#and sure he faints but it's the Heartless that actually kill him
regallibellbright · 2 years
Headcanon: Literally all Keyblade Wielders, and frankly possibly all magic users in the Kingdom Hearts universe, have a baseline magic level SO STUPID HIGH that it makes the entire rest of the Extended Final Fantasy Canon look at them and go “yeah, no, let’s not touch that.”
Evidence: You know how hard it’s supposed to be to cast Flare, as a baseline? Much less higher-level Flares? You know how we all laugh about Donald Duck being the strongest Red Mage in the entire canon because he uses a prefix that has literally only ever otherwise been seen by an endboss in Bravely Default who was explicitly on significant powerups? With laser-precision?
Yeah, I remind you that up until Chi, the only version of Flare we see anyone use (except Duck Flare, which is just fireworks,) is the Mega one. You know, the version BAHAMUT uses.
Sora learns it starting in Chain of Memories. All of the Wayfinders can use it. DATA-SORA can use it.
I’m not even sure it always takes up extra slots in a command deck.
In conclusion: Keyblade magic is ridiculous and scary, and if you transplant any random magic user from Kingdom Hearts in the rest of the Final Fantasy extended canon, all the other magic users will either ask them to teach them or run away screaming, depending on their self-preservation instincts. It’s not just Donald, or that Minnie Mouse is a top-tier white mage, or that Mickey Mouse and Xehanort both use the strongest Stop spell we see ANYWHERE in the canon, they’re all Just Like That.
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toomiieimagiines · 2 months
Akito kissing hcs
EEEEK! i actually am a fan of akito!!^_^ i think he’s very handsome! tell me what you think about these banners! i’m loving it unfortunately… makes it so much easier to make ‘em! obligatory sorry for OOCness, i don’t read the story’s half as much as i should!^_^” (omg also i wrote this while drinking a diet baja blast OMGGGG it’s so good)
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Akito Shinonome kissing hc’s + more!!
He’s such a bully!
He knows how much you love kissing him, and uses it against you…
He can be seriously unbelievable…
Like he will give you the bestest kiss and than just…. leave you there
Will give a super super mean oblivious laugh when you ask him where he’s going…
“Huhhh? I thought we were finished, I have rehearsal, y’know..”
Messes with you cuz he knows it’ll make you so so frustrated:(
He’s really not trying to be mean!! He just loves you so much, and thinks that your angry face is really cute…
I wish I could say his lips aren’t chapped…
Literally LAYERS on chapstick too. He doesn’t know why it never works, and refuses to use the heavy duty ones because they “taste bad”
Tastes citrusy, he refuses to admit that he puts chapstick on
Will sometimes also taste like coffee (He likes it sweet, please don’t make fun of him. He really did try to be a bad boy and drink it black, he almost threw up.)
Is kinda rough if he’s had a bad day…
Bit your lip a little too hard one day and it started bleeding… He felt really bad…
Can and WILL grab you by the waist though… He’s not heartless! He can be a gentleman!
He is NOT above the occasional cheek cup if he’s feeling nice!
Talks smack and all, but one time he followed your kiss when you tried to break apart…
He was really embarrassed… needed a couple hours to stare at the wall
He knew then that every dynamic he thought you two had was a lie….
another mini fic!! >_< sorry if my posts have been feeling short, none of the asks i’ve answered have sparked me with enough inspiration for something long…^_^|||~ reminder you don’t have to only send pjsk asks! i’m in almost every fandom… =_=
Sometimes you wonder if your boyfriend enjoys watching you suffer, and it may sound weird to say it out loud, but you’re truly starting to believe he’s a sadist! What other explanation could there be for something this cruel?! It’s been about half an hour since you’ve given up, but you can’t stop thinking about it.
“Babe,” he chuckles, relishing in your frustrated expression. “Quit pouting, you’re being quiet.”
“‘M not pouting,” You defend. Spoiler alert, you WERE pouting, but you can’t help it! You��ve tried to go in for a kiss three times already, and he’s ‘coincidentally’ not noticed. He has to notice! There’s no way he’s hasn’t!
“Sure…” He laughs again, and that royally pissed you off. Just that boyish grin was enough to make you faint for a million years! How dare he do this to you?! You let out a noise of annoyance.
“I’m gonna get you, even if it kills me!” You let go of his hand, deciding to stuff yours in your - well technically his, since you’re wearing his jacket- pockets. This makes his eye twitch.
“What are you even talking about?” He snatches your hand back out of your pocket, and you can’t help but laugh - despite the frustration. He obviously can’t stomach the taste of his own medicine, so you pull your hand away again - much to his displeasure. “Quit doin’ that!” He stops walking, deciding to grab both of your hands.
“Doing what??” You play dumb, mocking his original cockiness as you pull your hands away.
“Doing that! Hold my han-“ He stops, realizing what’s happening, “you’re petty. You’re REALLY petty. I did that like 30 minutes ago!”
“If you let me kiss you I’ll hold your hand again.” You offer, shrugging with fake indifference. He sighs, he feels like a dog begging for a bone. He shouldn’t have teased you…
“You make me act like a total chump, I don’t like it.” He grumbles, leaning down slightly to give you better access, you intertwine your hands. HA! You won.
You close the gap, feeling his lips against yours. They’re slightly chapped, tasting of a fruit you can’t quite put your finger on. Your heart immediately settled, enjoying the warm feeling of your boyfriend. It feels like you’re mad for eachother, the shape of his lips molding into yours perfectly. The two of you stayed there for a while, before you realized a full out makeout session in public isn’t the best look for either of you. But as you tried to pull away, you found a stumbling Akito following the kiss, almost falling on top of you. His eyes shoot open once he realized what he just did
“I-“ His face is red when he looks away, you snicker. “I didn’t mean to do that!”
“You love me!~” You say in a sing-song tone, teasing him.
“I-“ He sighs, sounding defeated. “I do!…”
He was spacey for the rest of your walk home, staring down at the pavement. All he could think of is how weak he is to you.
‘God, I’m totally whipped!’
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
Inspired by @ledzeppelinmixtape 's emoji prompt: ⛈
Read on ao3 or below / 2.3k words
It's 11pm and storming biblically when Dean and Cas's apartment goes dark.
"Great," Dean mutters under his breath. "Fan-freaking-tastic."
From somewhere else in the apartment, his roommate asks "did the power go out?"
"What do you think, sunshine?" Dean replies sarcastically.
He has a half-written essay in front of him, but he knows his old-ass computer won't last long unplugged, so he saves the document before shutting it off. He leans back in his chair, stretching for the first time in an hour and running a hand down his face. He actually needed a break from the screen, he realizes, feeling his eyes relax as he rubs them.
The steady rain and strong winds outside make an overwhelming white noise track, interrupted only by thunder that goes from faint and distant to deafening in volume. If Dean wasn't stressed out of his mind and completely exhausted right now, he might actually find this kind of nice.
"It's raining cats and mice out there," he hears Cas say, his voice now in the room.
Dean smiles, still rubbing his eyes with the backs of both his hands. "Cats and dogs, Cas."
"Right. Cats and dogs."
It’s really no use correcting him; the entire animal kingdom could be falling from the sky right now and there wouldn't be much of a difference. The winds are definitely knocking things over, and the streets will certainly be flooded come morning. Dean wonders for how long the university will cancel classes after this (if at all, the heartless bloodsuckers).
A particularly loud clap of thunder startles Dean. He drops his hands from his face and opens his eyes, expecting to see pitch black nothingness, but the room is faintly lit by the flashlight Cas is holding as he rummages through their kitchen drawers. He approaches a minute later and sets a candle down on the small table.
"Thank you, Dean," Cas says, sitting down opposite him. Dean smiles again, this time shaking his head.
If anyone ever asked him to mention one thing he likes about Cas, just one, he'd probably say how genuine Cas is, how he takes everything to heart and speaks from it as well. Dean said just one word, smart, a simple comment on the fact that it occurred to Cas to light a candle instead of wasting the battery of their one flashlight, and Cas genuinely thanked him for the compliment. He's just ridiculously cute in his earnestness.
Cas is trying to light the candle now, but their lighter is tricky. Despite living together in that apartment for a year and a half now Cas has never really gotten the hang of it.
"Here, let me."
Dean means to take the lighter from Cas and do it himself, he really does. That is 100% his intention as he reaches across the table. Except he sees an opportunity, and Dean Michael Winchester is nothing if not smooth.
He wraps his hand around Cas's, gently guiding his fingers until they’re placed just right, and the lighter clicks on with ease. Cas meets his eyes, smiling, and Dean can feel the slightest brush of Cas’s thumb against his hand. It’s a small gesture, but clearly deliberate, and it sends Dean’s heart into overdrive. Cas leans away, puts the lighter aside, and starts leafing through a book he brought. Dean’s heart is still racing as he watches him.
Scratch that first thing. If anyone ever asked him what’s one thing he likes about Cas? His hands. God. Neat nails, slightly calloused palms, and overall larger hands than you’d expect. Cas is an environmental science major and he wants to get a Ph.D. in botany, so of course, there’s a small garden on their fire escape. He tends to those plants every day with more gentleness and care than Dean has ever seen, and Dean loves to watch him, even though he has no idea what Cas is doing with them half the time. He just knows that not a single one of their plants have died under Cas’s care. He names them too.
His attentiveness. That’s another thing Dean might say if anyone ever asked. Cas left to visit his sister Anna last winter break. He left Dean in charge of the plants, three of which died inside the week. (For Dean’s birthday a couple of months later, Cas got him a book. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean keeps it on his nightstand.) Dean went out and bought new ones, but he knew Cas would notice the difference, and he did. He wasn’t mad at Dean though, and he appreciated the effort, and as Dean apologized profusely over and over again, Cas looked at him in the eyes oh-so-softly and told him he was forgiven.
How could Dean possibly forget? If anyone ever asked, he’d say that Cas’s eyes are one of his favorite things about him. One of his favorite things, period. Dean is absolutely mesmerized whenever Cas looks him in the eye, and the guy loves making eye contact, which means that Dean lives in a perpetual smitten daze. He has never seen that shade of blue anywhere else on this earth. Or maybe he just hasn’t been looking, content to get his fill of that blue by staring into Cas’s eyes as much as he gets to on a daily basis.
“Are you alright, Dean?”
Dean blinks himself back to reality. “Hm?”
“You seem… spaced.”
Dean is staring. He’s been staring this whole time. Shit. Crap.
“Yeah, um. Just tired.”
Mr. Smooth, everybody.
“Maybe you should go get some rest. I doubt the power will be back anytime soon.”
Castiel Milton, always looking out for you. It makes Dean melt.
“Yeah, maybe.” I wanna stay here with you, though, he thinks. Instead, because he’s pathetic, he asks “what’re you reading?”
Cas shows him the cover. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean breaks out in laughter.
“So you’re going into my room and stealing my shit now?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your Vonneguts.” Cas puts the book aside, an easy smile on his face. “Just wanted something light to pass the time.”
“You done with your homework?”
A soft yawn escapes Cas. “For now.”
“Dude, why not just go to sleep? You look exhausted.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Dean tries to deadpan him. He fails, because around Cas, it’s near impossible for him to not smile.
“Besides, I might be done but you weren’t.”
“And you wanted to keep me company.”
Cas shrugs as if to say I guess, but he does it with a knowing smile. The smile doesn’t falter as he meets Dean’s eyes, and he doesn’t look away when silence settles between them, the only sound being the stormy white noise.
Dean is sure he could drown in that blue and die happy.
Before that train of thought gets away from him again, Dean tears his gaze away and stretches. “We should really go to bed though, I’m not getting any more done tonight,” he says as he stands.
“Of course,” Cas says, but he grabs the book again.
“You not going?”
“I want to finish this chapter.”
The seriousness in his tone makes Dean smile. Again.
“Well, g’night, Cas.”
“Good night, Dean.”
Dean thinks he detects a bit of shakiness in Cas’s voice but decides that he’s probably just tired.
He gets to his room and changes into something comfortable, the first t-shirt and sweatpants he finds as he rummages in the dark. He goes to set his phone on his nightstand and crawl into bed, but in place of the book he keeps there and puts his phone on top of– the book Cas has at the moment– he finds something else.
It’s paper. It’s folded into the form of a book, like one of those youtube craft tutorials with bad music, and it's no bigger than his own palm. The cover is handwritten, and Dean immediately recognizes it as Cas's. He smiles, expecting a prank or joke of some sort, Cas knows how stressed Dean can get with the start of the semester. However, his smile falters as he reads the cover:
How to tell your best friend you’re in love with him.
With a shaky hand, Dean opens the small book. The first page is the only one with any more writing on it, and it reads:
You leave him a note and hope it’s enough.
Dean is storming out of his bedroom (no pun intended) before he knows it. He barely even feels his feet moving, too focused on the pounding in his ears and the dryness in his mouth. He doesn’t go into the living room, not yet; his feet stop at the end of the short hallway and he braces himself against the wall. The room is spinning and he can barely breathe.
“Cas?” He chokes out.
Cas puts the book back down on the table in front of him and interlocks his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t look at Dean– Cas, who makes too much eye contact – and takes a deep breath before saying “yes?”
He’s nervous.
Dean takes a step forward, still keeping one hand on the wall just in case, and holds up the note. “What is this?” he asks, because his brain is just not there with him yet.
Cas stands, still not facing Dean. “Dean, do you know what day it is?”
He’s asking this now???
“September firs–”
Oh. Oh shit.
“Cas isn’t today the–”
“The night we met. Two years ago.”
Dean feels his brain catching up now as the memory starts coming back to him. Cas helps, starting to recount that night.
“Two years ago tonight, I was leaving my night course at the university, and it was raining. Not as bad as this,” –Cas looks out the window and lightning strikes, as if on cue– “but pretty badly, and I was an inexperienced freshman without an umbrella.”
Dean remembers. He was walking Charlie to her dorm when it started drizzling, and it was pouring by the time he made it back to his car. Dean had a night shift at the gas station and was about to head there.
“Two years ago tonight,” Cas continues, “you invited me into your car to shelter me from the rain.”
Dean saw this guy running in the direction of the men’s dorms, which were on the other side of campus. He felt bad, and he had a car, so he opened the passenger door and let him in.
Turned out to be the most gorgeous guy he’d ever laid eyes on. He was a bit awkward, but he had no filter, which made him weirdly funny. He asked about the music playing in the car and listened intently to Dean's rambling. He laughed at his jokes too.
At the end of the five-minute drive, he said his name was Castiel, and Dean asked for his number and saved it as Cas with a thunderstorm emoji. Because even if he didn’t know it yet, Dean was already whipped.
“Two years ago,” Cas says, finally looking up at Dean. His eyes are wide and vulnerable and he looks terrified and Dean can barely stand it. “Two years ago tonight, I started to fall in love with you.”
Dean can’t breathe. His ears are hot and he can’t stop fidgeting with the note in his hand and he can’t breathe.
But his feet start moving again, out of their own volition. They move toward Cas.
“If you don’t feel–” Cas starts, but Dean swallows his words.
Again, Dean’s brain isn’t all there yet, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he’s already in it. He’s grabbing Cas’s face, digging his fingertips into the back of his hair, and the note is forgotten on the table, and thunder rumbles not that far away. He’s darting out his tongue, begging to explore Cas’s mouth as he’s wanted to do since forever, and Cas lets him. He tastes like toothpaste and coffee and honey and Dean never wants to taste anyone else ever again.
Cas is wrapping his arms around Dean’s waist and pressing his entire body against him. It’s making Dean weak in the knees but it’s okay because Cas is almost holding him upright at this point. There’s another clap of thunder, much closer this time, and the lightning probably illuminated the apartment, but it wasn’t enough to make them part. They’re moving and grasping and exploring frantically, and Dean is afraid Cas is going to disappear, or that he’s going to wake up and this will all have been another dream. But no, it’s real, and they’re playing catchup on two years worth of desire and longing and love.
They eventually pull away, breathless and giddy. The only sounds are the rain and the wind. Dean opens his eyes first, needing to see Cas and make sure this is completely, definitely, unequivocally real. Cas is smiling and taking deep breaths, and a weight seems to be lifted off his shoulders. He opens his eyes a second later, and even in the darkness, even with just the faint candlelight, the blue in them seems to shine. And even though there's no power, it feels as if there's electricity crackling in the air around them. It might be the storm.
No. It's the moment. This moment with Cas is what feels electric.
“Come to bed?” Dean asks, feeling brave and going out on a limb. The only way Cas responds is by interlocking his hand into Dean’s and kissing him again.
And after tonight, for the rest of his life, if anyone ever asks him “what’s one thing you love about Cas?” Dean won’t be able to narrow down an answer.
He’ll just say: “Everything.”
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levisgirll · 3 years
hi cutie! 💖🥺
i got request for u because i know you'll make an awesome work 🥺 what about Levi's marriage proporsal headcanons/fic? i just thought he will be so sweet~ :D
you don't have to do them if you don't want to!~
take care mina, have a good day 💖🥺✨
𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
text: Heya An 🥺 tysm for your sweet words and for this amazing request!! and I would GLADY do this request :,) (i rlly hope you like it 💖) Also have a great day!! and make sure to take care of yourself, love you! ✨. this really gave me feels writing this i-
synopsis: Levi has decided to propose to Y/N after such a long tough journey and finally out of the walls. The end of the battle and the war. He wanted to live outside the walls with his only special Y/N. How will he proposal Y/N though? And how will he act?
soft & cute fluff, modern au ♡ —
Finally...Levi is going to do it 'Today'. No more backing away. He had it all planned out and everything. Why was he still...hesitant?
"I wonder how Y/N will react....will they even like the ring I got for them..?" Levi said as he was hold the ring box and looking at it.
'Wait....Will they even say yes?' He put it back on the drawer and start pacing around.
'Ugh...I cant believe this...I am actually being nervous? Fuck...I find killing 40 titans at the same time way easier than this...so much for used to being called humanity's 'strongest' solider'. Fucking hell.'
He stopped, and turned around. 'No...If I don't then someone will take Y/N away from me.' That got him back up and he finally took out the ring box he had there for a month now. He will do it. Today.
Levi is such a private man and he loves that only between you guys. Not really a big fan with bringing everyone together and all, he couldn't even think words clearly when he looks at you and stutters, so how will he do that with EVERYONE here while proposing and saying what he thinks his ‘cliché’ speech? Hell no.
He wanted it to be so special. He wanted to remember this memory and grave that in both of your minds. He was going to propose to his lover this evening.
He had the idea already figured out, and it took him around a month to prepare it and get it perfect. He was doing this all while seeing you everyday, and had to try and hide it from you. Which kind of made you a bit of suspicious. He would usually go out during the afternoon to that 'same' expensive ring shop and stand there for 3 hours trying to pick the perfect ring.
"Um...Sir, I can help you if you would like?" The retail assistant would say as she approached Levi who had such a serious look, as if he was making a life or death decision. "No. I need to pick this, cant be someone else." He would say and his eyes glued to the collection of beautiful rings. He takes a long time to buy that ring just for 'you' that day. Nothing but full of his love all poured into it as he finally picked one.
He called up the people to set up and get ready with the preparation today at 10pm.
After he hanged up, he went to his contacts and pressed 'My Dearest'.
Y/N picked up, “H-Hey Love, how are you hm?" Shit. Why did I fucking stutter, I hate my life. He would say cursing himself under his breathe.
You picked that up, and started to chuckle which made his heart flutter. "I'm alright love! Just out with Sasha and Christa shopping....Is something wrong?"
Levi: "No. Can I see you tonight at 10pm? I will pick you up." Please say yes for this....
"Hmm...Yup sure! See you then, Love you!" You said that so cheerfully that he wanted to see you 'now' and hold you.
"Great. I love you too Y/N." He said that and he was holding his phone so tightly. This is it.
It was 10pm, and Levi has picked you up. You looked so amazing and beautiful to him, that he just stood there and gazed at you so lovely, losing his focus.
You started to blush, "Levi..." you said as you waved your hand at him.
"Oh...Um...You look gorgeous." Fuck Levi why do you keep messing up, I haven't even take them there yet.
Levi then took you to one of the top 10 hotels that they had, but this one was special. It was a beach resort hotel! When you both got in to check in, everything was made in glass, sparkling everywhere. But you were the one sparkling beautifully to him.
"Oh my god Levi...I did not expect this! If you told me we were going to a beach resort I would have dressed up so pretty."
“Tch, dont be silly. You are already pretty.." He said that as his cheeks had a faint red blush.
As you guys checked in, you sat and laid on the bed on your back. “Hmm, so what is the occasion Levi?" You go straight to the point which got him off guard. Of course you would ask.
"Nothing, Just that I remembered you wanted to come here so I decided to take us both here today" His heart was now racing. He was actually going to do it. You looked outside and saw the beautiful beach shore.
“Oh lets go check it out!!". You got excited and got up from the bed.
“No! Not now...lets get comfortable and change. I even bought you a gift. If you want to wear it...and we can head to the beach shore, Hm? Ill see you there.”
Weird. Levi would always go to places with you and he has always waited for you, but today was different.
As you changed to the outfit Levi bought for you, you went towards the sliding glass door to open it and stepped outside to find Levi.
As you stepped outside and wore the sandals that was there, you headed  towards the beach shore which was kind of dark. Not much lights.
“L-Levi..!!” You yelled out, a bit nervous. As soon as you called out his name, lights started to brighten as you were approaching the shore and you see beautiful decorations that was hanged up, full of beautiful roses, lilies and others that were glooming with the light.
You see Levi standing by the shore, and he turned around. “Y/N.”
He called out your name instead of ‘love’ which meant that he was serious.
You started to get worried. What's going on? You stopped and stood beside him looking at him.
“Remember...When we first saw the ocean...and first stood at the beach shore.” He said that as his grey eyes were looking at the waves that were driven by the wind so calmly.
“Yea...I do remember it clearly. It was one of my best moments.”
He continued. “We...won, and some of our comrades survived, but...we did it and got through it and I am glad you are here alive with me.” He started to sound....sad? “I never expected this new lifestyle and to be honest, I am glad I am living it with you by my side....You.” He stopped and turned around to look at you. “Stood by my side till the end Y/N, and believed in me, but...not only that but you also saw me as a human being while everyone thought I was heartless. You gave me hope, and you started to make me feel that I deserved to be loved, and I don't think anyone would have made me feel like this if it wasn't for you.”
You stood there so startled, you eyes started to widen. Is Levi really saying this all...? You knew he was a bit talkative with you only but, this....this is different.
Levi then took out what looked like a seashell..? He was looking at it then, handed it over to you.
“Oh wow, this is so pretty!” You said amazed by how it looked and you looked back at Levi.
“Levi, Thank you for your sweet words...I am so happy hearing that from you.” You said while holding on to it, you couldn't stop smiling.
Fuck just say it Levi. “Y/N, I know I have been the hardest to love....so I want to recreate this beach shore memory with asking you something....”
As he was saying that you noticed the seashell, could open? So you did that...and you saw a beautiful diamond ring shining. You froze.
He held your free hand with both of his warm hands and caressed it, “Y/N, will you...m-marry me?” He said that as he looked directly to your eyes that was open up.
Silence. This made Levi worry so much. He looked down but then noticed tears dripping, which made him look back at you so quickly and you started tearing up as the wind started to blow your hair and the ocean waves crashing.
“Yes...I want to be your Mrs. Ackerman. I want to live the rest of my life with you!!” You said that while crying and this made Levi panic, and he quickly hugged you, covering you with his muscular arms and....he started to cry with you too.
“Y/N, thank you. I won’t fail you, I can’t wait to have moments like this for the rest of our lives.” He went back, and looked at your beautiful face, and proceed to kiss your forehead so lovely.
“Y/N!!! Levi!!” You both got startled and looked to the other side and you saw...all of your friends!
“Oh my god....guys!” You saw everyone from Levi’s squad including Hanji who was screaming out your names and all your friends started to run towards you guys.
You then noticed, the whole beach shore started to brighten and you saw beautiful wedding decorations hanged up, heart balloons, a huge long table filled with delicious savory, desserts and drinks while soft jazz music started to play.
Connie and Sasha rushed with celebration poppers and popped that to everyone and confetti's were all over both of you and everyone started to laugh including Levi.
He actually rented out the whole beach shore just for this special occasion to make a special experience, and even planned a surprise celebration after that with all of your friends.
This went on for what left like forever, and everyone headed back after congratulating both of you and you both went to your beach resort room.
You guys did not sleep that night and actually stayed up together talking about how this special evening went, about the future while holding hands, being cuddled up and leaving each other soft kisses throughout the conversation.
Now, everytime you think or even go to the beach shore, you think of Levi’s amazing romantic proposal. This man really took a long time figuring this out and wanted it special cause you deserved that.
And, whenever you look at his steel grey gaze, you saw the love he had for you, and you saw your soon to be husband that you will spend the rest of your life with.
ᴏᴋᴀʏ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ʟᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴀɴᴅ it ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴀʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇʟᴛᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ !! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅs ᴛʜɪs ᴄ: IF ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ! ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ 🥺 ♥
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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6 - shattered mind.
previous chapter voices calling you.
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
Ants.. that was what occupied your thoughts, how can such a small insignificant creature cause this much discomfort.. theses annoying tiny black dots moving in chaos .. if you stare at them for too long anxiety will come for you next… 
Your precious closet was infested by them.. weren’t able to sleep .. those ants must have found a hole in the concrete wall to make their way towards you.. like an inescapable divine retribution. 
They kept creeping all over your skin, lettering your skin with stinging bites, attempting to crawl into your ears into your brain, pushing you to the limits of your sanity.. You walked into jeno’s room scratching and twitching like a mad woman.. “jeno.. can you give me new clothes please? I need to shower” .. his eyebrows knotted in confusion.. “You just did this morning” .. dismissing you. “I know.. but those ants are killing me, please I wouldn’t be able to sleep” ..
you pleaded to him, one hand under your shirt trying to catch the annoying insect.. he looked at you, sighed and open his closet handing you a fresh pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. You closed the door and jumped into the shower.. turning the icy cold water putting down the fiery bites.. You washed your body, you washed your hair once.. and twice, but you see on crawling over your leg.. god damn it.
you take the shower gel that belongs to jeno to go again because you must have missed some of them, but the door opens 
“sera .. that’s enough” jeno spoke in a calm voice, you jump and try to cover your naked body… “come on..”..
 he walked in unfazed and turned off the running water and threw a dry towel around you leading you out of the shower.. You stood awkwardly looking at him, not wanting to remove the towel in front of him.. so he left you to get dressed, when you were done you stepped out to interrupt a seemingly intense and hushed conversation between jeno and jaemin .. they went quite, their eyes focussed on you.. a sense of unease washed over you.. something is not right. You shrunk into yourself.. picked up the clothes you previously worn from the floor and walked past jaemin and out of the room.. jaemin, the creep he is not missing a chance to sniff you, he dose so as you walked by him .. “Ew man she smells like you” he commented to jeno .. of course I would dumpass im using his shampoo .. you rolled your eyes. You went and threw the clothes in the washer to make sure that you get rid of all the ants.. happy with your small victory you walk down the hall making your way to the kitchen you hear jeno’s low voice .. “… to jump off the balcony!” .. You stand still, trying to hear what their were saying.. Silence.. jaemin steps to the door, like he knew you were their.. his eyes catching you.. your heart skips a beat. “Come here” he makes way for you .. You were ready to get on your knees begging for mercy .. moment of heavy silence passes before jeno speaks .. “Regarding the ants sera ..you won’t be sleeping in the closet from now on” “why?” You tried to argue.. “You will sleep here on in jaemin’s room.. that is up to you” .. “It okay i can sleep in the closet I don’t mind..” you make an attempt, but to no avail.. he shakes his head. Now you get it .. your heart breaks a little more .. by now it is in a hunger piece, you will be closer to them, in their rooms .. sleeping with monsters. You’re not stupid or naive you know what will happen, what will happen more than it used to .. the ants now seems like a nuance compared to the new situation that is in-forced on you.. you curse yourself for complaining about them. but you learned the faster you accept it the easer it will be, there is no point in dwelling on it.. so with a bitter taste in you mouth you choose jaemin’s room .. the heartless jaemin who is in comparisons with jeno his cruelty seems bearable. He throws one of his pillows on the floor next to his bed and hands you a new blanket.. making you feel a faint sense of relief that you don’t want to be fooled by.. he turns off the lights and lays down like you were invisible.. you lay down over the hard, ungiving wooden floor closing your eyes, fantasizing about another life..but a hand in your hair interrupts your sweet train thoughts, startling you .. his fingers thread your hair before he wraps a strand of hair to play with .. “sera “ he mumbles.. of course he won’t leave you alone.. silly of you to think he would, but maybe if you act like you were asleep he would give up.. so you keep you eyes and mouth shut. “Sera..” he calls your name again.. he yanks the strand of hair that he was playing with almost ripping it out of your scalp.. you turn to him “what?” … his cheek is squished on the edge of his bed .. an innocent looking face for a pure evil soul. “Come sleep with me” .. you remain quiet, scared.. he tugs you hair again.. “you don’t want the spiders to crawl all over you right?” The bastard is using your fears against you.. But you know he will not give up, why would he.. the last time you tried to resist him it didn’t go well for you.. you got up and picked you pillow and got in his bed.. he made you lay on the side facing the wall, maximizing your sense of being trapped.. You lay on your back, eyes wide open .. maybe he’ll sleep.. maybe he felt bad for you sleeping on the floor .. just maybe.. he was facing you, maybe watching you, you’er not sure .. his hand crept to your breast, you quickly turned on your side facing away from him and scooting closer to wall as much as possible to keep the distance between your bodies.. he chuckles .. his voice gruff with sleep .. “I just want to cuddle .. “ he whines.. His hand caressing your back .. when you don’t respond he stops.. “sweet dreams” … You kept your stiff poster until you heard him breathing heavily.. you turned to make sure he actually was sleeping, to your relief he was.. you let out the breath you were holding and relaxed .. Hours later in the dead of the night you wakeup hearing cat meowing.. you blinked your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming.. the sound only got clearer .. it came from outside the door .. your heart flutters, you got up to investigate.. maneuvering your way over the sleeping man and tipped to to the door and opened it to find a tiny fur ball standing.. a kitten. your heart overflowed with joy, you scooped it up in your arms taking it away to the living room.. you wondered how it got here.. maybe jeno got it .. you sat on the floor playing with it.. Jaemin woke up to the sound of your giggles .. he looked over his shoes to where you were sleeping and it was empty.. he heard you speaking to someone .. “sera!” He got up already a cold sweat breaking through him.. he opens the safe under his bed and got his gun.. “shh.. hide before he finds you”.. he hears you.. adrenaline pumping.. As soon as he turned the corner he lifted the gun .. but found you standing alone in the middle of the room looking at the direction of the window.. His eyes scanned the room before he lowered the gun.. “Who were talking you?” . “Umm the kitten” your tears hangs in your eyes, body shaking in fear.. He stood in his place struck with confusion .. he looked around one more time checking every space that would fit a human being not believing what you said.. There was nobody, the door was locked and windows locked from the inside the alarm system intact.. no sign of intrusion. He was shaking with anger looking at you with the darkest stare.. like he is about to snap and end you.. “Jaemin.. I swear” .. “Where the fuck is it?!” He shouted flailing his armed hands.. “It jump off the balcony when it heard you” you pointed to the locked glass door sipping a tear.. the blood froze in his vines rendering him speechless.
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rosyl-stuff · 3 years
The Hate Between Us
Paring: Jeong Yunho (Ateez) x reader
Genre: forbidden love, fantasy, The Little Mermaid inspired (not really a retelling), a bit angsty, a bit fluffy
Warnings: violence (nothing too graphic)
Word Count: 1.9k (7-8 minutes reading time)
Synopsis: You are a siren who needs to rip out the hearts of humans as a tribute to the Sea Queen. Yunho is a pirate who hunts sirens. Will you two find your happily ever after?
It was a peaceful night. When you broke through the surface of the water, you were not immediately blinded by the sun, so you could spot Yunho straight away. He was standing up to his ankles in the water and wandering around waiting for you.
When your paths first crossed, it was anything but peaceful. You were on the lookout for prey because the Sea Queen was expecting tribute again. Every year, each siren had to prove their loyalty by bringing her a heart of a human. It was the only way to get recognition in your world. Everything else did not matter. Love did not exist for heartless monsters. From a young age, you tore out the hearts of sailors, pirates and sometimes princes who were on adventures so that the sea queen would recognise you as worthy.
Yunho was a pirate. But not just any pirate. He was part of a notorious siren hunter crew. They were known for their swift and brutal style. None of the captured Sirens ever came back alive. A few were given as trophies and compensation for old crimes to the various royal houses of humans. There they were kept in small pools of water and put on display. Sometimes they were even hunted for fun in those pools. Those that were not given away alive died on the ship while their scales were removed. Siren scales have healing properties for humans and were a much sought-after commodity for which people were willing to pay a lot. This is how Yunho and his crew earned their living.
However, they were not the only ones with this business idea. Other pirates quickly followed suit and, pirate fights in waters where sirens frequented became more common. One of these fights took place when you were actually looking for prey. Both crews were too busy fighting each other to notice you. It was an easy game for you. The first pirate to fall into the water, you would grab and rip out his heart before they drowned. You didn't have to wait long until the first one fell into the water. He tried to swim but wasn't very good at it. There was also a big gash on his side. You quickly swam to him and pulled him further into the depths. When you saw his face for the first time, you hesitated. Most people looked at you with love because they were still under the spell of your singing. But he only looked at you curiously. He didn't seem to be afraid either. His face was angelic and, you couldn't help but look at him a little longer. You had hesitated too long because the next moment a harpoon shot only a few centimetres past you. One of the pirates Yunho was fighting against had followed you into the water. He could swim and dive well and was moving towards you. Without giving it a second thought, you swam away with Yunho in tow. He had run out of air by then and fainted. You laid his motionless body on a rock. You didn't want to risk getting caught by any of the pirates and decided to go somewhere else to get your heart for the sea queen, so you abandoned him there.
Luckily for him, his crew found him quickly and, he survived. The lack of oxygen had made him forget what exactly had saved him. He could only remember your face, but he kept it to himself, even though he dreamt of you every night.
As you still did not bring a heart to the sea queen, you were pressed for time and became more careless. So it happened that you were caught in a net and pulled out of the water onto a ship. You tugged at the net, but no matter what you did, it wouldn't let up. When the net was pulled off your head, you saw his face a second time. He recognised you and, you could see his inner conflict in his eyes. You stopped struggling and wondered if it would help to beg him. He glanced over his shoulder at his comrades. Then he held his hand in front of your face. "I know I owe you one. Now bite my hand and then get off the boat and swim as far away as you can." You hesitated while Yunho gave you an encouraging nod. He moved his hand gently to your lips. Then you bit gently into it. "Harder!" he growled, "It's supposed to be realistic!" You obeyed and, his face contorted in pain. Then he cried out and at the same time pushed you back into the water. You swam away as fast as you could. You tasted his blood for days to come and, his face wouldn't let you go now either. You had heard stories of soul mates. Was he perhaps yours?
So you couldn't help but stay close to the ship all the time. Never too close because Yunho probably wouldn't help you a second time. One night he sat alone on the deck and stared into the far distance of the ocean. Your heart longed to see his face. So you carefully swam closer, fervently hoping that no one was sitting by the radar and that everyone else was asleep. Yunho noticed you embarrassingly early. He grinned at you: "Can't stay away from me, I guess."
So you spent almost every night together. Except when you had to fetch a heart, then you disappeared for a while. In the beginning, Yunho was sure that one day you would get his heart and that you just enjoyed playing with your prey. But you also doubted Yunho's sincerity. After all, you saw him regularly dragging sirens out of the water with his crew and killing them. At any time, one of you could become the victim of the other. Nevertheless, you began to trust each other. Yunho was actually a very gentle person and, his brutal way of life affected him more than he wanted to admit to his crew and especially his captain. It was different with you because he could tell you everything without being judged or called weak. You simply listened and comforted him. You were fascinated by his stories and loved to listen to him. But what you liked most was that he simply liked you. You didn't have to prove yourself to be noticed by him. When you were together, it was just the both of you and not the suffering your species caused each other.
But it was not only the hatred of your species that kept you apart. Yunho had no fin, could not breathe underwater and was a terrible swimmer, even if he tried to get better. You had no legs and couldn't move at all on land. Every time Yunho's ship docked at a port, you met in a small, hidden bay. There you could be closest to each other and, the risk of being caught was lowest.
Tonight was one of those nights. You watch Yunho pacing back and forth. Sometimes you wondered what your legs would look like. Would they be as long as Yunho's or be more on the short side? Would you have muscular thighs like him or, would they be thick or thin like other humans? Sometimes it was the other way round and, you wondered what his tail fin would look like. What colour would it be?
Yunho spotted you and in an instant, a grin spread across his face. He got deeper into the water. You swam towards him. When Yunho was waist-deep in the water, you reached him. Without effort, he grabbed your waist and pulled you out of the water so that you were at eye level. You wrapped your arms around your neck and smiled at him.
"Hi love!" he murmured and put his lips on yours.
It was a very loving kiss.
"I missed you!" you breathed against his lips.
"I missed you too!" he murmured and gave you another quick kiss.
You gently stroked his hair and couldn't really stop grinning. Yunho noticed this and asked,
"Did something good happen today?"
You nodded, yet you hesitated. Yunho wanted you to be careful because you would be executed immediately if anyone found out about you. Yunho was close friends with his crew and the captain. They might be angry or disappointed, but they probably wouldn't kill him. Cautious was not a quality you would use to describe yourself. Especially when it came to finding a solution to your problem.
"Now tell me! What have you done?"
"I was in the forbidden library!"
Yunho sighed. As the name suggested, no one but the Sea Queen was allowed to enter the library. But you had managed to bribe one of the guards to let you in. You took your time and looked for a way for you and Yunho to be together.
"Don't worry, everything went well," you said to reassure Yunho.
"And what if it hadn't gone well? Y/N, you have to stop putting yourself in danger like this."
You pouted. Yunho sighed and gave you another kiss.
"Go on, spit it out! What have you found out?"
You gave him a big smile and, he couldn't help but smile right back at you.
“I found a way to make a potion. The potion will give me legs,” you said excitedly.
Yunho looked at you surprised: “Really? What about the ingredients? Are we able to get them without dying?”
You nodded: "Yes, most of them grow on the land, but with your help, it should be no problem!"
Yunho still looked sceptical.
“Come on, Yunho. Please be happy about it. It won't hurt trying it. None of the ingredients is poisonous."
"I'm just worried. There has to be a catch. I highly doubt a potion will just give legs with no side effects."
And he was right. You tried to hide it, but Yunho noticed it right away. He gave you a soft kiss on the cheek as you avoided eye contact.
“What is the side effect?” he asked you softly.
“Please let us try anyway.”
“Tell me first!” Yunho demanded.
You knew arguing wouldn’t bring you anywhere, so you sighed and said: “If I get my legs, every step I take will feel like I’m walking on broken glass.”
You breathed out audibly and pulled you closer to him.
“You know that will be very painful?" he asked.
You just nodded, even if you have never felt how a piece of glass cute into your body. But it can’t be worse than the pain you felt in your heart when you and Yunho are not together.
“I don’t think I can let you do that!” he mumbled into your hair.
“Please,” you begged, “I don’t want to be separated from you any longer. I want to be together with you.”
“You know that I want that as well. I just don’t want you to suffer the rest of your life," he said with a sigh, "Let me think about it, ok?"
You nodded and gave him a feverish kiss. The discussion was over for now and, you both concentrated on giving each other all the love you could.
Maybe you would find another way to be together. Find a way to bring peace to your species. Maybe you are the start of a change. Maybe you find your happily ever after or, you end up in a tragic love story.
Or you are just another story for hopeless romantics?
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one. If you liked the concept, I would recommend reading "To Kill A Kingdom" by Alexandra Christo.
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
As I Watched In Sorrow
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Summary: After experiencing an unimaginable loss, Y/N floats through life, living for...she doesn’t know anymore. When it all becomes too much, she’s greeted by a woman in black with a deal so sweet, she can’t bear to let her grief and her morals get in the way.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 6,864
Warnings: Probably one of, if not the saddest thing I’ve ever written. Please heed the warnings! Suicidal thoughts and near actions, death of a child, betrayal, a crisis of faith/hatred for Chuck/God, brief mentions of sex, knives, self-hatred. Lots of shit.
A/N: This fulfills my entries to @stusbunker Lie to Me in Melody Challenge - a prompt from a Carole King song, “As I watched in sorrow, there suddenly appeared, A figure gray and ghostly beneath a flowing beard, In times of deepest darkness, I’ve seen him dressed in black, Now my tapestry’s unraveling - he’s come to take me back” and @covered-byroses​ 3k celebration with the prompt “shadow.” Shadow here is definitely more of an abstract than physical thing. Hopefully it works. Sorry to both of you that this took approximately 8,000 years. This takes place around season 8/9 solely for the fact that I needed the antagonist to have years of pent up rage toward the Winchesters.
Closed blinds did little to shield the slivers of morning light from burning her skin. As she tossed the blankets aside, she inhaled the stagnant air and closed her eyes against the sun. Though little, it was still too much. Turning off the lone lamp she’d forgotten the night before, she slowly ambled into the bathroom, popping open the familiar bottle and downing the necessary pills dry.
A glimpse in the mirror made her shiver. Her skin pallid and pitted, eyes sunken and dark despite the fact that she hadn’t worn makeup in weeks. Wetting her toothbrush, she propped the mirror open, unable to bear the reminder. Lazily, she pulled the brush across her teeth, more a societal necessity than a want or a need. She needed to grab food and it just wasn't okay to walk out of the front door without her teeth brushed.
Clothes didn’t matter though. The gray sweat-suit she wore to bed would do just fine. She dragged her gaze over the entirety of her bedroom, searching for her purse so she could go and get this over with. When the cursory glance didn’t lead to her bag, she began go through the other rooms - the kitchen, piled high with unwashed dishes and half-eaten tv dinners, the living room, where scattered dolls and a teddy dressed in a little pink tutu sat dutifully waiting for the return of their owner, the dining room, where she could practically still see her sitting, excitedly waiting for dinner. It wasn’t anywhere to be seen. 
Shuffling toward the front door, she looked in the coat closet, finding her hobo bag dangling limply next to the small, lavender windbreaker studded with unicorns. Had she not been in such a state after coming home the night before, she would’ve noticed it here, and put her bag somewhere else. She reached into the bag and opened the glasses case, slipping the oversized sunglasses over her eyes. Just because she needed to go out didn’t mean she needed or wanted to be assaulted by the sun. Why couldn’t it just leave her alone? Steady darkness had been her comfortable umbrella for weeks. Couldn’t the light just leave her be? Darkness was an old friend.
She stepped outside and locked the door behind her before heading toward her car. As a neighbor pulled out of their driveway, she glanced at a bumper sticker that hadn’t been there before.
When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.
“I did,” she whispered.
Later that night, another half-eaten tv dinner was tossed on top of the already packed garbage can. Why was she even doing this? Continuing? Was there even a point?
She went through the motions, turning on the television to watch a TV show before she pulled the covers over her body once again. But it was useless. With more purpose than she’d had in weeks, she walked into the living room and reverently picked up the tutu-wearing bear, propping it underneath her arm as she gathered the remainder of her pills from the bathroom. She’d just refilled the prescription; it would be enough. 
Slipping back under the covers, she placed the bear next to where her head would lay on the pillow and reached for the pill bottle slowly, but with no hesitation. 
A faint whisper emanated from the behind her, where the overwhelming shadow of her apartment fought against the moonlight coming through the once-again closed blinds. 
“I can help you.” A whispery voice said, clearer than before.
“Great, I’ve lost my mind.” She heaved a heavy sigh and twisted the bottle cap open.
With a quick flap of what could only be described of as wings, a woman appeared behind her, emerging from the shadows. “I’m not here to hurt you,” she said softly, holding up her hands as a show of her promise. “I want to help you.”
“Who the hell are you?” She asked, getting up from the bed and backing toward the corner of the room. “Why are you in my house? Get the hell out.” To her disbelief, the other woman walked toward her, through the mattress, as if she wasn’t real. “I’ve gone insane,” she said, shaking, trembling fingers combing through her hair. “I’ve lost my mind.”
“You haven’t,” she countered.
“What the hell are you then?”
“I’m a Reaper. You can call me Tessa.”
A tear rolled down her cheek. “What? Like the Grim Reaper?”
The brunette, wearing an unassuming combination of a leather jacket, black tank and ripped jeans, seemingly floated toward her, smiling. Softness radiated from her, welcoming, despite the situation. “That’s what you tend to call us,” she chuckled. “But we aren’t cold, hooded, evil figures. We’re only here to help you cross.”
Cowering in the corner, a realization began to come over her. “When we die. Is that why you’re here? For me?”
“No,” she replied, moving toward the bed and grasping hold of the teddy bear. “Truthfully, you aren’t supposed to die for a long time. I’m here because I think we can help each other.”
She shook with anger. “How could you possibly help me?”
Tessa lovingly stroked the teddy bear’s head. “I can give you back what you want most.”
Her heart skipped a beat, eyes glancing quickly at the worn stuffed animal. “That’s not possible. Why would you bring her back to me if your job is to ferry people to the other side?”
“Astute,” she replied. “Strictly speaking, it’s not something we’re supposed to do. Make deals with the living that is. As Reapers, we maintain the natural order, taking souls to where they remain for eternity because if they remain on this plane, many times, most times, they turn bad, shadows of their former selves. Order is what’s important.” Tessa paused, as if carefully considering her next words. “There are two men - brothers - that over and over and over again, defy the natural order.” The reaper’s voice became louder and louder as she spoke. “They cheat death. Time and time again. Those above me, my bosses so to speak, they don’t believe I can do my job anymore. And I’m at risk of losing it. You see, this is what I am. Without it, I’m lost.”
For the first time since this strange woman entered her home, for the first time in weeks, actually, she laughed. “So you’re about to lose your job and you want revenge on the people you can’t reap? Am I supposed to feel bad for you?” She ripped the teddy bear from Tessa’s hands and clutched it to her chest. “You take innocent five-year-olds from their mothers - to give to a God that strikes down someone so small and I’m-I’m-I’m supposed to care?!” She screamed, sliding down the wall toward the floor. “You and your God can burn.” Sobbing, she buried her head into the teddy bear, ignoring the looming darkness overhead. If she was to die right now, then so be it.
“Reapers have no allegiance to God. Frankly, I think he’s a heartless bastard.” She continued matter-of-factly. “But he is who he is and our job is simply to make sure these soul’s stay pure. Some we take to heaven, some to hell. Wherever it is they belong.”
“My baby?” She asked, chancing a glance at this creature disguised as a human.
“Heaven. I promise you.” Tessa crouched down to meet the woman’s eye. “Everyone has their own personal heaven. In hers, you’re there. Playing with dolls, snuggling in bed together, reading books. She’s happy.”
She clapped her hand to her mouth to stifle another sob. “Why her? She was just a baby. Why did I have to watch her wither away? Why?”
Tessa caressed her cheek with the pad of her thumb. “I don’t know. I can’t begin to understand His logic. But I can bring her back to you, just as she was, free of sickness. You can live a happy life together.”
“But you need me to kill someone.” The prospect hung heavily in the air. What did these men really do besides cheat death? Was that really such a bad thing? Wasn’t in human nature? Did they deserve to die? Her heart raced with possibilities. “How do I know you’re telling the truth? That you’ll keep your end of the bargain?”
Tessa held her hand out. “I’ll bring you to where her soul rests.”
Instantly, she was transported, at Tessa’s side, from her dim apartment, to a never-ending expanse filled with light. Doors came into focus. “You’re kidding,” she said. “Heaven is full of doors?” Tessa quickly walked her around corner after corner, ensuring they weren’t seen by anyone else, until they came to her door. “My baby.” Her fingers slid over the name on the door. And dates. 2008-2013.
“She’s in here,” Tessa whispered. 
Beyond the blinding light, a park came into focus - one she recognized. One she’d taken her baby to time and time again. From behind the playground, she ran, screeching with delight as her mother chased after her. She barely recognized herself. “This is her heaven,” Tessa said softly, her arm link with yours, almost like a friend. “She plays with you.”
“Can she seem m-?”
“No. Not the you standing here. That one is her projection of you.”
Filled with a resolve she hadn’t know since the moment her baby was placed in her arms at the hospital five years ago, she turned to Tessa. “What do I have to do?”
Tessa smiled, a small sigh of relief escaping her. She pulled a piece of paper from her jacket pocket. “This man will come into your life. I need you to let him in. He’s a strong man, but he’ll let his guard down with those he trusts. You need to be one of those people. Once you are, I need you to kill him. He disrupts the natural order, and we...have a history. He doesn’t trust me.”
“Why do I need to get him to trust me first?”
“That’s for me,” she admitted. “This history...he’s the reason I am where I am. It’s purely revenge on my part.” She loathed to admit it. 
“But I-”
Exasperatedly, Tessa held the woman’s face in her hands. “He has cheated death over and over again. And your daughter couldn’t. How is that fair?”
“It’s not,” she seethed, taking the paper from Tessa’s hands. “How long do I have? I’m assuming I’m on some kind of a timeline.” 
“One year,” Tessa replied. “If you can’t do it, the deal is void and I’ll find someone else who can help me.”
“I’ll do it. I promise,” she whispered. Before she knew it, she was back home and Tessa was gone. Unfolding the paper, she read the seemingly innocuous name.
Dean Winchester.
The following morning, she woke in her apartment, the teddy bear still firmly in her grasp. “Worst dream ever,” she whispered, sitting up in bed. She glanced toward the nightstand, where a piece of paper sat. Dean Winchester. 
“It wasn’t a dream?”
This man will come into your life.
So he’d just cross her path? She had to sit here and wait? 
Tired and dumbfounded, she pulled the laptop toward her lap and typed in his name, searching for some record of the man she was supposed to let into her life. A few Dean Winchesters came up, a character in a book series, a teacher out of the Midwest, an escaped convict accused of killing a number of women. Wonderful. None but the convict made an impression. Could this man, doing his best impersonation of Blue Steel after being accused of murder, truly be the one who crossed a Reaper? Cheated death?
Closing the laptop, she sighed, dropping her head into her hands. What the hell was she doing? How was she supposed to kill a man? A man she didn’t even know? “No, I can’t. I can’t,” she said emphatically. “This is insane.” It wasn’t real? Right? As if to prove her wrong, she felt a darkness at her back, heavy and insistent, but leading her toward the light nonetheless.
For the first time in weeks, she shrugged her army green coat on and headed out to the nearest bar instead of taking a bottle home from the supermarket and falling asleep after downing near all of it. Warm light bathed her as she walked through the door and sat at the far end of the bar. Her usual bartender, Zach, seemed surprised at her presence. “Haven’t seen you around in a while. What brings you back?”
“The quality booze,” she replied dryly. Some people wanted to pour their hearts out to their bartender, not her though. “Sick of supermarket wine.”
Thankfully, he didn’t push, instead bringing over her usual. Maker’s Mark neat. Sipping, she quietly hissed the burn, its warmth feeling different now, teasing. Maybe it was the fires of hell licking at her insides for what she was contemplating, the lengths she would go to in order to see her little girl again. 
The familiar, high-pitched bell chime alerted her to the presence of yet another patron of the bar. He came to sit a few seats away, ordering a whiskey on the rocks. When she looked up, she saw him. The Dean she saw in the mug shot - Mr. Blue Steel. 
Tipping the rest of her drink back, she swallowed her morals down along with the booze and eyed Zach for a refill. When Blue Steel caught her eye, she smiled and gave him a soft wave. He was cute. She could do this. She had to do this. Without her baby, there was nothing. He walked over, taking a seat on the stool next to her. “Hey. I’m Dean. Dean Winchester.”
“Hi, Dean,” she said softly, taking the refill from Zach’s hand. “I’m Y/N.” She frowned into her drink before she continued. “My friends and family call me Sunshine.”
Dean was easy to talk to; smooth, like the bourbon she’d been sipping on for near an hour. He was open yet guarded. Secrets lay behind his eyes, just as they did hers. Though they hadn't spoken for more than an hour, she could tell he’d gone through more in life than others did in 10. Behind his mega-watt, ladies man smile sat years upon years of pain. “So Dean,” she started, swirling the amber liquid around in the glass. “What brings you to a bar in the middle of nowhere at 11:00 at night?”
“Bad day on the job...” He replied, gulping down a hefty swig of his own drink. “Really bad day. Just need to forget, you know?”
She nodded, understanding settling into the marrow of her bones. “More than you know, Dean. If you want to get anything off your chest, I’m all ears. Think of me as a sponge.”
“Thanks, Sunshine.” The nickname sounded foreign on his lips; she hadn’t heard it in so long. But from his pouty pink lips the name sounded comforting. She wanted to lean into it. “I’m not sure it’s something you would understand. I don’t mean that in bad way. Just...I don’t think you’d believe me.”
If the previous night’s happenings hadn’t occurred, she might have been shocked, but she wasn’t sure if she could be shocked now. This Tessa wanted Dean dead, so presumably Dean was involved in all manner of shit that she would’ve never imagined. “I’ve seen some shit,” she replied, tipping the last of her drink into her mouth.
Dean’s eyes scanned her quickly, as if assessing how much she’d actually seen and whether or not she could be trusted. “D’ya wanna go for a drive? There’s a lake about 10 minutes from here.”
This was stupid. Following a man she didn’t know, having seen his mugshot before, but there was an aura about Dean and it drew her in. Plus, she had to do this - for her baby. When she nodded, he held out his hand to her and smiled. Maybe he wouldn’t be a good man. Maybe she would be doing the world a favor. Something told her she wouldn’t be so lucky. As they walked to his car, she felt the darkness, the guilt, the shame, clawing at her back. 
Outside the bar, the moon hung near full in the sky. “This is my Baby,” he said proudly, running his hand along an old Impala. “Through everything, she’s been my constant.”
Dean opened the passenger side door for her and slammed it closed before sliding into the driver’s side like a hand into a glove. She could see he was made for this car. 
As the engine roared to life and they pulled out of the parking lot, Dean asked the one question she didn’t want to answer. But if she was going to get her back, she had to. “So, what brought you to a bar in the middle of nowhere at 11:00 at night?”
Taking a deep breath, she said her name. For the first time in almost two weeks. “My daughter.” She spoke so softly Dean almost couldn’t hear her over the rumble of the Impala’s engine. “I lost her 43 days ago. Cancer. She’d just turned five.”
“Fuck.” Dean smacked the wheel of the car. “I’m so sorry. No one should have to watch their kid go through that.”
A tear fell from her eye but she quickly wiped it away. “No, they shouldn’t. I hope you’re not a religious man, but...if God’s up there. He’s a dickhead.”
“I’m not a religious man,” he laughed dryly. “I have faith in humanity, most of the time, but God’s a vindictive asshole.”
She laughed and let her head hit the headrest just as they pulled up to the lake. The moon seemed closer here, silhouetting them as they walked toward the pier. “D’ya wanna talk about her?” He asked. “I’m all ears too.”
Sitting on a bench near the lake, she told him all about her baby girl. Her father hit it and quit it, leaving as soon as she found out she was pregnant. “I was petrified to raise her myself, but I wanted to be a mom,” she said, voice catching in her throat. “I brought her into this world by myself. I raised her myself. Worked two jobs to make sure I could give her the life she deserved. She was diagnosed with leukemia just after her 4th birthday.”
At first, she’d tried not to cry, but it was no use. “Sorry, I’m just-”
“Raw still?”
“I get it,” he replied, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 
She leaned into it, a warmth she hadn’t felt since her daughter insisted on a goodnight kiss the night God took her away. He wrapped his arm around her like this is exactly where they were supposed to be. “Anyway, she knew what was happening, even though she was so young. She was the one that kept me sane. Somehow. You wanna know what she said to me the night she died? Her last words?”
“What’d she say?”
“She’s the one who called me sunshine. She said my smile reminded her of sunshine. Before she fell asleep, she took my hand in hers and said ‘when I go to sleep, look at the sun and think of me. Then I’ll be with you every day.’”
She heard Dean sniffle and turned her head to see a tear fall from his eye. “It sounds like she was wise beyond her years.”
“She was.” Shaking her head, she pulled herself together and changed the subject. “What about you? What happened on the job that brought you to a random bar in the middle of the night?”
He was hesitant at first, asking if she believed in things that others thought impossible - ghosts, vampires, demons. Before Tessa, she would’ve said no, but now it seemed plausible. “I do.”
“I hunt them. The things that go bump in the night that no one believes in. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.”
Her heart ached for him. Only a tragedy could get a young boy into such a horrific line of work.  
“Tonight, my brother and I lost a father and son because we couldn’t move fast enough.”
“I’m sorry, Dean,” she said softly. She felt this innate desire to comfort him, to tell him he’d probably done all he could, but something in her told her Dean wasn’t the kind of man to rid himself of guilt with so few words. He carried it with him. “I really am.”
“Thanks, Sunshine.”
For the first time in weeks, she awoke the next morning to the burn of the sun, but her instinct wasn’t to shield her gaze. Instead, she craned her neck backward, hair slipping against the cool leather of Dean’s jacket. They’d fallen asleep on the bench. “Morning, Sunshine,” he mumbled. “Didn’t mean for us to fall asleep on a park bench.”
“Me either,” she replied honestly. “But honestly it’s been the best sleep I’ve had in months.”
Dean grumbled in agreement. Apparently, he wasn’t much of a morning person. “Wanna grab breakfast?”
She hesitated a moment before her stomach entered the conversation. “I’d like that.”
At the diner, she ordered bacon and eggs and toast to Dean’s pancakes and bacon. Then they ordered an extra side of bacon to split because neither could get enough bacon. They didn’t speak another word of her daughter or his job. “Favorite color?” He asked. “Mine’s red.”
“Green. Three favorite foods? Obviously bacon is one.”
“Pizza and a big fat juicy burger.”
“Pizza and bacon, and then probably really good sushi.”
Dean made a face and they laughed. He liked grade-B horror movies and Disney movies, though he wouldn’t admit to the latter to many. She loved psychological thrillers and gross out comedies. “The really stupid ones that make you question your intelligence,” she laughed. “I like turning my brain off.”
As they paid, Dean pulled her close. “Maybe one day, we can watch one of those together. Order a pizza.”
“Meat lover’s?” She offered, handing him her phone so he could give her his number.
His smile shone brighter than the morning’s sunrise. “Is there any other kind?”
With ease, they strode out of the diner and back into the worn leather seats of the Impala. She still didn’t know this man, not really. He was a monster-hunting, leather jacket-wearing lover of bacon, pizza, crappy horror and Disney, but she didn’t know him. Yet, she gave him her address without a thought and allowed him to walk her to her front door. “Sunshine, with my job, my brother and I are kinda all over the place, but I’d like to see you again. If that’s okay with you.”
“That’s more than okay with me.” 
Dean returned her soft smile and slipped his fingers between hers, tugging her gently until her lips were mere millimeters from his. She glanced at them, inviting him to kiss her. Whatever she imagined him doing, he took her by surprise, pressing the most of chaste of kisses to her lips before pulling away. “I’ll talk to you soon, Sunshine. Okay?” He squeezed her hands in his, a further affirmation of his promise.
When he began to walk away, she called after him. “Thanks, Dean.”
It was nearly two and a half weeks before they saw each other again, but in the time apart, they texted and called nearly every day, each time letting the other in on a little more of who they truly were outside of their first meeting. “What do you miss most about being a kid?” He asked, voice low and whispery.
“Sam sleeping?”
“Yea,” he replied with a yawn. “I’m not tired yet.”
“You sound it,” she said. “Would it be too cliche to say not having to pay bills?”
Dean chuckled. “Yes, I mean something that tells me something about you.”
“There was a lake nearby my house when I was a kid. Well, not nearby, more like a couple hours away. But my parents would take me there a couple times a year. We’d build sand castles and look for seashells. I miss that. What about you?”
“I didn’t really have much a childhood. I was learning how to hunt before I turned 10. When we were young though, I read to Sammy a lot. Help him get to sleep, you know? I miss that.”
“I’m sorry, Dean.”
“Don’t be. It’s in the past.” This time he yawned so hard he could no longer deny that he needed to pass out for the night. “We’ll be passing through in a couple of days. Can I take you on an actual date?”
Smiling sadly to herself, she rested her hand over her tightening chest. “Looking forward to it.”
As promised, Dean showed up at her door two days later with a bouquet of flowers in hand. “How did you know these are my favorite?” She asked, inhaling the sweet scent. 
“Educated guess. Now, we’re gonna go to one of my favorite burger joints-bar-tavern things in the area. They have this killer bacon cheeseburger with an egg grilled into the middle of it that you have to try. They also have pool, so I can teach you how to play.”
During one of their nightly phone calls, she asked them how they made a living doing what they did. Hustling pool, the occasional credit card fraud. You know, the usual, he’d laughed. 
You’ll have to teach me.
“Sounds amazing.”
Reaching into the closet for her jacket, she glanced at the small purple coat, still hanging there, and felt her heart skip a beat. How was she able to go out and smile and have fun barely two months after losing a piece of her heart? It felt so wrong. And yet being with Dean felt so right, so natural. 
He’s a strong man, but he’ll let his guard down with those he trusts.
She swallowed back bile and quickly pulled her jacket out, closing the door against realizations and realities she couldn’t indulge. Plastering a fake smile across her face, she slipped the jacket over her shoulders and allowed herself to believe for one moment that life wasn’t as cruel as it seemed to be. 
“Sunshine, I think you might be the perfect woman,” Dean laughed.
At that moment, she was acutely aware of the grease running down her chin. “What this whole, chipmunk look with food in my mouth, guzzling beer is a turn on for you?”
Dean licked his lips and took another bite of his own burger. “Yup.”
“I can’t help it, this might be the best burger I’ve ever had. And that’s saying something.” 
“I told you,” he laughed. It didn’t take long for them to finish their food. “Burger is filling, but they have killer pie too. Wanna split a piece?”
She nodded and watched as Dean easily flagged down the waitress and asked for slice of “good ol’ apple.” “The best one they have, followed closely by cherry.”
Dean looked horrified when she grimaced. “Not a big cherry fan. Blueberry, peach, apple. That’s about it on the fruit pies.”
Less than two minutes after the pie came to the table, it was gone. “We should probably go,” Dean said, craning his head back to the door where a line of hungry dinner guests were waiting. “I think our waitress might kill us if we stay any longer.”
Chuckling, you stood up and reached for your wallet before Dean insisted he pay. “First date, remember?”
“Thanks, Dean.” 
Hand in hand, they walked out the diner and toward the Impala. It was so easy to be with him and more often than not he found herself smiling when he was nearby. But she didn’t have the luxury of falling in love, not if it meant she never got to see her daughter again. 
Tessa said he needed to trust her before...before she did it. “Up for a surprise?” She asked.
Dean raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback. “Sure, I never get surprises anymore. Where to?”
Without telling Dean what she was up to, she directed him where to go. Less than five minutes later, she approached a park - the same one she used to take her daughter to. “I used to take my daughter here,” she said, zoning off as a vibrant picture played before her eyes. A little girl in a yellow dress ran across the grass and toward her favorite slide. “Sorry. Got lost in a memory.”
Dean’s easy-going smile from earlier faded away when he saw the sadness in her eyes. “We don’t have to be here,” he offered, looking back toward the car. 
“No, it’s okay.” It really wasn’t. But it was a reminder of why she was here, why she was doing exactly what she was doing despite the darkness eating at her from the inside out. “I wanted to share. There’s no one here at night.”
Dean chuckled and pulled her in to kiss her before running onto the playground set like a giant child. He ran up the metal slide and stuck his head out through a tube. “Come on! Let’s play!”
Allowing herself the opportunity to let go, if only for a moment, she ran up to meet him and chased him around the small area before she tripped and fell, bringing her down with him. “Been a while since I’ve been a kid,” he said, helping her up. They sat on the wood mulch of the playground underneath the slide and he pulled her close. “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem.” For a moment, she hesitated. “You said you used to read to Sam right?”
“Did anyone ever read to you?” When she looked back, she saw sadness in his eyes. “No?”
“Not that I can remember.”
“Close your eyes.”
Without hesitation, his eyelids fluttered closed. She reached into her pocket for her phone, hand shaking at the intimacy of the moment and the pain she felt. As she read - Vonnegut, considering he’d mentioned it in passing during one of their phone calls - he relaxed into her. Eventually, his head lay in her lap, her fingers twirling his messy brown locks. Hours passed. The only reason either noticed was due to the placement of the moon, now bouncing off the slide and onto the metal of a nearby bench. 
Dean sat up, sleep pulling at his eyes as he kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Sunshine. I can’t remember the last time I felt that relaxed.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she replied, softly. “Me either.”
Two months passed before they saw one another again, but not a day went by with at least a text. Sometimes it was just “I’m okay. Still alive,” other days they were able to actually talk, asking each other the most random questions in an attempt to know one another inside and out. “Hey, Sunshine,” Dean said as she opened the door.
Smiling, she allowed herself to be pulled into his embrace, his lips finding hers. “Hello to you to, Dean. I’ve missed you.” In the months since they’d seen each other, she’d made an attempt to clean her home. TV dinners were no longer piled up in the kitchen. Garbage was taken out when it needed to be. Occasionally, she would even open the blinds. Still, her daughter’s bear sat on the windowsill as a reminder of what she needed to do. 
Dean was unlike any other man she’d ever met and with him, she found herself content, even happy. But what did that say, if she allowed herself the happiness her little girl never got to experience? 
“Now, I know I said a couple days ago that we’d go get a bite to eat, maybe take a drive, but then I got an idea. Trust me?” There was a boyish glint in his eyes she couldn’t deny. 
Her mouth dropped open when she saw him remove a blindfold from his back pocket. “Kinky!”
“Not like that...not yet,” he replied, eyes full of hope. 
Dean wrapped the blindfold around her eyes and led her to the car. He would entertain a single question about where they were headed until shortly later, he stopped, picked her up out of the passenger seat and placed her on the ground before removing the material covering her eyes. “We’re at the beach,” she whispered in disbelief. “You remembered.” Tears burned at the corners of her eyes, emotion running wild. Despite the beautiful weather, the shadows nipped at her feet.
“Of course.” He crouched down to kiss her and wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “I made macaroni salad, pie, and I brought all the fixings for the perfect burger, which I can make on this.” He pulled out a small grill. “My George Foreman! This is the best thing in the world.”
As promised, Dean made delicious bacon cheeseburgers with a runny egg in the middle, just as they’d had at the diner months before. After every ounce of red meat was gone, they walked along the beach, toes in the sand and looked for seashells. Given that the nearest real beach was hundreds of miles away, seashells were a rarity, but it was perfect nonetheless.
The sun began to set, blue giving way to purples and pinks as they swayed together on the beach. “My place,” Dean started, “The place I share with my brother between cases, it’s about a half hour from here, do you want to-?”
“Really?” She asked. Her stomach dropped. He trusted her. Enough to bring her home, to the place he shared with his brother, the only other person in world he cared for. “You sure?”
“I am.”
If only she was too.
Despite how much Dean talked about him, Sam wasn’t what she expected him to be. She grasped his outstretched hand and feigned shyness, unable to look him in the eye knowing what she would eventually do. “Dean talks about you all the time,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I knew you had to be some kind of woman.”
“Dean’s told me a lot about you. Mostly good,” she replied with a smile. “It’s great to finally meet you, Sam.” 
After she said goodnight, Dean led her down the wide hallways of what they called “the bunker,” his hand heavy and insistent on the small of her back. Inside, he backed her up against the wall, against the shadows, and captured her lips in a kiss so delicate and sincere she would’ve collapsed were it not for him. 
In spite of herself, she sunk into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to bed. He trusted her. She knew it in the way he touched her, moaned her name, drank her in. But mostly she knew it in the way he fell asleep peacefully at her side that night.
On the morning after their night together, Dean had practically begged her to move into the bunker. “When you leave, I miss you. I hate...being without you.”
She’d been hesitant, but with each excuse he’d countered it. “You make me happy, Sunshine.”
Everything in her had screamed to run, but the earnestness in his gaze pulled her in and she’d complied. While they were away on cases, she would walk around the bunker, gaining more and more insight into the man she’d fallen in love with. Tessa had to be wrong. Dean was a good man - the best she’d ever met.
Screaming into the cold concrete walls of the bunker, she called for Tessa. “I know you’re watching me, you bitch! Answer me!” She slammed her fists against the wall, but no amount of pain could make her feel. “Where the fuck are you?!”
Barreling through the halls like a storm, she gasped when she turned the corner to see her there - the same determination emanating from her as the night they’d met. “Having second thoughts?”
“I can’t do this,” she sobbed, falling to her knees in front of the reaper. “Dean is not the man you think he is. He doesn’t deserve this.”
Disdain radiated from each word. “You only know the man he claims to be.”
“No! I know him. He’s kind. He’s gentle. He does what he does for love. And if he crossed you it’s because you deserved it.” Tears streamed down her face.
Tessa’s gaze melted from soft and endearing into furious and frightening in a matter of seconds. Picking her up by the throat, Tessa tossed her back against the wall. “You’ll follow through on our deal or I will alter it. Get rid of him and you will get your daughter back. She’ll be just as she was and the two of you will live a happy life together. Go back on your promise to me and I will make sure your daughter’s spirit rots in hell for the rest of eternity!”
Sobbing, she clawed at Tessa’s hands. “My daughter did nothing to deserve this! You-”
“BUT DEAN HAS!” She bellowed so loudly it felt as if the walls shook. “And I will use whoever and whatever I need to make him pay.”
“You can’t. You said yourself your bosses don’t trust you anymore!”
“True.” She spoke coolly, her fury gone and replaced with something along the razor’s edge of composure. “But they want Dean dead as badly as I do, if not for the same reasons. Get rid of him, Sunshine,” she said mockingly. “Or I will find someone who will and your daughter will burn.” Without another word, she left her trembling on the floor of the bunker, shadows closing in from every angle.
As the weeks passed into months, she awoke each night, screaming, picturing her daughter calling out for her from the fires of hell, begging for her to save her. Dean would lull her back to sleep with made-up stories he used to tell Sam and fervent kisses that said what he couldn’t. 
With the deadline looming large, she tried to think of any way to get the job done. At first, she thought of drugging him with pills. An entire bottle would do the trick and he would fall asleep not knowing the monster that shared his bed, but Tessa wouldn’t allow it, appearing to her again. “I can’t get near him, but you can.”
She was in over her head. Her choices were slim. Either tell Dean, bear the brunt of his hatred and never see her daughter again, or do as Tessa commanded, hate herself and save her daughter’s damned soul. Self-hatred streamed through her veins, but she had no choice.
What started as “kill him in whatever way you can” had morphed into Tessa brandishing a knife she was to use. Every time she tried, pulled the knife from her pocket and attempted to do the unthinkable, she saw his green eyes fade away into darkness. For weeks, she made herself ill, throwing up every day and shivering to sleep in Dean’s embrace at night.
Dean thought she’d been cursed as a way to hurt him, but they couldn’t find any evidence. They’d taken her to the hospital, but unsurprisingly she’d had a clean bill of health. Only she knew the cause of her pain.
“Come on, Sunshine” he said excitedly, “I have a surprise for you.” 
Taking his hand, she followed him out of the bunker to a clearing in a forest just a short way away, where he had another picnic, like the one so many months before, set up underneath the stars. “It’s been 11 months since the first night we met. I probably should’ve waited for a full year, but I couldn’t help myself.”
Awash in darkness, she began to cry. He pulled her close and they began to sway, a clumsy dance that brought a smile to his face. There was no time left. Reaching into her pocket, she grasped the handle of the knife. “I’m sorry, Dean.” Before she could stop herself, she plunged the blade into his chest. 
He grabbed the blade, hissing in pain as she pulled herself away. “Why?” He choked, hands shaking around the knife’s handle. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she sobbed, backing away. “I had no choice.”
A moment years in the making, Tessa made herself known, kicking his phone away before he could call for help. “How does it feel, Dean? Knowing the woman you love betrayed you?”
With a self-satisfied smile, she disappeared momentarily, only to reappear with her baby girl at her side. Dean made the connection. “I could’ve helped you. I would’ve...I-”
Tessa ushered her away, demanding she run as Dean fell to the ground. “I’m sorry,” she breathed, holding her daughter tight to her chest. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Mama. I’m okay.” She remembered nothing.
Through the tear-stained forest, Sunshine ran from the light - the memories of Dean’s touch, his soothing voice, his gentle kiss - and into the darkness, her constant.
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peachyteez · 4 years
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death’s grip ≫ DAY FIVE, YES.
the tiger hybrid managed to escape from south korea’s top illegal hybird ring fights. of course, they didn’t let him go so easily. losing his chasers in a forest, covered in blood—his and others’—he decided to accept his fate of death from his wounds until a female and two other hybrids managed to take him from death’s grip.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminbluee, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @deep-ocean-dweller, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight
can’t be tagged: @yoongisleftboob
feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to the list! :)
✧ notes: perhaps i kinda teared up while typing this up...
✧ WARNINGS: mentions of killing, death, and blood
back。| next。
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“what do you mean, you know?” jiyu asked. she definitely isn’t expecting the news this early in the morning.
“they told me yesterday,” hongjoong explained. “how i almost...died.”
jiyu didn’t say anything, only letting out a small sigh before dryly chuckling. “that would explain why they were so nice yesterday at home.” she did find it strange how seonghwa and yunho were so behaving and nice when they came home the previous evening. 
sensing her shift in mood, hongjoong worried that they had upset her and that the two could end up getting punished because of him. “wait, please don’t punish them—”
jiyu’s eyes widened at his words and she put her hands up in front of her. “woah, woah, woah, it’s okay, hongjoong. i’m not mad nor am i going to punish them,” she reassured. she softly smiled. “they didn't do anything wrong. i was actually trying to find a way and time to tell you without upsetting you, but i guess they beat me to that.”
hongjoong shifted his gaze out to the window. “you, know...they helped me open my eyes a little,” he meekly admitted. intrigued by his words, jiyu took a seat on the chair next to the bed. “i don’t know what they went through, but they seemed to have put their faith in you. i’ll be honest, at first, i didn’t know why—why trust humans again when all they’ve done is inflict both mental and physical pain on you? but...they seemed so earnest to defend you when i asked why you never told me i almost died.”
jiyu intently listened.
“and surprisingly enough, i couldn’t be mad at you for keeping that from me. even though i thought you were trying to defend my former owners by keeping my potential death a secret. i think deep down, i had unconsciously given you my trust a long time ago. i was just too prideful to admit or acknowledge it.”
jiyu licked her lips before carefully explaining her intentions. “you had just woken up a few days ago and i didn't want to suddenly drop the bomb on you that you were literally teetering between life and death. you could’ve gotten too emotional to think rationally and hurt yourself and others on accident...that’s why i kept it,” she slowly reached up and gently rested her hand on his head. he didn't flinch away. “but i guess, in a way, i was trying to defend humans, too. it would’ve been hypocritical of me to tell you that you almost died from humans when i’ve been telling you that there’s good ones out there,” she wryly smiled. 
“but never forget. i always had your well-being in mind, hongjoong. i never had reasons to hurt or go against you.”
hearing her confession, along with relief, hongjoong felt a small tug of guilt in his gut. he never told her who he was or where he came from. his presence in her life could be a danger, yet he never said anything. 
he took a deep breath before looking into her eyes. “i used to be part of an illegal hybrid ring fighting group.”
jiyu’s eyes widened again. searching his face for any signs of a joke, she found none. but she did notice his hesitance on continuing. “you don’t have to—”
“no...i think you should know,” he insisted before taking a deep breath. “i was part of the...blood pirates.”
jiyu could’ve sworn she almost fainted right there and then. blood pirates? that one illegal organization that never got caught? the one that illegally collected hybrids for their fights? she had so many questions. how did he escape? where were the blood pirates based?
hongjoong told her everything. “my parents were also part of the blood pirates. but there was a catch...i had to kill them as my final test for my training. i had to kill them...or they would kill all three of us.”
jiyu gasped in horror. hongjoong took a deep breath and continued. “after that, i locked all my emotions away. i lost touch with myself and i just...killed. i killed one after the other with no remorse. i thought that’s how life worked—only the strongest could survive, and that’s how i managed to survive for the past who knows how many years,” his ears drooped in sadness at recalling such chilling memories. “i hated it. the chanting and cheers of the crowd, the look of my opponent’s face right before the life slipped out of their eyes, how my hands were stained red after—” his voice broke with emotion. peering over at his face, jiyu realized he was holding in his sobs.
“i didn’t want to kill them...” he whimpered, staring down at his hands. hands that had once been stained with the blood of his opponents as he fought for his life. “i just fought to live. to see the sunrise the next day. but then i remember that they couldn’t; they couldn’t see the sunrise like i could. they weren't in the basement with me anymore. instead,  they come back in my dreams, and i hear their voices haunting me. i’m a monster. a killer.”
listening to hongjoong and watching him bring his knees up to his chest as he cried, her heart broke. no one should have to go through that. no one should have to fight just to see the next day...no hybrid should ever have to live in fear and constantly think that today might be their last. nor should they ever have to think they were a monster.
before he could react, she stood up and wrapped her arms around him. she rested her chin on his head and comfortingly pat his shoulder. she couldn’t see his face, but she knew he must’ve been surprised with how he had tensed up. 
“you’re not a monster, hongjoong. you did what you had to do to live. anyone would've done that,” she reassured. “it’s in our nature to do whatever it takes to survive. life’s precious, you only get one chance. and i’m sure your...opponents knew, too. it’s not your fault, hongjoong. you’re not a monster or a killer. the guilt you feel for having to take their life—that just shows that you have a heart, feelings,” she peered down at his glossy eyes. “have you ever considered that they might’ve come back to watch over you? rather than haunt you?”
by that point, even jiyu was crying. crying at the thought of how the tiger hybrid had endured so much pain by himself. he had no one by his side to help him. the other hybrids with him had the same goal. to live. befriending each other would’ve made them too emotionally attached to each other to kill. 
feeling her tears land on his cheek, it only prompted his unshed ones to fall. he buried his head in her neck and cried. cried out all of the tears he had for the ones he killed, cried out the despair and hopelessness he’s felt ever since he was old enough to process the world around him. but most importantly, cried at the thought of being finally being safe and away from the bloody, heartless world he came from. 
she held him close. despite being an adult, he seemed so small, so childlike as he hugged her and cried. rocking him from side-to-side, she ran her fingers gently through his hair and whispered comforting words to him. “they’re in a better place, joong. i promise. they’re free from the pain.”
feeling his body shake in her arms from his sobs, it took every ounce of strength for her to not sob along with him. she had to stay strong. she had to keep him grounded. a while had passed; hongjoong’s cries filling the room with jiyu comforting him.
she suddenly stopped combing through his hair. “would you like to come home with me?” 
hongjoong pulled away from her at the question. “w-what?” he sniffled. 
she grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and gently dabbed his tears away. “i know it’s sudden...but would you like to come live with us three?” she asked. “i’m not forcing you to, it’s a hundred percent your decision. i just realized you don’t have anywhere to go after you’re discharged here.”
hongjoong blinked, slowly processing her offer. his heart raced with happiness. he wanted nothing more than to spend his days in her safe presence, to spend his days getting to know seonghwa and yunho. but deep down, he felt something holding him back. 
“b-but the blood p-pirates...” he managed to stutter out. he was terrified of what could happen if they found him again. he didn’t want to endanger three innocent people just because he was selfish and wanted to experience heaven for a while longer.
“don’t worry about them. if they ever show up, i have a lot of connections,” she smiled, a mysterious hint to it. hongjoong grew curious. connections? what kind? who was she?
“besides, if you were alone in the forest that day, they probably presumed you were dead,” she reasoned. “bottom line is...you’ll be safe with me, hongjoong. with us; me, seonghwa, and yunho. i swear on my life. so...what’s your answer?”
hongjoong stared deep into her eyes, trying to find signs of uncertainty—heck, he was even waiting for her to say it was a joke and that she would never adopt him for who he was. but she didn't. she stared back; an unwavering and determined expression. she was dead serious. 
was he ready to start a new life? was he ready to leave his old life behind and start again from scratch with a new family? does he deserve this second chance after all the lives he’s taken?
suddenly, a little voice, as clear as day, rang next to his ear. yes. all of a sudden, it was like every fiber of his being and soul was pushing him to accept. feeling a slight breeze blow past him, he felt at ease. maybe jiyu was right; they were watching out for him, looking over him despite their tragic ending by his own hands. 
“hm, where did that breeze come from?” jiyu frowned, seeing that the window was still closed. she looked back down to the hybrid on the bed in front of her before smiling and extending her hand towards him. “so? will you join us?”
with his ears perking up with a newfound burst of energy and his tail waving around with anticipation at his new future, he slowly reached out with his own hand and clasped her’s. “yes.”
she grinned. “well, seonghwa and yunho will definitely be excited as i am about you joining our family.”
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yandere-society · 5 years
Roses | M
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Sypnosis: You grew up dirt poor in the shadows of society, barely managing to survive without parents or family and very little money. Somehow through multiple part-times and endless overtimes, you land a job at the most profitable company in your country: the Jeon estate. Now you work for the young head of the estate, Asia’s most powerful man, Jeon Jungkook, as an assistant. One day, as you are preparing for the Grand Valentine ball which Jungkook has formally set up for his and his fiance’s anniversary, you realize two things; Jeon Jungkook and the rich like him will always live above people like you and two, Jungkook really loves his fiance. Or…is it really her he loves?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader
Word Count: 5,350
Admin: @roses-ruby​​
Valentine’s Day Event Masterlist
Warnings: yandere themes, blood, death, murder, mentions of smut, mentions of sexual harassment, evil plans, letter openers; those knife looking kinds 
You had always been jealous.
“I’ve been thinking about her a lot these days…”
The morning air wraps around your frame with frigid clarity. You had to breathe once, then twice to be able to concentrate on the intense eyes before you.
“Your fiancé, sir?”
With a sober gaze, you focus on the handsome yet stoic man sitting in front of you. His stare was vacant but captured your whole torso in a viper like grip.
“About what to get her.” He speaks in the same dull tone as before.
“…Maybe roses?”
Women like roses, right?
He tilts his head at you, as if he was signaling you about how thoroughly he was contemplating your answer. The action raised goosebumps along your upper arm until they met with the cold polyester sleeves of your dress shirt. There was such beauty even in his most simple movements, but truthfully there was nothing quite simple about the raven-haired man that eyed you with such an unreadable expression. Even though you reacted in such a way, you refused to let him see you fazed. To invite him to sink his teeth below the upper casing like he so desperately wanted.
Not yet.
With a sigh that yelled defeat, he leaned back in his chair. Mumbling to himself.
“Roses it is.”
And just like that, he dismissed you. Looking off into the distance on the left, where a large window displaying the huge metropolis laid bare. You wonder how it must feel – the raw power of staring out that window, knowing that every inch of the land could be yours within seconds. All he had to do was say the word. How would it ever be like to wake up every day wearing uncountable riches and diamonds and dynasties upon your thick skin? Either to mold or to destroy.
How does it feel to hold the fragile earth within your fist?
Perhaps you were curious because you’ve never had that luxury. Left behind to rot by that very earth itself, you’ve never had any luxuries. For you were just a simple, everyday peasant unlike the heir to the Jeon throne himself. The differences between you both were similar to that of the sun and moon. He sat on a throne you could only watch upon, forced to stand up on your impoverished legs for the rest of your life until they were to cave when you were to finally die.
Only the red are privileged to sit.
Your pace is nimble, but you manage to make it back to your desk outside his office. With a sigh, you plop down onto your rolly chair. The cushions mold into your stiffened back and your muscles relax against the plush. In the back of your mind, behind your closed eyes, you picture someone pressuring each side of your heart. Being the cause of the faint ache you felt inside your chest.
But you don’t get to rest for long, as a loud bang enters your office hallway. Startled, you sit up – and as soon as you do, the chalky screeching surrounds your ears.
“My God, some people are insufferable! I mean how hard is it to clean a dress? A monkey with a sponge could do it! Accident they say, those lazy rats. Really – and today of all days as well. This is sabotage! I will have them regret the day they tried to cross me-”
You watch with wide eyes as the lady in red hair clacks around in her maroon heels. She was seething with anger, cheeks rosy and steam coming out of her ears. But even through her fury she remained the epitome of beauty, her doll like features heightened by her puerile attitude. All you could do was gape at her as the pounding in your brain grew from her each word. With one final stomp, she stops, right in front of your desk. Her body was facing your boss’ door as she glared into the distance quietly before whirling her head at you. Eyes squinted with menace making you jump in your seat.
If looks could kill.
“What are you looking at, pig?” She snarls
Before you could answer her, the door opens. He comes out with his hands in his pocket, heartless as usual. But his eyebrows were furrowed, and you could sense the annoyance in his stance.
“What’s with all the commotion?”
“DARLING!” It was as if all her animosity had vanished in that instant. She leaped over at Jungkook, arms flailing and eyes sparkling. Your lips twitched subtly at her shrill scream.
Wrapping her long arms around him, she practically moans into his neck. Her red lip gloss smearing over his soft skin. He places his hands on her hips to hold her – and himself – steady. They look so perfect together – a sight to behold. Yet something threatens to crawl out your throat the more you watch them.
“Darling, it was awful! The Chang’s, darling – they ruined my expensive, custom made ruby iridescent Prada evening gown! They ruined it, darling!” She loudly wails into his shoulder.
Jungkook listens to her cry, before sighing. You couldn’t read him completely, it felt like he was looking at a young child throwing a tantrum. A precious child. “Why would you even use an industrial dry cleaner when you have professionals at home babe? What did they do to it?”
She backs away from him, looking into his eyes like a hurt puppy.
“T…They tore a piece from the bottom…from the wash they say… Miuccia designed it for me herself Kookie…y-you can’t let them get away with this.”
Jungkook stares into her glossy orbs for a bit, before he glances at you. His gaze makes you jerk, facing elsewhere in a heartbeat. It felt like you were interrupting them, your cheeks burn with shame. Your heart even more until you heard him huff.
“Alright, I’ll contact Min. He’ll be able to handle it.”
“Oh darling, I love you so much.” She screeches, hugging him once again.
Min. That was the family lawyer. A cut-throat man who managed to make powerful billionaires beg for their livelihood on Jungkook’s feet. One small-time laundro mat was a speck of dust compared to them. Your chest ache grew as you clenched your fists beneath the desk. The poor Chang’s had just managed to put their oldest into college, they had no savings left. They were barely handling 3 more kids and multiple elders to nurture, 9 people in total in one small apartment. Something like a lawsuit was bound to put them out on the streets. But now that they had crossed paths with Jeon’s beloved fiancé, how horrible their fate was bound to be.
There were thorns in your throat.
“Darling, I just wish tomorrow will be perfect.”
Her tone always contained a particular weight that captures your attention back to her. Jungkook was still looking at you, his stare heavy, holding down your shoulders. You felt the red explode inside your pupils as she wrapped herself around him before kissing him.
“Don’t worry, it will be. I promise.”
They start to make out, unabashed. But what shame would a rich person ever have? The cold morning air surrounds you again, as you steady your breaths, and try to get back to work. Manage to yet again contain your jealousy.
Sadly, you end up missing the intense eyes that were still on your figure, gripping tightly and never moving off once.
Valentine’s day. A time of small importance to you.
Is what you say as you eye the crimson curtains and scarlet carpet. The chandelier had a red tinge in its shards, lighting up the vast room in an almost bizarre way. A ballroom fit for the never early King and Queen. You stare at the monotone waitpersons cavorting about, carrying colored shots and expensive sweets in their trays. Your eyebrow perks up as your gaze lands on one of them being subtly touched by an older gentleman. His aged wrinkles in his drunk, lustful gaze versus her frightened young orbs and doe posture. It reminds you of your past. In all those cheap diners and broken eateries, being groped and disregarded all at the same time. In those days as well, Valentine’s day meant nothing to you.
Turning back to the long table before you, you pop another chocolate covered strawberry into your mouth. At that moment you hear soft laughter, making you look toward the left end of the table. There stood your coworker, Jimin, in his pink tux and blonde hair. He was talking to another coworker. You turn your eyes away once he catches your gaze.
And coincidentally, they end up meeting with the man you’ve been avoiding all night. On the other side of the table, stood Jungkook. Your breath gets caught in your throat. Jungkook in his infrared suit. A blend of garnet and carmine and sanguine. Gelled hair, bright skin, dark glare. Such marbled precision. He was staring at you then too, when Jimin came to flirt with you a while ago. As well as when Taehyung tried his luck.
And oh, if looks could kill.
Your little moment is interrupted when another man in red walks up to him, starting a conversation. His red wasn’t as strong as Jungkook’s, you noticed. Actually, you’re sure Jungkook probably held the strongest red in the world, just like her. They were born with it after all. You, on the other hand, worked your whole life through the mud pit to be able to bear pink upon your frame. A few of your coworkers wore pink too, some of their attires barely blushing, while the ones worth more wore fuscia. The waitpersons wore white and that forced you back in time the most… the time you could only wear white like it was a scar engraved into your skin.
Maybe you should make peace with the fact that a day like today wasn’t something for people like you to enjoy. That even if some people still view you as nothing but a body to fulfill their desires, you now have a face to go along with it unlike the servants around you. Maybe you should be thankful you are more blessed than the help. And the helpless. Even if you desired a lot more. It’s always been like that hasn’t it. A few speeches of wisdom draped upon the less fortunate public.
“Be grateful for what you have.”
Startled by the voice, your head whips back, where the lady in glimmering red stood. It was her, the one who had arrived with him, hand in hand, half an hour late. Yet she had instantly been the main attraction at the ball, people swarming towards her like hungry bees. Her gown was the color of a rose’s center – the strapless dress, lingering the ground like a mermaid’s legs, hugging her slender figure so delicately – it was the epitome of perfection. Your pink sun dress fell short in comparison. The impenetrable beauty was addicting, attracting even the shyest of insects into her clutches. For a second you got high on her scent alone, before the malicious tone of her words settled into your brain.
Why was she here? A minute ago, she was stuck to Jungkook’s side like she was glued together with his larger frame. Perhaps she gave him some space to breathe for once, but that still doesn’t explain why she came up to you out of all the bugs about. Seething in her perfect set of teeth, she glares a hole through you, making you unnerved. Even with ill intentions written in her eyes, she presented a beautiful, kind smile on her cherry lips.
“You’re probably happy knowing that you’re the only secretary Jungkook hasn’t fired within a week. You’re probably thrilled to have someone like Jungkook promote someone like you to the department head. You probably get off every time he calls your filthy name.” She breathes into your face; her breath was cold and pupils sharp. “You might think you have him wrapped around your finger and I’m not sure you know who you are, but since your poor education has failed you so greatly, I’m here to remind you.”
She steps closer into your space, as a way to intimidate you. “You’re a mutt he’s taking pity on and nothing more, you understand me? A pig shouldn’t get so happy being fed the scraps of a stallion. You mean nothing to him and as soon as he’s fucked you senseless, he’ll forget about you like every other girl that has tried to take my place.”
Her smile never faltered. If anyone was watching this interaction, they’d think she was having a pleasant discussion with you. That the reason you were shying away from her was because you could not handle her radiant glow and pouring compassion. And in the same second the gears in your mind started turning, searching for a possible response, she took a step back.
“Don’t try to get too close to him. Don’t smile so much when he looks your way. Don’t let your pathetic feelings cross the line. Stay in your lane and be grateful for what you have. Because trust me, I can make everything disappear.” With a nod, she brushes past you. 
Gone, just like that. 
The spot that once held her being is forgotten, your head turning to watch her leave. A few butterflies fly up to her, each one wearing a thousand more on their figures and necks, but nothing that could be compared to her red.
It felt as if she never threatened you. As if she wasn’t the villain you just witnessed but a sweet cerise princess. You watch the girls gush about her life; about how luxurious her dress, her hair, her nails, her jewels, and the Grande Valentine ball was. About how blessed she is to have loving wealthy fiancé like Jungkook. She laughs agreeing with them while exhaling the same breath she took pretending to be humble.
Soon you were blending into the background. As usual.
Finally able to pry your eyes away, you stare at the ground, feeling the ache in your chest slowly cover your vision. It felt like the green, bitter thorns from a Rose’s stem, pressing against your heart with brutal force. You already felt like an outsider as soon as you stepped in here, but this was the final straw. The thorns grew amongst your chest, you spent hours finalizing every single thing about tonight on Jungkook’s command. All for his precious fiancé, choosing the colors out of your personal reach and decorations and the drinks and the food. And yet you feel like you just showed up uninvited to a stranger’s house. Knowing nothing here was meant for you.
Parting your lips, you begin walking towards the exit, ready to crawl back into your mouse cave where the lights weren’t so exposing.
You trudged along the exit hall, feeling the cheap heels of your shoes leaves sores against your soles. The ball was only an hour in, and you were fleeing way before midnight. It shouldn’t matter however; it was best to remember that Valentine’s day and its activities hold no meaning to you. Foggy thoughts run throughout your head as you watch the gleaming floor.
When you were almost at the door, a shadow overcasting the tiles and resembling a person makes you halt. Your head tilts up to catch the man in the elegantly fitted red suit, staring back at you with those familiar eyes.
“Leaving already?”
You aren’t sure how you ended up here.
All you remember was him telling you to follow along and you obeying his command silently. He led you out of the banquet hall, into his rumbling sports car and then straight inside his mansion. Jungkook never uttered a word, but his essence – his aura…it spoke for him. You walked behind him placidly, like the prey of a snake slowing moving inside the predator’s seams. When he walks into a room, the walls light up immediately at his presence. They glow of a lavish chamber leaves you jolting in place as he carelessly strides to his open bar.
How was this any different from where you just came from? If they wanted, they could have just held the ball here.
You watch as he grabs a bottle from the shelf, turning around and placing it on the counter as he picks up a glass.
“Would you like a drink?”
You immediately shake your head in decline. He shrugs, pouring himself a good amount of dark liquor. As you stand still, watching him take a sip, confusion finally settles in from the whole ordeal. Why would he bring you here? Your ignorance made you feel like scum on the back of his expensive shoes.
She probably always felt at home here.
Jealousy was a suffocating feeling and to deal with the pressure, you look away. Try to think about something else other than his ethereal face. On a small, decorative table to the left of you was a stubby golden vase, filled to the brim with roses. The vibrant flowers capture your orbs closely, like you were being lulled in by their appearance alone. You take small steps up to the table, your heart beating in your ears. When you were close enough you could see the thorns decorating the stems.
The thorns that hindered the beauty of the red.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you pick up a knife – possibly a letter opener from underneath the vase. You carefully take a stem into your hand, pinching it beneath your fingers. With a quick breath, you slice away a thorn, then two. Ridding the plants of its spikes and ugliness in animosity. Making it perfect with each removal.
Your haste movements froze when a hand grabbed yours. You look up to see Jungkook, holding onto you while staring at you with an unreadable expression.
“What are you doing? I thought you liked roses?”
That’s what you wanted to ask him, what was he doing? Why did he bring you here? But it’s not like the rich were born to be questioned. As you hold his gaze with anger, but bite your tongue from speaking, he sighs. Taking the knife out of your hands and placing it back on the table. He replaces the object with his fingers and your whole body heats up from the rush of your hands.
His scent was heavenly. Like a thousand roses laid amongst a field.
“You…at the ball…you seemed off.” He says, capturing your attention with the same incomprehensible face he always has on. “There were so many bugs flying around you there…I needed to take my chance.”
You watch closely as Jungkook tongues his cheek.
“You’re always so…closed off. Like there’s nothing on your mind…like you couldn’t care less about anything. I always…notice.” He huffs, looking at the floor in concentration. “I remember, it was your third day. I was passing by on my way for an early brunch with a buddy. And I saw the support manager fall onto a wet floor. The way she screamed…I and everyone around us rushed to her. Through the commotion and her cries and everyone making sure she was okay…I spotted you sitting at a desk 10 feet away. I saw you…and you didn’t do anything, even though she was in obvious pain… you just gave her a glance and then went back to work. She ended up breaking her arm and suing the company, so I got rid of her but none of that mattered.”
He looks back up at you. “What mattered was you…you caught my eye. Your lack of interest in everyone, your empty eyes. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
It goes quiet for a moment and you now know how haunting the silence is in a big space like this. That and Jungkook’s presence made the atmosphere surreal.
“Would it have made a difference?” You question. His eyebrows raise at your response. “I mean…if I had cared…would her pain have disappeared?”
Jungkook gazes deeply into your eyes, like he was trying to read you. The hand that held you shifted slightly and you tried to not let the movements affect you. It was then that he broke out into a smirk, he seemed intrigued.
“I guess not.”
“No, it wouldn’t have. The one place there is no worth – no red – is in compassion.”
He chuckles. “I suppose with my status and what my family’s taught me…I’m inclined to disagree. But I can’t help…like this…like you.”
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows as he looks away, turning crimson. “I can’t explain why…so don’t ask me. I’ve been involved with plenty of other women…but it was always carnal pleasure. My fiancé always made sure they didn’t last long anyway but it doesn’t matter…they bore me. Yet…I don’t know what it is about you that calls to me. To keep you close to me.” He turns back to you with a determined face. “I want you and I want to get rid of anything in my way that keeps me from you.”
It felt like time stopped. The lull reverberated off the walls with intensity. There was a strange new sensation in your chest the more you stared at his sharp features. He was born with the beauty of red. When you finally felt like you could breathe again, you took your hand out of his. For a split second, you felt his whole physique embody a pout before you lightly placed your finger on his shoulder.
He froze under your touch. You continued to lightly rub at the fabric of his red coat, before placing your other hand on his other shoulder. Jungkook couldn’t look away. Especially not when you moved closer to him, not when he could feel your soft breath hit his face.
“Is this…close enough?” You whisper, watching the way his bright eyes turned dark. Within moments you felt a sudden source of heat around your waist, before you were pushed into his sturdy chest. His heartbeat matched your rhythm and your lips hovered one another as your orbs fought for balance. There was a cocoon of warmth around you, traveling up your spine as his thumb brushed your waist.
“It’s perfect.” He says before you feel his naturally red lips touch your coral ones.
It had been a while since your last kiss. That would explain why your tongue felt so sensitive and weak against his. Your hands hold onto his shoulders to keep yourself steady and at that moment, you recall how this very scene happened before you just yesterday, with his hand on her hips. You recall the jealousy. Bitter thoughts don’t ever completely vanish, do they?
As he bites your bottom lip, you fail to conceal a moan. He smiles into your kiss, before breaking away. Your lips were raw, and although you couldn’t see yourself, you knew they were swollen red. So you begin to smile as well.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says before kissing your cheek, down your jaw and into your neck. “All mine.”
You hold onto the back of his head as he nips at your neck. Gazing at the roses behind him.
“And you, mine.”
You woke up to the dark.
It didn’t take you long to figure out you weren’t in your house. The smell…the atmosphere…the scenery…it was all different. Not the familiar color you were used to. Your ear catches the sound of soft snoring, so you turn to see Jungkook sleeping peacefully by your side. His dark bangs covered most of his eyes and you slowly raised your fingers to move his hair out of his face. He seemed so different when he was asleep compared to his cold office demeanor. So calm and innocent – almost like a child.
In that second, your throat feels dry, so you try to sit up. Maybe you’ll have that drink he spoke of now. But a heavy arm thrown across your body stops you. You peek underneath the blanket to find Jungkook’s biceps holding onto you tightly. He was definitely the possessive type. With a quick inhale, you subtly try to remove his big arm off of you. Freezing whenever he faintly stirred. When you’ve managed to become free, you get out of bed, wincing as soon as you get up.
Even without the light, you could tell how damaged you were as you limp towards the door. He didn’t hold back in bed, wanting you to show him every expression of pleasure – of pain you were capable of. Him and only him, he said. There were bite marks on your neck and ass…he loved using his mouth. And then there was his endless fucking stamina. But truthfully you didn’t mind it one bit, it felt like he was pouring his deep rich wine upon you. You felt yourself inflaming up from the inside out, it was a feeling like no other – addicting.
Actually, you’ve always known about his interest in you. He had managed to make his face unreadable because of the position and line of work he’s in. But he’s still always slipped around you. You saw the subtle yearning and longing way before you came up with this plan. A plan that was necessary, you had never been this lucky before after all. And you wonder if she saw it too. If she knew you weren’t like Jungkook’s others. Perhaps that’s why she came up to you tonight. To try and stop you.
But mere warnings don’t work on the desperate.
As soon as you’re in the other room, the living room lights flash on. Prompting you to squint, while trying to adjust to the brightness. Once again, your attention is immediately captured by the vivid red roses in the golden vase on the small table across the room. You begin walking towards the vase mindlessly but once you were a couple feet in, you notice another shade of red to your left.
A glittering red.
You turn to face her, the princess of the kingdom, in her soon to be king’s castle. Naked and sullied in retrospect to her lavishly covered frame. But strangely, compared to you in this moment she was weak. 
It was her face. Her face as she glares at you, eyes squinted, and lips pulled back. Mascara and tears ran down all over her cheeks and her eyes were puffy swollen. She stood there, shaking in her heels as her hands clenched into fists. How could she look so pathetic dressed in red of all things? There was something funny about the sight…it almost made you burst into laughter. Instead you pursed you lips and raised a brow.
Right then she launched herself at you.
“You BITCH!” She screamed at the top of her lungs before you felt her sharp nails collide with your cheek. Your ears rung as you try to regain your balance. You didn’t have time to react as she pulled your face up using your hair and smacked you twice before pushing you down. Already frail torso crashing upon the tiles a bit too easily.
Really, you felt like laughing as you laid there while she screamed and pounded her weak fists onto you. You couldn’t feel the pain, nothing at all, not even when she banged your head against the tile. Not when she kicked you in the gut. So you laughed, and you felt her go quiet for a second. Small giggles turning into something insane. Your laugh got louder and louder as your cheek connected with the cold floor. The ringing surrounded your ears, but you still heard her curse underneath her breath, calling you crazy. You’ve always hated her voice.
“DIIIIEEEEE! DIE YOU CRAZY BITCH! HE’S MINE!” You could hear her tight dress starting to rip with every sudden jerk and twist. It was ironic. Your head felt light and your vision started to blur as she pulled at your stands frantically. Suddenly, you were being pulled up onto your legs with the world spinning around you and thrown right into the small table you couldn’t stop being called towards.
On impact, one of the legs gave out, causing you and the vase to slip onto the ground. You were completely out of it for a few seconds. After a blurry moment, you could finally feel the wet water and the broken wood and the shattered glass and the cold metal scraping against your skin as you struggled to get up. That…and the green thorns stuck inside your chest, bleeding raw.
Once you were up, you struggle to maintain your steadiness. As your slippery feet came to a halt, you stare down at your wounded chest. At the thorns in your heart, before you hear her shrill voice coming towards you again. So, you timed it in your head. Waited for the bottom ruffles of her beautiful dress to slide along the tiles and signal you. Let her red give her away.
And once she was close enough, you spun around. Extended your hand until you could tell the blade collided through something hard yet pudgy. Everything comes to a standstill. You hear her inhale loudly before her face actually appears before you. Eyes wide and mouth parted. Her hands were still in midair, they were coming for your neck. Her shaky pupils gape at you, before looking down below where the knife met her.
When she’s distracted, you take out the letter opener from her stomach before slamming it back into her once again, a little left. It made a soft, stubby sound and she gasped faintly. Your hands shook dimly with the blade still inside her, blood staining your fingers. The ringing had vanished now, and you were facing the silence of the mansion. Now that you had gotten the gist of it, as quick as you could, you stabbed her a third time. It was your final attack because as soon as you took the edge out, she fell backwards with a loud thud. You didn’t have time to process everything, just cringed at the way her head collided with the floor.
For a while, you just stood there. Weapon in hand, watching the way the blood slowly oozed out of her sides. Her eyes were wide open in shock, lips parted, and jaw unhinged. Bringing the blade up to your face, you closely examine the loose blood along the edges as the knife gleamed underneath the lights. Red was truly a magnificent color. If you were to split her open, would she bleed it all out before you? Let you have all her secrets and riches? You take the blade and carefully wipe both sides of the blood onto your chest, over your heart. Making a perfect x and letting yourself become red.
Like you’ve always wanted.
Once you were done with that, you look back at her. At her lifeless face and sunken eyes.
“What are you looking at, pig?”
Just then a hand grabs yours from behind. You dropped the letter opener in surprise, and it crashes onto the floor with everything else. The object is replaced by long fingers. Your head whips back to meet a bare Jungkook standing right behind you, as handsome as ever, staring at you with a smile. There was a little insanity in his eyes, the same one you saw every morning in the mirror.
“I was wondering how to get rid of her myself.” He says, before wrapping his arms around your shivering torso and placing his mouth on your neck.
It had only been a few hours after Valentine’s day, and here you stood. Being gently rocked by your boss, with his beautiful fiancé bleeding out on the floor in front of him. Even in death…she was the epitome of beauty. And you had always been jealous.
Not of who she was to Jungkook.
But because of the vibrant, glowing, bleeding red rose she always resembled.
What you were jealous of was the rose she embodied.
The rose you wanted to be.
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loveisnotadagger · 3 years
Love Is Healing - Chapter Seven
Chapter 7/?
Rated: T
Pairing: Loki/OFC
Arianna jolted awake when she heard the alarm signaling that someone had broken into the tower. She looked around her room, relieved to see that no one had broken in there, at least, before hopping out of bed.
SHIELD training involved having to learn to wake up under any and all circumstances, so Arianna was alert within seconds. She crept to her door, still in her pajamas, and opened the door slightly.
There was nothing in the hallway her room was located in, but it seemed that Loki had been alerted by the alarm too, because he was also peeking through a crack in his doorway.
"What's happening?" he whispered.
"I don't know. Someone's here. The others will be looking as well."
Arianna went past Loki's room and was surprised when he grabbed her wrist. She looked at him and was shocked to see the concern on his face.
"I'll come with you," he said. "I can fight. You said that you don't know how."
"No, but someone might get hurt, and I can help with that."
"Then maybe you should wait. You do not want to be caught in the crossfire."
Loki's logic made sense. She would probably only get in the way. She didn't know how to fight at all, and she didn't have a weapon. Logically, she knew she should go back into her room and lock the door behind her, let the others deal with whatever this was, but she couldn't.
"Loki, they're my friends. I have to go."
She gently withdrew her wrist from his grip and continued down the hallway towards the main room. When she got there, she noticed nothing out of place aside from the fact that Natasha, Clint, and Steve were in the middle of the room. They were all in their pajamas, but they each had a weapon: Natasha a dagger; Clint his bow and a quiver full of arrows; Steve his shield.
"Jarvis? What's going on?" Arianna asked.
When she didn't get an answer, she looked to the three Avengers in the middle of the room.
"What's going on?"
"Jarvis is offline," Natasha said. "Has been since we tried contacting Tony a few minutes ago."
"Where is Tony?"
"In the lab with Banner."
"We have to get to them," Steve said. "Right now we're divided and they're only two people."
"One is not technically just a person," Loki said. "Banner is more than capable of protecting himself and Stark."
"Hate to say it," Clint said. "But he's right."
"You'd be surprised how often that happens."
Arianna would've smiled at how open Loki was being at the moment, but it just so happened that that was the moment that the window looking out over the balcony was broken into as several people crashed through it. There were about six people in all, dressed in black, with guns. One of them launched a smoke bomb into the middle of the room, and the Avengers plus Loki covered their mouths as smoke filled the room.
Arianna dropped to the floor and began crawling in the direction of what she hoped was the hallway where her bedroom was located. She'd lost sight of the others, but she could hear them coughing and moving around. She was coughing too, dizzy from the lack of oxygen.
Before Arianna could get far someone grabbed her ankle and dragged her backwards. She let out a small yelp of surprise and then an even bigger scream as she felt whoever it was grasp her shoulders and yank her to her feet.
A gloved hand covered her mouth and she tensed as her mind filled with panic. Who was this person? What did he or she want? Why had they gone to so much trouble to get in here?
The room was slowly clearing of the smoke and she was still being dragged backwards, towards the shattered window. She could see outlines of the other people now. Most of the people in black had been disarmed by Natasha and Steve, and now they were fighting along with Clint and Loki.
Arianna would have to find a way to free herself, as the others were busy. She did the only thing she knew to do: She lifted herself up and made herself become dead weight in her captor's arms. It threw her captor off balance, and she dropped to her knees to try and scamper away.
She was grabbed by the ankle again, only this time she was able to turn and kick out. The kick landed on the person's abdomen, and a male grunt reached her ears. Then she kicked again just for good measure, but he was ready for her this time and was able to block and catch her leg.
That was when she became aware of the shining silver dagger he was holding and fast arcing towards her thigh. She jerked away enough for his aim not to be completely true, but the blade still sliced through her pajama bottoms and over her skin deep enough for her to feel like fainting from the pain.
Instead, she screamed.
This seemed to cause the man to become angry. He slammed his fist down towards her and she clenched her eyes shut, anticipating the pain she was about to feel. She'd been hit before on missions – and during training – so she knew she could take it even if she would black out for a few seconds.
The blow never landed. In fact, the man's weight had been lifted completely off of her. When she opened her eyes she found out why.
The man that had been about to hit her had been tackled by Loki and they were grappling for the knife now. Loki looked dangerous and angry, but there was none of the insanity he'd displayed a month ago when she'd first seen him.
He knew exactly what he was doing when he finally got the knife and plunged it into the man's side, twisting and yanking it up to insure the man's death.
"I think you'll find the mistake you made was, in fact, hurting her," Loki said, knowing that all who heard it would hear the possessiveness he'd used while speaking.
He watched as the man went limp and stopped breathing. Loki stayed the way he was for a good fifteen seconds before checking for a pulse, and then turned to face Arianna, who had let out another scream, this one of pain.
Natasha and Clint had come to her, and Steve was on his way. The people that had broken in had been killed with arrows or by broken necks. Loki wouldn't be punished then, for killing the one that had hurt Arianna.
Loki went over to the others and knelt beside Arianna, who was not bleeding profusely from the gash in her right thigh. Her usually tan skin was pale now, and her face held an expression of pain.
"Why does she not heal herself?" he wondered out loud.
"She needs a source of energy and she refuses to take it from a human," Natasha said.
Loki, always quick on his feet, said, "The lab. There's plenty of energy down there."
Once the others realized that what he'd said actually made sense, Steve, who Loki still mentally called The Patriotic One, carefully picked Arianna up and they all went to the elevator, Natasha holding the shield now.
"Why did the intruders not cut the power?" Loki asked. "That would've been the smart thing to do."
"Jarvis was cut off," Natasha said. "That's the main security. Whoever broke in first . . . it wasn't the guys we fought or the alarm wouldn't have sounded until they smashed through the window."
"Maybe they hit the lab first," Clint suggested as they all stepped into the elevator.
Loki was surprised that no one said anything against him accompanying them. Then again, everyone was preoccupied with the crying girl in Steve's arms. Arianna didn't seem to be aware of her tears. She was more worried about not jostling her injured leg too much.
Loki wanted to ask if she thought she would be okay, but he also didn't want to do so in front of anyone else.
He would wait until he could get her alone. ----------
Once they reached the lab, they found both Tony and Bruce unconscious. Tony had a tranquillizer dart sticking out of his neck; Bruce had several in many places on his body.
Arianna hadn't known Bruce could be tranquillized, but there he was on the floor, completely knocked out.
Steve gently sat her down on one of the many tables there, and then he went towards the two scientists on the floor. Natasha and Clint followed him, but Loki stayed with her.
"Are you going to be okay?" he asked quietly.
She nodded even as she swayed from the pain she was feeling. Arianna usually didn't have any negative wishes for anyone, but she was glad the one who had hurt her was dead. He wouldn't be able to hurt her or anyone else again.
"Thanks for saving my life."
"You've saved mine countless times," Loki said. "Consider it a returned favor."
Arianna tried to smile, but her expression quickly turned into a grimace instead.
"Or it could be that you consider me a friend and you were looking out for me."
"Perhaps. Just don't tell anyone. I've got a reputation to keep up as a heartless monster."
"I think that ship has sailed," she said, swaying again.
"Maybe you should lie down. Just don't go to sleep."
"What I need is for Tony to wake up. Or for Jarvis to be put back on."
Arianna knew Tony had been working on finding a source of sustainable energy for Earth. He was trying to create something much like the Tesseract, only not as volatile. If she could get her hands on it, she could heal herself easily.
"May I see?" Loki asked. "The wound, I mean. We need to stop the bleeding. You've lost a lot of blood, and I'm not sure what the limit is for a Midgardian."
"I'm – okay. Yeah."
Arianna wasn't sure what her limits were either. She knew she was dizzy and fading fast. She needed to stop the bleeding until Tony woke up.
"You will have to lie down for this."
She did as she was told even though she didn't really want to lie down. What if she passed out?
Loki drew out the knife he'd used to kill her attacker and used it to rip through the right leg of her pajama pants.
Loki was very clinical about it, focused on stemming the blood flow more than anything else. After he'd ripped the pantleg enough to reach the wound, he tore a strip off so he could tie it around her thigh and keep the blood from coming out too fast.
"Done," he said, "but keep still and do not sit back up."
Arianna relaxed as much as she could and did as she'd been told. She probably shouldn't have been upright to begin with. It had only helped the blood flow out more quickly.
Natasha ended up by Arianna's side once she'd done everything possible to help Tony and Banner. They were fine, but she didn't know how long they would be out. They had no clue how much of the tranquillizer had been used or how strong it had been.
Arianna was set, though, and Natasha had a hard time admitting to herself that Loki was the one responsible for that. He'd also been the one responsible for saving Arianna's life earlier.
Everyone else had been too busy with the other attackers. Even though Natasha knew Arianna couldn't fight to save her life, she'd still taken her eyes off of her friend and had left her to her own devices.
"Are you okay? We still have to wait for Tony and Banner to wake up."
Arianna nodded weakly.
Steve and Clint came over as soon as they were able, and they all formed a circle around where Arianna was lying.
"I still think you should take energy from us," Loki said. "All of us. You won't hurt anyone that way."
Arianna shook her head, but she didn't seem certain anymore. Natasha wondered if Arianna had ever thought about channeling from a group. It made sense, and she was all for it if it would close the wound on her friend's leg.
"I'll do it," Natasha said.
Clint nodded, as did Steve, but Arianna still shook her head.
"Why not?" Loki asked, a note of impatience in his voice. "You do realize if the two over there don't wake up soon, you could die?"
"I don't know how!" she exclaimed, putting more energy into her response than she probably should have.
Natasha noticed that her answer seemed to placate Loki, however, because he no longer seemed impatient. In fact, Natasha saw understanding flash over his face.
"If forget they don't train you in the art of magic on Midgard," he said and put a hand on Arianna's leg. "Everyone put a hand on her. We will all be connected while she does this. If it works, you'll feel your energy draining into her."
"And what do I do?" Arianna asked.
"Start with one of us," Loki said. "Focus on one touch at a time until you've reached us all."
As it turned out, Natasha was the one Arianna reached out to first. They were best friends, so it made sense. Natasha had found Arianna when she'd been at her lowest point and when Arianna had only just found out about her ability to manipulate energy. Natasha had tried to help her and had somewhere succeeded by offering her a job with SHIELD.
As Natasha's mind connected with Arianna's the red head almost flinched. She'd never had her mind invaded before, and she didn't want anyone seeing what was there.
"Sorry," Arianna muttered. "I've never done this when I was so weak."
Natasha relaxed when she felt the other's presence leave her brain. She could still feel Arianna's energy, but not Arianna's thoughts. That was better.
She eventually felt Clint's and Steve's presence as well, which made her feel oddly vulnerable, but it got much worse when Loki's energy merged with theirs.
It was worse because she could feel Loki's emotions. She realized that Arianna was naturally connected with the former Asgardian. She'd formed a bond with him when she'd brought him out of his mind prison. Through Arianna, Natasha could tell that even though Loki was all the things Natasha thought him to be, he was also what Arianna thought him to be.
He was a victim as much as he was a villain, and Natasha knew that meant that Loki might be redeemable. He'd already found someone he wanted to protect. Whether he'd done it because he cared for her or because he felt he owed her it, it showed that Loki did have a code of ethics, even if that code was unique to him.
Natasha had reason to believe that Loki wouldn't hurt Arianna. She wasn't sure about anyone else. ---------- Arianna tried to keep her mind out of everyone else's, but it was hard because she was so weak she could hardly focus. In the end, she got flashes of memories from everyone.
From Natasha she'd gotten glimpses of some school for girls, though it must've been more than that because Natasha had been angry at and scared of the memory of the place. Natasha never spoke about her past, so Arianna wasn't sure exactly what she'd seen.
Clint had been thinking about a family – his family. A farm house with acres of land. A wife, children. Arianna hadn't known that Clint had any family.
Steve had only one thing on his mind: A woman named Peggy Carter. Arianna already knew that story, but she hadn't known that it still filled Steve's thoughts.
Finally, there was Loki. She saw more from him because she'd been in his mind a few times before. It was much easier to connect with him because of that.
In Loki's mind now, Arianna could feel that no matter what Loki showed to the outside world, he was still plagued with memories from his year of torture. Why wouldn't he be? One didn't just get over something like that. Thanos had made Loki believe that no one had ever, could ever care for him.
Since he'd been on Earth – or Midgard, as he still called it – he'd found someone who did care. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he knew Arianna didn't take time out of her day to check on him and keep him company just because he was her responsibility.
He was still waiting for the moment that Arianna realized that she was dealing with a lost cause and would give up on him. Loki had been alone and tortured for so long that, until he'd met Arianna, comfort from an actual person had seemed a thing of mere fantasy.
Loki had believed that no one could ever understand why he'd done what he'd done in coming to Midgard and trying to conquer, but Arianna did. Because of her ability to see what had happened and feel some of it, she did understand and she didn't hate him.
'Of course I don't hate you,' Arianna sent the thought to Loki only.
She had blocked Loki's thoughts and feelings from everyone else. In fact, since she was acting as a sort of filter, nobody had felt anybody else's feelings once she'd figured out what she was doing, which hadn't taken long.
After Arianna was healed – healed but still weak – the room fell silent. No one really knew what to say, it seemed. Arianna wanted to talk to Loki but knew he would not be open to conversation with everyone else around.
There was movement where Bruce and Tony had been lying. Bruce was waking up now, hands over his eyes, as if his head was aching. Side effect of the tranquillizer, maybe. His hands began roaming over the rest of his body – probably checking for the darts he'd been shot with, but they had already been removed.
The room was tense as they all waited to see if Bruce was going to turn green and angry, but he seemed fine even if he was moving slower than normal.
Tony came to not long after that and he was the first one to speak by asking what had happened.
"Someone broke in," Natasha said. "They were trained fighters and they were after Aries. There are a few bodies upstairs."
"She was hurt, but we helped heal her," Clint said.
"Bet that was awesome," Tony said. "The healing, not the hurting."
"I know what you meant." Arianna looked around the lab. "Was anything taken?"
Tony went rigid before stumbling to his feet. He hurriedly went through all the tables around him, searching for something.
"We were testing your blood. It's gone."
"Three guesses as to who has it," Loki muttered.
"SHIELD," Arianna said.
"No," Natasha said. "No way would Fury –"
"He did threaten me," Arianna reminded her. "But I wasn't talking about him. The council – or someone about Fury's authority. If they knew about me . . ."
"Are you in danger?" Loki asked.
Arianna didn't want to believe her own people would go against her just because of how different she was, but it was more than possible for that to happen.
"If they believe me to be a threat . . . yes."
"We can protect you, though," Steve said. "We'll take turns watching over you."
Tony nodded. "Absolutely."
Natasha nodded as well. Arianna knew how hard this would be for her. Natasha looked to Fury as a father figure – to actively go against him would tear her apart inside.
Bruce would do whatever he thought was right.
Clint would protect whoever he considered to be innocent.
The black-haired man shrugged. "I've already killed once to protect you. Nothing more needs to be said on where my loyalty lies in this situation."
"Thank you."
A few seconds later, Tony lightened the mood by opening his mouth.
"So . . . who's picking up the cleaning bill?"
Arianna threw her hands up in a gesture of backing away from the responsibility.
"You're the billionaire here, so . . . you." ---------- Back upstairs now, the whole group was sitting around Tony's living room. None of them felt like sleeping, not even Arianna, who was definitely in need of rest.
When they had reached the living room, the first thing Tony had done was call someone to get rid of the bodies there. He'd take care of the cleaning crew in the morning – or later that morning.
"I think I need to teach each of you how to override a system shutdown," Tony said. "I was hacked into tonight, so I'll have to create a whole new program to work with."
"Yeah, um . . . the problem is that you and Bruce are the only ones smart enough here to pick up your technology quickly," Arianna said.
"Agent Romanoff does okay," Tony said, earning a smirk from Natasha.
"We should start sparring again," Natasha said. "I know you hate fighting, Aries, but you need to learn. You could've been killed tonight."
"They didn't want me dead. They just didn't expect such a fight to keep me here."
The people who had broken in had indeed been SHIELD agents. The outfits they'd been wearing had told them as much.
"Sometimes, Arianna, death is a kindness," Loki said and got up from his spot on the couch.
He'd been thinking about how he'd almost lost the only friend he had on Midgard. Maybe anywhere, to be honest. He hadn't even really thought about what he'd been doing when he'd killed that guy. He'd just known that Arianna had been in trouble and that he'd been the closest one available to help her.
He quickly went to his room and sat on his bed. He became lost in his own mind at once. So much had happened to him in the last year, most of it more than not good. Pain, so much pain. He had become something he'd never wanted to be, something monstrous. He'd become a killer.
Hundreds of people had died because of his actions. He'd been in battle before, of course, but killing just to kill . . . that wasn't him. He'd brought death and destruction to Midgard.
"Please stop," Arianna's voice came from his doorway. "I can feel you thinking all the way in the living room."
Loki looked her way. She was leaning against the wall. He could tell she was tired even though she was fighting against it.
"You feel my thoughts?"
"Yeah. It happens after I connect with someone a few times. It'll fade eventually."
"And I . . . heard your thoughts earlier?"
She nodded. "That doesn't happen often, but I thought you needed to hear it. I don't hate you. If I didn't know what happened, I might. But after everything how can you not see that I do care?"
Loki stood up. "But why?" He hadn't meant to yell and he definitely hadn't meant to make her flinch. He didn't want her to be afraid of him. "Why care about me? What could you possibly gain?"
Arianna shook her head and seemed infinitely sad.
"You don't need a reason to care, Loki. And you don't care for someone just so you can get something from them. I don't know where you learned that, but it's wrong."
He knew that – within his whole being he knew he'd always wanted someone like Arianna. He didn't deserve someone like her, but oh gods, how he wanted. She gave and never expected anything, didn't even want anything in return. She cared about him and only ever wanted him to be who he'd been before he'd found out who he really was.
"And who are you?" she moved forward. "And does it really matter? You've been given a new start."
This girl could ruin him.
"I agreed to help you because I know you're better than you let yourself be. You don't believe me because you think you're unlovable. But that's not true. If you didn't have good in you, you wouldn't have saved me tonight."
Every fiber of Loki's being wanted to believe her, wanted to look into Arianna's green eyes and get lost in the naïve faith she seemed to have, but he wouldn't allow himself that pleasure.
"Are you really so foolish as to accept a monster? You know no one outside of this building will ever understand why I did what I did. They will never be able to forgive. And SHIELD will never forgive you for siding with me."
Arianna scoffed and Loki saw a determination there that he'd never seen before.
"They are not my friends. They tried to kidnap me tonight. I know what will happen to me if they get their hands on me and I refuse to do what they want. You know what will happen."
'Pain,' Loki thought, shuddering. Kind Arianna in so much pain, being used for someone else's gain. He wouldn't allow that. Not ever. Even if he had to burn SHIELD to the ground.
"Not everyone is a problem."
"Get out of my head," he said, no real malice in his voice.
"Then stop thinking so loudly."
@smallangryandpink @purplekitten30
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ererokii · 4 years
Petals || Dabi
Tumblr media
Dabi x Fem! Reader
Warnings: TW: near drug OD, misuse of drugs, vomiting, misuse of alcohol, domestic violence, peer pressure, manipulation, signs of toxic relationship
IMPORTANT: If these themes triggers you or if you are uncomfortable with it, do NOT read
Word Count: 5825
Synopsis: Everytime Dabi goes out for work, he returns home as a new person causing a petal of your blossoming relationship to fall off, leaving the bud to die.
Taglist: @hisoknen, @shoutosplaything, @shoutodoki, @stupidbuttwaifu, @sugacookiies, @lady-bakuhoe​, @saltie, @kingtamakimurder
Growing a flower wasn’t difficult if there was effort involved. The right spot. The right amount of sunlight. Added soil. The right amount of water. And love.
At least that’s what your mom told you. As a young girl, she always told you the most important step into growing a flower was love. The bud would blossom into something extraordinary with the right care. 
The blossoming relationship you created took loads of effort. The small bud of it growing into something beautiful as you would think. Each petal represents an aspect of your relationship. 
You knew what he did. How wanted he was. Yet you refuse to do anything about it. It was obvious. You were in love with Dabi. And he was in love with you. 
Yet why did you hate it?
Once again you begged him not to go out. Begging him to just stay at home with you so he wouldn’t get himself in trouble. 
“Dabi please!” You cried out and grabbed him by his coat, clenching your fingers around the material. Your body trembled with each cry you let out. “Just stay!”
“You know I can’t do that dollface.”
You shook your head. “Yes, you can! Please I’m begging you!”
“I’ll see you later.” Was all he said and walked out the door, to let you drown into your own tears.
You held your hands to your chest and gripping your shirt, your sobs wracking throughout your weakened body. 
This was the start of it. The downfall of your relationship.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You paid no mind to it. You noticed his outings, the way he would come home smelling like cigarettes and burnt ash with the faint smell of blood. It bothered you but at least he was here. 
You were not affiliated with the League of Villains by any means. That was the first thing that Dabi established when he announced your relationship to Shigaraki, who wanted to bring you in. 
You had a green thumb, it was something that Dabi adored but would never actually say it. With him always being out, you occupied yourself. 
Lilies were your favorite flower. It seemed that you practically had every breed planted in the backyard of your place. 
It was the little things that you took notice of. Your White Lilies would die before they bloomed, your Tiger Lilies would only last one day before they shriveled up and died the next day. It seemed like a nightmare to you. Your hard work going down the drain.
The only lily that did make it was the Orange Lily. This was unusual. Orange Lilies weren’t your favorite out of the breeds. It was just the one that never came across your mind. Its meaning scares you. Orange Lilies symbolize hatred. You definitely didn’t hate anyone but yet, why did this one bloom instead of the others?
It bloomed into something beautiful. It sat on your low table in your sitting room, it’s petals showing off the gradient of orange and yellow. A delicate thing. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The slamming of the door startled you from reading the book that rested in your hands. “Dabi?” You questioned the air and got off the couch.
You were met with a grunt as arms wrapped around you from behind, making you jolt. 
“Relax.” He mumbled, head buried in the crook of your neck. “I came through the window dollface.”
“Why did you come through the window?”
“I caught someone following me. Don’t worry I took care of them but for caution.”
Your body froze as Dabi’s hand rubbed small circles on the small of your back. “Calm down. Nothing will happen to you.”
“How are you so sure Dabi?”
“Don’t you trust me, babe?”
You sucked in a low breath and nodded. “Y-yes I do bu-“
“But what?!” He snapped and grabbed you by your arms, not rough by any means. “I promised to keep you safe didn’t I?! Don’t you believe me?!”
“Of course I do!” You wailed out and squirmed in his grasp. “I just can’t help but think about it!”
“Well stop it!” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Come on babe let’s not do this again. Let’s just forget yeah?” He whispered and snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
You placed your hands on his chest and traced the outline of his white shirt, staring at his staples. “I’m sorry”
With a shake of his head, he placed his hands underneath your ass and lifted you up, emitting a small squeak from your lips and wrapping your legs around his hips. 
“No more talking. Come on let’s get these clothes off” he muttered and suddenly leaned forward, kissing you roughly as he made his way to your shared room, slamming the door shut behind him.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You shifted slightly and rolled over into your side, opening your eyes and expecting to meet charred skin and a tuft of black hair. 
Except you didn’t. 
Your slight smile tugged downwards into a frown as you sat up, holding the sheet to your chest. “Dabi?” You called out and got up, wrapping the sheet around your naked body as you noticed a paper on your bedside table.
You picked it up and automatically recognized the messy but somehow clear writing. 
Had to go out again. Shigaraki needed me. 
You stared at the small note and analyzed it one more time before crumbling it into a ball, letting it drop on the floor. “Of course..” you muttered and shivered at the cool air hitting your bare arms.
The ghost of his touch lingered on your body. The feeling of his lips, his fingertips as he traced your perfect imperfections. It didn’t feel the same as before. 
You quickly fixed yourself up and walked out into the sitting room, immediately checking up on your Orange Lily. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you crouched in level with the flower. Something was wrong. 
You quietly counted to yourself.
 “3...4… where’s the fifth one” you mumbled and looked around it. You lowered your head and noticed the fallen petal, resting beside the pot. It was already withered up. 
Your heart ached. You carefully picked up the delicate petal and placed it back on the stem, leaving it there for it to only fall off. 
“Why aren’t any of them staying alive..what am I doing wrong?” you teared up and laid your head on the table, closing your eyes. 
You missed his presence. There was nothing you wanted more than to be in the arms of your boyfriend. Every time he went out to do work, there was always that little voice in the back of your mind that made you doubt his skills. His survival skills.
You knew this wasn’t Dabi’s first rodeo in the villain world. You knew who he was, who he really was. The heartless one who wasn’t afraid to set a group of innocent civilians on fire till they were burnt to a crisp.
You met Dabi in a bar. You remember the events as if it was a movie on constant replay. You were with your friends, all of you a bit away from sober, yet you were the only one who remembered that night by every moment and every word spoken.
He was charming.
You were clueless.
He was alluring.
You desired him. 
The next thing you remember was waking up in bed beside him as he smoked a cigarette quietly, watching your sleeping form. You wouldn’t say everything went downhill from there. Both of you agreed to keep each other for pleasing your own needs. No feelings involved. 
As much as you kept lying to yourself, he was too. It got to the point where he almost burned another man who was close enough to touch you. 
A tear trailed down your face as you let out a sob, body trembling as you felt yourself internally go smaller and smaller. “Just come back Dabi.,” you muttered and relaxed your body, not moving from your spot. 
��✧ ✦ ✧☾
Dabi walked into your shared place and let out a groan, stretching his arms above his head and shut the door. Your figure in front of the plant caught his attention. “Princess?” he questioned and walked over to you, gently touching you with the tip of his shoe.
You only stirred before stopping your movements. “How long have you been like this” he muttered under his breath and wrapped an arm underneath your legs. At the touch, your eyes snapped open as your hand immediately went for the neck of the person holding you, yet you were still not all there, only waking up from your sleep. 
“Princess!” Dabi choked out and placed his bigger hands on yours, trying to get your nails out of his neck. “It’s only me!”
At the voice you blinked quickly before getting off of him, cradling his charred cheeks with your hands. “Dabi! Baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t know it was you!”
He coughed lightly and sat up, swatting your hands away from his face to grab them and engulf them in his bigger ones. “Yeah, I can see that. Why were you asleep on the ground?”
You met his eyes before looking away. “I was waiting for you” you whispered. The tension in the air grew thick. You could hear the pants of his breath as he licked his lips. “For me? Why dollface? You knew I would be coming back after.”
“You and I both know that’s not for sure Dabi.”
“And why the hell not?”
“You’re a wanted man!” you cried out and jabbed a finger into his chest. Your vision went blurry as you blinked the tears away forming on your lower eyelashes. “How can you be so fucking sure that you’ll come back home perfectly fine?!”
“No!” you cut him off and wiped your nose with the back of your hand. “Let me fucking talk now!! Someone can come in right now and kill the both of you! You’re slowly killing yourself and my heart aches to see it! Can’t you see it?! I don’t want to watch you go down this path! I love you Dabi!” 
You sobbed out and covered your mouth with both of your hands, squeezing your eyes shut. You knew Dabi was an understanding man when it came to you and you only. But there were times where you felt as if it was the opposite. You knew he loved you, but recently you felt as if he didn’t.
“Do you even love me Dabi?” you muttered, bringing your fingers to the plan of your hand in a clenched fist, staring down at your feet through your blurry tears.
After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up, “What?” he whispered and stared at you like you lost your mind. “Course I do. What makes you think that Princess?” he questioned and reached a hand towards your face, tilting your face to meet his hard yet somehow soft gaze.
“Then why don’t you listen to me?” you croaked out. You looked like a mess, the mascara that you left on was mixed with your tears as they dribbled down your face. “Don’t you know that I care about you?”
He sucked in a breath and ran his thumb over the swell of your cheek, gently pressing down. “Course I do Y/N. You’re the only thing that’s keeping me sane in this forsaken world,” he said lowly, his other hand coming around and placing it against the nape of your nape as he pushed you into his chest. 
You were taken aback by the action but shook it off and quickly wrapped your arms around his slender frame, opening sobbing into his chest. “I’m still here sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”
He was right. He was here. He was alive and breathing. You were in his arms. 
“You know I would do anything for you right?” he spoke up after a moment of silence. You meekly nodded and looked at him, a hand of his coming down to your face and pushed the stray hairs that covered your face.
“I would leave if I could. But you and I know crusty ass won’t let me.”
A quiet giggle emitted from your lips as a grin curled on Dabi’s lips. “There she is. There’s my girl huh? She’s been hiding huh?”
“I’m sorry… and sorry for getting your shirt wet”
“Don’t worry dollface. Not the first time you got me wet by your liquids.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You had your fair share of drinks. It wasn’t often that you got completely shitfaced. If someone told you that you had to live without alcohol for the rest of your life you wouldn’t object to that. It wasn’t a priority in your life.
It started off small. You noticed the slight change in your home's atmosphere. There used to be zero tension in your shared place, but every time you could feel tension forming with each day. 
Dabi would come home and you would find him passed out, a beer can or two lounging around where he was. Soon enough two beer cans would turn to three then eventually four until they keep coming. It seemed endless.
The doorknob jiggled before you swung the door opening, emerging inside with groceries that were needed for the time being. “Dabi?! Can you help me!”
The black-haired man appeared from the kitchen, a smile that shocked you was displayed on his face. “I got them dollface,” he said, taking them from you and carried them back to the kitchen table. 
“You seem happy today. Should I be afraid?” you teased, slipping your shoes and placed them neatly on the mat next to the door. 
“Nope. Just happy to see my sweet amazing girlfriend like always!”
You tilted your head at the sudden change of demeanor. Usually, you would be greeted by a quick kiss or a slap to the ass but not an unusual happy Dabi. 
“Are you..are you sick?” You asked hesitantly and watched him open the fridge, bending down slightly as if he was looking for something.
There was a sudden hard silence as a grunt emitted from his lips, a hand reaching in and felt around the condiments, making a mess as things knocked over. 
“Is there no more?” He asked harshly, his figure still bent as he kept his concentration on finding what he needed.
“Huh?” You questioned and peeked over his shoulder, not sure what he wanted. “Is there no more what?”
“Yes, beer. Well fuck there’s no more, did you get some?”
You were taken aback. “Get some? Dabi I went to buy things we needed. Plus it wasn’t even on the list I wrote.”
He let out a frustrated groan and slammed the refrigerator shut, shaking it slightly. “Well, I need that. So why don’t you be a doll and go get me some yeah?”
You gasped. “Excuse me? What did you say?”
“I said what I said. Go buy me some.”
“I’m not your damn fucking maid. If you want it so bad, you go fucking get it.”
He let out a hard laugh, a hand covering his eyes. “Wow! The least you could fucking do is be a decent girlfriend and go buy me it! Guess you can’t do that either huh?!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Me?! What isn’t wrong with me Y/N!” He yelled and turned to face you, approaching you rather quickly than you would’ve liked. 
It suddenly hit you. Why he was acting so strange. He had you backed up into a wall as he lowered his head to your level, panting softly. You could smell the leftover traces of alcohol radiating off of his body. 
“You’re drunk aren’t you” you whispered after a moment of silence, finally meeting his intense gaze. 
“So what if I am?” he snapped and pushed himself off of you, strutting to the closet and opened it harshly. 
“W-where are you going?” you stuttered and watched his body move swiftly to put his coat on. 
“To get me a fucking drink.” he spat and unlocked the door quickly, slamming it behind him. The aftershock of the door slamming shook your table, shaking the vase of the Orange Lily, causing another petal to fall off in a mocking way as if it were laughing at you.
You stared in a daze, the events prior still playing over and over again. The tears once concealed in your eyes now flowed smoothly, creating a small puddle on the tiled floor. You pursed your lips together and licked over your lower lip. 
That wasn’t your Dabi.
Where was your Dabi?
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You saw the signs, yet you were oblivious. Dabi was changing right in front of your eyes yet you denied it. It was as if it was spoilers of a big-time movie that you had yet to see, you avoided them. 
He was well below the okay mark. He’d come home reeking of the smell of cigarettes and beer. A disgusting combination in your opinion. 
It was like having your own personal rollercoaster in your own home. Except you were the only rider who had to hold on for dear life when the loops came in.
The once beautiful flower that brought your whole place together was slowly dying in front of your eyes. You tried everything. You gave it more water, more sunlight, and even added a new type of soil, yet nothing was working. You were starting to give up at this point. 
You quickly whipped your head around at the tall slender man in front of you. “Y-Your back early.”
“Course I am. I wanted to come back quicker. I wanna try something with you.”
This piques your interest as one of your eyes brows in curiosity. “What is it?”
“Let’s go sit on the couch.” He said and gently grabbed your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours as he guided you towards the couch. Once the both of you sat down and guided you into his lap, wrapping an arm around your as he pulled you into his chest. 
His lips pressed against the back of your head as he wiggled his hand into his pocket, pulling out a baggy and tossed it on the table. 
You watched it and bit your lip. “Uh... what’s that?”
“What do you think dollface? It’s cocaine.”
You felt as if your eyes bulged out of your sockets. “It’s WHAT?!”
“Damn” he winced and rubbed the side of his ear. “No need to yell I’m right here. Keep your voice down even though we’re inside but keep it down”
“Why do you have cocaine?! Where did you get it from?! I’m not doing i-“
A hand was suddenly placed over your mouth as he pulled your head back, the back of your head resting against his collar bones. “Damn you talk a lot. Just do it”
A shake of your head had him sighing as he removed his hand from your face. “Dabi I don’t want to do it” 
“Oh come on doll. It’s a once in a lifetime thing. You won’t get a chance like this again”
“..I don’t want too!”
“Aw that’s too bad..all girlfriends would do this with their boyfriend if they really loved him”
“That’s not true I’m not an idiot.”
“Oh yeah, cause you’re so smart. Not like you would do anything for me.”
“Dabi come on..” you sighed and ran a hand through your hair. “Fine, I’ll do it with you. Just this once”
“That’s my girl” he slurred in your ear and nibbled the shell of your ear, leaning forward and opening the bag, dumping its products on the table. 
“Is this safe” you mumbled to yourself and watched Dabi pressing a finger to the side of his nostril before lowering his head, moving his head in a back and forth rhythm before fully moving his head to the right. 
He sat back up with a satisfied groan, wiping the powder from underneath his nose. “That’s the good shit… alright babe it’s your turn.”
You stared at the white substance messily displayed in front of you. “I don’t know Dabi… I don’t feel comfortable doing this…” you trailed off and looked up at your blissed-out boyfriend. “What if it goes bad?”
“It’s not going to go bad, will you quit whining already?! Just sniff the stuff and everything will be fine!” He snapped and pushed your head down by the nape of your neck. 
You grunted and hesitantly pressed your finger on your nostril, taking a deep breath as you moved your head to the right, feeling the immense power of it already knocking through your body. 
You coughed and pushed Dabi’s hand off of you, profusely rubbing your nose in irritation, your body not used to the foreign substance. 
“Mm..you took a little” Dabi grinned and grabbed your face with his large hand, squishing your cheeks together. “Get more.”
You shook your head, little movement due to your head behind held tight. 
“N-No! That’s it!”
His grin fell into a frown as he let go of your face. “Why the fuck not? Come on. Just do it. I’ll do it right after you.”
“..you promise?”
“I swear.”
With an uneasy sigh, you did it again. And again. And again until you could no longer sit up straight. 
You felt hotter, your stomach was aching as your head was pounding. You felt paler.
“I know babe! You did great! I’m proud”
You shook your head as you groaned, standing up and leaned against the wall for support. You felt bullets of sweat forming on your forehead. 
Your heart was beating. It felt as if it were a race car, doing 100mph. You clutched the fabric of your shirt in a tight fist, shaking slightly. “Dabi..” you whispered out and shakily lifted your head to meet his dazed look. “I don’t feel good at all..”
You felt so much adrenaline yet you hated it. You hated how you felt on Cloud 9. You hated every part of this. The way the substance felt entering your body as if it were a new source of energy. You hated the way he could convince you with his manipulating words. He had a way with words and he knew how to use them. 
“It’ll wear off soon don’t worry. Come here baby” he chuckled and stood up, a hand resting on the armrest of the couch. 
You gagged and quickly covered your mouth, pushing yourself off the wall as you stumbled towards the kitchen, barely making it in time as you let out everything in the sink. 
Hot tears flowed freely from your eyes as you sobbed, letting everything out. Dabi was quick to make his way towards you and held your hair up, rubbing circles on your back. “Shit” he mumbled
“W-water” you choked out and gripped the sink, head bowed as you let out a groan, another wave of nausea hitting your body. 
“I’ll be back. Get you a pair of clean clothes” was his last words before adventuring into your room. You quickly turned the faucet and drank the water, not caring for the slight bitter taste and splashed some on your face. 
The stickiness of your shirt clung to your skin desperately. You let out a whimper as you slid down the cool steel of the sink, bringing your knees forward. You lowered your head and gripped your pounding head, wanting nothing more than to lay down and forget.
Footsteps approached as he crouched in front of you. “Hey. You’re okay”
“Okay?! I almost overdosed on this bullshit and you say it’s okay?!” You snapped, your gaze boring into his own. He let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, grinding his teeth together.
“Yeah sure but you’re here. Stop whining and change, come on we’ll get you in the shower.” He said and grabbed your hand, lifting you up. “Can you walk?”
“Just guide me to the bathroom.” Was your response as an arm weaved its way to wrap around your waist, carrying your spent body to shower. 
Unbeknownst to you, your Orange Lily that once stood tall and proud with its five beautiful petals was now bent and cowered with 2 petals left, the other 3 withering next to the vase, begging to be mended back. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Stressed was an understatement. Being apart of the League of Villains has its ups and downs. Shigaraki was a demanding and impatient man. Every minute, every second of the day he needed something. If not immediately reported to him he would throw his temper tantrum as Dabi would love to call it 
Eight times out of ten Dabi would usually come home upset and stressed. Most of the time you didn’t mind because he would take his pent up stress onto you, which was good sex in your mind. But there were times where he didn’t want to bothered at all to which he would ask for time alone which you happily obliged wanting nothing more than to respect his wishes 
Right when the both of you got together, Dabi swore that he would never use his quirk on you or place his hands on you in any way. It gave you a sense of relief. When Dabi was angry he wasn’t in much control. 
Just like every other day, Dabi arrived home, stressed out of his mind. You could tell by the sound of his footsteps. Heavy and dragging against the floor as if he didn’t care, which he didn’t.
“Hey, ba-”
“Not now.” his gruff voice blurted out as he threw himself on the couch, spreading his legs out as he placed his hands on his thighs, running his hands back and forth. 
You bit your lip and contemplated asking him about it. Your leg bounced up and down in anticipation as you rubbed your hands together. 
“Well uh,” you started off and walked behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders, lighting rubbing. “How was work?”
“Fucking awful.”
Oh. That’s not what you wanted to hear. 
“Oh… did anything exciting happen at least?”
“Exciting? It was a fucking shitty day at work, Shigaraki was on my ass all day for no reason and on top of that, we almost got caught because Twice couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut.”
You pouted and dug your fingers deeper, massaging his already tensed up shoulders. “You’re so tense, baby. Relax a little yeah?” You whispered and lowered your head, placing kisses on the side of his neck that led up to his ear, biting the shell of his ear.
Your tongue flicked out and traced his piercing. 
“Y/N..” he growled. You could hear the warning in his voice. 
“Hm? Come on it’s been a while since we had any..fun..” your hand reached around and placed it on his chest, moving your hand downward till it stopped above his belt. 
“Aww but come on Dabi, let me h-“
A quick swivel of his body as his hand rose and came down, striking you across the face. You quickly covered the side of your face as you stumbled back, placing a hand on the wall. 
“I said to stop!” He yelled and stood up fully, fuming as his jaw was locked and shoulders tensed up. “But you couldn’t fucking listen huh?!”
“I..I was just trying to help..” 
“Well stop fucking trying got it?! I don’t need your help right now! I want to be left alone!” He spat.
He said his words with venom. You could practically see the hatred dripping from his lips. His eyes were blown up in anger as his chest heaved slowly. Wisps of blue fire emitted from his hand but nothing dangerous, yet. “Leave me the fuck alone got it? Don’t come crying to me with those stupid ass puppy dog eyes.”
Tears pooled in your eyes as you held back your whimpers, clutching the material of your shorts. “I don’t appreciate you t-talking to me like that Dabi.”
“And I don’t appreciate you not knowing what the word fuck off means. Just stay the fuck away.” He snapped and stalked off towards your room, slamming the door that squeaked at its hinges. 
You gasped for air as you stroked the stinging area. “He..he hit me” you whispered to yourself. 
He broke your promise. He tainted your trust. Something that was once pure was now tainted with anger and hatred. You couldn’t see him anymore. Every day you internally begged him to remove his filthy mask and return back to normal somehow. You didn’t care how you wanted the old him. 
You settled down on the couch, bringing your knees close to your body as you began to slowly rock back and forth, mumbling incoherent words as tears flowed. You let your head hang forward as you let out the painful sobs, digging your fingers into your scalp as you tugged on your hair. 
You shakily lifted your head. Your bloodshot eyes gazed forward as you scrambled off the couch, your knees hitting the floor as you shuffled forward. “No no no no” you muttered and quickly caught the orange beauty in your cupped hands. You brought it close to your face as you let out a choked cough.
 “..this is it”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were tired of it. After the incident of Dabi laying a hand on, he’s been distancing himself from you. He’s been less affectionate— not that he’s been affectionate lately anyway. He wouldn’t spare a glance your way, would brush you off when you tried talking to him.
You hated the bridge that was now present in your once loving home. You desperately wanted to cross it and meet him on the other side or hoping the both of you could meet in the middle once again. But it seemed that he cut the ties that held you from doing so. The once sturdy rope that held it together, was becoming looser and looser with each day that arrived.
You wiped your nose with the back of your hand as your chest heaved in anticipation. You were leaving. You couldn’t be here anymore. It wasn’t healthy anymore as it used to be. You couldn’t live on eggshells with him. You hated being on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to him being unpredictable. Whenever he would lift his hand to do anything whether it be to run his hand through his hair or grab something from the top shelf, you couldn’t stop yourself from flinching. He hurt you. In the worst possible way. 
“He won’t be home for another two hours so I have enough time,” you said to no one in particular once you finished packing your necessities. You quickly looked around for a sheet of paper and a pen. You let out a deep sigh and began to write whatever came to mind. By the end of it, a tear or two landed on the paper. 
You shakily lifted it to your lips and kissed it softly, folding the paper in a half and put it in an envelope with the name Dabi written on the front. 
You grabbed your suitcase by its handle and placed the envelope on the table, placing a Primrose on top of it. You loved the meaning of it. Something so beautiful and simplistic. 
As you reached the head of your apartment, you looked around. A pang hit your chest as you smiled sadly. You had to do this. You had to move on to something better. Someone better. 
After the door shut behind you and the key underneath the mat, you stretched your arms over your head as you made your way out, leaving everything behind.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Dabi knew he was a dick. There was no excuse for the way he’s been treating you. He knew flowers were your favorite thing so he got you some— more like stole them but it was the thought that counted right?
When he laid his hand on you, he was instantly filled with regret. He processed what he had done after he heard your cry of pain. He thought the best option was to distance himself to redeem himself. He swore to protect you, to keep you out of harm's way, and make you happy. He couldn’t even protect you from himself.
He opened the door with a small smile. “Y/N?”
He frowned and kicked his shoes off, walking towards the kitchen. “Y/N?” he called for again and placed the flowers on the table. “Come on Y/N this isn’t funny. Where are you?”
His nerves were rising as he let out a frustrated groan, running both of his hands through his hair. A white envelope and flower caught his attention. “Hm?” he let his arms fall beside him as he walked over, kneeling in front of it. He saw your once beautiful orange lily that stood tall and proud, displaying its beautiful colors, now dead and withered, not having its petals on display.”Oh man..she really liked you too..” he mumbled and piled all the dead petals. 
He picked up the envelope and opened it. 
I really don’t know where to start. I thought this is what I wanted. But I guess not. I love you. I really do, but you were changing for the worse. I couldn’t watch you go down deeper in the hole. It pains me to live on the edge. You’re bound to get caught and who knows what would happen to me. Your dying Dabi, you’re slowly killing yourself and you don’t even know. Please don’t come looking for me. I promise I’m okay, safe, and sound. Do you see that flower? It’s a Primrose. It means I can’t live without you. And I can’t live without my home, you were my home. But now I have to move on, for both of us. I love you Dabi. 
           - Y/N
He let the note fall on the floor as he picked up the Primrose, holding it close to his face as he analyzed it. He didn’t notice till he felt a tear trail down his face. He lifted one of his fingers and wiped it off. He growled and squeezed his eyes shut and he set the beautiful flower on fire, letting it get devoured by his flames until it turned to ash.
The most special thing he had in his life, he let walk away. He was too deep into his pride. He couldn’t just take his eyes off his ego for one second to see that you were secretly hurting because of him. And now Dabi had to pay the price of his foolishness. 
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yxlenas · 4 years
Isaac, new betas, growing pains, and a supernatural hit list complete with professional killers Clearly canon divergent s4 AU. Allisaac, because duh. I am convinced that Liam and Isaac would not like each other, at least at face value. for Alyssa, like always @electricbluebutterflies
“I don’t like him,” Isaac grumbles into her bare chest, head pushed up between her boobs. Allison cards her fingers through his hair and works through another math problem, trying not to laugh.
“I know,” she says, and Isaac makes an angry cat noise.
“I’m serious,” he whines, “he was already too good at lacrosse and now he’s a werewolf. We didn’t need another beta.”
“Was Scott supposed to let him fall off the roof, then?” Allison asks him, erasing a step and reworking it with the right method. Her phone buzzes with a text from Lydia, saying she’s coming over. Allison sends her a picture of Isaac’s curly head nestled between the soft cups of her bra and a grumpy faced emoji. Lydia texts back that she’ll bring snacks. Isaac makes another subvocal sound of displeasure.
“Yes,” he says, no real heat in his voice. He doesn’t mean it, he’s not that heartless, he’s just feeling territorial. Scott is his alpha and his brother, and Isaac was used to being the only wolf beta. He and Malia get along like a house on fire (which gives Allison a migraine, sometimes) and she knows he’s secretly anxious that a new pack member is going to upset the balance.
“Lydia is coming over,” Allison tells him, pushing at the side of his head until he lifts it, “which means I have to put on a shirt, and you should probably at least have on a pair of boxers.”
“Mmm,” Isaac grunts, biting at her belly and grinning when her muscles contract, “are you sure?”
“You’re fucking incorrigible,” Allison tells him, flicking the tip of his nose gently, “now get dressed.”
Liam is very aware Isaac doesn’t like him, because Isaac isn’t exactly a master of subtlety. Allison thinks Liam is more than a little scared of him too, because Isaac is definitely more lupine than Scott and less clueless than Malia. It does have some benefits from what Allison can tell from up in the bleachers at the scrimmage, though, when Isaac grabs him by the collar of his jersey and tosses him into the dirt before he can rip one of Devenford Prep’s midfielders a new asshole. She watches as he struggles against Isaac’s grip, looking for all the world like a very angry puppy, but Isaac is taller and stronger and much, much better at being a werewolf than Liam is.
Allison gathers her purse and picks her way down the bleachers, Lydia and Malia on her heels. They shove their way into a spot closer to the actual field, and Isaac lopes over to her, pulls his helmet off, and kisses her hard. Allison giggles, then pushes at his chest.
“Try not to kill the kid or break his spine, please,” she tells him, cupping his cheek. Isaac nods once and presses their lips together again. Stiles wolf whistles and Isaac flips him off.
“You two are disgusting,” Malia says. Allison can’t tell if she’s joking or not, but she bumps her with a shoulder gently. On the bench, Liam glowers at Isaac, and Isaac grins nastily back.
When they both go missing a few days after the discovery of the Deadpool and the terrifying realization that everyone she loves is on a hit list, there’s a part of Allison that hopes Isaac finally got sick of Liam and threw him in a lake or something.
The alternative is much, much more terrifying.
Isaac wakes up on his back at the bottom of a ravine in agonizing pain, a 15 year old kid hovering over him and looking terrified. Isaac does not feel terrified. Isaac feels annoyed, and achy, and like he might throw up.
Liam is babbling, and whatever head injury Isaac definitely sustained? Liam’s babbling is making it much, much worse.
“Shut. Up.” he groans.
“Oh, oh god you’re awake-”
“Liam,” Isaac grunts, “Liam, shut up, please. If you don’t shut up I will puke on you.”
“Sorry,” the kid gasps, “Sorry, sorry, sorry-”
“Liam,” Isaac says, feeling much more strained this time around, “Please.”
Liam shuts up. Isaac realizes that Liam is pressing two shaky hands to Isaac’s chest, and that those hands are covered in blood and black goo. Oh, yay. Great. Today is going very badly. Isaac tries to sit up, but can’t. He tries to move a leg, but can’t.
“You’re uh, kind of paralyzed,” Liam says, “I think. I think I saw your spine through your skin.”
“Where the fuck are we,” Isaac snarls, and Liam goes white.
“Um. I don’t know? In the woods. You broke my fall. With-with your body,”
“Call Allison, then call Derek and Scott” Isaac grunts.
“Both phones are...broken?” Liam says. He looks about five seconds away from passing out even though Isaac is the one probably dying.
“So call Scott,” Isaac rasps. His head is starting to spin, and his spine definitely isn’t healing. He isn’t going to heal, not as long as the bullets are in his chest.
“Just so you know,” Isaac slurs out, feeling dazed and sick, “I’m never taking bullets for you again.”
“What do you mean call Scott,” Liam says, “I told you the phones were broken.”
“I mean roar,” Isaac says. His stomach finally gives up completely and he turns his head to the side and throws up greyish black bile. Liam gags himself, and Isaac rolls his eyes.
“I don’t know how,” Liam hisses, looking completely frantic, “You and Scott haven’t taught me.”
“So figure it out,” Isaac says, coughing up a mouthful of sludge, “because I am not dying in this place with only you for company.”
Liam looks guilty. Good. If he wasn’t such an idiot and hadn’t gone careening into the woods after lacrosse practice because he was pissed off they wouldn’t be in this mess. Isaac coughs up another mouthful of black gunk.
“Allison will kill you,” Isaac tells him, “If I die here, by the way. She’s kind of attached to me, if you haven’t noticed.”
Liam just stares at him. Isaac would absolutely strangle the little shit if he was strong enough to move.
“Okay,” he slurs, “Alright, fine. I will do it. I will immediately pass out, and then you’re on your own.”
Isaac tilts his head back and howls miserably, as loud as he can, even as his vision greys out and his stomach rolls. He keeps howling until he passes out.
Scott finds them first. Liam has never been happier to see Scott in his life, especially since he’s being trailed by Derek and Stiles and Allison. Isaac is still very unconscious, and looking worse by the second. Every time he breathes more black stuff foams out of his mouth, and Liam is very concerned that Allison is going to kill him. Isaac likes to make empty threats to scare him, because Isaac is terrifying, but Liam isn’t sure that one is so empty.
Isaac may be terrifying, but Allison is 10 times worse.
“Down here!” he yells, voice shaking. Isaac makes an awful gasping sound when Scott lands in the dirt next to them, grabbing Isaac’s face.
“Isaac,” Scott says, “Isaac. Wake up. Derek! Get down here.”
“Is he okay? Are they both okay?”
That’s Allison’s voice, sounding high and strained. He can smell her fear which is a new and terrifying ability.
Derek lands hard next to Liam and Liam lets out a very undignified yelp of fear. Isaac groans, eyes opening.
“Derek,” he slurs, and with Scott’s help Derek hefts Isaac into his arms. Isaac screams. Scott gags a little suddenly, and Liam sees why. Isaac’s back is definitely broken, compound fracture, and he can see bloody vertebrae.
Yep. Allison is definitely going to kill him.
“He needs a hospital,” Allison says, curled over Isaac protectively where he lays on his side, “Deaton can’t fix his back when it’s like that, can he? There’s no way.”
Scott is pacing, looking from Liam to Isaac to Derek to Stiles. Derek is taking Isaac’s pain, and Liam is bouncing from foot to foot. Someone tried to kill him. Someone tried to kill him, and he’s only been a werewolf for like a month and a half, and now Allison is going to kill him because someone trying to kill him almost got her scary werewolf boyfriend killed-
Stilles grabs him by the shoulders and gives him a little shake. Liam takes a deep breath.
“Take him to Deaton,” Derek says, “And if Deaton can’t fix him we take him to the hospital.”
Isaac bites Derek in the shoulder when he moves him. Derek snarls at him. Isaac snarls back weakly, eyes flashing golden. Allison approaches him and Liam flinches away, but then she takes his hand and squeezes. Isaac’s blood is still wet on both their palms.
“Are you okay,” she asks him, and Liam does a double take.
“I know how Isaac is,” Allison soothes, “But Derek and Scott have him, and he can heal.”
“I’m so sorry-” and then he’s babbling again, and Allison reaches for him and Liam flinches away from her but she’s not stabbing him, she’s hugging him.
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
“Isaac said you were gonna kill me,” Liam stutters. Allison rolls her eyes.
“You really have to stop listening to him.” Allison says, “90% of the time he’s just fucking with you, because he’s an asshole.”
“I heard that,” Isaac slurs weakly from Derek’s arms.
Deaton it turns out can patch up Isaac, and Liam gets bullied into helping hold him down. Lydia, Kira, and Malia meet them at the vet clinic, and Liam watches in a nauseating combination of awe, fear, and confusion as Lydia starts stroking through Isaac’s hair even as he snaps at her fingers.
“Yes, yes. You’re very scary. Calm down, I just got my nails done and if you keep trying to take my hands off I’ll make you pay for my ruined manicure.
Deaton resets Isaac’s spine. Allison is helping, deftly avoiding claws and teeth while she pulls shotgun pellets out of her boyfriend’s chest.
“Why are you all so calm?” Liam bursts out suddenly where he’s holding Isaac’s legs on the metal table.
“This happens more than you might think,” Allison says drily, dropping another shotgun pellet into a bowl.
Liam barely makes it to a chair before he has a stress inducing fainting episode.
Isaac wakes up in Allison’s bed with Derek sitting next to him, feeling like he got run over by a bus, then a train, then another bus. He groans, taking a deep shuddery breath and catching Derek’s earth-cedar-leather scent and Allison’s when he turns his head into the pillow, mostly the lavender of her soap. Chris is there too, and Melissa, and Lydia.
“Hey,” Derek says, and the hand not in his brushes across Isaac’s forehead, “You okay?”
“Feel like shit,” he moans, “Liam?”
“Uh, terrified,” Derek says, “and very stressed, because he watched Allison pull shotgun pellets out of your chest, but in one piece.”
“Little shit,” Isaac mumbles, “Told him not to go running off without warning.”
“I told you not to do stuff fairly often that you did anyway,” Derek says, and Isaac groans, rolling his eyes. It makes his brain throb, which makes his neck hurt, then the rest of his spine. He bites down on his lip, hard. Derek grips his wrist tightly, black veins running up his arm, and after a few seconds Isaac can breathe again.
“Can I get up,” he asks after a few seconds. Derek shakes his head.
“Your spine is still healing. So is the rest of you. Stay down. I can go get everyone, or whoever you want, yeah?”
“Allison,” Isaac says, “And Lydia?”
“Melissa is probably going to come too, you know,” Derek says. Reluctantly Isaac lets go of his hand.
Allison comes in with Lydia hot on her heels, Allison sitting on the bed next to him and kissing his face. Melissa and Chris are hanging back in the doorway
“Please don’t ever do that to me again.” She says, trying for stern. Isaac grins at her weakly, trying to ignore the fact that without Derek’s hand in his, his pain is ramping up. Lydia sits neatly in Derek’s recently vacant chair and squeezes his hand.
“You,” she says, twining his fingers with hers, “Almost bit my fingers off.”
“Sorry,” he rasps. He can feel sweat standing out on his forehead, and he digs the back of his head into the pillows.
“Here, honey,” Melissa says gently, and then she’s placing a pill on his tongue and a cup to his mouth. Painkillers. Hopefully, at least, painkillers. He swallows, and a hand curls around the one Lydia isn’t holding, a big rough one that Isaac knows is Derek’s. The pain lessens. Isaac sags against the pillows of the bed.
“I knew you liked him,” Allison murmurs, “You’re just full of shit.”
“Just because I didn’t let some weird professional assassins kill him doesn’t mean I like him,” Isaac slurs. It’s just them now, curled together on the mattress. Whatever Melissa had given him had kicked in, and he feels floaty and a little sick. Lydia is playing on her phone, still holding Isaac’s hand. When he squeezes it she squeezes back indulgently.
“You like him,” Allison says, kissing his temple.
“If I agree with you will you shut up about it?” he grumbles. Allison snickers, and he kisses her on the mouth,
“Fine,” he says tiredly, half slurred, half floating on the pain and the medication, “I like him.”
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♥️ Red Heart, White Box ⬜️ l
A collab between myself and @questionablewritings xx
Mafia AU, boss Tony, pet/plaything +18 Peter, bodyguard Steve, bodyguard Bucky, underground doctor Stephen, gun violence, shootings, GSW, blood, injury, surgery, 2.5k
Or Peter is shot and they cannot go to the hospital.
part two - part three - part four
Part l - The Blood Stained Silk Shirt
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It was quite common in their field of work, but still Tony was caught entirely off guard when a friend of his, well- now an enemy, pulled out the gun in the middle of their deal making and Peter dropped the lollipop he had been toying with all night. But, it was not until a shot was actually fired that the mafia boss realised how badly he had miscalculated the situation. It had been a risky deal from the start, but money was tight, very tight, so Tony had taken a risk, which he would regret for the rest of his life. 
Usually, Tony is hyper sensitive to these things, the slight raises in tone of voice, the tensing of someone’s jaw, how their fists clench or how fingers inch closer to a hidden weapon. But... tonight he had brought Peter along, and even worse, allowed him to go out in a low cut silk shirt that showed off his collarbones. The idea was that it would distract the ones Tony was dealing with, but instead it had backfired, and now the silk shirt was stained with blood.
Peter had been taken quite literally, off guard. The gunshot echoed around the room, ringing in Peter’s ears until that, along with the deafening silence, were the only things registered. The pain had hit him slow, creeping down his arm and across his chest, forcing the older teen’s eyes downward towards the source of discomfort. His eyes widened, seeing first the crimson red stains that soaked the collar and sleeve of his shirt, and then… Well, Peter was not quite sure what came after that. After realising that he was bleeding, profusely, it did not take long to put two and two together. He had been shot in the shoulder, and the bullet currently resided deep in the meat of his muscle. 
“T-Tony-“ Peter whimpered, shocked and pale as he stumbled forward, his uninjured arm reaching for his lover, his Daddy. Oh God, it hurt. It hurt so bad. Peter wanted to scream and sob, but he knew better. His weakness would be a sign to the rivalry members in the room, all eyes on him in utter surprise. Peter fought back the hot tears, dropping his hand to grab at his blood soaked shoulder just in time for him to collapse forward and to the floor. Peter was gonna faint... Fuck, it hurt so bad. 
“Peter... Fuck, Jesus, FUCK! PETER!” Tony bellowed in utter fright and took Peter into his arms, gently lowering the boy to the floor when he didn’t have the strength to stand on his own. “Wha- I- Peter, fuck, please... Just- stay with me...” Tony stuttered out, having no clue what to say or do. Thankfully, Steve, one of his bodyguards stepped forward, yanking the silk scarf from around Tony’s neck. He bawled up the expensive fabric and then pressed it to Peter’s wound that was oozing with blood. 
“He needs medical treatment.” Steve stated simply and surprisingly calmly. At first, Tony was furious at his employee for being so cold and heartless when his precious boy had been hurt, but then he realised that someone had to be calm. The boss was sort of glad he did not have to be the calm and rational one. 
“We can’t fucking go the hospital, you idiot!” Tony shouted. By now, the rivalry gang had fled the scene, but none of Tony’s gang really paid any attention to that.
Peter’s line of sight was fading. He could see Tony, he could feel him even, but everything came back muffled to his brain. The boy grimaced as an unknown figure, Peter was too out of it to comprehend it was Steve, pressed something against the wound, shifting the bullet, but slowing the blood. He hated how he could feel the panic radiating off from Tony, and whimpered as he lifted his bloodied hand to his Daddy’s face, and forced weak eye contact. 
“No...They’ll recognize you..” Peter groaned at the mention of hospital. The boy knew he needs medical attention, but he would rather die than risk Tony’s freedom. 
“Baby, it’s okay, it’s okay...” Tony practically whimpered when Peter lifted a bloody hand to his face. He cradled the hand in his own, kissing it quickly and passionately.
It was Bucky, Tony’s left hand man and equal status as Steve who stepped up to the plate. His voice was less calm compared to Rogers, but the guy had seen his fair share of blood and gunshot wounds. 
“There’s that guy- the uh Doctor that runs the underground clinic off 34th street. Strange, wasn’t it? Yeah...Stephen Strange.” Bucky suggests, quick to hand out the alternative option. It seemed their best bet. “Boss, If we’re gonna do it, we need to move now. Kid’s gonna bleed out in under an hour with a wound like that.” Bucky adds, his tone light and full of respect. No one disrespected the boss’ play thing.
Peter thought that the pain could not possibly get anymore worse. There was a shooting discomfort, searing up the left side of his body. It was too much. If it were not for Tony kissing at his fingers and breathily speaking to him, Peter might have let go and succumbed to unconsciousness already. Perhaps given up all together, but he would hold on for Tony. 
“Well, call him right fucking now! Let’s move!” Tony barked and with Steve’s help, he picked up Peter. They all headed out of the building and to their cars. When Bucky bolted into action, pulling out his ‘work’ phone, Peter realised what was going to happen. 
“No- NO! Don’t mov-“ But, his words were quickly swallowed as he is shifted from off the ground. Peter tried so hard to be strong, but nothing could hold back the shrill scream that flew from his lips. It eventually simmered down to a continuous whimper, and soft gasps of “a-ah!” whenever he was slid into lying in the backseat. Peter could only grasp on to Tony, breathing out in the tiniest of voices- “It hurts Daddy, it hurts so much.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry...” Tony apologised, which he never does, but he did now when he moved Peter to the backseat, causing him pain in the process. “Stay with me, baby, stay with me.” The man pleaded. 
Bucky had taken the initiative to give this Doctor Strange a call, informing him of their impending arrival. He spoke into the phone loudly and clearly. 
“You better save this kid’s life, because yours just got hung on the line.” Then, Bucky hung up and slid into the driver’s seat. He waited just long enough for Peter, Tony and Steve to get settled before he slammed on the gas, and sped his way to their destination.
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here, baby.” Tony comforted while keeping pressure on Peter’s still bleeding wound. How is there so much blood in his sweet little baby? Sure, the boss has seen ugly injuries and corpses plenty during his career, but this... This he could never have been prepared for. With his free hand, Tony stroked back Peter’s sweaty curls, trying to reassure and comfort him. But, it had little effect against the blinding pain that each little movement of the speeding car shot up Peter’s arm. “Peter, Peter- shhh... I’m here.” Tony tried to comfort and raised his voice to actually be heard over the boy’s screams. “How fucking far away is it?” Tony growled to his bodyguards in the front. 
“Ten minutes, sir.”
“Make that five.” The boss threatened lowly, and Bucky sped up without asking any questions.
Five minutes? Peter was not sure he could last more than two at this rate. He could feel the warmth of his blood run down his body, and all over Tony. His poor car, it would definitely need detailing after this. Peter should not be thinking about something as stupid as leather, but it was all he could do to cling on to his awakened state. 
“Two minutes out, boss. Doc said he’d be ready.” Bucky ran through all red lights with a breeze, flying through the streets and taking short cuts. For a split moment, on a particular harsh jerk of the vehicle, Peter wondered if he was going to die. He sobbed at the thought, shaking his head to grab at Tony’s attention. 
“Kill them.” Peter managed through clenched teeth. “When I-“ He paused to groan, throwing his head back. “- I die, kill them.” 
“Peter- Peter! Listen, you- you’re not gonna die on me. You hear me? I won’t fucking allow it!” Tony shouted angrily, tears prickling at his eyes, but he did not let them fall. Not knowing what else to do, the older man leaned down to kiss his boy, his precious little thing. “You know what? You’re gonna kill them yourself. You’re gonna kill them dead.” He added after pulling back, stroking at the boy’s cheek and spreading blood all over his cheek in the process. 
When they finally reached the destination, Steve double checked that it was the right place they had come to. He doubted Peter’s chances of making it would be good if they had to drive somewhere else. The place looked shady, and that said a lot with the standards that Steve was used to in this field. But, then a familiar looking figure exited through the back door and Steve knew they had come to the right place. Hopping out of the car, Steve greeted the doctor quickly before opening the back door. 
“It’s good to see you, Doc.” 
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get him inside.” Stephen said.
Bucky was the second out of the car, overhearing Stephens orders. He was not usually one to jump at anyone’s commands, besides Tony’s, but this was dire circumstances. He helped Steve slide Peter out of the car, who now after being kissed and ready to give in to the pain, had passed out. The boy was pliant, practically lifeless and dead weight as they moved to get him inside. There was so much blood, and Peter was such a small thing. Even Bucky was on the latter when it came to the boy’s life expectancy. He lifted his eyes off from the boss’ babe, to lock on to Steve’s eyes in hope they shared a common thought. Peter better survive.
Tony wondered if he could ever get over the sight of Peter’s eyes closing like that after kissing him. The boy looked dead already, but he knew based on the hurry that Stephen urged after feeling the boy’s pulse that he was not. While Steve carried Peter bridal style, Stephen went ahead and opened the doors as he led the way inside. In his state of shock, Tony stumbled after them while Bucky took long, confident strides. It felt like an eternity, walking through the dark and damp hallways, but finally they reached a well light crossway that looked like a clinic. There was an exam table and an overhead lamp surrounded by equipment, machines and supplies. But, what looked the most odd in the underground place was the area sectioned off by plastic in one corner. Tony would later find out that it doubled as an OR in the underground clinic. 
“So, what happened?” Stephen asked, gesturing for Steve to lay Peter down on the exam table.
At the hinted gesture, Steve carefully placed Peter down on the table, careful not to make any sudden movements that would rouse the boy from his ‘sleep’. Bucky on the other hand, was not so nice. Steve was the muscle, and Bucky… Well he was there to get points across. With the boss mentally checking out for the evening, it looked like the explanation landed in his hands. 
“The hell does it look like? He got shot.” Bucky snapped, motioning his hand towards the bullet hole in Peter’s soaked shirt. “Don’t matter how it got there, point is, get it out.” He continued, harshly saying whatever was on his mind. Maybe Bucky was being a little too blunt, but he could not help it. If Peter did not pull through, both Steve and Bucky would be going through weeks, if not months of pain.
At Bucky’s harsh snap, Stephen briefly glanced up at him before focusing on examining Peter. After snapping on a pair of gloves, the doctor motioned for Steve to step aside to get a look at the wound. It was still bleeding, but not as heavily, so Stephen pressed some gauze to it. 
“I’ll get it out, but you guys will have to leave in the meantime. I can’t work if you’re buzzing around me.” Stephen said, his tone almost as matter of factly as Bucky’s. 
Bucky pulled a face at the doctor’s words, his jaw clenching tightly with mild irritation. Now was not the time. Down from one of the three hallways, two other medical professionals emerged, dressed in the same scrubs as Stephen. Bucky made room for the approaching medical staff, standing by the entrance to wait for further instruction from their boss.
“Gun shot wound, prep him and the OR.” The doctor told the two others, who promptly snapped into action. “Which blood type is he? And any allergies to medication?” Stephen asked, turning to the three gang members. Tony did not hesitate to answer, giving his baby boy one last lingering look. 
“He’s A+.” The boss stated, sounding more present now that they had gotten his boy to the medical help he required. He wanted to stay, to watch and make sure not a single finger harmed a hair on Peter’s head, but Steve was placing a comforting, albeit suggestive hand on his shoulder. 
“Sir, I think we should wait outside. They can’t focus with us all here… and I know you want them to be paying attention to Peter.” Steve spoke, soft and careful. Tony roughly shoved his shoulder free, but gave a curt nod. If it was for Peter, Tony would do anything. He turned, and abruptly made his exit without so much as a word to anyone. The boss had put up his emotional wall, preparing himself for the worst outcome should it happen. Bucky followed, and Steve, he was the last to leave.
“Okay, let’s get a unit of the O+.” Stephen ordered and the taller of the two others, Mordo, went to fetch it while Wong remained behind to help transport Peter to the section behind the plastic covers that doubled as an OR. 
Two hours or so later, Peter was stable, but still unconscious with all the morphine and anaesthetics in his system. Stephen had removed the bullet successfully, and stopped the bleeding and repaired as much of the damage to the surrounding tissue as possible. Luckily, no bones nor nerves seemed to be affected, which would make for a speedier recovery. The surgery was quite successful, but that was not all that the doctor did.
“Peter started bleeding internally into his abdominal cavity, so I had to go in to stop the bleeding. He must have fallen when he was shot, or the stress was just too much on his body. But, the bleeding has stopped now and he is stable. You can go in and see him, but he will be asleep for quite a while. He needs the rest.”
Tony shot up from his char like a fired bullet and headed to where Stephen was pointing, leaving Bucky and Steve to jog after him to catch up. 
Tag list: @buckettbarnes​ @prettyboy-parker​ @starkerplusstrange​ @sugar-and-spice-parker​ @xsmallplum​ @starkerdreams​ @mynerdrage​ @kyattogaaru​
Reply/pm or me or whatever to be added xx
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A Tale of Two Souls; Meeting Jaskier
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Summary; As Geralt and Y/N continue to journey to their next location, they come across a Bard named Jaskier. From that moment onwards, Y/N's life is turned upside down. Her life is no longer envolving around fighting Monsters and exploring the world. Jaskier draws out emotions that she buried a long time ago. Who knows what's going to happen.  Pairing; Jaskier X Female Reader WordCount; 3,234 Warnings; A couple of swear words. Angst, Fluff 
Series Masterlist
Travelling with Geralt was a unique experience. On one hand, it was extremely rewarding, being able to travel to many beautiful and adventurous places, on the other hand, it often entitled getting covered in some sort of creature guts.
Apart from that Geralt's company was rather pleasant. Contrary to people's opinions about Witcher's; Geralt was not heartless nor a Monster instead, he could be kind and often put other's before himself. Over the years, Geralt had become like a brother to you, a very overprotective, menacing brother, who would willingly kill anyone, who ventured to mess with you.
"The Tavern is not too far from here. We will stop and have a drink." Looking ahead as you rode on your horse Tarot, Geralt was right, in the faint distance you could make out the Taverns silhouette.
"You mean I'll drink one while you attempt to drink the entire Tavern dry." You taunted. You were fortunate with Geralt, while he was not a massive talker, he was never easily offended. So ridiculing between the two of you was light and playful.
"You should learn to be quicker if you want more than one cup." Grinning, the two of you proceeded in silence as you made your way up towards the Tavern.
Entering any location with Geralt always had to be approached with caution. Any stranger was a potential contender for inherent conflict. The ancient tales of Witcher's had left everyone with a bitter attitude. People will often quick to require Geralt's services, yet the moment he entered the territory they deemed theirs they suddenly. considered it their right to throw stones and insults.
It occurred almost every location, the two of you visited. It disturbed you how willingly they were to ask Geralt to kill the Monster, but the second he required a place to eat or sleep they wanted nothing to do with him.
Tying up Roach and Tarot, you pressed a loving pet on Tarot's head. In the background, you could some sort of music a bard trying to get paid perhaps. Entering the Tavern, your suspicions were correct. As long as he frained an attempt to bother the two of you, he would be fine.
Taking a seat at the table in the darkest corner that was spare. You called the women over who was passing out the beverages. It was easier for you to ask, less eventuality for conflict. Removing two from her tray, you presented her with some coin to pay for them.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Geralt, I thought we already spoke of this. We take turns in paying for things. We are equal in this friendship. That means paying for things equally." Taking a sip of your mead, you acknowledged your surroundings. The Tavern wasn't all too bad. You and Geralt had frequented worst places, this by far was one of the finer ones.
"We'll have these and then go, try and find a place to camp for the night." You nodded, staying in one place was never a particularly wise idea. Besides, while the two of you stopped anyway, the two of you weren't able to find anyone who needed your services. 
Meanwhile, the Bard continued to sing. Unlike most Bards you previously encountered, this one could sing. His voice soothed your aching mind as you focused on the mead in the cup in front of you. The regulars who frequented the Tavern didn't seem to match with your opinions as they very quickly began to chuck bread rolls at him.
You attempted to force down the laughter that strived to leave your lips. Geralt's eyebrow raised as you forced your cup onto your lips to stifle your laughter. It was all fun and games, until out of the corner of your eye did you witness the Bard travel across the room over to you both.
"I love how you sit in the corner and brood, am I interrupting something?" The Bard questioned as you glanced over to Geralt. You had observed the expression on his unreadable face many times before. If only the Bard was as clued onto Geralt as you were. 
"We do not wish to be disturbed." Geralt explained, turning his head away from the Bard, while you decided to take a proper glance at him.
The Bard's eyes were a gorgeous shade of grey contrast to his brown hair which framed his face attractively. You didn't miss the thick patch of chest hair that threatened to escape his peaking from his jacket. Overall, the Bard was attractive.
"Good, yeah good. No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance. Except you two. Come on, you don't wanna keep a man with bread in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me, three words or less." Observing Geralt's signature eye roll, you knew the Bard was going to deal with Geralt's coldness.
The bard seemed unphased as he took the seat right next to you, anxiously anticipating Geralt's thoughts. Geralt was unpredictable, and you had no sign on how was going to reply to the Bard.
"They don't exist."
"What doesn't exist?" The Bard appeared genuinely confused, but you knew exactly the point Geralt was about to make. Taking a sip of the mead as you observed the conversation unfold. The conversation unfolding in front of your very eyes had been the most entertaining one you'd encountered in a while.
"The creatures in your song."
"Yeah, and how would you know.” 
"Oh fun, white hair, Big old loner, two very very scary looking swords. I know who you are." As Geralt stood to remove himself from the Bard, you quickly understood it was time to go. Picking up your sword and your bag, you threw it over your shoulder and followed Geralt.
"You're the Witcher? Geralt of Rivia. So if you're Geralt, then you must be Y/N, the enchanting Shieldmaiden. I must say words cannot truly describe your beauty. Called it!"
Within moments, you recognised that while the Bard was gifted in singing and flattery, digression was not one of his gifts. A simple rest top turned into work. One of the patrons named Netty, needed a Devil killing who was stealing their grain. Knowing well enough that the creature they had witnessed was not actually "The Devil" you didn't know quite what you meant to be searching for.
Walking besides Tarot, you followed Geralt quietly. At least the two of you had seemed to rid yourself of the Bard. Although the damage had been done. You presumed it was better than having stones thrown at you, or being chucked out. Besides a job is a job after all.
"Need a hand. I've got two, one for each of the Devil's horns." Out of no-where, the Bard came running down the hill. Perhaps walking away was not a distinct enough hint that Geralt was not willing for company.
"Go away."
"I won't be but a silent backup. Look I heard your note, and yes maybe real adventures would make better stories and you Sir smell choc-full of them amongst other things. I mean what is that Onion, it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak."
"It's onion."
"Right yeah. Oh, I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the butcher of Blaviken. What about you, my sweet lady? Surely you could tell me the many tales that the two of you have shared."
"Geralt it appears you have finally have a fan. Road life does not place well for a Bard. Go back to the Tavern. We'll deal with "the Devil"
"Jaskier, my name is Jaskier." Giving Jaskier a gentle smile, you quickened your step.
"It was lovely to meet you Jaskier, come on Tarot."  Walking away, you got several paces in-front of Geralt before he stopped. I thought he was trying to get away from Jaskier. As Geralt turned and glanced at Roach, you had a sinking feeling. This wasn't about to be pleasant.
"Come here."
A horrific thud, and a rattle of Jaskier's lute, he hunched over in agony. If that was not bad enough, Jaskier landed onto the ground with remarkable force. Credit it needed to be given you observed, Jaskier attempted to get up straight away. Against your better nature, you let go of Tarot's reigns to check on Jaskier.
"What have I told you about punching Bards? And you were my polite warnings not enough. Also, why do I get the feeling, you being punched happens a lot." Running a hand through your hair, you bent over to check on Jaskier. Surprisingly Jaskier was nothing but a little winded.
"He was following us, what else was I meant to do?" Setting eyes on Geralt, you cocked your eyebrow.
"I don't know perhaps telling him to leave us alone."
"Wasn't that exactly what you were attempting to do? With excellent failure might I add." Frowning at Geralt's words you rolled your eyes, while you directed your head to Jaskier, you did not miss the small twitch of Geralt's lips. At least someone was amused.
"Jaskier, as you have just experienced. Travelling with a Witcher is dangerous, especially to Bards. Now please return to the Tavern, where you will be safe from everything, including Geralt." Turning away from Jaskier, you mounted Tarot just like Geralt had done with Roach expecting to leave the Bard behind.
"Reading between the lines and the gut punches. Chum, I'd say you have a bit of an image problem. Were I to join you, on this feat to defeat the devil of Posada, I could I relieve you of that title. All the North would be too busy singing the tales of Geralt of Rivia the white wolf or something."
"Butcher is right." You frowned when Geralt said that. You were there when Geralt encountered Renfri you knew he had no choice. They forced him into a decision that was cruel and unfair.
"Geralt, we both know what happened that day was not your fault."
"Do you mind if I hop on there with you, I'm not exactly wearing the right footwear."
"Don't touch Roach." Several paces later, Geralt hoped off of Roach, tying her to a nearby tree. Following Geralt's actions, you joined Geralt by the tree.
"Stay alert and watch the Bard. We don't need a dead Bard on our hands." Agreeing with Geralt, you lightly touched his arm. Geralt never liked being touched, but he understood sometimes you needed to reassure him without saying anything. Following Geralt, you forgot Jaskier had recently joined the two of you.
"Geralt...Y/N...Geralt...Where are you going? Geralt, Y/N, don't leave me? Y/N I thought you were better than him. Hello. What are we looking for again?"
“Blessed Silence,”
"Yeah, I don't really go in for that." Laughter escaped your lips, walking silently alongside Geralt.
"Have you ever hunted a devil before Geralt?"
"Devil's don't exist."
"Then what are we doing?"
"Sometimes there are monsters sometimes there's money rarely both. That's the life."
Out of no-where, something darted past your head. Your senses heightened. Something or someone was out there, and they knew you were there.
“Shit!” Geralt yelled, examing Geralt understanding that as the unknown object darted past you, it had skimmed Geralt's forehead.
"Act two begins. What was that it looks like a tiny cannonball. Oh my gosh, Geralt it is a Devil. Oh, I have to see this magical this mythical-" Jaskier didn't get to finish his sentence as something hit him directly in the forehead and once again he hit the ground with a thud.
"Stay with him I'll deal with Monster." Closing your eyes for a moment, you studied at Geralt.
"Geralt, I thought we made a deal." You contested, but Geralt was already marching away when he decided to stop and shift back to you.
"I agreed to stop hitting Bards."
"The other deal. The one where we deal with Monsters together. So neither of us die."
"I agreed to that when we didn't have to protect the Bard. That is your job. Long ago remember what we promised each other?"  
"To make this work, we needed to trust each other." With a hum, Geralt continued marching away, leaving you to deal with Jaskier. Kneeling beside him, you sighed.
"I did warn you in all fairness, but of course you didn't listen. Which means that you'll probably be staying with us, lesson one in being Geralt's companion. If something is thrown at you duck because they never throw only once."
"Lesson two, don't enter someone else's territory." An unknown voice broke your gaze on Jaskier's face. Something hard and heavy smacked your face, knocking you out.
Waking up, my body felt constricted. What happened? One moment you were giving an unconscious Jaskier his first lesson, the second you remember nothing but blackness. It didn't help someone else was trying to escape also.
"This is the part where we escape." You heard Jaskier's voice, at least he was awake, on your other side, you glanced down at the familiar black armour.
"This is the part where they kill us."
"Who's they?" A young female elf came out of no-where, kicking you directly in the face. The main was excruciating, as you opened and closed your jaw trying to get some feeling back into it. She was quick to kick both Geralt and Jaskier, not leaving anyone out.
"Hey that's my lute, give that back. Geralt, do ya Witchering"
"If it's that simple, do you think we'd be all tied up right now?" You snarled, trying to think of a way to get you out of this situation. Receiving another round of kicks, you glared at the female elf if you got free you swore she was going to pay for this. With the female elf speaking in Elvish, you translated it perfectly.
"Oh my elvish speech is rough I only got part of that."
"Humans shut up."
Jaskier spoke back in Elvish, and at that moment, you truly wanted to punch him.
"Do you wanna die right now?" The female elf spoke, turning in Jaskier's direction, trying to make eye contact with him.
"Jaskier, I will buy you a new lute if you just shut up."
"As opposed to later." Geralt snarled. You were beginning to wonder, how you were calm, while the other two were terrified.
"No please not the lute." All of you received another kicking, yours this time aimed perfectly at your chest.
"Leave off he's just a Bard, and she's just a young woman." Unfortunately, the female elf didn't take too kindly to Geralt's words, punches began hitting him repeatedly in the face.
"Leave him alone! What did he do to you? Nothing. We were just walking through, enjoying the scenery." The female elf stopped punching Geralt, turning her focus directly onto you.
"You don't deserve the air you breathe. Everything you touch you destroy." The female elf began to punch after punch directly across your face, but you kept still. Each punch caused the other elf in the corner to snap the lute. Throwing her knee up until your face, you hissed.
"You hide in your golden palaces, beat a bound man and a woman too scared to even look at them in the eye," Jaskier yelled as you rested your head back, working your hands to find his. This was never meant to be his problem to deal with.
"Do you like my golden Palace. Hmm, does it live up to the tales you humans tell?" As she gripped Geralt's jaw, he took the time to headbutt her. She landed a distance away from us, fair enough for the beatings to stop for now.
"Wait what's wrong with her?"
"She's sick."
"Oh, who's this?"
"He's Filavandrel, King of the elves."
"You were stealing from them." The Devil looking creature, explained the situation between the elves and the humans. How they were forced out of their homes, and have to use a Slyivian to do their bidding.
"No-one was supposed to get hurt."
"What's three humans in the ground? When countless elves have died."
"One human, the other's complicated."
"Thanks for that Geralt."
"Let them both go."
"Then Posada will know that we've been stealing. Humans will attack, many will die on both sides."
"The lesser evil. No matter what you chose, you'll come out bloody and hating yourself. Trust me." Geralt's words stung. Knowing that after all this time, he was unable to see himself just as you saw him hurt you in unimaginable ways. "Well that's the problem, I can't, and this is necessary."
"I understand, as long as you understand that it won't be long before you follow me in death."
"Yes, because they pushed us from viable soil, even chaos is polluted. Synthetically enhanced so humans can make magic."
"Chaos is the same as it's always been. Humans just adapted better."
"You say adapt, and I say destroy."
"You are choosing to starve, your cutting off your ear to spite your face."
"You think this is about pride. My elders worked with humans and got robbed of all they had. When they fought back, they were slaughtered. The great cleansing humans called it. I called it digging a mass grave. For everyone I loved. Now the humans proudly watch these fields, grow. Our babies fertilizer for their grain. I don’t wish to bury anyone else. I was once Filavandrel of the Silver towers, now I’m Filavandrel of the edge of the world. If I bring my people down from the mountains, it would mean bowing to humans. They’ll make slaves of us”
"Then go somewhere else. Rebuild, get strong again. Show the humans that you are more then what they fear you to be."
“Like you Witcher.”
"Not too long ago, I felt like you. I was angry at the entire world, the situations I was placed in. The way my life turned out. I saw the good in no-one. Until Geralt found me one day. Geralt taught me to accept everyone, no matter what they have done to you in the past." You informed Filavandrel only the top of a very long and complicated story.
“She's right. I have learnt to live with them. It wasn't easy, but I realised to live,I needed to learn to deal with them."
"Please my King there are others a new generation, of us that wish to fight. Let us take back what's ours. Starting with now." Filavandrel released his knife never in your wildest dreams could you imagine did you imagine dying with Geralt and a newfound Bard.
"Wait, the Witcher could have killed me, but he didn't. He's different. Like us." Torque was shoved aside by Filavandrel.
"If you must kill me. I am ready. But the Slyivan’s right, don’t call me human."
Hearing Geralt so willing to die, broke your heart into smithereens as you stared down in your lap to prevent anyone from the tears that escaped your eyes. You didn't need to look at Geralt to know he was currently staring at the blade. Waiting anxiously for your fate, in a way you were almost glad that Filavandrel had decided to kill you all. It was better than dealing with Geralt afterwards.
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crowbarstodd · 5 years
Course Of Nature (2)
Chapter Summary: LadyNoir are real best friends, and Marinette and Robin are back at each others throats Rating: G Word Count: 2160 Pairing: Daminette
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four
You can do it!”
 “I really don’t think I can,” Marinette whined, sprawling over Chat’s lap lackadaisically, digging her elbow into his thigh and knocking his arm with hers by accident. 
He didn’t seem bothered, simply grabbing the handful of hair she had thrust in his hand and began braiding, making sure to stroke through her blue locks gently.
 She pressed her cheek against his leg, enjoying the way his whole body seemed to thrum as he chuckled at her expense. “Yes you can,” he insisted, ever faithful. “You’re Ladybug!”
“Not without this mask I’m not.”
 She winced at the resulting flick of his fingers against her exposed ear, pinching at his knee in retaliation. 
She smiled a little when he laughed, closing her eyes and basking in the moonlight. 
 He’d seemed lighter as of late; happier, and she was sure his new patrol partner had something to do with it.
 Under all his jokes and smart remarks, Chat was a bundle of affection and insecurities, eager to be unfolded. She hadn’t spent much with Nightwing at all, but she was grateful to him because her Chaton was flourishing under his tutelage. Now if only she could say the same about her partner.
“I can hear you thinking.”
“Don’t eavesdrop then.”
 Another ear flick, this time returned with a lazy backhanded swipe toward Chat’s general head area, missing completely. 
“I’m serious m’lady, you look... Not happy.”
Marinette shifted so that she was staring straight into Chat’s vibrant, green eyes. “Robin’s such a hard-ass.” 
Chat snickered, assumedly at her choice of wording and not at her distress. Hopefully. “I guess he hasn’t been tweeting you right, huh.”
Definitely laughing at her distress then. “He’s so annoying! I’m too loud, too slow, too small, and my costume is too obnoxious apparently!” 
Chat’s eyes softened, hands tugging lightly at the end of her new braid in his own brand of comfort. A little reminder of his presence. I’m here. I’m on your side. She heard his unsaid words loud and clear. “You’re not taking him to heart are you?” 
The lack of respect hurt her feelings, sure, but she had long since been exposed to bullies of all kinds, and it was frighteningly easy for her to simply let his words enter one ear and exit the other a moment after. “No, Chat.” 
“You’d tell me if he upset you seriously though, right?”
 “Of course I would,” Marinette admitted. There wasn’t much she could hold back from her partner.
 “I know he’s not ideal—“
 “For real.”
 “But,” Chat continued as if he hadn’t heart Marinette’s remark. “I think he can be better. I mean the way Nightwing talks about him... I think he’s just not the trusting type.” 
“I’m not sure how much I can handle, Chat,” Marinette admitted. It was hard for her to say out loud that she needed help as Ladybug. Marinette was a mess, but Ladybug had the world on her shoulders, and still kept them straight. Or at least, she was supposed to.
 “Don’t lose yourself to him,” Chat warned, “I know you, Bug, and I know that no matter how much you struggle you won’t quit. But this isn’t something you can keep pushing through. If Robin keeps pushing you, we’ll just have to switch patrol buddies.”
 Marinette almost sat up in shock. Chat admired Nightwing above anything, she would rather eat her shoe than make Chat lose such a valuable supporter. “No way!” She protested, heated. 
 Chat pushed her back down with a finger on her temple. “Relax, Bugaboo, it’s just a precaution. Besides, we’re a team, okay? There’s not a lot I wouldn’t do to help my partner.”
 Marinette could’ve cried right then, heart truly warmed by her partner’s words... But Chat always had something to say.
 Shoving her off his lap, he climbed onto hers, yanking her hand and dropping it on his blonde crown. “It’s my turn now,” he said with a cat-like grin. “Last night Nightwing taught me how to do an elbow-strike!”
Marinette snorted, petting Chat’s hair softly as he spoke, letting each word wash over her like a fuzzy blanket, providing comfort.
“You’re late.”
 “Actually, I’m Robin.”
 Marinette huffed out a frustrated grunt, blowing stray strands of blue hair away from her face. “Last week you lectured me about the importance of time management.”
 “Yes, and I’m pleased to know you remembered.”
 “You need to work on your interrogation voice. It’s hardly convincing.”
 Marinette’s eyes narrowed, patience growing incredibly thin. “Robin.”
 A silence settled between the two of them. Robin had his typical spicy poker face, though Marinette could easily spot lines of tension on his face. 
 She heard a meow, she was sure of it, but there was no way...
 Oh my god.
“Robin are you hiding a cat?” Marinette couldn’t keep the incredulity out of her voice. It was just so difficult to believe that the stone-hearted demon would actually do something like that.
 Reluctantly, Robin lifted the side of his closed, black cowl. There was a flash of yellow, indicating a different material used for the inside of the cloak, and Marinette forced herself the push away the urge to ask. Instead, she watched as the inky black made way to display a slightly damp, light brown cat. 
 Marinette melted at the sight. “A kitten!” She squealed.
 “Don’t be foolish,” Robin snapped, “he’s fully grown.” 
 “All cats are kittens, Rob,” Marinette informed him flippantly, holding the lovely thing gently in her arms. “You’re a baby aren’t you?” She cooed, absolutely delighted when it blinked up at her with large, brown eyes and yawned.
 Robin frowned, but let her, sinking back into the shadows where he was more comfortable.
 “I used to have a pet cat,” she told him, unsure why she was suddenly sharing a piece of herself with someone she hardly knew and hardly liked. “When I was six it got run over. I wanted to bury him, but my family didn’t have a backyard, so we had to let him go. I didn’t stop crying for weeks.”
 Robin’s admission came after an extended silence, and was completely unexpected. “My grandfather ordered me to kill a kitten once. It was a white angora, barely three weeks old.”
 Marinette felt bile climb her throat at the confession, suddenly lightheaded. What kind of monster would force a child to do something like that? What kind of childhood had Robin endured?
Any further contemplation escaped her mind when Marinette felt his arms wrap around her. His moves were stiff and rushed as if he hadn’t wanted to do them in the first place, and she’d been so stunned she hadn’t even 
 Robin cleared his throat, awkwardly adjusting his mask. “Nightwing told me it was customary to exchange physical affirmations in the form of hugs when people exchanged secrets. Is that not the same in Paris?” 
 Bubbles of laughter floated from her tummy and spilled out between her lips like a waterfall. “Yes,” she decides to say, still giggling between words. “It’s the same in Paris, Nightwing was right.” 
 Robin tutted and crossed his arms, but under the faint glow of early morning sun, assisted by throbbing night-life lights, Marinette could see him glow just a smidge. 
 Their small respite (dare she say, bonding moment), was interrupted by a muffled shriek, only a few meters away. 
 They jumped into action instantly. Robin grabbed the cat from Marinette’s grip, tucking it somewhere inside his coat, leaping off the building, and into the street shortly after her. 
 “Stop!” Marinette ordered, standing before a masked robber, holding a kitchen knife before his young victims. The kids looked to be barely in their pre-teens, scrawny and small; naturally easy targets. The robber was built like someone who had once been extraordinarily athletic, but in recent years, had only worked out sparingly. Still, he was much larger than her, and from his growls, she could tell he was also much angrier.
 The robber didn’t have much choice other than to stop when a black blur landed on his shoulders, yanking his entire body backward and onto the ground. The children shrieked, and Ladybug acted instinctively, leaving Robin with the perpetrator, grabbing a child in each arm, and swinging away from the sight.
 They were young boys, and upon closer examination, she recognised one to be her classmate, Alix Kubdel’s younger cousin, Oliver. At least she knew where to drop them off, seeing as they were shaking too much to respond to her properly, and the other young boy was on the verge of tears.
 “Don’t worry about it,” she said, keeping her voice soft and soothing. “Nothing bad’s gonna happen to you while I’m patrolling okay? I’m gonna drop you both off at Oliver’s house, is that alright?”
Oliver squeaked, hiding his face behind his hands. “You know me?”
“Sure do, Ollie-boy, I saved you from some loose zoo-animals once didn’t I?”
His friend looked up at her with awed eyes, no longer trembling. “Woah,” he whispered.
Marinette wasn’t heartless enough to drop them off at the doorstep, instead waiting by them until Oliver’s mom’s answered the door, and wrapped both boys up in large hugs, promising to call Matthew’s parents for her. She made a mental note to try and remember Matthew’s name, just as she did with each citizen she met as Ladybug. 
When she returned to the crime scene, Robin was standing above the robber’s unmasked body, tying his arms behind his back.
Robin didn’t look at her, though she knew he heard her land beside him. “I’ve called the cops,” she informed him.
“Tt.” Great, he was pissy again.
“What is it?”
Robin made a sound from the back of his throat that sounded like a mix between a grunt and growl. “You put yourself in unnecessary danger. You should never jump right in front of the attacker, and to jump into danger and just stop? You hadn’t even disarmed him. What if he had other weapons? Or he threw his knife?”
“He wasn’t going to,” Marinette replied, brows raising at the bitter edge to Robin’s voice. “He was holding a kitchen knife, this was probably his first gig. I was safe.”
Robin turned to face her fully, mouth set in a deep frown, shoulders raised in clear anger. “Safe? How could you know that? There’s no guarantee of safety in our line of work, you must be naive to even think so.”
Marinette took a step closer, blood beginning to boil. “Thank you for your concern, Robin, but I think I’m qualified enough to assess a situation. I wasn’t in any danger.”
Robin strode forward, poking Marinette hard on the chest as he spoke. “You are blind to the privilege your miraculous grants. Wake up and realise that there are cities, countries, continents that are outside the reach of your little fix-it spell. You don’t understand danger because with your magic, you’ve never truly felt it.”
His words felt like a slap in the face. How could he say she didn’t understand danger when at least four times a week she had to combat a psychological terrorist and his creations? Because he had no powers he understood more than her? No, that wasn’t right and she knew it.
“I don’t think you get to decide what I know about danger for me!” She shoved him back and hissed under her breath when he barely moved. Her heart was beginning to beat erratically, pumping righteous fury in the place of blood with every second that passed.
“If you understood then you wouldn’t have left in the middle of an arrest!”
“It’s not an arrest if you’re not an officer, idiot! Besides, civilians are the priority and you were scaring them!” Their foreheads grazed with how close they were standing, practically screaming at each other’s faces. She had half a mind to lose control and deck him where he stood, but her ever-present concern of being akumatised reminded her of potential consequences if she completely submitted to her feelings. 
“Excuse me?”
Marinette leaped away from Robin, suddenly realising the lack of distance between them. Officer Roger Raincomprix stood at the end of the alley, a silver pair of handcuffs clutched in his grip, as he scanned the two of them with quizzical eyes. “I’m here to make an arrest,” he explained.��
Robin nodded, pointing at the man on the ground with his chin. “Take him.” And with those final words, he edged back into the shadows and disappeared from Marinette’s view, probably to sulk.
It was two steps forward one step back with him. Not even an hour ago she was beginning to enjoy his presence, but now she was back to ripping hair from her head out of frustration.  
She aimed a scowl at the direction he ran off in, feeling confused and angry all at once.
End Notes: :DDD lol so this ending is less than ideal but dont kill me pls. They have to learn how to understand each other first and it’s gonna be  slow process, especially when both Damian and Marinette are so hard headed, and they have such different views on Heroship. Writing best friend Chat was so fun though so I really hope y’all like him and how I portrayed LadyNoir’s friendship.
I’m so excited for the next update when we’ll finally be Marinette outside of her costume ahhhhhh. 
Tag List: @just-rant-and-write-fic-idea @kceedraws @mystery-5-5 @2sunchild2 @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @treebrosha @mooshoon @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @aarushi-03 @ladylb @crazylittlemunchkin
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Heartlines, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 19--Lion’s Den
Twelve years ago, Xemnas betrayed the royal court of Radiant Garden to his father, Xehanort. Prince Ienzo flees to another city and begins university in the aftermath, hoping the anonymity will protect him from eager eyes with ill intent. The darkness spilling across the country, as well as an individual from his past, cut short Ienzo's new beginning and bring new conflicts to light. Strained between the desires of his magic and his heart, Ienzo's choice will change him forever.
Modern Fantasy AU, Soulmates, Zemyx. Updates Fridays until it's done.
Chapter summary:  Newly a captive, Ienzo tries to learn what Xehanort wants from him, as well as his plans.
Read in on FF.net/on AO3
Ienzo woke suddenly, flailing against the blankets draped over him. His breasts ached terribly and there were wet spots on his shirt; he must’ve been under for some time. He touched one, wincing.
Xehanort’s son. Strands of nothingness around his throat. Darkness.
Where was he?
He was in a small, narrow room. It was minimally furnished--the single wrought iron bed was against one corner, by a narrow window; a small, very old oak writing desk was against the other wall; a squat, two drawer dresser was next to it. The walls were painted a faint violet, adorned with a crown moulding. A cracked door opened to a tiny bathroom with a shower. Ienzo padded across to the other door and tried it; locked, of course. He reached for his magic and found it sluggish, deadened. He darted over to the window, looked outside, and his heart nearly stopped.
Ienzo knew where he was; the castle in what was once Radiant Garden. A strange, faint mist wreathed the city, vaguely sulfuric. Massive poles in the distance held floodlights, likely to defend the remaining populace against Heartless. He opened the window and tried to reach out, but a ward blocked him.
He was a captive.
Panic overtook him then, and he tried the door again in vain, pounding on the thick old wood. “Let me out!” No response; he suspected a muffling charm had been placed on the door.
He hadn’t realized how dependent he was on her presence, her aura until it was gone. He had to have been drugged somehow, or enchanted, for his magic to simply be sleeping like this. But he hoped more than anything that Amalia was safe back in Demyx’s arms. He found himself mouthing a fervent prayer to whatever was listening for that to be the case. He had no idea what Xehanort or his sons would do to his newborn daughter if they had her. Kill her? Mold her into a shiny tool to use? He had no idea which was worse.
The door opened, and he struggled to conceal the wetness on his shirt with his blanket. He saw a small old woman with a tray of food, water, tea, and of all things, a lily in a thin crystal vase. “Good, you’re finally awake,” she said. She had a kind smile. “You must be starved, poor thing.”
Ienzo was reeling, wondering how to react, what angle to play. Motionless, he watched her cross the room and set the tray down on the writing desk. He could physically overtake her, he knew, and bound out the open door--unless that was warded too. But how far would he reasonably get before he ran into a guard, or worse? He couldn’t defend himself from prowling Heartless without magic.
“How are you feeling?” she asked. “I treated those scratches on your throat, the bruises. Just awful, in my opinion.”
“Who are…” he trailed off.
Another smile. She brushed off her skirt; she was wearing what had once been servants’ livery under Ansem’s reign, crisp, comfortable, and functional. “My name is Lydia,” she said. “I’m surprised you don’t remember me, your highness. I was once the castle librarian. You were always there, weren’t you?”
Ienzo blinked slowly; a veil of time and panic made it hard to remember. Lydia had looked much younger then, her hair brown instead of gray. She’d always been happy to give him the books that Even said were too mature for him. “I apologize, I--”
She smiled again. “I know, I haven’t aged well.” A wry laugh.
He swallowed. “Am I a… prisoner?” he asked cautiously.
“The word being used is “guest.”” She bit her lip. “I think that’s for you to determine, your highness.” She pulled the domed lid from the plate, revealing a breakfast--eggs, toast, hash browns. Ienzo struggled not to react; ever since he’d been breastfeeding, his appetite had been nearly insatiable. “I’ll bring you a change of clothes. Go on, eat.”
She left, and shut the door behind her; Ienzo heard the click of the tumblers as it locked. He approached the food warily, sniffed it. His magic could tell him if it was poisoned, or drugged--except it was dead.
The practical thing to do would be to wait out this sensation until he could sense if anything was in the food.
But the smell made him weak . He’d need food to be able to think clearly, to plan. He sipped the water timidly; it tasted normal, so did the tea. The flavor of the egg nearly brought tears to his eyes. Xehanort must’ve kept the castle’s chefs; it all was the same as he remembered.
Focus, Ienzo.
He was nearly finished when Lydia returned with a small cloth bundle. “Better?” she asked.
“Remy heard you were here and made it specially. He so rarely gets to cook the way he wants to anymore. Xeha--er. His Lordship prefers things sour, bitter.”
Specially. What did that mean? “Give him my regards,” Ienzo said in a neutral voice.
“...Of course.” She reached past him to take the tray. “I’m told someone will collect you in half an hour, if you’d like to shower and dress.”
Ienzo hesitated for a moment. He didn’t want to appear like he was playing into Xehanort’s hands--but maybe he should? To find out what he could? Play innocent, naive, claim Even had been coddling him all this time.
Either way, he could not go wherever he was going covered in breastmilk. If they didn’t know about his daughter, he couldn’t risk letting them find out. Perhaps the rush of magic from her birth had been confused for a spell of his own creation. And if that were the case... why wait four weeks? To lull them into a false sense of security, he realized equally.
He showered--the water smelled vaguely like iron--and winced, his nipples twinging again as he touched them. Without magic, he couldn’t exactly strain it off into the sink or toilet, despite the relief it would give him. The soap smelled harsh, but at least it washed off the scent of the milk. He washed his stained shirt thoroughly and left it to dry on the towel rack.
The clothing he’d been left was simple, but rather formal--slacks, a neatly pressed button-up, a white sweater vest, a purple ascot. He combed his messy hair with his fingers.
And then Ienzo waited.
It didn’t take long before someone came for him. There was a gentle knock at the door, then the lock clicked open. Ienzo tried to keep his expression open, neutral, but it was difficult when he saw their face.
Xemnas. The man had the gall to smile. “Old friend,” he said, in a voice that had only deepened with age. “Did you enjoy your meal?”
Definitely medicated, Ienzo decided. “Quite. You’ll have to give your father my thanks.”
“You may do so yourself. Would you like to go for a walk?”
Ienzo smiled pleasantly. He followed Xemnas out of the open door. The man was dressed similarly smartly, in a well-tailored black suit with a red tie. He realized he was being kept in the old servants’ quarters, from before Ansem had given them the apartments; his suspicions were correct and a pair of armored guards were at both ends of the hall.
“Please do not take offense to this,” Xemnas began. “But when my brother brought you in… we were rather surprised. We were expecting…”
“A princess?” He made himself smile again. “I’m afraid that phase of my life was left behind long ago.”
“I’m sure it protected you quite well.”
Xemnas paused. “No harm will come to you here,” he said. “Be sure of that.”
“That so?”
“My father seeks to earn your trust. I hope it will work in the other direction too.”
“All this talk… I have never actually had the pleasure of meeting your father.” He found himself infinitely glad of the etiquette lessons Even had given him when he was younger. Best be diplomatic for now, until he had more information.
“I’m afraid outside opinion may have tarnished your view of him.”
Ienzo had to bite his tongue. “...Perhaps.” They continued walking in silence for a while. Xemnas’s pace was sedate, even relaxed. The faint smell of sulfur was everywhere; Heartless dazedly wandered the halls, but did not come near them. “Our guards,” he explained calmly. “After all, they do not need breaks, nor they need to eat.”
“Practical,” Ienzo said, trying to swallow the horror.
The castle, to his surprise, was much the same, down to the decorations; the only thing that had been changed was all the crests, away from the violet he’d known under his father, replaced with a deep red with a large X. “The symbol “chi,”” Xemnas told him, “Though some pronounce it “key.””
“...I see.”
He saw a few human servants here and there; they paused to bow to Xemnas as he passed. All the while, Ienzo swallowed the bittersweet nostalgia that threatened to overtake him. Memories stabbed him behind the eyes--here, Braig teaching him to ride the stair bannister; hiding here from Even as he chased him for his lessons; riding Aeleus’s shoulders along this hallway on their way to the gardens. “...Is it good to be home?” Xemnas asked, cutting his gold eyes to Ienzo.
“It certainly is nostalgic.”
“It could be your home once more. Had I… my way, you’d have never been forced to leave.”
He struggled to come up with a response, anger scalding his veins. Had Xemnas kept him here, doubtless they would've used and abused his power. “It seems there was poor communication all around,” he said vaguely.
They reached the throne room at last. Ansem had hardly ever used it in his reign other than for public events; he was much more comfortable meeting dignitaries or the public in his labs, his studies. It makes us more approachable, less mythic, he’d told Ienzo. The last thing you want to do is foster a divide between yourself and your people. We are royal, but we are not superior.
Ienzo’s heart beat heavily in his chest. He tried to keep breathing steadily, aware Xemnas was watching every little twitch of his face.
A pair of guards opened the large, heavy double doors.
It was just as Ienzo remembered, yet it had been perverted, too. The high, Gothic ceilings with the stained glass, sunlight pouring through; the marble, carved and laid in the shapes of flowers, polished to a shine; the long marble columns, the mural painted on the back wall, of the gods’ first contact with what was considered Ienzo’s first ancestor. The three thrones were the same, too. The middle one, the most prominent and most ornate, was reserved for the ruler, the lesser two for their heir and their consort.
All three of these thrones were occupied, and the mural was partially covered with another large banner, but this one had a different symbol; a black and red heart with an X crossing through, its bottom flared into a strange parody of a fleur de lis.
And there they were. The youngest son who had kidnapped him; the eldest son, boredly reading a book. And Xehanort himself.
He was much older than Ienzo thought he would be, in his eighties most likely, his bald head wrinkled, the veins visible. When he stood and spread his arms in welcome, his back was slightly hunched, and his legs were spindly. He took slow, long steps towards Ienzo, and when he got closer, bowed deeply. “Might I say it is an honor to meet at last, your highness,” he began, in a low, scratchy voice that sounded like he’d gargled marbles his whole life.
“Please, call me Ienzo,” he said. He offered a polite smile. “The pleasure is all mine.”
“Aren’t you a polite young man.” He stood back up. “Ienzo. Is that, perhaps, after the first archmage?”
“The very same.”
“Aren’t names so much more meaningful, when we can choose them?”
He nodded once. He noticed the youngest son was watching him with a wicked smirk; he was petting something. Ienzo thought at first that it may have been a black cat, but the thing lifted its head. A Heartless. A disconcertingly small Heartless. He wasn’t quite able to mask his fear. It wasn’t--not--
“Oh, did you see young Xehanort’s pet? Bring it here, would you, son?”
He obeyed. Ienzo tried to keep breathing. It had sharp, long antennae, but it seemed rather content in its master’s arms.
“My eldest made these,” Xehanort explained, giving the Heartless a stroke. “Pure shadow--and nothing else. We’re hoping to see if they develop sentience, the way our other Heartless have. You’re a man of science, aren’t you, Ienzo?”
“Darkness is not quite so evil as you’ve been taught your whole life. Rather… it is one side of a coin. That balance is crucial to all life; one can never hope to crush out all darkness.”
“Do you seek to crush the light, then?” he asked, without meaning to.
Xehanort chuckled. “Of course not,” he said. “Of course not.”
It was the repetition that put Ienzo ill-at-ease. Instead, he just nodded.
“Darkness gives power, stability, clarity . It’s never been fair that your kind has been able to utilize magic, whereas the common folk… cannot. Think of how many fewer people would die of sicknesses, injuries, starvation, dehydration, if they just had the means to… borrow power from the earth.”
“Can the darkness do that?”
“Quite, my dear prince. I’d be happy to show you. But alas, we are only new friends.” He smiled. “I want to make this world better . Your father… well meaning as he was, simply could not stop what has been brewing for years. People should be equal .”
“And magic is an equalizer?”
“ Power is an equalizer.” He paused, as thought to let that sink in.
“...I see.” Scarily, Xehanort had a point. But some bodies simply couldn’t handle magic--the entropy and energy alone could kill, or in Isa’s case, degrade. Was that worth it? Was there not another way?
“I hope you’ll come to understand what we’re doing here,” Xehanort said.
“Perhaps I will.”
For most of the rest of the first week, Ienzo was kept in that small room. He was allowed out once a day for a half-hour walk with Xemnas. Other than Lydia bringing Ienzo his meals three times a day… Ienzo was alone. He realized that even in their most desperate circumstances, with Even he’d never been alone . There was always someone to talk to, scheme with, fight with.
Ienzo kept trying to use his magic. For three days he flushed his meals down the toilet, hoping maybe it was some kind of drug that would wash out of his system, but nothing came of it and he was only making his own head cloudy.
His breasts still ached tremendously. He tried to squeeze the milk out, with his hands, but all he did was give himself bruises, his already too-pale flesh marking easily. The omni-present ache made him think of his daughter, the way she felt in his arms, the way she smelled. The way it felt when the three of them cuddled together, so perfect, like nothing was missing. Ienzo’s heart felt like it was on fire.
Demyx. Amalia. Their names echoed constantly in his head, and more than once he woke with tears in his eyes. Please let them be safe. Please. Please.
Ienzo could not fall apart. He couldn’t afford to. He had to keep his head on straight, to perform, to try to earn Xehanort and his sons’ trust so he could--
Could… what?
Ienzo sat up slowly. He hadn’t been sleeping well, hurting too much inside and out to get much rest. What did he plan on doing, exactly?
It came to him in a flash--the computer. If he could gain enough favor to get down to that lab, he could contact Tron, who could contact Cid, who could let the others know that he was alive and safe (relatively speaking), and that, more than anything, he had an in--even if it made him seem like a traitor.
Maybe it was time for the prince to come out of hiding.
He’d just fallen into an uncertain sleep, and dreamed about his daughter. Hefting her up in the air. Kissing the little pads of her feet. The joy, the love on Demyx’s face as he cared for her. When he woke his breasts were hurting more than ever, and again, milk had seeped through the thin pajamas he’d been given.
He heard the click of the lock at the door, and before he could adequately cover himself, Lydia came in with his next meal. “Oh,” she said softly, and for the first time she shut the door behind her. “You… poor dear. You’re nursing, aren’t you?”
Ienzo knew better than to lie. He could smell the milk, slightly sweet. He just pulled the blanket to his chest. One lie he could tell was that the baby had died, but as he tried to force the words past his lips, the tears ran over. “Don’t tell him.” Humiliation broke over Ienzo in a wave, along with more panic. “Please, don’t tell him.”
Lydia picked up the napkin from the breakfast tray and handed it to him. She locked eyes with him. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” she said, her dark eyes sharp and serious, and while there was complete honesty in her tone--and faint memories of her helping him in the library--Ienzo could not trust her.
He could barely eat that morning, in too much of an anxious haze. Xehanort could not know he’d had a child. He was not going to let Amalia and Demyx be doomed.
Didn’t you doom them simply by carrying her to term? An insidious voice asked in the back of his head. If you’d aborted her, she wouldn’t have ever been in any danger.
But what about the Forecast?
It took a lot of strength--almost all he had left--to clean himself up and wait to see if someone would retrieve him. Lydia came back several hours later with another tray, some cloth, and a book. The cloth wasn’t out of the ordinary--she brought him his laundered clothing--but the book was new. “Something to help with the leaking,” she said, and took the tray without another word.
Ienzo unfolded the bundle. It reminded him of a binder from years past, but thin cloth pads had been slipped into small pockets. She’d even left him some extra pads as well. He exhaled slowly and put it on. At least he no longer had to worry about this.
If he didn’t get back to her soon, the milk would dry up. Losing that connection before he was ready only made his eyes tear up further. He blinked it away. He had to be strong for her, to get through. Falling apart would only be self-indulgent. This taken care of, he picked up the book.
It was a simple volume of fairy stories, one he remembered well, one that had been taken from Ansem’s study. He sniffed the pages; old paper, leather, glue. The ribbon marked one of the pages towards the back of the book, and he flipped towards it.
Ienzo did not remember this story well. Perhaps Ansem had never let him read it, or he’d already moved on from fairy tales by then. The story was about Kingdom Hearts; that it was the gods’ paradise, and that one young god, unruly and rebellious, had gone against her parents’ wishes to visit man. She fell in love with a mortal, and when they married, their child could talk with the earth, could use that magic of the gods--Ienzo’s ancestor.
But there was more to the story than this, namely that Kingdom Hearts had thereafter been sealed to prevent more gods from giving mankind what they didn’t deserve. But the god that did the sealing was clumsy… and he dropped the key.
In a neat, firm pencil in the margins was “Keyblade.”
Suddenly the eradication of the seekers made a whole lot more sense.
Xehanort wasn’t looking to craft a Keyblade. He was looking to find one. To find one… he had to engineer a seeker or magic user, perhaps with the nothing, with the darkness…
Even’s replicas…
Ienzo’s breath caught. Of course. That was why he’d wanted them. If these “fake” bodies died from incompatible magic use, it wouldn’t be noticed--it wouldn’t matter. If they could not learn to wield Keyblades as Even had originally hypothesized… perhaps they could learn to seek those who could.
He had to get this message to them somehow.
A knock at the door. Hurriedly, Ienzo shoved it under the mattress before the lock clicked open. “Ienzo,” Xemnas said pleasantly. “My father was wondering if you might like to join us for tea.”
He swallowed. “Sounds wonderful.”
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