#and the teleported out seconds before Dream opened the door to the house
ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAu - On the other side
:3 :3 :3
Guess who is back already?!
Not with the normal cast though :3
No I had an idea for the another person in this AU.
Anyone wondering how Dream is going? :D
So this one is a bit different then all the other installments and don't expect these often as the main focus is on the gang and their now babybones boss. But this one I thought would be fun.
Welcome. To Dream dealing with this (the sometiny changes to the multiverse. A God can't lose his status without it affecting those around him after all :3)
First: here Prev: here Next: here
We good? We good. We are unedited and unbeta'ed as always.
oh shit @spotaus I actually forgot you that time. sorry fam (they gave me the original prompt which is why they keep getting added every update. They are stuck with me now)
The sun feels so warm on his bones. Dream lays by the roots of his mother. Enjoying the warm light of the never ending late spring sun which warms his bones. His mother's voice, always loving and so proud of him.
The only thing that would make this moment better would be his brother near him. But he went to wash up a while ago.
Which is okay It isn't. where is nightmare? He will just wait right here for when he comes back.
Nightmare always joins him again. except that one time. The time when it mattered.
Dream loves his brother so much, and Nightmare loves him! Not anymore, not after everything
Dream sighs in the warm light and looks to the side. The village lays in the distance. Beautiful and lively and so so welcome of him!
Rememver your duty my son. You are meant for great things. Never forget that.
Dream hums happily as he looks back up at the branches "I know mom! I will be like you and be a great warrior and bringer of hope!" he smiles up.
A laugh in the air that sounds like a bell A bringer of balance my dear son. Remeber. Too much of one will always spell the end for one.
Dream hums as he enjoys the soft sunlight and happiness he feels in his soul.
He just wishes his brother was here. he wants his brother back, that is all he wants.
oh. I think Nightmare is back from washing himself
Dream blinks his sockets open and looks over. Near the forest edge stands Nightmare. In his purple clothes and with a small silver crown on his skull. Dream smiles and waves from his spot "Nighty! Over here!"
But Nightmare doens't move. He just watches him.
Dream frowns as he sits up "Nighty?"
The sunlight is gone as an ominious rumble is heard overhead. The light feeling in him disappears as he looks back at Nightmare "Nighty! i know it is scary but you need to get over here!" Normal trees can't protect them from thunder and lightning! Their mother can.
Nightmare just continues to stare at him from a distance. Even now Dream thinks he looks tired.
Drema raises to his feet.
His mother's voice fills his skull Dream don't go. It isn't worth the risk.
Dream shakes his skull and leaves the save shadow and cover of his mother. Running towards his brother. He needs to get to him. He can't be too late again. Not when he has this chance to reach him in time.
Dream watches as Nightmare remains rooted in place. Lightning flashes overhead and loud thunder follows right away. Drema flinches but keeps running "Nighty!" his voice lost in the loud rumble and thunder.
Dream is right by him and reaches for him. But another flash of lightning and Dream is blinded. Once he opens his sockets he is no longer by the forest. No, he is in the village. People are screaming. He searches for Nightmare only to see his mother burning in the distance. Her branches ablaze in bright orange light.
Dream rushes towards her. Panic. Why can't he stop this? Why did it happen?
He reaches her but it is already too late. His mother is gone. HIs friends are gone. His brother...
His brother...
Staring at him with betrayal. Dream can feel the hurt and betrayal in the other and Dream realises his has his hand out.
He had hit him. He had attacked him.
Dream reaches for his brother but Nightmare flinches back, away from him.
Because he had hurt him.
Dream can't speak. He can't move.
Nightmare glares at him "Nothing to say for yourself?"
Dream tries but no words leave him. Please Nighty. He is sorry.
Nightmare just continues to glare at him "After everything?! You only came because of those stupid villagers?!"
Dream shakes and tries to shake his skull. tries to deny it. But he can't. His body isn't moving. Nightmare is right, dream had always only cared about the village and what they wanted.
Nightmare turns and walks away. Away from him. Away from their ruined home.
Dream wants to follow but can't move. He is locked in place. just like he had been when he had been turned to stone.
He tries to reach for Nightmare but he is already gone and everything goes dark. Just dark dark dark dark-
Dream gasps as he sits up and checks himself. He can move! He is fine! he... he...
He looks around and sees that he fell asleep on his couch again... in his own living room... again...
He sighs as he sits normally on the couch and puts his skull between his hands. That same dream again. it had been haunting him ever since he had first faced Nightmare. But the dream kept coming back more often lately, for almost two months now...
He is so tired. He can't deal with everyone needing his help today. He can't deal with everyone demanding his attention and support today...
Dream glances at his phone and grabs it. So many numbers in there and many many texts and missed calls already. He ignores them all and finds the right number. He calls it and waits.
"Hey Dream! How are you?"
Drema feels apart of him relax "Blue..."
"... What is wrong?"
Dream feels bad for asking this off him "... can... can i please come over?" he is suposed to be strong. a bringer of hope and light. Yet he keeps failing. He tries so hard but keeps messing up or not being enough.
"Of course. I will clear my own schedule. Can you get here okay?"
Dream smiles and nods "yeah... be there in a bit." Honestly thank everything for Blue.
Dream sits on the couch in a different living room. Still feelign exhausted but a bit better. He had told Blue all about the dream he had had... The way it had been bothering him more and more lately and just how exhausting he had been lately.
Blue sits by him as he eats his bowl of cereal, Dream's own bowl untouched. Blue hums as he takes a bite "Seems to me that you are getting burned out." and he eats another bite.
Dream frowns "no? That is for people who do stuff they don't like. I like helping people!" generally... sometimes...
He is the guardian of positivity! He is suposed to like helping others! That is hiw whole purpose!
He wishes he could ask his mother... He wishes he could ask Nightmare, Nightmare had always been better at listening and hearing what their mother said.
Blue hums as he eats more of his breakfast "Everyone can get burned out by everything. It is why Ink can get an artblock. It is why Sci can get overwhelmed and annoyed with his own work. Jsut because you like soemthing doesn't mean you can't get stressed or overwhelmed by it."
Dream blinks confused at Blue and Blue smiles "My bro has it more often than me. Said it like that too much of one thing is always bad, no matter what it is."
Dream... Dream suddenly has a strong sense of dejavu.
Blue nods "Even stuff you like! Say... I love taco's. It is my favourite! But... if i had to cook it everyday and only eat taco's? I would get sick of it. It doesn't mean i don't like them any less. Just, even too much of a good thing is bad. you know?"
Dream gives a slow nod as he stares at Blue "what... what should i do?"
Blue shrugs as he finishes his meal "Take a break? Don't do the guardian stuff for a bit?"
Dream frowns "I can't take a day off!"
Blue tilts hsi skull "Why not? Having a good work ethic is important, I myself have one too, but i know i need breaks. Obviously not as much as some people!" Blue looks over his shoulder with a glare.
Stretch chuckles in the distance "guilty as charged!"
Blue huffs but turns back "But breaks are important. It is why there are rules nad laws about days off and having breaks every so many hours. It sounds to me that you have not been using your vacation days and you should at this point." he puts his empty bowl away and quickly washes it before joining his said again.
Dream already feels anxious. PEople like and listen to him because he helps them. If he stops doing that they may dislike him or not listen and then what does he do?!
Blue sits next to him and keeps waiting for a reply.
Dream rubs his arm "what.. what about... work? What about spreading positivity?"
Blue thinks it over "I mean... It should be fine right? The gang and your brother have been very quiet for the last... what... month? two months?"
Dream nods as he looks at his hands. the anxiety returns "He must be planning somethign big..." something gigantic. And dream has no idea and doesn't even know where to start with getting information or anything-
Blue snaps his fingers and Drema blinks out of his own thoguhts before shooting Blue a confused look.Blue grins at him "I honestly didn't expect that to work. Stop worrying about stuff that hasn't happened yet. Think about the here and now. Your friends are doing okay. The omega timeline doesn't need your help with anything they cna't do themselves. The gang hasn't done anything yet and Errir and Ink still have their third cease fire."
Blue pokes Dream "What will help you right now."
Dream stares at Blue for a moment before looking away. He thinks before he speaks "I think... I think I would like to go... home..." Blue frowns so Dream tries to explain "YOu know... home home... I haven't been there in ages... my... my magic has been... shifting... it is strange... I don't bring as much positivity to others as i used to anymore. Me just being there doesn't make others happy anymore. I... I was hoping... maybe i can find answers there?"
Blue blinks before smiling "That sounds like a wonderful idea! If you give me ten minutes I can get ready to join you."
Dream blinsk confused "You will join me?"
Blue grins and nods "Of course! what are friends for?"
Dream feels lighter and smiles "Thank you blue."
not even fifteen minutes later and they had arrived in Dreamtale. Dream... Dream isn't sure what he had been expecting. but it was the same as he remembered. no colours. everythign is grey and frozen. lacking anytype of magic.
It hurt.
They had arrived at the village and blue looks around "oh.. i... i am sorry..." he holds his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
They walk around the village together and that same bittersweet feeling returns to Dream. He remembers playing games here. the little marktes he would visit. How everyone would always be happy to see him.
It had been a beautiful place.
And now it is gone and-
Dream freezes. Blue doens't notice as he keeps walking but dream can't look away. because there in the distance... in another building... that... that looks like...
The mirage, or vision, or hallucination looks up in shock. before pure fear overtakes the expression.
He looks so young... had they been that young?
Dream feels himself take a step closer. his soul is pulsing madly and his sockets starts to itch with tears. is he going insane?
The tiny form disappears from view as it disappears behind a wall and out of the view of the window.
Dream doesn't think and starts sprinting.
"Dream?! What is wrong?!"
Dream doesn't stop to explain. He runs through the empty streets. please. please. just a moment longer. just bring that vision back. He just wants to see his brother one more time.
A crack much like a thunder fills the air and Dream rushes into the house he had originally seen the vision in.
Dream sobs as he falls to his knees.
He was too late again.
Blue joins his side a moment later but Dream can't even begin to explain.
Why did it feel like he lost his brother all over again?
Why did his soul hurt this badly?
Blue holds him and continues to hold him until Drema calms down again.
Dream sobs "Maybe... maybe this was a mistake..." he can't admit he jsut saw a vision of his own brother but as a child... He can't admit he is actually going insane.
Blue just continues his hug "Or maybe this is exactly what you needed. You have been holding in this grieve for a long time Dream. Maybe it needs to be released?"
Maybe he has a point. Dream leans heavily into the hug.
Blue holds them both up easily "Any place you want to visit?"
Dream holds it tightly before looking around "Maybe... maybe my friend is still here? It has only been about two years since a left." she had given him tea and let him sleep on her couch... Later she had broken him out of his stone prison and helped him as he grew up to be who he is today.
He wants to be sure she is okay.
Blue nods as he looks around the village "where to?"
Dream points in a direction "Her house should be over there..." They walk together in silence and Dream finally spots the old house. But it looks old and broken. As if no one had lived there for centuries.
Dream feels himself shake "That can't be right." he rushes inside and freezes as he finds a pile of dust.
oh... how?
Dream sits next to the pile and sobs. Blue joins his side and hugs him.
Time passes and Dream ends up carefully collecting the dust and putting it in a jar. He will have to figure out what her favourite things were and-
"euh... Dream? What is this?"
Dream blinks and looks over to see Blue holding an old beautiful book. Dream frowns as he walks over and reads the title.
Dream feels himself freeze "I... I don't know... where did you find it?"
Blue points towards the room. Dream frowns "I... i was told to never enter that as that had been her personal room. I didn't want to breka the trust..."
Blue hums before just opening the book. Dream hisses "Blue!"
Blue doesn't even look apologetic "Dream. If i have learned one thing about the multiverse, is having an universe named after one person spells trouble for everyone else in that universe. Why would she hide this from you?"
Dream can't help but agree and the two sit together at the table and start reading the story.
Dream wants to throw up. He is going to throw up. He just sits with his skull in his hands.
How... how often had nightmare asked him not to leave... to leave him alone? How often had Nightmare told him that the villagers didn't like him.
Dream... Dream never listened.
Dream sobs as he lays fully on the table.
The person he thought had been his friend... the person who gave him tea and a place to sit and rest. drugged him... all to make sure he couldn't interfere when they went to... when they had planned to murder... to murder...
all those years again.. Nightmare had accused him of not even caring that he had been dying. dream had thought it had been the corruption somehow talking to him, mocking him. Trying to make him feel horrible...
It had been Nightmare himself... accusing him of leaving him to be hurt and die alone.
And he had been right.
Dream sobs as tears leave his sockets. His sight finds the jar with dust of that... that... woman! That! Rage burns through him but two arms keep him in place.
"It is okay Dream. Let it all out."
Dream shakes his skull as he pushes closer to Blue "It isn't okay!! I am a fucking idiot! I was too fucking blind and now! Now I-" more sobs.
Blue jsut holds him tighter "You were a kid dream"
Dream sobs as he tightens his hold on blue "So was nighty..."
His dreams... his dreams and even that hallucination must have been trying to tell him all along there was more than he saw. That something had been going on. But dream was too busy. Always too busy. Before he had been too busy wiht the village and villagers... and now he was too busy with the multiverse.
eventually the tears dry as Blue just keeps holding him.
Dream sniffs "How do i fix this?"
Blue pauses his movement and clearly thinks for a while. Dream feels worse the longer Blue doesn't answer.
Blue sighs as he leans his own skull against Dream "I don't know. I would say you could try to talk with Nightmare but... well..."
Dream tightens his hold on Blue. every time him and Nightmare met they never spoke. Dream had for a while tried to tell Ngihtmare he could do better nad make up for the wrongs he did...
No wonder Nightmare doesn't want to speak to him anymore. Dream pretty much said that Nightmare should feel bad for fighting for his own survival... that he should feel bad for killing those who tried to kill him.
Dream feels sick all over again as he pushes closer to Blue. Being near blue helps.
Blue keeps a tighter hold on him "For now... you can take the book with you at least... keep your story with you you know? And maybe try and approach the subject if you see him again?"
Dream nods before anxiety reaches him "How will i tell everyone this?"
Blue pulls back and stares him in the socket "Stop. YOu dont have to tell them."
Dream looks away "They deserve an explanation and-"
Blue shakes his skull and looks at Dream "They don't. Just because they think they do deosn't mean they actually do. You don't have to hurt yourself to please them. You don't have to share this just opened hurt with those who won't support you dream."
Dream still feels sick "won't that be selfish?"
Blue shakes his skull "people demanding you share your trauma with them are entitled. You don't have to tell anything if you aren't comfortable."
Dream sniffs before nodding.
Blue nods and slowly helps him too his feet "Now. We came here with a mission and that was to find out what was up with your magic... the book didn't hold the answer so i am going to assume it may have to do with adult you. is there any other place you could learn more of yourself?"
Dream frowns. his head still a bit foggy "maybe... mom would know... but she never told us much... and she is gone... and i haven't been there since... well. i turned to stone." even after he got broken out he hadn't been brave enough to return.
Blue nods "How about.... we walk around first... see if we find anymore... clues" he eyes the book before looking back at him "And once you are ready go see your mom?"
Dream thinks for a moment before nodding.
Dream and Blue end up going to the hill after a quick walk around the village. All the good memories that Dream had had had already turned bittersweet after them dying. Now? They just burned him. Made Dream angry in a way he couldn't put into words. He had helped those unthankful assholes! He helped them day after day after day! Adn they hurt... they hurt... They killer his mother! They tried to kill Nightmare!
They walk up the hill silently and dream is dragging is feet.
Dream didn't think he could feel worse but he was wrong.
Because right by the dead stump of his mother.
Are two old graves.
One saying Nim. One saying Dream.
The worst part is that they looked well maintained and there are fresh flowers on them.
After that Blue calls it a day and helps him home. Saying that they will ask other people in the multiuniverse about gods changing powers later. and with a crack like thunder they teleport away and out of that universe again.
... *coughs* did someone say brother complex? Also this ended up a lot longer than planned? Woops? Look it was just suposed to be about Dream seeing tiny NIghtmare in their old AU but then a lot happened and I figured Dream also had a lot of trauma and well... tada?
Look. I never said Dream was dealing well with the changes... If i am being honest Nightmare took his own slight body horror better than Dream took the slight changes around him and the vision of his younger brother :3
First: here Prev: here Next: here
anyway. Love you all. You are fun and nice to hang out with! See you next drabble. also i can't believe this account that i just had to give little extra information abut my main AU just... has a second AU living here now.... guess that happened...
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lokiforever · 9 months
His Favourite Mortal 🧡
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Mood board by, the one and only - ME
A/N : So, this is for the birthday of the one and only @holdmytesseract ❤️ The one you all know as a lovely writer and an amazing person. Hope you like this little drabble, my friend.
First of all, this is tiny as I didn't have much time and ideas and I'm writing this at 2 am instead of sleeping, so, sorry about that. You already know why the theme is orange. Happy birthday, darling 🧡
Today was the day. The birthday of his favourite mortal. The God had waited so long for this day as this would be your first birthday with him. And hence, he wanted it to be nothing less than perfection.
He looked at your sleeping form beside him, a soft smile forming. Time to execute plan A.
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You woke up in a cold bed, without your gorgeous boyfriend on your side. It wasn't too uncommon for him to wake up before you, though and so, it didn't bother you that much.
"Ah, looks like my little dove is awake already" his voice urshed to your ears, making you smile softly, your eyes were still closed as you were in the trance of your sleep. He gracefully walked in the room with a tray of delicious breakfast.
It included a plate of warm pancakes, beautifully plated with some maple syrup and berries. Eggs made just the way you loved them. Two croissants, two cups of hot cocoa as it was cold, a set of muffins and last but not the least, two mugs of warm tea.
He placed the tray on your bedside and turned to you. "Good morning, my love. And a very Happy birthday" you slowly opened your eyes, seeing his beautiful face "Good morning, darling. Thank you so much" you said w a big smile as he leaned down to kiss you softly. "I made breakfast for us" "You did?" "Uh-huh" "Aw, my love...you truly are the best"
You loved the breakfast as well as the gesture, he always thought so much. "Loki..I..this is truly amazing, babe. I don't have words to describe how much this means to me.. thank you so much. You're the best" you said with a few tears in your eyes as you saw the tempting tray he had set up and felt the love that literally oozed out from it.
"Of course, my love. Afterall, it's the birthday of my favourite person."
After finishing breakfast, he moved onto step two. "Now, you must go and get ready, love" he said.
"Are we going somewhere, darling?" "We are" "Where?" "Asgard" "Asgard?!" you asked in excitement and disbelief. "Yes, my love. The people of Asgard wanted to celebrate the birthday of their princess. Plus, mother wanted it too , not to mention Sif and brother." "OMG!!! Really!??" "A hundred percent"
You couldn't contain your excitement. It was a dream come true. A ball. A literal ball feast for you. It was surreal..
"But what shall I wear?" "You underestimate my abilities, darling" he said with a wink.
After an hour, you too were standing outside your house. Loki called Heimdal and the bifrost open. "Just hold onto me." he told you. And you did, you clung onto him for dear life as the bride teleported you to Asgard.
It's beauty never failed to amaze you. It was something words could never describe. You greeted Heimdal and he welcomed you.
As you went inside the golden palace, you met Frigga and exchanged your greetings as she wished you a happy birthday. She was without doubt one of the sweetest persons you've ever met..
"If you don't mind, son, I'll take your lady with me now, we have to get yer ready for the feast." she said to Loki. "Of course, mother. Just don't take too long" he ended with a playful smile
As you went with Frigga, she showed you a dreamy gown, it was in Loki's colours and was the most gorgeous dress you had ever seen. No time later a group of maidens entered the room ro get you ready.
*a few hours later*
You heard a knock on the door 'Just in time' you thought. You looked absolutely gorgeous and like a true princess. "It must be Loki" said Frigga
"Come in"
And it was indeed Loki. He froze the second he laid his eyes upon you. You walked towards him and smiled. "D-Darling you...you..umm...you look absolutely ravishing... exquisite." He said as he was at a visible loss for words.
"You don't look any less, my prince"
"Can I have my lady back, mother?" "Sure you can but first..." she walked towards you and handed you a gorgeous necklace, it was like none Midgard has ever seen "This is my present for you, dear. May you and your love for each other keep prospering. "Thank you so much, Frigga. You are truly one of the best people I've met" "Oh, you flatter me, my dear child. My blessings are always with you two"
Soon enough it was time for the ball. The guests started arriving. The ball was grand. The people were great and were very happy to meet you.
It was now the mid of the ball that Loki turned to you and said "I still haven't given you my gift, love" "Oh, Loki.." he stood up to make an announcement "Ladies and gentlemen, all the people of Asgard, as we all know, we have gathered here to celebrate the birthday of the lady whom I have the pleasure to call mine. So, this great evening, in the presence of you all.." he took out a box which had a beautifully crafted ring and bent down on one knee "In the presence of all of Asgard, I, Loki...*he took a tiny glance at his so called father and turned back at you* Odinson, ask you, Y/N Y/L/N to be my wife. Will you marry me?"
Your eyes were teary and you couldn't form words. You noded "Yes! A Thousand times yes!!"
The crowd erupted in cheers as Loki slipped the ring in your finger and got up to pull you in a passionate kiss.
Wish you a very happy birthday, Maddie. May you be blessed forever. Love you, my friend ❤️
~Lots of love xxx
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 3 months
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Titan Valor academy (TVA) is world known—like I’m talking famous—international school based in the smack middle of New York City, anyone with any inkling of a power strive to get in-but they only except the best of the best…super elite, they only take main sub-mutant powers (basically super flashy powers) TVA isn’t the only school of course; mutant schools are littered all over the world, but TVA is everyone’s dream.
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I stare at the building in front of me…it was big-like castle big. Is this really my new home? “Hi! Welcome to Titan Valor Academy! How are you today?”
An American accent rang in my ears and I looked behind me to see a very short, very skinny and very blonde lady wavy at me.
“I’m Rachel and it is so nice to meet you!”
she smiled and reached out her hand, I stared at her for a second before shaking it carefully.
“hi I’m-“
“I know who you are! We all know who you are! Welcome Dove!” She interrupted me and giggled before walking ahead of me and opened the main doors.
“now! I’m the guidance counsellor of TVA so I’m in charge of the welfare of students and extracurricular activities! So I’m very busy and don’t have time for you right now, which means I’ll be passing you on to one of our-uh-um…finest? Student!”
Rachel laughed awkwardly and her left eye twitched slightly. She led me into the foyer to where a student was waiting by the couches. They where blonde (whether dyed or not it wasn’t clear) and pale, they low key looked like Addison Grace.
“This is @zipperrants! They will be showing you around school! We had another student ready for you…but they-uh-they died. Laugh! Out! Loud!”
and with that she scurried away up the stairs leaving me alone with…Zipper.
“Hey, your Dove?” They walked over to me and shook my hand.
“Uh-yeah It’s nice to meet you” I laughed awkwardly, fiddling with my hands.
“Yup! I’m in your class this year, my uncle is the vice principal here so I basically know everything, since it’s halfway through the year you’ve missed a bit but my job is to basically help you along for the rest of the year.”
Zipper walked me around the school as they explained the ‘lore’ of the school as they put it.
“okay so first-this school has been open since the dawn of mutants! So like since 1970 I guess. Anyway so since this school is elite or whatever we only have one class for each year group and each year group has around 18 people…”
we walked up the stairs and passed a window, outside
was a giant field filled with students fighting, it looked amazing. Everything was choreographed and perfect, the mutants powers worked perfectly together. They looked so professional.
“…We have about five lessons a day, we have two breaks one for 30 minutes and one for 1 hour, school starts at 9 and ends at 4, we have mostly normal lessons other then two lessons at the end of the day which are focused around power and combat training”
Zipper continued the tour pointing out things around the school as they did.
“So what’s your power? I can teleport, im a sub-space mutant so uh-I’m pretty cool” they said smirking.
“oh-I like to call mine Siren! My mum and dad where both sub-mermaid mutants, I’m basically just what you’d think of a siren”
Zipper paused for a second before smiling
“so your…an evil mermaid….thats not Australian of you, not very H20”
“I will siren sing you into jumping off the top of this school”
zipper paused
“Dually noted”
finally they reached the dorm house
“So this is your dorm! Number three, I’m number six down the hall, I’ll come by in about an hour for dinner. I’ll introduce everybody then!”
and with-that they blooped? Away? Either way they disappeared somewhere.
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link if you want to be added to my dr:
@ningsols @maddies-chronicles @littlecoffeeadict @sugaredlavenderhearts @st4rshipr4nger @faithymanifestsandshifts @zipperrants @lilydreamsss @livingsecret
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rosestarlightkatarina · 11 months
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The night.
Donna Beneviento x reader
This one is all about fluff and sleepy atmosphere
I hope you enjoy🖤🌙
No doubt today is a way too harsh on you. Everything is out of hand and it makes you feel even more exhausted. But the most frustrating thing is that you don’t have any chances to meet the doll maker, let alone a little talk to her. She acts more like a pretty ghost in a pretty old house and you try to copy this behavior. Expect Angie. The only one thing you have to do for being the reason of her laugh or anger is breathing. Even sleeping isn’t always a good cause for her to stop. You must be more creative than that. But you two seem to get along recently. It’s actually a miracle how you are still alive. Consider yourself lucky. However some horrible questions about their true intentions come to your head every night. And the only one person, who knows the answer, is ignoring your existence, preferring the company of her own. Except Angie, of course. When the sun hides behind the waterfall, the owner of the manor comes from somewhere, takes her continuously chatting feral creature and disappears. You can swear she has some teleportation skills. For one moment you could say she was an illusion or a fever dream of yours. But there was always Angie with her bites to make you deny these thoughts swiftly. Still your various assumptions are never gone. This night does not differ from the others. Eyes are shut but mind is overwhelmed. Thus, after some useless attempts to fall asleep, you find yourself wandering around the empty house until you see the dim light coming from the slightly open door. The curiosity wins so you have no choice but come a little closer on your tiptoes. Behind the crack there is your lady, painting a little porcelain face, all alone. Just her and soft sound of creating a new friend. Something about this view makes you stay, watching her work quietly. That’s impolite to stare you think when it’s too late. Unfortunately, the period of time is long enough to get noticed by her. Now you are caught and there is no way back. You have to speak.
"My lady, I apologise for interrupting you. I didn’t mean anything bad. I have an insomnia. Please may I stay here? Just for a little while." You say that so fast as if you are ready to get killed for your audacity. But the slight nod is the only response you have.
You hoped for this reaction but wasn’t really prepared. So you just froze for a few seconds before finally making your way through the room, looking at its beautifully arranged furniture. Still something, without any sign of mercy, is beckoning you to come to her as closer as possible. Besides, the is always a chance for you not to see the tomorrow morning. So you just decided to use all of your carriage to keep this opportunity. You slowly got down on the floor next to her, waiting for any sign of her disapproval to run away and blame yourself for such a stupid behavior for the rest of your life. You don’t know exactly what you are doing. It’s really hard to use the brains when every part of your soul is screaming inside you. Fortunately and scarily, she didn’t show any urge to stop you. You just closed your eyes, leaning your cheek to her dress to feel the soft material caressing your face. Every little thing about this woman is soothing and cosy. You can’t help this atmosphere wrapping you up in its embrace. You have been waiting for these minutes for too long that it almost makes you cry in relief. You feel like you’re in heaven and it suits your thoughts of being probably already dead just fine. It’s like being asleep and you look exactly this way when her fingers runs through your locks. Your heart is about to fly away from the chest but you don’t dare to move, relishing the soft touch. It would be unforgivable to scare this precious moment off. She keeps gently stroking your hair, sometimes drawing circles and flowers on the top of your head. You do your best not to tremble and pretend to sleep. But after half an hour it is not an acting anymore. You don’t realise how tired you are so…you wake up. In your bed. In your room. Is it just another dream? Who knows. Well, only the one may know.
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Every skeleton's reaction to a human next door neighbor just coming into the kitchen of his house and taking his lunch out of the fridge with intentions to eat it. (the food container has his name on it)
Undertale Sans - He's too in bewilderment to react honestly. What? As the guy leaves with his food, Sans is wondering if he dreamed everything or if that really happened. Also, he's sure that the food container has 2-month-old spaghetti in it, he wouldn't recommend not to eat it.
Undertale Papyrus - "EXCUSE ME? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" As the neighbor keeps walking anyway in his kitchen, Papyrus runs in front of the fridge and t-poses to scare them away. That's his fridge! "PLEASE EXPLAIN YOURSELF THIS INSTANT!" Papyrus doesn't want to be rude, but the silence is starting to make him feel uncomfortable. He eventually picks up the neighbor, carries them to the door and pushes them outside, locking the door behind them.
Underswap Sans - He lets them do what they want, but when they're going the other way around to leave, Blue is blocking the way in his police uniform, looking not very happy about the intrusion. You're gonna have to explain yourself at the police station dude.
Underswap Papyrus - He's hiding on the couch, shaking like a leaf. There's someone in the house and they're eating everything in the fridge! He doesn't know what to do! Very discreetly, he calls Blue for help, who just asks him to intervene. Honey goes to see the man and lets go a very weak "stop you can't do that", but the neighbor doesn't listen and he's not brave enough for this, so the second the guy turns around to look at him, Honey teleports to Blue's police station to hide under his big brother's desk lol.
Underfell Sans - He's growling, really not happy, trying to scare the intruder away. The neighbor barely acknowledges him, which pisses him even more. Red tries to push them on the floor, and suddenly the man jumps awake, looking as confused as he is. Oh. They were sleepwalking. Well that's not a reason! Red kicks them out.
Underfell Papyrus - He asked the man to stop twice, but that didn't stop them. He whistles his cat. A very pissed-off Doomfanger suddenly attacks as the guy is clearly too close to her food. Edge watches the show, so proud of his baby girl. That's for sure forcing the neighbor to run for their life out of there.
Horrortale Sans - As soon as the neighbor opens the fridge, Oak closes the door on their finger, growling angrily. He doesn't like intruders, but intruders stealing his food is even worse. You have five seconds to explain before he goes to fetch his axe to show you how thieves are welcomed in his house.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's mad as well! He paid for the food, it's expensive! He growls, defensively, and snatches the food back from the man's hands, protecting it against his chest. Get out of here! You won't like what will happen if you keep testing his patience. You don't fool around with food in this house.
Swapfell Sans - He throws the TV remote behind the guy's neck instinctively, knocking them out. They couldn't even talk. Maybe don't intrude the house of the captain of the Royal Guard without an invitation? Nox is fearing an attack now, and he's going to be jumpy for a few days, unsure how the man even entered.
Swapfell Papyrus - Stealing Nox's food, he wouldn't have care. But that's his Chicken McNuggets you're holding in your hands right now and he's going to kill you if you try to take them from him. Rus blocks the way, a hand leaning to you to give you only a chance to return them to him. If you refuse, don't cry for what will happen. You did that to yourself.
Fellswap Gold Sans - There is no chill in that man. You're intruding on his house, he's going to break both your knees and torture you for hours to understand what you're doing here and what are your intentions. I'm not sure what you expected honestly. That was quite stupid.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He walks into the kitchen, sees the man, walks out of the kitchen, and goes to hide in his closet. Yeah, he's not dealing with that. It's too early.
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glamoureddreamer · 6 months
Idea 5
SwapDream x Nightmare, fluff/ slight angst
We need more good relationships with Swad, anyway enjoy everyone :)
The house was quiet. Deadly quiet.
Dream wasn’t sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t silence. The only thing that could be heard besides the grandfather clock in the living room was his soft breaths.
Dream hunched to the ground and tiptoed about. He was looking for his brother’s room. To take him out quietly, hopefully without a fight. However, this was truly risky, if he was caught his life would be ended almost immediately.
In the shadows of the dark castle, a figure stood watching Dream with a grin, waiting quietly.
Dream finally got to what he could only imagine was his brother's room. A huge set of dark double doors with the craving of an apple tree on it. Dream felt a flash of anger, how dare he use the tree as his symbol when he cut it down.
Dream swallowed his anger, telling himself it would all be over soon. Dream pushed the door open quietly and once he entered the room he shut it. His brother’s room was also dark, however, he could make out a few things. Nightmare’s room reminded him of his room at his castle. Perhaps they aren’t so different after all, however, he ignores the thought.
The room felt thick with negativity almost making him feel sick but he also felt positivity, positivity that wasn’t his own but felt so familiar.
He stands up at a slight crouch and walks over to the bed carefully pulling out his dagger. Finally, he was at the side of the massive gothic bed. What was strange was the bed on one side wasn’t made, as if someone else was sleeping in his brother’s room. If they weren’t here, where were they? He had to be quick.
Dream raised his hand, pointing the blade at his brother's soul. He takes a deep breath, smiling he realizes he has actually done it. He was going to end negativity once and for all.
He swings his arm down but someone’s hand catches it before it can pierce his brother's soul. Dream looks up in fear, and comes face to face with the Swap version of himself. He was the positivity Dream had felt, even though it was positive Dream still felt lightheaded when being around him and he could have sworn the air got hotter as well.
Before Dream could pull his hand back and run Swad twists it quickly, snapping it. Dream let’s put a quiet cry, Swad pulls him close hurting his already broken wrist.
“Don’t think about touching him again.” His eyes glowed with something fierce. Dream didn’t know what else to do besides nod.
Swad’s grip loosened just enough so Dream could yank his hand away. He immediately teleports away.
Swad hums no longer feeling his energy. Swad observes Nightmare for a second, making sure he wasn’t hurt or awake but he could feel him waking up. Nightmare stirs and looks up confused at Swad.
“Why are you out of bed?” Nightmare asks tiredly.
“..I just needed a drink darling. You can go back to sleep. I shall be back in a moment.” Swad whispers to his king. He leans down and places a kiss against his forehead. Nightmare hums and turns to his side.
“Sure, hurry back. You’re warm.” Swad lightly chuckles and tells his king ‘Of course.’
Swad leaves the room quietly, making rounds around the castle to make sure nothing is out of place. Once he was sure nothing was planted, there was no one else and everyone else was safe he made his way back to Nightmare’s room and crawled back into bed with his lover.
He pulls Nightmare into a tight hug and the other smiles and hums happily, Swad grins.
“You’re mine, and I protect what is mine.”
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fallenasleepyetagain · 10 months
Reveal - Nightmare/Blue Fic
Prompt: Secret Relationship (reveal)
Tumblr media
Prompt from: @yearoftheotpevent
Media: Undertale AUs/UTMV
Genres: Romance (but in heavy air quotes), betrayal, dark fic (?), betrayal, human AU, idk what else lol
Characters: King Nightmare, Blue, Dream, Killer, Ink (mentioned), Error (mentioned), Horror (mentioned), Cross (mentioned)
Pairing: Nightmare/Blue
CW/TW - Manipulation, Implications of Abuse, Toxic behavior (?), mentions of violence, mentions of almost dying, being high mention, Nightmare being a piece of work
Other Notes: yes this is my second nightblue piece in like a month im ill for them sorry not sorry also a bittttt darker than i usually write? but i still think its ok also this is one of my most recent fics in it with a time/space jump! i hope its not too bothersome :0
Word Count: 4273 Words
The storm raged deep into the night, beating against the walls of the house, the wind screaming and howling as the rain poured down from the gray sky. It was perfect. The rain and thunder hid any sounds of Blue leaving and re-entering the house. Being out in the rain was cold, it soaked into his clothes and sunk into his skin. Drying off wouldn’t be an issue, and neither would sneaking back into the house after his excursion. At least, if things went his way. He wasn’t sure why he thought that this would be easy, it never was. Life enjoyed giving him what he wanted before sucker-punching him in the gut.
Getting back in the way he got back out was out of the question, climbing from the ground to the second story window that led into his room in this rain was unthinkable. Scaling up the wet bricks would surely lead to him crashing onto the back porch, and that would be a whole other issue. Teleporting was also out of the equation. To prevent intruders, they had set up a system to alert the three of them if any magic crossed the threshold of the house. Unfortunately, that included Blue.
There was a single light on in the house, and it belonged to the TV. Blue watched the channels change, someone trying to settle on one. He mentally swore over and over as he pressed himself against the front door, trying to hide from the rain. Why was he up right now?! It was three in the morning, he was never awake this early!
Rise and rest with the sun. That is how he functioned. Blue couldn’t remember a single time when Dream was awake in the middle of the night. And yet, there he was! At three in the morning! Watching TV!
Blue ran his hands up his face, the rainwater soaking into his skin, pushing his curly hair up. He could handle it being Ink. Ink would likely be stoned out of his mind, and if he wasn’t, he didn’t give a shit if Blue came home late, as suspicious as it was. The worst he would receive from Ink would be some teasing, borderline ridicule. But from Dream? Dream, someone who he respected more than anyone else, and someone who he would consider his best friend? Dream would ask. Interrogate. And he would have no choice but to tell the truth. Dream could read him like a book, and would see through his lies in an instance.
As the cold began to set in, he surrendered himself to the only option he had. He had wracked his brain for an alternative, some way to avoid the confrontation he knew he was about to have. There was always the option of waiting him out, but he wasn’t exactly jumping at the opportunity to spend more time in the cold rain. Maybe he could pull this off, somehow. Dream was likely very drowsy; Blue could tell by the way he half-heartedly switched through channels that he was forcing himself to stay awake. Why he was doing that, Blue couldn’t say. He hoped that it wasn’t because Dream noticed his disappearance.
With a cold and trembling hand, Blue opened the front door, pushing it open with his shoulder. He had to force it closed, the wind fighting him as he did so. As the door shut with a gentle click!, the TV paused. It was on some documentary that Blue doubted Dream was interested in. He didn’t move far into the house, allowing his clothing and hair to drip onto the mat by the front door. Dream twisted his body, facing Blue with only his face, his hips still facing the TV. It looked incredibly uncomfortable and Blue doubted he would stay in the position for long.
Due to the heavy rainstorms that have been happening in their world, the trio had been keeping towels next to the front door as of late. Using one of them, Blue managed to get most of the water out of his curls and clothes, although he would stay a little damp until he changed.
“Where were you, huh?” Despite the playful tone of Dream’s voice, Blue felt his heart leap into his throat. His heart slammed against his ribcage as he got rid of the water soaked into the scarf onto the towel. He slipped his scarf around his neck, feeling the texture on his face as he gathered his thoughts.
A lie was out of the question, Dream knew his tics.
However, maybe he didn’t have to lie. It wasn’t a lie if he didn’t give Dream all of the information, right?
“Oh, you know.” Blue spoke, flinging Dream’s playful tone back at him. He managed a slight smile, despite the anxiety bubbling in his stomach.
Dream chuckled. He finally decided that twisting his body at the waist was uncomfortable and sat up on the couch, arms resting on the upper couch cushions. He leaned into the palm of his hand, watching as Blue discarded his boots next to the shoe rack.
“I don’t, actually.” He dropped the smirk on his face in favor of something softer. “Indulge me?”
“Mmm…” Blue hummed, wringing out his gloves over the kitchen sink. He had flicked on the one light right above the sink and none else. It wasn’t necessary, as he knew the layout of the kitchen better than the back of his hand, and turning on more lights would awaken Ink, and that would be a whole other problem to deal with!
How much could he hide from Dream? Maybe skewing the truth would work just fine…
“I was with Cross.” Not exactly false.
Dream’s face dropped, which Blue expected. He turned back around on the couch, grumbling to himself. The mere mention of Cross should dissuade Dream from continuing the conversation entirely. Both Cross and Dream disliked each other greatly, but Blue could not figure out why. Their personalities clashed, sure, but Blue didn’t think it was to that high of a degree.
“Huh?” “You were with,” Dream grit his teeth as he stood up, brushing off his black jeans before walking into the kitchen. “Cross, and? What did you do with him?”
Blue was still a little damp by the time Dream got over, but he didn’t mind. It would dry. As Dream walked over, he flicked off the light, leaving the two in darkness. The only light source was the TV, which was beginning to dim, and Dream’s golden eyes. Dream leaned against the counter, one hand on it, the other on his waist. His posture was casual, he wasn’t upset. At least, Blue hoped he wasn’t reading it wrong.
“...We were in a library.”
Blue hoped that the darkness would shield his nervous tics, shield Dream from his lies.
“Was this a planned meeting?”
“Yes.” Again, not a lie. Not fully.
The silence wrapped around his neck like a noose, leaving him breathless. He couldn’t read Dream’s face, both due to his incredible poker face and the darkness around them. He cocked his head to the side, thinking.
“You could’ve told me, y’know.”
Oh thank the heavens.
“I mean, I don’t like Cross, at all, but I respect your relationship with him. I’m not going to like, stop you from seeing him or anything.” Dream kept his arms crossed as he spoke, his body relaxed as he shrugged. “Buuut, I feel like you're hiding something. You’ve got this nervous energy around you, B. Did something happen?”
There it was. He should’ve known Dream would catch on eventually. It was hard to hide things from someone who could read your feelings. Blue sighed, the sound of his heart pounding in his head was clogging up his mind. He leaned against the counter by the sink, his hands gripping onto the countertop.
“You can tell me anything. Even if it has to do with Cross or whoever.”
Blue inhaled sharply, his resolve faltering. He got no pleasure from hiding and lying to Dream (or to anyone, for that matter). Maybe he could just be honest?
No, only a naïve fool would allow himself to think with such optimism.
“Why can’t a guy have his secrets?” It took all that Blue had to keep his voice stable, not allowing the anxiety to bubble over into his voice. If he could play defensive, and then change the subject, then he’d be able to get off scot free.
“Why can’t that guy tell his best friend his secrets?”
“Ah…” Blue glanced away, the smallest bit of anger pooling inside of him. Despite his inherent goodness, Dream was one to play underhanded, and pulling out the ‘best friend’ card was a cheap tactic! He ran his hand through his damp curls, pushing them off of his forehead. He kept his eyes on the floor as he ran his hand down the back of his head, his hand resting on the side of his neck. He flinched as his fingers pressed down on the tender spot on his neck, his face twisting as he shoved his hand back into his pants pocket.
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“You jumped. Are you hurt, let me see.” Dream stepped closer, flicking on the sink light. Blue shrunk away, hiding in his scarf. His mind was whirling, he needed to get out of this, he needed to divert Dream’s attention. This was possibly the worst thing that could happen. He couldn’t believe he flinched like that! He knew it was there, the blemish was still warm, it stayed warm, even when the cold rain soaked into his skin.
“Dream, I…” He didn’t get the chance to finish as Dream pulled him back into the light, holding onto his forearms. Dream turned him to the right, allowing the light to hit the left side of his body. His nails dug into the palms of his hands as Dream shifted his scarf down his shoulder. Goosebumps appeared along his skin as Dream’s warm hand touched the side of his neck.
“What is…?” Dream murmured, getting closer to Blue, eyes squinted. “It’s not a bruise, is it?”
Reserving himself to the situation, Blue nodded, his voice barely audible. “No.”
“Then it’s…” Dream’s eyes widened and he pulled back, confusion and hurt dancing across all of his features. “Cross didn’t give you that, now did he?”
“Of course not.”
“So you lied.”
“Not exactly.” Blue strained, giving Dream distance, space. He messed with his scarf, having it cover his neck once more. “I was with Cross, and I was in a library.”
“Nightmare’s library.”
And there it was. The nail in the coffin.
“...Yes.” Blue said, his voice hoarse and throat dry.
All of Dream’s hurt became anger at the mention of Nightmare. Blue staggered further back, getting out of Dream’s way, out of his reach. He watched as Dream’s face contorted, his mind trying to wrap around his betrayal.
As much as he hated calling it that, there was no other word. His hand went up to his neck once more, slipping underneath his scarf. His fingers gently ran across the hickey, he had to make sure that it was really there.
“So, so lemme get this straight.” Blue could hear the hurt, the barely contained anger, in Dream’s voice. “You, knowingly, went to Nightmare’s castle, not just a meet up in another timeline, no, you purposefully went into the homebase of that bastard, and let him suck on your neck!”
Blue’s body stiffened, his shoulders going tense. “That…is what happened, yes.”
“Why?” Dream snapped, his hands balling into fists. Blue’s eyes widen at the sight of his fists, his heart slamming in his chest. Seeing this, Dream took a long, deep breath, and loosened his hands. He had never hurt Blue, but other people had. He didn’t blame Blue for his reaction. With a deep breath, he ran a hand through his hair, pushing his coils back. “I need you to tell me why you ran off to…to him of all people!
“Please. Let me understand. Make me understand why.”
“I…” Blue sighed, dropping his hands. “Okay.”
Dream kept his arms crossed, folded tightly over his chest as he gave Blue time to think. Time to get his thoughts in order. He shifted on his feet, heart slamming in his chest. He was about to admit everything. The prospect of that was…terrifying. He didn’t want to lose Dream as a friend, or lose him at all! At the same time, though, he didn’t want to stop speaking, or getting intimate with, Nightmare. Would he be forced to pick?
The more he thought about it, if he had to choose one or the other, he was beginning to realize that, maybe, his loyalties didn’t lie with Dream. A scary thought, considering he would have shot someone point-black with a blaster for Dream. When did this change? Where he would pick Nightmare over Dream?
“Do you remember the fight up in the mountains? The one where Ink and I evacuated an entire town from an avalanche?” “How could I forget?” Dream said, laughing a little. “I searched for days looking for you in the snow, only for it to turn out that Nightmare had taken you.”
“Yeah. That was the fight that, ah, started everything.”
“What do you mean? He took you prisoner, B.” Dream scowled as he spoke, concern rising in him. He knew about Blue’s relationship (if you could even call it that) with Error, the guy was too trusting. Too full of optimism. Believing that everyone could be a good person, if they just try. Horror dawned on him. Nightmare could, and would, use that.
“Not exactly. You see…I was trapped under the snow.” Blue took a deep breath. “It was scary, I could barely breathe, it was cold, and I couldn’t use my magic. I…I thought I wasn’t going to make it.”
“Oh, B…”
“But I did! Obviously,” Blue snorted. “It was Nightmare, actually, who fished me out. I don’t really remember what had happened, but when I woke up, I was in Nightmare’s castle.”
“The dungeon.” “No.”
“No?” Dream asked, an eyebrow rising.
“I was on a couch by a fireplace covered in blankets. And when I sat up…Nightmare was there.”
Blue half expected Dream to say something, but he was prompted to continue.
“I was scared, at first. I thought he was going to hurt me. He promised that he wouldn’t.”
“And you believed him.”
“I…” Blue flushed with embarrassment, “Yes. I did. And he didn’t! We just…talked. It was really nice, actually.”
“What.” Dream’s face flashed with a sense of hurt and anger once more, and Blue’s face fell in response.
“Dream, listen. I had never had a conversation like that before! It was like…like we clicked. I’ve never had such an intellectually stimulating conversation before!” Much to Dream’s alarm, Blue’s cheeks visibly warmed and his lips pulled themselves into a smile. “It was incredible!”
“Oh my God, you don’t see it.”
The smile dropped from Blue’s face, his arms going down to his side. “See what?”
“That he’s using you!” Dream hissed, anger filling him up once more. Anger at Nightmare, anger at Blue. “He’s using your trust to hurt me, to make you believe that you can trust him! He’s been fucking with you, and you fell for it!”
“That’s not…We’ve had our differences in the past but, I think that-”
“If by differences you mean tormenting you, then sure.”
“But by all means, if you want to run off and be with him, I won’t stop you.” Dream gripped onto his forearms, teeth grinding together as he spoke. “I mean, I get it, really, he’s got the castle, the tentacles, the throne, the never ending cruelty. Didn’t realize that was your type.”
Blue could feel the venom being spit at him when Dream spoke. His heart slammed in his chest, and a familiar lump began to grow in his throat.
“Why are you so angry?” He croaked.
“Because you’re pissing me off! He’s obviously using you for ulterior means and the fact that you can’t see it, that you’re letting him mark you and who knows what else, makes me want to tear my hair out!”
Dream met eyes with Blue, and his body softened, just slightly, when he saw Blue’s wide eyes and pursed lips. He rubbed his forehead, nails still digging into his skin. “I can’t…I can’t deal with this, with you, right now. Just…go.”
“Get out! I need some time to think. So go.”
“...Okay.” Blue whispered, voice trembling. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, forcing him to make a mad dash for the front door, his hands shaking as he opened the door. Outside, rain and thunder greeted him, but his legs forced him out, boots smacking against the buddy ground. Just when he was starting to get dry, the rain soaked him again, running down his face and making his clothes feel colder. He couldn’t tell if he was crying or not; rain and tears felt about the same. That was probably for the better.
Perhaps it was deranged of him to know who was at the door by how they knocked. However, it made his job a whole lot easier. Knowing who was coming in by the knock allowed him to have a few, sweet, seconds to prepare himself, to know how he should be presenting himself. With Cross, he would stand, if he wasn’t already, and take his position as Cross’s superior. There was no such thing as being too formal with Cross, it was informality that was the issue. For better or for worse, Cross felt more comfortable, or simply less anxious, if he knew who was in charge, and if that person made it clear. If he had to guess, this complex was likely his father’s doing. With Horror, on the other hand, being informal was the goal. He would often stay sitting down, being casual, and as open as he could be.
The rapping at the door told Nightmare that it was Killer who needed his presence. Killer knocked with his knuckles, brushing his hand against the door. There was no need to stand with Killer, although he would limit the informality. Killer was a wildcard, who knew how he would interpret certain things. Nightmare supposed that was somewhat his fault.
“You may enter.”
The door creaked open, and Killer slipped in like a shadow, barely making a sound. He stood at the door, as Nightmare had taught him to do, waiting. Nightmare finished his sentence, setting the quill down before gesturing to Killer to come with two fingers. He quickly read over what he had written in response before deeming it good enough before turning his attention towards Killer.
One of his legs was propped up, the ankle resting on the other knee. Nightmare leaned his face against the back of his hand, his teal eyes settling on Killer’s pure black ones.
“Whacha workin’ on?”
“Settling a land dispute. Nothing particularly interesting.” Contrary to popular belief, his title as King wasn’t just for show. He had a proper kingdom, and it was his job to make sure it stayed afloat. He may rule with an iron fist, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t care. “What do you want?”
“It's Blue.”
Ah, Blue. Nightmare hummed, smiling at the name. He was endearing, and kind. Despite his moments of incredibly handy naïveté, he was quite intelligent. Not the greatest conversationalist, but intriguing enough to forgive his struggle with small talk. He had to admit that he quite enjoyed the conversation the day he plucked Blue from the snow. If he had to be completely honest, it was a spur of the moment action. He didn’t want Blue to perish, not in such a fashion. Taking him home though, that wasn’t his plan. At least initially. It just so happened to work out that way, and it spurred on one of the schemes he had put on the backburner.
Earning Blue’s trust, his unwavering loyalty, and then ripping him from Dream’s hands.
“He’s at the front door, Boss.” “So soon?” Nightmare grinned, completely unsurprised. “Let him in. He knows the way.”
After all of their meetings, all of their erotic rendezvous, if Blue didn’t know his way to Nightmare’s bedroom by heart, then it would be a surprise.
It took a minute, maybe three, although Nightmare wasn’t paying attention, for Blue to come barreling into the room, damp with rainwater and his body trembling, likely for more reason than one. A towel was half-hazardly draped over his shoulders, likely given to him when he made his way up here.
“Back already? Did you miss me that much?” Nightmare grinned as he stood up, stretching his back a little as he did so.
“No- Well, I mean,” Blue chuckled, cheeks flushing. “Yes, I did, b-but that’s not why I’m here! I…”
Blue fidgeted with his hands, glancing away. “It’s Dream. He, um, found out.” Nightmare could feel the terror radiating off of him. It was as if Blue expected him to get angry, get aggressive. Not like this was unexpected, especially when they had spent so much time fighting against each other, when Nightmare spent so much time terrorizing him, feeding on his sweet, negative emotions.
“Found out what?” Nightmare asked, getting closer and gently holding Blue’s cold hands. He made a point to keep his voice low, his body language unthreatening.
“About you.”
“About us?”
“Mhm…” Nightmare gently wiped the tears forming in the corners of his eyes, using his other hand to feel his quick heartbeat via his wrists. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I thought it was late in your universe?”
“I-It was! It was like three in the morning! I don’t know what in the world he was doing up!”
“And he…?”
“He saw the hickey and…he knows when I lie so I couldn’t…”
Nightmare gently held Blue’s face, his thumbs on the center of his cheeks. “I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” Nightmare placed a kiss against his forehead, “I don’t care if he knows or not. The more time I have with you, the better.”
“You promise you’re not upset?” “Yes,” Nightmare chuckled, “I promise. Now, you’re a mess, why don’t you dry yourself off? You can borrow a shirt of mine, for now.”
Blue glanced towards the window, and it didn’t take a genius to know what he was thinking. Even though it was very early in the morning in the universe containing Dream’s house, the sun was peeking over the horizon on the eastern side of the castle. Sleeping now would set himself up on the path of becoming nocturnal.
“You can head to sleep.”
“Quiet. Allow your brain and body to rest.” Nightmare said, gently tapping Blue on his ass in the direction of his bathroom, causing him to squeak. “I’ll get you a shirt in the meantime, go get dry.”
With bright red cheeks, Blue skittered off to the en suite bathroom. Nightmare watched him go, eyes boring into the back of his head. Everything had panned out as planned. Not that he expected it not to, Dream was incredibly predictable and his reactions were perfect. Admittedly, he wasn’t completely sure if he would be able to wake Dream, as the guy slept like a corpse. It did work, and it went just as he intended it too.
All that was left now was to get Blue to stay in the castle with him permanently, which would be one of the easiest parts of his elaborate scheme. He could almost taste the despair Dream would feel, discovering that he had pushed Blue right into his loving embrace.
Choosing a shirt for him wasn’t difficult. They’d all look the same on him anyway: massive. He selected a black, satin, button-up shirt. He had slept in something similar in the past, and it had the added bonus of being a texture that Blue didn’t abhor, so he knew that Blue would be comfortable. He walked over to the bathroom door, opening it a crack before handing the shirt off.
“Of course.” Blue stepped out of the bathroom, his curly hair messy and frizzy from drying it with a towel. His scarf, which was decently dry, hung loosely around his neck. In his arms were his clothes, which Nightmare took from him when he bent down. “You look adorable.”
Blue pressed his face into his scarf, nodding. His legs were cold, but he wasn’t about to complain. “Th-Thanks.”
“I’ll go put your clothes in the dryer, you get into bed and sleep off your adrenaline and anxiety, you reek of it.”
“Right! Right, okay.” Blue walked over to the bed, pausing before getting into the plush, velvet covers. “Are you sure…?” He asked, gesturing with his thumb towards the window.
“It’s only six in the morning. I’ll come wake you up in a few hours.”
Nightmare walked over to the bed, holding the damp clothes in a tentacle. He pulled the covers over Blue’s shoulders, and leaned down, allowing their lips to meet. Blue smiled up at him, his big, blue eyes filled with nothing but genuine gratitude and adoration. He shifted onto his other side, back away from Nightmare. Nightmare smiled, smiled something sly, and borderline cruel as he gently tucked a piece of hair behind Blue’s ear. Everything had gone like clockwork, and he would reap the benefits for as long as he could.
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peanutpinet · 2 years
Anything for You - Demon! Jung Jaehyun x Witch! Fem Reader
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Pairing: Demon! Jung Jaehyun x Witch! Fem Reader
Warnings: slightly mature, strong language, a bit of cursing
Synopsis: you were one of the most powerful witches of your generation. But when an evil witch that was over a thousand years old is taking over, you had no choice but to sign your freedom away to the devil himself
A/N: yes, yes, I know, another Jeong fic after a month of nothing. I'm so sorry T^T But this man literally lurked in my dream the other day like a demon (pun, intended) and I just had to write a quick something :')
Even after years of experiencing multiple hardships, fighting against some of the most powerful supernatural creatures, nothing has really prepared you or your friends to face off against the most powerful witch; because even in death, this witch is just as threatening as she is alive.
Even if you were dubbed as one of the most powerful witches to live, you were still unmatched with a witch that is over a thousand years old, who had no problem coming back alive thanks to a mishap spell caused by a mediocre witch that was just toying around.
You and your friends tried everything. Ever spell from every grimoire that was available. Every dark object that could possibly suppress the witch’s magic. Alas, none has come close to even so much putting a scratch on her skin. Even if they do, she would easily heal herself without needing much energy, as if she was a completely different supernatural creature.
When you all tried to fight back, she would hit back 7x just as hard. Yet, none of you wanted to give up. All of you stood your ground to fight back. But with every blow, all of your powers and energy were decreasing by the second. Seeing all your friends on the ground whilst you were barely standing was the final straw for you. You had to use your last resort.
With what little energy you had left, you managed to protect your friends and bring them to safety. You hurriedly healed them then put a cloak over the safe house that you were in before rushing out the door to go to your last resort.
You didn’t want to have to use this option. Hell, you never even considered this an option in the first place. But when you’re put into the real deal, things change and in the end, sacrifices must be made. Sacrificing your freedom and your whole being to the devil whose attention and affection you’ve caught, in return for his help, his power.
You’ve met the devil once before. Hell, you helped him once and in return he provide you a proposal. A proposal that you swore would be kept locked behind the back of your mind, never to be opened or used. Ever. Until today that is.
You ran as fast as you could. Not caring that you were still injured all over. Every second that passes could mean death to another person. You kept running and searching until you arrived at the very spot where you first met him. You called out to the nickname/human name that he told you whenever you needed him.
After the 9th time, you were suddenly teleported to a dark void. You used your magic to create a small light sphere to give you some light and way but when you cast the spell, instead of a light sphere, a wholeass spotlight shone. You turned and saw where a throne with your name on it where the light shone.
Seeing the throne with your name made your entire physical and spiritual being shivered. Especially when you realised that this is the choice you made in order to save everyone. Taking a deep breath, you started walking towards the throne. With every step you took, you became closer to signing away your freedom, body and spirit.
Slowly and steadily, you walked your way and finally reached the throne. Turning around, you took another deep breath, closed your eyes and finally sat on the throne. A tear escaped your left eye the moment your butt touched the cold metal. But at the same time, you felt a familiar presence behind you. A cold yet warm hand crept your left cheek, wiping away the tear as a hot breath followed by a familiar baritone voice on your left neck.
“You called for me…But not in the way that I hoped you to do so. I had hoped that you would accept my proposal and see you in a different situation. But it appears that things have taken a turn, haven’t they? Tell me, what’s the reason you accept my offer?” He spoke, you could feel his sharp chin on the crook of your neck, making you shiver
“Y-you know why I’m here” you started. “I need your help. I need you. I need your power. Your protection. Not for myself. For everyone else. There is evil lurking, walking around the earth. Going against every nature’s rule. Throwing the world off of balance. I’m here to ask you. No. Beg for you. In return, I’ll accept your offer. To stand by you. To allow you to own me. Mind, body, soul. As long as you would allow me to roam around freely on my birthday. That’s all I ask of you” you truthfully explained to him
As you wait for his response, you grow even more nervous. Especially when you felt his long, thick fingers trace the top of your head, down to your cheeks and finally found their home on your chin, forcing you to look at him for the first time in a long time.
“What’s my name, love?” he asked, his dark eyes were soft looking into yours
“Jaehyun…” you breathed out, a smile was now forming on his face, sweet dimples contrasting the other features of his face
“I wanted you to accept my proposal under different circumstances. Because of your own will” Jaehyun started. “If it’s not by my own will, I wouldn’t be here” you countered, making Jaehyun chuckle
“I meant that you want to be with me in exchange for anything you could’ve wanted and more. Not because you were forced to, love” Jaehyun replied, slowly letting your chin go as he made his way in front of you. “W-what are you? A-are you not going to help me? After what you promised…” you argued but Jaehyun quickly shut you up by trapping you between himself and the throne you were on
“I’m a fair person, love. I know what I promised. But it seems you have mistaken my promise and proposal. My promise was to return your act of kindness towards me. Consider it a one-of-a-kind wish. You could wish for all the evil people dead but that’s it. Just one wish. My proposal, on the other hand, gives you about the same power I have. Provides you with my protection. No matter where you are, or who you are up against. Immortality. However, my proposal requires you to be by my side, forever. Whenever I call upon you, you will come and answer to me. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t get the freedom you so love. I’ve watched over you whenever I get the chance, darling. Why do you think you survived better than your little friends?” Jaehyun explained, making you confused
“It’s alright, darling. I’ll let this one slide since you were honest and sincere to me. One of the things I love about you” Jaehyun caressed your cheek, making you feel healed and safe instantly
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“We’ll talk about the proposal some other time. Perhaps I was too quick on it as well. I should do what humans do nowadays, hmm? What are they called? Taking you out on a date? But first” Jaehyun cupped your cheek, his eyes turned darker. “Tell me exactly what happened. What is the wish you desire? And who the hell dared to lay their hands on you? Hurt you. And made you cry?!” Jaehyun demanded, his touch was gentle but his words were like a time bomb. One wrong move and it’s over.
A/N: hellow everyone. Yes. I am alive (sort of). Gosh, November flew so quickly T^T especially after I watched my first concert ever, NCT 127 THE LINK. Let me just say that I don't regret any second of the concert, from getting the ticket up until the concert itself. While it wasn't the best first concert (am not gonna say anything because it was worldwide news T^T), I was truly happy being able to see NCT 127 perform live and enjoy the concert with fellow nctzens. Hopefully, I'll be able to watch them again (SMTOWN!! AMEN). I hope that you all are well and thank you for reading my fanfics, I truly appreciate all of you 🥹🫶 Stay safe and healthy :) xoxo Vinet
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine.
Word Count: 484
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter.
Warnings: Fluff
----------------------------------------- Epilogue
In the spring of the following year, they found a piece of land that would hold four homes with plenty of space for privacy. Maria did use her powers to make it all legal.
Then, when they were standing there on the land, she let her powers bring their dream homes into reality. The houses were spaced far enough away from each other that sound wouldn’t travel, and they wouldn’t bother each other.
Sam and Jess took the house closest to the front of the property since the two were still going to college, and it would be a shorter drive on and off the land. John and Mary took the one that was further back and to the right of that first home. It was a simple home since it was just the two of them with no plans of having future children.
To the far left but still near the front of the property, she teleported Bobby’s home and his scrapyard to the land so he could continue doing what he loved, other than hunting, which was working on cars. There was one more home, nestled in the back of the land. Maria and Dean hugged everyone before they got in the Impala and made the short drive out to it.
She bit her lip as he parked in front of the two-story home. It was beautiful. The exterior was adorned with a covered porch, including a porch swing in just the right spot to watch the sunset. Even with the home having just been created, it was like the architectural design was timeless, with a pitched roof and dormer windows on the second floor, allowing natural light to filter into the cozy spaces within. The exterior was painted in warm, earthy tones, blending harmoniously with the landscape's natural beauty. 
“Come on,” Dean told her, taking her hand as he got out of the Impala.
Maria took a deep breath, letting him lead her out of the car and up the few steps to the porch. He smirked as he leaned down and picked her up, bridal style, causing her to squeal in surprise before he opened the door.
“Well, gotta do this the right way,” he smirked as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.
“We’re not even married yet,” she giggled, but her heart fluttered at the thought.
Dean carried her inside but didn’t set her down; he just kicked the door behind him and kissed her, “I love you, Maria.”
“I love you too, Dean,” she replied softly.
Maria knew that due to what she was, she wouldn’t age, not like he would, but that wasn’t going to stop her from spending the rest of his life with him on Earth. Then, when the time came, she’d join him in Heaven, and the two would have eternity together. Oh, the adventures they could have then.
----------------------------------------- A/N: The End Folks. Thanks for taking this interesting journey with me. I may or may not revisit this and add to it, or I may write some as one-shots. Stay tuned...
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67
Link to the master list for this story.
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catnippackets · 7 months
Do you have any interesting reoccuring dreams? I have one w the characters of inuyasha at like, a party kinda, and i swear to god ive been having this dream every few years since i first saw fucking inuyasha when i was wayyy too young (like 7 yrs old but i digress)
oh DO I!!!!! tbh I haven't had any recently but my whole life has just been one reoccurring dream after another
first of all, my webcomic The Backmaker is based on a reoccurring dream I had when I was a kid. my grandparents' house has this really creepy pantry door in the basement and I used to have this dream where I'd open it up and there'd just be a blank void in there and then I'd fall in and end up in a secret second basement with no windows that I couldn't escape from. never figured out what it meant but I had it for AGES and decided I should put it in a story some day
other reoccurring dreams I've had over the years were 1. finding myself behind the wheel of a moving vehicle surrounded by other cars and having no clue how to pull over and stop it, sometimes with other people in the car with me 2. my family moving into a new house that was always a gorgeous amazing perfect too-good-to-be-true house that I would always hate 3. being stalked through a forest as it slowly darkens by some animal and I can't find the exit 4. there's this mall that I go to sometimes and the layout never changes (except for one store which is a magic store and its gimmick is that it teleports around) and I'll just go to whatever store I feel like going to, that one's very fun 5. I had a LOT of dreams about being stuck in highschool (I even logged them in 2022 and I had over 40 of them which doesn't sound like a lot when I put it down on paper but it sure FELT like a lot), and those were interesting bc when I first started getting them I would be right at the beginning and my mom would be cheerfully telling me she signed me up for another 5 years even tho I literally am an adult with a career, and then as they wore on they'd be like "I'm just starting the last year!" and then near the end they were the very last day so I had to hunt down my locker and get all my shit out. I always had the same locker combination in every dream too, which was interesting since I've never had that combo in real life before. thankfully I haven't had a hs dream in a while, they are stressful as hell
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oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
complexion of god chapter iii
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“Your putrid scent gave you away. Now what do you want, you dog-demon.” Reiji’s voice sounded with a feeling of annoyance, his cold crimson eyes stare at a man with ash blonde hair and tanned skin.
Glimpse of hatred coats the man’s hazel colored eyes, he is appalled. The man’s once chipper mood turned sour as his cat-like eyes narrowed, feeling the little patience he had slip away from his body.
“I see you’re still as bitch-y as per usual. I came here to talk business, there’s no time for bullshit and you know this, Reiji-sama.” The two men stare eye to eye, their heights practically identical, with only a mere inch difference.
“Oi, where’s that woman?” A new voice chimes in, causing the two men to turn. Standing with hands in pocket, Ayato is eyeing the two power houses. “Oh shit. Ryo Soseki, where have you been, loca?” His bold green eyes glistened with mischievous innuendo.
“I hate— wait, woman? Who's this woman you’re talking about?” Ryo’s ears perk with curiosity, twitching with the sudden shift in the atmosphere. The energy itself was suffocating, it didn’t take a ‘dog-demon’ to notice that either.
“Ah, she must be the source of that warm vanilla scent. Truly intoxicating if you ask me.” Ryo smirks, maneuvering past the two, as he starts towards the end of the hall.
“Where do you think you’re going? You mutt.” Reiji sneers teleporting to him within moments, followed by the now angry redhead, Ayato.
Her eyes flutter open, the sight of a pastel pink room surrounded her, stirring her with unease. ‘I wasn’t here before, who’s room is this?’ Pulling the covers from her body, [yn] slowly places her feet onto the cold ground.
The sounds of soft chiming attracts her attention. A large French door, glowing as it stands in the middle of the room. Though she could see through its windows.
She couldn’t help but question, why was there a door in the middle of the room anyway? The French doors display a field of flowers and a crimson moon.
She begins to ponder where exactly the door leads to. Without a second thought, her hands grab its handles and push the doors open. The scent of mildew and damp cloth greets her, twisting her face with a look of disgust.
‘This must be a dream.’
Her legs carry her through the doors’ entrance, stepping on damp grass as she finally enters the field of flowers and as the moon’s crimson light shines over her face.
Everything was beginning to feel too real.
Her eyes fixate on a man with snow white long hair and matching long white rabbit ears. Her face colors with white, as she notices his piercing eyes, burning into her skull, “Subaru?”. The man looked at her with a look of confusion. It wasn't Subaru, he didn't even look like him. His eyes were an emerald-green, his once white hair was now a crimson red.
“Heh, Subaru? Do I look like that idiot?” He asked, peering down at her, waiting for her response. [yn] shakes her head slowly before she rubs her eyes to remove the guck of sleep.
Her eyes meet the man’s figure once more, his once crimson hair was now blonde. He had the brightest of blue eyes, earbuds resting in his ears, “What a weird woman, come on, I'm getting tired standing here.” He mumbles, grabbing her hand, pulling her along down the field of flowers.
“W—where are we going?” she utters out, staggering to keep up with the now much taller man. His eyes glance at her confused expression,
“You’re not your usual self I see.” His sudden fast pace came to a halt, as they arrived at a small well kept cottage. “Come on, you’re probably getting sick.” Releasing her hand, he enters the house.
Only nodding, [yn] follows shortly after him. She watches as he disappears into a back room near the entrance of the kitchen.
She sits silently on the small sofa, her hands resting into her lap, as she looks around the cottage. She notices pictures of her and a man with crimson eyes and shoulder length white hair, his arm resting around her hips.
“Nfu, why are you following me, Bitch chan. You know I can't sleep without you.” The once tall blonde man was now much shorter, his hair as red as blood and bright green eyes.
“What’s going on?” She mutters in confusion, the man shrugs, “I figured you’d want to cuddle.” he smirks, putting his hand out for her to grab. She stands to her feet and follows him into the back room.
“You’re acting a bit off, don’t you think?” She turns to face him once more, his hair violet, and eyes a piercing violet colored eyes, accompanied with bags under his eyes.
“I guess so, I think I need to rest.” she says, resting against an iron coffin-like thing.
“You think?” His voice was unrecognizable, yet so familiar. With moments of silence between them, she flutters with a look of exhaustion. Her eyes practically rolling in the back of her, she collapses onto the ground beneath her.
“That was much easier than I thought.” Reiji struts into the room, as it begins to fill with every bridge except one, Subaru.
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gracieiseverything · 1 year
In celebration of Anti's Birthday, please have this G/t fanfic called: Ĥªppƴ ɓıřṭđªÿ țø mĕ....
Ĥªppƴ ɓıřṭđªÿ țø mĕ....
Anti's pov
It's once again my birthday and I have no one, well there's the other egos but they don't even know I exist. Let me explain...I am an ego created by Seán, but the thing is I'm only two inches tall. Because I didn't "appear" when he made me, he thinks he failed.
I've been watching them for a few years at this point, I would love nothing more then to be with them...to...not be alone anymore, I was supposed to be evil according to Seán, but I'm not. I've been living as a borrower since, including following the rules: don't be seen, don't get caught, don't take more then you need, don't take anything that will be noticed if it goes missing.
I think all of them are out right now, I should be able to grab some stuff. I grabbed my makeshift tools and got to the entrance of the hole in the wall in the kitchen, I made sure that it was clear for me to go and it was. I hesitantly stepped out on the countertop and scanned the kitchen, my eyes lit up as I saw chocolate chip brownies, I started running towards them.
I figured I could take a little and have it as a birthday treat, blinded by my love for sweets, I didn't hear or see Jackie come into the kitchen. As I was running, I suddenly ran into something and fell back, it was glass, I paled as I looked up and saw his red gloved hand holding the glass down.
He bent down to be eye level, I'm hyperventilating because I don't know what Seán has said, or if he even told them what he wanted me to look like. I backed up against the glass wall, terrified of getting hurt or dying.
Jackies pov
I was walking around the house, bored as fuck when I wandered into the kitchen. I thought I was dreaming but when I rubbed my eyes it was still there, I walked closer to the counter and grabbed a glass and placed it over whatever was running. I bent down to look at the thing when my eyes widened, not only was it a tiny human, but he looked like the rest of us.
I took in his features and noticed he had dark green hair and a thin red line across his neck. I think Seán described one of his failed egos like this guy, I believe Seán said he wanted his name to be Anti and that he was supposedly evil. But how does he exist? I tipped the glass so he fell to the bottom and I brought him to my room.
I noticed he was crying and had curled up, I looked at him confused. I placed the cup on my dresser, I thought about calling Seán and asking him to come over. I mean he would know more about this than I would, I called him and he picked up after a few rings.
S: "Hello?"
J: "Hi, it's Jackie"
S: "Hey whats up?"
J: "How fast can you get here?"
S: "Is something wrong?"
J: "Not exactly...you know how you told us you tried to create another ego but it didn't work?
S: "Yeah....what about it?
J: "I think it worked, I think I found him."
S: "Really?! I'll be right over."
I hung up the phone and walked back into my room, as soon as I looked over to where I had set him, he glitched a little and was now outside of the cup. I gasped and he noticed me, he went to teleport away. "W wait! I won't hurt you I promise." He stopped and just looked at me for a few seconds before sitting down. I got closer and he started hyperventilating, "Hey, how did you do that? Getting out of the glass?"
I was genuinely curious because I had never seen anything like that before. "It was how I was created..." So he is one of us. "Want to move to the living room? Also is it ok if I pick you up?" He hesitantly nodded his head. I smiled and gently picked him up and held him to my chest as I walked from my bedroom to the living room.
I set him on the coffee table and as soon as I put him down, there was a knock at the front door. He looked a little pale but I reassured him that nothing bad was going to happen, I walked over to the door and opened to reveal Seán. I ushered him in and brought him to the living room.
Seán's pov
I was playing a game in my room when I got the call from Jackie, I was skeptical at first because when I tried to create Anti he didn't appear. Why show up now? How did he even show up? I instantly got an Uber to go to the ego house, when I got there I thanked the driver and walked up to the door and knocked.
Sure enough Jackie answered and waved me inside, he took me to the living room but no one was there.... I knew it was too good to be true. Jackie seemed to read me like a book because he pointed to the coffee table and then I saw something small sitting there, upon taking a closer look I realized he looked like me and Jackie. My eyes widened and I sat on the couch he looks exactly like how I imagined him... "How?" I breathed out.
Anti's pov
Jackie soon came in with Seán, he looked around and then looked sad a little bit, Jackie then pointed to me and Seán followed with his eyes. When his gaze landed on me, he bent down to take a closer look and then his eyes widened as he sat on the couch.
He asked how, and I was hesitant to speak...I know I'm supposed to be evil and that he wanted me like that, but that's probably the only thing that didn't happen when he brought me to life. I wasn't sure how he would feel about me, or if he thinks I'm the bad guy and wants everyone dead. I took a deep breathe and started talking....
"I've been here the whole time....when you created me a couple of years ago on this day, you believed that I didn't show up. I did, but I wasn't human size, when I "Woke up" I was this size....I got scared and ran into the walls and have been living there ever since then." They both looked at me surprised. "Wait, you've been living here? Why didn't you come out sooner?" Jackie asked me.
"After Seán believed he failed I heard him talking to you guys about what he wanted and had in mind for me....one of those things being that I would want everyone dead and that I was supposed to be evil. I'm not though, that's the only thing besides my height that didn't transfer over. I was afraid that if I showed myself, that you guys would recognize me from what Seán told you and you guys would try to....kill me."
I hugged myself still afraid of getting hurt, I didn't want to look into their eyes, they were both silent and that scared me. I slowly looked up at them and they were staring at each other, I looked back down at the coffee table, just waiting for them to kill me. "Anti..." I looked up and Seán had grabbed me, I whimpered a little but he hugged me to his chest instead of crushing me then and there.
"You're safe here." Seán said. "Anti, you're one of us, we would never kill you or hurt you intentionally." Jackie chimed in, Seán nodded his head in agreement and I started tearing up. I won't have to be alone anymore but then Seán realized something and pulled me away from his chest.
"Wait....you said that on this day a couple years ago....that means... today's your birthday isn't it." I nodded my head and they both smiled at me, Seán handed me to jackie...."I'm going to call the others and tell them." Jackie nodded his head and Seán left to the kitchen, I looked up at Jackie wearily because, well I mean, I'm supposed to be the villain and he's the hero.
Even though I'm not evil and don't want to hurt anybody, that doesn't mean he won't try to get rid of me, he hugged me to his chest. "Welcome to the family Anti, you're stuck with us now whether you like it or not." I walked over to his fingers and hugged one of them the best I could. Seán came back and asked what I wanted for my birthday...."This is the best present I could ask for."
"Wait, is that why you were on the counter in the kitchen?" I nodded my head slightly. "I was planning on taking some of the brownies sitting out and taking it back to where I lived, I didn't plan on getting caught." Pretty soon the others came and met me, they were all really kind and caring towards me. I did get some brownie as a birthday treat, not only that....but now I have a family and I don't have to worry about hiding from them.
Everyone was telling me how they can't see me being evil or even wanting to hurt anyone. This is the best birthday ever, even though it started out scary....everything is ok now, better then ok actually. They all accepted me into their family and I couldn't be happier, I'm glad I decided to try and steal brownies today, because this was the result.
Happy birthday Anti
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Locked out of FF14 while they do maintenance, can't progress story part, so while I bang against the launcher gates like a cat who can't comprehend object permanence demanding the door be opened, I am parsing some thoughts on things I initially didn't give much credit.
Now that I have uh, characters to care about, I'm less invested in whatever conspiracy is happening namely because it seems to directly involve Minfilia and I never liked her, so... yeah.
Getting me to care that she got Borg assimilated into Hydalen and Thancred's subsequent breakdown is tedious, but yeah, I guess it does uh, ALARM me that Hydalen went and full on Borg assimilated a person.
Also, my dumb conspiracy theory about the other moon hiding something was RIGHT, that's where Zodiark is sealed up, they VERY pointedly panned to the "real" moon when Nero was talking about unleashing new horrors on the world, so, there is no moon, there are no gods, it's all Primals all the way down.
And given what we know about primals and belief through Ysayle being able to basically summon a primal up to transform her own body, I have a new conspiracy brewing in my noggin. Also, I recognized the Warriors of Darkness as that adventuring group from the opening cinematic, so I think my theory about the WoL you play being one of the WoL from before the Calamity was off, I guess, even tho ppl told me that is the case if you imported the character from the servers from their first attempt to launch this game.
Quick aside, can I just say, I've never seen a project that deserved it less get THIS many chances? I never played 1.0, but it HAD to have been bad for them to straight up nuke the servers and relaunch it entirely with A Realm Reborn, which was TERRIBLE in its own right. It took until the patch content for it to be any good at all and until Heavensward for me to CARE about any of these fucking characters. I know third time's the charm, but my god, it really took them THAT long to be worth the untold millions they must have spent getting it there.
Anyway, rant on franchises and legacies reaping the benefits of preexisting reputations to burn aside, my conspiracy board.
So, these supposed Warriors of Light got uh, teleported to the "real" moon at the last second before the OTHER moon, the fake one the Allagans built to imprison some pickled dragons to keep the primal Bahamut alive so they could use him like a battery apparently, crashed into the continent and are now the Warriors of Darkness apparently, and the Echo seemingly makes people immortal, and a regular person can house the power of a primal in their own body, and shared belief can create primals, and Hydalen can use the echo to borg assimilate and direct people, and now I'm like....
Okay, it's all coming together, is my character even real?
Is this just some Tidus shit?
Am I just a puppet of Hydalen's will given shape by people praying for a savior like the Warriors of Light?
Is that why my character has no voice and no will and no personality they're allowed to express??
Do WoL dream of electric Pepe Silvia???
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
hi there! i wanted to ask if you could write a few headcanons with the idea of it’s the first time the reader-y/n is visiting the dsmp members!
you of course can choose which members you include in the headcanon! i love your work <3
- anon :]
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
Everybody on the fluff train!!! Let's gooo!
Hoep you enjoy <3
Reader visiting some of the DSMP for the first time
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs × Reader
Click here before requesting, please <3
❝ Dream ❞
So by now Dream has already face revealed
And he was planning on visiting you
But you decided to beat him to it
As you knocked on the door, it swung open for you to be met with a very "bad hair kinda day" Dream
He let out a small gasp and tried to fix his hair, emphasis on the "tried"
You pulled him into a hug before he ruined his hair more
"Y'know you look better online"
"Shush it, I just woke up form a nap"
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
You and Sapnap had planned togheter to visit George when he said he felt "depressed" for being alone
Sapnap went first while you wanted to suprise him by coming later on and not giving it away like the texan did
You rang the doorbell and nervously waited in front of George's house, hoping that Sapnap had given you the right adress
All your worries were quickly blown away after you were face to face with the british man
To contain whatever emotion was about to explode out of him, he pulled you into a hug
You did feel the tears falling on your shoulder and also noticed the red ouffy eyes as he pulled away
But you and Sapnap kept your mouths shut, just this once
❝ Sapnap ❞
While Sapnap visited Karl for the second time, you and the time traveller were planning to surprise the texan
He had wanted to see you for so long, but your scheduled never seemed to match
Until now, but he didn't know that
So as Sapnap layed in the guest room in Karl's house, you softly knocked on his door
The texan opened the door and was surprised to see you instead of Karl
With no hesitation he picked you up form excitement, while laughing about how happy he was to see you
❝ Badboyhalo ❞
We all know how Bad will never get on planes, cause he's allergic to them /j
So, in an attempt to meet the muffin mam himself, you secretly booked a flight to his house
You already had his adress, from previously sending him something for his birthday, so you only needed to get there
Hoping for the right house you rang the door bell, a soft "coming" could be heard from behind it
Bad, not expecting anybody to visit him, was surprised to see a familiar face
"Oh my- how did you get here?"
"I teleported. Of course I flew here, duh"
"You mufifn head, why did you do that?! Now I feel bad for making you come here!"
Don't worry he was actually happy, just a bit guilty
❝ Quackity ❞
You and Quackity are close, like SUPER CLOSE
He basically knows everything about you, and vice versa
So you knew which college he attended and also at what times he got out on the days he went
In order to surprise him you decided to visit him there
You patiently waited for him near his car and after a few minutes a familiar voiced called you
"Sorry could you move from my- Y/N?!"
"Hi Big Q!"
He doesn't seem like a clingy person, but he's never letting you go. At least for a few minutes, he's too happy to see you
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Mr Beast and Chris loved to tease you over Karl, because he talked about you non stop
One day you proposed to them the idea of visiting the two to also surprise Karl
They were quickly on board with the idea and Jimmy also payed for the ticket
No matter how many times you told him you could pay, he did it anyway
Chris tricked Karl into filming a video where he needed to be blindfolded
And while he couldn't see anything, you walked in front of him and just said a simple "hello"
You were both on the ground before anyone could save you from falling
Karl was so hapoy that you both stayed on the ground for a couple of hours
I'm gonna stop here cause I feel like they were getting a bit "repetitive". But if y'all wamt the rest, lmk :)
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yearninqheart · 2 years
dinner for one (table for two)
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he didn’t mean to be late again, he really didn’t. he’s just been forgetful lately. it wont happen again however, he promises you so.
pairing: corinthian x reader
word count: 1.4k
tags: gender-neutral!reader, implied reader is shorter than corinthian, fluff despite the title and summary lmao (though it does get a tad sad at the end).
notes: i don’t even remember how i got this idea all i know is that its bene sitting in my drafts for weeks and forgot about it until last night when i decided to finish it
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The Corinthian was a creature known for many things. He is the Dream Lord’s masterpiece, a popular figure—dare he say, idol—amongst serial killers, a literal Nightmare, and also a boyfriend who was late to dinner. Again.
He had promised both himself and his partner that the first time would be the last but now it was nearing 10 p.m and he was still miles away from home. He’s barely even finished the meeting he’s in when he’s suddenly running to his car and stepping on the gas so hard he wondered if his car would blow at any second. 
Thankfully, it didn’t and at around 11:46 p.m, Corinthian was in your driveway with a messy bouquet of flowers in one hand and a nervous—almost fearful—expression on his face. He had to take a second to try and calm himself down before actually knocking but when silence was his only response, he couldn’t feign calmness any longer. 
There were two scenarios that filled his head at that very moment. The first, was that you were—understandably—angry and was refusing to even acknowledge him, and the second, was that something had happened to you and it was somehow his fault. Truthfully, he wished for neither but he knew to some degree, it would be one of the two. A part of him hoped it would be the first. 
Fishing out his keys, he quickly unlocked the door and rushed inside to search for you, barely thinking about the flowers in hand as he checked the house.
“Darling?” He had called out as he stepped into the kitchen, there were pots and pans left in the sink to soak along with a perfectly set table with a dinner for one. Guilt washed over him at the sight knowing that you had probably sat in the seat opposite of his waiting for him to come home before you decided to simply eat alone. He’ll make up for this. He has to. 
The living room was empty, along with the bathrooms and closets. Even your shared bedroom was empty and that was when his worries heightened. 
Where were you? 
The flowers were forgotten on the floor somewhere by now as the Corinthian all but roamed the house you shared. He had checked everywhere! There weren’t any traces of you having been forced out of the house but there also seemed to be no indication that you were still here. Unless someone had found a way to teleport inside your home and take you, there was no way that you could’ve just disappeared. Surely you’ve got to be here somewhere, but where could you have—
For a second he was frozen at the sudden sound of your voice until he turned around. You were still on the opposite side of the door—he hadn’t even heard you open the door—with a plastic shopping bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other. Glancing past you in the doorway, the Corinthian realized it must’ve begun raining sometime after he got home. He hadn’t noticed.
“Sweetheart, look I’m so—” His apology was cut short as the door shut behind you and asked, 
“How are you home so early?” 
“Earl-Early? It’s almost midnight!” 
Looking at you as if you had offended him, Corinthian saw the slightest hint of a smile on your lips before you said: “You forgot, didn’t you?”
Forget what?!
He had just missed dinner yet here you stood as if he was the victim of a successful prank. You should’ve been angry. Should’ve been anything but grinning up at him after he missed– Oh. 
By now your smile was wide and almost bordering teasing as he pulled out his phone to confirm that he indeed did forget.
Today was Tuesday, and the Corinthian never came home until Wednesday due to his work. That was the routine the two of you had fallen into, meaning that he was never late for dinner in the first place and he had just rushed home with his heart in his throat for nothing. 
Relief and embarrassment hit him both at once and the result was a very confused Corinthian standing in the middle of the hallway with no idea of what to do or say. Instead, your laughter filled the empty space around you and he found himself admiring the way your eyes basically twinkled in the dimly lit hallway. He didn’t even notice when you had closed the space between you two—or was it him?—but all of sudden you were in-front of him and his hand cupped your face before fingers traced the side of your jaw up towards your temple before just barely grazing over your eyelids. 
“Should I be worried that you always do this?” You asked as he pressed a kiss to your temple, his lips barely brushing past the delicate skin that protected the peculiar organ he could never seem to get enough of. He simply chuckled before shaking his head ‘no’ and guiding your head to lean against his chest as he wrapped his arms around your middle. 
“Alright then,” You said as you pulled away from him. He reluctantly loosened his arms to let you go. “Since you’re home now, how about some dinner?” 
He followed you into the kitchen where he took the seat opposite of where the ready set meal was placed and watched as you stood opened the oven where leftovers of what you had cooked remained. 
As he sat there he wondered why you had left a meal out if it was only Tuesday. Dinner was typically served and eaten at 9 p.m and currently it was well past midnight and a meal was still waiting in the spot he usually filled. Either that meant you hadn’t had dinner yet or you were expecting other guests. The lack of decoration and tidiness of the room however led him to believe that the latter was not the case. 
“I had a strange feeling I’d have a guest tonight.” You said as you set down a plate of hot food in front of him. It was as if you had read his mind. 
“Gut feeling, I think that’s what it is. Didn’t think it’d be you who showed up though, I would’ve made something else. I know you don’t particularly like this as much.” And while in most cases he would’ve made his own dinner whenever your tastes didn’t seem to align with his own, tonight Corinthian smiled at you before saying, “Perhaps a second try will change my opinion.” 
Bringing a spoonful of food into his mouth, he tried to conceal his dislike for a particular ingredient that he didn’t favour all too much but it was such a strong part of the dish that he just couldn’t help it. Your cooking was wonderful and he’s enjoyed every single dish you’ve given him but he just couldn’t finish this one. 
He was thankful you understood and even found amusement as he struggled to mask his distaste for the dish before finally swallowing it and reaching for his glass of water.
“How about we get some pizza, and maybe catch up on that show you haven’t been able to watch yet?” You suggested and while he would’ve eventually finished the meal you worked so hard on, he really couldn’t resist the offer of being able to have you in his arms for the rest of the night. 
“I’ll give them a call.” He said as he got up and brought the plates towards the sink before going to place your order of pizza and drinks. Meanwhile, you headed towards the living room where blankets and pillows cushioned the couch as you set up the tv. 
The Corinthian would be a day or so behind schedule now due to a minor hiccup in his planning, possibly even pushing his original plans to a much later date but Corinthian didn’t seem to mind the inconvenience at all. 
With his limbs a tangled mess with your own as he listened to ramble about the scene playing on screen, he would postpone the rest of his plans if it meant he could live in this moment forever. 
Humanity would still have lots to offer him even decades later but a love like this would surely not make it long in his lifespan. You wouldn’t. And no matter how hard he may try to defy fate and Destiny himself, he knew that the inevitable would one day come and he would once again be lonely. But until the dreadful day comes, he would drop every meeting he had if it called for a night like this. And perhaps be more mindful of when he’s supposed to be home. 
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itisannak · 3 years
Car Sex (Luke Hemmings Smut)
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Summary: Luke and (Y/N), both college students, living with their parents, have to get creative to find some alone time. (Smut / Unprotected Sex /  Penetrative Sex / Public Sex / Creampie) (Words: 5.4k) (Request)
"Be back by 11:30." My dad shouts as I run down the stairs, heading to the door. "The movie ends at 12." I remind him, sighing over how strict he becomes when he knows I am going out with Luke. "12 it is then." He replies, peeking at me from his armchair. "I don't have classes tomorrow... And teleportation had yet to be invented last time I checked." I point out, crossing my arms before my chest. "Smarty-pants. If he brings you home a minute after 12:30, you are grounded." My dad tries to sound tough, but he is a big softie. I rush to him, leaving a peck on his cheek before strutting out of the door.
Luke has been waiting long enough in the car, longer than I would have the patience to wait for someone without pressing my hand on the horn. I did not expect to see him inside the parked pick-up park, but here I am, opening the passenger door to join him inside. "Wow, that is a first..." I comment, pressing my lips together to stop my laughter as soon as I am in. I just picture him as a hillibilly, chewing on a hay straw, and the mental image is enough to make me double over in laughter. "Shut up. My brother lent me it for the night." He explains, pulling out of the driveway. "Why does your brother have a truck?" I ask, pulling the seatbelt to fasten myself. "He works in constructions." He replies, turning his head for a quick peck on my forehead. "Right." I mumble. "What time does your curfew start?" He asks me, shifting the gears. "I have to be home at 12.30, not a minute later. It still fucks me up that I still have a curfew at 19 and you don't." I groan, crossing my arms. Luke shrugs, having a charming little smirk decorating his lips. "My parents had enough of setting rules for disobeying teenagers with my brothers, so I guess I had it easy, they never bothered placing one." He comments as I prop my elbow against the window's frame, supporting my head as I look at him. "There is no way your mother is that elastic with you. I had chills every time I walked into her class in high school." I really do exasperate, earning a laugh from Luke. I love it when he laughs; his face brightens up, and his dimples make him really irresistible, along with the crinkles around his eyes. I reach over, stroking a messy curl with my fingers, before pushing it off his forehead. "She is much chiller when you get to know her." He replies, resting his hand on my thigh. "I guess you are right." I sigh, feeling jittery at the way he touches me. "Pity I will have to take you home straight after the movie. I was hoping for some more time with you." He says in a low voice, almost like he fears getting heard. "It has been too long since the last time we had more time together." I reply. It would be a lie if I said I am not actively craving him. I still dream of his touch, the way he kissed me last time, the way he moved against me. "To be clear, I am talking about having sex." He explains and I chuckle, throwing my head back. "I am talking about having sex too, Luke." I reply, making him hum, pleased by my response. "We gotta do something about the housing situation." He sounds determined, which is just hilarious at this point. "Well, we are broke, college students who can only afford to live with their parents. I don't know if there is much we can do about it at this point." I reply, while his hand squeezes my inner thigh. "I am just... I just need more of you." He groans and I hum, feeling my stomach tighten at his words. "Can we talk about the movie? This is becoming... A little too intense for me." I bite my bottom lip, running my fingers through my hair. "Of course. They are showing the Texas Chainsaw Massacre." He states, letting his touch linger for a little longer before he removes his hand. I press my thighs together, trying to relieve some of the tension between them. It is hard for me to take my mind off Luke being inside me, kissing me, touching me, even with the prospect of watching a movie about cannibalistic psychopaths. "Why do you always pick horror movies for date night?" I groan, nudging his shoulder. "Because you always leave me in charge. And because the gore is the only thing stopping me from fantasizing about you." He replies, taking my hand in his and bringing it to his lips. "You fantasize about me?" I ask, feeling the tingly sensation making its way back. "All the time. My thoughts are just a never-ending movie of things I want to do with you... of things I want to do to you. And I am just trying to find ways to just pause that movie for a while." He admits. "Is the movie playing right now?" I ask, flushing as I wait for him to tell me. "You wanna know?" He asks and I nod at him, knowing my eyes are glistening with excitement. "Right now it shows the scene where it is Sunday morning, and we have just woken up, naked in bed. And I am just taking you in, in all your glory." He replies. "You are definitely giving me the PG-13 version right now." I point out and he shrugs. "I am keeping some of the good stuff for a little later." He winks at me, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek.
We purchase some popcorn and sodas from the drive-through kiosk before Luke finds the spot we are supposed to park. The back of the pick-up truck is facing the screen, which means we will have to get out of the car and climb onto the back. "I really want to see you try to get in the back, wearing that dress." Luke comments, picking up the snacks and getting out of the car. "I know you want to peek under my skirt, but gosh, don't be so obvious about it." I chuckle, hopping off the car. Luke waits for me in the back of the truck, holding his connected palms low, so I can step on them and go up the cargo bed. "You are a true gentleman..." I comment, leaving a peck on his cheek, before I step on his hands and he boosts me up. "Need help?" I ask him once I land just right. "I got it. Lay the blanket I have in there. And move the snacks, I don't want to knock them." He instructs, stepping onto the rim under the taillights. I hold the snacks tight as he steps in, dusting himself off. "This is actually nice." I admit, laying one of the blankets for us. "See? That will teach you not to laugh at me before you see my intentions." He comments, sitting down on the blanket, with his back against the divider. "You should be happy I am laughing. It means you make me happy." I reply and he hums. I take a seat between his thighs, leaning my head back on his shoulder, bringing my lips to his neck for a soft peck. "I promise to hold you tight at the scary parts." I whisper, knowing that I will spend the entirety of this movie with my face buried in his chest. "I will hold you up to that." He chuckles, leaving a peck on my forehead.
The night chill proves I am a fool for wearing a frilly little dress for the night screening. But luckily, Luke has predicted that and has brought a second blanket along, which now is covering our laps. "You look mighty cute in the cinema lights." Luke whispers, stroking my hair softly. "You are supposed to be focusing on the movie, not me." I laugh, trying to keep my voice low so I don't bother the rest of the viewers. "You are far more interesting than any movie." He replies, turning my head to plant a kiss on my lips. I smile against his lips, parting my mouth so he can slip his tongue past my lips. His hand softly grazes my face, and I then decide to turn around and straddle his lap. "You can't do that to me." He groans, throwing his head back. That gives me access to his neck, which I take advantage of and trail with kisses. "Why not?" I ask, pouting at him. "(Y/N), please... This is torturing. It has been too long since we had sex. I am craving you, and this is not helping me." He replies, while my hands move to his hair. "I am craving you too. I need you." I whine, earning a sigh. "I need you too. But we don't have the time nor the place to do that." He replies, and I shake my head. "What about right here, right now?" I ask, making him tilt his head and look at me, with eyes glazed in excitement. "You mean...?" "Who's going to see us? And don't say the movie is more interesting than me..." "Fuck the movie." He groans, bringing his hand to trace my thigh, stopping on the hem of my dress. "I'd rather you fuck me." I reply, earning a smirk from him. "This is risky." He comments and I shrug. "You love it, don't you?" I ask and he hums. He throws the lap blanket aside, laying me with my back on the blanket laid on the floor of the cargo bed. "You will have to be very quiet..." He states, stroking my cheek softly. "You are the one to talk..." I mumble before he leans down to kiss me.
He clumsily fumbles with the lap blanket, covering us for a mock discreteness, even though we both know a blanket will do nothing. He roams his hands from my face to my sides and then retires them on my thigh. I prop my leg up, wrapping it around his waist. "You are so soft." He moans against my mouth, squeezing my thigh softly. My lips curl into a smile, feeling goosebumps crawl onto my skin. "Oh shit." He groans, making me look at him with a furrow on my brow. "What? What happened?" I ask, watching as his face twists in frustration. "Condoms are in the glove compartment. I have to go back in the car." He groans, throwing his head back. "It is ok... We don't need one." I state, feeling my core becoming warm at the thought of him sliding inside me bare. "Are you sure about this?" He asks me and I nod. "It is not a risky day. I need you." I almost beg, causing him to chuckle at me, as his hands work his pants to free his cock. "I will just... Push your panties aside... No one will know what we are doing." He mutters, spreading my legs more, propping them around his waist. Blindly and clumsily, he tries to line up his tip to my entrance. The only lights come from the light poles around the parking space, and of course, the projector playing the movie, so there is almost only darkness surrounding us. Luke finally manages to slip inside me, moving slowly so the car doesn't rattle and bring any suspicion on us. "Shit, you feel good." He whispers by my ear, planting a peck on my earlobe. He buries his face in my neck, nibbling on my skin as he begins rocking his hips on mine. It takes me a moment to get my mind off the catastrophic thought that we are going to get caught, but the moment the first moan slips from his lips, I feel chills crawl down my spine. "Oh, God." I mumble, finally feeling his cock stretching me, with each thrust making me wetter and wetter. "Shh, we have to be quiet, remember?" He playfully reminds me, passing his tongue over the spot he was sucking on a second ago. "Buzzkiller." I whisper, but it soon turns into a gasp as he thrusts his whole cock inside me, making me pulse around him. I have to bring my hand to my mouth as Luke backs out and thrusts in again, this time with more force than before. I bite onto my palm, preventing myself from making a sound as Luke tries to find a rhythm for us. We both know this cannot last as long as the last time did; in contrast to the time we stayed up all night fucking, we will now have to be done in less than 10 minutes. "The way you take my cock is going to be the death of me." He mumbles as I buck my hips up to meet his thrusts, trying to find an angle for his cock to hit my spot. Luke groans softly, placing a hand under the small of my back to support me. "We are fucking under the stars." I giggle softly, squeezing myself around him. "I am going to find us a house, I promise you that." He slams his hips on mine, making the car move a little. "Careful." I groan, but the way he is rocking his hips on mine makes my mind fuzzy around the edges. We have to pray the people around us are too focused on the movie, or else we are putting on a show for them. Luke brings on hand from under my back to my cheek, touching it softly. "You feel so good around me, baby." He says raspily as I move my hips in a soft circle. The top of his cock brushes against my clit and I feel myself tighten around him. I muffle a whimper, closing my eyes tightly to focus on anything else but the way he feels inside me. "I can feel you here." I grab his hand and let it press on my lower stomach, right at the nook where I feel the impact of his thrusts. Luke strokes his thumb over that spot, giving me a slow, deep thrust, looking mesmerized by the way my stomach inflates and falls as he fucks me. His hand travels under my dress, heading straight to my breasts, cupping them and stroking his thumbs over my nipples. I whimper and shudder, bucking my hips against his and taking his cock more inside me. "You are going to fuck yourself on my cock, princess?" He asks cockily, pinching my nipple between his fingers, pulling at it sadistically slow. "Will you fill me up, daddy?" I ask him back; two can play this game. I can see his eyes sparkle at my question, even in the dark night. "Shit, (Y/N)... I am going to cum..." Luke groans by my ear, making me tighten around him in surprise. "Cum, please. I want to feel all of you inside me..." I groan, my mind becoming clouded by my need for him. "But you are not there yet..." Luke protests. "You have a mouth, don't you?" I ask him, heaving for breath. Luke chuckles and looks at me amused, before slamming his hips on mine, pinning me down to ravage me. Luke brings his face to my neck, muffling himself by biting onto my skin. I gasp in shock, the slight sting of pain sending waves of electricity down my body. "I am going to fucking wreck you... I am going to fucking ruin you for everyone else. You are mine... Just mine. " He groans, gluing his hips on mine as he cums, hissing as he reaches his high. It takes him a moment of grunting and breathing funny before he cups my face and kisses me harshly. "I am going to make you feel good, princess. I promise." His voice is still heavy and groggy from his orgasm, and he sounds so chillingly sexy, contrasting the loud chainsaw buzzing that goes off every couple of minutes in the movie.
He parts from my lips and slides down my body, spreading my legs more and fixing himself between my thighs. He traces my slit softly, watching me as I still pulse from the loss of contact. He uses his fingers to part my lips, revealing my entrance and my clit to him. He wastes no time lapping up his tongue on my sex, moaning as he tastes us mixing together. I smile to myself and look up at the night sky, taking in the pretty little stars as Luke curls his tongue on my entrance, gathering the pooling wetness and his cum on the tip of his tongue. He brings the tip to my clit, teasing it in slow, agonizing circles, making me jolt at every single one of them. Once he sees I am teased to a sufficient level for his liking, he wraps his lips around my clit, suckling on it hungrily. My breath gets caught in my lungs and I am baffling between bringing my hand to my mouth to stop any sounds from escaping or tangling my fingers in his hair, pulling at his locks, and guiding his mouth where I need him. "Luke..." I whine, messing my fingers in his hair, contrasting the intensity that courses through my body with the softness of his curls. Luke hums in approval, flicking his tongue against the head of my clit. I press my lips together and roll my hips in the air as my orgasm explodes inside me, spreading on my body. I try my hardest not to make a sound, nor move too much that the car squeaks. Luke moves up from between my thighs after he fixes my panties over my core. He leans in, kissing my lips softly. I realize that I have been smiling since I hit my orgasm, but only after Luke mimics my smirk. "I am going to find us a house." He announces again, tracing his hand softly over my cheek. "Yeah, we need one." I agree, moving my tongue across my bottom lip, tasting us together. "Do you think anyone saw us?" Luke asks, rolling next to me. I fix my head upon his chest, letting myself hear his heartbeat. "As long as we do not end up on a pornsite, I am not that mad if they did." I reply and he chuckles. "Kinky... I like that about you." "You like what about me?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow. "You are always up for testing your limits." He replies and I hum. "I wish we could sleep together tonight." He sighs, pecking at the top of my head. "I think my dad will neuter you if you show up at my house for a sleepover. And your mom will probably bound me in your basement and torture me for seducing her benjamin." I giggle and he scoffs. "My mom is not a monster." Luke protests playfully. "I don't know. Her nickname was Charybdis in high school." I mumble and he punches my arm playfully.
"Will you call me before bed?" Luke asks me as he parks in front of my house. "Do you want me to?" I ask him, undoing my seatbelt. "Since I can't sleep with you tonight, at least I would like us to do it over facetime." He shrugs, tapping the tip of my nose softly. "I will certainly facetime you then. I will see you on Tuesday, won't I?" I ask and he nods. "Ok then. Talk to you in a bit." I bite my lip before I lean in to plant a soft peck on his lips. He waits until I am inside the house to take off, which brings a smile to my face. He cares a lot and he is really protective, without crossing any boundaries. "Did you have fun at the movies?" My dad asks, making me jump at the sound of his voice. He has stayed exactly where I left him, which is a little creepy. "You scared the shit out of me, dad." I gasp, touching my chest and feeling my heart pounding. "We saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not really my style, but it was ok." I reply and he hums. "If you wake up screaming in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare, I will know who to blame." He goes back to watching TV. It is not a secret that my dad does not really like Luke; he thinks of him as a devil in the disguise of an angel. "Goodnight dad." I run up the stairs to take off my makeup and get ready for my night call with Luke.
I tap my fingers nervously as I wait for Luke to pick me up. We are supposed to head for a dinner date, but I am not sure we will go through with it. Luke's car pulls up in front of me, and I rush inside, earning a look of surprise from him. "I was ready to wait for you at least 15 more minutes." Luke chuckles, helping me with my seatbelt. "Can you find a space somewhere a bit private?" I ask him, earning a hum from him. "I will be happy to..." He starts the car, aloof to my jitters.
Luke parks behind an elementary school, which seems abandoned for the day, before he undoes his seatbelt and turns to look at me. "It will do for now, don't you think?" Luke asks, cocking an eyebrow at me. "We need to talk." I state, making his face drop. "Oh. That sounds a little ominous." He replies and I nod my head. "I am late." I just let it out, dropping the bomb on his lap now. "Late for what? Do you have to be somewhere before our date?" He asks. I roll my eyes and rest my head back on my seat. "Luke..." I sigh. "What?" He asks, frustrated over my reaction. "My period is late. I might be pregnant." I explain and he looks at me dumbfounded. "Are you sure?" He manages to utter after a second of just staring. "My tracker says I am a week late. And I am never late, not this long. I am freaking out." I sniffle, my hands bunching up my cardigan. Luke stays silent, starting the car again. I feel awful in this silence but I understand he needs time to process it. It took me two days to swallow this, he deserves at least a couple of minutes to even begin thinking about it. It itches me on the inside to just ask him to say anything, but I decide to control myself. Without a word, he parks the car in front of a pharmacy and exits the car. It would make more sense for him to slam the door on the way out, but he didn't. I cannot find a way to translate his coldness and it pains me to sit here without a clue. He is gone for a little over 10 minutes but it felt a century to me. I don't dare ask him what he bought, so the car sinks in silence again.
The next stop is at a totally strange house to me. Luke helps me undo the seatbelt, still silent, and motions me to follow him. He unlocks the door to an apartment, letting me go in first. "What is this place?" I finally have the courage to ask once we enter the poorly furnished place. "I told you I would find us an apartment. I wanted to tell you at dinner, but I guess..." He replies, handing me the paper bag from the pharmacy. "Is it what I think it is?" I ask and he nods. "Luke, I am scared." I admit and he sighs. He wraps his arms around me, pressing his lips softly on my forehead. "I am too. But we need to face our fear. Or it will catch upon us." He replies, stroking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Come on. I will be right outside." He guides me to the small bathroom, giving me a small smile before I shut the door. It is such a lonely process doing this. I know Luke is waiting for me, I know that he is here for me, right outside the door that divides us, but I feel so alone. It is nerve-wracking, having to wait even a moment for the test that will define the rest of my relationship with Luke. There is a soft knock on the door, Luke's knuckles must barely even touch the wooden furniture. "Did you do it?" He asks nervously, but not demandingly. "I am waiting for the result." I sniffle. "Would you like me to come in and wait with you?" He asks. "No. I will be out in a minute..." I am too upset myself to have Luke's nervousness right now. "Ok, love." He sighs, giving up. I know he is trying to comfort me and this is the best way he can think of doing so, but it is just... I don't know if it is too much or too little.
The timer goes off and I know that I have to face the little plastic stick at last. It is so stupid that I am terrified by a piece of plastic, but I feel a tug at my heartstrings just at the thought of what the result might be. I peek at it, finding the word 'PREGNANT' on the little digital screen. Fuck. "Can I come in?" Luke asks. He must have heard the timer too so he knows the test has shown a result. I am too emotional to answer him, all I want to do is cry. How did that happen? Fuck, why did it happen now? We were always careful and we barely ever had a place to be just the two of us. God, that night at the drive-in... I was stupid enough to tell him it didn't matter going bare. Luke barges into the bathroom after my lack of response, his eyes instantly falling on me. He sighs understandingly, moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around me. "It's ok... It's all ok, love. Please, stop crying." He tries to soothe me, but it will take more than a hug and his soft voice to calm me down. "I've ruined both our futures..." I moan, my voice barely coming off. "No, no, you didn't. It is my fault too. Hey, we are going to be alright. She's gonna be apples, you'll see." He cheers, rubbing the small of my back soothingly.
My obstetrician could only see me 2 days after I took the test. Despite me wanting to rush to the first person with an available appointment, Luke told me that 2 days wouldn't hurt and we should go to the one I trust. And now as I am feeling in the form of family history and reason of the visit, Luke is sitting next to me, almost completely unfazed, as if his life is not about to tumble down. "How can you be so calm?" I ask him, annoyed by how cool he seems. "I am not." He replies, not even turning to look at me. "You are. You are awfully calm and cool for someone who is going to be a father before he finishes college." I whisper the last part, even though it is just us in the waiting room. I have been tiptoeing around admitting my pregnancy, not even daring to say it to myself out loud. "You think I am not panicking? You think I am not about to have a nervous breakdown? But I have to keep calm and be here for you. You are a mess, (Y/N)." He says through gritted teeth. "Well, I am sorry this is too much for me. I will try my hardest not to let my mess affect you." I snap, moving to a chair away from him. "I didn't mean it that way..." He protests and I hum, scribbling on the form fast.
The doctor calls me in her office, finally ready to exam me. Luke follows suit, asking her if it is ok to join us too. "Is it ok with you, (Y/N)?" She turns to me. "I really couldn't care less." I mumble, climbing onto the exam bed. Luke walks in, standing in the corner of the room awkwardly. "I will need you to take your jeans and underwear off for this." She instructs me and I nod. "Your urine sample gave us a positive pregnancy test, so I will have to go transvaginally to see the fetus. We have done this in the past, but you will feel slight discomfort when I enter the prob." She states, prepping the little wand. I feel as if I want to throw up, this ordeal has been stressing me out a lot. "Ok. Are you ready?" She asks as I lay on my back. I nod my head and take a deep breath, boosting myself for the exam. Pushing past the initial discomfort, I turn to look at my doctor as she looks at the screen with a frown. "Do you have any symptoms?" She asks me, looking at the ultrasound carefully. "No, other than my period being late, no." I reply and she hums. "You took a home test?" "Yes, it came back positive. Is everything ok?" I ask her. "Well, you are not pregnant. But you have a positive home test and a urine stip test. So my guess is there is proteinuria and that is why we had 2 false positives. I will order you a lab work for that, just to rule things out, but I think it might be stress-related." She replies. "I am not pregnant?" I ask, my heart skipping in relief. "You are not." She replies. "Are you sure?" Luke asks for the first time since the exam started. "I am very certain you are not expecting. Based on your reactions I will say congratulations, you are not pregnant." She chuckles, handing me a couple of tissues to clean up. "I will leave you to get dressed and go order the lab test. You can pick it up from my receptionist." She smiles at us before she leaves the room.
After the doctor's visit, I was craving ice cream, so Luke drove me to my favorite place for a strawberry soft serve. Since our date night was canceled from my pregnancy scare, we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take a stroll at the park. He holds my hand in his as we both lick our ice cream as if the last couple of days didn't happen. "We are not having sex again without a condom." I lean my head on his shoulder as he hums in agreement. "That is certain." He adds. "I am sorry I was so... messy the last couple of days." I apologize and he shrugs. "It is one of the things I love about you." He brings my hand to his lips, pecking it lightly. "For what is worth, you were an excellent partner and you handled this scare probably the best way possible." I comment and he sighs. "I was scared beyond words. We are too young to become parents." "I agree. We barely have a place to be alone..." I point out. "Well, we do have it, though." He says, making me bite the inside of my cheek. "I really liked the space, from what I remember seeing..." "I am glad you did. Cause I plan on spending a lot of time in it with you." He plants a kiss on my forehead, making me feel my face get hot. "We never learn, do we?" I chuckle and he shrugs. "I think we learned our lesson." He takes a long lick of his dessert.
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