#and the guys are kinda introduced SO
puppyeared · 7 months
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atalienart · 10 months
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"Wysoki i szczupły, K. był kwintesencją elegancji, od nienagannego ubioru, szytego według najnowszej mody, przez starannie ułożone, piaskowe włosy, po sposób w jaki się trzymał."
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plaid-maniac · 1 year
Do you ever think about how there totally could have been an old classmate of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth in the audience during like turnabout sister or turnabout samurai. Do you think they would realize? Like “hey, were those the guys in my class in like fourth grade? I kinda remember them. Wonder if they remember each other. But it was so long ago, I doubt they would even care.” Meanwhile Edgeworth and Phoenix are undergoing the most insane mental battles where both of them are going “I recognize my best friend across the courtroom and I desperately want to be close with them again.” And “god he is so god damn annoying I wish he would die already.”
#ace attorney#miles edgeworth#Phoenix Wright#not specifically ship so I won’t tag it but kinda ship if you get it#the classmate usually sits in courtroom trials because they love the drama#and honestly they like miles Edgeworth’s cases cause ‘hey I know that guy’#but of course they don’t like go up and talk to him cause they weren’t really that close and he left kinda abruptly#cause knowing someone for like a year in elementary school and then pestering them about why they left 15 years later is a weird thing to do#course Phoenix comes in and now the classmate now has to deal with the knowledge that the defense and prosecution used to always eat lunch#together and play superhero’s during recess with that really weird kid who was always up to no good#what if one day the classmate was like ‘maybe I should introduce them to each other again. sure that we would all get a laugh or two in and-#-that would be the end of it and they would continue with their lives as normal people. they certainly wouldn’t get super gay and awkward-#-about the whole thing and just be completely chill.’#god what would happen and Edgeworth v state?#the classmate would probably leave the third day like ‘I am a changed person. I can never go back to not knowing so much about this person.’#and like they wouldn’t be able to say or do anything cause like??? how do you even have that conversation???#‘hey I know you don’t remember me but I like sitting in the audience of courtroom trials and I was there for your case and I just want to-#-ask are you good? like honestly do you need someone to talk to?’
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arrozconlecheeee · 9 months
Why is he always picking on Kevin JBDIMAINSKSS
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neptunesailing · 11 months
Helloo, I really like your art!
Your drawing of Deuce got me thinking about which TWST characters and Enstars characters would get along.
So if you don’t mind, could we see a drawing of who you think is a good pairing?
(Idia and Mayoi seem like a horrid combo tbh.)
i honestly forgot that this was in my inbox oh my go i left it sitting here for days JDFJSKJK anyway this gave me an excuse to draw riddle again so !!!!!
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i think riddle and tsukasa would get along well (from the little bits i know about tsukasa lol) both of them love sweets so. STRAWBERRY TART BE UPON THEM.
(also i agree idia and mayoi would be cowering in their separate corners and not talking to each other at first but id think theyd eventually bond over time but it takes FOREVER i love my two weird introverted blorbos /pos)'
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groovygames · 6 months
not to make an insanely biased post but do you think riot will do anything with chamber in the new update. its been like... two years since This event happened
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n theres been nothing else really done past viper being like "yeah we are keeping a watch on him dont worry bout it" toward brimstone. when will his ulterior motives be addressed ... when will he have a slip-up due to his belief in power he doesnt hold over the protocol ...... when will he have story relevancy again despite brief appearances and battlepass cards. Hello mister riot games *holding out mic like im the press*
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apocalyptichearts · 27 days
i may be your weird friend, but would your normal friends make you a 20 slide canva presentation on ao3 tags and terms, featuring info graphics, diagrams, memes and gifs??
no? that’s what i thought.
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guideaus · 3 months
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im obsessed with the one relevant boy in The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All who is always fighting to be included in this story
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lovevalley45 · 16 days
jace being in on porter's evil plan bc he was smashing him remains the funniest implication of why he was involved. to me he was just like yeah sure i'll sleep with my coworker n then he's involved in his scheme like. damn that dick is so good ig i got be evil now
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
I feel like such, and I mean SUCH a wasted opportunity and potential for KC as a character. Multiple times where I felt like it just so off about how he’s been handle and how it ended. You mean to tell me, this man right here has just gotten his redemption to being good, gone for a few months away from us to see how he’s doing only for us to see one last time before he got straight kill by his own Bloody Son? I mean yeah sure, Im driven for angst but the way they did it for his death just felt not earn, i dont know how to explain it. Im glad that KC at least acknowledge about Bloodmoon’s whole issue but to just die afterwards?? And that’s it?? Yeah ok, he’s a pacifist now and a good guy, but he’s still can defend himself. Maybe came out injured from the fight but still alive. But no…. He just die. Thats it
I cant help but feel like they have been just like, throwing KC’s character around. They either dont know what to do or have other plans for him, but just the way it’s been handle it just. I dont know I gotten a whole rant about this.
I remember when they said that Moon will give KC a proper body but apparently Moon never made that happen. Now, I wanna give the showrunner the benefit of a doubt and cut them some slack cuz Im sure they have other things to do beside the show to even remember that
Idk what else to say. I know for sure there are a lot more in my mind abt this but I cant type it all out atm so take it as you will
Oh yeah no I do feel they didn't know what to do with him other than have him come in once a while and felt the death necessary rather than use him more. (The two voice actors for Sun and Moon have like three channels.) I do feel they haven't been too consistent anyway with KC (the rush of a redemption, no seeming closure for somethings, etc. I could be missing something but yeah) They could've had him for the current astral plot (Given he has star knowledge and *harnessing its power*) PLUS Earth's situation about her feelings about the Creator (I'll keep bringing it up, but Deliberately MADE to be a killing machine is right in her face. I know she has Forgor but once again her whole Need to know and uncomfortable with being out of loop. Her entire encounter with KC would be such a haze to her it'd definitely bother her enough.) KC isn't the first example of not using a character to its full (Solar Flare and Even first Bloodmoon. Literally... literally was taught magic and thats never brought up again). It's also just how numbers work on the channel too. They take most review from youtube and discord from what I understand and from what I see there is a difference with majority and what we're saying most of the time. Lunar was brought back cause he was rather popular already (also he wasn't fully killed either in the same episode).
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wayfinderships · 2 months
Good morning gamers!! Hope you all have a great day today!!! For me, I just have one more class to attend and I'll officially be on break! ...Also I may or may not have developed an interest in this one character-
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
I just found out that Jetstorm's first appearance wasn't in TFA, but in Beast Wars
And, according to some people, he was a gremling, or at least a little shit.
Iicr it was technically the sequal, Beast Machines (i believe Strika, BA, and Waspinator also originate from BW and beast machines)
He was a little shit gremlin, and one of the better parts of Beast Machines.
I think everyone has mixed opinions on beast machines (most of my mixed feelings are design based)
Iicr, he was Silverbolt but un-Silverbolt-ed? I don't remember too much of beast machines, but i think i enjoyed it more than most people did. It was an interesting look into a post apocalyptic Cybertron and a new dynamic with Megatron and the vehicon generals.
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discocandles · 1 year
Jason Todd, but he's not around the batfamily very often, bc i can.
It's not unusual for Jason to just kind of be gone for anything bat-esque for a while. Sure he'll still be in Gotham doing some crime fighting, but just not make many appearances in Wayne Manor/the Batcave.
And it's not out of sheer spite, surprisingly enough. its bc after being a crime lord then quitting to be an anti-hero, he came to the realization that being Red Hood couldn't be the only thing he was using his life for. he would end up like Bruce, only using a civilian identity when he absolutely had to. But Jason Todd was legally dead, so he wouldn't ever have to be a civilian, but at the cost of losing himself to a vigilante identity. I don't believe Jason would want to take that risk.
So he makes a fake identity so he can live in a (shaky) routine as a civilian. He still goes by Jason, given its a common enough name. but he changes his last name to Devoss, as it has the same meaning as todd but is of Dutch decent rather than english, bc I'm the kind of nerd that still wants names to mean the same thing even it's not the point whatsoever, so Jason is too. Plus its better than most of the name changes DC has done.
Anyway. Jason's "routine". The only reason it could be considered a routine is bc he typically goes to the same places. he drops by the same coffee shop at least three times a week, frequents the same gym, and visits the library about once a week. he's in the bare minnimum of consistency & sticks to it.
Despite being given enough money from Bruce to count as a solid income, Jason still lives in walking distance of Crime Alley. the landlords there don't care who you are so long as you pay rent, bc who wants to live near Crime Alley? barely anyone. Later he gets a job, which actually cements his routine. he works as a chef in a chain restaurant, and he's so good at it, it's like hes being petty about it.
Actually, being petty is the most common thread most of the people who know Jason Devoss as an aquaintance have. He's petty about entitled customers who start screaming in at his regular coffee stop, if someone he tends to work out with has a cheating partner and the assholeperson has a hole in thier can of mace and their knife is suddenly dull(neccessities in Gotham), Jason has no clue how someone could manage that. Absolutely none.
Ok, back to Jason getting a job. So like I said earlier, Jason gets a job as a line cook, bc they really dont keep people from the job unless you're actively supposed to be in Arkham(exemptions can be made for blackgate). Which is why having a civilian identity is helpful, bc being both legally dead and spending some time as a mob boss probably wouldn't jive with any hiring manager ever. But he's able to make himself a normal part of the scenery, and makes the most effective closing shift, totally not be he has patrol that he's already late for. He begins to have to switch between taking orders and making food.
And this is how he ends up meeting Bernard, bc they have to work together to figure out what Tim would want. Jason realizes that this isn't some other kid named Tim he thinks "oh this is going to be rich." bc no one in the family has been to his work so far since he started working in the front of house, and he hasn't mentioned it to them.
So Tim walks in, and sees his bf, then he sees Jason, who just says "Oh, you must be Bernard's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Smiling like he's never done anything remotely wrong in his whole life. Now Tim is questioning everything and can only repond with something akin to "Mhmm yup. Nice to meet you too." & is on edge for the rest of the date, bc his brother is being paid to watch his date, and will interrupt them for refills or other nonsense when he was beginning to forget Jason was there.
Bonus points if it's before Tim introduces Bernard to the family.
The batfamily knows where he is, and he knows they know. No one who has met Batman once can have him be unaware of their whole family tree, of course he knows where his son is. Jason will sometimes get visits, most often from Duke, be despite the fact that Crime Alley is mostly terrible, the sunset view is pretty dang good.
Duke will just be sitting on his couch when he gets home, like "you wanted to talk?" to which he and Jason will simply chat. and jason will often give critiques to Duke's technique.
The other common visitor is steph, but that's most ofting in the form of her ding dong ditching him,
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azuneekun · 1 year
ive been so caught up in drawing fanart i realize i kinda forget to make content for my farmers too 😅
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tomaturtles · 1 year
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I rotated Sparky really hard in my mind in a desperate attempt to free him from the oc freezer. anyway he’s Lilly’s Just Some Guy neighbor
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