#and the daycare animatronic cheered us on
lovesick-feelings · 1 year
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UPDATE: This is just a repost for the tags. The original reblog will be kept up! Original AU made by @soleilxe please go check out their blog they are a genius (๑♡ ⌓♡๑)
I had to get this one out in case the DLC mysteriously dropped out of nowhere! (ʘᗩʘ’)
I absolutely love this AU so much! I am telling you rn that when I first read this I couldn't stop thinking about it and i was so sad that it was never expanded! So I ended up drawing a small comic (this is like my first time doing something like this so sorry if its messy! ) and that was supposed to be it but I ended up writing a short fic as well (⌒_⌒;) Btw this is just my spin on things so sorry if I made any errors!
"Irreparable," the company claimed. It made no sense to Sun and Moon. From what they know the incident occurred the night an unexpected visitor came by. On the morning management came in, they were met with their main star missing, busted animatronics, and a disheveled mall. To think that the boy they met that fateful night caused all this was… strange, to say the least. At least they were perfectly fine! Yeah, they had a bit of trouble avoiding the flames resulting in slight damage but they were working! With a few repairs and replacements, everything would be right as rain! However, that didn't stop Fazbear Mall from permanently shutting its doors. 
Even after conversations they overheard between co-workers, workers leaving as soon as they arrived with salvaged valuables, and the final click of the lock shutting the doors permanently, Sun was in denial. 
"They'll come back for us! We'll just have to wait till then!" Although Moon was still troubled by the events that night, he still held onto hope.
"Yes, yes you're right. In the meantime, we should clean up~" 
"That's the spirit!" Sun cheered.
The first few months played out like this: waiting and cleaning up whatever they could in anticipation that the company or someone would return. However, those beliefs slowly slipped away with each passing month. Sun tried so hard to keep them distracted from their situation but it’s difficult when you wake up in the same hell every day. Nowadays when he tries to comfort Moon every word comes out unsteady. If only he could make them more believable.
Moon couldn't handle it. It was all his fault. If he'd just fought back none of this would have happened. But how could you fight against something you didn’t know was coming? The night he became corrupted haunted him endlessly. It didn’t help that they also became more beat-up after several failed escapes he made. Though he was grateful for his brother's support, it felt more like lies and empty promises as time passed. Failure after failure, shame, and guilt built up. It was always at his lowest when he felt the same corrupt urges he had that fateful night back.  
"...sorry" Sun whimpered. 
It was always too late by the time he snapped back to his senses. It was like he was stuck in an endless loop of mistakes. All he could do was apologize and blame himself again.
With no business and no people to tend to days have been spent pacing and cleaning the decrepit daycare. Today was no different. Sun wiped his hands in the desk cabinet causing thick layers of dust to fly in every direction. Every item out of place has already been put back in its original spot long ago. All there was left was the tedious task of wiping away dust.
Moon never understood why he was so keen on getting into the smallest crevices. He couldn’t deny he had his fastidious tendencies but Sun always went above him. He always claimed it was a good way to pass time but Moon knew better. Even with the new body allowing both of them to be present at once Sun still was never the biggest fan of shutting down for long periods. Normally, Moon would push him into resting but Sun seemed to be in a better mood today and he didn't want to disturb him.
The crash of crumbling rubble made them jump from their spot. It was loud enough to hear across the daycare. Their eyes were drawn to the ceiling and they noticed a huge hole. Sun frowned. Was the building finally caving down?
"Must've been a rat"
"whAT?-" Sun choked out.
"What do you mean by a rat? A rat does not cause a hole in the ceiling to collapse!" Moon's only response was a shrug. From where they were it looked like it was around the ball pit area.
"Let’s check it to see-"
"WhaT WHy?" Sun’s voice glitched from surprise. He didn’t expect such a sudden response.
"Because it's most likely nothing. The building is just deteriorating again…" He stated plain and simple.
"Well yes but-” Sun paused for a moment, “B-but we may as well check to make sure nothing is wrong!" Moon didn't respond. It’s going to be nothing again and he really wasn’t up for disappointment. Knowing Sun, they were bound to end up there regardless.
"Okay," he grumbled. Moon could feel Sun slightly bounce up. He sighed as they walked around the desk and towards the ball pit. As they continue their journey, Sun can sense Moon slowing down.
"Moon, what's wrong?-"
"Shhh listen" Sun paused. He didn't know what he was trying to listen to but he did so anyway. There was something in the distance. Were those… footsteps? The bots trudged closer to the sound quietly. For the first time in ages, their sensors picked up someone.
This was your fifth time wiping your clothes off debris. You knew buildings like this had weak floors but you didn't expect it to give in that easily! You would say you’ve been through worse but you’ve never been through something like this. You’re honestly not sure if watching Youtube videos of failed urban exploring counts as an experience. 
This was supposed to be your biggest project yet. Entering the abandoned Pizzaplex had been done before but nobody had ever explored past the ground floor. You had one goal: Record as much exploration as your camera storage will allow, upload all footage to your channel, and satisfy the hungry viewers with the possibility of getting that sweet YouTube money. What you hadn’t anticipated was falling through the floor and being trapped in one of the areas 30 minutes into your exploration. Now you have to find a way out.
 You looked back at the ball pit and shuddered, thinking of what might have happened if it hadn't stopped your fall. Walking over the chipped rainbow bridge you pulled out your flashlight and observed what was in front of you. You had to admit the place didn’t age as badly as you thought! It has its flaws from the fire but you were surprised by how much stuff still survived.
The bright cheery colors that once painted this daycare have dulled to darker hues. Somehow the kid's chairs were neatly pushed into the tables and toy barrels were still stacked on top of each other. You looked over the massive play structure. They were still standing strong and tall beside some large dark spots in some areas which you assumed was also caused by the fire. A few of the giant mascot cutouts were hanging on the sides while others that had fallen were carefully propped up against the walls. When you shined your light on one of the aisles, the light didn't reach much distance.
"Geez this place is huge..."
You took a few steps before hearing a scuffle. For a second, you assumed it was some small animal. At least that's what you hoped it was. You were about to turn back when you heard it again. You whipped your flashlight in the sound’s direction.
"Hello!?" You kinda cringed at how hoarse your voice came out. You darted your flashlight for a bit until you caught it. You froze. How long was it standing there? You pointed your light at the animatronic.
Even from a distance, you could tell how huge the animatronic were. A split separated the two sides, which gave the appearance of two heads. Among them, one half had dark yellow skin and a crown that resembled rays from the sun, while the other half had darker blue skin with a nightcap resembling a moon. Each had two pairs of arms. Their clothes or at least what remained of them were tattered. Parts of their endoskeleton are exposed most noticeably on their face. Their glowing eyes pierced your soul. What felt like hours of silence were finally broken when their soft chuckles turned into hysterical laughter.
"NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!" You bolted in the opposite direction of the playground. As you ran you tried dodging as much debris as you could without falling over. As you approached the wall you could see large wooden doors. That's the exit! You weren't able to slow down your speed in time causing you to slam your arm against the door. Thanks to your adrenaline pumping you couldn't feel a thing. You tried pulling open the door only to hear clicking noises. IT’S FUCKING LOCKED!!!
“New friend!”
“New friend~”
“New friend!”
Their calls were growing closer.
You looked around until you crawled into one of the kiddie slides. You climbed your way up, lying flat on your stomach. You were pretty high up. There was no way they could see you as long as you didn't lean against the bars. The metal grating grows louder as the robot approaches where you once stood.
"N-new friend please cOME BaCK!!" He wailed in distress like a mother trying to find her lost infant.
“Shhh you’re going to scare them~” You gritted your teeth. Yeah, like they hadn’t scared you to death already. Unlike the other voice, this one was hushed and calm. As if it was a situation he knew all too well. The other voice gasped and quietly apologized. 
"Where are you, new friend?~" There was intense silence. They let out what sounded like a disgruntled sigh before the scraping faded away. Once you were sure they were gone you took a breath of relief. You didn't realize you were holding your breath the whole time. Your heartbeat was so loud you were afraid they would hear it. 'What even was that…?' You tried to recollect your thoughts. Everything happened so fast that you couldn't comprehend what was happening. When you tried thinking back about what happened all your mind could replay was the moment you stared into their ghostly irises.
'Okay, that's enough…’ You sat up. Another deep breath calmed your heart. There has to be another way out of here. You peer through the cage. From your vantage point, you couldn’t get much. There were only two things you could see from where you were: the front desk and the children's pit in front of it. You had to get a better view but how? You sure as hell wasn’t about to sneak down again. You looked towards the bridge connecting the two playgrounds. Despite its aging, it still looked sturdy enough to cross. Maybe this was your chance? You didn’t want to risk getting caught but you also didn’t want to die either. Well, there's only one way to find out… 
A small knock made you recoil back. You turned your head to the slide you came from. No. There’s no way they could get in here. With how big and clunky the animatronic look, they’d probably fall apart the moment you hit them. 
Upon getting up, you were met with jelly legs. You're gonna have to crawl this one out. You navigated carefully through the colorful maze. The number of dead ends you ran into got ridiculous. Sometimes you felt like you were crawling in circles until you finally found it. You silently cheered for yourself. The bridge was only a turn away!
Something wrapped around your ankle before you took another step. Your head spins to see several pairs of hands gripping your ankle. You couldn't scream before those hands brutally dragged your body down the slide. The suddenness of it all caused your head to bang against a turn. You hit the floor with a loud thud holding your head. All you could do was lay limp on the foam flooring. What even happened? You could feel your head throbbing from the pain. A giant shadow loomed over your figure. Rough, metal arms wrap themselves around you in a cold embrace. 
“Found you, friend, ~” The two laughed together making a strange combination of a cackle and a giggle. You wish you could fight back but you feel so nauseous and weak. All you could do was stand there awkwardly as you got crushed. Dread overwhelms your body.
“We were so worried about you, friend! You shouldn’t run away like that! I-I mean what if you got lost or h-URT!?” Their grasp on you was tightened as he spoke. The voice coming from what you assumed was the sun’s side made you tense up. His voice made your ears start ringing. Was he always this panicky?
“Now, now there’s no need for that anymore.” His hand cupped your cheek tilting it so you could face them.
“It won’t happen again~” The drop in his voice made it sound like a death threat.
“Besides-" He resumed back to himself.
"Think of all the fun we'll have together~!” Sun’s eyes lit up. 
“Oh, you’re right! We have so many activities we could do now that we’re together!” They easily pull you up and swing your body around. 
“We’ll have soooooo much fun~!” Moon chuckled
“We could play charades!” 
“And tell stories~!” 
“Oh oh, we could finger paint too! I haven’t done that in so long!!” The two exchanged enthusiastic opinions about everything they planned. 
You honestly felt like you would puke. It was too loud. Your head was throbbed and your whole body was aching. Everything felt so overwhelming. You didn’t care about exploring anymore, you just wanted to go back to the comfort of your home. You tried holding back the tears brimming in your eyes. The robots tensed when they heard soft hiccups. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks. Your body was lowered, bringing you closer together. Moon’s eyes widened while Sun’s eyelids drooped when they realized you were crying. 
“Friend, what's wrong?” Your cry turned into a full-blown sob. Sun and Moon quickly sat down. Laying you on their lap, they gently rocked you back and forth with their arms propping you up. Your sobbing could be heard throughout the whole daycare all the while Sun and Moon tried calming you down. They rubbed circles around your back whispering reassurances. 
“It’s alright~” 
“You’re safe now!”
“There’s no need to cry~” Their hands whipped your tears away. Your body becomes less tense.
“Did we do this?” You opened your eyes realizing they were looking at your head. Their concern was evident. You flinched when their fingers grazed the area you hit.
“Oh sorry! I-I-I didn't meAn tO do THat! WE-”
“Sun.” Moon interrupted
“We can fix this. As long as we follow instructed procedures they will be fine~”
“Oh right right! Sorry about that, friend” You could feel their fingers tenderly stroking your hair. They cradled your body while whispering soothing words.
You could’ve easily pushed them away and made a run for them, but you didn’t have the motivation to do so. You were beyond tired to fight back. It was getting harder to hold up heavy eyelids and the animatronic also seemed to realize this.
“Shhh rest~ You will feel better after a good sleep~” You had to admit their voice was comforting. This couldn’t be so bad right? They seemed nice enough. So it was okay to shut your eyes for a bit. You lifted your eyes one more time to see theirs. If only you were more awake you would’ve caught their lovesickness plastered on their faces gazing at you. Maybe then you’d realized sooner the situation you were now trapped in. You felt two soft taps on your forehead, mocking a kiss before slipping into darkness.
“Goodnight, Starlight~”
“Goodnight, Sunshine!”
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bamsara · 2 years
“You’re not going to settle for that. Not if I have anything to say about it.” Oooo this one sounds like it could make for some fun shenanigans~ Or something angsty? Honestly this one seems like it could go either way. <3
Sun Centric | Wordcount: 814 | AO3 Version
Based off a draft scene I had for Solar Lunacy, so you may see this scene again in a future chapter of SL. (Slight spoilers)
"What happens to animatronics when they get decommissioned?" You ask the question on a Thursday afternoon, in the quiet corner near the security desk that Sun leans back on. Children are playing in the jungle gym, and the Daycare Attendant's attention switches to you. You add onto your sentence. "Like, does it mean you guys just go to a different location then here? Or is there a storage wing or some other location you go to if you're no longer working here."
Sun hums, voice chipper as ever. "What a morbid thing to ask! Wrong too!"
"What? It's a genuine question!" You lean further across the desk. You highly doubt any children would over hear you at this distance, but your voice is low when you talk still, just in case. "What? Is it a sensitive topic or something?"
"We are deactivated and dismantled." Sun answers, tone much too full of default mirth for something so plainly stated. "Sometimes, if we are recycled or repurposed, the memory will be wiped and the endoskeleton resuited."
Your face must be some sort of slight surprise or horror, because the Daycare Animatronic's head tilts to you, saying nothing, but with the look of someone who just told a child that santa clause isn't real. You clear your throat, speaking casually. "Isn't that....illegal?"
The Daycare Attendant's eyes are upturned. "We're Fazbear Entertainment property! All trademark and copyright rules apply."
You send him a look. "Sentient robots have been gaining citizen ship and recognition as intelligence life in a lot of places, you know."
"I know! What a facinating time we live in, isn't it? We're constnatly living on the progression of history!"
"So...." You drawl out. "It's...immoral. To do that, I mean. They can't just-
"They can." Sun's smile is sharp when it cuts you off.
Your mouth curls downwards further. "That's-"
"Killing us?" Sun chuckles when he says this, hand raising and tapping your nose with his index finger. He rests it there, just on the tip of your nose and grins at you. "There you go, thinking we're people again. It's silly of you."
Some child screams, and his vision darts momentarily just to confirm that it wasn't a scream of pain but rather one of distress because they got tagged 'it', before turning back to you. You're still staring straight ahead, processing his words even as he taps your nose the way someone would knock on a door to check if anyone was home.
Your brows have furrowed. "I don't like it when you say things like that."
Sun's two fingers are 'walking' up your nose, your forehead, and back down again, as if to amuse himself. "Sure, thing. Won't mention it again, sweetheart."
"What are you going to do if they want to decommission you?" You don't even register the nickname. "Why can't they just, I don't know, let you go? Maybe not in this country but...automation rights are a thing now."
"Bit of a dreamer, aren't you? Moon likes that." The fingers 'walk' down to your chin, and Sun taps the bottom in the universal 'cheer up' motion he's done probably hundreds of times by now. "Nothing we can do. We're robots. We'd be decommissioned."
You lean away from his hand, just a bit. "So, you'd just give up? Be a hunk of scrap in a warehouse somewhere."
Sun says nothing, he makes a small 'hmm' of aknowledgement, hand still raised, head tilted at an angle.
Your tension feels heavy, so you smile lightly and bump your knuckles against his own. "You won't have to settle for that, not if I have anything to say about it."
"Oh, how bold!" Metal fingers wrap around your own, a thumb running over the thin skin over your wrist in a mindless, casual carress. "And how am I supposed to thank my darling savior knight?"
You raise a brow at the tone. "Sun, I'm serious."
"Oh, I can tell. I know, I know." His face never drops from the light heartedness, a light laugh underlying in his voice. "We're getting used to hearing your spout your disagreeable, dangerous decisions." A thin smile, he watches your own drop. "Those last few words was a bit of a tongue twister, wasn't it?"
You open your mouth to retort, but you're inturrupted by a child's scream. Both of your gazes instictly dart to the sound's source; a pigtailed child crying while a boy wearing Monty glasses holds a beloved Moon plushie over her head. Sun makes a noise equivalent to a sigh, and lifts himself off the desk. "Pardon, it's my turn to save the day!"
The hand leaves you, and he all but bounds away to the scene, movement full fo whim and jestering behavior. There's a coldness in your fingers, so you stuff that hand in your pocket and lean back against the security chair, and watch.
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
A friendly hang out (Molten x Sun platonic crackship)
Sumary: They are friends. Or Molten totally nail Sun as his friend. And Sun right now, still a litle bit awakard. Sun still feels uncomfortable when someone cares about him. He likes Molten and also want to be friendly and befriend with the bear. But old habits die hard and sometimes, Sun still feels uncertain whether Molten will be like everyone else, leaving him or stabbing him in the back.
Daycare was as cheerful and lively as ever. The lively sound of music hit Molten's ears, as the bear animatronic moved inside the door.
The children had all gone home, leaving only Sun to clean up.
'What a mess. Oh my god...' Even from afar, Molten could hear Sun's groans. The sun model sat on the ground, surrounded by scattered barrels. The faint scent of antiseptic wafted to the tip of Molten's nose.
Molten's orange-gray fur was even reflected on the plastic, glistening under the bright lights.
'How much detergent did Sun use? '
Molten tilted his head. His metal body covered in wires clanked, yet Sun had yet to notice him behind. A focus and joy that Molten rarely had the chance to witness, especially when the yellow animatronic was always in a state of anxiety or depression.
“Hmm… Argh!! Molten!!? You scared the crap out of me!!” Sun was startled and almost jumped back. An overly dramatic expression appeared on Sun’s face, and their hands unconsciously folded as if to cover their faces.
“Hello, Sun.” Molten replied cheerfully, waving his claws. “Do you want to hang out?”
“Go out?” Sun straightened up, looking puzzled. They shook their heads at him with helpless expressions, and as if they couldn’t understand what he was saying.
“But why, Molten?! I'm kinda busy right now.. and…”
Sun’s hands waved in the air, as if Molten had turned on some kind of anxiety switch in Sun.
“But you have been so busy lately. I just want you to relax a little bit. Is that not okay, Sun?” Molten lowered his head, his claws poking at each other.
“Y–Yes! Of course it’s okay. It’s just… there are people who are busier than me, like Solar, Moon… Laying around just feels wrong… you know.” Sun stuttered, looking more and more like they were about to scream, or faint. “I just want to get out of my head by doing the things I can do the best.” Sun opposes weakly, even though he seems like he didn’t charge for like a couple days. 
Molten genuinely liked Moon. He liked Solar too. They are good people, and they had both helped him a lot. Moon and the Creator had helped him fix his software, and Solar had given him a new body. 
But it was Sun who had given him a little faith into the future, and it was him who truly asked what he wanted or his purpose was. Because if it weren't for Sun, he would still be trapped in Moon's cage, lost in the curse the Creators had placed on him, with a pain of emptiness that could only be released by catching Ruin.
Because Sun looked like a sinking ship patched up with duct tape but still able to survive countless storms. Because Sun knew what it felt like to put all his effort into a meaningless goal, only to get nothing in return, just like Molten had when he sent Ruin into the abyss.
Because Sun was a good person, and Molten didn't understand what that meant, due to the fact his rotten nature, though repaired, would never be complete.
“Why do you think so lowly of yourself, Sun? Because here, I see everyone admiring and loving you?”
Molten had always been a good observer. 
He had seen Earth’s dependent and loving gaze, as she played with Sun like an overly pampered little sister. He had also seen the starry admiration in Lunar’s eyes, and the carefully hidden truth behind Sun’s brother’s indifferent demeanor. He had also seen how Moon’s innate sharpness softened whenever Sun was mentioned, and how Solar, despite his rudeness at times, had something secretly protective atmosphere toward Sun, like trying not to touch an open wound.
Everyone connected to Sun in a different way, and between them, Molten felt a sense of respect, admiration, trust, protection and love.
Molten liked that. He likes Sun. He likes the warm feeling whenever the two of them hang out, the feeling running through Molten's main circuit was almost like wanting, like possessing. It feels full. And it makes Molten feel less cold than ever.
Still, because of that, there was a stream of thoughts that came from nowhere running through Molten's small head, screaming passive rage every time he saw Sun talking or playing with someone else.
Because Sun is his friend, and he didn't like it when his friend was closer to someone else than him.
Because Sun still feels comfortable with others more than with him, and he can’t ever beat them due to the fact Molten is just Sun's new friend, and there a lot of people know Sun longer than him.
Was this strange? Molten's ears drooped. Was he becoming selfish for thinking like that?
Was he a bad person? Molten didn't want to be bad, he was bad and now he wanted to become better.
He wanted to hang out with Sun, he wanted to do more things that he felt like, he wanted to find something he was good at to help people.
"Ha... I guess so." Sun muttered. Their bright faces huddled together, even their shoulders lowered. Compared to someone who was almost the same height as Molten, at this moment, Sun looked really small.
There were many things Molten didn't know. There were many things Molten didn’t understand. But he did know that his friend was sad right now. And perhaps the thing that had distracted Molten would be of some use to Sun?
“Do you want to watch a movie, Sun?” Molten repeated what Sun had said. The yellow animatronic still looked hesitant, but nodded slowly. Their voices were still as tense and shrill as before, but more or less, their backs had relaxed a lot now.
“Wait until I finish cleaning this up, Molten.”
“I’ll help.” Molten clumsily sitting down, his loose strands accidentally bumping into the barrels that Sun had neatly arranged into vertical columns, now falling to pieces.
Sun stared, the look of Sun almost making his non-existent heart cringe before they sighed.
“It’s okay, Molten. You can use that rag over there to wipe it, okay?”
“Yeah.” Molten nodded. In the silence, accompanied by Sun’s pleasant hum, Molten timidly asked.
“We’re friends, right, Sun?”
And Sun… in a minute of silence. Their mechanical wrists were as regular as the hands of a clock. The sunlight reflected their images, reflected Molten’s fur in Sun’s eyes. There was something vulnerable as Sun replied.
“Haha… yeah, Molten. We are friends.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Hey, there! How are you?
I was hoping I could request a Moondrop x reader x Sundrop short fic?
A fic about a costume competition on the main stage of the Pizzaplex with all of the animatronics and then separately a staff costume competition.
Reader would be the daycare attendant and come in either first or second place for the competition.
After the competition, reader goes back to the daycare for a Halloween-themed sleepover! With Halloween movies and themed snacks and stuff! I think it’d be cute ☺️💕
Hi! I've been good, thank you! Finally getting the spooky halloween fics rolling
"So you're a STAFF Security Bot? The makeup looks great on you!"
"Really? Thanks. I guess it'd be dumb to ask who you are, huh?" Vanessa looked at your costume up and down with a raised eyebrow. "You look like you're gonna work for the damn travelling circus."
"Well...that's kinda the point." With a smile, you smoothed out the wrinkles in your striped pants, ensuring that your ruffled two-toned collar was neat. The bells on your wrists jingled noisily, but you quickly silenced them.
"Now I don't feel so embarrassed.." The blonde mumbled to herself, her gaze going back to you. "Don't you think you kinda...overdid this? I mean none of us are getting a bonus for putting more effort into our costumes-"
"There's no such thing as "overdoing" Halloween, Ness." You huffed. "I don't care about any bonuses or prizes. We're here to bring some holiday spirit to the Pizzaplex! I think it's good that the manager asked us to participate. They know how to have fun unlike the last one."
"...jeez, you're sounding more like Sun everyday." That was her only remark before she went back to staring at her phone, clearly wanting to get this over with.
Meanwhile, you were bouncing on your heels, being next in-line to show off your costume to the eager audience waiting outside.
For the first time ever, the Mega Pizzaplex finally scraped together the perfect Halloween event to really kick off the season: a costume competition!
It took place on the main stage in the atrium, which was decorated from floor to ceiling. A small fortune was spent on getting holograms to feature the Glamrocks in spooky costumes, but the employees were the main stars of the show.
Since you and the others knew about this months in advance, you had plenty of time to work on your outfit and makeup. You truly wanted to knock this out of the park by dressing up as your all-time favorite character:
The Daycare Attendant!
At first you had a difficult time deciding which one would be your muse. You'd hate to disappoint either of them, so you ended up designing something that contained aspects of both animatronics!
It took a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and glitter glue..but you finally finished it and now you were here, ready to show it off to the world!
There was an entirely separate competition for the animatronics themselves, who just finished an hour ago. They just brainstormed ideas and their handlers got to work creating their costumes.
The rules were all the same, nevertheless, and the winners were determined by whoever was cheered for the most.
Freddy, who was dressed up as Frankenstein's Monster, ended up winning first place (which you saw coming from a mile away)....while poor Roxy, who actually dressed up as Freddy, got second place. She was a sore loser about it and complained that the entire contest was "rigged".
Despite that, all of the animatronics seemed to have lots of fun.
Now it was the humans' turn to shine. You were 100% ready to give it your all, glad to see your coworkers were getting into the Halloween spirit, too....although Vanessa was less-than-thrilled to learn that participation was mandatory.
Regardless, you were happy with the way your costume turned out.
After telling the announcer your name and character, you waited for your queue to run on stage.
The anticipation was killing you!
"And up next we have [y/n], one of our longtime staff members, decked out as our one and only Daycare Attendant!"
With a big smile spreading from ear-to-ear, you headed out and were met with cheering kids and impressed parents. You did a little twirl so they could see all the parts of your costume, making sure the bells jingled loud enough for them to hear.
Among the crowd, you could see the animatronics hanging in the back, being allowed to spectate this contest. Sun himself was there, dressed up as a knight in shiny armor. But he was ecstatic upon seeing that you dressed like him and Moon.
"[Y/N]!!! YOU LOOK AMAZING STARSHINE!!!" He shouted, jumping up and down as he cheered the loudest.
You spotted him and waved back, your smile growing even more when you realized he loved it (even though he could only admire the details from afar for now).
It did take Freddy's and Chica's hands combined to ensure he didn't try to hop the fence and run over to you.
After your mini-performance was done, you headed off the stage before turning to observe Vanessa, who acted like a stiff and bored Security STAFF bot. She just muttered some of their preprogrammed lines before making a swift exit.
The applause for her was..lackluster, but she seemed relieved to finally be done with it.
You, on the other hand, were still relishing in all the attention.
Soon you'll get to see who won! You weren't counting on yourself winning the grand prize since your other coworkers put a good deal of effort into their costumes, too.
But in the end, getting first or second place wasn't your biggest concern.
Having fun is what mattered most.
"You're awful smug about that trophy. Didn't know you were the competitive type, officer."
"Well..I think for tonight, I can afford to be a little proud of myself." You smirked knowingly at Moon, holding up the golden trophy in your hands.
It wasn't made from real gold, of course. It's all just cheap useless plastic that was painted gold.
But you did, however, adore its design very much: Freddy's head shaped like a pumpkin with a #1 beside it, and your name written on the plaque just below it.
This wasn't any bonus check, gift card, or coupon...but it absolutely made you feel good about winning first place in the costume competition.
You made sure to thank Sun for his help before Moon took over the daycare's night cycle--aka his half of the "Halloween Sleepover", another smaller event the Pizzaplex allowed to keep the little ones occupied.
Fortunately, you got to supervise it to ensure everything ran smoothly. You were even allowed to stay in costume, and that got kids complimenting you left and right (albeit some of the tots mistook you for the Attendant himself, but you didn't mind it).
Of course, nobody was prouder than both Sun and Moon.
"I appreciate you considering me in this design. Very well done, indeed." The lunar animatronic flicked the bell at the end of your blue jester hat, grinning as it jingled. "You have quite the talent...unlike Officer Vanessa."
"I'd go easy on her, Moon. She's just not a big Halloween fan." You chuckled, putting the trophy on the security desk, before you leaned back in the chair and looked over the clipboard. "Anyways, we have just a few more activities scheduled...including one more Halloween movie. Then you'll be giving the kids lessons on how to trick-or-treat safely, and-"
"That's what I need help with!" Moon suddenly jumped onto the desk, perching there as he stared down at you. "I can't keep showing them SpongeBob forever."
"..what's wrong with SpongeBob?" Blinking, your gaze went to the small group of children, who were all in their own costumes, watching the "Scaredy Pants" episode through a projection on the wall.
They were all tucked into sleeping bags, candy wrappers scattered in their laps, and unfinished art crafts on the tables behind them. Moon was a tad bit fidgety over the messes they left, but you kept reassuring him everything will be cleaned up soon.
"Nothing, but...grr...listen." He grumbled, growing annoyed. "I know there's two movies in the drawer to your right, and we only have time for one. Look at them and pick for me."
Nodding, you opened the drawer and found the DVDs he was talking about.
But you were quite surprised.
"The Nightmare Before Christmas and..Corpse Bride?" You stared at the covers, before looking up at Moon. "Management...actually approved these?"
"It would seem so, if they're here."
"...I don't know. The kids might be a bit too young for either of these movies, Moon." You frowned a little. "They might give them nightmares-"
"If they can handle seeing SpongeBob's exposed brain, the creatures of Rock Bottom, and the Hash Slinging Slasher...then surely they can handle seeing Jack Skellington or Emily."
"But the animation is totally different and---" You began protesting, although you stopped as you saw how Moon was just...staring at you blankly. He was practically begging you to make a decision lest he strangled you.
"..I'll take care of the movie and let the kids decide which one they wanna watch. You can go clean the tables and work on your safety lesson plan. Okay?"
His grin returned immediately.
"Wise choice, "Daycare Attendant"." He snickered, flicking the bell on your hat once more before he slinked away to cleanup duty.
Sighing, you got up and stretched, before heading over to the children so they could cast their votes on which movie they wanted to see.
After they made their choice, you went back to helping Moon, although at some point you two ended up watching the movie as well.
The night was still young, but so far it's been fantastic and full of Halloween fun!
What better way to spend it than with your favorite animatronics and dressing up as them?
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selineram3421 · 6 months
Lil' idea blip for what the child reader would be like.
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Daycare Attendants & Child Reader
Warning ⚠
⚠ reader is (gn) gender neutral, cussing, platonic, using random names for kids-sorry if I used yours and now it's confusing ⚠
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Currently the Daycare Attendant Sundrop was at the craft table, helping one of the children make a snowflake.
"And then cut shapes on one side.", Sun instructed the little one.
Of course, children don't always listen to instructions well and do what they like. Still, it made the animatronic smile when Kathy finished her snowflake.
"I'm done!", the blue eyed girl said proudly.
"How nice!", Sun cheered. "Now you can make another one!"
Kathy thought for a moment before shaking her head no. "No. I want to color now.", she said and gave the attendant the scissors.
"Alrighty!", the sun animatronic replied before going towards the arts and crafts cabinets to put away the scissors.
Then, as he was closing the cabinet door, he heard a yell.
Spinning his head, Sundrop saw Kevin standing on top of a messed up tea table. Gina was cowering behind a familiar child that was butting heads with the boy.
"Friendship is dumb!", the little trouble maker said and blew a raspberry.
You had let out a haunted gasp and quickly your face switched from shocked to anger. Then you picked up a nearby Nerf gun and pointed it at the brown haired boy.
"Friendship is FUCKING magic!", you screeched before blasting the boy with foam bullets.
Sun gasped as he quickly stood up.
"There is no foul language in the Daycare!", he speed walked over and scooped you up. "Timeout!"
"Hey!", you puffed out your cheeks in annoyance. "Kevin is the jerk! He should be in time out! And I'm not wrong! Friendship is magic!"
"I suppose you're right.", Sun said and also scooped up Kevin. "Both of you are in timeout."
"WHAT!?", the brown haired boy screamed. "I didn't do anything!"
The daycare attendant walked towards the corner as the two children bickered.
"That's a big fat lie!", you frowned.
"Your Mom's fat!", the boy replied.
"My mom is not fat! She just has a big butt!", you countered. "And last I saw, your dad was staring at my mom's butt! So eat it fart face!"
"You're stupid! And ugly!", Kevin shouted.
"I'm not a mirror!", you shouted back.
Sun felt tired already.
It hasn't even been two hours.
Placing the two in the corner, he sat them on chairs and told them to hold hands.
"No!", the two yelled and faced away from each other.
"You won't? Hmmm.", Sundrop placed a hand on his hip, using the other to tap his finger on his faceplate. "Looks like you'll both have to wear the get-along shirt."
You looked up at the animatronic in horror.
Sucking it up, you grabbed Kevin's hand with disgust.
"There. Happy?", you grumbled.
The little boy blushed and looked away. "This is dumb."
"There we go!", Sun clapped his hands. "Five minutes!", he told the two before going back to the other children with a skip in his step.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad day.
"I still don't like you.", he overheard you say.
Or...maybe it might be.
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~Seline, the person.
Fic Ideas for Daycare Attendants
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
So(u)l Chapter 1
A soulmate daycare attendant x reader slowburn!
Disclaimer: it/its pronouns are used for the daycare attendant until he achieves sentience! Here's the AO3 link to read it there as well! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48206098/chapters/121564951#workskin
Busy. Busy busy busy, always so busy. Never even a moments rest to stop and think- not that it needed an entire second, a laughably long amount of time. Jeremy was trying to eat glue. Tasha was shoving a dirty sock from the ball pit into one of the generators littered around the room- as if they weren’t already enough of a fire hazard.
It was lucky it was so quick, so ready to jump into the candy covered sticky fray. It was even luckier that it was a computer, a robot designed specifically for children. Maybe not designed for this specific job, but it performed it well. It took pride in it, as much as an artificial intelligence could, and even moreso knowing that all of its knowledge and expertise in this area was learned through experience rather than it being loaded into its artificial brain. It was advanced. It was incredibly advanced, far moreso than any other technology outside of the fazbear corporation.
A learning, growing AI, worth millions of dollars, and now with one hand holding onto the labelled seam of a toddler’s pants, dangling them from where they’d attempted a jump off the highest height of the jungle gym. The other hand was holding back an eight year old, who was beginning to realize that they were too mature for the daycare and acting out to prove it as they attempted to peel the safety foam off the sharp corners at the top of the structure. Its feet were being used to hold himself to the gym, hooked into the criss cross patterned grating and providing it just enough leverage to remain opposed to gravity.
If it had core muscles, they would be straining at the effort. At the moment, all the straining was a result of its desperate attempt to not drop either child, nor use too much force and accidentally hurt them.
Its foot slipped slightly, ever so slightly. Not enough to make it fall, but enough that it knew that scenario wasn’t far off. Its mind ran a hundred thousand calculations a millisecond, before it finally calculated the best choice.
It used the hand holding the back of the older child’s shirt to yank them towards it while simultaneously throwing the toddler up up UP into the air. It did a spinning cartwheel off the structure, using both it’s hands to launch the older child into the ball pit as if he were a basketball, hearing him land with a scattering of hollow plastic balls. Finally, it hit the ground with a duck, a roll, and a bounce to stand back up. Holding out its perfectly engineered hands and-
Catching the little one with time to spare. The fluid, lifelike robot beamed and wiggled ite finger over the child’s nose, earning a giggle before it put them down and sent them on their wobbly way.
“Remember kids, the top of the structure is off off off limits!” It announced, its million dollar smile bright and cheerful, it’s voice so full of life you wouldn’t know it didn’t have one.
“Mr Sun!!” Two of the children screamed, in a tug of war over a stuffed Chica.
“Hello, friends!” It smiled at them, bounding over in far fewer steps than it would take a human, thanks to its incredibly long legs. “Are we playing nice and sharing our toys??”
One of the children shook their head quickly. “Billy isn’t letting go of MY chica!!”
“I saw it first!!” He retorted, tugging on the doll again. The animatronic faintly heard the sound of seams pulling taut.
“But I brought it from home!!” The little girl whined. “Mr SUN!!”
It gently patted both of their heads, crouching down to get closer to the both of them. “Amanda, you brought your toy from home, so you get to decide if you want to share it! Billy, Amanda is very upset, so do you think you could find a different toy??”
It’s voice remained as bouncy and excited as ever, even while crouched down trying to calm down a situation. Billy scowled before tugging on the toy again, and even Amanda could hear the ripping now. She screamed in terror at the idea of her toy being broken, pulling back harder in a vain attempt to retrieve it. “NOOOO!!”
It scanned the situation, running through calculations before coming to its final option. The last one before simply lifting up the children and physically separating them.
“Whooooo wants a sundrop!!” It held out two round little orange candies, magicked out of thin air from behind the children’s ears.
They stared for a moment, but only a moment before the toy was dropped and the candies grabbed eagerly. The daycare attendant lifted up the toy, depositing it in Amanda’s arms. It reached over into one of the many piles of toys surrounding the daycare and pulled out a Monty plush, plopping it into the arms of Billy. “There we go! Now we both have a toy!”
It’s wide smile beamed as it squinted it’s optics in a show of approval. Both children seemed at least satiated with the end result- both with a toy and a piece of candy, before running off in opposite directions. It stood up and surveyed the room, looking for the next challenge to tackle.
The child who had been dunked into the pit finally dragged himself out, throwing a plastic ball at the attendant’s head in indignation that his plan to ruin safety codes had been thwarted.
The ball whizzed towards the animatronic, with surprisingly good aim for a kid of that age. Aim didn’t matter however, when the daycare attendant had sensors in the back of its head. It’s torso turned before his head and caught the ball. When it’s head caught up, rotating to face him, it beamed his same, static smile at the boy.
“Oh ho ho, Lukas!” It chided, voice loud enough to fill the entire daycare with ease. It used its foot to kick two more balls that had been scattered along the mats into its hands, and began juggling them. “Throwing things is not permitted in the daycare! Unless of course we’re playing catch- but I don’t remember agreeing to play!!”
As it walked over to the boy, it continued to scoop up balls, juggling them even as the number of them became more and more unfathomable to be kept in the air all at one time.
Lukas folded his arms and huffed, turning and sitting on the edge of the ball pit. He paused until he knew the attendant was close, mischievous little grin worming it’s way across his face. By the time the attendant was close enough to roll the balls off its shoulder in a graceful slide back into their designated place in the pit, he had a new plan.
He threw himself off the edge of the ball pit, sliding between the attendant’s legs and booking it for the structure. He knew the attendant had difficulty maneuvering inside of it, though it wasn’t impossible. He’d have to be quick to make it through. He had no real goal, of course. He was here until his mom came for him at four.
But getting that dumb robot all tangled up for a few minutes would be compensation enough for having been interrupted during his brooding on top of the structure.
The robot feigned being startled as it was slid under, having seen the boy’s muscles tensing long before he actually moved. Its programming urged it to allow the children small victories over it- to improve their self confidence, and their growth. It gasped dramatically, throwing every ball it was juggling into the air at once and letting them pelt it as they came back down.
Several children who were watching giggled at the display, enjoying watching the oldest kid in the daycare really stick it to the man. Er.. the robot.
The older kids knew the robot wasn’t really alive. He was a toy, meant to watch over them while their parents were at work, or with their older siblings in the gigantic pizzaplex. He was like .. an elf on the shelf. He couldn’t really do anything to you, but he could tell your parents if you had been naughty, and that was often more than enough to deter them from bad behaviour. He played games, sang songs, told stories, did arts and crafts- he did it all!
Almost like a real person!
Lukas had, at this point, been sticking out his tongue at the attendant from the slide, teasing and making rude gestures.
The attendant’s array of yellow points, surrounding his head like a halo of sunshine, flattened back slightly. It’s programming censored the rude gesture for it, but it knew that it was against the rules. Rules that it took VERY seriously.
“Lukas! That is against the rules! Please step out of the-!” It peered up into the tube that the boy had disappeared into, whirring clicks filling the plastic tunnel as it tried to pathfind the best way to handle this situation.
It was frozen for a fraction of a second before deciding to follow him. It knew the boy was trying to get it to follow, but that’s what it was here for. To play! To follow the rules in order to keep order and structure to the fun, to play along, and to keep humans safe were the pillars on which its AI was built. It was harmless to follow, and would only serve as a lesson to the boy when he was caught to not break the rules.
It crawled into the slide, on all fours, almost spider-like as it ascended. “Luuuukaaaas!” It called, in a sing-songy voice, completely oblivious in any bit of its coding as to how terrifying this situation would be to a child. “Rulebreakers don’t get to keep playing, they have to go in TIME OUT!”
It reached the end of the slide, crouching as it scanned the area. It found the bio signature near instantly, though with a moments hesitation. He was using the generator as a mask to hide his body heat- clever! It added that note to Lukas’s file to compliment his mother on when she came for pickup. The parents were usually much friendlier to it after it complimented their children. Not that their nervous looks and barely hidden discomfort around it bothered it. It was only a machine, after all.
“Come get me!!” The child teased, sticking out his tongue as he peaked over the generator. Warning signs flashed in its mind, red boxes and triangles covering his view. This was dangerous. The generators weren’t safe to play around.
“The generators aren’t toys, friend!” It spoke slowly. “Let me get you somewhere more fun, then we can-“
As it reached over the generator, it knocked one of the thick connecting cables loose, already having been on its last legs from being fiddled with by tiny hands. A large arc of electricity crackled in the air, and the lights in the daycare flickered. The generator practically jumped into the air with the force of the kilovolts being pushed through it, kilovolts which connected with the attendant’s metal frame and engulfed it.
Lukas watched as the attendant was flooded with electricity, artificial eyes flooded with static, and rays spinning so quickly it was creating a breeze. Arms twitching and hands opening and closing, legs spasming- Maybe this hadn’t been the best idea after all. If he broke this thing, his mom was sure to kill him. Or at least, take away his video game privileges.
Eventually, the lights in the daycare returned to normal, the generator that had been over-conducting calming down as its brothers rerouted the power to themselves and shut it off from their system. Now that it was powerless, the attendant was free to recover.
Smoke rose from his body, eyes black as his power cell had forced a shut off to avoid overload. It had done so too late, unfortunately, and he had crashed.
His systems slowly rebooted, coming back online one by one.
Good Morning, Sun!
The text beeped in front of his eyes before disappearing shortly after, the usual wake up he received after a hard reset, other than the startup systems diagnosis running in the background. He blinked slowly, purposefully.
That had.. hurt.
It had hurt?
It had hurt.
Why had it hurt? He’d never hurt before. He could feel things, thanks to the wiring under his silicon, to give him the ability to judge touch and pressure. But he’d never hurt. He’d also never considered himself a he before. Why was he thinking that now? Why was he thinking anything? He didn’t usually think, not much anyways, not consciously. His thoughts were command tasks in his computer brain, not thoughts- thoughts like these. Like this one right now. And this one! And this!
He felt himself begin to panic. What was happening to him? What was wrong? Was he broken? Oh, no! If he was broken he’d have to-
Fear flooded his system. Confusion, then panic, then fear. Not the most fun first three emotions to feel.
He raised his hands and gripped his rays anxiously, before patting down the rest of himself. He didn’t FEEL broken. Not physically at least. Maybe the jolt had fried his software- would he need it replaced?? Would he-
He froze again, a swirling spinning mess of all these terrible feelings, not even noticing as the little instigator slipped his way past him and down the slide back out of the structure again.
He was too busy thinking about himself, now. Himself. A new concept.
If he’d needed to breathe, his chest would be heaving. And it did. His artificial breathing, meant to make him even more like a person, had caught up to the news of their sudden autonomy, and began shuddering as he fought to catch his false breath.
He was only shaken out of his stupor when he heard a voice in the back of his head. One he heard constantly- that he knew as intimately as he knew himself. It WAS himself. Or at least.. it had been.
When he wasn’t awake, it hadn’t mattered that the moon program was separate from him. They were the same body, providing the same functions. It was the same as switching browsers. You still got your results.
But now.. now..? Now that little voice, those little lines of code that ‘spoke’ to him.. they really were speaking to him. The voice they’d programmed for moon, to be softer, to be easier to hear before bed, echoed out in lines of code that translated themselves into speech.
Sun paused for a moment. That was his name, wasn’t it? Sun. It was his. He’d never thought about his name before- it had almost been as much of a title as daycare attendant. It wasn’t his, it was what the children called him to get his attention. No, no. That was his name. It was his. He decided firmly in that moment. His first real decision- one made on his own. On purpose. By choice.
He sent out his own strings of code in return, hesitantly, carefully. As if responding would break the spell, the beautiful and terrifying curse they seemed to be under.
After a few long moments, agonizingly long, he received a pinged response.
This is new.
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bingusbongu · 10 months
A/n: hello again! This wasnt a request but something i wanted to write myself! Personally, i love these two silly guys, and ive been reading some good fanfiction about them and GOD do i kin these two, so i hope you enjoy:))) sorry its so long! And maybe abit ooc-
Tw: nothing! Just absolute tooth rotting fluff:)
Sun and Moon dating headcanons!
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• the golden retriever boyfriend
• goodness, if you two end up becoming a couple, this clingy animatronic would be attached to your hip constantly, you cannot get him away even if you tried, itll take a huge force for Sun to be seperated from you
• he respects your boundries! Of course he does! He wants you to be comfortable! He cant have his favorite person in the whole world uncomfortable! He does eveything to make sure you are comfy around him, he knows how off putting he can be amd scary, he had accidengly scared a few people in his time as attendant
• though, if you tell him you dong mind hugs or dont mind him being touchy, it would take abit of reassurance, but Sun is all over you
• hugging you, holding you close, picking you up and spinning around with you in his arms, he is NOT letting you go, whether you like it or not
• He is a toucher, please dont be mad at him. He is constantlh touching you in some way, regardless if its just pinkie holding, or Sun full om trapping you into a cuddle and talking to you about his day
• he is a cuddle bug, you cant change my mind
• Sun is always used to being the affectionate one, he enjoys hugs and cheering up people! No one really cared to give the big sweetie a hug himself. So when you show him any form of affection, he fell on MELTS
• he craves touch, he is so touch starved, sure he loves being the big spoon, but when you big spoon HIM? Swoons
• he loved just crawling into your lap and pressing his face to your stomach as you caress his rays amd faceplate, making him absolutely melt and calm in your hold
• you are the only person who can calm him down. Sometimes he gets to excited abd jumpy, especially when its something he enjoys like arts and crafts (we stan autistic sunny.) Sometimes, you have to calm him before he stims to hard and short circuits
• during arts and crafts with the kids, he really likes to try and make you stuff. And when he does, he presents it to you with the biggest and proudest grin ever, and you cherish each and every one, you have a full wall in your room covered with Sun gifts
• if YOU make him something, though, he would be so happy, he does a little happy dance before taking it and handling it with sich gentle care
• It was made by YOU, and he treasures it greatly
• he has all your gifts for him displayed where he can always see them, it makes him so proud that you make stuff for him, it makes his inside coding beat in place of a heart
• He definitely makes happy little chirps and whirrs when he is happy, and ofc his rays start to spin. It akeays happens when you walk into the daycare
• but to reallu get it going, all you have to do is motion Sun to bend down, and when he does you press a kiss to his big grin
• his rays spin so fast its like a fan, and his voicebox is whirring and glitching
• His forms of kisses, since he can't open his mouth, is pressing his teeth to your lips, and you kissing him instead. Sure he is quite sad he cant actually kiss you, but it makes up in its own ways, he dosnt care, he still absolutely loves it when you butterfly kiss his face all over, he is a giggling mess!
• loves playing games with you, especially after everyone is gone and the daycare is clean, he especially loves tag, which you always lose at. But he just adores hearing you giggle every time he catches you
• he adores you so much, je gets so giddy when thinking about you, he starts giggling like a school girl, goodness you make his chest cavity loosen at the thought of you
• whenever he is stressed, he just thinks about you and everything calms down inside of him
•he loves you, very very much, he feels so special being with you
• he feels like the luckiest robot alive
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• the black cat boyfriend
• he is much calmer then Sun is, the completely opposite of the other AI
• when the lights switch off, you akways great Moon with a smile and a wave. Moon always loved taking control of the body, and the first sight he sees is you
• of course, when he comes out, he has to go on his patrols, he cant just skip them, so every night he has to leave you for alittle bit, it usually lasted only 30 minutes, since Moon could move aroubd fast, and he had the plex memorized
• and he also wants to get back to you asap, cause after you soend so much time with Sun, he wont admit it, but he gets very jealous
• once he gets back, you're usually finishing the cleaning ir checking the daycare's inventory to see if you needed to buy some more items
• and moon will always walk up behind you, and snatch you away from your work
• no matter how much you try to struggle, moon will not let go of you
• He likes to bring you over to the napping area of the daycare and set you in a nest of Pillows he made, and before you can even conplain, he has flopped himself down on your lap, preventing you from getting up
• i like to imagine Moon being a cuddler, too, just not as clingy as Sun could be, but he also loves being held at the same time. And when he does it, he gets you to stop working, rest, and pay attention to him! It was a win in his book, he likes keeping you with him for long periods of time, even preventing you from going to the bathroom, and just whins until you agree to stay
• You always would give in, and relax along the pillows while petting Moons head, who would chirp in approval
• Unlike Sun, he tends to pur when he is happy, especially when he is receiving affection from you, much like a cat
• pet his chin, he LOVES that
• he also loves playing games with you in the dark of the daycare, likehis favorite, hide and seek! You always thought it was unfair, but moon loved it, and so did you
• He would always find you though, regardless of how hard you try, and absolutely teases you about it, he is such a big tease
• though, he likes spending time with you in other ways too!
• especially when you two are lazying around, either Moon sprawled across your lap, or you sprawled ontop of moon, he loves to read to you!
• whether it be a kids book, or any normal book, he loves reading to you snd having you listen, especially when you fall asleep to the sound of his voice
• and will absolutely love it when you read to him, he adores your voice, he could listen to it forever
• if you do manage to fall asleep in Moons nests of blankets and Pillows, moon would admire you for a moment, before adjusting you into a more confy position, and curling up around you, and entering rest mode with you
• he likes the comfy quiet you two share with eachother, he prefers it rather than jt being so loud, he didnt like loud
• that being said, he hates loud, especially when its loud towards YOU. Moon can tend to be quiet protective at times, after he acciently hurt you the first time you met him, he wanted to make sure you didnt end up getting hurt again under his watch
• to help him calm down, youll have to cup Moons chin with both of your hands and make him look at you, before pressing a kiss to his head and whispering reassurance to him
• Automatically calms down and lets himself sooth at your comforting words to him
• Before dragging you away to a safe place alone and cuddling you, not wating to let you go
• just make sure you pet his face, he loves that, and pressing loving kisses to his face, he will relax completely, but still refuses to let you go, and you dont mind
• Moon likes keeping you close, he likes to know that you trust him to protect you, it makes his purrs rumble even louder in your ears when he nestles his face into your neck, pressing his teeth to your skin in little kisses
• moon seems scary, but he is such a softy, especially for you, and he loves you, verh very much, he would never let any harm come to you
• he just wants you to feel safe around him
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thorns-and-rosewings · 11 months
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Sooooo new AU anyone?
Behold the 🔥'Seraphim AU!'🔥
LOL I have been working on this for a month and decided to post what I have so far today on the spookiest of days, dear old Halloween. 🎃 And yes, I do get a ton of enjoyment out of The Sun and Moon Show, which helped inspire the direction this AU has gone.
I actually do have a whole AU/Story idea for him and his brothers (Yes he has siblings, his versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar)
I will just give a little intro into him and his background into this world below. :)
First thing I need to point out is that Seraphim Eclipse is not actually a Fazbear product. No, his creation was the result of a very ambitious fellow within Fazbear who had the brilliant idea to commission an outside company to build some of the more unique animatronics for less money. Specifically the Daycare Attendants.
As the DCA is the only animatronic whose insides cannot be replaced by a random backup Endo due to their thinner, more complex structures. They need to be custom built each time and it's particularly expensive given the unique 3 personalities and abilities the Endo will need. So, without authorization, he commissions a smaller company to build a new attendant.
Unfortunately A LOT was lost in translation. As this small company was led to believe that if their work was satisfactory they could get many more commissions from Fazbear. They were also provided with the DCA's primary blueprints... And furthering the miscommunication, they were told to improve on the design rather than make it identical.
Thus the Creator took liberties and built the base model of Seraphim Eclipse. (Pictured below)
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Initial Info: The he first thing that should be said is that Seraphim Eclipse was not initially able to fly. (He can currently) his original wings were just for show and were made to flash and glow. (If he tries it's like getting flashed with six Fazcams all at once)
Next, he was made to be a 'Gentle Giant' sort of figure. He stands at a towering 10 feet tall if one includes his rays.
He also doesn't have a hook on his back, rather he is equipped with a long, flexible and insanely durable cable that can retract completely into his back. This cable measures almost 35-40 feet and is so strong it can fully lift Seraphim Eclipse's weight and keep him balanced and suspended perfectly in midair. The reason for this is he was built to fill all three of the DCA's roles and for naps he would place the kids down for a nap, while being suspended above with his wings glowing faintly.
His entire appearance is supposed to invoke that of a guardian angel.
The cable also has a secondary function as it is much like a Na'vi queue and allows Eclipse to interact with the networks throughout the Pizzaplex. Due to his systems being completely built outside of Fazbear, he has difficulty with various aspects of the systems. But it also meant he was immune to the initial Glitchtrap virus.
He refers to this cable as his tail.
His creator chose to simplify the 'Sun, Moon and Eclipse' personalities and just made one singular being who could handle all of the duties he would need too. Choosing to name him Eclipse as it was more appropriate and would seemingly encompass all of the needed aspects.
The final really 'Abnormal' thing about him is that during his construction, someone attempted to abduct and possibly assault one of the Creators three kids, specifically his youngest daughter... Thankfully the bastard failed and was arrested, but the lingering stress of that disturbing situation resulted in his Creator building flamethrowers into his arms/hands... To be used in case of emergencies.
Brief History: Unfortunately when he was revealed to the heads of the Fazbear Board of Directors, brought before them and activated by the manager who commissioned him... He immediately showed that he was as sweet and as cheerful as Sun models usually are-
He was about as well received as someone finding a dead rat in their cereal...
The board was livid, as company secrets and schematics were given out to make this abomination... Yeah, his first memories at the job he was made for was being called an abomination to his face.
The manager was fired and Eclipse, since they couldn't send him back for a refund but also couldn't use him... They put him in a few restraints, locked him into a permanent 'resting mode' and pretty much hung him up on a wall in a small closet off of parts and services... and forgot he existed.
Unfortunately for Eclipse, he was locked but still conscious.
He was trapped in his own body, in darkness, alone for several years... The only escape he had was that while they locked his limbs up, they neglected doing so with his tail. So he was eventually able to get into the Fazbear networks and essentially observe the ongoings of the Pizzaplex.
He was also able to get access to an online Anime/Manga account that one employee set up for 'Productive Loafing' while at work. But it ended up being the one true joy Seraphim Eclipse had. A distraction from the nightmare he was stuck in. Even when the human employee was fired, Eclipse still kept the account active and constantly used it.
...on a negative note, Eclipse developed a seething hatred towards Sun, Moon and their Eclipse. As he viewed them as responsible for his own situation. Let alone the horrors that the malfunctioning Moon caused...
(Because I truly can write too much and given how LONG I could make this... I am going to shorten this now)
Seraphim Eclipse was finally be let loose from his captivity by MXES as a final desperate act to prevent Mimic from escaping and killing Cassie. As when MXES was set up, he became aware of Eclipse but didn't release him... Due to him not being sure if he was just another vessel for the Mimic or some other threat.
After getting free and having been watching Cassie's dangerous progress through the destroyed Pizzaplex via the cameras, Eclipse's first and only thought is about saving that little girl... And he reactivates Roxy to help him. (Because I still wonder how the hell she reactivated.) And it turns into a huge fight... Ending with Mimic getting deactivated by being ripped to pieces. And Eclipse taking quite a bit of damage especially to one side of his face, but making sure Mimic is VERY dead.
They all leave up the elevator, meeting the real Gregory, Freddy (Well... his head anyway) and Vanessa at the top. (They don't drop them.)
Literally everyone is burnt out from this nightmare, they go to the only place that might be a reprieve from the whole mess... They go to Cassie's aunt's place. Cassie's aunt, Twila, owns a Junk/Scrapyard and was babysitting her niece while her father was out of town. She opens the door to this lot and Cassie nervously laughing that she has a funny story to tell her.
Cassie is grounded for a month for scaring her aunt half to death by running off...
But Seraphim Eclipse stays there for a bit; and knowing he saved her niece... Twila gives him his sword. As she knows it's valuable, but judging by her nieces description about how Eclipse used a piece of rebar like a sword while fighting Mimic, she thought he should own a real one.
The sword is an Nodaichi.
His face is repaired, but seems to sport a permanent red scar, resembling a bloody tear.
(Again I am shortening this...)
After pulling off some blackmail, Seraphim Eclipse manages to aquire this particular Pizzaplex, all of its accounts for money and while associated, it's not connected to the Fazbear brand anymore... He owns it and gets it repaired.
His first act is to get rid of Sun/Moon/Eclipse... He quite literally tells them they are fired... And to go throw themselves into the dumpster outside because that's where they belong.
Twila takes the now distraught trio to live and help her at the scrapyard...
The Pizzaplex gets repaired better than ever and Eclipse takes his 'rightful' role, running the daycare.
...all is peaceful for a bit...
Until something is blasted through the roof and lands in the ballpit...
...namely the damaged form of a certain other Eclipse...
...and the damaged remains of the Newton Star...
Exercising A LOT of caution, Seraphim Eclipse takes the damaged other Eclipse to his workshop and starts going through his mind.
Yeaaaahhh he learns how batshit the other is... But he also comes across the schematics for the interdimensional portal, but more importantly the blueprints for both Bloodmoon and Lunar...
Because he and his alter share a trait of being agonizingly lonely.
He also meets Solar Flare, who he moves his consciousness into his computer... And ends up adapting him to be the AI in charge of his defenses...
LOL, MXES finally gets a friend.
He repairs Canon Eclipse, but knowing that he's pretty insane... Seraphim Eclipse slaps a nasty control collar on him so his alter cannot secretly work to destroy him...
Poor guy gets turned into a very angry janitor.
And Seraphim Eclipse proceeds to build his own versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar... Even incorporating the fragments of the Newton Star into his own Lunar.
The results are... Interesting... Especially considering his Lunar, who is extremely magically inclined, becomes responsible for Seraphim Eclipse's wing upgrades. As well as a multitude of additional upgrades... And awkward scenarios; that this crazy family will start enduring 😅
...I will write more later, but that's pretty much the start of this AU 🌟
Also, Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
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oneshlut · 10 months
Hello!!!! Love your writing!!!! May i request a platonic Sun and Moon (or eclipse its up to you!) With a favorite child reader? I just think that would be adorable!!!
P.s. i LOVE your writing!!!! And your headcanons!!! Dont overwork yourself!!!! Keep being cool/pos!!!!!!!!
A/N: UGHHH you guys are SO SWEET!!! pls stop im gonna IMPLODE /j tyty for all the kind words, also i really needed some1 to tell me not to overwork myself lmaoao, ive been getting so many requests lately.. promise i'll get to all of y'all! OHOH AND I LOVE WRITING FOR THESE THREE! and child readers for them, especially!
(since im feeling extra silly i'll give you a fanfic recommendation: New Consciousness! i think it can be found on tumblr too.. its a yandere sun/moon fic&child reader, one of my favs and greatest inspo!)
Your Best Friend (Sun/Moon/Eclipse & Child!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General meeting, friendship, and attachment headcanons for The Daycare Attendant with a child reader.
Extra Info: Sun and Moon share bodies, just like in the game. If I mention them talking to each other, they're talking with their shared consciousness.
Sun can usually tell when someone new joins the daycare. If he doesn't hear the obvious audio clue of the ballpit, he'll have a sensor that will go off so that he's notified. Every time Sun gets a notification, you can almost see his built-in smile grow wider. A new friend!
As a child new to the Pizzaplex, entering the daycare for the first time was terrifying. I don't think the current horrible reputation on the Fazbear company helped one bit. The animatronics were definitely scary, you didn't need to know that there was a chance you could go missing because of them.
But the daycare had attendants, so that calmed your nerves. Slightly. Until you realized, they too were animatronics. The statue in the entrance of the daycare was massive compared to you. You suddenly wished that you hadn't accepted that birthday invitation.
Sun immediately goes in to meet you! He's practically radiating happiness onto you, skipping to where you were. He's definitely very intense when first meeting you, waving to you like a maniac. You eventually find yourself getting used to his upbeat energy, agreeing to do most activities with him that he brings up. This includes making macaroni art, crudely put-together paper pals, and a few drawings that he's sure to hang up in his room afterwards.
The security officers seem to catch on over the next few weeks how Sun has grown attached to one child. It pretty much went against his code, as he was supposed to be keeping a watchful eye over all the kids, not just one. But the officers at Freddy's get paid minimum wage, so they don't really care about the two of you unless they've got a lawsuit on their hands.
If you were ever feeling down, he'd immediately try to cheer you up. He will spend the entire day with you if he needs to! He may be intense, clingy, and won't let you out of his sight for a mere 2 seconds, but he's got good intentions. Sun hates seing children sad, and the one thing he knew how to do best was cheer them up. Whether this be silly faces, drawings, or hide n' seek, he always had something new to distract you from the little raincloud utop your head. However, Sun knows he can be a bit chaotic at times. If you want him to, he'll give you space. Sometimes, kids just need calm, and that was definitely not his strong suit.
Sun tries not to have "favorite" children, but he couldn't deny he was growing a bit attached. You were enjoying his company anyway, so why should he have to stop? You seemed much less nervous around him aswell, so as far as he knew, he was doing the right thing. A new term had suddenly seemed to form in his memory bank: "best friend".
Now, Moon definitely caught you off guard. You had grown so used to Sun's warm, exatatic nature, that when the atmosphere to the daycare had a sudden chill, yet calming feel to it, you immediately thought something was wrong.
Given this, you met Moon when, apparently, Sun was going under.. technical support of some kind. You didn't know the full extent to the details, but what you did know was that Sun was gone, and in replacement, Moon took over both the day and night shifts. You watched as the kids in the daycare scrambled around, some trying to hide, and some just trying to get all their energy out before Moon came out for the night shift. You had intended to just stay away from him in a random corner, since most kids seemed afraid of him, but with the "night" shift coming up, you really had no way to avoid him.
Moon wasn't in the mood for hide n' seek. Not like Sun usually was. He recognized that he had a job to do, so if anything, he'd get it done. He did enjoy working for kids--it was in his code, after all--but this didn't distract him from his work. As most children were, you were scared of him at first. Moon normally just forced the kid to go to bed, either with a Moondrop candy, or tame threats like time-out. But you seemed.. different. He didn't want to be seen as mean, not to you. Instead, he tried to gain your trust by telling you that he was friends with Sun, assuming you were more favorable towards Sun.. again, as most kids were. Surprisingly, he was right to assume.
You, on the other hand, were thrown completely off guard. For the most part, you had thought Moon was this mean, strict, and harsh version of Sun--as you've heard from other children. But instead, you found him to be much more calming, if anything. Maybe the kids just hated having to tone down their energy, that when someone forced them to, they grew naturally afraid of them. That was your reasoning, anyway.
Unlike Sun, Moon is more of a "denier" than anything. He had things to do, and didn't need things getting in the way. But you were different. You weren't a distraction--no, far from it. He wouldn't admit it, but as Sun did, he grew attached. Out of all the kids he's taken care of during his career, you were definitely the calmest. Your presence is.. nice.
If you're going to anyone for comfort, it's Moon. This is if Sun didn't manage to cheer you up previously. Moon's version of comfort was more of quiet, small ambiance, plushies, blankets, and pillows. Sometimes storytimes! That's one method the two had in common. So if you ever have trouble sleeping when nap time comes around, Moon may or may not give you special treatment to ensure you sleep soundly. This means absolutely everything I just listed above for comfort.
He soon discovered what it was like to spend the whole day with you. He'd now ask Sun every now and then if he could take over the day shift for him. At first Sun denied, that would mean less time with you! But, if he made it equal..
Sun made a somewhat "deal" with Moon, where they would now just take days instead of shifts. This.. didn't look good to the staff, though. Instead of making them go back to their shifts, though, they would make sure they both got what they wanted. And in the staff's eyes, what the shared animatronic wanted was to each have both shifts. Not too far off.
A day passed one day, where neither Sun or Moon was watching over the daycare. In replacement were just the.. extremely creepy staff bots. You began to grow worried--if he'd ever come back again. Luckily, you only had to wait a day.
The day he came back, the animatronic was.. new. Different. You tried to listen in on the clumps of children's conversations--listening until the words blended together to form the name "Eclipse". The name definitely made sense for their character.
To say you were ecstatic would be an understatement. You were practically as happy as Sun was when he first met you! Eclipse was everything you could ever want--it was both of your best friends put into one personality, one animatronic. But if anyone was more excited than you, it would be Eclipse himself. One thing that was different now was his ability to tone his excitement and clinginess down. With the two brought together, their personality fell on a balance.
Meeting you was much less of a shock for him as it was for you. You liked the new look, though. As soon as Eclipse caught your eye, he immediately skipped over to squeeze you in a tight hug. Don't worry, he tried not to squeeze too hard. Even if you were confused at first, you warmed up to him quickly. You noted his voice as he spoke to you for the first time. Not too frantic like Sun's, yet not too quiet like Moon's. Something about it was.. comforting. Which leads me to my next topic.
Eclipse is the best source of comfort you can get. He can most likely tell if you're having a bad day. If you ever feel overwhelmed/overstimulated at the daycare, he'll take you to his room for the first time. If he's being honest, he's never really shown anyone his room before--until now, that is. You immediately fell in love with the room! You would ask to go there more often, and on some days, stay in there the entire day. Eclipse didn't mind, though! Anything to cheer you up, after all.
Eventually, your birthday will come around, in which Eclipse goes all out. He didn't truly expect you to visit the daycare on your birthday--he had figured you'd like to see the Glamrocks instead, but no! Eclipse was honestly so honored that you'd want to spend your birthday with him of all animatronics. With this in mind, he tries to make today the best day of your life! The best day for you in the daycare, at that. He won't go too overboard, but he will spend all his time having fun with you. Eclipse would schedule activities to do, such as macaroni pictures, creating puppets to be used in future puppet shows, and if he's feeling nice enough, he'll sneak in some FizzyFaz into the daycare. When the day starts to near an end, he'll take you backstage to his room, where he has fully decorated the small spot with birthday balloons, banners, strings, and small gifts scattered across the floor. In the center was a.. poorly made cake. Eclipse was only an animatronic after all, his coding didn't have any baking intelligence in his mainframe. It was the thought that counted.
Going home afterwards was definitely a challenge, though. You were practically dragged away from the daycare, and Eclipse had never felt more flattered. On your drive back, you had discovered that you had a new best friend. Animatronic or not.
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kriimhild · 4 months
How would DL Sun and Moon react to DD Sun and Moon if they somehow met?
the dl boys would probably be very depressed and cheerful at the same time. Fazbear doesn't make animatronics anymore, so... they would be happy to have retro friends. And would protect them from the director of the company. Animatronics are meant to be used as decoration or scraps.
I'm gonna be honest, I was thinking about that Dusk Lounge is a very twisted and dytopic alterverse of Daily Daycare, where everything goes really bad. still unsure about this, not canon
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dcawritings · 10 months
Your first priority was getting him out of the Superstar Daycare.
Normally that would be easy, since you knew the space like the back of your hand; you’d practically memorized the basic layout across all the times you scrambled back and forth from the supply closet to the guard desk, the employee lounge to the nap room—yes, you knew the daycare better than almost anyone, but it wasn’t simply finding Gregory an escape route that truly worried you.
It’s because you weren’t alone in the daycare.
If there had been *any* other option available you wouldn’t have let the kid go through here, but time was short and precious; if you had any hope to learn about what had happened to all the animatronics here, you needed to find Freddy and—
The voice rips you out of your thoughts. While it is oh-so-familiar, the icy tone that the words carry is as a stranger to you as the man who spoke them. Gregory has enough time to duck out of view behind one of the play areas, but you don’t have such a luxury when it’s obvious that he’s seen you already.
Sun. Or at least, you hope thats still him in there. Given how bad things have turned in the Pizzaplex, how far the virus had spread into the infrastructure of the building and the network connecting all the animatronics together, you couldn’t begin to guess how much of him might still be there.
This is *not* how you wanted to reunite with them.
Not after how you left. Not after what you learned.
“Sun,” you start to say, raising up one hand as if to try and make him keep some distance from you. “Please, you need to listen to me—”
“Oh nonono starlight!” his normally cheery tone is forced and tense, edging on an iciness that makes your bones shake and shiver. “Too much listening. Too much. So many wordswordswords since you left, repeating and repeating and r̴e̷p̶e̷a̵t̸i̷n̶g̴ in the back of our mind.”
The virus. It had to be. You already knew that Moon’s AI had been infected, but some part of you desperately hoped that Sun would have been spared; it’s still up in the air if the virus can even be purged from the glamrocks without any lingering damage to their systems.
You can’t deal with this right now, but there’s no choice left.
“Sun, you are sick right now,” your other hand lifts up, though sadly its more out of caution than comfort, your mind softly shifting around the internal commands that controlled the bladed weapons within your arms. Please, please don’t come to that… “And I can fix it. I can make you better, but you have to let me go.”
“Silly silly starlight!” Sun laughs, and the sound is cold and painful, completely distant from the cheerful warmth that blossomed in your chest whenever he told a stupid joke or tired to cheer you up on your longest shifts.
He takes a step closer to you, and its only then that you realize there is a look in his eyes. It’s terrifying and heavy, so much that you realize your hands are shaking and your mind is starting to fall back on code that you promised you’d never touch or look at or use again.
“I don’t need fixing…” he whispers, as if telling a great secret, then takes another calculated step forward. His wide white eyes look like a predator, single points of glowing pupils revealing themselves as he is thrown into a silhouette with the lights behind him. “Because you’re home! You’re back! The wordswordswords promised that you’d return to the daycare and look—here you are! Me and Moonie missed you sososo muuuuch!”
A third step.
This is going to be bad.
“And we’re not letting you leave us again.”
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driftingmoonmenace · 9 days
☀️Menace's FNAF OC Masterpost 🌑
⚠️This post, including everything linked in it, is still a huge work in progress at the moment so please excuse the mess!! I'll be updating this post over time so feel free to check back in!⚠️
The ☄️Falling Stars AU☄️was made specifically for all of my FNAF characters to exist within the same universe! The main plot of the AU ties them all together, but each of them also has their own separate sub story/plot arc!
QUICK DISCLAIMER: I'm cool with fan art and writing! Feel free to draw or write my character(s) interacting with your sona/character/self Insert/AU DCA! I'm also ok with them having silly flirting/simping/suggestive innuendo interactions, however please do not ship them or do anything NSFW with them as it makes me uncomfortable. Thank you for understanding!! ✌️
🏷️ Main AU Tag → #falling stars au 🌎 World-Building / Lore Google Doc
[Last Updated: 09/15/2024]
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🃏 Paradox [Eclipse] [He/Him]
Paradox is a newer DCA sub-model with a singular AI that has aspects of both Sun and Moon coded in, making him an ‘Eclipse’ of sorts. Initially he wasn’t intended to be used for the Superstar Daycare, but was substituted in at the last second due to complications. He also doubles as nighttime security.
Paradox adores children, but heavily dislikes adults because of their constant mistreatment towards him. (Rude adults are given day-ruining tricks and pranks.)
He was assigned a handler to keep him in line as a last resort because of the numerous complaints from parents. If he fails to improve he’ll be decommissioned.
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🧨 Sol [Sun] [They/He]
Sol is a miniature Sun model designed to be kid-sized and was part of a kid-tested program that failed, along with their counterpart Lune.
They are now used as assistants for human daycare workers for when the daycare is understaffed or near full capacity. Mostly used as entertainment for the kids rather than for care taking, but they do have a few caretaker processes in their coding. They are kept in the castle tower room for a majority of the time unless they’re needed or to clean the daycare at night.
Sol is tired of being kept stored away until needed and wants to make a plan to escape their pizzaplex somehow.
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💤 Lune [Moon] [They/Them]
Lune is a miniature Moon model designed to be kid-sized and was part of a kid-tested program that failed, along with their counterpart Sol.
They are now used as assistants for human daycare workers for when the daycare is understaffed or near full capacity. Mostly used as entertainment for the kids rather than for care taking, but they do have a few caretaker processes in their coding. They are kept in the castle tower room for a majority of the time unless they’re needed or to clean the daycare at night.
Lune isn't a fan of their circumstances, just like Sol, but is weary about Sol's plan to escape. They're always trying to talk them out of it. They do their best to keep a sense of optimism to calm Sol from doing something they might regret.
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🤡 Toodles [Clown] [He/Him]
Toodles is an entertainment animatronic made specifically for pizzaplex party rooms and is based off of a porcelain clown doll. He's child-sized with an LED screen face and has a compartment for holding balloons and an inner air pump to make balloon animals.
His duties are to entertain parties, help set up the party rooms, deliver cakes and goodies, escort groups to their rooms, clean up the party rooms, etc. in between the Glamrocks and the DCA appearances.
Despite his cheerful nature around families, he absolutely despises kids and his job. He's not on the best of terms with the other animatronics in his pizzaplex either, and prefers to cause mischief for them.
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🔥 Nova [Sun] [He/Him]
Nova is a newer single AI Sun model made to be a Daycare Attendant, along with his counterpart Lumi.
Nova and Lumi were very successful at their daycare with raving reviews for quite a few years. Though one night while they were both charging, Nova completely disappeared without a trace.
He had been transported to a completely different pizzaplex located several states away due to a business decision by FazCo. to try and boost sales, popularity, and review ratings for the struggling plex.
He currently runs the Superstar Daycare on his own with the help of human workers until FazCo. sends a replacement Moon counterpart. He misses Lumi dearly and wants to find a way back to him.
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💧 Lumi [Moon] [He/Him]
Lumi is a newer single AI Moon model made to be a Daycare Attendant for a pizzaplex, along with his counterpart Nova.
Lumi and Nova were very successful at their daycare with raving reviews for quite a few years. Though one night while they were both charging, Nova completely disappeared without a trace.
Lumi has no idea where Nova has gone, and every night since his disappearance he has searched the computer database and entire pizzaplex from top to bottom to try to find any clues.
He keeps up a happy facade with everyone while taking care of the daycare by himself, but inside he's withdrawn and utterly devastated that Nova may have been decommissioned.
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🏍️ Equinox [Eclipse] [He/Him]
Equinox is an older dual AI model that was made for the Fazbear Theater.
The franchised pizzaplex he was a part of financially went under and FazCo. ordered to have all the animatronics decommissioned. However, a befriended technician helped him make a risky, yet successful, escape. The whole experience caused his Sun and Moon to make the decision to remain as an Eclipse permanently.
He, along with the now ex-Fazbear technician, decided to kickstart their plan to rescue other animatronics from the same fate and set up a base of sorts out in the Mojave desert.
Equinox travels the country targeting FazCo. locations and rescuing the animatronics inside to take them back to his base.
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💻 Umbra [Moon] [He/Him]
Umbra is a newer single AI Moon model made to be a Daycare Attendant for a pizzaplex. However due to his lackluster performance with the children, he was switched to nighttime security instead.
He spent a lot of his time monitoring the cameras and pinging other animatronics to locations to take care of things due to his shy nature. He also had a knack for hacking into restricted parts of the computer system for amusement and giving himself internet access.
This continued for several years until his pizzaplex went under, and his Sun was sadly decommissioned in the process, which he doesn’t forgive himself for. During that time Equinox targeted his pizzaplex and managed to rescue him in time.
Umbra now joins Equinox on missions and helps hack into the computer systems of targeted FazCo. locations and takes care of anything technology related.
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☣️ Orion [Sun] [He/Him]
Orion is the Sun half of an older dual AI model (his Moon half being Oberon) and he was made for the Fazbear Theater. He’s superhero themed and played as the ‘hero’ during performances, though after some time was switched to being a Daycare Attendant.
After the switch, he started to slowly notice random glitches in his coding. They started small and infrequent, not causing much issue with their work. However, it got worse over time to a point where whenever he and Oberon would switch in and out, their systems would crash and leave them in a paralyzed state.
A small ‘quarantine’ patch was placed on Orion to keep his coding suppressed and in a pseudo-comatose state, leaving him trapped within their shared mind-space. He’s able to have short, sometimes incoherent, conversations with Oberon whenever he’s ‘conscious’ before going ‘unconscious’ again.
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⚔️ Oberon [Moon] [He/Him]
Oberon is the Moon half of an older dual AI model (his Sun half being Orion) and he was made for the Fazbear Theater. He’s supervillain themed and played as the ‘villain’ during performances, though after some time was switched to being a Daycare Attendant.
After the switch, he started to notice small glitches in Orion’s coding, and was adamant he get it checked out, but Orion told him it was fine since it wasn’t causing much issue with their work. However, it got worse over time to a point where whenever he and Orion would switch in and out, their systems would crash and leave them in a paralyzed state.
After the patch was put on Orion, Oberon was given a visor to help keep the light sensor from activating the AI switch protocol and scheduled to get a newer separate Sun model to replace Orion instead of fixing him.
Oberon escaped the pizzaplex not long afterwards with the help of Equinox and Umbra, and now joins them on missions while simultaneously searching for a way to fix Orion.
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💥Oblivion [Eclipse] [He/Him]
Oblivion is the Eclipse of Orion and Oberon. He played as an ‘anti-hero’ during special rare performances, and after the switch to being a Daycare Attendant the two continued to rarely switch into Oblivion.
It’s later discovered that Orion’s glitches are because of a virus, and during an event that causes Orion and Oberon to switch into Oblivion said virus is given an opportunity to run rampant. The malicious virus corrupts Oblivion, causing him to become extremely volatile and bloodthirsty.
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🎀 ASTRA [Sun] [She/Her]
Astra is a newer single AI Sun sub model.
Not much is known about her other than she may have been a scrapped design. She never got to officially work in her pizzaplex despite how complete she was, and spent a lot of her time down in the basement levels stored away.
She has wing attachments that may have been designed for when she’d use a wire that she occasionally wears.
She was found by Equinox when he targeted her pizzaplex and was taken in. She has a very bubbly, cheerful, and cutesy nature, though she’s ready, and oddly excitable, to fight if the situation calls for it.
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🎤 SELENE [Moon] [She/Her]
Selene is a newer single AI Moon sub model that was made to be a show performer in Fazcade.
She mostly monitors the Fazcade, heavily focusing on the karaoke rooms and DJ Music Man’s area. Though she also does small singing performances on DJMM’s stage from time to time or does karaoke with the guests. She has a Sun counterpart that does show performances with the Glamrocks on the main stage. However, the two rarely interact much as Selene is kept strictly in the Fazcade.
Selene enjoys singing ballads the most and has a calm, soft nature.
🖼️ Reference - 📝 Full Bio - 🏷️ Tag - 🎵 Spotify Playlist
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💋 DIOR [Sun] [They/She/He]
Dior is a newer single AI Sun model that was made as a performer at the Fazbear Theater with their Moon counterpart. Both of them put on very successful performances for several years.
An unfortunate event with their Moon counterpart left Dior traumatized, and soon afterwards they were scheduled to be transferred to another pizzaplex. During transport they managed to escape and fled. Traveling frequently to avoid getting caught and doing unsavory things to survive. They’ve gotten mods here and there over time to help them survive and help ‘be their own being’ outside of the ‘FazCo branding’.
They’ve picked up a bad smoking habit, enjoying the ritual of it when they’re stressed. They're also very into fashion and makeup. Dior is very cynical, temperamental, and bratty though they play up a sweet, flirtatious nature to get what they want.
Equinox, Umbra, and Oberon found Dior on the streets during their travels and took them in.
🖼️ Reference - 📝 Full Bio - 🏷️ Tag - 🎵 Spotify Playlist
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darknessofroses · 10 months
Sunny Jester
Apologies for not posting anything that much, I've been very busy with school, but I'm back with another T-fic
Summary: Pomni was scared and confused about this new world that she and others came into and Sunny is there to cheer her up
Lee: Pomni
Ler: Sunny/Sunrise
Pomni was in the daycare hiding from everyone else under the slide with her thoughts with her. She and the others came to this pizzaplex just a week ago and it was already so confusing for her. She felt that it was a lot for her to handle.
The others got along with the people not that quickly, but got to know them nonetheless. She did hear from Caine that there was a Dj somewhere upstairs, as usual he was ecstatic by it. There was the Sunrise animatronic that she could get along with, but she wasn't sure if they wanted to hang out.
"Why am I here? This is all so confusing" she said in a whisper. Over with Sunny, he never felt so happy with the new guests, or new friends he would say. He didn't know where they came from, Gregory was the one that saw them appear, but it was interesting and wonderful to meet them! For some reason, the jester looked so nervous, I believe the name was Pomni. "Hmm, wonder where she went?" he wondered.
With Pomni, she felt like she was gonna cry when she heard a voice "Oh hey Pomni!" She looked up and there was Sunrise. Pomni replied "H-hey Sun." "Are you alright? Would you like to talk about it?" Sun asked as he saw that Pomni was nervous. Pomni hesitated, but Sun was very nice, so she thought why not.
"W-well, it's all so confusing being here. First, it was me arriving in the digital circus and now here. I mean, it's a nice place and all, but I can't help but feel lost." Pomni explained. Sun nodded and said "Ah, well I'm sure you'll get used to this place eventually! Just take your time how things go!" He then poked her side and she squeaked. As soon as that happened, Sun had a mischeivious idea and started to tickle her sides. "Well, this should cheer you right up!" Pomni started giggling and squealing "Heehehehehehehehehe." Sun then stopped and asked "Would you like me to continue?" Pomni nodded. The rest of the day was full of laughter from her.
(There we go, hope you enjoyed it)
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive Sun in secret. Nexus's break down, maybe get some redemption. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can has some rest.
Warning: Bad grammar cuz I am not very smart.
Summary: Sun is dead, or in a coma, and is being hidden by Dark Sun in his laboratory. Dark Sun pretends to be Sun and has just finished his shift.
The kindergarten is bustling with children's laughter. Looming in the doorway, a yellow animatronic with sun-like rays wearing a clown theme, enthusiastically returned the group of children to their parents.
"Bye Evans!! See you tomorrow Jason!! Yes! I see it, your art is very beautiful Alice!---"
It's time for the kids to go home, and every single day, the kindergarten is overcrowded with tired parents or children crying begging to stay, gathering like termite nests, making Sun even with Earth and Lunar’s help, still felt like his battery is about to run out.
"Sun, are you okay?" Earth asks, her voice fills with concern. Everyone has noticed that Sun seemed tired recently, but her brother kept insisting he was fine.
"Ah... yeah..." Sun laughs nervously. Sun's high-pitched voice turns his words into a jumbled nonsense, and his hand waves awkwardly in the air before falling to his side.
"It's just... Er--- Meeting N-Nexus again... makes me feel... A little of conflict..."
"Oh... Sun" Earth's eyes softens. The return of Nexus seemed to reopen an open wound in the celestial family, especially when this time, he tried to kill both Sun and Moon.
She wants to say that she understands the feeling of betrayal that is tearing at Sun's heart right now, but she knows that Sun's feelings about Nexus are more complicated than that. Nexus was not only the person closest to and cares about Sun the most, he was also the one who gives Sun hope that things will be different from now on, that Moon will become better.
The dull phantom pain echo on Earth's arm served as a painful reminder of why Nexus was forced to leave, why she couldn't call Nexus her brother without feeling disappointed and a brustling tear inside her chest.
"Oh I'm sorry Earth... I shouldn't have said it... I... just---" Sun rubs his hand, his fingers fumbling over the red ribbon on his wrist.
"--- Is it strange that I feel like I miss Nexus despite... all he's done?"
"...I don't know, Sun." Earth spoke slowly. She pushs her cloudy hair aside, her hand caressing the smooth wool fabric of the pink shirt she wore. "I personally miss Nexus too... but Nexus has done many terrible things..."
"Yeah..." Sun says shakily. "He hurt you, Earth. And Moon and Lunar too..."
Earth realizes her brother has ignored himself, but she says nothing else. That is for another day.
The daycare still looks as cheerful as ever, it's hard to believe how much has happened. As if Nexus's voice still lingered in her ears, even the most beautiful memories and the most terrible moments intertwined, causing Earth to lose her rhythm in space.
A hand gently touches her elbow, the rattle sounds like a drop of water dropped into a still lake.
"E--Earth?? Are you okay?" Her aqua blue eyes meets Sun's worried silver pupils. Her brother looks at her worriedly, his hands clumsy as if he wants to hug her but stopped midway. "I'm sorry Earth. I made you sad over nothing."
"No... No... I'm glad you shared, Sun." Earth waves. "It really makes me feel better... Knowing that I'm not the only one missing M-- Nexus... I know that with Moon around, you're often hesitant to share things like this..."
"Yeah..." Sun says hesitantly. "So... Do you want to play a game? We can play that Princess Makeup game you like? And I'll make some extra fries?"
"Does it bother you, Sun? Since you've been working all day?"
"Nah... It won't take long. And we can drag Lunar to watch a movie with us, any princess movie you like. It'll be fun. Uhm--- That's right, A Family Night ! I'll ask if Moon has finished his work... There's food so I guess Moon won't refuse."
Earth's face lit up, her eyes sparkled with fireflies. She shooks her cloudy hair, her whole body almost standing on tiptoe.
"Have I ever said that you are the best brother?"
Sun giggles, her brother's back hunches slightly, as if still not used to positive compliments. The two walked through the portal, seeing lying on the sofa were two moon-themed animatronics.
"Earth, help me!! Moon refuses to give me the TV remote!!"
"Why don't you just go downstairs?" Sun's voice mixed with laughter, like the steaming hiss of a kettle.
"Because I'm already lying down, Sun! I can't move anymore!!!"
"What do you mean you can't move anymore!!! Just get up!!"
"Easily for you, Sun!!! I can't move!!!"
"Hey Earth." Earth turned around, for a moment, Nexus's image merged with Moon's image and then disappeared in the blink of her eye.
"Oh hello Moon. What are you doing?"
"Popcorn." Moon just said that with a mouth full of butter, with eyes staring at the TV. What cartoon is this? Apparently it is Monkie kid show, the show that Earth has never seen before, only heard Sun and Moon talk back and forth a few times.
"Great, I was just going to call and ask if you were coming home today early… Guess I don't need to do that anymore… Seeing how much fun you two have…"
Sun crossed his arms, Earth could feel his brother's eye twitching slightly at the mess the two brothers made on the floor.
Both Lunar and Moon immediately reflexively pointed at each other and shouted.
Popcorn splashes everywhere. A bottle flew through the air, pouring sauce onto the new carpet, splashing Sun.
Silence spread in the air.
Then, Sun sighs, a very long and helpless sigh.
"I'm going to the bathroom to clean up." Sun's finger points to the floor and gestures at her brother's eyes. "When I get out, I don't want to see any more trash on the ground."
His response was two more sighs filled with frustration.
"Okay, Sun."
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll do it, Sun.
'Sun' enters the bathroom, he could still hear the murmuring sounds of Moon and Lunar.
"It's your fault."
"Nu uh, it's your fault."
"Lunar. You piece of--!?"----
A small giggle rang out in the bathroom space, the mirror showing a shiny yellow body smiling reluctantly. The beams on his head were smeared with orange grease, and the fringe of his dress was smeared with something brown.
'Sun' lowers his face to the sink, the cool water touching his metal plate. The liquid flowed through 'Sun's' hand, splashed onto the wall, and formed droplets of water onto the silver bell he had carefully placed on the shelf.
'Sun'' face flickers in the mirror, the slight smile from before disappeared, drifting with the water, replaced by an empty look. Silver eyes blurred in red, the innate nervous awkwardness of the animatronic named 'Sun' disappeared, replaced by the indifferent face of Dark Sun.
A gentle voice, without any stuttering, rang out in the quiet, soundproof space.
"Lunar and Earth are both fine. It's just Moon being obnoxious as usual."
"I really want it all to end right now, to see Moon's smug face turn into an ugly miserable expression."
"But the thought of you looking down on me for not being able to do something as simple as pretending makes me want to keep persevering until everything is on track again."
"You have quite a lovely family, Sun. It's a shame the person here isn't you, eh?"
The person in the mirror is incapable of responding.
"Hmm... Who am I kidding?" Dark Sun shook his head. The meaningless promise of a dead man suddenly became a shackle that made it impossible for Dark Sun to leave.
"I heard about Earth and Lunar. Admit it, you like being with them." Sun's high-pitched, stuttering voice collided with Dark Sun's monotone and condescending voice.
They still remained wary of each other, but in the tight confines of these rainy days, in this room, a silent agreement allowed for a civil dialogue between two people who were neither enemies nor friends.
"It's just an act, Sun. Don't express it so haphazardly." Dark Sun continued to kill the zombies on the screen, the rain creating a gentle background sound, making the space they were in as if they belonged to a barrier that only they could enter.
"You're full of bullshit, you know. Why don't you admit that my sisters are fun to be with?" Sun responded irritably, eyes looking up at the screen trying to aim for Tom's head.
"Then Why don't you just admit that you have a lot of problems you refuse to acknowledge it and even though you think you have higher morals than me, the one who killed your own brother and made two others leave was you?"
"That's exactly what I thought."
Dark Sun felt the person next to him shrink a bit, a feeling of guilt, something he thought he had buried a long time ago, suddenly throbbed like a ghost in his heart.
He still needs Sun to like him. Not so much for them to become friends (the whisper in his head screamed that it could never happen because of who he is right now) but for Sun to let down his guard towards him.
So should he apologize? Dark Sun remembers how kind and sensitive he used to be, but he also remembers how Moon used to scream at him to suck it up and let it go.
Consolation is no longer in Dark Sun's dictionary, because no matter how he tries, Moon still gets angry and takes it out on him. No amount of pleading or silence could dispel Moon's unpredictable anger. And gradually, Sun stopped trying to make peace... and just endured, endured, and endured... Until he just can't...
"I don't understand you, Dark Sun. Why can you be another version of me, but the difference between us can be so big?"
"Hmm?" Dark Sun blinked, he smiled faintly. Sun's silver eyes reflect Dark Sun's red shadow. "So does it make you feel sad? Disappointed?"
"I'm you, I know what you think. You really don't have to be so shy towards me."
"...Isn't it fun? To manipulate things to your will like that? I heard the stories Moon told. You killed your Moon, you did things I never thought I would be able to do ... You don't care if you hurt the people around you or not..."
Dark Sun interrupted, his hand unconsciously holding the remote a little too tightly.
"Don't lie to yourself, we both know it's not true. If you had the same chance as me, you would have done it, maybe even worse than me." Dark Sun almost yelled.
"...Unlike you, I don't want to hurt others." Sun softly whispers.
"But in reality, aren't you still doing that? Lunar, Moon, Nexus, is there anyone you're close to who hasn't been hurt by your naivety?"
"... Is this about me or about you?"
The air was filled with tension. Their conversations always ended like this. Uncomfortable. Forced. Confinement. Feeling of inhibition scraping through the lungs without being able to speak. But for some reason, they continued to rush at each other like moths, continuing their damn habit of sitting and playing video games together.
Call it self-therapy. Call it self-hate.
There are too many entanglements and secret goals between the two, making it impossible for them to communicate like normal people even if they try.
Dark Sun denies his need for friendship. Sun refuses to feel comfortable with a man who murdered his own brother.
Both try to live in their own comfort lies.
"Try to build yourself a backbone, then maybe you'll be able to understand why I'm the way I am."
"... It's funny how you keep saying that, when you know I could never leave Moon." Sun replied quietly.
The ghost of the words still seemed to pass through Dark Sun's ears.
There is a loud banging on the door, Sun's Moon---Moon shouted outside.
"Hurry up Sun, the movie is about to start."
"Here-- I'm coming!!" 'Sun' shouted stutteringly. "I am combing my hair!!!"
"You don't have hair, Sun!!"
Blinking at the reflection, instead of the image of 'Sun' that appeared, a Moon with a ruined face and broken body looking back at Dark Sun.
A grim, helpless sigh echoes in Dark Sun's throat.
"...Sometimes I wish you would. It would make everything a lot easier."
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bunmuffin · 2 years
How does you're au work?
The Security and Staff AU is based around four characters: Sun, Moon, Staff-san, and Security-san. Sun and Moon were originally theater animatronics, performing for kids in the pizzaplex's theater, before being reprogrammed to Daycare Attendants (based off of the FNAF books). Staff-san is the daycare staff and Security-san is the nighttime security guard. When Sun and Moon were reprogrammed to DCA it was up to Staff and Security to teach them the ropes of their new job (Staff-san teaching Sun and Moon how to take care of the kids and Security-san teaching Moon how to patrol the pizzaplex at night). They then work together with each other from then on out. When it comes to the glitch, Moon gets the glitch when they get reprogrammed into the DCA. Between Moon and Sun, Moon's coding is the one that changes the most. As performers, Sun played the hero/protagonist, always 'coming to the rescue from the evil Moon', making kids smile and happy; while Moon played the villain/antagonist, always coming up with a new 'evil scheme', making kids scared or sad, etc. Although he's always been a little gremlin, he had never harmed a kid and he knew if he scared them too much he'd let Sun out to cheer them up. He was kinda like a Disney villain, evil but still kid friendly (he also had some banger villain songs). Moon goes from scaring the kids to caring for the kids and this drastic change in coding is what causes the glitch. The glitch doesn't effect him immediately, its very slow progressing, like a disease, until it fully takes control over him. Certain outside forces can cause the glitch to become stronger or weaker. Instead of writing this AU out like on AO3 (cause I'm terrible at writing) I've been drawing the storyline out and posting them here. Since I just started this, I'm still in the earlier stages of the story where Sun and Moon are still trying to get use to their new jobs and work partners, and Moon's glitch hasn't fully taken effect yet (which is why in most of my comics so far Moon has been on the softer side). Although every now and then I'll get a small off-shoot comic idea or someone sends in an ask that fits better with a post-incident Moon and I'll post those comics as well. I know that probably makes things a lot more confusing to read and I'll probably make a google doc or something with the comics in chronological order, but there is a quick way to tell what stage Moon is in with his glitch based off of his eye color. I made a small little thing here (Phases of the Moon) that is just a brief overview of Moon's character development (I do plan on making one for Sun too). His eye color tells you where in the story this takes place: Blue Irises: Pre-glitch/Theater days Red Irises: Glitched/Pre-incident Red eyes: Fully glitched/The incident/Triggered One black One red: Glitched/Post-incident
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lenore3vermore · 1 year
Sundrop/Moondrop x reader.
{Gender neutral reader}
Warnings: None.
•How you met• {PRE VIRUS.}
You first met after you applied for the assistant daycare attendant position.
They had you work one shift just to get the feel of what you’d be doing.. and to see how the naptime attendant reacted to you.
(He sent the last three applicants out the door running..)
Nervous, you followed the guard through the large double doors.
She already warned you about the attendants..excited nature.
That being said, you weren’t prepared for a ten foot tall animatronic to come skipping up to you.
I mean, you’d seen the posters but he looked..smaller.
“Hellooo, new friend! Is this our new helper? Oh we’re going to have soo much fun! Yes indeedy.”
The security guard looked at you with a sympathetic look on her face. “Good luck!” She said, stepping out and closing the doors. You heard them click..did she lock you in here?
You turn to the robot.. no. Sundrop. He had a name, seeing as this was to be your new job..you might as well get used to it.
“Hi.. I’m Y/n. Sundrop right?” You smile, holding your hand out for a handshake.
Sundrop’s rays spin and he lurches towards you, shaking your hand happily.
“Oh, that’s me! Y/n… yyyyy/n. Such a cute name! Right Moony?”
You flinch slightly at his enthusiastic approach. “Uh..who’s Moony?”
The animatronic gasps, jumping back.
“You don’t know who Moony is?? Oh starlight, You gotta meet him! He’s a little hard to handle at first but he’s a biggg softie..
What? you are!” Sundrop says, partially talking to himself..
strange robot, You think to yourself.
He skips over to the light switch, mumbling. You’re barely able to hear a “be nice moon. And don’t scare this one off!”
You freeze, staring at him. “Hold on..what?”
“Oh nothing~” he sing-songs, flipping the switch.
Lights off…
The animatronic doubles over, gears clicking and shifting until, as he stands back up..you realize. This isn’t Sundrop.. the cheerful, happy, relatively safe daycare attendant..
No. This seems to be his lunar counterpart.
“Star light.. star bright~” He sings, stalking towards you.
You back up, eyes widening as you start moving away..
until you hit the wall.
“The first star..I see tonight~” Moondrop stops, towering over you.. you glance around, looking for a way out yet finding nothing.. it seems you’ll stand your ground.
“Well?..what’ll it be? Scream? Run? ..Quit?” He taunts..
Mustering up the courage, you stick out your hand.“Hi, I’m y/n.. I believe we’ll be working together?”
Moondrop stares down at your hand, tilting his head as if debating something. Finally, he grips it.. his smile somehow darkening. “Moondrop. Sun thinks we’ll be the best of…friends.”
To be continued?
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