#and that the kids in capri are practically the same age as the kids in aftg like just a Couple years older really. and yet
merrymorningofmay · 24 days
the raven cycle/all for the game/captive prince trifandom of 2013-2016 is funny to me in hindsight because 2 of those series are ya and the 3rd one is just adult fiction so once you get old enough to tell the difference it's just coughing baby vs. hydrogen bomb situation
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Tongue Tied
Notes: This is another Valentine’s Day fic, except it’s a bit shorter.This is for those who rather have pure, straight up fluff
Setting: I wanted childhood friends au. OOC Tai, kinda. Tried to make it short and sweet for Valentine’s Day, along with my other fic that’s more plot-y and smutty tOTALLY does revolve around yokai: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29427309
 When you first met him, you were both about eight. He was round, cheeky, and friendly, greeting you to the new neighborhood. Only being eight, and not really having any friends, you were rather shy. He grinned, holding up a bag of blue gummy sharks. Eagerly but hesitantly, you complied, and he beamed at you with a blush, seemingly to rival the sun as he introduced himself.
“-but ya can call me Tai-chan!”
Regularly, his mom and your mom became close friends, and often brought the two of you to the park. Him being the only familiar, friendly face, you followed him everywhere, like a little puppy. He would be always smiling and talking, falling in step beside you as he munched on whatever or whichever his mom had brought for him, sharing with you, and you offered your own snacks.
He grew on you, taking you everywhere, creating blanket and pillow forts, and promised that the two of you will be best friends forever. Although rather shy, you were extremely protective of him, finding your young self snapping at bullies when they’ve made fun of his weight, and making sure that he was alright. He would look at you shyly yet with a soft grin and rub the back of his head, telling you that you were amazing.
You were both ten. In two years, you’ve grown very close to him. Of course, his family and doctor worrying about his weight, had put him on a diet. He was still a little round, but had grown a few inches taller. You didn’t care, as long as he was your friend. Who you totally did not have a small crush on. Nope.  
The two of you were in his living room, resting in your own separate sleeping bags as Bambi played on the VHS. No matter how many times the two of you seen it, his eyes would always water up when a particular scene came along as he shoved popcorn in his mouth. All you could really do was pat his shoulder gently, causing him to stutter and have the same odd red tint to his cheeks as he laughed nervously. You stared at his odd behavior, but shrugged, reaching for the popcorn as the two of you talked about future dreams and other things as the sleepover crawled on.
By this time, you’ve knew him a bit more, use to hanging out at his house, and his yours. Cooking and baking with each other’s respective moms, was a common weekend thing.
 He’d gotten a bit more loud and rowdy, but was still sweet as ever. Of course, being twelve, the two of you were experiencing your own physical and mental changes. Voice cracking, outgrowing baby fat, the two of you were still close. He’d gotten many scrapes and bruises, however, while being rowdy and not as careful, and he’d grumble a little with a pink tint to his cheeks, as you hushed him, placing a Hello Kitty band-aid on his cut.
Although a bit more older, the two of you still drank Capri-sun, watched classics on his VCR, and he didn’t mind that you tagged along wherever he went. Imagine his surprise when you’ve gotten a little braver, not hesitating to cheer him on during sports tryouts, or started doing more things of your own without him. Of course, the both of your parents were wary of the two of you spending the entire night for some weird reason, but you still hung out for most of the day, swapping Pokemon cards and playing on the old gaming system while mindlessly talking like you’ve always done.
  High school was somewhat different. He was an awkward fifteen year old boy, but head-strong, tall, and a bit more lanky. You were still a little quiet and shy, but the two of you stuck close to each other like glue. He’d drag you to his baseball tournaments, and you’d invite him to your archery ones. He still was rowdy and somewhat of a hyper, cute klutz, grinning from ear to ear with pink cheeks as you sighed, wrapping yet another band-aid around his cuts.
 You, being still young, had to bite down an odd feeling that came over you when he was surrounded by girls. You didn’t understand it, they were just being friendly, right? He looked rather uncomfortable, but was still red in the face as he kept making glances at you, a silent plea for help.
 It’s when the bullying had started. The whispers and rumors, all because you helped him escape from a gaggle of young teens. He, being protective as always, shot glares and scowls at those who dared even came close to you, telling you that it was alright to defend yourself, and to call on him if he needed anything. So, while there was some bullying, the budding attention from kids hitting puberty, was a bit worse.
He was agitated for some weird reason, yet kept a dopey smile for your sake when you kept receiving love letters and confessions. You didn’t miss the relief in his eyes when you turned them all down, and vice versa when he stated that he wasn’t really interested in most of the people in your school. You didn’t fail to notice that he kept looking at you for an extra two seconds, but dismissed it.
Senior year wasn’t as bad as freshman year. He, with all of his practice in sports and such, grew a bit of muscle mass, but at eighteen, was round and taller, around six foot, easily dwarfing you. Although older teens, you’ve kept in touch despite the crazy amount of tests, finals, and new friends. People were murmuring in awe at how the two of you were so close, and yet weren’t a couple. It didn’t stop either of your ears burning, but neither of you had either dated, only fueling those rumors.
He was very popular, as were you, despite your shyness and liking to blend in. Two peas in a pod, yet almost opposite personalities described him and you. You liking to read, and him liking to play sports and be outside. It didn’t stop you from following him around, him chuckling and ruffling your hair as you played a few games with him, or him hanging out with you at the library.
 Of course, a lot of admirers from both sides were jealous because of the two of your closeness. You still politely refused the applicants of the love letters, and he, gaining more courage, stated that he wasn’t really interested in the gaggle of fawners who surrounded him. The two of you had constantly protected each other from unwanted bullies and too pushy one-sided interests while living your own lives.
It took longer than you’d like to admit, but you’ve gotten a part-time job as well as your license, him not wanting to be left behind, followed after. You forever had the image burned in your brain that Monday morning. He, waiting for you, sported a Letterman jacket, beat up sneakers, grinning wildly and proudly as he leaned against his new car. It was an older model, but you were proud of him, and plus, he was still doing things to your chest that you did not understand.
“Get in, Sugar, we’re goin’ fer a spin.” He smiled, holding up his new keys, and you couldn’t help but feel cicadas buzz gently within your stomach.
Prom was different. You weren’t really interested in going, and instead, the two of you spent the night at your house, baking cookies and listening to old songs on the radio. He smiled, wearing your mom’s apron as he swiveled to the music, causing you to laugh more than you should as he mimicked her, cursing about the neighborhood children and gushing about soap operas.  
The tiny desserts ended up being burnt, his hair was wild, and the two of you were a laughing mess, reflecting childhood days.
By the end of the night, he looked like he wanted to say something before he left, but instead, gave you one of his warm, gooey smiles that made your heartbeat quicken.
College had a unique spin to it. Tests weren’t as frequent, but they were a bit harder. There were online classes, more deadlines, and yet, despite it all, nicer, calmer teachers. You, being an excellent student, earned your funding through the school. Of course you broke away from living at your parent’s house, and had to support yourself further by working, but it was worth it.
The dorm rooms were roomy, and your roommate, who was blessed with common courtesy, was kind and distant. He, attached to you at the hip, followed the same pattern, almost, except he’d chosen a different career. Oddly, he wanted to become a teacher, but the more you thought about it, the more you could see it. Always friendly, warm, and generous, an inner part of you knew that he was good around children, and it’d be a perfect career choice.
You yourself, only nineteen, had liked the idea of biology, studying animals and their habits. It also put the two of you in a lot of the same classes for the next four years. Despite studying, working, and worrying, the two of you had seemed to find extra time for each other. Granted it was more to study, but a lot of places were in the cafeteria, at the local coffee shops, and sometimes in your dorm room if your roommate was out. Within the four years before graduating, you’ve discovered more about your own feelings for the blond, and had secretly accepted them. You didn’t know of his own feelings towards you other than a very close friend, but you were surprised that he turned down popular, pretty people.
To say that you were relieved, was an understatement, but you couldn’t fathom why he’d turn down so many nice admirers. You’d accepted the fact that he might be asexual, or aromantic, and cherished him as your close friend no matter what the outcome might have been.
 Graduation was celebrated with lots of laughter and cheer from both of you and your families. Not really having a place, the two of you, being really close, decided to rent together on a lease. Age twenty-three, the two of you had to struggle a bit to find jobs, but luckily, with his charm and endearing personality, it didn’t take him too long to land as a kindergarten teacher, and you, with your experiences and tenaciousness, landed in the science lab some miles over.
   The two of you worked perfectly together, splitting bills and chores, making meals, it was almost as if the two of you were a couple, due to your wishful thinking. Which, to be fair, you thought and wondered a lot. What was the two of your relationship, what were you waiting for, and so on. It was growing on you, and you were feeling as if you had enough. Although not blaming him, you wanted to spend as much time at work as possible, staying away from the very being who made your heart soar and yet hurt from the questioning and pining.
He, being very keen, noticed immediately of your sudden absence. Going early and coming home later, eating briefly with that odd, distant look in your eyes as you joined in on his conversations, but it was as if you were replaced by something else. It was driving him mad, because in all of his years of knowing you, it didn’t add up.
One night, you came home to an odd sight. The table, although already set neatly, had your favorite dish set out on a platter. He sat there, pouring two glasses of wine as he stared at you.
“This ain’t like ya, Chickadee.” He stated bluntly, setting your glass near the platter, and you sighed, sitting down. Of course he’d notice, and although you felt guilty, you needed to give yourself space from the accepted, yet buzzing emotions welling within you.
“Ya wanna talk about it?” Was the silent plea, and you, caught off guard by the sheer hurt in his voice, found yourself nodding.
Present. The two of you, adults, sat at the table as he stared at you intently with a look of worry and hurt. He was your friend, and you guessed that it wouldn’t hurt to let loose your feelings, so he could know, and let you down, gently. Taking a breath, you started.
His eyes were widened, but he didn’t speak as you spoke. Letting the weight of your concerns and feelings be lifted off of your shoulders as you could only briefly make eye-contact. He was stunned, to say at least, but it’s what you’ve been feeling for years. As soon as you finished, you bravely stared at him, to drink in his reactions to your inner conflict. Swallowing thickly, he set his utensil down as he gave you a warm, heated stare.
“We’re both a lil’ dense, ain’t we, Sugar?”
You couldn’t help but nod a little as he stood up, walking over towards you to stare at you. It was your turn to look surprised, letting him cup your face, and lean in. Soft and warm, just like him, you couldn’t help but think as finally, finally, the two of you shared a kiss. The soft fluttering of butterflies within your stomach melted with a warm heat within your gut, surprising you in an instant as the two of you had broken away, him staring at you with a soft smile and a hot blush to his cheeks.
“Ya know how long I’ve been wantin’ to do that?” He asked rather shyly.
“Since we were eight?”
“Right on the nose. Ya as well?” He grinned, kissing your forehead gently at your nod.
“We gotta lotta talkin’ to do, but how ‘bout we start things proper with a date?”
  You gently took his hand within yours, rubbing your thumb over the back in soft circles.
“Sounds perfect.”
Short bc I had a 12k fic already done not too long ago, and this is for the crowd who just wanted fluff and cuteness.  
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: One More
Intro: How much meaning can two words actually carry?
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW) No under 18s
Pairings: Steve Rogers and Katie Stark (Rogers)
A/N: So this was a little idea that came to me when a friend and I were drunkenly discussing how many things you could cover simply with the words “one more.” So, here we have it in a few different contexts…and one big one! And this edit, well, if doesn’t melt your heart then you don’t have one! Thanks @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
WARNING: If you are reading Stark Spangled Banner for the first time as it is being reposted and have not yet read it through then this contains MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 April 2026.
“James Anthony Samuel Rogers I swear to God you push your sister like that again and there’s no Baseball or Soccer practice for a month!” Steve glared at his son as he picked his 23 month old daughter up from the floor.
“She started it!” the 6 year old met his glare straight back.
“One more excuse, try me!” Steve glared at him, and he should have known better when all was considered as true to form his son took his words as a challenge.
“She smashed up my lego house!”
“Yeah, and you used to smash up our actual house when you were her age.” Steve pointed at him as Aurora buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing loudly. Steve gently shushed her as he looked down at Jamie “you’re bigger and stronger than she is, you don’t push her or hurt her in anyway, you got that? If she’s annoying you, you come find me or your ma.” Jamie looked up at his dad for a second, before he looked down, his wrong behaviour understood “Sorry Dad.” “It’s not me you should be apologising to.” Steve said, his voice softening slightly.
Jamie looked up, his blue eyes full of tears and Steve’s heart sank. He hated seeing his kids like this but he knew he had to tell them off when they misbehaved.
“Sorry Rori.” Jamie sniffed.
Rori turned her head to face him leaving a stream of snot and drool hanging from Steve’s shoulder as she eyed up her brother.
“MkayJay…” she sniffed and she leaned forward holding her arms out to him. Steve dropped her to the floor and she toddled across to his open arms and gave her elder brother a hug. Steve smiled as he watched them, despite the fact she bugged the crap out of him Jamie would do anything for his baby sister. Steve knew that.
He also knew that it was only fair Rori got chastised for her part in the argument. So he crouched down in front of them both and he looked at her.
“Aurora, you don’t touch Jamie’s toys unless he says you can ok?” he said to her, firmly but not angrily “You have enough of your own to play with.”
Or destroy as the case may be Her big green eyes, so like her mothers looked back and him and she nodded, looking down at the carpet, suitably chastised, her voice quiet “ok daddy” “Good girl.” He smiled, brushing her brunette hair off her face. When she looked back he was pleased to see both of them were smiling again. Crisis averted, discipline delivered… “Cookie?” Rori asked hopefully and Steve sighed. He and Katie had been hoping that she would have slightly less of an appetite than her brother but no. The serum was as much a part of her as it was him. He glanced at his watch and seeing it was almost 4:30 pm he knew Katie would be home any time and he had just started their dinner before world war 3 had broken out in the living room. So as far as cookies went he really shouldn’t… “One.” He relented “but you better eat your dinner. And don’t tell momma.” He held out his hand. Aurora slipped her small palm into his and they headed into the kitchen, Jamie following.
There were no more tantrums or arguments that evening, just a small plea from Jamie as he tried desperately  to avoid going to bed at his 9pm weekend curfew      “Just one more please Momma and then I’ll go to bed I swear” he said from his spot sat in between Katie’s legs in front of her on the piano stool. Katie sighed and looked at Steve who leaned in the doorway of the smaller lounge at the back of the house and cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrows before he shrugged. “One more…” she relented and Jamie clapped his hands as she placed her fingers onto the keys of the piano in front of her, Jamie lying his hands on the top of his mom’s. He wasn’t interested in learning to play, not really. Baseball and soccer were his things, but he enjoyed this, the alone time with his momma and dad that the two parents tried to ensure each of their younger kids got fairly (Emmy being far too old for any of that ‘mushy shit’ now) Katie’s hands flew over the keys and her soft voice gently filled the room as she sang, Jamie joining in after giving her a little grin when he recognised what she was playing. “I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see ‘em dancing Walking around on those…”
She stopped playing and looked down at Jamie playfully “What do you call ‘em?” “Feet!” Jamie said, holding his leg up. Steve let out a soft smile at the display of playfulness and affection between his wife and son as Katie laughed and carried on with the song. Eventually they finished and without protest Jamie turned to his mom and placed his arms round her neck. “Night Momma. I love you.” “Love you too baby boy. I’ll be up soon to tuck you in when you’ve finished your story ok?” He jumped down from the bench and headed over to his dad who gently guided him out of the room with a large, gentle hand on the back of his head. As he turned to go he cast a look over his shoulder as Katie stood up, closing the lid on the American Walnut finished Bösendorfer 155 baby grand piano he had bought her for her 40th. She turned to face him, and shyly smiled in the same way she always did when she caught him looking at her the way he was right then, the expression on his face soft, conveying just how much he loved her and it still knocked her off her feet. “You’re beautiful.” He said softly as she brushed past him in the doorway. “Charmer” she smiled as he captured her lips in a soft kiss before giving her ass a friendly squeeze with both his palms before he headed off after Jamie for their usual bed time stories. A father-son routine that Steve hoped Jamie wasn’t gonna grow out of any time soon.
A story about 1920s Gangsters later Steve bid Jamie goodnight and strode over the landing to Rori’s bed room. He picked up the stuffed bear that had fallen out of her toddler bed and, tucking it in next to her, he straightened the covers around his daughter’s chin and dropped a kiss to her head.  “Sweet dreams Princess” he said, standing up and turning off the lamp, flicking the pony night light on. “You know when they’re in bed I actually understand why we had them.” He chuckled gently as he entered the kitchen where Katie was unloading the dishwasher. Katie laughed softly  “They’re good kids really.” “I know.” Steve’s arms circled her waist “What time is Emmy back?” “You told her midnight…so probably about 5 past.” she grinned. “She text me before, she’s fine. Pete took her to a burger joint and they were just about to go into the movies…” “Better not be on the back row” Steve grumbled. “She’s 18 Steve.” Katie laughed before she sighed. “They’re all growing up so fast” “You not fancy one more?” He asked, his nose brushing against her jaw. Katie stilled and turned her head to face him. “I’m 42, still carrying extra pounds from Rori. And trust me when I say after her birth, I have no desire to push a baby out of my vagina ever again” Steve laughed loudly, his head tipping back as he did so. “Just a thought” he said, kissing the side of her neck before he straightened up. “You fancy a glass of wine?” “Getting me drunk will not make me agree to having another baby…” Katie sly eyed him as he opened the wine chiller and pulled out a bottle of Sancerre. Steve rolled his eyes “That’s not what I was trying to do… I thought seeing as they’re asleep, its Friday…we could sit outside by the fire pit and take some us time. Maybe I can make some loving on my baby momma.” She smiled and slipped her arms round his waist, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. “Sounds perfect daddy, let me just go tuck Jamie in and I’ll be with you.” *****
June 2026
Steve looked at his wife, simply smiling as she talked. It wasn’t often they got out like they had done before the kids, but tonight they were out for a meal and a few drinks for her birthday. She looked stunning. Her hair was curled loosely, hanging to one side over her right shoulder, her eyes were highlighted even more by the light brown shimmer that sat on her lids and her lips were plump and glossed with a soft, almost neutral pink. It reminded him a lot of how she had looked on her first date. Similar, but yet slightly different. A bit like them really. They weren’t radically different but everything they had been through, seen, done, becoming parents…it had made them evolve in a way but Steve’s heart still burst with pride and lust and love whenever he looked at the woman sat in front of him. Yes she had changed physically over the years. Taught lines of muscle had given way to softer curves over her stomach and thighs, her hips were bigger- not much- but it only served to emphasise her small waist even more. The curve of her ass was more pronounced as was her chest, both of which Steve was more than happy about, especially tonight as they were emphasised even more by the tight black cut off capris she was wearing, low cut shimmering gold top and high heels that made her shapely legs look even more toned. And right now he was imagining them hooked around his shoulders… “Are you even listening to me?” She sat back, glass of crisp white wine in her hand, a teasing smile on her face. He looked beyond gorgeous. Short, dark beard flecked with grey, strands of his short hair also Iightening slightly. His black long sleeved sweater which although loose did nothing to hide his still ridiculously toned physique underneath. He was deep in thought, but relaxed, she could see that from the way he sat. His elbow was leaning on the table, chin resting gently in his hand, his fore and middle fingers making an L shape against his cheek as his thumb gently brushed against the beard underneath his chin. She raised her eyebrows silently requesting an answer and he took a deep breath, and cocked his head slightly more to the left, eyes crinkling even further as he suppressed a chuckle because he had been caught, red handed.  “Sorry baby I was just thinking.” “You were miles away.” She said softly, leaving forward “what’s going on Soldier” He loved how she still called him that. And right then it made him want to bend her over the table and fuck her senseless. He squirmed slightly and picked up his wine glass, leaving back in his chair “Just thinking about you, how lucky I am…how gorgeous you are…” his voice dropped as he arched an eyebrow “and the things I’m intending on doing to you tonight.” They headed to a bar and bumped into Marcus and his brother, Allan, two of the guys who had religiously attended Steve’s support groups pre and post snap. Marcus gleefully told then that his wife, one of the returned, was expecting their first baby, news which both Katie and Steve had greeted with congratulations and a bottle of Don Perignon As they chatted and laughed with their friends, Katie was very aware of how tactile Steve was being. A hand on her back, skimming her ass every now and then, squeezing her hip, soft kisses to her temple and cheek.. it was all driving her wild so after an hour or so in the bar, when he asked if she was ready for home she greeted him with an affirmative nod. He held out her jacket for her, hands skimming the bare skin on her shoulders making her shiver. They bid their friends goodbye and headed out, hand in hand to hail a cab. Katie stole a glance at her husband, the father of her children and a fire lit in her belly. She had never loved anyone as much as she loves him. He wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. But they accepted each others faults as much as they loved each others better traits. He was an affectionate and loving man, both with her and their kids. Firm but fair and never shied away from lavishing affection on any of them. And then, in the dimly lit back seat if that yellow New York cab as it headed over Brooklyn Bridge something stirred in both her heart and her mind. She leaned over to him and gently nuzzled her nose into his neck, breathing in his aftershave. He gave an involuntary shiver and moved his arm around her shoulder as her nose now moved over the short whiskers that adorned his jaw and cheeks up to his ear where she whispered. “One more…” He turned to her, his eyes shining as he looked at her, smiling softly. “You sure?” He asked, barely able to believe it. She placed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered into his mouth. “Yeah, I’m sure.” It was all Steve could do to keep himself from jumping her there and then but somehow his will power held out. Once home, Emmy had simply raised her eyebrows when they had popped their heads into the lounge and told her and Peter not to stay up to late, and then rolled her eyes when Steve had pointedly told Peter the spare room was the 1st door on the right after you climbed the stairs. Closing the door to the lounge, Steve slung his wife over his shoulder causing her to giggle as he carried her upstairs, dropping her gently on her feet in the bedroom when she exclaimed she needed to pee. Steve shrugged off his sweater and was midway into undoing his trousers when she emerged from the bathroom, her pants in her hand, leaving her clad in just that delectable top and underwear. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her almost naked ass and long legs. As she walked past, heading to the laundry basket in the corner of the room,  Steve looped both arms round her waist and pulled her discarded clothes from her hands, dropping them to the floor. He tugged her back into him, his hands gripping the hem of her top before he pulled it over her head, hands setting on her hips as she rolled her head back against his shoulder so he could lightly graze her skin with his lips.  Her hands gently moved between them as she undid the clasp on her bra and Steve slid the straps down, placing soft kisses to each of her shoulders causing her to shudder as he tossed that to the floor too. His palms flattened on her stomach as her arms slid up and connected round the back of his neck, pushing her chest up and he gave moan as he glanced down and saw her presented to him. One of his large hands crept into the front of her lace briefs, the other up to her chest, gently tweaking and playing with her as he saw fit, lips skating over her neck. “So beautiful…” he whispered and she moaned and writhed in delight at his praise and his actions as he worked her over “such a good girl for me…” Her head fell back even further into him as she let out a soft whimper of his name, his hands upping their pace slightly as she began to buck into his touch. She arched her back, her mouth fell open and then her head rolled forward as she came, knees trembling, her hands pulling at his hair. He held her up in his strong arms and whilst she was still in the after throws of bliss he nipped at her neck, drawing a soft groan from her mouth. “Gonna fuck a baby into you…” he said, lips hot on her ear “fill you up, see you all round with my child again…that what you want?” “Please…” she sighed, “Please put a baby in me, Daddy…”   His hands fell to her hips and he spun her round, lips crashing to hers almost bruisingly before he walked her backwards, her knees colliding with the bed as she fell back wards, Steve crawling over the top of her. His lips skated down from her mouth, to her neck, between the valley of her breasts and to her naval where his nose skimmed across the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers into the top and slid them down over her thighs, a hot kiss dropping to her ankle. His beard scratched her soft skin as he nipped his way up her leg, before setting his mouth to her. He licked, sucked, bit as she keened into him, her hands tangling into his hair as she writhed and groaned, trying but failing to keep her noise down. It wasn’t long before he’d gotten her there again and as she fell back, panting slightly he crawled over her, ridding himself of the remainder of his clothes as he did so. His hands placed either side of her head, he dropped his mouth to her ear and kissed just underneath before he whispered “I know you got one more in you baby…” as he pushed into her, the pair of them groaning at the sensation.
And she did. As he thrust into her powerfully, her hands skated up his arms to hi back, nails dragging down his skin. It was an assault on her senses, and as he continued to love her in a way only he could, the heat was rising again and she found herself teetering on the edge.
“That’s my girl…” Steve panted out as she arched her back and came again, this one leaving her utterly shattered. Steve wasn’t far behind her, releasing inside of her before they both collapsed, utterly boneless and melted completely into the bed beneath them. Her hands gently tangled into his hair and he lazily picked his head up and gave her a soft kiss, his nose rubbing up against hers.
“I love you baby girl.” he said softly, lips pressing against hers.
“Love you too…” she whispered into his mouth.
***** February 2027 Katie glanced down at the small, white stick in her hands. She inhaled sharply as she glanced at the result and tears filled her eyes as she stood up from the toilet where she had been sat on the lid, waiting for those precious last few seconds to pass.
Her mind strayed to the conversation they had held on Christmas eve little over 6 weeks prior…
“You know… it’s kind of ironic” Katie sighed as she nestled into Steve further, her head on his chest as the arm round her gently traced shaped on her side, under her jumper. “What is?” He asked, although he had a feeling he knew what was wrong. She sat up and looked at him, her eyes sad. “We’ve been trying for our little one more ow for 6 months. Doing everything right and…” she took a deep breath “maybe I just can’t anymore. I’m sorry Steve” “Hey.” He frowned, shifting so he was looking at her as she blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling “You have nothing to apologise for.” “I just know how much you wanted this and…” “Stop.” He said almost sternly as he gently cupped her face in his hands “we already have 3 beautiful kids. I don’t want you feeling like this” He hated it. Hated the fact he felt like he had backed her into this in a way. She was feeling inadequate and she was anything but. “I wish you’d told me you felt like this sooner.” He said softly, and she shrugged as he pulled her face to meet his in a soft, tender kiss. “One more try.” He rest his forehead against hers, his decision made “One more month and we forget it. I’m not having you feeling like this anymore baby. I love you too much to see you hurting ok?” She nodded and smiled gently, her hand reaching up and her fingers gently scratching through his beard. He closed his eyes and then her lips were on his, pulling him down on top of her on the couch, the movie on the tv completely forgotten as they lost themselves in each other again, moans and sighs filling the softly lit room.   No more tries. “Honey?’ Steve called later that evening, his keys dropping to the table in the hall as he greeted their now, very elderly dog, before he headed into the kitchen. She was sat at the table, eating dinner in between watching Aurora feed herself. Jamie was tucking into his food with gusto as both kids beamed at their daddy who greeted them both in turn. “Hi.” Katie smiled softly at him, taking the kiss he offered on her cheek “dinner is in the oven” “Sorry I’m late.” He said “ the faculty meeting went on a bit longer than I thought and then we got caught discussing the next semester…” “Steve it’s fine.” She assured him, taking a drink of her soda, eyes still on her fiercely independent daughter who probably had more spaghetti round her face than in her stomach. “How was your day son?” He asked once he had grabbed his plate and settled into the seat next to him at the oak table. “Ok.” Jamie shrugged. “Ok?” Katie looked at him “more than ok sweetie, tell your dad what you got in class!” “Oh I got the class weekly gold star for my art” he said, excitement flooding his tone. “No way!” Steve beamed at him, he loved the fact his son had inherited his talent “for the sketch you did of the planets?” Jamie nodded as he smiled. “Proud of you buddy” he said, ruffling his hair as Jamie’s grin at his fathers praise practically split his face in half. A few hours later both kids were in bed, they’d skyped Emmy who was just getting ready to go to a party in one of the dorms, something Steve wasn’t feeling all too comfortable about, and were heading up to bed. Steve was just about to make his way into the bathroom for a shower when Katie stopped him. “I have something to tell you.” She said softly before she opened the drawer at the side of her bed and with a sigh she pulled out the test. Steve felt his heart sink as she turned around and held it out to him. “Baby don’t be upset.” He said softly, as he took it, giving it a cursory glance “we agreed that if it didnt…” He trailed off and looked again. 2 blue lines. 2. “Oh my…shit.. Katie…” he looked up at her, his face shocked before he gave out a splitter of a laugh and grabbed her hips, swinging her up in the air. She laughed as he set her in her feet, giving her a soft kiss “You sure?” He asked, wanting to believe it but not daring to at the same time “Maybe you should do one more to be sure?” With a smirk she turned and reached into the drawer and began to toss test after test on the bed. 10 in total, including the one still in Steve’s hand. “Way ahead of you there soldier” “You’re incredible…” he said, tossing the plastic stick onto the bed and pulling her closer “My fucking incredible…” kiss “amazing…” kiss “ gorgeous” kiss “baby momma…” This time when his lips met hers she wrapped her arms round his neck and held him in place whilst she kissed him hard, deep, passionate before she pulled away, her fingers felt tracing his t-shirt clad chest “you mentioned something about a shower…” Grinning his hands slid under her ass and she laughed as he hauled her up, legs wrapping round his waist as he walked them into the en-suite.
***** May 2027 Steve woke first that morning. Gently pressing a kiss to Katie’s cheek he left her asleep, climbing out of the bed and heading into the bathroom. Once he’d seen to his bladder, he pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and headed out onto the landing.
He poked his head into Jamie’s room first, and his son grinned at him as he turned his eyes from the TV onto his father. Lucky jumped down from is spot on Jamie’s bed and headed over to Steve for an ear scratch.
“Morning buddy.” Steve looked at his son.
“Morning dad…you making breakfast?” Food, as always the first thing on his mind.
Steve nodded and Jamie scrambled out of bed, following him as he next headed to Rori’s room. She was still asleep so he left her to it. Finally he knocked on Emmy’s door and she told him to come in.
“Hey…” he frowned as he saw her on her bed, surrounded by text books “its early Sunday…you got work to do?”
“Studying.” She grumbled.
“Ok well, take a break yeah? I’m gonna start breakfast”
“I’ll be down in a minute.” She hummed at him and he nodded, closing the door.
Steve opened the back door to let Lucky out whilst Jamie sat at the table with a yawn as Steve set the coffee going and poured Jamie an orange juice.
“Thank you.” He said as he set it down in front of him “Dad?”
“Yeah pal?”
“What was Momma asking you for one more of last night?”
Steve felt himself go bright red, as he could clearly remember exactly what Katie had been begging him for more of.
“Erm…” he turned away, cursing inwardly as he glanced around desperately trying to think of an answer Jamie would buy. “I…er….” he reached into the cupboard for the bread, and then the answer suddenly hit him in the face
“Chocolate!” He practically exploded as his eyes fell on the jar of spread.
“Chocolate?” Jamie cocked his head to one side as Steve turned to face him. “In the middle of the night?”
“Yeah well, you know the baby makes her want it…like you made your mom want peanut butter and Rori made her want strawberries, this time she wants chocolate”
“Oh.” He said, nodding “Ok. Did you give her some?”
Steve was thankful that his son couldn’t see his face as he threw 4 slices of bread in the toaster. Pressing his lips together to try and stop the smirk on his face, because he had indeed given her some, so to speak, before he turned and nodded.
“Yup.” He said “Sure did…”
August 2027 “One more baby.” Steve urged, his wife’s hand tightly gripping his right, his left brushing her hair back off her face “One more honey, you got this.” With a loud yell and a final, almighty effort she sagged back on the bed as a piercing cry hit their ears. “You did it…” Steve said, his eyes welling up “I’m so proud of you, Darlin’, you did it…” She laughed through her tears as their baby was placed on her chest, cries giving way to soft wimpers which turned into those familiar nickering noises babies make as their newest addition pressed into his momma, pink and wrinkled, brown hair spattering his head, his eyes the same shape and colour as his fathers, but the Stark nose stood out clearly, just as it did with Jamie. Their little one more, Henry Steven Rogers, Harry for short, opened his eyes for the first time to reveal a shock of baby blue and Steve felt his heart swell even more. Out of all their kids he had been the easiest to name. Henry chosen by Steve, Steven picked by Katie, Harry agreed upon by both. There was no 3rd name. They didn’t have one they liked or felt drawn to and besides, in Katie’s eyes he didn’t need one, because his fathers was worth two. Something which had made Steve’s eyes fill with emotion when she had told him that. Harry was measured, weighed and returned to his father wrapped in a soft blue blanket as Steve preened over his latest progeny, another male to carry the Rogers name down the line. Eventually he began to fuss and was handed to his mother for his first feed, Steve settling in their bed, arm round Katie as he watched his son’s cheeks work hungrily. “I love you” he said gently, tilting Katie’s face round to his, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you too..” she smiled before they both looked down at their baby as he suckled on his mothers breast, tiny hand shaped in a fist which rest against her exposed skin. Steve gently traced his youngest son’s cheek with his finger, his chest felt like it was going to explode with emotion. After a few hours of being on their own with their baby boy, Katie having been cleaned up and Harry settled and changed and fed again, the peace of their hospital room was shattered. “There really should only be 4 visitors…” Steve heard the nurse say as the door hovered open a few inches. “Oh come on, what’s one more?” Sam’s voice pleaded. She must have acquiesced as the door opened further and their eldest and second eldest shot into the room, followed by Sam and Buck with their now second youngest held on his hip. “Oh Mom!” Emmy gushed, her large brown eyes shining as she looked down at her baby brother in her mothers arms whilst the men were exchanging back slaps and hugs “he’s beautiful” “Course he is” Steve replied, taking Rori and walking her to the bed so she could look at her baby brother “Your mom made him” Katie smiled up at Steve “You had something to do with it…” “The enjoyable bit.” We winked as Emmie moaned
“Gross..” Jamie climbed up onto the bed, his mum gently pushing down the blanket so he could see Harry’s face clearly. The sun was peeking through the blinds, the room was loud and crowded as their older kids aged 19, 7 and 3, and their friends- their brothers- took turns to hold and meet the newest addition to the Rogers family. Steve dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, the pair of them sharing a deliriously happy look.
“Thank you.” Steve said, resting his head against hers. “Thank you for this one more and for making me the happiest man alive”
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Stark Spangled Forever: One More
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Intro: How much can 2 words actually mean?
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW) No under 18s
Pairings: Steve Rogers and Katie Stark (Rogers)
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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April 2026.
“James Anthony Samuel I swear to God you push your sister like that again and there’s no Baseball or Soccer practice for a month!” Steve glared at his son as he picked his 23 month old daughter up from the floor.
“She started it!” the 6 year old met his glare straight back “She smashed up my lego house!”
“Yeah, and you used to smash up our actual house when you were her age.” Steve pointed at him as Aurora buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing loudly. Steve gently shushed her as he looked down at Jamie “you’re bigger and stronger than she is, you don’t push her or hurt her in anyway, you got that? If she’s annoying you, you come find me or your ma.” Jamie looked up at his dad for a second, before he looked down, his wrong behaviour understood “Sorry Dad.” “It’s not me you should be apologising to.” Steve said, his voice softening slightly.
Jamie looked up, his blue eyes full of tears and Steve’s heart sank. He hated seeing his kids like this but he knew he had to tell them off when they misbehaved.
“Sorry Rori.” Jamie sniffed.
Rori turned her head to face him leaving a stream of snot and drool hanging from Steve’s shoulder as she eyed up her brother.
“MkayJay…” she sniffed and she leaned forward holding her arms out to him. Steve dropped her to the floor and she toddled across to his open arms and gave her elder brother a hug. Steve smiled as he watched them, despite the fact she bugged the crap out of him Jamie would do anything for his baby sister. Steve knew that.
He also knew that it was only fair Rori got chastised for her part in the argument. So he crouched down in front of them both and he looked at her.
“Aurora, you don’t touch Jamie’s toys unless he says you can ok?” he said to her, firmly but not angrily “You have enough of your own to play with.”
Or destroy as the case may be Her big green eyes, so like her mothers looked back and him and she nodded, looking down at the carpet, suitably chastised, her voice quiet “ok daddy” “Good girl.” He smiled, brushing her brunette hair off her face. When she looked back he was pleased to see both of them were smiling again. Crisis averted, discipline delivered…
“Cookie?” Rori asked hopefully and Steve sighed. He and Katie had been hoping that she would have slightly less of an appetite than her brother but no. The serum was as much a part of her as it was him. He glanced at his watch and seeing it was almost 4:30 pm he knew Katie would be home any time and he had just started their dinner before world war 3 had broken out in the living room. So as far as cookies went he really shouldn’t… “One.” He relented “but you better eat your dinner. And don’t tell momma.” He held out his hand. Aurora slipped her small palm into his and they headed into the kitchen, Jamie following.
There were no more tantrums or arguments that evening, just a small plea from Jamie as he tried desperately  to avoid going to bed at his 9pm weekend curfew      “Just one more please Momma and then I’ll go to bed I swear” he said from his spot sat in between Katie’s legs in front of her on the piano stool. Katie sighed and looked at Steve who leaned in the doorway of the smaller lounge at the back of the house and cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrows before he shrugged. “One more…” she relented and Jamie clapped his hands as she placed her fingers onto the keys of the piano in front of her, Jamie lying his hands on the top of his mom’s. He wasn’t interested in learning to play, not really. Baseball and soccer were his things, but he enjoyed this, the alone time with his momma and dad that the two parents tried to ensure each of their younger kids got fairly (Emmy being far too old for any of that ‘mushy shit’ now) Katie’s hands flew over the keys and her soft voice gently filled the room as she sang, Jamie joining in after giving her a little grin when he recognised what she was playing. “I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see ‘em dancing Walking around on those…”
She stopped playing and looked down at Jamie playfully “What do you call ‘em?” “Feet!” Jamie said, holding his leg up. Steve let out a soft smile at the display of playfulness and affection between his wife and son as Katie laughed and carried on with the song. Eventually they finished and without protest Jamie turned to his mom and placed his arms round her neck. “Night Momma. I love you.” “Love you too baby boy. I’ll be up soon to tuck you in when you’ve finished your story ok?” He jumped down from the bench and headed over to his dad who gently guided him out of the room with a large, gentle hand on the back of his head. As he turned to go he cast a look over his shoulder as Katie stood up, closing the lid on the American Walnut finished Bösendorfer 155 baby grand piano he had bought her for her 40th. She turned to face him, and shyly smiled in the same way she always did when she caught him looking at her the way he was right then, the expression on his face soft, conveying just how much he loved her and it still knocked her off her feet. “You’re beautiful.” He said softly as she brushed past him in the doorway. “Charmer” she smiled as he captured her lips in a soft kiss before giving her ass a friendly squeeze with both his palms before he headed off after Jamie for their usual bed time stories. A father-son routine that Steve hoped Jamie wasn’t gonna grow out of any time soon.
A story about 1920s Gangsters later Steve bid Jamie goodnight and strode over the landing to Rori’s bed room. He picked up the stuffed bear that had fallen out of her toddler bed and, tucking it in next to her, he straightened the covers around his daughter’s chin and dropped a kiss to her head.  “Sweet dreams Princess” he said, standing up and turning off the lamp, flicking the pony night light on. “You know when they’re in bed I actually understand why we had them.” He chuckled gently as he entered the kitchen where Katie was unloading the dishwasher. Katie laughed softly  “They’re good kids really.” “I know.” Steve’s arms circled her waist “What time is Emmy back?” “You told her midnight…so probably about 5 past.” she grinned. “She text me before, she’s fine. Pete took her to a burger joint and they were just about to go into the movies…” “Better not be on the back row” Steve grumbled. “She’s 18 Steve.” Katie laughed before she sighed. “They’re all growing up so fast” “You not fancy one more?” He asked, his nose brushing against her jaw. Katie stilled and turned her head to face him. “I’m 42, still carrying extra pounds from Rori. And trust me when I say after her birth, I have no desire to push a baby out of my vagina ever again” Steve laughed loudly, his head tipping back as he did so. “Just a thought” he said, kissing the side of her neck before he straightened up. “You fancy a glass of wine?” “Getting me drunk will not make me agree to having another baby…” Katie sly eyed him as he opened the wine chiller and pulled out a bottle of Sancerre. Steve rolled his eyes “That’s not what I was trying to do… I thought seeing as they’re asleep, its Friday…we could sit outside by the fire pit and take some us time. Maybe I can make some loving on my baby momma.” She smiled and slipped her arms round his waist, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. “Sounds perfect daddy, let me just go tuck Jamie in and I’ll be with you.” *****
June 2026
Steve looked at his wife, simply smiling as she talked. It wasn’t often they got out like they had done before the kids, but tonight they were out for a meal and a few drinks for her birthday. She looked stunning. Her hair was curled loosely, hanging to one side over her right shoulder, her eyes were highlighted even more by the light brown shimmer that sat on her lids and her lips were plump and glossed with a soft, almost neutral pink. It reminded him a lot of how she had looked on her first date. Similar, but yet slightly different. A bit like them really. They weren’t radically different but everything they had been through, seen, done, becoming parents…it had made them evolve in a way but Steve’s heart still burst with pride and lust and love whenever he looked at the woman sat in front of him. Yes she had changed physically over the years. Taught lines of muscle had given way to softer curves over her stomach and thighs, her hips were bigger- not much- but it only served to emphasise her small waist even more. The curve of her ass was more pronounced as was her chest, both of which Steve was more than happy about, especially tonight as they were emphasised even more by the tight black cut off capris she was wearing, low cut shimmering gold top and high heels that made her shapely legs look even more toned. And right now he was imagining them hooked around his shoulders… “Are you even listening to me?” She sat back, glass of crisp white wine in her hand, a teasing smile on her face. He looked beyond gorgeous. Short, dark beard flecked with grey, strands of his short hair also Iightening slightly. His black long sleeved sweater which although loose did nothing to hide his still ridiculously toned physique underneath. He was deep in thought, but relaxed, she could see that from the way he sat. His elbow was leaning on the table, chin resting gently in his hand, his fore and middle fingers making an L shape against his cheek as his thumb gently brushed against the beard underneath his chin. She raised her eyebrows silently requesting an answer and he took a deep breath, and cocked his head slightly more to the left, eyes crinkling even further as he suppressed a chuckle because he had been caught, red handed.  “Sorry baby I was just thinking.” “You were miles away.” She said softly, leaving forward “what’s going on Soldier” He loved how she still called him that. And right then it made him want to bend her over the table and fuck her senseless. He squirmed slightly and picked up his wine glass, leaving back in his chair “Just thinking about you, how lucky I am…how gorgeous you are…” his voice dropped as he arched an eyebrow “and the things I’m intending on doing to you tonight.” They headed to a bar and bumped into Marcus and his brother, Allan, two of the guys who had religiously attended Steve’s support groups pre and post snap. Marcus gleefully told then that his wife, one of the returned, was expecting their first baby, news which both Katie and Steve had greeted with congratulations and a bottle of Don Perignon As they chatted and laughed with their friends, Katie was very aware of how tactile Steve was being. A hand on her back, skimming her ass every now and then, squeezing her hip, soft kisses to her temple and cheek.. it was all driving her wild so after an hour or so in the bar, when he asked if she was ready for home she greeted him with an affirmative nod. He held out her jacket for her, hands skimming the bare skin on her shoulders making her shiver. They bid their friends goodbye and headed out, hand in hand to hail a cab. Katie stole a glance at her husband, the father of her children and a fire lit in her belly. She had never loved anyone as much as she loves him. He wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. But they accepted each others faults as much as they loved each others better traits. He was an affectionate and loving man, both with her and their kids. Firm but fair and never shied away from lavishing affection on any of them. And then, in the dimly lit back seat if that yellow New York cab as it headed over Brooklyn Bridge something stirred in both her heart and her mind. She leaned over to him and gently nuzzled her nose into his neck, breathing in his aftershave. He gave an involuntary shiver and moved his arm around her shoulder as her nose now moved over the short whiskers that adorned his jaw and cheeks up to his ear where she whispered. “One more…” He turned to her, his eyes shining as he looked at her, smiling softly. “You sure?” He asked, barely able to believe it. She placed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered into his mouth. “Yeah, I’m sure.” It was all Steve could do to keep himself from jumping her there and then but somehow his will power held out. Once home, Emmy had simply raised her eyebrows when they had popped their heads into the lounge and told her and Peter not to stay up to late, and then rolled her eyes when Steve had pointedly told Peter the spare room was the 1st door on the right after you climbed the stairs. Closing the door to the lounge, Steve slung his wife over his shoulder causing her to giggle as he carried her upstairs, dropping her gently on her feet in the bedroom when she exclaimed she needed to pee. Steve shrugged off his sweater and was midway into undoing his trousers when she emerged from the bathroom, her pants in her hand, leaving her clad in just that delectable top and underwear. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her almost naked ass and long legs. As she walked past, heading to the laundry basket in the corner of the room,  Steve looped both arms round her waist and pulled her discarded clothes from her hands, dropping them to the floor. He tugged her back into him, his hands gripping the hem of her top before he pulled it over her head, hands setting on her hips as she rolled her head back against his shoulder so he could lightly graze her skin with his lips.  Her hands gently moved between them as she undid the clasp on her bra and Steve slid the straps down, placing soft kisses to each of her shoulders causing her to shudder as he tossed that to the floor too. His palms flattened on her stomach as her arms slid up and connected round the back of his neck, pushing her chest up and he gave moan as he glanced down and saw her presented to him. One of his large hands crept into the front of her lace briefs, the other up to her chest, gently tweaking and playing with her as he saw fit, lips skating over her neck. “So beautiful…” he whispered and she moaned and writhed in delight at his praise and his actions as he worked her over “such a good girl for me…” Her head fell back even further into him as she let out a soft whimper of his name, his hands upping their pace slightly as she began to buck into his touch. She arched her back, her mouth fell open and then her head rolled forward as she came, knees trembling, her hands pulling at his hair. He held her up in his strong arms and whilst she was still in the after throws of bliss he nipped at her neck, drawing a soft groan from her mouth. “Gonna fuck a baby into you…” he said, lips hot on her ear “fill you up, see you all round with my child again…that what you want?” “Please…” she sighed, “Please put a baby in me, Daddy…”   His hands fell to her hips and he spun her round, lips crashing to hers almost bruisingly before he walked her backwards, her knees colliding with the bed as she fell back wards, Steve crawling over the top of her. His lips skated down from her mouth, to her neck, between the valley of her breasts and to her naval where his nose skimmed across the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers into the top and slid them down over her thighs, a hot kiss dropping to her ankle. His beard scratched her soft skin as he nipped his way up her leg, before setting his mouth to her. He licked, sucked, bit as she keened into him, her hands tangling into his hair as she writhed and groaned, trying but failing to keep her noise down. It wasn’t long before he’d gotten her there again and as she fell back, panting slightly he crawled over her, ridding himself of the remainder of his clothes as he did so. His hands placed either side of her head, he dropped his mouth to her ear and kissed just underneath before he whispered “I know you got one more in you baby…” as he pushed into her, the pair of them groaning at the sensation.
And she did. As he thrust into her powerfully, her hands skated up his arms to hi back, nails dragging down his skin. It was an assault on her senses, and as he continued to love her in a way only he could, the heat was rising again and she found herself teetering on the edge.
“That’s my girl…” Steve panted out as she arched her back and came again, this one leaving her utterly shattered. Steve wasn’t far behind her, releasing inside of her before they both collapsed, utterly boneless and melted completely into the bed beneath them. Her hands gently tangled into his hair and he lazily picked his head up and gave her a soft kiss, his nose rubbing up against hers.
“I love you baby girl.” he said softly, lips pressing against hers.
“Love you too…” she whispered into his mouth.
***** February 2027 Katie glanced down at the small, white stick in her hands. She inhaled sharply as she glanced at the result and tears filled her eyes as she stood up from the toilet where she had been sat on the lid, waiting for those precious last few seconds to pass.
Her mind strayed to the conversation they had held on Christmas eve little over 6 weeks prior…
“You know… it’s kind of ironic” Katie sighed as she nestled into Steve further, her head on his chest as the arm round her gently traced shaped on her side, under her jumper. “What is?” He asked, although he had a feeling he knew what was wrong. She sat up and looked at him, her eyes sad. “We’ve been trying for our little one more ow for 6 months. Doing everything right and…” she took a deep breath “maybe I just can’t anymore. I’m sorry Steve” “Hey.” He frowned, shifting so he was looking at her as she blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling “You have nothing to apologise for.” “I just know how much you wanted this and…” “Stop.” He said almost sternly as he gently cupped her face in his hands “we already have 3 beautiful kids. I don’t want you feeling like this” He hated it. Hated the fact he felt like he had backed her into this in a way. She was feeling inadequate and she was anything but. “I wish you’d told me you felt like this sooner.” He said softly, and she shrugged as he pulled her face to meet his in a soft, tender kiss. “One more try.” He rest his forehead against hers, his decision made “One more month and we forget it. I’m not having you feeling like this anymore baby. I love you too much to see you hurting ok?” She nodded and smiled gently, her hand reaching up and her fingers gently scratching through his beard. He closed his eyes and then her lips were on his, pulling him down on top of her on the couch, the movie on the tv completely forgotten as they lost themselves in each other again, moans and sighs filling the softly lit room.   No more tries. “Honey?’ Steve called later that evening, his keys dropping to the table in the hall as he greeted their now, very elderly dog, before he headed into the kitchen. She was sat at the table, eating dinner in between watching Aurora feed herself. Jamie was tucking into his food with gusto as both kids beamed at their daddy who greeted them both in turn. “Hi.” Katie smiled softly at him, taking the kiss he offered on her cheek “dinner is in the oven” “Sorry I’m late.” He said “ the faculty meeting went on a bit longer than I thought and then we got caught discussing the next semester…” “Steve it’s fine.” She assured him, taking a drink of her soda, eyes still on her fiercely independent daughter who probably had more spaghetti round her face than in her stomach. “How was your day son?” He asked once he had grabbed his plate and settled into the seat next to him at the oak table. “Ok.” Jamie shrugged. “Ok?” Katie looked at him “more than ok sweetie, tell your dad what you got in class!” “Oh I got the class weekly gold star for my art” he said, excitement flooding his tone. “No way!” Steve beamed at him, he loved the fact his son had inherited his talent “for the sketch you did of the planets?” Jamie nodded as he smiled. “Proud of you buddy” he said, ruffling his hair as Jamie’s grin at his fathers praise practically split his face in half. A few hours later both kids were in bed, they’d skyped Emmy who was just getting ready to go to a party in one of the dorms, something Steve wasn’t feeling all too comfortable about, and were heading up to bed. Steve was just about to make his way into the bathroom for a shower when Katie stopped him. “I have something to tell you.” She said softly before she opened the drawer at the side of her bed and with a sigh she pulled out the test. Steve felt his heart sink as she turned around and held it out to him. “Baby don’t be upset.” He said softly, as he took it, giving it a cursory glance “we agreed that if it didnt…” He trailed off and looked again. 2 blue lines. 2. “Oh my…shit.. Katie…” he looked up at her, his face shocked before he gave out a splitter of a laugh and grabbed her hips, swinging her up in the air. She laughed as he set her in her feet, giving her a soft kiss “You sure?” He asked, wanting to believe it but not daring to at the same time “Maybe you should do one more to be sure?” With a smirk she turned and reached into the drawer and began to toss test after test on the bed. 10 in total, including the one still in Steve’s hand. “Way ahead of you there soldier” “You’re incredible…” he said, tossing the plastic stick onto the bed and pulling her closer “My fucking incredible…” kiss “amazing…” kiss “ gorgeous” kiss “baby momma…” This time when his lips met hers she wrapped her arms round his neck and held him in place whilst she kissed him hard, deep, passionate before she pulled away, her fingers felt tracing his t-shirt clad chest “you mentioned something about a shower…” Grinning his hands slid under her ass and she laughed as he hauled her up, legs wrapping round his waist as he walked them into the en-suite.
***** August 2027 “One more baby.” Steve urged, his wife’s hand tightly gripping his right, his left brushing her hair back off her face “One more honey, you got this.” With a loud yell and a final, almighty effort she sagged back on the bed as a piercing cry hit their ears. “You did it…” Steve said, his eyes welling up “I’m so proud of you Kitten, you did it…” She laughed through her tears as their baby was placed on her chest, cries giving way to soft wimpers which turned into those familiar nickering noises babies make as their newest addition pressed into his momma, pink and wrinkled, brown hair spattering his head, his eyes the same shape and colour as his fathers, but the Stark nose stood out clearly, just as it did with Jamie. Their little one more, Henry Steven Rogers, Harry for short opened his eyes for the first time to reveal a shock of baby blue and Steve felt his heart swell even more. Out of all their kids he had been the easiest to name. Henry chosen by Steve, Steven picked by Katie, Harry agreed upon by both. There was no 3rd name. They didn’t have one they liked or felt drawn to and besides, in Katie’s eyes he didn’t need one, because his fathers was worth two. Something which had made Steve’s eyes fill with emotion when she had told him that. Harry was measured, weighed and returned to his father wrapped in a soft blue blanket as Steve preened over his latest progeny, another male to carry the Rogers name down the line. Eventually he began to fuss and was handed to his mother for his first feed, Steve settling in their bed, arm round Katie as he watched his son’s cheeks work hungrily. “I love you” he said gently, tilting Katie’s face round to his, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you too..” she smiled before they both looked down at their baby as he suckled on his mothers breast, tiny hand shaped in a fist which rest against her exposed skin. Steve gently traced his youngest son’s cheek with his finger, his chest felt like it was going to explode with emotion. After a few hours of being on their own with their baby boy, Katie having been cleaned up and Harry settled and changed and fed again, the peace of their hospital room was shattered. “There really should only be 4 visitors…” Steve heard the nurse say as the door hovered open a few inches. “Oh come on, what’s one more?” Sam’s voice pleaded. She must have acquiesced as the door opened further and their eldest and second eldest shot into the room, followed by Sam and Buck with their now second youngest held on his hip. “Oh Mom!” Emmy gushed, her large brown eyes shining as she looked down at her baby brother in her mothers arms whilst the men were exchanging back slaps and hugs “he’s beautiful” “Course he is” Steve replied, taking Rori and walking her to the bed so she could look at her baby brother “Your mom made him” Katie smiled up at Steve “You had something to do with it…” “The enjoyable bit.” We winked as Emmie moaned
“Gross..” Jamie climbed up onto the bed, his mum gently pushing down the blanket so he could see Harry’s face clearly. The sun was peeking through the blinds, the room was loud and crowded as their older kids aged 19, 7 and 3, and their friends- their brothers- took turns to hold and meet the newest addition to the Rogers family. Steve dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, the pair of them sharing a deliriously happy look.
“Thank you.” Steve said, resting his head against hers. “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive” She smiled, pressed a kiss to his lips before they both turned back to watching the other people in the room, both savouring every goddamned second as they knew full well there wouldn’t’ be another ‘one more'. Tags @the-omni-princess@momobaby227@jtargaryen18@geekofmanythings16@angelofhell-666@marvelfansworld@thewackywriter@cobalt-gear@asgardlover75@jennmurawski13@saiyanprincessswanie@patzammit@navispalace@joannaliceevans-fanficblog@icanfeelastormbrewing@djeniiscorner@ayamenimthiriel@coldmuffinbanditshoe@disneylovingal @madzmillz @sgtjaamesbaarnes@sweater-daddiesdumbdork
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ficsandpieces · 5 years
Not only is it almost father's day but it's summer!! Could I please get family beach/pool trip scenarios? Ahhh just imagining it is so cute. Individual family outings or maybe a whole group version just to see everyone's kids interact?? Whichever is best for you. Thanks so much in advance :D
(I’m sorry prompt fills are taking so long, real life keeps getting in the way OTL)
It’s Daddy’s day out! \o/
They go to Camus’ private beach because it was either that or a public one and Camus figured with great reluctance if he and his precious angel were going to be exposed to peasants it might as well be those he’s familiar with at least, much as it pains him to say it
Reiji rented a family van to pick everyone up and drove them over
Carpool karaoke happened and it was magnificent
They pull up to the beach and to the sight of Camus standing like a Greek god on the sand
His hair is up
His chest gleaming in the sun
His shins exposed
He’s possibly exposed more skin in public today than he had in over a year
It was only his opened shirt printed all over with cartoon heads of Alexander (a Father’s Day gift from his daughter via his S/O) that kept everyone present from being blinded
The deadly glare he shot anyone who even thought of commenting on his fashion sense today was enough to turn even the sun cold
Preparations before playtime see Camus and Ai diligently spraying their children down with sunblock, having brought with them metal canisters of it with spray nozzles attached for even coverage
Ranmaru’s barking at his kids to put it on while slapping it on himself
His son and daughter squeezing it on each other’s backs from a large economy tube of sunblock
When it comes to helping their father, they have fun drawing faces with the cream on Ranmaru’s back, quickly smearing the drawings away when he complains they’re taking too long 
Reiji and his twins have completely forgotten that sun protection exists and are already running into the sea, yelling and whooping, pool floats hooked under one arm and beach balls under the other
(His kids survive the day without sunburn
Unfortunately enough, the same cannot be said for Reiji
He returns to work red as a lobster with new patches of skin showing where his children helpfully assisted Daddy in peeling whatever was coming off
Manager-san banned Reiji from going under the sun for next month, swaddling him in long-sleeves, face-mask, a giant hat and pants, leading to Reiji almost being hospitalized for heat-stroke later)
Reiji and Ranmaru join their kids in the water
Ai and Camus prudently keeping to the shade
Ai’s son tugging on his hand for him to go play in the sea with him
Ai shaking his head
“You know that I’m no good with water. Go play with the others, I’ll be fine by myself here.”
His little boy is super disappointed
Halfheartedly joins the other kiddies in the water
(The disappointed look on his son’s face from that time stuck with him for months after that
The next beach trip sees Ai liberally dousing himself with sealant and wading grimly into the sea with his son and a steely determination not to let the water get in the way of quality father-son time)
Camus, horrified at how rowdy the other children are, at first stands like a stern sentinel between his daughter and the commoners, arms folded and face stern as thunder
But one small tug at his tailored capri trousers, his little girl looking up at him with forlorn eyes and he very literally melts
Compromises by shadowing her closely until he’s dragged off by Reiji to give the poor girl some breathing space 
Ranmaru gleefully assisting by putting Camus in a loose chokehold and literally towing him through the sand because as long as it causes the seaweed head distress he’s in
Ranmaru’s son, being the oldest of the lot, ends up keeping an eye on the other kids, to the silent approval of his father
Camus’ daughter is very excited to see other children her age because much like Camus she’s grown up surrounded by adults, although in very different circumstances 
(Camus is adamant on having his little angel home-schooled, since the alternative would be sending her to a boarding school in the mountains but he can’t uproot himself to join her there just yet due to work
His S/O is equally adamant she at the very least goes to a normal school and make friends with other children because their daughter is going to grow up in a literal ivory tower isolated from the rest of humanity over her dead body)
But she’s a little shy and doesn’t know how to approach them
Ranmaru’s daughter tends to stick to her big brother 
Then she spots Camus’ daughter fidgeting at the edge of the water, looking like she really wants to play with everyone else but is hesitant to do so
The Kurosaki siblings go over and take her hands, drawing her in to join them
Ranmaru’s son was the first boy to ever hold her hand
Little girl has her first crush when she looked up at him and he smiled back
(Camus, feeling a chill go down his body, fights tooth and nail to untangle himself from Reiji and Ranmaru and fly to his daughter’s side)
Ai’s son runs over when he sees them, excited that the little girl he’s always seen standing by the sidelines is finally here
Camus’ daughter’s heart melts when Ai’s son takes her hand and beams up at her
She’s never seen a boy younger than her, and so much smaller too!
Ai’s little son is normally shy and has a tendency to hide behind his parents’ legs when in public, but he’s very different with the other QN children whom he’s practically grown up with
He looks up to and sticks to Ranmaru’s son too, so he’s got two ducklings following him around everywhere he goes
Now with the addition of Camus’ daughter the duckling count has gone up to three
Both Kotobuki twins inherited their father’s boundless energy and appetite for fun
His son tends to be more on the serious side but enjoys a good prank like his sister
He and Ranmaru’s son are the ‘responsible’ ones who will pick up the younger kids and run like bats out of hell anytime a prank or joke goes wrong
The twins are the ones who come up with new games for everyone to play most of the time
Both of them have taken to calling Ranmaru’s son ‘Oniichan’, to his mild annoyance
Afternoon rolls around and both big and small stomachs are rumbling
Each papa brought their own homemade picnic lunch from home for potluck
Ai greatly approves of this
He’s a big believer in his boy getting as many experiences as possible, food included
Reiji’s karaage is naturally one of the more popular items on the menu, with Ran’s meatballs coming in a close second
Ai’s fruit and vitamin punch was left largely unfinished because it had more vitamins than fruit and tasted like it
(Both Ai and his son are puzzled by everyone’s reaction to the drink which was both healthy and absolutely fine to them, reminding all present that Ai’s little boy had inherited his father’s analytical taste buds)
Camus’ dessert tables (filled with nothing but cake and ice-cream and carried in by a crew) saved the day and everyone’s tongues
One table was graciously provided for the potluck
The other was reserved for him and his daughter, who to his dismay keeps trying to share her dessert with the Kurosaki spawn
The Kotobuki twins may be picky eaters but the sand and sea’s sharpened their appetites, making their father weep with joy when he saw empty plates and little hands holding them up, asking for seconds
Ranmaru’s drummed the principle of “clean your plate or starve” into his kids heads ever since they were old enough to eat solid food, so picky eating isn’t much of a problem for him
Except he isn’t exempted from every parent’s enemy of vegetables, which is a high hurdle for him to clear considering he’s not a fan of the green either
Apparently his children got around the ‘starving’ part of their father’s dining discipline by feeding their vegetables to the cats, technically still leaving their plates clean
Camus daughter has never eaten anything that wasn’t prepared by either her father or a professional chef, which should tell you enough about her upbringing
As mentioned, Ai’s son shares the same taste buds as his sire, hence he’ll eat anything and think it tastes alright
After lunch and a half-hour rest in the shade (with Ranmaru being awakened from his nap by his papa!radar going off and cracking open an eye to glare at any child who tries to sneak back on to the beach earlier than they’re supposed to), it’s back to the sun and waves and more fun
Ranmaru’s got his son hoisted up on his shoulders and his daughter hanging gleefully off one bicep, proudly showing off that he’s still got the muscles despite fatherhood
Reiji’s and his two-man army came armed with water soakers and are currently running for their lives from Camus, who is soaked and breathing frost and fury and advancing menacingly on the Kotobukis, his steps turning the surrounding water and sand to ice with his daughter perched on one arm, only slightly damp due to her father shielding her
Later on watermelons are brought out for an afternoon snack
The age-old game of watermelon smashing commences
When it’s Ranmaru’s turn to hit the watermelon he takes aim, spins and strikes alarmingly close to Camus, sending sand flying in all directions
“Eh, thought I sensed something soft headed around here. Guess my gut was right on the mark.”
He grins, taking off the blindfold and cracking his neck with an added smirk
Highly unamused, Camus feels around for the nearest thing at him to bash Ranmaru’s head in with, which turns out to be a plastic toy bucket still half-full with wet sand
Equally unamused and seeing red now, Ranmaru grabs another toy bucket, chooses an area of beach abundant with seashells and tiny crabs, fills it to the brim and dumps it down the back of Camus’ shirt
Their kids watching the sand, seashells and seaweed fly with the battle raging on 
(Good thing their wives had the foresight to pack more than one change of clothes for both the men and their kids)
Everyone eventually settles down to finish off the smashed watermelons
Ranmaru teaching the children how to spit out the seeds and unknowingly initiating a competition to see who can spit them the furthest
Camus has long carried away his daughter, mortified at her having to watch such a crass activity
Reiji’s been furiously taking photographs throughout the entire day and sending constant updates to his wifey at home
(He spams the Quartet Night group chat with the same photos and commentary later
Camus leaves the chat group in a fit of ire, only to be added back almost immediately by Reiji
“Myu-chan, you’re so careless! What’re you doing accidentally exiting the group chat like that? Think of all the news you’d have missed out on if I hadn’t noticed!”)
Closer to evening Ai’s son is worn out from playing and starts getting clingy with his father
“Hm? What’s the matter?” he asks him, rubbing his back with one hand. “Tired already?”
He presses his head against Ai’s shirt and pouts
“Want Mommy.”
“We still have three hours and forty-seven minutes left to go before we can see your mother. Do you want to take a nap in the shade first?”
“No. Want Mommy now!”
Off Ai goes, carrying away his cranky three-year-old to some place quiet where he can calmly explain to him how throwing a tantrum does not make time go by any faster
He returns an hour later, his toddler in his arms, now completely exhausted from his father’s lecture which turned out to be as hypnotic as a lullaby
Hearing Ai’s son whining for his mother makes the other children realise that they’ve gone an entire day without Mommy too
The mood’s going downhill fast, with all the adults frantically trying to stop their children from bursting into tears from suddenly missing their mothers
Reiji saves the day with a brilliant idea
“No summer night is complete without fireworks!”
Good thing he brought along enough to make Ai and Camus seriously worry about being caught by the police for possession of an abnormally large amount of explosives
Firecrackers, whizzlers, fountains, spinners, you name it, Reiji’s probably got more than ten of it
All papas present breath a sigh of relief when their children are distracted from thoughts of their mothers by the possibility of playing with something bright, shiny and noisy
Ai has his boy in his lap, placidly holding on to a sparkler
Baby boy wanted to do nothing but snuggle in his chest at first, but the bright lights and the noise the other children were making woke him up 
Camus hovering anxiously behind his little girl, a globe of water ready to materialize in his hand any second for fear that a stray firework might have the audacity to approach his angel
Ranmaru and Reiji’s children having the time of their lives running up and down the beach, setting off bottle rockets in the air
Ranmaru running after his kids when they gang up with the Kotobuki twins to chase Reiji down the length of the beach with roman candles at ready
At the end of the night, after cleaning up after themselves (junior chipping in to help), each papa carries their exhausted but happy child home in their arms, piling into the rented van
Camus is both stunned and aghast when his little girl tugs on the arm of Ran’s son, her head still resting against her father’s chest, and tells him to come and play again sometime
Ranmaru is just as mortified when the little boy yawns and nods
The two fathers share a mutual look of “WE SHALL NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN” before urgently bundling their children back home
Ran gives his confused son the “You can pick anyone you like, just not that one” talk
The poor man has never felt so threatened in his life before
Camus bathes his little girl in the Permafrost equivalent of holy water to exorcise whatever black magic that Kurosaki spawn must have cast on his precious angel
Reiji sends everyone home safe and sound
Bathes and carries both his children to bed and tucks them in
Pulls his wife down to sit next to him on the couch as he recounts the day and adds on even more commentary to the sea of photographs he had texted her throughout their day out
All of Quartet Night’s wives say the same thing to their exhausted husbands when they return home with sleeping children in their arms
“Welcome back. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
And they had to agree that it wasn’t
(Although whether they would do it again was still up for debate lol) 
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sunnybugz · 5 years
only fools
chapter: ii
word count: 2310
authors note: hi kids here’s chapter two!!! idk if it’s that good, but please leave constructive criticism as always! love y’all xo
7:00 AM, Rosa Diaz’s bedroom
Rosa awoke with a start when her phone alarm started going off. She was always grumbly and tired, but especially in the mornings.
Until she remembers.
Brooklyn Academy High runs on a day one, day two system, instead of a semester system. On day one, they have four classes, and on day two, they have their other four classes. And today is day one, which means she has dance first period. With Gina as her partner. If seeing Gina is dancewear wasn’t enough to make Rosa want to get out of bed, the fact that they’re currently working on ballroom dancing, and Gina is Rosa’s partner, makes her ready to run all the way to school. Rosa stands up, stretches, and goes to pick out her clothes.
Once she’s fully dressed for the day, in a red t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket, along with her basic makeup and hair (nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, a nude lipstick, and leaving her naturally curly hair as it is), she’s ready to go. She packs her dance clothes, which is a pair of black capri leggings and a black tank top, and heads out the door.
She lives in a second floor apartment on Sixth street, across the street from Comet Mini Mart, which is owned by the family of her older sister, Lillian’s, boyfriend, Lucas. They were super nice and always gave discounts to the Diaz family. Rosa decided to pop in before school.
“Oh look, it’s Rosa! Why are you in so early?”, says Amira, Lucas’s mother.
“No reason, just wanted to stop by before school,” Rosa responded. She wasn’t a fan of small talk, so she tried to make it as quick as possible. She wasn’t sure what drew her in to going to the store before school, but she realized she couldn’t leave without buying anything. That’s when she saw a box of Zebra Cakes, which she knew were Gina’s favourite. Rosa smiled a little at the thought of Gina, and at the memory that she had attached to this little fact. The two of them had been shopping for a cast party that they were throwing after their grade 10 play, and Gina had somehow convinced Rosa to drive her around in the cart - ‘I’m just so tired, Rosa. Be a good friend and push me around!’ is what she had said. Rosa didn’t even try to fight back. While they were shopping for snacks, Gina’s face had lit up when she saw the last box of Zebra Cakes. ‘Rosie, we just have to buy them! They’re the best snack in the history of like, ever!’. They ended up eating half of the box together on the drive back to Gina’s place, but that was okay. Rosa picked up the box and placed it on the counter.
“How much for these?”, she asked Amira.
“$3.00, but for you, $1.50. You are family,” Amira says to Rosa. Rosa smiles and hands her the money. Amira was genuinely so kind, but Rosa was too antisocial at these hours to talk to her.
When she reached the school, she headed straight to the auditorium change room. A couple of girls were in there, none of whom Rosa had bothered to learn the names of, but no Gina. Not a big deal though, Gina was almost always late. Rosa just grabbed her dance clothes and tried to change as quickly as possible. She just stood in her corner, minding her own business, until she heard the whispers.
Rosa had learned to deal with these since coming out as bisexual in the eleventh grade. She knew they would always be there, but they did catch her off guard this time since it had been about a month since she had heard anything.
“God, I can’t believe we have to change in here with her”, a tall, brunette girl who Rosa quickly identified as Jenny Gildenhorn whispered.
“I know, it’s like the teachers are trying to creep us out”, the skinny blonde beside her said. Rosa just bit her lip and got changed quicker. Luckily, the girls stopped when someone walked in to the change room. It was Gina, thank God. Gina walked over to Rosa and smiled at her.
“Hey loser, what’s up?” Gina asked. Rosa said nothing, just shook her head. It wasn’t like her to get so upset over little things like what those girls said, but she was. She was upset and angry and just wanted to punch something.
But she didn’t. Rosa's been suspended enough times to know that it’s so much better to get revenge where nobody knows it was you. “Nothing,” she responded to Gina, but gave her that look that meant it was definitely something. Gina cocked her head at Rosa, her perfect eyebrows downturned in confusion, but Rosa just shook her head. Gina still looked worried, but didn’t want to pressure Rosa into talking, as she knew she was a very private person. Rosa waited for Gina to finish changing, and then the two of them headed into the auditorium, where there dance class took place, and sat on the stage, where half their class already sat. Their teacher, Ms Richardson, was sitting in one of the auditorium chairs, waiting for the rest of the class to show up. When the bell rang at 8:20, the entire class had trickled into the auditorium and were sitting on the stage. Ms Richardson walked up the stage steps and began to talk.
“As you all know, we have been working on our ballroom dance routines for the past three weeks. Finally, everybody is in class, so we can begin to present today. I will be pulling groups from a bowl to see which order we’re gonna go in, but do we have any volunteers to go first?”. Nobody raised their hand. “Alright, exactly what I expected, so I guess we’ll draw our first group!” Ms Richardson reached her long, slender hand into the purple mixing bowl. The room was silent as nobody wanted to go first.
“And the first group is… Jenny and Eddie! Everyone clear the stage, and find a chair as close to the front of the auditorium as possible,” Ms Richardson said. When everyone was sat down, Jenny smiled at Rosa in such a mean girl, ‘I’m better than you’, way. Rosa clenched her fists and breathed heavily through her nose.
“Alright Rosa, what did that bitch do to you?”, Gina whispered. Rosa looked over at her.
“I’ll tell you later,” she whispered back. She didn’t want to think about that now. She had Gina with her, and she was safe.
Jenny and Eddie performed a graceful waltz. They were doing wonderfully, and it made Rosa so mad. She desperately wanted Jenny to trip, or mess up a move, or have Eddie step on her toes. But of course, Jenny Gildenhorn was being the perfect, graceful girl she always was.
When the two of them finished their dance, they got a round of applause. Rosa rolled her eyes, and Gina sat there, splayed out in her seat, not giving Jenny or Eddie anything.
Ms Richardson finishes writing something in her notes and then speaks up. “Okay, it’s time for our next group. The second pair to go will be Gina and Rosa!”. Gina immediately stands up, confident as always, but Rosa is frozen for a second. She takes a deep breath before standing up and walking to the stage.
Her and Gina had practiced for weeks. They were going to be doing a fun tango, Gina playing the traditionally masculine role, and Rosa playing the feminine. They were basically guaranteed some of the highest marks in the class, since Rosa did ballet from the ages of four to sixteen, and Gina was an amazing dancer, even without any training. The two of them took their positions across from each other, and waited for the nod from Ms Richardson saying they could go.
When the music started, something washed over Rosa and it was like she was back in Gina’s basement, practicing these moves over and over again until late at night. She had melted into the auburn haired girls gaze night after night, trying to focus on staying on her feet, even if all she wanted to think about was the fact that Gina was touching her waist, and the fact that Gina was looking at Rosa with that damn smile that Rosa fell in love with the first day she saw it.
She performed the moves perfectly, Gina’s touch hypnotizing her nerves away. When Gina twirled her, her heart fluttered and Rosa smiled. When Gina dipped her, their gazes met, and Rosa never wanted this to end. The music finally faded away, and Gina gave Rosa that damn smile again. Rosa couldn’t help but smile back. Gina was the one person who could consistently break Rosa’s badass exterior and cause a smile to crack open her stone cold face. Everyone else thought Rosa’s etched in scowl was unbeatable, but in Gina’s case, it just took a few words or a smile to break through to her.
As the two of them bowed, the class applauded. They walked off the stage back into the seats. They sat beside each other, and just as Rosa put her hand on the armrest, Gina also went to do the same. Gina’s warm hand landed on top of Rosa’s, but instead of pulling it away in shock or disgust, Gina kept her hand there. The Latina felt her cheeks burn a deep red, but thankfully the auditorium lights were dimmed. Gina looked over at Rosa, but Rosa quickly averted her gaze to whatever pair was dancing now. She couldn’t let Gina know how she felt.
By the end of class, almost every pair had performed, but Rosa couldn’t tell you a thing about any of their dances. The only thing she could think of was the warm hand that was sitting on top of hers, and the fact that Gina Linetti kept looking at Rosa throughout the class.
5:02 PM, leaving play read through
Rosa spent basically the entire day with Gina, as usual. On day one, they had dance with Ms Richardson together first period, calculus with Mrs Melton second period, then lunch, and then a shared spare after lunch. The only part of the day they had apart was last period, when Rosa had chemistry with Ms Weber, and Gina had biology with Mrs House. And then after school, they had a play read through. Of course, Rosa wasn’t complaining.
“Hey Rosie, whaddaya think about that kissing scene?” Gina asked her as she half-jogged up to her.
Rosa smiled and looked at the ground. “I mean, it’s no big deal. We’re actors, right?” she says. If only Gina knew how big of a deal this was to her.
“Yeah, I mean, totally. I’m excited to practice it.” Gina said. Rosa whipped her head around.
“What?” Rosa asked, but Gina had already started turning around.
“Gotta go, live the other way, bye!!!” Gina shouted while running away. Had she really said she was excited to kiss Rosa? There was no way in hell Gina was into her. Rosa wasn’t the kind of girl Gina was into. She was pretty sure Gina had never even dated a girl. Sure, she’d made out with girls at parties and such, (not for show, just because she liked it) but she had never been in a fully committed relationship with a girl. Hell, Gina hadn’t been in a real relationship since tenth grade, and she dumped the boy because she found out he was a Gemini (Pisces and Gemini aren’t compatible, we have to listen to the universe). Not to say Rosa was any better at relationships, she dumped her ex girlfriend Becky because she ate too much soup.
The entire way home, Rosa thought about Gina’s comment. What did she mean by that? It made Rosa both insanely happy and totally confused. Why would Gina want to kiss her? Sure, Rosa could admit she was attractive, but she never thought of herself as Gina level pretty. Could Gina really be into her?
Like the disaster bisexual she was, Rosa thought about this for hours. Finally, after dinner, she decided to confront Gina about what she said, because she wasn’t going to get anything done otherwise.
Rosa: what did u mean earlier???
Gina: ??? bitch u gotta be more specific, we spent 80% of the school day together
Rosa: on the way home from read through
Rosa: when u said u were ‘excited to practice’ when we talked about kissing
It was the longest minute and a half of Rosa’s life when she was waiting for Gina to respond. Gina was never away from her phone for more than thirty-five seconds max. What if she hated Rosa now? Had she said something wrong? Was she being weird?
Gina: idk, ur hella hot, and u look like u would be a good kisser. honestly, we’d be a hot ass couple, we’re both stunners.
Rosa screamed inside her head at this. She would have screamed for real, but her mom would kill her if she interrupted her little sister, Juliet, from doing her homework again.
Rosa: we so would haha
Gina: i gtg, see u tmw ! 💕❤️💗
Rosa set down her phone and sighed. Had that conversation actually just happened? This had to be a dream. There was no way Gina could actually think that. She was probably just being friendly anyways.
Rosa smiled until she fell asleep. She didn’t even know that people could hold a smile for that long. How did people do this with their face all the time?
Rosa knew, deep down, how people did this. Love.
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adenhamcreations · 5 years
WIP Questions!
Tagged by the awesome @fatal-blow! Thanks so much! This one really got me thinking deeply about my characters.
Under the cut since it’s 20 questions and kinda long.  :) 
1: Describe the plot in one sentence
A fresh out of high school girl discovers that she has the supernatural ability to erase memories and is blackmailed into starting a shady business using them. 
2: Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic for your WIP.
Sight: A small, familiar childhood town. Little businesses lined up in the center, with residential areas sprawling from them. 
Smell: The smell of burning paper.
Sound: The voice of an old friend echoing through your head.
Feel: A person’s skin that you know well.
Taste: Bitterness from unspoken words. 
3: Which 3+ songs would make a playlist for your novel?
Yellowcard - “Paper Walls.”  Anberlin - “Paperthin Hymn.” Panic at the Disco - “House of Memories.” 
4: What’s the time period and location in which your novel takes place?
Present day, a small town in Alabama (name pending).  
5: Are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded?
Not at all. It’s always been Sin Eater. 
6: What’s the first line of your novel?
“The first time I knew something was wrong with me was when I was eighteen.”
7: What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
A little long, but I really enjoyed writing this particular chapter/conversation:
“Sorry, thanks. I guess it can be hard not to get a little lost in the memories. I know that’s probably silly,” he chuckles bashfully. “No,” I shake my head quickly. “It makes perfect sense to me.” We come to another clearing. The grass is lush and tall here, an ocean of green. It scrapes the bottom of Aiden’s Jeep as we drive over it. The spot he stops at is another lovely view: you can see for miles. The city’s lights look like tiny dots from here. They must be switching on since the sun is going down. “This is really pretty,” I say as we exit the Jeep.“Yeah, it’s a little secret spot that I found. At least I think it’s a secret, since I’ve never seen anyone up here.” “Well, I like it.”“Yeah? I thought it might be kind of lame compared to the epic sunset yesterday.”“No way. I never did this kind of stuff growing up,” I admit. “You missed out,” he says, grinning. “Amber and I always liked exploring. We called them our ‘Adventures.’”“That….is freakin’ adorable,” I grin back. “Amber came up with it. She said it felt like we found stuff that nobody else ever did.” Aiden picks up a stick and throws it over the edge. We watch it but don’t see where it lands. “That probably wasn’t true, but as a kid...it feels like the whole world is yours, you know?”“I definitely understand that.”
8: Which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
“I will face everything that I’ve been avoiding and move on with my life, no matter how hard or painful, no matter what comes my way.”
9: Who are your character(s) face claims?
I’m not sure I quite understand this question. Does it mean what we based our characters’ looks on?  If so: Probably a mix of people I know, to be honest. For instance, I had crushes on a lot of guys with brown hair and brown eyes back in high school, so Parker being Jayde’s high school crush, that’s how he looks. I also wanted Jayde and Jenny to look a little bit opposite of each other, so I based their looks on that criteria. 
10: Sort your characters into Hogwarts houses
I actually know NOTHING about Harry Potter... XD 
11: Which character’s name do you like the most?
I loved the name Aiden and just had to use it... and after I picked it, one of my best friends named their son that (only spelled differently)! She didn’t even know about my book yet. Meant to be. 
12: Describe each character’s daily outfit
Jayde - She likes skirts and wears them frequently, even in the winter I’ve drawn her a lot in jean skirts, because I used to wear them back in high school. To top it off, maybe a V-neck shirt in some bright color, I’d say yellow.
Jenny - Jeans too long for her legs, a hoodie if it’s cold. A t-shirt if it’s hot. She isn’t into showing off her skin or body.
Parker- A nice polo with stripes, ironed jeans and super clean tennis shoes.
Aiden - Nothing too flashy - A t-shirt and jeans, usually torn or with mud, oil, or some other stain on them.
Amber - Tank top and capris.
13: Do any characters have any distinctive birthmarks/scars?
Amber has a nasty scar on her right shoulder from her father. 
14: Which character most fits a character trope?
Probably Aiden. He’s the classic guy with a dark past who hides it with sarcasm and general jerkiness. 
15: Which character is the best writer? Worst?
I haven’t thought much of it, but i’d like to imagine that Jenny is the best writer. She’s quiet, but she’s also wise. Her recovery through her lost memories made her strong, capable, and unafraid. i could see her writing an amazing book about that.  As for the worst... maybe Amber? I don’t see her enjoying sitting at a desk typing away or writing in a notebook.
16: Which character is the best liar? Worst?
Jayde is the best liar. She becomes practiced at it due to her secretive job and when she’s hiding her true feelings from Jenny and Parker throughout the book. Amber is definitely the worst liar. She’s usually too honest and unafraid to say what she’s thinking.
17: Which character swears the most? Least?
Aiden definitely swears the most. Meanwhile, Jayde’s two best friends, Jenny and Parker, rarely do (probably due to their strict upbringings). 
18: Which character has the best writing? Worst?
Jayde may by default just because she’s my main character and gets the most spotlight. Not sure about the worst. 
19: Which character is the most like you? Least like you?
I think a mix of Jayde and Aiden are most like me. Jayde in the beginning was my younger self - not a care in the world, loved attention, was loud and silly and loved to laugh. But as she ages and reality hits, she becomes more somber and shy. She isn’t as boisterous and tries to accept herself as she is now (which I’ve had issues with). As for Aiden, he hides hurt and hard times by using jokes and a sunny attitude, which I’ve done so much before. As for least like me, I’d have to go with Vivian, Jenny’s (Jayde’s best friend) mother. She’s tightly wound and is usually passive aggressive towards everyone. She also can’t accept her daughter for being bisexual, which I couldn’t ever understand feeling that way. She tends to think she’s of a higher social standing than everyone else and wants her family to “look” a certain way to everyone outside. 
20: Which character would you most like to be?
They all kind of have sad backstories, so I don’t think I’d want to BE them necessarily. But I’d most want to be more like my OC Amber. She has a lot of crap happen to her and is silently strong in many ways. She accepts what happened to her, isn’t ashamed of it, but also doesn’t pity herself. She takes kickboxing to become physically stronger so the same thing won’t happen to her in the future, and she’s still trusting and open to making new friends. 
Tagging for my babes on my Sin Eater WIP tag: @metaphors-and-melodrama @snowdropwrites @drist-n-dither @jeeanmoreau
And any others! I wanted to tag some new followers too so that they can join the fun.  :)  @artsyclusterfuck @lgbtqiauthor @the-real-rg @agent-me @ren-c-leyn @jeteveux-siempre @toboldlywrite @jessawriter
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“You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
This is a little out of the norm for what I post on this blog, yet it’s a story of coming full circle - of the way that learning the practice of medicine has helped heal me.  And so, I think it fits.
I grew up in a conservative Christian family and from a young age was taught about modesty.  There were certain body parts that were “private” and should always be kept under wraps.  Two-piece swimsuits were out of the question, along with short-shorts, tank tops, tube tops - anything that showed too much skin.  My inquisitive prepubescent 9-year-old mind had a really hard time accepting this, mainly because I couldn’t fathom what my mom meant when she said that kind of clothing caused boys to have “bad thoughts.”  Resentfully, I complied, inwardly wishing I could wear the same outfits “cool kids” wore.
Fast-forward to middle school and my family moved north to south, where we started attending a much more conservative, hard-line church.  Now the leotards I used to wear in ballet were preached against from the pulpit.  The one-piece swimsuits in my closet?  Forget about it - girls and boys shouldn’t even be swimming together anyway!  I knew families who wouldn’t let their kids swim even fully clothed because apparently the sopping wet wrinkly look left too little to the imagination.  Necklines were high, pants had to have a certain amount of give, skirts were knee-length or longer, and shorts were really out of the question.  Better just stick to capris.
By high school I fully endorsed the modesty standards of my church (mostly).  I was the girl who told people they shouldn’t go to prom, the girl who read “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and absorbed the critical underlying premise of purity culture: girls’ bodies are a stumbling block.  I believed that God wanted me to dress modestly, yes, but I also believed that if I didn’t, guys around me would be all but forced into objectifying me and lusting after me.  The implied reason for dressing modestly was that I needed to cover up my body, which was a tantalizing piece of meat.  Although I had a diverse and positive high school experience which gave me a multi-faceted identity, somewhere in the back of my mind the dangerous thought was planted, that I was my body, and my body was a sexual object - a potential cause of sin.
College was a time of struggle and obsession over body image.  It was nearly 3 years of disordered eating, which although not reflected in the scale, certainly reflected in lost productivity, lost happiness, and low mental health.  When things went wrong, when people didn’t like me, I assumed it was my body.  I must be too fat (forget that I had always been, and still was, borderline underweight).  Dropping a pound meant happiness, success - because in my mind, I was my body, and to be thin was the highest goal.  Eventually, with maturity and greater self-kindness I overcame my demons and turned over a new healthier leaf, for a while.
Two years ago, I met a boy.  First we were friends, then we were more.  He was sweet (sometimes awkward) and deeply spiritual.  As we grew closer, he became one of the few guys I had ever met who really inspired me to be better.  I looked up to him.  He was so disciplined, so self-controlled, and he seemed to know the Bible inside and out.  At first I didn’t think I could be good enough for him, since the word on the street was that his standards were high.  But somehow I made the cut and we set out on an ill-fated journey.  There were warning signs along the way, but don’t we always see what we want to?  1) He had grown up going to the same conferences as the Duggars, the Institute of Basic Life Principles, led by the now-disgraced Bill Gothard (a legalistic “Christian” sleazebag accused of inappropriate relationships with young interns).  2) All the women in his family wore skirts and never wore pants.  3) He attended a tiny, exclusive church with extra-restrictive doctrines which taught that churches like mine were in “error.”
I should have read the writing on the wall.
It was a slow, insidious process.  One month of being reeled in and falling in love, and then the strings came out.  I’ll love you IF...  There were many strings, many conditional clauses, many things I needed to change to please him, but the biggest battle was what I wore.  As a clinical scribe, my daily outfit was scrubs.  You’d be hard-pressed to find a more relaxed and baggy pair of pants aside from sweats or pajamas.  And yet he told me, “When you move, I can see everything.”  “Guys aren’t like women, we’re very visual.”  “Why is it necessary to show every crack and cranny?”  And in so many words, “Wearing jeans that fit is basically like wearing nothing at all.”  We argued in circles.  Why isn’t it a double standard that men can wear pants if pants are too form-fitting?  I countered.  Well, men’s bodies aren’t attractive that way, he would answer.  In other words, it’s YOUR BODY that’s the PROBLEM.  You are sexual and create sexual thoughts in men, just by virtue of existing and being visible.
In the end, I stood my ground.  On principle, I don’t barter my integrity or views for a relationship, I don’t want love that comes with those kind of terms.  But the guilt lingered.  It was more than the typical breakup fallout, it was a deep sense of shame, of being not good enough, not holy enough, not modest enough.  And as someone who self-identified as modest and does care about dressing decently, this cut deep.  It meant spending endless hours of googling “are pants immodest” and perusing every article I could find.  It was questioning my intuition.  It was feeling that hot sense of anxiety and self-consciousness when I bent over or walked around clinic in my scrubs.  What if I was tempting some guy to check out my butt?  Who was looking?  What were they thinking?  I was, in short, viewing myself through the eyes of a pervert.  Objectifying myself.  Internalizing yet again the idea that I was a piece of meat.
I firmly believe in the power of a single idea.  (Didn’t Inception teach us anything?)  And our deepest emotional wounds are often not the result of external circumstances, but the way we choose to internally narrate the stories of our lives.  Often, it is a single false premise, a pesky, faulty, misbelief that must be brought to the light, inspected, and discarded before the healing can occur.  For me, one of these was the idea that I am my body, and my body is inherently sexual.
What needed to change was the way I saw the body.
Who knew that the key to this change looked like my student ID, scanning me into the cadaver lab?  There I started to see the human body differently, in all its post-mortem humility and frailty, but also as an amazing intricate masterpiece of coordinated systems.  I touched hearts and livers, fascia and genitalia.  The bodies of our donors lay before us, totally bare.  No clothes, no skin.  And it was not profane, not indecent, but sacred.
This semester we were introduced to the hallowed ritual of the physical examination.  We learned to become comfortable inspecting, auscultating, percussing, and palpating, and also taking off our shirts in front of our peers.  Stripping away clothing, we were also chipping away at the cultural lies that tell us our bodies are inherently sexual.  We learned to look with respect and touch with kindness.  
Today was our final OSCE.  It might seem like a small thing, but today I stood before one of my classmates, a male, in just shorts and a sports bra.  This was the first time I’d ever worn so little in front of one of my male peers.  And I knew in that moment, that he was not undressing me in his mind.  He was looking at me through a different lens, one of respect and dignity.  And in that moment, I understood once and for all.  My body is not, and has never been, a problem.  My body is not the reason someone catcalls or objectifies me.  The issue isn’t what there is to see, but the way we choose to see it.
“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?  But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts — murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
(Matthew 15:16-20)
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violetclarity · 6 years
James Sirius Potter
thank you for the ask, Janel
realistic headcanon: loves Quidditch from birth, a naturally talented flyer even on his training broom that’s spelled not to go more than 5 feet off the ground, but cannot decide what position he wants to play until he is actually at Gryffindor Quidditch Team try-outs his second year (and even then he doubts that he made the right choice). When he’s a kid he wants to be a Seeker like his dad. A little older and he decides he’d rather be a Chaser like his mom (“because she’s a real Quidditch player, dad” he explains while Harry splutters and Ginny laughs at him). A family game in which the older generation convinces him to play makes him think about being a Keeper because “Uncle Ron is actually really good! Who knew!” (Ron: indignant; everyone else: finds this hilarious). The year that he deals with a bully at school he channels all his anger into practicing to become a Beater.
When he finally tries out for the team, he says he wants to be a Chaser, because one of his housemates made a rude comment that morning about how he always has to be the center of attention, and he wants to prove that he can work as part of a team, rather than going for the solo glory of Seeking. And he’s a really great Chaser. But two years later, when their Seeker quits the team halfway through the year, James volunteers to fill in, and the next week their Captain is holding try-outs for a new Chaser, because James is an absolutely amazing Seeker.
while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: James was the toddler who repeated anything inappropriate that was said around him, and only the inappropriate thing. One time Ron and Hermione were babysitting before Rose was born, and Ron entertained James by telling him about the time he, Hermione, and Harry broke into Gringotts. The entire story lasted almost half an hour, and Ron didn’t curse once, except to say “it was a fucking huge dragon, Jamie!” Guess which word of the story James decided to repeat at length when he got home?
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: loves his siblings more than just about anything, even if he refuses to admit it, but has felt like a little bit of an outsider among them ever since Lily was sorted into Slytherin (subsequently feels terrible for how much he teased Al about being sorted Slytherin, but will never admit it). Yes, he has plenty of cousins in Gryffindor, while Al and Lily are the only members of their family in Slytherin; yes, no one really cares that the cousins are spread out among all four houses; yes, he knows they still love him. But they’ve got all these inside jokes yet, and they’ve always been weirdly similar but now sometimes it’s creepy, and he knows it’s irrational, but he feels like they’re in a club he’ll never quite be privy to, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: James Sirius Potter realized he was into men at age twelve, when an eighteen-year-old Teddy came along on their family vacation to San Diego. The first night they were there, they all went out for pizza, and Harry and Ginny made Lily and Albus go to sleep early even though they weren’t tired so they wouldn’t be cranky in the morning. Teddy wanted to check out the hotel pool, and James was allowed to come along since he was the oldest (already in Hogwarts, thank you very much). Teddy jumped straight in when they got there, and it wasn’t until he got out to fetch his towel that James was treated to the sight of his perfect chest and stomach, soaking wet, and the way his hipbones stuck out above his waistband, and the way his throat curve when he shook out his hair, and the way his swim trunks clung to his thighs and…other things.
James spent the rest of the week-long trip absolutely mortified, refusing to spend any time alone with Teddy, to the point where Harry asked him if he was mad at his godbrother for some reason, because Teddy was worried he’d done something to upset James and had asked Harry to check in. James kept why he was in such a foul mood that trip a secret for a full eight years, until he and Teddy went back to that same hotel for Teddy’s birthday, and he finally admitted that he’d been a little shit the whole week because Teddy’s hotness had made his brain stop working.
send me a character + I’ll give you 4 headcanons about them!
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riddleriddle3-blog · 5 years
Why Endurance Athletes Necessity Toughness Instruction (And.
I enjoy this competition because that gains a trail I managed countless kilometers on when I was collaborating with ILOG, first in Mountain Viewpoint, after that in Sunnyvale and before we received acquired by IBM. And also below, it is actually The N. Face Capris, Adidas Racerback Container, Victoria's Top secret Extraordinary Athletics Bra. The electricity will fizzle, my mind will be actually reduce coming from tiredness, as well as my heart would certainly be actually let down however once again. The same folks who formulated those standards were actually then welcomed by American College from Athletics Medicine in order to get involved along with drawing up suggestions for runners. Christmas does without an uncertainty my favorite holiday season and also something I am actually consistently anticipating! For this testimonial, I considered 8 power gel schedules that are commonly accessible at US retail stores. I was starting to reclaim my electricity in the times after the flu, but the whole next week, was actually back to how I experienced the week in the past. If you are the kind of girl that prefers to hang out with your girls, well a sporting activity like half marathoning or beach ball might be a much better choice as merely there are actually much more women actually in those sports. Our team showcase A.P.C, AMI Paris, Maison Kitsuné, Kenzo, Vetements in our guide to 5 French Brands You Should Know in 2016. I entirely wish I might still fit that cute little Valentines Time hat on her scalp! Raleigh's Nevada Mareno, a Leesville Street elderly who will go to Stanford, gained the Foot Closet South in 17:21.7. Mareno additionally succeeded the condition Class 4-A cross country championship in Nov at Kernersville's Redmon Sports Complex, with Platek having second. Little ones who concentrate too early on a single sport typically cannot develop fundamental activity capabilities, or physical education. Boger has actually been all-county and all-conference in her student, junior and also elderly periods in both sporting activities. Handling, also, is impressive: much more precise as well as kinetic in comparison to the Lexus NX. Its own six-speed automatic transmission also possesses a sport mode that lets you make use of motor braking for better control off-road. For numerous endurance athletes, managing in South Africa implies the Comrades Endurance and also 2 Seas Marathon, two hugely well-liked road ultras collecting 18,000 as well as 11,000 individuals respectively off around the world. That short article spells out a specific process to train the physical body's different energy units, which undoubtedly is value incorporated. Supplements-- vitamins, plant based treatments, amino acids, weight-loss pills, penile erection supplements, probiotics, healthy protein powders-- are actually significant organisation in the United States. More what this research study suggests is that there is stickiness to power get rid of rates. She was actually now a veteran client, having actually operated 11 other half marathons in the five years considering that she got involved in the sport (none of which provided registration using Active Network). Completed in each 20 Greensboro Competition Series events in 2016 (5Ks, 10Ks and the Triple Ponds as well as Cannonball half marathons). A COEF Oat meal flavor offers pre-exercise power to obtain you by means of an exercise successfully. Wound up in a position operating a biomechanics laboratory at College of Virginia for an amount of years and also it is actually an actually interesting expertise considering that I got to blend the element from medical treatment where you consider clinical points and mixture that with sporting activities science in biomedical engineering globe where you really perform gauge traits and also acquire to find exactly how professional components actually make a distinction and also influence biomechanics. After a phone call along with the Seahawks' Carroll and prior to his regular appointment along with a race-car chauffeur, Gervais pulls his car to the visual outside the DISC Athletics and also Spinal column Facility in Marina del Rey, where he's a companion. A slim match tee shirt buttoned up to the top as well as completed with a pin can easily appear excellent with a set from black slim match denims and also a well-tailored jacket for the event period. Once they're on and also they are actually in good condition and also cozy well, they are actually larger than standard tights yet you don't discover the heaviness. I obtained all teary eyed checking out the pictures of you, your mommy as well as the DNEWS sport face webpage from you as well as your sweet grandma. Due to the fact that sphere sports call for higher amount effect filling while modifying direction on hard surfaces, the assortment from pressure angles creates the bone tissue to remodel as well as reinforce better than compared to a repetitive reduced impact sporting activity such as range running1. Therefore if our company drop 2 full weeks of training as a result of an unexpected vacation, our price is certainly not only those 2 full weeks yet those 2 weeks plus whatever opportunity that will definitely need to build back up the physical fitness or even naturalizations we shed throughout those 2 full weeks. They can obtain the quick guide on identity-based practices, how they may strengthen their practices. Particularly for an individual presently instruction in the Electricity Boost and preferring a lighter shoe to race or carry out hasten do work in. With a scent that lasts all day, this product pays attention to high quality defense, so this's not a surprise Aged Spice has actually been actually thus preferred for so many years. http://buyit-direct.vn/choco-mia-gia-danh-gia-hieu-qua-hanh-dong-mua-o-tiem-thuoc-hoac-tren-website-cua-nha-san-xuat/ is actually a kid stuff, portable packages of pure fats to maintain lengthy runs, as well as certainly not demanding any kind of digestive function effort. Thought so really good that I failed to would like to wreck that up by drinking water or even sports alcoholic beverage (#idiocy). Maybe the current type of growth as well as appeal of the sport is one thing that is going to proceed for several years ahead. When I walked right into the swanky Laugh Boston lounge, I was welcomed by the superstar from NBC's newest comedy Undateable, Brent Morin. Transactions a little body weight onward while continuing to be tall and also rising for the heavens. Excellent high energy maneuvering rotary tool to work the adductors and also abductors in addition to boost maneuvering and control. Due to a hefty commute backward and forward between Silicon Valley as well as here in 2013, Fred hasn't already been educating regularly in 2016 and did shed a number of this health and fitness however I was glad to have him as an overview of discover the complicated routes up and down the several gulches reducing though Wildwood Park, along the Mount Clef Spine (see map from the Conejo Open Space Groundwork ).
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charliebattinson · 6 years
BEST FRIENDS? | Best Friend! Shawn [BP] Part 1 | Shawn Mendes
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A/N: Hello! I’m splitting this thing into two parts because it was so long haha. I just had so many ideas!! Honestly i’m such a sucker for the “best friends to lovers” trope it may be cliche as hell but it’s my fave. Part 2 has more of a storyline to it just in bullet point form! Also wanna thank @siennarossi, @innocent-before-mendes and @i-keep-craving-craving for advice and for helping me out! Hope you enjoy! Feedback is appreciated! Have a lovely day! ♡♡♡
☆ Read Part 2 here ☆
You moved to pickering when you were a kid and met Shawn when you were 4
He was your neighbor
Bedrooms facing each other
You always thought how stupid he looked trying to climb the tree that was impossible to climb at his age
Since you were new to town when you went to school you knew nobody
Playtime came and you saw shawn by the sandbox playing by himself
You walk to him and asked if you can play together
He was so shy "okay" red cheeks and all
Everything just hit off after that
You guys were attached to the hip
Walking to school holding hands or seating beside each other on the school bus
Some girls from school wanted to play with you and you were so happy to make more friends that you brought shawn with you but the girls said they don't play with boys
"But shawn goes with me wherever i go"
"I guess you can't play with us"
You ditch them for Shawn
“I’ll play your barbie dolls with you y/n”
Wouldn't it be cute to imagine when your parents open the door and look down to see kid shawn in his squeaky voice “Good afternoon Ms. y/l/n! Is y/n there?"
You guys loved watching barney together and singing the theme song
Role playing power rangers and pretending to be fighting each other
Till that one time you accidentally punched Shawn in the face and his nose bled
You always attend each other’s birthday parties and you always need each other by your side before blowing your birthday cake
You play husband wife sometimes
“y/n when were older im going to marry you”
“why shawn” “cause you’re my best friend”
Riding bikes together
Getting boo boos and helping each other out with the wound
“Here’s a bandaid Shawn it’s the barbie one”
Eating ice cream by the front porch
Giggling to each other while your both on the swings
Sometimes when there’s only one swing left Shawn would offer it to you and he’d start pushing your swing
Lots and lots of videos of you two when you were kids
Halloween time is always a fun time for the both of you because you guys to get to do matching costumes
One year would be you as Mario and Shawn as Luigi with the matching mustaches
“Hey how come you get to be Mario?” “Because I’m cooler Shawn”
another time would be Kim possible and Ron stoppable
another time as Spongebob and Patrick
then ferris and cameron from ferris bueller’s day off but no one ever really got who you were dressing up as that year
and that one time in school where you thought everyone was going to be wearing halloween costumes turns out only and shawn did
Horror movie marathons every halloween
You remember the time Shawn screamed like a girl
“Y/N please don’ tell anyone”
When its Christmas you would go out and make the weirdest looking snowman, snow angels, drinking hot cocoa, baking cookies for santa and opening presents while trying to stay up late and wait for Santa Claus to come out
“My father is the actual santa claus??” “You’re so dumb Shawn”
School plays together!!! Like little mermaid where you played a fish and shawn played a lobster
One of your school plays was also King Arthur
You were a local villager and shawn was the village idiot
Coloring coloring books together
Going to camp together during the summer
11 year old Shawn would be sporting braces and you would make fun of him when he got it
“shawn close your mouth you’re blinding me”
You were a little bit taller than him at that age
You guys would constantly call each other names the kiddish kind
He would freak out when he sees your bra laying on the bed
But would also be there for you when you start to panic when you finally get your period
“you aren’t going to die y/n. please your making me scared what if you die, i’m gonna be all alone”
shawn gets so scared when you say a bad word by accident
“Y/n you know we’re not supposed to be saying bad words or we’ll go to hell”
You’re both appalled by kissing when your parents do it or when you’re watching a movie
“okay class! go and pick a partner”
🌚 🌝
Your whole family knows Shawn. Shawn’s whole family knows you
Uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. THEY ALL KNOW SHAWN.
Your family is so familiar to having Shawn around the house so when he’s not there they ask “where’s Shawn?”
High school rolls in and you’re both invited to your first ever high school party
“Y/n do I wear a tux to these parties?” “Idiot”
He ended up wearing Capri shorts and his Birkenstocks
“Please tell me you aren’t wearing socks with your birkenstocks” “well…”
You play 7 minutes in heaven and shawn goes in with a girl
When he goes out, the girl looks so weirded out by shawn
“Well..what happened?”
“She was leaning for a kiss and I got nervous I just screamed at her”
you try alcohol for the first time together in your room; you raided wine in your parents collection
you both spit it out right after
16 year old you is wondering how tall Shawn got over the summer because you have to tilt your head up to look at him
He’s also gotten cuter over the summer no more braces and thank god he stopped wearing those birkenstocks
he’s still wearing those baggy khaki pants
The insults have upgraded
“You stupid lanky dickhead” “fuck you y/n”
You both swear like sailors now
You’re by your lockers and he just salsa dances and sing songs  “look who got an A on chemistry byotch”
You’re both each other’s first kiss you rather have it be your best friend than be it someone else who won’t matter in a couple of years
Also for practice because Shawn ’s been pinning over some chick named Stephanie the whole freshman year
“Come on y/n so you can tell me if I suck or not”
He sucked
Sleepovers at each other’s houses
passing notes in between classes, shawn wanting to play tic tac toe
Doing homework together
Copying each other’s homework
“Pssst shawn what’s the answer to no. 5?”
“I was gonna ask you that!”
Shawn going up your window late at night because he’s tall enough to finally climb the tree
but also the idiot tried doing a stunt and ended up bringing down one of your pipes down with him
you guys would meet each other by the window to say good night
sometimes when he knows you feel bad he would stare at your window and write down a note saying “are you okay?” or “feel better”
You attended junior prom together
“Look at you Shawn looking so fancy in that tux”
You see Shawn’s cheeks redden “thanks y/n you look pretty”
You try to pin his boutonnière and he keeps joking around that you pricked his skin
Till you actually pricked his skin cause he was moving around too much “idiot”
Ditched after a while cause it was getting boring, you both just headed out to the local diner and ordered milkshakes
For senior prom, you had to find a date because Shawn asked someone else; you were a little sad because you’re just used to you and Shawn doing everything together
Watching the schools football games together by the bleachers
They made shawn the school mascot
“it is a sauna inside here and i can’t fucking see anything”
always going together to high school parties
fist bumping to levels by avicii (beacause it was a bop at that time tbh)
asking each others approval when you find someone hot
constructing each other’s sentences before hitting send to your crush
there’s a girl that likes shawn and she’s very confident and flirting around with him and shawn just mumbles trying to talk to her “yeah ugh no yeah totally but ugh yeah no”
You’re just watching him trying your hardest not to laugh
Giving each other tips on making a move
“I watched that movie hitch and they said that if a girl lingers by the front door it means she wants you to kiss her”
“Shawn you gotta stop screaming at a girl when they try to go near you”
You tell each other who you lost your virginity to and judging so hard
“WHY BECKY?” “Sleeping simon are you serious?”
Also being each other’s person to look for support and comfort whenver you’re feeling down
Shawn would get your favorite ice cream and listen to you on your bed cuddled up to him”
“Hey shawn i got your favorite muffins. Please tell me what’s wrong with you”
Shawn would tell you to leave him alone under the covers and you would just go under the covers
Being lab partners
Shawn making you laugh when he does an impersonation of professor fink with his lab coat and goggles
“Well according to my calculations..”
You would be cheering for each other when you both get on stage
Shawn would just blast “SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER” on his jeep on your way to your graduation party
He wore a fucking vest and a casual tie with converse to the party
“A vest shawn? Really?”
”yolo y/n yolo”
Booze is present and you both have had a bit too much
You see Shawn standing up on the table dancing to Daft Punk’s One More Time
You push Shawn into the pool but he’s quick to grab you leaving both of you underwater
Going to the park after and riding the swings just like when you were kids
Figuring out what colleges to apply to
both of you just staring at your acceptance letters
“Open yours first” “No! You open yours first”
Jumping because you both got in
Luckily you both wanted to go to the same college with just different courses so the long distance friendship is off the books
You’re headed off to college to fix your dorm rooms
Shawn would be in such a school spirit he’s already wearing the college hat and hoodie
Shawn just starts playing “everybody lets go” song from dora the explorer in the car
“Here we go...”
☆ Read part 2 here ☆
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BABY KEEF AND DADDY SKUNK FACE. I haven't checked on this au for months and there's so much to it now. My soul is full of happiness. When you get the chance I have a request: You have the one shots where Keith is in an accident and Shiro is in one too but what if they got in one together? Maybe when Keith was elementary age because then he could be bickering with Shiro over something and distract his dad from the road and so Shiro doesn't see the car that drives into their lane until (cont.)
(pt 2) until it almost hits them but Shiro’s reflexes are quick and he yanks the car to the side. But even doing that they end up rolling and Shiro gets knocked out. Someone called an ambulance, Keith is hysterical (even maybe cut him up a bit I’m a sadist). Thinks it’s all his fault. Shiro is fine though he just bumped his head, the paramedics get him awake and he freaks out too because there’s some blood in the backseat and WHERE IS KEITH?? But then when he’s like catatonic they slip keith in his arms and holy hell Shiro blames himself he almost got his baby killed by letting himself be distracted but keith blames himself and shiro realizes he can’t play the blame game but he just holds his baby and it’s okay to cry as they cuddle on the way to the hospital just to make sure they’re okay and what not. I love this au.
Omg nonny, this was one wild ride. SKUNK FACE AND BABY KEEF FTW. Thank you so much for this and sorry it’s a bit late! I’m glad to hear you still enjoy this AU. But wow, yes you are sadistic with this angsty prompt. I love it! I took some liberties to adjusting this a bit, because daddy Shiro and baby Keith can’t fight before something like this! And poor Shiro, he is so hurt and baby Keith. Wow, this was so great to write and I love when you guys send in prompts/asks. Thank you for this and I hope you enjoy!
              Accidentshappen. Unfortunately.
              Accidentseven happen to good people who do no wrong.
              “Are youexcited?” Shiro asked, taking a small peek into the rearview mirror to look athis little son, strapped up in his car seat. The small nine-year-old had finallyoutgrown his old car seat, thanks to his smaller than average size, and was nowin a booster car seat meant for the “big kids.” To say Keith was excited was anoverstatement. Keith actually could care less, though this seat was comfierthan the last car seat, and the straps didn’t itch as much.
              However,Keith was excited. He and his daddy were planned to go on a camping trip withjust the two of them. Of course, Shiro had rented out a cabin rather than tryto sleep in a tent. He knew that Keith would never be comfortable in a tent and would just hate the trip. Itwould be a bit uncomfortable for Keith to sleep somewhere new that wasn’t hishome, but Shiro figured as long as Keith had him this trip would be okay.
              Keithhad already made a list of things that he wanted to get done.
1.      Catch the biggest fish with daddy (but don’ttouch it because it’s gross)
2.      Pick flowers to put in our garden at home
4.      Find new constellations with Daddy
5.      Have a sleepover with daddy
              Keith’slist went on and on but that was the gist of it. Shiro knew this wouldn’t bethe same kind of camping trip as it had been when he was a kid camping with his dad. But that’s what made it sospecial. This would be his first trip with Keith; his baby.
              “Yes!”Keith nodded enthusiastically, practically bouncing in his seat. His legs swungwildly, causing Shiro to chuckle as he turned his attention back to the road infront of them. If they kept at the pace they were going at, they were going tomake it to the cabin in no time. It seemed like everything was on their sideright now. Shiro hoped that it would stay like that.
              “It’sgoing to be awesome!” Keith gushed happily and Shiro laughed. “I can’t wait tobrag to Lance all about our cabin andtell Hunk about eating a real fish! And I can’t wait to show Pidge all theflowers we find!” Keith’s excitement was rare and only came in spurts when hewas especially happy, so to see his son so excited and enthusiastic made Shiro’sheart swell.
              “Ofcourse. Maybe next time we can invite everyone and have a barbeque?” Shiroasked before looking back into the mirror. He swallowed his laughter when hesaw the look of deep concentration on Keith’s face, as if he were actuallythinking about inviting his friends over the next time.
              “Okay,they can come. But only after you and I have the best time ever!” Keith noddedfirmly and soon beamed at Shrio. Shiro’s eyes softened before he looked back atthe road and the two sat in a comfortable silence, with only the radio playing.Eventually after a while of quiet, Keith remembered something in his backpocket, eyes lighting up.
              “Daddy!Daddy! Oh I forgot! I made this just for the trip!” Keith wiggled in his seatand tried to pull out the object from his pocket. “Guess what I made! Guesswhat?!” Keith beamed brightly and Shiro glanced back into the rearview mirror,curious as to what had his son so excited.
              That wasthe biggest mistake Shiro had ever made.
              “What isit?” Shiro chuckled, before turning back to the road. His eyes widened and hisheart stopped beating right in his chest.
              “Daddy,it’s a bracelet for you and me!”
              Suddenlythe car swerved as Shiro tried to get out of the way of the incoming car thathad driven over into their lane. In the back seat, Keith screamed when theircar jerked harshly in order to avoid getting hit. Thanks to Shiro’s reflexes hewas able to get out of the way of the oncoming car, only for the car to swervetoo far and hit the side guard rails, head on. There was the sounds of a horrifyingcrunch of metal, and shrill screams before Shiro’s entire world turned todarkness.
              His lastthought before he fell unconscious was: Pleasesave Keith.
              WhenShiro came to, it was to the sound of soft voices and footsteps around him. Hishead was killing him, feeling as if someone had taken a bat and smashed itagainst his skull repeatedly. His chest hurt to breath and his right arm feltlike it was on fire.
              Thevoices and noises around him sounded low and muffled as Shiro struggled to openhis syes. Why was he sleeping? What hadhappened? His eye lids felt as if each of them had ten pound weights onthem and he was struggling to stay awake.
              “Oh my…”
              “…theyokay?…call 911?”
              “…ontheir way…”
              “…nastycar accident.”
              Suddenly,all of the fatigue and hurt washed away from Shiro as reality set in. Flashesof images of the previous moments came to Shiro. He could see the oncoming carbarreling towards them as it crossed over the divider. He could feel his heartsqueezing with icy fear. He could hear the sounds of tires screeching and metalcrunching, and the sounds of Keith’s –
              Shiro’seyes snapped open and blurrily he could see the shape of his car. The frontwindow was completely gone and glass littered the road underneath him. Heblinked when he realized that it wasn’t him who was on his side, but the carwas on its side. The car had flipped over, with them inside of it. Shirostruggled in his seat, wincing as his aching body protested in order to seebehind him. He could dimly see the shapes of feet coming towards them on theground, but none of that matter. Nothing else matter except Keith.
              Turningaround, Shiro was met with his worst nightmare and he choked back a cry. Keithwas still strapped into his seat, but he was slumped forward, only held back byhis seat belt. There was fresh blood across his forehead, from a cut that Shirocould see. His eyes were closed and his face was pale, but his small chest wasrising with every breath he took. He wasstill alive.
              Shiroheld back the need to sob and instead focused on trying to reach his son.
              “Keith?Sweetheart, can you hear me? Keith?” Shiro asked softly, wincing at how hoarsehis voice sounded. Keith remained motionless and Shiro’s stomach dropped. “Keith,baby please? Can you hear daddy? It’s going to be alright. I promise,everything is going to be okay.”
              Shirotwisted in his seat again, but found that he couldn’t budge an inch. He triedto free his arm in order to unlock his seat belt but his entire left side waspinned down to the side of the car. There was no way that he could get out onhis own. No way that he could free his baby.
              I can’t even save my son. I didthis to him. If I had been paying attention to the road, none of this wouldhave happened. Shiro felt tears pricking in the corners of his eyes and heswallowed a lump in his throat. For the first time ever, Shiro prayed over andover and over that his son would make it out of this. Please save my son.
              “Sir?Hey! I think he’s awake! We need help over here!” A voice, younger than Shiro’s,yelled out and there was a seat of feet right in front of Shiro. Shiro blinkedwhen the person knelt on the ground and peeked into the car, and he was met byan unfamiliar face. The guy had a strange hat on over his head and wore asimple leather vest with a tank top, and capris. He looked into the car andsoon enough his eyes locked on Shiro.
              “Hey,you’re awake!” The guy breathed a sigh of relief but Shiro found that he couldn’tspeak. “Hey, everything is going to be okay. An ambulance is on its way and you’regoing to be alright. Can you move?” The man frowned when Shiro’s breathingpicked up in pace and his eyes widened. “Whoa, hey, I know this is scary butyou need to calm down man. Okay? If you don’t, you’re going to faint and thatcould be very bad.”
              “P-Please,p-please, m-my s-son. S-Save my s-son.” Shiro managed to stutter and the manalmost stumbled back. It would have been comical with how wide his eyes werebut nothing in this situation was comical. Not to Shiro.
              “Yourson? Alright, help is on the way for both of you.” The man started to stand up,almost out of Shiro’s line of sight, before Shiro cried out and tried to reachtowards the young man. Instantly, the man crouched back down clearly worried.
              “No,p-please h-help him. I-It’s not s-safe in h-here. P-Please. He’s only n-nine.”Shiro croaked and the man’s face softened. He was conflicted about listening tothe man but instead nodded and walked around to the other side of the car.Keith was closest to the door that wasn’t pinned to the ground, and Shiroprayed that would be enough to get him out.
              “Hey,someone help me! There’s a kid in here!” The man yelled much to Shiro’s reliefand he heard more footsteps running towards him. Shiro’s breathing was still tooshallow and too fast but he continued to pray for his son.
              Shiro’sheart stopped every time the car creaked and rattled. He could hear the otherstalking outside of the car and struggling to open the door and just when thingslooked too bleak for Shiro, he heard a cry of triumph and a car door opening.
              “Therehe is. He’s nine apparently.” The man continued and Shiro almost wept with joy.His arm was starting to hurt a lot and soon enough another set of feet stoppedin front of the car and a young woman looked into the window at Shiro. Shesmiled softly.
              “Hithere. Rolo is checking your boy for any serious injuries before moving him,but if everything looks okay, they’re going to cut off the seatbelt and getyour boy to safety.” She said gently, as if talking to a scared child.Breathing still irregular, Shiro nodded.
              “What’shis name?” The woman asked, hoping to distract Shiro from his panic.
              “K-Keith.K-Keith S-Shirogane.” Shiro whispered nervously and the woman smiled.
              “That’sa pretty name. My name is Nyma. What’s yours?” She asked and Shiro swallowedthickly. His heart lurched when the car shook again but he focused on Nyma andher voice.
              “S-Shiro.”Was all he could manage but it was enough for her.
              “He’sout!” Shiro heard the man from earlier, Rolo, yell and Nyma smiled.
              “Hearthat? Your boy is safe now. They’re taking him over to the ambulance who justarrived. The fire department is here soon, and then we’ll get you out, okay?”Nyma stated and Shiro almost cried when he heard other footsteps leaving. Hewanted his baby beside him, but rationally he knew that the safest place was notright beside Shiro. In fact, the further Keith was from Shiro the safest hewas.
              “P-Please,if a-anything h-happens, Keith comes f-first.” Shiro pleaded with the womanbefore she could stand up. Nyma faltered when she looked into the man’s sincereand pain ridden eyes. How could shepromise a possibly dying man, that?
              “O-Okay.”Nyma bit her lip, when the man smiled for the first time. She stood up andwatched as fireman and paramedics came running towards her, and she prayed forthis small family.
              Please save them both.
              “Daddy!Daddy, no! Where’s daddy?!” Shiro lost consciousness when the pain in his armbecame too much and when he came back too, he was no longer trapped on the sideof the car. In fact, he wasn’t in the car anymore, but rolling on a soft bedwith a brace around his neck. Blearily, the world came into focus when Shiroopened his eyes, to see a young woman in a blue uniform looking down at him andtalking.
              “Daddy!I want daddy! Daddy!” Shiro blinked when Keith’s cries became clearer andclearer and he squirmed on his bed.
              Shirocouldn’t see Keith so he struggled to sit up right, only to be pushed down bythe woman in blue and her partner. He weakly tried to struggle against theirhands, in order to get to his son – his baby.
              “Keith?Please, let me see Keith.” Shiro pleaded with the two paramedics when theystopped the gurney outside of the ambulance. “Please, I need to make sure he’sokay!”
              Thewoman bit her lip and said something to her partner that Shiro couldn’t hear. “Please,it’s just a head wound. I’m alright. Let me see my baby.”
              “Daddy!”Keith sobbed where Shiro couldn’t see him.
              Eventuallythe woman sighed and motioned for someone that Shiro couldn’t see. However,soon enough Keith’s little face filled the entirety of Shiro’s vision. Shiro felttears running down his cheek when he looked into Keith’s blue eyes, that werevibrant and full of life.
              How could I let this happen? This is all myfault.
              “OhKeith.” Shiro almost sobbed and his arms were allowed to wrap around Keith, whoburied his face into Shiro’s chest. Shiro could feel some blood wiping acrosshis shirt but as he felt Keith, he couldn’t find any other injuries other thanthe cut on Keith’s forehead. A cut causedby my recklessness. Keith was hurt because I couldn’t be careful.
              “Daddy,oh daddy! I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Keith sobbed when he and Shiro were finallyloaded into the ambulance. Shiro blinked from shock, down at his son and pulledKeith back so he could look at his face. Thiscut was going to scar. He wiped a shaky finger under Keith’s eyes.
              “Whateverfor, baby?” Shiro whispered and Keith hiccupped.
              “It’sall my fault! I’m sorry I distracted you! I didn’t mean to.” Keith sobbed andShiro’s heart sunk.
              “Oh no,baby, this wasn’t your fault!” Shiro said softly, when Keith sniffledmiserably. The nine-year-old clenched tightly on Shiro’s shirt and wasn’t aboutto let go anytime soon.
              “B-But Idistracted you?” Keith’s lower lip wobbled and Shiro smiled softly.
              “No, youdidn’t. That other driver was in the wrong lane.” Shiro said softly, only forhis mind to catch up in realization. Oh.“It was their fault. Not yours at all, there was nothing we could have done tostop it from happening.” Keith’s lip still trembled but eventually he noddedslowly.
              “Theirfault. Not ours.”
              “Yes. Itwas not our fault.” Shiro said,cuddling Keith closer to him. “The important thing is that you’re safe andokay.” Shiro brushed back a bit of Keith’s hair while Keith nodded tiredly.
              “You toodaddy. Are you okay?” Keith mumbled and Shiro sighed.
              “We willbe. I promise we will be okay. We’re together after all.”
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businessliveme · 4 years
Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash in California
(Bloomberg) — Kobe Bryant, the basketball icon who won five NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, died in a helicopter crash Sunday, leaving a legacy that spanned 20 years in professional sports and a growing second career as an investor.
Bryant was among nine people killed when a helicopter slammed into a hillside in Calabasas, California, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said. He was 41. Also among the victims were his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, another parent and a teammate from Gianna’s travel sports team.
“The NBA family is devastated,” NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. And in a sign that Bryant’s impact went deep into the city where he made his career, Los Angeles Mayor Mayor Eric Garcetti said he “will live forever in the heart of Los Angeles, and will be remembered through the ages as one of our greatest heroes.”
A 6-foot-6 small forward, Bryant was a gifted scorer whose intensity and work ethic became lore throughout the sports world. He entered the NBA in 1996 directly out of high school, and as the youngest player in the league had an almost-immediate impact for the Lakers. At the time the team was looking for the next star to continue a run of legends that included Jerry West, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson.
Bryant delivered. During his 20-year pro career he won — in addition to his NBA titles — two gold medals in the Olympics, two NBA Finals MVPs and a regular season MVP in 2008. He led the league in scoring twice and retired with 33,643 points — third on the league’s all-time scoring list until he was passed this weekend by LeBron James. He wore two jerseys for the Lakers — No. 8 and No. 24 — and the team retired both.
Complex Legacy
His career was not without controversy. In 2003, he was accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old hotel employee in Colorado. Bryant said the encounter was consensual, and criminal charges were dropped when his accuser refused to testify. She later filed a civil suit against him, and the two sides settled out of court, with Bryant issuing an apology but admitting no guilt.
The rape case created a complex legacy for Bryant, who repaired his reputation both on the court, and off it, becoming a celebrated investor and businessman. He co-founded a venture capital firm in 2013 and in 2018 won an Academy Award for best animated short for 2017’s “Dear Basketball,” based on a poem he wrote announcing his retirement.
Bryant’s immense popularity, including overseas in China, made him a valuable endorser even after he finished playing. No partnership was as big as his long-time relationship with Nike Inc. Bryant signed with the company in 2003 and became one of the sneaker-maker’s most important athlete endorsers. Nike built an entire apparel line around Bryant, and released more than 10 signature Kobe shoes.
“He was one of the greatest athletes of his generation and has had an immeasurable impact on the world of sport and the community of basketball,” the company said in a statement.
Bryant’s name was the first to be mentioned on-stage at the Grammy Awards on Sunday evening, when singer Lizzo dedicated the night to him before opening the show with a two-song performance. His two retired basketball jerseys were illuminated in Staples Center, home of the Lakers.
“We’re all feeling crazy sadness right now,” host Alicia Keys said, before singing a song in Bryant’s honor. “We’re literally standing here heartbroken in the house that Kobe Bryant built.”
Bryant’s Childhood
Kobe Bean Bryant was born in Philadelphia on Aug. 23, 1978. Son of a professional basketball player, Bryant moved to Italy when he was 6 after his father took a job with a team in Rieti. Fluent in Italian, Bryant returned to the U.S. in 1991, and starred as a high schooler for Philadelphia’s Lower Merion High School.
He was drafted 13th overall in 1996 by the Charlotte Hornets, who traded him to the Lakers — the only team he would ever play for. Even early in his career, his work ethic set him apart from others. Longtime NBA coach Byron Scott recalls finding Bryant, when he was 18, shooting alone in an empty gym two hours before practice.
“I go out to the court and I look, and there’s Kobe Bryant, he’s out there shooting in the dark,” Scott told Business Insider in 2017. “I stood there for probably about 10 seconds and I said, ‘This kid is going to be great.’”
Paired with Hall of Fame center Shaquille O’Neal, Bryant won his first NBA title in 2000, the first of three straight that the team would win. After O’Neal departed, Bryant went on to win two more, in 2009 and 2010. He was named the finals MVP for both.
NBA Highlights
Outside of the championships, Bryant’s career contains a number of legendary NBA moments. In 2005, he outscored the Dallas Mavericks 62-61 through three quarters of a regular season game. A month later he scored 81 points in a game against the Toronto Raptors, the closest any player before or since had come to touching Chamberlain’s record 100.
In 2013, he tore his Achilles tendon against the Golden State Warriors, and hit two free throws before leaving the game. It’s just one of many examples of how Bryant fought through injuries in his career. Former Lakers teammate John Celestand remembers another, when Bryant broke his wrist during the 1999-2000 season.
“I am ashamed to say that I was excited the day after his injury because I knew that there was no way that No. 8 would be the first to practice, if he would even be there at all,” Celestand wrote in 2005 blog post. “As I walked through the training room, I became stricken with fear when I heard a ball bouncing. No, no, it couldn’t be! Yes it could. Kobe was already in a full sweat with a cast on his right arm, and dribbling and shooting with his left.”
Business Career
Bryant began investing long before he retired from the NBA. Those who worked with him said he showed the same intensity and work ethic in pitch meetings that he used to show on the court. He’d frequently cold-call CEOs and business leaders — including former Nike Chief Executive Officer Mark Parker, former Apple Inc. executive Jony Ive, and media moguls Oprah Winfrey and Arianna Huffington — to learn more about their business.
Bryant’s legacy cut across multiple fields — sports, entertainment, business — and social media erupted with messages and lamentations. Nike posted a poignant image in saying goodbye to Bryant, whose nickname was Black Mamba.
Among his most successful investments was an early stake in the sports drink-maker BodyArmor. He reportedly put $6 million into the company in 2014, a stake that was worth an estimated $200 million after Coca-Cola took a majority stake in BodyArmor four years later.
“It’s the same mentality” as playing basketball, Bryant told Bloomberg Businessweek of his investing back in 2018. “You win one championship, you can go on vacation all summer long or be in the gym the next day working on winning the next one. That same mentality carries through to what we are doing today, to me being here now.”
In 2013 he co-founded Bryant Stibel, a venture capital firm, with Jeff Stibel. The firm has invested in more than two dozen companies, including video game publisher Epic Games, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.com, Cholula hot sauce, and athlete-centered media platform the Players Tribune.
He dabbled in media as well, launching a production company called Kobe Studios.
Bryant leaves behind a wife, Vanessa, and three surviving daughters — Natalia, Bianka and Capri, who was born last year.
The Crash
The National Transportation Safety Board said it dispatched investigators to the crash site.
The superstar, his daughter and other passengers were traveling in a Sikorsky S-76B, a popular helicopter for commercial uses that has been used for decades. The helicopter identified by flight-tracking website Flightradar24 is owned by Island Express Holding Corp. in Van Nuys, California, according to Federal Aviation Administration records.
Flightradar24 said preliminary data indicated the helicopter had taken off from John Wayne Airport in Orange County, just south of Los Angeles, at 9:06 a.m. local time. It flew over Los Angeles and Glendale, then over the San Fernando Valley before turning toward the rugged Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu.
In its last recorded position at 9:45 a.m., the helicopter was at 1,700 feet altitude and flying at 176 miles per hour. Photos of the crash site show that it hit an undeveloped hillside.
The final tweet on Bryant’s personal account referred to James’s achievement on the court this weekend passing him as No. 3 on the all-time NBA scoring list.
In 2010, Bryant spoke with Yahoo! Sports about his legacy.
“When my career is over, I want them to think of me as an overachiever despite the talent that I have,” Bryant said. “To think of me as a person that’s overachieved, that would mean a lot to me. That means I put a lot of work in and squeezed every ounce of juice out of this orange that I could.”
The post Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash in California appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
Kobe Bryant’s legendary work ethic allowed him to become a global icon – The Sun
KOBE Bryant may be gone, but his illustrious basketball career is forever etched in NBA history. Generations of NBA fans reminisced on the countless memories left by the former Los Angeles Lakers icon following the news of his tragic death at the age of 41. 16 NBA legend Kobe Bryant will be remembered for his relentless work ethic throughout his 20-year careerCredit: � 2010 Broadimage Newswire16 The 41-year-old was tragically killed in a helicopter crash in California on SundayCredit: ReutersThroughout his 20-year NBA career, Kobe was notorious for his relentless work ethic and dedication to success. “Those times when you get up early and you work hard,” he said during his jersey retirement ceremony in 2017. “Those times you stay up late and you work hard. Those times when you don’t feel like working. “You’re too tired. You don’t want to push yourself, but you do it anyway. “That is actually the dream.” The 18-time all-star would show up two hours early to 7am practices, and as a high schooler would make his teammates stay after to play him one-on-one until someone reached 100 points. Former Lakers head coach Byron Scott would find an 18-year-old Kobe drenched in sweat in a dark gym practicing fundamentals two hours before his teammates arrived, according to Inc. “I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language,” the NBA legend once said. “I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.” 16 Kobe would reportedly arrive two hours early to 7am practice to go over his fundamentals in a dark gymCredit: Getty Images – Getty16 His hard work paid off – Kobe won a total of five NBA championships, three of which were consecutiveCredit: NBA Classic – Getty16 Kobe famously beefed with former teammate Shaq for years, but the two reconciled before his deathCredit: NBA Classic – GettyFour years after joining the Lakers, Kobe won his first NBA championship with coach Phil Jackson. He would go on to “three-peat” with Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal, winning the NBA Finals three years straight from 2000 to 2002. Kobe was famously captured crying in the Lakers locker room after the 2001 NBA Finals while holding the Larry O’Brien trophy. Though people initially assumed he cried tears of joy, he revealed to Sports Illustrated in 2012 he was sad because he couldn’t relish his accomplishment with his father. At 21, Kobe got engaged to Vanessa Laine, causing a fallout with Joe, who disapproved of his son’s relationship because Laine was Latina and not black. He went against his father’s wishes and married Vanessa in 2001, who he built a family with throughout their marriage of over two decades. The couple had four daughters – Natalia Diamante, Gianna Maria-Onore, Bianka Bella, and Capri Kobe. Kobe inspired Gianna to pursue basketball like her father, and she dreamed of one day suiting up for the UConn Huskies. 16 He was famously captured crying after his 2001 championship because he wasn’t on speaking terms with his father at the timeCredit: Getty Images – Getty16 Kobe married his wife Vanessa in 2001 and had four daughters with her16 Kobe’s second-oldest, Gianna, also wanted to become a basketball player and suit up for the UConn HuskiesCredit: USA TODAY SportsAlthough he had fallen out with his parents in 2013 over his family secretly selling his personal memorabilia, he considered them his “backbone.” “My parents are my backbone. Still are,” said Kobe. “They’re the only group that will support you if you score zero or your score 40.” Although his intense attitude occasionally alienated his teammates, it ultimately earned him the respect of his peers. He famously beefed with Shaq for years, even suggesting at one point that his former teammate could have worked harder during their time together on the Lakers. The two eventually buried the hatchet and reconciled before his death, according to Heavy.com. Born Kobe Bean Bryant in 1978, the future NBA Hall of Famer lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania until the age of six, when his father – former Philadelphia 76ers star Joe Bryant – retired from basketball and moved the family to Rieti, Italy. 16 Born in 1978, Kobe spent most of his formative years in Philadephia, Pennsylvania16 The future Hall of Famer was drafted by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996, who then traded him to the Los Angeles LakersCredit: AP:Associated Press16 He won his first NBA Championship in 2000 and would win two more in 2001 and 2002Credit: Getty Images – GettyYoung Kobe – who first picked up a basketball at only three years old – learned to speak fluent Italian while his father played in Italy’s A1 and A2 basketball leagues. During the summers, he traveled back stateside to play in a summer league. The sport quickly became a refuge for the child prodigy, who often spent his days at the playground imagining he was playing in an NBA Finals game – something he’d accomplish seven times in his short life. “When I would get really down, I could always pick up a basketball and go to the playground and shoot and just put myself in the scenario of being in a finals game,” he told 60 Minutes in 2001. He returned to Philadelphia to attend Lower Merion High School, where he was the first freshman in decades to start on the varsity team. Kobe ended his high school career as Southeastern Pennsylvania’s all-time leading scorer, according to his alma mater’s website. The 17-year-old high school senior shelved his dreams of attending college to go pro in 1996 – an unprecedented move at the time – becoming only the sixth player in NBA history to do so. He was drafted by the Charlotte Hornets, but was eventually traded to the Los Angeles Lakers to become the nucleus of what would morph into one of the most well-known dynasties in professional sports. In 2006, he recorded one of the greatest single-game performances in the NBA when he exploded for 81 points against the Toronto Raptors at Staples Center. 16 Kobe won two gold medals with Team USA in the 2008 and 2012 Olympic gamesCredit: Reuters16 In 2017, he became the first player in NBA history to have both of his numbers retiredCredit: AP:Associated PressTwo years later, he won the gold with Team USA when they defeated Spain in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. He would add a second gold medal to his collection four years later in London before retiring from the league in 2016, NBC Philadephia reported. Kobe is best known for his athletic prowess on the hardwood, but his persona has transcended basketball and influenced countless athletes around the world. In 2017, he became the only player in the league to have both of his jerseys retired. He became the first NBA player to win a championship and an Academy Award in 2018, when he won the Oscar for best short film. Paris St. Germain stars Neymar and Kylian Mbappe paid homage to the NBA great upon hearing the news of his death on Sunday. Similarly, superstars Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi commemorated the “legend” and “inspiration” in social media posts of their own.
So sad to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Kobe was a true legend and inspiration to so many. Sending my condolences to his family and friends and the families of all who lost their lives in the crash. RIP Legend💔 pic.twitter.com/qKb3oiDHxH— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) January 26, 2020
16 Kobe became the first and only NBA player to win a championship and an Oscar in 2018Credit: Reuters16 His legacy has transcended sports and elevated him into one of the most impactful athletes of the 20th centuryCredit: AFP – GettyMAP OF DEATH ‘Real time’ heat map shows deadly coronavirus spreading around the world SICK GHOULS Outrage as fake video of Kobe Bryant helicopter crash is spread on social media KING MOURNS KOBE LeBron breaks down over Kobe death a day after passing him in NBA history ATTACKED Rockets land ‘direct hit’ on US embassy in Baghdad & ‘military response underway’ WEIGHT LIST Mom and two daughters left ‘humiliated’ when told ‘they’re too big to fly’ CAUGHT WITH PANTS DOWN Disgusting ‘parking lot pooper’ busted POOING in public eight times Kobe and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna were tragically killed along with nine others who were aboard a helicopter that spiraled and crashed in Calabasas, California on Sunday. The Black Mamba’s legacy continues to live on through the Mamba Sports Academy, which he opened in 2018 to train athletes who aspired to greatness, much like his younger self. “MAMBA Sports Academy is a natural expansion of my commitment to educating and empowering the next generation of kids through sports,” he told Bleacher Report in 2018. Mamba, out. 16 Kobe opened his own youth training center, the Mamba Sports Academy, in 2018Credit: AFP or licensorsDo you have a story for The US Sun team? Email us at [email protected] or call 212 416 4552. LeBron James in tears as he exits the Los Angeles Lakers team plane following the news of Kobe Bryant’s death Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/kobe-bryants-legendary-work-ethic-allowed-him-to-become-a-global-icon-the-sun/
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jessicaptain · 5 years
I get asked a lot : “How did you get into bike racing?”
My parents weren’t cyclists and they are about as athletic as any typical middle-aged parent is. My father played sports in high school, mainly football. I remember growing up on Layton Avenue, playing baseball with my father and some neighborhood kids. I’m pretty sure my father was the only adult out there, tossing a ball with an underhand throw toward us kids, as we swung and miss, swung and miss, until we finally struck the ball out into the cul-de-sac.
Before we could chase down the ball, we had to look both ways before crossing the street. We’d shuffle up to ball, cup in our 7-year old hands, and try with all our might, throw it back to my father, likely misdirecting the ball, forcing him to chase after it.
I learned how to ride a bike in that cul-de-sac as well. There was no such thing as Stryders then so I teetered on my pink bike complete with training wheels that never seemed to be level. I’m sure there were a lot circles pedaled and bated breaths as I picked up speed. I’m assuming there was a point in my cycling when my parents believed enough in my balancing abilities to unscrew the training wheels.
I’m also assuming I was part terrified and part excited for this new skill. I can see it now: my father holding the bike steady as I wobbled down the street; his steps picking up from a walk to a jog as I pedaled faster. At one point he had to let go and we both had to trust my practicing. I’m sure it wasn’t this elegant. I guarantee there were trips, falls, scrapes, and tears.
And eventually, like most girls, I stopped pedaling around my neighbor and focused my attention on school, sleepovers, MTV music videos (when they actually played music videos), boys, concerts, writing, and eventually, driving around town. If you biked, you didn’t have money for a car – at least that’s what I assumed when I was younger. Biking was for poor people. Little did I know how expensive cycling really is.
The only cycling influence I had in my life before I started cycling was my Uncle Don. He had a beer belly that hung over his pants and a greying goatee. His legs were hairy and his arms hung off his shoulders like a python wrapped around the trunk of a tree. I knew he’d take his bike with his buddies around town and when he told us over Thanksgiving Dinners he rode 50 miles that morning, I was shocked someone would spend that long on a bike. As if he had better things to do, like helping my mother and grandmother prepare the food.
“How long did that take you?” I’d ask.
“A few hours or so” he’d tell us.
I’d stare at him, waiting for him to follow-up with “just kidding,” but he was serious. I thought it was insane; that he was insane; and that only 50-something year-old men spent three hours riding their bike clear across town and back. There was no way people my age rode a bike. Certainly, not with the spandex and cut-off gloves. At the time, I assumed only middle-aged men and some women rode bikes. Because it was better for your knees and all. Why would a 20-something year old pick up a bike and ride 50 miles when there were so many other things to do like snowboarding, brunching, sleeping in, hiking, whatever.
Then Uncle Don participated in Ride the Rockies, a week-Long bicycling tour through the Colorado Rockies. He’d tell us about the mountains he’d climb, the grades, and how fast he’d fly downhill. It sounded miserable to me: Cycling 50-80 miles per day for 5-6 days in a row. “How did that not bruise your ass?” He’d laugh as he explained what cycling bibs, chamois cream, and the importance of bike fits were.
I didn’t start riding a bike again until I returned from my Master’s degree in Ireland in 2013. I met a guy online, Jared, who rode bikes.
We went on a couple of dates and shared our life stories over beer and cider (when I used to drink cider). Seeing as he was my age, I took a different view on bike riding. Maybe it wasn’t as dorky as I thought if people my age were doing it. He made it seem fun and a great way to exercise. My idea of exercise at the time was running on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then picking random machines throughout the gym, pretending like I knew what I was doing.
Jared asked if I wanted to ride bikes with him one day. I didn’t own a bike, but I wanted to give it a try. I considered it a challenge and I liked those. I texted my Uncle Don to see if he had any bikes lying around that my younger cousin Meaghann, his daughter, no longer used. Sure enough, there was a mountain bike he bought her long ago, when she was my size (before her growth spurt) hanging in the garage.
“It isn’t anything special, but it’ll get you a few miles.”
He brought it over to my mother’s house and gave me the rundown of the bike – where the gears were, the brakes, and if I needed help, to call him. He helped me adjust the seat so I didn’t have to overextend my legs to turn the pedals.
I texted Jared to let him know I could go ride with him. We planned for the next day. He offered to come to my mother’s where we could leave from there. My mother’s house was two miles from the c470 bike path and six miles from Bear Creek Park.
Find yourself a Jared.
If it wasn’t for Jared, I wouldn’t have gotten into cycling. He had so many extra doodads that it made starting bicycling easy. On our first biking adventure, he brought over a Bell helmet and gloves because I didn’t own anything cycling-related at the time. Luckily, we had the same sized head. Although the gloves were loose, I grew to rely on them to save my palms during longer rides.
I didn’t own a jersey or shorts, and I didn’t realize I’d need them, so I threw on my Under Armour capris and top, because we were doing exercise, right? I laced up my tennis shoes and covered my eyes with $5 sunglasses. I scrolled through Facebook as I waited for jared to arrive.
He brought the helmet and old pair of gloves for me. We adjusted the chin strap of the used blue Bell helmet to make sure I was neither choking nor revealing too much forehead. The gloves hung loose around my fingers, but I thought that’s how they were supposed to be.
Jared started his Garmin and I watched, curious why you’d need to track mileage, cadence, speed. He also had a heart rate monitor which I didn’t understand the need for either. Like, did your heart rate really raise that much to necessitate a monitor for it? It was all foreign to me.
Our first ride was easy enough to not turn me away from riding more. We made it to Bear Creek Park, took a spin through, and came back. Likely, 12 or so miles. It helped that Jared was incredibly patient with me. Jared had been riding for a year longer and soft pedaled most of the time. I think he was okay with it because it meant he had someone to ride with. I felt guilty for making him wait for me often. I couldn’t comprehend the patience it took to ride with a complete beginner. I know I wouldn’t have had it.
Rides were flat and anticlimactic at the beginning. I don’t recall much of borrowing my cousin’s mountain bike during the summer. I don’t remember if I was frustrated or excited to ride bikes with Jared. The beginning rides all blended together. I know it became a thing for us because we planned a bike ride every weekend.
I didn’t have the foresight to realize what was happening to my body and interests.
After six months of riding the clunky mountain bike, Jared convinced me to start looking for my own road bike. When I started looking in the Sales tabs of local bike shops, I started considering hybrid bikes because they were cheaper. I didn’t think I’d get serious about cycling so something that was lighter and less clunky than the mountain bike seemed reasonable enough.
As I perused the flat handlebar hybrid bikes, Jared begged me to get a road bike. “You’ll regret a hybrid bike” he’d tell me. I didn’t see what was the big deal with getting a hybrid. I thought road bikes with the bent handlebars were for Tour de France racers, not beginners like me.
Maybe Jared had the foresight I lacked.
All the road bikes in the shop were still full price even though it was December. Jared suggested “shopping around,” and as much as I hated shopping, I knew picking the right bike, for those prices, was important. It certainly wasn’t like choosing a pair of socks.
I started looking online for sales: eBay, Craigslist, and found a Giant Avail for sale at Giant. It was a small which I assumed was my size. I emailed giant asking if the bike was still available. It was.
I told them I’d be in that night to check it out. I asked Jared to come with me since I knew nothing about bikes; and I wasn’t going to pretend I did.
Jared and I met at the store and walked in. As the doorbell dinged, Troy greeted us before we made it a few feet inside the shop. “I asked about the small Giant Avail bike that’s on sale.”
“You’re Jessica?”
“Here, follow me. I’ll show you the bike.”
There it was, the silver frame with accents of blue, perched among other bikes waiting for their forever home. Troy adjusted the seat for me and directed the black handlebars toward me. “Take it for a spin,” he said.
I wasn’t sure what shifted what or how responsive the brakes were. I kept my hands on the hoods of the bike as I steered through parking spaces, up and down lanes. I wasn’t confident enough to ride in the “curved part of the handlebar.”
After a few minutes pedaling in the parking lot in my jeans and Jared’s borrowed bike helmet, I bought it. The grand total was $700-something. My biggest purchase aside from laptops. I was committed now.
Nonchalantly, as I wheeled out the bike from Giant, Jared meekly said, “so now we train for the E-rock  century ride.”
“What’s a Century Ride?” I asked.
“It’s a hundred-mile ride,” he told me.
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” he laughed.
I strapped my bike into the bike rack Jared gave me. He bought a better rack and “didn’t have space” in his condo. As I pulled the rubber straps over the top tube of my clean, fancy-looking bike, I agreed: “sure, why the fuck not.”
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The post From training wheels to Zipp wheels appeared first on Jessica McWhirt.
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Diet And Nutrition
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