#deaged Nightmare
ancha-aus · 1 day
RealAgeAU Drabble - Training
I am back with this AU :D @spotaus
This drabble is a lot earlier than the last few drabbles. shortly after Nightmare's first birthday, and kidnapping.
The gang decides they should really start to learn more about their new powers :3
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Cross nods as he crosses his arms “You guys ready?”
Dust looks very unhappy to be up already, Horror is next to him trying to get him to stand up. Killer just grins and salutes “Yes sir!” and he throws in a wink.
Cross ignores the obvious flirt as he tells his own body to cool it. Not the time nor place.
Cross takes a deep breath and continues on with what he was saying “Good! It is time we do something which we should have done long ago.”
Killer raises a hand “Make out more?”
Dust just keeps laying in the dirt. Not making a single move to get up “We already do that now.”
Killer nods “We should still do it more.”
Cross sputters and glares “Training! We need to train!” They had tugged Nightmare in for a nap in a nice warm little nest in a sunny spot nearby them. He is still sound asleep and hopefully he will sleep right through this all.
Cross has high hopes for that as Nightmare seemed to hardly wake up whenever they made noise.
Cross glares at the two on the ground “I am serious!”
Horror chuckles and stands by his side “Calm Cookie.” And he rubs his shoulder and Cross feels part of him melt as Horror smiles at him. God what did he do to deserve them all?
Cross feels reassured and turns back to Killer and Dust his two more unmotivated mates, oooh he is still not over the fact he can call them his mates now! “I am serious! We need to practise our new powers!” especially with Nightmare suddenly getting new powers as well. They need to be prepared.
If… if anything like that kidnapping happens again… Cross had been so lucky his powers just… worked with him instead of doing the normal uncontrollable flickering in and out of view. They need to practise this and work on it! They need to be ready!
Killer sighs as he leans on his hand “How do we plan to do that exactly? I don’t have something that we can just work with without going around town and telling lies and hoping it doesn’t backfire. And Dusty still shocks us when he gets overcharged.”
Dust just points at Killer as if to say ‘what he said.’
Horror hums “May be hard… but we need to practise and learn. Having the powers and magic won’t be useful until we can control them and know their limits.”
Cross nods “We can’t count on powers we can’t control. Even if we can’t control it we need to at least understand our limits a bit better.”
Killer pouts “You guys are my limit.” Then he grins and winks as he finger guns at them “And my weakness.”
Dust groans from the ground as he just covers his face with his arm “Can’t believe I agreed to this madness.”
Killer grins and pokes his cheek “You did! And now you are stuck with me!” Killr sounds very happy about it.
Cross glares “Guys I am serious! What is Nightmare gets taken again and we can’t do anything because we don’t understand our powers!?”
Killer’s face grows dark as he crosses his arms “Won’t happen again.”
Cross glares “We don’t know that. That is why we need to practise and learn.” He checks his mates. Killer sighs but gives in with a pout and a nod. Dust may not have moved but he is still here which counts. Horror had been down for this idea from the start.
Cross nods “Good!”
Dust speaks from the ground “How exactly?”
Cross frowns as he thinks “well… we need to figure out what triggers the powers… So try some stuff…” He stands up taller “I will go first!” It is easy! He did this before. He knows how to train and practise new skills or ideas for moves. He just needs to get in the right mindset.
Horror nods and joins Killer and Dust, forcing Dust to sit up right as well.
Cross takes a few deep breaths. Something about his magic makes him able to be invisible. Lets try that first.
He thinks about hiding. About staying out of sight. About following people quietly.
Cross opens a socket but sees this three boyfriends still watching him. Okay. He is still visible.
Cross closes his sockets and thinks. Hiding. Being invisible. Not being noticed.
No exclaim that it worked.
Cross stops as he taps his chin in thought. He is doing something wrong with this. He doesn’t even feel his magic react to his request.
Killer leans on a hand as he watches “No luck?”
Cross shakes his skull “Not yet… It doesn’t react to me thinking and wanting to hide or anything like it… I figured that would be a trigger at least.”
Horror frowns “Nothing?”
Cross sighs as he rubs his neck “Nothing.”
Dust yawns as he watches “Maybe it wasn’t hiding. You weren’t exactly hiding when you went after those assholes who took Nightmare.”
Cross frowns and shakes his skull “I was thinking about following them and not being noticed.” Neither worked.
Dust yawns “I would say you were doing a bit more than just being not noticed or following them but sure. It is a start.”
Killer shoots Dsut a look “I mean. We always notice him anyway.”
Dust snorts and nods “Very true.”
Horror looks at both of them disapproving but shoots him an apologetic smile.
Cross however knows he has a frown on his face. Thinking back to when his powers tended to activate… Generally it was when he wanted to hide or not be seen. But when he thought about more context to when he wanted that. Then it only happened when he was already nervous about something. Normally in some way related to them being discovered and found. Or more specifically, Nightmare being found.
But when it reacted? When it actually did what he wanted and needed? It was when he was focused on hunting down the pieces of filth that took their babybones…
Cross takes another deep breath and focuses. He thinks back to that mad dash. That rushed feeling. The need to get his baby back to his side right that second.
That is when this power had answered. That is when he had had most control. Without even needing to think. It had moved and done what he wanted without having to focus.
It isn’t about focus.
It isn’t about control.
It is about trust.
Cross forces his shoulders to relax. Focusses on the trust he feels in his mates. The trust in himself to do what he can. That he is able.
“Cross you are doing it!”
Cross opens a socket and watches as patches of him are hidden and others aren’t. It doesn’t feel like being gone or being unnoticed… It feels like parts of him are covered in a thin blanket. Cross mentally grabs it and just imagines wrapping himself with it.
And he is gone from view.
“Cross you did it!” Killer cheers “Way to go Crossy!”
Cross however has no control. It is like how he trusts his body to catch him when he jumps off something. How he trusts his body to run and catch him. How he trusts his movement.
It isn’t just a power he can lead or learn to control. It is different. It is like his body.
Cross takes a few steps around. Noticing that he is completely silent as well. huh. Strange. Still Cross speaks just to test “Seems like it isn’t only sight. My steps are much more silent than I am used to.”
Dust tilts his skull confused “Well.. .when you speak we can hear you just fine…”
Horror hums “Like when you want to speak you are obvious. But otherwise hidden.”
Cross shakes his skull and his mates blink confused at him. Cross glances down and sees his is visible again. Huh. As soon as he wanted-no, tried to communicate nonverbal he became visible again.
It isn’t focus. It isn’t thought.
Cross looks up at them “It is instinct.”
Horror, Killer and Dust all share confused looks before looking at Cross.
Cross shakes his skull as he tries to put his thoughts into words “It is instincts. These powers? It is more than just power or magic or movements. It is more than skill. It is about…” he can’t find the words. It is so strange. He is used to having to practise and work and try again and again. Failing over and over until you finally get the basics and then you work from there.
The powers are still finicky. Unpredictable. But they are there. Ready to work at just the right… need? Want? Wish? Hope? Anything for them to work.
Killer hums thoughtful “huh… maybe that is why my stuff just… acts the whole time? Because when I tell white lies I want people to believe it? So it just does the thing…” He frowns “especially with the woman in fur and mud… explains why she hasn’t tried to sue us yet.”
Dust glares at him “Don’t tempt faith…” but he leans on his leg “Doesn’t explain my stuff… the static just grows a lot… and if I don’t use magic we get another thunder storm situation.”
Horror shakes his skull “it does make sense. You want to protect Nightmare. Be ready. Your magic and body and power work together to have everything it needs to act right away.”
Dust frowns before huffing as he looks to the side “Whatever.”
Cross feels his soul give a little flutter. Can you blame him?! Dust looks so embarrassed wit his tiny blush!
Killer grins as Horror “Your turn H!”
Cross nods and quickly changes places with Horror.
Horror seems to think as he stands there. Considering the ground for a moment before making a pulling motion.
The ground shudders and a tiny piece of ground seems to slowly move over while other ground moves to fill in the space left behind.
Killer sighs as he leans against his knee as he stares “Looking good!”
Cross can’t help but agree. Horror has somehow figured his stuff out just passively. By careful and gentle nudging and feeling the powers out. He hadn’t been able to explain just muttered about moving what felt natural.
Killer had sighed wishfully that he wished he could do that stuff.
Cross for one is happy Killer doesn’t have this power. He would either try to dig a very deep hole or just make a very large tower. Cross isn’t sure which option would be worse.
Horror shrugs as he moves back to the group. He joins them and Dust leans against his side. Staring hard at the ground that moved so effortlessly for Horror.
Cross smiles at Horror “amazing.”
Horror shrugs as he mutters “It is physical. I don’t create or destroy stuff. It is about moving stuff one way and pushing other stuff to fill what is left…” he shrugs.
Dust chuckles as he just leans against Horror “That is amazing…” he stares at his own hand and frowns.
Horror just pulls him closer as Killer leans happily against Dust with a large grin “Your lightning is real cool~” Killer lowers his voice in a purr as he keeps staring at Dust. Cross isn’t sure if Killer is trying to flirt right now, or force Dust to believe what he says even if Killer knows his power doesn’t work against them. Killer just continues to talk when he sees Dust roll his eyes. Killer purrs and just lays on Dust as he purrs at him. Dust looks away from him with a tiny blush.
Killer grins and purrs “So much power. Just at the tips of your fingers. Only thing keeping it from exploding and destroying everything is your control and stubbornness to keep it tempered down~ Yet not once did you ever zap Nighty with it.” Killer grins wider as Dust starts to blush and look embarrassed.
Yeah. Cross gets it. Killer can get intense with his affection… Cross also still gets overwhelmed with it.
Cross is happy they know how to help Dust. It sometimes stings a little that those three had already been so close long before Cross joined them. He notices it with moments like these. When he is lost in what to do or how to act or help and-
Oh no Kiler is watching him.
Killer looks at him critically before grinning and pulling him closer until he is right up against Dust and Killer expends to cover both their laps.
Killer grins at Cross with a clearly mischievous look in his eyes “Great idea Cross! And you figured your stuff out so quickly! You just needed a moment to learn and study your skill and boom! You understand it! and thanks to that we could better understand ours! Fucking brilliant and fucking talented. Skilled beyond believe and you know yourself and your magic so well which just makes this so much more impressive!”
Cross knows he is blushing. He tugs his little bandana up to try and cover part of his face. His bandana had been a gift from the others… because he mentioned how he used to have his own bandana much like blue used to have. And they just got him a new one. It is a nice grey one with purple stripes. It is soft and fuck now he is just more embarrassed as he tries to hide from Killer’s compliments with the very gift his mates gave him!
Horror doesn’t stop it. Instead he just smiles at them with that handsome little smile as Dust and him just have to suffer through the storm of compliments.
Killer grins as he looks so happy as he just stares up at them from his spot of honour “And then you guys just look fucking amazing when we have some time to ourselves as well.”
Cross glares as he feels like his skull will explode and he hisses “Killer. Not with Nightmare so close.”
Killer laughs and winks at them “It is fine. He is asleep anyway-”
A small yawn “Are we cuddling?”
They turn around and spot Nightmare standing next to them. One hand rubbing his sockets while he other is holding unto one of the blankets from his other nest.
Dust is quick to focus on their baby “We are taking a break from practise. You slept well?”
Nightmare yawns again and climbs over Killer to get to the spot where Cross and Dust sit against one another. Nightmare gets to his spot which makes him able to snuggle into both their sides. A happy little hum as he closes his sockets.
Cross carefully takes the little blanket and tugs it around their little child. All cozy and comfortable.
Killer’s purring has only grown in volume as he watches them. Perfectly comfortable to lay across their laps with Nightmare snuggled in against all three of their sides.
Horror pulls them closer and sighs happily “A break sounds perfect.”
Cross laughs and nods. Sure they hadn’t practised much yet but they already got their goal completed. Which was to better understand their powers.
Now? He just wants to enjoy this moment. How comfortable and loved he feels between his mates with their son.
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mikimakiboo · 3 months
Inspired by @ancientschampionau 's Real Age AU, in which Nightmare loses his corruption and goes back to his six year old form and the gang takes care of him as they all live in a farm (there's more things happening but I ain't gonna spoil lol)
I have already done fanarts, headcanons and comments, all that was left was a fanfiction ! (I think it's the first time I have been so invested in a story) Hope you'll like it and hope I got their personalities right :')
I've been everywhere in your asks and comments lmao I hope I'm not being annoying :')
English still isn't my first language so please excuse the grammatical errors ♡
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The moon was high in the sky, it was very late, or very early depending on the point of view, everyone was sleeping, the four adults piled up on each other. Nightmare looked at them before slowly getting out of bed, the small skeleton had a mission and he needed everyone to be asleep. He carefully walked to their pillow nest to grab his giant bat plushie, Batsie he called her, and walked to the bed again, sitting Batsie near the edge in front of the sleeping pile.
- You watch them for me.
He commanded the bat. If anyone saw him talking to the plush he would never hear the end of it. Batsie fell over. Nightmare sat her straight again and put pillows on each side to prevent another fall. Once the bat was secured and after making sure no one woke up the small skeleton left the room, slowly closing the door behind him. He needed to be fast, Horror and Cross usually woke up quite early, he needed to be done by that time.
He could feel the cold floor through his socks, it was an old house, they hadn't install everything yet and for now their only source of heat was the fire place, so Nightmare had to wear socks in and out of bed so he wouldn't get cold.
He went to the kitchen, grabbed a chair and dragged it next to the counter before climbing on it and standing up slowly, he didn't want to fall after all. He grabbed the big cooking book, a gift from Crop as he never used it, and opened it to look through the pages until he found the recipe he was looking for: muffins. He wasn't allowed to help around in the house or with the farm work, everytime he tried they would grab him and put him back in the nest, but he couldn't just stay there and do nothing ! They all worked so hard to protect him, to take care of him and to renovate this house, he felt bad about not doing anything for them in return, so he decided that he had enough, he will bake them muffins and they will enjoy them because he will make them with love ! And chocolate. Cross loves chocolate, so if anyone says anything he could turn to Cross, he will surely stand on his side.
He rolled up his sleeves and gathered everything he needed to bake: two bowls, a whisk, a spoon, muffin molds, flour, sugar, cocoa powder and chocolate chips, baking soda, yogurt, milk, vegetable oil, an egg, and vanilla ! He stopped for a moment to make sure there wasn't any noise coming from the bedroom but all he could hear was silence. All the ingredients were there, good, because climbing up and down the chair was starting to hurt his back, and even if it hurt less thanks to the care Dust was putting into cleaning his wounds he still needed to be careful.
He read the instructions out loud to himself.
- First, mix the dry ingredients in a bowl...
Carefully, he measured his ingredients and put them in his first bowl: flour, sugar, baking soda, chocolate chips and cocoa powder. He looked up.
- Oh, I forgot to heat the oven !
He had seen Horror using it before, so he knew which buttons to turn. The oven biped, making Nightmare flinch and turn to the bedroom, but no one came out. He sighed in relief, he wanted this to be a surprise, if they woke up now and saw him then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore ! Also they might forbid him to finish baking.
He went back to his recipe, now mixing the wet ingredients in the second bowl: the yogurt, the milk, the egg with some parts of the shell that he had to pick out, the oil and the vanilla extract, before adding it to his first bowl and mixing again. He had to take a few breaks, the mix has started to thicken and it was hard stirring it with his little arms. Horror would have done that effortlessly, but the big guy was sleeping and Nightmare didn't want to wake him up for that, he could do it himself ! He was a big boy ! He has lived for five hundred years ! His body and mind got stuck at six though, but still ! He was perfectly capable of baking muffins for his parents gang.
The mixture finally got smooth after ten minutes of stirring to get rid of the lumps, he could now pour it into the molds with the spoon as to not make a mess. He filled each mold equally, opened the oven's door slowly, put on the thick oven mitts and carefully put his molds inside the oven, closing the door again.
- Twenty minutes.
He said, looking at the time on the oven's clock. He had a timer, but he didn't set it because the noise would wake up the others, and he obviously didn't want that to happen.
- Have to clean now.
Everything went well ! The muffins were in the oven and no one woke up ! Now all he had to do was put the dishes in the sink and the ingredients back in the cabinet, easy ! He grabbed everything and put it back in place, feeling proud of himself and very excited to show his surprise to everyone. He grabbed the bag of flour, the last thing on the counter, and got down of the chair. He tripped.
Danger. Something happened. Dust's soul clenched in his chest, waking him up in a jump, his breath fast and eyelights frantically looking around. Horror was under the others, Cross had his head on his chest, Killer was taking all the space as usual, Batsie was sitting at the end of the bed, Nightmare wasn't there. Nightmare wasn't there. Dust looked again, Horror, Cross, Killer, Batsie, no Nightmare. Panic started to take over, where was Nightmare ?!
He jumped out of the bed, looking everywhere in the room, maybe Nightmare was reading in a corner ? But there was no baby in sight. He stormed out of the room, quickly spotted light in the kitchen, and immediately teleported there. What was he doing this early in the kitchen ? Horror wasn't even awake yet !
A mess. Nightmare had made a mess. There was flour everywhere, from the floor to the cabinets and even himself. He sat on his knees, looking at the mess he made. Of course he made a mess. He always made messes. Back in Dreamtale he always made messes, that's why everyone hated him, because he couldn't do anything right, and now he had made a mess again in the kitchen when he was supposed to make his family a gift. He felt... terrible, his soul hurt, his arms hurt and his cheeks burned. They were going to be mad at him, so mad, he knew he didn't have to right to be alone near the kitchenware, it was too dangerous, he could hurt himself, and not only he did just that, but he also made a mess with the flour.
He heard a teleportation noise behind him. Oh. Oh no. He didn't want that, he didn't want to wake them up, it was supposed to be a surprise ! It was supposed to be perfect ! Why did he have to trip and fall ?! Why did he have to be such a good-for-nothing ?!
- Nightmare ! Are you okay ?! What happened, are you hurt ?!
Dust rushed to his side, kneeling in front of him, not caring that he just stepped in the flour, his baby was on the floor, not responding, he couldn't care less about what he stepped in. He quickly but gently made him look up, a hand on Nightmare's chin, looking for scratches, and was deeply relieved to find none.
- What were you doing here ?
He asked, but Nightmare just looked at him, his eyelights and little lips trembling, he sniffed. Dust quickly pulled him against his chest, sitting correctly to put his baby on his lap as he began to sob, grabbing his shirt with his tiny fists.
- It's okay, I'm not mad, I promise.. I'm not gonna yell at you.. I'm just worried..
He gently pat his skull, avoiding his back as he didn't know yet if Nightmare hurt himself there. The small skeleton pressed his face against his chest, he didn't want that to happen... his surprise was ruined now...
Dust looked around them, letting Nightmare calm down at his own pace, he noticed the bag of flour on the ground and the oven turned on with something inside of it. If Nightmare was hungry, why didn't he just grab a snack ? Why didn't he call him or the one of the others ?
- I'm sorry...
Nightmare sniffled. Dust looked down at him.
- What happened.. ?
He asked again, calmly, still peting his skull.
- I wanted t-to make muffins... for-for when you wake up...
He choked on his tears. Dust hated hearing him cry, he hated it so much, he wasn't supposed to cry, he was supposed to be happy, not hurt.
- It-it was supposed t-to be a surprise...
- You should have called us...
- No.. ! I-I wanted to make it myself.. ! You always do everything an-and I never do anything...
He protested. Of course it was the reason. Dust knew Nightmare felt like he needed to do something in return, to thank them, no matter how much they told him he didn't have to he kept insisting. The adult sighed.
- Night.. it's very sweet of you, really, but we are not here because we expect something from you, we are here because we love you, because we care about you, and love isn't something you need to be thankful for..
Nightmare sniffed, wiping off his tears has he listened to Dust. All his life he had been a burden, he just couldn't imagine that a whole group of people got together and collectively decided to unconditionally love him... it was just... too good to be true... they were too good to be true...
- If you wanted muffins we could have baked them together, it would have still been a surprise for the others...
Nightmare simply nodded, looking down. He felt Dust's lips against his head. A kiss.
- Did you hurt yourself.. ?
He nodded again.
- My arms and back hurt...
- Okay, stay here then, I'm going to clean up..
Dust got up with Nightmare to sit him back on the chair, giving him one last pat before grabbing the bag to put it back on the counter, he then took a broom and began cleaning the floor. Nightmare still felt bad, but not quite as bad as a few minutes ago, Dust wasn't mad, he didn't yell, and the others were apparently still sleeping.
Twenty minutes passed.
- I'll take them out.
Dust said before Nightmare even had time to lift his arms. He took the muffins out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool off. It smelled so good, and they looked good too ! Nightmare smiled as he looked at his creation, he was happy.
Now all he had to do was wait for the others to join them and then they could all enjoy some warm muffins made with all the love he had in his little body.
Some things didn't go as planned, but... it was still perfect to him, everything was perfect... and the muffins were delicious !
- the end -
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU following Lionheart's betrayal
For @maskyartist, who wanted a scene where Oz breaks down and lets himself be a ten year old. This felt like the perfect point in the story to do it.
Qrow snapped awake with the ease of a trained huntsman. The night had been quiet, peaceful. But that silence was broken now by quiet, hiccupping sobs coming from one of the sleeping mats the kids were laid out on. Whichever one it was sounded heartbroken and he had a bad feeling he knew exactly who it was.
Moving quietly, he made his way to Oz's mat. Well, he was right, much though he wished he hadn't been. For all that the boy, so much younger looking in sleep, was still very much unresponsive, he was thrashing and moaning, tears streaming down his cheeks as he wept uncontrollably. Qrow gathered him up into his arms, uncaring of just how damp he was and started to rock him gently, humming nonsense into the boy's ear. That seemed to calm things slightly, though the sobs remained and Oz was shaking in his arms. He'd never seen him cry like this before, but then what Leonardo had done had certainly affected him on a very deep level. He'd been expecting something to break, even if not to this extent. He continued to rock him, wrapping him in his own cloak for added warmth. He was certain Oz would hate knowing this had happened when he woke up, but at least right now he could give him the hugs he so needed. At least here, in this moment, both of them were safe.
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naoa-ao3 · 8 months
Morning Has Broken: Chapter 1
A cursed artifact reduces Natasha to a six year old and while the Avengers struggle to take care of a child she struggles to learn how to be an ordinary girl.
Deagging fic originally written in 2015.
It was a complete accident. A simple miscalculation and a cursed object. Natasha and Thor had gone to investigate a museum piece that had been found glowing at night. After looking at a brochure Thor had declared that it was Asgardian and should be removed from the museum a all costs.
"The Enchantress's work I would wager." He said knowingly as he and Natasha met the museum staff. "Enchanted and dropped to Midgard. Her intent was to cause trouble no doubt."
Natasha carefully placed the object into a box and closed the lid. "Do you know what it does?" She asked.
"Nay but I am sure it can be nothing good." He said.
They returned to Avengers Tower to lock the object away but as they reached the elevator Natasha noticed the box growing hot. She carefully lifted the lid and saw that the object inside was glowing. "Thor, the relic is-" And with a sudden chill she noticed that the glow was spreading to her fingers. She quickly dropped the box but it was too late. An eeiry green glow was spreading up her wrists.
Thor snapped the box shut with his foot and turned to see her now almost completely engulfed in the glow. Trapped inside the elevator he pushed for a stop button and quickly opened the door. "We must get you out of here!" He said, worry over taking him. He had no idea what the enchantress's spell would do and from the glow it had completely overtaken Natasha. She looked up at him wide eyed but he knew better than to touch her. Suddenly she began to shrink and she looked at him in horror as he grew taller and she became smaller until she was only a few feet high and she collapsed.
The glow vanished and Thor was left with a miniature version of his team mate. She could not have been more than a few years old. With the green glow gone he scooped her up and carried her carefully up the stairs to the med lab and asked JARVIS urgently to alert the others.
Bruce was the first to arrive and quickly stopped, eyes wide. "What happened?" He asked.
Thor pointed to the box on the counter. "Twas an enchanted object. She touched it and it changed her."
Thor looked down at the girl, now wrapped in a blanket. "Indeed. I was unable to prevent it."
Bruce began quickly checking the girl's pulse, heart beat and temperature. "No fever, no arrhythmia. She's not in any immediate danger. Not that I can tell anyway." They looked at each other seriously.
"I will take the item to Asguard as soon as she awakens." Thor said, looking down. Natasha was lying with her mouth slightly open and her hair haloing her head. "Perhaps there I can find some answers to it's nature."
Bruce put his hands in his pockets and sat back. "Please do. In the mean time I'll contact anyone who might be able to fix this situation."
Thor took a seat. "I will wait here until she awakes. She may be scared when she does."
Bruce nodded and it was then that Natasha stirred. She winced slightly and made a small noise. Both men stiffened and waited. Her eyes opened and stared up at the ceiling for a moment before looking around at them. She said something in Russian and sat up. Both Bruce and Thor looked at each other, neither one speaking Russian.
She wrapped the blanket around herself like a towel and spoke again. When they did nothing she narrowed her eyes and tried one more time.
"Do you speak English?" Bruce asked hesitantly.
She fixed her attention on him and nodded. "I speak English." She said, her voice wavering with a strong accent.
"Can you tell me your name?"
She stared at him. "You are American."
"I am."
She looked at Thor who crossed his arms. "Do you recognize us?"
She shook her head. "Where am I?"
Bruce hesitated Worried about how she would react. "Can you tell me your name."
"Natalia Romanova."
"Natalia, my name is Bruce Banner. This is Thor. You are in New York City."
Her eyes grew wide. "How did I get here?"
He frowned. "You were in an accident."
Her eyebrows came together in worry. "Was I hurt?"
"No but for a while you're going to have to stay here with us."
She stayed quiet for a moment and then nodded. "I will be well behaved."
Bruce smiled a little. "We wouldn't expect anything else from you. Would you like to come up and watch television?"
She wrinkled her brow a little. "Television?"
"Yeah, whatever you want to watch."
She looked at him curiously and nodded, clutching the blanket to her as he lead her out of the room. "What will be on the television?"
He looked down at her. "Um, I don't know."
He set her up in the living room with a kids program but she didn't watch it. "This is for children. Not for me." She said solemnly.
He glanced at Thor and switched to a nature documentary. "Educational better?" She nodded and fixed her gaze on the screen.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to go and call someone." He said, nodding at Thor.
Out in the hall Bruce pulled out his cellphone and dialed Steve.
"Steve, there's been an accident. Natasha was caught up in a kind of curse. She's been turned into a child. I need you back here as soon as possible."
There was a pause on the other end as Steve tried to process the information. "U-Um, is she alright?"
"Well, she's healthy yes but no I wouldn't say she's alright. She's watching television currently. Wouldn't watch a kids' show, I had to put on a nature documentary."
"But she's not hurt or anything?"
"No. I checked everything. She's fine physically but she's also a little girl and I'm not sure I would call that fine."
"I'll head back as soon as I can. I'm almost done here anyway."
"Alright, Thanks."
Bruce glanced back into the room where Thor and Natasha both sat watching the television. She was sitting stiffly, her back straight and her attention fixed on the screen.
He took a deep breath ans stepped back into the room. "Natasha?"
She looked up. "My name is Natalia."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Please don't be offended if I call you Natasha. It's just a slip up."
She looked at him with wide, intelligent eyes before nodding. "You may call me that."
He smiled a little. "Natalia, you're going to be staying here for a while. Will you be okay with that?"
"I am not ready to start a mission." She said.
"This isn't a mission. . . this is. . . this is a reward for good behavior."
She cocked her head and he saw suddenly that she looked proud. "I am being rewarded?"
"Um. . . yes. Would you like anything to eat?" He didn't want her to think too much on it.
She gave him a considering look and nodded.
He went and grabbed her an apple, the first thing he could find on short notice. She thanked him and sat quietly while she ate.
"Natasha, A few of my friends live here and are going to be back soon, I don't want to alarm you."
She nodded quietly and chewed her apple.
"How old are you?" Bruce asked curiously.
"I am six." She said.
"Ah, you seem very grown up for your age."
She paused and again he thought he saw pride cross her face. Perhaps she knew how impressive she was.
Bruce stepped back out and made another phone call. This time he dialed Clint. "Hey, I know you're on your way back to the tower. Do you think you could run to the store before you get here?"
Clint groaned on the other end. "Yeah, what do you need?"
"Clothes that would fit a six year old girl."
"You wanna tell me something?" Clint asked jokingly.
"There was an accident. Natasha was involved."
There came a pause. "What do you mean."
And Bruce recounted the whole story from start to finish. "And that's why I need you to get the clothes."
"Oh my God. Natasha is a kid?" Clint panicked.
"Look, calm down. Everything is stable on this end. She's watching TV but she's also wearing a blanket so we need clothes."
Clint got a hold of himself. "Okay. Okay. I can do it. Um, anything you think she'd like?"
There was a pause. "I have no idea. She's. . . she's not normal." He winced. "I don't quite mean that. It's just that she's not exactly a normal little girl."
Clint stayed quiet on the line. "I think I know what you mean. She's not really open with me but she's let some things slip." He smiled a little. "Well not slip, she's not clumsy like that. She told me what she wanted me to know."
Bruce nodded, feeling that he understood at least a little. "Alright. Well, whatever you think would be best."
Clint hung up and he was left with his predicament. He headed to the kitchen to get her something more to eat. He grabbed another apple and looked around for something a child would like. Then he thought maybe that she wouldn't want the same things regular children would and so he gave her the apple with a peanut butter sandwich. She thanked him and ate them neatly. He glanced at Thor who's eyebrows were wrinkled with worry.
Bruce glanced down at the girl who sat looking at the television with interest. He glanced at the screen. It was a documentary on polar bears. She was watching with interest as the bear on the screen went about it's day. "Natasha, I've got a friend coming by who's going to bring you some clothes. I hope you'll like what he picks but please don't hold it against him if you don't. He has no idea what you'd like."
She glanced up at him but didn't speak. If anything she looked a little annoyed to have been distracted from her program. He thought that might be a good thing because everything else she'd done so far had been clinical and unnervingly well mannered.
Natasha continued to eat silently. He left her alone to watch her show and motioned Thor out into the hallway. "I'm going to go and get a room ready for her. Can you watch her a little longer?"
"Of course." Thor said. "I am rather fond of children."
Bruce smiled a little. "Alright. I'll be back as fast as I can." He headed off towards the nearest spare room and looked it over for anything he thought needed tidying up or removal. He checked the bathroom and made sure there were towels and shampoo and then when he thought things were neat enough and everything was as it should be he headed back to the living room.
Once there he sat quietly watching Natasha and waiting for the others to arrive back. He was sure by now Steve had told Tony and everyone knew. He wondered if they should alert SHIELD but thought that maybe it would be best if they waited.
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hello-eden · 5 months
Master post
Dc x Dp ideas
Fenton's work for LOA
Clone body misunderstanding
JL meets everlasting trio misunderstanding
Deaged Damien meets alt Bruce/Danny
Ancient royal family misunderstanding
Danny and Kon rise Elle/Dani
DID/twin misunderstanding
Dan is Ras
T!danny part 1
Danny is Damien
Danny and Damien time travel
Jason is Danny and Bruce's bio kid
Medieval misunderstanding
Tim! Danny and Ras! Vlad
Mara! Dani and Dan! Damien
Mother of evil Dani misunderstanding
Late to the prophesy
Dani is Kon
Amity Park illusions 
Selena, taila, Danny and Bruce used to be a squad
Fake villain Danny
Damian is phantom's human half
Jason is dan
Jason is Danny
Ambassador Danny
Sam is Damien
Tim is Danny
Danny is a clone of Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne
Failed Danny clones bat kids
Vlad is Ras
Past life memories
Ghost magic
Dick and Danny have kids(Elle and dan)
Bernard is Danny
No memories
Batfam are fentons
De aged rebirth
Dick is dan
Pit madness
Danny as Janet drake
Phantom is Ras
Canon/Fanon batfam meets Mom Danny! Damian.
Danny is superman and Vlad is lex.
De aged core Damian
Danny is Selina
Danny and Damian co parenting
Safe Keeping
"Mom, Dad's Evil Again!"
Kon is reborn as a Danny clone
demon twins time travel
Tim in Danny's body
jump back
mean girl Dannies
reborn Danny/Damian is Danny again
Danny is Clark, Sam is Lois and Tucker is Lex
split danny and phantom LOA
Information broker Danny
danny is dick grayson
Dead Tired
One night stand baby
Second chance
Dead Serious
Pit demon Danny
Dani/Elle is Danny and Damien's kid
Dead on Main
Elle/Dani is Jason and Danny's kid
Crime boss Danny
Kids the sequel(Not connected to the other post)
gala friend
time travel with mom danny
T!danny Al Ghul au
part 1
part 2
sub au
sub au #2
sub au #3
Talia's nightmare
T!Danny meets Bruce
Damian meets Elle
quote of part 1
Reverse Robins au
first post
second post
DCxPJO Camp Oasis AU
part 1
part 2
part 3
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Danny gets deaged by Vlad into a four year old, he escapes while their in Gotham and he ends up staying with the Waynes and they learn quickly that Danny has nightmares and is going through the process of becoming an Eldritch being. So this means they often wake up to a pair of glowing green eyes in a shadowy wispy mass on their ceiling. After about two weeks the respective bat that gets chosen by the eldrich toddler, it changes often, learns that it's best to just scoot over and lift the blanket so he can curl up with them. The most chosen are Jason, Alfred, Bruce, Damain (who is very attached but won't admit it), Cass, and Dick. Tim is often on babysitting duty when the boy roams the halls at night because he rarely sleeps. Danny likes Tim though because he sneaks him cookies. Danny kinda freaks Duke out but he's warming up to him. Stephanie is weirdly enough the only other person besides Alfred who can get Danny down for a nap. Babs ends up on babysitting duty the most often and Danny calls her "sissy" because she kinda reminds him of Jazz who is away at college. They learn during week three that Danny can somewhat control his powers and he uses them for chaos
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100percentwhump · 4 months
a sleep deprived whumpee.
Begging whumper to let them sleep, even if only for a few minutes. Anything to get some semblence of energy back.
struggling so much to just stay upright, let alone move around. They do it anyways because whumper will make it so much worse if they disobey.
That dead look in their eyes, the way they struggle to think, like their brain has been deagged through molasses.
Collasping as soon as theyre safe, bonus points if its in caretaker's arms.
Alterbatively, doing everything to stay awake. Drinking caffine, doing exersise, cleaning. Anything to keep from drifting of into dreamworld. Because everytime they did that, it would hurt so much afterwards.
And nightmares! All that trama forcing its way into your brain, makeing dreams worse than reality, replaying all the awful things that happened to you, horribly disstorted with that terrifying dream filter.
I am indeed writing this very late at night why do you ask.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
I was wondering if you could get prompts about writing
I have a Mermaid Danny idea Danny takes deage Ellie and Dan some somewhere safe in the infinite realms when Danny finds a large pit of liquid ectoplasm and decides to change his form along with the kids to fit living inside of it
Turned out those large pools connect to all the other Lazarus pits Danny had been intoxicating them so his kids have somewhere safe to live
He ends up popping out in his mermaid Phantom form to check why the ghost oceans pits are so toxic and that's when he meets young Damian who is still living in the League of assassins and Danny so takes one look at the stabby baby and to sort of kind of adopts him
Now put in Damien is now living with the bat family and is on a mission with Justice League Dark Constantine, Doctor Fate, Zatanna,,m and Batman and has something to do with the League of assassins and Damian can get them in
Dr Fate mentioned some beings that might be able to help with the Lazarus pits since they normally live in them when he knocks on one of the unoccupied ones by the League of assassins and goes High King Phantom
This is how Bruce finds out that Damian has a been adopted by the king of the dead and the High King of the dead is a teen parent
Apologies if you don't answer ask like this or write something about them I hope you just like what I wrote though
I'm not taking prompts right now because my dumb brain is generating ideas a mile a minute as it is! I do love the idea of mermaid Danny though! I think it would be interesting if even though the Lazarus pits are toxic Danny isn't necessarily detoxing them but more living in them like a clown fish in a anemone because his and the babies status as both living and dead in a way renders them immune to it.
Him coming up to lean against the edge of the pool after Damian sits down at the edge, the middle of a night after a nightmare. Danny hums to him, a soothing siren song, soft with the ripples and bubbles of the pit as the backing instrumental. When anyone else comes Danny dives back down without so much as a splash.
One night when Damian comes down Danny is holding baby Ellie, and lets Damian gently hold the little girl who coos and giggles and blows green bubbles that burn Damian's skin ever so slightly but Damian doesn't notice because he's so enchanted.
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The (Not) Normal One...
I LOVE the stories where Danny is deaged and later found by one of the bats and taken in as a son or he's Bruce's bio son and is either Damian's twin or half brother or little/big brother BUT I don't see a lot of reborn/reincarnated Danny into the batfamily (I can think of two but one of them he is Dick's son?clone?somewhat clone? And the other is an amazing story where Danny is reborn as Jazz and Jason's kid and I love it to bits)
So let's change that a bit and have some fun.
Here's the idea
Danny, either from finally aging to his death (it was slow and long aging but he is still partly human too don't forget that) or dying at the hands of GIW (or by his parents if we go the Bad!Fentons route), is reborn into the batfamily.
He could either be Bruce and Selina's kid after they finally tie the knot, or be a one more attempt by Ra's or Talia to get the heir they want but is immediately found out when Tim notices certain labs active and they find baby Danny. OR Danny can be an oops baby to Bruce's one night stands OR one of the batboys baby. EITHER WAY, Danny is reborn into the family from the start.
And he has his memories. (He has little hints of his powers btw, they dont fully come in until his 14th bday)
And his new family all swear to give him a proper and happy childhood (as best as they can seeing how it's Gotham)
Only I want Danny milking being a baby then toddler/kid and later a teen for all its worth. He's going to enjoy this new life with everything he gots.
Like imagine the chaos and shenanigans he gets into as a toddler. He's the king of hide-and-seek. He uses his tears to get away from whoever annoys him. He's mastered the puppy dog look to get away with things (it holds no effect on Alfred though, man is immune to all tricks).
But then of course there's the... odd things that happen around him. Sometimes they catch him talking to no one. Sometimes they spot a ball or a toy rolling to Danny despite him not touching it. Sometimes they think they see or hear someone in the room with Danny only to go busting in to find nothing. (One time someone busted his nursery door down they heard on his baby/toddler monitor the distorted voice of a woman singing him a lullaby (it was Martha who was soothing him to sleep after a tiny nightmare, boy was Bruce not ready for one of his kids to hum the tune in the morning)).
Danny asking for an extra drink and the newspaper after Bruce is done before he runs off to one of the many sitting rooms the manor has. There he leaves the drink and the newspaper near a chair, hops into another chair nearby and chats to someone (they all think its his imaginary friend but that honestly doesn't explain why the drink seems to slowly disappear without anyone touching it. (btw its Thomas, Danny is talking to they like chatting in the morning)
OR when Danny gives hints to cases his family is working on, how he knows? No one knows. Sometimes they chalk it up to a kid randomly saying stuff or seeing it from a different simple outlook but sometimes it seems a little too on the nose and they think Danny might know about their night jobs... (He does know, but he gets some info from Lady Gotham who visits him and gives him little hints to pass onto her fav Knights)
Basically what I want is a reborn Danny trying to get a decent childhood/teenage years before his powers kick in full swing, his family trying the same but they got no idea about the powers (maybe), and ghosts like to visit Danny. The shenanigans that follow will be amazing.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Bunch of dc story ideas because I keep forgetting to write them down and they're not fully fleshed out anyway:
Captain marvel gets 'deaged', either through klarion or something he ran into doing duty around the Rock, and flees to the first safe place he can think of - the watchtower. Unfortunately, Billy assumed the curse would simply revert him to his mortal form, or close enough... But the champion of magic form turns out to have been a disguise in more ways than one, because this new body most certainly isn't human.
Similarly, cap gets deaged to Billy's age, but he's still... The champion of magic form. Now Billy batson has full access to his full set of powers and skills, but in his mortal shape. This is going to really help his secret identity :'). Especially because the villains KEEP ATTACKING PEOPLE PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF.
Meta!Batman. His rare power transformed him into a monster on the scale of killer Croc or man bat, and also enabled him to turn into a human. A completely normal. Baseline human. It's infuriating that a normal person has to worry about meta blockers or inhibitor cuffs, especially after his (slightly fudged to keep the traffickers out) statistical announcement of 'no metas in Gotham' got presumed to be a demand, because he had to call in the league to help with a fighting ring and now he's hiding in a dark room while superman tries to coax him out. Man bat already stole the niche, it's just embarrassing.
Possessed doll au! When an 8yo Bruce falls into a cave under his house, he had nightmares about tea parties and flapping wings and wooden limbs for years. Nearly a decade later, he returned to find a sprawling system of tunnels and cracks, through one of which lies an abandoned, life sized marionette tea party, with empty porcelain tea cups and old, outdated gowns. The torch lights upon the doll at the head of the table, a tall, imposing man with chipped paint, dressed all in black, his joints rusted and head lolling. Bats screech from the darkness as he approaches, and when he touches its hand the world goes black. It's terrifying to wake up in a body of wood, hearing it creak and twist, hearing it scream as he cries. He wakes up back in his own body, sprawled on the floor, and runs. He's back down in a few months, this time bound and determined to figure it out. It turns out whatever it is, it has no malice. Indeed it makes for a wonderful, powerful body once he's cleaned it up, able to move and bend in ways no human could. He can hollow it out carefully and fill it with whatever items he might need. A body that doesn't need to breathe or eat, one that can take a beating, night after night. It takes him a long time to wonder why the dolls have precisely as many people as the manor eventually does. In the meantime the people of Gotham are 90% sure their protectors aren't human. And the jl is terrified of the cave. (cryptid, cave is haunted au?)
Venom!dp x dc twin au. Danyal and Damian were the league famous demon twins, the dual gems in its crown, until Danyal is killed. Raas, furious and refusing to lose his other grandchild, starts pushing Damian harder and harder while his brother is taken to the pit as a last resort. To the adults' knowledge, it didn't work. Danny's body dissolved in the acidic waters. To Damian's knowledge, his brother returned as a desperate, animalistic thing one night, seeping through the cracks of his room. Refusing to let his brother go again, Damian demands they be reunited as one, and Danny fuses with his very skin. Once his mind returns, Danny returns the sentiment, both deeply terrified of being pulled apart again. They communicate through reflections and whispers, sharing control of the body by transforming between human and ghost, sharing powers and instincts equally. When they're sent to Wayne manor, they're restless and defensive. They have each other, no one else can discover Danny, no one else can separate them again. Their father must never find out.
Thanagerian!Danny. He's a couple generations removed on his mother's side, so he doesn't even realise until his ghost form appears with two gorgeous wings. It really adds to the psychopomp symbolism, at least? He has a lot of questions when he meets the justice league. No wonder vlad never successfully managed to clone him!
Shapeshifter captain marvel. Please. He's apprenticing under tawky ^^
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ancha-aus · 24 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - The Twins
You guys ready?! I don't think you are :3 @spotaus
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Are you guys ready? For this drabble of 5000 words? <3
Get cozy. Because we are finally here <3 The long awaited meeting.
Nightmare rubs his arm as he glances at his dads. None of them look happy about what is about to happen.
Dust notices him looking and relaxes his face “You ready?”
Nightmare frowns as he rubs his arm again. Checking his own outfit again. He is wearing his favourite pants. They are wide and have nice ribbons on the side and they are a soft pastel pink. It goes nicely with his bat hoody.
Nightmare shrugs before walking towards Dust’s side and relaxes a bit when he feels himself be picked up. Dust nuzzles the side of his skull “Ready?”
Nightmare feels a lot less sure and mutters “What if this is a bad idea?” He has no idea how Dream will react to him. What if this is a bad idea? What if Dream just looks at him and walks away? What if… what if nothing is different? What is Dream still hates him? Still attacks him? Even after everything?
Sure Dream now knew that Nightmare did what he had to do to fix the balance. But Nightmare doesn’t know if Dream even knows why Nightmare attacked the villagers. They fought so often and he never wanted to listen… Nightmare still isn’t sure if Dream will listen to him.
Sure… Dream knows the balance thing now. But that is probably just because some other god told him. Maybe Error and Ink… Not Nightmare… Dream didn’t listen to him and never wanted to listen to him. What would change now?
What if Dream only likes him now because he is small again? Now that he isn’t the… the evil that took his brother anymore? Would Dream even accept that past as a part of him? Would Dream just always hate a side of Nightmare?
Could Nightmare deal with that? Could he accept Dream hating a part of him just to have some love from his brother? Finally after so much time?
Dust pokes his cheek and Nightmare sees the worried look on his face “Nightlight?” and he gentle rubs away a tear from his cheek.
Nightmare is quick to rub the other tears away and mutters “What if Dream still hates me?”
Dust frowns and rubs his skull before pulling the hood on “Then… he is an idiot.” Nightmare blinks and stares at Dust. Dust grins back “You are our tiny adorable babybones. Maybe I am biased but I am unsure how anyone could ever hate you.” and he gets another nuzzle.
Killer grins and gives him his own nuzzle “Oh we are very biased. Our little boss is perfect and can do no wrong.” Nightmare feels himself get embarrassed as he looks away.
Cross sighs as he pulls Killer back “Kills, you will get more goop on him and he just had his bath.” Cross carefully checks his face before nodding.
Killer wiggles his eyebrows at Cross “Bet you don’t mind getting some goop on your face.”
Cross looks very unimpressed at Killer before grabbing his hand and giving Killer a half bow as Cross kisses his knuckles. Cross looks up and winks at Killer “Maybe later when we are alone. If you behave.” Killer sputters and glows bright red.
Dust rolls his eyes “Not in front of Nightmare.” and he gets another nuzzle which Nightmare happily leans into.
Horror returns to their side and checks his outfit before nodding “Should be warm enough.”
Killer sighs “It is still warm out…”
Horror hums “Better be safe.”
“Mh. If you four were planning on being safe you wouldn’t even be meeting with Dream and Blue with him to begin with.”
Nightmare looks up excited “Error!”
Error has appeared in their kitchen and shoots him a tiny grin before glaring at the others “It is an unnecessary risk.” He crosses his arms.
Cross frowns “It is actually necessary. If we don’t do this meeting on our terms in another universe it is a matter of time before we are found here.”
Nightmare doesn’t like that. It would mean hiding all over again. He pushes close to Dust “I don’t want to move.”
Dust hums softly and nuzzles him “I know. We don’t want to move either.”
Nightmare nods and looks at his hands “Is this a bad idea?” He knows it is.
Dust hums “Not precisely… we are just worried.” He nuzzles him again “We don’t want to risk you. In any way.”
Nightmare sneaks a look but Dust looks honest. Dust keeps looking at him “Do you still want to do this?”. Nightmare just stares at Dust but Dust looks serious “I mean it. If you changed your mind and don’t want to do this. We will blow this whole thing off.”
Nightmare frowns and looks to the side “Won’t that cause trouble?”
Dust shrugs “Maybe but we can fix that.”
Error nods “I am already working on relocating this universe to other coordinates. Meaning you will soon be hidden again.”
Dust nods and nuzzles him “Nothing has to change. We don’t have to go. You don’t own them anything.” He just looks at him “You have already had to do too much Nightmare. It is fine to just put yourself first.”
Nightmare frowns as he thinks it over before looking back at Dust “I want to see him.” because even if he is afraid. Even if he knows Dream will just hate him. Even if he knows this will just hurt him. He wants to see Dream. He needs to know for sure. Know for sure where they stand.
Dust nods and looks at the others. Nightmare can see that Killer and Cross clearly are not happy. Horror looks worried and rubs his skull “If you want to leave. We leave. No questions asked.” Nightmare smiles and leans into the touch.
Horror smiles at him before shooting Killer, Cross and Error a look “We are going.” Cross grumbles unhappily but gets his knife ready to open the portal.
They walk through and into a forest. It is still warm out with only a light breeze. The leaves are all a beautiful range of yellows, oranges and reds and Nightmare just stares in awe. It is so pretty out here.
Cross and Killer quickly check the area before nodding. Horror looks at them amused “We are still ten minutes away from the meeting spot. Lets go.” he shoots Error a look “You coming?”
Error considers and shoots him a look before speaking “I will keep an eye out. In case stuff goes south I will quickly move you to another universe. Any preference as backup?”
Nightmare speaks without thinking “Ccino’s.”
Error needs a moment as he types before nodding “Easy enough. If anything goes wrong I will send you there. In the meantime I will work on the relocation.” And he steps into a glitchy portal and he is gone.
Sigh. Error is so cool. Nightmare will figure out how to hold his hand one of these days!
Horror joins Dust’s side and mumbles softly “Do you want any of us to hold him?”
Dust frowns as he looks at him for a long time. Clearly not wanting to let go of him. Before he sighs and looks at Cross “Cross? Can you hold him and stay out of sight?”
Cross smiles brightly and nods as he is by his side within seconds “I will make sure they can’t see him until you give me the signal.” Cross’s hold is different from Dust. Dust’s hold is always tight and so close. Cross’s hold is more gentle but still steady. Unmoving in the way he holds him.
Nightmare hums and leans against Cross.
Cross takes a deep breath and nothing seems to happen but Killer gives him the thumbs up “Invisible to see.” Dust looks less happy and shifts his sight around clearly searching.
Cross must see it too because he takes Dust’s hand and helps him find Nightmare’s. Dust immediately relaxes. Cross smiles brightly as he speaks cheerfully “At least with the walk we can do it like this.”
Dust looks thankful and mutters that he is.
They start walking and Nightmare enjoys the soft sunlight and warmth around him. He lets himself relax as he feels Cross’s soul nearby. Safe and sound.
They enter a clearance and Nightmare looks up only to freeze. That are Dream and Blue. He feels himself sink closer to Cross and Cross pulls him closer as well. Dust has sadly removed his hand but Nightmare is still close to one of his dads and that is enough.
Dream looks up eagerly and looks between those there. Then he frowns.
Blue frowns as well “Euh… where is Nightmare?”
Killer grins as he holds up a knife “Just making sure we got some ground rules first.”
Dream frowns as he gets up himself “We already discussed those. No one will learn of this meeting. This stays between us all. No aggression and no making any move to remove Nightmare from you.”
Nightmare just keeps leaning against Cross. Waiting.
Killer nods along “Yes exactly. Those are the rules we settled on. But you know. You never said what you would gain from speaking to Nightmare.” he grins and waits.
Dream blinks and looks down. Messing with his shirt “I just… I want to see him… say I am sorry…” he looks desperate “You want me to beg?! Because I will! Just… Tell me what you want!”
Killer looks at Dust and Dust shrugs. Horror turns slightly and nods into their general direction.
Cross nuzzles his skull and slowly becomes visible. Much to the obvious shock of Blue and Dream.
Dream looks confused at them and mutters “Why take your child along?” as he keeps looking around hopefully. Blue however stares at him and Nightmare stares back. Nightmare can see when it clicks for Blue.
Blue takes a sharp breath and takes a few steps back “Nightmare?”
Dream looks at Blue and sees where he is staring. And he stares at Nightmare. Nightmare can see that it just takes one look for Dream to realise who he is. Dream takes a sharp breath and is already four steps closer before he even mutters his name “Nighty?”
Killer stands between them and has his knife aimed at Dream’s throat “Don’t.”
Dust has his own blaster out and aimed at them and Horror just stands between them and the stars.
Blue holds up his hands “Okay… let’s calm down…” he pulls on Dream’s shoulder and makes him take a few steps back. Dream however just keeps staring at him “Easy Dream… Easy… deep breaths. Just take a moment.”
Dream however is shaking as he keeps staring at him. He glances at Nightmare’s dads between staring “How… How is he… Why is he? What did you four do?!”
Killer sputters and glares “We didn’t do shit-” Dust immediately hits his skull.
Killer grumbles but nods “Yeah yeah I know. Nightmare don’t copy that.”
Nightmare rolls his eyes but leans against Cross more as Cross snickers into his shoulder.
Killer rubs his own shoulder as he speaks “Again. We didn’t do anything. All we know is. That one day his apple and god related magic disappeared. And what was left was Nightmare in his full glory.” Killer stops and grins “Well. His true form at least.” He grins a Dream and the grin turned sharper “After all… The apple thing happened when he was six… You had time to grow up once you exited the stone didn’t you? When exactly was Nightmare supposed to grow up?”
Dream is breathing shallowly as he takes it in. His eyelights small and staring at him. Nightmare can’t look away.
Blue is the one who speaks “You mean… the whole time… Nightmare was actually…”
Dust speaks calmly “Six? Pretty much.”
Blue just stares ahead and laughs as he rubs his forehead “A six year old managed to outsmart most of the other gods and stay out of trouble for almost 500 years… what the hell.”
Dust and Killer both freeze and Nightmare huffs as he crosses his arms “Not exactly… I had more like… thinking space and stuff… I was better able to handle the magic and powers in that form…” he leans more against Cross “Not anymore.”
Cross coos and nuzzles him “Our little baby.”
Blue gives a slow nod, huh he is holding Dream’s hand and squeezing his hand to reassure him? Blue smiles “And now… the apple magic is gone?”
As soon as he says it Cross pulls him closer and takes three steps back. Dream makes a pained noise as he reaches for him “please… please don’t go…”
Everyone is still. Dream takes a shaking step closer “Nighty? Please… I am sorry. I am so sorry. I am sorry I didn’t listen to you. I am sorry I didn’t hear you out before… When I first joined the multiverse. It was stupid of me to believe the words of those I just met over you. It was stupid of me to not even hear you out and I am sorry. I swear. I swear I have been working on fixing it. I made sure everyone knows it was my fault and that you helped them.”
Dream takes another step closer and Nightmare can hear all four of his dads growl at him.
Dream just continues talking “I am sorry… For way back too… I should have.. I should have stayed with you with the tree… I found a copy of our story… I know now… I swear. I swear I didn’t know. If I had known what they did I wouldn’t have left you! I swear!” he smiles.
Nightmare doesn’t know what to do. What to feel. It is… isn’t this what he wanted? Dream sees he is wrong. Dream is saying he would have been there for him if he had known… Then why does he still doubt it?
Nightmare frowns as he looks away from Dream and leans more against Cross again and speaks “You are just saying that because I am like this again…” there!
Dream shakes his skull “No! I swear it isn’t! I wanted to talk to you for this reason. To apologise!” he takes another few steps closer and Horror remains as a living wall between him and Cross and Nightmare. Dream stares desperate “I swear. I swear on my soul that I didn’t know and I was planning on saying all of this already.” He looks back at Blue.
Blue sees it and nods “It is true! He has been trying to find you for a year now. Well longer even! As soon as we found the storybook in Dreamtale. He has been wanting to talk to you. Before we even figured out the balance business! I swear and I promise this is the truth.”
Nightmare frowns as he stares at them both. Blue is a rather honest person… He looks at his dads for reference.
Cross sees him look and pulls him close as he mutters softly “I think he is being honest…” Cross did spend the most time with the Stars before he joined Nightmare…
He looks at Horror and Horror still seems calm. The fact Horror doesn’t have his weapon out yet says a lot about what he thinks about the situation. Killer and Dust still look unhappy but both of them are always unhappy when it comes to anyone being near him.
Dream rubs his hands and looks at them begging “Can I… Maybe… It would be amazing… And I get if you don’t want to but.” He takes a deep breath “Nighty… can I please hug you?”
Cross freezes and takes four steps back. A blink and a loud distressed noise leaves Dream as he looks around searching. Oh… Cross made them both invisible.
Dust growls as he stalks towards Dream. Lightning and electricity crackling loudly “You have some fucking nerve. After all the pain and problems you caused.”
Blue looks shocked as he mutters “Acolytes…”
Nightmare frowned. He isn’t sure what Blue means. They are just them…
Horror looks very unimpressed as Killer just laughs loudly “Really?! Still trying to steal him?! Like this?! You don’t even try to make it subtle.” And he shakes his skull.
Dream looks desperate “I am not trying to steal him! I just want to hug my twin!” he holds himself as tears leak from his optics “I miss him… I have missed him so much. All because I was too dumb and too blind to look at the facts. I just want to hold him. Hug him…” he looks at them begging “Just once. Please. Just… just tell me what you want!”
Killer huffs and looks unimpressed but Dust lets the electricity slowly shimmer down again.
Nightmare frowns before looking at Cross. Cross sees him look and looks panicked “You don’t need to.”
Nightmare rubs his arm and mutters softly “I want to.” Silence around them and yeah Nightmare figured everyone would hear.
Cross looks deeply unhappy but sighs before bringing their skulls together. Then he slowly walks over to Dream and Blue as Dream just looks so damn hopeful.
Killer steps between them “Yeah. We are putting in some insurance. Blue. Over there.” Blue blinks but nods as he walks to the side. Killer nods to Dust and Dust summons a loaded blaster aimed at Blue.
Blue freezes and looks a whole lot more nervous “euh….”
Killer grins “Insurance!” he grins widely at Dream “You make a single move to steal our babybones and your bestie will be turned into dust.” He winks cheeky “Understood?”
Dream looks horrified at Blue but so wishful at him “I… I… You can’t… Blue…”
Blue frowns as he looks up “You only shoot when he tries to leave with him right?”
Dust nods. Blue nods again and grins at Dream “It is fine Dream. Just stay with them and get your hug.”
Dream looks shocked but then so hopeful at him. Cross gets close and pulls him slightly away from him. Dream has his arms out and they shake lightly. Dream lets out a pained noise and Nightmare suddenly regrets giving that apple magic back to his cat version. Seeing as now the scars on his skull are very obvious.
One pass later and Dream is holding him. Dream just stares in shock at him “You looks exactly the same… except” tears leave his sockets and Dream just hugs him fully against him. Before he crumbles to the ground and Nightmare hears and feels Dream cry against him as he mutters stuff to him As he light as a feather strokes the scars on his skull.
“I missed you so much.”
“I am sorry.”
“I am so so so sorry.”
“I swear I will be better.”
“It is so good to see you.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you so much.”
“I love you.”
That is the one that makes him freeze and react “No you don’t.”
Silence and Dream pulls away from his hug to look at him. Not permitting him even an inch to move away. Nightmare just looks down “You don’t love me.” That he knows at least.
Dream shakes and shakes his skull “I do love you.”
Nightmare rolls his eye lights as he mutters “You only say that because I look like this… If I had still been an adult you would have still hated me.”
Dream shakes his skull and just holds him close “I always loved you. I swear. I know I haven’t been a good brother. I know I failed in everything that makes a brother a brother and I swear I will do better. But I always loved you Nightmare.”
Nightmare looks to the side “You tried to kill me.” He still has nightmares of Dream attacking him.
Dream sniffs and sobs “I know. And I am so sorry and I swear I thought it was the only thing I could do.” he pulls back and brings their foreheads softly together “It… it is okay.” he sobs but keeps speaking “It is okay… if you hate me… forever. I would… it would be deserved. For everything I did. But I need… I need you to know. I always loved you. I swear to you.”
Nightmare just stares at him. He isn’t sure what Dream sees on his face but it must be that Nightmare doesn’t believe him as he just keeps crying. Dream rolls up as far around him as he can and just sits there. Sobbing as he mutters more apologise and love declarations. Promises to be better and do everything in his power to prove it.
The hug… is very nice though. Nightmare is surprised by how nice the hug feels.
Most shocking is that his soul recognises Dream’s soulbeat. It is so much like his own but slightly off rhythm. But unlike with his dads. His soul doesn’t move to match it. They just beat together, slightly out of sync.
Dream seems to notice as well as he holds him closer and Nightmare can hear him try to do some of those breathing exercises to calm his soulbeat. Nightmare can feel how Dream’s soul starts to beat a slightly different speed but it doesn’t change much.
Dream sobs and laughs softly “Why… why don’t they match anymore? They… they should match. They always matched.”
Horror huffs “Because his soul has other bonds to count on now. Nightmare isn’t depended on you Dream. And he hasn’t for a long time.”
Dream freezes and looks up shocked. Dream’s eyes shoot between Nightmare’s dads before turning back to stare at him.
Nightmare isn’t sure what to say. He however makes eye contact with Killer and reaches a hand for him. Killer is by their side immediately and grins at Dream “Well time to return tiny boss to us!”
Dream shakes slightly and Nightmare feels his grip tighten on him but after just one more very close hug Dream clearly forces himself to let go of him. Nightmare is back in Killer’s arms within seconds and it feels nice to be near the other soul again. Nightmare immediately starts to relax and feels his soul start to follow Killer’s rhythm.
Killer coos and Nightmare feels him walk away a bit. By the time he actually takes a moment to open his sockets again he is already back by his dads and Blue and Dream are standing side by side.
Blue has this soft look on his face but Dream… Dream just stands there shaking and staring at him. His hands close to his chest and tears clearly in his sockets.
Nightmare frowns and turns to be close to Killer. Trying to hide. Killer notices and immediately hugs him closer and shifts his hold. Hiding him a bit. Nightmare relaxes as he feels a bit safer.
Dust hums and shrugs “Well. You saw him. Goodbye.” And he turns around.
Dream shouts “Wait!”
Dust glares at him but Dream doesn’t glare back. He just looks begging “Please… please… I can’t… please there has to be some way I can keep seeing Nighty?”
Dust raises a brow “And what exactly could you do for him?”
Dream flinches as he rubs his arms while hugging himself “I am his brother… his twin… We are gods I can… I know I can help him… I can take care of him… I actually got information from gods and know what is going on.” He smiles hopefully.
But Nightmare just feels cold. He doesn’t want to be away from his dads!
Dust just laughs before glaring “If you think for even a second any of us trust you with our babybones you are wrong.”
Dream blinks and glares “I am his brother.”
Dust laughs “And what a good brother you have been. What? Haven’t done enough target practise yet? Or did you already conveniently forget that you had been shooting arrows at Nightmare since the first moment you saw him after you woke up from the stone?”
Dream flinches and shakes his skull “Yes- I mean No! I know that but-”
Dust just walks closer. Electricity crackling “Okay. Then you forgot about the fact that you spread rumours and lies about Nightmare? How you assumed what he was doing and spread that misinformation around? Making his job much more difficult?”
Dream shakes his skull “I know! I told others I was wrong and have righted that wrong and-”
Dust grins sharply “Or better yet. At the very start. When you didn’t believe him when he told you those villagers hurt him. How your first instinct when you saw him after your mother died was to attack him.”
Dream flinches again.
“Dust enough!”
Dust blinks and looks over. Cross stands behind him and pulls on his arm. “Enough.”
Nightmare doesn’t get it. Why-
He is shaking… and crying.
Dust sees it and slowly walks closer and rubs his cheek “sshh… shh… it is okay… none of that will ever happen again… we won’t let it.” Nightmare holds an arm out to Dust and Killer easily hands him over to Dust. Nightmare relaxes a bit. It is familiar and safe.
Killer sounds very calm as he speaks “You lost any right to take care of him or watch over him long ago Dream. The things you fixed? That were things that needed fixing. That was your job to fix as you ruined them to begin with. But just because you fixed your own mistakes doesn’t mean that we or Nightmare have to trust you.”
Dream looks to the side and Blue rubs his arm as he speaks “Dream just missed him. I know I know very rich coming from him but… even if it isn’t possible for Dream to take care of him and I get it. You guys have been through a lot.”
Dream looks ready to go against it but Blue just shakes his skull at him “You need time to actually process all of this as well Dream.” Blue turns back to them “But… wouldn’t it be nice for both of them to at least get the chance to see each other? To talk? To maybe slowly start to mend their broken bond?”
This time Nightmare can see all his dads exchange looks.
Blue smiles “Just… please just think about it… I know you wouldn’t do it or agree to it for Dream… But maybe it is nice for Nightmare? To give him the ability and chance to get this bond back?” Blue looks hesitant but keeps talking “I know a lot happened. And that will leave scars… But isn’t it better to at least be able to mend that bond a little? To at least feel safe near each other?”
Nightmare frowns as he pushes close to Dust. Dust nuzzles him.
Blue nods “It is a lot… and I get you need space…” he shoots Dream a look “You both need space. Time to think and consider. Which we will give.”
Dream looks up pained “Blue no! I searched for so long and-”
Blue smiles sadly at Dream “Dream I know. I know this hurts… And I know you want this so badly and you missed him. But you need to let him make his choice. You know he is safe. You know he is healthy.” And he looks at him “Isn’t that enough for now? Wasn’t that the whole goal?”
Dream looks lost before shooting him another look “Yeah… yeah it was… I am sorry… I just…”
Blue laughs and nudges their shoulders together “It is a lot. Your mind is going a mile per second and you are terrified of messing up again so you are trying to fix things right away. Take a moment Dream.” And Blue grins at them “We really are happy you guys are okay. Especially after everything came to light.”
Killer looks very mistrusting at them but gives a slow nod “Take a moment to process this.” He shoots them a look and Nightmare can see Killer stare at him for a moment. Then Killer sighs as he rubs his skull “Fucking hell.”
Most surprising. That came from five sources. Nightmare looks over and sees both Dream and Blue look disapproving at Killer.
Killer looks so unimpressed at them “Seriously?”
Blue shrugs “He is six… at least now…”
Killer sighs but nods “Anyway! We are going home… Take a moment to pull yourselves together and also don’t try to find where we live anymore. It is creepy… Also you don’t want to deal with the backstory we made up for us there.”
Blue looks curious “What is the backstory?”
Dust answers very unamused “Killer made it up. Nightmare is mine biologically and there was a bad ex.”
Horror looks highly amused “Which… you two caused quite the stir because well… There is no denying Dream and Nightmare look alike and red plus blue equals purple.” And he waits.
Blue and Dream look shocked.
Dust looks so done with everything “You still own me Killer.”
Killer grins and winks “Anything you want dear. Tonight fitting your schedule?”
Cross coughs “Anyway! We are going...”
Blue looks highly embarrassed “Thanks for the warning…”
Killer snorts “Not like it matters anymore. Error should be done with relocating the universe by now.”
Dream shoots upright “Error is doing what?!”
Killer grins and nods “Hiding us again to keep rude visitors out! Talking about Error. Hey dude ready to pull us out?”
A window in the sky opens and Error looks out unamused “Only emergency. Do it yourself.”
Dream however glares at Error “You knew?! You knew the whole time where he was?! That he was okay?!”
Error raises a brow at Dream “Obviously.”
Nightmare however is more focussed on Error “Error!” and he waves.
Error blinks and snorts but waves back “Nightmare.”
Nightmare beams.
Blue gasps “Oh that is adorable.” Dream however glares very angerly at Error.
Cross at this point cuts the universe fabric “Okay we are going. All through.” Dust goes first.
They appear back in their home and Nightmare pouts at Cross “Why did we leave? Error was there.”
Cross looks amused “Because you are still grounded so no hanging out with Error until the being grounded is done.”
Nightmare pouts but a yawn breaks through. Dust hums and nuzzles his skull “Nap time?”
Nightmare nods as he pushes closer to Dust. This is nice.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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drunktuesdays · 2 years
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babes, it literally could not get better than this. WHOSE FUCKING BASEBALL JERSEY IS MATT WEARING, SATNAM SINGH'S??? he looks like a fun loving retiree on her first cruise to the bahamas who got deaged to age 7 and now is swimming in her breathable linen pantsuit. MEANWHILE nick looks like a cartoon villain in a child's nightmare. kenny doesn't respect us remotely and those sweatpants came out of a goodwill clearance box and he did not bother to wash them first, that's how little he respects us. i'm so happy i could barf.
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - How to chase away the nightmares
For @maskyartist and @zacs-of-rwby More softness before the heavy stuff. This one is, or will become, slightly important later. :P
Qrow winced as he heard Oz start to toss and turn in the small room he and Oscar temporarily shared. He knew it was Oz, though mostly because he was the one of the two boys who regularly got nightmares. There was no way of knowing exactly what was causing them, but Leon's probable betrayal had obviously been doing a number on pocket sized's subconscious. There had to be a way to help, but short of him actively going and hugging Oz, he couldn't really think of one. That, of course, was rather inappropriate at the moment. It was times like this when he really, really hated the fact that Oz was immortal. He might not have switched bodies this time, but for all intents and purposes there was a large gap between them.
That was a thought, though. He couldn't really hug Oz right now, but if he got him something he could hug, then maybe the dreams might stop slightly? Oz was very young currently after all. Besides, he remembered his nieces having nightmares too. They weren't as bad, maybe, but they had happened. In the end, it had taken something special to get rid of them, too.
He slipped out, walking the streets in search of a shop that was still open that might carry what he needed. It was very late, but in the end he managed to locate a small store a few blocks away from the building they were temporarily staying at. Rifling through the rather limited options, he grinned as his fingers found something soft and bright green. This one would be perfect and, besides, Oz surely couldn't complain too much about a gift given in good faith?
Paying for it, he walked back to the house, a spring in his step that had been rather lacking over the last few months. Maybe, at least in this, he could do something right.
Moving quietly up to the room Oscar and Oz shared, he slipped through the door, watching Oz closely. He was still tossing, obviously still in the throws of the bad dream. Oscar was fast asleep, far too deeply to realise that his brother was having nightmares, but then that was par for the course. It was one of the reasons they were paired together, Oz refusing to room with anyone whose sleep he might disrupt.
But then, that was typical of Oz. He always worried about others, but never for himself. Sometimes, Qrow had to wonder just what his childhood must have been like, to take the weight of the world. But if he was ever going to find out, it wasn't going to be tonight.
He carefully slipped the gift he had bought beneath Oz's blanket. The boy clung to it almost immediately, slowly calming down. Well then, that had to have been one of Qrow's better ideas. He left the room, hoping that there was enough time for him to get some sleep, too. After that, he definitely needed the shut eye time.
Oz woke to a bed that seemed less rumpled than it normally was. Had he managed a night without nightmares? Looking around, he could see that Oscar was still asleep. Pulling back the covers though, he froze, staring at a small, emerald green teddybear that certainly hadn't been there the night before. How would one even get into his bed, though? He poked it, curious. Nothing happened, it did seem to just be a normal stuffed child's toy. How bizarre. He shrugged and pulled the blanket back over it, then wandered downstairs, searching for Qrow. It had to have been either him or Nora and he suspected if it had been the latter, she would have woken him up. He was getting rather tired of the 'cute little boy' comments, at this point.
Ah good, Qrow was downstairs, slumped in a chair with his flask. That was less than ideal, of course, but at least they seemed to be the only two awake right now?
"Qrow, might I ask a question?" Oz queried as he began to make himself cocoa, humming to himself.
"Sure, Oz. What is it?"
"There was a rather strange addition to my bed this morning, you wouldn't happen to have anything to do with it, would you?"
"Ah. Yeah, that. Listen, pocket sized. You were having another nightmare, I figured having something to hold that wasn't a weapon might help to calm you down. It did, by the way, so you can thank me if you like."
"it... worked?" Oz sounded confused. "Why, though? I am not actually a child..."
"Nightmares need things to chase them away at times, Oz. Just because you never take care of yourself doesn't mean that I won't do it for you. Besides, it was a gift and surely you can't say no to that?"
"I... suppose I can't, no. Well, thank you, Qrow. I will endeavor to insure that the others don't see it, however. I am aware that they would tease me rather."
"Eh, let em. Pretty sure most of em know about your nightmares anyway."
"Perhaps. It means a lot, you know. That it came from you." Oz's eyes were warm behind his glasses, his smile soft and loving.
The smile Qrow returned was tinged with sadness, but there was hope in his eyes, too. Somehow they'd figure this out, together. At least they were together, for now that had to be enough.
The bear was a shared secret right up until the day they had to leave. Qrow was checking everybody had packed everything they needed when Oz blinked and ran back upstairs. When he came down again, he was busily stuffing something fluffy and bright green into the top of his bag. Nora squealed and lunged for it, knocking him backwards. There was a yelp of surprised pain and the bear fell out of the bag.
Eight pairs of astonished eyes stared at it for a few seconds before Oz, blushing very red, reclaimed it and stuffed it back in again.
"Aww!" Nora cooed. "Where did that come from?"
"It was a gift, miss Valkyrie. Please just stop talking about it?"
Qrow was equally red, Ruby and Yang's eyes moving from Oz to Qrow and back as identical grins spread across their faces.
"Pocket sized was having nightmares. I thought it would help." He refused to elaborate, however, and Oz wouldn't say anything more either.
The bear, however, continued to make occasional appearences. It tended to be taken as a sign that Oz was having a very bad day, though and the others always made certain he was taken care of on days like that. Oz appreciated it, but he was still hopeful that they might remember that he wasn't actually a child.
Qrow pampered him too, on days like that. A large part of him minded that rather less...
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
"There are so many capable men... and all they can think to do is rob a convenience store? Kinda weird... you'd think a group this big might just, y'know... have bigger goals than that... You're all sick. And you need a cure."
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Can’t walk *hints of NSFW*
No need for using sunblock..?
Drunk yet loyal
His mother...
Genuine actions (kid Kai)
Her brother / Revenge for her brother
The overhaul is NOT  a toy!
Is not what it look like...
Evermore (Yandere Overhaul)
One or three bottles of saque
Lies to impress (Kid Kai)
Bean boozled challenge
The bet
Obvilious (Kid Kai)
Arguments and three days of suffering
Sharing the bed
Baby fever? Is he sick?
Suffering due to the silence
Fighting bullies (Kid Kai)
Pretty vacuum
Running for nothing (Overhaul)
Touch starved
Nightsky and tears from his angel’s eyes
Kiss on the cheek (Kid Kai)
Jealous of Chrono
Hangover on angel’s arms
Trying to be romantic
Morning after
Corona time (stay safe everyone!)
Fallen angel...
The triplets
Someone who can trust and perhaps... more? (Kid Kai)
Kitty cat Overhaul
Memory lost
He is going to be taller (Kid Kai)
Period at the night
A tear from the devil’s eyes, could bring an angel back to life
Is that all you can do?
I see you now...
Accidental hit
Waxing legs
Fieldtrip buddies (Kid Kai)
Bedclouds of an angel
THE TALK (kid Kai)
Kitty kitty
Sweet sleepy mumblings (kid Kai)
Inviting you to prom (Teen Kai)
Another jealous Kai
Can he get her back?
Struggling on how to propose
Deaging quirk
Period pains
save or not save Mimic and rappa? That is the question
Rough day
Late night confessions
Harsh attitude
Not stopping me
Lost brother
All infatued with his angel
Stay with me until I fall asleep....
Elbowed on the face
Accidental first kiss
Not so pointless day
Baby Kai
Kiss by accident (Kid Kai)
Angel “BROKE UP” with him (kid Kai)
Sick day
Airport confessions (kid Kai)
Hidden child
Cold hands, warm heart
Dabi as his angel’s best friend
A broken arm (Kid Kai)
Cat onesie (Kid Kai)
Only by a miracle
Jealous of Nemoto
Baby angel
Pro baseball player S/o
Animal crossing fun
Sweets (Kid Kai)
SFW Alphabet Overhaul
Never let go
Damn spider...
Send to the future (Kid Kai)
I may be cruel but I loved someone...
Car accident
“Who is this~?”
Was just a dream... (follow up to “cherish it or hate it?”)
The perfect maid...
Rest on the fort
Friendly vaccum (follow up to “pretty vacuum”)
Take the mask off
Cupcake (Kid Kai)
Not her...
A father figurine
Never meant to be... (kinda Chrono x reader as well)
Hospital’s visits
Defending him (Chubby Overhaul)
The price...
I object!
One life for the other
Drabble 1; Drabble 2; Drabble 3; Drabble 4
Replaced..? (Kid Kai)
Run run lost boy (kid Kai)
Reunion (some kid Kai on the start)
Him overhearing his angel breaking down in front of Chrono
His angel is a secret assasin
Anemic S/o
Hard working S/o
Overhaul’s twin brother crushing on his angel
s/o that has Myasthenia Gravis
S/o that plays the piano and the guitar
S/o with super strenght quirk
Angel with poor memory
Fillipino S/o
S/o that scratches her neck like Shigaraki
The yakusa towards Overhaul and his wife
Mute S/o
Mexican S/o
Belly dancer S/o
Pointing out the tan lines
Angel with sensitive teeth
Makeup artist S/o
Black S/o
His angel having their kness on a bad condition
Ginger with blue eyes S/o
German s/o
Reacting when you take your bathrope off
Painter S/o
Hardworking S/o
Helping you calm down while your sister is in labor
S/o having a kitten sneeze
How they like to dance with their S/o
His angel having nightmares
S/o with a god complex
hm losing on Shogi by his angel
Bad mental health S/o
Kai with a pool
Old fashioned S/o
Telling that your pregnant by message.. by mistake
S/o scared of intimacy
Having to take care of his kid
S/o that draws clothes and has victorian style
S/o who is a famous sniper
S/o who is fragile
S/o who is distracted easily and dissapears
Random drunk headcanons
No one knows S/o is quirkless
Constantly tired S/o
Sensitive to the sun S/o
Gamer S/o introducing him to yakusa games
Chubby S/o
S/o who likes Hello kitty (Exception I do readers only fem and gender neutral)
Bored S/o
S/o insecure about using glasses
Not a bit insecure S/o
Taking care of wounded S/o with their child
Nurse S/o
Toothless like quirk S/o
Sensitive S/o
S/o that goes “ara ara~”
S/o that likes to gamble
Dealing with your bullshit 😂
When he forgets your anniversary
Quirkless S/o that ceme from the woods
Meme queen S/o
His reaction when you get bullied (Kid Kai)
Shiggy”s sister
Not again...:
‘The worst’ prologue / part 1 / “Who..?” part 2 / Not happening part 3 / Only over by my cold and dead body part 4 / The end..?
part 1 part 2 part 3 Part 4
His protege:
part 1 ; final
No quirks, Chisaki as a nurse
part 1; part 2
part 1/ final
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kuwajima · 9 months
For a while I was considering writing a fic inspired by OMWF in which Inosuke was the one who was deaged because I thought of it and it sounded so incredibly chaotic—I ultimately decided I already had way too many projects on my hands so nothing came out of it, but here is a list of things that would have happened/been in the fic if I did write it:
Inosuke would not know how to talk yet. Tanjiro would think this was an opportunity to get Inosuke to actually pronounce people’s names correctly. The first thing Inosuke says is: “GA’PACHIRO!”
Squealing at the top of his lungs like a piglet and violently flailing around whenever anyone tries to pick him up
Refusing to go into the bathroom because once Aoi got mad at him for peeing on the floor and when she dragged him in there he thought she was going to throw him in the toilet
Dragging blankets and sheets off of beds to curl up with them in the corner of the room like a nest
I don’t think it would go over well if Tengen tried to take Inosuke in, especially since bby Inosuke is a flight risk (meaning he just wanders off without thinking twice about it; he’s not trying to escape he just doesn’t realize he’s not supposed to leave) and I can’t imagine Tengen would bother to repeatedly track him down. He stays with Shinobu—much to Shinobu’s chagrin.
Kanao would be absolutely bewildered by Inosuke and have no idea what to do with him. Inosuke likes her coin though. She lets him play with it until he tries to eat it.
He’s like a puppy in the sense that he chews up anything he can get his hands on. All the blankets in his nest have holes in them.
Giving him baths is like a three person job because of how much he screams and flails around. He acts like they’re trying to kill him.
He’s even worse about stealing people’s food as a toddler and will literally snatch things out of their hands when they’re right about to eat them
To everyone’s utter shock Zenitsu is really good with toddler Inosuke and is the only one besides Tanjiro who’s able to get him to calm down when he’s freaking out or throwing a fit
He gets nightmares a lot though, which is especially tricky because he isn’t really even able to express what he’s upset about. Surprisingly this is the only time when he lets people hold him. Only on his terms, of course, they have to wait for him to come to them—he’ll crawl onto either Zenitsu or Tanjiro’s lap and refuse to let go for the rest of the night.
This is the only thing he’s embarrassed about when he’s back to normal. Everything else he did he thinks was perfectly reasonable.
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What fun ideas!! If you ever do decide to write the fic, I would love to read it! De-aging fics are one of my favorite genres, there is so much potential for fluff and humor, or angst! Or a mixture of the two!
What a cool concept! I wonder if Inosuke would have slight memories of Kotoha in that state, or would be only be upset by the lack of Boar Mom? 😭
Without giving too much away for my own fic, I think there’s so much potential in a ‘Kanao interacting with a child’ scenario! It’s so fun to explore how someone responds to a child, especially one they aren’t yet connected with.
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yugi-kun64 · 6 months
I'm looking for for shrunken Sam or Dean fanfictions hopefully completed. If any of you know of any that are really good. I'm looking for ones that are 13 or under stories with no wincest or sexual stories. No vore I'm not interest in that type. I am o k with destial stories. I know about nightmare 06 and their brothers apart series. I pretty much looked all over a03. Any recommendations are welcome. Even stories that might have been deleted. I'm not looking for deaged fics only ones where Sam or Dean shrunken to inches tall. Thanks again help or recommenda
I have read the following
A change in a man
Welcome to my garden
Under the old apple tree
A bridge called brotherhood
Faith trust in pixie dust
King pin motel
A froggy tale
Small problems
The tiny adventures of dean
Part of my collection
Trampled underfoot
Honey shrunk the winchesters
Roll reversal
God damn it Gabriel
Small worlds
Short notice
I keep looking at the sky
Reversal of fate
The incredible shrinking slayer vampire
The doll house
One of life's little problems
Sweet little thing
A rare since of humor
The Quantum of Solace
What the hell
The Dean Dilemma
Part of my collection
On the shorter side
Hold the line
Smaller then life
Coming up short
The small tale of tiny Sam
Let's play war
In the palm of hand tiny sam
A supernatural wonderland
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