#and the man's a robot skeleton
interplanaranathema · 2 years
Listen being thirsty for Sanguinius is a 1000% big mood. I feel you big time. I'm also a Fulgrim enjoyer myself.
gods. im yeah. FULGRIM IS ALSO RLLY pretty but like he feels like too much of an asshole for me but mannnn wh40k has no right having so many hot characters
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polybbiuss · 3 months
when im in a not being scared competition and the judge is dracula and frankenstein and wolf man and swamp thing and a zombie and the mummy and the invisible man and a witch and a ghost and a skeleton and a jack o lantern and a killer robot and a grey alien and a green alien and a haunted doll and bride of frankenstein and the devil and killer clown
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trainno4 · 8 months
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So I mentioned before that I was going to post more Halloween content, and this is it! This old drawing of Skull Man here is quite fitting for the holiday wouldn’t you say? I drew it for Halloween last year…but this isn’t the only thing I’m showing for October don’t worry. I think I have one more post to showcase for the spoopy month.
Also…I drew this…and this is one of the best meme drawings I ever made.
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ozcarr · 4 months
Ultra Kill mention???!?!!
Do NOT summon that fandom here!!!! They are terrifying dude
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i tried so hard to make a sim that looks like the robot skeleton with the fire mohawk skin in fortnite but i dont have cc that matches the vision 😭 im so devastated over this
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eiilese · 11 months
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what if the strawhats had different roles on the ship⁉️ i swapped everyone’s roles except for luffy because i can’t imagine him being anything but the captain
these are loose redesigns since their canon designs don’t really read as their roles all that much to begin with. some extra doodles and ideas for this in the cut !!
nami, vice captain: i took a lot of inspiration from her beta design!! canon nami already bosses everyone around so she fits right into the role. she wields an extendable staff (usopp still makes it for her); she lost her arm over the time-skip like how zoro lost his eye. i LOVE drawing cargo pants and boots, so she ended up with a sorta bottom-heavy design. frankly it’s probably not her style but i like how she looks
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zoro, the cook: my foolproof logic is zoro uses swords = good with knives. he does not use katanas to cut produce however, just normal knives. i was trying to go for “sweaty ramen guy” with the towel around his neck. the majority of the shit he cooks would probably be drowned in alcohol. he also wears his bandana the majority of the time now!! it completes the ramen guy look
sanji, the sniper: i also took inspiration from his beta design for this!!! he has guns!! and perfect aim of course. i was going for more of a mafioso look so germa 66 would be like, a mafia organization on top of all the other villain shit they already do. he has two guns but i didn’t draw a holster bc that’s annoying🤞 he lights his cigarettes with his guns. how would that even work? don’t ask me
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usopp, the navigator: his artistic talent lends itself to creating perfect maps! he also still tinkers, making nami’s staff as well as having a specialty for compasses. he uses a slingshot still (no perfect aim we gotta nerf him) and shoots weather-related projectiles. his goggles serve as binoculars, they can zoom to several different distances. i drew him in his zou outfit purely bc it’s my favorite one
chopper, the helmsman: he would predominately use heavy point while maneuvering the wheel. i changed his hat up to look more like a sailor’s cap, with an anchor symbol instead of an X. to be honest i don’t have much else bc helmsman doesn’t bring much to my mind :(
franky, the musician: ROCK N ROLL BABY YEEAHHH come on his stage presence is unmatched. he’s still a cyborg, he has instruments all over his body like apoo does but they were installed manually. his personality changes depending on what genre he’s playing but rock n roll is his default B) (ex. classical calls for a refined gentleman)
robin, the shipwright: her devil fruit gives her as many helpful hands as she needs! she developed nami’s arm (definitely installed some random shit she did Not ask for). she has a robot mecha that she’s able to pilot all by herself using clones. i changed her orange sunglasses to goggle eyewear
brook, the doctor: the irony of being nursed back to health by a literal skeleton 💀the irony of being the doctor of the rumbar pirates yet being the only survivor, saving no one from the poison 💀 i went for a plague doctor look! IM VERY HAPPY WITH HOW HE TURNED OUT i was really tempted to give him the plague mask too, but i feel that would’ve changed his appearance too much compared to the others
jinbei, the archaeologist: the shape of this man demands a little pair of round glasses on his face. he’s an intellectual i tell you!!! plus still a fishman karate master. the history of joyboy and fishman island being so intertwined is how he developed an interest in history
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bor-zeeo · 1 year
spider skull
Is this design printed on a T-shirt and on more than 89 products? Find these amazing products here
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stainlesssteellocust · 4 months
Trazyn is one of the best characters in 40k there’s no contest
Spooky Skeleton Robot Man who collects archaeology from across the galaxy, freezes people in time as art displays, and gets up to sitcom level feuds with other immortal robots
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expominds · 5 months
‼️ mdni 18+
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simon riley was not an easy man to talk to, much less being able to dissect his emotions because his damn mask was always in the way.
sure you were trained to read even the slightest change in tone, emotion, body language, behavior, but simon ‘ghost’ riley got his name for a reason. he was devoid of emotions, any feelings he should have felt or displayed were just simply… not there. he was simply a ghost in a flesh suit with skeletons. a robot. an android. a zombie going after one thing and one thing only.
this made him a tough shell to crack, and it made your mission even harder, considering you had a eight weeks timeline to learn his true nature and report back to your Colonel, König.
exactly 1 week and 41 minutes had passed and you finally got to him.
it took you 1 week and 41 minutes to have him completely under your control, your warm body on top of his, clothes scattered around the tiny barracks room, your hot, slick cunt encasing and clenching around his long, girthy length as you stared down at him, your hips gyrating in slow, torturous circles.
you hadn’t found out his true nature yet, but you were slowly creeping into his system and before long, you would have complete control of his faculties.
you kept your hips moving while you stayed silent, your hands splayed on his chest as you rode him, his whimpers and grunts mixing with your small mewls and wet, hot slick sounds coming from the space where the two of you were joined.
all missions and thoughts went out the window when you finally got him where you wanted, and you didn’t know how to act. all training, all tasks, all self preservation was gone and was quickly replaced with a line that was teetering on love and loathe.
you got lost in the sensations, your velvety walls dragging up and down his cock, the mushroom tip kissing your cervix every time you seated yourself back down on him. your previous orgasms creating a creamy ring on the base of his cock.
you didn’t know right from wrong, and didn’t know which way was up or down. your mind was an empty void as you continued your relentless assaults as he gripped your hips, his hips meeting yours halfway in a feverous pace, an unrelenting task that needed to be finished.
fear whispered its icy tendrils through your veins, caution warning you against the vulnerability that accompanies going against your mission, you were falling and lord knows no one could help you, not even yourself.
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jjs-brainrot · 4 months
Got on a 40K kick so I listened to the audiobook version of The Infinite and The Divine.
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This is toxic old man yaoi but the old men who hate each other to the point of obsession are robot skeletons who are millions of years old.
10/10, it actually got me interested in Necrons as a faction.
...I did not have "Warhammer 40K book gets me to ship robot skeleton dudes" on my bingo card for this year…
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*it's literally just. an assumption. based on "we know she's possessing golden freddy in the logbook" and "andrew in fazbear frights maaaaybe parallel???" and yet the entire fanbase is like "this is canon tho. angry little girls are epic" (which. true, but)
EDIT: on the mike one meant to say "three weeks for body to skeletize" so how the hell is this man still walkin. does he have just some super sweet glue and is a walkin skeleton or
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bamsara · 2 years
#49. “Is somebody jealous?” If you feel like it 🤙
Sun-Centric, Moon at the end. | Wordcount: 1,763 | A03 Version
Taking advantage of the fact that my Sun cannot lie, so he either deflects or avoids the question, while Moon is more blunt. Takes place in ARC 2 (Moon reinstated as DCA, restrictions taken off Sun)
(Also, consider this a draft crumb for a future chapter of Solar Lunacy, so, spoilers. You may see a similar scene in the actual fic later.)
He's the father of one of the children; the boy who's got a obsession with Monty, even shares the same hairstyle and sunglasses as the animatronic, although his parent is a bit duller as you'd expect: Confident guy, cleaned up and usually wearing dull sweaters with dark hair. Used to wear glasses but just wears contacts anymore, and he's got a arm tattoo of a skeleton riding a motocycle under his sleeves hidden by the clothing so it's not an issue at his job.
You don't learn this things of free will, by the way. The guy just really likes to talk to you past departure time whenever you're the one checking the kids out at the door. He's a rabbler, that one, and it goes quickly from a refreshing casual conversation to a realization that he was staying at touch over his welcome.
Sun usually comes to your rescure, in the oddest of ways, sometimes.
Sometimes he'll come up behind you, shoo you off to go collect some other child for another parent while he 'verifies' the parent's identity (which you know is bollocks, since the father picks up the same boy every day he's dropped off and the little troublemaker never had an issue recognizing the guy)
Other times he'll yell something about children knocking over a tower, or throwing ballpit toys or pool noodles, and despite knowning damn well he can handle them well enough, you'll excuse yourself to go take care of the scene without coming off as rude to the customer.
Really, you don't want to come off rude to a Pizzaplex guest. You're not exactly sure where you're job stands as it is. You're not going to take any risks of a complaint.
It takes a little bit longer this time. A child is currently sobbing over a skinned knee they got from rough housing in the pizzaplex while you're at the doors checking out the troublemaker and the twins to their respective parents. The mothers of the twins collect their boys, bid you a good day and leave well enough. The father of the troublemaker, as usual, lingers even after his name is marked off the list.
"Gettin' pretty cold out, aint it?" He says, pulling a small phone out of his pocket and handing it to the boy. His son takes it, and is busy with a mobile game quicker than you can blink. "Not gonna be much longer until Christmas."
You smile. Sun is busy comforting the child in the back end of the Daycare, so you'll have to navigate this conversation on your own. "Yep. Look's like we'll be as busy as ever."
It's carefully chosen words, and you watch the reaction in his face as you say them. It seems to be the correct choice, because something in his face steels. "Yeah, yeah. Say, you got any hobbies outside of this place?"
A casual, nonformal shrug. "I spend most of my time here, actaully."
"Oh, I gotcha." He chuckles. "Getting tired of hanging around robots yet?"
"Not really." Still smiling, gotta keep up apperances. "They're actaully great friends of mine."
Something shifts in the man's expression. Not in the way that makes you think he'd suddenly think less of you to like hanging around robots, but like he's just unlocked some sort of secret backstory lore for his favorite character in a video game, and you're the npc. "Oh, really? That's pretty cool of you. You know, I work with a couple robots myself. Over at the office." He talks like he's bragging you have something in common. "Takes out the trash and gets the coffee. Like interns, but you don't have to pay em."
Your smile stretches a bit thin. "They do good work. My friend Sun might need my help in a moment."
It's a light excuse, one that doesn't seem likes it's going to work because you don't hear a child crying anymore, and Sun isn't anywhere to be seen from a glance around the Daycare. The father interjects again. "Oh, yeah. Lanky guy, isn't he?"
"He's probably getting things ready for naptime." You turn to step away from the door. "I should go get the blankets-"
Your step away seems to activate something in him. "Oh, wait! Before you're busy. Didn't mean wanna impose, but would you-?"
A flash of yellow, reds and oranges comes into your vision rather quickly in the corner of your eye, and Sun is there (thank god) with a toddler curled up in his arms. She's already sleeping, and he's careful the beads in her hair don't press inbetween where her head rests against his chassis, and talks in a whisper-yell. "Heelllooooooo, there!"
The father looks a bit startled to seem him for a second before his composure returns, and you try not to look visably relieved. "Everything under control?"
"You betcha!" Sun manages to be loud and quiet at the same time, a feat only he can achieve, and turns to the father and his son standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry, but the Daycare will have it's naptime soon, so we'll be turning off the lights and trying to keep to our inside voices." He talks calm, assertive. "Is there anything else I can help you with before you go?"
This seems to work, the father blows air through his nose in semblance of a sigh, and shrugs. "Ah, nah. We've got it here." He turns to you to say the goodbye, though. "See you around."
You and Sun speak in unison as the pair leaves. "Have a Faztastic day!"
The door shuts behind the man and his son, and you feel the tension leave from your shoulders. Children are already getting into their mats and blankets on their own (save for two that are trying to fit into one sleeping bag so they can nap together, but you don't break them up or else they have nightmares) and you don't see much else for you to do other than to turn the lights off.
Sun holds the sleeping toddler in one arm, a hand coming up to gently cover her ears with the other. "Bit of a talker, that one."
"It's not like he's doing anything wrong." You shrug, setting your clipboard on the security desk. "Just chooses the worst time. I mean, like, c'mon. I'm at work here. I can't chat with people at the door."
"Would you prefer outside the Pizzaplex?" The animatronic asks. He doesn't look as nervous when you approuch the light switch anymore. Well, usually. "I'm sure he'd like that."
You don't reach for the light switch yet; doing so mid conversation would be rude, but you still raise a brow. "Sounding a little suspisious there, Sunny."
"Suspisious." He repeats, scoffing. "His intentions are plain as day! And I'm the day! Look at me! I'm telling you. Right now."
It's playful behavior, and the way he sounds when it's flared up is a little funny, so you cross your arms and lean against the wall next to the light switch. "Okay? What if I like the attention?"
Sun's smile thins. "Oh, we doubt that."
"But what if you're wrong? Would it be so bad?" You're teasing him, obviously, that much is clear. You can tell by the look on your friend's face that he's two seconds away from rolling his eyes (or maybe he is already, and you just can't see the pupils) but you're allowed to poke at the Daycare Attendant every now and then. "Maybe we'll never know because you keep chasing him off."
"I would gasp right now, dramatic and awful, but the childern are trying to sleep." Sun sounds incredbably deadpan. "And I'm not going to entertain your theatrics-"
"My theatrics?" You give a short laugh. "The last time he was doing this, you pretended to fall and break a leg so I could excuse myself to 'repair' you."
Sun holds up one finger to you. "And yet you still came running!"
"There will be no 'booing' in the daycare-"
"Oh, boo. You just don't want me to get a date cause you'd miss me." You snort.
Sun looks like he's about to say something, then goes quiet, face static. You grin. The girl he's holding hasn't stirred yet, but knowning him, he's probably holding back for her sake to defend himself. He only does so after a moment. "Teasing and bullying is not allowed in the Daycare either, or do you think you're always excluded from rules?"
"So you would!" You laugh, and cover your mouth with your hand so it doesn't make so much noise. "And please, you let me get away with so much-"
Sun looks esasperated. "Against our will."
"What are you, jealous?" You continue, and miss the visible stillness that takes over the animatronic when you talk. White pupils deadpan at you and you snicker. "What? Nothing to say? Is somebody jealous?"
You chuckle as the Daycare Attendant stares at you, smiling but silient. It's fun to tease him, but it's about time you let him get back to work before you waste time, and you reach for the light switch, still leaning back agaist the wall. "Alright, alright. I'm done. Let's get-"
A hand reaches out over yours, pressing it against the light switching flipping it off as your fingers are locked underneath it's own. You pause, gaze dropping from the lightswitch and traveling back in front of you towards the animatronic as the lights in the Daycare go out.
The switch happens differently each time, but better times like this, it's a blink, and the Daycare Attendant went a far cry from hiding away each time to this; unwaving eyecontact, leaning int a little too close for comfort as colors change and the pressure on your hand feels a touch sharper.
"Yes." Moon says, deadpan.
You blink. "Uh."
"Blankets." His hand drops from the light switch, from your hand, and adjusts his grip on the still sleeping toddler in his other arm.
The small-talk of an animatronic leans away from you, and casually, turns the opposite direction towards the children who were either half-asleep on their mats already, or quite excited to see him. You watch as the animatronic finds a open mat to tuck the toddler into, mummering quiet hushes to the children around him as he busies himself with his duties.
Well, you might have lost that one. You retrieve the blankets from the supply closet, using your hands to scrub at the warmness in your face when he's not looking.
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slocumjoe · 3 months
How do you think Nick's questline could have changed if all he found at the end was a skeleton inside that room?
lets go boys more reason for me to go off about
Nick and his purpose
So, Nick's purpose is to finish off the last thread of the guy he's a ghost of. It isn't, actually, but he thinks it is. He thinks he must tie up Valentine's loose ends so the guy can rest knowing that someone carried out his revenge.
Nick is not a man who cares for revenge. He isn't that cold, or eye-for-an-eye. This is not a moral he carries. Nick is not a "get them how they got you" kind of person. But Valentine is someone he feels he wronged by existing, fundamentally. This cop gets abused by the system he thought was supposed to protect him, which he thought was protecting others, and then they violate him further by scanning and copying his brain. Nick is the result of this ethical violation and betrayal. Nick could not exist without this. This is a guilt he carries.
Nick doesn't care for revenge, but he does believe in doing right by people. Valentine is someone he wronged; when Valentine died, he died never getting what he wanted, in a time of extreme hurt and trauma. He didn't get his revenge. So, Nick, a walking freeze-frame of all this pain and probably discomfort (Valentine was in a sketchy university, undergoing a sketchy procedure he didn't want to do), and he thinks this is what he has to do. This is what Valentine wanted, and he owes it to the guy.
Some people like to think Nick is an exact copy of Valentine, but I think circumstances, context, and experiences are what make a person. If I was put in different circumstances, I wouldn't be the me I am now. Valentine was not a robot in the post-apocalypse struggling with identity issues. Nick and Valentine cannot be the same. Valentine was the baseline Nick was built off of.
So, all this to say, Nick probably doesn't have the best, clearest idea of what he's meant for, or what he owes to the world. His idea is built off how he knows Valentine felt. But Valentine was going through it when his brain was scanned. His ideas of morals and justice were skewed. That's how anger and grief work.
Considering this, Nick walks into the bunker, and no, Eddie wasn't a ghoul. Just a guy who died God knows how long ago.
There is no thread for him to tie up.
There is no way for him to make it up to Valentine.
This is a wrong he has no way to right.
I think Nick is a lot more emotional than people give him credit for. He just keeps it all inside. Emotion you don't see is still emotion. Pain not expressed is still pain. I think in the moment, he'd try making it a joke. "Well...would'ja look at that. Something did the job for us and didn't even leave a note to save ourselves the trouble. I guess courtesy went out the window long before the bombs."
If Eddie Winter is already dead, Nick has nothing to do, functionally. He thinks that was his ultimate goal. His goal was done long ago. It was never something he needed to stew over. Valentine got what he wanted even if it wasn't by his hand or the ghost of it. But the thing with revenge is that it has to be you. If the person you hate most, who hurt you most, tripped on a weed and ate shit, is that revenge? Or is that just life not playing favorites?
Is it enough if life goes on?
Is it enough to say you don't have any obligations and can live despite someone else? Whether it's someone you feel you owe, or someone who owes you? Moving on without that gratification is not satisfying. You want an answer. You want "It's okay" or "I'm sorry."
Nick sees he has no end. There is no Eddie Winter. Valentine's only mark on this world, the only person who remembers him, is Nick. Nick is the only one to grieve him, or know his pain, or what he would think of all of this. Maybe, deep down, Nick wanted to find Eddie Winter not just to kill him, but to prove to himself that he isn't the only ghost. That it wasn't just him, keeping a good man from a good rest. That Eddie was what was really keeping that book open.
But if Eddie is dead, it's just Nick. Nick is all that's left.
You go in the bunker and Eddie Winter is dead.
From here, Nick has a different goal, whether he likes it or not; move on. Be Nick. Figure out who Nick is and accept himself as such. See that he is more than a copy of memories because he's made his own. That looks like a lot of things. Finding family in Ellie and the Survivor.. Finding community in Diamond City. Finding purpose in helping people. Finding himself in what he does now, how he does it, what he thinks of it.
Before he can do any of that, he has to accept that Eddie is dead, and so is Valentine, and just because they are doesn't mean he has to be..
His only path is to accept that he has no answers, and owes no answers. For someone who holds himself so responsible, who thinks he has to fix whatever he comes across, who hates that someone had to hurt for his existence...this seems impossible. To accept that he doesn't have to fix anything.
That there is nothing he can do for what he has of Valentine. That he can't take a dead man's anger away.
That he has nothing of the man he remembers being.
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parageist · 9 months
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obsessed with this silly little 60 million year old robot skeleton man :3
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zoroslost · 8 months
Imagine a strawhats family brunch where they go to a normal restaurant and show up with like 6 normal people, a tiny raccoon (sorry chopper), a giant robot man, and a skeleton. All the staff have to rush to put a shit ton of tables together.
Nami makes Chopper pretend to be a child so he can order off the kids menu for less money. He agrees to it until they try to make him sit in a high chair and then he gets pissed. He ends up sitting on Zoro’s lap until he picks a fight with Sanji, at which point he moves to Robin’s.
Franky breaks the chair he tries to sit on and ends up having to sit on the floor. He has to explain to the waiters that he only wants cola 3 separate times.
Luffy orders about 20 meals for just himself and they have to bring over another table just to set down all the food.
Zoro argues with the waitstaff about there being a no weapon rule. Robin adds fuel to the fire by claiming that her body is a weapon. The restaurant ends up allowing it.
Sanji tries to keep everyone in line at first and is pretty calm for most of the meal, although he does ask a few too many questions about the recipes for the chef’s liking. He also ends up ordering for several member of the crew (Chopper who can’t decide, Nami who makes him pick what she would like best between the two she’s having trouble deciding between, and Zoro who will only grunt at the waiter in annoyance after they tried to tell him his swords weren’t allowed inside).
Zoro casually tries to get Sanji to fight with him by messing with the food insulting him throughout the meal.
Brook starts playing the restaurants piano, which all the patrons find quite lovely until Franky starts playing guitar with him and then it’s just a touch too loud.
Robin uses her limbs to casually switch around peoples meals so they end up eating something different every bite. She tries to gaslight Ussop that’s she’s not doing anything when he calls her on it.
Towards the end of the meal and tired of not being able to rule Sanji up, Zoro decides to claim he’s done with his food despite there still being a large chunk of rice left. This prompts Sanji to start yelling a him about not leaving any food uneaten and culminates in Sanji trying to force the food down Zoro’s throat.
Chopper panics thinking that Zoro is going to choke and ends up physically separating the two by throwing them across the room from eachother. He gets mad at Zoro when he realizes that he is fine and just wanted to start a fight. Luffy ends up finishing Zoro’s remaining food during the scuffle.
Eventually, they scare away all the other patrons and Nami tells the restaurant owner that they will leave if they pay her the cost of the meal. She ends up leaving with double the amount she came in with.
They are banned from that restaurant and most others in the area after this incident.
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salamencerobot · 1 year
Sometimes a family is a ratman, four turtles, a human, a weird cat creature, a robot, a skeleton, another human, a goat man, and another another human (in future flavor this time!)
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