#and the professor knows it hence messed up tests
drysauce · 2 years
i fucked up 😌
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lilacwisps · 2 years
i prayed one word (i want)
Ship: Ominis Gaunt x Ravenclaw Female Player Character Rating: M (eventually)
Summary: When Sebastian tells Ominis about the new fifth-year student, Ominis can sense troubles from a mile away - and tells Sebastian as much. Unfortunately for Ominis, he doesn't seem to be able to take his own advice. ao3 link, Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Ominis barely suppresses a sigh - it seems as though the double Potions class will never end. He's always been a decent student and has enjoyed most of his classes - but Potions is by far his least favorite subject.
"I'm amazed you manage to get the grades you get," Sebastian told him once after they'd received back the grades from a particularly difficult test, "I can see the things I'm adding to my brew, and even still I'm utterly and completely lost most of the time. What's your secret?"
Ominis just shrugged in response - he'd gotten "Acceptable" on that test, which wasn't exactly something to brag about. In truth, he always struggled with Potions - the kind of concentration it required made that class significantly more complex than all the other subjects. It seemed as though to make a perfect brew, every step needed to be meticulously recorded in one's mind, as even the tiniest distraction could spell disaster, and Ominis found that so utterly exhausting.
Loud clanking, followed by Sebastian cursing under his breath, distracts Ominis from his thoughts. They are brewing the Draught of Peace, a potion that's supposed to ease anxiety and agitation, yet Ominis - and, he suspects, most other students in the class - find the process of making this brew anything but peaceful. As if the recipe requiring two dozen ingredients wasn't bad enough, there also were what felt like a thousand little instructions that were absolutely crucial - and, as a consequence, at least a thousand ways to mess this potion up.
Ominis has long given up on making the perfect brew - somewhere after step eight, he's accidentally lost track of just how many times he stirred the potion counter-clockwise, and now all he could do is finish the task and hope for the best. Judging by the under-the-breath cursing coming from the direction of Sebastian's workstation, his friend is struggling too. Sebastian has stayed up the entire night, reading the notebook they'd found in Salazar Slytherin's scriptorium, and has been barely able to focus in any of the classes. Ominis is almost surprised that Sebastian's cauldron hasn't exploded yet, given the complexity of the potion.
"Blasted," Sebastian swears, and suddenly, the dungeon air's filled with the foul scent of sulfur.
"You added too much moonstone, Mr. Sallow," Professor Sharp says calmly - his voice sounds closer than it does when he gives instructions at the start of the class, and Ominis realizes that he must be making rounds, checking everyone's work, "And you did not reduce the flames as instructed - hence the sulfur smell. The Draught of Peace is significantly more complex than any potion you've brewed before - you must pay close attention to the directions."
"Sorry, Professor Sharp," Sebastian replies, then whispers, "I much prefer being anxious every day for the rest of my life to ever attempting this potion again."
Ominis can only chuckle and nod in agreement. Surprisingly, despite the treacherous nature of the Draught, only two people need to leave before the lesson is over - Everett Clopton and Lenora Everleigh. Clopton's cauldron explodes halfway through the first hour, scalding him and drenching everything around his workstation with foul-smelling sludge, while Everleigh's potion boils away so much, it starts releasing noxious fumes that make her - and everyone around - feel sick.
A small part of Ominis almost wishes something happened to his potion so that he can get out of the class early, but he knows better than to try to make an accident happen. With a brew like the Draught of Peace, there is no predicting what could occur, and the last thing he wants is to end up at the Hospital Wing, scalded by a wave of disgusting sludge. Especially since he'd promised Ava to meet her in the Undercroft after Potions class to teach her Glacius.
Unlike Sebastian and him, Ava appears to have a much easier time brewing the Draught of Peace.
"Excellent job, Miss Rosier," Professor Sharp says, "Your potion is the perfect color."
Professor Sharp has never been particularly generous with compliments, so Ominis knows Ava's potion must be very impressive.
"And you, Mr. Weasely," Professor Sharp continues, "Could learn a thing or two from Miss Rosier."
"Perhaps, if Miss Rosier would agree to tutor me, I could learn much more than a thing or two," Garreth Weasley responds, and Ominis scoffs. As if she doesn't have better things to do.
"I wouldn't count on it," Ava says coolly, "I'm woefully short on time with all the catching up I have to do before the O.W.L.s."
"You give yourself too little credit," Weasley laughs, "At the rate you're studying, I'm sure you'll be able to pass the N.E.W.T.s before the end of the year."
Upon hearing that, Ominis frowns. How does Weasley know that? Do they study together? Instantly catching himself, Ominis pushes the thought away - even if they do study together, it's none of his concern.
The lesson slowly draws to a close, and Professor Sharp instructs them to bottle up the potions and submit them for grading. Ominis pours his potion into the vial and seals it with the spell. He knows his brew is not perfect - Sebastian had told him it looked closer to beige than silvery white - but he's confident it's close enough to earn him a passing grade.
He's halfway through cleaning off his workstation when he hears Weasley approach Ava again.
"Hey, Ava, do you have a moment after class?" he asks, "There's something I wanted to show you."
"Sorry, Garreth, but I can't today - I have an appointment to keep," Ava replies.
"How intriguing," Weasley chuckles, "And would that "appointment" just happen to be a date?"
Ominis shakes his head - Garreth sounds too invested in Ava's extracurricular activities to his liking.
"Why do you ask?" Ava responds fatly.
"Perhaps I'm scoping out the competition," Garreth laughs.
Ominis almost drops his brass scales - that answer was quite daring, even for a bone-headed Gryffindor like Garreth. Just what does he think he's doing?
"Weasley really can't take the hint, can he?" Sebastian scoffs, "If he wants to be embarrassed, he should do it on his own time, not in class when the rest of us are forced to listen to this."
Ominis sighs - caught up in his own annoyance, he hasn't even thought of how difficult this might be for Sebastian. Ever since the trip to the scriptorium, he has suspected that Ava had feelings for Sebastian - after all, she'd agreed to be tortured by Crucio to spare him the pain - but, perhaps, her feelings weren't as one-sided as Ominis initially assumed.
"Bold," Ava's amused voice distracts him from the thought, "I like that in a man. Alas, your curiosity will have to remain unsated - I can't go on telling you all of my secrets now, can I? My mother always said a lady doesn't kiss and tell."
A sudden wave of warmth rises in Ominis's cheeks at her words, and an unfamiliar feeling stirs in his chest. Confused by his reaction, he quickly grabs the vial containing his Draught of Peace and walks over to Professor Sharp's desk to submit it. Mercifully, the conversation between Garreth and Ava is over by the time he's back at his workstation.
As soon as the bell rings, bringing the joyous news that the double Potions lesson is finally over, the students instantly pour out of the classroom into the corridor.
"I'm exhausted," Sebastian complains, yawning as he walks next to Ominis, "But I have to get back to the notebook. I made some real progress last night - the key to breaking Anne's curse is right there; I can feel it."
"Please be careful," Ominis says wearily - he knows that Sebastian's only half-listening but still feels that it's his duty as a friend to warn him, "Salazar Slytherin was no stranger to the darkest sort of magic - this notebook may be much more dangerous than you think."
"If it brings me closer to finding a cure for Anne, I'll handle whatever it throws at me," Sebastian replies defiantly, "And besides, how dangerous can a thousand-year-old book really be?"
Ominis sighs - Sebastian always took dark magic way too lightly.
"You'd be surprised," is all he says.
"Ominis, you worry too much," Sebastian chuckles, "I'll be alright. I have to go now - I will see you later."
With that, Sebastian is gone, leaving Ominis to shake his head. Once Sebastian sets his sights on something, he never veers off course - that was his greatest strength and his greatest tragedy.
"Hi, Ominis," lost in his thought, he doesn't notice Ava approach him, "Ready for our lesson?"
"Hi, Ava," Ominis smiles, "Of course."
There are only a few routes in the castle that Ominis knows better than the one from the dungeons to the Undercroft. "You have quite a talent for potions," Ominis remarks as he and Ava walk up the stairs, "I rarely hear Sharp praise anyone - he must have been really impressed by your draught."
"That makes me feel quite special," Ava chuckles, then lowers her voice, whispering conspiratorially, "Can you keep a secret?"
"I'll take your secret to my grave," Ominis promises, his tone faux-solemn.
"You see, when I said my magic abilities didn't manifest until I was fifteen, that wasn't entirely true - otherwise, my parents would have disowned me for being a squib years ago. I've always had some…vestiges of magic abilities - not strong enough to cast a single spell, but enough to make it possible for me to create potions. I've spent hours upon hours with my mother's old Potions textbooks, brewing all kinds of draughts - my parents thought doing so would awaken my magic. I don't have any particular talent for potions - I've just spent a lot of time practicing.
Ominis nods in understanding, his heart clenching with sympathy - he knows all too well how squib children are treated in pure-blood families with a penchant for dark magic.
"I disagree," he says gently, "I've been learning potions for the last five years, and I still cannot brew a decent Draught of Peace, so I definitely believe you have a talent for the subject."
"If you think so," Ava replies softly.
They reach the Undercroft and, ensuring no one's around to see them, walk through the hidden door in the clock. Once inside, Ominis settles his book bag on top of a wooden crate and walks toward the back of the room, where more crates and barrels are located.
"Ready to learn Glacius?" he asks Ava.
"Of course," she says, "I did some reading after you mentioned this spell yesterday, and I think it'll be extremely helpful to know."
"It has certainly come in handy for me before," Ominis responds, "Shall we begin?"
With that, he turns towards the crates and whispers, "Accio," to bring one of them forward.
"Since you've read up on Glacius, you must know that it freezes the object in front of you by releasing a wave of cold air from your wand," Ominis explains, "And this is the wand movement."
With a well-practiced hand, Ominis slowly traces an all-too-familiar movement of Glacius - a peak and then another, underlined by a decisive stroke.
A myriad of tiny ice crystals, sharp as knives, ring through the air, followed by a wave of cold wind. A moment later - a familiar cracking sound of ice forming over the wooden crate fills the Undercroft.
"It froze solid," Ava muses, "That was quite impressive."
"Do you want to try now?" Ominis offers, lowering his wand.
"Could you show it to me again?" Ava asks, "You are amazingly fast with the wand - so I just want to ensure I caught every detail."
Her words bring a smile to his face. "I was planning to walk you through it when you cast it for the first time," he says, "But if you prefer to see it again, I'm happy to show you."
"I think it'll be easier to learn if you show me again," Ava replies.
Ominis nods and lifts his wand - mere seconds later, the air in the Undercroft fills with the sound of the ice forming over wood again.
"Well," Ominis says, turning to Ava, "It's your turn now."
Ava does not argue - he hears her walk up and stand next to him.
"Do you feel comfortable casting the spell right away, or would you like me to talk you through it?" he says, forcing the frozen crate to shift back to the wall with a spell and summoning another box forward.
"Could you talk me through it?" Ava asks, "I watched you closely, but you are almost scary fast with the wand."
"I have Sebastian to thank for that," Ominis replies, trying to hide a smile blooming on his lips, "If you think he's much too eager to duel everyone these days, you should have met him a few years back - he was a true menace and didn't have even a fraction of a restraint he does now. So I got a lot of practice out of interactions with him."
"Are you saying this version of Sebastian has self-restraint?" Ava chuckles.
"Oh yes - during our second year, a day wouldn't go by without Sebastian trying to pick a fight with someone," Ominis laughs, memories making warmth rise in his chest, "One time, he even tried to get Professor Black to duel him - which ended as well as you'd expect."
"I can't even imagine," Ava says, amused, "Maybe it's for the best I only started school this year - I did not have a lot of patience when I was younger."
"Who knows," Ominis smiles, "Maybe if you were here, he'd get out of that phase faster. I'll have you know, he'd become a little more humble ever since you beat him during that first Defense Against the Dark Arts class."
"That was quite the day," Ava chuckles, "And it feels so long ago - even though it's been less than two months."
"I always felt like time runs differently at Hogwarts," Ominis agrees easily, "Part of the magic of this place, I suppose. Well, back to Glacius before we get completely off track. When I cast Glacius, I always picture a peak, followed by another, underscored by a soft line - like this." With that, Ominis traces the movement with the tip of his wand, "But I'm not sure if that image is helpful to you."
"It is quite helpful," Ava replies, "I'll give it a try."
Ominis nods and steps to the side, letting Ava stand in the center of the room. She takes a deep, steady breath, then lifts her wand.
"Glacius," her voice rings through the air, followed by a gust of freezing cold wind. Ominis listens for the sound of ice forming but hears nothing - a moment later, the wind dissipates.
"Hmm," Ava sounds displeased, "That doesn't seem right - it appears I made a mistake."
"What happened?" Ominis asks.
"When I cast the spell, a gust of cold air came," Ava explains, "But it wasn't nearly strong enough to freeze anything - and, as you've probably noticed, it disappeared almost instantly."
"Cold air is a sign that you are on the right track," Ominis notes, crossing his arms in front of him, "There must have been a small mistake in the wand motion - you should try again."
So Ava does as he says - one more Glacius rings through the air, and then another.
"Still the same," she sighs, frustrated, "And I have no idea what I'm doing wrong."
Ominis shifts from foot to foot, feeling his heart tighten with guilt. If he could see, he could correct her, but he cannot - so they are left to guess. He knows the feeling welling in his chest is irrational, yet he cannot help it. Suddenly, an idea comes to his mind.
"I could…I could show you," he starts, unsure, "How to do the movement properly."
"But you already did," Ava replies, "More times than most people would, too. It's my fault that I can't follow the instructions, and it is my responsibility to figure out and correct my mistake."
"There is no "fault" - you are learning," Ominis says firmly, "And I'd be doing a pretty terrible job teaching you the spell if I didn't try and help you work through whatever confusion you may have."
"You have the patience of a saint," Ava laughs, leaving Ominis to wonder just what kind of teachers she's had before if showing her the spell a couple of times earned such a response.
"What I meant is that I could…hold onto your hand as you perform the spell," Ominis suggests, "That way, I could feel what part of the motion is incorrect."
Ava's quiet for a long moment, and suddenly, Ominis's mouth feels dry. The idea seemed quite reasonable in his head, but he could not deny that vocalizing it made it sound a little awkward.
"That's brilliant," Ava says suddenly, "Yes, let's do that."
It takes a moment for Ominis to realize that she has accepted his idea. Nodding, he puts away his wand and steps toward Ava. Belatedly, he starts to wonder if, perhaps, he's standing too close as he feels the warmth of her arm brushing against his and smells the light sweetness of her perfume. It's utterly distracting, but Ominis knows it would be quite odd to step away now, so instead, he forces himself to focus on the task.
"Very well," he says, stretching out his arm, "Lift your wand."
As Ominis reaches forward, his hand finds Ava's outstretched wrist. Her skin feels so soft under his touch as he traces lightly over the back of her palm and grasps her hand. Her hand is small against his and cold - and yet, for some confusing reason, as soon as he holds it, the Undercroft feels so much warmer than it did just moments ago.
"Alright," Ominis clears his throat, "Make the same motion as when you cast Glacius before."
Ominis lets Ava's hand guide him through the movements. She starts slowly, drawing a line upward, followed by a drop and another peak. Ominis tries focusing on the motion but is utterly distracted by how soft her skin feels against his.
He's not too fond of touching others - in his family's household, a touch was almost always accompanied by pain, so Ominis started almost instinctively avoiding it at quite a young age. The only people he'd touched before were the ones he fully trusted, like Sebastian and Anne, and even then, he felt a little anxious doing it. And yet, somehow, grasping Ava's hand doesn't feel unpleasant - far from it. Unbidden, warmth rises in Ominis's chest, spilling through his veins.
With a swift motion, Ava traces a flat line across, finishing the spell.
"So," she says expectantly, "What am I doing wrong?"
Bright blush blooms on Ominis's cheeks, and his heart stutters, startled, in his chest. He's been too distracted by the feeling of her hand in his to fully pay attention to the actual motions of the wand - but he'd much rather die than admit to that.
"I…I think the issue is with your transition from the peak to the lower line," he says as calmly as he can, hoping and praying his voice doesn't betray him, "But I need to be certain - can you perform the spell again?"
"Of course," Ava readily agrees.
Ominis struggles to stay focused on her wand movement and ignore the sweetness of her perfume and how she feels so delightfully warm against him.
"Yes," he says once Ava finishes with the spell, "That's exactly the issue - the lower motion of the wand needs to be decisive yet soft, and you are cutting through the air way too harshly."
"I see," Ava replies, pensive, "I…don't know if I can make it any softer. Could you maybe guide my hand through how you'd do it? I think that would make it easier for me to understand."
And so he does. Holding Ava's hand in his, Ominis slowly traces the symbol for Glacius - a peak, followed by another, then a drop - and a swift yet soft line across.
"I understand my mistake now," Ava says as soon as the spell is done, "The movement across needed to be smoother."
"That's exactly right," Ominis nods, "Ready to try on your own now?"
His fingers linger on her hand a moment longer than they should before Ominis finally lets go and takes a step back, giving Ava space. He hears her shift her stance and raise her wand again.
Instantly, he feels a gust of cold wind as a myriad of tiny ice crystals ring through the air, followed by the unmistakable crackling sound of ice forming over the wooden crate.
"It worked," Ava says, and Ominis can almost hear the smile in her voice, "And all thanks to you - you're a remarkable teacher."
Warmth rises in Ominis's cheeks at her words as he tries to conceal a smile blooming on his lips - he isn't used to being praised, and Ava's never struck him as someone generous with compliments.
"It's nothing," he says, "I'm just fortunate to have such a good student."
"I mean it," Ava insists, "Without you, I'd be here till midnight, desperately trying to figure out my mistake."
"That would still be less time than Sebastian and I needed to figure out the intricacies of this spell," Ominis chuckles, "I think it took us at least a couple of days."
"Yes, but you were much younger," Ava counters, then adds, "I'd like to practice Glacuis a little more if you don't mind."
"Of course," Ominis readily agrees.
Twice more Glacuis rings through the air, followed by the gust of freezing cold wind and the ringing of ice crystals. Ominis nods, satisfied - it seems Ava finally has a grasp on this spell. A third Glacius follows, and suddenly, there's an unfamiliar hissing sound.
"Ah," Ava winces.
Suddenly, Ominis feels her shoulder blades hit against his chest - the mishappen spell must have pushed her back - and instinctively raises his hands to her shoulders to steady her.
"Are you alright?" he asks, concerned, his hands still resting on her shoulders.
"Yes - my hand slipped, and I didn't finish the movement correctly. So sorry about that," Ava offers apologetically before drawing a sharp breath through her teeth, "Ugh, I hope I didn't freeze off all my fingers."
"Let me check," Ominis says, reaching for her hand.
He may not be able to see, but he can tell frostbite by the feel of it - when he and Sebastian first tried Glacius, his dear friend had more than his fair share of accidents. He gently holds Ava's hand, slowly touching her fingers - her skin is cold against his, but it still feels soft.
"I don't think you have frostbite," he hums.
"Well, that's a relief," Ava replies lightly.
Neither of them moves - and suddenly, Ominis is acutely aware of just how close they stand. Her shoulder blades no longer press against his chest, but his left hand still rests firmly on her shoulder, and he's holding her right hand in his. The sweet smell of her perfume and warmth overwhelms his senses as a pleasant yet unfamiliar feeling uncoils in his chest, sending his heart racing.
"You should bend your fingers," his mouth feels dry when he speaks, "Just to ensure it's not frostbite."
They both remain still as if waiting for something. Before he knows what he's doing, Omini tightens his hold on Ava's hand ever so slightly and feels her skin turn warm under his touch.
"Thank you," Ava murmurs, brushing her thumb against his palm softly, making Ominis's breath hitch in his throat. Comfortable warmth blooms in his chest, and Ominis hopes the moment doesn't end.
Their little reverie is shattered by the sound of the Undercroft door opening, bringing them back to reality. Instantly, Ominis lets go of Ava's shoulder and releases his hold on her hand - the last thing he wants is to create any misunderstanding. He would never do that to Sebastian - or Ava. Still, as he steps aside, his heart flutters staccato, and blood rushes in his ears.
"Would you look at that," Sebastian drawls, "A gathering at the Undercroft without me? I'm really starting to feel left out now."
"Sebastian," Ominis says, "I thought you went to the dorms to read Slytherin's notebook."
"I did," Sebastian replies, "But then Nott and Avery decided to cut class, and I could not focus because of their incessant chatter, so I figured I'd head over here."
"You made the right decision," Ominis muses, "It's best they don't see you with this notebook."
"Exactly my thoughts - and, besides, I feel like I always get through the reading faster here," Sebastian says, then adds, "Don't mind me - no need to stop whatever you were doing on my account."
"Ominis taught me Glacius," Ava explains, "But, given how my last attempt went, I think I'll hold off on trying it around anyone else for a bit - I would loathe turning one of you into an icicle."
"Despite your last attempt, you seem to have a decent grasp on the spell," Ominis notes.
"Even so," Ava replies, "I hadn't realized that it's already almost six - I still have to finish the forty inches of parchment on the lunar phases for the Astronomy class tonight. Thank you for the lesson, Ominis, I will see you later. Goodbye, Sebastian."
With that, Ava leaves the Undercroft. Ominis thinks her exit rather hasty - before Sebastian came in, she seemed in no hurry to leave. Guilt wells in his heart - was it something he did? Perhaps, Sebastian saw them when he walked into the Undercroft, and that upset Ava…
"Glacius, huh?" Sebastian says, distracting Ominis from his thoughts, "A good choice, although I think Diffindo would have been a more obvious one after Confringo."
"Perhaps you could show it to her then," Ominis responds calmly, "Since you are the one who taught her Confringo."
He has enjoyed teaching Ava, but if his suspicions are correct and perhaps, Ava's feelings for Sebastian are not unrequited, he'd hate to stand between them.
"Perhaps I will," Sebastian replies, returning to his reading.
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Is any headcanon you make up for Quackerjack not just you projecting on the character yourself or is it all "Since I like this my fav likes it too" "Since I suffer from this kind of thing my fav suffers from it too" kind off deal?
Suffer? From what? I'm confused...
Quite a bit of headcanons that have nothing to do with me, actually. They're really fun to do because I have to do some deep dives sometimes to get an understanding of what I had in mind. Hyperlinked ones are ones I could find the exact posts
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it
QuackerJack is Gosalyn's bio-dad and he was Professor Waddlemayer's son-in-law Headcanon/Theory
QuackerJack had a bad bout of pneumonia as a kid and his strong attachment to toys began because his parents bought him a lot of toys during recovery
QuackerJack has a perfectly normal twin brother named QuackerZachary that lives in Duckburg and isn't relevant to the plot
QuackerJack unintentionally messed with his own memory while testing the HypnoDisc/Mr. Relaxatron
QuackerJack is one of the strongest mortals in St. Canard
QuackerJack is 2ft 9in tall
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it (explained further)
The Lawn Darts Theory
Load Bearing QuackerJack Theory AKA: QuackerJack's consistency in his alternate counterparts is keeping the multi-verse from collapsing on itself
QuackerJack saw "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" when he was 11, and it messed him up for a few weeks in 1961
QuackerJack's in-universe actor in DT17 is named Mike Bill, and he retired from acting to be a pediatric dentist because he broke his leg on set, presumably what Jim Starling was referring to when he said "one little boo boo and they fall to pieces
QuackerJack was a Flower Child
Lots of short headcanons
His "Origin Story" begins with a series of mundane bad luck
QuackerJack caused a bullet ant infestation that resulted in St. Canard being fumigated, which is probably one of the reasons he was sued
QuackerJack collects LaserDiscs
QuackerJack's weird eating habits includes, but not limited to: Eating Mac and Cheese as a scoop in his hand like an apple, eating coleslaw out of a paper bag with his fingers, drinks ranch dressing straight out of the bottle, chomps down on a soda can to shotgun it, etc...
QuackerJack's plumage is underdeveloped, and better resembles down instead of guard feathers. They're very fine and fluffy, and not very waterproof, hence why he can't float like other Ducks. This gives him the Duck equivalent to being "baby faced", which he finds embarrassing. Part of why he wears so much attire is to draw attention away from that.
QuackerJack went to the Duck-verse equivalent to Woodstock when he was 19. Yes, he did have a VW esque van, and yes, it was a pretty awesome time.
QuackerJack is a licensed nail technician, but business for such a salon in a predominantly avian city is pretty non existent. The reason for this is because he took college courses in fashion and cosmetology in order to better design dolls that would appeal more to customers.
Aforementioned fashion classes were very helpful in his costume design skills as well.
QuackerJack checks the dump regularly for discarded game consoles and controllers so he could gut them for parts to repurpose into his mechanical creations
Pertaining to the "QJ is Goz's Bio Dad" theory, him being so is why Taurus Bulba targeted him in the comics during his time working at QuackWerk.
QuackerJack is canon to Super Smash Bros (something I've been working on for a while now, with some posts linking the ideas via connecting game appearances and all that, but basically, because he's in "Disney Heroes Battle Mode", he's effectively linked to Wreck-it Ralph, which includes links to specific game franchises that would be in SSB, as well as linking to Kingdom Hearts and Minecraft, both of which were added to SSBU after I'd half-joked about those being the missing links)
The only things I really project would be a few quirks and similar things I always related to that I would know how to write about properly because "write what you know". 👀
Also, I just want him having amblyopia to be reasonable because I never see that get represented and Nega-QuackerJack having those thick crafting glasses at least gives me hope
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comehomeducklings · 3 years
Present [Part 1] (Obsession)
A/N: Please don't copy, redistribute, and/or post my work on this site or any others. This has taken my time and creativity to come up with the story's characters and plot.
Also, I swear my writing gets better. It's a little rough right now but I'm planning on rewriting them.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Tom Riddle's Moodboard
Main Character's Moodboard
1943 ~ 6th year
No sound above whispers could be heard throughout the great hall. The food on the table hasn't been touched by a single hand. The very thought of eating churning all our stomachs. Not during these times. Our heads turn every now and then, afraid of what might sneak up behind us. The death of Myrtle and others has shaken the entire school. A murderer is among us, trust is such a foreign concept now.
Dark purple eye-bags lay beneath every single student's eyes. No one is allowed to go home for the holidays. They aren't allowing us to leave, we are stuck in this cloud of darkness and uncertainty. No owls are supposed to be sent out. As the head girl, I'm responsible for every student's life and responsibilities. I have to know where everyone is at all times. It gets tiring at times, but necessary nonetheless.
A nightly routine consisted of all my dormmates huddling around each other. No sleep would come to us all night. We wouldn't move from the same spot until light shown from the windows. Our beds are all pressed together in the farthest corner of the room from the door. Our wands never leaving our hands in case of danger. Every little sound made from the outside provoking us. Even to the point of going mad. Potions used to stay awake, slowly wearing off as the morning arose. No sleep, we can't afford that luxury anymore.
I would leave the dorm to wait at the portrait for our assigned house professor to come. They would tell me it was safe for everyone to head to the great hall to get breakfast. As soon as they were done I quickly went to everyone's dormitory to wake them up, if they even slept at all. I would then inform them that it was safe to step out of their dorms. After everyone got situated I would have the students form a line and lead them towards the great hall. 1st-3rd years would occasionally hold the folds of my robes. Fearing that when they blink I would be gone. Leaving them alone to deal with the dangers that lurk in the school.
Not once have I lied about how they are going to be all right. That would be cruel. These students don't seek pathetic nurturing words, they want a protective force watching over them. So many clubs and activities have been canceled. Hogsmede and quidditch proving as a prime example. No one complained though, quidditch players too afraid to even step out of the castle's walls even if they were allowed.
Back to the present, I hold my good friend's hand as she slightly shakes from anxiety. I can see it in her eyes, the doubt of making it alive eating away at her brain. The spark once present in her shiny green eyes being blown out. Amelia, her name being. She's been biting her nails again, to the point where it had bled. This can be backed by the dried-up blood that is present at the tip of her finger's nail.
A booming voice can be heard, "You are now being dismissed to head to class, your houses head girl and boy will be assigning the group you'll be heading off with."
First period has been removed from every perfect and head's schedule. During this time we search the whole castle for any wanders. We make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. If someone got lost or went to the wrong class we escort them to where they need to be.
After every class, students have a limited amount of time to get to their next lesson. Although, perfects and heads get more time to make sure everyone is where they are needed quickly. Then we hurry to our class after scanning the halls swiftly.
The once safest school of the wizarding world giving birth to the dark ages. More bodies have been found littering the schools. Most of them not found until their ghosts appear before us. Every single one not knowing how they died. Like the murderer is invisible upon meeting the victim. I originally suggested it could have been done by poison. When the bodies were checked, no traces of poison had been traced.
Professors have been waiting for the person who is responsible to slip up, to give us a clue. I don't think that will happen though. The process of these killings has been too thought out and well planned. I wouldn't be surprised if these mass killings have been planned months before, even maybe years. I've been talking to the ghosts to try and gather all details, even the potentially useless ones. When our headmaster made us heads keep tabs on everyone, the killings stopped for a short amount of time. It was like the mastermind was creating a way to best us, to get past the "little inconvenience." It didn't take long for them to find the weak parts in the plan.
What we have got though, is that every single student killed has been a muggle-born. A classic case of an unfair stigma around the poor wizards and witches. They never were able to catch a break. Amelia, one of my close friends in the friend group. She's a muggle-born, hence the shaking of her hands. I've been keeping a closer eye on her, she doesn't leave my side. She comes on my patrols so I can keep her in my sights, with of course the permission of the teachers. There are only two times that I can not watch over her. Those two times are covered by my other friend Devyn, a pure-blood. She also helps keep her safe, not letting her go anywhere by herself. The two times are because she's in two different classes than I am. One of them being a study hall.
"Professor, how will this class help us now? Reading teacups for predictions should be the least of our worries right now," a student at the back of the room exclaims.
"The said predictions could lead us to the future before it happens. Our worries lay exactly what will happen in the future. If anything, this is one of the most important classes we'll take this year," I say, continuing to read the teacup.
"Precisely, thank you. Now go back to studying, I'll be coming around to view your interpretations."
My tea leaves look more like a blob with a cross going through them. A weirdly shaped blob. I already know there is a cross, but what about the blob? I tried shaking it a little, looking at the leaves from different angles. I already crossed off a club, falcon, and the sun. It could be an acorn, but I see a slight hole in the blob.
Could it be...
"A skull that is." I jump at the sudden voice near my ear. My teacup almost falling from my grasp.
"Pardon, a what?"
She points towards two holes in the blob, one of them I just mentioned, "I saw you already found one hole, there's the other. How it's shaped could be a little difficult to see since the cross is through it, but it's there."
The professor takes the cup from my hand and lays it on her desk. Some of my classmates look at me in curiosity, but they soon lose interest and go back to their own tea leaves.
A cross and a skull, that sounds about right to how my school year is going so far. I scan my book to see exactly what they mean.
A skull, danger in your path.
A cross, trials and suffering.
"What d-did you find?" A Hufflepuff boy to my right asks.
I don't want to scare the poor boy, he's already frightened enough as it is. If my future got around to the school, everyone would start being concerned about me. I'll barely get any of my duties done if I didn't already get it taken away for my safety. Last thing I need right now is even more panic.
"Nothing much, the future is still a little foggy."
"That's, um, good. I couldn't really read mine either," he chuckles lightly, almost seemingly forced.
Our professor claps her hands together, "Class is dismissed, read up about your predictions if you haven't already. No homework today."
I gather my books and push in my chair. Right before I could reach the door where other students are waiting, the teacher stops me.
"I'll have to tell the headmaster about this, I shouldn't keep it a secret."
"No, please don't. If you must, only tell Albus. I can't have this messing anything up, I'll become vulnerable."
The professor looks around the room, her eyes wandering franticly. I'm sure I am asking a lot from her. I really need her to keep this a secret.
"Oh alright, you're my best student. I just would hate to see anything happen to you. I'm informing only Albus to see if he can keep an eye on you."
"Thank you so much, I swear I'll be careful." A huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I can't be worrying about my future when I have to worry about everyone else's.
I leave the classroom and start heading to my next class. Potions have always been one of my favorite classes. Mixing a bunch of toxins into a pot is a specialty of mine. I'm quickly scanning the halls for any wanderers, making sure everyone is at class. My feet take me to Potions in a hurry. I don't want to miss much, trying to make the class as informational as possible.
"You shouldn't be running, you still have 3 minutes of checking the school."
It's always him, I even tried changing routes to avoid him. His idiotic smirk, thinking he actually did something. All he did is waste my time and train of thought.
"I'm allowed to run Riddle, it's not a rule. I already checked the halls I was assigned, did you?" I really have no energy for this.
Tom peers down at me, somehow still wearing that infamous smile. Eyes bright, filled with mischief and knowledge.
"I have, double-checked as well. I'm sure you only checked once. Such irresponsible actions, I still wonder how you nabbed the head-girl spot."
I choose not to answer, not giving in to his baiting. Does he think I'm that stupid? That easily bothered by a simple test of my patience.
"You could have just said you wanted to walk me to class Riddle. No need to be shy with me."
"Shy, a concept I would not know of. Might as well bring you to class, since I'm heading there myself. Wouldn't want you to be in danger, since you consistently prove you can't handle a simple check of the hallways."
"I told you Tom-"
"Once is not enough, you should know that by now," he interrupts me, feigning a sudden serious facade on.
We start heading towards Slughorn's room. I'm a little behind his figure. Mostly looking down to make sure I don't step over his feet and fall. He sometimes walks with me, very confusing if I may say. Hating my skills, probably still hates me. You can often find us arguing if we are ever partners in class together. The usual game we play, how many questions can we get right by the end of class. Last time he won by one point, my sour mood not helping the atmosphere.
"You look rested, more than me at least," I smile tiredly. My whole body slightly sagging forward from exhaustion. He looks as proper as someone could be. His skin is a little pale though, brighter than usual. Almost like he was sick, his eyes look darker too. More sunken in, the shape of his skull more prominent. His looks still annoyingly well presented.
"Yes, you do look rather tired. I see other things have prioritized above your looks."
This man, the audacity of this man. The only reason I'm not at the top of every class. Our number 1 student count being evenly split. I have to bite down on my tongue forcefully to not say anything back. I'm too tired to truly come back with anything witty, so I choose to save myself from the embarrassment. Instead, I slightly step on his robe on the ground causing him to trip up a little.
He quickly sends a warning glare my way and then continues walking. I smile slightly, knowing even if it was petty, it was worth it.
Riddle doesn't even hold the door for me when we walk in. Causing it to slam dangerously close to my face.
"There you two are, I was afraid you weren't going to make it," Slughorn exclaims excitedly. "Turn your textbooks to page 246, we are going to learn how to make a Polyjuice potion!"
I glance at Tom, his eyes only focus on the words before him not realizing my gaze is on him. I wonder if he'll make this a competition as well. Knowing him, as well as me, anything but competition is out of our character. He looks up catching my eyes, I tilt my head. Trying to silently communicate from afar.
His head turns to Slughorn, then back to me. He nods his head and that's all it takes for both of us to come to an understanding. Whoever can answer the most questions, and create the best potion gets bragging rights.
I don't intend to lose.
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Crazy Rich Avengers
Chapter 1:
Summary: You and Peter have been dating for a little over 6 months and have not yet met the Avengers. You were getting curious as to when you would meet them, until you get an invitation from Tony Stark himself, inviting you and Peter to Wanda and Vision’s wedding in Hawaii over Spring Break. You thought that it would be nice to go and finally meet everyone, but what will you think after you’ve been tested by the team?
*Based on the movie Crazy Rich Asians, each chapter will be a different scene from the movie. There will be 15 chapters. Also includes a GIF from the movie scene at the beginning of each chapter.
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A/N: I’ve had this series planned for a little while now, and I just got this chapter done and edited and I feel really good about it. I didn’t know if anyone would want to read this until I posted about it yesterday and got some really good feedback, so thank you all who liked it and asked to be on the taglist so much! This chapter is the first scene of the movie, just some things are switched up to fit Peter and the Avengers. Just note that this one is kind of short and nothing much really happens in this chapter since it is just the beginning, but hopefully the next one is a bit juicer. 
Warnings: swearing and fluff 
Word count: 2166
Chapter 1
“Okay class, make sure to email me those presentations by Monday. I don’t want to keep reminding you guys over Spring Break because I’ve still got a life outside being a professor.” The whole class laughs at your professor’s bluntness. It kind of reminds you of your friend from high school, who would always spoke her truth, even when no one asked for it. You packed your things and waited for a clear space to exit your row. Who knew so many kids would be in a business class? Not you apparently. You were a culinary student at the Institute of Culinary Education or ICE for short. Your dream was to become a baker and own your bakery, hence the business class. This was your last class of the day, and you couldn’t wait to see your boyfriend. You two had been dating for a little over six months and it was the best six months you could ever ask for.
You exited out of the classroom, finally, and made your way towards the elevator. On the way down, you looked through your messages and saw that you had five new texts from Peter.
Peter: Hey babe! I’m out of my photography class now. (1:15)
Peter: Waiting by the couches (1:15)
Peter: I miss you (1:17)
Peter: I’m hungry. Let’s go to that pizza place for lunch. I really want some of their cannoli’s (1:20)
Peter: Y/NNN!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? (1:23)
The elevator stopped at the lobby and you walked over to Peter, who sprang out of his seat and practically ran over to you. He hugged with the force of what you assumed felt like ten tons just based on how tight he held you. You laughed at his clinginess and pushed him off of you.
“Dude my class ran like ten minutes late. What’s the matter with you?” you laugh.
He held your hand in his own and smiles at you. “Just missed you is all. Did you see my text about the cannoli’s?”
“Yeah I saw it.”
“And?” he asks hopefully.
“Aaaaaand what?” you played dumb just to see his cute pouty face.
“Can we get cannoli’s?”
“Yes, we can get a cannoli.”
“Ah! You’re the best! Cannoli’s!” he yells at an insane volume for someone who’s just walking down the street. This earns you both a weird look from the people on the sidewalk. You were about to kiss his cheek until he just took off down the street with your hand still in his. You guessed you never knew he liked cannoli’s so much. Maybe you should try out a recipe and make him some one day.
You get into the pizza restaurant and sit down across from each other and waited for the waiter to take your order. You order your drinks; Peter gets Diet Pepsi and you get a Sprite. Both of you talk about how your classes went and held each other’s hand while you talked.
“So, I’ve got to do this project for my class,” Peter began, “And my camera is at the Compound, so tomorrow I’ll be a little late getting home.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Oh! Speaking of which,” you slam your palms on the table, which makes Peter jump a little. “When am I going to meet them? I mean we’ve been dating for going on seven months now, and I still haven’t met them. And I know they know about me because I got a message from Nat telling me happy birthday two weeks ago.” You raise an eyebrow at him waiting for his answer.
“Speaking of said topic, that reminds me. We got invited to Wanda and Vision’s wedding. And it is next Friday in Hawaii, which is perfect because a) we don’t have classes because it’s Spring Break, and b) I know Hawaii is one of your bucket list places.”
Your jawed dropped for several reasons. One, it’s Wanda and Vision’s fucking wedding! You never met them, but from the way Peter talked about them, you could tell they were meant to be. You always thought that they were like what you and Peter had times one hundred.
“Are you serious? They’re having their wedding in Hawaii?”
“Yeah. They thought that since Mr. Stark – “
“What can I get you two today?” the waiter asked breathless. You didn’t even realize how busy they were.
You looked up at him, “I’ll have a slice of the cheese pizza please?”
“And I’ll have two slices of the meat lovers. And can I get three of your best cannoli’s please?” Peter smiled at the waiter as he wrote down your order.
“Alright that’ll be right out.” He walked away almost jogging to get your order in. Goodness they were slammed.
“As I was saying,” Peter continued. “Mr. Stark has one of those beach houses in Maui and so, they thought that it would be the perfect place for them to tie the knot.”
“Wow, so, we’re invited? Like we’re going to Maui and attending the wedding? And meeting everyone?” you asked now slightly worried.
“Yeah,” he drags out confused. “That’s what kind of what ‘You’re Invited’ means.”
“I know, it’s just…this will be the first time I’m meeting them and I always imagined it would be at a like Sunday dinner type of thing. Not a fucking Avengers wedding!”
“It’s okay, I know they’re gonna love you no matter what.”
You take a sip of your drink, “This is also works out for another reason because MJ has been asking us to come see her ever since she moved to Kahului.”
“All the more reason to go.”
You both get your food and Peter immediately starts on the cannoli’s that he’s been longing to eat and practically moans at the taste of them. You get the check and pay and tipped extra for your waiter, because they need to be paid way more than minimum wage. The two of you walk out and head home so you can spend the rest of the night together.
“So, when do we leave for Maui?” you ask, swinging your intertwined hands between the two of you.
“Umm, I believe on Saturday.”
Today was Thursday so that means that you only had tonight and tomorrow to pack for a whole entire week. “Shit! I have almost no clothes washed, are you kidding me?” you yell. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I just found out this morning!” he yelled back.
“Okay, well it’s a good thing tomorrow I don’t have classes because now I have to do laundry all damn day.” You reach your shared apartment and go to change clothes and you go straight to the laundry room, faster than Peter could imagine. All of your good, cute clothes had to be air dried and so that’s what you did first. After half hour of folding, and drying, and hanging up clothes non-stop, Peter came in wrapped his arms around you.
“Baby, you’ve been here for forever, come sit down with me,” he pleaded.
“I will once I have all the clothes done, but until then,” you pat his cheek. “I can’t.”
He sighs an ‘okay’ and plants a kiss on your cheek and walks away. About twenty minutes later you had gotten all the laundry done and went to join Peter on the couch. He was watching reruns of Brooklyn 99 which was one of your favorite shows. He put his arms out and made grabby hands and you leaned into his touch. You laid your head on his chest with the rest of your body sprawled out on the couch. He put his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. You looked up and kissed his lips and sat up just a bit straighter. One of his hands went to the back of your neck and the other rubbed your thigh, and you relaxed even more into him. Your right hand carded through his hair and the other sat splayed on his peck, slightly gripping his shirt. You two stayed like this for what felt like hours, just basking in each other’s comfort. You pulled back to breathe and gave him one last kiss before going back to your original position, laying on him.
“What do you wanna watch?” He yawned.
“Well since your yawning and –“ you yawned this time. “And so am I, let’s just take a nap.”
He hummed in agreement and led you to your shared bedroom and he changed into just a pair of sweatpants. You laid down and he did shortly after. You turned, facing him as your chests were touching. You stared at him for quite a long time before you even realized that you were. His face scrunched up that was so cute you wanted to take a picture.
“Nothing. You just look cute,” you said back.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Nope. I do,” he challenged.
“That’s impossible because I love you to Jupiter and back,” you kissed his nose, ultimately shutting it down because you were tired. School had kicked your ass this week and you hadn’t really had anytime to just lay with Peter. You scooted down a bit so, you could lay your head on his chest, your legs intertwined, as he held you against him so tight that nothing could slip in between you two.
The next morning you had woken up extra early to make some French toast for you and Peter. You got out the bread and butter and the rest of the ingredients and started cooking. Since you were the one who was in the culinary department, the silent agreement between you and Peter was that you would cook, and he would clean your mess. You tried to not make too much of a mess, because you weren’t that mean. After a couple more minutes you got breakfast done and at that exact moment you put the toast on the plate, Peter comes waddling out with his hair a mess. It was almost like it was scripted like a scene in a movie.
“I smelled French Toast,” he smiled.
“Mhm, I thought that I would be nice and cook breakfast for you this time.” You pecked his cheek and gave him the syrup.
“Eat up and get ready for a long day of packing suitcases, babe,” you winked at him.
“Oh boy.” You didn’t hear his sarcasm often, but when you did it always made you chuckle.
He went over to the couch and you followed setting up the coffee table and turning on Spongebob to watch as you ate. You turned towards him and smiled and received a kiss on the nose. Today was going to be a good day, you thought.
It was now four thirty in the evening and you and Peter were packing up all your belongings into your suitcases. “Okay so you need your swim trunks, flip flops, sunglasses, and what else?” You ask.
“Is that just for swimming?” You nodded. “Then yeah I think that’s it.” You went over to his drawer grabbing his trunks out along with your swimsuit. You had all your clothes spread out into separate piles consisting of swimwear, pajamas, nice shirts, casual shirts, and wedding attire. Peter grabbed all of his clothes and stuffed them into his suitcase and you did the same. After that you went to the bathroom to grab all extra stuff that consisted of teeth and hair products, and everything in that category. Peter went into the kitchen to the medicine and started to pack anything that might be needed for allergy’s and whatnot. You figured you would pack your purse of carry on items before you left tomorrow morning.
After two hours of packing and double checking, and once the bed was cleared, you flopped down face first and groaned. “I’m so exhausted,” you huffed.
“Aww, is my baby tired?” He asked this as he pressed feather-light kisses to your neck that always made you shudder.
“Yes,” you say as you awaited a kiss on the lips. He happily kisses you, slow and lovingly, and you feel like you could stay there for eternity. He pulls away for minute to catch his breath. “We should probably figure out what we want to do for dinner.”
“How ‘bout leftovers? There’s still some enchiladas or lemon pepper chicken in the fridge.”
“Ooooh, let’s do chicken.”
You get up from the bed to heat the chicken up in the oven. “Imma make some garlic cheesy rice too!” You shout from the kitchen.
“Sounds good, baby.”
You two make your dinner and eat in a comfortable silence, watching TV. You both decided to watch one more episode of Parks and Rec before calling it a night, and Peter figured it would be smart to go to bed early since you would both have a long day of checking flights and meeting the Avengers tomorrow; and that was tiring by itself.
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29​ @spideyspeaches​ @binnotjin​
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I Hate To See Your Heartbreak
Summary: The guy you were dating broke your heart, your best friend came to your rescue 
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Prompt: Square — Heartbreak for @spnvillainsbingo // Square — Crowley for Tell Me A Story Bingo for @supernatural-jackles
Warnings: Rated PG — Loneliness, sadness, heartbreak, torture (mention)
Word Count: 1932
A/N: I mean no disrespect or offense to any religion nor people who profess religion. This was based purely on my life experience.
When you started this new job you promised yourself that you didn’t want to find love, you just wanted to find good friends among coworkers. It wasn’t in your plans to know someone at “love level”.
In the beginning, you weren’t ready to “open up” with anyone, the only one who knew you, was your coworker Romi because she was the one who helped you get the job position. But after some time, you started to be comfortable around everyone. The team members for the project you were working on were the closest.
One day, when your coworker Tom arrived and came to greet you, you felt something that never felt before around him. It was difficult to explain but it was like a connection. You were confused, what exactly was that? you thought. You opened your last conversation with Crowley, your best friend, and you mentioned it. “Don’t get your hopes too high, love” Crowley texted you knowing you were already picturing a long-time relationship. He knew you too well, and you loved him for that.
Crowley and you met under weird circumstances. You were in college about to take a test and you were 100% sure you were going to fail it because you didn’t have the time to study everything. You started to panic about it when the power went off in the entire building. You thanked the one who listened to your prayers but the power came back after a second and your panic state got worse, you needed to leave the room.
-That’s it — you said to your Romi
-What? — she said — are you leaving?
-No, I’m selling my soul for not failing this. It’s the only way — you admitted
-Don’t overreact! You’ll be fine
The power went off and on again and there was a little note in front of you “We’ll talk about that offer later. Good luck with your exam. The King Of Hell” You didn’t understand what was going on. A minute later, your professor entered the room and told everyone that the exam was still happening. You sat for that exam knowing you’ve failed it before even starting it. That same night, you met Crowley personally, he was quite a character you found yourself attracted to him. After that, you became really good friends. He was such a gentleman for being a demon. He never mistreated you, he was always checking on you, taking care of you, so when you told him about this man you met he went on protective mode.
When you got back home after your little encounter with Tom, you found Crowley in your kitchen cooking for you.
-Hello darling — Crowley greeted you
-If I knew you were going to come, I would've cleaned up the mess— you said leaving your things
-Don't worry about it, you are too busy — he said and you kissed him on the cheek
You went to shower, you changed into more comfy clothes, and cleaned up your mess a little while Crowley was in the kitchen.
-You are too sweet with me, you know? — you said when he gave you your dinner
You knew why he was doing all of this and you didn't blame him. He did it because he was worried about you, he wanted to protect you. He knew you were going to end up hurt and he wanted to prevent it.
-This is delicious — you mumbled with your mouth full avoiding the topic he wanted to know
-So, who is this guy you're head over heels for?
-First, I’m not head over heels for him, and second, his name is Tom
-Tell me about him — he encouraged you
-What do you want to know? I don’t know much about him, I haven’t talked much with him yet
-Do you feel attracted by him? — he questioned
-I don’t know. Everything is weird — you sounded frustrated
-Weird how?
-I don’t know how to picture it. It’s like, we like each other but we are afraid to face it — you tried to explain and Crowley nodded
-My advice for you is to let time do its work. Don’t rush anything, okay? — you nodded
-I understand your worry, but I’m not planning on getting married to him. But what happened was weird, just that. I’ve never felt that with anyone — you admitted.
The rest of the night went well, having a nice conversation with Crowley. You really missed having those quiet nights with him.
As the days went by, your relationship with Tom grew a lot and you became closer, almost to the point of dating. Crowley disapproved of your relationship with Tom, he was always saying that he didn’t deserve you. For a moment you thought he was doing it because he was interested in you, that he was jealous, but you could’ve been mistaken.
Your relationship with Tom progressed and you started to get confused with your feelings. It was the first time you were getting “serious” with someone, yes you’ve dated guys before but no one was like him, caring, supportive, understanding, and such a sweetheart. You were falling for him and it scared the hell out of you. 
Crowley kept giving you pieces of advice regarding what was best to do and not to do, he recommended places to go on dates, but there was one problem. You didn’t have conversational topics to talk about. You were seeing the man Mondays through Fridays and when you were on dates over the weekend, there was no topic to talk about. So, here you were getting confused with your feelings with someone whose relationship was getting cold because there was almost no conversation between each other.
One day you got home from work wasted and stressed out.
-Crowley, I need… — you weren’t able to finish the sentence that Crowley was already there
-What’s the matter darling? Why are you wasted? You did not have fun with your colleagues?
-No, it’s not that. I had fun, hence me being wasted. The problem is Tom
-What do..?
-That’s the problem — You interrupted him and he looked at you confused — He doesn’t do anything
-What do you mean? — He asked you handing you some water
-He says he likes me, that he wants to be with me, that he enjoys spending time with me, but he doesn’t want to have a relationship, and I don’t know how to feel — you said on the verge of tears
-Oh darling — Crowley said and hugged you — It’s okay. Don’t worry, give it some time, this is too recent to see if you’re ready to be together or not — you sighed and laid on his lap falling asleep instantly
You knew that Crowley was right, but still, it hurt you knowing that he wasn’t interested in you. Because it was that, you weren’t that interesting to be someone’s girlfriend. 
The following days, you tried to avoid Tom and kept your distance from him, you were hurt. Crowley noticed your behavior so he moved in with you, to make sure weren’t neglecting yourself. He knew you weren’t going to tell him how you felt so he needed to see it. You tried to be strong when he was around you, only crying in the shower, writing your feelings, keeping yourself distracted, but he was Crowley, the King of Hell, he was able to know how you were feeling even if you weren’t in the same room. 
-What is it? — He asked you?
-Nothing — you said sitting on the couch
-What’s getting you so frustrated?
-I don’t want to talk about it
-Is it Tom, right? — you huffed
Crowley sat next to you and pulled an arm around your shoulders
-Did he do something? Did he say something?
You remained silent
-Tell me, darling, I can’t see you like this
You look at Crowley with teary eyes. You’re about to talk but a sob scapes
-Oh honey — he said hugging you tightly
Once you were more calmed, you changed your position and looked at Crowley in the eyes
-He said that he wasn’t ready to start a relationship, that he felt that I was falling hard for him too fast and that he needed to get back to his religion because he needed to “change”
Crowley looked at you thinking what he should say to not make you feel worse
-Do you think he is right? — you looked at him surprised and ready to shout at him — That this was going too fast? — you laid back on the couch thinking
-Maybe, I don’t know, I’m not sure — you explained — The thing is that when I asked him about it, he didn’t say anything, he told me he was ok with this.
-He is religious?
-Yes, I don’t know which religion he professes, but yeah, he believes in God
-And he knows you are not into religion?
-Yes, I even told him why
-And he still wanted to be with you? — you nodded
-He explained to me that he was very religious when he was younger and then he decided to stop practicing because he wanted to “experience” life, but now he feels the need to come back
-And how do you feel about it?
-I mean, is his decision, and I’m not going to become a part of his religion to be with him. Besides, he said that I was a witch for believing in astrology and all that stuff
-I see. Why the tears then? — Crowley asked you
-Because I ca…
-He called you a witch? That’s it, I’m going to send one of my people to get him
-No love, please. Why the bother? It’s okay, I’m not going to text him anymore, I’m just going to say hi and goodbye when I’m at the office. I promise
A few weeks later, you received a text message from Tom asking you to meet him after work because he needed to talk to you.
After work, you met him in the little park that was near the office. He seemed to be scared, almost paranoid like if someone was spying on him. He explained to you he was sorry for the way the things between you two ended and that he shouldn’t have judged you because you didn’t say anything when he told you he was religious. He gave you one last kiss and left almost running, he seemed to be in a hurry. You were very confused, he never behaved in that way with you, like being scared to get caught, stuttering the words, afraid of saying the wrong thing. He looked like he was scared of you. That’s when it hit you, Crowley did something to him, and by the way he was looking behind his back, you knew there were some of his demons around. You left the park and went back home with Crowley, he ended up moving with you permanently.
When you arrived home, Crowley had the bath ready for you, dinner already cooking and a chocolate cake ready for when you finished your bath.
-I know what you did, love. I really appreciate it, but it wasn’t necessary the torture — you said hugging him
-I didn’t torture him, I just scare him a little
-A little? — you giggled — he looked like paranoid
-Well, that’s what he gets for hurting my girl — he kissed your forehead
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as students studying
king of self-care! but studies for 15 minutes then take a 2 hour break and calls it self-care (omg he thinks he’s me or smth)
has power naps every single day at least 30 mins because he’s Stressed
always thinking of ways to drop out during the middle of lectures
that one kid that talks to nobody & sits at the back of the class with his hood on to hide his airpods
doesn’t do it anymore bc one time it disconnected and “there’s some whores in this house” blasted out loud & now he’s paranoid
shows up to group studies but lets the group carry him,,, but he puts out One Really good idea to get his name on the paper
only cares about topics he’s interested in, other than that he’s just astral projecting
“yo can you send me your answers so i can compare mine?” but he copies it and says “we got the same answers” (all men do is lie</3)
calculates his marks; “ok so i need at least a 80 on this...oh wait no, a 95...damn okay...”
the type to arrives late with ice coffee
wakes up at 5 am to study instead of staying up
scented candles and lofi music for the ~studying mood~
a linguistic learner
learns best by teaching others so he’ll do group studies often to help other people
teaches people without making them feel dumb
uses grammarly for his emails with 3 paragraphs asking 1 question with a proper greeting and a ‘sincerely, park seonghwa’
professor: ok - sent from iphone
you’ll never see him during exams week, he’s Gone
a loyal user of the outline method
his desk must be cleared at all times! a clean workspace makes it easier to focus
brings extra pencil just in case anyone needs them bc he’s the sweetest person ever (he’s fully aware that he’ll never get them back but it’s okay bc sharing is caring)
does his readings on time (you’ll never catch him slacking)
actually has his shit together for the most part 1/2
writes “i love you” or “sorry” at the end of his tests (that he bombed)
the type to ask you to print “just one thing real quick” and it’s 15 page and at 2 am
uses emojis like :D & \(^o^)/ when sending emails to his professors
has a bad habit of copying word for word on the slide and he doesn’t actually understand/learn anything
goes to the library bc he thinks that’ll help him be in the ~studying vibe~
it doesn’t. ends up texting or watching youtube gameplay
has never heard of the colour-coding system in his entire life and ends up with a page filled with neon highlight
snacks breaks are the only thing keeping him Normal
leaves himself an encouraging note at the end of the reading page so when he’s finished he feels good !!
friends with all of the professors and uses all office hours
strongest points are his guessing skills in multiple-choice questions (process of elimination ftw!)
he tries his best, doesn’t care about marks that much because he knows it doesn’t determine him (and he’s right!)
probably runs a studyblr/gram
has the cutest note ever, his handwriting is so pretty!!
he thinks that buying an ipad pro & apple pencil will make him smarter
likes it bc he can doodle on it then erase them easily :”)
has to wear blue ray glasses because of how he looks at a screen so much
mildliners, muji 0.38 gel pen, 6 ring binder, minimal planner, washi tapes, you name it! he visits muji and daiso every other week
buys wayyy too many planners and notebooks which he never ends up using
only uses pastel mildliners because they’re easy on the eyes. cringes every time he sees yunho’s highlighters v_v
his flaw is that he spends 10 mins writing his header with brush tip pens
mutes the group project gc but gets his part done like the good classmate he is
sweats every time he gets an assignment back, takes a whole ten minute to mentally prepare himself
a visual learner; makes mind maps, flow charts, etc
actually has a working printer that he uses pretty often to prints lessons before class just to be Extra prepare
tells everyone he slept well but his bullet journal habit tracker for sleep says otherwise (plz rest!!)
exclusively uses college ruled paper like the sane person he is
uses wide-ruled paper (unfortunately not everyone is perfect</3)
starts off very positive, motivated, and organized
then everything goes downhill by the second week
will definitely set byeol on top of his keyboard, take a picture, and send it to his professor as an ‘excuse’ as why he needs an extension (it works)
can’t sit still for any longer than 30 mins, his legs are always bouncing or fidgeting with pen
flashcard king! spends a lot of time on them but it’s worth it
a utensil chewer (always willing to share his pencil but when ppl saw the bite marks they’re like No Thanks >_>)
can’t study well with groups or himself bc he’ll be distracted,,, so he needs one person that can ground him bc when they’re in the zone, he will too be on his x game mode
sends his assignment at 11:58 pm hoping his professor will take the Hint (plz don’t be afraid to ask for help u_u)
prefers listening to ghibli studio soundtracks but then he either gets emotional or sleepy
sometimes forget to mute his mic and we just hear him groaning in frustration
“haha sorry i just stubbed my toe...”
then mutes his mic and goes back to his mental breakdown
the only person that studies every single day just to get his brain used to the information and running
probably listens to anime op or edm music for that Energy Boost
everyone either hates or love him because...
1. loves him bc he always comes clutched with study guides (and willing to share if he likes you enough)
2. he’s good at everything even if he’s not paying attention/doing it last minute
just naturally good at retaining information and applying them
asks Big Brain question that even the professors are shook
sometimes he gets super into the topic and wants to know Everything
“i’ve never failed an exam in my life” and he’s right! big brain mingi
fetal flaw is that he forgets easily (hence why the last minute) and has to write on his palm as a reminder
clicks his pens All the time so he switched to pens with caps just to keep others from jumping him
takes naps 10 mins before classes
actually has his shit together for the post part 2/2
“if no one got me, i know khan academy and quizlet got me. can i get an amen”
y’all know that one mf that doesn’t have a pencil?
yea he’s been using the same one someone lend to him before a test and never returned it
it’s been two months and it’s still working well and they’re never going to get it back
a minimalist,,,, but in a bad way</3 bc he carries his stolen pencil and paper that he spilled his energy drink over and that’s about it
just throw loose papers in his bag and forgets about their existence
doesn’t do binders or notebooks, just crumbled up paper
sometimes carries a textbook just to show everyone that he’s got his life together
really noisy for No reason, always wants to know other’s marks
a kinesthetic learner
hides his screen with he gets the kahoot questions wrong (you’ll never catch him slippin)
plays coolmathgames.com during class
doesn’t really know what to study/prioritize so he overwhelms himself with every single topic ever
thinks he’s god by pulling an all-nighter to look at the 60+ slides last minute
Swears he’ll change and do better next semester,,,</3
goes to the cafe, takes pictures of his notes & laptop, post it on his story, then leaves
thrives off of red bull and ice americanos
gets notes and study guides from his upperclassmen because everyone loves jongho
an audio learner so he’ll probably work out or go on a jog while listening to lessons/audiobook
never pulls all-nighters bc it messes up his sleep schedule and says he’ll do it in the morning but he never does
doesn’t even own a highlighter, he’ll circle or underline stuff with a red or black pen
has never touched a textbook in his life
only the study guides and slides, his textbook is collecting dust rn
his notes are literally Only for him because his handwriting only makes sense to him
has questionable handwriting,,, it’s like decoding
multitasks a lot but it ends up taking a lot longer than he wanted to (bc it’s a myth)
very spontaneous; he’ll grind for 5 hours straight but sometimes he won’t even touch a pencil
works best when he talks about the work in groups and share information with each other, like having a convo about the topic
unmutes his mic Once after the lesson to say “bye”
does his work right after the lessons but then takes a short break & doesn’t even Look back for the rest of the night
a/n: tag yourself ! i’m a bit of hohong (i projected myself on all of them in some way lmaooo)
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mysecretatticsstuff · 4 years
Pairing : Jeon jungkook x reader
Word count: 27.3k
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, emotional breakdown.
Summary: You thought you were going to enjoy college. Even with unfortunate events and a poor sleep schedule you were trying to live your best life. Untill one particular kid, aka golden boy of campus came dashing into your life.
College. The place you got excited to go thinking you would finally meet good people, make friends and have the time of your life. And yet here you are, 3 am in the morning just barely hanging in there with a paint brush in your hand finishing up the poster that was supposed to be a group project for physiology class. You have dozed off a couple of times now, with eyes open doing the detailed line work that you suggested not to put in it because of the amount of time it takes. You almost messed it up but your multitasking skills save you. In short you hate college. Or more so, you hate your luck for always putting you in the companionship of the worst people in the world. You can now permanently stamp a "pissed off" warning to your forehead to avoid casualties.
Grumpy wasn't even a mood anymore, it's a lifestyle. And some people just make it real difficult for you to not eat them alive. On top of that list was Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Golden boy, good at whatever he does, loved by everyone he has a conversation with. Well except for you. You on the other hand want to kill him. Not because you're jealous or anything. Heck you would be happy for him if he didn't make your life a living hell. You always wondered what you did for him to hate your existence so much. He kept pulling off weird ass stunts with you. Once he filled your water bottle with chilli tomato ketchup, you took a gulp without knowing and had a red face for a legit hour. Another time he issued the last copy of only book that had the reference you needed and kept it untill a day before the assignment was due. So you had to beg him to give the book to you and complete the whole assignment in one day. (Which was not fun of course). He mixed salt in your drink, splashed water from behind while you were returning to your apartment and what not. At first you thought to ignore him, when the stunts were small. But he just kept doing that shit and you grew angrier. When you asked him, why the heck was he doing that to you he just simply smiled like a devil, winked at you and walked away. That was a year ago, since that day you have been wanting to kill him.
You weren't the aggressive type by nature, your friends would agree that you were the most calm and collected, amiable and open minded friend in the group. Your personality was more of a mediator than a murderer. But the golden boy brought out the beast in you. When you realised that he isn't stopping with the obnoxious pranks. You started pulling off your own as a revenge. To be honest you didn't even regret it. Heck it was even cathartic. Once you hid his clothes while he was in the gym, so basically he had to wait inside the bathroom for the whole day in a towel. (You took his phone too so that he couldn't call anyone for help). You "accidentally" splashed juice onto his crisp white t-shirt before an early morning class. You wrapped his bike with cling film and bubble wrap. It was tiring but worth it when you saw his face, glaring daggers at you cause he was getting late for class and couldn't leave his apartment. You made sure you smiled sweetly at him when he saw you that day.
By now, everyone in your friend circle and both of your departments knew how you both jumped at the first opportunity to ruin each others day. You stopped questioning Jungkook because he never answered instead you focused on how to attack him in the best way.
The past two months have been extra rough for you, both personally and academic wise. Hence, jungkook's bickering has had you in a new level of pissed. A level you didn't know existed. Honestly you were amazed by the fact that you haven't had a breakdown till now. You didn't get any chance to pull anything off against him and that makes you angrier. I guy you were talking to back and forth has suddenly ghosted you and you are wallowing in all the self pity. You've had less than 4 hours of sleep for the past week because of all the requirements for class. You're just a week away from finishing everything off and you're praying that the devil doesn't make it impossible.
You personally hated Mondays, but who are you kidding everyday feels like a monday now. You head to the library first thing in the morning to finish your paper, a semester worth of work. You settle in starting to type out the last page. About an hour later your phone vibrates.
"Hey where are you?" It was Sunmi your best friend.
"I'm in the library" you wisper shout
"Oh.. i had something urgent to say to you can you come out for a second. I'm almost there."
"Okay, coming" you say.
Outside, sunmi was waiting for you with a book in hand.
"Jeez, y/n you look dead. Do you even sleep anymore?"
You sigh out loud, "Don't ask, i feel like i'm gonna pass out anytime soon. Coffee isn't helping anymore. I think i need drugs"
Sunmi just shakes her head in disbelief "What you need is a good night sleep. And for the drugs part, try sex." She says this in such sincerity that you actually consider it for a second before she laughs.
You laugh too, "Uggh, i can't wait to finally go out this weekend, i'm turning into a hermit. Anyways i'm sure u didn't call me out here to talk about hookups..?"
At this she hands you the book, "Yeah I didn't, but we need to talk about your dry state after you're free tho, but till then here you go. The book that you were searching for, you wouldn't believe how I.. or i should say where I found it I-... "
"Wait... Before you start your essay, i need to finish my paper. I meet you after your classes today. Tell me then. I need to go... Bye!" you hurriedly say before you turn around and enter the library
"But it's about Jungkook... " Sunmi tries to explain. But she realises you can't hear her anymore. She says to herself rather, "I hope you don't find trouble."
You almost reach your designated place when you see him. White T-Shirt and olive green cargos. That little shit, what was he up to again? You hurry to your laptop, only to find him smirking as if he knows some secret you don't.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" You ask. "Ooh.. chill Princess, just thought i'd see you and your work". At the mention of work you wake your computer up. A chill ran down through your spine followed by panic when you couldn't find the document you saved. After a moment, your eyes shot up, glaring dangerously at him. He sat up, folding his arms onto the table. "What's wrong? Can't find something?"
"What the fuck did you do, Jeon?" You wanted to scream bloody murder at him, but you didn't know how were you this calm.
"Tsk, tsk,.. last names now huh? Someone's angry. Tell me princess, will I win a prank of the year trophy this time?"
You were unable to speak. Your blood boiled, you wanted to punch him, better kill him. When you didn't reply he continued. "I hope you remember what your wrote in your thesis, even better if your typing skills are on fire, cause you need to rewrite within one week" He was putting a full display of his evil grin. Clearly amused by the situation he put you in. But you slowly realised what he meant. You quickly went to the recycle bin of your computer to test your luck, but soon saw that the demon had already deleted it from the bin too. Your heart sank. This was not fair. You wanted to cry now. Months and months of your hardwork, gone now. What the fuck was that bitch even thinking. This was not a joke anymore. It was your finals. Yes you both have done horrible things to each other but you made sure that it never got out of line. But him deleting your final thesis. This was definitely out of the line. You could not rewrite the whole thing even if you tried in a week. It would never get close to the original one. You would miss many points and the writing style. Damn you for not keeping an extra copy of the thesis somewhere. But again, you never thought Jungkook would go this low. You didn't even want to think how he figured out the passcode for your laptop. Anger doesn't describe what you were feeling now. You wanted to shut down. When Jungkook didn't hear a threatening or a curse, he chimed in. "Have I pulled the most epic prank on miss y/n that it finally shut her smart mouth?"
You couldn't bare it anymore, all these weeks of running around with just 4 hrs of sleep or sometimes non has made you physically weak. You wanted to escape. You throat hurt from the suppressed tears. But you were not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You look at jungkook in the eye. Cold. You stand up, take your things and leave.
All the way to your apartment, you wanted to cry, but you waited till you were inside the safe heaven of your bed.How could he do this to you? When this crazy prank scenario started you couldn't comprehend why the nicest guy ( according to students and professors) had taken a toll on you. Yes you were angry at the beginning. But soon it had simmered down to something else. You couldn't pin point what, exactly. It's true his pranks were delirious and you hated him with all your will, but you couldn't help notice the small ways he made a difference in your life. You were an over-thinker, and this stupid game of pranks with him kept you busy. It was kind of the only source of entertainment for you as academics was no joke. It's difficult to explain but you became more productive because of him. You became a more open person, you made a lot of friends and most of the conversations started with how people don't understand why both of yo fight. Jungkook's friends became your friends too. You found out a lot of things about him through them. One that he was a naturally competitive person. He was a big softy inside they said, that was a bit hard to believe for you. But once he stood up for you when you were being cat called, he was so close to beating the shit out of the boys, nevertheless you dragged him out of it. He walked you to your apartment without even uttering a word. You wanted to say thank you, but the very next day he deflated your tires. And the saga continued. The moral of the story is you definitely had developed a soft spot for him. And this prank was definitely a blow to your ego and your heart.
All the emotions, the exhaustion just came crashing down and you let the dam break. You cried like a baby, whether because of the grief of your lost files, anger or because of him entirely you didn't know. You woke up 3 hours later, with puffy eyes and a blocked nose. You decided you can't let him get to you. So you did what you do best, turn all the frustration into anger towards him. You arranged all the resources for your thesis, and then you sat down with your laptop typing away from the beginning.
You didn't go to college next day, thought it would be better to stay at home and work. There were no classes anyways. You already sent an email to your professor informing him that there was a technical difficulty and you lost your files. Your professor was kind enough to excuse you from all the classes that week to work on your thesis stating that you had good attendance already. Sunmi called you, she felt guilty about the whole thing. "I should have known there was something fishy when that asshole gave me the book. I shouldn't have asked you to come out".
"Hey, it's fine, it's not your fault. I'll kill him with my own hands once everything is over"
"Still.. i feel super bad. Let me know if you need anything. I can bring you books from the library.."
"Thank you sun, i'll let you know if I need anything.. "
"Okay.... Oh and y/n,.. Jungkook came looking for you today. He seemed anxious? kinda worried even. I told that fucker i don't know where you are. Thought you should know"
Jungkook was looking around for you, that's weird. Was he feeling guilty? You always came up with a new prank. Maybe he is just surprised you vanished. "Hmmm... Thanks, i don't want him to know anything about me, Anyways i couldn't careless about him now. See you later".
"Take care y/n".
It was 10 pm when you stood up from your desk, your shoulders and wrists were stiff from all the typing. You realised you hadn't eaten anything for 7 hours now. It was raining heavily, you felt a bit dizzy. When you finally get out of college, this would be a hell of a story to tell though. You missed home dearly, you wanted someone to just hold you and assure you that everything is going to be okay. You took some leftover pizza from your fridge and put it in the microwave. Sometimes living alone just gets to you. All the loneliness, all the times you wished someone was there to comfort you. Your body ached and you felt pathetic about yourself. 'Why me?' was your question. A mixture of all these thoughts and emotions were swirling in your head and you didn't even realize that you were crying now. This was your 3rd breakdown in a span of two days.
"Pathetic" you muttered to yourself. Then your heard the bell ring. Confused at who came by at this ungodly hour, you wiped your tears and went to get the door.
You didn't expect the person you were staring at. Doe eyes slowly scanned you, from your feet to face. Jungkook.
You must have puffy red eyes, you think. God you didn't want him to see you like this. All petty and defeated. He was partially soaked from the rain. Jungkook just stood there, staring back at you. You waited for him to speak, when he didn't, you finally spoke, "What are you doing here?"
"I didn't see you in college today" he replied. Jungkook looked guilty? Sad even. "Why didn't you attend?" He asks next.
"That's non of your business" that came out harsher than you thought. At this his face turned stern. "Were you crying?"
At this point you don't know what or when will you break down. You could already feel a little lump forming in your throat. You looked down at your feet. "Go away, i have work". That came out so fragile and weak, you cringed internally. He stepped in. Searched around in his pocket and brought out a small USB in his hand. You looked at it and then his face.
"Your files" he said.
"You... why would you even... What the fuck? Jungkook!" With every word your voice rose. You thought he was feeling guilty, but he was just a little brat, playing games. All your softness was gone now.
You could tell by his devilish smirk that he was enjoying this way too much. "Who do you think you are?" You saw red with anger. With that much of a volcano boiling inside you, you were not sure what were you doing. Your hand flew up involuntarily. Lets just say, you would have punched him if it wasn't for his quick reflexes. He grabbed your wrist, turned you around. His other arm swiftly snaked around your waist.
"Woah.. easy princess. You sure you can fight me?" He tightens his grip around you. You hate to admit how badly it affects you. You can feel your knees going weak. His taught chest pressed against your back. You can feel him way too much through your thin t shirt. Your face heats up without you wanting it. No, no, no, no, you can't let your stupid hormones get to you. This is crazy. You hate him. Then why do you suddenly feel hot? As if on cue he lowers his head and whispers in your ear, " You okay, sweetheart?"
The new pet name, sends a spike of electricity just between your legs. You bite your lip to control the moan that threatens to leave your mouth. He notices the change too, the tension between you two is growing. You turn around to face him. He lets you. "I hate you."
His arms are still around you, circling your waist. He looks soft, as if relieved of some burden. Your clothes are getting wet from the contact. You don't know what to say, because you can hardly process what is happening. Just then your microwave beeps to your rescue.
You half jump half stumble away from him. "Uggh, i'll bring you a towel. Be right back."
When you return, he is standing in front of the couch. Looking godly. You sneak a glance at his chest and now hardened nipples before landing your eyes on his face. You hand him the towel. As if a half soaked jungkook wasn't enough. He swifty stripped off his t-shirt before drying himself off. You freeze. He looks at you gaze piercing.
"W- why.. did you do that?"
"You need to be a bit more specific sweetheart" he takes a step closer to you. You don't move away.
"The pranks.. why do you hate me so much, that you need to make my life a living hell?" You said softly.
"Helps me sleep at night." He smirks. You rolled your eyes at this. You were about to turn around when he grabs you by hand.
"I don't hate you. It's quite the opposite actually" Your eyebrows shot up at this. "yeah right. You think you can fool me again?" You scoff.
"I know you're a fool sometimes, but to be honest y/n I didn't know you were this dense" He mocked with a smirk.
"What the fuck? Okay that's it. Get out of my house Jeon" you demanded.
"What if I say no, Princess?"
You couldn't believe it. This guy has the audacity to mock you in your own house and then refuse to leave. You were beyond irritated now.
"How do people like you? You're such an ass. Leave before-..." you didn't get to complete the sentence before he pulls you towards him, with such force that you stumble, loose your balance and fall straight on his chest.
HIS BARE CHEST. GOD THIS WAS BAD. You felt your throat getting dry. You couldn't speak. He was firm, you kind of wonder about how much he works out. You could feel his silky smooth skin. You just stared at him, like a deer caught in headlights.
"That's it? You're not gonna 'make me' leave princess?" He says, with his face inches away from you.
*Pull it together y/n* you scold yourself mentally. But you body just froze and it feels hot. You probably have a red face now. You make another mistake of glancing at his lips, which are so damn close, it kinda makes you feel things you can't explain.
Jungkook notices this. He sees right through you. He finally speaks, "If you still haven't got it y/n, i don't know what to do with you... I... " He sighs, "I like you y/n. A lot. And I don't know how to behave when i'm around you, so I keep teasing you.." he says with a sincere look. "And besides.. you look hot, when you are angry at me" He smiles.
You realise you're still holding each other. Your heart is hammering in your chest. He probably can feel it beating too. You want to punch him for being such a jerk, but you also want to kiss him. You're so frustrated, at this point you don't know where the courage came from for what you did next. You kiss him. Out of all the things this was something he did not expect. This time he froze, hands paralyzed at your hips. When he finally came to his senses that it was really happening, he kissed back.
You snake your arms around his neck, pulling his hair into a fist. He lets out a small moan. You pull back, smirking. "No snarky comments now huh Jeon?" you mock, satisfied with his look. His face is flushed. You can feel his member slowly growing. He took some time to overcome his initial shock. Then he said, "No shit.. I'm.. God you're hot" And he is kissing you again. More in control this time. You part your lips to let him enter. His hands cup your face. Your kiss gets heated, one of his hands goes down, between your breasts, to your stomach. Then he waits, as if asking for permission.
"What now?" You say in between your kisses. "No guts for that?" You challenge him. And this time he actually has nothing to say. So you smirk, you take his hand and slowly slip him under your t-shirt.
"Shit". He mutters. He touches your skin, you feel like you're on fire. Goosebumps form all over your body. You feel alive.
The next thing he did left you speechless. He slips both hand under your t-shirt and with one go pulls off your shirt and throws it behind you. You gawk at him in suprise. You can tell he liked the way you reacted because his eyes went dark and he looked at you like he wanted to take you right there. "Jeez Jeon.. give the girl a break" with this you latched on him again. He stumbled back and landed on the couch. Seeing the opportunity, you climb on him, Keeping your weight on your knees, you hover just above his member. You know he wants you to sit on him, but you don't want to give him the satisfaction.
"I think I need to mess with her assignments more often" saying more to himself than to you. "Specially if it leads to this" he stands up keeping you close.
" I heard that you idiot" you were now feverishly unbuckling his pants. He moved his lips to suck you down your jawline, he made sure to nib and suck a bit harder right above your pulse point.
You let out a moan. Your hands are shaking but you somehow manage to undo his pants.
You feel really hot. You were about to pull his pants down when he holds both of your wrists. You freeze, your mind racing at 100 miles per hour. Did you do something wrong? Are you crossing your line? Did he not want this and you took it otherwise? God this is embarrassing.
You eyes were still wide when he said, "I'm not messing around this time y/n. I really do like you" he looks so very sincere that he moves some part of you. But you decided that you ain't gonna let him go so easily.
"I had three mental breakdowns since yesterday". You shot back. At this his eyes turned sad. Like he was really feeling guilty. You felt bad for him now, wondering if it was too harsh.
"I never wanted that, I thought you would argue with me and at the end of it i'd give you the usb, but you looked so angry, and when u left without saying a word I knew i had fucked up. Big time."
You backed off, hands crossed in front of your chest.
Jungkook knew you were angry. But he couldn't deny that he was beyond turned on by this site, you just in your bra and shorts, angry at him. You didn't know how hard he was trying not to turn you around bend you over your desk and fuck you silly.
You noticed that he visibly gulped, he was eyeing you like a prey. But he waited, because you were angry. He wanted to do this right.
"And all this time I kept wondering what wrong did I do to you. I hate you, you know that Jeon?...
"Baby, i'm sorry" he purred stepping closer.
A new surge of arousal hit you at this. "D.. Don't baby me..." The stuttering gave you out. He smirked liked a devil. He closed the gap between the two of you. He hovered above your lips, "forgive me please" he said just an inch away from your lips.
"Kiss me please" you said, not being able to process anything. And he did, he kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Strong and urgent. He cupped your ass and gave a tight squeeze. You let out a moan.
"Do you want to take it to the bedroom?" He asked voice an octave deeper.
You nodded, not trusting your mouth. He lifted you and you wrapped your legs around him. His body was divine, his skin was smooth, heat radiated from him although he was soaked before, lips not sparring you even one 1 second. You could feel his hard on, on your stomach and it felt powerful that you can do such things to him.
"God i've been dreaming about this for so long"
"How long, jeon?" You asked stripping him off his pants and underwear.
"From the moment you debated with your proffessor about a theory in front of your department. I watched you prove your points to him, and i swear to god I had a hard on since. I had to run to the bathroom to give myself some relief " he chuckles at the memory.
"Nerd" Fully naked now, you stare at his body.
"Damn, why are you so hot. This is not fair"
He looked at you. "I see you haven't gotten rid of your clothes yet y/n.. i would like to watch baby"
So you stripped, putting up a show for him. He grabbed you when you were about to take off you panties. He turned you around, pushed you onto the wall, you balanced yourself onto the wall.
"You're gorgeous." He said before slipping his large hand in your panties and cupping your entire sex. He then hurriedly took your panties off. He pressed himself on your behind and you whimpered. He fondled your breasts with one hand and the other slowly slid towards your dripping core.
He kept touching you there, in slow tantilizing movements. You squirmed. He teased you more, knowing you needed some pressure on your clit. He avoided it the most. You were growing anxious.
"Juuunngkook... Please" you draged each syllable.
"What's wrong?" He was enjoying this way too much you could tell.
"I think I deserve being worshipped after what you make me go through kook". You stated with eyes screwed shut.
"Okay, that's fair". At this he dipped one finger inside, testing if you could take him. He gasped at the warmth and the slick that now covered his fingers. He started slow at first, drawing out low moans from you. Then without alarm he added one more digit and started pistoning in and out. You arched your back with pleasure. You were so aroused, and mixed up with your pent up stress and frustration you could already feel something heavy settling at your lower belly, tightening inch by inch.
"Kook... I'm gonna... Cum". You said between grunts.
"You're doing so good baby, cum on my fingers"
You found your release at his praise. Pleasure coursing through your veins with lightening speed. Mid orgasm Jungkook smacks your pussy. And you go crazy at that, so much that you see white. When you finally come to your sense you find his strong arms snaking your waist and holding you, so that you don't fall down. He upper body completely glued to you.
Then you finally speak, head thrown back chest heaving
"I think,.. this was the strongest I ever came in my life"
Jungkook chuckles, "You're welcome". He kisses your shoulder. He slowly lets you go, so that you can stand by your own. You haven't forgotten the fact that, his hard on is pressing onto your back, waiting for the attention.
"So tell me Jeon..." You kiss him slowly moving towards your bed, you stop, look him innocently in the eye and ask, "Where do you wanna cum? My mouth or my pussy?"
"God, if you keep saying such things, I think i can cum just like this" His hand rubs all over your body, "For now, let's put that sinful mouth of yours into good use, okay?"
You nod, leading him to lie down on the bed.
If somebody would have told you, the previous day, that you out of all the people would blow Jeon jungkook, in your bed. You would have smacked them in the face.
You straddle him, and then you start Pickering kisses, first his mouth then his jaw. You have to admit he is a damn good kisser, you get so lost in the kissing that you almost miss that he is grinding himself onto your core. Coating himself with the slick. You feel your pussy tingling. You keep peppering kisses moving to his jawline, then his neck, biting a bit hard on his sweet spot to make sure it blooms with purple afterwards.
At one point he gropes you ass with one hand and pushes you down to grind with more force.
"Change of plans sweetheart. Do you have condoms?" He asks, eye sparking with lust.
You sit straight, a smirk plastered on your face, you bend towards your nightstand, and bring out a foil packet from your drawer.
"Always so fucking prepared" he slaps your ass, you gasp at the sting. He is looking at you, trying to figure out whether you liked it or not. You moan, with your eyes closed.
Jungkook is painfully hard now. If he doesn't put it inside you, he thinks he might burst out of sheer arousal.
"Baby.." he says in a raspy voice
You hurry up at this, you tear the foil and roll it onto him. You raise up to lie down but he grabs you. "Ride me.." voice octaves lower. You're so wet already, you don't think you need extra prepping. You come back to your stance and slowly sink in holding his member for guidance.
Both moan at the pleasure surging through the body. You're impressed by his strength, for holding out so long. He has his eyes tight shut, almost as if everything is too much for him. You feel great, warm where he is inside you. You notice how beautiful he looks under you. Head arched back into the pillow, he looks sexy as hell.
You were zoned out in your thoughts, when he snapped back. "Y/n move". And there you were riding the most handsome guy from campus. And you couldn't believe both of you were making such mind blowing noises. You piston on him for a while before getting tired, thankfully he got the message. He started thrusting his hips up to you with such a velocity that you didn't know was even possible. You could feel another orgasm right around the corner, but you didn't want to finish before him.
"Kook, are you close?"
"So close baby" he whined .
"Me too.. ughhh"
At this he moved his hands from your hips to your breasts. He gave a squeeze. His member was throbbing inside you.
"Come with me y/n" he said through gritted teeth. Suddenly he then spanked one of your boob, while other hand pressed on your clit. You didn't see it coming and the suprise helped to exceeded any pleasure you felt in your whole life. Heat surged from your fluttering cunt throughout your belly. Your orgasm hit you like a truck. It was so strong you couldn't hear anything for some seconds. That followed by ringing of your ears.
You don't know when did he flipped you on your back but you could see his eyes screwed shut, eyebrows drawn together. One last trust and he was coming with you. Your highest high lasted for a while, and left you with aftershocks. Jungkook collapsed on top of you, he hadn't pulled out yet and your sensitive sex was still clenching on him.
You both layed there motionless. It was he who moved first, pulling out with a slight hiss. He tossed his condom with a knot in the trash can and fell back on the bed with a thump. You were still slightly dazed out from the orgasm. He chuckled seeing you in the bliss.
"God, Jeon, i'll be sore tomorrow."
"Well I'll take that as a complement" he smiled.
"That was hot. You're hot" you replied turning away your head feeling shy, all of a sudden.
He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close, "Damn baby, i didn't know i'd see this side of y/l/n ever."
"Don't stroke your ego too much jeon".
He kissed your shoulder and smiled, "Do you have any idea, how hot and pretty and beautiful you are?"
You looked at him, for the first time you saw how his eyes twinkled while talking to you.
So you just kiss him, which he welcomes whole heartedly.
The next day you step in the college campus feeling amazing. You have been smiling to yourself since the morning. Since Jungkook gave back your thesis, it was just an hour's work away from getting the final sweep before submission. You hit the library, finish off your work and finally submit it. Your proffessor was not surprised when you told him that Jungkook pranked you again. Even if he found it weird that you had no anger or resentment towards him, he didn't point it out. Now that you felt 10kgs lighter, you had one class to attend and then you were done for the week.
You were heading back to class, when some of your classmates commented, "Hey y/n, we're rooting for you both" . They glimmered while talking to you. Unfortunately they passed by too quickly for you to enquire. You entered the class, confused and zoned out enough that you don't eveb notice how everyone's eyes are on you.
You know that voice. You look towards the last row, he stands, smiling at you. You didn't know what was happening, but your nerves were on fire. Your hands suddenly got clammy and your heart beat started to fasten. You internally scolded yourself.
*Calm down, it's just Jungkook*
He looked nervous? You could tell, it wasn't his usual cocky behaviour. He didn't know what to do with his hands. So he just let them hang. It's weird you think.
As your gears in your brain were working, you start walking towards him. But his voice stopped you.
"Y/n".. then he jutted out his chin, pointing behind you. You could hear your heart hammering.
You turn.
-J.K. "
There it was written on the white board. In bold capital letters.
Is this a joke? If it's a joke you're not going to be able to walk out of here. Did Jungkook sleep with you so that he could pull the biggest prank in history? But he said all those sweet things yesterday right?
Before you could react, Jungkook spoke behind you. You turned to find him in front of you. You were hyperaware now, the students who were entering silently took their seats looking at you two. This felt like a scene from the movies.
"Y/n, i'm sorry that all this time I made your life a living hell. But i'm also glad because otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to know you." He smiles, his nervousness showing.
He slowly takes your hand. You let him. You already feel the emotions surging inside you. Is he really going to ask you out in front of the whole class?
He takes a long pause. It's almost painful waiting for him to finish the speech. Then he says-
"I'm sorry, Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He says in one breath.
You gasped. All you could do was just stare at him, staring you back. Suddenly you forgot how to speak. Jungkook breaks the silence. "Say something please, you're killing me here. I -"
"Yes". He stops speaking. Grin slowly spreading from ear to ear.
"ABOUT FUCKING TIME" Someone from the class cheers. Everybody starts clapping. You can't stop smiling. Jungkook pulls you towards him, hugging you. You hug him back.
"Aww guys just kiss each other already!!" Hoseok, spoke with a mischievous smiled plastered on his face.
Jungkook pulled your face towards him for a kiss. It was a sweet kiss. You smirked when you felt how badly he wanted to shove his tongue down your throat but refrained since you're in public. Seeing you smirk, he whispers to you. "I can't wait to take you to my place after this". You shiver at the thought.
"Mmmmm, kook..." He kissed your neck. You could get used to this. Straddling his lap and making out.
"Yes baby.." u feel his smirk against your skin.
"I have a question." You said, putting a space between you two. He took your hands and started leaving pecks starting from your knuckles moving upwards. You giggled.
"Why didn't proffessor take our class today, like he came 1 hr late, gave us homework and went away. I feel like this has something to do with you asking me out.."
"Y/n, babe out of all the questions you could ask me while making out, you choose this?" He pretended to be offended. You smacked his chest looking at him expectantly.
He started- "Well I might have talked to the prof before class telling him, i kinda need a favour from him.. "
"WHAT?" U couldn't believe this boy.
"Perks of having good rapport with prof. Also i always pay attention in class. You should learn from me y/n.." he looked at you innocently. As if he was not kneading your ass right now.
"Jeon Jungkook please tell me that you at least made up a situation or does our proffessor has first hand knowledge about us being in love.." the L word just slipped out. You acted like you didn't notice. But he surely did.
He winked at you, smiling wide like he got a promotion. "What did you just say?"
"Ugh about what?"
" About us being in something."
He was so smug about this, you knew he had won. You leaned into him.
"Let me show you instead" you wispered in his ear. The hair on Jungkook's body stood up , he had goosebumps. He picked you up towards his bedroom.
"Goddamn I love you".
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piracytheorist · 4 years
A Kiss for Good Luck (6/15)
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Summary: So this is the story of one born lucky, and one born unlucky. Fate will keep making them cross paths, but is it to bring them together, or to test them? Captain Swan AU.
A/N: This is one of my favourite chapters that I’ve written for this fic. Hence why it’s the longest so far, and the second longest overall.
Rating: T (make sure you’re okay with the warnings on AO3)
Word count for this chapter: 5.4k (48k in total) AO3
Read from the beginning: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter 6: Killian Jones, October 31st 2000 – October 19th 2011
The girl pulls back when someone whistles at them.
“Nice catch, Captain,” Cruella tells him.
Killian just shakes his head. She's not drunk enough yet. He turns to the girl. “Ignore her. She's just pissed that there's too many adults around.” He throws a glare at Cruella, hoping she'll get the message. Luckily, she does and walks away without any further comments.
Looking back at the zombie princess in his arms, he's only now noticing how detailed her costume is; he was too stuck looking at her eyes before.
The girl opens her mouth to say something, but her gaze suddenly focuses on something behind him and her face falls. She tells him she'll be right back, but she never comes back.
Apparently, she and her mother were renting the villa across the street, and it has caught on fire.
Cruella grabs him and takes him to the car before any fire trucks or police officers arrive and find them and their very stolen car. They leave the car where they first found it and sneak back inside Silver's house without getting detected at all.
However, it's not their sneakiness that Killian considers the first luck he's had in years. It's the sudden visit from a social worker the next morning, the very first he's seen in his whole time in Silver's house – and he would swear that even in the short periods of time he wasn't there, no social worker ever made an unexpected visit. It shows.
They're all taken away, and for the first time Killian truly feels relieved to leave that house. It's only one year until he ages out of the system, and wherever he spends that year will be better than that place.
His next foster home is in Brighton; it's the first time he's moved that far away from London, but he's too disillusioned to hope it will be any different.
Yet it feels so, from the first moment; the guy is outside, waiting for them despite the chilly weather. It's the first time Killian has felt that a foster parent has been waiting for him. There's another teenager with him, and Killian can see a girl peeking at them through a window.
When the social worker takes Killian to them, the man offers his hand.
"Welcome, lad,” he says. “My name is Nemo."
Killian swallows hard, looking at the man's hand. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea was his mama's favourite book. She'd tried reading it to him some times, but all he can remember now is the protagonist's name, Nemo, and his submarine the Nautilus.
"Of all fucking names," he whispers and walks past him into the house. He can hear the social worker blabber some excuse in his favour to Nemo, but he couldn't care less.
He goes upstairs, throws an angry glare at the girl from before who's now peeking from a door, and he gets inside the first open door he finds. Sure enough, it's a bedroom. The blue on the walls, curtains and bed sheets are a nice touch. He throws the plastic bag with his few clothes and possessions on the floor and he flops on the bed.
Oh. It's soft, and the sheets smell nice and fresh. At least his sleep will be a bit easier here.
He feels a knot in his throat when he considers that that guy, Nemo, apparently made sure to provide a warm welcome for him.
He grunts when he hears a knock on the door.
"May I come in?" Nemo says.
"Whatever," Killian says and sits up on the bed, bringing his knees closer. As Nemo comes inside, Killian kicks his shoes off. Maybe he can help keep the sheets smelling nice as long as he can.
"I see you've made yourself at home already."
Killian sighs, ready to mock him for his patronizing words, but Nemo says,
"I hope you like blue. I've got sheets and curtains in a few more colours, if you want to pick something else."
Killian looks up at him. When was the last time that someone cared what colours he liked?
"May I ask what's wrong with my name?" Nemo says, sounding a bit amused.
After a short pause, Nemo asks, "You've read Jules Verne's book?"
Damn it.
Killian stays silent, dropping his eyes.
"Okay," Nemo says and takes the chair from the desk, swinging it to face the bed and sitting down. "Killian, right?"
He just scoffs.
"Come on, lad. I saw your papers. It doesn't mean I know a thing about you."
"Really? Didn't you see the time I was taken in for alcohol possession?"
"I saw it. What should that say about you?"
Nemo is talking so casually that Killian can't help looking up again. Nemo's expression is soft.
"What did you want me to figure from that information?" Nemo says.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting to know you. I'm trying, at least."
Killian's chest feels heavy. No other foster parent ever tried to do that with him. They just let him in, put out a plate of food for him, and shouted at him whenever he was restless. They never tried to start a conversation with him.
And Nemo's effort is overwhelming him.
"Okay," Nemo says calmly, standing up. "I'll set up the table, but you can eat whenever you feel like it. There's warm water for a shower, and, if you do want to talk at some point, I'll be here." He then leaves, closing the door behind him.
Killian brings his knees closer to his chest and starts sobbing softly. Nemo is... he's nice. And he's trying. And Killian is a fucking mess and he'll ruin it, and Nemo will send him back...
He pulls himself together, wipes his tears and opens the door quietly. He can hear three voices from downstairs; Nemo's, and he guesses, the other two belong to the boy in the porch and the girl who was watching him. He walks down the stairs, careful to not make any noise, and sits on the floor right next to the opening to the kitchen.
He doesn't remember the last time he sat with someone for dinner. At least, sitting down and chat and feeling comfortable. Both children sound very comfortable with Nemo. The girl, in fact, while she seemed shy at first glance, is the most talkative of the three.
Killian's heart drops when he realizes he probably scared her. How would she react if he joined them at the table? Can he join them?
He stands up and goes back to his room. He's gonna ruin it anyway, what's the point of building anything there?
He only comes out the next morning, assuming he'll be told to go to school.
Nemo is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. "Oh,” he tells Killian as soon as he sees him. “Good morning. Are you hungry?"
He's starving. He just shrugs.
"The eggs will be ready soon. I didn't expect you to wake up that early. You can have anything that's on the table."
There's quite a lot on the table. Jam and bread, honey, cake, tea, a small cheese assortment, even bacon.
Killian just sits down and starts nibbling on some bread, watching Nemo. He's making scrambled eggs, and Killian's mouth waters at how good it smells. He looks down, trying to hide his teary eyes.
It's just food that smells nice. Why is he reacting like this?
"Did you sleep well?" Nemo asks.
"I guess," Killian mutters.
"If you need anything for school, notebooks, pens, let me know and I'll get you some. When you come back you can let me know if you're missing any books."
"Hey." He turns around, facing him. Killian doesn't dare look at his undeniably soft expression. "I mean it."
"I know."
Nemo doesn't say anything else. He finishes the eggs, then the other two kids join them and introduce themselves to him as Will and Tink. Tink seems a bit wary of Killian, but the two kids talk with Nemo as Killian sits with them, even though he's finished eating. He can't find it in him to isolate himself again. He will ruin this, but perhaps he can let himself feel some warmth before he loses all of it.
The first day of school goes surprisingly well. From the first recess even, a boy in his class approaches him.
"Hey, you live with Will, right? Will Scarlet, from eleventh grade? I'm Robin, he told me there would be a new kid at his house."
Killian feels like he's in preschool, as if students will be approaching him and asking him to be friends. But Robin and Will are fun, his professors are nice and he even finds himself paying attention to some of the classes.
He's not used to any of it. When school is over and he follows Will and Tink home, he fears he'll wake up in Silver's house and realize it was all a dream. Just next to the fence gate of Nemo's place, he finds a ten pound note on the ground and he wants to scream.
Someone is clearly toying with him.
He walks in briskly, ignoring Will telling him that there's lunch ready and he locks himself in his room.
He doesn't know what to do, what to feel; it's all too good to be true. Can he really trust it will stay that way? He's lost everyone he loved. If he tries to see Nemo as anything more, if he sees Will as a friend...
It's gone dark by the time Nemo knocks on his door.
"Killian? Will told me that you haven't eaten. Are you feeling alright?"
Good, now he's worried about him.
"You don't have to tell me anything. I just want to know if you're okay."
Killian feels his eyes fill with tears again.
"I may not look like it, but I can break this door. I don't want to invade your space, but if something happened to you-"
Killian runs to the door and opens it wide. Nemo's face falls; there's no doubt he sees Killian's reddened eyes.
"Oh, my boy," he says.
Killian bursts out in sobs and wraps his arms around Nemo. He doesn't care if it's a dream, or if he'll fuck it up eventually. He will take what he can, what he needs, for now.
Nemo is calm, he holds Killian and doesn't ask for an explanation.
"If you ever want to talk to me, I'm here. But I'm not pressuring you. Only if you want," is all he says.
"You can't," Killian says between sobs. "I'm cursed."
"There's no such thing."
"No, I am. My family... they all died. My father- left me. If you care for me you'll- you'll die too."
"I don't believe that. You shouldn't believe that either. You were just unlucky."
It's all too easy, to blame it on bad luck. To think it's just gone away and he can sit back and relax and things will be good for him now.
And he's not used to easy.
"Do you want me to bring you some food? You'll feel better."
He shakes his head, keeping Nemo close. When was the last time he was held like this? He's forgotten how good it feels. And he's not ready to let go, to hope that things will stay like this.
It takes three months. Nemo is patient, and Killian's urge to sneak out fades away. Will and Robin are good company, and he starts focusing on homework again. Tink starts trusting him, and Nemo's place slowly feels like a home. For the first time, there's a wall where he can hang his drawings on, a frame to put his family photo in and a surface to place it on. While he was staying at Silver's place, the only reason he wasn't dropping out of school was his fear of the reaction Silver would certainly have. Now he genuinely believes he can graduate – even if he'll have to repeat his last year.
Nemo believes in him too. Killian is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but as time passes he starts thinking that maybe the proverbial neighbor is one-legged.
It's what helps Killian agree to Nemo's suggestion that he start talking to a therapist. If he's looking for a bright future, he wants to be emotionally stable enough to really live it.
One month before his finals, Killian feels more stressed than he'd anticipated. Five months ago he wouldn't have cared if he'd failed completely. Now he wants to succeed, if anything, to make Nemo proud. He didn't expect that. But he's known better than to hope that high, and on the first day he tries to study, all he thinks is how he's going to flunk and ruin the second chance he was granted.
That same evening, Nemo knocks on his door, which he's been leaving open more and more often.
“Can I talk to you for a bit?” he says.
Nemo sounds happy. Probably completely oblivious to how all his efforts with Killian were in vain. Not that it will matter much, will it? Killian is just a visitor- no, more like a parasite. At least, in a few months he'll be able to work and have his own income, so he can have a job and rent his own place as he retakes his last year.
But he's constructed an exterior neutral enough to not allow Nemo any inkling of his worries. The man's tried hard enough, there's no reason for him to carry Killian's burden too.
But Nemo also looks a bit nervous. “Look,” he says. “You may say it's a bit too fast; Will and Tink have been living here longer, not that I think of them any higher or lower than I think of you. And, maybe not the best timing, what with your finals coming up and all.”
Killian's heart sinks to his stomach; Nemo has already predicted the outcome and he's sending him away. He feels his exterior start to crumble, so he lowers his eyes. Nemo will give him the ceremonious speech, then Killian will start packing his stuff.
At least, Nemo was kind enough to buy him a decent rucksack to replace the garbage bag Killian had for keeping his stuff in, and a frame for his family photo, and Silver wouldn't be eligible for fostering yet. Few places could be worse than that one, and Killian only has a few months before aging out. He'd have to face-
“Killian, are you alright?”
He realizes tears are running down his cheeks. Oh, no.
“It's nothing.” He quickly wipes the tears away.
“Son, I'm adopting you.”
Killian freezes. He looks up to see Nemo smile.
“I don't know what you thought this would be, but I'm really doing it. I'll be adopting Will and Tink soon, but I don't want to risk it being too late for you. I already see you as family, and I want to make it official. Papers don't mean much to me, but they are a way to provide for you later on.”
Tears are flowing freely now.
“But I have to ask you, do you want me to adopt you? You can say no-”
“Yes,” Killian says in such a low voice he's not sure if Nemo heard it. He doesn't dare say it again, because he feels a shout bubbling up in his throat, and it's very likely that if he shouts that loud, he'll be shaken awake, back in Silver's cursed place.
But how lucky is he, that while still staying with Silver, he's had such a wonderful dream? What happy thoughts that he never had in that place could have created such a grand illusion of happiness?
“It's okay, my boy.” Nemo's voice is steady. He's smiling, but there's a note of sadness on his face. “I've already done most of the procedure; I just wanted to know if you wanted me before I completed it. But it's okay.”
“What is?” Killian manages to keep his voice a whisper.
“I know it's a lot to process. I also know you're happy, but it's okay if you can't show it now.”
Is that what this is? The therapist did mention something about Killian's emotional responses, and how especially his stay with Silver has... blocked them? He can't remember, it's too much right now.
“It's alright. Do you want to be alone?”
Killian's response is just a small nod.
Nemo nods back. “Don't feel pressured. I don't expect you to say anything at all. I just want you to feel at home. For real.”
As if Nemo can predict Killian's exact reaction, he walks out and closes the door just as Killian bursts into sobs. He grabs his pillow and buries his face in it, trying to muffle the sound.
Five months – and a half; that's all he had before aging out. And it's there, just a bit before that grim finishing line, that Nemo came and took him in as a son.
A son.
He has a father. He'll probably never call him that, though. Nemo deserves something more than the word Killian used for the man who left him and his brother. Nemo is more than that.
He is everything. And that's exactly what Nemo deserves. More than a... a son who can't express himself properly, even if Nemo is apparently willing to deal with that.
He looks at the book he's been trying to focus on for the past hour. There's no chance he'll manage to focus now, after such a bomb.
But, maybe, the best late reaction he can have is to put his life in order. Not just for Nemo's sake, but for his own most of all.
His finals are extremely easy; he misses a ton of information, but every single test asks the exact things he did manage to learn that past year.
Six months ago he wasn't expecting to graduate; what he expected even less was to have someone be proud of him for that.
And not just Nemo; Will and Tink too are happy for him.
To celebrate, Nemo rents a boat from a friend and they all spend two weeks in the summer sailing across the south coast.
Killian is entranced by captain John Shakespeare, Nemo's friend and the boat's owner. One day, he asks him to teach him how to steer the boat.
"I think I'm in love," he tells Nemo when Shakespeare leaves him on the helm to go adjust a sail. "Can you ask Shakespeare something?"
Nemo seems to freeze, his mouth falling open. "What do you mean?"
"The boat! I want my own boat! Or... work in one! I don't know! Anything!"
He smiles wide at him, and Nemo's confused expression turns into a mirror of Killian's. "Actually..." Nemo says, "he might have mentioned he's looking for some help."
Killian has the best summer in six years – since the summer he went in Boston, that is. Maybe it is, finally, the time to embrace it. He gets a sailing license before even starting to – officially – learn how to drive a car.
He loves his job, and Shakespeare is a great boss; after just one year of Killian working with him, he jokes that he wouldn't mind leaving Killian in his place when he retires.
Killian is happy; he has a family, a job he loves, and finally, hope. For better things to come.
Killian has been thinking of Nemo as a father, even though he never used the word to him. Just two years after being adopted by him, Killian gets a second father; Nemo marries Shakespeare, his boss, of all people. But it doesn't feel weird. They're all as happy as ever.
He takes himself out; Will moves to London to study, but Killian and Robin stay friends and when Will visits, they all go out together.
He has a few flings; they're all short-lived but ending smoothly, and he slowly gets used to attracting people's attention – of the good kind. He had more pressuring issues during his teenage years than worrying about his appearance, so he's now coming to the conclusion that he's grown into a quite handsome look.
It's a rare occasion, but still common enough for him to wonder whether there's a pattern, that his eyes stay stuck to his drink instead of looking around, as he remembers that girl dressed as a zombie princess. God, he was a goner with her. He's too old now for the butterflies and carefree crushes of adolescence, but still, through his dates and flings, he has never felt the same.
Would it have been any different, if he had gotten that girl's name?
He's twenty-four when things start to change. A woman with black curly hair and a presence that makes his knees feel weak comes on a Sunday and rents a boat for a day-long trip along the coast. His knees feel even weaker, but with a different purpose now, when he spots the wedding band on her finger.
He allows himself some fantasies; it's hard for his mind to not wander at the sight of her on the bow of the ship, her hair flowing behind her. She looks like a bird who has finally been let out of a cage, free to roam the world.
The sea has meant freedom to him for a long time now, and he can't help feeling it means the same to her.
Her name is Milah, and that night he dreams of her.
He actually has to restrain himself from looking at the few information she gave to Shakespeare before hiring the boat; he's better than this. She's married, she has her life, and he owes to respect her privacy.
He's successfully accepted that he'll never see her again, when the next Sunday she's renting his boat again. And the next. And the next.
He's now twenty-five and for the first time he decides to push his luck. He's known Milah for nearly a year, and on her part, she always initiated a discussion; the more she talked, the more he got to know about her, the more he fell in love with her. And she didn't miss one single Sunday cruise.
On their last cruise they got tipsy together and she confessed that if it were only for her deadbeat husband and not the son they have together, she'd ask Killian to take her away and never bring her back. With a quick glance, he noticed that she'd taken her wedding band off.
The very next time she buys a cruise, right before they prepare to head for the port, he kisses her. She doesn't even seem surprised; neither is he when she leads him to the cabin below deck, then starts undressing both herself and him.
Three months into their secret relationship, her husband, Gold, finds out. It's a few very difficult trials for their divorce, and Nemo and Shakespeare are disappointed in Killian.
"A married woman," Shakespeare says pointedly.
"I love her." Killian retorts. "You should know that the law means nothing."
"You want to compare?” Nemo says. It's the first time Killian has seen him upset. “Do you realize how much we had to hide? And why? I couldn't be married to the man I loved and keep you. I couldn't even tell you anything! And so we waited. It hurt, but we waited. Because otherwise, lives could be ruined."
"Nothing was ruined. Her husband was an ass to her already."
"But he'll get full custody of the child, and the child will hate you," Shakespeare says. "That's what both of us were thinking. The children. You."
He's too proud to let their words shake him; and what's done is done, anyway. Milah gets only one day a week of seeing her son, and her husband makes it clear that he doesn't want Killian anywhere near the boy.
Before the divorce, it was Sundays he had with her. Now it's Sundays he doesn't, but he's happy she gets some time with her son. And for the kid, too; he knows all too well what it feels like to have one parent leave.
He is happy, but it's costing Milah a lot.
"I wish you two could meet," she says one Sunday night as they hold each other in bed. "You're the two most important people in my life, and it really sucks to only have to be with one of you at a time."
"Maybe it will get better. Maybe Gold will change his mind." He pauses. "Or maybe he can go fuck himself and I'll be with you next Sunday anyway."
Her lips twitch. "It's not just him. Jack, he... he's..."
Killian's heart falls. "He doesn't want to see me."
She looks at him, but before she can say anything to comfort him, he says,
"It's alright. I'm not the best role model anyway."
"Don't say that. He's just too young. I wish I could make him understand that me and his father would have broken up anyway."
"Maybe it's better how it is now."
"What? Why?"
"He's got an outsider to blame. Not his own family." He squeezes her hand. "Few things are worse for the psyche than thinking a monster of a parent."
"You think he doesn't think that of me already? His cheating mother?"
"Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope he thinks of me as the one who seduced you away."
Milah had a relatively normal childhood, so it's not easy for her to get that sentiment. In truth, Killian wants few things more than getting to know her kid, the most important person in her life. To make the situation clear and rid him of the burden of having to spend his childhood blaming and hating someone. But it's all too complicated, and Jack is still young.
"There's no need to rush into it. There's time," he says. A smile creeps up his lips at the thought that they will stay together at least until Jack is old enough to understand.
The smile spreading on her lips tells him she thinks the same.
Milah never hides how happy she is to be with him, despite what getting with him cost her in the first place.
Nemo does a good job trying not to judge Milah, but Shakespeare isn't as willing.
"What are we comparing here? Being discriminated against for daring to love a person of the same gender with having poor communication skills and not breaking out of a bad marriage you were privileged enough to have without any bumps along the way?"
"John," Nemo says.
"I know, I know, I'm judging without knowing. You're very lucky Milah's ex was kind enough to let her spend Christmas with them. I wouldn't be shutting up if she were here either."
Lucky. Of course he is.
Shakespeare doesn't argue with Nemo suggesting he should spend New Year's Eve with his brother and his family, so Killian has the chance to bring Milah to meet Nemo.
Despite the work Killian has done on himself and his self-image, there are still times he thinks he doesn't deserve Nemo.
When the year changes, Killian feels indebted to him for sacrificing his New Year's kiss with Shakespeare so that Killian and Milah can have their first one together.
But still, lucky overall.
Nearly three years have gone by since Milah's divorce – since they found each other – and still her ex has only changed how often Milah can see her son, not the conditions under which she can.
"You know, I've been thinking," Killian says, "Gold won't like me no matter what, and I don't care. But what do you think Jack will think if I take his mother somewhere amazing, and bring him some really cool gifts back?"
"Buying my son's love? How progressive," she teases him.
"They would be some super amazing gifts if they could buy someone's love," he says in mock deep thinking. "I was only thinking about him seeing that I give a damn."
"What are you planning?"
"I've... set aside some money for a trip. A nice trip. I have some great memories from a trip to the States, but not the best after that. And I was hoping, and, my therapist told me it's not a bad idea, that a second trip there may, you know..."
"The United States?" She smiles. "Where?"
"Wherever you want. Probably not something overly expensive-"
"New York City." Her smile grows wider.
"It does happen to have cheaper plane tickets than, say, the west coast-"
"Yes," she says with a finality as if she's the one leading the trip.
Perhaps she is, Killian thinks with a smile. He would let her lead him anywhere.
Killian convinces Milah to break the rules, just once; it's not that hard when she herself wishes she can have Killian and Jack meet.
Jack is still reserved with Killian, but he's open about wanting an iPhone, a baseball with the New York Yankees logo, and a figurine of the Statue of Liberty. Killian promises him he'll do his best to find them.
"No phone, Killian. He's only eleven," Milah tells him later, when they're alone.
"I 'will' do my best. But customs is a good excuse to not buy it, and it's not like he cannot pester you about buying him one from here," he says, smiling.
The time for their trip comes, and as they settle into their tight seats right in the middle of a four-set seat, Killian recognizes a flight attendant as an old classmate, and as his luck would have it, she recognizes him as well.
After the boarding is completed but before lift-off, the flight attendant comes and carefully lets them know that there are two side-by-side seats on first class whose holders didn't get aboard, and if they get them now they can keep them for the rest of the flight.
"Wow," Milah says as she stares out her window now, holding Killian's hand tight in excitement. "My first trip abroad and immediately getting a free update. Though it's our first together," she smiles at him, "and I wouldn't mind staying cooped up in the other seats with you. But it is fucking awesome."
His idea proves to be excellent. He knows that, no matter what happens, he will never forget how happy she was to explore the city, to see the view from the Top of the Rock, to watch the sun set while sailing over the Hudson River on Clipper City... okay, not that that wasn't big for him too.
They decide to top off their trip by going out clubbing on their last night. It's a bit hectic, but the drinks are great, and the music is good, and the mood brings them into further dancing, and drinking, on Killian's part.
"Don't worry, baby," Milah says, a bit tipsy herself, "I'll take care of you even if I have to carry your sorry ass to the hotel."
He ends up so drunk he can't even stay standing up while waiting for his turn in the single bathroom. The queue disperses soon after a woman comes to sit next to him, apparently as drunk as he is. It's his turn, but he hates to leave her waiting. He gestures with his hand towards the bathroom door.
"Go ahead."
"No, it's okay," she says, her words slurred together. "I can wait."
"Go, please. I'm not one to leave a lady waiting."
"Oh, how a gentleman... what gentleman..."
He shakes his head a little. What has she had? Not much worse than what he's had, he manages to think as his brain seems to slosh inside his skull from just that last movement.
"Can I kiss you?" she says, finally.
What the hell. It's just a kiss, right? He shrugs.
He sees her come forward, then her lips touch his and start pulling them apart.
(A/N: Since Milah's son and the man who betrayed Emma had to be two separate people, I called Milah's son Jack; in the show, the original casting call for Neal's character called him “Jack”, so my choice is an allusion to that.
Also, I am shamelessly borrowing the idea of pairing Nemo with Captain Shakespeare from the movie Stardust, as inspired by some very creative people on tumblr, though I cannot remember which of those lovely people first created the idea. His first name here is borrowed and anglicized from the character Captain Johannes Alberic, the character from the book Stardust that Shakespeare in the film was recreated from.)
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un0vian · 4 years
Hear me out, SSS Miraculous Ladybug AU?
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oh man you guys have no idea how much I’ve thought about an au like this before
The anon is new, but this has been in the inbox for a while, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long! Also this kind of takes a general understanding of the show to make any sense!
This is just a HUGE bundle of ideas lmao I’m sorry it’s so disorganized. I’ll put some of the doodles up here and put in a read more for all of my bullet points (I wrote almost 2K words for this hhhh)
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No Pokémon in this AU, and I’m not clever enough to shape the Miraculous after any of them lol.
I think Lance being the Guardian of the Miraculous fits the most.
Lyra becomes the Ladybug Miraculous holder the same way Marinette does, by showing and acting upon her compassion towards someone in need (not the same exact way, considering Lance isn’t nearly as old as Master Fu; she probably saves an old man and Lance notices).
In this AU’s origins I think it would make sense that Giovanni and Silver just moved to Goldenrod from Kanto. Giovanni (obviously) was a part of the crime-world, but found out about the Miraculous and their power, got ahold of the Cat and Butterfly Miraculous, learned of the Ladybug Miraculous’ general location, then decided moving was a good idea. They move into a place like the Agreste mansion (Silver thinks the move is just random btw).
I would say Giovanni holds Silver to high standards like Gabriel does for Adrien. Giovanni has Silver play the Violin and Cello (READ FVAWA!!!), and was probably homeschooled in Kanto. I’ll also say he probably has basic self defense training.
To blend in, Silver becomes enrolled at the same school that Lyra, Kris, and Ethan attend.
Lyra, Kris, and Ethan always try to yoink the back two tables, and every new seating chart the three play Rock Paper Scissors, loser sits alone. Lyra loses and ends up at the table next to the other two with an empty seat.
Their teacher, Professor Elm (I mean, who else would it be?? There’s Oak ofc but eh), introduces Silver to the class and has him sit with Lyra. 
It’s obvious to Lyra that Silver is more socially reserved, but she introduces herself anyway.
Lyra moved from New Bark Town to Goldenrod City early in her childhood (Her and Ethan were childhood friends, Ethan moved to Goldenrod a little before Silver. Kris grew up in Goldenrod). I think it would be cool to keep the Bakery; Lyra’s mom would work there with Lyra helping out a lot.
I’m thinking Lyra could possibly be a model like Adrien, but wayyy on the DL in comparison. She has the right temperament for being in the spotlight (aka not being a flustered mess all the time), hence why she’s so well suited for the Miraculous.
Her passion is writing! Writing poems, speeches, music, all of it. And she enjoys public speaking. She’ll pull out a notebook (or just type on her phone like a sane person) whenever she gets a new idea.
Lyra sings and plays the synth. She plays songs she writes sometimes!
Tikki helps Lyra a lot with her worries about being a Superhero, and is great at giving suggestions and ideas of what Lyra should write if she has a block. Basically usual Tikki being great.
When the first Akuma appeared, Lyra found her Miraculous the same way Marinette did. The difference is when Tikki appeared she was less fearful, and learned about de-evilizing Akumas from the start.
When Ladybug showsed up to stop the Akuma there was no other support. She was able to defeat the Akuma, but damn, what a workout.
Hear me out here, what if there wasn’t an umbrella scene? I’d rather have their feelings for each other grow over time as Silver begins to doubt his father’s reasons for needing the Ladybug Miraculous and reflects on his actions. Besides, Lyra having feelings for Silver in the beginning would be kinda cringe 😬 (@Marinette in the PV smh)
The first Akuma was Giovanni’s way of testing the waters, and confirms that the Ladybug Miraculous is in Goldenrod. The night afterwards he approaches Silver with the Cat Miraculous. Giovanni explains that he needs the Ladybug Miraculous along with the Cat Miraculous to bring Silver’s mother back (which is total bullshit, all he wants is power), and offers him the Miraculous.
And about Silver’s mother; I know there’s a theory about Ariana being his mom, but in this AU (and in general, really) I HC his mother being kindhearted and not part of the mob ahah. (Also same sitch as Adrien’s mom in this AU)
Silver is apprehensive towards the “offer”, but can he really say no? And he does want to see his mom again. So he accepts. Giovanni barely hides the vile smirk on his face and throws in a “I’m proud of you, son” for good measure :/
From then on, Cat Noir shows up to battle Ladybug after an Akuma is de-evilized.
Plagg is somewhere between neutral and good. He’ll (not-so) subtly suggest that Silver should join Ladybug, and point out how much of a dick Giovanni is… but he won’t actively try to stop him because he can’t really do anything about it anyways. Plagg supposes he’ll just have to be patient. And he teases Silver about anything and everything, and his reactions are priceless.
Already having no partner to rely on during Akuma battles, Ladybug is most definitely tired out and has far too many close calls in her battles with Cat Noir. Lyra vents about this to Tikki, and worries about being unable to contact the guardian and request more help.
Lance realizes his mistake after a particularly nasty fight when a stroke of luck saves Ladybug from de-transforming. He introduces himself right after that fight, and apologizes for his oversight.
At this moment I don’t know if it would make more sense to introduce only one more Miraculous holder or two, and if they should be permanent or temporary. I’ll put down my bare-bones ideas for the Miraculous holders anyways.
Ethan - Fox Miraculous, Kris - Turtle Miraculous. I see Kris suiting the Turtle Miraculous because she waits for the right moment instead of jumping right in. I see her as being a great protector compared to Ethan.
Sheesh this is already super long any I haven’t really gotten to the SSS portion 
Slow burn like the show, but in this case neither has a crush for a whiiiile. That part is quite different from the show, but the context is not the same.
Eventually there’s a semblance of a friendship between Lyra and Silver. They got close through sitting at the same table in class and working on different projects together. They also find they both share a love of music.
Anyways, Lyra gets really excited about their friendship and prattles on about it to Tikki.
“Wow, it almost sounds like you like him!”
“Whaaaaat? No!!! He’s just a friend, Tikki!” (Nice Adrien impression, Lyra 😃)
Along the way Silver begins questioning Giovanni’s reasons more and more, but it’s difficult for him to decide whether to keep fighting Ladybug or not because of all the things that could happen. 
Eventually Plagg sits him down and is like:
“You don’t want to fight Ladybug.”
“You have a friend (Lyra) who has made it clear to you that you are welcome in their home, so you would have somewhere to stay if Gio-bitch kicks you out.”
“Ladybug may not trust you at first, but if you explain yourself she may begin to understand, and the act of switching sides paves the path to redemption.”
Then there’s the ol’ switcheroo. During the worst Akuma yet (with Kris and Ethan helping as heroes), Cat Noir is able to get close to the Akuma and Cataclysms the Akumatized object. He flees immediately, thinking it better to show loyalty in small increments pffff
It’s a HUGE shocker to Giovanni. And Ladybug for that matter. Silver already packed a bag and had his violin ready to go, he grabs his things and doesn’t bother staying. He’s a little pissed Giovanni didn’t even try to stop him.
At this point Lyra and Silver like each other, but neither know how the other feels. Silver feels SO awkward about showing up at the Bakery with his stuff and almost turns around when Lyra’s mom (who had a bad vibe about Giovanni in the first place) spots him.
“Do you need a place to stay?”
“You’re lying. Tell me what happened.”
Silver reluctantly explains that he couldn’t stand staying there anymore, and that he had had enough of his father’s shit. So he left.
Lyra’s mom is a bit iffy on letting him stay. Without enough context it seems like Silver is just angry with Giovanni. Silver can tell she doesn’t understand and tries to explain the situation more.
“I… betrayed him. In a way. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me around for a while.” “I understand. Feel free to stay the night, but you should talk to your father about whatever’s going on tomorrow. If he doesn’t let you back in you’re welcome to stay.”
Lyra shows up moments after, very confused. Her mom explains the gist to her and leaves them alone to talk.
Tikki overhears Silver explain the situation with a bit more detail and becomes suspicious. If Giovanni was Hawkmoth and Silver was Cat Noir, this situation would make a lot of sense. And Silver has the same hair color as Cat Noir (Lyra is obviously none the wiser because Adrien and Marinette be like that). Tikki doesn’t draw solid conclusions (it’s very easily just a coincidence) but she takes a mental note.
I think that’s where I’ll leave it. I’m already delving into so much plot skdjfbfb Anyways here’s a bunch of bonus drawings for sticking til the end!
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #10-12
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February, 1985
Wow, Doom has been beaten to hell in this story, huh?
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer etc etc.
Anyway, lets get to it.
Last times in Secret Wars: Some amazingly powerful being from Beyond the universe called the Beyonder kidnaps a bunch of heroes, villains, shades thereof, and chunks of random planets to put on a big toy commercial where action figures can bonk off each other.
The X-Men ditched the other heroes to team up with Magneto to do their own thing, as they’re wont to do. But still largely helped the other heroes fight the villains. And didn’t even do villain shit even though Magneto advocated for it.
There have been a bunch of fights back and forth between the groups but most recently, Captain America’s group of heroes stormed Doombase and took down the villain group then had to rush to back up the X-Men in dealing with Galactus who wants to eat the planet, as he is wont to do.
Doom busted out of the cell the heroes stuck him in to pull off his master plan with the help of solid sound man Klaw while Reed Richards had a crisis of weird conscience as he became convinced that maybe Galactus should eat the planet. But he eventually helped the other heroes drive Galactus off-planet where the hat horned purple planet eater started to eat his own spaceship, with Doom planning to steal that tasty snack.
And that brings us to now.
Where things are getting super freaky.
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Reed Richards’ skeleton viscerally upsets me.
But as Galactus’ ship turns from Mobius ship to energy cloud, the cloud gets ripped away from Galactus and streams towards Doombase.
Captain America sends Captain Marvel to Doombase to check if Doom is behind this Total Doom Move and she zips over to determine, yup, Doom is pulling a total Doom right now.
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He’s got himself strapped to a thing under a bunch of Klaw lenses injecting PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER right into his itty bitty body.
Captain Marvel is going to zip back over to let Captain America and Mr. Fantastic know whats going on but Professor X chimes in her brain that he’ll save them some time by setting up a psychic conference call between her and Reed.
Meanwhile, Doctor Doom finishes consuming the aggregate energy of a spaceship the size of a solar system and trips out a little on omnipotence.
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Doom: “By the dark gods! My least whim alters the world around me! Such is the power coursing within me that stone and steel are wisps of nothing which bend and transform in slavish obedience to my merest stray thought!”
Just say no to phenomenal cosmic power.
Also, some omniscience, which lets him see his own brains and into the souls of the people in Doombase.
Annnd. He spots Captain Marvel. Womp womp.
When the psychic connection between her and Xavier is suddenly cut off, the heroes pile into the X-Men’s wrecked ship to fly to Doombase and save Captain Marvel.
Hm. They’ve really been back and forth. They were all just at Doombase and then they came here and now they’re going back to Doombase.
Since the ship is wrecked, Magneto just propels it with MASTERY OF MAGNET and Cap(tain America) praises him for living up to his hype.
Which sets Magneto off on a rant.
Magneto: “I gather, Captain America, that you would have preferred that I fail! Or... was that remark, perhaps, intended to be a ‘well done’ for which I should humble thank you.”
Captain America: “At ease, mister!”
Magneto: “Allies should be ‘at ease’ with one another! What troubles you? Is it my awesome power? Are you jealous? Afraid? Or is it merely because I am a mutant that you are not ‘at ease’?”
Captain America: “Now that you mention it, the fact that you tried to kill all of us here several times as part of various evil schemes for world conquest is pretty hard to forget entirely!”
This sort of feels like Magneto is antsy because he hasn’t been villaining as much as he likes. Or like him going ‘today I shall cause problems on purpose.’
But, whoops, Cap says that he doesn’t have a problem with the X-Men which sets off Wolverine on a rant about how Captain America doesn’t do enough for mutants.
Geez, its like the time he unmasked a governmental conspiracy by Richard Nixon to use a mutant powered UFO to take over America doesn’t even count.
Wolverine accuses Cap of not laying off Magneto even though he’s been helpful. I’ll note that all Cap did was tell Magneto good job which Magneto decided was a slight.
Meanwhile, over at Doombase where Doom likes to Doom, Doom is pondering what to do now.
He is now powerful enough to wipe out everyone on Battleworld with a wave of his hand and easily win this Secret Wars. But he’s already so powerful, what could he possible ask the Beyonder for?
Doom: “Are those dust-mote heroes truly my enemies? Or... is there now but one foe in all existence worthy of Doom? The Beyonder himself!”
Mostly because he exists and is more powerful than Doom and that simply cannot do.
Like, Doom notes that he already has all the power he could ever want but there’s someone over outside the universe who has more power so Doom wants it. Even though the power he do have is messing him up.
Truly Doom in a nutshell.
Hm. Is it odd that everyone just decides that the Beyonder is male based on nothing? He does decide to be male when he manifests on Earth in Secret Wars 2 but there’s no basis for the assumption here.
But we have toys to sell so Doom upgrades his armor.
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This was another request from Mattel, for Doom (and Iron Man, hence the upgrade he gets from Mr. Fantastic) to be given high-tech costumes.
I personally think they just didn’t want to make capes. Notably, there was never a Thor toy.
In-universe, the new armor is a secret weapon to use against the Beyonder, based on Galactus’ machine and the data Doom got scanning the Beyonder in issue 1.
The heroes but into Doombase to find no one to fight. All the villains are still locked up and Doom is nowhere to be seen. They find Captain Marvel, frozen in light form like a hologram.
Then a massive KRAKABOOOM! shakes the fortress as DOOM goes to confront the Beyonder.
The Beyonder: “Stop! You cannot approach me!”
Doom: “Then approach me, coward -- on your knees, if you have knees! Come! Cringe before your master! Grovel before Doom!”
The conflict starts to shake Doombase apart and a big ol rock falls on Reed’s lower torso and knocks the wind out of him.
The monitors in Doombase also shows that the destruction is worldwide, causing devastation to Zsaji’s village, and doing her an injury.
I assume Denver is also affected. I really want that miniseries focusing on Denverians during Secret Wars.
Colossus tries to tell Johnny that Zsaji has been hurt but Johnny’s attentions are elsewhere.
Human Torch: “I -- I’ve got no time for a chippie now! Reed’s hurt! I’ll send her a card later!”
Geez, Johnny.
Anyway, the fight between DOOM and the Beyonder is so so devastating that its threatening to snuff out the sun.
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Which, if nothing else, is impressively bonkers.
But wherever Doom falters, the Beyonder doubles his assault.
Turns out that absorbing the energy of a spaceship the size of a solar system doesn’t make you a match for a guy that can casually wipe out a galaxy.
Doom: “Th-thus -- ? Thus falls Doom? No! No! What is pain to one such as I? I -- I will shut it out. Other men fall prey to the very spectre of death... when her cold embrace seems imminent... they simply swoon into her arms! But I... I am Doom! I -- I deny you, death! Victor von Doom must not die!”
He says this after his leg falls off. For the sake of context.
The world-shaking pauses and an image of Doom appears before the assembled heroes. Trying to come off as confident but blatantly holding his hat.
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Doom: “Greetings! I am Doctor Doom! ... Though I am far more than the being you once knew! Indeed, I have transcended mortality -- and yet, I am your champion -- fighting for your sakes! I am about to crush the Beyonder!”
“The Beyonder, in his cosmic arrogance abducted us all and brought us here to do battle for his amusement! ‘Slay your enemies...!’ He said -- but in truth, he is the real enemy!”
“While he can reach us, our universe is not safe from his manipulations! He must be utterly defeated and sealed away beyond the portal before -- or destroyed! In the name of all who exist in our universe, I, Doom, have dared to attack the Beyonder!”
“The battle has gone well. Even now, the Beyonder cringes in terror, marshalling his failing strength against my final assault! Hence, this lull in the strife -- which has allowed me to appear to you and offer you the chance to share in my glorious conquest. Lend me your power! Hasten his certain defeat! Come! Who will join me against our common foe? You have but to touch my hand! Who shall be first?”
“To him, after our victory, I shall grant power beyond measure -- with which to further his noble purposes, of course! You know I speak the truth! You feel it, do you not?”
I mean, Doom has a point. The Beyonder IS the real enemy. If the heroes refuse to kill anyone, the Beyonder is never going to let them go home. Unless this is a secret test of character but nothing I’ve seen would lead me in that direction.
It’s just. Its Doom. Who would trust him with EVEN MORE PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER?
Magneto immediately steps forward to offer his power to Doom’s service (womp womp) but he meets Xavier’s gaze and hesitates.
Long enough for several Avengers to tackle him away from Doom.
Proving his claim that the fight is definitely in the bag, Doom can’t maintain his GoFundMe hologram and fades away.
Hawkeye, one of the Avengers that tackled Magneto, starts yelling at the X-Men about the company they keep and what it will take for them to realize Magneto is a dick.
But Captain America interrupts Clint. He says that everyone was tempted by what Doom was offering and goes so far as to speculate that Doom was applying some sort of mind control to them and that Magneto just got the biggest dose.
This is all pretty unsubstantiated but he also does point out that Magneto hesitated to grab Doom’s hand and dammit that counts for something.
Meanwhile, Doom is having a bad time.
Trying to crowdfund a Beyonder defeat having not met its goal by the deadline, Doom is at the mercy of the Beyonder.
But the Beyonder is a curious cuss.
I mean, obviously. Why put on a Secret War unless you’re bored and curious.
The Beyonder starts prying into Doom’s brain and forces Doom to remember his ENTIRE BACKSTORY so he can watch.
You probably know it. Roma youth. His mom killed for witchcraft and her soul trapped by Mephisto. Doom studies magic and science to try to contact her. Makes a hellevator device that blows up in his face.
The Beyonder pries into Doom’s desires for: power over the destinies of other men, for freedom for his mom’s spirit, and for his putting on the piping hot mask face to be restored.
All these desires fascinate the Beyonder and he takes his dissection of the Beyonder to an unfortunately literal level and starts flaying Doom to peep his organs.
Meanwhile, the biggest shock yet hits Battleworld and Doombase starts shaking apart.
Captain America goes to free the villains trapped in their cells and finds Wolverine there who agrees that they shouldn’t leave the villains to die in cages, no matter what they’ve done. Magneto is also helping evacuate the captured villains from the medical wing.
Wolverine: “Don’t take this wrong... But you’re a better man than I gave you credit for! I’m an attacker an’ you’re a defender -- but we’re both soldiers! I’m beginnin’ to think you got room in your high-falutin’ ideals for all people... don’tcha -- ? Even if they’re mutants!”
Captain America: “Some of my best friends are people!”
Anyway, RIP Doombase. You had a name and that’s more than I can say of the initial hero base or Magneto’s U-fort.
The shaking stops and a glowing orb of light floats down from space in front of the collected heroes.
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Oh my god! The rest of the characters are 4-inch figures but Doom is rocking 24 inches and full articulation!
The heroes prepare to fight the Giant-Sized Doctor Doom but Doom bwoop bwoop bwoops back down to their scale and explains that absorbing the Beyonder caused him to be big because of reasons but he’s got a better handle on it now.
Its not shown on panel but remember Doom had his secret anti-Beyonder weapon hidden inside his armor and the Beyonder got real close when he was dissecting Doom. Which Doom regained consciousness during. So that’s how he did it.
Doom: “First, know you these things... The Beyonder no longer exists... and Doom has been reborn! Thus, have two evils come to an end! There is no enemy left to fight! THE WAR IS OVER!”
Caption: “Nonetheless, we strongly suggest that you read the next issue of Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars on sale in thirty days!!”
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March, 1985
I’ll give Marvel Super Heroes TM Secret Wars TM #11 this. It promises and teases THE FACE OF DOOM right on the cover and dammit, it delivers.
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Gaze upon his generic attractiveness. He looks like Peter Parker having a wild eyebrow day.
I suppose the real surprise is that he fixed up his scarred face, which puts him two checkmarks into his three greatest desires.
He’s the supreme being in the universe and he’s got a face to match.
In a very reassuring manner, Doom tells the assembled heroes that he could destroy them all with a thought and then doesn’t bother destroying them.
Over in the distance, the freed villains see Doom talking with the heroes and Absorbing Man decides that Doom is selling out to the heroes. The other villains get their dander up at this and debate going over and kicking Doom’s ass.
Volcana: “I don’t know what to think, Owie! Doom is the one who made me into Volcana which is wonderful -- but, gee, he does seem to be double-crossing us!”
Molecule Man: “And I had such faith in him! I believe in him! I -- I’m furious!”
Volcana: “Now, Owie, remember your analyst said it wasn’t good to get overwrought!”
Molecule Man: “I don’t care what she said! I’m going to kill that lying, two-faced, rotten fink! Do you hear me, Doom? The Molecule Man is going to kill you!”
Then Molecule Man flips up several billion tons of the planet’s crust so he can have a conversation with Doom.
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Doom just shows Molecule Man the foundations of eternity, the secrets of the universe, how all things work so that Molecule Man can realize that he is the second mightiest in the universe, after Doom.
Doom: “Think! Every molecule, every iota of matter in the cosmos answers to our whim! And all the forces which govern substance bend to your will -- for matter and energy are one and the same! The only limits on your power are those which you have imposed upon yourself, subconsciously because of self-doubt... self-hate... fear! Open your mind to the majesty of your power, Owen Reece! Accept your destiny... and fear no more!”
Molecule Man: “I -- I can control organic molecules! I can do... anything!”
This bodes something.
Doom then takes off and an amazed Molecule Man declares that he’s now the leader of the villain group. And considering he can peel the planet’s crust in a fit of pique, nobody really wants to say nay.
Molecule Man apparently didn’t want to hurt anyone so when he peeled up the crust, it somehow didn’t hurt any of the heroes. Just relocated them very insistently. Although if they stayed put they’d suffocate from the thin atmosphere.
They return to Doombase, which is somehow still standing. But aside from recapping the series, they really don’t know what to do until Doom makes himself known again.
The villains retreat to the suburb of Denver, Colorado and to the apartment belonging to Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana).
They decide that they don’t actually care about the Secret Wars anymore and just want to go home. And Molecule Man, being a good leader, decides to make this happen for everyone.
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Man. I hope none of Denver’s population went wandering outside suburb limits before Molecule Man domed the suburb and chucked it into space.
The heroes spot it happening on their instruments (and because a chunk of planet being ejected into space causes a rumble) but there’s nothing they can really do about it. So Cap suggests everyone sleep on it.
Colossus can’t sleep because he keeps thinking about how deeply he is in love with Zsaji. So he ditches to zip to her village on an air jetski.
Missing a blob of light enter the Doombase and possess the Hulk.
Possessed Hulk lumbers around the base like a sleepwalker, being found by Spider-Woman who can’t sleep for worrying about her hometown of Denver.
She tries to stop Hulk with her psychic webs but he busts through and shoves her to the ground. The weird light blob goes from Hulk to Spider-Woman.
Hulk goes back to sleep and possessed Spider-Woman creeps into Doom’s lab and the discarded head of Klaw.
But there’s a flash of light and soon a confused Spider-Woman is telling the other heroes that Doom showed up, reassembled Klaw, unfroze Captain Marvel, oh and engraved an invitation to the heroes to meet him tomorrow at his sweet new tower.
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Klaw: “I told you once -- ! I am my wildest dream! Dream! Eem, eem, eem...”
Doom: “I shall miss dreaming...”
He tells Klaw that he does not need sleep anymore and doesn’t dare sleep anymore because of the power contained in him.
Meanwhile, Colossus arrives at Zsaji’s hut while she’s sleeping and invites himself inside. Its creepy or romantic, shrug. She wakes up, he gives her flowers, and confesses he loves her.
Not really understanding the words but getting the gist, Zsaji seems into it.
I guess she gave up on Johnny. Or her people are polygamous.
Later, Wolverine and Nightcrawler gossip about Colossus’ love life. Neither very sympathetic about Colossus cheating on Kitty Pryde.
You’d think they’d also be unsympathetic about the age gap but eh.
Wolverine is also convinced that Colossus isn’t even REALLY in love with Zsaji, that its just a side-effect of her healing power. PLUS, she’s an alien so who knows what love means to her.
Hm. This really does look like a job for Cipher.
The non-Colossus heroes all go to meet Doom at THE TOWER OF DOOM, where Doom is quick to reiterate that they have nothing to worry about with Doom now possessing phenomenal cosmic power.
Doom: “Much has changed, Captain America! Much indeed! For, when I usurped the Beyonder’s power, slaying him -- in a way, Doom died as well! Now, I am all-powerful! I have nothing to prove to lesser creatures -- and none are my equal! I am complete... serene in my omnipotence! The dark, seething desires which once drove and shaped Doom are no more! Nothing in this universe -- nothing of which you can conceive, no matter how cosmic in scope -- could possible merit my attention! For as Eternity is to you... I am to Eternity! I have transcended all concerns of this plane of existence -- and, yet... we have unfinished business! Loose ends, if you will, left over from my mortal life! I cannot undo all of the evil works of my life without unraveling a great deal of the fabric of reality, causing enormous upheavals in the time/space continuum -- ! I can, though, easily set right some of the crimes of these few days past...”
Its good to see that Doom didn’t let becoming the unchallenged supreme being of the universe change him, at least in regards to words words words.
Anyway, he reintegrates Kang and sends the very confused future man home to the future.
He tells the heroes that Galactus has already been found and aided by his herald, Nova.
Which just leaves the wrong that Doom has done the heroes. He offers them a boon to atone for the suffering they’ve endured at his hands.
The heroes debate what to ask for. Spider-Man suggests that Doom can send them home only for Reed, perhaps peevishly, to remark that he can get them home. Nightcrawler suggests that Doom could find Lockheed, who was part of the intro cast but went missing near the beginning. But Captain America tells Doom that they want nothing from him.
Doom: “Very well! Our dealings are ended! Forever! Leave, now as you entered! Soon I shall ascend to higher planes! Until then -- and mark this -- I will not suffer any disturbance! Go... and do not seek to enter my presence again, for I will utterly destroy any who dare!”
His magnanimity sure is short-lived.
The heroes do leave but outside Cap(tain America. Captain Marvel hasn’t had a line since she was unfrozen, I think) does a headcount and Spider-Woman is missing.
Despite the risk of Doom making good on his word to kill anyone that disturbs him, Cap won’t leave a comrade behind and reenters THE TOWER OF DOOM.
Cap stumbles onto Doom chilling with his shirt, mask, and boots off and luckily Doom is either in a good mood or hasn’t counted Captain America as leaving yet.
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Captain America tells Doom that Spider-Woman is missing so Doom sends Klaw to go find her.
Klaw goes looking for Spider-Woman but runs into one of her webs. The missing, possessed hero grabs Klaw and transfers the blob of light to him.
Back at Doom having dressed up, maybe feeling awkward about being casual in front of anyone who isn’t Klaw, Doom reveals to Captain America that his mom’s spirit is being held captive by Mephisto and that Doom plans to free her.
Doom: “Is that little enough to ask? Little enough self-solicitude -- ? To free my mother’s soul from endless torment at the hands of an extra-dimensional demon! After that... it is as I said -- no affair of men -- or demons -- could possibly gain my notice!”
Cap comments that Doom is looking pretty human but Doom says its for everyone else’s protection that he keeps the power contained, lest he accidentally wipe out solar systems and galaxies.
Doom: “While I linger on this plane, I am like a giant on a world of ants! Every slight movement I make can seal the destinies of millions! I... do not wish to destroy anyone!”
Klaw returns and tells Cap where to find Spider-Woman so Cap goes off to retrieve her.
The heroes all take off back to Doombase and Cap asks Professor X to summon Colossus because there’s a decision to be made that everyone has to be present for.
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Which leads to this delightful scene of Professor X interrupting Colossus as he’s making out with Zsaji.
Despite Colossus telling Xavier to buzz off, Xavier insists that Colossus return and alas duty before booty. Or something.
When Colossus arrives, the heroes all assemble in a conference room that Cap managed to find in Doombase.
Wasp doesn’t see the problem with Doom wanting to rescue his mother and Cap agrees that its a very humane and human thing to want and that in other circumstances Cap would have volunteered to help him.
But its the human that bothers Cap.
It gets back to Jim Shooter’s themes from his non-consecutive Avengers runs. Graviton, Nefaria, Korvac, Molecule Man, and Moondragon.
Godlike power in the hands of the all too human.
Captain America: “Doom claims he’s transcended all human desire! What if he hasn’t? We’ve seen the power of the Beyonder -- Doom’s power -- in action before! It is such power that even now, nothing in the universe can take place without his consent! That kind of authority rightfully belongs to... no man! No matter how enlightened or benevolent he’s become, freedom to do what Doom allows is not freedom!”
Cap is edging very close to ‘attack and dethrone god’ and I don’t know if he means to.
But as Cap points out, the first thing Doom did with his new power was to repair his face. Awfully human-like vanity.
Mr. Reed Fantastic concedes what Cap is getting at and agrees they need to force Doom to give up his power. And where Reed goes, so goes the rest of the Fantastic Three.
Which doesn’t tell you whether its a good idea or not considering they were both behind ‘let Galactus eat us all’ when Reed suggested it.
But the Avengers, the spiders, the Hulk, and the X-Men all agree as well.
Colossus is the last person to speak up and he suggests that if they attack Doom unprompted, maybe they’re the dicks. Doom may never harm them, may do what he’s said he’ll do and ascend to a higher plane of existence and contemplate gluons or whatever.
Captain America: “You may be right, son! I’m not dead certain about any of this! That’s why it must be a unanimous vote... or we do nothing! Don’t think you must agree! The choice is yours... Keep in mind, by the way, that if we do decide to confront Doom, it’s possible that we might be annihilated on the spot by a bolt from the blue!”
Wow, Cap isn’t just telling Colossus he can vote how he likes and not feel he must go with the majority. He’s also giving good reasons NOT to vote with the majority.
That Cap. He loves democracy so much.
Colossus struggles because he’s just found love and happiness and he never got to finish making out. And he’s being asked to possibly throw that all away unnecessarily!
Cap still won’t press Colossus one way or another so Colossus has to speak from the heart.
Colossus: “Forgive me, Zsaji... I say yes... We fight!”
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He chose........... poorly?
Wonder what the last issue will be about now that half the cast is dead. Ignoring that we see several of these people alive in an issue set after this but published before.
Ignoring that. I wonder what the last issue will be about.
Good thing we don’t have to wait.
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April, 1985
Okay, see, this is just making me wonder harder.
Hm. I also wonder if this is the first big moment where Captain America’s America Shield gets broken for dramatic effect. I know it happens again in Infinity Gauntlet but that’s some years away.
Anyway, yeah. The twenty-one hero characters and Magneto (twenty-one feels like A LOT, geez) have been totally killed forever and they will certainly stay dead.
To Zsaji’s alarm, since in a bit of establishing relative positions, she can see Doombase from the mountain near her village that Galactus set up his planet-eating equipment on.
Over at THE TOWER OF DOOM, Doom contains the power again.
Klaw: “Seal up the power -- god’s might in a can! Thus, Doom is just another man! But why?”
Doom: “Lest in a careless moment, a casual flick of my little figner might blacken a star system, or wipe out an intergalactic civilization. Lest, like Vishnu. ‘I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.’ This universe is too fragile!”
Klaw: “Such power! Such weight upon your shoulders! Poor Doom!”
Klaw questions whether the heroes are REALLY dead but Doom insists on it.
Meanwhile, Denver floating through space towards Earth.
I wanted to question... like... how much oxygen or food a Denver chunk could contain but Molecule Man laughs at logistics. He can just turn space dust into whatever he needs.
Man, Molecule Man would be great to have on a generation ship.
The villains are still chilling out in Volcana’s apartment, instead of taking over the largest building or whatever. Nice thing about Molecule Man being boss is that he doesn’t really approve of all of that.
Enchantress locks herself in the bathroom because dammit, sometimes you just need alone time to consult with a water elemental for some juicy exposition.
Because its issue 12 and we don’t know anything about the Beyonder really and Doom has already eaten him up so its now or never.
Honestly, time should have been budgeted for it earlier but what can you do.
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The water elemental knows some things by gossiping with other spirits asks as price for her exposition that Enchantress “grant me power to walk through fields of flowers as mortals do” but Enchantress just threatens her into it.
She’s not a great boss.
Water Elemental: “In his realm, the Beyonder was everything and everything was him... and he was content! But by chance, an event in our universe opened a pinhole into his beyond-realm -- and through the pinhole he glimpsed the Earth! For the first time in his existence he became curious! So, he began to observe! For years, he watched the Earth! One thing confounded him above all else -- this incompleteness beings of our universe seemed to have -- this thing called... desire!”
So the Beyonder chose subjects of power, presence and palpable desire. The three P’s. And then he either raptured or lured into his game. The Beyonder sorted them according to the nature of their desires, which is why Magneto ended up with the heroes. Because his desire for mutantkind is like the altruistic desires of the heroes. Vs the personal desires of the villain group.
The Water Elemental recaps the war, including an image of Enchantress getting punched by She-Hulk, probably to piss her off. Yadda yadda, Doom played the larger game while everyone was doing punches and managed to usurp the Beyonder.
Water Elemental: “May I go down the drain now, please?”
Except no. Enchantress is still a bad boss and demands that the elemental use her rapport with the water on Battleworld to tell Enchantress whats going on now.
The elemental says she doesn’t have the power to do that so Enchantress dunks the elemental and boils some power into her.
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Enchantress sees images of the heroes being effortlessly slaughtered, Klaw waiting on Doom as he relaxes, and Doom planning to invade Mephisto’s realm.
The last question Enchantress asks the rather haggard looking elemental is whether the Beyonder is truly dead.
Water Elemental: “N-no... he is close by Doom. But too weak to act... He is hiding where Doom would never suspect, awaiting an opportunity... a moment of vulnerability.”
Humorously, during this scene, the Absorbing Man starts banging on the bathroom door and asking Enchantress if she fell in.
In the living room, the Lizard is getting antsy about being cooped up.
Lizard: “RRAWRR! Out! Lizard wantss out of thiss humanss’ nesst! Musst be in sswamp! Lizard hates humanss!”
The Wrecking Crew just want to kill Lizard to spare the hassle but Volcana sticks up for him because its in her nature to take care of things. And in the same way he demonstrated with Wasp, Lizard folds into surly obedience as soon as someone is firm but nice with him.
Lizard isn’t the only one that’s antsy, as Dock Ock starts complaining and smashing the walls about how unlikely it is that they’ll ever reach home.
Doctorpus Octopus: “Don’t you fools realize the odds against us ever reaching Earth? An ant dropped in the middle of the Sahara would stand a better chance of getting to Hawaii!”
Molecule Man wanders in and tries to calm down the doctorpus while Enchantress lures Volcana away from the crowd.
Enchantress has decided that its time for Volcana to repay her debt for portaling her over to Molecule Man’s side after he was Wolverine’d. And the blank check cost she’s decided on is for Volcana to help Enchantress return to Asgard immediately to warn her people about the danger that Beyonder Doom poses.
And Volcana can help by ‘donating’ her life-force to power the teleport. And by donate, of course, she means, mystically contractually obligated.
Elsewhere, Molecule Man shows Doc Ock that he’s restored the stars in the galaxy that the Beyonder wiped out and that he’s been learning to do spacewarps too. And that’s how they’ll get home.
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Doc Ock has some doubts so Molecule Man wraps him up in a nice, weighted blanket of asphalt and plans to turn him over to the authorities when they get back because he’s beginning to suspect that this supervillain may in fact may not be emotionally healthy.
Molecule Man realizes that Volcana isn’t around and Lizard who saw Enchantress pied piper her away leads MM to interrupt the Enchantress before she can finish draining Volcana or making fat jokes.
She makes a lot of fat jokes. Ffs Amora.
Enchantress teleport flees back to Battleworld but Lizard jumps after her and gets caught up in it.
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He scratches her face so she throws him off a cliff.
And since mystically speaking, the Lizard counts as a “lower creature” Enchantress can just rip away his life-force and use it to fix her face and power an uncertain teleport to Asgard.
RIP the Lizard. Although I’m pretty sure you bounce back from this.
Meanwhile, in THE TOWER OF DOOM, Doom is napping while Klaw creeps on him creepily but Doom wakes up and yells at Klaw for letting him sleep.
Why, who knows what his subconscious would do with the Beyonder’s power in his dreams!
Klaw suggests hey maybe Doom would accidentally revive the heroes. Or maybe he already did? Hm?? In fact, Klaw has a theory and he’s going to use his sound hologram powers to put on a little demonstration for Doom.
He posits that Zsaji saw the destruction Doom wrought on Doombase (which we do know that she did do). She finds the... uh chunks that remain of the heroes and uses her healing powers to put them in stasis where cellular life still lingers. But she finds Colossus less damaged than the rest because he instinctively shifted to his armored form at the last instant. Surely his armored skin is better armor than, say, the Thing’s rock skin or Iron Man’s armor.
The story Klaw is telling works better this way so surely it is so.
Zsaji manages to bring Colossus wholly back to life, at the cost of her own.
A grief-stricken Colossus shoves Reed Richards into a healing tank (his elastic body also less damaged than the rest because sure, Reed Richards is more durable than the Hulk, we can just say anything).
So Reed is restored and he uses the technology of Doombase to invent a mass healing device and restores the rest of the heroes.
Klaw: “And they’re on their way here right now! The end... maybe!”
Doom: “Absurd! That couldn’t happen! The odds are impossible!”
Klaw: “Perhaps... but maybe you sort of... helped things along... Maybe you secretly subconsciously wanted them to survive... to rise from the ashes and live again!”
Doom: “You speak madness, Klaw!”
Klaw doubts though because Doom didn’t completely atomize the heroes and suggests turning on his god-mode and verifying that the heroes are really dead.
But now Doom is worried that having heard Klaw spell out a possible way for the heroes to be alive, his slightest doubt might make it so.
(I mean, I’m pretty sure that the light blob that’s possessing Klaw is the Beyonder who is gaslighting Doom for Reasons.)
Doom: “This is madness! I must drive these thoughts, these doubts, from my mind! They are dead! Dead! Dead! And yet... How many times in the past have I thought that Reed Richards was dead? And, if there were one man who might overcome the odds... is it not Captain America? No... no! THEY ARE DEAD!”
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Klaw: “Then, again...”
Doom lets the Beyonder power well up but he can’t control it and it starts blasting Battleworld to shit and nearly destroyed all of reality. Doom can’t get his mind ordered and calm.
Klaw offers to destroy the heroes for Doom so Doom grants him “an infinitesimal micro-fraction” of his power, “enough to blacken ten thousand suns.”
GEEZ. I know that the Beyonder was established as being the strongest being in the universe, having come from a universe where all was the Beyonder. But that’s still very alarming.
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The heroes rush in because after being murdered in an instant once already, subtlety is out the window.
Klaw intercepts them with a summoned army of monsters and also Ultron. Yes, Ultron is back, back again. Tell a friend. Tell them OH MY GOD RUN.
Then there’s a big two-page spread of everyone attacking everyone because that’s the kind of story this is.
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The Thing reverts back to meat man Ben Grimm but manages to will power the rocks back on and decides now he can control the changes and starts crying because this is everything he’s ever wanted.
Hulk goes punchies on Ultron but the robot does a plot injury to Hulk’s leg and for an encore makes Iron Man, Wolverine, and Spider-Woman look stupid before just falling apart.
Thanks to Wasp shrinking down, flying in one of the Hulk punch dents and just yanking wires. Yay, Wasp did a thing!
Also, she beat Ultron. She deserves to. Shame that not more can be made of it as a beat, what with everything going on.
Captain America manages to slip past all the monsters and jump kick his way past Klaw, although Klaw threw that little encounter.
Cap reaches where Doom is once again chilling, although this time with his clothes on.
Doom brags that there’s nothing that the heroes can do to harm him in any way, after all, what is a man to one who is omnipotent?
Captain America: “I wouldn’t be too sure about that! After all... you conquered the Beyonder! And why would you have gone through the trouble of killing us in the first place, unless... you were afraid!”
Doom doesn’t like having holes poked in his arguments so he kamehamehas Cap into ashes.
But Cap respawns out of sheer ‘I can do this all day’ness and charges at Doom to be blasted and respawned again.
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Okay, so its Klaw who keeps respawning Cap, while letting Doom think its his own stolen power running out of control that keeps doing it.
And having Cap keep popping back into existence and trying to hit him in the face with a metal disc makes Doom lose his every last shit.
The power starts to overtake him and threaten the universe so Cap offers his hand, to serve as an anchor to reality for Doom.
Oh, hey. Just like Cap offered Doom his hand in the first issue but Doom turned it down because he hates pity.
But now, with omnipotence raging out of control, Doom reaches to accept Cap’s hand.
Thems some nice bookends.
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Except the feeble remnant of the Beyonder that’s been body hopping bursts out of Klaw and reclaims his power from Doom.
Unpossessed Klaw: “Doom! Doom! Forgive me, Doom! The Beyonder, he took over my body -- ! He used my guile, my wits, my cunning to engineer this! I set you up for this! Doom -- ! I’m so sorry!”
The Beyonder reverts Doom’s armor (and face) back to how it was and then ejects him from the plot. Klaw jumping in to be with his master.
Actually, the Beyonder nopes out of the plot as well. Just kinda abandons this grand experiment into the concept of desire.
And to be fair, half the competitors fucked off. The other half refused to actually kill. And one of the competitors jumped off the board game to steal the Beyonder’s wallet.
At that point, escaping before you have to answer any questions is the right move.
With the fight over, there’s just a whole bunch of wrap-up.
Colossus has a funeral for Zsaji and buries her on the hill overlooking Doombase because fuck those villagers, she probably didn’t have any friends or loved ones who should have a say in this.
While RICHARDSS goes to work on a way home, Spider-Man swings around Doombase for a snack of alien eggplant. Then finds everyone else in the costume making machine room where Professor X has.
Made some fashion choices.
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Won’t anybody stop him?
Anyway, he intends to keep undermining Storm when they get back to Earth. What a guy.
Spider-Man also learns that none of their costumes respond to thought like his new black costume does and wonders what’s different about his.
Hulk’s leg was busted up by being Ultron’d and his gamma levels have risen so much that they’d short out the healing pods. So Reed makes Hulk a techno crutch and leg brace to help him get around until his natural healing factor takes care of things.
He’s not very pleased at the situation though and snaps at Hawkeye, leading Hawkeye to a thought that hits a lot different post Civil War II.
Hawkeye: “Whoa! Has he ever changed in the last few days! I think he’s losing it -- becoming totally savage and out of control again! Man, I hope I’m wrong! Maybe I’d better make myself a few more arrows -- some real heavy-duty ones -- just in case!”
Curt Connors wanders in and tells a story about waking up in a crater a few miles from the fortress. He says that he’s sure this time the lizard-persona is totally gone forever for reals.
Nightcrawler says its good that Connors found them before they departed so he wouldn’t get left behind, then mentions that Lockheed the dragon would return.
And boom! Lockheed the dragon returns with a lady dragon!
He’s been getting laid this whole time, the little scamp! I assume! Either way, he has contributed absolutely nothing to anything that happened.
Reed decides that Lockheed and Connors showing up isn’t just a coincidence, that the Beyonder left some trace energy behind when he quit the plot. And that the energy is causing a wish fulfillment phenomenon (which sorta makes sense if you think of it like the promise Beyonder promised to fulfill the winners’ desires?)
Mr. Fantastic: “I believe that this... ‘wish fulfillment’ phenomenon we’ve been experiencing is an after-effect of the battle against Doom! The planet itself seems to have been charged with residual energy whichs seems to respond to strong desire, or force of will!”
Cap(tain America) immediately takes off to where he’s keeping all the fragments of his broken shield that he’s been able to find and wishes REALLY hard for it to be fixed.
“It was the product of a freak metallurgical accident -- a metallic disk of unknown composition, and unique properties -- utterly impervious to any force or instrument which humans comprehend. But now it lies before him like a wounded friend... How many times has it saved his life? And now... it’s usefl life is at an end, for no fire could melt it, no furnace could reforge it. It is forever broken... unless by force of will... or sheer desire... He can accomplish the impossible!”
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Hey, how about that!
I mean, you could have wished Bucky back to life but on the other hand, it’s a real sweet shield. I get it.
Although, in terms of the pre-post Secret Wars issue teasing what could happen in it (Hulk with a leg brace, She-Hulk with the FF, Spider-Man’s new costume), I really think that Steve should have returned from Battleworld with the broken shield.
Almost everything that’s gonna be brought back from Secret Wars is going to have to be abandoned or turn out to be evil.
It’s going to turn out (years later, mind) that Steve fixed his shield bad with his FORCE OF WILL and that for some reason, imperfections in the shield threaten to destroy ALL VIBRANIUM.
And that’s a decent story, probably.
Just saying, you could have Cap return with a broken shield and get that ‘how did that happen’ hype. Its a really intriguing idea. Although, I’d bet that breaking Cap’s shield was only thought up after the pre-post Secret Wars issues had already been done so it had to be introduced and rectified in Secret Wars itself.
Some other things that didn’t last long from Secret Wars: we already know the black goo costume didn’t even last through Secret Wars. The modifications Reed made to the Iron Man armor stop working when Rhodey returns to Earth, then they evolve into the evil Carnivor and fights Quasar in Quasar. Hulk ditches his leg brace two issues after his return to Earth. Connors turns himself back into the Lizard to save his family a couple years after Secret Wars. And so on.
So the time comes to return everyone back to Earth with the device Reed made. It teleports them in small groups up to the ring-shaped construct that got them to Battleworld where it will teleport them to Earth.
Reed beams up the unaffiliated group first of Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Curt Connors, Hulk, and Magneto who decided he’s too cool to hang with the X-Men on the ride home.
Next, the X-Men. Although they have to talk Colossus into coming home instead of being sad on a hill forever by convincing him that he’d be wasting the life Zsaji gave him if he didn’t come home.
Colossus letting Xavier talk him into sticking with the X-Men over greater and greater personal losses eventually becomes a sore point.
Lockheed’s girlfriend flies into the teleport as Reed initializes it, causing a dramatic energy fluctuation that Reed hopes won’t cause any problems on Earth.
It does.
Puff the tiny dragon becomes Puff the enormous dragon, and menaced Japan in her quest to mate with Lockeed. The X-Men had to fight her and Lockheed eventually rejected the now much bigger dragon causing her to explode.
Although she came back to life at some point and she and Lockheed did get back together.
X-Men is a weird book.
The Avengers are up next but She-Hulk tells them that she’s joining the Fantastic Four. Now this happened because Byrne made grabby hands at her and Stern didn’t say no but its not really satisfactorily built-up in this story.
Ben and She-Hulk don’t share many moments to establish that they have a good friendship that he could ask her to take his place on the team. In fact, the last time I know of them teaming up, she was a huge sex pest to him. So it makes it even more baffling.
But it happened in the pre-post issue so its gotta happen.
And Ben asks Jen (maybe the similar names is why he asks her? They can get away with only changing a single letter on his locker) because he’s going to stay behind on Battleworld because he can control his powers here.
He’s not planning on being here forever and Reed can leave the gizmo so Ben can return whenever he wants.
What makes this stupid is that like almost everything involving Ben, Reed knows a lot more about what’s going on and just doesn’t say anything. He starts to but doesn’t insist when Ben tells him not to try to change his mind.
The thing about the Thing is that Ben should always have been able to Rock On or Rock Off as he pleased but there’s a psychological block preventing it.
Ben would lose this control before leaving Battleworld and he quits the FF when he learns that Reed knew that it was a psychological issue.
Mr. Fantastic: “If only I could tell him what I suspect about his transformations -- but it’s the kind of thing that might shatter a man... even a strong man like Ben! No, better to say nothing... and hope he slowly discovers the truth for himself... Or hides from it forever!”“
You’re so bad at people.
Anyway. Yeah. Needed some more build-up. Maybe centered around the transformation. Jen could sympathize. She used to have trouble controlling her hulk outs before she just decided to be She-Hulk all the time.
Anyway, this big ridiculous thing (the last issue was 43 PAGES LONG) ends with Ben being thoughtful on a rock.
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And that brings us back to Avengers #243.
I guess he’s not alone because Zsaji’s village is still here, maybe? Is nobody going to send them home??
Follow @essential-avengers​ because FINALLY I can get back to just focusing on the Avengers. Phew. Please like and reblog. This took so much effort.
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1-800-seo · 4 years
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1-800-𝗦𝗘𝖮'𝘀 𖣘 "𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 (𝗨𝗻𝗶)𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲"
- 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗑 𝖸/𝖭
- 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿/𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄/𝖻𝗎𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖽/𝖾2𝗅/𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗀𝖾 𝖠𝖴
- 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 (𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌), 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗍𝖾�� 𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗒, 𝖽��𝗆!𝗃𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗎 𝗌𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗇𝗍, 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌
- 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: 2984
- 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗒 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝗆𝗂𝗑𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗉 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺 𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾'𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗍𝖾'𝗌 𝗀𝗈 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄, 𝖺 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗎𝖾𝗌, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗄.
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doing laundry is absolutely one of your least favourite things in the world beside soggy socks
so you’re in a bad mood as soon as you walk into the campus launderette to say the least
the launderette is empty bar one dude you’d seen around the global technics centre
if you remember rightly he’s a European studies major
odd choice but you do you and all that
now you’re not weird or anything but you have a preference on what type of washing machine you use
I know I know kind of unorthodox
but the old washing machines take 30 mins longer so you’d prefer a newer one
unfortunately the only one left is directly next to this familiar-faced stranger and his laundry
your better judgement is telling you no but your impatience is telling you yes
and so you dump your laundry onto the floor next to the stranger and his and start sorting through for all your whites
your piles mingle a tad as they overlap beside each other like Venn diagrams of assorted underwear and other garments
his consisting of only whites
yours a jumbled mess since you had to wash all of your stuff
in sync you both pick up your washing and put it into the machine
you catch his dark wide eyes as you both straighten up and he lets out an awkward low-voiced giggle
your cheeks immediately flush pink and a bashful smile creeps up to your lips
“you’re from the global centre, right?”
you ask testing the waters
“I am, I’m a European studies major, my name’s Jungkook. I recognise you, you’re in linguistics class right?”
“Yeah, I’m a linguistics major so you’ll mostly see me there, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook”
you say with a smile as your hands fidget with the door handle of the washing machine
“It’s nice to meet you too, I thought I recognised you from somewhere, but it’s because I see you sometimes when I have to do extra credit European language projects. What’s your name?”
he says tilting his head like a curious puppy
“its ______”
you say as you bow to him politely
“Can I ask you something? I have to do a project on European languages and their similarities to others. The professor wants us to speak to outsiders for references so would I be able to collab on a project with you sometime in the future, if it’s not too much to ask?”
he averts his eyes from yours and blushes lightly
“Oh yeah sure, that’s no issue! It’ll be beneficial to me too because the linguistics portion of the course is coming up soon, so it’s a great idea.”
you beam at him
“Could I get your number?”
their is a pause that feels like an eternity between your next words and his last
the cause of this is your mind being far too focused on his wavy dark hair and his clear doe eyes
you snap out of your daze
“yeah totally, one sec”
you pull out your phone from your backpack on top of the washing machine and input his contact name and number as he reads it out
“Thanks for that, it’ll be a big help, let me know when you want to link up” he replies
and with that you had his number and continued on with your washing
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21/10 18:32
Jungkook ༄ : not to be accusatory but do you happen to own a pair of RED socks?
You: yes, why do you ask??
Jungkook ༄ : well ALL of my washing seems to be PINK!!
You: just because I own a pair of red socks doesn’t mean it was me 😠
Jungkook ༄ : yes but you were the only one in the launderette when I was there,,
Jungkook ༄ : smh gonna be turning up to class in pink tshirts and and socks, everyone be thinking ive made a new fashion choices when it’s really just because SOMEONE can’t keep their clothes separate from others B/
You: 1) it’s not my fault that my socks decided to migrate to new lands
You: 2) why, are you scared of pink or something? your ego too fragile to wear a ‘woman’s colour’?
You: 3) did you really use a sunglasses sad face emoticon lol
Jungkook ༄ : girl u owe me big time for all these clothes you ruined 😩
Jungkook ༄ : also im not scared of pink I just dont want to be wearing pink shirts to all of my formal events for the next ten years
Jungkook ༄ : and yes im sWaG so my emoticons are sWaG duh
You : ruined? ruINED? RUINED? I did not ruin anything, I simply spiced up your wardrobe boo x
You : oh no he’s a 2012 hype beast 🤦🏻‍♀️
Jungkook ༄ : how dare you call me something so sacreligious as a hypebeast!!
Jungkook ༄ : I am gucci not channel thank you very much
Jungkook ༄ : anyways I gtg write a report, speak soon red socks
Seen ✓
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Jungkook was in fact not writing a report
he was planning revenge dun dun dun~~~
his plan was to do the exact same thing you had done to him
but he had to be cunning about it
and so the week went on
he was scrolling through twt when he received a new follower
it was the one and only @_______
and lo and behold their last tweet was “tysm Seokjin oppa for buying me a personal washing machine,, now I can do my most hated thing but at home!!”
an idea sprung into kookie’s head
he didn’t have to try and spike your washing at the launderette
he could do it in a place you’d never suspect,, your home
now he only had to find out where you lived
just stalkerish tingz
he had to be lowkey about this
so he decided to ask his best mate and social butterfly of a friend Taehyung whether he knew you
and of course he did lol
“Hell yeah I know where she lives, she had the best party of the whole term, Jimin was so drunk he started chatting himself up in the mirror”
“Damn that sounds like a good time, probs should start going to these parties you invite me to”
“defo should, anyways I’ll tell u as long as you promise not to spread the information or use it for pervy or questionable reasons”
“I promise not to spread it or use it for pervy or questionable reasons”
he replies in monotone voice and his hand on his chest like an oath
and so that was how he acquired your address
simple enough really
and so that’s the events that lead him to be crawling through your dorm window however paused like a deer in headlights at the questionable sounds coming from the room across
he was squatted on the window ledge like spider man, red sock in hand and hood up
it was 9:00pm and your university apartment was supposed to be empty at this time
you had your class on now but he hadn’t accounted for your roommate
hence why he had frozen at the unsavoury sounds echoing round the apartment
low moans and grunts emanated from the room across
he had to get to the kitchen without alerting the dusk time love makers
he could do it if the floor plan was the same as his apartment block and he bet his reputation on that
if he got caught he’d never hear the end of it from his mates and your roommate might even call the campus police if they were spooked enough
and so he clambered through your bedroom window and onto your bed underneath
unmade bed might he add but what did he expect from a uni student
with wide eyes he listened for any noise of suspecting roommates and examined your room
the desk was littered with papers and an oversized lava lamp stood stout in the corner of the room
a lacy bra was hung over your wardrobe handle
he shoved away the idea of you wearing it and continued with his night time plot
slowly and stealthily he crept through the halls of the apartment and out to the kitchen
on the maiden was already a neatly hung load of whites
he’d have to assume it was yours otherwise he’d have to go back to your room to get laundry
he bundled up the clothes and shoved them in the washing machine with the incriminating red sock he’d brought and set it to economy spin
round and round it spun, getting progressively louder as it went
he had to get out of there asap
tip-toeing as he went past the questionable lewd noises, he finally made it to your bedroom
he made one last check to see if he’d left any damage in your room
his eyes fell upon that same bra
damn his manhood making him think predictably
he shoved the thought away and departed
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25/10 22:08
You: what in the hell did you do to my washing!!!?!!!
You: unless it was a ghost it HAD TO BE YOU JEON 🤬
Jungkook ༄ : wym I don’t even know where you live 😑
Jungkook ༄ : what’ve you done now?
Jungkook ༄ : how would i do that?? I don’t have like magic clothes dyeing skills boo
You: I SWEAR it was you!!
You: what do you want to bet it was u
Jungkook ༄ : I won’t bet anything I’m poor
You: that means you did it!
Jungkook ༄ : if you come with me to Taehyung’s party tomorrow I’ll tell u everything
Jungkook ༄ : but only if you go, that’s the terms of agreement
You: that’s all the incriminating evidence I need!! you basically just admitted to it you know?
You: however for reasons sake I will attend 👀
Jungkook ༄ : see you then red socks x
You: I suppose u will x
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time passed quickly and soon it was Taehyung’s party
You’d known Taehyung since middle school however since starting college you hadn’t seen much of him
schedules clashed often so the only time you got to see him was at a good party
nothing wrong with that, you just probably haven’t had a completely sober conversation with him in 2 years
he’s good fun, Taehyung, so you hoped Jungkook wasn’t as much as a killjoy as he’d been this week
his little antics (that you’d yet to figure out) had caused your work uniform to turn bright pink
and thus the ‘pink princess’ nickname at work began
you felt like sharpay, everyone in white, but you pink
you’d quite like to knock Jungkook down a peg after that
and so you made your way to the infamous Taehyung’s party
he welcomed you as you entered the large door of his fraternity house
behind his head of black curls you could see the mess that is a raging college party
young people, at assumably different levels of intoxication, were everywhere
some were stood all the way up the expanse of the stairs even
you looked around and spotted a familiar brunette in the kitchen sat on the large marble counter tops
he’s chatting to some pink haired girl beside him
you stalk up to him like a woman on a mission and jokingly (a little too hard for jokingly) push his shoulders with both hands
he immediately snaps his head round to face you and his eyes widen with shock
“I have a bone to pick with you.” you say as stern as you can
you grab hold a fistful of his black T-shirt and drag him into a side room
once you enter only then do you realise it’s a laundry room
how fitting 👀
you say “Come on, tell me how you did it.” as you cross your arms and glare at him
“Did what?”
“you know what I mean, don’t play dumb with me, how did you turn all of my washing pink, and might I add, my work uniform too!”
“Ohhh that, it was far too easy. You really should keep your windows locked when you’re out.” he says as he laughs, like the whole thing is amusing
“So you’re telling me you broke into my apartment?! How did u know where I live??”
at this point you’re pacing around the room, arms flailing wide at the sudden discovery
“Well, I may or may not have asked Taehyung, and he told me, and then I entered, I did not break into your apartment. Anyway, I didn’t touch anything but the washing machine and I had the lovely experience of being serenaded by your roommate’s sex symphony.”
he made a step forward towards you, almost in a challenging way
“Oh I’ll be having harsh words with him later...” you say as you uncross your arms and put them on your hips.
you stand thinking for a second before it sinks in
“Wait.. what did you hear? You said sex symphony, right?”
“Uh yeah, your roommate was proper going at it with someone. At least he had the decency to do it whilst you were out, I guess.” He chuckled
“Oh my days, that means Hobi must’ve had Hyerim round! Go him I guess, but also ewww”
“Anyways we’ve bounced around the issue enough here, you ruined my clothes and broke into my apartment!” you exclaim backing up against the wall
Jungkook starts to close the gap between you two
“So? What’re you going to do about?”
your back pressed flush with the wall, you start to realise how close he really is
you can see the small freckles that dot the bridge of his nose, the thick eyelashes that frame his eyelids, the totally sinful look in his eyes
like this you start to realise how shockingly handsome he is
no wonder he has a slight reputation in class
you had no idea why he was looking at you this way
“I-I’ll call campus security..” You begin
“Will you really now?” he retorts as he slams his hand into the wall behind you, caging you in
“I w-will” a whisper that falls on deaf ears
before you even register, his lips have attached themselves to yours and you feel his thumb under your jaw
he works his lips against yours and you feel your legs start to tremble
he tastes sweet and robust, like syrup on your tastebuds
you mould into his kiss and then break away, panting for air, wanting more
everything felt so wrong, yet so right at the same time
it was as if your current issue had melted away and the only thing you could focus on was the way he looked at you and how his soft lips felt against yours
“J-Jungkook? What’re we doing?” you asked, a giggle leaving you
you rest your head against chest, clasping at his tshirt
“I couldn’t resist, you’re so hot when you’re angry”
he places a firm kiss against your cheek, takes your hand in his, and leads you back to the party
you couldn’t believe you’d just done that, let him kiss you so easily
but once you let him, it felt so right, like it was supposed to be that way, him lapping you up like a parched man to water
it felt so natural to have his arm round your waist like it was now
the pair of you approached Taehyung, still clutched together
“What happened to you two? I heard _____ went off on one and then you both were missing for ages. And now you both show up all over each other... what went down 👀”
“Well you know, hate and love are both forms of passion.” Jungkook says with a smirk
“excuse me? Assuming I love you? I let you kiss me once and you say it’s love? I’ll show you love” you retort
“Oooh she’s feisty; so you kissed? Damn, things’re moving quickly for you two, one minute Jungkook’s asking me for your address, the next you’re sucking each other’s faces off. I’m one of hell of a wing man, if I do say so myself.”
Taehyung flips an imaginary lock of hair out of his way like a sassy high school cheerleader
You both just laugh, at Taehyung, and because of how crazy it is,
It’s almost like you didn’t know you liked him like that until it smacked you in the face
“Do you want a drink? A beer?” Jungkook asks pouring himself a glass of punch
“That’d be great, thank you” you reply as you realise how much more time you want to spend with this annoying but totally handsome dork of a boy
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༄ 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀! ༄
This was just a little fic I wrote a while ago which had formatting errors so I fixed it for y’alI, Hope you enjoyed it ☺️ Let me know what you thought of it and feel free to like and reblog <3
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sparklingskz · 5 years
the heart of the matter | kim seungmin
▸ genre: college au, fluff!!
▸ description: you’re supposed to be registered into the physics class for humanity majors but somehow you’re in the advanced class, and Seungmin comes to your rescue.
▸ word count: 2.4k
▸  a/n: some cute seungmin for u (✿◠‿◠) also idk why I added those emojis in the text messages, i was just feeling like it ig lol
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“I’m sorry, but it seems you’re registered in the advanced physics class,” the woman working at the front desk answered.
“This can’t be.” Exasperation dripped from your tone. “I’m sure I enrolled in the class for humanity majors. Can you please check again?”
You watched as the woman clicked on the screen a few times. “Your name is on the advanced list, so I’m afraid you’ll need to attend that class.” She directed a sad look at you.
“Isn’t there a way to change it? Transfer me to the easier course?” you pleaded.
“You can, but only after the first semester has passed,” she said after shrugging.
You sighed. “Okay, thank you.”
It seems you’ll have to survive until the end of the semester.
When you checked your schedule that morning, your heart stopped for a second when you noticed the small “advanced physics” printed, and immediately headed towards the university’s administration to figure out what was happening.
Turns out you probably messed up when you were selecting your classes.
Anyways, there was no use to cry because of it now. You resignedly headed to the physics room, mentally preparing yourself for what was about to come.
You were standing in front of the classroom doors, pondering whether to go in or not. To say you were confident would be a complete lie. However, you needed the attendance if you wanted to pass, so you took a deep breath and stepped into the room.
You sat down on the second row and took out your materials, and were completely prepared to pay attention to try and save yourself from failing.
Oh, but it was not going to be so easy.
Only half an hour had passed and you were suffering. Physics was never your forte, and now that you had to learn things way above your level, you’d have to work twice as hard. You were trying your best, taking notes of everything the professor was saying, your hand aching every once in a while.
Some time later the lesson ended, and you quickly packed your stuff and left the classroom, feeling exhausted from all the information you had to engrave into your brain.
This was definitely going to be a tough semester.
“Why is this so difficult?” you whined as you buried your head into your hands.
You were currently at the library, your physics notes and a book opened right in front of you, trying to absorb as much knowledge as you could.
It was not going very well.
You were a humanities major, for God’s sake! All these formulas and theorems weren’t going to be of any use to you, but if you wanted to do well on your upcoming test you’d have to learn all of them by that time.
Frustration was quickly building up on you, but you picked up your book and delved right into it again.
You were jotting down a few definitions when you suddenly felt a soft voice addressing you.
“Excuse me?”
You looked up towards the voice and were met with a boy sitting on the table next to you, looking at you curiously.
“Um, yes?” you asked, wondering what he would want.
“Are you studying for the advanced physics class?”
“I’m trying,” you sighed.
“Do you want some help? I think I don’t suck that much at physics,” he said, shrugging.
At this point, you’d take any help you can get, even if you didn’t know the boy.
“If you don’t mind, that would actually be good,” you said, a small smile forming on your lips.
He returned your smile and picked up his things and moved to go sit right next to you, setting his supplies down on the table.
“Oh! I just realized I haven’t told you my name. I’m Seungmin.” He extended his hand for you to shake, and you took it.
“I’m y/n. How did you know I needed help?” you inquired.
“Well, let’s say I could feel your frustration from where I was seated, and you look like you’re one second away from having a meltdown during class.”
You laughed a bit and looked at the floor. “Yeah, I’m hopeless.”
“Don’t say that! Look, I know it may be difficult but just take a deep breath and let’s start with the basics, okay?” Seungmin said softly.
You looked up at him, and you could swear you were staring at an angel. This boy, who was very cute you might add, offering his help to you? Maybe choosing the advanced class wasn’t a complete mistake.
“There, you got it right!” Seungmin exclaimed and high-fived you.
“Looks like I’m not that hopeless after all,” you said with a smile.
Seungmin had spent the past hour teaching you, and you could say that you had understood everything. It was like he had a special way with words, he made the complicated terms you learnt in class make sense and everything sound way more simple than it probably was.
Whatever it was, you were grateful.
It was when Seungmin yawned you noticed how late it had gotten. “You must be tired, sorry for keeping you here so long trying to teach my humanities major brain,” you said, closing your books.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. By the way, why are you taking the advanced class?” he tilted his head, like a cute puppy.
“I made a mistake when registering my classes, so now I’m stuck until the first semester ends,” you said sadly, both of you standing up and heading towards the library’s exit.
“Well, if you’d like I could continue tutoring you, I’m not that busy this semester.”
You stopped on your tracks to face him. “You’d really do that?”
“Yeah, why not? You shouldn’t have to suffer because of your mistake, and if I can help in any way, then I’d be happy to,” he finished with a smile.
Perhaps angels did exist in real life, you thought.
“If you’re sure… I would really appreciate the help.”
You both traded numbers and went your separate ways, the image of the nice boy stuck in your mind.
Some time had passed, and you had met up with Seungmin a few times to study.  Well, at least most of the time, because you sometimes got off track and ended up talking about random topics and getting to know each other. You weren’t complaining, though.
You found out that the boy was actually a physics major, hence his deep understanding on the subject. He loved it, so he also loved teaching it to you (you found this piece of information especially endearing).
Every time you studied, you brought him food as to repay him, because he wouldn’t accept money and he was, as he himself put it, a “starving college student”. Turns out, you were meeting at least twice a week to eat and occasionally study, only when it was necessary as you thought it was way more fun to just talk for hours about anything and everything.
You wouldn’t deny that your heart would race a little every time you met.
However, you’d have to ignore such thoughts because you had a final exam coming up, and a large part of your grade for the course depended on the score you got. You wanted to do well so you would be able to transfer to the easier class without any regrets.
You texted Seungmin so you could meet up to (actually) study.
you (15:34 pm): hey I need help for the final exam, are u free today? (^▽^)
seungminnie ♡ (15:36 pm): do u have food
you (15:37 pm): who do u take me for, of course
seungminnie ♡ (15:38 pm): then I’m free ヽ(^◇^*)/
you (15:40 pm): see u at the library dork
You locked your phone and headed to the library.
When you got there, you immediately spotted Seungmin, who was sitting on the table you two used every time you studied there. You went over and said hello, sitting down next to him.
After talking about random topics for a few minutes, you took out your physics supplies and watched as Seungmin did the same thing.
You were looking at the amount of information you’d have to internalize, and your leg immediately started bouncing up and down, nerves flooding your entire system.
Seungmin seemed to notice your nervousness. “Y/n, you’ll do fine,” he said, resting his hand on top of your leg, stopping its bouncing. “Relax.”
How is he asking you to relax when his hand is right there, you didn’t know.
“It’s just… A lot of information,” you sighed.
“And we’ll go through it, don’t worry.” He directed a smile at you, instantly calming you down.
You trusted him, definitely. After all, he was one of the people you had grown closer to during your time in college, and you knew he did his best to teach you, taking time out of his day to help you out.
And you appreciated that.
You watched as he opened the physics book, getting everything set up for you to review. You got into your studying mindset, ignoring the way your heart jumped when of your hands brushed when reaching for your notes.
This would be a long evening.
“Come on y/n, I know you know this,” Seungmin said.
You sighed, burying your face in your hands. “I think I’m just a bit distracted.”
Oh, damn right you were. You didn’t know what was happening to you that specific day, but you weren’t paying enough attention to your textbook or Seungmin’s attempts at explaining. Instead you were paying attention to the way his hands moved enthusiastically when he was trying to express something, the way he slowly blinked when reading, or the way his mannerisms resembled a cute puppy (you couldn’t explain how, but he did).
And all this was affecting your concentration.
“Okay, you know what? Let’s take a break.” He closed the textbook. “We’ll take a nice walk around campus and come back to finish studying, how does that sound?” Seungmin said.
That definitely was better than staying in there dealing with whatever was happening to you. “Okay, let’s go.”
You both grabbed your things and went outside, and started strolling along the buildings on your campus.
The atmosphere was serene. Not many people were outside at that particular time so you both walked in a comfortable silence, Seungmin’s presence comforting beside you. You didn’t talk much except for some punctual comments here and there, preferring to just enjoy the moment and relax before going back inside.
Before you had a chance to do that, though, you both walked next to one of the green areas on campus, some trees, grass and benches adorning the area. That’s when Seungmin turned to face you.
“Hey, how about we continue studying outside? I read that a change in scenery can do the brain good when retaining information,” he said, nudging you with his elbow.
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Oh really? And where did you read that?” You asked, unconvinced.
“I don’t know, Pinterest?” he shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, it’s probably true.” He didn’t give you a chance to respond when he grabbed your hand and dragged you to sit on the grass, under the shade of a big tree.
You weren’t going to lie and say that studying there didn’t sound like a good idea.
You took out your supplies and got to work, a slight breeze surrounding you both and the feeling of soft grass under your fingertips accompanying you.
The moment you handed in your finished test, you could physically feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. You wouldn’t have to worry about physics until after you got your results back, and you could confidently say you thought you did very well.
A week after that day, you were walking along campus next to Seungmin (“y/n you need to get out of your dorm and stop stressing over your test, you told me you did well!”), checking your phone every ten minutes to see if you got your grade back.
When you heard the typical notification sound, you froze. On the screen, an email from your physics professor was displayed for you to open.
A few seconds later, Seungmin spoke. “So? What are you waiting for, a damn invitation? Open it!”
You snapped out of it and tapped the notification, and you skimmed through the email to see how you did.
A big 87/100 was written, next to “grade”.
“I passed!” you exclaimed, jumping up and down. “Eighty-seven out of a hundred!”
In the thrill of the moment, you threw your arms around Seungmin, embracing him into a big hug. It was all thanks to him, after all.
“Thank you so so much Seungmin, I couldn’t have done it without you,” you said, retreating your arms from around his neck.
He smiled widely at you. “Please, you were the one that answered that test, I just helped,” he shrugged.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Don’t be modest. Hey, check your grade too!” you suddenly exclaimed.
You watched as Seungmin took out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He tapped the screen a few times before announcing his score, “I got a ninety-five,” he smiled at you.
“Wasn’t expecting anything less from you, to be honest.”
He playfully hit your arm because of your comment, before speaking. “This needs a celebration. Want to grab some food? It’s almost dinner time, I’ll treat.”
“Oh? What happened to ‘I’m a starving college student, please feed me?’” You raised your eyebrows at him teasingly.
“Maybe I want to treat my date to some food, I can’t do that?”
You stopped in your tracks when you heard him say that. A date? Did Seungmin like you back? Wait, you didn’t even conclude that you liked him, you just thought he was cute and had an amazing personality, you loved his laugh, the way he talked, how he was so patient with you whenever you studied, and all his little quirks and traits.
Maybe you did like him.
“A date? As in… non-platonic?” you asked, just to clear things up.
“I mean…” He scratched his neck, not meeting your gaze. “If you don’t have a problem with it, I would like to.”
In a sudden urge of confidence, you grabbed his hand into yours, making him look up at you. “I would like to,” you said while smiling.
He gave you a bright smile in return. “Let’s get going, then.”
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Chapter 16: Slug Club Christmas party (part 2)
Draco loved the castle at night, it was one of his favorite things ever. The light, the way that the air changed when everyone was already at their tower. He loved it immensely.
He was happy to share this with the weasel. It was like the boy had never lived a normal teenager life, the only reasons he had snuck out in the past was to defeat dark wizards. Now the redhead was beaming, walking next to Draco, checking if Filch was around.
“He is too busy with the party, weasel, and it’s on the other end of the castle. Chill.” Ron looked at him.
“I still think it would be easier with the cloak.”
They climbed up the last stairs to get to the astronomy tower, Blaise and Pansy were already there, bottle in hand.
“Thank Merlin, we were about to start without you. Did you bring the glasses?” Asked the girl. Draco showed her the glasses in his hands.
“Weasley was having trouble to leave his dorm. Apparently in the Gryffindor tower, people <cite> asks questions</cite>.” Draco answered making a face at his best friends.
“That sounds horrible.” Said Blaise as he chuckled.
Weasley seemed amused by the whole thing, they sat in front of them, forming a little circle on the floor.
“So since Weasley is new here...” Pansy started. “I was thinking about a good old ‘Never have I ever’.”
Draco smiled brightly as he nodded. He turned to the redhead.
“Do you know the rules, weasel?” Ron shook his head. “Well, it’s simple. Each of us gets a glass filled with firewhiskey, someone says something they never have done, and if you’ve done it: you drink.”
“Who wins?” Asked the poor innocent Gryffindor.
“No one. That’s the beauty of it. By the end of the game, either you are drunk and everyone knows your secrets or you are still sober and everyone knows your secrets.” Blaise responded. Weasley chuckled.
They started easy... Who walked naked around the house, who cheated on a test, who was scared of a professor. The Slytherins didn’t want to scare Weasley away if they asked the good questions too fast. Draco was at the middle of his glass when Pansy started to <cite> really play</cite>, which wasn’t a good thing because he was already feeling tipsy and that meant less mouth filter.
“Never have I ever...” And she looked at the blond boy directly in the eye. “Kissed someone.” Of course, Pansy had kissed someone so she drank too. Draco rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t kiss anyone, you know that.”
“We were just making sure, Dragon.” Stupid Blaise drank after saying that. Then he caught Weasley putting the glass on his lips with the corner of his eye. He turned to look at him with widened eyes, expecting an explanation.
“Lavender Brown.” He said as he made a face because of the firewhiskey was burning his throat. Draco just raised his arms over his head <cite> what the hell, Weasley</cite>.
“What about Granger??” He hissed. The redhead blushed and turned to look at the other Slytherins, shocked. The blond boy rolled his eyes. “They know, everyone <cite> knows</cite>, that’s why I don’t understand how this happened.” Weasley shrugged.
“It happened a few weeks ago, we were alone at the Common Room, I was still pissed about what Ginny said about Mione and Krum... and I thought ‘what the hell’” The redhead sighed. “I think Hermione heard about it because she’s been rather short with me lately, hence her going with stupid McLaggen to the bloody party.” He ended the sentence with a little groan.
“<cite> I hate Gryffindors</cite>. It’s like you guys need a fucking manual to get laid.” Pansy was drunk already. Draco knew that because, she tended to get meaner as the alcohol level in her body seemed to increased. The girl just kept talking. “You listen to me, Weasley. Do exactly as I say. When you go back to the tower tonight, you wait for her to come back; when you see her, you tell her she looks beautiful. Then, when she asks you if you had a good time with us you answer: yeah, but I would have been more fun with you, Mione.”
Ron had an amused smile on his face as he responded ‘Sure, Parkinson’. The redhead continued the game.
“Never have I ever had a fantasy of shagging my (boy) best mate.”
He blushed as red as ever. Fucking Weasel. In front of Blaise, of all people. Draco drank, looking away.
“Darling! Oh Salazar, this is precious.”
When he turned his head to see Blaise, the boy had an amused bright smile. He raised an eyebrow.
“Theo or me?” He asked. Draco blushed even harder.
“Both.” Weasley laughed, clapping his hands ‘way to go, ferret’. The blond boy punched him in the arm.
“In that case...” the Blaise said and drank too. Holy fuck. Pansy widened her eyes, grabbing her own hair as she spoke.
“I can’t stop watching. I’m going to die.” Blaise chuckled.
“ I thought you didn’t want to die without doing something with a boy, ferret.” Draco punched him in the arm again.
Blaise leaned near him. Draco could smell his expensive cologne, so different from Potter’s. He felt like he was about to die from being a gay mess. His hormones were screaming ‘JUST KISS HIM’ ,but the flowers in his lungs were hurting him ‘<cite> Not him, not him, not him</cite>’. But Weasley was right, this was his fucking chance. Draco grabbed Blaise by his neck and kissed him.
His lips were soft, warm. Blaise returned the kiss as he started to move his lips with Draco’s. It felt odd, the kiss was good but the daffodils were fully aware that this was not Potter. Suddenly, his thoughts were shut off because Blaise was grabbing the bottom of his sweater, pulling him even nearer. The kiss deepened.
“Not that I’m complaining because this is like my favorite fantasy come true...” Pansy started. “But maybe you want to continue that in the dorm.”
They broke away, Draco felt like his face was on fire. He turned to look at Weasley who had a smug smile on his face.
“I just made that happen. I’m like the fairy godmother of gays.” And the Slytherins couldn’t help but to burst into laughter.
By the end of the bottle the four of them were drunk and walking again to their common rooms. Weasley said good night and tripped himself as he entered the Gryffindor tower. When they returned to the dungeons, Pansy hugged them and asked them if she could go watch. Draco chuckled and sent her to the girls room.
Blaise was quiet as he hold his hand, and entered their room. Theodore was awake, his eyes went directly to were their hands were intertwined.
“Zabini, cast a silencing charm.” Theo said harshly as he closed his curtains abruptly.
Draco felt uncomfortable, it was his room too. He didn’t want to put the brunette in a bad mood because of this. He felt Blaise squeezed his hand.
“Ignore him, Dragon. Come on.” He said as he guided him towards his bed.
The blond boy felt so nervous, the flowers inside of him were moving, frantic. <cite> NOT HIM, NOT HIM, NOT HIM</cite>. He sat in the middle of the boy’s bed, as he waited for Blaise to shut the curtains and cast the muffliato around them.
Dark eyes were on his.
“Are you sure about this? We can do whatever you want.” His friend said with concern. Draco snorted.
“Why are you doing this, Blaise?” The boy offered him a smug smile.
“Because you are hot, Dragon.” The blond boy chuckled, as his friend sat next to him; he heard him sighed. “I know it’s not me. Pansy even asked me if it was a possibility... but I know it’s not. We are too much friends for it to be me. You don’t get nervous around me, you don’t usually blush... So I understand if you need to do this, before everything goes to hell. I heard loud and clear what Weasley said.”
Draco felt tears forming in his eyes. The daffodils kept moving, the only reason he hadn’t coughed was because they hadn’t touched again. He took a deep breath and laid on the bed.
“Did you felt anything when we kissed?” He asked in a low voice. Because kissing was great but Draco didn’t feel that <cite>want</cite>, that need to breath in the other person, that wish of a never ending moment... All the things he read on books, they weren’t there. Maybe it was because of the Hanahaki, maybe the daffodils broke something inside of him.
Blaise laid next to him, dark eyes looking at him, with such understanding... Draco felt like he could breathe again. The boy moved a straw of hair away from his face.
“No, Dragon... But there is nothing wrong with that. I still love you, and you still love me... even if it’s not in the way that it’s supposed to be.” Draco felt as the tears began to course down his cheeks. “I wasn’t lying when I drank that firewhiskey. It crossed my mind... How could it not have? Look at you.”
Draco laughed, the combination with the crying was somewhat comical; and murmured ‘Right back at you, darling’. Blaise chuckled.
He couldn’t be with Blaise like that. He could never be intimate with anyone if he didn’t feel <cite> that</cite> way, at least in a small amount. He just wished he would find someone before the symptoms got ugly. Draco looked at his friend and smiled brightly at him.
“I’m glad you were my first kiss, though. I love you, darling.”
Blaise returned the smile and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you too, Dragon.”
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mbbsadmissionworld · 4 years
The Philippines, also known as the Republic of Philippines is situated in Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean. Its capital, Manila, is famous for its waterfront and centuries-old Chinatown. Philippines was a colony of USA for around 50 years and thus the country follows the American system of education.
Philippines is a founding member of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and the East Asia Summit. The country also hosts the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank.
The Philippines has shown a great transition in economy from agriculture to the one with services and manufacturing. In addition to membership in the United Nations, the Philippines is also a founding and active member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
As a founding member of the United Nations, the Philippines has been elected many times into the Security Council. The country is also an active participant in the Human Rights Council and in peacekeeping missions.
The tropical climate of Philippines is usually hot and humid. The temperatures usually vary from 21 °C (70 °F) to 32 °C (90 °F) with January being the coolest and May being the warmest months of the year.
When it comes to study abroad destinations for MBBS, Indian students has a few countries in the list. MBBS in Philippines is one of the preferred destinations of Indian students. Similar to studying MBBS in China or European Countries, the Medical Council of India provides approval for many medical colleges and universities. Here is the brief outlook on studying medicine in Philippines.
Philippines offers American system of medical education and the Primary Medical qualification is M.D. degree(MBBS). This qualification is globally recognized including the Medical Council of India.
The medical universities are approved by the World Health Organization. In addition, these are also listed and approved in the list of IMED and ECFMG medical education directories. It provides student an internationally recognized medical program. Also, students are eligible to appear in the international medical exams, namely USMLE.
When you check MBBS in Philippines review, you can see that about 8000 foreign students are admitted in MBBS every year. The standard of education by these medical universities in Philippines is on par with global standards. Every year, thousands of doctors move to different countries for higher education and practice.
Check out the MBBS in Philippines quora comments or MBBS in Philippines review, where climate is most favourable for the Indian students. The climate in Philippines is very similar to Indian climate. So, it is easy for the Indian students to adapt to the environment in a foreign country. Philippines MBBS syllabus covers all aspects covered in a MBBS degree offered across the globe.
Do you know that more than 10000 international students enroll in Philippines Medical universities and out of which more than 50% are Indian students? Philippines universities and colleges are known for its quality and sending thousands of doctors and engineers every year to work in USA, UK, and other developed western countries. It has 2299 higher educational institutions and 40 medical colleges. According to American Physician Statistics, one among ten Physicians in the USA studied at Philippines medical university.
Philippines medical college fees would range anywhere between Rs 12-20 Lakhs for the complete medical course. Even though some of the medical colleges/universities in Philippines have low fees, one should not choose the Philippines medical college only on the basis of the tuition fees. The quality of medical education as well the facilities would also be less when the fees is less.
  The MD in Philippines is recognized and approved as an equivalent course to the MBBS by the MCI (Medical Council of India) who has established and maintain uniform standards of medical education.
·         Philippines medical universities are widely renowned in many countries for the superior standard of education and also have listed in the WHO, IMED and ECFMG medical education directories.
·         Professors in the Philippines universities are coming from different countries, including USA and India who are highly qualified and experienced in the allied field.
·         Philippines medical colleges are regulated by the Philippines ministry of education and that is why Philippines colleges do not have any capitation fees as well as no donations to be paid for enrollment.
·         Another advantage of an Indian student is the climate of the Philippines. Philippines climate varies from 23 °C to 32 °C throughout the year, which is very alike to the Indian climate helps Indian students in settling with no trouble. The other advantage of the similar climate is, people having the same pattern of disease which aids to the Indian students who want to practice in India.
·         There is no any donation required to enroll in Philippines medical college, unlikely to Indian medical colleges.
·         Philippines follows US education system that opens numerous opportunities to make a career in English speaking countries inclusive of UK, USA, Australia, Canada, etc.
·         The English medium of instruction diminishes the barrier of learning the native language and helps to concentrate only on the study.
·         All the medical colleges in Philippines emphasis on practice over theorygive you greater extent of practical experience that helps you during practice.
·         The entire faculty of the Philippines medical colleges is co-operative and ready to help you in every query.
·         As the MBBS degree of Philippines is recognized by MCI, you can practice in India after completing the MCI registration formalities.
·         The MBBS degree of Philippines is recognized by every major country, that proffers you great career opportunity of working in the US, Canada, Australia and other developed countries without any extra course.
·         The living cost at Philippines is very less compare to other along with there is very mere difference in Philippines currency and Indian currency that makes Philippines more affordable.
·         We have a large number of messes and team of Indian chefs to make all the Indian dishes available for Indian students at affordable rates.
·         India and Philippines both have a tropical climate that helps you to quickly adjust to the Philippines climate.
·         Listed on the 12th as the most populous country in the world, hence you will have greater opportunity to practice with a varied and large number of patients.
·         You can easily communicate with patient and a local as the Philippines is the 3rd largest English speaking country where almost 94% of Filipinos speak English.
·         If you are planning to migrate at US, there is good news for you. The student can crack the USLME parts I and II in Philippines only under the guidance of medical professors.
·         Philippines is also renowned country for MD, the students coming from US, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Japan and South Korea is an evidence of it.
·         If we look at the data of past years and today, the number of Indian students enrolling for MBBS in Philippines are drastically increased shows its worthiness.
·         Excellent flight connectivity from India offers easy commutation throughout the year
·         Philippines embassy is very liberal, that means it is easy to obtain a student visa and quick processing of documentation.
·         To study MBBS in Philippines approx 20,000 students enroll every yearthat shows prominence of the Philippines is not only limited to the India.
·         Universities of the Philippines not only prepare for medical practice, but also prepare students for the MCI screening test.
Students who study MBBS in Russia need to manage the extreme weather conditions in Russia. More importantly the diseases which they learn in cold climatic country like Russia is not relevant in Indian context, where the climate is sub-tropical. The percentage of students who clear the FMGE (MCI screening test) from these two countries Russia and China range between 15-20%. But in case of students from Philippines medical colleges, the passing percentage for Foreign Medical Graduate Exam(FMGE) is well above 50% because of similar disease spectrum.
Happiest hostel life
Shopping and Entertainment
Best college life
Protective Environment
 Philippines Food & Accomodation
Philippines medical colleges provide excellent hostel accommodation for students coming from abroad. The rooms are furnished with every modern amenity. There is the provision of good hostel system with fully furnished rooms, quite study environment as well as recreation center. 
Dormitory rooms at hostel can accommodate 2 or 3 students in a room. Hostels offer the perfect environment for study. Students have access to 24 hour emergency medical services.After witnessing the migration of many Indian students towards Philippines, a lot of local Indian restaurants have come up that offer luscious Indian food. Otherwise, the availability of common kitchen helps the students to cook whatever they like to. Cooking Indian food independently is the best way to enjoy it. Study MBBS in Philippines.
 Philippines Climate
There are four recognized climate types in the Philippines, and they are based on the distribution of rainfall. The Climate of the Philippines is either tropical rainforest, tropical savanna or tropical monsoon, or humid subtropical (in higher-altitude areas) characterized by relatively high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall. Study MBBS in Philippines.
 Philippines Culture
The culture of the Philippines is a combination of cultures of the East and West. Education in the Philippines has been influenced by Western and Eastern ideology and philosophy from the United States, Spain, and its neighbouring Asian countries. Study MBBS in Philippines.
Eligibility for sudying medicine in Philippines
 Aggregate marks of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Should have passed in NEET
 Davao medical school foundation
Lyceum Northwestern University
University of Northern Philippines
Our Lady of Fatima University
UV Gullas college of medicine
University of Santo Tomas
Emilio aguinaldo college
South western university
St Lukes college of medicine
Ama school of medicine
University of Perpetual help system dalta
Cebu doctors university
De la salle University
Pamantasan ng lungsod ng maynila 
Angeles University
Xaviers university
Bicol christian college of medicine
Iloilo doctors college of medicine
San beda college
West visayas state university
University of saint la salle
Silliman university
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writerfae · 5 years
Tumblr media
Project: Secret Warriors - more facts
world building:
P:SW takes place in the future of an alternate world similar to ours
there once was a big ass war that killed a majority of the world's population and the surviving humans split up into four nations
the names of these four great nations are Nnedor, Onest, Sedun and Wenset
those are simply anagrams of the German words for the four compass points Norden (North), Osten (East), Süden (South), Westen (West) (wasn't really creative with this one, I know, but it's not that important for the story anyway)
they're at peace with each other, but the situation is pretty tense
life in Nnedor isn't really great, there are many poor people, people living on the streets, orphans, criminal gangs etc.
the project:
like I said, it's a training camp
they pick up homeless and convicted teens and offer them a chance to take part in the project
not because the government is being so generous and they want to help, but rather because "no one would miss them"
cause, as I also already mentioned, they use them as test subjects for creating super-soldiers and that doesn't always work out well (people die or go mad or get hurt and stuff, not great)
they still try to figure out how to make super-soldiers (no there do not exist super humans in their world but they try to create some), right now they work on developing a special serum
the teenagers don't know about any of this, they are just told that they get trained to serve their country in case of a war. as a secret army you could say, hence the project's name
which is true, just with the tiny little extra fact that this secret army is supposed to be made of super-soldiers
the teens get normal military training but from time to time they are called to "the lab" for "health checks" and stuff like that
Nalia and Xander are the two main (and POV) characters, two siblings who lived on the streets for a year
Xander is the older one (cause I have a thing for older brothers), he's 17 (nearly 18) and more of a guarded guy, kinda awkward sometimes and always the voice of reasons, he's also a very talented artist
his sister Nalia is 15 and the complete opposite, she's outgoing and reckless and she likes to have action in her life, she's very good at sports
those two are peak wlw/mlm solidarity between siblings
Charlie is the third main character, he's 18, dyes his hair blue, he's charismatic, a little rebellious and likes to mess with people. or flirt with them. He grew up in several orphanages (his mother gave him away when he was a baby) and lived a majority of his life on the streets (running away from said orphanages)
Charlie is also a chaotic bisexual
the siblings and Charlie met at the start of the project, Charlie and Xander are roommates
there are several other teenagers that play a role in the story, the most important ones are: Rafael, Alissa and Ethan
Rafael is one of the most skilled fighters at camp, he befriends Nalia (because she activates his big brother drive)
Alissa is Nalia's roommate and a friend of Charlie, she'll help out the main three
Ethan is one of the not so nice teenagers, he and Charlie have a troubled relationship (because of a shared backstory), he'll cause problems, that much you should know
but the real villains are the leader of the project: defense secretary Darcia Morgan (called "the boss" by everyone else) and the Professor Dr. Quentin Harvey
wip intro
tag list: @thewalkingnerdx
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