#and some days it would be only for that and it's a 15 min drive one way for like an hour shift
slender-wannabe · 2 years
man cutting back on the shower shifts has been so great. i get to sleep in on my week of afternoons and stay in bed with my bf until he gets up for work. and then it motivates me to go to the gym because i have to move my car for him to leave. best choice i've made for my mental health lately. 😌
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brooooswriting · 1 year
how would sam react to their s/o being mad at her, and her not knowing what she did. just curious lol
Sam carpenter x reader
This is pretty short but still kinda cute ig
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Sam was confused, well actually that was an understatement. You hadn’t talked to her since yesterday evening, you went to your apartment with a small bye and since then you hadn’t answered her calls or texts. You disappeared as soon as she entered, breaking your conversation with Quinn and Tara. She only knew that you were fine because you didn’t answer Tara’s messages. It wasn’t hard to figure out that you were mad, she just didn’t know why. You were fine one moment and the next one you just left, it was confusing.
The whole day while Sam was at work she checked her phone and spammed yours with even more texts, hoping that you’d respond to at least one of them. But you didn’t. So she did the only thing she could think of, drive by your apartment. She used the key you gave her a couple of weeks ago to let herself in, it was already late.
But before she drove to your apartment she decided to stop at a small store where she got you some flowers, chocolate, a stuffed animal and a heating pad. There where two options:
1. She fucked up and that’s why you were mad
2. You were on your period
She decided to get you your favorite things either way, if you had your period you’d be happy about the gift and talk to her again and if she did something wrong she could use those things to bribe you into telling her what she did wrong so she could fix it. She didn’t want to apologize through material things without knowing what she did wrong.
The moment you heard your door open you freaked and grabbed the bat that sat next to you bed, Sam made you keep it there. You carefully walked out with the bat to see Sam, “oh you” you mumbled and sank the bat. “Yeah me, I brought you some stuff” she held the flowers tight in her hand. “Keep ‘em or put em on the counter” you mumbled walking back to the bedroom, causing Sam to groan. “Can you please talk to me? Let me know what I did wrong so I can fix it” she called out as she followed you into your bedroom. There she got here answer, there was chocolate wrappers everywhere, your bed was a mess and a pack of period articles next to your bed. Plus, you were laying in bed holding your stomach.
“Oh honey, is it your time?” She mumbled as she laid behind you in bed, her hand rubbing soothing circles on your stomach. You only grumbled in response, “does is hurt bad?” She asked again only receiving a grumble. She went and got you some pain medicine, water, chocolate and the stuffed animal she got you. “Now wanna tell me what I did wrong?” Her voice made you melt, just like the way her arms wrapped around your middle to pull you closer. “You didn’t text me” you answered in a shushed voice, after a small what it suddenly clicked. She was supposed to text or call you when she had her break at work but she didn’t. “Oh baby, I’m sorry” she started as she pulled you even closer placing a kiss on your neck. “Maggi…” as soon as you heard that name you grumbled again which made her laugh a bit, “she didn’t come to work and she didn’t tell anybody so I couldn’t take a break. Im sorry I didn’t call”
It took a second before you turned around and hugged her waist, hurrying your face in her neck which confused her. “Im sorry” you mumbled this time, confusing her for a moment, “Im just very moody and I overreacted” you continued making her coo. “It’s alright. If it hurt your feelings, it hurt your feelings and I’m sorry I caused it. Now what are we thinking about ice cream?” You immediately sat up with a grin causing her to laugh too. “Alright, I’ll be back real quick” she was about to stand up when you threw yourself at her which made her fall back on the bed again. You pressed a couple of kisses against her lips making her smile.
About 15 min late she came back with ice cream and a heating pad. “Gosh I love you” you mumbled as you devoured the ice cream. When you were done eating Sam quickly pulled you on top of her, kissing your head. “Next time, just tell me when you’re moody alright? I could have brought ice cream directly” she joked before kissing you one last time.
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yeoja-dream · 8 months
Could you write an ot7 x reader fic where the reader feels they arent good enough because they're not particularly skinny but not fat and feels they're not that talented compared to the boys? Pretty angsty but some fluff? ❤
God. You sigh inwardly looking at your body for the millionth time in the standing mirror of your bedroom, jeans unbuttoned wide, mocking. The perspiration on your brow from exertion tells the rest of the story.
You had gained weight. Again. As if it wasn't hard enough to be the girlfriend of the seven most talented men on the earth, all muscle and grace. The picture of masculine beauty, and you, textbook mediocrity.
You kick the pants off in anger, hot tears stinging your eyes as you flop back onto your bed. You are going to be late for work. You scolded yourself. Fuck work. You snapped back like the world would come to a screeching halt if one cashier at Francine's was 15 minutes late.
What happened to the diet? Your inner critic asks, voice dripping in bitter sarcasm. They work so hard and you can't even look good for them? People would laugh if they saw you together.
Your phone buzzes, bringing you temporarily out of your shame spiral. You wipe away your now-flowing tears to see the message light up your screen.
Jiminnie ❤️: Good morning everyone ꜀( ˊ̠˂˃ˋ̠ )꜆
You smile somewhat bittersweetly to yourself. Jimin, always the first one up, always the first to tell everyone good morning. You recall, briefly, the day when Tae beat him to the punch and how he pouted the whole day.
Y/N: Morning chim~ Have an amazing day today! ❤️
Jiminnie ❤️: You too!!
Have an amazing day. Well, you could certainly try. You pick yourself off your bed and select a frumpy sweater and a baggy pair of jeans. It was cold, anyway, you told yourself disguising your plummeting self-esteem in faux practicality. You studied your face in the mirror, plain, if not a little pretty, but certainly not superstar-worthy. You swipe on some waterproof mascara and don your sneakers before the self-criticism has a chance to sink in.
Work was awful. You were so swept off your feet with customers, that you had barely had time to glance at your phone in between getting screamed at for not carrying certain sizes or being out of stock. You had slipped to the stock room more than once to put your waterproof mascara to the test. Last double I ever work. You say to yourself, shutting the lights, arming the security, and slipping out the back.
The autumnal night air had a wintery bite to it, you regret not bringing a jacket. It is only now that you have the chance to read your phone, slightly wincing at the piled notifications from the day. Most recently, you read:
Yoongi 😻: Finished working with Namjoon a little while ago. You must be done soon too. It’s cold, so I am going to come and pick you up. Did you eat?
Y/N: How presumptuous, Mr. Min~
Your tone is sardonic, but really, you're glad for the ride as a chill begins seeping into your bones. Before long, you see his black sports car pull up and you waste no time jumping in the front. You had done this routine before. 
“Hi,” Yongi says, looking you up and down before leaning in for a kiss.
“Hi,” you say back, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“What? Is that all I get?” He quips in faux hurt. “Oh did you want to make out right now, leave Namjoon to drive?” You tease back before turning to face the man in the back seat. “Hi,” You greet him as well, offering him your hand.
“Don’t let me stop you” Namjoon says with a chuckle, “I just didn’t know you were looking to die today.” He then picks up your hand, placing a gentle kiss on the knuckle. “Hi, baby.” He said with his signature, dimpled smile. The sight of which clenches your heart, the words from your shame spiral this morning coming back full force. You don’t deserve this.
“Where am I dropping you off?” Yoongi asked. “Did you eat? We could get dinner.”
“My place, please. I had a big lunch and I think I’m just going to reheat some leftovers for dinner. You guys go ahead.” You lie, but you were in no mood to be eating food in front of them. 
Yoongi looked at you, piercingly as he always does. Just when you think he’s going to call you on your lie,
“Alright.” He says, before putting the car in gear. Your apartment is only 10 minutes away, but Yoongi goes the long way letting you rant about stupid customers and annoying managers. By the time he pulls up, you feel better and you realize, he knew you needed that. A lump forms in your throat at the notion. You offer the pair a kiss, before sliding out of the car as quick as you can go, lest you start crying again. Yoongi waits until you’re inside, safe before pulling off. He always does. You don’t deserve him. You don’t deserve them.
Dinner is another mental warzone as you peruse your kitchen, biting commentary from two halves of your inner voice. After what happened this morning you don’t deserve to eat. The boys wouldn’t want me to starve. You’d be so much prettier if you were skinny. Starving isn’t a good way of weight loss anyway. The mental back and forth is exhausting, so you settle on a sandwich and settle on the couch. 
TaeTae: You wanna ft? I miss youuuuuu why didn’t you come over today???
The message lights up your phone. You respond by calling him. He picks up right away. 
“Y/N!” He exclaims. Even disheveled, he looks amazing. After catching up on the group chat, you learned that the maknae line had the day off and had a “staycation” as they put it while the hyungs were busy away. 
“Hi Tae” You giggle back at his enthusiasm. It was infectious, it always was. 
“Why didn’t you come over today?? We missed you!” He pouts.
“I am tired, Tae. And I have work early tomorrow and the following day. All doubles.” 
“Jeez. I swear you work harder than us!” 
You could laugh at the insinuation. They were multinational artists, constantly writing music, performing, dancing, recording music, recording content, and you folded clothes and got screamed at by people 10x richer than you for 12 hours a day. You would hardly call that working harder. You keep the thought to yourself. 
“EY YO.” You hear Jungkook's unmistakable voice shout in the background. “IS THAT Y/N?” 
“Yes, but I’m talking to her!” Tae says ripping the phone away from his dongsaeng as he flopps down on the couch next to him. 
“Hey, I wanna talk too!” He says, yanking the older boy’s arm back so the two of them come into view. 
“Hi, kookie.” You say, giving him a small wave. 
“Y/N! I’ve been locked in the house all day with these schmucks, can you believe that?” Jungkook says, exasperated. 
“Hey!” Tae shouts, offended. “You weren’t complaining about being locked in when me and Jimin brought you pancakes in bed. Or when we did face masks and painted our nails!” 
“Yeah, we did our nails, look!” Jungkook says, ignoring the rest of Taehyung’s remarks. On Jungkook's hand, he has nicely painted black nails, on Taehyung a well-manicured clear coat. 
“You did an amazing job!” You say giving them a small round of applause. 
“We miss you.” The youngest says after a few beats of silence. The sincerity pulls at your heart. 
“It's only been a week.” You say sticking your tongue out. “I miss you all too.” That at least was the whole truth. 
“Well you’re busy and we’re busy…” Taehyung trailed off. You understood what he was getting at. No matter what you felt for them, there was always going to be miles of difference between you and them. Different leagues, solar systems. 
“But don’t be busy this weekend! Saturday~” Jungkook reminds you AGAIN. The boys had been teasing you for weeks about this surprise. You couldn’t forget if you wanted to.
“I have to go to bed.” You half whine, stretching. 
“GOOD NIGHT WE LOVE YOU SLEEP WELL” They yell at you in half unison before hanging up. 
“I love you too.” You say to no one, before getting up and going to bed. 
And so the days passed like that, days rushed off your feet, nights full of loud face times, and spare thoughts dedicated to your inadequacy. Pushing every single worry, every bitter thought down, lest you worry them with your stupid problems. They had plenty on their plate. You were so boring, untalented, plain. They shown brighter than the sun, thousands of beautiful, perfect successful girls would kill to be you. Should be you. You lucked into this position. Just because you were in the right place at the right time. Just because Jin was so friendly. You tricked him. He just introduced you to everyone else because he pitied you. They just pity you. You can’t even be happy around them. You can’t even be fun for them. What do you provide them? It was suffocating. They deserve better. They deserve better. They deserve better.
Friday night you walk home, music blasting through your earbuds, tears running down your face. It was the wind, you say to no one, bitterly wiping them on your sleeve. You finally understood what you had to do. Saturday, when you met up, you’d thank them for everything, and let them find someone worthy. For their own sake. You wouldn’t let them waste any more time on you.
Sleep was fitful and tear-stained that night, the night soon passed, and Saturday morning came.
The group chat through the day was uncharacteristically silent, save for Jimin’s obligatory good morning text. Fuck, you were going to miss that. 
In terms of the plans tonight, you had been given instructions to show up at a certain place by 5 pm. Even when inquiring about what you should wear was vague, anything you felt like. You felt like crawling into a ball of self-pity and hiding under the sheets, but still, you pulled yourself together enough to ready yourself for anything. Pulling the place up on Google Maps revealed it to be a warehouse of sorts. Weird. You thought, clipping your earrings in and pulling your shoes on as the Uber blared its horn obnoxiously outside. 
You went for something practical, but cute. Tennis skirt with thigh-high socks, a button-down blouse to match, and a puffer jacket. Makeup was light, and minimal. Cry proof, you were going to break up with 7 men you had come to love after all. It was for their own good. You reminded yourself. 
The ride itself was as blissfully silent as an Uber ride can be, and not long. Outside of general city limits, there was marginally less attention and fewer chances of a slip-up. Being seen with you was the last thing they could afford. 
The Uber pulled away leaving you in front of a large, white warehouse. This was some kind of industrial complex, you noted. Double checking the warehouse number with the number JK had sent to you 2 weeks prior. This was the place. 
A feeling of unsettlement crossed your mind now, in the time you had known these men they had never once given you pause to worry, let alone make you feel unsafe. And yet, here you were, alone in a line of massive, empty warehouses. A bit of fear began to prickle under your skin and your scalp. They wouldn’t hurt you, right? Hell, maybe this is the merciful way out. A dark side of you thought. 
Without wasting any more time, you stepped forward opening the door and stepping into total blackness. 
The temperature was fine, temperate even. The scent of woodland, peat moss, and petrichor was thick in the air. Seconds in the dark felt like hours, panic sets in and you take a step backward, feeling for the door. Before you can grasp the handle, the lights come on all at once, and several voices shout HAPPY ANNIVERSARY at you. 
You visibly jump, startled, but then audibly gasp at the scene before you. The warehouse had been decorated, floor to ceiling to resemble an enchanted forest. Large trees stood relatively tall in the vaulted ceiling of the space, their gnarled limbs covered in deep green vegetation, moss hanging from them like beards. Lights and glass baubles hung too, their glittering looking like forest spirits in suspended animation. Impossibly, from somewhere high and unseeable, light streamed down through the tree tops, golden and warm as the real sun. The floor seemed to be made of real, deep green moss that squished slightly under your feet. You noticed that there seemed to be several large stones forming stepping stone paths through the moss and into the fake woods. Feint music and animal chatter could be heard too, bringing the space to life. In front of you sits a large, stone arch, twisted with vines and seemingly weathered with time, though which was a clearing, where sat 7 of the most beautiful men you had seen in your life at a long, beautifully decorated, rich dark wood table. 
The boys had dressed themselves in complete congruence with the environment. They each wore long hair of varying lengths some shoulder length, some to the waist, but all done up in a manner of braids, flowers, and gems. Each wore a manner of robes and belts of several different colors, draped and tied perfectly to emphasize their physique. It hits you at once what this all is, and nothing could stop the torrent of tears that spring forth as a result. 
“Oh! Wait, those seem like upset tears!” Jin is the first up and rushing over to you. “We were hoping for happy tears not upset tears!” 
“God damn it you guys I told you so many times we should say something and that we were going to scare the shit out of her on accident!” Namjoon said in a huff, standing up and making his way over to you. The rest follow behind, all echoing cheer-ups and apologies alike. 
You sob openly now into your hands, and even with all 7 of the men you have grown to love surrounding you, you lock your abs and you don’t allow one to pull you into a comforting embrace. Jin is the first to speak again. 
“Y/N, what has gotten into you? We just wanted to do something nice and memorable for our 1st anniversary together.” Jin said with a level of love, concern, and sincerity that something in you finally snapped. 
“Why. Are. You. Being. So. Fucking. Nice. To. Me.” You ask, demand in between heaving sobs. 
“Because we love you!” Jungkook answers first, and everyone answers in the affirmative. 
“I. Am. Fucking. Worthless.” You sob again.
“Don’t say that!” Jimin says this time, trying to grab you, hold you. You resist him again. 
“First I am so up my own ass I can’t be bothered to remember that it's our anniversary, and you guys go and do something so nice, so beautiful for me. I can’t give you anything. All I do is take. You are all so perfect and beautiful and talented and I am just a plain worthless girl, working a dead-end job, with a shitty flabby body and plain face who tricked you guys into caring for me. I drag you down. We live in different worlds and I am tired of watching you all pretending I’m worth anything more than a cheap fuck.” The words fall out in a blubbering mess, a stream of words, feelings, and sentiments bursting forth after being pent up for a year. You can’t bring yourself to look at anyone in particular, so you study the floor. 
“Enough.” The voice rings out so sternly it stops your torrent almost in its place. You look up as Hoseok, who had been standing behind everyone else, pushes his way to the front, standing directly in front of you. His face, normally the definition of sunshine and joy, only held fury. 
“First of all.” He began, clipped and stern. “That dead-end job keeps you so busy you hardly have time to eat and shower, so you’d be forgiven for forgetting.”
“But- You begin before Hoseok cuts you off. 
“I am not finished. Second, I’m grateful for that dead-end job because it lead us to you. If you hadn’t been working at that boutique, Jin-hyung would never have met you, and I wouldn’t have ever met you in return. Lastly,” He begins, stepping forward another step, holding your face in between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to make eye contact with him. “You can talk shit about anyone you’d like, but you are not ever to speak that way about anyone I love. Not to me, not to any of them. And further, you are not ever, and I do mean ever, to tell me who I am and am not permitted to love.” 
At this angle, you search his face, and you find anger, so much anger, but more so you find hurt and love and honesty. Tears well again in your eyes, but this time when Hoseok pulls you into his arms, you don’t resist him. One by one, everyone piles into what is, ostensibly, the cheesiest group hug ever, but you can’t find it in you to care. You cry again for what seems like ages, breathing in the mixing scent of them and allowing yourself, finally, to let them love you. 
After your crying stills, you break apart and survey the group, more carefully this time. They had even themed their outfits around it. 
“My dream.” you sniffle and gesture to them, then the set behind them. “Our first group date, I told you about a dream I had as a little girl. The enchanted forest and its 7 protectors. You even dressed up as them.” You say in a half laugh. “The dragon,” you said gesturing to Namjoon, “Gumiho,” You say pointing to Jimin, “Hydra,” You say pointing to Yoongi, “Fae King, Werewolf, Griffin, and Phoenix,” You say, pointing to Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jimin respectively. 
“The very same,” Yoongi says with a bow. 
“Wow…” You say, breathless. A silence falls on the group before you speak up once again. “I am… sorry.” You start. 
“Don’t be!” Various maknae line members clamor to interrupt you. 
“Let her finish,” Namjoon says sternly. 
“I have been feeling this way for a long time. I think it's been building up from the beginning, actually. I have always felt like you guys were all a billion times more attractive than me, and I started to feel like on top of that, I was talentless and useless in comparison. I never wanted to burden you with my insecure ramblings so I kept them buried and I guess they ate me alive a little. A lot. Truthfully I came here ready to break up with you.” 
“What?!” The group of voices collectively reacts. 
“No I mean I didn’t want to but I felt super useless and ugly so I thought you were just wasting your time with me I mean I love you all so much and I feel so grateful and lucky to have you but it was for your own good that you found someone else-” You begin spouting off. 
Jin takes your hand, interrupting your stream of consciousness “I thought we’d exchange the sweet stuff at dinner but there is no greater time than now. I consider meeting you to be one of the luckiest days of my life. And I know I can speak for everyone and say this past year, you have brought so much joy and intrigue and fun into our lives and we wouldn’t give you up for anything or anyone.” 
“Besides.” Yoongi grabs your other hand, giving it a light kiss. “You are a terrible liar. I could see you were suffering from something inside. I know what that's like.” 
“Get to the point.” The group says collectively. 
“Y/N to me, to us, you are a work of art. You can’t see yourself the way we do. Your face belongs in a Monet, your body is as if it was sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. Even the little things you do, the way you tie up your hair when you are trying to concentrate when you throw your head back and laugh when something is really funny, when you pace around the apartment when you're on the phone, you are beautiful”
“Aw, kookie…” You clasp your hand around your mouth, before wrapping your arms around him. 
“God please no more tears,” Taehyung says, desperately. 
You laugh, letting go of Jungkook. “Tae, I don’t think I have any left in my body.” 
“Listen, everyone, I can’t promise you this discussion is going to make the voice telling me I’m inadequate to go away. But what I can promise is that I will talk about them. I won’t let them build up so bad.” 
“That’s all we would ask of you,” Namjoon says in return. “Besides I’m kind of worried who the hell we’ve been dating this last year if you think we are perfect!” 
“Without getting personal,” Jimin pipes in “We are all at least a group of barely functional, workaholic perfectionists who don’t eat enough, don’t sleep enough, and who care far too much what the public thinks of us. And that's just what applies to all of us, forget our individual faults.” 
“True…” You concede. “Is it still too late to enjoy whatever this is?” You ask, gesturing toward the table.
“No not at all!” They all scramble away, leading you to the table. You immediately notice that apparently, a meltdown was not in the card for the evening, as lit candelabras were now dripping hot wax onto the table runner. Various foods dotted the table, sat in warming dishes to ensure they didn’t get cold while they waited. It was a variable fragrant smorgasbord, and you were starving. 
“I feel a little underdressed…” You admit, looking at them and then at your outfit. “You guys could have at least told me the dress code.” You said, teasing. 
“OH SHIT RIGHT.” Jungkook jumps forward, bowing deeply and putting on a commanding tone. “Fae king, get the lady her vestments at once!” 
Jin rolls his eyes at the younger’s commanding tone, but reaches under the table and pulls out a large, white box. From which he pulls out a deep green dress with several accessories and piles them into your hands. “If the lady would be so kind to change over there.” He said, gesturing to a tasteful rice paper screen that stood about 30 feet to the side of the table. 
“She would.” You say, giving a little curtsey, walking off to change. The dress was form-fitting but in all the best ways. What you didn’t notice before, was that the dress was heavy, dotted with crystals made to look like you were covered in the morning summer dew. Over your shoulders sat a long cape made of leaves, arranged in the gradient from green, to yellow, to orange, to red, to brown. Atop your head, a crown of wildflowers and fruit tree blossoms, and a scepter for you to carry, clear crystalline in its structure, topped by a frosted glass orb from inside which, a dull blue light shown. 
“It’s clearly season-themed…” You begin as you step from behind the screen. “But why?” You ask, taking in their expressions. 
Your heart rate quickens and you feel the heat rise to your face as the group goes silent, somewhat slack-jawed. Some wear expressions of hunger, and desire, others of pure awe and love, but no doubt you hold all their attention. 
“What?!” You ask demandingly, embarrassed. 
“You look…” Jimin starts 
“Perfect.” Yoongi finishes. 
“Thank you” You offer, voice unsure. You somewhat walk over to them feeling awkward, but flattered. 
“Queen of the forest.” Taehyung offers. 
“Queen of the forest.” He repeats. “That’s what your dream was missing. We protect the forest, but we still needed a queen.” 
The depth of the metaphor forms a lump in your throat. You clear it before speaking. “Well, it’s beautiful. This is all so beautiful. Thank you, I cannot express my gratitude enough.” 
“Thank you. For being here. For being you. You are everything we need you to be.” Jimin said with a sweet smile. “Shall we eat?” 
And with that, the evening dinner festivities take off. The lot of you spend the evening drinking too much wine and sharing your favorite stories from the year together. At the end of the night, you go back to their place where you can all snuggle in Namjoon’s massive bed, and as the wine takes you to sleep, it occurs to you that maybe, you are right where you are supposed to be.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the request it only took me 4 years, 9 months, and 18 days to complete
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mj-iza-writer · 1 month
I'm going to call this series "MJ is a Whumpee", what better way to get writing experience than to actually get the experience in real life.
Of course not everyone will get to experience everything so why not share it.
So "MJ is a Whumpee" will be updated as regularly as I can. Plus I will explain what a Whumpee might experience and what they may want or need from a Caretaker or even Whumper. Some may even contain a story.
-MJ 💚
Today's (Friday, Aug 16) experience... getting a tooth pulled.
I have had a broken tooth since March 2020. I was starting to see the dentist and getting my dental health back together when covid started. Because of that I canceled my dental cleaning, and right after that my tooth broke, and had been rotting away since then. My dentist wanted to continue fixing my other teeth before any of them could break away, then send me to the oral surgeon to have it pulled.
A few months ago, I went to him because I was in so much pain. He said he believed it was the broke one causing the pain. He gave me the order to get the tooth pulled, but I had to wait for about 50 days still because of the long schedule. I was given antibiotics and painkillers to last.
This is my experience.
For most of this week I was nervous, but I think the excitement of getting it out of my mouth overpowered my nerves.
Appointment morning Friday. I woke up nervous, and the nerves get stronger as the appointment time gets closer, 1pm.
Now, I am a Whumpee without a Caretaker, I have people that will help me when I need it, but most of this I am doing on my own.
I am shaking during my drive to the oral surgeon.
Go in and get checked in. Sit in the waiting room and try to relax knowing everything would be alright.
Warning: I will be going into detail about the extraction here. I have a cut off as I will be explaining the process, and I know that could gross or squick some out.
There will be a story under here as well.
I get sat down and talk with the dental surgeon, then sign some paperwork.
I received the shots to numb, and I waited for 10-15 min for the numbing to fully take affect.
The surgeon finally comes in and makes sure I am numb before they get started.
I am given a spacer to keep my mouth open, and gauze is put their as well.
As the dentist starts to work, a third person comes from above my head and says, "I am going to support your neck and head". I then feel hands around my throat and chin, not to choke, but they do have some pressure here.
Even while getting my tooth pulled I'm thinking about Whumpee and what would happen with someone holding their throat while two other people are pulling a tooth out. Like flashbacks, PTSD, crying, past trauma. You can really add some nightmare fuel here.
So I can feel pressure as they are shaking my head. Pulling the tooth, moving it back and forth.
The sounds.... Oof, I cringed. Just imagine the sound of a tooth getting pulled from your jawbone and skin. It sounds like shredding and wet.... ugh. Then it is right there by your ear, just 🤢
The oral surgeon tells me that I will hear the sound of the dental drill like at the dental office. It's almost louder though.
It's sensory overload, taste, sound, people in your mouth.
I know I moaned a few times. I couldn't feel anything, but I was imagining how painful it would have been.
She then went into stitching... now I can't feel anything going on, but I could only imagine what that felt like without numbing.
I had to bite down on gauze for around an hour during my drive home on my own. I needed to go to the pharmacy first to get medicine. I bought myself a gift for being so brave though.
Story time... though I do not have a caretaker, I will be giving Whumpee one in this story, because I love my Caretakers.
Caretaker made a small breakfast for Whumpee. They said they weren't really hungry, but Caretaker wanted them to have something in them for later.
Whumpee slowly picked away at the breakfast.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee's shakiness made it hard to function.
"It's okay to be nervous", Caretaker patted Whumpee's shoulder gently, "it's a new experience."
"I think my excitement is making me less nervous, but I'm so scared still", Whumpee admitted.
"I'm glad you're excited. You've come a long way. I'm glad your dentist said it was time to get this done now", Caretaker smiled as they cleared the table, "we will leave in about an hour, the paperwork is done. But they need to scan a few things before the appointment."
Whumpee nodded.
Later on, Caretaker was reviewing Whumpee's records to make sure they had everything in order. They were going to a new place to have the tooth removed.
"I can't believe you've had all of these visits already", Caretaker reminisced, "we are finally getting somewhere."
"Whumpee if you would, please brush your teeth", Caretaker called.
"Okay", Caretaker heard Whumpee get up from the couch and head to the bathroom.
Caretaker thought back to the timid patient they had taken in only two years prior.
Whumpee had come out of a long term hostage situation. They had a lot of medical needs, but their dental was a big issue.
Caretaker had to take them in every couple of months to have their teeth checked and cleaned. This broken tooth had been watched closely and it was causing major pain now. So the dentist said it was time.
Whumpee was finally taken back and sat down.
After consulting with the dentist and Whumpee getting a full run down on everything that would be done they decided to start numbing Whumpee's mouth.
The dentist left for a few minutes while the numbing took affect.
"You heard the part about an assistant holding your neck", Caretaker reminded Whumpee.
Whumpee nodded, "I don't really know how I'm going to feel about that, but I know it needs to be done."
Caretaker nodded, "I will be right here with you, and I will react as we have practiced in the past for when you have an episode."
Whumpee nodded again.
When everyone came into the room Caretaker went over what would happen if Whumpee had a flashback or anything of the sort. Then explained to them what steps they would need to take to keep Whumpee safe.
Once agreed upon, everyone got into place.
Whumpee moaned while the dentist harshly wiggled the tooth.
"I know you are feeling pressure, but is there any pain" the doctor stopped for a moment."
"Nu-uh", Whumpee mumbled.
Caretaker stayed down at Whumpee's feet and gently squeezed their toes. They had done this multiple times during Whumpee's appointments.
Whumpee said it helped them be able to focus and know they were not alone.
The tooth was finally out and everything was set. Whumpee just needed to rest for a few minutes before they could get up.
They smiled weakly when Caretaker came around.
"I am so proud of you", Caretaker gently ran their hand through Whumpee's hair and straightened a few snarls, "you did so good."
"Thankyou", Whumpee tried to talk with a giant piece of gauze in their mouth, "they said I can keep the tooth."
"Yes I heard them. I know you wanted to keep it", Caretaker smiled, "when you feel ready we can head to the pharmacy and go home."
"I think I feel alright", Whumpee started to sit up.
Caretaker laughed at Whumpee during their drive. Whumpee sat in the passenger seat poking their cheek.
"It's so numb", Whumpee poked at their cheek a few more times, "I don't know if I like it, it feels weird."
"Yes I don't much enjoy getting numbed myself", Caretaker agreed.
"So what else are we doing today?", Whumpee looked around.
"Well we are going to the pharmacy to get your medicine the dentist sent out, and you may pick out something for doing so well", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee's eyes lit up, "then we are going home so you can rest."
Whumpee nodded, "may I pick out a toy or maybe a coloring book?"
"Yes, you can pick out anything you like", Caretaker nodded.
"I wonder if I'm to old to be wanting toys though", Whumpee frowned.
"No one is ever too old to enjoy toys", Caretaker frowned, "adults can enjoy toys just as much as anyone else."
Whumpee now sat in the living room happily looking at the item they had chosen.
"How are you feeling?", Caretaker peaked in at them, "is the numbing waring off yet?"
"I think it is a little now", Whumpee felt their cheek.
"Okay, let's get that medicine in you, and I have a surprise for you as well", Caretaker smiled.
"A-a surprise?", Whumpee's eyes lit up.
"I'll be right back", Caretaker turned.
Caretaker came back with a huge grin and a container with Whumpee's meds.
"What is the surprise?", Whumpee eagerly took the medicine.
"Just a few minutes more, and I'll bring it out for you", Caretaker chuckled.
Whumpee set their item to the side and watched the doorway for Caretaker to come back in.
"Alright Whumpee", Caretaker came in carrying two plates, "I stayed up late making this for you, so I hope you enjoy."
"Is that your jello?", Whumpee's eyes sparkled, "you haven't made that in so long."
"Since your last major procedure.... I feel like it's a bit of a tradition now to have jello after you have something major done. This will also be easy for you to eat."
Whumpee looked excitedly at the plate they were holding. This jello was almost a comfort treat for them. It was the first treat Caretaker had made for them when they first came to live with them.
Whumpee had to have a several surgeries around their mouth and jaw so they were very limited. The jello became a sweet treat that Caretaker made them multiple times.
Caretaker sat down across from them.
"I, of course, have to have some as well", Caretaker smiled as they remembered eating the jello with Whumpee after the procedures. This way, Whumpee could enjoy it with someone else.
Whumpee quickly scooped some into their spoon, then jiggled it a little as they lifted it to their mouth.
They giggled happily at the familiar safe flavor.
"This brings back so many memories", Whumpee smiled as they scooped up more, "it taste so yummy."
"I'm glad you like it. There was a while when you ate this daily after meals... I'm surprised you didn't get sick of it", Caretaker laughed as Whumpee played with the treat.
"The one food that it is okay to play with", Whumpee giggled again.
"Yes, but I do need to put a small damper on things", Caretaker sighed, "I would like you to take a small nap after eating this. You used up a lot of energy with your nervousness and stress. Plus it will let your body have time to heal. Are we okay with that plan?"
Whumpee looked up and nodded, "I do feel a little tired."
"I can imagine", Caretaker smiled.
Caretaker sat across from Whumpee while they slept. They were organizing Whumpee's care chart.
"Such a brave soul, everything you went through. I'm so proud of you", Caretaker smiled as they set the book aside, "it's an honor taking care of you."
Notes from the last day.... movement of my mouth is limited, and I am very sore. 🥲
Yes, I absolutely kept my tooth that was pulled out. I also ate blue raspberry jello that night as well.-MJ 🦷
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @clevah-girlboss
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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scrunckled-idiot · 3 months
(chat please it took me so long to figure this out)
So uhhg ughm uh-
I got the idea of A survival tf2 horror game based off this post by @the-sound-of-progress (bbg please you haven’t posed in 8 months ☹)
Like my brain is fucked so I like um i- ghuh just hear my idea out please chat-
So the premise of the game is to steal a randomised amount of randomised weapons (min 10 to 15) scattered around the battlefield in 25 or something minuets while giant medic stalks around. Like the game description would be something like:
“what was going to be just a quick and easy heist of stealing some valuable weapons from that freaky base near your town, turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse. as the bases medic has found an interesting way to defend the base at night. Stay out of sight and evade his clutches as you navigate the abandoned battlefield, collect all weapons, and escape back to your vehicle.”
Or something. Like I kept thinking of game mechanics, unique death animations, and achievements for it to. Damn fucking autism. Like firstly how medic would function based on the images.
Medics mechanics and how to counter them:
medic is giant, which means he’ll be slow, right? Makes sense so you could probably outrun him… as long as your sprint meter doesn’t run out. (refillable with MRE packs). In that case, try and take cover in the nearest building.
You’re still not safe yet if you hide in a building. Either medic will wait until you come out (random chance that he will or not), which you can tell he is or not by listening for his breathing or watching for his shadow. Or he’ll try to reach his hand inside and grab you, counter this by pressing against the wall next to the opening.
If you’re atop of a building, he will try to swipe at you or use his bone saw to slash over the roof. Just go further to the middle of the roof to avoid them or just duck.
If he does manage to grab you, time will slow down and you will have a 5 second window to mash the jump button to “wiggle free” or something.
you can bait him to go somewhere else by using walkie talkies. can only use this trick a minimum amount of times before he learns ts a trick.
At the end of the game it will tell you the total cost of the weapons you stole was, how long it took you, how many MRE packs you ate, and other cool stuff perhaps.
He will hide behind corners of buildings and jump out at you. No counter to this, just a cool jumpscare while he laughs like a fucking madman.
Some Cool and unique death scenes when you’re caught. depending on range:
Long range: shooting a big-ass needle at you from his crossbow, throwing a boulder at you.
Close range: stomped to death, crushed to death, eaten, getting picked up and thunder-cunted into the stratosphere like a baseball, sliced by his bone saw, getting carried away in a comically sized jar.
Player will restart in the spawn rooms or back at the gate if they die.
You’ll know he’s near when the ground starts quaking.
ending cutscene will either have you successfully drive away after stealing the required amount of weapons, or have medic stomp your car while you try to escape if you don't steal the required amounts of weapons. or a secret ending where he follows you home and kills you since you've seen too much (canon ending). not sure what triggers the endings yet.
Achievements (shitty names tbh someone come up with something better ong):
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away- don’t die once during the whole run
monk diet- don’t eat a single MRE pack during the whole run.
Wiggly woo- escape medics grasp every time you’re caught.
by the skin of your teeth- escape with the good ending.
midnight snack- get the bad ending
you didn't see anything- get the secret ending
Uhhhh… some other ones I cant think of yet. sorry :(
I wanted to do voice lines as well but I couldn’t do it, felt cringe. He’d mostly just use voice lines from the game anyway. Typical laughter and taunts. And Probably some cool things that im not creative enough to think about. Maybe deaths will also have a zestier variant just to awaken something in someone. But ye, just something I came up with within the span of a day. Now wanting this to be real and not fiction :( maybe some kids doing game design in my collage will bring my idea to life? Idk man no promises.
Thank you for listening to me autistically ramble about my tf2 g/t horror game pitch. that is all.
Well, off to hang myself! Watch and lear-
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99.9% of the time I prefer 'her' to be in control. But every so often...
It seemed so long ago now.
That first time you followed me to my storage unit.
You knew you shouldn't pry, but wondered what I had there.
Waiting until I left, you convinced the lady at the desk to give you the code with a sympathetic tale.
You let yourself in, surprised to find only a cot, a couple of battery powered lamps in the corners by the door, barely adequate to light the space, a folding chair, and a fold up desk with a laptop and headphones on it.
Your curiosity grew.
You were even more surprised to find the laptop wasn't password protected, but figured I had thought hiding it away in my storage unit would be protection enough.
You sat down. Looked at the desktop, lit up in the semidarkened space.
Folders were marked along it.
Do not listen more than 15 min
Do not listen more than 10 min
DO NOT listen more than 5 min
You wondered why the last one was different.
Curiouser and Curiouser.
You opened the first folder. It was littered with video files. Three were marked 'beginner', others 'intermediate' or 'advanced'.
You put on the headphones and clicked the first file marked 'beginner'.
A spiral appeared on the screen. You heard a rhythmic sound in the headphones, barely audible.
'WATCH' appeared over the spiral, then vanished. You waited. It reappeared, then vanished again. "What the hell?" you thought. "What is this?"
The video ended suddenly, the spiral fading away. Had it really been fifteen minutes? Your watch confirmed it was. Huh.
Although you felt some reservation (where had the 15 minuted gone?), you clicked on the next file. A different spiral appeared. This one started out in a kaleidoscope of colors, transforming into a spiral, then back again. You had to admit, weird as it was, it was beautiful.
'NEED' appeared on the screen.
A different rhythm played on the headphones. You listened intently, in case you missed anything. Again, it appeared and disappeared. "Strange," you thought, but again, watching the captivating explosion of color, the fifteen minutes disappeared.
You clicked the last file. This time there was a small spiral contained within a larger one, moving in opposite directions. You found yourself waiting for the next word to appear, not paying as much attention to the background noise.
You watched it through to the end.
You were about to click on the first of the intermediate files when you heard someone rummaging around in the storage unit next door. Snapping you out of your thoughts, you gathered yourself up and left.
You thought about it for the rest of the day. The strangeness of it all. The storage unit. The laptop. The spirals... You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. You'd talk to me about it after work tomorrow.
You dreamed of the spirals. Of the strange, rhythmic beats. The words flashed in your mind.
The next morning you woke up late. I'd already departed. You found a note on my pillow. "Long day at work today. Probably home late."
You were annoyed, but then you started thinking about the storage unit again. Your annoyance equaled only by your curiosity, you found yourself driving there. Armed with the code now, you let yourself in.
You hurried to get inside the storage unit, to make sure you weren't seen. It wasn't because you were interested in what was next, you told yourself. You moved to the intermediate files.
The spirals came again. With a new rhythm. This time the word didn't appear so much as fade in and out.
And you did. You focused on the screen. The spiral. The word. When the 15 minutes were up, you simply clicked on the next one. More spirals. More rhythms. More words.
The file ended. The last of the intermediate files beckoned you.
And you did. Repeated all three files before you pulled yourself away this time. You looked at the time, realizing how late it had become. How many times had you repeated the cycle?
You hurried home, barely arriving before me.
You thought about bringing it up that night, but decided to wait. You were mentally exhausted, and... wondered what else you might findm
You dreamed of them again. Spirals, rhythms, words.
You woke early, in a sweat. What had you been dreaming? This time you snuck out early. You quickly went to the storage unit, anxious to find out what was next. You clicked on the first advanced file.
This time the spirals, the swirling colord all seemed so much more intricate.
You watched each file multiple times again, this time without needing to be prompted. When you were done, you felt mentally tired. You laid down on the cot, and dozed off. When you awoke, you were surprised to find that you could feel a mild wetness between your legs. Were you aroused by being here? By watching the videos, or by sneaking in here?
You realized it had become late again, and decided to think about it later. Right now, you needed to be blank, mindless, and empty. Wait, no, that wasn't right. Right now you needed to get home. That night, you dreamed again.
You were definitely damp when you woke early in the morning.
You were back again, this time moving to the 10 minute files. The spirals seemed to change during each video. The thrumming rhythm seemed to be a bit louder, somehow more insistent. Was there another sound there? Pleasurable moaning?
The words seemed bolder somehow, and your attention focused.
You weren't surprised when you dreamt of them again. Or when you woke up more than a bit damp. You hurried to the storage unit. You moved to next set of files.
You were a bit surprised when the last video ended. You didn't remember moving from one to the next. And you could see your reflection on the screen. You looked almost... vacant.
Still, you dreamed. And you returned.
The last of the 10 minute files beckoned to you.
You barely remembered moving to the cot. Instead of sleeping you lay there thinking about the videos. Without conscious thought, your hand began to move, slipping between your legs.
You pressed against the dampness between your legs, rubbing through your shorts. You couldn't seem to stop. And you couldn't seem to bring yourself to an orgasm either. The minutes creeped by.
10 minutes, to be exact.
The word flashed across your mind. You could see it above you, the colors, the spirals behind it.
And you begged.
It didn't matter that there was no one there to hear it.
You begged.
Suddenly, you needed to. And still the orgasm wouldn't come. You begged. You pleaded. You rubbed harder, faster, your shorts discarded though you didn't even remember removing them. The minutes crawled by.
10 minutes.
And then you saw it. The spiral. The word. Hanging above you. In your mind.
Your world exploded. Your body rocked as the orgasm took you. Took your body. Took your mind.
It echoed. Seemed to prolong your orgasm. Until finally, spent, you lay there, thinking about nothing.
You were back the next day. And the day after that. You no longer questioned it. Moving to each of the 5 minute files. Now they were filled with words, with instructions.
The colors captivated you. The words became your thoughts. The thrumming filled your ears, your mind. You could hear a voice in it, barely audiible, repeating the instructions on the screen.
One of the files told you how to dress better. How it would make you feel so much better, so much sexier.
Another told you how to drop faster. How to repeat all the words in your mind over and over, so you were always prepared when you came to the storage unit.
Still another gave you edging instructions. Taking away your ability to orgasm without being told you were a good girl. The new videos ended that way, forcing you to return.
But you didn't mind anymore. You wanted to be there. Needed to be there. You spent all your time there, absorbing all the videos, all the instructions, until you finally watched the last one.
The last one.
No instructions this time. None that you could remember. Only a beautiful spiral. The most intricate one yet. A perfect rhythym in the backround.
You watched it, not caring that there were no words, no instructions. You were lost in the spiral. When it ended, you orgasmed automatically. You weren't even sure you had touched yourself. You didn't remember pushing the chair back. You didn't remember getting on your knees.
All you really remembered was the spiral.
The beautiful, commanding, mind numbing spiral. You got up and left, going home. You weren't sure what to do now.
That night, you dreamt again.
Each word filling your mind.
The rhythms overlapping.
Each set of instructions whispered to you.
When you woke, you were alone, your hand already between your legs, rubbing furiously, so damp the sheets were soaked.
But instinctively, you knew you wouldn't be able to orgasm.
Something was missing.
You got out of bed. You looked across the room, and found the laptop sitting there. You felt surprise, but somehow not as much as you should have.
Somehow, it felt... right.
Without thinking, you went to it. Sitting, you opened the screen, slipping on the headphones.
There was a new folder now, marked differently.
You didn't question it. You clicked on the file. The spiral appeared. The rhythm began. Soft, melodic moaning in the background. Somewhere, words.
You were unaware. Your mind had gone completely blank. Your hand slipped between your legs as the last of the programming filled your unconscious mind.
When it finally finished, you noticed vaguely that the sun seemed to have moved in the sky.
But that didn't matter.
You moved to your closet. Thoughtlessly, moving like a robot, you slipped on the pantyhose you had already placed there. It didn't occur to you to put on panties first. Then you slipped on the the tight shorts laying there. You moved to the over the knee boots that you didn't remember buying, pulling on each one. Finally, discarding the bra you'd gone to bed with, you slipped on the tight sweater you'd set out.
You didn't remember applying the make up.
You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment. At the transformation. At someone you never would have been just a few weeks ago.
You felt dampness course between your legs again.
You walked to the center of the room, and got on your knees, facing the door.
I walk in, watching you. The vacant, needy look on your face.
Standing in front of you, I tilt your head up, looking in your eyes.
The simple touch makes you whimper.
I say the word you've been waiting for.
You shudder, pleasure filling your body, your mind. A smile crosses your face as you say back.
"Good girl." I say
The pleasure increases, so much you start to shudder. Your thighs instinctively squeeze together. You're soaking now, but unaware as you try to repeat the words.
"G-g-goood... g-g-g-iirrlll..."
The words become a moan, echoing through the room, as your body shakes with pleasure.
I smile down at you. In this moment, nothing exists for you but me. I can feel the desperation, the need in your gaze.
And give you what you need with your last trigger.
Your moan suddenly draws outward as that one simple word causes you to orgasm in a way you've never experienced before.
Your mind empties as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. You feel nothing else as your body crashes to the floor, unable even to kneel anymore. You see nothing but me, hear nothing but me, know nothing but me.
You are mine.
You are
Spiraling into the Void
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, mentions of depression, sexual themes, someone gets hurt
A wild Miguel appears once again!
Chapter 5 - Pizza Rolls
Yes. I said it. Pizza rolls to me are just little pizza filled Empanadas. My favorite kind are the big Great Value bag of them. Let me tell you about the homemade pizza rolls I made recently. I got puff pastry, then filled them with cream cheese and extra old aged cheddar, diced dry aged salami, diced habaneros, diced onions, homemade garlic pizza sauce, and then close them up, cover in garlic butter, sprinkle with parmesan, and bake on parchment paper for 15-25 min on 350.
Another week had rolled on by since that very explicit dream and you hadn't run into Miguel at all. Even when you outright asked the criminals on whether or not they had seen a jacked up Spider-Man, they genuinely looked confused and terrified that there was yet another Spider-Man, and this one was bigger than any of the others. It almost made you question his existence, had the wizard not kept asking if you had seen him again?
You nearly lost hope on running into him. Maybe he found his way back to where he came from? Maybe he had to leave the city to find the thing he needed in order to do so?
Either way, you managed to get out to patrol for an entire seven days without seeing any sign of him. Perhaps he was busy, which was good. It was getting old being asked the same question every night. At least Peter had the decency to not ask about Miguel while in Stephen's presence. That would just trigger the doctor into playfully teasing you about it.
Thankfully, he hadn't asked about Miguel at all for today, come to think of it. Stephen had said Peter was there when he opened up a viewing orb to see where you were. Maybe Peter's little magic caffeine fit made him forget? Oh, who were you kidding, he aced his finals, so of course he'd remember seeing Miguel in the orb.
"Hey! Nice to see you!" Peter called out as you flipped yourself over the ledge to see only him at the meeting point. He was just packing up Gwen's bag that she had left the previous night.
"Hi! How are you?" You greeted him as he handed you a protein bar.
"Doing good. Since I did so well on my reports, I got a few recommendations from some of the professors. I showed them to Stephen, and told him I want to get my engineering and chemistry certification."
"So you plan on getting a doctorate?"
"Yes! I hope it makes Stephen proud. It's not the same kind of doctor, and it's more what Tony would have wanted-" Peter rambled a bit and you placed a hand to his shoulder.
"Stephen is proud of you. He'd be proud of you no matter what subject you pick. He would be proud even if you failed, because you tried so hard. You don't give up when it gets rough. He knows how much Tony meant to you and Tony wasn't one to stop achieving his dreams when he failed at something. You and Stephen share that drive, and it'll take you far." You said with a bright smile.
It wasn't a lie, because Strange talked about the boy a lot. He always asked how he was doing after a patrol, and he would be the one to do most of the first aid on the team. If he ever had to help Peter with an injury, the man would fuss while patching the boy up. Stephen would even be constantly mentioning how proud Tony would have been, had he been around to see Peter's achievements. The doctor almost sounded like a sweet old grandmother affectionately referring to her grandchild when he spoke of Peter.
"Thank you. That feels good hearing that from you." Peter replied as he cracked a grin.
"So… Does this mean I have to call you Doctor Parker? Or Doctor Spider-Man? Oooh! I know! How about Spider-Doctor?" You gently teased him. Peter burst out laughing while shaking his head.
"Absolutely not! It will be Doctor Parker, and then just the same old, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He chuckled with a wink.
"Ah, good. Though… What about Doctor Webs?!" You gave a laugh back as you tried to picture it. He laughed and shook his head. The both of you got ready to head out, suiting up fully and slinging away into the night as you kept roasting Peter on the names he could use.
Most of the night was pretty calm. There was a fender bender pretty early on and a guy needed to be pulled from the wreckage, so Peter had helped. You didn't have much to offer in assistance, so you sat perched up on a shopping market roof to watch him while you called an ambulance. When all was said and done, you left to go seek out other problem areas that might need some help. The small police scanner Peter had built into his wrist watch sure did help a lot, and it reminded you of Miguel's watch.
Another occurrence was a man being held at knife point by a local drunk. Peter and you managed to talk the guy down and check him into a local drop-in center for outreach help. From there, everything was good. Nothing was off, which was great. It was so great that you and Peter stopped for a bite to eat on top of Stark Tower. About half way through your sandwich, Peter's watch and phone went off. He picked it up to check and his face fell.
"What's wrong, Peter?"
"There's been a breach in the Stark Tower security systems." He grumbled as he jammed the rest of his food into his mouth and chewed vigorously. You huffed and opened your sandwich and hurriedly removed the good bits, shoving them into your mouth and discarding the bread and other bits you didn't enjoy much. You both chewed in silence as you wiped your faces and hands.
"What? But we are sitting on the building..?" You asked with a confused face as you opened a soda to wash your mouth out, then handed it over to Peter so he could do the same.
"Yeah… I suppose we should go check it out, then?" He suggested. How could you say no?
Since Peter already had official security clearance, it was easy to get inside. You followed him in and down to the lower levels. He didn't bother to creep about. He acted like he owned the place, which he kind of did now that Tony was gone. Peter glanced at his watch a few times.
"Looks like the disturbance is in the vaults." Peter announced as he pointed to another stairwell. His tech was telling him the breach was in the power core reactor vault on the main floor. It was separated from the one that powered the building, and that was underground.
Peter directed you to the stairwell and down the center of the spiral stairs. He chose to use a web rope, while you descended with a disk of light. Once at the main floor, Peter quietly peeked down a hallway and motioned for you to follow. You darkened your suit and dimmed the lights in the hallway slowly, while Peter made his way towards the vault room.
There was a clatter of sorts the closer you got. Peter was a bit nervous, his spider senses no doubt going insane as he twitched at any noise. Yours, however, wasn't going off at all. You thought that was odd, considering the threatening nature of the noises that you were hearing. Scraping and clanking to be specific could be heard, followed by what sounded like drawers and doors opening and closing rapidly. The occasional crash of glass tinking against glass could be heard as well.
Peter stopped at the door, a weak light coming from inside. You could hear someone grumbling to someone. A man, talking to a woman. Peter was opening the door as you realized the voices sounded familiar, and before you could tell him to wait, Peter was zipping inside to confront the individuals.
"I'd stop that if I were you. Mr. Stark might be gone, but this building is still owned by his associates." Peter said as he clung to the roof in front of a large storage room door. The noises suddenly stopped and a growl erupted from the room.
"Spidey, uh, maybe we should be careful-" You started to say, when a large metal box was hurled at him. Thankfully, Peter managed to smack it away in time.
"Not one for talking, huh? Are you the strong silent type?" Peter said as he fired off a warning shot into the storage room. A small crash could be heard as a bunch of things fell to the ground and scattered all over the floor and out the door. You hid in the shadows and got closer to the door as Peter dropped down and darted into the room after the noise.
"Friday! Spidey needs the rest of the backup lights off!" You called out. The noises suddenly stopped as that familiar voice went 'huh?' And a second later, and the lights went out.
A scuffle occurred. You could hear Peter get hit and grunt as he came flying out of the room and hit the wall on the other side of the room. You gasped when it registered. You heard the distinct sound of bone breaking and Peter hissing in pain.
There was another crash, so you turned and stepped into the storage room, seeing a dark figure smash a window and climb up into it. The moon light hit his form just right, and you could tell immediately that it was Miguel. He turned to look back at you, tilted his head, then jumped. You looked back at Peter, seeing he was getting up and rubbing his neck.
You had a choice. Stay and help Peter, or chase Miguel.
"Get that jerk, Galaxy-Spider!" Peter shouted as he huffed while leaning against the wall. His arm looked like it was bent the wrong way, and his voice was dripping with pain.
That fucking dick broke your friend's arm!
You saw red, and then in an instant, you were across the room, handing Peter your bag for anything he would need, before running to and jumping from the window that Miguel had escaped from.
As you hit the night air, you looked around, catching a glimpse of Miguel zipping up a web to the roof of the building you just left. You scowled and hissed as you summoned a circle of light and stepped on it. You braced yourself and sent it straight upwards towards Miguel.
When he turned his head to check if he had gotten away, he recoiled in surprise when he saw that you were only meters behind him.
He reached out and shot a web to the next building over and kicked away from the tower. He used the momentum of the sudden change in trajectory to rocket himself away. He was fast, like ridiculously fast for a large hulking mass of muscle. It made sense, Jake was slightly smaller, but the cabbie was pretty fucking fast. So, of course Miguel, with the same setup, would be faster since he was a Spider.
"Get your ass back here!" You demanded as you aimed at him and shot off a web. He managed to twist himself out of the way. In doing so, he landed against the building and sprang away from it to go to another across the street.
"Fucker! I swear to the Gods, if you make me chase you, I am not going to be a happy girl!" You called out while making a series of glowing lights appear to get to him. He had gained a fair distance, now being three blocks away.
You could do this. You had chased far worse things than Miguel. This should be easy for you.
One blob at time, but surprisingly quickly as you hopped, skipped, and jumped your way to the fleeing Spider. You gave chase for over ten minutes, drawing you far away from the Stark Tower and the Sanctum. You hauled ass and pushed yourself to catch up with him, each breath coming out in a rush.
Your lungs were burning and your muscles were aching with the effort to get to him. You were angry and upset that he had hurt your friend, and had the audacity to break and enter the building that belonged to said friend. You had an idea of what he was looking for, and you even offered to help him, yet here you were, chasing a potential thief that refused any help.
When Miguel looked back, you were almost able to grab at his ankle. The panic was evident in his body language, and in that split second, he shot you in the face with his webs.
Everything went dark and you stumbled while trying to pull the web from your face. You lost your footing, slipping and falling off the light. A strangled squeak came from you as your head smacked against another gob of light. Dizziness filled you as you kept falling. The ground would soon meet you and you were sure it would hurt and do some major damage.
A whoosh of air hit your ears as you were suddenly grabbed and sent flying. It took a moment to realize you weren't falling, but now were being carried while swinging in the air. Large muscular arms held you tightly against a well sculpted torso. The heat from the man was radiating nicely and it felt safe and warm, even though a few moments ago you wanted to punch him in his stupid face. A few moments later, and Miguel was setting you down gently, but he didn't let go. He was holding on in an effort to avoid you lashing out at him as he removed the webs from your face.
Well, you didn't lash out. You stayed still while trying to control your breathing. Your mask was taken off and when you looked up, Miguel had already discarded his on roof you were on. He held a look of concern as he inspected your head, finding a bump, but otherwise everything was fine.
"You gave me a scare, there. You weren't supposed to fall."
"Well you weren't supposed to commit a felony by breaking and entering Stark Tower, then I am pretty sure you broke my friend's arm!" You snapped at him and Miguel let go of you and took a step back.
"I broke his shocking arm!?" He seemed surprised and his face melted into remorse.
"I am sorry. He was trying to stop me from getting the information I needed, and he shot a web at Lyla. She's all I have left. I didn't mean to hurt him. I'm still getting used to these powers." He stammered as he showed you the lack of pockets and anything on his person, but the watch. You sighed, but still had to ask.
"Did you steal anything?"
"No! Well, uh, just the information I needed. I swear, I didn't take any of those glowing core things." He said and turned around.
"See? And no, I didn't put anything up there." He indicated to his rear, and it drew a small laugh from you. You cleared your throat and stood up.
"Well, you need to come back with me. Tell P- Tell Spidey that you're sorry and that you didn't mean to cause any harm, though you clearly did, you big brute. If you don't, the wizard will make your life really fucking hard." You scolded him and pointed back towards the tower. Miguel frowned as he looked down and sighed.
"Fine. I'm sorry I ran."
"Good! Now I'll just shoot him a text and let him know I am on the way back with you." You muttered while going for your pack. You froze when you remembered handing it to Peter.
"Ah, shit. I can't. I forgot I left my bag with him. Well, you're gonna just have to watch your back while we go."
By the time you got back to the tower, Peter had already called Stephen in. You could tell they were there because there was a warm orange glow of the portals he was so fond of. You had to check and make sure Miguel didn't just fuck off, which, thankfully, he didn't.
As you approached, you could see Stephen bent over Peter. He was fixing up his arm with magic and making sure Peter was alright when the lad sat up and pointed at you and Miguel.
"That's the guy!" Peter said as he jostled forward a bit and winced. Stephen smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
"Stay still. The last thing we need is you distracting me while I am trying to set the bone back into place!"
"But, Stephen, the guy that broke my arm is right there!" Peter argued with a whine.
"Settle down. I know he's there. I can clearly see him." Stephen said as he twisted Peter's arm suddenly. A loud crack was heard, and Peter gasped and almost threw up.
"But you're not even facing him…" Peter protested quietly. Stephen huffed and pointed up to his forehead and Peter went quiet. He didn't bother asking how he could still see Miguel, when that eye wasn't even facing him. He knew it was magic and left it at that.
"Heya, doc. I found the guy. Brought him back. He's willing to apologize and explain himself." You said as you motioned to Miguel, then to Peter.
"Good. I look forward to hearing about why he's caused such a fuss." Stephen stood there looking at everyone with his arms crossed. He looked mad and annoyed. Of course he'd be.
Miguel was nervous. He was shifting from one foot to the other as he looked at Peter.
"I, uh… I am sorry for breaking your arm. I… I am also sorry for breaking into this building." He glanced at Peter, then at Stephen, before his eyes landed on you.
"Okay. Cool. Apology accepted. Now, please enlighten me as to why you broke into my building?" Peter asked while Stephen started using magic to speed up the healing process.
"Your building?"
"Yes. This is my building."
"So that makes you Peter Parker, then." Miguel said as he motioned to the room around him.
"The man that Tony Stark left all his technology and businesses to. Wow. That's wild. You're so young." Miguel looked at you and huffed.
"You could have told me that, you know. I wouldn't have broken in here if I knew that this place belonged to your friend." Miguel complained and rubbed his face.
"You're a dick. I offered to ask my friends for help, but nooo, you said you wanted to do it all by yourself!" You said and threw both hands over to Peter. Peter was perfectly fine by now, Stephen's spell having worked its magic and fixed what Miguel had broken.
"I said I could have asked, and yet, you declined and ended up hurting my friend. I think you owe me an apology as well Miguel!"
"You're right. I'm sorry. I should have asked for help. I should have accepted your offer."
"Okay. Enough of this garbage. Can we go back to the Sanctum? I really need to finish this book I borrowed from Wong." Stephen spoke up and started walking through the portal.
"You're not going to punish me?" Miguel had a look of surprise on his face.
"No. That's for Peter and her to decide. I have enough shit to deal with already. Besides, you're a Spider-Folk. That's their jurisdiction." Stephen announced and then he went straight to sit at his desk with his book.
"Let's get going. You know how much he hates waiting." Peter whispered to you.
You nodded and looked at Miguel, curling your finger in a silent command to follow. Miguel hung his head in frustration as he followed on through. Once inside the library, the portal closed up behind you. Peter was the first to fling his mask off and flop into one of the arm chairs by the fireplace. You took yours off as you sat in the love seat and laid across it.
Miguel awkwardly looked at the other leather chair and sat down. From this angle he could see everyone, and he noticed the wizard's third eye was staring at him through the reflection of the mirror up on the wall beside him. That was unnerving, so he turned to look at Peter. The boy gave him an obnoxious smile as he looked Miguel over.
"That's a weird choice in a suit. You look like you're wearing a child's costume. I can see some of the seams are ripping." Peter quipped and you giggled.
"Look, my outfit was poorly planned in the time that I had." Miguel huffed and rolled his eyes as he relaxed into the chair.
He was spread eagle with the way he sat, and your eyes wandered down. Just a peek, right? What could it hurt?
"Hey, doc! Can ya fix up his ugly suit?" Peter glanced at you as he called out to Stephen.
You looked away as you blushed, Miguel eyeing you carefully as he crossed one leg over the other. Stephen grumbled and flicked his hands towards Miguel, and his suit resized and darkened with textures that weren't there before. Strange went right back to reading, but he was eavesdropping, ready to spring into action should Miguel blow his top.
Miguel's reaction was an undignified squeak and a grunt as the new suit formed around him. He stared at the gloves, noting the rubber like pads on the fingertips and the slits at the tips of the fingers for his claws. He got up and went over to the mirror and gawked at himself, twisting right and left as he looked at the professional fine detailing of the fabric patterns. Miguel looked like he was wearing boot shaped socks.
He didn't know what to say as he looked at you in the reflection of the mirror. You had been staring at him, eyes looking right at his impressive looking legs, looking up to his nice tight ass, then up his back to his shoulders, and finally to his eyes. You blushed and bit your inner cheek as you smiled at him. He winked at you and then turned to thank the doctor.
Miguel explained who he was, where he was from, and when. Stephen quietly listened, while Peter kept interrupting him to make a joke or a remark about something, like if he really fell into a dumpster, or if you had pushed him. It took about an hour to explain himself in what only took ten minutes to you privately. Stephen decided Miguel wasn't a threat, and offered to let him stay, but Miguel was very adamant about having a hotel room and that he didn't wish to be a burden.
Stephen wasn't having any of it. He refused Miguel's excuses and he showed him to a room, claiming he owed his son at least one day and night of his time for the inconvenience of temporarily breaking his arm. Miguel relented and followed Stephen to the room, and you didn't hear from him all night.
Series Masterlist
Sorry Peter. Miguel is really sorry.
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Special thanks to:
Beta reader:
@einno-arko @theaussiedragon
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@theaussiedragon @einno-arko
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beplinkclick · 1 month
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A Promise is NOT BREAKED
Charter 1 [Story introduction]
The meeting
"Natalia pov‹
Hi, my name is Natalia or Lia for friends. I am 16 years old, and I live in Târgoviște in a forest area, I don't live right next to the forest and only 30 min by foot and 15 min by car.
I use to walk around the forest area but I don't enter it because, it is said that various crimes are committed through that place, it is not known exactly the reason or who is to blame for the deceased people..
Finally, I'm a Wattpad content creator and a while ago I created a book related to my favorite fandom, "Creepypasta". By writing this book I can say that I was quite successful, I made two friends including Patricia who lives in Bucharest, about an hour and a half drive or 2...ahem.
Patricia and I have become very good friends, she is 15 years old, but still quite mature if it's something serious to discuss. I use to talk to her almost every night about Creepypasta nonsense, I for one don't think it's all nonsense because I remember an incident from my childhood that still makes me feel weird to this day.
"When I was 7-8 years old, I used to walk through the forest with my father or a friend. On a beautiful summer day I decided to go out with my father for a little walk in the woods because he needed some certain sticks.I ran around the area my father said and started playing, while I was having fun, I tripped over something that was slightly sticking out of the ground. Being a curious child I decided to check and, I checked, in the ground I found a small wooden chest, when I opened it I found a certain slightly torn book on which nothing was written, except for a strange sign that consisted of a, circle intersected by an x. Not knowing what it meant I took it with me and showed it to my father, who said it was stupid and to abandon it, I didn't listen and took it home with me, but my older brother was curious when he found out it was just a book he told me it was useless and to throw it away.I didn't throw it away and at home I sat under the shade of a tree and decided to open the book to study it better, it was strange, it had different pages with inscriptions on them and cut circles, the pages were slightly torn and some had words on them them like "LEAVE ME ALONE" or "NO,NO,NO,NO". I didn't know what they meant at that time. In the evening it was going to bed and I had to go home, I put the book back in the box and placed it under a tree. But the next morning the box was no longer there and neither was the book, all that was left was a sheet like all the others stuck to the tree where the book had been.I asked my brothers and parents, but they said they didn't know anything, I was left with only that page, being only a child, I quickly got used to the idea that the book no longer exists and somehow I got rid of that page... everything it was perfect until I was 9-10 years old when I found out about Creepypasta and the confusion and panic set in..but I haven't seen anything since then.."
Only my friend Patrica, who is like a sister to me, knows this story. Me and her only communicated online on video and phone calls, everything was going great until strange things started to happen, for example, I would go to the toilet for a while and leave the call prone, when I came back, I would wake up with a Patricia who he said that strange things happen when I'm away, footsteps are heard or strange messages are sent in English..at first I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes, different weapons like the knife were repeatedly disappearing from my room and someone was secretly taking pictures of me...I was being watched 24/24.. Actually.. they are. I need urgent help to get rid of this, me and Paty have stupid suspicions, that a Creepypasta is out to harm me, I know it's stupid but you can't say it doesn't exist unless you have concrete proof. Patricia and I decided to go on a first date, I called her one evening and asked her for a little friendly first date.
- Hey, hey! How are you? I say in a happy and amused tone
- Oh hi! Well, you know, I document creepy things:)
- Hah, funny as always, listen, I thought of something new.
- Say! Anyway, I'm tired of the same stupid things every time..
- Don't you think it's time we met? I mean we've known each other for almost a year or so, we have to meet physically.
- You're not saying anything bad, but you have to have a certain interest, so come on.
- Okay.. I'm thinking that the two of us should find out who's behind the madness that's going on! I say in a slightly angry tone, I'm frustrated with everything that's going on.
"Patricia pov‹
I'm on the call with Lia and suddenly I hear that she wants me to help her find I don't know what creatures or disabled criminals in the forest, it's stupid but you can't say what you want until you prove it.
- I know what to say... wasn't that forest, the forest of criminals? I avoid her idea, that forest is cursed
- Come on, they're just stories, if there are criminals out there why didn't I see them?
- Ufff... well, I'll talk to Dad or brother to bring me, but when can I come?
- Well, come Monday, anyway we have this summer vacation and if you want, I'd love to invite you to be roommates!
- Hell YEAH! I'm coming no matter what, I'm convincing my folks to let me and I'm sure they'd accept!
With one last sentence, the call goes crazy again, Lia and I have learned to hang up instantly when this happens but it's getting more and more annoying. Lia changed her 3 phones and phone numbers, and so did I, but nothing changes, everything is the same! To be honest I can't wait for the real action to start!
I know the first chapters can be cringe and bad, but I swear that then book gets better by each chapter.
If you want to read more you can go on my Wattpad account "Bep_link_000" where you can find the book in Romanian and English. Thanks for the attention.
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tearsinthemist · 12 days
People In Their 20s Are Sharing The Hardest Pills To Swallow About Becoming An "Adult"
Sat, September 7, 2024 at 8:57 PM CDT·5 min read
As we grow up, we see things differently. How we look at the world at 25 is vastly different from how we view life at 13. And as we age, we are forced to come to terms with difficult things. So Redditor u/BluebirdIll6390 asked, "What's the hardest pill to swallow in your early twenties?" Here's what people said, including members of the BuzzFeed Community, about the toughest realities of aging into your 20s and beyond.
1."For me, a hard pill to swallow was realizing how much I actually have to make to have the lifestyle to which I was accustomed and how far I was from that as a recent graduate."
2."You have to become the driving force making the next steps of your life happen. There’s a pretty clear, direct pipeline from childhood to university. After that, it's all open. A lot of people get stuck floating around in post-college purgatory, waiting for something to happen, but you just have to be the one to make those things happen now. It’s very easy to get sucked into the rhythm of the first job you get out of college, setting up wherever you’re situated, having ideas of what you’d like to do with your life with no urgency to get started because you’re under the false assumption you’ve all the time in the world. You’re young, but the days are long, and the years are short. Don’t wait to start living."
3."Some careers don't start till you're in your 30s."
4."My dad told me that the older I got, the smarter he would seem. It turns out he was right all along."
5."True friends are hard to find. They're not the friends you party with. Not the friends you hang onto because you 'have a history even though you don't have much in common anymore, or they treat you like shit. The true friends who will love you for who you are. It took me a long time and a lot of heartache to learn this one, but my best friend at 35 has enriched my life in ways that my old contingent of 'friends' never could."
6."The hardest thing for me was realizing that some of my friends and family were objectively bad people who would never change and/or grow up."
7."You have to decide what you want to eat for every meal for the rest of your life."
8."Your parents are getting older and won't be here forever."
9."You will either cultivate habits, willpower, study, exercise, and routines for success, or you will slowly watch yourself fade. No one is protecting you from yourself anymore."
10."This is likely the best your body will ever feel. Put in the work now, and your body will thank you. I'm talking about flexibility work, strength work, skin and teeth."
11."Being an adult isn't nearly as exciting as I thought. While I love my autonomy, I don't love my bills or responsibilities. The fact is, every stage of life has its pros and cons. Nothing is ever perfect, but that's okay."
12."Remember how, as a kid, a year took forever? Like the week after Christmas, had this crushing reality that it would be forever before it happened again? Now, remember how fast this last year went? Yeah. That's your life. You'll be 30, wondering what happened to time. It just keeps getting faster. Don't try to speed through, even in the bad times. Take time. Don't live for the weekend, don't put things aside for 'another time.' People say you won't be young forever, but nobody prepares you for how short 'not forever' it actually is."
13."Your comfort zone quickly becomes a prison if you indulge in it. You need to push your boundaries and only fall back into your comfort zone when you absolutely need it. Staying in your comfort zone will breed anxiety when you leave it. You have to put yourself into uncomfortable situations to build up resilience for the future."
14."That feeling of being a kid who is just figuring shit out never actually ends."
15."Realizing that adulting is a full-time job with no time off."
16."At the end of the day, you are on your own. No parent, teacher, or camp counselor will swoop in, resolve conflicts, and guide you to the next step. You have to figure it all out. You can ask people for advice, but the problems are infinitely more complex and never have a 'right' answer, only a 'best we can figure' answer given what you have available. Yes, close friends or a significant other can be there to aid you when you need help with projects, moving, or a shoulder to cry on. But at the end of the day, it's your life, and you must steer the ship."
17."All the fun of going to school, having summers off, having 'breaks' for fall or winter...that's just about over. Time to go to work every day until you're ready to retire. Hope you enjoyed your school years!"
18."'You can be the sweetest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will still be people who don't like peaches.'"
19."My parents were right: A boring life is a happy life."
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vergess · 1 year
You are the mutual I know who uses linux, and I have a half-broken dinosaur of a laptop I want to see if linux would make usable again.
Its 8+ years old, cannot connect to the internet for a reason that may be software related or might not(its a mystery), and has other various issues.
My use of it would Primarily be as a on-the-go text & html editor and if I can get the internet running on it then also firefox as well. Maybe some offline emulation of some older games or a simple linux supported drawing program but that isnt essential.
The question is Thus: If I download a linux mint installer and copy to a flashdrive(presuming you can download the file without it starting to set up the OS instantly), is that all thats necessary to upload linux mint onto a laptop that has no internet capabilities?
Also which version of linux mint should I use? I see there are several. This laptop 3 years ago ran windows 10 ok enough to boot up chrome and use the internet, but now it takes like 15 mins to finish loading enough that you can open programs, as a metric.
Thanks and hope you have a nice day!
Yes, most linux distros will run on a machine that age, and with a surprising degree of vitality. Game emulation should work just fine, unless the computer was very low power even for 2015.
On a mech that old, I'd suggest just checking if the tiny wire for the wifi card has popped loose over time. They are snap-on wire heads that don't lock, so especially with laptops, disconnections like that happen.
Your wifi card should look a lot like this:
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I've circled the two tiny ports, and drawn arrows to identify which cables. The whole wifi card will be about an inch across, and is the ONLY thing that uses those kind of wires, so it's very identifiable.
Linux mint is designed to install offline, and includes a wide variety of open source and generic drivers for just.... so much hardware. When you begin installation, it will ask you if you want to use, "third party, private and proprietary drivers." If you say yes, it will want an internet connection to download those drivers. If you say no, it will install entirely offline without issue.
As for which version: the only difference is the visuals. I, personally, like XFCE because it has very minimal visual noise. Everything is simple rectangles with sharp corners and clear boundaries. This lack of visual flair also means it uses the least resources to run the OS, leaving more hardware power available for actual tasks. However, it's a very intimidating desktop. If you liked Windows XP but haven't enjoyed much since, grab XFCE.
If you are a Mac/apple user, I actually recommend Kubuntu instead of Mint, because it has the most similar interface visually and will cause the least transition pains. Kubuntu has equally if not even more robust hardware support to Mint, as both of them are built on top of the Ubuntu framework.
For everyone else, I suggest starting with Mint Cinnamon. I have actually, with no reservations, had way better results teaching confused retirees to run Cinnamon than Windows or Mac. It's a very user friendly interface.
The start bar search, for example, literally just shows results for files/programs installed to your computer, none of this bs about integrated web searching.
As for installation tools:
You must burn the ISO file to the flashdrive as a bootable disk, rather than simply copying the file to it. I'm sure you know that; it's the same for installing windows. But! People often forget that detail and wonder why their computer keeps booting to windows instead of the installation media.
I personally use LiLiUSB because I'm stuck mentally in the year 2014 which is when it stopped updating. For a more sane approach, try Balena Etcher. Or whatever bootable drive software you like; it doesn't really matter. You just need to make the drive bootable before installation.
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zealfruity · 1 year
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 2/2 Master Post (Domino Squad Lives AU and Fives+332nd Live AU version)
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Mostly just headcanons following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Nax is a she/her. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. Domino Squad Lives AU has the main blue boys interact with the 212th on a more personal level, so some of these involve a mix of the two groups. Every single character is having an existential crisis in the other AU. NO CLONESHIPPING HERE!
(Domino Squad Lives Fix-It AU):
Echo: Do you take constructive criticism?
Cutup: No, only cash or credit.
Waxer: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Echo: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Cutup: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Droidbait: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hevy: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'
Echo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make
Hevy: *flips the board*
Cutup: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Fives: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Cutup: God?!
Cutup: Get in loser, we're going shopping.
Droidbait: This is a McDonald's drive thru.
Nax: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Wooley: I need life advice.
Cutup, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Fives: *coughs blood*
Droidbait: Don't die, Fives!
Fives: Don't tell me what to do!
Cutup: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I've ever done.
Droidbait: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Cutup: They're not.
Droidbait: Haha, very funny.
Cutup: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Droidbait: No... what happened?
Cutup: …Why would you fall for this again-
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Cutup*
Cutup: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Droidbait: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.
Hevy: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don't set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it.
Cutup: Hello friends!
His Squad:
Cutup: You might be wondering why I'm stuck to the ceiling
Cutup: You're mean!
Droidbait: You're meaner!
Cutup: Yeah, well, you're ugly too!
Droidbait: You're uglier!
Cutup: You're a dumbass!
Droidbait: You're a dumberass!
Cutup: You think "dumberass" is a good insult!
*Cutup and Hevy are planning to break in somewhere*
Cutup: We need to distract the guards.
Hevy: Right.
Cutup: What are we gonna do?
Hevy: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Cutup: Deal.
Nax: Hey, DB! Did you know you’re my BFFLWYLION?
Droidbait: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nax: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.
Droidbait: That’s one way to say it, I guess…
Wooley: I am strong! I beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Hevy: Anyone can beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Droidbait: Hey-
*Cutup sends more than 5 messages in a row*
Hevy: I ain’t reading all that.
Hevy: I’m happy for you tho.
Hevy: Or sorry that happened.
Cutup, to Wooley: You know, Hevy can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Cutup: *blows airhorn at Hevy* GET FUCKED!
Hevy: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Cutup: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hevy: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Jesse: Actually I did the math, Cutup would have $225, not $0.15.
Cutup: Fam I’m right here....
Wooley: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Tup: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Wooley: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Tup: :(
Jesse: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Echo would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Wooley: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Jesse: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Fives: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice.
Echo: Apply juice to what.
Fives: Directly to the forehead.
Rex: Great chat everyone.
Droidbait, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Echo: Time for plan G.
Wooley: Don’t you mean plan B?
Echo: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Droidbait: What about plan D?
Echo: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Tup: What about plan E?
Echo: I’m hoping not to use it. Cutup dies in plan E.
Boil: I like plan E.
Oddball: Are we really going to let Hevy keep Beam?
Cody: We kept Cutup.
Kix: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Droidbait: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Kix: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
The poor Jedi that got Cutup assigned to them after the war: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this Order.
Cutup: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
*At the police station*
Denal: Hi, I’m here for Domino Squad.
Corrie guard: Who’s Domino Squad?
Denal: Ah, you must be new.
Fox: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?!
Jesse: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Hevy: How does that even work?
Droidbait, mocking him: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?!
Hevy: Your face doesn't make sense.
Cody, to Trapper: If you see Cutup, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Cody: He’ll know what it means.
Trapper: oh, and Cody said to give you a message.
Trapper: *makes a neutral face*
Cutup: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Fives: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Longshot: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Cutup: ...We're on the ground floor.
Longshot: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Hevy: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Denal: What do you call disobeying the law?
Domino Squad: A hobby.
Denal: *crosses his arms*
Domino Squad: That we do not engage in.
Droidbait to Tup: First rule of battle, vod’ika... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Hardcase, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Droidbait: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hevy: Really love that airports have to specify that you're NOT allowed grenades. Like damn there go my traveling plans
Droidbait: Ideally we get down there and Cutup’s just dead. And then we can end the mission, and I can go home. Obviously very sad, thoughts and prayers, but... I don't have to go down there, then. So... *weighs options between his hands* Lose brother, don't have to go in the tunnel. I think it comes out to be a wash, to be honest, so…
Hevy, about possibly getting too beefy for the armor: Regulations won’t look as good as my thighs will so they aren't valid.
Fives+332nd Live AU (possible official titles include Bones In The Ocean AU and Resistance Leaders AU, I’m workshopping it rn)
*The squad has just arrived in a new city. Fives looks around at the wanted posters to see if he’s on any of them.*
Omega: Fives, are you a criminal?
Fives: Not here, I'm not!
Rex: Uuh, watcha got there?
Fives, with a lightsaber: A smoothie.
Fives: Damn, Tech, are you secretly cool?
Tech: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Fives: I do not.
Ahsoka, texting CF99: Want to help me murder someone?
Echo: Sure who we hitting?
Ahsoka: someone who looks evil
Some guy: What am I supposed to do?
Bounty Hunter Fives: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Some guy: I’m an atheist.
Fives: Then just get ready to die I guess.
Fives: So, are you two friends?
Omega: Yes.
Crosshair: No.
Fives: Hello Crosshair, made anyone cry today?
Crosshair: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Fives: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
Echo: Schrödinger's boys.
Crosshair: FUCK!
Wrecker: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Tech: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Tech: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Fives: ...
Echo: ...
Crosshair: ...
Wrecker: ...
Tech: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Fives: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Tech: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Fives: Fuck you.
The self-taught medic with no license in the lower levels: Fives’ a 10 but that's all we know about him.
Kix: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Ahsoka: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Kix: Th-that's not how that works-
Fives, to the BB: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Tech: But how-
Fives, ignoring him: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Echo: *nods sagely*
All of them: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Tech: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Fives: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Tech: Somehow that's worse.
Rex: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Crosshair: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Hunter: Didn't you die?
Fives: That was months ago, dude. Things change.
Omega: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Omega: And I started thinking.
Omega: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Omega: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Hunter: Are you ok?
Jesse 5 months into Resistance work: You know I think my life has value.
Wrecker: Who are you and what have you done with Jesse?!
Fives: I'm so sad woa woa womp womp.
Echo: I am tired of fighting my own demons, give me physical ones.
Fives, months into being on the run: I’d kill to go absolutely ham on a dexter-grade hamburgussy.
Echo: Nothing wrong with a little government overthrowing in the sake of friendship.
Wrecker: Aw you little reg guy.
Dogma: Shut up do not call me that.
Omega: Gentleman ori’vod.
Dogma: Stop I am a STRANGER who is RUDE!
Echo after Fives tells him that he tried to assassinate Palpatine: Yeah I think fighting the Chancellor’s a pretty good way to get labeled a traitor.
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finnickyslut · 7 months
*jingling an empty bowl* can I please have more truth-warping AU please?
Oh, god! Thank you for the interest, nonnie.
... I'm wholly unprepared for this.😳😬
This whole au has consisted basically in an idiotic amount of research (divorce in the UK during the 80s, Merseyside, air ambulance in the UK in 2007, overdose symptoms, treatment and survival window, and on it goes) and an even more ridiculous amount of me creating a choose your own adventure for any and every scene because I'm a scatterbrain. 😅
So! I'm going to try to focus on one thing (let's say the maze + overdose part) but let me preemptively apologize for any rambling, digressing etc.
One thing that was clear to me is that the maze scene needed to happen basically the same up to "you make my blood run cold" because it's what leads Oliver to the abyss. (And for a later scene in the hospital, but that's for another occassion.)
Apart from that, I thought several options would make sense and be interesting.
In scenario A, Oliver reaches the conclusion that Felix is upset because fake drama is unfulfilling and doesn't let him be the hero for real, so he just has to give him a real issue. Cue Oliver adulterating the bottle for himself and drinking enough to hopefully give Felix something pathetic enough to really chew on or a chance to save the day.
Here, the agitation/aggressiveness, labored breathing, paleness, and vomiting are early signs of overdosing, and Felix may take a small swig of the concotion but gets it taken off him soon enough. The background is different but the whole scene is almost identical except Oliver leaves the center of the maze with the bottle.
Otherwise, Oliver poisons the bottle because the only thing he knows is if his apology goes wrong there's no way both of them can leave the maze alive (that's actually part of what prompted this AU, the thesis that the inevitable end in the face of rejection wasn't necessarily Felix's death, but Oliver doing something extreme to one or both of them.)
With how definitive Felix's rejection feels, he decides he may as well put himself out of his misery.
He pushes himself off Felix, takes a long gulp while staring defiantly (reflecting on it later on, Felix will realize Oliver was actually taking him in for what he thought would be the last time), maybe makes a scorned comment, and leaves.
I'm any scenario, Felix takes a moment to calm himself (let's say 15 min), goes to take the easy way out, realizes Oliver went a different way, and something makes him take that path too.
He finds Oliver passed out and the bottle on its side. He looks terribly clammy, is unresponsive and something's wrong with his pulse .
Felix Takes him in his arms and gets out of maze as fast as possible. Goes looking for Duncan (Duncan always knows what to do and misteriously appears whenever he's needed). They call emergency services.
(At this point I pondered if the Cattons wouldn't have had med tent and discarded the notion because they're fabulously rich AND fabulously unprepared for things not going precisely their way.)
Btw, very conveniently for me and for Felix's chances on getting to ride with Oliver, it seems that the UK didn't have a night service for air ambulances back then.
Duncan and Felix follow directions from dispatch and decide to take care of things themselves because God forbid the party gets ruined (priorities!). Normally it's not advised to try  to meet the ambulance along the way, but in this case, because Saltburn is pretty out of the way and has the gates and all, Duncan drives Oliver and Felix to the intersection with the main road.
At this point Felix is perturbed, distressed, and genuinely worried for Oliver, but his white knight streak is chomping at the bit, too. He needs to see this to the end, make sure both that Oliver gets out of the woods and that Oliver's family knows how deeply unwell he is and gets him some help.
Either they let him go in the ambulance because he was with the patient shortly before he went downhill and can give them details (Felix knows Oliver seemed mostly sober a couple hours ago at candle blowing and had certain symptoms less than 30 min before the call but was conscious. He suspects cocaine too because of traces in the bottle) orrrrr he conveniently mentions he may have drunk from the same bottle and potentially be patient 2.
Annnddd end scene.
Hopefully that was some of what you were curious about, but feel free to ask more, though I can't promise I'll know everything. As I said, this has just been bouncing aimlessly inside my skull. 🙈
Thanks again for your ask! 🤗
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ghoulangerlee · 16 days
Thank you so much to everyone who has shared the post and commissioned and reached out. I'm overwhelmed by love.
My check engine light came on this morning and the culprit was another part of my emissions/fuel system that made it come on.
I was able to get that part and swapped it out on my lunch break. I'm cautiously optimistic that my fuel pump may be okay and it was just the CPV solenoid but I won't know 100% unless my car doesn't jitter/stall or it does again after driving it for a while. Unfortunately the fuel pump will not throw a code on my car until it's 100% dead and I would like it to not get to that point.
Either way, I will be able to get the fuel pump, so thank you. I'm keeping a close eye on my car now, I always feel like there's one thing after another with this car sometimes. This is what I get for getting another Ford haha.
Though, this one's systems are all electronic and it's. Hard for me to keep up with what everything is and how to fix things. I may know a lot about fixing cars, but all of my experience comes from pre-2005 😂
Ideally, once I'm no longer freaking out about the fuel system (and going through half a tank of gas in 2 days), I'd like to focus on getting my tail lights and turn signals working again (requires getting the ground wire redone and I'm. Nervous about that.)
Anyway, thank you again! Also, I'm always open to do commissions because I feel like I always need money for some kind of expense, so feel free to keep sending them on in.
Thank you 💚💚💚
Also, under the read more if you're interested 😂 a malfunctioning CPV solenoid
the second photo is the gasket, cracked after only a few months of being on my car. Took about 15 mins of my lunch break to swap it out with the good one
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sleepyycapybara · 3 months
First post and its a story about fraleo (frank x leo) this story they are both in collage and in the same dorm, umm enjoy
Warning: I only recommend reading if you are okay with some...ummm...scenes iykyk...if you don't know then i don't recommend -enjoy pookies
I suck at summaries so its a besties (that don't know they both love each other) to loverrrrs ❤ (ladies and gentlemen will you plea- Ahem where my swifties at?)
(Frank's pov)
I unlock the door to be surprised with Leo sitting on the couch
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"FRANK!!! Omg we are roomies!!"
I walk in setting my things on the kitchen counter while Leo runs up behind me
"Hey big guy what do you want for dinner, also I thought your classes end at 3 its 7?" (p.m)
"Oh yeah I have work after my class I work at the walmart just around the mall"
"Your so lucky, I have classes that start at 6 in the morning and work that ends at 8 p.m I got today off because I have to move my stuff in"
Leo jumps at me for a hug but his small arms only go around half my body
"Leo im so glad that you got to be my room mate, man! Wait a minute, dude I thought this was a one person dorm....with one bedroom."
"Oops I might have moved all my stuff into the bedroom...ummm ill sleep on the couch until we figure things out."
"No you can take the bed man its fine, I insist."
"You sure big guy? We can always just share the bed.." Leo says teasing
I feel my cheeks get hot and red "Umm sure..I guess." My voice cracking
Leo turns away his face red not expecting him to agree he tries to change the subject by saying, "Im going to make dinner, A or B you pick ."
"B." He says still blushing
"Okay Im going to make it a surprise."
I walk out the kitchen and start studying for a test in the living room
(Leo's pov)
"Im going to the store brb"
I go out the door when I hear frank saying "bye" and "drive safe"
*15 minutes later
I get home and I start cooking dinner with the ingredients I bought bc I lost my magic belt (pls Idk what to call it). I call for frank "Hey Frank!!! Dinners ready!!"
I slide a plate with 2 tacos on it to frank while I start eating my tacos "These are not the best tacos I've made but there pretty good."
"Umm Leo.."
"This has cheese on it...I can't eat it.." (for the ppl that don't know frank is lactose intolerant)
"Oh dw its not real cheese."
"Aww your so sweet Leo, you even remembered."
Leo blushes "yeah its no problem.."
(Frank's pov)
*I take a bite out of the taco and freeze on the spot
"Are you okay Frank?" His voice filled with concern
"Yeah, but this is the best F-ing taco I've ever had." (For all the ppl that don't like swearing im blurring it out)
"Oh im glad you like it I personally think I could have done better."
"BETTER? Oh I would like to see THAT! There's no way you can beat this"
Leo yawns "Oh please I could have done that with my eyes closed."
I yawn as well "Im going to get ready for bed soon im really tired from today."
"Same I had to move all my stuff up stairs and down stairs all day"
*we both get ready for bed after cleaning the dishes
*in the bathroom brushing teeth
(Leo's pov)
*I pop my tooth brush in my mouth while Frank walks in to also brush his teeth
Frank stops dead in his tracks watching me brush my teeth
"LEO!! that umm my tooth brush..."
I spit the tooth paste out and rip the brush out my mouth
"Oops sorry bro forgor mine was the pink one yours was purple."
Frank handpalms "That's not the point.."
"Its okay I have a brand new one in my bag its still in the box."
Leo goes to his bag in their room
(Leos thoughts )
OMG OMG OMG that was so embarrassing I just had a indirect kiss with my crus- umm bestie, who am I kidding I'm in love with him....
(Frank's thoughts)
OMG OMG OMG my crush just used my toothbrush!
(Leo's pov)
"Sorry it took so long Frank."
I hand him a new toothbrush my skin heating up
"Its okay just remember my toothbrush is orange..."
5 min later they are watching a scary movie
*jump scare*
Leo jumps and lands on Frank's lap, Leo hugs him while sitting on his lap
"OMG that scared the living out of me thanks for catching me big guy."
Leo still doesn't move but instead moves closer
"Umm no problem Leo.."
Frank starts to get flustered when Leo doesn't move but he doesn't bring it up
(Frank's pov)
Frank starts to hug Leo around his small waist "Just to keep you from jumping and hurting yourself." Frank knows he's being selfish and the real reason is because he just wants to be close to and hold Leo
End of movie
(Leo's pov)
"Lets go to bed now im tired."
"Yeah lets go."
Leo gets picked up without hesitation from frank and is bent over his shoulder
"What are you doing Frank! Put me down!!"
"Nuh uh."
Frank drops him on the bed
"Leo I have to tell you something important..."
"Me too...I've been holing it off forever.."
(Both at the same time) "I think that I like you!!!"
(Scene coming up if you wanna skip)
Our eyes link for a few seconds as we stair deep inside them
Leo get scooped up into Frank's lap as he wraps his big arms around his small waist
Leo kisses him only for a second and then Frank kisses back but longer
"I have been waiting to say that for as long as we have been friends. Leo will you be my boyfriend...?"
"Yes a thousand times yes."
I press a kiss to Frank's cheek and slowly move down to his neck kissing softly
Frank's grip around my waist get tighter as if he never wants to let go
I lay down and snuggle close to him as I kiss him again softly we both start to doze off....
OMG the end pls let me know if I should do a pt2!!
If u saw a mistake no u didnt..👀
I promise I will get better its only my first time!! I thought hey there is no content of my favorite ship so I will write it!! I hope you enjoyed ❤
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seonghwa-potatos · 1 year
Money can’t buy everything.
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summary: Graduation was all you needed to graduate and Taehyung the only smart one in your class that could help. One quick study session would be good enough you say, but money isn’t what he wants, your session could turn around into a steamy session quickly or will you just not graduate?
pairing: dom!tutor!taehyung x sub!reader
warnings: dirty talk, pet names, etc
“Taehyung” you say .He turns looking at you. “Yeah” he questions. “Um ,I know you usually don't tutor people, but I really want to graduate this year,I can even pay you” I express with concern.He looks at me as if he’s irritated, but he then says “fine” turning and walking away. As he walks farther you yell “so that's a YES?” He continues walking, putting his headphones in.
Historys in session
Sitting by Taehyung, you keep looking at him and your work.
“Earlier was a yes” he says looking me in my eyes. Then going back to his work.
We both sit there in silence.20 mins later the bell rings, everyone gets up and packs leaving the room.I catch up to Taehyung tapping on his shoulder.
”Umm so when are we studying?” you say
“Follow me”
Walking through the halls “So where are we going” you say.All that is heard is others talking, “Umm, Hello?” you say.
Opening the doors leading to the outside you both head to his car.
He opens the door and says, “get in” getting into the car he hops in and starts the car. “Look I'm not much of a talker okay,…not trying to be a dick “He says turning towards me.You couldn't hear a word he said, because you never noticed how beautiful he was till now. His eyes left you an unforgettable memorization of the color brown. His nose, lips complemented his face well.Seeing the whole picture you wondered how you never noticed how beautiful he was till now.” We’re going to my place” he says turning the car on and driving
10mins later.
His House
His house was no joke like everyone said, my house compared to his is about 3 times bigger.One day I would like to get a house this size, but for now all you needed was to graduate.
“You coming” he says turning around
“Oh, yeah” you follow him up towards his room.
Going into his room you see a room that is rich. There's two guitars, posters of some bands, and he has like 15 suits in one of his closets with a king size blue bed.”So are we gonna study or you wanna keep looking at my room” he says you chuckle a bit “yeah, my bad” you say sitting besides him
40 mins past
“So that was all to it, man I must be dumb or the teacher” you say laughing
“It's probably the teacher, Mr Jinwoo, He’s only there to get a paycheck, he doesn't care” he says shaking his head
“I wish the school looked more into the teachers, So I wouldn't struggle so much” you say
“You can always come back if you need help again, I don't mind if it's you” he says and then you notice you guys are a little too close. You could feel his breath almost, backing up you laugh awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck flustered a bit.”Well I should get going, Here's your money” you hand it out to him , but he doesn't take it. “Here take it” you say
“I don't want your money” He says holding my hand.He looks up at me as if I knew what he was about to ask next.Getting up, he walks towards you “You see I already have money, why would I need more” you take a step back “th- then what do you want” you say hitting your back onto the wall. Chest to chest he puts himself down to your height. “You” he says smirking
“Me?” you laughing nervously “Why me” you say “Well I did tutor you right” he says placing his hand above you onto the wall.”Now look at me” you don't look up, nervously you just look down.He then places his other hand on you chin lifting your chin to look into his eyes.He kisses you giving you a little peck.You feel the blood rush to your cheeks.”No need to be flustered now”He says kissing onto your neck he then places his hand onto your waist moving you towards his bed as he kisses your collarbone.Pushing you onto the bed he removes your shirt.”Y/N…I saw how you looked at me in the car, so you don't gotta be in denial” he says bringing the blush back to your face,You move your hands onto your face flustered that he caught you. Grabbing your hands he says “Now that I caught you, you don't know how to act?” he says smirking going down as he kisses your stomach removing your bra leading him to remove your pants slowly. Breathing heavily you see his bulge.Sitting halfway up you grab onto his pants “I can help you with that.” you say looking at him.He nods looking away.Sliding his cock out you grab onto it.Wrapping your hand around his cock you jerk him off pressing your thumb onto his tip he loses it.He tosses you back onto the bed throwing his glasses to the side.You see his face all sweaty and hot.Removing your underwear he grabs your hips placing you onto him. He uses his hand and fingers you “You're wet already” he says smirking. “Tae I would have never guessed you, you would be this way.” you say heavily out of breath. “Well, for you, I will be” he says as he pulls his finger out putting his cock onto your entrance he puts it in slowly.Taking his time so your comfortable.Tae, you moan out
He picks his paste up causing you to moan loudly.He covers your mouth. “Wait” you guys pause,There’s a knock at the downstairs door. Eventually you hear the door open and then you guys hear footsteps.You both get up in a hurry putting your clothes back on as fast as you can “I think its my mom, she said she was coming back around this time, but I forgot, sorry” he says.Hearing the footsteps leading up, we run sitting back to the table with are books.The door opens and its his mom “Hi, who are you?” she says with a smile.
“Oh, this is-” Taehyung is cut off “ She can speak for herself Tae”
“Im Y/N” you smile nervously
“Well I brought dinner you guys come and eat.she says closing the door.
Getting each other situated you and him head downstairs.Sitting side by side you begin to eat. “So you guys go to the same school?”she says, cutting into her steak looking down.”Yea were in history, and math together”He says placing his hand onto my thigh, rubbing onto my thigh he moves his hand closer and closer.”You, know Taehyung has never brought someone over here before” she says looking at me. “Oh wow r-really” you say nervously as Tae presses onto your clit. “Well we’ve gotten closer over time, and decided to study together…she needed help to pass a test so I just helped her.” he says smirking as he moves his fingers up and down into you.”Wow, that's really nice of you Tae, no offense son but Im proud”she says smiling.Swatting his hands away you button your pants back up. “S-sorry where's the bathroom” you say getting up she points down the hall saying make a left them, first door on the right.
MeanWhile Taehyung
“Ima go check on her, She wasn't feeling well earlier.” he says getting up from the table
“Okay, Son, well Ima go to your grandma’s and see how she's doing.Make sure to take her home, when you're done”She says winking and leaving out the door.
He just laughs it off while she closes the front door locking it.
Walking down the hall he opens the bathroom door and sees you getting off by yourself.
“Who said you could do that” he says cocking his head to the side.Grabbing you he pushes you out of the bathroom pinning you to the wall.”Your mom Tae” you say worriedly “Shes not here don't worry”he says.He then whispers in your ear “Ima fuck you on the kitchen table to where you wont be able to walk” he says as he kisses your neck making you moan softly. You both hit onto the walls .You look and you see your red lipstick on his face.He looked so hot and then you knew you wanted it, you were yearning for it.”Tae fuck me right here” you moan heavily out of breath.”Be a good girl and be patient for me” he says and pushing you onto the kitchen table.Facing the table you say “fuck me hard Tae” he shushes you “Earlier I said I was gonna fuck you till you can't stand, so dont worry about that sweetheart.”He grabs my hair wrapping it around his arm as he puts his cock in me.He thrust in and out.He lets go of my hair grabbing onto my waist if a fast motion he thrust making me moan his name out.”Tae” you say heavily out of breath.Moaning was the only thing you did because he was fucking you senseless.He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his torso.”Look at me while I fuck you” he says as you bring your head back up.He thrusts making your back arch.You look away knowing his eye contact made it hard for you.He sets you down and pulls you into a room .A room with a big ass mirror. He throws you onto the bed. “T-tae w-wait” you say knowing what he’s about to do. “He flips you over having you face the mirror.Locking in your arms behind him he puts his cock in grabbing your hair making you look up he says “Now I can see what faces you make for me” He says looking at me through the mirror. He pounds you,over and over and whispers “Do that face for me again”He says hot and heavily.”T-that face you do, makes me want to pound you harder and harder”he says, so he pounds you making immeasurable pleasure for you.Eventually you feel so much pleasure the moment of ecstasy hits you. Tae is the only thing you moan as your legs shake uncontrollably.You both cum at the same time laying next to each other for a minute and you both say “Study session tomorrow?” You both laugh holding each other.
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nickgeezyblog · 7 months
Rucking Ocala National Forrest
Back in January I attempted Operation Ocala. I made it to mile 45 at the 3rd checkpoint. I thought I could go on after changing my socks, attending to my blisters, but as I got back up I was locked up. I was with 3 others, and we all made it there together and unfortunately, we all dropped like flies at that CP. I never rucked until 2023 or even knew what it really was. My friend did Operation Ocala 23 and I remember following him with his live track and watching some live videos, it was pretty wild. His blisters were knarly. He later got me into rucking later that year and I did a few rucks. My first long ruck we went for 40 overnight but only made it 26.2. I was dead. All with 25lbs dry weight. That was in early December and Operation Ocala was coming fast in mid Jan. I was able to do a few more 20 mile before Ocala and I felt ready. The biggest things I learned from Ocala 24 were that it's all mental. The feet are going to blister, the pain is going to come. The road to the end is longer than you could ever imagine. That day on the way home I couldn’t ever imagine doing that again. My wife picked me up, I could barely walk. Everything hurts. But by the next day or so I was so motivated to get back out there. I was so upset with myself that I had stopped. I know I could have just started moving again work through the pain and get more miles in. Here I am 15 hours into that ruck. It's roughly 8am. I have just enough time to get to the end at 5pm. I had work in the morning. I had a 2 hour drive home. So many things just stacked negatively for me that ending this was the easy way out. 
I found myself wanting to attempt this again right away. I could not wait a whole year. I remember my other friend Josh asking me that he would ruck with me when I posted some of my training activities online. He had been in the Army and he ran and hiked. I asked him if he wanted to do the trail with me soon, and he said yes. 
We set the date for Feb 24-25, 2024. We had 5 weeks to prepare. I go to the gym regularly so I kept my legs trained well. We did 1 ruck together late jan, 20 miles it went well. We found some hot spots and made some changes. I had new shoes. I was trying Altra Lone Peak 8. My issues at Operation Ocala were that my pinky toes were trashed. My pinky toe naturally goes inward towards that next toe and just gets squished. The Lone Peaks, like most Altra, have a wide toe box. I rucked a few 20s and even a marathon before the next attempt. I played around with toe spacers, toe socks, double layer socks...I knew it was going to be an issue. Some things helped but nothing was going to be a solution. I just accepted that going into it. I knew If I can keep my toes decent I can make this. My cardio was fine , I know how to eat and drink etc. It was all feet for me. 
Josh and I met Wednesday before the ruck and figured out where we would drop water off and planned the logistics of getting there and back. The plan was to take both trucks and park his at the finish line which was the end of the Florida Trail. Then we would take my truck and stop at 3 spots approximately 15-21 miles apart. It was more base on access with the trucks we found the easiest highways where the trail intersected. So the route was, start at Fort McCoy, Check point 1 was 18 miles away, Checkpoint 2 was 21 miles away from there, and checkpoint 3 was roughly 15 miles away then like 12-13 more to finish. 
We had to carry all the food with us, and I had extra water at all times since the checkpoints were 5-7 hours apart. I had 4L of water at all times. We chose to leave for Ocala at 730a. This way we did not disturb our natural sleep and we could complete our morning routines. By the time we got to the starting point after all the stops it was 1130. We wanted to start by noon. We started a few min after but close enough.  
My shoes and feet felt good. I had vaseline on the toes, XOSKIN toe socks, a pink toe spacer on the outside, then Dickies thick boot socks over that along with the Altras. All the layers were sitting well, and my feet felt good. I had about 30lbs total on me. A backpack and a hip sack combined. In my backpack water, food, extra clothes, first aid, emergency tent, bear spray, insect repellent, head lamps, back up batteries, electrolytes. In my hip sack I had phone, batteries to charge phone, cords that were ready to go. This way there was no fussing around when trying to charge phone. I had some more food, compass, bear bell, and whistle.  
Weather was perfect. Clear skies, 68 for the high 40s for the low. Light wind. It was gorgeous. Our pace started good. High 17 min miles which was expected for us. Im not a fast rucker, im not a fast runner. Anything sub 18 for me is great. I do from time-to-time shuffle but I chose not to do so on this ruck.  
The first leg was great. I did almost step on a pigmy rattler which made things a little exciting. 
We got to the first check point , you have so much time to play it in your head what you need to check on, fix, charge, etc. It never seems to go as smoothly and it always takes longer. But we got our water refilled, took a quick break and got moving again, It was a 34 min mile combined on that stop, not too bad. 16-17 min break. 
By this time the sun was setting and the next checkpoint was 21 miles so we set out for the next 7 hours. Navigating the Florida Trail is not too bad. I would say it is well marked. We did get lost in January but I had a better map this time and I knew some of the mistakes we made in the past. I did not want to get lost this time. That was one thing that really tired us out . There is a big lake on the trail and it feels like it takes 3 hours to go around, that's because it does. You see a lot of campers around here, but the trail wasn’t really to busy. We passed less than 10 people the entire time. One thing that was helpful for me is knowing the familiar areas. I knew what was coming and it made it like a connect the dots game. It would be like the hike was mentally mapped out in my head. I knew we had to get around the lake, then later there would be a creek crossing, then a sketchier creek crossing , then a board walk etc. That helped me mentally keep going almost as something to look forward to. 
Again, this is mostly mental. This is what got me here. Do hard things. The mind and body are limitless to some extent. You choose what you can and cannot do. The body will persuade you but the mind is the real boss. You go through moments of ups and downs. Filled with doubts, regrets, runner's highs, sense of pride etc. Pain comes and goes. You think you have something brewing on your feet and then it will work itself out. I tried my best not to mess with my feet, but at CP2 I did a sock change just on the boot socks and I took off the toe spacers. I had some hotspots for sure but was not ready to dive into that.  
The night was probably my favorite part. The weather was cooler, no sun heating up your skin. It’s quiet other than some music I was playing. I think I went from Eminem to country to classic rock back to Eminem then death cab for cutie. I was all over the place but it all helped. There were some parts of night and day where I was so into the music I think I was dancing a singing along, im sure me being delirious helped. 
I mentioned food and drink earlier. Here is some more details. I drank 2L of water 4 hours. In the water were 2 packs of Gator Lyte. Plenty of sodium mag and potassium. I'm not crazy about Gatorade but the Gator Lyte drinks and powders are perfect for me. 
I ate every hour. Protein bars like Gatorade bars, and METrx bars. Swedish fish sugary gummies hit the spot, some pop tarts, and I saved a bag of skittles for the last few miles. I don’t normally eat that crap so It was a nice treat. According to my Garmin watch i burned over 7000 calories and I ate close to 5000 I think. 
I did have a chest strap on too for more accurate heart rate monitoring. Garmin is great for these activities. I cycle, run, ruck, etc. and Garmin is great at tracking all of that. I did use Strava for the map portion. I downloaded a friend that actually completed Ocala24 map and that was extremely helpful. Thank you Clint.  
As the sun rises it’s always a great feeling. We were over the hump. We encountered a burning forest at one point in the night. Not sure if it was prescribed but it was very odd to see these trees burning at night with significant flames. There are so many different areas that you cover. Miles of pine trees over hills you can see for so far, scrub oaks and brush where you can’t see but right in front of you, and everything in between. There were overall many prescribed burns that had just happened so you could see more than normal. Not much wildlife though, not sure if that was good or bad. Many deer tracks not no deer.  
One of my highlights of the night was making it to the spot I quit at in January on Mile 45. It was a dirt road. I told Josh to take a picture of me, I flicked off the camera, had a sense of pride and continued on. I was now going into an uncharted trail for me. 
The morning started great. We made it through the night I was trying to do the math and thought we would finish around 11am. 23 hours total. After the sunrise excitement settled down reality was starting to set in. We were slowing down. I was going as fast as I could but overall, it was about 2 solid min slower and that number was growing. My feet were starting to sting. My shins were in pain. My shoulders were tired. My back had blisters from the pack that were not going away anytime soon. My hip sack was rubbing into my legs. Everything was breaking down as expected. I went into this knowing that it was going to be hard and painful. I did not think that if I prepared good nothing bad would happen. That's where I went south the first time. I was prepared this time to embrace the suck. And that's just what I had to do the last 4 hours. Those last 4 hours 12-14 miles or so were hard. Josh was hurting as well. I had the map and I could see the finish line but I made one small mistake. The Strava trail I downloaded was 66 . 63 miles so I was using that number as the finish line. Strava and Garmin must calculate the miles differently. I did not know this so when you are mentally preparing for that finish line you give it your all. Everything you have but that finish line was further than I was preparing for and I didn’t realize this until the last 5 or 6 miles. We were crushed by now and knowing we had to go further was a lot to digest. I was talking to Josh and myself, or I guess yelling....” This is why we came here , It’s not for the last 60 miles, It's for these last 3 or 4” Everything slowed down. Our pace was hitting 23 min miles. About 5 min slower per mile than how we started. Add that to 4 or 5 miles and it's an additional half hour. Things were just stacking up negatively for us. We ran into some hikers, so we knew the trail head was closer. I asked them how far they had been hiking and they said about an hour or so, someone said 2.9 miles...So we finally knew what we had left. If it took them an hour with fresh legs, what did that mean for us. 1.5 hours...? Now time was a crunch. I know this was an unofficial attempt but I still wanted to be there within 24 hours. I was getting doubtful. Josh was as bad as me. Just shot mentally and physically. Quitting was not an option.  We had trucks 70 miles apart and no other assistance. We just pushed and pushed. “GO ONE MORE”. I had my son write that on my hand. I knew I would need it. One for step. One more min. One more mile. And so on. I looked at it many times during the ruck. I can’t explain how slow time and miles passed at the end. The last mile took the longest. We were so close about ¼ mile away and I felt something pop between my big toe and the next toe. That area had been tender for a while but the blister popped. HOLY COW It stung. I went from a slow pace to a limp real quick. I am grateful this happened the last ¼ mile and not the last 5 miles. I don’t know what I would have done. We limped on and pushed with everything we had and made it to the trailhead at just over 67 miles in 23.5 hours. I told Josh as we had a few miles left, the pain would go away as soon as we got there. We just have to get there. I told him he was a F**king Badass! I said many will never even attempt something like this. I was just trying to be as positive as I could. Every time I looked at my hand “go one more” (got that from Nick Barre) it would choke me up a little.  
The next few hours we ate some pizza. We must have looked like 2 90-year-olds with walkers coming into the restaurant. We had to drive back to my truck. My feet were rough but not as bad as I thought. It's crazy how much pain and stinging can come from a little blister. I guess your body is really good at telling you to stop. I was mentally prepared for that. I knew what was coming.  
The ride home was long, 2 hours 20 minutes from the Rodman trailhead. My wife and son were waiting for me. Dinner was cooking. I limped in, i could barely move. My wife tore some band aids off my back, and I screamed so loud like I never knew I could scream that loud it hurt so much. Then I iced bathed my feet. Another painful moment. I ate and crawled into bed. My feet and legs were swollen and still are (the next morning) I took the day off of course so that's how I have time to write this. I am moving better today than expected though. I will be fine. Josh is doing good too. He will be fine. We will be fine. It was a big commitment to revisit this quest.  
I can now move on. I will continue to ruck but I like trying new things. Ultra running is something I have in my sights. I have never ran a marathon but I just rucked over 2.5 of them in less than 24 hours. It was equivalent to doing 21 5ks. 
I share all this because we have much more potential than we think. We can do anything. It may not happen all at once but if you want something bad enough you can do it. Long distance really lets you dig deep with yourself. Even during training, I went on 7 –8-hour rucks and you can really work on yourself out there. I call it training but it was still a hobby to me or just a fun Sunday morning. Put in your favorite podcasts or music playlist and just start rucking. It’s a great zone 2 exercise. That helps build endurance and just overall makes you healthier and stronger. The mind gets stronger too. You think the normal day to day challenges will even be a blip on my radar after this? That\s what it's all about. Doing hard things. When you raise that baseline of what is hard, the normal "hard' stuff is a walk in the park. Challenge yourself. Embrace the suck and bring some friends with you to enjoy the ride. 
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