilla was glad they had this talk. Hopefully later, they could enroll vaggie in therapy or something. She needed someone to talk to about this. But for now, she would do her best to support her.
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
@brilliantfantasticgeronimo (whenever I type out your name, tumblr refuses to acknowledge your blog's existence RIP)
SO the thing about the Doctor as power fantasy. that thing that is at the centre of a lot of M*ffat writing, and is first absolutely encapsulated in The Pandorica Opens and continues getting worse throughout his tenure
so the Doctor as apparent power fantasy to me is several things
1.when RTD rebooted the show, he was very explicit about wanting to centre the companion characters and have them be the POV, allowing their lives to be important to the stories. And so you got Rose choosing to become The Bad Wolf (amongst other things), Martha wandering the earth for a year (amongst other things), Donna in Turn Left (amongst other things), and all those recurring characters who each have important plot and emotional Stuff that is at the core of the narrative
the Doctor almost dies numerous times, but for these characters saving them, including single episode characters, so this idea that the Doctor lands someplace and ruins everyone's day by being so Badass and Awestriking isn't really a Thing in Nu!Who outside of some of the Doctor's worst fears of hurting everyone they touch and is specifically brought up in order to be shut down... until M*ffat
2. but what about Classic!Who? I've only seen episodes across various random seasons, and then mooost of the way up until Tom Baker so far, but Classic!Who also did not do this from what I've seen. While the companions (the women) were often more assistant-based and in miniskirts (like Amy P- *gets sniped*), I've actually found they do a heck of a lot more than I think someone (M*ffat) gave them credit for when he first started his showrunner tenure. reminds me of when he did his version of the First Doctor and made him way more sexist than the show did in 1963...
and also the Doctor in the classics, crucially, is still just some guy. kind of like Mad Max, drops into places and is dragged into events (but overall with less Action Man than someone like Max). a lot of the time the Doctor is doing the sciencey stuff, and the Companion is doing some other part of the story (Jo Grant in The Mutants my beloved)
3. So the Doctor doesn't really exist like this usually -- tellingly the Doctor in fact fails to be this in Waters of Mars, because of one human woman, so... anyway. It's incorrect characterisation of the Doctor's role in the story
4. and it removes the power fantasy from the Companions, who are after all the ones who are experiencing a story that we can step into. the near-immortal alien that's apparently now The Most Important Powerful Dangerous Awe-Inspiring being in the Universe is not someone who's able to really inhabit that role, but that girl from the estate who never completed her A-levels? the medical student who's always fixing her family's drama? the woman in her 30s whose life hasn't come together like she hoped? for them to be powerful, to have the ability to change the Universe? Yeah, that's cool, that's a great power fantasy
5. it makes me think of that clip from that one guy who was in some way in charge of some part of the show in like. late 70s I think. who was talking about how he definitely wasn't sexist for saying that the Companion was really a bit of something for the Dads, rather than, idk... an interesting character
to people like that it's all about the Doctor, and I can theorise why. I can theorise that they want to be this dude who can fix everything, solve everything, and for M*ffat, who's so badass that people run from his very word... but Amy is right there, and where is she during this sequence, where the Doctor is telling every alien species to fucking try it, because he's so cool?
she's unconscious somewhere in the catacombs beneath. not like. dream badassery in the writing of the near-finale there, and although on the surface it's not too dissimilar from second-last episodes in previous seasons (Rose is captured by the Daleks, Martha is alone and friendless, Donna is hanging around in the Tardis for the Doctor to know what to do next), it's all in what happens next-
and now I've seen the following episode, Amy basically runs around after the Doctor and then gets married, and then remembers the Doctor, and it's... it's fine... it's like. it's fine, I don't hate it, but it's really just her doing exactly what the Doctor told her to do. Amy has things done to her, and does what she's told most of the time (not all the time, but most of the time), and certainly that's her role in s5
the Doctor, by contrast, is now this massive presence that shifts the whole Universe. it's this massive shift from everything that's come before, and make me wonder whose narrative are we watching? we're not the Doctor, we are the companions, and in this era, as companions we... wait around for the Doctor... to do.... something.....
6. also one you've watched a couple of M*ffat things, which sadly I have, you notice he does this all the damn time. the most obvious comparison is Sherlock is also the most important interesting specialist guy ever, (who therefore has licence to be a dick). everyone orbits around him, especially the hot sexually confident women who wish they could be with him
we're there to be In Awe Of The Special People
also Steven M*ffat thinks he is the Special People
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spider-xan · 1 year
Someone will have to post about this again later when it comes up in the story itself in real time, but since it's coming up again now, I want to point out that while straitjackets may have been considered a 'humane' alternative to metal restraints in the 1700s, the Victorians already knew it was harmful and inhumane as early as 1829 when a man was strangled to death while wearing one, to the point where the asylum in question completely did away with any restraints and as far as I know, they were on their way out in public asylums by the mid-1840s.
Which isn't to say that these restraint-free asylums were necessarily humane by any means, but my point is that we can't absolve Seward of 'not knowing any better' or 'trying his best' from a Watsonian perspective bc as a character who is supposed to be a young doctor on the cutting edge of science, it's absurd he's still using methods already seen as archaic and inhumane 50-70 years before Dracula takes place in the 1890s.
From a Doylist perspective, it's hard to tell wtf Stoker, who is honestly not the best writer, intended bc either he fucked up and didn't mean for Seward to come off as backwards, but did for whatever reason like playing up the horror aspect - his doctor brother was a research source, so I don't think he was just ignorant - or he intended for there to be a disconnect between how Seward thinks of himself versus how he actually behaves.
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