#and then she called him a paranoid lunatic so you know.
utterdrip · 11 months
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thembie looks so out of place but she is a TINKERER! she needs to ease of accessibility an apron provides!
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i promise shes not a butcher! she is an inventor!
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My Dear Wife - Lloyd Hansen Series
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Character: Lloyd Hansen x Rich!Female Reader
Words Count: 3200
Summary: Our reader was safe from the hostage situation, and she got her answer for all her problems. But did she make the right choice being married to a lunatic sociopath? 
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
A/N: This is the continuous chapter from 3 Billion Divorce. <<<Check it out if you haven't read it. 
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Thank you so much for reblogging the first chapter. 💕💕
I want to write the aftermath of the day Lloyd came to the reader's office with the divorce paper. 
But I feel the story would be better when both characters get to know each other. 
I would appreciate any comments and feedback you can give me. Please tell me if you have any ideas and feedback for part 3. 
Don't be shy if you want to be tagged for part 3. 😄💕
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In the family, there will always be an evil uncle, aunt, or cousin who says hurtful things. Their bullet would be:
"Why are you still single?"
"How much is your salary?"
"When will you get married?"
"My son/daughter just got promoted or bought a new apartment."
They will say anything to make their family better than anyone else. 
The only choice is to ignore them and not return for another family gathering. 
But with you, it's a different case. You wished they would say hurtful things rather than try to get rid of you. 
They have shown you their true colors after your grandfather's funeral. 
Their first act was you woke up at a mental hospital with the note that you're delusional. 
You ran away and sued the hospital. 
They even use your friend to spike your drinks. Since that day, you lost your friend, and you never took a sip that was being offered to you. 
You almost got killed on the airplane, but the pilot didn't want to risk his life, so he told you the truth. 
You can't even stay at your own house. Cause assassins always break in to get you while you're asleep.
That's just some of the cases. 
After the suffering, you've been facing all these years. 
It's time to get revenge. 
You got an instant husband who is an expert at handling problems.
After your secretary sent the money, Lloyd untied the rope around your hands. What a paranoid man; he didn't trust you until he got the money. 
"Mr. Hansen, where is my bodyguard?" You couldn’t stop worrying about Jimmy after the car crash. You didn’t know what happened to him. 
He is still sitting and reading the contract. "Aren't we supposed to be husband and wife? Call me Lloyd, or hubby, or babe. Take your pick."
Lloyd wants to tease you and is curious about your response.
You’re not amused with his jokes, "Lloyd, I want my bodyguard to be alive and healthy."
Oh well, you’re not in the mood for jokes. He snapped his finger to his soldier to come forward. The soldier speaks softly, almost whispering, "Her bodyguard lost too much blood."
Lloyd clenched the soldier's collar, forced him to bend, and pointed his gun. "I don't care, treat him. If he needs to bathe in blood, so be it. Or do you want to pay the penalty of 3 billion?"
"No sir." The soldier shook his head and started to run. 
He put down the contract and clapped his hands. "Good news sweetheart, your bodyguard is resting. He got dehydrated."
"So what does my precious wife want me to do?" 
He strolls towards you. "Do you want to finish them as quickly as possible or slowly by torturing them?"
"The second choice."
"I thought you wanted them gone."
You scoffed. "They will lose their will to live when they see me become the head of the company."
Lloyd felt a shiver when you said that. He likes it when you sound desperate but bossy at the same time.
"I need to ask you, are you sure you want to pay me that much money? I could give you a discount if you want."
You shook your head. "It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm alive."
You walk around him while your eyes stay focused, looking at his blue eyes. "I see how you work, kind of spontaneous but deadly. You immediately betrayed my relative after I offered you more money."
Suddenly you stopped and smirked, "That means you're not afraid or just don't give a shit. I need a fearless man who is also a lunatic at the same time."
"Besides, I'm worth more than 40 million dollars."
He felt shiver again, and now his heart was beating loudly. He doesn't understand why.
Lloyd's hands cover his face. "Stop, stop, I'm blushing because of your compliment."
"We could write this into our marriage vows."
You rolled your eyes. "By the way, is there any room that I could use? I want to rest."
Lloyd smirked, "Oh honey, I haven't decorated the bedroom for our wedding night."
You sighed heavily, your finger running through your hair."Lloyd, Right now, your wife is exhausted, 4 hours ago, I thought I would die. I have no energy to banter with your joke."
"Okay princess." Lloyd raised his hands; he knew it was time to stop teasing you. "My man will take you to your bedroom. By the way, my room is next to yours. If you feel lonely, just knock." He winked at you. 
You rolled your eyes. "Ooh, and I want to have breakfast tomorrow. Black coffee and egg Benedict."
‘GASP!' Everyone inside the house was astonished at how brave you were giving orders to their boss. 
"Don't tell me 1 billion is not enough to get me proper food?"
You shook your head. 
Lloyd looked at you.
You didn't know the last time someone gave him an order, that person got thrown into the sea. 
This is the first time a guest has ordered breakfast in his mansion. To be exact, a former hostage became an honorary guest in his house. 
At the stairs, you look down at him. "Don't make me regret investing in you, Lloyd." 
His jaw twitched, but he stared at your back without replying. 
He never tries to prove himself. But to you, he has too. He doesn't want to disappoint you since you gave him so much money.
God, he loved a challenge.
He snapped his fingers to call the servants, "Tell our chef to give his best for tomorrow."
After you closed the door behind you, you finally took a breath. 
Honestly, you didn’t plan to sleep, but after you find the answer to your problem, you feel somewhat relieved, and the fatigue you've been holding in for four years finally releases and drains your energy. 
It’s a funny world; you feel safer sleeping in a house full of guns. Everyone here wears weapons like accessories. 
While you are resting on the second floor, everyone is working since Lloyd orders his IT team to start looking at your family. 
It will take a while to get the info; while waiting, Lloyd took a cigarette to the terrace. He took a deep puff and exhaled smoke as he looked at the garden. 
He thought he could finish this job easily. But now it’s more complicated. 
‘BZZT’ The sudden vibrating phone woke Lloyd from his deep thoughts. He grins when he sees the caller.
"There's a new job for you." That British accent sounds annoyed, probably caused by Susan's nagging.
"Can't. I'm busy."
"I thought you'd done with the last mission."
"That one is done. This one is different."
"What is it?"
"I got married."
"You're… not… laughing. Are you serious? With who?"
"Y/N L/N."
Lloyd moved his ears away from the phone because Carmichael cursed too loudly.
"L/N? Don't tell me she's from the conglomerate family L/N & Co?"
"I heard she will be appointed as the leader next year. Lloyd, you lucky bastard."
"Thanks man. Hey, can you send all the files of the L/N family?"
"Sure. Consider this as a wedding gift from me."
That phone call was short but helpful. The best part is Carmichael didn't ask questions and was ready to help him. 
In a few minutes, Lloyd received the files. It seems like the CIA has been sniffing around. Everything is here. 
Your grandfather has eight kids, but after your father died, that left seven kids. 5 aunts and two uncles, that’s how many opponents you have to deal with.
The fight is different with your uncle and aunts because they don’t mind getting their hands dirty as long as they achieve their goals.
The files have dirt ready to use if the agency wants to blackmail your family. Your uncles embezzled the company money; there are also some cases of sexual harassment.
Your aunts do money laundry using their art gallery and boutique shops. Their husbands are politicians, it's obvious they received a bribed.
He got the info and everything he needed, and next, he opened your files. 
Only your father chose to be low profile. He handles car manufacturers. He’s good at his job, and the car he designed improved. Your mother is just an ordinary housewife. Your family is quite normal than other relatives. 
But the normal life is gone when your two uncles fail a mega project and humiliate the family business. It made your grandfather mad. 
Your grandfather chose your father as the next successor, but before the official announcement, your parents died in a car accident. 
It is still a mystery where the driver went missing. 
There’s a big question mark on the files. A big chance the one who hired the assassins is in your family. 
Your grandfather took you in, and you became a prodigy under his wings. Everyone knew you would be the next successor. 
After high school, you decided to study abroad, not in an Ivy League university your grandfather told you to attend. This is the first time you disobey him. 
He only participated in your graduation and asked you to get a master's at Harvard. 
Lloyd chuckled about the fact you went to the same university “No shit, she's a fellow alumnus.”
This time you did what he asked. While getting a master, your work in the company as an intern. It was difficult, but you learned a lot. 
The way you work in business also improved; your grandfather often asks your opinion to find solutions. The interaction between you both made others jealous. 
There’s also a hospital record of a car and ski accident. All the evidence showed all the equipment was broken on purpose.
"Such a heartless family." Lloyd shook his head; after he dug deeper, he realized your family is more complicated than he thought. Money is more important than blood. 
After finding out what happened, there’s an uneasy feeling knowing you’re alone right now.
Lloyd went into your room to check in; he knew this house security was top-notch, but it doesn’t hurt to check. He could talk to you until you fell asleep if you were still awake. 
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When he went in, he saw you sleeping peacefully. 
You were wrapped in a white blanket like a burrito. He looked at you, defenseless like a bunny. 
He leaned down a bit before sitting at the side of the bed; you didn’t even notice. You must be exhausted.
He can’t imagine if he were in your position—four years of running and hiding. Surviving without any military background is quite impressive.
Lloyd knew his job was to protect you and stay professional, but right now, he couldn't help feeling protective towards you; he wanted to get all your relatives to the basement and torture them to death. 
“Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt. I swear in the name of 3 billion dollars." He whispered before leaving the room.
Usually, he doesn’t care if his client is satisfied with how he does his work. But with you, he wants to see you smiling and proud at his job. 
The next day,
The sun was beaming through her blinds, causing you to stir. It’s been a long time since you’ve awakened from a deep sleep. You felt refreshed.
“Rise and shine.” 
Your body jumped; you didn’t realize someone else was in the room. 
There he is, already in his best outfit. He dresses like he wants to go hunting. In contrast, you look like a mess. There’s nothing underneath the blanket since they didn’t provide you with any spare clothes.
You clenched your blanket when he walked towards you. His right knee rests on the bed while you move backward, but he moves faster. You flinched without realizing it. 
As a woman, you know he has a beautiful body at first glance. Even his perfume smells nice. Too bad he’s a lunatic.
While you were lost in thoughts, he swept you with the blanket into his arms, cradled you to his chest, and carried you out of bed.
“Ah! What are you…?!”
Lloyd smirked; he found it amusing to see you caught off guard. “Didn’t you ask for breakfast?”
He carried you to the dining room and put you near his chair. In a few minutes, people appear, their hands carrying a food tray. They put down the food, and there it is. 
You could smell good coffee in a glass, not instant coffee like you always made, and egg benedict. The food looks beautiful. You’ve always wanted to have an aesthetic breakfast. 
You touch the coffee cup, enjoying the warmth in your hand. Lloyd thought you were scared. “There’s no poison in it.”
“I know.” You bring the cup to your lips” I remembered your vows.” You want to giggle, but you hide it by sipping the coffee.
Lloyd burst into laughter. It turned out you were awake. You keep surprising him. He felt like he had achieved something when he saw you enjoying breakfast. 
Suddenly one of the servants knocked on the door. "Sir, they're here."
"Great, let them in."
After he gives permission, you see a group walking into the room. Each of them has a different style.
You have so many questions; Lloyd said, "You are my honor guest. And you deserve the best treatment. I got the best hair stylist, and fashion expert to treat you."
Lloyd smiled generously. "This is my first gift to you."
"After you're done, there will be another surprise waiting for you." He said before leaving.
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After the makeover is done, you feel like you are being reborn. It’s been a long time since you got pampered like this. You got to admit he did a great job. 
Before you go down the stairs, you see the silhouette you’ve wished to see. 
“Jimmy.” You ran down to hug him. 
“You're okay. I'm so glad.” Jimmy sighed, relieved; then he talked in his serious voice, "I know we're desperate but not this desperate to make a deal with him."
The moment he woke up, he punched one of the soldiers. No wonder why the car chasing is too much. It was Hansen Security who got hired. He heard about the company. They are famous as gruesome and heartless mercenaries. They will use every method to finish their job.
He was confused, and even though the soldier got hit, he wasn't mad. It turns out you made a deal with their boss. The money you offered was insane. But to you, money is not the issue. 
"I care for you like my own kid. I don’t want you to get hurt."
You want to cry when he says that. You've known him since your grandfather was still alive. He's a man of loyalty, and you're grateful for that. 
"This is why I made a deal with him. I don't want to lose you. Even though we're not related by blood. But to me you're family.”
Jimmy sighed again because you were right. There's nothing else you can do. 
“Ehem, pardon me for interrupt. But boss wants to see you both.” 
The soldier guides both of you to the room. He opened it with a passcode. When the door opened, you were awed by how many screens were inside and computers.
“Sir, the honored guest is here.”
Lloyd was looking at the screen when he turned around and became quiet when he saw you. The stylist he hired did a great job. You look different... in a good way. 
He cleared his throat. “I want to show you something.”
You saw the screen behind him. 
“Before we start planning to made your relative suffer, there’s another thing you should know.”
A picture of a news article and a photo of a wrecked car is shown. 
“Car accident that happened 19 years ago."
Your body flinched when you saw the pictures. It's a taboo topic. Nobody around you will try to open the Pandora box.
But this man… just opens the source of your trauma. 
Jimmy was ready to destroy the hardware if you asked him to. Because this is your nightmare.
On the other hand, Lloyd discovers new facial expressions from you. He likes looking at you as being weak. Lloyd wants to punish you a little bit. He still holds a grudge when you humiliated him last night.
 "I found the missing driver.”
“They made it look like an accident. But I found the driver and the person who hired him."
"Who?!!" You've been looking for the answer but always found a dead end. 
"The eldest child from your 3rd aunt's family."
Your cousin? That most spoiled person you've ever known? 
You remembered another cousin making fun of him, saying he needed a nanny to wipe his ass until he was ten. He couldn't even pass every test unless his parents bribed the schools. 
You heard he worked as a notary, but he was stupid. The land he handled for a mega project doesn't have a permit. While the investors had put their money. For sure, they sued him.
He came to your grandfather, begging and crying for help. 
He was the last person you could ever think of. 
"Your aunt and her husband get rid of all the traces."
Lloyd's words hit you like blows to the chest, and each of them made you lose breath. You always want to know the truth, but the pain is too much. You struggle to stand on your own feet. 
"Yeah…, there's …no way…. he can work ….alone."
Lloyd noticed you start panting, your eyes not focusing anymore on the screen. 
"What about…my other… family? Do they… know?" 
"All of them are working together. " 
"Urgh." The pain in your chest became unbearable. So their condolences at your parents' funeral are an act of pity? And your grandfather? 
That's when you realized. 
Oh, God.
Your grandfather knew the TRUTH. That's why he chose you as the successor to forgive his children. 
Your vision becomes blurry, your legs wobble, and it feels like the floor is moving. 
Lloyd moved fast when he noticed you couldn't stand on your feet. He caught you before you fell. 
Your hand clenched his shirt to make him bend down. Your face and his were so close that you could feel his breath. 
You saw his expression, he was not worried, but you could feel he was amused seeing your reaction. This bastard does this on purpose cause yesterday you embarrassed him.
There’s no way you would cry in front of this psycho. 
"Forgot… what I said….last night. I want them…gone."
Lloyd smirked. His hand removed yours that was holding his shirt. He touched your knuckles and kissed them gently. "As you wish my dear wife."
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A/N: What do you guys think about this chapter? If you have any ideas for part 3, please tell me. It will be helpful. 
Don't be shy if you want to be tagged for part 3. 😄💕
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Extra Story
Tag list :
@jasminxts @alchemxx @imsolatetothegame @thorinsmistress @bree-lyrie @another-tblr-fangirl @buckysteveloki-me @motivation-idontknowher @cherrybubblebullet @supraveng @avery199 @evansce1 @ridingthehotmessexpress @hoely-maria @katymae12344 ara-theo @rebeccapineapple @spikeluv84
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final-girl96 · 1 year
Firefly Chapter Twenty-Nine
7:30 PM
After the decision was made that we would stay for the night Ellie begged Joel to take her to look around after she ran back inside. "Take her to check all Bill's traps. Make sure they're still intact and while you do that I'll find something to make us for dinner." He sighed and looked at Ellie before looking at me, "we should pack the truck up," he said. Ellie rolled her eyes, head leaning back as she let out a groan. "We can do that after! Come on, let's go!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him out the door.
I stood there for a little while looking into the dining room. The table was covered in dust just like everything else along with their last meal. I took a deep breath and got to work clearing it off. Frank hated having the house a mess. Of course the dust would just come back but it doesn't hurt to clean everything up before we leave. Maybe I can convince Joel to help cover the furniture in sheets. Who knows maybe we could come back here one day.
After I had everything cleaned up I dug around and found something to make for dinner. It wasn't too hard, Bill was always prepared. Hell, the man was a prepper before all this shit even happened. He had a plan already thought up and then when shit went down he put that plan into action. He was smart for isolating himself from people and not going with the military when they came here. I could not see Bill in the QZ zone.
After Joel and Ellie came back she ran up to me slightly out of breath and talked a mile a minute about Bill's insane traps. I could hear Joel's heavy sigh and his boots walking closer to where we were in the kitchen. "Thought I told you to stay with me." Ellie rolled her eyes, waving him off, and continued on her excited rant about how Bill was a crazy old man. "You're right! He was just like Joel! Maybe a little more paranoid but holy shit!"
After we ate dinner Ellie wanted to go outside again. "It's getting dark," I told her. "Please please please!" I held a hand up to stop her, "Fine. But…we aren't going too far!" The sun was almost completely gone now. "So, you and Joel made up?" I looked over at Ellie and shrugged. "Kind of, I guess. I mean there is still a lot to talk about. Not everything can be fixed overnight."
"What did he do that made you leave?" I stopped walking and turned to her. "Look, Joel…Joel is very protective of those he cares about. And with me and him being…in a relationship I became his biggest weakness. And that meant he was over protective of me. We had a fight and things were said. And instead of sticking around to talk it out after we both cooled down, I ran."
"What kinds of things?" She asked. I took a breath and we continued walking. "Hurtful things. Things that take time to get over."
When we got back to the house Joel was in the garage that sat beside the house. He was packing the truck up with anything we would need. Food, clothes, camping stuff like sleeping bags and a portable stove. "We should be getting to bed. I want to leave at dawn." Ellie groaned, "that's so early!" She stalked across the yard, grumbling about how Joel was a grumpy old man.
"You've been a real help in reminding me why I never had kids!" I called after her. She put her thumbs up in the air, turning to walk backwards. "Glad I could be helpful!" She gave me a sarcastic smile, flipped me off and slammed the door. "Okay," I whispered, sighing and shaking my head.
"I thought you used to always want kids." I turned my head to look at Joel, who avoided any and all eye contact. "Yeah, back when the world wasn't overrun by some parasite that makes people raging lunatics. Back when I was still young and still held onto those silly little dreams even in a world like this. But those dreams faded and reality set in."
I looked down to see him clenching his fists then looked up to his jaw, which was also clenched. I raised an eyebrow, "you have something to say? Or maybe ask?" He didn't say anything for a few minutes and I began to think he never was. "You…uh…did you…were you seeing someone?" My eyebrows shot up at Joel stumbling over his words and trying not to let his anger get the best of him.
"Are you asking if I fucked other men in the ten years we were together?" His jaw ticked as his dark eyes bored into my soul. "What if I did? You going to go find each and everyone of them and kill them?" He took slow, heavy steps towards me. "That depends." He was standing in front of me now and all I could do was smirk.
"No, Joel. There hasn't been anyone else. If I need that kind of release I just did it myself. Even though it was never good enough. You ruined me for anyone else. Nobody would have been good enough. I would have never been happy." I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. "Now, let's go to bed. We gotta get up at dawn!"
5:00 AM
"She isn't going to like you waking her up." Joel ignored me and walked to the room that Ellie had stayed in last night. I didn't get much sleep last night. All I could think about was that Bill and Frank's corpses were right down the hall. Joel fell asleep pretty quickly with how exhausted he was but he never fell into a deep sleep.
He hasn't fallen into a deep sleep since before Cordyceps. He used to have to be yelled at and have his bedroom door pounded on just for him to wake up to hear his alarm go off. Now, he sleeps but it's a light sleep. Every time I moved his eyes would crack open and then he finally pulled me into him until I eventually fell asleep. That was only four hours ago.
The sun wasn't even up yet, it was still dark. We still had an hour until dawn, but Joel wanted to get out of here and on the road. While he went to wake Ellie I headed downstairs and grabbed something that we could quickly eat. "What the fuck! It's still dark out!" Ellie yelled. "Get your ass up!" I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and Joel appeared in the dining room. "I'm done with her!" He stormed out the door, slamming it as he went.
Once Ellie and I ate we headed out to the truck where Joel was giving everything a once over. We had a couple cans of gas in the bed of the truck with everything else so we would be good for a while. As soon as Ellie got in the truck she started opening and closing compartments, pulling down the visor and looking around. "Move it," Joel told her, thumb hitching over his shoulder to the back seat.
She clambered into the back seat and started looking around. Joel got in the driver's seat, and I climbed into the passenger seat. "It's like a rocketship!" Joel sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "Never been in a car?" I asked, and she shook her head. Joel turned the keys in the ignition and started the truck, pulled out of the garage, pulled up to the gate, and I got out to open it. Once he pulled through, I made sure the fate was closed before climbing back in the truck, and we started our journey.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
If I Let Myself Love You - Ch 13
My fic for @mlbigbang 2022!
PREVIEW from Chapter 13:
Marinette’s phone buzzed, pulling her out of her thoughts. She picked it up without thinking and saw Adrien’s goofy face on the screen.
All of the afternoon’s earlier stress returned. It was tempting not to answer. But that was just more avoidance – something she’d become a pro at – and she didn’t want to leap into that pattern with him so soon.
Besides. Maybe he’d give her some answers and sooth her anxious heart.
‘Hey,’ she greeted him, forcing her voice to sound normal and not paranoid at all.
‘Hey! I was worried you might ignore my call.’
‘…why would I do that?’ More like: How did you know?
‘I don’t know. Just a feeling. Weird, right? So. I missed you.’
Her traitorous heart seemed to skip a beat. Adrien was so forward. Just came right out and said these things. Like they were already a couple. And it did feel like there was some unspoken understanding between them. But….
‘How can you miss me?’ She twirled her pencil in her fingers. ‘You only saw me a few hours ago.’
‘That’s too long.’ Maybe he was more self-aware than she thought, because he suddenly asked, ‘Am I coming on too strong?’
She blinked. ‘That…depends. What impression are you going for?’
‘The one where I’m crazy about you and can’t get you off my mind and just don’t know what to do with myself, but I know it sounds nuts because we’ve only known each other a week, and you’re probably there thinking I’m a lunatic.’
Breathe, Marinette – breathe!
She leaned forward on her desk, for strength. ‘You’re…actually going for that?’
‘I don’t think I have a choice. I just keep doing it.’
Keep reading at AO3
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*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. Half funny / fluffy and half heavy but with a happy ending. Please read tags. *** Rating: Teen and up
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superbattrash · 2 years
Hi, I watched the first episode of sandy aka The Sandman and here are my many, many thoughts
Sandy ep 1
Oh okay much more magical intro that I was expecting. He’s got a really nice narrator voice, I approve
“Father likes to be called magus” ok so father is insane, gotcha
OH MY GOD IS THAT THE FATHER? Can’t remember the actor’s name but I feel like he’s good as far as old white men actors go. Wait he’s in game of thrones isn’t he? This will annoy me
Off Jutland? Wait I live in Jutland!!! If it’s yaknow. The Danish Jutland.
Jesus Christ okay so he’s insane and an asshole, good to know. “Randall was my greatest joy” THE KID IS RIGHT THERE
Oh no, are you serious? You can’t make death do anything. Have you not seen Puss in Boots 2? That never ends well
THAT GOTTA BE THE TEEF GUY HELLO TEEF MAN oh you’re not good :( “my lord”, damn that’s hot
[Dream groaning] and it just sounds like a dying bee
Even Father is surprised this is working. Oh no, this won’t do any good, you’ll fuck someone up, I just know it. Oh is, he slammed into the floor hard, didn’t he? Poor sandy, he’s not even conscious
Is he gonna sacrifice his son??? Oh no, he’s just using him to do the dangerous stuff just in case, okay, that seems fair 🙄
YOU CANT JUST TAKE THAT, YOU LUNATIC!!!!! Thief!!!!! Oh my god he’s naked….. DON’T TOUCH HIM?????? What the FUCK
I TOLD YOU SO, YOU RUINED THE SLEEP, YOU PSYCHO!!!! TEEF MAN, EAT HIM!!!!! Oh no of course not, why would it be that easy
Oh they’re all D’s, that’s pretty cool
This honestly looks like some kind of renaissance painting, all naked and in glass, poor sandy :(
You’re doing this because you want your dead son back from the dead? Grieving would be better for everybody, you idiot. Humans are the most selfish things ever, dear god
He won’t give you shit, old man, fuck off
Alex is not like other boys, Alex reads gasp gasp. And he attracts older pretty ladies, that’s nice. Too nice. She’s too good to be true, isn’t she? Hmmmm
Oh no, don’t leave the kid alone with him. Or wait maybe do?? I’m not sure who do root for yet except the naked man in the glass bubble because he has a nice voice. You’re presenting yourself??? Oh no, poor boy
Angry little sandy doing the >:c face
OH SHIT DADDY CAUGHT YOU!!!! Was he about to beat his own son with a cane? He’s paranoid and insane oh my god if YOU can’t shoot the bird, how’s Alex supposed to??
Ethel, aw. That’s a nice name
Do you sense your birb is here, sandy? BE CAREFUL, BIRDIE!!!! Oh daddy’s a Hunter huh? No wonder I don’t like him
Are you seriously gonna burn the house down? Impressive, actually. Oh birdie, you found him 🥺 look at that face, he’s almost smiling
The bird’s gonna die, isn’t it? OH MY G O D, I TOLD YOU SO THAT IS HORRIBLE HOW FUCKING COULD YOU?!?!?! 😭😭😭 THAT WAS HIS FRIEND!!! You better fucking bury it right, you little shit.
Oh god, not sleeping at all?? You can die from that, can’t you???
…are they gay? They could totally be gay. It sounded like flirting
Oh noooo, Ethel, why are you crying? :( a baby? Oh dear. Papa doesn’t like that, does he? Of course he doesn’t. Shithead. PLEASE RUN AWAY ETHEL oh or grab a taxi, that’s great too. AND you robbed him??? I’m kinda impressed by you, E
He CANT FUCKING RAISE THE DEAD YOU ABSOLUTELY MORON, he can’t just give you whatever your tiny mind wants
Oh THANK GOD, someone finally stood up to him. Oh no, did you kill your own dad? That’s gonna give you ALL the issues, you idiot
Look at him. He’s waiting for you to free him, you’re ALLOWED NOW, you’re the master of the- oh wow he really is naked, huh??? 😳
His father would beat him senseless, what does it matter what he would say? Jesus these people are all so moronic
Oh it’s the gay boy again!!!
WHAT THE SHIT HES ACTUALLY GAY???? Oh my god I feel so weird, this never happens
Is Ethel important or is baby Johnny? Or both? I feel like they’re both involved a lot, even without the stealing
Gay boy wanting him to let sandy out, please please please. Oh his name is Paul, hi Paul. I like Paul, Paul seems good
You didn’t, did you? Oh could not, right, of course. Oh man, how many years went by? THEY GOT MARRIED? Awwwww. Like, a tentative aww but still, I never get to see happy gay endings
Paul, don’t say anything. Paul, don’t do it. Paul. Good good good, good boy, man, good Paul
Lord, that is an intense stare, little sandy
Nicely placed hand there, kiddo, wouldn’t want us to see your actual everything, huh? You are. So very thin, my boy
Oh god no is he gonna kill Alex? At least don’t kill Paul, he helped!!! Oh it’s a dream, sorry, my bad
Of course he doesn’t understand, nobody told him, sandy, you’re punishing Paul too :/ although, okay, I get it, it makes sense
Oh ew, teef man, you really. Those are some. There are teef on you, man
Aww look at him, that’s actually a smile, isn’t it? Poor little sandy, finally home with his sand <333 Oh god he can’t get in, can he? Not without his things??? Please omg no
Oh thank god, at least the doors open for him. Everything looks so awful :( oh he’s so sad, his home is all broken
Aw there’s some sad backstory there, huh? Which of the Endless jumped ship before? Death, Desire, one of the other Ds?
Okay okay okay, that was good, lots to absorb. Still waiting for the plot plot I think, is he gonna go around chasing the dreams and nightmares? That sounds fun
I won’t grade it because it’s like 7/10 did capture me enough to watch another episode but not like I was running to go watch it because I needed to actually listen and follow along which is tough with depression brain
Narrator is 100/10 though, absolutely the main reason I’ll be watching this show, very nice
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What if paranoid Bella told Carlisle what's going on and enlisted his help? Like if she overheard/learned something that made her think he might help, or if this is the Bella who's stuck in a time loop and figures it's worth a shot and at worse she'd be yeeted right back to the beginning of the loop if the vampire doctor is in cahoots with his scary son?
Anon is referring to Paranoid Bella. Now, Paranoid Bella has tried something like this once before, sort of, Billy called Carlisle on her behalf. It went places so awful I refuse to put them down in words.
Here the question is what if Bella asked Carlisle herself.
Why Paranoid Bella Would Never Do This
She can't trust any of the Cullens, for all she knows, they're in league with Edward. Bella's wearing her tin foil hat and that tin foil hat has kept her alive, dammit. For all she knows, this Dracula's Bride thing is just what vampires do and she's the latest victim.
She would never, ever, trust any of the Cullens. Ever.
Dr. Cullen seems nice as he stitches her up? IT'S A TRAP!
As For Time Loop Bella...
Anon's referring to this post, which... You really want this AU, don't you? I think that's conflating things a little too much here, and gives us way too different of a set up.
That Bella would probably try anything and everything, but she's also reached a point of nihilism where she just doesn't care anymore and might just do it to fuck with these people.
Even if she tells Carlisle, she probably keeps looping, and is well aware of this. Life is misery, pain, and endless.
Kind of misses the spirit of your post (which I assume is to get Paranoid Bella out of the miserable hole she's stuck in).
Bella Takes a Leap of Faith
But alright, Carlisle Cullen seems unusually cool and rational as he stitches her up. Maybe it's the pain talking, or Bella's own increasing desperation with her latest brush with morality, but she realizes just as Edward does that this is untenable.
If Bella keeps hanging around these people, as Edward insists she does (Edward having insisted on this goddamn birthday party at his house), then she will die sooner or later. Either Edward or his family will eat her.
This cannot go on and, as of that moment, Bella doesn't know that Edward is going to attempt to leave her within a few days.
This is the first time she's alone with Carlisle, the head of the coven, and probably the only time she ever will be. This is the only chance she'll ever have to ask for help from someone who can actually do something about it.
Bella interrupts Carlisle's "Edward's just weirdly religious" explanation and tells him that Edward's a lunatic. She needs help.
Carlisle has a, "Wait, what?" moment. He knew she was jumpy, very nervous, but she'd seemed very happy with Edward. Also, from his perspective, Edward is a very noble spirit if very young. Edward went on the human diet and came back, presumably understanding the inherent worth of human life. Edward voted not to murder Bella after the truck.
Yes things have been... weird, and Carlisle was concerned, still is about some parts, but it seemed to be going so well.
It's not.
He sits there in numb horror as Bella tells him all about the times Edward snuck through her window (greasing it to make it silent), to stare at her while she sleeps, the time he threatened to kill himself upon her inevitable death, how he has admitted to following her everywhere and spying on her through the thoughts of those around her, and all about that time he contemplated the murder of his entire Biology class to eat Bella: his personal brand of heroin.
Carlisle's listening to someone talk about a completely different person.
But Bella's insistent, Edward Cullen is Ted Bundy in the making, and Bella now has no other recourse but to turn to Carlisle. HELP. ME.
Well, they don't have much time left.
Edward will be back any moment and Carlisle... there must be some misunderstanding, right? Except, with some of these details, there's no misunderstanding this. If Edward actually said and did all of this: then this is horrible.
Regardless, it's very clear that Bella wants nothing to do with the Cullens and especially with Edward. That makes things very clear: Carlisle has to talk to Edward on Bella's behalf and get him to back the fuck off.
Though Carlisle does warn Bella that, as she knows the secret, she and the coven are technically breaking the law. If she's found out, Bella will either be murdered or turned. It's not necessarily likely anyone will find out but... It's not exactly a great position for the coven to be in, or Bella for that matter.
This is news to Bella.
Bella says she'll think about this vampire business (she's not thrilled) and really doesn't want to join the Cullens, and Carlisle will talk to Edward.
The talk doesn't go well.
Edward denies, denies, denies, and... admits some of it might be true were you to look at it from a the naive angle of a pure young woman who knows nothing of the world. Edward wasn't sneaking into Bella's room to rape/eat her, no, he was protecting her! From spiders! And that time he forced her to ride home with him, he was afraid she wouldn't be able to drive after fainting! And that time he almost murdered all of Biology... That was out of context, Carlisle.
Carlisle grows increasingly horrified as Edward's every answer confirms that he is, in fact, horrifying. This is someone who cares nothing about human life, not truly, and is a predator.
Carlisle immediately tells Edward it's over. Consider this a restraining order from Bella, he is never to speak to her, never to be near her, never to see her ever again.
Edward implodes.
Carlisle now hates him, this is terrible, Bella his true love doesn't love him at all and poisoned Carlisle against him, and she's ruined everything!
Spiraling further into madness, as one does, Edward concludes that Bella was a vile villainess: that this was her plan the entire time. She faked her love for him, faked being this utterly wonderful and perfect being, so that she could destroy his family as well as Edward himself? Why? Because she's the type who wants to see the world burn.
Edward's love turns to utter hatred, he's back in Biology again where this little girl dares to disrupt his life, only it's 1000 times worse. Bella Swan is the greatest evil that has ever walked this Earth.
And now he's a man with nothing to lose.
Carlisle's love for him? Already gone. Carlisle's faith in Edward's humanity? Gone. Why should Edward hold back anymore? Why shouldn't he have what he wants?
Within a few days, by the time Edward was originally going to leave, he sneaks into Bella's house and murders her in her bedroom. He then likely desecrates her corpse so she's unrecognizable, to make her as ugly in death as she should have been in life.
Edward then flees, leaving the coven for good, and returns to his diet of people. Not murderers and rapists anymore though, that pretense is done, because he's fully embraced being a monster.
I imagine out of pettiness he kills women who look like Bella.
Congratulations, anon, you have lost the Twilight Yandere Simulator.
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hqamore · 3 years
boreal star ✵ alt ch. seven ½
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alina and mal have escaped, but alina feels terribly guilty for leaving [y/n] behind. she knows she can’t save her with just two people. will someone please help her?
chapter genre: crack? plot twist?
word count: 779 words
note: reader is female and this is a continuation of chapter seven! please go read chapter seven before this one!
author’s babble: this is sort of crack? idk i realized, because i wrote a gn!reader, i can’t do certain things. so, for readers who don’t mind a female![y/n], this is an alternative route. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
here’s the masterlist
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“there’s a light coming from that barn.”
mal looked over alina’s head to see that light was indeed peaking through the cracks of the barn when it suddenly disappeared. as alina feigned offense, he was suspicious. the fact that the smoke was coming from a put-out fire peeved him as odd. only people who had to hide would be so quick.
“please slow down,” alina said to the stag.
to both of their surprise, it did. then, mal jumped off the stag and held his arms open for alina. she gave him a pointed look and jumped off herself.
“hello?” called alina. “we aren’t here to hurt you. we just need a place to stay for the night.”
mal shook his head. “alina, i don’t think we should stay here. they might be dangerous.”
with a puff of her chest, she grinned. “between your fighting skills and my powers, i think we’ll put up a pretty good fight.”
he rubbed his face in concession and pulled out his gun. alina strode forward. she summoned light as she entered the barn, then waved her hand around to illuminate the dark corners. mal stayed by the door, dividing his attention between the stag and the barn.
“well, that’s weird. there’s no one here, mal.”
alina skipped out of the barn with a smile. “whoever was here must’ve left a candle burning.” she lifted the burnt-out lantern to his face.
he lowered his gun, still alert. “then, i guess we can stay here for the night.”
already, alina was guiding the stag inside. mal softly snorted and moved out of the way.
“okay, we’re gonna sleep in here. so, stay.” alina pointed to the beds of hay. again, to their surprise, the stag listened and settled in the beds of hay.
alina laughed. “i must look like a raging lunatic talking to the stag.”
“not more than usual,” mal mused.
at that, alina threw straws of hay at him that fell before reaching him. he chuckled and made his way over to the fire pit. it was still warm which made him more paranoid. he moved the wooden box to the otherside so he could face the barn.
alina joined him as he used his flint and stone to start a fire. she hummed at the warmth and huddled in the coat [y/n] gave her. after a moment, she looked solemn.
“do you think [y/n]’s okay?”
“i’m not sure. she probably got taken by kirigan’s men…” alina looked guilty, so mal offered a lopsided smile. “but, i’m sure with her powers, she’ll get out alright. could probably fly out of there.”
it didn’t seem like his words gave her much comfort as she stared into the fire. “we should go save her. we have no idea what general kirigan could do to her.”
mal sighed. “alina, i want to. but, we do know what kirigan will do to you and the stag should he catch you. [y/n] stayed behind so we could escape. i’m sure she wouldn’t do that if she didn’t have a plan to get out.”
“yes, she would.”
mal and alina jumped, mal reaching for his gun and alina with light at the ready. mal looked in the direction of the barn to see a girl in dark clothing. she walked towards them as mal trained his gun on her. she raised her arms in surrender when alina spoke. “didn’t you kidnap me?”
the girl laughed. “i believe you climbed into our carriage willing, miss starkov.”
“how did you find us?” mal asked.
“i was here before you,” she said.
alina tilted her head, lowering her hands. “what did you mean by ‘she would’? do you know [y/n]?”
“unfortunately… she’s my mother.”
ironically, crickets chirped in the dead silence.
“your mother?” several voices yelled in unison.
startled, mal pointed his gun towards the new voices and found three more people. the girl turned around and waved her friends over.
“i swear we mean no harm,” she said.
the man with the cane scowled. “is that why you didn’t want to be in the palace?”
she sheepishly laughed before returning her attention to alina and mal. “my name is irina and this is my boss, kaz. the one with twin pistols is jesper and the one staring at alina is inej."
mal nodded. “i’m mal.”
“and you already know my name,” alina said with her impossibly bright smile.
“okay! since we’re done with introductions, you said she’s been captured by general kirigan?”
alina grimaced and nodded, fidgeting with the sleeve of her coat. “she helped us escape.”
“she’s so self-sacrificing,” irina groaned and rubbed her face. “okay, what’s our plan?”
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author’s babble pt.2: gasp! a child ヽ(*>∇<)ノ we’ll see where this goes. if it goes anywhere at all lol. pls tell me your thoughts and if you think this should just be the main route.
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jardaddy-a · 2 years
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@serpentsexile​ delivered a letter !   ( Bite me flower mommy.  Tell me how Roseblue felt about what happened to Roseyellow.  I know Rosered feels a lot of guilt, but what about him?  And what's his relationship with Roseyellow like? )  ┊ROSE SIBLINGS LORE // ACCEPTING !
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      LET’S JUST SAY THAT THINGS INITIALLY BECAME REALLY STRAINED BETWEEN THE THREE SIBLINGS AFTER THE RIOT .   Roseblue was constantly away on one of his business trips , so he was out the night it occured , so you can imagine how traumatizing it all was for Rosered who witnessed everything .    Basically , Roseblue returned home to find their family home in shambles his parents dead , Rosered in the midst of a mental breakdown while clutching the painting of Roseyellow .     To find out that Roseyellow also didn’t survive and her soul now inhabited the portrait .   
       ROSEBLUE felt awful , he was the big brother , he should’ve been at home to protect his sisters .     ROSEYELLOW initially resented him for not being there ,   for the first couple of months the three began to reside in Jardin , she wouldn’t talk to any of her siblings , she blamed both of them for letting her die .      AND IT WAS UNDERSTANDABLE , she was a kid who just experienced herself getting unfairly killed and her soul survived the aftermath ,  and she wasn’t given a choice to stay as a painting because Rosered did it out of desperation just to keep Roseyellow with her .     SO THE VIVID RECOLLECTION of what happened to her remained , but there was nothing they could all do , no one expected the riot to happen .   ROSEYELLOW eventually warmed back up to Rosered but it took a while for her to actually start talking to Roseblue and Chrys was the one who prompted the two of them to communicate again .
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ROSEBLUE said his reasons , he felt a lot of guilt for not being there and he was constantly beating himself over it and he promised that he wouldn’t leave them alone again , he also mentioned the fact that he was working hard just so he would be able to provide his sisters the best things so they’ll be able to accomplish their dreams in the world of arts and theater when they become older , but Roseyellow snapped and outright told him that she didn’t want any fancy toys and things , the only thing she wanted was for him to be there , for the entire family to be together .      AND NOW THAT THEY BASICALLY admitted their frustrations to each other , the siblings understood each other more .     ROSERED and ROSEBLUE were constantly focused on arts and design , and while Roseyellow fancied the theater , she felt isolated from her brother and sister who’ve already accomplished so much .       SHE FELT like the arts was taking them away from her and sometimes she wished that the three of them weren’t so talented so they could’ve been a normal family .     
SINCE THEN , Rosered and Roseblue compensated by always spending time with Roseyellow , mixed with the trauma and the separation anxiety the three became easily paranoid if the other siblings are away for too long even if the three of them are immortal under Chrys’ domain .    WHEN ROSEBLUE is away he’s always calling home to check on his sisters , he wants to know if Roseyellow’s painting is safe and if Rosered is regularly taking her heart medications .   
AS FOR ROSEBLUE AND ROSEYELLOW’S RELATIONSHIP , they eventually grew closer after that entire ordeal , considering that the three of them lost their parents , Roseblue now plays both his parents’ roles and he raises his little sisters in their stead .   SINCE ROSEYELLOW can leave her painting when she’s in any of Natura’s domains , Roseblue basically takes care of her when she’s out , he brushes her hair , makes sure she’s dressed finely , he plays with her when she gets bored , and when she wants to go out to see the world , he carries his painting with her and shows her around even if he looks like a lunatic carrying his sister’s portrait around in the human realm .     He’s constantly making up for the times he wasn’t there when she was still alive , even if she’s forgiven him , the guilt is still there .    Meanwhile Roseyellow’s just happy that he’s always around now , she often gets jealous when he pays way too much attention on other things outside of family because she’s afraid that he’s going to neglect them again .    But that’s not going to happen anymore and she knows that , but the lingering fear is still there .
So Roseyellow is really going to be a time to whoever wants to date Roseblue or ends up with him because she’s going to think that they’re trying to steal him away from her and Rosered . 
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 3
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ー The scene starts on Glimmer Main Street
Subaru: Haah...What will that old geezer make us do next?
Yui: Based on what we had to do yesterday...I’m fairly sure today’s task will be a challenge as well.
ー An old lady walks past them
Yui: ( Hm...? )
Female Vampire E: Haah...This is bad...
Yui: ( That old lady looks troubled by something...? I wonder what happened? )
→ Reach out (☾)
Yui: Um, excuーー 
Subaru: Oi.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: You’re not gonna talk to her, are you?
Yui: Eh? ...That was the plan though...
Subaru: You know the situation we’re in, right? We have somewhere to go, remember.
Yui: That’s true, but...I can’t just ignore it when there’s someone in need right before me...
Subaru: A person in need, you say...?
...Haah, fine. Be my guest.
...Seems like you’re still the literal definition of a kind soul.
→ Walk past her
Yui: ( I’d love to help but...We don’t really have the time for that right now... )
Subaru: Hm? Oi, what’s wrong? Let’s get going already.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Female Vampire E: Haah...What am I going to do?
Yui: ( ...Uu... )
( I can’t just turn a blind eye to someone in need after all...! ) 
ー Yui runs over to the lady
Yui: Um...Is something the matter, Ma’am?
Female Vampire E: Aah...Miss. Well, I seem to have dropped my dear handkerchief...
Yui: I see. I’ll help you look for it!
Subaru: Geez...Guess I have no other choice...
Yui: ( Looking for a handkerchief might be more tricky than I thought... )
Subaru: Oi, it’s not over here.
Yui: Yeah...I haven’t found it yet either.
( I wonder if it got blown away by the wind...? ーー Ah! )
Couldn’t it be the thing stuck on that bench over there!?
Female Vampire E: Oh dear! It is!
Subaru: Haah...You finally found it? Then hurry up and graーー 
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: Ah...!
( A bird...! )
Subaru: Hey! Wait!
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( It flew away with the handkerchief in its beak... )
Subaru: Che...It’s sittin’ on a rooftop... 
Yui: ...I’ll go look for a ladder...!
Subaru: Aah, wait. The idea of you using a ladder is way too risky, I don’t think I could handle it.
...Haah. I’ll go grab it, so just stay put here, ‘kay?
I don’t need a ladder to reach that high...It literally takes one second if I fly.
ー Subaru leaps up into the air
Yui: ...Ah, Subaru-kun...
Subaru: ...Here you go. This’ll do, right?
Yui: ( Ah, in Subaru-kun’s hand is...! )
Female Vampire E: Yes, this is it! Thank you so much, you two. 
This handkerchief truly means a lot to me...So you helped me out immensely. Thank you so much. 
Yui: ( She seems very happy. I’m glad I reached out for her! )
Yui: Ah...Sorry we got a bit sidetracked, Subaru-kun...But still, thanks.
Subaru: ...Haah. You baffle me every time with how much of a goodie-two-shoes you are...
...But well...If you don’t mind that, I won’t stop you either.
Yui: Sure...?
( Usually he’d call me out on that kind of behavior...I wonder what has gotten into him today? )
Subaru: Anyway, we’re done now, right? Let’s go.
ー The scene shifts to Rubien canal
Gondolier A: ーー Off we go!
Yui: ( ...Today’s task involves retrieving a certain crystal from an abandoned mine inside a volcano. )
( ...Sounds like quite the struggle... )
Subaru: Oi, what was your problem earlier?
Yui: Eh? What do you mean?
Subaru: You seemed surprised after I said ‘let’s go’, remember? I’m referrin’ to that.
Yui: Ah...
( When we were told we have to head to a volcano today... )
( I was sure Subaru-kun would protest, but he just immediately responded with ‘let’s go’... )
Ah...Right. Please don’t get mad when I say this but...
I figured you wouldn’t like the idea of having to go all the way to a volcano.
However, you immediately rolled with it, hence why I was a little surprised...
Subaru: ...Hmph.
...Everyone has different things they consider valuable, regardless of whether others feel the same way, right? 
I finally understood that.
Yui: ...?
Subaru: Take that clown mask the old geezer wanted, for example. 
Or the handkerchief that old lady was lookin’ for.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Also...I’m sure that from an outsider’s perspective...What you mean to me...
Would fall under that same category as well, right?
Yui: ...
( How sneaky of him to suddenly say such things... )
( It’s embarrassing but...I feel as if my love for him has only grown. )
ー The scene shifts to the lake
Gondolier A: We’ve arrived at Tilkeys lake!
Yui: ( Phew...Seems like we’ve reached our destination. )
( Now we just have to head towards the volcano up ahead. )
Subaru: Haah...We’re finally here, huh...?
Yui: I thought you’d suggest we’d fly here instead of taking the gondola.
Subaru: Yeah...That thought crossed my mind as well, but I might need to save my energy for later, no?
Yui: ( Fufu...Seems like Subaru-kun is taking these tasks much more serious now. )
ー The two of them start walking
Yui: If I recall correctly, there should be a volcano on the other side of the water, right?
Subaru: That’s what the old geezer told us.
Yui: In that case, let’s just keep on walking straight aheaーー
ー The people around them grow restless
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( It caught my attention earlier but there sure are a lot of couples around this lake... )
( I guess it can’t be helped since it seems to be a tourist attraction... )
T-There’s quite a few couples, huh...?
Subaru: Che...They’re annoyin’...
Yui: ( However, we can’t get to the volcano if we don’t go past them... )
Subaru: Oi, Yui.
ー Subaru suddenly pulls her close
Yui: Wah...!
( He pulled me close...!? )
Subaru: We won’t stand out if we walk like this, right?
Yui: P-Probably not but...It’s embarrassing...!
Subaru: From their point of view, we’re...no different from them, you know.
Don’t let it bother you. Let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to the entrance of the mine
Yui: Ah, seems like we can get inside through there.
Street vendor: ーー One second, you two.
Subaru: Ah?
Street vendor: You’re going inside?
Subaru: What if we are?
Street vendor: Oh no...But if you do, you better take one of these with you.
Yui: Are those...marshmallows...?
Um...Why do we need marshmallows to enter the volcano?
Street vendor: ...You see, there’s a certain tale being told around these parts...
Yui: A tale...
ーー What we were told afterwards,
was the sad tale,
regarding this Smaragd volcano.
In the past...Due to the many mining resources,
available in this area,
mining for minerals flourished. 
On a fateful day, one of the miners,
fell in love with a Wraith (2),
who lived in the underground lake.
A Wraith and a Vampire,
made somewhat of an odd duo,
but to be able to live alongside her,
the man tricked a female Vampire,
and offered her body to the Wraith.
Why, you might ask? ...Per tradition,
Wraiths are not allowed to leave the place they were born,
unless they take control of the body of another being.
If they try and leave,
they will simply fade away.
Despite the many unfamiliarities which came with it,
 the two of them lived happily.
While living amongst Vampires,
the only thing the Wraith grew fond of...
were marshmallows. 
their happiness was short-lived.
One day,
the original owner of the body she had possessed,
regained her consciousnessーー 
And killed the man.
Shaking with anger,
the Wraith killed the woman, who had been her vessel,
before vanishing herself.
To this day, the man’s spirit,
continues to look for the Wraith they once loved,
wandering around inside this volcano...
The fellow Wraiths,
as if they chose to carry on their lost comrade’s legacy,
have also taken a liking to marshmallows...
Yui: ...
( I had no idea this volcano is linked to such a sad story... )
Subaru: Hmph. In other words, if we run into one of those Wraiths, we just have to give them these as a snack?
I bet it’s just some urban legend, right? Ridiculous...
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun, wait...!
( It might just be a made-up story but... )
Um...Excuse me? Could I get some marshmallows while I’m here, please?
Street vendor: Of course. I’ll pray you don’t run into any Wraiths. 
Yui: Thank you very much.
( Okay. I have to go after Subaru-kun...! )
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the mine
Yui: ( Where did he run off to...? )
( I don’t think he could be that far ahead... )
Subaru: ーー I knew it.
Yui: Wah! Subaru-kun!?
Geez...It gives me a heart attack when you appear out of nowhere like that...
Subaru: Knowing you, I bet you bought some marshmallows first before coming inside of here?
I figured that might be the case, so I waited for you here.
Yui: I-I see...
Subaru: You actually believe that story from earlier?
It’s just some obvious sales trick (3) to try and get us to buy his marshmallows, no?
Yui: It might be but...You know, better be safe than sorry...Right?
Subaru: ...Haah.
Whatever. Let’s just look for that crystal now.
Yui: He told us it glimmers and lights up, right?
Subaru: Yeah...According to the old geezer, we might find it by searching this rock surface.
Seems like they’ve conveniently got the mining tools all laid out for us.
Subaru: I’ll use this to chip away at the wall so you look for the crystal.
Yui: Yeah, I’ll try my best!
Subaru: Haah...haah...
Yui: ( Hm...We’ve been searching for quite some time now... )
( But it doesn’t seem like we’ll find it any time soon... )
( On top of that... )
( Perhaps I’m paranoid after listening to that story from earlier but...For some reason, this place really gives me the creeps. )
???: Fufu...Ufufufu...
Yui: ...Who’s there...?
ー A strong gust of wind blows
Yui: ( There’s nobody... )
( Am I just hearing things...? But I could have sworn someone was there... )
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong?
Ah...Subaru-kun...For some reason, this place has been creeping me out...
Subaru: ...Well, this isn’t the most fun place to be at.
Yui: Yeah...
Subaru: ...Let’s take a small break. You brought some food with you, right?
Yui: Ah...Yes! I got us some sandwiches on the way.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Here, this one’s yours!
Subaru: Yeah...Thanks.
Yui: Phew...That hit the spot.
( While the location is somewhat unsettling, this feels like we’re having a picnic together, it’s honestly kind of fun...! )
...I should have brought dessert with me as well.
Subaru: Ah? But we do, don’t we?
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: You got them at the entrance earlier, didn’t you? ...Those marshmallows.
Yui: You’re going to eat those!? I think it’d be better if we have those on hand just in case a Wraith shows up...
Subaru: Oh come on, I’ve been tellin’ you that crap is just some urban legend, haven’t I?
Yui: You think so...?
( But well...I guess it’s better to eat them than to have to end up throwing them away... )
Hold on...
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong?
Yui: I can’t seem to find them...
Subaru: Hm...Didn’t you drop them somewhere?
Yui: ...
( Don’t tell me...Did a Wraith actually take them...? )
( In that case, I’m glad I bought some just like that person advised us to... )
Subaru: ...What’s wrong? Did you want to eat marshmallows that badly?
Yui: Ah...No. That’s not it, but...
( I’ll just keep this to myself... )
( It’s not like I have concrete proof that they were taken by a Wraith... )
( If the story we were told is true, it might be best to just quietly let it pass. )
Subaru: ...? You weirdo. Whatever. We should get back to work soon.
Subaru: ...Haah...!
Yui: Subaru-kun, how are things looking on your end...?
Subaru: No luck...I did find this rare-looking gem instead though.
But it’s not the one that old geezer wants...
Here, it’s this one.
Yui: Waah, it’s so pretty.
( It changes color depending on the angle! Wow...! )
( But this isn’t what we’re looking for... )
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( Subaru-kun has been staring at the gem in his hand this whole time, it seems. )
...Fufu, I see no harm in taking it home with us to remember this day?
It doesn’t look like the type of gemstone you’d find every day!
Subaru: Y-Yeah...Good point.
Yui: So...What are we going to do now...?
( We can’t just keep on aimlessly searching around forever... )
???: Fufu...Ufufufu...
Yui: ...!
( That voice just now...It’s the same one I heard earlier...! )
( Are there really Wraiths living here...? Oh no, we’re all out of marshmallows too... )
Subaru: ...What was that voice just now?
Yui: You noticed as well...?
Subaru: Yeah. I could hear it from behind us.
Yui: Yeah...Let’s try heading into that direction.
ー They follow the voice
Subaru: ...Around here, maybe...?
Now that you mention it, I did read this one fairytale from the Demon World when I was a kid...
In one of those stories, their dog barked to mark a location and they found a treasure buried underneath.
Does that ring a bell?
Yui: Eh? Y-Yeah...It’s a famous story after all... (4)
Subaru: This might just be...a similar case...!
...Let’s try diggin’ here.
Subaru: ...Ugh...!
Yui: Ah! Subaru-kun, look!! Couldn’t it be that one over there...!?
Subaru: You’re right..It’s blue in color just like that old geezer said...
Yui: Waah! Thank god we were able to find it!
Subaru: Haah...Geez, finally...
But...Well, I guess it was worth goin’ through all the trouble...
Yui: Yes.
( Hm...? Then the Wraith’s voice from earlier...? Could she have been trying to thank us for the marshmallows...? )
Subaru: We were able to find the crystal, so I guess we should leave now.
Yui: Good idーー
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Aah...?
Yui: What was...that sound...?
*Flap flap*
Yui: Eh...An eagle...!?
Subaru: Haah!? Where did it come from!? ...Wait, fuck...It’s comin’ our way...!
Subaru: ...! Watch out...!!
Yui: Are you okay!?
( ...Did it target the gem in Subaru-kun’s hand just now...? )
Subaru: Oi oi...Are you after this gemstone perhaps...?
We went through hell and back to find it, so no way I’m handin’ it over!
Let’s make a run for it!
ー The two of them start running
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...It’s comin’ after us again!
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun! There’s a rail cart over there...!
Subaru: Guess we have to use that to get out of here...!
ー They head towards the rail cart.
Subaru: Oi, hold onto this crystal.
Yui: Yeah...!
( I’ll put it in my pocket so I don’t drop it... )
Subaru: Kuh...
*Rattle rattle*
Subaru: Awesome, it’s runnin’!
Is that eagle still comin’ after us?
*Flap flap*
Yui: Yeah...Seems like it set its sights on this gem after all...
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...That fuckin’ geezer! He didn’t mention this...!
*Flap flap*
Yui: Ah...! Subaru-kun, watch out...!
Subaru: Fuck...! Oi, you stay down. Don’t you dare raise your head!
Yui: Y-Yeah...
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...You persistent pest! Buzz off!
Yui: Subaru-kun! Don’t push yourself too much...!
Subaru: Yeah, I know...! ...Uwoh...!? 
Yui: Eh...!?
( The eagle...Grabbed hold of him...!? )
Subaru: ...Kuh...Oi...Let go of me...!!
Subaru: ...Ugh!!
Yui: Ah...!!
Subaru: Yui...!!
Yui: No way...Subaru-kun!?
( Subaru-kun fell inside the ravine...!! I have to go save him...But what can I...? )
*Rumble rumble*
Yui: W-What now...!? The ground’s rumbling...?
Yui: Eh...!?
( The wagon’s tilted to the side...At this rate it’ll fall...!? )
ー She falls down
Yui: ( Oh no...At this rate, I won’t even live to get my heart back... )
( ... )
Subaru: ーー Yui!
Yui: ( Eh...? )
Yui: ( My body is...floating...? )
Subaru: You’re fine now! Hang on tight!
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah, haah...
We made it out...unharmed somehow...?
Subaru: Yeah...Seems like it.
Yui: ( But...Where are we? It looks like a cave of some sorts... )
( What’s happening...!? I can barely...breathe...!? ) 
Subaru: Che...Seems like we fell pretty far down...
We have to get out of here before you suffocate to death...!
ー The scene shifts to the underground lake
Subaru: Haah...Oi, are you okay...?
Yui: Just barely...!
( So there’s a lake underground... )
Subaru: Oi, you still have the gem on you, right?
Yui: Yeah, don’t worry. I’ve got it.
Subaru: Perfect...Let’s get out of here at once then.
I don’t want to stay here any longer and run into trouble again.
Then afterwards...
...Don’t ever leave my side again, ‘kay? Who knows what waits ahead of us.
Yui: Yeah...!
*Rumble rumble*
Subaru: ...Hold up. Something’s...comin’...
Yui: ( This sound...Could it be the rumbling of the ground again...!? )
Subaru: ...Water...!?
Yui: Ah...The quakes from earlier might be what is causing the lake to flood...
Subaru: Che...It’s just one problem after the other...!
ー The water flows their way
Yui: Kyaah!?
( We’re being swept away..!? )
Subaru: Oi, hold onto me!!
Subaru: Don’t you dare let go of my hand!
Yui: ( We...made it out alive...? )
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Yui: Cough...cough...
Subaru: Oi...Are you alright?
Yui: Ah...Yes. I swallowed a little water, but I don’t seem to have any injuries.
I’m sure it’s because you protected me.
Subaru: H-Haah!? The fuck are you sayin’...!?
Yui: Eh? ...What do you mean? You proteーー
Subaru: Aah, shut up! Not another word!
Yui: ( Ah...Subaru-kun looked away... )
But it’s really all thanks to you that I was able to safely make it back out.
Thank you for saving me.
Subaru: ...
Yui: ...We ran into several problems but...
It’s good we got out safe and sound, right?
Subaru: There’s nothin’ good ‘bout this shit. Honestly...We went through hell and back.
I don’t wanna go through that ever again.
Yui: Fufu...I agree.
Subaru: Anyway...Let’s go to the old geezer’s place already.
I’m gonna snap if he calls us out on takin’ too long again.
ー Subaru nearly trips
Subaru: ...
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun, are you okay...!?
Subaru: I just felt a little shaky in my step. Don’t worry ‘bout it.
Don’t be worryin’ ‘bout someone else when you’re totally worn out yourself.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( Even if he says that, I can’t help but be concerned... )
Yui: ( Nn... )
ー Yui wakes up in the hotel room
Yui: ( Huh...? Where am I...? This isn’t...the anitque shop, right...? The hotel room...? )
( I remember heading from the lake towards the antique shop together with Subaru-kun... )
Subaru: Nn...Ahー Fuck...My muscles sore...
Wait...Hah? Why are we at the hotel...!?
Yui: ( Thank god...Seems like Subaru-kun has woken up as well. )
Say, I wonder how we made it back here?
Subaru: Who knows...I can only remember up until the point we left for the old geezer’s place.
Yui: ( I guess Subaru-kun’s in the same boat, huh...? ...Hm? )
Yui: ( Oh? There’s a note on the bedside table... )
Subaru: What’s that? A note? Give me that for a sec.
ーー The requested gemstone has been successfully retrieved. 
Make sure to get plenty of rest today so you’re ready for the final task tomorrow.
...Furthermore, next time I find you two passed out in front of my store, I’m throwing you out on the sidewalk like that so you have been warned. 
...That’s what it says.
Yui: Ah...I see...We must have collapsed in front of the store.
Subaru: Geez...Who’s fault does he think that is!?
Fuck...! That older geezer needs to watch his words...!
Haah...I’m gonna sleep. You should rest up soon as well. Tomorrow’s the last day after all.
Yui: Yeah, I will.
( Today sure was something else but...I had fun. )
Translation notes
(1) 話 or ‘hanashi’ is more of a general term which simply means ‘talk’ or ‘story’. However, given the contents of the story, I thought ‘tale’ was a fitting term in English. 
(2) A Wraith is a type of ghost or spirit, originally from Scottish Folklore. They are said to be the embodiment of souls who are either on the verge of death, or who have recently passed on.
(3) 子供騙し or ‘kodomo-damashi’ literally means a trick/trap only children would fall for.
(4) I did a quick google search and Subaru is mostly referring to the Japanese folklore tale: Hanasaka Jiji. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Alright here comes said ask:
I’ve only just read the first cut and I-…I will fight somebody. What is happening, do I even want to keep reading!!??? Was she drugged? A scream??? 😭 it’s too late for this 🤦🏽‍♀️
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What do you mean the house reaks of death 😭 (it better be Alexandra’s dead body up in this house or I WILL fight you)
The book from the library??? (Confirmed)
Oh yeah Ortega…the dead body can be his (sorry not sorry Ortega, it just can’t be my boys) too, that’s allowed (by bad Alexandra we don’t even know if you’re guilty and I’m offering you up as a lamb for slaughter). Oh shit…someone snuck in the house to kill him before he could say anything??? Or perhaps just bc said person is a psychopath? (Looking at you Yaddy, and yes that physically hurt me to type out). Oof if it was Yadiel the body is not gonna be pretty…the little lunatic 😒
A TRAITOR???? B WHY !!!??!!! I-
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…. 😶…I really don’t even know what to say. I have so much 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️ to do. I guess it would make sense it wasn’t Yadiel who came to her like a dream??? Bc even in a half asleep state I feel like she would just sense the wrongness you know? Like a visceral response to his presence.
Oh ho ho 🕵🏻 Yoongi is on it for me??? Agreed not Hobi or Namjoon (or so YOU want me to believe right B??? Help you’ve just created a paranoid monster 😂). I hate to say this…and I’ll deny it if anyone asks me about it again (idc if it’s in black and white right here lol) …but Seokjin is off his rocker enough to be suspicious 🥲. My heart tells me never but it says that for all of them 😭
Wow I’m actually really surprised (possibly slightly impressed?) that she didn’t immediately rule out Taehyung and Jungkook too…
Okay but going back to the first scene…a caress along the jaw…a familiar caress along the jaw. Now who has touched her that way before? Taehyung certainly…jungkook too (don’t think I forgot about the whole finding comfort in his arms thing, I’m still 🙃 about that), Jimin? I feel like he might have in the alley or the… I wanna say barn? (It’s been too long since those chapters). Jin??? Seokjin did too I think. Ugh. That could be any of them now that I write it out all 😭. I’m fairly certain against Yoongi and Namjoon…even if that makes me a 🤡 at some point. I just don’t see it (oddly enough I’ve also written those two off from being endgame…coincidence??? I think not. Wait but wouldn’t that also make them perfect candidates for being the mole??? Cause surely reader wouldn’t end up with said mole. Look at the paranoia you’ve created). I also don’t see them being in that sort of position with reader.
Unnatural reason??? 🕵🏽‍♀️ I’m still suspicious about a potential drugging…idk how bc idk how drugging someone would work but surely there’s some kind of gas or something that would make you drowsy without suspicion (oh duh there is, carbon monoxide…tho idk how much would knock you out like that without killing you?)
Oh yes yes, see drugs.
Ugh. Not you making Seokjin even more suspicious, already awake? 🤦🏽‍♀️ Then her falling back into his arms on accident!!?? It’s like you want to hurt me specifically (I’m dramatic I’m sorry).
Okay but for me Yoongi trusting Namjoon with reader says a lot (also does this mean we are finally getting more one on one namjoon moments???)
Okay what’s killing me is why would they not try to hide or disguise that it’s betrayal??? That doesn’t sit right with me. Why would they be so obvious when the clear result is the whole house being on edge and trusting no one? UNLESS, that’s exactly what the person who killed Ortega wants you to think…you know what they say, a house divided. I’ve split decision come to a theory (and by that I mean yes I have a theory that I will be sticking with but no it was not a unanimous decision, even tho the only one deciding on it is me 😂)
Not Jk calling her jagiya 🙃
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WAIT why was Yoongi awake so early!!!?? Rookie mistake Mikayla…rookie mistake, he literally told you not to trust him smh (I’ve devolved into speaking in the third person, are you happy???). I don’t want to believe Tae or Jungkook could be it but if something is keeping her from trusting them, some gut instinct, it might be best not to??? Idk, somewhere in the back of her mind she knows who it is…recognized the build and touch, it’s there…
They’re gonna be so hurt when they find out she didn’t trust them tho (when it turns out it was none of them bc I refuse to believe your peanut butter lies).
All I have to say is
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1. Yesh, drugs.
2. the process of you wondering who killed Ortega and then realizing that it was one of the boys was hilarious to read sksksk
3. so the 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️ begins
4. love how you're like, "yeah, it's not Yoongi obviously" to "WAIT BUT WHAT IF IT IS"
5. WHAAAAT did you just say that Seokjin is suspicious? never thought I'd see the day
6. nope, they aren't really trying to hide the fact that there's a betrayal. thus commences their plan to take the entire clan out from the inside.
7. also love the fact that a part of you is clinging to the idea that it was actually none of them.
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
Tall's minions caught in 4k
Seems Tall doesnt like when others call her out it appears. Sending her minions after anyone who shows the truth. Galaxy was attacked by her via Journal removal, but that's not enough it seems. She now wants them to harass the victims in her name. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/913627581/4981030931 Mod note: comments are hidden now, please provide an archived link. Note, I spoke with Galaxy, this journal is not about Tall, it's someone else entirely that does not CONCERN Tall. She is legit being super paranoid now. Proof they know each other: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/70572506/4981013882 ( https://archive.ph/fgLE7 ) (he's a ban evader too gang.) Oh btw Tall, one of those that are against you reported the discord server, they're tired of your abuse towards others. You come back to discord? You're officially ban evading. It was not being a bot, that's just you lying to yourself you are innocent AGAIN. More lies of death against an innocent user: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/913567130/4981020809 ( https://archive.ph/MObh2 ) No honey, we want you reported for your HARRASSMENT. Not dead, grow the hell up and get off the internet. Mommy and Daddy need to give you a time limit and cut it off at a certain hour for your computer time, I suggest NEVER using the internet. Keep in mind though, it could be a coincidence of the attacks, BUT he is a troll and is siding with Tall so block this lunatic ON SIGHT. Dont let him near anyone with a past with Tall.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
Characters: Petra Ral, Levi, Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Action / Mystery / Romance Rating: T
Summary: when Petra was promoted to a detective and partnered up with legendary Levi Ackerman, she felt like the happiest person in the world.
But, as she soon found out, detective Ackerman she used to admire so much was actually a far cry from the ideal policeman Petra thought he was. He was rude, harsh and easily annoyed. And, in addition, he still hadn’t moved on from the death of his previous partner - detective Hange Zoe.
Chapter 9/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Сhapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Сhapter 7
Сhapter 8
 "Have you lost your goddamn mind?" Levi paced around Erwin's office, his face dark with fury and his hands clenched into fists. "Erwin, since she won't listen, never listens to me!" he sent a sizzling gaze at Hange. "You tell that idiot that she lost her mind!"
"Don't fucking Levi me, four-eyes!" he cut her off harshly. "What the fuck is wrong with you? That fucker ruined your life, and now, what, you're defending him?"
"I'm not—"
"I don't understand it! Just a few days ago you wanted to catch him. You were ready to sacrifice your own life to get that bastard. What the fuck had happened since then? Why are you trying to save him?"
"Levi." Hange’s voice was quiet, low. So unlike her usual one, it made shivers run down his spine. Levi knew that voice, Hange reserved almost exclusively for the worst, most despicable criminals and greedy snobs from the brass. She used this voice with him only once. And it was one of the most unpleasant moments of his life.
Hange slowly rose from her seat at the sofa and came to stand in front of Levi, looming over him. In the semi-darkness of Erwin's office, her eye was burning with fury.  
"Shut up and listen. Stop focusing on your desire to avenge Zeke. Believe me, I can't wait to get him behind bars, that's the only thing that got me through these past two years, but can't you see it? Someone's obviously trying to set him up."
"So what?"
"So what?" Hange repeated, disbelief and irritation painting her voice. "Do I really need to spell it out for you? If you let Zeke go to prison for someone else's crime, then the real criminal won't be punished for the death of two civilians. Is that what you want? Have you forgotten about your duty?"
Levi took a step back from Hange, lowering his head and hiding his eyes from her. She was right, of course, she was right. He was too blinded by his hatred to see it.
"Besides," Erwin spoke up, reminding them that he was still there. He was sitting at his desk, hands folded beneath his chin. Levi looked up, staring at him cautiously. When Erwin wore that particular expression – brows furrowed and lips pressed in a line – it always meant bad news. "Zeke is not the only one who's being set up."
"What do you—" 
"I've been thinking about this too," Hange agreed. 
Levi let out a low growl. He hated when these two did it. Kept him in the dark about their genius revelations. 
"So? Fuckling enlighten me then."
"Think, Levi," Erwin said, his frown deepening. "What would have happened if you try to tell anyone that Zeke is the real murderer?"
"They'd call you insane," Hange answered for him. Despite her sympathetic tone, her face showed the same graveness as Erwin’s. "For everyone else, Zeke had been dead for two years."
"Yes, but—"
"You could prove that he's alive," Erwin agreed with a small nod. "And that may even work. But if you don't," he shook his head. "They'd kick you out. Sannes has been trying to find the excuse for a long time now."
That was news to him. Sure, he knew that he had somewhat tense relationship with Sannes. But to go as far as to try to fire him? What a fucker. 
"He had been complaining about your work for a while," Erwin explained. "I do what I can to protect you, but Sannes got almost every captain on his side. I thought that if I make you agree to accept another partner, he'd stop, but—"
"He didn't," Levi guessed. "What did that asshole do this time?"
"During the brass's meeting this morning, he raised the issue of your discharge once more. I managed to convince a couple of captains—"
Dawk and Pixis, Levi realized. And if he could somewhat understand why Pixis would vouch for him, the man looked like a goof, but always had some hidden motive, what Erwin could have promised to straight-laced, bullheaded Dawk? Levi refused to believe that he agreed to help simply out of the kindness of his heart. 
"But others still push for your dismissal,” Erwin continued, his clenched jaw showing all of his disapproval and annoyance. “This case will be decisive. If you find the killer, you'd keep the job, if you fail—"
"They'd kick me out," Levi realized. Fuck. He didn't want that to happen. He liked his job. A lot. He wouldn't know what to do with his life without it. 
"Now you understand why you can't just go around, claiming Zeke is the killer."
"Because that's what Sannes wants me to do," Levi agreed.
Scheming bastard.  
"Fine," Levi announced. "You won, I agree that turning Zeke in isn't the best course of action. But," he leveled Hange with a fierce glare. "I still don't understand why you would want to tell Zeke about everything."
"We might need his help. Besides," Hange shrugged, her motions easy and careless. "He'll find out anyway. I want it to happen on my terms."
"There is nothing I can say to change your mind, right?"
Hange shrugged again, grinning lopsidedly. 
Levi sighed. "Fuck. Alright, tell me about you plan again."
*** "Are you kidding me?" Oluo took a step back, shaking the hand Petra wrapped around his wrist to drag him here.
She brought him to a hallway at the east wing of a precinct. Old and unused, it was one of the most secluded areas. No one ever walked in here. It wasn't even properly lighted, and Oluo's irritated mien disappeared with each flicker of a pale fluorescent lamp.
"Please, tell me you're kidding."
"Are you seriously asking me to spy on deputy police chief? What the fuck, Petra? Is your partner's paranoia contagious?"
"What?" Petra blinked a few times, mimicking the flickering light above them. "Levi is not paranoid."
"Sure," Oluo drew, following it with a short huffed laugh. "Everyone knows he's got a few screws loose."
"No," Petra argued with a confused frown. "You're wrong. You've said it yourself, Levi is a great detective."
"He was a great detective. Until his partner died. His success rate dropped and he became even more secluded than usual. Did you know that there are talks about his discharge?”
No, Petra didn’t know about that. Why didn’t she know about that? Did Levi know?
“I didn't tell you, because I know how much respect you hold for the man. But it's not a secret to anyone that he's obsessed with conspiracy theories. And the fact that you want to spy on freaking Sannes only confirms it. He's lost it and now he's dragging you along with him as well."
"You don't understand—"
"Of course I don't," Oluo said, sarcasm dripping from his every word. "I'm such a fool after all..."
Petra drowned out the rest of his blubbering. She heard something, just a second ago. She closed her eyes, straining her hearing. Oluo's voice was severely distracting, but it seemed like...
Without thinking more about it, Petra acted. She needed to create a diversion, she needed to make their little meeting look less suspicious. So she grabbed the back of Oluo's neck and dragged him down, pressing her lips to his. 
The moment stretched on, as she listened, with her eyes still closed. She was sure she heard someone's steps. But now the hallway was silent, save for the quiet sound of Oluo's moan?
Right, Oluo. Oh god, Oluo.
Petra jumped back from him, mortified and embarrassed. Her cheeks were so red, she felt like her skin was going to catch on fire.
She kissed Oluo. She kissed him on the lips in the dark, deserted hallway. 
Her father didn't raise her like this. 
And, sure, she kissed him just yesterday, but it was a very different kind of kiss. That kiss was innocent, chaste. There was nothing chaste about their second kiss. 
"Sorry!" she squealed, covering her face with hands. Embarrassed, she was so embarrassed. 
"Huh, Petra," Oluo's lips curved into that irritating smirk Petra hated so much. "You've come up with all that nonsense just to get me here and steal a kiss? I'm flattered, really."
"Shut up," Petra whimpered, still hiding behind her hands. "I thought someone was coming and I panicked, and, hey!" She glared between her fingers. "I was being serious! I need your help, Oluo. I know that Levi doesn't have a very good reputation but—"
"He thinks his dead partner is alive," Oluo said in a grave voice. 
"Oh," Petra dropped her arms to the side, looking up at him. "But she is alive."
Oluo's face fell. "Petra..."
"No, no!" she shook her head. "I know how it sounds, but detective Zoe is actually alive, I've seen her with my own two eyes."
The hallway was silent for a long, long moment. Oluo kept staring at her, searching for something on her face.
Then he raised his hand to rub his forehead and let out a long, tired sigh.
"...Oh. Um. Okay, yeah, alright, I believe you,” he didn’t look utterly convinced, but he stopped looking at Petra like she had gone insane, and she counted it as a win. “Maybe, detective Ackerman isn't a complete lunatic after all. But... How is it connected with deputy chief Sannes?"
"He's crooked. He's been working with criminals and I know it. I just need a real, substantial proof."
"Sannes is crooked, oh god,” Oluo closed his eyes. “Another big revelation, alright. Let’s not focus on it right now, or I’ll have a panic attack. Do you know who he’s working with?”
Petra pursed her lips. “I’m not sure yet, Levi doesn’t tell me much, but I think he might be working with Zeke Yeager.”
“Yeager?” Oluo repeated. “I’ve heard this name.”
“Yeah, Zeke Yeager, he was a notorious criminal back—”
“No,” Oluo shook his head. “Not Zeke. I’ve heard the name Yeager before. Read it in one of the reports, I just can’t remember what the case was about. Maybe, it’s a just a coincidence, but it was about Grisha Yeager. The name was so strange, that’s why it stuck with me.”
“Hm,” Petra frowned, tapping her chin. “Grisha Yeager… No, I don’t know that name.”
“Doesn’t matter then,” Oluo shrugged. “Better tell me - how you're intending to get your proof?"
"I don't know," Petra hanged her head, fidgeting with a sleeve of her blouse. "I've thought about following Sannes home…"
"But later I realized that it won't produce any results, because I doubt he has frequent meetings with his allies. Then I thought that getting inside his computer might be a good idea—"
"But then again, there's no guarantee that he keeps important data there. And it would be pretty hard to get past his password. I wasn't able to guess Levi's password after all. But!" Petra looked up, a smile present on her face. Oluo didn't like that smile. It wasn't Petra's usual warm and pretty one. This one had a weird, almost feral edge to it. "I've come up with another plan, and that's why I need your help!"
"What do you need me for?" Oluo asked slowly, eyeing her carefully. He was almost afraid to hear the answer. 
"You have keys from a depository, right?"
"And you're friends with Dita, the janitor, yeah?"
"So!" she clasped her hands, looking unusually delighted for a person who was in a middle of plotting a very dangerous and definitely illegal scheme. "I need you to go into repository and took a wire from there, and then I need you to go to Dita and—"
"And ask him to give me keys from Sannes' office?" Oluo guessed. "We'll be discovered in no time, Petra. Dita and I aren't that close of friends."
"I know," Petra rolled her eyes. "That's why you'll steal them!"
"Petra!" he exclaimed with a scandalized expression. 
"Shh," she smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine, I promise. You'll get a wire and a key, we'll get inside Sannes' office and plant the wire. I'll be able to listen in to his conversations, and no one will suspect a thing. Oluo, please?"
It was a stupid and extremely daring plan. If it failed, they'd be kicked out of force immediately. In the best case scenario. In the worst - they'd go to jail for breaking and entering the policeman's office. 
But Petra's smile was really nice, her hand on his shoulder was so warm, and she looked right at him, batting her long and pretty eyelashes. 
He was never a man with strong will. Oluo’s resolve crumbled. 
"Fine," he sighed, refusing to even think about possible consequences. "But you owe me, Petra. This whole scheme is worth two dates. Minimum!" he finished, raising a finger. 
"If we manage to succeed, we'll go on as much dates as you want."
"And kisses? Will you give me more kisses?"
"Of course," Petra murmured, leaning in to give Oluo exactly what he wanted.
"Call me when you finish with this, erm, meeting of yours," Erwin said, when Hange and Levi were ready to leave the office.
“Will do, captain!” Hange saluted, giggling.
Listening to the sound of her laughter and staring at Erwin’s smiling face, warmth spread through Levi’s chest as he was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Just a day ago, he would have never thought that he’d get to experience this. His two best friends, laughing together, as if nothing had changed. As if these two years, filled with grief and misery, had never happened.
The warm and familiar atmosphere enchanted Levi. The corners of his lips slowly lifted into a smile.
“Come on, four-eyes,” he turned to the door, hiding his joyous expression. His soft voice treacherously betrayed his feelings anyway.
"Wait!" Hange called the moment they left Erwin's office.
The hallway around them was dark, deserted. It was almost ten pm, so it wasn't a surprise that the precinct was so quiet.
Leaning against the wall, Hange took off her backpack and started rummaging through it. "Wait, wait, wait, I've got something for you. Here!" she announced with a proud grin, presenting Levi with his own coat.
Levi hesitantly accepted it, arching an eyebrow. "How did you manage to fold it so neatly?"
"It's one of my secret powers, of course!" Hange fixed her glasses with a cheeky grin.
"Hm," he narrowed his eyes. "Did you take it to the laundry?"
"Um, no," Hange answered, rubbing her neck sheepishly. "Didn't have the time to do that."
Good, Levi almost said. He wanted Hange's scent to linger, he hoped it did.
He carefully unfolded and put the coat on, lifting the collar. It was faint, but Hange's scent was present. He pushed his hands inside the pockets, feeling strangely content.
Still, something gnawed at him.
"Hey," he glanced up. He tilted his head to the side, giving Hange's dark green blazer a critical look. "Is that shitty jacket of yours warm enough?"
A soft, gentle smile bloomed on Hange's lips. Just the sight of it made Levi's breath catch in his throat. His recently discovered feelings made themselves known again. Goddamn it, she was beautiful. How he had never seen it before? He was a fool.
"I'll be alright, shorty, don't you worry. Your concern is touching, though."
Levi forcefully tore his eyes away from her face and tsked, trying to fill the sound with as much annoyance as possible. Hange's smile didn't even falter, and it meant that he wasn’t too successful in hiding his true feelings. That, or Hange just knew him all too well. It was probably both.
"Just don't want you catching pneumonia or some other shit after you just got back from the dead." He grunted, dead set on keeping his aloof demeanor.
"Touching," Hange repeated in a singing voice.
"Shut up," he groaned, fighting a smile that threatened to appear on his face.
He shook his head and headed to the elevators.
"Hey," Hange touched his sleeve. "Can we take the stairs instead?"
"Are you restless?" Levi asked, as he turned around, leading Hange to the stairs just like she requested.
"A little," she chuckled awkwardly. "Not exactly afraid, but, um, nervous. And excited. I can't wait to see Zeke's face when I tell him the truth."
As that image entered his mind, Levi let out a soft chuckle as well.
"Thanks for bringing me with you then. I'd like to see it too."
They couldn't get Zeke in jail right now, and as much as that knowledge pained Levi, there were other ways to make his life a living hell. He couldn’t wait to exploit some of them.
"Wait," Hange suddenly raised her arm, stopping him. Her face became sharp, focused, as her gaze was trained at the dark hallway in front of them.
"There is someone there," she whispered, taking one cautious step forward. Instinctively, Levi mimicked her soft stride. "I heard some muttering."
"Sannes' office is that way," Levi whispered back. "You think it's him?"
"Only one way to find out," Hange said with a rueful grin.
Before she could take another step, Levi wrapped his fingers around her wrist.
"You shouldn't go in here,” he said, his voice urgent. “Let me handle it. We can't let Sannes know you're alive."
"I disagree. The cat is almost out of the bag as it is. Let him know who he's up against."
"You're too reckless," Levi scolded with a shake of his head. He didn't try to stop her though.
They went ahead, each move slow and deliberate. The muttering became louder and when Levi and Hange turned the corner, they saw two figures, standing next to the door to Sannes' office. Levi narrowed his eyes with a frown.
One short figure seemed strangely familiar.
He cursed under his breath.
"Petra!" he shouted.
The woman whirled around, pressing hands to her chest with a shocked gasp.
Levi strode closer, his scowl deep and dark.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" he hissed.
"I wanted to know more about Sannes' intentions, so... We broke inside his office and planted a wire there."
Levi cursed again, more creatively this time. Beside him, Hange started laughing.
"It’s not fucking funny, four-eyes," he glowered, not taking his eyes from the young woman in front of him.
Petra stood with her head bowed and her eyes cast down. Her fingers were playing with the ends of her skirt. She looked like an abashed student who was scolded by her teacher. That thought chased away some of his anger.
Levi let out a tired sigh.
"Take it easy on her, shorty," Hange leaned over to murmur in his ear.
"I'm trying," Levi answered in the same quiet voice.
"Are you finished already?" he asked Petra. He decided to follow Hange's advice and make his tone a bit softer.
"Yes," Petra nodded, still avoiding his gaze. "We planted the wire inside his chair."
"Huh," Levi blinked. It was a pretty creative hiding spot. "Not bad."
"Good job!" Hange congratulated, raising her thumbs. "You did great!"
"Oh, detective Hange, you're here too..." Petra mumbled, finally lifting her eyes.
"Detective Hange?" the man behind Petra gulped. “So you’re actually—”
“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” Hange snickered.
Levi rolled his eyes at her silliness and then took a step closer to the man, looking at him intently.
"Bozado?" he asked. "And what are you doing here?"
"You know my name, sir?" Oluo's looked up, his eyes bright with hope.
"It's written on your badge," Levi pointed at his breast pocket with a bored expression. "And you didn't answer my question."
"I— I was helping, Petra, sir," Oluo said, scratching the back of his head. "I got the keys to the office and took the wire from the repository."
Levi bored his eyes into the man. Oluo swallowed, squirming under his heavy gaze.
"And why did you decide to help?"
"Levi!" Hange pocked him in the side. "Don't be so insensitive. It's obvious he has feelings for her."
"How is that obvious?" Levi argued, turning to Hange. "And who is being insensitive now, four-eyes? You brought up the subject of his feelings!"
"I was just trying to save the poor man from your fearsome glare," Hange huffed. "And unlike you, I actually know what feelings are."
"Just what are you trying to—"
"Levi?" Petra interrupted softly. "Can we— can we go? It's late already."
Levi looked at Petra, his eyes widening. He almost forgot they were still here.
"Did you take care of everything? Did you make sure that you won't get caught?"
"Yes, sir!" Oluo answered, straightening out and doing a quick salute. Levi scoffed at the gesture. "I'll return the keys to Dita next morning and since I'm in charge of checking the repository, no one will know that something is missing."
"Okay," Levi nodded, his scowl almost disappearing. They really did a good job. He was proud of Petra. And he couldn’t wait to hear what kind of results this scheme would achieve.  "Then you can go. We should go too, Hange.”
"You're right, we should hurry," she agreed. "Goodbye, guys!" she waved at Petra and Oluo and then took Levi by the sleeve of his coat, dragging him away.
*** "What the hell just happened?" Oluo asked, when Levi and Hange left.
"Detectives Ackerman and Zoe happened," Petra replied, feeling just as confused and bewildered as Oluo.
"The legendary duo, huh?" Oluo scoffed, thrusting hands into the pockets of his pants. "They definitely have some issues they need to work on."
"Yes..." Petra agreed, remembering the expression Levi made when Hange said he had no feelings. Her statement confused him, it was obvious, but Petra could swear she could see a flash of pain in his eyes. There was an apparent tension between two partners. She shouldn't pock her nose into it, though. She learned her lesson already.
"I'm so tired," she yawned, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. It was a stressful day, and, now, as the adrenaline rush was over, she was left utterly exhausted. Petra looped her arm with Oluo's, leaning slightly onto him. "Let me buy you a dinner and then let's call it a day."
"Forget the dinner. Maybe, I should just take you home?"
"No," Petra protested, brushing her nose against Oluo's shoulder. "I want to thank you first. You really helped me out today, Oluo. You're the best."
"I think your exhaustion makes you exaggerate," Oluo snorted. With a soft expression, he lifted a hand to brush a lock of hair from her face. "But I'll take the compliment. Come on, let's leave this place already."
Petra silently nodded in agreement, letting Oluo lead her outside.
"Tell me again," Levi asked, as he parked the car near their meeting place with Zeke. "Why did you choose this place?"
"It's public, for starters, and I hope that would be enough to quell Zeke's murderous intents. And it's pretty inconspicuous."
Levi narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the carelessness in Hange's voice at all. Inconspicuous? What the hell did that mean?
"What the fuck did you tell him, four-eyes?"
Hange shrugged, getting out of the car. "I told him it's a date."
Levi, who was in the middle of closing the car’s door, stopped. He froze, then blinked a few times. He stared at Hange intently trying to see if she was joking.
She wasn't.
"What the fuck?" he whispered, completely shell-shocked.              
"Hey! Don't look so scandalized!"              
As he continued to further contemplate this whole thing, his eye began to twitch. He forcefully shut the door closed.
"Are you actually serious?"
"Um," Hange deflated slightly. "Yes, I am. I just thought it would make him less suspicious. And, well, convince him to come alone."
"So," Levi croaked, finding his throat weirdly inoperative. "Did you and Zeke—"
"Levi." Gone was the easiness of Hange's tone. As she stared Levi down with hands on her hips, her voice was rough. And displeased. She usually used it on him whenever she thought he was being extremely irrational and she was done with him, pestering her about such illogical requests like eating her lunch, sleeping for more than two hours a day and washing her hair at least once in a week. "Are you seriously asking if me and Zeke - the jerk who had ruined my entire life - had hooked up?"
Well, now that Hange had put it like this, he did feel kinda stupid. And more than a little embarrassed.
Fuck. He really was an insensitive jerk.
"Sorry for bringing this up," he grumbled, pushing past Hange and continuing to walk down the street.
"Oi, Levi, wait!" grabbing his sleeve, she quickly caught up with him. She fell into step with him, and for a moment, she was silent.
Their conversation was far from being over and Levi knew it. He didn't have to raise his head to see the pleased smirk on her face. Smugness was practically radiating from her.
"So did I just witness the jealousy of great Levi Ackerman?"
His cheeks burned. Levi kept looking straight ahead. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing his discomfiture.
Hange chuckled. "Just so you know, Zeke isn't my type."
"Cool. I don't care."
"Do you want to know what my type is?"
"No." Yes. "Can we have this conversation some other time?"
"Sure." A pause. "So you are interested what my type is."
Levi groaned.
"Oh, we're here!" Hange said flippantly, like she wasn't mercifully making fun of him just moments ago. "Are you ready, shorty?"
"Yes," he answered, putting their previous conversation to the back of his mind. He fixed his hair and clenched his jaw. "Let's do this, four-eyes."
"Alright," Hange stopped to take a deep breath. She looked more than a little uneasy and, acting on a sheer impulse, Levi took her hand in his, giving it a firm squeeze.
"I'm with you," he reassured. "I've got your back, Hange."
She smiled, relaxing ever so slightly.  "Thank you. There's no one else I could have done it with. Well," Hange tapped her chin with a finger. "I could do it with Erwin too, but—" her smile turned into a playful grin. "His face isn't quite as scary as yours."
Levi rolled his eyes, glad that Hange was back to her insufferable self.
He pushed the door open, still holding Hange's hand in his.
The café, when they entered it, was mostly empty. There were only two people inside - a girl and a boy probably in their early twenties. They were lounging side by side in the corner of the café, but when Levi and Hange appeared, one of them – a blonde boy with big blue eyes - jumped to his feet and hurried to approach them. The girl with the hair as dark as her expression followed, hovering over boy's shoulder.
"Welcome to Dorothy's corner!" the boy squealed with a nervous smile. "What would you like to order?"
"You didn't give them the menu, Armin," the girl reminded softly, nudging him in the back.
"Oh, right! I'll bring it immediately, just—"
"Relax," Hange advised softly. Her words, coupled with that sweet smile worked like a charm. The boy chuckled sheepishly, scratching his neck with an apologetic expression.
"Sorry, I'm kinda new here."
"New?" Levi repeated. "And for how long have you been working here?"
"Almost a month, sir. Why are you asking?"
"Simple curiosity," he murmured. So it was just a coincidence. The boy wasn't a replacement for the dead waitress.
"And you?" he nodded at the gloomy girl. "Are you working here too?"
"No," the boy smiled, affection lightening his features. "Mikasa just worries too much about me. There was a murder recently and, well, she’s here to look over me."
"Oh, she's a good friend,” Hange praised. “We're actually here to meet our friends too. There they are, by the way!" she pointed her finger at the booth near the window.
Levi followed it, and, now he could see Zeke's blonde head sticking out too. And from looks of it, he wasn’t alone. The rage started boiling inside of him just at the sight of that bastard. Hange squeezed his hand again, offering his silent support.
"Can you bring a cup of green tea for me?" Levi asked, turning to the boy.
"And a black coffee with three sugars for that weirdo," he added.
"Still remember my order?" Hange wondered, as they walked towards the booth where Zeke was sitting.
"Focus, four-eyes," he scolded sternly, before coming to a stop in front of the needed table.
With a toothy grin, Hange slide in the booth, taking a seat opposite from Zeke. Levi sat down at her side.
When he saw them, Zeke's eyes widened and his mouth hanged open in silent surprise. That expression was gone way too quickly, however, not giving Levi enough time to savor it.
Zeke clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowed and his face sharpened as he glared at Hange.
"You have the gull, Zoe," he sneered. "You fuck—"
"Oi." Levi interrupted. His voice was quiet, but filled with so much fury and hatred. Zeke visibly shuddered. "If I hear another shitty word about Hange from your dirty mouth, you'll be missing some teeth, you asshole."
"Um." Someone above Levi cleared his throat. He looked up, meeting the scared gaze of the waiter. "Y-your order," he said, his eyes darting nervously between Levi and Zeke.
"Thank you," Hange smiled.
"We'll call if we need refreshments." Levi grunted with a nod.
"Charming as always, detective Ackerman," Zeke scoffed, when the boy left. He pushed the glasses up his nose, and Levi noted with no small amount of amusement that his fingers were slightly trembling.
Zeke turned to Hange. "I thought you wanted to meet me alone."
"I told you to come alone," Hange corrected. "You didn't though."
"I thought you'd like to have a double date," Zeke smirked. The arrogant expression disappeared the second he met Levi’s dark eyes.
"Oh, right!" Hange slapped her forehead. "Where are my manners! Levi, this is Porco and Pieck," she gestured to a man and woman, who sat at the either side of Zeke. The man - Porco - gave Levi a small nod. Pieck waved at him with a grin, tilting her head and staring at him curiously.
"And this is Levi," Hange said. "My partner."
"Partner?" Pieck raised an eyebrow. The grin on her face grew broader.
"I meant, colleague," Hange clarified, clearing her throat.
"I'm curious," Zeke said, not taking his eyes off Hange. "What are you trying to achieve with this stunt? It’s true I can’t do anything to you right now, but what do you think is going to happen afterwards, Hange? Do you think I'd let you go? Do you think your boyfriend,” he looked pointedly at Levi. Levi stared right back, his face blank. “Can protect you? You were too valuable to me, you know too much,” Zeke shook his head, his voice disappointed. “I thought you were smarter than this."
"What makes you think I need protection?" Hange leaned over with a smile that looked just a little bit feral. "Maybe, I've already told everything to the police."
Zeke returned her smile, lifting his hands. "Then where are my handcuffs, detective?"
"If you wanted to imprison me, I'd already be behind bars," he continued, remarkably relaxed. "No, you want something from me, Hange. But for the life of me, I can't understand what exactly."
"Like you said, Zeke," Hange's eye glinted wickedly. "I know too much."
"Levi has brought you something. I'm sure it'd be quite a thrilling read."
Following the cue, Levi took the file out of his pocket and threw it on the table.
Reluctantly, his eyes shifting from Hange to Levi, Zeke opened it. A confused crease appeared between his eyebrows, as he looked at the first page. Nevertheless, he fixed his glasses and started reading. His two companions joined him, leaning over his shoulder.
It was quiet for a long moment, and Levi used this time to drink his tea. It was good, he was quite impressed.
"Is tea here still up to your standards?" Hange asked in a whisper.
"Mm," he nodded. "Definitely not as shitty as the tea you used to make, four-eyes."
"As shitty as it was, you still drank it."
Yeah, he did. Actually, Levi kinda missed that awful, bitter taste. Maybe, once it was all over, he could ask Hange to brew him tea again. Just like in the old times.
"It's the case you told me about," Pieck concluded, when she finished reading the file.
"Yes," Hange nodded.
Levi tilted his head, looking at that Pieck curiously. Hange trusted her. Why?
"I hope you don't think that I did it," Zeke scoffed. "I was out of country. I couldn't kill these women."
"I know," Hange agreed.
"Believe me, if I had even the slightest doubt that you did it, we wouldn't be sitting there, chatting," Levi added menacingly.
"What do you want then?" Porco spoke up, glancing between Hange and Levi.
"Cooperation." Hange answered. "Whoever committed these murders is close to you, Zeke."
"Or tries to get rid of you." Levi said.
"And why do you care?" Zeke asked. "Why would you decide to help? After everything I've done to you, don't you want to take your revenge?"
"You can't even imagine how much I want this," Hange told him fiercely. She moved her face closer to Zeke, putting her elbows on the table. A wide, crazy grin spread on her lips, and Zeke recoiled as though in fear.
Levi relaxed in his seat, watching their interaction closely. Seeing the panic reflect in Zeke's eyes put a satisfied smirk on his face.
“And I promise you, Zeke," Hange continued. "I will get my revenge and I will make you pay for everything you put me through. But," she chuckled, easing her expression into her usual friendly mien. "As it is now, a criminal, who killed two women, is on the loose. And I consider it my duty to catch them. My retribution can wait for a while."
"Do you have any suspects?" Pieck asked, making Hange look at her and giving Zeke a much needed moment of respite. Levi continued to watch him, though, enjoying the slight fear that painted his features. The sight was all the more pleasurable for Levi, because Hange was the one who made the bastard feel this way.
"Zeke is not the only one who's being targeted. Someone tries to harm Levi too." Hange replied. "I'm pretty sure that Sannes is on it."
"Sannes?" Porco frowned. "Isn't he one of yours?"
"We all know that he's one of yours," Levi's face twisted in grimace.
"Why would Sannes go against me?” Zeke wondered. “We've been working together for years."
"Maybe, someone tries to take your place," Pieck speculated. "If that's the case, Sannes could agree to betray you. He's not loyal to you, but to your influence after all."
"Sannes can't be the only one, though," Hange went on. "His main goal is to get rid of Levi, and he could have come up with something less complicated to achieve it. So," Hange kicked Zeke's leg under the table. "Spill it out, Zeke. Who hates you so much?"
Zeke scowled, irritated by her cheerfulness. He opened his mouth, and Levi was sure that nothing nice or useful was going to come out of it. He kicked him under the table too. His kick was much stronger than Hange’s. Zeke yelped, bending down to rub his leg. Levi almost smiled.
"I think Floch is the betrayer."
"What?" Zeke snorted. "Floch is the one who had come up with that plan? Don't make me laugh, Hange."
"I didn't say that he was the one who had come up with it," Hange argued. "I said that it’s possible that he had betrayed you."
"So you think Sannes and Floch are the one to blame?" Porco clarified.
"No," Hange shook her head. She tapped her fingers on the table, biting her lip. "I think... There is a third party involved. Floch would never act on his own volition. But he's easily influenced and if he encountered someone charismatic enough, he wouldn’t think twice about betraying you. But why would they need such an elaborate plan?" Hange wondered. "If they wanted to take control of your gang—"
"Criminal organ—"
"Shut up!" she barked, glaring at Zeke. "You're making it hard to think. Where was I?"
"If someone wanted to take Zeke's power, why not simply kill him?" Pieck said.
"Exactly!" Hange snapped her fingers with a grateful smile. "Whoever is against you, Zeke, doesn't want to simply kill you. They're trying to put in prison. We don't know who that is and I'm pretty sure you don't know it either. I don't think it's someone from your gang, Floch doesn't respect anyone but you. So that leaves with one possible explanation - it's someone from outside. Maybe, a partner you've fucked over."
"Does anyone come to your mind, boss?" Porco asked.
"There is someone," Zeke mumbled, his eyes cast down. "But he already took his revenge on me." 
"Hm," Hange scratched her chin. "That complicates it."
"If someone wants to get rid of Zeke," Pieck spoke up. "Then how is your partner involved in this?"
"Through Sannes." Levi replied. "Sannes wanted to get rid of me. He couldn't find a reason to fire me, so he decided to exploit my only weakness."
"Your weakness?" Hange repeated, confused.
Levi sighed. "You, Hange. Everyone at the precinct knows that I..." he cleared his throat, shifting his eyes to the side. "That your death hit me hard. And Sannes decided to use that. He wanted me to stop thinking rationally, wanted to me to lose my cool. He almost succeeded." He added softly. 
Under the table, Hange took his hand and gave it a squeeze. Levi looked up, meeting her gaze. It was full of sympathy, regret and something else. Something unreadable, something fierce. Something that made it hard to look away. 
"Could you please stop this?" Zeke groaned. "I believe we were in a middle of a serious discussion."
Hange was the first to look away. She continued to hold his hand, however. Feeling bold, Levi intertwined their fingers. 
"You were saying?" Zeke prompted with a roll of his eyes.
"Um, yes, right," Hange nodded. "There a lot we don't know about our enemies, but I theorize that something like that happened: someone - a past ally, or, maybe one of your victims - approached Floch. They convinced him to betray you and probably shared with Floch their desire to take you out of the picture without murdering you. We don't know their motivations and why they couldn't just kill you, since whoever they are," Hange's face twisted in disgust. "They are more than okay with murdering innocents. Floch then goes to Sannes, and Sannes decides to join on the plan. They devise some sort of a gamble – either Zeke goes to prison or Levi gets fired."
"Sounds far-fetched," Zeke scoffed. 
"Maybe," Hange shrugged. "There is a lot we still don't know. Would you help us, though?"
Zeke sighed, covering his eyes with a hand. "I don't really have a choice, do I?"
"Nope!" Hange clasped her hands with a wide grin. 
"Don't forget that this alliance is temporary," Levi added.
"I would rather die than continue it for a second longer than absolutely necessary." Zeke snarled. 
"Good," Levi retorted. "Then die."
"What Levi wanted to say," Hange corrected with a chuckle. "Is that we're hoping for a fruitful cooperation. But for now, we should go our separate ways. I'll contact you if we discover something."
"We'll do the same," Pieck smiled, ushering Porco and Zeke to get up from their seats. "Enjoy your evening," she added before the three of them left.
The moment the door of the café closed behind them, Hange exhaled in relief. Levi sighed too, slumping in his seat.
"Pieck is nice, isn't she?" Hange asked softly. 
"Are you two... friends?"
"Sort of," she replied. "Is that a problem?"
"No," Levi assured. "It's just, well, a bit weird."
"She helped me," Hange confessed. "When Zeke—" she made a vague gesture with her hands, pointing to her lost eye. "You know."
"We'll make him pay," he promised. 
"I know," Hange leaned against his shoulder, yawning. "Can I stay at your place tonight?"
"Of course," he murmured. "Grim would love to see you. I don't have anything to eat at home, though. Want to order something here?"
Hange looked up at him, blinking sleepily. "You'll make me have dinner no matter what I say, right?"
He lightly flicked her nose. "What's the point of asking if you already know the answer?"
"You don't change," she whispered fondly. "It's good to be back, Levi."
It's good to have you back, he thought, admiring her peaceful expression. ***
One foot in front of the other, Petra slowly made her way up stairs to her apartment. She was exhausted, tired to the bone and the only thing she craved was to get into her cozy and warm apartment and then fall face-first into her soft and comfy bed. 
But as her luck would have it, the elevators were broken and now she had to climb all the fifteen flight of stairs that lead to her apartment.
 Heaving a sigh, she looked up. She was already on thirteenth floor. 
Just two more, she thought grimly. Petra grabbed the railing tightly and pushed herself upwards. 
Finally, when she was almost at the brim of exhaustion, Petra climbed up to the needed floor. She breathed out in relief and her lips curved into a small, satisfied smile. 
She was almost home, the only thing she needed to do was to walk up to her front door, unlock it, took off her coat and shoes and change into pajamas. Then, she could get some rest at last. After that insane day, she more than deserved it. 
As she neared the door to her apartment, Petra caught a weird scent, hanging in the air. She stopped for a second, sniffing. It was a strong, bitter and unpleasant. The scent of a cigarette smoke, Petra realized. She had never smelled it there before. As far as she knew, her neighbors didn't smoke. Then where the scent had come from?
A bit wary and alert, she continued her way. She was tired, maybe, she just imagined the smell. Or, maybe, one of her neighbors started smoking. It wasn't a big deal. Definitely wasn't illegal. 
With a reprimanding shake of her head, Petra willed herself to relax. She took out her keys and approached the door. She touched the door handle.
And the panic nearly overwhelmed her. 
Her front door. It wasn’t locked.
Staring at it in confusion, Petra searched her mind, trying to remember if she had forgotten to close the door when leaving in the morning. She always locked it. Could it be that she had forgotten about it today?
She was a creature of habit, she always made sure to turn off the lights and lock the front door before leaving the apartment. On the other hand, however, a lot happened this week. She wasn't sleeping enough. She wasn't getting enough rest. She was constantly in the state of worry and anxiety. Locking her front door was at the very bottom of her list of priorities. She could very easily forget about it. 
She was probably just getting too paranoid. It was probably caused by exhaustion and emotional distress. She was worrying over nothing. 
Petra took a deep breath. She was worrying over nothing. She kept repeating this phrase like a mantra in her head. She slowly pushed the door open.
The apartment behind it was silent. And dark. 
Petra exhaled in relief.
She chuckled softly, scolding herself for being a scaredy-cat. She closed the door - making sure she locked it this time - and took off her coat and shoes. She draped the coat on the clothes rack and then entered her bedroom. She touched the switch, turning on the light. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden brightness. She swept her eyes across the room—
And then gasped, the fear gripping every part of her body. 
There was a man sitting in her armchair near the window. The same man that she saw in the precinct today - the one with eerie smile. 
That same unnerving smile was spread on his lips once again. 
"Detective Ral," he murmured softly, rising to his feet. "Did you and your partner receive my note?"
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seacottons · 4 years
Find a Reason to Smile
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pairing: choi san x reader
summary: you help an amnesiac named san find his way back home, and in return he helps you find a reason to always smile.
genre: sci-fi, dystopian au, horror, angst, language
words: 16.9k
warnings: excessive violence, blood, mental instability, mentions of smut.
The wind and rain felt like tiny little pricks against your skin and hair as you hastily rode back home on your yellow bicycle. Dark clouds blanketed the coastal town of yours, washing it an eerie, yet somewhat comforting darkness. Despite the gloomy weather, your mood was still beaming due to just wrapping up the last exam of your third year in university.
The streets were almost nearly vacant in this part of town, thankfully. You slowed down slightly whilst crossing roads and intersections, puddles of water splashing harshly against your shoes. Your hair clung onto your face, and a few strands flew into your mouth and eyes as you turned corner after corner. You flinched as the sound of thunder shook the ground underneath you. The street lamps and illuminated street signs flickered rapidly, and a flash of lightning followed shortly afterwards.
Your mind only registered what just occurred after a few seconds too late. A flash right in front of you blinded your sight, and a big lump of a body strewn on the wet cement crossed paths with your bicycle, causing you to fly and skid across the concrete a few feet away from the initial impact.
Hissing under your breath as pebbles dug into your broken flesh of your palms and knees, you glanced up and groaned, completely confused as to what made you lose your balance. You were positive there was nothing but empty space there a few seconds ago. The rain was heavy, but not enough to blind you. Your head throbbed, and you were sure bruises were already forming. 
Your breath was caught in your throat at the sight of a man lying beside your bike, clutching his side and emitting grunts of pain, his frame writhing. The man could make out a few words through the hazy fog of his mind,"Mist...okay..."
"Mister, are you okay?"
You scrambled up onto your feet, mind frazzled and bewildered,”I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t see you there! I- ..what were you doing lying down in the middle of the sidewalk. Oh my god, are you okay?” you blithered loudly, hands reaching down to grab onto the man’s own frail ones.
Your rambling seemed to make the man’s headache even worse, and you hastily helped him onto his feet. He was a few inches taller than you, a well built, lean frame adorned with dark clothing and a leather jacket. A striking patch of green decorated his ebony locks, which clung to his flushed face as his pained eyes bore into your own, “Where am I? Who are you?”
You visibly blanched upon hearing the male’s words, hesitant hands reaching up to clutch the air in front of you, panic soon welcoming itself into your eyes and voice, “I gave you amnesia..,” you clutched his wet, black leather jacket with desperate fists, brows knitting in distress, “Please don’t sue me! I have one more year left to graduate! I’ll help yo-“
You were thankful that no one was driving by to witness the scene, you on your wobbly legs, screaming desperately in a stranger’s face. Before you managed to finish your plead, the man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, his frame collapsing onto your own jittery one. Yelping in fright, your hands flew to steady his body, which felt cold and deadweight in your arms. You rested your fingers against his jugular, your shoulders deflating in relief at the prominent heartbeat.
Spending the night of your last day of the semester was intended to be scheduled with partying, watching movies, going out with acquaintances, but fate decided to grant you a man who popped out of whatever that flash was, only to faint in your arms in broad daylight, feet away from your apartment complex, and rain drops creating frequent ripples in the puddles surrounding you two.
You were paranoid that somehow you’d be imprisoned or fined if you called the police for giving a stranger a possible concussion, so the next best thing you came up with is to take said stranger back to your apartment, wrapping him up in several towels and lying him down onto the couch. Droplets of rain cascaded down his high cheekbones, and onto your leather sofa, but that was the least of your concern at the moment. You debated whether or not to call your mother for help. She will certainly give you an earful if she found out you allowed a stranger into your own home.
As you were in the process of constructing a reasonable sounding text, a groan escaped the man’s mouth as he reached up to press the heel of his palm onto his forehead. You panicked at the sight, frame stiffening as the male sat up slowly, pausing to gaze at you in confusion. He tilted his head, eyes blinking in curiosity. His dark orbs studied your form, flickering around to examine his surroundings before turning back to you, “Hello?”
You offered an awkward smile, shrugging your shoulders and putting your phone down, “Uh.. hi. I’m (y/n). Are you feeling better, Mister? Do you remember anything?”
His dark eyes glanced around the room once again, before looking down at his wet attire and hands. He peered at his reflection from the mirror across from him and turned to you with a look of distress, “I don’t seem to recall anything other than when you crashed into me. By any chance, do I know you? Do you know who I am?”
There were a few moments in your life you were proud of. Few, meaning you can count them with one hand. This was not one of them. You found yourself crying in the middle of your apartment, with a complete stranger attempting to comfort and console you, when in fact he was the one who most likely needed it most. He smiled sheepishly, his attempt at consoling you only twinging a bit of hope in the pit of your stomach. He explained that it wasn’t logical for you to be the cause of his amnesia, due to the fact that you only managed to hurt his side as opposed to his head. You winced at the memory, nodding shamefully and offering him some ointment for the mark on his side, courteously left by the wheel of your bicycle. About half an hour of ceaseless reassurance from the man, you managed to regain your composure, asking him if he had some sort of identification.
To your disappointment, and his also, there was no source of information to identify him with. Pockets empty, no phone in sight either. You ran a hand through your hair, eyes downcast as you scrambled to think of plan b, only to catch sight of the the marking behind the man’s left ear. You raised a brow, leaning forward and tilting your head, startling the male from the sudden proximity,”You have a tattoo? San? Is that your name?”
There doesn’t seem to be any spark of recognition in the man’s eyes as you say the name, but he scratches the nape of his neck sheepishly,”I am honestly not too sure, but it’s safe to assume that it is? I’m sorry, I wish I could just remember one thing at least..”
You offered him a smile of pity, shaking your head to disagree with him,“That’s okay, San. I’m sure we’ll figure something out. In the meantime, you should change before you end up getting sick. I think my clothes will fit you somewhat. It’s the least I can do for crashing into you. Is that okay?”
“Ah, thank you,” you nodded at him to proceed,”I appreciate it. Do you mind if I stay here until the rain stops?”
You dug through numerous names of people named San on social media within your town, but you had no luck in finding a match. If your parents knew you kept a complete stranger in your home out of pity, they would’ve called you a lunatic.
He was very bashful about the offer to stay the night, denying it at first and telling you he’ll find his way somehow. Days later, you spotted him sleeping on one of the bus benches near your apartment as you made your way to the convenience store. He was reluctant at first, but finally agreed to stay for a short term with you.
You hadn’t even meant to but the poor guy had nowhere to go, no money on hand, and no memories whatsoever. What a predicament to be in.
Several days passed, and you’ve yet to tell your anyone of the incident that occurred that spring night.
It was no lie that over the course of several weeks of summer, the man had grown onto you. San was extremely humble, aiding you in any way he found possible. He took charge of cleaning, cooking, and even ironing your clothes on some days. The days when you had work, you would come home to find the apartment sparkling, and the smell of dinner wafting through the entirety of the small complex.
There were a few strange quirks you’ve noticed about him, though. For starters, he called the planet Earth, Utopia. You sat down for a good half hour over dinner one night, arguing back and forth regarding the name, but he just couldn’t explain why he thought that, and where that piece of information came from. He flung a pea at your nose as you pulled out several maps on your phone, proving your point, a pout resting on his features as he gave up his argument.
You were mildly paranoid that San was secretly a slimy alien disguised as a handsome, young man, from a different planet who somehow dropped down onto Earth, but you pushed that thought away several days later when he showed zero signs of being extra terrestrial. ( You forced him to sit down through reruns of alien related films, gauging and studying his reactions only to disprove your conclusion when he grimaced and complained he didn’t like the concept of aliens. )
However, he always seemed fascinated by the twinkling stars at night, occasionally asking if you’d like to sit and watch them, instead of movies, every now and then.
He enjoyed warm cups of tea as the cool breeze from outside fluttered into the apartment, the two of you pointing out which constellations you recognized.
“This is cute,try it on!" you threw a fuzzy, white sweater at San over the door of the changing room.
He took it off his head and inspected it, eyes blinking rapidly. He then threw it back,"It seems itchy."
"Come on! How about this?"
"The color is reminiscent of the time you threw up the leftover sushi.”
"Just say it’s an ugly shade of green and shut up," you grumbled, stomach flipping at the mere thought of the incident that occurred days prior. This wasn’t the first time he bought it up, only to laugh and tease you for it when you quickly shut him down.
San, albeit surprisingly being a playful and mischievous guy, was very modest and humble when it came to your shopping trips. Guilt would wash his features as he argued about you spending money on him for clothes and other necessities, often making excuses of why he didn’t want the items you chose for him, but you never missed the sparkle in his eyes as he placed the articles of clothing back on the racks.
He would pull items from your hands before you had the chance to purchase them for him, sometimes starting embarrassing scenes in various stores. When you have him a hard time, he would cling onto your arm, whining into your ear and attempt to pull you out of the store.
You did get kicked out of a plushie store that one time in which you accidentally kicked over one of the shelves while wrestling over a shiba inu plushie, tipping it over only slightly, but just enough for stacks of puppy plushies to fall into a heap on the floor.
He would often scold you when he finds the same item he’d been ogling laying innocently onto his makeshift bed in the tiny living room. San profusely apologized for being a nuisance to you and your wallet, and every time, you threatened to wrestle him down to take back his words.
“You said you wanted this one, and you’d name him Shiber. So give him a proper welcome to our home.”
He did ask to help him find a job, but you insisted you were fine with spending your money on him for the next month. Tuition and books were not a problem thanks to your scholarship, rent wasn’t too high, and you didn’t even own a car for you to spend money on gas. You also had several years of saving up from numerous jobs to help you put your mind at ease, but that did not stop the gnawing feeling of guilt that succumbed San every time you traded your money for something to give him.
You did take him to see a specialist, and he’d gone under several tests and examinations, but all the test results came back normal. There was no indication of head trauma, and he was very healthy for his age, which you two assumed to be in his early to mid twenties.
Nobody in town recognized him when you two had your weekly shopping trips, either.
He did promise to only spend two months with you and go about his way, if he managed to recover his memories. If not, he would land a job while you returned back to university for your senior year.
You never did tell him, but you left your bedroom door ajar ever so slightly to gaze at him in sympathy during the nights he woke up restless, silently staring out the window of the living room, arms clutching Shiber to his chest tightly for comfort. You knew he didn’t enjoy feeling lost and helpless, even if he never liked to admit it. His eyes held a heavy, silent sadness, one so deep that you think not even time will mend.
Learning to read and understand San came naturally and seamlessly. You caught every flicker of his eyes, every change in his tone, and every expression he makes. Every twitch of his lips did not go unnoticed by you.
He soon warmed up to your comforting presence, much like the summer weather.
"Ahhh! It burns!"
You fell in a tangled mess of sheets and limbs, startled by a screech. You were acutely aware of the pain blossoming onto your bottom as you landed ungracefully on your wooden floor. Beams of sunlight shone brightly in your room, welcoming the new day.
"San! Are you okay!?”
You piped hurriedly,  stumbling up to rush towards the male, tangled sheets clinging around your ankle, your hair a mess and eyes puffy from sleep.
You failed to notice a roll of toilet paper flying towards your head.
The impact startled you, heart leaping in your throat at the sudden attack, your adrenaline pumping through your veins as you raised your arms for defense.
It was San on the bathroom doorway, mouth red and puffy and eyes glassy with unshed tears.
"Where the hell did you get this mouthwash? It's like I'm swishing fire in my mouth!" he cried, profusely rubbing at his mouth the back of his sleeve. He grumbled, turning around to lightly slap the bottle of green liquid on the bathroom countertop, fidgeting around and running his hands through his hair in exasperation.
"Fucking hell, San. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“I nearly burned my tongue off, but thanks for asking!”
You dropped your head in your hands, contemplating your life choices for a few seconds before walking back to your bedroom to get an hour more of undisturbed sleep.
Summer was nearing an end, and the two of you fell into a simple routine. He would iron your work clothes the night before, wake up early to cook a light breakfast, and help you tidy up for your day.
You had joked one day, asking if his profession was a chef due to his great cooking skills.
“Maybe you’re secretly rich and hired me as your personal chef, but we argued one day, and you hit me so hard with a pan that I lost my braincells, and-“
You quickly stuffed his mouth with a loaf of bread to shush him up. He blinked, flabbergasted at the sudden intrusion, before hastily swiping a jam covered finger onto your cheek in retaliation.
Not only was he talented at cooking great food, but he was also amazing at styling hair.
He scoffed as a stubborn strand of your tresses curled up from the nearly perfect hairstyle he struggled to create. Licking his lips, he pressed them into a thin line as he leaned forward, gel slicked hands working meticulously to smoothen out your locks,”San, I work at a coffee shop, not at a fashion agency. Don’t you think this is a bit much?” your back ached from being stuck in the same position for nearly forty minutes.
He ignored your comment, scolding you for attempting to distract him, eyes trained onto redoing the intricate braid in your hair, adding several tiny diamond clips, and a golden ribbon lacing through your locks. You tilted your head at an angle, struggling to catch sight of his beautiful work in the mirror, your eyes practically twinkling in delight at the sight.
“San, you’re so talented! I should’ve hired you as my hairdresser months ago,” you marveled happily.
His heart leaped in his throat, much like the acrobats he’s seen in movies, whilst you crushed him into a tight hug. He stared down at the crown of your head, jaw slackening  and eyes growing wide at the first physical gesture of affection you’ve ever given him. His frame felt like it was doused in gasoline and lit on fire, but before he had the chance to ask himself why, he caught sight of his reflection. His ears were an embarrassing shade of pink, like the tiny cosmos he helped you grow on the balcony. He hoped you hadn’t noticed.
A gentle smile found itself onto his features as he raised a  respectful hand to the dip of your back, returning the hug fondly, his lids fluttering shut as he basks in the moment of having you cling onto him. This was better than hugging Shiber, he noted to himself.
“I’ll do it for as long as time allows it,” he curls a strand of your hair around his pointer finger, before delicately pinning it behind your ear, his gaze unfaltering as his eyes bore into your own.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, and you simpered at his bashful expression,”I’ll see you tonight, then. No need to cook anything, either. Today we’ll try out the new barbecue place across town, yeah?”   His eyes widened, your bright tone snapping him out of his dazed state, eyeing you in mild embarrassment for staring much too long than deemed necessary. He pulled away abruptly, hands busy attending to the brushes and combs across the counter, anything that was within his grasp really– the green patch of hair concealing his eyes from your sight,”Y-yeah. I’ll be ready when you come back home,” he responded, voice meek and delicate as he flashed you a small grin.
His tender smile was reminiscent of spring mornings: fresh, warm, and welcoming.
The oil sizzled as you gently laid down a slice of chicken onto the grill, your hands startling as tiny droplets of oil met the flesh of your hands. The steel tongs fell from your grip, mouth pulled back as you emit a hiss of pain, your other hand flying to rub away at the burning sensation.
Delicate hands wrapped around your own, the pads of his fingers rubbing soothing circles onto your skin, his eyes holding a weight of disappointment,”I told you, you’re supposed to do it gently, or else you’ll splash yourself with all that oil, dummy.”
“I was being gentle!” you shot back, only for your words to die down into a small whisper once you locked your eyes with his. Clearing your throat, you pulled your hands away from his hold, allowing your tresses to frame your face in hopes of concealing the blossoming pink of your cheeks. ”Alright, I’ll be more cautious next time,” you added quickly, picking at the side dishes with your chopsticks, sheepishly avoiding his teasing stare.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint when exactly San’s gazes affected you the way they did now.
They left a soft, bubbly feeling inside the pit of your stomach, reminding you of his favorite powder scented laundry detergent he became very fond of.
“It cleans Shiber’s fur better than the lavender one.”
You didn’t know why you now noticed small quirks of his that you found attractive.
The way his skin dips as he smiles, displaying the cutest set of dimples you’ve ever set your eyes on. The way his eyes glimmer at the sight of a new episode of his favorite tv series. The way his voice rises an octave in excitement at a clear night sky, displaying twinkling diamonds over the town.
And also the tiny freckles that were beautifully paraded thanks to his v-neck shirts. The mole on his cheek. Or when he gnaws his bottom lip in concentration when either cooking or attempting to rid his shirts of a stubborn wrinkle.
The way the veins in his arms are more pronounced whilst he cooks up your favorite dish, or when his muscles ripple as he reaches up for something on the shelves.
And the sound of his contagious laugh as you proposed the idea of him becoming your roommate and helping him hunt for a job, despite having no known credentials or work experience as soon as you move to Seoul.
Initially, you didn’t think much of these small seeds of attraction you felt towards him. It wasn’t a crush. You were merely fond of his cute, clingy behavior.
You ignored them when they sprouted.
And now it seems they have blossomed, and you think there’s no denying it anymore, however you decided for the sake of the steady and well-built friendship, you’ll bury those feelings in a small, dark corner of your mind, tucked safe and away from prying eyes, specifically his.
You jumped in your seat, eyes widening and a ghost of a breath escaping your parted lips as you crashed back down to reality. San’s eyes were furrowed in concern at your silence, his hand hovering over the grill, tongs stretched and ready to latch onto the meat. You were quick to whip out an apology, offering him a sheepish grin,”Sorry, did you say something?”
He jabbed a thumb to the flat screen t.v, quickly changing the subject to save you from further embarrassment,”They’re talking about University of Seoul. Isn’t that the one you’re planning on transferring to next month?”
Physics Professors of US, Dr. Jung and assistant Dr. Kang, announce successful test in the relation between their theory of quantum physics and alternate reality; They say the world is ready to witness something grand.
You glanced at the long headline, eyes then trailing up to the news anchor, and then back to San. A black haired professor began an interview with the hosts over video call, but you soon tuned it out disinterestedly while spooning a few grains of rice and seasoned seaweed, only pausing mid-bite as you noticed the twinkling reflection of the lightbulbs in tear drops falling from San’s eyes as he stared silently at the screen.
“San? Are you okay?”
He quirked a brow in confusion, only then following your line of vision towards his side of the table. Peering down at the droplets, he raised dainty fingers to brush against his cheeks, examining the wetness as he pulled away, confusion decorating his features,“Oh? I’m crying?”
You settled your spoon down, eyes, filled to the brim with concern, roaming to study his features, and for the first time since you met him, you couldn’t read the expression on his face, couldn’t decipher what he was feeling. Your appetite suddenly dissipated, worry filling hunger’s place instead,”Is something the matter? You can tell me, you know?”
The lights in the restaurant flickered continuously, tv screens pixelating and distorting. Customers and the employees paused their ministrations to look around in confusion.
Your face glitched and pixelated, and his eyes widened at the sight.
Go back home!
As if watching a poorly captured, grainy video, he suddenly found himself in a pitch black room. He was aware he was standing above a fallen figure, even with the lack of light. A beam suddenly flashed down upon him, casting a dim ring of light around his frame. His pupils dilated and quivering at the sight of the pale visage void of any signs of life staring blankly at him from the bloody mess on the floor. Upon closer inspection, he realized the corpse he was staring down at was an exact replica of himself, face gaunt and frozen with terror stricken eyes.
Go back home, San. I’m so sorry.
The corpse’s ghostly face blurred and pixelated, before he felt lips press against his own, a giggle following shortly after. His breath caught in his throat as he gaped down at your smiling figure,”Of course, I’ll marry you, Sannie. Who else would I want to spend the rest of my life with?”
And then you vanished in fade of colors, your body dissipating with the breeze.
Everything came to a gentle still.
Suddenly, the sight of a fist gripping a gleaming syringe rushing towards his direction and painfully digging into his wrist—
He jumped, startled knees crashing into the underside of the table, the utensils clattering upon impact, making you also jolt in place, hands hastily reaching up to clamp onto your chest in surprise.
Unbeknownst to him, something akin to severe horror flashed within his orbs for a millisecond, silent terror haunting the dark depths of his eyes as his gaze flickered from the tv screen to your face, the ambiance of the restaurant becoming nothing more than a faint, muted buzz in the background.
You were alarmed by the sudden rapid rise and fall of his chest, shallow breathing overlapping with the sounds of utensils clattering in the background.
“San? San, tell me what’s wrong.”
He took a moment to assess your expression, hesitantly shaking his head moments later, voice small, hands fidgeting with his chopsticks, before reaching up to grasp the sides of his head, suddenly unaware as to why his hands were trembling,”I don’t know? I don’t know why I’m crying, (y/n). I have a terrible migraine too.”
You were quick to send a glare at the nosy customers who took a sudden interest in you and your friend, eyes narrowing in triumph as they hastily averted their gazes.
“Do you think I’m having an allergic reaction to something?” you heard San mumble into his palm.
You weren’t sure how to answer him.
“Yeah, maybe.. it’s the radish?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen sheer, raw terror in one’s eyes like that before.
That look on his face will forever haunt you.
Weeks later, that night was buried away along with the other nights you’ve spent with San in your coastal town. He helped you pack your belongings, taping box after box as the two of you prepared to move inland into the city for your final year of university.
San surprised you two days after you moved into your new, spacious apartment with the announcement that he obtained a job at a local floral shop just down the street, owned by two friends, Jongho and Yunho. You blanched as soon as he informed you that he explained to them he had no idea of his identity and held no official documents, but had a knack for delicate and intricate styling of materials, ranging from flowers, to food, and hair. He even challenged them to a bouquet arrangement match.
“Is that seriously how you convinced them? No fingerprints or anything? No documents? How will they pay you? You can’t just go around telling people you lost your memories, San. What if someone takes advantage of you?” you chided gently, brows creasing as you worked at adjusting one of the paintings on the wall.
He feigned a pout, fingers reaching to brush a strand of hair from your eyes,”And here I thought you’ll say let’s go out to celebrate. Are you not proud of me? I’m getting paid in cash to avoid the documentation requirements, if that’s what’s bothering you. I told you I need to start helping with the bills,” he crossed his arms, back resting against the wall and head turned the other direction as he silently sulked.
You didn’t know if that was even legal, but you decided to brush it off at the sight of his crestfallen expression, your hands quickly finding their way to his own, grasping them and giving them a gentle squeeze,”Of course we’ll celebrate! Over drinks and barbecue!”
If the Sun had feelings, you were sure it would feel a massive amount of envy towards the male in front of you, with the way his face shined and glowed with every smile that reached his handsome features. Your heart will never become accustomed to the sunshine-like smile, no matter how many times he beams at you like that.
A month flew by as quickly as the leaves changed color during autumn, and soon, you two found yourselves constantly huddled underneath a large blanket, hands holding steaming mugs of tea while you watched new movies his co-workers  recommended him. You smiled fondly at his excited announcement of finding a new movie to share with you. Your heart swelled at the sound of his giggling throughout the film.
You confided to him after one particular movie regarding homesickness, suddenly finding yourself tearing up at the thought of your old town and apartment and how much you missed them.
He prodded your cheek in a playful manner, tapping away your tears with a tissue before running a soothing palm onto the back of your head,”You just have to find a reason to smile. It won’t fix the problem per say, but it’ll make the situation easier for you until you find a solution,” he mused,”Like me, for example! I don’t have a clue about who I was or am, or where I came from, but you’re the reason I still smile.”
Your brows rose up high at his words, and you couldn’t tell if the flush on your face was the result of crying anymore. You also felt ashamed all of a sudden, realizing your situation wasn’t nearly as bad as his,”I make you happy?”
“Of course you do,” he chuckled, hands patting his chest proudly,”I don’t have to be reason for you to smile, though. Maybe it can be that big star that twinkles every night out your window, or the smell of that nice bakery down the street.”
Your stomach fluttered.
“You make me smile more than anything and anyone, San.”
Some days, he’ll come home to find you face first in one of your heavy books, hand still gripping your pen while a monotonous voice from your laptop plays out throughout the kitchen. He chided your sleeping form as he picked you up, carrying you to your bedroom and huffing when you immediately snuggled into your sheets and pillows,”What will you ever do without me, dummy.”
The third month in, and you eventually became accustomed to the new environment, city, people, and university. It was a lot larger in comparison to your previous one, and it accommodated not only local students, but international ones as well. You were offered an internship with one of the university’s top leading music professors, and you contemplated accepting the offer or not for months. It worked out in your favor, though. San had a stable job now. You weren’t as worried about your finances as much as you were before, you were enjoying your last year of studies, your apartment was spacious enough to fit the both of you, and it wasn’t too far from your university either.
Your manifestations of a simple and happy life became reality, and there was no room left to complain.
There was one problem though.
You learned that San was not to be trusted with money. He either spent it on food or yourself. You begged, pleaded, and chided repeatedly that you really did not need every color of the sweater you liked at the shop, or the fancy teacup you saw at the market, but he insisted on buying them all,”But all these colors suit you! Besides, it’s getting too cold, you need to dress warmly!”
Saturday night he presented you with a glittering, amethyst necklace. You paled at the sight, cheeks stuffed with the remaining spoonfuls of dinner as you gazed from your plate, to the necklace, and then back to his face,”You didn’t. San, not again..” you shook your head.
At your words, he rolled his eyes, scoffing and skidding his chair as he stood up to walk towards you,“You have the audacity to complain? Have you forgotten you’ve bought all my clothes and kept me well fed over the summer?” he leaned over your frame, polite hands clasping the necklace around the column of your neck, grinning in satisfaction as it glimmered underneath the fluorescent lights,”You make it even more beautiful than it already is, (y/n).”
He gasped as you choked on the remnants of your food, hands hastily slapping your back in aid, loud voice bouncing against the walls of the apartment, scolding you for not being careful enough with your food.
One night, he came home pleading for you to visit the amusement park that opened in town. San knew that one certain look of his that made your resolve crumble into nothing but a heap of emptiness within a matter of seconds, and that jerk used it to his advantage every damn time. And it worked every damn time.  You were ashamed of how easily you fell for his tricks, but in most circumstances, it was worth it.
If one day, the Sun were to cease existing, it will be okay, because San’s smile is its greatest rival.
You swore San’s eyes twinkled brighter than any of the stars in the night sky. Happiness looked best on San. He had bits of cotton candy still stuck on his cupid’s bow, pockets filled to maximum capacity with tickets. You couldn’t help but emit a snort of amusement at his behavior as he dragged you from booth to booth, demanding you to a challenge every time.
He was the embodiment of happiness and sunshine, all things soft and delicate. He begged you to enter the photo booths with him, and then proceeded to have a bet on who can win the most prizes.
“I’m telling you, these games are all rigged. I just know it,” you grumbled angrily, harshly chomping down onto a handful of popcorn.
He peeked up, arms struggling to carry the amount of plushies and prizes he won. A green hat sat on his head comfortably, his eyes teasing as you placed a few pieces of popcorn into his gaping mouth,”Sorry, couldn’t hear you from all the plushies I’m holding. What did you say?”
“San, that makes absolutely no sense.”
“I know, you’re just fun to tease.”
He managed to win at nearly every game you played, and you gaped in disbelief as he won at the fishing game for the fifth time in a row. Crossing your arms, you turned around, hand sticking up to shush him as he called your name,”Rigged!”
You felt something cold and hard poke your cheek, and you turned to be met with a pouty rubber duck that was much too close for comfort. He repeated the action, along with a soft quack, and you attempted to swat his prize toy away from him, only for him to mimic the duck’s expression, your heart nearly falling to your feet at the sight,”Don’t be angry. I promise I’ll let you win next time.”
Having San work at a floral shop meant being gifted with a new flower every day.
He would beg you to stop writing in your notebook just to listen to him ramble on about what a certain flower meant, and so forth. Curse Jongho for getting him into this sort of thing, but you couldn’t deny the fact he appeared so endearing while blabbering passionately about why he thinks white roses aren’t meant to be related to death, or why cosmos deserve more love after Yunho trash talked them one day.
“Jongho, what are you doing?” San asked one day, arms placing the new shipment of glass vases down in the corner of the room. Yunho peeked up from tying a ribbon onto a pink bouquet, snickering at the sight of Jongho ripping petal after petal of a yellow flower.
“He wants to know if the girl that visits the shop every Friday likes him back,” Yunho teased, ducking as a piece of floral foam was thrown in his direction.
San leaned over Jongho’s shoulder to study the flower inquisitively, eyes wide and curious,”How do you determine that?” Jongho’s miffed expression soon was replaced with a stoic one as he explained to San how it works,”So, all I have to do is pluck them and whichever is the last one..”
Jongho nodded, elbowing the ebony haired male in the chest,”Are you thinking about the girl you live with?”
San’s flustered expression gave him away. He hid the white daisy behind his back defensively, shrugging his shoulders and announcing he has to get back to work. Jongho and Yunho shot knowing smiles at his retreating figure.
“She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not.”
Hiding behind a stack of boxes, San was finally at the last petal, his fingers hovering above it with widened eyes and parted lips,”She loves me.”
You were too engrossed in editing an audio file, that the sight of a gerbera daisy flying into your face startled you nearly to death. San laughed as you yelped in fright, hands immediately ripping the headphones from your ears, before repeatedly smacking his hip in anger,”Are you trying to give me a heart attack!” you hissed in frustration.
He placed the daisy behind your ear and leaned back up to examine his work,”So pretty.”
You didn’t know whether he was referring to the flower or yourself, but either way, that didn’t stop your ears from flaring up.
A month later, you managed to survive the exams, and your second to last semester came to an end. The university held a party a week later in celebration, just before winter holiday, and you asked San over dinner if he’d like to attend. He shyly denied it at first, saying he never learned how to dance, but you insisted you wouldn’t have to if it made him uncomfortable,”We can just relax and eat the food there. I promise it’ll be fun!”
You wore a well fitted, knee length black dress, and insisted on San wearing something formal as well, much to his displeasure. He reached a hand to readjust his tie for the umpteenth time that night, glowering at your snickering form,”Oh stop, you’ll mess it up. You look perfectly fine.”
“Fine? Is that all I get?” he prodded your cheek, playful lilt to his tone,”You should pay me, Prince San, for attending this party with you. I will only accept cash or kisses.”
His grin stretched further as you stumbled on your words, a faint scowl reaching your features as you thwacked him on the chest lightly,”Stop being embarrassing!”
You loved his teasing.
He knew you did, and curse him for taking every opportunity to make you a blushing, babbling mess, especially in public. The university’s courtyard couldn’t be recognized from the dangerous amount of people within the area, music blasting off in several directions, and drinks and food being served left and right.
San shot you a smile as he noticed the glimmering pendant resting on your collarbones,”Did you want to dance, (y/n)?”
You glanced at him curiously, head tilting back as you took a sip of your soda,”I thought you were too shy to dance in public?”
“That’s where you’re not wrong,” he chuckled, taking you by the wrist and behind one of the building’s corners. People still walked by, but there was a curtain of privacy that provided him with a subtle boost of confidence. He mimicked the princes in his favorite movies, head bowing and offering you his hand, to which you laughed and accepted. Your arms rested against his firm chest, lithe fingers curling onto his shoulders as his hands hesitantly found their way to rest onto the dip of your waist,”I don’t know if I’m doing this right.”
“I can’t believe we’re slow dancing to club music,” you couldn’t help but laugh, head thrown back in glee as San took stiff, unsure movements, a sheepish smile gracing his features as he ducked his head shyly, his earrings glimmering underneath the moonlight.
“It’s the only dance that seemed easy enough online,” he mumbled, unsure of his movements now that he held you in his arms,”I watched five videos.”
You flashed him a grin, pausing slightly to lean forward onto your toes, pressing a chaste kiss onto his cheek,”You’re doing so well. You never cease to impress me, San.”
You watched his jaw go slack, hands now hovering over your waist as he peers at you unsurely. For a split second, you were worried if you crossed the line, however, he released a chortle of amusement, leaning down to press his lips flush against your forehead,”And to you the same, dearest (y/n).”
The party was nearing an end, and you smiled fondly as San pouted beside you, watching someone take the last slice of chocolate cake on one the large tables. You took his hand, walking a few steps and ushering to another table across the courtyard,”That’s okay! I know another table with dessert. Maybe there’s—“
The two of you paused, catching sight of a man only a few feet away, whose eyes were wide behind the pair of bronze rimmed spectacles. His shaggy, black tresses curled beautifully over his eyes, a mole prominent underneath one of his orbs. His mouth was ajar as he stared at the two of you, your interlocked hands, and then specifically onto you. You quirked a brow, noting how his eyes lingered a second too long onto your chest, making you shift uncomfortably beside San.
With long and quick strides, San was ripped from your embrace and into the other male’s chest as he crushed him into a hug.
San gazed at you pleadingly, seemingly uncomfortable with the sudden gesture of affection from the stranger, his arms glued to his sides, unsure whether or not he should return the hug,”Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since May! How can you just disappear into thin air without telling any of us?”
Your eyes widened at the information, and suddenly, the strange stares you two have gotten from your peers here made sense now. Ever since you walked into campus with San by your side, you’ve received curious and confused glances. And here you thought people were only shocked at how handsome the male that accompanied you was.
San could only stare in shock at the other male, his eyes searching an. searching for any flicker of familiarity, only for his shoulders to sag down as he found not a spark whatsoever,”You know me?” his voice was small and almost breathless.
The other male’s longing gaze morphed into a confused expression whilst he peels away from your friend, head tilting and brows furrowing in thought,”What do you mean? It’s me! Wooyoung. We’re childhood friends. You were a professor here. We worked on a project together before you ran away.”
You didn’t know whether to intervene or not, not knowing if it was your place to even speak on behalf of San. He peeked at you in question, and you nodded albeit your shocked state, understanding his silent question,”I’m sorry. I don’t recall any of that information. I’ve been living with (y/n) here. It seems as though I’ve lost all of my memories prior to meeting her.”
The black haired male’s eyes flickered between the two of you, and he points an accusing finger at San, a boisterous laugh falling from his plump lips, “Nice one. Don't tell me you ran away to be with your secret girlfriend, Sannie. Was the project too much pressure on you? You could’ve told me you know?”
When San’s confused expression didn’t change, Wooyoung’s bright expression faltered, smile falling into a concerned frown.
“Is it true? He doesn’t remember me?”
Your head perked up at the sudden attention that was now on you, a look of pity falling onto your features as you nodded silently,”Yes. I met San in Hwaseong months ago. I transferred and moved here recently. We’ve been searching for months about his identity. Was he not reported missing?”
Wooyoung blinked at your sudden question, shaking his head and emitting a sigh, gazing at his friend as he spoke,”No, he didn’t exactly go missing. He left a note and ran away, saying he didn’t want to be apart of the project we worked on any longer,” he grasped San’s limp hands, tugging him forward and cocking his head in another direction,”Come with me. I’ll prove it to you! Maybe your pictures will help spark some memory, yeah?”
The campus was fairly large, and walking in heels did not aid you in the slightest. Wooyoung looked back over his shoulder and smiled sheepishly, almost apologetically,”I still haven’t organized the office, so excuse the mess you’re about to see. My assistant was supposed to meet me last week to help tidy up, but..”
He flicked on the lights, and he ushered you to one of the three desks in the room. He grabbed onto a small picture frame, handing it to San to observe,”Do you know who this person is?” Wooyoung asked softly.
You peered over San’s shoulder, gaze catching sight of the three people in the picture. It was San, Wooyoung, and a shaggy haired, blonde man whose hair was tied into a small ponytail. Your eyes widened in recognition. These were Dr. Jung and Dr. Kang, the two professors from that one interview you watched that night.
San wordlessly peered at the picture, minute after minute, and he finally sighed moments later, placing the picture frame down while shaking his head in defeat,”No. He’s not familiar either.”
You rested a hand onto San’s shoulder sympathetically, whispering reassuring words underneath your breath. He turned his head to offer you a melancholic, but grateful, smile. Wooyoung cleared his throat, brows knitting in thought,”That’s Yeosang. Our partner,” he placed pointed to another frame, one showcasing the three men swimming at the beach,”We met him four years ago, San.”
An awkward silence fell upon the three of you, and moments later, San walked around the office, fingertips brushing against multiple papers with his name and handwriting scribbled onto them,”Choi San? That’s my full name?” he said almost breathlessly,”This is all my work?”
“The one and only, Choi San,” Wooyoung nodded grimly, arms crossing over his chest as he proceeded to sit down, running a hand through his dark locks,”Wait ‘til Yeosang hears about all of this,” he moaned into his hand, before peeking up and pursing his lips in thought,”You should come back to our apartment. Your stuff is still there. It’ll be a start at getting your old life back together again?”
Your brows knitted, shoulders tense in defense, and you opened your mouth to quip back an answer, only for San to beat you to it,”I’m already staying with..” he hung his head, troubled thoughts weighing him down before he glanced at you almost apologetically,”I mean, our plan was for me to move out, after I figure something out right? It was never supposed to be long-term.”
“You can have time to think about it and work things out,” Wooyoung piped in, gaze softening at the sight of your crestfallen expression.
You attempted to contain your tears, your eyes now glassy and red. You offered a shaky smile, hand squeezing San’s reassuringly,”I don’t mind if you stay with me, San. I love having you around,” you saw Wooyoung’s head perk up in amusement,”But that doesn’t mean I’ll hold you back from returning to your home.”
San couldn’t return the smile, his lips sloped in contemplation and confliction. He shook his head to rid himself of haunting thoughts. Moments of silence later, he sighed, looking back up to meet the hopeful gaze of his forgotten friend,”I’ll have my stuff ready after tomorrow.”
Your heart felt heavy in your chest as Wooyoung and San continued to speak, both exchanging information and addresses.
The news hurt you as much as it relieved you. San, Choi San, is back where he belongs, with people he knew and grew up with. And on top of that he was a Physics professor, too?
You were happy and beyond proud of his endurance, and also proud that you had helped him this far, however, a small part of yourself, a selfish part of yourself, clawed and lashed out at the thought of losing him, even as a roommate.
Your heart ached, and a dangerous sense of bitterness bled throughout your system.
"I’m so happy for you, San,” you offered a small smile, and although the sight of him left an ache in your heart, your truly attempted to mask the pain that was settling in your veins, leaving an unpleasant taste in your mouth. “I’ll miss you. I’ll miss scolding you about tidying up your plushies, your pancakes in the morning– I.. our movies night, too. But it’s okay.. I’ll visit you, and you’ll visit me? Right? Even if we won’t live together anymore we can-“
Throughout the months he’s lived with you, you’ve failed to realize how well he’s learned to pick up on your demeanor and attitude. He reads you as easily as his favorite Harry Potter books.
“(Y/n). Stop.”
The sudden, sharp tone caused you to clamp your mouth shut.
He reached down to grip the mug of tea out of your trembling hands, his gaze then trailing up to brush against your cheek, frowning at the sight of your quivering bottom lip and misty eyes. Your teeth bit at the inside of your cheek harshly, determined to keep yourself contained.
Usually, at such proximity, you’ll turn into a fidgety, blushing mess, but the way he’s gazing tenderly down at you from your spot on the couch, you felt your heart splinter and crack in sadness. You tried your best to look at the brighter side of things, because you knew how selfish it was of you for wanting him to stay with you.
He wasn’t a stray animal that needed to be loved and protected.
He was a man with a life behind him, and denying him that would be the cruelest thing you can ever do to someone, especially one that had no idea of his past.
You were suddenly aware of his warm chest against your face, his hand carefully cradling your head ever so gently. His shirt darkened with wet patches of your tears, and it was the sight of them that made you realize you were crying. He held you as your walls broke down, brick by brick. Your small, shaky voice, muffled by his chest, still managed to shoot a wave of pain through his heart,”I don’t want you to leave me, San.”
“(Y/n),” he started, “I will never leave you. Just let me build my life back together, and after that, everything will turn back to normal.”
He caressed your messy hair, pressing faint kisses onto the crown of your head.
“We’ll get an even better apartment after you graduate and a cat named Byeol. Our balcony will be filled with all shades of cosmos, and I promise we’ll have enough space to build blanket forts for our movie nights. This is merely the beginning of it all, okay? Please don’t cry, or you’ll make me cry,” his voice was soft but reassuring, trembling in the end.
It’s funny, because here you always thought at the moment like this, when you finally found the answers San’s been looking for, that you will be the one comforting him, and not the other way around.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, words unable to leave your mouth as you pulled him in tighter, face buried against the freckled side of his neck as you nodded in silent agreement.
He held you close and tightly like this for the last two nights you had together, and every touch of his felt right against your frame.
So right, just like the last remaining puzzle piece left to finish a picture.
He held you in his arms the last night on the balcony facing the city, and he smiled at the sight of the twinkling diamonds in the night sky. He squeezes you tightly, breath against the crown of your head as he promises to always be with you as long as there are stars in the sky.
“Let’s find a reason to smile, yeah?”
Days passed without a word from San, and you grew increasingly upset. You struggled so hard to hold onto the promise he left you with, but with every missed call or ignored text, it became even harder than you had originally thought. You tried to make use of days of winter holiday by tidying up your apartment, a bitter frown etching your features when you pull something out from underneath the couch cushions or in a tight corner that belonged to San.
The day before Christmas, he finally called you, apologizing profusely and informing you that he was so busy with both Wooyoung and Yeosang, both of whom were credited for proving their claims of an alternate dimension existing beyond your world. San rambled over the phone about the project they wanted him to help with, and you weren’t sure if that was a good idea at the moment. You wanted him to prioritize healing first, but you didn’t want to crush his happiness, and you opted not mentioning it at all.
He asked if you can make it for the Christmas dinner the next day, and you were quick to agree.
You were huddled over the living room table, struggling to wrap a few gifts for him. After a few failed attempts, you made decent progress.
The next day, you scrambled to get ready, throwing on one of the glittery sweater dresses he had bought you and boots. After making yourself look presentable, you grabbed the gifts, locking your apartment and ushering for a taxi soon later.
The trip to Wooyoung and San’s apartment wasn’t too long. He lived a few blocks away from your home. With excited and shaky fingers, you rapped the door almost too quickly, bouncing on your feet almost nervously. Before you could process anything, your hands flew to wrap around the person behind the door, gifts long forgotten on the floor,”San! I missed you!”
When an unfamiliar tuft of blonde hair invaded your vision, you tilted your head up to meet the flushed gaze of the man you recognized from the picture in Wooyoung’s office. His spectacles dangled crookedly off his nose, eyes wide and blinking.
You scrambled back and profusely spat out apology after apology, the male only stuttering out a shy ‘It’s fine. San’s friend?’, causing you to nod in embarrassment. The blonde offered you a polite smile, hand extended politely in which you grasped after a moment of hesitation,”I’m Yeosang. I’d like to personally thank you for taking care of my friend for all these months. If there is any way Wooyoung and I can repay you, please don’t hesitate to let either of us know.”
You beamed at him, shaking your head gratefully, informing him there was no need for compensation. A familiar head of ebony and green peeked out from the noisy kitchen, and suddenly you were lifted in the air, crushed between a firm chest and strong arms. San’s familiar laugh filled the air as he swayed you from side to side, before dragging you towards the kitchen where Wooyoung was currently waging a war with the sizzling pan of oil and a batch of seasoned and breaded chicken. The black haired male shot you a wink in the midst of flipping a piece of chicken, only to squawk in protest as Yeosang came forth to steal a piece from the paper towel lined tray.
“You’re just saying that to impress, (y/n).”
“Watch yourself, Kang- before you end up getting fried next.”
The two bickered amongst themselves as you helped San with the drinks and other dishes he prepared with Wooyoung.
After eating, you exchanged gifts, and sat around for Wooyoung to tell the adventurous stories he shared with San as a kid. Throughout the whole ordeal, San’s eyes widened in surprise, orbs flickering from Wooyoung to Yeosang, a finger pointed to himself questioningly,”Did I really do that?”
You hadn’t realized how much you really missed San’s laughter. Studying the spacious living room, your eyes caught sight of a familiar patch of fur, chuckling to yourself at the sight of Shiber decorating the rocking chair as a cushion.
Another thing you noticed was that Yeosang’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he laughed along with the other two males. You brushed it off as a sign of reservedness. Not everyone was as boisterous as San and Wooyoung.
“No, that didn’t happen over summer break it happened during spring!” Wooyoung affirmed, jabbing his finger against Yeosang’s chest, who huffed in retaliation.
“You’re the one forgetting the whole story! Maybe I should tell it instead,” the blonde quipped smartly.
San could only emit a laugh as the two attempted to wrestle each other down instead, his gaze flickering over to you from across the room. You beamed back at him, nose scrunching up in delight at the sight of his smile.
His grin swiftly vanished, morphing into somewhat of a grimace, before his jaw slackened, the colors and shapes in the room distorting into large, blurred pixels while the lights of the apartment flickered rapidly.
“Let’s build a treehouse. It’ll be our secret hideout where we make missions and lock away the bad guys,” a young, voice bounced around the vast, empty white space. SAN’s eyes widened in confusion, eyes flickering left and right, before turning his frame around to catch sight of a very young Wooyoung, brows furrowed in determination whilst clutching a hammer,”Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me! Come on!” The boy ran off and vanished into thin air, San’s fingers reaching towards the boy in a desperate attempt to stop him.
Desperate fingernails dug into the flesh of his back, leaving behind pink lines in their wake. Low, guttural moans slipped past his lips at the sight of you writhing beneath him, your face flushed and contorted into one of bliss, your lips shaping his name with every movement of his frame. The sensation of having your muscles flutter and clench around him nearly drove him to the edge.
Why did you do it?
Pleasure was soon vanished as he found himself laying down in a dark room, two hands gripping the girth of his neck and squeezing with malicious intent, choked gasps emitting from his mouth, and a trail of saliva pooling down from the corner of his lips onto the concrete. The only light in the dark room, coming from behind him reflected the round, golden spectacles resting on the person’s face.
Why are you killing me?
The pressure on his neck vanished, and an ominous silence surrounded him in the dark room. He was acutely aware of something warm, red, and sticky gurgling out of his throat, coating his lips and spilling down his chin. His eyes caught sight of the gleaming edge of a knife as it was bought down repeatedly, slicing through his flesh as easily as softened butter. Pain did not blossom in the areas of impact. His half-lidded eyes gazed up, confusion pooling in them as tear drops fell onto his face from above, faint, broken laughter sounding out from his assailant.
“Why are you killing me!?”
His hand shot out to swipe at the hands on his shoulders, his eyes screwed shut tightly, wheezing for much needed air. Suddenly, he looked up to meet your stunned expression, hands recoiling from his touch,”San!? What’s wrong?”
Three pairs of eyes were trained on him, and all he could do was stare back at your panicked ones, silent tears streaming down his face as he attempted to pull your hands to his frame, softly apologizing for striking you,”I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-“
“Who’s killing you, San? What are you talking about?” you ignored his words, your brows knitting in worry as Yeosang exchanged a hard look with Wooyoung from behind you.
San’s lips parted momentarily, as if he was deep in thought. As quickly as they opened, he sealed them once more, his brows furrowing in disarray,”I.. I don’t know? No one? I don’t know what I’m saying?”
You pulled him into a tight hug, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as hesitant arms wrapped around your frame. You were suddenly taken back to that night at the barbecue restaurant. That look of terror on San was one you wished to never witness again, and for months you forgot about it. Something was definitely wrong.
“Did you remember something?” you tried, hands cupping his face, your thumbs working on wiping his tears away.
Frustration colored his features as he gently pried your hands off of his face, before burying his head into the palms of his hands,”No? I’m not sure? I can’t recall anything-“
“Has he had episodes like that before?”
You turned to meet the concerned gazes of his friends. Nodding sorrowfully, you sat besides San, arms pulling into your embrace,”This is the second time. Do you know what’s happening?”
Wooyoung shook his head grimly, walking over to brush San’s hair out from his eyes,”No idea. He.. has episodes like that in his sleep, I’ve noticed. And when I wake him up to calm him down, he immediately forgets what made him yell like that.”
“San, maybe we should go see a—“
“No,” came a swift quip from Yeosang. Stunned, you peered back at him in confusion, mouth hanging open at the iciness lingering in his tone,”I know a friend who can help. Wooyoung and I have already discussed this. He’ll be seeing Dr. Song in a few days.”
You could only nod reluctantly at the answer, your concerned gaze falling onto San as Wooyoung helped him up to get a glass of water.
The night passed much too quickly for your liking, and you found yourself standing at the doorway of Wooyoung and San’s apartment, coat in tow, eyes shining with unshed tears as you forced a wobbly smile onto your features,”Will you be alright?”
San’s eyes softened at the sight, dainty fingers reaching to brush the tears away before they stained your cheeks,”Yes, I will. I promise. I’m sorry for what happened today,” he smiled apologetically, “Hopefully, next time it won’t happen, and I’ll even show you my baby pictures and photo albums from when I was a kid. Would you like that?.”
You nodded, despite the heavy lump in your throat, squeezing him one last time. A certain blonde cleared his throat behind San, and the two of you pulled apart to gaze at Yeosang, who was currently tossing his car keys repeatedly in the air,”Need a ride, (y/n)?”
You said your goodbyes, bidding San a farewell with a quick kiss onto his cheek, arms squeezing him tightly.
Yeosang’s car smelt of new leather and cologne. The ride was comfortable, despite him being a mere acquaintance to you,”So, (y/n).. are you and San, y’know?” It took a few seconds for you to process his words, your brows furrowed in defense as he scrambled to deny his claim, but he hadn’t missed the way your voice raised an octave. He hummed, lips pursing in contemplation, one hand resting on the steering wheel whilst the other fiddles against his mouth, clearly deep in thought,”Oh, that’s a relief. Wooyoung didn’t know how to tell you this, but before San’s disappearance, he was seeing someone. She’s.. currently out of town, visiting family for the holiday.”
In middle school, during a soccer match, one of the opponents kicked the ball, accidentally striking your gut. The information that slipped past Yeosang’s lips left the same breathless, painful feeling in your chest.
Suddenly, the sound of your heartbeat in your ears became much louder than the muffled noises of the car’s engine and tires. A breathless ‘Oh’ slipped past your parted lips, voice wavering and hard.
Yeosang casted you a look of sympathy, his hands tightening around the steering wheel, silently sucking against his teeth before breaking out into a sigh,”I’m sorry, (y/n). I thought it would be best to let you know now.”
San did not keep his promise. Your texts were always met with apologies and excuses, even after the new semester began. He couldn’t meet in person, and every time you paid a visit to Wooyoung’s office, you were either met with him or Yeosang, explaining that San was too busy catching up on the large project he missed out on for several months.
A month had passed and the messages became even more scarce.
You attempted to visit him at his apartment on the weekends, or whenever you didn’t have as much studies to catch up on, only for a tired Wooyoung to open the door, explaining that San wasn’t home, and probably either at the university library or the office. Today was no different as a sleepy eyed, disheveled Wooyoung leaned against the door, dressed in a loose, sleeveless top and sweats. If you weren’t so annoyed, you’d compliment how cute he looks, a striking difference from the usual ironed dress shirts and slacks he normally adorned at campus.
He invited you in, offering to make a mug of coffee while you waited in the living room. San wasn’t here, and either due to pity or friendliness, Wooyoung offered to listen to you rant about your mutual friend. He set two steaming mugs of coffee down onto the tiny table, a packet of cigarettes and a lighter following suit. Lighting a stick, he bought it up to his lips, inhaling the smoke, before tilting his head back and slowly puffing out.
You didn’t take him to be a smoker. When he offered you one, you politely denied, hands tucking the mug of coffee closer to your frame, the warmth of the ceramic providing you some level of comfort,”San’s been busy, y’know? You should cut him some slack.”
He took a small sip of his coffee, before dragging another puff of smoke. Your eyes narrowed slightly at the subtle hints of accusation tinting his words,”I was never one to deny that, Wooyoung,” you spoke back, voice firm, “I know he is, but it wouldn’t kill him to acknowledge me every now and then. I haven’t seen since Christmas.”  A sudden veil of aloofness washed over Wooyoung’s features as he crossed a leg over the other, eyes half lidded whilst gazing unamused at you. You were taken aback with the sudden change of atmosphere, your brows furrowing as his shoulders shook with bitter laughter,”(Y/n), don’t you see why he’s been avoiding you?” he tsked, tapping away at his cigarette and watching as the ashes crumbled into the ashtray,”How would he flat out tell you he’s making amends to repair his relationship with the woman that loves him? He couldn’t bear to weigh that news onto you. Not after everything you’ve done for him. His conscious is eating away at his very being.”
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion,”Why is it that you seem to think I’m trying to get in the way of his relationship? The one he’s never mentioned in the first place, might I add. All I’m asking is for time with my friend. You’re the one who seems to get it twisted.”
He chuckled, leaning forward on one knee, pointing the lit end of the cigar in your direction,”Are you calling me a liar?” his hand cradled your knee, frame leaning closer to you as he tilts his head to the left to blow out the smoke, eyes never leaving your own,”Y’know, I won’t mind if you came here to visit me. I’ll make all the time in the world for you, sweetheart.”
Scoffing, you set the mug of coffee down, so harshly, the liquid swishes around the rim,”You sound so-“
Before you could make your way up from the couch, he called your name, frame turning around to showcase the screen of his phone, which read a familiar name.
Kim Hongjoong.
Your eyes bore into his own amused ones,”My internship mentor? What are you insinuating?” you spat, arms crossing over your chest defensively.
He tutted, putting out his cigarette in your abandoned mug of coffee before standing up to hover over your frame, his fingers propping your chin up to gaze into your orbs. You felt his breath against your face as he whispered, words venomous and laced with poison, but tone soft and gentle,”You seem to forget I am a professor, don’t you? I have connections. I asked you nicely to stop disrupting my and San’s work. He doesn’t need any more distractions than he already has. I will take it upon myself to not only have your internship revoked, but also expelled from the university, hm?”
Swatting his hand away, you shoved him back with a glower,”What the hell is wrong with you?” he caught his balance, a laugh of amusement ringing from his chest at your abrasiveness. You did not find this situation amusing in the slightest,”You’re sick.”
“Don’t test me, (Y/n),” he curled a finger around your locks, lips quirking up into a fond smile,”Be a good girl, mind your business, and maybe I’ll consider taking you out. You can forget San. He’s already taken.”
You purposely slammed the door shut on your way out, eyes burning with rage.
Later that day, you found yourself mulling over Wooyoung’s words, hands gripping the grocery cart, knuckles white and crescents left on your skin. Bringing up a fist, you harshly rubbed at your misty eyes with the sleeve of your coat. You ignored the squabbling of an elderly woman as you accidentally bumped into her while walking out with your grocery bags.
Walking down the street not too far from your apartment, a pang or hurt shot through you as your eyes made contact with Jongho, San’s previous employer, who was standing on a ladder, watering the flower baskets hung in front of his shop. He gave you a sympathetic smile as you passed by, pinning a flower behind your ear and reaching up to pinch your cheek,”My flowers need more sunshine, so is it okay if they see your smile?”
You two spoke for over fifteen minutes, only for him to flash you an apologetic smile as a few customers walked in the store,”You can stop by anytime if you’re ever feeling lonely. Yunho and I would love the company.”
Continuing your path towards home, your eyes caught a flash of movement in an alleyway, further up by the parked cars in front of your apartment complex. The people walking by hadn’t seemed to notice the movement, some busy on their phones, whilst others laughing along with their partners.
Maybe I’m seeing things from all the crying and tears.
You checked your phone for any notifications, only for disappointment to wash over your features at the lack of any. That same morning, in a fit of rage and overwhelming emotions, you bombarded San with text after text of how disappointed you felt, at how you didn’t care if he was with someone else, and how you just wanted to have your friend back, and how much a prick you think Wooyoung is.
You always imagined how it would be like to help San find his way back into his old life again, but this was far from how you pictured it to be in your mind.
You hastily changed into a pair of sweats and t-shirt after putting away all of the groceries, the tv playing in the background to fill the deafening silence that became apparent ever since San left.
While adding a new load of laundry into the machine, the lights in your apartment flickered rapidly, your ministrations ceasing as you looked up in confusion. It wasn’t raining. The bulb above you shattered, and you jumped in fright, hands frantically brushing the glass out of your hair.
A loud knock on your door startled you, and your eyes widened in hope, hands faltering and laundry suddenly forgotten.
Your first mistake was assuming the person was San.
Your second mistake was not checking through the peephole.
Your third mistake was leaving your phone in your room.
The door merely opened a few inches, when suddenly the  flimsy security chain broke upon the sudden thrust from the other side of the door. The doorknob dug into the adjacent wall, leaving an ugly dent in its place whilst three figures clad in black shoved their way into your home.
The tallest amongst the three, a redhead, shut the door hastily, while one man with striking black eyes and dark hair walked past you, his other friend striking you down and pinning onto the floor face first. You struggled in his tight grip, heart thumping with adrenaline and shock,”Get off me!”
Throwing your head back, you heard a thump and a faint hiss, your assailant’s grip loosening only slightly, but enough for you to roll around to face him. One hand was gripping his jaw whilst the other held you by the neck against the floor, his eyes burning with fury and malice. The scowl on his features soon withered away into a look of surprise, and your expression seemed to mirror his own. The pressure on your neck was lifted, and the tallest of the three, the redhead, paused, eyes wide once taking note of your face,”Is that (y/n)?”
His voice was deep and unfamiliar.
“Professor Hongjoong!?” you cried in disbelief as you recognized the man above you, anger evident in your voice as you shoved his chest with your palms,”Who do you think you are barging into my home like this, you asshole!?”
The redhead helped your professor up, looking back at you with a blank expression as he leaned down to whisper in Hongjoong’s ear,”Do you really think she’s working with him?”
“I can hear you,” you quipped, stepping forward and jabbing a finger in the redhead’s chest, your head tilting up to glower menacingly at him, lips pulled back into a scornful scowl,”And how do you know my name! And you–“ you grabbed a fistful of Hongjoong’s cloak, pulling him down to your eye level,”Explain all of this before I call the cops for trespassing my home. I don’t give a shit if you’re my employer.” The redhead startled at your sudden act of aggression, eyes wide and mouth agape. 
“Hongjoong! He’s not here!” a voice called from behind you. Your head turned to see the black haired male walk out from the hallway, stress painting his features. He froze mid-step, eyes widening as he gazed at you from his step, before turning to Hongjoong questioningly.
You didn’t know these two, so why were they so shocked at your mere presence?
“(Y/n), where is San?” Hongjoong gently pried your hands off his shirt, the black haired male eyeing the wrinkles they left behind. Your brow twitched in annoyance.
“Really?” you mused,”You came barging into my apartment, unannounced, just for San? Why don’t you ask Wooyoung?” you seethed in annoyance, stepping behind a few steps to make space between yourself and the men.
Hongjoong peered behind you towards the man, distraught eyes holding a battle of conflict,”Seonghwa, are you sure you felt his aura here?”
“This is the only place, Hongjoong,” Seonghwa’s voice was firm, his eyes narrowing and hardening afterwards,”She’s lying.”
You gaped, turning back to your mentor,”What reason would I have to lie!? He doesn’t even live here anymore.”
“He moved?”
“Yes. With Wooyoung. You know that already. You’re friends with him,” he quirked a brow at your sassy reply.
“Not with that Wooyoung,” ducking his head, he removed the black fedora and pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes flickering back up at you, studying your features meticulously,”Are you working with Wooyoung?”
“What!? I’m your inter- what is this all about?” furrowing your brows, you crossed your arms, patience flying out the door faster than you can blink,”Why would I work for that prick?”
“I like Earth’s (y/n),” the redhead snickered behind Hongjoong, earning him a sharp glare from Seonghwa.
Your eyes suddenly widened in thought.
“(Y/n), why does this map say Earth? It should be Utopia.”
Your mouth parted open, voice hesitant and drawing out the words unsurely and slowly,”Are you from Utopia?”
The three men gaped at you, all falling silent.
“I told you she’s working with him,” declared Seonghwa, reaching down into his cloak for what you can only perceive to be a weapon.
Hongjoong was quick to throw an arm out, halting the older’s actions. Your frame went rigged, shoulders tensing in defense and breath becoming shallow. Hongjoong studied you warily, choosing his words carefully, his ashy brown hair falling into his line of sight as he spoke,”How do you know that?”
“San had once mentioned it to me.. months ago,” you pondered quietly, mostly to yourself, as if trying to wrack your brain for other pieces of information. Your eyes narrowed and zeroed in one the three men, in particular Seonghwa, whose shoulders deflated in relief at your words,”Do you know why he lost his memories? He’s been having these episodes- and he yells, but-”
Hongjoong’s expression turned grim, your words resonating a bitter feeling in the pit of his stomach,”It’s a long story. We don’t have much time, so-“
“I’ll help you in any way I can if you would just explain all of this to me,” you breathed out, stepping closer to him with a frown on your visage.
Seonghwa sighed, mumbling something into Hongjoong’s ear, before crossing his arms and leaning against the wooden door, brows knitted and eyelids fluttered shut.
Hongjoong sat you down, contemplating on how to start off. Testing the waters carefully, he began to explain how every human on Earth has a counterpart in another dimension named Utopia.
“So, there’s another Hongjoong- Earth’s Hongjoong, and he’s my employer and not you?”
Hongjoong’s replica only nodded before continuing, blithering like the rushing waters of a river.
A year ago, a human named Choi San managed to enter Utopia, and was thrilled to find his counterpart. He explained how he worked for years studying about dimensions, findings manuscripts and notes, eventually creating a device that allowed the two worlds to intertwine. He, along with his friend, Jung Wooyoung, convinced the Utopian San to enter Earth for a few test runs.
Human San’s intentions were good-hearted, but greed blinded Wooyoung. He wanted to take advantage of the beings in Utopia. He wanted power and profit, wanting all the credit all to himself. San disagreed with Wooyoung’s wishes, and tension grew between the two. While running a few scans on Utopian San, Wooyoung managed to corner and kill San. Utopian San was the only witness present.
Wooyoung’s plan was to remove San out of the picture, and threaten Utopian San with destroying their world unless he agreed to work with him and do as he says. Forging numerous letters under his human half’s name, Utopian San attempted numerous times to escape, not exactly knowing how to use the device created by his late counterpart.
“Wooyoung managed to trap him in your world, running experiments on him that most likely led to his memories being wiped clean,” Hongjoong leaned back on the couch, eyes stone cold,”You mentioned something about him having.. what? Breakdowns? Can you explain what you meant?”
His gaze hardened as you explained what occoured with your friend, Mingi’s helpless expression making you frown with pity.
“I can’t say for sure, but what I think is happening is that he’s getting flashes of both his memories, as well as Earth’s San’s memories,” Seonghwa concluded, voice wary,”I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten mad at this point. His aura is getting weaker by being in another dimension.”
“Is it treatable?” Mingi’s concerned voice spoke before you managed to form any words.
Seonghwa’s lips pressed into a thin line,”Most likely, in Utopia, it is. If he stays in Earth any longer, than I highly doubt it. He’ll lose his damn mind.. and death seems inevitable too.”
Your hands trembled at the words, eyes frantic and in search of answers as you looked back at Hongjoong.
They’ll have to take San away from you.
San will die if he remains with you.
”We attempted to save San, but with Wooyoung’s newest aid– Yeosang, I believe– they improved their systems, and things became complicated for us back in Utopia. The portal leading back to our world glitched, and it seems somehow it opened up to where you were at the time..”
“Your Utopian half and San are together, so I’m not surprised the portal led him to you. Fate works in strange ways,” Seonghwa mused, deep in thought from across the room. You swore your heart skipped a beat at the words.
This is the first time in months they’ve been successful in opening a portal to Earth, and they’re not sure why.  
“It seems that Wooyoung managed to find a way to conceal San’s aura in his home and workplace. We need your help to find him and take him back to our world, along with that damn device. Have you seen it? An hourglass?” when you shook your head, Hongjoong sighed in frustration, hand running through his hair,”Okay. It’s most likely in his study. I’m positive that’s also where he’s keeping San. Is there anyway you can help us get into it? We have no idea how to track it without sensing San’s aura.”
Wooyoung was surprised to find you standing in front of his office, bowing your head apologetically for your behavior yesterday, and asking if it was okay for you to tag along with him throughout his day, curious to see his work.
“Hongjoong said there wasn’t much to be done today, so he gave me a break.”
He agreed, but only after you promised you wouldn’t touch anything.
You permitted the arm that slithered around your waist to rest comfortable against your hip as he led you throughout the large campus, his eyes occasionally following the curve of your clavicles and swell of your chest, and back to your eyes as you replied back to one of his comments. Entering the code to his laboratory, you were quick to notice the lack of cameras in any of the corners of the room. There were files stacked neatly onto a few desks, folder strewn about, and other large machines and desktops decorated the back of the room.
You listened to him gloat, his hands tugging you to showcase the numerous certificates and achievements under his belt. Resentment and anger bubbled dangerously in the pit of your stomach, your fingers twitching at the thought of wiping that smirk off his visage.
The fluorescent lights flickered once.
Your smile was strained, nodding and tuning out his words, only for you to jump back, startled, as his face was mere centimeters from your own, breath ghosting your lips,”Did you not hear me, precious?” Emitting a nervous laugh, you reached up to push his face away playfully, his hand grasping your wrist and placing a tender kiss onto your skin,”I asked if you’d like to join me for dinner tonight?”
“Dinner? Well, I-“
“I think she’d rather go with me,” a voice piped from behind you two.
Furrowing your brows, your mind reeled at the familiar voice. You gaped at the sight of a mirror image of Wooyoung, clad in black, resting comfortably in one of the swiveling chairs across the room.
When did he get in?
A curse fell from Wooyoung’s lips as he dropped your hand immediately, reaching forward into the nearest desk to pull out a pistol.
Your breath was strangled in your throat as you took several seconds to process what was happening, your feet taking hesitant steps back to avoid the end of the gleaming, black weapon. A rough tug onto your sleeve, and you found your back pressed against Wooyoung’s chest, the cold metal of his weapon resting against your temple,”Go back to your world-“
“Or else what? You gonna kill her like you killed San?” the other Wooyoung cackled, propping his two legs onto the desk, black leather boots kicking at a few documents. He gazed in amusement at your trembling legs,”Nice to meet you, Earth (y/n). Sorry my human half is a dick. I wouldn’t dare treat a lady like-“
“I didn’t kill San!” You jumped at the ferocity in Wooyoung’s voice, your form tensing against his frame as he breathed heavily against the back of your head,”He’s alive. San is alive- you don’t know what you’re talking about.” This tone- desperate, broken, and determined sent chills down your spine.
“Where is he then?”
You recoiled back, face scrunching and arms flying up to shield your face as the sound of a gunshot left a loud ringing in your right ear. Your wobbly knees struggled to keep your weight up, hesitantly peeling your eyes open and expecting the sight of blood. A bullet hole punctured the chair Utopian Wooyoung once occupied.
“Wooyoung, would you stop running your mouth for once!?”
A blur of black shoved your assailant away, hands hastily disarming the manic eyed professor. You stepped back in surprise, nearly falling down upon impact, Wooyoung’s frame colliding near your feet,”Sorry-“ the curly haired brunette snickered underneath his breath, flashing you a smile and wink. Gaping, you realized that man was Yunho’s counterpart. You were suddenly pulled back by Hongjoong, his eyes cold and void of any sympathy as he stared down at the struggling male.
Mingi had him pinned to the floor, the man fruitlessly attempting to free himself underneath the crushing weight of the red-head.
“(Y/n)! Help me!” Wooyoung growled, cheek painfully pressed onto the floor, eyes trained onto the black weapon which rested innocently feet away,”What are you standing around for!?”
“You should leave, (y/n). Seonghwa found the device in one the rooms here. All that’s left is to find San—,”
Once Wooyoung realizes what’s occurring, his movements cease. His jaw slackens and then he glowers in your direction,”You bitch!” the broken sound of betrayal almost leaves you feeling pity towards Wooyoung,”You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into! There’s no way you’re getting–“
His taunts only increased the pressure of Mingi’s fist in his hair, the smaller male letting out a rough grunt of pain as his face is slammed down roughly onto the floor, pearls of red dripping down his nose. Hongjoong’s orbs flickered between you and Wooyoung,”(Y/n), things are going to get ugly. If we have to use force, so be it. I don’t want you here witnessing that. You’ve been more than enough to help us.”
Your gaze softened, the prickling feeling of tears welling up in your eyes evident from their glassy appearance. Shaking your head, you took in a shaky breath,”No. I need to find San. I’m not leaving without him.”
Wooyoung’s counterpart eyed you curiously, his foot stepping onto his human half’s ankle,”Seems like you put a strain on my friends and their human halves too? I’m so embarrassed to have you as my half, fuck,” he chuckled humorlessly whilst grinding his boot against the male’s ankle, the other still squirming underneath Mingi’s weight, cries of pain only amusing the Utopian Wooyoung even more,”Oh, sorry. Didn’t see your leg there. Does that hurt?”
Hongjoong was quick to turn you around, tugging you and scoffing underneath his breath,”Alright, fine. You’ll see him, when we find him, but please, don’t make it hard on yourself when it’s time for us to depart. Do not get in the way, is that understood?”
Tears streamed down your face as you nodded reluctantly, your attempts to contain your emotions failing after facing the harsh reality of your predicament. While Mingi, Wooyoung, and Yunho began tormenting the pinned male, Hongjoong and Seonghwa accompanied you in searching every curve and crevice of the building to no avail. You winced as Seonghwa’s fist left a dent in the wall out of frustration, and you found yourselves back in the lab, where the leather clad Wooyoung was resting onto his human half’s chest, legs propped on either side. A sadistic grin took over his features as he watched the blood dribble down the male’s lips,”I can do this all day, Wooyoungie.” He paused mid-punch, sharp eyes flickering in your direction. When he noted the absence of his best friend, he proceeded to land several more strikes onto the fallen man’s face,”You fucker.”
Yunho and Mingi’s hopeful expressions deflated as they noticed you returned empty handed,”We can’t find him.”
“Where is he!?” Hongjoong demanded, crouching down to meet Wooyoung’s eyes.
“You’re not..” He spluttered, droplets of blood striking Hongjoong’s angered face,”You can’t take him away from me.”
The sound of the door opening ceased every breath and movement in the lab, and your panicked filled eyes flew to Hongjoong as Yeosang stepped into the room, ironed lab coat and glasses pristine underneath the lights.
A second ticked by, silence enveloping the room as Yeosang froze to assess the situation.
Seonghwa was quick on his feet to tackle him against the wall, knife digging painfully into the curve of his neck,”Ah, about time the other rat appeared. What do you think we should do with this one, Hongjoong?”
Yeosang’s eyes were confused as they landed on you, his hands raised up in defeat, adam’s apple bobbing against the edge of the dagger, which rested painfully close to his jugular,”Wait!” he cried, voice emitting in rapid, panic pants,”I removed the barriers that stopped you from entering our world! I only plan to help you, I promise. I can take you to San!”
Wooyoung weakly lifted his head up to spit in Yeosang’s direction, glassy, panicked eyes narrowing, his voice cracking with betrayal and distraught,”Have you lost your mind? You wouldn’t, Yeosang. Don’t you dare— you know San belongs here-“
Yeosang inhaled sharply as Seonghwa roughly shoved him away after Hongjoong’s request, shoulders deflating as he gazed at his bloodied friend,”I’m sorry. I don’t really have much of a choice now. I’ve already decided where my morals lie.”
You were expecting Wooyoung to shout in anger, to scream, to yell. What you weren’t expecting him to do was sob, voice so helpless and broken, sending a cold chill down to the marrow of your bones,”I regret it! Is that what you want to hear? I regret killing him and– the other San! He’s supposed to take his place- I want him back,” his cries sent a shiver down your spine, his words slurring together as he cries out in grief, panicked breaths cutting his sentences,”I want him—  I want San back! I- I need him back!”
“Take us to him,” Hongjoong’s hard gaze fell onto Yeosang, completely ignoring the crying male. The blonde professor nodded, ushering him out of the room.
You were the first to catch sight of him, rushing forward and crying his name out in relief. He appeared to be drugged, wires and other devices sticking into various parts of his body. You hadn’t realized you were crying, until Yeosang gently pushed you back into Hongjoong’s arms as he removed the various wires and needles attached to the tired man.
You pulled San into a hug immediately, a sob wracking your form as you apologized for not being there for him when he needed you most. You concluded that after Christmas, Wooyoung took over San’s phone while trapping the male here, hence his emaciated and pale appearance.
His eyes met yours, an apologetic smile finding its way onto his features,”(Y/n),” tears welled in his tired eyes, his voice quiet and weak,”You’re here?”
You nodded, repeatedly mumbling in agreement through your tears, pulling him even tighter and shaking your head, claiming that this was all your fault. Hongjoong watched the exchange with a strained expression, before turning to Seonghwa,”Get the others. It’s time to leave.”
Your eyes widened, frame turning to gape at Hongjoong, and then back to San, your throat closing up. He only offered you a faint smile, hand reaching up to cup your cheek,”Wooyoung told me everything while he kept me here,” his thumb worked at wiping away the few tears that  cascaded down your cheeks,”There was no way to reach out to you, I’m so sorry,” his words were slurred, tongue heavy and mind slightly foggy,”None of this is your fault. I tried.. I tried to get to you. Believe me, I did..”
“It’s not your fault either. San- I.. They’re taking you back to Utopia, San,” your voice cracked, strained and tight in your throat,”They said you need to go back or else-“ you failed to finish your words, jaw slackening as you let out a pained sob at the thought.
His shoulders deflated, head hung low as he buried his face into the crook of your neck,”I’m sorry I dragged you into all of this,” he held you tighter as you sniffled, whimpers muffled against the side of his head. He held your trembling hands,”I will never find it in me to forgive myself for putting you through all of this.”
His warmth suddenly left you as he was helped up by Yunho and Mingi. Snapping your head to your right, you noticed a swirling light against the wall of the room, where the counterparts of Wooyoung and Hongjoong spoke with Yeosang, the blonde only nodding reassuringly in reply. Their attention snapped to you as you let out a desperate cry, fingers reaching to grasp San’s hand in protest, attempting to pull him towards you. You weren’t aware of your shrill, panicked laced voice, mind too focused on returning San into your embrace.
The sounds of muffled shouting from the taller two didn’t deter you from wrapping your arms around San’s shoulders, defeat and sadness painting his features as he took in your form. Arms tugged you away, planting you firmly in place, and you writhed and struggled in Yeosang’s hold as you watched with frenzied eyes as Wooyoung leaned forward, his form dissipating into the portal, followed by Seonghwa. Hongjoong turned to give you one last glance, frown on his face,”I’m sorry, (y/n).”
He held onto San, who not once took his teary eyes off of you. Mingi and Yunho disappeared, and with one last attempt, you kicked back at Yeosang, the blonde yelping in surprise at the sudden rush of pain on his shin, flailing forward and catching you by the ankle roughly, preventing you from moving forward,”Stop, (y/n)!”
The last thing you saw as the diameter of the portal shrunk was San’s heartbroken expression, along with the hourglass in Hongjoong’s arms. The portal vanished, leaving tiny specks of light in the air, a gentle breeze kissing your wet face.
“Yeosang,” you mumbled, turning back to the blonde,”take me there. What do I do? I need-“
“He took the device with him, (y/n). There’s no way any of us can reach their world anymore,” he ran a hand through his hair, voice steady and firm.
You don’t know how long you sat there, crying and yelling profanities at him. The rush of footsteps throughout the building ceased your sobs, and you watched from the doorway as officers forcefully dragged an injured Wooyoung out of the other room, his panicked eyes filled with disbelief boring holes into Yeosang, who already had his arms up in submission,”Yeosang? You reported..” The blonde was restrained and taken away as well.
“Miss?” an opened palm invaded your blurry vision, and you peered up to meet the concerned, brown eyes of an officer, uniform hugging his large frame,”Are you okay?”
Silent tears pooled and streamed down your cheeks, your head shaking weakly.
No, Seonghwa. I’m not okay
Your half lidded eyes bore holes into the tv as the news anchor spoke, showcasing two mugshots of both Yeosang and Wooyoung. Your eyes flickered down to your lap, unable to even look at Wooyoung’s face.
“A new update regarding the disappearance and death of Choi San, the physics professor of University of Seoul. After almost a year after leaving a note and disappearing, police have confirmed that the letter was forged.“
Kang Yeosang, an assistant professor who joined Jung after Choi’s disappearance complied with police, informing them every detail regarding the case, and providing written evidence and memoirs from both the late Choi and Jung. It’s been reported that Choi was the first to discover Utopia, working years on building the device that managed to connect with the alternate dimension, creating portals that challenge both time and space. It is said that every human on Earth has a counterpart in the other dimension.
In hopes of taking all the credit, Jung murdered Choi, disposing of his body, which has yet to be recovered. Officials say they are still attempting to interrogate the information out of Jung, who is expressing clear signs of distress and manic episodes at the mere mention of Choi’s name.
This counterpart was staying with a woman we will go by A. Choi and A met up in another town, shortly before both moving to Seoul, where they encountered Jung at the University of Seoul. Reports state that Choi moved out from A’s apartment and back with Jung. After numerous reports, officials have declared A to not be involved in Jung and Kang’s crimes, Kang testifying in her defense.
Choi’s Utopian counterpart was forced into our dimension, his memories from his Utopian life disappearing after Choi’s death. A statement from Kang concludes that Jung was the cause of that.
In an attempt to undo the murder of Choi, Jung attempted to implant memories into Utopian Choi in hopes that he will take his human’s place, which only aided in creating discord between our world and Utopia. When the Utopians attempted to re-enter our dimension, Kang implemented new sets of devices that aided in sealing the two worlds apart from each other. It was only recently that Kang eliminated these tools, thus permitting the Utopians from intervening.
The Utopians did not intend to harm or hurt anyone. Their only intention was to rescue their friend, and also take the device the late Choi created to cease their world from being further tampered by us.
Jung and Kang have both been stripped of their titles according to the university. Their first court date will be announced later today to determine their senten—“
You closed your eyes, hand hastily clicking the power button on the remote, before wrapping yourself with the blanket tightly. Curling into a ball and throwing the the fuzzy sheet over your head, you decided you were tired of hearing the news reports, opting for the deafening silence you grew to hate. Fluttering your eyes shut, you stilled, inhaling San’s scent that was left lingering on the blanket. The amethyst necklace tickled your cheek, your hand reaching up to move it away.
A sweet, floral scent filled the space of your living room, a beautifully arranged bouquet resting on the coffee table. The card still stood in the middle of the arrangement, words of encouragement and support written by both Jongho and Yunho in bright green ink. Underneath it, your untouched dinner sat cold and forgotten, clumps of wet tissue paper scattered onto the table and floor.
Your phone chimed, and you peered down, already knowing it was Professor Hongjoong sending another voice message of support. He’d been a strong pillar for you to lean on ever since the news broke out. You made a silent note to respond later, as the time was growing late anyway.
Minutes ticked by and soft snores, along with shallow breathing filled the vacant space, your hair sticking out from the heap you’ve made of yourself and the blanket.
Above you, the lightbulb flickered repeatedly.
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esperwatchesfilms · 4 years
Clue (1985)
This is one of my all-time favorite films. I have no clue why. It might be the nostalgia factor. But I’m absolutely obsessed with it. I’ve seen it a million times, but I have never looked into the interesting trivia on its IMDB page, so this will be fun!
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Awesome Fun Fact:
The color of each character's car is the same color as their playing piece in the game, and is introduced as follows: Colonel Mustard drives a yellow 1954 Cadillac Series 62, Mrs. White drives a black-and-white 1950 MG TD convertible, Mrs. Peacock drives a blue 1952 Packard 200 Deluxe club sedan, Mr. Green drives a green 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook, Ms. Scarlet drives a 1946 red Lincoln Continental, and Professor Plum drives a purple 1949 Pontiac Streamliner Station Wagon.
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Prof. Plum: It’s frightened.
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Something I Already Knew But Maybe You Didn’t: When Wadsworth cuts the power to the house during his solving of the mystery, it represents the point of divergence of the three endings.
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Amusing Fun Fact: Professor Plum indicates at dinner that he works for the World Health Organization, part of the United Nations Organization. This means he works for UNO WHO.
Wadsworth: Professor Plum -- you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur. Prof. Plum: Yes, but now I work for the United Nations. Wadsworth: So your work has not changed. But you don’t practice medicine at the U.N. His license to practice has been lifted; correct? Miss Scarlet: Why? What did he do? Wadsworth: You know what doctors aren’t allowed to do with their lady patients? Miss Scarlet: Yeah? Wadsworth: Well, he did. Miss Scarlet: Ha!
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Mrs. White: [after Mrs. Peacock swears that the reason she's being blackmailed is a vicious lie] Well, I am willing to believe you. I, too, am being blackmailed for something I didn't do. Mr. Green: Me too. Colonel Mustard: And me. Miss Scarlet: Not me. Wadsworth: [surprised] You're *not* being blackmailed? Miss Scarlet: Oh, I’m being blackmailed all right, but I did what I’m being blackmailed for.
Miss Scarlet: Well, to be perfectly frank, I run a specialized hotel and a telephone service which provides gentlemen with the company of a young lady, for a short while. Professor Plum: Oh yeah? [pulls out pen and a pad of paper] Professor Plum: What's the phone number?
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Wadsworth: The double negative has turned to proof positive. I’m afraid you gave yourself away. Colonel Mustard: Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests? Wadsworth: You don’t need any help from me, sir. Colonel Mustard: That’s right!
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Wadsworth: Mrs. White, you've been paying our friend, the blackmailer, ever since your husband died under, shall we say, mysterious circumstances? Miss Scarlet: Ah! [laughs] Mrs. White: Why is that funny? Miss Scarlet: I see! That's why he was lying on his back, in his coffin. Mrs. White: I didn't kill him. Colonel Mustard: Then why are you paying the blackmailer? Mrs. White: I don’t want a scandal, do I? We had had a very humiliating public confrontation. He was deranged. He was -- [points to head] Mrs. White: -- a lunatic! He didn't actually seem to like me very much.
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Miss Scarlet: Why would he wanna kill you in public? Wadsworth: I think she meant he threatened, in public, to kill her. Miss Scarlet: Oh. Was that his final word on the matter? Mrs. White: Being killed is pretty final, wouldn't you say? Wadsworth: And yet, he was the one who died, not you, Mrs. White, not you! Miss Scarlet: What did he do for a living? Mrs. White: He was a scientist, nuclear physics. Miss Scarlet: What was he like? Mrs. White: He was always a rather stupidly optimistic man. I mean, I'm afraid it came as a great shock to him when he died, but he was found dead at home.
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Mrs. White: I had been out all evening at the movies.
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Wadsworth: But, he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared. Mrs. White: Well, that was his job. He was an illusionist. Wadsworth: But he never reappeared! Mrs. White: [chuckling, admittedly] He wasn't a very good illusionist.
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Prof. Plum: Maybe he was poisoned!
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Wadsworth: He decided to put his information to good use and make a little money out of it. What could be more American than that?
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Col. Mustard: You lure men to their deaths like a spider with flies! Mrs. White: Flies are where men are most vulnerable.
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Mrs. Peacock: No, I just want to powder my nose. Thank you.
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Wadsworth: Sorry!
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Wadsworth: The key is gone! Professor Plum: Never mind about the key, unlock the door! [smacks Mr. Green on the shoulder] Mr. Green: [grabs Professor Plum by the collar, throttling him] I CAN'T UNLOCK THE DOOR WITHOUT THE KEY! [releasing Plum, Mr. Green rattles doorknob] Mr. Green: LET US IN! LET US IN! Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet: [on other side of locked door] LET US OUT! LET US OUT!
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Mrs. Peacock: Our lives are in danger, ya beatnik!
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Communism is Just a Red Herring Fact: The line "Communism is just a red herring" is said in all three endings (twice by Wadsworth and once by Miss Scarlet). Not only is it is a pun (particularly after World War II, the Russian Communists were frequently called "reds", for example, the anti-Communist slogan, "Better dead than red."), but it cleverly refers to a MacGuffin (or a real "red herring") implemented by the screenwriters, because none of the murderers motives end up having anything to do with creating political conspiracy. There are various visual red herrings on-screen, such as a hammer and sickle on the shelf beside the torch Colonel Mustard finds, and a bust of Lenin in the attic.
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ESE: 125/100
50 +10 for Tim Curry +4 for the dogs +2 for the dog poo shoe +5 for Mr. Green’s obedience (”Sit! No, not you, sir.”) +1 for Mrs. Peacock’s glasses +5 for amazing one-liners +5 for the discussion about why Mrs. White’s being blackmailed -10 for homophobia -5 for The Three Stooges antics when Mr. Boddy’s secret is revealed +5 for not shouting +5 for confusion +5 for most hilarious pairings +10 for secret passages +3 for the ironing board +10 for singing telegram +10 for Wadsworth walking through the whole thing +6 for 3 different endings -10 because the timing makes no sense for Mrs. White to have killed Yvette +10 for Mr. Green going home to sleep with his wife +4 for Clue card credits
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strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 6 (Jasper Hale x OC)
Just know that, in another life where I was free of lies and deceit, I would move heaven and earth just to stay alongside you. To spend a lifetime with you. Body and soul.
Stolen away just nights before their wedding, Jasper had mourned the loss of his lover, Adeline, for centuries. Until a similar face showed up one day out of the blue, just as beautiful and just as youthful.
Part 6
A plan of sorts that leaves neither parties thrilled.
She was still waiting for a sign.
On occasions, Adeline felt watched and the unease in her heart refused to subside. Something was about to happen to break this faux peace, she was sure; but just what it was she had no clue. And the more time had passed, the more on edge and paranoid she got, going so far as to snapping at poor Loreen for the smallest of things. She hated herself more than ever.
In the end, the sign she had been waiting for came in the form of flowers.
Cornflowers to be exact.
A bouquet was left in the early morning on the doorsteps of their little shared house. No one had heard the deliverer. Anakin and Teddy were away, engaging in their own businesses. Loreen was still tucked safely in her little fort of plushies and rag dolls. Adeline had merely opened the door to enjoy some fresh air and was instead met with a bouquet of cornflowers arranged with utmost care.
Your eyes are the colour of cornflowers.
A man she loved once told her. So she was reminded of.
Holding the bouquet as far away from herself as possible, she chucked the bouquet straight into the trash and went about her day as if nothing happened. As if she wasn’t bouncing her leg non-stop while watching reruns on TV, or how distracted she was, or how Loreen kept shooting worried glances at her. As if she wasn’t practically vibrating anxiety off her being.
The flowers never stopped. Every morning a fresh batch was laid on the doorsteps, Loreen even managed to steal some and displayed them in a pretty little vase in her room. Out of spite, Adeline thought. She tried to stay vigilant and stand guard at the door, but then they would only appear elsewhere around the house. She knew then that there was no running from this.
Adeline would bet good money on who her secret admirer (stalker) was. She did not remember him as a stubborn man; but from the persistence of his action she had gathered what game he was playing at. This was an open challenge issued to her, a taunt, he wouldn’t confront her upfront. No, he was patient with his schemes and would strike only when the hour was ripe; he was the predator and her the prey now. And she was so so tempted to rise to the bait. But she must keep her cool, and not loose her mind. He might loose his interest in her yet.
In a century or two. Her treacherous mind taunted mercilessly.
Oh but how wrong was she.
The next taunt came the next day in the form of a book, Frankenstein.
Specifically, the exact copy of the cheap paperback edition she had left behind in Whitehorse months ago.
In a fit of hysterics, she threw open the front door and went all the way up to the front yard and bellowed into the empty countryside. “Leave me the fuck alone you sick bastard!”
Only later did she start to question.
How did he find her? How did he manage to track her down from Whitehorse to Minnesota and now Colorado? She was confident of her concealment ability.
So then, how?
From a distance, Jasper watched the girl sitting at the front porch, lacing up her roller skates. The child turned her heard, seemingly to answer someone inside the house before finishing up the rest of her laces. Then in trepidation she tested water with the first few step, before gaining confidence and propelling herself forward into the open road.
In her flowy sundress and a light cardigan, seemingly not minding the alpine chill, the child spread out her arms and laughed with her head thrown back, as if she were soaring amongst the wind instead. She seemed like any other child, if it weren’t for her scent, and that luminous skin in the morning light.
Jasper casually got out of his car and leaned against it, unsubtly observing the girl. That seemed to catch the child’s attention as she eyed him suspiciously while zipping past the first time; before turning round at the end of the drive and passing by again. If she was scared then she hardly showed it. After a few back and forth, she finally slowed a few meters from Jasper and regarded him cooly.
“Who are you?” Her asked in a sing-song voice. “If you’re here to sell cable or insurance or fire resistant something, we’re not interested.”
“Ah I see so you are the Madame of the house then, little lady.” Jasper chuckled and watched as the child pouted and crossed her arms, petulant at the name. Yes, she was like one of those children too smart for their own good, sharp witted but quick to anger. And much too trusting. “Fear not, I am only a friend. Tell me, do you live here with family?”
“Half siblings.” The child corrected.
“And is not your half-sister called Adeline?”
“And you are?”
“A long time... friend.” He hesitated after a second.
“Oh?” Now her voice was laced with suspicion.
Jasper smiled charismatically and exerted an air of reassurance over the child. “Do you think you can send a message from me to her?”
The child frowned, clearly reluctant. “Couldn’t you do it yourself? If you really are her friend. She’s in a mood these days and I don't want to cross anymore than I need to.”
“I don’t think she’d like to see me for now.” Jasper shrugged nonchalantly, as if he was not in fact stalking the said person, but simply had a disagreement with her over a conversation during bar night.
She narrowed her eyes at him again.
“What’s in this for me?”
Jasper bowed his head respectfully. “Of course there will be payment on my part. I shall be forever in your debt.”
She pursed her lips and pondered on the request thoughtfully. “If I am to be messenger,” She began slowly. “I’d like a year’s worth of Ben and Jerry’s. And a year’s subscription of Netflix!” She looked so haughty then, so proud of herself for striking a deal that he had to chuckle.
“Oh little lady.” He said in between laughs, somehow adoring the sweet innocence of the child. “You drive a hard bargain don’t you? Yes of course I promise.” He put a hand over his heart and bowed. “Cross may heart and hope to die.”
That seemed to satisfy the child and she grinned cheekily at him, no doubt pleased with her little bargain of free ice cream and Netflix films.
“Here.” He produced from his pocket a single map. And handed it to the girl. She eyed it suspiciously before taking in gingerly, their hands briefly touching. If she noticed his ice cold skin then she did not make a remark.
Instead her eyes flickered back to him and she chewed on her lips thoughtfully before finally opening her mouth. “I hope... I hope whatever it is between the two of you, all will be well soon.”
Momentarily caught surprised, Jasper straightened his stance and looked to the house in the distance with longing and tenderness.
“Yes I hope so too.”
“Oh Lorie you’re finally back. Fun time roller skating?”
Adeline was sitting on the sofa, in a bathrobe with blankets wrapped all around herself up to her head flipping through the channels at top speed.
“I met a friend of yours down the street.” Loreen announced.
“Friend? What friend-”
She froze at the name.
“Come again?”
“Jasper was here and he wanted me to pass on a message to you.” Loreen stated as-a-matter-of-factly and handed over the old map. She scrutinised her sister; watched as her face blanched before being replaced by red hot fury.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Adeline bellowed, crumpling the map into a tight little wall. “Where is he? Is he still out there now?!”
Loreen shrugged, trying to convey the message that she was just as clueless as the other was. “I’m sure he’s only just left.”
Adeline bolted out of the doors at once.
“Jasper!” She yelled like a lunatic, and searched frantically, not giving a fig what the neighbours would think. She had other pressing matters to be concerned of.
How dare he! How dare he approached her family, especially her innocent sister! He had already shattered her little peaceful life! That she could tolerate, and she supposed to some extent, she was reaping what she had sowed years ago. But preying on her young sister like that! He had no right! Absolutely no right! How dare he!
Hidden under the shades of the woods she took off in a blur, trying to locate the man. But the faint smell she caught whiff of indicated that he had long since been gone.
Still livid, she stomped her way back to the house.
First the flowers, then the book and now this map. Jasper; yes she was finally going to acknowledge this, that he was the same man she had met all those years ago, and that yes he was a fucking vampire now! And one with no fucking sense of boundaries! His message was clear and simple.
Don’t think that you’ve been forgotten. I know where you are and I will find you, whatever it takes. Or you can come to me, on your terms. You know where to find me.
She spread the crumpled map out.
It was a state map of fucking Washington!
Like a flame being doused with ice cold water, she finally realised her mistake all those months ago. The hybrid child she had met in the clearing… That was how he had come to know of her. There was no doubt of it now. The child must have told her coven of their meeting, and either he was part of the coven, or he was on intimate terms with them. Either way, she had damned herself that day when she had decided not to trust her instincts to stay inland. And like dominoes, a little push had unknowingly caused the whole system to collapse on its own, the shockwaves continuing to reverberate in the aftermath of the disastrous meeting.
Adeline cursed and screamed in frustration.
Stupid! Stupid! She was so stupid! What was she to do now?! Engage? And she would be falling right into his laps without a fight. Run? But for how long? He had proven himself more than capable of tracking her somehow, it would be all for naught. He had a coven; and she had only her siblings. Siblings whom never got involved with her affairs, nor did she wish to involve into the mess. And especially not her youngest.
Frustrated, she flipped the map to find an actual written message penned in impeccable cursive handwriting. Which got her blood boiling immediately.
Do you have what it takes?
Self-righteous bastard! Well she’ll show him!
Adeline was in and out of the house in a flash, clothes changed. “Addie where are you going?” Loreen was by the door, obviously concerned.
“I’m going.” Her reply was short, clipped.
“At least wait for Anakin or Teddy.”
“No Loreen. I have to go. You’ll be fine on your own right?” Adeline tried to smile to relieve the tension, but evidently the tight-lipped smile only succeeded in agitating her sister more.
“I suppose yes. But-"
“Stay safe dear. I’ll see you in a bit.”
And she was out.
She refused to address her other concerns; like what did he want by actively seeking her out, or how did he even find her when she had made sure all her tracks were concealed? What did it mean for the two of them now that the other was all along alive and well? What would it entail for either parties from here on? What would father even do should he learn of this?
All of the what ifs and hows and whys were all overshadowed by her high-strung emotions. Her action was spurred into motion and further fulled by her fury at her former lover. Really, she lacked even a concrete plan of engagement which she seemed to be forgetting repeatedly in favour of the raging anger within her.
One she had not felt in years now.
“Are you sure she’ll come?” Edward asked.
“I’m sure.” Was Jasper’s curt reply, even if the doubt was weighing heavily down on his heart. He was back in Forks, back with his family where there was still some semblance of safety and control.
For nights, he had sat outside of Adeline’s little house in his car, just thinking and formulating, the best ways to engage her. He could knock on her door right then and there, and no doubt she would lose her shit, and everything would be fucked. Or he could catch her attention and lure her out back to where he felt safest, and should she decide to come along with then he would engage accordingly. At that time it felt like a decent plan, but now that he was home, the plan seemed stupid. Either way seemed like it would end pretty badly. In the end, he had made his escape early, had not stayed to see Adeline’s reaction at his subtle message. For fear of rejection, for fear of being unable to bear the disappointment.
He was such a coward.
And now he watched as his brother grimaced and frowned, clearly hesitating whether to speak his mind out or not, before finally making his mind up. “It’s just… are you sure about this?”
“About what?” Jasper said feigning ignorance.
“You’re taunting her.” Edward stared him straight in the eye, somewhat sternly. “Is this any way to court the girl you like?”
“Well, says the man who stalked his then classmate in her bedroom every night.” He shot back with barb, clearly annoyed.
Edward’s face soured and immediately stalked off the other way.
Jasper sighed and ran a hand absentmindedly through his tangled hair, emotions all over the place. He knew he was an unwelcome presence in the house lately, practically vibrating off anxiety within a mile radius and affecting anyone within. It made the others nervous, stressed even. And everyone avoided him like the plague.
Bella and Edward had taken Renesmee to their little cottage so that the little one would not be affected. Carlisle had taken to working long hour shifts at the hospital and God knows where Rose and Emmett were.
And Alice... Alice was distancing herself from him.
She had taken to avoiding him, bluntly. She was never in the same room as he was. Had stopped being affectionate like she used to. Their interactions were reduced to light pats on his shoulder, fleeting hand touches, tight-lipped smiles that never quite reached her eyes. She was clearly hurting regardless of what she proclaimed. And to make matters worse, it was fracturing the family.
Emmett’s the-devil-may-care attitude can be reassuring, but Rosalie’s disdain at him was dully noted. Bella was torn and Edward was still suspicious of Adeline but somewhat more understanding of his predicament, although apparently he had just pissed off his last comrade. Carlisle and Esme were only concerned for the two of them, no doubt wanting the best for the pair of them.
And there was nothing he could do.
Alice had made the decision for the two of them.
But it tortured him as much as it killed her. She was the light in his pitiful life for years, his beacon in the dark night. She would never forgive him for all his betrayals just as he could never forgive himself for being the one to hurt her,
And now it pained him just as much to think of Adeline, of his plan to lure her out. He had known her like the back of his own hand then. Though what an irony that felt now. The one he had meant to share his life with, ended up being the one he had known the least.
While she can be sweet and lively, her temper seemed to have a mind of its own. And her heart always dominated in any decisions she made. She was open to persuasion, but would never bend to anyone’s will by force. Would react badly and lash out if forced.
And he had forced her hand.
Adeline would come, she must. Because if she did not, what then? He could go back to Alice and begged for her to take him back or he could continue hunting Adeline down, but then what? He could not force her into anything against her will, he would not. While he was no saint, he certainly was no monster to force himself onto her. She had only need to say the words, with steel in her resolve and he would begone as she requested, forever.
And should she have changed?
It had been more one and a half century since their parting, he had changed much. How did he expect her to remain the same? How did he expect her to remain steadfast in their love? Or its lack thereof?
He was torn between being content with simple ordinariness, or pursuing something more, something all encompassing and consuming, but also elusive which might end up being a gamble for nothing.
Either required him to make a blind leap of faith, though one was certainly more perilous than the other.
"I don't... I don't know what to do." He finally admitted aloud to Edward's retreating form, watched as the man turned to look back at him with narrowed eyes. "I have the choice... I have the choice to move on like she did, or I can continue to pursue her to the ends of the world, like some psychopathic stalker vampire..."
"But you don't want to be neither." Edward sighed sympathetically.
"And yet you don't want to let her go either."
"No, I don't either."
Jasper shot his brother a bittersweet smile before lapsing into silence. It felt embarrassing to tell Edward of his inner most thoughts, but at the same time there was something cathartic in finally sharing with someone what he thought.
"If there's anything I learnt from being with Bella," Edward said after a moment of thought. "It's that every relationship requires the investment of both parties. It's useless if she doesn't reciprocate your feeling."
Jasper quirked his lips ruefully. "Alice seems to think otherwise."
"Alice can't see the hybrid's future."
"No but I told her we might be soulmates."
"Well are you?"
"I don't know... I think so."
Jasper looked up to see Edward with a smug smirk aimed at him. "Well what do we have here? The cold and calculating Major Whitlock stumped for once because he's confused what to do with his lover-"
"Edward!" He protested loudly.
Ed laughed with mirth before holding up his hands in surrender. "I digress." Then his demeanor turned serious again. "Like I said, it requires two people to be in love. A soulmate bond doesn't automatically make her fall in love with you and vice versa. At the end of the day, it's just a bond. It ties the two of you together in this life, you can feel her, might even need her. But at the end of the day, it's for the both of you to decide if the both of you want to purse a more serious relationship, no?"
Jasper looked away, not wanting to meet his brother's intense gaze.
Had he considered what she wanted?
He loved her, still. But did she want him in the same way?
"I... tell me what I should do then?"
The proposition pained him physically and mentally and Jasper closed his eyes and swallowed harshly.
But Edward only looked at him with a tenderness and pity in his eyes.
"Do what's right, brother. Don't make it a regret of yours for eternity."
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Just read your paranoid Bella post (it was awesome) and what stood out to me is that in these kinds of AUs the Quiletes seem to be kinda left out. If I recall, Billie actively tried to warn Bella that Cullens are bad news and even argued w Charlie about that. How do you think a scenario with Bella who’s not interested in Edward and instead rekindles her childhood friendship w Jacob from the get go (mb befriends Leah too? and is known as ‘the kid w her own company outside of school’) could go?
The post anon is referencing.
I guess I can answer this earlier than I would normally. Sometimes it's good to shuffle the posts around!
Why No Quileute?
Many of the AUs people ask about center around either the Twilight period (something about Bella is significantly different before Twilight begins), the New Moon period (New Moon changes in such a significant manner that Eclipse never happens), or very rarely the post Breaking Dawn period (Bella's off prancing in the woods and Jake is just kind of there).
With the first two especially the circumstances make it unlikely Bella will significantly cross paths with Jake let alone discover the secret of the wolves and meet the rest of the Tribe.
What Do You Mean Bella Might Not Find Out?!
Remember, Jake was not Bella's childhood friend, that was his older sisters. When Bella stops visiting Forks Jake, only a few years younger, seemed like light years younger than Bella Swan. He was not on her radar at all and was that annoying kid brother.
Even as a teenager, Bella's clearly bothered by the age gap between them, seeing it as much larger than it really is.
In the beginning of Twilight she's pleased to see Jake, is willing to flirt with him for information, but she's not at all interested. She only seeks him out in New Moon to work on the motorcycles with him as free labor. From that, the friendship we see through the rest of the series grows.
Before that, though, Billy was more on Bella's radar than Jake ever was. And Billy in canon is Bella's slight enemy as he tries to warn her away from Edward the vampire. Well, Bella certainly knows more than him! So, there, Billy!
As for the wolves themselves, they didn't want to tell Bella, Sam had Jake cut all ties. By happenstance Jake had happened to tell Bella this story and he happens to be able to jog her memory. Had that not happened, she would have assumed he left her just as Edward did and sunk even deeper into depression.
Likely, Charlie would have sent her to live with her mother.
She would never find out the mysteries of the "bears" in the woods, would never meet all the members of the tribe, would never truly develop her deep friendship with Jacob, and she and the Quileute would simply not cross paths.
Bella and the tribe very easily could have been ships passing in the night.
Why No Quileute in Paranoid Bella AU?
Now, this is a Bella who does not want to be with Edward but she's also a paranoid, terrified, wreck. Edward is sneaking into her room every night before Bella gets to First Beach
I imagine she likely does not go to the beach, or if she does, pointedly does not ask anyone about Edward. NOPE, SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Because for all she knows, Edward is hiding somewhere in the bushes watching her.
He, after all, has dropped hints that he knows everything that happens to her.
Bella doesn't know about the treaty at this point and that Edward cannot physically go to La Push.
When Billy gives her cryptic hints, she probably gives him deer in the headlights looks and debates scribbling "SAVE ME" on a sheet of paper, but for all she knows Billy is a human and stands no chance against Edward. In that moment, Edward is right outside her house, in his car, listening to every word.
If Bella tells Billy to get her the fuck out, she might very well be condemning him to be eaten.
When Billy sends Jake to Prom, Bella is in Edward's arms, right at that moment. Worse, unlike Billy, Jake does think this is ridiculous and is utterly mortified at interrupting her date like this.
Bella wants to cry.
Point being though, Edward doesn't tell Bella about the wolves, and she likely doesn't know about them from the beach. So to her, the Quileutes are just humans who seem to know what she knows. Edward likely never expands on this as he never has to in this universe. So he also never explains things like the treaty. This means they are just normal people who stand no better chance against Edward than she does. She can't go running to them for sanctuary, screaming, and potentially have Edward eat the entire tribe as he would have Biology class.
Just as she wouldn't put her mother or Charlie in danger, Paranoid Bella will not knowingly endanger the tribe.
Paranoid Bella Rekindles Her Friendship with Jake (and Leah Comes Along for the Ride)
Let's say Bella does go to First Beach and notes that Edward says he can't make it for whatever reason. Bella's not sure she believes this but he does seem unnaturally disappointed.
Sam drops his "The Cullens aren't welcome here" ominous line and Bella stares at him long and hard. He seems to know something, might even know the same something she knows, in the first timeline she likely decides it's not worth the risk of Edward overhearing them.
In this one though... this may be her only chance to gather information.
Sam is intimidating and scary looking (which is too bad as he's the one who could actually do something in this situation). So she resorts to her "bad flirting with Jake" plan.
Once again, it works, but this time Bella's soul dies inside.
Oh yeah, the Cullens are vampires and eat people (Bella knew it, SHE KNEW IT) but Jake thinks it's all superstitious nonsense. The only way he has heard of to kill them are noble werewolf spirit warriors from the tribe. But they have the treaty with the Cullens because they don't eat people on purpose (Bella cries inside).
No, Jake's never heard of anyone being an actual spirit warrior, don't be stupid, Bella. It's just an old legend.
Bella leaves the beach miserable.
The Quileute Tribe clearly knows but it seems like there's nothing they can do about it either.
BuT EdWArD's StIll In HeR RoOm aT NiGHt!
Bella decides it's worth the risk.
She drives to Billy's, watching for Edward tailgating her at every moment, but sees no sign of him (thank god). Luckily for her, in this early Twilight period, Edward was trying to pretend not to be a lunatic. So he wasn't running down her car yet like he was in Eclipse.
He's very unhappy she's visiting land he cannot go on but will pretend everything's fine. THIS IS FINE. SHE COULD BE EATEN BY BEARS BUT THIS IS FINE.
Bella confesses to Billy that Edward Cullen, the vampire, is sneaking into her bedroom at night to watch her sleep and she is certain he will try to eat her.
This was not what Billy had hoped or expected to hear from Bella Swan.
Those demonic motherfuckers.
Billy likely debates calling Carlisle, the head of the coven (who genuinely would be appalled by all of this), but he doesn't trust any of these people. He assumes Edward is grooming Bella to be Dracula's Bride (he is) and that this is just a thing vampires do (it's not).
But the Tribe cannot go to war with the Cullens.
They have only one wolf at this point, Sam, who is at this point still a teenager and untried in combat. He would be fighting seven vampires alone, they would be condemning him, and the tribe itself to a massacre.
However, that they haven't come after Bella yet is perhaps a good sign. The Cullens may not want to break the treaty either (Billy doesn't realize it's just Edward out there who wants to break it).
So here's what they'll do, Bella will "rekindle" her friendship with Jacob. She'll come over every single day, immediately after school with no exceptions, and will live at their house every weekend.
No exceptions.
The Cullens cannot enter Quileute land and, if they do... Well then, I guess they prepare for war.
Jake is ecstatic, though weirded out, as Bella suddenly practically lives at his house. They get along very well and soon their friendship is formed. Jake keeps trying to date her though and Bella's not very interested.
As for Leah... Sorry anon, but Leah is at the most miserable point in her miserable life. She's been dumped by Sam for her cousin and she has no idea why this has happened and Sam offers no explanations. She's a ball of rage and misery and has no time for Jacob Black's jittery girlfriend from Forks.
Meanwhile Edward is becoming annoyed.
He accepts the explanation that Bella and Jake are childhood friends, that she knew his sisters growing up, and that they've struck up their friendship again but... He doesn't like it.
He goes from imagining Mike Newton's head exploding to Jacob Black's head exploding.
Every day he curses that treaty and thinks it's so damn convenient that Bella keeps running off to the one place he can't follow.
He sits and he seethes.
And I stop here.
Wherever this path leads, anon, it is not one we should follow.
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