#and that’s it that’s Ali and Derek’s relationship
killerpenguinn · 2 years
Derek sounds like adam levine. I will not elaborate. Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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nycreid · 1 year
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Books and Notes by @galaxy-siren
Summary: During movie night with Derek and Garcia, Spencer’s neighbor returns a book she borrowed and leaves a note inside it asking Spencer to dinner.
pov : you're dating spencer reid :) by @socklessworm
Little Touches by @radiant-reid
Summary: Just a few moments where Spencer learns how much he loves touches
Magic Words by @aperrywilliams
Summary: With a two-month-old, life could be messy, but Spencer won’t waste any chance to enjoy his paternity.
Sunshine by @radiant-reid
Summary: Spencer is usually really good at keeping secrets, and it takes a few months for him to drop the ball and reveal who his ‘sunshine’ is to the whole team
Baby Daddy by @shemarmooresfedora
Summary: You are running out of time to have a kid of your own so you are assessing your options.
How Everyone Found Out by @radiant-reid
Summary: a little blurb about how each of the team members found out about a secret BAU relationship
Mon genre by @coldbrewat3am
Summary: When sugar!daddy Spencer gets jealous, reader gets to reap the benefits
You're Something Else by @samuel-de-champagne-problems
Summary: Reader reveals to her boyfriend, Spencer, that she's never had sex. He takes it into his hands to change that, with her enthusiastic support of course
Every Bit, Every Inch by @drspencerweed
Summary: After a long night out, Reader is excited to jump her boyfriend's bones as soon as she sees him. When he gets too in his head, she shows him the best way to get out of it.
Jamais by @coldbrewat3am
Summary: Reader has never had an orgasm. Spencer plans on changing that
Anatomy Lesson | Secret Sex Buddy | Not Just A Genius by @downondilaudid
Summary: Reader has some sex trouble, out of all people to ask for help, she asks Spencer Reid. (mini series)
Taboo Nightmare by ^
Summary: Reader has an amazing one night stand with a stranger from a bar, only to regret her decision days later when she walks into class and realizes he’s her new professor. 
Not Even Close by @fortheloveofwonderland
Summary: the aftermath of a hostage situation causes you and your least favourite person, Spencer, to grow closer. When you have to reevaluate your feelings for Spencer, you might find you never actually hated him at all.
Bureau by @coldbrewat3am
Summary: Staying late with your boss has its benefits
Jazz & Jealousy by @imagining-in-the-margins
Summary: On a visit from New Orleans, Ethan takes a liking to Spencer’s crush. Spencer is not thrilled by this.
Devil eyes by @sinfulspencer
Summary: Spencer, dressed up as a devil, is drawn to the angel dancing around him at the club.
It’s Just Indifference by @andiebeaword
Summary: Reader goes on the best date of her life. Her only regret was not getting his number in return. 15 months later, they see each other again at her favorite coffee shop.
The Antithesis of Loss by @radiant-reid
Summary: With Spencer in prison, Y/n struggles with how much she loves him until he’s finally out.
And I’ll Do Anything That You Say (If You Say It With Your Hands) (+18) by @samuel-de-champagne-problems
Summary: Spencer and Reader are forced to share a room, but can't resist falling into old patterns, even though it's dangerous and just might break them.
The Love Hypothesis by @goldentournesol
Summary: Y/N is a third year grad student who kisses the first man she sees in order to cover up a lie. What happens when she finds out that the man she kisses is none other than the legendary Dr. Spencer Reid? Will Dr. Reid play along? (loosely based off the novel The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood)
Twisted by @dreamwritesimagines
Summary: No one can outrun their past. 
Settle Down by @write-orflight
Summary: Y/N and Spencer don’t get along but turn to each other for the one thing you need someone else for… A baby. You can plantonically start a family, right?
Part 2?
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Hi I’m the anon! Thank you I’ll send the submission later with the fake email like you suggested! It’s taking me a bit since it’s a lot
(mod ali here just pasting their submission to their ask to keep everything tidy)
the sterek fandom has been racist For those that don’t know, sterek is the name of the ship between Stiles Stilinski and derek hale from the show Teen Wolf, which ran from 2011-2017. A sequel movie was announced last year and is scheduled to release soon (and with the announcement, brought back a dormant fandom). For context, the ship itself is controversial and problematic due to 99% of the scenes (and all of the ship fodder) between the characters taking place when Stiles is 15/16 and derek is 22/23 (shippers will argue that his age in the original draft of the script was listed as 19 (which is still an adult) but it’s irrelevant since his age was changed to 22/23 by the time the character was cast) making Stiles underage while derek is an adult. It’s made even more disturbing when you consider that one of derek’s traumas has to do with being molested by an adult when he was 15/16. There is always a lot of fandom discourse over underage/pedophilic ships but ultimately the problematic nature of the ship itself has little to do with the racism and misogyny of the fandom. To start with, the show itself has very few POC characters in the cast, 2 to be exact. The first is the main character Scott McCall (played by Tyler Posey who is half-Mexican and a MOC) and the other is Danny Mahealani (played by Keahu Kahuanui who is Hawaiian and a MOC). Danny is also the only gay character at the beginning of the series. From the start, Scott was sidelined by the fandom who, as always happens in fandom, ignored him in favor of zeroing in on the two white guys (which happens all the time like for example when FATWS came out early last year, Sam was often sidelined by fans in favor of Bucky, zemo (who is a villain), or even Steve (who wasn’t even in the show) when the show was about Sam’s journey). The sterek fandom would even try to argue that Scott wasn’t the main character of the show and say that they’re all the main character (ignoring that the show is about Scott and his story) or insisting that the show should have centered on the Stiles and derek instead.
The show also got accused of queerbait which isn’t inaccurate but if you watch the show itself, the baiting and subtext was actually between Stiles and Danny. Stiles repeatedly asks Danny if he finds him attractive and is grateful when Danny offers to sleep with him (and then disappointed when Danny reveals he’s joking). There is actual text and subtext between them but for some reason the fandom either ignores it, considers it a joke, or uses Stiles canon interaction to Danny as a form of “proof” that he is or will be attracted to derek
The relationship between Stiles and derek doesn’t have anything that suggest any romantic tension or subtext (and a lot of newer fans that watch the show talked about being confused by what made people ship it in the first place) and actually consists of Stiles being scared of derek and derek being annoyed by stiles. Their relationship slowly progresses to where by the end of the series they are somewhat friends but they each still have a lot more people they care about way more: one of them being Scott, who once again gets pushed aside and has his relationships with both characters diminished and ignored. there was also the added misogyny with characters playing canon love interests getting a lot of hate. in particular, Braeden and her actress Meagan Tandy got a lot of hate, facing both misogyny and racism. fans would at best hide their misogyny behind claims of wanting her to be a “badass independent woman” (as though a woman can’t be that and be in a relationship simultaneously) or at worst use blatant attacks her and her actress (including claiming that Meagan was “obsessed” with Tyler since she shipped Braeden and derek (something tyler said he shipped as well)). To top it all off, sterek fans have relentlessly harassed the actors and fans with their hate being targeted specifically towards Tyler Posey (who has publicly voiced his dislike for the ship) and their hate knows no boundaries with attacks even going as far as bringing up his past addiction issues, his looks, his sexuality (constantly trying to invalidate his sexuality when he came out as sexually fluid but at the same time insisting tyler h and Dylan, whove never suggested they were anything but straight, are secretly in a relationship), or even his mother (who had passed away from cancer a few years ago).
For example this account, that has page after page harassing Tyler over sterek and also page after page supporting Dylan O’Brien. but then being revealed as a conservative who supports trump and was one of the people rioting on January 6th and when someone brought up that Dylan would hate them, they claimed they hate Dylan too but support him constantly because they’re “curious” about his personal life.
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Sterek fans either ignore people or are just like them. When teen wolf was called out and faced backlash for not paying Arden Cho (the only WOC in the main cast) the same amount as the other actresses in the movie, stereks either made it entirely about Dylan (who liked one tweet about the situation (the same tweet colton liked) and otherwise said nothing) or made it about her, Dylan, and tyler H “taking down” jeff and Tyler Posey. The irony here being that tyler h was a producer in the movie and had an active behind the scenes role. Making a Arden’s mistreatment and the gross racism she faced all about a white man or being gleeful that it’s a take down against Tyler Posey is latest in a long line of racist bullshit the sterek fandom has put out.
The sterek fandom and ship has in recent years been called out and hated on for the gross nature of the ship but fans should also keep in mind that it is also full of racism and misogyny and has been since the very beginning.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (11-17 Dec 2022)
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🥰 The Bullet That Missed (Thursday Murder Club #3) (Richard Osman, author; Fiona Shaw, narrator) - just a joy to spend some more time with Joyce, Ron, Elizabeth, Ibrahim and the rest of the gang for another adventure
😊 Love of a Particular Kind (Laura Kaye (laurakaye)) - 59K, Clint/Coulson, BIRD-BASED omegaverse, excellently detailed worldbuilding, absolutely fascinating
😍 The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home (turningterrific) - 82K, canon-divergent Sterek - love this story of Derek finally leaving BH, finding safety & healing and the slow burn development of his relationship with Stiles
😊 Charged (cydonic) - 47K, no-powers AU with rich single dad Steve and accidental nanny Bucky
💖💖 +176K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the world throws its light underneath your hair (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 6.5K - this series is incredible and every new entry a delight
Quench (AidaRonan) - MCU: stucky, 9.4K - because the brilliant phrase 'body like a Mack truck made of ribeye' popped into my head and I had to reread this forever fave
Bring Us Some Figgy Spankings and a Happy New Year (Kellyscams) - MCU: stucky, 7.3K - some fun porny holiday goodness
Mamma Mia!
One Day At A Time - s2, e13; s3, e13
How To Build A Sex Room - s1, e1
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e6
The Old Guard
The Sandman - s1, e11
Off Menu - Ep 143: Siobhán McSweeney
The Sporkful - Rick Martínez Hates The Word ‘Authentic’
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Luciadagen
You're Dead To Me - Medieval Christmas
On the Media - Re-Sorting the Shelves: A Look at Bias In the Dewey Decimal System
Switched on Pop - How Bad Bunny won 2022
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Sponge Capital of the World
Decoder Ring Plus - Cellino & Barnes, Injury Attorneys, 800-888-8888
Betwixt The Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society - Trash
Artifactual - Live From Pearl Harbor
Artifactual - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Artifactual - The We Three Trio: Music from the Space Race
Artifactual - Finding James Bond's Vehicles
99% Invisible #518 - Mini-Stories: Volume 15
Vibe Check - The Holiday Hottie Survival Guide
ICYMI Plus - Why Did NBC’s Internet Culture Reporter Spend So Much Time on Reddit?
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Endless Hertz
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Duke Riley and the poly S. Tyrene Maritime Museum
Ologies with Alie Ward - Meteorology (WEATHER & CLIMATE) with Marshall Shepherd
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Getting Lost
Betwixt The Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society - Rochester: The Restoration's Filthiest Poet with Neil Gaiman
Off Menu - Ep 4: Nish Kumar (Christmas Special)
You're Dead To Me - The Victorian Christmas
You're Dead To Me - Christmas with Charles Dickens
Strong Songs - The Music of Star Wars: Andor
"Godzilla" [Blue Öyster Cult] radio
Presenting Bad Bunny
Foundations of Metal
Multi Cello Retro TV/Video Game
The Clash [The Clash]
Give 'Em Enough Rope [The Clash]
London Calling [The Clash]
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Kylie Christmas (Snow Queen Edition) [Kylie Minogue]
Christmas Through Your Eyes [Gloria Estefan]
If On A Winter's Night [Sting]
Christmas Island [Jimmy Buffett]
'Tis The SeaSon [Jimmy Buffett]
Quality Street: A Seasonal Selection for All the Family [Nick Lowe]
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byrone · 1 year
The one reason why I liked Euphoria
Even though it's been a while since the show aired, I think it's important to talk about this at any time. Euphoria's not perfect. It sure has it's flaws, especially the S2. But that's not what this post is about (I'll get to that some other time, don't worry). What I wanna get into is one of the things I liked about it and the number one reason why I feel like it's important to watch.
All the characters you go through the story with are flawed, that much is obvious. Rue has mental issues and grieves her father's death, both of which she deals with by taking opioids. Jules has mental problems and a very complicated relationship with her own body. Cassie has dependence issues. Maddy has a toxic image of herself in her mind she wants desperately to achieve. Lexi is ignored and not appreciated and uses her bitterness to make the infamous musical. Kat has her internalized misandry. Cal has personality problems and a hidden regret for not being ever able to explore his relationship with Derek. Nate has the toxicity of Cal's views of the world to fight with and is scared to explore his own sexuality because of it. Fez can't escape the net of drug dealing he was caught up in as a young boy. Ali became an addict as violent as his father - the one thing he swore he'd never be.
What's the interesting part - what makes this show so fucking significant - is the fact that there is a great effort to tell us precisely why the characters are the way they are. What made them struggle and be imperfect. They've taken care of that by making every episode's prologue into a summary of each character's backstory. Now I'll admit - they aren't all 100% equal in quantity, some characters are given more space than others, especially in the overall story arch. But it's close enough to equal (in the S1 at least) for everyone to be able to get a good picture of them all.
This aspect of the show is by my standards the most fundamental part of it. I believe in determinism (and incompatible free will, I'll get to that in a moment), which is a term that gets misunderstood a lot, so let me explain it really quickly. Determinism states that all events are determined by the previously existing causes. That means everything that happens did so because of something. A person builds a house because his previous one got blown off by a tornado, for example. Now, determinism applied to people's actions (and there it gets to my own personal understanding of the term) means that everybody is not only heavily influenced by their surroundings, but actually our surroundings ARE what makes us. Everything we are, everything we do in life, is based on something or someone else. Every decision we make is acting upon our belief system that was created from our life experience - what our parents tought us (conciously or unconciously), what we learned at school, what people influenced us. Every time you decide to do something, the 'free will', as we call it, is actually just a bunch of patches of your life experience and knowledge and all of that is created by the context of your past. Taken to the extreme, I don't think we have any free will at all. This is of course highly philosophical and in real life people couldn't act upon this (by which I mean act like nobody has a free will and thus can't be responsible for their actions), because we wouldn't be able to function as a society. But that doesn't mean it's not true. For example every murderer, every rapist, every person deemed by society as 'pure evil' did what they did because something drove them to do it and they weren't able to decide otherwise because of their life experience. What they did was bad and it should be dealt with in some way, and although I firmly believe that punishment is not the answer, it is true that we should react to a bad behaviour. And we should do it with as full as possible context in our minds.
That's what I love about Euphoria. They tell you about the characters' actions, whether they be good or bad, and let you base your decision of what to think about them on what they've been through and on the real reasons behind what they're doing. That's also what made me actually like all the characters, not just have my favourites. Even though we might not like what they're doing throughout the show, their actions can be neatly traced back to their backstories, and yeah, I know this should be a standard in writing, but it sadly isn't, so I'm really glad to be able to experience it in the show.
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hellostarrynightblr · 2 years
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It took me four months to write this post even though i used to do it monthly. The last post was for January, this one includes films watched between February and May 2022. Eighteen films in total. I used to watch twice as many films per month. The war took its toll, I guess... 1. Favourite movies: Smilin' Through (1932), The Batman (2022), Scandal Sheet (1952), The Big Combo (1955), Rebecca (1940) 2. Decent movies I liked / appreciated but not loved: Woman in Hiding (1950), Lost Horizon (1937), The Thrill of it All (1963), The Blob (1988), Sleepy Hallow (1999) 3. Best scenes: the flashbacks (Smilin' Through, 1932); the car chase / Bruce and Alfred at the hospital / goodbye between Batman and Catwoman (The Batman, 2022); the final shootout / at the opera (The Big Combo, 1955); the final boss battle (Uncharted, 2022); explaining what happened to the builders in The Thrill of It All (1963); confronting Maxim (Rebecca, 1940). 4. Favourite genres: romance, drama, fantasy, noir. 5. Favourite directors: Matt Reeves (The Batman, 2022); Joseph H. Lewis (The Big Combo, 1955); Tim Burton (Sleepy Hallow, 1999); Alfred Hitchcock (Rebecca, 1940). 6. Favourite actors: Johnny Depp, Chritina Ricci (Sleepy Hallow, 1999); Doris Day, James Garner (Move Over, Darling, 1963; The Thrill of It All, 1963); Norma Shearer, Fredric March, Leslie Howard (Smilin' Through, 1932); John Derek, Broderick Crawford (Scandal Sheet, 1952); Robert Pattinson, Colin Farrell, Zoe Kravitz, Andy Serkis, Paul Dano (The Batman, 2022); Cornel Wilde, Richard Conte, Jean Wallace (The Big Combo, 1955); Tom Holland (Uncharted, 2022); Ida Lupino (Woman in Hiding, 1950); Ronald Colman (Lost Horizon, 1937); Lawrence Olivier, Joan Fontaine (Rebecca, 1940). 7. Least favourite performances: Armie Hammer (Death on the Nile, 2022). Not only was it incredibly uncomfortable to watch him due to his off-screen behaviour but the performance was so over-the-top I couldn't take it seriously at all. It was really hard, close to impossible. 8. The most wasted cast: everyone was okay at least. If I had to choose, I'd say Death on the Nile (2022) but it's not a bad film in itself. Tom Bateman, Annette Bening, Kenneth Branaugh, Russel Brand (random...), Letitia Wright, Emma Mackey, Armie Hammer, Gal Gadot, Rose Leslie, Ali Fazal, Rosie Dwyer. 9. The best wasted premise: Repeat Performance (1947). It's one of the films with the most wasted potential, and all due to an endless series of stupid decisions. Had the protagonist been smarter and less melodramatic, the film would have been a gem. 10. Best premise: The Big Combo (1955); The Batman (2022); Rebecca (1940); Sleepy Hallow (1999). 11. Favourite cast: The Batman (2022). Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard. On a smaller scale, it's Smilin' Through (1932) with Norma Shearer, Leslie Howard and Fredric March (a small three-man gem of a film) and The Big Combo (1955) with Cornel Wilde, Richard Conte and Jean Wallace. I'm just finding out how amazing Richard Conte was as an actor and it's glorious! 12. Favourite on-screen duos: Norma Shearer x Leslie Howard / Norma Shearer x Fredric March (Smilin' Through, 1932); Robert Pattinson x Andy Serkis / Robert Pattinson x Zoe Kravitz (The Batman, 2022); Doris Day x James Garner (Move Over, Darling, 1963; The Thrill of It All, 1963); Cornel Wilde x Richard Conte x Jean Wallace (in any combination) (The Big Combo, 1955); Joan Fontaine x Laurence Olivier (Rebecca, 1940). 13. Favourite on-screen relationships: Batman + Catwoman (The Batman, 2022). They do them so much justice in this film that there's barely any competition. Lt. Leonard Diamond + Susan Lowell / Mr. Brown + Susan Lowell (The Big Combo, 1955). Both relationships are more than a little dysfunctional but so fascinating to watch! Steve McCleary + Julie Allison (Scandal Sheet, 1952). It's fun and easy to follow, and a bit cheeky. Moonyeen + Sir John Carteret (Smilin' Through, 1932). I liked Fredric March in the film, too, but it's obviously about the undying love between these two that makes the film as touching as it is). Maxim de Winter + Mrs. de Winter (Rebecca, 1940). 14. Favourite characters: Batman, Catwoman, Alfred, The Riddler (The Batman, 2022); Lt. Leonard Diamond, Susan Lowell, Mr. Brown (The Big Combo, 1955); Steve McCleary, Julie Allison, Mark Chapman (Scandal Sheet, 1952); Deborah Chandler Clark (Woman in Hiding, 1950); Maxim de Winter, Mrs. de Winter (Rebecca, 1940). 15. Favourite quote: Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. (Rebecca, 1940). 16. Favourite fact discovered in 2022: Cornel Wilde and Jean Wallace were married when making The Big Combo (1955) and Ida Lupino was married to Howard Duff when he played her abusive conniving husband in Woman in Hiding (1950). I've also just found out the director of photography for Rebecca (1940), George Barnes, was married to Joan Blondell between 1933 and 1936. That's random... 17. The most overrated film: I think every film is pretty deserving of the reputation it has really. 18. The most disappointing film: Repeat Performance (1947). Just because had they made some smarter decisions it would've been a classic, and a really unique classic at that. 19. The biggest surprise: The Big Combo (1955). It's very tense, seductive, maniacal and powerful film. I miss those. 20. Best cinematography: John Alton (The Big Combo, 1955). It's absolutely marvelous! Greig Fraser (The Batman, 2022); George Barnes (Rebecca, 1940); Emmanuel Lubezki (Sleepy Hallow, 1999). 21. Best set design: Rebecca (1940), The Batman (2022). 22. Best costume design: Irene (Rebecca, 1940); Don Loper (The Big Combo, 1955). 23. Best music: Rebecca (1940). 24. Best prooduction choice: casting Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022) and Richard Conte in The Big Combo (1955); practical effects in The Blob (1988). 25. Worst production choice: the script in Repeat Performance (1947) and the uncomfortably revealing Death on the Nile (2022). 26. Film of the month: The Big Combo (1955) and Rebecca (1940).
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Legionários: Episódio Piloto
by 7SofiaPisciana28 10 de Agosto de 2003. Las Vegas, Nevada. 19:00. Mais uma noite normal na cidade, principalmente para a equipe do Turno da Noite, do laboratório de Criminalística de Las Vegas.. A equipe formada por Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows, Sara Sidle, Holly Gribbs, Nick Stokes e Warrick Braun, relembravam de suas vidas antes de chegaram até ali e, principalmente da fatídica noite em que Holly foi baleada.   Eu juro que não fumei e nem cherei nada. Muito antes de anunciarem a série CSI: Vegas, eu já estava criando essa fic unindo as três franquias. num universo estilo Marvel, com super espiões, super soldados e etc, e tendo como personagem principal o Greg, que é meu xuxu. Com o tempo fui conhecendo Criminal Minds e as franquias de NCIS, e senti uma necessidade de introduzi-los na trama. Essa é primeira saga que eu tive coragem de posta e tenho me dedicado muito a essa saga, por isso espero que gostem. Words: 7473, Chapters: 7/7, Language: Português brasileiro Series: Part 1 of Legionários Fandoms: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, Criminal Minds (US TV), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Greg Sanders (CSI), Holly Gribbs, Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes, Sara Sidle, Jim Brass, Mac Taylor, Horatio Caine, Stella Bonasera, Calleigh Duquesne, D. B. Russell, Julie "Finn" Finlay, Original Characters, Raymond Langston, Alden Parker, Jethro Gibbs, Dwayne "King" Pride, Henrietta Lange, David Rossi, Erin Strauss, Raymond C. Caine Sr., Bob Keaton, Danny Messer, Louie Messer, Marisol Delko, Eric Delko, Don Flack, Samantha Flack, Jessica Angell, Maxine Valera, Alexx Woods (CSI), Frank Tripp, Aiden Burn, Lindsay Monroe, Sheldon Hawkes, Tim Speedle, Jake Berkeley, Ryan Wolfe, Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Morgan Brody, Wendy Simms, Archie Johnson, Sonny Sassone, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Betty Grissom (CSI), Leon Vance Additional Tags: Family, Father-Son Relationship, Action/Adventure, Espionage, Super Soldier, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction via https://ift.tt/xPhWsBd
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ao3-feed-sterek · 1 year
by cadaverdafantasia
- Derek? - Stiles sentiu, a voz rouca, o rosto úmido de suor e lágrimas e um olhar aterrador, havia tanta tristeza e culpa ali que Derek cambaleou. - Seu pai me deixou entrar. - Derek tinha as mãos enfiadas nos bolsos, os ombros encolhidos, uma postura muito tímida para alguém do seu tamanho. - Você usou a porta, isso deve me preocupar? - Stiles abraçou os joelhos, mesmo seu tom sarcástico não era tão altivo e descarado como sempre. - Você sabe que ninguém está te culpando, certo? - Derek achou que deveria confortar o menino. - Quero dizer, eu sei que a culpa continua sendo sua na sua cabeça, mas no fundo não é. - Stiles suspirou e se arrastou pelo colchão, seus dedos se arrastaram no espaço ao seu lado, um convite silencioso para Derek. - É bom que você esteja aqui, mas não tente me consolar. - ele deitou a cabeça no ombro de Derek, era um contato novo para ambos.
Words: 4812, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47917321
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Euphoria 2x03 Thoughts
Ok let’s see how Cal’s backstory made him all repressed and fucked up
Oh so his dad is more than likely an abusive asshole
Oooh Derek is def jealous
Omg why is them dancing at the gay bar so cute?!
Goddamnit why did you have to make me sympathize with a character I can’t stand?! This is giving TLOU Pt. 2 feelings all over again.
Lmao Rue’s solo is AMAZING! That was so fun to watch!
Fuckin’ A Rue, lying to and gaslighting the people that actually love you ain’t it
Yo but why am I enjoying this Rue/Jules/Elliot dynamic so much? 😂
Elliot is hilarious and serving some excellent banter right now!
No but Rue getting so offended that Jules and Elliot negotiated a secret right in front of her 🤣
Ok so I guess Cal knows who Rue is, which I can’t remember if we knew before now
Oooh Rue & Jules out here getting spicy 🌶
God I hate that they are so cute together but such a recipe for disaster
YES! I am here for Lexi pursuing something she’s passionate about! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The use of the HBO sounder had me cracking up
Cassie I’ve been trying to defend you but FUCK you are killing me here. He does not care about you. S T O P!
Yup the RJE dynamic is going to be gold until it is not, and then it’s going to get ugly.
Also Elliot wtf did you think was going to happen?! Scat play OMG 😂😂😂
Lmao damn you two, right in front of Elliot’s salad? 😜
Hi Fez! I love you! Thank you for not giving in to Rue’s crazy!
“Hey Rue-Rue” “Hi Cass” idk why but it was cute
Lmao yo has “Oklahoma” ever been said this many times in 30 seconds ever before?
Ok I love how concerned all of them got when Rue said yes to being on drugs.
“Bitch, you better be joking!” The delivery had me rolling!
Ah ok that was a fake out but she still obviously feels like that’s real
Nate: I love how sick you are. Me: 🤮
Oh man poor Kat, that may have been the most awkward thing I’ve seen in a long while
Rue what in the holy fuck are you doing?!
Is Drug Lady serious? Does she seriously think giving this kid 10k in drugs is good idea? There is no way that bitch doesn’t know Rue’s an addict.
This whole scene with Fez, Ash and Cal has me DYING
You’re right Fezco, Nate is a fuckin bitch
Ash is such a gangster holy shit! 😂
“Dial bitch!” I am H O W L I N G!!!
“You tellin me you had sex with Jewel?”
“You didn’t know that you were recording?”
“I fucked up” “Obviously man!”
“Your son? The one that’s in love with Jewel?” Fez is out here serving comedic gold AND tea!
“What kinda weird-ass father-son shit is going on around here bro?” Omg this scene is killing me in the best way!
“You’re confused? I’m fucking confused bro!”
Fez you are officially my favorite character and that was the best scene of this episode. Hell, it may have been the best scene of this show. That was a Gen Z Who’s on First and it was fucking hysterical.
Wow, I knew Elliot was going to get between Rue and Jules relationship but not like this
Elliot is written so well though. He’s def growing on me.
Oh fuck
That scene with Ali legit made me sad
From what I’m seeing so far, Rue is going to end this season completely alone and either in jail, overdosing, badly hurt because of Drug Lady Laurie, or dead.
Ugh of course we’re back with Nate and Maddy. 😒
As an ending side note, in the behind the episode the costume designer basically said the opening with Cal in the 90’s was a period piece and I died a little inside.
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chrissmissus · 2 years
✨Euphoria thought✨
In honor of Euphoria Sunday, I will be giving you guys and gals and non-binary my thought on the show so far. So let’s get into this cause it’s a hot mess.
I don’t think he needed to be in the show I feel like he’s a token character
He’s in college and everyone else is in high school… think about that
Even though he doesn’t fit in the show I feel extremely bad for him, he was sexually assaulted in front of his girlfriend and then that said girlfriend who he truly loved say ‘we can’t be together because I don’t think I’m a good person’ ( i’m obviously paraphrasing) and this is probably why he’s not with the gang that much anymore because he’s heartbroken
I’m not liking the turn her character is taking this season (and I’ve heard Barbie the woman who plays her doesn’t either)
It’s the typical fat girl doesn’t love herself story but last season damn was she powerful
Girl I’m really staring to not like you after that shit she said to Ali… fuck her
The way she manipulated her sister bothered me to my core. I understand she a drug addict but the things she did in that episode ( I forgot which one) bother me i will never look at Rue the same
I loved her story in Season 1 but I’m not here for the love triangle drop Jules and Elliot
You can not change my mind she is horrible
She just left Rue there at the station and had the audacity to be disappointed in Rue when she began doing drugs again
If you wanted Elliot’s dick so bad you could’ve led with that girl…we all do
I loved Jules at the beginning of season one but now I don’t like her at all
I don’t know how I feel about you cuz that shit you pull last episode should’ve got his ass beat
Actin like he didn’t play a part in Rue not being sober and feeding into her stop idea of getting ‘free drugs’
I would love to get his story line so maybe I would be a little more sympathetic to him cuz he seems nice ok? 
Like I understand you are rude or die for your older sibling but fuck you couldn’t even give the man a minute to speak
I loved ever minute of it
Also this is a child stop smiling over him you grown ass women it’s fucking weird
I think Cal Jacob yo real daddy due to the family picture but I ain’t got no real proof so… a bitch is left to assume like everyone else
Mac Miller that you???
I love Fez and Rue’s relationship it’s so pure and loving I want this shot right here
He deserves Lexi and she deserves him there period fight me if not agreed
This man is SO fine i don’t even want kids but if this man were to look at me and say I wanna make you my baby mama I would turn into Mother Teresa
From experience I understand where this anger toward her sister is coming from
And she started to smoke weed I 100% related to that scene so for the show in general I relate to her the most so fair
Rue’s mom
How does your drug addict daughter come home with a suitcase and you completely dismiss that shit?
I think she needs to beat Rue instead of yelling at her
I love him with all my heart, I can't even put it into words
And I hate what Rue said to him and I was crying on the inside for him
She's growing on me
I still think she’s crazy though but I fuck with her
I didn't like her at first IDK maybe I'll go back to not liking her after this new episode is dropped seeing as she nor Fez nor Ashtray got that much scene time
I have no words for Cal Jacobs
I hope he finds Derek and I hope he loses him again just because of all the shit that he’s done
How are you gonna call Nate your biggest mistake when you made him the way that he is???? 
I’m happy that he come out though and his speech is icon but other than that I still don’t like him
Deadass Jacob Elordi is fine as hell but as Nate Jacobs I can’t even…
I have to tell myself that this IS NOT the same boy from the kissing booth
Nate sucks and the way he’s playing with Cassie even though he was dogging her the fuck out in season one now you love her??
He doesn’t deserve Cassie and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve Maddy
He needs to except his sexuality before he does anything
I also strongly believe he’s in love with jewels
This bitch is a goddess on earth deadass
I don’t like how she lied about that rape though that was an OK and I’m not gonna forget about it
But other than that she deserves the world and I love how she babysits that child
Here comes my theory in Cal Jacobs arc I think it was to show what’s going to happen to meet if he doesn’t change and remember at the beginning of season one when Maddie said I would look so cute pregnant either she finna trap him or she’s pregnant because I don’t think they make Cassie pregnant twice in two different seasons
And you saw how in last episode when Maddie and Nate hugged in the backyard of the kid’s house she was babysitting how they looked kinda like a happy family like a happy husband and wife…
I would've fucked Marsha when she was younger period
Also, she looked a lot like Ms. Lexi….. i ain’t sayin nothin
I wouldn't lie when I saw the way she was looking at Derrick I thought she was finna cheat
I don't think she trapped Cal, I mean you see him right? I think Cal stayed because he felt it was right he didn't have to though he could've run away with Derrick if he really wanted to
She needs more screen time end of the convo
I don’t know when I started liking her but I know exactly when I stopped
Best bet is we’re never gonna like Cassie this entire season because she is so consumed by the idea of having a relationship that she’s going to be obsessing over Nate
Miss Ma’am is weak in the knees girl stand up
I will not be like in Cassie this entire season and I cannot wait for shit to hit the fan for her she’s a fucking embarrassment sorry
And that I’m crazy your shit she try to pull I think she’s trying to show Nate that she can be better than Maddie and Maddie‘s fucking crazy
Cassie is trying to hard Imma need her to stop
I love her more now than I did before
I think she finna expose everyone in this play and when I say everyone I mean Nate and Cassie
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everything-withered · 2 years
WIP title tag
thank you @avatarskywalker78 for the tag! I may not be posting fic as much but oh god, my WIP folder is a nightmare😫
Rules:  post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how  non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips
Just like avatarskywalker78 I don’t have just one wip folder, I’ve got mine arranged by fandom. 
- Omegaverse neighbours
- Rewrite “I did something bad” because I started it when I really wasn’t doing well so I’m very EH about it currently
- Inoue’s POV on ichiruki (special thanks to @eleusinianmystery for reminding me this existed lol)
- Quarantine
- Fake dating (IT’S MY WHOLE BRAND)
- Captain Rukia and her malewife Ichigo
Just off the top of my head since I have an entire askbox full of prompts😅
- My monster prompt fic (the long fic I promised where I squish in as many tropes I love as possible lol)
- Omegaverse
- MORE SALTY TONY (this probably accounts for at least three fics lol save me)
- Ironman Armour Suit kink prompted by BuckMe_Barns
- Internet crush
- Babysitter/Bodyguard Bucky
- Dragons
- Linguistics
- Red riding hood
- Catch that cat
- Roommates
- Single parent Derek
- Neighbours
- Tattoo artist and the bookstore owner
- The sex talk
- Grease monkey
- More adventures in baking
- Obligatory Bond breaks in (and casually moves in while he’s at it)
 - Halloween (yes...I’ve had this since last year...please don’t ask how long I’ve had the others because I’ll cry)
- Hot single dads in your area
- Kindergarten teachers
- Dinner guest
- Sleep walking
- First session
- Fake relationship
I remember exactly zero usernames guys, I need a new brain
@tasteofshapes @ariadnekurosaki @riotwritesthings @ali-aliska @zombified419 @potrix-the-queerschlaeger @gotlostonmywayhome @lethanwolf @highermagic @polizwrites
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Hypothetical TV shows: “Agent Jimmy Woo”
Spin-off series centered on Marvel’s lovable FBI agent, Jimmy Woo (Randall Park). Plot breakdown:
Episode 1
This is mainly an introduction to Jimmy Woo. We learn that he’s a lonely man, living by himself, doesn’t really have that many friends, and is not close to his family. The closest friend he has is Darcy Lewis, continuing their friendship from “WandaVision”. Throughout the episode, Jimmy gets these weird flashbacks that we have no context for. The flashbacks are to establish that Jimmy has some sort of dark past that we haven’t seen. 
Most of the episode is “normal”, until Jimmy receives a strange letter to his office. When Jimmy opens the letter, he sees that it’s a picture of a dead man, with the words, “REMEMBER ME, JIM?” smeared in blood in the background. Jimmy immediately realizes who did this and flees the building. As he’s running, he bumps into Darcy, who is here because they were supposed to go out for coffee. Jimmy tries to come up with an excuse, until he sees a couple of shady people approaching him. This leads to a thrilling, John Wick-style fight scene, in which Jimmy takes down all the assassins sent after him.
The episode ends with Darcy staring at him in shock, wondering who is this man standing before her. 
Episode 2 
This episode picks up right after the end of the previous episode. Jimmy and Darcy are on the run, fighting their way through hordes of assassins sent to kill Jimmy. We get a close-quarters combat fight scene, a gunfight, and a car chase, all in the first half of the episode. Eventually, Jimmy and Darcy reach this mysterious location, where they meet a woman who seems to recognize Jimmy. The woman introduces herself as Monica Chang (played by Yunjin Kim), a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Nick Fury’s ex-wife.
Jimmy says he needs to get out of the country since “Golden Claw” has somehow come back from the dead and is out to get him. Monica then arranges a transport to Madagascar for both Jimmy and Darcy. This is where we get the big reveal; Jimmy Woo is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who went underground after the events of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. Golden Claw was Jimmy’s arch-nemesis who he thought he killed years ago. 
As Jimmy and Darcy make their way to Madagascar, Darcy asks Jimmy for the full story. Jimmy figures he has nothing left to lose and starts to recount his past, leading to the next episode.
Episode 3
Flashback episode, set before the events of “The Avengers”. Jimmy Woo is a high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is close friends with Phil Coulson and Monica Chang. We learn that Jimmy is hunting down Plan Chu, the Golden Claw (played by Joe Taslim). Golden Claw is considered the “Kingpin of Asia” and rules over all the crime syndicates in the continent, from the Yakuza to the Triads to Madripoor. To emphasize this point, although Sharon Carter/Power Broker rules Madripoor, she answers to Golden Claw since he’s the one who helped her take control of the nation.
Due to how powerful and dangerous Golden Claw is, S.H.I.E.L.D. began targeting him, with Jimmy leading the charge. In this episode, we see the end of Jimmy’s operation; S.H.I.E.L.D. leads an assault on Golden Claw’s mansion, which eventually leads to Jimmy facing off against Golden Claw one-on-one. The two men fight, which ends with Jimmy tossing Golden Claw off a cliff. Claw is presumed dead since his body is never found.
Cut to several years later, Jimmy goes underground due to Steve Rogers exposing HYDRA’s existence in S.H.I.E.L.D.. With Nick Fury’s help, he scrubs away his past and takes on a new job as a FBI agent. The episode ends with Jimmy meeting with Scott Lang in “Ant-Man and the Wasp”. 
Post-credits scene: After being tossed off the cliff, Golden Claw is found by Sharon Carter, who was part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. assault. She decides to nurse him back to health, indicating that even before she became the Power Broker, she was a double agent working for the Golden Claw. 
Episode 4
Golden Claw-centric episode, focused on his origin story. We learn Plan Chu was actually born during the First Opium War (1839). He grew up poor and angry at the British for their attacks on China. Eventually, he ends up becoming an apprentice to a mystic/alchemist and learns how to develop elixirs that can grant him special powers. One elixir in particular prolongs his lifespan, explaining how he’s still alive in the modern day. Plan Chu’s master eventually dies from old age. Using the skills he learned, Plan Chu creates his criminal empire and earns the nickname “Golden Claw”. 
In the modern day, Golden Claw, who has fully recovered from his battle with Jimmy Woo, starts targeting all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were part of the operation to kill him. Sharon Carter provides him the names, leading to a sequence where multiple former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are killed by Golden Claw’s mercenaries. Although Jimmy Woo manages to get away, Golden Claw moves on to the next step of his revenge; finding out who ratted him out to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place, leading to the assault on his mansion. 
Golden Claw learns that the one who betrayed him was Suwan (played by Ali Wong), his grandniece and a leading member of the Triads. Although that’s his family, Golden Claw puts a bounty on Suwan’s head. 
In the B-story, Jimmy and Darcy arrive in Madagascar, where they meet Derek Khanata (played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), A former Wakandan special forces operative, a S.H.I.E.L.D. ally, and a friend of Jimmy Woo.
Episode 5
In Madagascar, Derek takes Jimmy and Darcy to a hideout in order to discuss battle plans. Derek tells Jimmy that Golden Claw has already killed most of the original S.H.I.E.L.D. team that was sent after him, which enrages Jimmy. Wanting revenge, Jimmy asks if they have any leads on Golden Claw’s whereabouts. Although he’s reluctant to go after Claw, Derek suggests going after M’Demwe (played by Barkhad Abdi), a ruthless warlord who has ties to the Golden Claw. 
Most of this episode is focused on Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek hunting down M’Demwe while avoiding the authorities and Golden Claw mercenaries that are in the area. Eventually, the trio manages to capture M’Demwe, leading to a thrilling car chase. After the chase, M’Demwe says he has no idea where Golden Claw is...but that they can get Golden Claw to come to them. When Darcy asks what does that mean, M’Demwe says that Claw put a bounty on his grandniece’s head. If they get to Suwan first, that could force Golden Claw to come out of hiding. 
Jimmy realizes this is about Suwan, indicating that they had a prior relationship. Jimmy asks M’Demwe where Suwan is and M’Demwe reveals that she’s in Montenegro on vacation. He then has Derek arrange a flight to Montenegro.
In the B-story, Suwan is seen gambling at a fancy casino in Montenegro. Suwan’s bodyguard tells her about the bounty placed on her head, which she waves off. She then says something ominous, that no one can touch her on her property.
Episode 6
Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek arrive in Montenegro. Golden Claw arrives around the same time. This is mostly a character development episode, in preparation for the final showdown. The following interactions occur:
1) Golden Claw meets with Suwan and tells him that he knows she betrayed him. Suwan demands to know why Golden Claw won’t just kill her himself, which Claw can’t answer. Suwan then confirms to herself that Claw can’t bring himself to kill her since he still loves her and that the bounty was his way of pushing the guilt onto someone else. Golden Claw doesn’t say it but he sees Suwan as one of his daughters, which is why he can’t just kill her himself.
2) More Jimmy and Darcy bonding. We learn more about Darcy’s family life and that she hung out with Jimmy for the same reason he hung out with her; she doesn’t have many friends outside of work. 
3) Jimmy meets up with Suwan and reconnects with her. Jimmy says he’s here to protect her but Suwan says he’s here to use her to reach Golden Claw. We learn that in the past, Suwan was sent by Golden Claw to kill Jimmy but ended up falling in love with him. That’s also part of the reason why Suwan betrayed Golden Claw. 
4) Golden Claw meets with Darcy, who doesn’t recognize him, and the two bond over a game of Texas hold’em. This scene is meant to humanize Golden Claw, that he’s not just a power-hungry criminal mastermind. 
5) Suwan and Darcy bonding. This is mainly played for laughs, with Darcy being curious about what this incredibly dangerous Triad boss saw in Jimmy. Suwan interprets Darcy’s interest in her past romance with Jimmy as jealousy, leading to a hilarious misunderstanding.
Episode ends with Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek’s covers being blown, leading to everything going south. Golden Claw and his troops corner the main trio, forcing Suwan to have her guards confront Golden Claw’s mercenaries. With everyone pointing guns at each other, the episode ends on a massive cliffhanger. 
Episode 7
Picking up right after the previous episode, the Mexican standoff between Suwan, Jimmy, and Golden Claw turns into a massive shootout, resulting in several casualties on all sides. Golden Claw’s army is forced to retreat, giving Suwan and Jimmy time to recover. This is the episode where we reach peak John Wick since right after Golden Claw’s retreat, Suwan takes Jimmy into her office in order to prepare for the second wave. Jimmy arms himself to the teeth, leading into the next attack.
Most of this episode is the battle between Suwan’s side and Golden Claw’s side. The battle is seen from these perspectives:
1) Jimmy and Derek at the forefront, fighting against the highly trained Golden Claw mercenaries
2) Darcy going off on her own in order to contact the Montenegro authorities (there’s a subplot where Darcy learns that Golden Claw managed to move the Montenegro police away from the area) 
3) Suwan directing everyone from her office and coming up with the battle plans. 
The big fight in this episode is between Jimmy Woo and Golden Claw’s top mercenary, Harold Kenkoy (played by Michael Bisping). Harold is the series’ secondary antagonist, with his role being similar to Brock Rumlow in “CA: The Winter Soldier”. Jimmy kills Harold after a brutal, one-on-one fight.
The battle ends when Darcy comes through with her mission to contact the Montenegro authorities. Unfortunately, Golden Claw manages to flee and retreats back to Madripoor. Not wanting to go through this again, Jimmy, Darcy, Derek, and Suwan decide to follow him. 
Episode 8 - season finale
As the big finale of the series, Jimmy and friends reconnect with Monica Chang, who brings a team of other former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to assist. On the other side, Golden Claw meets with Sharon Carter and tells her that he’ll be taking over Madripoor while he regroups from his previous loss. Sharon angrily states that he can’t just take her throne, leading to a “betrayal” scene. However, just when you think Sharon has the upper hand, Golden Claw reverses the situation when Sharon’s mercenaries turn against her. Claw says that he’s the one who gave her power and that he could easily take it away. 
Sharon fights through her former mercenaries and joins up with Jimmy Woo. They form a temporary truce when Jimmy tells her that he’s only in Madripoor to stop the Golden Claw once and for all. With Sharon’s help, Jimmy’s side forms a plan to trap Golden Claw. 
Of course, the plan goes awry, leading to Golden Claw closing down the whole country in order to trap Jimmy’s team. With nowhere to go and all the criminals in Madripoor gunning for them, Jimmy goes off on his own to corner Golden Claw. In the midst of all this chaos, Darcy is captured and taken to Claw. Darcy, having bonded with Claw earlier, tries to appeal to his humanity and convince him to give up his revenge quest. Claw refuses and says that he’s justified since S.H.I.E.L.D. was the one who instigated this whole situation. 
After a series of incidents, Jimmy Woo eventually confronts Golden Claw. The two fight, mirroring their fight from years ago. Jimmy wins after managing to fatally shoot Claw in the chest. As Claw dies, the two acknowledge each other, with Claw glad to have been killed by a worthy opponent. Sharon takes back control of Madripoor and, to thank Jimmy for stopping Claw, allows everyone to leave. She also rescinds all the bounties that Golden Claw set up. With that, everyone goes home.
The rest of the episode is just wrapping up the story. Suwan goes back to Montenegro, Derek goes back to Madagascar, and Monica tells Jimmy that she’s founding a new spy agency to fill in the space left by S.H.I.E.L.D. This ends up being the Atlas Foundation, which we’ll see in a future series. Jimmy says he’ll consider joining but for now, he’s going back to his job at the FBI. Season ends with Jimmy and Darcy getting coffee. 
POST-CREDITS SCENE: Jimmy Woo is with Darcy at the coffee shop when he’s approached by a messenger. The messenger tells Jimmy that he was named the sole heir of Golden Claw’s empire. Jimmy says that can’t be true but the messenger confirms this by showing him a copy of Claw’s will. Jimmy stares at the will in shock as he realizes that he’s become the new Kingpin of Asia.  
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alaraaydem · 2 years
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HELLO!!! it is i, e with my first muse! you’ll be able to find some quick stats, her intro & some connections under the cut! 
Not everyone can say they’ve been to the Big Apple, but  [ ALARA AYDEM ], a [ 30 ] year-old [ CIS WOMAN ] has lived in [ BROOKLYN ] for [ 12 YEARS ]. This is the city of dreams and [ SHE ] knows it, because they came to NYC to be an [ EVENT PLANNER ]. Well, that and as an [ EX-GIRLFRIEND ] to [ DEREK BISHOP ]. Living in the city means they meet all kinds of people, but everyone always seems to think they look like [ MELISA ASLI PAMUK ]. They even got away with free cab fare once because of it!
trigger warnings: drugs, abuse & overdose character psd credit: katzenx on deviantart
𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓼:
full name: alara deniz aydem
nicknames: al, ali, lar, lara
age: thirty
date of birth: february 15, 1992
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
romantic orientation: biromantic
sexual orientation: bisexual
occupation: event planner
alara’s childhood wasn’t really easy. she never met her father, since he’s been in prison for as long as she could remember. as far as she knew, her mom wasn’t even sure if he was the father, but she needed a name to write down on the birth certificate so his was placed there. she never talked to him, or made any indication that she wanted a relationship with him. 
her relationship with her mother, on the other hand, was something else entirely. when she was younger, alara’s mother loved dressing up. she was her mom’s personal little doll, and she loved it. she loved the attention, the doting her mother did on her. 
however, as she grew up and became a woman, alara’s mother slowly started resenting her. 
her mother was a beauty queen, the kind who constantly talked about the “old days” and how she could have been an actress if she just hadn’t gotten pregnant with alara 
her mother liked to sleep around, and eventually, she started getting into the company of a prominent drug dealer back in their shitty little town 
so her mother was now not just the local town whore, but she was also the resident drug addict whose house she almost sold just to buy another stash 
alara swore that she’d never be like her mother. she’d been working for as long as she could remember and had been saving up, so as soon as she graduated high school, she moved as far away as she could, all the way to new york city and she never looked back
with her high school grades, she was able to get a partial scholarship, so that meant she was working while getting her degree 
a few years after graduating college, she caught the eye of a businessman named kyle. now, kyle here didn’t seem to be at first (since he seemed so charming and all about her) but eventually showed his true colors as an abusive asshole. 
he (sometimes) physically & (always) emotionally abused her to the point that there was a lot of self-hatred there, and when she finally got the support she needed to get away from him, she did something she swore she would never do -- drugs. 
she never wanted to be like her mother, but the high was the only thing stopping her from hating herself. it became a coping mechanism every single time she wondered how she could have reached such a low point in her life, which was often
it got so bad that she was rushed to the hospital one night because she suffered an overdose, and it definitely put things into perspective. she vowed to get clean, and has been clean since.
she’s incredibly loyal; loyal to a fault. if you’re her friend then you’re her friend for life because she knows how rare true friends are. she’ll drop everything and anything if you need her by your side
however, she’s also going to expect the same thing from you. if you disappoint her and leave her hanging when she needs you, there’s a 99.94% chance she’ll never forgive you.
she has a tendency to bottle it all up – all her emotions, her frustrations, her needs – until it all explodes in everyone’s faces (and that’s not a pretty sight)
she’s definitely a cynic when it comes to love now. none of her relationships had been successful, and it caused her to look at the notion of love with disdain
she doesn’t like to talk about herself that much, and she will most definitely not talk about her past with just anyone 
she can be abrasive at times, definitely temperamental
if the saying “trying her best” was a person, that would be her tbh
𝓯𝓾𝓷 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼:
an absolutely shitty driver. probably shouldn’t have gotten her license tbh
absolutely cannot live without coffee. you do NOT wanna talk to her before she’s gotten a cup of it in the morning
definitely a type a personality
organized to a fault
talk about sitcoms and she’s your girl. new girl, friends, how i met your mother, the office, b99, etc. she LOVES those shows a lot
𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼:
THE ABSOLUTE RIDE OR DIE - best friends since pretty much forever. got the friendship bracelets she still has and everything. the person she told everything to. every fear, every dream, every little detail, every gossip about the famous people she works with!!
CLOSE FRIENDS - people she would take a bullet for, and can talk to about anything. they meet up regularly to catch up on each other’s lives and usually go to the same parties.
FLIRTATIONSHIP - just someone who she can flirt with a bit, and they flirt back, and they don’t really know if there’s anything more there but they don’t really wanna stop with the flirting?
PREVIOUS TOXIC RELATIONSHIP - they both know they’re no good for each other but they kept coming back to each other, even if it’s just to hook up for a night. they swore up and down that nothing’s happening between them, though, until all communication was lost when one of them decided to end things.
EXES THAT ARE ON GOOD TERMS - they knew it was never going to amount to anything, but they enjoy each other’s company, and hold no ill will that things between the two of them didn’t work out.
EXES THAT ARE ON BAD TERMS - their relationship’s end was met with animosity, possibly a lot of fighting prior to one or both of them officially ending things.
PREVIOUS OR CURRENT TOXIC FRIENDSHIP - they’re nice to each other’s faces but once the other’s back is turned, the backstabbing begins. they’re not callous enough to not help when the other is in need, but both would definitely think twice before helping the other out.
PREVIOUS BAD INFLUENCE - someone who’d convince her to go out and party and drink when they should be studying, urging them to take the decisions that probably aren’t for the best
FRIENDS FROM BACK HOME - they come from the same shitty small town and how they ended up in new york as well is completely up to you!
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS - everyone needs a bit of a release and these two have an understanding that there’s nothing more there, just a mutual & beneficial relationship with no strings attached
i’m more than happy to brainstorm some more connections!
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gillian-greenwood · 3 years
My initial thoughts and theories on the upcoming series of Line Of Duty.
Okay so this introduction isn't the one I initially wrote, what started as a quick summary of my thoughts after seeing the trailer and easter eggs turned into hours of my brain going into the depths of Line of Duty madness. We are under a week to go until series 6 finally hits our screens and there has been so much more teased already with interviews with the cast and so on. So, here cometh an essay of me turning into Charlie from It's always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Before I go into each point, I've tried to split my thoughts into different sections as there are more significant things that I think will feature in Series 6. These are all what I personally think will happen or likely scenarios if I'm undecided - I've listened, watched and read plenty of other theories too and I've really been enjoying it. With a show such as this, we do go totally crazy! I did see something mere moments ago where Martin stated that he's seen some 'spot on' theories - 1) it makes me excited to hear the cast are reading what we think and 2) I've more than likely read what's going to happen but I don't know it at this point - that's kinda insane!
So, I'm now going to get into the main points and then will address smaller things later on. For those of you who read all my rambles and thoughts, I really appreciate it: hopefully then I'm not completely talking to myself. I could be right, I could be wrong in these. But that's part and parcel of theorising. I've seen some great theories and seen some crazy theories but I really appreciate anyone who has taken time to share them. I mean we've got to have the outrageous and completely nutty theories, we need a good giggle!
So here we go...
Who is the fourth “dot”?
The one question that has been firmly on all our minds over these past couple of years has been whom is the fourth person pulling all the strings for organised crime? We know H isn’t a singular person but a code name for multiple people. According to Dot’s dying declaration, there are four dots, or four caddies - however you want to call it. I'm definitely sick of the whole who's H question (hence referring to it as the fourth dot) as it has been established that H isn't just a person - but so many are still completely attached to the idea of H and I think it's because that whole plotline wasn't completely rounded off or people weren't satisfied with the revelation so have become quite obsessed with it. I’ve felt a bit strange about the whole revelation since series 5 aired in 2019 though - I felt it was a huge stretch Steve recognising the Morse code from one still frame and coming to the conclusion he shares with Ted - that Dot was trying to communicate in Morse Code - I’m going to elaborate more on the declaration further on.
But back to the main question before we trail off too far! We have several possibilities. Off the bat, I can’t see it being any of the main three at all. Already, Steve has been accused of being “the caddy” and Ted has been accused of being “H” (Which in fairness has transpired to be the same thing) - Kate on the other hand has not yet come under suspicion of being bent and involved with organised crime. The trailer has cleverly hinted that it may well be Kate’s turn at being on the other side of the table. But, it’s being too obvious - creating discussion - very similar to what happened with Ted. I know a lot of people have suspicion over Kate and have done for a long while and I can see why - I just can’t see it concluding that she's the definition of corrupt - she's not completely squeaky clean but I don't think she's been a mastermind in all of this. It would be a very shocking twist but it wouldn’t make loads of sense to me with other things that's happened in the show. I do feel though Kate deserves a whole section to herself so I'll definitely go over all that further on. Main three aside - we have three other favourable suspects in my eyes.
Firstly, PCC Rohan Sindhwani was introduced in series 5 - dedicated to exposing corruption amongst the police force, running on a platform of transparency and working alongside DCC Andrea Wise. We don’t see much of him however his one direct link to organised crime is Gill Biggeloe - his senior legal counsel who was exposed as being one of the corrupt members of the police force. When things continued to go “pear shaped” with Operation Pear Tree - his mantra of complete transparency meant that he’d have to highlight the lack of progress - however rightfully so he’s been advised to suppress the truth and Gill very conveniently stresses that he needs to retain public confidence - and that having a “non-exclusive relationship with the truth” is part of the role of the PCC. As series 5 wraps up, he looks uneasy about the conclusions of Operation Pear Tree that were shared with the public - that there was no links to corruption and organised crime - which were of course completely against his own personal principles. During series 5 he hasn’t really displayed any tendencies of being bent, quite frankly the complete opposite. Although that's not to say he isn't dodgy. The trailer for series 6 has cleverly been cut together and tried to make him appear suspicious. However, I think it’s extremely unlikely that it’ll be him - he’s far too new of a character and has supposed strong ambitions to cut out all the rotten apples within the ranks. Gill could have easily sent him astray but I'm just not buying him being involved with organised crime at all. So I’m happily ruling him out.
Next we have the newly promoted DSU Ian Buckells. Having first appeared all the way back in the beginning of series 1 as the SIO on the Jackie Laverty case, appointed by Derek Hilton - he was a bit of a verruca on TO20’s foot - therefore being made to feel unwelcome by DCI Tony Gates who he replaced - no surprise there. As the first series progresses - there’s not much reason to think of him as bent, he just looks like a detective lacking passion and just turns up to do what he has to do. There are little details though that become apparent when re-watching. He has a connection first and foremost to Derek Hilton having been appointed by him personally but even at this point, there wasn’t reason to suspect Hilton either - therefore plays off as a totally innocent matter. Next, after DC Kate Fleming interviews a young Ryan Pilkington, he turns up flustered and very disgruntled that Kate has proceeded to interview him - especially after it transpires she was an undercover officer from Anti-Corruption. On early viewing - it's easy to put that down to the fact Kate had gotten there first and because it transpired she was an UCO. But we never see what went on in the respective interview apart from Ryan asking for a Big Mac. We last see Buckells allowing Dot to talk to Tommy Hunter after he’s arrested - and we all know how that turned out. But, it does appear that Buckells hasn't got a clue what's going on, he just shrugs and gives that whole yeah no skin off my nose approach, displaying quite a laid-back and care free attitude still. Buckells reappears in series 4 as the replacement SIO on Operation Trap Door after DCI Roz Huntley is removed from the case, again appointed by Derek Hilton and coincidentally where Kate is again undercover. No surprise Kate looks worried as they'd already crossed paths at TO20. Hastings and Arnott quite rightly confront Buckells and instruct him to keep Fleming's true identity secret and if her cover was compromised, everyone would know who to blame. When her cover is initially blown, the first and foremost conclusion was Buckells had not listened to strict instructions given. However, after details of Kate's personal life were leaked also, Kate didn't feel like the leak had come from Buckells as it was unlikely he knew anything regarding that. And, when confronted, Buckells concluded spitefully that UCO's have a shelf life therefore easily being recognisable after time. This is the last we see of him. The theory that Buckells could be the fourth dot has certainly become more spoken about recently. He's been featured in the show since the beginning albeit for two of the series, and will be appearing in series 6 too, part of Hillside Lane nick. The fact he's quite an unpopular and quieter member of the force could hide him in plain sight to being bent. In black and white, the idea of Buckells ordering hits and pulling strings for some of the most dangerous criminals is kind of hilarious. But, evidently there are little details scattered during his stints on the show that have got people talking. I do feel Jed has always known from the start who's bent and who isn't or has at least had the basics thought out - I've never seen a writer with such sharp continuity, there are plenty of writers and creators that should really take note! But, moving on from my very slight tangent - do I think Buckells is the fourth dot? Okay, I've changed my mind on this numerous times but since watching the trailer, I'm more cemented on no. I think there could be some dodgy stuff going on with Buckells, he's ascended up the ranks quite quickly, even if he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed at times. We often say it's always the quiet ones. And he's had connections to Hilton but I'd be very surprised if he's been calling the shots. His whole demeanour could have been a farce from the off but I think we have more chance of floating up the lagan in a bubble. I mean he looked like he'd been caught robbing an orchard when he was confronted by Ted and Steve. I think he'll pose an interesting asset to the new series but I
don't think he'll be the main guy.
The third person is the new Chief Constable Philip Osborne. In series 1, he was the Chief Inspector for the Counter Terrorism Unit where Steve was involved in the wrongful killing of Karim Ali. He demanded that the team lie about the incident so the killing was justified however Steve refused and was ultimately removed from the unit and subsequently assigned to AC12. He does crop again as the series progresses, seemingly having a close relationship with Hilton (they all seem to be close to Hilton) and after DCI Tony Gates diverts the motive behind the murders on the Borogrove estate being linked to terrorism and not drug dealing. He's last seen at the inquest into the death of Karim Ali which led to no prosecutions for any of the officers involved. It has since been revealed he's the new Chief Constable of Central Police as of Series 6 and I'm sure he's bound to appear. Whilst not heavily featured over the show's run, I'm feeling it likely for him to be the fourth dot. Just like Buckells, he's had direct connection to Hilton and definitely appeared to have at least a professional friendship. He was quick to order a cover up into a wrongful shooting. And was very willing to help with the possible terrorism links with the incidents on the Borogrove Estate which were bogus. Whilst off-screen he's worked his way up to the top. Ted remarks in the trailer "A bare faced liar, promoted to our highest office!" - and whilst it alludes to him talking about Sindhwani - I think that's going to be way too obvious. I think he's either talking to or talking about Osborne. Of course Ted was very supportive of Steve during the inquest in series 1 and was definitely not impressed by Osborne's actions and wouldn't be pleased with him being the CC. Also, the show would ultimately be going full circle to the beginning again and I really like the idea of that happening. So much of series 1 has been significant later on. We've not had much screen time with Osborne but I think he's my favourite to be the fourth dot. He certainly fits the bill of being corrupt and has plausible connections. There's a scene with Osborne, Hilton and Dot in series 1 and I certainly love the idea of three of the most corrupt officers being thrown right in our faces right at the beginning and us all being none the wiser. I'd considered him before but after the trailer and easter eggs, it's looking far more likely. Of course no one knew that the show would have become the roaring success it has back in series 1 however I am confident Jed had foundations in place and possible scenarios as to where the show would go.
In conclusion, there are plenty of possibilities of who this mysterious fourth dot is, but I'm happy with my conclusion of Osborne. Hopefully after the seven episodes I can either be impressed with my deductions or cringe as to why I ever came to such conclusions!
Dot Cottan's Dying Declaration
Series 3 concluded with the death of DI Matthew Cottan whom AC12 finally learned was the real caddy and not DS Steve Arnott who Dot had tried to pin it on. His explosive exit is mine and many people's favourite series finale. We only saw a glance of his declaration that DC Kate Fleming took - that then led to the conviction of Patrick Fairbank. It's not until series 4 however where PC Maneet Bindra is blackmailed to harvest this declaration and we as viewers finally get to view more - having been recorded on a fellow officers body-cam. Kate tries to get Dot to reveal the top dog by asking him "blink twice for the first letter of his name" - we all know he blinks at H however the medics intervene before Kate can get him to finish. This was of course the first encounter with "H". We revisit Dot's dying declaration in series 5 during Ted's questioning by AC3 - again we're shown the same part, slightly extended to showcase the morse code sequence, however, Kate's dialogue is different - now saying "right, blink with the first two letters of his name." I personally never noticed this until I saw others discussing it and apparently they differed in the scripts too so was a deliberate move by Jed. I think this will be picked up in some regard and Kate herself will come under fire for it. I believe the body-cam footage was actually shot along with series 4 and Craig Parkinson was invited back for the scenes which subsequently featured again in series 5 too - and I'm feeling confident they shot both versions as Jed would have likely had future plots planned out. Like series 1-3 had some kind of arc, I think 4-6 is the exact same and a lot of things will be rounded off. I imagine it will be picked up that there are two versions of the declaration. I know there are very mixed feelings on this subject but knowing the way Jed works, the differences will be significant. I will be very shocked and disappointed if this is not addressed but seeing how we left the previous series with more questions thanks to the declaration, it surely has to feature again. The question of why it was changed? I think it was more than likely doctored by Hilton to try and incriminate Hastings for being H - blinking for the first two letters, H being first, Kate trying to start the sequence again but being cut off by medics, what's first? A! Hilton replaced the original with the edited version which was able to be accessed by the necessary personnel however I'm sure the original still exists somewhere, possibly for leverage? But how could he have changed the dialogue and make it sound convincing? It's farfetched and I mean I'm sure anything's possible but the whole Morse Code thing was also very farfetched too so I'm at that point of my tether where that could honestly happen. Hastings of course has seen both versions and Kate having been the one taking the declaration surely would have noticed but there is no indication that he's noticed a difference nor Kate. And after the meeting he shared with Hilton in series 4, I'm sure that was the trigger of him editing it. Or Kate could have edited herself which a lot of fans have suggested but the only was she'd have access surely is if she was bent - this is a really hard one because there's a lot of theories! Mine is a wild and very patchy theory but I just can't see them not addressing the fact that they were different. Again I'll cover a bit more about Kate's possible involvement in her own section.
And mentioning the Morse code aspect of the declaration - anyone I've spoken to personally about it were left feeling conflicted with the whole idea. Is it going to be a total red-herring and Steve has clearly been barking up the wrong tree? No doubt there is still someone who's very corrupt within the force but I wouldn't have left the series hanging on that revelation if it were to turn out to have no meaning. Also, there were many easier ways of indicating the number four - but then again Dot was pretty much dead at this point so wasn't exactly able to function properly, haha!
To summarise I think we'll see the declaration again and both versions will be flagged and we'll find out why. If we're thinking about series 4, 5 and 6 having an arc, it is a very important aspect to be answered and concluded. I'm rather excited about them going into this again. I can see Hilton having doctored the footage but Kate will come under fire for it. Or maybe Kate did it herself, but why? What has she got to gain, unless she's bent, or been blackmailed? This is going to be a headache, I can sense it now! Imagine if we got the answers from Dot himself... nah, he's dead.
DCI Joanne Davidson
Kelly MacDonald has taken over the lead guest role baton and it's very exciting! We have finally seen more than a glimpse of her character in the trailer and teaser. All we know thus far is she is the DCI at Hillside Lane Station and that she'll be coming under scrutiny for her handling of the Gail Vella murder case. Kate appears to be on her team (as herself or undercover is currently a mystery) and alongside we have DSU Buckells, PS Farida Jatri and newcomer DS Lomax (Played by Perry Fitzpatrick). Honestly one of the first questions that plagued on my mind was will she survive? Four out of the five prior lead guest stars have met a grizzly end. I mean let's face it Roz didn't exactly escape unscathed either with only one hand left. It's hard to judge before the series starts on the guest lead. We were led up the wrong path last series with Stephen Graham. I know this next series will be jam-packed and the most insane yet so I'm expecting a lot from Kelly's character! I think she's going to be the most complex of the leads and I think we'll be often changing our minds about her - from what we've seen she seems a promising and good copper, but PS Jatri has stated in the trailer 'you don't know what's she's capable of,' very exciting! I'm looking forward to her being interrogated, she'll knock those scenes out of the park! It's hard to put predictions out there when there's not a lot to go on but I'm sure I'll have more solid theories once the series has started!
Have Kate and Steve really left AC12?
We've been accustom to a couple of teasers. Steve talking to his ex Nicola Rogerson about feeling that his road with anti-corruption is at an end and looking likely to be joining her team. Maybe he does feel this way because he still hasn't got his promotion!!! Some people have suggested he might have instead been demoted, ouch! Then Kate out with Joanne and her team, referring to her as 'boss'. I'm sure Kate's undercover but perhaps maintaining the farce that she's moved on from AC12. As Ian Buckells stated, UCO's have a shelf-life and I'm sure she'd be recognised by most forces now, especially with the awards she's won. Then again she could just be plainly undercover - what surnames beginning with F hasn't she used? Haha! We haven't seen Steve undercover in the same way as Kate, he was technically undercover when being all pally with Lindsay Denton but it would be cool to see him as a full blown UCO and I don't think he'd be suspected. But why would Steve be going undercover? That's what I'd be unsure on. Again, plenty of questions with not many answers. AC12 has come under fire plenty of times so it's likely it's in favour of being dissolved, especially with an easter egg of CC Osborne highlighting AC12 as a cause of concern, especially with Ted running the ranks still. Or is it a massive twist that Kate has really left and Steve is following suit? I remember when they first started filming in early 2020 there was a tweet shared with a picture of Martin, Adrian and Jed - captioned "But where's Kate?" - of course we were all quick to speculate that she was undercover but from the information we now have, she may in fact have moved on. We know she has rekindled her marriage but things still looked rocky - maybe she has left to save her marriage by working in a department where she's going to be a 'better mum and wife.' (Come on her husband was a total dick.) However, I do like the idea of the fact that she's undercover, but only Ted knows, so even Steve believes her AC12 days are over - and that could even be ammunition for him to leave as he's got itchy feet not having Kate as his working partner anymore - but as I said maybe Steve is moving on because there's no promotion or even a demotion. (Oh I love the joking about his poor promotion that got lost in the post). But, from other behind the scenes snippets we've seen also, our favourite trio look to be working together within AC12, so whatever happens, they'll be all back in their rightful places eventually. To add, Adrian said on Graham Norton the first episode starts in an unexpected place with a lot for us to get our heads around - so I imagine things are going to appear very different first thing and our favourites being absent is looking highly likely! Weighing up the options, I am leaning towards Kate being secretly undercover whilst everyone believes she's in fact moved on. I'm guessing Steve will be going undercover as well, I don't feel he'd leave AC12 on his own accord with so much still unsolved without absolute good reason - unless of course, no promotion (I'll stop now).
Has Steve Arnott FINALLY got his promotion?
(Sorry I'm not stopping) A major running joke now - poor Steve has remained a DS throughout the show. Whilst Kate progressed from DC to DI between series 3 and 5. Series 4 featured both Steve and Kate eager to progress to Detective Inspector. Ted favoured Steve due to 'experience' - leaving Kate extremely disheartened. Fair enough though, Steve had a lot more years under his belt at the Sergeant level. However Ted had been accused of being sexist and I think that made him uncomfortable. But firstly, Steve found himself in another situation half way through series 4 - being attacked with a baseball bat and chucked down some stairs - leaving him unable to walk and facing the prospect of never walking again. This of course would put any ambitions on hold and something Ted would have to consider too. It's not really touched upon in the rest of the series. When we return in series 5, we quickly learn that Kate is now a DI. More than likely due to Steve's accident but could also be to tick boxes too - Gill Biggeloe does make a point of highlighting that Ted had promoted a woman and joked that would exactly be what a sexist would do. There doesn't appear to be any hostility between Kate and Steve throughout series 5 in regards to this but I do side with Kate on the fact he kept quiet about Corbett being the CHIS because she was an inspector - not the only reason but one of them. Then again, Steve has a tendency to get himself in situations so it's no surprise. Moving forward to the golden question, I think we've all noticed that Steve's epaulettes have been conveniently hidden in promos - however eagle-eyed fans have concluded that it looks like he does in fact have the inspector epaulettes in the trailer. About time! The circumstances around his promotion are hard to guess though. Will he get promoted in the middle of the series - it deserves all the fuss after all right? Or will he be replacing Kate because she's 'moved on' - who knows but I'm feeling confident we'll wrap up series six with Detective Inspector Steve Arnott. Imagine if Jed was teasing us and he doesn't get promoted or has in fact been demoted to DC - it's safe to say we'll all be unhappy haha!
Oh boy, what's occurring with Kate?
Over the past five series, Kate Fleming has been awfully lucky and escaped the main brutal drama - usually Steve being handed it. All she's really endured is her cover being blown on undercover operations, having an affair with her friend Jayne's husband who turned out to be as dodgy as Jayne and ultimately being kicked out of the family home as a result and losing custody of her son - and getting a good kick in the gut from Lindsay Denton. In comparison, not as brutal to almost getting a finger amputated and being chucked down some stairs along with numerous failed relationships. As I mentioned before, Steve and Ted have been accused of being bent - got to be Kate's turn now right? Definitely a bookies favourite of being 'H' (Come on folks, we know H isn't a person anymore.) or being the fourth person. I'm sure anyone who follows my blog can see who my favourite is and how I'll be very devastated if she turns out to be corrupt. But I'm feeling quite sure that she'll finally be the other side of the table officially (being questioned in series 1 and 3 doesn't count in my books as she was undercover). We've already had a teaser of herself and Joanne being surrounded by armed police - and Steve and Ted (Is this the first time Steve's seen her in a while? I'm leaning towards this being the case), looking terrified and having a gun on her - so yes - we do already know there will be Kate drama at this point. Line of Duty is always full of surprises. A big twist has been teased in episode 4 - will Kate be involved? I reckon it's likely. We've seen a police car appear to fly off road into water - and I'm pretty sure Kate will be in that car! Out of the trio - we definitely know the least about Kate. All we really know is that she trained at Ryton, is married with a son and not much else. She explained to Ryan her parents split when she was young and was out of the house a lot cos of this, not caring what she got up to. Eagle eyed fans would also know her full name is Katherine Laura and her maiden name was Donnelly (Series 2 whilst Denton was looking at her file). It would be interesting to learn more about her background as we really don't know much! At the end of series 5 we see her arrive home late to an empty house - her husband and son having gone to the pictures as planned - I do think they were certainly alluding to the next series (With Steve also but I'll get to that) - we'll see more of her personal side. You know I wouldn't be surprised if she was separated again.
And because we know so little, has she been dodgy from the off and we haven't known? Someone shared a really interesting theory on the basis of what she shared with Ryan, (featured on the shrine of duty podcast) that in her teens, someone may have attempted to recruit her just like Dot was but she saw through it, knowing it would lead to something that it would be best to stay clear of. Was she a troublemaker in her teens? Up to all sorts of anti-social behaviour? I love this idea and can totally see it! We know Steve's story of ending up in AC12 and we know Ted's background in the Royal Ulster Constabulary. But we don't know much about Kate's circumstances of joining the force or even AC12 - I would love to find out more about that!
Could her husband be dodgy? We don't know much about him at all. That would be an interesting twist. There's definitely still hostility there and I was surprised they got back together.
Especially from series 5, a lot more people have leant towards Kate being bent, being the fourth dot, etc. I've already said I can't see her being bent, or not in the same terms as Dot for example. Some people believe Dot took the bullet because she was in on stuff, but pulling the caddy investigation in on Dot wouldn't make much sense then. That all seemed to me she was doing the right thing and wanting the appropriate persons brought to justice. However a lot of her decisions in series 5 have come under fire from fans. For example not taking a declaration from Hargreaves, not addressing Ted's unlawful Fahreinheit order until after the events played out to name a couple. Even still, all her decisions to me seemed to warrant doing good and going after whoever it was being bent. I mean she had been happy to go after both Steve and Ted but I always saw that because she wanted the bent coppers getting their comeuppance - and in both instances, instead discovered other people were in fact the culprits and did what she could to put the investigations in the right direction. I mean yes she's happy to pin stuff on anyone but herself but that doesn't mean she's dodgy, just that she wants to get the job done - I don't think anyone would lead an investigation straight for themselves, that's just silly!
Has she edited Dot's declaration? I think the only two logical people are either Kate herself or Hilton as I've previously discussed. We'll see her come under fire for some things for sure and that would be one of them!
I've never been a huge fan of any of the main three being corrupt - I think any copper can do things that could be seen as bent, but that's what happens when you have the power of the law. All three have made questionable decisions. I don't think it's possible to be squeaky clean as anyone can make decisions that lead to consequences.
To summarise, I think Kate will be accused of being bent, I think she's going to have a lot of drama coming her way. I think she's going to get in a lot of bother. But I don't think she's going to be what we'd call bent. I think we'll learn things we won't expect about her, especially regarding her personal life. What I know for sure it's going to be exciting, thrilling, action-packed - and I cannot wait to see Kate's prime time to shine.
Steve and a painkiller addiction?
In the series 5 'wrap-up' - we see Steve alone in his flat taking medication - clearly for his back. Some fans looked into that sequence as foreshadowing to a possible pain-killer addiction? It would be an interesting turn for his character. There was a point where he wasn't sure if he was going to walk again and has clearly been dosed up on painkillers since the incident. One of the easter eggs that's been shared is of his prescription - and I'm certain he's still on the medication when we resume - one of the medications he's taking has a warning of causing addiction. Addiction in drama is usually focused on illegal drugs - but not often with prescribed medications. I don't think Jed would have had a sequence focused on Steve's medication if it weren't to be significant. He's clearly still coming to terms with his injury and its affected him in the bedroom too - I won't be surprised if poor Steve is still having issues - maybe that's why he turned down a drink with Nicola and not because he was trying to be professional. Maybe it's why he's leaving AC12. He came back to work on his own decision, I don't think a professional would have advised his return to work so early and now that's catching up to him. We've seen a lot of physical stunts upcoming, and Steve on the front-line with a firearm. I won't be surprised if his medication causes issues or he actually ends up causing more damage to his back, especially because he appears to be in a white van and we know there is a stunt involving a white van! I think his injuries will seriously catch up to him!
Returning characters?
We've had the surprise of Nicola Rogerson reappearing for the first time since series 2 (mentioned in series 3). Most of the time surprise returns are kept under wraps until transmission. Lindsay Denton's return in series 3 probably being one of the biggest and most notable cases. The trailer also revealed PC Farida Jatri will be appearing in series 6, first appearing as an officer on Roz Huntley's team at Polk Avenue. I think we all like to check IMDb to see if anything has been spilled, Steph Corbett has appeared on the list and whilst that's actually plausible seeing Ted looked as if he were giving her the missing 50k, IMDb has often had incorrect cast listings on purpose. I'm pretty confident Philip Osborne will be returning. I imagine we will see Sam Railston again too. I would love Nigel Morton and his cane to return, he's got off lightly to say the least, and he definitely knows what to and not to get involved in. And with a video from Martin's instagram, we've seen both Anna Maxwell Martin and Gregory Piper lurking so I'm happy to assume DCS Carmichael and Ryan Pilkington will be back for sure. I believe the two shady prison officers who made Lindsay Denton a cup of tea look likely to reappear, that will be interesting! With Jed, anyone who isn't dead could return... Then again remember when he posted that picture of Stephen and Craig and people went nuts thinking Dot was really alive? And, there's been a lot of teasing as to who could crop up. Lindsay Denton's name has been floating around the past couple of days thanks to Jed, she's quite frankly dead but will we get a flashback or some new footage? I think we will all go nuts if Keeley Hawes had sneakily returned to film new stuff, especially with her very hectic schedule, that woman hasn't stopped. Anything's possible at this point. We can't always trust everything but that's part of the fun of it!
A new character we haven't seen but has been mentioned!
I'll briefly touch on this. It has been alluded a character will pop up that has been mentioned in passing but never been seen before. Popular theories include somebody off Danny Waldron's list (Plausible after Fairbank was see in the trailer again) or one of the officers off the H board. I am personally leaning towards Dot Cottan's ex missus turning up. She was mentioned to Kate by Dot, and we know she works in forensics, a very convenient place to work if things need tampering with. I just think she'd be the most interesting person to turn up after all this time, mentioned once and never again - it's surprising seeing Dot turned out to be bent and she was working in the force too...
What next with Ted?
Ted did go through a lot at the end of series 5. Being accused of being H, murdering John Corbett, Anne-Marie McGillis and being bribed with 50k (Sorry 100k but shh they don't need to know that). Ted was cleared on all charges but has been given a final written warning. AC12 is definitely going to be under the watchful eye of the higher ups as alluded too in easter eggs. We've seen Ted very distressed in a lift and him getting awfully flustered at the Police Headquarters. I don't think his troubles are going to be over any time soon. The case of the other 50k could possibly come up again, seeing Mark Moffatt was sure to stress it was 100k. We don't know what happened between him and Steph, and with her supposedly reappearing - it's likely it'll be revisited. Will his money troubles be any better? Is he finally going to be out of the Edge Park Hotel with the dodgy toilet? Has he finally moved on from Roisin? I saw a suggestion from someone somewhere (can't remember who or where) that Roisin was now involved with someone who may be the corrupt officer, god could you imagine if her new fella turned out to be Osborne? What a way to really kick Ted whilst he's already down. There were also a couple of other things too that were left unanswered. Why did Ted REALLY dispose of his laptop (come on Ted, no one disposes their laptop for watching naughty things)? What did Ted say to Lee Banks? I don't think we'll ever learn the latter and that'll be down to audience interpretation but the laptop definitely needs to be addressed again. Is Ted actually dodgy? He ain't H put it that way but he's made some questionable decisions. Right now I want to know what's got him upset in the lift! And will Ted reach the end of his journey at AC12?! I really hope not but he's skating on thin ice being on a final warning, and the higher ups don't have a lot of trust to say the least.
Ryan in the police force.
At the end of series 5, Ryan has begun his police training. We've been told roughly 18 months have passed between the two series so I reckon if all's gone well (It has, of course it has) - he'll be a police officer somewhere within central police, being naughty. As already mentioned, we have seen Gregory Piper behind the scenes - so we'll be seeing Ryan again, which was inevitable really. It's hard to guess where he'll turn up but more than likely away from the trio. However I'm looking forward to Steve coming face to face with him again. He's managed to lie-low and not be detected by the team - as far as they're aware, most if not all of the OCG has been neutralised. He did a pretty good job staying out of the way with all the drama that happened. In the trailer, I did notice Ryan's picture on the infamous board - so he's definitely going to be detected - but how, by who and when? I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unravels but I'm sure it's going to be explosive.
Is Dot Cottan alive in witness protection?
Did he really die? Well... Nahhh you thought I was really going to talk about this? I love Dot, he's one of my favourite characters and I do deep down think it would be awesome for him to be alive somewhere. But realistically I do think it would be a big 'cop out'. He's Dot Cottan, not Dirty Den... Yeah yeah we never saw a mention of a funeral and the camera panned out before he officially died but yeah I think he looked pretty screwed, don't you? I will admit that I was low-key hoping that picture of the geezer leaving those flats was Dot... I do miss all the series 5 speculation. But yeah, Dot Cottan is definitely dead.
My overall hopes for Series 6.
I'm definitely not the only one who's hoping six won't be the last series. It has now been revealed that Jed 'doesn't know' and suggesting that everything that needs answering will be this series. Just like in series 3. Series 3 was the best series so far and I'm hoping series 6 will live up to that, and the cast have certainly teased that it will. It feels weird knowing so much could be wrapped up in seven weeks. I'm going to make the most of this series seeing a seventh might not be on the cards. I trust Jed and if the show comes to a natural conclusion after this then needs must. I think we'll have a better understanding if the show could go on once we have seen all of series 6! I really hope Steve finally gets his promotion and things will start to look up for him. Ted as well, he's had nothing but crap shovelled into his bubble recently. I also hope we get plenty of explosive Kate scenes which I think we definitely will. Having only seen a little of Kelly MacDonald in action so far I can't create any hopes without seeing more. Maybe she'll be the first lead guest star to survive and with all limbs in tact. As one of Scotland's finest actresses - I know that we'll be in for a real treat! I'm hoping for DCS Carmichael to have lots of scenes - I actually really love her character and hope to find out more about her. Seeing Anna sneaking in the background of one of Martin's instagram stories, no doubt she's reappearing as I mentioned before. I'm hoping for an explosive reunion with Ryan and Steve. I'm excited for all the Tedisms. I'm looking forward to bad-ass queen Kate. Oh and I can't wait to hear our favourite beeeeeeeeepppppp - interrogation scenes are really the best. I'm feeling like this will be the greatest and most explosive series yet.
Oh boy, this has taken up a lot of my time and I'm glad I didn't finish until some more information had come to light. I want to thank anyone who read all of this long ass post. I want to thank a couple of my absolute favourite blogs for giving me a push to finish and share this. I know I've probably missed some stuff but what was going to be quick thing turned into hours. These theories could be correct, could be completely wrong! But I'm looking forward to re-reading this after everything's happened. I'm not sure whether I'll share thoughts after every episode yet but if my mind is whirring enough I'm sure I'll conjure up something! It's almost 4am and I'm glad to be done with this! I'll be curious to know what you think! I apologise if I have made any mistakes in this but I've gone through and think all information is correct, if not, Ted will be issuing me with a Reg 15 quicker than you can say houl yer whisht!
Much love and gearing up for Sunday!
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 years
My media this week (25-Jul-21)
Tumblr media
Campfire Classics
Crosby, Stills & Nash
New School Divas
The Partridge Family radio
Maximum Decibels
Out & Loud
Let’s Drink!
Dancing Into Spring
Classic Hip Hop: The Samples
Girl Gang Road Trip
Pub Rock Classics
Presenting Shakira
60s Surf Rock
Ologies with Alie Ward - Lampyridology (FIREFLIES) aka Sparklebuttology with Sara Lewis
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Kalamazoo Gals of the Old Gibson Guitar Factory
Word of Mouth - Medical English (with Dr Sophie Harrison)
You’re Wrong About - Summer Book Club: “The Satan Seller” (Part 3)
99% Invisible #452 - The Lows of High Tech
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Family Tree
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Village Where Every Person’s Name Is a Song
Song Exploder - Cheap Trick “Surrender”
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Boiling River
Hit Parade - Tramps Like Us (Pt 1 & 2) - fantastic & fascinating especially with regards to the chart stuff and just how many hit songs he wrote for other people. One thing that struck me was I never really thought about how much older Bruce was than the other pop juggernauts of the mid/late ‘80s ‘cause in my brain they’re all just mixed up as the soundtrack of my adolescence. Best quote: “This duality of Springsteen: the celebration and the desolation, his road-tested rave-ups side-by-side with his dustbowl dirges; it's a dichotomy that Bruce never tried to settle in his career."
Murdoch Mysteries - s14, e2-11 - the increasing soap opera levels of drama in this only bring me joy
Legends of Tomorrow - s1, e11-16 - utterly chaotic & I genuinely can’t wait to see what direction it goes in s2
Ted Lasso - s1, e7-10; s2, e2 - finished introducing my friend to s1! 
Legends of Tomorrow - s2, e1-3 - glad to see that the entire premise has been slightly sorta revamped but still utterly chaotic and ridiculous
😍 Sour as Vinegar, Sweet As Honey (thiccbuckybarnes, author; Call_Me_Kayyyyy (Cheeky9274), artist) - 46K, shrunkyclunks a/b/o - excellent blend of some of my fave things: older/retired Steve, a/b/o, hurt/comfort, a caretaking Steve Rogers = *chef’s kiss*
🙂👂 Behind These Doors (Radical Proposals #1) (Jude Lucens, author;  Callum Hale, narrator) – I really loved all the very good poly relationships and communication necessary to them (and also the frustrating-but-very-human way they STILL sometimes didn’t communicate important things because one person didn’t realize how important it was) – I did also think that R didn’t grovel/apologize quite enough for his fuck up before A forgave him but I think that’s more personal preference.  
😐👂 Calling Bullshit (Carl T. Bergstrom (author); Jevin D. West (contributor); Patrick Zeller (narrator)) – lots of good reminders, a lot of common sense stuff that still doesn’t necessarily get applied and some more in-depth explanations. I still don’t know what the fuck p value is. And I disagree that irrelevant data viz for fun (like an Underground map for Middle Earth) are terrible things.
plus 125K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out
It’s Insanity, but… - Chapter 12: Baking (or Aggressive Niceness Part II) (rosepetals42) - Sterek, 8K - a new episode in this ongoing, wonderful story where Stiles & Scott are platonically co-parenting a ton of werewolf orphans - the main story is where Derek comes into the picture and the author keeps adding wonderful little vignettes of their lives as supernatural suburban dads. This one was an outsider POV with the return of Kim & Nancy the (nice) PTA moms.
imagine being loved by me (spacebuck, author; nalonzoo, art) - shrunkyclunks, 20K - reread of a fave where Bucky posts pics of himself in lingerie on Twitter and Steve becomes a fan. And then more. Featuring sugar daddy!Steve and wonderful art of pretty boys in lingerie.
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thebigoblin · 3 years
Rules: Open your Spotify “On Repeat”, the top 5 songs are the soundtrack to your personal rom-com.
Thanks for tag @novemberhush! I generally don't use Spotify, my Go To is Wynk Music App, so I'm instead going to shuffle my playlist.
Also, this is an open tag! If you see this and wanna go for it, then go for it! ❤
Also I'm just gonna make fic ideas out of the songs 😂 feel free to use 'em!
1. I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Zayn & Taylor Swift
This has the potential to be so, so angsty, but because I wanna follow some of the rules, let's go with some mild angsty rom-com. Hmm, so, a Seasonal Fake/Pretend Relationship that doesn't remain Fake? When the two part ways after successfuly (or not) pulling wool across their friends/families eyes, both of them miss each other like hell, and they both remember the awkwardly charming, funny, lovely "dates" with each other.
By the next Christmas they're actually dating, though.
(This is going under a cut because it's getting too long lol)
2. Reckless - Madison Beer
Ohmigod. Ohmigod, another angsty song, damn.
Umm okay. So, Sterek. This song is definitely Sterek, Canon Complicit in some way, and there's a witch (or magical female creature, maybe a Fae) who is friends with Stiles. Like, they become friends, and all the while Derek is like, no, don't trust her, blah blah. Stiles is all, "Don't worry about her," and they're good friends. Derek is not pining, thank you very much Erica, and he is not jealous of Stiles' and this witch's friendship (and growing romantic feelings, apparently).
Cue awkward situations where the three of them keep ending up together and Derek and the Witch keep trying to win Stiles over, and Stiles is utterly oblivious to their attempts. In the end, though, when it looks like the Witch has won Stiles over, and Derek has accepted that Stiles will never be his, Stiles just turns to Derek and bashfully says, "So, um, we've been spending a lot of time together and—" it looks like Stiles going to let him down easy, and the Witch is smirking, but then Stiles asks Derek out on a date and Derek just freezes. The Witch is like, what, and then Stiles is backtracking and then Derek is kissing him and when they come up for air they're alone and Derek is smiling so big.
Also, yes, the Witch does use her magic to try and win Stiles over. She fails. Obviously.
3. Guzarish - Javed Ali
Seriously. I listen to happy songs too. Why in the ever loving fuck are all my shuffled songs ending up to be the angsty ones?
Anyways. So. Sterek. Again. Pining dumbasses in love, really, that's all I can pick up from this one. Also a love triangle, but like, between two people. Either Stiles or Derek have a secret identity and the other likes both said secret identity persona and the real person. And preferably neither of them die and the one who lives doesn’t lose his memories (and gains a short term memory).
4. The Other Side - Ruelle
Ummmmm. Yeah, another angsty song, go figure.
Sterek, love confession (as a life-affirming moment), a period of time where maybe Stiles is on the verge of death and when he is better, Derek tells him how he can't even begin to think to live in a world without Stiles. He doesn't wanna know the other side of the world without Stiles.
5. Good For You - Selena Gomez
Maybe Stiles teasing Derek? Orrr even him just dressing up for Derek. (Thanks Lydia and Erica). Just him being proud of being Derek's Mate, and then Derek being smug + proud of Stiles being his Mate.
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