#and then tried to backtrack
kingabezka · 8 months
I had a dream I said "pussy" during RTGame stream and got a lifetime ban
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cloudbattrolls · 2 years
Thrixe gets embarrassed about his crushes (or mad if anyone ever teased him too much), Ullane is utterly stonefaced and cold. Yes, it’s a liability and a problem. She’ll take care of it. This conversation is over.
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larrylimericks · 1 month
When the idea of your being straight’s Cinematic pop cultural bait, Take a ride, clear your mind (If it’s sponsored by Lime) In that jumper you stole from your husband mate.
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lizardpersonyknow · 1 year
Just had the idea that if Alfred is REALLY angry at one of the bats, he middle names them e.g "TIMOTHY JACKSON YOU WILL SLEEP AT ONCE"
He does this very sparingly, but also just uses it sometimes to check the effects on people. And then one day he uses it on Cass, because he Knows she's getting her brothers to do stupid shit but he can't prove it and it's infuriating. But he slips and CASSANDRA MARTHA WAYNE comes out.
Bruce and Cass end up sobbing together & lo and behold suddenly all her papers say that OH WOW HOW COULD T H A T HAPPEN
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cellgatinbo · 9 months
oh shit bagi's been listening to bad('s bs) for a while about funerals and how many he's been to, and he said that once bagi's dead she'll go on the long walk towards oblivion, and she just gets real close and looks in his eyes and says "how old are you really?"
he goes REAL silent for a while, tries to change the subject, but eventually answers "...a couple hundred years... give or take a couple millennia."
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brainrot-jikan · 3 months
i think more people should ship alhaitham/cyno for the simple fact that it is funny.
listen, they both viciously fought each other on sight and there were witnesses. for cyno he was to take alhaitham in for official questioning, and alhaitham wouldn't kill cyno because it would be such a pain to try to go back to his day job after the coup was over if he was found guilty of murder. but no one knows that. people saw them try to kill each other. twice. and people talk.
post coup alhaitham and cyno go back to normal completely, no beef, no hard feelings, and no one would believe it. everyone would be so scared of inviting them to the same meeting, because yeah sure they both begrudgingly came together to stop the government from being a total dickwad, but that doesn't mean they'll tolerate each other now. cyno has a well-known dislike for scholars and alhaitham is, you know, alhaitham.
so the entire academia bands together to help keep them away from each other, for the safety of everyone. they run interference campaigns. they try to bait cyno out of the office when alhaitham shows up to the academia unexpectedly. they make sure any paperwork that has to be approved from one side or the other not go directly to cyno or alhaitham, to make things will stay up and functional. because who KNOWS what either would do if they crossed paths a THIRD time, especially after whatever crap nonsense alhaitham has pulled recently.
so imagine if they actually got along GREAT now (for their own individual scales of "great") and would willingly chose to spend time in each other's company. then imagine some poor undergrad walking into alhaithams office while cyno was there. poor undergrad would have an entire heart attack.
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thestarfilledsea · 2 years
so I had a big brain moment. absolutely shocking I know but hear me out.
we all know that Wukong wore a tiger pelt on the journey right?
well I rewatched the ‘game on’ episode and paid more attention to MK’s character this time round.
Specifically the pelt wrapped around his waist.
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it’s not quite a tiger pelt, rather, i believe it’s a leopard one.
now here’s the thing, Wukong gets his game back and sees MK’s save and his character, leading Wukong getting an idea.
as we all know, Wukong’s not the best at communicating but he is good at observing.
and after all that crap with LBD, I bet he’d want to give MK some sort of coming of age “congrats on saving the world” gift. a mark of growth on MK’s journey. so what’s better than a pelt reminiscent to the one Wukong got on the beginning of his own journey?
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now I dearly want Wukong to find a leopard pelt, enchant it with all the protection spells he can find, throw in an extra scarf, shirt, and trousers and gift it to MK.
this has not given me peace since last week, so now I curse you all. you’re welcome.
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caleblandrybones · 2 months
I could never be a hater . because of the crushing sense of guilt
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laugtherhyena · 10 days
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Control over time
#ramble in tags! this is my current idea for what Mao is doing in the current arc#because unlike Fumiko Mao actually cares about Denji and Nayuta outside of just being people she should be around because of her job/#agreement with Public safety. so she wouldn't abandon Nayuta in the middle of that mob like Fumiko did#anyways backtracking a bit. So when Fumiko arrived at Denji's apartment as it's being burnt down by Barem and the weapon hybrids#she brings Mao (devil form) along with her instead of the random PS backup dudes#(she went after her in the time she split from Denji and Nayuta. as before that Mao was dealing with the followers at the csm church#alongside Katana and Nail. she tried to see if she could revert the transformed humans back to normal but it's sorta like fiend logic#so she couldn't do much other than cure their injuries since they're pretty much just devils by that point)#back to present time. Fumiko sends Mako to attack Barem#she injuries and throws him to the ground but then Whip appears and makes a huge dent in a side of her head before cutting Mao in half#hence why the blood and ripped clothes she has in this drawing#so Mao is down. temporary as she isn't fully dead but can't to much other than keep moving the clock pointers around and regenerating#Barem tries to choke Nayura and Fumiko shoots him in the head. then the fight between Denji and the weapons + the subsequent mess#with the random citizens attacks him happens pretty much the same#Fumiko leaves Nayura on her own and when she looks to the side she sees Nao crawling in her direction#she asks her to give her some time and she'll be able to fight again. so Nayuta starts killing people and by the time Barem gets the mob#to go kill her Mao is back at full strength and fights back to defend her. subsequently the two of them escape#so Mao is helping Nayuta on whatever she's currently doing. if she's alive that is#if it does turn out that Nayura is dead dead then i may leave Mao with the devil hybrids for the time being. they have a weird relationship#csm#csm oc#chainsaw man#csm part 2#hyena scribbles#Mao Masashige#Nayuta csm
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buddiebitch · 14 days
ALSO why is “he was hacked” what they’re going with? if he had been hacked, wouldn’t they say something worse? like if someone really hacked him because they really wanted him fired they could have done SO much worse.
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min-kit · 2 months
bi Buck still feels like a collective hallucination. like i just CAN'T believe that we are here? we won? out of every character who has been headcanoned as bisexual through the various shows, complete with canonical teases towards it (I resist to call it bait after seeing how a network switch is what allowed this story for Buck), our beautiful Evan Buckley is the one who officially gets the canonical bisexual title?
They listened to us. Oliver agreed with us. Tim agreed with us. ABC let them go through with it. This story is happening and it's real and it's not going away. Genuinely, how did we get here?
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winglesshopeful · 11 months
so as far as im concerned nothing past kotet exists to me
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molathesunfish · 1 year
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read a bit of danganronpa s
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bottombaron · 8 months
all im saying is that Laszlo loudly declares himself the King of Bottoms and then immediately takes Guillermo under his wing
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i enjoy imagining future me writing WH fanfic with a solid grasp on everyones characters, but i already know that Barnaby is someone i'll never be able to accurately portray
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jaegerbroshoe · 9 months
Okay so it seems like Vander betrayed Silco a long time before the bridge massacre. They both look much younger during the betrayal scene and Silco says he was about Deckard’s age when it happened, so probably when they were in their early to mid twenties? Vander looks at least in his thirties during the bridge scene.
But I’m just confused as to why Vander tried to kill Silco. If it was because Silco had plans beyond the Lanes (which Vander brings up as a bad point against Silco during their conversation) but Vander was satisfied with them having control of just the Lanes, why did did he go on to lead the protest at the bridge??
It also sounds like he made Silco an outcast in the Lanes (based on what both Vander and Benzo say)?? But I don’t get what Silco supposedly did for people to believe that he’s some monster who deserves to be cast out. Especially if they saw his eye afterwards, it’s clear he was the victim. And I don’t believe he used the same extreme tactics when he was younger for people to shun him, as he attributes the betrayal with having taught him that lesson. So the only thing that makes sense is that Vander made up some lie about their falling out. I doubt he disclosed that he tried to murder Silco first…
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