#and the fact that I can’t always have a meal or a snack when I feel hunger
sassmill · 1 year
Oh fucking no
#tw body image#tw body weight#tw body dysmorphia#okay so#I just threw on my favorite pair of shorts from last summer that fit me pretty lovely#and they are now TIGHT#they are supposed to be loose comfy linen shorts and they fit like bike shorts#so I’m going to do everything in my mental toolkit to not let this send me into a massive fucking ed spiral#but does anybody else’s body weight fluctuate this dramatically every single fucking year#my coping mechanism has been to just buy clothes that do fit rather than pressuring myself to fit into what no longer fits#but that’s fucking expensive and wasteful and I really don’t enjoy buying a new wardrobe every season#because I can’t just maintain one weight#I’m either dropping it unhealthily and not eating or I’m binging and ballooning#but 95% of the time it’s all triggered by my work schedule#and the fact that I can’t always have a meal or a snack when I feel hunger#I can’t get into a meal schedule which is what I need#I either have to eat when I’m not hungry because I know I won’t have a chance to later#or I’m not eating all day and then binge when I get home because I’ve been so fucking hungry#and I’m fucking hoping that once I get this group trained and into our regular rotation I’ll be able to have more of a routine#but I’m also getting a promotion because one of my bosses is quitting#so im going to have a completely new routine#and we’re just getting to our busiest season#and im already feeling so out of control#I love that putting on shorts to leave the house leads to this#I have to host a dance concert in a month and a half and I know the dress I wore last year will not fit#so im faced again with: buy something new that does fit or try to lose the weight#I don’t like either of those options. I just want my body to stay the same and keep wearing things.#it fucking sucks.
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cinnbar-bun · 2 months
Would you be willing to write what kind of fan would ace, sabo, shanks, and law for the reader!! I loved your last one!!!
You got it dude! Sorry for taking so long.
Ace, Sabo, Law, and Shanks- Reversed AU HCs
AU: In which YOU are the character of a very famous franchise, and they are regular people who are fans of your series.
Note: GN!Reader, crack, very unserious, SFW
Part 1 with Straw Hats here!
Broke ass guy who can’t afford anything for you minus like, a bootleg or something small. Has buttons of you. 
Highkey think he would be a menace and just wear something so off with you on it (you are free to decide what that looks like). 
If people ask why he’s got you on his phone or like a keychain of you, he just beams and responds that you’re the love of his life and refuses to elaborate. 
Lies, he WILL be elaborating and making it everyone’s problem. 
Marco wants him to shut up about it. 
Thatch jokes around often and makes cakes of you for Ace on his birthday or something. Ace refuses to eat it for like two seconds before he’s quickly trying to fight off the others from taking a slice. 
Whitebeard has not realized you’re fictional and still asks about meeting you soon… he just wants to meet the one his son keeps raving about. 
Ace has to lie and it becomes a whole ‘my partner is in Canada, actually they can’t see you now.’ 
Whitebeard is so impressed with the fact you travel all over the world <3 wow, you must be so worldly! 
Rich boy who I don’t think would directly get merchandise of you, but he would totally buy things that have your signature color or remind him of you. Very subtle things. I could see him buying one expensive figure of you, but otherwise it’s just subtle things he will proudly wear in public. 
Doesn’t have much time for gaming, so I don’t think he would be playing the mobile gacha games but he will admire the artwork and units of you. 
This is actually a partial truth, he had them at one point but was sinking so much money into your units that Koala had to step in and get him to stop this addiction. 
He’s been doing his best okay… but your alt unit is so tempting he wants to GET IT HE NEEDS TO GET IT LET HIM ROLL ONE MORE ONE MORE ONE MORE- 
Sabo’s phone is now under parental controls and he needs Koala or Dragon’s permission to download or buy any in-app purchases. 
But he’s like, so normal about this, okay? He doesn’t have a problem.
Likes to eat your favorite snacks or food on your birthday as a sort of ‘celebration’ of you. Again, pretty subtle things like buying a dessert you like from that one bakery, or ordering a meal that you ate one time on the show. 
On second thought I could see him having special editions of the manga, but that remains in his office never to be borrowed by anyone. 
“Why the hell would I be into this?” 
Acts like he’s above watching cringe animes when he’s got better taste in his consumption of media like House MD or Scrubs or something. 
But you know, he’s always getting dragged into silly shit with his friends so everyone is forcing him to watch this popular anime with over 1000+ episodes. 
Law feels like performing surgery on himself with no anesthesia at the sheer number of episodes. 
It isn’t until like 400 episodes in when you’re introduced and everyone swears they can see the light in his eyes return and he’s entranced. 
Suddenly this is his favorite show, although he refuses to entertain that. 
He totally has a few figures of you, but when asked, he just yells that they’re Bepo’s and he’s keeping them safe. 
The others know he’s not going to buy merch so they just buy him silly trinkets of you and he tries to keep lowkey and hidden so no one knows about his love for you. 
He’s not the same man he was 400 episodes ago. He still can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad one. 
But you’ve invaded and latched yourself into his mind and damn it, he’ll keep you there. 
Cringe but free. 
Buggy got him into this show (Buggy made a slip up once and has tried to deny that he’s liked this series since) and Shanks casually watches a few episodes when he’s free. 
Has a couple of figures that a kid Uta always wants to play with (hell no, put that shit back!!!) 
Lies to Uta whenever she asks who this figure is of and he dramatically will hold the figure of you and tell her this is, in fact, who her other parent is. 
Great job, Shanks, you weirdo. Of course, Uta knows when she’s older that he’s lying out of his ass, but when she was younger she was deadset on meeting you. 
So Shanks was forced to include her in his watches so she can see her ‘other parent’. Shanks makes wild stories when Uta asks why you’re in the TV and says you’re so so cool they just had to make a tv show about you. 
He’s the kind of guy who forgets Uta is a kid and whenever something super violent or adult happens, he goes ‘oops’ after a few seconds and shoddily covers her eyes, to the point she can pretty much still see everything. 
So both of them kinda get in a feedback loop where when he gets something, she wants it, and when she wants to do something, he’ll do it when it comes to you. 
You are a staple in that household. Shanks isn’t the best at maintaining your figures but he does remember to dust you off once in a while (mostly after Uta screams at him to keep it in good condition). 
He’s tried to get into the card game (Uta insisted), but he finds the rules too hard and difficult, so him and Uta made an easier version (which he often lies about to be able to win). 
His luck is crappy too when it comes to the blind packs, so when Uta got the rare card of you he was practically gonna wrestle it out of her. 
He’s also weird and rich enough to get any crazy or out there merchandise of you if he felt like it.
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charliedawn · 10 months
Hi! I have a request! (I won't be mad if you choose not to write it, you do you)
Since the slashers can't leave the facility, how would they take you on a date? I feel like Freddy would take you on a date in your dreams, etc. Please include Penny! He's my favorite!!! Love your work, and hope you have a blessed day! ❤️
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Penny would make a whole world appear just for you. He is not as powerful within the hospital as he’d normally be, but he could still make a pretty good illusion for you.
He’d probably make you see what you want and make sure you have as much fun as possible. He’d dig into your head for all of your most personal desires.
He’d also take as many opportunities to know you better and satisfy his curiosity as to why you’d ever want him too.
Penny *tilts his head curiously at you* : "Humans are so odd. Your hearts beat so loudly when you are afraid…But, yours has a different sound to it."
You *surprised* : "Really ? How does it sound ?"
Him *presses his ear against your chest to hear it closer and closes his eyes* : "…Different." *giggles* "Good different."
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Arts and crafts. Jason love carving wood and making bird houses. He brought his passions with him when he first entered St Louis. He’d be excited to show you his masterpieces and show you how to do it.
You’d be sitting side by side while using your hands to try multiple different shapes, but would be careful as to not let you get hurt with the knife when you’d try to carve things.
Jason *smiles proudly while showing you his last wooden piece of work*
Jason isn’t comfortable sharing anything about himself so…It’d be a huge honour. He’d also show you his collection of frogs and let you pet them if you want.
He’d also hold your hand and show you his face if you’d want.
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Jack is a pretty standard guy when it comes to dating. He was kind of the popular kid and did date a lot in his younger years.
He’d normally go for the classic cinema and restaurant. But, as he is trapped in the hospital…He’d do with what he’s got.
Netflix and chill.
He’d ask the other slashers not disturb the both of you as you take over the TV room and eat snacks together.
Jack *pretending to be yawning before lowering his arm over your shoulders to caress the skin with his thumb*
You *smile knowingly* : "Really ?"
Him *smiles and shrugs* : "…Hey. Am a big fan of the old technics…is it working ?"
You *smile before leaning back against him* : "~Maybe."
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Pennywise would let you drag him anywhere, but he’s the type to not like big crowds so…the fact that he can’t go out won’t really be a problem.
He’d be just as happy staying inside and have some time with you. But, don’t expect him to have many date ideas.
Pennywise never dated anyone before, so he’d just let you decide or let you sleep on his lap. Tops.
However, he may sing you to sleep.
And his voice is really soothing when he hums while rocking back and forth on his rocking chair.
Pennywise *starts humming while holding you close and stroking your hair*
You : "…I thought you didn’t like people touching you ?"
Him *smiles* : "Guess you must be the exception, huh dollface ?"
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Norman is a gentleman. He’d be holding you and gently swing you back and forth in his arms.
He’d be dancing a waltz with. Or cooking you a good meal. His mother taught him how to be a good cook and to always be as respectful and nice as he can be.
So, he’d also be the type to buy you dinner and buy scented candles and roses for the occasion. And he’d always ask you if you’d had a good time at the end.
Norman *holding you close* : "Was it alright ?"
You *smile and wrap your arms around his waist* : "Perfect."
He’d then smile and let out a relieved sigh.
Norman was taught to be perfect. He would be devastated if you didn’t have fun or didn’t enjoy your time with him.
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Freddy can date. But, the dates he went on in the past weren’t exactly heartfelt. He just never got emotionally connected with someone enough to care.
So, he’d try simple at first.
Freddy would either invite you to get a drink or offer to take a look at his garden. Let’s not forget he used to be a gardener. So, he does love flowers.
He’d then wait until it gets dark to ask you if you want him to try something on you.
Freddy never used his powers for anything else than pain or to kill. So, he’d be nervous when first trying to think of the perfect dream date.
Freddy *smiles nervously before taking your hand* : "Trust me ?"
You *smile back* : "Always."
He’d then get inside your head and put his plan into motion. He’d be careful not to hurt you of course and try to make it as perfect as he can.
Because he knows you trust him. And that is something Freddy never got from anyone but the kids he used to love…before they betrayed him.
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Bo : "…Beer ?"
Bo is a simple man. It’d normally be a truck ride and drinking beer while looking at the sky, or at whatever is around.
But, as he can’t really leave the facility…he’d just ask you to join him in the courtyard of the hospital to have some s’mores and look up at the sky.
No conversation necessary. But, he’d be happy either way.
Bo : "Thanks fer…Ya know…Sayin’ yes to the whole thing…"
You *smile and shrugs* : "No need. Believe it or not…I like hanging out with you, Bo."
Bo *is stunned before chuckling and handing you a cold drink of your choice* : "Whatever you say, darlin’…"
Bo would be happy to hear it, even if he wouldn’t believe it at first.
Because Bo has always been the failure of his family.
So, why would you ever like his company ? But, he’d let himself dream for a bit. Just for a moment.
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Brahms would give you his favourite toys and ask you to play with him. He’d also share his favourite snacks with you and watch cartoons with you.
Brahms is a child at heart and he’d be happy to do anything with you, as long as he spends time with you.
He’d also insist on staying with you for the night.
Brahms *holds you close and starts breathing deeply* : "Nice…day ?"
You immediately understood what he was asking and hugged him back.
You : "Yes. I had a great day. Thank you, Brahms."
He was very happy to hear it and cuddled you closer—even letting you take a peek at his face. He’d become very clingy very quickly.
Brahms has a big fear of being a disappointment and abandonment. So, once he knows you like him ? There’s little chance he’d ever leave you alone.
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Michael *A…date ?*
He’d be surprised and even a little nervous at first. Love is a tricky business for Michael, since he technically killed all of the people he ever cared about.
So, he’d be a little worried you’d end up with the same fate.
So, even making him agree to go on a date with you would be tricky.
Michael *frowns and sighs before taking your hand*
You *smile hopefully* : "Is that a yes ?"
Michael *nods after a while*
He’d then lead you to the kitchen and have a little cooking date with him. He knows how to handle a knife and was advised early on to find an activity which would soothe him. He found cooking.
But, cooking with you was different. It felt…better.
Seems like the bogeyman can get lonely too.
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Unfortunately, Hannibal Sr. is considered too dangerous to leave his cell most of the time, as he arrived after all the others to St Louis.
So, he’d be either asking you to put on some music for him or to read to him. Two of his favourite things.
Hannibal Sr. *smiles as he tilts his head left and right to the music*
You *smile as you silently observe him* : "Tell me…Why did you ask me on a date ? I mean…You’re always in there. It seems pointless."
Him *stops tilting his head before opening his eyes slowly and smiling at you* : "But, that is precisely the game, my dear. Anticipation makes the deal all the sweeter…"
You : "So…You would rather wait and watch me all day rather than going out on an actual date ?"
Him *chuckles* : "Of course not, my dear…But, even if I never was set free…Spending a lifetime just watching you would be enough for me."
You stared at Hannibal Sr. for a while and he didn’t break eye contact for a second. He had just confessed that he’d be okay with just watching you until the end. And somehow, you believed him.
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justwonder113 · 5 months
I love your writing sm 🫠🫠
could you write something fluffy and suggestive for han were you sit on his lap in his studio chair and you can’t stop kissing him and you’re distracting him from his work and he finds it so cute that you’re like this x
Oh my god thank you so much sweetheart! You don't know how much it means to me that you like my writing. I'm really sorry for taking so long to write, even though I absolutely LOVED the idea!!! I had one the meltdowns and uni has been an absolute nightmare so sorry. I really hope this was what you wanted and I hope you will like it. I will try to update stories more and more. Thankfully I will have more time^^
My masterlist
If you have any requests feel free to ask(though it might take me some time)
Warnings: Kind of suggestive, Bold reader, Cute whiney Jisung but he does complete 180 in the end. Jisung calls reader a brat
You woke up from your sweet slumber by soft clicking of the keyboard. You didn't even realize when you started to dose off. All the work must have caught up to you. The week you had sure was hectic.
You looked at your boyfriend's hunched figure, he was deeply immersed in his work, he hadn't even noticed that you were awake. You felt sad, you barely saw each other. Your schedule was swarmed and he had comeback coming real soon. You tried to text and call but sometimes he was just so swarmed with work he responded hours later. He was really apologetic, he really tired his best. He texted you whenever he could, he sent gifts for you, sometimes flowers, sometimes food, when he knew your schedule was extra hectic. He also left you little notes around the house and, lets just say, randomly finding them was highlight of your day. Sometimes they were sweet messages, sometimes random quotes, sometimes silly little jokes and doodles. You loved every one of them and kept them in a little box in your room. You also tried to be just as supportive, this is why you were here in his studio, you came earlier with food and snacks for him and the boys. Jisung had barely texted you the whole day, so you knew he was extra busy, also you got suspicious that he wouldn't eat anything, he always got so involved with his work he sometimes forgot to even eat.
You were not wrong. Jisung shyly admitted to you that he, in fact, skipped a meal when you asked if he ate anything. Good for him that he was so cute and adorable you never had the ability to stay mad at him. He got so happy when he saw you that he almost knocked you down. He really was so adrable. The boys also thanked you, and you ate together, talking about what you were up to.
You talked for a while but one by one they left to do their own stuff leaving you with Jisung. Honestly, you were glad to be left alone with him, you've missed him too much. You talked with hushed voice, not once he let go of you, he was hugging you like a koala and showered your face with kisses. You couldn't help but giggle at his cute antics. After a while he excused himself and asked you to wait a little bit as he finished his song, promising to quickly wrap it up and go home together. But here you were now, still stuck in the studio.
You scanned around to find your phone to check the time, Jisung must have noticed you had fallen asleep and draped his jacket to keep you warm . He really was cute but you really wanted to scold him. He already worked inhuman hours he really was straining his body!
Your eyes almost popped out of your eyes when you noticed that it was basically midnight. Oh he really was done for now!
You got up, groaning from pain, your muscles were sore from laying on this uncomfortable sofa. After stretching a little you approached him, he was so immersed he didn't even notice you. You couldn't help but scoff when you carefully examined his face. His eyes were so red from looking at this damn screen all day. Apart from bloodshot eyes, he had dark eyebags, he looked a paler and you didn't know if you were exaggerating or not but he also looked a bit thinner. Also there was no way his body wouldn't ache from sitting like that, especially after dancing and practicing for ungodly amounts of time.
You carefully threaded your fingers through his hair and leaned down to kiss his cheek. He did jump a little not expecting your touch but he quickly relaxed and leaned into it. He opened his arms and looked at you with wide eyes expecting you to get into his lap and hug him. Sadly, it also meant that he still wasn't done. You sighed yet again, there was no way you could win this one. You complied and sat in his lap. Jisung immediately wrapped his arm around you and brought you closer to him so that you were chest to chest with no room between you, he quickly pecked your cheek and went back to working.
You tried your best to sit still and let him work so that you could go home as soon as possible, but you were also getting really bored.
After a minute or two an idea popped into your head. You shuffled a bit and hid your face into the crook of his neck, the smell of his perfume immediately soothing your senses. You put your right hand on his chest and wrapped the other around his shoulders. You waited for a second so that Jisung would think you were just getting comfortable, if he even noticed you moving around that is... The truth was that Han Jisung was really ticklish and his neck was especially sensitive. Whenever you decided to kiss his neck he would always reel back giggling and pouting at you cutely. He would always try and run away from you whenever he sensed that you were about to attack his neck. But where would he go now? You were in his lap, there was no way he could run.
You somewhat felt bad, he was always so sweet and gentle to you and no matter how ticklish he was he always let you snuggle up to his neck knowing that you loved it. Should you betray his trust like this?
He did notice you shuffling around, he tensed up for a second when your nose brushed against his sensitive skin but he quickly relaxed. You grinned it was your time to shine!
Carefully not to alert him you brushed your lips against his neck. The response was immediate, his hold around your waist immediately tightened. Oh you were going to get a reaction out of him one way or another. You kissed him again but with more passion now and quickly pecked him few more times. Jisung glanced at you but he didn't say anything. Oh he was on!
You continued your assault on his reddening skin and pecked every part of his skin you could reach one arm around his shoulders while the other had slid through his neck and into his hair playing with the silky soft stands on his nape, oaccasionaly pulling them drawing soft quiet groans from the boy. He whined out your name so prettily! And let's just say you absolutely adored his "little" reactions. He was set on staying as still as he could and act as if this whole thing didn't affect him at all but you could see right through him. "Babyy." He whined out but you didn't stop. His skin was all flushed in a beautiful shade of red, his breathing had become more rugged and shalllow. His left hand held onto your hip for dear life and brought you as close to him as it possibly could as if you would dissappear if he let go. God you loved this boy! You kissed him more and let's just say you hoped his jacket had a high collar because you had left really pretty marks onto his skin. You would gladly show it to the world but you were not sure how his fans would react if anyone were to see you and share photos. And you knew many stays had hawklike vision.
You didn't even consider to stop your attack, Jisung hadn't even done anything to stop you so, you let yourself go. It was only when you moved a little and started kissing his jaw and in the haze let your teeth graze against his skin that he held you tightly and pulled you off.
You looked at him with confused eyes, his face unreadable. Did you upset him? Was he mad? You were about to apologize when he sighed out something and leaned in to smash his lips against yours, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Both of his hands were around your waist now, pulling you impossibly close, as if he wanted to devour you, wanted to be one with you, and who were you to deny him anything? You tried your best to keep up with him and return the kiss with the same burning passion but honestly you couldn't keep up. You didn't know what came up to him but you loved it. You felt like melting, like you really thought you could turn into a puddle, you felt ignited, you felt alive. There was no thought in your head other than that you loved this boy. Your lungs were burning but you weren't even considering to lean back for air. You were just consumed with Han Jisung.
It was Han who broke the kiss and leaned back to let you breathe. Both of you struggled to breathe normally, as if you had forgotten how to do so. You wanted to say something but were at loss for words, it was Han who broke the silence. He flicked your forehead and pouted at you. "You're a real brat do you know that?" You couldn't help but giggle. You swore this boy had some type of switch into his head. He almost made you melt into a puddle by giving you the best kiss of your life and now he was pouting at you all cutely like he did nothing wrong. God you loved him!
You grinned at him, "Does this mean we're going home?"
Han rolled his eyes and softly pinched your side. "Brat."
Yup, you had won.
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
Hey can you write a fic about being in a love triangle with Zoro and sanji(non poly) they fight over reader and they (preferably female reader but gender neutral is good too) are oblivious?
Plus I love your stories!
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hey aishabbbb! thanks for the compliment! i'm glad you enjoy my stories!
forethoughts: woah aether posts again on the same day?!?!? this is similar to the love triangle w nami and sanji, but switched out nami, Y/N has a different role this time.
notes: fem!reader, zoro and sanji being competitive, oblivious reader
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You were the new seamstress of the Straw Hat Pirates (A role Luffy thought would be cool, since you could always make clothes on the go and funny disguises)
You spent your days in your room separate from Nami and Robin, since your materials took more space. You made different clothes for different occasions. You spent your time mostly locked in your room, since you couldn’t really help physically with the Straw Hats, so you focused on your craft.
The only times you would come out was if Nami forced you to go on a shopping spree with her and Robin, and for meals.
Two people had a really big problem with your habit of staying indoors.
The swordsman who wanted you to go outside more in order to be more healthy, and the cook who wanted you to be nourished with food and enjoy the world.
Zoro and Sani always fight over everything. Literally, you can’t stop them at all from throwing hands at each other. But when it came to you, oh.
Since the moment you joined on board, both men had their sights set on you. Sanji because you were a girl, and Zoro because you were an attractive and diligent worker. They implicitly made a bet with each other, seeing who would get you to spend more time outside your room.
Zoro would barge into your room whenever he felt like it, telling you to help him train in the gym. You just went along with the swordsman’s request. You didn’t know you would be sitting on his back as he did one handed push ups. You threw punches at Zoro while he was blindfolded, insisting ‘you couldn’t even hit me if you tried’.
You hit Zoro square in the nose.
Zoro smiles at your hit, reassuring that he was okay and told you that you should join him in the gym, whether to practice your swings on Zoro or just act as a weight.
Sanji hated seeing Zoro treat you, a girl so callously. A weight? The audacity.
Sanji would cook you the most gourmet meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, giving Zoro the scraps of your meal.
Everytime Sanji sees you exit the gym, he’ll immediately walk towards you and offer to give you a small snack or dessert after Zoro’s ‘inhumane treatment’. You’ll usually turn down, but that’s when Sanij turns from a cook to a salesman. Sanji offers to teach you how to make the snacks and desserts, which you happily say yes to, because you loved learning new things.
To Sanji’s dismay, the treats Sanji taught you how to make found its way into Zoro’s mouth. Knowing how to bake, you gave little protein treats to Zoro to eat after he completed his workout.
Zoro always accepted your little snacks, eating it right in front of Sanji and explicitly stating it was from you, just to make the cook jealous.
Sanji wasn’t necessarily losing the bet though. You now spent a quarter of your day with Zoro, and now baking with Sanji. You could be found in the kitchen learning a new recipe with Sanji, cracking jokes and creating beautiful snacks and treats.
You were completely oblivious to the fact they were doing all of this just to get you out of your room because they loved you, so you relished in getting a good workout with Zoro, and having fun with Sanji.
You’d make oven mitts for Sanji, as you were heavily concerned how he took a steaming hot tray out of the oven so haphazardly. Now, he would always use the oven mitts you knitted for him. 
You’d also make Zoro gloves, since his knuckles always gets red when he fights during harsh temperatures. 
Now it’s a regular sight to see two fully grown man argue about oven mitts and gloves.
“Why are Zoro and Sanji arguing?” Nami asks Robin.
“They’re fighting over Y/N’s gifts she gave them.” Robin answered.
“Don’t they know Y/N gave all of us gifts and not just them?”’
“Do you think they will in the state they’re in?”
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amateurasterism · 1 year
I'm just so in love with the way you write for Jeonghan! I was wondering if you had any domestic ideas, headcanons, or stories you could write for him?
ahh yes tysm!! im glad you like my writing<33
domestic headcanons — y.jh
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Yoon Jeonghan, whom you spend every night and every morning with at your dual bathroom sinks, enjoying each others company as you run through your separate hygiene routines. Its always filled with secret yet not-so secret glances at each other in the mirror. This time, you catch his eye stealing glances at you while brushing your teeth, poking him at the side teasingly.
“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror,” he suddenly says.
“Yeah. Then I rejected you twice before agreeing to a date only because you were annoying,” you roll your eyes and hide the blush on your cheeks.
He flicks your forehead on his way out the bathroom. “Well look at where we are now.”
Yoon Jeonghan, whose closet isn’t his anymore. It’s yours too now, but he secretly doesn’t mind. In fact, he loves it. You in his clothes, perfectly oversized on you, does something to him.
“Did you put our jacket in the washer?” Jeonghan asks from his closet, searching through his clothes.
“Our jacket?” you look up at him curiously.
“You wear it more than I do, it might as well be ours.”
Yoon Jeonghan, who always asks you to do his tie and help him button up for special events because he “doesn’t know how.” Also because he couldn’t help that your flustered expression looked especially good when he was looking down on you so closely. He loves to see you fumble with the fabric of his ties when he says a sly flirt only you can hear, but you never notice the pink on his ears that matches your cheeks. Little did you know, he knows how to tie his ties perfectly well.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it one of his favorite antics to toss popcorn and other little snacks into your mouth out of nowhere in attempt to make you catch them because he loves seeing you get slightly frustrated when it just barely misses your mouth, and the specific laugh you let out when it gets in.
Yoon Jeonghan, who eats all your leftovers. You’ve gotten to the point where you can’t leave anything in there. You never see anything that goes in come back out. But Jeonghan only does it because he knows it will always result in you cooking in the kitchen more often, and he would never admit it but helping you in the kitchen and coaxing you into letting him taste testing your meals by hugging you from behind and kissing your neck until you let him have a spoonful straight from the pot is his favorite thing to do.
Yoon Jeonghan, who always sleeps in. (“Five more minutes…”) But on the occasions where he has to leave early in the morning, he tries to have breakfast ready for you on the bedside before you wake up. (which is often a toast with avocados and eggs, because he can’t cook for shit. At least he tries…)
Yoon Jeonghan, who knows exactly how you like your coffee and/or tea and all your favorite snacks.
Yoon Jeonghan, who grows his hair to his shoulders because he knows you love playing with it. And he loves it too. Nothing can compare to your fingers carding through his hair, massaging his scalp and making hair dos that you have an album in your phone dedicated to.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it routine for the two of you to fall asleep together, at the same time every night, in the comfort of each others embrace. He has never been able to put his finger on why, but you in his arms (or sometimes even the other way around, which he’ll never admit he loves) makes it so much easier to sleep.
Yoon Jeonghan, who never hated nor loved books, but found that they held value when you started to read their words out loud to him. Honestly, sometimes he he’s too tired to listen to what you’re saying. Instead, he drowns himself in the sound of your voice, enjoying the occasional stumble over words like a particularly rough ocean wave, which lets him know you’re about to fall asleep.
You’re nestled in between his thighs as he gently grabs the book from your hands and places it on the bedside table, simultaneously shutting off the lamp. “We’ll read tomorrow. Go sleep, love.”
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one reblog = love for domestic jeonghan
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luffyvace · 2 months
PERRROOONAAA x female reader :3
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Does anybody on tumblr love Perona as much as I do?!
(Once again, may be more accurate to pre time skip perona 😋)
Perona with a girlfriend seems like such a sweetie!! And I say this in the kindest way possible- but with men (specifically stupid men) she just seems to get upset quicker?? Granted, in the show, as far as I’ve seen she interacts with male more than females (poor her she’s gonna go insane) but then again there’s more guys than girls in op anyway.
Moving on- shopping with her is always fun!! ٩( 'ω' )و you two could shop for hours and hours together. By the way I’m specifically talking about when she dropped zoro off on sabaody. You can’t tell me she didn’t stay for a while and buy a crap ton of cute clothes. Ngl the girls in the background of sabaody had some pretty cute outfits!! Which mean they have good clothing stores. Which means you two definitely when on a shopping spree 😉🤩
I’m talking going from store to store, getting snacks like pretzels and cotton candy in between, going on a few rides n such. And of course getting some sweet deals because your cute and know how to coupon 😋😋
While we’re on the topic I might as well mention fashion. In fact these wouldn’t be Perona headcanons without it⁉️ Like have you SEEN how that girl dresses?! I LOVE her style it’s so cute!! (Opinion: I like her pre time skip fit better) Besides the point tho, I just feel like she couldn’t get along with someone who has no style so IK for sure you’ve got some 🙌
Either that or your okay with her dolling you up LOL. Ngl I feel like she’d love that- whether you can dress or not. She doesn’t even have at least bearsy anymore so who else does she have to glamify??? 😱 Zoro?Mihawk? 😖 No way they’d let her!! 😤 But dw at the very least you know you’ll always look good 😘💋💗
Cooking with Perona! (THAT COULD BE THE NAME OF A TV SHOW AT THIS POINT HAHAHAH) but yes of course cooking is a sort of love language for her, so she’s always cooking you stuff!! Meals, snacks, desserts whatever! She makes them randomly but you’d better appreciate it!!
if you can’t cook she’d have no problem doing it for you, but you simply must appreciate it!! At least thank her verbally if your not gonna do something in return physically! Okay?
if you can, you two have lots of fun cooking each other meals. There has been many days where you make each other your favorite meals then sit down and eat it together all romantic-like. ☺️ Aaaand there’s also times you have little mini arguments as to who’s cooking who’s favorite food tonight.
“No! Sit down I’ve got it, I said!!”
“I’ll do it Perona don’t worry about it!”
“No way! I was gonna make your favorite tonight!”
”huh? No don’t do that, I was gonna make your favorite!”
“well just sit down and let me handle it will you?!” 😤
nothing too serious like I said, just you too being so sappy you argue about who’s gonna cook who’s favorite dinner 😂💗💗
y’all have girl sleepovers at mihawk’s ٩( ᐛ )و
i mean yeah where else but you get me. You two stay up and gossip about any and everything. She’s the gossip type of girl 💯 I’m not saying you are though, so if you aren’t she can talk about anything, she doesn’t mind :) you could always build a pillow fort, read books, paint each other’s nails/toenails and sing instead 💖
she def rants to you about zoro and mihawk being living, breathing headaches. Which, unless your a nonchalant girly- you probably understand. 😭 having alone time with each other is essential to keep the other sane. 😄
her affections are cooking and doing favors for you. She’s also quite protective/big sister like and will make sure your okay randomly throughout your day. She keeps your hair in place and buttons the buttons you forgot to button up. 💖💖 that type of big sister like <33 she may or may not complain a bit (not as much as with zoro) but she’ll do basically any (sane 😭) thing you ask of her. If your ill/injured she forces you to stay in bed as long as it takes until you’ve made a full recovery. I feel she’d have a lot of medical knowledge so that helps ;D
she’d be shy about it when your first getting into the relationship, but after a while..! when in private, I feel like she’d be very soft for cute little kisses! 😚 100% in private though- she doesn’t want any sour faces from zoro or mihawk (😑) she’d make this clear too because she like to be made fun of 😒
her kisses are really soft, so are her lips. She’d probably leave light lipstick stains all over your face. She’d accidentally make those little smooching sounds each time she kisses you. She’s embarrassed about it but you two laugh it off and continue smothering bunches of love all over the other’s features. She really loves kissing your cheeks—they’re so squishy and cute!! <3 and she looooves cute things 😊
Ending it there because if I ever do Perona’s kisses one day that’ll be a spoiler 😱
I ended up loving Perona much more than I thought I would when I started watching one piece 😭💗 not complaining tho !! 💋
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engeorged · 1 year
Dear Alex
Dear Alex,
I can’t really remember how many times I’ve started writing this letter and how many times I’ve thrown it in the bin. It’s a really shitty way of doing this but I just don’t think I can tell you any of this to your face. I’m too embarrassed. It all started as a prank, a way to level the tables with the both of us. I meant to tell you sooner but I guess it got out of hand and here we are. I’m gonna have to start at the beginning I think. You’ll know all of this, just not my side of it I guess.
After university when we moved in together I wasn’t sure we’d last as room mates for more than a few months but it was so easy hanging out with you and we were both the same level of untidy so we didn’t piss each other off. We did have those tricky few weeks a few years back when we dated the same guy without realising but he turned into the biggest ballsack on the planet so it wasn’t hard to get over that!
I’m only mentioning that because that’s not the reason I got you fat. It wasn’t revenge for anything. I don’t fully remember the original reason to be completely honest, it wasn’t really a thought through thing, it just sort of happened. And yeah I know I just threw that it there. I got you fat. I mean you definitely played your part in it but I really messed with you man and I’m sorry.
It was innocent at first, I noticed when you started your new job and you were tired all the time, you started going to the gym less. I think it was when we were decorating the kitchen one weekend and you were painting the ceiling, I saw your rounded little pot belly when you were reaching up. All those late night take aways and evenings sat in front of the tv watching the football were taking their toll. Your flat muscled six pack was disappearing. It instantly filled me with hope. You had a flaw I could exploit!
It pains me to say this but of the two of us, you’d always been the hot one. Don’t get me wrong, on my own, I’m not bad looking. In fact if someone asked me I’d probably say I was a nine, it’s just that next to you, I’m a seven at best. Your blonde hair and permanently tanned skin made you the hottest guy in most rooms. All 6’5 of you was built like a cartoon of a rugby player which made it even worse! You’re a solid ten man and you always have been. I don’t think I realised how jealous I was until I saw you had a flaw. That solid curved furry belly I glimpsed gave me the seed of an idea. If you were fatter, it might even the playing field. I’m not proud of this, I just think you’d reserve the truth.
It started gently at first, I’d make twice the amount of food I’d normally make when it was my turn to cook. I’d pack the fridge with snacks and unhealthy things for you to pick at. I’d hand you beers when we were watching the game. You were so zoned into the match you never noticed me topping up your snacks or replacing the bud lights with full fat beers. Over a few months I watched as your little curve turned into a more substantial beer belly. And fuck you if it wasn’t the most perfect beer belly I’d ever seen. I was hoping it would make you less hot but turned out it made you hotter. Instead of a flabby pimply gut covered in stretch marks, you developed a firm round belly with perfect skin and even kept your Adonis belt. That’s when it got serious.
The first thing was gainer shakes. I started sprinkling gainer powder in everything, adding it to every meal or sauce I could dissolve it into. Everything I cooked for you was loaded with butter and ghee to double the calorie count. I found larger versions of our plates so that I could increase your portion sizes without you realising. I even started buying your clothes a size up and replacing the labels so you wouldn't realise. I was literally feeding you up like a fattened calf. And boy did you balloon. The first phase was months long and you gained 20/30lbs but this second phase was like you were being filled with an air pump. I can’t really believe I could do this to someone, especially someone who I would call my best friend.
It all came to a head yesterday when I crossed the line big time. That’s why I’m writing this letter now and actually sending it. I can hear you now snoring from your bedroom. Sleeping off the mammoth meal I stuffed into you across the evening. I’ve been awake all night and I keep going in to check on you to make sure you’re still breathing. I can’t believe you ate as much as you did and I can’t believe I pushed you into doing it.
I was only planning on slipping you a few of the tablets I found online. They were definitely safe and I want you to know I checked them and double checked them to make sure they were ok for human consumption. I guess that gives away the fact that they were actually for animals. I think they are used by wagyu beef farmers to get cows fattened up before they are butchered. They are supposed to increase appetite and metabolism. I popped two in your beer before the game and started my usual sneaky increase in your snacks. It wasn’t hard as you always put a lot away when our team is winning and they were three goals up by half time. I think at that point you’d eaten two bowls of Doritos and dip, a plate of sliders and a whole pan of chilli which I think would have served 8 comfortably. That was on top of the best of a crate of twelve beers. Your belly was swollen up to it’s usual bulging mass and you were already rubbing the sides to alleviate some pressure. I should have stopped there but I couldn’t help myself. I slipped you another few of the tablets. I guess in hindsight, the first two hadn’t properly kicked in at that point which meant that by the time the second half had started they were in full force. I couldn’t keep up with the snacks and you’d pretty much polished off the lot by the time the match had ended.
For the record it was your idea to order pizza. Your belly at that point was totally rounded out and your T-shirt was stretched over it’s taut surface. I guess you were pretty buzzed because you ordered four xl meat feasts. I didn’t really have any choice but to let it happen. And you might not remember any of this but you basically inhaled the first two. By that point you were fully maxed out. Your belly was tight and even the xxxl T-shirt you were wearing (that you thought was an xl) was beginning to show a few inches of your swollen belly. You could hardly move and I felt awful. Well that’s not totally true. I was actually pretty pleased at the state of you. My plan after all was to make you gain a few pounds so I’d be hotter than you and you’d basically blimped.
Anyway, what happened next I am truly ashamed about. You were laying there on the sofa clutching at your belly. The tablets clearly convincing your brain you were still starving, even thought your belly was basically an exercise ball now. And you were just moaning with the two pizzas next to you. And that’s when I snapped. I jumped up and shoved a whole slice into your mouth. You gaged but then after a few chews swallowed it right down. Slice by slice I pushed the remaining two huge pizzas down your throat. I could literally see your belly blowing up in front of me. When eventually I reached into the box for the next piece and found nothing, I realised what I’d done. I stepped back and looked at you. Spread eagle on the sofa, your belly sticking way up and round. Covered in sweat and grease. It’s as if I stepped out of my own body and realised what I had done to you. You were fucking huge man.
I left the room and went to my own to consider what to do next. I was half appalled and half in awe at the size of you man. When I came in half an hour later you were fast asleep and snoring like a pig, your gut still very much occupying its space. Guiltily, I managed to get you into your bed and laid you on your back so your belly could reach its full swell. I pulled your belt off so your stomach wasn’t under any pressure. I didn’t want you to pop or anything.
As I said I know our friendship is probably over but I want you to know I’m truly sorry. I took this way too far and I regret it. I’m happy for you to do what you need to do, and if that’s punch me in the face then so be it. I hope that in a few weeks you’ll be able to forgive me but if not then I understand and I will move out if that’s what you want.
In the spirit of fully disclosure, I want you to know that even though you’re maybe 100lbs fatter than you were, I still think you’re a ten. In fact if I’m really honest, I think you might even be hotter than that. Your belly last night was horrifying but also strangely attractive. The firm roundness of it and knowing how much food I’d crammed in there was actually quite erotic. Sorry if that’s tmi but I think I wanted you to have the whole truth. I have a small suspicion that you’ve actually enjoyed getting bigger and if that’s wrong then I’m sorry for presuming. But I actually wonder how big we could get that thing.
Let me know what I can do to make it up to you, or if I’m right and you wanna continue.
Yours apologetically (and hopefully)
Continued at Dear Nate
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yunirgo · 2 months
steve harrington x fem!reader ; fluff/comfort(?)
tw: mentions of food, reader doesn’t want to eat and is struggling a bit with self image, bad writing (sorry), pretty self indulgent
“you have to eat something, honey,” he insists.
“i’m not hungry steve,” you insist back.
steve noticed how you’ve been reluctant to eat lately. at first it was you turning down snacks he’d offer, then you started eating a meal a day.
today though, you haven’t had anything to eat and it was already nighttime. to say he was worried was definitely an understatement.
“babe, you haven’t eaten anything all day! that’s not good for you, you know that,” you try to not roll your eyes, but aren’t very successful. “look, if you at least eat a toast i’ll leave you alone, i promise.”
“steve, i’m not hungry. i’m not not eating because i don’t want to, i’m just not hungry,” tears well up in your eyes. you weren’t lying, not entirely anyway.
you’d looked in the mirror the other day and weren’t that pleased with your body, which made your appetite vanish. you’d tried to eat something for your own good, but the thought of food made you feel uneasy, guilty even. and the fact that you’d been having a lot of snacks and food the past week didn’t make it any easier. it was like your own body was punishing you for eating so much to the point of forbidding you to have some food.
a heavy sigh escapes his lips, followed by his hand pushing his hair back. steve leans over the kitchen counter, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “i’m not letting you go to sleep without eating something first.”
“y/n, please. just a toast, okay? so i can feel at peace knowing you have something in your system. what do you say?” and he has the audacity of using those stupid puppy eyes to convince you. what an asshole.
a good thirty seconds pass when you finally cave in. “i hate you,” and that smile, god, it makes you want to eat all of the toasts in the whole fucking galaxy if it means seeing him grin like that for the rest of your life.
“and i love you. i’ll even put on lots of that butter you like, baby. just sit there and let me be your cook for the night, yeah?” he kisses your head and starts working on your little meal. you watch him move around the kitchen, his arm flexing when he reaches up to the cabinet for a plate, his tongue sticking out when he spreads the butter on the toast; it makes you feel loved and cared for. “here you go. one golden, buttery toast for the prettiest girl in the whole world,” the boy smiles, pearly whites in full display for you.
“i’m still mad at you,” it was a lie, both of you are fully aware of it.
“i can handle that. now eat,” after staring at it, you finally take a bite of the toasted bread in front of you. the taste of melted butter makes you feel better instantly. you practically inhale the toast without noticing. it definitely wakes up your appetite. “good job, baby.”
“oh god, im so hungry now,” you say with a whine.
“well, you’re in luck because your favorite chef in the whole world will be very happy to feed you,” and he does. he prepares something small. not much to not scare you, but enough to feed you properly. you eat his food with content hums here and there and he watches you with satisfaction. “you know, you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to eat. it’s your body trying to keep you alive,” he comments once you’ve finished your food, pushing a hair strand behind your ear.
“i know… i just- i feel gross about it sometimes, having to eat. i know i shouldn’t feel guilty, but i can’t help it,” steve, the sweetheart he is, pulls you to his chest and leaves a kiss at the top of your head.
“i know, honey. i’m sorry,” he starts swaying side to side, your ear right by his heart. his heartbeat calms yours. “it makes me really sad to see you struggle with that, but i will always be here to remind you that it’s completely normal and okay to feel hungry and eat. maybe eating together can help. i love watching you eat” you look up at him; he looks down at you, both melting at the love in each others’ gaze.
“you’re really weird, but i really love you, you know?”
“mhmm, i love you more”.
a/n: i get a lot of these little episodes and my best friend is the one who reminds me it’s just my body doing its job and that i shouldn’t feel guilty for being hungry or eating. i know it’s not easy dealing with it, but if you go through this too and ever need someone to talk to, i’m here for you<3 remember you’re perfect just the way you are!
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chocotonez · 11 months
skz + acts of service
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a/n: it’s two am and this isn’t proofread. just word pasta
cw/genre: fluff, english isn’t my first language, swearing, gn reader and lmk if anything else should be tagged! <3
summary: skz expressing and receiving love through acts of service
this is part of my 1k June special you can find here! ->
-his acts of service are small but plentiful
-picks up after you, grabs your laundry or runs errands he knows you need to complete, puts your leftovers in the fridge and whatever, he makes sure you’re staying on top of things
-he tries to avoid telling you about all the things he does for you but you take notice considering the fact that when you started dating him your life was going SUSPICIOUSLY well
-so you make sure you beat him at the acts of service competition that doesn’t exist, you tidy up his desk or massage his shoulders, you randomly enter his studio to drop off snacks and food or you go to the dorms to help him tidy up
-it means so much to him that you look out for him like that :,) it’s in his nature to look out for others but it just feels so good when someone returns his favors
-“you don’t have to do that for me y/n” and you just smile and ur like “I know. I just want to.”
-WHDHSJDBSD he clutches his chest and is peppering kisses AAAAALLL over ur face as a thank you
lee know
-its very obligatory things that’s expected as a boyfriend, just because he expresses love in other ways? like he does what he should to be a healthy and loving boyfriend but it’s not his love language to do things for you rlly
-but he gives up your time for you willingly and lovingly (even if it doesn’t seem like it) “baby why the fuck are your clothes organized like this??” and he helps you organize
-or he cooks dinner for you, or meal preps breakfast because he knows he can’t always be there to eat at a normal dinner time LMAO
-it’s not his fave love language because it feels overwhelming to have someone do so much for him, he appreciates it more than you can realize but it’s also a bit scary because he feels indebted to you and he doesn’t know how to handle that
-so his shy “thank you” and blushing is him being appreciative I PROMISSEEEE he’s just excited and overwhelmed
-“thank you, I love u” w a kiss on your cheek
-maybe I’m bad at this but I’m having difficulty w these acts of services TT
-he doesn’t give it very much and he also can feel kinda awkward receiving it because he doesn’t want you to feel responsible for getting him lunch or making his bed in the morning
-but if ur super serious about acts of service as a love language he’ll warm up to it and try to do things to “repay” you no matter how much you insist you don’t need him too
-he goes out of the way to do small things for you tho, things that a boyfriend doesn’t usually does but he does <3 he orders at restaurants for you, drives you to places, puts away your personal items or stuff hehe
-i think he could probably cry at some acts of services because he feels really loved and appreciated, it’s not a love language he feels he needs but it’s a love language he surprisingly likes <3
-expect a bouquet of roses and a nice gift bb he’s gonna spoil you as a thanks
-king of acts of services even if it’s not his main love language, and he appreciates when you do the same but he insists it’s not necessary, he’d rather you just hold and kiss him tbh
-def the type to tie your shoes for you that is my fave ever love language so I’m incredibly jealous of you rn bye
-he untangles your hair for you, helps you practice self care, gives you a nice massage after a stressful day, gets you breakfast and coffee, etc etc
-he likes acts of service in a more small way, like you just brushing his hair as well, bringing him a hot towel to his dance practices, or organizing his skincare yknow yknow
-he’s more of a giver and he’d rather you reciprocate his acts through physical touch or quality time
-but he doesn’t hate it I promise he’ll thank you and press kisses all over your face and spoil you with attention and love if he finds you doing laundry for him
-is it obvious i don’t know what acts of service actually are 🤣🤣🤣🤣
-he doesn’t realize how often he commits acts of service until you point it out or comment on it lolol
-(brb googling examples of acts of service rn) he always helps you with your daily errands if he’s able to, since yknow he has that whole idol thing going on :}
-I’m not sure if it counts but he also remembers every single important date and event so he can remind you or prepare something special for that date
-he also always asks if there’s any way he can help you out when he’s free or if there’s any errands as he can go run them with you
-receiving makes him feel so so so special but he won’t express it because it feels like you think you’re responsible for him and he’s worrying it’s draining on the relationship
-but if u reassure him otherwise he’ll gladly enjoy your acts of service and always say thank you and never brush them off no matter how small the act was
-he just adores the feeling of knowing that you went out of your way to do the dishes in the apartment or when he’s at a schedule and he gets a lunch delivery from you, he bawls his eyes out tbh <333
-his acts of service are really domestic, and he also enjoys when you reciprocate. Not that he expects you to and doesn’t want you to feel indebted, it just makes him feel like you acknowledge his efforts to take care of you
-he meal preps every day for you no matter how busy he is, he is ensuring you eat well ‼️‼️
-the type of boyfriend to say “did you drink water” when you mention you have a headache
-bakes you pastries for your workplace/peers, posts you all the time on his private story, organizes your shared apartment when he’s away, always allows you to have some of his food, etc etc
-gets all giggly if you do the same for him
-has a little sunshine-like smile and goes “thank youuuu” while giving you a tight hug !!! so wildly in love with the domestic aspect of it all he gets butterflies at the idea of being able to wake up to you and brewing you a cup of coffee in the morning
-texts you thank yous if he’s at work, but they’re always paragraphs long with a cute little sticker to accompany the message
-does it mindlessly tbh, it’s a minor love language to him in both giving and receiving because in his mind these are just the things you should do in a relationship??
-gets really confused if you get sappy on him for an act of service because isn’t that just what he’s supposed to do as a boyfriend??
-(the tik tok sound that goes: “who the fuck fucked up this house like this??” plays in his head)
-makes sure you commit to your goals so that you can succeed which is annoying sometimes but really beneficial in the long run, waters your plants if you’re away, offers you the last piece of a snack, gives you his jacket if he noticed you shivering while out, saves you a seat when you two go out with friends and you run late
-but to him these are all just responsibilities of a boyfriend, but he also holds this expectation to you?? not in the same degree but he will find it a sort of normal occasion in a relationship if you make the bed or share your umbrella or record his favorite drama…
-says thank you, he just doesn’t understand how it’s a love language lmao
-unlike seungmin who sees it as just another act of a boyfriend his chest swells w pride when he commits to his “boyfriend responsibilities”
-especially when you giggle and say thank you, he love love loves the way you look at him so fondly when you come home to a clean apartment or the pantry restocked, etc etc
-he also mindlessly does smaller things for you he doesn’t even realize count as acts of service, slows down if he walks too fast, grabs your hand when you two cross the street, or putting your water bottle in the fridge so it’s nice and cold when you drink it :>
-gets kinda surprised and taken aback if you do acts of service on a big scale, he feels like he’s indebted to you but also really enjoys being spoiled it’s so conflicting TT
-“you don’t have to babe!! but don’t stop…if you want to!!” -him probably
-his heart gets all soft when you do small things, plugging in his phone if he falls asleep, remembering important events and reminding him, always checking in on him…
-u guys r so cute STOP 😭😭
taglist: @chansburgah @hamburgers101 @spacegirlstuff @mxrivicgb @endless-tsundoku
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agaypanic · 1 year
Malcolm in the Middle Simp Headcanons
Request Something!
Probably met you in the Krelboyne class
Very impressed by your brains
Always chooses you as a study buddy or project partner
Holds back complaints about life and shit just to hear you talk
This is very difficult for him to do bc the dude LOVES to complain
Holds your books/backpack for you and walks you to all your classes
Mainly because you have the same classes, but he insists he’d do it even if you didn’t
Learns everything about you and commits it to memory (which isn’t hard because of his memory)
You’re the best thing in his sucky life
Stevie had half a mind to roll away from his best friend as he went on and on about Herkabe. Something about him trying to get Malcolm to sabotage his perfect GPA so Herkabe could keep some academic record. Usually, Stevie would care very much about someone’s academic standing. But right now, he was focused on trying not to kill himself or Malcolm.
“I mean, it’s absolutely ridiculous! He’s using Reese to get me to tank a grade. Reese! It’d work better if it was-”
“Hey, guys!” You bounded towards the two, and Malcolm’s demeanor changed entirely. Stevie was grateful for your arrival because, for some reason, Malcolm lessened the bitching and moaning by a lot.
“Hey, Y/n.” The boys greeted back.
“So, what were you guys talking about?”
“Well-” Stevie was about to snitch on your boyfriend but was cut off by him.
“Oh, it was nothing.”
“Are you sure? You looked pretty passionate about it.” Malcolm assured you it was nothing, but Stevie gave you a look saying he’d tell you about it later. “Okay, then. Wanna go to class?”
“Sure!” Malcolm responded excitedly, grabbing his backpack off the lunch table you were hanging around. You said goodbye to Stevie and made your way to first period. “Want me to take your bag?” He asked but was already slipping the strap off your shoulder.
I’m convinced it’s his love language
From snacks to tide you over until lunch to full-course meals during the rare occasion that you two have the house to yourselves
Will beat the shit out of anyone who messes with you
If it’s a girl, he’ll probably get Cynthia to do it
Your happiness is his biggest priority; he can’t have some idiot messing with that
“Reese, this is delicious.” You moaned as you ate a baggie of your favorite snack that he had cooked up for you. He knew how hungry you’d get from skipping breakfast, so he packed you a little snack bag every day so you wouldn’t be miserable until lunch. He was somewhat surprised that the teacher hadn’t made him stop bringing food to class, but it might’ve had something to do with the fact that whenever you were happy, he was happy. And a teacher would rather have a happy Reese than an angry Reese.
“I think I might make that my go-to snack for you; you seem to like it the most.” You smiled at the comment, giddy that he paid attention enough to know which of his foods were your favorite.
“Well, I like all your food.”
The last bunch of kids filed in, and the last one seemed miserable. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was a kid in your class that messed with you frequently. You then noticed that he was littered with cuts and bruises. Immediately, you had an inkling of how this happened.
“Reese, did you do that?” He looked up at the kid, smirking at his handiwork.
“Gotta keep my girl happy.”
Thinks it’s love at first sight
Francis is such a delusional romantic tbh
If you meet him while he’s in military school, he’s always writing you poems and letters 
Half of his calls home are for you because he just wants to know how you’re doing
If you work at the ranch with him, he’ll pick up the work on your chores if you have something to do
Even if you don’t need any help, he’ll accompany you just because he loves spending time with you
You know those tiktoks that are like “when you and your friend work together, so everything’s a two-person job now”?
That’s him with EVERYTHING
Even if you’ve been together for years, he still tries to impress you with extravagant presents or ideas
You tell him you don’t need/want much, just him, but he thinks you deserve the very best
“Francis, I can do it myself.” You jokingly rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, who set out plates and cutlery for the breakfast buffet. “It’s the easiest job of my day.”
“I just wanna make it easier, baby.” Francis kissed you before straightening the table clothes in the dining hall and on the patio.
“Well, thank you.” You smiled before moving to restock the napkin dispenser. Francis raced to your side, opening the dispenser for you. “Thanks again.”
“No problem. So, I was looking at our schedules, and I noticed we should be done with work at the same time.”
“Oh, yeah?” He nodded, closing the dispenser and positioning it right on the table. “What do you have planned?”
“Not much.” He shrugged nonchalantly, but if you knew your boyfriend well, you knew at least three different activities were reserved for you two now. “Just a couple’s horse ride, massage, and then I asked Otto to make sure that one of the jacuzzis would be off limits. Just for us.”
“Oh, that sounds so nice, honey.” He cupped your cheeks, kissing you deeply, and you were thankful that the guests were either still asleep or doing something else.
“Anything for my favorite girl.”
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artycomicfangirl · 8 months
Do you have some headcanons of Daisy's and Luigi's love languages they display in the relationship?
Oh man, you know what? You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for an ask like this since…well, Ever! I LOVE these kind of things! I had to do a quick research to brush up on what Love Languages are again. So I took inspiration from some templates I found online. Sprinkled in with a little bit of the Movie-Verse Headcanons.
I guess this is a potential Part 1 of Luaisy headcanons? All because I’m unfortunately not able to list them all as of now!
But, Here we go! Hope you enjoy. Sorry if this ends up being a super long one though, haha.
- Acts of Service -
💚 Luigi would be more than happy and willing to tend to any Plumbing relate problems Daisy has. This is one of the only few times where even if he doesn’t even know the full situation of the problem, he never says no to her needing help, and dives head first without hesitation…
• Even if it means literally diving into that now rising flooding castle basement of hers, just to locate and fix that pesky broken pipe system!
🌼 💚 Cooking for each other. Unlike when I think Peach lovingly does most, if not all of the cooking for Mario. Cooking seems to become a thing divided equally between Luigi and Daisy.
• Luigi is known to be the best at Dinners. Some of his experience gained from helping his Mama back in Brooklyn growing up. And helping Mario cook too. One of his favorite meals he always loves to share with Daisy on occasion, is his mother’s classic Pasta recipes!
🌼 Plumbing can be real exhausting work sometimes! So Daisy is usually the one to fix up some either some real ice-cool drinks to personably bring to him in sweltering heat. Or Make him some hot cocoa or coffee for the really cold days. She’ll even bring some snacks, or even lunch if it’s almost time for a break.
🌼 Whenever she can be there, Daisy would always sit around and keep Luigi company while he worked. Also for the fact so she can pass him tools that he might need during work. Or even better, hold the fort as best as she can to prevent little mishaps that may occur. Need someone to hit a pipe to get it working? Need an extra set of strength to turn that creaky faucet? Trust Daisy to help out too!
- Physical Touch -
💚 Luigi is so, so, SO gentle with Daisy. Not in a way where he believes that she is perceived to be ‘Delicate’. He has faith that she can handle herself of course! But that’s just simply in his nature with everyone else too. Very little to no aggressive or intimidating body language. And with her? It’s just extra sweet.
• He knows she’s strong. But he can’t help but be the one to look out for her and be worried for her sometimes. When he sees her all scuffed up from fights, he offers to bring her water, ointment, bandages, whatever she requests. At first he allows her to try and heal herself. But If Daisy needs more help, he would step in to help tend to her wounds as much as possible.
💚 Luigi was is the most nervous and hesitant in initiating any form of touch at first. He didn’t want to make the wrong moves or anything! But upon the first hug and some vocal encouragement, it was a sign for him that he is on the right track.
He slowly gets more confident in holding hands with her, having an arm around her waist (Although, he can’t help but melt a little at the fact that he could be THIS close to someone he loves!)
💚 Kisses on his nose get’s him all smiley right away! Daisy ends up doing these out of surprise, and it just gets him so much. Kiss him on the cheek? Instantly giddy. She kisses him on the lips? Immediate knockout. He’s giving the Heart-eyes vibe. This is Something he shares in common with his bro too!
💚 When Luigi sees Daisy on the verge of lashing out at someone. He’s the first to quietly take her hand in his to gently squeeze it. This either gets her to look at him, which he gives a nod and look of reassurance for her to think things through. Or it’s almost like an instant touch that needs no words nor looks. But it has an instant affect on her. She rarely gets directly angry at him ever. How can she be mad at someone just so sweet to her? She knows he genuinely wants to help her.
• Sometimes he chooses to gently rub her hands instead. Also an equally effective calming effect.
💚 If Daisy ever feels down or at her worst, he more than welcomes her with open arms, and does not ever judge her for crying (something she rarely ever shows in public. Always putting a strong face.) It matters very little to him in the moment that his hat or clothes would be tear-soaked.
💚 Speaking on the note of a Sad Daisy. There are a few trigger moments which if you end up hurting Daisy, can make this sweet and timid Greed Plumber, decide that enough is enough. There is a reason why his Trope is known as a ‘Cowardly Lion’!
💚 He will try to place himself in front of her always. Whether it is him jumping in front of her to take whatever brunt of force was directed at her without thinking. Or steeling himself up to give stare down (albeit with quaking knees) in front of his enemy.
He starts of with a slight quiver in his voice. But if you continue to mock him or her a second time, the shakiness in his tone fades. Becoming a bit more determined. A quiet strength. At that point, he will not allow you to push him around and insult Daisy like that. Even if he might get knocked around a bit, he keeps getting back up, just to stand up for her.
💚 He’ll even try to use his hat at some points if he needs to cover her face more for protection.
💚 For some reason I feel like instead of usually carrying a Princess Bridal-style like Mario does. Luigi tends to carry Daisy on his back more. This often leads to escaping from some very comical situations!
🌼 Daisy is DEFINITELY the one who is not shy in expressing her affections naturally. But also really straightforward in her actions.
🌼 Ever experienced one of those surprise Run-at-top-speed Jump hugs? That’s Daisy for you! She often forgets to tone herself down sometimes.
🌼 Pulling him by the suspenders of his overalls gently just to kiss him.
🌼 She’s the one ending up carrying him like a bride instead HA
🌼 Like Luigi, Daisy is always one to step in front of her beloved to shield them from any potential danger. She is usually the one to Yank him out of the way with top speed (Apologizing immediately to him afterwards!) and pull him close to her body to try and cover and protect him as much as possible.
🌼 You would not be able to live it down if Daisy sees you harming or insulting Luigi. She is super quick on to you, ready to throw hands (And weapons, if in a fight)
🌼 She and Mario share the same kind of sentiments when it comes to standing up for Luigi.
“Say that again about my Boyfriend…And you’re gonna regret it!”
- Words of Affirmation -
🌼 Daisy is the one with the vast supply of pet names and complements!
🌼 The Iconic “Hey Sweetie!”
🌼 Buttercup, Honey-Bee, Weegie, Squeegie ect
🌼 If you don’t stop her, she may resort to floral Puns!
🌼 When it comes to support, she is like a really passionate cheerleader. You would definitely see her yelling her heart out at the sidelines of any event/competition/Kart race
🌼 When she writes notes or letters, Daisy tends to be the one who draws little doodles at the end of each letter, or just as little decorations here and there. Mario may or may not have accidentally revealed that he had caught Luigi chuckling at a letter he received from Daisy. Only to be told by his younger Bro that he found her drawings adorable and it made him smile. So she’s been doing that ever since!
💚 Luigi is a bit more reserved with this type of thing. But in fact, he is secretly the more poetic one! Surprisingly The type who’s words of love end up being a natural Cupid’s arrow.
💚 I see ‘Desert Flower’ as a popular head canon compliment he might say, and I also agree with that!
💚 Why do I feel like he would totally be the one to call her “My Dynamite Gal”??? When he’s mustered up so much confidence??
• Because Luigi is known to be more shy and timid, he does have more struggles with confidence in some parts. Leading to this possible little interaction:
💚 “ Face it…How can I even do this? I’m such a loser! I mean, look! I literally got a huge L on my head!”
🌼 “…Does It really have to mean Loser?”
💚 “H-huh? I-I…well what else can it be?”
🌼 “Well…put it this way. You’re kinda like a Clover!”
💚 “A…Clover?”
🌼 “Yeah! You ward off evil. You’re green all over. So How about…Lucky?”
- Quality Time -
💚 Luigi ends up loving taking strolls around the castle with Daisy. Whether it is in the Palace Gardens, or by lakes and rivers. Even Flower fields, where he’ll even attentively listen to her pointing out the new things.
💚 Luigi May end up getting challenged when he goes out on hiking trips with Daisy. The first few trips, he ends up faltering behind a little (He has bad knees everyone!), But Daisy would often slow her pace down a little so he can keep up. She doesn’t mind one bit. But overtime, he pushes to improve himself, in which he now is actually able to keep up by her side. She’s extremely proud of him
💚🌼 The Camping trips together are always fun though! Well, excluding some Minor scares and freak outs from the local wildlife at night. Luigi Teaching Daisy the classic treat of making a S’more. While Daisy would do something shared from her own land sometimes!
🌼 Daisy loves whenever she and Luigi get to go on one of their ‘Sports dates’, and is usually the one initiating these meetups (Knows all the good places!) while Luigi throws in suggestions. Usually consisting of Golfing especially. She is more knowledgeable in the technique, which she ends up teaching Luigi what she already knows. She likes to jokingly say that he’s “Learning from the best!”
🌼 If they end up moving in together and sharing the same bed, Daisy would be the type to wake up a bit earlier than Luigi does. Then goes back again to get some extra sleep hours. She has this little habit where she can’t help but give a little kiss on his cheek by then. If he continues to sleep, she lets him be. But if he ends up wanting to be woken up by this, she starts to go in for more kisses. Some of them are quick ticklish to him!
All until she’s gazing back at sleepy half-open eyes, A lopsided smile, and a very happy green Plumber who’s morning has just been made even better!
💚 On Luigi’s part, he’s the one who sleeps the last. Letting Daisy sleep first before him, as he sometimes has a bit of work he needs to attend to. Or just simply reading a few pages of his favourite book beside her.
• When he notices a lock of her hair astray on her face, he ends up brushing it aside for her. In that moment, he seriously cannot believe that this beautiful fiery woman is his beloved, and is right next to him.
- Receiving Gifts -
💚 It is a popular head canon going around that Daisy is very into gardening. So, Luigi would even go out of his way to brush up on said topics about Gardening and nature just for Daisy. Same thing that he would do when it comes to her other interests, just so he knows what to get her!
💚 He has really great callback memory, in which he is able to remember most of the conversations he would have with Daisy when she talks about various plants. Including seeds and flora she wishes she could obtain to grow in her castle Garden. So! Every often, he would visit the local markets or shops in the town, where he would check up all the latest imports/exports to see if he can find some uncommon, or even rare seeds for him to collect for her. If it’s something from Brooklyn, he most likely tries to buy seeds of flowers for her smaller pot plants!
If he goes on adventures with Mario, he does something similar where he collects various trinkets or souvenirs for him to take home for her, or send to her by mail.
🌼 Daisy is definitely more extravagant, and a bit more ‘flashy’ when it comes to gift giving. She does not do this to show off. She 100% fully believes that her believed deserves the best he can get…Even if it ends up giving him the biggest of blushes. And just so happens she can’t stop gushing about it either in her own way!
🌼 Actually at first, she might have been giving him ‘Weird’ gifts for the first few times when they became a couple. They’re not offensive gifts! But they were a result of her having misunderstood some of his hobbies and likes at the beginning. But never in bad faith, as she genuinely tried to guess what would make Luigi happy. But luckily with help from Peach and Mario, she got good results. And long the way, she started getting better at gift-giving.
🌼 I mean, have you seen that Golden statue of her and Luigi in her own Mario Kart Course? If she was the one who commissioned that, she would totally go THAT far.
🌼 She would go on a secret calling spree, prepare a huge birthday with all of his favorite foods, invite literally all of his friends and family as a complete surprise. Making the Green man crying out of happiness.
🌼 Well, not exactly a traditional kind of gift. But just for him, Daisy would end up wearing cute dresses or other outfits. Something he likes. But that’s because we all can’t deny, Daisy is still Daisy. She still loves to tease Luigi one way or another.
Green Bro may have been staring a little too long, as the Princess walks by in a tank-top and shorts combo!
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j0hnj4ej3n · 1 year
jisung: seatmates to lovers
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Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: none :)
Notes: this is Jisung's part of 'nct dream as love tropes', enjoy!
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“The two of you at the back!” Your teacher’s voice rang through the classroom and both Jisung and you immediately stopped your bickering. “S-sorry,” Jisung manages to mutter out before your teacher finally continues with class. You couldn’t help but chuckle once her attention wasn’t on the two of you and Jisung nudged you so you’d stop before he starts laughing too. 
Initially, Chenle was the one who used to sit with Jisung but your homeroom teacher made you switch with Chenle because they won’t stop talking. It worked at first since you and Jisung weren’t exactly friends, all you knew about the guy was his name and the fact that he was in the dance club. Jisung was shy so he took a while to warm up to you. But it helped that you were easy-going and would offer him help whenever it was needed. 
Jisung was always grateful to you though. Because on top of the dance club, he takes professional dancing classes outside of school and even after all that, loves to game till late at night and hence would constantly fall asleep in classes. But even when teachers try to call him out during class for it, Jisung knows you got his back. 
“Park Jisung!” Jisung shoots awake and stares back at the teacher, mentally still processing which class he’s in. “What’s the answer for question 5?” “Uh… oh, question 5?” You tap his knee under the table and he glances at you, you push your worksheet slowly over to his side to show him the answer before he answers. “Good… please just try to stay awake. It’s the third time I caught you this week” “Yep, sorry” Jisung would turn to mumble a soft “thank you” before he tries his best to stay awake, only to start nodding off again within minutes. 
This gratitude was largely reciprocated because you often skip lunch to do work or just take a nap. It’s not that you don’t eat well because you do. But when lunchtime comes, you’re not necessarily hungry yet and you lack the appetite to stomach a full meal. So you decided to spend your time more wisely by revising or resting and only eating after the school day ends when you would usually be able to treat yourself to a full meal. Jisung notices this pretty quickly once you two became seatmates and would casually buy snacks to share with you. Initially, you thought Jisung just enjoyed snacking, which he does. But overtime, Jisung deliberately buys two of everything he gets so you can eat more for yourself. 
The real turning point in your friendship happened when Jisung got ditched by Chenle for their malatang ‘date’. “Chenle! You promised!” “I’ll go with you tomorrow! I really want to play basketball with Mark today.” “Can’t believe you’re ditching me for basketball, that you play 7 days a week!” “Tomorrow, tomorrow. I promise!” Jisung huffs and mutters a “Forget it” before turning to you. You’re just watching them bicker while sipping on the carton of milk Jisung got you, trying not to laugh at their childish banter. “Y/n, do you like malatang?” “I’ve never tried it.” Your response causes Jisung’s eyes to widen, expressing his disbelief. “You have to! Do you want to come with me after school today?” You have nothing after school today so you agreed and Jisung cheers, rubbing it into Chenle’s face about how he has been replaced.
Jisung and you really got close after that. The two of you were really different but not in a bad way. You were interested in many similar things, like music, games and theories about the universe and the unknown. But had very diverse opinions on them. Jisung thought you were the most interesting person ever and genuinely could listen to you for days. You thought Jisung was a lot more knowledgeable than he thinks himself to be. All his opinions were backed with actual evidence, where he pulls them out from, you have no idea. You thought he was really interesting too. Moreover, the two of you share a really similar sense of humour that had you two laughing so hard, while everyone else would just wonder what exactly was so funny. 
Overtime, this becomes a tradition. Every Tuesday you and Jisung would have lunch together and more often than not, it’s malatang. Even the kind lady who tends the mala store expects you two every week now. Always greeting you two with a smile and a confirmation of “Table for two right?” before leading you into the store. 
However, you fell sick this week and you texted to tell Jisung you would probably miss school for a few days. Asking him to very kindly not fall asleep during classes and take notes for you. And also to apologise for not being able to eat malatang with him this week. Jisung can’t help but laugh in disbelief at your texts, it wasn’t even your fault that you’re sick. And to his surprise, taking notes down during classes isn’t actually that difficult. Maybe it’s because he wants to make sure he does a good job for you. He worries you won’t be able to read his words, since his friends always made fun of his messy handwriting. So he tried really hard to write carefully and clearly. 
After class, Jisung still went down to the mala store to have lunch but with Chenle this time. “Oh? Table for two?” The lady asked, trying to hide the slight surprise when she saw Chenle instead of you. After picking the ingredients, Jisung and Chenle went back to the table to wait for the malatang to be served. When the kind lady came to serve the malatang, she shyly asked, “Don’t mind me being nosy… but did something happen? Where’s your girlfriend?” 
Upon hearing that, Jisung chokes on air and Chenle is full on laughing at him. “S-she’s not my girlfriend,” Jisung stutters and he knows he’s blushing because he feels like his cheeks are on fire. “His girlfriend is sick, so I had to take over~” Chenle chimes in when Jisung fails to answer the question. The kind lady nodded in understanding, trying to hold back her laughter at Jisung’s flustered state, she simply greeted them, “Enjoy your food” and walked away. 
“Stop laughing, that was so embarrassing!” Jisung whines when Chenle can’t seem to stop mocking him, his face red from laughter as tears threaten to escape. “You were so flustered, I-I can’t. Be honest, do you like her?” Jisung looks down and stays silent, busying himself with eating. “Oh my god… YOU DO DON’T YOU? YOU LIKE Y/N! I KNEW IT i-” “SHUT UP, do you need to tell the whole world?” “You have to tell her” “NO way!” “You have to” “Why?” “I’m sure she likes you too” “No she doesn’t” “No normal girl will make time to eat malatang with you every Tuesday after sitting beside you 5 days a week, even I would be too sick of you to do that” “HEY that’s mean!” 
Jisung got convinced. But he can’t bring himself to tell you face to face. “Just text her,” was Chenle’s solution. 
[5:02pm] ji: [image of malatang] 
[5:02pm] ji: ended up eating malatang with chenle 
[5:03pm] you: im craving it so badly :( 
[5:03pm] you: sorry i couldn’t go with you, hope it was still good 
[5:03pm] ji: stop apologising, just get well quickly!
[5:03pm] ji: wasn’t as fun as it usually is because chenle pisses me off
[5:04pm] you: hahah alrighty, i’ll be back soon ji 
[5:04pm] you: will have our usual malatang run next week!
[5:04pm] ji: the nice lady asked about you haha
[5:04pm] you: aw :’) really? what did she say?
[5:05pm] ji: she asked me what happened to my girlfriend…
[5:05pm] you: oh
[5:05pm] you: what did you say? 
[5:07pm] ji: i told her you’re sick 
[5:07pm] ji: so i got another friend to come today
[5:10pm] y/n is typing… 
Jisung wants to bury himself six feet under. Why did he take Chenle’s advice? He should have never done this. Jisung wants to cry, he’s about to reply that he was joking when his phone dings beside him. He has never fumbled with his phone so hard and he’s so glad he was alone in his room right now because he is so embarrassed. 
[5:10pm] you: if you want me to be your girlfriend…
[5:10pm] you: shouldn’t you at least ask me first? 
Jisung is about to die from how fast his heart is beating. He had to lightly hit his chest a few times to make sure he wasn’t just hallucinating. His cheeks ache from smiling, your reply had him stomping his feet in excitement. 
[5:12pm] ji: so get well soon, i’ll ask you properly when you’re back :) 
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reidsdaisies · 8 days
do you have any weird headcanons for the team that in your mind are canon? like in my mind hotch is great at wii sports, while elle kills it at just dance. Gideon secretly likes romantic movies because they remind him there is still good in the world and garcia listens to heavy metall while hacking into high security systems
ok, so I don’t think these are weird, but i’ll try to give a couple for my favs. and btw yes I def agree with the plant one 😭 spencer can not keep a plant alive for more than a week..
- we know she’s a cat mom! sergio def sleeps with her in her bed <3
- so, I haven’t been able to watch the new season yet, so I don’t know the context of the smoking, but I’m saying she’s an occasional smoker. only when she’s dealing with an extremely tough case or a team (family) member is in bad condition, she’ll take a minute or two to smoke a cig. she knows it’s bad for your health, yet she still has trusts herself to indulge just every once in a while.
- huge Disney fanatic! her and penelope watch them together, she prefers the classics
- squishmallow owner <3 mb me projecting cause she and i both like cute things and i love squishmallows, but she definitely has some cluttering her bed! and she’s kept her old stuffed animals from childhood, they hold so much sentimental value, especially ones bought by her parents
- she likes to sew and has gotten very good at it, so makes some of her clothes herself when she can’t find exactly what she’s envisioning. she also makes clothes for jack, henry, micheal, and hank
- she blogs like all of us and this was confirmed by a line she says in the show about how she “needs to blog about this”. she shares recipes with followers and progress on her sewing projects, along with blogging about her other interests like the shows she likes and all that good stuff.
- refuses to watch scary movies with emily because she knows she’ll just pick clown movies to mess with her
- stress baker (confirmed). one negative thought will pop up in her head and the next day she’s coming into work with 2 containers worth of pink frosted choco cupcakes
- he memorizes a whole variety of facts on each of his friends favorite topics / their interests, things to work into conversations when they are feeling down and he can talk about those things in hopes of cheering them up
- when he buys a new book, sometimes if it’s something really interesting he’ll decide he wants to annotate it. he likes adding more notes as he rereads.
- he is so excited when people ask him for recommendations and takes it very seriously, thinking out exactly what they’d like. he is over the moon if they’d like to read a book that he has annotated! he begs them to share their thoughts on it.
- reid knew the basics of cooking, enough to get and his mother by as a child, and for when he didn’t have time for takeout but was starving. one day garcia and rossi took it upon themselves to give him some lessons, and though he’s not the best, he no longer burns his food (or hands when he underestimated how hot something would be) or lazily throws it in the microwave, he actually takes the time to treat himself to what he deserves - a nice home cooked meal, even if that home cooking is his own.
- she’s really good at cards and board games.. just not when spencer is playing
- her favorite flavor of cheetos are jalapeño and the original ones. sometimes emily snatches a few when she’s eating spicier ones.
- snack packer. she always has snacks on her person. she’s the type to remind spencer to eat some actual food and not just run on caffeine, and lend her teammates some crackers/cheetos/berries/a granola bar when the don’t have time/forget to eat.
- i feel like she’s a good organizer. she can get people in order and also she keeps her stuff organized so she can find everything easily and it’s more aesthetically pleasing
- shares clothes with emily. not taking no for an answer - it’s true and most definitely canon. also emily is the one person in the world who she opens up to about anything and everything. she trusts the other team members so much, but her friendship with emily is something special. platonic jemily is still jemily and any jemily is good jemily ♡︎
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
120 & 72 for Mapi
Couple Goals - Mapi Leon
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Prompt 120 - “Take my jacket, it's cold.”
Prompt 72 - “You’re so fucking cute.”
Even though Spaniards are known to be very touchy with others there was something about how Mapi touched and treated you that got a lot of Barca fans speculating that there was more going on that you both let on. 
The both of you weren’t going out of your way to hide the fact that you were in a relationship with one another but fans always wanted you and Mapi to confirm it which is what you were trying to figure out how to do.
Unfortunately your thoughts got caught short by Mapi who had placed herself in your lap making you wrap your arms around her waist and cuddle into her chest. She runs her hands through your hair as she swayed back and forth to the music that was playing in the apartment.
You manage to look up at Mapi with a loving gaze without her noticing. You just sit there for a while just looking at her as she holds you in her embrace. 
“Oh shit…I almost forgot the reason I came over here. We need to get ready to go, the game starts in like two hours.” Mapi says as she starts to remove herself from your lap but you hold onto her waist and pout up at her in annoyance. 
“Stoppppp…you know that i can’t resist that face. You’re so fucking cute.” Mapi groans as she looks down at your face where you were looking up at her pouting with puppy dog eyes and she just leans down to kiss you causing you to smile into the kiss.
“Fine let’s go.” You say standing up and heading towards the bedroom to get a hoodie which was actually Mapi’s but you claim it as your own. 
After a while the both of you are in the car heading to the game. Currently you are injured so you have to sit on the bench which isn’t the worst thing in the world but it definitely does suck.
The girls were currently warming up on the pitch as you were sitting on the bench next to Alexia who was more than happy to keep you company. 
“How is living with Mapi going?” Alexia says trying to make conversation with you but not wanting to talk about football because she knew that you were quite sad from not being able to play and if anyone understood that it was Alexia.
“It’s great. I mean I thought she treated me really well when we weren’t living together but now it’s like she tries to be even more romantic and charming as before which I didn’t even know was possible. She has even cooked for me, multiple times!” You start to ramble on about living with Mapi and honestly Alexia loved it because she was so glad that both of her best friends were in a very happy place in their relationship. What you and Mapi had was rare in Alexia’s eyes.
“Mapi has always been a huge teddy bear when it comes to relationships but then again I have never seen her act the way she does around you. I don’t think that Mapi has ever once cooked me a snack let alone a whole meal and we’ve known each other for years before you joined.” Alexia chuckled as she thinked back to some of Mapi’s past relationships, I mean sure she had been romantic but nothing like she was when she was with you and Mapi cooking for you? Alexia didn’t even know that Mapi could cook so to find out that she cooked for you regularly is quite shocking.
“I never even thought I’d have such an amazing relationship, I mean being with Mapi has made me think of the future. Which I’ve never done. I just take it one step at a time but I can see myself marrying her and having a family with her some day.” You say as you think of all the times you have seen Mapi interact with kids, they all looked up to her and she was amazing with kids whether they were a baby or a ten year old fully grown child. You knew that you would definitely marry Mapi either some day soon or in the future, either way you just wanted to be with her for the rest of you life.
“I can just imagine little Mapi’s running around breaking peoples ankles.” Alexia laughs which draw the attention from some of the fans behind the bench which causes you to look at them and give them a wave. 
Barca had won, not that anyone expected them to lose and you could tell from the atmosphere in the stadium. 
You and Alexia had walked over to celebrate with the girls which is when the cold hit you causing you to shiver which doesn’t go unnoticed by your very caring girlfriend. 
Mapi walks over to you while she takes off the jacket that she was given by one of the trainers and holds it out to you. “Take my jacket, it's cold.” Mapi says as she stands as close as she can to you without stepping on your feet with her cleats.
This action from Mapi makes you blush as you slip on her jacket then pull her towards you into a hug while wrapping the open jacket around her and then all you can hear is the fans chanting yours and Mapi’s names.
Deciding to give the fans a show, Mapi leans in and kisses you on the lips with so much passion it almost takes your breath away.
Taglist:   @sofakingwoso @dutch-gay86 @gt713 @mmmmokdok @xxforeverinadayxx  
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fanficsforfun · 1 year
You don’t wanna get a death threat from a redneck
Pairing: Merle Dixon x female reader
Era: Atlanta camp (season 1)
Word count: 960
Warnings: age gap, flirting, sexual harassment, violence, hard language (also don’t know where this should go but the reader is mentioned to be inexperienced)
Summary: Merle can’t tolerate anyone else but him touching you
Merle had made it a habit to tease you all he could. Hardly a day went by that he didn't at least compliment your appearance in one way or another, or otherwise talk dirty. You, unlike everyone else at the camp, didn’t find it repulsive. Quite the opposite, you enjoyed it, despite always getting all excited and nervous when he was around.
One day you were sitting alone by your tent when he happened to walk by.
"Dreamin' 'bout ol' Merle, ain't ya?" He asked with a grin.
You blushed, of course, and couldn't stop a smile from rising to your lips.
"No", you replied truthfully.
"Yeah, right, I know ya did."
You giggled and blushed harder, shaking your head. Even though he was wrong this time, you really had dreamed about him, just the previous night in fact. But that's not a thing you'd ever tell him. You were too ashamed. He was so much older than you, and you were head over heels for him.
"There's nothin' to be ashamed of, ya know", Merle noted as if he’d just read your thoughts, and although his tone was seductive, his words actually made you feel a little better.
As Merle went on his way, you stayed seated, your heart pounding and cheeks burning. Every encounter like this felt overwhelming, the intensity of your emotions was almost too much. You weren't sexually experienced, and you didn't know how to be when Merle flirted with you and often got you turned on with just a few words. Yet you had noticed he never actually did much, and backed off whenever you got too uneasy. Maybe that was why you downright craved his attention. It was so thrilling, but safe.
Later that day, you all gathered around the campfire for a meal. Merle sat down next to you on the log, so close that your thighs touched.
"Hey, sugar", he greeted you with a smile. "Couldn't ya spare a little somethin' for me?"
You gave him a shy glance, then picked up a piece of meat from your plate and handed it to him. To your surprise, he took it from your hand with his teeth and, as he did so, brushed your fingers with his lips. You felt heat rising to your face, and Merle grinned.
"That's my girl", he chuckled.
You smiled back to him, and he lightly squeezed your thigh before getting up.
“Well, I gotta run. Thanks for the snack.”
You looked after him and grinned to yourself. Merle was lovely, you had to admit that. To you anyway.
The rest of the afternoon went just fine, you worked with the laundry and dreamed of Merle, as usual, but when you came back to the camp, problems started. Apparently Shane had concluded that because you let Merle flirt with you and even touch you, he’d be allowed to do the same.
“Damn yummy ass you got, doll”, he commented, squeezing your backside. 
You flinched and turned around, your face pale and tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. You felt so violated and disgusted, your heart was pounding against your ribs and your hands were shaky.
“Don’t touch me!” You screamed, anger and fear clear in your voice. The feel of this touch still lingered on your skin though he thankfully had removed his hand already.
“What?” Shane asked with a mocking tone. “How come you all of a sudden don’t like this anymore?”
“It’s not ‘bout the touch but whose hand it is, asshole!”
Merle had come back and walked up to you two, looking rather pissed off. Shane didn’t even have the time to react before Merle’s fist met his face, making him stumble backwards. The next punch was as hard as the first one, dropping Shane to the ground.
You backed off with your eyes wide open. You were so shocked that you didn’t even cry. Someone wrapped her arms around your shoulders but you didn’t react to that. All of your attention was on the two men. Merle’s boot was on Shane’s throat now, his blue eyes blazing with fury.
“Ya touch her one fuckin’ more time and I’ll cut yer hands off! Ya hear me, ya fuckin’ prick? Huh?” 
Morales tried to intervene but Merle just pushed him away. The others tried to talk him down, but he didn't listen. There wasn’t anything any of them could have said that would stop him now.
“I ain’t messin’ with ya, y’all better believe that”, he grunted, his voice changing from furious to threatening. He hadn’t lifted his boot off, not a bit, and Shane was suffocating. His face had turned into a shade of purple and he was no longer fighting back as hard as before.
“Merle…”, you managed to say.
He turned to look at you and finally lifted his boot after noticing how you stared at them with terror on your face.
“I wasn’t goin’ to kill him”, Merle soothed and took a few steps closer to you, leaving Shane on the ground gasping for air. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around him, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Hey, it’s alright. Ain’t nobody will ever touch you again, I swear”, he murmured, holding you tight. You just cling to him with your eyes tightly shut. At least you felt safer now when he was there.
And Merle kept his promise. After that day, you moved in with him and Daryl, albeit with your own tent. And Merle hardly left you alone. He either kept an eye on you himself or ordered his little brother to babysit duty. You had to admit, you found it rather amusing. This way, you also had more time to be with him, so you weren’t complaining.
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