#and they’re not facing the consequences of their actions
wannabanauthor · 24 hours
To the 9-1-1 fans who are worried about Gerrard becoming captain again of the 118, here’s some info from a government employee (not first responder but I’ve seen people retire and people transfer and have that all messed up due to a grievance or complaint):
All of them can petition to have Gerrard removed due to his past bigotry to 2 current members. He will be transferred elsewhere. If Tommy gets in on it and writes an affidavit detailing Gerrard being homophobic at the medal ceremony and Buck being his boyfriend, that could get him moved out of being Buck’s boss. Hen and Chimney could also have cases of not feeling comfortable with a racist supervisor due to past filed complaints. If they have evidence of his picture with the lady who sabotaged Mara’s adoption, they can claim retaliation for getting him ousted in the past. They can pretty much prevent him from coming back. I’ve seen it happen at the city and county levels.
Retirement is a lengthy-ish process before it goes into effect, so Bobby can reverse it. He can also be hired temporarily as a retiree who is still on the job because the vacancy can’t be filled. I’ve seen it happen in LA City, but I don’t know the technical term.
Fun fact: even supervisors have a probation period, unless they’re temporarily assigned to a post due to vacancy that can’t be filled right away. Gerrard burned too many bridges at the 118, so they could sabotage him easily and get him out of there. However, since he’s a supervisor and government employee, it could be lengthy, but if Bobby wants to return, the higher ups would just transfer Gerrard out rather than deal with endless complaints and potential lawsuit if Gerrard gets back to his old tricks.
Also, have you met government employees? We are some of the pettiest folk around, and we document everything when it comes to fellow employees we don’t like. It’d still take awhile, but Gerrard would be forced into being nice. Otherwise, he’d get hit with a lawsuit and grievance. Even if he’s not immediately removed from his post, he’d be suspended for some time and not able to work with the people who filed against him.
And finally, word spreads in government work. Bad supervisors/employees will end up with a reputation government agency-wide because people transfer/promote between departments and divisions, and locations often, and they talk. I guarantee that Gerrard has done bad things at other stations that have been documented, so there’s a history to go along with any future complaints the 118 will have.
Oh, one more last point, the 118 could pull a stunt similar to what happened in The Closer tv show. When the detectives heard their supervisor might face consequences for some of her actions, they all signed letters saying they would quit if anything happened to her. It rendered the complaints against their supervisor useless since an empty department looks worse than a few higher ups with grudges.
So worry not, the writers have many real life avenues to choose from to put into next season’s storyline to get rid of Gerrard.
Feel free to add more info about government employees in LA or correct me where I said something wrong.
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awesomecitys-blog · 2 days
Something I love about the Will of D users is that they canonically face death with a smile. They think they’re going to die or are dying, smiling all the way. And then there’s Blackbeard. Every time he’s on death door, he’s not smiling, he’s begging and crying and has a snot bubble coming from his noise. But it makes sense, because if you look at every other member of the D clan, they plan things on the fly and are stubborn as hell, which pisses off every one that wants them dead. You aren’t supposed to be smiling in the face of death, you’re supposed to be terrified and pissing your pants. And that’s why Blackbeard doesn’t smile when he thinks he’s going to die, because he is afraid of the consequences of his actions that pissed people off. Ace and Luffy jump headfirst into danger yelling “LEEERRROOOYYY JEEEENNNKKKIIINNNSSS!!!” the entire time, consequences be damned. Garp actively doesn’t do his job when his family is involved, and Roger should go without saying. Those four are out there and constantly causing trouble and bringing attention to themselves, that comes with the risk of death, so what? But Blackbeard is sneaky and under the radar, cause if he has to the face the music, he’s gonna die and his dream will fail, and he can’t have that. His actions piss people off, but they’re usually far enough away that it doesn’t matter. So every time someone shows up to take his head, Blackbeard screams and begs because he’s not ready for the big leagues, unlike every other Will of D member
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comehithercornking · 11 months
Color me fucking depressed about climate change
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hypertechnica · 5 months
for the electric dreams remake, all i care about is that edgar has the most obnoxious early 2000s internet aesthetic possible. i repeat, THE MOST OBNOXIOUS. 2 billion blinkies, terrible gradients, bad contrast, absolutely unreadable bullshit. if modern tech minimalism comes anywhere near that entire movie i’m going to throw up
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zeb-z · 6 months
Etoiles, bitter and resentful, still trying to be kind and still looking out for Bad, wondering where the justice is that he’s forgotten purgatory. Roier beyond angry, pissed, furious, breaking the stone of his basement and wondering just why everyone else seems to have forgotten purgatory. Red team with the only confirmed missing members, who grew to rely on eachother, now separated, while Bad, their biggest aggressor and source of trauma, gets to get off like nothing happened. Gets to walk around with his son. Gets to visit them all and start casual conversation as if purgatory never happened. But it did, and he can’t, not with Roier. Who tries to shoo Bad away, encourages him to drink lava. Not with Etoiles, who while he’s patient and seemingly gentle, keeps constantly reminding him about his actions in purgatory. Maybe with Phil, who’s tried since the beginning to be the one above it all, the bloodshed and the fallout.
I dunno. something about how Cellbit and Foolish haven’t returned, and Roier is taking care of another kid, and Baghera is gone and Etoiles just has to carry on with his duties in the resistance, and Max is dead and the island doesn’t even know, and their kids are all in a coma except for Dapper, who sticks with his father, and the rest of blue team don’t seem to be stuck with the anger and misery, don’t seem to remember purgatory like they do. red team won, and they’re the ones who lost the most. red team won, and they’re the ones who cannot move on, who will not move on, as much as the island wants them to. something about trauma, and the rage that comes with the aftermath, when people try to return to normal, because how can you act like nothing happened when we’re still without our family, our loved ones, how dare you act like nothing happened when it did happen, and we’re still suffering for it?
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msfcatlover · 11 months
Red Hood Steph seeing the red, mottled scar on Jason’s upper thigh for the first time (quick-change to civilian clothes? Emergency medical procedure and Steph was the only one available? Shared decontamination shower? No idea.) and letting out a low whistle. “Damn, that’s a nasty one. Where’d you get that?”
Jason goes bright red, then white, then settles into anger. He may or may not rant at her, but whether he does or if he cuts right to the point, it ends with: “If you must know, some psychopath stuck a knife in my femoral artery, and my best friend had to cauterize it to stop my bleeding out!”
Steph goes quiet. She looks away. “Sorry.”  (It’s unclear what, exactly, she’s apologizing for.)
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theothermaidoftarth · 7 months
Baela and the Myth of the Child Fighting Pits
Not sure why I keep seeing from green-leaning accounts that in Fire and Blood, Baela visited the child fighting pits. But this is what F&B says about Baela post-Dance:
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Nothing about child fighting pits. In fact this is what shows up when I search ‘pits’ in Fire and Blood:
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The definition of a rat pit according to awoiaf:
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Not the best of places, I’m not going to defend it but there’s nothing about children there (also lower down it’s stated Mushroom said these are the places Aegon II would frequent, which the show turned into child fighting pits).
Also saw it said on here that Baela celebrated Jaehaerys’ murder… Her reaction was not recorded.
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Baela is many things and she is not perfect but what I’m seeing is just not accurate. And that’s not even getting into what I’ve seen on Reddit where they say she wasn’t faithful to Jace before his death and was kissing squires while he was in Winterfell. (Narrator: she wasn’t.)
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saintlesbian · 6 months
as for the rest of the ep…
Chalynn truthers we won. we fucking won 🍾🍾🍾
Lois trying to talk Ned into making peace w/ Michael and Drew sounds REAL funny knowing that drew and Michael r still planning on pushing him out of ELQ again. fuck those two forever actually, y’all can make peace in hell
speaking of drewfus, I wish I could be glad he’s leaving but it’s not for very long and crew is gonna be annoying abt it I’m sure. this version of drew is such a shell of himself that anytime hes brought up I just feel disgusted 😖
I’m getting tired of Sonny bringing up Carly when talking to nina it just feels WEIRD… I really don’t wanna see a Carson reunion but it’s starting to feel like the pikeman/cyrus bs might end up being the catalyst for one… sonaritas should we be worried. 😟
also Tolly agreeing to use krissy as the surrogate… wasn’t there literally a whole argument against doing this months back that resulted in tolly icing krissy out for several weeks…? once again I must assert this whole surrogate storyline is a load of barnacles
#pentababbles#general hospital#I’m happy abt the proposal :) but I also feel like they kinda did this so they could be married b4 Gregory croaks#still! taking my wins where I can! their scenes today were sweet and I liked it 👍#i know ned has beef w/ nina over the SEC thing but. once he finds out Michael knew and STILL tried to push him out of ELQ#nina should be the least of his worries. since let’s face it drew earned that prison sentence 😅 and it’s not a crime to report a crime!#the bensons r just mad they had to face even the mildest of consequences for their actions tbh#drew goin to Australia tho like. take joss and Carly w/ u I don’t wanna see them again either#have joss spend time w/ her Aussie father or something I just can’t take her anymore#also the fact that he’s leaving for Christmas so Michael doesn’t have to… bro I hate him so much#bro you just got out of PRISON how about you spend time with your DAUGHTER that you PROMISED to be there for you ASSHOLE#and with drew going away… PLEASE I don’t want a Carson retread please please please#like I find crew annoying and meaningless but at least they’re over in their own corner. but I was actually starting to like Sonny#a Carson retread is just gonna make him suck again 😞#cannot stand the surrogate storyline and tolly is nothing to me anymore but w/e I can deal with it.#however if they really are setting up the surrogate arc to be an angst backdrop for kraze… burned-lariat go get them royalty checks I stg 🤣#but yea that’s my thoughts! story feels discombobulated as ever but we soldier on iguess
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Can I have 1, 8, and 9 for your sidesteps? 👀
(Or whichever one you want if you don’t want to do all of them lol)
Thank you for the ask!! Kinda got a little long with this one, sorry about that!
1. what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Erin Becker: Erin was a name they just picked up off a gas station cashier during their first escape, and they saw a tow truck named “Becker & Sons Towing Co.” They aren’t big on nicknames, Chen has called them ‘Becker’ for a long time, because they were convinced using their first name physically pained him lol.
Ace Mitchell: His name actually came from a Farm scientist. One of his early memories is hearing his trainer going ‘this one is our ace’, and he latched onto the word. Any of his nicknames were terrible ones from Ric relating to playing cards.
Vallen Carter: They stole the name, actually. The entire thing lmao. It was a political target, one of her first targets with her trainer. The guy was a prick, but they liked the name enough to remember it. Julia has called her Val since they first unmasked, and they liked that. Liked that it was Julia specifically. Sentinel called her oddball from time to time, they didn’t mind that either.
8. are they more calculating or more sincere in their interactions with others?
Erin likes to think they come across distant and calculating, but they’re so sincere with everything they do it’s almost painful lmao. Could there have been a calculating , intentional angle for training Danny, and helping the Rangers? Sure. Did they actually do it solely because they felt bad and wanted to help? Yes
Ace is calculating purely in the sense that he approaches every interaction like it’s going to lead to a fight. He barrels into everything, but he WILL make sure he gets the upper hand. (Then he meets Daniel ‘ray of sunshine’ Sullivan and his whole perspective was thrown off).
Vallen has the opposite issue of Erin: everybody thinks they’re calculating in everything they do because of her overall…presence. But they genuinely don’t think that far in advance to be calculating lmao.
9. How honest are they?
Something needs to tell Erin to lie more!! Every chance they’ve gotten, they’ve admitted some secret to Ortega. They’re terrible at lying because of their self-destructive tendencies.
Ace does what he has to to make sure people like him, at least enough to be an ally when shit hits the fan. Danny is the one of the first people since Ric to make him act genuine though (for better or worse lol).
Vallen just lies and hides things out of second nature. The one time they try to be honest about her connection to the puppet with Dr. Mortum, it doesn’t go well
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
“It’s like you kicked a big hole in the side of my life.” things even would say if they met the doctor After-
#askfjglsjkf its. coalescing. im putting the pieces together of where their story goes.#and one solid piece is that. the doctor is their best friend in the whole wide world. and they kind of hate him for that.#because without him. what would they know about friends. or the universe beyond their ship.#he blew a hole in their life and gave them the best gift anyone possibly could and. if they could look at the whole of their life.#if they could see all of it at once. they would be happier that he did. despite everything.#but people can’t do that. they’re fresh out of the worst experience anyone could have. and they never would have been in that situation if#not for him. (and worse - might never have been freed again. if not for him. it stings to be saved twice when you’re regretting the first#time.)#and so they blame him for it. (it was their own fault. their own choice to run rather than face the consequences of their actions - however#well-intentioned.) (but at the same time. where’d they pick that skill up from huh?)#and they hate him for it too. a little. a lot. it varies.#and they still have the watch. the one they can never return to its rightful owner anymore. and they still have the beads of their#friendship bracelet - the bracelet itself long since broken. it was. after all. authentically cheap.#and he was their best friend. and they love him. and they hate him. and it probably doesn’t help that they’ve spent the past however long#being influenced by someone who had an investment in fucking up their remaining attachment to the doctor.#god i wish this show would stop making me ramble about my silly oc just because i hears a single line aksjfkjfls#or not. never stop doctor who my beloved.#dw oc#dw#dw lb#dw 8x07
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emeralddss · 5 months
I’ve got plenty of time to study for this exam and other lies I feed myself that will lead to my ultimate demise
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littlelight-one · 2 years
watching elon musk flounder right before our very eyes is so damn delicious
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dickfuckk · 2 years
Jskxjshs I agree so much! I've been saying that Stede was always going to run.
It's his nature. Which is why sequences are going to be so important this next season!
We have never really been shown Steve having consequences for his actions. And yes he had a traumatic childhood but that doesn't mean it's a pass for him hurting other people even on accident.
Like even when he returned home he doesn't really face actual consequences in fact he gets to have a sleepover with his wife and things get brushed under the rug immediately because it was just better for both of them in the long run.
I cannot say enough that that is not what I want to happen between him and Ed.
He's going to need to face that he hurt him so their relationship is equal and non-toxic.
Yes!! And his actions didn’t just hurt Ed (and himself tbh) it kind of hurt the crew too… obviously Stede shouldn’t take all of the blame but i am very much looking forward to Stede having to deal with Actual Consequences
I just can’t stop thinking about Stede being a lighthouse and Ed crashing up on the rocks, but then that very last scene Stede seems like he’s finally going to be the guidance??
That’s the energy i want. I want him to own up to his past mistakes and not be scared to apologize. Stede doesn’t open up a lot but when he wants to he can actually be pretty mature about it. “Ed’s past is Ed’s business” “I don’t belong here - don’t be sorry Doug is actually wonderful”
If Stede wants to (and i can’t imagine he wouldn’t) then I actually fully trust him to give a proper and good apology… It’s just whether or not Ed wants to hear it/accept it
And it could also be interesting to see how Stede would deal with it if Ed just. Doesn’t accept that apology
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zeb-z · 9 months
Cellbit from QSMP and Andor from Star Wars occupy neighboring spaces in my brain, does this make sense. Proficient liars, somehow more perceptive than they let on despite being obviously clever and intelligent, paranoid and twitchy as fuck, damn good spies, prone to experiencing stretches of time where the entire universe is just so intent on fucking them over (if they’re not doing that well enough themselves already), somehow both ridiculously kindhearted and an unrepentant asshole at the same time.
Just self destructive paranoid bastards who are far too clever for their own good, yknow.
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sttoru · 13 days
hi!! could you write smut of sukuna w/ corruption kink x clingy reader? i need to see more of them 🤭🤭
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 𝝑𝑒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. true form!sukuna x concubine! female reader. smut, pwp. corruption kink. reader is described as clingy cute / innocent. voyeurism?// exhibitionism. double pénetràtion. cowgirl. cream pies. nicknames ‘slut, brat, woman’. combined 2 requests :3
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it’s honestly your own fault. you’ve been sticking around sukuna the entire day, clinging onto him like he won’t let you experience the consequences of your own actions.
“eyes on me, brat,” sukuna scoffs, thumb and index roughly turning your chin back. he needs to see your face as he embarrasses you in front of the guests and other concubines standing around the throne.
you’re supposed to feel regret, yet you’re drowning in a state of pure lust. it’s the thrill that keeps your hips going, the ache in them temporarily ignored as you search for that grande moment of euphoria.
you can’t care less about the humans at the bottom of the stairs. they’re grovelling in fear of the king of curses, knowing their heads can fly off if they dare to look up at you two.
it’s a sign of disrespect—a sign that the king of curses can’t care less about what those lowlifes have come to see him for. sukuna’s doing so on purpose, using your clinginess to his advantage.
“hah, what a total slut of a concubine,” sukuna scoffs, leaning his head against one of his hands, elbow propped onto the armrest. this is a punishment for you, though it certainly does not feel like that. even if all attendants in the room can hear you fucking yourself silly on sukuna’s dicks.
you and those sloppy sounds of your two bodies connecting.
you try to hold back your moans, but a rough yank to your hair instantly opens your mouth again. your eyes roll back and your voice spews out. “mhh, my lord—‘s too much,” you whimper, however your body doesn’t stop bouncing on his cocks. sukuna responds by squeezing your middle while he watches his lengths being swallowed by your cunt and ass.
it’s funny how you’ve been reduced to a mess—a toy he can command to do whatever he pleases. your clinginess secretly pleases him, because it reassures him that you’ll do what’s asked of you. sukuna grins lazily, letting you work for it, “too much? tsk. weren’t you the one begging f’ my attention, brat?”
he does have a point. you nod mindlessly whilst his cocks drill into you—leaving no hole empty. your eyes dart to both sides of the throne, where two concubines are situated. you can see them tremble in embarrassment and envy.
sukuna’s showing you off to everyone and they don’t like it; none of the concubines do. they hate the fact that he chose you to show off to everyone else in the room. like you’re the only trophy he’s proud of.
the guests don’t dare to speak either. nor does uraume, who’s politely looking the other way as their master ravages his favorite little concubine. they’re used to his acts of exercising his power.
sukuna keeps a firm grip on your hair, threatening to pull your head back each time you dare look around you. “you have no shame. absolutely zero,” the king of curses says condescendingly. as if the humiliation of being watched isn’t enough, sukuna’s words add to the embarrassment you’re feeling, “cock hungry slut can’t go a minute without being filled, hm?”
your whimpers get louder and your pace grows faster. his fat tips hit your deepest parts over and over again, the stretch threatening to split you in half. you’re too turned on to care. the way sukuna’s staring at you with that menacing glare—his sharp nails digging into your skin so painfully . . . you need it all.
“this ‘s why you’ve been following me ‘round all day long,” sukuna grunts—one hand coming up to free your breasts from the confines of your robes, “y’ just needed to be dicked down.” the flicks against your stiff nipples make you tighten up around his cocks again and again.
you’re nearly screaming because of everything your senses are picking up on. your half lidded eyes catch a glimpse of sukuna’s cocky facial expression and you’re almost pushed over the edge. he’s so smug—knowing he has you in the palm of his hand.
his eyes are luring you in. there’s a hint of something so primal in there - a beast impatiently waiting to be unleashed - one that sukuna is trying his best to suppress.
“aren’t you just cute. . .” sukuna mocks with a dangerous chuckle. his thumb rubs your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth for you to suckle on.
“kehehe, isn’t that what those servants call you? cute.. innocent.. adorable,” he continues, faintly groaning at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his thumb. sukuna cocks his head to the right and your eyes follow. that’s where you spot your maids and lady-in-waiting in a corner.
you feel tears well up in your eyes from both pleasure and humiliation. everyone is seeing and hearing you being claimed by the monster of a curse you’re riding. your maids have always adored your innocence—how you don’t seem to be tainted by sukuna’s advances no matter what. it’s a first to them.
it has been a rumor around the estate for so long; you being the only concubine who can withstand sukuna’s wicked influence. you always seem to stay yourself, your cheery and sweet personality never changing. you’ve been known as the innocent one among all other concubines.
yet here those same maids are, watching your brain being corrupted by sin. you’re so sinfully enjoying how sukuna’s cocks are penetrating you. “n-no, am—fnghh—don’t wanna,” you stammer, speaking to no one in particular. your inner desires clash with your rational mind and your body seems to continue its erotic act.
“don’t you fight it, woman,” sukuna brings your attention back by thrusting his cocks all the way up inside you, balls slapping harshly against your ass. he’s proud with his accomplishments. you’re slowly but surely being tainted by him and it’s so pleasing.
soon enough, that damned innocence of yours is going to disappear. he’s going to turn you into a total slut driven by lust, for him and only him. he’s going to ruin you and your body until all you can think of is the pleasure he can give you.
your nails dig into sukuna’s shoulders. you moan loudly, losing the battle, as expected. the king of curses just knows how to make you give in. he takes great pleasure in seeing you lose yourself, with everyone watching how he strips you from that innocence.
“stupid, nasty fuckin’ thing,” sukuna grunts as the lower pair of his arms hold you by your hips. he halts your movements before starting his own. “y’re mine, ya hear?” he pounds up into you—making you mewl. a chant of his name leaves your lips. you simply cannot stop yourself.
“yes, ‘m yours, my lord!” you moan for everyone to hear. the pink-haired man grins in satisfaction and quickly plunges his cocks in and out of your holes, needing to release himself so he could fully claim you as his in front of the rest.
his dirty cumslut, his tainted and brainless doll.
sukuna wraps all four arms around you, leaving no room for escape. he presses you against him until you’re struggling to breathe. your head is pushed against his shoulder and your insides are being turned into mush. the gooey fluids drip down onto the throne and down the floor.
“fuck. not a drop goes to waste or i’m fuckin’ ya again,” sukuna warns before shooting loads of cum into your womb and up your ass. both your holes are stuffed full of white, sticky semen mixed with your own release. you desperately clench around nothing once sukuna pulls you off his dicks.
you try to reach your hands out towards him as he manoeuvres your body away once he’s finished. the king of curses pins your wrists at your back so he can turn you around on his thighs, forcefully spreading your legs like a trophy he’s showing off on his throne.
one arm wraps around your waist and his chin rests on your right shoulder. sukuna keeps you on his lap and continues to act like he didn’t just completely wreck your insides.
while you’re left in the intense moment, he seems to have moved on already.
“speak,” sukuna orders the humans who’ve witnessed the whole ordeal. their foreheads are stuck on the floor—none of them daring to look up at the sight, like everyone else.
you’re panting and your head is spinning. you’re totally spent. sukuna holds your limp body up on his lap as one hand is busy scooping the excess cum back into your pussy, not wasting a drop like said before.
one of the villagers finally speaks up, stating the reason for their visit to the estate. their voice is muffled due to a loud buzzing in your ear. you’re tired and can’t focus on what’s said either. you just want to sleep. . . in sukuna’s warm embrace, filled and half-naked, for the entire room to see as they continue discussing business as if you’re not even there.
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the-trans-advice-blog · 3 months
If you are a person who hates men because they are men not only are you inherently alienating anyone queer person who identifies as a man but you are failing to hold the actual horrible men accountable for their actions.
Being a creep, a predator, a pervert, etc. is not inherent to being a man and thinking/saying that removes any sense of responsibility from the actual disgusting men who exist.
Call out the individuals so they can face the consequences of their actions, don’t just shrug it off as “well that’s how men are because they’re all terrible”. “
All men are evil” is just a round about way of saying “boys will be boys” and although both statements have different intentions they remove all accountability from those who deserve it.
And do not ever expect any trans man to change themself because you associate masculinity and manliness with being a predator. Love your trans brothers and embrace them as men or you don’t have the right to call yourself queer.
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