#and sometimes hate is objectively funny and not in poor taste
halfricanloveyou · 6 months
i think we should make ‘be normal to people who don’t like whatever piece of media or art you’re obsessed with’ into a normalized concept.
i think we should go even further and be normal to like…people who HATE what you’re obsessed with instead of vague blogging about them. even if they only hate it based on a surface level and don’t wanna give it a chance.
it’s always ‘let people like things as much as they want’ but for some reason ‘let people dislike things as much as they want’ is unforgivable.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Pretty Childhood Friend Yan + Ghoul Darling who borders on self depreciating because y'know they're sorta undead- [mentions of death but not - in reader's case anyway]
Those two had always been inseparable. With everyone befriending only for their looks and their family status it was almost nice to meet someone who was initially terrified of them. They found you in the garden nibbling away at their mother's strawberry plants. You ran off as soon as your eyes met. Their first taste of rebellion against their parents was taking the blame for eating the strawberries. They left more out in hopes of seeing you again.
There had always been something about you that was different from the other kids. Walking around with that strange mask and scampering off when a crowd built around you. Something about not being seen around "pretty things". You moaned about being hungry, but refused the snacks they'd sneak you after a while.
"If I get too big, they'll get mad at me again...."
Even with your little quirks you were their best friend. If anything they only drew them closer to you. As happy as you were together others always tried to burst your little bubble. They gave your friend presents. They came from stable homes. They weren't freaks... You didn't like those people.
One day, your friend surprised you with a big yellow kite to play around with. The weather was perfect, you had fun for hours. By noon, others in the area had taken notice. They tried to get your friends attention which they attempted to ignore - flying the kite directly into a tree. They were rightfully disappointed, but it wasn't weight on their conscious. You, on the other hand, felt bad. They hardly got to play with it since they let you have first try.
You started to climb the tree. Small, sharp objects flew at your feet. You never noticed until it was too late. Your friend's screaming. The piles of rocks the others had gathered. Their poor attempts at aiming you until ...
Everything went dark.
It was a joke - they said.
We never meant to hit them - they said.
Please put down the rock - they begged.
Your head felt funny. Your skin was sticky and wet. You could barely put any weight on your leg with the bone jutting out like that- but that wasn't the first time something like this happened to you. The air smelt strange.... Just like it did at dinner time. You heard crying. It was so familiar
It was the first time they killed for you. Your mask sits split perfectly in two at your feet. It was the first time they ever saw your face. You were the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen.
You told them everything after that night. Whenever you got hurt you went to the dark place. The same place you went when you stopped breathing as a newborn . Sometimes, you hunger for other things than strawberries. Strange people gave you strange meat while slipping your caretaker's envelopes under the table. It was raw, and never tasted anywhere as good as the food your friend gave you. You were so hungry and tired all the time. You hated your beady eyes and blackened teeth. You hated how whenever you saw your friend or other people all you wanted to do was bite. You wanted to be pretty just like them. You wanted to be human.
"Well.... they say you are what you eat, right? If you ask me, you're so much prettier than me - or anyone else out there. Y/n is Y/n - and there's nobody more beautiful than them. If there's anyone that tries to be, we'll just have to prove them wrong.
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s2 episode 3 thoughts
here we go! this episode is titled "blood" which did not bode well for me, the girl who hates blood. but i am dedicated and pushed through in the name of our mission.
we open at a post office. sometimes, i think it would be fun to work in a post office.
but alas! our postman has received a paper cut. he licks it up which... can't be hygienic.
and then he immediately gets fired :( this is sooooo unfair
when he returns to his post his machine reads "KILL"!!! my first thought was that this was gonna be a little shop of horrors style thing where an inanimate object tastes blood and Likes it (Which is sort of what happened? but mostly not really)
((side note: need to see mulder and scully take on audrey two))
so it seems that the people are either being told by machines to do some killing or all the members of the town are experiencing collective hallucination...
mulder arrives. i was distracted by his fluffy hair. from the notes: "his hair is fluffy. he isn't saying much at this crime scene but his hair is fluffy"
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he played right field! (this was brought up when the policeman mentioned the suspect was on the softball team)
back to our post office friend, who is near a child with a random nosebleed whilst getting some money, and now the ATM is telling him to kill people
mulder points out that these are spree killings and not serial ones <-okay human embodiment of the nerd emoji.
it's a totally normal report on the crimes, no spooky stuff involved, and scully is reading it... until he mentions UFOs and she says to herself "i was wondering when you'd get to that" LMAOOOOO she knows him too well
we see a woman being lured into a dark garage by a mechanic and i thought i knew where this was going but i DIDN'T because SHE gets paranoid and the machine tells her the guy is gonna get her and she freaks out and STABS HIM
mulder arrives to the crime scene with a really funny looking camera. can anyone provide me more information about this camera? i'm curious
anyway, he shows up at the house of the woman who killed the mechanic, and we see another example of his bountiful social skills when he asks to come in and she says "i'm late for work" and he just barges in and says "you can blame me". i love this man so bad it's actually a problem. he WILL get inside of ur house.
but her microwave is telling her to kill him and she pulls out a knife and STABS him and i was yelling NOOOOOOOO! and then the cop he was with shoots her and VERY QUICKLY we get a cutscene to....
she thinks there's some sort of chemical that is making the people do this
we also see poor wet meow meow mulder's bandaged arm :(
back to the ex-postman, who is seeking new gainful employment at a supermarket in which there are guns for sale in the back, another reminder that this show is set in america. he starts to see evil things in the TV but resists (and it might be related to the blood drive at the store but? it's a little unclear tbh)
mulder running scene! getting his cardio in! the man is dripping in sweat! he sees a guy toss some stuff in a yard and it's... dead bugs?
so who does he take the bugs to? well, the weirdos who previously were consulted for another case: the conspirators at the lone gunman! famous for the one guy hitting on scully and ripping up her twenty dollar bill
so we're back to these freaks and he says he didn't see their latest issue because "it arrived the same day as my subscription to Celebrity Skin"
now, i had an educated guess here based on name alone, but needed to confirm what this "celebrity skin" truly was. a search brings you to an album by the band Hole, and i was like omg!!! we're gonna get an insight into his canon music taste!!!! there is nothing more i LOVE than learning a character's favorite artists <3
but, this cannot be... for the show takes place before 1998, when the album was released... so i dig further
chat, as expected, it is a porn mag. seems to have involved some unethical stuff. mulder: ur a sick man.
the even sicker man who previously hit on scully was like "where's your little friend?" and he counters with "she wouldn't come. she was too afraid of her love for you" and the weirdo responds with "she's tasty"
now i want you to buckle your seat belts for what mulder says next. buckled? secured? sat? everyone is in a safe position? okay. he says:
"you know, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name"
HELLO? hey. hi! quick question <3 what does that mean. mulder a freak confirmed????
(i mean i guess we DID already know he fucked phoebe on arthur conan doyle's grave, which is going to stick in my head forever, but. don't make it worse. sometimes he's such a Man)
anyway the weirdos at the lone gunman think it's related to pesticides. and then mulder asks to borrow their night vision goggles and the weirdest of weirdos is like "only if you give me scully's number!"
cutscene to him using the night goggles
(mulder, if you gave that creep her number, i will NEVER forgive you. so keep that in mind)
he's sitting in a field and it looks so natural, like he really belongs there. bring back sitting in fields. but then he breaks into the orchard and gets sprayed by some pesticides and thoroughly knocked on his ass
mulder's yelling at some guy to take responsibility for the pesticides that he thinks are killing people... a moral crusader serving on the front lines...
scully's here now, btw. she took his blood. which had to be a strange experience. and then she mentions that she FLEW 300 MILES in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to come take his blood?
holy shit, mulder. she did that for you and you've been so broody and angsty lately and maybe even gave some dick her phone number. holy shit mulder, do not blow this. you cannot afford to blow this. she is soooo good to you.
anyway, he's seeing the same evil messages in technology the killers were now so that's a bummer
mulder proposes that this is some sort of subliminal messaging thing that is being activated by the fear-inducing pesticides and the cop gets pissed and leaves, to which he says "he's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead"
so that's the SECOND line in this show about him being an elvis truther and i'm starting to think it's not a joke
back to the ex-postman. people are coming to his door to take blood and test for the chemicals in the pesticides and he's going bonkers. he's seeing "KILL" in his calculator, which is how you know things are rough. his watch even beeps and says "KILL" which i think would make a very very very very funny gif if anyone has that.
well, all of a sudden he's missing so the agents go to his house and knock. until.
scully realizes the door is open and just. lets herself in. i was laughing SO hard here. these bitches WILL get into your house. they will NOT wait for an invitation. truly a sign of soulmatism.
ex-postman was running running and they're like omg where is heeeeee he's gonna hurt people!!! scully is once again proving her genius status by saying that if it's a paranoia case, then all these guys in police uniforms need to get out of view.
(there's also this shot where mulder is like. smoldering. and she's behind him and man. height difference content i really really do love you and your work <3)
our crazed ex-postman climbs a tower at a college and is gonna start shooting but he's also hallucinating and laughing maniacally which i described in my notes as "entering his joker era"
mulder runs up and prevents a shootout using some handy jujitsu. neeeeed to see if this man is a black belt. for character driven purposes.
but he says that he knows the guy can't stop and overall it's an eerie situation because you can tell the pesticides are still in his brain as well. and his arm is bleeding again and this makes the other guy go into overdrive.
um. okay.
crisis averted...?
well, you sure would like to think that, wouldn't you? but the episode ends with mulder calling scully, and then HE sees more evil stuff in his phone! and it fades to blackness as her voice is heard through the speaker...
(i love that she knew it was him immediately. despite the silence. and that her train of thought went from "it's scully" to "mulder is it you?" to "mulder, what's wrong?" talk about a connection!)
hope he doesn't do anything too impulsive...
in conclusion: my very surface level interpretation of this episode was that it was warning us to not be controlled by technology, which i'm sure felt more relevant back in the day. but now that i have to click "don't sell my data" when i browse flavors of soup for sale online, i think we might just no longer be the target audience. or maybe it's even more relevant! an argument could be made both ways.
down with pesticides, though! i can get behind that! when's the last time you saw a bee? bring them back!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
463 of 2023
What object in your room is really important to you?
All my books.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yes and no. I don't even know how to explain it, I tend to keep to myself, but at the same time people see on my face that there's something on my mind.
Would you kiss an ugly person for $1,000?
Define ugly, it's highly subjective. This question is so dumb.
What kind of sense of humor do you have?
Dark, sarcastic, self-depreciating and that typical teenage boy humour, when I start laughing at the sound of fart. My sense of humour is really all over the place.
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
No, I don't. I just change my attitude towards them and leave them confused.
Do your initials spell out a word?
No, they're all consonants.
Do you sing in the shower?
All the time. Poor people who hear it lol.
Where is the last place you went shopping?
Delhaize, I bought some freshly made sushi.
Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
No, thankfully. My name is alreasy too common. However, I was supposed to be named after my grandpa.
Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No, I'm already married and one pain in the ass is much enough.
Do you prefer a call or a text?
Text, but I'm bad at texting. Phone calls make me anxious.
Drinking anything?
Just drank some Coca Cola.
Do your parents drink coffee every morning?
They do. Luckily they still can, unlike me.
Have you ever donated blood?
I'm not allowed for medical reasons. Which is a pity, because my blood type is quite rare.
One song that's meaningful to you?
Shiver by Vildhjarta.
How long is your hair ?
Too long for my tastes. Still short, though.
Addicted to anything?
Yeah, to music.
What were you last listening to in the car?
I don't remember, probably my husband's playlist. We share a Sotify account.
When was the last time you sang out loud?
This evening.
What did you have for breakfast?
Rice pudding.
Is your birthday on a holiday?
Sometimes it comes around Easter, but not always.
What instant messaging service do you use?
WhatsApp, if ever.
Can you cook?
I can, I wouldn't starve, definitely.
Did you have a nap today?
I just got up, it's morning.
What do you wear more jeans or sweats?
I wear these parachute pants. Funny name, by the way.
Do you swear a lot?
I do, but mostly when angry.
Where did you get the shirt(s) you're wearing?
I'm wearing a hoodie, you loser.
Do you have any regrets?
Yeah, one. I' ve been neglecting my health for too long.
What's the first thing you notice of the opposite sex?
That they're not men. What else?
Do you want something you can't have?
Yeah, perfect health.
What color are your favorite shoes?
Who would you like to see right now?
My parents.
Are you a social or antisocial person?
I hate that the term "antisocial" is misused. It's not the same as asocial, you know? Antisocial is a sociopath.
Have the cops ever come by your house?
Yup, it's a normal procedure in my country that the police visits your house when you move in, to check if you really live there.
Ever been in love?
I loved and I love, that's for sure.
Would you rather sleep with someone, or alone?
No preference, but my husband is snoring at night.
0 notes
fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Fighting and Making Up” -The Pack Preference
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Request:  For preferences you could do a two part of what y’all get into fights about and then make up.
        I wasn’t sure how to do this exactly, but I wanted to keep it lighthearted! I hope you enjoy :) 
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It isn’t something that happens often, but when it does Jake has no issue telling you that you done messed up. 
“Why didn’t you tell me there was a problem with your car?” 
“Because you’re so busy, I know you’re tired from patrol and hanging out with me. I didn’t want to bother you.” I say looking down at my feet. 
“Well, now it’s worse and needs more work. Don’t wait to tell me when something is wrong.” He shakes his head in disappointment. 
It doesn’t get very intense, he just usually gives a mini lecture about how damaging it is to my car. Not yelling, but the disappointed, annoyed tone someone gives when they don’t wanna yell. 
It’s usually making up by sitting in the garage, bonding over fixing whatever is wrong with the car. Keeping each other company, talking, and eating snacks. 
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Seth is a loving boyfriend, caring way more than you thought was possible. He gets upset with you when you get sick but push it off. It causes some tension and frustration because he doesn’t like seeing you like that. 
“Please, my mom is a nurse. Let her look at you.” He pleads.
“Seth, it’s just a cold! I’ll be okay.” I reason.
“You don’t know that, it could be anything.” He pouts. 
Eventually, a few days pass and you end up being worse instead of better.
“Maybe if you had listened to me the other day you wouldn’t be this sick.” He says, making you your favorite soup. 
A lot of times he’s just more upset that you won’t make it easier on yourself. It usually starts out with an argument like one above, but you guys make up as he takes care of you, refusing to leave your side. He makes sure you take your medicine, makes sure you get rest, and is always ready to bring you food and water. Oh, and a lot of cuddles, can’t forget the cuddles. 
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Leah and you don’t fight often, but it’s often when you overwork yourself or spread yourself too thin. 
“(Y/N), why did you say you can cover their shift? You’re already working a shift that day, call them back and tell them you can’t. Plus you agreed to help Seth with his math homework tomorrow morning. And you agreed to volunteer at the shelter. Plus you need to do your paper and study for your final, it’s your senior year of college.” She says, frustrated. 
“Leah, you know I can’t say no. They need my help!” I defend. 
“I know, but you can’t do it all! You need to take care of yourself, make sure that you’re helping yourself. You’re making yourself sick with how much you’re doing…” She grabs for my hand. 
“I know, I know. I can’t help it, I hate saying no.” Tears brimming my eyes. 
“I’m not trying to make you sad, you’re just spreading yourself too thin. I hate seeing you like this, you’re ready to explode at the drop of a hat.” She pulls me into a hug. 
“I know, I don’t know how to fix it.” I let the tears fall. 
“I’ll help you. We’ll get you through this, but next time-- don’t do this to yourself.” She smiles, kissing me on the forehead. 
Afterwards she helps you get your stuff done, helping take the stress off your shoulders. Though, she reminds you constantly to stop taking so many things on at once. The night is usually filled with hot chocolate and cuddling by the fire, including long and loving kisses. 
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It was no secret that Paul always had the hardest time out of everyone in controlling his temper. Though, after he imprinted on you it did improve vastly. The only issue with this is that now he was a ticking time bomb when it came to the subject of you. He was one of the most emotional and caring people you’ve ever met-- which is why he had such a hard time controlling his temper at times. It happens every once in a while where he gets too jealous/protective over you and goes off the deep end, just a bit. It usually goes something like this:
“Paul, stop being pissed off.” I sigh, walking in our front door from the party we just had to leave. 
“No, did you see the way he looked at you? He hugged you for way too long. You don’t get the way he looked at you. If I wasn’t right there he would’ve absolutely tried something.” He huffs.
“Paul, he was my chemistry partner from a class three years ago. He was just saying hello. That’s the first and only time I’ve seen him since high school. He just hugged me hello, albeit very long but… you’re the only one I see.” I look deep into his eyes. 
“You didn’t hear what he said before he came up to you! He told his friend that he used to wanna get you in bed, and then said he still would. I just hate seeing other people look at you like you’re an object.” He walks over, hugging me. 
“Well, Paul you can’t fight everyone who checks me out or says something in poor taste.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just lose it sometimes when it comes to you.” He sighs, closing his eyes. 
“I know, I know it’s because you care. I love you, Paul.” 
“I love you, too.” He kisses my forehead, pulling me into a tighter hug. 
Lots of cuddling and snacks ensue, by the end of the night you guys always make up. 
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Embry and you have been inseparable since you were kids. You guys dated before his phasing, and thankfully he imprinted on you. He was always overprotective, worried about everything you did from day one, and now that he’s phased and imprinted, he knows the real dangers out there and his feelings have only gotten more intense. It’s not always an argument per se, but it usually ends with him worried when you go out into the woods alone or just with one of your friends. 
“Embry, she just wanted to go on a small hike. It wasn’t even at night.” 
“(Y/N), it doesn’t matter if it’s day or night. You should’ve told me so I knew to make sure nothing happened to you, I can’t fathom what I would do if something happened to you.” He trails off. 
“I understand, but I didn’t know we were going into the woods. She just asked me to go while we were at her house, it was just the woods behind her house. I didn’t know I was going to or I would’ve mentioned it.” 
“Well, you went pretty deep for Quil to find you on patrol. I just need to make sure you’re safe, I can’t let anything happen to you.” His voice trails off. 
“I didn’t realize how far we went until after. I’m sorry, Em. I can’t exactly say anything about vampires or the pack to her. I didn’t mean to upset you, it was just a nice day to take some pictures.” I look down at my feet. 
“I understand, I’m sorry for getting so upset with you. Just try to send me, or all of us, a text. Just in case. I need to make sure you’re safe, always. I love you.” He kisses my forehead. 
“I will, I’m sorry again. I love you, too.” I push myself further into his chest. 
It doesn’t happen often, but if it does you guys make up and often lay in bed listening to your favorite music. A lot of cuddling, talking about how much you mean to each other, and back scratches. 
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Jared doesn’t really argue, he’s a snarky guy but overall one of the sweetest people ever. The one thing that always gets under your skin though is whenever you guys have somewhere to be or something to do, he always needs “five more minutes” to wake up. This wouldn’t always be such a huge deal if it was actually five more minutes, but after ten of those you’re set back almost an hour. 
“Jared. Get up, for real.” You throw a pillow at his sleeping body.
“Five more minutes.” He grumbles, clutching the pillow close to his body.
“You said that an hour ago! We’re going to be late.” You huff, getting onto the bed. 
“Don’t do it.” He pleads.
“Too bad.” You say, jumping on the bed.
You then have to deal with grumpy Jared for the duration of him waking up and getting ready to go, but he makes up for it by apologizing and leaving kisses all over your face before you leave, only making you later. He gets you your favorite snacks on the way home.  
“I won’t do it next time, babe.” He says as we walk out to the car to leave.
“Mhm, okay. You say that every time.” You laugh.
You buy him an alarm clock for Christmas. You buy another for his birthday. He keeps throwing them out.
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While with the pack you were always witty due to your comfort levels, you didn’t always behave that way. You were always meek and nervous with confrontation with others. It all started in high school where Quil would get upset that you would let people talk to or treat you a certain way, earning no backlash from yourself. Quil began to stick up for you, smart mouth and all. It has lasted all through the years, even when someone was rude at the grocery store. 
“Quil, you don’t have to do that.” 
“Yes I do. You don’t stick up for yourself, it’s horrible. You need to stop letting people talk to you like that. I can’t sit there and let you take it.” He argues.
“Okay, but did you have to tell him that he looks like his mom huffed gasoline when she was pregnant? What does that even mean? What if she did?” I ask, astonished after the incident. 
“I did, I told him the truth. A lot of nerve for him to think he can say anything about you.” He scoffs. 
“Quil… I just ignore them because it’s easier, it’s so much easier than to get so angry.” 
“I get angry for you, it works. I love you, I can’t sit and let someone disrespect you.”
“I love you, too. Just chill out sometimes, okay?”
“We can agree to disagree, I can’t let someone disrespect my girlfriend. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.” He kisses my cheek before pulling me over to our bed. 
After these kinds of situations, it usually ends with a lot of cuddling and watching funny movies to make us feel a little better. 
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When you take too long to get ready and make a mess in the bathroom with all of your cosmetics he tends to get upset, especially when he has to get in there to get ready, too. 
“Please at least let me pee, you’ve been getting ready for an hour.” “I’ll be out in a minute!” I yell back through the door. 
“You said that ten minutes ago! What else could you possibly be doing?” He knocks again. 
“You can’t rush beauty, Sam.” I open the door. 
“You don’t need to spend an hour of your time to look beautiful, you look amazing when you wake up. But let me pee, now.” He runs into the bathroom, frustrated with how long he’s had to wait. 
“Thank you, Sam.” I blush from outside the bathroom door. 
Sam always respects the fact that you like to get dolled up sometimes before certain events, but cannot help but be frustrated at how long it takes you. It’s always a “just a minute!” from you, as you hog the bathroom counter. You make it up to him by not only cleaning the bathroom up immediately, but by giving him a sweet kiss. After you guys return, you cuddle and watch movies. You give him back rubs and spoil him with affection, promising to get ready quicker next time. 
Word Count: 2028
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soulwillower · 4 years
tozier • stanley uris
(stan x tozier!reader smut)
requested: okay so once regular requests open, here’s my idea. so the reader and richie are siblings and they absolutely hate each other and to get under his sisters skin, he fucks her best friend. so in sheer anger she decides to fuck all of his
warnings: semi-public sex, oral (fem receiving), stan teasing the reader a lot, some dirty talk? i think thats it. also a tiiiiny bit of exhibitionism i guess at the end. very unedited
part 6 of the tozier series [  i  ii iii  iv v ]
(losers and reader are 20+ and in college in this)
4.1k words
the door opened and closed downstairs as you towel dry your hair, the fog of the scorching shower you'd just endured fogging your mirrors. you frown as you wipe a line through the mirror and your eyes stare back at you for a split moment before the fog reclaims the image and you sigh.
pulling yourself together, you unlock the door and start to walk towards your room on the other side of the house. as you pad towards your room, a throat clears and you jump a bit, eyes landing on stan from where he stands at the bottom of the stairs. he's grinning, "hey, y/n." he says gently, eyes staying on your face. your face goes warm, "hi, stan. um - richie's- i don't know where richie is," you start, looking around.
richie rounds the corner as if he's been summoned, brushing his teeth as he itches his side. you hiss, "stan's here. why didn't you tell me he was coming over?"
it's quiet enough that the boy down the stairs can't hear you and richie narrows his eyes with a smirk.
"calm down, it's just stan. he's the only one here for dinner tonight. the others won't be here 'till sometime after. why d'you ask?" he asks, his mouth covered in spit and toothpaste. you wrinkle your nose at his poor hygiene but gesture to your frame, wet and covered with only your towel.
richie fixes you with an eye roll, "believe me, nobody is interested in you like that. especially stan. you're just self obsessed, y/n, it's embarrassing for you. not everyone wants to fuck you. i'm pretty sure nobody does." he says with a slight glare. "just because you're into my best friend doesn't mean he's into you."
you shove richie immediately, your eyes catching a glimpse of light brown curls as they zip around the balcony, disappearing. you wish he hadn't heard that. “fuck you, richie. why do you try to embarrass me? i hate you.” 
a moment later, your mom is calling your names. "richie, y/n! stan's here for dinner!"
you're furious and the look you send richie as you turn to escape to your room burns through his skull. you're flustered as you get ready for dinner, pulling on your clothes with bright red cheeks. your mind goes to the party you'd all gone to the other week - the night that you and bill had hooked up.
you can't believe you've almost done it. you've slept with five of richie's best friends, and he doesn't even know yet. the boy downstairs comes to your mind and you sigh, thinking back to when he'd teased you at the party, when you'd sat on his lap to the quarry the other day, when he'd slid his foot against your leg under the table the the other night while you were all eating....
the butterflies in your stomach won't go away. plus, it's stan - and for some reason that seems different than the rest of them....
you find your way to the dining room, eyes meeting stan's. he grins from where he's sat, playing with the bottle of beer in front of him, your father having offered him a modelo. "hi, y/n." he says in greeting, giving you a smirk. you smile back, "hi, stan."
"that skirt looks great." he says, "kind of too bad you changed." 
 and you clear your throat just as your dad and richie walk into the room, hands full of plates of food. you're red, hoping they hadn't heard. what the hell has gotten into stan? 
after that, dinner went by without much issue besides you and richie getting into a fight until your father forced you two to calm down.
now, the losers are over and bev is insisting someone go get ice cream from the store so you can all watch a movie with sundaes. "stan the man, you should go." mike says with a grin, causing stan to flip him off with a bored face. your eyes catch on his hands and you can't help but let your mind wander...
"why?" stan asks. eddie shrugs, "you do drive the fastest."
the others laugh and you smile at the ground a bit in amusement. "fine. i get to pick the flavors, though."
the protests from the others echo in the room and you roll your eyes, "just promise to get vanilla?" you ask, and stan looks at you. "what, you're a vanilla girl?" he asks. the others are buzzing in the background about their favorite flavors, but the intense look on stan's face makes you grin. "n-no, promise i'm not a vanilla girl." you say, lifting a brow. he's smirking full-on. "i just know eddie is." you add, and stan laughs. his smile gives you butterflies and eddie nods, "uh, yeah, it's objectively the best flavor, because then you can-"
he's ranting now, and stan shakes his head with an eye roll as he stands up and flips his keys around his fingers. "i'll be back quick."
"why don't you take your little girlfriend with you?" richie teases, gesturing to you. you throw him a glare. "fuck off, richie. y/n, get over here." stan says, nodding his head and gesturing for you to follow him out the door. it's so quickly that stan agrees to have you come along that some of the others share a look, making your stomach burn. he gives one more pissed off look to richie before he leaves the room, and so you awkwardly follow him out to richie's car.
it's a quick drive to the store. finally, you’re back in richie's car with several different ice creams in your hands. you and stan mostly joke the whole time, until you slide into his car again and fall into a moment of silence.
"it's always been funny to see richie say all this bullshit about you in front of me." stan breaks the silence, and you look at him in surprise. he shrugs, eyes still on the road. "not funny that he's an asshole, but it's just amusing. that he thinks i'm not attracted to you."
your stomach drops just as fast as your jaw does at stan's words. "oh, y-you..." you try to act casual. "what?" you ask then, trying to understand what he means. he laughs a bit, jaw tilting back and glinting in the afternoon light. "c'mon, y/n. look at yourself." is all he says, shaking his head as his eyes drag up your figure before returning to the road.
you stare at him, butterflies fluttering in your stomach and your thighs clenching.
"i know you like me, remember? since what, fifth grade?" he says with a cheeky grin, eyebrows lifting in a tease. you let out a breath, the butterflies thumping in your chest. "god, stan. that's not funny."
"why?" he asks, his voice deep as he sets the car towards your house again, the ice cream at your feet. "that joke is so old." you whisper, looking at stan. he raises his brows, "is it?"
"yes." you say firmly, but you feel your resolve breaking. he hums, shaking his head but not speaking.
it's quiet besides the song playing on the radio quietly - every little bit hurts by brenda holloway - and you pretend not to feel your heart flutter in affection as you hear stan sing along under his breath. 
he's driving with one hand on the wheel, one down on the shift. "you know, you don't need to have your hand there. this isn't a manual." you say, changing the subject and gesturing to his stray hand. 
he laughs and it ignites something very deep inside of you. "i'm so used to shifting gears. force of habit, i guess."
"richie's an idiot, he can't even drive manual." you say, shaking your head.
"yeah, but sometimes there's benefits to richie being incapable of driving anything but automatic." he says, his hand falling softly to hold onto your bare thigh. you grip the side of the car door tighter, unable to take his teasing anymore.
stan's pulling into your driveway, and so you turn to him. "why are you teasing me? did someone tell you something?" you ask. what if one of the losers squealed and told him that you fucked them all? he sighs, putting the car in park and looking at your eyes. 
"what? i'm not joking around. you just look so hot in that skirt." he admits with a light laugh and red cheeks.”if i’m making you uncomfortable, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to at all, i just really want you.” 
it’s honest and bold, just the way stan usually is, and you swallow thickly. he really wants you? "prove it, then." you say, eyes locking with his, his hand squeezing your bare thigh.
two minutes later, you're laying down in the backseat as it’s parked in your driveway, stan on top of you sucking the skin on your neck.
“you want to do this right now? even though we could get caught?” you say breathlessly, hands tangled in his hair. "when else?" he says, staring at your lips. your stomach drops a bit, but you don't let it bother you too much as you have stan between your legs in the backseat.
"then let's go, uris." you say, pulling him down by the neck in desperation. he smirks into the kiss, kissing you so deeply you see stars.
"you think it'd be hot if i fuck you in his car, huh?" he whispers quietly in your ear. your eyes roll back as his fingers rub tight, teasing circles over your core, a fire slowly being lit. you only whimper a bit, biting your lip. "y-yes. we don't have time, th-though-" you gasp then, as he slips a finger into you.
he still watches you intently, listening as if nothing was abnormal as he pumps his finger, curling it and making you whimper as you try to spit out your words. it makes you turn bright red. "the ice cream- it'll melt, they'll know." you say through a moan, eyes shutting as he pumps his finger in and out of you teasingly.
"richie says it...t-tastes different after-" you moan, "-after it's been too melted."
"he's full of shit." stan pulls back, finger still teasing you. your chest raises and falls quickly, feeling flustered and desperate. stan smirks, "plus, i want to taste you first."
your throat gets dry. "p-please." you say, cheeks feeling hot with need. the windows are starting to fog up in the car he's parked on your driveway as he slowly slides the underwear down from your legs, kissing the skin as he goes. you're breathing shakily and then he's bringing his eyes up to you before lifting up your skirt and bringing his head under, your eyes rolling back to stare up at the lights in the back of the car that richie and bev had strung up one night.
you gasp in pleasure as you feel stan's tongue dart out and lick a bold, flat stripe up your heat. "fuck," you whisper, your hands moving from gripping the seat you've laid on to pulling up your skirt to lace your fingers through his hair. he swirls his tongue around your clit and you tense, the feeling of pleasure unlike anything you've felt before.
you wonder if it's because you could get caught by richie at any moment, or because it's in richie's car, or just because it's stan.
his hands snake up to hold your waist as he starts to move his tongue, holding you down so you can’t buck your hips, his thumbs rubbing the skin that's revealed between your top and your skirt.
“stan.” you whimper, back arching and yelping as he slips a finger inside you. he hums around your clit and your toes curl, gasping and whining as he pumps into you and curls his finger. his name falls from your lips like a prayer and you can almost feel his smirk against you as his tongue starts to work circles. 
his hand still presses against you as you buck your hips, your legs wrapping over his shoulders. he pulls away slightly, lips glistening as he smirks up at you. “you're perfect, y/n.” he mutters, making you moan, legs squeezing around his head. he smirks at you, finger coming up to rub at your clit slowly as he brings his tongue to thrust into you.
you squeeze his hair lightly as you whimper, the feeling euphoric as your toes curl. his name falls from your lips every few seconds as he ruthlessly eats you out, the coil in your stomach about to release. “stan, please, i’m gonna cum.” you mutter, eyes closed and chest rising and falling.
“not yet.” he says, jaw set as he pulls back, meeting your eyes. you whimper at the loss of stimulation, looking at him in shock. his hand comes up to grip your jaw softly, and he kisses you sweetly. "i want you to forget about everything and everyone besides me." he whispers against your lips.
chills run down your spine - does he know about the others? there's no way stan knows.
you nod, biting your lip as you watch him move back down between your legs, this time slipping two fingers into you and rubbing your clit with his thumb. "how's that feel?" he mutters, and you feel like you're on fire. "fuck- stan, so good. feels s'good." you mutter. he hums, sinking back down to suck and toy with your clit, fingers curling expertly and making your stomach tense as you try not to cum.
"stan, please, please, please-" you start to beg, arm coming to your forehead as you shake. he hums against your clit and you moan loudly - loud enough that if someone were passing by the car they'd certainly know - and clench around his fingers. "no need to beg, y/n." he says cockily, eyes glinting with pride. "cum for me."
you're shaking and moaning his name as you finally hit your high, the best orgasm you think you've ever had. your breathing stutters as he laps you up with his tongue gently, other hand soothing your hair. your eyes are pressed shut as you clench through your high. "fuck, stan." you whimper.
he's pulling himself to sit up and bringing his fingers to his mouth to clean them off, looking at you with an almost questioning look. it makes you feel like putty. 
"i think you need to get eaten out more often, babylove." is all he says before he opens the door, adjusting his pants, slipping your underwear into his pocket, and grabbing the ice cream. "or at least by someone who knows what they're doing."
you're speechless as you gather yourself, smoothing your hair and sliding from the back of the car on shaky legs. stan turns to walk towards the front door but you shove him quickly against the hood, kissing him deeply. you taste yourself faintly on his soft lips, and his free hand comes to grip you, squeezing your ass as he kisses you back. you pull back, "give me my underwear." you order. he shrugs, "you’ll be fine without them, won't you tozier?"
your jaw drops. "it's like you want richie to find out." you say, giving him a slight glare despite the intense butterflies in your gut. he grins at you, pecking your nose. "so what if he does? doesn't change the fact that i'd do it again."
and then he's pulling you by the hand gently towards the house and you're stumbling behind him with red cheeks and jello legs.
jesus christ, that just happened.
"goddamn, what made you take so long?" richie mutters as you and stan walk back into the room, stan’s hand leaving the small of your back after pinching your ass slightly. you clear your throat. "the self check out line was so long." you respond.  
"whatever. i'm hungry. where's the ice cream?" richie asks, the others in the room all looking at you. stan moves to sit next to bill on the couch.
"it's in the freezer. it softened up on the way back." stan says, seemingly disinterested. his passiveness makes your throat dry. why was that so hot?
"it's a three minute drive." richie says, sitting back down. you follow suit, sitting on the floor and grabbing a blanket, wary of the fact that you're sitting with 7 people who, if looking, might catch that you're not wearing your underwear. that stan has your underwear. 
"okay. guess we just hit a road bump." stan says, picking his nails. bev snorts at that, and ben's grinning. you huff a laugh, too. it's funny when stan's rude to richie.
"bet y/n's just happy she got to spend time with you. she was probably drooling over you the whole time, huh?" he says as if you're not there.
"richie, what's your problem?" you spit. he looks at you, "so defensive." he laughs. bev rolls her eyes, "you're the one who's always teasing her, richie. ease up."
"what, are you two girlfriends now?" richie says, still on his cocky attitude. you glare.
"no, we're not. but we did fuck." bev says casually, staring at richie with a serious look. richie rolls his eyes, "okay, don't joke about fucking my sister. off-limits."
"what?!" you yelp, standing up quickly, adjusting your skirt with a red face. thank god it's not too short. stan smirks as he sees you adjust your skirt, but all richie's friends are staring at him and you. "you have to be kidding, richie. you are such a fucking hypocrite."
he rolls his eyes, "cecily and you aren't even that close anymore!" he defends. "yes, because of you!" you yell. “it’s too late, anyways. i think we’re even.” you add with a grin.
“just get over it. and stop trying to say you fucked my friend, it sounds desperate. as if any of them would settle for you." richie snarls, smirking as if he's proud of what he'd said. 
it makes you smirk, shaking your head. if only he knew.
"richie, i don't think she's joking." ben speaks up. everyone's eyes turn to ben, and your heart pounds as you bite your lip. you look at each of the others quickly - ben's gnawing on his lip and looking at richie uncertainly, mike is staring at the ground in thought, eddie's staring at his lap with an amused smirk, bev is smirking between the two boys with her eyebrows raised, and bill is looking at ben with a small look of realization.
your eyes land on stan, who's staring back at you intently, a suggestive look on his face as he tugs a small part of your underwear from his front pocket as he thumbs it with his finger. you send him an intent look back, trying to beg him not to do it.
when you look at richie, he's shocked, mouth agape. "what?" richie says quietly. 
"you fucked my best friend. it was only fair." you say with a shrug, smiling at him. he looks like he might punch you.
you stifle a laugh, trying to keep a straight face but failing. richie looks furious as he walks up to you, the two of you standing in the middle of the make-shift circle the losers formed in the living room. he’s breathing heavy, face red. you don't think he’s ever looked so furious in his whole life. 
"which one?" he says through a clenched jaw, looking quickly over each of their faces, all of them smirking back slightly. you can’t help your own smirk or the shrug. 
"all of them."
part VII coming soon
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell  @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @melinda-weasley  @ruefulposts
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Green With Envy
It’s past 2am and my eyes hurt so it’s unedited for now sorry y’all😅
Original Request (from Wattpad account): What makes the boys jealous, if possible?
Guest stars: Sasori and Sai!
Oh, this boy… he’s too oblivious sometimes he doesn’t even know to be jealous. He was at a hot spring with friends once and someone says, “(Y/N) is so hot…” Naruto just grinned and said, “Yeah, she really is.”
But that doesn’t mean he won’t protect your honor. If someone says something a little too… risque like ‘Yeah, I’d tap that’ for example, get ready for more Narutos than you can count all charging you with a Rasengan.
He will not stand other guys cozying up to you. He’s the one who should be blessed with your hugs and cuddles. Won’t hesitate to cause a scene and yell to the entire world that he loves you and won’t let any other guy make a pass at you.
“Naruto, you didn’t need to go that far! You blasted him through three walls!” He’s endearing, really.
Is jealousy an Uchiha thing or just a Sasuke thing? One of life’s many mysteries. Anywho, unlike Naruto, the second your name is brought up in conversation, he goes on guard and he’s listening closely.
If anything is said that he deems inappropriate, whether it be disparaging or otherwise, Sasuke had better be held back or he just might punch you into next week.
“Sasuke, calm down! He just said I had good taste in clothes!”
Even though he can easily get jealous, he knows the importance of freedom and he trusts you. He won’t come guns blazing (or sword slashing rather) and drag you away unless you need it of course.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re dating your dad or something. He’s very blunt and if he becomes uneasy with the way another male is talking to you, he’ll let said male know. Maybe after scowling with his Sharingan activated, however.
Neji doesn’t really get jealous per se, more like offended on your behalf. Because of his upbringing, which taught him manners and the utmost respect, he really can’t understand talking about girls like they’re objects? Will never refer to a woman as ‘hot’ or anything like that.
If someone even dares speak of you like that, (even if you’re not necessarily together yet) he will fight them, and they will experience the 64 palms technique.
He especially hates people in your personal space. He really does trust you, just not others. Is not afraid to embarrass someone on your behalf. Half the time his glare is enough to scare them off, but some people are just clueless. (They wake up in the hospital)
“Neji! You can’t just throw me over your shoulder and leave! And that guy looked like he had seen a ghost?!” Needless to say, even cool, calm, and collected Neji has his limits.
Shika is too laid back to get jealous over little things. Somewhat like Neji, he doesn’t get jealous. He might feel threatened on your behalf, but never jealous. He can trust you with his life why shouldn’t he trust you with your relationship?
However, if someone is clearly harassing you or just generally making you uncomfortable, he will not hesitate to step in and make them leave. He won’t resort to physical violence (too much work), but he will intimidate them or put his genius to use and play some kind of trick on them.
He honestly has endless patience and at the same time no patience? Patience with you if you’re having a pleasant conversation with someone, but will go from 0-100 (or 50, really, anything more is a lot of effort) real quick.
“Shika, that guy thought he was really paralyzed, thanks to your shadow possession!” Being jealous is a waste of time, but clever revenge is always a treat for Shika.
So. Jealous. So. Easily. Kiba is naturally animalistic (in the best way) and just like a dog, can be very possessive. If explicitly asked, he will try to tone down his jealous fits, but will still be protective. If he does have free reign, however, oh boy…
No chill at all, whatsoever. Whether it’s absolutely destroying the object of his rage or just simply making out with you right there. No matter how annoyed he may get, he respects you with every fiber of his being and would never tell you to change or try to control you. He wouldn’t ever embarrass you (unless Kiba and Akamaru pummeling a room full of guys is embarrassing).
Just let him FIND OUT someone is making you feel the slightest bit of unease. One second, they’re chatting you up and then BAM! There’s a flash of white and a huge dog ready to maul them.
“Kiba, what do you mean they all looked at me for too long?! We walked in the door, of course, they turned to look!”
Gaara is a bit of a conundrum, but in a way that makes sense? Like, he doesn’t feel the need to get jealous of guys because when you leave, he’s going to be kissing you goodnight, and he’s the one who gets to spoil you.
However, he will get jealous of little things. Oh, you’ve spent a good amount of time playing with an animal/pet? Be prepared to walk in on Gaara giving them a stern lecture on stealing you from them. Gaara knows he has any potential suitors beat, but tiny adorable animals and children? In his mind, he can never be too cautious.
He gets a little pouty but that can easily be cured with cuddles, sometimes with that evil little pet that stole your affections from him. He can never stay jealous for long, he views it as an unproductive waste of time. He could be actively trying to get your attention, but instead, he’s going to be sulking in a corner? Yeah, no.
“Gaara! Stop scolding my cat, that’s not doing anything!”
On the rare occasion that this cinnamon roll gets jealous, he’s confused and shocked. Like just imagine the surprised Pikachu face and that’s him. He knows what jealousy is, he can identify it just fine, but he doesn’t know why he’s jealous.
You aren’t doing anything, all you did was laugh at someone else’s jokes, but still… do you find them funnier than him? Are you going to leave him because he’s not that funny?! Cue the slow onset into insanity… Poor Sai is losing his mind to paranoia and made-up scenarios.
Will most certainly drag you away (gently) from whoever is taking your attention and leave. He doesn’t even bother with a fake smile, they don’t deserve it. He’ll explain to you calmly even though he’s panicking on the inside. Once he is back to normal he’ll show you his nearest artwork.
“What the-! Sai, you can’t just draw caricatures on people’s car!” You don’t even want to know how he figures out which car is theirs...
Too cocky to be jealous. He has the right to be though because one glance at him without his face mask can cause instant pregnancy. Anywho, he knows you love him and some guy trying to hit on you like some high school douche isn’t going to change that.
He does like to intervene, however, just to flex like ‘yeah, I’m the boyfriend, now get lost’.
He’s not big on PDA, so he won’t start kissing you to ward off strangers, but he will wrap on arm around you or hold your hand and ask who your ‘friend’ is.
When there’s that one stubborn person who won’t take a hint, Kakashi doesn’t mind rocking someone’s world or getting kicked out, he needed to perfect that one offense technique anyways. He’s pretty laid back though, so it has to be somewhat drastic for this though, plus he knows you can handle yourself.
“A thousand years of death?! Isn’t it weird to be poking old men in the butt?!
Pfft. Who does he have to be jealous of? He’s a god among mortals, after all. To him, you’re a goddess and as such you belong with someone like him, not the peasants around you.
But on the offhand chance that someone doesn’t heed his godly status, he will not hesitate to pull you into his side and yell ‘Almighty Push’ and totally obliterate that loser. (A/N: Holy crap I think that needs to be a one-shot cuz, wow, Pein being all protective is making me swoon?)
If it’s not a big deal, he’ll easily let you take care of it. If you’re strong enough to catch Pein’s attention, you’re more than strong enough to deal with some lowlife. That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t feel his wrath too.
If you ever want to witness a true royal rumble, dare someone to mess with Pein’s S/O. It’d be an epic tag team match (slaughter, really) for the ages. One would d be surprised how quick he can lose his cool when it comes to you.
“Pein, that’s the fifth time this month! Kakuzu is going to murder me if I ask for money to fix this wall!”
Need I even say it? Jealous boy all the way. You’re his favorite masterpiece so why should let an uncultured swine who doesn’t even understand your worth touch you? Rhetorical question, he wouldn’t.
He is not above fighting or placing a bomb on someone who gives you one too many glances. He’d make sure they knew it wasn’t art, they weren’t good enough for that, before blowing the offender up.
No one and he means no one gets to talk bad about his S/O. If someone insults you in his presence they might as well as swallowed one of his explosives and trusted him not to blow them up.
Will one 100% hide you from view if you look too appealing. He thinks you look ravishing, but he’s the only one who should be able to think that, in his opinion. Don’t worry, no one’s ever gotten close enough to harass you with Dei around. His one-eyed scowl is a great deterrent.
“Deidara! You blew up my favorite restaurant! He didn’t even say anything to me!”
Would rather die before admitting he was jealous. As adamant about not being jealous as he is about art being eternal. That’s not to say that he won’t take action though. He will use chakra strings to make the perpetrator walk away, meanwhile making them bump into literally everything in the general vicinity.
The two of you don’t leave the base all that often so it’s unusual to see an envious Sasori action, but it’s a real treat when it happens. After he deals with whatever idiot crossed him, he’ll be a bit more affectionate that day/night.
Not huge things, but instead of working on puppets all night, he’d be more apt to hold you that night. Average people hitting on you make him insecure because he realizes he’s not that great at normal relationships but he still doesn’t want to lose you. That feeds into his jealousy and he figures the only way to get rid of it is to make sure those other guys can’t offer anything he doesn’t have.
“Sasori! If you wanted a hug, you could’ve said that instead of treating that guy like a ball inside of a pinball machine!”
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy chappy seven 🤩 Here we goooo 🥳
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Lord, Katniss always had nightmares 😭 even before the games, between her father’s death, her mother’s abandonment and the other traumatizing things she saw in her life, my girl never slept peacefully a day in her life 🥺.
She even indicates that she sometimes has nightmares about past hunger games 😭😭😭. Someone protect my smol child. Please. Someone.... Someone? Anyone? No? Okay 🥺
“I bolt up screaming for my father to run as the mine explodes into a million deadly bits of light.” This is such a powerful image and it really does show that Katniss has literally envisioned all the gory details of her father’s death for the last four years. This is so sad 😞
Also though. Katniss really doesn’t talk much about her father’s death after the first book and definitely doesn’t describe nightmares about it. So .... like basically, the games traumatized her so badly that, her father failing to escape the mines as the collapsed in on him, crushing him into the pits of despair, the possibility of rescuing his corpse deemed unimaginable, pales in comparison? Yes I just tried and failed to phrase that long run on sentence the way Katniss phrases her nightmares about her dad dying, yes that was over the top but you know what? So. Is. Katniss.
“Dawn is breaking through the windows” Twilight reference 😬😬😬. I couldn’t stop myself, y’all. Forgive for please.
“The Capitol has a misty, haunted air.” Katniss, you’re from the butthole of Kentucky, the air you’re used to is probably humid as all get out 😓😓💦😅😅
“I must have bitten into the side of my cheek in the night. My tongue probes the ragged flesh and I taste blood.” 😒😒😒😒 this feeling ..... is .... v v v .... distinct .... and .... familiar 😕🙁☹️
“I end up hopping from foot to foot as alternating jets of icy cold and steaming hot water assault me.” Why is this so funny omg 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😅😅😅😅😅 Katniss is just like pressing buttons like, “Ah! Too cold! 🥶 Ah! Too hot! 🥵 Ah!!!!!” All while jumping like a .... cat 🐱🥁
Lemon foam? 🍋 Whatever. I guess there’s weirder flavors of soap we have today but like where’s the Philosophy flavors that give recipes on the bottles??? Surely they’d survive an apocalypse??? Everyone uses those???
I’m so glad Katniss didn’t forget to moisturize, even as she prepares for a death match 😅😅😅😅 even if it’s just as simple as pressing a single button, why is she even taking the time to press it?
I know, I know. She just wants to make sure her skin is so smooth for the arena that the knives and arrows just slide right off 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“This is the first time since the morning of the reaping that I resemble myself.” Lolololol which means Mr. Romantic is gonna be even more turned on by the sight of ya, since he’s crushed on you looking like this for the last decade of his life 🥳😎🤗💁🏼‍♀️. Peeta ain’t even here yet and I’m already making the shipper comments Samantha calm down 🙄😶😑🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Seriously there where is Peeta? Did he also have to figure out the temperature controls in the shower? Did he also moisturize? I miss him I wanna know about his morning too 😔. Katty, is it too much to ask for you to go take a lil ... sneak peek into his room for me? 😏😏😏
Twenty dishes seems like a lot for like four people eating? Eh, maybe six people, if we count the stylists who magically pick and choose when they’re coming to a meal... Hmm, I’ll calculate just so no one else has to. 🤓😬🤗 No one else cares, Samantha. 🤐🥱😴😶 Twenty dishes amounts out to about five plates without the stylists and three and a half-ish with so.... idk it’s not that much food I guess but it seems like a lot for one meal, esp if people in the Capitol intend to keep their trim figures. This is why that one prep team girl is chubby. 🤐🤐🤐
Awww Katniss copying Peeta’s weird lil eating quirks 🤗😎🥳. She’s already taking interest in him, she just don’t realize it yet 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ shipper comment alert 🚨🚨
But also has anyone actually tried dipping bread on hot chocolate and was it good or does it taste as repulsive as it sounds to me? I hate it when my food even so much as dares to touch though 🤢😡😤😓
Oooo I always forget Prim has to be utilizing her goat, milking the thing every day until it’s dry I’m not a farmer idk how milking animals works ... so she contributes more than I give her credit I suppose.... I’m making an effort for you, Primmers. You seem useless and immature but I’m trying. 😪😶 Taylor Swift voice 🎶 *this is me trying* 🎶
Oh wow it was only two mornings ago? Man. The first book is slow moving. 😅😭 six chapters in and we’ve gotten through one point five days 🤣
“It makes me irritated that Peeta is wearing exactly the same outfit I am.” “Listen, Peeta, one of us has to change, this is getting embarrassing, you have to stop borrowing my clothes!”
“This twins act is going to blow up in out faces once the Games begin.” Ahhaahahahaha blow up 💥 💣 🔥. Get it, get it. 🥁 Because she represents fire. And she also blows things up in Every. Single. Book.
But seriously, did Cinna and Portia and Haymitch all plan on presenting Katniss and Peeta are like, tight friends or whatever, and then Peeta is like “oh b-tee-dubs, I have a massive crush on K-dog” and they just decided it perfectly fit into their plans?
I’m so jealous that their breakfast has bread baskets 😩😩😩 I know they’re headed to the slaughter but still. Bread.
if you like, I'll coach you separately. Decide now." "Why would you coach us separately?" In case one of you ... not naming names .... Peeta .... wants to reveal your lifelong crush on live television 😎😎😎
Also Haymitch is like “make an important decision but take zero time to consider it, I’m tired and hungover, kids, idc for your drama 😒”
Which as an auntie to a wonderful little two year old ... is v relatable 😅🥲🙃🤭
“And I already know what yours is, right? I mean, I've eaten enough of your squirrels." I wanna make a dirty joke here so badly but the lord himself is saying no.
“Town families usually eat expensive butcher meat. Beef and chicken and horse.” Ohhh this is interesting. Katniss believing Peeta and the other merchants live high on the hog while Peeta is later is like “I eat expired bread for every meal, Katniss” I mean, better than starving like her, but also not how she’s painting the picture in her mind. 😶😭
Also Katniss never mentions horses in Twelve, where’s the butcher getting horses from to slaughter and sell? That’s why Katniss never sees them, Samantha, duh 🙄
“I can't do anything. Unless you count baking bread.” "Sorry, I don't.” This was such a quick and matter of fact brush off, poor Peeta 😭😭😭 my baby I’m still rooting for you don’t worry you got this
Also. Lowkey, highkey, that tiny exchange triggered me. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Those awkward moments where people brush me off or glance over me live in my head. Rent free. For life.
I wonder sometimes often times if Katniss’ father and Gale’s father knew each other? Both hunted and worked in the mines. Just a random sidebar 😅🤭🤐🙃
“She’s excellent” He’s so proud of his wife 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
So uh.... is it safe to say Mr. Mellark is an Everlark fan? If he likes and admires Katniss and Peeta and him apparently have some kind of close-ish bond (okay, maybe not but maybe) then perhaps he is carrying the shipper banner back in Twelve for them 🥳🥳😎😎
Katniss, you dingaling, of course he noticed you 🙄🙄🙄
Peeta compliments her and her instant reaction is “what are you doing, weirdo?” 😅😭
“Don’t underrate yourself” Peeta, love of my life, take your own advise. Stupid. 😪😪😪
“I've seen you in the market. You can lift hundred-pound bags of flour” Katniss in the market, staring across the way at Peeta, 👁👄👁, watching him lift flour over his shoulder.
“He came in second in our school competition last year, only after his brother." This is criminally undiscussed. Peeta being a wrestler alone is undiscussed but also.... did you go to his matches, Katniss? Miss Anti-Social, Hunting-First-Everything-Else-Later? 😏😏😏 If this ain’t proof of her lil crush idk what is
“All you need is to come up with a knife, and you'll at least stand a chance.” “You'll be living up in some tree eating raw squirrels and picking off people with arrows.” Does no one else realize that Katniss and Peeta literally took the other’s advise for the first part of the games? How did Peeta get in with the Careers? The way she just said. Where is Katniss when Peeta and the Careers discover her? High up in a tree. Okay, this maybe didn’t compute right but I had a thought here so I said it
Peeta’s mother is just a monster. Who says that crap? 😔😔😔 don’t worry, baby, I’m rooting for you
“She said, 'She's a survivor, that one.' She is” Yeah, she is, no thanks to you, Mrs. Mellark 😤. Stingy ho.
Peeta’s got pain in his eyes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww, Katniss accrediting her survival to Peeta’s help 😭😭😭😭. This is so pure. Also kiss now, you little freaks.
“She has no idea. The effect she can have.” This is such an iconic line... but the can has always had me laughing. She can have an effect, if she really wants to. Or not, depending on the day.
Katniss is so stupid, how did she construe that as an insult??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ y’all ever just wanna smack her into a wall?
“In public, I want you by each other's side every minute” If Peeta didn’t have a long life crush, what was the ultimate plan with all this friendship act they’re being forced into? 🤔🤔🤔
Even Peeta’s trying to object to it 😭😭😭😭
“You will be together, you will appear amiable to each other.” You will fall in love. 🤩🥳😎
“I bite my lip and stalk back to my room, making sure Peeta can hear the door slam.” Okay, now imagine how much she’s hurting his feelings right now 😖😣 what a little brat
“But that didn't mean I wanted to do everything with Peeta. Who, by the way, clearly doesn't want to be partnering up with me, either.” Lolololololololol this is so funny in hindsight 🤣🤣🤣. Also if you showed a little enthusiasm, Peeta would probably be happy to partner with you.
“But a tiny part of me wonders if this was a compliment. That he meant I was appealing in some way.” No, really, Katniss? A compliment? Who’d give you one of those? 🙄🙄🙄
“It's weird, how much he's noticed me. Like the attention he's paid to my hunting.” A normal person at this point would put together a crush 😅
“And apparently, I have not been as oblivious to him as I imagined, either. [...] I have kept track of the boy with the bread.” Anddd a normal person would figure out their own crush at this point 😅😅.
“I do a quick assessment. Peeta and I are the only two dressed alike.” We stan a matching couple in this house 😎😏
“Almost all of the boys and at least half of the girls are bigger than I am” That means 18 out of 24 tributes tower over my girl here. Smol Katniss. The movies did such erasure on this front I’m still bitter 🤐😒😤😩
“I may be smaller naturally, but overall my family's resourcefulness has given me an edge in that area.” Just a tiny muscular thing standing next to a bunch of tall, lanky kids. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Awww “Each [Career tribute] must have fifty to a hundred pounds on me.” I mean ... let’s calculate. A muscular girl would probably weigh like 150 pounds... so basically Katniss is at most, 100 pounds. Tiny Katty.
“I'm thinking that it's lucky I'm a fast runner when Peeta nudges my arm and I jump.” This is a random, cute interaction 😍😍😍. Shipper blinders are on and tight.
“Suppose we tie some knots.” “Right you are.” I legitimately just scratched my face, who says right you are? An 87 year old man, that’s who 😅😅😅. Not turning your girl on very well, Peeta baby.
Although it does sound a bit like a backwoods southern thing soooo.... hillbilly Everlark nation rise. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
“We concentrate on this one skill for an hour until both of us have mastered it.” Awww, so Peeta knows how to tie a snare? He’s not as clueless as half the fandom acts.
How exactly is frosting cakes equating to amazing camouflager in a death match? Books crack me up with these connections. “I’m an amazing artist because I write birthday cards!”
Lolololol Prim admiring her future brother-in-law’s handiwork 🥰🥰🥰🥰 too bad she dies before they can get together for real for real.
“Somehow the whole thing - his skill, those inaccessible cakes, the praise of the camouflage expert - annoys me.” Dude, you get praised by everyone and their brother while Peeta gets overlooked, give him a moment to shine. 😑🙄 jealous wife much?
Also she’s already picking up on Peeta’s eye for beauty 😅😅😅
“It's lovely. If only you could frost someone to death.” "Don't be so superior. You can never tell what you'll find in the arena. Say it's actually a gigantic cake-“ "Say we move on.” She’s such a little snot. 😒😒😒
But also I love that already in this point of their relationship, Peeta is noticing when she’s being a brat 😭😂😅. “Don’t be so superior.”
“Despite Haymitch's order to appear mediocre, Peeta excels in hand-to-hand combat, and I sweep the edible plants test without blinking an eye.” Lolololol their mentor’s advise went into one ear and right out the other 😂😅🤣.
But also why did the movie make a point in adding an extra scene of Peeta looking weak and the Careers staring at him? That literally took up time and served no purpose at all. 😤😤😤 I’m coming for you, Gary Ross
Awww, everyone but the careers eat alone. But Katniss and Peeta eat together 🥺🥺🥺. It’s like a forced first date 🥳🥳🥳
I like how Katniss says they include bread from every district but she then proceeds to only mention the two districts that later have relevant tributes. 😅😅😅
Lolololol their fake friendship “laugh ... now! Okay, I’ll smile, try to say something interesting”
“Ever since I slammed my door, there's been a chill in the air between us.” Well yeah, you probably hurt his feelings 🥺🥺🥺
Umm, Katniss just casually drops that she was chased by a bear.... how did homegirl live? 😬😳
Peeta knowing Rue’s name and being the one to take notice of her first 🥺🥺🥺. If the games had come down to Katniss, Peeta and Rue, y’all know Everlark would have swallowed the berries and gotten Rue home. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Don't. Don't let's pretend when there's no one around.” "All right, Katniss.” He made a single comment to you, ding dong. He didn’t ask for a goodnight kiss 🙄🙄🙄.
Also anyone ever think of how lonely Peeta’s life must be? He’s not close to his family that we can see, Delly’s his only real friend, after he wins he lives in that huge house all alone... I feel sad now. I did this to myself. 😬😭🥺
Katniss’ “Oh! The weapons!” When she sees the bows and arrows is so cute 🥰🥰🥰
Katniss has such a rage built up inside of her. Let it out, girlfriend
See, I’d have done this too but in my rage, I’d probably have shot a real person and not the pig ... goodbye, Plutarch 👋🏻
Andddd I think that’s all for this chapter! Sorry my comments weren’t as interesting as usual 😬.
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Sumire and shuu’s route (demo) maniac 4
((Please read the hashtags before proceeding))
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I’m not sure how to make friends.. actually..
I’ve never made one before.. I never needed too.. when he was my only one
I don’t think I want to anymore.. He was right.. I don’t need anyone else but him..
Because everyone else will hurt me..
I hate it here..
Scene is in the infirmary
Sumire- … (…I do not understand… I do not know what I did to make people so mad… I am so confused… father.. can you make me understand…?)
(…I forget your not here sometimes… so you can’t answer my questions…)
*sumire is bandaging her arm*
(…I was only trying to look for Shuu-sama to do to class…. I did not mean to upset anyone… I should say sorry when I see them again…)
Sumire- …oh… where could he be…? (…Shuu-sama must you try so hard to hide away… I need to bring you to class..) haah…
Female student- hey..! You! Your missing class you know! What are doing anyway?
Sumire- ..hm..? Oh..! (…It was that girl who called me… a whore…) hello.. I am sumire…
Female student- see what I told all of you.. she’s totally stupid
Sumire- …I did not hear the bell… so I did not realize class had started… forgive me… but I was just trying to look for shuu-sama… I will only be a few minutes…
Female student- you really don’t listen do you? I told you to back off did I not!?
Sumire- ..back off…? I am not sure what that phrase means… but I have been a good listener all my life….
Female student- apparently not.. your still hanging around Shuu.. I told you to leave him alone!
Sumire- …?…
But I live with Shuu-sama… and we go to the same classes… I have no choice but to interact with him… if there is something else I can do to make you happy and your other people… then please tell me…
2nd female student- she’s like a robot… it’s creepy..
Male student- at least a robot can talk without pausing every few seconds
Female student- well even so I told you before stop, as of recently I’ve noticed that you’ve been giving him that look
Sumire- …look..? I am confused… I do not remember giving him any type of look…
Female student- tch.. you look at him with such admiration and love it’s honestly disgusting if I have to say so myself.. you’ve started to fall in love with didn’t you?
Sumire- …love…? I am sorry but.. I do not understand… please tell how I can understand your words…
2nd female student- she’s totally a robot reminds me of Siri on my phone.. *the girls pulls out her phone* ne ne Siri do you want a friend? I’ve got one for you right here! *the girl pulls sumires arm closer to her*
Sumire- ah…!
Siri- I do not understand can you please repeat that
2nd female student- hahahaha..!! See what I mean there like twins!
Male student- pfft…
Come one say something back to your knew friend..!
Sumire- …friend…? I am not sure what a friend is… uhm… hello.. I am sumire…
Siri- hello sumire how can I help you?
Sumire- this strange object spoke back…! Woah.. so amazing…
The four students- pfft… ahahahahahahaha…!!!
This so funny.. I wish I got that on recording.. ahaha…!
2nd male student- come now your guys are so mean.. haha.. to a hopeless girl no less.. haah.. but.. She does smell nice don’t you think? Like sugar mixed with spice.. I like it
Male student- yeah I kinda like the smell.. say give us a taste won’t you? You won’t mind
Female student- I’m sure she wouldn’t, she does everything and anything anyone wants her to so I’m sure she’ll oblige
Male student- that seems fun.. say let us have some fun with you *he steps closer then grabs sumire*
Sumire- uh… please do not touch me… I am not comfortable with you touching me… please stop that…
2nd male student- were only trying to have some fun with you.. I don’t see the big deal with it.. now.. Er.. stay still and let us have a drink I don’t think I ate enough for lunch
Sumire- please unhand me… let go… (…I do not like this… I do not want anyone to drink me at all… unless it’s… shuu-sama…)
*they don’t stop the two girls hold her laughing*
Sumire- … (..too many people are close to my body… I.. I.. uu..) I said… let go…
Male student- haah..? What was that? I can’t hear you
Sumire- …let go.. let go… stop… let go…
Female student- come on speak louder for the boys, they said they hear you! *the girl grabs sumires face roughly*
Sumire- gr… (…ow… I.. do not understand… what did I do..?! What do I do…!?) I said… let go…!!!!
*sumire hits the two boys in front of her escaping the two girls hold*
Sumire- haah.. haah…
Male student- gah.. fucking bitch.. she scratched my face..
2nd male student- she scratched my chest..
Oh your in for it now you bitch..!
Female student- tch.. and I thought you were some tamed dog who would Neal before there masters! I guess I was wrong.. go ahead do whatever you want with the fucking whore! Geez she ruined nudged her elbow in my face..
Sumire- Er… forgive me.. I.. I did not mean.. (…I do not… what.. what did I do…?)
Sumire- …. I am so confused… I simply just wanted to find Shuu-sama… (..that’s kinda how I got here though… but even so… I am not very happy how Shuu-sama missed his classes…. But..) mm…
(…maybe I should… find them and ask them what I did wrong… I want to fix my mistakes…)
*the door opens*
Sumire- ah…!
Oh.. hello Shuu-sama… I do hope you are doing good… it was not be good if you weren’t…
Shuu- ah.. why is it whenever I think something is wrong it’s either you or something with my brothers..? Haah.. why do I always seem to bump into you?
Uh.. hey.. what the hell happened to you? You look like shit..
Sumire- uh.. oh..! This.. I seemed to have made someone mad by a mistake I made… I am trying to figure out what that mistake was… I can’t seem to figure it out… but… it resulted in this…
Shuu- oh.. well that’s what you get for acting so stupid.. you reek of weak vampires though.. it’s burning my nose..
Sumire- …I am sorry… I did not mean to burn you nose…
Shuu- .. whatever.. I just came in here to take a nap but since your hear and injured I’ll just help you I guess..
Sumire- … really…?! Oh.. thank you very much Shuu-sama… I fixed up most of them… so you could help with my cheek and knee.. and-
Shuu- what? What are you freaking out for? I said I’d help you didn’t I? Be grateful
Sumire- ..but.. you licked.. my wrist… I do not think that will help it… at all..
Shuu- it should help a bit.. vampires heal fast and our saliva helps our wounds heal fast so I’m honestly helping you..
We’re you thinking something lewd..?
Sumire- …I was not thinking anything lewd at all…! It just surprised me is all… (…I did not know that… what a cool fact… I’m learning things everyday.. fufu.. amazing..)
Shuu- your face says other wise
Sumire- …my face can not talk unless I am using my vocal chords and mouth… hmph…
Shuu- getting feisty I see, not that I entirely dislike it
Sumire- ..mm… (…although… it does feel weird… it tickles a bit…)
Shuu- move you knee closer to me
Sumire- ..mm.. (…this is kinda of… I do not know how to explain it… but.. my heart is racing…)
*rustle rustle*
Sumire- there…
Sumire- …epp..! (..that feels so cold…)
Shuu- haah… heh.. what a cute expression your making, are you aroused?
Sumire- ..no not at all…! It just feels cold… nothing more…!
Shuu- sureee.. *he continues he goes higher*
Sumire- ah… h-hey… please do not go any higher then that..! It seems as though you are finished…! *she pulls her leg back*
Shuu- heeh look at that face.. it seems like you want me to do that again
Sumire- …I do not…
Shuu- lewd girl
Sumire- …mm…
Shuu- what I don’t get “I am not lewd I am sumire” thing you say? Heh.. what the hell has gotten into you
Sumire- ..uh.. (…I do not know.. but you have been making me feel very strange as of late… and your teasing seems to making it worse Shuu-sama…)
..it would not be like this if you would stop doing that thing… you do all the time to me…
Shuu- hmm..?
Sumire- …uh.. (..I did not mean to say such a thing… sumire.., get yourself together..)
Shuu- you know.. I’m starting to sorta like this bold side when you let it out.. it’s sorta less annoying to deal with haha..
Sumire- ..mm… forgive me…
Subaru- oi..
Sumire- …ah…! Oh… hello Subaru-sama…
Subaru- tch.. both of you hurry up in here.. reiji is all over my ass and we’re about to leave if you don’t hurry up
Shuu- wow.. following that stuck ups orders like a dog.. amazing..
Subaru- shut your ass up! Lazy ass..
Shuu- yeah yeah..
*subaru leaves*
Sumire- …already..! Goodness… I did not notice the time… (…I seemed to have gotten distracted…)
*scene is outside school*
Reiji- both of you! Missed class once again! Seriously how do you think this does to me when you- what on earth happened to you..?
Sumire- …hm..? Oh..! I made people mad today…!
Reiji- don’t say that like it’s a good thing.. haah…
Laito- ah..! Poor bitch-chans beautiful face is all scratched and bruised..!
Reiji- whatever the case.. get in the car.. geez you really are a hassle
*walk walk*
Sumire- … (..hmm… I guess I could say sorry tomorrow..! I can not find her and those others at all… so tomorrow…! For now.. I just need to focus on getting these healed by tomorrow at least…
——to be continued——
Maniac 3– maniac 5
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simping-for-tape · 4 years
Drunk Calls and Funny Confrontations
Requested? [Yes/No] @decaffeinated--fangirl
Fandom: Community
Summary:  In which Jeff calls you, intoxicated, and you let him know that you care for him.
Word Count: 968
Warnings: Alcohol, Secondhand embarrassment.
Jeff shoots the liquid down his throat, the taste stinging his tongue. It was 10:00 in the evening, and he wasn't the only poor soul in the bar.
Ever since Slater and Britta confessed to Jeff, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He likes both of them, but he knows they have to choose one. What made it even worse is that they despise each other, and that hate would be latched onto him if he picked either one.
He wasn't the one to make decisions. If he had to make one, he would have lied about it, like when he was a lawyer. But this is important. When two fantastic and beautiful women-a smart & hot professor who you flirt with during the class and can help you be a better person, and someone's pants you want to get in but it turns out that she's a smart, amazing woman who takes no shit,  it would be a tough decision.
He orders two, three, then ten more. His limbs becoming weaker and his walk has a stumble to it. How anybody didn't stop him walking out of the bar is beyond me.
The distance from the bar to his apartment wasn't long, but it was hard to walk there if you can't even walk at all.
He manages to open the front door, but as soon as he feels something in his throat, he runs to the nearest object, which was a plant that Annie asked him to take care of while she was on vacation. He emptied his stomach into the dirt, wiping his residue off his face, and groggily walks to the bedroom. He wonders how he's gonna tell Annie that he was so careless that he vomited in her plant while drunk.
He belly-flops onto the mattress and lay there until he felt bored and started to scroll on his phone, wanting to call someone, anyone who would be willing to listen. Jeff randomly picks one of his contacts on the phone and starts to ramble.
You walk into the study room, a smirk on your face. Your walk was radiating confidence, and you have never been brighter in your whole life.
You open the door to the study room where Jeff was leaning back on his seat, shades covering his eyes.
You leaned over to his ear. "Good morning Jeff!" You shouted and laughed as he jumped from his seat so fast, his shades falling off his face.
He glared at you while holding his head. "Hi," he tiredly replied, "and can you not be loud?"
You sat at your designated seat beside Jeff. "Sorry," you apologized, though you didn't actually mean it, "So, how was your night?"
"Spectacular," he replied sarcastically and you rolled your eyes, "Wait," he turned to you, "How did you know..."
"That you went drinking?" You smirked deviously at him, "When you went out, I got a call from somebody at about one in the morning. Does that sound familiar to you?"
Jeff furrows his eyebrows at you. "Y/N, what are you talking about..." he trails off as you take out your phone from your pocket. He visibly tenses up. "Oh, no."
"Oh yes, Jeff," you smiled innocently at him as you press play.
"Heyyy...whoever I'm calling, *hic* How are youuuu doooinnngg? Ahhh...I'm so drunk right now. So, what uuuup? *hic* Annnnywayyys, I just wanted call to tell you I looooove youuu. I hope this goes to Britta. Or Slater. Or a snail. Heh. Snails are soooo cool. What am I thinking? This is stupid. I don't know what to do. I like both of them so much. I mean, Slater is mature, smart, sexy, and cool, someone I can get along with. And Britta, Britta is... well... she's Britta, and that's a compilment...or is it compliment? Compl... Now I'm confused.
"I think the issue is that they love me, but I like them. And there is a huuuuge bUG!  Ah! Sorry, that was a cockroach with wings. Anyway, I think I just want someone who gets me, and can understand my fears when I'm at my all time low. So..."
You pressed pause midway the voice mail and Jeff raises an eyebrow. "Did you pause it because there is more embarrassing stuff you can't play out loud?"
"No. You proceeded to rant about snails that you started to bore yourself and went to sleep," you summarized, and he threw his head in his hands.
You moved you chair so that it faced him. "Jeff," you placed your hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you.
"Normally I would make fun of you and mention this to everyone I speak to, but I'm going to move this on to a serious note." You can see his eyes soften.
"You know you can talk to us, right? To me?" You asked, and when he didn't answer, you sighed. "Look, your 'I'm so cool, I'm a lawyer with hard abs' act may work for everyone, but it won't work on me. I see right through you.  Not everyone can be cool all the time. Sometimes they break down. I get how hard it is to make a choice when two girls tell you they love you. Well, it's never happened to me before, but I can understand stress. Also, this study group that you created, can also be your safe haven. You want to talk about something, we can talk."
Jeff looked like he was about to argue, but once he saw how serious and concerned you were, he let out a sigh. "Thanks," he said, and you grinned, nodding.
"But if you do send that out, you are dead," Jeff points at your phone.
"Please, you love me too much," you teased, and waved at your friends entered the room, and Jeff smiles at you.
Yeah, he just might.
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Survey #467
“oh, mary, mary, ain’t this fun?  /  mary, mary, i’ve got a gun”
If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? Pray to god it wasn't in public and tell him it's waaaay too soon for that one. Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah, a son and daughter. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Ha, it's funny how once upon a time, I could do this. All I've got now is John Michael Osbourne. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Maybe? Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo?: Yes to both. Has a taste of something ever made you smile? Boy meet me at The Cheesecake Factory and see what my face does lmaooo As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a paleontologist sooo badly. I wanted to discover new dinosaurs, put a shitload of work into unearthing fossils and being so proud to see the final results... Even now as an adult, if I could handle the heat, traveling, and hardcore school, I'd still love to do that. Would you cuss the person you hate the most out to their face? No. My hatred for her is unjustified and I'd rather just not say anything to her. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? As one of the strongest people around. I imagine her with a job in medical coding, while also pursuing the hobbies of ball python breeding and writing. I'm sure she'll have loads of pets to love, too! Do you like Florence + The Machine? I've never listened to them. Did you watch the presidential debates? No. Do you ever watch Dr. Phil? No. Are you typically unattracted to people outside of your race? No; I can be attracted to any race. Have you ever ridden any animal other than a horse? No. Do you brush your hair when it’s wet? Yes. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yeah, I always have. Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! At my childhood home, there was a tobacco field directly across the street, and when they weren't in season so the field was flat, Dad would help us with getting kites set up and in the air. Those are good memories. How are you for money? I don't make any money. Mom is struggling. Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person? Ha, no. Do you ever think about why we are here? Does it matter? We're here, so make the most of it. Do you like cherries? I fucking hate cherries. Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: Jeffree Star, probs. Can you use a yoyo? Not well, but yeah. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Do you like folk music? NOOOOOOOOO Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Do you know any lesbians? Yep. Favourite member of your favourite band: I'm unfamiliar with all but Ozzy himself. And Ozzy is rad. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No. I sometimes have very, very quick spasms when I'm falling asleep that feel like what I assume a seizure would, but they barely last a second. They seriously jerk me awake, though, and are very startling. What’s the oldest man-made object you own? I dunno. Is there anything you feel like you need a break from? Not really, no. What do you hate to hear people joke about? I will actually and remorselessly deck you in the jaw if you make a joke about rape. There are other things that are absolutely forbidden joking matters for me, too. What’s the largest animal you’ve seen in the wild? Hmmm... Nothing that big, really. Maybe a whitetail deer buck? Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever been in weather so severe that you feared for your safety? Oh yeah. We've had some savage thunderstorms. What political issues are the most important to you personally? LGBTQ+ rights and just equality in general, the pro-choice movement, environmental conservation, gun control, the abolishment of poverty and homelessness... There is honestly a lot. I could keep going. Do you know anyone who doesn’t know how to cook even just simple recipes? ... Me. :x Especially now that I'm in a relationship, I really want to make a greater effort to learn. I want to prove to him I give a damn about the success of our relationship and that I'm capable of being an adult that can take part in general adult responsibilities. ^What’s stopping them from learning this basic life skill? Laziness. Forgetfulness. The fear of getting burned. What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone? I can pick up on sketchy body language from a mile away. I'm too paranoid not to. Of all the states/provinces in your country, which one is your favorite? At least from photographs I've seen, Utah appears BEAUTIFUL. That whole region of the U.S. in general. Are there any obscure foods you’ve eaten that most people have never tried? That's very unlikely. I'm far from explorative with food. When you travel to other countries, do you always try the local cuisine? I've never been outside the U.S. I would probably do that, though. I'd really want to experience the culture as thoroughly as I could. What did you do for your 19th birthday? Hell if I remember. What’s the kindest thing a total stranger has done for you? I remember as a young kid, my parents, two sisters, and I were getting food at McDonald's, and whoever was in front of us paid for our meals. Such a sweet gesture for a larger family. Have you ever used a meal kit delivery service? No, but there actually is one that I can't recall the name of that I'd like to try when I cook myself, especially getting started learning, but yeah, subscription fees. You see a lot of YouTubers get sponsored by them, if that rings a bell. Do you have any psychological issues rooted in events from your childhood? Possibly my fear of men, with my dad having been an alcoholic that had a 50/50 chance of being very angry when drunk. How organized are the files on your computer? Pretty organized, I'd say. I put stuff into folders. Would you date someone with braces? Yes? Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Only always. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? Myself, for sure. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? I've never even taken a cab. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? Nobody, really. My cat is occasionally in the living room to see who's home, but not always because he's a lazy cat, ha ha. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Not really, no. I wish. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No, bc I'm poor. Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? Yeah. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want some 'cuz I'm paranoid as hell. Are you waiting on anything right now? No. Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? Oh, always. It's absolutely true. Name something you’re a complete sucker for? Baby animals, to name one thing. Do you remember when you first went on the internet? Nope. What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? Arrogance/over-confidence. What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? Make me genuinely laugh a lot, to name one way. Are you in love right now? Not yet. I love him with our decade of history, but I need more experience as a couple before I've got the confidence to say that. Do you wanna get married anytime soon? It wouldn't be smart to. I want to be in a strong relationship for quite a few years before I want that. Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No but oh my fucking god I wish!!!!!! Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No, but Mom would threaten to. What was the last fruit you ate? Well, I had strawberry yogurt earlier today. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Girt. He is very, very good at that. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hell yeah man. Is there one night of your life you wish had never happened? I wish it hadn't happened the way it did. Do you have a close relationship with your sibling(s)? No. What was the last thing that you shared? Some watermelon Sour Patch Kids with my mom. Do you think people talk behind your back? You couldn't get me to believe my mom doesn't at least sometimes to my sisters even if you tried your absolute damnedest. In real life do you laugh like ‘haha,’ 'hehe’ or something else? It depends on what I'm laughing at/at what intensity. Do you have any unusual skills? Nah. Who’s your favourite person? I don't have a sole favorite person. I love many people in different ways for varying reasons. Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? No. When did you last have an "Oh, I get it now!" moment? Watching Attack on Titan yesterday w/ Girt. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? My mom HAD to have suspected I was doing something FAR worse than innocent meerkat RP to have borderline fucking traumatized me invading my privacy and forcing shit out of me regarding what I was always doing on the computer so secretively. Like I get it, she was a concerned mother, but I was a fucking WRECK because I found it so embarrassing. It was insulting that she didn't trust her well-behaved daughter. What do you think about video games? They're great for both the creators and consumers. They're wonderful expressions of creativity, and so much fun to experience as a player, delving into a new world and getting engrossed in the story. I could go onnnn and onnnnn about what video games mean to me. I've gone my whole life as a loyal gamer. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless? I really, really don't get a lot of abstract art that's worth fucking thousands, BUT, I absolutely disagree that they are without purpose. The artist created what they did for SOME reason. As a distraction, a method of expressing emotion, to convey an idea... Are you tired right now? I have been SO ridiculously tired today. Like it's unreal. I've taken I wanna say three naps and I'm still sleepy. What’s something you do a lot? Drink something. I'm not talking about alcohol; just in general, I ALWAYS need some kind of drink by me, and I go through drinks pretty quickly. Are you currently on any other websites? Yeah, I'm watching YouTube. Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent, I guess. Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? Yes, actually, at least by my mom, and she's right. My head tends to tilt VERY slightly to the right, and I can tell by how easy it is to bend my head that way as opposed to left. I'll feel a biiiit more strain.
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
bowers gang headcanons part 3 ft. modern ideas
there aren’t that many photographs of him. the most prominent ones are the few taken before his mom left from childhood and his school photos. he will not smile for the camera.
actually began skipping school picture day in the later years. never bought the photos in the first place.
he doesn’t really know how to act on camera? 
in a modern setting, most of the pictures he takes are of inantimate objects or things to sell like cattle or tractors or whatever. 
in a modern setting, he doesn’t have a very busy snapchat. it’s used mostly for social gatherings / getting the word out about parties / meeting up with the gang / etc.
uses the most emojis in the groupchat.
upgraded from a tracfone ( busted to hell and back, amazing it still even functioned ) his junior year of high school.
got an iphone 6 secondhand with his own money. he’s cracked the screen and broken two otterboxes for it.
little to no customization of it. no games. has spotify, though.
he follows vic and takes music reccomendations from him
has never gone to the dentist
his wallet has an expired ID, crumpled money from doing odd jobs for people,
cut nearly all the sleeves off of his shirt. the only reason he didn’t cut them all off was because belch reminded him winter exists.
his boots are tired and worn, and he usually has to buy ( or steal ) them for himself or bank on birthday money from friends.
no bank account. makes belch go to the bank with him to cash checks.
does not budget for shit. not that he doesn’t know how, just doesn’t care to.
photographs of him and his family absolutely line the hallways and are hung up around his house.
a bit awkward in front of cameras, but smiles the best he can
has a natural crookedness to his smile
he has a photo of his mom in his wallet.
his phone is an android ( samsung galaxy 8 ). he’s had it for about 6 months
vic gives him constant shit
takes pretty okay care of it? considering he works on cars sometimes, it may get damaged because of that.
has a few games for henry to play while he’s driving
his social media is pretty barren. talks to a few people on snapchat, has a twitter for vic to reach him on but doesn’t really do anything except retweet anti-ford memes
guess what his gallery is also full of.
he goes to the dentist about every other year at his mother’s discretion. is actually afraid of the dentist.
pays for a lot of the bank’s activities so he’s checking his bank info constantly
budgets to the best of his ability. when it comes to school, he listened most during personal finance.
handles most of the check-business with henry
wears his hats and boots until they’re nearly falling apart.
absolutely hates buying new clothes.
sometimes goes thrifting ( + stealing ) with vic since he knows the best places
his photos are pretty sparse, too, but not to the extent of henry.
doesn’t usually skip school picture day, regardless of the year
his mom buys them most of the time, if she has the money
the only one who really knows how to act on camera tbh.
the most active on snapchat! gives henry shit for using emojis.
is very aloof through text, everything he does and says sounds like an all lowercase tweet with absolutely zero emotion
along with snapchat, he also has instagram and twitter. has an active following on there which he doesn’t really interact much with, but still appreciates
makes tiktoks. theyre pretty funny, but in an obscure way
he posts selfies and lanscape stuff on there. patrick teases him about it.
has an apple, from months of begging before his birthday.
has Many Memes and games, the most customized out of the gang
uses darkmode on any app he can
has been to the dentist twice, both times after pestering his parents about it.
feels a bit bad about belch paying for everything, chips in when he can.
not as avid about checking his bank info, but does from time to time just to make sure it’s all there as it should be.
can write checks and balance his own checkbook, even in modern-day times. his mom made him learn to do it before he got a bank account, even if it’s an obselete practice.
also wears his clothes until they fall apart. avid shoplifter.
undeniably the best fashion taste in the group.
has an eye for fashion, lowkey.
has his ears pierced. never actually wears any earrings in them.
there are many photos of him. most of them are blurry, or off-putting in someway.
he will deliberately move while photos are being taken.
his smile is fuckin wack we already know this
he creeps out the school picture-taker. that is his only reason for showing up.
does not give a fuck about school picture day either. oh he hasn’t showered in three days and his hair is greasier then an auto repair shop? Good.
his phone is a busted phone he got shipped from somewhere foreign. it’s overloaded with so much shit. it’s cracked and falling apart. 50/50 chance there’s fire damage to the poor thing. he’s had it for a week.
his social media presence is nonexistent or very cryptid-esque. he has multiple platforms and takes photos of weird shit. 90% chance the platform ( insta / twitter / snapchat ) took it down themselves.
loves r/nosleep and other subreddits. doesn’t have an account.
takes photos of shit he shouldn’t be taking photos of.
approx. 2 selfies. both of which are unsettling in their own ways.
he’s the guy that got drunk and changed the size of missouri on the wikepedia map very subtly. if you asked him what missouri was he’d say ‘what the fuck is missouri’
rewrites wikepedia articles
uses lightmode anywhere possible.
god help the person who finds his search history
goes to the dentist the most. has the most dental issues and least care.
doesn’t feel any remorse for having belch pay for stuff. he’s a freeloader to the highest degree, we been knew.
has not spent a dime of his own money almost ever. steals or mooches almost exclusively.
he was too busy reading books about marxism in personal finance for shock factor to soak in any of the class’ information.
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leatherbookmarking · 4 years
i. know i had that post abt qin su and jiggy finding out, being appropriately terrified and orchestrating jgs’ murder with an army of his bastards, but since i had a thought about jin rusong the alive child...
consider: the above, except qin su is already in love with the child that’s growing inside her. he was, as opposed to some, conceived out of love; there’s no reason to punish him for crimes he didn’t commit. jiggy, of course, has a different opinion, and they argue in whisper-shouting (which is, to be honest, quite counter-productive, so they quickly stop and/or move behind the mirror). they reach an understanding,
and eventually jin guangyao and young madam jin are known as the most unbearably paranoid future parents to ever exist.
healers hate them. no, young madam jin, mild pollen allergy usually doesn’t kill-- i’m sorry, it simply does not kill. it is not possible. what about colds? a-yao said he would catch a cold often as a child, what if it’s-- the chief healer of the jin sect takes a calming breath. everyone gets sick sometimes. but jinlintai is properly isolated, so unless you’re dangling the baby out in the cold on purpose (i am only assuming you would not do that), with the proper care it will DEFINITELY receive, NOTHING WRONG SHOULD HAPPEN.
young madam jin is silent for a while. chief healer is about to sigh with relief.
and then the horrible woman opens her mouth again.
the healers should just give her the baby to deal with, says one cousin to another over tea. if she has to feed, entertain and clean after the baby, she surely won’t have time to complain and bother everyone with her never-ending questions! i understand being scared, i had my doubts as a young mother, but...
oh, but you know, the father is jin guangyao, the other cousin says. this man would rather eat his own hat than have something not under control. imagine the life of this kid!
exasperated nods.
by the end of qin su’s pregnancy, the entirety of jinlintai would, without batting an eye, heartily assure her everything is on order, in fact, that’s how it should be! perfect! even if her child had six fingers in both hands and a tail growing out of its forehead.
(they, however, hope nothing of this sort happens.)
(it, coincidentally, is exactly what the horrible future parents have wanted)
a-yao, says lan xichen very gently, i really think you shouldn’t worry so much. your child is lucky to be born to such wonderful parents, and--
jin guangyao’s eyes widen in panic. er-ge, he whispers. er-ge, i don’t know how to be a father. how am i going to--? what if i do something wrong--? what if---?!
lan xichen gazes gently into the camera.
young master jin, future jin rusong, is born; the birth itself is quick and uneventful, save for, well, the baby being born. he is healthy, not too small, not too big, with healthy lungs. young madam jin wasn’t even in that much pain. gods themselves have smiled upon young master jin, people say! no, the people in jinlintai think. WE have FROWNED at young madam jin’s belly (carefully, behind her back), diplomatically suggesting for the baby to be in perfect health, OR ELSE.
oh, do they eat their words. oh, do they wish the boy was of fragile constitution, staying in bed or safe in his warm room. because future jin rusong is demon incarnate. he is also, coincidentally, the most beautiful child anyone has ever laid their eyes upon, having his mother’s dark, innocent eyes and his father’s charming dimples, but this is where his good traits end.
he is a MENACE.
presented with OBJECTS, he grabbed the brush and immediately shoved it into his mouth, almost making his poor mother drop him; and that gesture will stay with him for the rest of his life. he tries to eat his mother’s fingers, his father’s fingers. robes? do you mean a snack? actual food is of no concern to him if he can CONSUME literally everything around him. jin guangyao turns away for one!!! (1) second, yet when he turns back, he finds his son has, in the meantime:
nibbled on the inkstone
tried the ink as well
and got it on his little stupid hands and his little stupid offwhite robe
tried the brush, guess which tip
started on the letter his poor sod of a father was writing.
is this normal, whispers young madam jin weakly.
yes, says the head healer automatically.
qin su and jiggy stop worrying as an act and start worrying for real.
by the time he’s six, jin rusong has tasted most of what there is, and isn’t, to taste in jinlintai, including but not limited to curtains, floors, his mother’s jewellery, suibian (to put it gently, it was a memorable day), baxia’s hilt (nie mingjue snorted), the ends of lan xichen’s head ribbon, alcohol, the cup that used to have alcohol in it, by which i mean that jin rusong dumped it on his face, licked his lips and then the cup clean, fairy’s ears, fairy’s paws, nie huaisang’s fan, the robes of perhaps every resident, a bell, a hand and hair of his cousin, jin rulan.
he’s a horrible thief and doesn’t even notice it. he just starts idly playing with an object, like his aunt’s bracelet, after a while says goodbye like a well-behaved boy and leaves, and then several hours later comes back, terrified out of his mind, apologizing, in tears. and oh, does his crying face make everyone’s hearts melt.
he’s sneaky and his steps are virtually inaudible, and upon finding out about this fact, several people in jinlintai suddenly flash back to their affairs and feel cold sweat on their back. some suspect he has developed the ability to turn invisible. his parents and teachers are out of ideas on how to keep him in his room, aside from “iron handcuffs and an iron pole with a stabilizing talisman on it” which seem a little bit too much. who teaches him all that? unclear.
he was supposed to copy a text and think about it; he is found three hours later, soaking wet and with a new friend (frog). he’s been hiding in the lotus pond, ducking underwater when there was someone passing by. he was supposed to practice sword forms with jin rulan and an older disciple; they are found gorging on steamed buns in the nearby market. jin rulan doesn’t know how it happened, and it infuriates him. the disciple knows, and the answer is “those damn dimples and sparkling eyes” but no one’s asking him, so.
by the time he’s nine, he limits the CONSUMPTION to the bare necessary minimum (food, his own fingernails, and the correct tip of the brush) but follows jin rulan like an enamoured puppy, thinking he is Literally The Coolest. jin rulan appreciates that very much, but sometimes... when he’s trying to be cool, you know? an annoying little cousin shouting at him to COME SEE I FOUND A REALLY COOL BUG? is kind of, ruining his vibe, okay.
you know what, actually i planned to end this post like 200 words earlier, with a vaguely ominous passage about how “sect leader jin and his wife are a perfect couple! usually there are rumors, even minor, about all sect marriages, but none about them! truly an example to be followed!” (meaning: they were MURDERED). 
then i was like oh! what if rusong was a mess, and there was no assassination attempt, or rather: there were, but through food, and rusong’s parents caught on quickly and started to train their child, who likes to CONSUME, to automatically neutralize various types of poisons with his core (once he ate something that would have killed a non-cultivating adult man and only mentioned it was ‘making his tongue all tingly’. that’s very funny, a-song, jin guangyao said, and then went to have a fucking drink)
but... then... i got distracted by Chaos Child Jin Rusong... and i don’t know what happened? please imagine jin rusong, 13, seeing “”””mo xuanyu”””” and being like oh! oh! xiaoshu! XIAOSHU YOU’RE BACK LOOK I HAVE A SWORD WOW YOU’RE SO TALL
““““mo xuanyu”““““: ????? whomst the Fuck
what else happens in this au? does nie mingjue not get murdered, due to ‘being the cool uncle with a big saber’? does that mean wwx does not get resurrected? does jiggy kill mingjue anyway, and everything is as it was originally, along with the guanyin temple and there is ONE MORE traumatized person? does it go completely differently? i don’t know!!! i don’t know!!! i really don’t know!!!
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Soukoku Fluff Week 2020 – Feb. 11 – Present (gifts) and “Will the empty days start to shine bright?” - Trash Candy, S1 OP
Title: Proof that we belong to each other (cat!Dazai)
It’s been four months since he started living with a human and in those four months he has learned many interesting things.
First, that said human’s name is Chuuya. At the beginning he referred to him as Chibi-human (because he was shorter than the average adult humans he used to saw around when he lived on the streets), but it wasn’t until another female human came to visit them that he learned his name, mostly because he always seemed to react at the word Chuuya, so it wasn’t that hard to connect the dots.
Second, that Chuuya had given him the name Dazai. At first he couldn’t understand why his human produced that weird sound around him, especially when he or his tail was too close to crystals filled with a red liquid, but soon he realized that that was his human’s way to refer to him or call his attention. So now whenever he heard the word Dazai he knew that Chuuya was talking to him and that now he was Dazai.
Third, that crab was the best thing in this world! After Chuuya took him in his home and cured his injuries he gave him some canned crab and ever since then he has become obsessed with it. Sadly, Chuuya insists in giving him a balanced and diverse diet, so crab was not on his plate everyday as much as he wishes or begs for it. Although he has learned that if he behaved good Chuuya awards him with crab.
Fourth, that Chuuya will spend a lot of time outside home, not that he was complaining.
He spends most of his time sleeping on the couch in front of the funny looking black box that shows moving images, or sleeping on Chuuya’s bed. Sometimes he would play with some of the toys Chuuya has got him or jump from shelve to shelve to stretch his legs, though he does his best not to knock Chuuya’s stuffs, mostly because the last time he did it he punished him with bland food. Eww.
But the point was that Chuuya would barely spend time at home.
The first three days after he was picked up from the streets Chuuya was with him the whole time, even when he went outside to get him things or to take him to the scary woman dressed in white that insisted in putting needles in him (which leads him to the fifth thing that he has learned in the past months: vets are the worst!). But after those three days Chuuya started to leave their home without him for long periods of time.
He started to think that Chuuya got tired of him and was abandoning him, like his clowder did, but Chuuya always came back and he always made sure to pay attention to him, even though he could sense the tiredness and tension from him.
Which leads him to number six, purring relaxed Chuuya a lot!
He discovered this after Chuuya came back home covered in dust and with his clothes in a poor state. Chuuya seemed really upset and he could have sworn he saw the floor break with each step he took.
“Not now, Dazai!” was what Chuuya said before entering the room that he has learned to know as the bathroom (seven?) and locked himself in it.
An hour later Chuuya came out cleaner but still tensed. He didn’t know if it was safe to approach him yet.
After putting some new clothes on, Chuuya sat on the couch and hid his face in his hands. Once in a while he saw his shoulders shaking and it seemed that it was hard for him to breath. Not knowing what to do, he hopped on the couch too and started to rub himself against Chuuya’s side and purring, as his mother used to do when he was a cub.
It seemed to work because Chuuya stopped hiding his face, and instead started to pet him. That night Chuuya carried him to his bed to keep petting him, while he purred close to his chest, noticing how little by little Chuuya started to relax until he fell asleep. Since that night it has become his duty to always guaranteed Chuuya’s relaxation whenever he was home.
Of course he has learned more things (had he already mentioned how great crab is?!), but those were probably the most important ones these past months.
[Though Chuuya’s ability to make stuff float in the air was also worth mentioning, and the fact that he hated the one time Chuuya used it on him to lower him from the highest shelf in order to take him to the vet, again!]
Anyway, aside from the vet, he was really happy with his current life, definitely better than trying to survive alone on the streets (although there were times he would receive help from an old calico cat).
Back then his life was empty and meaningless, that is why he barely fought back when a clowder decided to pick a fight with him for entering their territory; he just wanted everything to end once and for all. But never, even in his wildest dreams, would he have thought that a human would take him to his home and give him a better life, a brighter one.  And now that he has taste of it, he wouldn’t trade it or lose it for anything in this world.
“Dazai, I’m home!” announces Chuuya from the door.
“I have a surprise for you,” Chuuya sets some bags on a table and grabs an object from one of them that looks like a thick blue rope with pieces of metal attached to it. “I probably should have given you this months ago, but with all the work and…well it doesn’t matter,” he finishes saying while shaking his head. “Better late than never, I suppose.”
“You will see.”
Chuuya approaches him and kneels in front of him. He shows him the blue rope and lets him smell it for a while, he is disappointed that it’s not food but it doesn’t seem to be something threatening either, and when he paws it, it makes an interesting sound.
But as much as he wants to play with the noisy piece of metal, Chuuya ends up telling him to stop between laughs in order to put the rope around his neck.
“There you go,” he says with a smile. Then he picks him up and carries him in front of what he has learned to know as a mirror, an object that apparently shows him how he looks like (and not a window that showed him another cat that imitates his moves, as he first thought).
[“Good! There’s not enough space for another cat in this place, thank you very much”].
“What you think?” says Chuuya; he can sense some expectation from him, like he was eager to receive some reaction from him, probably for the rope around his neck.
He inspects himself in the mirror and he has to admit that the blue rope compliments well with his brown fur. Besides, the rope was not very tight so he didn’t have problems breathing and now he could play with the noisy piece of metal as much as he wanted!
“You like it, uh?” says Chuuya with excitement on his voice and scratching his chin. “I’m so glad.”
He settles better in Chuuya’s arms and starts to rub his head against his neck, noticing that he has a rope around it too, though made of a different material.
“Still, we match!” he thinks. “I’m Chuuya’s and he is mine.”
“Yeah, it took some time. But, officially, this is your home,” he says without stopping petting him.
He never thought that it would be so nice to belong somewhere or to someone.
“Prr, Nya!”
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phantasticworks · 5 years
I Will Be Loving You
Hi! I’m back with a Valentine’s Day oneshot! I’m a little late posting (sorry!) but i hope you enjoy it!! Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day!! 
Note: the flowers Phil orders for Dan are called prairie gentians and they are so beautiful. I’m not a flower expert so i got the information about their meaning from a website (don’t shoot the messenger pls)
read on ao3
Words: 6.3k
Description: Dan and Phil spend their first Valentine’s Day out of the closet. 
Warnings: swearing, smut, i think that’s it for this one
Sun filters through the window, falling warm and soft on soft, warm skin. Phil watches the shadows it creates dancing across the body next to him, his gaze sweeping from brown frizzy hair to a shallow clavicle, and down to where the sheet is bunched up around his waist. Dan is oblivious to his stares, his chest rising and falling slowly to the tempo of sleep. Phil is unrestrained in the way he looks at the body he’s loved for over ten years now.
It’s changed, of course. So has his own. They’ve both changed, and are still changing, but they’re doing it together. Sometimes at different paces, but always together. Ten years in and that much hasn’t changed.
Ten years. He repeats it in his mind a few times, trying to come to grips with the fact that he is very much an adult, in a long-term adult relationship with the love of his life. And people know. It still gives him a little thrill, remembering the fact that they’re out and proud and maybe everyone doesn’t really know, but they sort of do, and he never realized how liberating that would be, after all this time. Despite the fact that this is private, and theirs, he wants to just… brag about it. Just a little.
Staring at Dan, he’s struck with an idea. He slowly rolls over to grab his phone from his nightstand, knowing that Dan will probably wake up any second. After a moment of tapping, Phil holds his phone up, changing the angle of the shot a few times before clicking the capture button. His phone makes a shutter noise, and he cringes, his eyes flicking to Dan’s face. His eyelids flutter and he smacks his lips, but doesn’t give any other indications that he’s properly awake.
Phil lets out a breath as he glances over the picture. He smiles as he adds a little pink heart to it. It’s not a great picture, objectively speaking. Dan’s asleep, his mouth hung open with his even breaths, his body curling around a pillow that he’s tucked close to his chest. His hair is messy and shoved off his forehead, which isn’t currently his signature look. Phil chews on his lip as he hesitates, his finger hovering over the “Close Friends” button. He knows better, really, than to post it to his public Instagram, but…
Shaking his head, he settles for their close friends, who probably won’t be surprised to see a sappy picture. They’ve become more comfortable being a little more transparent to their close friends and family, so it doesn’t really feel like an invasion of Dan’s privacy to post it. He knows the boundaries, and he’s confident that he hasn’t crossed one. He’s about to lock his phone and pester Dan awake when he glances at the date.
Grinning, he remembers his plan for today. Instead of locking his phone, he goes onto the website for a flower delivery service, checking that the order he’d put in for today was going to ship on schedule. He’s pleasantly surprised to see that it’s been put out for delivery, with an estimated time of an hour left before it arrives. Perfect.
He slips out of bed easily enough, checking and double checking that he hasn’t woken Dan up. After ducking into the bathroom for a quick wee, Phil tiptoes to the kitchen, quietly starting the kettle boiling and setting out his and Dan’s favorite mugs. He decides to postpone breakfast for now, his heart set on waking Dan up with a different kind of treat. As soon as the coffee is ready, he carries it back to their room, setting both mugs down carefully before crawling back into bed.
Phil’s cautious as he sneaks underneath the covers, making his way down to settle between Dan’s legs. He has to rearrange Dan’s noodle limbs just a bit, but miraculously, he doesn’t wake. He does make a shuddering sigh kind of noise, causing Phil to freeze, but he goes straight back to soft, even breaths, and every now and then, a snore. This relaxes Phil enough to resume his mission.
It’s almost too easy to slip Dan’s boxers down to his thighs, freeing his cock from its material trappings. Gently, so as not to wake him before it’s actually gotten good, Phil takes him in his hand, guiding the tip into his mouth and giving a gentle suck. Even unconsciously, Dan’s dick twitches at this, and Phil can’t help but huff out a silent laugh. Typical.
He very slowly works his way into a proper blowjob, acting as more or less a cockwarmer until he feels Dan growing in his mouth. From there, he begins relaxing his throat and taking a little more in, going slow as to not trigger his gag reflex. Dan did this quite seamlessly, but Phil was still convinced that it was because Dan had a huge mouth and no gag reflex. Still, Phil is nothing if not enthusiastic in his efforts, going a little faster, suckling just a little bit harder once Dan begins stirring.
“Mmh,” Dan moans softly somewhere above him. Phil wants to smile, but focuses on his work, pulling back to tongue at the dripping head of his cock, spreading the precome there down his shaft. “Feels good, baby,” Dan mumbles, his hand coming to card through Phil’s hair.
Wrapping a hand around him to pick up the slack, Phil pulls off for a moment, grinning up at Dan. Soft, affectionate brown eyes meet his gaze, and Dan gives him a sleepy smile. “Good morning,” Phil says cheerfully. He drops a kiss to Dan’s cock, getting a little distracted at mouthing at the hot skin there. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he mumbles against his flesh.
Dan groans softly. He’s quiet as Phil gets back to it, alternating between licks and strokes, taking him into his mouth once more and covering what he can’t reach with his hand. It doesn’t take long for Dan to grip his hair, mumbling a quiet, “Close.” Phil makes no effort to stop or pull away, bringing him to the edge with a soft tongue and tight strokes, just like he knows Dan likes. It’s no time before he’s spilling between his lips, and Phil lets him, swallowing when he’s finished. He takes a moment to clean Dan with his tongue, pressing another kiss to the head before tugging his boxers back up and crawling up Dan’s body to reach his mouth.
Phil gives him a closed-mouth kiss, knowing Dan doesn’t always like to taste himself on Phil’s tongue when they kiss. Apparently this morning, he doesn’t care, his hand coming to grip the back of Phil’s neck as he deepens the kiss. He nibbles on Phil’s lower lip just a little before pulling away.
“Do I smell coffee?” He asks, trying to shift in Phil’s embrace to search for it.
Rolling his eyes, Phil sits up on Dan’s thighs, leaning over to grab their coffees. “You’re welcome for the blowjob, rat,” he teases goodnaturedly.
Dan grins. “That was a lovely way to wake up.” He makes grabby hands for the mug in Phil’s left hand. “What’s the occasion?”
Phil blinks at him. Dan’s gaze doesn’t waver, even as he takes a sip of the coffee from his mug. “Are you kidding?” Phil asks, quirking a brow. It’s not like Valentine’s Day was a particularly big occasion to them, not ten years into their relationship, but still.
There’s an obnoxious slurping sound, and Dan smirks at the way that it makes Phil cringe. His little ignorant act lasts all of ten seconds before he’s collapsing into giggles. Phil is less impressed, settling him with a bored look as he sips his own coffee. “You should’ve seen your face, oh my god. You really thought I’d forgotten, didn’t you?” Dan laughs again, hiding his little grin in his coffee. One of his hands comes to settle on Phil’s bare thigh, just under the hem of his pants, and the pads of his fingers stroke patterns on the pale skin there.
“You’re so funny,” Phil deadpans.
Dan dimples at him. “I know.”
They sit like that for a while, sipping their coffee quietly as they gaze out the window. It’s a lovely morning, for as cold as it is outside, and Phil almost laments the fact that their plans don’t include leaving the flat at all today. Still, he figures as Dan sets his mug down before wrapping his arms around Phil’s waist and peppering his neck with kisses, this is good, too.
“What’re we doing today?” Dan mumbles against the skin above Phil’s collar.
“Mm. You don’t have any Valentine’s Day surprises for me?” He’s teasing, really, but he doesn’t miss the guilt on Dan’s face when he pulls away.
“Shit, babe. I’m sorry. I didn’t- I mean, I did get you something, but I didn’t really…” He trails off, looking embarrassed.
Phil shrugs uncaringly. “I don’t have anything big planned either. I figured it would be nice to have the day to ourselves, though.”
Dan smiles and nods at this. “That sounds good, yeah.”
Before he can say anything else, they’re interrupted by the buzzer, signaling that someone is downstairs, waiting to be let it. Dan’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion, but Phil is quick to hop off his lap to go collect the flowers he’d ordered for Dan. “Be right back,” he says, dropping a kiss to Dan’s cheek.
“Uh, Phil?” Dan says before Phil reaches the door. His voice is confused, with just the hint of laughter underneath. Phil turns to glance at him, quirking an eyebrow. “Put some clothes on, mate.”
Phil glances down, blushing when he realizes he’s wearing what he fell asleep in after their brief roll in the sheets last night, which is just a pair of Calvin’s and a long t-shirt that just barely reaches the end of the underwear. “Shut up,” he mumbles when he catches the smirk on Dan’s face.
“I love the view, but I don’t want you traumatizing our poor postman. Our lease isn’t up for another four months, I’d rather he didn’t hate us until then,” Dan teases.
Pulling some sweatpants on and sticking his tongue out at Dan, Phil makes his way to buzz the delivery man inside, knowing that this is very much not their regular postman. He waits by the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet for several minutes. There’s a sharp rapping on the door and he grins as he swings it open.
The delivery boy looks about fifteen, and he looks bored as he hands over a clipboard. “Sign,” he deadpans.
Phil smiles, even in the face of disinterest. “Hey, happy Valentine’s Day!”
The boy blinks at him. “Yep.”
Silently, biting back another comment, Phil signs the clipboard and clips the pen back at the top as he hands it back. The boy exchanges that for a neatly wrapped bouquet of white flowers, almost bell-shaped. “Thank you!” He says cheerfully as he takes them. “I hope you have a good day!”
There’s a mumble of “Thanks, you too,” before the door shuts. Phil’s not too bothered, he knows everyone has their own problems and worries in life. He did his best to be kind, and that’s all he can do.
He’s careful as he heads back to the bedroom, inspecting the bouquet to make sure it’s perfect. He knows rather little about flowers, but in recent years Dan’s taken a liking to them, and Phil tries to pay attention to the ones that he likes. This time it was a shot in the dark, but his mum told him that these represented an eternal bond, and he thought they were less cliche than the typical roses. Not that he was above being cliche, but, well, he figured on their first Valentine’s Day after coming out, he could take certain liberties to be a little more romantic.
Dan’s already distracted by his phone by the time Phil walks in, cradling the bouquet behind his back. So, maybe he’s trading the cliche flowers for the cliche presentation; sue him. Even as he settles on the bed, Dan doesn’t glance at him, looking through Instagram with a bored look.
“You posted a picture of me.” It’s not a question, even as Dan raises a questioning eyebrow.
Phil shrugs. “Just our close friends,” he reminds him. Then he chews his lips, wondering if this actually bothers Dan for once.
Dan is looking at his screen again, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah.” Then, he glances back at Phil, tilting his head and peeking behind him. “What’ve you got there?”
Grinning, Phil shifts so he’s sitting criss-cross. “Guess.”
Rolling his eyes, Dan gestures to him vaguely. “Babe, I can see petals. I know they’re flowers.”
Phil blinks, frowning. “Dan,” he whines. “Pretend you don’t know.”
Dan stares at him. “Seriously?” When Phil only responds with a pout, Dan sighs, but shifts his face into one of surprise. It’s clearly a mask, and Phil nearly giggles at the sight. “Oh, wow! I wonder what you have there, that’s shaped exactly like a flower!”
Hiding his grin, Phil sweeps the bouquet in front of him with a dramatic flourish. “For you, my love,” he simpers. Ten years in and he can only handle so much sappiness, even on Cupid’s birthday.
At the sight of the flowers, Dan drops his phone and grins. He takes them carefully, ducking his head to give them a curious sniff. “These are gorgeous, Phil, what are they?”
Phil smiles, a little sheepishly. “Mum told me to get these. They’re called, uh…” He’s already lost the name, so he shrugs. “I can’t remember. Prairie-something.”
Dan gives him a fond, exasperated look, but inspects the flowers with a small smile on his lips. “I really like them. Thank you.” There’s a patch of pink blooming above his jaw, and Phil can’t help but lean in and press a kiss there.
“I’m glad you like them. Mum told me they represent an eternal bond, or something.” He waves his hand dismissively as he says it, but he feels his heart swell with love when he catches Dan’s eye.
“Hey,” Dan murmurs, catching Phil’s hand. He presses a kiss to each knuckle, then nuzzles the hand with his cheek. “I love you.”
“I reckon I love you too,” Phil says, his voice slightly teasing.
Dan just smiles, because he knows that sometimes the emotion overwhelms Phil. It’s rare, after so many years, but sometimes the depth of emotion that Dan feels still startles him, still knocks the breath out of his lungs. But Dan is always there, waiting patiently for Phil to catch his breath.
The morning is slow, but they do migrate from the bedroom into the kitchen for some breakfast. Dan places his new flowers in a vase and sets them on the table proudly, smiling at them every time he sees them. Phil knows it’s silly, that they’ll die in probably a week, but knowing that he can give Dan that little piece of happy makes his heart nearly ache with how much affection he feels.
Dan insists on cooking breakfast since Phil had been thoughtful enough to wake him up with a blowjob, and Phil isn’t protesting. He’d declined the offer for reciprocation when Dan had asked earlier, but he’s already plotting how he wants him to get him back. But for now, he’s content to stare at his fiance as he hums to himself over a growing stack of pancakes.
“I’m gonna go take a shower. Don’t watch the next episode without me, ‘kay?” Phil nudges Dan’s thigh with his toe when he doesn’t respond. “Dan,” he whines.
“What?” Dan huffs, rolling his head to the side and blinking at Phil in confusion.
Phil digs his foot into Dan’s thigh, just to mess with him. Dan swats at his foot, frowning when Phil moves it. “Don’t go to the next episode until I get back, okay?”
“Where’re you going?” Dan asks when Phil moves off the sofa, his voice sounding hurt.
“Oh my god,” Phil laughs, ruffling his hair when he passes him. “You don’t listen for shit, mate.”
Dan catches his hand, leaning his head back and staring up at him with puppy eyes. “I’ll love you forever if you bring me some ribena and a snack,” he says sweetly, batting his eyes.
Phil snickers, lifting his left hand up and showing off the band Dan had given him on his birthday. “You’re gonna love me no matter what, babe, but nice try.”
“Please,” Dan whines. “I’m feeling snackish.”
“I’m going to take a shower, get it yourself.”
“Phil,” Dan drags the word out for about eight more syllables.
Rolling his eyes, Phil grumbles to himself, but fetches Dan’s snack, which he decides will be some crisps, and a glass of ribena. Dan thanks him with a kiss, which he tries to deepen, but Phil pulls away with a tut. “I wanna go have a shower, stop groping me,” he chastises.
Dan pouts. “It’s Valentine’s Day, I should be able to grope you if I want.”
Phil smirks, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Dan’s jaw. “After my shower you might get another chance.”
Dan’s eyebrow quirks in response to this. “Yeah?”
Nodding, Phil slips away, leaving Dan with the thought of what’s to come.
After a very thorough shower, Phil goes to their room, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He takes his time yanking their duvet off the bed, draping a sheet they don’t care about over the mattress. Sure, sex was romantic and intimate and whatever, but even they don’t want to extend their energy to actually remaking the whole bed once they’ve made a mess of it.
As soon as he’s satisfied with his efforts to have as little cleanup as possible, he tugs the towel off and drops it beside the bed, knowing that it could be useful to them later. He flops onto the bed and grabs his phone, laying on his stomach and laying his head on his arms as he scrolls through his texts, landing on his and Dan’s chat.
Phil: Come here
Dan: y
Phil: 🍆
Dan: omw
Phil smirks down at his phone, shaking his head. Dan’s so easy about sex, sometimes. It’s honestly sort of hilarious.
It’s not even a few minutes later when he hears footsteps, and Dan’s arrival is punctuated by a sharp inhale. Phil smiles as he turns his head to the side, tossing his phone to the side as he shifts, knowing full where exactly where Dan’s attention is being drawn to. “Hi.”
“Fuck,” Dan says eloquently.
This makes Phil snort. “Thanks. C’mere.”
Dan’s already tugging his shirt off, dropping it to the floor carelessly as he approaches the bed. Luckily they’d both stayed in their pajamas, which for both of them was basically just their underwear and maybe a t-shirt, so after getting rid of his boxers, he’s climbing onto the bed, shoving at Phil’s shoulder to roll on top of him. A searing kiss is pressed to his mouth, Dan’s lips chapped but always welcome.
Phil’s hands find Dan’s hips, and he pulls him in until their cocks are sliding together, creating a kind of friction that has them both groaning. Dan, not always great at multitasking, loses the pressure of his lips in favor of grinding against Phil, moving in long, sure strokes. His lips unoccupied, Phil moves his mouth to Dan’s neck, sucking and nibbling and licking over the marks he makes. Dan’s shivering above him, panting hard already, and they’ve barely just gotten started.
“Slow down,” Phil reminds him, biting at his earlobe gently. “You gotta last if you’re gonna fuck me.”
Dan pulls away a little at that, his eyes wide and excited. “Is that what you want?” He asks, slowing his hips to a stop.
Smiling up at him, Phil nods. “Mhm, want to ride you.”
“Fuck, yeah.” Dan dives back in for another kiss, his tongue snaking past the seal of Phil’s lips. Phil teases him a bit, suckling on his tongue, and Dan groans. “Lube?”
Phil shakes his head. “Opened myself up in the shower,” he says dismissively, thrusting up for some friction. Dan holds himself up, just out of reach, and Phil whines.
“Patience, baby,” he says with a grin, enjoying this power far too much.
“On your back,” Phil instructs, shoving against Dan’s shoulders.
Dan goes, all too willingly, and Phil crawls over him, settling over his waist. Dan looks too adorable there, his curls fluffy against the pillow, so Phil leans down and kisses his cheek, his nose, his forehead, everywhere he can reach until Dan’s a giggling mess. “Get on with it, man, I’m not getting any younger.”
“As if you’re gonna go soft right now,” Phil laughs, rolling his eyes. They both knew just how excited Dan got to fuck him, and there was no way he’d lose that arousal in the space of the next ten minutes.
His face a lovely shade of pink, Dan shoves at Phil’s chest, sliding his hand down to wrap around his cock, giving it a few dry tugs in what he probably considers a punishment. Phil’s cock is already leaking, though, so the slide isn’t rough enough for him to push Dan’s hand away just yet. Instead, he reaches a hand behind himself, just to make sure that he’s thoroughly stretched. He winces, just a little, when he accidentally angles his fingers a little awkwardly, and Dan catches onto this immediately.
“Let’s use lube, babe,” he says softly.
Phil shakes his head, waving Dan off. “‘M fine, just, ah- hit the wrong spot.”
Dan rolls his eyes, leaning to the side and snatching the well-used bottle off his nightstand anyway. He pushes himself up, patting Phil’s bum to prompt him to hold himself a little bit higher. “Here, let me.”
“Is that the cherry?” Phil asks, crinkling his nose in distaste. Sure, it was nice when they were in their early twenties and cared more about flavor over texture and consistency, but over the years, that had lost out to the practicality of the original formula, which was a lot less sticky.
“Mhm. It’s kinda sentimental, innit?” Dan mumbles distractedly, already coating one of his fingers with the substance.
Phil pouts down at him. “It’s sticky, Dan,” he whines.
Dan quirks an eyebrow. “I’ve already poured it, now, so you’ll have to deal.” When Phil just crosses his arms, Dan sighs, rolling his eyes. “I’ll eat you out afterwards if you don’t make me get up to find the other one.”
Phil pretends to consider this, but his dick stirs with interest, giving him away. Dan smirks. “Fine.”
His face shifting into something softer, Dan smiles and leans up, capturing Phil’s lips in a kiss as he prods his entrance, taking Phil’s inhale as permission to press his fingers in. This is one instance where Phil can’t multitask for shit, either, as he pulls away, breathing hard against Dan’s mouth as he spreads his fingers inside of him, prodding and searching for that bundle of nerves that’ll send him babbling.
As soon as he’s knocked against it, Phil sighs, dropping his forehead to Dan’s shoulder. “Yeah, you’re ready,” Dan mumbles, mostly to himself. He places his hands on Phil’s hips, guiding him to hover over his cock. “Want me to wear a condom?” He asks, glancing up at Phil.
Phil thinks about it, then shrugs. “That’s up to you, you’re eating me out, remember?”
Dan’s nose crinkles, and he nods. “Condom, then. Just a sec.” He leans away again, rummaging through his drawer to find a condom. They rarely used them, considering they’d only been having sex with each other for the past decade, but it made cleanup a hell of a lot easier. After he slides it on, he grabs the lube once more, drizzling a little at the tip of his cock, tilting his head as he watches it drip down. Something about his little furrowed eyebrows has Phil giggling, and Dan glances at him with a smile.
“You’re cute,” Phil says in explanation.
“Thanks,” Dan laughs. His dimple appears, and Phil leans in, licking into the little crater of skin there. Dan smiles even harder at this, and Phil grins back, kissing across his cheek to his lips.
While they’re exploring each other’s mouths, Phil feels the familiar but faint pressure at his hole. “Go ahead,” he mumbles against Dan’s mouth, wrapping his arms around Dan’s neck. Dan presses up at the same time that Phil begins to sink down, and they both hiss out at the feeling. “Okay?” Dan pants, dropping his forehead against Phil’s.
“Mhm, just- ah- go slow.” He’s certain he’s plenty stretched, but sometimes he does worry about tearing, specifically in the moment.
They go slow until Dan’s bottomed out, and Phil’s ass is pressed flush with Dan’s groin. They’re both breathing heavily as they wait for Phil to give the greenlight. It takes a moment, but he finally pulls himself up, dropping back down to test his limits, knocking the breath out of Dan’s lungs. “Sorry,” he mumbles, kissing at Dan’s lips, although he’s too hyper-fixated to reciprocate.
“It’s good, babe,” Dan replies, belatedly.
Phil pushes himself up until Dan’s just barely inside, dropping back down hard. They both groan out in unison, but now that Phil’s found his rhythm, he doesn’t stop. He’s bouncing with purpose, and Dan’s whining against his lips, pitiful little noises as Phil rides him hard. “Fuck, Dan,” Phil breathes out. He finds the sweet spot beneath Dan’s ear and sucks on it, holding nothing back. Dan shivers hard, and that does something for Phil too, and they’re both a groaning mess.
“You’re so good, fuck,” Dan groans. “Take me so well, baby. Always do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Phil mutters, barely listening. He’s focusing on giving Dan what he needs right now, but he’s pleased when Dan wraps a hand around his cock in an attempt to pump in time with Phil’s bounces. It’s nearly impossible, but Phil appreciates the gesture.
Eventually, Phil’s thighs get tired, and he slows down, giving them a moment to catch their breath. He looks at Dan, who smiles, reaching up and pushing Phil’s hair back. “My legs hurt,” Phil says apologetically.
Dan smiles knowingly. “Wanna lay down?”
Phil nods, pulling himself off Dan’s cock and moving to lay down on the bed, looking around for a pillow. “I need-”
“Lift your head up, babe,” Dan says, already holding a pillow. He tucks it under his head quickly, shifting to hold himself up over Phil. “Good?”
Phil takes stock of himself before nodding. “Yeah, this is good. Come on, fuck me.”
Dan smiles, shaking his head once and ducking down to drop a kiss to Phil’s mouth. “Bossy, much?” He teases as he eases himself back inside, making an experimental thrust that has Phil throwing his head back.
“Mhm,” he mumbles, already forgetting what Dan said.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin hitting skin and whiny gasps, mostly from Dan, who’s usually the more vocal one in bed. Phil strokes himself as Dan fucks into him, his other arm thrown over Dan’s shoulders, a blank canvas for him to scratch at when Dan lands a particularly good thrust to his prostate. “Getting close,” Dan mumbles eventually.
Phil nods. He knows that he’s not likely to finish like this; penetrative stuff didn’t always make him come like it did Dan. He still enjoyed it, as he did everything he did with Dan, but sometimes it didn’t set him alight the way it seemed to do Dan every time he was fucked. Phil sometimes envied that.
Today, and everyday, for that matter, Phil wouldn’t be forgotten after Dan had finished. He’d finish first, and likely take a moment to recover, but he’d get Phil back. He always did.
Sure enough, a moment later Dan’s body is freezing up and he trembles with the force of his orgasm. “Oh,” he breathes, his eyelids fluttering with pleasure. Phil watches his face, licking his lips as he sees the way the pleasure melts Dan’s features into something soft and sated. It’s beautiful. He’s beautiful.
After giving himself a moment, panting hard against Phil’s collarbone, Dan presses a kiss to the damp skin and gently pulls out. Phil can’t help the whine that escapes his lips at the loss, and that makes Dan laugh, their gazes locking as he discards the condom. “You okay?” Dan asks, his voice full of affection and amusement and love.
Phil smiles, lifting a hand to brush back Dan’s curls. “Yeah.”
Dan mirrors his expression before he pats Phil’s hip. “Roll over for me, love.”
Knowing exactly what’s coming, Phil’s quick to comply. He presses the side of his face to the pillow, tucking his knees under him, ass in the air. Dan runs a warm, broad hand over his spine, adding his other once he reaches his ass. “I fucking love you like this,” he mumbles. Phil can’t see him, and that makes it all the more surprising when Dan drops a kiss to his hole, and Phil can’t help but let out a squeak. “And the sounds you make when I do this…” Dan trails off, punctuating his words with another kiss, followed by his tongue making a path over his taint, dipping just a bit past the ring of muscle.
Phil shudders, hard.
“Easy,” Dan murmurs.
Settling himself with a deep breath, Phil relaxes, waiting for Dan’s next move. It comes sooner rather than later, as Dan just goes for it, spitting on his hole before licking across. Soon enough he’s prodding with his tongue, and Phil’s nearly seeing stars as Dan’s tongue slides past that tight ring of muscle, pressing against the walls.
“Fuck,” Phil breathes out, shoving his hips back, unable to help himself.
“Stay still,” Dan mumbles, his hands coming up to spread Phil open.
He’s in ecstasy as Dan’s tongue prods and searches, slick and hot and wet, and everything that makes sex physically perfect. Phil’s not sure how long he goes at it, but he’s getting close when Dan backs off for a moment to take a breath. “I love you,” he whispers, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles into his skin. And there’s that thing that Phil could never live without, the affection that takes the physical pleasure to a different stage, something beyond attraction and lust. Phil can’t believe he’d ever lived in a world without it, but he knows he’ll never be without it again.
Dan’s mouth is back to work before Phil can reply with a similar sentiment, but he’s sure Dan knows how much he appreciates him with all the noises falling from his lips. His orgasm is rushing towards him, and he reaches a hand to tug once, twice on his cock, and then he’s done for, spilling onto the sheets with a sigh of Dan’s name on his lips. It’s such a strong rush of affection and pleasure that he nearly blacks out, slumping against the bed, into his own mess.
When he finally catches his breath, he realizes he’s alone. He can hear running water and he knows that Dan’s just stepped into the bathroom, likely to grab something to clean Phil up with. Phil’s too lazy to tell him he has a spare towel for this. Dan walks back in, unashamedly naked, his skin flushed pink and dewy. He gently rolls Phil over before wiping the mess off his stomach and cock.
“Shove over so I can get the sheet off,” Dan says, his voice sounding sated sleepy.
“I can’t move,” Phil whines. “You fucked me into a paralyzed state. I’ll never walk again. You’ll have to wait on me hand and foot.” He throws an arm over his eyes for dramatic effect. This means he’s totally unprepared when Dan pinches his side. “Ow!”
Dan smirks. “Move.”
Phil grumbles as he rolls off the bed just long enough for Dan to tug the sheet off and discard it into the floor, then he’s right back to starfishing across the bed. Dan mumbles something along the lines of “Fuckin’ share,” but he doesn’t protest as he crawls onto the bed, fitting himself against Phil’s side and tugging their sheet over their lower halves.
They’re probably going to nap and then order some pizza, but Phil still takes a moment to wrap Dan up in a cuddle. “I love you, bear.”
Dan turns his head to kiss blindly at his jaw. “I love you too. Let me sleep.”
Later that evening, they’re spread out over the sofa, making sad whale noises at the massive amount of pizza they’d just consumed. Phil doesn’t regret it, obviously, but he is feeling a little bit like he might explode now. “I’m never looking at a pizza again,” he announces.
Dan, who’s laid at the opposite end of the sofa, lifts his eyebrows in disbelief. “I’ll remind you that in about a week, bub.”
Phil sticks his tongue out, turning his focus back to the anime they’d been watching. It’s a nice, quiet evening in, just like he knew it would be. Just because it was a holiday celebrating love doesn’t mean he has to yell about it, contrary to wherever his thoughts were at this morning. He knows that the love he feels for Dan is just for them, and that’s always been enough, and he knows it always will be. Something about that certainty, that promise, has his chest flooding with warmth.
He hears the tell-tale sound of a camera going off, and glances over at Dan. He’s got his camera pointed at Phil, and he smiles gleefully when Phil raises an eyebrow. “This is payback.”
Phil just rolls his eyes, glancing away again. He didn’t care what Dan posted to their private story, which very few people had access to. Although lately they were certainly caring more about the things that they shared about their personal life to their greater audience, Phil would always be comfortable with sharing small parts of their life with the people who really mattered.
His gaze has fallen to the flowers he bought Dan, which have migrated into the lounge, since Dan said he wanted to put them somewhere he could look at them. Phil’s secretly very pleased at how much Dan loves them, regardless of the fact that he knows Dan would probably be thrilled regardless of what he got him.
That reminds him of what Dan said earlier, and he turns his head to face him. “What did you get me?”
Dan glances up, quirking a brow. “Hm?”
“You said you got me something for Valentine’s Day,” Phil reminds him. Then he feels silly, because Dan may have been kidding. “I mean, it’s fine if you didn’t, but-”
Rolling his eyes, Dan pushes himself off the sofa and makes his way into the kitchen. He returns a moment later with a neatly wrapped box. He drops it into Phil’s waiting hands, a smile quirking at his lips, which he leans down and presses to Phil’s. “Happy Valentine’s Day, bub.”
Phil shakes the box before opening it, and Dan makes a noise of protest as he settles back on his end of the sofa. He watches with soft eyes as Phil opens what he assumes is chocolate. He grins when he realizes he’s right, but it’s actually fancy chocolate that he rarely indulges in. “Thank you,” he says sincerely, already tearing into the box. “Do you want one?”
Dan shakes his head. “I’m alright.”
They settle into silence again as Phil munches on his chocolate, engrossed in the show once more, his stomach and heart full, his earlier thoughts almost completely forgotten.
“Do you reckon I ought to post something?” Dan asks, his voice sounding thoughtful.
Phil glances at him, and finds Dan’s eyes already fixed on him. He takes a moment to swallow his chocolate before shrugging. “That’s up to you, babe.” When Dan only nods, glancing away, his jaw clicking, Phil reaches out to grab Dan’s foot, which is draped over his lap. “We don’t owe them anything,” he reminds him softly.
Dan nods again. He sighs. “I know.” Phil waits while he seems to gather his thoughts. “But, I guess I just feel guilty about abandoning them.”
“You didn’t abandon them,” Phil corrects kindly but his voice is still firm. “You took some time off to sort out your video and now you’re taking some time to focus on other projects. Our lives aren’t our careers. Those two things are separate, remember?”
It takes him a few minutes of what seems to be mulling over Phil’s words, but Dan eventually nods. “Alright, yeah. You’re right.”
Satisfied with this, Phil settles back into the sofa, lightly massaging Dan’s foot. He hears another camera shutter, but doesn’t look at Dan this time. He knows Dan well enough to know that it’s probably for his public Instagram, and he trusts that he won’t post anything he knows will bother Phil.
Sure enough, a few seconds later, he gets the notification, “danielhowell added to their story.” He clicks on it, waiting for the shifty wifi to load the picture. When it does, Phil smiles, his heart warm. He glances over at Dan, who’s looking back at him, his teeth digging into his bottom lip. “Perfect,” Phil says with a sweet smile.
The picture is simple. The focus is the flowers, obviously. Still, in the corner of the picture you can see Phil’s criss-cross legs, indicated by his bright emoji pants. And in his hand you can see a black socked foot. Dan’s placed a little black heart in the top right corner.
It’s not loud. It’s not obnoxious. It’s not even a glass closet anymore. It’s just a moment of their day, and beyond that, there’s the other things, the things that are important to them but kept private. But it’s safe, it’s sharable.
Phil locks his phone with a smile, digging his thumb into the arch of Dan’s foot. “They can have a little Instastory, as a treat.”
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rebellion-star · 4 years
[Spoiler Free Review] Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku
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All images were taken from the official website.
Since I really enjoyed writing my first review, I’m back with another one~ This one will be a bit shorter.
General information
Title : Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku (華ヤカ哉、我ガ一族)
Developer : Ichi Column & Vingt-et-un. Systems Corporation
Publishers : Idea Factory & Otomate
Platform : PSP
Release Date (MM/DD/Y) : 07/01/2010
Length : +50 hours (slow reading)
Age Rating : Cero B (+12)
I think there are still people playing this game even if it’s quite old since Otomate keeps porting it to different platforms (PSVita and Nintendo Switch). I got myself the PSP version.
Our protagonist, Haru, comes from a poor background and starts working as a maid at the Miyanomori mansion to support her family. She meets the six Miyanomori brothers – each born from a different mother.
It does sound pretty fun at first for Haru who used to work at a factory. However, she quickly understands that it is not going to be an easy task - especially with those brothers who treat her like garbage.
A short while after she starts working, the head of the family, Genichirou, announces that he’s going to retire and therefore needs to chose the next head. He challenges all his sons to entertain him and collect points: the first one to reach ten points will be chosen...
(Check vndb for another summary)
The characters
About the heroine
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Her personality was pretty common : she’s a clumsy airhead, and an idiot (to be very blunt) One might think that this is the ultimate combo to make a character annoying. Nonetheless, I found her very cute. Her design also meets my taste (I love braids hehe). I love characters who try their best no matter how hard they are struggling. Moreover, her personality was a great contrast with most LIs’, and allowed funny and adorable dynamics.
Miyanomori Tadashi : (34) Serious megane dude x ore-sama x oldest son
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(CV : Miyauchi Atsushi)
He lives to work and works because he likes working (this man HAS NO LIFE).
I’m usually not into those guys who look stuck up because I want spicy development. However, he was unexpectdly awkward, which resulted in hilarious relashionship development with Haru, especially in the good ending (I swear I cracked on my bed like a psycho).
I!! Like!! Dense!! and!! pure!! Ossans!! (hey Nanase Izuki ⊂(・ω・*⊂) )
He was kinda harsh with Haru at first and didn’t trust her at all but he gradually opens up and listens to her troubles as a maid.
His route dealt with themes such a friendship and social status. It didn’t reveal anything about the Miyanomori family...
Tsundere rating : 1.5/5
Is this character dense ? yes / no
Mom rating ; Sumida Sanae : 0/5 I didn’t like her :((
Isami : (31) military x tsundere #1 x idiot
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(CV : Tasaka Hideki)
Heyyy it’s the first tsundere!! His relationship unfolds almost the same as Tadashi : tough at first, sweet by the end. 
It was hilarious how his personality did a 180 : from  tsundere to absolute idiot sweetheart. However, I have to say that I was sometimes bothered by what he was saying as it was borderline manipulative when he wanted to sound sweet... HMM...
Except that, his route was well balanced.
Tsundere rating : 3.5/5
Is this character dense ? yes / no
Mom rating ; Honjouin Toki : 2.5/5 (She was okayish?)
Shigeru : (26) crossdresser x carefree x teenage crisis
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(CV : Maeda Takeshi)
I’ll go straight to the point : I don’t like him  (;⌣̀_⌣́)
This might be a bit spoilery but I found him very childish even though he is 26. His relationship with his dad is terrible but that doesn’t justifiy how annoying he is. He also had a lot of “what is this feeling?” trope during his route, and I felt like it wasn’t handled the way I like it. The two previous bros also took quite a long time before noticing how they felt about Haru but at least they were cute trying to figure out...
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is this character dense ? darn yes / no
Mom rating ; Yasuda Shizuko  : 2.5/5 (I honestly have no opinion about her so I’m just going to give her a the average mark)
Susumu : (22) good boy x dense x angst
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I liked him since the beginning because he is the only guy who has always treated Haru like a humain being, unlikes his brothers!!
I thought he would be a good boy whose route wouldbe fluffy and tame... I’ve got it all wrong. He is not that kind... He’s willing to make huge sacrifices for the sake of his beliefs.
I think he has quite a weird relationship with his friend, but no complaints since all the drama was necessary for Susumu to realize his own feelings.
I can’t say anymore because of spoilers huhh
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is this character dense ? HE IS DARN DENSE / no
Mom rating ; Ariyoshi Fumiko : 4.5/5 (she was very supportive but a bit of an airhead)
Hiroshi : (18) childish x creative x growth
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He’s that cute and happy guy in otome games who likes playing pranks on others...
He’s only 18 and yet, I feel like he has grown so much in his route (unlike SHIGERU). He was very pure and assertive. I was glad that there was finally a guy open about his feelings. His childish side didn’t bother me at all since it was to be expected from the previous routes.
I loved how the ending and his decisions showed that he had grown to be a fine man. His character development was the best imo.
That glow up five years later tho...
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is the character dense ? yes / not really / no
Mom rating ; Saeki Yoshi : 4.5/5 (!!!spoiler!!! : I liked the fact that his mom accepted his relationship with Haru)
Masashi : tsundere #2 x sharp tongue x clever
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What a brat. What a smart brat. I have mixed feelings about this character. I like and hate him at the same time XD stop insulting me
Although he keeps calling Haru an ‘idiot’ (because he’s such a tsundere), he grows fond of her  (´・ᴗ・ ` ) He knows nothing about love, and because of some minor *incident* he thought that he had to take responsibility and marry the heroine lmao
Anyway, the latter half of his route is drama with his father (actually, everybody got drama because of Genichirou, that prick) that he handled pretty well despite the fact that he’s the youngest. Playing him last before the secret character makes a lot of sense, as it completely exposes the character’s identity and objectives).
Tsundere rating : 5/5 (I’ll give him a Tsundere Award)
Is the character dense ? yes / HE IS DARN SHARP??? (I was impressed during that one scene where he carefully used his brain to understand what was going on, unlike his older bros)
Mom rating ; Imura Chiyoko : 0/5 (worst mom ever)
Secret character : (???) double-faced x and no more tag because I can’t think of non-spoilers
I can only say I liked the secret character, even though I would have liked to see less angst... That will probably come in the fandisc...
My character ranking : Hiroshi > Susumu > Secret Character > Tadashi = Isami = Masashi > Shigure 
I really liked them all though ;;; (except Shigeru *coughs*)
Long common route, which feels tedious to skip when changing routes.
Bad resolution on PSP
Each route follows more or less the same pattern
Animated backgrounds and lip-sync (even though this game is from 2010 ?!!!)
Large cast of suitors, you’ll eventually find one you like
Very cute optional “quest” system
The bottom line
I kinda regret not getting the Vita port for high res CGs *cries* Since I started playing on PSP, I’ll probably buy the other games on PSP.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, I can positively recommend this game to anybody. I think it has everything: plot, fleshed-out characters, funny moments, action, mystery, angst… and romance of course. I was pleasantly surprised by the dynamic between the brothers since I thought they would be at each other’s throat to become the heir. Turns out I was wrong (phew!) and it is actually the complete opposite. Their bickering was truly heart-warming ~
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