#and then actively choosing to not cook it myself after that lmao
toomuchsky · 10 months
i hate cooking meat so much. what do u MEAN it's underseasoned i've never underseasoned something in my LIFE
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balamist · 2 years
could you please share your meditation ways? (writing to you from adhd hell)
IDK how useful what i can say about my ~meditation ways~ might be for others as i've only been practicing for 2 weeks + i work from home which allows me a lot of flexibility with hours and all that.
(Spoiler: 10/10 activity if you can commit to it, i recommend. With it i can actually get myself to do chores that i sometimes put off doing for days - like cooking, putting away dried laundry, or vacuuming.)
I meditate for 10-15 minutes right after getting up + ideally once somewhere in the middle of the day and one more time before going to bed. There are many ways to meditate (google "adhd meditation techniques" or smh similar), personally i just turn lights off, sit down in a comfy position, and focus either on my breath or on some random made up word that i don't associate with anything. Whenever i notice that i'm thinking about something else i force myself to focus on the subject of current session again.
The goal is to enter The Zone (no idea how it's officially called lol) in which i notice stray thoughts pretty much as soon as they start forming, and not when i'm already 3 minutes into an elaborate daydream. Thoughts become easy to discard. It's a genuinely addicting state of mind because your brain goes so, so quiet. You get to choose what to think about. You start noticing the world around you. Buuut i don't always manage to achieve it because i'm very easily distracted. Literally any sudden noise or physical sensation like my hand beginning to itch can get me ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
But even when i don't manage to enter The Zone by the end of a session meditating still has a great effect on me. For a while i can easily switch between tasks; tasks that used to feel repulsive stop being so; and cravings, obsessive thoughts, and anxiety die down.
(One thing it doesn't do though, is helping me with work that requires intellectual work. Unless i manage to enter The Zone, my ability to focus on demanding tasks remains the exact same.)
Meditating in the morning helps me to stick to my morning routine - exercise, shower, breakfast - without taking long breaks to browse the internet. I've been meditating every morning for the last two weeks and haven't broken the routine even once, which is An Achievement. Meditating mid-day helps with stuff like cleaning/cooking/shopping/whatnot, or simply tunes down anxiety if i was feeling too agitated. And meditating before sleep helps me to complete remaining small tasks that i have a habit of leaving for the next day, like washing my tea cup or putting away my clothes properly lol.
So yeah, while my experience is nowhere close to that of people who claim that regular meditation has cured their ADHD (maybe it really does after a couple of years, who know lmao) it has definitely improved my life a bit and helped me to deal with daily chores. Like i said at the start 10/10 activity, definitely give it a try ( ´•ᴗ•)ก
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archived-kin · 4 years
some ramblings about luke as a playable genshin character
thanks to this anon right here i couldn’t stop thinking about this so HERE, take obey me luke as genshin barbara's brother 
(i’m not formatting this like a formal writing post but it is a bit lengthy so i've put it under the cut)
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luke would probably be a deacon in the favonius church just like his sister
i see them as twins so they’d probably be the most sympathetic to the traveller’s situation - they can’t imagine how it would feel if they’d lost each other like that
now at least someone other than amber is actually trying to help you find your lost sibling lmao
anyway! luke could definitely work as another hydro user, but personally i think it’d be brilliant to have him be a cryo catalyst user with a defence-oriented moveset
(this also has the added bonus of finally giving us a male catalyst user)
like!!! his elemental skill would create a cryo shield around him that applies the cryo effect to any enemies that get within a certain distance and causes ongoing cryo damage the longer they stay close (it wouldn’t be a lot of damage since i don’t want to make him too op - maybe it’d do 10% of his attack in terms of damage at intervals of one second). the shield would last for about fifteen seconds, during which you can switch to barbara and freeze all the enemies around you as well!!
in homage to his original identity as an angel in obey me, i’d like to think his elemental burst would be growing a pair of cryo wings from his back that flap at intervals of 1.5 seconds for six seconds, applying the cryo effect and dealing a relatively large amount of damage to enemies with each flap. the wings would increase movement speed while in effect as well!!
partially because i see him as a five star with this moveset and partially to match with his sister, luke would definitely get an animation for his elemental burst. imagine how pretty it would look!!
if luke got a banner, barbara would definitely also be on it, along with maybe razor and bennett?
genshin doesn’t really have this function but imagine that putting two characters with a close relationship on the same team gives you bonus effects -  luke and barbara on the same team would definitely give you buffs!! for example:
both of their attack and elemental mastery automatically goes up by 10% if you put them on the same team
if barbara’s hp is below 50%, luke’s defence immediately goes up (the strength of his shield would be dependent on his defence stat), and his crit rate also increases
and if luke’s hp is below 50%, barbara’s healing effectiveness and crit rate immediately increase as well
if one of the siblings ‘falls’, as the game puts it, the surviving sibling’s attack and crit rate immediately goes up
man i really be out here creating whole game mechanics out of thin air haha
barbara and luke’s story quest would be a joint one!! since luke’s a five star (and it involves two characters), it would be one of those story quests that you need to obtain through keys
it would start out with you going to the fountain in mondstadt and speaking to the locals, who are talking about how weird it is that barbara and luke keep going around practically interrogating people when they usually tend to keep to themselves in the cathedral (apart from barbara’s performances, of course, which luke always attends in full support)
then you need to go around and ask a couple of the locals which way they went, after which you’ll meet barbara outside angel’s share talking to diluc 
it turns out that the page twins have been going around mondstadt as often as they can to look for leads on your lost sibling, as well as asking diluc for help looking for intel and putting up missing posters in further areas of the region 
so sweet ;.;
barbara then realises that she promised luke that they’d do some baking this morning and rushes off. once she’s out of earshot, diluc suggests that you should do something nice for the twins as a thank you for your help. 
depending on which dialogue option you choose, diluc will either unsubtly pressure you into doing it anyway (if you refuse) or offer a helpful suggestion as to what to do (if you agree). either way, you’ll end up needing to go to find barbara and luke in mondstadt somewhere.
you’ll find them just outside the city gates, and talking to them (as the quest tells you to) reveals that the siblings have run out of apples for the apple pie they want to make
paimon suggests that they just buy some, but because (for some reason) no one in mondstadt sells apples, they need to go out to pick them
on your way there, however, you encounter a group of hilichurls bullying a poor hunter from springvale, watched by a calculating abyss mage that immediately turns and flees when it sees you and the page twins watching it
your next task in the quest would be to defeat the hilichurls, after which you, barbara, and luke speak to the hunter who was being attacked. he explains that he walked in on the abyss mage explaining something to the hilichurls, and that he thinks it might be planning something.
your next task is to use elemental sight to track down the abyss mage, and the next bit that plays out is pretty much like all of the domain finales for story quests
this domain is where you get to trial barbara and luke together! there are a bunch of puzzles that require hydro and cryo elemental pillars to be activated, and the abyss mage you fight right at the end is a pyro one, so you get to experience their moveset and how well they work together to the fullest!
once the abyss mage is down, there’s one last part to the quest: picking apples, taking them back to mondstadt, baking an apple pie with the siblings, and then going around and helping them offer a piece to the locals of the city. the story quest ends with diluc treating all three of you to a hot meal at good hunter!
the rewards you receive at the end of the story quest would include a recipe from each sibling as well! the recipe barbara gives you would be a spicy meat and vegetable dish of some kind that regenerates hp, while the recipe luke gives you would be a sweet pastry that increases defence and shield strength. 
(cooking these two recipes with the respective characters that give you them may give you a special dish!)
it’d be a pretty light story quest compared to some of the other five star’s story quests (like venti’s, which made me cry more than i’d like to admit), but luke wouldn’t be a particularly tragic character, so i think it makes sense for it to be like this
annnd that’s all i’ve got for now! i’m aware that i’m writing for a very small group of people right now and that not many will see this but honestly this was more for myself than anyone else, haha
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kimtaegis · 3 years
It's honestly so hard to pick one! I am leaning toward saying for me it was Season 2, actually. Though initially I said it was Season 1 bc it felt longer and more balanced in terms of seeing what the memebers were up to, but Season 2 had a lot of moments that overall were funnier and more entertaining to me. Like the foot volleyball games were so hilarious, as was Jimin and Hoseok's ghost adventure, the shooting game and car race, Hoseok's bottle rocket, the initial choosing of rooms and great bug incident of 2021 🤣. Both seasons were so good. I love this show in general bc it is so soft and relaxing and healing and I really feel like we just get to see them all being happy and comfortable. I think maybe that was also what I really enjoyed about this season? Seeing them all up at like 2 AM just lying on the couches and hanging out and being just like me and my friends. I also loved seeing everyone cooking for each other and being so sweet. The big dinners from last season were hilarious and I liked when they all ate together and we got a lot for separate eating on this Season so I did miss the big family meals, but I think it was less stressful overall for them, not having cooking be something that took up a huge chunk of their day (as someone who went on a cabin trip with 10 friends I can relate to cooking for a big group taking pretty much our entire day and eating at like 10 pm every night). But I agree with what people said about this Season having more separate relaxation happening vs. activities together, though I did really enjoy the little smaller group activities we saw as memebers splintered off to do whatever they wanted. I think the thing is that some members are overall more active/extroverted than others, i.e. Jimin has said many times that he prefers to do things with other people rather than alone, so he was pretty much always involving other memebers in activities (i.e. going to see what Hoseok was up to, Yoongi coming down for "playtime" with Hoseok and Jimin, which was also adorable and so fun to watch), but other members, like Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin, were perfectly happy doing things alone like reading or playing video games, which was prob a little harder for the editors to put into an episode to make screen time equal across the members bc it gets a little repetitive if that's all they are doing when at the same time the more active members are off starting some shenanigans. Season 1 had a much smaller set so inevitably even the members who are more inclined to alone time were together with someone just by nature of the space being smaller, so things felt a bit more balanced across the memebers. Like Season 2, for me, had more moments I'll probably keep coming back to, but it did go so fast (I wish they had more than 4 days to relax, I mean you can't do much in only 4 days really) and some memebers didn't do as much as others - but that is what they wanted to do! So I am happy they got to just relax and do what made them happy without feeling forced to do a lot of activities for an audience.
What a lovely message, I loved reading your take on things! You’re totally right about the extroverted/introverted sides of their individual activities, I can definitely see it too. It’s great that they didn’t seem so concerned about the entertainment part, cause you know, they really do deserve some time for relaxation. On the oooother side … it remains an entertainment show after all though? And I must admit that I skipped some of the longer cooking scenes because I found it a tad boring at times. I guess it will always be super hard to find an actual balance between being entertaining to an audience while also trying to do what you yourself enjoy since that can be something like cooking or reading as we just saw, which might not be so amusing to watch as an outsider (I tell myself that that’s absolutely fine and natural lmao). But I love that there’re also people (like you!) out there who can also find lots of joy and calmness and peace in watching those quiet activities, that’s really an individual preference. In the end I always get this thought that this can’t feel like a proper vacation for them since they’re being filmed all the time and know millions of people will watch it, and I just hope that they do get actual time to themselves from time to time, they truly deserve it.
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sunflowerhoney · 3 years
Can you answer all of the soft questions please darling? 🥰😘
Of course sweetheart! 🥰 Thank you so much for sending this! <3 (and sorry that it took me a bit to answer them all!!) 
1. your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else)
a very cute playlist that @strawbabie-honey made for me 😊
2. how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?
In my room none because my one cat tries to eat everything 😅but I have two succulents in the one window in my apartment that he can’t reach 
3. your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking)
4. an account on social media whose posts make you smile
all of you guys on here!! Ily <3
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Ratched (especially the Mildolyn scenes lol), The Office, That 70s Show, Adventure Time, Firefly
6. how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep
Usually I either watch Tiktoks/scroll on my phone or I close my eyes and daydream until I fall asleep haha
7. your favourite board game
Ticket to Ride 
8. if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be?
Maybe something true crime related? I’ve spent a lot of time watching true crime shows lol
9. a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame
“Get out from your house, from your cave, from your car. Get out from the place you feel safe, from the place that you are. Get out and go running, go funning, go wild. Get out from your head, get growing, dear child.” 
If I was getting a tattoo I would probably only want the last line but I would frame the whole thing :o 
10. something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc)
Honestly this blog! I’ve really pushed myself to be more social on this blog than I have been on previous ones I’ve had and I’ve met a lot of amazing people because of it! 😊
11. a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier
Rolling shirts up when you put them in a drawer instead of folding them, it makes it easier to see them and stuff doesn’t get lost at the bottom of the pile :) 
12. if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick?
13. the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard
I’ve been trying to think about this one for a while but I’m honestly not sure :o
14. an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing
these days I look forward to anything with Sarah Paulson in it tbh 😅
15. the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud
I honestly haven’t watched much TV in a while (other than watching AHS on Netflix) 
16. how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch
I like to stretch my back, like side to side and crack my neck. When I’m tired I like to get up and walk around/listen to music
17. a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out
I haven’t had it in a while but I used to have a face jelly thing from Lush that I loved :o ( and now I want it again lol), also even though I don’t take baths that often I love bath bombs 
18. a book series you can always escape in
Percy Jackson because nostalgia lol
19. the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it
Softball! I played from like 3rd grade until almost the end of high school. What helped me get better was mostly just practicing and not giving up! :) 
20. a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years
Being able to get rid of things, I used to keep sooo much stuff when I was a kid (like every ticket, every pamphlet, every essay lol) and I’ve gotten better about knowing whats worth keeping/what I can let go of
21. a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs this video is entertaining and informational and I can’t even imagine how long it took the person who made it to put it all together!
22. if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose?
Pink! or dark purple! 
23. the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!)
A Clash of Kings, it was really, really good but really, really long. I also made the mistake of watching Game of Thrones before reading the books and I feel like its kind of tainted them for me lol
24. describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together
When I was in high school my best friend and I used to dress up in random outfits from her closet, go to the lake near her house and have “photoshoots” lmao i remember wearing a sweater, shorts with black tights underneath and boots and thinking i was the coolest person in the world 😂
25. a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things
Animal Crossing, I restarted my island after ages of not playing recently
26. the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again
Blue Jay!
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea
My favorite flavor is raspberry! but im not sure if I have a favorite brand :o
28. a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful
Any story about people helping animals makes me 🥺
29. a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make
Edible Cookie Dough :o its basically just mixing cookie dough ingredients minus the eggs but its so good! 
30. a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom
Electric Love!
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silkylious · 4 years
Hi dear. I’m the anon who requested an istp reader earlier and i’m so sorry I completely missed the requests closed sign. Congrats on 400 followers!! Your event is so cute and I’m here to request a matchup! I’m a straight 5’7 girl whose personality type is istp. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a figure skater who loves to read, write and watch anime. I also like to bake whenever I have time. I’m rather analytical, with my strengths lying in math and science and history as my weakest. My writing style is more poetic, consisting of long sentences, metaphors and personophication. I’m blunt and my humor is dry and witty. However, even though I usually can keep a cool head, I get flustered easily (it’s one of the things I hate most lmao). I generally don’t take BS and my style is minimalist. I prefer to stay in by myself rather than go out with large groups of people. If I had an SO, I would much rather stay in and enjoy each other’s presence than go out on elaborate dates. I have a really low social battery too. My music taste is all over the place, but I love Chase Atlantic and Arctic Monkeys. I’m more of a cat person, though I do love dogs, and I like nature and spending time outside. Hopefully that’s enough information! Thank you so much! - 🧩 anon
Thank you so much for sending this in!! <3 I hope you like your matchup! :3
I ship you with...
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general relationship dynamic: 
A match made in heaven or hell depending on who you ask
Similar enough to maintain stability, but different enough to keep things unpredictable and fun
Katsuki appreciates your rational nature, as he himself is extremely pragmatic. That common denominator relives the stress of having to deal with problems caused by emotional misunderstandings 
I can definitely see this dynamic as a slowly building friendship at first
Your tendency to not let anyone walk all over you and keep a calm aura about you immediately attracted him, but simultaneously frustrated him to no visible end
The blatant contrast between your personalities instantaneously made him want to break that collected demeanor of yours. 
All in the name of competition. At least it started out that way.
Battle after battle, bruise after bruise and trail after trail, the more hardships you faced together, the more teasing your remarks became.
What started out as him hurling every curse word known to man in hopes of shattering that nonchalant exterior of yours (and you ultimately ignoring him), slowly but surely turned into both of you exchanging well-crafted remarks.
Your sardonic humor was such a good match for him. Both knocked him off his high horse and left him in complete awe (and affection. Though he’d never admit it) of your quick, sarcastic wit all packaged in a light-hearted tone that didn’t wound his ego (too much).
More often than not, you’d fluster the hell out of him. Not that it was hard to get a reaction out of Bakugo Katsuki to begin with.
Your sharp responses just made him want to see you lose your cool even more. He never wallowed in his embarrassment too long, always too eager to grasp the next opportunity to turn the tables on you.
You bet your ass the first time he saw your composure slip, the bastard basked in it. Laughing to his heart’s content while you indignantly screeched at him to shut up.
He’d never forget that moment; and he made damn sure you wouldn’t either, not hesitating to bring it up whenever he wanted to put you in your place or just to get a rise out of you for the hell of it.
And from there it just doesn’t stop. He’s a quick learner and oddly observant, and he uses both those traits to his full advantage when picking on you. His relentless teasing never ceasing to give him the satisfaction of seeing your disheveled composure.
He also loved the gentle crease in your brows and that adorable pout on your lips whenever he verbally pushes you into a corner but that’s beside the point-
Not that it mattered anyway, you had plenty blackmail material of his less than dignified moments to spare.
Your friendship was easy going, trustworthy, reliable. But neither of you could admit your feelings to each other to save your lives. Much to the dismay of your friends, who had to watch the absolute clownery of you tip-toeing around your feelings in muted agony.
Cue perpetual pining.
Once you finally confess your feelings for each other, I honestly don’t see the relationship shifting much.
You act like really, really close friends who just happen to be affectionate and completely enamored by one another
I see Katsuki as a high energy person. Regardless of where he chooses to focus that energy, he needs external stimulus. More often than not, he directs his abundant energy into training and sparring. But generally, a lot of his excess energy is expelled through social interaction. Whether or not this social interaction is mirthful doesn’t really matter so long as he’s depleting his excessive energy.
Your low social battery might pose a small issue, dealing with Katsuki alone is like dealing with a dozen other less intense individuals. But you can easily work around it through your common interests and hobbies that can stimulate you both without depriving you into mental exhaustion
Katsuki loves going on outdoor dates with you. A picnic in a secluded park, hiking, stargazing, camping- you name it
These dates are perfect for you two, combining your love for nature and privacy all the while giving him an activity to expel his stamina
Though he can’t say no a good at home date with you.
I absolutely adore the one headcanon about him being an amazing cook but a horrible baker
With a bit of coaxing on your part, you somehow manage to get him into baking. His skills are fucking abysmal.
He’s also distracting
Every time you try to bake together it almost always ends with both of you covered in flour with like three batches of burnt cookie dough, and childlike grins on your faces
Katsuki doesn’t really mind what the two of you do on dates, so long as he’s spending alone time with you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way
He’s a lost cause you figure. But he'll secretly practice at home, to his mother's dismay. But he doesn't care, it's all worth it in the end as he catches sight of pride and admiration in your eyes the one time he baked you a simple treat for your birthday
He made sure to learn your favorite baked goods, if only as a back up plan when he fucked up and needed to worm his way back into your arms
His curiosity was peaked when you’d told him that you’re a figure skater. So much so that one day he asks (read: demands) that you take him to an ice rink
As you show him one of your choreographies, he’s in a state of silent admiration
Katsuki is extremely kinesthetic, so he could easily pick up on the countless hours of hardwork you’d spent mastering your form, perfecting your footing, building up astounding flexibility to be able to preform and make it seem so effortless
The way your muscles pulled taut and relaxed again from stance to stance, the way small bruises lay proud on your skin as an indictive of all the effort you’d put into this sport all but made him fall in love with you again
When you strike a final pose, looking at him expectantly, noiselessly, he doesn’t say anything. But the star-eyed gaze and gentle smile he gave you spoke louder than any of his crude words ever could.
The cherry red in his eyes every so often melted so softly, it set your heart ablaze each and every time
He ended up reluctantly swallowing his pride and asking you to teach him a couple moves that day
You have study dates. All. The time.
He’s a jack of all trades so history is a no brainer for him. When you ask him to help you with it he begrudgingly complies.
Now whether or not his teaching actually helped is up to your imagination lmfao
I think one of Katsuki’s main love languages is quality time; you don’t even have to be actively helping each other while studying, just your presence around him sedates his mind exceptionally
Seconds tick by on his digital clock, each thirtieth tick he discreetly glances at you to make sure you’re still there, if he’s in the mood he’ll have to touch you in some way or another. Doesn’t even have to be affectionate, just your skin on his is enough to spur a content sigh out of him
when you’re simply reading a book or watching an anime together, he’ll lay his head on your lap without a word, or he’ll sit behind you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Give it some time and his roughed-up hands will snake their way into your long hair, making a mess out of it, braiding and unbraiding it as he pleases. Tease him and he’ll instantly move
He loves reading your writing! To him, it’s like you’re inviting him into a corner of your mind. A corner very few get to explore, and he takes pride in that privilege
Can be a bit hesitant to give his full interpretations of your works at first, often just replying with one word “encouragements” but he quickly recognizes your discontent and tries to be a bit more open with his thoughts.
Slowly but surely he lets you into a corner of his mind as well, and you couldn’t be happier in those moments
[bus ride home]
The sun lovingly cast its last embers upon his face, framing and sculpting it with sharp shadows and soft reds into a breathtaking portrait as his matching crimson irises look far away, far beyond the sunset. He’s unfairly handsome. You huffed, forcing yourself to look away from what you could only describe as perfection, lest the last remnants of breath elude your lungs.
With your stare finally detached from him, all your senses started bleeding back into reality. The hum of soft rock buzzing through your plugged earbud caught your attention. Ah, this was one of your favorites. Your mind started painting his visage behind your closed lids, the music only added to the vividness of the dozen or so shades of oranges and yellows. You hummed along; the crescendo was steadily approaching.
“… But I crumble completely when you cry…”
The gentle tenor in your voice lulled Katsuki away from his muddled thoughts, instead focusing on your serenity. You’d always being good at keeping your cool, but this was different. With a tiny tug at your lips as they moved with each delicate syllable, you looked truly in your element. Angelic in a sense as the warm rays of dusk embraced you. He couldn’t look away from what he could only describe as perfection. His flushed ears barely picked up on the porcelain notes leaking from the unplugged earbud before his tongue started imitating your own.
“… In my imagination you’re waiting, lying on your side, with your hands between your thighs and a smile.”
One brown eye blinked open, surprised at the gruff bass joining your little jamming session. Katsuki snatched the unused earpiece and put in his own.
“Weren’t you the one that said my music taste is trash?” You raised an eyebrow.
“It is trash.” The glimmer in his gaze told you otherwise. You scoffed and looked away, attempting to hide the smile pulling on your lips.
The next song started playing.
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taxicabinmemphis · 4 years
For 1 analoginceit (I hope I spelled that right heh)
For 2 Patton
For 3 your top 5 star trek characters and then also (separately) Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and Gaius
when I started shipping it if I did: August 28, 2020, when I first received a prompt that I ‘interpreted’ as them and wrote for right here (pls read it it’s prob my fave of my works) my thoughts: I love them. I ship them so so so so hard. I have found myself in a rabbit hole with them and I can’t get out which is bad because I am so deprived of content. What makes me happy about them: they are cute and my fic for them has over 100 notes which is a cool milestone imo What makes me sad about them: rare”pair”; no content. I have found in my searches of tumblr one piece of art, and one short headcanon/fic idea. Nothing else (except smut but that doesn’t count cuz I’m a minor and won’t & shouldn’t read that) things done in fanfic that annoy me: people not writing fanfic of them. but ig if they won’t i will i just need more ideas for them lmao (if anyone has any prompts for them they don’t wanna write themselves send to my writing blog @killing-all-joy please) things I look for in fanfic: fanfic Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: they can end up with anyone except Roman cannot end up with Remus for obvious reasons. My happily ever after for them: living together and being domestic. idk. who is the big spoon/little spoon: they are a mess of spooningness. but janus is def big spoon logan is little spoon and virgil and roman just switch around with that. who what is their favorite non-sexual activity: eating roman’s cooking in a romantic setting
How I feel about this character: love hiiiiiiiiiiiim so cute he’s adorable and trying his best All the people I ship romantically with this character: in order of how much - janus, logan, virgil, remus, roman but all patton ships are valid My non-romantic OTP for this character: moxiety (but I like them romantically too, their friendship is just rlly cute) My unpopular opinion about this character: if you wanna know pls message me i don’t like to put side critical/side negative/unsympathetic side content on my blog bc I personally don’t like to see it and um. this has the first of those. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he gets a hug from all of the sides willingly. my OTP: with patton? moceit. my cross over ship: i don’t have any i don’t think. i have like 1 crossover ship period and no one from tss is in it so a headcanon fact: he’s touch-starved.
Data, Julian Bashir, Spock, Garak, Jadzia Dax (why the FUCK would you make me choose only five this is a 7+ show franchise I have lost track) (only reason I’m not putting picard is bc he exists on another plane of existence but is not as fun as the rest)
Overall: 1) Data 2) Spock 3) Garak 4) Julian 5) Jadzia
Right now with my current hyperfixations: 1) Spock 2) Julian 3) Data 4) Garak 5) Jadzia
Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and Gaius
1. Merlin
2. Arthur
3. Morgana
4. Gaius
5. Gwen
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a taste in your mouth right now? What of? Just the faint taste of coffee since I have a cup at the moment but haven’t drunk from it in the last few minutes. Which is your least favourite day of the week? I’ve lost the concept of the days of the week for a few months now, man. Back when we used to do things, though, I hated Sundays as I felt loneliest on that day. It was always an automatic thing too so I had little control over it. If told to clean the house, would you be more inclined to clean one room really well or clean all of the rooms with hardly any effort? Clean all rooms with maximum effort. I’d be really bugged if I didn’t strive to be perfect with the whole place lol. Do you put glue on the object you're sticking down or on the paper? Object, so that the amount of glue I’m putting would be accurate. What was your last dream about? I don’t remember the details anymore but at the very least, I know it was very vivid since I remembered it throughout the morning. I’ve been having very detailed dreams lately – it’s the depression for sure. 
What is your favourite part of the last movie you watched? Haven’t seen a movie in a while but the last thing I watched in full was The Crown; Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret really shone through in the last episode I saw. Have you stuck any stickers to the computer you're using? I put all my stickers onto my laptop case but not the laptop itself. I haven’t had the case on for a while now though, since I’m always just at home now. Do you ever write or talk to yourself in your head when you're bored? Yes or when I’m feeling upset, as long as I’m alone. I’ve found that talking to myself is a healthy way to address and deal with my emotions. What interests you the most about other people? What I find interesting always varies. I have friends who I find interesting for their music tastes; some others for their knowledge of random trivia; some for their jobs, etc. It’s always different. Do you ever take random pictures out of boredom? What of? Not really. If I take photos it’s because I want to remember a moment or because I find something cute or funny. Basically anything that elicits a strong emotion out of me, I’m bound to take a picture of. Do you prefer listening to things through headphones or speakers? Headphones. How many siblings do you have? Do you get on with them? I have two siblings. I only get along with my sister; I have not talked to my brother since last year and have no desire to again. Would you rather live in a log cabin or a brick house? Mmm I’d take the brick house. Log cabin would be nice for a quick getaway, but I wouldn’t want it to be my permanent home. There’s a psychological factor in there and I just think that staying in a log cabin would make me feel suffocated eventually, haha. Do you have a calendar up for this year? I have a ‘Job Applications’ calendar that I’m currently monitoring, and it tracks the applications I’ve sent out to different companies and how long I’ve been waiting for a response from each of them. Really needing some positive vibes and energy since I actually just got my first rejection notice today. Other than that this year has been pretty fucking boring and there’s been little need to keep an active calendar. What was the very first CD you bought? The first CD I remember asking my parents to buy for me was like the High School Musical official soundtrack. I was big on Disney as a kid and wasn’t a big fan of any solo acts or bands up until I was around 10. Do you keep things like old train tickets, etc? Yessssssss. Do you like your smile? Why (not)? I like it; I find my smile friendly and warm. I just hate smiling with my teeth at the present since one of my front teeth protrudes. Can’t wait to get braces again. Would you rather be able to sing or dance? Why? Dance. Dancers are super hot, lmao. What was your favourite colour when you were a kid? Do you still like it? It was purple/violet and it was mostly influenced by my great-grandma who lovedddd the color and had it everywhere in her home. When she passed away, my love for the color slowly faded away and I don’t think too much of it now. Have you ever said 'lol' in real life? Haha yeah sometimes. I pronounce it as ‘lohl’ and never ‘el oh el’ though. Do you like your friend's parents? I like most of their parents, though I’m aware that some have abusive tendencies. Most of the parents are super nice, though. JM’s mom cooked a big lunch for us once and his dad buys like four party-sized boxes of pizza every time we come over, Angela’s parents treat me like their own kid, Gab’s mom constantly tells me she loves me...it’s in the little things. How many times have you moved? I can remember just the two times, but I know that we moved several times more when I was an infant. Have you ever refused to try a certain food? Which? Most stuff with fruits, hah. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, like when a sushi roll has mango or if I’m having banoffee pie, but I almost always refuse a meal with some kind of fruit in it. What's your favourite type of soup? Not really big on soup. I just like miso. Very occasionally I’ll have mushroom soup too. What is your favourite candle scent? I don’t buy candles nor do I know people who regularly get them, so I’m not very familiar with the different scents. Does the sight of blood make you feel ill? In real life, it would. I always have to look away whenever Gabie gets a nosebleed ha. But I have no problem watching bloody wrestling matches and I actually enjoy the bloodier ones. Super weird quirk of mine. What do you call it when you're sick anyways? (Sick, ill, not well, etc) If I’m referring to a fever I call it sick/ill/not feeling well. If I feel like throwing up I say I’m getting dizzy/need to vomit. I’ve never referred to puking as ‘getting sick,’ and it took me a very long time to realize that it was a common American saying, haha. Did you ever really believe in the tooth fairy? I did, and I felt super betrayed when I put my tooth under my pillow only to see it again the next morning. If you had to appear in a movie, which genre would you choose? Coming of age. What do you do with unwanted gifts? I keep them, since I still appreciate the effort of the gift-giver. Are there any clothes you haven't worn in ages, that you've suddenly started wearing again? HAHA yes. There will be rare instances where I get to go out and I always take the time to look stylish as all fuck, even though I’m only running an errand and wearing flashier pieces would be so unnecessary. I just miss dressing up and looking cute, man. Do any keys on your keyboard stick? Like, if they’re sticky? No. Would you rather own a laptop or a computer? Laptop. Love it when things are portable. Do you think you'll look at old photos of yourself and be embarrassed? My teenage years are definitely bad especially with regard to my fashion choices lol, but so are everyone else’s so I’m not super embarrassed. I cringe at the photos but I wouldn’t mind if my friends poked fun at them because chances are I’d join in too. What was the worst hairstyle you ever had? I always hated it whenever my mom took me to the salon to have my hair rebonded. That kind of look has never worked with my face shape and so I usually did everything for my hair to start curling up quicker and go back to its original form. Do you like t-shirts with sayings on them? Why (not)? Not really. It’s just not a personal preference. I like plain or slightly printed pieces. Do you click on the adverts at the side of the screen? No. Have you ever coughed and sneezed at the same time? I’m sure it’s happened before. Are you embarrassed to show people your ID photo? Nah. Whatever dude. Have / would you ever become a cheerleader? I haven’t, but I would have loved to. We don’t have a cheerleading club or varsity in my old school though so I was never able to hone my skills, if ever. What's the longest you've gone without eating? Maybe a little more than 24 hours. What is one of your biggest irrational fears? Commercials airing at night. I find jingles and graphic effects unsettling by a certain hour lol. What comes up when you press Ctrl + V? “I reeeeally miss seeing you and your purple things and seeing you give glares to people who deserve it. what a lodi <333” omg aw. It’s Jane’s birthday today and I copied that bit of my greeting to move it to another paragraph so that my message would flow better. Out of the bands you listen to, were most of them around before or after you were born? After. When did you last jump out of fright? I don’t remember. Are you currently waiting on something? What? For a company to take me in. Does time pass slowly or quickly when you're on the internet? Usually it’s quickly, but now that I feel more and more useless around the house, time’s been more slow and for the first time the distractions of the internet haven’t been working. What about when you're at school / work? Depended on the amount of stuff I had to do and whether I’m enthusiastic about them or not. Does the thought of being pregnant gross you out? The thought of giving birth does, but not pregnancy. What was the last thing you made with your hands? I mean I made myself a cup of coffee tonight, but the coffee mix itself was already pre-packaged. I just mixed it with hot water. Are you good at making shadow puppets? I’d say no. Are you more hungry or thirsty right now? Neither. I’ve been so anxious and depressed these days I’m actually skipping every single meal except dinner, and even then I eat very little. I don’t even do it on purpose; my anxiety has simply stopped me from feeling hungry. No idea what the weighing scale’s gonna tell me the next time I check, sigh. Someone hire me plz. God it really sucks being a fresh grad in this current state of the world. Are you prone to headaches? No. They only come out during hectic schedules and stressful weeks. Do you forget things easily? The little and everyday things, like forgetting my school ID at home or where I placed my keys. But I don’t forget things that are more bigger-picture, like birthdays or faces or memories. Do you enjoy going out to dinner? I enjoy it and I terribly miss being able to do it. Would you ever go on a cruise ship holiday? I would and I have. Lots of fun. Would do again and again. What's your favourite sea animal? Dolphins and whales. Do you get coughs or colds more? Coughs.
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thestudyfeels · 6 years
100 Days of Sweat
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Welcome to the official admission post for the 100 days of sweat challenge! *plays the conquer theme song and does a booty pop* This is a pretty long post, but has everything you need to start, so read on!
READING TIME: 6 minutes.
OoOh? What's that?
Thanks for coming out of the cave! In short, it's a consistency challenge to turn working out into a habit.
You've basically got to move your body for a 100 days straight. No slacking, no backing out!
Most take on this challenge personally, but I felt accountability would be great for those beginning with exercising & those who can't seem to keep their streak (cough, me).
Sounds fun! How do I join? Do I need to do a booty pop too?
Booty pops are appreciated. But here's how!
1. First things first, decide whether you'll be joining via IG, Discord or staying on Tumblr.
2. If using IG, reply to this post with your handle or (alternative) if you'd like, join Discord instead! For that, click here to join the server!
(NOTE: Those who joined via the first post I created regarding this needn't reply again! I've already added you to the list.)
3. Lastly, boost this! Reblog, get your followers to join! Drag your friend or sibling in! (already dragged my bestie into this in case no one joined in lmao)
Important PSA: yO, ANYONE can join! All my beginners and winners, young teens and old pals, drarry fans and johnlock shippers, team cold water AND hot water (sparing y'all because I stan working out more), EVERYONE!   
Here's what I'll do: 
I'm creating an IG group for those interested in staying fully committed. (Pros include making friends! Or enemies, for a hundred whole days! Some of you might even get married together, I have high hopes because wedding cake is everything)
Sayani from @studign-stars will be the admin for Discord! You can hit her up for queries, if any. 
In short, there'll be 3 separate groups. One for those joining via Discord, one for those on the IG group, and a third for those staying on Tumblr.
If you wish to use any other platforms like Snapchat and Twitter, feel free! Also plug your progress on Tumblr too so we can hype each other on! (tag stuff with #100dos)
+ That said, I highly suggest joining either one of the groups, for accountability does wonders. It's now up to you, fellow warrior.
How to prep for this challenge:
OhO! There's a whole lot prepping to be slayed. To finish this challenge as smoothly as possible, here's a few steps. Make this easier for yo’ lazy bum.
1+ Firstly, grab a marker and scrap paper (when you on a student budget, cuz same) and write down numbers from 1 to 100. I did 1 to 30 to prevent myself from being overwhelmed, but do right them numbers to gain momentum.
2+ Take couple before photos. From the front, and the side. If you don't want to, take them anyway and store it in a folder you never open. Also measure your weight, and if you have a measuring tape, take other basic measurements of the chest, waist, arm etc.
3+ Coming to the main part! Pick your 'base’ routine. This is the primary workout you wanna do 2-3 times a week. It's the main course!
For beginners, I suggest choosing a 15 min full body workout. Do try it out before you start 100 days— make sure it's challenging enough.
For those who already move their bodies, pick a workout that aligns with your long-term goals. If you want toned legs, pick a leg day routine. If you want abs, focus on abs.
My base routine is the Beginner's Bodyweight Workout (BBW) from the NerdFitness website. I do 3 sets of the entire routine (takes around 25-30 mins) thrice a week.
So, do some research and pick a workout! Doesn't have to be an hour long at all, just make sure it's time-effective and challenges you.
4+ Find your cheat day workout.
Yikes, the wording is kinda incorrect, but anything for the clickbait.
This is the workout you do 2 days a week, and is the second most important workout. (This means: 3 + 2 = 5, you’ve now got five days planned!)
I do Alexis Ren’s ab routine (I hate it) twice a week because abs are my target zone. For you, it could be arms, thighs, butt, anything!
5+ Leave your last two days for simple moving.
It's up to you to decide what's going to be cooking in the remaining two days. For suggestions, you can pick a fun activity, say yoga, handstands, cartwheels, splits, any form of dancing like hip-hop, Zumba etc.
I'm trying to do a handstand this year and get my middle splits already (I fell off track so I still have quite a way to go) so I'll be stretching and doing hand flexibility exercises in the last 2 days.
Or you can just go for a jog or a power walk. Just keep the momentum going!
A quick recap:
To summarize, you're doing a major workout 3 times a week, a toning workout (mine is abs) twice a week and a fun activity in the last two days.
Also, mix this up. Your muscles need time to heal, and I strongly emphasize leaving the next day free for lighter activities after doing a major workout. Here's my routine, as an eg:
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Do remember that this is just a STARTING POINT, because we don't want you to wake up everyday and be like “wut I do today.” It's now your mission to plan your workout routine. Consider taking more workload or reduce it as per your level (this is definitely a lot, try reducing if you're just beginning).
Also important: DETERMINE your workout routine NOW. I spent 2 years (only stopped like 3 months ago) doing YouTube videos haphazardly. This works, because you are working out after all, but it's a pretty lousy method if you want consistent results. Also makes you depend on motivation to workout (which has probability results equal to me marrying Tom Felton), whereas if you had a routine, you'll have to workout because it's in your schedule and you'd be a loser to lie to your schedule.
Is this a lot? It's a lot. I know.
If this is overwhelming you, don't back away darling. Face your fears. Here are some reasons to not back out—
The entire challenge is flexible: You don't have to follow that routine ^ if you don't want to. Starting out, you can do a major workout 2 times a week and fill the other 5 days with fun stuff. You can always change the routine later, 100 days is a long ass time.
The challenge fucks with your mindset and strengthens it: 100 days of continuous movement is CRAZY. Can you imagine how strong (mentally too!) we'll all be at the end? You'll have grown so much!
Working out will become a habit: I've been working out for 2 years now, and it has positively affected every single sphere of my life. Exercising is the #1 habit I suggest everyone build. Since science says it takes 66 days to build a habit, we're ON it.
You'll be really proud of yourself: I know I'll be. I'm literally going to hug y'all at the end of it, and sing jingles about how far you've come. 2019 will have been slayed.
I could go on and on, but this is it. Now's the moment. This is about doing something you're afraid of. Taking risks. Learning, falling, getting back up.
Thence, ladies, gents and non-binary pals, THIS is the 100 days of sweat challenge. You're cordially invited to it.
(We're dramatic, yes.)
The challenge itself begins on 10th April, 2019.
You'll be added to the IG group latest by 7th April.
Because I'm your mom, I'll add everyone in, tell you the details and everything. If you’ve got any questions, jump into my inbox now and get them answered.
That said, please remember that I won't take anyone in midway (no, not even if you buy me free tacos for a year). So join in now & spread the message! The more, the merrier! Bring beer too!
Thanks for joining in! This will be promising and hugely interesting (accountability can do wonders, but we'll see). I'll be waiting for you on the other side with my stuffed animals, cIaO fReNdOs!
— Nandini (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 💌
letting my taglist folks know (which you can join here!)
@doctorearlgray, @mintschlar, @procrastilate, @scienceandsarcasticdroids, @sxudying, @hannistudies, @vocative, @studign-stars, @ash-trological, @sweet-bean-study-queen, @chaoticstormthings, @lunetudes, @beingstudent, @beautiful-magicalbrain, @akydemics, @literery, @redvelvetstu-dies, @vivinotes, @jynsdesk, @moonshinestudies, @studying-in-chaos, @thelazyunistudent, @einstetic, @ram-the-blonde-bitch, @a-students-lifebuoy, @studahliless, @inspostudying, @the-diary-of-a-failure, @would-iwasshookethspeared, @coffeeandpies, @artsytourism, @gloomstudy, @scrolls-of-jupiter, @studytrivia, @ristudy, @isatriestostudy, @historicalbeez, @luvjoys, @indiaisstudying, @studyingunderwater, @dianeemay, @kemi-k, @londonotes, @froststudies, @pennyfynotes, @studiently, @midnightstudying, @unicorndoesstudies, @studyingundersun, @wingedprunepsychiclawyer, @tonystarkstudies, @delphinaaugery, @morganastudy, @studiies-psych, @sumastudies, @emrys-studies, @parleonstudies, @acataemic, @studylustre, @adelinestudiess, @sorcierstudies, @coffeeinfusedstudying, @pizza-and-studying, @the-third-me, @scrunchiestudies, @jemsjournals, @jas-study, @jabuticabablr, @khelmatic, @avastvdies + you, if you’re reading this!
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ihaveanimagine · 5 years
For the ask thing: [4. UF/Pap] [17. SW/Sans] [20. UF/Sans] (if thats your limit you dont have to do the rest ♥, or choose wichever you want to do!). [42. LOKI] [45. UT/ Sans]
4- “Watch your step.”
17-  “This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?”
20-  “Wait, don’t pull away. Not yet.”
42- “No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
45- “You’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Underfell Papyrus (Edge)
(Thank you to @lmao-idk-but-aight for the idea!)
“Is that what you think of me? Helpless!?” You cried, curling your hands into fists, shaking with rage. “Quite frankly, YES!!” Edge towered over you, physically blocking you from the doorway out of the house. “You’re small, weak, fleshy, and you practically have a walking sign on the back of your head, begging monsters to dust you and take your soul!!”
You glared and stepped right up to the taller skeleton monster. “I can take care of myself! I took care of myself well enough until you took me in!” Edge huffed and bent down to your level, almost taunting you with his height advantage. “Don’t make me laugh, human! The only reason you survived until I took you in was because of my superior hunting skills!!”
“You only caught me because-”
“Because you’re weak and can’t protect yourself!”
You growled louder and felt tears sting your eyes. “Well if you think I’m so weak, why don’t you just kick me out!” Edge narrowed his eyes and glared down at you “Do you think I’m stupid? That I’d just kick you out for no reason!?” You hated how fast the tears slid down your face as you shouted “Well clearly you think it’s too hard to keep watch over me so you might as well!!”
Edge growled loudly and leaned down to your height and pushed you back inside with a firm grip on your shoulder. “I’ll do nothing of the sort!! Now STAY HERE!!” He shoved you onto the couch and stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. 
Hot tears spilled down your face as you sunk slowly into the couch cushions. You hid your face in your hands and felt despair wash over you. Edge and his brother have been working very hard to keep you safe. They escorted you every time you left the house, Edge would often strut next to you, glaring or growling at every monster who came too close to you.
His brother often teleported you out of sticky situations and kept you busy with bad puns and jokes, but Edge was the one who took the brunt of the work. He always said that since you were the only person to pass his incredibly dangerous traps that you deserved the finest treatment he could offer you.
Which, over the course of the time you’ve spent there, included personally cooked meals (mostly lasagna and pasta dishes), late night discussions about the best way to protect each other, and the occasional shopping spree out in the Snowdin shopping area. 
The first time Edge took you out shopping you were a bit…surprised. You didn’t exactly expect him to be interested in fashion due to the world he lived in, but Edge turned out to be really good in picking out outfits that both looked amazing on you and kept you warm and safe. 
Since then, you’ve made little…dates(?) where the two of you went out for the night in town and did a few activities before hiding in his house again. You’ve seen so many different sides of Edge that he has trouble showing even his brother sometimes.
You’ve seen him laugh hard enough until he snorts, weep at a Mettaton Tragedy Special, and completely lose his skeletal mind when you tell him stories about your life on the surface. But the moments that were the most special to you, were the nights neither of you couldn’t sleep and converged to the couch in the living room to just…talk.
You’ve shared hopes and dreams, fears, childhood stories, and even wishes for the future.
But…that all seemed to have been for nothing…Any emotions you had been gathering for the tall, imposing skeleton man felt as if they had been cast aside when Edge practically screamed at you for being helpless…
The tears had stopped a while ago and you were left clutching an old, worn pillow while staring blankly ahead. You took a shaky breath and wiped your face with your hand, clearing the dried tears from your cheeks. You let yourself calm down after your cry and you found yourself grabbing one of your warmer jackets as you headed out of the home. 
You didn’t know what you were doing but…you knew you had to find Edge.
Your body was on autopilot as you traipsed through Snowdin town towards Edge’s old sentry station in the outskirts. You saw him before he noticed you (which was a first). You managed to get within arm reach of him before he noticed you. 
When he did see you were standing there with him his eyes widened in shock before narrowing. “Wha- what are you doing here?!” He hissed, turning his head away from you to scratch at something on his face with the back of his hands before turning back to you.
“I…came here to look for you.” You mumbled, doubt creeping into your bones. “Well, you shouldn’t have! The Great and Terrible Papyrus can take care of himself!!” Edge crossed his arms and puffed his chest out to prove his point.
“…But thank you…” Edge practically whispered and for a second you weren’t sure if you heard him. You gave him a half-hearted shrug before silence enveloped the both of you.
You both said nothing for a while, just stared at the thick forest of trees that created a border around Snowdin. The silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable but you knew there was something you both wanted to say.
“I’m sorry.” Both of you looked at each other blankly before laughing softly. Turns out both of you worked up the guts to apologize at the same time. “I shouldn’t have insulted you like that.” Edge said, giving the back of his neck a shy rub. “Me too.” You said, shuffling closer to Edge “You’re just protecting me, I shouldn’t have yelled at you for that.”
“We cool?” You asked, looking up at him, a smile breaking out when Edge nodded. After another moment of silence, Edge turned around and motioned you to follow him. “We should head home.” 
You nodded and moved to follow him before Edge halted you with an outstretched arm. “Watch your step.” He pointed to a patch of ice you were about to step on and gave a loud sigh.
Before you could say anything, he swept you up in his arms and carried you bridal style before trudging on. “Honestly if it weren’t for me, you’d have stepped on every piece of ice in Snowdin!”
You giggled and laid your head on his chest with a smile and thanked him for looking out for you. Edge let out a small huff but pulled you closer as he continued on his way home.
Underswap Sans (Blueberry)
Tonight was a night to binge All the Spooky Media!
A nice rainstorm was thundering outside the comforts of your home and you and your wonderful boyfriend Blue decided to have a date night.
At-home dates were usually spent bingeing movies or tv shows while snacking on everything (“everything” ranging from gourmet meals to a gas station donut). This particular night it was your turn to pick a movie genre to binge and you had chosen Thrillers and Horrors!
Part of it was mostly just to formally introduce Blueberry to the world of Zombie Fiction to see his reaction, the other half was to see if this guy was afraid of anything. You already knew he really didn’t fear any animal or insect on Earth but now it was just a competition to see what scared him. 
About two movies in, Blue didn’t seem affected by much of the zombie stuff so you switched to a classic thriller that always gave you chills. 
But while you were enamored by the movie, you failed to notice Blue creeping ever so much closer to you until he was practically burying his face in your arm. It wasn’t until there was a jump scare that made the both of you jump did you realize where he was. You both screamed at the appropriate time and Blue launched his body at you, curling over you protectively as if he was defending you from a real attacker. 
Unfortunately, any sweetness you might have found from his reaction dissipated as gravity took over and sent the both of you sprawling to the floor.
“Blue!” You shouted, trying to wiggle out from the spot on the floor where he had you pinned “Let go! I’m being squished!” Blue’s head popped up and he suddenly let go of you, backing up completely off your body before helping you up. “S-sorry! I uh, just heard you scream and uh,” He coughed nervously into his fist “Reflexes happened?”
You accepted his hand to help you up but you gave him a suspicious look “Reflexes, huh?” You questioned flatly.” Blue shyly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck “Don’t worry! I promise it won’t happen again!” He quickly sat back down on the sofa and glued his eye sockets to the TV.
You gave him a suspicious squint and saw your normally upbeat and cheerful boyfriend flinch when the Thriller’s soundtrack hit a high note at the same time a horrified scream ripped out of the protagonist’s throat.
“Blue, sweetheart…are you scared?”
“W-what, who? Me? Scared psssshhh, no-!”
Blue’s face darkened as he avoided looking at the TV. “I-I’m not scared! Are you? I mean-”
Another scream came from the television and Blue’s entire body jumped and he hid his face behind a pillow. “Okay, yes! This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?!?!!!” He ditched the pillow and wrapped his arms around your waist before burying his face in your stomach right as the main villain made a dramatic, horrifying jump-scare reveal.
Sensing this had gone on long enough, you maneuvered over to the remote and paused the movie before gently running your hands up and down your boyfriend’s skull. “Easy, sweetheart” You cooed, keeping one arm firmly wrapped around his shoulders while you petted his skull. “You’re alright I promise.”
After a moment of silence you added “I’m sorry I didn’t check in with you sooner to make sure you were okay with the movie.” Blue shook his head and nuzzled your stomach before peeking up at you “N-no, it’s alright…I should’ve spoken up sooner…”
You gently brushed your thumb on his cheekbone and pulled him up for a quick smooch on his forehead. “How about we forget the thrillers and binge childhood movies, hmm?”
“Heh, I like the sound of that. Thank you.”s
Underfell Sans (Red)
You woke up slowly, trying to avoid the inevitable by snuggling into the body radiating warmth next to you. You felt a low rumble beneath your cheek as something reached around behind you to draw you closer to the warmth. 
“Heh, mornin’ Dollface.” The gravelly baritone of Red’s morning voice was barely above a whisper as he nuzzled into your hairline. Too tired to verbally respond, you simply nuzzles back and curled your entire body to press against his. You felt Red chuckle again before his hand started lazily playing with your hair.
“Yer adorable, ya know that?” He mumbled softly, wrapping his legs around yours while resting his chin on your head. You hummed in response and softly kissed his clavicle. 
The two of you drifted in and out of sleep for a little while longer before your body decided to wake up even though your comfort level was sky high. You whined as you pried your eyes open to meet the afternoon sunlight drifting in through the window. 
“Afternoon already?” You asked sleepily, still not fully awake. Red smiled and gently brushed his finger on your cheek before kissing your forehead. “Mhmm. Ya looked too cute to disturb so I’ve been here with ya since ya woke up earlier.”
You hummed and reached up to kiss him softly before plopping your head back on the pillow. “Have you eaten yet? We should probably get up to eat.” You stretched out slowly to wake up the rest of your body to prepare for the difficult task of leaving your comfy bed.
Red’s hand suddenly darted out and caught your waist before pulling you back in. “Wait, don’t pull away.” He buried his face in your neck and curled around your form “Not yet.”
You smiled softly at your big, totally threatening mate and gently scratched his skull. “Alrighty, few more minutes then.” 
Adjusting to life on earth was no easy task for your boyfriend Loki, Son of Odin, King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief. But with your healthy balance of patience and loving teasing, he got the hang of it pretty quickly.
He went from cursing at earth’s primitive technology to only swearing at it when it refused to work at him. He no longer used his title and Asgardian power as intimidation tactics, and he even came up to speed with pop culture references!
(Did this mean you accidentally unleashed the event where Loki would shout “yeet” as he threw his knives? Yes, yes it did. And you were so proud of him.)
Another point to be proud of him was Loki made some friends! All on his own! And at the Avenger’s Tower no less!
You weren’t too sure on the details but from what you understood, Peter Parker, Tony Stark’s unofficially adopted son, had straight up asked Loki if he tried to conquer New York and responded with “Cool, cool. But have you tried a street vendor hot dog yet?” Then went out on a quick run to buy himself and Loki some hot dogs when Loki admitted he hadn’t. 
Now the only major thing left was to get your man to wear something other than a fancy suit!
Not that you didn’t enjoy the view when he did wear a nice tux, a dress shirt, or a fancy trench coat, but you wanted your boyfriend to enjoy the comforts of earthling life and that mean oversized sweaters and sweatpants!!
You already had several pairs of those yourself and you kept trying to convince Mr. Tall Dark and Sassy to wear them with no luck. 
“It’s not like I can’t wear anything else.” He told you once “But suits feel more…my style. It’s not as if I can prance around in Asgardian clothes, right?”
You had to shrug and concede but internally promised yourself that you would see your normally put together boyfriend relax in Comfort Clothes one way or another. 
Several weeks passed by and you had practically forgotten about that promise until you came home from work one day to find Loki, Peter, and Ned showing Loki the Star Wars movies. You brushed past the three of them with a quick hello and flew to your room to remove the icky feeling of work clothes in favor of your favorite sweats and jacket.
But as you searched in your closet for your favorite jacket, you found that you couldn’t find it. You frantically raced around the room pulling out drawers and searching through the hamper and tossed clothing on the floor. When you finally admitted defeat, you huffed, grabbed a comfortable tank top and headed out the door to join Loki and the two boys for the movie binge watching. 
“Welcome back, Darling.” Loki said warmly without looking behind him. He lifted his arms for you to sink into as you launched over the sofa’s backrest onto the cushions before snuggling to his chest. “How was work?” He asked before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
You moaned and hid your face in his arm. “No.” You said flatly, “No?” Loki repeated with a small chuckle “Work is banned from conversations for the next century.” You snuggled into him and sighed “I just wanna curl up with you and my comfy clothes and hibernate.”
Loki chuckled and nuzzled you.
“Speaking of which, have you seen my sweater? I couldn’t find it when I got home today, do you know where it is? Is it in the wash?” You asked, twisting around to look up at him. Loki’s face flushed and he chuckled nervously, his eyes darted down to his sleeves and your exhausted brain slowly began to recognize the fabric hanging off of him.
You suddenly lurched forward and turned toward Loki before eagerly cupping his cheeks. “You’re wearing my clothes!!” You cheered, excitement bubbling inside you “Y-yes, I am” Loki’s cheeks flushed with color “Is something wrong with that?”
“No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
You felt a squeal catch in your throat as you suddenly pulled him forward for a chaste kiss. “I’m! So! Proud of youuuu!!!” You giggled before curling up on his chest, moving his arms to curl around you. “You’re relaxing! In comfy clothes!”
Loki’s blush deepened and he hid his face in your hair to save some of his dignity. “Yes, well…Peter and his friend insisted that binge watching movies should only be done in the highest of comforts so I uh, borrowed from your wardrobe.” You felt an “aww” escape your lips as you smiled up at him.
“Awww, you guys are so cute!”
Yours and Loki’s heads snapped up to see Peter trying to gently smother Ned with a pillow before lifting a hand up in innocence. “I’m sorry!” He squeaked “It’s just that you two were being cute and we weren’t sure if you wanted privacy so we tried paying attention to the movie but then-”
Ned pushed the pillow away and gently placed his hand over Peter’s face “But then you guys started cuddling and being all cute and blushy and it was adorable and I couldn’t help but say so!!”
You and Loki shared a laugh before shaking your heads at the two teens. “It’s alright, you two. Loki knows he’s adorable-”
“Not quite as adorable as you, love.”
“Shush. Loki knows he’s adorable and we both accept your compliment.” 
Loki simply rolled his eyes amicably at you before smiling and nuzzling you again. 
Undertale Sans
Being a full-time, interactive artist was not always easy.
Sometimes you had days where you had idea upon idea upon idea for your next gallery or show but sometimes your well of inspiration was so dry, the Valley of Death got thirsty. 
Lucky for you, Sans, your muse, aka your husband, aka your hus-bone had given you all the help you needed to meet your deadline.
For this specific gallery you had worked with a private therapy office who took cases ranging from student apathy, to heavy depression, to addict recovery. You always liked promoting a good cause while you shared your art and had found the perfect way to do both.
The gallery was to be shown at a small warehouse near a popular coffee shop and you intended to take full advantage of the location.
Since Sans played a big role in creating this specific gallery for you, you invited him to come see it. Naturally he said yes and on opening day, you gave him a quick tour before anyone came in.
The warehouse was covered in pillows of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The biggest pillow Sans has ever seen was propped up on the left side of the entrance and the pillows that lined the wall gradually shrunk to the tiniest pillow he had ever seen to the right of the entrance. 
Sections were split by large sheets suspended by rope and blankets were piled on top of pillows to create “couches” and pillars. In one section, there was a black box labeled “Dark Thoughts” with a plaque that read: “We’ve all been someplace dark in our lives. Some of us are still experiencing it. But healing takes time and it can start with letting go of something that makes you low. Take the time to write something you need to let go of and put it in the box. This box is directly emptied into a shredder. No one will see it.” 
The next section had several bins filled with weighted blankets and a plaque that asked everyone to take one and give the blanket to someone who needs it. The section after had a therapist from the office sitting on a mountain of pillows with a big smile. She shook Sans’ hand and told him she was part of the exhibit to encourage people to find outside help and to give therapy a chance. The section after her had stuffed animals with different labels on them like “Love”, “Hope”, “Motivation”, “Peace”, “Security”, etc. A sign stood next to the stuffed animals that said “Sometimes we all need an extra friend to keep us going. Take a stuffed animal with you to keep you going or to spread the love to someone else who needs it!”
From there, the exhibit focused on healing from whatever pain someone was in. There was a section on Laughter Makes a Good Medicine, Comfort Foods, and Hobby Making to provide outlets and ways to slowly push someone out of their comfort zone to open up. 
As you brought Sans along the exhibit he began to tear up a bit, remembering the different times of despair and hopelessness he’d experienced while Underground and on the Surface and how they have mostly been replaced by joy and contentment.
When you reached the end of your private tour, you took Sans’ hands in your own and smiled up at him. “So? What do you think?” You asked him. Sans grinned and gently brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face “I think this is amazing. This is a big topic to tackle but you did it pretty well, babe.” 
You smiled softly “That’s good to hear.” You cupped his face softly and continued, “You know, you’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Sans’ eyes widened and he looked both shocked and humbled “Me? How???” You giggled and shrugged “Well, I know you’ve had a few rough days while I was putting together this gallery so I knew I wanted to do something nice for you. But at the same time it felt like you had forgotten all the progress you’ve made with your issues and I wanted to remind you that big or small, any progress you’ve made is wonderful and I am so proud of you.”
Now Sans was really crying. Big fate tears rolled off his cheeks as he took the hand cupping his cheek and kissed the palm of it before drawing you in close. He rested his forehead on yours and took a shaky breath before speaking.
“If I could marry you again, I would. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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yukipri · 6 years
For the ask: can you tell me about shoreiji? :3
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: Shorter x Eiji
When I started shipping it if I did:
So okay I’m very aware of my incredibly consistent tendency to poly ship Everyone x Protagonist, and even from just the promo stuff (nop haven’t read the manga tho hoooo boy have i read detailed spoilers), it was clear that Ash and Eiji were gonna be the Popular Ship. But then I was like EY who’s this flashy purple mohawk?? And then I was like OH SHITE he’s the Best Friend Type, I’m SUCH a sucker for them??
And then it was like Wait, soooo Ash shoved another guy’s name into Eiji’s mouth? That’s pretty gay (
Beyond me just being attracted to Shorter as a character, I started to REALLY ship them when I noticed just how many times Shorter protects Eiji. True, Eiji’s defs the type that needs protection but…it was just, SO MANY TIMES?? Like dare I say excessive, in the most endearing way?? Their first meeting at the doc’s, and then Shorter literally does the “cover your hands with mine to shoot gun,” and then wrapping himself around Eiji as they jump into the harbor…then it looks like they consistently slept next to each other for most if not all of the trip to LA, and as if he’s already learned that Shorter’s the one who’s gonna protect him, Eiji latches onto him at sight of Mouse LMAO
BUT the one scene that literally gave my life to this ship was after Shorter goes with Yut Lung, and is protecting unconscious Eiji. THAT WHOLE FREAKIN’ SEQUENCE REALLY, but the “If anything happens to him, I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself,” followed up by “We don’t need the fuckin’ wheelchair [because I can effortlessly princess carry him and don’t want to be separated by even the slightest amount]”…like JFC, JFC WHAT A SHIP *straight through the heart* (
My thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
The fact that they are alive and well and living happily in a shared apartment with Ash, Sing, and Skip. *COUGHS*
But in all honesty, how protective Shorter is of Eiji, and how naturally and easily he does it. How much Eiji trusts him even in such a short time. How I think Shorter was so essential to Eiji and Ash’s bond too. Just, SO MANY THINGS.
What makes me sad about them:
SO MANY FREAKIN’ THINGS OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THIS A TRAGEDY SHIP IF THERE EVER WAS ONE???? (but that’s also part of what makes it so, SO good RIP)
(too long so under a cut lmao rip)
The fact that Shorter literally would have done anything, would have died for Eiji, and in a way he freakin’ DID. The fact that probably one of the last coherent thoughts he had was the dawning horror that they were going to make him hurt, possibly kill Eiji, and there’s nothing he could do to stop it. The fact that he was forced to be terrified of Eiji, someone he cares about and wants to desperately protect, and that that’s precisely why they chose him as Shorter’s target. The fact that even through all the pain and fear, any part of him left was probably even more scared about what he could do to Eiji. While he asked Ash to set him free from the unbearable pain, I personally interpret that moment as asking Ash to stop him from hurting their Eiji, even at the cost of his own life. I wonder if he died feeling relieved that Eiji at least was safe, or if he died not knowing.
And Eiji, gods, he never doubted Shorter’s loyalty once and reached for him until the end. That FACE Eiji made when he realized what they were going to do to Shorter, do to THEM. The fact that even if it was the drug’s fault, Eiji realized that his very existence was causing Shorter terror and agony so awful that it was unbearable. The fact that Eiji knows, and will always carry with him the fact that Ash had to shoot Shorter in order to protect Eiji. Shorter may have been already lost at that point, but part of Eiji will always blame himself, because it felt like Ash was forced to choose to save one of them, at the cost of the other’s life.
The fact that Eiji had Shorter’s life blood splat onto his cheek, and only Eiji saw that last expression on Shorter’s face. Eiji then felt the heavy weight of Shorter’s body collapse lifelessly on top of him, no doubt felt warm blood from Ash’s bullet wound soak into his own chest. It was Eiji who held Shorter’s body last, who screamed and cried himself hoarse as it was ripped away from him. And then it was Eiji who had to shove his pain aside, because he needed to be strong to keep Ash together.
But at the same time, all the sad things just make me ship them more RIP
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
uhhhh not all too much out there, but I guess when Ash is portrayed as an outsider? Regardless of whether he’s involved with them romantically or not. They both absolutely love Ash, and I doubt they could leave him alone.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Reciprocal feelings, a romantic relationship born out of strong friendship that remains strong no matter what else happens, always looking out for each other and Eiji being a strong mental support for Shorter in ways he’s not expecting. I love when Shorter gets flustered around Eiji too?? Also, when Shorter’s always concerned and careful, he knows he’s bold and confident and has experience Eiji doesn’t, so he always triple checks and makes sure Eiji’s completely ok before doing anything, and it’s sometimes so excessive but endearing that Eiji has to just pull him down for a kiss himself. ALSO ALIVE AND WELL THANK YOU.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I thought about saying Ash, and while it’s true to an extent (for either of them), I do strongly prefer this OT3 together ^ ^; But ACTUALLY, for Eiji I’m going to say Sing, because as with Ash, Shorter played a major role in bringing them together, and also I love SingEiji LOL Pulling up a blank for Shorter AHAHAHA
My happily ever after for them:
They live in a fancy ass apartment that’s 80% bought with Ash’s money but they contribute too HAHAHA. Shorter technically owns Chang Dai (his name alone scares off troublemakers) but he actually works at the hair salon next door. He cuts and styles Eiji’s long hair and dyes the slowly increasing number of gray hairs at his temples black. Eiji’s a photographer and Shorter tags along whenever he can to assist and carry his bags along with Sing, especially when Ash is the model. Eiji slowly develops a taste for Shorter’s cooking; it’s not exactly bad, just different. Eiji agrees to a couple ear piercing. They get married. Shorter grows super old to the point his natural hair turns white, and his reaction is, “Sweet! No more need for bleach ;D.”
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
LMAO Shorter is the big spoon, and he loves curling completely around Eiji who fits next to him perfectly, and it makes Eiji feel super safe try being a big spoon but….lil jetpack AHAHAHAHAHAHA
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
CUDDLING??? Like y’all may or may not have noticed but I have a Thing for Shorter just…wrapping himself around Eiji. They’re such a good size difference for it?? Like when they’re chilling on the couch, Eiji’s seat is always Shorter’s lap (and then maybe Ash leans against them). When they take baths, Eiji also ends up in Shorter’s lap. When Eiji’s sleep and doesn’t want to wake up but Shorter’s gotta go, he just drags Eiji up with him and eats breakfast with a half asleep Eiji still in his lap.
Eiji likes to pretend he’s getting manhandled and he’s Shorter’s body pillow, but Eiji will also literally take any excuse to climb on top of Shorter. He pretends to get scared over things that he isn’t so his boyfriend will sweep him up. He also won’t admit it but loves getting princess carried, and likes saying, “I’m too tired and can’t walk,” even though they both know it’s a lie. When Shorter himself isn’t available, Eiji will wear one of his enormous hoodies and just curl up in it
send me a ship and I will tell you/Give me a character & I will tell you/send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
Please send me more~!  
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Survey #180
“why don’t presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?”
Do you study anything? If so what? Not currently.. Listening to music? What’s the opening and last lyric of the song? "From her throne of skulls rules our queen of endless might / and lead us the the kingdom of chaos where the dark hearts forever dwell" ("Dark Mother Divine" by Dissection). Are you a fan of sci-fi? Neutral. What’s your favorite musical? Musicals make me cringe. Have you ever taken an underwater picture? No. What was your favorite color when you was little? Has it changed? Red, and then pink when I learned it was its own color. It's still pink. Are you a fan of cheesecake? Omfg no Ever been on a ride and hated every second? I don't believe so. When was the last time you jumped? And why? biiiiih I have no idea. What color is the floor in your bedroom? Tan. Who’s the last person that slept over at your house? Sara. What color is the hair on your arms? Very light brown. Favorite color eyeshadow? Black is the only way to go. Do you have any friends that you’ve known for 10 years or more? Yeah. Who was the last person that cried in front of you? Did you do/say anything to comfort them? My niece or nephew, because we were leaving, and yes. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Did you feel embarrassed about it? Mom, probs. No. What was the last compliment you received from someone of the opposite sex? My psychiatrist said I was doing well with improvement or something. Does the person you love/like have any pets? Yes. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? No, things need to begin changing. Do you wear socks to bed? Who the fuck does that. Do you actually love your parents? Yeah. Do you like being in a relationship? Yeah. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? I don't tan. Are you taller than your mum? I think she's like, a half inch taller than me? What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? If it has a Hot Topic, some band or graphic t-shirt. Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Regular, as the artificial sweetener in diet inevitably gives me a headache. Tastes awful, anyway. How long do you need to get to know someone, before you’d think about having a relationship with them? I think this depends on how quickly and deeply you click. Would you ever consider going to meet up with someone you started talking to online? Already have, would meet more. Have you ever wanted to be on American Idol? When was this? No. Do you have any friends you’d trust completely with your life? Sara. Are you failing any classes you’re taking in school? N/A Name one song lyric from your favorite song of all time? "In school, I would just bite my tongue, and now your words, they strike me down. The flags are false and they contradict, they point and click which wounds to lick." Do you know anyone who owns a pet chinchilla? Are they fun? No. Do your parents trust you alone with members of the opposite sex? Yeah. What is the most visited website you have listed right now? I'm sure it's YouTube. Do you enjoy singing? Why or why don't you like it? Sometimes, but I suck at it. Have you ever been in a talent show? What was your talent? No. Do you have a best friend who is of the opposite sex? No. What’s one song you’re definitely getting sick of at the moment? I don't listen to such songs once they get old. Do you know the full anatomy of the human body? Why or why not? No, because I've never specialized in studying it in its entirety. Have you ever cheated on a significant other before? No. Does your boyfriend or girlfriend have a pretty smile? ACTUAL SUNSHINE What is your favorite past-time or hobby? Why is this your favorite? Gaming, 'cuz it's the best escape from reality imo. Are you committing a sin at the moment? Which one? Sloth. Always. What do you consider being the worst curse word? I don't believe in "curse" words. Do you like kissing lightly better than just making out? I mean I'm pretty sure anyone would reply with "it depends on the mood." On average, how many songs do you listen to in a day? No clue. Sometimes many, sometimes none. Do you ever buy your pet(s) birthday or Christmas presents? Yes. Do you still own any VHS tapes? Do you ever watch them? Mom probably has old home videos. Otherwise, no. One thing you promised yourself you’d never do and then did? Not trying at all to be dramatic, but I seriously did promise myself I'd never risk loving someone again after Jason. Have you ever had to call 911? No. Have you ever rolled off your bed in your sleep? No. Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? I only know Tiffany, and she's great. Do you enjoy board games? No. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given someone? A promise ring. Describe your socks. I'm not wearing socks. I hate them. Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes. Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Usually no... sadly. I should. If it was like a butterfly and insects of that sort, I'd feel awful. What is your favorite planet? Saturrrrrn. Do you have any pets that you had since you were born? No. Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby? Yes. Are you one of those people who are always cold? No, I'm like, permanently hot... Do you enjoy Mario games? Not especially. Things like Mario Kart though are fun to play with friends. Describe your signature: Legible but written waaay too slowly. What are some of your favorite card/board games? Battleship, Scattergories, Clue, Magic: The Gathering, uhhh... Do you own a gaming console? Which one? PS2, Wii, broken PS3 that I wanna get repaired, GameBoy, Nintendo DS Lite. What is the name of the last bar you went to? Never been to one. Do you follow any sports teams? No. How old were you when you attended your first concert and what was it? Ummm 17-ish? Alice Cooper. Which one of these words describe you the best: stubborn, impatient, hot-tempered, lazy, arrogant? Lazy. How about these: compassionate, forgiving, altruistic, honest, open-minded? Compassionate. If you had to choose one activity to do for 10 minutes, would you rather jump rope, hula hoop or hopscotch? My knees are baaaad, so all I really could survive is hula-hoop. What's the last TV show you watched, and do you relate to any of the characters? Ash had Naked and Afraid on at her house, but I related to neither contestant very much. If you had to compare yourself to one character from Friends, who would you say you're most like? Never really watched it. What is one movie you saw only once because you hated it so much? None solely for the reason of not liking it. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? THAT WOULD BE MY MOTHER UM LEMME THINK NO. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? None. Nightmares ruined my dad to a degree I don't think I can completely recover from, even with how close we are. Out of absolutely nowhere, I had another one that resulted in me jerking awake and literally giving out a short scream. I feel in my heart I should fully trust my dad and that his image is wrongly affected by my own fears, but I'm not very sure how to change that. Ever used a bow and arrow? Not a real one. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Fuckin FIGHT me "Picture To Burn" SLAPS. Give me a song that is underestimated/not well known: "Possession" by Otep. Otep songs in general. Does everyone in your family have a job? I'm the only one who doesn't. Name a reason you would most likely go to jail for: Probably killing someone when defending a loved one from being physically attacked, and there won't be enough evidence to show that I did it as defense or that going that far was justifiable. I have actually worried about this lmao. What kind of car did your parents have while you were growing up? A blue and then tan van, and Dad had a series of old, tan cars named Frida the Cheetah I-III. :') Do you tie your socks together or roll them up? Roll them up. What was your last bad date? I don't think I've had a bad one... Do you ever wish your birthday was on a different day? Yup, 'cuz it's occasionally Superbowl Sunday. What holiday would you want to have your birthday on? BITCH HALLOWEEN. Have you ever gone snorkeling or scuba diving? No. If yes, what’s the coolest thing you’ve seen? N/A What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? Fudge. When’s the last time you had a s'more? Some time after Sara's visit in June when we had some stuff left over. Does your best friend have any phobias? ... How am I blanking. I know some of her fears, but they're rational. Do you prefer the taste of lemon or limes? Lemons. What would you name your firstborn son? Probably Damien, or Severin. Do you cook anything you don’t like eating? I don't cook. What’s the last picture you colored? One I drew. What is the cheesiest way a guy could propose marriage? M'kay, it's always a man who proposes, I'll take note. But regardless, idk. What’s the first instrument you ever played? A recorder. Do you have an attic? A small one. Have you ever lived in the country before? My whole life. Do you drink coffee every day? No, I hate coffee. Have you ever stayed in a suite? No. Do you take good pictures? Sometimes, though I suck at manual mode because it's hard for me to tell when things are *perfectly* in focus. Have you ever been in a tornado or hurricane? Hurricanes. Do you have any bookmarks in your internet browser? If so, how many? Four. Do you know anyone in the military right now? I believe so. What’s your favorite show on Comedy Central? Don't watch it. How old is the oldest person you know? Uhhhh... late 80s? Early 90s? Do you usually go to sleep before or after the people you’re living with? Varies. Which band has the best name, in your opinion? Cradle of Filth is badass. Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with? Have, none, had, Jason. Do you like where your house is located? No. What’s the best hotel you’ve been to? One right by the beach. Are you into designer clothes? Nope, forget those prices. The only I plan on buying something from sometime is Cloak out of relentless support for The Man and The Apprentice. Have you ever done any internship? No. What’s your favorite store? (other than Hot Topic) Do not attack me like this. But anyway, Rebel's Market. What do you think about tattoos on women? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck you. Have the cops ever gotten onto you for anything before? No. Do you have a Myspace? And if so what is your screen name? It probably still exists, and idk. Do you have a YouTube? Yeah. Facebook? Yeah. Gaia? Idk what that is. Bzoink? No. What email thingy do you use? (yahoo, gamil, rock) Hotmail and Gmail. Do you own a cellphone? If so what kind is it? A Shitty Samsung™ Do you have a digital camera? What kind is it? A Nikon D3200, but I'm hopefully getting a new Nikon or Canon soon. This camera's just about toast. What is your most common typo? Ummm. Idk. I don't make many now as I have to type slowly on this annihilated keyboard. What happens now is just not pushing down hard enough, so I wouldn't really call them "typos.' What kind of computer do you have? My actual one is a Sager, but the one I currently have to use is an Acer. Do you have an iPod/MP3 player? Yes. Literally had it since the beginning of middle school. What is your favorite video game of all time? Silent Hill 2 for story, Shadow of the Colossus for gameplay. For overall, they're pretty much tied. Have you ever played Call of Duty? No. Do you play games on the computer? When I get the Sager fixed... How many doors are in your house? Windows? Doors leading outside, I'm guessing? Two. Windows... at least eight. Nine? Most are small, though. Do you have any posters on your walls? Of what? Metallica, a unicorn at therapy being told "you need to believe in yourself," Homecoming-styled Pyramid Head, Marilyn Manson, Illidan from WoW, Silent Hill 3, Jack Skellington, a music one, and meerkats. What kind of bed do you have? (fouton, twin, bunk) Queen. Is your bed comfortable? Eh. Where is your computer located? I only have a laptop. Other than a closet, do you use a dresser/wardrobe to keep your clothes in? I have a dresser. How many mirrors do you have in your house? (other than hand-held) Uhhh two? Do you have a garage? No. Should you be doing anything right now? What? No. Do doctors or dentists make you more nervous? Doctors. Did you ever think you were about to die before? Ha, in the fourth grade when I was writing my DARE paper and I accidentally stabbed my freshly-sharpened pencil into my left palm... I thought it was lead so I ran SOBBING to my mom about how I was going to die lmao. Then after I ODed, I acknowledged there was a possibility, but I didn't care to think about whether I lived or died to like... think either one. Have you ever really had a near-death experience? Was it cool? "Was it cool." Fuck off. There's no such thing as a "cool" way of almost dying. Anyway, I got in a car accident when I was young, but Mom's driving saved our ass. I don't know if you'd classify the OD as near-death... I apparently didn't take enough to where a certain ingredient became heavily toxic or something, plus I was fucking drowned in fluids to counteract the amount I did have in super quickly (or something like that), so I didn't really experience an "I'm dying right now" fear like I did when I saw the wreck coming. How often do you brush your teeth? Once a day. How often do you shower? (Come on, tell the truth) Every other day, or if I'm being lazy, I go an extra day and regret my decision. What body type do you have? Um not skinny help. What kind of nose do you have? It's kinda little. Are your eyebrows thick? Normal. What color eyes do you wish you had? A more sapphire blue. Do you have fat lips? I'd say they're normal. Do you have a long neck? No. What are your views on abortion? Ultimately, when all things are considered, pro-choice, but I believe in avoiding abortion as well as you can. Like, just getting one solely because you were being sexually careless is a no from me, but like, if pregnancy and/or bearing a child would be an incredibly difficult feat for you emotionally and/or physically, you have the right to put yourself first. Gay marriage? All for it. What different types of churches have you visited? Catholic and Christian. Who would you want to be the flower girl at your wedding? Aubree, buuut I doubt her dad would allow it considering there's a high chance I'm marrying a woman, and he's homophobic as all hell. Do you want to be married within the next ten years? Ideally. What group are you most active in on Facebook? I'm only in one, a WoW group. I rarely comment on anything tho. Are you ashamed of anything? Yes. What were your favorite Disney rides as a kid? I don't really remember them. What were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? Never been. Have you ever owned a succulent? No. Favorite type of tea to drink in the fall? I hate tea. If a brand were to sponsor you, which brand(s) would you prefer? *shrugs* Have you read the entire Bible? No. Do you make bucket lists for each season? No. What is the next hobby you want to start? I'unno... I guess I'd like to get back to reading. Do you dye your hair regularly? No, it's not something I can afford, especially because I want complex color combos. What makes you depressed? Thinking too much about my current life issues, above anything else. My brain confuses depression and boredom a lot, and I'm bored plenty. Loved ones being hurt or upset, and sometimes thinking about the future. Do you think you could ever be famous? Nooooo, I absolutely do not want that. Do you think you have what it takes to make it big in the entertainment biz? Definitely not. What industry is it that you want to go into? Art. Do you have a job now? If so, what is it? No. What are some jobs you’ve had in the past? Sales clerk/associate. What are some jobs you want to or would like to have? List five. Photographer, zoologist, archaeologist, meerkat biologist, artist. What are some jobs you have considered? Archaeologist, vet, movie director, game designer, movie editor, and now zoologist and photography. What are some health problems you have had in the past? That I don't still have? Lots of ear infections, high cholesterol, insomnia, and talk about embarrassing, but last year I had this random span of premature nighttime incontinence... that fucking sucked. What are some of the best medications you’ve ever had? The Latuda + Lamictal combo is one of the biggest reasons I'm still alive. What is your favorite vitamin? I don't have one. Have you ever made money off of YouTube? No. What was a video you watched over and over as a kid? OH MY GOD so Nicole and I watched "Before He Cheats" covers (why idk????) and she found this one of a girl lip-syncing along to a super sped-up version and we found it stupid funny. Have you ever experienced depression as a side effect? Yes; I have both bipolarity and depression, but taking anti-depressants while also bipolar ramps your bipolar symptoms the fuck up, so of course my times of depression were soooo much worse than they were supposed to be. Have you ever been suicidal as a withdrawal symptom? No. How old were you when you started wearing glasses (if applicable)? Some time in middle school, I think? Have you ever been told you have an accent? As a kid I really did; when seeing my NY relatives, they would always point it out lmao. Now I think I only super faintly do and it's only slightly noticeable with some words. Actually at the reptile con in Illinois, after a bit of talking, a girl I met asked if I was from the U.K. because apparently she detected a faint trace of B r i t i s h? Describe the last situation in which you had to give up on an individual? I've gone back and forth with Colleen so many times that I feel anyone who reads these knows the story. What are some things that cause you to abandon association with someone? Shoving opinions in my face, arrogance, disinterest in our relationship, closed-minded, just to name a few. When was the last time you made a new friend? Ha. What is the most unusual thing within your general vicinity? Ummmm I'm not sure. Maybe my python, as she's a morph? What are some things you enjoy that not many others do? Writing, reptiles and amphibians, conspiracies, looots of snow, foreign music, watching others play games, uhhhh. Are you one who considers preserving your past important? In some ways, sure, but not a lot. Focus on the present and aim to create a future better than your past. When was the last time you had some sort of a meltdown? I'm not sure. Some time last month, I think. When was the last time you were super busy? Psh. I'm never busy. Not always a good thing. What is a quality someone might not assume you have? Serious impatience. I don't think I hint towards that weakness until like, you see me in a doctor's office. What was the last thing you did that was healthy? Got a good night's sleep. What was the last thing you did that could harm your health? Drank soda oops. Do you know anyone who self-injures? Not in the present, I believe. Have you ever had to reside with an individual who had a mental disorder? Mom has depression.
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rem-is-best-almond · 7 years
Thoughts on the Special DwD Event あなたも私もホントはアクマか!?Are you and I both Devils?! (01.05.2016)
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After almost 2 years of waiting for a DVD release for this event, I decided to take it upon myself to use Twitter’s shitty search engine to search Event Reports for it and I honestly don’t regret it??? But at the same time it just added to my salt that this won’t be seeing a DVD release anytime soon :))))))
Note: Contains Spoilers, proceed with Caution though since we all won’t be seeing this any time soon or probably EVER, might as well just spoil yourself 8D These are all based off a detailed Report I read on twitter IN JAPANESE about the full event and it’s the closest I will ever get to experiencing it (which I really REALLY want to) so your guess is just as good as mine unless you don’t understand Japanese then feel free to ask me anything :D
It was a flurry of Emotions even for me, who basically just read a Report for it so imagine if I actually was there???
Basically, you could call this event something that was meant to be remembered for both the cast and the audience and it’s honestly a shame we won’t have anything to remember it by (Except for Event Reports and I’m SOOO thankful to that person who went through all that scribbling on her note pad throughout the whole 2 sessions JUST to write a full detailed report on it, you’re the True MVP) .
Though onto the actual content during this event, they actually went with something like a Musical Short Story with some fun seiyuu corners in between scripts. The event being split into two sessions: Day and Night, have different titles for the short stories similar to how the anime episodes were titled; The Day session was titled “The Charleston of Reminiscence and Dreams” and The Night Session, “The Minuet of Reunions and Farewells”. Though both sessions are basically the same story, they actually have 2 different outcomes. Meaning if you only bought the Ticket for the Day session, you wouldn’t be able to see the other outcome of the story and vice versa.
Like, can you believe it?? That this whole event was basically built on the concept of having a choice like in an interactive Visual Novel and the choice was whether you bought the Ticket for the Night session or The Day session X’DD  Though those who were willing to pay for twice the price for both Tickets get the best of both worlds and Avex (The main organizer) gets them ticket sales yet doesn’t release a DVD for the Event :))) (I’m salty OK?)
Back to the topic at hand, you can say that this short story was something like a mildly self aware alternative timeline set after the events of the anime that was also the producer’s personal crack fic… with its own good and bad end…yeah, this was wild but it was a good kind of wild and everybody cried at the end (Of the Night session that is, details coming up) so :’D
Here’s a summary of the story…or basically the whole story www:
The story starts off with Lindo narrating about the life of the Tachibana family four months after the events of the Anime ( Which is around the time of this event, Avex you genius), he and Ritsuka continued going to school whereas Maria continues her career as a Translator. Lindo apparently still trains his exorcist skills but of course, hopes that he wouldn’t have to use it again. He then talks about the atmosphere around the school being lonely, noting how lifeless the school’s greenhouse was, or how there wasn’t anybody kicking down classroom doors now, or that weird student flying up and down from the third floor,neither is the pomeranian that was constantly yelping nor that weird chorus that came out from the Third Library every time he passed by it, but most importantly how there wasn’t signs saying “Mushrooms are strictly prohibited”  around the school compound anymore, other than that, life was fine and dandy for this Siscon. On Top of that, Ritsuka’s frilly apron was officially his now as he’s mainly the one doing the cooking in the house www
Meanwhile in the Demon realm, Glax calls upon Rem and gives him a brand new mission to accomplish and that is *drum rolls* to host a Radio broadcasting program and win the heart of all the civilians in the demon realm to vote for him as king now that Maksis is revived wwwwww Urie and Mage wish Rem good luck and were off to spend their own leisure time before he pulls them back and says that Glax wanted the four of them to host it wwww Urie tries to find an excuse saying that he was busy preparing for a party with his butterflies and Mage says that he had to give his underlings Training until Shiki, being the one that actually doesn’t mind joining, chimes in and says that if they hosted the Radio Program in the middle of the night, the broadcast tower in the demon realm might just be able to transmit its signals to the Human realm as well which means that Ritsuka might be able to listen to their program and Urie and Mage were officially in with the group lol.
They then proceed to think of a Title for their Program and decided to go with Shiki’s idea: All Night Makai (Basically All Night Demon Realm www). To which Mage, Urie and Rem (Rather adorably) say out the title in a rather confused tone, splitting the three words in random places among the three of themselves until Shiki got annoyed and asked if they just hated him that much that they aren’t including him in their mini charade and the three of them say that there’s just a weird sense of Deja Vu as if they had experienced the very same thing somewhere… like this was another timeline. The four of them ponder about this with Urie noting that it’s probably true as he had caught wind about how the activation of the Forbidden Grimoire had caused several Parallel worlds to occur which resulted in a confused Mage as he struggles to keep up with their ‘foreign’ language though still mistakes Jikansen (Timelines) for Shinkansen (Bullet Train) in Japanese LMAO. Rem basically explains the game mechanics of the DwD game describes it as two different doors that lead you to several outcomes depending on which door you choose and Mage finally gets it by saying that “It’s just like a Game!” (To which I snickered cause this level of foreshadowing is glorious).
The four of them got back to coming up with a content for their program and came to a conclusion that they’d each do their own mini segments: Urie’s lectures on “Amor” : A sure way to gain the heart of your beloved’ (Urie has some glorious English www) , Rem’s “I’ll tell you what really happened back then” (in which he tells you something you didn’t know about certain scenes involving him in the anime lololol), Mage’s ハジゲテイッチャワ(whatever-the-fuck-those-Katakana-actually-mean) NIGHT and Shiki’s ‘Are you shivering with excitement tonight?” (Where he attempts to make you go ゾクゾクするね~ with him). The program ended up being a success and managed to rake in a 90% rating but Shiki just had to pour cold water over the other 3 saying that it’s because they’re the only Radio broadcasting program in the Demon realm LMFAO. The four then pondered about whether Ritsuka was able to listen to their midnight program.
Back in the Human realm, Lindo decides to listen to some Radio after completing his daily exorcist training and actually comes across their Program but doesn’t recognize any of their voices and isn’t able to catch the pun in the Title wwwww. He thinks of letting Ritsuka listen to it but it dawned on him that she was having a sleep over at Azuna’s and laments that it’d be a long night without her XD At Azuna’s place, Azuna presented Ritsuka with an assortment of Creampuffs from Ritsuka’s favorite pastry shop, Aspiration  (In the night session, Azuna’s showing her newly bought pink pajamas instead) when she suddenly sighs in relief much to Azuna’s confusion. Ritsuka confesses that she had a nightmare where she dreamt of Azuna dying protecting her and was just glad that it was all just a dream ;;; Azuna says that she’s had the same dream too and wonders if it’s something that happens in another Timeline ( geez, I wonder :”))  ) but tells Ritsuka if that were true, she wouldn’t regret a single thing about it, because Ritsuka’s her precious friend. Ritsuka responds saying that she too would do anything to save her if Azuna ever got into trouble. Kaze no yokan starts playing and Ritsuka and Azuna took turns singing each verse, ending it with a duet during the final altered verse of the song.  
The scene changes back to the demon realm and Mage has some big news for the other 3. He heard news about the Forbidden Door connected to the Human realm (I’m assuming it’s the Gates of Gehenna?), which was said to open only once every 99 years, was going to be open in a few days and says that he’s jumping on the chance to go back to the human realm. Urie and Shiki decide that they’re going too but Rem hesitates, saying that there isn’t a reason for them to go there ;w; ( Boy was probably worried about Glax being furious at his departure…) The others urge him to be more open about what he truly wishes for and this is where the script cuts to a session featuring exclusive monologues for each boy (including Lindo), talking about the what ifs of their relationship with Ritsuka (kinda disappointed that the monologue was the same for Rem in both sessions but eh whatever, he had a solo performance at the end after all lol) . The session ends with the Reprise version of Mademoiselle (which had the same arrangement as the one sung by the stage play cast in the first musical, slow and rather bittersweet).
Rem finally decides that he really wants to go see Ritsuka (after 4 months of not seeing her XDD) but rejects Urie’s idea of fooling his father into thinking that they were at the broadcast station by pre-recording their weekly radio program (in the Day session, he agrees to go along with it) and instead says that he’ll try his best to inform his father about this straightforwardly. At night, the gate finally opens and the four of them enter it while hoping that wherever they end up at isn’t a threat to their lives =v= (Shiki on the other hand wants that to happen ww) The four of them ended up arriving back at the third library and the music for Warewa Shikou Gakuen Setokai starts playing (cause why the hell not). Meanwhile, Lindo and Azuna are on their way to the third library after witnessing his exorcist pendant glowing brightly and as Lindo puts it: ‘Fiercely saying “Say Yes!”’(Yeah, wtf lmao) when Ritsuka comes running after them, saying that her king crown was glowing too, much to Lindo’s dismay as he had told her to stay at home wwww. The three of them burst into the library and came face to face with the four devils, much to Ritsuka’s joy as she happily greeted all of them but of course, Rem first :3 The trio immediately surrounded her (before Rem could get to her I assume www) and are onto their usual banter about who she had wanted to see first but is warded off by Azuna’s holy water (reference to episode 8 www) lol. Lindo whines about Ritsuka not listening to him by choosing to chase after them and the trio chirped about how that’s so Ritsuka lmao. While they’re at it, Rem and Ritsuka reconcile with each other and Dance with Destinies starts playing, before being cut off after the first verse as Rem proposes that there is another way that they could be together.
Day Session Ending: Before Rem could make a decision, Glax bursts into the scene, furious that Rem tricked him. It’s revealed that Rem’s excuse for not being able to obtain the Grimoire was because he chose to help a human, which Glax already considers a punishable sin so finding out that it wasn’t only a human but the grimoire itself, Glax drags the four of them back to the Demon realm, saying that he would engrave it in Rem’s body to never do such a thing again as an Arlond ;;; Ritsuka is heartbroken but Azuna and Lindo reassure her that they would definitely meet again someday. We then cut to a scene where Rem laments about how weak he was for not being able to confront his father about his decision  and vows to be stronger so that he could see her again someday.
Night Session Ending: Dance with Destinies starts playing again at the fourth verse and the lyrics are adapted for Rem. He chooses to live as a human beside Ritsuka and the trio note how he has changed and are amused at what possibilities the future would have for the 2 of them. Lindo (Hatano Wataru was unexpectedly crying at this point lol :”) ) asks if that was even possible, and Urie tells him that there’s actually plenty of devils living in the human realm in the guise of regular people and points to the crowd below the stage XD Mage then exclaims to the crowd that from now on, they’re Rem’s senpais when it comes to living in the human world ( AWWWWW). Shiki notices Lindo crying but he denies it and says that it was just his holy water and tearfully says SARUBESHII LMFAO (This part was mostly an ad-lib because it was unexpected www). The story comes to an end as Rem promises Ritsuka to never let her go no matter what and that the both of them will walk together towards the future.
Ah, what can I say, this short story (yeah, short XD) was actually pretty fun and filled with all sorts of emotions. The thing that I’m most surprised about is how Timelines were brought up quite a few times in this story and they even managed to have it related to the activation of the Grimoire. I liked the fact that it was self-aware that it could be a different Timeline on its own (which it was, judging by how Azuna was alive in this story and its rather cracky moments) and honestly thought that it was much more ‘Timeline -themed’ than the movie was even though the theme of the movie was supposed to be “Timelines”. The nods towards the game’s existence and how the different routes in it can also be described as timelines was honestly creative imo and it’s just such a shame that the movie didn’t utilized this concept. Although the songs were mostly reused, I liked the fact that some of the lyrics and music arrangements were adapted to fit the current situation and I thought that it was a pretty smart move by the producers to maintain a sort of live musical feel to it. The only disappointment I have is that I wish Ritsuka had more dialogue and that she’d be the one to narrate the first few lines of the story instead of Lindo. Like I want to hear her thoughts on life after the events of the anime and of course her thoughts on Rem and the others being gone, it felt that she had more of a passive voice in this story and I can’t help but wonder if it’s the producers attempt to not make the story ‘too’ RemRitsu inclined but eh, at least we got a live duet lol (I’ll just hope that they’re saving it for a more serious sequel, let a girl dream). Another thing worth mentioning in this story and probably my most favourite part of it, is the relationship between the four devils. They had so many comical dialogue with each other it’s hard not to love them in this story :3  I also really liked how Lindo narrated the story at the beginning with how oblivious he is about why those things were missing in school www. This is especially hilarious if you know just who those quirky habits belong to =w= Glax and surprisingly, Holland (in Rem’s segment of the radio program) do make an appearance in this story but only as voice recordings, to which I wonder who voiced Holland lol (I hope it’s Subaru =v= ).
As for the seiyuu part of this event. there was actually a segment in between the script where they had to respond to comments from the fans in the audience and decide whether they’re a human or a devil in the day session wwwww , whereas they had to respond to comments about the anime in the night session (Reader: Hatano Wataru). I found it pretty sweet that they actually try to make out who was the person that wrote the comment in the crowd and acknowledge them especially that part where Souma asked a fan if they’re saying her pen name right www (They were debating whether it’s said as U-S-A or just usa lol). Like I mentioned in my summary of the story, Hatano Wataru cried during the finale of the story but managed to stabilize his voice when he was singing Unmei no Coda and BL(U)CK BASIS (short versions of both) right after. He explains that the reason for his tears was that he thought that scene with Souma and Himika was beautiful (He’s such a proud senpai ;w;) so everyone starts calling him Mama Lindo lolol (Souma: Okaa-san? XD). The final cast comments came after Pentacle’s version of Kakusei no air (Which actually has an official recording but it’s only available in the 1st volume of the BD for the anime :”D) and things got emotional for everyone, especially Souma as he started crying during his turn ( He was kinda holding it back all this time) ;;; I actually translated his comment but I haven’t posted it here so here it is:
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Honestly, it’s really such a shame and an even bigger Mystery as to why this Event didn’t have a DVD release. So much heart was put into it only for it to remain as only a memory OTL  At first, I thought it was mainly Rejet’s problem but turns out, it was Avex who was the main organiser and I’m just so???? Though I jokingly think that it’s because the cameraman forgot to record the whole event so they couldn’t make a DVD =v= I honestly hope that isn’t what really happened though cause it’d be really 何で神様?!ORZ and I’d feel really bad for the Cast cause the songs that they only get to perform once live didn’t get recorded , to think that Souma really wanted a DVD release as well…
Overall, this event was indeed a special one and I’ll forever be salty that it won’t be having a DVD release nor an official recording album for the event-adapted songs. Why wasn’t this the movie instead?
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katsuragi-yako · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions you’ve been given, then write your own and tag 11 people.
Tagged By: @deviliciious ( Thank you so much!! )
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#1 Whether you have other blogs, are a multi-muse or only have one muse, who has been or currently is your most favorite character to play? What is it that makes you enjoy that character so much?
Honestly, I love playing Yako. She is my number one favorite fictional character of all time, and I truly enjoy roleplaying her. However, so that I’m not being entirely predictable, I’ll give an honorary mention and shout out to Renet from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( either the comic versions or the 2k3 series version ). I used to run an ask blog for her a while back and even a full rp blog for a little while before I got locked out of it. I love Renet to pieces and what made her so fun to play was that she can literally interact with anyone because of her powers and abilities. I could throw her pretty much anywhere and it works. Not to mention, she has such a fun personality to write for. I love my airhead, scatterbrained, time-traveling, dimension-hopping daughter. Maybe one day I’ll bring her back. I suck at juggling rp blogs but... idk maybe I’d give it another shot for her.
#2 What has been the most pleasant experience on this website? Related to writing or interactions with a person, whatever you can remember!
Tumblr specifically? Mmm... Weird as it might sound ( since drama in the rp community seems to happen constantly ), pretty much all of my rp experiences on here have been good. If I had to pick a favorite or “best” I’d say that my Ask Blog days as Renet and Usagi were very high up there. I made some great friends doing that, including someone who I talk to nearly everyday still and want to meet in person someday. Though, my experience with Yako has also been fantastic. If it’s not tied with the Ask Blog days, it’s damn near close.
#3 In your opinion, what is the hardest aspect when it comes to roleplaying? How about the easiest? What do you do to overcome any lack of muse, interactions, etc.?
This is going to sound like such a weird answer but, honestly, it’s the social aspect of roleplaying that is the toughest for me. I generally do not to have a huge OOC presence on my blogs and try to limit how many OOC posts I make ( because my first rp experience on tumblr was a group that had a limit to OOC posts, and that just sorta stuck with me ). Combine this with the fact that I’m usually quite reserved or quiet unless I get comfortable chatting with someone, and I think I end up lacking a lot of... mmm... personal presence? Reaching out to people to talk about roleplay related things is something I’ve grown used to, but I still have a lot of trouble sometimes talking to people about anything more, even if I want to. Believe me when I say I want to get to know the people I write with, but it’s a very tough thing for me to do because I constantly second guess if I’m talking too much or getting too personal. Plus, I am shit at keeping track of time so sometimes I drop off the face of the earth without meaning to and will realize too little too late that it’s been like a week or two since I’ve talked to someone rip.
#4 Favorite threads to have? Long or short, angst, fluff, etc.
Medium to longer length threads are generally my preference because even when I try to do short threads, my wordy ass always ends up lengthening it anyway. As for subject matter, I’m both a sucker for fluff and angst. Fluffy angst included. Give me all of it!
#5 Mention any positive influences you have! From other writers, book, shows, etc.
Haha, my Neuro ( itadxkimasu ) has honestly been a very positive influence on my writing. He’s a fantastic writer and I like to think I’ve grown a lot by roleplaying with him.
#6 Do you have a routine when it comes to writing? Write at a certain hour, do a certain number of replies, use the queue, format a certain way, etc.
Most of the time I write later in the day or in the evening since I’m more of a night owl. Sometimes when my sleep schedule is off from its norm and I’m up earlier I’ll write earlier as well, but that’s pretty rare. As for replies, since I usually don’t have that many threads at one time, I kinda stick to only doing one at a time. Like if I have two replies, I’ll do one reply and then either wait until the next day to do the other one, or at least take a break before doing it. There’s always exceptions, though. I rarely ever queue replies and I’ve been using the same simple format for my posts pretty much since I started this blog. Nothing too fancy there.
#7 How about sharing a few songs that inspire you? Whether they remind you of your muse or just put you in the mood to write, toss them here!
I’ve made both a Yako Playlist and a NeuYako Playlist in the past that includes a lot of music I use to make me think of Yako specifically. But I’ll sometimes listen to other music while writing. I love both SCANDAL and SID, The recent Kuroshitsuji Musicals, a lot of the recent Guild Wars 2 expansions soundtracks, and other stuff that kinda comes and goes depending on my moods haha.
#8 What has been the hardest character you have played? If you have played only one character then what has been the hardest part of portraying that character?
The hardest character I’ve played was one that I felt kinda forced into playing by a roleplay partner of mine a while back. They were absolutely desperate for someone to roleplay as MCU Thor and I felt somewhat obligated to do it since they had tried out a different character for me in the past. The character himself wasn’t the problem, though, it was more... that I lacked any sort of muse for him, and the subject matter of what they wanted me to roleplay with them made me very uncomfortable. Thankfully I didn’t have to do it for very long, as they eventually found someone else and kinda dropped me as a partner. But now I’m extremely wary about picking up a character for anything besides my own desire to play them.
#9 Any advice you would like to give to roleplayers? About the community, how to stay active, how to write, how to approach people, etc. Whatever crosses your mind.
For me, the hardest part is always the first step. If I can get myself to take the first step for anything--whether it be wiritng a reply I owe, reaching out to a person I want to interact with, making more icons or a new theme, etc--every thing after that goes easier than I always think it will. Hell, sometimes you almost have to force yourself to do it because if you’re like me, you tend to procrastinate even the things you enjoy sometimes because idk... reasons. But a lot of the time if I force myself to take the first step towards getting it done, I end up enjoying it. Or, at very least, realizing it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.
#10 If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be?
Hmmm... what I would change about Yako... I don’t know, I really like her the way she is, so there’s nothing I’d really change? If anything, I just want more MTNN so that we can learn even more about her LMAO. I guess if I had to choose one thing, it’d be to stop selling herself short so much. She largely underestimates her own abilities because I think, to her, they seem pretty lackluster next to a demon who could kill her in an instant if he so desired. But she really does accomplish some amazing things over the course of the series that likely none of the other human characters could have been capable of doing.
#11 What are a few things you would like to say to the people who write with you? Any advice about how to interact with your character? What you are looking for, wishlists, plot ideas, share some of your desires here so people can see!
Thank you so, so much for writing with me. I’ve really enjoyed most, if not all, of the interactions I’ve had on this blog and I look forward to more in the future! As for a wishlist of sorts... mmm... well, I still have plans to add more verses to broaden my options. So, whenever I get any of those finished, I’d love some threads for any of them. I’d also be down for a thread where Yako cooks with or for someone! I think that could be fun. Also, just more female characters in general! Yako interacts with mostly men for some reason ( not that that’s a bad thing, of course ), and I’d like her to meet some girls too!
My questions for those I’m tagging to answer are under the cut!
Tagging: @itadxkimasu, @bomba-tea, @gxxdgiirl, @timeovercome, @kcguya, and anyone else that would like to do it!
1. What was your first roleplay experience on tumblr? Do you consider it to be a good or bad one?
2. What are some of your favorite characters you’ve roleplayed in the past? If you haven’t roleplayed any other characters in the past, are there any that you wish you had?
3. Are there any characters that you have your eye on to possibly roleplay in the future at some point?
4. What is the hardest thing about roleplaying for you? Have you learned to overcome it? If so, how?
5. Are you happy with how you write or portray your character? Is there anything you want to improve upon?
6. Did you roleplay before doing so on tumblr? What were some platforms that you used in the past to do so?
7. Do you have a “type” when it comes to characters that you roleplay, or are you pretty varied? If you haven’t roleplayed more than one character, could you see yourself playing a similar character in the future, or would you try something different?
8. Does music help or hinder you while writing? If it helps, what do you usually listen to? If it doesn’t, do you stick with silence or do you listen to something else?
9. Is there a specific character that no one is roleplaying right now that you wish someone out there would pick up so that you could interact with them?
10. Is there anything about roleplaying on tumblr that annoys you? If so, what platform would you like to switch to? If not, what do you like most about roleplaying here?
11. How long do you think you’ll be roleplaying for? Any foreseeable end in sight, or will you be doing it for years to come? 
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foxybluesky · 5 years
How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated
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How to Make Yourself Fart I was shocked when I saw an mail: 'please how can I make myself fart?'. It appeared funny... Like, you wouldn't believe how I laughed the hell out of my jaw. You know times, you'd curse a situation that squizzed out a fart in the midst of many people. Especially when you're on a date with the opposite sex you're attracted to. You don't get me. Have you mistakenly farted in an official meeting before? Loud fart, I mean ?! I'm cackling hard right now🤣. Hands down, we both know exceptions when you'd need nothing than to just release the heck out of the way. For instance, when your bowel hurts, farting relieves that pain. As ugly as fart could be to a second party, it's the sweetest moment for you. And who is damn licensed to question the sovereignty you have on your body system? But something terrible happened in my hostel during my second year at the University. One of the elected faculty beauty Queens visited me for interaction. She was well dressed, and everything. But in the middle of our talk in my room,... Lmao, pardon me to cut the story short. In today's article, we will cover, how to make yourself fart fast, How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated, how to make yourself fart to relieve gas. We both know farting is a natural activity requiring no schooling or any form of formal training. It's without any help. Sometimes the buildup of gas in your body can result in pain and bloating. In such cases, this might help to use one or more poses or other techniques to help the body fart. Actually, certain meals or eating rapidly can be the causing of a gas outage, but the tightness in the abdominal muscles may also be in some ways to blame. Certain yoga demonstrations and other relaxing poses can assist you to build up and release gas, when necessary. It can also aid the relieving of cramps and bloating caused through the buildup.
How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated
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Many of the poses featured in yoga are best done alone. A common terminology "asanas" for instance is effectively performed an alone and inconvenient arrangement of setting. Read: How Late Can A Period Be Without Being Pregnant You can demonstrate these yoga practices at any place if necessary, but the relaxation you'll learn from here is the key to gaining the capacity to release air. Therefore, it's necessary for a person to be at convenience in his environment while learning this. Thus the following poses may assist a person deeming it necessary, to release gas: To start with, Carbonated beverages such as sparkling water can help you release gas that has built up. To add to these positions, rubbing over the abdomen in a clockwise rotation can assist you to get rid of gas which is trapped. Asides from helping you win over this gas, it'll help you reduce bloating and cramps. (How to Make Yourself Fart) Read: How To Get Hanging Breasts Below are a few yoga styles you can perform to target certain areas of your body. This helps you to pass gas. I urge that you give rapt attention to how you breathe, and try to practice deep breathing. With each inhale, allow your belly to expand. Draw your navel toward your spine with each exhale. (How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated) 1. Wind-Relieving position (Pawanmuktasana) For Bloated Fart
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Wind-Relieving yoga style calms down your, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Kindly lie on your back and then take your legs straight up to angle 90 degrees. Then, bend your knees with bending your thighs into the abdomen. Ensure your knees and ankles are closed together. Bring your arms around your legs. Join your hands with each other or grab your elbows. Lift the neck up, and then tuck your chin into your chest or navigate it onto the knees. Read: Food Stuck In Wisdom Tooth Hole   When Can I Stop Worrying About Dry Socket Begin by taking hold of this pose for about 20 seconds. You can increase this for up to 60 seconds. Then, poke your head towards the floor if it’s more convenient. Also, you can try this pose with one leg in at a time. (How to Make Yourself Fart) 2. Child’s pose (Balasana) To Make Yourself Fart
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This particular asana gets your lower back, hips, and legs relaxed. Kneel down and then sit back on your heels. Then, adjust the ur knees such that they’re a bit distant to each other. Slowly navigate your hands out before you as you tender yourself towards the hips. Make your torso rest on the thighs. Stretch your neck's back and then rest your forehead on the floor. You can keep your arms extended or bring them alongside your body including your palms facing up. Make your belly fall heavy into your legs. Ensure you keep to gentle pressure to this particular area. (How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated) Maintain this pose for at least five minutes. For the sake of increasing the pressure on your abdomen, try to make fists by your hands. Put them on both sides of your lower abdomen before you bend towards the front. 3. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
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Seated Forward Bend enhances your digestion, asides from the fact that it relaxes your body. Kindly sit down with your butt on a surface. Ensure you're with your legs are stretched in front of you. Press through your heels and draw your toes back toward your shins. You can keep a slight bend in your knees. After this, place your hands alongside your body and press into the floor as you lengthen your spine. Then, open your heart center as you root into your sit bones. On an exhale, carefully hinge at your hips and fold forward. Read: what happens if you lose your virginity before 22 Thereafter, navigate your hands alongside your body. Then, rest them on the floor or on your legs. You can also bring together your hands around your feet. With every air, you breathe in, lift your torso cautiously and stretch your spine. For every exhale, bend yourself deeper into the pose. Be on this position for at least 3 minutes. If you want to deepen the lengthening, use a strap around your feet's soles. 4. Two-Knee Spinal Twist pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)To Make Yourself Fart To Relieve Gas
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This particular position is popular for its ability to enhance digestion by stretching, toning and massaging your internal organs. To try, lie on your back and then, bend your knees to bring your legs into your chest. Thereafter, extend your arms to the side so they are in line with your shoulders. (How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated) Then keep your palms facing down. Breathe out as you twist your legs over to the right side. Maintain the knees to be as close to each other as possible. Your knees should be at hip level. Use your right hand to press into your right knee. Turn your gaze to look over to the left side. You can also keep your neck neutral or look to the right. Maintain this pose for at least 30 seconds. Thereafter, repeat on the opposite side. As earlier mentioned, certain foods and drinks can also help a person pass out gas with ease. As these may not be a perfect option if a person already suffers from excessive pain and bloating, they can assist such person to fart much easily. Foods and drinks that may help a person fart include: Beans dairy products fatty or fried foods carbonated beverages and sparkling mineral chewing gum water xylitol fiber-rich fruits some artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol Read: 11 Amazing Benefit Of Pumpkin Leaf/Ugu
How to Maintain How You Fart
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Farting is actually the course by which the body releases ingested air and other trapped gasses. These above-listed positions will relieve gas temporarily, but certain moments come when you'd need to reduce the need to pass gas. A number of foods increase the rate of gas that results from food digestion. Beans are popular diets salutes for this. Yet, these releases comprise several nutrients, hence, it should still be included in a healthful diet. (How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated) Read: Amazing Benefits Of Avocado Oil Soaking beans before you cook them can help reduce flatulence in many individuals, while others may choose to limit the rate at which they consume beans. Reducing the rate at which you eat other foods enabling gas can help too. This could include foods rich in certain fermentable carbs sulfur and fibers, such as cabbage, asparagus, peaches, apples, pears, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, beer, carbonated drink, etc. Dairy foods such as cheese and ice cream may also inflict gas, especially for individuals who are sensitive to lactose. Another essential tip is to eat all food carefully and with a shut mouth. Much of trapped gas is swallowed air, which is most likely to occur if a person chews quickly or with their mouth open.
What To Keep In Mind While Holding A Fart
Just as the lady who visited me couldn't hold her fart, certain instances will warrant that you hold that fart. But there are certain forces you can't hold. If this happens you can either cut your diet. Honestly, the good option is to struggle to hold that fart. Best still, if you're chanced, you can attend the restroom to relieve yourself of this sweet shit. Clenching the anus can help you temporarily, and changing positions until the gas shifts in the body.
Farting in the public, or where a second person appears outrageous. Though, it is a normal function of the body system. The best is still to enjoy the shit alone. Asides from the fact it's offensive, it paints you an ugly image, I think. We already covered how to make yourself fart fast, How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated, how to make yourself fart to relieve gas. The above dietary, physical and health procedures will help you to. Kindly share with your friends and family on Facebook and other media platforms. Have you ever been embarrassed with a fart before? Have you been struggling with a fart? Kindly comment below Read the full article
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How many walls are in your bedroom? It’s your typical four-wall bedroom. What do you think about Fall Out Boy? I like their older stuff and my favorite album of theirs is Folie à Deux by a mile. Haven’t been able to keep up much with their new material, but I definitely don’t hate the stuff they’ve been putting out. Do you know where Guatemala is? I wouldn’t know where to find it on a map but I know it’s somewhere in the middle of North and South America? At least I’m pretty sure? Do you find musicians attractive? I mean being a musician isn’t necessarily a criterion for me to be attracted to someone, but sure I’ve come across good-looking musicians in the past. Do you like hard boiled eggs? They’re okay but I like soft-boiled more.
Do you know anyone named Hector? Nope. Would you move to another country for the one you love? We’ve had this conversation before and she has vehemently scolded me when I said that I honestly would, but idk that’s me. Then again, we’ve never been in that situation so I don’t really know how I’d actually act when it came to that. Do you own an instrument? We have a keyboard, but it’s for everyone’s use. I don’t own any of my own. What do you usually have for lunch? Ever since the quarantine started my family has only been having very late breakfast and dinner, so I’ve technically been skipping lunch for over a month now. But before this whole thing started my lunch would typically be whatever my mom can cook, which is pretty limited – fried chicken, sisig, and giniling with varied soups are her usuals, if I remember right. Ever had a pregnancy scare? I would have absolutely no reason to have one. What do you think about the Purple People Eater? I’ve never heard of this before. What the hell is that looool Are you pale or tan? Tan. What's the weather like right now? It’s windy, just a tad chilly, and comfortable enough during the night which I’m thankful for, but the days are excruciatingly hot. Sometimes it’ll be very humid and the air becomes too heavy and difficult to breathe in, and it usually means it will rain that night, but that’s seldom. I get headaches almost everyday now because of the rapid temperature changes, and it suuuucks because we’ve run out of Biogesic in the house. Do you like cats? No. We have such different personalities and I can tell all of the ones I’ve encountered don’t like me. But for the next few days I’ll probably have a brief soft spot for cats because my sister’s cat, Arlee, passed away last Sunday. We were never close and her tail always got bushy whenever she saw me, but it was the first time I had to deal with a pet cat dying and I was still pretty shattered by it. What's the best part about Wal*Mart? I dunno, I can’t relate. Do you think Akon is amazing or annoying? I think neither of him. I mostly don’t mind him. Do you like the buzz cigarettes give you? I’ve... never gotten a ~buzz from them before? Am I smoking wrong? Lmao. But uh idk it’s weirdly pleasurable overall, and now I’m ever so slightly disgusted with myself for even being able to say that now. Are you a practical joker? Nope, I hate pranks. Do you like pop? This is slang for soda right? No I don’t. I feel like my tongue is being cut off every time I try it out and that always ruins the whole experience for me. What are you looking forward to? Eating the box of sushi sitting beside me. Angela surprised me for my birthday and had the sushi delivered to my house :) Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn't breathe? I’m sure most of us have. What's your favorite band? This question has been everywhere recently. I like Paramore the most but just so I give a different answer for once, I also enjoy alt-J. Do you feel stupid when you spill things on yourself? My mom has conditioned me to think this way, so yes. I feel pretty stupid when I drop or spill anything. Are you excited for summer? In the current global situation? It’s hard to feel excited for anything, especially when experts have recommended closing everything down until at least August. Have you ever snuck out? No. My mom would’ve found out easily. It’s always easier to ask for permission cause she’s never said no anyway. When's the last time you were kissed? :( A month and two weeks. Would you ever eat popcorn & salsa? I’ve never tried them together; I think it’d be a weird combination plus salsa already isn’t my dip of choice anyway. Do you sleep with the television on? Nah but close. I’ll sometimes sleep with Netflx or YouTube playing on my phone, depending on what I feel like listening to before falling asleep. Would you ever want to be able to be invisible? I’ll fantasize about it sometimes, sure. What does your favorite shirt look like? Don’t have a current favorite shirt since I can’t go out anyway. What's your favorite scent? Gabie’s perfume or any freshly cooked food. Skype, Msn, Aim, or Yahoo? All of these are pretty much ancient now. What's your favorite time of the day? These days I’m really loving these hours in particular – midnight onwards. It’s nice to finally be alone considering I’m cooped up in a house with family literally all day, and it’s nice to use the alone time listening to lo-fi and answering a survey or two. Do you hate the phrase ''love ya'' when coming from a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah it wouldn’t sit well with me if it came from Gabie. But I say this regularly to my friends. What do you do when someone in the room has b.o.? Look away if I’m forced to be with them, or just move away altogether if I’m not talking to them directly. What movie would you like to see right now? Not really in a movie watching mood rn. I just watched Two for the Road a couple of nights ago and that’s enough for me, hahaha. How many times a day do you shower? Just once. What do you think of the name Chloe? It’s cute! It’s already common where I live so it’s not one of my top baby name choices, but I really love the name and I think this spelling in particular is cute. Do you like Hollister? When I was 14, sure. I was mostly invested in them because Louis Tomlinson of 1D’s girlfriend used to be a Hollister model HAHAHAHA. These days I largely don’t care for the brand. What's your favorite alcoholic drink? I always go for a Long Island Iced Tea whenever they have it on a menu. Do you like 80's music? Like, 0.0003% of it. Just not my decade for music. Do you have to wear glasses or have contacts? I wear glasses. I choose not to wear contacts. Do you play Halo or Gears of War? No for both. How do you feel about cleaning? I think it’s...necessary lol? I don’t really actively feel anything for it, other than it has to be done every now and then. What do you think of emo kids? I think we should leave ‘em be. Do you like the movie Grease? I don’t like musicals. Do you like singing? Only by myself or if I’m absolutely shitfaced drunk.
What's your favorite Jim Carrey movie? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, WITHOUT A DOUBT. There's a knock at your door at 4 in the morning; what do you do? Welp, given that there’s been a recent disturbance in our village where a construction worker broke into a neighbor’s home, I’ll probably be more wary this time around and just ignore it. I’ll stay alert for a few minutes to see whether they start breaking in after being ignored or simply walk away so that I’m ready to wake up my parents and start screaming if they do the former. Do you like peaches? I hate all fruits. Ever lost a best friend? Not to death, but I’ve drifted apart from a best friend.
Ever heard of a town called Wadena? No. Only Wakanda, heh. Have you ever been to a funeral? I’ve never been to a funeral; I’ve only visited wakes. We were pretty sheltered when it came to death and I would dread the day I’d have to go to my first funeral because I don’t know if I’d be capable of processing the events. What's your favorite sport? Pro wrestling if it counts. If it doesn’t, tennis is my favorite to watch while table tennis is my favorite to play. What do you think about homeschooling? Egh the homeschooled kids where I live always turn out to be a bit weird or not very sociable, so I’m kinda biased against it. I don’t know if homeschooling in other countries can say the same, though. What do you think about French people? I don’t think anything of them. Thankful for their pain au chocolat though. Do you like your parents? Yes. They’ve worked harder than anyone I know to get to where they are now and to be able to provide as much as they have for their three kids. I respect them tremendously for that. I just wish we were more open and expressive and affectionate as a family in general; that would literally solve like 9732 of my problems. And I also wish that my mom wasn’t verbally abusive at times. What do you think about Minnesota? OMG nothing, stop. Do/did you like high school? It had its ups and downs. I’m mostly in the middle about it, like I can’t say I enjoyed it cause then that would betray the things I hated about it, and I can’t say I mostly hated it cause that would invalidate the good times. I did learn a lot though, that I can say for sure. Do you have any Asian friends? All of my friends are Asian. Is it cold where you live? Not even barely. Do you find accents attractive? No. I find most of them difficult to follow which is why I always need subtitles when I view anything foreign haha. Do you hate it when people make spelling mistakes? No, unless they act like a know-it-all but still fuck up their spelling. Would you ever let your boyfriend/girlfriend do your makeup? I would DEFINITELY let them do my makeup – she’d be the first person I would run to hahaha because I don’t know the first thing about applying makeup. Do you like to shop? Not like every week, but it is fun to fall down the rabbit hole and start grabbing clothes heh. How long are you on the computer during a 24 hour period? These days I’m not on it for long, which I’m really happy about! When the lockdown started I was really worried that I was gonna be too dependent on my laptop and never close it for the entire quarantine period, but the opposite has been happening. I really just open it in the evening when I take surveys, so that’s around 3-4 hours. Is money really that important? It is for me, and for everyone else in this third world Southeast Asian country. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope. Who is your favorite family member? My dog. What size bed do you have? Just a twin size, nothing special. Can’t wait to earn on my own and buy me a much bigger mattress. What age do you want to be married? Late 20s, if possible. I want to be ready for kids by the time I hit my 30s.   What's the last thing your wrote? A Facebook message for Gabie. What do you think of your town? It’s mostly uneventful here, but I think I prefer living in a calm city cause I suppose it would be exhausting living in a city that’s so hectic all the time. My situation also gives me a healthy balance of busy and quiet which I think has helped my wellbeing. When's the last time you played hide & go seek? Years and years and years ago. I think it was when we first moved into the house and it was still mostly empty.
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