#and the God of the Void
Some important cross-server ball hosted by King Ren
Hausemaster: X did you give him permission to rule like that?
Xisuma: Nope
Pyro: Do you want us to do something about it?
Xisuma: Nope
Kenzie: We are 100% on board with doing something about it.
Xisuma: I've already broken the minds of five of his servants and guards using my Void magic. All I had to to was speak to them. Once he figures out that something like me has it out for him, he'll go running for the hills and all will be business as usual.
Tristan: You are a horrible person.
Xisuma: And that's coming from you?
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macksartblock · 5 months
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Anyway really enjoying the underworld saga
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tellafairy · 16 days
thoughts on shifting + manifesting with ease. (as someone who's shifted many times, alongside manifesting)
coming back to this side of tumblr after spending years away from it has made me realized how many do you are truly the problem, it might sound kinda harsh but really. so many of you ask the same questions over and over again.. "but HOW do i do it?" "how do i shift" "how do i manifest" JUST DO IT. stop looking for signs, stop looking for methods or "cheat codes". just do it man.
your mind is so powerful and it actually kinda irritates me how many of you doubt it, just because it "seems to easy". you don't understand how you've been manipulated by society to not see your power. how have you been on loa social media, shifting social media, for soooo long — yet still don't see it?? let me tell you..
the moment i got off social media, the moment i took time to erase everything in my head and stop overthinking everything, was the moment everything came to me. i already had it, i just needed to stop telling myself i didn't.
it took me less than two weeks to get used to convincing myself i had everything i wanted, i shifted to my desired realities, and everything worked out in my favour. AFFIRMING IS ALL YOU NEED. I AM YELLING AT YOU. JUST AFFIRM.
really, please, affirm. the routine is so simple.
1. any bad thought is instantly turned positive.
ex: "i really want her waist"
"am i stupid ... i have her waist.. tbh mine even looks a little better.. am i crazy?? like actually? this must be a glitch or something cause my waist is practically identical to hers.. i literally love my waist"
exaggerate, say what you need to say to erase the negativity.
2. it's yours, so act like it..
ex: talk about ur DR normally. it's your reality, not a fantasy land you made up in a dream. ITS REAL. it's a reality. for example, i'd watch videos of my s/o in this reality, and speak about our lives in my dr. "i can't wait to see __ tonight... god i love __, it's so nice hanging out with them everyday.. wow they look so pretty in this video — i'm so lucky their mine". it's natural, they're yours aren't they? exactly, so act like it.. this is used the exact same way when manifesting..
you see someone with something you want? thinking of something you wanna do? something you wanna be? ... it's urs... so can you act like it?? like whyre u feeling sad someone else got a job promotion 😹😹 you literally got a better one ...
3. that's literally it
you don't need a fancy method (although it can give u some peace of mind.. let's be real, a lot of methods set y'all back and make you overwhelmed, blocking ur beliefs and making everything seem harder). you literally just need to live. tell yourself it's done, over and over again. nothing matters. it's done, it's yours, you have it, you're happy and fulfilled. other peoples sucess should really mean nothing to you negatively. it shouldn't make you stressed, shouldn't make you feel behind.. why would it when you have everything, you can do everything, go anywhere, and you can be anything.
it'll seem like manifesting blogs and shifting blogs just repeat the same things.. which is true, they do, because i'm telling you there's nothing more to it than what you've already read. it is that easy. all it takes is your mind. decide, and tell yourself.
as i said before, it took me barely anytime to switch my mindset once i actually started focusing on myself, my journey and not every body else's results. repeating stuff to yourself WORKS. repeating is literally ALL i did. choose what i want, told myself it's mine in any way i could describe it. and there, it's mine. ive shifted to many different realities, along side gaining a better life in this one after years of convincing myself there was nothing for me. if i can break out of the cycle, trust me you can too. i cannot describe how desperate i was at the beginning, how long i took in false info and wasted time on methods all while doubting every single thing.
so why don't you believe it? you'll sit there and tell yourself over and over again that you're ugly, or broke, or friendless... but you won't tell urself that you've shifted? that you have your dream body...? girl okay i guess....
once you realize nothing besides your mind truly matters, is when you'll be free with yourself. circumstances don't matter, past feelings don't matter, doubts don't matter, your mind is all you need.
yes this is just loa explained longer, that's the point of the post because some of u still can't get it in ur heads
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salemlunaa · 1 month
you’ve been to the void, no matter what the 3D shows. everything is instant. there is no “trying”
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To shift, you must take power away from the 3D, i don’t care what the 3D is showing you, and neither should you to properly shift you must resonate with the new reality you’ve created, your life isn’t shitty whatever you’re thinking about is your old story.
Once you created your new reality in your head, it was yours, and as soon as you imagined yourself there, you have shifted. Many of you ask me “how can i genuinely see my life as real instead of just an imagination” but what you fail to remember is that imagination IS reality. And you are either in that reality or you aren’t
There’s no such thing as “trial and error” for a god. There’s no “if”, “maybe” or “might”. You’re either there or you’re not, there’s no build up, everything is instant. As soon as you resonated with your new story, you were there, you ARE there
So stop it,
Stop liking videos of people talking about how it sucks to be ugly, because you have your dream face and you’re fucking gorgeous, you can’t relate.
Stop envying the rich, you’re one of them (if that’s what you want)
Stop getting jealous of that girl/boy with a good body, you have one too
Stop relating and resonating with those who call themselves “lonely”, you’re in your new reality where you have so many people who love you
You say you’re aligned with your new reality but you’re moping about how your life sucks, and emotions are always allowed, of course they are but how would you think if your dream life wasn’t a dream anymore?? what would your mindset be like? would you be liking that post of someone complaining that they have no money? would you be getting upset that your dream s/o has dating rumours with someone else? if you were grounded in your new story would you let all this other shit phase you?
misery loves company. don’t join the club, stop resonating with your shitty old story, break the cycle and shift
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moonstandardtime · 1 month
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hinamie · 4 months
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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awesomekittyparty · 1 month
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Rogue of void outfit fully from scratch by me !!! :3
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Here is 2015 vs 2024 😽
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audreyassumptions · 5 months
This worked for me after a couple nights and I successfully entered the void. Here’s how I did it <3
1. Lie down in a comfortable position (it’s rlly hot where I live so I didn’t have any covers on me or anything, I was literally just lay there with nothing covering me)
2. Listen to Edward Art’s ‘I am’ meditation on YouTube :)
3. Put on brown noise (I put the meditation and the brown noise in a playlist so it would play automatically after)
4. Focus on the black behind your eyes and continue to imagine that everything surrounding you is just empty blackness
5. Repeatedly affirm for the void, don’t keep checking if you’re there, try to distract yourself
6. You’re in the void!
This worked for me after a couple tries, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t get results earlier. It’s all about mindset. Persist and I promise you’ll get there.
Love from, Audrey <3333 ;)
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radiance1 · 9 months
@puppetmaster13u You called Danny a space whale in the tags of one of this post.
Now what if that was literal?
Hear me out, Danny outlives his friends, parents, sister. Danny becomes a literal whale.
Well, not a literal one because he's a ghost, but he takes the shape one of at the very least. He's just a giant, glowing white whale that looks pretty divine not going to lie.
Danny leaves earth. It wasn't safe for him anymore, what with the GIW and all that as even the ghosts found it not even worth anymore to visit the mortal world.
Except for Desiree and Spectra, but that's besides the point.
But Danny doesn't retreat to the zone, he's always longed for space, but because of his new half humanness he doesn't get believe he could've ever gone because, well. Yea.
But Danny goes fuck it and goes anyway. His form shifts from human to that of a giant whale, and he swims out into the vastness of space.
Years pass, and Danny does start getting bigger as he aged. He explored the vastness of space, marveling at many things, the different planets, the stars, the formations of rock and other things.
Then he encounters someone he never though he would've.
Well, he knew Vlad was left behind in space by his father but he didn't think he would find him again and Vlad seemed... different, from what he remembered.
For one thing, he didn't even know where Vlad began and space ended. He got only see those red eyes that even hinted at it being the man. His body was void black and filled with stars upon stars, all glittering from his body and Vlad barely even seemed to notice him, or if he did, he didn't seem to care at all.
So, Danny took him.
He was both curious and felt a bit bad about what happened to Vlad, even if he didn't know exactly what happened, and he couldn't just leave him there either.
So on his back Vlad went, and his travels continued.
It seemed to be the correct decision, really, because slowly overtime Vlad seemed to be regaining his awareness. Then slowly, tentatively, started to speak with him through ghost speak.
Vlad only seemed to vaguely remember what he was before space. He remembered hating a man, loving a woman, wanting a son, loneliness and a boy with white hair and toxic green eyes.
Even though Vlad was his former enemy, his nemesis, and someone who took the world hostage.
He couldn't help but feel pity for him.
Then their travels continued.
Years pass unnoticed, when in space, with Danny slowly getting bigger and bigger as the two travel throughout. They've come into contact with various civilizations, some hostile, some peaceful, some neutral.
The hostile ones never lasted long, even if Danny never lifted a flipper to do anything most of the time, Vlad made sure of it.
They came at went as they pleased, and Danny believes that they've gained a bit of a reputations over their adventures, but neither he nor Vlad knew exactly what they said. It did prove useful in some cases, however.
A few more years, and Danny feels that this system is vaguely familiar. Which happens sometimes, considering he's been travelling for so long. He then finds out why it was so familiar.
He came across Earth and, oh. When was the Earth so small?
Well, not small really, but when was he just only a bit smaller than it?
Did it shrink when he was away? Or did he just grow?
That doesn't matter though. What does, is the fact that currently seemed to be an invasion going on, on his home planet thank you very much. He did not like the fact that there was a massive fleet parked right outside his home.
So he spoke to Vlad, expressed his displeasure, Vlad responded back knowingly and went off to make the source of his displeasure disappear. That doesn't Danny was idle either, the fleet was big and, well.
It's been a while since he's stretched himself in a fight.
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aroaceleovaldez · 24 days
my hot pjo take is that Jason isn't a second Percy, Jason is a second Annabeth. Jason is just if Annabeth was a guy and also a Big 3 kid.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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(incoherent bird soldier screeching)
okay, I'm ready, I'm totally ready, I --
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(even more incoherent bird soldier screeching)
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tibli · 1 month
magolor is so funny bc its like. here's this wizard guy. he cosplays an ancient civilization because hes basically their equivalent of a fucking weeboo, to the point where his name translates to 'false paradise' in their language. he's deliberately judas-coded. he basically becomes god for about 5 seconds before he gets his ass beat so hard he dies and goes to superhell. he looks like a sopping wet cat in a cardboard box the entire time hes there atoning for his sins. his final fight is against a fucking tree. and then he opens a theme park to say sorry for trying to take over the entire universe. who else is out here doing it like him
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cringefail-clown · 5 days
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i want whatever tf they have
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salemlunaa · 2 months
your subconscious doubt is why you “fail” constantly
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To succeed in the void you must do one thing, know. That’s it. You must have the intent to shift. And i know you’ve heard that a million times and you’re gonna be like “yeah i live in the end and it still doesn’t work”, and sure, let’s say you do that, but do you wanna know the one problem? It’s that you don’t see the void as the final outcome. You say you’re gonna get in and affirm all day, but in the back of your mind you say “what if i don’t get in”, “i’ll do this tomorrow, just in case i don’t get in tonight”.
That constant “just in case i fail” is what makes you miss out on all your desires. You treat the void like some lottery that MIGHT be successful if you “try hard enough”, or you “just happen to try the right method”. DO I NEED TO REMIND YOU WHO YOU ARE? YOURE A GOD, and the void is IN you, you don’t need to “try” for something that’s inside of you, like at all.
You should KNOW that the void is the final outcome for you.
That the void is the end of the line for you.
That there will be no other possible outcomes of the day except that you get in the void
That there is no “just in case i don’t” or “if not now i’ll try again tonight”
That there is no other outcome, the void WILL happen no matter how much you doubt or no matter what you say.
That there is nothing else that will happen today.
This is the REAL mentality of knowing, not repeating the same affirmations each day, that you don’t even 100% believe, with a “just in case i don’t make it” in the back of your mind. The REAL knowing is knowing that this is your last day in this shitty reality. And i know it sounds like hard work but it’s not. You can affirm it sure, but make sure you know it, truly.
You can’t “try” or “fail” at something that is INSIDE of you, you can’t “try” or “fail”at something that IS you, and lastly you can’t “try” or “fail” at anything because you’re a god, you just do. There is no such thing as “trial and error” for a god, you just are, you just be
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hatoddity · 5 months
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Arthur is a fashion icon no matter the time. Same with void. He would have bought her a suit too, fancy
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yourstruly-babygirl · 5 months
Every time you attempted to wake up in your DR/the void state and feel disappointed when “nothing happened”, just affirm that you already shifted/manifested successfully!!! Just ignore the 3D, it was so easy for you!🩷
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