#and then try to wake myself up by thrashing
fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 11 months
Worst part of having weird, disjointed, sleep paralysis adjacent nightmares is I'll wake up and it's 10:30 am only to actually wake up and it's 3 pm only to actually wake up and it's 8:30 pm only to actually for real wake up bc the alarm I set for 2:15 pm went off and woke me up.
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wanders-in-wonderland · 5 months
Treatment Plan
Last night was supposed to be harmless New Year’s Eve fun, partying with friends, dancing with strangers, and maybe finding someone to ring in the new year with. I remember dancing and taking shots with a really hot guy at some club where we'd shared a new year kiss. There's nothing else in my memory and I don’t remember when I passed out but I wake up alone in a medical examination room, naked, gagged, and strapped down to a bed with my arms above my head and legs spread wide.
The door opens and four men walk in. The first one I recognize is the hot guy I'd made out with. Except now, he has the look of a doctor, dressed in a white coat, wearing a stethoscope and holding a clipboard. The other three men are wearing nurses scrubs and not a single one acknowledges me as they step into the room and close the door behind them.
The doctor glances down at his clipboard and looks at me, smirking slightly. “It says here you’ve been admitted due to your issues with obedience and self-control. I promise we deliver the best results here, so you, darling, will be in tip-top shape in no time,” his voice is tinged with mockery and I try to shake my head and explain that this is all a mistake, that I have no idea what is going on, and I’m not supposed to be here.
“Day one of this treatment regimen helps us establish a baseline of what we’re working with and involves some sensory deprivation just to enhance the effectiveness but I promise, you’ll enjoy it,” he purrs, coming to stand next to my head before sliding a piece of fabric over my eyes. I struggle uselessly against the bindings, trying to dislodge the blindfold but it’s too secure to move. I feel hands hold my head in place before someone else slides headphones over my ears and suddenly, I’m blind and deaf to the world.
There is nothing to prepare me for what comes next, and no way that I can have any ability to sense what they plan to do to me. I can feel tears pricking at my eyes, absorbing into the blindfold when suddenly, I feel fingers trail along my ribs.
I let out a muted whimper, my body instinctively lurching in response. The feeling is so overwhelming and I’m absolutely senseless and helpless. The fingers linger around my hips and dig in gently, making me jerk uselessly in my bindings. It’s almost too much for my body to handle, the unknown touches, the horrible anticipation and suspense of not knowing anything at all.
Without warning, the fingers dig harder into my ribs, tickling me harshly and mercilessly. I wail behind the gag and thrash desperately, begging for it to stop to no avail. The fingers don’t let up and my entire world has narrowed to the unbearable sensations those fingers are drawing out of my bound body. There’s nothing I can do except endure it.
My wails have died down to little mindless whimpers as the tickling continues to ravage my ribs and hips when I feel the fingers pull away finally. I gasp for air, hoping that this torture is finally going to be over. Suddenly, I feel fingers brush against my underarms and I scream so hard my throat feels raw. I’m yanking and pulling at the straps holding me down but I’m bound too tightly. Tears are flowing freely into the blindfold as my body jerks. The fingers dig devastatingly into my underarms and I’m inconsolable. The tickling feels like electricity going straight into my nerves and it makes my mind hazy.
There’s no mercy and no stopping. The fingers find every vulnerable spot on my body and there’s nothing to stop the wretched tickling that’s making me want to curl into myself and disappear. There’s no acclimation to the feeling or becoming desensitized to it all. Every single movement feels like my body is dancing on a live wire and I have no choice but to experience every devastating feeling.
Another set of fingers finds their way to my hard nipples and I can barely draw in enough air to scream as the stimulation adds to the overwhelming feelings crashing through my body. Flicks against my nipples make me squirm and moan.
Then, my world lights up behind my blindfold when I feel fingers on my clit.
The combination of tickling at every sensitive spot on my body and the focus on my clit shatters me. Every single nerve is pulled open and vulnerable to unforgiving, relentless stimulation and I know I’m dripping wet onto the bed under me. It’s all too much for my brain to process. Every force on my body pushes me closer and closer to an orgasm and it’s unbearable.
A sudden flash of pain hits my clit as someone’s fingers sharply pinch my throbbing button and I wail as my orgasm barrels through my body. None of the stimulation lets up and the fingers on my clit continue to force waves of pleasure through my body while fingers everywhere else drive my orgasm even higher. I’m delirious and barely coherent between all of the different assaults of stimulation that wrack my body.
I feel the fingers on my clit pull away and I’m gasping and shaking. The tickling at my ribs and underarms doesn’t relent and I can barely catch my breath enough to sustain my sobs. Fingers brush against my inner thighs and I can’t help but whine, hearing only my wild heartbeat thudding in my ears.
Suddenly, there’s a vibrator slammed against my clit and my mind breaks. There are too many things going on but my whole being is driven to focus on the horrible vibrator pillaging my clit with no mercy. My next orgasm shoots through me with no warning, no build up, no gentle waves of pleasure. Just pure ecstasy shooting deep through my body, so hard that I can feel it in my bones and it renders me completely broken.
I have no concept of time or place as the torture continues. My body moves on its own accord as it struggles and trembles, futilely trying to avoid every touch. It could have been ten minutes or ten hours when everything finally fades away and all of the hands touching me are gone. I lie there, limp, unmoving, unthinking, barely conscious. It takes me an immeasurable amount of time to catch my breath, my body still feeling phantom aftershocks of pleasure and torment. I vaguely register the feeling of someone pulling the headphones off of my head and I’m able to hear again.
“Oh darling,” his voice is the first thing I recognize, “I suppose I forgot to mention, this treatment regimen has ten levels. And we can’t move on from level one until you learn to control your body and keep still during your treatments. Clearly we’re not going to get there today, but perhaps you’ll do better tomorrow. Otherwise, you’re in for a very long stay here…”
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winkwonkwankwenk · 4 months
Alastor Head-cannons (SFW & NSFW)
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Listened to music a lot with his mother when he was a boy, and occasionally you'll catch him singing. He's still got the voice of an angel despite being a demon.
"Splendid!" "Old friend" His old dialect reminds you he grew up in the 20s- 1920s. You've tried teaching him modern slang but it just doesn't sound right coming from him. His eyebrows furrow when you laugh, "Was what I said funny? Do tell, I'd love a good laugh."
Still brushes his teeth and is intense when it comes to dental hygiene. Don't let the yellow fool you, it's just the new natural color. In general, he's very hygienic. He has a strict shower routine, skin care routine, don't even get him started on his hair routine. Condition, shampoo, rinse, condition again- the list goes on and on. You tried Spa Day with him once, it was more stressful than relaxing.
His hair is naturally curly but he straightens it for a "stronger" look. He thought if he kept his curls he'd be less intimidating, Charlie saw his hair wet once and wouldn't stop trying to pet him.
Will periodically check on Husk and when he can't will send Husk's favorite liquor. He's soulless, not heartless. He does tease Husk on occasion about his friendship with Angel, it's not every day he sees the cat so flustered.
Loves veal. You've walked in on him feasting on Elk and when you backed away he simply raised a brow. "Would you like to join me? There's more than enough to share." He didn't show it, but he was bummed when you politely declined.
Loner but loves company from those he's close with. When he's alone for too long he thinks a little too much on a past he can't erase. Times like this will make him force himself outside to stroll through hell. He's not an imp, he doesn't have to worry about being attacked. You on the other hand? Not so much. When you join him for strolls, he'll keep you beside him and away from the thrashed roads. "Stay close, I'd hate to see you hurt." You think he's oblivious to how buttery smooth his words are at times, little do you know he's been watching every change in your face from your flushed cheeks to your pursed lips. He smirks to himself, knowing he's caught you off guard.
Calls you annoying names when you're grumpy like "Sourpuss". When you glare at him he just flashes that annoying grin.
Owns a lot of other souls besides Husk's and will occasionally sneak up on them just to catch them off guard. He enjoys a good power trip, brings him back to the good ol' days. Kills just don't feel the same now, what a shame.
Not a fan of physical touch. Don't even touch his suit if you're a stranger. He's a bit more lenient with those he considers friends like Rosie and Charlie, and you- but you're a special case. Maybe it's because you asked before doing something as little as fix his bowtie. He didn't know his heart still had that kind of beat, he decided not to dwell on it. "I must be thinking too hard again, I should keep myself busy."
His ears and eyebrows express his actual emotions. He doesn't seem to notice it, but you've caught him writing with his ears down and brows in a U-shape. It's almost like he's pouting, but when you ask his face returns to that empty smile again. "Hm? Oh, yes I'm fine. Just sorting some script troubles for the next broadcast."
He's not used to accepting help, only giving it. When you cheerfully ask beg to help with scripting he can't find a proper way to say no, at least that's what he tells himself. You end up being more of a distraction and he has to push the broadcast back a few days. When you apologize he just smiles wider- you didn't think it could get any wider but it did. "Nothing to apologize for, my Dear. I enjoyed our time together."
Takes his deals seriously as most overlords do. You've witnessed brutal killings, the way his pupils morph when he's torturing a toy. He'll casually wave if he sees you watching. "Enjoy the show, Darling~"
Wakes up at the asscrack of dawn just to be awake. He also wakes everyone in the hotel up with his alarm- which is just a lord recording of himself singing some Jazz song he seems to adore. He won't apologize, but he'll have coffee prepared for everyone.
Doesn't like sweet coffee and is offended when he sips any, glaring at you like you've handed him a cup of shit. "Are you plotting? Why do you make this...Nevermind." He'll be grumpy the rest of the day, voice a low growl and smile a bit sinister.
Likes to Gamble, he's already in hell, what else is there to lose? He makes big bets, the biggest being a tooth from his precious smile. When you tried to warn him about the dealer helping the other player cheat he just winked at you. Before cards could even be shown, both were dead. "I've ruined another good suit" is all he says as if he hadn't just ripped the heads off of two demons.
He used to be dependent on his glasses when he was alive, he was uncomfortable without having them in hell which is why he has the monocle now. He doesn't need it, just makes him feel secure.
His radio voice lags sometimes and he'll simply refuse to talk until it's stable again. You're the only one allowed to taunt him about it without waking up surrounded by acid.
Lets you call him Al, and when Rosie asks him about it his smile closes into a strong squeeze of his lips. He hasn't escaped the teasing from her or anyone else in the Hotel who's noticed. If someone says anything while you're around, they better pray their deal comes with protection. "I suggest you keep your mouth closed." is the only warning given.
Likes strategy games so when you show him modern ones like battleship he's over the moon. He ends up with a board game collection thanks to you since you bring a new one over whenever you're invited to his broadcast station.
"Y/N, Darling, I have a bit of a favor to ask..." and you know you're about to go through hell- well, more of it. His favors always involve hunting someone attempting to break a deal, and most of the hunts are just you tagging along to watch him bloody his hands. At least he looks good in red.
He was quiet when he first met you, now that he's comfortable around you all he does is talk. Eventually he even picks up on your compliments and returns them and then- well, it just sort of happened.
Had no clue how to actually romance. He spent his life fulfilled from killing, not chasing love. After consulting Rosie and Charlie (mistake one, they both teased him shamelessly. It's not every day you see a flustered overlord). He tries pick-up lines but they always come out as jokes, and while your laugh is adorable he can't help but be annoyed. "Surely wooing a woman isn't this difficult, prehaps another method..."
Alastor's love language is gifts but not just materialistic ones. He knows what you like and he makes sure to get you it. You've opened your door to a bloody Alastor cheerfully holding a container of freshly-harvested organs, offering to cook them for you- his way of inviting you over for dinner. He's so excited you can't turn him down, and if you close your eyes you manage to convince yourself you're just eating chicken. He learns how to make your favorite dishes after seeing you forefeed yourself for his sake, and from then on makes them for you when you join him for dinner.
"Do not tell anyone about..." He doesn't know what to call the two of you, the traditional term felt a bit too intense. You know what he means, and although you don't understand it you agree. It's not that he's embarrassed, he knows you'll become a target if others find out too much. He also has a reputation to maintain. Unfortunately, the two of you are painfully obvious.
Adores holding you, especially when he's too busy to give you proper attention. You'll sit in his lap and watch him work, telling him when to take breaks. Sometimes the two of you will read together, his head on your shoulder and nodding when he wants you to turn the page.
Tried to figure out how to kiss you while smiling. You couldn't stop laughing so he gave up and stormed off to sulk. He was expecting you to just sneak up behind him but when you stood on your toes to kiss him, his smile faltered and his face flushed almost as red as his hair. "Y/N, get back here!"
NSFW (Most tame NSFW Head-cannon I've written because he's definetly slow to warm up)
Favorite petnames for you are Honey, Darling, and Sweetness. Sometimes he'll slip up and call you by a petname while around friends or in public. Unlike him, you can't mask your face with a smile and his falters when your friends stare.
He's clingy in public as if staying secret wasn't his idea. He keeps an arm around your waist, fingers intertwined with yours. If someone stares a little too long he'll strike a tentacle at them and they'll run off.
Speaking of the tentacles he seems to sprout, he likes to tease you with them. He'll lightly strike your legs when you're walking to get your attention just to turn away and do something else. He'll sneak up behind you and have a tentacle tilt your chin up so he can kiss you, then quickly leave. He's always in such a hurry, mostly to go peek into his chest and make sure his heart hasn't exploded.
His kisses get bolder as time passes, teeth grazing your lips hesitantly until you pull him closer. Soon he's comfortable enough to slip his tongue in, grip your hair, groan against your lips. These kisses turn into sloppy makeouts that leave your lips kiss swollen and slick between your legs. "We should get back to the group," he says it casually as he licks his lips.
You're needy, he knows, he can practically smell it- he just isn't sure what to do about it. This is something he definitely can't ask Rosie about, so he decides to observed you until he figures out. He didn't think you'd mind him being in your closet or under your bed, listening to you and your toys. You catch him once, face burning as you scramble to cover yourself. "Stay as you are, continue, please- I'm learning quite a bit."
You catch him attempting to file his nails down the next day but they seem to sprout back in seconds. He's irritated, you can tell by the antlers growing on his head. You tell him he could just use his tongue but he insists on doing it exactly how he saw you. You wither under him, hiding your face in a pillow. "You're quite tight, how am I supposed to fit anything when I can barely fit a finger, hm?" He teases, pecking your forehead. He does get curious and decides to have a small taste that leads to him eating you out, tongue buried inside you as he holds your hole open. It must feel good the way you're gripping his hair and antlers, trying to steady yourself as you rock against his face.
You didn't bring up going all the way, you wanted him to initiate it since you weren't sure what exactly his boundaries were. You expected him to bashfully confess his fantasies, instead you heard a knock on your door and then your body thudding against the mattress as he ravaged your mouth. He slams the door closed with a tentacle before ripping away clothes, eyes narrow and focused. His radio voice is gone, his raw desperation showing as he rams into you. "Dammit Darling, I tried to wait...but I've grown impatient. You don't mind, do you?" and when you shake your head no he knows he doesn't have to hold back. Wonderful.
He lets himself get pent up, refusing to let you touch him. At first you worry that you've done something wrong, but he pats your head and says "Y/N, I'll handle it myself." When you look at him with those eyes he can't hide his hunger, and he caves.
Rough? No, he's just passionate. He can't always say how he feels but he knows how to show it. Fingers intertwined with yours, tongues tangled as he stuffs you full. Part of why he lets himself get so pent up is because he loves how it feels releasing it all at once, the way you cry out and clench around him. He doesn't stop until he's fucked you silly, until his voice is static-less.
Rambles when he's close, from "Such a pretty thing, sucking me like this" to incoherent growls and grunts, he's vocal. When he's thrusting into you only his words are gentle, sweet praises like "Good, Good...you can take it~" echoing in your head as he holds it up by your hair.
He likes leaving bitemarks along your body but only where they can be seen. Good luck hiding the one on your wrist, and the one under your chin is exposed whenever you look up. Of course no one dares to mention it, but he gets a kick out of everyone knowing you're his- enemies and reputation be damned.
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Like my writing? Check out my Ao3!! Reblogs appreciated!! I have an ongoing Alastor x Reader fic right now that updates weekly! This was actually a little warmup to get the writing going lol
Join my discord!! This is how I announce most story updates!
Lastly, fill my requests up!! Don't be shy 😋
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rafedaddy01 · 2 months
The Lingerie Set
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Summary: you and Rafe are newly weds. One afternoon after work you decide to be the good little wife you are and prepare a surprise for your husband…
Warnings: extreme sexual content!!! 18+ ONLY, smut, oral(male receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, viewer discretion advised
A/N: let me know what you guys want to see more of ☺️
I put on my lace lingerie. Rafe will be home any minute and I can’t wait for his hands to be all over my body. “Y/n” I hear him call out my name as the front door opens and butterflies irrupt in my stomach, me and Rafe are newly weds and I’m still getting used to the feeling of waking up next to him every morning or going to bed next to him every night, and greeting him in between, when he comes home from work, he walks into our bedroom and undoes his tie as his eyes lock with mine, “what’s all this?” He smirks as he unbuttons a few top buttons of his dress shirt letting his chest be exposed and by god if it isn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, “can’t a wife surprise her husband after a long day of work” I stride over to him and wrap my arms around his neck as he brings his lips down onto mine, captivating my lips in a kiss, trailing his lips down to my neck and leaving sloppy kisses in the spot he knows makes me weak. “I’ve been waiting for you all day” I whine, not ashamed to admit that I’ve been craving him.
“I know you must be tired after a long day of work, so let me take care of you” i pull away from his grip and guide him to our shared bed, making him sit on the edge as i kneel down. “Fuck, you drive me crazy” Rafe groans as he takes in the sight of me on my knees for him. “You make me crazy” I tease back as my hands come up to undo his belt, tossing it to the side and unbuttoning his dress pants before pulling the zipper down and fishing inside his boxers to pull out his hard cock, already leaking precum, I grip the base and bring my lips over the tip, making sure to look up at Rafe through my lashes as I suck the precum trailing out and start taking more of him in, loving the way he makes sounds letting me know he’s enjoying himself, I start to speed up, his tip hitting the back of my throat as my free hand grips his balls and he fists my hair, yanking on the roots and sending a shock of pleasure straight to my core. Pleasuring Rafe making me leak all over my panties.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck stop! I need to be inside you, now!” Rafe grits through his teeth and he pulls me off his cock by my hair, letting a string of saliva connect my lip and his cock. “I need you inside me, Rafe” I whimper as he manhandles me onto the bed, tearing the rest of his clothes off. He begins kissing my neck and down my chest as he undoes the back of my bra and fondles my breasts. “Please, Rafe” I’m begging at this point for him to ease the pain building in my core.
“I want you so bad! Please, please, please fuck me.” Something in his eyes shift as I beg him with every bone in my body and he turns into an animal, tearing through my panties and pushing his cock deep inside of me.
We both take a moment before he starts thrusting, and the only sounds in the room are both of our panting. I bite my lip to try to suppress my moans, not wanting to be too loud, “hey, hey, don’t do that. I wanna hear you” Rafe taps my cheek as a warning before he speeds up his thrusts and I lose it. “Fuck! I’m so so close, Rafe!” I moan out as his tip probes my sweet spot.
“Fuck! Me too baby, me too” he groans as he grips my hips for better support and somehow speeds up. My head thrashes from side to side, eyes rolling back and teeth sinking into my bottom lip as the band in my core is about ready to snap and I prepare myself for it. “Whose pussy is this, baby, huh? Who do you belong too?” Rafe says in between breaths and every now and then delivering a harsher thrust that makes me whimper, “y-yours rsfe, all yours. Always has been, a-always will be!” My back arches and that gives him a better angle to my g-spot, I start seeing stars.
Our clothes are a mess all over the room, my panties tore to shreds on the bed next to us, and the headboard banging against the wall repeatedly. “That’s right baby, your all mine. And I’m yours” Rafe leans his face down to mine, our lips connecting as we swallow each others moans.
“I love you so much, baby” Rafe pants in between thrusts and I feel him getting closer and closer. This cock throbbing insde me and my walls pull him in. “I-I love you too, Rafe” we look into each others eyes, the moment more intimate than our actions and in this moment I knew I picked the right man to marry. “Cum for me, sweetheart” Rafes hands intertwine with both of mine as he brings them above my head, speeding his hips up and staring into my eyes to watch me melt for him. “I wanna feel you grippin my cock, baby. Cum” his words are so dirty and it sends me over the edge as I spiral into pleasure, my body trembling and the orgasm taking over. Rafes not to far behind as I grip him and he shoots ropes of cum inside me, warming me up. We lay like that for a moment before he pulls out and places a kiss on my forehead. I feel him get off the bed but I’m honestly too tired to move, my eyes shutting only to be lifted off the bed a moment later and placed into a tub full of warm water with Rafes toned chest behind me.
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @hoesindifferentshows @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv
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hunnylagoon · 3 months
PT1: Sober to Death
Ellie Williams x Reader
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I’m home and here to stay like a ghost to haunt. You can’t shake me off your back for I linger in your head like carelessly uttered curse. Summer falls to ashes in my mouth and so I will spit them into your urn, just like that all of my devotion turns violent.
Premise: After a mental break you are being held together by nothing but glitter glue and craft yarn. You seek refuge with an old friend in a coastal town to live the life you thought you left behind.
Warnings: SENSITIVE THEMES / reader is a recovered addict / mentions of drug and alcohol abuse / angst / brief mentions of violence / possibly triggering discussions of drug addiction
Read at your own discretion
Inside me, something seethes. Inside me, some feral animal has been forced into a cage where it thrashes and screams. Perhaps I will turn into a snarling wolf and rip out the throats of each girl who made me go home crying in middle school. Maybe I will don the pelt of a sheep and surprise all of those who convinced me it was a good idea to try ketamine when I shed my cloak and reveal my long curled claws and fangs sharp as knives.
I'm heartless at worst and helpless at best.
I don't know how else to be. I was raised like a stick of dynamite lit from both ends and I can describe in detail how the earth warps beneath my feet or how I watch the sky bend until it snaps and collapses onto a body too tired to lift it back up.
Everything miles ahead of what I was, to them, I was only ever an addict. Cursed with the nickname 'popper' since tenth grade and everyone thought it to be nothing more than a joke they didn't know how I found serenity in the tablet of acid that rested on my tongue. 
It started with pot and drinking on the weekends then flew into full-blown benders when I swallowed back synthetic sunshine like it was candy. None of my friends thought I would end up with my back plastered on my dorm floor, eyes wide with what once was a bottle of pills frothing out of my mouth. 
It took me two overdoses to get here, had to put my white blood cells to work.
"I didn't think you'd be up this early," Joel smiled at me, he was nursing a mug of coffee, a plate in front of him with a half-eaten piece of toast and a golden yoke running onto the porcelain. That might've been my favourite thing about the farm, fresh eggs. Once you have them you can never go back to the sad pale grocery store eggs.
"That makes two of us," I pulled out a chair from the wooden dining table and sat down. Joel had put so much love into this home. These days I’m too nauseous to eat breakfast.
"Ellie doesn't even wake up this early," He took a slug of his black coffee, the scent was strong, filling up the entire house, I could smell it the second I woke up. "How's the room? Is everything to your liking?"
I had felt so guilty for free-loading off Joel whom I hadn't seen since I was twelve, it had been eight years. He sent me cards on my birthday every year but I never was able to grasp how close our parents had been. I'm pretty sure I was friends with Ellie when I was little, there were pictures of the two of us hugging each other and playing beneath sprinklers, my front teeth missing, Ellie covered head to toe in Spider-Man band-aids. I didn't have any recollection of us when we were close, as we got older we got more stiff around each other. When my family would visit, she would hang out with her friends and I would keep to myself. Of course, my parents moved us to the city where everything hit me too hard all at once. "It's perfect, thank you."
"It's pretty hard to peel yourself off that mattress, huh?" Joel smiled at me, showing me every ounce of warmth he had when I was a child.
I nod in response "So much more comfortable than those stiff dorm mattresses," It almost felt like I was making conversation with a ghost.
"Since you're up so early, care for a tour while I do some chores?" He asked. I had been here a few days already, though I just kept to myself I didn't want to impose on his pleasant life with his daughter who hadn't called him at three am sobbing because she had too many opioids. I had wandered briefly around the farm of course and I had remembered bits and pieces of it from my childhood but I felt so out of place that I mainly locked myself inside of my temporary room and lived through my friend's Instagram stories.
"I'd love to," I smile politely, unsure of what else to do. 
 "Do you think you're gonna go back to school?" Joel asked as he stood up with his plate and mug in hand and began to wash them in the stainless steel sink. "No pressure, there's life outside of a lecture hall."
This was a question I had been thinking about day in and day out. I was a year and then some into getting my degree when my 'fun habits' began spiralling uncontrollably. My parents had managed to snag me a two-year deferral so I could go to rehab and go back to school the following year but I was so full of shame that I shook with the thought of going back. For the first time in my life, I am afraid I have no real desires. 
When I was dead inside a motel bathtub, I thought I needed to be somewhere different but now that I'm there, I need to be someone different too. "I'm not really sure right now, just please don't tell my parents I said that."
"Secrets safe with me," He opens a cabinet and pulls out a bag of cat food, shaking it until a scrawny calico cat appears out of thin air. Pepper happily devours the food Joel puts in her little bowl. I remembered Pepper, she was a kitten way back then and I would cut open socks to make clothes for her. "You should just know that it's never too late."
Very early in my life, it was too late. "Thanks, Joel," Not yet a corpse and still I rot like all of my ambitions turn to sludge at my tired feet.
He looks around, exhaling a deep breath, trying to scope out anything else he has to do in the kitchen. "You outta get geared up, I'm gonna wake up Ellie then me and you can get to work."
I nod in agreement even though I'm not sure what he means by 'gear up' so I figure that's just him saying to put on a hoodie and some rain boots. I stand awkwardly by the door, waiting for Joel. Absentmindedly I rock back and forth on my heels hands clasped together. I'm twenty years old but I feel like I'm twelve again, trying to find a place for myself in someone else's life. 
I thought of the last time I was in this house. I was twelve, unaware of the future that awaited me, I had buried a time capsule with Ellie and her cousins somewhere on this property. Writing to my future self, talking about all of the things I should be. If only she saw the brain-rotten zombie that was her destiny.
My parents had told everyone back home I was backpacking across Australia and taking a break from academics to see the world. In the eyes of those who knew me well and were more than aware of what happened, it was a shame to them that I had wasted a sharp brain and a pretty face. It takes a whole lot of strength the endure myself.
It doesn't take long for Joel to walk back down the creaky stairs, Ellie trailing behind him, sleep in her eyes. She's in boxers and one of Joel's old t-shirts, hair still messy and unbrushed. Ellie yawns and gives me a little wave- it wasn't really a wave, just her raising a hand in my direction as an acknowledgment. 
We hadn't spoken much since I got here, I had met her in the past but we didn't know each other. A lot can change in eight years. She wasn't unfriendly toward me, we indulged in small talk and laughed at each other's jokes but each conversation was so shallow I wanted to lay face down and drown in them. 
Ellie goes straight for the fridge, unlike her dad, she pours milk into a sickly sweet cereal which seems cavity-inducing. She was back from college for the summer, taking advantage of her father's love and food. Joel walked over to where I was standing at the door, slipping into his mucking boots. "While you're both here," He says before looking at me "How much do you know about boats?"
I furrow my eyebrows "A good bit I guess?" I answer, figuring he was just trying to rekindle a spark between Ellie and me that had been put out eight years ago by rain, ocean spray, and vodka.
"Y'know, Els," He gestures towards me "This one used to work at her parent's marina, they tell me she's done a couple of repairs and I bet she could give you some pointers on how to fix up that boat." I'm confused by his words, this is the first I've heard about a boat. Joel can see the uncertainty on my face "Her uncle gave her a piece of shit boat last summer before she went back to school, over the year I guess some teenagers thought it was a good hideout and trashed it even more."
"Seriously?" Her head pokes up "It would be great if you could come down with me later, she just needs a little love," Ellie spoons some cereal into her mouth. I had always thought it weird how people spoke about their boats like they were women, I even caught myself doing it on occasion. "Only if you want to, of course."
"Sure," I agree, no idea how much repair this boat was in need of "I've got nothing better to do."
I could tell Joel counted this as a win. I knew he had been commuting with my parents and how desperately they wanted me to keep myself occupied for the summer. "Well, we've got some work to do, kiddo."
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After a solid five hours of following Joel around like a duckling and re-learning all the names of the animals, I was walking with Ellie toward her pickup truck. "Wanna drive?" She asks as we walk to the long beaten driveway
"Oh, I can't." The coolness of the morning has ebbed away into a borderline unbearable heat, I wasn't sure how Ellie was absolutely unfazed in her Jeans, T-shirt, and trucker hat. 
"You never got your licence?"
"No, it got taken away."
She cracks a grin "Jeez, what did you do? Hit a pedestrian?" Ellie teases.
"Something like that," Truthfully, my licence got revoked after I got a DUI and swerved my car off the highway, I was too high to realize the danger I was in and laughed the entire time warm blood pooled from a gash in my head that had to be stapled shut. Luckily my parents can throw money at anything and the problem will go away. 
She hops in the truck, there are little bits and pieces of it that show how it's lived in. A rubber duck with sunglasses sits on the dashboard and I'm partially surprised it hasn't melted in the sweltering heat. 
As beautiful and scenic as the drive down to the docks is, it's also extremely awkward, only on my end, Ellie seems completely unfazed. Travelling down the dirt roads until we finally hit the pavement. 
The salty breeze of Andromeda Cove carries conversations of clubbing and tanning, mingling with the sweet scent of coconut sunscreen and sea salt. Colourful beach umbrellas dot the shoreline. Seagulls glide effortlessly overhead, their calls blending seamlessly with the distant laughter of beachgoers. Quaint shops and cafes line the bustling boardwalk, offering an array of surfboards, souvenirs, and freshly caught seafood delicacies.
The Cove was immune to those gross and bland modern buildings that looked like something I would've made in Minecraft as a kid. Everything down here was local and kept its charm even after all these years. "Do you ever miss it here?" 
"I don't remember much of it to be honest."
"Really?" She asks, taking a turn down to the docks "It doesn't seem like it was that long ago."
"Yeah, my memory just isn't very good." My lungs are burnt and my brain is fried. You could tell me that I was in cheerleading for five years of my life and I would probably believe you. 
I hadn't remembered her being this quiet but then again I don't remember much, I should probably write down everything I can before Alzheimer's sets in. There are lapses in my mind where memories should live, I recall my life through glimpses.
Ellie takes her keys out of the ignition and hops out of the truck, leading me down the docks. I keep guessing in my head which boat belongs to her and then the second I spot it, I know and how I dread. It's a sailboat or what's left of one, sharpie graffiti scribbled all around it. The word 'wanderlust' had once been titled along the side though the first half was scratched out by what I assume were those teenagers Joel mentioned so it just said 'lust'.
Ellie had no problem climbing aboard, I on the other hand had doubts that it could support the weight of two people, let alone itself. There were chips of white paint scraped off, Ellie motioned for me to get on deck  "How long has this been abandoned?"
She waves me off  "There's freedom that comes with abandonment."
I raise an eyebrow "Sinking in a boat that's docked is a very lame way to die."
"Nah," She says "We can haunt the marina."
She holds out her hand for me to take it and with hesitation, I do. Stepping over the gap between the dock and the boat, I haul myself over the rails. Even in the dark, I could make that climb, it was almost like muscle memory from working at my parents marina summer after summer. "She's a beauty, yeah? In her own special kind of way," Ellie pats the side of the companionway. "I actually made some progress on it last summer, if you can believe me."
"I don't know if I can," I look around, following her as we duck into the saloon.
She reaches for a notebook with a pink sharpie clipped onto it on the table of the saloon and turns to face me "Whoever was here must've been a real wordsmith, what I can't figure out is how the words got out of the notebook and onto my walls." 
I crawl onto the cushioned V-berth to get a better look at all of the writing on the walls. Most of it had been poetry, not Edgar Allen Poe but the kind that only an angsty teenage girl on the verge of a mental break could've written. 
The Statue of Juliette:
May I ask what you have done to women?
That your hands have only learned to harm one
Hand after filthy hand
Is dragged
Over my rusted skin
The things I have seen
The things I have endured
No water can clean me
No blanket can warm me
Take a hammer to my bronze flesh
And I will thank you for your kindness
As my body crumbles and clatters against cobblestone
I am eternally grateful
For this is the gentlest act I have ever faced
"I know," Ellie says, and I look back to meet her sharp gaze "A real Sylvia Plath.”
"Is this your candle?" I reach for it on the ground, it's halfway through its life. A vanilla bean bath and bodyworks candle.
She takes it from my hand and gives it a sniff "I was wondering why it smelled so good in here, I just thought that was you." She places the candle back onto the saloon table "So, Neptune's daughter, where should we start?"
I snatch the notebook from the table and flip it open to a page clean of any writing. It takes a little less than fifteen minutes to seek out all of the trouble spots. Ellie followed behind me and nodded to everything that I was saying. 
The boat isn't in nearly as bad of condition as I expected. I suspected that the teenagers who occupied it while Ellie was away at college had all been girls, they took relatively good care of the boat aside from the graffiti, allegedly most of the damage had been there when Ellie got it from Tommy a year ago.
We now sat next to each other in the booth around the saloon table, the ocean rocked the boat beneath us ever so gently, the same way a mother would rock her child's cradle. I missed the sea when I was in college, on a bender I had driven three hours just to be back with it, it seemed the only safe place to let go and be reborn. I liked the sharpness of the air, the vastness of the horizon and the mystery beneath it. I thought I would rise from the seafoam a new woman the same way Aphrodite did but no, I threw up on the sandy shores and called my parents to make it go away.
I give the notebook over to Ellie, a new entry written in bright pink Sharpie amongst the poetry and anecdotes. 
Wanderlust's issues:
Mainsail and jib seem sketchy; Unfold the hoist for a full assessment
Wiring issues are out of my hands but a probable concern-should probably call in an expert
Nav instruments are cracked
Leaks on starboard window, probs cracked moulding
Interior woodwork is original, mainly solid despite a bit of mildew
Graffiti and chipped paint, graffiti likely cleanable (May need a new coat of paint)
Possible rigging issues
Underside? That's a question for the experts
Final Verdict: Wanderlust is a seaworthy vessel in need of some love
Ellie lets out a low whistle "God, I love a girl who knows the difference between a mainsail and a jib." She cracks a mischievous grin.
"You're teetering very close between sexy and crass," I tease her in return.
She seems a little taken aback by my comment, like she hadn't anticipated a response but ignores it nonetheless "What would it take to make you my first mate?"
"I'm sorry?"
"For someone with a bad memory, you seem to know your boats, Joel said that you used to work on charters. You gotta know more about sailing than me. It'll be a fun summer project, get you out of the house a bit."
I furrow my eyebrows as I look at her "You want me to work on the boat with you?"
Ellie nodded. She didn't rush to fill the silence that stretched between us, she didn't bother to sweeten the deal or hunt for some reason I would like working with her. She just let it stand. I looked her in the eyes, trying to figure her out. She goes from being almost non-verbal with me and now she asks me to spend the summer on a boat with her. I wondered if she knew what she was doing at all and if I would be carrying her through this.
I had a feeling that Ellie would become my next bad habit. It's easy to get addicted when everything interests you and nothing satisfies you. "I'm in."
"You won't regret this," Ellie almost jumps up, I swear I could've seen her making calculations in her head "So, I'm thinking we get rid of all this junk and get a good look at it bare bones, make a list of supplies and give her the spa day shes in desperate need of."
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On my second day as first mate, I had been scrubbing away inside of the saloon while Ellie did some work on the exterior, my Scrub Daddy was being put to work. By the time I even made a dent in all of the Sharpie poetry, it was nearly falling apart and begging to be killed.
When I emerged from the companionway to replace my filthy bucket of water I spotted Ellie chatting up a girl on a dock. She had long glossy black hair that cascaded down her back in strategic ringlets. "So you're gonna sail on this thing?"
"Rebuilding her first," Ellie tells her, leaning against the railing. The girl she's speaking to looks like she's freezing, denim shorts cropped high and a white tank top.
"Do you need help?" She smiles and even I'm seduced by it. She has tanned skin that she's clearly been working on and sunglasses pushing back the silky hair from her forehead. "I've been on boats, lots of times," Her arms are crossed over her chest. I can see goosebumps all over her legs from the chill brought to us by the gray sky above and the frigid air. 
"That so?" Ellie asks, rising to her full height. A wrench in hand, it looks like the beginning of a really bad movie, not a family-friendly one. She saw me then, standing behind her. I watched her facade drop. Her smile changed as I approached, turning from flirt to friend in two seconds.
"Oh, hey," The black-haired girl regards me like I'm some kind of threat. "So do you need help or what?" 
Ellie looks at me and then back to her "Thanks for the offer but we're all set."
"Do you maybe wanna grab lunch or something?" She completely ignores me.
Ellie shakes her head "We've got lots of work to do, but-" She takes a deliberate pause and I almost cringe "I'll probably be at the shipwreck later. Stop by if you're around."
"See ya'," She grins and takes the sunglasses off the top of her head, placing them on the nose bridge before walking back down the dock.
"Wow," I dump my bucket of water over the rail of the boat "Looks like super difficult work out here, you are so brave." Sarcasm drips from my tone "Without you, who will flirt with all of the hot girls at the marina?"
"No need to be jealous," She says "I'm spending every waking minute with you after all."
I gave her the evil eye but I truly wasn't jealous. I didn't chase the thrill of a fling or late nights with girls whom I would forget by morning. I had dropped that by college and replaced it with ketamine and opioids, I abused liquor like I was its two-faced love. Now the only thing I chased was calmness. 
I wasn't jealous, just briefly reminiscing over how carefree I used to be. 
The tide was rolling and the sky above us was gray and angry as if something was raging within it. "Shit," I mutter, waves shifting from a distant hiss to a closer hush. The air hung heavy, I hadn't even noticed the change in weather from what seemed like the century I spent scrubbing away in the saloon. 
Ellie must've noticed what I was. "So, I'm thinking we should go?"
"You think?" I retort.
Moments later we're packed and rushing down the dock to find her truck. It doesn't take long for rain to begin to splatter on the ground beneath us, it isn't light and gentle, it's harsh. It sounds like pebbles being tossed onto a sheet of glass.
By the time we reach the truck, I'm soaked, hair sticking to my forehead and neck "You didn't want to poke your head into the saloon and say 'Hey, it's looking like there's gonna be a storm'?" 
"I was a little preoccupied," Ellie isn't much better off than I am, she takes off the flannel she had on top of her tank top and tosses it into the backseat, her tattoo out on full display. The rain is so heavy that everything on the outside of her truck looks like a blur. 
"Can you even drive in this?"
"No, can you?"
"No, I told you I have a DUI," The second the words leave my mouth I regret the slip-up. My eyes go wide and a hand slaps over my mouth, I'm acting like I just told her I was the one who took out JFK.
"You didn't tell me that."
"Well," I look forward, ignoring her piercing gaze, "I thought I did."
If not for the rain outside that pounded against the glass as if it wanted to be let in, we would've sat in complete silence while we drowned beneath all of the words going unsaid. My mind begins to wonder, first I think of the black-haired girl at the docks; I hope she didn't get stuck outside in the rain, especially with her lack of clothing. Then I think about what Ellie's thinking, did she know already? Had Joel told her? I'm humiliated all over again like I'd been when the paramedics dragged my half-naked body out of a bathtub.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks. I don't say anything and she takes this as a hint "We don't have to talk about it."
I'm beginning to grow comfortable with the silence. I almost preferred it to the back-and-forth banter Joel and Ellie constantly had, which was more so father and daughter teasing each other.
Joel had probably known more about me than I did, my parents liked to keep him filled in after all. They just loved to keep tabs on me, if it was legal I'm sure they would put cameras behind my retinas and watch my every move. Eight months ago when I was in rehab, that was the most peace I've ever felt. As much as my parents wanted me clean, they held resentment since I ruined my life and was destroying theirs by association. Joel didn't seem like the type to gossip to his daughter but it nagged at me regardless. "Did Joel tell you anything?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just-like," I search through my brain to find the words "Like what I've been up to?"
She shrugged "He just said you are on a deferral and need a break from the city."
"Okay," I say, my voice so quiet it was almost smothered by the obnoxious rain. 
"Are you hungry?"
We had thrown on two jackets Ellie had in the back seat of the cars. She offered me Joel's black raincoat while she humbly took the bright yellow rain poncho. It took everything in me not to laugh at her, she looked like Georgie.
Ellie slung one arm around me, we were both hunched over as we ran as fast as we could. She was shouting stuff at me but I couldn't hear her through the rain, I just nodded in agreement and hoped she hadn't said something awful.
She tugged me left, the deluge chasing us into Salty's for cover. It was nearly dead in there, two other tables, one was an elderly couple and the other was a group of girls, laughing like hyenas while one of them showed the others a picture on her phone.
Ellie wasted no time in taking off her poncho and I didn't blame her, no one wanted to be seen in that. The second we settled into a booth by the huge glass window which took up the entire storefront, an over-eager waiter came up. He was tall, had dark hair and had handsome features, he must've been bored with how slow it was in here. "Hey, Jesse," Ellie said "Can I have water and a big-buck burger?"
He nodded and swerved his body to look at me, "Alright and for you-" He looked up from his notepad and paused for a moment before a huge smile cracked on his face "I haven't seen you in so long!" 
"Hi," I smiled, my mouth hanging openly awkwardly as I tried to recall him.
"Do you remember me?" He asked, his hand dropping to his side "Jesse," He reminded "We used to go to school together."
I had no idea who he was "Oh my god, yes!" I say "I remember."
His smile grows "God, you look so different."
"You too," I gesture at him "You're way more-" My mind falls flat "Grown."
He nods along to my words "Have you had a chance to look at the menu?"
Wanting this conversation as soon as possible I nod despite not even opening the menu “Yeah, I'll just get the, uh, big-buck and a club soda.” I repeated Ellie's order.
He jots it down onto his notepad "It'll be right up."
"Ellie, I don't know who that is," I say when I see him retreat to the server station to fill in the order. The entire restaurant is nautical-themed, the walls painted black, and there were nets with faux fish covering every square inch of the ceiling.
"Wow, I had no idea," She says, sarcastically "Damn, your memory really is fucked." 
Trust me, I know or at least I think I do. I disregard her comment "Water? Don't you wanna get rootbeer or something? Joel said you drink so much soda that your blood is made of corn syrup."
She grins "Gotta keep up the tough guy act."
Across the restaurant one of the girls waves to Ellie, this one has curly brown hair and a sundress "Hi, Ellie!"
Her eyebrows furrow "Hey there-um...you," Ellie said "Good to see you again."
The girl smiles slyly at Ellie before turning back to her friends. "Looks like I'm not the only one forgetting people, what's your excuse?"
"There's a lot of girls in the world, I can't remember all of their names."
"You must've gone through every girl in the cove, power to ya'," I say "No idea you had such a reputation."
"You don't know a lot about me."
I shrug "You know even less about me."
"I bet I could guess."
"Be my guest."
She leans back like she's carefully considering her next words, choosing them very wisely before she finally settles "You picked a major like communications and got bored quickly, decided you needed to do some soul searching. Probably read 'Eat, Prey, Love,' then went on a backpacking trip, expenses paid by your parents. Alternatively, you lived in a van and pretended to be a broke hippie."
I shook my head "Very cliche and you were only right about one thing."
"I got bored quickly," The rain outside was failing to cease. Across from me, it looked like Ellie was calculating my every move. Her auburn hair was still wet, and from her hairline, a droplet of water dribbled down onto her button nose to rest on her cupid bow.
"Can I have a hint then?"
I see a realisation hit her "You partied with frat guys?"
I shook my head "I've always been too cool for them." I wasn't too cool for them, I was too fucked up to even know they were throwing a party until someone verbally informed me, by that point all I've ever done at a frat party was break in through a window and steal a keg like the disgusting fiend I was. It was nothing to be proud of, my friends thought it was hilarious and posted it on their Snapchat stories, egging me on and feeding into this sickening behaviour. What wasn't funny was how I got caught and winded up with a busted lip and broken rib. With pupils the size of my iris, I couldn't feel the pain I was in.
"Okay, now you have to tell me."
"I can't, I lose my mysterious allure."
The bell above the door chimes signalling the arrival of another customer and said customer makes a b-line for our table. She takes a seat next to Ellie "Jesse texted me that you were here.”
"Dina, were you at work?" Ellie furrows her eyebrows.
"Yeah, it's not like anyone's buying souvenirs right now and Jesse told me you finally came back," She whips her head to look over at me.
I genuinely remembered her, unlike Jesse. She had buried the time capsule with Ellie, her family and I. I also recalled how her older sister used to give us hand-me-down clothes. "Dina, hi."
She has freckles scattered across her face the same way that Ellie does. Her smile was so comforting, I forgot that I was soaked to my bones and shivering. "Well we should all do something together tonight," Dina grins "You're doing Ellie a huge favour by helping her fix that rig, she better give you some good head for it."
I almost choke on my saliva while Ellie just groans with disappointment like she had anticipated Dina saying something along those lines "D, you can't say that stuff around every girl I'm with, this is essentially my sister for the summer."
Dina raises her hands in defence "Sorry, my bad, I was unaware since you failed to mention that you have my old friend living with you." Ellie looks like she's going to say something but Dina speaks up again before she has the chance to "Let me give you my number."
Wordlessly, I hand my phone over to Dina who fills out her contact information and then gives my phone right back to me. I study Dina's face and her mannerisms, hoping that something might bring me back to my childhood which has been wiped away by every upper and downer you could put a name to. Something about her seemed familiar, maybe we had been closer friends than I thought.
I nod along to whatever she and Ellie are saying, chiming in random bits of dialogue but my mind is stuck on the two of them side by side. They're what I could've been if my family never moved us away and I hadn't turned my brain into sludge.
The life I could've had.
 Ellie smoked from what I knew, maybe Dina or Jesse were into something a little more hardcore. Hardcore? If hardcore qualifies as drowning in a concoction of cough syrup, Vicodin, codeine, and Gatorade to balance out the flavour of self-destruction. The bottles I swallowed to sleep, I showed up to almost every lecture high. Here I was handed what was nearly a good life and I tossed it away for something with a sweeter taste than a stable job and proper education.
The horrors I've committed. No good deed will ever outdo the bad that I have unleashed upon this godforsaken earth. From my clouded brain, paralyzing thoughts come to life to curse myself, the nightmare no mother would wish for her child to endure. 
Relapse after relapse, I would fall sick with the thought of how many times I had to relapse until I was finally clean and that bitter flavour washed from my mouth.
"Are you okay?" Dina asks with a smile and furrowed brows "We kind of lost you there."
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It's one in the morning and I want to drink wine then slip beneath the rapid waters that will gladly pull me under and claim me as theirs.
Instead, I opt for a class of water. As Dina had said earlier, she wanted to get a bunch of friends together but the second we got home, I showered and locked myself away. Echoes of laughter and chatter drifted through my window.
I slip down the steps that lead to the kitchen. Outside the rain has finally dissipated and Ellie, Dina, Jesse, along with a handful of people I don't know crowd around a bonfire. The kitchen is illuminated only by moonlight, the moon hung over me as I poured myself water from the tap, a dead thing over a dying thing. 
I have seafoam in my veins and centuries-passed sunshine that induces my craving for some pills that will put me to sleep. Three months completely clean and yet that doesn't end the yearning for the drugs that comforted me more than any human ever had. 
The door cracks open and in comes Ellie, she's laughing and from the uncontrollable giggles, drowsy gaze, and slightly disoriented walking I can tell that she's been smoking. "Hey," She smiles at me, reaching passed me to grab a mug with Garfield on the front and fill it with water but she doesn't take a sip, she just sits it down on the counter behind us and stares at me.
Our faces only inches apart, I contemplate her next move. This close I can smell the marijuana on her and I almost want to scuttle upstairs and light a candle. Ellie hugs me, wrapping her arms around my midriff and letting her head find its resting place in the crook of my neck "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" She hums "I'm just glad you're here, whatever the circumstances are, I'm happy that you're helping me with the boat," I'm carrying almost her full way, and she's slouched against me "I love you man, I know you don't remember a lot from when we were kids but we had a lot of fun together."
"Thanks, Ellie," I give her a little pat on the back "That's really nice of you."
She peels herself away from me, using the counter to lean against instead. She looks me up and down, having an intense staring contest with my pyjamas "Do you wanna come out and smoke with everyone?" She's shed her tank top and thrown over a gray hoodie to shroud her from the oncoming cold.
I shake my head, no "I don't mess with that stuff."
"That's smart," She says "Have fun in your room, stowaway, I'll see you tomorrow to work on our boat," With that Ellie leaves without grabbing the Garfield mug she came in here for.
A/N: Hey, y’all. I’m aware I have a million open docs, I assure you they are all getting some love but I needed to come back to my roots and write some angst. These are some issues I have struggled with and I feel that it’s important to bring attention to it so it’s not taboo.
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Triad Part 9 — Reunion Part 2
A Cazriel x Reader Headcanon
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is 3200 words of self-indulgent smut that ALSO moves the plot forward and then a 1100 word funny/sweet little gift at the end that ALSO ALSO moves the plot forward. If you want to skip the smut, just reading the bit beneath the *** will give you enough of an idea of what happened and why it’s going to be important in less explicit terms. Listen to Total Control by DJO if you want additional ~vibes~ and see if you can guess the two other songs that inspired/are referenced in this part. First person to guess each wins a drabble of your choosing (word choice tbd by the vibes I’m feeling while I write it lol).
Click here to be added to the taglist so you never miss an update!
Warnings: Pure smut with dom/sub undertones, choking and restraints included. Buckle up folks!
When Az wakes up a few hours later, his chest hiccups with a sharp intake of breath. With his brain still stuck under the mountain, he struggles against the restraints confining him to the bed. 
His thrashing startles you and Cas awake, and while the male loosens his grip and scrambles backwards, you tighten your arms around Az’s waist. Shadow swirl all around you, just as confused as their master. 
“Shhhh,” you whisper, rubbing soothing circles around his belly button. “It’s okay, you’re safe. It was just a dream; you’re back home now.” 
You keep whispering sweet reassurances as the shadows start to settle, wrapping you and Azriel in their calming chill. Slowly, he stops trying to wriggle away and relaxes in your arms, eventually twisting around to look at you. 
“‘M sorry,” he mutters, voice still hoarse from sleep. You check the clock on the wall, noticing that it’s well past dinner time already. 
“Don’t apologize,” you say, raising your hands to wipe the tears from his cheeks with the pads of your thumbs. “It’s our job to take care of you, Azzie.”
“And we love our job,” Cas quips, crawling across the bed with a steaming mug in one hand, which he holds to Az’s lips. “So be a dear and let us do it, yeah?” 
Azriel rolls his narrowed eyes, but dutifully takes a sip anyway. The hot liquid merges with his insides, soothing aches both physical and mental. 
Once the tea is gone, Cas reaches over for a croissant and lifted it up to Az’s mouth. 
“I can feed myself, you know,” Az complains, reaching out to try and swipe the pastry from Cassian’s grip. Cas laughs and pulls it away, teasing him. 
“Please? Just this once?” He pleads, eyes widening as he sticks out his lower lip in a pout.  “You weren’t the only one affected by shutting off the bond, you know.”
The look Az gives him suggests that there will be hell to pay for this later, but Cassian’s entire face lights up when Az parts his lips. He takes small bites and chews slowly as both males stare at each other, bond shimmering with pleasure at the intimacy of the act. 
It’s a gesture of trust on both parts and you watch, breathless and teary, as the intensity of their gazes deepens with each bite. After Cas shoves the last bit in, he lets his fingers linger longer than necessary, ghosting against Az’s lips. 
Az swallows, smirks, and then sucks Cas’s fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue 
“So that’s how you want to play this, huh?” Cas growls, patience draining from his body. You see it in the way his muscles tighten, a sign that he’s desperately clinging to the last of his self control. 
Saying nothing, Az just hums around Cas’s fingers and it’s fucking hot, the way your usually dominant mate can so easily slip into a submissive role while still holding onto all the power. But through the bond, it’s clear that they both need this. 
Cas needs to burn off some of the anger and frustration that had built up during Azriel’s absence, and Az (though he’d never admit it out loud) needs reassurance, to feel loved and desired. Letting his mates have their way with him is a sure fire way to calm the insecurities that have grown like ivy during his prolonged isolation.  
Besides, he’s never fully defenseless. If things go too far, his shadows are always there to lend a helping hand in regaining control. 
You make eye contact with Cas over Az’s head, matching grins on your faces as the possibilities flash down the bond, filling your minds with the most delightful images. 
Letting his lips fall open again, Az runs his teeth along the fingers that start to drop just hard enough to send a shudder of pleasure down Cas’s arm. Adrenaline pumps through his veins, heart working double time to accommodate how rapidly his body awakens. 
“On your back,” Cassian whispers, the power he’s trying to contain escaping through his voice where a hardness sharpens the edges of his words, turning them into weapons. 
“Or what?” Az asks, scooting away from you so he’s fully facing Cas. He crosses his arms over his chest and raises an eyebrow, a half-smirk grazing the corners of his lips. 
Red magic flutters out of clenched fists, siphons struggling to contain it all. 
“You’re acting real smug over there,” he hisses, leaning in closer to Az, “for someone who’s seen me tear armies limb from limb.” 
The darkness seeping into Cas’s eyes has Az straining against his tight sleep shorts, the confines of which are a sweet kind of agony. 
And Azriel is smug because he knows exactly which buttons to push to get what he wants. 
“I’m not afraid of you,” he whispers, eyes darkening as he smirks at Cas from across the room. 
It’s a callback to when they first met, when Cassian had made it his personal mission to make Az’s life a living hell. Things came to a head one night after they’d been out drinking and they ended up fighting behind one of the seedy dive bars littered throughout Windhaven and the surrounding forest. 
“RHYS DOESN’T NEED ANOTHER BROTHER,” Cassian bellowed, feeling his magic sparking beneath his skin. 
Something in Cassian broke when Azriel’s lips had hardened, the Shadowsinger’s steely gaze piercing straight through Cas’s heart as he growled “I’m not afraid of you.”
It made Cas feel squeamish which, in turn, stoked the fires of his internal rage. His veins stung as red-hot flames licked their way through his body. Clenching his jaw and then each muscle below it, he used brute force to tame his errant magic. 
He raised his arms, ready to shove the infuriating Shadow Master away when shadows swirled around him, tightening into shackles around his wrist. His eyes widened; he’d finally found someone who could give it back to him as hard as he liked to give it. 
With one eyebrow raised, the silent Shadowsinger held out a hand. The shadows only released their grip when Cassian slumped forward with laughter tumbling from his lips. Cassian and Azriel clasped hands and were brothers from that day forward. 
And though Cas’s jaw twitches now just like it did then, it’s not laughter that escapes his lips but a Cauldron-damned snarl. In a flash of red, he surges forward to clamp a hand around Az’s neck, shoving until messy curls thump against the headboard.   
“You do look so pretty in blue,” Cas hums, candlelight reflecting off his teeth as he bares them in a wicked grin. 
“Come here darling,” he says, reaching over to you with his free hand. You slip your own smaller one into it, mirroring the look on his face as he tugs you closer. “You keep quiet,” he says to Az, tossing his words out like an afterthought as he turns to look at you. 
You look up at him all batted lashes and blown out pupils and he melts, all of the lines on his face disappearing. He pulls you into his side, letting his arm snake around your waist. 
“And you, sweet little thing,” he whispers, lowering his lips to brush against your pulse point, “can get comfortable riiiiight here.” Cas arranges you on Az’s lap, straddling one of his thighs with your ass just barely brushing against his cock. 
He squeezes Az’s throat a little harder, just for a few seconds, and then lets go completely. Az is completely silent, staring up at Cas with wide, eager eyes. 
“Good boy,” Cas says, patting Az on the cheek before turning his full attention to you. His eyes flash a deep, blood red as he waves a hand behind him like an afterthought. From his fingertips, red magic shoots out  like twirling arrows that wrap around Az’s wrists, pinning them to the headboard. 
If he wasn’t so horny, Cas would be in a state of shock, but it’s like it doesn’t register that he shouldn’t be able to do that. Or at least that he’s never done that before. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen and from the burning, crackling blue magic flowing through the bond from Az’s side you think that Az would agree if was capable of coherent thoughts. 
Az’s wrists are bound tight enough that he can feel the restraints pressing into his skin, but they’re still malleable and comfortable. His shadows surround the red bands, curious and excited. 
Cas leans in to press a firm yet gentle kiss to your lips, murmuring against them. “He’s being so good, isn’t he, angel?” 
You agree, letting the desire buzzing in your body ooze out through your words. “So good.” 
Then you stick your tongue in between Cas’s lips, coaxing a breathy moan from the male knowing it will have Az frothing at the mouth. He loves making the two of you put on a show for him, so you’re going to give him exactly what he wants. Except you make the rules this time, so you take your time exploring every crevasse in Cas’s mouth. Eventually, his hands slide up your waist, shoving up your thin top. 
“Off,” he commands, leaning back to watch you slip the fabric over your head. You toss it aside and arch your back as you fold forward to press your hardened nipples against his bare chest. 
“Pants, too,” he instructs, waving a hand at you. Within seconds you’re completely bare, cunt soaking Az’s pajama pants. Instinctively, you rub your clit against his thigh a few times and your ass brushes against Az’s clothed dick. 
It has him rocking his hips back and forth, needing just a little bit of friction to take the edge off of his overwhelming desires. Keeping his mouth shut is taking too much of his focus so his body’s getting antsy. 
“I think he liked that,” you say, acknowledging Az without turning around. Instead, you scoot forward, pressing your knees into Cassian’s sides to lift yourself and free up space for you to reach down, freeing his cock from its cloth prison.
Cas hums, saying nothing as he tightens his grip on your hips, lowering you onto him. He bends his legs, propping them up next to Az’s hips, and stretches you open, slowly easing himself inside. Behind you, Az whimpers, making Cas smirk as he tugs you down until your chests are flush. That gives Az a full, unobstructed view of what’s going on. 
Once you’ve adjusted to Cas’s size, you start to ride him, chasing a rapidly building high. Cas guides you, chin on your shoulder so he can stare straight at Az while he says “I want you to come on my cock, can you do that for me, baby?”
“Yes,” you hiss, grinding yourself down so his tip circles that sensitive spot deep inside you. 
“Then we’re gonna get at least one more out of ya before it’s Az’s turn. He made us wait, so now we’re making him wait.”
Az is squirming behind you but staying silent—Cas never said he couldn’t move, only that he had to keep quiet. Like he can read Az’s thoughts, Cas laughs; a sharp, growling chuckle like a predator messing with his prey. “And I know you think you’re getting away with something back there, but I can feel you moving. Keep going, if you want, but you’ll pay for it later.” 
This new side of Cas has you mumbling nonsense, just fragmented words and phrases conveying the message to keep going, right there. He uses his bent legs to his advantage, pounding up into you. The hands on your hips squeeze tighter and you hope they leave bruises behind so you can match Az. 
It doesn’t take long for you to find your release, milking every last aftershock until you slump onto Cas’s chest, boneless and breathless. 
“Got another one in there for us?” He whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“I can try,” you mumble against the curve of his pecs. 
“Good girl.” He helps prop you back up and, from his spot behind you, holds a hand out towards Az. The glowing red bonds dissolve, freeing his wrists, and he immediately scoots forward. Cas lifts you up, grabbing your ass to make room for Az to shimmy down flat on his back and then settling you with your knees next to his ears. 
Two thick fingers dip into your dripping cunt. Cas collects some of your slick before shoving you down onto Az’s waiting lips. 
He moves those fingers lower, circling the rim of Az’s hole to ease it open. Az whimpers, finally getting the touch he’s been wanting and it’s almost too much too fast. 
Cas slides his free hand down the curve of your ass and onto Az’s neck, curling his fingers around to press against his mate’s pulse point.
“I told you to keep quiet,” Cas snarls. Shadows nuzzle up against the hard planes of Cassian’s body, murmuring apologies that only Az can hear. 
You feel Az still beneath you but are so close to your second peak that you keep grinding against his face. It only lasts for a few seconds before Cassian loosens his grip. 
“You better make her cum. If you want me to fuck you, I want to hear Y/N scream your name,” he whispers, leaning down to graze his teeth against the skin behind Az’s ear. 
“Please, Az,” you whine, fingernails digging into the headboard as you writhe against his mouth searching for your release. His tongue darts into your folds and then he sucks on your clit, lapping up towards it with the flat of his tongue. “Fuck, do that again.” He obliges, wanting nothing more than to feel your walls fluttering against his tongue, to please you, to please Cassian. It’s getting to be too much, having Cas’s fingers working his hole open and you humping his face. 
When he dips his tongue into you again, you stutter into your climax. Your hips thrust up until your clit hits Az’s nose and then you grind down, each small movement sending shockwaves through your system. 
“Az,” you cry, slumping back against Cas as you’re hit with the full force of a second orgasm without getting the chance to recover from the first. It hits just on the pleasure side of the pain/pleasure spectrum and you ride it out, pulsing walls sucking his tongue back in. 
“Good job, honey,” Cas murmurs, wrapping an arm around your chest to pull you in as tight as possible. You let your core fall away from Az’s mouth and Cassian helps you crawl off of Az. Collapsing on the bed next to Az, you curl into his side, seeking out his warmth. 
Love you, you mutter through the bond, sending a flutter of purple magic his way. Shadows wrap you in a soothing cocoon in answer. 
Cas tugs Az down the bed, flipping him onto his stomach and pulling his hips back so Cas can slip his tip into the loosened hole. 
“You ready for me, baby? Think you can take it?” Cas asks, low and breathy since he’s teasing himself as much as he’s teasing Az.
“Yessss,” Az hisses, trying to tip his hips forward to take more. Cas barks out a laugh and smacks a flat palm down on one of Az’s cheeks. 
With your head curled to the side, you have a perfect view of the slight jiggle of Az’s ass. Cas’s other hand tightens around the sloping waist leading down to toned hips, and then he slaps again two, three, four times. 
“I never said you could speak,” he scolds. Az’s eyes are bright and glinting with unshed tears as he grasps desperately at the last remaining shreds of his self control. 
Cas waits for a full two minutes, slowly pushing his cock in deeper. Az stretches to accommodate him, tight rim tugging to try and speed the process along. “Fuck, you take me so well.”
When his pelvis is flush against Az, he bends down and slides his hand into the dark hair standing out against the white sheets. He tips Az’s head to the side, exposing one ear so he can mutter against it. “Okay, you can speak now, baby. You’re doing a good job, Azzie.” Azzie. The nickname shouldn’t arouse him like this, make him clench even tighter around Cas. It’s the name that you call him when you’re feeling sweet, when you really want something, or when you’re trying to get his attention when he’s really, really broken. Az isn’t sure which one of these things Cas is trying to communicate. All three, probably, with the way he’s nipping at Az’s earlier hard enough to break the skin. 
“Cas,” Az groans, arching his back to rub his dick against the silk beneath him. You scoot down and push him up on his forearms, slipping into the space beneath him to line your head up with his leaking tip. Cas starts thrusting, strokes wild, deep, and messy as he loses himself in the feeling of Az’s tightness, pounding against his prostate. 
“Not gonna last long,” Cas grunts, body frothing with lust and magic after spending so long teasing his mates. 
You suck Az in between your lips, swallowing as much of him as your current position will allow, and feel him twitch against your tongue. 
“Me ‘neither,” Az mumbles against the curve of your stomach, right below your belly button. His lips ghost against your skin, sending cool shadows in the direction of his breath. 
He fucks into your mouth every time Cas bottoms out in him, pushing him even deeper. Cas doesn’t last long, spilling into Az with a strangled choke. Azriel speeds up, hips bucking wildly as he takes 
“Gonna come for us, baby?” Cas rasps, running his hands up and down Az’s thighs, slumping forward to keep his dick inside, softening against Az’s prostate. 
“Y-yes,” Az keens as he spills himself into your mouth like all he was waiting for was permission. His cum drips down the back of your throat and you swallow it all, sucking him through the aftershocks of his orgasm until he whimpers, overstimulated and wriggling in between you and Cassian. 
Cas pulls out and guides Az until he’s laying back with his head and shoulders propped up by only the biggest, fluffiest pillows. You curl up against his side and lift your hand to Az’s neck, grazing the darkening bruises there. Within seconds, Cas has his hand wrapped around your wrist, squeezing it tight as he pulls your hand away. 
“Don’t,” he murmurs, letting his own free hand settle atop Azriel’s collarbone, fingertips following the trail of marks at the base of his mate’s neck. “I want him to wear them like a necklace.”
Az flushes the prettiest shade of red you’ve ever seen and you hum in acknowledgement. You turn to face Cas, grin as wild as your post-fuck hair. 
“Next time, I want you to choke him ‘til he’s blue in the face.”
Golden, molten-lava lust oozes through the bond followed by a bright white flash of shame that’s engulfed by shadows in less than a second.  
Az is up early the next morning, needing a moment to himself before his mates wake up. Alone at the kitchen table with only the slowly rising sun to keep him company, he works on shrouding the memories of last night in the darkness at the very back of his mind. 
When his shadows alert him that someone’s coming up the walkway, he bolts to the door to catch them before they knock or, Mother forbid, ring the bell and wake his slumbering mates. He still has his coffee in one hand when he swings the door open, scowling 
“Why, good morning, Shadowsinger,” Rhys drawls, a shit-eating smirk spreading across his face, smooth as butter. “I can come back later if you’re currently indisposed.”
And—oh. Az’s free hand flies to his neck, fingertips ghosting over the bruises littering his throat. In his haste to get to the door, he forgot to deal with those. 
Rolling his eyes, he swings the door open wider, beckoning his brother in. 
“Come in, you mongrel. But if you wake my mates, you’ll choke on my shadows.” The threat is light-hearted but completely serious when paired with the ice cold glare pinching at the corners of his eyes. Shadows nip at Rhysand’s heels as he follows Az into the cozy little kitchen, sinking into one of the worn, wooden chairs surrounding the table. 
Azriel opts to lean against the counter, one leg propped up and a hand clutching the cool marble. Rhys waves one hand, pouring and summoning a cup of coffee with a flick of his hand. 
“Show off,” Az snorts into his mug as he takes a long sip of his (black) coffee. 
“Somebody’s jealous,” Rhys teases as he adjusts the cream and sugar levels until they’re just right. 
Az lowers his mug revealing a nose wrinkled in distaste. 
“Of you? Never.” Disgust lasts mere seconds before laughter is bubbling out of his mouth, rumbling deep in his chest. It helps him breathe a little easier.
“I wouldn’t mind swapping places with you for a few days.” Rhys winks as he lifts his mug to his lips. 
“You’d have your hands full with those two.” Az waves his mug, gesturing vaguely towards his neck. “This is an anomaly.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is. Cassian always did like being thrown around a little bit too much.” Both males laugh, thinking about a younger Cas holding the full force of his power back in fights, grinning up at his opponent with a mouthful of blood and asking Is that all you’ve got? 
It’s quiet for a while as they sip their coffee, but then Rhys sets his mug down and leans forward, clasping his hands and resting his elbows on the table. 
“It’s okay if you liked it, though. They’re your mates, brother. It’s a safe way to be vulnerable, to let your guard down.”
Az’s hazel eyes narrow and his shadows spring into action, swirling around his feet. Rhysand waits patiently, knowing that cracking Azriel’s hard exterior would take time and a delicate hand. 
Eventually, he speaks. 
“I…enjoyed myself. Cas’s magic is much more powerful than I thought.”
“It was damn near refined. I’ve never seen him have that much control over it, not even on the battlefield.” 
Rhys hums and cocks his head, picturing the explosive bursts of red that had cleared battlefields many times before. 
“That makes sense, actually. Cassian’s always been afraid of his power, more comfortable using physical force than magic. It could be a mutually beneficial exercise for the both of you—for all three of you, really. By letting your guard down, you likely allowed Cassian to tap into some of your self control. And the unequivocal trust that stems from bond ensured that both of you felt safe enough to let power flow freely through the bond. I suspect that if you keep practicing, Rhys pauses to flash a wink and a cheeky grin at the blushing Shadowsinger, “then eventually you’ll be able to borrow from each other outside of the bedroom, too.” He punctuates his sentence with a shrug; after all this Triad Bond was rare, so his ideas were merely conjectures. 
“So you’re saying we can strengthen our magic by having sex?” 
“Sex is a powerful act—of love, of trust, of acceptance—it could become a safe space for you to explore the depths of your powers together.” Az twists his face up in a (hilarious, in Rhys’s opinion) mixture of confusion and intrigue dusted with disgust. 
“This isn’t one of Y/N’s trashy romance novels.” 
“Or…maybe it is?” Az’s eyes narrow and his shadows stiffen like they’re offended. “Is it really so hard to believe that you’re worthy of a grand love story, brother?”
Azriel frowns, but before he can answer you stumble into the kitchen with Cassian a step behind you to prevent you from falling. Your feet are heavy as your body tries desperately to cling onto sleep. The sight of Azriel leaning against the counter with a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips and one of Cas’ oldest sweaters with the sleeves bunched around his wrists prompts you to scurry faster—the soft version of the Shadowsinger is your favorite. 
“Morning, Azzie,” you mumble against his shoulder as you press your face into the soft wool, arms around his waist squeezing tight. Behind you, you hear the familiar low rumble of Rhys’ laughter and are grateful for the opportunity to bury your head further into your mate to hide your blush. You hadn’t noticed him; tunnel vision took over as soon as you saw Az looking sweet and cozy with his baggy clothes and steaming mug of coffee. 
“Oi, I’m here, too,” Rhys teases, prompting Cassian to pull him into a bear hug. 
“Good morning, Rhysie,” he croons, peppering sloppy kisses all over the High Lord’s face. Rhys chokes on his laughter as he tries to shove the brute off of him. 
Cassian is stronger, though, and only tightens his grip further. 
“Careful, brother,” Rhys drawls, suddenly stilling as he catches Az’s dark and stormy gaze locked on them, a slight twitching of his jaw betraying his well-concealed jealousy. “I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble later.” 
Cas loosens his grip and turns towards Az, grinning at the sight of his mate’s narrowed eyes. 
“That’s exactly what I’m hoping will happen,” he says, swatting at the errant shadow nipping at his neck. 
Rhysand backs away, hands held up in surrender. 
“Alright, well, I’ll leave you to it. And, Azriel, do try to keep your mind open, trust is a powerful magic.”
With that, a cackling Rhysand disappears, leaving you and Cassian to deal with the sputtering Spymaster left behind.
Taglist: @wallacewillow0773638@hnyclover@anutellaa@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog@queerqueenlynn@brujitafantomatico @nickishadow139 @starcrossedsan @dustyinkpages
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vixstarria · 6 months
there was a great piece of art posted here awhile ago (i SCOURED but couldn’t find it again so if you or anyone knows what i’m talking about pls let me know the artist) where astarion and tav were sleeping, astarion was having a nightmare and grabbing his arm super tight, but when tav tried to wake him up he attacked them on accident and was then overcome by remorse. if you’re still taking requests (if not pls disgard) i think it would be really interesting to hear your take on something like that in a fic, especially with your other pieces about their relationship along with his healing journey
Funny you should mention this, I happened to have a small piece along those lines that I had written for something else but scrapped. I've now expanded it, here it is:
Astarion was thrashing in another nightmare. Usually his night terrors paralysed him, but this one was different. You thought nothing of it when you reached out to try to wake him, when suddenly you found yourself pinned to the bed by your neck. He was leaning over you with an animalistic snarl, fangs exposed, and not a trace of humanity behind his eyes. Some rage or pain fuelled demon was wearing his body. Astarion wasn’t there.  
The hand on your neck squeezed, fingernails piercing your flesh. You couldn’t breathe. Your trachea was about the be crushed.  
Every moment seemed to stretch out into a lifetime as your mind frantically searched for anything you could do, suddenly grasping for survival.  
Knee him between his legs? You couldn’t, not the way you were lying. Smash something blunt against his head? There was nothing within reach. Cast a spell? There was nothing you could do fast enough, and your fickle patron seemed to have diverted their attention elsewhere while you slept.  
As the inevitability of your demise started to sink in, you saw a trickle of blood running down Astarion’s neck, from the same spots as where his nails were digging into your skin.  
The rings. 
You shut your eyes and bit down on the inside of your cheek, hard. As your mouth filled with your own blood, you heard a gasp. The grip on your neck loosened, and you instinctively rolled out of bed, coughing and spitting. Your mind was still racing, immediately switching to thinking of ways to prevent this from ever happening again. 
Sleeping draughts? Can he drink that? Or something that can keep nightmares away? Is there some kind of amulet of dreamless nights? Or do I just keep an empty bottle on the nightstand, something that will just shatter loudly if need be? Or- 
“What have I done..?” Astarion said in a horrified whisper. “I hurt you, didn’t I? I’m so sorry...” 
Oh stop fixing and just be there, you jackass! you thought to yourself, as you rose from the floor and flung your arms around him. 
“No, no, I’m okay, it’s not your fault.” You took his face into your hands. “Look at me, love. It’s not your fault, you know it isn’t.” 
“How tragically typical of me would it be, to kill the one person I care for? The one I want to protect.” Astarion’s voice was small, flat, quiet. “I shouldn't sleep next to you anymore. I can't be without you, I guess I can’t be with you either.” 
“Don’t say that, please. It will be fine.” 
“And what did you... how did... where is all this blood from?” he said finally.  
“The enchanted rings,” you said, getting up to grab a healing potion. “I bit myself to wake you.” You took a sip, swishing it around your mouth, and handed the vial to Astarion. He took it, too stunned to say anything. 
“At least if you tore my throat out, yours would have ripped itself out as well. Imagine how stupid we’d look when someone finally found us,” you continued.  
“Really? You’re joking about this?! This isn't funny,” he said, looking at your incredulously. 
Good, outrage was better than anguish, you thought. 
“No, it’s not funny, it’s romantic,” you persisted. “But we’re never taking these rings off, you hear?” you added softly, sinking back on the bed and sliding onto Astarion’s lap. It was only once your body started shaking in uncontrollable sobs that you realised you had forgotten to feel anything for your own sake. 
“Never,” he whispered, drawing you closer and pressing his lips against your forehead. 
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verygirlygirl · 2 years
Being stuck in the grabbers basement with Vance
Requested by: @loveispainfultohave
Tw: attempted groping/SA, killing the grabber ♡
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Vance had been in the basement for about a few days before the grabber had brought you. Obviously he didn’t know that you and Vance were dating until he brought you down, "Oh Vance~" he said in a sing song voice "I brought you a present".
He had your limp body in his hands and some deep looking scratches on his arm. A small growl left him "she's a fighter just like you Vance.. look at what she did to my arm" by then Vance was frozen in his place, why you of all people?
The grabber made his way to the mattress and layed you down and backed up. "Y/n? Y/n wake up" he said as he desperately looked at your body for bruises, "Oh? You know her" the grabber crouched down and watched the scene unfold before him.
Vance said nothing and just sent a sharp glare his way. But soon enough you woke up to your body being pressed against someone else's you yelped and pushed him off "get away from me you freak!",He was taken aback but remembered that he couldn't see for a while either.
"Y/n it's me asshole..Vance" you stopped in your tracks and used your hands to feel your way back to him "Vance? Vance?". You crawled your way back into his arms and began to sob "I can't see.. what's happening to me?", "it's ok you'll be able to see in a few minutes just stay calm".
The grabber sighed loudly as he watched you two cuddle each other. "Young love is a special thing" he laughed "well I'll be back.. can't stay here for too long", you both jut stayed silent and he got up with a grunt and went upstairs.
You flinched as you heard the metal screech of the door.
"Vance?" You asked "what?" He looked at you with concern in his eyes. "Where are we?" You heard him sigh "we're in that freaks basement" he said simply. You sniffled and squinted your eyes as you slowly regained your sight.
He noticed and put his hands on your face "I'm gonna get you out of here y/n I swear". "Both of us you mean?" He stayed silent "right Vance? Im not leaving you!" You raised your voice as new tears began to form in your eyes, Vance sighed "I'll try my best..".
"I love you Vance.. you can't leave me alone" soon he was crying silent tears dripping down his cheeks and onto your face. "Vance please don't cry" you put your hands on his face and wiped his tears "I love you too y/n".
After an hour or so you and Vance fell asleep wrapped up in each other's limbs. It was so hot and you tried wiggling out of his grasp "Vance lemme goo" you said in a tired voice, he shook his head no you were about to give up but an uneasy feeling crept up on you.
You turned your head as best as you could to scan the room and that's when you saw the grabber in the corner of the room, just staring at you two "Vance Vance up hes watching us" you shook Vance roughly and his eyes snapped open. He let you go and got behind infront of you using his body to shield you from the older man's prying eyes.
"What do you want?" Vance coldly the grabber sighed and pat both of his knees with his large palms, he got up and made his way to the door again "I just wanted to look at you both.. I just couldn't help myself you guys just look so cute". His words sent cold shivers up your spine but you noticed a plate of eggs and a bottle of sprite infront of you two.
Vance made his way to get it and held some of the eggs up to your mouth "eat". And so you did but you ate half and drank half leaving the rest for him.
You two were done eating and both felt studded for some reason so again you decided to sleep on top of each other.
"So beautiful.." you felt prying hands on almost every part of your body but for some reason your eyes wouldn't open. This had to be a nightmare but the touches felt too real, you began to thrash and make sounds.
You kicked and scratched then you heard a grunt and the sound of punches landing. Your eyes shot open and you expected everything to be fine and calm, but it wasn't.
Vance was onto of the grabber throwing punches left and right but soon he was overpowered. You took action and looked around the room, with quick thinking you grabbed the lid of the toilet and brought it down with such force you didn't know you had and broke it against the back of his head?
Everything went silent the grabber dropped onto Vances body. He was limp, unmoving like a corpse you pushed him off of Vance and helped him get up, he grunted and shook your hand off of shoulder "I don't..need help"
Nice to to know vamce was still vance. You both walked up the stairs of the basement and started trying the lock, finally you heard a click the door was open and you as soon as you and vance felt the cool breeze, the breeze that haven't felt in what feels like a lifetime. Vance hugged you it was simple but it felt so much more intimate than any of the things he's done for you.
"I love you..but please don't ever put yourself in danger again". His voice was muffled into your shirt and you could feel tears wetting your shoulder, slowly you nodded and led him to a nearby house for help.
A/N: sorry if this took too long or if it seemed rushed but I'm finally free for more requests! Nsfw or not im willing to do them :>
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wanders-in-wonderland · 9 months
Waking up naked and tied to a gynecologist chair with my feet in the stirrups and arms secured above my head. I can’t move, can’t escape, and there’s a gag in my mouth so I can’t even make a sound. There’s a tray of instruments, toys, dildos, vibrators, and more next to me and I feel myself getting wet with fear and anticipation. He walks in and doesn’t say a single word to me, just sits down between my legs and gets to work.
The first thing he does is grab a syringe filled with some kind of liquid. He ignores my whining and attempts at breaking free and injects whatever is in the syringe into my thigh. The sting fades quickly and I feel my entire body start to heat up. It’s an aphrodisiac.
My pussy is dripping wet now, clenching softly, achingly empty while my clit is pulsing in time with my heartbeat. My nipples are suddenly so hard and sensitive, even the air feels overwhelming. I’m squirming the best I can, trying to make the feelings go away but I can’t.
He grabs a blindfold from the tray and ties it around my head and I’m completely blind, no way to tell what’s coming next. All my remaining senses are heightened and I can feel my arousal dripping down my cunt.
I can hear him clattering around on the tray, grabbing different things. Suddenly, I feel his lips on my nipple as he closes his mouth around one while his fingers pluck at the other. It feels so good but at the same time not enough to satisfy the need that’s building inside of me. His mouth pulls away without warning and I feel the cold, metal teeth of a clamp come down on my nipple. I scream behind the gag as pain explodes from my nipple, but it makes my pussy drool even more. He does the same to my other nipple and I’m panting and shaking by the time he’s done.
He pulls away and I’m left aching and throbbing. I feel his fingers trail along my stomach, down towards between my legs. He gently rakes a finger over my clit and I buck and scream, the feeling amplified a hundred-fold by the drug he’d injected earlier. I feel his tongue press gently against my clit and with no other warning, he dives in, eating me out like a man starved.
It feels unbelievable, the pleasure coursing through me, everything so sensitive and so good. He wraps his lips around my clit and sucks hard and I scream in response. He slides two fingers into my clenching pussy, curling up to hit my g-spot, making me see stars. The throbbing in my nipples seems to add to the pleasure, the pain mixing with all the other feelings to create an indescribable inferno.
I feel myself barreling towards an orgasm, every cell in my body filling with pleasure when without warning, he snaps a clamp onto my clit. I wail, the pain mixing with the built-up pleasure exploding in a horrible, ruined orgasm that leaves me gasping and crying. Every feeling is narrowed to my clit where the clamp is digging into my swollen button. I shake my head, begging him to take the clamp off behind my gag. My tears have soaked through the blindfold and I’m overwhelmed by every feeling.
I barely notice him pulling away from me, all I can think about is the clamp on my clit. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain dancing on my nipples, like I’ve been shocked. The feeling hits a second time and I lurch upwards, moaning and thrashing, trying to dislodge the clamps. I whimper softly as he zaps my nipples a third time, this time with a much lower intensity. Every feeling compounds and every prickle of pain seems to make my cunt drip even more. The aphrodisiac running through my veins makes every feeling more intense, and pain blends into pleasure.
I feel the slightest buzz on my clit and my blood runs cold. I wail behind the gag, begging him to stop, begging for him to leave my clit alone but he ignores me without a care. A harsh zap hits my clit and I see white. The pain is excruciating but exquisite as every part of my body clenches in response.
The next zap hits my clit and nipples at the same time and I explode. He maintains the electricity, forcing my body to endure the continuous pain and pleasure as I cum in agony. The clamps don’t let up, even after I’ve cum and I feel myself climbing higher and higher as my pussy clenches around nothing over and over again. All of the pleasure seems to combine into a single moment of pure torture as he increases the intensity of the electricity. And I wail in response, feeling my next orgasm rip out of me, my cunt squirting my release out. My thighs are trembling, my whole body shaking, and the air in my lungs is coming out in harsh sobs. Finally, he lets up and I feel the electricity fizzle out.
I’m half unconscious when he pulls the clamps off my nipples and clit, ignoring my whimpers of pain when the blood comes rushing back. He pulls the blindfold off my eyes and the gag away from my mouth and I watch him lean in close to me with a dangerous smile, “Oh honey, we’re not even close to being done.”
He leans in and captures my lips in a bruising kiss, his tongue dominating my mouth. I whimper into him, arching up to get as close as possible to him. One of his hands comes up and wraps around my throat, applying just enough pressure to hold me down without cutting off my air. He ravages my mouth and pulls away, smiling down at me with dark promises in his eyes.
I smile up at him, knowing he has much more planned for me. “Thank you, Sir.”
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angelsworks · 1 year
Little Witch The last kingdom x reader
Chapter 7
Next chapter -> H E R E
Series master list -> Here
Type: series
Summary: Uthred forces you to bathe, which leads to a disagreement between the two of you.
Warnings: 18+ Dark themes, spanking, kissing, description of injury, light fluff.
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You remove your black dress. Surprised at how dirty your skin looks beneath it. You see little of your back, but trying to take your dress of causes you pain. Stretching your arms in any way hurt. Even if you did try to bathe, you doubted your ability to properly wash your hair.
You sigh before dipping your hair in the water over the tub. When it’s wet enough you put a small amount of soap on the ends. Proceeding to dry it with a towel and redress. You wait a short while before leaving the room.
Sure your plan has worked, you walk almost confidently out to meet Uhtred.
He stands idly to the side of the room, taking off his leather chest plate and removing his multitude of weapons. He looks at you with curious eyes. Eyes that you do well to avoid.
You sit quietly on the floor furthest away from him. Playing with your now slightly cleaner fingers.
“You have bathed?” He asks. Not convinced in the slightest you had bathed.
You nod. Knowing your voice would break or waver in tone. Surely giving yourself away. Revealing your lie to the intimidating Viking before you.
He clicks his tongue, “Do not lie to me witch. You will not like the outcome.” Uhtred feels annoyance rise within him. Annoyance at your disobedience and your blatant lying.
You raise your eyes to his own. A quiet fury lies behind them, waiting for you to wake it. It pinches the skin beside his eyes. Making them crinkle up in a glare.
“I have bathed. Now I wish to sleep.” You try your best to control your tone. Hoping he’ll not question you further.
Instead he walks over. Sitting on the edge of the bed. Now directly across from where you sit on the floor. Your eyes stay trained on his leather boots. Dirt cakes them from days of travel.
“You will sleep when you have bathed, which I am sure you have not. You have one more chance to go and bathe. Or else I’ll do it myself.” His words leave no room for argument. The threat sends a shiver up your spine. A shiver you aren’t certain is discomfort.
But you won’t do it. You won’t bathe and your choice is final. You feel almost childish about your decision. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum. In other circumstances the idea of taking a bath isn’t so dire. Yet here you feel it is.
Days of travel, of being treated like a prisoners, of walking on eggshells around these Viking men. They’ve made you tired, frustrated, tense. Your back aches and it’s not something you wish to confront. You’ve decided you won’t deal with it. Even Uhtred of Bebbanburg can’t make you bathe. You are quite certain he can’t.
“I will not Uhtred. I refuse,” you tell him, eyes still on the floor. “You May go and bathe, I will sleep.”
The sigh that leaves his lips is almost a groan. He leans forward to rest his arms on his knees. Bringing his face closer to your level.
“You are my seer now, that much I’ve come to believe. If I am your master than you are to listen to me, are you not?” He questions, eyebrow raised.
“No. I do not listen to you Uhtred,” you become defensive, trying to distract him from your current predicament. “Do not pretend to care of our bond, when you’ve kept me bound for the last few days.”
It takes a minute for Uhtred to smile, a smile that does not reach his eyes. “You will bathe tonight witch. You decide if you do it yourself or not.”
His words are final.
Yet you feel differently. A streak of defiance, disobedience, of brattiness perhaps, shoots through you.
He stays in his position as he watches you get up. A second after you make a dash for the door he follows after you. Chasing behind you before wrapping his arms around you. He picks you up and puts you over his shoulder.
You thrash wildly in his hold. More so than you have before. He’s surprised you have so much fight in you. He greatly dwarfs you in size and strength. That much he’s come to appreciate.
“Stop fighting witch or I’ll punish your disobedience.” He all but snarls out to you.
His words do the opposite. Their desired affect failing as your eyes widen and continue your fighting. Your thrashing becomes more frenzied, bending and arching manically to try and loosen his grip.
He pulls you off of his shoulder, as he sits on the edge of the bed. Pulling you over his knees.
“Stop your fighting witch. Take a bath, then we can sleep.”
You breathe heavy breaths as you work up the energy to start thrashing. It’s difficult from your position. You lay over his legs, hands held by one of his own, binding them together like a cuff. One of his legs pins your own down.
Nevertheless you try to start and jerk around. A slap on your dress covered rear halts your movements for a moment. Before you start wailing and kicking, trying to get him off.
In return Uhtred lays down more slaps. He didn’t think the night would turn this way. The thought of spanking you hadn’t crossed his mind before tonight. At least it hadn’t surfaced from his subconscious mind before tonight.
With the women he’d laid with it was often simple. It was sweet, loving even. That was with Saxon women. With Dane’s it became a battle for dominance. One he enjoyed playing. Yet there was no promise of submission from either party.
Here he wanted to see if he could bring you out of yourself. To bring you to a state you could trust another. Trust him. He’d seen the way your shoulders slumped, how heavy they looked. How stress weighed on them like metal amour.
For the first time since he’d met you he saw your shoulders finally relax. Your whole body relaxed. Or maybe it was just limp. The tiredness from the past few days now bleeding out of you as you lay over his knee. Taking spank after spank. Crying loudly.
From your cries it would seem like his spanks hurt like burns, like the worse kind of pain. In actuality, a tight string inside you felt like it had broken. All your hurt and all your worries came rushing past the now open barrier for the second time today. This time you felt it empty your supply more. You felt your problems wash away and your body loosen.
You felt your mind go blank as you moved to a higher place. One where you didn’t need to worry about your parents, or Freya, or Steffen. You only needed to think about one thing. Uhtred.
You felt thankful his spanks stayed on your rear. He never hit further up. Never striking your back and the horrible welts and cuts that littered it.
His punishment didn’t feel like a punishment in comparison to what Steffen had given you. More of a light correction.
You felt your will to disobey weaken. Your fire put out and your desire to fight him off float away. More strangely you felt your bond to Uhtred strengthen in a way. You felt vulnerable.
He’d stopped his slaps a few moments ago but you reminded over his knee, crying hard. He pulled you up gently and sat you to straddle him. Embracing you loosely around your lower back.
When you had calmed considerably he spoke, “I did not wish to do that. But believe me when I say I will do it again. I know now you speak truth and you are to stay with us a long time. I need you to listen to me so that I can protect you.”
You consider his words. Protect you? You found yourself comparing him to Steffen. A man who roughly demanded your support and loyalty. Through means of violence and torture. Now Uhtred was your master. A man who has done nothing near to the damage Steffen had caused. A man who was respected by his followers.
You wondered what had made Uhtred so sure of you. You had lied today. You had left and met Freya, when he specifically asked you not to. Yet he chose now to believe you. Believe you were fated to him. Destined to be his seer. Destined to be his.
He picks you up and holds you easily around his waist, so you rest at his side on his hip. He walks slowly to the bathroom, watching you for any signs of struggle. He is slightly astonished to see you holding to him tightly, your head buried in his neck.
You enjoy the closeness. If this man was your future you would enjoy it for however long it would last. If he really did trust you, maybe you could start to trust him too.
He places you softly on the floor while he sticks his hand in the water. Finding the water to still be warm.
“Undress little witch, you still need to bathe.” His words are gentle. A great contrast to his large figure and sometimes violent nature.
You shake your head and he readies his hand to spank you again. But he finds your eyes glazed as you look away from him.
“Uhtred I can’t. It will hurt me too much.”
If the mood was different he might make some sort of joke about you befriending the dirt under your nails and how you were now saddened to see it gone. Something about the empty look in your eyes tells him your words carry more weight.
He reaches out to hold you chin up, meeting his eyes. “Whatever hurts you, I will do my best to fix.” He tells you honestly. Fate has made you his and he intends to keep you as well as he possibly can. To take care of you with all he has.
You sigh. With shaking hands you start to pull your dress up, while avoiding eye contact with him as you do. Mind going blank as you feel his hands help to pull it over your head your head.
The fabric falls in a pile out of his hands and on to the floor. His eyes widen as he stares, mouth agape, thoughts racing.
Your body is as frail as he suspected. Your ribs tight against your skin. He sees dark bruises along your body. On your legs and arms, spread in an array on your torso. Your skin is particularly sore around your wrists and ankles. The injuries looking similar to those made by shackles. He thinks about how they’d bound you with rope in these places repeatedly, and how much it must have hurt you.
He says nothing as he walks around you. Wanting to see if your back had remained untouched unlike your front.
He felt his stomach fall as he saw the cuts and bruises that lay here. Still dark in colour showing the age and force which made them. They act as a background for the lashes. Lashes made by a whip no doubt. The sight takes him back to his time as a slave, he himself being beaten with a whip. The pain was sharp, awful and searing. But any action after that would magnified it. As it caused the unsealed wounds to reopen.
His fingers brush lightly over the cuts. Some trying to heal, others still open. The skin that wasn’t cut was caked in dirt. It made sense if you’d travelled without rest to Uhtred. He doubted the man responsible for your wounds would take the time to clean you afterwards.
“I will call for a healer little witch,” he moves to stand in front of you. “First you bathe, your wounds will become infected if left in this state.”
He guides you over to the tub. Your naked form now feeling the cold of the room. You take a breath before stepping over into the tub.
The warm water does feel soothing against your legs. Any wounds below your knee are small and minor compared to your back. It relaxes your muscles and warms your bones.
You hesitate as you go to sit in the water. Feeling anxious again at the thought of the pain.
“It will be okay little witch. The pain will pass.”
Sighing, you move to sit. It reaches you immediately. Waves of pain that had the power to bring you to your knees, crashed against your being. Your face contorts and you hold you breath as not to scream. It feels as if salt has been applied to your cuts. The water rubbing it in deeper.
Slowly the pain retreats, becomes dull and calmer. It hurts, but becomes easier to bare. Although your breathes remain ragged and laboured. You move your body so you sit lower in the water. Now it comes to just below your collarbones.
“I will leave you to bathe.” His words short he tried to take his leave.
Your hand reaches out, grabbing for him. You don’t want him to leave. Maybe it’s because his company brings a kind of completeness to your life. Or you’re feeling vulnerable from sharing so much with this man.
“Please stay. I don’t want to be alone. Take your bath.” Your voice is small yet it fills the room. You feel bad that the water will soon go cold and Uhtred will be left to bathe in the cold water. Uhtred says nothing, quietly contemplating what to do.
He nods finally, starting to disrobe. He watches you for any reaction and is surprised when he sees you looking away.
You focus on the grey stone bricks on the wall. All different size, stuck together with cement. There are no windows in the room. The only light is from candles placed sporadically around the room. Most likely lit by the owner of the inn.
Tentatively, Uhtred steps into the bath. Lowering himself until he’s able to sit, his lower half submerged in the warm water.
He says nothing as he watches you. You curl away from him, arms wrapped around your chest, shoulders tense with unease. You sit huddled to the opposite side of the tub. Trying to both give him space and build back your walls.
The tub is only so big. With Uhtred stature it’s hard to angle yourself away from him. You aren’t sure exactly why you are doing it. From the interval of asking Uhtred to stay and now sitting in the bath with him, you started to feel embarrassed.
Embarrassed he had seen you so vulnerable. Embarrassed he was sat with you in the bath. Embarrassed that he’d spanked you moments ago.
“Come closer witch. I do not bite.” He tells you. Widening his legs and positioning himself against the wall of the tub.
You make no move to get closer, causing him to sigh. He feels as if your relationship has changed. Whether you feel it too, he cannot say. But he can sense your guard had lowered. He feels as though it had given the two of you have a chance to connect.
Slowly you move back towards Uhtred. Wadding through the water until you make contact with his front. He raises his arms to lean on the edges of the tub, caging you in. Yet you don’t feel trapped.
You lean back against his chest, letting out a deep breath pass your lips. With it the last of your tensions. You match your breathing to his own. Letting your chest rise with his and fall with his.
Slowly Uhtred moves his fingers. The tips lightly dance over your arms. Tracing from the tops of your shoulders to the ends of your fingers. At first it makes you shiver, ticklish even. Yet after a few stokes it becomes extremely comforting.
“Thank you,” you whisper out. “For staying with me.”
He lets out a hum almost, one of agreement. Not pausing his movements.
“I want to know more about you. To say you are my Seer I know very little.” He murmurs in your eye.
You shift slightly, trying to move to face Uhtred. You struggle to use your arms to lift your weight. After seeing you struggle Uhtred shift you himself, so that you sit across his lap, almost cradled under his neck.
“What do you want to know?”
“Hmm,” his eyes glint, a playful look in them. “You could start with your name?”
“How long have you had visions of me?”
“Since I was a teenager.”
“Why have you been sent to me?”
You pause for a while. Needing to think about your answer. You look up to his eyes. You see the shades of blue that litter his eyes, all blending into one. Previously you’d thought they were light blue like the sky. Now you think they’re dark blue, more like the ocean.
“In truth I do not know Uhtred. All I know is that fate has brought me to you. I belong to you. I am your gift from fate.” You tell him in earnest. Hoping he can see the sincerity in your eyes.
It feels as though his head had gotten closer to your own. His breath fans your face. His lips draw close. You’re sure he’s about to kiss you, yet he leaves a gap between the two of you. He waits.
You can’t explain why but you close the gap. Letting your lips connect. The kiss is gentle yet full of passion. You almost feel a spark run down your body at the contact. You place a hand on Uhtred’s chest to steady yourself.
He pulls away first, eyes now full of something more than playfulness. You feel a blush on your cheeks so you look away.
“You still need to be washed Y/N.”
For the next few minutes Uhtred helps you bathe. He washes your hair for you. Taking time to scrub deep in your scalp, along the strands of your hair. He runs his fingers through it to try and detangle some of the knots that have developed there.
With a rag he washes over your arms, legs and works slowly on your torso. You blush as he wipes over your breasts and the rag dips below the water to wipe between your legs.
Finally he uses a sponge to wipe over your back. He works in slow circles as he washes away the dirt embedded in cuts and smeared over skin. Occasionally it causes you to hiss out in pain, which makes him slow down even further.
When he’s satisfied he rises from the bath. Getting out and wrapping a towel around his waist. He picks a towel up to wrap your body in. Again being gentle of your injuries.
You follow him back into the bedroom where you see him start to dress back in his shirt and trousers. You start at him confused.
“I will fetch a healer from the village, you can dress in one of my spare shirts.” He tells you, about to put his shoes on.
You go to retrieve your pot from Freya, handing it to him. Now it’s his turn to looks confused.
“No healer. This salve should work just as well. It’s from a friend.”
He thinks for a moment. The pot looks similar to something a healer would give you and you seem to trust it. He nods his head. Starting to disrobe again.
You reach your hand out to take the pot back from him, but he pulls his hand back and holds it above your head. With one hand on your towel and one hand attempting to stretch in the air, you try to reach it.
“I can do it Uhtred.” You tell him, still trying to get it from him.
“You will not reach your cuts. I will do it. Lay on your front on the bed.”
Your arm drops to your side. Sighing you turn to lay down on the bed. Without being able to see him, you rely on his touch.
His hands move to lower your towel. You can hear the pot of salve open. Then finally the product being rubbed across your back. Along the cuts and welts that lay there. It stings and makes you wince. However you trust Freya and you trust the fact it will help in the long run.
His touch leaves you and you get up. Ready to wrap the towel around you once more.
“Don’t do that. Wear this, it’s looser.” He warns. Passing you his undershirt to wear. True to his words it fits your loosely and doesn’t make contact with your back.
“Let us sleep.” He guides you to lay on the bed. While you do, he blows out the candles around the room. Slowly letting the light drift from the room. When the last candle is out he moves back to the bed, lying down with you.
The heat from his body radiates to you. Warming you from the otherwise cold room. He pulls various furs over the two of you. Pulling you closer to him.
“Goodnight Y/N”. He whispers into your hair.
It’s not long before you’re able to drift off to sleep. Feeling a level of serene that has since been lost to you.
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jermer10 · 4 months
Hello👋 i dont know if you can but, can you do a drabble of yandere Sniper [tf2] stalking and kidnapping the reader[gender neutral]? And that he keeps them locked up in his camper van?
And uhhh, if you can the reader loves him right back?👉👈
If you cant do the stockholm syndrome thing, i get it. But at least do yandere Sniper please.
TF2 yandere sniper drabbles
suggestive, gn reader | this prompt was so fun!! tysm for the ask :)
tw: stalking, kidnapping, obsession, depictions of wounds and blood, drugging, abusive relationship, reader falling in love with yandere
drabbles under the cut :P
- you were aware of his existence a long time before meeting him, and whilst you had dealt with creeps and weirdos before, this guy was....different... - waking up during the night and feeling a presence in the room, yet finding no one once the lights were turned on; catching a glimpse of someone from the corner of your eye, and turning around to see nothing - for the longest time you had felt insane! "you're just paranoid!" you'd hear from friends and family - and then you had your first encounter with him at your local cafe whilst in the lineup ordering your coffee - okay, well, you weren't certain that it was him, but the way his bluish-grey eyes bore into yours with such an obsessive, aching, needy want caused you to put two and two together - and much to your dismay, he had realized that you knew - you brushed past him, hoping he wouldn't follow you, hoping that you could make it home in time to pack a bag or two so you could stay with a friend for the night - but you only made it half way down the street before being pulled into an alleyway and feeling the sharp jab of a needle in your shoulder
- you must have fought for several minutes before finally passing out, because upon waking there were bruises and scuff marks littering your skin - the second thing you noticed once you gained consciousness was the leg of camper van pull-out table you were tied to - if you had the strength, you would have kicked the table upwards and slid your ducktaped wrists off of the leg, yet your drowsiness and the numbness of your legs told you that trying to escape would be futile - for a second you considered screaming out - someone, anyone must be able to hear you, you couldn’t have gone too far out of town - you hear the stifled laugh of a man from the other side of the van - you turned sharply to look at the man, when an overbearing wave of nausea and dizziness rushed over you. “fuck!” you hissed, squeezing your eyes shut - the man chuckled, and from what courage you could muster, you glanced up at him. he was….handsome? - ‘fucking gross y/n! don’t think that about this guy! he KIDNAPPED YOU!’ the reality of the situation had finally set in - “who are you?! where am i?! please, please just let me go and I wont tell anyone about this! I’ll give you whatever you want! please don’t kill me!” you had started to sob - through the blurry tears you saw him get up and walk closer to you, his brown boots clacking against the floor rung in your head like gun shots - “shut up. I took ya because you’re the thing I want. I’ve been followin’ you for a while and I know you know about it. I got tired of waitin’, so I made myself known, that’s all.” his face was serious, his voice condescending, as if it were obvious - you felt hopeless, pathetic, and manic. you started to scream, cry, thrash around pathetically whilst he stood over you. he lit a cigarette and blew some smoke down at you - “we are a looooong way away from any people darl’, so it would be easier for both of us if you played nice” the man spat, and walked towards the exit of the camper van, grabbing a sniper rifle out of a locked compartment in the wall - “if you’re not here when i get back, i will kill you, y/n.” and with that, he left.
- months had gone by, and eventually you had grown placid, sitting under that table on your makeshift bed day in, day out while the man you had eventually grown to know as Mundy monitored you, fed you, bathed you, and clothed you - you had gained his trust, therefore he decided it would be best to remove your constraints - while he was at work you would rummage through his belongings to find out more about him; what hobbies he had, where he was from, his likes and dislikes - you found a photo of his parents and casually asked him about them one day. he was taken aback by your curiosity, yet he told you stories about his childhood and you shared some of your own - you couldn’t even hate him anymore, you had actually grown fond of the man in your time spent with him, but there was no fucking way he could know that. you still wanted to escape from this sicko and return to your old life - but what even was your old life? your 9 to 5 job, coming home to an empty house every day, the constant feeling of being watched with no one to believe you - suddenly your situation seemed a lot better than what you were previously stuck with - that night you had awoken, startled by a wounded and bloody Mundy stumbling through the camper van doors. “holy shit, are you okay?” you hated how it came out so earnestly - luckily for you, the concern had seemingly gone unnoticed as he had sat himself on the floor next to you, peering into your eyes for some kind of permission with a guilt and bashfulness you hadn’t seen from him thus far - you didn’t know what to do or say, so you nodded slightly, and on cue he pressed himself into your side, burying his face in the crook of your neck - he smelt like cigarettes, dirt, and gore - you didn’t ask, and he didn’t tell, but you knew he had a hard day at work. no matter what his job was, you knew all too well the feeling of coming home after a shitty shift and sobbing into your pillows. you often wonder if Mundy ever saw that side of you, sides you hadn’t shown anyone - you held each other in this awkward side hug for what felt like both hours and seconds, you honestly didn’t want to let go, but he was still bleeding out and you had been dirtied - “wanna shower?” you asked chastely. it felt uncomfortable asking your captor for something so….sweet? he glanced at you, attempting to hide the shock in his face - “yeah, okay.” he mumbled, slowly letting go of your warmth and standing up shakily, you followed in suit and head into the cramped bathroom
- by this point you had already been naked around Mundy, he refused to let you shower by yourself and most days you had been so exhausted you had looked forward to him washing you - but you had never caught a glimpse of what was under his work uniform or the red plaid pyjama slacks and white t-shirt he wore around the van, and a small part of you was nervous, but a huge part of you anticipated the reveal - you stripped yourself and climbed into the tub, chin resting on your knees, hugging your legs, and staring up at the tall, lanky man - a red tinge glossed his dirty face, clearly this was a vulnerable spot for him, and you couldn’t help but respond with your own red cheeks in turn - “….are you jumping in or what…?” you couldn’t look at him, the only sound louder than the thumping of your heart in your chest was the water spilling from the tap filling the tub - “ah- yeah just uh, gimme a second,” he murmured, removing his jacket and unbuttoning his top - his chest and back were scarred, some old, some new. you felt a pang of sadness. the irony of this situation was not lost on you, feeling more remorseful over hating this man than he does for kidnapping you, but you couldn’t help it. he was so raw, so genuine - he had stripped bare, and climbed into the tub facing away from you, handing you a bar of soap, you absentmindedly washed his back, it felt all too natural to you, maybe it was the steam of the shower, maybe it was the exhaustion that came from sleeping on the cold, hard floor of the camper every night with nothing but a blanket and pillow to keep you comfortable, but something about being here now, with Mundy, felt so right - “I think I’m in love with you,” you spoke softly, so softly you were sure he couldn't even hear the whisper, and before you could react, Mundy turned and pulled you into a rough kiss. you melted into it, running your soapy hands through his auburn hair. eyebrows furrowed and face burning, he pulled away - “wanna sleep in my bed tonight?"
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rafedaddy01 · 5 months
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Summary: toppers back in town, only he seems… different
Warnings: smut
I hear a whisper in my ear. I must be imagining things, too much alcohol in my system, yes that’s what it is.
Only it’s not.
“Don’t worry I’ll take care of you, princess” It’s more like a growl as my body covers in goosebumps, but I’m not freighted. I slowly open my eyes, waking up from my intoxicated slumber. I feel the tightness of a hand around my throat, but it’s not harsh, more like it’s caressing me. I groan as I try to move but am arm holds me right around my waist, preventing any movement. The mumbling of a voice warns me that I’m not alone and relief washes over me as I realize who it is. Topper. A slight smile curves my lips. I’ve missed him so much.
He left town a couple months back to tour colleges across the country, I didn’t know he was back..
This might be a dream, I tell myself. I’ve been having them a lot since he left. I don’t care if it is a dream or not I give in as a hand creeps up my body and tugs my shirt off. I gasp as the cool air hits my nipples and they harden in response. I still can’t quite figure out if I’m imagining all this, I did drink a heafty amount tonight. All I know is that my heart beats wild as the hand presses against it and my core immediately tightens.
Lips brush against the skin of my breasts, hands knead them as I feel the lips wrap around one nipple while the other gets twisted between rough fingertips and I bite back the urge to moan. Another set of fingers snake down to my exposed core and separate the slick lips, just what I wanted. A moan slips past my mouth. The wetness sucking my nipple, the fingers circling my clit, the hand kneading my breast, is all too much. I feel heat coat my body as I whine and wiggle with a need I crave. My body thrashes and begs for more. The tight feeling in my core is on the brink of snapping and I hang on to that feeling, letting it devour my whole body in pleasure.
“Oh god” I moan as my hips grind against the fingers.
“Fuck” the voice responds, he sounds frustrated.
Suddenly all sensations stop as I’m left wanting what I was deprived of.
Before I could cry out in disappointment a hard bulge rubs against my cunt. I didn’t need the lights on to tell that it was a cock rubbing up against me and sliding through my glistening lips.
My eyes roll to the back of my head and my lids close.
Fuck was right, it had been so long since I’ve felt sensations like this and I needed this. How long has it been since topper last touched me this way? Too fucking long.
“Please don’t stop” I pathetically moan.
He plunges in, stilling for a moment as his panting breaths fill the dark room.
It was almost like he’s been waiting to do this for years instead of months and needed a moment to savor every moment. Getting impatient I lift my hips and try to urge him to move.
It works, he suddenly thrusts harder and faster making the both of us groan, “fuck!”
He wasn’t the gentle topper I remember, but I didn’t mind. I liked this side of him better.
He gripped my knees and spread them wider. He continuously slammed into me with brutal force. His lips find mine in the dark and his tongue attacks.
My blood boils with pleasure as my nails dig into his back, “oh my god!” I moan. All of a sudden the pleasure stops as he pulls out, it was like a weight lifted off my body. I was so close! Please no, no, not again!
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” My voice cracks as the plea breaks out.
In a swift motion Im flipped onto my hands and knees and my face pushed into my plush sheets.
He pounces like an animal, fucking me into oblivion. “How long has it been since you’ve been fucked like this, princess”
Isn’t that what… no it can’t be.
Rafe was the only one to ever call me princess.
Oh fuck, what have I done…
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @hoesindifferentshows @rafemotherfuckingcameron
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silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
The next chapter of Noah & Leena's story
I was so on the fence about writing a sequel, yet here we are. I saw the sequel in my head, and decided it was worth the write. This story is told from Noah's perspective. This time, I'm going to put warnings in on each individual chapter, as some may not need any. Also - something worth mentioning; the names of each part in the first story were obviously Bad Omens song titles. This time, they will be titles from songs that just inspire me. If you're here, thank you for reading! Leave me your thoughts, and let me know if you'd like to be tagged. xo
Warnings: Just some gool ol' fashioned smut with some kinky stuff added in. (Also mention of marijuana smoking)
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing
Part 1 - Shame On Me
I've been a morning person my entire life. Even before I was active, and in the shape I'm in now, I was usually risen with the sun. However, after having spent the vast majority of my days the last year running on fumes, I found myself still laying in bed, hugging my pillow, letting my brain drift comfortably in and out of consciousness.
That is, until I felt something tugging at the edge of the blanket I had draped over my midsection.
I rolled over, eyes cracking open, seeing the miniature fingers grasping at me, Addison's eyes bright with a smile plastered across her face.
"Da da da da!" I smiled back at her, sitting up and lifting her onto the bed, flopping her down on the pillow next to me. She giggled wildly and I pulled the blanket up over the both of us.
"Five more minutes, baby girl."
Her tiny hand was pulling at the hem of my tank top, trying to 'wake me up' as I laid there, dramatically snoring.
"Da da!" Her voice was getting angrier, and I laughed.
"Da da's tired, Addie! I get to sleep in!"
"Nooo!" I snorted at one of the few words she had come to learn very well.
"No?!" I grabbed her sides, pinching and tickling her, causing a roaring laughter to burst out of her. Her onesie was wrinkled and nearly popping open at her diaper from how hard she wriggled under my grip. "You don't get to say no to me, lady! I am your Daddy!"
She thrashed her head back and forth, gasping for air between happy squeals.
"Addie, would you let your Daddy sleep?" Mileena's voice floated in from the doorway.
I turned my head, and my hand stopped the torment on Addison. Leena was stood in a pair of black leggings, white crop top exposing her belly button, and her dark brown faded hair now pulled up in a messy bun. She looked so comfortable, so unkempt, and absolutely fucking delicious.
I reached an arm out toward her, earning me a small grin when she walked toward me. She placed a hand in mine, and I pulled her close to me. She bent down, her face stopping only inches from mine.
"Happy Birthday, Noah." Her voice was even, but her eyes were hungry.
With everything we had been through the last few weeks, with shows, Addie's first birthday, a bout of the flu, and Laura announcing she was getting a divorce, there had been very little time for us to be alone. I knew she felt it, but we weren't there yet. We needed to get through today, the Halloween party/birthday celebration, before we had any chance of spending time together.
"Thank you, my love. Happy Halloween."
Leena's eyes lit up. Halloween was her favorite holiday even before her and I met, so getting to have a huge celebration was right up her alley.
After Addison was born, it became abundantly clear that living with a newborn and all of the band members was no longer ideal. Addie was as colicky as they come, keeping everyone up at all hours of the night. The constant crying, mess, and general irritation that it caused made our living arrangements difficult. As much as Uncles Nick, Jolly, and Folio loved baby Addie, they needed a change.
I had offered to move us out, buy a new house, but Nick insisted that they would get a place - promised to be close by - to allow us our space. I was eternally grateful, and will never be able to pay him back for everything he had done for me. Eventually, they moved out, and the house was left for just us.
Aside from the struggle that being new parents took on Leena and I's sex life, it also took a serious toll on our recovery. Nothing sounds better to take the edge off from three-day long sleepless binges than a rum and Coke. Leena confessed her drink of choice was Vodka, and she nearly broke down once, driving to the liquor store, but never making it inside.
We both went back to our meetings once Addie was old enough to be babysat, spending a few hours at a time with either Laura or the guys.
After spending a few more minutes smothering Addie in kisses, I finally began getting out of bed. Leena was folding laundry on the dresser, putting it away meticulously.
"What time is it?"
"Almost noon. Laura will be here in a few hours to pick up Addie for the night." She folded one of my pairs of pants, placing it neatly in the dresser drawer.
I turned my attention back to my daughter, wiggling my eyebrows at her. "Nah, I think she's going to stay here with me. Hang out with Daddy on his birthday!"
Addison squealed, her legs kicking at me. I grabbed her hand and began pretending I was going to eat her fingers.
"As fun as that would be, I don't know that her being here when the sheer amount of musicians in our house come by is such a great idea."
I didn't look at her, still pretending to take bites out of the baby's arm. "What do you mean? Andy loves kids! Oli does too, said Addie was the next Stevie Knicks!"
Mileena shook her head and snorted. "Yeah? Are you referring to the last party, when she was kept awake most of the night, and we had a miserable day afterwards because she was so tired?"
I narrowed my eyes back at her. "Listen, Folio promised he wouldn't play drums this time."
She gave me a look that told me I wasn't winning this.
"You sure she isn't old enough to trick or treat, yet?"
She shook her head at me. "Honey, that's what the trunk or treat last night was for."
I pursed my lips. "Fine, but tomorrow, I'm taking you guys somewhere. Just the three of us, yeah?"
I was standing now, shirtless, and pulled Addie down onto the carpet. She immediately crawled toward Angel laying on the floor.
"That sounds fun." Mileena was bent down, putting one of her shirts in the drawer in the bottom of the dresser.
I walked up behind her, my hand grazing the back of her thigh, coming to rest on the curve of her ass. My touch startled her, making her stand up straight in a flash, her back bumping into my chest.
I took the opportunity to wrap an arm around her middle, pulling her back into me. "Mmm," I hummed into the skin just below her ear. "think Addie's going to nap today?"
Leena pressed her ass against me, pushing into the fabric of my shorts. She leaned her had back against my collarbone, eyes closing comfortably.
"Probably not." Her voice was breathless. "She slept in."
“That’s too fucking bad.” I kept my voice low, glancing at Addie, who was leaned against Angel’s sleeping body, holding her feet in wonder. “Because it’s been so long.” I let my hand graze over the hem of her leggings, slipping a thumb in the waistband.
She groaned. “Noah, don’t start something you can’t finish.” As annoyed as she sounded, she was still pressed against me, hands now gripping my arm where it held her in place.
“Oh, baby, I’m finishing it. The second I get you alone, I’m ripping you to fucking shreds.”
She giggled then, pulling away and turning to peer up at me, her eyes as dark as mine.
“Yeah? You always say that. Yet, somehow, I can still walk afterwards?” Her smirk was devious, and I raised an eyebrow at her.
She chuckled, and picked the laundry basket up from the bed, making her way back toward the hallway.
Oh, she was dead.
The living room was buzzing with energy, music playing over the speakers, and conversations filling the air. I stood, leaned against the bannister of the staircase, hands in my pockets. The smell of marijuana permeated the air, which was to be expected.
Hearing we were having ‘dry parties’ didn’t sound like much fun, until people learned we made other accommodations. Although Leena and I didn’t partake, we weren’t opposed to others having a good time.
Speaking of my girl, I had lost her at some point in the night. When Ronnie and Saraya showed up, she had excitedly grabbed the latter’s hand and drug her off to the backyard, where her garden was flourishing. The girls were undoubtedly gossiping. They usually did.
I made my way through the sea of bodies toward my kitchen, where I found Jolly and Nick, ripping a joint, laughing about something I hadn’t heard.
I had to raise my voice for them to hear me. “You seen Leena?”
Jolly exhaled his smoke, a rough cough coming out as he passed it back to Nick. “Last I saw, she was outside talking to Oli.”
I nodded, heading for the back door. I stopped at the dining room table, catching sight of her. Her floor length black, unforgivably tight dress hung so beautifully off of her frame. The sleeves reached her wrists, the neckline plunging disrespectfully. Her, now freshly dyed, black hair was pulled up into a ponytail, the length falling down her back. I drank in the sight of her.
My gaze was disrupted when I saw her hand reach up, grabbing an arm. It was a thick, muscular arm covered in tattoos. I then realized that she was, in fact, talking to Oli. Her lips were pulled in a smile, her teeth flashing. She was laughing. And she was touching him.
He was towering over her. Oliver was nearly as tall as me, his frame poised so you could see the ripples of his chest under his shirt. Something inside me tightened. I didn’t like it.
Stepping outside, I consciously kept myself calm as I approached them. Oli saw me first.
“Hey, there he is! Birthday boy!” His thick accent made me smile, my primitive rage fading slightly.
“Hey, what’s going on guys?”
Leena turned, her body pressing close to me instinctively. “Hey! Oli and I were just talking about that tour you were on with him in Europe?”
I nodded. “Fun stuff, man. Cant wait to do it again.”
Oliver nodded, a lazy smile spread across his face. “Oh yeah, we had that crowd eating out of our hands, man. What a fucking rush.”
Leena giggled at Oli’s excitement, it made my spine stiffen, and my blood run cold.
She shouldn’t be laughing like that, not because of Oliver. That giggle was so high-pitched and squirrely. I didn’t care for that at all. It felt flirtatious.
I knew before Leena and I even got together that Bring Me The Horizon was one of her favorites, of course Oli being, by extension, one of her favorites. However, she was also a huge Falling in Reverse fan, but she sure didn’t giggle like that around Ronnie.
Ronnie was also not Oli Sykes; a big British brute with a natural sense of seduction, whether he was trying to or not. Regardless, I still did not like that laugh, not when it wasn’t pointed at me.
“Hey, could I borrow her for just a few?”
Oliver nodded, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “Well, of course, man! Listen, I’ve got to get out of here anyways, got to head back to the motherland in the morning. Early flight and all that.”
He reached an arm around me first, pulling me into a tough, tight hug. “So good to see you, mate. Come see me on the other side of the pond some time, right?”
I slapped his back while embracing him. “Of course, man. I appreciate you being here.”
Oli excused himself inside the house, leaving Leena and I stood on the patio, alone.
She smiled brightly at me, but I still had this unnerving itch. She must have noticed my stiff demeanor, because her face fell some and she raised an eyebrow.
“You alright, babe?”
I exhaled. “Yeah, why?”
She took a step back, putting a hand on her hip. “Well, you asked Oliver if you could borrow me? And you look irritated?” Her eyes were soft, which contradicted the sass in her stance.
“Mm.” I sucked my teeth and glanced back toward the house. “How is Oliver?”
Anything soft fell right off her face, her eyebrows scrunching together. She saw right through me.
“He’s great.”
I inhaled deeply.
“What did you need to borrow me for, Noah?”
I looked back at her then, realizing I didn’t have a reason to pull her out of her conversation aside from disliking the way she was touching another man. Running it back in my head, it felt stupid.
“Oh, uh,” I ran a hand over my mouth, thinking. “just wanted to see if you heard from Laura? How Addie’s doing?”
She wasn’t buying it. “Addie’s fine, like she always is with Laura. Last update I got was an hour ago, when I came and found you.”
This wasn’t going well.
“Well, good.” I pulled at the skin of my bottom lip with my teeth.
“Noah?” I looked back at her. “What’s going on?”
Shaking my head, I tried to look clueless. “Nothing, why?”
She crossed her arms. “Cause you’re acting weird.”
Something about her tone, her body language, I couldn’t put my finger on why, but it irritated me. She was feeling up on someone else, and I’m getting questioned?
I mimicked her and folded my own arms over my chest. “I’m not the one acting weird.”
Eyes narrowed at her, I held my face even.
“And how is that?” She didn’t falter. Leena was one of the only women I knew who could give my poker face a run for its money.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you not just getting all grabby with Oli?”
Her eyes widened then in disbelief. I knew, because when I heard it come out of my own mouth, I realized that was a pretty big stretch. She grabbed his arm, not his cock.
But still, we were already here, and I wasn’t in a place to back down. Not right now, feeling this attracted to her when she was pissed off.
“Grabby?!” Her voice came out louder than I expected, and I whipped my head around to see if anyone else was outside. “How in the hell was I being grabby with him?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Well, it was pretty clear to me.” I was digging myself a hole, I knew it. So did she, but now she was waving her hands around, and her tits were bouncing in her dress, no confines of a bra. My mouth was watering, so I doubled down. “Was it really necessary to be grabbing his arms like that?”
My tone was cool, which contrasted her face that was now turning a shade of pink with rage. Was I proud? Not exactly… Maybe a little.
She’s so fucking sexy when she’s mad.
“You’ve lost it, you know that?” Her voice was filled with incredulous frustration. She then began trying to walk away, forcing me to reach out and catch one of her wrists in my hand. I was too tired, too depraved. I needed her so badly, but the idea of her being spitting mad at me made it worth the effort. I wanted her so angry that she was damn near ready to rip me apart. The idea made my dick twitch in my slacks.
“Leena,” She looked down at where I held her arm, then looked back at me with narrowed eyes. Oh she was enraged. Excellent. “I-“ I wanted to say sorry, tell her I was being dumb and to go inside and enjoy the party, but I just…couldn’t.
Something in her stare told me she had figured me out, and her eyebrows lowered, her lips twisting up in a menacing grin.
“Are you…jealous?”
I was taken back. Jealous? Of Oli? Nope. Couldn’t be me.
“No.” I said through grit teeth. “I just don’t want you to forget who you belong to.”
That was it. That sent her over the edge. She ripped her arm out of my grip, standing back defensively.
“Belong to? Like a piece of fucking property?”
I didn’t respond, just shrugged.
“You son of a bitch!” Twitch.
“How dare you speak to me that way?! As if you own me?!” Twitch.
“I don’t give a half of a fuck who I’m talking to, or grabbing. You don’t own me.”
Maybe this was going too far. Maybe.
But then she stormed inside, and I was barreling after her. She was already halfway to the staircase when I grabbed Nick by the sleeve on my way after her.
“Everyone out. Now.” No one needed to hear what I was about to get into.
The bedroom door slammed when I was about a foot away. I could hear bodies shuffling out the front door, but I didn’t care. I just burst into the room, not surprised it wasn’t locked.
She stood between the bed and the dresser, fists balled at her sides, baring her teeth. Oh it was lovely, seeing her so fucking hostile. I nearly fell to my knees in front of her, begging her to do whatever she saw fit. I didn’t, however.
Instead, I slipped the door closed and turned the lock carefully behind me. My face was stoic, doing my best to keep my own composure. It was taking every bit of self restraint, but I could feel it faltering. We were going down soon, I could feel it. My brain was sizzling just looking at her.
“I don’t care how much I love you, Noah Sebastian. I will not be treated like a piece of meat.” She was waving a finger at me, manicured and perfect.
I took a step toward her. She didn’t allow me the space to speak.
“I’m not sure where you found all of that fucking audacity, but I will tell you, it is so out of character for you.” Her voice had fallen some.
“Is it?” My words came out low and slow.
She couldn’t believe me. As if I had no idea the inconvenience I had caused her.
“Why would you do that?” Her face was now pulled into something that looked like confusion. “I can’t think of one good reason why you-“
She didn’t get to finish, my control finally slipping through my fingers, and my hands grabbing her and pressing our mouths together. She stilled at first, but when I pressed my tongue against her lips, she melted, her anger being fed through her grasp on me.
Mileena pulled at my blazer, ripping it down my shoulders and tossing it on the bed.
In a moment of absolute primal agitation, she growled at me, which sent every drop of blood in my body down to my crotch.
When her fingers began pulling at the bottom of my shirt, I wrapped my hand in her hair and pulled her backwards. She stared at me, all venom and lust, and snarled. I smiled, licking my lips. It was unbelievable. I used my free hand to rip the front of her dress open, her breasts falling out, and capturing my attention. My hand loosened on her hair, sliding down her face, neck, and reaching for her chest.
She used this opportunity to wrap a hand around my throat, which took me by surprise, my gaze lifting. She was controlling this, which was new.
Her teeth ground together, and her fingers squeezed me, the tips of her sharp acrylics digging into my skin.
“On your fucking knees.”
I scoffed. “Or what?”
Her hand tightened even further, and her other hand came up to grab me by the cock, gripping the fabric of my pants in an almost uncomfortable squeeze.
“Or I walk away, right now.”
That sounded like misery in the highest degree, so, naturally, I sunk down to the floor, sharp eyes glancing up at her. The hand on my neck was now running through my hair. She was looking down at me with an almost loving look on her face.
“You were so fucking mean, you need to make up for it.”
My hand grabbed her ankle just above her heel, sliding up the back of her calf, to her thigh. When my fingertips reached her hip, I noticed something that made me nearly fall backwards. She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Using the slit up the side of her dress skirt, I moved the fabric over to see her, already visibly wet. She loved this as much as I did. I only peered up at her for a split second, seeing she now had her head leaned back, waiting, anticipating.
Catching her off guard, instead of starting slow, building her up, making her whine and beg, I attached myself to her core, drawing a sharp breath out of her.
“Fuck, Noah!” She pulled at my hair, looking down at me while I worked her over, feeling the moisture running down my chin. “Ugh, you look so fucking cute when you do that.”
I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t detach. I pulled her one leg so her thigh balanced on my shoulder and dove in deeper, sliding my tongue up and down her folds. I saw her tits bouncing up and down as she bucked into my face.
I settled in, intending to let her finish before I took the reins back, but I was interrupted at her pulling me upward by the hair. The unfamiliar sting on my scalp made me wince, but I still stood up in response.
“Lay the fuck down.” She pushed me down onto the bed. “Pants off.” I smirked at her, not moving an inch. “Now.”
Her voice was terrifying. I began unbuckling my belt, and popped the button open with one hand. She must have been getting impatient, because her hands ripped my pants down and off, her eyes focusing on the bulge in my boxers. I leaned back on my elbows, waiting for her to do whatever she needed to torment me further.
I truly did not expect what she said next.
“Touch yourself.” This confused me.
“You fucking heard me.” She jumped up onto the dresser, leaning back against the wall, and let her legs fall open, giving me full view of her. My eyes followed her every move.
I reached down and palmed myself over my underwear, feeling vulnerable.
“C’mon now Sebastian, this is no time to be shy.” This made me actually fucking blush. She was enjoying this way more than I expected.
Hooking my thumbs in the band of my boxers, I carefully slid them down low enough to let myself free. My fingers gently grabbed my dick, tugging at it ever so slightly. The sensation was good, but it wasn’t her.
“That’s it, baby.” She spread her legs, her pussy sitting just above the wood of the dresser, putting herself on full display. “Nice and slow.”
I whimpered. I actually fucking whimpered. It wasn’t lost on her, either, her eyes darting to my face and licking her lips.
“See, Noah? This is what happens when you’re an asshole. You get treated like the fucking brat you are.”
Who the fuck was this girl and how quickly could I lock her in a room and never let her escape?
My hand worked up and down my shaft, my eyes falling closed and my breathing erratic. I could feel myself getting close just thinking about her.
“Stop.” My hand froze, and I opened my eyes, staring at her in defeat. “Don’t come yet.”
I was getting frustrated. “Why the fuck not?”
She sat up, crossing her legs, putting herself away.
“If you don’t wait until I tell you to come, I swear I will put on my sweats, go downstairs, and start cleaning.”
That was the threat that made any confidence I had falter. Once she started cleaning, it was over. She would hyper-focus, and I wouldn’t see her again until the entire house was shining.
I moved my hand off of my cock to resist the temptation and laid flat back on the bed, digging the heels of my palms into my eye sockets.
I stopped when I felt the bed dip on either side of me, and looked up to see her kneeling over me, now fully nude. My heart sped up as I felt her slide herself up and down my shaft, her slick pussy gliding so fucking deliciously. Instinctively, I reached for her hips, but my hand was met with a hard slap, which caused me to pull away.
“Not this time, baby boy.” I groaned, lavishing the feeling of her on me, the weight on my hips excruciatingly divine.
“Now, what do you have to say for yourself?” I looked at her, lost on what she was asking for.
“What?” My voice was a breath, an exhale.
“For treating me so foul?” She pulled back, and grabbed the base of my cock, pulling it forward to line up with her entrance but holding steady as not to let it touch her.
“Ugh, Leena,” I moaned,
My hips trying to buck. She pulled further away as I tried to press into her.
“Say it, Noah.” She demanded.
“Fuck!” My body was screaming, fire coursing through me as she ran her hand up and down, grazing the head. “I’m sorry! Jesus Christ!”
With that, she sunk down, enveloping all of me so fucking perfectly. My eyes snapped shut, trying like hell not to finish just from the edge of it.
“That’s right, honey.” Her voice was a soft moan, her hand coming up to wrap around my throat again as her hips snapped forward. My vision was turning white.
“Now, ask me fucking nicely.”
Wild that she could think I could speak, given she was cutting all my air off. It was unholy, and I loved every fucking second.
I choked, trying to speak, and I felt her fingers loosen slightly.
“Please, baby,” I breathed in hard. “please let me come.”
“Fuck, Noah, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” She let go of my throat, reaching down to circle her clit. I felt her rhythm become unsteady.
“Leena, Jesus fucking Christ, please, baby, please.”
She thrusted faster, her climax coming uncoiled, and I felt her tighten around me.
“Oh, fuck!” She fell forward, wrapping her fingers in my hair.
“Fuck me, Noah. Fuck me, please!” Did I need to be told twice?
My hands gripped her ass and lifted her, slamming my hips up and pounded into her. She still hadn’t told me yet, so I was fighting as hard as I could to hold it together.
“Noah, come for me.” She cooed directly into my ear, her voice so fucking sweet.
I think I may have had a stroke, the sheer velocity of my orgasm ripping out of me. I let out a hard, visceral scream.
Once we were both still, her body laid lazily on top of me, I left soft kisses on her shoulder.
“I really am sorry, baby.”
She chuckled softly. “I know, babe.”
I turned my head to look at her face, looking absolutely exhausted.
“You’re so fucking amazing when you’re angry.”
She lazily lifted her eyebrow. “Did you start a fight just to have angry sex?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. That was probably the better answer.
“Maybe.” I tried to be coy, and she seemed to buy it.
I didn’t know what had come over me in the backyard, or why I got so annoyed with her talking to another man. I’m not like that, I never have been.
But something inside me told me that the feeling was going to get me into trouble.
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incrediblyshyghost · 6 months
FNAF: fairy AU fanfic of @ayyy-imma-ninja fairy Eclipse 
Sick oc, death of a hawk, mention of blood and cuts, some cursing, fairy Eclipse is NOT my character, hurt fairy. Eclipse had used this older farmhouse to keep out of the rain a few days ago, it seemed to be while kept and redone but no one seemed to be living here, the temptation to burn it down was squished when he found a way in and fell on a weird rectangle plastic box with buttons this made the bigger magic box turned on showing all different animals with facts about them he found himself sitting on the soft couch watching the magic box till the storm had passed and he didn't want to leave after that. But a few days ago, 5 humans came and ruined his fun cleaning up the place and seemed to be moving boxes in, they left soon after so he left looking for food for a while coming back only to find there are new humans there again. Eclipse noticed watching from an oak tree grumbling about not being able to watch the magic box. 
Are you sure you want to be alone? Her mother asked as they finished setting up the old house for her to stay for a while.
Yeah, I need time for myself to think alone about this and it’s not like it’s forever, and I have the sheriff's number on speed dial if anything happens, and the air here is better than the city-smoked fill poison that has been polluting my lungs lately. 
I know I know I just love you ok and you better call me every day! She shouts, hugging her daughter tight enough for her to feel her bones creak. 
Ok. Love you too Mom she said patting her mother back trying to keep a brave face as she stood in the driveway watching the red car pull away down the rocky drive. 
The loving moment made Eclipse's stomach turn but he was intrigued by the car humans had come a long way with their toys. Watching the big red machine kick up dust. Only for his eyes to catch the human that was left behind, she had freckles like someone he knew but her deep green eyes were different... He waked as the girl waved till the car was out of sight and took a shaky deep breath. How odd for some reason, Eclipse found himself following the girl as she walked into the forest. It seemed the more she walked the shakier she got tell she got to the small creek she fell to her knees, her arms wrapped around her side hugging herself tightly as she bowed her head, short brown hair getting pulled in the slight current the creek had, and screamed she screamed so loud like a wounded animal a dyeing animal something he had never heard come out of a human as she sat in the rocky, grass filled edge of the creek tears running down her nose making ripples in the water. Till her voice seems to go out her back shakes as she sodded alone in the forest. 
Eclipse was struggling to just leave her, that scream reminded him of his own. He had followed her to give her a scare, maybe get her to leave the house so he could watch the magic box! but now he didn't know what to do, his wing fluttered as he decided to just leave, but a shriek of a hawk and the sound of its wings right behind him changed his plains before he could even turn sharp claw wrapped around his chest and wings, squeezing him as he feels his wings rips by the sharp talons as the beast wings shoosh around him, he growled his claws swiping at the hawks talons his fire burning the bird he heard the birds shriek of pain ringing in his ears and a felt himself falling with it then nothing… 
The girl looks up from her pity party of one hearing the hawk shriek and thrash in on the ground she gets up slowly walks over gasping holding a hand over her mouth sees the hawk with what looks like burn marks on its chest one side of its face and wing look bend in the wrong direction from its fall,  she had heard about the fire that happened two weeks ago but this looks like it had just happened the bird still smoking. A few leaves on fire around it and just looking at the poor thing there was no way it was going to live, but then she saw something lying on the ground by the dying hawk she picked it up away from the trashing bird's talons and it looked like a fairy? This was a joke, she had asked for a sign not whatever this was! But as she looked at the little odd creature that was bleeding in her hand as the hawk went quiet and still she couldn't just put the little thing down and head home, so she curled her fingers around the warm creature and headed back to the old farmhouse as she dried her tears. 
Rushing into the house and putting the fairy on the marble countertop under the kitchen light she could see the claw mark on the poor thing's middle and rips on its big wings that she had gently made sure she didn't fold when she put him down, and there was blood on the back of its head, she just stared for a moment taking him in, the body was half dark brown like the bark of a tree, the other side orange, almost like a Halloween themed doll, its mouth hung open showing off its sharp teeth it had claws to match raggedy and torn cloak shirt thing over its top half and dark red and orange striped pants that looked ashed covered and slightly burned. All and all the poor thing looked like a bloody mess she moved to her medicine cabinets pulling everything she could get her hand on out and putting it around the unconscious fairy thing. 
Cleaning the wounds was easy with some Q-tips with warm water on them to clean off the blood and gently trying to see if there was anything like dirt inside the wounds was hard to see but her sewing kit magnifying glass came in handy there. Once that was done she put some Neosporin on the wounds. Then whispered cussed out the gauze as she struggled to cut it small enough to tie around the fairy but she managed to wrap the gauze around the fairy's belly and leg from the hawk's apparent attack, it was a little worrying at how limp the poor thing was but it was still breathing. After that she looked at its wings. The edges looked tattered but that could just be how they were there, however, the three cuts from the talons were clean lines through the wings. Digging around her medicines she found new skin liquid bandages and it was worth a shot the stuff was pretty much glue so she gently applied the new skin on the wing being careful to hold the two pieces together and not glue into the table and holding it for a few minutes till it dry and do it again to the other cut on his wings he only ever made a light hissing sound which made her jump out of her skin but he didn't wake. Once all his wounds were taken care of she made him a little bed out of a soft blanket and put the smallest ice pack out of her fridge she could find under it for the head wound. She left him on the table away from anything flammable besides the blanket he was on, since she doubted the bird just burst into flame the odd creature had to be the cause... 
“What a good start to this week instead of unpacking and thinking about what little option you had left you bringing a weird creature into the house that you are pretty sure somehow set a bird on fire smart move” she mumbled to herself opening the windows hoping the thing would wake up and flee out the window, cleaning up the medicine putting it all back in the cabinet, she hoped it was something her mind's made up in her panic of the bad news, but as she glanced over and yep the Halloween themed fairy still there. She sat in the dining room, a spot where she could glance up and see the bundle of blankets and the tips of the fairy's wings. She pulled out her notebook mindlessly sketching and doodling as the time slowly moved forward unable to unpack worried shed wake the thing. The clock ticking seemed to tease her about how long she had left here, so she put on some music to drown out the ticking and temptation to toss the clock outside in the yard. 
She was lost in her sketchbook and music not noticing the movement in the kitchen as the fairy woke up feeling something cool on the back of his head. It felt nice dulling the ache he could feel there. He felt weak, S-sunny? He called softly before he snapped back to reality with a gasp sitting up quickly only to hiss holding his aching side his head throbbing at the sudden movement where was he? He thought his eyes scanning what he could see, a familiar kitchen hearing quiet music and his hand he felt cloth not skin looking down he found a soft white cloth wrapped there and on his leg, his wing ached, and looking at them he saw cuts and some kind of shiny clear something on the cuts holding the torn wing parts together. What happened? He thinks back remembering the girl and then… a bird? Did he really lose to a stupid bird? He growled Looking over he saw the girl, it seemed she calmed down and was doing something with a book away from him he saw the open windows he slowly got up with a hiss holding his head feeling like his brain got scrambled he fluttered his wings and hissing at the ache it caused no flying yet he stumbles over to the edge of the counter and shouted at the human to come over here. 
She almost jumps out of her skin and hears bells suddenly over her music she looks around before spotting the fairy thing standing with its hands over its mouth like it was shouting at her but she only hears bells, she gets up slowly, umm i i can't hear what you're saying you sound like windchimes she said coming over to the table slowly. Then she hears a voice that sounds male and growly “Hey kidnapper can I get some food!” 
She chuckles out of all the things to say, well seems you are doing better she says walking past the island into the kitchen opening the fridge pulling out some strawberries and a piece of cooked chicken pulling off a small piece and getting a medicine cup filling it with water putting it all on a small saucer before putting it on the island for the fairy. Hopefully, you're okay with spice the chicken has some heat to it, she said watching the fairy confidently walk over the saucer and sit down to eat, watching her as she watched him. You look like you have been through hell, fairy? She said the last word as though it was a question he looked up at her nodding 
Got a name? Or are you just going to eat my food after I bandage you up and leave without introducing yourself? She asked 
“You first crybaby he growled” with his mouth full, 
“Crybaby?... Where are you watching me?” She asked but he didn't answer her the petals on his head twitched a little which was odd she sighed not getting an answer from him she shook her head no. “I remember reading somewhere that it's a bad idea to give your name to a fairy first and I help you instead of letting that dying hawk kill you. I think it's the least you could do is tell me your name.”
“Eclipse” he growled glaring at her “Zoe” she all but purred happy to get a name for the odd little fairy. 
Oh what happened to the “bad idea giving your name to a fairy?” eclipse chuckled standing up and dusting himself off after he finished his food. 
“Well I know yours so I think it equals out right?” Zoe asked with a shrug 
“I don't know, is it? I could have lied about my name” Eclipse chuckles with his Cheshire grin 
“So could I.” Zoe said, almost bopping Eclipse's pointed nose but yanking her hand back when he tried to bite “Sorry, it's just your... Cute” 
“Am not!” eclipse shouts little flames circle his balled fist as he huffs glaring at her, her eyes widen but not in fear like Eclipse thought they would but in amazement as she seems to looking him over again. 
“So you are the reason the hawk was bbq?” she asked her hand coming closer but a sharp glare and a show of teeth got her to stop moving closer “sorry sorry,” she said leaning back so you are a fire fairy? 
Eclipse or black sun fairy take your pick of a name eclipse huffed crossing his arms and glaring up at her 
“You don't like humans do you?” Zoe asked 
“What do you think?” he growled his wing fluttered and he hid a wince 
“You're the one that called me over” she shrugged “If it makes you feel better I won't be here long, so don't start liking me little firecracker.” she giggled, patting the side of his face gently with a finger pulling back quickly before he could snap at her. She backs away from the table as he shouts about how he will kill her as he stoops his foot. Little sparks of fire flicker from his hands him “So angry that's not how you talk to people eclipse.”  she said leaving the island and going back to her sketchbook on the dining table letting him throw a tantrum on the marble table where he couldn't light anything but the blanket on fire, and it seems as soon as she thought that she smells fire and see the blanket has a small flickering flame on its corner and the fairy grinning at her as she rushes over smoothing the small start of a fire with the rest of the blanket really? Really? You had to burn the blanket, not a ‘Please can you come back? No straight to arson with you? She asked, she didn't shout or freak out, just made sure the fire wasn't going to start again before looking at the fairy standing by the blanket looking confused. 
“I didn't think about that” he huffed crossing his arms 
“Course, so you got me to come over. What do you want, little fairy?” Zoe asked as she stood there, Eclipse huffed and grumbled kicking at the smooth marble table with his bare feet before looking up at her. Can you take me to the magic box that talks about wildlife? Eclipse asked 
She stares at him for a moment thinking magic box magic box…., you mean a TV? She asked holding her hand out for Eclipse to jump onto, he stared at her seeming to be shocked that she would trust him not the burn her after he just lit the blanket of fire, he slowly climbed on and sat on her palm and she carefully took him over to the living room rested her hand on the coffee table for him to get off turned on the TV and found the Animal channel, “I would let you on the couch but I don't trust you not to burn it know that you have set that poor blanket on fire.” 
“What? But I did that because you wouldn't come! I won't burn the couch” eclipse huffed 
“No, you have not earned enough trust to be allowed on the coucaaaieh” she yelped as he bit her finger she as gently as she could dumped the fairy out of her hand and pulled her hand up but Eclipse stubbornly held on like a dog with a rope toy ok let gooooo! Zoe said her other hand coming up gently running her finger down his back making him let go and she quickly pulled her hands back away from the fairy leaving him stuck on the coffee table for the moment since his wing still hurt too much to fly. How do you think biting would change my mind? She asked shocked that he bit her not that it really hurt but he had bitten down hard enough to draw blood.
“Just die!” eclipse growled turning away from her to watch the TV but she noticed that his red cheek seemed to be an even darker color. Maybe he's embarrassed? There was a documentary about snow leopards, and the soothing voice of the narrator filled the awkward silence. 
“Working on it, I still need to find a pretty urn first.” she huffed taking the paperwork that was beside the fairy before he could get any ideas. Did the petals around his head just move? She watched him slowly turn around 
What? He asked looking back at her, what? She asked with a shrug her eyes scanning over the paperwork in her hands  holding her index finger out to not get blood on the paper too lazy to go get a bandaid right now eclipse growled looking back at the TV 
“Awww does the little fairy care about me?” she giggles knowing she was pushing his buttons she watched little flames flicker and die in his hand as he breathed deeply 
“No, I don't like humans, remember? What are those papers for?” eclipse asked seeing some big words that he had no idea the meaning of on that paper as she flipped through the bundle 
“This is either the nail in the coffin or a miracle, I just don't know if I want to fight anymore. I am tired of this long battle…” she said which just confused Eclipse more 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ll spill my secrets as soon as you do.” at this eclipse turns back to the TV “nevermind”  and they calmly watch the documentary about snow leopards in silence telling zoe leans closer to the table her finger gently rubbing the back of eclipse head your head ok? It seems like you hit in when you fell, you want an ice pack she asked as he froze up for a few seconds before he swiped his claws at her finger. Making her pull her hand away as he got up, moving away from her and telling her not to touch, she took it as progress since he didn't try to bite her this time, and she didn't feel a bump on his head so that was a good sign. As the TV switch to a show about sea turtles she noticed Eclipse's head bopping she giggled slowly getting up and walking back into the kitchen getting the slightly burned blanket and coming back without saying anything she just gently warping the blanket around him before laying back down on the couch looking at the tv like she didnt do anything as eclipse looked over at her before snuggling into the blanket. she watches him out of the corner of her eyes as he slowly nods off, she notices that his wings disappeared, must be a fairy magic thing she thought. Once she is sure he is asleep she sighs seeing how he is lying, and gently moves him to lay more comfortably lowering the volume on the tv she yawns and stretches heading to her bed leaving the fairy on the coffee table trusting him and the fire alarms to not let the house burn down.
Wake up to the birds chirp and not the blaring scream of the fire alarms was a good sign as Zoe got up and ready for the day almost hoping to walk into the living room and find it empty and the fairy just be a dream, but as she walks down the hallway she hears him mumbling in his sleep, as she got closer she saw him curl up a look of pain on his face as he mumbled she went to the kitchen not stupid enough to try and wake him by touching him, coming back with a wooden spoon in hand hearing him mumbled “moon, sunny” before she gently started talking to him and gently poked him with the wooden spoon and was glad it wasn't her fingers as he jumps up with some fire swirls around him as he growled his claw digging into the wooded handle as he started at her with red eyes if looks could kill ‘sorry i you seemed like you were having a nightmare’ she watched his huffed his eyes slowly changing color back to orange “a bad nightmare want to talk about it?” 
“Cool breakfast?” she asked bringing her hand closer to him, surprised then both when he climbed on. her thumb gently rubbing his back as she walked she smiled feeling him lean closer for a moment almost relaxed then tensed up and leaned away with a growl she didn't acknowledge that anything that happened but stopped not wanting to push her luck. Just gently put him down and started cooking. Only to see Eclipse on his tip toes trying to see what she was doing. If you promise not to bite me or set me on fire you can sit on my shoulder while I cook eclipse. She said not turning to face him
She almost thought he was going to walk away or try and fly down to the floor but then she heard the smallest sound of him saying ok. She was amazed by how warm he was as he sat on her shoulder, legs crossed, one hand holding her shoulder, the other a piece of her short hair, “you smell like a campfire.” she said as she finished cooking
“Is that a bad thing?” Eclipse asked she could hear the smile in his voice as she put him down and made their plate omelets seem like a good breakfast she thought as she gave Eclipse his share on a small saucer
“No, but the ashes and soot that you are tracking around is a problem so you need new clothes and a bath or should I start calling you a soot fairy? This earned a loud groaning complete with his tongue sticking out and head tilting back making Zoe giggle which in turn made Eclipse mad as he shouted about what was so funny. His claws failed to scratch the smooth marble island
She giggled oh nothing just eat before your omelet gets cold she said with a smile the paperwork from last night sitting in an envelope signed and ready to be mailed she was giving this last change a shot because the sign she asked for seemed to appear right when she needed him even if he was a feral little thing…
(Bonus/the stupid idea that popped into my head that made my dyslexic brain spiral down into making a whole character and background story of how Eclipses met her. This is after eclipse and Zoe have been ‘friends’ for a little while and something happens that makes his brothers and the gardener meet Zoe because of course eclipse knows where his older brothers are and has been keeping track of them. I hope I got eclipse personality right and you had fun reading and it's not a bunch of gibberish lol) 
Around the table is tarped up, and there is a garden hose running from one of the windows to the table. The Gardner shakingly holding the hose watching eclipses, Zoe sitting at the table looking relaxed with one of those metal flat cookie baking sheets in one hand and an oven glove with fingers on just in case a fight broke out, to hopefully lessen the burns and bite marks if she had to grab eclipse off one of his brothers, though moon had doubts this humans could move fast enough to stop any of them. They had decided to try and talk this all out with the human's help. Inside so no one could fly off or just attack and run as the house was close up and all of the fairies were standing at the table. Sunny had been the one to come up with the water hose idea worried about the house getting damaged. Eclipse moves away from Zoe about to start talking, already moving his arms around a little as he walks closer to the Moon, Sun, and Lunar. The Gardner panics squeezing the handle of the hose only to get sprayed in the face as Zoe had blocked the water with the baking sheet making the water go everywhere but the table her hand moves blocking Eclipse's path as she looks over at the Gardner that had fallen out of their chair in their panic and smacks then on the head with the pan “you want an early grave dumbass?” 
“Language! It's not nice to hit people!” Sunny shouts from behind the moon 
“It's not nice to try and spray people with water either, it was like they were trying to piss off Eclipse right off the bat.” Zoe huffed, rolling her eyes she barely tapped them. They were fine. 
“Oh dammit, this is going to be harder than I thought.” Zoe huffed rubbing her head already feeling like she going to get a headache as the gardner picked themself up of the floor know wet and thoroughly embarrassed 
“...dammit a bad word?” Zoe asked confused. angry sunny noises, eclipse cackling and the Gardner is stumbling through an apology. 
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forever-1895 · 8 months
Waking up from nightmares
Great Things from Since I First Saw Your Face by Stavia Scott Grayson (@artemisastarte) pt.1
When Watson has screaming nightmares about the war in Afghanistan in the early days of his and Holmes' association, and Holmes tries to wake him and comfort him 😋 it's even better when you know that Holmes is not one who expresses concern over someone so easily...
His dreams came in the darkest hour, before dawn. I poured brandy into two glasses, and stole upstairs with them, setting them, and my candle, down outside his door. He was murmuring, confused, agitated, the words indecipherable, a broken flurry of pleading, imprecatory snarls, moaning. I knocked, thrice, but there was no answer, so I entered. He was thrashing in a loose cocoon of sheet and blanket, his face flushed, sweat pouring from his brow. His eyes were open, but he was asleep and dreaming hard, still moaning pleas and curses. ‘Watson, rouse up, man.’ I called. I did not seek to woo him from sleep, but command him, and it might have gone well, for he stilled a moment, had I not made the mistake of reaching for his shoulder. I meant only a consoling grasp, but his dream-blurred mind interpreted it as a threat, and he sprang at me, his hands going to my throat. I warded him off, then submitted as he grappled me, knowing I was in grave danger if he thought me a threat, for weak as he was, he was trained to kill. I continued to call him, more softly now, to try and break his dream. ‘Watson, wake, it’s Holmes. You were dreaming, old fellow, there’s no threat. Wake, Watson, it’s a dream. I only sought to wake you, come now, Watson, it’s only I. Wake up, Watson, you were dreaming.’ I knew the instant he became aware, for he released me, and flung away, his breath heaving. He cowered there, his hands to his face, and I was broken, for I had harmed where I sought to heal, and all because of my own stupidity. I scrambled off the bed, went to the door to retrieve the brandy glasses, and approached him slowly, giving him time to recover a little. ‘I’m terribly sorry, Watson, believe me. I only sought to wake you, you sounded so distressed in your dream. I brought brandy; will you take a glass? And forgive me my clumsiness, I meant only to rouse you, since you sounded in such pain. I sleep badly and have nightmares myself, so I know what it is like to be caught in their toils,’ I added, for I did not want him to think he was alone in his torments. ‘Watson, do take the brandy, old fellow. I am so terribly sorry. Let me give you this, and I’ll leave you alone. We need never mention it, and I won’t ever again try to wake you.’ He held out a shaking hand, his face still turned from me, and I placed the glass within it. He trembled so much that I had to put my hand over his and guide it to his lips. I could not think what to say to the man – I had meant so well, and done so ill. Once he was steadier, and sipping the brandy, I would have released his hand, and moved away, but he detained me. ‘Sit down,’ he said, motioning to the chair. ‘Wait, Holmes. Do not go.’
Read more of this gem:
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
When Natasha wakes up from a nightmare, you assure her that her love is priceless and that you’ll never leave her
Note: Hey y’all! Sorry I’ve been gone for a few days. I was on a little family vacation. Y’all know I had to do another Taylor inspired Nat fic! Happy presale code day to everyone. This one is soft. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
It’s Natasha’s thrashing around in the sheets next to you that wakes you up.
“Natasha, Nat, hey it’s okay, baby,” you say as you try to wake her up from what seems to be a nightmare.
“No, no, no, no,” she repeats like a prayer.
“Natasha, wake up,” you try you best to ease her awake with the touch of your hand on her cheek.
That’s when she wakes up and looks at you with wide eyes.
“You’re okay?” Nat asks as she holds your face in her hands like she’s examining you for injuries.
“I’m okay, baby. I’m right here,” you say softly.
Natasha bursts into tears and you don’t know what to do. She hasn’t ever been this way with you before.
“Hey, it’s alright. Did you have a bad dream, my love?” You ask her, reaching to wipe her tears with your thumbs.
“Are you going to leave me? Please don’t leave me,” her voice comes out so raw that it feels like a shot to your heart.
“What? No, my dear. I won’t leave.”
“I can’t- if you leave I can’t keep going,” Natasha says.
“I’m not leaving. Natasha, I’m not leaving,” you repeat.
“Why wouldn’t you leave me? I can’t give you the life you deserve.”
“Natasha, please listen to me. Do you even know how much I love you? Baby, I’m not leaving you ever,” you explain. “You give me everything I’ve ever wanted and more.”
She buries her face in your neck and you hold her close.
“I’m just so scared of losing you,” Natasha says.
“I’m scared of losing you too. But we won’t lose each other, Nat. I’m always going to love you and you’re always going to love me.”
“But what if loving me comes with a price?” She asks. Her voice is so small you hardly recognize it as hers.
“You’re priceless, Natasha Romanoff. I love you for every single part of you. There’s no cost to my love.”
“How do you always know what to say?” She asks, sniffling as her tears break to let a soft smile through.
“Because I get it. I feel the same way about myself sometimes, but you love me so unconditionally that I just know I’m okay. That we’re okay,” you say.
“We’re both so hard on ourselves, huh?” She asks.
“We are, but that’s why we have each other to help out when the other person isn’t feeling so great. I love you baby,” you tell Nat. You notice her eyes are getting heavy. “Are you ready to try and sleep again?”
“Yeah. Just hold me?”
“Always, Natasha,” you say as you lay both of you down. Natasha rests on your chest, practically on top of you, as you keep your arms around her tight.
“I love you so much,” Natasha whispers just before sleep takes over once again.
And you will always be there for her as she is for you.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @ggrangerdanger @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021
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