#and then the poor person im talking to can awkwardly smile and slowly walk away concerned
spirirsstuff · 11 months
planning my connor murphy costume for halloween
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iwavibes · 4 years
first off i’d like to say i rlly love your writing🥺🥺 and i want to thank you for sharing your work with us!!! ive read ur whole masterlist and it’s all so so good! i’m obsessed w pretty setters 🥰 i was mayhaps .... wondering if you could write something maid cafe related w either suga, kageyama or kenma? 😳 u don’t have to obviously KDNDKNDKS anyways hope you have a good day today!!!
AAAAA IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE PRETTY SETTERS SO FAR!! you're so sweet omg lemme give u a kith this made my whole day 😩💞 it's 11PM rn so this might be a bit of a mess 😭 fingers crossed that my tired brain won't fuck this up 🤞 finished this at around 12AM NSKSJSKM i hope you like this anon 💕💗
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hq reacting to y/n working at a maid cafe
---sugawara, kageyama & kenma
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sugawara koushi
sugawara is very adventurous like he'd be all out on trying new stuff
may it be food, hobbies, anything.
man is a knitting legend and he only went to one (1) lesson 😩
king shit 👑✊
so when noya suddenly dragged him to a maid cafe, he didn't think much of it
he was already used to his friend's pervy tendencies
why he was hanging out with him on his own was a mystery
he would quickly scan the menu, eyeing the pictures of cute food along with whatever dish sounds appetizing enough
his concentration was cut off, however, when he heard a familiar voice
even tho you purposefully raise your voice up a notch this man would still know that it's you
he'd blush furiously as soon as his eyes meet yours and seeing you in a cute maid outfit really did not help his case
you'd freeze as soon as you processed the identities of the customers in front of you mostly at suga
noya would eye the two of you knowingly, a somewhat proud smirk on his face
"really??? must have slipped my mind."
you wanted to kill him
you would try to get back into character very awkwardly if i might add and suga would just stare at you in disbelief
was this why you always rejected him whenever he asked you out?
my boy would be having a whole ass epiphany and now he's seeing you in a whole new light
"and you, senpai?"
still, even with all these new information, he can keep his cool and tell you what he wanted smoothly.
after that, everything would be going smoothly
but then, as time passes you notice that sugawara hasn't left yet and noya is nowhere to be seen.
by the time your shift ends, he'd stand up from his seat and jog towards you with a smile
"since your shift is over, is it okay for me to take you out? or atleast walk you home?"
and tbh how could you say no to that
"you know, you could've told me that you were working during the weekends. now i feel bad for trying to keep you away from your job." he said as he walked you home.
"well... working outside school campus is strictly prohibited and i didn't want to take any chances. only one of my friends know about it and noya only found out by accident." you explained. "i'm sorry if i made you feel like i didn't trust you."
"it's okay! i totally understand why you didn't tell me. at least now i know when you get off work, this way i can walk you home everyday." he beamed.
you feel your heart pound in your chest at his words, heat slowly spreading across your cheeks as you look at him in shock.
"that is, if it's okay with you?" he stopped walking before turning his body to you. politely awaiting your answer. you nodded your head slowly and sugawara can't help but smile wider.
"you're very admirable, y/n."
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kageyama tobio
unlike sugawara, kageyama is a very awkward dude
he lost a bet against hinata and now it was time for his punishment
kageyama may be the king of the court and he may look like the coolest man alive whenever he's on the court but thats about it
everything else, this poor boy is really clueless and awkward someone save him
so while they were walking around town, hinata trying to figure out what to make kageyama do, they passed by the maid cafe you work out
believe me when i tell you a light bulb suddenly sprouted from the tangerine's head
all he needed to do was go inside the cafe and buy some milk
simple stuff
but you should remember that this guy is so awkward and unaware that it can be painful just to look at him try to fit in
and soon kageyama finds himself walking to the cafe, money in hand, as he tried psyching himself out as he steps nearer to the entrance
'i can do this'
'i defeated oikawa so this will just be a piece of cake'
'boke hinata boke'
when he does enter the cafe, he opened the door too hard, making all the customers and employees turn to the sound
this boy would be glaring as he walked to the nearest empty seat
i kid you not everyone is terrified of this boy rn
and he's embarrassed enough as is because of how loud he opened the door and now everyone was looking at him 😭
baby just wants some milk 😩
it gets worse once he sees the person that will be serving him
bc wow have you seen yourself???? you're fucking hot bRO
stutters. A LOT.
and you can't help but to smirk at his flustered state.
"uhhh... m-milk please?" this was the guy everyone is scared of? you wanted to ask your co workers. it's just kageyama. the boy in your class who failed that one exam and practically begged you to tutor him. this?? this is who you're scared of?
you raised a brow teasingly at his state. "of course! would that be all, master?"
this guy literally chokes on his own spit while shaking his head frantically. you chuckled before walking away to get his drink.
"here you are, sir." you say as you settled the glass on his table. taking the money from his outstretched hand. no words. he just wants you to take the money and save him from further embarrassment.
"you know, you may be scary on the court but you're actually very adorable, tobio-chan."
ERROR kageyama.exe has stopped working
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kozume kenma
if you guys thought kageyama was bad then... you right kenma is just behind him by a scratch
unlike his fellow setter, kenma can still form words when he saw you
why was he in a maid cafe in the first place? simple;; kuroo
it was one of the rare instances where his best friend actually managed to get him out of the house
and now he's salty
has a permanent frown etched on his face the whole walk to the cafe >:(
and kuroo would be talking away, unbothered by his friend's attitude and now here they were
"you know i've always wanted to come here. i heard they serve really tasty milkshakes."
"shut up."
he'd start playing on his phone while kuroo scolds him about how unhealthy it was to play games this much
but kenma remains unbothered
however, the moment he sees you, boi is already lost
he'd stare at you for a long time until you hear the small sfx indicating that he died.
he couldn't care less tho as he pocketed his phone inside his hoodie
kuroo quirked a brow at his friend before turning to you
"y/n! i didn't know you worked here."
"im trying to buy the latest installment of [insert random game here] so i need the money."
wow,, can you be any more perfect?
rn kenma's brain is already whirring with thoughts as he pictured this as one of his roleplay games
y/n says: so what will you be having?
choices: [banana] [latte] [ps4]
he picks the latte
"coming right up!"
and for the first time that day, kenma smiles
"oya?" kuroo spoke up the moment he sees his friend's upturned lips. "what's this?"
his face turned into a scowl again as he glared at his friend. "none of your business."
kuroo smirked, already scheming before standing up. "i'm gonna go to the restroom. watch our food while i'm gone."
"it's not like it's going anywhere." kenma huffed but his raven haired friend was already walking away.
"here are your orders, kenma." you announce, setting the food down on the table. "let me know if you need anything else."
you were just about to walk back to the counter when you suddenly felt a hand stop you by your wrist. you turned around towards a sheepish looking kenma. his eyes landing on every where but you.
"i have that game you're saving up. if you want, we can play it together. it's a multiplayer game right? i haven't started on it because kuroo sucks at shooting games." kenma's voice has always been soft and very quiet. some would've found it hard to understand what he just said but to you, you could hear him as clear as day.
"sure, we can play it this friday if you want?"
kenma nodded, finally lifting his head up to look at you.
"see you on friday then."
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jewelwayne101 · 4 years
Obey Me x reader (Lucifer/Satan/Beel)
(This is for all those fellow peeps who grew up in an home where ‘i love you’s, hugs and kisses were very rarely there and fights often happened)
Lucifer has been noticing that mc has been very quiet and always exhausted after a few conversations. Always shying away when large or even minor arguments and fights break out among the brothers. He had read through the report that had all of y/n’s information and noted that their family wasn’t the best, but who really had that? Deciding that he needed to talk to mc, Lucifer had called them into his office.
knocking on the door and slowly opening it, MC stepped inside and smiled up at Lucifer. “You need me for something Lucifer?” Said male nodded and waved to the chair in front of his desk. “yes please have a seat, i wish to discuss something with you.” Nervous, MC walked towards the desk and took a seat in the chair and looked up at Lucifer after getting settled. “Did i do something wrong?” Shaking his head no he spoke up “No i just wished to discuss something with you is all.” Clearing his throat he got to the point “now MC, i wish to know why you get so exhausted even after one conversation and shy away when someone even raises their voice just a little.” shifting in the chair anxiously, MC avoided his gaze clearing their throat, feeling put on the spot. “Its not really all that much of a big deal Lucifer, just how i was brought up i guess” What MC said sparked Lucifer’s interest and he stood up to sit on his desk in front of MC. “What do you mean, the way i was brought up?” Cringing at their poor choice in words, MC sighed. “i guess it’s just...When i was a child growing up, my parents were constantly fighting and involving me into their fights. So i just..made it an instinct that if im not around the fighting, they can’t bring me into it. For the exhaustion thing though, i’m just...not very social due to said fighting so it gets exhausting after a while.” Lucifer nodding at MC’s words not quite sure how to comfort them, gently reached out and placed a hand on MC’s shoulder trailing it to their cheek and tilted their head to look up at him. “Whenever anything that causes you to feel like this, come find me. You won’t even need to explain yourself. Just sit and collect yourself, okay?” Nodding, MC stood up and embraced Lucifer in their arms. “Thank you.” Awkwardly at first, he wrapped his arms around MC’s frame pulling them closer and smiled “my pleasure”
MC had ran off during a dinner when everyone was at eachothers throats after a bad test score which caught everyone’s attention. Looking amongst themselves, Mammon looked the most outwardly worried. Satan cleared his throat and caught the attention of his brothers. “I will go and find them.” Rising to his feet and handing his food to Beel (whom was more than happy for the new found food) he set out looking for MC. Thinking where they could be, he walked towards the library. Gently opening the door he gazed inside and saw MC sitting up on the couch nose buried in a random book. Closing the door behind him he walked towards MC sitting on the opposite side of MC picking up a random book that was beside him and pretended to be reading. After a good couple minutes, MC looked up and jumped after noticing Satan sitting there. “S-Satan you scared me!” Chuckling, he sat up straighter and placed the book to the side of him. “My apologies MC, just came to check up on you after you off so suddenly. Normally you stick around longer.” Noticing at MC had bitten their lip and slouched their shoulders, he continued “you haven’t been yourself lately. You Don’t help Mammon with his shenanigans, You don’t seem to go shopping with Asmo anymore. You don’t even watch anime with Levi anymore. What is troubling you?” Taking a deep breath, MC had gently placed the book on their chest and looked up towards the high ceiling their head resting on the arm rest. “My...family wasn’t all that great. Constant fighting and screaming at one another. My parents even blamed me for some of their problems or used me to pin themselves against one another. So whenever fighting breaks out i try to take myself as far away from it as possible....I don’t mean to distance myself from everyone, its’s just...kinda what happens.” Satan could understand where MC was coming from having this crazy family himself. “Thing’s are a bit hectic here but i can assure you that they can get better. It may take time and it could get worse before it gets better, but there will always be the sun after a thunderstorm” MC smiled at the analogy about the sun as it wasn’t here and Satan noticed that. “Didn’t take you for a pun person.” “MC chuckled looking over at satan an unfamiliar look in their eye. “I’m not, but i love hearing them come from you.” Satan chuckled and scooted closer to MC now being able to feel their warmth.”Well how about a couple more?”
It’s been a couple of months ever since the exchange program and getting settled back at home was harder than MC had first expected it to be. They were used to the constant hollering of the brothers but now they were back with their parents and screams can be heard all over the house as well as the shattering of glass. Unable to contain the exhaustion and the stress, large salty tears began to run down MC’s face soon the flood gates opening up and they had sat down on their bed knee’s pressed up to their chest, hands cupping their ears trying to block out the screams coming from seemingly everywhere. Attempting to try to place together their breathing enough they placed their hand on their pact mark with Beel and cried out his name “Please B-Beel...i need you here with me please!” After a couple of seconds which seemed like hours, a shadowy pentagram of Beel’s pact mark appeared in the middle of the air in front of her and out stepped Beel looking even more disheveled than usual. Beel, out of breath quickly stepped towards MC and pulled them into his larger frame. “What’s going on, are you okay?” Shaking their head, MC couldn’t stop the large salty tears from falling down their face. “Please...I don’t want to be in this house right now” Nodding, Beel took MC fully into his arms and walked back into the pentagram and spawned into his room. Gently laying MC on his bed he laid down beside them and MC had curled around Beel listening to his heart beat attempting to get their breathing and own racing heart to slow down. “Thank you Beel.” Shaking his head he smiled down at the smaller human, “I’ll always be there for you MC. Just call for me and i will always be there to come and get you.” MC smiled and for the first time months, they fell into a peaceful sleep with no screams to haunt it.
this randomly came to me and i spent two hours going over this and trying to keep them seperate because i know it gets annoying to read the same thing over and over again with no differences. Anyways hope who ever reads this, likes it. Any ideas for what to write, leave a comment or send me an ask and i’ll write it. BAI
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Burning Scars part X
Previous | Chapter 10 | Next
whoops i missed two weeks of updating, sorry, concussion stuff :) im all good now tho so more! updating!
I changed the original story up a bit :)
Summary: Y/n, a werewolf from a hidden village, comes across Zuko and Iroh after being exiled. How has fate intertwined the wolf into the avatar’s destiny?
Zuko’s been acting a little... weird lately. 
Well, let’s clarify something; Zuko always acts weird. But ever since the trio went into work that day, the boy had been on edge. 
Y/n was standing at the tea station, just leaning against the wall and spacing out. Iroh was beside her, humming a small tune as he prepared the next batch of tea. Then, the boy quickly walked up to them in panic. 
“Guys, we have a problem.” He said as he set the teacups he was holding onto the table. “One of the customers is on to us. Don't look now but there is a girl over there at the corner table.”
Y/n snapped out of her daydream and looked over to the person Zuko was talking about. It was a pretty girl; she had long dark hair pulled into two braids and a sappy smile on her face. Instantly Y/n knew that she wasn’t suspicious of anything. 
“Didn’t I say don’t look?!” Zuko whispered and dragged both of his companions arms to turn away. 
A laugh almost escaped Y/n’s mouth as she shared a look with Iroh. “You know Zuko, I think you’re right, I’ve seen her here a lot.”
The clueless teen nodded his head and furrowed his brows. 
“Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you.” Iroh laughed and went back to whatever it was that he was doing. 
Zuko let out a ‘what?’ and Y/n sighed in response. She had to keep reminding herself that she and the other boy were nothing remotely close to romantic. If anything was learned from last night, they were just friends; family, at most. And she was okay with that, honestly. She had so many issues with him that it probably wouldn’t even work out. But still, she couldn’t deny the fact the Zuko might’ve been the topic of her daydream just moments ago. 
Y/n resumed her position of leaning on the wall. She watched as the ‘mysterious’ girl walked up to the counter and began to talk to Zuko flirtatiously. The girl introduced herself as Jin and payed for her drink. 
“Thank you and ... well, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?” Jin asked with a hopeful gaze. 
Zuko paused in bewilderment and it almost made the poor girl regret her request. Y/n wasn’t going to butt in, she really wasn’t, but soon she decided that it was for the best. Maybe if she helped him get in a relationship, it would help her get over her slight (once again, very very slight) feelings over him. 
“He’d love to.” Y/n responded for Zuko. 
The boy looked around his shoulder and sent the wolf a questioning glare, but she just sent him a smile and turned to help Iroh make some tea.
My job here is done. 
Jin and Zuko talked a bit more and ended with her saying that she’d meet with him at sundown. That meant that for the rest of the day Zuko chatted nervously with Y/n and Iroh, giving off mixed feelings between ‘I don’t want to go’ and ‘should I dress nice?’. Y/n let Iroh do all the talking, she wasn’t too much of an expert in that area.
When she was in her pack, Y/n wasn’t exactly popular among the boys. They mainly drifted her to strong, beautiful sister and the girl wasn’t bothered by it too much. She had a few crushes here and there, but that was about it. Nothing was ever acted on. 
So hearing that this was Zuko’s first date relieved her to an extent; at least she wasn’t the only one who’d gone this long without being in a relationship. But there was the other part that nagged her a bit, the fact that Zuko was having his first date; with a stranger none the less. 
Quit all this feeling stuff, it’s getting annoying. 
Y/n may or may not have been giving Zuko a form of silent treatment for the day. If he ever asked her anything, she answered, but other than that, she never intimated any conversation. There wasn't any particular reason (lies), but it certainly didn't go unnoticed by her roommate.
"Hey, uhh.. if you don't think that I should go, I won't." Zuko said randomly on their break.
Y/n's eyes furrowed in confusion. "I literally answered her for you, Lee. If anyone is being hesitant, it should be you."
"So," he began. "Your not bothered? At all?"
There was this weird look in the boy's eyes, something of... Hope?
That's weird.
"Listen, if you need advise or something, Iroh will probably be your best bet." The werewolf laughed awkwardly.
He just sighed and went back to work.
When closing time was coming and there were hardly any customers left, Zuko and Iroh went to the backroom to prepare. Y/n didn’t really pay attention to what they were doing; she just assumed that they were cleaning up any dirty bits he picked up or making him smell better. 
That was why when Zuko walked out into the dining room with his hair slicked back ridiculously, Y/n couldn't hold back the snort that escaped her. Why would Iroh do this to him? Some revenge she didn’t know about or something?
Zuko glared at her and she just masked up her laughter as a cough. “You look great!” She even put a thumbs up to try an convince him of her lie.  He just rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, slowly opening the door of the restaurant. By that time, the few remaining people had filtered out and it was just the three of them. 
When the view of Jin came, even Y/n couldn’t hold back her gasp. 
The young girl was really quite beautiful. Her braid was fixed and she had a youthful enthusiasm to her features. It was a beautiful contrast to the adult life that Y/n and Zuko were thrown into. 
Jin’s eyes widened at the boys new look and laughed, saying something clever to him. Zuko just shut the door so his two roommates wouldn’t listen in on their conversation. 
“He’s growing up so fast,” Iroh jokingly sniffled and wiped a fake tear. 
Y/n laughed and nodded her head. I hope he’s nice to her. 
The werewolf turned and returned to the backroom so she could put her apron away. She assumed that Iroh was following, so she didn’t bother waiting. 
“So,” She began, “what should we do tonight?” Y/n began to wave her arms around dramatically. “Get some food? Watch a play?”
She was really looking forward to tonight. Now they didn’t have Zuko here constantly breathing down their necks (”We don’t have enough money for that!!” “Why buy that when you can buy this!” it got a little redundant at times). 
Iroh slid his apron off and chuckled. “Oh no no... I’m far too old to have fun at night.” 
Y/n deflated. To be fair, the sun hadn’t fully set yet. “I mean... I guess we could read at home?” 
He shook his head once more and turned toward the werewolf. “Just go have fun, meet new people. Don’t let someone like me slow you down!”
She pouted. Why does he think that time spent with him is wasted? She has plenty of fun hanging out with the sweet uncle! Y/n looked at his happy, aged face and observed his truthfulness. She knows that he just wants her to have fun, but still...
“Just go, Y/n, and I’ll see you back home tonight.” Iroh smiled. 
Y/n sighed, looking at Iroh one last time, before turning around and heading out the same door that Jin and Zuko left through. When the brisk air hit her, it felt different somehow. Maybe because this was her first time being out alone. She means this quite lightly, of course, but something about it still irked her. 
The sun was sorta bright out, but not much. 
It had set halfway, so the small beams were jutting out the tops of the building and the sky was painted the scene of fire. Oh, her and her love for sunsets. 
Y/n decided to pick a direction and walk. Honestly, in this part of the city, there weren’t many sights to see; everything interesting rested in the higher Rings since they could afford it. 
After a few minutes, the girl saw a stand selling sweets. She patted her pockets and brought out her tips from work. It wasn’t much, but definitely enough for the night. 
She paid for some iced treats; Popsicles of some kind. She wasn’t entirely sure which flavor to pick, so she went with her childish side and decided to buy two that she was interested in. 
As she continued her trip, Y/n stopped at a few places to watch things. Since night was approaching, shows were starting on random parts of the streets. People performed odd talents for money and it excited the girl; maybe she should do something like them, it seems fun. 
At some point, Y/n ended up at the entrance of a zoo. 
She was almost finished with the first ice cream in her grasp when she decided to enter the park. It seemed deserted and there was only one person at the front desk. 
“Umm, excuse me? Are you open?” Y/n asked since the worker was almost half asleep. 
The man jumped awake and looked around, startled. Then, his eyes landed on the girl’s curious figure. “Yes. Is it just you? Where’s your friends?”
Y/n pouted in response. “It’s just me, how much is it?”
She began to ruffle through her pockets, hoping that it was enough to see the animals, but the man waved a hand in the air.
“It’s fine, you can just go ahead. Just don’t feed the animals.” He said while looking suspiciously at the girl’s popsicles. 
Y/n nodded her head and smiled in thanks. Then, she went inside.
She wasn’t entirely sure why she wanted to be here; it would be hard for her to see captive animals when she herself was one (well, not caged, but you get the point). Her pack elders had informed her of zoos and used it to scare the kid wolves so they wouldn’t go and try to find humans. Of course, that never worked on Y/n and her siblings. She honestly just thought that it was fake up until this point. 
The werewolf walked around to each cell to observe the animals. It almost made her cry; they all just looked so lonely. Y/n couldn’t imagine how trapped they must feel in this small cage; a part of her was happy that she wasn’t in that situation, though. 
“They all look so sad.” 
Y/n turned around and was met with a young boy, possibly about twelve years old. He was bald with a blue arrow tattooed across his forehead and arms and held a long stick in his hands. The orange of his clothing made him standout against the dreary greys of the zoo. 
The girl looked at the animal across from them. It was a Rabaroo, an animal with long ears and bouncy legs. Y/n could hear small chirps coming from the pouch in her front, but she decided not to say anything. 
“She’s really hungry too, I can tell.” Y/n said as she walked up closer to the cage. 
The poor animal was almost pleading for help. She had a thought that the Rabaroo knew what she was, a predator, but still asked for help. These animals must be really desperate. 
The boy joined her. “I wish there was something I could do, but I’m not sure how to help.”
Y/n nodded her head in agreement. When she got this feeling in the past (before they entered Ba Sing Se with their Ostrich-Horses), she found a solution; to just let them go and be free. Now, however, she just felt helpless.
Instead, she just looked at the boy and held out the other ice treat in her hand. “Do you want one? I can’t finish both.”
He got a childish excitement in his eyes and grabbed the treat. Y/n smiled back at him, maybe something good can come from today. 
“I’m Aang, I’m looking for my lost Sky Bison.” Aang said as he began licking to Popsicle. 
“Y/n,” she introduced herself while thinking, what the Spirits is a Sky Bison? “I'm just wandering the city; thinking."
“Really?” He asked. “What are you thinking about?”
What was she thinking about?
There’s so much that should be on her mind right now; her future, how her family’s doing, how she’s doing, but for some reason the only thing that’s been scattered around her brain recently was Zuko. Something about him just seemed so.. spirits, she couldn’t even find the word for it. But it seemed like she was seeing him differently now.
“Oh, you're still here?"
Y/n and Aang turned to the voice that spoke. It belonged to the man at the front desk, the one that let her in for free.
"Do you know what's wrong with the animals?" Aang asked the owner, ignoring the rude phrase that he said.
"Well, the Dai Li won't give me any money because the kids stopped coming. And the kids won't come because my zoo's nasty and broke." The owner sighed. "I wish I could give all these animals the big, open space that they need."
Y/n frowned. He must have really good intentions, it's just the situation that makes him seem bad.
She met eyes with the younger boy to her side and was surprised to see the... Joy?
"Let's do it!" Aang yelled out, surprising both people beside him. "There's a big open space right outside the walls of the city!"
"But how do we transport them?" Y/n asked.
She was totally on board with the idea, it's just that it seemed a little... Impulsive. But she was talking to a child, though, and they always have such big ideas.
"Oh I'm really good with animals." The boy smiled. "Do you want to help me?"
The werewolf paused, thinking that maybe she shouldn't get involved in this event. But one look at the poor Rabaroo peering up at her with it's wide eyes made her cave in.
"You know... I'm pretty good with animals too."
She was not as good as she thought she was.
Aang and Y/n separated because they needed to find a way to calm the wild animals running loose. The boy (spirits bless him) thought it was a fantastic idea to let all of the animals go at once; from the biggest animals to the smallest rats. It was wild.
And so here the werewolf was, chasing down a pair of Raccoon-Crows. Since the sun had set long ago, there weren’t a lot of people out. Most who enjoyed the liveliness of the night has had their fun and returned to the welcoming embrace of their beds. Oh, if only I stayed home to sleep.
“Get back here!” Y/n yelled as the birds flew off once again.
They seemed to look at her with a mischievous gleam in their eyes; waiting for her to get close before bolting off once again. It was getting very annoying.
She didn’t regret helping the young boy, especially since she might’ve gained a friend out of this. She only regretted not coming up with a better plan; or at least to wait until morning.
“AHHH!” A voice screamed off in the distance.
Y/n groaned and turned toward the yell, knowing that some animal was probably attacking some random citizen. What she didn’t expect though, was to run face first into Zuko and Jin’s date.
Jin had a hog-monkey climbing on her dress and Zuko was in full panic mode. He tried to help her push the animal off, but it seemed to have a steel grip on her. Luckily, they were alone in some fire lit plaza.
Y/n felt really awkward, especially with how private the area was. What would they need privacy for? She quickly pushed that out of her head though and whistled loudly to catch the Monkey’s attention.
The animal and the two teens looked at her in surprise. Y/n took out a treat that the Zoo Keeper had given her and waved it to catch the eyes of the Hog-Monkey. When it loosened it’s grip, she threw it as far as she could away from the group. Luckily, it jumped away in excitement.
“Y/n?!” Zuko exclaimed. Sighing in defeat, the werewolf slowly joined the duo.
Jin was still slightly frightened and was grasped onto the boy’s arm. Y/n pretended not to see it.
“Hey Lee. Fancy seeing you here?” She tried miserably as she scrunched her face up in discomfort. Maybe they’ll be able to cut this conversation short.
“Why aren’t you back home with Uncle?” Zuko said as his eyebrows squished together in anger. “What are you even doing out here?”
“I decided to go out too,” she explained quickly, “but listen, I met this boy and we’r-”
“A boy?!” He seemed to be fuming now. “You can’t just go around talking to random people.”
This made the werewolf (and Jin, but we’re kinda ignoring the sweet girl for a moment) raise her eyebrow in disbelief. He’s really out here, scolding her for making friends when he’s on a date with some girl he’s never met before. Does he ever think before he speaks?
“I-” Y/n paused and took a deep breath to calm herself. “You know what? We’ll talk about this later. I think we’re both busy at the moment.” 
Zuko glanced at his date and the werewolf used that distraction as an excuse to leave. She ran off in the direction of the Hog-Monkey, hoping that it hadn’t run too far and purposefully ignored the boy who yelled in protest behind her. Stupid Zuko and his stupid anger issues. 
When she got far enough, she slowed to a walk and looked around. The monkey must’ve gotten away because it was nowhere in sight. 
“Hog-Monkey.... c’mere monkey, I have treats.” Y/n spoke loudly out into the dark streets of Ba Sing Se. 
She hoped that the animal would hear her words and come barreling toward her, but she was only greeted with silence except for the soft footsteps coming from a lady walking down the street. Besides for the lady, the entire street was empty and no other animal was in sight. 
That was when she heard it. 
A high pitched ringing noise that rattled her bones and made her brain shrink in protest. It was louder than anything she’d ever heard before. It wasn’t the noise that was painful, no no, it was the feeling of being ripped apart that did. 
The noise, for some reason, caused the werewolf in Y/n to go absolutely crazy. It was fighting the girl; desperately trying to shift into its natural skin so it could run toward the ringing. 
Y/n hunched herself over and groaned out in pain. She looked at her hands and saw it shifting between claws and human hands; she could only imagine what the rest of her body was doing. 
“Are you alright, sweetie?” 
The transforming-girl looked up to meet the eyes of the lady who was on the street. Her eyes were filled with worry, but slowly changed into something of fear.
Before the werewolf could do something to hurt the kind woman, Y/n bolted down an empty alley. Spirits, what is happening to me?
She leaned against the dirty wall and tried to catch her breath, but her wolf just kept clawing at her, desperately trying to escape. She punched the wall, leaving a fist-sized dent (her mind just brushed it off as her wolf power, but that was weird, right?). Then, while the ringing noise still blasted through her ears, she felt her snout slowly grow out of her face; a growl of effort roaring through the alleyway. 
The young girl wanted to cry. Why couldn’t she control herself right now? She was used to the pain of transforming, she had done it all of her life, but she’d never experienced the pain of her two natures battling. It was something entirely different.
The seconds that were passing seemed like hours.
All she could think was, when will the ringing stop?
Soon, she didn’t have the power to hold it back anymore. Her human body was weak and she hated herself for it. She let her werewolf grow into its natural size, towering above her normal height. She felt her clothing rip until it was just strips of fabric on on the floor. 
The ringing stopped, but her wild mind remembered where the sound came from and began its run there. 
Fortunately (although, its also very unfortunate), her journey was ended when something sharp pierced through the skin on her neck. Her dark eyes jumped around until it landed on the fearful lady from the street shaking beside a group of men.  
Y/n felt a sudden drowsiness come over her and her large body fell limp to the floor despite it’s fighting. Just before the unconsciousness came over her, though, the green circle on the men’s chest became prominent in the moonlight.
Then, her world went dark.
Dai Lee >:(
also Aang’s whistle thing >:(
 i know that this is a VERY slow burn, but maybe some... couple-y stuff in the next few chapters? we’ll see ;)
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
call me babe. | hwang hyunjin
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⇒ summary: you’ve had this thing going on with hyunjin; you called each other babe and acted like a couple for fun. but what happens when he starts liking someone else?
⇒ [college! au, idiots to lovers! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
⇒ word count: 4.4k words (woAh)
⇒ genre:  fluff, with a smidge of angst, i guess
⇒ warnings: swear words, plus clingy and flirty hyunjin and reader lmao
⇒ note:  ajxbwjsk this is lit rally based off my best friend’s friendship with another one of our guy friends but i tweaked it a bit so now it’s purely self-indulgent bc HWANG  H Y U N J I N. honestly this is total word vomit and a complete mess — it’s just random moments of my self-indulgence for hyunjin (i need help) so ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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“I’m gonna go ahead, see you guys tomorrow,” Hyunjin bids all of you good bye, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. Everyone momentarily looks up, saying good byes to him. 
Locking class had just ended, but Hyunjin was already in a rush to leave. You stop fixing and put your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Running off again, I see. Where are you off to, Hwang?” You demand, your chin held up high.
He rolls his eyes, walking closer to you.
“I’m meeting up with Yeji,” he answers and you huff. You push him away, turning around to continue fixing your things.
“Hmm, yeah sure. You’re probably just too lazy to bring me home,” You scoff. You hear Hyunjin sigh behind you and seconds later, his arms are wrapped around your waist, his cheek resting on your back.
“Please don’t be mad, babe. And I’m not being lazy! I really do have something to do with Yeji. We need to finish our choreo for the showcase. If you want, you can wait for me and I’ll bring you home later, yeah?” he answers you, making you smile while rolling your eyes. You turn around in his arms, seeing him pout at you with those pleading, puppy dog eyes of his.
“Nah, it’s okay. I can go with Jisung. Just, stay safe okay? Don’t go home late, I’m going to call Felix and make sure you’re home on time. If not, Felix won’t be able to dab again,” You threaten and he lets out a hearty chuckle, his eyes crinkling.
“Yes, ma’am.” He hugs you tight and you return with equal enthusiasm. You break the hug and he says his final goodbyes to everyone, jogging out of the studio.
Once he’s out, Jisung speaks up. “Why don’t you just date already? I’m tired of you guys calling each other babe and shit.” He complains.
You roll your eyes at him as he comes closer to you. “Why don’t you go date Minho then?” You retort and Jisung huffs.
“Shut up, we’re just friends,” Jisung pokes your cheek. 
“Hmm, okay,” you shake your head at him, and he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“I’m going to go write lyrics with Chan and Changbin. You wanna come with?” Jisung asks as he leads you outside.
You shake your head and smile. “That’s fine, I should probably go check on my essay that I sent in for Mr. Kim’s class last week,” you reply.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin I didn’t bring you home alright? He might beat my ass up,” Jisung pouts and you laugh, hugging him. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just being over dramatic,” you reassure him and he laughs. “Okay, gotta go now! Bye, Y/N!” 
You wave good bye and as Jisung’s form becomes smaller the farther away he is from the building, the more you wished you had gone with Hyunjin.
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A few days have passed, and Hyunjin’s been spending less and less time with you. Ever since he told you about the dance he’s working on with Yeji, he’s hardly been spending time with you. 
Truth be told, even if you wanted to call him out for it, you can’t. Because honestly, wouldn’t that make you seem clingy? It’s not as if you and Hyunjin are dating anyway. You just had this habit of calling each other ‘babe’ with a lot of flirting involved.
It started off as a simple joke; you accidentally called him babe, since you used to call your girl friends that way back in high school. He laughed it off, saying you could never resist his charms — you probably really couldn’t, but you wouldn’t let him know that. Another time came when you needed to get out of a sticky situation with a guy who just couldn’t understand that you didn’t like him, so when you saw Hyunjin pass by, you called him babe and he helped pretend to be your boyfriend for five minutes.
“Come on, Y/N. Just one date,” the guy who’s name you didn’t even know asks you, stepping closer as you stepped away.
“I’m sorry, but no. I don’t even know you that much and I really can’t,” you try again and he steps closer, taking your hand in his as you try to get away. 
“Why? It’s not as if you’re already taken,” he reasons and at that moment, you see Hyunjin pass by. You pull your hand back and smile.
“Babe, Hyunjin!” You call out and Hyunjin turns to you. He sees the pleading look in your eyes and the way you subtly glance at the stubborn boy beside you. 
Hyunjin winks, letting you know he got the message. He jogs up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kisses your cheek. 
Okay that wasn’t necessary but, thank you.
“What’s up? I was just looking for you,” Hyunjin pokes the tip of your nose, side-eyeing the guy.
“I’m… gonna go now. Forget what I said, Y/N,” the guy awkwardly coughs, walking away, stealing small glances at you and Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulls you closer and watches the guy walk away. 
The guy turns around the corner and Hyunjin snorts, letting his head fall on his shoulder as his cheeks burned red. “You’re lucky I love you, Y/L/N. I wouldn’t have done something like that if it was Jisung,” Hyunjin giggles as you laugh at him.
The whole babe thing just kind of stuck, and while most people thought you two were dating, only your friends knew that you were just playing around. You and Hyunjin sort of used that tactic to “ward off” — his words, not yours — those people who wanted to get into relationships with either of you that you didn’t want. You weren’t up for a relationship yet, seeing as you both were working hard in college to get into a really good company after graduating. You had to fight off any potential distractions and helping each other out by pretending to be a couple seemed like the best option. You both had this joke that the whole calling each other babe thing would end once the both of you started seeing someone officially. 
Currently, dance classes have just ended and you look around to see that everyone’s already left. 
Except for Hyunjin.
“Jinnie.” You call out, walking over to him. Hyunjin opens his arms for you and you step into his embrace. 
“Hi, babe, what’s up ?” He says, grinning. 
You pout at him. “Where do you run off to these days? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” you whine. Hyunjin laughs, making you laugh as well. You sounded so clingy but you didn’t care. Hyunjin’s even worse.
“I, uh, meet up with Yeji to practice our dance.” He replies and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you really practicing for the showcase?” you ask, stepping away from him, raising your eyebrow playfully and he grins sheepishly. You keep teasing Hyunjin about Yeji, the pretty girl in his other advanced hiphop class, telling him that soon enough, he’d drop the babe on you once he finally gets the balls to ask her out. The poor boy just whined at you.
“Well...” he trails off, scratching the back of his head.
“Aish, whatever. Go to your woman,” you say, sounding like a mom. He grins, hugging and kissing your face. You scrunch up your face, swatting him away.
“Ew, Hyunjin stop,” you whine and he laughs at you. He stops pestering you and he fixes himself up like a little kid would on his first day of school.
“How do I look?” He asks you, and you looked him up and down.
“Like an idiot,” you deadpan. He pouts and you laugh, ruffling his hair.
“You go on and have fun, yeah? Don’t go home too late,” You tell him as he picks up his stuff.
“Yes, mommy.” He mock salutes you, walking out.
“If shit doesn’t work out with Yeji, don’t whine and ask me to come pick you up! Take care, oh and don’t be an idiot, okay?” You call after him and he raises his thumbs up.
“Whatever you say, ma’am!” He calls out. 
Looking out the window, you soon see Hyunjin walking out of the building. He breaks into a jog once you see Yeji standing a few feet away. There’s a smile on her face and she grins, giving him a hug which he reciprocates. Sighing, you lean against the wall and slide down, bringing your legs up to your chest.
You look up and start talking to yourself.
“You’re such an idiot, Y/N”
“Do you really have zero feelings for him?”
“If I did, you think I’d be pushing him towards Yeji?”
“But isn’t that what main protagonists do in films? If they like a person and can’t risk the friendship they push them towards other people?”
You purse your lips, resting your cheek on your knee.
Do you really like Hyunjin? Or are you just bothered by the fact that his attention is on someone else that isn’t you? Didn’t you initiate the entire thing with Yeji, anyway? Do you want Hyunjin, or do you just want the attention that Hyunjin gives you? 
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Weeks after that encounter with Hyunjin, he’s been spending ZERO time with you. You were looking for someone to hang out with, since your rehearsals just ended and you had about three hours to kill before your next class. But Hyunjin’s busy practicing with Yeji, and it didn’t help that Jisung’s busy too with his final showcase with Chan and Changbin. All of your friends, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all busy rehearsing for their showcase too. Felix and Minho were your only hope since they didn’t have their rehearsals until later, but they weren’t answering their phones. 
“Why buy phones when you won’t answer them,” you mutter, slowly walking away from the auditorium. “Hyunjin would probably try and find some way to hang out with me,” you whine and stop in your tracks.
Damn it.
You do like him. 
“Y/N!” Fuck, speak of the devil. You don’t turn around and speed-walk, trying your best to pretend you didn’t hear him.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Shit, shit, shit. At that moment, the doors to the lecture hall a few steps away open and a crowd of students file out. You walk faster and slide in the huge crowd, losing Hyunjin. His voice drowns out and you soon find yourself in an empty room, locking the door behind you. Looking around, you survey the area and realize it’s the photography room. The photography majors didn’t use the room around this time, so hopefully no one will scold you for being there.
You like Hyunjin. You actually like the idiot. Why else would you compare him to the other guys? Why else would you try and avoid him like the plague like you’re hiding something? You were an open book around him, so he’d definitely see right through you. You’d blow your cover and ruin the best friendship you’ve ever had with anyone.
You flop down onto one of the chairs, running a hand through your hair. Whipping your phone out, you type a message to Jisung.
you: i know u’re probs still w chan and changbin, but what time do rehearsals end?
jisung: i was just about to text you, hyunjin came in looking for you. Where are you?
you: dont tell hyunjin anything. can you come over to the dorms now? 
jisung: i have about fifteen minutes more with chan and changbin. Is that okay?
you: yeah, just. Don’t tell hyunjin or chan or changbin anything. Or any of the guys.
jisung: okay 
You exhale shakily, standing up to leave. You quickly make your way to the dorms, hoping Hyunjin didn’t see you.
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“What’s up? Spill.” Jisung says the moment you open the door for him. You lock the door behind him and pull him to sit on your roommate Ryujin’s bed. 
You stare intently at Jisung, trying to find out how you’re going to tell your loudmouth friend. You’d much rather tell Woojin since he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone, but he was unavailable at the moment and Jisung was actually really trustworthy if he wasn’t so loud all the time.
Deciding to just go with it, you blurt out, “I like Hyunjin.”
Jisung smirks, “I knew it.” He’s about to say more, but then pauses, suddenly confused. “So, what’s the problem?”
“He likes Yeji and I can’t risk our friendship. We both agreed to drop the babe thing once we found someone we genuinely liked, and he’s found Yeji. Soon enough, he’s going to tell me he’s dropping the babe and I’m not going to be selfish and admit that I like him. That’ll just ruin everything and I don’t want to ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had with anyone; not that I don’t have great friendships with you guys too, but you know what I mean.” You say all in one breath, Jisung looking at you in awe.
“Do you wanna, maybe join 3RACHA? We can be 4RACHA,” Jisung says.
You stare at him. “Jisung.”
Jisung shrugs, then sighs. “No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t see Yeji that way. Besides, they’re both Hwangs. Wouldn’t that be weird?”
You give him a look. “Jisung, you and I both know that last names don’t matter. I mean, look at Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo,” you point out. 
“Didn’t they get divorced around like, August or something?” Jisung looks up in thought.
“Han Jisung!” You whine.
“Okay, sorry, we’re getting off topic. Anyway. Hyunjin doesn’t like Yeji.” Jisung reassures you, leaning back on the wall.
“Well, even if he doesn’t, he’ll never feel the same way for me.” You look out the window, seeing all your friends running around the field, minus you and Jisung. Hyunjin was there too.
“I want to avoid him.” You turn back to Jisung. He looks perplexed at this point.
“And why? Are you insane? You know that avoiding your problems never help, Y/N.”
You sigh. “I can’t let him know I like him, Ji. It will make things worse.”
“Please trust me on this. I’ll ignore him only for as long as my feelings are here. I’ll talk to him when I’ve completely moved on. It won’t affect my relationships with you guys. I promise.” You plead, clasping onto Jisung’s hands.
Jisung looks defeated. “I won’t trust you on this one, but I’ll respect your decision. If this is what you want, I’ll go with it. I’ll always be here, okay?”
You give him a grateful smile and he pulls you into a hug. 
“Please don’t get your heart broken, Y/N,” Jisung sighs, and you can only squeeze him tighter.
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A month passes by and you’ve been ignoring Hyunjin. During the first week that you didn’t greet him when he entered class, he brushed it off as you not having a good day. However, Hyunjin knew that even if you weren’t in a good mood, you’d come to him all the more. You once told him his hugs made your day better, so the fact that you were ignoring him and not asking for his hugs left him confused. He just let it go, thinking that maybe it’s something really serious. You’d tell him eventually.
The second week that you still didn’t talk to him, he tried asking the guys about it, but none of them knew what was going on with you. You still talked to all of them, except for him. Hyunjin however, did notice you hanging out with Jisung a lot more than you usually did, so he tried asking Jisung, but the boy refused to say anything. 
By the third week, Hyunjin soon thinks that maybe he did something wrong. But every time he tried to think of all the possibilities, he couldn’t come up with anything at all. Did he forget a promise he made with you? Did he say something wrong? Did he borrow your favorite book and lose it or forget to return it or something? Did he eat your secret stash of M n M’s in your dorms? Hyunjin’s sure he’s done none of those.
By the fourth week, Hyunjin gives up when he sees you hugging Jisung. Maybe you had feelings for Jisung and you didn’t know how to confront Hyunjin about the babe thing. Maybe you think it would be weird to continue being so touchy and flirty with Hyunjin now that you’re dating Jisung. 
Your last class had ended for the day, and you’re now just waiting for Jisung and Felix. Jisung had invited you to hang out with him and Felix, since they were going to go relax a bit before facing the showcase which was scheduled to happen next week. 
You’re too lazy to take your backpack off, so you’re just sitting cross-legged on a bench, your backpack still on your shoulders. Your earphones are in, playing really sad Day6 songs you didn’t realize Woojin and Seungmin snuck into your playlist while you read some underrated angsty teen novel you found at a random bottom shelf in the library. It’s around 4pm, so the sun is still high up in the sky, giving you enough light to read. Suddenly, your source of light is blocked and you frown, trying to make out the words. You look up and lock eyes with the one person you’ve been avoiding this whole time.
You gasp and try to stand up, but realize that someone’s tied the ends of your backpack straps to the bench. Fuck. You pull your earphones out and take your backpack off, deciding right there that you can be a total idiot and just abandon your bag there and get it later. 
Yes, you were that desperate to get away from Hwang Hyunjin.
“Y/N, wait.” Hyunjin’s hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist. You freeze and look down at his hand resting on your wrist. His grip is firm, but gentle.
You gulp and slowly turn around. Your eyes meet his hurt and confused ones, your heart aching at the sight.
“Are you dating Jisung?” Hyunjin asks softly and you frown at him.
“Are you dating Yeji?” You answer back with your own question.
“Answer my question first,” Hyunjin sighs and you purse your lips. You shake your head and Hyunjin lets go of your wrist, visibly relaxing,
“I’m not dating Yeji either.” He says. Although you didn’t want to know that, because your stupid, stubborn self refuses to believe that he likes you, you still find yourself feeling relieved.
Hyunjin steps closer to you. 
“What wrong did I do for you to avoid me this long? How big was it that you’d willingly leave your backpack here, when I know that you’d never ever leave it behind even if a zombie apocalypse would suddenly happen because you told me that one time? You even told me you’d leave Felix behind, or maybe sacrifice Changbin, but never your bag. So, what did I do wrong, Y/N? Why have you been avoiding me? It’s driving me crazy,” Hyunjin bombards you with questions.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy.” You lie right through your teeth.
Hyunjin chuckles humorlessly. “So busy is sitting down on a bench, listening to music and reading books now? You’ve been avoiding me for an entire month, Y/N. Like, blatantly avoiding me!” He snaps. 
That escalated quickly. You’re getting tired of this. The more you look at him, the more it’s getting hard for you too look away. Even with his face in a frown, his eyes filled with frustration and maybe even anger, Hyunjin still looked beautiful to you.
Fuck him and his genes.
You take a huge step back from him, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s it to you, huh, Hyunjin?!” You glare.
“I just wanted to know why you’re avoiding me, Y/N! What did I even do? Please do enlighten me,” He shouts, frustrated. You’re glad everyone’s either gone home already or still in classes, so no one’s there to witness your fight.
“Can’t I just ignore you because I just don’t want to talk to you?” You say, anger bubbling up inside of you. Or is it your feelings, already on the verge of spilling out of you like vomit? 
“No, Y/N! I know you well enough to know that if you avoid people it’s not because you just don’t feel like it— there’s a reason behind it.” Hyunjin replies, exasperated. 
“Why do you want to know so badly? Why do you care?!” You shout back. You’re tired of this; you’re tired of staying away from him, hoping it’ll get rid of your feelings for him. But the more you stayed away from him, the more your heart yearned for him. You just wanted the words to leave your lips already.
I love you. 
You’d only realized it recently; you don’t just like Hyunjin— you love him. You love the way his eyes crinkle into small crescent moons when he’s genuinely happy. You love his loud, infectious laugh that you can pinpoint even if you were a mile away. You love his hugs, you love how he dances with so much passion because it’s something he loves to do. You love everything about him and it’s driving you insane too. It’s driving you insane that you keep wanting someone who can’t love you back in the same way.
“Because I’m your friend, Y/N! I worry about you, okay? Can I do something to help you? Why don’t you share your problems with me? Please tell me!” Hyunjin pleads with you, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders desperately.
Uh oh.
“No, Hyunjin! You can’t do fucking anything to help me because you’re the reason why I’m doing this, why I’m avoiding you! I love you, I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s scary. It’s scaring me, okay? I’m scared that you don’t feel the same and it will change everything! You have Yeji now, don’t you? I can’t be selfish and ask you to return my feelings when you’ve already found the one for you,” you blurt everything out, feeling out of breath afterwards. The tears you didn’t know you were holding in start falling freely down your cheeks now. 
You didn’t care anymore. Hyunjin at least deserved to know. You feel better though, because everything that’s been bottled up inside of you is now out in the open. 
Hyunjin stands still in front of you, his face holding an unreadable expression. You’ve always been able to read Hyunjin like an open book, but you can’t decipher what’s going on in that pretty head of his. Every second that passes by that he doesn’t say anything, makes you feel more and more of an idiot for saying anything at all. You sigh, wiping the tears away hastily, but there’s still more. 
“Forget it. Forget I said anything.” You whisper, your voice rough and raspy. You turn around to get your things and get the fuck out of there when Hyunjin suddenly holds you back. 
You sigh. You turn around to face him, “Hyunjin, what—” he cuts you off mid-sentence when his lips crash against yours roughly. The kiss catches you off guard and you almost stumble, but his arms quickly wound around your waist, holding you in place. You’re surprised, but you kiss him back, and he tilts his head to the side to kiss you better. Your tears are still flowing freely, and his arms leave your waist to cup your cheeks, as his thumbs wipe away the tears. Your arms go around his neck, pulling him in closer. He pulls away slightly, before going back in to kiss you again, this time, softer and gentler. The second kiss leaves you lightheaded and you clasp your hands tighter around his neck. Hyunjin’s lips, his oh, so soft and plump lips feel so perfect as they mould against yours. His lips taste like vanilla, and you’re guessing he just ate vanilla ice cream because he knew you liked vanilla and he once told you he’d eat the things you loved — even if he didn’t like it that much, if he missed you.
And you’re just realizing this now, too, that Hyunjin does so many things for you, and because of you. On days when the winter air is particularly cold, he’d bring you an extra pair of gloves because he knows you keep forgetting yours. He buys you hot packs because you easily get cold. You’re always trapped in his hugs because he knows how much you need his body warmth. In the summer, no matter how hot it is, if you want to go out for ice cream, he’d willingly go with you, if it means seeing you all smiley and happy. He always seems to know what you need, whenever you need it.  You realize now that Hyunjin lives for your happiness and he cares about you way too much. 
Maybe he’s always felt the same way for you and you were just too dense and too stubborn to realize that.
When you both pull away for air, he looks at you, your heart beating loudly in your chest. He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in for a hug, his arms going around your shoulders as yours wrap around his waist. You bury your head in his chest and listen to the fast beating of his heart.
Hyunjin suddenly laughs, causing you to snort.
“How’s Yeji doing?” You joke, your hands playing with the ends of his hoodie. Hyunjin chuckles, his chest vibrating as he kisses the crown of your head.
“You know I only have eyes for you, babe.”
“Glad to know we don’t have to drop the babe thing and it’s finally official,” I laugh.
“True. Oh, and by the way?” Hyunjin pulls you back so he can look at you properly. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He smiles when you pull away and he looks in adoration at the expectant look on your face.
He rests his forehead against yours and nuzzles your nose, making you giggle. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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임영민, Im Youngmin
So I may have one really small favour to ask you if your not too busy with your other request, buuut... I’ve been craving reading a make out with youngmin!!!! Like you very first make out, where your both cautious cause you’re both nervous and you’re not really sure in the beginning how to initiate it but then your like ‘fuck it’ and just climb on his lap, pause for a sec to look at him and you swallow some nervous spit (sorry those string of words are so unappealing) before you just lean in to kiss him gently, to test the waters and then before you know it, you’re in a full blown make out sesh. Maybe one of the boys could enter his room and the both instantly jump apart!!!! To make it more juicy and interesting; they could be friends??? Start of the relationship!!!!!
Group: AB6IX
Member: Youngmin
(A/N) I told you that this request killed me... I wasn’t lying. I’m writing from the grave.
You tried to focus on the movie, you really did. It was just a little difficult. Especially when Lim Youngmin was out there just... Existing. 
It was irritating sometimes how flawless he was in your eyes. Even when he looked like a total mess, you were still in awe of him. And not just the average, “Damn, bro! Drop the skincare routine”; something deeper than that. 
Something more stable.
When he was disheveled, sweaty and gross after practice, you almost always said, “Your hair looks nice”. It wasn’t even you buttering him up, it was just the way your mind worked. When he sported that comical frown that made his cheeks puff out, all you could think was “cute”. 
When he smiled, you got lost in the up-turn of his lips, when he laughed you drowned in the sound, and when he caught you staring at him, it gave you butterflies. Even more so when he looked to you first.
It was like no matter what mistake he made, you would still see him as beautiful, which was both touching and annoying in equal parts. 
It was strange thinking of him like that after so many years of being just friends. You were stuck in a so-so limbo of both of you knowing and acknowledging that you liked each other, having kissed once or twice, everyone around you being aware of your feelings, but neither of you taking any steps forward. 
A frustrating, confusing standstill. You couldn’t tell if it was because he couldn’t see a future with you, he was scared, you were scared or mixture of all of the above. 
Either way, it pissed you off.
You poked him lightly with your toes. “Yo,” you said, just slightly louder than the movie playing on his laptop. 
He looked away from the screen, setting his eyes on you. “Yeah?” he answered. He was always attentive like that, which gave you a little hope, but also made you feel burdened. 
Love sucks. 
“Do you like me?” you asked bluntly. “Like... At all?” 
His breath caught in his throat, dark eyes widening. He cleared his throat, looking back at the screen. “Well, I thought that was kind of obvious,” he said, so quietly that you almost didn’t hear. His fingers went to his fringe, twisting it awkwardly. 
He shifted around in his seat, as if he were suddenly uncomfortable. He forced himself to look at you, chewing the inside of his cheek nervously. “I mean... We’ve kissed before.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Those didn’t mean anything, though!” you complained, crossing your arms. “If we have anything, I want it to be real.” 
Suddenly, his expression changed. “You don’t think those were real?” he asked. He furrowed his brows. “Why?” 
You searched your brain for the right answer, your expression mirroring his own. “Just ‘cause,” you stated lamely. “It felt like I was kissing my friend, not someone who loves me.”
He scoffed under his breath. “Friends do love you,” he said. “That’s kinda what friends are for.” 
“But they also don’t kiss each other on the lips, Youngmin,” you said firmly. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, not catching the look that he gave you when you did so. “How can I put this?” you wondered aloud. “I just... This sounds so basic, but I don’t want to settle for mediocrity, y’know?” 
He raised a brow. “So you think I’m mediocre?” he asked. 
Your jaw clenched. “That’s not what I said,” you argued quietly. Your mind was racing. This always happened with you. You tried to word your thoughts, but they always came out sounding so poor and unappealing. Even if you meant good things, your unskilled tongue always twisted it into a proper mess.
You groaned, letting your head fall back against the wall. “My God,” you breathed out. You revised your plan in your head before sitting up to face him again. “Okay, I’m back,” you said. 
He gave you a look. “...Okay?” he said. “Got anything else to comment on? Other than my mediocrity, that is.” 
You frowned. “Dude, don’t make me hurt you,” you threatened weakly. You rubbed your hands together as if you had prepared something fantastic. Really, it was just the bare minimum and you were hoping that he’d catch the drift. 
“You and me,” you said, pointing in turn, “we don’t talk well.” 
He nodded slowly. “True enough.” 
“But I’m trying to tell you something,” you continued. He nodded again, the tension slowly slipping away. You pointed to your mouth. “Words?” You shook your head, wagging a finger in sync. “Not working.” You took a few slow breaths. “But maybe actions would help a little bit?” 
You only barely registered the way his cheeks lit up, dimly illuminated by the light from the screen. “What do you mean by that?” he stuttered. 
You’d deny it if anyone asked, but you could feel your cheeks heating up as well. “I mean that...” You shuffled slightly closer to him, the mattress bending under you, making him watch your every move particularly closely. “I could just show you what I’m looking for.”
There was a silence hanging in the air; palpable and almost suffocating. 
“Then, why don’t you?” Youngmin finally said. You stared at him for a moment; the flickering lights on the side of his handsome face. He could sense your hesitation. “I dare you,” he said quietly, his words piercing through the air and shooting straight to your ears. 
For whatever reason, it set you off. The only thought in your mind was: “Well, screw it.” 
You moved closer to him, tossing a leg over his lap, straddling him. Naturally, your hands rested on his shoulders, but they didn’t make a move from there. He didn’t make any advances, he stayed where he was, keeping his hands a respectful distance away, resting limply by his side.
There was something quite intimate about sitting here together in the comfort and quiet of his room, on his bed, just exchanging eye-contact. You could hear the other noises in the dorms, slightly drowned out by the soundtrack from the movie. 
Daehwi was playing games, Donghyun was humming a melody while strumming along on his guitar and Woojin and Woong were doing God knows what, just being lazy roommates. 
Your mind fogged over with too many thoughts. They could walk in at any moment. They could spot you and never, ever let you live it down. Or they might even screw it up. 
Though, was there really any more ‘screwing it up’ than what you were about to do? By your standards, you were about to lose the greatest friendship you’d ever had. Maybe it wasn’t the longest-lasting or the one that knew all of your darkest secrets, but it was the one that was most comfortable; most natural. 
You hadn’t told him everything, but you felt like you could if you wanted to, which was more than you could say for your other friends. With the way you were, you felt like you were being an irritant if you talked about yourself too much. 
But with Youngmin, he had this way of making you feel important. In his presence, you never felt like an inconvenience or a burden. You felt like a person. A person who had just as much rite as anyone else to state her opinions and feel her emotions freely.
Your hands started shaking at the realization that you were about to throw that away for just the chance that you could grow into something more. You ran your fingers through your hair again. 
Before you could pull yourself from your thoughts, his arms were around your waist pulling you closer forcefully, his eyes half-lidded. “Can you stop doing that, please?” he muttered softly. “Please.” It sounded like he was begging.
Your brow raised. “Doing what?” you asked, matching his volume.
Cautiously, one of his hand trailed up your side. Slowly, ever so slowly, like a tease. Sparks were left in the pathways made by his fingertips. They reached your neck, pausing for a beat, resting on the smooth, unblemished skin, his thumb rubbing against your jaw-bone. 
He didn’t meet your eyes, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t looking at you. It felt like he was taking in every inch of you, just examining fondly—his eyebrows knit in concentration—every curve of your figure. Every beauty mark, every freckle, every flaw. 
It was like he was memorizing you.
His hand moved again, traveling farther up until it carded through your hair with a gentle stroke, staying wary of any tangles or knots. “That,” he breathed out. “Please stop doing that.” 
Your hand caught his wrist, keeping his hand close to you. You were well aware of his other hand resting on your hip, but you tried not to let it distract you. “Why?” you asked. You didn’t know why the compulsion to ask came over you, but there it was, showing its face. “Why do you want me to stop?” 
Even with the poor lighting, you could see the way his cheeks turned red. He timidly avoided your searching gaze. “Because it makes you look gorgeous,” he admitted abashedly. “That’s not a very friend-like thing to think...”
A small smile crossed your face. Seeing him look so shy to admit you were pretty... It decided your own mind for you. “Youngmin,” you said, gaining his attention. You held his hands, brushing over his knuckles with your thumbs. “That’s exactly what I’m looking for.” 
His eyes widened. “I’m looking for the type of relationship where both me and the other person can make each other feel beautiful,” you continued, “and when you look all shy like this while you compliment me?” You swallowed the lump in your throat. “It definitely makes me feel beautiful.” 
He smiled sheepishly. “So...” he started, his gaze shifting to your hands, still lightly holding his. A tenderness overtook his eyes. “You want that kind of relationship with me?” he asked. 
You nibbled your bottom lip. Now you were the one feeling embarrassed. “If I can, I guess,” you said, shifting a little. 
He took in a sharp breath at your action, immediately taking hold of your hips to still you. “You really can’t do that,” he said under his breath, his eyes screwed shut and his heartbeat speeding up. He said it so quietly, you almost didn’t hear him. 
When his dark, shining eyes opened, they bored into your with an intensity that you’d never seen from him. “If that is the kind of relationship you want...” He leaned a little closer to you. “Shouldn’t it be your turn to make me feel beautiful?”
You felt a tension return to the room, but it was different from before. It was the kind that make your mind fuzzy with excitement and your skin set on fire. 
“It should be,” you said. “But I’m not quite sure that you understand me fully yet—” 
He cut you off with a quick, soft peck to the lips. “You don’t like it when I kiss you like that, right?” he asked, gazing into your eyes. His hands were resting securely on your back, fingers spread, making your realize how large his hands actually were. “It feels too familiar, right?” 
You nodded slowly. Honestly, the kiss didn’t even shock you. You’d gotten too used to the little shows of affection while stuck in your limbo-state. They were habit, and sometimes habit was stale. 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips while he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Then, why don’t we... Explore?” he suggested. He pulled you a little closer, his face so close by now, it blurred in your vision. 
You both knew what being this close meant. It meant you were on the threshold of your friendship. One step decided your future with each other, and that, in and of itself, filled you both with terrible anxiety. 
Would you regret this? 
However, looking into each other’s eyes in that moment—studying each other—it proved something to you. This would change the nature of relationship, and maybe even who you were as people, and it would definitely be a step over the threshold, but it would be a step in the right direction. 
Forward, not back. You could feel it sinking into your bones the more your breaths intermingled. 
Youngmin tittered nervously, his warm, minty breath fanning over your face. “Here’s to unexplored territories?” he offered. 
You shut him up by closing the distance between you. His eyes fluttered shut and both of your lips quivered against each other for a moment before moving together in a slow, simple rhythm. 
Your lips molded against each in an awkward, sloppy way at first, but it got smoother as you went on. You were both hesitant to ask too much from the other, so you left it uncomplicated, guiding and following each other in equal measure. 
He pulled away slowly, his eyes still closed. “Like that?” he asked, breathless. 
Your hands tangled in the hair at his nape. “Close. That was a kiss like someone who loves me,” you said, your tone matching his, “but now,” you cleared your throat, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, “if it’s okay, I’d like one that feels like a boyfriend.”  
He opened his eyes to look at you before nodding. “’Kay,” he said, his voice just barely above a whisper. He leaned in, meeting your slightly chapped lips once again. The pace was brought up just slightly. “Like that?” he asked in between kisses. 
“Faster doesn’t mean better,” you said. “Deeper.” 
He took instructions well, though you weren’t even intentionally trying to lead him, the words just slipped out in the heat of the moment. He deepened the kiss, taking your bottom lip in between his teeth and pulling it gingerly. 
“Better?” he asked, desperate for your approval. He chuckled, a flutter of nervousness blooming in his chest. “I feel like it was wrong.” 
You let out a breathy sigh that shot straight to his chest, spreading throughout his body like an electric shock. “Do it again and I’ll let you know,” you said. 
With a little more eagerness than either of you had expected, he did, eliciting the same sound from you. You leaned a little farther into him, giving him the same treatment. 
He melted into it seamlessly, whimpering in the prettiest way. 
“It’s good, right?” you asked softly, smiling ever so coquettishly. 
He nodded, entranced by you. “Yeah, a little bit,” he admitted. His fingers trailed a gentle path up and down your spine, respecting the boundaries of your shirt. “What’s a step up from a boyfriend?” he wondered aloud. 
You thought for a moment, your hands playing with his hair unintentionally. “A lover?” you offered. You nodded, satisfied with your answer. “Sounds about right to me.” 
Youngmin pulled you impossibly closer, your torsos pressed against each other. “Then... Can I kiss you like that?” he asked, a genuine request. You didn’t need to say anything verbally for him to know your answer; he just had to look into your eyes. 
Just as your lips touched and your tongues lightly grazed each other, you both heard footsteps coming down the hall. 
With expert speed, you wiped your mouths and jumped away from each other, immediately (and unconvincingly) looking back to the laptop screen, pretending to be completely enthralled with the plot-line. 
In truth though, you’d both been too caught up in each other to remember what it was even about. 
Daehwi peeked his head into the room. “Hey, Youngmin?” he started. He took one look at the two of you before snorting. “You guys are so not subtle,” he laughed. He spun on his heel and closed the door again before jogging further into the dorms. “Guys! Youngmin’s officially an adult!” he shouted. 
Youngmin groaned, covering his burning face with a pillow. “I’m gonna kill him...” he said, voice muffled by the cushion. 
You smiled playfully, even though you were equally as embarrassed. “I’m gonna thank him,” you said. 
He threw the pillow at you. “Don’t you dare become his enabler!” he warned.
Your jaw dropped. “Is that how you treat your girlfriend?” 
“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “But it’s how I treat my ex-best friend.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, sure, whatever—” You were cut off by another kiss. This one was emotional, expressive and precious, sending delightfully romantic shivers down your spine.
Youngmin pulled away, giving you a smile. “And my soulmate,” he said. 
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Why’d you do it, bruh... You know you’re just killing yourself. 😂 I hope that there was enough angst to satisfy you, Cheya. I know how much you love it. With Youngmin though, since you’re kinda sorta head-over-heels for him, I felt like a focus on slow-build romance was equally (if not more so) important. 
I hope it met your expectations/requirements and it didn’t disappoint. 
In summary, hope you enjoyed!
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crackimagines · 5 years
Bernadetta has a crush (FE:Three Houses Short Fic)
Person in question is just an unnamed student, because that’s not what we’re focusing on.
What we’re focusing is how poor Bernie handles this situation.
Once the lecture was done, everyone began heading out of class and went their separate ways. Bernadetta sighed deeply and gathered her belongings. With what seemed like inhuman speed, she quickly ran out of class and immediately bolted towards her dorm room.
As she was bolting out of the Black Eagles’ classroom, all she could think about was taking a nice long break from everyone, and her thoughts were put to a halt as she ran into something.
No, someone.
She looked up and saw a student on the ground, rubbing his head before meeting her eyes.
“Oh, I’m so sorry about that! Here, let me help you!”
He began picking up the papers while Bernadetta stared at him, eyes wide.
“Let’s see is there anything else...Ah, there it is!” After picking up the last piece of paper, he turned back with a smile on his face.
“Here you are, again sorry about-...”
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Not even moving an inch, she continued to stare at him, as an awkward silence filled the air and several students began staring at them.
The student put down her books and cleared his throat.
“Excuse me, are you okay-”
Before anyone could have time to react, she bolted away towards the dorms, leaving everyone speechless. Moments later, a stern-faced man with blue hair rushed out, looking at the students.
“P-Professor Byleth!”
“What’s going on out here, who just screamed?”
“Um, it was a purple haired student from the Black Eagles, sir!”
“...Was she short, and looked anxious?”
“Yes sir, she-”
He relaxed and put his hands to head.
“Ah, nevermind then. Nothing to worry about too much. Sorry to scare you like that. Can you give that girl her books? She’s on the first floor of the dorms near the greenhouse. Her name is Bernadetta”
“Y-Yes sir!”
Byleth nodded and went back to the classroom as the student grabbed Bernadetta’s belongings, and went to her room. As he was drawing near, he could hear her voice through the door, berating herself for causing such a mess.
“Um, excuse me? Bernadetta is it?”
And just like that, she shouted apologies with every breath she took, bewildering the student leading him to loudly clearly his throat.
“I-It’s no problem at all, Bernadetta! I’ll just leave your things by the door, okay?”
He bowed, despite knowing that she couldn’t see it but hoping it would put her at ease, and went back towards the classes.
Bernadetta was silent, slowly opening the door, checking for the student and then she quickly grabbed her books and slammed the door.
“He...was really nice to me. I-I need to go apologize to him!”
When she thought about how she would do it, it was then she realized something vital.
“I...I never got his name!”
She tried to remember his key features that would help identify him and...the more she thought about it, she started to think how nice the student was. More importantly he...looked kinda cute.
“Maybe...I can talk with him after I apologize? But why would someone just accept a proposal to hang out with a girl like me...”
An idea.
“I know! I can ask my classmates how to help with this!...Er, once I leave the room anyway.” She thought to herself. Eh, she can get out tomorrow.
Professor Byleth’s Advice
The Professor was a very kind and patient man, at least to Bernadetta. He never thought of her as a nuisance, and so who better to ask than a man like that? More importantly he was her elder (probably?), so he must have some field of expertise on this topic.
Once the lecture ended, Byleth began clearing off the chalkboard as the students left. Bernadetta went up to his desk and remained silent for a few moments before he turned around. Once he saw her, he smiled and nodded.
“Bernadetta, what can I help you with?”
“H-Hi, professor. Did you tell that boy to come to my room yesterday?”
“I did. Don’t want you to show up tomorrow forgetting everything after all. I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“W-Well it kinda did but...first of all thank you, and second of all do you know his name? I uh...want to apologize to him and um...”
“Ah, unfortunately I didn’t catch his name. I’m not sure if anyone in the class was around when that incident happened. I’m sure he’ll pop in sooner or later. If he does show up, I’ll let you know.”
“T-Thanks professor...”
“Is something wrong? Did he say something to you-”
“No no no! Nothing like that it’s just...I...I also want to get to know him better.”
“...I’m afraid I didn’t hear that correctly. You want to get to know him?”
“Yes! Is there something wrong with that thought, professor?”
“None at all! I..just didn’t think you’d do that. At all, as a matter of fact- AHEM! Anyways!”
He took a seat at his desk and awkwardly cleared his throat.
“I’m afraid I don’t know how to exactly help you, but I’m very positive your classmates can help you out! Why not ask Dorothea?”
‘Dorothea...that’s right! She knows all about how to get cute guys to talk, that’s genius professor!’ She thought to herself.
“Thank you very much, professor! I’ll be going now!”
Byleth smiled, waving her off as she left.
“Happy to help!” Once she was out of earshot, his smile quickly went away and was replaced with worry.
“Oh goddess...What is she doing?”
“Shouldn’t you be following her? In your words, she can be quite the wreck!”
“Quiet, Sothis! I...didn’t mean it like that!”
Dorothea’s Advice
When Bernadetta got to Dorothea, she almost squealed out of joy learning her little Bern has a crush on, what is apparently a cute guy, and coming to her for advice. Not losing any time, she sat her down and grabbed some tea, explaining in detail of how to get a guy to fall for her.
Very. Uncomfortable. Detail.
“...And that’s how to get a cute guy to fall heads over heels for you, Bern!”
She put down her teacup and winked at her.
“No guy in his right mind can refuse a cutie such as yourself!”
“...Um, I just wanted to talk with him for a little bit, Dorothea. I can’t wink seductively, much less do anything you just said!”
“Huh? I thought you found the guy cute and wanted to take him for dinner?”
“N-NO!...Well I mean, I can’t say it doesn’t sound nice but-...”
“Then go all out! If you strike a pose then-”
“D-Dorothea, can we just start with baby steps?! My heart would explode if I tried that!”
“Those ARE baby steps, well for me anyway. I suppose you can begin with apologizing, then asking if he has any freetime? If you aren’t quite ready for dinner, then how about a walk around town?...Oh right, you don’t like leaving your room for long periods of time...Then...?”
She furrowed her brow, thinking intensely on what to do.
“Listen Bern, I think my tactics might be a bit too forward for what’s in your comfort zone, but I think I know someone who can help!”
Edelgard’s Advice
“And that’s the situation Edie. You’ve had to master the art of small talk as a noble, so maybe you can spread some of that knowledge to Bern here?”
Edelgard looked at Dorothea with the most puzzled face that she and Bernadetta had ever seen.
“Um, with all due respect Dorothea, I figured that YOU were the expert on that topic, considering you like to go out. I have nothing resembling romance in my life right now. I don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to talk to me about this.”
Bernadetta looked down in disappointment.
“I see...”
“Oh, Bernadetta! It’s not that I don’t want to help you I..”
Edelgard’s head turned, trying to avoid eye contact while her cheeks were turning slightly red.
“...don’t exactly know how to talk to boys that way either...”
Dorothea adjusted her hat, closing her eyes and shaking her head.
“Good grief...Alright once I’m done helping Bern out, I’m helping YOU out, Edie. Anyways, don’t you have even a little bit of advice?”
“Well...I suppose the polite thing to do is keep eye contact and make sure you listen to all he has to say. And make sure you don’t jump to conclusions, Bernadetta!”
“Y-Yes ma’am. I think I have enough information now, thank you so much you two!”
“Of course, Bern. Now have fun with him, and be confident!”
“Be confident, right! Okay, goodbye!”
Both of them waved goodbye as she left the library. 
“...We probably shouldn’t leave her alone, huh Edie?”
“Absolutely not.”
As she looked for him, Bernadetta couldn’t shake off the feeling she was being watched.
BONUS: Other Classmate Advice
Caspar - “I say challenge him to a duel with good ol fisticuffs-...Oh that’s not what you meant? I still think that’s the case, no man worth his salt could refuse such a high stakes duel!”
Linhardt - Bold of you to assume he’d even be awake.
Hubert - “...Things must be truly desperate if you’ve come to me of all people...”
Petra - “Ah, I believe this is what you call a ‘Date’! Perhaps you can gain love by offering gift? What gift you may ask? Back home, we offered horse heads as gifts, so perhaps it the same!”
Ferdinand - “Simple, Bernadetta! Simply state that you are a noble, and things will follow from there! You must make sure to keep your status up by being professional at all times!...You’re just talking with him? Then it’s very important to do that very thing! Nothing makes a better conversation starter than your status!”
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arigatouiris · 5 years
out of my league // t.h — 14
Pairing: Tom Holland x Critic! Reader [I use female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; fluff; angst; hurt/comfort; pining; a little bit of cliche because come on.
A/N: You guys are the best. Thank you for such kind comments, it’s made me happier than you could imagine. Thank you. So, this chapter is just tooth rotting fluff. And would you hate me if I said this was coming to an end soon? One more chapter and an epilogue left. Oops. xD
Also the writer mentioned here is fictional haha. 
Also, if you want me to add you to the series taglist, just drop a note or comment! ^^
Word count: 2970
Series Masterlist 
13 | 14 | 15
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The script (y/n) was supposed to write was based off a series of three books, written by a writer who wasn’t too popular. As a matter of fact, (y/n) hadn’t ever heard of this writer—Theodore McLarsen, a strange name for a rather unheard of writer. When Harrison presented her with the books the next day, her heart leapt—it was finally and actually happening. For a moment, when he told her that she had to write a script for a show that Harrison was going to star in, it felt like a dream; a dream based off a conversation she had with Harrison. She called him that night and asked him repeatedly if he was just doing this to cheer her up. Harrison laughed and denied everything.
    “Wouldn’t this make you feel worse?” He asked, chuckling, over call.
    “I don’t know, the thought of it itself so...comforting.” (y/n) said, bashfully.
    “Look, (y/n),” Harrison’s tone turned serious. “Tom suggested your name because he knows you’re good. I won’t lie to you and he won’t appreciate me telling you this but he has read every single one of your reviews. He’s not saying that you’re going to write an awesome script without having any idea that you might. This is not a ‘might’ or ‘may’ situation, Tom’s sure. And you know what? So am I. I’ve spoken to you, I’ve heard your opinions, you’re a brilliant writer, you just don’t know it yourself. Stop doubting yourself, love. All of this had to happen so that you could get here. I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this but hear me out,”
    (y/n)’s heart leapt. “I am so proud of everything you’ve done and how far you’ve come.”
She would have broken down after what Harrison said, but she felt thankful. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to show Harrison and Tom that they had faith in the right person.
    “Thank you, Haz. Thank you so much.”
    “Don’t thank me, thank the man you’re in love with.”
She knew from the tone that he was teasing. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
    “What kind of friend would I be if I did?”
(y/n) laughed, blushing.
    “When do you plan on telling my mate that you love him?”
    “Haz, I… I don’t think I will.”
    “I’m sorry, what?”
    “You heard me. He’s… He’s an actor! And I’m just—”
    “Please don’t give me this cliche he’s rich and I’m in rags tale, please. (y/n), for the love of life, can’t you see Tom feels the same?”
(y/n) froze. There was no way. Sure, they almost kissed but that was perhaps because she was feeling low and it was directed from her end.
    Or was it?
    “It’s not my thing to let you know, love. Talk to Tom. But, if you tell me that you can’t tell him how you feel because he’s an actor, that’s not fair to him or to you. More so for him because if you’re in love with him, he deserves to know.”
Harrison was right. It was always the case—we always held the right to withhold our feelings from someone, but there was also another point of view. If you loved someone for who they are, for being their cheerful self, then you love them for them; and this meant that they deserved to know that they were loved. The reason we hold back from letting the person know is because there’s a lot of expectations preventing us from making a move. (y/n) told herself that she held no such expectation, but the thing about expectations was this: it’s the trickiest thing about being human. You had them, and you’d never know until someone lets them down.
    “Haz…” She didn’t have to tell him anything. Harrison knew his words had gone through.
    “Go at your own pace, (y/n). But, I’d advise you to tell him. He won’t know from me, you can trust me.”
    “Thank you. I’ll get to reading the books now.” (y/n) said, a happier smile rising on her face.
    “Good. Make me look good.”
(y/n) rolled her eyes. “You’re such a div.”
That afternoon, the director gave her a call. He wanted to speak to Tom and Harrison’s recommendation for a script writer himself, and was pleased that it was a woman who was writing.
    “Thank you for accepting in such short notice, though. Miss (l/n).”
    “No, please. Call me (y/n).” She said, rather confidently.
    “If I might ask, are you the critic who wrote the scandalous review for Birds of a Feather?”
It was like she did a turn at 180. Thinking back, if she hadn’t written that review, she wouldn’t be here, writing a script or attempting to. Meeting Tom and Harrison, befriending them, and now here—it was all possible because of that one review, the couple of weeks that turned her life upside down. Looking back, for some strange reason, she felt at ease; everything seemed to be falling into place, everything played a role in getting her here. Everything except Susannah.
    “I’m so sorry, yes. Yes. I wrote the review.” She said.
    “Good thing you did too, someone needed to tell Jean that he was messing things up. The fame gets to ‘im in the end, it’s sad.” The director grumbled.
(y/n) smiled. “Do you want a writing sample to evaluate—”
    “(y/n), of course not. There are writing samples of yours all over the internet. I like you and I want you to write the episodes. I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”
She counted the number of times she’d have to thank Tom for this. He wasn’t even here and he was changing her life, it was strange—this feeling that led her to believe she had known him all her life, it was a feeling that gave her a sense of familiarity with Tom that she didn’t share with anyone else. Just as the call ended, she breathed, before her eyes glanced over to the books on the table. She had just started reading them, feeling a tad bit ashamed for not knowing the writer before this, but was fully intending to make the most out of this experience.
    This was the first time she was reading for a job and was not criticising the work. It felt odd, but familiar, familiar from the years and years of hidden desires that wanted her to do this instead of criticize.
Picking up the book, (y/n) sat down, turning page after page, reacting to each and every line like a regular reader would, picturing the character as Harrison, learning the narrative, visualizing it, creating it in her head. She didn’t realize that hours flew by like seconds, she was transported to a world where only she existed and she wasn’t reading; she was watching it, with her eyes and mind, the sounds within capturing her attention like a bird’s near water. This was what she was meant to do, this finally made sense.
It took her five hours to finish the first book; and seven hours after to finish the second. It felt to her on several occasions that the writer was writing this for her, the writer was grasping her hand and leading her to a spot, letting her know that she wasn’t the only one who felt the confusion that the protagonist feels, there were other characters in the book who were developed perfectly, a touch of mystery, sorrow where it needed to be, and this made the happy moments all the more meaningful.
    Harrison would be perfect for this, she thought, wiping the tears off her eyes. She found herself typing a message for Tom, a long thank you message, revealing to him that she had finished reading the books and would start writing the script after a quick walk outside. London seemed welcoming in terms of its weather that day, and she wanted to make the most of it. It was a lazy Saturday morning, close to 11:30, and (y/n) had never felt as fresh.
Just as she sent the message and headed near the door, she heard a message beep. She stopped in her tracks and checked her own phone, but no message had come. She had just sent Tom a message, and just as the message was delivered, she heard the beep. She sent him another, a mere “Tom?” and she heard the beep again, gasping, as she stood in front of her door.
    Her hands shook as she reached forward to the door knob, opening the door slowly, and revealing him standing there, awkwardly.
It felt like deja vu.
    “Hi.” He said, pressing his lips together, and then breaking into a smile.
She felt like she would faint at that second if Tom hadn’t held her. She wanted to ask him a thousand things, she wanted to tell him she loved him, she wanted to tell him that she’s happier now, that the bad days are over and that he didn’t have to worry, but with that one hug, Tom learned everything.
    Pulling away, Tom stared at her, before noticing she was fully dressed.
    “Are you… Are you heading out?” He asked, his voice low.
She shook her head, “I was going to take a walk—”
    “I know this nice coffee shop.” Tom suggested, grinning cheekily.
(y/n) chuckled, feeling a tad bit nostalgic. “Let’s go to this nice coffee shop then.”
And she felt at home when Tom took her hand in his.
Just as they reached the coffee shop, the waitress froze. She looked at Tom, who was not covered in any disguise, which confused (y/n) (who tried taking her hand out of his grasp several times in order to avoid being caught, but Tom didn’t let go). Tom smiled widely at the waitress, almost as if they were long lost friends, and suggested she’d take them both to a table, away from the crowd. She nodded meekly, poor thing, and led them to the very same table they sat at, all those months ago.
    “You said—”
    “Ma’am, can you bring us a caramel latte, and an americano with no sugar, please?” Tom asked, politely.
(y/n)’s heart skipped a beat.
    “Tom,” She brought his attention toward her this time, his eyes falling on her, as he gazed at her like every girl wanted to be gazed at. “You said two months?”
    “I know. Shoot ended early. Thought I’d surprise you.” He said, reaching forward for her hand.
She blushed, “Tom—”
    “I have missed you.” He said, looking at her hand. “So much.”
    “Tom, I’ve missed you.”
He looked at her now, and she knew where this conversation was going. She knew it in her heart that she could not stop it, she had no strength to stop it, neither did she want to. She turned her hand to the back of her palm and entwined his fingers with hers; the least she could do now was welcome it, with wide open arms, as she drank her black coffee.
    “I’ve fought with myself for a while for this. I tried to resist it initially, because well, of who I am and I thought that everything an actor needed to do had to be this huge, extravagant thing—and that was pressuring me to lose sight of this, of this wonderful could-have-been. Everywhere I’ve gone, it was ‘Oh my god, it’s Tom Holland’ or ‘Bring it together for Tom Holland’ or something similar with a strangely massive amount of excitement, and it never was a simple wave of the hand and a hello or a hi with a smile I wanted to see on a face I wanted to be around. It has always been extravagant around me and I never, up until now, realized how much I missed the ordinary.”
(y/n) felt her heart sting at his words. She’d guessed it was hard being famous, but here was Tom Holland, more than famous. He had reached a point where he couldn’t even un-famous himself. Even if he tried.
    “We think ordinary is never enough, but God do I want it.” He squeezed her hand in his, and then looked at her. She smiled at him, her eyes turning small at the corners.
Tom’s heart leapt. It’s the Emilia Clarke smile, he thought, No, it’s the (y/n) (l/n) smile.
    “Some part of me wants to ruin this for you.” (y/n) whispered, chuckling.
    “Oh? How could you possibly—”
    “I love you so much, Tom Holland, I cannot believe I am actually saying this.”
Tom’s eyes widened, and he almost choked on air. Coughing a couple of times, he noticed from the corner of his eye how she was chuckling.
    “You’re right. This spoiled everything.” She laughed more.
    “I thought you were out of my league but—”
    “You’re seriously stupid sometimes, you know that?” He scolded her, his face a dark red.
She observed as he tried to fan himself, shuffling around in his seat. She wanted to ask him if he was okay, but she enjoyed the scene.
    “Um, do you want something to eat? It’s suddenly very, very hot in here.”
    “The air conditioning is just fine, though.”
    “I’m sweating.”
    “Have you never been confessed to before?”
Tom was quiet now, not meeting her gaze.
    “Thomas Stanley Holland.” She said his name, struggling not to laugh.
    “You know my whole name.” Tom couldn’t hide his wide shy smile.
    “You’re blushing ridiculously! Oh my God. It’s like High School—”
    “Thousands of girls I’ve never met in my life have told me they love me. Not to mention the thirst tweets—”
    “That doesn’t count.” (y/n) said, giggling.
    “(y/n),” Tom turned to her, his face still read. She watched, and wondered if he’d actually say it. A moment later, he turned away, and covered his face in his hands, groaning.
    “You ruined it—”
    “Tom, I’m in love with you.”
    “That’s not helping!”
(y/n) laughed, knowing his answer.
She took him to her house after the strange confession. Tom wasn’t even holding her hand, avoided talking to her, but his face was continuously red and he coughed at random moments. Simply to test if her suspicions were right, she grabbed his hand, causing him to jump, and felt how sweaty his palms were.
    “Ew.” She muttered.
Tom rubbed his hands on his jeans and coughed some more. Once they reached her house, (y/n) took off her jacket and continued to tease him. She placed her jacket on the stand and giggled to herself, talking about how shy Tom was and how flustered he had become.
    “It’s cute, though. I mean, I never took you for someone who—”
A moment later, time froze. Tom’s hands reached her face, his palm on either of her cheeks, and pressed his mouth to hers. Tom kissed her so deeply that for a moment, (y/n) didn't know who was breathing for who, but his mouth and tongue tasted like warm honey. (y/n) didn't know how long it lasted, but when he let go of her, she found that she was missing it already.
    “Who’s flustered now?” He asked, whispering.
Her face was a cherry pink now. Tom smiled, before letting out a slow breath.
    “Haz was right. You don’t need to know someone to like them. And (y/n), all I could do was love you. So I told myself I’d give in to it, to you, without trying to qualify or control anything. I’d surrender. I love you. I love every part of you, every thought and word... the entire complex, fascinating bundle of all the things you are. I want you with ten different kinds of need at once. I love all the seasons of you, the way you are now, the thought of how much more beautiful you'll be in the decades to come. I love you for being the answer to every question my heart could ask.���
And it seemed so easy, he thought. It seemed natural and right.
    “And you’re a fool to think you were out of my league, when from the start it had always been you.”
It was too strong a moment. Tom just simply continued to look at (y/n), whose eyes were glued to his form. She reached forward and touched his face, smiling warmly at him.
    He moved instinctively. (y/n)’s lips were soft against his, and a warmth enveloped him in a way he could not explain. He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. He ran his fingers down her spine, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.
The kiss obliterated every thought. For the first time in forever, Tom’s mind was locked into the present. There was no worry about fame, or the press, or saying the right thing or bad publicity. The worries of the day evaporated like a dew drop before the morning sun. His usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next, constantly thinking about what could go wrong, his anxiety, his stress were all suspended, he had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins, his only desire was to touch her, to move his hands under her smooth summer layers and feel her perfect softness.
Within nanoseconds, the soft caress has become more firm, he savoured her lips and the quickening of her breath that matched his own. A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come.
It didn’t feel scary at all.
series taglist:
@strangemaximoff​, @aestheticgaybish​, @noobmaster63​, @why-are-all-the-teens-gay​, @wonders-of-the-multiverse​, @boushalaivre​, @jackiehollanderr​, @nerdypisces160​, @yourwonderbelle​, @quackson606​, @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff​, @fandoms-stuff​, @danicarosaline​, @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo, @multiverseprincess @spider-mendes @jazzhandspotter @the-rad-mad @itsjlynadaxoxo
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larissaloki · 5 years
sharing is caring 3
shoutout to my beta who i wont name incase they dont want me to! 
@schwergaeneuser @msmynx @im-tops-bottom @jacksonfrost24 @seven-oomen @el-rezet @thoughtfulbreadpolice @cwar1864 @starsofyggdrasil you guys all asked to be tagged in future chapters and here you go! sorry for the long ass wait! 
Groaning, Tony opened his dark, whisky brown eyes that look up at a thankfully darkened ceiling. Soothing low lights illuminate the area but aren’t enough to hurt his eyes, allowing him to get awareness slowly and at his own pace. Whoever had the foresight to dim the lights, he will send them a massive fruit basket to show his appreciation.  
Turning his head to the side, Tony takes in more of his surroundings as he tries to figure out what on earth happened, and just where the hell he is. 
To his surprise, Tony can see what looks like a lab beyond the area he is in. While he looks, a Wakandan in a lab coat strolls by, talking to their…wrist? Confused, Tony winces as he slowly sits up, rubbing at his chest and arm as he feels his limbs protest the movement.  
Setting his feet onto the floor, he notes that his clothes from earlier, the ones he recalls wearing on his flight, have been replaced by a dark blue tunic with black, very loose linen trousers. Both are far more comfortable than they should be, and Tony wondered if they would let him keep the clothes if he asked nicely. 
“I see you are finally awake,” 
Jumping (and no he did not scream!) and craning his neck to look over his shoulder, Tony spots Shuri; recongising her from their video calls from before. 
“What happened? Last thing I remember was being on the plane…” 
Playing with the beads on her wrist, Shuri walked around the table to stand in front of the elder Omega, smiling at him, though in her eyes Tony can see a cheeky glint. An easy to miss look that makes Tony think of Peter. 
“How are you feeling? M’Baku found you in a pool of mud and water. Very lucky you were here in Wakanda when the accident occurred. Anywhere else and you would still be bruised and broken.” 
“Whoa wait, how long has it been since you guys found me?” 
Brow furrowing in confusion yet intrigue, Tony tries to stand and is happy to find that he can do so perfectly, even if he is a little groggy still. 
“Oh, about 3 hours? I’ve been improving our healing system lately!” 
Smiling brightly and obviously proud of herself, Shuri helped him move away from the table and slowly led him to a lab chair. She offered him a drink of water which Tony gratefully accepted, downing it as fast as he could without making himself sick. Putting the cup down and breathing heavily, Tony’s eyes widened in shock and no small amount of awe. 
“Three hours?!” 
Damn Wakanda really is superior huh? Tony shook his head and tucked away his questions for another time, though he would love nothing more right now than to take a look at the system Shuri was using and learn how it all works. Tony quickly brought his focus back to the main issue. 
“Does anyone know what exactly happened? What caused the accident?” 
Sitting down near him, Shuri gave him her full attention. 
“I just checked in with T’Challa before you woke up. The are looking through the ruins as we speak and T’Challa said he is cataloguing everything they find and if they spot anything weird, they will let you look over it. I also have scanning equipment to look for any electrical faults or tampering” 
Rubbing his forehead, Tony sighed heavily as he tried to think of anything that could have gone wrong. The aircraft was one that he’d built and put together mostly by himself, anything he hadn’t done himself he had Friday overlook and monitor. However, if its not the actual craft that was compromised, then that leaves the horrible option that someone had snuck something onto the plane without Tony or Friday realizing. And that honestly frightens him far more. 
From the grim look that Shuri is giving him, she knows exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Thank you Shuri, for healing me and to your brother for looking over the plane for me,” 
Waving away his thanks Shuri grins at him, her upbeat personality coming back through. “Don’t thank me, I kinda wanted an excuse to show off something to you” 
Giving her a grin of his own Tony looks back over to the area he had just been laying in. 
“I am thoroughly impressed already and cannot wait to see more inventions from you”  
Bouncing in her seat, her body practically vibrating in excitement, Shuri grabs his arm to pull him up as she stands. “let’s start the tour!” 
Without waiting for Tony to reply, Shuri drags him off to show him around her lab, introducing him to the various scientist that are currently working on one project or another. Tony loved the moving black model pedestal. The black matter moving fluidly to bring up whatever is needed, be it floor plans or models of objects. Essentially a much better version of a hologram.  
When Shuri showed him the bigger version in the middle of the floor that allows her to remotely drive a vehicle from the lab, Tony lost it and insisted on her giving him a demo of it. Like children in a toy shop, they got stuck into their own little world. 
They were so engrossed in what they where doing that they completely missed M’Baku entering with Bucky following behind, carrying a tray of food for Shuri and Tony. The duo had intercepted the original person carrying it and insisted on delivering it themselves. M’Baku brought them to a stop a few feet away, watching the now healed Stark chat away with the younger genius. 
Bucky stood a little bit awkwardly behind M’Baku, as the last time he and Stark had met face to face…bad shit happened. He didn’t want to hurt Stark, the poor omega had been hurt enough as it is; yet his concern had won out and convinced him to keep checking on Stark’s progress as he healed. M’Baku was much bolder than him though. 
They watched for a while longer as the two geniuses spoke at the speed of light, Tony screaming and eagerly testing out each invention. Firing questions and saying words that M’Baku could not keep up with nor hope to understand. Amused, M’Baku makes his way closer calling out in a sudden booming voice to catch their attention. 
“Food! That is if you two can drag yourselves away from the toys long enough to eat it,” Smirking when Tony and Shuri jump, M’Baku helps Bucky put the food on a near by counter for them. 
Rolling her eyes, Shuri gets up and helps tony before deactivating the invention they were playing with. 
“How did you get in? I thought I banned you after the 5 times you guys asking if Tony was better?” 
Looking over the plates, Shuri oohs at the variety of foods that had been prepared for them, many of which would be easier for Tony to eat if he was still feeling a little off. Behind her, Tony catches sight of Barnes and pauses briefly as he takes everything in. 
Barnes looks hopelessly nervous and scared stood behind the larger Wakandan, the red robe like clothing actually looks good on him, the blue sling around the stump where his arm used to be is done in a tasteful manner which doesn’t drag your attention overly to it. Hell, Tony can even admit that Barnes looks healthier overall, his hair looks fluffy and is longer, a small portion pulled back into a bun. Tony is not afraid to admit that Barnes looks handsome. 
Wakanda obviously agrees with him. 
“You look good Barnes” 
Freezing slightly, Bucky looks up at Tony in surprise that Tony is actually acknowledging him. Nodding his head slowly and drawing himself up to stand a bit straighter, Bucky gives Tony a small, soft and shy smile. 
“So do you” 
Huffing in amusement, Tony plucks up from fruit to eat to keep his hands and mouth busy as he feels an uncharacteristic shyness overtake him. 
“Thanks, considering I was a wreck 3 hours ago, I take that as a big compliment” 
Between them, M’Baku looks between them with growing glee at how adorably shy these two are. Yes, he knows that things were not that great between these two not so long ago, but it seems to be fixable judging by what he’s just seen. Deciding to think more on this later; and possibly make a plan to help these two fix the gap between them. M’Baku pulls out a bottle of juice that his tribe had made themselves. 
“I brought this as well, it’s meant to help with any aches. Would you like to try some?” 
Humming in thought, Tony looks the larger Alpha up and down in a considering manner. Growing up rich, Tony had gotten used to expecting many Alphas having a motive behind many of their actions. Some more sinister than others. However, this alpha seems genuine enough.  
“Sure! As they say, when in Rome do as Roman’s do huh?” Tony flashes M’Baku his most harmless yet charming smile. 
Oh, M’Baku thinks, I’m in trouble. 
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thenamesseven · 6 years
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff, smut.
Plot: Jinyoung asks you out but you don't feel worth enough to be the an idol's girlfriend. However when your mom invites him over for dinner he is determined to show you how perfect you are for him.
This was a request! Sorry for taking so long and I hope you like it!
“Actually, I would like to date you”
Those words caught you off guard.
You had been walking around with Jinyoung, your childhood best friend, since he had showed up at your house after being busy for a couple of weeks thanks to his group's practise sessions. You two, willing to do something thar would let hin relax a little had decided to take a walk to the park near his dorms' building at night so he wouldn't ended up surrounded by crazy fans.
He was sitting on a bench and you were standing right next to a fountain, observing the little orange fish that swam around, you can’t remember how your conversation went from a simple catching up after a comeback to I have a crush on you.
You stood there for a minute, silence overwhelming both of you as your mind tried to deal with all the different thoughts that went through your head. He liked you? How could he? Jinyoung was no longer the normal boy that used to live next door for most of your life, he was now an idol, a really handsome one, who had a smile that could kill you and a voice that made him sound like an angel. Who were you though? You were still stuck in University and you weren’t studying for a prestigious career like surgery or medicine. You had randomly chosen most of your subjects because you were kind of lost in life and still didn’t know what you wanted to do in the future. Everyone called you a mess, a clumsy person, somebody who always managed to get themselves in trouble no matter what and let’s not talk about your physical appearance.
Jinyoung was just out of your league.
“I don’t like you”
You groaned pretty loudly burying your face against the towel you were holding in your hands.
Right after rejecting Jinyoung so harshly that afternoon you had promised yourself to do whatever you needed to avoid seeing him again to make things less uncomfortable between the two of you. It was kind of obvious your rejection was a lie since you liked him but for some reason, after rejecting his confession, your feelings seemed to have become stronger which honestly, was kind of horrible. You felt awful for answering him that rudely to his confession but Jinyoung deserved somebody who was way better than you. He could date one of those female idols that were as famous and pretty as him, he really didn’t need a loser like you.
Anyways, your plan to avoid Jinyoung was quickly screwed up by your mom when she announced that she had been so happy to find out that your friend was back that she had invited his family over to dinner at your house. For your own sake and to avoid any awkward questions you had reacted like everyone had expected and forced a smile up to your lips when you heard the news. However, your older brother had caught the sad sighs that occasionally left your lips and the way you got lost in your own thoughts a little too often so as soon as he had a chance he basically forced you to tell him what had happened between the two of you. He was really astonished when he found out you weren’t going to date him, he even called you an idiot for rejecting the poor guy.
Only you and Jinyoung understood why you had said no and so far, he seemed to respect that.
“(Y/N)! Get out of the bathroom already! I have to take a shower too!”
Your brother’s whining pulled you out of your thoughts, your eyes moving up to the mirror as you watched your reflection. Your hair was finally dry and didn’t look like a bird nest anymore, the little make up you had put on your face managed to cover the black bags under your eyes that showed how sleepless you had been since that afternoon with Jinyoung.
You opened the door, your eyes instantly meeting with your brother's, he couldn't help but sigh a little when he looked at your face "Im going to be there with you alright? For mental support, so relax and try to enjoy dinner" He said with a soft smile ruffling your hair just after you had brushed it.
"Aish Sam! I just made my hair look decent" You quickly moved away, dodging his hand when he reached up again to keep messing with you. Willing to make him stop, you slapped his arm but he just chuckled.
"You still want to look decent for him, mhm? Why don't you talk things out?" He asked crossing his arms, leaning against the door frame as he stared down at you. However, you simply shook your head. "Fine then, keep being stubborn and fuck things up"
Without saying anything else or letting you answer his comment, he stepped back into the bathroon and closed the door on your face. You were kind of shocked at his reaction, it was actually the first time that your brother was mad at you for not dating somebody.
The world was going crazy.
Preparing for the dinner didn't take so long. You chose to wear a simple black dress that wasn't too formal but it wasn't informal either, it was also comfortable since the skirt wasn't too short and you could sit down without worrying about your underwear being on plain sight. You also kept your make up simple, some base, eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. Enough to make you look like a decent person since you kind of look more like a zombie nowadays.
Walking downstairs was a huge mistake. Your mom was running around the house going from the dining room to the kitchen and viceversa, as soon as she saw you standing there, she started shouting orders to you. You managed to fix the disaster that your dining room was and set up a quite simple yet nice table while your mom was finishing with the dishes she had been preparing the whole day. You were hoping your brother would be done showering when Jinyoung's family arrived but unfortunately, he was still upstairs doing God knows what.
Guess who was told to open the door?
Lucky you.
With your hand on the doorknob you let out a quiet sigh, trying to calm your pounding heart before slowly pulling the door opened. His mom was the first one you saw, she smiled at you. Actually, everyone in his family smiled at you unlike Jinyoung who looked really uncomfortable. You understood him, you had rejected his confession quite harshly but it was for his own good, you simply helped him to not make the biggest mistake of his life.
His whole family walked inside but he stood there infront of you. Jinyoung looked nervous, not uncomfortable "H-Hi" He stuttered, smiling awkwardly at you. You could see he was trying to relax the tense an awkward atmosphere between both of you and you so appreciated that.
"Hi! Come in!" Stepping to the side you watched him walk inside and when he truly smiled at you one of those smiles without any awkwardness or tension, you felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on you. For some reason, seeing Jinyoung getting ready to have dinner with you and your family made you regret rejecting him.
What had you done?
You stopped paying attention to what was happening around. Somehow, you managed to participate in some of the conversations that were going on at the dinner and eat normally while you were stuck in your racing yet confusing thoughts. You couldn't understand yourself, why did you regret not going out with Jinyoung when you didn't feel enough for him?
Your eyes moved up to his just to catch him staring at you discreetly. Did he really want somebody like you? Jinyoung looked away with a smirk, focusing down on his plate as he played around with his food. Actually, what you hadn't realized was that he had been too busy staring at you to eat.
When dessert came, adults got out of the room, deciding to have a smoke outside and left your brother, Jinyoung and you in the same room absolutely alone. Jinyoung seemed like he wanted to talk with you but his eyes moved to your brother and hesitation kept him quiet. He didn't know why he was so scared, he was the one being rejected and not on the other way around.
"You two are the biggest idiots in the universe"
Your brother decided to break the silence, his words leaving you both surprised yet kind of confused. He simply stood up, scoffed when he looked down at you and walked into the kitchen where the rest of your families were. You couldn't help but look at Jinyoung and a quiet chuckle full of confussion and nervousness left your lips after that little outburst of frustration from your brother. When the laughing was over, you two returned to eat your dessert until Jinyoung decided to break the silence once again.
"Why?" Your head shot up to look at him while your heart started beating faster. A soft frown appeared on your face when his eyes met yours "Why did you reject me? Is it because of the idol thing? Are you scared of it?" His genuinely confused look made your heart melt a little. He truly looked a bit lost.
"You know why Jinyoung" You simply answered looking down, not feeling in the mood to eat your dessert anymore.
"(Y/N) I-" He looked up to see your brother walking into the dining room once again. Noticing he had interrupt something important he mouthed a quiet apology and turned on his heels to walk away. Sighing Jinyoung moved his eyes back to yours "Can we talk about this somewhere else, please?" It should have sounded like a question but for some reason, it sounded like he was begging.
"Fine, let's go upstairs then" Letting out a sigh you gently and as quietly as possible pushed your chair back and without looking at Jinyoung again you turned around to make your way upstairs.
You let him walk into your bedroom first, he looked around quietly with his hands inside his pockets as you closed the door behind you. Your eyes never left his broad back, looking even more muscular with that white dress shirt he had chosen to wear for tonight.
"Stop the bullshit" Those words got you even more shocked that when he asked you out all of a sudden. You could only stare at him, your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to catch up with his words. Before you could ask what was wrong with him, Jinyoung turned around, trapping you between the door and his body.
"Stop" You whispered looking into his eyes, trying to look mad. Your hands were gripping the hem of your shirt, your body shifting nervously when you realized how frustrated he really was.
"(Y/N)" He said your name in such a soft and sweet way that you almost turned into puddle right there. "You are beautiful, you deserve the whole fucking world" He slapped both of his hands on the door next to your head in frustration making you jump a little. "I've been trying to make you see yourself the way I see you, because God knows you're incredibly stunning for me" He knew you always had a bit of trouble loving yourself so Jinyoung made his mission to try and make you get over your problem since the day he met you.
You shook your head, feeling your eyes being drowned in tears "Yes you are babe, give me a chance, let me show you" When one of his hands moved from the wall to your cheek, you knew you had lost the battle. The way he delicately touched you, the way he made you feel so fragile and warm was everything you have ever wanted and needed. "Let me show you, let me show you how much I love you"
Looking up into his eyes you nodded and Jinyoung didn't even give you time to process what was happening, he simply leaned in and kissed your lips. The hungry kiss you were expecting never arrived, all you got were sweet and passionate kisses that kept you kissing him back for more. You felt like you would die if his lips ever moved away from yours.
Without breaking the kiss, Jinyoung slowly guided you to your bed, gently pushing you down onto it. You couldn't help the small yet shy smile you got when he looked down at you so happily, so excited you were giving him a chance that you felt extremely bad for rejecting him the other day. With you laying down already, Jinyoung placed himself between your legs before he could lean back down and this time, devour your lips. With your hands around his neck you didn't leave Jinyoung another choice but to keep his warm body as close as he could to yours.
The way he kissed you, the way his hands moved down on your body wandering around every single curve of yours made you feel wanted. He wasn't kidding when he said he would make you feel loved, you were definitely loving his attention. However, when he grabbed the hem of your dress and started pulling it up you confidence vanished.
Jinyoung noticed you were hesitating and stopped pulling "I'll take my shirt off first, will that make you feel better?" You thought that was a question but when he took it off without really caring if that could make you uncomfortable you noticed he was just telling you what he was going to do. He took his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. "See?" He asked against your lips which brushed against yours everytime he spoke.
He gently took one of your hands and slowly moved it down his torso, letting you touch his muscles and get the actual feeling of skin against skin that seemed to turn you on so much. "There is nothing wrong with being shirtless, let me worship your body tonight (Y/N)" He moved away from your lips, earning a needy whine since you had expected him to kiss you more.
However when his lips pressed against that sensitive spot that you had on your neck, your whines turned into moans and his serious face turned into sweet smiles.
He was making you feel good, he was finally reaching his objective.
Softly Jinyoung attempted to take off your dress again and this time you let him do it. As soon as the cloth left your body you felt the silly need to cover yourself up but Jinyoung's kissed distracted you enough to not care about it. His hands trailed down on your soft body slowly, at first, he only touched you with his fingertips but when he realized it didn't bother you he started using his whole hands. Leaning back on his knees, he stared down at youvlaying there shirtless with an astonished look on your face.
"Jinyoung..." You whispered complainning, looking for something to cover yourself up. One thing was touching you but staring down at you like that? It made you feel so shy, so vulnerable that the urge to cover your torso got even stronger.
"No baby, don't do that" He shook his head leaning back down, his chest pressing against yours. The new contact made you gasp, everything Jinyoung did felt incredibly overwhelming for some reason. You just couldn't have enough of him. "You are so soft" As he whispered, his lips started moving down your neck slowly, leaving a trail of soft gentle kisses on your skin "So beautiful and I haven't even seen everything yet" Your cheeks turned red at his words, his hands gently playing with the hem of your underwear. "You will really need to tell me your skin routine because it's so soft" He smirked when he heard your chuckles, it was obvious he was saying this to make you more comfortable but it didn't make it less funny.
"Give me a second, it's unfair to you if I keep my pants on" Jinyoung moved away from you but his eyes never left your body. He stared at you while he pulled down his dress pants, staying only in his black tight boxers that left too little to your imagination. He was already hard and big, it looked like he could be in pain at this point but Jinyoung kept taking things slowly, not wanting you to feel pressured. "Are you feeling good baby? You are not uncomfortable, right?" Right when he finished the second question, he gently pressed his hips against yours. You both hissed, not in pain but in pleasure and Jinyoung smirked hearing your needy whines "That's what I thought" He muttered leaning in to kiss you again "You are as comfortable as I am right now, mhm?" He quietly chuckled making you smile, in a rush of confidence you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his body closer to yours. "That's it, pull me closer" He purred against your ear, nibbling your earlobe gently just to make you whimper again "You smell so good baby" He breathed in your scent with his head buried against your hair, you could feel the heat between your legs getting even worse.
Before you could say something, you felt Jinyoung’s hands unclasping your bra. You had been so focused on the feeling of his lips against yours, on the way his body warmth calmed you down that you didn’t notice in which moment his hands had moved there. You pulled back from the kiss to complain but he was faster than you moving down to kiss the sensitive part of your neck once again so instead of a complain what got out fo your lips was a quiet moan. Goosebumps formed on your skin when he slowly removed your bra from you, his chest quickly covering yours and his eyes never leaving your face what made you feel less and less shy.
“So fucking beautiful (Y/N)” He whispered quietly, his head moving down on your body. His lips didn’t stop on the base on your neck, this time he kept getting lower to your shoulder and after your shoulder came the top of your breasts. His hands were now caressing the inside of your thighs, his touch becoming more confident since he felt your body absolutely relaxing underneath his. “So many guys would kill to do what I’m doing” He glanced up at you right when his tongue caressed one of your already hard nipples causing another moan to get out of your mouth again. At this point, you didn’t know how but Jinyoung had boosted your self-confidence in a way nobody had ever done, you really felt worth there with him and you didn’t want the moment to end. “Can I?” He asked quietly just to make you realize his fingers were playing with the hem of your panties, looking down at him you nodded and let him get rid of the last piece of clothing that was covering a part of your body.
You now were absolutely naked underneath him.
“I’m so lucky to have such a pretty girl with me” He whispered tossing your panties to the floor, a shy smile on your face as you felt your cheeks turning pink “I’m so tired of you feeling worthless when I’m the one that doesn’t deserve somebody as perfect as yours” Your smile got even bigger and he couldn’t help but stop kissing your naked body to chuckle at your happy yet shy expression.
“Stop it” You said laughing softly, running your fingers through his perfectly brushed hair just to mess it a little bit but that didn’t erase the smile on his face. Both of you laying there naked, laughing at the most silly thing in the world “You’re making me shy seriously, Jinyoung” You muttered chuckling, looking up at the ceiling instead of him.
“It’s just so cute to see you being so flustered” He replied leaving opened mouth kisses down your body until he arrived to your lower stomach, Jinyoung stopped right there “I told you, there’s nothing about you that I find ugly. You’re simply perfect for me” His fingers caressed your clit and your legs attempted to close, surprised at the sudden contact. He smiled a little, still with his eyes up on your face “It feels good, mhm? Let me make you feel better baby” With your eyes never leaving his face you saw and felt his tongue licking across your wet entrance making you gasp. Unconsciously, your hands gripped the bed sheets tighter as your back arched a little.
“Jinyoung” You whispered with your eyes half closed willing for him to give you a small break but Jinyoung had another idea in mind. He didn’t give you any breaks, instead, he kept moving his lips against your wet entrance stealing moans -some louder, some quieter- from your lips. His pace also changed, he was slow, sweet and cautious but when your moans got slightly louder he got faster and rougher. By the time he moved his lips away you were at the edge of screaming his name, gripping his hair with your breathing being truly heavy, you really were struggling to breathe propertly. “Please”
“Please, what?” He whispered looking up at you, his eyes turning darker as ever “What do you want (Y/N)?” He licked his wet lips, humming at the sweet taste of your juices that remained in his lips.
“I want you” You told him, your body screaming for more of his touch, kisses and pleasure.
“Sure thing baby, I’m right here” That nickname he was using was going to be the death of yours. You held your breath when he started crawling up on your body, leaving a trail of kisses that started on your belly button and finished on your lips. Jinyoung pulled you into another make out session in which you both started grinding against each other unconsciously. “Are still on birth control? Cause I didn’t bring protection”
“It’s alright, don’t worry” You wrapped your arms around his back, your hands caressing his skin as you felt him push his hips forward against yours, the tip of his member stretching your entrance, making you groan.
“Shit baby, you are so tight” He whispered, his face buried against your neck as he left kisses on it to relax your tense body. You pressed your nails tightly against his skin, nudging his head with yours gently to make your lips meet again in a hot, passionate kiss. Jinyoung moaned against your lips even louder, making you clench your walls harder which made his body shiver. “(Y/N)...Relax….Please?” He whispered against your lips, his eyes closed tight as he tried to stay still while you got adjusted to his length. Quietly, you nodded moving your hands up and down on his body finally managing to relax.
When Jinyoung felt you finally were adjusted to him he started moving his hips. At first his movements were slow and passionate, thrusting deeply into you to stretch your inner walls with every single movement of his hips he made. The room was filled with quiet and muffled moans, not willing to be heard by your parents as Jinyoung claimed you as his.
He never stopped praising your body telling you how hot you were, how pretty he saw you and how he would never get enough for you. His praising was followed by harder thrusts, rougher movements and deeper kisses that got your body shaking with pleasure, both of your minds numb as you both spoke whatever came up to your mind.
“(Y/N)” He moaned out loud making you open your eyes. His hand went down to your cheek and caressed it with his thumb gently, you were getting lost in his eyes when he whispered “I love you so god damn much, fuck!” You absolutely lost it there, his thrust being so hard that your eyes rolled to the back of your head in pleasure. Everytime you opened your mouth to answer him more moans came out and Jinyoung simply smiled knowing his thrusts were the main reason you couldn’t speak “Come on baby” He pecked your lips, sweat covering both of your bodies “Cum for me, I’m almost there too”
His permission was all you needed, right there looking into his eyes you reached your orgasm moaning so loud his name he had to cover your mouth to not be caught by somebody. Jinyoung followed you, his hips stuttering before he thrusted as deep into you as he could to fill you up. He groaned your name over and over again, his body falling down onto yours as he wrapped his arms around you to keep you close to him.
“I...I...Love you too” You whispered caressing his body, trying to catch your breath.
Right there you noticed that no matter how worthless you felt, you would always be perfect for Jinyoung.
And there wasn’t anything else you wanted more in this world.
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trashbin-mumbling · 5 years
Chapter I
Ever since the humans has set a huge fire to the forest, it was marked as one of the biggest tragedy in history.
It has made a few animals go extinct and a few to become endagered.
When all hope was lost, a huge tree grew, and was given the role to protect all animals. The tree provided us with food and protection from the fire -- we called it the Tree of Life. Everyone worked in harmony and no one dared to strike on eachother. And even if they did, they'd get taken away from the Tree of Life.
But then the humans has striked and chopped the tree down after finding out that it was made out of "rare material"
The tree of life was gone.
I was quickly taken away from the area, abandoning my kind. We were the only ones left.
- - - - -
(1ST P.O.V)
I was currently still walking aimlessly in the ruined forests, the scent of ashes and dust was everywhere. It was a horrid smell.
What happened again?.. oh.. right.
I'm lost. I can't remember how many days, weeks, months or years has passed me ever since the Tree was chopped down. I was doing my hardest to survive since I was the only one left in my kind. What were we? I can't remember.
I scanned my areas, all I saw was rubbles, trash, and fallen leaves. Trees being one of them too, It was getting tiring to walk around, so I decided to rest for the night. There was a nearby cave made out of the rubbles and trees, so I rushed over. I was already feeling the adrenaline. It scared me, obviously.
When I rushed over to the cave entrance, I instinctivly placed my hand on the cold surface, just to catch my breath. The texture was somewhat in the middle of rough and smooth. Maybe its because it rained...? Or it was getting mossier, I dont know.
So I crawled under the cave, in hopes I'll live another day to find somewhere to stay.
(Back to 3RD P.O.V)
The fox finally fell asleep under the cool cave, the sounds of crickets chirping and the wind blowing filled the atmosphere. It was peaceful, yet left chills down your spine from the feeling that -- something will pounce and bite.
He was obviously tired and didn't really care much from the noises the bugs emitted, and was in a deep slumber, soon enough, the sound of crunching was heard.
"Hey.. is that a survivor?.."
"Lead the way."
The sounds got louder, and soon enough a sound of something brushing against the cave walls resonated in his ears making him flutter his eyes slowly.
And there he was faced to face with a wolf and swan.
The fox widened his eyes and quickly backed up "S-STAY AWAY!--" The swan gripped on his wrists softly, yet firmly "Sir, please, we won't do such thing. We have come to rescue you." She spoke out in a sweet tone to calm the frightened fox, the wolf simply glanced "Come, we should go back, we're done with our shift for today." The fox struggled out of her grip, but the swan simply gave a soft gaze, as if to say -- It will all be okay.
He stared back and saw genuine concern from the woman, he finally saw the truth and bit his bottom lip, anxiously "I... Im sorry for my behaviour." The wolf didnt reply and simply leaned against the cave, staring. The swan gave a soft smile "its quite alright. I apologize if we did look suspicious. We'll take you somewhere safer, come with us."
[ and so, the fox went along with the two, they walked over the hill, the swan was infront while the wolf was behind. The fox didn't know where he was going but then saw something soar from above.. an owl..? ]
"Cho! Imako!" The swan looked behind her, before glancing up the skies. She spotted the owl boy who was flapping his wings and gave a tired look, his voice was average to a person speaking infront of you, is that supposedly his yell? "Ah, Rowlet! Hows the situation back in Haseika Village?" The fox looked up as well, the owl, presumambly, Rowlet looked rather nerdy, yet at the same time, VERY sleep deprived, he wore a simple beige coat that has some sort of symbols and round glasses.
"Mr. Hagetaka is looking for you and the others. He requests you to come back. The village is currently alright." His voice was.. soft, making the two tilt their head, the wolf behind them walked forward, his ears twitching a bit "Mr. Hagetaka is looking for us. And the village is alright, we should go." The swan nodded before waving goodbye to the owl who then flew off.
Now the fox had questions, he didn't know there was a village. Who was Cho? Imako? Rowlet? Hagetaka?.. the swan seemed to have notice his mood by the way his tail was moving slightly along with his furrowed expression, she simply placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump, ever so slightly.
"We'll talk about the situation later, for now. Lets move on forth."
And so they did. The only sound heard was the sound of the leaves crunching each time they took a step, not to mention the harmonious bug's chatters.
It went up for a few more minutes when they finally saw 2 swans and a wolf. The swans was a male and a female, both looking quite the same, only difference being the hair length, while the wolf was still a male, but looked more.. nicer and welcoming. And next to them was a Koala clinging onto the wolf and a fidgety looking otter
"Ahh, Cho!" The male wolf waved at the female, so it looks like he can assume that the wolf was Imako and the swan was Cho. The male wolf surprisingly didn't drop the koala clinging unto him or well. The koala letting go. The two swans simply stared, not really saying much which honestly made the Fox a bit more anxious about them. Imako cleared his throat "Mr. Hagetaka is currently looking for us. We should report back to him."
The wolf gave thumbs up while the two swans simply nodded before holding the otter'a hands, to which he replied by awkwardly being dragged away by them. Cho walked forward and gestured the fox to follow, while of course, Imako stayed at the back.
"Whats the name of the village?" The fox spoke out, voice somewhat parched from lack of water, Cho hummed "Haseika. Its where the new Tree of Life is located." The fox widened his eyes
Tree of Life? "a new one?" Imako grumbled "Leave the questions for later. I'm pretty sure Kireika would happily answer them..." Cho looked over her shoulder, doing a little 'ehem'
He rolled his eyes "Mistress Kireika." The fox still stared, he was intimidated but there is so much going on.
[ it was another long walk, but sooner or later they walked through a tree bridge and through the tree leaves that were still... oddly alive and was finally greeted with the sight of Haseika Village from above. They were on a hill and there in the middle was... ]
"Is that the tree?" The fox pointed at the little bonsai in the middle, Cho giggled along with the cheery wolf "No silly, thats not it."
The two swans pointed at a hill with small opening that was decorated with flowers and had a vine like curtain. The fox just stared before realizing "Ah, so.. through that opening?" The two swans nodded, before going down the small log stairs (still dragging the poor otter) the cheery wolf simply followed, not having a problem about the Koala girl while the 3 went on ahead to follow them.
The fox's eyes glowed in amazement after seeing the beauty of the village. Everyone was seen working in harmony, children were happily chasing eachother, and the scent of simple pastries were from the distance. Who knew that they'd still get lively in the night.
Speaking of pastry, That made the fox's stomach grumble. He hasnt ate much... which is why he can barely remember things. Cho giggled "You're hungry, aren't you?" The fox simple laughed awkwardly "y-yeaah..." Imako stared blankly "Don't worry. Im sure Namake would happily treat your wounds, illnesses, etc etc." Cho nodded at his remark "yeah! Doctor Namake is the best!"
Before they made a turn, a loud booming voice was heard "OI, STOP RIGHT THERE!" the swans and wolves froze and turned around. Along with the survivors. They saw a tall vulture who wore all black and had a far different uniform than the swans and wolves, they all turned to his direction.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU ALL WENT?" The cheery wolf gulped while the two swans winced at his voice, Cho cleared her throat "U-Uh.. well Mr. Arukami sent us t--"
"DID HE NOT MENTION ABOUT OUR MEETING?!" the 2 survivors stood there in shock while the Koala woke up rubbing her eyes before sleeping on the ground instead. The vulture grumbled "Agh.. that forgetful little shit. Come. They'll just find their way to the Tree." Cho stuttered a bit, being caught in her sentence while the cheery wolf avoided eye contact, which ticked the Vulture off even more.
"AS FOR YOU, YOKIKA, DONT YOU DARE THINK THAT I DID NOT SUSPECT YOU FOR WRAPPING MY FUCKING STAPLER IN VINES." the now named, Yokika puffed his cheeks out "You'll be doing 300 push ups after the meeting is done. You 5, follow me." The vulture then glanced at the 3 survivors "You 3. You know where the Tree of Life is?" The otter choked on his saliva, while the Koala was still asleep on the ground, the Fox nodded "Y-Yes sir."
The vulture squinted his eyes "You're aware and respectful. I like that. We shall be taking our leave, please respect the Tree." The vulture then left, the way he spoke as if he glossed over his previous behaviour surprises the fox. But now his concern is the tree and the survivors..
"Ah.. well, hey uhm.. what are your names?" The fox glanced over to the two, of course the Koala didnt answer while Otter gasped "Y-you're talking to me..?" The Koala fluttered her eyes open rubbing her eyes "Tsubuya." The otter squeaked "Y-YOU'RE STILL ALIVE?!" Tsubuya stood up lazily and clung onto the fox "Sleepy." The Fox awkwardly carried her, she looked around 9 or 10 The otter looked sround 15 or 17, he was 19.
"A-AH UH.. M-MY NAME IS KAWAUSO- J-JUST CALL ME KAWA- OR UH- WAU-- WELL, UH, ANHTHING I GUESS!" He seemed to be a very.. socially awkward person. The fox nodded "I see uh.. my name is Kit." Kit then looked around "We should probably head for the tree of life." Tsubuya mumbled a quiet -- "Tsutsu" while Kawa nodded rather... aggresively
The path to the tree of life was a bit near, they just had to take a straight walk to the distant viney curtains. The village was still lively and cheerful, the village itself was circled by the mountain walls. But it wasn't that high. Finally, they were greeted by the vine like curtains. The 3 stayed quiet and took a deep breath.
Soon enough they went through the vines, and the sight amazed him, making his heart leap from excitement. The feeling of emotions rushed in once he saw the beauty.
A single island in the middle while the lake around it had flower petals resting on them while a few children slept. And there the tree.. was instead a deer sitting down peacefully with her antlers spread all over the place.
She was the tree. The tree of life.
The fox widened his eyes. While the deer fluttered her eyes open.
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leechanluvbot · 6 years
Make A Splash! | Boo Seungkwan
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Maybe nearly drowning in the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon wasn’t the highlight of your day, but finally talking to the cute lifeguard on duty sure was.
Part 1/13 of the Disney w/ SVT series! | masterlist here 
Genre: fluff, mini bit of angst, non idol!SVT, Seungkwan x reader 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drowning and mini panic attack 
Recommended song: Candle Light - NCT Dream
Summer in Florida was especially hot this year
You and your friends were dying for a day off of this sweltering temperature 
So your close friend, Jennie, came up with a plan to beat this heat for one day at your house
“I’m so boredddd” Jiyho groaned, throwing her phone somewhere behind her
Your barely glanced up from your book that you were reading
“Go eat a popsicle or something then” you mumbled
“Boooo I don’t like your tone,” Jiyho yelled back
“I wanna do something fun for once! Like there gotta be something we can do” 
“Idea!” Jennie said sitting up quickly from your bed she was sitting on
“Lets go to the waterpark!” 
“Oh my gOD I haven’t been in years, y/n can we go??” 
You looked between the two rowdy girls, contemplating this idea 
I mean, what was there to loose? You loved the water and going to a waterpark genuinely sounded fun
Except for the fact you were not a strong swimmer 
You figured you would still go to swim, but nothing too crazy 
You threw your book down and stood up
“Fuck it, lets go” 
 An hour later, you and ur girlies drove over to the closest waterpark
Typhoon Lagoon 
“I haven’t been in years!” Jiyho said as you passed through the gates
“I wonder whats changed.”
Leaning back in the front seat, you also wondered the same thing
After spending a shit ton of money JUST TO GET IN i’m big mad about the one day pass like tf
Y’all found seats near the water to sunbathe 🤩🤩
Laying out your stuff, you just happened to look up for a second
And thought you had had developed sun stroke and went to heaven
Cause w h o was that fine ass angel in the lifeguard tower??
And apparently you said this out loud cause your friends immediately whipped their heads to check him out 
“He is cute” Jiyho whispered “Do you think he’s available?”she questioned, to which Jennie smacked her 
“Eyy y/n called dibs relaxed” Jennie grumbled
 But you weren’t listening
You were too focused on staring burning holes into that beautiful boy’s back
y/n stop being whipped challenge: failed 
You immediately made a pact with your friends to try and get this cute boy’s attention at all cost today
When he wasn’t busy that is!!! please don’t try to distract a working lifeguard 
Standing up straighter and smiling while sending little glances up at the chair, mission get y/n their man was a go 🤪👊🏼
Meanwhile, Seungkwan was bored™️
There was little to do at Disney, since everything was pretty much baby-proofed
expect for the wave pool, where he was currently stationed 
The amount of dumb tourists that were knocked down by waves and then proceeded to come to him to complain when it is literally called a wave pool was frustrating to say the least
Like he’s supposed to be on duty, what is he supposed to do, fight the pool? headass 🗿
So whlle he was grilling away in the heat, he decided to people watch
his personal talent
And his eyes landed on you and your rowdy friends
Mentally groaning to himself, he sat up straighter to make sure to keep extra watch on your group
It was always the rowdy groups that caused the most trouble 
Trying to not make it so obivous he was babysitting your group from far away, he only took sparring glances at your and your friends
Meaning he missed the signals you sent to him to,,, “flirt” if you can even call it that 
Which was frustrating,, to say the least
So with you growing more and more unconfident in making Kwannie turn, your friends immediately knew what they had to do when they got to the deeper part o the wave pool 
Which was faking you drowning
Sounds kinda desperate but how else were you gonna get his attention?? he’s a working man
Jennie cleared her throat after sending Jiyho a look
“Hey y/n, lets go in deeper!” 
You immediately got nervous with that 
“I don’t know guys,,, its already pretty strong over here, and its barely up to our thighs,,,”
 Jiyho just waved it off “You’ll be fine, you have us to hold you up<” Jiyho started
“And if anything goes wrong, mr cute over there can hold you up ;)))” 
“Y’all better not be planning my funeral” you warned wearly as they dragged you deeper into the water
Jennie + Jiyho: “Don’t worry!! You’ll live”
Watching you being dragged over to the deep end of the pool, Seungkwan started to really focus on you guys
Only to be blocked by Chan who stood in front of him
“Hyung, you can take break now, I got it” the younger boy stated
“Give me a couple more minutes” he muttered, eyes never leaving you and your friends
Chan followed his gaze over to the pool, where you were currently being dragged into shoulder height
“Ah! do you like one of them or something?” Chan said loudly
Seungkwan opened his mouth to say something when he heard a loud shout from the pool
Just as he thought, it was you that went under the waves
He cursed to himself, shoving Chan out of the way 
“Move fathead, I got this” he grunted before sprinting over to the scene 
Chan, ten seconds later: “fATHEAD?? BITCH-” 
Meanwhile during that short talk, you were trying to break free from your friends
“Guy I really don’t feel comfortable anymore, we’re almost over our heads!” you called, but they weren’t listening anymore
Struggling to break free, you coincidentally didn’t see the rather large wave coming towards you and your friends 
“Here we go!” Jennie shouted gleefully, as the wave crashed into the three of you 
Not expecting it, you took in a large gasp of pool water while under there, and were failing after Jennie and Jiyho let go of you
Panicking as if you forgot how to swim, your body completely went into fight or flight mode and you started to flail 
This in turn, made things worse
Just as your boy was about to completely knock out from sheer terror, a strong grip grabbed your arm and yanked you up
Sputtering and thinking it was Jennie you turned to give her a piece of your mind
Instead you found yourself being dragged to the land with a concerned Jennie and a near tears Jiyho behind you, the two apologizing profusely
Putting two and two together you slowly turned to see none other that the cute lifeguard from before,,, shit 🗿
Finally hitting ground where you could stand you gently pried your arm out of his grip
“I-I can stand from here,, but t-thank you for all your help,,,” you said awkwardly
He turned and gave you a hard look 
Expecting him to yell a you, you prepared for the worst
But wasn’t expecting his reaction  “It’s my job” Seungkwan said with a laugh, “Are you in need of any other assistance now that you have my attention?”
This was the opportunity you friends had been waiting on
“Actually yes!!” Jiyho started, briskly walking over to you two
“She’s still a little weak on her feet, could you maybe help her??” 
And guess what 
Seungkwan, as if he was expecting it, caught your flying body before you knocked the two of you over
“Careful now, you did nearly swallow the whole pool” he joked 
“Watch it” you said gently hitting his arm
As unprofessional as it was, Seungkwan couldn’t help but admit that you were really pretty,,,
He couldn’t really tell from afar and underwater, but damn
Boy was: whipped
SO he was gonna try and milk any time he could have with you 
“Maybe we should have you checked out, just to make sure” he said
“YES! She would love that!” Jihyo blurted, making you turn pink
Smooth Jiyho. 10/10 
“O-oh? Your face is turning red,” Seungkwan said, feigning ignorance. “ I think we should at least give you sunscreen or a some water.” 
So with that said, he took you over to one of the huts selling drinks and bought you one
“Wait-” you started but he raised a hand. 
“No need,” he said with a smile. “After all, it’s my job.”
“At least let me pay you back somehow,,” You said ”I feel bad that you saved me and bought me water.” 
“Just your name with be enough” smooth, Kwan
“It’s y/n” you said, sticking your hand out. “And you? What’s yours? Or should I keep calling you the cute lifeguard that saved my life?” 
Now its Seungkwan’s turned to be flustered uwu
“I’m Seungkwan. But cute lifeguard works too,,,”
After returning to our friends with your water and a comfortable silence between you and Seungkwan, you turned to him
“When’s your next break? Maybe,,, if you want company,, I can chill with you while they go swim?” you questioned bashfully 
“I would love that”
During his short yet sweet break, you guys got to know each other better 
Seungkwan tried to finesse the system and tried to make Chan take his second shift 
“Im helping the poor soul who nearly drowned! D R OW N E D, Chan. I’m in a therapy session right now shut up” 
RIP Seungkwan 
Later, as you were finally leaving the pool, Seungkwan jogged up to you stopped you yet again 
“Wait!” He said, nearly out of great from running from his shift
“I know it’s a little early but, can I get your number?”
*Cue internal screeching*
“S-sure!” And with that the two of you shot each other a quick text so the other would have the number saved
As you sat in the car talking to the two troublemakers up front, your phone dinged once more
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: hey, when can I see you again?
You nearly made Jennie crash the car after the scream you let out LMAOO
And once you told the girls, they screamed too DBDJDB
Texting back quickly you responded with:
You: I’m free Friday night, if you wanted to catch the Disney fireworks?
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: works for me! See you then! 😆
me that’s who 🤪
Putting the phone down and grinning, you couldn’t help but be excited for whatever was next to come with you and Seungkwan
Who knows, maybe this summer will be a memorable one with a boyfriend?? Only time would tell ;))
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: you’re a member of the royal family and I didn’t know and you ran into me in the village and I completely told you off oh my god || prince!au
(A/N) o-oh my god i’m back from the dead with some prince chenle hope u enjoy (im a lil rusty so leave me some feedback Please! also,,, its not proofread haha aslkdjfhals Please Spare Me)
okay so you live in the village
your mom told you prior that you need to just walk over to your grandma’s house and drop sumn off
and to get to her house, you have to cut into the uhhh
the place where all the store stands are
u know like the market place ish
and so your holding a lot of stuff in your arms and you just walk with your eyes on the floor, watching where you step
and you lift your head up at times so you can see if you’re ever going to bump into someone
guess what 
you rlly done goofed cause you Look Up and right as you do theres this body that collides with yours
and you drop
e v e r y t h i n g
then you just stop and you get rlly pissed off
you look up rly dramatically and slowly and you meet a pair of eyes that actually look a lil scared 
(ugh poor bby chenle im rlly srry)
‘are you serious??? were you just not paying attention??? do you seriously have no coordination on where you’re going??????’
and then you let out a huff and start to pick up your things and place them back in your basket
while you do that you’re just muttering to yourself, ‘GOSH my mom is literally going to whoop me if she finds out i dropped gma’s stuff’
and then you see the guy kneel in front of you and start to help
‘um...... i can do this by myself, you can go ahead and bump into someone else now’
and he just looks at you with this expression you cant read
then he slowly gets up
‘prince chenle, we need you back at the kingdom right away, your mother is asking for you.’
and then you freeze up
p-prince ????? w-what ????????
two plus tw o equals pie ??????
then you start to panic and you hurriedly place the rest of your stuff in the basket and Run
you just Run To Your gma’s house
but you hear a soft ‘wait!’ when you run but you just Cannot
you’re SOOOOO embarrassed and when you arrive at your gma’s house your face is RED
and your ears are all flushed and your gma asks whats wrong
‘i just told off the prince because he bumped into me-’
 in your defense he rlly didn’t look like a prince (wdym chenle ALWAYS looks like a prince smh)
he was wearing .... regular clothes so he Did Not Look Like A Prince
like,,,,,, yeah i dont know LOL
but then all your grandma does is LAUGH AT YOU
whats so funny??? blease omg hes gonna Have My Head omgomgomgsdhkjah
so your grandma just looks at you like you’re overreacting and says, “chenle is a nice boy!! he comes and visits me all the time sweetie.”
and then you freeze up because-
w hat ???? let me ??? move my ??? bang real quick ???
“grandma you what”
“chenle visits me all the time??? very nice boy, you’d like him !!”
and all she does is feed you then kick you outta the house to go home before it gets too dark
when you walk back your just rlly thinking ‘.... that happened huh ...’
AND THEN !!! you hear a lil yell of ‘hey!!’
and when you schnapp your head up you see the prince waving up at you with this Look on his face ???
so you just give him a weird glance and walk slowly towards him
“listen, about earlier i am so sor-”
“it’s fine !! hope you aren’t beating urself over it too much !! have a great evening ...?”
then u tell him ur name yadda yadda then he leaves and then ur like !!! haha what just happened !!!
so you go home and just sleep on it cause you kind of just dont want to think about it HAHA
so the next morning when you wake up your mom says to go to your gma’s again
just cause your gma wants to see you .. which is kind of odd
you only see your grandma during special occasions and when you drop things off
only because school/work has been taking a lot of your time
but just for your gma,,,,, you’ll visit her and forget the responsibilities for now
you walk there with confusion on your face because,,, although your grandma loves you, she doesn’t just spring on you and ask you to come over
so youre just curious about why she wants to see you (there isnt anything wrong with it !!! its just a lil odd)
when you arrive to her cottage you see this car outside and immediately become anxious
youre just treading slowly to the door, and then you raise your hand to knock,,, but youre hesitating A LOT
so time goes by (max. of like .. 5 minutes) and the door swings open to reveal your grandma
she puts you into a bone crushing hug, and then pulls you inside
“thank you for coming dear !! i want you to formally meet someone.”
and then you get SCARED scared
so when you turn to go into the living room, you nearly SCREAM
cause on the couch is mr prince chenle and you feel like one of the guards is going to strangle u with the glare they’re giving you
in your defense, you didnt Know ............ you told off the Prince .......
“chenle sweetie, this is my sweet grandchild i was telling you about !! they did tell me recently that you recently met.”
chenle blushes when he makes eye contact but you rlly dont now why cause You Told Him Off and thats rlly all you can think about HAHA
BUT in reality chenle isnt too bothered by that cause you didn’t immediately treat him like a Prince, you treated him like a regular person (albeit a lil ... Yikes)
and he actually thinks that you are the most gorgeous being in the World !! mayhaps lil prince even has a tiny crush on you !!!
when you Formally Introduce urself to him
ur grandma hits u w that, “sweetie can u help me n chenle garden some things !!”
and then she gestures u both to follow her in her backyard
she tells the guards to make themselves feel at home and leave out like lemonade or sumn
so you and chenle are just super awkward at first cause you dont know how to break the tension
also all you can think about once again: was that u rlly told him off
but then chenle starts to laugh really loudly at a joke your grandma says and then you just-
YOU WANT TO COO !! cause even tho his laugh is Super Loud, you find it endearing that he’s just letting loose like this
he catches you staring tho and he stops and he Blushes Again and you want to !!! squish !! 
who doesnt want to squish chenle he’s literally such an angel and hes so adorable ugh i lov baby
so you both just start talking more and then by the end of the day you guys are just best buddies
you forget hes the prince too
but then u walk in to see the guards and ur all lik e... righ t...
its ok tho !! chenle is a person too !!
and honestly you guys make this a regular thing
you and chenle go to ur gmas house to garden every day or when you guys have the time
and essentially its just you guys pulling out weeds while talking about new and exciting things that happened to you recently
and your grandma just watches you guys get along and her heart is happy
cause chenle sometimes talks to her about him not making friends cause they always use him for his status
and so ur gma knows u arent like that and shes just really happy to see the two of you get along really well
days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months !! and you guys become really really close friends
some feelings develop too or .. whatever ..
but you dont acknowledge them cause youre just a person who lives in the viliage while hes a prince
chenle does though
and hes so shy about it that he blushes everytime you say his name or just smile at him
cause his heart goes !!!!!
he rlly likes you
and u rlly like him but u just dont know !!!
ye wutevr its 2018 and status rlly shouldnt matter but ur just rlly conscious about being judged and stuff
like even if u started to date him would his parents accept you
and then u snap out of ur thoughts cause chenle looks worried and you havent answered his question
haha he asked a question ???
‘you want to hang out with me tomorrow?? thats not gardening?? i-i mean its ok to say no haha i love gardening with you i just wanted to know if y-you wanted to try something new with me? i-i understand if you want to say no-’
‘chenle, sweetheart, breathe,’
and then he Blushes cause oh they just called me sweetheart and he just breathes
then you say you would love to !!! 
and ur gma is just watching the Entire Thing with the guards
with popcorn and tea
and its literally the cutest little exchange ever cause youre both just blushing and red
so when tomorrow comes
chenle meets u at ur gmas house
and so like he holds his hand out for you to take and ur just !! heart into overdrive !!!
and then !!! he takes you to this ice skating rink cause youve mentioned before that you havent been
and he rented out the whole place so people wouldnt be bothering you two
and hes just nervous and so are you but since ur dont know how to skate youre just clinging to him for dear life
and hes such a blushing mess omg
the guards are just cooing at the both of you, some even join you on the ice
and you guys are just cracking jokes and having such a good time
there was a time where one of the guards fell on their ass and u two couldnt stop laughing
then chenle falls but since youre holding onto him you fall down too oops
and so ur just kinda ... laying down on him awkwardly and your guys’ faces are so CLOSE
but then you clear your throat and then you jump off of him
it gets kind of late and the guards are just like, “hate to break this cute and adorable moment, but your momma is calling you to be home prince”
and so chenle just blushes and gets up first, then holds his hand out again to help you up
it makes you sad when he has to leave, but he drops you off at home
when he does, he walks you to your door and then he says goodbye, but before he leaves
you feel a little bold and you kiss him on the cheek !!! so cute !!! cause then hes just RED ! and hes so flustured and he just waves bye and when he gets into his car
he just clutches his chest and has this big smile on his face and hes just so in awe
and the guards are teasing him but he really Does Not Care cause you just did : THAT 
you kissed him on the cheek and hes so !!! about it
but you guys go out more often after this
and sometimes is just to hang out with your gma cause chenle has grown to love her HAHA
its become a thing where you kiss him on the cheek goodbye
wow cute
one day though, hes saying bye and hes looking away while youre about to kiss his cheek
but then he remembers he needs to tell you something
so right as your lips are about to kiss his cheek
his head turns and you two share a lil innocent peck
o-ohmy gosh im so kilig you guys
oh right he was about to CONFESS confess but like
ur flustered too so u rush out a goodbye and you LEAVE
and chenle is just !!!! ok ill tell them tomorrow !!!!
well tomorrow comes
and you dont show up
ur gma tells him that u’ve been exhausted cause of school, theyll probs be back tomorrow
so then he comes back tomorrow
and you arent there again
and this goes on for like a week
and he just Knows ur avoiding him
but like hes so fed up because he has been Waiting for the Right Time to confess to you
and so he goes over to ur house and then knocks
you answer the door and then your eyes grow wide and then u shut the door again
but chenle pushes it open and just “WAIT”
and so you just slowly open the door
“why have you been avoiding me??”
and ur just speechless cause haha avoiding you ?? why would i do that ???
and he gives you This Look 
and then ur all like ... “OKAY !!! so ive been avoiding you .... what about it..”
and he just sighs and hes all serious and ur all !! cause chenle is barely serious alsdkf
“Listen,,, i really like you,”
you pause and you just look at him before grinning
“i really like you too chenle!!”
and he just looks Frustrated cause he thinks you arent getting it
“more than a friend way!!!”
and then you start to smile and ur all like .. “the feeling is mutual bub !”
and now HES pausing cause w-what
but then you just hug him tightly and tell him how much you really like him !!!
and he goes !!!! oh my gosh !!!! 
then you guys are just looking at each other and you really do forget that there are other people around you and he kisses you !!! wow !!! 
please spare me ive never had my first kiss before HASKDJFHASD
you guys are always together now !! and he even lets you meet his parents and they immediately: love you
you basically hang around him a lot and when he says he has to do sum prince duties ur all like ... huh ... i forget ur a prince LMFOAJFH
but everything is good everything is well !!!
youre just content with what you have with chenle even tho u started off a lil rocky
you just !!! like him so much !!! life is good hehe
anway end !!! prince chenle: cutest lil headcannon but chenle is ALREADY a prince !!!
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mysmedrabbles · 6 years
RFA Reacting to Jumin Attempting Suicide
requested: yes
a/n: i hope I managed to do it at least a little bit of justice,, jumin’s pov is there and the other’s reactions are under the cut,,jumins is longest as well. i hope you enjoy,, remember requests are open!
warnings: dark themes, suicide, self harm mention, alcohol mention, car crash, angst-ish
-mod alex
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- “robot”
- “emotionless”
-these words rung through his head as he sat on his sofa, taking another sip out of the bottle, staring into empty space. the initial talkative effect of the wine had passed, leaving him with eight messages he wished he hadn’t sent to MC. Mostly useless poetry, hopefully she thought nothing of it. He now felt sluggish, processing was becoming harder, not even realizing when Elizabeth curled up next to him on the pristine white couch.
-he knew he shouldn’t go out for a drive, not this drunk, not this emotional
-the cold facade he placed in front of the world to see was crumbling, until there was close to nothing left. he was a shell of a man, nothing more than a business suit holding together years of acquired knowledge. at least he had Elizabeth.
-his bones felt heavy as he lifted himself off the couch, sluggishly walking towards a door. no not that door- that was the bedroom. he needed to get out. not just out of the house but out of his skin, this horribly tight skin that had been suffocating him for so long.
-should he write a note? thats what people in movies always do.
-then again, in movies the characters are all saved.
-running a hand through his tangled black hair, he tried to loosen the knots in it as he made his way into a car. fancy car. it’d be a shame if something happened to it.
-he let out a dry laugh as he sat in front of the steering wheel, in a way, he was like the car, fancy, capable of doing almost anything, but he was merely a puppet being used by a corporate company. much like this car was useless without a driver. useless. that was the word. he was useless.
-he stopped for a second, trying to remember how to drive one of these things. key in the ignition, right. he pulled out of the garage, driving slowly in order to not accidentally hurt any civilians. he drove all the way out to a secluded mountain range, surely no one would find him there, nature would have his way with his body by the time anyone figured out what had happened.
-he let go of the steering wheel.
-funny how life seems to fly by at a seconds notice. he looked out at the gorgeous snow capped mountains in front of him, moon glistening, creating an otherworldly effect. the tree branches, reaching out for a truth that didn’t exist, their branches spread in vain towards the sky.
-he braced himself, trying to remember this very feeling. the insignificance, the fear, the shaking; a combination of adrenaline and alcohol hitting his system. he tried to remember you, the one who had always been so kind to him in the group chat, the only one to treat him like a human. he hoped that the poetry would make you smile in the morning, that you’d hold the lines written by great men of the old ages close to you, something to remember him by. but for now, he tensed, watching the boulder come up ahead, closer and closer until him and his doom could finally become one.
-the next thing he remembers, he’s in the hospital.
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-when she hears she’s immediately guilt ridden, needing to sit down for a second to process the information
-tries to get all the information she can before even daring to head to the hospital
-however when she does, shes afraid. afraid of seeing jumin in such a weak state.
-the actual version of him, hooked up to iv’s, face bruised and bloody, large gash from glass stuck in his arm, looking so small under the covers in a weird hospital gown, she nearly breaks down on the spot
-goes straight into assistant mode the second she manages to pull herself together
-makes sure that he’s getting the best care from the best surgeons, always has extra blankets etc.
-when he finally wakes up, she apologizes, and they have a long talk, leading to a good closure between them.
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-when he heard he immediately rushed to the hospital
-when the nurses tell him that he can’t visit jumin yet, he heads out, buying anything that he thinks jumin might need while recovering, everything from real blankets, a fresh pair of clothes, to silly snacks
-can’t get it out of his head, just the idea of jumin being broken,,,he seemed so strong.... poor boy starts crying in the middle of the frozen foods isle
-jumin had been something of a father figure, always helping him make the right decision, or at least giving him the right advice to make the right decision.
-jumin had always been there for them? so why hadn’t they been there for him?
-spends most of his days afterschool visiting jumin, bringing him some home cooked snacks, he knows that jumin has a professional chef, but jumin secretly prefers yoosung cooking since nothing tastes superficial and knows that yoosung actually cares enough to do this.
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-doesn’t show up to the hospital
-he’s ashamed, knowing that he might as well have aided jumin in his own demise,, and he ends up secluding himself for fear that he might hurt another one of the rfa members
-wires some money to the hospital to ensure that jumin has good care at least
-literally doesn’t go to the hospital until jaehee practically drags him there
-when he gets there he apologizes about a million times and is close to tears
-jumin tells him to shut up and that he did nothing
-him and jumin werent always on the best terms, but he had always been the one to confide in, a kind of friend when he had no others
-makes sure that he’s accessible 24/7
-gives away a few of his cars in auctions and antique car shows
-its hard for him to work for the next few weeks after having hacked into the case files,, all he wanted to do was to make sure that jumin was being properly treated for everything he had been injured with, when he stumbled on photos of the crash
-jumin in the car, bruised and bloodies, windows smashed in, airbags out, wheels on fire, car upside down, jumin half dead,,,,, the picture haunted him every time he closed his eyes
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-when he hears, a deep pain hits his chest
-what is this?
-guilt? fear?
-relucantly visits jumin
-the first ten minutes of his visit is zen awkwardly standing there in silence until he finally manages to say it, “im sorry”
-this means nothing and at the exact same time it means everything to jumin
-he just gives a sharp nod of his head to zen
-tries to abstain himself from making any rude comments, or at least to lessen them
-visits about twice a week, most of the visits are silence but every once in a while they’ll make light conversation
-jumin attempting suicide was a wake up call to zen, that sure, jumin was rich and pompous and acted like he had no feelings but.. maybe there was a reason for all that. why he pushed people away so much
-tries to get to know jumin as a person and not an rfa member
-id like to think that it was from there that they slowly started to heal their broken friendship, starting to even become close
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-when he gets the call, he doesn’t even let the reception desk lady finish what she has to say
-is there for jumin ever single step of the recovery process
-will come back hourly to check if he needs anything else
-ends up falling asleep in the chair in jumins room, waking up to a blanket having been placed on him, no doubt by jumin
-they stay up talking, a real, deep conversation, no bullshitting this time
-they end up solving a lot, and even if they haven’t they’ve still gotten to know each other better than ever before
-blames himself, even though jumin specifically told him not to
-seeks to find him a therapist, and cries when jumin says that all he wants is to just be heard by his friends
-v falls asleep the jumins hospital room for a week straight, rarely leaving jumin alone
-he knows the pains of having to suffer alone for something that isn’t your fault and isn’t willing to let jumin feel alone ever again
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loneleesoul · 6 years
Starker: Party Games Pt. 2
dang, this is turning into a lil story, im loving this and I hope you love it too.
"Isn't that breaking the rules of the game?" Peter decides to be brave in his last living moments.
"I won't tell anyone." Tony whispers, walking closer to Peter.
He gives in, fear taking over. "Who are you the most afraid of here?" He sighs, not looking at Tony.
To Peter's surprise, Tony laughs. "Seriously? That's so pathetic Parker." He laughs as Peter sends a text to Aunt May to get him.
Ned would forgive him, if he survived this conversation.
"Of course, Ned is so not like that.. I got angry over nothing." Tony shrugs and Peter stares. "You aren't mad now? Aren't you always mad at pathetic poor pitiful Peter Parker?" Now Peter's mad. "You wonder why I said no to getting trapped in a room with you? For one I'm terrified of you and two, that's like accepting you beating me up..letting you beat me up by voluntarily being alone with you. But whatever, you beat me up weekly anyways."
Tony looks a bit shocked and Peter brushes past him to go get Ned. He's fuming, smoke from the ears mad.
He finds Ned talking to the girl he accidentally offended earlier and just drags him away. "We are leaving right now."
And Ned knows well enough to not anger a mad Peter, it mainly ends in frustrated tears actually.
They walk past Tony and walk to May's car. "What happened?" Is May's first words and Ned shakes his head in a warning. "Can we just go home please."
Everyone seemed shocked to see Peter show up at school the next day. Except for Tony, which Peter hadn't seen and was trying to avoid. Some people even asked how he had survived Tony's wrath.
If anything, some could say that Tony was glad to come out of an angry conversation with Peter unscathed. Peter, of course, has never hit anyone or wanted to hit anyone.
Peter nearly makes it through history without Tony, when he shows up seven minutes before the bell rings.
He audibly curses when Tony walks through the door, earning himself a detention. He's glad Tony didn't hear the words "motherfucking shit nugget!!" aimed at him.
"Late Stark, detention." The teacher barks at Tony, who ignores her.
Now's a really good time to use the phrase motherfucking shit nugget.
Tony doesn't say a word or even look at him all class, which shocks Peter.
Ned even notices, and shrugs at Peter across the classroom.
Tony doesn't seem fuming angry like last night, or pissed off like when he speaks to Peter. It's like, the moment he saw him at the party last night he had changed.
Now, Peter's starting to guess what Tony really wanted to do in that room.
Beating Peter up seemed to have made the most sense, but it was a room for that.
There's no way.
There's absolutely no way.
That Tony Stark... could like Peter Parker.
The moment the bell rings Peter follows Ned out, hoping he'd be some form of protection.
Wait, if Tony wasn't mad at him did Peter really need protection?
"Come on Peter, don't be late to detention.. you are already in enough trouble." Ned tries to push him away but Peter's glued to him. "No way dude, I'm waiting until Stark is already in there so he won't sit by me."
Ned rolls his eyes "He's always late though, wanna come over for dinner? My mom's making something she found off of pinterest." He gleams with pride for his mother and Peter laughs.
"Do you mean you found it and showed it to her? I've seen your pinterest Ned, nothing but Beyonce and baking videos." They stand outside the detention room.
"Very funny Peter, now go.. I don't want to be associated with a rule breaking hooligan." He pushes him through the door and walks away.
And just as Peter had hoped, Stark was already in the room. Staring of course as Peter sits far from him.
He takes a seat next to Michelle, who nods at him. "What are you in for?"
"Saying a curse word." He winces, realising how stupid it actually was. She raises her brows at him."I say fuck on the daily and never get reprimanded, what could you have possibly said to get put in here?"
"Motherfucking shit nugget." He whispers, mindful of the few people near them.
Michelle gasps in fake shock. "What a bad curse word, wanna play War?" She pulls out a deck of cards.
"Sure, I'm not that good so it'll be a short game." He admits with a shrug and Michelle looks around the room. "Hey he's pretty cool.. Stark, get over here."
Peter grabs her arm and hisses a menacing "You are the motherfucking shit nugget now."
She smiles as Tony walks over "Yeah MJ?" He pulls a chair up to her desk as she holds up the cards. "War."
"Sure, I'll kick your ass." It's as if Peter isn't here.
That's why he stays silent for the first few minutes. Unsure of what was going on in Tony's mind, he hadn't gotten a beating this week yet. He could slam his head down on the desk, shattering his nose and the teacher wouldn't even notice.
"Peter, go." Tony mutters, waiting for him to put his card down.
So he does realize Peter is here. He places down a card and a few seconds later, ends up losing even more cards to Michelle.
Peter stares anxiously at the few unturned cards in his hand, he was going to lose. "Scared Parker?" Michelle taunts and Peter scoffs. "Sometimes you gotta sacrifice your soldiers to end up winning the battle."
Tony snorts, amused but staying silent. Woah, that's a first. He usually laughs at his pain or struggles.
Peter still loses, all his cards now with Michelle, who wins overall. "Bitch, who kicked your ass? I kicked your ass! Biiiitch, who kicked your ass? I kicked your ass!" She cheers and Tony rolls his eyes. "I totally had that game, and you were totally looking at your cards the whole time." He groans defensively and Michelle tosses the cards all over her desk.
"Loser, 52 card pickup." She points at the splattered pile half on the floor half on the desk. Peter sighs, bending down to get all of the cards from the dirty floor.
"You need to up your game Parker, next time you call someone a motherfucking shit nugget you better have practiced before." She says as he puts all of the cards back in the box.
"Hey, it's technically a game of luck, what cards you get."
Ok something is seriously wrong. Peter stares in wonder, was that Tony defending him. "Is that why you lost? You got bad cards?" Michelle puts the box in her bag and slings it over her shoulder.
"Let's go to dinner, loser over here can pay.. right?" Her eyebrows are raised in a threating sort of way.
"I can't, Michelle I'll buy you dinner some other time. I'm already going over to Ned's." He's mindful of Tony's stare.
Has he always been staring at him and Peter just never noticed?
"This is why nobody likes you, I'll hold you up on that offer.. Toe-knee you are welcome to have him pay for you too." She gives a lame finger-guns snap before walking out.
It's already too uncomfortable for Peter to bear and he stands, chair squeaking awkwardly.
"Peter..." Tony's quiet and Peter pretends to not hear him and he grabs his bag. It's almost been 30 minutes and Peter sees no harm in leaving early.
Aunt May's texted him saying she's outside, and sweet freedom.
Until a hand grabs his wrist, pulling hard.
He stumbles back, legs buckling and he falls into Tony's chest. His muscular arms hold Peter tight, as Peter struggles.
This is it, Tony was holding in all of his rage for now. He was a goner.
"Peter." Tony mumbles, and it's almost like they're hugging.
"Tony please let me go... I'm so sorry for yelling at you just please don't hit me again." He begs, remembering he still had some bruises from last week.
Tony lets him go and Peter turns to face him quickly. "I'm sorry." He's so damn quiet.
"Look.. it's fine, my ride is here and I really need to go." He says, walking backwards slowly. He waits for a reply but is met with staring silence.
He turns and quickly walks out the doors.
Damn it Stark, fucking pussy.
He watches Parker run out the doors and groans.
So weak, just tell the little shit already.
Last night, Peter had opened Tony's eyes. Shocked him to the very core.
He realized that he was seriously hurting him, which should've been obvious.
Besides yes, beating him up, emotionally hurting him. How could Tony not have seen it before? How shy he was, anxiety, never ate, didn't defend himself because he thought everything said of him was true.
I'm such an asshole.
Stuck in the cliché of bullying the person you like.
Peter would never ever want to be with him, it's like he said. "I'm terrified of you..."
It was like Tony had been shot, and he deserved all of the pain.
This boy would never say yes to Tony, ever... He'd think of it as a joke or ask if cameras were around.
He wishes he had his number, or any way to contact him. Spamming him would eventually work.
Maybe treating him like shit wasn't the best approach.
He needs to change.
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studiobeebo · 7 years
Midterm Blues (College! Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
This is based off a thing from a college prompt list i found and then lost (pls if someone knows what im talking about send it to me). It’s fluffy and lame but hope you guys enjoy it!
This couldn’t be happening. The honestly, truly, could not be happening to him. Izuku had been working so damn hard on that gosh darn eight page research report in the past few hours, but in his physically and mentally drained stupor, he had ignored the little flashing notification letting him know his laptop was almost out of battery and before her knew it, his laptop had flickered off only to leave him staring at his own shocked face reflected in the now blank screen. For a second, he stared at his laptop that was resting atop his crossed legs in shock before letting out a loud yelp and pushing his laptop off of him and onto the library floor as gently as he could before scrambling to dig his charger out of his backpack. Unfortunately though, he was too late, and when his laptop had finally booted back up and he hastily re-opened the document page he was writing on, everything was gone.
So there he was, sitting on the floor of the main campus’s library with hot tears beginning to stream down his flushed cheeks while he frantically scrolled through his saved files to see if there was any remnants of all the work he had done, only to find nothing. His sniffles filled the secluded corner of the library he had settled into what felt like days ago, and while he had originally picked that spot because there was really never any other students around, this time he had been sadly mistaken.
You didn’t plan on going to the library that night, but when a friend of yours had texted you and asked you a question about your midterm paper for your English Composition class, you realized that it was, in fact, due tomorrow and you barely had a title page put together. Once you got to the library and got yourself settled though, you realized upon reading through the rubric for the paper that two of your references had to be from books, so you had to go off to search for some that would match your topic. It was during this search that you thought you heard someone crying and with your curiosity and will to procrastinate getting the best of you, you followed that noise until you found the source. A curly mop of green hair was what had first caught your attention and you had to let out an awkward “Oh..” upon realizing you recognized who that was. It wasn’t until the young man turned to look at whoever had stumbled upon him with puffy, red eyes still filled to the brim with tears, that you realized how stupid it was to be surprised that you found someone crying when that was sort of what you had been looking for.
“Oh, sorry..” You muttered out when you saw him anxiously begin to wipe away at the tears that were drenching his face. Poor thing..Obviously something bad had happened and here you were barging in on his..crying.
“You’re uh...Midoriya, right?” You asked softly, figuring the least you could do was try to help out somehow. Besides it would be kind of rude to just walk up, see someone you know crying, and the turn right back around and walk off.
“Ah sorry, maybe you don’t remember me? We had chem together last semester, and a few other classes too I think.” You continued on, scratching the back of your head awkwardly as your eyes looked upward while you tried to recount where you had known him from. You never really got the chance to talk to him much, but he always seemed like such a sweet and radiant person that you always wanted to try, you just never really got the chance.
He, on the other hand, didn’t need any help remembering you. With how much he had daydreamed about you before, you’d think that you were just some sort of figment of his imagination. Izuku technically couldn’t say he had a crush on you since he’d hardly ever even been able to stutter out a hello to you when you two had shared classes, but he definitely had something for you. He never even knew what it was, maybe it was just him thinking you were cute or maybe he had learned enough about you from awkwardly frequent glances and a lot of ‘accidental’ staring, but every time he saw you it was like you put some sort of spell on him. He wanted so badly to get to know you, hell, he’d give anything just to talk to you, but he could never bring himself to do so no matter how many times his friends encouraged him to.
That being said, the fact that the very first time he’d have the chance to talk to you was when he was crying his eyes out was pretty sad. He thought he had somewhat gotten better with holding in his emotions and not crying so much or being nervous all the time now that he was technically an adult, but of course you of all people had to find him during one of his weaker moments.
“N-No, I remember you..And yeah, that’s me..” He stuttered out, his voice wavering while he continued to rub at his eyes. God, couldn’t he get a break!? It was like the faucet in his eyes had gotten stuck at the worst of times and even the gift of your presence couldn’t fix it.
You didn’t find his current appearance as terrible as he did, though. Midterms could be hell and you had spent plenty of times yourself crying from stress or confusion over a project.
“So-Sorry, I’m...I lost a whole paper.” He whimpered out an explanation while jabbing a shaky thumb in the direction of his laptop.
Your features softened and you laughed softly, though it was at familiarity with the common situation and not at his crying.
“Ahh, man, that does suck! I’ve got something I’m working on too.” You spoke up with a bit more enthusiasm, trying your best to make the situation a bit more lighthearted. “Mind if I sit with you for a bit?” You continued on, taking a few steps closer to him. “Ah but if I’m being too pushy, just tell me to piss off.”
Izuku’s eyes widened at your last statement. You were actually asking if you could sit with him, he’d be absolutely insane to ask you to leave, even if it would save him from embarrassment. He shook his head and moved over a bit until his back was up against the wall so there was space for you to sit.
“You can sit! I mean, It’s not- you’re not being pushy.” He responded with a bit of hesitation in his voice.
The smile that lit up on your face was, however, was way more than enough to make his heart start racing and when you seated yourself down less than a foot away from him, he thought he might just start crying because of his unbelievable combination of bad and good luck.
For a moment, the two of you sat in a strange yet comfortable silence, Izuku doing everything he could to avert his eyes from your own and you just scanning the rows upon rows of books. You weren’t excellent at helping out people who were upset, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
“Sorry to hear about your paper Midoriya. When is it due?”
“..Tomorrow.” He sighed out, his little moment of bliss being interrupted by thoughts of his now nonexistent paper. His brain was absolutely fried and there was no way in hell he could redo the whole thing tonight. The best he could do would be to finish it over the weekend and take the bad grade…
“Why don’t you email your professor?” You asked, turning your head to look at him while you pulled your knees to your chest. When he finally looked up towards you with confusion in his eyes, you had to force yourself not to smile. He looked weirdly cute with tears in his eyes, maybe it’s because it made him seem so innocent, but either way you’d sound totally weird if you said that so you decided to keep it to yourself before furthering your explanation.
“Well I mean, from what I remember you’re a pretty hardworking guy. I’m sure your professor knows this, so maybe if you send an email explaining what happened, they’ll give you some extra time!”
In his exasperated and panicky state, he hadn’t even thought of doing that. He never thought of himself as a ‘hardworking guy’, but he still had a lot of doubts about different aspects of his personality so maybe that’s why.
“That’s a..good idea. I’ll have to do that.” He nodded, and for the first time since he lost his work, he cracked a bit of a smile. This made your own lips turn up into a satisfied grin. You had sort of been afraid you wouldn’t be able to do much to help him, but at least you had one good suggestion! Popping up from your seat, you stretched your arms up above your head before turning back to look at him again.
“Tell ya what, why don’t you do that and I’ll go get all my stuff and I’ll come work by you! Well, If you’re okay for staying a bit, I guess you probably want to go get some decent sleep..” You said, your words beginning with an excited tone and ending with a doubtful one. The guy was still crying a bit and you were asking him to sit and watch you work on your project. To him though, that was an incredible request. He thought you asking to sit with him was a miracle, but you asking him to sit with you? It was a dream come true.
“That would be nice! And I’d probably just worry myself too much to get any sleep right now anyways.” He replied, the smile on his face widening as his crying slowly halted to a stop.
Upon hearing his agreement, you gave him a thumbs up before turning on your heel and heading back over to the desk where you had left your bag and laptop. Instead of going right back to him though, you made a quick trip to the front lobby of the library to grab two sodas for the two of you to drink from one of the vending machines. When you finally made it back to him, you were happy to see that he had the remnants of a smile on his face despite his red eyes and cheeks. He had turned out to be as kind as you always thought him to be and you could only hope that he was as interested in gaining a new friend as you were.
Plopping down a few feet in front of him so you could talk face to face, you placed the soda you had gotten him on the floor in front of him before beginning to set up all your things.
“Figured you could use a pick-me-up. And no, you aren’t going to pay me back for it.”
The look on his face said that you had just stollen the words right from his thoughts and he was glad that he had only just stopped crying, otherwise he wouldn’t have much of an explanation for how hot his cheeks had gotten. Part of him wished he hadn’t waited so long to talk to you, even though technically you were the one who started the conversation, but at the same time he was happy that the two of you could officially meet in such a way.
With a flick of your fingers, you popped open the cap to your own drink before moving on to pop his open for him. After a moment, you held the drink up in front of you before your eyes met his own and you were blessed with that sparkling smile of his that you happily returned.
“Cheers to getting through our papers...And to new friends?” You asked, your brow raising to signify that you weren’t sure if that last bit was weird or okay to ask.
Luckily for you, he had never been happier to hear those words. With a grin still on his face, he raised his drink up with one hand and gave a confident thumbs up with the other, the positive idea of being friends with you making his night look a bit more promising.
“Yeah, to getting through papers, and making new friends!”
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