#and then he sends vague notes like 'make this look better' and we get in a 20 min fight mediated by the HR guy
six-of-ravens · 4 months
sometimes i wonder if my neighbours can hear me ranting about whatever coworker I'm mad at this day (....hour). i think it'd be real funny if I walked outside one day and the guy down the hall said "so have you killed John yet?"
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPxDC AU: Tim receives an interesting email from DalvCo explaining why the CEO is not to be trusted- It's an internal email and suddenly Tim is experiencing supernatural phenomena. He knows that the two events are absolutely related, but he's going to let the cutie stumble his way through data points and vague threats anyway.
(Sorry this got long lmao)
Tim is exhausted after a long night of staking out a new drug cartel with Hood (which in itself took a lot of energy from both of them to have the patience for the other- things are good, not great)... so right now he's logging into his WE email on the train to his office because he's incredibly late. And while he scrolls and contemplates the failsafes he has to make sure Tam doesn't murder him outright- he sees an unexpected email from Vladimir Masters.
Tim's curiosity is piqued, he'd thought that Vlad would have gotten the hint after Tim dismissed him at that Christmas gala a few years ago. Most people took Tim's snubbing as a fatality in the Gotham socialite scene- Most knew him to be 'an agreeable young man', and Tim's reputation had paid a small price for making Vlad's failed vibe check known to the room. The tabloids blamed it on the champagne glass he had in his hand- Has he mentioned how much he hates Vicky Vale lately??
Tim has a few stops to go and he's pretty sure that he's going to delete the email, but in sleep deprived inspiration, he decides it might as well entertain him while he waits. The letter isn't at all what he expected.
"Hello Wayne Enterprise's CEO Tim Drake, I'm sending you this letter on behalf of the entire Midwest to advise that you, under no circumstances, come into contact with or speak to the CEO of DalvCo Vlad Masters. He is underhanded and utilizes untraceable tactics to procure deals. We have reason to believe you may be targeted in the next few days and hope that you are able to take steps for your own safety to avoid Vlad Masters at all costs.
Sincerely, 👑"
Tim feels bewildered for a moment and then... Like a cat with a new toy mouse. A game was afoot! He needed to track down these hackers, he needed to be their best fucking friend (find out their secrets & Vlads) and he needed to apprehend Vlad ASAP! Untraceable tactics? Tim scoffs, but the challenge excites him.
Arriving at WE, Tam looks ready to throw a knife his way (he reminds her that Pru does it better) and states that if Vlad Masters tries to make an appointment- accept it but give him the run around. Make an appointment and continue to contest it, change it, delay it until Tim is actually ready for him. The lights start to flicker, both of them notice it.
Everytime Tim gets a second to investigate Vlad in his office, the room's temperature drops. Tim notices it, and having experienced a number of supernatural phenomena, he knows it has to be related.
Tim decides not to beat around the bush. He comes back to the office that night equipped with a Ouija board, candles and a bag of other occult accessories. He quickly finds, upon setting up, that there is now a groaning Teenager in front of him- lambasting his efforts and chastizing him for taking a meeting with Vlad. Did he not get the fuckin memo??
Tim quickly begins to ask his questions, grateful to not have to deal with the party game board, and takes diligent notes.
"Right, so, you're just a concerned citizen ghost who knows what kind of nefarious deeds Vlad gets up to, how?" ---
Danny is losing his shit. Here he is, having done all the ground work to tell this guy not to meet with Vlad and he's already got him on the schedule! Danny took a page from Technus' book and transported himself alongside the short email. He didn't get this guy at all! Tim was like, basically the same age and clearly super fucking smart, why was he acting like this was a fucking birthday gift? Scratch that, the dude has a Ouija Board- it's like a lame ass birthday party in here!
Danny cannot help himself but return to the visible spectrum and give this guy a talking to- Which, the atmosphere of a birthday party still doesn't change, for ancient's sake this guy is taking notes with a megawatt smile! He's smiling! Danny just described Vlad taking down like, three American dynasties and the dude is nodding his head along gleefully.
Then suddenly, Danny realizes that he might be on the chopping block. Tim asks his first question and it's not about Vlad at all.
"Er, yeah. Just a concerned ghost citizen." Danny cringes.
"Right, and that's why you hacked into the Mayor of your town's email... Right Tucker?"
Danny blanches, not because the guy knew about Amity Park, but because apparently Tucker's online persona had been compromised. SHIT.
"Uh, I'm not Tucker." Danny attempts to lie- why was he so bad at lying again?!
"Of course you aren't, he's currently playing doomed, but it would have been smart to take the out I offered you. Do you want to tell me your name or do you want me to throw out another random guess? You should know that I've done my homework."
"...It's Danny."
"Certainly not Danny Fenton? Who is, sorry to say it, heir to DalvCo? The same one who totally doesn't have a school record of absences equivalent to well documented town hauntings?"
"Yep." Danny cringes, and giving up the goat, transforms back into his human self, "But seriously dude, you can't meet with Vlad. He'll just... take it all."
Tim blinks at him a few times, and his cheeks flush. Danny desperately tries to ignore that response as well as his own (he knows his ears are red, sue him).
"Right. Well, how would you like an internship? First order of business would be meeting with me and my PA Tam and helping us play ball." The guy has a feral grin. The grin kind of scares Danny, it definitely annoys him and a small part of him is curiously charmed.
"Dude you're not hearing me-" Danny tries before being cut off.
"Yeah yeah, supernatural bullshit is involved, Got that." Tim waves him off. Okay never mind, not charmed at all, Danny is completely annoyed.
"I swear to all the ancients-" Danny has to stop himself to calm down, "Dude consider yourself fucking haunted. I'm not helping you with a suicide mission to talk to the creep and I will be making your ass miserable for deciding to go down this path."
"Is that a promise?" Tim is basically batting his eyelashes at Danny and Danny is desperately trying to ignore that.
"Bet." And then he goes invisible.
"That's cute, pretending to leave me." Tim smirks and Danny can't help but let out an exasperated groan.
As it turns out, Tim is incredibly difficult to spook and his normal haunting methods are not fucking working. Has this guy just, like, seen every single horror movie?
Tim knows this is going to be fun, even if it means not going out as Red Robin for a while... Maybe he should get back into his night photography and give the guy a chance to enhance the creepiness of Gotham? Maybe start going to restaurants alone and get the guy to join him at a secluded two person table? Tim has plans on plans on plans.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
coparenting!megumi with satoru where one of you gets lost after school supply shopping it's not the actual child that gets lost
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"megs, where's satoru?"
"i thought he was with you."
"that's a problem, then, because he hasn't been with me for the past ten minutes." you plop down next to him, sliding your sunglasses to the top of your head and taking in the busy park in front of you. the weather was comfortable today, cool enough that you weren't sweating but warm enough to have megumi's ice cream dripping down the cone toward his little fingers. you wordlessly hand him a napkin and he takes it without looking at you, continuing to observe the people throwing around a frisbee or having a picnic in the sunshine. there was a playground on the other side of the field and you could vaguely make out the blurry forms of children running about. "you can go play, if you want. i can stay and watch the stuff."
"i don't really want to," he replies. "i like sitting here with you." the corner of your mouth turns up into a smile. he was barely big enough for his legs to touch the ground and he absentmindedly kicked his feet back and forth under the bench. "do we need to go anywhere else today?"
"i don't think so, no. i think we got everything that you'll need for next week." he nods in assent and the toes of his shoes brush against the plastic grocery bags holding his new school supplies.
you could tell megumi was excited, in his own quiet way, when the car pulled into the parking lot of the store. as much as he acted as the bane of satoru's existence, you knew he liked spending time with both of you. you stopped satoru with a gentle hand on his shoulder when his lanky legs ran for a cart, gesturing toward megumi heading down the first aisle, basket in hand. you barely had to do anything for most of the trip; at most, you'd remind the boy of a specific type of pencil or notebook he needed and provide feedback if he was split between two different designs. any additions by satoru were pointedly ignored by the boy unless they were reiterated by you. "if you need anything else, just let satoru know and he'll bring it to your school."
"you can't drop it off instead?"
"i know i usually do, but i have an assignment that's sending me out of town. you'll have to make do with your esteemed mentor for a bit." you smirk and nudge his shoulder with your elbow, chuckling softly when he frowns. it was a little funny, seeing a child have the expression of a businessman desperately waiting for retirement. "what is it, megs?"
"he scares all my teachers." you choke on the sip you take from your bottle, jolting forward and laugh-coughing your way to normal breathing again. it didn't surprise you, what megumi said; it was the incredibly straightforward, slightly amused note in his voice that had water going down the wrong pipes. "i'm serious. whenever you're visiting, people always gush about how well you take care of me."
"and when satoru comes around?"
"they hide." a prideful noise escapes your throat and the two of you have identical smirks as you sit on the bench. your eyes carefreely scan the field for any bright white hair or screams of commotion that could indicate your boyfriend's presence, but there are no such things. nonetheless, you're not worried. he always found his way back to you somehow.
at least, that's what you think.
you feel the telltale buzz-buzz-buzz of your phone in your back pocket and roll your eyes when you see the caller id.
"i'm lost."
"mmm, poor baby," you deadpan, glancing at megumi to see a small smile on his face.
"aren't you going to come find me?" his voice is teasingly playful, implying that he disappeared on purpose just for the hell of it.
"i'm not playing hide and seek with you, satoru. just come back to the ice cream cart."
"but it's so much more fun if you come get me instead," he argues, his voice slightly too insistent for you to think that he's joking. he better be kidding.
"okay, fine. i actually don't know where the hell i am." he is not kidding.
you sigh, standing and taking megumi's hand. "just retrace your steps, sweetheart." you stand and walk a random direction in hopes that your navigationally-challenged boyfriend would find his way to you. the plastic handle of the store bag digs into the crook of your elbow as you continue to hold the phone up to your ear. "can you describe your surroundings?"
"uh, trees."
"those are everywhere, satoru. we're in a park." you can't help the giggle that escapes your lips towards the tail end of your sentence. the irony of the most powerful human on earth being lost in a park was priceless. "any specific monuments or something that i can head to?"
"there's a big field-"
"again, baby, this is a park. look, i'm just gonna do the thing. if you can't find us from that, you might need to rethink your career choice." megumi stifles a snicker from next to you and you abruptly hang up, cutting off the distorted protests blaring from your phone. you have a seat on the grass and megumi mirrors your position, taking your hand when you offer it to him. "just like we practiced, okay?" he sighs impatiently, but you knew it wasn't you he was irritated with. "alright, i'll go first and then you add on to me, yeah?"
stretching your neck from side to side, you close your eyes and slowly channel more cursed energy until it engulfs your entire body. soon, you feel megumi's faint but determined aura bump against yours. after less than a minute, instinct tells you that satoru received your beacon and you look over your shoulder to see him strolling casually across the lawn. he's tall enough that, when he finally stands above you and megumi, he blocks out most of the sun. you can barely see his eyes, but you know he can see the exasperation on your face. he merely beams at you like you produced the oxygen he was breathing.
"found you."
"took you long enough." he effortlessly pulls you up from the ground and you stumble, nearly slamming into his chest. "where did you end up going, anyway?"
"there's an old daycare center towards the back of the park. sensed something there and wanted to kill it before it bothered us," he explains, humming when you brush your fingers over the fabric covering his eyes. he delicately takes your hand and presses light kisses to your knuckles, so dotingly you'd think either of you had just come back from war. you're about to kiss him properly when a small voice clears its throat some ways below you. your face heats, suddenly remembering megumi is still there.
"are we ready to go, or should i give you two a few minutes?" satoru's jaw drops in indignancy.
"watch it, megs, or i'm gonna have satoru be the one dropping off all of your things during the school year." your hand ruffles the black spikes of his hair and he pouts.
"please don't."
"wait, what's wrong with me bringing your things?" megumi exhales tiredly like he'd clocked out of his 9-5 and walks ahead to the parking lot. you and satoru lag behind, his arm wrapped around your waist and matching his steps with yours.
"i'll explain in the car. will you be able to find it okay, lost child?" you raise your eyebrows patronizingly, putting on your best doe-eyed gaze. he scoffs, but you're not done making fun of him just yet. "whatever shall i do if you were to suddenly disappear? i may be forced to find another...suitor." you bat your eyelashes dramatically and you can see his eyes rolling behind his blindfold.
"ha, ha. very funny." his hands ever so slightly squeeze the flesh around your hip and you jump. "now i know how it feels when i start reciting shakespeare over minor inconveniences." you laugh and melt a little when his thumb draws apologetic little circles on your waist. god, he's so in love with you.
"i'm surprised you didn't start monologuing on the phone. it worried me."
"you don't ever need to worry about finding me because i'll always come back."
"you promise?"
"on the moon and the stars."
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prompt is from @youneedsomeprompts because coparenting megumi inspiration comes and goes from my mind like an endangered species :))
hope you enjoyed ! likes, reblogs, and feedback are always appreciated <3
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hwallazia · 6 months
WE KNOW II – 박성화
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synopsis . in which you should’ve known better before messing up with park seonghwa. | PART ONE
pairing . park seonghwa & fem! reader
genre . smut (mdni!), some fluff at the end (yes i’m guilty), mafia!au, strangers to acquaintances?
taglist . @bro-atz @hrts4nohee | apply to join my taglist ♡
word count . 3k
DISCLAIMER! mean dom!seonghwa, sub! reader, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl!), slight degradation (reader is referred as “slut” & “whore” only once), nicknames (baby, beautiful, princess, darling & more), daddy kink, bulge kink?, oral sex (m & f receiving), non-explicit aftercare, cowgirl position, lmk if I missed anything!
NIC’S NOTES and here she isss! sorry I took so long, I swear I literally dug that idea out of my head also, this may have a ridiculous amount of mistakes, but I’ll reread it soon and correct them. but well, the important thing is that she’s finally here! so I hope you enjoy it ♡
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Your instincts and little motor ability guided you, as your legs were severely numb from the number of sensations that overwhelmed your body. A gentle grip on your waist kept you sane and stable, making your feet advance in confusion without knowing their destination. Your eardrum was becoming more and more sensitive to the warm air that Seonghwa released through his mouth and nostrils. Little by little, you were melting into his touch.
“Don’t faint just yet, beautiful,” His intoxicating tone of voice flushing your skin. “We have quite the night up ahead.”
Your dizzy head tried to send a warning signal to your vague and rather sleepy neurons. You were about to plunge into an even bigger problem than the one you already had on your back and you weren't realizing it.
Your nervousness and numb limbs were fogging your brain up, leaving a very submissive you as a result, vulnerable to Seonghwa’s touch.
You suddenly stopped walking, your head and trunk wobbling slightly from the abrupt stop. You watched as the man’s hand reached for the door handle to turn it and lead you to a dark, cool room. The cold air condensed your tremors and you blinked a few times to allow your eyes to get used to the darkness that surrounded you and thus try to decipher Seonghwa’s intentions.
You heard the lock and instinctively turned around, finding yourself with the closed door and the masculine and slender silhouette of Seonghwa, his face being blurred by the lack of lighting. “Hm, it’s been a while since I’ve done this,” You heard his hoarse, deep voice. “Looks like I’m in luck.”
You watched as he approached you dangerously, a devilish smirk adorning his plump lips. Your breathing hitched for a few seconds as you felt him rest his long hands on your hips, his penetrating gaze peering through your soul and stabbing daggers into it. Your eyes were caught in a funny loop between seeing his eyes and his lips.
“Where should I start?” His hands went up from your hips to your back, one of them rubbing your bare shoulder and the other playing with the zipper of your elegant dress. Both making a collective effort to strip you of the silk fabric. “Normally, I’d ask if you’re okay with all this,” He tilted his head slightly to let out a soft sigh. “But you didn’t come here with good intentions, didn’t you?”
“I can’t give you a nice night if you didn’t either, love.” Finally, your dress slid down your body smoothly, your divine figure at Seonghwa’s mercy. Chills ran down your spine when you felt him curse under his breath, but you went icy the moment he abruptly brought your lips together in a kiss. There was so much hate in it and so much lust and a lot of things that weren’t exactly said and wouldn’t be if it were up to the two of you.
The abruptness of the kiss made you release a gasp, perfect for Seonghwa to insert his tongue into your oral cavity, a whine coming out of you in response. That kiss left your head spinning and a dangerous pool of heat was starting to build up down there. Your lips parted for a second to catch some breath, “Do it again. Please.”
Your request caused a shit-eating grin to decorate Seonghwa’s face. Some sense of power filling his ego up. He wasted no time in picking you up, placing his hands on your buttocks for support, and guiding you to the large bed in the meantime. A faint whimper was heard, as with your legs partially spread Seonghwa was likely to notice the embarrassing wetness staining your underwear, which you knew he would soon remove with his own hands. However, you had already made a home in his arms, you felt comfortable and immune to any harm in his strong arms.
Once he left you spread out on the bed, you resumed the sizzling kiss and the desire that had been on hold for a few seconds soon dominated your behavior. Your arms had already caught the sides of Seonghwa’s neck, and his hands had already taken up the habit of groping your waist and breasts.
“Fuck, I can do this all night long. Touch you like this,” He whispered breathlessly, a cool breeze making your skin crawl even when the atmosphere was suffocating enough for a normal person to sweat. “Wanna taste you so badly though..”
A soft whine from you was heard, causing Seonghwa to smirk. You were so vulnerable to every word, sigh, command. That man was becoming your new addiction, one you never wanted to get out of.
His hands ran all over your leg, creating a new constellation as he dragged his phalanges over every single mole and mark he met at the moment; your breath hitching every time. Seonghwa absolutely loved how pliant you were under his fingers, how submissive you could become if he pushed the right buttons. And how your thighs shuddered in excitement when his mouth was finally positioned in front of your cunt? His sanity was gone by then.
And speaking about buttons. He pressed the one that made your lips release a satisfied sigh. 
“S-seonghwa,” You squirmed under him, his arms flexing at your breathless cry. “Please.”
“Hmm, you’re not very patient, are you?” A silent whimper was heard as just a vague breath as his lips pressed a kiss against your inner thigh; his hands stroking it fondly. “Behave. And then I’ll give you what you want.”
You nodded vigorously, your senseless state preventing you from formulating any coherent sentences. But Seonghwa was apparently not satisfied with your answer, his palm flattening against your outer thigh after mercilessly smacking it; a loud moan coming from you in response. “Answer me, you bitch.”
“Y-yes! Hmgh, yes daddy..” You stuttered under your breath, your mind being too fucked out to realize what had just left your lips.
“You into that?” A low chuckle coming out of him, not believing your words. “Fine, I can work with that.”
Finally, he dived in, his tongue starting to swim in your wetness; a nasty sound resonating all over the room. The only possible reaction for your body was to arch your back, stretch your legs, and open them even more; surrendering to the malicious pleasure that was being provided to you by Seonghwa. That’s when you decided to give in to desire and Seonghwa and his dirty fantasies.
His tongue swirling and lapping your clit made you see stars; you swore you could hear colors. Its tip was reaching spots you didn’t even know existed, his tongue pressing exquisitely against your pleasure button. Your hips studdered in attempts to move away from the mattress, but Seonghwa’s strong hands restricted any movement.
Your hands clung to the silk sheets as if your life depended on it; your knuckles turning a pinkish white. For some reason, you didn’t dare to tangle his silky hair between your fingers, something was stopping you. Seonghwa was doing an excellent job of making you see the stars and planets, you couldn’t ask for more. Right?
Your moans gradually grow louder and the wet squelching sounds of dripping center bounce on the walls, “More, Hwa. Please.” You released a broken sob; your breath quivering, nails now digging into your palm.
“So fucking greedy.” His husky voice and dark chuckle resonated inside your eardrums, “What do you want, love? My fingers?”
A bothered and childish mhm from you was heard. “Want your cock.”
You glanced down at him, meeting his dark gaze. You almost fainted when you saw him between your legs, his large pupils dilated by the ecstasy, the corner of his lips stained by your wetness. He looked so docile beneath you, but you knew that with just one command from him, you would get on all fours and a dog collar would magically appear around your neck. 
‘If I come out of this alive, it would be interesting to try it’, you thought.
“Well, aren’t you a needy little whore?” He separated from your cunt to move up to your lips and seal your protests. His tongue, once again, dominating your thoughts and mouth, “But you’re not in control tonight, sweetheart.” 
You felt how, in an agile movement, his hand grasped your hair, taking a fistful of it, forcing you to stand up and allowing Seonghwa to manipulate you like a doll. 
“On your knees, doll.” His hand grabbed your hair in such a way that you could observe every feature of his face; of course it hurt you, but you were so lost in studying those irises, deep like the ocean, that nose, perfectly sculpted, that frown that you even considered cute, and those lips, so hot that you could burn yourself to hell with just one caress.
The pain began to get more intense, so you knelt and sighed internally as you felt his grip loosen up a little. You were face to face with his prominent erection, struggling to come out of the uncomfortable fabric that had imprisoned it for so long.
Your eyebrows fluttered as you looked up at him. His frown and swollen lips constituted his twisted face; his hands working hard and desperately trying to remove the garment. His pants pooled down his ankles and his length shot out, hitting and bouncing against your nose.
“Come on, baby. Suck it like a good girl.” His fingers traced a funny line all along your scalp, holding your hair in a ponytail; his leaking tip right on your lips
And you were more than happy to oblige. You parted your lips widely enough so that at least half of his length entered your oral cavity; you were well aware that there was no physical law or mathematical rule that would allow you to put his whole cock in your mouth, but you would do everything you could to return the favor and make him feel as good as he made you feel.
You heard Seonghwa hiss and curse under his breath. The pressure he kept on your ponytail grew stronger, but you couldn’t care less. Your hands and mouth were too busy satisfying Seonghwa’s big, hard cock. Your doe-eyed gaze looked up at him and met his tensed jawline, your pupils suddenly turning into pink, shiny hearts.
“Come on, doll. You can do better than that.” His praise was followed by a deep groan, his hand guiding your head further, “You can take it all in. Right, princess?”
You closed your eyes tightly like a scared child, trying not to gag around it. You had to show him that you were a good girl, and you would do it by giving him the best blowjob of his life.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Show me what that pretty mouth can do,” He praised through gritted teeth; his breath hitched, his muscles tensed, “Work for it, love. I’m almost there,”
You complied with his order, sucking harder with greater force. You wanted his mind to melt with all the pleasure you were giving him, for his body to surrender to yours. He hissed as soon as he noticed how you complied with his command.
“So fucking pliant. God,” He heaved a sigh. His free hand running through his silky, now sweaty hair, “You love sucking my cock, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” You yearned, your lips forming a cute smile, without showing your teeth. Your glaze-over eyes caused Seonghwa to utter some profanity you couldn’t quite understand.
“Can’t wait anymore,” You heard him say breathlessly. 
His hand caught your shoulder and gently pulled it up, indirectly ordering you to stand up. Once on your feet, your knees felt partially sore. His hand guided you towards the bed again, but you stopped when you saw that he was the one who lay down first, his back flat against the headboard.
Seonghwa analyzed your state from the bed; messy hair, messy lipstick, mascara dripping from the sides of your eyes, exquisitely erect nipples, neck and thighs marked with bites and red hickeys. ‘A sight for sore eyes’, he thought.
He patted his lap a few times and locked gazes with you, “Get in here and ride me, doll.”
Your body quivered in excitement and you quickly climbed onto the bed to straddle his lap, his hardening cock making contact with your wet folds. You unconsciously began to move against his length seeking relief or some sort of friction. Seonghwa was quick to catch your hips in his hands, stopping your desperate movement.
“Desperate, are we?” He whispered, almost dismissively, “What did I say earlier, love?”
“That I have to behave,” You repeated as if you had studied his words.
“Good girl,” He grabbed almost tenderly your cheek and joined your lips once again in a feverish kiss. You were so immersed in the feelings that kiss caused you that you didn’t realize the moment in which Seonghwa slid his fat cock inside you, a broken moan pouring out of your lips.
“F...Fuck, Seonghwa. Be gentle- mgh!” You stumbled over your words as you felt him so deep inside you, a perfectly formed lump in your belly. Your breath hitched the moment you felt him shift in his place, his cock deliciously reaching unknown spots.
The way he threw his head back due to the tightness of your walls made you squeeze him even more. He had his eyes shut tightly as he breathed in heavily, large beads of sweat rolling on his temple and hanging on for dear life on his sharp jawline.
Yes, that mere vision had you moaning and your throwing your head back.
Exactly a minute passed and Seonghwa hadn’t performed a single move. Your desperation was beginning to overflow and you found no other way to show him your impatience other than by whining like a baby.
“Daddyy, please move,” You cried out; doe-eyed as you stared at him.
“Show me how badly you want my cock, doll.” He muttered faintly in a low voice. 
You had said unimaginable things that night. It couldn’t hurt to lose a little more dignity.
“Pleaseee, daddy. I need your cock so badly, need you to fill me up and fuck my brains out,” Your heart was intensely hammering your ribs; your heartbeat deafening your eardrums.
“If you don’t shove your cock inside me, then I’ll do it.” You protested.
“Do it then. Fuck yourself on my cock, silly girl.” 
And he didn’t have to tell you twice. You began to bounce on his cock as if your life depended on it, your hands using his broad shoulders as support. Shattered moans and husky grunts filled the room up, the clash between your skins being the main sound of the symphony. 
“S-seonghwa- Nghh, ahh! You’re so.. sooo- ugh!” You had lost the ability to formulate intelligible sentences the moment Seonghwa started hammering his hips into yours.
“So what? So deep that you can’t even think straight anymore?” A weird combination between a strained moan and a chuckle left his lips, “I really did fuck your brains out, huh?”
Seonghwa asked you and you didn’t even have the time to agree before another loud cry left your swollen, red lips. Accordingly, he abruptly shoved two of his fingers into your mouth, muffling your moans and keeping them at an ideal volume —low enough so that no one would think he was killing you.
Your mind was completely mush by then; his thrusts grew harder, faster and sloppier, his fingers eventually leaving your hot mouth. You were sure that with a couple of thrusts, Seonghwa would open the doors of an unknown heaven for you, pushing you into an eccentric abyss of pleasure.
“Right there! Ugh right the fuck there..” You sobbed brokenly, “I’m gonna- c-cum, ahh! Please daddy, can I? Pleasepleaseplease,”
“Cum, pretty girl. Make a mess all over my cock,”
And with no delay, you squirted like champagne, staining his cock and the expensive sheets with your fluids. You let Seonghwa manipulate your body as he pleased to reach his high as well. Overstimulation being very sensitive and toe-curling but with your priority being Seonghwa’s release, you couldn’t care less.
“Fucking hell, you’re squeezing down on me- ah! so hard..” His breath hitched for the last time that night; his muscles tensing with your recent release, “Gonna cum inside you and fill you up so fucking good. Gonna be walking with my cum dripping out of your pussy for a week,”
And he did. He filled you to the bone the moment he hammered his hips against yours for the last time. He remained still for a couple of seconds as he felt his cock twitch inside your warm, squishy walls.
You caught you breath after a few minutes in silence, finally settling into bed; both of you lying down while Seonghwa wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close to him.
“Well, wasn’t that supposed to be a punishment?” You question.
“Are you complaining?”
“No,” A cute giggle came out of you, ”So, what do we do now?”
“We both go back to our lives, of course,”
You knew it would end like this. But why does it hurt you a little?
A moment of uncomfortable silence came in. Until Seonghwa decided to break it, “Let’s exchange numbers. Maybe we can keep on talking? You know, I could help you with your work and you could help me with mine.”
A fond smile decorated your lips, your iris suddenly turning into shiny bulbs, “Sounds good to me,”
You settled back into his arms, finding warmth in them. A warmth and security that you haven’t felt in a long time. His calm breathing numbed your eyelids, which were beginning to close little by little. Finally you were immersed in a soft, ideal world of dreams and stars, surrounded by Seonghwa’s arms.
Maybe, after all, your boyfriend was something you could get over with
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A Guiding Hand 8
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, parental neglect, depression, inference of self harm, violence, abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your online academics are affected by your personal struggles but your professor won’t let you give up so easy.
Characters: Raymond Smith, Lee Bodecker in the background
Note: I am tireddddd.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Professor Smith dresses you in a set of pajamas; white with blue stripes. They’re not your size, you assume they might be his. You’re not sure. You’re too woozy to think about much more than your throbbing hand. 
He lays you in the hotel bed as you shake uncontrollably. You’re freezing cold but he keeps touching your forehead and saying you’re burning up. How can that be when you can’t get warm? 
Your lashes flutter between glimpses of him pacing and sitting on the edge of the bed. When all is dark, you see his shadow beside you. His breathing suggests he’s asleep but you can’t tell. He’s up again as a halo of light shines around you. The lamp limns his figure as he pets your cheek. 
“Sweetheart, shh, you’re alright,” he coos, “no need to cry.” 
You’re crying? Why? You can’t remember. Your mind is a bubble of fractured thoughts and vague scenes. You can’t make scene of much between the visions of this man. 
“Fever’s broke,” he lays a wet cloth over your brow. “Very good. We’ll be off in the morning, won’t we?” 
“Mom?” You murmur in confusion. 
“Mm, let’s take one step at a time before all that, yes?” He caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Back to sleep.” 
He shuts off the light and you’re cast into grim blackness. His weight jostles the bed and you feel him spread out next to you. The bed is more than large enough for you both. 
“Professor,” you croak weakly. “What’s...” 
“In the morning,” he girds. 
You accept it, “sorry.” 
“Never be sorry,” he reaches over to squeeze your arm lightly.  
You lay in silence. Your eyes close on their own. You are completely drained. You sink down into a solid void that suffocates away all light and life. When you awake again, you’re alone. You might think it was all a dream if it wasn’t for the bright hotel walls. 
You remain as you are. You don’t have the energy to get up. You lift your hand and look at the bandage wrapped around it. It feels better and your fingers aren’t swollen. You bend them. It still hurts. 
The door opens and you drop your arm. You squeak at the pain. 
“Sweetheart, is all well?” Raymond rushes over, a tray in his hand. “I was only meaning to fetch some of the complimentary breakfast before we depart.” 
You blink and shake your head, “fine. I’m... fine.” 
“I hope you like coffee--” 
“Coffee?” You whimper and close your eyes. “Coffee...” you mutter. “I went to get coffee and...” 
“Yes, that fiend meant to attack you. You see, I did not come without purpose. How could I sit back and see you neglected?” 
“You don’t... I don’t know... you.” 
“Hush, hush, you must be hungry,” he insists. “It is good to eat. You are weak from the infection still. You must take care--” 
“My mom--” you look at him. 
He sucks in air and his jaw tenses. He steels himself and his fingers twitch. “Yes, a woman who allows her own daughter be abused.” 
“She... she couldn’t stop him--” 
“She should not bring the beast home with her,” he snips. “Please, you would not survive in such an environment.” 
“Why... would you come here?” 
He exhales and his eye bats, as if he can’t control it. “Why wouldn’t I after what I witnessed? Then you would not answer. I had half a suspicion you were dead.” 
“I’m sorry, I... didn’t mean to worry you but... it’s not your problem.” 
He hums and set the tray on the night stand. He offers a cup of coffee, “are you so used to being forgotten that you cannot accept kindness?” 
“No, it isn’t... I’m sorry.” 
“And the apologies. No need for it. I am not admonishing you. I am merely offering advice.” He takes your good hand and makes you take the cup. “There is much more you need to learn than accounting, I gather.” 
You frown and look at the dark coffee. 
“If you prefer milk or sugar, I grabbed some of each,” he explains and gestures to the tray. “Of course, you shouldn’t drink that in bed else you might stain the sheets.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you push the blankets back and move carefully. 
The pajamas brush against your stomach and you look down. You’re reminded of the day before. Naked in the tub. In front of him. You’ve never been so exposed before. You slump your shoulders and go to the table and sit. 
You look down at your burnt hand and bring up to examine the bandage again, “thank you...” you raise it higher. 
“Certainly. And who wouldn’t see to the festering infection? Are you not concerned that not even your own mother cared for that matter?” 
“Can we not talk about her?” You sniffle and rest your hand in your lap. “You should take me home.” 
“Home? That is no home. Now, you should eat. Keep your strength up so you can heal properly.” He girds. 
You nod and take a cautious sip of coffee. You’re still reeling, maybe even slightly delirious. You set the cup down again and lift your chin. You look at his neck, not his face. 
“Why?” You ask. 
“Why...” He echoes as he sits across from you. 
“Why help me?” 
He takes a packet of sanitizing wipes and uses them to clean the cutlery. You watch his diligent work. Everything he does is precise and purposeful. And cleanly. He seems to detest the thought of dirtiness and yet you can only feel like filth next to him. 
“Well, it should be a question, should it? It is humane. Decent. So, I shouldn’t need to name the reason for it.” He lays down each piece before he sets to claiming a muffin, then a scoop of the scrambled eggs, and strips of bacon with sausage too. “Though if you insist, I will give one. Firstly, let us underline that point. What you need, what you want, I would be more than willing to supply, but then, circle around to your query; why should I help you?” 
He takes the rest of the cutlery and wipes it then hands it to you. He makes you up a plate as he continues, “you, sweetheart, have great potential. I’ve seen it. And that would be spoiled all for a poor foundation. Now that is not your own doing, mind you, you cannot help where you come from, and more admirably,” he sets the plate before you, “you were fighting against it and so I only thought to lower the ladder for you.” 
You blink and focus on the food. You’re not very hungry. You feel slightly queasy but you would hate to be ungrateful. All these questions already make you feel so.  
“Thank you,” you croak and make yourself look at him. “Really...” 
You don’t know how to say it. You already feel pathetic and you don’t need to sink further. No one’s ever been that concerned about you. No one ever tried to help you. Most people just laughed, called you names, or pushed you down themselves. 
“Please, don’t trouble yourself very much, eh? I have the means to help. It would be selfish not to. A sort of passing the torch. I wasn’t born to wealth myself, or peace. Life can be a war on its own,” he gives a gentle smile beneath his thick beard. “Oh, and I did take some clothing from your home before our flight. I was able to use the hotel laundry. It should suffice, though I hardly trust their cleaning staff.” 
“Yes, sir,” you answer. 
“Raymond, please,” he corrects you. 
Professor Smith, or Raymond as he insists, drives you across the city. He turns in the car at the rental place then leads you into the train station a block away. He’s patient, not hurrying you, and he pays for your ticket and his. You feel guilty for the expense. 
As you sit and wait on the platform, you fidget. You chew your lip and curl your fingers, the burn stinging beneath the bandages. 
“Are you well?” He checks in. He does every now and then. 
“Um, yes...” you look at the tracks, “I’ve never been on a train.” 
“A first, very exciting,” he muses. 
You nod and let your eyes wander. You’re nervous but too much to ask what makes you so. He moves so his leg is against yours. 
“Your hand?” He prompts. 
“It’s feeling better,” you assure.” 
“Very well.” He sits back and puffs out through his nose, “we will go to my home. You can recover there and when you feel up to it, we will go over your last assignment and see you through the course--” 
“Professor-- Raymond,” you sputter as you face him. “You don’t have to do all this.” 
“I am not a man who does things he doesn’t wish to,” he replies. “I’ve explained myself enough. It is unacceptable to me to let you return to where I found you. I couldn’t allow you in such an unsafe circumstance. Especially after what I witnessed.” 
“It-- he just yelled, that’s all.” You murmur. 
“Is that all? He had nothing to do with this?” He points to your hand. 
You shrink and shake your head. He clucks. 
“You are honest and so you are a poor liar. What I saw was more than yelling, sweetheart. You will not convince me otherwise. I know, this is a peculiar situation, but it is your way out,” he says, “tell me, you never thought of it.” 
Your lack of response is enough of one. Your eyes are hot, and your mouth is dry. Your leg jiggles restlessly. 
A lull rises as the chatter of others rolls through the platform. Soon, you hear the whine of metal on metal, and a bright beam shines from the tunnel. The train speeds through and grinds to a stop.  
You follow Raymond’s every move. When he stands, you stand. As he grabs his bag, you go to do the same but he has it in hand first. He gestures you ahead of him. You reluctantly approach the train. 
“The second from the front,” he instructs from behind. “I’ve our tickets.” 
You follow his direction. You’re good at that. As a professor, he’s just as good at giving orders. As you approach the waiting attendant, he reaches around to hand over the tickets. The woman in her uniform tears of the ends and hands them back. 
You step onto the small metal footstool and then climb the stairs of the train car. You pause as he puts your bags into the netted caddy near the front. He urges you on with another point and recites the seat numbers. You find them and stare at the row. 
“Would you like window or aisle?” He tucks away the tickets. 
“Mm, what do you like?” You ask. 
“Please, have the window. You did say it’s your first,” he insists. 
You duck your head and sit. He lowers himself next to you and slips a bottle from inside his jacket. He pops the cap open and offers it quietly. You glance over at the sanitizer. You don’t want to be rude so you put your unbandaged hand out. He dollops it into your palm, then his own, and puts it away. 
He rubs his palms together and you sanitize around your bandage and your uninjured hand. You sit back and look out at the platform. He’s a very stringent man but you might only think so because you’re used to no rules at all. He’s thorough too. He seems to think of everything.  
You look at him but think better of asking what you want to. He catches your glance before you can turn back. He shifts toward you, leaning on the outer armrest. 
“Go on,” he urges, “you can say whatever you need.” 
“Sorry, it’s nothing.” 
“Please,” he opens his hand encouragingly. 
You drop your eyes and wet your lips. You’re going to sound so dumb. “Do you really think I could... I could do something? Like you? Like... like... accounting?” 
He chuckles softly. It’s not mocking or mean. It’s soothing. 
“I do believe so,” he says. “You needn’t fret. Let yourself time to heal, then all that will come after.” 
You sniff and sit back. You don’t know if you agree with him, but you’ll try. That’s all you can do. It’s what you should do after he’s gone to all this effort. 
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yelspyder · 1 year
gnt do ceu, fico tao feliz de encontrar outro br 😍😍
poderia pedir miguel x reader, em q a lyla percebe q ele gosta do reader e ela tenta dar um jeitinho p ajudar o miguel
enfim oq só as melhores i.a podem fazer😉
˚‧⁺.-"All you need is to be struck by one of Cupid's arrows"
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↳ summary: Miguel lives in denial about his little crush, so Lyla is forced to help.
↳ characters: Miguel O'Hara
↳ Gn! Spidey Reader
↳ notes: another brazilian? I didn't think I'd find another one, but it's a pleasant surprise. we must stick together 💪Honestly, I don't have much confidence in my writing, but I hope you like it and thanks for asking.
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Miguel was in love and it was obvious. At least for Lyla. He occasionally glared at you, looked like an abandoned puppy when you left, and was absolutely more than willing to do anything you asked.
What irritated Lyla the most was that he never had the nerve to ask you out. Come up to you and ask for a mission report? That was easy for Miguel. Send you on a complicated mission? Pft, he did that almost all the time. But simply asking you out? He had no idea how to do this, not that he planned to do that.
She couldn't take Miguel anymore with the face of a dog that fell off a moving truck when you're not around. It wasn't hard to ask you out. If Miguel didn't do it, she would do it for him herself. Deciding to change that, Lyla started checking Miguel's schedule and your own. Lyla smiled when she found a vague moment in common in the two schedules. Now, it was simple. All Lyla had to do was make a date and everything would be fine.
Miguel was confused when he got a notification from his schedule saying he had an event in two hours. He was pretty sure he didn't have any other meetings that day.
As soon as he checked his calendar and saw that he had an appointment with you, he panicked and called Lyla, demanding an answer.
"Lyla, what does that mean? You take care of my schedule and I never set up this meeting." His heart was beating fast now. A date with you? This could only be a joke.
Lyla materialized beside Miguel and glared at him with a mischievous smile before speaking. "That's exactly what you saw, boss. You have this meeting in two hours. You better start getting ready and maybe even buy some gifts. People like presents, you know?"
"But I never scheduled this meeting!" Miguel looked at Lyla with a mixture of anger, despair, and confusion. "Exactly why I, your amazing assistant, did this for you. If it were up to you, you would be stranded for the rest of your life."
"I never gave you permission to do this-" "But now it's done. At this point, the calendar notification has arrived and has probably already been read. There's no way to stop it anymore. And since I'm a very generous assistant, I'll help you get dressed for your first date with your crush."
At this point, he was mortified not knowing how to respond. He would never have expected to go on a date like this. Miguel didn't answer anything and just stood there, not knowing what to do.
"Don't worry boss, you'll thank me later. Oh, and the appointment I made is in earth 57, at that restaurant you like to go to. I made a reservation in your name."
After taking a moment to compose himself, Miguel still wanted to argue with Lyla, but he already knew he couldn't cancel the meeting anymore. He sighed before speaking. "Just....guide me"
Lyla laughed excitedly and began to ramble on about which outfit he should wear.
Hours later, Miguel could be seen wearing a casual outfit and with a bouquet of flowers sitting at the table while waiting for you. As soon as you arrived and greeted him, he quickly got up from the chair he was sitting in and greeted you back, offering you the bouquet of flowers. You can barely thank him before he pulls out a chair for you to sit down.
He was slightly flushed in the face the entire dinner while you carried on a casual conversation. At first, Miguel only gave a few short and brief answers because he was embarrassed. However, after some time of conversation, he opened up more and it really started to have a date atmosphere.
Right after the two finished eating, Miguel insisted on paying the bill. He ended up accompanying you for a short night walk in Central Park and, before you opened a portal and returned to your house, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek thanking you for the pleasant encounter.
Miguel was paralyzed for a while after you left, but he traced his cheek with his hand as a small, dreamy smile formed on his lips.
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Maybe what Lyla had done wasn't all bad.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 11)
Looks like we are getting close to the end. Idk how many more parts there will be but I, for once, gotta plan in mind! Yippee!
TW: Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Interrogation, Derealization, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Threats
🎥 You have waited a couple days for this. You wanted to make sure that Henry was alright after what happened. Currently, he and his uncle are out, picking Angela up from the hospital. No one is home, so it is the perfect time for this.
🎥 You place Wally down on your bed, before placing two heavy books on the extra blanket hanging off of the ends of the knot you tied to heep him down. He squirms, looking up at you with the most fearful eyes you have ever seen... on a puppet, at least. Nothing could ever beat the fear you saw in the eyes of Eddie's puppeteer when they handed you the box holding this cursed puppet.
🎥 Speaking of, the puppet opens its mouth, crying out "Let me go! I'm sorry! I didn't hurt her! I think I just spooked her... she tripped on her own!" You shake your head "I don't really care about whether or not you did or didn't do that... Because, even if you didn't, you still hurt people! What about the person YOU filled with staples? Or the one you dropped a bucket of paint on, cracking their head open?! Or these cursed notes and drawings you kept sending me?! You still did damage to people, including me! I have been going insane from fear because of you!"
🎥 His eyes widen more so than they already were. He grows silent, looking around. He begins to mutter "No... no no no... I never meant to... I never meant to hurt YOU!" He then looks you straight in the eyes, the most intense stare held within his own. His pupils seem to expand until they overtake the entirety of his large eyes. "I NEED YOU. I would never hurt you willingly! I thought the notes were lovely! The drawings, too! Isn't it nice to know that your most faithful puppet is watching over you? The paint guy was being mean to you! He deserved it! I even warned him before I did it. I always saw the other guy with Eddie, so I thought it would be fitting if he delivered mail to you! See? I put so much thought into it all so it would be perfect! I love you! I am so sorry you didn't see what I meant to get across..."
🎥 You take a step back, placing your hands on your hips "Oh, you got your message across, alright. I know you love me. You love me too much. You love me to a dangerous degree and you clearly are willing to harm people for the smallest of reasons. I know the boss will probably fire me for this, but I think it would be best if I just burned you-"
🎥"NO! NO, DON'T DO THAT! I mean-!" He looks over to the clock in your room, before saying "I mean... can we... can we have one last round on set? Whatever story you want, you can tell! You can make me do anything you like! I don't care... I can clearly see that I deserve it... I caused so much damage. If you want me burned, I can't stop you. I am your puppet. You are in control, right? Just one more little story. For me? For your good, friendly neighbor?"
🎥 You feel... uncomfortable. However, you think about it for a bit. The studio is far from most other people and since Wally can talk, he can probably scream. It would be... concerning, to say the least, if your neighbors saw you burning a screaming, flailing thing that looked vaguely like a person. So, it might be for the best that you go through with his wishes. "Alright. You want one more story? You will get one more story. You better not double-cross me, though."
🎥 Wally nods, a his permanent grin widening. "Don't worry. I won't. As I said, I would never hurt you intentionally. Let's go! Now! I wanna go now!" You untie him, before slinging him over your shoulder and placing him in your car. You drive to the studio, listening to Wally talking about how much he can't wait to see Barnaby, Julie, and all the others. You tune him out, focusing entirely on the road and your destination.
🎥 You arrive, parking your car and hopping out. You grab Wally, before reaching into the glove box and taking out your emergency key to the studio. You really don't understand why the boss gives everyone a key. Apparently it is so they can have someone open the door if they lose their own? You don't really care, though. All you care about is finishing whatever this puppet has started.
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cerealmonster15 · 12 days
A Special Gift [Twst] [JamiAzu]
Jamiazu/Ashenviper week day 4: Jamil's birthday
[Ao3 Link] [See Ao3 for additional notes]
Wordcount: 3,629
Summary: It's Jamil's birthday, and his friends planned him a party! Azul may have put in a little more effort than he cares to admit, but that's okay, because the twins and Kalim are there to unleash the secrets for him.
“I’m busy.”
Jamil gathered his books with a huff, avoiding eye contact with Azul as his classmate hovered in the space beside him. A little too closely, Jamil thought. 
“Oh, come on, now,” Azul said, undeterred and smiling as confidently as ever. “Are you telling me you can’t even spare a few moments for yourself on your birthday of all days?”
Jamil looked up at Azul with a frown. “If I did, I certainly wouldn’t be using up such precious time to do something for you.”
The audacity of this guy…
Azul shook his head and followed Jamil out of the classroom. “No, no, Jamil… Not for me, but with me!” He said as if it would make even an ounce of difference to Jamil.
It didn’t.
“I don’t care how you’re trying to spin it,” Jamil said, continuing to walk forward down the hall and once again refusing to look Azul’s way. “Whatever you have going on at the lounge does not, and will not, involve me. Goodbye.”
Azul let out a dramatic - likely practiced - sigh. “Oh, Jamil… I didn’t want to do this, but you’ve simply left me no choice,” he said as vaguely and dramatically as possible, taking out his phone to send off a text to someone.
Seconds later, Jamil’s phone rang.
Jamil stopped in his tracks. He turned, narrowed his eyes at Azul, and answered the call. “...Kalim? Whatever Azul said, don’t-”
“JAMIL!” Kalim’s delighted shout was so loud that even Azul could hear him without the help of speakerphone from where he stood - not that Azul was standing particularly far from Jamil, mind you. “Can you come to Mostro Lounge as soon as you’re out of class? PLEEEAAASE!?”
“Wh- NO! Why!? What did he tell you?”
“To call y- I mean! Nothing!” Kalim squeaked. A few other voices giggled on the other line in the background, and Jamil thought they sounded suspiciously fishy.
“Are Jade and Floyd with you?”
“...M… Maybe…?”
Jamil sighed, shut his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “...Kalim, you know it’s my birthday. I know you remember because you woke me and my roommate up when you stood in the hall singing to me this morning.”
Kalim confirmed this statement with a sheepish laugh.
“So I know you didn’t forget, which is why I have to ask why you’re insisting I spend my time going along with whatever scheme Azul undoubtedly has planned over there? What are you even doing, anyway? Tell me you didn’t sign a contract with him-”
“As I’ve told you before,” Azul spoke up in an attempt to remind Jamil that he was still standing there with him, “there’s no trickery involved!”
“Yeah, don’t worry, Jamil!” Kalim insisted. “I wouldn’t ask you on your birthday if I didn’t think this would make it even better! Just come over and we’ll be waiting!”
The line clicked off, and Jamil shoved his phone into his pocket with frustration and defeat. He turned back to face Azul again, scowl in place. “...Let’s get this over with. But if I find out you’ve done something shady with Kalim and caused a bigger headache for me,” he said, stepping closer to Azul and leaning into his space, poking a finger in the center of his chest for emphasis, “I’m going to make it your problem, tenfold. Got it?”
Azul’s breath stalled for a brief second. He stared, wide-eyed into Jamil’s stormy gray eyes and nodded, hoping the flush he felt in his face was only internal and that his growing smile wasn’t obvious. “Y-yes, of course. Like I said, nothing to worry about. Shall we go?”
Jamil stepped back and sighed. “Let’s make it quick.”
Jamil was met with a face full of confetti and what sounded like a thousand shouts of celebration as he and Azul walked through the doors of Mostro Lounge. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMIL!” The collective room cheered, though Kalim’s voice was unsurprisingly the loudest heard among them. Several people from Scarabia were in attendance, as well as the basketball team, classmates, and other familiar faces. The whole lounge was apparently booked out for Jamil’s birthday, as the tables were filled with platters of food and various gifts from classmates. 
“YOU MADE IT!” Kalim was now standing in front of Jamil with a big, bright smile plastered on his face. “Were you surprised?! Azul and I were trying to keep it a secret from you, but when he texted me that we had to go with plan B, I was worried we’d lose some of that WOW factor… Oh, but you looked totally startled when you walked through the door, so it all worked out, right?”
Jamil slowly blinked in response to Kalim’s stream of ramblings. 
Azul laughed and pat Jamil on the shoulder. “While it certainly made the final step of this plan a bit more difficult, I must say I admire your conviction when it comes to your suspicions. That’s a good quality to have in terms of self preservation.”
Jamil rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever. I can’t say I was expecting a surprise party, even with how weird Azul was being. So, yeah. I guess I was surprised.”
Azul smiled. “Well, a very happy birthday to you, and I do hope you will enjoy the festivities. We have the lounge booked until 8pm - unless, of course, you’d like to pay by the hour for any extended time?”
Jamil answered this by turning away and walking into the crowd to find someone else to talk to. 
As the party went on through the evening, Jamil found he actually enjoyed himself. The music - an alternating combination of Pop Music Club’s performances and Ignihyde’s hi-tech stereo - was lively and fun to dance to, and the food was plentiful. Several of Jamil and Kalim’s mutual friends were in attendance of the party, and be it by chance or because some of them were actively trying to give Jamil a break, there was always someone nearby to keep an eye on him.
Granted, some of those people were a little less trustworthy. Two tall, approaching shadows cast downward onto Jamil from behind, and when he turned, he found himself face to face with both of the Leech twins, and also a smiling Kalim standing between them.
“Heya, Sea Snakey!” Floyd grinned down at Jamil. “How’s it hangin’? Ya finally loosen up enough to enjoy the party?”
Jamil noticed out of the corner of his eye that Riddle, who had been standing a few feet away moments ago, was no longer anywhere to be found.
“Yeah!” Kalim chimed in. “Are you having fun?”
Jamil took a deep breath, but nodded. “...Yeah. It's kind of fun to forget about everything for a while. Uh…” He dropped his gaze. This party was because of Kalim, after all, and Jamil would be remiss not to express his appreciation. “Thanks. I’m honestly surprised you kept all this a secret for so long.”
A smile that was a little too gleeful for Jamil’s liking spread across Jade’s face next. “Ah, yes… We all have Azul to thank for that, don’t we?”
“Yeah, definitely!” Kalim agreed with an enthusiastic nod, splashing some of his juice with how excitedly he moved. “I’m so glad Azul came up with this idea, and he already had it all planned out!”
Jade nodded. “He was very thorough, wasn’t he?”
Jamil held his hands up. “Wait, wait, back up. What are you talking about?”
“Your party plans, duh,” Floyd answered, walking over and propping an arm on Jamil’s shoulder. He leaned down with a grin that mirrored his brother’s. “Azul’s had it aaall planned out for, like, a month or something. We made fun of him for planning so early, but he just insisted it ‘had to be perfect’ for ya, hehe.”
Jamil’s jaw clenched and his brows furrowed. “Azul planned…? Ugh, of course… I bet he just wanted an excuse to overcharge Kalim to rent the space out, right?”
“Umm,” Kalim tapped his chin. “I don’t really remember how much he said it would cost…”
Jamil sighed and shook his head. “Of course not-”
“Actually,” Jade interjected, “Azul hardly charged Kalim a thing. It wasn’t free, mind you, but he offered Kalim a friends-and-family discount rate for what he would normally charge for a party in the space.”
“Are you sure this is Azul we’re talking about?” Jamil asked with a frown. “If that’s the case, then he probably wants to hold it over my head once the day’s over.”
“Actually,” Jade interjected yet again, his smile growing at Jamil’s irritated expression in response, “Azul asked us not to say anything to you. We were meant to act as though it was all Kalim’s idea, if anyone asked.” 
Kalim gasped and covered his own mouth. “Oh! Shoot, I totally forgot that part!”
Floyd cackled out a laugh. “He also told us not to tell ya the details of the gift he gotcha. You opened it, right, Sea Snake?”
Jamil shook his head. “I hadn’t seen a gift from Azul anywhere.” 
“Oooh, I bet he hid it in a pile of other gifts ‘cause he’s all shy and embarrassed about it.” Floyd laughed again and swung around to lead Jamil in the direction of a nearby table that contained the presents from the party guests. He started grabbing packages and tossing them aside in search of Azul’s.
“Floyd!” Jamil scolded, moving to catch the falling gifts before they could crash to the ground. “Don’t make such a mess!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatev- OH! Here it is!” Floyd turned to Jamil and cheerfully shoved a small box into his hands. “C’mon, open it right now!”
“Ooh, I wanna see what he got for you, too!” Kalim said as he and Jade appeared on either side of Jamil. All three of them stared at Jamil with great anticipation.
Jamil, seeing no way out of this, relented. He tore the wrapping off of the package, revealing a small, nondescript box. Jamil held his breath, a little nervous about whatever could possibly be so exciting that Floyd demanded Jamil open it immediately… Or why Azul was allegedly being so cagey about it.
He lifted the top, revealing a silver hair comb accessory, decorated with shiny pearls and seashells. 
“If you’re wondering how much it cost,” Jade spoke before Jamil could say anything, either able to read Jamil’s surprised expression or simply anticipating his train of thought, “the answer is likely much less than you’d think… A least, in the monetary sense.”
Jamil rose an eyebrow, glancing up at Jade, then back down at the hair comb as he picked it up to examine it. “What do you mean? Is this something you’re saying Azul had laying around and chose to pawn off on me because he wasn’t using it?”
Jade laughed. “Oh, no. That’s much more my brother’s style.”
Jamil did remember witnessing such an exchange between Floyd and Riddle a few weeks ago. Floyd had given Riddle a book band that he apparently ‘didn’t need,’ and though Riddle seemed annoyed by the comment, Jamil did see him using it quite often…
Floyd shrugged. “Eh, yeah. Azul put in waaay too much effort, if ya ask me. Goin’ diving for pearls and shells by himself on the weekends, and even learnin’ the magic he needed to put the whole thing together.”
“Awww!” Kalim clasped his hands together and stared adoringly down at the hair comb as if it were a newborn kitten. “It’s SO sweet that Azul would do that for you!”
Jamil’s response was less dignified as he sputtered out his words. “Wh- he- What? You expect me to believe that Azul Ashegrotto would go out of his way for such trouble to make me a gift that he wasn’t planning on using as leverage against me later? Why would he do that? Why would he of all people want to keep it a secret?”
“Well,” Jade looked over the moon to expose whatever remaining secrets were happening behind the scenes here. He glanced around the room to check if Azul was around - though he didn’t particularly look concerned by the  possibility of being overheard - and continued. “In some parts of the Coral Sea, there’s something of an older tradition to express your feelings to someone by hand crafting them a wearable gift. The receiver wears the gift as a display of their accepted and returned feelings. And,” Jade pointed to the pearls attached along the teeth of the comb, “It’s considered all the more special if the one giving it went as far as collecting the materials themself.”
“Oh my gosh,” Kalim gasped, gripping Jamil’s arm tightly, “do you think Azul’s trying to tell you something with that hair comb?!”
Floyd snickered at the look of complete and utter shock on Jamil’s face. “Hehe, I was surprised, too, considering’ Azul’s always goin’ on about how traditions like that were dumb, and that ‘only foolish, lovestruck merfolk indulge in such frivolous fantasies,’ but i guess he must REALLY wanna win ya over, Sea Snakey!”
“Yes,” Jade nodded, “what a shame it is that he was too shy to give it to you directly. It’s a good thing we were here to let you in on the details and significance, isn’t it?”
Jamil’s heart hammered so loudly in his chest that he tuned out the rest of whatever the trio around him were saying after that. Instead, he stared down at the accessory in his hand, gently running a thumb over the pearls and examining the craftsmanship… 
It looked well assembled, and Jamil couldn’t help but wonder if Azul had a pile of test duds he went through before he made something so sturdy, and so pretty… Was he ever planning on telling Jamil about the traditions, or that he did every part by himself? Was anything the twins said even true?
Jamil glanced up at the boys, and one look at the devious expressions from either Leech brother was more than enough to tell Jamil that these were not their “excited to be lying” faces, but rather their “excited to be embarrassing their longtime friend with the secret truths they possessed” expressions… Jamil and several of their fellow second-years had been around the pair long enough to be able to tell apart the two similar looks. And as for the Coral Sea traditions…
Well, Jamil supposed he had some fact checking research to do after the party.
The next morning, Azul took a seat for the first class of the day with a small pang of disappointment in his chest. You see, he had a system when it came to arriving to class: he wanted to be punctual and early, but not too early. He’d nearly perfected his arrival time to just one minute after Jamil typically, coincidentally arrived to class. So long as Azul arrived after Jamil found his own seat and was already settled, but not too late that other people could snag any empty seats beside him, that almost guaranteed Azul a shot at sitting next to his favorite classmate. 
On days like today, however, Azul sometimes would overshoot his timing, or perhaps something would happen on Jamil’s end to delay him by a few precious moments, and Azul would end up at class first. In these instances, Jamil was almost certain to take an empty seat much farther away from Azul, if one was open. Now, Azul was dedicated to his goals, but he wasn’t going to get caught standing around the classroom door just waiting for Jamil to walk in! That would just be strange, and Azul Ashengrotto was NOT strange. Instead, he accepted the Jamil-free fate, and supposed this would just give him reason to catch Jamil after class to ask him about how he felt about the party the night before.
Heat crept up from his neck to his cheeks as he also wondered if Jamil had opened his gift. The party was so busy that he hadn’t had much of a chance to really talk with the guest of honor after things got started, and Jamil had swiftly left before it got too late into the night. The twins claimed Jamil had “an ever so wonderful time,” but taking Jade and Floyd at face value for situations like this was not ever a good idea in Azul’s mind. 
Still, Jamil was smiling when Azul managed to steal a few glances of him throughout the night…
“Woah, who’s the new guy?” A student sitting in front of Azul whispered to the guy beside him. “He’s kinda hot…”
“That’s literally Jamil, you dummy!” The other one whispered back. “He’s just done his hair up all different and fancy today.”
Azul’s head not-so-subtly shot up at the mention of Jamil. He darted his gaze towards the classroom’s entryway, and sure enough, there was Jamil- with his hair pulled back into what looked to be an updo neatly formed at the base of his neck, and a few strands of hair - curled, they seemed - framing the sides of his face. 
Azul could not stop himself from staring if he tried, but in his defense, Jamil was known for the unique, signature hairstyle that he normally always came to class with. What made today so special that he wanted to change up his routine? Yesterday was his birthday, after all…
“Damn, have his eyes always been that pretty?” The student from before whispered to his friend. “You think I shoulda asked him for his number at his birthday thing last night?”
The friend snickered and swatted his friend in the arm, and Azul found himself frowning, glancing over at the pair. Sure, on one hand, he was glad to hear Jamil was getting the recognition he deserved for just how beautiful he was…. But on the other hand, who did this guy think he was, talking about asking Jamil for his number just because he put his hair up? If that guy was too distracted to notice how beautiful, skilled, and crafty that Jamil was EVERY day, then did he really even deserve to consider asking him out? Jamil was a hidden gem amongst common men, and he should not be settling for people who would otherwise not even give him the time of day if not for a new hairstyle. He should be with someone who saw him for who he truly was with all his potential, his power, his flaws…
Azul was so distracted by his own mental tirade that he did not notice Jamil had made his way into the classroom and was now taking the seat directly beside Azul - something he practically NEVER did when there were open seats still available, by the way.
And yet? Here he was, next to Azul, his face fully on display, hair tied back and held in place with a silver hair comb decorated by pearls and seashells-
“WH-!?” Azul jumped, the delayed and startled realizations of both Jamil and his hair comb’s presence hitting him at once. “Jamil?!”
“Yes, hello to you, too,” Jamil said, pulling a notebook out and pointedly staring down at its cover.
Azul stared at Jamil, wide-eyed for a few seconds, before clearing his throat and attempting to regain his composure. “A-ah, yes, good morning… Um,” he glanced down at his own book, then to the side at Jamil, then down again, then back at Jamil. “Is that… The comb I gifted you…?”
Jamil nodded. “...I’d think you’d sound a little more sure about recognizing something you gave me, but, yeah.”
“I was just surprised to see you wearing it! …So soon, I mean,” Azul fidgeted with his tie, the tightness of how snugly and securely he wore it suddenly feeling absolutely suffocating on his neck. “Of course I’d get you something I’d think you would want to wear.”
He had to remind himself that there was no way Jamil would know about the significance of such a gift, or what wearing it could imply. Really, what was he thinking, going out of his way to do something so bold, and then not even have the courage to-
“I was reading a bit about Coral Sea traditions last night,” Jamil continued, abruptly cutting off Azul’s train of thought. “There’s some interesting stuff in there, but…”
Azul watched Jamil bite his lip for a split second, as if pausing to debate one last thought in his mind, before relaxing and turning to face Azul.
He raised a hand to his updo and gently brushed his fingers against the pearls of the comb. “I might need your help with some of the specifics…”
Azul’s breath hitched in his throat, and he wondered if Jamil was implying the things he thought he was implying… Just how much did he know!? 
“R-right, of course,” Azul squeaked out. “I’m… sure we can come to some sort of agreement for my assistance.”
“Mhm…” Jamil turned back to face forward as the professor entered and class began.
Not that Azul could focus for that first half of class, of course. He kept stealing glances of Jamil’s side profile beside him, and to check to make sure he really wasn’t imagining the comb in Jamil’s hair today. 
Soon enough, class came to a close. Jamil stood, dropped a piece of paper onto Azul’s books, and made a mad dash for the exit before he could say anything.
Azul’s heart pounded yet again as he unfolded the paper…
Thanks for the comb. I guess I’ll have to think of something to mak give make for your next birthday to make up for it. 
Azul carefully folded the note back up and slipped it into his bag, suddenly feeling as though February couldn't come fast enough. 
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cemeteryry · 1 year
just saw that you want a request of Miguel X male reader, where reader also a spider man and accidentally get hurt while on a mission. Miguel saw this and get mad at reader because he's worried then things get heat up and Miguel take reader to somewhere private where no one else is and fuck him. oh- and maybe top Miguel X Bottom male reader<3
don't want you getting hurt [miguel o'hara x male reader] (nsfw)
note: i proofread this very quickly so i may edit later on as needed. also, i'm still fairly new to fic-writing so i apologize if anything doesn't sound the best ;(
another note: i had originally (accidentally) turned this into a (2.1k words so far) hurt/comfort fic ... if anyone's interested in seeing that, lmk and i'll finish it!
cw/includes: vague mention of reader getting hurt, biting, unprotected sex (pls be safe irl), anal sex, rough sex, slight exhibitionism (he wants you to be as loud as possible so people around know how well he's pleasing you) praise, brief spanish use (i tried my best to use the right terms/words), cumming inside, amab terms
you heard someone yell your name as you were thrown into a pile of fallen rubble. you groaned from the dull pain in your leg but swiftly got up and rejoined the fight. shaking yourself off, you swung yourself up to help miguel and jess.
this was nothing compared to some of your other injuries, they were expected in this line of work. it didn’t bother you, it was worth it if it meant saving even one person.
unknown to you, though, it did bother someone. as you rejoined the fight at hand, you noticed miguel staring at you. he was probably just frustrated with you for letting your guard down enough for someone to send you flying. you broke the eye contact and landed a punch to the villain the three of you were up against. it took some effort but eventually, you guys managed to trap him in a cocoon of webbing and brought him back to headquarters.
you were about to head back to your personal quarters when you heard a voice calling your name, “i would like to speak with you.”
you raised an eyebrow, “what about?”
“just follow me,” miguel instructed.
you sighed, you just wanted to head back to your room and unwind. well, at least you got to spend some more time around the guy you had a tiny thing for. okay, well, maybe it wasn’t so tiny. you found him insanely attractive and fantasized about him more often than you’d like to admit, but that wasn’t the point. right now the issue is he’s taking you somewhere and you have no idea where or why.
he led you into his office and leaned against a table. you leaned across a table across from him and tried asking why he wanted to speak to you again.
he sighed and then began, “you need to be more careful.”
you blinked a few times. there was no way he brought you here because he was upset that you took a hit, that happened to everyone all the time. confused, you looked at him, “you brought me here… to tell me that?”
he looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. looking up, he closed his eyes, then spoke, “i don’t like seeing you get hurt.”
you were so tired that all you wanted to do was just collapse onto your bed. starting to get irritated from the exhaustion, you responded, “we get hurt all the time,” you were starting to get upset, “if that’s all please just tell me so i can go rest and take care of myse-”
he cut you off, “you’re not understanding, i don't like seeing you get hurt,” bringing his eyes down to meet yours, his tone beginning to sound irritated as well, “you just don’t seem to care if you get injured, i need you to take better care of yourse-”
this time, you cut him off, “excuse me? i’m doing just fine taking care of myself, i’m not understanding why you’re acting like you care so much about my well-being,” things were starting to get heated, you were irritated with him for making you come here for this incredibly weird talk and he was upset because… well, you weren’t sure why he was irritated. he must just be bothered that you’re being reckless because that may cause him to lose another spider-person, you, to an injury.
miguel’s gaze intensified and that had you worried you had pissed him off. he took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm himself but you decided to speak before he did, “if you’re done pretending that you actually care about me as a person then i’d say we’re done he-”
“we are not done here,” he growled, he was angry now. “do you ever use your head and think that maybe i’m not just acting or pretending? that maybe i just really do care about you? did that ever occur to you?”
you were speechless, what the hell were you even supposed to say to that? you sat there in silence for a minute, then finally spoke up. matching his volume, you began, “then why didn’t you ever tell me? why did you just leave me here to think i was alone in all of th-”
“because i was afraid!” miguel yelled, “i was afraid you’d think badly of me, that you would hate me and leave!”
“well i don’t and i’m right here!” you yelled back, “i’m right here and i’m not leaving!”
he stopped and looked down, this stunning him. after a few seconds, he looked back up and met your eyes, “damn right you’re not.”
confused, you tilted your head, “what is that supposed to me-”
you were cut off by him closing the distance between you two and pushing you against the table you were leaning against. he growled in your ear, “you’re not going anywhere, eres mio,” as he began tracing his fangs along your neck. you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation, throwing your head back to give him more room to bite and suck.
“that’s it, mi amor, i want to hear you. be loud for me, yeah?” he licked at your neck, “let everyone know how good i’m making you feel.”
you moaned again, a tent beginning to form in your suit. you noticed his hard-on as well and groaned.
he began pulling down your suit, exposing your chest. he brought his mouth to one of your nipples and sucked on it, then gave it a light bite that made you whimper from the slight pain.
after nipping at your chest, he made quick work of removing the rest of your suit. soon enough, you were left standing there naked. he took in the sight of you, appreciating every single angle and curve of your body. his eyes hovered lower down, though, and you couldn’t help but smile.
miguel then began removing his own suit, standing exposed in front of you in less than a minute. your eyes trailed down and… whoa, he was huge. you had no idea how you were supposed to take him. he must’ve noticed your worry because he looked back up at you, smirking, “i’ll be gentle with you.”
he lifted you up onto the table and this sent a rush throughout your body. sliding his hands under your legs, he lifted your lower body up slightly. it was just enough that he could easily slide into you when ready. his dick was pressed against you and you shivered at the feeling, trying to move closer to him to feel more of him against you. 
“impatient, are we?” he teased. he then removed one of his hands from under your leg and pressed a finger against your hole, “need to prepare you, don’t want you getting hurt,” he smiled.
miguel slowly inserted the finger and you let out a pornographic moan at the sensation. he slowly thrust it in and out of you a few times before adding a second, and then a third. at three you had your head thrown back, now far too preoccupied to care about the noises escaping from your mouth. he increased his pace and tears threatened to fall from your eyes, the pleasure and pain already feeling overwhelming.
to your disappointment, he removed his fingers and you whined at the empty feeling. miguel didn’t give you a chance to complain before smirking and lining himself up with you and then pushing inside. you groaned and tears fell from your eyes at the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain from the stretch. it felt both heavenly and like he was splitting you in half because of his size. it only took a few thrusts before you were forgetting about the pain, and only focused on how amazing he felt inside of you.
“there you go… that’s it, cariño,” miguel whispered, “ taking my dick so well…”
you couldn’t control the sounds you were making, the feeling was overwhelming and incredible.
it wasn’t long before he began giving in to his desire and started thrusting harder and harder into you, “you don’t have any idea… how long i’ve been thinking about- about doing this to you.” his movements were growing rougher and quicker. he was almost animalistic with how he was fucking you. you couldn’t stop yourself from yelling out his name over and over again. anyone that happened to be nearby would definitely know exactly what he was doing to you.
he removed his hands from under your thighs and pinned your hands above your head, leaning above you and slowing his pace as he brought his face close to your neck. you felt his fangs tease the sensitive skin, and then he bit down, blood beading from the small wound he had inflicted and you screamed his name, louder than before and louder than you meant to. skin turning red from irritation, he licked at the area attempting to soothe the wound. you loved the fact that you’d be carrying that mark from him long after this.
bringing himself back up, he returned to the brutal pace he had set before. he let out a groan as he attempted to say something, “close…” he wrapped a hand around your dick and started jerking you off and that’s when you lost it, cumming almost immediately and painting your stomach white as he continued fucking you through your orgasm.
seeing you cum was enough to send miguel over the edge and he was then filling you up with his load. he gave a last few sloppy thrusts, chasing the high, then collapsed over you, holding himself up with one arm.
he stayed inside of you for a few minutes as you both came down from everything. when he finally did pull out, you moaned as you felt his cum leaking from you. miguel looked over at you, smiling, “we are definitely doing this again.”
201 notes · View notes
endofradio · 3 months
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NOTES: i realized it makes more sense that abigail most likely takes place in massachusetts so i did some tweaking with the setting 💀 originally it was gonna take place in new york but uhhh i guess we are going with massachusetts instead.
SUMMARY: sylvie wakes up to find herself in a mansion, and she’s not the only one there. things get quite awkward between her and frank.
WORD COUNT: 2,536 (i actually locked in)
TAGS: @tommyshelbysangel @reclaimedbythesea @shawsfinalgirl @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @atcarpenter @blackwolfstabs @maggotssmichael @witchy-weve-monbebe
if you’d like to be added to my taglist, just send over an ask to my inbox saying you’d like to be tagged! you can also just message me.
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Sylvie’s eyes fluttered open, and the first thing she noticed was that she was in quite a fancy-looking bedroom. Well, she could tell it wasn’t hers. She slowly sat up from the bed, wincing in pain as her head began to throb almost instantly. What the fuck?
Confused, Sylvie looked around the bedroom. “Where the hell am I…?” She whispered to herself. She began to climb out of the bed, trying not to stumble over as she did so. “Jesus Christ…”
As Sylvie staggered over to the door, she noticed how she almost felt as though she was hungover. What the fuck had happened to her? She couldn’t remember anything, either. She only remembered being in her bedroom, and that was it. She couldn’t remember anything else after that, and when she tried, it was almost like a blur.
Once Sylvie opened the bedroom door, she carefully made her way down the stairs, and that was when she heard voices.
“Come have a drink with us, Joey!”
“Gotta go check on the kid soon. Maybe after.”
Kid? What kid? Sylvie only felt even more confused. As she continued to slowly walk down the stairs, she noticed a group of people hanging out by some sort of bar lounge — four men and two women. One of the men was riding on a tricycle around a pool table, gawking at his surroundings.
“No party poopers allowed.”
Sylvie reached the last few steps without tripping over, and that was when everyone in the room took notice of her.
The man on the tricycle looked up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Oh, look who’s awake. Come and join the party, man! Peter’s… uh… in charge of the drinks.”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow and started to carefully survey the area. What the hell was she doing in a mansion of all places? She didn’t remember being brought to this place — she just… woke up and found herself in it. Was this some sort of lucid dream?
“You look lost,” one of the men then snidely remarked. Sylvie turned to look at him, taking in his appearance. He seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t exactly pinpoint it. Was it the accent? The demeanor?
“Yeah, I am,” Sylvie responded, crossing her arms as she looked up at the man. “I don’t know why I’m here, exactly.”
The man shrugged, taking a sip of whiskey from the glass in his hand. “Well, Ava, I could explain that to you, but I don’t think it’d make you happy.”
Sylvie narrowed her eyes. “That’s not my name. My name is—”
“It’s your name while you’re here.” The man coolly interrupted. “Now, you gonna relax and have a drink with us, or nah?”
Following the man’s question, a bit of a smug look formed on his face, as if he almost knew something about Sylvie. There was something surreal about this entire situation, and Sylvie wasn’t liking it one bit.
“I don’t… I don’t drink.”
The tricycle guy rolled his eyes. “This chick better not be as boring as Joey is…”
The man in the glasses scoffed, shooting a glance at him before looking back down at Sylvie. “You sure about that?” He asked, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“What do you mean?”
Interrupting their conversation, the man on the tricycle spoke up, taking a puff from the joint he was currently smoking. “Hey, Joey, can I have a piece of that candy?”
A dark-haired woman, who must’ve been Joey, took out a lollipop, sticking it in her mouth. “Get your own.”
The joint-smoker rolled his eyes. “Fuck you, too.”
He continued circling the pool table on the tricycle before speaking up again. “You grew up with a bunch of brothers and sisters, huh? I’m like… an expert at reading people.”
Joey raised an eyebrow as she sucked on her lollipop. “Oh, really?”
“Mhm. You’re like… a nanny or babysitter, looking after that kid. And,” the man turned around, gesturing to the various people in the room, starting with the blonde girl first, “teenage runaway hacker turned black hat for the feds.” He began to come up with his own observations about the rest of the individuals, such as “private security,” and an “explosives man.” His eyes then landed on Sylvie. “As for you, uh… I dunno, also gonna go with a teenage runaway.”
The man in the glasses let out a sharp chuckle, casting a quick glance at Sylvie before looking away from her. Joey was clearly unamused. “You might be the least perceptive person I’ve ever met.”
“How the fuck would you know that?”
Joey rolled her eyes. “You literally got nothing right, Dean. About anyone.”
“Crisp $100 bill right here if you can tell me one true thing about me.” The man in the glasses then offered. He took out his wallet, retrieving a $100 bill and waving it in front of Joey.
Unimpressed, Joey simply responded with a “pass.”
“Mhm.” Dean started doing laps around the pool table again, continuing to take hits off of his joint. “See? She’s a fraud.”
Joey glared at him before tilting her eyes at the man in the glasses, carefully analyzing him. A few seconds later, she threw out her observation. “You used to be a cop.” She casually stated.
Used to be a cop. Wait a second…
Peter’s eyes widened. “No way. Did he arrest you or something?”
Joey shook her head. “No. It’s the stance, the walk, the shoes.”
Sylvie’s gaze fixated on the man, her expression hardening. The more Joey spoke, the more she felt as though a pit was gradually forming in her stomach.
“Not to mention the standard-issue Glock, the shoulder holster, and he used police hand signals back at the house.”
Standard-issue Glock. Shoulder holster.
Sylvie tried not to think about it too much, but it was getting difficult. The man was looking more and more familiar by the second.
Then, that was when it all hit her. The glasses.
“Not a street cop. No, too smart. You need to be in control. So, I’m gonna say detective. Homicide or vice. And, he tries to hide it, but he’s from Queens. Probably only been up here a few years.”
Sylvie could feel her chest tightening. It was definitely him. Joey’s description only confirmed her suspicions.
He was in my room. How the fuck did he even find me?
What the fuck is he even doing here?
Trying to push the thoughts out of her mind, Sylvie reached into the front pocket of the denim jacket she was wearing, taking out her wallet, taking out a $20 bill. Might as well see what Joey had to say about her. “Uh… how about me? I’m… curious.”
Joey took the $100 bill from the man before glancing at Sylvie. She carefully studied her for a few moments, then steadily approached her. “God, you poor thing.”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, just look at you. Tortured artist, much? Most likely a loner, never really had any friends. You’re not from here, either. Chicago, I’m guessing?”
Sylvie slowly nodded. “Yeah… that would be correct.”
“You also seem like the kind of person who had to fend for yourself most of your life. You never had anyone, except for yourself.”
“How did you…?” Sylvie didn’t know what to say. She felt uncomfortable. Exposed.
Joey shrugged. “I suppose I have a talent for reading people.”
“Hey, uh, you do me, too?”
Joey turned around to glance at Peter, eyeing the bill that was in his hand. “I almost feel bad taking this… ‘cause you’ve basically got a fucking neon sign over your head that reads ‘muscle.’”
While Joey was analyzing Peter, Sylvie casted another quick glance at the bespectacled man that she was almost entirely certain was Adam. She had a multitude of questions, but she figured she’d might as well hold off until later, until she could talk to him privately.
“Quebec, right? You got bullied in school? Probably by Dad, too. So, when you got bigger than everyone else, you turned the tables. Made it into a career.”
Sylvie was alarmed by Joey’s skill at being able to pick apart people with such precision. All it took was just one look at somebody, and it was like she was able to figure out all of their secrets like it was nothing.
Next up was the blonde girl, Sammy. Grinning, she waved a $20 bill in front of Joey’s face.
“Wow, really? A twenty? That’s cheap, considering you come from money.”
Once again, Joey was spot-on. Sammy looked at her with a pleased smile on her face. “It’s true.”
“Which means you’re only in this for the kicks.” Joey continued. “You don’t get your hands dirty. You use a keyboard instead of a gun and tell yourself that makes what you do not as bad. Good luck when the illusion wears off.”
Sammy handed Joey the $20, a look of approval on her face. “Very good.”
Joey then approached the man next to Sammy who was wearing a leather jacket. “No money.” He said, chuckling.
“Then I’ll just leave it at ‘semper fi,’ and you’re getting off easy.”
Dean was left, and clearly he was offended that Joey hadn’t decided to bother with him. “Hold on, now, you forgot about me.”
Joey raised an eyebrow at him. “You don’t want me to do you.”
“Aw, c’mon. This is fun!”
“You’re not a professional.”
“I’m the best motherfuckin’ wheelman in this town.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t good, I said you’re not a professional. You’ve got… loose wiring. Probably a sociopath.”
With those words, Joey turned around. She was about to leave, when the man in the glasses let out a snide chuckle. “And you are a junkie.”
Joey stopped in her tracks, and the room went silent.
“Cop knows a junkie.” The man continued, taking a few steps towards Joey, carefully observing her. “Your little candy affectation, long sleeves, why you don’t wanna drink with us… you in recovery or something? How many days ya got? We gotta be worried about you?”
Sylvie was starting to feel even more uneasy than she had previously felt. Yeah, she was dead certain the man was Adam. The threatening aura was right there.
“No.” Joey calmly responded, staring him right in the eyes. As calm as she looked, even she appeared mildly intimidated.
“No?” Adam repeated, his voice quiet and cold. He got even closer to Joey, his face mere inches away from hers.
“Don’t ever fuck with me. I will know.”
“I’m gonna go check on the girl.” Joey then said. She turned back around and left, disappearing from everyone’s sight.
“I knew it. Junkies never share candy.” Dean commented with a chuckle. Adam turned around and gave a nonchalant shrug.
As he walked back over to the bar lounge, his gaze met Sylvie’s, and she swallowed nervously.
“You okay?” Sammy then asked. “Don’t mind Frank. Trust me, nobody here likes him.”
Frank? Oh, right… fuck.
Sylvie felt like she was going to panic. Now, she remembered everything — him staring at her through the mask he was wearing, standing right in front of her… when he briefly pulled down his mask to reveal his face. She remembered him holding some kind of syringe… and then it hit her.
He fucking kidnapped me, didn’t he?
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Sylvie eventually muttered, and she steadily approached Frank, staring at him directly the entire time. When she reached him, he looked down at her with a slight smirk.
“Well, you look exceptionally pissed.”
Sylvie narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, I am.”
“If you’re gonna start screaming at me, how about we take this somewhere private?”
“Yeah, gladly.”
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Frank leaned against the wall in the hallway, looking down at Sylvie with a deadpan expression on his face as he patiently waited for her to speak.
“So…” he muttered, crossing his arms. “The fuck’s up with you?”
Sylvie drew in a deep sigh. “Why the hell are you here?” She asked. “That’s my first question. I moved to Massachusetts thinking I’d never see you again.”
“Both of us decided we needed a bit of change in our lives, didn’t we? Besides, I know you missed me.”
“Shut up.” Sylvie rolled her eyes. “What change?”
“Got bored.” Frank answered matter-of-factly. “Y’know, doing the same shit gets quite old after a while. Bored with my job, bored with my family, bored with my life. It wasn’t for me.”
“So, you quit being a cop and abandoned your family because you got… bored?”
“Mhm. What’s up with your life? It’s been a long five years, hasn’t it?”
Sylvie’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Frank’s nonchalant demeanor about this entire situation was pissing her off. He just… didn’t care, but she couldn’t be surprised either. He was never really the kind of person to care about anyone or anything.
“I’ve been trying to turn my life around. I quit drinking and all the other shit I was doing. I’ve actually been doing great.”
“Quit drinking?” Frank repeated. “Suppose that means avoiding alcohol like the plague now, since you didn’t even want to have a sip of anything.”
Sylvie shrugged. “Decided that’s the best for me.”
“You’ll change your mind, eventually. The temptation’s always there. Just a matter of time before you give in to it.”
“You’re a real fucking asshole.”
Frank shrugged. “Just being honest. Now, what was the other question you were gonna ask me?”
“You fucking kidnapped me, didn’t you?”
Frank let out a small chuckle. “Shit, so you do remember everything. Yeah, I did, but I was just doin’ my job, y’know. I was given the order.”
“How the fuck did you know where I live?”
“You’d be surprised.”
Sylvie broke eye contact with Frank, unable to bring herself to look at him anymore. “So, you went from being a cop to a goddamn criminal? That’s ironic.”
“I learned some things by going undercover. Also, you still look the same, I see.”
Sylvie looked back up at Frank. “What do you mean?”
Frank gestured to the black lace skirt she was wearing. “Still dressing provocatively as usual, huh? God, do you dress like that on purpose?”
“You’re sick, you know that?”
Instead of responding to Sylvie, Frank only continued. “I’d be very surprised if you don’t have a boyfriend by now. Y’know, you’re the kind of girl that men would die to have.”
Sylvie tilted her head, an unimpressed expression on her face. “And you are a pervert.” She scoffed. “Also, what happened to your wedding ring? Got bored of your wife, too?”
Frank rolled his eyes. “You really had to ask that, didn’t you? I never even loved her in the first place.”
Before Sylvie could say anything else, Frank turned around, making his way back to the bar lounge. “Good talk, by the way.”
Sylvie just stood there and watched as he left, feeling a different combination of feelings all at once. She felt confused, and angry. She didn’t think she’d ever have to put up with Frank’s snarky, irritating attitude ever again, yet here they both were, now stuck in a mansion together.
(unrelated, but this scene from house md is basically just frank and sylvie’s dynamic in a nutshell 💀)
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You know what that means: it's brainrot time.
quick note, I love this title. It's rad as hell. 10/10. anyway—
of course when I hear the word "Searcher" I immediately think of the one and only Addison Arvad, missing captain of the Antikythera and beloved wrecker of journals.
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look at her. I love her. she's beautiful. also I am lowkey obsessed with how Jackie draws hair. (please teach me your secrets.)
We didn't get to learn much about Capt. Arvad in episode 3, but we do know that she was a Searcher who disappeared without any explanation, along with the rest of her crew. Kal probably had something to do with it, since he was attempting to retrieve the ship's orrery and said some vague stuff about fog and vortices, but even he doesn't seem to know exactly what happened to her and the crew.
Whatever the case, her disappearance is the reason most of the events in TGOA even happened, so it would make sense for her to be a big part of the next episode. And if Addison is the Searcher and the Searcher is in the shadows, then I have two (and a half?) theories.
The first is that she (and her crew, if they survived, who are also presumably all Searchers) are lost somewhere and that whatever "fogging the vertices" entails led to her getting whisked away somewhere else. She could be trapped there, trying to get out, and/or maybe she is in shadows in the same way Margaret was—maybe she has lost her memories and her magic.
The second theory is actually an idea @man-down-in-hatchet-town proposed that promptly blew my mind: what if whatever happened to Addison led to her getting corrupted and going dark and she is the villain of the episode? I honestly love this idea so much and I think it would be fun and also delightfully heartbreaking after hearing that entry from Addison's journal and getting a glimpse of the person she once was.
(also every pulp fan I know is in complete agreement that we want a cool female villain, pretty please Matt— 🥺🙏)
I've already yelled a bit about Rose being separated from Samuel and the others, so I'm not gonna repeat myself here, but I also have other thoughts about the time travel!
The trailer has confirmed that Rose was indeed sent two weeks into the past like Ahlaam said she would be. I think it's safe to assume that Rose will have to wait those two weeks until she can reunite with the others, and I also believe we're gonna have to wait with her.
Rose’s two weeks are going to be important—she's meeting Dakkar and hopefully getting some Travelore™ about the island and The Blazing World, and probably getting into some sort of trouble that better not require a printing press plate to resolve, since she doesn’t have it right now—so I don’t think they're going to just blip by. Otherwise what’s the point of sending her back in time?
I think it’s a pretty safe bet that we (the listeners) are probably going to be doing some time travel ourselves, hopping between Rose's two weeks with Dakkar and the rest of the brick family in the present as Sia takes them to the island and they get started on all that mysterious work they have to do. I have no idea what they're going to find there except maybe a rocket? but I can imagine Samuel and the others following Rose's trail as they piece together what's happened to her and learn about this place and its inhabitants, and then the storylines will connect by the end of the episode and we'll get the twins back together and they'll never be separated again!
Isn't that right, Mr. Dahan?
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Alternatively, I suppose the Ellen Austin could be met on the shore by a Rose who has already spent two weeks on the island and then we could get relevant flashbacks here and there, but I don't think that's as likely. It might be too impractical for this medium when we have a lot of story (and lore) to cover and only so much time to sing about it! Plus, that"By the time our heroes are reunited" bit really makes me think that they won't see each other until closer to the end of the episode. The reunion is absolutely gonna make me cry. I can't wait.
The island's inhabitants have magic similar to Margaret's, and are led by a new group of powerful Travelers.
...Well, maybe it's not Traveler island, exactly. I'm guessing that most of these ~inhabitants~ are actually Searchers. Sia might not be the only Traveler, but I don't think there are a lot of them out there. It makes more sense for there to be less Travelers and more Searchers to balance things out if the Travelers are significantly more powerful like they've been implied to be.
I definitely think Ahlaam is one of the "new group of powerful Travelers" and I'm super excited to get to know her more. (I am also hoping that maybe we'll get a Jackie Traveler character? 👀) I still don't know if Dakkar is a Traveler or not, but I'm inclined to believe he might be a Searcher—mostly because his portrait doesn't have glowing eyes and flashy gold jewelry like Sia or Ahlaam. (I also feel like it may not be a coincidence that he's wearing a light blue-ish colored shirt like Addison, even if it's a different style and looks considerably less like a space suit, lol.)
They speak of a lost kingdom, The Blazing World, and how what occurs on Lincoln Island will impact an entire civilization.
The Blazing World!!! Rose hasn't heard this name yet, but we have! (and Margaret and Samuel.) The people on Lincoln Island could be survivors/refugees from the Blazing World, or perhaps they are all here on a war mission and this is simply their base of operations. Either way, I'm sure the civilization being impacted is the Travelers'; even if this island isn't currently sheltering all that remains of their people and this is only an outpost for the war, they still have some valuable people here—like Margaret, who is recovering her memories and I am certain has an incredibly vital role to play in this war—and the aftermath of whatever happens will undoubtedly be felt beyond the shores of Lincoln Island. Either our heroes succeed in whatever they're trying to do here, or it goes wrong and the Blazing World potentially loses valuable warriors & resources, and the war against Itzal takes a turn for the worse.
By the time our heroes are reunited, they will be closer to understanding their destinies than ever before...
Destiny... oh, I've had many thoughts about this and been part of multiple discussions with various friends about fate and coincidence and puzzle pieces coming together in this story. enough that I'm almost not sure where to start.
...Eh, chronologically, I guess.
1817 — the year the Stratford family paper stand was established and the year Anna Hanover's father lost his place in the world. Both of these events affected the characters' lives, helping to cement the twins' love of stories and giving them an eventual connection to the New York Sun that would allow them to publish the moon hoax, and giving Anna her tragic backstory and a goal that would drive her to construct her own moon out of brick rather than ink.
1829 — the year I believe Margaret Cavendish arrived in New York City. She lost her memories and her magic, and the Travelers set her up here to live in comfort and safety and loneliness. We don't know why this happened yet, but I think it's safe to assume the location isn't a coincidence when we know at least one Traveler with precognitive abilities and it's only a handful of years until...
1835 — the year of the moon hoax and the brick satellite. Samuel and Rose Stratford write a story that takes the city by storm, attracting the attention of both Margaret Cavendish, who has been looking for answers and winds up with more questions and magic she doesn't remember or understand, and Sir John Herschel, who doesn't want fantastical stories written about him, thank you very much—but wait, how did he get here? He was in South Africa, a whole other hemisphere! How did he find out about the hoax so quickly?
Well, someone brought him the newspaper that made him come to New York, meet the Stratfords and Margaret, and invite them all to work on the brick satellite with him. They go to British Guiana, manage to finish the satellite alongside Anna, get it into the sky thanks to Margaret's Radiance, and finally meet the Traveler out in space, who somehow knew they would be there and knew Margaret's magic was returning but is surprised that her memories weren't. The Traveler knows more than she's telling, but rather than explain she sends the quartet back to Earth.
1874 — the year the quartet are teleported to. They happen to meet a friendly bosun who offers them a place on a ship that'll take them to New York, right where they want to go. Perfect, right? But in reality it takes them to a ghost ship that just so happens to contain some stuff that helps Margaret remember some things. There's a crazy awesome magic battle, sailors vanish, the ghost ship vanishes, and by the end of it all they're sailing towards a mysterious island and the Traveler, Sia, is telling them they have a lot of work to do.
...okay, the point I'm attempting to make here is that yeah, it definitely seems like something has been leading them here, to this time and place. I just can't tell if it's ✨️destiny✨️ or if it's just Sia, who can see into the future and had a clear hand in at least some of these occurrences. She sent our heroes to 1874 in a flash of light, right into Morgan's path, into Kal's, into the Antikythera's. And if she did that, who's to say she hasn't been guiding the quartet in more covert ways this whole time? Someone had to get that paper to John. Someone—specifically a Traveler someone—had to get Margaret settled in New York.
You could say that it's all destiny and that Sia's foresight and her actions are simply destiny's way of getting shit done, that it was all going to happen this way no matter what. You could also go round and round questioning how destiny and precognitive abilities work & influence each other until your brain feels like it's melting (why yes, I am speaking from experience) but I think I'm going to skip that and focus on a different question instead:
What does destiny (or Sia) have in store for our heroes?
I don't know, of course. probably a rocket at some point? gotta wait for the episode to find out.
but regardless of who or what has been pulling the strings, it took a lot to get our heroes to this point and the idea that they're meant to be here, that they've always been headed toward something that's more than this the lives they had before is so unbelievably exciting??? even if you don't care for the idea of destiny or fate, you know great things are coming and that the story is gonna get bigger and wilder.
might as well actually give it its own little section on this ramble-y ass post, lol.
We've had hints that there'd be at least one rocket in the story from the very first M.A.I.A. transmission. (If you haven't seen those, you're missing out!) Now that we're getting new cast photos where everyone has been posing with a little red rocket, it looks like it's time!
Maybe the quartet are going to help the Travelers build a rocket. Maybe they're going to help repair a rocket that already exists. Maybe they're going to go to space again, or another planet—The Blazing World?—or maybe they're only going to see the Travelers off and that'll be it. (Okay, that last one would be a little disappointing, lmao.) Hell, maybe they're only going to Lincoln Island to meet a rocket that hasn't arrived yet! So many possibilities!
...hmm. I think that's it? I think that's all the thoughts I had. I have been putting this post together off and on since last night so if I missed anything or it seems a little disjointed then that's why, lmao.
this is admittedly less of a theory post at times and more of a John impression (it's not my fault I have questions!) but why wait for M.A.I.A. transmissions and more information when I can shout about it all now? the universe simply wouldn't be right if I didn't seize every opportunity to scream about Pulp Musicals.
anyway, if you read all of this then I hope you enjoyed it! you can expect/dread more posts like this in the coming weeks, as soon as we get more info and M.A.I.A. transmissions. can't wait to see my best girl again. 💙
...I really hope Matt and Jackie have gotten that window fixed.
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missvelvetsstuff · 10 months
Just A Number
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky at a party and the attraction is more than either one of them wants to resist.
Notes: Since most stories are younger readers I felt like having a more mature reader could be a nice change of pace. Especially since I'm creeping up on senior discounts and want to believe Bucky could fall in love with someone like me.
I try to keep my readers description vague but, as always, she's female, tall and this one is obviously 40+
**I'm so sorry this has taken so long. Life has been rough and I've had a hard time focusing on anything besides survival.
I hope it was worth the wait.
Chapter 7
Bucky shot up out of bed at the sound of his phone ringing. "Fuck" he grumbled when he saw it was 4am and Sam was calling.
"Hey terminator, we have work to do. Meet me at Fort Hamilton asap."
Bucky grunted "Yeah." And went to take a shower and gear up. He was about to board the plane when he remembered he was supposed to see Y/N this week.
"Fuck" he swore to himself and pulled his phone out to send her a text.
'Sorry for the early morning text, doll. Sam needs me. I'll call asap. XO'
Bucky shook his head to clear his thoughts of her and focus on what Sam was saying as they boarded. All he caught was "-I don't like him either but we need to play nice." before he looked up to see his worst nightmare.
John looked up from his phone and grimaced when he saw Bucky. That look improved Bucky's mood instantly and he grinned at John.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
"Morning Johnny! Long time no see! How the Hell have you been?" Bucky almost giggled as he slapped John's shoulder a little too hard.
John shot him a foul look "I don't know what you're so happy about. My nephew isn't going to put up with you ruining his mother."
Bucky's smile grew "He doesn't really have much say in the matter."
John scoffed "It figures you're ok with breaking up a family, taking a mother from her children."
Bucky couldn't help the laugh that broke through "From her children? They are both adults. He's 30 and his sister is looking forward to meeting me."
He looked John in the eye and winked "Better me than you."
Sam chuckled under his breath, happy to see Bucky's confidence up after his time with Y/N. Making John Walker squirm was just icing.
Before John could come up with a decent comeback, Torres came out to tell them they were taking off and to buckle up.
Once they were airborne Sam cleared his throat as he pulled up a map on the table and they started working out a strategy. John challenged everything Bucky said, throwing out some backhanded compliments for good measure. Bucky couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face which only angered John more, until he slammed his fist against the table, cracking the screen and reaching the end of Sam's rope.
"ENOUGH!" Sam shouted and turned to glare at John. "I don't give a single fuck about your problem with Bucky or what he's doing with your adult sister or how her adult kids feel about it. We're here to do a job and you need to get it together!"
John snapped "Fine" and looked at Bucky "But we need to talk once this is done."
Bucky shrugged "Whatever you say." still grinning.
Sam shook his head and finalized their plan.
Y/N stepped out of her shower and got ready for work before looking at her phone to see if Pepper had any requests before she made it to the office. Her heart sped up when she saw there was a text from Bucky but fell when she read he was on a mission. She shook it off, Pepper usually kept her too busy to let her thoughts wander away from work.
When she went for coffee Dawn was at the table. Y/N told her about the text from Bucky which brought a laugh out.
Y/N glared at her "That's not very nice!"
Dawn coughed "On no, sorry Sissy. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at our dear brother. I got a text from Olivia and Johnny was called in for a thing with Sam. Johnny must be thrilled to spend the next week with the two of them. I hope he doesn't let his temper get him into more trouble." She sighed "Anyhow, she's coming for dinner tonite. Poor thing sounded desperate to get out of the house."
Y/N shook her head "I'm sure he keeps her on a tight leash. Of all the people you and Johnny brought home during high school, I really thought she was smart enough to see through him. Love really can make us stupid."
Dawn nodded "Stupid, blind, insane. Since her parents are too blinded by Johnny playing Captain America they don't seem to care how he treats her. We're all she has."
Y/N nodded "So you gonna cook?"
Dawn nodded "Of course. Im certainly not letting you near anybfood I plan to eat."
"Hey! My baking is top notch."
Dawn nodded, smirking "Yeah but your cooking, not so much."
They arrived at Stark Tower 20 minutes early so Y/N grabbed coffee for Pepper and herself.
When Pepper came in they sat in her office to chat about their weekend, Pepper grilled her about the date and tried to be supportive when she learned Michael's reaction to Y/N's new beau.
"He's a grown man and will adjust. He's never had to deal with a parent dating someone different but I'm sure he wants you to be happy."
Y/N smiled "I hope so, he really was out of line last nite."
"So when are you seeing him again?"
Y/N shrugged "He texted me early this morning to let me know Sam called for his help and he didn't know how long it would be."
She smirked "The fun part is that Johnny is apparently on that same mission with them. I'd love to be a fly on that wall."
Pepper laughed "Hopefully they don't hurt each other."
"I wouldn't hold much hope of that." she laughed softly before her smile fell. "I guess I should let you know. Johnny said he would get me fired if I kept seeing James. Something about telling his friends at S.W.O.R.D. that I'm a security risk. I don't know if he actually has any friends that would do that or if any of them are powerful enough to do anything but if you hear anything negative about me it's probably from him."
Pepper smiled "Don't worry, we have contracts with S.W.O.R.D. but they don't have any say in how I run things or who I hire."
After 9 hours in the air they arrived in the Belgian countryside to follow up on a tip Sharon gave them on the Power Broker.
They spent 2 days straight looking and seemingly just missing them everywhere they went.
All three men had frayed nerves caused by the frustration from missing their target but even more because of John's attitude and constant trash talking.
"This place is bullshit. I'm starting to wonder if the Power Broker actually exists. Or maybe Sharon is giving us crap intel because she's mad her fuck buddy found a new, older and uglier plaything?" John taunted.
Bucky's jaw clenched and the whirring from his prosthetic could be heard as his hand stretched and clenched.
He shook his head
"Nice try Johnny but Sharon was Steve's mistake, not mine. And if your sister is so nasty, why are you working so hard to get into her pants?"
Sam chuckled "You two really need to shut up about Y/N. When we get home you can fight or whatever to get it out of your system."
Bucky gave Sam a big smile "Sure thing pal."
John grumbled but helped finish searching the seemingly abandoned building.
Dawn was finishing dinner and Y/N set the table when the doorbell rang.
Dawn looked to her sister "Must be Olivia, I'm stuck here can you-"
Y/N laughed "Already on my way, can't disturb the artist."
When she answered the door Olivia smiled at her and they hugged.
"You know you can just come in right?"
Olivia chuckled nervously "I know you said I could but John-"
Y/N made a face "Fuck Johnny"
Olivia flinched but tried to hide it.
Y/N laughed "Sorry, I know you don't like my language."
Olivia quickly replied "No, it's ok. John just doesn't..Sorry, I'm doing it again. I love him but he can be a little overbearing."
"A little?"
They both laughed.
Y/N headed for the kitchen "Well, come in and have a glass of wine. I think Sissy is almost done with dinner. We're having Mama Walker's beef stroganoff."
Olivia shook her head "John doesn't like me drinking. He says it's not ladylike."
Dawn smirked and handed her a glass "Don't worry, we won't tell. Have a seat."
Olivia tentatively took the glass "Alright, just one." and sat at the table while the sisters served dinner.
Once they all sat they started talking, catching up and eating. Olivia ended up having 2 more glasses of wine before the meal was done and they were all laughing at a story Dawn shared from her work.
Once the table was cleared they nibbled on some holiday cookies Y/N made and Olivia got quiet.
Y/N put her hand over Olivia's "Is everything alright? You clammed up on us there."
Olivia looked at her nervously "I have to tell you something but I'm a little scared."
"Hey, we're family here. You can tell us anything." Dawn encouraged.
Olivia cleared her throat. "Well, I don't think I'm supposed to know about this but." She paused and took a deep breath "Well, Michael came by the house last week. Which was strange because I don't think he really likes John. But they were in the den talking and I wasn't trying to listen but they were both pretty loud and" she paused and looked at Y/N who nodded. "I didn't hear the details but they were going to try to do something to get Sargent Barnes pardon revoked. Make it look like he caused some kind of trouble" her words rushed out.
"I don't know exactly but it's not right. He paid his dues for something that wasn't his fault in the first place and Y/N you deserve to be happy and loved after everything with Mike. I don't know why John hates you so much or wants to interfere but I felt like you should know, maybe you can warn him. I know they're on the same mission right now." She looked at them, then at her hands in her lap and whispered "Please don't tell him I said anything"
Y/N and Dawn looked at each other and sighed. Y/N took Olivia's hand "Don't worry, we have a lot of experience keeping secrets from Johnny, you're safe."
Olivia teared up "You two have always been here for me, even when John has been so awful and I thought I needed to say something to you."
Y/N smiled "Thank you for telling us. I haven't spoken to James since he left but when I do I'll tell him to watch out." Her expression became angry "I'll find a way to get Michael to confess at dinner on Sunday. I might have to kick his ass myself."
Olivia looked shocked "Oh please don't hurt him. I know he's doing it out of love, he's just misguided."
Y/N sighed "That may be but sometimes a slap upside the head is necessary to get his thinking right. He truly is his fathers son. Stubborn and can't admit he's wrong. Don't worry, I won't hurt him too much"
They cleaned up and Olivia called a cab to go home.
After she left Dawn and Y/N smoked a joint and discussed the situation, working on a plan to get Michael to spill his secrets.
@supraveng @cjand10 @440mxs-wife @kandis-mom @dtba-grey81 @calwitch
Chapter 8
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grayson-baller · 2 years
bc i’m tryna snort a damian priest wrestlemania match;
just the dirtiest, kinkiest, dom/sub shit you can pluck from your amazing brain with 10, 14, 25, and 43 from the nsfw list
Damian Priest -- Headcanon
《 --- --- --- ☆ --- --- ---》
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《 --- --- --- ☆ --- --- ---》
author's note: I hope this is what you were looking for
warnings: smut--18+
word count: 813
pairing: fem!reader & Damian Priest
《 --- --- --- ☆ --- --- ---》
masterlist: ++
tags: @bungleinthe-jungle @legit9thlunaticwarrior @stxrrlightwrites13 @wickedval
want on my tag list? send me a message
《 --- --- --- ☆ --- --- ---》
10 -- “Let me see those eyes.”
14 -- “You look so good, can’t wait to absolutely ruin you”
25 -- "You can take it."
43 -- "What a pretty sight."
《 --- --- --- ☆ --- --- ---》
“You should see yourself, kitten.” His low voice rasped, a soft hand running up your back. You were gripping his arms; certain your fingernails were leaving indents into his skin.
The feeling of Damian surrounded you, leaving your skin feeling raw. It fizzled as if a thousand little fireworks were shooting through you. He consumed you, deeply rooted under your skin, claiming you. Not that you minded. You liked being his.
“You looked so fucked out already, baby. Already so fucking gone, and we haven’t even started yet.”
You whimpered at his words. “Sir,” you whispered, licking your lips. The vague promise of torment hung in the air, and you knew you were in for a long day. The wicked gleam in his eye and mischievous grin this morning had been the warning sign needed.
You reminded yourself to be good, to listen and not back talk. Your mouth tended to get you into trouble, and you knew better then to push your luck when he had that look in his eyes. As torturous as he was going to be now, it’d be a thousand times worse if he had to punish you as well.
He had barely touched you, and you were already a wet mess. You knew you were making a mess, feeling your dampness coating your thighs.
He reached forward, picking the fork back up in his hand. “Open that pretty mouth for me, beautiful.” He commanded, fork sinking into soft, fluffy pancakes.
Your stomach fluttered at the command, though frustration crept through you. You stared at the plate full of pancakes—cut into the smallest pieces you had ever seen—eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, and fresh fruit.
With a fistful of your hair and fingers teasing your clit, he had made it clear that you were going to sit on his lap, eating the plate full of food.
What he hadn’t said was the other way he planned on stuffing you. Once you climbed on his lap, hesitant of what was happening next, he had slid his cock out of his jeans. The moment you saw it, you knew where this was going—what was going to happen.
Now you sat here, his cock inside of you, stretching you and taunting you. The feeling of being full of him blended with the frustration of not being able to move, to ride him.
“Let me see those eyes.” He instructed as you looked away from all the food you had left to consume before looking back at him. “That’s my good little slut. Now, open those pretty lips for me, baby.” Your stomach clenched at his words, before your lips parted slightly. “What a pretty sight.”
He fed you the bite, letting you chew before feeding you a few more bites of pancakes. Your eyes landed back on the plate, hating how full the plate still looked. Never in your life had you hated the sight of a plate of food before.
 It was the thing standing between you and getting fucked by your boyfriend.
He placed the fork down on the table, grabbing a handful of your hair before roughly pulling your head back. Moans left you as you wiggled in his lap, looking for anything to soothe the intense ache.
He licked up your neck, the sensation more erotic than you ever expected. Something about being forced to sit on his lap like this, being fed breakfast was intoxicating. A reminder that Damian controlled you, dominating over you.
And you submitted to him every time.
“You’re being so good for me, kitten. You look so good, can’t wait to absolutely ruin you.” He praised, biting down on the soft exposed skin of your neck. “So fucking hot, isn’t little slut? Stuffed full of my cock, and unable to get any relief for that ache in your cunt, huh? That drippy pussy of yours is making a mess of my leg, probably dripping to the floor, yet you’re helpless, unable to get what you need.”
You whined, fingers gripping his forearm. “Sir…please. I can’t… I can’t.”
“You can take it, little slut.” He spoke, using the hand in your hair to pull your head back even further. “You can, and you will. That little pussy of yours is going to warm my cock until I decide I’m ready to fuck you. Do you understand?” He asked, letting go of your hair.
You sobbed, head falling forward as your forehead rested against his shoulder. “Yes, sir.” His hand ran back up your back in a soothing motion. “I understand, sir.”
“Good girl.” He praised, as you raised your head back up. He reached up to wipe away a tear. “Now,” he started, picking the fork back up. “We still have a whole plate of food to get through before I even think about fucking you. Open that mouth, baby.”
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dearspiritss · 1 year
“I’d Die for You.”
Mountain x Male Reader
Notes: You’d do anything for him, even if it meant leaving your whole life behind just to be with him. (3270 wc)
Warnings: Mentions of death, some vague gore if you could call it that?, blood mentions, nothing too saucy :)
read below the cut ml <3
The ministry was always a nice place to be in. Yeah, it was sometimes chaotic with all the ghouls running around, but it had its peaceful places. Like the library, your favorite place. It smelled of old books and pinewood, so comforting to your constantly racing mind. You’d grown up there, being a son of sin, but not just any son of sin. You were the priest's oldest son, meaning you had the most responsibility out of all. You were put in charge of almost everything -scheduling tours, guiding new siblings of sin, and shit ton of paperwork- your father pushing you as far as he could to make sure you’d be a good fit for the next priest. If you were being honest, you didn’t want the role at all. 
You found the job to be extremely boring. You despised the thought of sitting around in a cold office, doing nothing all day. You admired the ghoul’s lifestyle, you wished you could do what they did. They were free and got to have fun, while you were stuck in your boring and stressful lifestyle. The ghouls made sure you felt appreciated through it all though, you being the main reason they got to do what they did best. Sneaking you out of your room at night, being extremely careful not to be caught. They’d drag you to the ghouls wing, sitting you down on one of the many couches in the common room. They’d do whatever you wanted to. Want to watch a movie and relax? They’d have a list of movies and plenty of blankets ready. They adored you, but one particular ghoul always stuck out to you.
Mountain. He’d sneak into the library, going to your normal spot to check in on you. He knew that you were constantly stressed out, so he’d always find a way to make you feel better. Offering to help with the workload everyone dropped onto you, or to get you something to snack on while you worked. He took care of you. If you denied everything he offered, he’d sit with you until you were done. It didn’t matter if it was in the middle of the night, he would be right by your side. If he sensed you getting worked up or frustrated, he’d reassure you while rubbing your shoulders. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, voice like honey soothing you almost instantly. 
You found yourself with a crush on the towering ghoul, getting goosebumps from everything he did. His low silvery voice bounced around in your head like a record on repeat. The gentle touch of his calloused palms sending shivers down your spine. The way he slowly blinked while watching you work, putting you in a trance. His beautiful long brown hair, loosely pulled into a knot made you stare. The ghoul had you wrapped around his finger without even trying, and he loved it. He loved the way you’d react when he lightly teased you. He found humans very interesting, and you were his test subject. 
“You’re still working, Love?” The sudden voice pulled you out of the book you had your nose stuck in. You looked up, spotting Mountain holding what you assumed to be a cup of tea. You nodded, rubbing your tired eyes. “I have to finish this stupid book before sunrise. My father is supposed to be testing me on it tomorrow and I can’t fail.” He hummed, making his way to sit in the chair beside you. “Why do you put up with all of this,” he spoke, a hand gesturing to the open book in front of you. You scoffed and leaned back into your chair. “It’s the only way I stay sheltered. If my father gets mad.. Well you know what’ll happen.” He gave a quiet “yep” before bringing his mug up to his lips.
“Did you need anything? I mean it’s like, three in the morning Mount.” His lips curled up into a small smile. “I came to check on you, and hopefully spend some time with you. You’ve been cooped up in here for a week now, we haven’t been able to get to you at all.” The small smile he wore slowly turned into a frown. You sighed, closing the book and pushing it aside. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been so caught up with everything for you guy’s next tour, it’s just taken up the little free time I've had.” He placed a hand on the side of your face, making you look at him. “There’s no need to apologize, we know you’re busy. We just wish we could help you out..”
You nodded, somewhat understanding what he said. “As soon as I’m done with this, I’ll find a way to spend time with you all..” You trailed off, a wave of exhaustion flooding over you resulting in a yawn. “How long has it been since the last time you slept, Love?” His voice was coated with worry. You thought to yourself for a moment. “I’ve been here since nine, but I woke up around five yesterday.” His eyes widened. “This won’t do, you need to sleep.” You shook your head, worried thoughts flooding your mind. “No, no. I need to finish this. I have a few pages left of this book and then I have to find the booth for the upcoming tour- I can’t Mountain.” He frowned, sitting down his tea. “Well then, I’ll help you. I can find the booth while you finish your book.”
He pulled away, taking out his phone. “Mountain- no- I won’t let you do my work. It’s not your job. I can’t, you can’t.” He shushed you. “And why not? You deserve to rest. Just tell me what to do.” You groaned, unable to deny his convincing tone. “Fine. You know the website, just tell me if you find a nice one in the price range.” You picked up your book as he flashed a fang filled smile in your direction. 
A few minutes passed and you finally finished, closing the book and putting it aside. You looked over to the ghoul beside you, his eyes fixated on his phone screen. You smiled slightly and leaned into his side. “Any luck so far?” He looked down at you and nodded. “Yeah! I found a really nice booth that would be perfect. I’m talking to the owner right now to see if it's open.” He tucked his phone away into his pocket, wrapping an arm around you. “You’ve done a lot for us, and we're so lucky to have you, but if you don’t get enough sleep we won’t have an amazing manager anymore.” Your face flushed from the sudden praise. You quickly pushed that aside and sighed. “You’re right. I guess I could rest while we’re waiting for an answer..”
You stood, grabbing the book to put it away. You felt a hand around your wrist, almost making you fall backwards. You regained your ground and turned to Mountain who was now standing. “If you thought you were gonna sleep by yourself, you’re sadly mistaken.” You tilted your head in confusion. Before you could speak, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. “W-Wait, Mountain!” You tried to intervene, but he wasn’t having any of it. He ignored your pleads and quickly made his way out of the library.
When he opened the door, you realized where he was taking you. “Mount, I’m not allowed in here!” He continued walking without saying a word. When you reached the ghouls wing common room, you spotted a familiar fire ghoul. “Mountain? What are you doing?” Dew’s voice came from one of the couches. “Bed time.” Was the only thing he said, not stopping his long strides down the hall. Before you knew it, you were already in his room. He gently sat you down on his bed before crawling in to lay next to you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. He pulled up the thick blanket that sat on his bed, making sure the two of you were covered. You felt his tail slither around your ankle, securing you in his tight hold.
You relaxed in his arms, realizing you weren’t getting out of the situation no matter what. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, deeply inhaling your scent. You sighed in relief, your mind finally clear after hours of constant worries. That's when you heard it. Those three little words that made you weak slipped out from between his lips. You sat up, looking him in the eyes. “What did you say?” He smiled and placed his hands on the sides of your face, cupping your cheeks gently. “I love you.” Your breath hitched, becoming shaky. “Don’t joke around, Mountain.” His eyes softened. “I’m not joking. I would never joke about something like that, Love.” You shook your head, pulling away.
“You can’t, we can’t. It’s strictly forbidden.” He pulled you back towards him, his hands firm on your waist. “We can figure it out, my love. I’ll figure it out, you don’t need to worry about anything. For now, you just need to sleep.” He pulled you back down, your head resting on his chest. A soft purr rose from his chest, luring you into a deep sleep.
The feeling of fingers threading through your hair woke you from your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes to see Mountain looking at his phone, a smile etched onto his lips. He looked down at you, eyes lighting up. “Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?” You nodded sitting up, rubbing your eyes. “The booth owner replied-” He was cut off by a gasp escaping your lips. “Shit- I still have to get the fee’s together and call the buses-” He shushed you, shaking his head. “Relax, I took care of it. I submitted the total fees and called the tour buses. The date is set a week from now.” 
You just stared at him in disbelief. He laughed, putting his phone aside. Your face flushed a deep red as he opened up his arms. You accepted his embrace, wrapping your arms around his torso. “I wish I could come with you guys, but with the rules of the ministry it’s impossible.” He nodded, placing his hand on your head. “I know, but you’re the next priest. They need you here.” You scoffed, arms tightening around him. “The only thing they need me for is to do their work. Hell, I don’t even want to be a priest. I’ve always wanted to be in a band, kind’ve like you guys.” 
“I wish you could join us as well, I wish there was a way around this.” An idea popped into your head, not a good one, but it could work. “I have an idea that you, or really anyone, won’t like.” His head tilted to the side, obviously curious. “The only way I could escape the grip of the ministry, and my father, would be to die and be summoned back as a ghoul. It’s horrible, I know, but it would work. Just think about it.” His eyes widened in shock. “My love, dying and becoming a ghoul is a very painful process. Trust me, it's something you don’t want to ever experience.” 
He stopped, taking in a deep breath. “If you went through with this, you’d be giving up everything you know as a human. Everything will be different. The way you see and feel the world will change. Are you sure this is something you’d leave everything behind for?” You nodded, looking him in the eyes. “There’s nothing left for me as a human except stress and work. As a ghoul, I’d have everything. Freedom, the band, and you. I’d have you, Mountain. I’d die for you.” His face flushed as he nodded, giving you a small smile. “If that is what you wish, then I will help you as much as I possibly can.”
He leaned back into the pillows on his bed, gently stroking your head. “So how are you planning on doing this, dear?” You gave him a not so innocent smile. “I have to talk to Papa before anything is set in place. If he agrees, then we’ll be set. You’ll have to do some pretty convincing acting though.” He hummed, fully interested now. “Just know, I should be gone the night before you guys return from tour so that gives me about two weeks to do it. The clergy will send a message about what happened to me, but for now I’m going to keep that to myself. I don’t need you worrying about me while you’re on tour.” You reached a hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. 
“I’m always worried about you. There’s never a second when I’m not, love.” Blood rushed to your face, your cheeks turning bright red. You removed your hand from his face and covered your own. He opened his eyes and noticed this. He ran a teasing hand up your back, making you shiver. “I’ve got to say, you’re very easy to fluster. It’s quite cute.” You dug your head into his side, hiding the embarrassing look plastered across your face. He laughed and pulled you closer, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You need to get going, don’t you have a test?” You quickly sat up, nodding. He escorted you out of the ghouls wing, stopping at the door.
“I’ll meet you in the library later, until then love.” He leaned down, placing a kiss on your cheek. He gave you a small smile before shutting the door. When he turned around he found all of the ghouls staring at him. “When were you gonna tell us the two of you were dating?” He shook his head, dismissing the multi ghouls' words. “Swiss- were not dating.. Yet.” A collection of laughs rose from a few ghouls, making Mountain's cheeks flush a bit. “Come on, tell us everything.” Cirrus invited him over, which he gladly accepted.
Over the next week the two of you met in the library, discussing the plan further every day. A day before they left for the week-long tour, you discussed everything with Copia. He was very against it at first, but after hearing the full plan he eventually agreed. He always knew about your dreams and was happy to help. It was the fifth day of their tour, the day you’d see your demise. You sent one final text as a human to Mountain, a simple “I love you.” You put your valuable belongings in his dresser drawer, ready for when you returned. You smiled to yourself as you walked to your fathers office, prepared on what you were about to do.
You knocked twice, hearing a stern and toneless voice inviting you in. You smiled, seeing your father staring daggers into you from his desk. “What do you need, child.” You were grinning from ear to ear. “I’m not a child. Dear Lucifer, I bet you don't even know my age.” His brows snapped together. “What did you just say to me?” You took a few steps forward, now standing in front of his desk. “You heard me.” He stood up, his chair flying backwards. He swiftly made his way in front of you, towering over you. “How dare you come in here and disrespect me, your father and priest.” You laughed in his face, pissing him off more.
“You're not my father, far from it actually. You’re just a filthy old man who knows nothing about me.” You stepped forward. “I bet you didn’t know that I wanted to be in a band. I bet you don’t know that I can play guitar perfectly. I bet you didn’t know that I don’t want to be a fucking priest like you.” He slammed a fist down onto his desk. “You’ve been around those nasty ghouls! No wonder you’ve been slacking! They’re making you filthy. You stay away from those dirty little-” Before he could say another word, your body moved on its own. A red hand mark formed on his face from the harsh slap you planted on it.
He grabbed the dagger he kept on his desk, and in one quick movement you’d done it. It pierced straight through your heart, making you fall to the ground. You sharply inhaled, the pain was overwhelming your senses. You looked up at him, a smile still on your face. The doors of the office swung open, two siblings of sin barging in. They gasped at the sight before them. Your father towering over your limp body, blood spilling across the floor. You looked at the ground, saying your final words. “See you in hell, father.” You took one last breath, death washing over you.
Mountain looked back at Copia, unsure. “I know you’re scared to see it, but we have to do this to make it look real.” He nodded, bracing himself. He swung open the doors to the office and saw two siblings of sin leaned over your lifeless body. He ran up to you, falling to his knees. His stomach dropped seeing the blood that was spilled everywhere. Tears formed in his eyes as he placed a hand over your cold face. “Dear Satanas..” He looked up the sister of sin who stood in front of him. “Who did this?” Anger and grief flowed through his breaking voice. The Sister backed away, scared. Copia rushed in, grabbing onto the ghouls arms. 
“I apologize dear sister for my ghouls behavior, I will be taking him back to the ghouls wing.” She nodded, shooing him away. Copia dragged the ghoul out of the room, closing the door behind them. He released Mountain, huffing. “That was a good performance, now we need to-” He turned back to see the ghoul wiping his eyes. “Oh dear.. Mountain, you must remember this. We’re bringing him back, you’re going to see him very soon.” The tall ghoul nodded, standing up. “We must go now, your ghoul is waiting for us.” Copia gave him a reassuring pat on the back and led him down to the summoning chamber.
The pentacle was already drawn on the cold ground of the chamber with candles surrounding it. Copia quickly lit the candles and started the ritual. Mountain anxiously waited, watching the ground as if his life depended on it. The pentacle lit up, fire shooting up from the circle. A hole opened up from the ground, a hand reaching out grabbing the edge. Mountain sped to the opening and locked onto the hand. He pulled the ghoul up and out of the portal. “Papa! He’s out!” He stopped chanting, the portal quickly closing. The fire from the ghouls' bubbling skin burned him, but he didn’t care. He held the trembling ghoul in his arms, running his hand gently through his hair. “You’re home, my love.” 
You opened your eyes, gasping. Your whole body felt as though it was on fire, and it was. The feeling of familiar arms around you and that soothing honey like voice brought you back fully. “Mountain?..” You looked up to see him with glossy eyes. “You’re back, you’re safe.” You quickly wrapped your arms around him, smiling weakly into his shoulder. “I told you I’d die for you, didn’t I?”
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japhan2024 · 4 months
I had no idea you liked star trek too, I just knew you for smosh and Dan and Phil. That's so cool!! Would you be willing to write a little ianthony star trek au? Or have you already? No problem if not, I know that's kinda vague. Love your blog btw :)
Yes I LOVE Star Trek! I literally had so much fun writing this, it got a bit out of control LOL! But yeah I hope you like it!!
The logical choice
Words: 2,436
Genre: action/adventure, a Star Trek episode, first kiss
Rating: teen or general audiences
Read on AO3:
"Captain's log, stardate ???[writer's note: I can't do math!]. What would have been a diplomatic mission to Vulcan, a completely safe route, turned out to become something quite different. Ian was going to let our starship T'hy'la be blessed, and we would join a Vulcan fleet to covertly inspect the edges of Federation space. But all of a sudden, we were violently sucked into a wormhole, and were spat out, smack dab in the middle of the Delta Quadrant."
Anthony paused. He looked out of the window of his suite. He'd read a lot about Captain Janeway's voyages through this quadrant, and her years long quest to get back home. Panic stirred deep within him. He shut his eyes tightly and took a few deep breaths.
"We've been stranded here for a few days now. Chief Agnew, Ensign Bowe and their crew have been hard at work to repair the damage done by the violent yanking through space that T'hy'la has endured. Our deflector shields malfunctioned and structural integrity scraped by within an inch of collapsing. I truly believe that a bout of fate has saved us."
His communicator chimed. It was a benign sound, but it still made him jump.
"Captain, we've done all we can. Technically the ship works, but we lost a lot of deuterium. We repaired the injection subsystem, Tommy really outdid himself. But it's no use, we can't start with this little fuel."
"Thank you, Spencer," Anthony answered, trying to sound comforting. "You've done well. it may be time for us to try and reach out for help."
The door beeped.
"Come in."
"Captain," Ian strode into the room.
Anthony's Number One, and a Vulcan, Ian somehow always calmed Anthony down. And it was better, the closer they stood to each other.
"Number One, please tell me what you think of the situation?"
"We have done short- and long range scans, and have found no life-forms or ships. However," Ian raised one sharp eyebrow, "We did scan a gaseous nebula. It's all around us and could be the reason our sensors didn't pick anything up. Although it is not without risk, logic suggests we send out a distress signal."
"Agreed." Anthony sighed. Who knows what kind of aliens were out and about here, but they might as well try.
"Amanda, what's the matter?" Mister Topp, the ship's EMH, asked with kind, light-blue eyes.
"Shayne, I feel something big," she collapsed dramatically on a medical bed in the sickbay. "It's something I've never felt before, and you know I sense almost anything, being quarter Betazoid. "I- I don't know. It's not good, but also not evil. It's just... something infinite, almost. Like an ultimate power. It makes me dizzy."
"Well," Shayne smirked, "Courtney was just here, and her ego does tend to be infinitely big. I guess her Klingon side gives her the extra confidence." He sighed. "But she could be a bit nicer to me."
"Shayne," Trevor intervened. "You were flirting with her the entire time. She wasn't even here for a medical exam. She just checked in on us to see if everything was safe and you insisted she take three different blood tests! I'd be annoyed too," he laughed.
"I wish I could sense how you're feeling," Amanda beamed at Shayne. "But I can't sense a hologram. I do know how Courtney feels, though..." She winked at Shayne, who blushed.
"Amanda, it seems like you're back to normal. Please report back here if that changes again. Bye now!"
"Not without my hug," she teased.
"Why do Betazoids always want to hug!"
"I think it's just her," Trevor giggled.
"Get in here!" Amanda commanded. After the group hug, she went back to her Ship's counsellor's office.
Her communicator chimed.
"Hello commander Hecox," she smiled, as she sat down and crossed her legs over the couch, usually reserved for her patients.
"Counsellor Lehan-Canto. We need to talk."
Keith, the ship's Conn officer, observed the Bridge while captain Padilla was resting. He had never thought he'd be this far from home, but there he was, in the Delta Quadrant. Strangely, he wasn't worried. He looked at the beautiful multicolored nebula outside.
Suddenly, he got a transmission request.
"Captain, to the Bridge, we're being hailed!"
Not a moment later, Anthony walked in. "On screen," he commanded.
"This is captain Anthony Padilla of the starship T'hy'la. I assume you received our distress call."
"WE SURE DID, RIGHT, GUYS?" the alien looked at two very beautiful and scantily-clothed people on each side of her.
"Oh yes, Angela, we sure did," one of them replied with a honey-sweet voice.
"YES, WE DID, CAPTAIN. LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF. I'M ANGELA, AND THESE ARE MY FRIENDS CHANSE AND ARASHA. And..." Angela lowered her voice menacingly, "you have invaded OUR space."
"We've been sucked into a wormhole against our will and are stranded here without deuterium. We could trade you for it, We have latinum on board. Don't Ferengi always like a good deal?
"HA! YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE FERENGI HUH! Yeah, we do always want a good deal. But I don't think you'll be able to give us one. Your starship is called T'hy'la? HA! What a weak Vulcan/human hybrid concept. Don't you know the Rules of Acquisition? Rule 21: Never place friendship above profit. So, my little FRIEND, why don't you give your ship to me, and I will send you on your way back to the wormhole?"
Anthony scoffed. "I'm sorry, but have you scanned our ship? We could easily defeat you."
"Well..." Angela smirked even wider, and scratched behind her enormous ear. "I guess I didn't make myself clear. If you DON'T give me your ship, you will be dealing with my friends. Not these idiots here," she gestured to Chanse and Arasha. "I mean them."
And in one moment, all hope left Anthony's soul: two large, square spaceships emerged. It was the Borg.
" HAHAHA! You have one hour to respond!"
Angela disconnected.
"Red Alert," Anthony commanded.
The sirens were wailing through the ship.
"Not Red Alert again? We just fixed up the entire ship!" Tommy threw up his hands in exasperation.
Spencer put his gloved hand on his shoulder. "I was really hoping we could go to the holodeck and play DnD again. But it's not in the cards for us this time."
"Sword and shield in hand," Tommy bumped his shoulder into Spencer.
"Saving the day, just like we do everyday at work!"
"Even though I never get a promotion!"
"You really should, Tommy."
They were play-fighting with their engineer gear, and seeing Spencer laugh and goof off, suddenly made Tommy realize something. He was in love with his boss.
"Hey, why'd you stop?" Spencer was still booping him with a pretend-sword.
"You're adorable."
"Dude. I know."
"I mean... I..."
"AB," Ian said, walking quickly past them.
"Did he make up a nickname for us?!" Tommy said, wide-eyed. "Do Vulcans do that?"
"I think Amanda has been teaching him to be more normal, I mean, better at communication. Not doing that is normal for a Vulcan, of course."
"Imagine them together in a room!" Tommy laughed. A Vulcan and a Betazoid, they couldn't be more opposite!"
"Well, if I can sense anything, it's that those two have some chemistry going on," Spencer said with a smug look on his face. "I mean, she calls everyone 'imzadi' but her voice is softer when she says it to Ian. Huh... But sorry, you were going to say something?"
"Oh..." Tommy blushed. "Nevermind..."
"Ian, what did you want to talk to me about?"
Amanda visited Ian's quarters. It was very clean and neat and indeed very Vulcan.
"Please, sit," Ian gestured to the one table in the room, with two small chairs.
They both sat down. Amanda couldn't help but feel attracted to Ian's stoic earnest. And he was cute, too...
"I heard you sensed a presence, ever since we've been stranded here."
"Yes! I have been, and it seems like it's getting stronger too! If that is even possible. It's like we're at the epicenter of something."
"I sense it too."
"You do?"
"Yes. We Vulcans might not show our emotions, but we feel a lot of things. And I have felt this once before. Amanda, we are in grave danger."
"Ia- Number One!" Anthony was so glad to see Ian as he walked onto the Bridge.
"We are very much outnumbered, captain," Ian said. "It would be logical to surrender."
Ian walked closer to Anthony. Anthony sighed in relief. Whatever would come next, he could bear it with Ian at his side.
"But I advice against it."
"The Ferengi woman is the obvious culprit, luring ships here to loot and then let them be assimilated by the Borg. However... She is not the one in control here."
Ian and Anthony heard clapping behind them.
"Well done, commander Hecox," a woman with long black hair, dressed in all black, spoke.
"Who are you?" Anthony demanded.
"She is Q, the most powerful being in the universe."
"You know her, Ian?"
"I know her, from long ago. She called herself Olivia Sui then."
"And I kept my eye on you, Ian. I expected great things from you! And even though you are obviously the smartest one on this ship of idiots, you've become boring! You used to make me laugh, Ian..."
Anthony felt a sudden annoyance at this Q. Why was she so interested in his Number One?!
"What do you want, Q?"
"What do I want?! I want to laugh again, damnit! So," and she snapped her fingers, and the entire ship was gone. Instead, he, Ian and Amanda stood in an empty, white world. Angela, Arasha and Chanse were also there. "If you make me laugh first, I'll zap you straight home! But if not... then you're back at the mercy of Angela here."
Amanda, Anthony and Ian huddled together.
"So, is she an ex of yours or something?" Amanda whispered.
"We were betrothed once."
"What?!" Anthony fumed.
"Ha, your anger amuses me already, captain. But I'm not laughing just yet!"
Anthony looked straight at Q, and began to mime. Physical humor was his strong suit. He fell over, mimed that he was stuck, rolled over the ground... to no avail.
"You failed! Next!"
Angela walked forward.
"Elementary concept, expertly executed," Q said. "But not enough to make me laugh. NEXT!"
Amanda walked forward. She got really close to Q, and Anthony felt Ian tense up. He took his hand. Ian squeezed extremely hard. He probably forgot his Vulcan strength for a second.
Wait, did Ian care this much about Amanda? Were they- was Ian just dating everyone and Anthony didn't know it? He figured, he couldn't blame the girls. Ian was so handsome, so strong...
"I guess you don't know who I am," Amanda began. "I am the daughter of Deanna Troi and William Riker. That makes me one quarter Betazoid... and I sense that you don't want to laugh at all. You want to FEEL something. And I'll give it to you. I've reached a certain age, you know..." Amanda tip-toed her fingers up Q's arm.
"Give mommy a smooch!"
"Noo, no, get away from me!" Q took a few steps away.
"Did not!"
"I saw it! You laughed, Q!"
"Okay, fine, I did! But I'm not done just yet! I guess I will zap you and your stupid ship back home.... after.... THEY kiss."
"The captain and his Number One."
"What?" Ian and Anthony said in sync.
"Yeah, hahaha! That will really make my day! Don't tell me you haven't sensed it, Betazoid? They are all in."
Amanda looked down. She really liked Ian and he liked her too, but she knew that his heart belonged to his captain. On all their intergalactic adventures, Ian had saved Anthony so many times and vice versa, they had developed an unbreakable bond. They had never acted on it before, but now, apparently it was the only thing that would save them.
"So, you cooked up this whole charade, just to get them to kiss?"
"What? It's not a charade, I'm eternally bored, I had to think of something!"
Q walked up to Ian and Anthony. "Now, do the thing," she said, pressing her two index fingers together.
Ian looked at Anthony. The intense warmth of his brown eyes overwhelmed the Vulcan. He would normally never show it, in fact he had never given Anthony a clue that he was interested. But he was. All the times he had seen Anthony change clothes, when Anthony had hugged him after they were safe from danger, he had never reciprocated. But now, he had no choice.
"It's only logical that we do this. But I have to confess, Anthony... I've been longing for a kiss from you for an eternity. And I need to know if you're okay with it now."
Anthony blushed deeply. Was Ian just saying this because of the situation? Why did he make it more dramatic than it needed to be? "Ian... Have you really? I've loved you for such a long time... And I've also always wanted an opportunity to kiss you. But I never dared, I never thought it was appropriate, seeing as I'm your captain and all."
"Yes, you acted logically as well."
Anthony took Ian's chin between his fingers and pushed it upwards.
"Excellent!" Q said, but they didn't hear her.
"Anthony..." Anthony saw a wild fire ignite between Ian's eyes. It was scary but Anthony wasn't afraid. He pressed his lips agains Ian's.
Ian growled and kissed him back, grabbing on Anthony's curls. Anthony couldn't believe the feeling. It was scorching hot, but so, so comfortable. He wanted to stay like this forever.
When he opened his eyes, they were back on the T'hy'la and back in the Alpha Quadrant.
"Are you okay, captain?"
Anthony looked at Ian. He could cry. Nobody remembered anything, except for him.
"I- I need to take a break..."
He walked off the bridge. As if by magic, Amanda was waiting for him there.
"Captain, I sensed your emotions, they quickly heightened. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I think that's best, Counsellor."
"Come on, I'll take you to my office."
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expendables-ropg · 28 days
So who we are? we are a group of expendables sended down here to get the cristal
''so you all are trying your hardest to get the cristal and not die, right?''
....weeeeell, no, we just are messing around the facility :p
But here's the
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Sup its me, redy!
Im a 19 years old idiot, i was accused of second degree murder and kidnapping 4 innocents, other people say i shouldnt be here and that my crimes are faked, which the worse part is that its true
i like strawberries and Poyo, but i dont like Diving (EVEN THOUGH IM OBLIGATED TO DO SO)
i like talking with others and looking at everything, others call me curious (and stupid), but who knows if theres a little drawer with research somewhere?
Also i have a gun (:
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And here's the
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Hello everyone my name is Orany, im the 22 year old kind of girl that if you stop watching for a second is gonna fucking stab you in the back
why? it would be fun
I like grewy (because hes my boyfriend ) and baked potatoes, and im terrified of heights, have you never felt scared of being so high that you feel how your body could at any moment fall to the floor and die?
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So here's the
(she asked for a more formal Divider)
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yeaaa...so im Piky, the smartest one of these guys-
''thats a lie one of the many deaths you had you literally died to Searchlights because you-''
Im just trying to do my job here, tho being silly like these idiots isnt that bad, sometimes is fun, makes me forget my crimes lmao
I dont like nothing or no one at the moment
i fucking hate @asksearchlights, and her stupid wife
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Anyways, here we founded the
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howdy, im Grewy!
i have been sentenced to death penalty because of Murdering 6 people because of an explosion i caused and arson
yea no balls, im telling my crimes
I like Orany (Orany my beloved❤️) and pizza, i dont like darkness....
I like being silly even thought other people looks at me scared, im sure they will eventually get used to it, but i can also be S E R I U S when i need to be
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This is a vague description of the characters, theres a lot more about them that you will figure out in rps
How to apply to the new blog
-I dont want politics in this askblog
-im okay with suggestive things but remember theres a limit
-Im fine with gore, and i love rping
-Anyone can ask, and better if its asked by a askblog
RP guide:
''Redy talks in a red color''
''Orany talks in a orange color''
''Piky talks in a pink color''
''Grewy talks in a green color''
[This means ooc/mod talking]
*This is how to say an action*
If you want to do a rp, start your ask with ''{RP}'' or ''{RolePlay}''
#Expendables ropg responds - (answers to your asks)
#Expendables ropg art - (share art, theres no drawings of them yet so go wild!)
#OC to ROPG interactions - (any interaction of your OC to any ROPG member)
This whole blog is inspired by @asksearchlights blog, which was also inspired by @ask-eyefestation blog
Also the game from this blog is Pressure from Roblox
Quick mod notes/edits:
-Mod native language isnt english, so i will probably do grammar mistakes, sorry ):
[ mod is He/Him]
I have indeed reached the final part of the game, but died unfortunately
this blog is probably not related to the original game, so expect silly stuff/theories / any headcanon / and funny momments to happend here, after all the point is to have fun :)
@Aeott is the mod of this blog
Thanks for seeing all of this, i hope you enjoy this askblog as much as i enjoyed making it ^ ^
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