#and then some dragon tells you he's the greates king you'll ever have and you're bound tgt by fate
whereserpentswalk · 3 months
There's a chess board out there that's eternally bound to a fae lord. The pieces all look like strange insects, and nobody can tell what the two colors are, no matter how much they look at them, they just know that they're different.
When you move a piece the fae will make his own move, and you'll see him on the other side of the board. Nobody who hasn't played knows what he looks like. And once you start playing, you're not allowed to stand up.
Nobody can see the fae but they can hear him, everyone even a bit close to the board can hear him speak. He promises so many things if you win. "I can make you ruler of the world." "I can make you the richest person to ever live." "I can make anyone on earth fall in love with you." "All you have to do is play and win." "It would all be so easy if you just chose to play."
But you should never choose to play him. When you lose, he will eat your existence, not your current existence, but your existence in the world. Your impact of the world will be erased, and nobody will ever remember you. Everyone who ever knew you, loved you, hated you, will have never met you at all.
It's only a few scholars and sorcerers have figured out what happens to the losers of the game, by finding the holes in people's lives. It's unknown if the people who lose the game die or disappear when they're forgotten, or if they just walk away, anonyms, with no lives to go back to. Perhaps some throw the game on purpose, just to have their name disappear.
Many have played the game and lost, those who thought they would be sure to win. Chess masters. Great wizards and occultists. Military tacticians. People blessed by gods, and those with demons bound to their flesh. Nobody knows their names, only what the fae lord brags about them, only their lives as he saw them.
The fae is not the greatest at chess. He is good, but not the greatest. But he is clever with words, and just as he knows what to tell people to make them play, he knows what to tell people to make them lose, to trick them, to throw them off, to make them cheat, or to make them throw the game. His kind is not permitted to lie, but he does not require lies.
He speaks all languages. He has manipulated people in the tongues of countless nations. He has spoken the secret languages of ancient cults to their followers and spoken to dragons in their tongue of inaudibly low song. When they called on a deaf man to play against him, he signed to them what he needed to sign. And when the great universities of the world brought out a computer to play him, a computer that could defeat any human play, he was even able to psyche that out, and tricked it into leaving it's king open at the wrong time.
They say there is only one person who the fae lord was afraid to play. It was a young woman who had no name, no family, and no official identification. She had been tracking it down for years, since the first record of her existence she had been searching for the chess board, and she seemed to already know a lot about it. He has begged everyone he could, from scholars, to wanderers, to other fae, to not let her near him. If she does play him, and if she does win, who knows what will happen, we do not know if anyone has won before, and if anyone did, we do not know why.
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theadventurerslog · 2 years
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human | Part 3
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The Adventurer's Log
King's Quest III: The Heir is Human Part 3
Third and final part! Actually played same day as Part 2 because I couldn't help myself and jumped back in later in the day. This was sure... a time. This second part of the game has some not great stuff. Here we go.
It was pirate ship time in which I learned that main character Gwydion may be, but defier of gravity not so much.
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I didn't mean to fall. The ladder just seemed to come to an abrupt end when I thought it'd lead into the crow's nest.
Anyhoo, with this pirate ship you have to avoid the crew members and the captain. If you're caught you'll be thrown back in the hold and have your inventory taken again. If you're caught again, you'll be made to walk the plank and die. Naturally I did so.
As an adventure game you would think there would be puzzles to solve. Things to do. Ways to help yourself. Nope. The grand solution is to wait for the ship to reach land which can take several minutes.
After a little wandering around and looking at things I finally just went back down to the hold so I wouldn't get caught. And waited. And looked at my magic map which does have a neat little detail of moving the ship to a different tile along its course as time moves on.
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When I first looked the ship was in the second, I think, tile from the left along that red line.
I also went back to the mice and listened to them chatter about wondering what would happen to Gwydion. They figured the pirates would make him a cabin boy. The last one got fed to sharks for sport. They also gossiped about treasure that could be found on the land we're heading to so I made note of that. I attempted to talk to them but "The little mice totally ignore your attempted conversation."
Finally I heard the call of "land ho!" For points, I cast the sleeping spell which also helps in avoiding capture. If you do it before seeing land there's no one to control the ship and you die.
With the crew asleep I checked out a room that kept getting blocked off by a crew member before and got me a shovel. Then I jumped off the ship and swam to shore, nearly being eaten by a shark on the way.
I found the treasure the mice gossiped about for points. It was a chest of gold ingots and gems and stuff.
Then I found myself more windy mountain paths.
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I reckon this sums up my feelings on that.
More walking along narrow paths and I did some teleporting with the spell. Ultimately I ended up at the top of a snowy peak with a cave.
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Hmmmm indeed.
What could be in there? What could be around?
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Ah. But of course the abominable snowman. And a rather brutal death...
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After reloading I explored around and got grabbed again a time or two. There's a spot around the peak where you can leave, but the abominable snowman shows up constantly. I'm not sure if that's always the case or if it was bad RNG. Either way I had to deal with him. I used the teleport stone and it confused him. He wandered off I was luckily teleported to the exact same spot. Maybe that's always the case in that particular situation or I just got lucky. Not sure. Anyway, from there there's a path down to a rock face.
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First step was to get to that platform below but I fell a few times. I tried the other side and it went even worse.
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The deaths started getting snarkier in this half of the game and I have to say I appreciate it. At least make my deaths entertaining.
I did manage to make my way down and out to Daventry! Where I promptly fell down another cliff.
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I continued on after that added death to my ever growing count and found a gnome sitting out in front of his home.
He welcomes Gwydion home and we learn Gwydion's real name is actually Alexander. He tells him Daventry has been suffering for years now since that despicable dragon came. We learn again that Princess Rosella is the next sacrifice. The King and Queen are suffering such grief they've locked themselves in the castle.
From there we can go to the castle and see it in poor shape with tattered banners and crumbling statue work. The moat is drained; what happened to the moat gators? The doors are bolted and unmovable and no one answers when shouting.
There's nowhere else to go so it's back to where we came out. There's a cave entrance that takes us to long stairs going up. They're the same stairs from the first game that you use to get down from dealing with the giant. Or use to get up if you don't get the magic beanstalk.
At the top is another screen and then dragon time!
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I walked right on in there and you can probably imagine how that went. One roasted Gwydion, sorry, Prince Alexander, coming up.
I tried entering again, this time after using the invisibility spell. All is well until I tried untying Rosella.
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Two royals, crispy fried.
So the real solution is to go invisible and put our final unused spell to use. It's brewing a storm time! Lightning bolts strike the dragon and it dies.
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Boom crispy fried dragon.
Untie Rosella and he proudly tells her he's her long-lost brother, Prince Alexander to which she is understandably doubtful. Alexander says he'll explain everything later but for now "Let's go meet the folks!" which is a line that cracks me up for how out of place it feels.
If you look at her much awkwardness ensues...
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Moving on!
To more awkwardness when coming right after that. I tried talking to her again.
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I ended up talking to her more and it turns out she has a lot to say which I didn't know so I'm glad I did so.
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I'm keeping the above screenshot for Reasons I can't get into until King's Quest V.
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More pleasantries are exchanged and Alexander finds her to be 'not only beautiful, but very strong-willed and brave.' 'Admires that in a woman.'
Everything going well, except not. Because I got literally stuck. There's a transition part way down the stairs to the next flight of stairs. After transitioning to the next flight it would stick Rosella aright in front of me and because the stairs are so narrow I couldn't get past her. You can see it in the above screencap. I left and came back, I reloaded, tried using the mouse, I reloaded an earlier save and fought the dragon all over again. Nothing. After some searching around I found a bug submitted to ScummVM about and that the only way to get down was to use the numpad to go diagonally. I didn't know you could do that, but that worked. It would've been nice to have known that before for other spots too. So, it worked out, but I was getting immensely frustrated and worried I wouldn't be able to quite finish the game when the end was right there. Some kind of ScummVM issue anyway it seems and not really the game's fault.
Anyway, with that last trial done it was time to go home. We met back up with the gnome who excitedly ran ahead to inform everyone of the good news. We got to the castle and were able to enter now and find King Graham and Queen Valanice in the throne room.
Much joy and hugs were exchanged.
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Graham explains that the magic mirror has been clouded since Alexander disappeared. Now as they stand there, the mirror clears! And the future looks bright for all.
Graham decides that his old adventurer's cap needs a new companion and throws it to his children. Rosella and Alexander both reach up for it and The End.
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And so ends King's Quest III with a family reunited and the kingdom of Daventry saved once again.
Final Points: 202/210 I know at least one spot I missed points. Not sure about the rest
Deaths: 63 New record. I died a lot on that mountain...
Time: 3:41
Final Thoughts:
This game has got its ups and downs for sure. I quite enjoyed the first part up to the pirate ship (aside from the key on the closet). I was a little overly nervous of the time limit, so I wish I'd taken my time a little more at points--mainly the time before Manannan left. I didn't really end up having much happen with him.
That aside it's fun gathering all the ingredients and casting the spells. The understanding animals spell in particular is an extra bit of delight ripe for all the exploration.
Then you get to the pirate ship and things slide. Having to just wait for upwards of like ten minutes--the amount of time seems to vary?--is realistic but not fun. It's an adventure game. You do things. You solve things. Waiting that long is not only boring, it goes against its own patterns. And the ship just isn't that big. There's not a lot to do to spend that time and if you're not careful you could get killed and then have to wait part of that time all over again depending on your last save.
After that there aren't many puzzles left. Basically there's optional treasure to find, the abominable snowman to avoid, and the dragon to beat and that's it. You spend a lot more time with walking narrow paths and climbing things and trying not to fall. Sierra "platforming" and the game's not exactly good or elegant at it.
And the whole Graham and Valanice letting Daventry fall just feels kind of contrived knowing past actions and the general heroism! feel of the games
It's a mixed bag. I really like some stuff. Not so much other things. The game has more complexity, at least in the first half. The graphics are slowly improving. It's setting the stage for future games. It is a step ahead in a lot ways, but it trips in the final chunk.
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icecreamkink · 2 years
"arthur is the Once and Future King"
"nah thats gotta be another arthur cause this one's an idiot"
they're iconic for this ngl
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
Anon request: Dorm leaders reaction headcanons to their darling saying "i love u" for the first time?
26- Twisted Wonderland, Dorms Leader x Reader (pt. 1)
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Riddle Rosehearts
- If he is in a state of agitation or anger, it’s a great way to quell the wrath of the Dorm Leader.
- Frankly, you'll catch him off guard. Riddle doesn't have much experience in such matters. His big eyes will look at you in disbelief, in a mixture of hope and fear.
- Truly, why should you love him? He is certainly not charismatic like Cater or handsome like Leona. He is not such a good company. So why?
- Maybe he never even thought of wanting you, it was enough for him to have you near despite his bad temper, he was already grateful. Yet you are so vulnerable and sincere in front of him right now.
- It must be a good sight to see that young face of him coloring with a sweet shade of red, which, however, is not due to the usual anger.
- He won't speak right away. You're going to have to tell him again, you're going to have to reassure him you're serious, because he's afraid to believe it.
- Are you really his? Of all the guys around, did you really choose him?
- “I… I will make you happy! I solemnly promise you! "
- Those words came out more shrill and far less solemn than they wanted to be, and that embarrasses him only more, yet he can't help but adore the happiness that suddenly illuminates the depths of your eyes.
- Oh yes, he will do anything to make you happy.
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 Azul Ashengrotto
-"I love you"? Are these the exact words you used?
- Oh, such an open manifestation of your feelings ... maybe he got it wrong? Maybe you were telling someone else, even if it's the two of you alone in the room? Were you perhaps reading a novel?
- Your gaze falls from him, embarrassed. Pretend you haven't said anything, but to him that's just confirmation.
-"I love you". What harsh words. It’s not a simple "I like you", it’s more. Are you sure what you say? After all, he is nothing more than a good-for-nothing octopus. Could he ever deserve it, your love? When would he earn it?
- The smile that appears on the boy's lips could be unpleasant, but if it appears contemptuous, it only serves to hide the insecurity inside.
- Of course, you spent a lot of time together, you were looking for him often, and he understood that you are fond of him, for some reason. At first he veiled your desire to meet him, but then you became part of his daily life, it was pleasant and reassuring to have you around.
- But love him? How can you be sure?
- "You know, you might find me really repulsive." These are the words he tells you. Not very romantic, but extremely true for him. You know, so why do you talk without thinking? You can't fool him like that.
- "As long as it's you, I love you." You say. Your voice is now extremely steady, and your gaze has now abandoned the embarrassment, planting itself in his, now disarmed like that of a child.
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 Malleus Draconia
- Malleus is glad in his heart that a lovely creature like you doesn't fear him as darkly as most people.
- You are extremely serious, and sincere. He hadn't planned it. So what's the price for your love? Oh, what a silly question. He knows it, and is certainly happy to pay for it.
- If around him the affection of his young devotees surround him and in any case he has by now made friends with solitude, your presence is a cheerful ray of light in the monotonous days of an ancient creature.
- The years on his shoulders have not made him naive, and he has never failed to notice your gaze that repeatedly lingers admiringly on his noble figure, and he smiles sweetly amused by that tender child love. He loves you.
- To hear you say it, however, is another matter entirely. It's like shining a spotlight on something so unspoken that he never believed would be revealed in the duration of your brief existence.
- It's no different than usual. You are peacefully reading in solitude, and yet right now like a spell those words slipped out of your lips: "I love you".
- His beautiful green eyes are a sight that you would not miss for anything in the world, but in that moment they manifest such perplexity that you cannot stand. What a fool you are, you wretched creature compared to the mighty king.
-But the smile that slowly paints itself on the noble's handsome face is not at all a mockery. You are the little keeper of his heart, have you really never noticed?
- Before you know it, his lips are lovingly placed on your cheek, sweet and protective.
- The ephemeral flower and the ancient dragon, perhaps it is not as strange as it seems. He likes the idea, and after all you too.
- "I love you with all my life."
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 Leona Kingscholar
 -"I love you."
Wait, what?
- Weren't you two arguing until a second ago? Was he wrong?
- He looks at you confused, suddenly silent, waiting for you to say a "I didn't say anything" or something similar.
-But your face red with agitation belies his theory. You are so embarrassed, and even if anger still shines on the edge of your irises, your hands press guilty to your lips.
-Leona is not a child, nor a naive one. He already knows, he sees how you are around him, how you look for him, how you smile at him. Even when you fight he knows that you are attracted to him. Your eyes say it, your sweet smell says it.
-He loves you. It was difficult for him to accept it, or to understand why. But the truth is it, around you he can just be himself, no matter how hateful he can be, you will always love him. When everyone looks at him with admiration, you look at him with pride.
-He knows that you want his happiness, but he would never have thought that you would come to show something so fragile, just to make him understand how your hard words are only aimed at his good.
-What were you arguing about, then? Did it really matter?
-He doesn't have great reactions, should he? All it does is approach you, pleased, to take your hand. His ears and tail snap with delight.
- “If this is the truth, then be prepared, my little mouse. Once I have eaten you, you will have no way of escaping me. "
-Ah, what a romantic way to tell you to stay by his side.
Note (?): Hello people! I'm back? Maybe! I confess that these have been difficult months. It's not over yet, but it's no longer important. I think it's time to take back my life, from serious things (I started studying and working again), to these little things that I like to do. I'll post something more clear in the near future (and I will open the requests), I just didn't want to write these things under a probably forgotten request, but it seemed to me the best way to reactivate and apologize to those who still remember me. Thank you very much, see you very soon!
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
Drakes Keep
The townspeople live in fear of the dragon in the forest and have decided to make you the sacrifice to save them all. But perhaps the dragon isnt something to fear after all.
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      This was how it ends. You thought to yourself as night descended. The only sound was the occasional breeze rustling the branches or the distant howl of a dog. You tried once again in vain to wriggle from the rope that kept you tied to the tree. Letting the back of your head hit the trunk with a thump, you bit your lip and finally allowed yourself to cry. This really was the end. 
       A dragons supper, that was your fate. The creature that called the abandoned castle home had returned, and the fear of what it could do had sent the townspeople into hysterics. Turning to the old ways once more to keep it appeased. Unfortunately for you, that had meant you were the one tossed to the beast. The old stories spoke of fair maidens and kings sons bravely sacrificing themselves for the better of others. But of course no one wanted to send their beloved children to death. But you? Orphaned and thieving,___? No one opposed that. And now you stood, hands bound to a tree as close to the Drakes Keep as they dared to bring you, waiting for death. 
     Night had finally fallen. The sound of crickets and the skittish steps of a rabbit your only company. Then as suddenly as it started, the forest was quiet and still as a grave. Even the breeze that blew the branches seemed to stop. Then the snap was heard. Then another. The crunch of leaves as if something heavy was being dragged across the ground. Then you saw it, a pair of teal blue eyes peeking out from between the trees. Tears continued to stream down your face as you locked gazes with the creature that would end. 
     "Just make it quick," you managed to choke out, throat raw from your sobbing. Not even sure if the beast could even understand you. "Please, be fast, that's all I ask."
     The dragon finally moved. It slowly stepped out of the darkness and you could see it in it's full view. It's dark midnight scales almost blended into the night, in stark contrast to the golden scales that went up its stomach and throat. It tilted its triangular head curiously as it examined its food. Your eyes snapped shut as it got closer and closer, until you felt the hot breath of your face. The wet sound of its jaws opening was heard, and you could not help but scream.
      Then the ropes went slack.
      "Relax." said a deep voice. "I wont do anything." 
     Opening your eyes, the dragon looked down at you, spitting out a piece of rope. "I...I… I dont understand." You shuddered out, wiping you tear stained face. "You arent going to eat me?"
     The dragon rolled its eyes. "Honestly, what's with these villagers and thinking I want to eat people? Of course not." 
     You removed the last bits of rope around your wrist, glancing at the dragon all the while. It wasn't going to kill you. What did it want? "So…" you began cautiously. "What now? 
       "What do you mean what now?"
       "If I'm not a meal, then what was the point of sacrifices? What is it that you want from the village."
       "Nothing." The dragon replied as if it should have been plain as day. "I never wanted any sacrifices ever. I untie them and let them go. I don't want anything from your village." 
       "But… but…" you stammered. "The missing livestock. And all those old stories about a dragon that burned the town centuries ago!"
      "My grandpa," the dragon replied. "Dont remember much about him, other than he was an old grouch. But that was a couple decades before I was even bored. as for livestock, sorry to say I was hungry. Large game have been scarce. Not my first choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Now," the dragon leaned down and sniffed at you, its warm breath blowing at your hair. "Who are you?"
       "-_" you stammered. 
      "And why, ___… did they decide to pick you to feed it the beast?"
      You looked down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "No one wanted me." You answered honestly. "They were glad to have me gone."
        The dragon sniffed once more, like a hunting hound committing a scent to memory. There was the sound of thunder out in the distance. "Well, you're free of them now." Was his only reply. "Theres another town just south of here." He pointed a claw to his left. "I can only guess you wouldn't want to go back from where you came."
     You looked back between the direction the men who had tied up went,then the dragon, then to the direction he pointed. "So...so you'll let me go? Just like that?" 
     "Just like that." He assured.
It seemed too easy. The dragon letting you go and free to start a new life far far away.  The sound of thunder drew a little closer, and with it the wind returned to rustle the trees. You shivered. They had taken your cloak when you were arrested, and obviously did not bother to give it back when you had been left to die.
     The dragon seemed to take note of this, and tilted his head curiously. "What's the matter?"
      "Cold." You admitted. "Since I can leave, do you happen to know where I could sleep for the night?"
      The dragon eyed you once more and sniffed again as if looking for something of offense. When it seemed he did not find it, the dragon turned and nodded his head towards the direction he had come. "Follow me."
      "You know my name," you said as you followed the creature further into the forest. "What's yours?"
     "Raihan." He replied. "The Great Raihan."
    "Who calls you that?" You asked,trying hard not to snort.
    "Plenty of people." He said, twigs and leaves crunching under heavy feet. "I'll have you know, I have met many a knight and king that called me a great dragon."
     "What kings? Anyone I might have heard of?"
    "All sorts," he assured. "King Lance of Kanto. Queen Cynthia of Sinnoh. And most recently, your king Leon here in Galar."
     "So tell me then, great dragon Raihan, why are you out here in the back water forests outside of my nowhere village?"
    "Just as birds migrate, so do dragons." He explained. "We go from place to place, seeking spots of comfort to rest. Making a new home for ourselves or going to old ones."
    "I take it this is an old home then?"
   "Very old." He finally stopped and gestured to an ancient stone structure. With its half crumbled towers and vine covered parapets. "Very old indeed."
   "I've only ever heard of this place." You said in awe as you walked up the stone steps of the ancient castle. "My grandmother used to tell me about the dragons lair. She and all the other elders called it The Drakes Keep."
     "That's what you humans call it, yes." Raihan replied, pushing his large scaly body against the giant oak doors to open them. "But the true name of this place is Hammerlocke. Hammerlocke Castle."
     Walking into the grand entrance, Hammerlocke caslte was oddly well kept for not having a human inhabitant for centuries. Aside from the few cracks in the stone from age, the floor was clean of dirt and debris. There was even decorative tapestries that still adorned the walls. 
     Raihan pushed against the doors once more to shut them firmly, keeping the cold out. Then you realized something.
     "Um… not to sound rude or anything. But this doesn't look like a living space, and the doorways look far too small for you." 
     "Good observation. Sadly, castle life isn't very accommodating to this form."
     Instead of elaborating, Raihan showed you what he had meant. In a flash of light you saw the large creature shrink down and take the form of a very tall and very handsome young man. He stretched out and let out a sigh. "Yes form." He grinned at your shocked expression. "There are many things about dragons you don't know."  
      It turned out dragons were very hospitable. Raihan had kept the fire in the sitting room going with ease, making warmer than you had ever known. He had a sorts of finery stashed away, including good coats and blankets of the softest materials. He had explained it was in a dragons to hoard things of great interest or value. Despite that he may not have a need fancy furs to keep him warm or nice bottles of wine, they were still soft to lay on and tasty to drink, and so he kept them. 
      "I'm still surprised dragons can take human form." You commented, swaddled up nicely in the furs Raihan had loaned you, stomach full of the food he had gathered the other day.
      "Oh yes, we are creatures of magic. Dragons,unicorns, the various breeds of fae." He took a sip from the golden goblet he poured the wine into. Unlike you he seemed to not be feeling the effects of it. "We were created by magic, neither human nor animal. So we are free to choose whichever form we please."
       "Do you appear human often?" 
       He shrugged. "I'd say it's fairly even. There is a time and a place for my true form, and I do enjoy visiting cities and what not, and that only really can be done like this." He gestured to his human form. 
       "I was always told dragons would sit in caves on piles of gold. Seeking princesses and young knights to drag away. Never that they like to be tourists."
       "Everyone is different." He said. "Truth be told, all those stories are rather old fashioned. Me? I like humans. Well...some of you." He flashed you a grin, seeming to imply you were one of the likeable ones. "I suppose I've always been a rather curious one. When I was a hatchling, I would sneak off to town and play with local children."
        "Now that does not surprise me," you said playfully while returning his grin. "You strike me as the sort who was a little scamp when they were young."
      "Oh trust me, you are not far off." He chuckled. "My parents could do nothing to keep me away. Everywhere we went, I sought out people, and when I was grown I went all over. I learned to read in many of your human tongues. Learned histories of every land I could. Befriended as many as I could."
      "That sounds amazing," you said wistfully. The life he described sounded like it could have only existed in a novel. You had never been able to venture out past the borders of the village. "I envy you, Raihan. I've never known such freedom." 
      "Well now you can." He replied. "All those townspeople think you won't return. You can start somewhere else."
      Looking down at your own golden cup, your reflection stared back in the red wine. Never go back...that certainly was not the problem. They would not miss you, and you would not miss them. But what kind of life could you have out there? "I doubt wherever I go will be much better."
      "And why is that?"
      "...Once a thieving urchin, always a thieving urchin." You said with all the resentment in you. That brand had followed you over half your life, and odds are it would follow you to the grave.
       "I take it that's why they tied you up to be sacrificed." Looking up, Raihans face portrayed no emotion. Part of you wondered if now he was disgusted knowing he let a thief in here, or maybe he pitied you. Honestly you weren't sure which would feel worse.
        You nodded. "When I was ten, my parents died. My grandmother long gone years before. My father's shop had caught fire, you see. And suddenly I was an orphan. No money, no home, no family. No one wanted to help. I had nothing, and so to the townspeople I was nothing.I did the only thing I could do: I stole to keep myself alive. I was arrested now and then, but I always got out. But the more I did it, the better I was at not getting caught. Well, until recently. And I think you know how that went." 
         "I wish I could say this is the first I've heard something like this, but it does seem like a sad reality to humans."  Raihans face then turned to concern as he reached out to put a hand in your shoulder. It wasn't until the tears were welling in your eyes a moment later did you realize it was because you were on the verge of crying. The events of today finally sinking in. Then he added. "But that doesn't mean you cant move on from it. Trust me, I've lived long enough to know what I'm talking about. Some of the best people I've known have lead similar beginnings to yours. I know it must feel awful now, but it'll get better. I promise."
      "You can't promise anything." You said, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. "What am I going to do in this new town? All I know is how to steal. I'll just end up back where I was."
      "I mean, you could add some flare." He said jokingly. "I'd say you'd make a handsome jewel thief that steals hearts along the way." 
      You couldn't help but snort. "That is absolutely ridiculous." 
      "It's merely a suggestion." He grinned. "All I'm saying is why not have some fun with your self fulfilling prophecy?" 
      You paused for a moment. "...What was it like? When you first left to travel?"
     "A bit frightful." He admitted. "But exciting. Often times lonely."
     Raihan nodded. "Yes, dragons, though we live long, are few and far between. Besides my family, it would be a few years before I saw another of my kind. Those stories you talked about of maidens in towers, I can assure you the reason was never malicious. Those drakes did it more for companionship than anything else."
      "You make it sound like you speak from experience."
      "Raihan, you didn't!"
      "Oh I assure you ___," he smirked like an absolute cad and winked. "All princesses under my protection were there willingly.  And treated very well, if I do say so myself." Your face flushed at what he was implying, and Raihan bursted out laughing.
      After a moment you began to laugh as well. It had been so long since you could sit like this and be friendly with anyone. Raihan was so good natured, it felt like it would be a challenge not to like him. "Are you going to stay in this castle long?" You asked. Wondering if it would be forward to ask if you could visit him from time to time after parting ways.
      "For a few weeks," he said, taking a long drink from his goblet. "Then off to Wyndon."
      "Wyndon? As in the capital city Wyndon?"
       "The one and only. Off to visit a friend for the spring."
      Part of you felt a bit disappointed for him to be leaving so soon. "I hope you enjoy it, " you said,meaning it. "I admit, I'll miss your company."
     "Then dont miss me."
     "Come with me, I could use a travel companion."
     "What would I possibly do in Wyndon?" Even as you said it, your mind raced with the possibilities. You had only heard in passing of the great city where King Leon held court. Of its beautiful building and the wealth of opportunities to be found there.
      "What couldn't you do?" He replied. "The better question is what do you have to lose? Be my travel buddy, ___. See lands beyond this forest. Hear languages you've never heard. Rub elbows with royalty. If you don't like it I can drop you off in that village south of here, how does that sound? Unless of course you're considering being a heartbreaking jewel thief. In which case I wholeheartedly endorse your decision."
        You thought it over and over. Be a dragons companion. Go to the capital and regions beyond. Or go to some other backwater town and possibly live in the mud once more. It wasn't a very hard decision. "I'll take you up on that offer."
       Raihan smiled, a small fang poking at his bottom lip. He tapped his golden cup against yours. "Cheers. We ride in two weeks time."
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Eight is here...
Chapter Nine: A New Beginning
Chapter Ten Coming Soon...
Word Count 1.8k
Warnings: angst, mentions of intents to cause harm, fluff at the end
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When Ivar came into your chambers, he found you distraught and crying. He walked to you as fast as he could without falling. 
Ivar "Oh princess, what is it?!"
You were practically hyperventilating, "My dragon's-"
Ivar "What about them? Ryuu is fine, sweetheart."
"No, Neith and Eldr! They are still home with my father! He will change them to be dangerous creatures."
Ivar "Are you certain?"
"Yes. My father's dragon's were very different! He used them to kill and destroy kingdoms, I don't want mine to be the same."
Ivar "What do I need to do?"
"I...I just need my dragon's, Ivar."
Ivar "So I will prepare for our travel's to Wessex. You will get your dragon's, Y/n. I will make absolutely certain of it."
A day goes by before you make it back to Wessex. As soon as you see your kingdom, your heart starts to pound in your chest. You never wanted to come back but you have to get your babies back. All of the flashbacks came back into your memory, they are so vivid that it feels like they happened yesterday. Your hands clench into a fist and Ivar notices your instant panic, and grabs your hand. 
Ivar "Everything will be fine, my sweet. Nothing will happen to you or your dragon's."
"I know, it is just hard to be back here is all. I just want to get them and go back to Kattegat."
Ivar "You will soon, I promise. When we get back, your life will be much different okay?"
"I just need you and my dragon's...then I'll be happy."
Ivar "Well aren't I a lucky man?!"
You chuckle and lean into his side. Hvitserk is riding horseback right behind yours and Ivar's carriage. In front and on the side are warriors and shield maiden's. Having the support gave you some sort of ease but you are still absolutely petrified that something will happen today. You just have to put your trust in the gods that everything will go smoothly. 
Once you reach the gates, your people notice that it is you and open them willingly. 
"Welcome home, princess." A man said.
"Thank you." You were thinking about saying that it was good to be bad but that is far from the truth. So you simply thanked him and looked ahead of you. Ivar never let go of your hand the whole way towards the castle. You searched endlessly for any sight of your precious dragon's but no sign of them, worrying you insanely. Hvitserk stops his horse by your carriage and dismounts.
Hvitserk "Do you see them?"
"No..or him."
Ivar "Isn't he the king? Why isn't he out here by now?"
"That is what I am wondering. I don't like this."
Hvitserk "Hey, you're fine and so are we okay? We will find your dragon's and go home."
Ivar "Come on, let's go find them." You both get out of the carriage and your people stare at you and Ivar.
"Princess, who is this man?" A friend of yours asked.
"My soon to be husband. Now...where are they?"
"Neith and Eldr, where are they?!"
"I haven't seen them since you left earlier this week, Y/n. I thought you took them with you." Your heart sank. Where is your dragon's?
"Oh my gods…" You run into the castle, leaving behind your safety: Ivar and his guard's.
The first sight you see is none other than your father himself. You stop in your tracks and your knees get weak.
Father "Well well well! If it isn't my lovely daughter. I thought you weren't ever coming back. This is such a surprise!"
"Where are they, father?"
Father "They? Oh you mean your dragon's."
"Yes, where are they? They are mine-" The doors open and Ivar and his brother come in, along with his many guard's. 
Father "Oh..another surprise in my doorway!"
Ivar stops by your side, "Where are her dragon's?"
Father "Now that isn't very polite! I don't even know your name." 
Ivar "My name is Ivar. Ivar the Boneless."
Father "Oh...I know you very well-"
Ivar "You know nothing of me. Now I will ask you again, where are her dragon's?"
Father "They are in her chamber's. But I must warn you-"
"What did you do to them?"
Father "They haven't eaten anything in six days, so be careful little one. They might just eat you!" He laughs evily. You felt sick to your stomach and your eyes start to water. You put trust in your father that he would take good care of them while you were away. Note to self, never do that again. 
Hvitserk looks at Ivar and he scowls, Ivar returns the same glare. You run off to your chambers and Hvitserk and Ivar are close behind. Once you open your doors, Neith and Eldr are beyond chains up: their feet, their wings and neck are chained to your bed posts. You almost fall to your knees but catch yourself. They recognize you and screech out in joy. You have never heard them shout so loudly. 
"Hello, my babies! Oh my gods, you poor babies. Let me find you a key, Hvitserk you look over there, I'll look on this side." He agrees and finds a key in no time at all. When Ivar comes into the room, he is dumbfounded.
Ivar "Princess they are-"
"I know!" They are practically skin and bone. They don't look like yours but they surely are. You just have to feed them instantly. 
Ivar "Why would he do this to them?"
"Because they are not his and he knows it very well. He destroys everything that is not his own." 
Ivar "What do they eat?"
"They will eat anything at this point: meat, small animals, fruit etc."
Ivar "Go find some, and hurry back." He ordered a few of his men to bring back food for your dragon's. Ryuu is weeping for his brother and sister. As soon as they are unchained, they rush to you. You start to cry at the feeling of how badly they needed you, how badly they missed you. Hvitserk has to look away because he can not stand the sight of you crying. Ever since you came to Kattegat, he has grown a liking to you more than anyone. You mean a great deal to him, as well as Ivar. You hold all three of your dragon's in your arms as they nibble on your clothes, cheeks and shoulder's. The love-bites do not hurt, they are their way of showing love and affection. Ivar sits down beside you on the bed and rubs small circles on the small of your back. 
Ivar "They will get fed, princess. And in no time, we will be on our way back home."
"I cannot believe that he did this to them. If I didn't come today, they could've died Ivar."
Ivar "But they didn't, they are safe and sound in your arms. Everything will be okay." You sniff away your tears and wait for his men to come back with food. Neith and Eldr barely chewed, they just swallowed the food whole. You watched and witnessed how deprived your babies were. 
"Never again."
Hvitserk "What?"
"Never again will I trust my father." 
Hvitserk "To that I must agree with."
"Eat up, then it's time to go to your new home."
When your dragon's are fed enough to be able to fly, you and Ivar decide that it is time to head home. Once you walk out and into your gallery, your father stops you. He grabs you by your arm so that you cannot walk away from him. Ivar stops as well as Hvitserk. 
Ivar "Let her go."
Father "Or what, you will kill me, cripple?"
Ivar "Don't tempt me. You give me every reason to do so, considering everything you have put her through."
Father "You know nothing."
Hvitserk "On the contrary, we know everything. So let her go." He places his hand on top of his sword, ready to kill him if he tries anything. 
Father "So tell me, which one are you planning on marrying, little one?"
"That is none of your concern."
Father "Oh it is though. If one of these men is bound to be my son-in-law, I would like to know."
Ivar "I am. So I will tell you again, let go of her arm."
Father "You are marrying this cripple?! Are you serious, Y/n? You are a disgrace to this family and this kingdom."
Ivar "You are one insult away from starting a war."
Father "You don't scare me, Ivar the Boneless."
"You should stop talking, father. You have no idea what he is capable of."
Father "You are right there, Y/n. But I know what I am capable of, and he should not be threatening his king."
Hvitserk "You must have forgotten that Ivar too, is a king."
Father "Ah yes, the king of Scandinavia. How fascinating."
Ivar "You shouldn't be threatening your daughter...you should be ashamed of yourself. Bashing a woman such as herself. Who has done nothing but retrieve her dragon's."
Father "I gifted them to her, so technically they are my dragon's." You turn around and face him yourself.
"You know damn well they are not your dragon's. They are mine and always will be. You do not claim them, I do. Do you understand me?"
Father "Watch your tone-"
"No I will not! You have no right to tell me that they are yours. Who feeds them, who trained them, who cares for them? Me! You let them starve for six days! Six! How dare you?!"
Father "If you don't get out of my face, I will have you hung for blasphemy against the king."
Ivar "That is not going to happen." He takes out his dagger, Hvitserk his sword and his men get ready. 
"Do it, I dare you father. See what will happen. I know what will happen."
Father "Oh yeah, and what is that my dear?"
"You'll finally die, and all of my worries will be gone. I will die in the process but at least the good people of Wessex will not have to live another day under your rule. So do it." He lets go of your arm and Ivar immediately grabs you and pulls you into his chest. Hvitserk in turn, grabs your from Ivar and puts you behind him.
Father "Fine, go. But do not expect a home here ever again Y/n. You are no longer welcome here at Wessex. No leave before I change my mind." You leave with your dragon's and your boys and walk out of the castle. When you reach the gates, your friend since childhood stops you. 
"What? Where are you going?" She asked.
"Home. You won't see me again."
"Are you being serious?"
"You are more than welcome to come visit me in Kattegat. But yes, I will not be returning."
"...I don't know what to say."
"I love you."
"I-I love you too." After that, you left. Never looking back. Your dragon's are flying free above you and you have Ivar by your side. You look up and moan in relief.
Ivar "Look ahead of you, my love."
Ivar "Because ahead of you is your new life."
@hvitserkmarcosource @a-mess-of-fandoms @ivarsgoddess @youbloodymadgenius @ivarzeitgeist @heavenly1927 @kaitieskidmore1 @fadedprincess @herestherealproblem @saldelys @jzr201
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alyssa-orowane · 4 years
Fantasy tropes to avoid (and ideas to reinvent them)
Hello aspiring writers of Tumblr! How is it going?
This is my first post on here and I decided to dedicate it not only to the genre I am writing in, fantasy, but also to a crucial topic, which relates and affects every genre in different ways.
It's lazy to build stories on something that has already been written a million times before. I don't like tropes at all as a reader. If I wanted to read the same stereotyped story all over again I would just stick to the previous book I have read with that same plot, so I would also spare myself the trouble of learning the unpronounceable names of these new stereotyped characters.
On the other hand, as a writer it might be tempting to give in and use tropes. "Why not? After all everybody uses them and I am already SO busy writing the actual chapters of my story."
I tell you what: every time a trope threatens to slide into your story, crush the page and throw it across the room, yelling:
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Seriously, though: tropes are just general, undeveloped ideas. That's what you need to do, develop them. In this way only will you ever be able to unleash their hidden potential.
Without further ado, may I present you three of the most common fantasy tropes and hints to reimagine them.
*Keep in mind that this is only my personal view on the subject and you can either agree or disagree with it.
1. The chosen one
This one is the most obvious one and I am also quite sure that you expected to find it on the list. Interesting, Watson: I guess that it makes this article stereotyped too…
Well we all know those characters. Those characters that were meant to be the one. The prophecies had spoken about them long before they were even born. They might as well be the only one capable of using magic or wielding a certain weapon. This character is either the only one who pushes forward the storyline or that one protagonist who does everything except choosing anything actively in the plot. There is no in between. Either way, they only possess notable qualities. Of course there is no trace of flaws. I mean, they are the hero.
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Have a side-kick (or co-protagonist) be the chosen one instead
A great idea, if you really want to insert this trope in your story, is to use it to your advantage and surprise the reader with it. Who could ever expect that the protagonist was actually never the chosen one? Or that another character is the chosen one from the start?
To see this trope well recreated I recommend watching the BBC TV series "Merlin" in which a young sorcerer, Merlin himself, must help the future heir to the throne, the prince Arthur Pendragon, to fulfill his destiny and become the greatest king who has ever lived. Arthur has no clue of what has been foretold, nor that he even is at the centre of a prophecy. All of Merlin and Arthur's choices will determine either the glorious success or the tragic failure of the quest; all of this while Merlin hides his powers from Arthur and everyone else as magic is condemned in Camelot.
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2. Overused fantasy Races
...which translates mostly into putting Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, dragons and any of the Tolkenian elements and creatures in your own story. Now, don't get me wrong. Tolkien is one of my favourite authors, hence I am always captivated by those fantasy novels that display these Races in their stories. But I don't want to read a copy, I want to read your own masterpiece.
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That's exactly why you should:
Redesign the well-known fantasy Races and adapt them to your world and to your theme or just create brand new ones
Personally, I absolutely LOVE to craft new fantasy Races. I believe that it adds depth and realism to the world-building (which does not consist only of geography). Each civilisation brings their culture, their traditions to your story and that's what makes a world truly breathe. In my opinion, the purpose of fantasy is not to focus just on the epic deeds narrated or on endless battles enriched with magic and legends, though those are very important part of this genre and they must be just as equally developed. The reason why I write fantasy is to spread awareness around the vast variety of themes that coexist in our society nowadays, in the first place global warming, the racism that still today people experience, LGBTQ characters which are often unrepresented both in literary fiction and TV. What better genre than fantasy is there to represent diversity and multiculturalism? On these latter points I will never not be thanking and loving the works of Steven Erikson which are part of the high-fantasy series "Malazan Book of the Fallen". Diversity and the brand new variety of intriguing Races are a huge part of what makes Malazan such an awesome fantasy series. I refer to Steven Erikson as the main inspiration of my writing and I recommend you to give a try to his books, if you have the chance. I warn you though, that it is not any light or easy reading.
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The other option might be to reinvent the well-known Races. Tolkien himself did not "invent" the Elves of Middle Earth, rather he made a legend of his own after having studied the myths and ballads of ancient civilities. Then he developed their language, their history and their culture as if they were a real existing population. Every single aspect of Tolkien's worldbuilding can be read in his Silmarillion. I think it is a must-read for anyone who is looking forward to reinvent the traditional fantasy Races or just to know more about them.
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3. Unfailing magic systems
Magic can be anything you want. That doesn't mean, however, that it should be your escape point: stuff in your story should happen because of your characters, not only because of magic as it is simpler to put it that way. A magic system should be rational and engaging. The reader needs to be able to understand exactly how, when and why does magic work in your world. No, the answer should not be "because it's fantasy."
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Set rules, limits and costs to the magic in your world
How do character gain magic abilities? Is magic accessible to everyone or is it elitist? Is it taught in specialised schools or is it something that resonates from within? Are wizards free to practice magic or is it banned? Or maybe are there only specific areas of magic that are prohibited? What is its source? Does magic come from higher beings or are spells more powerful the stronger the mage's will? Does magic need a catalyst (such as a talisman, a weapon etc.) to be casted? If not, do wizard recite spells? Do they need to trace specific symbols? Otherwise is it necessary to make specific hand gestures in order to release their powers? Does it exist only one system for all mages to use or are there multiple kinds? Last but not least, what are magic users in your world called? It's all up to you to decide. Ask questions and let each question lead you to another one. You need to know exactly how your magic system works and so does the reader.
What I love about crafting magic systems is the freedom to establish the boundaries and the natural laws that apply to your world, as magic is a huge part of the story if you're writing fantasy. Well, this could also lead to another question: is your world actually ruled by magic forces or do magic abilities have just a marginal role in the world building?
Remember that magic should not be used as an excuse to fill eventual plot holes in your story. Your magic system should function correctly and it should always stay true to itself. In other words, it must be believable.
And I can hear you thinking "but it‘s magic!"
Then guess what? You need to make the readers believe that magic is real!
First of all, set the rules, the limits and the costs that apply to your system. Having done that, you'll have finished most of the work that concerns the use of magic in your world. Most, not all. If you are a bit of a perfectionist like I am, consider the importance of developing your system furthermore by asking yourself questions, such as the one I have written above.
Rules: decide what makes your system work and what magic can be casted for.
Limits: decide what kind of tasks your magic system cannot perform.
Costs: decide from what kind of source is magic obtained from and, literally, what does it cost to mages to obtain their magic from this source (as Rumpelstiltskin of OUAT wisely says: "all magic comes with a price.")
The most excellent and well-rounded magic systems I have ever come across are the ones created by Brandon Sanderson in this "Mistborn" trilogy: allomancy, feruchemy and hemalurgy. All three magic system permit the magicians to use a wide range of abilities based on the metals they can "burn". Magic originates in the Shards and from Preservation and Ruin, two god-like beings. If you're already interested, I definitely recommend you to check Sanderson's novels out: they are a useful resource of inspiration.
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I hope this post has somehow given you the inspiration to go and write right now. 
If you have questions about some of the points or requests for the next articles, don't be shy and send me a message! I will try to cover your topic as soon as possible and as best as I can (and I will also tag your profile, if you agree). 
Thank you all for your attention. Bisous^^
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
September Song (3/3)
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I'm sorry @kitten-wrath that this took so long, but I do hope you like it. @hoodoo12 @xerxezra thanks for brainstorming with me. By the way, @kitten-wrath there's a reference to one of your fics. I'm sure you'll know it immediately, but to those that don't the read her fic here (Link to referenced fic)
I'm really proud of this fic. It references many of my other fics since most of them being to my Fluffy Adventures With Your Boyfriend Doofus Rick series. I would list all the references, but there's too many. Though, I can list a few of the bigger references for context (Sentimental Reasons, As The World Falls Down, The Little Big Things)
Also, special thanks go to @her-victori for reading a majority of my fics in a short span of time. You Rock! As well to random anons who leave me sweet words in my ask box.
If you haven't read the first or second of this fic then here's the link. (Read Part1 Here) (Read Part2 Here)
In this fic the reader tries to be more reserved and mature for Rick, but what will he think?
Chapter 3: One hasn't got time
Random fish jumped out of the water, a cricket jumped over his foot, and there you two were amidst the music of the night. You sat on the hood of his car, swinging your feet back and forth, wondering what was going on inside of that head of his. You knew Zeta-7 was studying you, with one his hands in his pocket while the other held your heels, half hidden by the darkness. Was he worried you were going to walk barefoot on the gravel, or preoccupied with the state of your naked feet? Might've been the shade of nail polish you had on your toes, or simply he was thinking of a completely unrelated topic; of which you may never know. Nonetheless, you were compelled to apologize again in order to fill up the gap of conversation. “Rick, I really am sorry if I ruined our date. I should've just talked to you about how I was feeling.”
Walking around the car, placing your discarded heels in the back seat, Zeta-7 opened the trunk and searched around until he found what he was looking for. “Y-y-you didn't ruin our date,” he assured, dropping on one knee beside you so he could slip his sandals on your feet. “you saved it. It's - it's one less thing t-to worry about. Boy, I'm glad I-I still had a pair of flip flops in the trunk. They sure came in handy.”
“How long have those been in there.”
“I'd say a-a few months.”
A few months probably meant they'd been in there since that time you two went to the beach. You checked your now sandaled foot, giggling at the dramatic size differences between your foot and the sandal. “Hmm, I guess this means I'm not Cinderella; the slipper doesn't fit. That's a good thing because prince charming is so not my type.”
When he stood back up, he wondered. “Then what is y-your type?”
You'd think he'd by now that you had never been crazy about guys. Sure, in your teen years you had your random crushes on the guys in your art and science class, but nothing specific came to mind as to why they were appealing to you; you had other more activities which kept you happily diverted. And now, taking in the sharp lines of his suit, and eager want of understanding, you felt your heart flutter as it did when he was especially attractive to you. It wasn't so much in his appearance but in the feelings you had when light-hearted, casual sweetness flitted across the lines of romanticism; when smart, witty repartee translated to golden words, soft touches, and knowing. But to Rick, he needed both the conscious and unconscious understanding; the affirmation that you held him in high regard. “That's a good question Ricky. You know it's not goblin kings or fire-breathing dragons who are cursed princes in disguise, neither is it swimsuit models, or rock stars, and never villains. Honestly, I didn't know I had a type until I met someone who challenged the conventional rules.”
With raised brow, he shifted his weight to his other foot, pleasantly intrigued. “Is th-that so?”
Why the smartest man in the universe had to doubt the validity of his place in your heart and skeptical when varying parties voiced conflicting opinions would perhaps be the ongoing mystery, but you dare not hurt him further. “It is. I like people who are comforting, who can cook and garden. Maybe they'll tell me silly stories, and make me tea before they say goodnight. Being multilingual never hurt, and if they have a cute stutter, they might as well kill me with cuteness when paired with darling buck teeth. Hmm, reminds me of a certain mountain king I knew once upon a dream. Though the only difference between him and you is that he was very lonely, and as for you, I hope you'll never have to be again.”
You looked up at him, with cheeks flaming after this sort confession, finding that your usual open affections were a mix teasing and simple flirtations, but you looked away from his burning, but altogether odd gaze of his since your heart beated wildly in your chest from it; for a great deal of the time, you two were very casual with one another as you had been when you were just friends. Zeta-7 stepped closer, and put his hand under your chin and lifted your face to look at it keenly. “With you,” he smiled protectingly before he pressed a kiss on your forehead. “I-I-I never will be.”
You certainly hoped so. “Rick, I think it's getting late. Should we call it a night?”
“Are y-you tired?”
“Not in the slightest. Why? Feeling like an adventure?”
“Not exactly, but can I take y-you somewhere?”
“Sure. As long as you're there, then I don't mind.”
You snuggled into his side, trying to steal as much warmth as you could. “Since when did you have a hammock?”
“Since th-this morning. Do you like it?”
“I love it. Especially since it gives me an excuse to just come over and chill in the backyard. Maybe do a little bird watching, flirt with the gardener. You know.”
“Gosh, y-you can come over whenever you want. Mi casa es s-su casa. Remember?”
His home was your home? Well, you always felt it was in a way. As ever there was a feeling of unchangingness about the night sky, and with you two returning to the general lazy routine that was as delightful as it was elusive, you wondered how you were going to convince yourself to leave the comfort of his arms. You were happy that he chose to allow tonight's events go, and focus on the good parts, but while things changed at a steady pace, there were moments like this and in between, like at the ice cream shop which made you conscious of his want of family; of intimacy; of closeness to chase away all the lonely shadows which were always around the corner. You owed him a great deal, and honestly, you were in want of those things too. “I'm happy that you say that Rick,” you answered matter of factly. “because I can't wait for the day when it really is. Well, whenever you're home is ready to receive me.”
The hand which had been absentmindedly rubbing your arm stopped. And again, you heard him sniffle as was typical when he was emotional, and his heart was beating a little fast. You sincerely hoped you wouldn't hurt him with all this excitement. And when he calmed a little, he turned his body to face you, smiling softly at this possibility. “I-I-I look forward to that day too.”
Pots and pans are moved around, and he began to make his special brew. Unlike the mediocre ingredients which you had in your home, Zeta-7 had some of the freshest, and most potent herbs and spices which could be found in this part of the world. If you hadn't known better you'd say they were brought straight from India, and then to your surprise, he proceeded to tell you that they were, and how he regularly visits when he can. With delight, he tells of the exotic culture, of its people, the food, and the points of interest that would never be found in travel pamphlets; painting scenes and landscapes.
Like always he knew how to match your mood to a flavor, and give you just what you needed. From the cabinets, and from the pantry he retrieved what he needed, and lined them up on the counter. Whole cloves, green cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, which he breaks into pieces, freshly chopped ginger, ground nutmeg, white peppercorns, star anise, and loose black tea. Soon, the air was full of spices, and the Masala Tea was near completion; it was your favorite and made you think of many other similar times when you two sat together over tea to discuss many a topic which was suitable to talk about in the evening. With care, Rick poured his concoction into your new mug, and he poured his into a Shoney's mug and lightened both with milk, and sweetened them with honey. With the spoon he used to stir, he tasted it to be sure, then held it out to you. “I hope it's t-to your liking.”
“You know it always is, for you know what I like.” The first sip is heavenly, and you sigh happily as he watches you in amusement. “Rick, what's so funny?”
He holds your gaze for a moment, before he chuckles. “It's a-a secret.”
You stuck out your tongue, but he doesn't relent and goes on to drinking his tea. Zeta-7 can be a tease when he wanted to be, but he isn't so unkind as to not apologize. “I'm sorry, I-I-I don't mean to offend you or anything, but I'd love to make it up to you if you'd let me. I um - I got something for you.”
Pulling several small boxes from his inner suit pockets, which were definitely bigger in the inside, he handed them to you. “When I was on Mars last month, I saw a few things that reminded me of you. Do you want t-t-to know what they are?”
“Rick, you didn't have to do this. You spoil me enough as it is, but I would like to know.”
“Gosh, I wanted t-t-to do it. After all, y-you are my favorite.”
“I better be.” you winked. “Should I open it now?”
“If y-y-you want to. I hope y-you will like them.”
Taking a deep breath, you carefully unwrapped the sparkly gift paper and opened the first box which had a precious rose quartz apple brooch that you had only seen on TV. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Almost. Y-you see, on Mars, they manufacture a-a lot of - many similar products which you could find on Earth, except they tend t-to be more technological. This, for example, was originally made t-to act as a decorative cooling device for those really hot Martian days, but I modified it t-to do this.”
Cupping your hands with his, you gasped as it warmed your hands, and an inner calm took over you. He continued. “It'll calm you down any time you feel overwhelmed, and it doubles as a-a hand warmer. All y-you have to do is think good thoughts, and it'll magnify them.”
Unable to see where the hidden technology and mechanisms were, you wondered. “Is it magic?”
“Hohoho, if y-you want it to be. I-I-I know you don't - don't always like how you're meds make y-you feel and I wanted you to be able to be comfortable. And it'll come in handy when winter comes a-around.”
Trying it for yourself, it made you wonder as it soothed you if he had used properties from those empathic plants that existed on the planet with the ioculus and giant flowers. Who knows, but it felt wonderful, like a balm for your soul. Opening the next box, there was a hair clip in the shape of a puppy dragon. “Oh my goodness,” you gasped. “this is just too precious. Rick, what did you…how did you... ”
“I-I know how much you love them. It's not like th-the real thing, but it's c-cute isn't it?”
You didn't hesitate to clip it on your hair, feeling your smile growing. “Its freaking adorable. Sweet, sweet cookie man, please tell me they make other jewelry with similar designs.”
“Hohoho, they do but th-they sort of double as weapons. The hair clip can only summon them when th-they are within range of-of course.”
“What if I wanted to be queen of the puppy dragons? You never know, maybe I'm a dangerous woman. I can be ferociously adorable. When I want to be.”
Zeta-7 seemed to be considering this idea, and you had to poke him to make him realize you had simply been joking; mostly joking. The last box which laid on your lap was a bit heavier, and there were several layers of holographic tissue paper you had to peel away before you finally saw what it was. You felt tears prick at the back of your eyes sight of it; a miniature glass terrarium necklace, with a shrunken sunflower that had an iridescent shimmer on its petals.“You couldn't have bought this. Did you make it?”
“I-I did for the most part. That's a hybrid sunflower that can only be found on the Citadel, and I used metals that can rival gold and silver in its durability. It's - I-I-I could go into the mechanics of it, but I-I think that would ruin the surprise. M-mi corazón, if-if you look inside you'll see what I-I see when I think of you.”
Staring at it intently, it took a retina scan to verify the user, and then you saw clips of his memories of you. You saw yourself from his perspective, dancing around him while wearing your hello kitty pajamas; of you all sniffly and sick on the couch; that time you had flour on your cheeks after your failure in baking; of you blowing kisses; of you fast asleep amongst all the plants of his conservatory; of your joy as you pointed to things from the ferris wheel; of your hands as you touched up his makeup on his arms; of painting; of your tears and surprise; of huddling for warmth; of feeding his turtles; of you standing in the rain, drenched from head to toe; of you handing him clover; of your right above him, tickling and kissing him in the grass; of your Rick cosplay; of you standing in the half light of the moon; as a princess, confused as to who was who as you stepped into the ballroom; of hundreds of butterflies shielding you; trying to hide a shameless amount of candy; of you commanding plants to your will; of you sitting on the ground with a scraped knee and mess of Doritos and very surprisingly of you as a child handing him a rose from your father's garden before it all faded away. “I can't believe this.” you gasped, looking away in favor of Rick. “You've met me before?”
Scratching the back of his neck, he confessed sadly. “Yeah.”
“So when you said it wasn't the first time you waited for me, then what? You really did meet me as a child? In this dimension?”
“It's a-a long story. You probably wouldn't even remember.”
“Why didn't you say anything?”
“For very similar reasons as t-to why I had to wait in your dream. It's - I've known a-about you even before y-you were born, but that's - that's a-a different story for another day. As I said, it's a-a-a really long story, but I promise t-t-to tell you everything.”
He saw you grow up in real life and in a dream, he must have known about you for years. And yet, he waited. Why? That brought up so many other questions, but for now, you only considered him with a softer, deeper affection. “You're full of surprises aren't you? Always one step ahead of me. I'd say that's not fair, but I don't have a right to. You always have a good reason. You….you really do know me, don't you?”
Feeling warm lips on your temple, he chuckled. “N-n-not everything, but I like t-to try. I doubt anyone could know everything, but I- I like you. I-I-I know you could do better, but I just want you.”
“To think that all I wanted was for you to like me more.”
“Hohoho, I doubt I-I could like you less. Y-you're everything to me.”
Leaning down towards you, he captured your mouth in a firm kiss, and you tugged on his tie to bring him closer. He tasted like cardamom and promises, was everything and you couldn't think of a better way to end your date, but then to you disappointment, you heard the familiar sound of a portal and a couple of guard Ricks stepped through; their dimension numbers worn prominently on thier chests. “Yo ding dong, breaks over. They need you back in the lab pronto!” And when they fully stepped into the kitchen, they joked amongst themselves about how such a good for nothing Rick be capable of knowing what to do with a woman, let alone be so well acquainted with one.
Zeta-7 visibly winced at their laughter since they had come at an inopportune time, but for your sake tried to remain strong. “I-I-I guess our date really is over.”
“It was nice while it lasted.”
“Come on Doofus,” yelled the head guard. “we don't have all day. You can play with her later.”
“I'm - I'm sorry about this,” he whispered. “I sh-should have told you that there was a-a chance of being called into work.”
“Don't worry, I'm sure they need you for something really important. You know I'll be here when you come back. Don't you? I'll be fine, really I will be. Be careful Ricky. I love you.”
Pulling you into a tight hug, he was hesitant to let you go, but at the urging of his superior, he let go with a frustrated sigh, removed his suit jacket, and grabbed his lab coat and followed after them. Once gone, you cleaned up, and wiped down the counters and table. Seeing his jacket, and not wanting it to wrinkle, you picked it up and hung it in the hallway closet. Though, once it was hung, you noticed a slight bulge in one of the inner pockets. You had a feeling, though thinking it could possibly be otherwise, you reached down, and pulled out a box; a single glance to confirmed it. Zeta-7 had intended to make an honest woman out of you.
With shaky hands, you slipped it over your ring finger, and felt hot tears run down your cheeks; you had possibly ruined his opportunity to propose. When you felt that you had worn it for an inappropriate amount of time, you pulled it off and placed it back in the box; it wasn't yours yet. You two only wanted to make each other happy, but there would always be obstacles and peculiar incidents along the way. And this….you certainly hope he wouldn't change his mind and try again; whenever that time would be.
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