#and sodomy laws
elexuscal · 4 months
so. June. Pride Month.
listen, i love pride month. obviously. but partly as a consequence of being Terminally Online, partly because my country's pride month is in July which means all the actual in-person events don't start for another 30 days, often my first association with it is All The Discourse Posts
which means every year i have to physically restrain myself from making in-universe Pride discourse for different fictional universes
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amphibious-thing · 9 months
One interesting aspect of Jeremy Bentham's works on sexual irregularities is that he repeatedly acknowledges that same-sex sexual acts are matters of taste. That making m/m sex illegal and f/f sex taboo negatively effects all people with that taste whether they act on it or not.
When talking of the evils of sodomy law he talks not only of the evils inflicted on people who engage in sodomy but also the evils inflicted on people who have a propensity for sodomy but have never engaged in it. He argues that one of the ways sodomy law produces evil is that in cases where there is a propensity for sodomy "fear of the punishment has the effect of producing restraint, loss of the whole mass of pleasure derivable from this source."
Bentham argues that pleasure is pure good and that consensual same-sex sexual acts produce only pleasure and are thus pure good. If consensual same-sex sexual acts are pure good any attempt to prevent them is pure evil:
But if the act be pure good, punishment for whatsoever purpose, from whatsoever source, under whatsoever name, in which so ever shape and in whatsoever degree applied in consideration of it, will be not only evil, but so much pure evil.
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tjlc-hellven · 6 months
Oscar Wilde trial in a nutshell
Oscar Wilde: Your..! *slams hand on the stand he's behind* Honour! I might be gay, but he..! *pointing at prosecutor* Is a furry!
Judge: ...
Judge: You're guilty.
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babblingfishes · 17 days
it has come to my attention that the Pacific Drive tag desperately needs more content, so i'm giving you this segment of a fic draft. I don't care that I haven't finished researching the film development process in the 1960's. i don't care that the non-dialogue is bare minimum. y'all need more gay-ass cryptid hunters
"So," Tobias takes another swig of the stolen bourbon. "If you're into guys, what kinda guys you into?" Francis looks up from the developing film. "What?" Tobias grins. "You gotta have, like, a type, right? C'mon, how am I gonna wingman for you without knowing who you're into?" "You don't have to wingman for me, Tobias. People don't just go out and date homosexuals." "Sure they do. You ever seen a gay bar? Whole bar full'a gay guys. And gay girls. Some of 'em are dressed up as each other. And they're all dating-- er, not each other, obviously, but each…same? Yanno, like guys 'n guys? Homo stuff. And--" Francis chuckles. "I know what a gay bar is." "Yeah, but you ever been to one? On a date?" He pokes Francis in the chest and pronounces "date" very carefully to emphasize his point. "It's…not really my scene." "Yeah? What's your scene, then?" "A lab?" "What, like they grew ya there?" Francis cracks up. "Come on, you know what I mean." "You dating LIM frequencies, now?" "I may as well be." Francis fiddles with cap on the developer. "The last time I expressed interest in a colleague--" "Francis, everyone knows you ain't supposed to proposition people on the job. We gotta get you a life outside work! Some hobbies!" "I don't have time for hobbies." "Sure you do." "Tobias, any time I'm not working, I'm out here with you. Digging up field recorders and camera traps with you. Where else do you think I go?" "Uh…" Tobias trails off in drunken thought. "Well, that's kind of a hobby, I guess. Not many hunks in the marshes, though. You holding out for Bigfoot?"
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identityarchitect · 1 year
so tired of people saying elias would be gay and homophobic..... that man lived through the death penalty for homosexuality. even just a letter expressing affection could be enough to get someone imprisoned. he was over a century old when it stopped being completely illegal to be gay and it was still illegal to talk about being gay until he was over 2 centuries and gay marriage wasnt even legal at that point. come the fuck on
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commiepinkofag · 5 months
Dominica’s High Court of Justice on Monday struck down provisions of a law that criminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations. A gay man who remains anonymous in 2019 challenged sections of the country’s Sexual Offenses Act that criminalized anal sex and “gross indecency” with up to 10 years and 12 years in prison respectively. The plaintiff argued the provisions violated his constitutional rights.  The Dominica Equality and Sexual Expression Association and the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality, a group that advocates for LGBTQ and intersex rights in the region, in a press release noted the court in its ruling affirmed “the criminalization of consensual same-sex activity between adults is unconstitutional.” The groups added Justice Kimberly Cenac-Phulgence “declared that the laws commonly known as buggery and gross indecency laws, contravenes the constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica, namely the right to liberty, freedom of expression, and protection of personal privacy.”
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luaminesce · 12 days
The older I get, the more I believe that TERF/radfem ideology is basically just repackaged European/US Christofacist imperialism in a secular hat.
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porterdavis · 2 years
So...a Texas Ranger in every bedroom?
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The party of limited government is coming to your bedroom.
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brionysea · 1 year
*taking advantage of the missing gaps in mike and hopper's relationship to give mike a realistic in character coming out scene* heehee
*looking up when being gay was decriminalised in the state of indiana* oh. oh no
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 10 months
Some people have aggressively stupid takes on censorship, fictional content, kink…. But then also in irl sex and relationships, too, and it’s exhausting. If you are a grown adult wringing your hands about how you could never date anyone two years younger than you or getting your panties in a twist over regular safe consenting sex practices/acting like safe and consensual k.ink is inherently abusive…. Then your brain has been so thoroughly rotted by online puritan discourse and you need to get off of twitter and experience the real world. Genuinely. Hope this helps.
#and there is a difference between having an understanding of these things and avoiding certain k.inks because of personal preference/trauma#but acting as if people who participate in and enjoy these things safely and privately are ‘freaks’ or ‘disgusting’ or immoral#is not the same thing#also please recognize the rhetoric you are parroting for fucks sake#because calling people ‘freaks’ and ‘degenerates’ and wanting to police anything sexual… not the take you think it is#this sort of thing actually enables and leads to things like a lot of sodomy laws in the us that existed pre obergefell v hodges#which classified any sex deviant from your standard piv penetrative sex as unlawful and immoral#setting a very dangerous precedent about what people can and cannot do in their own home#there are so many reasons that it pisses me off seeing these things but with the state of things in so many places right now#it baffles me when chronically online bitches swallow puritan rhetoric without a second thought and don’t see the writing on the wall#in an era of book bans and drag bans and the demonization of the lgbtq community at large#and with a Supreme Court that has shown time and again that they put their personal biases ahead of the safety and rights of constituents#I do not know how people do not recognize#this sort of reactionary shit will ALWAYS hurt marginalized people first. respectability politics will not save you when they turn on you#okay send tweet I’m just annoyed#laur speaks!#I better not get some dumbass shit on this post I am tired I am chronically and mentally ill and having a hell of a semester.#not looking for discourse. I do not have time. get blocked argue with the wall read a fucking book and learn some shit while you’re at it.
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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itmeblog · 1 year
Me (listening to Levian): ...sodomy laws?
Me (later): ...oh no, he's a colonizer.
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amphibious-thing · 7 months
Sometimes it feels like people forget that sodomy was a capital crime and that the majority of the information we have on molly houses comes from trial records. If we have evidence of molly houses in the early 18th century and the late 18th century but not the mid 18th century what is more likely:
a) There was absolutely no molly houses in the mid 18th century at all.
b) There was molly houses in the mid 18th century but they remained hidden from the authorities.
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music-for-them-asses · 6 months
I watched a movie about Christian Nationalism the other night (God & Country, available to rent on Prime and a few other platforms), and I don't think people realize how fucked we are of Republicans can control again this year. They've started building the foundation for a theocracy already, and they absolutely intend to finish it by selecting Tr*mp again in November.
This will absolutely ruin the lives of people in red states, more so than they already are. They will absolutely try to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges and Lawrence v. Texas. They're already on track to overturn the right to birth control. Y'all saw what happened after Roe was overturned. Abortion is totally outlawed in Texas. You can get fucking sued for having one, or helping someone else have one. People are traveling for days to get abortions, or being forced to have children against their will. Parents' lives are at stake because they're being forced to carry nonviable pregnancies. Shit is BAD.
My family lives here. I don't want to be separated from them. It costs a shit ton of money to move to another state. And Texas doesn't have an income tax, so it's a pretty cheap place to live. I shouldn't have to move just to have human rights.
I don't know where I was going with this, other than it's made me terribly upset. Please, PLEASE vote in your elections. Vote locally and on the state level! Do your research on the candidates beforehand! Voting is the least form of action we can take, but we should still be doing it.
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ivie-online · 1 year
the ‘queerness is new’ angle is always dusty & some of those shirtless navy boys were gay too
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questioningdragons · 2 years
I've been rewatching/catching up on Call the Midwife and it's amazing how many important topics this show covers. Including an episode that completely dismantles the myth that what a woman wears matters in any way when it comes to being attacked. This predator attacked a sex worker, a young mother out walking her colicky baby, and a nun.
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