#and so I was like “hey bud do you wanna refill it with me?” And he says yeah but then he just sits on the floor so I go to refill it alone
spocksgotemotions · 8 months
sometimes when my babies are doing something stupid but not Extremely Dangerous and they haven’t listened when I tell them to stop, then I will say, for example, “hey Re-re, please stop leaning your chair back. If you fall then I will not help you up, I am just going to laugh at you.” And today I did that (said girl fell out of her chair) and she looks at me with her big puppy dog eyes and I start laughing very fakely at first and then she started glaring at me and saying “not nice!” And so I started laughing for real. It was really funny
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Word Prompt
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Word: Sip WIP: Partners Timeline: pre-trilogy CW: I should make it clear that the ages of Ben and Reagan in this piece are 17 and 21 respectively. This takes place in New York, 1942, where and when the legal drinking age was 18. I don’t think I have to spell it out for you but there are situations here which some readers may find uncomfortable due to all of the factors mentioned. Word Count: 1,593 Additional Notes: This is, in fact, the first time I have ever written this incident. It’s been referenced a bunch of times through the trilogy and shit but this is the first time I’ve actually written it, so that’s an experience for me isn’t it lmao
Ben gripped the glass in a sweaty hand, nervous eyes passing over every patron of the bar as if they would see him and immediately clock the fact that something was up. He brought the beer to his lips and practically inhaled the head, filling his whole mouth with just far too much of the bitter liquid, his throat squeaking with the effort of trying not to spray it everywhere and blow his cover.
Reagan swiveled on his stool, his face an instant picture of concern. "Hey," he said, taking Ben's wrist and lowering the glass to the counter. "You gotta sip it, Benny. Sip it—for fuck's sake, kid, what the hell was that…?"
Shaking his head, Ben swallowed as much of the beer as he could before squeezing Reagan's arm and breathing deep to compensate for the lack of oxygen and the bubbles exploding on his tongue. "I dunno if I can do this, Reg, that was fuckin' horrible."
"Okay." Reagan placed a calm hand on Ben's shoulder. "That's alright. You wanna head out? I can order you somethin' else."
"Gimme that..." Ben reached over to Reagan's tumbler, sloshing the amber liquid around before downing the entire shot in one go. "It's your—oh, this is gonna hurt, ain't it..."
Reagan watched the full-body cringe all but de-seat him entirely as the whiskey ran a trail of fire down his throat. "It's my birthday, yeah, but I think I'll pass on killing you to celebrate it this year."
"It's fine." Ben dabbed his tongue with the napkin that came with his pint and coughed as discreetly as he could muster. "I just wish someone coulda told me I needed twenty years of drinking experience for this," he added, throwing Reagan a very pointed glare.
Reagan grimaced, amused. "Well…the minimum age is eighteen for a reason."
"Forget it; just get me another one of those." Ben gestured to the tumbler. "This was your idea anyhow."
Holding up two fingers for the bartender, Reagan let out a gentle hum. "If I'd known you weren't gonna be able to handle it, I would've just said to stay home tonight."
"Look." Ben suppressed a burp and glanced around at the other occupants of the establishment and lowered his voice so as not to draw attention. "You must be out of your god damn mind. This could be the last one we get to spend together—"
"No, listen. You keep talkin' about moving into a place with Carolyn once I'm eighteen and…we both know..." He trailed off once the glasses of brand-new whiskey were set in front of them. "We need to make this special, that's all. You never know."
Reagan hesitated before taking his glass in hand and holding it out to Ben. "You are…absolutely right."
Ben clinked his glass against Reagan's. "To you."
"There is no me without thee," Reagan corrected, and he downed the whiskey right alongside Ben, who pounded a fist on the counter right as the alcohol hit his taste buds. "Big boy, now."
Ben released a very low, slightly less pained growl and cleared his throat. "Yep. Yep. Keep 'em comin'."
Reagan flashed a charming smile at the bartender and somewhat sheepishly gestured for refills. "Pace yourself. The idea is to keep the shit down."
An hour crawled through the bar and despite taking it easy after his third whiskey, Ben found himself later nursing a sweating glass of water, holding his head up on the counter with a hand and grinning stupidly at Reagan, who watched him like a hawk over the rim of his own final whiskey.
"So how's it feel bein' twenty-one," Ben slurred, all giddy. "Any better'n twenty?
Reagan exhaled smoke from the cigarette between his fingers almost without blinking. "So far…not by much."
Their knees had interlocked somehow over the course of the hour. Ben draped his leg over Reagan's knee and knocked his own into the underside of the counter, though he didn't feel it. "Wanna get out of here?"
Reagan's hold on his glass tightened imperceptibly and he took one last drag of the cigarette before calmly tamping it out in an ashtray. "I could hail us a cab, yeah. You wanna go?"
Ben nodded.
Reagan counted out a handful of bills to leave for the bartender before hauling Ben off the stool and through the front door, where the dampness of the night and the sounds of the city slammed into both of them in two separate ways. With a firm grip on Ben's arm, Reagan steered them to the corner of the street and craned his neck to watch for cabs.
"Fuck," Ben grunted, leaning into Reagan with a frown. "It's hot!"
"It's the middle of August. Where we goin'?"
"I don't..." Ben paused, Reagan's shoulder pressed into his chest. "I don't wanna go home."
Reagan turned his face to him. "You don't wanna go home?"
"I just…I don't want this to be over. I love Carolyn…an' I love you…but..." He swallowed as his pulse jumped in his veins. "Sometimes comin' home is…a bit like gettin' a knuckle in the tooth, y'know." He rested an elbow on Reagan's shoulder. "I want you to myself sometimes. Y'ever jus' want someone to yourself sometimes…?"
"Where we goin', baby?" Reagan murmured, gaze darting from one end of the dark street to the other.
The tone of his voice sent a shiver directly down Ben's spine and over his skin but he was in no headspace to place why. "It doesn't even fuckin' matter, does it? We gotta go home eventually, it doesn't even fucking matter."
"Shh shh shh…" Reagan took hold of Ben's arms and backed him into the wall under the more severe shadows. "Hey, settle down, we've got time. It ain't even midnight yet."
Ben used the wall as support and his head lolled against the brick, surrendering to the pressure of Reagan's hands rubbing his arms. He looked him as straight in the eye as he could with what felt like eighty-two liters of alcohol sloshing around his skull and the world threatening to upend itself. "I'm gettin' overemotional again."
"'Sokay," Reagan assured him, brushing a palm over his cheek. "You know I wouldn't have you any other way."
Unexpected to both of them, Ben threw his arms around Reagan. He reciprocated the embrace, smoothing his hands up Ben's back, and Ben screwed his eyes shut and curled his fingers into Reagan's soft hair, willing his eyes to stay shut when Reagan breathed into his ear a little short and cupped his jaw and tilted his face toward him. He felt the brick against his back again, a fistful of Reagan's shirt, and a mouth…on his mouth...
Alcohol. A lot of it. Tobacco. A soothing swipe of a tongue. Knees buckling. Strong grip on either side of his head. His heart slamming into his ribcage, screaming at the top of its lungs about how in sync he was right now, how his entire frame hummed with unadulterated ecstasy and the grin stretching across Reagan's preoccupied, surprisingly soft lips, and—
No no.
Ben jumped fast into lucidity and he struck Reagan across the face with a half-open fist and most of his strength, not displacing him much save for the sharp whip of his head to his right. The smack of it all echoed down the alley and the world felt like it stopped on its axis and Ben's eyes became huge in his head.
Reagan stood stunned for all of three seconds before grinning wide and assessing his jaw with his fingers. A chuckle bubbled up from an unknown depth of his chest.
Something unnecessary happened within Ben upon nearly grasping what had just transpired. He couldn't catch a breath, his knuckles stung, and his lips and whole damn self tingled like pins and needles. Sweat gathered at the base of his throat that had nothing to do with the heat of mid-August. There settled only shock in his system, only amazement that Reagan had summoned the courage to do what he'd simultaneously feared and dreamed he had the capacity to do, and he was terrified and desperate for more.
"Okay," Reagan said, taking a couple of steps away instead of reading his mind. "You still wanna go somewhere else?"
It took a minute for Ben to come back into himself enough to realize that Reagan was acting like nothing had just happened. Unable to argue or inquire, Ben merely shook his head.
Reagan jogged to the corner again and flagged down a cab. They made it home in distinct silence. Somehow, nothing had happened. They were home, and it was what Ben didn't want before nothing had happened and then he wanted nothing else but to be home.
But Carolyn greeted Reagan at the door with a kiss on the cheek. She tutted in disapproval at the stench of booze on them but didn't give them too much grief. It was Reagan's birthday, after all. Ben wanted to brag, to rub it in her face, but how could he when nothing had happened? Reagan let Carolyn take his hand and she said goodnight to Ben and he wanted to wrench their hands apart but how could he when nothing had happened? Carolyn led Reagan to their room to sleep off the night. Nothing had happened.
Reagan made eye contact with Ben and smiled before disappearing into the master bedroom.
"G'night, Benny."
So Ben stood in the living room alone, fevered, very drunk, and wishing Carolyn was dead for nineteen whole minutes.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Kiss The Girl
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings!: angst, pining(lots of it), crying, arguing, but a fluffy ending, like super fluffy ending :)
Word Count: 3.7k words
Description: Hotch tries to deny it, but he's madly in love with you. He keeps getting this urge to just kiss you. Could it really be that easy?
A/N: not really sure what this is, but I was listening to that new cover of kiss the girl by Brent Morgan and I really wanted wrote this. It definitely took a turn i was not expecting, but I hope you guys love it as much as I do. :)
*Based off the song "Kiss the Girl"*
He loved you. It was no secret.
Everyone knew, everyone except maybe him.
Or maybe he did know, but he refused to accept it. He couldn't love you. It was wrong. But if it was wrong, why on earth did it feel so good?
There, you see her, Sitting there, across the way
She don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her
He wasn't the best at sharing his feelings. He was good at locking them away, and throwing away the key. But you, you made that hard.
There was just something about you. It drew him in, and he was hooked.
Maybe it was the way you giggled when you were nervous. Or maybe it was the blush that tinted your cheeks when someone gave you a compliment. Maybe it was the way you showed Hotch the happiness he needed in his darkest times.
He wasn't sure, but he knew you were special. He was sure he knew exactly when these feelings had started. It was the night of Rossi's Christmas party.
You sat on Rossi's couch, laughing along with Morgan and Prentiss. They had made some very very inappropriate joke, that you just thought was hilarious. 
"Okay, h-hang on. I need a refill." You gasped out between laughs. You made your way to the kitchen, grabbing the wine before pouring yourself a glass.
"Hey." You nearly squealed as Hotch came in the room behind you.
"Jesus Hotch, could have given me a heart attack." He simply chuckled. "Yeah, laugh it up." You playfully rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry." He tried to hide his smile.
"Yeah, you sound it." You walked towards him, giving him a soft smile as the teasing atmosphere faded. The room was empty, and you wouldn't be able to ever work up the courage again.
"Merry Christmas Hotch." You whispered as you leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. You pulled back, gave him a small smile, and walked back to the living room.
Aaron stood there, shocked. 
Why had you don't that? Why had he liked it? Would you do it again?
The questions repeated in his head, over and over. And he realised that a peck on the cheek wouldn't be enough. 
He needed a kiss, a real kiss. Even just one from you and he would be satisfied for life. But that, was an impossible dream. Or, so he thought.
And you don't know why, but you're dyin' to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Months had passed since then and he still hadn't gotten another kiss from you. 
You two had grown increasingly close however. You were practically inseparable. Always at one of your houses, talking, watching movies, eating. You name it.
Although watching movies was usually with Jack, and currently he was stuck on repeating the Little Mermaid.
"Miss Y/n?" He asked one night.
"Yes Jackers?" You asked, looking down at the small boy.
"Can we please, watch the little mermaid with daddy?" He begged. He used those puppy dog eyes and you were sold.
"Of course we can." You heard a chuckle come from behind you and you whipped around.
"Didn take you long to give in, huh?" Hotch questioned, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh shut it Hotchner. Go get the popcorn." He laughed and shook his head before walking to the kitchen.
Soon you found yourself wrapped up with the Hotcner boys. Jack was curled up on your lap, his face buried in your neck as he fell asleep.
As you and Hotch watched the movie, he snuck glances every couple of minutes. He couldn't get over how beautiful you looked. 
And you were holding his son, loving him like he could be your own. It filled Hotch's heart with love and affection.
And then that song began playing softly in the background
Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
The lyrics spoke a truth that Hotch was desperately trying to avoid. 
But he didn't know how much longer he could go without telling you. In the moment he couldn't remember why he hadn't told you already.
Possible she wants you too, there is one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl
All he wanted to do was reach over and bring you into a kiss. Just a simple kiss. 
Just to feel your lips move together. Just for a second. He almost did. You had turned to look at him, and he leaned in slightly. His hand raising. 
But the shrill sound of his phone broke the trance. His hand receded before you could grab it. And he didn't kiss you.
You were filled with a disappointment that you couldn't explain. 
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, my, oh, my, look like the boy too shy, He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame? Too bad, He gonna miss the girl
The music of the movie faded as a grim look replaced the carefree one on Hotch's face. 
"We'll be right in." He muttered out the words with disdain, sending you an apologetic look.
But you barely noticed, you were still trying to calm down the beating of your heart.
He was going to kiss you.
Did he feel the same way that you did?
All thoughts left your mind though as you felt Jack wake in your arms.
"Hey buddy." He looked up at you with the eyes he shared with his father.
"Do you have to leave?" Your heart broke a little bit at his questions.
"Yeah, bud. I'm sorry." He just smiled at you and burrows further into your chest.
"Its 'kay." He mumbled sleepily. "But we have to wait till Aunt Jess gets here so we can keep cuddling." Your heart swelled and your face lit up. Hotch was staring at the two of you, in awe. His son loved you so much. 
You looked over at him, a tear in your eye. He swallowed as he pushed his feelings aside, giving you a soft smile before getting up to get dressed.
He was screwed.
A couple cases later, and you were holed up in a precinct, everyone nearly falling asleep.
It was a bad case, a really bad case. And you were running out of time. The unsubs' latest victim only had about a day left.
But nobody could work if they were falling asleep. Eventually Hotch sighed and told everyone it was time to head to the hotel.
But of course, once there, there were only 4 rooms.
"I'm taking my own room. I'm old." Rossi said and grabbed the key before anyone could argue.
"C'mon pretty boy." Morgan grabbed another key, and walked off with spence.
"I'll go with Jj. Y/l/n, you good with Hotch?" Your face went bright red at Prentiss's words. But you nodded, looking anywhere but at Hotch. You couldn't say no, it would be too obvious.
"Y-yeah, that's fine." You all trudged to the elevator, Emily and Jj said goodnight and walked off once you reached your floor. You and Hotch walked in silence down the hall to the very last room.
He swung the door open, and you had to stop yourself from gasping. There was only one bed.
"I'll uh, I'll take the floor." You scrunched your nose at Hotch's offer and he couldn't deny how adorable you looked.
"Hotch, no. That will kill your back." You shook your head. "We can share. We're both adults, it's fine." You're not sure if you're convincing yourself or him. He just nods and gives a soft okay.
"Do you want the first shower?" He asked. 
"Um, no. I shower in the mornings." He nodded before walking into the bathroom.
Why was this so awkward? You guys were such good friends, this shouldn't be so weird. 
You pushed the thought aside before crawling into the bed and curling up.
Hotch walked out of the bathroom 10 minutes later in nothing but a towel.
Your eyes grew and you couldn't take your eyes off of him. He cleared his throat, and you looked up at his eyes.
"Uh sorry, forgot my bag." You nodded, looking away quickly. Too scared to speak. He quickly went back into the bathroom.
"Get a hold of yourself." You whispered to yourself. You weren't going to survive this case if he did that again. He joined you in bed soon after getting dressed.
Neither of you spoke, neither of you moved, neither of you breathed. It was completely silent.
After about 20 minutes of silence and trying desperately to fall asleep you spoke up.
"Yeah?" His voice was hoarse.
"Um, I can't sleep." You turned towards him and he did the same.
"Neither can I." You sighed.
"How's Jack?" You asked, trying to bring up the mood, or to at least get rid of the awkwardness. It seemed to work because his face lit up at the mention of his son.
"He's good. He actually just asked if you could come over soon. He got an A plus on his spelling test that you helped him study for and he really wants to show you." You smiled as you listened.
"That's great! He was so nervous for that test." 
"Yeah, thank you Y/n for helping him." You grabbed his hand, squeezing gently.
"Of course Hotch. I love Jack." You muttered, and you fell into silence again.
But it was more content, more peaceful. Your hands stayed laced together, and Hotch's mind went blank as you started leaning closer.
Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon, no time will be better
He started leaning in, his hand moved from your own to cup your face. But something switched in his mind. What was he doing? This was wrong. He couldn't let this happen. 
Your faces were inches apart when he pulled his hand away and scooted backwards slightly.
Look like the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Your face fell, and his heart squeezed painfully.
"Um, we should go to bed." You were so confused. You thought that was it. It was perfect. He, he pulled away though. Why had he pulled away?
You could almost physically see his walls being built up.
Walls you had spent so much time breaking down.
"Oh, um. O-okay." You stuttered out, pulling back  quickly.
"Goodnight Y/n." He said softly, but you didn't respond. You were too scared you would cry if you did. 
You fell asleep faster than you anticipated, but maybe you were just that tired. 
He was gone when you woke up.
You thought everything might just go back to the way it was after that night.
But boy were you wrong. Hotch had completely pulled away from you.
No longer did he invite you over, or invite you to do paperwork in his office with him
You didn't watch movies, or go out to eat, or even talk about anything other than work. It was hell.
You tried, you really tried to get him to open up again, but it just didn't work. Nothing did.
It was to the point where he would be almost rude to you. 
The team was beginning to notice. And you couldn't hold back any longer. It was killing you.
You needed to talk to him, past this wall he had put up. You needed to know why he was pushing you away. You walked up to his door, knocking on the door.
"Come in." He said softly. You walked in, and his eyes stayed trained on the paperwork in front of him.
"Hotch?" He still didn't look up.
"How can I help you Agent Y/l/n?" He asked, his voice not wavering from professionalism. You shut the door behind you and walked forward, sitting in one of the chairs.
"We need to talk." He was taken aback slightly by the determination in your voice, but he sighed before setting down his pen.
"What is it?" He sounded almost annoyed, which just made you angrier.
"What the hell is going on?" You didn't mean to be so rude about it, but you needed to know.
"Excuse me?" 
"Seriously Hotch, we went from talking almost every day, to not speaking unless it has something to do with work."
"Y/l/n…" he went to stop you.
"No. Hotch please. I don't know what I did." You begged. "I mean you can't even use my name anymore." You whispered.
"This is very unprofessional." he wasn't breaking.
"Please Aaron. Don't lie to me." You tried his first name, and he had never loved his name being spoken more than when you said it. But he had to stop this.
"Agent Y/l/n. I'm sorry if our friendship was confus-" but you cut him off.
"We weren't just friends. You know that and I know that." He had the audacity to look confused. But he knew exactly what you were talking about.
Don't try to hide it how, You wanna kiss the girl
"Please Aaron, don't pretend, not with me."
"Agent Y/l/n! That's enough!" His voice was rising. 
He didn't understand why you couldn't just let it go.
"No it's not. I love you Aaron, I'm sorry. But I do. And it hurts so much that you are pushing me away!" Your eyes filled with tears and Hotch stood there, awed that you felt this way. But he couldn't let you in. So he took that final heartbreaking step.
"I don't love you." He whispered out. You had been standing and you took a staggering step backwards. 
"What?" Your voice was small.
"I don't love you Y/n." The lie was tearing him apart. Why was he doing this again?
Tears began falling down your face. You were upset and mad and heartbroken. And you were embarrassed that this man had this much of a hold on you.
"Fine." You sniffed. "If that's how you feel Agent Hotchner." He missed the way you said Aaron and flinched at the formal title. But this was what he wanted. "I apologize for the unprofessionalism." You turned to leave, but stopped when he spoke.
"Y/n…" His voice was small, strained. You wiped away your tears. When you looked back, his eyes were glossy.
But he didn't say anything else and you kept walking, slamming the door behind you. The bullpen silenced and everyone stared at you.
It was humiliating, but you walked to Rossi's office, your head held high.
"Y/l/n, what's wrong?" He asked, like he hadn't heard the conversation through his shared wall with Hotch. 
"Can you please tell Hotch that I'm sick and I won't be in for a while?" Your voice wavered slightly, but you ignored it.
"Y/n-" he started, but you didn't feel like talking.
"Please Rossi?" You begged, praying he would just say yes so you could leave.
"Yes, of course." You nodded and thanked him before leaving. You slipped down to your desk and grabbed your bag. 
You didn't see Hotch standing in the doorway of his office, watching you as you left, tears silently slipping down your face.
Your teammates asked what was happening, but you just waved them off and left.
They all turned to Hotch, but he was already back in his office, his door slamming for the second time that day.
You wanna kiss the girl
A week passed, and you hadn't come back to work yet. Hotch wasn't sure what to do with himself. He hated what he did.
The team was confused, Rossi kept sending him angry glances, and your empty desk was haunting him.
And then, Jack asked that question. The question that broke him just a little more.
"Why doesn't Miss Y/n come over anymore daddy?" He had asked one night at dinner.
He didn't know how to answer. "Does she not love us anymore?" His eyes were big and glossy like he was going to cry. He decided not to lie to his son.
"Daddy made a mistake and Miss Y/n is just a little sad right now." Jack didn't understand what was happening, but he wanted to help fix it. His dad had been so sad these past couple of weeks and it made him sad. 
"Daddy, you have to say sorry! And you have to do what the song says!" Hotch looked at his son confused. What song?
"What song buddy?" He asked, pulling his son into his lap.
"You know, you have to kiss the girl!" He giggled like it was the most obvious answer in the world.
"The little mermaid song?" He asked, smiling at his son's innocence. 
"Yes, remember, you and Y/n were sitting on the couch before you left for work, and you were going to kiss her!" Hotch looks shocked, Jack was awake for that?
"Um, buddy. Me and Y/n aren't together." He sighed as his son deflated.
"But why? You love her. And she loves you." He spoke, confused as to what was happening.
"Um.." Hotch drew a blank. He couldn't give this little boy an answer. Not when it was his fault. Not when he was the one that had said no. 
It was a mistake, a huge mistake. He should have just told you.  Why hadn't he?
He should have kissed you.
The first time, or the second time. He should have told you that he loved you too. Was it too late? 
"Um, buddy, you know what? It's time for bed." Hotch put his son to sleep and called Rossi, asking him to come over.
He prayed he wasn't too late. Rossi showed up at his door 20 minutes later.
"Hotch-" but he knew.
"I know, I'm an idiot. But I have to go tell her I love her too." He was rushing, grabbing his keys.
"Atta boy Aaron." Was all Rossi said as Hotch ran out the door, jumping in his car.
He was sure he was going faster than the speed limit, but he couldn't care less. He needed to see you, and to be with you. To tell you that he loved you.
His car was barely parked when he jumped out and ran up to your door, banging on it.
You heard the noise wondering who would come over so late. You were shocked to find Hotch there as you opened the door.
There, you see her, Sitting there, across the way
She don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her
"Y/n." Was all he said. You slammed the door in his face.  He began banging his fist in the door and you threw it open, again.
"Leave Hotch." 
"Please, Y/n, just hear me out." He begged. You hesitated, but moved to the side letting him in. You shut the door softly.
Yes, you want her, Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too, there is one way to ask her
"What do you want, Hotch? What more could you possibly want?" He shook his head, holding his tears at bay.
"Aaron." He spoke quietly.
"Please, it's Aaron." 
"Agent Hotchner. You need to leave." But he didn't leave. He stood there and stared at you. 
"I'm so sorry Y/n." 
"Hotch, seriously, I can't do this. I can't." You tried to keep those tears in, you were tired of crying over him, but there was no point. You felt then slip down your face.
Words weren't working, he had already said enough. But he remembered Jacks words. 
The song.
Now's your moment, Boy, you better do it soon, no time will be better
She don't say a word and she won't say a word, Until you kiss the girl
He stepped forward and brought his hand up to your face. He leaned in slowly, and brought your lips to his. 
Your heart stopped, and you kissed him back desperately. You had wanted this for so long. You had waited for so. Damn. Long.
"Your so stupid." You murmured against his lips. He pulled away gasping for air.
"I know" his voice was beautiful.
You've gotta kiss the girl, Go on and kiss the girl
He leaned in again, kissing you like his life depended on it. He gently ran his thumb across your cheek as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you forward. He broke away a moment later.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I was an idiot. I love you." A tear escaped his eye, and you brushed it away. "I dont expect you to forgive me. I wouldn't forgive me if I was you. I was awful, and I never should have lied and said I didn't love you too. I shouldn't have pushed you away."
"Why did you?" He hesitated, he wasn't sure you would understand.
"The last time I let someone in my heart, she left. And then she got hurt because of me. I couldn't risk that happening to you." He shook his head.
"Oh Aaron. I'm not leaving. I don't ever want to leave you. I love you too much to leave." You paused. "And you can't hide and be scared to open your heart. Its okay to let people in." You added softly and he gave you a smile.
You both stood there in blissful peace, your foreheads touching. He chuckled and you looked at him confused.
"I kissed the girl." You just grew more confused.
"What are you talking about?" You asked humor in your voice.
"The song. Jack said I had to do what the little mermaid song said." You understood then and began giggling. 
"Maybe, maybe you should do it again." You suggested, a smile on your face.
"Hmm, maybe I should." And he leaned in again for another breathtaking kiss.
"And that is how me and your dad got together." Your three kids sat in front of you listening in awe. 
"Wow, so Jack is why he finally told you he loved you?" Your middle child, Tommy asked. Jack laughed as he stood up, tapping your shoulder as he towered over you. 
"You could say that." Aaron said from the doorway, you turned, smiling at your husband. 
"Yeah, sure." You giggled and ruffled Jack's hair as you picked up your nine year old daughter, Jenna. Who, in all honesty, was almost too big to be picked up.
"Mommy, can you tell us that story every night?" She asked, and you smiled. 
"Of course I can sweat pea. But now, its bed time." You tucked in your kids, giving them each a kiss on the forehead before joining your husband in your room.
You plopped on the bed and curled up into his side.
"Hi sweetheart." He greeted you with a kiss, and he pulled you into his side. "You know, you didn't need to make me sound so…" he couldn't quite find the word.
"Stupid? Clueless? Dumb?" You asked, giggling as he began digging his fingers into your side, tickling you. 
"St-stop. Aaron!" You shrieked and he let up, but not before plopping on top of you. He began peppering kisses all over your face.
"I'm glad you finally told that story. Jenna has been begging for weeks" Your youngest had watched the little mermaid a couple of weeks ago and Jack had made a comment about one of the songs. Jenna had heard one word and was begging for us to tell her our "falling in love story", as she put it. 
You had finally given in and told them, and they had loved every moment of it. Jack of course had already known, having witnessed it. 
But Jenna and Tommy had loved hearing how their parents had fallen in love. 
And a week later when you walked in the living room you were filled with a sense of nostalgia as you saw Jack with Jenna in his lap, as Tommy and Aaron sat on the couch next to them. Watching, of course, the little mermaid. You plopped next to Aaron, smiling. 
As Kiss The Girl started playing.
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat
request: request. i’m not sure if you’re comfortable with writing it but it’s worth a try the team is always teasing spencer saying “he’s definitely a virgin” and he’s like “wtf no i’m not” one day they’re like ok well then y/n can see for herself, y/n is like “😳i didn’t sign up for this” and long story short they come back to the bau and the team is like “ ok soooo?” and y/n is like zoning out mumbling “you were wrong”
Warnings: SMUT (Penetration, oral (female recieving), spanking, over-stimulation, choking, degrading kink)
A/N: YO SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN, I am going to start publishing fics again, but updates will be very very slow. They’ll increase eventually, but for now, they are slow. Love you all!
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The night began at work. A late night with the team at the office, stacks of files mounted on all of your desks and you’re all gathered around to keep each other awake.
“Ugh. This is too much work. Seriously. Can’t killers ever take a break?”
You whine, spinning in the swivel chair and holding a file in the air. Morgan chuckles, staring at his own file before speaking.
“I need a drink after this.”
“You and me both Morgs.”
“I told you to stop calling me that Girly.”
You chuckle, stopping your spinning and standing up to stretch. It feels nearly impossible to stay awake. Not necessarily because you’re tired, but you’ve been staring at similar files all day and it’s getting boring and tiring.
 “I’ll do refills on coffee. Gimme your mugs.”
You say, letting them pile different sizes of cups and mugs in your arms. You saunter over to the coffee machine and set them on the counter.
You set the pot for a lot of coffee and quickly dash to Hotch’s office, where him and Rossi are.
“Yo, I’m making coffee, y’all need refills?”
They shake their heads and you shrug, returning to the coffee machine and pouring the coffee in the mugs before adding cream and sugar.
“How much sugar tonight Reid?”
You ask, turning to the tall doctor with a smirk. Luckily, you and your team are the only people left in the bullpen so you can be as loud as you want.
“A lot.”
You snort, grabbing the box of sugar and piling it in, almost emptying it before putting it on the shelf and making a few trips to distribute the coffee.
“Here you are Spencer, sugar with some coffee on the side.”
You chuckle, sitting in your chair again and picking a new file up, only to find that this was the last file.
“Oh. Anyone else wanna give me files? I’m on my last one.”
Morgan and Emily immediately run up to you with files, dropping them on your desk and thanking you. It made you laugh, watching smiles grown on their faces.
“Okay team. We’re almost finished. Just a little bit more now.”
A few hours later you, Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch are finished with your stacks, waiting for the other three with Penelope, discussing bars to go to.
“Oooo there’s a new one downtown, we should go there.”
“Can you guys hold back your alcohol talk until tonight please? I just wanna get out of here fast and maybe get lucky tonight.”
Emily pleads, making you and the other women go “oooo” while the men groan.
“Oh boy you are right Em. I haven’t gotten laid in so long. Too long.”
You say, leaning back in your chair and looking at a flabbergasted Penelope.
“How long?”
She asks, staring at you in disbelief. You were a very beautiful woman (Don’t you fucking dare say otherwise) so people often assumed you had sex often. You weren’t private about it either. So what if people judged you? Sex is natural and anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
“Since my first time in middle school. I had a delusion that sex was gonna be this amazing thing and then it was actually terrible. I gave up all hope and never slept with anyone ever again. So you know, it is what it is.”
Everyone looked at you in shock, confused as to how you went your whole life without sex.
“Wait really?”
Morgan questions, his attention dropping from the files to you in an instant. Spencer simply stared at you in disbelief, his expression suddenly making you nervous.
“Y-yeah. I haven't had sex since middle school. It isn’t a big deal.”
You defend, but Penelope wraps an arm around you, pulling you close.
“Oh honey I’m definitely finding you someone to take home.”
“Hey, at least you had your first time, unlike pretty boy over here.”
Morgan teases, messing with Spencer’s hair. Spencer was often teased for being a virgin, but none of you knew what to believe. He said he wasn’t, but refused to tell even Morgan about any of his times.
“How many times do I have to tell you guys, I’m not a virgin!”
“Then tell us about one time.”
Morgan says, a wide smirk on his face at the disheveled state of the genius doctor. Poor Reid just wanted to be left alone but Morgan will not let this go.
“Morgan. Not all of us are public about our sex lives like you bud. Sometimes I wish you were as secretive as Reid. None of us want to hear about how you “got it on”.”
Morgan grimaces, and Spencer looks to you thankfully. 
“C’mon Y/N, you aren’t even a little curious?”
Emily asks from her desk, finally finishing up the last file with JJ. You shrug, playing with your hair briefly.
“Of course I’m super curious, but, unlike you lust goblins, I stand with Hotch and Rossi and don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
Various groans come from the team as you fist-bump Hotch and Rossi, laughing at their defeat.
When Morgan finally finishes, you all head to the new bar downtown, smiling at the flashing lights of the dance floor and immediately going to a small table with the rest of the team.
“Oh hells yes! This place is already fun!”
Penelope squeals, waving a worker over to get food. Morgan sits next to you, Emily on your other side and Spencer is next to Morgan and Hotch. 
“Alright my baby’s we are partying until Y/N gets lucky!”
You chuckle at Penelope’s words, raising a glass of water to your lips and taking a big swig of it before looking around. The people in there were definitely attractive, but your mind never swayed from a certain genius.
You meant it when you said you were curious, your mind had always wandered to certain images when you went to sleep, constantly imagining what he would be like.
You’re mind was so easily destroyed by him. All of your thoughts contorted by him. To the point where you can’t imagine sleeping with any of these other people, but you’re scared to ruin your friendship with him by trying to sleep with him.
“Ah guys. I’m fine. I don’t want to sleep with someone I don’t know.”
Morgan groans, nudging your side and making you laugh.
A few hours later, Spencer has abandoned ship and went to the bathroom, leaving you alone with the rest of the team as you eat some wings.
“Oh my god I know how to figure out if Reid’s a virgin or not!”
Penelope shouts, you look at her excited face, just smirking as she squeals.
“And what is your plan?”
“One of us hooks up with him!”
You all choke on your food and drinks, staring at her in shock.
“I’m sorry what? Did you just say-”
“Actually that’s not a bad idea.”
Hotch cuts you off. You turn to his smirking face in shock. Never in a million years would you have thought that Aaron Hotchner thought one of you sleeping with Reid is a good idea.
“Hotch! Wouldn’t that like, mess with work or something?”
He shrugs, turning to you and smirking.
“What can I say? I’m curious too.”
You sigh, chuckling a bit and shaking your head.
“I say Y/N does it.”
“Yeah! Y/N is single and hasn’t gotten laid in a while, it’s perfect!”
“Guys no I-”
“Oh my god you’re right! Plus there’s plenty of sexual tension between the two of them.”
You sigh, knowing they won’t let up until this happens. When the team wants something, they make it happen.
“Okay guys, I didn’t sign up for this, I’m not your test dummy.”
You say, putting your wings down on the plate in front of you and looking around at them all.
“Please girly? Pretty please?”
Morgan begs, clutching your hand tightly and shaking it up and down like a child who wants a toy.
“Y/N, I will make sure you get a raise in your paycheck.”
You stop and think about it for a second.
It could ruin your relationship with him forever, then again, he’s the type to forgive and forget when it comes to his friends.
And if it did work out, then things could be awkward between the two of you for a long time, or worse, he’d regret it. And like all the things he regrets, he’d ignore you until you disappeared.
And the worst you can think of, you take his virginity. Not someone he loves, not his girlfriend or wife, you. His bestfriend and co-worker. 
But still, just that small percentage that everything might go completely right and you might even get a second time with him makes it feels like it might be worth it.
“Okay fine. But I don’t want a raise. If I’m doing this it’s because I want to.”
They all cheer and you just smile, taking a swig of beer before motioning for Morgan to switch seats with you so that when Spencer comes back he’ll be next to you.
Within a few minutes Spencer returns and you feel a heat travel up your neck as you look at him. He turned to you and smiled, sending shivers up your spine as you smiled back.
“Why’d you switch places?”
He asks, you turn to Morgan for help, pleading him to come up with a fake story.
“Emily kept poking her so she told me to switch.”
He says, you practically glare daggers at him, but you go with it, turning back to Spencer and nodding with a smile.
“Yep, so now, you are stuck with me.”
You joke, trying to ease the dusty pink on your cheeks, and nudge him gently in the arm.
In a few minutes you muster up the courage to let your hand travel off of the counter and onto Spencer’s thigh, feeling your entire face go crimson at the feeling of the hard muscle.
He choked on his water briefly before looking at you, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of your red face. You were trying to hide any emotion you felt out of embarrassment. 
He didn’t say anything though, you’re hand felt warm against the cool breeze of the bar, and he wasn’t opposed to your touch whatsoever.
Everyone continued talking and laughing as your hand inched upwards, and you could feel his body tense up every once in a while, and every time he did, you paused, giving him a moment to push your hand away or tell you to stop, but he didn’t. Not even when you began massaging and squeezing the muscle in your hands.
In fact, he at some point grabbed your hand and positioned it right above his own cock. You weren’t touching it yet, just hovering in slight fear.
He wants this.
You thought before slowly lowering your hand, your eyes widening at the feeling of his semi hard and fairly large cock. What the hell were you getting yourself into?
You glance at him quickly, only to find him staring straight back at you with lust lidded eyes. They were intimidating, almost scary. Usually you would have hated to be on the receiving end of this glare, but in this context, it made you feel like a match had been lit inside of you and you were just left there with a lit match inside of you.
The moment you squeezed your hands just slightly, he abruptly stood up, your hand falling from his crotch. Everyone looks at him in shock as he yanks you up.
“I need to talk to you.”
Is all he says before dragging you away. You only had a split second to turn and see the teams faces, but they were all pretty much the same. 
A shit eating smile with wiggling eyebrows.
From the moment you were yanked into the private room with Spencer, you were super nervous. It had been years, you were inexperienced. What if he didn’t like it? What if he left because you were bad at it?
He seemed to notice your panicked state and sat you down on the bed, crouching in front of you and taking your hands in his.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this. As much as I would love to prove to you that I really am not a virgin, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But if you say yes, I will pillage your body to the point that you can’t walk next week.”
Well shit, now you were fully convinced and super turned on. You had thought he was vanilla, or maybe even a bottom, but oh wow you were so wrong.
“Do it.”
Those were the only two words needed for Spencer Reid to pounce, and your plane of vision was knocked over, now laying on your back as he traps you under his body. 
His lips are everywhere. They’re on yours at first, but they travel to your jaw, your neck, and his lengthy fingers work at the buttons on your dress shirt rapidly. 
“Shit Spencer...”
You whine out as he works his hands across your body. They feel like fire against your skin. His lips are wet and messy, kissing and marking your neck for the world to see.
You grip his shirt, tugging at it and opening your mouth to speak, but a moan slips out instead. You shut your eyes in embarrassment as you feel his lips curl upwards on your collarbone, the suckling feeling feeling so warm and tingly.
“What is it baby? You want me to take my shirt off? huh?”
You nod eagerly, chest rising and falling quickly as he raises his body off of yours, and you open your heavy eyes to see him strip off his shirt. He isn’t muscly, but he’s perfect, he looks perfect.
“What do you want baby?”
You stumble over your words, your mind already fuzzy somehow by just his lips.
“You. I want you. Please Spencer I want you.”
 You beg, your hands travelling up his torso and feeling his soft skin. He leans down again, towering over you and smashing his lips on your while his hands work on getting your pants off.
His lips were safe, careful. Not aggressive, and his tongue that tasted the inside of your mouth was warm and loving, savoring your taste as you whined into his.
He was smiling so widely against your skin, his pride booming at the way you reacted to his touch. He never once thought he could get you to react like this.
“You just wanted to see if I was a virgin huh? You curious?”
You nod and shake your head, confused on why you were doing this as well. You wanted this so much it almost hurt, you’ve wanted this since day one. You were also really curious as well though.
“You know what they say.”
He leans into your ear, kissing your neck and biting your ear.
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
You felt his fingers rub at your clothed pussy, your black cloth panties preventing him from fucking you with his fingers. His fingers rub against your clit, the cotton creating friction on it as well.
 “Please Spencer! Please please please!”
You beg, feeling his breath land on your cold skin in a way that felt so raw and rigid. He tugs at your panties, freeing your cunt as a finger rubs against your clit, the bundle of nerves jolting you up.
A loud moan escapes your lips as he continues circling your clit with his long fingers, His lips kissing your open ones.
Two fingers probe into you, scissoring themselves inside of you. You groan into his mouth as they curl upwards into your wet cunt.
He moves his head between your thighs, licking a wet stripe up your clit, flicking it around as you moan at the sensitive feeling. It feels like electricity lighting up the sensitive nub.
A pressure builds between your legs, a spring coiling in your stomach as he suckles on your clit, fucking you fast with his fingers.
“Spencer! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it.”
It hits you like a fiery clap of thunder, the feeling so extreme and hot it almost makes you scream and you can only hope no one heard you over the music outside.
Your breathing is labored as your high dies down, but Spencer doesn’t let up, he flips you over onto your stomach, dragging you to your knees by your hips. 
You get cut off by your own moan of pain, the tip of his cock slowly being pressed into your tight and wet cunt.
“It’ll get better baby, I’ll go slow, I promise. Just tell me when you want me to go, and when you want me to stop. Okay?”
You nod against the pillow under your face, tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes. A hand lands on your ass, making you yelp at the rough feeling.
“Words baby.”
You moan, palming the sheets with your fists as he pulls out completely, leaving you to feel empty.
“Okay! Please Spencer! Please I need you!”
You could practically feel his pride rolling off of him as he pushes into your sex slowly, filling you up fully. 
It’s a stinging feeling, as if you were being torn apart. But he waits, he let’s you adjust to his girthy size before moving. He really was gentle. You hadn’t expected him to be rough exactly, but he was shockingly gentle and patient.
Eventually, you got used to the feeling, it felt so satisfying as well. The feeling of being so full and warm was so pleasuring, it sent little jolts of pleasure up your spine and out your mouth, making Spencer smirk.
“You’re so tight for me. You so curious you let me fuck you huh? So eager?”
You nod, burying your face into the pillows. You want him to move, to fuck you until you break, but words won’t come out, so you move your hips forwards, letting part of him slip out of you before moving him back into your dripping cunt.
A loud groan escapes both of your lips at the feeling, his hand lands on your ass again, reddening it before taking the hint and thrusting into you carefully.
“Oh... Holy crap!”
You moan out as he continues to clench your hips, surely leaving bruises tomorrow. His thrusts remained slow and deep, but it felt just right. He let his hands wander, travelling up and down your body.
His fingers find your bra, unclipping it and letting it fall off. Your breasts move to the rhythm of his thrusts.
“Faster... Please Spencer faster!”
“What’s that my little slut? You want more? You gonna be a greedy little slut?”
You could feel your cheeks become a dark crimson color, slightly embarrassed at the degrading language he was using, but you nod nonetheless, wanting him to pound into you shamelessly.
“Very well. What a dirty slut wants, she gets.”
His pace quickens suddenly, each thrust into you sharp and hitting into you just right. Loud moans escape both yours and Spencer’s lips, the room becoming sweaty and sticky quickly.
“This want you want you whore? You just want to be fucked like a cheap whore?”
Pointless babbles fall out of your mouth, quiet “Yes” and “I’m your cheap whore” being mumbled as he pounded into from behind. 
A gasp escapes your lips as he lands another smack to your ass, leaving a burning sensation that felt so damn pleasurable after the initial sting.
A familiar pressure builds up between your thighs again, Your legs trembling under the Thunderous feeling of your orgasm washing over your entire body.
You had thought that two orgasms would have been enough for him, but he doesn’t let up, even flipping you back over and thrusting into you harder. 
You gasp and squirm as his fingers find your sensitive and swollen clit, pinching and rubbing it with his thumb and index finger. It felt like a wave of nerves jolting every bone, your back arching off of the cushion underneath you.
He continues pounding into you mercilessly, admiring the way your tits bounce at his pace, the way you so desperately panted for mercy, but your body betrayed you.
If you really wanted him to get off of you, you would have made it much more clear, you would have been pushing him off more, but you were more just clutching him closer than anything, wriggling your body around.
You couldn’t form any words at this point, chasing after your third orgasm endlessly. You manage to spot the hand that isn’t abusing your clit snake its way up your body, playing and pinching your nipples briefly before wrapping itself around your neck. 
Soft squeezes are delivered to your throat, making you whimper and whine, your own hands reaching his wrist for support, feeling up the vein-y muscles.
“Spencer! Spencer I’m gonna... I’m gonna cum!”
You whimper out, his hand tightens around your throat and his fingers rub your clit faster and harder, abusing the already raw nerves. 
Everything felt so overwhelming. Your body was shaking aggressively each time he rubbed your swollen nub, and the feeling of him pounding into your wet cunt repeatedly slamming your sweet spot mercilessly and choking you out at the same time was so raw and powerful. 
It felt unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And with a broken moan, you came all over his cock, clenching around him and pushing him over the edge as well. 
He came right inside of you, riding out his high while slowing the rubs delivered to your clit. Your insides were twitching like crazy around his sensitive cock, making him groan while watching your entire body shake.
Soon after you both came, he pulled out, letting his cum drip out of you and onto the bed, pulling your body to sit up.
“Well, did I pass your test?”
You lazily nod at his question. You panted heavily, trying to chase after your breath.
“Holy shit Spencer... That was... Wow.”
He chuckled, grabbing your clothes off of the floor and placing them next to you.
“Need help cleaning up?”
You shook your head, meeting his starstruck eyes for the first time since he choked you. They were so bright, so in awe. 
“Alright, well I’m gonna head home so I don’t have to face the others. See you at work?”
“See ya.”
Twenty minutes later, Spencer had gone home and you had finished getting all of his cum out of you, and now you were fully dressed, making your way back to the others in a shell shocked state of mind.
Everyone else was trying their hardest not to laugh at the sight of your shaky legs when you stumbled into your chair, red hickies all over your neck. You sat with a blank stare in your eyes, chugging your water.
Morgan asked, knowing the answer already but just wanting to hear it anyways.
“You were wrong.”
You managed to mumble out. Everyone broke out laughing, even Hotch and Rossi.
You continued to eat your wings, The memory of what just happened stuck on replay in your brain.
PERMANENT TAGLIST(OPEN) @pinkdiamond1016 @spencer-reids-snow-white @sheepfather @eusuntgroot @libradolan
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hookingminor · 3 years
12 or 1 w matthew tkachuk please!
12. when they haven’t seen each other for a while (bonus point if they’re not sure the other one is alive) and all this time they’ve been trying to stay strong, but when they reunite, they crash into each other’s arms, and completely breakdown…
taking a lil break from studying for finals. spoiler: ya girl is dying a slow and painful death and if I don't kill myself by the end of next week it will have been a miracle
The extended road trip took Matthew by surprise. A last minute opportunity came up for the Flames to play a few games in Europe as the NHL had tried to reopen the idea of European tours. It was nothing major, just a few games in Germany and Sweden against Dallas. The trip was originally supposed to take a week, but the late admittance for the series caused the Flames schedule to be restructured.
You were currently on a trip of your own visiting your family when Matthew got the news. You wouldn’t be back in time to see him off before he had to go to Europe. The week in Europe would be followed by launching into their two-week stretch of roadies, and the guys were told to pack accordingly since they wouldn’t be back in Calgary for nearly a month.
It wasn’t the first time you’d gone so long without seeing Matthew, but it would be the first time since moving in with him. Since the relationship had gotten serious, Matthew always made a point to invite you over or visit you at your crowded apartment, but things had gotten a lot easier since you moved into his apartment last year. You were always home waiting after hard games and hard road trips, and Matthew wouldn’t have it any other way.
He was more than a little displeased at the news. He should’ve been bouncing off the walls at a chance to do some light touring of Europe, but all he could think about was how he wasn’t going to see you for a month.
The time difference made communication a little difficult, especially with your busy schedules, but even the phone calls and facetimes when he was back in the states weren’t any easier. Matthew was restless. Restless to get back to you and your bed and your Australian Shepherd puppy you’d adopted not even three months ago.
Matthew was two seconds away from collapsing to his knees in exhaustion when he turned his key into the lock of your apartment. His suits were all wrinkled and in desperate need of cleaning after nearly a month on the road, and the hotel pillows didn’t come close to replacing your figure in bed next to him.
“Hey there, Luna,” Matthew dropped his bag and suitcase in the doorway, immediately crouching to the height of your dog so he could properly scratch behind her ears. “Miss me, bud?” She yipped happily, bouncing joyfully around his feet.
“She’s not the only one,” you said from the hallway. He hadn’t heard you come out of the bedroom, and your silhouette was outlined in the dim lighting from a lamp in the living room. Maybe it was your sleepy face or the way you stood there in only his t-shirt and a cardigan on the verge of falling asleep or the fact that he hadn’t seen you in a month, it was probably all factors combined, but Matthew felt like collapsing.
He stood up quickly, and Luna jumped to the side to not get in his way as Matthew quickly crossed the few feet of distance between your bodies. You barely had any time to process before he was squeezing all the breath out of your lungs in the tightest hug you’d ever received. Matthew tucked his face into your neck as your arms came to wrap around his shoulders.
“Hello to you too, baby,” you chuckled lightly, letting your fingers tangle into the hair that had grown a little longer since you last saw him. Matthew whispered a reply, but it was mumbled into your skin.
“What was that?” You asked, tugging his hair back a bit so you could see his face. You furrowed your brows. “Are you crying?”
The lighting was minimal, but you could make out the teary look in Matthew’s eyes. He quickly swiped them away with the back of his hand before engulfing you in his arms again. “I just missed you a lot. That’s all.”
As if your heart couldn’t break anymore, you positively melted into his arms. “I missed you too,” you replied. This time you took your turn to bury your face into his neck, and Matthew pulled you even closer.
He walked your bodies back until you reached the bedroom, never once letting go of you. Matthew paused in front of the bed briefly and gently cupped your cheek with one hand. Dipping his head, he kissed your lips softly and deeply, tilting your head up with his hand. It was quick, just enough to convey how much he missed you over the last month, but you didn’t mind. You had a feeling Matthew wasn’t going to let go of you any time soon.
“I’m never leaving you for that long ever again,” he muttered against your lips, and you smiled.
“Well, I’m not letting you leave for that long ever again,” you grinned. “And next time you go to Europe, you better take me with you.”
“We’ll make our own vacation out of it,” Matthew agreed. “Anywhere you want to go, I’ll take you.”
“We can talk about it later. I’m sure you wanna get to sleep. You must be exhausted,” you said softly. You moved to step out of his embrace but were met with instant resistance from Matthew.
“I need to refill Luna’s water, and I’ll be back in a second,” you said, unwrapping Matthew’s hands yourself much to his dismay. He let out a quiet whine but let you out of his grip since he was too tired to fight you right now.
You left the room for a minute to fill Luna’s water bowl and collected Matthew’s suitcases from the door. You found him with one eye barely open when you reentered the bedroom with his luggage in tow.
“Don’t you dare unpack that right now,” Matthew grumbled from his side of the bed. You were half tempted to not listen to him, knowing it would save you time tomorrow if you just did it right now, but he sounded too put out for you to argue.
You crawled under the covers and turned off the bedside lamp, and Matthew’s body was on top of yours in an instant. He curled into your side, resting his face on your chest and wrapping an arm tight around your abdomen. A leg wiggled its way between yours, and Matthew clutched you close like you were his own personal teddy bear.
You let your fingers card through his hair, gently scratching his scalp to which Matthew let out a content sigh.
“I love you,” he said sleepily, and all you could do was smile and repeat the sentiment.
“I love you too,” you said, but Matthew was already passed out before he could hear it.
You woke up the following morning the same way you fell asleep, with Matthew half on top of you and his hair tickling your face, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Show Me - Part 2
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Summary: Jack goes to Sam and Dean for advice about girls and sex, and Sam turns out to be an excellent teacher.
Pairing: Sam x Jack x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: Bi!Jack, Bi!Sam, Age Difference, Pseudo-Incest, First Kiss, Mutual Masturbation, Sexting, Phone Sex, Sex Toys, Fleshlight, Sloppy Seconds, Pining!Sam, Eventual Dom/Sub Relationship, Dom!Sam, Switch!Jack, Sub!Reader, Word Count: 3k
A/N: @jackandthesoulmates commissioned this piece and I’ve had so much fun coming up with all these sexy scenarios 🖤
Mini Series Masterlist
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“Good morning,” Jack greets Dean cheerfully, getting himself a cup of coffee and sitting down across from the hunter.
Dean grunts in acknowledgment of Jack’s entrance but doesn’t speak. His eyes are still closed. If he wasn’t sitting up and holding his own mug of coffee Jack would have thought he was still asleep. Leaving him be for the moment, Jack pulls the cereal towards himself and digs into his sugary breakfast – something he and Dean have in common, unlike their feelings towards mornings.
Jack gets another cup of coffee when he finishes his first, and Dean stretches out his cup wordlessly, asking Jack to give him a refill as well. He grunts again in thanks and goes back to savouring his morning caffeine with his eyes closed.
“Hmm?” he huffs, blinking his eyes open.
“How do I know when I’m ready to ask her out?” Jack asks, shy but straight to the point.
“Ask who what?” Dean squints at him, clearly confused.
“The girl I like, Y/N,” Jack supplies, realising he never mentioned her name before.
“Wait, wait,” Dean shakes his head and tries to focus, “before, when you were askin’ about sex and,” he waves his hand in vague circles, “whatever – you’re asking because there’s an actual chick you like? Not just… curiosity an’ shit?”
“Yes, Y/N is an ‘actual chick’,” Jack nods, putting emphasis on Dean’s phrasing.
“And you like her? Like, you don’t just wanna have sex with her, you actually like her, like her.”
“Well, I do want to have sex with her. That’s why I asked you and Sam for help.” Jack isn’t sure what the distinction is. Aren’t you supposed to like all the people you have sex with?
“Well, yeah, but you’re not lookin’ to hit and quit, you want to, y’know, date this girl. Yeah?”
“Yes, I think so,” Jack nods.
“Well that’s a whole different story man,” Dean laughs, scrubbing his hands through his hair. “Dating a girl, you’ve gotta go slow. You build up to things like sex, you don’t ever sleep with her on the first date, or she’ll think you’re way too pushy. You have to make her want to have sex with you, make her think it was her idea. ”
“Oh,” Jack blinks, taking in this new information. “So how do you date a girl and make her want to have sex with you?”
“Oh, my young padawan, I have so much I can teach you,” Dean grins, and Jack returns the smile.
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Sam looks up from his laptop when he hears a knock on his door. “Come in!” he calls, knowing it will be Jack, Dean doesn’t bother with knocking usually. “Hey Jack,” he smiles when the boy ducks his head around the door.
“Can I ask you a question, Sam?”
“Sure, bud. What’s up?” Sam closes his laptop and pats the empty space on the bed next to him, which Jack takes.
“I’m texting Y/N, and I don’t know what I should say,” Jack trails off nervously and Sam smirks. Jack and Y/N have been texting for a few weeks now, ever since Dean had taken Jack out for a lesson in how to ask for a girl’s number.
Apparently Jack had been a natural, and had Y/N eating out of his hand in no time. Sam almost wishes he could have seen that, he bets Jack would have had the cutest flush… he jerks himself away from his thoughts and back to the present.
“What did she say last?” Sam asks, clearing his throat awkwardly, hoping Jack didn’t notice his brief brain fog.
“She sent me this picture,” Jack holds his phone out for Sam to see, and his jaw drops. The picture is of a stunningly pretty girl wearing nothing but dark blue lingerie, her lips pouting and shiny with gloss, and a finger twirled in her hair.
“Wow,” Sam manages to stutter after a moment.
“What do I say? Dean told me I shouldn’t be too forward, but I also should always tell her the truth, but right now the truth is that I want to have sex with her, but if I say that she might hate me,” Jack babbles, thoughts spilling out in a cascade, and Sam smiles widely at how cute he is when he’s flustered.
“Hey, slow down, it’s okay,” Sam grabs Jack’s shoulder and squeezes, trying to ground him. “It looks like she’s trying to sext with you.”
“She wants to have sex with a text message?” Jack questions, brow quirking up curiously.
“Well, kind of,” Sam shrugs, “it’s like when you touch yourself, but instead of just imagining what you want to do with someone, you’re talking about it with them. It makes it more real, I guess. And sometimes along with the texts you send pictures, like that, to show what you’re wearing or, um,” Sam feels himself flush as he stutters, “what you’re not wearing.”
“What do I say?” Jack asks again, nervously, but Sam can also see a light in his eyes telling him he’s excited.
“Well, when you saw that photo, how did it make you feel?” Sam asks, and Jack considers for a moment.
“Tingly. And hot,” he settles on. Sam chuckles.
“Did you get a little hard when you saw it?” he asks with bated breath, and Jack hesitates for a moment but then he nods.
“Tell her that,” Sam pushes the phone back towards Jack. “That will make her feel sexy, she’ll know you want her the same way she wants you.” Jack types up a quick message and turns the phone back to Sam.
“Like that?”
Jack: Your picture made me feel tingly and hard
Sam tries to hide his laugh, not meaning it mockingly, and takes the phone from Jack. “Think about the way I talk to you when we have our lessons,” Sam muses, then types a new message for Jack. “Maybe something like this.”
Jack: My god, you’re beautiful. That pic got me so hard baby
“Thanks Sam,” Jack smiles and hits send.
“Anytime,” Sam swallows hard, giving Jack’s shoulder another friendly squeeze. Jack’s phone dings with another message.
Y/N: Can I see?
Jack blushes fiercely and Sam smirks. When he looks at the boy’s lap, he can see a small bulge in his sweatpants. Sam gets up and closes the door. Jack looks up at him curiously while he returns to the bed.
“Get comfy. I’m gonna help you sext her.” Jack looks visibly relieved and Sam feels a glow bloom through his chest. Jack needs his help, he wants Sam to do this.
“Start teasing her a little, take a photo of your dick with your sweatpants on.” Sam climbs onto the bed behind Jack, straddling his legs around him and leaning back against the headboard with Jack sitting between his thighs. Jack leans back into Sam’s chest so he can get a better angle for the photo.
“Show me,” Sam instructs, and Jack lifts the phone for him to check the picture. “I think we can get you harder than that, don’t you?” His voice spills out over Jack’s neck, low and warm. Jack nods and reaches to touch himself, massaging his boner through his sweatpants.
“Yeah, there you go,” Sam encourages gently, brushing his hands up and down Jack’s arms. “That’s better, take another picture.”
Jack takes one and hits send once Sam gives his approval. They only have to wait a few seconds for Y/N’s reply.
Y/N: Shit you look big
Y/N: That’s so hot Jack
Sam reaches around Jack and takes the phone. “Touch yourself for me, baby boy. I’ll type, you just focus on feeling good. Tell me if there’s anything you want me to say to her.”
“I want to tell her she’s hot too,” Jack breathes heavily, pushing one hand into his underwear and starting to jerk himself.
Jack: Are you as turned on as I am?
Y/N: Definitely
Jack: Show me?
“How do girls show you they’re turned on? They don’t get hard like boys do,” Jack asks curiously.
“Girls get wet,” Sam answers. “And I’m hoping I’ll be able to show you what I mean in a minute.”
He’s not disappointed when another text arrives a moment later with a photo attached. It’s a picture of Y/N’s panties, pulled down her legs and stretched between her thighs so they can see the bit of the material that had been between her legs. There’s a very obvious dark patch on the cotton where her arousal had leaked out of her, and Sam groans, unable to help himself.
“See that spot there, Jack? That’s how you know she’s turned on. When you get a girl all wet and slippery for you, god, it’s one of the best feelings in the world, feeling that and knowing you did that to them.”
“I– I did that to her?” Jack pants, bucking his hips up into his hand, squirming against Sam’s chest.
“Yes you did,” Sam whispers in his ear. “And I think you should show her what she’s doing to you. Pull down those pants baby, send her a pic of that pretty cock.” Sam’s own cock is straining against his jeans, but he ignores it. He can take care of himself later – right now is about Jack and Y/N.
Jack wriggles for a moment and gets his sweatpants and underwear down around his thighs. Sam wraps one of Jack’s hands around his dick, strokes him with it a few times, then holds him still. Jack uses his free hand to take the photo, showing Sam for his approval before he sends it.
“So fucking hot, baby,” Sam growls against Jack’s ear, moving his hand again to encourage Jack to keep jerking off. He takes the phone back and sends Y/N a new text to go with the photo.
Jack: Are you wet enough to fit this into you?
Her response is almost instantaneous.
Y/N: Fuck so wet Jack
“She’s got a fucking dirty mouth,” Sam chuckles darkly.
He loves it, the thought of her dripping for Jack, begging for his cock. He thinks about what it would look like to watch him sink into her body. He wishes he could see Jack fuck someone, see him lose himself in some cunt. He gets an idea.
“Stay here Jack, tell her about how you’re touching yourself, tell her you wish she was here to touch you.”
Jack nods wordlessy, typing out what Sam’s told him to say. Sam gets up from the bed and goes to his dresser, digging through the shirts in the bottom drawer to a shoebox hidden beneath them. Inside is his stash of toys, including the one he’s after now. He pulls out the fleshlight and some lube and carries it back to the bed.
“Wh… what’s that?” Jack groans, looking at the items in Sam’s hands.
“This is called a fleshlight,” Sam holds up the toy so Jack can see the silicone mold on the end that looks like a pussy. “You use it on your cock, like it’s a girl, and you fuck into it.”
“It, mmm,” Jack moans, air squeezing tightly through his throat when his fingers catch clumsily on the head of his dick while he’s not paying attention, “it will feel like sex? Like, real sex?”
“Close as you can get without a girl here,” Sam chuckles darkly, drizzling lube into the crevice of the toy. “C’mere Jack, stand up.” Sam sits on the bed and takes Jack’s phone while he stands and struggles out of his sweatpants.
“What are you saying?” Jack asks when he notices Sam sending another text.
“I’m asking if she’s alone, and telling her to go somewhere quiet,” Sam smirks. “Take this off too,” he tugs at the hem of Jack’s shirt, and Jack pulls it off so he’s naked in front of Sam.
Sam reaches forward and touches Jack’s cock gently, making the excuse mentally that he’s just making sure Jack is lubed up enough to use the toy, but he takes a moment to lose himself in the feel of him on his palm. The text tone pulls him out of his thoughts.
Y/N: I’m all alone, no one here
Y/N: what do you want me to do
Sam smiles, that’s exactly what he wanted to hear. He holds the phone out to Jack.
“Call her,” he instructs simply. Jack blanches.
“Call her,” Sam repeats. “You know the way I talk to you when you touch yourself, that’s how I want you to talk to her. And while you do, you’re gonna fuck this fleshlight, and pretend you’re fucking Y/N.”
Sam runs his hands along Jack’s cock again, jerking it lightly, and pulling the boy in a little closer. Jack looks nervously at the phone in his hand.
“I’ll be right here to help if you get nervous baby boy, it’s okay,” Sam reassures him, pressing the toy lightly against the tip of his cock.
Jack presses call.
“Put it on speakerphone,” Sam tells him, and Jack nods obediently.
“Jack?” Y/N picks up the phone quickly. Her voice is breathless, strained, and Sam can tell she’s been touching herself.
“Y/N,” Jack sighs happily, his face lighting up when he hears her voice. “Oh my god,” he moans a split second later, because Sam starts pushing the fleshlight down his cock, sucking him into the tight, wet space. Y/N moans on the other side of the phone.
“Fuck, Jack, you sound so sexy,” she whimpers.
Fuck, she sounds sexy, Sam thinks. He takes a moment to rearrange himself in his jeans so he can see this through with a clear head.
“Are– are you touching yourself?” Jack asks shakily, fucking his hips shallowly into the toy, into Sam’s hands.
“Ever since you sent me that first photo,” she admits, voice pitching strangely when her breath runs out mid sentence. “Made me so wet, thinking about you getting hard to that picture of me.”
“You’re so beautiful,” Jack moans, hips jerking in response to her words.
Sam reaches forward and pinches Jack’s hip to get his attention, he points at the fleshlight and then at the phone, hoping Jack gets the message. “I– I’m touching myself too. You made me so hard, I couldn’t help it. I’ve uh, I’ve got this toy,” he grunts and takes a deep breath.
“Yeah?” Y/N asks, clearly intrigued. “What kind of toy?”
“A, um, a fleshlight,” Jack goes bright red when he says the word, and Sam thinks it’s one of the prettiest things he’s ever seen. “I wish, wish it wasn’t a toy,” Jack stutters. “Wish it was you.”
“Fuck, me too,” Y/N whines, voice high and thin, desperation bleeding through.
“Yeah? You want me inside you?” Jack asks.
Sam shudders. He looks down, watching Jack fuck in and out of the toy. He pinches Jack’s hip again and mouths ‘faster’. He pumps the fleshlight a few times, encouraging Jack to speed up, and he takes the hint, but loses his balance a little and falls forward, catching himself on Sam’s shoulders. Sam grits his teeth, unbelievably turned on by Jack fucking the toy in his hands while he braces his forehead against Sam’s neck, moaning down the phone to his little girlfriend.
“God, yes, Jack,” she answers, and Sam thinks he can hear something else in the background. Buzzing. “I got a toy too. Needed something inside me, until I can have you.” Fuck this girl can really talk, Sam thinks. He’d like to give her something to fill that wet little hole with. “Are you close Jack? I’m really fucking close,” Y/N whimpers.
“Oh god, so close, Y/N,” Jack breathes down the phone, and Sam knows he’s telling the truth. His hips are flying in and out of the toy in his hands, its wet slapping sound filling the room. “Cum, cum with me, yeah?” he moans, and Sam has to fight down a groan of his own.
“Yeah, oh fuck, yes! Gonna cum, gonna…”
“Cum for me baby girl, c’mon,” Jack grunts, hips thrusting sharply, until he finishes with a strangled groan, biting down on Sam’s shoulder to muffle the sound. Y/N’s own whimpers are still bleeding through the receiver.
When Jack pulls out of the fleshlight, he groans, and Y/N laughs. The conversation is surprisingly easy and un-awkward between them, for someone as nervous as Jack usually is. Sam’s glad he’s found someone he can talk to. Jack cleans himself up quickly after he says goodbye to Y/N, and he tries to leave the room quickly but not before Sam catches him to ask:
“Baby girl, huh?” It’s mostly teasing, he tries to smile, but part of him is also trying to probe just how serious Jack is about this girl.
“Well,” Jack shrugs, mildly embarrassed if the colour of his cheeks is anything to go by. “I like it when you call me baby boy, so…” he leaves the statement hanging, and Sam feels his heart clench.
“Yeah,” Jack nods, smiling sheepishly up at Sam.
“I like it too baby boy,” Sam smiles, and gives Jack a gentle kiss, before he ushers him out of the room.
Alone again, Sam quickly sheds his own clothes and returns to his bed. He pulls out the lube and slicks himself up in his hand, jerking rough and fast to alleviate some of the desperation he’s been feeling.
His phone is on the nightstand, and he grabs it and opens the new messages, going straight to the photos of Y/N and Jack he’d sent himself. Keeping the photos in view, Sam reaches for the fleshlight with his free hand and shoves inside. He can feel Jack’s cum, warm and sticky, lining the inside of the toy. He barely lasts thirty seconds before his own load joins Jack’s.
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peachoony · 3 years
dusted feelings
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Genre: smut and kinda angsty but with a fluffy ending
Warning: oral (f. reciving), unprotected sex, overstimulation, multiply orgasm, mention of alcohol
Pairing: wonho x fem!reader
Word count: 2K
A/N: just wanted to quickly say that wonho was completely sober when he was driving so everyone, don’t drink and drive!
The bass of the music made the walls vibrate slightly as you poured yourself another drink in the kitchen all by yourself. Your friend Olivia’s cousin Jihoon decided to throw a houseparty and you were ready to finally have some fun after exams, but the moment your eyes spotted him your brain stopped working.
“There you are,” your friend Olivias interrupted your thoughts.
You looked up as she stood at the other side of the kitchen island.
“I wanted to refill,” you said, taking a sip from your red cup, the strong liquor slipping down your throat leaving a burning sensation behind.
“For the past 20 minutes?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, knowing exactly why you were here.
Okay maybe you took a little longer than you should’ve, but you were really not in the mood to see him again. All the feelings you tried to push away, that were in dust all these months crashed down on you the moment his warm eyes met yours. You wanted to hate him but when he shot you a smile, you could’ve crashed your lips on his.
You took another sip, stretching out the question.
“Is it because of Hoseok?” She asked and you almost chocked on your drink not expecting to hear his name.
“What? What does he have to do with me wanting a refill?” You mumbled.
“Y/n you were visibly having a great time, until we saw Hoseok and suddenly you went to the bathroom for 10 minutes and now the 20 minute refill. Seems weird if you ask me,” she stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest
You stayed silent, since she had a point.
“You’re right, I should just go home.”
“What? Y/n no! This is not what I meant.” She walked around the island, now standing in front of you. “Stop acting like a sulky toddler. You don’t wanna talk things out, even though he tried to approach you a bunch of times despite the fact that you guys were only friends with benefits, but you also don’t wanna be in the same room as him. Pick a side girl.”
You blinked at her words, before scoffing.
“Why don’t go be his best friends, since you wanna take his side anyways,” you said, making her roll her eyes.
“Here we go again. Y/n you either forget about it and we go out there and have a great night or you will go over to him and talk things out.”
You looked at her for a while before taking a deep breath.
“Let’s go, have some fun.”
Your eyes pierced into the back of the girl who was talking to Hoseok and surprisingly they seemed very close, just like you two used to be. You would be lying if you’d say she isn’t breathtakingly beautiful.
You gulped down the rest of your drink, before your eyes landed back on them.
“Olivia who is that with Hoseok?” You whispered, making sure no one would hear you on the table you were sitting at with a couple of other friends.
She followed your gaze, absorbing the both of them.
“That’s Yejin, I’ve seen her around a couple of times since she’s majoring in science, but she recently broke up with her boyfriend so no chance that they’re dating.” Olivia assured you.
A sigh left your lips after you looked away, not wanting to torture yourself more.
After a while you engaged yourself in the conversation to get your mind off him as you felt Olivia sit up next to.
“Hey Hoseok, long time no see.”
Your body froze and didn’t dare to even turn around. The person next to you switched seats, gesturing Hoseok to sit here. “Have a seat man.”
His cologne filled your senses, making your heart skip a beat and out of reflex you took a deep breath.
You turned your head and he gave you a little smile. “Hey,” he said and you awkwardly smiled back.
He was wearing his black pair of glasses and a leather jacket over hi swhite shirt.
The more time passed the more you felt your heartbeat fastened and it’s only been 5 minutes.
“I should get going, because I haven't really gotten sleep.” Your friends' eyes turned to you and Olivia raised an eyebrow knowing exactly what you were doing.
“Sure thing, thank you for coming y/n.” Jihoon smiled.
You grabbed your purse next to you wanting to leave as soon as possible.
“Isn’t it too late for an uber?” Olivia asked, frowning. “Someone should bring you home.” Olivia’s eyes darted to Hoseok who cleared his throat getting your friend’s silent message.
“I was actually thinking of leaving sooner or later, so I can drive you home.”
You blinked a couple of times, before speaking up. “No that’s not needed.”
“Yes, It’s needed. I’m not letting you leave alone this late.” Olivia gave you a warning glare.
You looked away from Hoseok, not wanting to argue in front of everyone and who were you fooling? You wanted his attention and being with him excited you more than you would have liked to admit.
The car blinked twice signaling you it’s unlocked now. The drive was silent and even breathing was hard. Scenarios from your last car ride flashed through your brain making you gulp.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok asked, breaking the silence in the car, making you turn your head. He looked down to your fingers digging into his seat, before looking back up to your face.
You placed your hands in your lap, after clearing your throat.
“Yeah why wouldn't it be?” You mumbled looking out of your window.
Silence took over as he drove through the empty streets in the dark, while the moon lit up the car enough. You took a deep breath as the car stopped in front of your apartment building.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, turning to the door, but when it didn’t open you saw the lock button.
“Can we talk?” He asked after a short silence and you nodded slowly.
“Do you...want to come in?” You asked hesitantly.
You rubbed your sweaty hands against your dress while his eyes scanned through your apartment.
“Everything is still the same,” he mumbled as his eyes met yours again. “Except for us.” You gulped at his words.
“You can’t avoid me forever.” He continued and you raised an eyebrow.
“Well, jokes on you Hoseok, I wasn’t avoiding you. I was busy with my exams.” You clarified yourself, scoffing at his words.
When he didn’t answer you turned your head into his direction just to see him staring at you with a challenging look.
“Oh really? Then why were you disappearing during the party, giving everyone excuses.” You blinked at him and when a small smile played over his lips you narrowed your eyes.
“Okay fine, I don’t wanted to see your stupid face. I dislike you.” You said in a boring tone, making him clearly angry.
“That wasn’t what you said a couple of months ago,” he said and you rolled your eyes.
“Feelings change. I don’t feel the same anymore,” you answered. “Now if that’s all, you can leave.”
You stood up, but he grabbed your wrist stopping you from leaving.
“If you don’t feel the same anymore then why did it affect you so much seeing me with Yejin?” You frowned at his question, clearly at the loss of words.
“I don’t even know who that is,” you scoffed pulling your wrist out of his grip. “You should leave Hoseok.” You sighed turning back around but his hands grabbed your shoulders pressing you against the nearest wall.
“Liar. You still love me.” His breath fanned over your lips and his cologne dominated your senses, making all the nights flash in front you where his cologne would fill your room. “You tried so hard to forget me, but look at you getting so weak for me,” he whispered into your hair, while his nose gazed over your neck, making you take a deep breath. “You don’t need any distraction, when I’m right here baby.”
When he started placing soft kisses down your neck you almost moaned out his name. His hands started wandering over your curves and a sigh left your lips moving your head to give him more room as your hands found his hair.
“Do you want me as much as I want you baby?” He asked you as his tongue gazed over your sensitive spot, making you moan out.
“Yes. Yes I want you so bad, Hoseok.” All that pride was gone and his touch made your brain shut off while setting your whole body on fire. This was all Hoseok needed and not even a minute later your back hit the mattress while his lips devoured yours in a passionate kiss as his tongue caressed yours. His hands lifted the edge of your dress softly rubbing your thigh before disappearing under the fabric as his mouth started traveling more south. His mouth placed wet kisses over the swell of your breast down to your hips and thighs. He looked up from between your thighs looking into your eyes as he slowly pulled your string down.
You grabbed the sheets when his tongue gazed over your swollen bud and you didn’t even notice how wet you have been until Hoseok pushed his finger into you.
“So wet and all we did was kiss, tctc!” He clicked his tongue, before he started lapping at your juices making you throw your head back into the pillow. Your chest was rising and falling so fast. You lifted your hips just for him to push them back down.
“Fuck d-don’t stop,” you stuttered when he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you while he sucked on your bud sending you to heaven.
You felt the knot build in your lower abdomen, after reaching for his hair pulling them as a moan left his lips sending vibrations through your body making the knot explode. You closed your legs around his head arching your back on the mattress.
“I missed seeing like this,” he said after placing a kiss on your inner thigh.
Piece by piece your clothes were thrown on your bedroom floor. He kissed down the alley between your breasts, before giving your nipple his attention. You felt his tip slide up and down your folds, coating his dick in your juices before he pushed himself in.
“Fuck, you take me so well,” he whispered against your lips, his dick pumping in and out of you. He grabbed your thigh pressing against his hip, his tip now hitting your g-spot making you whimper while your nails were digging into his biceps. He pressed his forehead against your.
“Look at me y/n,” he demanded and you obeyed, struggling to keep your eyes open while his dick was doing wonders.
“I missed ruining you like this so much.” He removed a couple of strands from your face while his eyes didn’t leave yours and you felt your heart skip a beat at the gesture.
“I love you,” he whispered and suddenly your eyes were wide open. You wanted to speak up but when his tip pressed against your g-spot again your eyes rolled back and a couple of thrust after you felt your high wash over you.
“S-stop.” You placed your hand against his chest signaling him to stop. “I’m almost there baby,” he breathed and you whimpered due to the overstimulation.
“Why do you look extra pretty today?” He asked more himself than you before he pumped his load into you.
You closed your eyes, calming down your breathing and racing heart before hissing when he pulled out. He cleaned you up and silence filled the room as he pulled you against his chest.
“Were you serious when you said it?” You asked after a while and he hummed. “I would never lie about something like that.” He sighed. “To be honest when you confessed I wasn’t sure about how I felt about you, but the moment you shut me out I realised how much it actually affected me, being away from you was horrible.” He continued. “I wanted us to do well on our exams so I thought it was better if we would concentrate on that and after that I could talk things out with you.”
You looked up to him as guilt started building up. “I shouldn’t have cut all contacts with you, I’m sorry. I couldn’t deal with the thought of getting rejected when you asked for more time, so I…” you trailed off and he pulled you closer giving you a short kiss.
“All that matters is that we resolved things,” he said and you hummed.
“So what do you wanna do for our first date?” He smirked.
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bau-baby · 3 years
the ultimate loss. 2/?
aaron hotchner x gn!reader
Summary: While you and Aaron are grieving the loss of Haley, an untimely realization comes up on your part after a night of consolation. Will anything come of it?
word count: 3k
warnings: grief, loss
A/N: Holy cannoli I am so sorry for how long this second installment took me!! Also the ending seems kind of rushed and it’s not the greatest, sorry! Now, onward with the story! 
read part one here
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It has only been a few months since Haley’s service, and you have been at a loss. Ever since the time you and Aaron had together on that patio, something changed. Something that you couldn’t really put a finger on. Neither of you addressed it for fear of messing with things you weren’t ready to face. So you both did what you do best: ignore it.
You’ve filled your time with hours on the job, Aaron has been doing the same. You both merely dance around one another, not allowing your colleagues to pinpoint or figure out what happened. And if you were honest with yourself, you weren’t either. Hell, you weren’t sure Aaron knew what was going on, and he is one of the best profilers you have the pleasure of knowing. 
It’s another late night, early morning at Quantico. You’re burning the candle at both ends, losing sleep by the day. You blame it wholly on losing a friend, and sure that was the big, main reason, but you also know it’s a ploy to throw whatever it is that’s happening with you and Aaron out the window for a time.
After-action reports fill your time as the coffee keeps getting brewed and your pen isn’t running out of ink anytime soon. And you always love to think that this is your time away from Aaron, when in reality he’s right up the stairs, hunched over his desk just as you are. You saved your glances for when your hand got cramped or you needed a refill on coffee. What you don’t see was the glances he’d send your way while you were engrossed in the paperwork. 
You normally end up staying late at the office since you have a tendency to take some of the extra files from Aaron as well as the team so they could get home quicker.
You finish up a majority of your reports just before midnight, opting to take the unfinished ones home. You gather your finished files, making the short walk up to Aaron’s office before knocking. You hear him faintly say “It’s open,” and open the door.
“Hey Aaron, just wanted to drop these files off before heading home for the night. If you-” Your words die in your throat as you finally look at Aaron much closer. His eye bags were getting worse, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days. “Are the nightmares still happening, Aaron?”
He knows there’s no use in lying, especially to you. He nods as he presses his pointer and middle finger to his temple, trying to alleviate the dull headache that hasn’t left him in so long. It was one of the only constant things in his life, outside of Jack and you.  With the headaches and the nightmares saddled on top of the grief, he hasn’t had true peace in months.
You tentatively take a seat at his desk and wait him out. You know that once he feels like talking, he will. He takes his time, twiddling his pen in between his thumb and pointer finger.
“I miss her. I left her at home with Jack almost every day, I was never there for his appointments or for his big milestones. I forced her to be a single mom when I could have easily just been there. I-” He stops, and you can see his eyes are brimmed with tears. You swallow the lump forming in your throat.
“Aaron, she loved you-” He scoffs, “-No, she really loved you. It tore her to pieces when she left, she just reached a point where she had to put Jack’s needs first. She still cared for you. The call I got the day you were admitted into the hospital told me enough,” You look down at your hands, trying to find the words, “You’re a great dad, Aaron. You do your best and right now that’s all anyone can ask for.” 
Aaron lets out a huff of breath and leans back in his chair. He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to lessen the pulsing headache still fully present. You only hope that your words made a difference, and you start to get up to leave.
“Wait. Please don’t go. I- I can’t stand being alone here anymore,” The admission makes your heart swell while simultaneously hurting for the broken man, and you settle back into your seat. Maybe finishing up the rest of your reports in the company of a friend wouldn’t be so bad after all.
The late nights you and Aaron were pulling to keep each other company quickly transitioned to going home early to see Jack, still keeping each other’s grief at bay. Didn’t help that Jack was the sweetest kid on the planet, and one you definitely couldn’t say no to.
There were days where Aaron would just break down away from the watchful eyes of his son. He wanted to remain strong and not worry the young boy, but he knew Jack was hurting too, just as you were. Even if he was vulnerable with you at times, he still kept some walls up and held some feelings to his chest.
And Aaron would never tell you, but some days it was hard to even be in that apartment. The wall has been long since repaired, the bloodstains lifted from the carpet. But that didn’t remove the nightmares that haunted him every time he came home.
He could never forget the acrid smell of Foyet’s breath as he continuously taunted him, the knife driving into his abdomen. He couldn’t forget the fleeting memories that he surrounded himself with, a hopeful yet useless distraction as he was bleeding out on his apartment floor.
He couldn’t forget Foyet’s smile, his laugh that haunted Aaron’s deepest nightmares. 
Foyet’s words would come to him in flashes, always coming back to remind him of everything he lost.
“Do you know how much you have to study the human body to stab yourself repeatedly and not die? I don’t want to brag but I’m somewhat of an expert.”
The humor Foyet found in what he was saying was not ever lost on Aaron.
He always felt the ghost of the knife, cold metal gracing his abdomen that was slowly losing heat due to the blood blossoming around his still body.
“Do you wanna see my scars?”
The image of Foyet’s mangled abdomen was stamped into his brain, a fateful image that spoiled his sleep every night.
“Yours are gonna look just the same.”
And that they did. Aaron hated the scars that riddled his chest, the raised, gnarled skin always a reminder of his failure. He not only failed Haley, but his son that he swore to protect and give a good life. He ripped the life away from both of them. Haley would never see what Jack would become, and Jack would never remember the woman who gave her life to protect him.
No matter how much he trusted you, there was still that wall that held him back from telling you all of this. His rational brain told him that you’d help him work through it, but his trauma-riddled brain told him that he’d end up overwhelming you, even though you both lost the same person, she just had different emotional ties to both of you.
That call that you listened in on while racing to Fairfax was imprinted in your brain. You’d continually tried to tell yourself that you couldn’t change anything that happened, that you couldn’t save Haley. You couldn’t give Jack his mom back, and you couldn’t bring back Aaron’s closest friend. 
You knew it wasn’t right to blame yourself. You knew that Foyet had fooled all of you. That didn’t stop you from taking the blame, forcing yourself to relive the worst moment in your career, just to subject yourself to something you felt you could have prevented.
Jack wouldn’t have any memories of his own mother. You would just plant four years’ worth of stories as he grew up, telling him tales of how strong his mother was, and how she was the best thing that happened to his father.
Maybe these similar trains of thought are what led you to be knocking on Aaron’s door late at night. And maybe, that’s what led him to answer.
“Y/N? It’s so late, what’re you doing here?” The opened door revealed a distraught yet cozy Aaron, floppy hair and eye bags in all.
“Can I, uh, can I come in?” You remain composed, trying to regulate your breathing before you possibly could fly off the handle.
“Yeah, of course. Are you alright?” 
Now isn’t that the question of the hour, Aaron Hotchner? You aren’t really sure what you feel, so instead of answering, you walk over to his couch and sit. 
Aaron trails in behind you, two cups of coffee in his hand. You accept the cup, the ceramic mug already bringing life back into your hands. Aaron sits on the other side of the couch assuming the same position you are: a blank, grief-filled stare aimed at the table in front of you. The only sign of either of you being cognizant is your periodic sniffles. You don’t even realize you’re crying.
“I just miss her, you know?” The sentence comes through a wavered tone, and you hiccup through the tears. 
Aaron’s in a similar state, his red-rimmed eyes giving way to a tear-filled, “I know. I miss her too,”
A watery laugh leaves you, “Y’know, one time when I visited Haley, told me about how you two used to be. Before Jack, before…”
Before the divorce. Before she died.
“-just, before. She even gave me a little insight on your stint as Pirate #4 in Pirates of the Penzance,” A watery smile makes its way onto your face, and you hear Aaron huff out a sad laugh, shaking his head as he does so.
“I swore her to secrecy on that. She liked you, honestly. She loved how you were with Jack, and I can’t say that I don’t either. You being here, for us, is something we’ll always be grateful for. Thank you,” The sentence makes your heart swell, as more tears fall down your face. They’re full of grief, sadness, and a love you don’t catch onto right away, but when you do, you force that back down to whatever depths it came from.
You hear the feet padding across the floor before you see him.
“Y/N? Why are you crying?” Jack asks as he clambers up next to you and into your arms.
“Hey, bud, what’re you doing up? Your dad and I were just talking about your mom, and how much we miss her,” You say, rocking the boy as you hold him.
“I miss my mom too. Do you think we could talk to her?” He asks. You could hear how tired he is, and you look at Aaron.
Go ahead, his look says, and you stand up with Jack still in your arms. You pick up the candle and lighter on the way.
You lay Jack back in his bed, grabbing the picture of Haley off his dresser. You light the candle and hand it to him.
“Hi, momma. Y/N is here, and I miss you. I love you,” You continue to listen to the boy, but you can feel the tears pressing at the back of your eyes again. You can’t imagine what this four-year-old boy is going through, trying to understand why his mom isn’t coming home anymore.
You feel a certain pair of eyes on you from the doorway of Jack’s room, and you see Aaron watching you and Jack. He’s got this soft, sullen smile on his face as he hears Jack recount his days since he’s last talked to Haley. Soon enough, the four-year-old runs out of steam and says goodbye, blowing out the candle. You reach over, tucking the covers up to his chin, and tell him goodnight.
You walk out to see Aaron sitting on the couch again, his elbows resting on his knees, hands covering his face. You sit with him until the early morning light washes over the DC skyline, sunlight peeking into the windows. You both laugh, cry, and sit in silence as you talk about whatever, but the topic keeps coming back to Haley.
“Well, if I want to make it to the building on time, I better go back to my apartment and change,” You say as you get up to grab your shoes that have long since been forgotten, as well as your keys and such. “Oh, I didn’t even notice the time. See you at work,” He says, getting up off the couch too.
“Bye, Aaron. See you at work,” You give him a soft smile, and make your exit.
Aaron doesn’t make light of this, but seeing you leave after the night he spent commiserating with you, made him miss it more than he thought he would. The freshness of it all, the connection you shared with mutual grief, was something he never thought he’d get out of his job.
When you step into the bullpen, you’re the first one there for once. Fresh clothes and a rejuvenated heart puts a small pep in your step, even on no sleep.  After the night of vulnerability you shared with Aaron, you felt refreshed, if only a little tired. 
For the sake of making sure you actually stay awake, you make two cups of coffee. Made one cup just how you like it, leaving the other one black. You set your cup down at your desk, climbing the stairs up to Aaron’s dark office. You turn on his desk lamp, setting the coffee down. You knew he wasn’t too far behind you when coming to the office, it was only a matter of time before he walked out of the elevator. 
When Aaron finally makes it to the bullpen, he sees you already cutting into the reports he left on everyone’s desks the night before. He practically floats to his office, his lack of sleep starting to catch up to him. When he opens the door, he sees the coffee mug at his desk, a sticky note attached to it. Very familiar handwriting fills the note. 
Thought we could both use some coffee after our late night. 
You know where I am if you need anything, old man. 
A very concerned friend :)
Aaron just shakes his head at the note, a smile he’s not used to filling his face. He looks through the window out into the bullpen to find you with an equally facetious smile on your face. 
That’s when it all comes crumbling down for you. The realization hits you as you turn back to your work, and you have to slow your breathing so as to not worry anyone else making their way to their desks. 
You’re in love with your boss. 
You’re in love with Aaron Hotchner. 
You could not have worse timing, you realize. He just lost his wife, you just lost a friend. Neither of you should be open to dating. He isn’t open to dating, and you’d be damned if you were too.
You were never known for your timeliness, but this is a whole other level of bad.
 What are you supposed to do? There’s no handbook, nothing to tell you what you’re supposed to fall in love with your divorced boss who just lost his ex-wife. And there shouldn’t be, you’re being careless. 
It’s normal for people in grief to come together, and after a loss people make strides to fill that gap. That’s all you're doing. You don’t actually feel this way about him. 
That’s what your profiling tells you, but you don’t try to reason with it. No amount of reasoning can fix this. You’re screwed, and you know it.
That’s why you make a vow to yourself- right there in the bullpen. 
You are not going to let this get too far too fast, and you are not going to scare this man away. He is your boss first, friend second, and lover will never make that list if you keep up this fast train of realizations and possible confessions.
You get saved from your rabbit hole as you hear Reid and Morgan walk into the bullpen, talking about whatever those two can talk about at 8 AM. You just shake your head at their antics.
Those two really are like brothers.
Slowly, the rest of the team trickles in, and you’re expected for a day of paperwork when JJ flashes a file at you. Seems like you won’t your day of reprieve, but if you’re honest with yourself, you’re glad.
On top of the Aaron Revelations™, It’s been really hard these past few weeks without Haley. You usually went over to see Jack and her often, talking and laughing over some glasses of wine. Now, you just... don’t have that.
But, all that aside, you have a case.
So you put the pieces of yourself back together, compose yourself, and take a breath.
You can do this.
You can’t do this.
You did fine on the case, and you know that. You remained composed, and kept your head on straight. That doesn’t change your realization, nor does it settle your feelings. Professionalism is at the forefront of your mind as you settle into your seat on the jet. Aaron sits next to you like always, and you school your expression for most of the flight, but that didn’t stop your brain from going faster than light.
You lean your head against the window, and hope against hope that everything- every feeling, every thought- would just leave you. They didn’t, but you welcome the sleep that comes like an unknown force.
When you wake, you smell Aaron’s cologne. You’re groggy, and it takes you a minute to realize that his suit jacket rests across your upper body. 
“You looked cold, just thought I’d help,” Aaron says, not looking up from his file.
That man never stops working.
“Thanks, Hotch,” You say, sleep still laced through your words. You get lost in the moment, the familiarity of it all sinking into your bones. You smile blissfully, sleep consuming your conscious again
You just miss the small smile Aaron gives you after your eyes close, sleep taking your body again.
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nalu4emily · 3 years
So I wanted to write a story based on chapter 74 of FT 100YQ. Mostly, I was happy with it, but I wanted to make it even more Nalu, and this was the result.
Yes, I am aware that this wouldn't actually happen, but it's fun to write up something that diverges from canon just a little, that's what fanfiction is for, so indulge me.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and if not, you can always read the real thing. :)
Summary:  With Lucy as the newly created Yokai - Nure-Onna - How is Natsu going to handle her snake like form and find a way to bring her back to him in one piece?
"It… hurts… But it feels so good…" He was being crushed between Lucy's sizeable chest, wrapped up in a crushing hold by her tail… "Hold on! You… Your legs! What's wrong with your body?!" He freaked, catching sight of the scaly snake like tail that held a vice-like grip around his body, making it hard for him to breathe.
As he stared into her eyes, he could no longer see those beautiful big brown orbs that once held so much love and care for others, now they were slitted and golden, almost predatory and followed his every move. Her face held nothing of the Lucy that once was, only the monster that she had become—what those witches had turned her into. He squirmed, tried to wriggle free which only made her coil tighter, a sickening smile adorning her cheeks. She was enjoying his struggle.
"Dammit! How's she so strong?!" He grunted, trying his hardest to fight against her bone breaking grip.
The nure-onna chuckled lightly, bringing her face slowly closer to the man in her hold, "Natsu." She called, her voice taunting, laced with darkness. Natsu could do nothing but stare, sweat dripping down his face as the sexy, snake girls lips were practically on top of him, gliding smoothly over his skin. "I'm gonna eat you up." She growled, licking her lips, the heat of her mouth fanned across his, giving him goosebumps. She opened it further, allowing her slippery tongue to glide over his cheek, causing a gasp and yelp to escape him.
This wasn't like Lucy; she would never be so… snaky, "Hey! You gotta change back, Lucy!" He was desperate now; he didn't want to see any more of this.
"Could you not talk so loudly into my chest?" Her tail unravelled from around the boys body and stuck the end of it straight into his mouth and down his throat, choking him. Without warning, she grabbed him around the middle and threw his body up into the air, before slamming him down onto the ground.
"Aargh! Damn, Lucy, that hurt!" He grunted, straightening himself back up, balling his hands into fists, brows furrowing as if battling his own internal conflict.
"But I thought you said it felt good when it hurt?" She chuckled lowly, licking her lips once again as she circled the boy, waiting for the right moment to strike. "Maybe I'll show you just how much I'd like to hurt you!"
"This isn't like you! Snap out of it!" He raised his voice, like he was trying to call to the other Lucy—his Lucy. "I don't wanna have to fight you, but I will if I gotta…" He lowered his voice, adorning a battle stance as he challenged the Lucy looking monster before him.
"Bad choice, Natsu... Now, you're mine!" She launched forward before the boy could even see what was happening and shoved him down into the ground again, coiling the end of her tail around his neck and dragged him up into the air. She approached the gasping young man, another small laugh rumbling through her chest. "You look tasty." Using her strong appendage she brought him back to her face, an evil glint in her golden irises that told him she'd won this before it even began.
He felt trapped, he didn't want to fight her but also felt like he had no choice, if he waited much longer, he'd be a goner for sure. Whilst she was distracted, he lifted his fist to the top of her tail and raised the temperature in it. She gasped and looked down, a fiery hand sizzling her scales, enough to scare her off and retreat but not enough to burn her.
Natsu dropped to the floor, coughing and spluttering, trying to refill his lungs of lost breath. He managed to stand up once again, a pained expression with hands encased in fire, ready and waiting.
"I'm mad now snake-Lucy." He leapt at her, fist drawn back about to strike her head on when he stopped.
"Natsu! Stop! It's me!" Lucy held up her arms in front of her face, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, "Natsu!"
His own eyes widened. A moment of hesitation; a moment of hope.
Had she returned to him?
Giving her the opening she needed, she used the water to swirl around him, trapping him in her spell. She cackled, "You fell for it!" Slithering over to the boy, she forced him against the rock and used her newly found strength to hold him there, nearly breaking his back in the process. He groaned in pain. "What part should I devour first?"
Stuck in place, partially submerged under the water and unable to use his magic, he simply watched her ogle his body, using her hands to squeeze his muscular form, salivating by the feel of his muscles in her palms.
"Lucy… Please… I don't want to hurt you!" He grunted through the stinging of his skin scraping against the sharp rock behind him.
"Hurt me? Oh, Natsu... Do you not see yourself? With you as my opponent, I'd already won." She licked across his jaw and down to the scar on his neck, sucking on it harshly enough to bruise. "You're my prey and I'm going to savour every last inch of your hot body."
Sweat began beading across his face again, gritting his teeth through the discomfort of Lucy's mouth pulling and tugging on areas he hadn't known were so sensitive until now. In any other circumstance, this would have been quite the turn on. Nights had gone by where he'd dreamt of Lucy doing this to him, to feel her sweet mouth on his...
His eyes grew wide as an idea slowly formed in his head. That was it! The perfect way to win! To use her new found dominance against her. And he'd be lying if the thought wasn't a little exciting, even in her snake form. He just hoped she wouldn't remember when she finally returned to normal, for her own sake.
As she grazed over his nipple, a small hum of satisfaction rumbled through his chest, catching the snakes attention. "Hmm… You seem to like my touch." She said, gripping hold of the erect bud once again and twisting it this time. "How about that? You like that, too?"
He winced and hissed as she continued her sweet torture on his now sore nipple, but remained quiet nonetheless. As hard as it was not to moan from the pleasurable soreness, he needed to see if she'd take the bait and let down her guard.
Just as planned, the man eating serpent did just that. Pressing her mouth to the sore area and grazing it with her teeth. She eyed the boy above her, revelling in the contorted expressions he pulled, all the while becoming more and more distracted from her main goal—which he assumed was to devour him.
As he endured Lucy's heavenly mouth bite and suck his skin, Natsu held down his small victory as her grip began to slacken, giving him more and more freedom to move. Just as her tongue was about to lick over his lips, his teeth unexpectedly snapped at the wet muscle and bit down on it, causing her to yelp and jerk backwards, freeing him. He smirked, bringing his newly liberated hands up and encased the back of her head with them, holding her in place.
"You've had your fun, Snake-Lucy, but now it's my turn!" He growled, raising the temperature around them, slowly evaporating the water she'd created.
Hissing at the boy, the snake attempted to escape, yanking and pulling at his arms but his grip was unyielding. Stinging her scales with his heat, she struggled, not liking how the tables had turned in his favour.
"Natsu! It's burning! Natsu, please, you wouldn't hurt me, not your Lucy!" She screamed in a panic, writhing under the intense heat of his body.
He feigned sympathy, a worried look luring her into a false sense of security. He pulled her close, his hands cupping her clammy cheeks, "You think I'd fall for that again?" He smirked, brushing his lips up against hers.
He could hear the voice of one of Selene's minions, giving away just which of those bitches did this to Lucy, "Huh… I was sure she'd beat him! No matter, she was one of the weakest Yokai in my arsenal anyway."
"Weakest, you say?" Natsu may have been looking into Lucy's eyes as he spoke, but he was addressing the one he'd just made his next target, "If you knew Lucy, then you'd realise she's not weak."
"Of course she is! My Yokai would never humiliate me by losing!" Youko's voice was laced with disgust for the nure-onna she had created. "How pathetic!"
"Why you-"
"It seems it's true…" Lucy's voice cut through, a soft whimper as she stopped her struggle, her forlorn expression pulling at Natsu's heartstrings. It was the face of a girl who was giving up. Her eyes shone with the water droplets that were yet to fall, her irises flittering between golden and brown.
"Nothin' that thing says is true, Lucy, don't listen to her!" Natsu tried to make her see reason; to talk some sense into the girl who'd been turned into a monster.
"Even as a Yokai with all the magic power of Elentir, I'm still so weak." A lone tear fell from her eyes and Natsu knew with a little push, Lucy—human Lucy—just might come back to him. "Do what you must, I've no place as a human or Yokai…"
Natsu stared in shock; she was just going to except her fate? To give up? This wasn't like her—this wasn't her and there lay the problem. "Lucy, don't you dare give up, you're stronger than this… Than them up there. What they've done to you is unforgivable, and I'mma be sure to make 'em all pay, but first you gotta come back to me." In the deepest depths of those golden slits, he could see that his best friend was still in there trying to reach out to him. He knew she was, all she needed was that extra bit of encouragement.
"See! I told you, worthless! I should have just killed her and saved everyone the trouble." Youko laughed maniacally, spurring her comrades to cheer and laugh too.
"She's right, I'm just a burden not worth your time, just end this already, I'm tired of waiting." Snake-Lucy let more tears fall in her frustration, her thoughts conflicted and her heart in pieces.
"Fine, I'll end this." Natsu grabbed a hold of her cheeks and brought her face to his, welding their lips together in a fierce and heated embrace.
At first the nure-onna fought against it, but the longer he held on, the less she resisted until she all but melted into it, eventually responding to his inexperienced but determined ministrations. Their mouths danced in a steady rhythm with their tongues interloping, albeit, a little awkwardly.
Natsu fought to show just how much she mattered to him, to show her place in his heart and how deeply he cared for the Lucy that'd always been by his side. He loved her, there was no doubt about that and when they finally pulled apart, he looked deep into her eyes and smiled at what he saw. Those beautiful big brown orbs that shone with the love and care she had for everybody, even her enemies, had returned.
There she was—his Lucy—in all her two legged, naked, glory.
"But that's impossible! I turned her into a Yokai; how did she manage to change back so easily?!" Youko shouted, but neither Natsu nor Lucy took any notice, too entranced in each other.
"Natsu…" The blonde whispered, bringing her hand up to his face to caress his cheek, a small smile adorning her features, "Thank you."
And with that, her eyes closed shut; her body falling limp in his arms. Totally exhausted and her magic spent, the relieved slayer laid her on the ground, hidden from view trying to cover as much of her nakedness as possible. Once satisfied nothing would run into her whilst she slept, he stood back up, his eyes covered by his hair and spoke now directly to the women on top of the mountain.
"I hope you realise now, attacking my friends was a big mistake! Not only are they strong but we share a bond that'll never be broken by the likes of you." Natsu ignited his entire body, his eyes grew serious and angry.
Youko, still shocked by what'd just happened, felt a little fearful of the boy surrounded by flames; maybe they'd underestimated their opponents?
"I hope you're ready, 'cause I'm coming for ya and I won't stop until I see you all burn!"
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Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?” Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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sunnypogue · 4 years
Can you do one where rafe visits you at your half time job after practice with his friends
based off that one tiktok I posted a while ago but can’t be bothered to link bc I’m on my phone.
since you were paying for college on your own, you had picked up a part-time job at a local diner - something you had been balancing since your freshman year.
it was decent job - you were never scheduled for weekends, the clientele was mostly older locals, and your regulars liked you enough to tip well.
well, one of your regulars.
“baby!” a voice boomed through the almost-empty diner, the little bell on the door ringing in the background.
your head shot up, almost missing the cup you were refilling at table seven. you shot your obnoxious boyfriend and his friends a glare, before apologizing to the woman you had almost dumped water all over. she gave you a wordless grimace in return.
you turned away from the table, smoothing your red apron down, before pointing a finger at a booth in the corner of the restaurant. “go.”
rafe and his three teammates grinned, shoving their way to their table.
it had become a bit of a tradition for rafe to visit you on your Tuesday night shifts. his practice ended an hour before your shift, so he would kill time by ordering some food and watching you attempt to balance plates on a tray.
it had also become a tradition for him to practice his shitty pick up lines on you while you worked.
“what do you guys want?” you asked, approaching the table of sweaty hockey players.
“hey honey - you on the menu?” rafe grinned.
you gave him a blank look, “okay, bud light and a burger for you. anyone else hungry?”
when you brought their beers over, rafe leaned over just enough to smack your ass (which was sensitive from the night before), causing you to squeal - of course, drawing attention from the other patrons.
“rafe,” you hissed, smacking at him. “I’m at WORK.”
“and you make it look so good.”
rafe gave a deep wolf whistle when you returned with the food (and another round of beers) - in retaliation, you grabbed a handful of his fries.
third round of beers had him asking for your number - you wrote it down, handing it to his teammate clark, instead.
“call me,” you whispered, giving clark a wink, before giving rafe the finger.
rafe just laughed.
the bill consisted of you sliding the receipt on the table, only for rafe to immediately throw down two $100 bills.
“keep the change, you little slut.”
you gasped, looking back at the lone customer at the bar. “baby!” you hissed, half embarrassed, half turned on.
“yeah, you little whore.”
you blinked, turning your attention to the right hand side of the booth, where rafe’s teammate james sat.
the table was silent.
you flushed, going to gather the check, when you watched rafe lean over the table, hands gripping the sides.
“you wanna fucking die, bud?”
you watched as james’ mouth opened and shut twice, trying to summon the words to explain why the fuck he said what he said.
“you don’t get to say that shit. got it?”
james nodded. you blushed, smacking rafe’s arm. “no brawling. this is a family establishment.”
rafe sat back down, turning his attention back to you.
“yeah? I bet we can make it...not a family establishment.”
you groaned, “jesus christ rafe. what does that even mean?”
he grinned, “whatever you want it to mean, baby.”
398 notes · View notes
svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Uncertainty (Frat boy!Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Frat boy!Harry, use of alcohol, mentions of sexual assault, Harry being a sweet angel because I can’t picture him being anything else.
Author’s Note: Another request that waranted its own post! I wrote this one with a bit of a possibilty for continuation (if anyone is interested??) Anyways, thank you the anon for the request! Frat boy!Harry makes my heart scream. Let me know what else you’d like for me to crank out for you lovelies! Take care and tpwk.
Of all places Harry had expected to bump into her outside of class, his frat house on a Friday night was definitely at the bottom of the list. One minute, he was taking shots of tequila with his bed buds in the dining room and the next, he found his whole world coming to a halt when he saw her work her way through the sweaty, intoxicated crowd and move towards the kitchen for a drink. He swore the music stopped and everything around him had ceased to exist in the moment he saw her throw her head back in laughter at something her friend said, exposing her neck and chest to the open air.
“Who’s she?” one of his fraternity brothers asked with a nudge to Harry’s shoulder, clearly aware that Harry had temporarily abandoned the conversation he was having to gawk at the party’s newest arrival.
Harry snapped out of his daze in which he was staring at her bare legs that shimmered in the dim light of the frat house due to her lotion and a thin veil of sweat to see his brother staring at him as if he was the dumbest man alive.
“Hmm? Oh, her?” Harry pointed towards the girl in question with the neck of the beer bottle he had been nursing on all night.
“I sit by her in calculus... Just didn’t think I’d ever see her ‘round here is all.”
The boy standing beside Harry nodded hesitantly, though he was far too intoxicated to press him any further. Harry would never admit it to anyone as long as he lived, but he had quite the soft spot for this girl. He had no explanation for the way he felt inside when she smiled at him every time she took her seat before class. He had no explanation for how bummed he was when she’d skip a day, or how relieved he was when she’d burst into the room late with a large iced coffee in her hands. He used any and every excuse he could to get her to talk to him, to say anything to him in that voice of hers that he found to be sickly sweet.
But she didn’t run with the people that he ran with. She didn’t spend every weekend blackout drunk and wake up in a stranger’s bed that she knew she’d never see again. She was shy and quiet for the most part and was very much the polar opposite of everyone Harry went for both in terms of friendships and in one night stands. Which was exactly why Harry could never figure out what it was that he wanted from her. Did he want to shag her a few times and then pretend as if she never existed? Did he just want to be her friend that he could lay around with and watch stupid romantic comedies on Netflix with? Did he want to, dare he say it, date her? Take her out for nice dinners and fall asleep holding her in his arms? He didn’t know the answer to any of those questions. She was simply different than all of the people Harry had associated himself with in college. And Harry, as scared as he was to say or even think it, liked that.
One might think that now would be the perfect opportunity for Harry to get to know this girl that he had been tied up over for the past several months given that she was attending a party at his own frat house, but he couldn’t bring himself to approach her. Instead, he drowned his feelings in shots of bitter liquor and half-assed games of beer pong. He figured that whatever had enticed her to come to this party certainly didn’t involve him, and it was best that he kept his distance. She’d passed by him a few times to refill the red, plastic cup she clutched like an accessory, but she never once looked his way.
Several hours had passed since her arrival and Harry, being the heavy partier that he was, had almost completely forgotten about her. The bass-heavy music pumped through his veins along with the icy burn of whatever he was drinking at the moment, and he was too preoccupied with the tiny blonde grinding her backside against his front to remember that she was even present at this party. He had forgotten she existed. That was until he broke away from the buzzing bodies and lager-soaked living room floor to use the restroom.
The downstairs powder room was always taken, so he opted for the one upstairs where all of the bedrooms were. When he pushed open the door, he was greeted by quite the debacle. His blood ran cold and every bit of alochol that worked to keep him at a happy buzz had left his system. The girl from his math class was there, and she was perched on the lip of the bathtub with her arms crossed. She was there, in his bathroom, but she was not alone.
“C’mon, sexy,” the inebriated, smelly man beside her pleaded, “Just come back to my room for a bit. Promise I’ll make you feel good.”
“I don’t want toooooo,” she slurred her words and pouted as if she were a temperamental toddler.
Had Harry not immediately recognized what was going on, he would have thought it was quite adorable.
“Yes, you do, baby. C’mon, it’s just right around the corner,” Harry’s fellow fraternity brother nagged.
He tried to pull her up by her limp arm, but she was dead weight against the porcelain tub, clearly too drunk to be going back to anyone’s bedroom with anyone and certainly not with a man Harry knew for a fact that she had never seen before in her life. The sight of what was going on made Harry sick to his stomach and the hairs on his neck stand up. He knew he had to intervene before this man could take her any further.
“Hey, man,” Harry commanded the attention of his disgusting, vile frat brother that he wanted nothing more than to punch square in between his eyes, “Ye’ ex was lookin’ for ye’ in the backyard. Seemed pretty pissed.”
Harry didn’t even know who his ex was, nor did he know whether or not she was even at the party, but he prayed that his lie was enough to make him leave before Harry had to handle him more aggressively.
“Fuck,” the man hissed to himself before making a beeline out of the cramped bathroom and towards the stairs as if he wasn’t just attempting to drag an almost lifeless girl back to his room.
“Hey,” Harry’s tone was much softer when he bent down to her level and spoke to the girl from his math class, “You alright?”
“No,” she grumbled, “I really want some chips.”
This made Harry scoff and the tiniest of smiles creep onto his lips. At least she was so far gone that the events that unfolded in the bathroom just now had failed to resonate with her.
“Waaaaait a minute,” she paused, “I know you. You’re Henry,” she jabbed her finger against Harry’s chest.
“I know you, too, Y/N,” Harry played along, ignoring the fact that he called her Henry as he inspected her body for her purse, which was, thankfully, still wrapped around her torso.
He dug around the small, black bag for her cell phone, which he, unfortunately, found out had no battery left.
“Do ye’ know where your friend is?” he enunciated slowly and assertively to her a bit like one would if they were talking to a baby.
The girl with smudged mascara under her eyes shrugged her shoulders and sighed.
“I saw her taking shots with some guy named Michael...or was it Matthew... and then I think she went off with some guy from her econ class. Or maybe it was the girl from her Women’s Studies class. I don’t really know,” the girl whined as if thinking too hard about where her friend had gone was giving her a headache.
“Was someone supposed to come get ye’?” Harry pressed her further.
“She was supposed to drive!” Y/N exclaimed, realizing now the predicament she was in.
Harry couldn’t believe how shitty of a friend this girl had. Not only had she disregarded her role as the designated driver, but she’d left her completely alone and drunk off her ass to fend for herself. The thought of what would have happened to her had Harry not miraculously stumbled into the bathroom made his skin crawl.
“Okay then,” he stood up from where he was squatted and outstretched his arms towards her, “Up. Let’s go. I’ll take ye’ home. Ye’ don’t need t’ be here anymore.”
“I don’t wanna go hooooooome. I wanna stay hereeee” the intoxicated girl shook her legs against the tub.
Any other girl and Harry would have just left her be, but he felt something inside of him that compelled him to take care of this girl and see to it himself that she made it home safe and unharmed. He couldn’t bear to think of waking up the next morning and having to listen to one of his fraternity brother’s brag about how good of a shag she was or about how embarrassing it was for her to be that drunk at a party.
“What if I take ye’ t’ get chips on the way?”
After about 20 minutes of trying to pressing Y/N to get her to tell him where she lived, Harry was finally able to find her apartment building. He took her through a drive-thru in the sketchy part of town because it was the last place open and he had promised the girl some chips and he was a man of his word. He was reluctant on doing so, seeing as he didn’t want to make this situation any weirder than it already was (him driving home the girl he sat beside in Calculus and only talked to for the duration of the 3 hours per week that they were in class who just so happened to be drunk out of her mind), but his hesitancy quickly left his system when her eyes lit up upon taking a greasy, brown bag filled with the salty snack from his hands.
“You’re my hero, Harry,” Y/N fake-cried (or maybe she was actually crying, Harry wasn’t sure at this point nor would he have been surprised).
“Look at us. Math buddies. Hangin’ out together. Who woulda thought,” she giggled as she stuffed a crispy potato past her lips that were covered in her smudged lipstick. 
Harry chuckled to himself, unsure of what to say to Y/N. He opted to continue driving her home in silence while she munched on her late night snack and sipped on her small cup of water that he insisted she drink all of. She didn’t say anything else either, to which Harry was thankful for.
It took Y/N a bit longer than usual to clank her fingers around her bag to retrieve her keyring, and even longer to figure out which key was the key that would let her into her locked apartment. Harry had done far more than anyone would have, but he still couldn’t shake the feeling like he couldn’t leave her side until she was sleeping peacefully in her bed.
He walked her through her apartment and to her bedroom with one hand hovering over the small of her back in case she lost her balance. Harry wasn’t sure what he’d ever pictured her room to look like, but it suited her, he thought to himself. He noticed some vinyl records in the corner of some of his favorite artists, ones that his friends always made fun of him for listening to. It was a bit messy; there were a few piles of clothes discarded on her floor, but having grown up with his mum and sister his whole life, it led him to believe she had probably been frantic trying to find something to wear to the party at his frat house and just neglected to pick up her mess before she left.
“Ye’ want to take ye’ dress off or somethin’?” Harry asked her.
“Harry, I am NOT having sex with you,” Y/N mumbled as she plopped down onto her fluffy bed.
“‘s not wha’ I meant. Where are do you keep ye’ pajamas? That dress is gonna leave ya sore in the mornin’ if ye’ sleep in it.”
Seeming content with his answer, she tilted her head in the direction of her dresser.
“Middle drawer.”
Harry left her side for a split second while he rifled through her clothes and returned with an oversized university t-shirt that Harry also owned himself. He unfolded it and laid it in her lap.
“NO peeking,” the girl insisted, to which Harry held his hands up in surrender and turned his back to face the corner of her room.
He could hear her struggling to get out of her clothes, but he didn’t dare spin back around in the chance that he saw her undressing and it caused any more strain in their already confusing arrangement. His mind was already flooded with how awkard it would be in the morning when she woke up and realized he had been inside of her home. How she would react when she saw him in class on Monday and whether or not she would yell at him for crossing the line. Really, all he wanted was to make sure she was alright.
Harry was pulled from his thoughts when Y/N called his name in that voice that he adored so much.
“I’m stuck.”
“Can I turn around and help ye’?” Harry treaded lightly.
“Pleaaaaase,” she slurred.
Harry was greeted by the sight of Y/N tangled up in the straps of her dress, not even having been able to pull it over her body. He couldn’t even count the number of times he’d undressed women in the past and how it came as second nature to him when fooling around, but this time, he was beyond nervous. His fingers hesitated to even graze over her bare skin, to untangle her arms from the complicated fabric that trapped her. She was wearing a mismatched bra and underwear, which seemed very much like Y/N’s personality, he thought to himself. Of course, he wasn’t going to deny that she looked incredible underneath her clothes and he wished he was seeing her like this under different circumstances, but that wasn’t what mattered now.
Trying his hardest not to stare, he quickly guided Y/N’s head through the hole of the t-shirt and helped her put her arms through to avoid her getting stuck in her own clothes again. The material fell down below her thighs, so that only the very bottom of her bum was visible to him. God, she looked beautiful.
“Harry,” she whispered to him, as if she were afraid someone would overhear.
“Why are you being so nice to me? Is it because I help you in Calculus all of the time?”
“I’m actually not tha’ bad at Calculus, Y/N,” Harry snickered to himself as he searched around her bed for her cell phone charger, “’M quite good at it, really.”
“Then why do you always ask me about the homework every time I come in?” she pushed as she watched him pull her phone out of her bag once more and plug it up to the power source.
“Don’t know,” Harry shrugged, “Just like talking to ye’ I guess.”
“Okayyyyyyyyyyyy. If it’s not that, then why are you here? We’re not friends.”
She was still far too intoxicated to comprehend exactly what was going on right now, but the fact that she was starting to sober up and form cohesive sentences was making Harry antsy. 
He figured he had overstayed his welcome and that it was time to bug off before she started to ask anymore questions. That, and he wasn’t sure he was able to answer any more of her questions.
“Just didn’t feel like waking up t’ ye’ passed out in my bathroom floor is all. I’m gonna go now, do ye’ want me to get ye’ anything?” Harry lied as he swiped his thumbs under her eyelashes to wipe away the black smudges under her eyes the best that he could.
“Nope,” she responded with a pop of her lips before crawling back into the comfort of her bed.
She seemed to fall asleep almost immediately, to which Harry took that as his cue to leave. He backed out quietly, shutting the door behind him and tip-toeing down her hallway. He knew it was weird to rummage through her kitchen, but he felt compelled to make sure she would be taken care of when she woke in the morning. 
Harry discarded the wrapper from their little chip excersion into her bin, and filled up a glass of water and placed it on her counter. On his first try, he’d managed to find her medicine cabinet and sat a bottle of pain reliever beside the cup, knowing good and well that she’d need a handful of the small pills when she got up. 
He decided to check on her one last time before he buggered off for real this time, wanting to double check that she hadn’t choked on her own vomit and died whilst he was in her kitchen snooping about. She probably fine and dead to the world by now, but he wanted one last look at her before he went.
As he’d expected, she was perfectly fine. Her hair was tangled all around her head in a messy nest and small, adorable little snores left her parted lips as she slept. He could just barely make out her underwear-clad bum sticking out from the blanket, in which Harry found to be heart-warming for some reason. The girl that had taunted his brain for months and was seemingly untouchable to him looked so incredibly human at this moment.
Running a ringed hand through his now greasy, chocolate curls, he felt his mission was complete and left her alone to sleep and locked her door on his way out. It made Harry’s heart twinge knowing he’d most likely never see her like this again.
When Y/N woke the next day (very well into the afternoon, might she add), she felt strange. She was struggling to remember exactly what happened to her last night having just woken up, but what she did know that she had a headache from hell. 
As she drug herself out of bed to do the only thing she knew for certain would cure her hangover which was cook a large breakfast for only herself, she noticed a glass of water and pain medicine sitting on her counter by her coffee pot. The events of last night were murky, and she barely remembered what happened after her fourth drink, but she was almost positive she now recalled someone else being in her apartment with her.
She was uncertain, but had an inkling that, for some reason, it was the boy she sat beside in Calculus.
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Hold On Loosely
So, this was originally in the process of being written for a zine, but I wound up dropping out due to aphobia in the project. Which, well, sucked, and was one of the contributing factors of my less-than-great mood these past few days.
But, I wound up finishing the fic as its own thing, so I hope y’all enjoy. Have some pre-canon broganes fluff to lift the spirits.
Word Count: 2,545 Characters: Keith & Shiro Read on AO3 My house, my rules, my ko-fi
“Ooh, you know what looks good?” Shiro said, looking up from the table’s menu to grin over at Keith. “The chocolate lava cake. What do you say, you wanna split it with me?”
Keith shrugged, tilting his head to glance at the menu as well. He swallowed his bite of steak before slowly replying, “I dunno, it’s - it’s kind of expensive.”
“I told you, Keith, tonight’s my treat. Come on, if you don’t split it with me, I’ll just order it and eat the whole thing myself, and I will definitely get sick. So…”
“All right, fine, I’ll have the cake.”
“Great!” Shiro’s grin broadened as he waved their waitress down to place the order. “Every celebration needs cake,” he added to Keith as the waitress left. “Anyone who tries to limit it to birthdays is just close-minded.”
“I still don’t really think we, um, need to be celebrating,” Keith said.
Shiro huffed in mock exasperation. “Bud, your grades were great, you’re being too hard on yourself.”
“I didn’t even get all A’s or anything. And I had a C in Professor Antonsen’s class - ”
“Keith, I assure you, her class is the hardest in the whole academy. Matt didn’t even get an A in it. Chin up.” Shiro reached across the table with his fork, the last bite of his salmon still on the tips of the prongs, and tilted Keith’s head up to look at him. “Hey. I’m really proud of you. I mean it. You did great work, and you deserve to celebrate.”
Keith stared at him for a moment, as though mulling his words over, then a tiny smile escaped him as he tilted his head down and ate the bite of salmon off of Shiro’s fork, too quickly for the latter to move it out of the way.
“Barbaric,” Shiro gasped. “Have you no manners at all?”
Keith just smirked, making a show of chewing loudly before he swallowed and said, “Still, we didn’t have to go somewhere all fancy like this. I would have been fine with just burgers or pizza or something.”
“Well, sure, but I was really in the mood tonight for a place with tablecloths, you know? It’s a big night.”
“They’re just grades.”
Shiro shrugged and set his fork down. “All right, time for me to confess. The reason I decided to go fancy is that we’re actually celebrating two things tonight.” Keith raised a brow, and Shiro went on. “I actually got some pretty big news today. And since Adam’s busy until tomorrow and my parents are in another time zone, you, my dear friend, get to be the first to celebrate it with me.”
“What is it?” Keith asked.
“Now, I will tell you, they’re not officially announcing this until Monday, so don’t go spreading the word to your classmates before then and ruining the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
“So if anyone asks, you don’t know anything about it, okay? You’re gonna be just as excited by the announcement as - ”
“Shiro,” Keith groaned. “Now you’re just doing this on purpose.”
“You caught me.” Shiro smiled. “So. Guess who has been officially selected as the youngest pilot ever to lead a Garrison exploration mission.”
Keith’s eyes slowly widened. “You - you got the Kerberos spot?”
“I got the Kerberos spot.”
“That’s awesome!” Keith breathed. “Holy - you’re going straight to the edge of the solar system! Oh my god, you’re gonna be in textbooks, Shiro! You’re gonna be, like, a legit historical figure. That’s huge.”
“We always knew Earth’s atmosphere couldn’t contain me forever,” Shiro said with a smirk. “So, you’ve managed to get settled into the Garrison pretty well by now? Fitting in with your class? I know you’re doing well grade-wise so…”
“I guess, yeah,” Keith said with a shrug. “Why?”
“Nothing,” Shiro said, waving his fork dismissively. “I’m going to be pretty busy for a while, is all, and then I’ll be gone for the mission after. Just wanna make sure you’re ready for that.”
“Oh.” Keith's smile flickered, the corners of his mouth drooping for half a second before returning to their place. “Yeah. Yeah, ‘course I’m ready. I mean, I - I knew you were gunning for that spot on the mission, so it’s - so, yeah, you know, I knew this was coming. I mean obviously it was coming, you’re the best pilot in - you’re, um, you’re definitely - ”
“Keith?” Shiro raised his brow. “You all right?”
“Yeah. I hadn’t really thought about, uh, what I would be, um - ” He drummed his fingers against the table, then moved to lift his knife and fork and start carving up what remained of his steak. “But that’s - that’s not important. It isn’t. We’re celebrating. And - and - and you got the Kerberos spot, and I got my grades, and that’s good, this is good news, it is, I’m happy! I’m happy for you. I’m very - ”
Gently Shiro reached across the table and laid his hand on Keith’s arm. “You’re starting to carve up your plate, there, bud.”
Keith blinked down at his knife, then, with a slow breath, he dropped the cutlery and pulled back. “Sorry. Sorry, I wasn’t… paying attention. Shit, hang on.” He ground the heels of his hands into his eyes and mumbled, “I’m okay. I’m fine. Got a little… overwhelmed… by the good news. Just need a minute to, uh, to process.”
“Everything all right here?” came a soft voice behind Shiro’s shoulder, and he jumped in his seat, banging his knee on the table and whipping his head around to see their waitress, their cake in her hands and her face apologetic. “Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Shiro said. “You’re fine. Thanks, it looks delicious.”
“Can I, uh, get you anything else?” the waitress asked, glancing toward Keith who was hastily trying to scrub at his eyes as she set the cake down on the table. “A drink refill or… some tissues, maybe?”
“We’re fine, thank you,” Shiro replied. “Uh, take your time with the check, please.”
The waitress nodded and hurried from the table. Keith, meanwhile, pushed his chair back, his head down and hair falling into his face as he mumbled, “I think I need the restroom…”
“Hey, hang on,” Shiro said, holding out his arm again as Keith stood. “Keith… you know, it’s okay if you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset,” Keith snapped.
“Uh-huh. I’ve told you before, bud. If you’re upset - or any other emotion - ” He added when Keith opened his mouth to protest - “You can tell me. I’m not gonna judge you for it, you’re not gonna be punished. It’s not good to bottle things up. Come on, talk to me.”
“It’s… nothing,” Keith said. He sighed and collapsed back into his chair. “It’s stupid. Sorry, I’m ruining tonight, aren’t I?”
“You’re not ruining anything.”
“Yes I am. You took me out to celebrate and I’m freaking out on you and raining on your parade and - and I should be happy about this. I am happy about this, I’m happy for you, so there’s - there’s nothing even to talk about.”
“Mmm.” Shiro tapped a finger thoughtfully against the edge of the cake plate. “You know, you’re allowed to feel more than one thing. You can be happy for me and still be upset. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Sure, but - ”
“Want me to start?”
Keith frowned. “Start what?”
“Sharing.” Keith still looked just as baffled, so Shiro continued. “I’m thrilled about the news, and I’m excited about the upcoming Kerberos trip, and I’m really proud of myself for having made it this far, especially so early in my career.”
“You should be,” Keith said with a fervent nod.
“But I’m kinda freaking out too. It’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, and I’m scared of messing up. There’s a ton of prep work that has to be done before the mission, which is going to be stressful and exhausting. And the mission is going to last for months, so I don’t know how claustrophobic or homesick or lonely I’ll get. I know I’m going to miss you. You, and Adam, and everyone else on Earth.
“I’m happy, yeah, but I’m all those things too. It’s a lot. But, I gotta admit, putting it all out there, out loud, it’s a bit of a relief. It’s on the table instead of on my shoulders, so now I don’t have to think so hard about what I’m dealing with, I can move on to actually dealing with it. And now it’s your turn”
Keith paused before saying, “I feel like you missed your true calling as a psychologist.”
“I’m young, I’ve got time to chase a bunch of callings. No changing the subject.”
Shiro waited patiently as Keith fidgeted in his chair, chewing at his bottom lip and focusing intensely on the dishes in front of him. Finally, though, he spoke up, so softly that Shiro had to strain to hear him: “I guess I’m… not ready… for you to go.”
Slowly Shiro nodded. “That’s understandable, Keith. I - ”
“It’s not, though,” Keith bit out. “It’s not like I haven’t been on my own before, right? And, hell, I’m a couple years off from being an adult, I shouldn’t - I shouldn’t still be - and it’s selfish, right? This is, like, your dream, Shiro, and all I’m thinking about is how I’m gonna - how I’m - ”
“Hey, hey,” Shiro said, keeping his voice low and soothing as he watched Keith bunch up the edge of the tablecloth in his fists. “It’s not selfish. Okay? I don’t want you thinking that for a moment. It’s you feeling your feelings, and there’s nothing selfish about that. If you were selfish, you wouldn’t be nearly so concerned about how your reaction is making me feel, right?”
Keith only shrugged. “And Keith, what’s this about being on your own?” Shiro continued. “Me being gone doesn’t mean you have to be alone.”
“It - it kinda does,” Keith mumbled. “I, um, I - I may have exaggerated, a bit, um, how I’m fitting in with my classmates.”
Shiro narrowed his eyes. “Are those other pilots still giving you a hard time? If they are, we need to go to your CO, file a report.”
Keith shook his head. “No, they aren’t - there haven’t been any other incidents or anything, just - I’m still not really - I’m not part of the group or anything. We have classes together, but that’s all. And you know I can’t get an ‘Adam’ of my own, I’ve - I told you about that, about how I don’t - so I don’t have friends, I don’t, not really. And I definitely don’t have a ‘partner’ or whatever, so that just leaves family, and - well, that’s you. Just you. That’s all I’ve got. And so if you’re gone…”
He let out a sniff and wiped his nose with the tablecloth. There was only so much the Garrison could do to instill table manners into their cadets. “Forget it. Like I said, it’s nothing.”
“That’s not nothing, Keith,” Shiro said. “That’s… that’s fair. That’s fair and valid and I’m glad that you told me.”
“Kinda ruined the whole ‘celebration’ vibe, though.”
“We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate before the mission. I, um - did - were you always worrying about this? The whole time I’ve been applying for the Kerberos spot?”
“I dunno. I wasn’t really thinking about it. Was trying not to, you know? It, um, wasn’t important.”
“When am I ever going to finally convince you that your worries are important?”
“More important than Kerberos?”
Keith snorted. “Shiro - ”
“You know, in the coming months I’m gonna be spending a lot of time preparing for the mission. Maybe we should come up with a game plan so you can do the same.”
“Shiro, you barely managed to convince the Garrison to let me into the academy, you’re never gonna convince them to let me join the mission.”
“Much as I’d love to have you, that’s not what I meant,” Shiro said with a little smile. “I meant that while I’m getting ready to go to Kerberos, we can get you ready to stay on Earth. We’ll go through the things you’re worried about, the things that you need to prepare for, and we’ll start planning for them.”
“How do you mean?”
“Like, okay, you’re worried about being lonely while I’m away. So let’s plan for that. We can talk to Adam, and Colleen, make sure you’re able to turn to one of them if you need anything at all. And we can even schedule some weekends out, get you some vacation from the Garrison to wind down. If you’re worried about keeping up with schoolwork while I’m around, we can contact your instructors to let them know, maybe see about any extra credit work you can do while I’m gone.”
Keith nodded slowly. “Okay. And, um, if I’m worried about… you know…” The tips of his ears went red as he mumbled, “Missing you?”
Shiro resisted the urge to tease him about the blush of embarrassment and instead broadened his smile. “I’m gonna miss you too, you know. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t?” Keith bit his lip, and Shiro would bet any amount of money that it was to hold back a smile. “We’ll figure something out. We’ll make sure to get a ton of pictures together before I go, for starters, and I can let you babysit my hoverbike while I’m gone.”
Keith’s mouth dropped open. “You’ll let me be in charge of your hoverbike?”
“Promise not to crash it?”
“I… can’t make that promise.”
“Promise you’ll try not to crash it?”
“That I can do.”
“I’ll take it. So we’ve got a plan in place, and we have plenty of time to come up with more. And if it helps, I swear, I’ll come back from Kerberos as soon as I possibly can. Sound good?”
“Yeah.” Keith nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Do you need a hug too?”
“No,” Keith said, spreading his arms out to accept one anyway. Shiro scooted his chair around the table to embrace him, rubbing Keith’s back as the latter sighed into his shoulder, and he didn’t let go of the hug until he felt Keith finally pull away.
“Now,” Shiro said, scooting back into place. “This cake has just been waiting to be eaten, and we should really help out.” He nodded toward Keith’s dessert fork . “Come on, I’ve seen the memes, I know you love cake.”
Keith let out a breath of a laugh as he lifted his fork and started to cut off a piece from the cake. “If you’d seen all the memes, you’d know I also love pizza.”
“Well, in a few years, when we’re celebrating you getting your first big mission and breaking the youngest-pilot record, we can go out for pizza instead. Deal?”
“Deal.” They both took their first bites of the cake at the same time, and Keith rolled his eyes as Shiro made a show of moaning in contentment at the taste. “By the way,” Keith said as he moved in for his second bite, “I really am happy for you. Cadet’s honor, I am.”
“Thanks, Keith,” Shiro said with a grin. “I’m happy too.”
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wildmichaelflower · 4 years
You’re All I See (Lyric taken from Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat)
Pairings: Ashton x Calum x AFAB Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Oral (Man receiving, man giving), Gentle vaginal sex between man and woman, gentle anal sex between man and man, Protected sex in a newly established relationship, Swearing, Mentions of beverage and food consumption
Word count: 2,622 words
Author’s note: I got @spicycal for this month’s fic event and I’ve had so much fun writing this piece! I hope you enjoy and it lives up to what you were expecting! 💖 And thanks to @h0tsos and @maluminspace for working with everyone and organizing the event!
    It was a tradition the boys had that they had a small get together with their close friends a week or so after coming back from tour, and it was to no one’s surprise that Ashton invited you. You had met him and Calum at your favorite coffeeshop, and the three of you had hit it off since. You were close to Luke and Michael, but it was nothing compared to the connection you had with the other two.
When you arrived at Calum’s house, you left yourself in, greeting Duke as he trotted to you.
“Hey bud!” You grinned and bent down to scratch his head, “Where’s your pops?”
“Here,” Cal grinned as he slid the back door shut, “Everyone’s out by the pool, I came to grab drinks.”
You nodded, standing up again and following him to the kitchen, grabbing the beverages before following him, being mindful of the small dog near your feet.
“Hey, you’re here!” Ashton beamed from his spot on one of the lounge chairs as you passed him his drink.
“Yeah, you think I’d pass up a chance to swim in Cal’s pool?” You teased, smirking at the man in question.
“Ha ha,” Calum rolled his eyes sarcastically but returned your grin, taking a sip of his drink as he relaxed on the chair next to Ash, petting Duke as he laid by his side.
You laughed, waving hello to Luke, Michael, and their partners, before going to set at the edge of the water, dipping your feet in. Michael kissed Crystal on the cheek before jumping into the pool, moving his hair out of his face before swimming closer.
“Hey you,” He grinned, “Glad we could join us.”
“’Course! Had to catch up with my boys after their ventures!” You smiled as Crystal and Sierra got in too, “How was tour, by the way?”
“Incredible, there’s no manifesting the energy of a show anywhere else.” Luke grinned before pulling off his shirt and slid into the water.
Ash nodded, “But it’s nice to be home, in our own beds.” He smiled at you briefly, before sharing a look with Cal, who nodded.
“And with the people we love.” He looked at you before standing up, pulling his shirt off and joining the others in the water.
You looked, respectably of course, but you couldn’t help but admire the work he had been putting into his arms, or the way the water made his chest gleam. You hadn’t noticed you were staring until Michael looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
Ashton came to sit by you shortly after, kicking water in your direction, sparking a lighthearted between the two of you and you declared yourself the winner when reached too far into the pool to scoop water to splash you, falling in instead.
“Laugh now, but I declare a rematch later,” He grinned before swimming to the stairs, getting out to pull of his wet shirt. You bit your lip as you watched, taking in how golden he looked in the sunlight. He caught you staring and sent a winking before sliding back into the pool.
Standing up, you went to find your drink, taking quick gulps to empty the can. You announced you were going to get another one and Michael offered to follow you to get refill for himself and Crystal. You threw the used metal in the recycling bin before the two of you headed inside. You barely stepped foot in the kitchen when Michael asked,
“So when are you making your move?”
You froze and shook your head, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Please,” He rolled his eyes, “I saw the way you watched Cal and Ash in the pool.”
You blushed and bit your lip, “We’re just friends.”
“Right, so you stare at me and Luke like that too? We’re flattered babe, but you’re taken,” He winked, teasing you.
You shook your head, laughing lightly, “No, I don’t..” You sighed and leaned back against the counter.
Michael watched you, both of you turning to the door as it slid open.
“Hey,” Luke walked in, “Is this the part where we tell you to talk to Ash and Cal?”
You blushed and whispered, “Is it really that obvious..?”
“To everyone but them, yeah.” Luke chuckled, “But to fair, their affections are obvious to everyone but you too.”
“What are you talking about? They just see me as a friend.” You looked up at him.
“And you just proved his point,” Michael grinned.
Luke nodded, “And let’s not forget the way the guys look at each other,” He turned his gaze to you, “You three clearly have shown there’s sexual attraction to each other, but there’s also a different way you all interact with each other. The three of you could be happy together, you just gotta have that conversation.”
You sighed and nodded, “You’re right..” You bit your lip before asking, “Have you had this kind of conversation with the guys?”
“At least three times a week during tour,” Michael rolled his eyes, annoyed, “And they kept saying ‘maybe when we get back’ and ‘mind your own business’. Luke and I knew we had to talk to you too about it, hoping you’d listen and to let you know that they had a crush on you too.”
“Ok..” You softly smiled, “I’ll talk to them before I leave.”
Luke and Michael, patted you on the back, then headed back out after grabbing their desired drinks and snacks.
The rest of the afternoon slipped by, and you and Ash were helping Calum clean up, Duke watching and yawning from his spot under the lounge chair.
“Thanks for the help,” Calum grinned as he stuffed opened wrappers into a trash bag, “I love having everyone over but the cleanup is always a hassle.”
“’Course mate, you know we love you..” Ash widened his eyes before correcting himself, “Love to help you, I mean, he chuckled nervously.
Calum blushed and smiled sheepishly as he tied up the bag, but you saw this as an opportunity to start the conversation.
“What if the three of us got together?”
Both boys dropped their garbage bags and stared at you.
“Wow, no beating around the bush huh?” Calum chuckled but nodded, “That’s something I thought about to.”
Ashton nodded, “I’ve had feelings for the both of you for the longest time, but was worried about screwing up our friendship, or having to choose between the two of you.”
You smiled and shook your head, “I want you both, always have, and not in just a sexual way.” You blushed, “Although there’s been some thoughts there too.”
Both boys chuckled and smirked at each other, then back at you.
“Before we do anything, romantically or sexually, we need to get all clarification out of the way.” Ashton looked at the both of you, watching as you nodded in agreement.
You three finished cleaning up before heading inside and heading to the living room, Duke following behind before finding one of his toys. You three discussed the relationship and its possibilities, agreeing that it would a poly relationship, with all the benefits, and you would keep it private until you fell into the flow of the relationship.
You bit your lip, nervous, before standing and kissing Ashton gently, grinning as he reciprocated before pulling away to include Calum.
When both boys pulled away, they had a gleam in their eye, and you admired the moment between the three of you before you were scooped up by the younger man. He carried you to his bedroom while Ashton followed.
You smirked and teased, “No beating around the bush huh?”
He chuckled and laid you on his bed, kissing you passionately, “We spent months ignoring our feelings, why hide them any longer?” He gently kissed your neck, rubbing your sides and smirking at the moans escaping from your lips.
Ashton watched, leaning against the doorframe, trying to find the best spot to come in before kneeling beside the both of you on the bed, giving Calum’s curls a light tug.
You both grinned at the groan he emitted, and the older man bit his lip before whispering, “Wanna feel those moans on my cock as you suck me. That ok with you?”
“Oh fuck yeah..” Calum grinned as you watched Ashton stand and slowly, teasingly, pull his trunks down.
The curly haired man let out a groan as Ashton’s cock came into view, getting on his knees and licking his tip.
“Fuck!” The older man locked eyes with Calum, biting his lip as he took more of him in his mouth.
You bit your lip and pulled your bikini bottoms down, getting turned on between watching the two men.
Ashton smirked as he watched you, moaning as his cock hit the back of Calum’s throat, “You wet pretty girl? Give us a show, rub your clit.”
You nodded, quickly following his request and letting out whimpers of pleasure.
“Good girl,” He smirked before gripping Calum’s curls, “And you, pretty boy,” he stopped to let out a moan as the younger man squeezed his balls, “Have me so damn close. Get me to cum and I’m sure pretty girl will return the favor,” He winked at you before throwing his head back in pleasure as Calum bobbed his head faster.
You groaned at sight and began to finger yourself, starting out slow but quickly building up speed as Calum dug his nails into Ashton’s thighs, preparing to swallow his load.
Almost on cue, Ash let out little gasps as he let go, watching as the other man swallowed everything before pulling off.
“Fuck, that was incredible,” Ashton panted, helping Calum to his feet before giving him a passionate kiss. Calum grinned against his lips, before pulling him closer and tilting his head back as the dark haired man nipped and sucked on his neck before pulling away and turning to you, who was on the edge of giving yourself an orgasm.
“Aw, poor pretty girl,” Ashton pouted teasingly, “Having to pleasure yourself.”
You whined, “Please Ash, need you both so bad..”
He chuckled and watched as Cal grab condoms from the bedside drawer, passing one over before ripping the package open carefully and sliding it on.
The blonde man moved closer to you, gently pulling your fingers out of your heat then slipping them into his mouth, letting out a small groan.
“Damn, the two of you together is amazing,” He smirked and licked his lips, “Gonna need to get more than a sample later,” He winked before kissing you and lining himself up at your entrance.
“Are you ready for my length lovely? I’ll go nice and slow,” He whispered, stroking your cheeks.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him sweetly, pulling away to moan as he slipped into you.
“Fuck lovely,” He praised, “You feel amazing..” He groaned as he waited for you to get comfortable. You squeezed his biceps to indicate you were ready for him to move, and he started his slow thrusts, holding you close as he made love to you.
Your other lover sat the end of the bed, watching with adoration at the scene in front of him. You looked at him pleadingly, hoping he would join beside you, and as if he could read your mind, he laid beside you, kissing you and rubbing your clit as Calum made his claim on your neck while you two made love. You whimpered in pure bliss, turning your head to watch both men show their adoration and it wasn’t long before you reached your high.
“Calum, Im- I’m gonna..” You groaned, clenching around him and slowly dragging your nails down his back.
“I know baby,” He smiled, listening to how your body moved for him, “Let go whenever you need, I got you.”
You clenched the sheets as your high approached, mumbling Calum’s name like a prayer. He groaned and Ashton kissed you both as he pulled out.
The three of you lay together in a sweaty, close cuddle, before you whispered, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you didn’t cum, Cal.”
He blushed, “Well, I was close, but was worried about going to far, and-“
“Make love to me then,” Ashton smiled, looking at him, “Your pretty mouth made me cum, let my ass do the same.”
Calum bit his lip and nodded as he pulled the old condom off carefully, throwing it away before taking the one he offered Ashton earlier back. Opening the package, he slipped the one on and kissed the older man.
“I’ll be gentle, of course,” He smiled, before standing up, letting the other man get into position.
You pulled your bikini top off, smiling as Ashton kissed both nipples before kissing you, “Hey pretty girl,” He whispered, watching as you made your lips down his neck and chest.
Calum watched as he applied lube to his cock, “Help him get relaxed lovely..” He gently rubbed some on Ashton’s hole, watching as he shivered.
After a few minutes of receiving gentle kisses and touches on various parts of his body, Ash nodded, “OK, I’m ready,” He gripped the sheets in preparation, smiling in appreciation as you kissed him.
You felt a gasp between your lips as Calum eased into the older man, biting his lip as he gauged his reaction.
“Holy fuck,” Ashton’s voice was caught in his throat, but he grinned in ecstasy. When he was adjusted to the younger man’s size, he instructed him to move.
Nodding, Calum began to thrust, groaning at how amazing the feeling was and realizing how lucky he was to have known both of you so intimately. Not to feel left out, you left kisses over Ashton’s body, making sure to leave a mark or two to find later. You only pulled away when you heard panting, watching as Calum approached his high.
“Fuck babe,” He groaned and clenched his eyes shut, “I’m so close!”
Ashton gripped the sheets, grinning, “Go ahead and let go pretty boy, make sure you make those noises we love so much.”
Calum’s pants continued before he let out a whine, his thrusts slowing down as he released into his condom. His legs buckled and he slowly sank to the floor, watching Ashton slowly move closer to you, the both of you making out before you went to get wet rags for everybody. Ashton helped his other lover to the bed, letting him discard the condom before pulling him in for cuddles. You came back, passing out the damp cloths and helped your two men get clean before joining in on the cuddles. You closed your eyes, feeling sleep take over but opened them when you heard Calum speak up.
“That was incredible, both of you. I’m glad we did this and had that conversation,” He smiled tiredly, snuggling more into Ashton’s chest.
You nodded, smiling softly and whispered, “I just hope this doesn’t end soon,” you bit your lip, laying your head on the older man’s stomach.
Ashton wrapped his arms around the both of you, “You’re all I see, when I think of the future, both of you are. I see us holding each other close, coming home from tour and being in the same house so we can cook together, shit, maybe even getting another dog,” He chuckled as his lovers looked up excitedly, kissing their foreheads, “But for now, let’s rest. Luke wants to go for a run in the morning and I gotta make sure I’m up in time to cover these marks.”
“Let him see them,” You mumbled, “It could be proof that his and Micahel’s words finally got through.”
Ashton and Calum chuckled, snuggling closer as you all drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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i-write-newsies · 3 years
(A/N): I decided to do some really simple and classic fluff after all the stuff in the last Oneshot. Hopefully, this one won't take me a literal MONTH. Hope y'all like it!! <33
- Modern
- Coffee Shop
- College
Jack POV:
Jack is a hopeless romantic. A hidden one for the most part, but a hopeless romantic nonetheless.
Truth be told, he's never been in too many relationships, at least not ones that lasted long. He's liked a few girls before, boys too, and even dated a few. But they lasted 3 months, tops. His record for the quickest breakup was after 5 hours when the person found another person to dote on.
Despite bad experiences like that, Jack remains infatuated with love and the idea of soulmates. He listens to romantic songs on repeat, would always be ready to lend you a romcom, and daydreams about perfect dates with some fill-in-the-blank person when he's supposed to be studying Art History.
But lately, that blank template has been gaining more qualities of a certain boy from school. A certain boy with dark brown curly hair, with an adorable hooked nose, with olive-green eyes and a shy smile.
The moment his mind finally puts the pieces of the person together, he shoots up from laying down in his bed. He quickly pauses the music and struggles to unlock his phone out of a mix of confusion and excitement.
He scrolls through his contacts to the K section, clicking on Katherine's contact and pressing the facetime button. "Pick up, Kath..." he nervously mutters.
Suddenly, her face appears on the screen, "Hey, Jack! What's up?" she then notices the half vacant, half nervous expression his face is showing.
"You doin' okay?" Kath asks, brows furrowed.
"Huh? Yeah! I uhhhh..." Kath waits patiently, knowing his ADHD makes him lose his train of thought all too easily.
"Right! So, you're the only one who knows about me bein' kind of a hopeless romantic..." Jack looks down slightly, and Katherine giggles, knowing his embarrassment around loving love.
"What? Does big ole Jack Kelly have a crush?"
"I don't know!" he gives an exasperated sigh, "Maybe!"
"Okay, okay, calm down cowboy. Now which lucky person has caught your eye this time?" Jack mutters something incoherent below his breath. "What? I can't hear ya."
"Davey Jacobs."
Davey POV:
Davey sighs, taking a look at his computer.
A 2000 word essay on a topic of his choice for History due in 1 month. He knows how much time he has to finish this, and he knows that he could wait until a week until it's due to start it and still finish it on time perfectly, but no matter the assignment, there would always be a thought gnawing at the back of his brain telling him he NEEDS to get it done right now. And so he does. But he knows he needs coffee to do so.
Davey carefully slips his computer into his crammed backpack, as well as his wallet. He plans on going to his favorite cafe. The coffee there tastes like shit (though he would never admit it), but he knows the staff, and some of the baristas even attend his school. There was one that stood out to him, a certain Jack Kelly
Davey isn't sure what's so interesting about the creative student. It could be his heavy 'Hatten accent, or maybe it's his enthusiastic puppy dog energy about anything. It's kind of... adorable, I guess. He looks down at the ground while walking, trying his best to hide his red face. Davey doesn't swear much, but fuuuuuck.
He likes Jack Kelly. Jack Kelly of all people. The guy who accidentally SHARPENED HIS FINGER IN A PENCIL SHARPENER ONCE. Davey sighs, Jack may be an idiot, but no one can deny that it's charming in a way. He has tons of golden retriever energy.
Davey doesn't know what to do.
He sits down in a corner booth to avoid as much human contact as possible. He opens up his laptop and opens the tabs needed for his project. He slips on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and attempts to block out the thoughts of Jack Kelly. The essay is number one priority right now. Suddenly, Davey sees a looming figure out of the corner of his eye. He snaps his neck up to see...
Oh no.
"What can I get for ya, darlin'"
Jack POV:
Davey's face heats up. I don't really consider this a win, considering that's the way most people react when I call them darling. What can I say? It's a habit of mine.
"U-uhm..maybe-" he stutters quietly.
I speak up to help him out a bit, "I've seen you here before. You always order the hot chocolate with 2 pumps of espresso, right?" He squeaks out a yes.
"Comin right up, doll" his face lights up a bright red again.
Shit. Did I mess it up? Is he uncomfortable with those terms? I come from southern roots, which has pros and cons. The pros are: I'm really resilient, my tea is sweetened to PERFECTION, and I can smell when it's going to rain. Cons: The situation that just unfolded.
As I enter the kitchen area, I sigh. I come on way too strong. I quickly make Davey's order, after all, I did memorize it. I look at the plain hot chocolate. Needs a little something. He seems like the spicy sweet kinda guy, so I carefully add a good amount of whipped cream, and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. I really shouldn't be bringing favoritism into my work, but Dave should be an exception.
Being careful not to spill my masterpiece built out of hot chocolate and whipped cream, I bring it to Davey, who seems very deep in thought, staring at his computer. Trying not to disturb him, I set the drink gently down, then I lift one of his headphones.
"Whatcha doin' Dave?"
He jumps, turning red once AGAIN. "Jesus Christ, bud, got some sorta skin reddening condition?"
"Wh- I- You-" He sputters before regaining his composure, "One, none of your business, two, none of your business."
I feign a wound and put my hand over my chest, "Davey Jacobs! So rude!" I put my arm over my forehead and sigh dramatically, then sneak a peek at him. He's laughing a little. I grin, so he doesn't hate me! Whew!
A few hours,10 drink orders and slightly too loud joking and laughing later, Davey's still here, working on some big project. At this point I've stopped charging him and have just been paying for them myself. I make my way to his table once more.
I notice his cup is empty, "Refill?" I ask, he nods. That's when I notice the bags under his red eyes. I walk back a bit and lean on his table. "You need to sleep, Dave." He shakes his head as a response and I sigh.
I make my way to the kitchen and decide to not add caffeine in this. He needs it. My hands go on autopilot as I start to think about him. He's just so... pretty.
I bite my lip. Should I...? Ah, fuck it, I'm almost done with my shift. I grab a scrap of paper and a pen and scrawl my number, with the message
'Call me ;P'
Beside it. I take a deep breath and carefully balance the cup all the way to Davey's corner booth. The sight is adorable. Davey is laying down on the table, asleep, head tilted to one side, face illuminated by the computer screen. I smile gently.
All I think about for the rest of the night is that sight. As I sit in bed, drawing the scene, I hear a ding from my phone. I open texts and see from an unknown number:
Hey, Jack?
It's Davey.
The student from the coffee shop.
I grin.
Hey Dave :P
I quickly change his contact to <3 Dave <3 with my recent drawing of him as the profile picture.
Before I know it, we're talking about everything. It's honestly so much easier texting than actually interacting with people. My brain decides to peace out for a long minute, and my hands automatically do the typing. Bad decision. Why? Because I barely even notice when I hit send.
Do you wanna go on a date with me? I was thinking about getting froyo, and maybe watching a cheesy romcom. Whaddya say, Dave?
I can only watch, petrified, as I see...
<3 Dave <3 is typing...
Hope y'all like this! Pt. 2 will be their date!! btw no one has really interacted or requested fanfics, so if you could vote for this or request something, that would really make me happy.
~ Race
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Heart Shaped Bed
Mob Boss! Mikey x fem reader
Summery: It’s Halloween and you’re just looking for some fun of the dangerous variety. Enter: Michelangelo. A psychotic mob boss from hell who is in love with your best friend. Can you win him over and at what cost?
Warnings: NSFW, violence, alcohol mentions, car accident
((A/N: I have trouble writing crazy character despite being labelled as crazy myself, Mikey is tricky to write for in this AU so just bear with me))
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October 31st, the night where all the ghouls and ghosts come out to play and superstition is at it’s highest since it’s rumoured that the veil between our world and the next is at it’s thinnest. You pull your skirt down your leg a little and take another sip of your free beer, one of the only perks of having a best friend who works at a bar. Paddy’s is always packed at this time of year, everyone is in costumes and drunk out of their minds; you are no different. You’re dressed as a sexy school girl because originality was never your forte and you wanted to show off your boobs a little, so what? You have the outfit down, complete even with bows on the thigh high socks and you look damn good.
It’s too loud to have a decent conversation with “Monster mash” blaring over the small speakers on the bar so you sit and give Sophie (Peach, as you know her) a forlorn look as if to say “more beer, please” and she complies. Peach looks radiant as she pulls the tap to refill your glass. Her light peach hair trailing down over her shoulders and her uniform or black slacks and a white t shirt with dark green hem hugging all of her curves. She was difficult to compete with but she was still so modest and complimentary of you it was hard to hold it against her. You knew half the regulars only came her to watch her, it didn’t stop you going after them though.
Looking around the room you watch and drunk idiots spill their drinks and desperately try to find someone to take home despite looking a mess, covered in fake blood or with vampire fangs. It was really something to watch. A guy in a ladybug costume fawns over a women dressed as Moticia Adams only to get the cold shoulder. You chuckle to yourself. Sat in the far corner of the room, at their usual table, sat the Turtle boys, a notorious gang in upside New York. They weren’t in costume, too good for it you assumed, and they didn’t look happy. You were aware, through Peach, that they made unsavoury deals in the back office of the bar and maybe tonight something went awry.
“Hey, babes!” you call over to Peach who is passing the incredible hulk a bud light “What happened over there?” you say gesturing subtly to the four well suited turtles.
“Not sure, I heard some yelling from the back room and then they came out. Something to do with that serial killer I think” She replies.
So a serial killing is hurting business. Huh. That explains their looking like someone died, someone has... You couldn’t keep your eyes from flitting towards them, sitting there so stoic and commanding while nursing a few now almost gone whiskys.
“Hey” you call over again. Peach turns and gives you a smile to let you know she’s listening “Isn’t that one the guy who-”
“- who choked out Steve for grabbing my ass? Yeah, that’s the one” she finishes your sentence for you.
You smile to yourself, Steve definitely deserved it. Pervert. You knew the turtle’s name but, like all residents of the bar, were reluctant to use it lest they hear you. But, tonight was a night to be brave and take chances, and you’d always wanted to bed one of them. Think of the status that gives you, sleeping with one of the most violent, deplorable men in the state. You know Mikey has a thing for Peach, on other nights his eyes don’t leave her, not that she notices; a good girl like her doesn’t have time for those “downworlders” as she calls them.
“Barkeep! I’ll take 4 martinis if you don’t mind. It’s time to take my shot” you announce to Peach who gives you a weary smile as she makes your drinks and places them on a tray in front of you.
You adjust your green and navy blue pleated skirt, hiking it further up so that the bottom of your ass cheeks would be on view and head over to the turtles, tray in hand.
You set down the drinks in front of them and say, with a smile:
“We have a special offer on tonight, boys. Buy four drinks and get me for free”
They stare at you completely unamused, but their looks weren’t going to discourage you now.
“Oh come on” you begin “That line would have killed two tables over”
Michelangelo takes a finger and runs it around the rim of his glass a few times before tipping it over, the contents of the glass spilling all over the table and onto your skirt. You jump back.
“Hey, what the fuck!” you cry out
“Act like a slut, get treated like a slut” he states.
With your tail between your legs, you huff and walk away. They didn’t have to be such assholes about it, and it kind of stung that you basically offered up your pussy on a plate and they sneered at you.
Back at the bar Peach raises her eyebrows as you take a few napkins and try and dry off your skirt.
“So, how’d it go?” she inquires
“About as well as you can expect from four mutant, snobby, rich dickheads”you reply. Peach leans over the bar and gives you a small hug and kiss on the cheek as her condolences.
Suddenly you feel eyes on you and turn around to see Michelangelo staring at you, mouth slightly agape and a strange look in his eyes. You would have called it regret, if you thought he was capable of feeling that. You ignore it and turn back to your drink.
You sense a presence behind you and turn once more to find him standing next to you looking awfully sheepish.
“Look” he begins “I’m...I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know you were a friend of- is there some way I can make it up to you? Is what I’m trying to say”
“Do you have a fresh size 3 shirt in that booth with you?” your snarky side is coming out
He laughs it off 
“No, but can I buy you a drink or” He looks you up and down “Interest you in any extra curricular activities?” His smile is so bright and charming, you feel yourself almost forgiving him for what had just occurred. And he was devilishly good looking, which helped a lot.
You trace your fingers lightly up his arm until they reach his shoulder.
“You wanna get out of here?”
He smirks, looks down and then back up at you
Outside of the bar is freezing, especially in the tiny outfit you’re wearing and you shiver in the cold October air. Mikey shrugs off his blazer and puts it over your shoulders but you get the impression he’s doing this out of obligation rather than affection. It’s something about his movements, they feel more...Awkward and unsteady than fluid and confident. You know this isn’t his first time taking a girl home from Paddy’s, so you don’t fully understand what his deal it.
You arrive at his car, and despite knowing nothing about vehicles you can recognise that he drives a black Bentley and it must have cost him a fortune, not that he didn’t have the money. He could buy it 100 times over and still have more cash than half the people in New York.
He opens the passenger side door for you and you get in.
“So, my place or yours?” you ask
“Motel” he says plainly.
Curiouser and curiouser... You try and make a list of everything you know about him. He won’t take you home, he’s hot then cold and he has a thing for Peach. It clicks in your head. He’s using you to get closer to her. You almost smile, this was such a typical thing to happen to you, of course he only wants you for your relationship to her. It doesn’t matter either way, you’ll warm him up for her.
He drives fast and it’s not long before your on a highway and definitely breaking the speed limit.
You had been making casual conversation, the drive was always the worst part of a hook up, now you have to actually talk to them instead of make out. 
“I feel like we should have taken an uber” you say
He doesn’t turn to look at you or speak
“Because that way I could be touching you right now” You place a hand on his thigh and he still gives you no response. “Anndd you’re not listening. Great.”
He takes his eyes off the road and turns to you
“You’re the oldest in your family, you work as a manager in a clothing store but can’t fucking stand it there and you feel like we should have gotten an uber so you could be touching me right now. Did I get that right?”
You stare back at him slightly aghast and he continues to watch you. Suddenly you realise he hasn’t looked at the road this entire time and the car in front of you is slowing down
“Watch out!” you scream and the car swerves before he gains control again and brakes, the car rocking side to side a little from the sudden movements. You’re breathless and you turn to look at Mikey who simply bursts out laughing while he continues to drive, his eyes wide as full moons. He’s sick you think to yourself. Lucky you like that in a man, and there’s nothing like a near death experience to get the blood pumping.
You continue the car ride for a while in silence apart from the odd laugh from him who still seems amused that you nearly crashed.
He pulls off the side of the road into some shitty looking motel. A huge florescent sign that reads “Blue Moon Motel” sparks a little which doesn’t offer you any comfort. This place was a dump, but if it had a bed it would do.
Inside the room you shake off the blazer he gave you onto the chair in the corner of the room, by the end of the bed. The interior was cute, all shades of blue and white and the bed sheets has little lace style trimmings.which was delicate and sweet.
You fling yourself onto the bed, kicking off your shoes and pull out your phone, you decide you need music for this momentous occasion. You settle on “Heart Shaped Bed” by Nicole Dollanganger and press play. It’s creepy enough to be fitting for Halloween but slow enough to be romantic. The opening notes of the piano begin to stream from your phone which you place on the nightstand.
*lay me down, on a heart shaped bed Pretend it’s out wedding, pretend we just met*
“So” you spread your legs a little and look at Mikey “How do you want me?”
He gives you a wicked smile and then he’s upon you, biting and sucking at the delicate flesh of your neck with vigour. Clearly he couldn’t wait any longer you thought to yourself.
*Pretend we're in one of those movies They rent in the back of every seedy place We pass on the interstate*
You angle your head to kiss his mouth but he pulls away, making it clear that this is not a romantic occasion, this is just fucking and he doesn’t want you in that way. It doesn’t bother you, it just heightens the whole “big bad mob boss” fantasy although you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little disappointed by it.
he tears your blouse open revealing your chest and begins his work sucking and biting at your nipples and the tender skin of your breasts, you look down and can already see pinky purple bruises forming, a treasure map of where his mouth had been.
You moan a little at his touch but he continues his work down your stomach and towards your most sensitive area. Lifting up your skirt he places a kiss on you clothes mound before peeling off your underwear. You raise your hips slightly to help his get them off with ease and then he returns back down, licking between your folds until his tongue passes over your clit and causes you to moan hard.
*Just hold me through these lonely nights We'll have a blue wedding tonight*
“You want this?” he says from between your thighs, you can feel his hot breath against your skin, a sensation that is more than pleasant. 
“Yes, god yes” you squirm
“No.You wanna act like a slut, you get fucked like a slut” he returns.
Before you have time to respond her grabs you by the ankle and flips you over onto your stomach before pulling your hips up so that you’re on your knees with your shoulders and face still down on the bed. You hear him undo his flies and think for a moment as he lines up with your entrance
“wait, don’t we need protectio-” before you can finish he’s inside you and thrusting hard and deep, he gives you no time to adjust to his size and he is very sizeable... You cry out in the mixture of pain and pleasure that he’s giving you. As well as the music, the room fills with the obscene sounds of his flesh pounding against yours and the wet noises your pussy makes as he pushes in and out of you.
“you think sluts use protection?” he mocks
He feels to good for you to want him to pull out now, so you go with it, but raise yourself onto your elbows. His hands are on your hips but he trails one down your back to grab at your ponytail and pull your head back.
*So get the room with the heart shaped bed Make something gross feel romantic*
Your walls tighten around him and that elicits a grunt from him as he begins to pound harder into you, smacking your ass hard as he does. He pulls out and flips you over back onto your back and holds your legs up to your chin, his strong arm keeps them in place as he realigns himself with your entrance and pushes back in. This new position allows him to get deeper which you think is what he was hoping for.
*Make me so no one will ever want me again*
Now he has a full view of your face, eyes squeezed closed and face contorted in pleasure
“Open your eyes” he demands “Look at me when I’m fucking you”
He’s still fully clothed which you’re a little unhappy about, so you open your eyes and begin to undo his shirt. Your fingers tremble slightly partially from the force at which he’s fucking you, partially do to the alcohol you had that night.
*'Cause when I sleep with faith, I only Find a corpse in my arms on awakening*
You slide his shirt over his shoulders and throw it across the room, raising your head a little you bite into his now exposed shoulder to stifle your moans. You don’t understand how he can bring you so close to the brink this soon, but his pace is unyielding and unwavering. He fucks you like he’s punishing you.
He grabs you by the chin and squeezes 
“Open your mouth!”
you do as you’re told and he purses his lips, pauses and then spits down your throat, pushing at your chin to close your mouth and encouraging you to swallow. He’s disgusting but being treated this way only turns you on more, much to your shame, you can feel your cheeks flush with blood as he smiles down at you one he hears that familiar *gulp* sound.
*Just hold me through these lonely nights We'll have a blue wedding tonight*
He pulls out once more and gets of the bed which confuses you for a second, until he pulls you up by the hair and leads you to the wall. He spins you around and so you’re facing it and pushes your shoulders forwards and pulls your hips back so he has easier access to your pussy. He plunges his cock back inside of you and you rest your face against the wall as you take him in all the way. You think you might start seeing stars if he continues like this. Never mind him being a probable killer, they should lock him up for murdering your pussy.
One of his hands rakes through your hair and pulls back your head while the other reaches around to your face and pinches your nose shut while covering your mouth. You can’t breath at all and begin to panic slightly but also whine into his hand because of how good he feels inside you.
you feel that tightness in the pit of your stomach and know that you’re close, you try and moan into his hand, shaking your head a little from side to side to try and get him off your face but it’t to no avail. So you use your hands but he simply lets go of your hair and pins your arms behind your back. You still can’t breath and now you’re so close to cumming and black dots and filtering in and out of your vision, you think you might be close to passing out.
Finally that knot in your stomach releases and your orgasm washing over you, you practically scream into his hand before he lets go and you fall to the floor, gasping for air.
*Just hold me through these lonely nights We'll have a blue wedding tonight*
He hasn’t cum yet so he stands over you, stroking his dick, smirking at what he did to you. If it weren’t for the afterglow of your orgasm, you’d be furious and give him a peace of your mind but you were still desperately trying to catch your breath.
Mikey throws his head back before cumming on you, some of the milky fluid getting in your hair and you lift your hand up to shield your face from it. Was this to insult you? Or was it still part of the whole ‘you’re a slut’ role play thing because you couldn’t tell anymore.
He tucks himself back into his finely tailored trousers and walks across the room to put on his shirt and gather his blazer from the chair you threw it on earlier. He pulls a small rectangular card out of his pocket and throws it on the nightstand next to your phone which started playing the next song a while ago.
“You can spend the night here, if you want. Anything you get from the minibar will be charged to my card so don’t worry about it” He looks down at you, still on the floor, bright red in the face and still breathing rather heavily “G’night, sweetheart” he winks at you before heading to the door and closing it behind him.
You pull yourself up to your feet and head over to your phone, opening it and typing out a message to Peach.
[Hey girly, you won’t believe the night I just fucking had] the text reads.
You flop down on the bed and await her response. A shower could wait for 5 minutes while she replies.
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