#and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something something rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending story…
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yourelosingains · 2 years
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teaboot · 3 months
Who is your OC that is the most fleshed out? Anything you care to share about them? What is a small detail about them that you rarely think about?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
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There is an old rotting seat in the middle of the woods where a young man appears to lay dead. His face is pale, his skin is tinted with mildew, his old wool coat is moth-eaten and moldy. A layer of topsoil covers his lap. His hair, slowly greening, has been plucked at by birds.
A long time ago, a man won a single wish, and knowing that wealth was fleeting and power brought danger, wished for incredible knowledge.
The wish granted him understanding of machinery, of magics, of medicine and physics, and insight into endless possibility. So much information that he cannot stop thinking, making connections, processing it all, struggling to grasp it.
Always thinking, he found soon that he could not fall asleep. Medicines helped for a short while, but he was never truly rested, and through desperation or happenstance he found with some horror that he also could not die.
The story is that a point came where he brought upon himself some sort of curse, to sleep, and to dream, and to never be disturbed.
Excepting, of course, under very specific circumstance.
Not everyone can see him, but those who do have affectionately named him "Alexander".
(He is more or less a landmark, like an oddly-shaped rock by the side of the road.)
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Nevaeh is The Daedalus. She has no idea what that means. She has never gotten lost, no matter how far she's wandered.
Her bus always arrives at the stop shortly after she does. When she rides her bike, there is never a roadblock or construction in the way. She isn't always on schedule, but even when she's late, she seems to arrive on time.
She loves her parents. She likes to bake. Her sister is a dork, but they get along fine. Life is good- things are normal.
(Things are not normal.)
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Jessie's name is not Jessie.
Jessie gives different people different names.
Nobody's quite sure if they're human or a fairy of some kind, but they seem to show up everywhere and never seem particularly fazed by what's going on.
They always seem to be upbeat and unconcerned, but not in an uncaring sort of way- it's more like they just have this unshakeable confidence that everything is always going to end up fine.
Jessie is at the party, holding the host's cat. Nobody knows who invited them. Nobody knows anyone who knows them that well. Jessie offers you a corn chip.
Jessie is at the town hall meeting, sitting in the back row with their feet resting on the chair in front of them. They don't ask questions or interject, but seem interested as they snack on rainbow kettle corn.
Jessie is at the sacrificial ceremony, deep in the bowels of the community rec center. As candles flicker around you and the sound of chanting voices grow closer, they tuck a hard candy into your pocket and tell you not to worry so much.
(Jessie does not untie you from the dias.)
None of these guys are my main character, but they're probably my favorites!!! Thank you so much for asking, I need to get back to work on this! ♡♡♡♡♡ oh, I'm all excited again!!! Aadfgghhfjgdgsggffk ❤
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I've been dreaming of the Knight of Dreams.
He pledged to see his father off with a smile. That last wish, he could not fulfill.
This isn’t the happy ending he wanted—open your eyes.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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He wakes to the woods.
Silver automatically recognizes his surroundings. He'd laid out at the base of a great oak, planted right in the center of a lush forest glen. Sunlight filters through the leaves, granting the place an ethereal glow.
A stream threads around a cottage with a roof of straw, shuttered windows open and smiling at him. Where the water rounds at a bend, there's an arched bridge that leads to a path winding up to the cottage. It's picturesque and cozy, an illustration right out of a fairy tale.
It's home.
Silver rubs at his eyes, dispelling the remaining shreds of his drowsiness.
I must have dozed off again. Father must be worried.
He stands, dusting himself off. There's a few blades of grass clinging to his clothes, some petals coming loose. As he runs his hands over fabric, they snag upon something small and hard in the pocket of his pants.
"Huh? What is this...?"
Silver's voice trails off as he fishes out the object. It's a chunky ring in the shape of a crown, which hangs off of a golden chain. Embedded into the ring are many small, clear jewels. In the center is a large gemstone--and when it catches the sunlight, it refracts the colors of the rainbow.
A dull pain starts in the back of his head. He frowns, gently rubbing at the spot to soothe it.
Strange. I don't recall owning something like this. Did I find it lost in the forest?
For reasons unknown to him, the vague image of a smiling man is conjured. The owner? He gropes around in his foggy memories, but comes up with no answer.
Even so, his fingers close protectively around the bauble.
He looks up, finding his father in the doorway. Lilia wears a shamelessly frilled apron, KISS THE COOK emblazoned upon his chest. The fae happily waves for his son to approach, and his heart melts.
Silver jogs up the path, barely breaking a sweat when he arrives on the porch. "Father."
"Silly boy, you're going to be late for your own birthday party," Lilia teases, lightly booping him on the nose. "Well, come on in! Everything's just about ready."
Silver curiously peers inside. The cottage is clean and neat--a rarity when left alone with his father, though Silver suspects he must have enchanted a broom to do the tidying.
It seems that his father has been hard at work in the kitchen, whipping up many of his... signature dishes which radiate a noxious aura. The most edible looking thing on their tiny dining table is a tiered vanilla cake with 18 candles stabbed into it. It's leaning over, blue frosting dribbling down its sides.
Tucked in one corner of the room is a fine suit on a mannequin, stitched together in shades of pink, blue, and green. Silver raises a brow at his father, who shrugs.
"I couldn't decide on just one color!" Lilia admits.
"You didn't have to go out of your way for all of this."
"Oh, but I wanted to," his father insists, giving him a quick hug. He pulls back, but keeps his hands on Silver's shoulders. "After all, this birthday is a very special one: you're finally considered an adult."
An... adult?
There it is again, that throbbing pain. It comes stronger this time, blinking in and out like a warning light.
Silver grimaces, bringing a hand to his forehead.
Lilia frowns. "Oh dear, are you still half asleep? Maybe you ought to sit down. We can't have you feeling unwell, especially before Malleus and Sebek get here."
"Yes, I think I'll do that," Silver agrees. "I apologize for the trouble. I feel like I haven't been myself lately. Like something is... wrong."
"I didn't realize you were so anxious about aging!" Lilia jokes, steering him over to an open chair. As soon as Silver is safely seated, Lilia goes in for an aggressive ruffle of his hair. "Chin up, m'boy! There is no shame in maturing. Why, I've raised you to be an upstanding young man if I do say so myself! You've got nothing to worry about."
Silver attempts a smile. "Of course."
His clutch on the ring and its chain instinctively tightens.
Lilia notices. "What's that you've got there? You're clenching your fist rather hard."
"Oh, this..." Silver unfurls his fingers. As soon as Lilia lays his eyes upon the piece of jewelry, a shadow passes over his expression, clouding it.
"Where did you find that?" he asks softly. Lilia leans over, a hand hovering, as if preparing to snatch it up. "You weren't supposed to receive this yet. Here, give it back to--"
Silver says it louder than he means to, startling his father. His body turns from him and toward the ring, intent on guarding it. He doesn't know why--but everything in him is screaming that he must not let it be taken away.
Lilia stops, then shakes his head. "... It's fine. You were going to be gifted it sooner or later."
"You know what it is?" Silver remains alert, still shielding the ring.
"It's your birthday present, from me to you. I've been saving up for quite a while to afford it for you--I wanted it to be a big surprise," Lilia pouts. "Ah, but in the end... I suppose it doesn't matter what the method of delivery is, so long as you're still happy with it."
Silver's brows crease. Something about the comfortable narrative does not quite roll of the tongue smoothly.
A present from his father...
He stares down at the large gem laid in the center of the ring. It's facets twinkle, pink and blue and purple. Just like his eyes.
My... eyes?
A buzzing sound rings in his ears. His father's deep voice rises up through the white noise.
"It must be what your parents wished for. That their child's eyes may remain like this jewel, clear and unclouded... It suits you, Silver."
That is...
Silver sits up straight.
All at once, everything looks different. The world, shifted, and the glowing filter over his lens, gone. This house is not his home, and this man is not his father.
"Hm? Why are you staring at me like that, Silver?" Lilia giggles. "Don't tell me you're daydreaming again."
"... No. No, it's not that."
Silver's eyes flick to the door. It seems so far away.
"I... just remembered something. I forgot to greet the bluebirds." His stomach sinks as he speaks the lie into existence.
"Oh? That's not like you. You're becoming forgetful at age 18!"
Silver nods. "I won't have the time to speak with them once the party begins. May I quickly go to them?"
"Oh my, you're heading out already? So eager to leave the nest."
"... Yes. But please don't worry about me." Silver closes a hand around Lilia's and squeezes. Even if this is all fake, a facsimile, it's still very much the face of his father he is gazing into. He offers reassurance. "I'll be back soon."
"Kufufu. Alright." Lilia squeezes in return. "I'll be waiting then. Don't be late now."
Silver heads for the door.
At the threshold, he looks back one last time. At this, the happy ending crafted for him. A quaint little cottage in the woods, where he would spend the rest of his days with his beloved family.
But it's not what Lilia would have wanted for him. For everyone.
Silver painfully looks away. "Farewell, father. I promise... I will see you again."
Out there. In the real world.
He shuts the door, putting the dream behind him. Silver takes a deep breath.
"Those I've met and will someday... Meet in a Dream."
And then he is gone.
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mikewheelerlikesboys · 5 months
Can we talk about Never ending story real quick?? I have not seen anyone mention this but just look at this verse.
“Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never-ending story”
And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending story
Guys… they literally are telling us how they’re gonna save the world, how they’re going to end the never ending story of Hawkins and the upside down.
After the secrets are revealed, there will be a “rainbow” and that’s the answer to the never ending story.
It might be a reach but just think about it. What other purpose could the song hold in the story? (besides a cute moment for Dustin)
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dukeofdelirium · 20 days
What makes you think El is a manifestation of Will’s? It sounds like an interesting theory and I’ve heard it floating around, but I haven’t looked too much into the evidence and analysis people have for it
Honestly, there’s a lot of parallels and inspirations in ST that allude to it. The biggest for me is simply the fact that as soon as Will is taken, El just so happens to pop into Mike’s life. Then, when she leaves, Will comes back. The characters are constantly paralleled and interchanged, so much so that Hopper thinks he’s chasing Will all season 1 but in reality he’s hunting down El. She’s mistaken for a boy but also specifically for Will.
Then you have the Neverending Story parallel, which is consistently alluded to in ST.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the Neverending Story, but a young boy named Bastian essentially manifests the fantasy world he gets sucked into. He creates a warrior boy character named Atreyu, who must save the fantasy world Fantasia from a dark force called the “nothing”. But when Bastian gets sucked into the fantasy world, he comes to realize only he can save it by acknowledging he is its creator. Thus, only he can change the neverending story. By naming his creation, he saves Fantasia and is released from the book.
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there’s also the fact Will visually looks like Bastian
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and El like Atreyu
Also, they’ve sung the song multiple times in the show and even had Will sing it in s4.
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Turn around, look at what you see. In her face, the mirror of your dreams. Make believe I'm everywhere. I'm hidden in the lines. Written on the pages is the answer to a never-ending story
Reach the stars. Fly a fantasy. Dream a dream, and what you see will be. Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds. And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending story
Show no fear, for she may fade away. In your hand, the birth of a new day. Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds. And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending story
I could go on and on lmao. There are so many parallels between El and Will, and I always thought the Terry plot was sus as hell. Especially considering they’ve never elaborated on it. I don’t think Terry is El’s mother; I don’t think El has a mother. She’s a fragment of Will’s subconscious mind come to life. If the theory is that Will made the upside down what it is (and I believe he did) because he has the power of creation, then I believe he also made El to be his warrior the way Atreyu is to Bastian
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stranger-chichka · 1 year
Mike is a character who we associate with the blue color the most, right? Also, blue is kinda associated with the Upside Down and Vecna because of that blue light we see there.
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Blue is the basic color of mlm pride flag. It was created in 2019. And you know what? In russian slang голубой (which is translated as “blue”) means “gay" and it originates from the '60s.
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Almost every outfit Mike wears in s4 is blue.
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credits to @lesbianmindflayer from your fellow subscriber who try not to miss any video analysis! <3 Also, I feel you'll be quite excited about the following thing, which is the origin and usage of that slang in relation to the gaybirdgate too.
The phrase “fly, doves, fly” used to warn gay men in russia reminded me of the moment when Dustin navigates Murray in s3. “Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right.”
The phrase “fly, doves, fly” used to warn gay men in russia reminded me of the moment when Dustin navigates Murray in s3. “Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right.”
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Mike is also associated with an eagle because of the poster he had in his basement and later gave to El.
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Eagle is a symbol of America. America -> Mike. I don't want to go in-depth here, because that's the whole other thing, but I'm adding the links on Nintendo and Americantendo theory, which I wrote based on @nadia-zahra 's observations and my posts about Erica ("you can't spell America without Erica") for those who're interested what is the connection. BUT the gaybirdgate is not closed yet.
Nintendo theory;
Nintendo 2.0 (Americantendo);
@doriandrifting 's post, connected to that theory.
Erica will take Murray's place in s5;
Erica is level 14 in D&D;
Erica & the spaceship;
Erica & "I Want To Break Free" easter egg;
Erica & opening the door;
Erica & Tina's Apple Jack's party (+Murray's The Bald Eagle poster analysis);
The phrase голубая мечта (translated as "blue dream") caught my attention. The expression appeared under the influence of the famous play (with a very fairy-tale-like setting -> "It looks like a fairytale") "The Blue Bird" written by Maurice Maeterlinck in 1908. The blue bird is a symbol of happiness that has been in the home all along; the children simply have not recognized and valued it.
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As we already know, dreams are one of the key themes and focus in ST, especially in season 4 with “Dream a Little Dream of Me”, but let’s not forget about “Never Ending Story.”
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Not only has it a line "fly a fantasy," but "dream a dream, and what you see will be." What is Mike’s blue dream? Of what is he dreaming secretly? Or better say, of who? It’s a rhetorical question for bylers. But the GA will find out too, with the help of Vecna and his mirror (aka the visions he shows to his victims of who they really are). The answer is upon a rainbow. Literally.
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In the picture of Mike's room I pinned above, you can also notice a heart with a heart, cloud, rainbow and something written on it.
"Rhymes that keep our secrets will unfold behind the clouds, and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a neverending story." "Without heart, we'd all fall apart." Will's words rhyme and Mike is Will's heart.
@angelwithnightmares 's guess is it may say If you can dream it, you can do it" (Walt Disney's quote) and doesn't it connect the dots? Taking into account @madwheelerz manifestation theory and how Mike (the writer and the DM) & Will (the artist) -- the duo with huge imagination manifested the events in ST because of their dreams nightmares feels very real to me.
PLUS, I'm tagging @there-was-a-hole-here-itsgonenow and adding links to her Disney’s Figment the dragon posts here and here, because HE IS IMAGINATION. We can spot him in the Bingham house below Suzie’s window. When we hear the birds are singing outside. Behind the yellow & blue curtain.
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What made me do this post may you ask? Listening to Mike's playlist. There are two songs with the word “blue.”
#12: “Can’t Shake That Feeling” by Grum
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#33: “Blue Monday” by New Order
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And plenty of songs about the dreams too. I counted seven of them.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 1 month
How do you see leprechauns in an urban fantasy setting?
Hmmm.... I'm a little torn on that subject! I have very fond memories of a Dutch children's series where "leprechaun" is used instead of "fae" or "elf" for seemingly no reason whatsoever, but looking at it now I would have preferred if they just went for Aos Sí which would have fit better. But the truth is that if you stay completely true to leprechauns' folklore roots, there's not too much you can do with them:
They are a small, male, solitary fairy (or gnome) from Ireland
They may be capable of (begrudgingly) granting wishes
They usually have gold hidden somewhere or on their person, which they may be forced to give up when caught
Quite fancy dressers, with a nice hat and coat (exact dress varies, but in older stories their coats are more often red than green)
Not very malicious, but mischievous and sly, usually capable of outwitting humans even when caught
Capable of typical fairy magic such as disappearing when not observed directly, leading people astray, disembodied noises etc.
Sometimes depicted as grumpy cobblers (a slightly more recent interpretation)
Apart from a fun one-time encounter (which is the plot of most of their folktales) this doesn't immediately suggest particular urban fantasy possibilities to me. Unless you expand to answer questions like: why are there seemingly no leprechaun women or children and where do these leprechauns get their gold? Folklore is rarely concerned with logic or plot holes, so that's good fodder for literature. (Some folklorists do try to answer some of these questions, and question their sources of oral folklore on it, like McAnally in Irish Wonders, 1888).
Personally I think leprechauns fit best in an urban fantasy world that is populated with all sorts of fairies, making them one of many you can come across. They are probably more fun if they do not have to be expanded upon too much.
I am not fond of the modern depictions of leprechauns in bright green coats and buckled top hats with bright red beards, but the concept of hiding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is rather fun. I've never actually come across a folktale that has that detail, but just like werewolves and the full moon, leprechauns and rainbows just have a certain charm to it
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 29 days
Sometimes being lost
Is not knowing how to get from where we are
To where we want to be
Where we need to be
...Wait for me to come home...
These ideas just loop in my mind a lot, okay? Because the show has repeatedly made references to the Wizard of Oz.
And remember what Oz is?
It's actually a dreamland Dorothy is lost in.
The movie ends with Dorothy waking up, having fought off the fever dream. Realising, there's no place like home. Yes, she finds her way home.
Realises she always was there, home, and the journey back home... was just a dream she was lost in, a confusing dreamland she wasn't yet grown up enough to leave.
But she got there in the end because... There's no place like home.
So buddie, the way Ed Sheeran's photograph is their song... The way the words:
Wait for me to come home
play right before Eddie and Chris drop off for a visit, and Buck thinks about being lost, and Eddie leaves again?
And Eddie says "Thank you, for not giving up." The first time he leaves...
And yes, even now they are still lost in Oz. Eddie is on his way to woo her dead wife now. Like in the Sleeping Beauty. I know you, I met with you once upon a dream...
But it's alright. They'll wake up and get home in the end. Because they're firefighters and they never give up.
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Dorothy trying to find her way home from Oz.
"Follow the yellow brick road... Follow the yellow brick road."
(...arrives at a crossroads...)
"Now which way do we go?" She wonders, asking for directions of Toto, a dog, and Scarecrow, who is no help either.
But the Scarecrow is really quite similar to her because in the movie it's hinted that Dorothy's head is also full of straw, without a brain, and she doesn't know which path to take.
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Scarecrow: Pardon me, that way is a very nice way!
Scarecrow: It's pleasant down that way, too!
Dorothy: That's funny, wasn't he pointing the other way?
Scarecrow: Of course, people do go both ways!
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Yes, they are still lost in the land of Oz, but it's alright. They'll find their way home.
After all, sometimes you just aren't ready, sometimes you are lost in a confusing dream land and cannot even spot the scarecrow in a cornfield.
Some answers you need to find on your own, instead of just asking others...
What's the secret to happiness? Or...
Will you help me find the corn?
That's how you stop being the lost, helpless Dorothy in front of a corn field, and became the wise little Hen who figures it out, and knows where the corn is.
You don't find it, you make it ���� even if it takes some work, time, tools and patience!
So now Eddie has dropped off Chris at Buck's once again. They're still lost.
After Eddie was panicking:
Buck: Hey are you sleeping, or just pretending...
Eddie: You never give up, do you?
Also Eddie, leaving Chris at Buck's the first time:
Oh and thank you. For not giving up.
So is it too late for them? I think not. Because Eddie ends up thanking Buck for not giving up.
This is my buddie theme song. Because it's not too late. It's a long wait... but there's a treasure at the end of the rainbow.
Kwan - Late
It's really also about asking for someone to wait for you to come home. Like Dorothy did, in the end, find her way home, after spending so much time lost inside that fever dream. Bur she got to that treasure at the end of the rainbow: her home. Family.
Like buddie, this song is a love story about falling for someone who hides their real self, lies to themselves and others, who wears a mask. And even then the important things that matter shine through, and you can't help but fall. I recommend watching the video, I think it's really cool.
I know as a fact that the sun don't always shine
Gotta be optimistic, tomorrow it'll be fine
And it hurts, like the mother who is giving birth
To the child full of innocence for life he has thirst
But in vain, he's only gaining pain
Minute after minute and day after day
So who the fuck should he blame
One for the trouble and he struggles to release the pain
Now I can see that I've been blinded see through your heart
And all the little things that matter
Now I can see it all, and I'm asking you to wait
Maybe it's too late...
I know you´re talking shit behind my back incognito
And when I see you face to face you're lying like pinocchio
I don't care what you say 'cause I'm on top of the world see
People like you near me and I feel the conspiracy
Identify yourself to yourself and be honest
I suggest, take a look in the mirror it is a test
Best way to cope it is to cope it on your own
Take this advice and you won´t die alone
Maybe it's too late but now I can see it all
And I'm asking you to wait
asking you to wait of your life in this world
There's a treasure at the end of the rainbow
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nadia-zahra · 2 years
Unexpected Byler Proof
Netflix posted this for the upcoming Stranger Things Day
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They chose to put in a lot of key props/costumes/sets from through out the show because everything is supposedly going to get tied together s5. But I’m gonna point out the shit that hints byler endgame and it saving Hawkins s5
First piece of imagery: the rainbow over Hawkins
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Now obviously the rainbow is a gay symbol, but it’s also been seen numerous times around Mike/Will. Here's off the top of my head:
s2 Will’s rainbow rocket mentioned in shed scene
s2 Will’s snowball date is wearing a rainbow hair clip
s4 Mike standing in front of the Rainbow connection at Suzie's
s3 Max with rainbow sleeves sitting between Mike and Will
s2 Mike and Will stand in front of rainbow Apple sign in the AV club
s4 Will holding a rainbow rubber band ball when talking to Mike
Also, the lyrics from the never-ending story from s3 go along with this picture's byler saving Hawkins imagery.
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"Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds" = Will's secret about being gay, being in love with Mike, and the truth about the painting and his speech will be unveiled to Mike. Mike's secret about not being in love with El and instead with Will will be unveiled to Will and El. Their secrets unfolding will be the first step to defeating Vecna.
"And there upon a rainbow is the answer to the never-ending story" = once Will and Mike confess their secrets, they will become a couple and join together to defeat Vecna and save Hawkins from what feels like to them a never-ending nightmare. Hence, the netflix pic having a big rainbow over the word HAWKINS.
Let’s look at this rainbow over Hawkins a lil zoomed out
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The arcade sign, vecna’s clock, a hellfire shirt, and a tiger face within the hawkins highschool sign are in the immediate surroundings of the Hawkins rainbow. All these things correlate with byler saving Hawkins.
The Tiger correlates to Will-- in s4 he had multiple tiger objects in his room. He had a tiger figurine on his dresser, a tiger stuffed animal beside his bed, a tiger picture on his dresser, and another tiger picture behind his easel.
@aemiron-main made this post and @doriandrifting made this post that explains how arcades/games are byler coded. I’m not sure why this piece of byler evidence correlates to byler saving Hawkins, so if anyone wants to figure that out that’s be great!
Vecna’s clock being next to Hawkins just show that vecna is going to be the main threat s5, the person that byler is going to kill.
And let’s look at that Hellfire shirt
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It’s got a tentacle/vine going through it with lightening striking it to the right and a demogorgon behind it to the left. I think this Hellfire shirt is Mike’s because 1) he’s the first person shown in the series wearing it 2) unlike Dustin and Eddie who wore shirts and jackets to cover it, Mike wore it as a stand-alone piece. So, the vine going through Mike’s shirt could mean he does indeed get Vecna’s curse s5, and with the demogorgon and lightening surrounding the shirt, it could also mean he gets trapped into the Upside Down similar to Will s1. Maybe when Will and Mike to save Hawkins, they'll be fighting Vecna in the ud because of Will possibly going there to save Mike. From the show, there's proof of Will going to the ud to save Mike; in their last heart-to-heart st4, Will follows Mike to sit together on the upside-down couch.
Second piece of imagery: the dice
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Now there’s a couple of things to discuss with these dice but first and foremost I just need to get this out of the way: WE WERE RIGHT AB THE GAME FORESHADOWING S5!!!!!!!!! *throws fist in air victoriously*
Ok let’s get down to business. The 20 is what kills Vecna, not the 11 in the st5 foreshadow game. The fact that they included this dice roll in the pic means that it was important plot-wise. There're already clues from the show that tell us Byler = twenty (here's a link to a previous post I made ab that), but we're focusing on the new evidence this pic brings to the table. The things immediately surrounding the dice should indicate who the 20 is, and the things immediately surrounding the dice is Mike's sunglasses and Will's wizard hat. Something involving Vecna's is again seen next to byler imagery with his rose-door being the only other thing immediately next to the 20 dice. Again, it's hinting that byler is going to kill Vecna.
But let's look at how now Will's imagery is caught up in the vines and Mike's are free-floating. This alludes to Will being caught by Vecna during the battle and Mike having to be the one to save them by confessing his secrets. (EDIT: I should’ve clarified better, but I think this is Will getting trapped by Vecna during their final battle because of the rose door being right next to his trapped hat. When Max was trapped by Vecna in the UD that rose door was always there floating above them in the air.) I've already speculated that this is going to happen considering Mike's seen by Will as "the heart" of the party and has always been the one to save Will in the past (s1 Mike was nice to El which led to her helping them. In s2 he figured out the Mindflayer could spy on them + what he said to Will in the shed scene gave Will strength to tell them how to kill the Mindflayer), but it's nice to see another sign indicating what is to come.
I think that's all the byler saving Hawkins evidence within this pic, but I still think it's batshit crazy that there's any in it to begin with.
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edelweiss-coffee · 2 years
“there upon a rainbow is the answer to our never ending story” is that “how did i not notice it, it was right there” plot twist that the duffers were talking about.
they straight up said “gay love is the answer” in front of everyone’s faces. lmao
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Disney’s Figment in the Bingham house is Queer-coded and may indicate Creation Powers for Will!
I made a long post about this image recently—
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—and somehow forgot to include two very important details about it!! To quickly summarize a little bit, Figment is a purple dragon that is Disney’s Epcot park mascot and is meant to be the full embodiment of imagination and freedom + to not let thoughts remain thoughts and to bring them into reality. He appears in an attraction called Journey Into Imagination with Figment too (I used to work in Epcot, next door to this ride, and am very familiar with Figment), which is extremely important for the full analysis. This dragon is sitting below Suzie’s window, and the entire shot itself holds significance I believe connects to imagery from seasons 1 & 2 and may indicate specific foreshadowing for s5. I highly recommend reading about that here in my original post if you haven’t and are interested, because I can’t summarize everything without rewriting my original post (including thoughts on my theory that Mike will come up with the final solution to defeat Vecna, which is connected to my Rubikscubegate theory). The most significant thing to take from it is the importance of freeing your mind and letting no one control it (also freeing yourself from forces that want to control you).
What I can summarize is this: Figment’s queer-coding and possible creation powers for Will. Both of these details are covered in one image from Figment’s attraction, at the very end of the ride. Throughout the ride, Figment is trying to get a character named Dr. Nigel to understand his perspective in that imagination shouldn’t be captured and controlled but free instead. Because if you set your mind/imagination free, your way of thinking can be turned around for the better. By the end of the ride, Dr. Nigel understands Figment’s perspective and celebrates it. The ride goes dark, and then we get a burst of color:
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In my initial post, I talked a lot about what Figment’s character would clearly associate with for ST’s queer characters and the real queer people they represent. And how parts of the GA want to restrict and control the freedom to be different and think differently. What I didn’t remember to include is Figment’s association with rainbows. He’s been associated with rainbows ever since his character was created in 1983 (wow what a coincidence)!! In recent years as well, Figment is becoming more of a queer icon among fans for his non-conforming free thinking and ‘anything is possible’ mentality!
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Now, when the rainbow appears in Journey Into Imagination, Figment is singing about how dreams can spark from ‘me and you’ when imagination is set free! And you know where this rainbow is sprouting from??
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From a paint tube!!! And the tube says Figment Pigment; it’s insinuating creating from your imagination to bring thoughts into reality!!
In my original post, I mentioned Will could be multi-powered (like a wizard) and this could manifest in the form of creation abilities. Which would align with his artistry. He takes what his mind sees and puts it into reality.
And there’s Figment in Suzie’s room. And this character literally holds a paint tube that pours out a rainbow, encouraging the unrestrained power of free-thinking through song, and in s3 Dustin and Suzie sing the lyric “There upon a rainbow is the answer to our never ending story,” and back in s1 Will went missing but could’ve possibly bent the appearance of the UD with creation abilities (which happened to be in the same year Figment was created)…
We say on this tag all the time that gay love will save the world, and that’s entirely true because Figment’s presence makes that clear. He is against forced conformity and embodies freedom. He is a growing queer icon. He is sitting below Suzie’s window, where we see vibrant green outside. Will is the character we will circle completely back to in the final season. It’s his love for Mike, and in turn Mike’s love for Will, that will break the imprisoned web Henry has built and intends to keep building. And, I still believe, it’ll be Will (along with Mike because he is also a creator of words; it’s him and Will together) who ultimately opposes Henry’s standard of conformity with the power of free-thinking—his ability to create in opposition to the restriction Henry has forced.
Here’s my own Figment plush paired with the world-saving symbol💚
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dinoeggnog · 6 months
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Reach the stars, and fly a fantasy Dream a dream, and what you see will be Lives that keep their secrets, will unfold behind the clouds And there upon the rainbow is the answer to a Never Ending Story
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
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Anyways gay love is destined to save the world!
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thesunwhisperer · 2 years
I was rewatching s3 ep8, and in this episode we hear the line "rhymes that keep their secrets" from the Never-ending Story play thrice:
Once, when Dustin and Suzie are singing, and we see Will's reaction to it:
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Lucas and Max sing that line twice. The first time, we see Lucas hold a telephone between himself and Max. (We know that in season 4, Mike repeatedly calls Will but Will rarely picks up due to his mom needing to use the telephone most of the time for her telemarketer job.)
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And the last time we hear this line, it's when Will is walking with his DnD set with Max and Lucas singing it in the background.
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This is right before we see Will and Mike talking to each other, and Will promising to not replace Mike after moving away. (There's a blue phone behind Will in that scene by the way.)
Something else I find interesting is:
"Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never-ending story"
Which is probably a hint to Byler endgame
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aemiron-main · 2 years
“And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story”
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this fits with matthew modine replying to a question about the end of s5 with a link to the song “all you need is love,” which, as I’ve mentioned, is in the magical mystery tour album AND there’s a magical mystery tour movie vhs in the video store in s4
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And there’s a RAINBOW on this album cover- just like the song lyrics, in both examples, a RAINBOW is being tied to the ending of a story (“And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story” vs matthew modine linking a “all you need is love,” a song off of the magical mystery tour album which has a RAINBOW on it)
gay love is gonna save the world in s5 just wait you guys
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