#and there is a lot of value in every human life c:
roselise · 5 months
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14) ♡
♡ 🌸 ⊹
⊹ 🤍 ˚ . 🌸 * ⊹ ♡
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comradekatara · 6 days
I meant Hama and Katara... But thank you for the Kanna & Katara Link. I'll go theough it.
ohhh yes i obviously have so many thoughts on hama and katara as well..... hama is the embodiment of who katara could have become had a) her circumstances been slightly different (and worse) and b) had she had less emotional strength & resilience & desire to cling to her own humanity at all costs. like, the fact that katara gets multiple figures who embody the terror of her submitting to her most vengeful instincts and perpetuating the cycle of violence instead of working to end it is honestly quite beautiful, as that tension culminates in "the southern raiders" and katara lets herself prioritize her own humanity over her pain and rage and (totally justified) desire for revenge.
i know a lot of people think that hama and jet are the most politically confused aspects of the show, since they do play into the thing lok does where it's like "all oppressed peoples who employ radical means of resistance are simply cackling mustache-twirling terrorists," and while i do think that the way hama is framed at the end of "the puppetmaster" is in poor taste and lacks nuance, it's also pretty clear to me that a) their trauma is portrayed as sympathetic b) their stories are depicted as tragedies and c) atla doesn't actually demonize violent methods of resistance. like if katara wasn't literally the main character i'd feel much more comfortable making that critique (because lok does do this and it's liberal bullshit and it sucks), but we see katara use violent means of resistance as early as episode 6 of the whole show. she's literally framed as a hero for doing ecoterrorism; even when she's actually in the wrong in that situation, her desire to do whatever it takes to help people and encourage them to fight back against their oppressors is celebrated unconditionally.
the lesson katara has to learn from them is that she must never let her anger and desire for revenge consume her over her love for humanity and her drive to help people. jet and hama are both deeply traumatized in a way that made them prioritize wanting to wield power over others in the same way that they were once made vulnerable and helpless, and katara recognizes that instinct in herself too, that instinct in every person who has been subjected to that degree of violence. hama targets fire nation civilians out of spite, because she was once a regular girl from the southern water tribe who was targeted for reasons beyond her control, made to fight and treated like a villain. the reason she goes after "regular people" instead of targeting actual combatants is specifically because she knows that if the roles were reversed, the fire nation wouldn't care about differentiating her people in those roles; she's giving them a taste of their own medicine.
she used to be a resistance fighter who fought back against the imperialists on her land with everything she had, and it didn't work. she suffered unimaginable horrors, and in the process discovered an ability that would allow her to make others suffered the way she did. no, she's not a good leftist or whatever, but her motivation is understandable. she's driven by pain, not reason, just as katara and zuko are in "the southern raiders," just as aang is in "the desert" when he loses appa, just as sokka is in "the boiling rock." when one is hurting that badly, the desire to ease one's pain supersedes logic, supersedes one's core values in general, the values of grief taking its place. hama has been grieving her entire life; whoever she was before the raids is gone, and now she is someone shaped wholly by pain. and had katara not met hama, been traumatized by her, and thus vowed never to be like her, who knows whether she would have had the ability to take a step back and recognize within herself that she is standing over that precipice, and instead walk away from the threshold of violence, and back towards herself.
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p-redux · 7 months
You know, I am stunned at the lack of logic and critical thinking in this fandom. It’s like those with extreme opinions have such strong confirmation bias that they can’t get out of their own way. When I read some of these posts on lots of different blogs, I am struck at the logical questions that are never truly answered- well except by ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies and extensive conspiracy theories.
1. Wouldn’t a TV show that’s not on a well-known and popular streaming service love the PR they’d get if their costars were actually in love and in a real life relationship? What value does the production company gain by keeping them hidden for almost 10 years? I can’t logically see that it would bring more profits. So we’re supposed to love a loyal, brave, committed, and family-oriented Jamie, but we need a single, sexy Sam to sell the show?? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
2. Now that it’s well established that Sam and Caitriona essentially ARE Outlander and are EPs, wouldn’t they have the power to say no more if this “ narrative” was true? If they quit, there’s no OL. Couldn’t they refuse to film anything else if they aren’t allowed to tell the truth (if it’s hidden)? It’s interesting that Ron and Terri are married, Maril and Matt have twins together, but S and C were forbidden to be together? I would think that could be a legitimate lawsuit. Didn’t they renegotiate new contracts since the first season?
3. Do people actually believe that Sam and Caitriona are good people, philanthropic people, hard working entrepreneurial people, wonderful human beings but at the same time think that either of them would actually lie about their own children? With Sam’s childhood, people honestly think he would deny his kids AND be away from them for months? That they both would lie and deceive us about her father’s funeral?
4. So it’s been 10 years and NOT ONE person associated with either of them has publicly and clearly stated, with no doubts or other possible connotations, that they are really together? No costars? No personal friends? No teacher of their kids? No hospital personnel where the kids were born? No extras on OL? No crew members- even those that have been gone long enough that any NDA they signed about the production would have expired? No hotel staff where they may have traveled with their kids? No former “fake gfs” who might be pissed? No friends of “ fake gfs” that want to defend their friend and set the record straight? Not one person who has been associated with OL who might just think this is harmful to children? No photos of them with kids in public- clear photos, not reflections or someone in the background that we cannot clearly identify? Not videos where we cannot tell who is actually there? Wouldn’t someone somewhere have gotten a photo of them together as a family? In ten years? Have you P, seen evidence that I haven’t? I have seen nothing but reflections, blurry images, unidentifiable people in the background. Am I missing something?
5. About their chemistry- they aren’t the only actors I have ever seen that have great chemistry but no real romantic relationship. There are lots of them. It’s like people don’t know what actors actually do. So much of chemistry in acting between actors is about trust and respect for the work. Even some of the best chemistry has been between actors who didn’t really like each other in real life, but were able to use their chemistry and their talent to create characters we believed loved each other.
6. Lastly, I can’t wrap my brain around liking and respecting these two actors for their work and for their real lives, while claiming every day they are lying to me.
People see what they want to see or what they need to see to support their position.
Occam’s Razor tells me that the simplest explanation is often the best one.
Hopefully when OL finally ends, these two will get some peace.
Now, watch the “but what about ______? “start.
Bless you Anon for summarizing everything I and countless other SANE fans have been saying in the Outlander fandom for the last 9 years. The thing is...some Extreme Shippers continue to ship for a few reasons. I put them in these categories:
1. OG shippers who have invested SO many YEARS in their SamCait fantasy ship. They want to "save face." It's embarrassing to acknowledge that you were fed and believed a LIE for so long. Their egos can't handle it, so they'd rather double down, and find a way to pretzel their brains around things that are obvious facts to the rest of us. They don't want to feel like they "lost." So, they just keep on denying the TRUTH and the mountains of evidence showing that Sam and Cait are not a couple in real life. The alternative is too painful to them. It's been too much time, too much energy, too much of themselves invested in the ship, and they are missing something in their real lives. The ship fills that void.
2. New fans to Outlander who have recently discovered it. They've gone down the rabbit hole of shipper Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter X accounts and they haven't climbed their way out yet to blogs like mine, and other Non-Shippers.
3. The Fake Shippers who pretend to be shippers to MAKE MONEY off those still clinging on to the life boats. There are still bloggers and shipper groups who know they have a captive audience in shippers holding out hope that some of what the original shipper leaders sold them might actually be true. These fake shippers manipulate gifs, pictures, videos, SHOW shippers what they WANT to see. They keep them hanging on with podcasts, magazine, subscriptions. They sell them trips to Scotland, conventions t-shirts, mugs, daily "proof" that Sam and Cait secretly live together with their 5 bairns. And because con artists are experts at conning people, they make everything believable...and some poor souls buy what they're selling. Literally BUY 💵 what they're selling. Sadly, this fandom is filled with a lot of retired women with disposable income, who are lonely or disillusioned with their own lives. And they are easy pickings for the money hungry fake shippers.
So, in summary, the reason there are still some SamCait Shippers is a combination of fake shippers SELLING them the fantasy AND women needing to STILL hold onto the fantasy. With a few actually mentally unwell women thrown in here and there, who have diagnosable mental health issues.
It's actually quite sad. If only they had gotten off the ship with the rest of us years ago, they could have been enjoying celebrating REAL love. Instead, they're on a constantly rocky ship that causes them disappointment more often than not. Here, on terra firma, no one needs Dramamine. It's lovely. Because it's REAL. 💞
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eatmangoesnekkid · 7 months
*Revised: It's important that I came back and revised my post, be a bit more deliberate and sensitive around matters of the heart. Here is a copy of my revised post on war, Black woman martyrdom, painful monthly periods, and fear/division. There are a lot of downloads and codes I freely share in this post. It's a long read but perhaps edifying for anyone with eyes to see/feel. _____ While we are all connected and part of the one human race, as a woman of African ancestry living in possession of the Mitochondria Eve Gene, it is my duty to not live as a martyr for this world. This is not a statement of arrogance or "supremacy" over anyone else, those codes our egoic predatory system was created from. It is just the way DNA/ancestry works. It is similar to why I'm looking for a 2nd home in a warmer climate because my texture and physiology require incredible doses of sunlight in order for me to function optimally. My resources to be of service are limited when living far away from the Equator. It is just how biology organizes and harmonizes a specific circadian rhythmic requirement that will be different for us all. Currently I live full-time in a northern European climate with very little sun, a shared life in a small cute house in the city with my lover of 8 years. So when I speak about the Mitochondria Eve Gene, it is merely a similar fact and not about division and other foolishness. The Mitochondria Eve Gene is deeply valuable like sunlight. I won't get into here. It has already been laid out in The Melody of Love Book 1. When I was in my 20s, my periods used to be heavy and would always come through my pants/skirts. I wore double pads because I had golf ball size clots. I cramped painfully every month, so much so, that I was a regular at my school's infirmary on day 1 of my bleed time. They would give me a shot and I would fall right to sleep on their hospital bed and when I woke up 2-3 hours later, all pain was gone. Back then I looked forward to getting that shot and the routine schedule of my boyfriend picking me up after I had wept and slept. At that time, I loved that the nurse would numb me and I didn't feel any symptom. The numbing (lack of feeling of truth) allowed me to function again in my classes as a regular student. Back then, 27 years ago, I was a budding activist, a member of a popular pink and green sorority, and fully into the news media and celebrities. Whatever was going on racially-charged, I was marching and carrying signs. One day, in my visions while laying on the infirmary bed, I saw myself spending decades being a martyr in another lifetime. I made the decision around 30 years old to no longer be a martyr for this world and started fortifying my body with rest, movement, sun, and vitamin c. And now my periods/moon times are incredibly pleasurable and always pain-free. This shift in reality divined me even more deeper information around the nature of how life works in a female body.
As a melaninated female, my body, emotions, and other stargates were programmed to be siphoned by this world from birth. I was conditioned to value profit and productivity over pleasure and wellness and for my labor to be used as resources for other people's lives, dreams, and adventures. And the foundational predatory nature of our Western society was built off the backs of my lineage to exploit and extract from other Black and Brown bodies. That means that I was programmed to work harder on a job than I worked on myself (my own cells) so that I could not create and live a life that truly belonged to me. So no I am not going to be thinking too much or overly emotional about anything happening in the world right now. And when I feel myself leaning too far right or left, I'm going to bring my energy back to center inside my spine and orient it towards natural beauty, movement, sound, deep nourishment, hydration, and love, feeling the sensation of love move through my body parts, learning love in my psyche, remembering how to love my body, love my -body in relationship to other bodies, and love other bodies. Please don't ask me what I feel about the insanity system of war after war, loss of freedom after loss of freedom, in an inflamed world. It is my duty to the grandmothers to heal the "evil" "conflict" and "war" from within me so that I can grow my life force energy in ways that allow me to be of service anywhere I land. This means I bring my emotions (energy) back home so that I think clearly enough to not bypass my body and go lay down and rest when I feel tired so that I may feel steady and emotionally sober. Say "no" to going out late at night when I know I need more rest. Turn off my electronics a few hours before bed time so that I can take care of my circadian biology and not start to prematurely atrophy in my spine, joints and muscles. Spend my time/resources on making fresh sourdough break or making love in some way. Touch my tissues and slow-braid my wild hair. Get massages and strengthen my legs/root. Weep and leak whether suppressed grief or unrepressed ecstasy. What is happening in the world is terrible in very clear obvious ways. It's been happening in some way for a long time and now the evil is brought out of the dark into the light. This is how life goes. It has been this way for eons, Loved Ones.
Oftentimes the solution is less talking and more deep listening. I do not need to always speak or have commentary about everything and neither should you. I do not care to constantly scroll and stay abreast of single thing going on in world, and live in a perpetual state of panic and unrest as a result. It is still my duty to the lineages that live through me not to be so externally-focused and put any part of my body back into a cage without guilt or shame. Understanding this geometry 14 years ago continues to free my cells, tissues, and organs. Now I get to spend 2 hours in a bathing ritual, receiving instead of constantly creating, and living exemplary in this world so that I may help free other woman and female bodied people so that we, together, may be a guiding lights in different parts of the world. I do not take the gift lightly.
Here are other considerations to think about:
1. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest shadows in human history. Start to question everything you see and read online, including from me. 2. What happens in the collective also happens within us. If chaos or evil is happening out there (as it has been happening), you must also locate the “evil” or "chaos" that is happening within you in order to free your waters fully and become more aware in a deeper way. Who or what has your emotion also has part ownership of your waters.Water consciousness/emotions/awareness/the subconscious --it's all connected. 3. This is just the beginning, loved ones. You must also open up your heart, strengthen your 3rd eye and belly, and manage your nervous and immune systems so that you have the capacity to read between the lines of division and binaries. 4. A dehydrated body is mentally unclear and physiologically unable to think clearly, process life soundly, and make grounded choices 5. . It’s impossible to imbue logic from interconnected systems organized to be harmful from the start where one group of people "loses" and another group of people seemingly "wins." Meaning —less intellect is required now and more clarifying body-based intelligence. You must root down into your body for direction and clarity. If you have very little connection to your body, this will be challenging, accept that. Begin to align with people who are more connected to their body/intuition and learn from them. We are going to have lean on and trust each other a little more. Because not everyone has the same skillsets or gifts—which means we are all incredibly necessary. 6. Times will get tough for some (many) people because there are some deeper realities happening underneath what is being presented on the surface. It’s not an easy thing to speak about publicly because many people's hearts, nervous systems, and addictions need some tending to. Mystery schools like mine and others will be essential. 7. Those who have divine feminine mystery schools must be willing to be students and observers in one another’s school. Division, sneakiness, or competition as modeled by living in a predatory system have to be released from the body and left alone for good. 8. You must tend to your mind and not allow it to take over your body with its judgments, fears, insecurities, and criticisms. Remember yourself as s an embodiment of love. Think about love for 3 or minutes and your body begins to produce the chemistry of love inside your tissues. Your thoughts (masculine) and feelings (feminine) produce a 3rd thing, in this case, a vibration of love that interacts with the electromagnetic field. How you think creates a frequency that greatly contributes to raising your frequency and creating a new future reality. In other words, slow down and be more present and conscious of your thoughts and how you are thinking and tune into what you are feeling. -India Ame'ye, Author
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aquariclily · 4 months
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🔞 Minors do not interact! 18+ only, & preferably 20+.
⠀General Roleplay Information!
All my blogs are listed here!
I personally prefer long RP stuff to be discussed through messages or Discord as I value OOC trust & communication. However, I'm good with filling in interest checkers as well.
I accept most inbox submissions, even for non-(Tumblr)roleplayers. But please don't expect for literally all inbox replies to turn into threads (though, you can ask.)
I can't consistently cut posts bc I'm generally on my phone & open Tumblr on the app.
I roleplay on both Tumblr & Discord. Discord RP's are a little more prioritized sometimes because it's more easy for me for short/more casual stuff. I'm open to try out other platforms if convenient.
NOTE: I am highly selective with my canons.
⠀Do Not Interact…
— DNI if your blog contains the following: Pedo/Incest/Bestiality/Anything Too Problematic (think of e.g. uncomfy~immoral/illegal taboo stuff, etc.) I really don't care what tf you're into - I just don't want to SEE these things on my dash. (Plus, I also don't want trouble.)
— OOC garbage behavior such as; Racism/Sexism/T.ERF/S.WERF/G.ender critical/M.AP/Z.oosexual/A.lt-right/Any discrimination or insensitivities to marginalized groups/etc. I will block that shit on sight.
— "Collectors". I block collectors on sight. I have terrible experiences with them. I usually block them on sight (for my mental health.) If you want your OC x Canon ship, you must offer double-up or leave me alone. Find some other blog.
— I'll repeat: No minors. Roleplay is for 18+ only, 20+ is preferred (not mandatory. This is because I'm 30+.) However, minors are free to follow my blog(s) if they are SFW. It's just that I don't want to roleplay with them.
— If I blocked you: Don't fucking block evade me!!
Notes: I block very liberally to curate my Tumblr Experience™ (it usually means that I just don't want to interact so don't take a block too personal) & it would be too laboring to fully elaborate on every small thing that just bothers me. (Along on how a lot of people on this website lack basic reading comprehension… not worth it. 🗿)
If you read this. Please don't worry about me blocking you out of the blue, I usually (kindly) confront people if we're mutuals for a while.
I admit that I suffer from trauma (C-PTSD) so curating my experience is very important. I don't want to list my specific triggers because it can be used against me but it's in the range of taboo/extreme stuff (what's in my DNI.)
⠀RP Do's…
— Just wing it. Don't get intimidated, I like casual RP's on Tumblr too. Don't worry too much about length/detail.
— Try to read the Blog/Muse Info's. Not mandatory, but it would be nice. This post is just the general RP rules (hence, it's posted on my main.)
— Be patient. Acknowledge that there is an actual PERSON behind the screen. I am not an AI. Don't treat me like one. I have my preferences, & prefer to stick in my comfort zone. And sometimes I get busy. Sometimes, I just want to do different things. Sometimes, I'm just too tired, moody, sick, or whatever reason. You can ask what's up when in doubt, though. It's fine. I'm just saying that I have a life, my preferences, and that I need my rest.
— Talk OOC, plot stuff, discuss dynamics between our muses, etc. I may fill in interest checkers but I personally prefer to work through messages. Interest checkers don't really work for me on my canons so I no longer do that. I value good OOC communication. This is how you get things done with me.
— If there is a problem, talk it out. Let's acknowledge that we're human and being humans means that we're flawed and we all can have our bad days; I want to keep my mind open and hear you out.
— Give attention, show some excitement; I gravitate to those who seem most interested & express it. Don't worry about ♥/reblog-spam lol, I don't mind. I like the attention.
— Come up with ideas. Talk about our muses & world-building. You could never ever bother me with genuine interest & passion. Passionate writers are admirable.
— If you struggle with coming up with ideas: Ask! I will not mind if you ask, because that indicates that you're interested! Which is a good thing. I'll gladly brainstorm for you.
— Drop threads & start new ones if you lost muse. It's fine.
— Take a break if you need it! ♥
⠀RP Don'ts…
And I can't stress it enough.
— Don't be weird. Respect my boundaries. I am very tired.
— Don't sexualize/romance the muses that are minors or child-coded.
— Don't godmod. Don't try to control my muse without my consent.
— Don't expect me to ship something if we haven't discussed it. Also don't be a jerk if I say "No". I'm still selective. Don't demand me to do double up for ships if I don't see you demand it to others & don't see it in your BYI/RP Rules. (It's unfair to put a double standard to me.)
— Don't disrespect my wishes and preferences in roleplays. I am not an AI that is willing to write literally everything. Don't get mad if my muse isn't going to act the way you want them to. Don't guilt trip me for retiring muses: My muse for things isn't going to stay the same forever.
— Don't pressure me to write things I'm not (or no longer) interested in. When in doubt, just ask. If you don't ask; I guess you'll just stay in doubt then! Sorry.
— Don't make OOC vagueposts & stuff like that. It makes me nervous and worry if it's about me. I also will raise a brow at you if you give OOC drama more attention than roleplay, this can result into me confronting you or even unfollowing you if we're not close enough. Outside that: I actually DO support callouts of genuinely shitty & problematic people with actual/proper evidence! I'd rather not want to end up interacting with e.g. someone who's predatory or weird around minors.
— Don't be afraid to message me!! I'd love to talk.
— Feel free to message me for my Discord if interested. Be sure to have some clear information about yourself somewhere before I add you!
— My status often says that I'm "offline". I want to reply at my own pace.
— Even on Discord, I take my breaks.
⠀⠀♡ this post to confirm that you've read the "General Roleplay Information"!
— Message me if there are any questions! Don't be shy if you don't understand some things.
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eirasummersart · 5 months
I need 1 and 6 for Akshaya owo (plz)
Refering to this.
Hello, thanks for the ask! I'm glad to answer some answers for my snake kid~ Here we go!
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1. Do they love Christmas? Hate it? Is there a particular reason for it?
It's not her fave holiday for sure. Not particularly because of what you do in it but because of when it is. As a half-snake and having Kula with her, the cold is really harsh on them. And her mom, being a full snake beastwoman has it really rough too. So for her whole life, Christmas to her has meant staying at home with her family, warm next to the fire and with lots of blankets and being quite lethargic most of the time. Only her dad (the only human) is more active and is the one preparing everything and taking care of them usually. Akshaya can move around and all normally, but it's much more difficult for her than during warmer times.
They do exchange gifts every year and it comes with a lot of family bonding time, so it does bring good memories for her, so she somewhat likes it, anyway.
6. How are they when receiving gifts? Do they really value handmade gifts? Do they like surprises?
She'd go really quiet and probably even cry a little bit if someone surprises her with a Christmas gift (or on any other ocassion, really). She's only ever received gifts from her family, which were not a surprise. She never had close friends before, so to have someone care enough about her to give her a gift, she'd be moved beyond words.
She'd love just store bought things (someone though of her enough to buy her a present!!) and she'll definitely appreciate those. But with handmade gifts and all the effort behind them, she'd treasure them forever. And her love/appreciation for said person would go way up from it. If it's some kind of accessory, she'd definitely wear it everyday for a LONG time (she'll cry if it breaks or she loses it).
Also, not in the question itself, but expect her to return the gift 10 times over~
That's all! Thanks for asking about her~
And everyone else, feel free to send some for my other OCs too! Christmas is gonna be soon so~ C:
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feehippielove · 2 years
It's great that I consistently try my hardest to treat people the way they deserve to be treated but - I need to treat myself the way I deserve to be treated 🥹 ( in everyway, everyday) 💕
My understanding and expression of love will be fucked up until I learn how to love myself in every way that I deserve to be loved and maintain that shit everyday.
Loving myself is so much more than making sure I take care of my physiological needs - That's literally the bare minimum 🙄
I deserve more than the bear fucking minimum.
I must value, respect, honor, and appreciate my time, my efforts, my energy, my spirit and all that is me - negative, positive or otherwise 💕 I cannot expect other people to treat me better than I treat myself.
No one else can love me the way I deserve to be loved until I do.
This means:
No more cringing at myself when I'm being silly in private
No more negative self-talk
No more self-doubt
No more unnecessary self-isolation
Resting when I'm tired with no shame
Maintaining activities and hobbies that make me happy
Taking myself out on dates regularly
Maintaining a healthy and clean body, hair and home
No more body shaming
No more God complex (It's a damaging defense mechanism and it's isolating - I'm a flawed human and that's perfectly okay ✨)
No more procrastination (stop making life harder for the future me)
Consistently checking in with myself (emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually)
Making time for myself to just be
Being my safe space while also healthily communicating with family, friends and loved ones consistently
Giving myself grace when I am tired or when I mess up or when something doesn't go according to plan
Validating myself instead of looking for it externally
No longer limiting myself (It's okay to be a lot c:)
💕I can do this 💕
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(last anon= me, was a bit anxious it might not go over well for some reason- off now bc changing the capitalization was a pain)
i agree on the human aus! love their flexibility, the sorta "yeah, may as well happen" you get clicking on something (with love) completely ridiculous. it's also so much fun to see what people do with crowley's eyes and his relationship to the glasses.
i'm very very early in planning this, but i want a&c to be as close to theirshow characterizations as i can possibly get them (book boys are amazing but i want the drama). i don't know that i'll do a very good job at justifying it with their backstories, but i'm gonna try. (idk. people have different opinions on personality being nature vs nurture. i can claim majority nature if it's more convenient)
i'm thinking here that crowley, personally, would have had to kill somebody or a couple somebodies, in an absolute (it at least appeared so, still does), life or death, them or him scenario (only his life saved). said somebody or somebodies would have attacked first, and out of desperation-- not totally their choice either. i'm assuming for the sake of the fic that he'd be able to do it at all, and then survive a couple decades after, so there's... something.
i just can't figure out exactly how he'd have coped with it, and whether he'd, later, think of it as justified, like how much guilt there would be. don't know what's even plausible.
my biggest problem is that framing him as 100% Good and Pure (and weirdly helpless?) like ppl do sometimes is literally my biggest fear writing this (huge mischaracterization in general). i don't want to go for the exact same indifference as in the show, for reasons you mentioned (and also that level of apathy would fuck up the entire rest of the fic), but not too far in the opposite direction, either.
tysm for the first response and considering a second, this seems a whole lot more solvable- and sorry if it's a lot to ask to go over all this (although your ability to hold a shit ton of information at once and then respond eloquently is impressive asf, looking at like every chain with LWA), i just drew a bit of a blank. also my bad if it's got a little heavy for your blog, just realized looking at the tags 😭
oh @aq-uatic you silly goose!!!✨ im absolutely fine with asks like that, please feel free to sling them my way anytime!!! ultimately tho, that's what the tw was for; just in case it was a bit heavy for someone else, but for me, personally? there's not a lot of themes that i feel uncomfortable discussing, almost all topics are welcome and i'll soon say if they aren't!!!💕
ooooh okay, so a self-defence angle!!! i think that that could be interesting to explore, because - well, you could take it from the perspective that crowley is initially very righteous in defending himself, rightly thinking that he deserved to protect himself, and the use of force was proportionate. he could initially come across as quite dispassionate and apathetic about it, "me vs. them? well of course it was going to be me!", and ultimately not want to address the whole concept of having committed murder because, on face value, it was justified. and maybe he privately doesn't want to examine it bc he's apprehensive about what he'd find?
but then as plot (and character) develops, turns out that because the whole thing was so fast, fuelled by adrenaline and the instinct to survive, crowley ends up... not being able to remember much of it? and as details start to come back, i think that's where the cognitive dissonance element would play - that he then has to reconcile himself as being someone who he feels is morally sound, 'would never harm another human being', a good person... but then is starting to remember his fear in the situation, confronting his own mortality, and what it says about him to be able to take another life with little thought other than his own self-preservation? as well as remember the specific physical details of what happened? the sounds, the smells? looks in the mirror afterwards and sees a different person looking back?
obviously without knowing the full motive of the person attacking him, who they are, what their story is etc.,... i think crowley could end up dealing with it in a way that he accepts that he cannot control others' actions, only his own. that that person chose to put him in the position of having to defend himself, and whilst, yes, that person may have had a family, friends, potential... when he's in a position of ensuring his own survival, he may have actually made the best decision he could have at the time. idk if you're planning to explore the attacker's circumstances in any depth, but if - for example - they were trying to rob him out of their own desperation (e.g. homelessness/austerity, fund addiction, peer pressured/gang context, mental health), maybe crowley would deal with that by exploring charitable work, or good causes, that seek to alleviate that very desperation? and that's how he heals from the experience?
again, hoping this might be some food for thought!!!✨💕 please do link me your fic when you've posted anything, i really admire how you're exploring this concept and it sounds really interesting and promising!!! i'll reiterate that i love getting asks, especially when they explore topics like this; i feel the LWA ones are a little bit of an anomaly, for being really analysis-heavy (which i love, let me clear), but getting to be a bit creative is exciting for me too!!!✨
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
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Name: Tsukino Yuriko
Kanji: 月野百合子
Kana: つきのユリコ
Name explanation: 
月 (tsuki) - moon
野 (no) - plain, field
百合 (yuri) - lily
子 (ko) - child
White lilies were her mother’s favorite flowers and her white hair reminded her mother of the said flowers
Name in the Rukiko RP: Mukami Yuriko
Kanji: 無神ユリコ
Kana: むかみユリコ
Age in the canon story: 19 (physically 18)
Age in the Rukiko RP: 21 (physically 18)
Birthday: February 13th
Sign/Zodiac: Aquarius
Nationality: Japanese
Species in the canon story: A Kitsune from her mother’s side, a human from her father’s side. She has one tail.
Species in the Rukiko RP: She used to be a half-Kitsune but was turned into a full Kitsune by Inari o-kami. She grew the second tail at the moment of the turning.
Blood type: AB+
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
School in the canon story: Ryoutei Academy, 3rd year
School in the Rukiko RP: The University of Kaminashi where she's studying literature
Voice Actor: Kakazu Yumi (嘉数 由美)
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Hair: Yuriko has white short hair with sky-blue tips. Her hair is slightly curly and fluffy, sticking out to the sides of her head.
Eyes: Teal in their human form, amber-yellow in their Kitsune form. Yuriko has silver-framed glasses. When her eyes are teal (human eyes) she has nearsightedness, hence she needs glasses to see far. But when her Kitsune eyes activated she doesn’t need glasses. So far, she hasn’t been able to transform her eyes at will.
Height: 159,50 cm / 5’2ft
Breast size: C cup
Moles: One right under her right eye, one next to her belly button, and a few on her back and arms
Body type: Pear, she has a bit more booty than boobs.
Scent: Yuriko doesn’t use perfumes because those are too much for her sensitive nose, but there is a hint of pine in her scent. If she has spent a lot of time forest, there might be other forestry-like scents lingering too. Because Yuriko loves both lavender and vanilla shampoo, her hair usually has a delicate scent of either one of those. And of course, there is a faint feral scent of Kitsune in her. Though only other supernatural beings and some animals are able to smell that. When she transforms either partly or fully into her fox form, this feral scent becomes her main fragrance. 
Clothing Style
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At school, Yuriko wears Ryoutei Academy’s school uniform, but she usually leaves the blazer out and uses a beige cardigan instead. The cardigan gives her a safe feeling of hiding. 
In her free time, Yuriko prefers wearing clothes that are both comfortable and cute. She likes feminine style and usually wears a skirt instead of pants. Though sometimes she likes to wear shorts too. She loves light tops but covers herself often with her signature pink cardigan, but she also likes to wear off-shoulder shirts and sweaters. 
As for underwear, Yuriko prefers comfortable panties and bras with tiny printed patterns (i.e. flowers, hearts, ribbons…), but she also likes lace. So, every now and then, she chooses fully laced underwear, these days more often because she knows that Ruki enjoys seeing her like that.
Yuriko likes light blue, baby pink, white, black (not with tops), occasional light green, and pastel colors in general.
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Yuriko is a kind and sweet girl who tries to see the good in everybody. Still, she has trust issues because of her past experiences and she struggles to see her own value. Usually, she puts others before herself and tries to please them, sometimes neglecting her needs and wishes. It’s possible that she can even put herself in a dangerous situation to please and keep someone in her life.
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Art made by @equinox-86
INFPs may seem quiet or unassuming but they have vibrant, passionate inner lives. It’s common for them to lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all kinds of stories and conversations in their minds. Usually, they are rather creative and imaginative but also sensitive; they can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.
Because INFPs are idealistic and empathetic they yearn for deep, soulful relationships, and they wish to help others. Still, they may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t appreciate or understand them. They tend to avoid conflicts, so they don’t always talk openly about things that are bothering them. Instead, they might try to solve the problem on their own but sometimes they just focus on making other people happy, to the detriment of their own priorities and sense of self.
Emotionally vulnerable
Desperate to please
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Drinks: Hot cocoa, green tea/matcha, melon soda
Sweets: Anything with red bean paste, chocolate chip cookies (made by Ruki)
Food: Vegetable soup, pumpkin soup & fried tofu / kitsune udon (made by Ruki), in AU stories she doesn’t have a favorite food
Flower: White lilies
Scent: Lavender (and Ruki)
Places to be bitten: Shoulder, neck, and inner thigh 
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Art made by @cutelih
NSFW likings
vanilla things
both soft, gentle making love and rough fucking
being sub
getting slapped
getting choked
being tied up
being dirty talked
having her hair pulled
receiving and giving oral
being teased
being bitten/marked
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Canon Story Boyfriend: Mukami Ruki (Yuriko’s canon story)
Exclusive RP Ship / Husband: @ruki-mukami-dl (Rukiko)
Ex-Girlfriend: Hizashi Haruko (YuriHaru)
Mother: Tsukino Hisoka (deceased)
Father: Tsukino Keisuke
Brother: Tsukino Yuuto
Sister-in-Law: Tsukino Nalia
Nephew and Niece: Tsukino Haku & Mei
Found Family: The Mukamis
Yuriko's relationships with canon characters
Read Yuriko's Story
His Possession (More, Blood)
Her Calamity (Dark Fate)
Their Elysium (Lost Eden)
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Before Yuriko Was Born
Yuriko’s parents, Keisuke and Hisoka, fell in love with each other and they had a happy relationship at first. They got married and a few years later, their son, Yuuto, was born.
When Yuuto was 4 years old, his eyes turned to the same shade of yellow as his mother’s, but that wasn’t all. His fingertips started to go fiery with blue flames whenever he got angry. Hisoka told Keisuke she was a Kitsune and revealed that Yuuto must have inherited her powers.
Unfortunately, Hisoka also told her family about their son, and the Kitsune came for him. They left Hisoka alone though but made sure that she knew what kind of punishment would await her if she ever came back to the Kitsune realm in a far corner of the Demon World.
Hisoka told Keisuke she wanted another child, but Keisuke didn’t agree. Even though he didn’t like the idea, Hisoka got pregnant with Yuriko.
Yuriko was only one year old when her eyes turned yellow and her foxfire activated.
Though Keisuke didn’t ever ask for a daughter, he paid for a magical operation to block her powers. He decided he wanted his son back and do the same operation for him. He never forgave his wife.
After the operation, Yuriko lived a rather normal childhood and made a couple of friends in kindergarten and grade school.
Yuriko was close to her mother, and they did a lot of things together but her mother felt distant and sad. Yuriko figured that it was somehow her fault, so she always tried to be better.
Keisuke was nearly never home and when he was, he wasn’t really interested in Yuriko. Still, Yuriko considers that her childhood was at least happy enough.
Middle School
When Yuriko became a teenager, she started to realize better that there was no pleasing her father. Nothing was ever good enough no matter what she did, yet she still did her best.
Her mother tried to be there for her, but she felt distant and depressed more often than earlier.
The only place where Yuriko had a chance to shine was school and she got good grades in most of the subjects, but English was always hard for her.
In the last year of middle school, Yuriko met Haruko, a fiery girl who had the most beautiful smile in the world. They became fast friends, though slowly Yuriko started to realize that there was probably more to it. She knew her father would never accept her dating a girl, so she did her best to hide her feelings.
Around this same time, Yuriko entered a mystical forest as a fox in her dream. There she met another white fox, and they ran through the woods together. These dreams started to occur regularly, and the white fox began to feel like a friend to her.
Back then Yuriko had no idea that the fox was actually Yuuto, her big brother, whom she had never even heard of.
After Yuuto had learned his dream walking skill, he tried to connect with his parents, but instead, he ended up drawing Yuriko into his dream space, the In-Between.
At first, he didn't know who she was but by creating the connection he was able to enter her normal dreams too. Finally, he realized that Yuriko was his little sister he had never met before.
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Sprite made by @ruki-mukami-dl from original Rejet art
High School
Yuriko and Haruko ended up in the same high school and grew closer really fast. Before midterms, Haruko asked Yuriko to meet her behind the school where she confessed and asked her out.
Even though the mere thought was scary Yuriko said yes. Girls decided to hide their relationship at school, but they spent almost all their free time together and shared their first kiss when they went on a trip to the ocean shore during summer vacation.
At the same time, things went even worse at home. Yuriko’s father was around even less than before, and her mother didn’t seem to be motivated to do anything anymore. 
Yuriko decided to concentrate on school and Haruko. But in the autumn that became hard too.
At first, Haruko started to want things Yuriko wasn’t ready to give her, and that led to arguing.
Then their classmate saw them holding hands and kissing in a corner of a small café, and rumors started to spread throughout the school.
The bullies followed soon, and while girls tried to stand against them, it was useless.
In the end, Haruko broke up with Yuriko and finally transferred to a different high school before the year ended.
When Yuriko’s second year of high school started, she was still devasted because of Haruko. That affected her grades, but she still tried her best in school. She didn’t have friends anymore because the girls thought she was a freak who was after them.
Later that year Yuriko’s mother went suddenly missing, leaving only a note where she asked Yuriko to take care of herself and her father.
What Yuriko didn’t know back then was that Hisoka wanted her redemption and went back to the Kitsune, trying to get Yuuto home. She never came back because her relatives punished her for running away. 
After that bullying got even worse, and Yuriko eventually stopped going to school.
She spent most of her days in the library reading books, drowning herself in gothic romance novels which were a dark and intense but great escape from everything.
Another safe haven for her was her dreams of the white fox. Sometimes she felt like the fox was trying to talk to her, but she couldn’t understand him.
Yuriko stopped to live her life and absorbed herself in books and dreams. Naturally, she failed her third year, and her father was furious at her.
Keisuke had been tracking down the Kitsune ever since his wife went missing, and by the time Yuriko failed her third year, he had found out that the entrance to the Kitsune realm was somewhere near Kaminashi City.
Keisuke got a job in the city and transferred Yuriko to the local high school, the Ryoutei Academy, without knowing what kind of students there were in that school.
Keisuke had also found Hisoka’s diary and knew now that the Kitsune had fewer females than males. He became sure that he could get his son back if he would give Yuriko to her relatives.
Keisuke's only problem was that he couldn’t contact the Kitsune and didn’t know the exact location of the gate to their realm or how to open it. Hisoka’s diary only revealed that Keisuke needed the Kitsune blood to open the gate, but he had it in Yuriko’s veins. The key and the commodity in the same package.
Ryoutei Academy
In her new school, Yuriko soon ran into an excellent student who took a sudden interest in her and especially her blood. Mukami Ruki decided to make her his possession.
Ruki saw Yuriko as mere livestock with surprisingly tasty blood, but when their destinies slowly entangled with each other, she became much more than that.
From Yuriko’s point of view, she had finally met someone who wasn’t going to leave her no matter what. Though this person happened to be a vampire who scared her at first, in the end, she was willing to give up her old life and start forever with Ruki. And because of him, she could reveal her true heritage, too.
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CG edit made by @cutelih from original Rejet art
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writing-the-stars · 2 years
Can u do another one with Rebekah x reader where reader is human and goes to mystic falls high with Rebekah and they become friends (but reader doesn’t know that she is a vampire) then Rebekah starts to catch feelings for her and afraid of those feelings she distances herself from her friend and reader realizes there is something wrong and so she goes over to her house and finds Rebekah about to leave for good so she stops her right before she walks out of the door and confesses her feelings and Rebekah tries to tell reader that she doesn’t really love her, that she could never love a monster, then she shows her her vampire face and reader is shocked but not scared but Rebekah reads it wrong and turns to leave but reader grabs her by the arm and kisses her. Sorry this is long but I really loved your resent post, hope this isn’t too much for you. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want, but thank you anyways ☺️❤️
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Love For the Unlovable
Pairing: Rebekah x Fem!Reader
Summary: Haunted by her past and the darkness that looms within her, Rebekah attempts to flee her budding romance, believing you to be too pure to be tarnished by her. However, you are there to show her that your love is all that matters.
Warnings: Angsty, Very Angsty. Let Me Know If I Forgot Something
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Hi Anon, thank you so much for this request!!!❤️ Sorry it took me so long to get this post out. My grandmother had surgery on her eye and that has unexpectedly delayed my writing schedule. I do hope this is worth the wait! Thank you all for reading and I hope you’re having a wonderful day (even if just for this period of time)!
Masterlist | TVDU Masterlist
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"Hello? Earth to Rebekah," you state, waving your hand in front of the honey blonde whose attention you've lost for the second time today.
This was highly unlike the girl who rapidly became one of your closest friends. Whenever the two of you spend time together, she gives you her undivided attention, making you feel like the most remarkable person in the world. It was one of the many factors that led to the development of your feelings for her.
Rebekah smiles bashfully at you, having been caught staring. It's something she's noticed herself doing a lot more as of late. Her eyes will linger on your lips for longer than what is considered normal, or she will find herself getting lost in the pool of your e/c eyes— swimming in their depth. Her mind will often carry her to different lifetimes, ones where you can have kids and grow old together. A universe where she is free to make her own decisions and is relinquished from her mother's curse of immortality. It was a fantasy that felt too real whenever she was with you.
It frightened her— the feelings you arose in her, the hope that you provided. Rebekah has felt this way before and every time ended with the object of her affection falling to their demise or committing a great betrayal. She didn't want to experience either of those outcomes with you. She wasn't sure if she would be able to handle losing you in such a volatile way.
"Hey, are you okay?" you ask, picking up on the melancholic shift in Rebekah's disposition. She smiles, appreciative of your attentive nature. You had become attuned to Rebekah's needs, ensuring she feels cared for, making her feel valued— it’s a treatment not even her own family provides her. It wasn't just with Rebekah. You possess a compulsory drive to help everyone. It’s almost self-sacrificial how deeply committed you are to taking care of the people in your life. Rebekah found it endearing, after all, it is what sparked her interest in you.
Your kindness touched her, reminding her of the goodness in humanity. You were so pure and that is what frightened her above all else— the fact that you were too pure for her. She had committed many heinous acts throughout her 1,000 years, things that made her irredeemable. She was deplorable— a monster— and she could never forgive herself if she corrupted you.
"I have to go," Rebekah announces, rising from her spot on your bed. The despair of realizing she can never be with you rapidly becoming too much to bear. You are stunned by the abruptness of her actions, your mind racing to figure out what brought this on. Within the seconds it takes you to get off of your bed, Rebekah is already exiting your front door, leaving you puzzled.
The daunting structure of the Mikaelson's Mansion looms over your timid figure as you debate whether you should announce your presence or not. You had only ever been here once before, briefly passing through to reach the magnificent garden that grew behind the home. It was still as intimidating as before— especially without Rebekah's presence. However, you will yourself to push past your apprehension to ensure that your friend is okay. After the Original's sudden departure yesterday, you texted her, wanting to make sure she was all right; however, she never responded— something that was out of the ordinary for the blonde. Rebekah was usually very responsive to your messages, almost always responding immediately. You decided not to press the matter, figuring she needed space. But when she hadn't arrived at school, you knew something was wrong with your dearest friend.
Before you can bring your hand up to knock, the mansion's doors open revealing the girl you had come to see. A wide grin draws across your lips, happy to see the girl you've become smitten with. The gleeful smile falls from your face as you take note of the luggage surrounding her— dread turning your veins to ice.
"Y/N. What are you doing here?" the youngest Mikaelson asks, surprised to find you on her doorstep. Rebekah was hoping to make a clean getaway, outrun the feelings she was growing for you, and start over somewhere new. However, with you standing right in front of her, leaving suddenly became abundantly difficult.
"I came over to check on you," you inform her, a little stunned at the implication of the scene before you, "Are you leaving?"
Rebekah looks down at her feet, unable to face the wounded expression cast on your features. "I have to, Y/N. It's for the best," she tells you, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Best for who?" you demand, exasperated by all of the crypticness. You just wanted explanations.
"For you, Y/N. It would be best for you if I leave."
No good could come from her involvement in your life. She knows the right decision is to leave now before things become more complicated, yet doing so feels so wrong.
You scoff, astounded that Rebekah thinks she knows what's best for you. If she did, she wouldn't be trying to leave you now, "Look, Rebekah, I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is, we can work through it. You're my best friend. Let me be there for you the way you've been there for me."
The vampire stares at you longingly, wanting desperately to stay. But how could she?
Rebekah shakes her head, but you can see the hesitancy in her eyes. This gives you all the strength you need for your next action— anything to make her stay. "Rebekah Mikaelson, I love you. You are one of the most beautiful and incredible people I have ever met. You are so brilliant and witty and bold. I am in awe of you. Your strength and confidence inspire me every day. Your genuine joy for all the little mundane things life gives has made me realize how special living truly is. I have never felt this way about anyone before. You mean so much to me and I want, no, I need you to stay. Please," you beg the Original, laying your heart out on the line.
Tears fall from her crystal blue eyes. Never has she heard someone speak of her with so much passion and love. To have someone so honest hold her in such revere, made her weep. It almost made her feel redeemable— like she was worthy of the eternal love she's been longing for. Almost.
Rebekah knew once you discovered the truth about who she really was, your feelings for her would change. No one could love someone so reprehensible, not even her own mother and especially not you.
Broken sobs escape the honey blonde and she refutes your confession, "You don't love me. You can't. I'm a monster." Your heart breaks for the woman that you love, despondent by the fact she deems herself unworthy of love. You sympathetically reach out to her, wanting to take away her grief and provide her some reassurance, but become frozen in place by the person looking back at you. Her usual bright blue eyes have darkened— the typical white sclera now a blood red. Veins dance underneath her eyes as fangs protrude from her mouth. You had never seen anything like this before.
Rebekah looks into your wide eyes, taking your silence as confirmation of what she knew all along. You were afraid of her, frightened by the monster within. Her face returns to its usual state, burdened with her heavy sadness. She turns around, grabbing the luggage that sat at her feet.
"Rebekah, wait," you call, resting your hand on her arm. She turns to face you one last time, surprised when your lips crash into hers. It takes only a moment before the luggage falls from the Original's hands— arms wrapping around your frame. The moment your lips met was a culmination of all of the emotions you two had experienced. The fear, the frustration, the longing and doubt, but most importantly, the love. It is what is fueling the feverish passion with which you two kissed each other. The source that flamed the burning desire to bring yourselves as close to each other as possible. The air that had been deprived from your shared, suffocating lungs.
This kiss was everything you had hoped and imagined it to be— absolutely perfect.
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violetsiren90 · 1 year
4, 17, 18, 45, 46!! For the ask game!!
4. Awwwww maannnnn! Top 10 songs is haaaaarrrdddd *whiny whiny whining*...but also fun! 😁 Okay, so here we go in no specific order (accept for numero uno):
Mikrokosmos 💜✨
Love Yourself: Answer
Life Goes On
People (Agust D)
The Astronaut (Jin)
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal
I'm Fine
Tomorrow (B/c it's Yoongi's favorite, and he is my favorite 💗)
Sweet Night (V)
*Special Mentions: Best of Me, First Love, My Universe (I have been a Coldplay fan since high school), Moon, and Blood Sweat and Tears
I really like songs that deal with love (love of self, other, etc) and human relationships, and I think this comes out in my favs. But this was me being really straight-up about which ones I play most often, my list could be so, so much longer lol.
17. Tae's, hands down. He has this really elegant aspect to his style that always underscores even his gaudiest and edgiest fits. His style also reminds me of someone whom I loved dearly and lost, and I think I connect to his fashion on a sentimental level as well (which I think he would approve of? lol). I wanted that bag he designed so badly!! Maybe one day...
18. I would say I have Tae's personality (predominantly) with Namjoon's interests! My mom always tells me (she's Army as well) that Tae and I would be able to understand each other without words, and that Namjoon and I could talk to each other to death! 😂 I could elaborate on this endlessly, so I'll just leave it at that I guess.
I also want to add that I think I am a lot like Jimin as a romantic partner (or what I would imagine he is like), and I'm an enneagram type 2 - so I feel like I share existential motivations with Yoongi.
45. Ooh, this is a toughie. Okay, Imma do my best here, because realistically I would think about this for WEEKS, but here goes nothing (note: these gifts are ones I would give the members if we were friends, they are way too intimate for fan gifts, lol😅) :
Namjoon: I would buy him a piece of art that reminded me of him. I would probably choose from the works of Yun Hyong-keun, and include a letter describing how the piece made me feel, and all the lovely ways it reminded me of the person he is. I see Namjoon as really valuing words of affirmation from those he loves, and as someone who struggles to see himself positively often, I would hope a gift like that would remind him that he is a beautiful soul who is deeply loved every time he saw it.
Jin: I would buy him a professional kitchen stocked with rare ingredients and attached to an intimate dining area. A place he could mess around with learning to make all kinds of dishes, and feed his many friends without having to actually run a restaurant. I feel like one of the reasons he loves food so much is that it brings people together. He'd be the host with the most!
Yoongi: I think I remember hearing him saying somewhere in an interview that his parents got rid of the brown piano he references in "First Love". If it was within my power I would hunt that thing down, have it refurbished, and give it to him if it was the last thing I fucking did. But I would have to, like, drop it and run. I couldn't see him receive it, because if he shed even one tear over it in my presence I would sob until I died of dehydration.
Hobi: I've noticed that Hobi, of all the members, seems most interested in mentoring upcoming artists. He watches the elimination shows and knows the contestants by name! I would found a dance school called "Hope on the Street" in his name. He would be the head of the board of directors. It could run independently and he could be as involved as he wanted so that during busy times, he wouldn't be faced with another thing on his plate, but he could still make all the decisions regarding its operation. I imagine he would love to drop in on classes and do surprise lessons.
Jimin: Is there anyone in the history of the world who longs to hear "I love you" (or likes to say it) more than precious Park Jimin?? I would collaborate with members on this one. Jimin likes to travel, so I would probably gift him a trip with the members. I know he said he wanted to go to Europe with them again. I would have all the members sign a lock and put it on that bridge in Paris that symbolizes eternal love. He also likes to party, so, maybe rent out a club with bottle service a la Dom Pérignon?
Tae: I would give him the biggest roaring 20's bash of all time. Like, a Gatsby style party where he was the man himself. A champagne fountain and a jazz band and everyone is wearing their flapper finest and a giant cake with pretty people popping out of it...
And each member would give a toast saying what they love most about him.
I would also wave a magical wand that made people leave him alone about his love life if I could, and just let him be happy 🤷‍♀️
JK: I would give him flying lessons so that he could get his pilot's license and then give him the chance to fly a jet. I feel like he would absolutely be doing loops and corkscrews through the sky in no time flat. He also loves Army, so I would compile a book of all the sweetest Army comments and dedications and put them together for him. Maybe submissions where he can see some first names and faces of those who were willing just so that he can see how many people adore him and are grateful for his love for his fans.
46. Hmmmmmm...I would love a Yoonjin colab, tbh. I love their friendship, and as Yoongi's styled has softened it would be so awesome to hear alongside Jin's. (uau, padada!🥰)
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Thank you for the asks, @orchidyoonkook , ILY!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
what are some of the more minor long-term consequences of Isaac being experimented on/altered (i forget how you phrase it 😅)?
Kaeer has wings, right? how devastating would it be if one was injured? what are her vulnerabilities?
what's Inyadi's day to day life like? Erzatsh is a very unusual place, everyday life must be interesting (though i imagine the people who live there consider it just as normal as you or I consider our day to day lives)
Noetah is the little dude with the mask, yes??? how did he get his name — in-universe, does it mean anything, and out of universe, how did you come up with it??
I cannot recall a single thing about Crick at the moment, I think my brain ate any knowledge I may have had... so tell me anything you want about Crick!!
(and if I missed anybody... sorry shdkdjsk these were the ones I remember <3)
1. Oh shoot good question uhh
He's sometimes misunderstood while talking quickly because of his mandibles behind his teeth, leading to lots of misunderstanding. Walking around the streets is a little difficult when you're about three times larger than the average person, but at least he's easy to spot in a crowd. He can't use most transportation either unless it's the underground subway, cars aren't an option.
He was terrible eyesight but his eyes are used to dim lighting. Bright light hurts his eyes. Being taken apart and sewn back together will always have consequences; harvesters are not professional surgeons, lot of mistakes are made and it's haphazard by definition, meaning Isaac has lots of aches and pains :( His arms have a tendency to start to detach, stitches come undone, and most of the places that grew/changed on their own due to being tampered with tend to be tender and sometimes bleed when the skin hasn't toughened up yet. It's not fun. He can actually withstand the rain without too much biological damage, except it causes fatigue and distress/anger sometimes. He suffers from confusion and feeling like he isn't his own if that makes sense
There's general distrust of him around other people, mainly because he's obviously been harvested and altered, one of the very very very few that haven't lost their original sense of humanity, and people worry that he could turn on them at any notice. So that's really tough on him.
2. Good question :)c it would be devastating for her to lose even one of her wings. They're given to her by a goddess, so losing those makes her lose her invincibility. Good thing is though; the only thing that can destroy her wings is someone with divine blood as well. She can heal extremely quickly, and is near indestructible, but killing takes an extreme toll on her. For every life taken, a year of her life is taken too. Her mind is also always open for psychics/telepaths to read: most people have a barrier, but as someone with divine blood, her mind has no barriers.
3. Inyadi lives right underneath the underground subway, and like most people in Erzatsh, she lives where she works; Bor Da Deli. The sound of the trains going by wakes her up very early, usually rattling the entire place. She tends to her child, makes sure she will be ok while she works in the Deli during most of the day. Sometimes people will come in, the very sick or injured, and it's usually people who are afraid of going to official hospitals where harvesters may roam. She has a room for them and tends to them as soon as she can. Nights are quite dangerous in Erzatsh, so she tends to close early, around 6 pm Earth time. Not too different from normal life, just more hazards
4. Yea!! His name has two parts. No (nothing)-Etah(Yolk, as on egg yolk). So it's a pun on 'nothing of value inside' because he's transparent :( he's given a name by whatever company he was cloned by
5. Crick is a detective who specializes in absorbing the memories of the dead to solve homicides. She can actually take the neurons from someone and see what they experienced! She's also near indestructible and will Hunt Down a murderer like no one else, like a terminator
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anoiaa · 2 years
Includes: A classroom of the elite OC (original character)
summary: An obssessed money freak steps in the world of cote with a goal that only the Advanced Nurturing High School can help him accomplish
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Gambling, Gambling, Gambling 
The world revolves around this action. There isn’t a single time where you haven’t bet your life, money, friends or even career for something else;better than what you initially had. You go for more money. Isn’t it ironic? People are chasing paper that changes value as soon as you spend it. 
It's Greed.
Yes, greed. 
And I have a whole lot of it. I would do anything for money. You must be wondering: why? So i’m going to tell you; It’s power. Money is the power to—Everything! You can never lose in this world as long as you have money! countless amount of it and you can: rule the world, but a whole continent, corrupt the government, change the law!...Isn’t it beautiful?
So why would it be wrong for me to be greedy? It’s not wrong for me to want those things with all my might; so I gamble my life for it  — but people think i’m crazy for that.
I enrolled in ANHS to disconnect myself from the world. It is the only school that doesn’t allow communication outside the school. I wasn’t particulary running away from anything, I wanted a new change of environment, away from the people I know; specifically my family. 
Now those people are not humans, but that’s a story for another time. All you have to know right now, is that I have a dream goal, a goal that only this school can grant me. The only issue however, is that I have to graduate from class A no matter what. I didn’t know that the school ranked their students based on ability. Apparently those in class A are ‘elites’ and those in class D are ’failures’, the good part is: I am a member of that ‘elite’ class, the other part is: ‘Ayanokoji’ of class D. 
I have eyes that can see  —  unlike these lots, but who can blame them? I know very well that he is the X that class C’s leader had been searching. I wasn’t sure at first, but then Sakayanagi had to boil the water by giving him 40 protection points, “how clever” is my sarcastic remark to her “maiden in love” approach. I didn’t want to catch unecessary attention to myself which is why I gathered my own bits of data from the shadows.
I don’t know what drives his motivation, but i’m sure he has a wish deep down in his heart. We are all humans after all, we have dark secrets that we don’t want anyone else to know about. Perhaps being a agenius had it’s own problems in itself, but it’s not like I would know, right? I’m just an average teenager in a quest to fulfill a goal, like a main character of some anime serie. But i’m not the main character and surely you know better. 
I just want to end up graduating in class A to create a better world. But my picture perfect might be a nightmare to everyone else, yet I don’t care with every single piece of meat inside of me. I will do everything to achieve it, and that incluses using all the cards I possess in my hands. 
I told you before right? 
that I gambled my life.
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hana · 1 year
*sigh* i’m blogging
do you remember that tweet from 2020, or maybe 2016, that was like 
“i don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people”
? i feel like’ve ricocheted off of an attempt to explain why one should care about others every 6 months, my entire adult life.
my pattern of approach has been to try reading some ethics text or another for a few weeks, with growing embarrassment about my search for a concrete answer to something that i should just fucking get (as a human, because it’s not something that needs to be proven to be done), until i finally surrender theory for a direct-action nonanswer like buying groceries for old people. 
it’s honestly not hard to get it and just do it. i’m sure this feeling is part of why some people do crazy shit like eat vegan, volunteer at hospice facilities, or go to med school to work in the baby ER. i think leaving it unexplored is fine, possibly even better than fine, because it would really suck to discover something that puts you off altruism. but, like, how can one resist thinking about it?
personally, my “reaching” of “maturity” has been the result of haphazardly staking out social and ethical boundaries that align with “values” i’ve found, inherited, or inherited but thought i found (secret third type). when i demonstrated to myself that i could pick them up and move them with me, throughout different social contexts, like a crinoline defining the shape of my character, i actually did feel quite mature. but i’m actually hugely naive and toddler-like in almost every way, even those in which i feel accomplished.
i’m kinda old-ish now (some scoff, some nod as if i am brave), and i’m not so easily embarrassed by myself any more, which is the first blush of boomer ruin, so i was thinking i could write about what i think, as i think it, publicly, on the internet. it sounds fucking insane as i type it.
although i loved reading smart adult’s blogs in the early 2000s, it is my firm opinion that nobody should ever post. horrifyingly, some of my smartest friends do it now. if it’s my fate now, as an adult, to debase myself, why not do it up?
i’m tagging everything i post with #longspoon, so i can: a) easily delete it all when i get embarrassed or cancelled; b) (with hubris) tag it all for RSS; c) (hubris fading to trepidation) keep this blog organized if i ever post other types of things.
why “long spoon”?
before i explain this, i want to just say 2 things. 
that i don’t buy “heaven” or “hell” as scenarios. i believe only hell is real, we are all living in it right now, and it’s actually not as bad as you hear (but it still sucks a lot).
that this will not be brief so take a bathroom break now.
ok, that said: the long spoon thing is an allegory/parable/nugget of story-wisdom in many cultures around the world. see this chicago tribune headline:
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not the onion.
there isn’t a single parable-form telling of it online that doesn’t reek of clinically uncool self-help language. here’s my version:
basically, imagine a banquet table laid with the most succulent soup-feast imaginable. we’re talking stew, soup dumplings, matzo ball soup, pot pie filling, everything good and hot you can eat with a spoon. but the people seated at this banquet are gaunt and starving. they are unable to eat the soup, because the spoons they’ve been given are too long to reach to their own mouths. 
here you might ask, “why not simply choke up on the spoon handle so it functions as a shorter one?” shut up, and get out of my temple, that’s why! for some reason they cannot do that. neither can they reach the soup with their bare hands, or faces. maybe they get a few bites that way, but it doesn’t really work to nourish them. 
“but why do they have these impractical spoons?” here is the moment where jesus or buddha or lord siddhartha twists his nasty little face into a grinch smile because you’ve asked him just the question he was hoping for. the spoons are not supposed to be used for feeding oneself. they aren’t meant to be used that way. in the 90s, don norman would have passed by and pointed out that the spoon’s long handle is clearly an affordance which telegraphs its purpose*. (nowadays he is either cancelled or explaining that it is actually called a signifier and an affordance is something else, thus justifying his book’s sustained $30 price tag.)
the guests at this banquet are too fucking selfish and hangry to read affordances. they do not understand that they are meant to use their long-handled spoons to feed the person across the table from them, who in turn is meant to feed them. i don’t think anyone is seated at the head or foot of the table. if so, they have extra special long spoon handles which are arched in some manner. this is not a fun banquet.
sometimes, in the parable version, the prophet and the idiot do a drive-by of a similar banquet where everyone’s actually having a great time and eating their fill because they figured out how to use the spoons. obviously that’s meant to be heaven, the one i described above is hell, and bill engvall goes “here’s your sign.”
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for our purposes, we’re gonna stay away from that. i don’t think the heavenly version of the banquet exists. it’s more an architectural rendering of how a long-utensil-style banquet could potentially work, given enough budget. 
i am naming these posts after the long spoon because, although i endeavor to pick the long spoon up and carry a precarious sip of soup to the lips of my fellow man, i recognize that in my human condition i am probably too stupid to use it right. i think about this often, and i wish to think about it more deeply, so i will write to pursue that wish. 
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Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity wins 2024 NonProfit of the Year
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Be the Star You Are!® is the winner of the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year! Congrats to the volunteers, supporters, and donors! Celebrate. https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1804/Moragas-Business-and-Nonprofit-of-the-Year.html
Writer, Vera Kochan wrote the article about BTSYA winning NonProfit of the Year!
Moraga's Nonprofit of the Year, Be the Star You Are!, is a 501(c)(3), and the brainchild of Lamorinda Weekly's own Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Her career credits extend to book author, producer, interior designer, radio host, and more.
While working with kids in 1995 as a casting director, Brian noticed that many of them had issues, especially with literacy. She was reading a lot of self-help books at the time and wanted to get the same message out to kids and women. By calling her charity Be the Star You Are!, she was planting a seed that "every person is unique. They have their own beauty and flame. We all have it -- we are enough."
Brian founded BTSYA! in 1999, along with her teen daughter, Heather Brittany, with the idea of empowering at-risk youth through literacy and positive media. "Had I had a crystal ball back in 1999 to foresee how challenging it would be to manage a nonprofit corporation solely with volunteers and donation dollars, I know I would not have taken the first step in creating Be the Star You Are!," she stated. "Thank goodness that I am not clairvoyant. I am a huge believer in being different, thinking outside the box, and valuing our individuality. My goal has been to provide encouragement, opportunity, and direction to women, families, and youth through increasing literacy, decreasing violence, providing positive media choices, and enhancing quality of life."
BTSYA!, is run by an all-volunteer staff that began by collecting and distributing books to nearly 118 organizations nationwide. It also produces positive-message radio programs that range from "education and advisement, to inspiration and guidance by covering every aspect of life, from abuse through money management, health, environmental stewardship, relationships, parenting, business skills, art, music, and entertainment." They support all ethnicities and have no religious or political agendas.
While Brian hosts one of the radio shows called, "StarStyle-Be the Star You Are!, the other one is hosted by teens. "Express Yourself" is intended to give youth a voice while teaching them to be confident, authentic reporters and writers. Both programs feature authors, artists, activists, musicians, and entrepreneurs that are making positive contributions to humanity.
"We've done so many outreach programs," stated Brian. "We even have teens tutor teens. There are so many opportunities to help people. I support the kids and listen to what they want to do. Their suggestions have been important to the programs. We're constantly evolving and changing to make it relevant to the times. We also have a teen book review program." She estimates having coached over 70 kids/reporters for radio over the years, and they have gone on to jobs all across the country. BTSYA! is always ready to welcome more volunteers.
As an author, Brian is working on her eleventh book. Her first book, "Be the Star You Are!" was launched in 2001. Since then, she's written inspirational books that include teens' stories, gardening books, and picture books for children.
BTSYA! operates through contributions, in-kind donations, and proceeds from fund-raising events. They are not state or federally funded. For more information or to make a donation visit:www.bethestaryouare.org, or email:[email protected].
The Moraga Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a coffee/pastry reception to celebrate the honorees on April 13 between 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Moraga Library's Community Room, 1500 St. Mary's Road. Please RSVP by visiting:www.Moragachamber.org.
credit: Vera Kochan https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1804/Moragas-Business-and-Nonprofit-of-the-Year.html
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thatmcgwords · 2 months
“Every human has different skills which help them succeed in their daily activities and improve their living standards. However, most have not noticed their giving skills even though they are closer to them than anything.”
“Every being should understand what it is to be alive, which varies from individual to individual. To achieve the proper purpose of being alive, one needs to take care of “upgrading” their personality with helpful information that can change their life. Moreover, it may also improve one's character and help them attain an enviable career high.
Possessing skills is not enough; effective and efficient usage is the most important thing. Soon you will find out how to identify your given skills, utilize them to the best of your ability, and how to benefit from such potentials can assist in a meaningful life.”
God’s gift to man is his potential; his gift to him is developing it. ~ John C. Maxwell
“If one wants to make changes, one has to break the norm, even though it has to follow the correct methodology; otherwise, you might think you are working toward reaching your potential, but it’s far from it.”
“Living a purposeful life is not word of mouth alone. One must work toward achieving it, which is possible by conceiving the idea and taking action. One way to attain your dream is to be hungry for growth, which makes you more determined to actualize such dreams.
Being hungry for growth often attracts criticism from other people, which has generated a lot of myths or gaps in people’s minds. It has made the majority not see the road to growth as one to follow.
Such myths include:
• Growth happens naturally.
• Whether you work for it or not, it happens.
• “I don’t know the growth process despite knowing what I want.”
• “If I start now, will I fail, or won’t people say this is the wrong time?”
• “I don’t feel motivated or encouraged about doing it.””
“Growth happens in many spheres; physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and so on. Being hungry for growth in every aspect will require you to break the norm. This idea might sound odd to some people, but the overall gain you want to attain is paramount. Your goal for growth should be the driving force that will motivate you to ensure you have a fulfilled and purposeful life.”
No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself. ~ James Russell Lowell
“Every individual needs to keep improving or growing every day because the inability to grow will result in losing relevance or value.”
“Preparation is vital and is something every right-thinking human should do because it boosts your chances of utilizing growth opportunities. At the same time, you should focus on your plans and avoid comparisons with others.”
“People who regularly perform self-analysis will be in tune with their strengths, weaknesses, desires, opportunities, etc. This level of self-awareness will help drive sustainable growth because you’ll have a clear idea of who you are and where you want to be.”
Growth is about improving what you've learned in the past and serves as a foundation for building new things. ~ John C. Maxwell
“Lifelong learning teaches discipline, critical thinking, and focus. With such skills, you will never allow anyone to use you and do what you do not need.”
“People fall into three categories: those who don’t know what to do with their lives, those who know their essence in life but won’t act on it, and those who know their essence in life and act on it. Out of these three categories, the last one is the only category that is growing because they see it as a moral responsibility to themselves and humanity.”
There is a direct correlation between your capabilities and your passion. ~ John C. Maxwell
“Every human has everything it takes to excel in life, and all that is required is to exploit your uniqueness and utilize it judiciously. Several factors are responsible for people’s inability to discover their potential, including low self-esteem, negligence, lack of focus, etc.”
“When you know precisely what you can do, who can benefit from it, and how much your time is worth, you receive more attention from others.”
“Your goal for personal growth is to maximize your potential. To achieve that, pause, ask questions, and grow every day.”
You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. ~ George Lorimer
“Everyone tries to achieve the ideal while simultaneously realizing that it is impossible. So it is pertinent to identify the areas you need to improve. The inability to know or understand these areas won’t let such an individual understand where to invest their power.”
“How do you improve? You’ve understood the area that needs improvement, but how do you attain this improvement? You cannot do the same thing using the same process and expect different results. Explore new ways to achieve what you want.
Why improve? Seeing the need to improve is important because this is the motivating factor to energize your endeavors. You must have conviction before engaging in the activities of growth. If you take this question seriously, you can also discover areas where you are strong and do not yet need additional development. Instead, you'll get extra time for things that need your attention.
When are you to grow? It is important to know the time growth is needed. Engaging in growth activity at the appropriate time is more useful than when not relevant.
All these questions will assist you in overcoming the challenges you face and make you a better person. The more questions you have about pursuing personal growth, the more likely you are to follow through with the process that will lead you to the full height of your potential.”
“We do not have control over some choices, such as the country we are born in, our origins, genetics, etc., but fortunately, most things depend on us, such as our success, development, and future achievements. The following tips will make you feel like a true master of your life. They will help you make your own changes instead of waiting for someone else’s help.”
“Success courses and motivational speakers constantly remind people of the importance of learning and improving themselves. Because of this, such motivations have lost their meaning and only indicate that they need more time to achieve everything they want.
But we now know that self-development is not an empty word. Personal growth is possible only if a person understands why it is essential and what goal they must achieve. Even “the desire to be better” is a rather general formulation that does not contribute to changes. So, it is necessary to monitor the things you do differently to feel those changes; be honest with yourself and others, do not give up on the things you have identified as the most important, and be ready to help others.
Self-development requires discipline and attention. When you are on the path of change, always stay in touch with your inner self — notice who supports you and who tries to hinder your progress. Gather people around you who inspire you and help you move on. And then, one day, you’ll look back and say, “I did it. I grew up. So, where do I want to go now?”
Try this
Daily journaling helps to develop discipline. Write down your wins, observations, and topics you want to return to later. This practice will help you remember ideas and implement them. It’s also a great way to record your progress and your growth story.”
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
I wanted to share this thought-provoking idea with you 🤗
Start discovering thousands of them on the Headway app today 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
I wanted to share this thought-provoking idea with you 🤗
Start discovering thousands of them on the Headway app today 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
I wanted to share this thought-provoking idea with you 🤗
Start discovering thousands of them on the Headway app today 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
I wanted to share this thought-provoking idea with you 🤗
Start discovering thousands of them on the Headway app today 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
“Living a purposeful life is not word of mouth alone. One must work toward achieving it, which is possible by conceiving the idea and taking action. One way to attain your dream is to be hungry for growth, which makes you more determined to actualize such dreams.
Being hungry for growth often attracts criticism from other people, which has generated a lot of myths or gaps in people’s minds. It has made the majority not see the road to growth as one to follow.
Such myths include:
• Growth happens naturally.
• Whether you work for it or not, it happens.
• “I don’t know the growth process despite knowing what I want.”
• “If I start now, will I fail, or won’t people say this is the wrong time?”
• “I don’t feel motivated or encouraged about doing it.””
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
“Living a purposeful life is not word of mouth alone. One must work toward achieving it, which is possible by conceiving the idea and taking action. One way to attain your dream is to be hungry for growth, which makes you more determined to actualize such dreams.
Being hungry for growth often attracts criticism from other people, which has generated a lot of myths or gaps in people’s minds. It has made the majority not see the road to growth as one to follow.
Such myths include:
• Growth happens naturally.
• Whether you work for it or not, it happens.
• “I don’t know the growth process despite knowing what I want.”
• “If I start now, will I fail, or won’t people say this is the wrong time?”
• “I don’t feel motivated or encouraged about doing it.””
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
I wanted to share this thought-provoking idea with you 🤗
Start discovering thousands of them on the Headway app today 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
My highlight from The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
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