#and that just exhausted the living heck outta me!
tacitusauxilium · 2 years
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ask-north · 5 months
Walt approaches Finn. Seem he is very lively and confident when he sees someone like him. "H-hey! Nice to see you! Also wow, you have a human partner like my b-bro? How d-did you met her? For me, I've been hatched from the Egg... as I could remember f-from my memories."
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✧ Finn seemed to study Walt for a long moment, he really was odd-looking... He wasn't quite like her. In fact, he wasn't like any other Dewott she had seen before! She softly hummed in thought before she gave a final cheerful grin.
Finn: I like it! It makes you unique!
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✧ The otter wistfully looked upward... though you weren't sure what she was looking at as nothing was there. She seemed lost in her own thoughts of the past.
Finn: It wasn't just any day, no!
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Finn: There wasn't nothin' a little cute face and a few nudges couldn't solve! We were doing regular starters this year, no fancy regionals like me! I was ready for anything!
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Finn: This was a very special year for the region, there were hundreds of kids and parents in line ready to receive their new pals!
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Finn: Her and her parent, weren't even from this city. Finn: I suppose they travelled a long way to get here, But...
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Finn: She finally spoke to me and said, "Hey, Oshawott! This is the one, You don't have to keep searching for them anymore." Finn: I was awestruck, my little heart was sold the moment I laid eyes on North. I couldn't help but stare at my future.
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Finn: There were so many exciting adventures running through my head I almost missed what the Professor said! Finn: Even so, I was quick to answer and the professor didn't fight me on it either, It was like they knew too!
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✧ Finn triumphantly gestured to North, a never-ending smile plastered on her face. She looked quite gleeful compared to the tired-out and exhausted exterior of her trainer.
Finn: I used to be her #1 Pokemon you know! I was the first one, always there to protect her from any feisty Zigzagoons! After she got the little spirit, that's both me and Smoke's job now! Finn: Even with all the new friends, I don't mind being second though! Besides, I think North's still pretty upset with me after I scared the life out of her! Finn: To be fair, I didn't know she could understand me that day, I spooked her pretty bad too! She even scratched the heck outta her dad!
→ Though Finn kept smiling an awkward silence seemed to come over them at the mention. North looked... suddenly very uncomfortable.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Ok now I'm up to date with how this works could I please have an Ateez ship.✨
My dream would be to live the cottagecore dream, have golden retrievers, a garden, a pretty office to write in and live somewhere isolated and peaceful with lots of land. However I do feel like this contrasts with my chaotic personality a bit, but I have many sides which means I need somebody who is able to keep up with me. My ideal partner would be a little more relaxed than me though because I feel like if I was just dating myself it would be wayy too much aha.
In my friendgroup I'm kind of the princess one a bit demanding aha,I like nice things (I blame my Taurus moon for this though) fashion, makeup, self care. I love videos games, going to theme parks, concerts, eating out with friends, partying.. just trying to absorb as much life as possible if that makes sense.
If I had to describe my physical appearance it would be like cute babyface (I hear trauma de-ages you lol) (I have a dark sense of humour ooop) and an hourglass body, my best feature is my hair it's naturally strawberry blonde, green eyes, can't live without my winged eyeliner and false lashes.
In the past I've had traumatic experiences in relationships but I'd like somebody I can really depend on and who can take good care of me. I like to be playful but also have somebody who you can have more serious deeper conversations with. Honestly I find myself to be a walking contradiction.. I love romance books but I'm cynical about love, I'm confrontational and protective over my friends but I'm also trying to seek peace in my life. I exhaust myself lol. 🐄-anon
yes ofc thank you for your request!!! 💗
I ship you with…
Choi Jongho!
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Song recommendation: A Sunday Kinda Love - Etta James
- Okay I feel like he’d be this calming presence in your fast life style tbh
- mans is so down to give you the best princess treatment ever, like when y’all go shopping together, literally get anything you want and don’t worry about a budget, he just wants to take care of his bae and spoil the heck outta you!
- Appearance wise he would find you GORGEOUS OMG, like your hair is so pretty to him he just loves the color so much, and your pretty green eyes he’s obsessed literally. He tries to be lowkey about it as much as he can but he’s so whipped for you like actually
- He would be so nervous to come up to you at first but you could definitely tell he was into you by the way he was full on staring at you, i think you’d make the first move, and he’d be talking to you with the biggest
- You help him live a little, he’s usually so busy working that he doesn’t have time to just enjoy life, But when he’s with you he can live it up to the fullest, going to little amusements and concerts, he feels young with you (even tho he is young he just acts like a grandpa sometimes 🌝)
- I could see y’all just settling down and having a peaceful life together, he’s totally down for living in a cute little cottage with an even cuter pup, as long as he’s with you he doesn’t care where you guys are
- omg he’d love playing video games with you so much. Like y’all would make a little contest like, “whoever wins gets to take the other on a date” or something cute like that
- He is very protective over you, not like an overbearing type but if someone is bothering you he’s gonna give them a full on death stare, probably even just take you away from that situation, and you’d be the same for him, if someone was making him uncomfortable you’d confront them about it definitely!
- He will always try to take the best care of you. He just wants to see you happy and will always take the time to do little sweet things for you. He’s so dang thoughtful and loving omg
- You also like bring out this cute playful side of him (he is a maknae after all) banter and teasing are always needed in yalls relationship, y’all are just like two kids around eachother and it’s actually so adorable.
Thank you for requesting lovely i hope you enjoy! <3
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Ooh! I just discovered you from the Bad Things Happen Bingo and I love your writing already! Could I potentially request the Bleeding Out prompt as a prequel for the Soup for the Sick story you wrote?
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Thank you for the ask! I had to look up prequel to make sure that you meant before the events of Personalized Caretaker Part 1, and not after 😂. Here you go! In reference to this post.
So, with that note, this piece happened before Part 1 of Personalized Caretaker.
Personalized Caretaker Part 2
Part 1
Warnings: blood, vomit, losing consciousness, faking an injury, drugged whumpee, fear, implied touch starvation
*not edited*
Civilian hopped onto her couch, legs resting on the armrest and flicked on the television, going straight for Netflix.
It was a normal day, serene and tranquil with the perfect amount of work that made Civilian feel good inside.
She lazily gnawed on a piece of beef jerky and selected The Kissing Booth for personal enjoyment. Something cheesy and romantic to vibe to as she decompressed- even the best days required a period of relaxation.
But, her period of relaxation was very rudely interrupted by a thud. Right outside her door.
Civilian froze, heart racing, as her mind involuntarily replayed every known horror movie. She was the victim, the bad guy was going to break in and slash her throat as she unceremoniously says, "Who's there?"
Civilian shuddered, turning off the television, and slowly standing up. She grabbed her remote control as a weapon and very, very slowly, like a ninja, stalked stealthily up to the door.
"Who's there?" Civilian asked. Crap, her fatal flaw. Now the bad guy was going to rush out and murder her, then the police would come and there would be ten more killings and then there would be a ghost that was a moaning lady with pale skin and black hair that was hung in the woods seventy-some years ago and then it is reincarnated to be a doll that haunts children and-
Civilian drew in a deep breath. Don't freak out, don't freak out. It was probably a bird that weighed the size of a man- a bad man- that crashed into the window and died. And died. And died. And died. It was gone. Instead of using a remote, she should be using a plastic bag.
"Stop it Civilian, you paranoid freak," she yelled at herself, very loudly, her voive taut with utter fear as she peered through the shades.
The first thing she saw was blood.
Smeared blood in the direction of downwards, leading directly to...
A body.
Civilian felt nausea rise in her throat as literally the blood drained from her face. She wasn't the first victim, the poor human in opening credits, she was the next victim and her house was the killer's stash.
Probably to blame her for the death. To redirect the suspicion.
She had to hide the body and burn it before the cops came. Oh boy, the killer probably already called them. Crap crap crap.
Civilian whisked the door open, tossing her grand weapon of plastic and onto a nearby table, and prepared to wrap the body in a black bag.
The body moved.
Civilian screamed.
The body was not a body, it was a living man.
"Oh my gosh sir? Sir! Are you okay? Sir! Sir!" Civilian grabbed her hair and started to paced. "This can't be happening. This can't be happening. There is a bleeding man on my fricking doorstep." She started to ramble, muttering nonsensical curses and words that weren't going to help the dying man.
She was panicking, completely hyperventilating, by the time the man moved more than a shaky, uneven breath.
His eyes opened, revealing a drop-dead gorgeous icy blue. Eyelashes fluttered in the most enearding way as the man struggled to keep his consciousness to himself. Lips quivered as he whole face bunched together in an expression of pain.
Civilian didn't know if she could handle it.
"Are you doing to die?" She asked, rushed and abruptly. The man looked his clouded gaze on her. It took a moment, but he spoke,
"Heroes. Heroes, they are coming. Run, get outta here. Get outta here!"
Civilian shrieked, glancing hurriedly around. An insane plot twist, the good guys were the bad guys and...
Wait, this wasn't a movie.
And why was this man so scared of the heroes? Unless, of course, he was...
A villain.
Civilian covered her mouth and dropped to her knees. A v-v-villain? Was at her door? Civilian pinched herself to see if she was sleeping, but the nightmare didn't vanish. She was stuck in reality. Someone go get her a soda...
Villain's eyelids drooped as he weakly extended his arm. "Please," he begged. "I need help." Then his arm went slack.
Civilian was close to hysterics.
But nonetheless, out of fear, she grabbed the man's arm and attempted to pull him inside. She silently cursed. Her twigs for limbs could barely carry a box of mason jars; what made her think she could drag a two hundred pound full-grown adult male?
It was a taxing project that left Civilian in tangled limps, just begging for sleep. The man didn't stir at all, not even when Civilian's fist went into the gaping wound in his stomach.
Aw man, that was disgusting. Civilian vomited into a nearby trashcan before returning to figure out WHAT THE HECK TO DO!!!
"Can you wake up?" Civilian asked. "Please? I-i... how do I... how do I do this?"
Civilian was on the verge of tears, but then she reminded herself. This isn't a movie, he won't be miraculously healed after a good night's sleep.
With a quick reference to Google, Civilian finally felt prepared. She ran to get a pillow and slipped it under Villain's head. His eyelids fluttered as his eyes cracked open, but then they slipped close again.
Next she removed his shirt and was quite awestruck at the sight. Other than the painted crimson, his abdomen really was the definition of ab-domen. Hard muscles were lined perfectly.
Okay Civilian, someone is dying, don't admire it.
She placed one hand above and the other in the wound to staunch the bleeding. After the blood flow slowed, she lifted his legs to rest on the armrests in a similar position that she was in earlier.
Next, she jumped some hydrogen peroxide in and bandaged the wound. The villain never awoke.
Once the looming danger was gone, Civilian just stood there awkwardly. Dried blood crusted on his skin, but at least it wasn't wet.
So she stood there, arms crossed as meaningless thoughts rushed through her head.
What do call a male ladybug?
Is grass the earth's hair?
Do pineapples come from pine trees?
Why is a villain on my couch?
Civilian sat down, keeping a good three feet distance from the assumed murderer, and turned on the TV to resume her movie.
She leaned her head back, exhaustion tugging at her eyelids, but she refused sleep. Especially when a villain was slumbering next to her with one arm over his face.
He looked like a monkey.
One of those pale faced, brown haired primates from Curious George.
Not that his ears were splayed out or anything, the monkey had very tiny, collected ears that hid under his fluffy brown hair. His nose also held that itty-bitty appearance, perfectly formed to his face with the faintest trace of freckles.
He was cute.
Like a monkey.
Or not, as Civilian found monkeys utterly disgusting.
So cute, like a kitten.
Civilian smiled, looking down at her lap. Another thing Wikihow said that Civilian scowled at and ignored before. Put the victim's head in your lap to calm and keep them comfortable.
It wouldn't hurt, right? The villain wasn't even conscious, and he lost so much blood that he probably wouldn't remember anything if he did wake up.
She just met him.
Stress can increase heart rate which may be detrimental. Civilian scrunched her forehead. Was that even true?
Who cares. Civilian scotted her skinny self over and laid the villain's head in her lap. Then, temptation started its charismatic monologue.
Stroke his head. Be nice, clean his chin. Wipe the dirt off his eye.
Civilian hesitantly put her hand on his grimey hair- ew, he needed a shower ASAP- and gingerly patted it. Patted it, like petting a dog.
It was embarrassingly awkward.
For the next few hours, Villain slept. Civilian also dozed off between getting yummy smelling candles to fend off the revolting scent od blood and crackers to aimlessly gnaw on.
She watched through the first Kissing Booth and the second one when a thought struck her.
The villain would be in pain when he woke up.
And the only thing Civilian had was Ibuprofen.
Like those barely took the edge off a headache, much less a gash the size of a baseball.
She reached for her phone to call her friend at the local drug store. Putting on a squeaky voice, Civilian said,
"Can you, uh, get me something for pain?"
"Slow down, Civilian. What?"
"I don't know benadryl or a very strong pain reliever," Civilian bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut. Stupid stupid stupid...
"What did you do?"
"I, uh, sprained my ankle."
"You sprained your ankle?"
"Mhm hurts like-"
"Okay! I don't need your swear word dictionary. I'll bring you something after work."
"Thanks, oh owowowowowowo."
"Goodbye Civilian."
The line clicked.
Civilian smiled to herself and popped another cracker in her mouth. Problem solved.
The blood on the door.
Civilian set Villain's head back on a pillow and ran to the frontdoor.
Great, just great.
Civilian flipped the middle finger at Villain's sleeping figure and walked out the door. She would meet her friend before she saw the splatters of blood.
Civilian sat herself on the curb, throwing her newly "spraind" leg out, letting out an insanely loud groan, and leaned back on her elbows.
"Oh my goodness! Civilian," her friend leaped from her black car and ran over. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Civilian waved it off. "Just wanted some air and the house is a mess, so."
Civilian, you are dumb.
"You sure? You asked to be hospitalized once because you stubbed your toe and the fact that a sprained ankle isn't bugging you... I am wholeheartedly worried."
"Don't be," Civilian chuckled. "How was work?"
Friend gave her a skeptical look. "Fine," she drawled.
"Good," Civilian nodded slowly, tapping the ground with her fingers. "So thank you for the painkillers."
"Mhm," Friend handed Civilian the plastic bag slowly. "How did you sprain it?"
"Uhhh fell out of the shower."
Friend looked genuinely concerned.
"Tripped and fell," Civilian repeated herself awkwardly. "On the ground?" Why did she have to say it as a question?
She was awkward and sounded hilariously awkward as well.
"Klutz," Friend joked, but her face was still taut with worry. "Need help getting inside?"
"No no!" Civilian exclaimed. Friend stepped back, so Civilian laughed to alleviate the tension. "I should walk it out."
"Ooookay," Friend said, nodding. "Good for you. I'm gonna go. I have a dinner date with this dude from Tinder."
"Oooo good luck," Civilian said, faking a wince as she stood up. Friend rushed in to help.
"Don't," Civilian cautioned, raising her "hurt" leg up. Friend looked at it and scowled.
"Dang leg huh? Well bye-bye. Don't fall out of the shower anymore. Got it?"
"Yup," Civilian said and fake limped back to her house as Friend sped away.
Missiom accomplished.
Villain was stirring when Civilian sat back down.
Perfect timing also.
She rummaged through the bag and grabbed a bottle of valium. She popped the recommended dosage out and approached Villain.
He was still too dazed and disoriented to stop Civilian from helping him swallow, but the second the water touched his tongue, he woke up fully.
"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" He yelled, pulling away. Civilian also backed away, a frown forming on her face.
"Me? I saved your life."
Villain was silent. "How much did you touch me?"
"Enough to save your life."
Villain jerked, looking around as if somone was in the shadows. Paranoid, Civilian copied him.
"What's wrong with you?" Civilian asked.
"You touched me?"
Civilian didn't say anything. She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg, examining the villain.
Villain jerked to his feet, swaying madly. Civilian's heart jumped. He was so unsteady...
He fell, but Civilian swooped in to catch him.
For a moment, the villain melted into her half-embrace, head resting gently on her shoulder, before pulling away. He bit his cheeks, seemingly trying to keep tears back.
"What... are you? Are, are you scared of getting a hug? Sheesh."
"Mmm no," Villain shook his head quickly, then sat down as if the feat made him dizzy.
"Mmm yes," Civilian sat down next to him. The villain looked confused, but that may be the drugs kicking in.
Soon Villain's eyes starting to droop and he swayed in his sitting position.
"Whatdya give me?" He slurred, a faraway look in his eyes. "Mm tired." He collapsed forward.
Civilian steadied him and helped him lay back down. He groaned pathetically and grappled at Civilian's hand, desperate to hold it.
He held her hand until he fell asleep.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Memories 2015 Disc 4 Pt 2
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So I asked awhile ago when I said I was going back to watch every memories DVD they have released so far, if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2015. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were only 4 DVDs in this one. Parts 1 - 3 with all the other discs is already up and on my masterlist. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go! This will be the final part to the Memories 2015 commentary.
Disc 4:
Run MV Making Film:
This was all shot in November of 2015.
Lol RM starts the video off by saying lots of things are different from I Need U, but that he is still eating candies and they are still running. 😂 glad some things are still the same Joon.
There are random dogs running around the set. Namjoon wants to shoot his walking down the track scenes with them. Lol and JK just picks one up and brings it right over him. What hyung wants, hyung gets 😂
They literally just had them sprint multiple times through like 15 different sets. Lol they all have to be exhausted!!
BTS: trying to act like punks and like they are drunk in an ally. Editors: "But they all still look like nice kids." Lol BTS can do no wrong, not even in pretend according to their staff.
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Jikook starting off their next filming day by some light complaining about another full day of running the whole time. Lol they say their next title track should be called "Sleep" which would be an easier MV to film 😂
While reviewing their group running shots, Yoongi tells everyone to Run like Jimin because he runs well 🥺 and I can't get over the way Jhope cuddled up to Jimin while laying on his lap for their group field cuddle pile scene. Sope shooting a unit scene together walking away from the camera and Yoongi struggling because he started giggling everytime he made eye contact with Hobi 😂
I love that filmed a scene with everyone eating except for Jikook who are playing soccer together as everyone else cheers them on. And in a later scene when all the hyungs run up and hug JK. Yoongi crashes into him with an arm slung around his shoulder, but I am absolutely loving the way that Jimin just softly circles an arm around his entire waist to hold him tightly there too. 🥺🥺
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Last day of shooting and it's all their indoor scenes this time. Lol Jimin, "Hobi hyung and I are supposedly hospitalized and we are having a pillow fight, but I can't hit him. I have to be hit" *insert grumpy pout* 😂 and the contrast between Hobi then explaining the exact same thing with a look of absolute glee about getting to hit Jimin in the head with a pillow. Editors calling them out on their constant bickering that follows. And the way he was smiling so big as he whacked Jimin with the pillow like 5 times in a row for the shot 🤣🤣 I love them
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Yoongi and JK practicing for their fighting scene and Yoongi goes "we are fighting, but I don't know why." And it is reassuring that sometimes BTS finds their music videos as confusing as I sometimes do at first as well.
Filming their group pillow fight and Yoongi shouts, watch out Jimin before running up and slamming the heck outta JK with his pillow. Oh my god. 🤣🤣 who then got Jimin with his pillow while Jimin was busy laughing at him. Lmfao love my bias line 🥰
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Jimin is upset he is the one who keeps having to be hit with pillows. Lmfao the way he asks the director if it's because he jumped on his car for the tunnel scenes the day before 🤣 Jimin thought the director was getting revenge on him!
Jin covered in feathers from the pillow fight. "This is ruining my handsome face." JIN THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE SIR.
All 7 of them crammed into a small photobooth only to come out grumbling, Jihope complaining that the other guys smell and Jungkook going "that scene did nothing but hurt our feelings." Lmfao awww
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Jimin thrown into the bathtub. Editors: Jimin is suffering all day today. Lmfao the director really did have him be the one hit with all the pillows and then soaked in the tub. 🤣 Tae and Yoongi ended up in there with him though. And director. Sir. Why do you keep putting Jimin in white in bathtubs?! The members enjoyed splashing him in that tub way too much. Lol
Tae whining about how all the members said they were going home and he has to stay to film the last scenes in the pool which was freezing cold. But Jimin and Jungkook both stayed and waited for him and all 3 went home together. Maknae line 🥺🥺 ugh. Such a good video. They spent 70 hours filming. That's incredible.
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BTS "Butterfly Dream" Making Film:
I love Jin. SO MUCH. "The exhibition will be a great success because it has my face all over it." The confidence is DESERVED! And Hobi is just like "can we go to the exhibition too?" I love them. So much.
Jungkook doing flips while shooting darts. And Jimin is just watching him in amazement, being throughly impressed. Look, the showing off was totally unnecessary, amazing, but unnecessary. But I also totally get it 🤣
Tae, "everyone. Just remember we are always by your side. I love you." Someone help me. He is the sweetest man in the world.
Hobi! His face when half his backdrop fell on him during his photoshoot 🤣🤣 they all looked so good though!
Vmin randomly dancing 😂🥰
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Boy In Luv (Chinese Ver.) Recording:
They work so hard. This was only like a 3 minute clip, but it's amazing. Not only are they recording a song in a language they don't speak, but they are working so hard to make sure it's perfect.
Namjoon is probably one of the coolest people I've ever seen ever. He is amazing.
Jungkook can't help but burst into giggles everytime he hears his recording singing in Chinese in his headphones and it is throwing him off. Lol
Jin is super good at Chinese and I'm amazed!
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Tae following Suga into the recording booth to head bop around. Jikook practicing their Chinese together briefly in the corner.
Such a short clip but so much happened!
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So this is officially the end of Memories 2015. I absolutely adored the heck out of it. It was amazing. I already definitely saw some shifts between Jikook in here too. You can see their dynamic teetering on the edge of change this year. They work so so hard. Honestly it's amazing watching this and getting that overall feeling of awe and appreciation for them and everything they do over and over again. Thanks for letting me share! 💜💜
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elladories · 3 years
hq boys reacting to u falling asleep against them
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warnings: none !!
characters: akaashi, tendou, iwaizumi, oikawa
a/n: hiii,, <3 this is my first time writing on tumblr after a year of inactivity HAHA i'm putting together some writing scraps from my old writing blogs!! hopefully this can just be a place where i can dump my thoughts
requests status: open <3
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^__^ akaashi:
- oh god he's freaking out help this poor kid
- its very late and akaashi is riding the bus with u back to the part of the city where u live after an exhausting study date
- u put ur head against this shoulder to catch up on some sleep and at first he doesn't notice, but after a while he glances over and sees ur sleeping expression
- flustered for a good second but chuckles to himself after he realizes ur actually asleep and not faking it
- he doesn't think of it as much on the outside but on the inside his heart is going brrrrrrrr
- the sunset and sunlight is peeking into the bus windows and u look like an angel to him <3
- i headcanon akaashi's love language to be physical touch and quality time,, so rest assured this moment between the two of u will exist in his head for a long time
- ur so cute and sleepy and akaashi just wants to put u in his pocket and protect u from the world
- he's super soft knowing that ur comfortable around him enough to actually lean onto him
- eventually i think he'd just put down whatever he was doing to occupy himself on the train ride and rest his head against urs!!!
- little kisses against ur hairline and forehead, he nudges his nose against ur skin to wake u up when u arrive to your stop
- after it happens he probably brushes it off but lowkey he hopes it'll happen again soon <3
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^__^ tendou:
- u were spending the night at tendou's house to watch some new movies,, it was super late and u were sleepy (ur literally dating a ball of sunshine it probably gets exhausting seeing him filled with energy all the time)
- ur watching movies on his sofa and there's candy and snacks everywhere omg
- it was a quiet part in the movie with primarily dialogue and tendou was entirely immersed in the story plot- not even realizing u had tucked urself into him and fallen asleep
- "hm? what's this?"
- at first he pays no attention to your sleeping form and keeps watching the movie,, he's super glad you're getting some sleep though <3
- after a while he turns the movie off and settles you against him more comfortably, his arms find themselves around your waist and now he's just big spooning the heck outta you
- he's super warm and comfy and he reaches over to grab a blanket and throw it over the two of you
- tendou isn't sleeping but more so just closing his eyes and resting!! he traces little shapes onto your skin
- something tells me he'd try and copy your breathing pattern but then accidentally end up choking HELP
- he's humming quietly and really takes the time to admire you because he thinks you're the prettiest in the world <3
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^__^ iwaizumi:
- after practice he's pretty grumpy from dealing with his team mates (primarily oikawa /j /lh) and he gets clingy <3
- so now you are both at home in bed spending some time together before he decides to call it a night
-his head his snuggled into your chest (i believe in iwaizumi little spoon supremacy idc /lh) and he's telling you about his day
- he's rambling about school and practice and he waits for you to hum in acknowledgement, but it never comes
- iwaizumi looks up at you a little confused but his expression immediately softens at the sight of you sleeping
- "you idiot..." he mumbles and nuzzles into your chest warmly, finding comfort in your touch
- this kid is a tsundere PLS!!! he acts like he doesn't care that you've fallen asleep but is actually really blushy
- he's kinda just resting there like tendou, not asleep but not really entirely awake
- the sound of ur breathing nearly puts him asleep, and iwaizumi really takes a moment to realize how vulnerable he is in front of u
- he trusts u with his everything (regardless if he shows you he does or not) and little intimate moments like these make him really happy inside <3
- take it as a sign that he yearns for ur touch but simply doesn't know how to ask for it
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^__^ oikawa: - ur both coming back from a party and he's got u on his back in a piggyback ride
- ur super exhausted and your arms go limp around his neck and boom,, ur asleep against the third year
- at first he gets cocky as hell LMAO
- "gosh, y/n-chan don't drool on me!" he's teasing you ofc but it's not like you can bonk his head because you're dead asleep on his back
- he's actually really happy you've fallen asleep against him,,, he's a sucker for intimacy and physical touch!!
- for the rest of the walk he's probably just talking to himself or singing to a little tune
- when you guys get home he carries you upstairs into your shared bed!!!
- helps you change out of your party attire and helps wipe your makeup off before putting you to bed
- king of looking after u omg yeah so true
- he takes a shower and comes back out with his hair wet (foams at the mouth /pos) and ur sitting up in bed making grabby hands at him
- he knows you can't sleep without him so he settles in bed with u and gives u little kisses before u fall fast asleep next to him <3
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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S c h m e r z (Pain)
⋆ pairing: demon!ateez x reader (poly!ateez)
⋆ genre: demon au, suggestive, crack
⋆ warnings: strong language, use of medicine, suggestive topics, pet names, cheating, alcohol, partying, suggestive topics, angst, lots of arguments, mentions of killing, manipulation
⋆ words: 10,100  
a/n: @unatempesta-dipensieri​ this is for you honey 
⋆  „What’s a little bird like you doing here alone?“
„Good morning!“ Woo Young enters the dining area with a huge grin on his face and Seong Hwa chuckles at the little strands of hair that are standing up from his head.
Soon the others join the clan on the table and start to dig into the delicious breakfast. „Wait, is (y/n) not up yet?“ Seong Hwa eyes the round and his gaze stops at Yun Ho and Min Gi who are trying everything to avoid their hyung‘s look.
Hong Joong quirks an eyebrow and sips on his tea. „Guys, did you do something to her?“ That’s what makes Yeo Sang‘s eyes turn into a crimson color eyeing the two demons, too.
„Woah, I mean, calm down... She’s upstairs still sleeping. Yun Ho and me wanted to wake her up but she was still so sleepy.“
The others only nod silently at his answer. Usually you’re always the first when it comes to eating but there could be many reasons why you are not joining them.
San munches on his toast while listing them off in his head one by one.
First, you could be really sleepy because you and the others watched movies until three am this morning and now it’s 8.46 am.
Second, you were embarrassed because you fell asleep on the couch although you swore you wouldn’t sleep at theirs for the beginning.
Which also leads to the third reason, you realized that you woke up in Yun Ho‘s bed sandwiched between him and Min Gi and now are even more embarrassed.
And Fourth, you just pretend to sleep and wait for him and Woo Young to come upstairs and give you the best fuc -
„San? Are you even listening?“
„Yeeeees, sorry.“
„Ah, really? Then repeat what I said.“ Hong Joong watches him while the brown haired boy smirks mischievously. The leader sighs and puts down his napkin.
„I said for the next time we have to watch out for (y/n) but without her noticing. We all know she would freak out if she knew but it’s for her best. I guess she’s still not understanding that many demons are after a marked female...“
„What? Are you talking about me?“ All their heads turn around to see you standing in the doorway wearing a shirt from Yun Ho which comes off as definitely oversized and they all think you look too cute like this.
„Are you awake now, cupcake?“
You frown at Woo Young.
„What did I say about the nicknames? I am still tired but I guess my appetite awakened me.“
After eating breakfast with the demons you got a shower and quickly went back home but not without going through a lot of protests from the boys. Honestly, you were very embarrassed about falling asleep at their house although you made it clear you wanted to take things slow but - you were just so tired. Even now sitting at your desk in your dorm room you couldn’t concentrate at all.
In a few hours you had go to your part time job and you felt like falling asleep in any second. You groaned out and let you head fall onto the surface of the table closing your eyes. Great. Now a headache was coming around, too.
This night you fell into your bed very exhausted. You didn’t make any progress in studying this afternoon and also your boss had been very shitty to you at your shift today. All you wanted was to sleep...
Much to your dismay you only felt worse this morning but got up nevertheless to go to your courses. A pain killer could maybe help a little bit and so you swallowed the pill and grabbed your bag. You already were late so you passed the campus with quick steps and nearly collapsed into the chair for your first lecture.
It only worsened throughout the day. You were on your way back to the dorm and felt really hot. Your limbs hurt and the headache came back. Black dots formed in front of your vision and you quickly found a bench to rest.
Suddenly you saw Jong Ho emerging you with a stern expression on his face. „(y/n)?“
He placed his hand on your forehead and frowned.
„What are you doing here?“ You felt the urge to close your eyes out of exhaustion. You were convinced that something was not right with you by now but you never felt like this before.
Your eyes flattered open and you noticed the change of your surroundings. You were placed neatly into Hong Joong‘s bed. The curtains were closed creating a comfortable brightness in the room. The air conditioning system was turned on and you felt a wet cloth on your forehead.
You felt a lot better and noticing no one was around you turned your head a little bit to the cushion you layed on and smelled the wonderful scent of the demon.
How can someone smell this good?
You giggled at your own awkwardness and quickly arranged yourself when the door carefully opened.
Inside Yeo Sang, Hong Joong and Seong Hwa came. You made eye-contact with everyone of them and stopped at the youngest of the three.
Shit, hopefully he doesn’t read my thoughts about Hong Joong‘s wonderful scent. Heck, (y/n)! Stop thinking... He doesn’t look away! Start singing... Bulleo bulleo mhhmhmhm
You continued humming to the song in your head totally unaware of how the three sat down on the bed and Yeo Sang looking out of the window with a knowing smirk on his face.
„Can you not stop that?“
„I am sorry (y/n). I didn’t chose this ability.“
„What even is going on here?“ Hong Joong and Seong Hwa look between you and Yeo Sang but when no one answers them Seong Hwa clears his throat to gain everyone‘s attention.
„At least you are not ranting about being again in one of our beds - “
„Now that you’re mentioning it how - ah, wait... Jong Ho brought me here, right?“
„Yes. You had a high fever and blacked out so we thought it would be the best to bring you to our place and give you some medicine. How are you feeling now?“
„Better... I just don’t know how I became ill it’s definitely not the season for it.“
„(y/n) maybe you had contact to someone - “
When Yeo Sang tried to touch your forearm you suddenly felt a harsh pain at your wrist just like the last time that crazy guy appeared.
„Ahhh ... fuck! h- hurts..“
„(y/n)!“ Hong Joong and the other two demons try to look from where the pain comes and the leader‘s eyes change into a crimson when he realizes it’s your mark.
Soon the others are in the room trying to figure out what’s wrong because they feel the distress of their clan brothers.
Your forehead is sweaty and Yeo Sang also has to take a step back from the bed clutching at his head out of pain.
„What the hell is happening here?!“ Woo Young shouts and Yun Ho comes to lay a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
Luckily the pain soon vanishes leaving you blacked out again and the fever higher than before.
Downstairs the boys except of Yeo Sang who still sits by your side settled together and debate on what was happening with you.
„I first thought it could be a normal flu or something but now that her wrist burnt where our mark is I think it’s has to do with us and the bond.“ Seong Hwa says.
„Mh, also me and Yeo Sang felt it, too.“
„Here, I got the book.“ Yun Ho enters the living room area with quick steps and places it on the table.
„Okay, I think I found something...“ This caught the interest of the other demons who where scattered around the place by now and building a circle around the book and Seong Hwa very fast.
„Seems like her body and soul starts fighting our mark...“
„What the fuck?! How and why?!“
„Jong Ho, calm down.“ San embraces his brother form behind to calm him down while Hong Joong might start to realize what is really happening here.
„Listen! It also says that it can be due to the human itself or if another demon tries to claim him or her.“
„I think the first option is bullshit because we talked about this so who’s the motherfucker trying to take away my kitten from me?!“
„San, first - it’s not only your kitten and secondly - the nickname‘s stupid. Let’s agree on babygirl.“
Seong Hwa proudly smirks at his idea and San coughs at that.
„*cough* pervert *cough*“
„Guys, can we please focus on (y/n) and not such unnecessarily things?“
„Jong Ho is right. It’s cupcake anyways.“ Woo Young high-fives with Min Gi and grins.
Hong Joong only facepalms and groans.
„Stop. We have to figure out who’s behind this until then we continue watching her and talk about every little change we notice. Alright, guys?“ Everyone nods at him and looks up when Yeo Sang comes down the stairs shock evident on his face.
„How is she?“
„Sleeping. It’s angel you idiots!“
The next days your condition got better and the demons were relieved to see you quite energized and healthy again. You were thankful they took such good care of you but it was time to get back to your lectures and work everything up.
yunhoe: wanna grab a coffee after your last lecture? (´。• ω •。`)
you: yeh I pay
yunhoe: why? let your bestfriend treat you
you: you want sth in return
yunhoe: would never ( `ε´ )
you: you’re turning into a woo young version 2.0 these last weeks
yunhoe: :‘( the betrayal
You smile at your display and link your arms with your female bestfriend Hyo Lyn when she emerges you with a big grin while walking to the other campus.
„Oh, who’s the poor guy.“
„You’re mean (y/l/n) (y/n). He’s a very lucky boy and his name is Seok Woo.“
You stop in your tracks and eye her suspiciously. „If I hear a page being turned in the next seconds I am outta here.“
„Gosh, stop watching those dramas.“
„That only proves you watched it, too!“
„Of course. Now I can have my own Ha Ru.“ You laughed out loud gaining a few questionable looks from other students at how Hyo Lyn emphasizes the name.
Inside the lecture hall you sit down next to each other still gossiping a little bit and cringe when she tells you that last weekend at a fraternity party Choi San and Jung Woo Young were seen having a threesome with one of the prettiest girls of the campus.
Such dickheads. While you’re ill they go out having their fun and then still lie about having feelings for you!
„You’re alright?“
„Of course I am why wouldn’t I!“ Hyo Lyn shrieks back at your outburst which again draws the interest of many people in the hall to you.
„Haha, I mean, they’re both really hot and you’re at theirs so often! Do you think Yun Ho would have something against it? Or are you still playing hide and seek with Kang and Kim?“
You could’ve banged your head onto the table but stopped yourself before.
„Can we just forget I ever told you about this?“
„Ehm, no. Look, gaining the interest of the Kim Hong Joong and Kang Yeo Sang is a dream coming to life! Maybe you could ask them for a threesome?“
„Fuck, Hyo Lyn! Stop this nonsense.“ Your cheeks were painted so red you had to cool them down with your palms leaving your bestfriend a laughing mess next to you.
After the lecture ended you checked the bus line and saw that there was a technical issue which let to a high delay for the next one. To be punctual for Yun Ho you had to run across the campus and catch the next one which would take a lot more time than usually.
While running you accidentally have your eyes only a second on your phone checking the time and of course bang into someone who luckily caught you pretty effortlessly.
„Shit, I apologize a lot! I am in a hurry and - “
„Well, hello my love.“ You really couldn’t believe your eyes. In front of you the perverted demon stands eyeing you with an amused look.
He laughs still holding you in his arms.
„Stop!“ You try to wiggle out of his grip and much to your suspicion he lets you out of his arms carefully.
You look around if someone’s watching you and when sure there are not much students left you turn again to him and whisper-yell. „What are you doing here?! Don‘t say you want to kidnap me again...“ You fold your arms in front of you but slightly panick when he leans down too much in your comfort zone.
„I am studying here now and my lecture just ended.“ You scoff and push him back by his chest.
„What bullshit! Aren’t you too old to study?“
„Wait, how old do you think I am?“
„As a pervert you’re probably fourty or something...“
„H - how dare you! I am 26 years old!“ You give him a bored stare and mention for him to hold it.
„However. I am going and keep out of my way or - “
„Ah, this is will be hard. Because we have the same subject.“ A shiteating grin takes its place onto Joo Hyuk‘s face and you just couldn’t believe this guy.
You try to push your way around him when he stops you by your wrist again and takes you into an embrace from behind. His hold on your wrist leaves a undefinable pain and you hiss out when he finally leaves it. Trying to break free he only holds you closer and you can feel him leaning into your neck. You shudder when you feel him taking in your scent.
„Are you afraid my love? You don’t have to be... I would never hurt you.“ Much to your dismay your body betrays you and you feel your legs giving out at his words which pleases him.
You would lie when you told yourself that this wasn’t exciting but you didn’t understand your feeling at all.
Suddenly he lets you go and chuckles lightly. „Guess we will see eachother more from now on, (y/n)“ And with that you turn around but he’s nowhere to be seen anymore...
Stupid demons.
„Shit, the bus!“
Yun Ho texted you he would drive to the campus with his car because it was getting way too late and today it was his task to watch over you. At least he would bring you home safely and maybe drink a tea at your dorm.
The dorm was only a fifteen minute walk from your position but heh.
You smile when you see him pulling in at the parking spot. How he hops out of the expensive vehicle makes your heart jump but you try to cover it quickly knowing he would sense it.
As he nears your form a frown comes across his face and the next thing you know is him holding your shoulders in a very tight grip. You shudder at seeing your bestfriend like this the first time in your life and gulp when his orbs transform into a deep red color.
Yun Ho drags you to the car and drives to the demon‘s mansion faster than you liked. He pushes you inside the livingroom where Yeo Sang and Min Gi were currently playing Fortnite and some of the others around cheering.
„Hey, what’s our beautiful cupc - “
„Hold him back!“ No one noticed Seong Hwa coming from the kitchen with a gaze full of hate and disgust at your form. Before he could lunge at you Hong Joong and Jong Ho use all of their strength to hold him back. They drag him outside into the garden but the next demon also seems to lose his mind by letting out a deep growl like sound and Woo Young covers San‘s eyes and pushes him out of the room, too.
„What’s with them?“ You find yourself in Yeo Sang‘s arm in a second who seems to try to protect you from the other demons. Tears prick at your eyes and Yeo Sang tries to shush you by caressing your back in comforting circles.
You sit down on the couch after Hong Joong calls Min Gi to get out, too. Leaving only you, Yun Ho and Yeo Sang.
Yun Ho didn’t stop walking in circles since you arrived and you just wonder what was going on. You don’t even recognize Yeo Sang rubbing himself on you by smashing your cheeks together and kissing your hair repeatedly...
After a while you still sniffle when the others come back in and you take a look at the two demons that had the outburst. Whereas San seems only pissed Seong Hwa avoids your look at all costs which hurts you a little bit.
„Is this disgusting scent finally off of her?“ Seong Hwa speaks up while looking out of the window.
Now this was what it was all about... but it wasn’t you fault, right?
Without realizing you roll with your eyes earning another growl but this time from Yun Ho. „Do you think this is a joke?“
You scoff at him. „Of course not but you’re not telling me shit!“
„(y/n), we’re just concerned... Yun Ho brought you here because...“
„It’s okay, angel. You can tell them.“ Of course Yeo Sang already knew what happened because the moment started to flash into your mind occasionally since you’ve arrived here.
You told them about your encounter with Joo Hyuk leaving some of them clearly pissed. After a long pause you and Yeo Sang are again alone in the living room and the others come back after discussing and deciding for you to get out of the demon‘s way as good as possible for now.
Of course you agreed with them but if he was really attending the same courses like you things would get problematic. The tense atmosphere also doesn’t sit right with you. Everyone was giving off the vibe that you have been running into him on purpose.
When in reality they just don’t know about Joo Hyuk‘s intentions and that’s what worries Hong Joong the most. He definitely is the reason for your illness but the question is if he would be so dumb to try again to steal you away. His clan is definitely stronger and larger in number so why you? Why again anger the Ateez Clan?
One thing was sure - they had to keep a good eye on that bastard and need you to work with them although you don’t know about him being the reason for your illness and potential threat to claim you as his.
You on the other side were deeply confused and annoyed. Gladly Jong Ho drove you back to your dorm after your discussion but he also didn’t talk to you at all during the ride seemingly deep in thoughts.
Their reactions confused you... first you’ve never seen Yun Ho like this before. Of course this wasn’t the first time he got angry but definitely the first one his anger felt directed to you, too.
You knew San was an emotional person but you couldn’t shake off the feeling he didn’t had himself under control at all yesterday.
And Seong Hwa... the usually calm and soft demon is who hurt you the most. His gaze told you how disgusted he was by you... you felt like it wasn’t only about your scent but you in general at this moment. Like you’ve done something that betrayed him and his brothers.
The night wasn’t pleasant as sleep seemed to come to you hardly and the next evening at your shift you also couldn’t stop thinking about the events. You felt restless because images of the moment with Joo Hyuk coming back to you again and again. You mentally groaned everytime that happened because instead of fear and anger you felt slight excitement. You knew it was wrong to think and feel like that but you couldn’t stop yourself...
„(y/l/n)! The three gentlemen in the left corner are waiting!“
„Oh, sorry, boss!“
You arrive at the table and get on your knees with a bow arranging the menus.
„(y/n), what a pleasure to meet you again.“ You quickly look up and your mouth opens like you want to say something but nothing comes out.
So much for keeping out of his way... Was he following you now?
„You know eachother?“ One of the guys sitting next to the demon eyes you with a flirting gaze to which you give him a ‚fuck off‘ - gaze.
„Yes, this is the special girl I‘ve told you about.“
„Special girl?“ It definitely comes out louder than you wanted it to and you check if your boss noticed but are relieved when it doesn’t seem like it.
„Of course. Your indeed very precious (y/l/n) (y/n).“
What shocks you even more is to not find the usual annoying smirk on his face when he says this. Special? Precious? What is he talking about?
You wanted to say something but being unsure of what you just handed them the menus, bowed again and quickly went back to the bar.
„She smells fascinating...“
„Yah, Ji Soo! Don’t even think about it.“
„Why? You’re also hanging out with that human chick. What was her name again?“
„That’s not what I mean. He already has his eyes on her so you don’t have the right to touch her.“
„Stop talking she’s coming back.“
Your brows furrow at their whispering but you brush it off nevertheless. First you cannot stop thinking about him and then he appears again.
What if he really just wanted to study at your university? The last time he could’ve easily kidnapped you again but he didn’t.
Maybe he was just a little bit attracted to you? You cannot shake off the feeling that the others might have overreacted...
Also, what if you had his scent on you? He just hugged you and you didn’t even stand a chance to get out of the grip of a demon. Moreover it wasn’t in your interest at all whereas Woo Young and San couldn’t keep their dicks inside their trousers - which still left a light stinging sensation in your heart.
Of course you knew how they were and that they liked to play around. The question is, why wouldn’t you just be one of the many other girls, too?
You still cannot believe that out of eight demons everyone would have the same amount of feelings for you. To be honest, the only person you thought of really liking you was Kang Yeo Sang. Thinking about Hong Joong - no one really knew what he did or thought in a day.
Maybe you slowly realize that you might fall for them too easily? Since they kidnapped you that day no one really tried to make the next step. Even Yeo Sang and Hong Joong wouldn’t go further than touching you in appropriate places. Well, at least the younger one did. And it all was still friendship like.
These thoughts are giving you a headache. Well, you were the one telling them you only wanted to be friends first then why are you so emotionally confused?
Do you crave for more? Or is it just attention?
Before the three men left the place Joo Hyuk gave you a huge tip which you didn’t stand a chance to reject. Luckily nothing more happened with him to which you were more than thankful. You couldn’t stand so much trouble in short terms.
Arriving at your dorm exhausted you jump on your bed after receiving a text from Hyo Lyn that she was coming over and getting ready for a party. Why would you say no? There were no messages from the guys and you definitely wouldn’t waste this night and free sunday tomorrow.
Yes, this was definitely the best you could do to forget all this mess for now. Only you, your bestfriend and a bottle of wine.
Oh, and loud music, sweating bodies and students making out in every corner. For this night you decided to wear something fancy but sexy, too. The mistake you made? You already drank quite the amount of appetizers with Hyo Lyn while dressing up and you could already feel the coral lipstick smeared from the amount of times you lick them.
You were wasted. Definitely; but in a good way. Hyo Lyn only giggled and dragged you to the dancefoor - the living room of the mansion - and started swaying your hips to the music. By now it was actually unimportant how you looked like you just had fun with the girl next to you and giggled a lot at her stupid dance moves imitating them from time to time.
When you made you way back to the kitchen looking for another drink you couldn’t shake off the feeling being watched. You shuddered at the thought and looked around a few times but couldn’t make out anything suspicious.
Only when you heard the yelling you immediately felt your insides curling. „Quick! Woo Young is winning!“
If Woo Young was here then San would be, too. Meaning there was a high chance some of the others or all of them attended this party, too. Where we’re back to the point - they’re not texting you and acting like wanting to protect you but here we are?
Suddenly Hyo Lyn brings you out of your thoughts by finding you in the kitchen and dragging you outside with a grip on your wrist.
„Come one, we have to watch this!“
Out of a good perspective standing outside a huge group of people in front you can see Woo Young drinking up all the beer and San next to him cheering him on like the others.
You roll with your eyes a smirk building up but it quickly vanishs when you see the cute dark haired beauty pulling him into a kiss and Woo Young first shocked but putting his arms around her waist in return when he wins.
First you really didn’t want to believe Hyo Lyn - but it was obvious that this scene probably replayed every weekend and party they attended.
What about the others? What about the Song Min Gi? What about the prestigious bachelor Kim Hong Jong? What about... what did all of them do?
You went back into the house ignoring the urge to turn into a crying mess feeling like it would be useless. You sat down in front of the mansion outside at the sidewalk alone with your thoughts again. Did you really didn’t know them at all?
No, you knew them. You knew about their hobbies... what they liked to eat and what their dreams were. It was just the fact that you didn’t feel like trusting them and not in the friend like relationship.
The image of them as boyfriends, potential lovers or what you would call it. You’re far away from that and you weren’t a person that tried to seek for the problem in others. It was about you. Maybe your first rejection lead to them losing interest in you. The whole marked thing slowly felt like they just still tried to fulfill something because they gave it to you and maybe they wanted to wait before asking you to take it back...
You definitely were a person to overthink things.
„What’s a little bird like you doing here alone?“
You slowly look up to see who has the nerve to interrupt you at your conspiracy moment.
„Oh, I am sorry... Didn’t want to sound awkward I guess you just looked really cute like t - this...“ You couldn’t stop gaping at the handsome boy. He had black hair with beautiful dark eyes that seemed to shine in the light of the moon and he was just plainly beautiful - exactly pretty like Hong Joong but different.
Hong Joong...
Tears started to prick again at your eyes making the boy worry if he is the cause for your sadness.
„Shit, I am sorry! I didn’t want to upset you!“ He leans down and starts to wipe away your tears with his soft thumbs and you feel oddly comforted by it - probably mainly caused by your drunken state.
„It - it’s not you...“
„Mh.“ He nods in an understanding matter and shoots you one of the most beautiful smiles you’ve ever seen. He sits down next to you still having his arm around your shoulders letting you calm down.
After a while you decide to check your phone to see if someone texted you but you can only see Hyo Lyn informing you about having met Seok Woo and his two very attractive friends and that they were playing beer pong.
„Do you want to get back inside?“
You shrug really unsure and definitely not in the mood to accidentally run into one of the boys. Okay, maybe just get over you high ego and text them!
You searched for San in your contacts and texted him that you also attended the party and if he wanted to hang out in the garden or something.
choi san: I am busyyyy
Wow, what a great answer. You groaned out gaining back the attention of the stranger next to you. „To be honest, I just want to go home and eat as much fast food as I can.“
You flinch a little bit when he suddenly starts laughing at you heartly. „To be honest, I didn’t want to come here in the first place.“ He takes a look back and his nose wrinkles is the most adorable way you could imagine.
„Then why did you come?“
„Three friends of mine wanted me to and I am the driver but now one of them found their girl he’s hanging out with at the moment an the other one‘s still searching for the girl he wanted to meet here.“ You laughed at this because it was cliche.
„What’s with the third one?“
„He just likes to party.“ You both laugh again mostly because you are still tipsy and him finding your laugh contagious.
„Do you want to head out of here? I know we don’t know eachother but I am hungry, too, so we could stop by a diner and after that I am bringing you home?“
„Mh, don’t know. I really don’t know you and my friend is still here... but I could tell Hyo Lyn quickly so she can send the cops after me if you try something funny.“ He grins at you mischievously but without any bad intention.
„Wait, did you say Hyo Lyn?“
„Ey, we looked for you!“ Suddenly you see four figures approaching you causing you and the boy next to you standing up.
Really? That there wasn’t already a massacre at this party fascinates you when you see Joo Hyuk emerging your forms with confident steps his eyes flickering between you and the boy. What shocks you even more is seeing your bestfriend holding hands with a guy next to her that seems to be on of Joo Hyuk‘s fiends and also the trio are the exact same men from your shift.
Leaving you confused who was the boy next to you but seeing his eyes turn into crescents while smiling at his fiends you suddenly feel at ease.
Only Mr. Pervert ruins the mood by winking at you.
„Come one that’s really funny!“ Hyo Lyn giggles at the situation and you cannot hide your smile, too.
„What are you doing here outside? (y/n) I’ve looked for you everywhere!“ Joo Hyuk happily explains and you stiffen a little bit by his statement. Their friend next to you seems to notice and lightly lays his hand on your shoulder to provide you with a feeling of safety.
Poor boy... don’t know he’s messing with a demon and wouldn’t stand a chance against the pervert.
„(y/n) and me wanted to drive to the diner and eat something. Do you want to come along?“
You could swear something flickered in the boys‘ eyes‘ at this moment but you couldn’t lay a finger on what. „No, no. It’s okay. (y/n) seems to be tired and we still want to start this pool party. Am I not right?“ Joo Hyuk laughs at the others and they also happily agree.
Your gaze goes back to him and he smiles and nods at them. „Have fun guys and call me if I should pick you up.“
He guides you to his car which was an expensive Audi R8 and immediately the thoughts comes to your mind if he drives too fast.
Like sensing your doubts the boy comes around the car again and opens the door for you. „You don’t have to worry... I will drive slowly I know you still have alcohol in your system.“
Is he cute or isn’t he?
The night turns around very good in the end. He holds his words and you don’t have to vomit or something. After eating something delicious at the diner with him you feel a lot better now and didn’t even felt the urge to look at your display since the party. Talking comes easily with him and he’s also a very charming guy with a good amount of humor.
After he stops in front of your dorms he gets out again and opens the door for you. He holds out his hand for you to take it and when you take it confidently you feel a slight shock.
„Ouch!“ He looks shocked but also apologizes quickly.
„Oh, haha. I am sorry... Maybe that was a sign?“ He smirks with crescent eyes again and you could cry out at how cute he is.
„Who knows?“ You look him deeply in the eyes and you can feel his smile vanish slowly. You gulp and quickly realize what you’re doing.
Stop flirting (y/n)! Cheater!
You mentally roll with your eyes - which you do... quit a lot?
I am the cheater? What’s with them? They give a shit about me at the moment! I can play this game, too!
Without noticing it you slowly nod with your head gaze turned to the ground and a devilish grin on your face.
„Ehm, I just asked if I could have your number...“
Oh, yeah. He was still there.
„Of course!“
(y/n) no!
You gave him your number and let yourself fall onto your bed a huge grin not leaving your face. You don’t have to feel bad, right? You texted San if he wanted to hang out but you could only imagine what he did in that moment. Woo Young was obviously also busy and you didn’t know who of the others attended the party.
You could’ve texted into the group chat you idiot.
Yes, you could’ve but you didn’t want to.
Suddenly you felt the guilt coming back... now that the boy left your mind it seems like you have to think about them. You take a look at your wrist and recall the electrical shock with the boy.
You don’t know his name... That’s what you only realize now. Well, if he decided to text you could ask him.
Eying you wrist again you try to see something that could resemble a mark; the one they gave you. Tonight you don’t really understand why they did it in the first place. You feel anger bubbling inside of you but decide it is worthless to worry about things you cannot change right now.
To get a decent sleep you think back to the crescent eyes and shining orbs that lulled you in. You find sleep better this night and all thanks to the stranger...
You wake up with a blurry sight. Your limbs are burning and a headache forms. You also feel very hot - shit, again?
Maybe you didn’t rest well enough the last time... you roommate asks you if she can help you with something before she head out for the day and you decline thankfully.
It would be the best to make some tea and sleep the day off maybe tomorrow it would be better and you could go back to university. Throughout the day you occasionally checked your messages and pouted when you received nothing. You don’t know if you hoped for him to text you or the others. Let’s say it didn’t shock you anymore that you received no text from the demons.
You also didn’t want to tell them about being sick again you hate the feeling of being a burden to someone... so you spent the day sleeping, groaning, drinking tea and watching shows.
Great sunday...
Luckily you had a good sleep this night but in the morning you didn’t feel any better... To this point you couldn’t shake off the feeling that the centrum of the stress might could be your wrist; exactly where your mark was located.
Maybe it is because of not being near to the demons lately? This doesn’t really makes sense either. There already have been more moments where you didn’t have much time for them and didn’t got sick... 
You clearly are not able to go to your courses today and ask Hyo Lyn to excuse you if someone in your shared courses asks.
Of course the girl wants to come over but you decline not wanting to spread your bacteria. You also ask your roommate to not worry but comply when she tells you she wants buy some medicine for you.
Ah, you were feeling really exhausted and bad again...
You wish someone of the boys would come over and take you into their arms and take care of you but you quickly shake the thought off.
Your wrist hurts again at the thought of them. What the actual hell?
Inside the mansion only Hong Joong and Seong Hwa pace around doing the housework. Well, Seong Hwa tells Hong Joong what to do because the leader is a mess when it comes to cleaning.
Hong Joong feels not good today and he didn’t do yesterday, too. It’s only a light tugging but he cannot say what it could be.
„Everything‘s alright?“
„Yes, just a bad feeling I guess. I wonder how (y/n) is doing. Did she eat? Is she happy? Is some professor getting on her nerves?“
Seong Hwa chuckles. Yes, their chosen mate definitely was someone who got triggered easily by hunger and soppy teachers.
„San told me she attended the party on saturday.“
„Why didn’t he tell us sooner?“
Seong Hwa shrugs while ordering Min Gi‘s laundry. „He just texted me she was there and he took a quick look at her and everything was fine. Hyo Lyn was by her side.“
„Mh, sometimes I feel like she’s taking a lot of her time.“
„Are you jelous, Kim?“ Seong Hwa‘s orbs shine in amusement and Hong Joong frowns at him in return.
„Nooo‘ I just would like to spend more time with her but I guess we should really take it slow...“
„Yes, that’s what we agreed on. Although I would like to apologize for the last time...“
Hong Joong emerged Seong Hwa‘s taller form and leans his head against his arms. „She knows we love her, don’t worry.“
Do you?
The end of the day comes and you decide to not be a pussy and text Yun Ho what he was doing only to be left on read. That didn’t hurt at all, asshole. Was he still salty because of the Joo Hyuk scene?
At least Yeo Sang should understand but he was one of those guys who disappeared for quite a time without telling you and you have the feeling now was the time for it again.
Or should you write something in the group chat? The sun was about to set down while you layed weakly in your bed scrolling through your phone. You found a quite funny video and decided it would be a good way to start a conversation and postet it into the chat.
Woo Young texted back a laugh smiley and the others also wrote something funny but Yun Ho, Yeo Sang and Hong Joong didn’t respond at all...
You couldn’t deny that you missed them even if it wasn’t meant in a romantic way. You missed your friends.
Much to your dismay you had to spend your time in bed the whole week... Luckily you were slowly feeling better and quickly worked out the stuff you missed in the courses. You decided not to write again in the chat and it was funny it became easier to not reply to them either or later because you just forgot.
There was a reason for it because your attention was set on something else or better someone else... He texted you.
First he apologized for not messaging you sooner and today he admit to you that he was a little bit shy and unsure about how to start a conversation with you. Cute...
You texted without a break and you laughed out loud when you asked him for his name and he told you could call anything you like so you decided for ‚charming‘.
You couldn’t come up with anything cooler.
You didn’t tell him about you being ill not wanting to ruin the mood and at the end of the week you asked him if he wanted to hang out.
And you did. It was good and felt at ease with him. He cooked for at his apartment and after that watched a movie together.
„Oh god, who thought it would be a good idea to use such bad synchronisation?“ He laughed out loud and chimed in.
Your head slowly became heavier und you didn’t even recognize that you started to lean on him.
„You have such a nice apartment... I wish I could afford something like this.“
„It’s nothing. I just recently rent it.“ He smiles down on you.
„Wow. What do you even do for a living.“ I doesn’t go unnoticed that he becomes a little bit stiff at your question but you ignore it.
„Let‘s just say I have to do with management.“ You nod at him.
„How old are you?“
„I am 23 years old.“
„Oh, I hope I am done with my education at this age, too.“
„Of course. You’re a smart one, (y/n). I will help you anytime you just have to ask.“ He tilts his head a little bit and places a small kiss on your temple.
You hiss out and shriek back when you wrist starts to burn.
„Woah, is everything alright?“
„Yes, yes...“
His orbs turn a lot darker as he watches the tip of your fingers graze over your wrist. He licks his lips at the sight but immediately arranges himself when you look back at him.
Suddenly your phone rings up and you take it to look who calls you. „Hong Joong?“
„Who’s it?“
„Just a - a friend. Excuse me for a second.“ He nods at you and you go to the kitchen.
„(y/n)? Where are you?“
„I am out.. Why though?“
„You’re not at your dorm and your roommate wasn’t there, too. I wanted to pick you up for a late movie night...“
„Oh, I am sorry. It’s so late already?“
„Where are you so I can pick you up? We’re missing you, (y/n)... also me and Yeo Sang felt something a few seconds ago.“
„Yeo Sang is back?“
„Yes, but, are you alright? I said we felt something like a sting.“
„Oh, no. Everything’s alright I don’t think I am in for it, tonight. Sorry...“
„Mh, okay. You would tell me when there’s something, right?“
You pause at his question. Lately you weren’t honest at all and now you feel like shit because they suddenly decide to connect you again. You sigh. Right now you’re with the charming boy and it would be rude to just leave.
„Of course I would.“ Lie
„Ok, then take care. I hope I am not annoying you.“
„You’re not! No, you’re not. I am happy you called me...“ You really were.
„Bye, (y/n).“
„Are you ok?“
„Ah, yes. My friend just worried for me.“
„Must be a good friend then.“ He lightly smiled at you and reached out his hand for you to take.
Just like Hong Joong never called you all thoughts to them vanish again when you take his hand and let him guide you back into the living room.
You make yourself comfortable in his embrace and you continue the movie. You are very aware on how his breath tickles the hair on your neck and you feel yourself heat up at the close approximation.
You try to hide your nervousness by ignoring him and playing like you don’t recognize his slow movements with his palm on your thigh.
You gulp and feel like your heart stops. His index finger lands under your chin and in the softest way he tilts your head so you’re facing him.
„Can I - I really want to kiss you... but I need your consent...“
You weakly nod at him already too engulfed in the moment. He flashes you a dazzling smile and you could swear you saw something flashing in his dark orbs at your answer.
Before you can think about it anymore his lips are pressed on your own trembling ones in a delicate way. You shudder at how aroused you feel and the sensation his touches leave on your form are overwhelming.
The hold on your thigh becomes tighter and with the other one his fingers start to caress your neck. He uses your moaning to explore your mouth with his tongue and it feels like you entered heaven.
When he starts to kiss down your chin and neck you quite overhear something he mumbles with a breathless voice.
Too engulfed in the pleasure you’re receiving you don’t notice him taking your wrist carefully and kissing along your arm until he lands on the place where your mark is supposed to be.
You open your eyes when feel a tingling sensation there and suddenly hear voices in your head becoming louder and louder the more he sucks on there.
„What is happening?!“
„We have to find her!“
„Yeo Sang! Shit, help him up!“
You lean back and he looks at you confused and concerned but it’s quickly replaced with a shy smile.
„What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?“ You frantically look around searching for something you don’t even know. Those voices...
„I - I have to go... I am sorry.“
„I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but it’s okay, we achieved a lot for today.“
What is he talking about?
Only now you see your display blinking up repeatedly and the missed calls and texts from the demons.
You sense him watching you out of your eyesight and quickly put your cellphone back.
„I will bring you back home.“
You nod when he stands up leaving you clutching at your wrist with a bad feeling.
The car ride is silent and you decide to use his concentration on the road to text into the group chat that you’re heading back to the dorms.
When you open the door all the boys are already scattered around leaving your roommate sitting uncomfortable on her bed and a sign of relief crosses her features when you enter the room.
Immediately Min Gi grabs your hand and drags you out again followed by the others.
„What are you - ?!“
Min Gi puts you with him in the back seat petting you everywhere and kissing your hair with a frown on his face. Jong Ho starts the engine and drives home so fast you don’t even want to know the limit you’re reaching.
„(y/n)...“ He whimpers out and you turn your head to see his face that is illuminated by the lamps of the road.
A tear is rolling down his features and you swear you’ve never seen Min Gi crying before and he also didn’t touch you like this ever.
He hides his face in your neck and starts to cry. „Please don’t leave us...“
You felt awful. Never ever have you felt so ashamed and disgusted by yourself. You let another man touch you and especially the holy place of your mark and now you would have to face the consequences.
Your heart hurt at the sight of him clutching at you like his life depended on it. He held you in his big embrace like you would vanish any second.
„I would never leave you.“ Now a single tear also rolled down your cheek.
All of you sat silently. Until Yun Ho decided to speak up...
„What did you to with Joo Hyuk?“
Everyone tensed up at his name but you only frowned at his question.
„What do you mean?“
„You know what I mean. If you wouldn’t be my bestfriend I would consider thinking of you as a bitch, (y/l/n) (y/n)!“
Totally confused you stood up and let out your anger by landing a full smack on his cheek.
„I am not a bitch, Jeong Yun Ho! I won’t lie that I didn’t do anything but at least I am not fucking around every weekend like you guys!“
Now it was your time to let out everything that boiled up in you.
„You’re not giving me attention! You’re not answering my texts! You don’t care at all! You’re saying you have feelings for me but you’re not!“
„Don’t say this, dear - “ Jong Ho eyes you with a soft look and tries to reach out for you but you hold your hand up to stop him.
„No! You’ve been hurting me and guess what? I can play the game, too!“
Behind you Woo Young and San tense up.
„You know they mean nothing for us...“
„It doesn’t matter, Jung Woo Young. It hurts me so much... How can I ever trust you when all you do is - do is - nothing?“
Again everyone remains silent and also Yun Ho takes a step back to sit down next to Seong Hwa who rubs his eyes tiredly.
„We can get through this. I know we can... I feel like those are all misunderstandings...“
Yeo Sang always was a person that liked the harmony and it showed again.
You weren’t so sure of his words and bit your lips so harshly that you draw blood letting the tears out again.
„Please, (y/n), we love you. We love you so much. Please don’t give up on us...“
„San is right... we all have to better ourselves. We have to talk and be honest with eachother. Respect us more. Love isn’t easy but I can proudly say that I would do anything for you and us to work.“
You look into Seong Hwa‘s eyes and feel your bond coming to life at his words.
„Like we already said... a demon love is so rare and beautiful like you are (y/n); but - we would never force you to something you don’t want. We will always love you and we want you to be happy... even if it’s without us.“ Hong Joong says eyeing all his brothers who flinch at his words but not say something against it either.
„Angel, I beg you, please... don’t be afraid to show your feelings.“ Yeo Sang seems like to stare into your soul and you know that he knows what you want to do right now.
So you do it. You fall into his arms and sob into his chest. You let it all out and you can fell someone embracing your from behind, too.
You heart feels at ease and you couldn’t say that for a long time. Especially at Yeo Sang‘s and Hong Joong‘s touches you feel the bond coming to life igniting a wonderful sensation inside your systems.
This night you decide to sleep at theirs but of course not without all of you making a sleepover in one room. Fortunately you are the girl and were able to sleep on Yeo Sang‘s bed between him and the leader.
Totally forgetting about Charming and the events of the previous night.
Well, all of you were to exhausted to talk this out so it had to be done in the morning.
Oh, and the questioning turned out more interesting than everyone would’ve thought.
You decide to text him. It was a shitty move especially after last night but it had to be done. Much to your disbelief he only sent you back a smiley leaving you utterly confused.
After the breakfast you gathered around in the garden to finally tell you the truth and discuss on how to deal with Joo Hyuk.
San and Woo Young have been especially clingy to you also feeling very bad about having you hurt so much. Honestly, San craved a lot of your attention and body but he didn’t want to scare you so he decided to distract himself. He really didn’t know it would bother you so much and now he was devastated realizing the shit he done...
„I cannot breath, Woo Young...“
„Oh sorry.“ He smirks at your playfully and you peck him on his lips catching him off guard.
They were all so beautiful but not only in features but character, too... Why did you only realize it now?
Yeah, dumb bitch.
After telling you everything about Joo Hyuk that he wants to claim you and that being the reason for the pain at your mark and also you sickness you gulped.
„Now we have to find a way to deliver the message that he should leave you alone.“
„Or we just kill him.“
You sink further into San‘s side and he gives Jong Ho a silent glare knowing exactly how you would react to something like that.
„Guys, ehm, yesterday...“
Oh, it’s really time you’re telling them about it.
„Yesterday I wasn’t with Joo Hyuk. To be honest, I didn’t see him since a week or more...“
„What? (y/n), you had a scent on yourself from a demon yesterday. Whoever you spent time with was a demon!“
Panick takes its place over everyone’s features at your words and Hong Joong‘s eyes turn into an angry red color.
„I knew she smelled different! Now I know what that smell is...“
„Who is it? Hyung? (y/n)?“
„I - I don’t know his name...“
„You went home with a stranger, made out and don’t even know his name?!“ Seong Hwa‘s definitely in his mother role right now and you look to the ground ashamed.
„I don’t know... He felt so safe and my mind told me not to question it - “
„Typical for a demon like him. He manipulated you quite well.“ Hong Joong spits out with fire and starts to walk in circles.
„I guess you have his number?“
You nod at Yeo Sang.
„Text him to meet at the sightseeing platform at the mountain in the west.“
„What are you planning?“
„Seems like he was able to ignite a strong spark in her but not when she’s with us.“
„What are you talking about?“
Woo Young smiles in mischief at his brothers while petting your head. „Eight mates are stronger than one.“
„Don’t worry, cupcake. You will understand soon.“
You waited for Charming at the point and couldn’t believe yourself when you stupidly smiled at him. From the distance he already waved at you and if it wasn’t for the demons behind the trees you feel like you would’ve fall for him easily again.
„You look cute today. I am happy you texted me so quickly... to be honest I was a little bit afraid after yesterday that it was too early for you.“
You wonder how someone can lie so effortlessly and shudder when he wraps his fingers around your wrist where your mark is located.
He leans down when you’re not answering and gulp nervously when he tries to kiss you...
„The nerve...“
San comes out next to you joined by the others and you can see Charming starting to smile with his crescent eyes.
„I shouldn’t have let you go yesterday, little bird.“ He nearly whispered it out and you tremble when he places a soft skin on our forehead.
„Touch her again and we will kill you, Cha.“
He turns around and San and Woo Young are quick to take you into their arms and lead you further away from the scene. The demon follows your form and you are suddenly scared by his intimidating eyes.
„Ah, Hong Joong... I feel like I’ve lost myself in the whole thing a little bit too much.“
„You just didn’t succeed, Eun Woo.“
„Yes, this time you won. Your little human is not as dumb as I thought.“
Ouch that hurt although you just figured out what an ass he is. Woo Young‘s arms tighten around your form and the others tense up. Jong Ho cracks his knuckles to warn the demon to insult you any more.
„Why did you do that?“
„Clearly not for claiming her. I wanted to take the one love like you did with me...“
„Mi Na murdered humans and it was our task to bring her down. We would’ve not killed her if there would’ve been another way.“ Seong Hwa speaks up.
„She had problems! Okay?! You didn’t understand her! No one did!“
Tears are floating down when reality crushes in... Eun Woo wanted to kill you... and if it wasn’t for the boys you would not be alive right now. Joo Hyuk only was a marionette in this game and you only realized it now...
„We don’t want to hurt you, Eun Woo... Take your claim off her and leave us alone.“
„I said we don’t want to hurt you but we will.“
You sensed the distress of your mates and watched how everyone got into a fighting position leaving Woo Young and San next to you ready to get out of the scene if needed.
Eun Woo looks around him and starts to understand that he’s overpowered. He lets out a disgusting cry full of pain and anger.
„I will take it back...“
Hong Joong gives the demons next to you a sign and they near the other demon with slowl steps. He reaches out his hand and San takes your wrist carefully and guides it into his direction.
Eun Woo looks at you with tears in his eyes and sadly although you hate him right now you can feel his pain. He positions his lips over your wrist and breathes in leaving you lightheaded and suddenly blacking out... you feel free and suddenly the clouds in your mind and the headache you didn’t even noticed anymore are gone.
You open your eyes rubbing them with your palms feeling like you just awakened from a deep slumber.
„Good morning, sunshine.“
„Yun Ho...“
„Yes, the one and only.“ He shoots you a radiant smile and suddenly the door bursts open the other demons literally running inside.
„Cupcake! You’re awake!“
„How long did I sleep?“
„29 hours.“
„What happened?“
„Everyhing is okay right now. He’s gone... back to the demon world to be exact and he took his minions with him.“ Yun Ho tells you while caressing your hand.
You sit up and look into your lap. „Thank you, for everything and I am very sorry.“
„Stop, (y/n). We’re together now and you’re safe. That’s all what matters.“
You smile at them tears of joy running down your cheeks.
„Are you ok to go downstairs and eat something? Woo Young tried to cook - “
Said boy rolls with his eyes. „I didn’t try! I trained a lot!“ You giggle at his words and Yun Ho motions for you to sit up and take his hand so he can help you.
Halfway out of the room you stop...
„Guys...“ Everyone turns around watching you with curiosity.
„I think I might start falling in love with you.“ You quickly close your eyes out of embarrassment and San comes to take your palms that shield your face away with his own hands.
„It isn’t that hard, right?“
You become red like a potato and stomp with your food. „But it is!“ Everyone laughs at your cuteness but it would definitely be a hard way to express your feeling like this more...
author: Well, what a nice ending to this part!
wooyoung: Where’s my smut.
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radamazard · 3 years
From Me to We
This is my piece for the DJWifiZine! Everyone who contributed to it is honestly awesome and so talented, so you should go check it out at @thedjwifizine
You can download it here!
The lights flickered in time with a tired sigh, throwing darkness over pages that had already left Nino feeling increasingly frustrated. What was it about old timey books that made them so… so obtuse!
Had it's previous owners meant to mock him? If so then he guessed they ought to congratulate themselves. Never before had anything left him feeling so completely and utterly defeated.
With that thought and a heavy groan, Nino let the tome hit the cushion beside him.
“Waaaaayzz,” he whined, earning a dry look from the kwami. “How the sweet heck am I meant to read this crap? No offence. I know this is, like, your idea of fun and all, buuuut…”
“None taken,” Wayzz replied, drifting down to sit upon his holder’s shoulder. “I understand that it is a rather…” he paused, seemingly taking a moment to choose his next words carefully. “...dull and dense text. But you were chosen to inherit this role, and with it comes certain responsibilities. Such as-”
“Readin’ old books drier than the Sahara Desert?” Nino scoffed, leaning back into the worn comfort of his couch.
“At least you’re allowed to read them!”
Ah, he was wondering when she was going to join the conversation.
Across the room from him, grumbling to herself from her squeaky desk chair, sat Alya. Her legs were crossed and her form hunched, a sure sign that she wasn't quite over being scolded by the tiny god of protection earlier this evening.
“Aww, come on, babe.” Nino attempted to assure her. “I promise, you're not missin’ out on anything exciting here!”
Well, not anything that he himself would find exciting. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't sure why he'd had the title of guardian thrust upon him. Hero stuff wasn't really something he was passionate about. It was just something he did outta a sense of duty.
Alya though? Now SHE was someone who woulda been squealing at the opportunity. She dug this kinda shit.
Thick, boring books full of lore and secrets that had to be decoded and unravelled?
The responsibility of deciding who was worthy of the same power they wielded, and who could never be allowed even near a miraculous?
The weight that such a position held, and the changes it would bring with it?
That was right up her alley!
It was the ultimate hero's life, all stress and life altering decisions and sooo much information that it made his brain wanna shrivel up and roll right outta his head. This was her dream, not his.
Yet here they sat, neither of them pleased with the cards they'd been dealt.
Man, was life ever a bitch.
“.... Okay, so maybe it'd be exciting to you,” Nino conceded as his girlfriend threw him an irritated glare, one that only softened as she took note of how exhausted he seemed.
Alya pulled herself away from her desk, crossing the room in a few quick steps before she dropped herself next to her beloved with a graceless thump.
“I know you're not trying to make me feel like shit, boo,” she assured him, although with how he slouched into her side Alya was getting the feeling that, perhaps, he felt he had failed in that. “It's just…”
A strong arm wrapped itself around Nino’s shoulder, and with one smooth motion he was pulled into the warmth of Alya’s embrace. It was a comfort, a silent reassurance that no ill feelings were shared between them. That even if the situation was less than ideal, they refused to let it sour their bond.
“Sucks major ass?”
“Couldn't have said it better myself, Neens~”
Alya felt the beginnings of a smile tugging at her lips, one that was awfully contagious as she caught sight of the same beauty blossoming upon her boyfriend's gorgeous face.
“You know I'd give ya the damn title if I could, right?” Nino said with a slight shrug. “I wasn't really gunning for something like this. Or even remotely wanting it.”
“Maybe that's why the old fart gave it to ya,” Trixx chimed in, his sudden presence making the couple jolt comically. Alya threw a pointed look at her kwami, one that went entirely ignored by the mini master of mischief.
“Just saying! I mean, isn't that what boring old humans do? Give power to those that don't want it?”
“As much as I disagree with his choice of words and blatant disrespect for my former master,” Wayzz retorted with an air of annoyance. “Trixx does have a fair point. I do believe that Mas- that Fu’s choice, or at least part of it, was based on a lack of desire. One that does not desire power is far less likely to abuse it.”
Wayzz’s own lack of tactfulness earned him a nasty look, from both his chosen and his fiery partner. Unlike Trixx though, he at least had the decency to appear guilty, knowing that he lacked a certain level of social savvy. The fox instead had whizzed off to find a new place to nap. How typical of him.
“I did not mean anything offensive by it,” the kwami quickly added. “I do not believe that Miss Alya would ever abuse such power! You have proven to be a hero of great honour and responsibility, and I would never wish to besmirch your name with such dirty implications…”
“I'd hope not, little dude,” Nino said firmly, the sternness in his gaze starting to melt as Alya relaxed beside him, along with her grip that held his lanky frame. “I love ya, but Als is my frickin’ Queen. I ain't about to let anyone talk smack about her, not even you.”
“I would never. In fact, if it would assure your fears, I will let it be known that Miss Alya was Fu’s second pick.”
A beat of silence passed, broken only by the slight cry of shock that fell from Alya's slackened jaw.
“You… You can't be serious! Was I- I could of- What?!”
“Oh, but I am. You possess a brilliant mind, and a passion for knowledge and the history of us kwamis that is both pure and unrivalled by anyone alive today. To be completely honest, the perfect guardian lies somewhere between you both. It made the decision terribly hard…”
As he trailed off the silence returned. Unlike last time though, it stretched out, filling several long lasting minutes.
Nino felt Alya’s cheek come to rest upon his head, and even from where he rested, his face pressed into the crook of her neck, he could hear her heart race. Was it excitement, the idea that she was thought of so highly by someone she deeply respected? He hoped so. She deserved at least that.
No, she deserved so much more.
“You right there, Als?” Nino whispered against her skin, laying a gentle kiss to her thrumming pulse. To his delight he felt her shiver beneath his lips, egging him on to smother her in a flurry of feather light affections.
“I will be once you stop being such a damn lovable DORK,” Alya shot back, her cheeks ablaze. It wasn't often that Nino managed to catch her off guard as such, not that she was complaining of course. She loved him dearly, with his sweet tenderness and near endless patience for her more… wild ways.
But right now was meant to be serious talk time!
“Well excuuuuuse me, Princess!”
Oh, how her eyes rolled.
“Anyway, back to the topic at hand. You know, the one where I was ALMOST THE GUARDIAN? I seriously can't believe that I was this close to being allowed to read the same book that you wanna throw in a fire!” Up went her hands, and with them Wayzz, who hopped out of the way of any further hand shenanigans and took refuge on the arm of their couch.
“Like, come on universe! I'm sorry that we can't just fuse or mind meld or be co-guardians or something equally as ridiculous!”
“Man, that last one woulda been hella sweet. Could you imagine? This shit would be so much easier if we could tackle it together. That damn book would be halfway understood by the end of the year if you were actually allowed to read it!”
Together they sighed, almost dreamily, as though the idea was but a wish, one fit only for fairytales. Or perhaps a low budget rom com, like the ones they enjoyed playfully mocking every Friday evening. Ah, for their lives to be so stupidly simple.
“Don't even say it, babe. Don't give me dreams that can't be fulfil-”
“Co… Guardians?” Wayzz interjected, drawing their gazes to his suddenly pondering form. “I hadn't thought of that option. Neither of us had. It certainly isn't traditional, but Ma- but Fu has never been one to follow tradition. Does that truly matter now in the scheme of things?”
His tiny brow creased in deep thought, so much so that they feared he may give himself a headache. Then, without warning, the kwami was zipping across the room, coming to rest upon the coffee table where Nino’s phone lay.
“What are yo-”
“I am contacting Fu. This new guardianship is only days old, you see. We should still be able to make amendments. With this new idea presented I believe we may be able to reach a more agreeable situation for all.”
“You… You mean…”
“Yes, Miss Alya. Now please, a moment of silence.”
The couple shared a look of bewilderment, one that swiftly morphed into giddy delight as the meaning of Wayzz's words and the hushed conversation he was having, started to settle in.
“You don't think…?” She started.
“Heck yeah I think!”
“I wasn't even being- well okay, I HAD thought of it before, but I didn't seriously think that it could happen! But now it’s- Neens, I might-!”
Excited giggles burst forth between them, both barely able to contain the jittering joy that flourished between them. What once had seemed like a sore point now pulsed with a new life, promising a future that held them together closer than ever before.
Strange, how quickly one’s night could turn from a grouchy sort of sour to a sweet, bubbly delight.
Together they tittered, their conversation an excited mess of hardly hushed whispers and tightly gripped hands. The energy was punctured by a familiar, yet sharp throat clearing, which snapped their attention back to the awaiting kwami.
“Although our conversation was brief, and we will meet at a later date to discuss the details, we are both in agreement. A Co-Guardianship is something we are willing to trial. If you will both agree to this arrangement, that is.”
Wayzz watched with a delighted chuckle, already braced for the squeals and hollering of joy that were soon to follow. Ah, to be young and so wonderfully human, to find such happiness in something shared.
“Are you kidding, little dude? Of freaking course I agree to this shit! Als, did ya hear what he sa-”
“SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!” Alya shouted in pure, unfiltered glee. Within seconds she was reaching across her boyfriend, grabbing the tome that had been the source of so many nasty feelings not even half an hour ago.
Nino’s easy laugh filled her ears, and soon it vibrated against her lips, gobbled up by a kiss of pure, vibrant glee that left them both more than a little love drunk.
“I swear, I- no, WE won't let you down!”
Yes, that had a nice ring to it.
We, as in friends.
We, as in lovers.
We, as in heroic partners.
We, the Co-Guardians of the Miraculous, together until death do us part.
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thekillerssluts · 4 years
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The Story Behind Every Song On Will Butler’s New Album Generations
Will Butler has a lot on his mind. It has, after all, been five years since his solo debut, Policy. A lot can happen in half a decade, and a lot has happened in this past half-decade — much of it quite dire. Butler was in his early 30s when Policy came out, and now he’s closing in on 40. He’s a husband and father. And he’s shaken by the state of the world, the idea of being an artist and a soon-to-be middle-aged man striving to guide his family through the chaos.
At least, that’s how it comes across through much of Generations, his sophomore outing that arrives today. Generations is a big, sprawling title by nature, and the album in turn grapples with all kinds of big picture anxieties. Mass shootings, the overarching darkness and anxiety of our time, trying to reckon with our surroundings but the system overload that occurs all too easily in the wake of it. Then there are more intimate songs, too, tales drawn from personal lives as people plug along just trying to navigate a tumultuous era.
Butler is, of course, no stranger to crafting music that seeks to parse the cultural moment and how it impacts in our daily lives. Ever since Arcade Fire ascended to true arena-rock status on The Suburbs 10 years ago, they have embarked on projects that explicitly try to make sense of our surroundings. (Not that their earlier work was bereft of heavy concepts — far from it — but Reflektor and Everything Now turned more of a specific eye towards contemporary ills and trials.) But as one voice amongst many in Arcade Fire, there is a cinematic scope to whatever Butler’s playing into there.
On Generations, he engages with a lot of similar concerns but all in his own voice — often yelping, desperate, frustrated then just trying to catch a breath. Butler leans on his trusty Korg MS-20 throughout Generations, often giving the album a synth-y indie backdrop that allows him to try on a few different selves. There are a handful of surging choruses, “la-la” refrains batting back against the darkness, slinking grooves maybe allowing someone the idea of brief physical release amidst ongoing strife.
Ahead of Generations’ arrival, Butler sent us some thoughts on the album, running from inspiration between the individual tracks to little details about the arrangement and composition of different songs. Now that you can hear the album for yourself, check it out and read along with Butler’s comments below.
1. “Outta Here”
I think this is the simplest song on the record. Just, like, get me out of here. Get me fucking out of here. I’m so tired of being here. No, I don’t have another answer, and I don’t expect anything to be better anywhere else. But, please, I would like to leave here.
I can play plenty of instruments, and can make interesting sounds on them, but kinda the only instrument I’m good at is a synth called the Korg MS-20. That’s the first sound on the record. It makes most of the bass you hear on the record. It’s a very aggressive, loud, versatile machine, and I wanted to start the record with it cause I’m good at playing it and it makes me happy.
2. “Bethlehem”
This song partly springs from “The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats:​ “What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?” Like a lot of folks, I woke up after the election in 2016 mad and sad and scared and exhausted. This song is born of that emotion.
My bandmates Jenny Shore, Julie Shore, and Sara Dobbs sing the bridge, and it’s a corrective to my (appropriate?) freaking out — this isn’t the apocalypse. You’re misquoting Yeats. Get your fucking head on straight. History has not ruptured — this shit we’re in is contiguous with the shit we’ve been dealing with for a long, long time. But still, we sometimes do need an apocalyptic vision to make change. Even if it’s technically wrong. I dunno. It’s an ongoing conversation.
There’s a lot of interplay with backing vocals on this record — sometimes the narrator is the asshole, sometimes the backing vocals are the asshole. Sometimes they’re just trying their best to figure out the world. This song starts that conversation.
3. “Close My Eyes”
I tried to make these lyrics a straightforward and honest description of an emotion I feel often: “I’m tired of waiting for a better day. But I’m scared and I’m lazy and nothing’s gonna change.” Kind of a sad song. Trying to tap into some Smokey Robinson/Motown feeling — “I’ve got to dance to keep from crying.”
There’s a lot of Mellotron on this record, and a lot of MS-20. This song has a bunch of Mellotron strings/choirs processed through the MS-20. It’s a trick I started doing on the Arcade Fire song “Sprawl II,” and I love how it sounds and I try to do it on every song if I can.
4. “I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know”
This makes a pair with “Close My Eyes” — shit is obviously fucked, but “I don’t know what I don’t know what I don’t know what I can do.” I’m not a proponent of the attitude! Just trying to describe it, as I often feel it. In my head, I know some things that I can do — my wife Jenny, for instance, works really hard to get state legislatures out of Republican control. Cause it’s all these weirdo state legislative chambers that have enormous power over law enforcement, and civil rights, and Medicaid, and everything.
The image in the last verse was drawn from the protests in Ferguson in 2015: “Watch the bullets and the beaters as they move through the streets — grab your sister’s kids — hide next to the fire station…” It’s been horrifically disheartening to see the police riot across America as their power has been challenged. I’ve got a little seed of hope that we might change things, but, man, dark times.
More MS-20 bass on this one, chained to the drum machine. This one is supposed to be insanely bass heavy — if it comes on in a car, the windows should be rattling, and you should be asking, “What the heck is going on here?” Trying for a contemporary hip-hop bass sound but in a way less spare context. First song with woodwinds — rhythmic stuff and freaky squeals by Stuart Bogie and Matt Bauder.
5. “Surrender”
This song is masquerading as a love song, but it’s more about friendship. About the confusion that comes as people change: Didn’t you use to have a different ideal? Didn’t we have the same ideal at some point? Which of us changed? How did the world change? Relationships that we sometimes wish we could let go of, but that are stuck within us forever.
It’s also about trying to break from the first-person view of the world. “What can I do? What difference can I make?” It’s not about some singular effort — you have to give yourself over to another power. Give over to people who have gone before who’ve already built something — you don’t have to build something new! The world doesn’t always need a new idea, it doesn’t always need a new personality. What can you do with whatever power and money you’ve got? Surrender it over to something that’s already made. And then the song ends with an apology: I’m sorry I’ve been talking all night. Just talk talk talking, all night. Shut up, Will.
Going for “wall of sound” on this one — bass guitar and bass synth and double tracked piano bass plus another piano plus Mellotron piano. The “orchestra” is about a dozen different synth and Mellotron tracks individually detuned. And then run through additional processing.
6. “Hide It Away”
This song is about secrets. Both on an intimate, heartbreaking level — friends’ miscarriages, friends’ immigration status, shitty affairs coming to light — and on a grand, horrible level: New York lifting the statute of limitations on child abuse prosecutions, all the #MeToo reporting. There’s nothing you can do when your secret is revealed. Like, what can you do? You just have to let the response wash over you. If you’ve done something horrible, god-willing, you’ll have to pay for it in some way. If it’s something not horrible, but people will hate you anyway, goddammit, I wish there were some way to protect you.
This song has the least poetic line on the record, a real clunker: “It’s just money and power, money and power might set them free.” But it’s a clunky, shitty concept — the most surefire protection is being rich and knowing powerful people. But even then, shit just might come out. Even after you’re long dead.
Came from a 30-second guitar sample I recorded while messing around at the end of trying to track a different song. I liked the chords, looped them to make a demo. And the song was born from there. This is the one song I play drums on. Snare is chained to the MS-20, trying to play every frequency the ear can hear at the same time on some of those big hits.
7. “Hard Times”
[Laughs] I sat down and tried to write a Spotify charting electro-hit, and this is what came out: “Kill the rich, salt the earth.” Oh well. Written way before COVID-19, but my 8-year-old son turned to me this spring and asked, “Did you write the song ‘Hard Times’ about now, because we’re living through hard times?” No, I didn’t.
In Dostoevsky’s Notes From Underground, the narrator is a real son-of-a-bitch—contrarian, useless. Mad at the strong confident people who think they’ve got it figured out. And they don’t! And neither does the narrator — but he knows he doesn’t, and he at times yearns for some higher answer, and he’s funny, and too clever, but still knows he’s a piece of shit. I read Notes From Underground in high school and kinda forgot how it shaped my worldview until I sat down with it a couple years ago. The bridge on this song is basically smushed up quotes from Notes From Underground.
I was asking Shiftee, who mixed the record, if there are any vocal plug-ins I should be playing around with. He pointed me toward Little AlterBoy, which is basically a digital recreation of the kind of pedal the Knife use, for instance, on their vocal sound. It can shift the timbre/character of a voice without changing the pitch. Or change pitch without changing character. Very fun! Very much all over this track. Tried to make the bridge sound like a Sylvester song.
8. “Promised”
Another friend song masquerading as a love song. I’ve met a handful of extraordinary people in my life, who stopped doing extraordinary work because life is hard and it sucks. People who — I mean, it’s a lottery and random and who cares — could be great writers or artists, who kind of just disappeared. And it’s heartbreaking and frustrating. I don’t blame them. Maybe they weren’t made for this world. Maybe it’s just random. Maybe they’ll do amazing work in their 60s!
We tracked this song before it was written. Julie and Miles came over and we made up a structure and did a bunch of takes, found a groove. Which I then hacked up into what it is now! The bed tracks are lovely and loose. Maybe I’ll put out a jammier version of this song at some point. The other big synth on this record is the Oberheim OB-8, and that’s the bass on this one (triple tracked along with some MS-20).
9. “Not Gonna Die”
This song is about terrorism, and the response to terrorism. I wrote it a couple weeks after the Bataclan shooting in Paris in 2015. For some reason, a couple weeks after the shooting, I was in midtown Manhattan. I must have been Christmas shopping. I had to pop into the Sephora on 5th Avenue to pick up something specific — I think for my wife or her sister. I don’t remember. But I remember walking in, and the store was really crowded, and for just a split second I got really scared about what would happen if someone brought out a gun and started shooting up the crowd. And then I got so fucking mad at the people that made me feel that emotion. Like, I’m not gonna fucking die in the midtown Sephora, you fucking pieces of shit. Thanks for putting that thought in my head.
BUT ALSO, fuck all the fucking pieces of shit who are like, “We can’t accept refugees — what if they’re terrorists?” FUCK OFF. Some fucking terrified family driven from their home by a war isn’t going to kill me. Or anyone. Fuck off. Some woman from Central America fleeing from her husband who threatened to kill her isn’t going to fucking bomb Times Square. You fucking pieces of shit.
In November/December 2015, the Republican primary had already started — Trump had announced in June. And every single one of those pieces of shit running for president were talking about securing our borders, and keeping poor people out, and trying to justify it by security talk. FUCK OFF. You pieces of shit. Fuck right off. Anyway. Sorry for cursing.
I kind of think of the outro of this song as an angry “Everyday People.” Everyday people aren’t going to kill me. Lots of great saxes on this track from Matt Bauder and Stuart Bogie.
The intro of the song we recorded loud, full band, which I then ran through the MS-20 and filtered down till it was just a bass heart-pulse, and re-recorded solo piano and voice over that.
10. “Fine”
I kind of think that “Outta Here” to “Not Gonna Die” comprise the record, and “Fine” operates as the afterword and the prologue rolled into one. An author’s note, maybe. It was kind of inspired by high-period Kanye: I wanted to talk about something important in a profane, sometimes horribly stupid way, but have it be honest and ultimately transcendent.
In the song, I talk semi-accurately about where I come from. My mom’s dad was a guitar player who led bands throughout the ’30s and ’40s. In post-war LA, he had a band with Charles Mingus as the bass player. Charles Mingus! One of the greatest geniuses in all of American history. But this was the ’40s, and in order to travel with the band, to go in the same entrances, to eat dinner at the same table, he had to wear a Hawaiian shirt and everybody had to pretend he was Hawaiian. Because nobody was sure how racist they were supposed to be against Hawaiians.
Part of the reason I’m a musician is that my great-grandfather was a musician, and his kids were musicians, and their kids were musicians, and their kids are musicians. Part of the reason is vast generations of people working to make their kids’ lives better, down to my life. Part of the reason is that neither government nor mob has decided to destroy my family’s lives, wealth, and property for the last couple hundred years. I tried to write a song about that?
Generations is out now via Merge. Purchase it here.
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thoschei-rights · 4 years
A collection of Who fic ideas I cant be motivated to write
some of these are really shit half-ideas and some are just so bad, im sorry but i need someone to write these bc i suck at writing- ilysm
1. So Clara can’t get back to Trap Street because Gallifrey is gone and I doubt its coming back this time, because they don’t deserve it- but imagine if Clara unknowingly arrived on Gallifrey, saw the destruction and then saw a small gaggle of humans making their way towards the broken citadel and she’s like oya oya I smell a conspiracy- and thus we get Clara there, and are you telling me when she finds out the truth, she isn’t going to smack The Master round the face because he’s the only Time Lord left in the Universe and she needs to get her anger out at them somehow- idk where it goes from here but I think about Thirteen and Clara a lot.
2. The Master is that child on the cliff with the Timeless Child, I’ve seen this idea around and I love it but I have no idea how I’d really write it, I just love the idea and want more people to write this thanks??
3. Angsty plot but imagine if Yaz, Graham and the other two humans got into the Cybersuits and couldn’t get back out? Like the suit took them? Thought oh hey new flesh yum good stuff?? And woops Graham you doylum you accidentally converted the four of yall into Cybermen while thinking yall clever. 
4. Someone needs to write Thirteen finding out where she’s from though, and hopefully she finds out her original race aren’t all assholes and she has somewhere she actually belongs. Make it Madagascar 2 style like at first she feels like the odd one out, doesn’t fit in, does something wrong and feels outcasted, scared to be alone again but bOOM she isn’’t and someone is there for her, heck even give her parents or smth, i just want her to belong, to have a family she knows wont leave her after only a few years like all the companions do, someone of her own species who dont age in the blink of an eye like humans- :’) am i trying to redeem myself for all the torture i put thirteen through
5. The prison is Stormcage and River hears about the fact they have a new maximum security prisoner and they are really rare bc sure the universe has lots of psychos but only the worst of the worst land themselves in the block the doctor is in and she’s like hmm I wonder- and boom prison break happens as soon as River finds out who it is and whats just happened to her :’)
6. Dhawan!Master barely escaping Gallifrey with The Doctor, the two forces to escape in the same Tardis since its the only one in range, but he’s been hit ever so slightly by the death particle, enough that his body is forced to regenerate and he becomes Missy and Thirteen is just on shock because OH it all makes sense now- Missy didn’t revert to her old ways, she’d not BEEN Missy yet, and finally there’s some hope in the Dark for Thirteen. Also Thrissy because I’m gay for Thrissy.
7. That 12.9 ending scene but instead of just standing in shock and fear and anger, the Doctor paces over to the smug bitch who just yeeted out of that boundary, slaps him across the face and then snogs the fuck outta him. Thoschei rights. Preach. 
8. When The Doctor blows the Matrix, her wiped memories start coming back to her and while in prison she has to experience some of these returning terrors alone, with no comfort. Lots of angst. Make it really dark and sad. Make me sob my heart out. 
9. The Matrix takes more energy from Thirteen than she thought and when yanking from Yaz’s hold to go blow up the Master and the Cybermasters, she collapses from exhaustion and is unconscious while Yaz takes her place and sacrifices herself. When Thirteen wakes, its too late and she has to live in a Universe with no Yaz, just even more shit for her to try and process, its all too much. 
10. Somehow rumour of the true creation of the time lords gets out among the stars, it suddenly becomes common knowledge, “did you hear about the doctor?” “the time lords experimented on her, as a child, stole her dna for themselves” and “they wiped her memories, forced her to revert to a child” and maybe even “i heard they trapped her in a confession dial for 4.5 billion years-” “wha- 4.5 BILLION years?” and suddenly everyone knows the time lords dirty secret but they also know the fragments of the doctors past, and eventually these rumours reach people who know her well, her friends whom are still among the stars, Bill, Clara and Me, Jack, River, hell anyone you wanted, and these companions are like shit we need to find the doctor?? maybe some of them break her outta prison or?? maybe some stumble upon her after shes reunited with the fam and the fam end up finding out too, after thirteen tries not to let them know too much?? idk?? this one is very ambiguous on details so go with it as you want
11. any form of feral baby thirteen. just anything where she snaps at any point will make me happy. just give me. give. me.
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madamlaydebug · 4 years
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Let me ask you something important, are you one of those people who feels:
I have to work extra hard to get what I want?
I have to constantly hustle more to receive?
I must do, do, do all these things to get my way. 
If you are, I completely understand this is a societal belief that makes us believe that struggle, sacrifice, pushing, striving and working extremely hard to the point of exhaustion is the way to get what we want. 
Over time I've really learned a lot about why Hard work equals success isn't sustainable and actually is a BREEDING ground for imbalances, even illness when we ignore our bodies for so long. 
Why? Because we're teaching ourselves to manifest from pushing, striving, chasing and hustling vs. our own personal alignment. 
This means the majority of the world is manifesting BACKWARDS. 
We're chasing everything outside of ourselves and forgetting to work with our internal guidance system - Our Mindset,
Habits, and most importantly 
Our resistance patterns
When we have a belief system that is saying: 
It isn't safe to receive until I Prove my worth. 
It isn't safe to receive until I do, do, do, 
We're essentially getting in our own way and choosing to rely on our own STRENGTH, instead of the entire strength of the universe, that lives, breathes, and flows through us. 
When we tell our Nervous system: Its hard, I can't receive until I prove myself, I can't receive until I do all these things to the point of exhaustion THEN by god I will be happy, I will feel validated, I will feel enough. 
We are actually manifesting backwards. 
we are relying on everything outside of us to validate our sense of worth and deservingness - in other words
we are relying on everything outside of us we CANNOT control. Therefore what happens? 
We try to CONTROL everything outside of us. 
That solar plexus goes into overdrive like a bat outta hell and We push, strive, control, control, push again, hustle some more, oh shit, not doing enough, push more, more more, more - fuck I'm exhausted. I'm feeling unease, now im not feeling well...and need a spiritual smackdown to rest. recalibrate and recharge now. 
We Force it - instead of allow it to come to US. 
We also over-compensate our Masculine energy to the point where we burnout and get a spiritual smackdown to stop, rest and recharge. And for some this is usually when we get sick, have a sudden illness, get stuck in upper limits or just self-sabotage. Because our chakras are on overdrive - spinning those wheels - 
You are just SPINNING in circles. Funny right? 
I know Allowing and alignment can sound like a foreign language when you've bought into the societal belief of hard work equals success
But As I've been doing this work for years - I've learned 
There is ALWAYS an easier way, 
We're just too stuck in the problem, forcing our way through our manifesting to see it. 
Do You know how I know? 
Because I did it, over and over and over and over again.
Its an addiction to struggle. 
To Chasing
and striving. 
A background of self-harm, criticism, constantly hating myself, pushing away from people and relationships, shaming my body, oh the list goes on - 
The short version I kept telling myself  I suck so I better validate my worth. 
We often do this because we're refusing to listen to ourselves and our personal alignment. 
And I'm here to say, 
No more striving. 😉
What if the struggle wasn't required to receive? 
What if receiving could be easier for you? 
How would your life begin to change? 
It's time to
Release the struggle,
Release the hard path,
Release the need for sacrificing your personal well-being and happiness, 
Let's uncover an easier way
It's time to 
It's time to listen to your Body, 
Understand How to cultivate Awareness to stop resistance DEAD. 
Intuitively know how to connect to higher self and hear yourself again,
Know when you are falling in and out of alignment in your life.
Because the pinnacle of all Healing is you need a hardcore Perspective Shift - That can only be found when we learn to cultivate our internal environment and Learn to harness our Personal Energetic Alignment. 
I've tried the bullshit ways so many times, (create that abundance altar, do that vision board, pretend you live in a fantasy beach, visualize, visualize, visualize) and let me tell you, those are all just escape patterns. 
nothing begins until you're willing to move 
And shift what is held deep inside of you. 
And until you stop yourself and question what the heck is going on, you will continue to repeat that cycle.
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emily-strange · 5 years
Growing Pains...
So here it is. The first chapter of my RDR2 Story. I can’t believe I’m doing this….please be kind? But also really happy for constructive criticism! Bit of a long one to start, just to get it all going. 
Any advice on Titles? I’m terrible with them!!
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag. 
Pairing: None yet, eventual Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual themes, Minor mention of blood (they’re outlaws after all).
Chapter 1
God it’s good to have Sean back. I know how much he pisses everyone off, but that guy has been my partner in crime since before I can remember. My life lacked a lotta fun before he found himself with us. He’s like my weird, Irish, little brother…. who’s older than me. And hooks up with my favourite aunt/sister/best girl-friend. Yeah, this family is one screwed up party.
“Whatta you writin’ there?” John asks before almost collapsing on me, “You know there’s a party goin’ on right?”. I look around and in fact only see Uncle, the Reverend and Susan still up, chatting around a table scattered with bottle.
“Yes, I’m well aware” I say rolling my eyes. I close my journal before he can catch a glimpse. He’s always trying to.
“You’ve spent way too much time with Arthur” he slurs before taking another swig of whiskey and handing the bottle to me. I take a glug like it’s water. Hell, been drinking the stuff since I was young enough to only have water.
“I like the writin’ thing. Gives me a way to complain about ya without getting in trouble from Hosea”.
John takes the bottle and clutches his chest like he’s been shot, “Cruel, just cruel. I came all the way here from that tree to check on ya” he laughs and points to a tree only a few steps away, “….you were on ma stop before Abiga..”, I can’t help but interrupt him.
“No, John! You’re drunk. You’ll do more damage than good. You haven’t fought in days. Why ruin that!?”. I know I sound shrill but my God, he’s exhausting sometimes!
“Cauz. I’m horn…….nevermind.” he quickly takes another glug of his drink and avoids eye contact until I’m pretty much staring him down, face to face. Idiot boy. I can’t believe that after Jack I’m the youngest.
He finally meets my eyes, “Alright! God damn, I’ll goda bed! Jeesus. From now on ya Emmy Morgan not….ya know…..whatever” he says while slumping down, clearly fed up of being scolded like a child. I hate having to be his brain sometimes. But if I didn’t think for him, he’d of never come home. It was one of my best days riding back into camp after getting him from the station. It was hard but he’s my brother. Blood or not.
I kiss his cheek and hug him around his shoulders.
“Go to bed John,” I mumble into his shoulder “it’ll all look better in the mornin’”. I pull back and he nods before getting up on shaky, drunken legs.
“Yeah, yeah. Night little sister. Just. Please do me a favor?”. I tilt my head to signal him to continue, “Don’t just write about ya life like Arthur. Live it. Ya young.”. He pats my head clumsily and I smile. I quite like drunk John. More often than not he talks more sense than sober John.
I watch him stumble towards his own tent. I can just about see him collapse onto his cot and after a few moments, when I’m sure he won’t stumble back out of it into Abigail’s, waking her and Jack, I turn back to the fire and my journal.
Lord this gang. This family. I’d be lost without them but sometimes feel smothered by them. Dutch hasn’t let me leave the camp once since we got here. Too worried about Pinkertons and O’Driscoll’s. I should be grateful that he wants to act as my pa when mine was so shite, but he isn’t my pa. And I’m not the child I once was. Hosea sees it, John sees it, Arthur….well, Arthur begrudgingly sees it but he sees it nonetheless. Maybe if I get Arthur on side?
I slam my journal with an incredibly audible huff, “Why do I have to get anyone on side. I’m 18 God dammit, nearly 19! Abigail had Jack at my age”. A voice cuts through my quiet and has me jumping out of my skin.
“I wouldn’t model yourself on Miss Roberts if I were you,” Micah comes into view in front of me. Taking a seat on the other side of the fire, “A bit of a ‘loose’ cannon if you follow my meanin’”.
He’s not got his coat on and he’s wearing that red shirt he loves so much. Sleeves rolled up. Why the heck do I keep looking at his arms? His hat’s sat as always on top of his blonde mop of hair.
“Micah” I greet. Somewhat curtly, not that I was meaning to. Still catching my breath from his shock arrival. “I didn’t hear you.”.
He laughs deeply at that and opens his arms in a wide gesture, “It’s a skill sweetheart”. I hate it when he calls me that. I don’t like what it does to me. And it ruins the sweetness of it that Arthur has when he calls me it. But I know asking him to stop will only encourage him more so I keep quiet.
“So”, I whistle out the word, “how much of that did you hear?”. I take a chance and look up at him, only to regret it. He’s sporting that shit-eating grin of his.
“Well, I heard you play mother to scar face aaaand then mutter to ya self about not bein’ a child….bit childish though aint it? Talkin’ to ya self I mean”, Micah huffs a laugh at his own joke and takes a hearty swig of the bottle he’s holding. He holds it out to me and stupidly, I accept.
“Teasing other people about their private thoughts Mr Bell. Also a bit ‘childish’ aint it?”, I finish the bottle and put it down by the log I’m leaning against. I watch him as he pretends to ponder.
“Maybe.” Is the only answer he gives. Well this was well and truly pointless.
We look at each other for a few moments. I hate that smug look on his face! So why can’t I look away?
Thankfully he breaks the silence before it gets too awkward.
“Dutch been keepin’ ya on a short leash?” he asks while throwing twigs into the flames. I’m almost stunned at how normally he asks the question. No mirth or venom. I catch myself smiling, hopefully just before he notices. I clear my throat.
“Um, yeah. He has. He’s worried. But I used to do quite a lot outta camp before, well, ya know”, he nods along with my words “It’s kinda suffocating here sometimes”. I feel guilt wash over me at admitting my plight to another person. Some people would give their right leg to be coddled like this. To be kept safe in camp away from the evils that stalk us. Micah breaks me out of my own thoughts.
“Don’t do that” he says. I look up at him but he’s still staring at the fire. When I don’t reply, only look quizzically at him he continues. “Don’t feel bad for wantin’ more. For wantin’ to do somethin’ other than sew and scrub shit off people’s shoes. Guilt. It’s pointless. A useless emotion. Used by weaker people to keep the better ones down.”.
“You don’t actually believe that right? Guilt. It….the feeling means you’re human….that you care about other people.”, he looks at me then. Dead in the eyes. Unblinking.
“Well then sweetheart. I guess I’m not human”.
What can I possibly say to that?
I clear my throat again and take a moment to ruminate on what he’s just said. I break the eye contact but I can tell he’s still looking at me.
“That’s not true Mr Bell. You’re human. I’ve seen you bleed like the rest of ‘em. Patched you up a bit too if you remember.”. I think briefly of a time before Blackwater, when he came back to camp after a run in with the O’Driscolls’. He’d been slashed on the side by a knife. Nothing too bad but my word did it bleed. I gave him the stiches myself. Been doing that for a long time now. Everyone thought it best to get another person in the know of how to do the basic stuff.
He’d come back into camp clutching his side and shoved everyone away. Saying he could do it himself. Grabbed the needle and thread before dropping the flaps of his tent and getting to work. Everyone let him. I mean, wouldn’t you? In the months he’d been running with us he hadn’t been kind to pretty much anyone. I’d kept my distance. Arthur asked me to and, well he’s my big brother so. But when I walked past Micah’s tent, and I heard him whimper like a dying rabbit. I couldn’t just head to bed.
“Mr Bell?” I called gently, “Mr Bell?”.
I received a strained “what!?” in return. I’ve never really been one to scare easily. Maybe this was my own little version of playing with fire. But I just walked right into his tent. No asking, no preamble. Just, walked right in.
He was sat on his cot, shirtless. He was using his black shirt to try and stem the bleeding and despite the dark colour, I could see it become drenched in crimson. He looked at me, breathless and pale.
“What the hell do ya think ya doin’?!” he said. He wasn’t shouting. Probably felt too weak for that. His mouth hung open and he was almost panting. Sweat beading on his forehead and chest.
Despite my very best efforts, my eyes were drawn to his chest. It looked, firm? Firm and rippled with patches of light hair. Scars were scattered on his chest and stomach but his arms were basically intact. I was pulled from my thoughts by his gruff voice. “Girl!?” he spat as sternly as his condition would muster.
I gathered myself quickly and rushed to his side, kneeling on the floor.
“I’m gonna help you Mr Bell whether you want me to or not so for this once, just hush. I won’t tell anyone that you let me help you and once you’re sewn up I’m gone.”. As I hurried my words out, I took the needle and thread from beside him on the cot. I figured if I did it quickly enough he’d be too slow in this state to refuse. I threaded the needle easily and gently pushed on his chest to move him back a bit. He was warm and clammy under my palms but it wasn’t lost on me that this was my first time touching the chest of a man who wasn’t what I considered ‘family’.
Micah had grunted but stayed quiet. I could feel him watching me.  
I took the shirt away from his side and with as much cold detachment as I could muster, poured alcohol onto the wound from the bottle he’d readied on the floor. He held is breath and despite him trying to be as silent as possible, he groaned in pain. I tried to ignore that horrible noise as I started sewing up his wound. He muffled his groans by biting his lips and punching the cot next to him. I glanced up at his face and his eyes were screwed shut. My God, he looked….vulnerable.
When I was done I fished around the floor for something that looked almost clean to press to his side. I knelt there as his breathing returned to normal and I chanced my luck by letting my eyes wander a bit more from the wound. I took in his stomach, his face, his hands. But in particular, his arms. They looked solid. And at that moment I felt myself blush.
I pushed myself up to standing and looked anywhere but his face. I nodded at nothing in particular and basically ran out of the tent.
That night I came on my fingers to the thought of biting Micah Bell’s strong biceps as he hovered above me. Couldn’t look him in the eye since then. Well until Colter. Had much bigger fish to fry then.
I was brought back to the present when I felt a weight lean against my arm. In my distraction, Micah had moved to sit next to me. Shoulder to shoulder.
“Oooh I remember” he drawled, facing forward, “remember you scurrying away quick as lightening as well” he mused further. He smelled of whiskey and cigarettes. Nothing new for the people around here. But he smelt of something else. Something spicy. Woody? Is that a thing people can smell like?
“I uh, remember you not wanting help. So thought I’d spare you the embarrassment of small talk.” I replied not looking when he turned his face towards me. Leaning in close to my ear.
“Hmm well ain’t that kind”, he whispered and I’m so very proud of the fact that I could keep the shiver I felt from showing. What on earth was happening here.
I turned to face him. “Well I’m a kind person”, I smiled. He pulled back and looked at me like I was a puzzle. Like my face was covered in a maze he couldn’t find a way out from. And while he looked at me, clearly trying to work out his next move. I made mine.
“Well, goodnight Mr Bell,” I proceeded to get up from my spot on the floor. “Thank you for the drink and your lessons on empathy. Even though I will ignore it.” I nodded and before he could respond, I walked to my tent with my head held high. I undid the flaps without looking his way and once I was alone, I threw myself onto my cot.
What the fuck was that?
That night I came on my fingers to the thought of being Micah Bell breathing against my neck.
What the hell am I doing…
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artyrogue · 4 years
Blind Date Gaming: Konami GB Collection Vol. 3
Boy, I am WIPED after my date last night. It all started out as it usually does -- a quick visit to PRANG for an introduction to my next potential video game suitor. Who could have guessed that I would served up 4 dates! They all came together at once under the guise of Konami GB Collection Vol. 3.
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I was greeted at first by an anime schoolgirl with a huge hand and quite possibly a contender for the weirdest hairstyles I've seen in a while. What is that, a grass-inspired mohawk laid over top a normal haircut?
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Is this what the cows that make cowlicks eat?
What happened next was an eventful set of speed dates. This onslaught left me with no down time, thus the exhaustion. However, I did end up meeting some nice games. I'll speed through them each quick-like to keep this from being overly long. Luckily each of the games are pretty short (as expected from Game Boy games)!
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First up is Gradius II! Now, I've never actually played a Gradius game, so I can't say if this is a port, some reconfigured version of Gradius II, or what. What I CAN say is that it has tight controls, beautiful graphics, interesting bosses, and some fun gameplay.
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Looks like a rocky magic 8 ball
You start off hangin' out with what I assume are your dad and mom starships. Aww, family time! Soon, however, someone decks your old man and blasts your momma fulla lasers. Obviously disturbed, you fly forward and get chased by the perpetrator through a buncha rocks until you escape.
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Good thing this guy doesn't feel like firing at me for whatever reason
...Except you kind of don't? You end up going through a bunch of planetary landscapes, shootin' dudes and grabbin' powerups that let you fire lasers and stuff. Pew pew! You eventually get captured, break out, and summarily fly through a ship, an asteroid belt, and I think some alien's guts? I'm not sure; I never went to med school for interplanetary digestive systems. Bosses fight you at every turn, and they are so sweet. Like, I don't always know what I'm attacking, but it just looks so cool that I really don't care!
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Ever want to fight a kneeling, fanged alien stuck in a wall with detachable mouthy-brains? Yeah, well now you do, obviously!
In the end you find the enemy ship that assassinated your nuclear family with nuclear weapons, commit your own brand of galactic revenge, and I assume go on with your day in a half-arsed way, never addressing the journey you just went through for fear of sparking up some majorly weird PTSD.
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Next up is some Castlevania game! It claims to be Castlevania II, but don't think it's Simon's Quest since it doesn't have slow-scrolling text boxes telling me that night is a poor time to explore the world when suffering from a magical adversary's angry sentiments. Instead, you just go about whippin' junk. Alright, I can be a lion tamer for the undead.
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Why do cultists always gotta wear hoods? Can't they wear like a polo and some comfy slacks?
So in this installment, you can apparently shoot fireballs from a fully-upgraded whip, so it's instantly MUCH easier than most Castelvania games. The list of enemies is kind of lacking, but it was enough to feel competent. The level design was pretty spot-on, which is par for the course, though for some reason this game has a love affair with ropes? They're EVERYWHERE, but there's enough variation in the levels to give them pass. For example, some areas have auto-directional-pulling ropes, some ropes are spider webs made by enemies, some require quick sliding to avoid obstacles, etc.
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You gotta wonder, does the guy living here have to go through all these traps every day just to get his mail? And how does he carry groceries back to his (probably rope-decorated) kitchen?
The boss fights were definitely memorable. Some of their designs were flat-out brilliant, and they were all pretty fun! Your sub-weapons weren't really that useful here, but that's fine. The bosses, too, were made a little easier with the projectile whip, but the designers struck a good balance between fun and hard.
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These guys shoot out vertebrae in an arc, transferring them from one head to the other. I don't have a quip here, it was just a stupidly awesome designed boss that I wanted to gush about for a bit!
Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. The bosses were all fun except for the last 3 in the game. Allow me to whine and complain about them for a bit, if you will! The first was a tunneling snake on a forced scrolling screen that made you take damage unless you memorized where he was going to surface next (I HATE memorization-by-death gameplay). The next was a fellow Belmont who would relentlessly whip the crap outta you, throw swords all over the screen, and would probably be nigh impossible if I didn't have Holy Water. The final was Dracula, who I suppose gets a pass for being hard since he was the final boss...but he, too, was pretty much a memorization-by-death fight, too. The dude has 6 orbs revolving around him that spread out, essentially making 85% of the screen unsafe. Unless you know the specific spot to crouch down for the given position he's in, you get hurt, and you get hurt pretty badly. Oh, and you can really only hit him once per attack, so you'd better learn the safe spots for all 8 of his attack spots and hope you can hurt him and get into your safe position before taking damage.
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ouch ouch ouch OUCH
In the end, it was overall a pretty fun time. Konami definitely knows how to make a good sidescrolling action game, which is probably why they're half of the name of the 'Metroidvania' genre. Go team Belmont!
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Next up: Yie Ar Kung~Fu! What is this? I've never heard of it. It's a simple fighting game where you face off against 5 fighters, each with their own weapons and special moves. You play as a normal weaponless guy who can only kick and punch, because that's fair? Regardless, you must persevere through 4 rounds of these 5 fights, each time with your foes getting slightly harder.
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Mmyep, this is fair.
My trademark fighting game strategy of sweeping seems to work for the most part, though as the difficulty ramps up, the other fighters move with ridiculous speed between attacks. Eventually, the game just becomes 100% about approaching a foe with more range than you, which obviously is the main focus of fighting games. What's that? Combos? Pffft, those are lame, just have the enemies fly across the ring like a sugar-high Jack Russel Terrier.
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So this guy's power is to propel himself like a missile and look like an absolute goon while doing so
There's also a mini-game where you hit things thrown at you, but like they show up so quickly and your animation speed is so slow that it's impossible to do very well. It was an okay game overall, though, but I can sort of see why it isn't as well-known as Gradius or Castlevania.
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Last game: Antarctic Adventure! It's a penguin-based racing game! I think? Does this count as a racing game? Well, you race against the clock, so sure. You gotta move at top speed through an icy wasteland, avoiding sea lions and holes in the ice.
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I like how this sea lion looks after getting plastered in the face by a penguin moving at ~120 km/hr. Is he in shock? Is he alive? Should I notify his next of kin?
The lore is actually pretty deep in this game. The world has fallen into ruin due to global warming, and the glacier sheets on Antarctica are slowly melting away. As a penguin trained in espionage and terrorism, you must travel to the different embassies that many countries have propped up in an attempt to stake a claim in possibly the only livable area in the near future.
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The french are planning to build replicas of their famous landmarks here, like the Ice-full Tower and Arctic de Triomphe.
You're not exactly racing as much as you are keeping ahead of the authorities pursuing you for planting bombs in the embassies. If you successfully plant your payloads in all of the embassies across all of Antarctica, you destroy their chances of bringing cultural imperialism to the local wildlife. Your customs are at stake! You must cast your empathy aside for the greater good of penguin-kind!
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Also, you can sometimes turn into a helicopter? Not sure what that was about.
Okay, okay, yeah, I may have embellished a bit there. No, it's not as cool as that. You just run from one place to the next and heck if I'll ever find out why miscellaneous countries happen to have little castles in a barren arctic wasteland. People's taxes at work, I guess!
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Oh right, there's also a fifth option on the main menu. It's Ms. O.C. Anime Girl explaining things about the games to you. I can't read anything she's saying, though, so I can only imagine the shady koala statue in the back has some relevance to her dialogue.
So that ends an exhausting series of dates. Whew! Glad you toughed it out with me. As I've completed all of the games this time, I didn't think another date was warranted. However, Gradius and Castlevania were fun enough to say that sure, I guess, it's worth going on another date in the future. Maybe it'd be better to find the original games, though, instead of this particular port. I can only assume the extra screen real estate, better sound effects, and greater ROM size would only enhance their experiences. And speaking of experiences, grab a Sprite of Passage from the jar over there on your way out! It's mint-flavored and can double as a water purification tab if you're ever stuck somewhere in the wilderness!
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Man, I would kill to watch a skeleton ballet
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spicymishtii · 4 years
HE(ART) • Victuuri
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Victor Nikivorov x Katsuki Yuuri
Parallel universe AU
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Ignorance is a bliss and a bitch, a generally popular universal truth, but hey, if that bitch has aided you to slap a quarter of your life with a big bold try me placard by your inner self-uplifter and has made you immune to this oh-so-evil humankind, you would believe the power of ignorance is not just a bliss but a fucking blessing. Unfortunately which, it seems only a chosen few possess.
Hence by laws of the hypothetically giving-a-fuck universe, Katsuki Yuuri just so happens to be one of the few elites. Though his ability is not that of intentional ignorance but plain old oblivion.
At the most recent occasion—that is right now—his ignorance can also be replaced with the fact that he’s running so he doesn’t really have much fuck to give to peers turning around from all directions to look at him.
And while that on a calmer day might reassure his questionable fashion choices, today he knows, he knows he smells dangerous enough to cause an epidemic merely by existing.
 You see it was not his fault that his naïve (motherfucking) juniors tried moving an entire rack of chemicals that had just so happened to consist of all variants of Thioacetone.
Of course, the idea couldn't be any worse and by the end of screams, flailings, glass breakings, and trickling of the solutions to any and every corner of the room the lab had come to smell like diarrhea at a super level. He hates college.
After picking his nails while half-heartedly listening to the threats and scolding the ultimate seniors (those crazy Einstein-haired Ph.D. ones) had given to those juniors (who resembled a group of terrified hamsters by then), he reckoned it okay for him to slip out quietly.
He’s sneaky, sue him.
 Cue his professor’s email.
 He has special ding-ring-ring! notification in his baby to clearly inform him of the demise he acquires from his soul-suckers every now and then. Not that he doesn’t like his professors (he loves and respects them thank you very much), it’s just he’s so tired. Almost fourth year into college and he has given up on his personal and social life.
He has even forgotten the last time he masturbated. Rimming his textbooks (plus internet), mating his chemicals and blowing his assignments are on the verge of making him question his sexuality. But then he remembers, how he has always known what he was signing up for all those years back.
 And if he wants to reach the finale, he gotta ace this final. And if he wants to ace the final, submitting his paper on Organic synthesis via Enolates before midnight is a nice starting point.
So he continues to torture his suppressed Usain Bolt gene while eloquently cursing his very respectable prof to be traditional as fuck and not utilize the normal idea of e-mailing.
For the total amount of time and energy his legs have flown him by, he thinks he deserves to be all the way across Iceland, instead, he makes peace with reality whilst reaching the dorms. He’s humble, you’re welcome.
One day, one day, he’s going to go on strike and petition to the admins for a goddamn lift. He has no care about learning to be punctual or money which he knows they won’t have any problem with; he and he’s sure every single living creature in college needs one elevator in their dorms just as badly as Romeo might have all those years back.
But he'll think about it later when his whole third year is not on the line. He needs to get to the most crucial year and graduate the fuck out of this hellhole.
 The stairs squeezed out whatever hope was left within his knees until he’s left banging on the door akin to a lunatic with both of his hands. It’s a bad day—the chronicle since this sunny morning is proof enough—so he wasn’t surprised when halfway through his journey he had realized his dorm keys have been forgotten in his lab coat. Why he had even bothered to flick it out of his bag he doesn’t know but life is all about learning through mistakes so.
He can hear the shrill tone of his platonic soulmate/roommate shouting Who the fuck is this?! from inside but he’s too breathless to answer. The door snaps open only seconds later revealing a fuming owner of three hamsters that are perched on different heights of his body.
The person’s expression morphs into that of confusion then concern then suspicion then understanding and lastly deadpan. Yuuri flings his body on the said hamster-father who accepts him with a squeak and almost imbalance.
Subsequently closing the door and carrying the skeleton, Phichit Chulanot has once again proved himself to be The Best Friend™, something he’s going to rub on Yuuri’s face later.
 As soon as Phichit sits both of them down on their excuse of a couch, Yuuri shoots up hitting Phichit’s jaw in the process.
“Later Chu!” he cuts the upcoming verbal splash fast and sprints inside his room, snatches the file and he’s out the door screaming bye. He loves Phichit for not barbequing him or offering him up to an asylum and staying by his side loyally.
He has been honestly touched since the time Phichit got so used to unearthly smells on his body that he doesn’t even ask or get mildly uncomfortable now, and readily accepts hugs and cuddles from the human equivalent of a drain. He could never thank the universe enough.
He could faintly hear his platonic soulmate’s voice above his head so he looks up while continuing to dash down the stairs and finds Phichit leaning dangerously down the railing of their floor and shouting something he can’t really make sense of.
 “What?!” shouts Yuuri, faltering a little in his pace.
“I said come back home at human hours we gotta be somewhere tonight!” yells back Phichit.
Not again.
“Ugh I’ll try!” he huffs out, almost slipping on the latest step.
“Bitch I’m going to murder you if you don’t get your nasty ass inside before nine it’s important!” screeches Phichit.
“I’ll hecking try I promise!”
“Yuuri it’s really important I have people you need to meet!”
“And I have a year I need to pass I’ll try my absolute best Chi, have faith!” yells back Yuuri and jumps over the last three steps hurrying out the building screaming outta ma way! to everyone around.
 Then, he runs.
 Their campus is a beautiful place with all the ponds and cherry blossoms that bloom at this point of the year. There are a few benches scattered around along with some intricately designed bushes and trees beaming at him from wherever eyes could reach.
Though the inside of their college buildings are technologically advanced, the outer environment gives off an early Japanese town vibe. He isn’t shy to admit his practice of favoritism regarding one particular pond and cherry blossom tree on his way to the library (where his professor probably is doing his own research).
His lungs are quite significantly burning from whatever the fuck adrenaline did to his conscience but he is one obdurate masochist so his voluntary muscles abide by his brain. His throat is all dried up and his breath keeps getting caught, he doesn’t understand why he is torturing himself this way but then a voice in his head answers he doesn’t have enough money to repeat a year so.
At one point his vision blurs but he supposes it’s because of his lack of sleep. Well, he is pretty exhausted.
Nearing the pleasant scenery, naturally, he glances towards his favorite chilling spot but what he sees effectively makes him stop.
 The cherry blossoms, which were supposed to be all fresh and full and thick and brimming with life… is barren. Not a single petal could be seen even beneath the tree, only the desolate brown of winding branches doing little to nothing in shading the newly painted bench underneath it.
It’s detached, the way the bare tree and the empty bench overlook the clear water of the small pond in front; it’s so cold, so lonely, it has never been lonely around it.
A breeze blows by, weakly stroking the skin of his neck and fingers that are exposed. He shivers; it's cold.
It’s spring. He wonders if temperatures can drop so much in the afternoon because he definitely remembers the morning to be all warm and sunny and most importantly, he remembers seeing the tree, the full-thick-jovial tree only yesterday on his way to class.
He, on every molecular level, doesn’t know how what he is seeing right now is even possible. Surely he shouldn’t be the only one right?
His eyes rake over the students running or just walking by around him but none of them look mildly uncomfortable with this situation. He wonders if there has been an experiment or an artificial situation that caused his pretty little blossoms to leave without a farewell.
He wouldn't be surprised if it is so, after all, what he learns on a daily basis about the expertise of this century, he’s sure if there’s something other than criticism that doesn’t faze him anymore, it’s human intelligence. His only discomfort is how and why he hasn’t heard about it of all people.
  There is a buzz on his upper thigh through the thin fabric of his ash-colored pajamas. He slips out his phone and stares at the notification of a text from his classmate informing him of his presence being required asap in the library.
Yuuri mutters a shit and pockets the phone, breathing in to keep the formation of lactic acid at a bare minimum for the rest of his way. He peeks back one last time at his beloved, ready to depart, but once again what he sees effectively freezes him.
 Because they’re full. The fucking cherry blossoms are full.
Yuuri opens and closes his mouth like a fish in the middle of the street to try and explain whatever happened just now to himself.
He fails.
He’s about to start pointing accusingly at the tree to every passerby and shout in their face if they too saw what he did but surprisingly stops himself before making another rash decision in his life.
He keeps standing quietly before he decides that yes he needs to go sleep before he goes mad for real and maybe get his eyesight checked as well.
He turns around, shakes his head to pull himself out from whatever trance he is in and notes to allow himself to rest. As he has only this assignment to submit, he doesn't think anything can stop him from going dead this weekend, so he pushes himself one last time and promises himself a while of tranquility later.
 But this time, he jogs.
 Jogs are quite neat, rhythmic and luckily good for health—he will say if you ask him. Considering the number of times he has jogged to reach his lecture halls or played around with Phichit, he can probably say it’s what that has kept him from wilting away like the autumn leaves after inhaling those oil and grease that comes with the college life.  
If we ignore the biologically healthy benefits of the kind, he appreciates jogs much more because of his bestie, as all things considered, these are the only moments when they both could goof and run around like they're meant to do without having the weight of both their majors hovering over them like a depressing gray cloud. Phichit misses him, he knows. But Yuuri will go down arguing he misses him more and he rarely lies.
  Yuuri stares at the ceiling mutely, a pencil flicking in his hand every now and then.
Phichit glances at him just as quietly while continuing his essay on medieval era music from where he’s sprawled on Yuuri’s bed.
He takes a quick peek at the ceiling then at Yuuri then at the ceiling and then Yuuri. He sums up nothing.
“What are you thinking about? Don’t you have a test tomorrow?”
Yuuri’s gaze doesn’t waver. The pencil between his fingers stops spinning.
 Phichit snorts. “You fell in love with me?”
“No, I have standards,” Yuuri replies seriously (“Hey—”) “I just—don’t you sometimes think we were meant to meet, meant to be best friends—be together till now and years to come—and even if we weren’t, we were meant to die together as complete strangers—if that would’ve gone off—as an apology or like, a tribute from the universe for the friendship that we have today that wouldn’t have existed then.
Like there’s this fate, which decides everything for everyone and time which, like you are to me, is the same to fate and both map and plan out everything for everyone from their beginning till end and all the coincidences in between. People say all those quotes about how we write our own fate but in reality, we don’t write shit.
Time makes us do what we do and fate then gives us whatever our actions have earned—good or bad. We both earned to meet each other—time pushed us to the right point and fate just did its magic in return.
They always leave a door open for what-ifs to be guesstimated; they give us doors to go through—most of the time they pull through whichever door we eventually stand across and sometimes they push ’cause they need to. We were pushed Phichit—we were pushed in that lake together to drown—we were pushed to be saved and then, we were pulled to be friends, slowly, at our own pace.
But what if we would have drowned? What if you wouldn’t have jumped in naively to save me when you didn’t know a cent about swimming? What if it had gotten too late? What if the ambulance had got caught up? What if the doctors failed to push out the water from our lungs? What if we had died, together?
They tend to leave these what-ifs a lot so we reflect. We reflect and either we grow better or worse, unlike itself.  The universe is so stable, isn't it? With all the dark matter and the little white ones in it—quite like human personality yet it’s us who keep changing; we’re irregular, varying.
Besides that, I wonder if any more pushes are left, any more pushes to land me somewhere crucial yet, because at this point I think I’ve utilized all my pulls. Don’t you, Chi? Don’t you think about the universe?”
 Yuuri stares back at Phichit who has gone silent.
Yuuri raises a brow; Phichit closes his mouth.
 “Exactly what’s going on in that head of yours? Yuuri are you… are you okay? Why are you talking like this? Just half an hour ago we were having a debate on Teletubbies—you—what, why?” Phichit asks in disbelief.
 Yuuri rolls his eyes.
“Just because.”
 Phichit looks like he is about to go big bro mode and ask whatever the hell he meant just now but he cannot find a head or tail of how to begin so he shuts up and heaves a breath aggressively.
 “We must, shouldn’t we? we’re not even at quarter to our lives. There must still be something, something big, something extravagant—something that push worthy. They should’ve planned it by now. Fate must be waiting; time is slow. Will you be ready for another ‘Kimi no Na wa’-level change in your life?” Yuuri wiggles his eyebrows.
Phichit sighs and decides to go along even though he’s still one hundred percent blank.
“I’ll learn if not,”
 "Hmm… we always do I guess.”
   Yuuri pushes the door slowly that opens with a haunted creak, the sound pretty much deafening in what it seems a deserted library if not for the clear clicks of keyboard keys from somewhere deep inside. He closes the door as silently as he can with the inevitable old wood creaks.
His slippers tap loudly on the polished marble of fused colors whilst he tries to follow the echo of keys. The library feels odd, this being the first time for him witnessing it so solitary, bleak. He wonders if the students are hidden in corners for their own space. His eyes scan through the shelves to search for anyone, or preferably his teacher. He passes by an aisle quickly noticing motion from his peripheral vision before he backtracks.
There sits his teacher, typing away on his laptop with as much concentration as he narrates his golden days during a substitute class. The volume and number of books sprawled across the table is no joke. Yuuri knows he doesn't want Ph.D. and definitely not Research but the scenes of pure mental torture still cultivates a shudder within him.
 He clears his throat. He is ignored.
He sighs and makes way to his teacher’s chair.
“Sir?” he knocks on the table. His professor flinches hard at the interruption.
“Oh… oh you. Don’t scare an old man that way, you imbecile,” he huffs.
Yuuri ignores the comment (he’s used to it) and retrieves the file from his bag.
“Here, sir. By the way, did you ask for me?” he places the file beside a book lying open.
“Oh yes, yes. I need your help young man. I hope it’s not a bother,” he gives Yuuri a quick look and goes back to typing.
“Sure, no problem,” there goes my tranquility, “What for, if I may ask?”
“Thank you very much Yuuri, it’s really appreciated. You just have to type the rest of this document from this paper I have already written and save it. You can leave after that, just shoot me a quick text,”
“Are you leaving Professor Cialdini?”
"Oh yes. I have a meeting with the other professors in the Science department that I couldn't miss for my life. It’s about you lot after all,” the professor teases, “And I need to get this shithead done and published before I die. I refuse to leave earth without doing it so I’ll be very thankful if you just type out the last page. You’re the most reliable regarding this affair, although a little inelegant but it’s just typing and I couldn’t choose anyone else.”
 Was that a compliment or insult?
“So I’ll be leaving the rest to you,” his professor pats his shoulder to which he offers his trademark smile and nods.
Professor Cialdini takes his file and disappears around the shelf, the echo of his boots fading. Yuuri heaves a long, long sigh and hopes the writing on this one page is at least eligible. He shrugs off his bag and pushes the chair back to sit down following the faint sound of the door closing.
He checks the page closely from where he’s been told to copy and cracks his knuckles. His professor’s handwriting is shit as expected. Floating his fingers above the keys, his elbow knocks out the spectacles case his professor must have forgotten about. He presses his lips in judgment.
  He bends down, folding his body, to retrieve the case and lean back up after getting a hold. Except in the process, his head hits brutally at the table’s edge and he groans, immediately messaging the throbbing area. He tries opening his eyes but everything surprisingly goes into a blur for such a simple hit, it’s as if the blur from a while ago has increased tenfold.
His head hurts not only from the impact but the sides and all over, his head pounds. He senses a feeling similar to being clogged by water. He feels as if he is drowning all over again the way he had those years ago. He can’t speak and his throat indulges to emit only whimpers which are way too cryptic and way too hushed.
He is practically thrashing around in his seat causing the chair to go off-balance several times yet his legs can't find any stored glucose to provide for the use of them.
 There’s a shrill sharp beak of sound in his ears which is raucous and increases the hurting of his skull intensively. He wants to shout but he can’t. He bangs his head down on the keyboard, holding it and tugging his hair roughly. He feels so, so exhausted. Grey dots in a vast plain of blackness keep appearing without fail and it is probably what he sees, feels before his body gives up in place of his fortitude.
End prelude.
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layce2015 · 5 years
The Last Of Us (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 1: The Beginning of The End
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Here's Chapter 2
"Tommy, I-- Tommy. Tommy listen to me, he is the contractor." I hear Joel's voice say, alittle louder as he enters the house. My eyes flicker open as Joel lowers his voice as he talks on the phone. "He's the contractor, okay? I can't lose this job. I understand...let's talk about this in the morning, okay? We'll talk about it in the morning." 
I yawn then look down to see Sarah was laying next to me, her head on my lap, fast asleep. Until Joel flicks the lamp, next to the couch, on. She jumps slightly and yawns, as well, as she starts to sit up. Earlier today, she and I had a girl's night as we pigged out on pizza and watched movies since Joel had to work late. She insisted to stay up late so that she could give him his birthday present that she got him. I told her that that was fine, but we ended up falling asleep.
"Alright, goodnight." Joel said and he hangs up and sets his cellphone on the little table in front of the couch. "Hey." I greeted my husband as I scoot down for him to have room on the couch to sit down. "Fun day at work, huh?" Sarah asked as Joel sighs and leans back in his seat and places his left arm around my shoulder while running his right hand over his eyes.
"What are you still doing up? It's late." He asked Sarah. "It's my fault, Joel." I said as Sarah turns and looks up at the clock. "Crud. What time is it?" She asked as she looks up to see that it was ten minutes to midnight.
"It's way past your bedtime." Joel said, exhausted. "But it's still today!" She said then she looks over at me. "Can I give it to him?" She asked. "Go ahead, sweetheart." I replied and she smiles, gets down on the floor and crawls over to the end of the couch. "Honey, please not right now. I do not have the energy for this." Joel said, exhausted still.
"Joel..." I said as she stands up and holds out a box to him. "Here." She said. "What's this?" Joel asked as he takes the box. "Your birthday." Sarah and I replied. He smirks at us as he removes his arm off of me and opens the box, revealing a brand new watch inside. 
"You kept complaining about your broken watch...so I figured, you know." Sarah said, shrugging, as Joel takes the watch out of the box and puts on his new watch. "You like it?" Sarah asked him as she looks up at him.
"Honey, this is...." Joel said then he lifts up his arm, raising his watch to his ear. "What?" Sarah and I asked him. "It's nice but I--I think it's stuck. It's not..." Joel started to say as he stares at the watch and Sarah freaks out as she grabs his arm to look at the watch. "What? No, no, no, no." She said, frantically, but she and I see that the watch was working just fine. "Oh ha, ha." Sarah said, sarcastically, and Joel chuckles at his little joke.
"Joel, don't scare us like that." I said as I playfully slap his shoulder and Sarah goes and lays down on the other side of the couch. "Did she beg you for the money?" Joel asked me. "No, a friend of mine paid her. He said he had a little job for her to do." I joked. "Yeah, I sell drugs now, dad. Hardcore drugs." Sarah said, going along with the joke.
"Oh, good. You can start helping out with the mortgage then." He said as he leans forward, picks up the TV remote and turns the TV on. "Stsh--yeah, you wish." Sarah said while Joel sits back in the couch and I cuddle up to him as he places his left arm over my shoulder again. I kiss his cheek and watch TV with him.
About an hour and a half later, I look over and see Sarah had passed out once again and I smiled. "Looks like someone's out like a light." I whispered and Joel looks over at her. The both of us stand up and I turn off the TV as he goes over to her, picks her up and carries her up to her bedroom, I follow close behind.
Once we enter her room, Joel sets Sarah down on her bed and I pick up her blanket and drape it over her. "Goodnight, baby girl." Joel whispers as moves a strand of hair away from her face. He takes a few steps back as I go over and kiss the side of her head. "Sleep tight." I whispered and both of us head for our bedroom.
I change into some sleeping clothes and climb into bed next to Joel, who had turn the bedroom TV on. "Suddenly not tired?" I asked him. "Just need something to lull me to sleep." He replied as cuddle up to him, once more. "Mmmm." I hummed as I look up at him. He looks down at me then we began to kiss each other.
We have a little make-out session for a few minutes but I stop before it went too far. "As much as I would love to go further, I have to go to work in a few hours. So..." I said to him and he nods. "It's alright. Maybe tomorrow?" He asked. "We'll see." I said as I wink at him then give him one more kiss. 
"I love you." He whispers to me.
"I love you too." I said then I lay my head against his chest and let myself fall into a slumber, the noise of the TV sounding further and further away.
I guess I should explain who I am. My name is (y/n). I met Joel a few years ago at a coffee shop I work at. He came in the shop, one day, with his daughter, Sarah, and they ordered their drinks. While waiting, he and I, suddenly, just started to have a conversation and talked about everything and anything. From then on he and Sarah would come in almost every day in the afternoon and talk to me.
From what Sarah told me, she knew Joel had an interest in me and she kept trying to get him to ask me out. She told me that she had never seen her dad looks so happy, not since her mother. The only thing I know about Sarah's mother was that her and Joel had Sarah when they were young and they got married soon afterwards. But her mom left him a few years after their marriage, they divorced and Joel got custody of Sarah. Joel's never gotten into much details about it and I never pushed it as to not upset him.
But anyway, Sarah kept bugging her dad to ask me out on a date. He, at first, refused but eventually he did ask me out. After dating for a couple of years, Joel then asked me to marry him and, of course, I said yes. Few months later, we got married and now here we are about a couple of years later, and I couldn't have been happier. And even though she's not my biological daughter, Sarah feels like she's my own and I love her to death. Life was great!
But little did I know that our lives were gonna change forever...and not for the better.
"Mom? Dad?" I hear Sarah's voice call out. I groan as I open my eyes to see that the TV was left on and Joel was nowhere to be found. The bedroom door opened and Sarah walks in. "Mom?" She said as she enters. "Sarah? What's wrong, sweeite?" I asked her as I rubbed my eyes.
"Where's Daddy?" She asked, worriedly. "I don't know, sweetheart. I just woke up myself." I said as sit up. "Uncle Tommy called. He said he needed to talk to dad but the line cut out." Sarah said just as the news comes on.
It appears that what we initially reported as riots: seem to be somehow connected to the nationwide pandemic. We've received reports that victims afflicted with the infection show signs of increased aggression and-
But then someone behind the reporter interrupted her and said, firmly. "We need to move everybody out of here now." 
"That's nearby." Sarah noted as the reporter said. "There seems to be some commotion going on behind me."
"Get out of here!"
"Lady, get the hell outta here right--" an officer was saying when suddenly an explosion goes off right on the TV. The scary thing was that we heard and saw the explosion, some miles away, just outside our window. "What the hell?" I muttered as I get up out of the bed and run to the window to see a second explosion go off. "Oh God!" Sarah exclaims and I run over to the closet open the door and start to change into jeans and a t-shirt, the door was wide enough to cover me.
Once I changed, I go over to Sarah and grab her hand. "Let's go find your father." I said as we walk out of the room.
"Dad?!" Sarah calls out.
"Joel?!" I yelled as we went down the stairs. At that moment, about four or five police cars zoomed pass with their sirens blaring. "What the heck is going on?" Sarah asked. "I don't know." I muttered as we walked towards the kitchen, where I hear a buzzing sound. I look and see Joel's phone is on the counter.
I go over to his phone and picked it up to see that he had eight missed calls and tons of text from Tommy, his brother, who sounded worried and panicked. 
Where the hell are you?
Call me.
On my way.
"I don't like this." I muttered as set his phone down then we go over to the study room to see if Joel was in there. I open the door to the room when Joel runs in from the side door, that leads to the backyard. He sounded like he had ran a marathon when he shuts the sliding door and backs away from the door.
"There you are." I said to him and he turns to me. "(Y/n). Are you and Sarah okay?" He asked, almost in a panic. "Yeah." I replied, confused at his behavior. "Has anyone come in here?" He asked as he goes over to his desk and digs around in the drawers.
"No." I replied.
"Who would come in here?" Sarah asked as her and I walk closer to him. 
"Don't go near the doors. Just...just stand back there." He ordered and we take a few steps back. "Dad, you're kinda freaking me out." Sarah said, nervously. "Joel, what's going on?" I asked him as I could see that he had pulled out his gun case and was loading his pistol with some bullets.
"It's the Coopers. Somethin' ain't right with 'em. I think they're sick." He replied. "What kind of sick?" I asked him when suddenly a loud thud hits the sliding glass door. Sarah and I jump at this as I hear growls and screams coming from outside. Then I go and push Sarah behind me as Joel looks out the door. "Jimmy!" He yells.
"Dad?!" Sarah screamed.
"Joel!" I exclaimed in fear as Joel goes to stand in front of us. "Girls, c'mere, c'mere." He said and we get behind him. "Jimmy." Joel said again as I could see someone slamming theirselves against the door until the glass breaks and Jimmy burst through.
"Jimmy, just stay back." Joel ordered as Jimmy falls forward but as he gets up, I could see he was covered in blood and there was blood coming out of his mouth. He also looked crazed, like he had lost his mind. "Jimmy. I am warning you." Joel warned just as Jimmy gets up.
"Oh my God." I muttered when Jimmy runs towards us. "Don't!" Joel yelled but Jimmy doesn't stop running towards us. But before he could get to us, Joel fires his gun and shoot him, killing him. Sarah gasps and sobs at this as I exclaimed. "Holy shit!"
"Go. Go." Joel said to us and we run back towards the kitchen. "Y-You shot him..." Sarah said to Joel, devastated. "What the hell, Joel?" I asked in a panic. "Girls." Joel said as he looks between us.
"I saw him this mornin'." Sarah mutters.
"Listen to me, there is something bad going on. We have got to get outta here. Do you two understand me?" Joel asked us and we nodded at him just as I saw headlights coming up our driveway. "Tommy. C'mon." Joel said as he takes my hand in his and I take Sarah's and the three of us run out of the house.
We run outside to see Tommy walking out of his SUV, walking towards us. "Where the hell you been? You have any idea what's goin' on out there?" He asked Joel. "I got some notion." Joel said as we run to the door to the backseat and he opens it. "C'mon, girls. Get on in there." He said and I gestured to Sarah to climb in first. "Go on, sweetie." I said and she gets in first then I climb in. 
Joel shuts the door behind me as Tommy gets a better look at his older brother. "Holy shit. You got blood all over you." He exclaims. "It ain't mine. Let's just get outta here." Joel told him as he climbs into the passenger's seat. "They're saying half the people in the city have lost their minds." Tommy said as he climbs in the driver's seat.
"Can we just please go?" Joel asked him. 
"Some sort of parasite or somethin'. You gonna tell me what happened?" Tommy asked. "Later." Joel replied then Tommy turns his head to me and Sarah. "Hey, Sarah. (Y/n). How you girls holdin' up?" He asked us. "I'm fine." Sarah replied as Tommy backs out of the driveway. "Me too. Can we hear what's on the radio?" I asked him.
"Yeah, sure thing." He replied. 
"Thanks." I said as Tommy tries to turn on the radio but the stations were all silent. "No cellphone. No radio. Yeah, we're doin' great." Joel grumbles as Tommy continues to drive down the road. "Minute ago, newsman wouldn't shut up." Tommy said to him. "They say where to go?" Joel asked. "He said, ah... Army's puttin' up roadblocks on the highway. No gettin' into Travis County." Tommy replied as we come up to a two-way intersection.
"That means we need to get the hell out." Joel mutters just as Tommy stops the car and looks at the road signs. "Take 71." Joel instructs him. "71, that's where I'm headed." Tommy said just as some cop cars roar pass us. After they pass, Tommy takes a right turn and heads towards the city.
"Did they say how many are dead?" I asked them. "Probably a lot. Found this one family all mangled inside their house." Tommy replied then Joel looks over at his brother. "Tommy." He said in a low tone as I place an arm around Sarah's shoulder, who looked a little horrified. "Right. Sorry." Tommy said, apologetically. "How did this happen?" Joel asked. 
"They got no clue. But we ain't the only town. At first they were saying it was just the South. Now they're going on about the East Coast, the West Coast..." Tommy replied and I gasp as we come up to a farmhouse that was on fire. "Holy hell." Tommy mutters in shock. "That's Louis' farm." I said as we pass the house. "I hope that son of a bitch made it out." Tommy remarks. "I'm sure he did." Joel assured.
"Are we sick?" Sarah asked them. "No. No, of course not." Joel said, quickly. "How do you know?" I asked him. "They said it's just...ah...people in the city. We're good." Tommy replied. "Didn't Jimmy work in the city?" Sarah asked and Joel and Tommy look at each other. "That's right, he did." Joel said. "We're fine. Trust me." Tommy assures as we come up to what looked like a family, on the side of the road.
"Let's see what they need." Tommy said as he starts to slow down but Joel places his hand on his shoulder. "What the hell do you think you're doin'? Keep drivin'." He said, firmly, to Tommy. "They got a kid, Joel." I pointed out to him as I place my hand on his shoulder. "So do we." He replied as he turns his head to look at me and placed his hand over mine. "But we have room." Sarah said.
"Hey!" One of the passersby shouts as he comes up to the side of the road, waving his arms above his head. Joel turns his head to Tommy and said. "Keep drivin', Tommy." And Tommy does just that.
"Hey, stop! Stop!" The man yells as we pass him.
"You ain't seen what I seen. Someone else'll come along." Joel said as he strokes his thumb over my hand. "We shoulda helped them." Sarah mutters.
Finally we make it into the city, only to find traffic was jammed. "Oh, this is bad. Everyone and their mother had the same damn idea." Tommy said as he stops the car. "Well...we could just backtrack and--" Joel started to say when a motorist gets out of his car, that was in front of us, to complain at the cars ahead of him.
"Hey, what the fuck, man? Let's go!" He screams just as a crazy person sprints forward towards the man and begins killing him.
"Holy shit." Tommy said in horror while I gasp in fear. "Oh my God." Sarah gasps. "Turn us around. Tommy. Tommy." Joel exclaimed as the crazy person looks over at us. "Holy shit." Tommy shouts and he starts to back up, just as the crazy person starts running towards us, then takes off before the guy could get to us.
"What the fuck just happened? Did you see that?" Tommy asked Joel, fearfully. "Yes, I saw it." Joel replied in shock. "Damn it. Turn here. Turn here." He instructs as he points to a side road. Tommy turns onto it, only finding it flooded with escaping citizens.
"Come on, people. Move." Tommy said, frustrated, as the people run in front of his car.
"What are they runnin' from?" Sarah asked me. I shrugged and shook my head as Joel says to Tommy. "Get us outta here."
"I'm tryin'." Tommy said as he starts to drive ahead but stops when he almost ran over a guy. "We can't stop here, Tommy." Joel said. "I can't fuckin' drive through 'em, Joel!" Tommy yells at him, frustrated. "Then back up then!" screamed Joel. "They're behind me too!" Tommy yells just as I saw a clearing up ahead.
I point at it and said. "There! There!" 
"Hold on!" Tommy said and he gets around the obstructing motor-home. "Look out!" Sarah screams and I look to my left just in time to see us get t-boned by a high-speed vehicle.
I open my eyes, my vision unfocused then I see that the vehicle was on its side. I look around just in time to see Sarah coming to then I look up in front of me to see Joel was still in his seat. I reach over and shook his shoulder. "Joel? Honey?" I said and I hear him groan as he shakes his head. "What?" He groans then he sees the predicament we were in. "Get back, baby. Get back. Look. I'm okay..." He said as he turns to look at me.
I nod and he faces the windshield, raised his left leg and kicks at the windshield until it breaks. He crawls through and gets out. I start to crawl out when I heard a struggle then I see a body fall on the ground and Tomny's foot steps on his head. "Joel?!" I yelled, fearfully. "I'm here, baby. I'm here." Joel assured me as he kneels down. "Come on, gimme your hand." He said as he holds his hand out to me. I take it and climb out of the car then turn around and reach out for Sarah.
"Come on, sweetie." I said as he and I pull her out and she starts to stumble as she stands up. "What is it?" Joel asked her. "My leg hurts." Sarah replied. "How bad?" I asked her. "Pretty bad." She said and Joel and exchange worried looks.
"We're gonna need to run." Tommy told us. Joel looks over at Sarah then to Tommy before he hands him his gun. "You keep us safe." He said and Tommy nods as he takes the gun. "Come on, baby girl." He said to Sarah as he picks her up and carries her.
"Now hold on tight." He told her and wraps her arm around his neck. "Okay. Daddy, I'm scared." She said, fearfully, as we began to run down the street. People all around us were either running or screaming or getting attacked by these infected people. 
"Guys---watch out!" Tommy screamed just as we come up to a gas station, which explodes once a car runs through one of the gas pumps. "Oh my God!" Sarah squeals. "Holy shit!" I yelled as we run off to the side. "Keep running!" Tommy yells at us as he runs ahead of us.
"Those people are on fire." Sarah noted and I look over my shoulder to see that she was right. "Don't look, Sarah." I said to her. "Okay." She said and buries her face into Joel's shoulder. "Just keep looking at me, baby." Joel told her and she looks up at him.
It seemed no matter where we went, something was always blocking our way or vehicles were crashing into buildings. "Get back! There's too many of 'em." Tommy yells at us then he looks to his left. "This way! Through the alley! Go!" He exclaims and he goes and opens the fence door.
We run through it when an infected person comes up and grabs Joel. Sarah screams as I pull the person off of them and shove him away while Tommy shoots it in the head. "Shit." Joel exclaimed as Tommy looks over the person he just shot. "Dammit." Joel grumbles then he looks down at Sarah again. "We're almost there. We're almost there, baby." He assured as we continue to run through the alley.
"They're gettin' through the fence!" Tommy yelled and he looks behind him. "Keep going! Find a way outta here!" I yelled at him and he runs ahead of us and leads us to the back end of a bar.
Joel, Tommy and I run inside and Tommy shuts the door and leans against it. "Get to the highway!" He yells at us. "What?" I asked, confused. "Go -- you guys got Sarah! I can outrun 'em!" Tommy yells.
"Uncle Tommy!" Sarah screams as Joel and I exchange a look.
"We will meet you there." Joel said to him. 
"Hurry!" Tommy yells as we run out the front door. "Daddy, we can't leave him." Sarah exclaims as we run out onto the dirt road. "He's gonna be fine. We're almost there." Joel assured her as we run towards the highway bridge, which was up ahead.
"They're gettin' closer!" I screamed after I look behind me to see a couple of infected people chasing us. As I turn to look ahead, a bright light shines in our faces and gunshots sounded out. We stopped running, the two infected people behind us falls, then look up to see that it was a soldier.
"It's okay, baby. We're safe. We're safe." Joel assures Sarah then he looks up at the soldier. "Hey! We need help." He tells the man as we take a few steps forward. "Stop!" The soldier orders. "Please. It's our daughter. My husband and I think her leg's broken." I said to him as I come up to Joel's right side.
"Stop right there!" The soldier yells as he aims his gun at us and we stop walking. "Okay...we're not sick." Joel informed the soldier. The soldier lowers his gun, picks up a radio and begins to speak through it. "Got three civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise."
"Mom...Dad...what about Uncle Tommy?" Sarah asked us. "We're gonna get you to safety and go back for him. Okay?" Joel said and I push back her hair from her face. "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find him." I assured her as the soldier speaks through his radio. "Sir, there's a little girl. But..." he stops then let's out a heavy sigh. "Yes, sir."
"Listen, buddy, we've just been through hell. Okay, we just need--" Joel started to say but he and I see that the soldier was raising his gun at us. "Oh shit." Joel mutters and we try to back away and run as the soldier fires and we fall down the hill.
I felt a sting on my shoulder and felt something warm run down my arm as I stop and land on my back. I look to my right to see Joel had landed next to me just as the soldier follows us and stands over Joel. He aims his gun and light at Joel, who raises his hand to the soldier. "Please, don't." He begs when a gunshot sounds out and the soldier falls over dead.
I gasp just as I look over to see Tommy was the one who shot the soldier. I sit up and place my hand over my shoulder, feeling a long scratch on top of my shoulder, then pulled back my hand to see it covered in blood. "Baby, you okay?" Joel asked me. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a graze on the shoulder. Where's Sarah?" I asked then we heard a cry of pain. 
We turn around to see Sarah was a few feet away from us and squirming in pain. "Oh no." Tommy and I whispered as Joel and I scramble towards her. "Sarah! Okay. Move your hands, baby." Joel said as he moves her arms to see that she was shot in the stomach. "Oh my God!" I gasped as Sarah cries out in pain
"I know, baby. I know..." Joel said as I go and place my hands over her wound. "Listen to me, I know this hurts, sweetheart. You're gonna be okay, sweetie." I try to assure her. "Stay with us. Alright, I'm gonna pick you up." Joel said but she screeches out in pain as he tries to pick her up. "I know, baby. I know it hurts. Come on, baby, please. I know, baby. I know." Joel said in a panic as we try to stop the bleeding.
Joel looks over at Tommy and was about to say something when suddenly Sarah stopped crying. I look down at her and noticed that she wasn't even breathing. I gasped as Joel looks back down at Sarah and saw that she wasn't moving or breathing either. 
"Sarah...sweetie..." I said as I go and try to feel for a pulse, but I don't feel one. I place my hands over my mouth as I felt tears down run down my face. "Don't do this to me, baby. Don't do this to me, baby girl." Joel begs her but she doesn't move or say anything. "Come on...No, no...Oh no, no, no...Please." he begins to break down crying then hugs Sarah's body as I close my eyes and bury my face in my hands. "Oh, God. Please, please, don't do this. Please, God..." I hear him cry, softly, while I prayed silently. 
God, please, not her. Take me instead! Please! I'm begging you!
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renegadewangs · 5 years
Here's another fun post for Phantoms & Mirages fans! (And very uninteresting for those who never read it.) Recently my mind was doing that 'what if' thing again and it was like... what if Lex Sr. had another kid after Lex Jr.? What if Zerene had lived long enough to get pregnant a second time? This came down to: another son, this one conforming to Cohdopian names by being semi-named after Colias with a name like... Lias. Lias Luster.
And this one would not be emotionally impeded and instead be over-emoting, because after what happened with his first kid Lex Sr. would absolutely encourage emotional responses. So he's very outgoing, and constantly mingling with Cohlex employees to the point where they all can't wait until he officially takes over from his dad as the CEO. Charming is the best word to describe him, really. The opposite of how Lex turned out, even with his emotions fixed. To further illustrate the difference, Lias has brown hair like his dad and darker skin like his mom's side of the fam, so he doesn't really resemble Lex too much. The only thing they have in common is their dull brown eyes. I'm always a huge fan of 'opposite character' dynamics, so the idea of Lex having to reconcile with a sibling who was raised to 'not have his flaws' and instead be an overly emotional, social, 'normal' person... It really jives with me. Bonus points for the other kid not being deemed a monster and in hindsight being “dad's favorite”, and probably just being allowed to go out and play with other kids instead of being kept inside because 'what will the neighbors think'. Lex Sr. would've spoiled the heck outta Lias so he's probably got an entitled 'I'm always right' attitude. As additional tidbits, he is pretty much constantly on his phone because he has a lot of business to attend to. It's not easy being the son of a millionaire CEO- and later CEO himself. He'd know about his lost older brother, if only because his uncle told him. Nooot so much about the lack of emotions, because Lex Sr. and Zerene never told anyone about that. The missing brother is never discussed in front of Dad, because it's “too painful”, which really just makes Lex Sr. sympathetic in Lias's eyes. He'd have no idea the kind of abuse Lex suffered and he'd probably assumed before then that their dad treated his brother just as good before he vanished. He absolutely would refuse to believe Lex Sr. hit Lex or kicked him out of the house, and "if he did, you probably did something to deserve it". At least at first. After all the smuggling fallout, he'd be more inclined to believe it. So basically, the timeline as it would play out in the fic is this: Lias's name is first introduced into the story during that scene in Sam Specter's apartment where the Phantom explains to Simon just what's going on in Cohdopia and what his plan with Bobby is. Immediately there's a warning of 'watch out for this guy. Unless we expose Cohlex's involvement as a whole instead of just Luster's personal ties to the ring, his son will take over and this whole mess will just keep going'. What makes it even more ominous is that even after digging around as Sam Specter, the Phantom still doesn't quite know what Lias's current role in the smuggling ring is. He never heard so much as a whisper about it, so either Lias (and his pops) intimidated their flunkies into keeping quiet at all times, or they trained the flunkies very well. Either one is bad news. After Lex Sr. is murdered, even more question marks get raised. Why did Mirage kill the guy who was trying to usurp her spot, but then leave the next-in-line alive? Something is very suspicious about it. Because of that, they take extra care to hide the ploy to expose Mirage in court. (The only reason Palaeno even knows something is up halfway into the trial is because he was there during that whole Shih-na thing in the embassy, or he would've been out of the loop on it too.) So even after the DNA results are dropped and Lias goes to see Lex in jail along with Palaeno, they keep real quiet about who really killed Lex Sr. and why. Naturally, Lias would insist that it was Lex and “sorry uncle, but that's just how it is. Didn't the prosecution just prove it?” So after that mess, the conspiracy theories get even wilder. They range from “Lias collaborated with Mirage to get rid of Lex so he could inherit all those riches and rule himself” to “he's the real mastermind behind it all and he's manipulating Mirage somehow” to “are they sleeping together??? Ugh, she couldn't have me so now she's banging my little brother”. And who's to say that Lias isn't the exact same as his brother, meaning his whole personality is a lie? And clearly this guy is up to something, because he keeps having hushed conversations on his phone and breaking into sweat and just look at those shifty eyes. After the hostage thing in the courthouse which ends with Mirage being detained, they finally get a chance to subject Lias to the Athena Cykes lie detector of sorts, only to find out that every single emotion he's feeling is genuine. He's genuinely upset about his dad's death, genuinely shocked at the whole smuggling ring thing and genuinely angry with Lex and Mirage for that whole shitstorm surrounding his father's death. He's also very angry with Lex Sr. for having an illegal double life and hiding it from him. Turns out he's not a criminal mastermind or even a person of interest at all, he's a Palaeno. And it's precisely because he's so much like his uncle that Lex Sr. decided not to clue him in on the smuggling ring activities. Wearing your emotions on your sleeve and having a constant suspicious vibe around you is fine when you're a CEO for a company which basically runs itself, but not when you're a honcho in the criminal underworld. You'd have the police on you faster than you could say "sorry about that, I know I must have left those financial files for the taxes somewhere... I could have sworn..." Also, Colias babysat him pretty often after Zerene's death, so that sure contributed in how he turned out. Lex Sr. didn't want to lose another son, so he gave Lias plausible deniability on Cohlex's ties to criminal activity. Lias will hold a grudge against Mirage for killing his dad forever, but he may in time chill towards Lex. (not the Phantom, only Lex.) He'd be back in Cohdopia trying to keep Cohlex together around the time of the surgery and recovery, but come back to L.A. for the Phantom-or-maybe-not-Phantom-anymore? trial. He isn't called up to testify, because he's really got nothing to testify about. He's informed on the real results of the trial, being Lex's closest living relative, but Lex still goes to live with Palaeno because Lias does not want to touch that trainwreck with a ten foot pole. Lias is still sticking around during the Christmas dinner where it's revealed to Simon and co. that Lex is alive. At first, Simon and co. aren't sure what to make of Lias. Simon in particular thinks he's being super rude by being on the phone and jabbering away in Cohdopian. Then Bobby tells him that Lias is trying to make it clear to the other person that he's not doing any interviews until after the holidays are over and 'stop calling him already, he's trying to have dinner with his family'. Even after the stuff with the Syndicate, he's kept in the loop on Lex's whereabouts and, on rare occasion, visits him at Benny's house. Buuut by then Lias would be exhausted/stressed/close to burnout from trying to keep Cohlex afloat after all that bad publicity. Coming over for Christmas dinner with the fam and just immediately collapsing on the couch like "bluuuuh". Phone rings, he hides it under the couch cushion. Lex cannot fathom for the life of him why his brother would want to keep their dirtbag father's legacy alive, but Benny offers words of wisdom by reminding him that regardless of that legacy, they're still talking about the employment of thousands of innocent people. Addition from @scarlettlawyer : “What if being told he had an older brother by Uncle Palaeno gets kid Lias thinking about that and he's actually pretty lonely being an only kid and grows up really wishing he had a sibling and thinking about the brother he never got to meet, and he has this idealised image in his mind, both of the brother and how they would have gotten along, 'cause he was never told about the emotions thing. IN THIS AU LEX SR IS JUST A LITTLE BIT LESS LONELY AND MISERABLE see: when the narrative comments on him losing Everything that had really mattered despite having gained so much wealth and all. In this AU he still loses Zerene, first son still vanishes, but he still has a son that he raises and is by his side. The idealised image child Lias had of Older Bro and how close he and Older Bro supposedly could have been clashes SO severely with the reveal and it's a VERY nasty shock and it's an additional reason why he doesn't take it very well at all.”
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