#and thankfully most of the comments were ripping this guy to shreds but one of the counter arguments was equally bad
beepborpdoodledorp · 25 days
fnaf fans will look at security breach in the most black and white sense imaginable it’s almost incomprehensible ‘the Glamrocks are soulless AI and Gregory is a poor defenseless child’ ‘Gregory is an irredeemable monster who kills the poor Glamrocks without remorse’ have you considered it’s possible for both sides to be victims. that they can also be a little fucked up too. have you
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kankuroplease · 25 days
can you make a Hc for Elke or Leonie please 🐾🖌🎨?but you don't have to, I mean, do you enjoy doing Hcs, doing Hcs and drawing it's because we like doing it it's a little pleasure. I don't want it to be boring work for you so you don't have to do an Hc 😊🖤
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OC headcons aren’t boring to me, but they’re a lot of work. It’s why I skip some request for them 😆 but I’ll do short versions for both Leonie and Elke
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She’s the eldest of the triplets
She was also the worst of their children in temperament as she would have tantrums over every little thing
Which, thankfully, she grew out of with time
Instead preferring to paint the side of their home, herself, and brothers with mud
She has piebaldism like father, grandmother, and two brothers
Even though she’s not alone in having it, she’s extremely self conscious about it as it’s not just her forelock or one one two patches. It’s all over her body
Which led to some mean comments from other kids
her sense of smell wasn’t heightened at all, so she felt less than her siblings and would cry to her mother about it
Despite feeling left out, her triplet Mika always made sure she was involved
It’s why he became her first muse when she got more seriously into art (he’s so nice compared to their triplet, Sena)
She did not want a ninken, but her parents insisted having one would make her feel more included with the Inuzuka
The compromised and ended up getting her one that’s a bit more self sufficient and also very small (a requirement of hers)
her father noticed she really enjoyed art and he made it his mission to get her an easel and materials to create with. Mika just made it easier to create
Her and Sena always argued. Not because of how he treated her, but because he was mean towards Mika
Asahi did a good job scaring off her bullies for her, but he also told her to use her fist. Their parents are shinobi, don’t let this peaceful little life fool her into thinking she can’t throttle these kids
Kuri tried to dress her up pretty but Leonie wasn’t a fan of frills and bows. She eventually stopped trying let Leonie be the wild child she was
Frederick made the best braids and she always asked (demanded) him to do hers and dance with her
She use to ask Sena why he hated everyone so much, but eventually came to accept that he didn’t hate them. He just wanted something different than what he had.
Her and Elke were always close. She would paint to Elke’s singing and when they were older, Elke did try to introduce her to some guys too
Arashi always knew how to make her smile and laugh. If there is one sibling she was sad to have move out, it was him
By the time she reach young adulthood, she didn’t care what people thought about her and she was gain some notoriety for portraits
With some affluent customers commissioning her (thank you, Elke)
Unlike her sisters, she didn’t have some super pheromones or some Prince Charming willing to sweep her off her feet
She had a love of oddities and a new muse she found to keep her mind busy
Nothing like getting chased by some men through the woods and some blur of a humanoid creature ripping them to shreds
She blacked out and when she woke up she was closer to edge near her town
those blacked out, yet glowing, eyes really stuck with her on her walk back home
She’s not exactly sure what she saw, but her paintings of it worry her parents and she’s heard them murmuring about if it was one of “them”
They even assigned her one of her father’s ninken as a bodyguard
So she got the feeling that creature wasn’t all in her head
And decided to bring her sketches to ask her grandmother about it
Who immediately told her to stay out of the woods because that creature is most likely from a very specific clan, and much too dangerous to risk running into again
She was unsure of how or why this person was somehow here too, but if it is, then everyone should be on high alert
She also gave Leonie a good thump between the eyes as she could see her excitement building
This person was a berserker who’s unpredictable nature was too risky to be around
Much to her grandmother’s dismay, Leonie had washed the set of clothes she could have used to track this person because they were covered in dirt
Even with a sweep of the woods with the Inuzuka’s best and their ninken, nothing came of it
Just dried blood where those men who were chasing her had been slain
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She was the last girl Wolfgang and Ringo had
Their little full moon festival baby (it’s said to be a lucky time to be born)
Such a sweet and happy baby that blended into the family well
She was a quick learner in ninjutsu, polite, and had an angelic little voice she used to sing her favorite songs from a young age. So they really felt lucky!
Ebba told them that full moon births are said to be unfortunate as well, so they better watch Elke
Wolfgang didn’t believe in old wives tales and reassured Ringo their daughter would be fine
And she was! She made lots of friends and found her own ninken
Learned how to play the lute, harp, Kalimba, and Guzheng by age 12. She was truly a musical genius and was getting lots of fame for it
Then, it all got out of hand the spring of her first blood
All of a sudden Elke was extremely popular with members of a genders, as if they were under a spell
Wolfgang was getting tired of his door constantly being knocked and was even more worried at the looks his daughter was getting
He almost had a fight with a young woman over her not letting go of Elke’s hand while promising her the world if she would just be his wife
Turns out she was some duchess and really could, but that’s not the point!
Many letters professing love and poetry that could make a grown woman blush kept pouring in after every performance
Gifts that were to luxurious to expect, flowers, confections, etc.. you name it, Elke was receiving it
Elke decided to not leave the house with a family escort out of fear from this new found attention
It was at point they learned from some elders that Elke’s pheromones were very strong to say the least and appealing in a way that was extremely rare
She basically was emitting them at such a high level, that even non Inuzuka were being effected by it
Ebba and the elders began working on a perfume to help mask her scent and get her back to a level of normalcy with her interactions with other people
It was simi effective; enough to stop the overwhelming reaction
Elke was able to go back to being a performer. Traveling only a little bit with her ninken
choosing to live at home with Leonie and their parents
It took a few more years to figure some things out
But what was once an issue, she quickly learned how to utilize it in her favor. Less perfume, higher pay. More perfume and she can walk around like normal Inuzuka
It was fun to see how she affected others when it came to monetary gain, but with romance, she wanted to be loved for who she was not something as ridiculous as her pheromones
And she was able to find her true loves; two men and a man. The other pieces of her heart
It was tricky to navigate their dynamic as she didn’t have a polyam example (because her dad forbid her grandmother from talking about her romantic relationships) to go off of
one is strictly only attracted to her, another is her sweet cuddly asexual partner, and the other has social anxiety but has been her best friend and duet partner for years
She didn’t want to ruin a good thing being reckless
And what would her parents and siblings think?
But her grandmother told her as long as she communicates with them and make sure to respect their needs and boundaries, then things will work out if they’re meant to be
And she was right, like usual
She talked to her parents and their only concern was if Elke felt genuinely happy, loved ,and safe with her partners. If so, they were more than happy for her
Asahi said he was in no posture to judge others with his housemate situation
Kuri almost choked. She was shocked, but she knew all of them and they all were good people, so she can’t complain too much 😭
Frederick was just impressed. He can’t get one to stay, but she got three. Go baby, sis
Leonie felt very similar to Frederick, but added that she didn’t need to worry. They all support them
Mika was excited for her!
Sena was missing during this period (once again)
Arashi fully supports Elke! Especially because one of her girlfriends is an old sail mate of his
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perrywander · 2 years
Night 1 | 11:30 pm
Originally posted on Ao3, but I decided to post it on Tumblr as well. This is an AU in which Gregory teamed up with Monty instead of Freddy, with a fresh twist on the story. It sticks with the Game plot for the first few chapters then diverges into it's own fully fledged idea that I hope you guys enjoy! Reblogs and comments are much appreciated! And, as always, stay weird my lovelies!
And, if any of you are interested in throwing me a tip, why don't you buy me a coffee?
Table of Contents
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Gregory was unceremoniously jostled out of his light doze when the animatronic that he was tucked inside of quite suddenly came back online and immediately lurched into motion with an enraged snarl.
The cramped space got impossibly smaller as the gator hunched low with a growl, Gregory’s poorly chosen hiding spot becoming a lot more uncomfortable as the animatronic charged into something that broke with an audible crack. The brunet flinched when the muffled sound of fabric shredding reached him, the robot destroying what sounded like a sofa with extreme prejudice.
So, not only was Gregory stuck inside a rampaging machine, but he was also in quite a bit of discomfort because of all the metal jamming into any and all visible skin, painting his body with bruises. One particularly aggressive movement had Gregory's throbbing shoulder scream in protest, his traitorous vocal cords producing a whimper before he could stop himself. 
The pathetic sound echoed throughout his metal refuge like a gunshot, the racket just outside the hatch abruptly falling into an ominous silence that made goosebumps erupt on the brunet's arms and legs. Gregory held his breath, not even daring to breathe now that the animatronic knew he was there.
"What? A kid?” A mechanical voice pierced through the mounting tension, the gator sounding more baffled than homicidal by the prospect of a child being in its vicinity.
“Ya ain’t gotta be scared, kid. I’ll turn on the light, yeah?” The robot spoke in a soft voice that could trick any kid into approaching it if they hadn’t been lucky enough to hear the gator rampaging just moments before. Thankfully, Gregory was one of the few that wouldn’t be coaxed out of his hiding spot by the animatronic’s false display of friendliness, despite how badly he wanted to get away from the wayward pieces of metal jabbing into him with every minute shift of the robot he was stuck inside of.
Gregory heard the gator move, traveling across the room to where the brunet guessed the lightswitch was, the barely audible click indicating that the robot had done as promised and illuminated the room. Most likely trying to make nice with Gregory so he let his guard down. Well screw that, death by mutilation was decidedly not the way he wanted to go.
“Huh? Where’re ya kid?" The animatronic asked in blatant confusion, the gator’s thundering steps vibrating through its frame as it prowled around the room in what Gregory assumed was an attempt to locate him.
Unfortunately for the gator, the brunet had absolutely zero intention of showing himself after both hearing and feeling exactly how unfriendly and hostile this particular overgrown children’s toy was. The last thing he needed -on top of the already shitty day he’d had- was to be ripped to bloody pieces by some malfunctioning tourist attraction.
He wanted to keep all his limbs right where they were, thank you very much.
"I ain't gonna hurtcha, kid." The gator -Gregory couldn’t quite recall its name- crooned in a surprisingly gentle Louisiana drawl that he had to admit was actually quite nice to listen to.
"C'mon out." The animatronic coaxed in that same deceptively soothing tone and the brunet could hear the gator move something heavy, which indicated that the robot was indeed looking for him. Though the brunet figured that, if he could stay undetected long enough, then maybe it would lose interest.
But all of his hopes of escape were swiftly dashed when the animatronic made a movement that Gregory recognized as bending over, the stomach cavity shifting and causing the mechanical stuff around him to adjust with the motion.
Unfortunately, the brunet wasn't able to brace himself in time to avoid getting tossed forward into the sealed hatch doors that were holding him in, his knee taking the brunt of the impact as it rammed into the panel of textured metal, which scraped a few layers of skin off and made his nerves light up with pain.
Gregory yelped as he threw his hands out to catch himself before his face could meet the same fate as his throbbing knee, the seemingly deafening sound of his palms hitting the sealed hatch door echoing around him and making the boy freeze in horror.
"Tell me yer jokin'." The animatronic choked out, the gator actually sounding quite stunned upon realizing that the child it had been searching for was a lot closer than it’d initially anticipated as it immediately straightened out of its doubled over position.
Gregory let out a sigh of relief when he was given space to push himself away from the metal paneling and scramble backward, the brunet briefly allowing himself to be impressed with the Glamrock animatronics ability to express emotion despite their facial features having a limited range of movement.
The gator was equipped with some seriously impressive programming.
"That ain't safe! Get outta there!" The gator exclaimed before its stomach hatch dropped open, a clawed hand coming into view as the animatronic blindly reached inside the cramped space in an attempt to grab Gregory, who did his best to duck away from those alarmingly sharp fingertips.
Who the hell put claws on a robot anyway? Especially if said robot was meant to interact with children. Fazbear Entertainment might claim that the animatronics were totally safe, but there were more than enough interviews with aggrieved customers and pending lawsuits that he’d read in the weekly newspaper to indicate otherwise.
Harmless his ass.
The brunet cried out when his forearm was captured, the gator pulling the boy out of his hiding place with little fanfare. Gregory didn’t hang from the captured limb for more than maybe half a second before the robot’s other hand engulfed the majority of his waist as the first appendage relinquished its grip on the boy, who kicked and struggled in the gator’s unrelenting hold.
“Let me go!” The brunet snapped, fingers uselessly prying at the shiny plastic digits that held him hostage as he kicked out at the robot with his uninjured leg.
“What were ya doin’ in my stomach? That ain’t a place for kids, even if they're runts like you.” The robot shook Gregory a bit, the sharp movement making his head swim and his shoulder twinge.
“Stop it! That hurts!” The brunet hissed through clenched teeth, and Gregory was caught off-guard when the gator actually heeded his words with a muttered apology that was horribly stilted and gruff but perfectly sincere, it's grip on his person gentling a considerable amount.
“Now put me down!” Gregory barked, hoping that the gator’s previous easy acquiescence meant that it was in a charitable mood. However, instead of complying with his command, the animatronic merely tilted its head in an eerily human manner.
“Ya gonna run if I do?” The gator countered, still not budging as Gregory squirmed with all the fervor of a feral alley cat. Though, when it became abundantly clear that he wasn’t going to be able to fight his way out of the animatronic’s hold, the brunet begrudgingly stilled as he carefully considered his options, his suspicion and fear only slightly assuaged by the fact that the robot had yet to report him to that shady security lady or horribly maim him.
“No.” Gregory decided at last, giving up his useless struggling before meeting the gator’s unblinking burgundy stare. They held eye contact for a few seconds -which felt more like years- then the brunet’s feet met solid ground and the massive hand around his waist retreated.
Gregory had to crane his neck back in order to properly look at the animatronic, which swiftly stooped down to kneel in front of him in a surprising show of accommodation since the brunet was almost insultingly short compared to the robot’s massive frame, the gator standing at a staggering seven feet.
“Good. Now hold still, kid.” The gator hummed before its eyes glowed a vibrant blue and projected a beam of light that scanned over Gregory’s thin frame, the brunet resisting the urge to fidget under the animatronic’s scrutiny as shame and anger welled up inside of his chest, hyper-aware of how he looked with his ratty, oversized clothes and dirty face as he frowned distrustfully at the robot.
“Scan complete.” The animatronic’s tail swayed sporadically behind it and Gregory wondered if the extra limb was malfunctioning or something, his focus drawn away from the flicking appendage when the gator leaned in until there was barely an inch of space between them.
“Hm. Ya don’t got a guest profile. What’s your name, kid?” The robot asked, those burgundy eyes pinning him in place with an intensity that made the boy feel as if he were being dissected.
“I… I’m Gregory.” The brunet stammered, caught off guard by the animatronic’s unexpected interest in him.
“Gregory.” The gator parroted as he leaned back a bit, the syllables smothered in that southern drawl that had somehow become a sound that could calm his rattled nerves a bit. The boy’s stiff posture relaxed without his explicit permission, his body too exhausted to remain coiled now that there was no immediate threat to his person.
"I’ll notify the main office-” The gator was cut off when the brunet suddenly lurched forward, hands grabbing the robot’s snout as if the action alone would be able to stop the animatronic from doing so.
“No! You can’t! She’ll get me!” Gregory objected in an octave dangerously close to shrill, his shoulder throbbing from the abrupt and harsh movement of the injured joint. The animatronic blinked, staring at the brunet with an unnatural blankness that made it impossible for Gregory to know what was going through the gator’s head.
“Well, I can’t connect ta the main network anyway. Who’s after ya? Are ya in danger?” The animatronic’s questions held the dangerous undercurrent of a growl that belonged more to a large dog than an alligator, but it was extremely intimidating regardless.
“The security guard.” Gregory blurted before he could think better of it, because obviously the damn security guard would be looking for him since he had snuck into the pizzaplex earlier today. But there was just… something off about her, something Gregory couldn’t name but felt acutely as soon as they had made eye contact.
“Vanessa? She’s after ya?” The gator asked with another eerily human tilt of its head and Gregory took an involuntary step back from the animatronic, unsure of whether he should make a run for it. The robot was incredibly hard to read, probably due to its limited facial expressions. Fortunately for Gregory, the gator’s body language was far more revealing when it came to what the animatronic was thinking.
“If that’s her name, then yeah.” The brunet retorted tersely, crossing his arms as his gaze briefly darted away from the gator’s unblinking stare before he forced himself to maintain eye contact because he refused to be cowed by a machine.
“Ya do realize that yer here awful late, yeah?” The gator asked, amusement bleeding into his tone, and Gregory’s lips pressed into a tight line to avoid saying something snide that would definitely piss the robot off. Though the brunet’s face must’ve said it for him because the animatronic raised its hands in a placating manner that -admittedly- did manage to temper his anger and frustration. If only a little.
“Look, why don’t you just help me get out of here?” Gregory suggested, a little desperately if he was being honest, but he certainly wasn’t above playing into how young and scared he was in order to get his way. Not when the alternative was being handed over to the creepy security guard.
The gator visibly hesitated, body stiff and awkward as it slowly let its arms drop back to its sides, and the brunet subtly glanced around the room for a possible escape route should the robot insist on getting a figure of authority involved. The animatronic didn’t appear to notice Gregory do so, as caught up with contemplating its options as it was. But, after a long moment, the gator straightened up out of its crouch to tower over the brunet.
“Ya know what? Sure. I’ve been itchin' fer a jailbreak.” The robot said decisively, nodding to itself. Gregory tried not to let his overwhelming relief show, fighting the urge to burst into tears like some kind of baby now that he had a potential ally in this nightmare.
“I can’t leave the room though, the door only opens from the outside.” The gator tapped the pad of its finger against its lower jaw, head tipping up to stare at the ceiling -as if in thought- before it paused. “That’s it. The vent.” The animatronic suddenly announced, twisting to gracefully leap up and tear the grate off of said vent, carelessly tossing the damaged object behind itself. The cover landed with a thunderous crash on the other side of the room, the brunet cringing at the racket that the robot was making.
Surely someone would come investigate the noise? But then again, the room was dimmed and the curtains were drawn… so maybe it wouldn’t be a problem? Regardless, Gregory wasn't all that inclined to wager his life on a maybe.
“Would you keep it down? You’re going to get us caught!” The brunet kept his voice low, arms crossing over his chest when the gator ignored his comment in favor of poking the majority of its snout into the vent shaft. A familiar blue glow lit up the crawlspace for a few seconds before the animatronic finally pulled away, dropping back to the floor with enough force to shake the room.
“The integrity 's intact, so it should hold ya.” The robot relayed to the frowning boy, who was starting to doubt going through with this potentially dangerous idea.
“How will I get a hold of you if something goes wrong?” Gregory pointed out and the gator seemed to think about it for a moment before the robot trotted over to its vanity and aggressively yanked the middle drawer open in order to rummage inside, quietly grumbling to itself all the while. When the gator found what it was looking for, it faced the brunet and extended its hand, revealing what looked to be a colorful bear-themed watch nestled in the center of its palm.
“It’s a Faz-watch. I’ll be able ta keep in contact with ya usin' it.” The animatronic explained and Gregory accepted the device, securing it to his wrist before curiously poking at the dark screen. It came to life with a chime that made him jump before aiming an unimpressed glare at the smug gator.
“I made some adjustments, now no one but yours truly will be able ta access it.” The robot mused, sounding awfully proud of itself.
“Can you turn down the volume? I don’t need the stupid thing giving me away if I’m trying to be stealthy.” Gregory muttered, tapping the surface in order to familiarize himself with his new accessory. There was no response and the brunet looked up just in time to see the weird flicker of white static that had overtaken the robot’s burgundy eyes before it cut out and the color returned to normal like nothing had happened.
“Done.” The gator declared, its gaze focusing on the mildly creeped out boy.
“What was that?” Gregory blurted before he could think better of it, giving himself a mental kick when the animatronic stared at him uncomprehendingly.
“What was what?” The robot asked, clearly puzzled as to what the brunet might be referring to. Gregory shifted from foot to foot nervously, figuring that he might as well follow through with his question.
“That thing with your eyes?” The brunet clarified and the gator’s burgundy gaze widened in recognition as it nodded absently.
“I was adjustin' the settin's like ya wanted.” The animatronic shrugged, sauntering over to position itself directly under the vent before beckoning Gregory closer with a wave of his hand.
“Right. So all I have to do is open the door? Then you’ll help me leave?” The brunet didn’t struggle when he was picked up, the gator guiding him up to the opening.
“That’s the idea, kid. But ya contact me if ya see the lady that’s after ya, got it?” The animatronic waited until the brunet was halfway in the shaft before letting him go, the boy twisting as best he could in order to look back at the gator.
“Okay. Thanks, uh…” Gregory’s mouth pressed into a thin line as his face heated in embarrassment, but the robot didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t know its name, looking more amused than anything.
“Jus' call me Monty.”
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
Feels Like This (Part 1)
Emma Swan is a once lost girl who is now making good. She has made a way in the world for her and her young son, Henry, and after years of hard work, Emma is in her last stretch of schooling for the career she’s always wanted. Unexpectedly, she finds herself in a tiny nation no one’s ever heard of for her last year of study. She knows nothing about the place except that it’s beautiful, has a world-renowned child life program, and is filled with possibility. Meanwhile, Prince Killian is hardly happy with the title he received at birth. As the second in line for the crown, Killian has long tried shaking his royal duties. He built a career in the royal navy, and has stayed out of the limelight, but his ship has been called to port indefinitely at the request of his brother, the King. Fate (in her many forms) brings Emma and Killian together and the resulting fic is a cute, fluffy, trope filled romp featuring heart felt moments, a healthy dose of insta-love and an assured happily ever after. Story rated M and will have 12 parts. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! So months back I hinted that I was working on a few new AUs. I have been wanting to write this fic since the moment it popped into my head, but I held back, knowing I had two other great stories that deserved their happy ending and a proper send off. Now though both of my other fics are done, we are on to one of our first new fics. To all of you that have begged for another CS AU where someone is a prince or princess… this is for you, and for me. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be writing this. I have missed this kind of world since I finished When Love Reigns, and this time the script is flipped – it’s Killian who is royalty. This first chapter though, is building a bit of our back story. It’s from Emma’s POV and it puts us on the path to change. So without any more delay, I hope you guys enjoy the story and thanks so much for reading!
“Goooood Morning, New York! It’s that time again – WAKE UP CALL!”
The sound of sirens and clanging that blasted through the clock radio next to her bed echoed through the once silent room, slamming into Emma with a force that gave her no choice but to wake.
“Crap!” Emma screeched as she jolted from the bed, woken from an incredibly sound sleep. On instinct her body moved quickly, trying to jump from bed like she would when Henry was little and called to her in the night, but she wasn’t totally coordinated yet. Instead of landing on her feet, she tumbled, hitting the ground hard and letting out a groan. “Double crap!”
A knock sounded at the door and two seconds later her son’s voice filtered through. “Mom, did you fall out of bed again?”
“No comment,” Emma replied, checking herself for major injuries. Thankfully she would be fine, but this was not a good look.
It’s temporary, she said to herself as she stood up and stretched, willing her limbs to let go of the tension and the achiness that a fall like that would cause. The semester is nearly over. I’ve only got one summer class. One not three. One not three.
She chanted the mantra that had gotten her through this spring over and over in her mind as she went through her morning routine. It was a rushed, frantic situation, as it normally was on weekdays, but somehow, just like always, things came together in the end. She was showered and ready, dressed for her admin job in the financial district. Henry was also totally geared up for school, proving once again how self-sufficient he was.  Having a son with as much maturity as Henry was a blessing on mornings like this one where she was dead on her feet from studying all night and still had to be up bright and early for the office. He was eight going on thirty-eight. Honestly most days it felt like Henry had it more together than she did, but as she walked into the kitchen to press a kiss on the crown of his head and he smiled genuinely at her, Emma couldn’t seem to care. She might not be perfect at being a Mom, but her kid was happy and well, and that was all that truly mattered.
“Someone seems chipper this morning. Did you sneak those powdered donuts I hid or something?” Emma asked as she made herself and Henry some sliced fruit. Henry, meanwhile, measured out their cereal, liking to be a part of their prep process as much as he could. He handled things with the ginger care and attention of someone trying their best, focused on the task with so much purpose and precision.
“No, I didn’t, honestly Mom, I promise.”
Emma stifled a laugh at how adamant he was. She knew the truth: her son was too good for stealing, even just a few treats. It was amazing how much of a moral compass he had. Sometimes she wondered if it was too much for a boy his age. He should be getting into a little trouble, causing mischief, doing… something, anything that wasn’t picture perfect. But Henry wasn’t like that. He preferred stories to anything else, and the look on his face told Emma that a story was exactly what had him so animated this morning.
“Well if it’s not a sugar high then it must be a good book. What’s on tap for today?”
Listening to her little boy talk about his newfound tale made Emma so happy, because his own enthusiasm was infectious. Reading had always come easy to Henry, and he was on pace for the level of a sixth grader though he was only in 3rd. It was amazing to behold, but also a little overwhelming. Emma herself had never had that yearning to read, probably because the only books in the group homes she grew up in were ripped up and torn to shreds. By the time she was old enough to go to school and use the libraries they had, Emma was jaded. Thankfully she’d been quick to learn and always got by, but by high school she’d skipped town, never to look back.
A few years later she was barely surviving day to day and her heart decided it would be a good time to give the whole love thing a chance. She met a man who claimed he loved her, but, in the end he was nothing but a tough lesson made flesh. Neal taught Emma that it wasn’t enough to love someone. You had to love someone good, someone kind, and someone who loved you enough to care for you and fight for you too. Instead of meeting that marker, Neal stole a bunch of shit, tried to let her take the fall, and, to add insult to injury, skipped town and never looked back. Nothing ended up coming from the charges made against her – the judge threw the case out when he heard about her background, only asking that she commit to a hundred hours of volunteering, and in the meantime the only good thing Neal ever gave her was her son. But, despite her rocky beginnings, and thanks to a little luck and more than a couple of miracles, here they were. Nearly ten years had gone by since she’d seen Neal and Emma and Henry were good. They had each other, now and always, and though their family was small, and at times Emma wondered what it would be like to fall in love again, she didn’t want to rock the boat or jeopardize all the good she and Henry were lucky enough to have.
“Mom, did you hear me?” Henry asked and Emma’s mind shifted back into her room instead of where it had been, skipping down memory lane.
“Sorry, kid. Coffee hasn’t hit yet,” she said with a shrug. “What did you say?”
“I said I’m almost done with my final project for Ms. Harlow’s class.”
“Almost done? But you’ve still got another month of school.”
“I know, but it’s just reading and writing. My favorites.”
Emma listened in on his update about his project, and it didn’t surprise her to hear Henry was ahead of his class. This had been happening since he entered kindergarten. Every year the teachers set objectives and every year Henry met each one, most of them pretty early. It was a great thing in one respect, because it meant Emma didn’t have to worry about him. Henry was brilliant and gifted and would clearly go far in life, but it did make Emma wonder: was she doing enough for his son? More than once she’d been told that a private school might suit him better and might challenge him more. But she simply didn’t have the money. Hell, she’d worked overtime for years just to get them in this tiny apartment in this district which was one of the nicer ones in the city.
Henry continued to tell her all about school as they left the apartment and headed out, and their whole commute in was filled with his updates about the things he’d learned and still wanted to know. Emma noted that there were very few stories involving other kids and she knew that was probably because Henry didn’t have an enormous amount of friends. Oh the other kids liked him, of course, who wouldn’t love her son who only had nice things to say and a friendly smile to offer? But he wasn’t tied to any of them closely. Instead he preferred the company of books, and of Emma and their favorite friendly neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard.
“All right Henry, so you know the plan, right? Today’s Wednesday which means…”
“School, then library club, then Mrs. H will pick me up and watch me until you get out of class. I wonder what she’ll make for dinner. I hope it’s spaghetti.”
Emma agreed, knowing that her neighbor’s spaghetti was legendary. Mrs. Hubbard had years of practice, cooking for her own family over the course of many years, but her kids were all grown now and it was just her and her husband living in the city. Her husband, though well past retirement age, loved his job down at the docks, and still went in for a few hours every evening to manage the shift change from day shift to night. Mrs. H, meanwhile, was desperate for the chance to mother people again, and she did so often with Emma and Henry. At first Emma tried to protest, but it all fell on deaf ears. Not only did this wonderful woman help care for Henry, she was always helping with the cooking and the cleaning. She was also pretty much a built-in therapist for Emma, and every time she met a challenge in her parenting she couldn’t face, Emma called Mrs. H. That woman was the closest thing she and Henry had to family, and Emma knew Mrs. H felt just as strongly for them in return.
“Whatever it is we’re going to love it and we’re going to thank Mrs. H so much for her help, right?”
“Of course,” Henry said with a nod. They’d finally arrived at his school building and now was the time to say goodbye. Last year parent drop off was in the class room, but this year they moved the kids to drop off at the door. Most kids took that as a sign to stop hugging their parents when leaving for the day, but not Henry. Instead he gave her a big hug which warmed her through and made her feel so blessed and reassured. Henry was truly the sweetest, and when he finally let go and ran into the building Emma let out a sigh, thinking to herself how damn lucky she was to have Henry as her son.
Her day from there was just about as crazy as she expected. The time she had to get from Henry’s school to work was minimal, but she managed to slip into the office just under the radar. For eight straight hours she was moving, and she barely had time to devour the sandwich she’d packed for the day while running to and from errands that the office staff needed help with. She couldn’t take lunch though, not when she had to leave early to run ten blocks to class this afternoon. Again, her ability to get there was nearly undermined, this time by a broken subway car that caused more congestion than ever on the street as people tried to walk instead. But in just the nick of time, Emma made her way through the wrought iron gates of her university, and was in her assigned chair in the Mills Center Auditorium, listening attentively to the lecture her favorite professor had lined up today.
Since having Henry, Emma had needed to work and pay bills and figure things out. At first she tried to do that with just her GED, but soon it became clear that she needed to go back to school. Thank god there had been online classes, and she’d managed to find enough scholarships for ex-foster kids to get her an associates degree. When that was done she went to the state school in the city and started taking more classes and in four more years she had her bachelors. She was so proud of herself and so glad for the bump in pay that a simple degree had earned her, but somehow school had called her back again, this time for a masters degree in childhood development and social work. It was a very focused degree, without any ties to her current financial job, but it was the work her heart wanted to do. With her MS she would qualify for a number of jobs, all aimed at helping kids in the system, and again, thanks to some hard fought for scholarships, she was managing it all at virtually no cost but time.
The two-hour seminar she sat in today was engaging and interesting, honing in on a case study of one particular city – Sacramento. Their public programming was a beacon for the American model and through partnerships of government, schools, companies, and community activists there was a significantly lower rate of teenage runaways and kids who graduated from the system with ‘bad outcomes.’ Emma noted all the policy choice that were implemented to help these kids and she applauded the effort of these experts, but she knew there were still more things that could be done. She took just as many notes on the lecture as she did her own ideas, and by the end of class, her pages were full and her mind was equipped with a few more answers and a lot more questions.
When their time was up, the rest of her cohort dispersed. They were younger than Emma and most of them were friendly with each other. They always were nice to Emma too, saying hi and asking about Henry, but Emma didn’t linger long after class. She had to get home to her son, and to get back to working on all the things she had to face tomorrow.
“Emma, would you mind coming with me to my office? I have something to give you. It’ll just take a moment.”
“Sure, Professor Hopper,” Emma agreed, not thinking much of it. ‘Doc’ Hopper was a great lecturer and a helpful teacher and there’d been many times when he gave her a book or some other sources for her work. She assumed that was what was happening today, but when he asked her to take a seat as he moved around his desk Emma started to get worried.
“I’m sorry, professor. Is something wrong?”
“Not at all, Emma. In fact, quite the opposite. The department has selected the JR Foundation Fellowship recipient this year.”
“Oh?” she asked, wondering which of the people in her class was getting the chance to travel abroad and learn from some of the best minds in childhood development and psychology. She thought maybe Ayana or Jade might be good choices. They were both bright and determined. Matthew was a wild card. But she imagined he must be up for consideration given his often out of the box ideas.
“It’s you, Emma. You’re our chosen fellow.”
Emma whispered out the clarifying question, not understanding what Doc Hopper was getting at. The connection to the JR Foundation Fellowship was one of the biggest selling points of this program. Students from across the world came here just to be considered for it and to say she was not lobbying for the possibility would be an understatement. Most of the time she felt she was barely scraping by. Everyone else in her program was younger than her, none of them had children, and those who had a job worked part time or entirely for the school. Emma was always on the fringes of her cohort, but all the late nights studying and reading had paid off. She learned a lot and did well when it came to grades. Still, she never imagined this would happen, and for a fleeting moment she felt pure excitement.
You can’t go, her inner voice said suddenly. You’ve got Henry to think about. How would you afford it? You could never take him out of school. You can’t move him halfway across the world just to nickel and dime things. We’ve had enough ramen to last a lifetime.
The reasons why this would never work mounted internally as Emma cleared her throat and fidgeted in her chair. She was about to turn down the most prestigious offer anyone at her level could receive and the pain of that was sharp. To know she’d earned this but that it wasn’t meant to be hurt her, but she would not allow herself to linger in the sadness. Nothing had changed from this morning – she was still a very lucky woman, with a roof over her head, food on her table, and an incredible son who filled her life more than any stop in her career ever could.
“Professor Hopper, I’m truly flattered to be chosen. But -,”
“Wait, Emma, before you turn this down, please know that the faculty is aware of your unique circumstances and we’ve made some adjustments to the fellowship terms. It’s all spelled out here,” he said, handing her a folder with papers and admission offers.
Emma opened it up, and within the bolded headlines of the first page there were all sorts of add ons. A housing grant that would cover her and Henry for more than six months, additional ‘cost of living’ scholarships, and more. Tears formed in her eyes at she looked at the stipend she would receive if she accepted this appointment. It was more than she made at city hall, and she knew already that her good standing with the city would allow for her to take this opportunity if she chose to. She could request up to a year of leave where they’d hold her job if she gave enough notice, and she had just enough time to do so. Still there was one concern – what about Henry? What about his life? Would it be right to spring something like this on him? They had only a month before the fellowship was set to start. She couldn’t do that… could she?
“I realize that you’ll need time to consider, Emma, but as you can imagine time is rather limited. I can wait a few days, but we’ll need to know by the end of the week if you accept.” Professor Hopper looked at her with a transparent sense of honesty and empathy. It was always clear why this man studied child psychology and counseling. He was quiet and patient but adamant in wanting to help. But when he looked at her like this, Emma remembered her own childhood and how little there had been by ways of help and guidance. “For what it’s worth, Emma, I really hope you’ll take the appointment. In all my years at this school, I’ve never met a student so well suited to this job. Your experience is one thing, but it’s a gift unique to you. You have a way with these kids, Emma, and a fellowship like this can help you make the most of your degree come graduation. It opens all kinds of doors and you know what that can mean.”
“Helping so many more kids,” Emma admitted aloud, and that was ultimately what she wanted more than anything. Yes, providing for her son was the most important thing, but there were so many more children out there who didn’t have nearly enough. Without family or money or hope, the world was a sad and scary place and Emma wanted to fend off some of that fear for as many kids as she could. Doctor Hopper’s point was undeniable, and people who had previously taken this fellowship had gone on to do so much, like launch successful non-profits and run whole government departments for children in need. It was a chance to learn, to grow, and to meet people who knew how to make things happen, and Emma was enticed by that, so much more than she should be.
“Take some time, Emma. Mull I over, talk to your son, and if it’s right, it’s right. You know you’ll always have my full support either way.”
Emma thanked Professor Hopper and collected her things, heading out of his office and away from school. It was a short commute back home, but riding the subway at this time of day meant being a part of the last big rush of people. She was squished into the train car, but she didn’t think much of it. Instead she read over the more than generous offer of the package the school was giving her. Usually the fellowship was generous, with the chance to go to Montenaro (a tiny European country she’d never once heard of outside of this) and a small stipend to live on with placement in student housing. For Emma, however, other arrangements had been made, including a small house that was still at least triple the size of where her and Henry lived now. The stipend was also larger (to cover the cost of any needed ‘childcare expenses’) and Doctor Hopper had written a note – he had a good friend who had a connection to a private elementary school near the University of Montenarro. There was a spot for Henry available for the fall semester, which was still a few months out, and a space for him at the University’s summer camp. Emma actually cried at how kind this offer was and how much time it must have taken and how many favors must have been called in. People had moved mountains for her and in the process they’d pulled down so many of the blockades that might keep her from saying yes.
Her heart began to believe that this might actually be possible. The timing was actually kind of perfect – her term would start in six weeks, in the middle of June and her lease on the apartment was set to end at the end of that month. She was planning to renew, but it didn’t make sense to keep the place for six months while they were away. That was money she could save for a rainy day, and when all of this was over she’d be done with her degree early and would be looking for a job anyway. Maybe they weren’t strictly bound to New York. They could end up anywhere. The possibilities seemed endless.  Still, as she made her way back to her apartment Emma tried to get herself in check and school her features. The last thing she wanted was to get her hopes up. This would come down to what was best for Henry, and she’d never want to pressure her son into doing something for her that he didn’t really want. But at the same time it was such a great opportunity. The money, the living arrangement, and the work experience. It all seemed so perfect.
“Anybody home?” She asked, as she opened the door to her place and walked in, dropping her coat and taking off her shoes in the front walk as she headed to the kitchen.
“Hi Mom!” Henry said, barreling into her with another big hug and a huge smile on his face. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you too, kid,” she said, ruffling up his hair. “Hey Mrs. H. Something sure smells good.”
“It’s spaghetti Bolognese, and it’s very near ready. How was class, dear?”
“Great. Actually about that, I got some news today.”
“Big news?” Henry asked excitedly and Emma shook her head and smiled.
“Huge news. You know that fellowship I told you about? The one in Europe?”
“I remember. It’s in that tiny little country on the coast. What was it? Monta… Monta…”
“Montenarro,” she filled in and the light in Henry’s eyes burned bright with recognition.
“Oh right – you know their national fruit is called a montacari? It’s like if you mixed a strawberry, blackberry, and a raspberry. They only grow in mild mountain climates and before the berries grow the plants make flowers that are pink and red and white. Every August they have a festival there to celebrate the harvest.”
“How do you know that?” Emma asked, amazed at her son’s seemingly endless memory and then she filled in at the same time Henry did. “Let me guess: you read about it?“
“I read about it,” Henry echoed and they laughed.  “So who won the spot?”
“I did,” Emma announced and for a beat there was complete silence. She watched as her son took in the news and then he was moving, jumping up and down and hugging her all over again.
“You did it, Mom! You did it! You did it! I knew you could do it!”
“You thought I’d win?” Emma asked and Henry nodded fiercely.
“Absolutely! You’re the best, Mom, everyone knows that!”
Emma laughed as she looked over to Mrs. H who had a huge smile on her face. “Congratulations, honey. But I think I must have missed something. What exactly is this fellowship?”
Emma explained the circumstances surrounding the placement. It was a six-month appointment, for two terms – summer and fall - and in that time the recipient worked for the J.R. Foundation. J.R. was an international charity with an impeccable reputation focused on helping vulnerable youth populations around the globe. They worked on literacy outreach, education initiatives, disaster relief and more, but this fellowship appointee would work with the counseling division, focusing on children’s health, wellness, and mental resilience strategies.  That six months of work counted as her two semesters of full time interning which she needed to graduate, and for Emma, it would mean cutting down her time to graduation significantly. At the end of this six months, if she added in an online class or two, she’d be ready to graduate, finishing up eighteen months earlier than she previously expected.
Halfway through her explanation, Emma watched Henry leave and head to his room. She heard a lot of movement inside and she frowned, worried about what he was up to. “Henry? Everything all right?”
“Are you kidding? Everything’s awesome! We’re moving to Montanarro and I’ve got to get packing!”
“Henry, wait,” she said and her son popped his head out before she motioned for him to come closer. “We still have to talk about this. This is a really big change. It would mean you miss the last few weeks of school here, and that next fall you’re not with your friends here. We wouldn’t be back until just before Christmas. Are you sure you like that idea? I won’t be mad if you want to stay here. This is our home.”
“Home is where we are together, Mom. You know that,” Henry said, reciting a line she’d said over and over again to him, especially back when times were tougher and they really struggled to get by. His assuredness made her throat tighten. Again she was on the verge of tears but she fought them off. “Besides – every hero has a special journey, Mom, and their special journey usually starts with a new place. Think of the adventure we can have together. It’s gonna be awesome!”
“Henry it might not be that easy. Moving can be hard sometimes. Things will be different there. I know they speak English, but there’s other languages and customs too. It might not be the easiest adjustment.”
“I can do different!” Henry replied eagerly with a smile. “I’m great with different. Different is my middle name.”
“Henry, you don’t have a middle name,” Emma teased and he shrugged.
“Well now I do, and it’s Different. So can we go, Mom. Please? I promise I’ll be so so good.”
“You’re always good, kid.” Emma said softly, running her fingers through the hair that was shadowing his brow. “Are you sure, Henry? It’s a really big step.”
“Can’t you feel it, Mom? Don’t think with your head. Use your heart, like you taught me.” Emma was quiet for a moment as she took in her young son’s sage advice. “You feel it too, I know you do. This is right for us. It’s our path.”
“Why don’t I sleep on it, okay, kid? In the meantime you go wash up for dinner all right?”
Henry seemed to accept this non-answer, though he muttered under his breath about always having to wait for adventure. Emma smiled despite herself and then looked to Mrs. H who was watching her closely.
“So what do you think? I know we’d be leaving you and Mr. H in a bind. You weren’t expecting to have to look for new tenants and -,”
Mrs. H interrupted Emma by taking her hand in hers and silently commanding her attention. Emma looked up and listened carefully. “Honey, you don’t worry about that at all, you hear me? My Horace and I are golden. We don’t need to rent this place out, but we took one look at you and Henry and we knew you were going to be like family. And you know what family does, Emma? They support each other always. This fellowship sounds like everything you’ve wanted. You can make a difference and you and that darling boy of yours can see the world a little. In the meantime we’ll keep this place here for you. No one else is renting it and you don’t need to worry about paying anything at all. The payment has been getting to know you two these last few years. That’s better than anything money can buy.”
“Are you sure?” Emma asked, half wondering about her generosity but also asking if she should go at all. She was excited, to be sure, but she was also terrified. What if she failed? What if something happened? What if –
“I am, Emma. And deep down you are too. Henry was right, this is an adventure, one you should meet and embrace every step of the way.”
Emma appreciated the counsel and though Henry came barreling back in soon and the conversation shifted, Emma had all evening to think about the choice in front of her. She grappled with her options – to take the safe path and pass up on a once in a lifetime opportunity, or to take a little risk and have a taste of adventure and fulfillment with her son in a brand new place. By the end of the night, as she was drifting off to bed, Emma knew she had her answer: this was going to happen. She was going to take this step and take a chance, and somehow, despite her less than stellar origins, she trusted it would all work exactly the way that it should.
Little did she know how true that was, and just how much purpose and hope she would find in a tiny country halfway around the world.
Post-Note: So there we have it. Just in case anyone is curious about the title, I actually got a creative burst in conceiving of this AU plot line when I heard the song ‘Feels Like This’ by Maisie Peters. If you haven’t heard it before, you should definitely listen, as it’s a lovely one with all kinds of feels. Anyway, I know that this chapter was all from Emma’s POV, but as you might have guessed, next chapter we will see Killian and where he is at when we begin this story. I’m so excited for this AU and to build this dynamic and I am hoping to share the second chapter with you all next weekend. In the meantime, I would love to hear what you all think, what you might like to see in this fic, and what your general thoughts on this kind of AU are. As always I appreciate you all so much, I hope that you’ve enjoyed, and I wish you all well and happy! Thanks again!
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asteriuszenith · 4 years
VT Investigation Files: POI Files: Nocturne
Updated As Of:
With Regards to His Name
Nocturne is obviously not his real name. He preferred to use that pseudonym in order to maintain some anonymity despite, as he claimed, the fact that a lot of people already probably know his true name due to his whistleblowing days for a company like Montauk. I suppose it could also be a way for him to become more comfortable with sharing his own personal feelings by pretending that the anonymity could protect him from behind the scene.
Nevertheless, as a point of reference for my own files, I’ll state it here that his name is Vincent.
The name Nocturne has a rather interesting meaning behind it. According to google dot com, a nocturne is usually either a musical composition or a work of art that is inspired by, or evocative of, the night.
Vincent, on the other hand, came from the Roman name Vincentius, which was also derived from the latin word vicere which means “to conquer”.
The Nocturnal Archives
Nocturne created The Nocturnal Archives blogger account in order to record his journey on life after he graduated from high school.
At least, that had been the original intention of the blog before a certain event obviously caused an upheaval on his personal life.
After the death of Adrain Carter on October 14 2017, Nocturne became emboldened, or rather to be more accurate, passionate slash obsessed with finding the truth. What sort of truth? I think that originally, it was just to prove his mentor’s innocence with regards to the sexual harassment allegations Dr. Miz Cardozo made around a month after Adrian Carter’s death. However, the deeper he searched for the truth, the more he realized that it wasn’t just about proving his mentor’s innocence at that point but also beginning to pinpoint certain things that doesn’t add up such as his mentor’s research, the fishy events circulating around Miz Cardozo herself, and more.
Most of the entries in the blog contained some self-reflection and reminiscing that tells us of Nocturne’s inner thoughts as well as little facts sprinkled in here and there that told us more about what sort of person he was. Most of the times, however, the entries would focus on his journey for the truth, telling us with some frustration that he’s been encountering roadblock after roadblock in his search for information and sometimes, even when he got some intel, whenever he attempted to piece them all together… It always felt like there was something off or impossible about the information.
It’s definitely a very personal blog and for someone who gives off the vibes that he is a very private person save for when he is around people that he actually cares about, I’m surprised that he actually took the suggestion of his friend to create this blog and put it on public seriously.
Another thing that I’ve noticed on the format of the blog is that it might be heavily inspired by the House of the Leaves book written by Mark Z. Danielewski considering quotes from the book are heavily peppered in around the different entries especially when he’s getting in too deep when he’s talking about a heavy topic. Did he deliberately edit it like that? I don’t know. But I suppose I could always ask him when I manage to muster up the courage to actually talk in the comments.
On the Topic of Adrian Carter
Nocturne looks up to Adrian Carter. He’s constantly singing the man praises for his genius work and personality. He also admired Adrian’s parenting skills and his parent-child relationship with Cassie Carter, noting that despite the long periods of time when they’re physically distant, Adrian was still a hell lot more present in Cassie’s life compared to his own parents who lived much closer to him in distance.
As I said, Nocturne looks up to Adrian as his role model. He admitted in one of his entries that he practically worshipped the grounds the man walked upon with some self-aware light hearted humor:
“It felt like God himself had come down and was like, ‘hey guys, lemme give you some guidance in person here, face-to-godly-face.’”
I wonder if Adrian considered Nocturne as his personal student. If Adrian had been obsessed with perfecting the RedMan then he would have only allowed people that he trusted to influence the creation of the AI, right? So the good relationship between the mentor-student must have been a mutual one.
It appears that Adrian left behind his research to Nocturne or at least, Nocturne had been able to access the man’s lifelong research studies and projects as the creator of the blog had been expressing a nice mixture of appreciation, confusion, and frustration from what he was reading from Adrian’s texts. It appears that most of it doesn’t seem to make sense. He claimed that Adrian seems to have been looking for monsters in the dark judging from some of the ramblings he read through.
Still, Nocturne has nothing but respect and good words for his mentor despite his frustration. He remembers the man fondly and is very much insistent on clearing Adrian’s name after Miz Cardozo stained it with her confession.
Miz Cardozo
It appears as if the two barely crossed paths even as they worked closely with the same man. Nocturne mentioned that Adrian never worked with the three of them together, only ever working with him once Cardozo had gone home for the day (they were working together on RedMan). This claim might get updates if Nocturne will divulge more details on his and Cardozo’s relationship, if there is one outside of the loathing vibes he’d often give off whenever he talked about Cardozo on his blog.
Originally, Nocturne had stayed his tongue when talking about Cardozo after the harassment confession came out. It appeared that he was rejecting the notion that Adrian Carter would do such a thing and was also rather peeved at seeing how Cardozo turned a blind eye on how the world decided to treat Cassie as their newest scapegoat. He decided then that he’ll get to the bottom of these claims, find out for himself and for Cassie’s peace of mind on whether Cardozo’s claims were the truth. If not, he will let the world know of Cardozo’s lies and prove his mentor’s innocence.
However, when the news about Rosemary Road came out, all pretenses of politeness finally melted away from his mask and Nocturne basically declared war against Cardozo calling her a despicable person who had done so much disgusting things that it wouldn’t be surprising if they found out that she made that sexual harassment allegations in order to give her a better chance at taking Adrian’s place on the company as its new CEO.
Miz responded with a mocking, passive-aggressive post that called him a delusional conspiracy theorist and may or may not have peppered in some subtle/not so subtle threats at the end of his section in her answering post to his and Cassie’s callout posts.
Needless to say, I really wouldn’t recommend leaving these two alone together in one room as they might as well start ripping each other to shreds.
Nocturne interned in Montauk during his last year in highschool and while he was studying in UCLA. During his time there, he must have shown a lot of promise to have captured Adrian Carter’s attention and satisfied his expectations along with maintaining an amicable relationship with the man to the point that he allowed him to work with him on RedMan.
However, as the years passed by, notably after Adrian’s death, the relationship between the corporation and this man must have soured enough due to Nocturne’s own digging into the company’s dirty secrets that he whistleblowed on the company’s shady dealings. Was the issue that he blew the whistle on the dubious experiments that caused the deaths of so many people? Perhaps that’s another thing to ask him in the future too.
Cabbage Girl
One day, during the summer of 2015, Nocturne burst into his mentor’s office without knocking in order to tell him about his progress on his tasks and met the daughter of Montauk in a humorous way that the head of the massive corporation introduced his daughter to him and created the birth of the fondly remembered inside joke slash nickname “Cabbage”.
Nocturne and Cassie are obviously close as they are both cohabiting together and are actually in a romantic relationship with one another. The man obviously adores Cassie, his dorky little love letter praising her and telling her how much he loves her in his blog is already evidence enough as it provided a glimpse into the man’s softer side that I believe is generally reserved for his cat, Cassie, and their friends. He’s also really protective of her which is rather cute, in my opinion. He’s been really supportive of her over the past years since her father’s death and you could see it or rather hear it in the way Cassie would often pepper in (heh) mentions of him during her stories over the months.
However, it does make one wonder if they both think that it’s just the two of them against the world as nobody or almost nobody is taking their side that Adrian Carter is innocent of the accusation that Cardozo threw at him after his death. From what I saw, the world even condemned Cassie for not ‘cancelling’ her father.
Thankfully, they are both acting as each other’s support system in their trying times and from what I observed in the tiny peeks into their interactions with each other in Cassie’s entries and Nocturne’s journals, they trust the other to drag them out of their own heads when they get in too deep in their own thoughts to the point that they were shutting the world out. I’m just glad that they’re not alone right now as what they are attempting to do would be nigh impossible without anyone they could trust backing them.
Investigations and Seeking the Truth
Nocturne seems to have taken it upon himself to investigate a hell lot of things in his quest for the truth. The Cardozo-Lawrence case, Cardozo’s Relationship with Adrian Carter, the thing with Rosemary Road, Montauk Stuff, Continuing Adrian Carter’s Research and Projects, and it seems he’s beginning to delve into investigating the Bureau of Unreality and how they seem to be innately connected to Cardozo and Montauk and the Rosemary Road case.
All I can say is… My dude, my man, you need to learn how to delegate this shit to others.
(Bold words coming from someone who’s also doing the same thing. Jesus fucking Christ, Robin… What on earth are you doing?)
No wonder he’s having a hard time seeing the forest making up the trees when he’s trying to take in so much information as much as he can. I can’t exactly blame him since I’m not any better but seriously… This is just one massive way to burn ourselves out easily. Anyway—
It appears that for every information that he gets, he also receives fifty more questions which would understandably be very frustrating for him and it doesn’t help that since this is something that could bring quite the dirt into light, a lot of people and organizations are trying to prevent him from being able to dig in too deep and sink his teeth into actually helpful information rather than being led away into another possible dead end via crumbs for intel which would equal to a lot of time lost which could have been used for actual progression in the investigation.
I would suggest finding someone they could trust in order to help them with the investigation but how would you even know if somebody is trustworthy when it seems like the entire universe is completely against you finding the truth?
How would one be assured that the person whom they dragged in to help would also fall for the same trap of getting stuck in the minimal details to the point that they start seeing and hunting for monsters and lies in the dark? Especially when you, yourself, are starting to fall for the same trick?
Honestly? I don’t know if any of us would have an actual answer to that question. You could go the path of the more people to help with the search for the truth, the better, but then wouldn’t that just run the risk of all of us suffering from a horrid game of Telephone? It’s just such a high risk thing.
Either way, it seems that Nocturne’s investigation did at least yield some intel as word about his determination to find out what the actual fuck is happening in the world is getting around and people have started giving him leads that did bear some fruit even if it also created more questions.
Your Cat Pictures… Give It To Me.
Nocturne also has a cat baby named Truant and I want a picture of him, damn it!
Somebody stop me from spamming the shit out of the poor man’s blog with begs for serotonin shots.
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Through time and space 15
The look Katie gives you when you show up on the doorstep of the motel room, was so worth showing up unannounced.
“That look is so worth coming around unannounced.” You say with a grin. Katie punches you on the shoulder. “Hey, I’m going to need that later.” Your sister rolls her eyes and allows you in.
“Sam and Dean are at a bar, getting drunk with someone named Gordon.” Katie explains. “Ellen told Sam and me not to interfere with this guy’s hunt, so that’s what I’m doing.”
“Who’s Ellen?”
“One of Dad’s contacts, she owns a bar called the Roadhouse. We met her last hunt.”
“Oh that makes sense.”
“So what have you been doing?” You plop down on one of the beds with a sigh.
“You know how John and I joke that Sherlock doesn’t have any emotions?”
“Yeah… what brings this up?”
“Cybermen.” Katie rolls her hand asking you to elaborate. “Cybermen are these creatures that used to be human, but they got turned into a machine… with all emotions removed.” You then tell your sister everything that happened this last time you traveled with the Doctor. You leave out the part of the Cyberman’s sensors saying you weren’t human.
You then say you're going to get into the shower. When you turn off the water you can hear Katie talking to some.
“No particular reason.” Your sister says as you get dressed then walk out of the bathroom towel drying your hair. You notice your brothers before they notice you.
“Glad that I decided to change in the bathroom. That would’ve been awkward.” You comment your brothers look at you in surprise.
“When did you get here?” Dean asks.
“About an hour and a half to two hours ago.”
“Yet no one told us?”
“I didn’t even tell Katie that I was coming.”
“Come ‘ere you.” Dean says, walking over to you and pulling you into a hug. Which you gladly return. He releases you from his hug and looks at Katie. “Have you seen Gordon anywhere, Katie?”
“I didn’t realize I was his babysitter, and I haven’t seen him since I left the bar.” Katie replies with a shrug.
“You think he went after them?” Sam ask your eldest brother.
“Probably.” Dean replies.
“Dean, we have to stop him.”
“Really, Sam? Because I say we lend a hand.”
“Just give me the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe me that.”
“Yeah, we’ll see. I’ll drive. Give me the keys.”
Sam points to the table. The keys aren’t there. “Do you girls have my keys?”
“No.” You and Katie reply in unison.
“He snaked the keys.” Sam says with a tone of annoyance.
Dean has to hotwire his car which he is less than happy about. Everyone piles in after Sam traces the route on the map with his finger. When you guys get to the farmhouse you see this man torturing a woman. She looks familiar- you then remember why.
You ran into her on one of the many adventures you had with the Doctor.
“Sam, Dean, and Katie. Come on in.” The man says with a sinister grin. He then notices you. “Who are you?” Your not sure if he’s flirting or what.
“Someone you don’t want to mess with. What are you doing?” You reply.
“Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man’s blood. She’s going to tell us where all her little friends are, aren’t you? Wanna help?”
“Hell to the no. I’m not stabbing someone who saved my life in the back.” Technically, that’s a lie- in reality she only gave you directions.
Gordon stops what he’s doing and stalks over to you, murder in his eyes. Thankfully Dean steps in.
“That vampire that killed your sister deserved to die, but this one…” Your brother says. Gordon bitterly laughs.
“Killed my sister? That filthy fang didn’t kill my sister. It turned her. It made her one of them. So I hunted her down, and I killed her myself.” He says.
“You did what?”
“It wasn’t my sister anymore, it wasn’t human. I didn’t blink. And neither would you.” Dean bites the inside of his lip.
“So you knew all along, then? You knew about the vampires, you knew they weren’t killing anyone. You knew about the cattle. And you just didn’t care.” Sam points out.
“Care about what? A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking innocent people? And we’re supposed to buy that? Trust me. Doesn’t change what they are. And I can prove it.” Gordon roughly grabs your arm and cuts you. He then holds a knife to your throat and forces you to move over to Lenore. All three of your older siblings pull out their guns and point them at Gordon.
“Let her go. Now!” Katie snaps.
“Relax. If I wanted to kill her she’d already be on the floor. Just making a little point.” Gordon says. He holds the cut on your arm over Lenore, so the blood drips on her face. She hisses, fangs extending, but she doesn’t attack- she fights the urge instead.
“No. No.” Lenore says.
“You hear her, Gordon?” Sam asks, as you push the knife away from your throat, and shove Gordon away from you. Your brother then walks over to you and Lenore. “We’re done here.”
“Sam, get her out of here.” Dean says. Sam gently picks up the injured vampire and carries her outside. You follow your brother holding your injured arm close to your body. Sam gently sets Lenore down before looking towards you.
“What did you mean she saved your life?” He asks as he looks at your arm.
“I lied about that… in reality, she just gave me directions.” You reply. “But what sounds better; I’m not going to kill someone who gave me directions, or I’m not stabbing someone who saved my life in the back?”
“You have a point. I doubt you’re going to need stitches.”
“That’s a relief. I really don’t want my arm to look like Frankenstein’s.” Sam chuckles as the dawn breaks. Katie walks outside and over to you and your brother.
“Dean is currently kicking Gordon’s ass.”
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
The next few hunts are spirits- Sam breaks his arm on one of the hunts and your first impression of Jo and Ellen isn’t the best but your siblings seem to trust them.
During a game of poker Dean gets some extra money and he splurges a little and gets two rooms. Turns out getting two rooms was a good idea because the boys get hauled off to the local police department under the suspicion of murder- if you and Katie were in the room it would be suspicion of murder AND kidnapping.
“Now what?” You ask when you read Sam’s text. Sam says this is a 5-O situation but you and Katie can’t bail unless the two of you want to tip off the police.
“Sam’s record’s relatively clean, unlike Dean’s.” Katie replies. You roll your hand asking her to elaborate. “Dean got on the FBI’s most wanted list because a shape shiftier took his face and tortured a few people.”
“And where was I when this happened?”
“Either with the Doctor or helping Sherlock with a case.”
“That makes so much more sense now.” After a while, Sam shows up.
“I’ll explain everything later.” Your brother says as someone knocks on the door. The person at the door is one of the cops that arrested your brothers. The cop explains the situation that she’s in- and she needs help. “These showed up after you saw it?” Sam asks the cop looking at her wrists.
“Yeah, I guess.” The cop replies.
“All right. You’re going to have to tell us exactly what you saw.”
“You know, I must be losing my mind. You’re a fugitive, and you two are housing a fugitive. I should be arresting all three you.”
“All right. Well, you know what? You can arrest us later, all right? After you live through this. But right now you’ve gotta talk to us. Okay?” The cop nods. “Okay, great. Now, this spirit. What did it look like?”
The cop explains before the four of you are headed to Ashland street. Apparently, the spirit isn’t vengeful, just one that foretells death.
When the four of you get to where Dean is you resist the urge to hug your eldest brother, at least for the moment. When the death omen is gone, then you hug your brother. When Dean finds out his car is impounded you get an idea. You pull out your phone and dial Lestrade’s number. “Whoa take a breather, Greg, I was going to ask you for a favor but it appears you need a favor from me more than the other way around.” You say when Lestrade answers the phone. “My brother got his car impounded… pretty much… seriously? I owe you one Greg thanks.” You say before handing the cop your phone. She and Greg talks for a few minutes before she hangs up and hands you back your phone. She then says that she’ll release Dean’s car in three days.
“You literally called Scotland Yard?” Sam asks.
“Hey, I could’ve called the British government.” You reply, your siblings laugh.
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
“Are you kidding me… another hellhound case?” You ask when you find out that the next hunt is a hellhound.
“I doubt that this one is going have a drug that makes people hallucinate.” Sam points out.
“Don’t remind me of that Sammy.” Sam arches an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. “At least this hound is a demon’s pet, not a wild one.”
“What makes that a good thing?” Katie asks.
“It means that this one isn’t going to rip just anyone to shreds. This one has a purpose.” Your siblings look at you blankly. You dig out your dad’s journal and open it to the hellhound page. No one’s removed the bookmark since Baskerville. You then gently throw the journal onto the table. “There are two types of hellhounds- domestic and feral. The one in Baskerville was feral, the one here is domestic… am I the only one who read dad’s notes about hellhounds?” None of your siblings answers. “Why am I not surprised.”
You and Dean go to Lloyd’s bar to go talk to a certain crossroads. You linger in the background as your brother sweet talks the demon. “You better not have made a goddamned deal Dean.” You mutter when you see your brother and the demon liplock. As soon the demon is gone you walk over to Dean and punch his arm.
“Ow, what was that for?” Your brother asks.
“Did you make a damn deal?” You ask. “How long she give you- ten years.” Dean chuckles and ruffles your hair.
“Take a look.” He says gesturing upwards. You notice the trap. “And for the record, I bargained her freedom for my wish.”
“You dog!” You say with a laugh. “I literally thought you made a damn deal… you okay Dean?”
“Dad made a deal, for me… originally his deal was going to involve you but you woke up before he struck the deal.” Dean replies. “It’s my fault he’s dead (nickname).” You look at your brother right in the eyes.
“Dean, his death isn’t your fault.” Dean stays quiet. You place a hand on his arm. “Besides, what if you woke up before I did… dad would’ve sold his soul for me instead. Family would go to hell and back for each other.” Dean doesn’t say anything just pulls you into a hug. The two of you stay like that until Dean remembers that Katie and Sam are more than likely wondering what the hell is taking you two so long.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? I’m single, but no they’ve never done that in the past. My parents aren’t like that.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Yeah. I’m the absolute worst, please don’t ask me.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? I don’t drive.
How many people do you text daily? I don’t text daily. I don’t text much at all, but if I do it’s with one of my parents or my brother.
Do you have an iPod or an MP3 player? Which brand? No, I use Spotify on my phone, which is an iPhone XR.
What was your favorite television show as a child? I’ve been asked this a few times recently. I enjoyed a lot of the kids shows of the 90s.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? No.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? Nope.
What did you do on your last birthday? Went on a weekend vacay to one of my favorite places. This year I’ll just be at home.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? Sloth.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? No.
What is your least favorite subject in school? I’m done with school, thankfully, but I always hated math.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? No.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? No.
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? Joseph.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? I am right now. Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? No, but I helped out my parents a lot when my younger brother was born.
How many times a week do you usually see the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense, but I love my family and I see them everyday. 
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? I hold my doggo’s hand all the time, ha.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? Just one so far. 
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” No?
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? They can be, but I wouldn’t just use that and that’s it. I’d check other sources.
Are you someone who listens to more girl or guy bands? More guy bands.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? I have. Some of their stuff was okay, but eh.
Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? I absolutely care.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, A Goofy Movie, and Toy Story. 
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? No.
What are the color of your walls? Do you want to repaint? White. I’d love to paint them, but we rent and it’d be a hassle to do so.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? Hardwood.
Do you have any siblings you neglect you? No.
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? I feel like I’ve been selfish these past few years in a lot of ways. :/
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? I went to science camp (it was a thing 6th grade classes did where I’m from, not sure about other states) and Girl Scout camp.
What were the last three movies you watched in theaters? The Invisible Man, Fantasy Island, and The Rise of Skywalker. I do miss going to the movies. :(
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? Nope.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? No.
Do you believe in ghosts, spirits or demons? I believe in spirits and demons.
What is your favorite breakfast meal? Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese and spinach, hash browns, country gravy, and coffee.
What does the lead singer of your favorite band look like? Look up Chester Bennington. RIP. </3 :(
Who was the last person to compliment you? >> I don’t remember the last compliment I got. <<< Same. I don’t receive a lot of comments.
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? My first date wasn’t until my early 20s.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? They’re protective like loving, caring, supportive parents, but they’re not controlling or overbearing. 
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Yeah. Gah, why was that ever allowed at all? A germ and bacteria cesspool. 
What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last five years? I couldn’t choose just one, especially in that long of a span. There’s been several.
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? No. ha.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? No.
Are you the jealous type? I can be. I haven’t felt jealousy in a very long time, though.
When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? I don’t know what that feels like. Must be nice.
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? Not currently I don’t think, but I probably have before.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? I still watch Hey Arnold, Doug, and Rugrats sometimes on TeenNick.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? Bean burrito--no onions, extra cheese, extra sauce and a couple Doritos tacos with sour cream and guac. I haven’t had Taco Bell in like a year, but man I was obSESSED for awhile there. Some of you may remember that, haha. I’ve actually been wanting it lately, but gahhh.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? No.
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? I like my long, red hair. I just wish I actually styled it and maintained it better.
Do you have freckles? Yes.
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? One.
Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? Yes. :/ I’ve never been someone who likes watching fights, whether it be in person or a video. I don’t understand that. I remember in elementary and high school everyone would rush over and crowed around a fight and I just wanted to get as far away as possible. There’s also people who like watching fight videos. I just can’t. I don’t enjoy watching people get hurt.
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? It can be either one depending on the situation.
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? Beautiful. But I’m not.
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? No.
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? Uh, no. A 30 year old grown ass adult crawling into bed with their parents... lmao.
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? No.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you? Yes. 
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? Oh jeez. I couldn’t even try to figure that out. I’ve been doing surveys since like 2005.
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment? Black.
Do you enjoy going school shopping? Not in school anymore, but yeah I loved back to school shopping.
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? Aww, they’re cute. 
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lol no, but I’ve seen photos of pet owners and dogs who looked alike.
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? Yes.
What was the worst substance you’ve spilled on yourself before? >> I don’t recall ever spilling anything heinous on myself. Alcohol can be bad because then you smell like booze and that’s just not a good look. <<< Ugh, yeah I’ve spilled alcohol on myself on more than one occasion and just smelled awful.
Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? No.
What three words would describe the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense.
Do you think their is a soulmate out there for everyone? I don’t think there’s one person meant for you, but I think there’s people out there compatible for everyone. 
Do you like short or long surveys the best? Long.
Do you think hairspray is more helpful or annoying? I don’t use it.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? No.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? Yeah, they are nice. My younger brother and I bicker sometimes like siblings do, but we’re very close. He’s not mean, just annoying at times haha. And I know I most definitely am.
How many uncles do you have? 8.
What would you say is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I’ll just pick one that I saw recently: Fantasy Island. It was awful.
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? >> I freak out in excitement, lol. I did freak out pretty badly when I was a child, though. And then one day in adolescence the switch flipped. *shrug* <<< Hahah same. I love ‘em now.
What is something you’d consider yourself obsessed with? ASMR. I watch several ASMR videos every night. 
How often do you shower? Every couple of days.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? Yeah, like those catalogs that had candy, cookies, and other random stuff. And candy bars.
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? I think it’s mostly the time that it occurs in. Teenage years are a very difficult time. You’re going through puberty and everything is changing and you’re trying to figure out who you are. There’s also the added pressure of being expected to know what you want to do with your life. I think it’s also a time when you really figure out who your friends are.
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? Zero, now. I used to drink a soda a day for several years until a couple years ago.
What kind of cheese do you like the most? I’m not listing all the cheese I like again, I just did that recently. I like a lot of different cheeses. Cheese is delicious. 
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? Yeah. I’m sure people think that about me, too.
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? No.  What is your favorite lyric of all time? How can you possibly choose just one favorite?? 
Do you know someone who has made their Xbox their best friend basically? I don’t know any big gamers, no.
Do you ever watch any soap operas? No. From what I’ve seen, they’re really, really bad. Like cringeworthy, secondhand embarrassment bad lol. Just the plot and acting is bad. Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? Yes.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be? I’ve wanted ‘free bird’ for several years.
If you have any piercings, who did them? *shrug* I got my ears pierced when I was a baby.
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? I’d be lying if I said I never looked at someone and thought that they might me.
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? You could form some opinions and ideas, but you can’t really know.
Would you rather eat or sleep? Sleep. 
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? I used to be when I was younger.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? No.
When was the last time you changed your hairstyle? It wasn’t really a change since I’ve been doing it for the last 5 years, but I got my hair done again this past February. 
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents? No,  I was always very close to my grandparents.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Gray. Do you think long surveys are broing or entertaining? Depends.
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? Yeppp.
When was the last time you had a physical injury? Hmm. It’s been awhile.
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? Nooo.
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? No.
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? No.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? Not personally, but there are certainly people I’ve encountered/witnessed/heard of who seemed to lack it.
When was the last time you bought something? Yesterday.
Do you think you look anything like your parents? Yeah.
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? Me. I’ve always been naturally thin with a fast metabolism, but I was at a healthy weight. A few years ago I became too thin and underweight due to health reasons and I haven’t been able to put on any weight
Do you know someone who is discustingly obese who wears G-strings? What’s *disgusting is this question.
Do you know someone who insults themselves to get attention? I feel like there’s some YouTubers and social media influencers who do that. I’m very self-deprecating, but believe me I don’t want the attention. I just really don’t think much of myself. 
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? Uh, no definitely not. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that. This year has been an ongoing nightmare.
What are your plans for this weekend? Nothing. 
What color is your significant other’s hair? I’m single.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? No.
Do you know anyone who does drugs currently? Yes.
Would you ever become a foster parent? No.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? No. 
What jobs do your parents have? My mom is a supervisor at Walgreens and my dad works at a car repair shop.
Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone? >> I’d rather not talk to anyone on a phone, period. <<< Hahah, SAME.
Have you ever had a Tumblr account? Are you devoted to it? What’s this Tumblr you speak of? Should I check it out?
Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment? Yes.
If you got pregnant right now, would you abort the baby? I wouldn’t get pregnant to begin with.
Speaking of which, are you for or against abortion?
What is your favorite amusement park? Disneyland! What was the best Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten? All of them.
Has anyone ever called you jealous of them before? Only jokingly.
Did you ever have braces? Yes, but not for my teeth. I had them for my back and my feet when I was a kid.
Who is your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
What is the most important date in your life so far? There are several significant dates in my life.
How many people your age do you know who are pregnant? Just one that comes to mind.
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I thought forehead kisses were cute when Joseph did it.
Do you believe in evolution or creation? Creation. 
Would you rather take a bath or a shower? Why or why not? Shower.
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? The survey community with you guys.
As a child, what game did you want to play the most? I loved playing house and school. 
When was the last time you did something sexual? Virgin here.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Disneyland.
Do you collect anything? What? Giraffe stuffed animals and key chains. 
What kind of Pringles do you like the most? The pizza flavored ones are good. I haven’t had Pringles in years, though.
Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting? I’m not an artist at all. I have no talent.
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? Nooo. I call myself one, though.
What do you think is the grossest taste in the world? Wasabi is definitely one of them. To me it tastes like how shoe cleaner or nail polish remover smells.
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emeraldsovereign · 4 years
lets finally be happy
where your Tony Starks adopted daughter and you change his fate
Warning: Swearing, extreme gore, fluffy @ the end
my first fic so don’t be mean (doesn’t completely match the Endgame plot... at all)
words: 2010
You lay right outside of the wreckage of what was the avenger’s tower in pain but refusing to break. You were strong, an elemental demon trying to prove that she can be good. Abandoned by your parents as a child, but Tony found you outside an orphanage and decided to take you, back to the point. You found Cap, Thor, and your dad you turned to them and whispered “What the fuck is he doing?” they glanced at you “Sitting”. Thanos slowly got up and began his speech "You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible. As long as some remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist." Steve rolled his eyes "Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." thanos ignored Steve and continued “I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe." You found your voice when he stopped talking “well fuck nutsack chin, you just don’t know when to stop do you?” Thanos Glanced at you “I'm doing what's good for the universe and you wouldn't even comprehend what I’m doing” you slowly started to walk a little closer to thanos and looked toward the guys “you know I never wanted my life to be like this, I found a family, I found my soulmate you strangled him with your bare hands, you’ve almost succeeded in taking my family. Fuck I never wanted to do this and I’m personally terrified, now... I'm gonna have to bash your brains in.” you look towards him and beat on the ground twice your hits echoing throughout the wreckage your skin slowed turns red, two red horns grow from your head, and your teeth sharpen and get slightly longer and a bat with barbed wire wrapped around it comes to your hands made of the same metalcore as Thor’s hammer, and a black skin suit hugging your curves. Thanos looks at you “Now what are you, your new” you looked at him and snarled “I’m your worst fucking nightmare” your eyes turn fully black and you run at him and repel yourself off of the ground with air and land a solid blow to the side fo his face taking part of his face with him “ I can’t do this myself boys!” the guys finally go towards him and start attacking him. Tony gets blasted “DAD!” you scream worried and run over to help him up, and look back over when he’s up and you see Steve summon Mjolnir “Fuck yea Stevie!” you let them go at it and start to see Thanos’s army show up you hit Thanos a few more times when you see a shimmering orange lights and holes open up and its everyone that was gone. everything was at a standstill. you looked frantically for him but had to stay focused on the task at hand. When we started fighting I was going after the aliens and killing as many as I could keep them away from the stones I got peter from the hoard of them and threw him to Valkerie when a big one threw you towards a spike stuck in the ground and you braced for impact. When it didn’t you looked and saw a green light just stopped you and threw the beast into the ocean you looked over and saw him, your heartbeat in your ears, it was him, your life, your god. Loki looked at me and ran to you and held me I wanted to melt into him and never let go but I knew I couldn’t. I looked at him with bloody tears running down my face and kissed him with all of my body and once we separated I wanted to stay that way forever but I couldn’t “Can you toss me over to dad please love?” he smirked at me “Always, love” he threw me towards them I landed a few yards from dad. Thanos Threw him, he had the stones I ran to dad and took off the gauntlet from the suit Thanos looked to us “I am inevitable” little did he know we made it so they can detach and come to dads, I put on the gauntlet and had all of the stones attached a burning sensation ripped through my body but thankfully my heat resistance dulled the pain I knew what had to happen I heard a scream from afar “NO!”, I looked to thanos “you’re pathetic” and  I snapped it hurt bad but I knew I had bought myself some time but I would need to feed to heal and fast. Everyone ran over to me the aliens were all dusting dad got to me first “what did you do!” I looked to him and smiled “I can heal easier and faster, I can handle more heat than you I’ll be ok”. Everyone was relieved once I stood still burnt but ok. I walked to Thanos “You wanna know a secret?” he looked at me confused “why am I still here?” I looked at him everyone coming closer and wondering the same “you deserve no pity we’ll all get you to know what you did?” everyone was terrified “we can’t contain him he will escape and try again. What did you do?!” I looked back at them “ he’s paralyzed right now, but he can feel every single thing we do to him, now I need blood if I want to live and I have a worthy candidate” I grabbed a dagger from my side pocket and walked to Thanos and looked at him “you ruined everyone’s lives not they can tell you what you did and torture you for it and you can’t do anything about it” I looked back at all of the left avengers and smirked “how does that sound?” they nodded silently agreeing “Me first” I said I walked over to him and kicked him square in the face and started my own speech “you took everything from all of us here because you have a god complex and think you know what's right. You took my family.” I hit him with my bat in his head “you killed my soulmate” I hit him again “and tried to kill them all over again” I hit him in the head one last time. His head was bashed in and his eyeball popped out “buddy you still there I just don’t know it looks like you’re trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a hit, I just popped your skull so hard your eye just POPPED out! And it is gross as shit!” I chuckled and turned to the others and they were utterly shocked that a tiny 5’3 girl just popped Thanos’s skull I licked the bat needing some sort of blood and held out my bat “come on don’t be shy!” Loki and Dad stepped up at the same time “by all means man of iron after you”. Almost everyone had taken a swing at him beside Cap because he couldn’t handle it. I washed of Thanos who because of the snap was still alive and I walked in behind him “can someone take the arms please?” Thor and Loki came up and grabbed one arm each. “Now on the count of three rip as hard as you can ok?” they nodded and we ripped off both arms and his head off of his body “want some target practice dad?” I asked he thought about it and shook his head no” pepper stepped forward and said “ill do it” I smiled at my adopted mom and said “get ready” she charged her suit and I threw his head up and she obliterated it. I turned back to my normal self and looked at all of the unfamiliar and familiar faces and shrugged “I’m not always that heartless but he deserved it and I’m sorry you had to see it” t’challa spoke up “nice to meet you too that was badass” everyone laughed and started reuniting with their loved ones I walked to Loki for the second time in a matter of 7 years because of Ragnarok. And kissed him with everything I have and held him and never wanted to let go, we both had silent tears running down our faces. Once we parted Peter walked up to us “Hi, Mr. Loki sir I’m Peter” Loki raised an eyebrow. I stopped him from making a snarky comment and grabbed Peter and started inspecting him for injuries and when I saw he was fine for the most part I brought him in for a bone-crushing hug and started kissing his head. Loki looked super confused but the young boy didn’t seem to be a threat to him or his lady so he let them be. I pulled away from Peter and punched him in the shoulder “what did I tell you about not going on the spaceship Peter! I was so fucking worried” Peter looked like he wanted to cry “I’m sorry mama I wasn’t thinking and wanted to make Mr.Stark proud” he started crying and you sat down with him while he sobbed and held on to you for dear life. Loki was confused “Mama?” you looked at him and smiled “his parents died and he was living with his aunt and when he started working for dad I was like his mother figure and stayed with me so I asked his aunt May if I could adopt him and she and him moved in with me in the city and she agreed surprisingly agreed. She’s probably at my house now, but this is my son, Peter” Loki nodded and Peter separated from me and launched himself at Loki and hugged him Loki went stiff and I giggled while Stark and Thor were dying of laughter. Loki slowly hugged him back and eventually pulled him off after a minute. “Dad can you take Peter to my house, he should go and see May please, you guys can bring Morgan over too and we can all stay there tonight?” he was about to rebuttal when look gave him puppy dog eyes and grabbed Loki’s hand. “Fine, be home in a little while though Morgan will want to see you” you nodded “thanks dad we won’t be super long” I grabbed Loki’s hand “can you teleport us to somewhere more peaceful than a battlefield” Loki nodded anything, love” you teleported to a flower garden surprisingly not far from my home. He looked at me and spoke “ I’m sorry I was gone so long Love, I wish I was there when Thanos was strangling me I could only think of you and what I missed out on and I-” I cut him off “it’s ok your brother needed help and you possibly saved everyone, I can’t be mad at you” you kissed him he pulled away while you pouted, But Loki did the last thing you would ever expect. He got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring with emerald accents. “ I can’t miss out on anything else, I just can’t I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you right now and it's peaceful now and not dangerous and I can’t waste that time so will you spend the rest of eternity with me and be my wife?” I had tears in my eyes and I nodded frantically “yes, oh my fuck yes, Loki” he put the ring on your finger and kissed and you knew at that moment your life was finally perfect.
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heathenarmyimagines · 5 years
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Title: Cheater
Summary: (Y/N) has a very important breakthrough.
Pairing: Hvitserk x Reader.
@ubbesgirl, @shewolf2000, @tis-itheapplepie, @atequila,@demoncrypt1066, @greennightspider, @badbitsh13,@fireismysaftey, @minarawr, @laketaj24, @hvitserksgirl,@blahblahcookiesdoma, @fabulous-peasent, @sforsammmmmi,@minmiin1d, @courtrae89, @letsloveimagines, @tomarisela,@titty-teetee, @beyond-the-ashes@elenawrit, @mblaqgi,@whenimaunicorn, @chuflisworld, @mystruggledlife, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @syreni-dea, @trashqueenbitch, @alykatv,@mbaku-babygirl, @perfectus-in-morte, @beyond-the-ashes,@neeadinghugs, @readsalot73, @triumphantreturnofpies,@anarchy-is-coming, @tephi101, @alicedopey,@ivarslittlebadgirl, @jtrstp, @nejijjeoroo, @charlylama,@ivartheblessed, @captstefanbrandt, @fabulouschrissi,@ivarsrideordie, @3x5gurl, @the-writer-appreciation-blog,@lolabee9, @captainfoxy22, @young-ugly-god,@im5ftbutmythroat66, @bribyyy, @irishhiggins,@cadetomlinson, @keclleon101, @slutforragnarssons, @ltkeke,@meeeeeeeeeps, @lille-kanin, @opalscarab, @ssraven7,@ivarandersen, @concretewaywardangel,@funmadnessandbadassvikings, @sharon-is-tired,@cadetomlinson, @mystruggledlife, @chuflisworld,@justmarissa97, @lol-haha-joke, @weirdly-randomly-awesome,@inlovewithmakeupcomicsanim,@idonthavehusbandsihavelovers, @alexa040004,@buckythetinman ,@burntmythroatskullingmytea,@jorunnravenslayer, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @buffy-the-vampire-blogger, @heartbeats-wildly, @berserkerbearsbabblings, @moondustmemories, @therealcalicali, @naaladareia, @cheercherry, @captainfoxy22, @biracialmelaninteen, @breathingincandescent
Part One,Part Two,Part Three, Part Four
‘Who the hell does he think he is?!’ you complained as you removed your makeup.
‘Your ex.’ Maggie said.
‘Exactly… ex, as in not now. Seriously, my first night out looking for a quick rebound and he pops up.’
‘Well I want to agree and let you rant but I did say a rebound was a bad idea.’ your friend and roommate said.
‘And I want you to listen to me rant, so the whole I told you so thing isn’t helping.’ you grinned over your shoulder.
‘It needed saying nonetheless.’ she grinned back.
‘Anyway why are so offended, most women are flattered when their ex can’t move on.’ Maggie said.
‘Well call me crazy but I don’t like that he thought some half ass apology and explanation would make me go back to dealing with his shit.’ you said as you stood from your seat and turned to look at her.
‘Do you know how shitty it feels to know all your friends talk about you having so low of an opinion of yourself that you stay with a cheating asshole?’ you said as you sat on the bed beside Maggie.
‘I don’t and just to clarify I never talked shit behind your back, I prefer the face to face method.’
‘That’s why I like you, but more than that, Hvitserk looked truly shocked that I didn’t fall into his arms the second I saw him.’ you added.
‘Well he is a boy and their minds aren’t as great as ours, I’m not just going to say you get over him though.’ she advised.
‘So just take him back and let him cheat on me some more?’ you snipped.
‘No, but be honest you love him still. He drives you nuts, but you miss him like hell and you know it.’ Maggie said.
You sighed and laid back on the mattress.
‘Of course I miss the asshole, but loving him more than me isn’t good for either of us. He’ll just get worse and I’d just sit there and let it happen. I’m gonna fall in love with me before I even think about being with him again.’
‘Self love is the best love, that’s what I say.’ Maggie replied as she laid beside you.
‘Right, and it's a new love for me.’
‘Well enjoy it, if I loved me any more than I do now I wouldn’t need Ubbe at all.’` she joked.
‘Ew I don’t need that kind of insight on your self love, nasty.’ you laughed.
A knock on the door came and interrupted your little girl talk and Maggie hurried to get it.
‘Babe!’ she cheered.
You rolled your eyes and put on your slides and grabbed a hoodie, it was time to go. As much as you loved them Ubbe and Maggie were the over sexual couple that made everyone uncomfortable.
Quickly you picked up you bag and phone and scurried through the living room, keeping your head down as you tried to ignore all the little whines Maggie makes.
At last you made it out of the apartment, with minimum trauma.
Well they’d need a few hours and it was two AM, where could you go to wait them out?
The twenty four hour cafe never let you down and a few of those pastries would definitely not hurt either.
Off you went to the cafe, once you were there you bought a danish and a hot chocolate and got a good table by an outlet so you could charge your phone.
Honestly you wanted to go to bed, but you can think of worse things to do at three in the morning.
Like moping and crying over an idiot who mistreated you.
‘Excuse me?’
You look up in shock and see a very handsome guy standing by you with a laptop bag in one hand and a coffee in the other.
‘Do you mind if I sit with you, the other outlets ore shot out.’ he said nervously.
‘Oh sure, go ahead.’ you said moving your bag from the chair across from you and let the guy sit down and take out his computer and charger.
‘Thanks, this is the only cafe with decent wifi for eight blocks and I didn’t want to go that far out this late.’ he chatted.
‘Same, so what are you working on?’ you asked.
‘My thesis, last one.’ he said.
‘Oh congratulations, my best friend just graduated earlier this month, you must be from a different college.’ you commented.
‘I’d guess so, I go to Wessex University.’
‘Oh wow, you would not get along with Ivar at all. He’s from Kattegat and a damn proud Heathen.’ you laughed.
‘Ew, a Heathen.’ the boy dramatically said making you laugh.
‘What’s your name Saxon boy?’ you asked.
‘Alfred and what’s your name Heathen Girl.’
‘Not a Heathen, but my name is (Y/N).’ you replied.
‘So what are doing out so late?’ Alfred asked.
‘Roommate’s boyfriend came over, fill in the blanks.’ you sighed.
‘I know. What about you, bad wifi at home?’ you guessed.
‘Roommate had a sock on the door.’
‘Yuck.’ you repeated.
‘I know.’ he repeated as well.
The two of you kept on talking and chatting and just generally getting along and enjoying each other’s company.
‘You are a mess.’ you laughed.
‘I like to call myself unorganized.’ he grinned.
‘Hey can I get your number, I need to know if you are this funny all day or if this is just sleep deprivation I’m talking to.’ you said.
‘Alright.’ Alfred said as he took your phone and put in his number and called himself.
You both saved each other as contacts and the conversation went on as before, smooth and easy.
It felt like no time had passed at all, that’s why you were so confused to see the sun rising outside.
‘Oh shit, its six AM!’ you gasped.
‘Oh fuck! I should get back to the dorm, I gotta a class at twelve and I need at least four hours to get through the day.’ he said as he gathered his things.
‘Damn I better let you go, and I’m sure my roommate is finish by now.’ you said as you too gathered your things.  
‘It was great talking to you, just the kind of convo I needed after two weeks of straight lectures and my roommate checking to see if I’m dead before telling me he has a dude or girl coming over.’ he joked.
‘See you around Heathen.’ Alfred said as you both exited the cafe.
‘I’m not a Heathen, but goodbye Saxon Boy.’ you bid farewell before the two of you parted ways.
As you walked back to Maggie’s apartment you thought back to how you never got to meet new people when you were with Hvitserk.
Sure he was by no means controlling, but with him your world was him and you saw whoever he did, if he didn’t know someone then neither did you. Outside of him and his brothers you didn’t really talk to other men, some part of you hoped Hvitserk would see your loyalty and do the same.
Didn’t work.
Now you did not have to sit home and wait for him to come back from whoever he was with, you could go out and make friends again.
Once you were back hope you grossed out to see A very much naked and passed out couple on the couch.
You sighed and put the throw blanket over them and made a note not to sit there until it was steam cleaned.
Thankfully you had gotten a call yesterday saying you had been approved for an apartment closer to your job.
You went back to your room and laid down ready to crash when you phone chimed, letting you know that you had text.
Expecting it to be Alfred you looked, but it was someone else.
Hvitserk: Please don’t ignore this.
You wanted to just put down your phone and ignore it like you had all his text, but to be honest you had stopped being angry.
Being mad all the time is exhausting and you really didn’t realize that until after you had hand made a Hvitserk Pinata and beat the holy hell out it.
Your arms were sore, the rooms were a mess and even when it was broken you were so mad you went to your knees and hand ripped all the pieces to shreds.
That was how unleashed all your rage, now you had no reason to ignore his texts.
(Y/N): What is it? Is something wrong?
Hvitserk: No, I just want to talk, really talk not like tonight with all the noise. You and me sitting down
You read that text over a few times before you replied.
Y/N: What is there to talk about?
Hvitserk: I owe you an apology and an explanation. A real one, not just me begging you to take me back as I am.
Hvitserk: Not that I don’t still want you to take me back if that’s on the table, lol
You hated how that stupid man could make you laugh.
Y/N: when do you want to talk and where, maybe I’ll show up.
Hvitserk: Tonight at nine, our special place.
That took you by surprise, you hadn’t been there in forever, you were surprised he even remembered.
Y/N: Alright, if I’m not busy.
You hesitated for a few seconds before you closed your eyes and hit send.
With that said you put down the phone and turned it off before rolling over and making yourself go to bed.
After you woke up a around two you got to work packing your things and during your breaks you would look for a good moving company to take your things from storage.
Honestly you were being productive AF, and while you were proud of yourself you knew you were just trying to procrastinate.
You didn’t want to think about your meeting with Hvitserk, you still weren’t sure you were even going to show.
“GO BESTFRIEND THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!” your phone blasted Ivar’s ringtone.
You picked it up and put it on speaker while you went back to marking boxes.
‘What the hell are doing you idiot?’ Ivar said.
‘Hello to you too Ivar.’ you laughed.
‘Don’t get cute, my idiot brother is a nervous wreck right now and you can’t tell me you have nothing to do with it.
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, all I have done is agree to see him tonight.’ you said.
‘So it was you, I swear to the Gods (Y/N), this idiot is one call away from me killing him.’ Ivar said.
‘Good, don’t tell me you don’t think he deserves to sweat for while.’
‘He does obviously, but why does he have to get on my nerves while he’s in it. If he calls my phone one more time I swear I’m going to track his phone and hit his ass with my car.’ he ranted.
‘It would be a shame to go to jail right after your graduation, plus with the move I don’t think I will have enough money to put on your books.’ you teased.
‘You suck, I hope you can’t find anything to wear tonight.’ Ivar bit.
‘Who says I’ll go?’
‘You will, you’re too curious not to.’ Ivar said before the line went dead.
‘Asshole.’ you smiled.
You looked at the time and saw that it it was six, you’d need to leave soon, and you did need to start getting ready.
Ivar was right, as much as you hated to admit it, you wanted to hear Hvitserk out and did want to look immaculate.
So you showered and put on a outfit, for yourself, not him. You wore jeans, heels and a crop top, make up done and accessories added.
You were ready to go, but before you got to the door you stopped.
Why not make him wait for once?
You sat back on the armchair and cut on the TV, you weren’t going to leave at nine.
It was easier said than done you found out, you felt really bad and caved, leaving at eight forty five.
By the time that you do reach your location it was nine fifty.
You got out of your car and looked at you and Hvitserk’s special place.
His father’s first house, it was a small house in a middle class neighborhood; Ragnar had lived here before he had started off his company. This was where he stayed with his first wife Lagertha before he met Aslaug on a business trip.
After his divorce and his company had truly taken off he moved out and into a new larger home with Hvitserk’s mother, but he never sold his first home.
This is where Hvitserk took you for your first date, where you and he had sex for the first time. This was where you two came to be alone before you had moved in together.
It was the place where you pretended you truly were the only woman in Hvitserk life.
Hvitserk's car was in the driveway so clearly he was here waiting for you.
A small part of you was surprised by that as you walked up to the door and rang the bell.
Immediately it was thrown open, you were surprised it wasn't yanked of the hinges.
There he was, Hvitserk, the man who broke your heart and destroyed your world.
He was dressed in a dress shirt, business pants and shoes.
It was your favorite outfit on him and he knew it.
'Hi.’ Hvitserk said nervously as he looked at you and your attire.
You knew he liked you better in dresses and skirt, easy access and quickly removed. You hoped your clothes would convey your secret message that you were not here to have make up sex.
'Hey.’ you said back.
'I didn't think you would show.’ he said as he stepped aside and let you in.
'I thought about it, but I do think you owe me an explanation. I deserve that at least.’
'You do, and you deserved more than what I gave you.’ he said sincerely.
'Come on, I cooked if you're hungry.’ Hvitserk offered, leading you to the kitchen.
'You cooked, by yourself?’ you asked in shock.
'Well it's just pasta and garlic bread, nothing gourmet, but I did my best.’ he blushed.
If you judged by how much he ate you would think he cooked all the time, but you would be wrong. You had to drag him away from whatever he was doing to make him help you cook otherwise he’d live on junk food and takeout.
So the fact that he had actually cooked alone spoke volumes.
You went to sit at the table and Hvitserk pulled out your chair like he always did when you two were out before he sat down the plates.
He went to the kitchen for a second and returned with two plates of and sat one down across from you.
You thanked him for the food and began eating, it was pretty good and you let him know as much, this seemed to make him sigh in relief.
‘I’m happy you like it, but I’m even happier that you came (Y/N). I know that you didn’t have to and I didn’t deserve it.’ he said.
‘You didn’t, but I do, so please tell me the truth. Why did you cheat and why did you never stop.’ you asked sitting down your fork.
‘I...at first we weren’t serious or exclusive and I thought there was nothing wrong with what I was doing. I thought you had felt the same way, we were just...going on dates. Then it was more and you wanted to be official.’
‘I begged you to be exclusive, because I already knew what was going on then.’ you corrected.
‘And I said we were, and at first I tried, but then I went out and met someone I don’t even remember the name of. It felt horrible seeing you after that, but then nothing changed and I thought I had gotten away with it. You didn’t say anything, so I just…’
‘Kept on doing it, because I didn’t say anything?’
‘Because I thought I could, I never thought you would find out or that you would leave. I thought...no I knew you loved me more than anything, and I took advantage of that.’ Hvitserk confessed.
‘You did, and I knew...and I hurt.’ you said as tears came to your eyes.
‘I always knew and I always acted like I never saw it because I did love you. I don’t know why but when my friend sent me that picture of you with that secretary...I couldn’t pretend anymore. I was tired and angry and just fed up with you and your shit.’ you finished.
'I didn't know that you knew, and I know that's no excuse, but I do wish you would have spoken up before.’
'I tried once, when I asked to be exclusive, and you looked me in the eye and lied. You said I was the only one for you whenever I asked.’
'You are, the other women really meant nothing to me. They would get angry when I'd leave or they get impatient with me not spending time with them, but I didn't care. They came and went and it never had any affect on me, then you left and everything went wrong.’ he explained.
‘I couldn’t stand waking up without you, being in that apartment and not hearing you moving around, even the shows we watched together weren’t as good without your commentary to make me laugh.’ he finished.
‘Just because you cared about me more than the others doesn’t make it better. There should have been no other women, maybe before I asked to be exclusive you had an excuse...but after that?’
‘I know that, I should have been faithful to you and respected you enough to tell you what was happening. What I did was hurtful, disrespectful, dishonest, stupid, and arrogant. If by some miracle you took I would spend every second trying earn your trust and showing you how sorry I am.’ Hvitserk promised.
‘Oh Hvitserk...I have waited two years to hear you say those words, then I spent a year realizing I’d never hear them.’ you said.
‘And this year?’
‘I think at this point I just don’t care. Even if you were telling the truth I don’t trust you. I don’t want to go back always wondering what you are doing and never feeling like I’m enough.’ you answered.
‘Please (Y/N), don’t let this be the end of us.’ he pleaded, standing up and walking around the table and taking your hand before he kneeled in front of you.
‘We did have good times when we were together but honestly the bad outweighed the good tenfold.’ you said sadly as you pulled your hand away.
Hvitserk looked devastated and despite you feeling in your heart you were making the right decision it broke your heart to see him like this.
With a heavy heart you stood from your seat and Hvitserk stood as well.
‘A lot of what went wrong with us was your fault, but not all the blame was on you. I didn’t communicate that your actions were hurting me and I let it carry on. You were the love of my life but you are bad for me, I’m sorry Hvitserk.’ you apologized before walking away.
‘I will keep trying to show you that I’ve changed, I will make you see that I can be trusted not to hurt you like I did before.’
You stopped by the door with your hand on the door knob.
‘That’s another thing, I don’t want you to do anything for me. You need to do it for you Hvitserk. This can’t be the type of man you wanted to be, this is how Ragnar  destroyed both of his marriages.’
‘He’s still married.’ he tried.
‘Does your mother love him?’ you challenged as you turned to face him.
When he didn’t answer you continued.
‘Does he love her? Is their relationship what you want for the two of us? Because if it is then it’s good thing we ended things before I started to hate you.’ you finished before you left.
Closing the door behind yourself felt almost like some deep metaphor, your time with Hvitserk had come to an end and you knew it. There was no going back to what it was because what it was wasn’t good for you.
Even if you had taken him back and he had actually stayed faithful this time you would probably still be looking over your shoulder. The paranoia would drive you nuts, there would be no point in the relationship if there was no trust.
Your head was much clearer after your talk with Hvitserk which was really all that you wanted to get out of this.
Once you had got into your car your phone chimed with a message, you pulled it out of your pocket and saw that Alfred had texted you.
Alfred: Another sock on the door wanna meet at the cafe again, I’ll buy the pastries.
For a second you looked up at the house where you left Hvitserk, but then you replied.
(Y/N): I’m there.
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quxntumvandyne · 6 years
Baby Blues (Bucky Barnes x 40’sNurse!Reader)
Pre-Captain America TFA
Word Count: 1.5k 
Warnings: intense fluff
Requested: yes by my lovely wife @galaxy-parker
Summary: Back in the ‘40s, you’re an Army nurse and one of the patients just happens to be the oh so famous Bucky Barnes. You knew he had a way with ladies, but what if you took the reins for a day? 
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You were in the middle of finishing your most recent patient’s paperwork when you heard a man, who seemed not much older than you, speak quietly on a table near your station. You looked up at him from the nurse’s station and immediately made eye contact with the scruffy man with an obviously broken wrist, some scrapes, bruises, and a black eye.
As soon as you made eye contact, a shiver went down your spine and goosebumps spread across every inch of your frame. You could feel the blush rising in your cheeks solely because of the way he was staring at you and every attempt at composing yourself was a true failure.
There was no denying that he was incredibly cute. But of course, he became your responsibility as soon as he came in, being placed in your area for inspection and treatment.
You walk over to the man, with his jaw hanging open and used his obvious attraction to you to your advantage. Why not have a little fun at work today, especially with a handsome fella like him? you thought.
 “Oh goodness, poor baby can’t keep his mouth shut can he?” You tease, closing his mouth back together for him.
You wink at him, before gently lifting his wrist up to get a better look at the break. He winced slightly, with guilt rising in your chest for hurting him more but you pushed that aside. He seemed to have been in a fight of some sort, either wise he wouldn’t have scrapes or a black eye to accompany the broken wrist.
You convinced yourself you wouldn’t let his looks get in the way of you doing your job, but boy was he giving you a run for your money and he had only said one word.
“Well why should I when I got the most stunning girl in Brooklyn I ever seen right in front of me?” he smirked. There was not a doubt in your mind that he was flirting harder than you’d ever seen any man flirt right now, but he seemed to be pulling it off without seeming desperate.
“Can’t be catching flies now can ya? Wouldn’t want anything else to happen to ya, you’re already in bad shape,” you reply, looking at his cuts.
“I would’ve fought that punk sooner if it meant getting to sit in front of those baby blues.” He said, referring to your eyes. “Ya know, those scrubs really make em pop, don’t they? I’d love to see what else you got in that closet of yours.”
“Oh, nothing special, especially nothing you’d want to see. Now, I’ll start treating those cuts on your legs and arms because you got some nasty ones and we’ll save that arm for last okay?” you reply, ignoring his comment about your clothing choices.
He smiles back at you, showing off his straight & perfect white teeth. “Whatever you say, sweetheart. As long as I get to stare at this face the whole time, I won’t feel a thing.”
“Oh hush.” You walk off to get supplies to clean his cuts, feeling his eyes watch you as you walk off until your out of sight.
 “OUCH! Goodness gracious, sugar you’re killing me.”
“You won’t feel a thing, huh?” You mock him as a small pink blush rises on his cheeks at your comment. He tries to play it off, but you know what you saw. You finished bandaging the last cut right on the same wrist he broke and began to pack up supplies from bandaging his cuts and get some extra help to put his wrist back in place. Thankfully for you and him, it looked like a clean snap so placing it back and wrapping it up shouldn’t be as bad as it could.
“Hey hun, I didn’t catch your name? Can’t leave until at least finding out that this gorgeous doll as a name that’s just as beautiful as the rest of her,” he says, gesturing to you as a whole.
You weren’t quite sure what he saw in you, your baby blue scrub shirt and skirt, your hair pulled up into your nurse hat and some white shoes. Surely your hair was a mess from working all day so far and no doubt your clothes were in tangles from trying to keep this guy under control, but you were wondering even more whether or not you should tell him your name. You both have been flirting for a while and he seems like a really sweet and outgoing guy, but you were never open in the past to men because of focusing on work. Maybe this is your chance to start finding someone to share life with, you thought.
“Y/N. That’s my actual name but you, sweet thing, can call me Y/N/N.” His eyes widened at your new name for him but before he could say anything else, you headed off to grab more supplies for his wrist.
Oh, you were having way too much fun messing with this poor guy.
 Once it was finally time to put his wrist back into place, you could see a bit of fear in the man’s eyes and decided to distract him by asking why exactly he got himself into this mess.
“Oh you know, just watching out for an ol’ buddy of mine. Always getting himself into trouble, even though he’s as scrawny as they come. He’s got a good heart but doesn’t always think before he acts.”
“Seems like a nice guy?” You attempt to continue the conversation while preparing both him and yourself to snap it back in place.
“Yeah, he’s nice and sweet but can’t seem to find himself a girl. I’m actually having the same problem myself currently, can’t find anybody who I find either interesting or fun to be around. What do you think sugar, could you help me oOOOOOUUUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!”
The young man shrieked loudly in your ear as you snapped the bone back in place quickly, successfully distracting him long enough to do so without his attention on his arm.
He sighed in relief after his shock wore off, obviously feeling much better but still in some pain, no doubt from other injuries. You wrapped his arm up in a sling and got him so fresh clothes, since his robes were now dirty and his clothes from before had so many rips, they were basically in shreds.
 “Well, I guess this is goodbye, Y/N/N.” He grabbed your right hand in his left and gave the softest and warm kiss to the back of your hand, you could almost imagine what they would feel like on your own. Relationships had never been a focus in the past but the more time you spent with him flirting and talking today, the more you saw yourself spending more time with him.
“I guess so. I never actually got your name either, sir,” you say, realizing you never actually asked him.
He gasped, letting go of your hand to holding his own to his chest, your palm already feeling colder.
“All this time we’ve spent together and you don’t even know my name? Doll, I am truly hurt by this news, and we both know that I’ve been hurt many times over today.”
You smiled at him, the first time you had smiled in his presence since you first met him and he smiled right back at you, his eyes never leaving yours. And you were okay with it.
“James Buchanan Barnes, love. Most people call me Bucky but you, sweetheart, can call me James.”
“What an honor it is to meet you, James.” He stepped closer to you, bent down and whispered in your ear; “The pleasure is all mine, Y/N.”
He looked down at you, smirked at the sight of your obviously flushed face and softly kissed your cheek. You blushed even harder when he pulled away, feeling his lips so close to you that you almost melted right into your shoes. Man, he is one hell of a fella.
“So Mr. Barnes, is there anything else I can do for you today?”
“Well, more like I can do something for you Y/N. How about I take you out next Friday night for a nice dinner and a short walk?” He waited for a response, with a small sense of fear in his gut, knowing you could easily refuse his question.
“Can’t pass up on another opportunity to this pretty face, can I?” you say, with a wave of shock rolling over his scruffy facial features quickly, but turning into a grin, before you walk straight past him, giving him a small wave and making him wait to talk to you once again until next week.
 Little did you know, as soon as you were out of sight, he walked outside feeling better than ever and couldn’t get you outta his head. Later on that week, he would show up to the hospital two more times before the date to say hello because he just couldn’t get you off his mind.
And the feeling was mutual.
 Permanent Taglist:
@holland-haven @magic-marvel @sunflowerannawrites @secondsineternity @minnie-marvel @peter-prkers @signed-potato
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dxlanwrites · 6 years
“Old Roots” .2 (G.D)
A/N: Tweaked it a bit so it flows better. Its lengthy so be prepared. Also not edited and she was difficult and not uploading so what you have is what you'll get. Enjoy. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
The steam that slowly poured out of the bathroom gave the room a new sense of warmth and the soothing sound of running water had caused my heavy eyelids to lift open. Stretching my achy bones and stiff muscles, I let out a loud obnoxious yawn. A deep laugh entered the air making me snap my head to the right. A small smile spread across Graysons lips as he took in the sight of me in his bed. Taking a second to take in his morning appearance, I saw that his hair which was in need of a cut soon was messily tossed around on top of his head and his cheeks were slightly puffy. He had a few light red indention on his bare chest from the position he must of fallen asleep in. Propping myself up on my elbows, I left out another yawn allowing my head to fall forward a little in the process. Looking down and taking in my current state, I gasped and pulled the blanket closer to my chest. 
“Where the fuck is my shirt?” I whispered yelled towards Graysons direction.
“You took it off last night along with your pants because you said and I quote ‘clothes are for losers’.” He said smiling ear to ear as he pulled out a pair of shorts from his dresser and walked towards the bathroom. Looking around the room which looked suspiciously clean, I didn’t see my clothes anywhere
“They’re in the washer. Its laundry day.” He said as he closed the door to the bathroom. 
“What? Why the hell did you think it was okay to wash my clothes? Who does that?” I said loudly as I pushed the covers off of me. I got no reply except for the sound of music blasting behind the door. Goosebumps soon began to form on my skin due to the sudden drop in temperature when he closed the bathroom door. 
“Fine. Keep them..” I mumbled to myself as I looked around the room for items of his clothing I could take so I could leave already. Quickly walked across the cold hardwood floor to his closet, I skimmed the various shelves and racks. One I realized nothing in here would actually fit me or come close to it, I grabbed a grab a random pair of draw string black sweat pants and a t-shirt. After pulling the shirt over my head, something quickly caught my eyes. Rolled up in a ball on a shelf near the top sat a neatly folded dark blue sweatshirt. Shakily reaching my arm out I took a hold of the still soft bundle. The shredded blue fabric in my hands would look like just another normal blue sweatshirt that needed to be thrown away but it was so much more than that. Gliding my fingers of the rips and holes, I could feel the memories that were woven inside of the fabric come alive like they were just yesterday. Shaking the thoughts away I carefully placed the sweatshirt back where it originally was and walked back into the bedroom. After a moment of searching for my boots, I found them sitting next to Graysons desk with my keys and wallet tucked into them. Tugging them on and lacing them up, I stood up and headed for the door. Stopping shortly at his foot body length mirror I quickly took in my appearance. The bags under my eyes were alittle more prominent then normal but not terribly noticeable, my bed head wasnt that bad thankfully so a quick run of my fingers through it would do the trick. Sighing I opened the door and stepped out, turning around to quietly close the door back up I gazed around Graysons bedroom. Anger and disappointment washed through me as I thought about last nights events. What really got to me the most was how comfortable and relaxed I felt waking up and how I continued to feel comfortable here. And I hated it. I hated how I didn’t even think twice this morning when I woke up in Graysons bed or how I slept basically naked next to him. I hated that no matter how hard I tried to resist, I felt like I was home. A small frown on my face appeared and deepened as I closed the door with a quiet click. Walking down the stairs quietly and quickly so I wouldn't alert anyone I rushed towards the door. 
"Skipping out on breakfast?" Ethans voice asked from behind me startling.
"Yep." I said dryly.
"C'mon don't leave so quickly. Sit, eat with us. I missed you kid." Ethan's said. Turning on my heel I turned to face the morning version of Ethan. The smiley happy energetic morning person he was and only dressed in a pair of plaid pajama pants. 
"Do you guys ever wear clothes?" I joked lightly as I crossed my arms.
"Nope. Your staying for at lease breakfast. Come on." He said grabbing my arm lightly and dragging me to the kitchen.
"How about y/n's famous breakfast?" Ethan asked as he hopped up on the counter top.
“You wish.” I said.
"I do wish. And I always get what I wish for." He said jumping down and walking over towards the fridge grabbing a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon.
"Please. No one here can cook like you. They always over cook the bacon or the eggs come out wrong." Ethan pouted. Glaring at him for a minute I reluctantly grabbed the food and walked over to the stove.
“YES! Half of y/n’s famous breakfast!” He yelled out excitedly as I grabbed the pans.
"You owe me Dolan." I snapped back.
10 minutes later the kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly cooker bacon. My stomach loudly growled as I placed the finished products on two large plates. As soon as I finished Tyler and Russell came rolling into the kitchen grabbing a plate and started taking food.
“How come whenever there’s food involved you two bozos just so happen to show up?” I asked placing a hand on my hip. 
“It’s our 6th sense.” They said at the same time causing everyone to laugh, even me. Grabbing a small plate, I loaded it with some food in hopes of finishing it fast. As everything died down and everyone settled down to eat Grayson walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white shirt with the sleeve’s cut off. 
“Damn something smells good.” He said as he reached the two large plates with eggs and bacon.
“Y/N cooked breakfast for us.” Ethan said with a mouth full of toast and eggs.
“Just like the good old days.” Russell added in as he got up for seconds. I felt Graysons eyes on me but I kept myself focused on my food. Russ soon diverted his attention off of me and onto him as he asked Grayson if he wanted a plate. He didn’t say anything but grabbed the clean plate next to me and began piling food on. The few people that were here earlier enjoying their morning had left once Grayson appeared, leaving the 4 of us to an awkward silence that quickly fell over the kitchen as we all ate. After finishing pretty quickly I walked to the sink and placed the plate inside. Turing on the tap I began rinsing my plate, a force of habit, when the front door swung open.
“Did you guys order breakfast and not tell me?” Haileys whiny voice called out. Inwardly groaning I began to wash faster so I could get the hell out of here already. Boy did something about her just aggravate me. 
“Nah, y/n/n cooked.” Ethan said. Getting up and pouring himself a drink then jumping up to sit on the countertop picking at the last pieces of bacon left on the plate. 
“But man do I wish we could of had her infamous french toast.” Tyler said dramatically gazing off into the distance.
“Its literally bread, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla.” I said turning around to Tyler. 
“But baby yours is the best." He exclaimed. A smile passed by my lips even though I tried to hold it back.
“Oh that’s Y/N/N, I thought she left last night after her little freak out.” She said a little too loudly, purposelessly for me to hear. I straightened up slightly from her comment that happened to just rubs me the wrong way. Just when I was about to turn around, I was stopped by Ethans hard chest pressing up against my backside holding me in place. 
“Not worth it.” He said whisperer quietly into my ear. Taking a deep breath, I leaned back into his chest instinctively and nodded. Yeah he’s probably right but she better keep her damn comments to herself. 
“E?” I said. He hummed in response and leaned his chin on my shoulder. “Personal space.” I softly laughed out. 
“Nah your warm.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. His right hand began to lightly tickle my side which made me spaz out and push myself from his grasp. 
“Don’t.” I warned him.
“Don’t what?” He said taking a step towards me with a smirk on his face. 
“Ethan, Im serious.” I sternly said alittle louder this time catching everyones attention. 
“Ethan im serious.” He mocked me. 
“Im not kidding Dolan.” I said taking a small step back. 
“You still fast or did you leave that behind as well?” He asked just as he leaped forwards at me. Letting out a loud squeal I quickly turned around and sprinted out of the kitchen. 
“Why does this always happen to me?” I yelled as I ran for my life around the corner. Ethan laughed out from behind me as well as the guys in the kitchen. Reaching the living room as I leaped over the small glass table and made a beeline back to the kitchen.
“That was dangerous women!” Ethan yelled as he followed me. 
"Im a dangerous women!" I yelled back. Just as I was about to make it passed the stairs and enter the small dining room, he grabbed the hem of my shirt yanking me back into him as he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. 
“No! Ethan put me down!” I yelled as I quickly thrashed in his arms. He just laughed at my freakout as he walked towards the kitchen. 
“Put me down! Put me down!” I yelled out again only this time panic was laced in my voice. My anxiety was beginning to kick in as I felt my breathes shorten. As much as I plead he still held me over his shoulder so I did the only thing that I thought would work.
“GRAYS-” Before I could finish yelling, I was pulled off of Ethans shoulder and brought into a warm chest where I desperately clunged onto the shirt of my savior.
“What the fuck man? Didn’t you hear her say to let her down!” He yelled at Ethan as one hand rubbed my back. 
“Bro I was just playing.” Ethan defended himself. Grayson mumbled a whatever then bent down alittle to grasp the back of my thighs and lift me up to him so now my legs were wrapped securely around him waist.  I didn't even bother to protests at this sudden position instead I simply held him closer hiding my face in the crook of his neck. He walked us out the front door but not before I could hear several footsteps rush over to see what was happening. When we finally got outside, he carefully sat down on the front porch steps with me in his lap. He tried to pull me away from his chest slightly, only to have me wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tighter. 
“Hey, It’s okay. It’s okay. He didn’t know. Just breathe baby. Breathe with me.” He said softly as he took deeper breathes and rubbed my back. A couple minutes later our breathing was insynce at a normal pace and my grip loosened up. 
“I haven’t had an attack in 4 years.” I said as I leaned my forehead against his shoulder and wrapped my arms around my torso. The front door creaked opened and closed as a pair of footsteps neared us. 
“Hey.” Ethan said awkwardly as he sat next to Grayson. I turned my head slightly in his direction and gave him a small smile. 
“Y/N, im sorry. I didnt know you didn’t like getting picked up so much.” He said apologetically.
“It’s okay E. It’s not that I don’t like getting picked up, it’s just that I don’t like being thrown over someone’s shoulder.” I said laying my head back onto Grays shoulder. Ethan frowned his eyebrows together in confusion but didnt say anything.
“Marcus.” Graysons hard voice replied as he tightened his grip on me.
“Fuck y/n. Im so sorry.” Ethan said placing a caring hand on top of mine.
“It’s okay E, really. You didn’t know.” I said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. The three of us remained quiet as we enjoyed basking in the warmth the sun brought us and listened to the sounds spring had to offer. After a few minutes passed I awkwardly sat up in Grays lap and tried to stand up but was held down by his arm. Staring down at him confused, I was met with a dazed gaze from him. A look I knew to well, his in deep thought look. Sighing I ran a hand through my hand and sat down in my previous spot. I was tense and uncomfortable now that I was aware of the position we were in but Gray didn't seemed as bothered, he just wrapped a lazy arm around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder. A few moments later I began to relax and actually enjoy his embrace but would never admit that to myself.
"Let's head inside." Ethan spoke breaking the comfortable silence we all fell into.
"Yeah I should get going." I said staring off into the distance.
"Stay. For alittle longer." Ethan begged. In the corner of my eye I could see Grayson staring at me curiously. Focusing back onto Ethan I noticed his little pouty lip he had going on and his puppy dog eyes in action. Maybe it was the weird comfort ability I refound in the boys or the fact that I actually missed them that made me silently agree. Quickly passing a glance at Grayson he had a questionable look on his face, joy maybe? Walking back into the house I noticed how quiet it really was, like they were all waiting for us. Entering the living room Hailey rose fast from her seat and bombarded Grayson as soon as he came into eye contact. Ignoring them and walking over to the couch, I took a seat in my spot. Ethan plopped down next to me as he threw his hands onto the back of the couch allowing me to slide into his side. The two love birds made there way over to the rest of us then Grayson noticed Ethans position and stared him down. Ethan quickly got the hint and got up with a grunt as Grayson took the open seat next to me, leaving little to no space between us.
“Seriously what’s with you and your brother and not understanding personal space.” I said shoving him lightly. He threw his head back slightly as he laughed then tilted his head towards me flashing a smile that made my heart clench. I missed that smile. The sound of someone clearing their throat made us break eye contact and look up.
“Your in my seat.” Hailey said smirking down at me.
"Your seat?” I asked looking at her like she grew three heads.
“Yes. Now move.” She said making a shooing motion with her hand.
“Excuse me?” I replied back shifting positions so I was facing her better.
“Are you stupid or something? I said move.” She said annoyed.
“Hail. Just sit here.” Grayson said patting the other spot next to him.
“Yeah Hail sit there.” I said leaning back into my spot.
“No this is my spot. That’s my boyfriend your so pathetically clinging to. And this is my house. So move.” She said getting frustrated that I wasn’t budging. I took a quick glance at Grayson who was now looking at the television but I knew his attention was focused on us and not on whatever movie was playing. A small twitch in his lip also gave away how he enjoyed me not backing down.
"Grayy." Hailey whined.
“Just sit down somewhere else already.” He said looking at her then back at the TV. 
“Why aren’t you making her move? That’s my spot!” She said stomping her foot and raising her voice. Grayson snapped his head in her direction as a hard expression mirrored his face.
“Stop acting like a fucking child and sit down. She was there first.” He said sternly while grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the spot next to him. I tried to hold my smirk back but I just couldn’t. 
“Stop smiling.” She said shooting daggers at me. I rolled my eyes at her and focused my attention on Tyler and Ethan who were arm wrestling next to me. After a few rounds Tyler won which caused him to quickly  get tackled by Ethan onto the floor as he show him his ‘real strength’. 
"Are those your clothes?” I heard Hailey quietly ask Grayson. He just hushed her and watched the movie. I hadn’t even noticed I had leaned so far into his side until I was about to jump onto the wrestling boys but was held down by arm around my waist.
“What the-.” I said as I began to move his arm off of me. 
"Let go." I said.
“No. You’ll get hurt.” He said not looking at me. Raising an eyebrow at him I pushed his arm away again.
"Your point? Why does it matter to you?" I said slightly angry at how he was acting. 
"Don't be a child." He said.
"Then don't act like my father." I snapped finally prying his arm off of me.
“And how would you know how a father acts like? Didn’t yours disown you and never talked to you again. I mean I would of done that a lot earlier instead of waiting around for you to get pregnant.” Hailey said laughing slightly.
“What the fuck did you say? What the hells your problem?” I snapped at her. She said nothing as she smiled leaning into Grays tense chest.
“No repeat what you said bitch. If you had the balls to say it the first time then you must have them to repeat it again..” I spoke calmly which made everyone in the room go quiet and tense up. Hailey didn’t say anything but just stayed there smiling at me which made my blood boil more.
“Must suck right. To have your parents that hate you and look at you with disgust only for you to lose the baby in the end. So pathetic.” She laughed out. As soon as the last word left her mouth I flung myself onto her. Tightly gripped her throat, I shoved her onto the ground pinning her down underneath me. In a split second I was ripped off of her and held back.
“You don’t fucking know shit. So keep your damn mouth shut before I break your goddamn jaw.” I yelled at her. She slowly rose coughing in the process as she held her neck.
“Pathetic. Like I said. You don’t even belong here so leave already. If you haven’t noticed you were replaced the second you left. And nobody missed you.” She said. Ethan was about to say something but I interrupted him before he had the chance.
“No let her continue. I wanna hear what her big mouth has to say.” I said as I stuggled to get out of his tight grip. Hailey laughed and walked up to Grayson who was as stiff as a plank of wood. 
“Let’s leave baby.” She cooed disgustingly in his ear but Gray didn’t move instead he kept his eyes on me. “Gray c'mon lets go.” She said more sternly and pulled his arm slightly.
“You’re seriously mental if you think he’d go anywhere with you now. Damn, if I was you I wouldn’t even want to be that close to him right now.” I sneered keeping his eye contact as I talked to Hailey. She narrowed her eyes at me and Gray then tugged his arm again.
“Low fucking move bringing up my past but wanna know a secret? It wasn’t just my past you brought up with that little comment of yours.” I said staring directly at her. Ethan chose the perfect moment to relaxed his grip just enough for me to pull my arms away allowing me to zip towards her as she hid slighty behind Grayson who only side stepped away so I could stand directly infront of her.
“Why do you think he didn’t grab me off of you and Ethan had to? Why didnt he interfere if your his girlfriend? For starters you mentioned his fucking son in a very bad fucking way. Our son. I could just kill you right now but your so not worth my time. Second your not his girlfriend. You never were, never will be. You were just another play thing that was kept around for too long. Hell, he doesn’t even let you in his room. What kind of boyfriend does that? Wanna know something? I was in his room last night even slept in his bed with him.” I said alittle too prouldy for my liking.
“She was in your room?” She looked up at Grayson in shock. He didn’t even bother to look at her when he nodded.
"Wow. Couldn’t even keep your legs closed long enough for one night and had to go and fuck someone who isn’t yours. Probably fucked Ethan too.” She said. 
“Oh honey Grayson is mine. He will always be mine." I growled closing any space between me and Hailey.
"And if me and him did fuck last night you would of definitely heard it. God it’s just so difficult to keep quiet when he uses that skilled tongue of his or when he pounds me mercilessly. Fuck. Just thinking about it gets me all wet. Gray, baby, wanna go upstairs and have alittle fun.” I said smirking down at her as I ran a hand down Graysons chest. That seemed to be the last straw and set her off just as I planned. A lady never swings first. She pushed me backwards harshly then tired to throw a punch but failed when Grayson caught it mid air. 
“You were wrong when you said I was replaced as soon as I left, cause honey no body replaces me, especially not you. But you were right when you said I dont belong here, but then again there’s no place like home. Now get the fuck out of my house.” I said taking a step towards her. She looked between Grayson and I with big eyes of disbelief and anger.
“You heard her. Get out.” Grayson said with no emotion left in his voice. She then pulled her hand out of Graysons grip only to slap me across the face with her other hand. Grabbing my face stinging cheek, I felt it heat up under my touch. I could hear the guys behind me hold their breath as they awaited my next move.
“Oh you stupid bitch. Wrong fucking move.” I spat out as I pulled my arm back and threw my clenched fist forward slamming right into her nose. Blood started gushing out as soon as my knuckles left her skin. Grabbing the back of her neck I walked towards the front door. Throwing her into the door and pinning her agaisnt it I leaned in and whispered into her ear.
“I tried to be nothing but civil with you but my patience can only go so far. And Im one bitch you do not want to mess with." I said pulling her hair so she had to crane her neck back. Grabbing the back of her neck harshly again, I pulled her off the door as I swung it open throwing her out onto the porch in the process.
"Now get your ass off my porch, I don’t want your blood staining the wood. Oh and stay the fuck away from my family and my man.” I said slamming and locking the door. My adrenaline was pumping quickly threw my veins, a feeling I haven't felt in years. A feeling I have always feared but always loved, nothing good ever came from my bad side and I worked so hard to surpress it all these year that this one little slip up was not going to set me back. Turning around slowly everyone was silently  staring at me in disbelief except Grayson. He was standing there with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.
"You said your house. You also called me yours.” He said quietly as he approached me stopping dangerously close. My heart was beating so hard I would of thought he would be able to feel it just standing there. 
“Yeah I did. Don't look too much into it.” I said pushing past him and towards the stairs so I could be sit alone to relax. I felt him follow me just as a warm hand wrapped around my wrist causing me to spin around as I was pinned up agaisnt the wall.
“About fucking time.” Grayson said as he crashed his lips onto mine. It took me a second to register what was happening but my lips were already in motion kissing him back trying to deepen it. Hesitantly wrapping my arms around his neck I slowly threading my fingers through his hair pulling him closer. It just felt so right but it was bad. He was bad, for me. He smoothly slide one arm my waist as the other securely held the side of my neck making sure I couldn’t pull away. Our lips soon moved insynce as our tongue’s danced together. We poured every goddamn emotion into each kiss, 4 years of pumped up anger, pain and love just flowed out. When we finally pulled away to breathe, Grayson simply did not stop. Leaving soft gentle kisses down my jaw line and onto my neck he began grazing his tongue over my skin with every kiss. Biting gently and sucking my skin leaving marks to form to show who I belonged to. He bite gently into my sweet spot right where my neck met my collar bone causing me to let out a breathless moan and cling onto him even more. I moaned out again as his free hand made contact with my skin as it roamed slightly upwards under the sweatshirt leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
 “God I missed you. So fucking much.” He mumbled agaisnt my skin slowly pulling away to look at me. His eyes held so much emotion in them that I could slowly feel myself slip fall back in love with him. Leaning forward I placed a soft kiss on his swollen lips.
“I missed you too, but-” I said but was interrupted by another kiss. 
“No buts. I want to enjoy this before reality comes crashing back down.” He said softly burying his face in the crook of my neck once again placing soft kisses and holding me close. Pulling him closer to me and mimicking his actions, we stood there enjoying eachothers company. My mind was yelling at me to stop and run but my heart was telling me to hold him and never let go. I went to move away when I accidentally brushed my bruised knuckles agaisnt the fabric of his shirt causing me to hiss out in pain. He pulled back slightly when he heard me and grabbed my hand. 
“My babys a bad ass. Yah know it was always a turn on when you get all fired up.” He said smirking. Rolling my eyes at him, he grabbed my good hand intertwined our fingers and walked to the kitchen to grab an ice pack. "
I haven't punched anyone in a long time. Forgot how it felt." I said looking down at my red knuckles.
"Forgot? You? Good one." He said grabbing a zip lock bag filled with ice from the freezer. 
"Shut up." I snapped but had a soft smile threatening to form.
"I've seen you throw harder punches then that and not get a scratch. You've gone soft." He said as we walked to where the guys were. 
 “That bitch got what she deserved.” Russell said as we walked back into the living room. 
“Yeah. And I for one missed you alot when you left.” Tyler said.
 “Yeah cause you couldn’t stare at her ass anymore.” Russell added in rolling his eyes. 
“Yeah….” Tyler joked which earned a glare from Grayson as we sat down, making me smirk. 
“YAY! The gangs back together!” Ethan yelled. 
“Shut up.” We all said insynce.
 “Rude.” Ethan said putting a hand on his chest acting offended as he sat down. Leaning into Grays side comfortably I rested my head on his shoulder. Peering around the room to just us 5 laughing and talking, it felt like deja vu. It seemed like all my hard work to leave here and make a name for myself was just a dream and this was my reality. Sighing I leaned my head back and close my eyes, I need to leave soon before I won't be able to. 
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werenzki · 7 years
William Nylander #2
Anonymous said: Could you make one where you met William nylander family for the first time?
A/N: apologizes for any spelling or grammar errors, as usual i wrote this at some god awfully late time. but hope you all liked it!! :)
Word Count: 2,759
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If your boyfriend thought you were just casually going to up and meet his family then he was crazy. And after walking into the suite you normally sat in during Leafs game, it was confirmed - William Nylander was freaking crazy. Cause staying around was his entire family, visiting from Sweden, and looking at you as if you had two heads.
Willy and you have been dating for almost five months now. Nothing wild by any means, but you’d definitely say things were slowly getting serious in the relationship. He had met your parents just last week, with you by his side of course, at a cute lunch date. He had been prepared and had you to do introductions and all that jazz. Unlike you right now with all four sisters and his parents staring back at you. 
Thankfully, you had met Alex one month into you and Willy seeing one another, so as he turned and saw you standing there hopelessly, he stood from the stool he was sitting on and walked towards you. A smile curled up on his lips and he gave you a hug. His hands rubbed up and down your back before pulling back to look at your nervous facial expression. 
“Don’t be scared, the family’s excited to meet you,” he stated. 
“I’ve been avoiding coming here for like twenty minutes,” you admitted before he turned to reveal the fact his sisters were all still staring at you. 
Willy had mentioned the fact his parents have heard so much about you by now that they already liked you. His sisters on the other hand made you a little bit scared. As someone who had siblings, any time they stared seeing someone or anything, you were twenty times more judgmental than usual. You caught the narrowed eyes of Michelle - the eldest of the Nylander girls. 
“Y/N?” Camilla took the few steps to meet you and Alex half way in the suite. She had a grin on her face that made you smile as well. And she was stupidly beautiful. You nodded and then she spoke up again, “its so nice to finally meet you!” She exclaimed before wrapping her arms around you.
“You too,” you said and returned the gentle embrace. 
“William has been trying to get us down here and meet you for weeks now,” she stated. 
“He’s in love that’s for sure,” one of the younger blondes said. Her voice was squeaky but so freaking cute. 
“Oh,” you were blushing at the pre-teens words. With every Nylander’s blue eyes on you, you couldn’t help as your cheeks heated up. It was only just a couple weeks ago that Willy and you said the words ‘I love you’ to each other. Hearing it come from his little sister kinda shook you a bit. 
“I’m Michael,” Will’s dad stepped up then with his head extended for you to shake. You smiled and shook his hand, then he pointed at the youngest blonde that had just spoken to you. “This is Daniella, and Stephanie,” he said while the two girls smiled back at you. 
“Jacquline,” Alex suddenly called out for the one sister that had walked off to the end of the suite that looked over the arena. You guessed she was more interested in her brother warming up rather than staring at you - unlike the rest of the family. 
“That’s Jacquline,” Michael said as she waved from where she stood, “come meet your brothers girlfriend,” he ordered. The teen didn’t hide her eye roll while she walked up the few steps and stood beside her father. 
“Hi,” she said. 
“Hi,” you said while mirroring her smile. “I’m Y/N," 
"And then you know Alex,” Camilla stepped in now with the introduction. “This is our eldest, Michelle,” she said while brushing a hand down her hair. Michelle didn’t seem bothered, instead she just kept staring at you before breaking a small smile. She made you the most nervous, there was no doubt about that. “And I’m Camilla, but we sort of did the whole name thing over the phone one day,” she chuckled. 
“Right,” you recalled the day. Willy was on the phone with his parents, you were sitting on the bed beside him while he mentioned you to his mom. It was a weird introduction of just your names while you said hi as Willy held out the phone. 
“I like your shoes,” Stephanie commented with a grin. 
“Thank you,” you smiled down at the boots you had on. They were just a pair of black heeled booties, but you wore them constantly and appreciated the compliment from Willy’s sister. 
“Yeah, your sweater is really cute too,” Michelle said as she pointed at the turtleneck you had on. It was a thin white material which you paid way too much for, but it went with pretty much anything. Like your black booties, black jeans and your jean jacket that you wore today. 
“Thanks, I like your shirt too,” you smiled. Her shirt was a simple black long sleeve with a hoodie too. You’d probably wear it every day honestly, it screamed comfort. 
“Thanks,” she smiled. 
“Want to sit?” Alex asked, he had grabbed a drink and was nodding his head to the seats. He obviously didn’t want to just leave you on your own, which you thought was really sweet. 
“Sure,” you smiled. 
“I want to sit beside you, Alex,” Daniella said while following you two down the few steps. You heard Camilla chuckle at her youngest. 
“You’ll get to know it, Ella loves her brothers more than anything,” Camilla said while leaning over the bar that was just behind your seat. Daniella took the seat on Alex’s right while you sat on his left, another free seat was on your left which you knew would be taken as soon as the puck dropped. You smiled up at Camilla. Willy had mentioned Daniella on several occasions, she’d even go out of her way to call her big brother some days. You thought it was adorable. 
“Yeah,” Michelle said, “and me and Jac are pretty tight and Stephanie is the classic weird middle kid,”
Stephanie immediately frowned at her teasing older sister. She looked anywhere but at her family, instead watching the team finish up their warm ups. You smiled and heard Camilla say something in Swedish to her eldest, Michelle sort of rolled her eyes and shook her head in response. 
“It’s alright, Stephanie,” you paused while her eyes fell to you now, “I’m the weird middle child too,” you said and shrugged. 
“Really?” She asked. 
You nodded, “yeah, I always end up on my own most the time during family stuff," 
"Do you come from a big family?” Camilla asked. She was sitting comfortably in one of the stool at the bar above you, while Stephanie was slowly making her way to the free seat at your left. You noticed Michael was on his phone further in the suite now. 
“I thought I did, then Willy told me about how big your family is,” you chuckled and so did most of the blonde around you. “I have two older brothers and a younger brother. And he’s only like a year younger so the older ones took him in, instead of me,” you explained. 
“Brothers? Only girl, wow,” Camilla said. 
“Yup,” you smiled. 
“Will must’ve loved knowing he’d have to meet older brothers,” Michelle said, “I know that Alex and Will are going to rip any guy these girls talk to to shreds. They tried to be the crazy protective brother role to me, but it just didn’t work," 
"Oh yeah,” you chuckled, “all three of them are insane about me dating. Same with my dad. But my dad met Willy before the boys so I’m hoping he tells them to back off a little," 
"I heard that went well,” Camilla smiled. You crossed your legs and turned to looked up at her, a smile on your face as well. It was cute that he had told his mom about him meeting your parents. 
“It did,” you agreed. 
“Game’s about to start!” Jacquline shouted. She was mostly trying to get her dad’s attention as she turned away from the ice and looked for him. 
“Can I sit beside you?” Stephanie asked while pointing at the free seat. You grinned and patted the seat. 
“Of course,” you said. 
Once the anthems were all said and done, the face off went down and then the first period was under way. Michael had taken a seat at the bar with his wife, while Jac sat eagerly at the edge of her seat in front of you with Michelle on her phone to her left. It was obvious who was really into watching hockey and who was tired of it by now in the family. During the first period, Steph and you got talking about her schooling and such. Turns out she’s pretty smart and already knows she wants to be a nurse. 
Just as you two were chatting about her liking for Tennis, the arena started to get excited. Then the horn was going off and the suite started to cheer along with the rest of the Leafs fans. Looking down at the ice, you saw Auston doing his classic celly. Then Zach, Mo, Jake and Willy were embracing him before going down the line of their excited teammates. 
“That Matthews kid really can play,” Michael said above you. 
“He’s cute too,” Michelle said shamelessly. Alex rolled his eyes dramatically while you just chuckled along with Stephanie. 
“Willy got the assist,” Alex said just as you too were reading the alert on your phone. Yes, you had Leafs games notifications sent to your phone, and you weren’t ashamed. 
“I know,” you smiled. 
And the pride in your boyfriend only got bigger as he scored the game-winning-goal during the third period that put the Leafs ahead by one. Suddenly the horn went off and the Nylanders were all getting ready to leave while glancing at the ice for the 3 stars to be announced. You knew Willy would be the first star, and as he skated out his family cheered loudly - it made your heart hurt it was so freaking cute. 
“We were thinking about going out and getting something to eat,” Michael said as everyone got closer to the suite door. “Did you want to join us?“ He asked with a smile. 
"You should come,” Alex smiled. 
“Yeah, please,” Stephanie pleaded. You chuckled and shrugged your shoulder. 
“Sure, I’ve got nothing else planned for my night,” you admitted. The girls all smiled and Alex was quick to put his arm around you while you followed the family downstairs to the dressing room. 
You all waited off to the side as you waited for Willy. Everyone knew the drill, he’d take a bit longer due to the fact he had such a good night and the media would be eating it up. You smiled at Kappy walked out the dressing room doors and towards the Nylanders. Each one of them hugged Kappy before he got to you. 
“How’s it going?” He asked. You knew he meant with the family, he and Willy were roommates and you had mentioned this to him just last night. 
“Good,” you smiled. 
“I knew it would,” he grinned before hugging you again. 
“You should come for some drinks and eats too, Kaps,” Michael said while putting his hand down on his shoulder.
“Sure, Mike,” Kappy smiled. You saw little Jac blushing beside her dad. Someone had a little crush. You related to Jacquline, on more than one occasion you had crushed on one of your brothers friends. And Kappy was a cutie. 
Alex and Kappy started talking then as the rest of the Leafs left the dressing room. Mitch came by to say hi to you too, and Auston too - which made Michelle go wide-eyed as you introduced him to the family. The rest of the boys waved to you before leaving, then finally your boyfriend made his way out of the dressing room. He looked good in the light blue dress shirt, as he carried his suit jacket in one hand and walked towards his family. 
You let him hug each one of them, getting more than enough congrats from the proud family. You were smiling as he turned to you. 
“Hey,” he muttered in your ear while you hugged. 
“Hey,” you giggled. When he pulled back he planted a kiss right on your lips in front of his whole family. Your stomach twisted up and you ended up breaking the kiss to laugh as Daniella faked gagging noises. 
Michelle gave her a smack on the arm, which caused her to wined and then Camilla had to step in. You chuckled under your breath but then caught Stephanie talking to Willy. 
“She’s cool,” she said. 
“Yeah, I know, Steph,” Willy chuckled. 
“I’m just saying, I’m upset you didn’t introduce us sooner,” she shrugged and then we were all walking to the parkade. 
Willy grabbed your hand and you leaned into him as you walked side by side. He kissed your temple softly while waiting for the elevator. You had attended plenty of games, waited for this elevator more than enough times, but never with all the Nylanders and Kappy with you. But you loved it, you loved his family. They were all so kind and welcoming already to you. 
“Where are we thinking of getting something to eat?” Willy asked. 
“Made a reservation at that place down the street from our hotel,” Michael stated. 
The family kept a buzz of conversation on the walk to the parkade. During the drive in your car with Willy and Kappy, you gave a brief run-down on your night with the family. Willy seemed happy, holding your free hand while you drove down the street. Then him and Kappy talked about the game of course. 
“Who’s betting tonight?” Michelle questioned. You were all standing outside the restaurant waiting for Michael to park the car. Your eyebrows pulled together, what in the world was she talking about? What family gambles during dinner? 
“I say two,” Daniella said. 
“Four,” Jacquline shrugged. “Three for Kappy,” she added shyly. 
“I’ll say, one for them both and then two for Willy,” Stephanie said while pointing at both her brothers. “Oh and two for Kappy too," 
"I think,” Camilla paused, “one for your father and three for Willy and Kappy both," 
"Alright, and I’ll bet three for Will and only one for Kappy,” Michelle smiled. She had taken notice of your more than confused look. 
“What is going on?” You asked. 
“It’s a game they started this season,” Willy stated, “they bet how many fans come up to me while we’re out and ask for an autograph,” he explained with a smile. 
You chuckled, “oh I love it, I’m in," 
"Yes!” Stephanie cheered. You smiled at her and thought for a moment. Out of them all, you’d say you had the most experience with Leafs fans noticing Willy and approaching them this season. 
“I say, six for Willy and three for Kappy. Maybe one for Alex too,” you smiled. 
“High numbers,” Michelle noted. 
“Busy place,” you said while jabbing a thumb behind you at the bustle of the restaurant. The girls all nodded and then you looked down as Willy threaded his fingers through yours again. 
He leaned down to whisper into your ear, “I love this,” he said. You turned and gave him a 'what’ face in reply. “You and my family, they love you,” he smiled. 
“Well,” you sighed, “I’m glad," 
"Me too,” Willy smiled before placing his lips to yours and leaving a sweet short kiss on them. You felt yourself blushing again as you saw his younger sister watching you two. Embarrassed, you leaned into Willy and watched as Michael ran across the street toward you all. 
“Did we already make the bets?” Michael asked, slightly out of breath from his jog. 
“Yup,” you replied. 
“What’d you’d say?” He asked, an eyebrow raised. 
“Six for Willy, three for Kappy and one for Alex," 
"I say one lower than all of hers then,” he nodded. 
“Alright,” Michelle nodded, “now let’s get in there I’m starving," 
"Me too,” Willy agreed while grabbing his stomach. You chuckled and shook your head at him. Although, seeing him interact with his family made you smile like an absolute idiot, and you didn’t really care. The Nylander family was so freaking cute.
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roraewrites · 7 years
nine - contemplative
Glass Heart Rating: M And he was in the darkness, so darkness he became.
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Sasuke didn't flee back into their quarters that night. Instead, he left himself for the night sky and breeze to take him and his thoughts away. The single particle of clothing that he grabbed was his cloak, and while he wore the hood over his head, his face was well enough known that he would be recognized anywhere he went.
The calming air that crawled through his clothing wasn't enough to ensure that his thoughts would return back to normal. Hell, his thoughts weren't normal before all of this transpired before him and Sakura.
One second his mind was set on revenge and ending anyone who stepped in his way, the next, he had Sakura's body pressed to his, their lips moving gracefully against one another. If it hadn't been for Suigetsu and his annoying disturbance, he wasn't sure what would've happened next.
Not only was Sasuke's mind constantly on Sakura now, but he just couldn't get her scent off of him. It lingered, tearing his mind to shreds and causing his heart to do the thinking for him now.
Was his heart in it to really kill Itachi? After all, that's why he sought out Orochimaru and left the Leaf in the first place - to gain power and end this torturous nightmare.
A low growl ripped from his throat as he continued his walk through the dimly lit town. He couldn't get his mind straight, let alone connect with him inner self anymore. Even the demon in his mind left him high and dry, making him think for himself for once.
"Hello, sir," the face that looked at him was an older gentleman, roughly in his sixties and sporting a head that speckled white patches of hair.
Sasuke didn't return his greeting, only nodded his head slightly before pulling his hood farther over his head, covering his smoldering eyes.
What am I doing anymore? It was a reoccurring thought that even he didn't know the answer to. Sakura was in his head, playing a dangerous game with his heart and he didn't like one thing about it.
He didn't have those types of feelings for her. Fuck, he didn't even have those types of feelings for himself.
How could someone love someone like himself when everything he did in life was to get closer to his older brother, only to end his beating heart.
Sasuke came to rest his arms on the counter as he readjusted his body in his seat. Before he knew it, his head was resting on the tops of his forearms while his head began to throb from on oncoming headache.
He was overthinking, something he was phenomenal at. He didn't have it in him to turn back and find Sakura, rip her from her deep conversation that she was probably having with Suigetsu at this point in time, and tell her exactly what he was thinking. Sasuke couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't do that.
He was too selfish after all.
"On the house," the lower, huskier voice cut through his thoughts like a kunai, and when Sasuke peeked his obsidian eye out from his arm, it was a shallow glass of sake. He sighed deeply, refusing to lower his guard to drown his miseries in alcohol like he had seen many people in his life do.
To Hell with it.
The burning liquid felt revitalizing as it soared down his throat, entering his stomach and sitting in the pit of his belly. He could feel the refreshing taste spread across his tongue as he set the small cup back down on the counter.
The man from earlier poured another and offered a gentle smile. Again, the liquid soared down his throat and joined what was already in his stomach.
If there was anything in this world that Sasuke needed, it was to cut his ties and be on his own. While his team was something he needed - Karin especially, mainly for her sensory skills - he could go out on his own.
Upon finishing his drink, Sasuke pulled his hood back over his head, concealing his signature black hair and brooding dark eyes. He felt the liquid in his stomach working its magic, easing his tensed muscles and soothing his overworking mind.
The night air was now cold and brisk since his body had calmed down from his lust filled moment with Sakura.
Sakura, he thought once more. No matter what he did, he just couldn't get her out of his head.
His thoughts about her entering a deep conversation came back to mind, giving his stomach a sick twist and his throat releasing a low snarl. Sasuke just couldn't get a break, especially when his mind came up with sick and twisted ideas.
He began his walk back to the place him and his team would stay for the night. He wouldn't join them for dinner, no.
He just wanted to be near Sakura and her glowing aura.
No matter what Sakura did, she just couldn't tear her mind from the feeling of Sasuke's lips on her own.
His hands were strong, his hips felt perfect as her legs wrapped lightly around him, holding her in place against the wooden building. Once she calmed her breathing, she entered the room that Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu resided in. Suigetsu, of course, gave her a toothy grin while Karin didn't bother showing her a smile or waving a hello. Juugo simply smiled before grabbing her a bowl and motioning for her to serve up a dish of her own.
Whatever they were eating, definitely looked like soup, but smelled of fish. Regardless, she took the ladle and served herself.
Dinner was quiet, Sakura observed. Or was it just her, lost in her thoughts and disregarding everything that everyone said to her because she was self absorbed?
"Sakura!" Karin finally called, and Sakura knew that it was the latter.
A small groan came from her thin, parted lips as she made eye contact with burning, fire eyes.
"Get yourself together, you're zoning out and dripping your soup everywhere," Karin warned before pushing her glasses slightly up her nose. Sakura tried laughing the moment off, but knew all too well that she needed to pull herself together.
She had more important things to think about other than the Uchiha.
Remember, he left you when you were younger. Is it really worth it to help him with something so malicious?
Her thoughts came in waves with each bite that she took. Sakura couldn't even recall the flavor, let alone the seasoning as she chewed her food slowly.
The more Sakura thought about their group tracking and finding Itachi, the more she thought back to when she had actually met Itachi when she was still with Naruto and Kakashi - or what they thought was the real Itachi, at least.
She placed her empty bowl on the hard table, the spoon clattering against the porcelain bowl and ripping her from her thoughts once more.
"Thank you for the food," she murmured before taking her bowl to the sink, rinsing it out, then taking her leave.
Her and Karin's room was small, but it was big enough for the two of them. She had nothing except her kunai holster that was fastened securely around her leg and the clothes that she wore on her body.
Her body ached slightly, due to the poison that her and Karin extracted earlier, but thankfully it had only been the slightest bit of poison and not some advanced technique that the Rock had stumbled upon. Whenever Sakura thought of poison, she was reminded of Lady Chiyo.
Sakura sighed softy before propping their single window open and shuffling her body through the small opening.
"Where are you going?" The soft voice caught her from exiting the room.
It was Suigetsu, his amethyst eyes filled with curiosity.
"For a walk," she lied.
"Can I come with?"
Sakura felt her stomach tilt, but instead of declining, she nodded her head slightly.
She didn't need Sasuke to play the protector in her life anymore. She was a strong kunoichi, capable of looking out for herself. Another thing that flustered Sakura about Sasuke, was that when he sensed another guy trying to befriend her, he felt it necessary to step between the relationship and stop it at all costs.
She rolled her eyes to herself before pushing through the window completely. She floated to the ground gracefully, her slender legs catching her in place while dust coughed up from the ground and encased her boots in a thin, powdery case. Suigetsu jumped from the window as well, his presence joining her on the dirt road below.
"Where to?" He grinned before folding his hands behind his head, balancing them there.
"Let's just walk," Sakura replied, her mind too lost to the thoughts to really care where the two of them ended up at.
And that's what they did. Suigetsu made small comments as Sakura led the way. He talked about his brother, how Mangetsu had taken it upon himself the raise not only himself, but Suigetsu as well. She found that her friend's stories made the concern in her heart and worry in her mind fade for awhile.
"Do you mutilate people before you kill them?"
Her hands flew over her mouth while emerald green eyes widened. Where the hell had that come from, and why so abruptly?
The sound that came from Suigetsu made her eyebrow raise.
"I have mutilated one person."
Sakura felt her heart rate increase. Sasuke hadn't lied about that part, but why did Suigetsu only say one person? Sakura remained quiet as her hands fell slowly from her mouth and her eyes watching his lips turn to a smirk.
"I'm not proud of it," Suigetsu clicked his tongue. "But the man deserved it for what he did to my brother."
Sakura couldn't help but let her fists clench in anger. She felt tears prick from behind her eyes as she thought about Suigetsu's words and knowing all too well, that she would get revenge on someone who ever did anything to her family or dearest friends.
Her question didn't stop Suigetsu from his mouthfuls of conversation and small comments. That's what she enjoyed most about him, especially when she wasn't in the mood to talk, he would come up with his own conversations and not only entertain his own mind, but hers as well.
"Say, what's Sasuke like when he's not around any of us?"
She figured it was only fair for him to ask her a personal question now.
Her shoulders shrugged slightly while her mind processed the question.
What was he like?
Not even Sakura knew. He was hot and cold, confusing, stressful, angering. Yet he had found a way into her heart and wormed his way into every thought that she had lately.
"He's Sasuke," she answered carefully, knowing that Suigetsu wouldn't understand.
No one but Sakura fully understood Sasuke, yet he still found a way to get under her skin and get on every nerve that she had. He was infuriating, demanding, bossy, moody, but most of all, he had a heart underneath his thick exterior. It was hard to get through to, but in the moments that Sakura had seen Sasuke for what he truly was, it was like small pieces of her heart got chipped away with each interaction with the true Sasuke.
"Ah," Suigetsu commented in an understanding voice. Sakura could only smile and roll her eyes.
Just like Naruto, she thought to herself.
"If you could leave and go to the people you love most, where would you go?" It was Sakura's turn for asking a question.
The shark-like man didn't take a second to think. He clearly knew the answer long before she asked it. "I ask myself that every day."
She raised a thin brow in his direction before sucking her lower lip in to her mouth and sinking her teeth into it.
"What about you? You don't seem like your normal self. Do you still have some poison still floating around in your brain?" Suigetsu inquired before poking a finger gently to the side of her head.
She swatted his hand away playfully before laughing slightly. It was a trick question, and as Sakura's heart had been split in two, she didn't know the answer. Suigetsu had stumped her.
Mmm, her mind thought, a low hum coming from the base of her throat.
"You don't have to answer, I was joking," Suigetsu's voice cut her thoughts off. He was stopped in the middle of the road... Or what was left of the road.
Sakura hadn't realized it, but they stood at the edge of the town now. The chirping of bugs and songs of late night birds echoed through the trees of the forest, and along with it, the hushed sound of rushing water.
"Ready to head back?"
"I'm going to hang out for awhile. I'll see you in bit," Sakura smiled softly.
Her conversation with Suigetsu had eased her mind, distracted it from the constant anxiety that coursed through her thoughts. He put a stop to her overthinking mind and eased the tension in her sore shoulders. When her feet began to carry her through the damp grass, she followed her senses and made her way towards the river.
She unzipped her boots quickly before discarding them on the rocks that lined the small river. Next came her smooth, black leggings and underwear as she waded into the water, just to the bottoms of her knees. The pale moon that reflected in the rippling water illuminated it just enough to where she could see where she was walking in the flowing water.
She felt refreshed, eager to remove the rest of her clothing and wade out to the center where the water would come to rest just at the tops of her breasts. So that's what she did. She removed Sasuke's stained and dirty shirt, the obi that she felt uncomfortable in, and undid her bindings until her body soaked up the pale light from the darkening sky.
It was just her while the body of water enveloped her in its safety. She dunked her head back, allowing the water to take hold of her scalp and wash away the dirt, grime and sweat from days of travel. While their room held a shower, she felt more at ease by herself in the confines of the wild river.
While Sakura had plenty of thinking to do, she couldn't help but feel refreshed.
Where would she go if she had the choice - scratch that, she did have a choice. Sasuke said she could return to Konoha, but what she struggled with the most was actually leaving.
She missed her family, her friends, Tsunade and Shizune, the hospital, all of it. But was being here with Sasuke and witnessing just how much he changed and how differently he acted something she wanted to be exposed to for much longer?
Her damp hand came up from the confines of the water, running the liquid smoothly across her forehead to relieve the built up stress.
"Why is this so hard?" She asked quietly, looking to the flowing water in search of the answers that she didn't have.
Why did love make her feel something inevitably painful yet alive at the same time?
She didn't wait for an answer. Her body retreated to the safety of the water, her head tucking into the refreshing feeling. When her eyes closed and she held her breath, all she could see was black, yet her heart beat reverberated throughout her body.
Tonight would be a hard night to get through when she was lost in her thoughts.
Only love can hurt like this.
"Where is she?" Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Karin. She returned a confused look, fire eyes wide with a worried look.
"She was in our room. That's where I saw her head to last," Karin admitted quietly, her tone unsure of what to say.
"Sakura went for a walk," Juugo spoke calmly as he finished rinsing the dishes and put them away. His large body turned to face Sasuke, sunset orange eyes content while Sasuke's burned with rage.
"And Suigetsu?" He snapped.
He felt his heart ripping in two, his patience diminishing to absolutely nothing while he waited for answers. It was apparent that neither of them knew exactly where that shark of a man got off to, and what bugged him the most, was that they had no idea where Sakura was either.
Angered flowed through him like a rushing river. He could feel his temper growing out of control and when he left the building he immediately began to search for any signature or trace. His mind was running at a million miles an hour, his body growing unbelievably hot while he searched the streets.
Minimal light was granted in this small, run down town and while Sasuke's blood grew hotter with each passing minute, he could feel his eyes melting to red, Sharingan activating.
He could see everything now.
He could even see Suigetsu with his arms behind his head as he walked towards Sasuke, a lousy smile and light blush on his cheeks.
Sasuke didn't make his move towards the bastard. He found his body stuck in one place while his breathing was heavy and ragged, chest falling and rising with anger. When Suigetsu finally made eye contact with him, he could see the twisted look in those violet eyes of his.
And he didn't like it one bit.
With a simple flash step, he had Suigetsu on his back in the middle of the street with Sasuke straddling him, his hand clenched tightly around his throat.
"Where is she?"
He hated that he became vulnerable whenever it came to Sakura.
He hated that she made him feel something other than hate.
He hated that he felt something for her that he had never felt for anyone else in his life.
The white-haired man's breaths were short as Sasuke tightened his grip, blood red eyes baring into amethyst eyes. Sasuke's mind ran wild with imagination now with what Suigetsu could've done with Sakura.
But then again, she could hold herself. There was no way in hell he could've taken Sakura on all by himself. Thought after thought, Sasuke continued to overthink.
The small gurgles that came from Suigetsu's throat amused Sasuke, but when his lips smirked, the shark-like man evaporated beneath Sasuke's hand, escaping his grip.
"Calm down, she's okay," he reassured Sasuke, but he only angered the Uchiha further when he slipped away from beneath him.
Walk away.
It was the demon, but Sasuke refused to listen. He wanted to end Suigetsu, put a stop to the friendship that was going on behind his back. What was Sakura doing? He had warned her what Sugietsu did to his victims, so why did she continue to push the matter further?
Stubborn, he reminded himself.
He felt like a caged animal now, begging to be released. He was trapped inside his own mind, bowing down to the shadows that crept through his soul and obeyed every order that he was given; he was a puppet to the darkness.
Sasuke could no longer concentrate. He was losing his composure, losing his mind and fighting his feelings.
He needed to kill Itachi. He needed to stay away from Sakura.
Since when did things become this hard in his life and his mind became easily persuaded by someone that he had left behind years ago?
"Stay away from her," he warned. As much as he wanted to walk away, he couldn't help but show that Suigetsu had no right to put his nose in their business.
The opposing male kept his eyes weary and alert as Sasuke began making steps towards him once more. The Uchiha couldn't help but notice the nervous fidgets Suigetsu did with his fingers the closer he grew, and as Sasuke passed the white-haired man, it was then that he spoke up.
"You've acted different since Sakura joined us. And it's not in a good way, either."
He ignored the words, kept on walking and let his mind grow cold with thoughts of his own. Sasuke knew he had been acting differently, more selfish and only wanting to take, never wanting to give.
Unfortunately, he knew that wasn't going to work out for him in the end.
"Just stay away," he muttered before continuing down the road.
He didn't need Suigetsu breathing down his neck and telling him what he already knew. He had his own goals, his own aspirations, and unfortunately, Sakura coming back into his life only made things difficult.
It wasn't that he didn't like her. He had feelings. He just didn't have the time at this point in his life, and if another guy thought that they would sweep her off her feet and carry her away from the Uchiha, then they thought wrong.
Sasuke pulled his cloak closer to his body, his hands clenching the thick fabric as he fought back every thought that he didn't want to think. His mind was a tornado; unstoppable and destroying everything in its path.
"Why is this so hard?"
It was Sakura, her voice quiet, tone distressed.
While his Sharingan was still activated, his head turned towards the direction that her voice came from and from the road, he could see her. Sasuke found himself on the outskirts of town, looking down on a girl who seemed just as confused and stressed out over her emotions much like himself.
She was naked, the pale moon reflecting off her silk, ivory skin until she dunked her entire body under the water. He hesitated slightly, stopping himself from rushing to her side and pulling her from the water's grasp.
But he didn't move.
He couldn't think.
Why was it that he couldn't bring himself to quit being selfish whenever it came to Sakura?
He found that in whatever open area the two of them were in, it was only her that he breathed in.
It was only her, and it would always be her.
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its-rockimagines · 7 years
The Day of the Seemingly Inflatable Y/F/A
You know, a normal person would think that their 20th birthday would be 110% fun, joy, and nothing else. However, by then I had already become a hunter, and not just any hunter but a Winchester hunter, so OF COURSE the universe had to slip in a minor heart-attack-inducing incident regarding my little sister Ariel in amongst the joy. Not that I’m complaining! My 20th birthday is one of the happiest memories I have with the Winchesters. It all started on the day called Y/B/D, 2016, otherwise known as the Day of the Seemingly Inflatable Y/F/A. On that that fabulously terrific day, I woke up to the sound and sight of my best friends in the whole wide world/second family Joe, Sam, and Dean walking into my bedroom while singing Happy Birthday. Much to my delight, Jo was also carrying a tray that had a plate of Y/F/B. “Good morning birthday girl!” Jo said happily as she sat the tray down on my lap and Dean leaned in to kiss me on top of the head. “Aww, you remembered! You guys are the best.“ “Of course we did,” Dean said as he sat on the bed next to me. “Eat up Y/N, we have a really fun day planned out for you!” “Okay, cool!” After I ate, Jo walked in carrying a bag with tissue paper sticking out of it. “We aren’t planning on letting you open most of your presents until we get to our location, but this is one that you will need to have before we get there,” she said. “It is from me, my mom, and Ash.” A few seconds later I was holding the most fabulous outfit in my entire wardrobe along with a bunch of ponytail bands. It consisted of a long Def Leppard t-shirt, a pair of leggings, and a pair of matching shoes and socks. “Aww, thanks Joe!” I said enthusiastically as I hugged her from my bed. “Your welcome sis!” Sam checked his watch. “We better get going Y/N, we have twenty minutes to be at our next location. “Okay, give me and Joe ten minutes,” I said as I made a shooing motion in the general direction of my dear brothers. After they left, I took the fastest shower in the history of showers, and then I got dressed as Joe brushed, dried and braided my hair. Thanks to our awesome teamwork, I was dressed in record timing. As we climbed into the impala, Dean spoke. “Okay Y/N, the present from Sam and I has two parts. Well, the first part is more from me then him, but anyways. I hereby declare the ‘driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his pie hole’ rule void for the rest of the day. You get to be our DJ for today.” “YAY!!! In that case, I am so playing Black Veil Brides!” Dean looked back at me quizzically. “Who?” “Dude, I can’t believe you have never heard of Black Veil Brides. They’ve been my favorite band for years, and I think you would like them cuz one of their influences is Metallica.” “Fire them up then Y/N, and crank up the music! I can’t wait to hear them.” Dean commented as he started driving. As Dean drove to our destination, I sang, drummed, and head banged along with my favorite band in the whole world. out in birthday decorations and Ellen was behind the bar, beaming over at me. “Happy birthday Y/N!” Ellen said as she walked over to hug me. “Thanks Ellen! How are you doing?” “I’m great. Actually, I just finished up making lunch for everyone, but before we eat I think you should-” Ellen was interrupted by piercing scream that seemed to be coming from the back of the bar. So I seized the nearest machete and rushed toward the source, with everyone else hot on my heels. What I saw on the other side of the door was a complete and utter surprise. It was my little sister Ariel and my mom! The reason I was so surprised is because they lived on the other side of the country. Needless to say, I was overjoyed, but quite concerned when I saw Ariel crying on the floor. “What happened Arrie?” I said as I scooped her up (she was four at the time). As soon as she saw me, though, he entire face lit up and she squealed. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N/N! I thought I saw a spider, so I freaked out and fell off of the present mommy, daddy and I made you!” “Oh you did, did you. Dang those nasty little spiders, they always crawl everywhere like they own the place,” I joked. “Where does it hurt sweetie?” She giggled as she pointed to the back of her head. “Here.” Thankfully, upon close inspection I discovered that Ariel hadn’t cracked her head open or anything, so I turned around to greet my mother. “Hey momma, thanks for coming!” I said happily as I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy birthday Y/N! Your dad sends his love. He really wishes he could have come, but he had a last minute business trip to go on.” The two of us shared knowing looks. In our family, ‘last minute business trip’ was code for ‘supernatural creature hunt’. We couldn’t talk openly about these things when Ariel was in the room because we hadn’t told her the truth about supernatural creatures yet. We had decided as a family that it would be best to let Ariel have a normal childhood, if possible (yeah, that worked out….well. NOT. That’s a different story, though). “By the way, y/n, getting your family here was the second part of our present,” Sam said from the doorway. “I know you tried your best to hide it, but we all could tell that you really missed your family. So Dean and I worked together to raise money to fly them over here right under your nose. They’ll be staying with us for the next week, and your dad will join us as soon as he is done with his business trip.” With a squeal, i sat Ariel down and ran over to my brothers to give them a giant hug. “Thank you both, this is gonna be the coolest day ever!” I yelled as Sam spun me around in a circle. As soon as Sam put me down, Ariel was at his feet pulling on his jeans and saying “My turn Sammy, my turn!” “Sure!” While Sam kept Ariel busy by spinning her around in the air, I walked over to my mom and asked in an undertone, “So what kind of creature was so dangerous that it couldn’t wait until after you got back?” “It was a shapeshifter dear,” she answered with a slightly worried look in her eyes. “Somehow it managed to break into the house right before we left. We should just consider ourselves lucky that I was able to get Ariel out of there before she saw it.“ I nodded. “Sounds like a close call, all right,” I muttered. “Remind me to give you enough salt to surround the perimeter of your house with before you leave.” “Sissy, you never did open our present,” Ariel whined from Sams shoulder. “You should open it!” “Okay, sissy-” “Wait, wait, I promised your daddy that I would record you opening our present and send it to him!” My mom said hastily as she grabbed her phone. “Okay, ready!” As I ripped, tore, and shredded, a statue of Y//F/A emerged from the mess, and my face positively lite up. “Oh my goodness; he’s so cute! Thanks you guys, this will go perfect in my room. “Your welcome sissy!” Ariel has walked over to me and had proceeded to cling onto my leg. “Can I have a piggy back ride to the kitchen? I’m hungry!” She whined as her stomach growled. Ten minutes later, we were all busily chewing the wonderful lunch that Ellen had made for us all. After that, Jo brought out a magnificent-looking birthday cake. Of course they all sang happy birthday, and I managed to blow out all 20 candles at once! After we finished our cake, I opened the rest of my presents, which included various different movies, video games, clothes, and best of all-enough water guns for us all. Dad still wasn’t there though, so we were a team member short. “Hey Cas-” Dean was about to summon Cas, but I elbowed him in the ribs. Hard. So he pulled me aside and hissed, “That hurt! What did you do that for?” “We haven’t told Ariel about Supernatural creatures yet, so if Cas just suddenly appears here out of nowhere it is sure to freak her out! Go summon him somewhere else please.” “Okay, ok.” A few minutes later, Dean walked back into the kitchen with Castiel on his heels. “Hey, look who just showed up!” Dean said loudly. I faked surprise. “Cas! Goodness, this is such a wonderful surprise. How are you, buddy?” I walked over to hug him hello. “Hey Y/N, Happy Birthday! Unfortunately, Dean here forgot to tell me that today was your birthday. So my presence will just have to suffice for a present.” “That’s fine Cas. Hey, I would like to introduce you to to my mom and my little sister Ariel. Mom, Arrie, this is Castiel. He’s a very good friend of our little family.” “Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N, Ariel. It is nice to meet both of you,” Castile said with a smile as he shook my moms hand. “Are you going to have a water gun fight with us?” Ariel asked excitedly. “Please say yes! Daddy’s not here, so we don’t have enough people to divide unevenly into two teams, which has been a birthday tradition in our family for like ages!” “Only if you are on my team, kiddo,” “Sure! It’ll be Ellen, Jo, Sam versus me, you, sissy and dean . Ok?” After we had agreed on teams, we all piled into the impala and drove to the nearest forest, where we had the most fun and epic water-gun fight ever! At one point, Jo missed me by several feet so I decided to tease her a little. “Did you just throw air at me?” I joked. “You are so going down, Y/L/N!” We played until sunset, at which point we all decided to drive back to the bunker to watch a movie. Ariel was out like a light by the time we got there, though, so I tucked her into my bed when we got home. After that, we watched all of my favorite movies, and fell asleep on the couch. It was a very memorable day that I will cherish for years to come. A/N: I had to write this on my phone, so I apologize it took so long and I hope you like it Bethany! Constructive criticism is welcomed :) @straightasdeanwinchester
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