#and they're gonna give us a slow dance too!?!?!?!?!?!?
galecstatic · 10 months
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Chapter 10 of Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
Choose a number 1-30 and read a sentence for you in time of needs. You can ofc read them all.
1- You're braver than you think. You can get through this too. Just take a breath and then start again. Do not give up.
2- You're not alone even if at times it feels so. Don't worry about being a burden or annoying others: ask for help, talk about your needs and feelings. You don't have to deal with all that by yourself. Keep asking even after being rejected. Someone will answer you.
3- Look inside and see your real worth. No one else can compare to you. You're you, and you're enough and deserving already as you are. Don't let others' harsh judgement make you think otherwise.
4- Life is made of light and dark and so are you. Find your balance again among the two and keep going. It'll be fine, no feeling is going to last forever.
5- Things look scarier and rockier cause they're changing (you're changing too). It's okay to feel uncomfortable and a bit loss or overwhelmed: give yourself time until you find a new balance in your new reality. It won't be bad, I promise.
6- Go slow, take your time. Nothing and nobody is rushing behind you. It's okay to take breaks, it's okay if you're taking a bit more time than you thought in doing something. Focus on the journey not on how much time you're using or thinking you're wasting. You're not wasting time when you use it for yourself. But worrying will make you lose a part of it and hurt you even more.
7- Try to believe that things can change. Be open to them, even if you cannot control this process and see how it is gonna be, chances are it will be great. Trust yourself too (not your fears though, separate from them).
8- You're on the road of success, whether you see it or not. Keep learning, keep welcoming (your feelings in particular): the more grounded and stable you will be able to be, the more opportunities you'll be able to see and make yours.
9- Always be kind and compassionate with yourself: the mistakes you made today won't ever be the mistakes of tomorrow. Making mistakes is a way of learning, not a confirmation of you not being enough. Nobody ever has made no mistakes while trying or becoming better at something. Be patient and give yourself another chance (and even more).
10- Remember the last decision in your life is always up to you: you're the protagonist of your life, don't let it pass you by. Even if at the moment you cannot see a way out, it will come to you. Keep staying hopeful. Keep focusing on what you can actually control, be it even just your feelings.
11- You're not responsible for anyone's feelings or emotions. Remember you cannot control how they react to you or anything really, and you don't have to necessarily make everything better for others. Respect yourself too.
12- Be confident in your abilities and knowledge. Do not second guess yourself cause you were somehow taught you're not good enough: you are. And you can be wrong here and there too and it won't change your worth ever. Trust yourself whether you're right or wrong and soon you'll be just right.
13- Remember that as you give, you also need to receive from others as much. Stay open to that. You don't have to just empty yourself in order to get crumbles or the bear minimum: that's not what healthy relationships are about.
14- Set your boundaries and stand up for yourself. You're not being selfish for this, as you're not imposing on or taking advantages of others. You're just putting yourself on the same page as them, you need as much respect and love as them.
15- Take care of you: stay hydrated, make your bed, take a shower, go for a walk, enjoy a nice book or video or movie, sing, dance, paint... prepare yourself a nice cup of tea and treat yourself with a little gift here and there. You deserve all this, especially when things get rocky and too much to bear with. Celebrate your little successes too.
16- Surround yourself with the right people for you. If you cannot get away from some negative people, try at least to build boundaries and find other people with whom you can share nice moments of peace and growth, and that can get your feelings too. It's important to communicate with people that can understand us.
17- If you feel alone, try to go out and go visit place where you may find like-minded people. Join a volunteering association, go to a movie teather, a park or a library, or start a course of something you're passionate about. Sometimes we need to be the one creating opportunities to ourselves instead of waiting for others to approach us first.
18- It's okay to feel lost while trying to figure out what to do or where to go. Take a breath when this happens and focus on just doing things you like. The more you'll get to know yourself and work on something you enjoy, the faster you'll get to understand more about the next steps to take. Ask to someone trusted for their advice as well: many times people around us can see us better than what we do. Just remember that not everyone can really do that anyway so trust yourself first.
19- You don't have to work on your fears anytime you get triggered or feel overwhelmed. Take a break, focus on something else and come back to it another day. Taking breaks is part of the healing process as much as working with your shadows and triggers, so take time to enjoy your present life away from that too.
20- Help yourself liberating from the excess of energy, caused by anxiety and overthinking, that you may have stored in your body. Move your body: walk, dance, do yoga or any little light exercise (as much as you body allows). Go back to yourself, get in touch with your body and release what is not serving you anymore.
21- Journaling can help you wording and throwing out your confused thoughts, in order to clear them from the inside. You don't have to write them reasonably, this will come later: just focus on freeing yourself first and foremost. At times we just need to pour emotions/events out to process them.
22- Trauma may have caused you to detach from yourself, so take time know yourself again. Know your values and what you can compromise on and why. List things you like and dislike, what you think are your strengths and what may be your flaws (be objective here, don't let others or your wounds decide for you) and so on... you make the rules. Making lists of pros and cons for something may also be useful.
23- As we never stop learning, we never stop making mistakes and growing. Share everything you got around you, keep welcoming and understanding yourself and the world around you. Keep spreading your talents: yes you do have talents, and no they're not negative ones. Allow yourself to try anything you want: who cares if others do it too? They are not doing it better than you, they're doing it differently. See yourself where you can get just by trying with no pressure.
24- You can also try something new and different from what you're used: getting out of your comfort zone can be very inspiring both for your creativity, your mind and your life in general (and in knowing yourself). Share your finds, share your passions. Don't be shy.
25- Having being judged so harshly during your life has probably made you more insecure and willing to close off from the world: please try and allow yourself to see that even if it hurt you so much, it wasn't on you. You weren't the real object of those judgement. It is always all in the head of the person judging, it's never on the object. Be nicer with you, you're worth much more than that.
26- What is really stopping you from trying what you have in mind? Fear of making or not making? Either way, take your fear by the hand and take it to see how is it gonna be for real. Our minds want to keep us safe and try to make things look worse than they actually are just cause they want to keep us in a known zone. But what if that's not where we're supposed to stay? Or where we want to stay?
27- Don't fear: you won't be let down forever nor you won't be alone forever. Your people are coming, try to get ready to meet them and let them in. You're not made for everyone and, if your past has been tough, you may fear not being good enough for the relationship (any type) of your dreams, but you are. And you'll have the chance to build it the moment you'll be ready for it.
28- You may not trust others much out of past hurt, but the fact is that it's never your fault what others do with your trust. You don't have to feel guilty or any less cause you trusted the wrong people. It wasn't your fault.
29- Take your time when you need to bring yourself closure about an event or a relationship. Go slow and try to welcome and nurture each of your emotions and feelings, of whatever type they may be. Ask for support, talk about how you really feel, write, and slowly go back to your passion. Act according on what you feel like doing. Do not make sudden decisions and also, take time to grieve and cry. Grieving is complex, you'll experience ups and downs: it's okay, give yourself time and space to deal with all that at your own pace and conditions.
30- Healing is not about not being triggered anymore and feeling like nothing can scare you: healing is about learning how to recognize your triggers before they hurt you and taking action so that these emotions won't overcome you as they did. It's about learning to not let your fears decide your actions, but taking actions even if not knowing the results feels really uncomfortable and scary. It's about learning to be in discomfort and not letting this ruin your whole life.
I hope these short texts can help you in your journey. I hope you take care of your whole being even if you don't really love yourself. I hope you can see yourself as someone you may end up liking after chatting a bit or as someone in need and that you may want to support. Start with that. And be open to see your good sides too, cause you have plenty even on your darkest days (they never disappear).
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yukichosodrink · 7 days
What pleasure is
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Pairings: Daddy's friend!Toji x reader
C/W: jealous toji, reader is a kinda a brat?, rich reader, car sex, older toji, reader is aged up ofc, public sex, marking?? riding, multiple orgasms, cryin, cig burning
A/N: guys its been so so long since i wrote but i honestly dont have any ideas PLS PLS give me some ideas pls drop some ideas.
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You've gotten used to seeing Toji, your daddy's friend everyday. He was visiting during the summer. His muscular figure sprawled out on the couch, watching TV giving you casual greetings and pet names. You've grown to like those fleeting glances he gave you, knowing well that you were doing the same.
You made my way over to your daddy, who was dressed in his sweatpants, lazily sitting on the couch watching TV with Toji. "Daddy." You said carefully, sitting down.
"Honey." your dad smiles, ruffling your hair. "How are you?" he asked, his green eyes on the tv.
Toji glances over at you for a moment, before he continues to watch the tv, a cigarette behind his lips. "There's this..party tonight and all my friends are going." You started.
"What kind of party?" your daddy furrowed his brows. Toji was silent, watching the tv as he took one long, slow drag of the cigarette between his lips, before exhaling, letting the smoke out.
"Uhm, you know average college parties? I was thinking if I could go too-" You said hoping to convince him but he cut you off.
Your dad's gaze was firm. "Absolutely not." he said with a scoff. "No way in hell." Toji's gaze remains the same, his eyes still glued to the tv. "Why not? I'm an adult- Toji say something" You said looking over at Toji helplessly, hoping he would help you out.
Toji's gaze flicks to you when he hears you say 'say something', and he gives a faint smirk and a chuckle, before shaking his head.
"He's right, doll." Toji says gently, his smirk still on his lips as his eyes go back to the tv. "You're not going, and that's final."
"Why not?" you whined looking at daddy.
Your dad glared at you. "You're too young for drinking, and there's gonna be drugs, and alcohol, and men." he scowled, shaking his head. "They're gonna take advantage of a girl who's so easy to handle like you."
Toji let out a chuckle from the side, putting the cigarette between his lips. You groan and make your way upstairs, mentally deciding that if they won't let you go, you would sneak out. You go upstairs, and your dad's eyes follow you around before he let out a deep exhale, running his hand through his hair. Toji glanced back at you as you walked upstairs, before looking back at the tv, exhaling another long drag of his cig.
At 10 pm, you sneaked out in your mini black dress through the window, sitting in your friend's car while they all cheered and hooted, expressing their excitement and blasting songs in the car. As soon as you reach, Your friends grabbed you and they all went to the dance floor, dancing to the music.
The lights were dimmed in the building, the music was blaring, and people were either chatting and dancing or drinking with each other. A male friend of yours grasped both of your hands into his, moving his hands up to your hips to grasp them. He grinned down at you, the drinks kicking in as he looked down at you, spinning you infront of him.
Your other friends were giggling and clapping, smiling. The song changed into a slow, sensual song, and your friend took that as an opportunity to hold you close, his hands on your hips as he moved his hips to the music. His mouth pressed against yours as he kissed into your mouth, his body pressing up against you. One hand remained on your hip, while his other had rested on the small of your back, keeping you close.
"I-I think we should stop.." You slurred out, trying to free yourself from his grasp.
"But we only just started." he grinned, and he tried to close the gap between your lips and his again. But before it was even possible, you felt a cold, strong, firm hand grasp the back of.
"I think she said back off." Toji's voice was heard behind you, and the sound of it sent chills down your own spine as your eyes widened. "T-Toji?" you said turning back face to face with the man.
Toji's cold gaze was cold as ice as he stared down at your friend, his gaze burning into your friend's eyes. Your friend gulps as he stares up at Toji, his face pale, and he slowly takes a step back from you as he stares at Toji.
"How did you- how did you find out?" you said as soon as your friend was gone, a wave of fear rushing in your body.
"You thought you could fool me, doll?" Toji's eyes flicked back and forth, his gaze burning into yours. "I noticed you sneaking out of the house. You think I'm that stupid that I wouldn't have noticed that?"
Toji grasped your wrist, dragging you out of the party and towards his car as he pushed you into the passenger seat, shutting the car door. As he got into the driver's side, he slammed the car door and put the car in drive, before driving off into the night. He drove without a word, his knuckles white from how tight he was gripping the steering wheel.
"What were you thinking, doll?" Toji's voice was rough and stern, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, his jaw tightening as he spoke.
The car came to a stop at a red light, and Toji glanced over at you for a moment. "Going to a party by yourself in that tiny dress, what did you expect to happen?"
You looked down in your lap. "i didn't knew he would- i mean.." you said, your lips swollen from all the kissing.
Toji grit his teeth at the sight of your lips, before he looked forward again as the light turned green, and he continued to drive.
"Of course he would. Every man would." he said, his voice growing more and more cold and rough with each word he spoke. "You think those college boys would know how to treat you the right way?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "They won't even know how to make you finish."
you looked down at your lap, a bit ashamed because you knew that was right, they didn't know how to please a woman, all they care about is finishing themselves.
Toji's eyes flicked to yours again for a moment, noting the blush on your cheeks, before he continued to speak. "They won't know how to hold you, or how to kiss you, or how to touch you." he shook his head, scoffing again.
"And you do? you know how to please a woman?" You said testing your luck, the alcohol must make you really brave to say such a thing.
Toji's eyes darkened slightly at your words, and a smirk slowly formed on his lips as he glanced to you. "Oh, I know how to drive a woman wild, doll." His tone was suggestive and rough, as if daring you to challenge him.
"oh really?" you said, your voice coming out more seductive than you meant for it to be.
A suggestive chuckle escaped his lips as he glanced at you, his smirk widening. "Doll, the things I'd do to you would make you scream my name over and over again, until your voice gives out."
"prove it then."
A cocky, teasing smirk tugged at Toji's lips as he let out a chuckle in response to your challenge. He turns the car sharply, stopping it in an empty parking lot.
"Oh, doll. You want a preview?" he raised his eyebrow, before glancing over at your legs. "Unbuckle your seat belt."
You hesitated looking around "i-in public?" you didn't know Toji was serious, after all you were joking.
His words were firm and commanding as he spoke, his eyes flicking to yours and giving you a firm stare.
"I said, unbuckle your seatbelt." he repeated himself, his voice going a little rougher this time. Your heart beat a little faster in your chest in response to his commanding tone, and you found yourself hesitating for a moment. But when you looked into his eyes, you saw the dark desire in them as he spoke, and something about it made you feel almost compelled to listen to him.
Slowly, you reached down to unbuckle your seat belt, your breath hitching in your throat as you did so. "Good girl." he grinned, his words sending a shiver through your spine. "Lean your seat back." he commanded, his voice rough and firm as he gave the order.
"Look at you, waiting for your next Command like a good girl." he smirked as he spoke, his eyes darkening as he glanced over at you. "You're such a good girl, aren't you, doll?"
His fingers reached your thigh, slowing crawling up to your underwear, he touched the lacy material chuckling to himself,"Is that a thong?"
You looked away in embarrassment as you heard him chuckling darkly. "If you were that desperate, you could've just came to me, you know?" With one swift motion, he took off your thong, throwing it in the backseat of the car.
"Now, let me show you what pleasure is." He said as he dived his face right into your cunt, biting into your thigh, hard enough to draw blood. His tongue starts working at your clit, lapping up the juices. You cried out, your hands on his hair pulling at the locks.
"Tooooji" You cried out, tears forming in your eyes. His both gripped your thighs, nails digging into the flesh as he devoured your pussy. He looked up at you, making eye contact his eyes lidded with lust and passion. His hands reached for his pockets, and he pulled out his pack of cigarettes, pulling out on cig.
His hands reached for the lighter, kept in his car lighting the cigarette, and he took a puff, blowing the smoke into the car.
"W-what are you doing?" you said, leaning up watching him draw the burnt cigarette closer to your pussy.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Toji coos as he looks at you, while smirking. "'m gonna mark this pussy, make it mine." He said, putting the half burnt cig on your skin, the contact making you flinch at first, rolling back your eyes.
"There." Toji coos,"You're mine now, doll." He slaps your thigh harshly, leaving a red mark.
"Ride me like a good girl now, hm?" He said as he positioned you on his lap, pulling down his pants, his huge, no. giant cock, leaking red red with precum leaking out of the tip.
"I-It's too big- I don't think it will fit-" you cried out, seeing his cock. He chuckles mockingly,"Aw, what's wrong, doll? Never seen a cock this big? Them college boys don't have it?"
"You're gonna make it fit." He said, sliding you down on his cock as your cried out lewdly, moaning his name. You feel full, so full. You feel it in your abdomen, his hand gripping your waist.
"Take this dress off." Toji said half annoyed, as his hands pull the hem of your dress over his shoulders, leaving you in your bra. His hands work on your bra, he opens the hook with just one hand, freeing your breasts. Toji grabs your breasts roughly, his rough, calloused hands on your breasts squeezing and pulling at them.
He spits on your breasts, kneading the skins with his hands. You cry out in pleasure, and he begins moving, slapping his hips against yours. His hands are on your hips, helping you bounce on his cock.
"A-AH im gonna-" you cry out, gripping his shirt. Noticing that you're fully naked while he still has his shirt on. He chuckles mockingly,"Already cumming?" He said, gripping your hips harshly, as you bounced up and down on his cock, your breasts bouncing, mascara running down your face and lips swollen.
He grabs you by the neck, angling it and smashing his lips against your, his tongue working its way into your mouth and you taste yourself, as you moan into his mouth.
"Fuck, you're so tight" Toji groans, into your mouth. "Gonna mould this pussy, I'll ruin you for any other man." Toji squeezes your neck, not too painfully though.
You clench your pussy, cumming on his cock. He slaps your thigh harshly again,"Come on, give me another one- fuck." you cry as your breasts bounce, almost hurting.
"Who's cunt is this, baby?" Toji groans, his cock drawing inside and out of you again and again, a creamy base forming on the base of his cock. I clench again,"I asked you a question, you like it when I talk to you dirty?" He snaps his hips into yours.
"Y-yours! Only yours!" you moan out, gripping his shoulders, tears streaming down your face.
"M-hm, cum on my cock again, doll." He groans and you clench down on his cock, he paints your walls white as he cums inside you, filling you up completely. He snaps his hips breath heavily.
The car is filled with sweat, and heaving breathing. You feel weak, gripping his shoulders, falling back on the seat.
"That's what pleasure is." Toji said breathing heavily, pulling up his pants. His hands on the steering wheel.
"It's getting late, let's go home." He said as he throws your dress at you and chuckles,"You okay, doll?" He teased as you breathed heavily.
"- Im okay- fuck that was so good." You said as you pull the dress down on your body. You sit on the seat, adjusting it and buckling the seatbelt.
"You look fucked." Toji chuckles, as he starts the car pulling it out of the driveway. Your cheeks redden as you look at Toji shyly, the alcohol wearing off. "Your daddy is waiting at home. So, don't make it obvious."
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was it okay yall?
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irisintheafterglow · 5 months
Hey!! Can you write some fluff hcs of katsuki taking you to prom? Thank u so much! 🥰
AAAAAA YES I CAN I LOVE THISSS fun fact i didn't get to go to senior prom because i got sick on the day of :(( but i love any excuse to wear a fancy dress !!!
cw: swearing, implied fem!reader but no she/her pronouns or descriptions, this got super long because i got carried away oops :)) hope you like this!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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alright let's be honest if y'all don't already know each other, there's no way he's asking first
he'll think you're super pretty but be too proud to break the tough guy facade and make a move first
buuutttt if you're already kinda in with the bakusquad then it's a little easier for him to ask
and by ask i mean just tell you that you're going to prom with him
you're sitting next to him in the common room doing homework and he just goes
"go to prom with me."
"go to prom with me, 'cause who the fuck else you gonna go with."
"you're a royal asshole, you know that?" and then you pack up your stuff and go back to your dorm and he's like wait shit fuck that's not how that was supposed to go fUCK
so then the next day he's like "go to prom with me."
"are you fucking serious-"
and this man never says please so you decide to give him a shot
you've thought he was attractive since your first year but didn't think he would be interested
and then, when you became friends, it seemed abundantly clear that he was too busy training and going on missions to have a relationship
when really he's just terrified of losing you if you don't reciprocate his feelings
so after much convincing from the rest of his friends, he mustered up the courage to ask you tell you to go to prom with him
you already know he was in the group chat after the first attempt to ask you going like
"guys i fucked up"
"bakubro what did you do"
"i told them to go to prom with me and they walked away"
"i think you're leaving out a crucial part of the story"
"ok and i said no one else would go with them"
if you don't already have a dress, he's going dress shopping with you
sits in the waiting area of the fitting room holding a stack of glittery fabrics and doesn't give one (1) fuck about it
definitely the type to whistle under his breath when you walk out in ~the dress~
he has no idea what the fuck he's doing so he's a little,,,,abrasive when it comes to shopping with you
"you need shoes? let's get you some new fucking shoes, then."
"that color is hideous. choose something else because you're too good-looking for shit like that."
"d'you think this color would look good with my eyes? no? damn, harsh crowd."
on the night of prom he's 20 minutes early to pick you up
so he just sits on the floor of your dorm in his suit with his arm propped up on his knee while he watches you finish your makeup
he's mentally taking note of the products you use and the colors you like so if you ever ran out, he could get them for you
you come out of the bathroom and ask him how you look and he genuinely feels like he's suffocating because he can't breathe
after like 30 seconds of staring he just
is attached to you at the hip for the remainder of the night
i'm not kidding
his arm is around your waist at all times unless you go to the bathroom or he goes to grab a drink
brags about how good you look at any chance he gets
"yeah, see that dress? i helped pick that out, assholes," he says with a shit-eating grin and the rest of his friends are like 👍ok bro
they know how big of a crush he's had on you so they're amused by how smug he is now
if you force him onto the floor to slow dance he forgets all sense of rhythm
keeps stepping on your feet
tells you to move even though he's stiffer than a wooden board
has no idea where to put his hands and can't look you in the eyes without turning bright pink
you kiss him on the cheek and he fucking freezes LMAO
turns over his shoulder and sees his friends with their phone cameras out like paparazzi (he doesn't mind)
asks you out properly at the end of the night and it's not just a command
instead of "get lunch with me sometime" it's
"get lunch with me sometime? if you wanna, you don't need to if you don't want to-"
and then you kiss him! to make him shut up! and he's a feely mess for the next three days straight until he sees you again
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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ohanny · 4 months
my take on what happened to kenta after canon and how he grew to love himself (and kim)
after it’s all over, kenta gets into some legal trouble. pete, of course, bails him out of it and gives him a job in his company but it very quickly becomes evident neither one of them is doing well. they have this weird dynamic where there is just too much water under the bridge for a fresh start. pete is way too distracted with his own angst to accommodate all of kenta’s needs and kenta is walking a tight-rope of needing to be good and useful to pete but not wanting to turn pete into another tony-figure.
they’re too awkward and can't communicate properly and one evening pete just pulls out a bottle of whiskey and they sit down and drink. they both get shit wasted and neither one of them knows who leans in first but then they're kissing. it’s… bad. neither one of them truly wants it and when pete pulls back, kenta gets up and walks away.
if they were struggling to work together before, they start downright avoiding each other after. one day, in an effort to get kenta out of the office, pete sends him over to the x-hunter garage to bring alan some papers to sign and that’s when kenta runs into kim again. their eyes meet and that familiar tension is back but this time kenta breaks first, looking down at his feet. “not gonna lie, i thought i would feel some kind of way about this,” kim says, “but man… you look like shit.” kenta huffs out a laugh and looks at kim out from under his bangs and okay, kim thinks, he is kind of cute. and he did finally shish kebab the right person.
so kim agrees to show kenta where alan is working and their stilted attempt at small talk goes a little like:
kim: so you work for pete now?
kenta: yes.
kim: you don’t sound too happy about it.
kenta: it’s something to do.
kim: some friendly, unsolicited advice? You look like you need a break. and like you need to figure yourself out.
kim walks away but what he said sticks with kenta even after he's handed alan the papers and gotten the signatures he needs. he is tired. him and pete can barely look each other in the eye and every time it happens, he gets this familiar sense of doom and anxiety in the pit of his stomach, feeling like he's done something wrong and is about to get punished for it. so when he returns to the office, the first thing he does is ask pete for a leave of absence.
pete agrees immediately, handing kenta a credit card and telling him to take as long as he needs. so in the first selfish act in possibly forever, kenta packs his meager belongings and books a one way ticket to japan for the very next morning. he lands in tokyo and spends the first few days walking around but leaves the city pretty quick, taking a train and then a bus to a village he has no memory of but was listed on his birth certificate.
he works on his rusty japanese. he eats the food. he rents a small bungalow from an elderly lady and settles in. then one evening as he's watching the sun set on his back porch, he texts pete asking for kim’s number and after receiving it (with a question mark he does not answer), sends kim a picture of the said sunset with a simple “thanks for the advice.”
kenta doesn't mean for it to lead anywhere but they start texting. it starts out slow but as the days pass, the messages increase in number. kenta mostly sends pictures of his every day life with short captions because he still struggles with expressing himself. kim tells him about the new racing season and the ongoing saga of north and sonic dancing around each other, about how they’re finally getting their acts together but are so uncertain and awkward about it that both of them constantly keep asking him to third wheel.
and it's easy and safe and kenta never feels pressured so when at the end of the season kim mentions having some time off to travel, kenta doesn't hesitate to offer his services as a tour guide. they meet again at the airport where kenta drove to pick kim up and yes, it is a bit weird at first but then kim rolls his eyes and asks “so are we going to kiss or not?” and kenta laughs. kim’s never heard him do that before and he sounds so happy and looks so pretty that kim doesn't eve wait for an answer and dives in because they only have ten days and he is not going to northsonic this. (yes, kim would use that as a verb.)
they spend their time glued to each other, living in this happy bubble, but all good things must come to an end. kim is flying back and on the final day before his departure, he asks kenta to return with him. “if only for a visit. people care about you, you know? you’re still family to them.” when kenta says he doesn't know if he'd like to stay kim says it doesn't matter. “you don't have to. but you can't hide here forever either.”
and that's how kim ends up coming home from his hush-hush vacation with kenta in tow. this kenta is different than the one that left bangkok nearly a year ago. he looks healthier, has some color to his skin and walks with his back straight and head held high. still, he's nervous as hell as he walks into the x-hunter garage.
he's barely set a foot inside when jeff steps up and pulls him into a hug, telling him how happy he is to see kenta doing so well. babe is the next one up, looking kenta up and down and going “if this is what taking a break does, i might need one too.” (meanwhile sonic approaches kim, wiggles his eyebrows at kenta and goes “... nice,” offering a totally unsubtle high five that kim gladly accepts.)
kenta knows eventually he’ll need to go see pete as well and kim offers to go with him but he knows it's something he has to do alone. so he shows up at the office, near closing time, and knocks on pete’s door with a “you have some time for your brother or do i need to make an appointment?”
pete looks up from his paperwork and sees kenta. and fuck if he doesn't feel an enormous amount of relief? because kenta looks good. because kenta called him his brother. because in that moment he feels like he can have his old friend back without the baggage of the muddled feelings of adolescent love and sense of betrayal. pete needs that desperately. ever since way, he's buried himself i work to cope and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't close to his breaking point. 
kenta: you know, a smart man once told me i needed to take a break and go figure myself out.
pete: and is the smart man in the room with us?
kenta: no. but he’s probably bothering your secretary downstairs even though i clearly instructed him to wait in the car.
kenta sounds so stupidly fond when he says this and it's very clear to pete exactly why he was asked for kim’s number all those months ago. but after that brief moment of kenta letting the simp shine through, he does get back into pointing out how pete looks pretty ragged and should rest, if only for a week. pete asks him if kenta would be willing to hold down the fort for that week but kenta just laughs, telling him he's shit out of luck. “i think i’m done doing business with you. or anyone for that matter.”
he explains how, while staying in japan, he started teaching basic martial arts and kendo to the neighborhood kids and he really likes it. that he's good at it and it makes him sleep better at night, knowing he’s helping kids defend themselves. he also hands pete his credit card back with a sly little “i don't think kim and his sponsor money approve me having two sugar daddies” and then says he really should go, that he has plans for the evening.
“are you free tomorrow?” pete asks as they stand up to say their goodbyes. “we could get dinner. as old friends.” “sounds good. i’ll call you?” and this time when kenta walks out of the office, he does it with the final weight off his shoulders. he goes downstairs where kim is, in fact, bothering the secretary, fingers nervously tapping against the counter. he looks so pretty in the late afternoon sun and kenta is struck by the sudden joy of just… being alive to experience this.
he takes kim’s hand in his and walks them out, knowing he’s going to be okay.
do i want to write this out as a proper fic? yes. is it likely i will create something i feel confident posting? no. so take this extremely self indulgent offering in the meantime?
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
omg i love the way u write jjk characters! i was reading ur work and had a scenario that i thought would be so fun to read from you if you like the idea! i was thinking abt if you got drunk with them at the school (like maybe all the students sneak to one persons dorm or something), how they would act drunk, how they would treat u, what would happen etc. my favs are toge and yuji but you could do whoever ofc!
ok idk if this is exactly what you were looking for but since i've wrtten a few fics now where drinking/partying was the theme, i'm gonna assign the jjk crews their party night roles lolol so enjoy
ITADORI YUUJI is the life of the party, obviously. he's the type to bring jello shots to the function and if no one wants them, he'll eat em all himself. he's the guy that you dare to do stuff as the night goes on. he's the guy that somehow, at the end of each party, is missing a shirt. did he go swimming? did someone spill on it? did he spill on it? (most likely) everyone laughs but no one really complains about it. he's always got a fun plan or game in mind to keep the night going, and everyone's happy to have him there.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI is the shy-at-first guest. he's slow when he first gets there, and always claims he doesn't want to get too fucked up. he's got a never ending amount of excuses up his sleeve as to why he can't take that shot with you, or be your partner for beer pong. but give him an hour to warm up. he'll spend that time lining up a fire playlist and semi-mingling. the trick to getting him to loosen up? just a quick smoke first. don't jump on him with it, but if he sees a joint being passed around, he can't resist just a couple puffs. what's the harm, right? a couple puffs and he's giving in to whatever other party shenanigans come his way.
KUGISAKI NOBARA is in charge of the photography for the evening. everyone's instagrams and snapchat stories are well taken care of when she's around. in the early parts of the evening they're casual photos, fit checks, some candids of the laughing group as they play games or eat pizza. she's quite good with lighting and angles, and no one complains when she shoves her phone in their face. as the night goes on, she probably documents more than she should- toge drawing on yuuta's face while he's passed out, yuuji shirtless and covering himself in whipped cream on a dare- but it's always too funny to go through them the next day and delete half the evidence.
PANDA is the dancer. if he's drinking, he's dancing. it doesn't matter how many drinks are in his system. it doesn't matter if the music is particularly fun- or even playing. he's got too much excitement from hanging out with his friends and is down for a good time. he's also easy to coerce into pranking someone.
INUMAKI TOGE is the coercer of pranks. if someone passes out, he's always got a marker on him. he always has the best dares for truth or dare, and isn't afraid when others want to get their revenge. he's that class-clown energy at the party. sometimes it's annoying, but it's always undeniably funny. he definitely likes those tacky party favors from spencers. especially the big dick shaped syringes for taking shots. he's got a lot of sus 'party decorations'. but let's be real it's really fucking funny when he breaks out the newest one. also if he gets too drunk he will use his cursed speech for the sake of humor.
ZEN'IN MAKI is the bartender and general caretaker of the group. she's the best at mixed drinks and knows everyone's favorite, but always has something new to try. as the designated bartender she's also the one subtly making sure everyone is on a good track for the night. most of the time it just meant keeping an eye on yuuji and toge, reminding them to have some water every once in a while went a long way. and she's not afraid to cut you off if you're getting sloppy. i also think she'd roll the fattest, cleanest joints when she's not mixing drinks.
OKKOTSU YUUTA is the first to fall asleep. he's a good time, don't get me wrong. he loves the games and the dancing and the goofing around, but he's an overworked boy and... a bit of a lightweight. motherfucker takes two hits and is shaking his head the rest of the rotation. it's kinda cute that his eyes get all red after so little before he raids the snack table. maki knows he has a five drink limit before he either needs to drink water or rally or... as usual, he's slumped into the couch and snoozing away. it's a miracle that he can sleep so hard when the music is blasting and everyone has to yell to be heard- especially when it's itadori yelling. by the end of the night, someone's thrown a blanket over him, and toge's vandalized his face with permanent marker.
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kisses4lao · 7 months
HII I WANTED TO SAY I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR WORK ITS JUST TOO GOOD, i also wanted to ask if u write for shang tsung? if u do could u do any thing for him, like whatever u feel like, i just need more shang tsung content barely anyone post about him😞😞
Idk how to write shang tsung so it's just gonna be random ass hcs sorry anon
Tw/cw: practically nothing
Not proofread
Has a thing for your hands. He definitely thinks they're cute and likes to touch them. Sometimes he just stares at them for minutes on end until you snap him out of it
He probably has a really good understanding of herbs and what they taste like. Because of this, he's a really good cook. I actually went to his house on Thanksgiving last year he makes one mean turkey
He also bakes a lot. He probably bakes a shit ton of cupcakes and gives them all to you.
He smells like coconuts and ash
He adores it so much. He finds it oh so romantic to slow dance with you, he just stares into your eyes the entire time and UGGGHHHH
He probably squishes your cheeks a lot. No warning. He's like a grandma he just finds your cheeks squishable and thinks it's cute
He loves cooking and baking with you. He's the type of guy to stand behind you and guide your hands. But he'd do this no matter what you're doing, he doesn't care if you know how to whisk something properly he's going to stand behind you and guide you
Kisses are very sensual with him. Soft and slow, no tongue unless it's in the heat of the moment, which is rare
He also likes to go on walks with you and points out all the bugs. He just likes bugs
I feel like he'd collect butterflies. He'd have a butterfly sanctuary and whenever one of them dies he puts them in a frame and hangs them up
He does this because he thinks they're pretty, and he finds the circle of life for animals to be beautiful, and he hates to see that beauty go to waste
He does this with moths too
Stargazing dates are a common occurrence. At least three times a month. He loves laying next to you and pointing out all the constellations
Speaking of constellations, he's very in touch with his star sign
He's also really good at poker for some reason. Like you can never win a game against him. Is he cheating? Mayhaps
He trusts you enough to let you go out without him, hes very much secure in your relationship
He uses a lot of different hair products so it stays nice and healthy
A/n: writing this has made me realize that maybe I'm a shang tsung kinnie
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sisterofficerlucychen · 4 months
chenford thoughts, thoughts, thoughts 👀 bc i'm losing it between the promo and the interview lmao. contains s6 spoilers
this may just have been me who didn't put it together but we're getting another chenford dance ♡♡♡♡ when they showed a chenford snippet in the teaser promo idk why i thought it was them just standing there sharing a moment???? but bbs are gonna be danciiiiiiiing~~~
what if tim's "yes,i love you" is a red herring?? because i swear that right after he says it, it looks like she's about to turn and look to her right (like get confirmation of it from someone monitoring the lie detector perhaps???) i keep thinking of how alexi said they're always looking to "walk a fine line with chenford" plus what eric said in the interview about a "nice little confessional of information" at the wedding ― it makes me think that the interrogation scene does not end super well (maybe awkward, maybe angsty, maybe both?) and the resolution happens at the wedding where they're dancing and that's their first (official - bc we know their track record with firsts) "i love you"
RICHARD T. JONES TELLING ERIC AND MELISSA THAT CHENFORD WAS GOING TO BE SOMETHING WHEN THEY FILMED THAT SCENE IN 2X01!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this one made me laugh bc it felt very full circle in a way? like how grey was the one who paired tim and lucy up (i wish they talk about this one day like elaborate why he paired up everyone with who he did bc it was so interesting to learn percy had requested tim be jackson's t.o. and that clearly didn't happen) and how the actor himself was also like "yeah, that's gonna happen"
i loved that they were asked if they could pinpoint when they noticed a shift between them (and their answers, i love hearing all these different perspectives). i i think part of the beauty of the slow burn is that there's no specific point? also the way this goes back to "she fell first, he fell harder" because tim at the hallway scene in 4x22 was hit with a world of emotions and realizations after that kiss
chenford having to face the reality of what lucy being uc means will no doubt be tough but i'm so happy they're finally going to address it!!!!! they've been in such a honeymoon phase and every time the topic is brought up they pretend it's fine but it's v much not
"we had a big scene this season with each other" akljdfalsdkfjasdlfa. i'm so excited ... and a little scared lol
we know we're learning more about tim's past this season which is SOOO exciting!!!!! but i love how eric in the interview also mentions how lucy will help bring out the best in him to help him navigate that. it reminds me so much of s1 with isabel and s4 with his dad and it'll be so nice to see this again but now as a couple
"lucy's going through a set of circumstances that we've never had the opportunity to see her go through" *cries* mel's entire answer to this question makes me so excited for lucy's development. idk why but i don't think whatever she's referring to here has to do with lucy being a detective? it seems so raw and personal and it makes me wonder if we're also learning more about lucy's past too (also wondering if they're bringing back her parents for a sec 👀)
TIM STILL NOT KNOWING ABOUT LUCY & NOLAN SDFGHLADF okay but can they please give us this comedic moment because it would be gold
the mention of the moonstone ring ♡
bonus: eric being so proud of that jail tiktok is so funny and wholesome
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Hi, I want to ask you for advice and give you an ask for your 1500 followers celebration.
The thing is, I'm 19 and I am not in uni. I am very disappointed in myself and did not plan to be in the position that I currently am. All my friends further their education and had/are having higher education meanwhile I am still where I was three years ago. I always was the academic driven girl that was an over achiever until my half-second last year of highschool. But at this moment, I just feel so behind and failed.
I am happy and proud of my friends, don't get me wrong, they all deserve it ! I even have some of my friends who did not plan to go to uni and are at the moment there. I am happy that they're all succeeding, but I compare myself and I'm just at the same place, escaping in fanfics and just losing more hope that I used to have. It's like everybody started the race except me, that remained at the begining of it.
I did work a little on some of my issues during highschool and still try to do. I used to be severely bullied in middle school, litteraly had a guy saying that I was a monkey and looking like one, which affected my confidence and made me a little paranoid. I'm still working on my self confidence. But I still can't always be confident in my appearance.
I plan and want to go to uni and study what I want so bad. I wish to re-invent myself in a better version of myself.
Can you give me some life advice? You seem like a kind person with a good heart.
I'm not sure if you are still accepting requests for your 1500 subscribers event, but here is a request, it is completely up to you to do it or not, I wouldn't mind.
I also want to tell you " Congratulations on your 1500 subscribers, you definetely deserve it!!!" I love your fics and your writing so much, you have no idea! I look up to you and you definitely inspire me.
I am not sure how to describe myself.
I have brown hair. I am European, just not from the Anglo-saxon part. Usually, I am the therapist friend, everyone come to me and I give them advice ( that are genuinely good). I am normally an optimistic person, I think it is just at the moment that I am feeling down as if I'm in a hole without having a way out. I love reading, escaping to fictional worlds, dancing alone in my room, listening to classical music, knowing the history of the arts, romantism and watching theatre if it is a good play. I am a Gryffindor and an ambivert.
I wish one day to have adventures (where nobody dies/has a negative life-changing thing) like in the movies.
Could you write a frenemies + when it is know the of us are dating , nobody can believe it with Mattheo Riddle? Or anything really with Remus Lupin, with any trope you consider, I trust you :)
Thank you so much and thank you for your advice
I'm gonna sign this so you could identify me if you want updates or when I will thank you :)
-🐤🪐 chicken saturn ( because I like chickens, baby chickens and I like the stars and various kinds of planets)
Hey love! 💕
Firstly, thank you for reaching out and sharing your feelings with me. It takes courage to express vulnerability, especially when it feels like you're comparing yourself to others. You're not alone in feeling this way, I've been feeling much the same lately and am working through it at my own pace too.
It's important to remember that life isn't a race, and everyone's journey unfolds at its own pace. Your path might not look like your friends', and that's perfectly okay. What matters most is that you're working on yourself and your dreams, even if it feels like progress is slow.
It's understandable to feel disappointed or frustrated with where you are right now, but try not to dwell too much on the past or where you think you "should" be. Focus instead on the steps you can take to move forward. Whether that is exploring educational opportunities, seeking support for your self-confidence and mental health journey, or pursuing your passions, every small effort counts.
Dealing with past experiences like bullying can leave lasting scars, but remember that they don't define you. You're strong and resilient, and you have the power to rewrite your story. Building self-confidence takes time and patience, so be kind to yourself along the way.
As for university and reinventing yourself, it's never too late to chase your dreams. And you are only 19! That is still so young! Don't beat yourself up over it you're still on the right path and you have so much time to get where you want to be! Take the time to research your options, reach out for guidance if needed, and set realistic goals for yourself. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your potential, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
Above all, remember that your worth isn't determined by your achievements or milestones. You are enough just as you are, and your journey is uniquely yours. Keep believing in yourself, keep striving for growth, and trust that brighter days lie ahead.
Sending you lots of positivity and strength on your journey lovely anon 💕 thank you for entrusting me with this, I hope there is at least something helpful in my little rant here. And I also saw your other ask and yes of course you can be 🪐🐤 Saturn Chick! And it's always okay to reach out to me, no matter if you want to do it as an anon ask or through my dm's.
Now for your match ups....
Golden Trio Era; Romantic Match-Up: Mattheo Riddle
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mattheo, with his brooding demeanor and sharp intellect, is the last person you expect to find yourself drawn to. as a Gryffindor, you naturally gravitate towards those who exude warmth and light, whereas mattheo seems to dwell in the shadows, his presence casting an enigmatic aura wherever he goes.
your first encounter with him is marked by a clash of personalities, as your optimistic outlook clashes with his cynical worldview. You find yourself engaged in heated debates with him, each argument leaving you more frustrated than the last. despite your differences, there's an undeniable spark of attraction that simmers beneath the surface, one that neither of you can ignore.
as time passes, you and mattheo find yourselves reluctantly working together on various projects and assignments. despite your initial animosity towards each other, you begin to discover unexpected common ground, whether it's your shared love for literature or your fascination with history and the arts.
slowly but surely, the animosity between you begins to thaw, giving way to a grudging respect and mutual understanding. mattheo's sharp wit and intellectual curiosity challenge you in ways you never thought possible, while your unwavering optimism and genuine kindness bring a sense of warmth and light into his dark world.
when you finally admit your feelings for each other, it comes as a shock to your friends and classmates. after all, you and Mattheo were once sworn enemies, constantly at odds with each other. but as they watch the two of you navigate the complexities of your budding relationship, they begin to see the genuine connection and affection that exists between you, and they can't help but root for your unlikely love story.
Song: Just Like A Movie by Wallows
Marauders Era; Romantic Match-Up: Remus Lupin
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remus, with his quiet demeanor and gentle nature, has always been a source of comfort and stability for you. as the therapist friend, you're used to being the one everyone turns to for advice and support, but with remus, it's different. there's a sense of understanding and empathy that flows between you, a connection that goes beyond mere friendship.
your first meeting with remus is marked by a shared love for literature and the arts. you find yourself drawn to his intelligence and sensitivity, admiring the way he seems to see the world through a different lens. despite his reserved nature, there's a warmth and kindness to him that immediately puts you at ease.
over time, you and remus become inseparable, spending countless hours lost in conversation about everything from books to music to the intricacies of the human mind. He becomes your confidant, the one person you can truly be yourself around, without fear of judgment or rejection.
as your feelings for Remus deepen, you find yourself torn between wanting to preserve the sanctity of your friendship and longing for something more. it's only when he confesses his own feelings for you that you realize the depth of your affection for him, and the two of you embark on a journey of love and discovery together.
your relationship with remus is built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. together, you navigate the challenges of life at hogwarts, leaning on each other for support and strength. and as you face the uncertainties of the future, you take solace in the knowledge that as long as you have each other, you can weather any storm.
Song: Geronimo by Sheppard
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talktonana · 2 years
dirty dancing. (part 1)
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pairing: idol!jaemin x soloist!fem!reader
genre: suggestive *cough cough* maybe nearing smut, idol!au, strangers/colleagues to lovers, fluff (if you look reallllll closely), is this slow burn?
warnings: suggestive (obv), lots of grinding, sexy dancing, lots of close calls, boners, profanity, masturbation (m and f), sexualisation of idols, the kpop industry in general, lee soo man
parts: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
a/n: this is just an excuse for admin to use youha's new song in a jaemin fic
pls be nice this is my first fic!
taglist: @elegantren @gweenchip @onceuponateenagetrash @jaeymark @matchahyuck @ningnuts @pradagukkie @nonorelic @iwouldbangchan @wownajaemin @cr1stinx @renjunsfavaries @carelessshootanonymous @episkeyjeno @cvfechan @sunariin @belysusonrisa
✧    ﹒     ♡       ⁺      ៹    ﹒       ♡    ﹒       ✧      ₊  
"A sexy concept?" you question, looking over at Yoona, your beloved creative director who's trying to boost your popularity in the kpop scene.
"Yeah! That is- if you're comfortable with it of course, I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with," she replies, resting her IPad on the table in front of you, giving you a small smile of comfort, something that she always gives you when she sees you getting nervous.
You look down at the concept board presented on the bright screen, greeted with splashes of black and red— colours that are synonymous with most sexy concepts nowadays. Your eyes glaze over the mood boards of roses, bathtubs, a suspicious looking messed up bed that looks like someone already had fun in it. You weren't particularly uncomfortable with the concept. It's just that you were already quite known for your more 'summer-fun-girl' concepts filled with love songs, your fans loved it, but you knew it wasn't enough to leave a mark on music shows or awards.
"What if the fans don't like it?"
Yoona snickers at you, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Nah don't worry about that. They're gonna love you no matter what you do, especially your fan boys." You roll your eyes at her comment. You weren't gonna lie, you loved the attention from your fans. It could be because you had a praising kink (not that anything your fans said turned you on or anything), you just loved the praise, the compliments, the attention, the spotlight. Sure it's tiring but hey if you get money while looking hot then why not?
"And you said I'd have a dance partner?" you ask, looking up from the slightly warm tablet.
"Yes! We were thinking maybe another idol, not a dancer," she says, earning a surprised look from you.
"Huh? But why? I'm sure to get loads of hate from whoever this idol's fans."
"You need the publicity, we're thinking maybe someone from NCT, since they're getting really popular nowadays. And I'm too lazy to send a letter to another company for any other groups." She says, brushing off the statement you made earlier. "Come on! It'll be fun! I promise!" Yoona says, sitting next to you in an empty chair and starts clinging onto your arm, making a face that even the toughest of men would melt for.
"Come on! Please please please please please please-!"
"Alright! Alright! But I'm not dancing with Jisung! He's too young for these things," you say, remembering how shy the youngest was.
"Of course of course!" Yoona exclaims, letting out a high pitched giggle as she grabs her stuff on the table. "I'll treat you at the cafe later?"
You laughed at how excited she was. "Buy me cake, please."
✧    ﹒     ♡       ⁺      ៹    ﹒       ♡    ﹒       ✧      ₊  
You groan as you reach over to your bedside table, struggling to turn off the alarm that had been blaring in your ears for 5 minutes. The alarm just had to go off as you were eating sundubu-jjigae (in your dream).
You sat up groggily, rubbing your eyes a bit too hard startling you awake. The time on your phone read 5:47 am. You had to be at the building at 9 for the comeback meeting so maybe a few more minutes of shut eye wouldn't hurt...
You jump from your sleep, heart palpitating in your chest as you scramble for your phone on the floor (how did it get on the floor??).
"Hello?" you say in a panicky voice.
"GOOD MORNING Y/N! ARE YOU ALMOST HERE YET?" Yoona's voice blasted in your ear, causing you to hold your phone a few inches away before eyeing at the time on the top left of the screen.
8:45 am.
Oh shit-
"Um- um I'm uhh on my way! I just stopped by Starbucks to get some coffee!" you giggled, getting up and running towards your closet to pull out anything that matched with each other. "Ya know... to kill my sleepiness... AS USUAL!"
"Thank GOD! For a moment there I thought you slept in!"
"Oh! No no... I would never!"
Yeah, totally.
"Well you better be on time, I've got the song demo ready and found you your partner so he's going to be there too! Oop- hold up my boss is calling, catch you there!" Yoona says, followed by the beeping sounds of a call ending.
You run over to the bathroom, almost slipping over as you grabbed your toothbrush. As you rushed to get ready, you couldn't help but think: who was your partner going to be? Since this comeback would be more performance focused, you thought maybe they would get one of NCT's dancers. Ten, Taeyong and Shotaro instantly came to mind, since they were heavily promoted as the best dancers in NCT (including Jisung of course, but he's too baby for this).
Maybe they would get Taeyong? He's easily one of the most popular members in NCT. Maybe Ten? You could get some recognition from two other countries too if it were him. Maybe Shotaro? He's one of their rising stars and they might want to promote him more. You secretly hoped it was Ten, since you've done a few dances together when you both were trainees and had amazing chemistry.
When you arrived at SM Entertainment's building (standing there in all its glory), you were already sweating at your pits. It didn't help that you forgot to wear socks and just slipped on your sneakers, which are sure to bruise the back of your feet once you get to the meeting room.
You burst through the door as soon as the time on your watch hits 9:10 am, your creative director looking up from her IPad.
"Ah good! You're both here!" she says, sending you a warm smile as she sets down the tablet. "And you're both late!"
Wait, both?
You look behind you before almost crashing into the face of the person behind you.
"Whoa-" the person says, backing off a little.
"Jaemin?" you say, stepping back as you place your hand on your chest to calm your frantic heart. You looked at the tall young man from top to bottom. "What are you doing here?"
"He's your partner, silly!" Yoona says before Jaemin could answer, pulling you in and pushing you to sit down on a chair saved for you, Jaemin quickly joined and sat on the other side. You noticed your producer, Jaeyeon, sitting at the very end of the table, scrolling through his phone as his feet bounced (which is a telltale sign that he was getting impatient).
"Sorry for being late..." you muttered, a burning sensation creeping up your cheeks as you placed your bag under the table between your legs, hearing the same words being muttered by Jaemin. You looked over at him, eyes glazing over his features. You weren't gonna lie, he's the visual of NCT Dream for a reason, and you knew he was a good dancer, at least, from the SMTOWN concerts you all had last year.
"So, y/n, I'm sure you know Jaemin. He's going to be your dance partner for the comeback," Yoona says, standing in front of the table you all were sat at. "I wanted to get Taeyong or Ten but they both have schedules with 127 and WayV, and you made it very clear that you didn't want Jisung so we asked the other Dream members and Jaemin volunteered!"
You looked over at Jaemin who gave you a warm smile back which stirred something in your guts but you chose to ignore it (must be because you haven't had breakfast yet).
"So if you both are okay with the concept idea so far, I'll play the demo now?" Yoona continues, sitting down at a chair near the big display tv that they mostly use to do presentations. She presses the remote on her hand and you listen.
(stan mommy youha <3)
You quickly realised how different this song was compared to your previous comebacks. It was... sensual. Very sensual, but it sounds so sad, heartbreaking almost. Like it was meant to make you feel desperate. Your brows furrowed as you listened to the lyrics.
Promise me our love flame will never go out
Promise me our love will last forever, babe
'Toxic love?' you thought. You were expecting something more on the blatant sexy side, seducing maybe, narcissistic. But this was equally as interesting. Desperate love, toxic love, wanting the other person to not leave you and stay with you forever.
It felt intoxicating and you loved it.
"So, any thoughts?" you looked up from your hands, eyes meeting with Yoona.
"I love it, though I'm still worried that the fans won't be too familiar with this kind of sound coming from me," you stated, feeling a little nervous at the thought of fans disliking the song.
"I think it suits you," the male opposite you says in a calm tone, grinning a little.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you ask out of curiosity. Was it the lyrics?
"Oh- no no! I mean like, I think your voice would suit the song a lot," Jaemin corrects himself, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks as he uses his hands to explain, which made you giggle a little.
"Well if you both like the song we can proceed with it, if not I'll try to find something less... depressing I guess?" Yoona says, looking up as she thinks.
"Oh no! I love it, and I kind of wanna try something different than my usual, you know, 'I love you, lets go and run off into the sunset and live happily ever after' vibe," you say, trying to reassure Yoona who was already pouting, earning a slight chuckle from Jaemin.
"You sure, y/n?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, everyone enjoys a sad song every once in a while. What harm would be done?"
"You're gonna go viral with this song, y/n," Jaemin says, throwing his thoughts on the table. "Half of it because of me of course- I'M KIDDING," he quickly says as he notices you giving him the stank eye. He grins back, winking at you.
✧    ﹒     ♡       ⁺      ៹    ﹒       ♡    ﹒       ✧      ₊  
Two hours went by and you were still discussing the concept with Yoona and Jaemin. You could already feel your stomach begging to be filled with a sandwich, plus your feet were killing you due to forgetting to wear socks. You were praying that Yoona would wrap this up quick because at this point you were ready to take a bite out of her stupid IPad.
"I think that's enough to discuss today, I have to head off to another meeting," you hear the woman say, watching her starting to clean up her stuff. "Any last words maybe?"
"I'm good," you say, giving Jaemin a look that you hoped he understood.
Jaemin looked at you, almost bursting out laughing. "Yeah I'm good too, plus I could use some lunch."
You gave Jaemin a smile that said "thank you, you're a life saver!" before getting up and leaving the now-stuffy-room as soon as Yoona dismissed everyone.
As you speed-walked through the hallway, you were eager to get to SM's cafe before lunch hour started (because holy it can get crowded there). You had the menu in your mind, memorized from start to finish, and boy did that Bibimbap illustration on the far left of the menu look amazing. You pressed the elevator button as soon as you arrived, feeling the back of your heels hurting already (why did you have to be sock-less and hungry?). You didn't know if you pulled a face, but you assumed you did when Jaemin came up to you, eyebrows slightly knotted on that beautiful forehead of his.
"You're in a hurry," he says, finally catching up to you while he puts a baseball cap on, pulling his hair back as he does. "Let me guess, you woke up late, couldn't eat breakfast, ran over here and..." he paused for a moment, almost dramatically even. "... you forgot your socks?"
He shot him a confused look. "How did you know?" you ask, feeling slightly embarrassed that your new colleague saw you in such a state.
Way to make a first impression, y/n.
"Just a hunch... oh and I can see that you have no socks on, you're gonna get blisters."
"Yeah, no shit, probably bleeding as you're rambling about me being sock-less," you say sarcastically, giving him an almost pitiful smile. "And I'm hungry, thank Lee Soo-man the song sounded good, I might have gotten a headache if it didn't," you continued, earning a chuckle from the male at your use of the CEO's name. He follows you into the elevator (surprisingly and conveniently empty) before looking over at you, biting his bottom lip slightly.
"Wanna have lunch together?" he says, almost nonchalantly.
"You're not eating with your members?" you ask, looking up at him. Usually the dreamies sat at one table at the very back of the cafe away from windows, maybe they liked the privacy.
"Mark and Donghyuck have full schedules today and the rest of the dreamies are sleeping in at home. Plus, we're gonna be working together a lot, we should at least get to know each other, no?"
He wasn't wrong. If you both just started practicing the choreography together without him even knowing your age it would get awkward real quick. Especially since you both would be grinding on each other and touching each other a lot.
"Yeah, you're right. How old are you again?" you say, turning to face him. You can see in the corner of your eye the red numbers on the elevator screen going down: 7,...6,...5,...
"Oh- not that far away from me then," you say, him tilting his head in response. You smile before you continue "I'm 23 too."
"No way, I thought you were way older than me," he snarks before laughing at your unamused expression. "I'm kidding, of course."
To say that Jaemin hadn't entertained you that afternoon during lunch would be a lie. You couldn't stop laughing at his complaints about being roommates with Jisung, waiting for Jeno to arrive to practice every time they had schedules, Mark forgetting the choreography and begging for them to teach him multiple times. It kind of made you jealous, since you were a soloist, you didn't really have to worry about other people messing up. Your backup dancers were really good, they didn't have any problems catching up to the choreography. You didn't have to wait for anyone to start practicing. You didn't have to share your dorm with anyone. Occasionally you would run into Ningning and Karina but only small talk was ever exchanged between you and them.
Well now you had one person to wait for during practice.
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A huff left your lips when you almost pushed Jaemin down during the chorus for the 5th time. You stared at yourself in the mirror before feeling the frustration take over you.
"Hey, let's take a break, y/n. We've been going at this for over an hour now," your partner says, sitting next to you while handing over a plastic water bottle, stretching out his legs so the bottom of his soles met the mirror you were facing. Defeated, you accepted the bottle and sat next to him.
"I'm trying my hardest, I swear," you sighed, almost choking on your words.
"You're not used to such sensual dances, huh?" Jaemin asks, turning to face you, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. You nodded, giving a small smile back at him.
"You'll get there, even Jisung had a hard time being confident when we practiced for our more suggestive songs," he continues, taking a sip from the bottle and you watched as his adams apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed.
"How did you do it?" you ask, pouting a little remembering how awkward you looked during the dance when he was grinding behind you while you looked like a squirming worm.
"How do you become... sexy?"
"I was just born sexy," he says, earning a slap on the arm from you and him mouthing 'ow' back. He chuckled before continuing "I guess it's all about confidence. You know, you just gotta feel- no, wait, you have to know that you are, in fact, very sexy."
"Okay... but what if I don't think I'm sexy?"
"But you are," he says bluntly.
"Well I don't feel like I am," you say back, hugging your legs and pouting, which you didn't notice but he found adorable.
Jaemin admitted to himself a few weeks ago that he might've had the slightest, tiniest crush on you. Both of you had grown closer since the first meeting and had been out to lunch together almost everyday. Haechan teases him everyday for not eating with the Dreamies anymore but he always butted back that it was so that you wouldn't have to eat alone.
He's grown incredibly fond of your late night rants when you both come home late from practices. He loves it when you get frustrated while practicing (he finds it cute), and he couldn't deny he might've even gotten hard while practicing with you, despite the fact that you stated that you weren't sexy. He found you incredibly sexy. He didn't know if it was hormones or if you were just that attractive but he couldn't help himself imagining pinning you against the practice room's mirror walls and having his way with you.
Jaemin looked at you in the mirror before saying "You know sometimes when I can't feel sexy I just strip down and practice in just pants or boxers."
You gawk at him. "What-? How does that help?"
"Hey I have abs, my fans love my abs. I gotta appreciate them every once in a while."
"So you're suggesting I should strip down to my underwear?" You chuckled at the idea, although it was tempting if that's what it takes to make you feel sexy.
Jaemin stuttered, a visible red hue tainting his cheeks. "I mean- if you're comfortable of course, like when you're practicing on your own and stuff. Not that I'm encouraging you or anything- I mean-"
"I get it, Nana," you chuckled at his behaviour. "I'll think about it though."
Jaemin looked down as he felt blood rushing down to his middle at the thought of you practicing the dance with you stripped down. Oh it would be one of his wildest dreams! Having to hold you from behind during the chorus's grinding move, so close to him, he would've combusted right then and there.
"I'm gonna need the toilet, be back in a minute," he says, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
A series of curses leave his mouth as he runs off towards the nearest toilet which fortunately wasn't very far. With sweaty hands he locked himself in a stall, leaning against the cold plastic divider separating him from the other stalls. He looked down, seeing the tent in his grey sweatpants already growing, begging to be released.
'Why did you have to be so hot?'
He fiddled with the drawstrings of his pants, thinking if it was morally okay to be thinking of you like this. You two were just colleagues, that's all. Nothing more. He couldn't ask for more anyway, he's a public figure. He has fans. And most importantly, he thought you'd probably be uncomfortable and would hate him if you ever found out.
He swallows the saliva building in his mouth, taking the deepest breath of his life before pulling the band down, pulling his throbbing length out. It was already erect, pulsing slightly when he remembers how ravishing you looked when you were sitting in front of him, lolling your head back to the music during practice just now. How he could've just swung in front of you and pushed into your mouth.
He bit his bottom lip, already stroking himself as the memory of you on top of him during the high note of the song. Your voice sounded so mesmerising during that part, he almost came because of it. A whiny, desperate high note. He could only imagine what it would sound like if it was his name instead.
His fingers delicately fluttered to his tip, digging his thumb gently into his slit making him shiver, imagining it was you doing it. Your obviously more gorgeous hands exploring every inch of him. You were so close and yet he couldn't have you the way he wanted to, and that only frustrated him even more.
Faster and faster his hand goes until he finally releases into the toilet in front of him, letting out a low moan and holding onto the wall of the stall with his free hand while the other pumped him clean. He could feel his face heating up as he imagined you were clenching around him, taking every bit of him into you. He was down bad and he knew it.
How wrong it was, yet how good it felt.
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leonenjoyer69 · 1 month
Could you ramble about your au?
OF COURSE!! It's probably just gonna be a bunch of random stuff lmao, So! starting off:
Jekyll and Hyde come to find that Elias is surprisingly romantic. Pairing the fact that Jekyll believed that Lanyon wasn't even really capable of romantic love with the fear Lanyon had with falling for anyone or becoming vulnerable, it makes sense that Elias would be all that vulnerability. When Lanyon's out and about shopping, or just strolling by stores, Elias will point out things he thinks Jekyll and/or Hyde would like and will annoy Lanyon into buying it. Eventually, there are things Lanyon will see himself and just get without Elias's pestering.
Sometimes Elias lets Rachel do his hair while they talk (usually when Jekyll is too busy, or when Hyde's already run off for the night.) She enjoys it quite a bit, and it gives Elias the ability to ask her for advice on things (and it lets him eat more of her cookies, but that's not the MAIN reason) it's nice for Lanyon sometimes too, because he can get Elias to ask about things that he's having trouble with with less embarrassment.
Elias actually cares about all the doctory stuff Lanyon learned (and mostly forgot) from University. When around, he acts as a sort of nurse for the Society. He even got a run down on some of the medicinal potions Jekyll and Ito keep stocked so he knows what to use in certain situations.
He strives for approval and any words of affirmation, sometimes going a bit out of his way just to get that jolt of happiness when someone gives him any sort of praise. Elias receiving said praise makes Lanyon quite jealous, since he, of course, wishes it could be directed at him for once. He denies the feeling, but that doesn't stop the growing disdain he feels towards Elias.
Lanyon and Elias lowkey act like rivals most the time. You thought Hyde was annoying towards Jekyll? Well at least they mostly got along for ~2 years. Lanyon and Elias though? half the time they're just trying to one up each other. But! they certainly have their moments where they get along. Lanyon eventually finds that it's easier to be more honest with Elias, and sometimes they do have little heart to hearts, but also these two dramatic bastards do tend to annoy tf out of each other. Elias tends to fluster Lanyon quite often, usually going on about Jekyll and/or Hyde in constant yearning. Eventually Lanyon gets used to it and gets less visibly flustered, mainly because he was sick of all the questions he got.
Sliding in another little Hyde HC I have, Elias likes listening to Hyde play the piano. Like, a lot. He'll sit on the little bench all love struck. Same goes for Jekyll's singing, though usually Lanyon has to coax that out of him (though Elias can with enough pleading, or making him flustered enough)
they'll also occasionally dance! Jekyll and Lanyon tend more towards the usual waltzes, while Hyde and Elias do more swing type stuff (Elias can't keep up super well, but he really enjoys it. Hyde will slow down justt a bit, sometimes) additionally, Jekyll and Elias would also do waltzy type stuff, while Hyde and Lanyon would go slow for a bit until Hyde gets too antsy and pulls more of that playfulness out of Lanyon, going a bit more wild.
Okay! That's all for now, and also I'm so sorry this took so long 💀💀
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abitohoney · 2 years
Does her werewolf form have a tail? Does it wag when she's happy or excited? DOES SHE LIKE RECEIVING BELLY RUBS???
I'd be the idiot who would get a squeaky tennis ball to torment her with, and she'd eviscerate me for it, and it's be so worth it XD
This is fun and silly and I love it! Also, gonna paste a screenshot of your other ask here because a) it's related and b) I already started technically answering part of your second ask before you even asked it!
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Side note: this is my first... HCs? Imagines? IDK WTF this is even called. Let's just say here's my chaotic dumpster fire of unorganized thoughts on this. Enjoy! (No refunds)
Also, probably won't have the next chapter of my werewolf!Sevika fic out tonight so y'all get this instead. 😭
Should probs throw in a warning too. Some NSFW at the very end. MDNI, 18+
Hell yes werewolf Sevika with her mech arm!
I mean, how could she not have it?!
It's cool as hell and would make her unique and give her an advantage over the other werewolves
It's not organic so it wouldn't make sense for it to change with the rest of her body
How much would that suck if the nerves and tethers to the flesh were separated each time she transformed? Poor woman would have to reattach the damn thing everytime. Sounds far more painful than just the transformation alone! I could not do that to our babygirl. 😭
She could play fetch with herself so much easier!
She could still choke us in her werewolf form
OFC she has a tail!
How cute would that be? Now Sevika is a stubborn, prideful and grumpy lady and that applies to her werewolf form as well. She won't admit to enjoying anything other than killing, and she's going to try her damnedest not to wag that tail or let you even do anything that might trigger that response. But she is a woman, er... werewolf, with urges and instincts. Will power and stubbornness can only go so far before it's overpowered by the more natural responses. So if you know some of her secret weaknesses, and you can get close enough to exploit those, you better believe you're gonna see that tail do a little dance.
Belly rubs? Oh she LOVES those!
Again, you're gonna have to be sneaky to get close to that fuzzy belly. She's got sharp canines and is not against giving you a warning bite if you get too close to her soft spots.
You're best bet is to catch her while she's napping in her gigantic doggy bed at the foot of your shared bed. (You've forbade her from sleeping on your bed while in her werewolf form. She sheds profusely and has an annoying tendency to kick you with her hind legs when she dreams about chasing prey, which is probably you considering all the annoying things you do to her. Not to mention the one time you were rudely awaken to the mortifying realization that she was humping the back of your leg like a bitch in heat. Not that you have any right to complain when you take into account how much you like to grind on her thigh when she's in her human form.)
She's snoring deeply, belly fully exposed, as she sleeps in her plush doggy bed when you cautiously sneak closer. You sit cross-legged in front of her and ever so slowly reach a hand out. Your palm rests on her soft, warm belly and your eyes flit to hers. They're still closed, so you start making, slow sweeping circles. Her breathing shifts and a hind leg twitches. Before long, the bushy tail that hangs over the edge of her bed starts swaying. The moment you add some light scratching to the belly rubs her tail really starts wagging. You can't hide your adoring smile, even as her eyes suddenly shoot open, purple glowing orbs locking onto yours immediately. Her struggle to react in anger is apparent by how her upper lip twitches as if she's trying to snarl, but she just can't fight how fucking good the tummy rubs and scratches feel. Slip your other hand behind an ear to give it a nice scratch and she's good as yours, tail swinging so hard it's smacking your knee. You might even get a little kiss on your arm from a big ol slobbery tongue.
Fetch? She can't resist.
You're not the only fool who would buy their sexy werewolf GF a nice, loud, squeaky ball to play fetch with. We all would, cause that tail wags so damn hard her back end shakes with it. This, however, is the one she's least happy to admit to enjoying, but all it really takes is throwing the damn ball. Just know that you'll pay for it later (You'll be her pet, on all fours wearing a collar and leash, for at least a day. But don't worry, she'll feed you real well).
Flea collar, or any collar for that matter? Hard nope
Don't even bother trying. You'll be the one in the collar if you do. She doesn't do flea baths either, so you better just get used to your hundreds of new insect buddies.
Good girl? Hahahaha... Nope!
Whatever you do, do not, I repeat do NOT call her "good girl", or you'll be the one in the dog house!
"Hey, babygirl, c'mere!" Sevika calls from the bedroom while you're finishing drying off after showering and you freeze in terror. You know that tone. That condescending, slow sneer. You know you're in trouble. "Need to talk to you about something."
Maybe if you go out there naked, you can make her forget whatever you'd done wrong, which you admittedly have forgotten yourself. Swallowing the lump that formed in your throat, you cautiously step past the doorway and into the bedroom. Sevika, in her human form, sits on the edge of the bed, glowing purple eyes on you and sharp canines poking out from her wide, devious smirk.
"Yes?" You ask sweetly albeit shakily, with false innocence as you step further into the room so she can see your nude form. Your eyes drop to her lap where you find she's already packing her fav strap. Thick, ribbed and curved for your pleasure. Heat rises to your cheeks.
"Do you recall what you called me last night?"
Too distracted by the thought of what she has planned, you shake your head. A movement catches your eye and you realize she's swinging a pair of handcuffs from one thick finger. Heat drops between your thighs.
"When you were petting me in my werewolf form?" She reminds you, tone noticably sharper when she mentions that particular act which was also one of her no-go rules.
Oh. Oh fuck. That.
In the same moment you recall what you'd said, you see the spreader bar, collar and leash lying on the bed beside her. Your doe eyes flit to hers, realizing just what you were in for.
"Good girl?" You squeak out.
"Mhmm. And are you supposed to call me that?"
"No!" You answer quickly, shaking your head profusely. "I'm sorry Sev-"
"On the bed sweetheart. Head down, hands behind your back and on your knees. Oh, and spread them real wide for me. Let's see who's the good girl."
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putanaperdonna · 1 year
RE8 Headcanon: AU Resident Evil Village characters at the gym🏋️:
A/N: Okay so recently I’ve started going to the gym and working out properly and today I literally had to hold back from giggling like a colossal MORON because all I can think of is what if the RE8 characters were in this gym rn LMAO. So these are how I think they would be in a gym environment or what exercise they would be into lol enjoy 😭
Alcina Dimitrescu:
Alcina definitely trains in the weight section like how else would she throw that dresser lmao
She has like a set routine of what muscle groups she’s gonna hit on what day
Definitely favours upper body workouts though she is a sucker for chasing that glute pump on leg day
She’s not into cardio though she will go for walks but only indoors on the treadmill lmao
She warms up and cools down properly too… she takes everything very seriously
She loves looking like a baddie at the gym too it’s what motivates her to go! She’s old school though so like flared yoga pants and sleeveless shirts are her go-to
If you’re usually intimidated by the weight sections you feel way more confident if she’s in the area since the GymBros™️ know better than to fuck with her
She also does CrossFit here and there just so she can focus on driving ~power~ through her body
The Dimitrescu sisters
Cassandra kinda just likes to control the music though she does demonstrations of movements for her sisters (bc they're incompetent duh)
Dani is actually trying to create her own routine and lord she is SICK of Cass’s micromanaging
Bela is just climbing the pole and swinging aimlessly… she doesn’t do it to perform or anything she just likes having her Chandelier by Sia™️ moment
They are doing it behind their mum’s back obviously
They install a pole in the foyer though, then they have to explain to Alcina what it’s for
“I know what a stripper is and I thought I raised you girls to be classy!”
They have to explain that a) Ain’t nothing wrong with being a stripper and b) They are not stripping, they’re exercising by using their body strength 🤪
“You girls don’t need exercise. You can turn into flies for gods sake!”
Donna Beneviento
Hot Girl Walks™️ with or without incline
Gf is NOT one for sweating… she already is relatively physically active anyways if she’s carving out larger pieces of wood to make dolls
She likes that she can put on headphones and a playlist and just have Donna time™️
But if she’s feeling particularly pissed off or overly energised, she installed a boxing bag in her basement and she likes to go punchy punchy kicky kicky
Angie likes to coach her on her technique (she knows nothing and frequently suggests Donna should punch the rocks outside because she saw Chris Redfield do it once and thought it would make Donna stronger)
Donna likes to have a workout buddy if she attends a gym though… totally not for checking out their muscles while they demonstrate for her 😇
Donna also likes to dance, not any particular style… she just sort of does it to express herself without really speaking
Salvatore Moreau
Swimming (duh)
He likes aqua aerobics as he’s not very good at maintaining any good technique with any traditional swimming strokes
He sucks up to the instructors frequently though lmao
If he doesn’t do aerobic classes he likes to swim slow laps and tries to focus on improving his lung capacity
He also has a habit of swallowing so much water when he swims and ends up vomiting frequently
He invested in some nice flippers and a snorkel so he can swim at the beach (he is surprisingly quite afraid of strong currents and getting caught in the rip) he wants to give it a good shot one day
Karl Heisenberg
He also does weight training. He likes the feeling of metal in his hands
He frequently gets into Alcina’s space and takes weights from people without asking
He has no regard for gym etiquette whatsoever
He is the type to absolutely throw the weights up with his whole body instead of perfecting technique
He is also a grunter… he has no shame
He does call other dudes out if they’re making female patrons feel uncomfortable
Alcina still has to fight the urge to “accidentally” drop one of her weights on his foot though
Him and Ethan are incapable of using machines properly
Ethan Winters
Endurance running
He literally does marathons for fun. He’s a psychopath.
He likes hiking too and honestly has probably dragged Mia out to different tracks at some point in their relationship
If he does go to a gym… he has NO clue what he’s doing if he’s using the equipment like he just tries to guess what they’re for and ends up using them incorrectly like this:
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Chris tried to teach him how to use them but Ethan is convinced you can use them any way you want
Him and Karl provide the gym patrons with entertainment for DAYS
Mia Winters:
Yoga/ Pilates mum
She’s been doing classes and her own practice since forever
She can do some pretty cool poses like her capacity to hold her own bodyweight is actually pretty crazy
She’s very sweet with new yoga participants… she gives them advice on how to improve on basic or advanced poses whenever they ask
It’s the only thing in her life that keeps her calm and collected tbh
Mother Miranda:
Jiu Jitsu
She wants to kick some ass but without all the force of kicking and punching, like getting some good submission holds in there
She likes that JiuJitsu is more of a grappling sport in this sense
She also wants to improve on her speed when she’s in the ring, she wants to make attacks look effortless so she can scare her opponents into thinking that it’s easy for her
She definitely makes her own rules however, she only likes training with anyone who is up for being a rag doll for her
Chris Redfield
Bro just does anything
He likes boxing though
He imagines that goddamn boulder scenario every time… people mock him about it and he dgaf
He has broken through many boxing bags as a result
His sparring partners dread having to fight with him because they know they’re gonna walk away with a dislocated shoulder from the massive shock absorption lmao
Rosemary Winters
She likes volleyball
She just does… all the “normal” girls at school do it so she figures it might help her situation a little bit
She is actually pretty good at it
She hates how long the practices are though, she likes it but not THAT much
She likes doing high intensity cardio classes at the gym when she’s alone
It helps her get all of her pent up teenage stress out of her system
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softpascalito · 8 months
Pedro Pascal Kinktober Day Twentyfour
Crossdressing - Joel Miller/F!Reader
Summary: Joel Miller has been wanting to try a different piece of clothing for a long time. It's not until you that he feels supported enough to do so. Turns out, you both really fucking like it.
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Relationships: Joel Miller x F!Reader
WC: 2000
Tags/Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Insecurity, Soft Joel (The Last of Us), Crossdressing, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, slight mommy kink, Very slight internal homophobia if you squint, Jackson!Era, sub joel miller, just joel miller in a skirt bc he looks cute af like that
notes: let me prephase this by saying that everyone can wear skirts without it being sexual. but here, it kinda is. cause y'know, joel miller.
It's the blush that gives him away.
Joel and you are on patrol, checking out some picked-over clothing stores. Spring is finally here and the clothing department in Jackson has been running low. With the town dance becoming a regular monthly event, demand for dresses, skirts and dress shirts has skyrocketed, despite them being rather impractical in the day to day life of most inhabitants of the city.
But people are just people. And they like celebrating, like the drinks and dances and an evening that feels far, far away from Infected or raiders or anything else that awaits them on the next morning past the wooden fences.
You haven't been immune to the illusions either and despite not having the most dance-happy partner, you have been begging Joel for weeks to at least join you for one slow dance in the barn. The mention of the no-doubt stunning dress that he'd get to see you in seemed to help.
“Oh, look at these!” You call from the corner of the clothing store, having found a section that holds a few dresses. A red sign looms over the racks, announcing the last sale of late summer. You shine your flashlight onto the first rack and let your fingers wander over a few of the fabrics peeking out to you, admiring the different shades of clothing.
“And they're on sale too. Aren't you a lucky girl?” Joel deadpans as he walks over to you, a small smirk on his face. You simply nod at his joke, fumbling with the price tag of one of the dresses, raising your brows, “Ah, yes. It's-” you squint, trying to make out the number that's printed on the weathered piece of paper, “fifty dollars.”
“Expensive taste you got there,” he mutters, finally reaching you and joining your effort of looking through the clothing items. You've picked out a yellow sundress, the print made up of small flowers.
“Was fifty dollars a lot?” You ask as you test the fabric, taking in how much damage time has caused. Joel raises a brow at that, “Depends on what you spend it on.” He comes up behind you, like he does so often, and places his chin on your shoulder, admiring the dress in your hand, “They would've been worth seeing you in that for sure.”
You turn at that, smiling sweetly as you hold the dress out to him, “Will you buy it for me?”
Joel frowns slightly, “You can just-” You quickly cut him off, already knowing what he's gonna say, “Just pretend to,” you mutter. “I can't wear this to the dance and not tell people that my boyfriend got it for me.”
He rolls his eyes a little but you don't miss the small smile on his face as he dutifully takes the dress into his arms, holding on to it for you, “You got yourself a deal, darlin'.”
You gather more clothes after that, as much as you can carry without your packs getting too heavy. It takes a while, finding the pieces that are still intact and not too washed out but there's a few nice ones and you nod approvingly as you roll up the last dress shirt.
Your gaze lands on Joel, who is securing his own pack, making sure that everything is holding together well.
“We need something for you as well, you know,” you scold, making your way back to the sale section. A soft sigh behind you lets you know that the man is not exactly a fan of shopping, even the free, post apocalyptic version.
A few more minutes pass before you find a nice shirt, a soft green that you're certain would compliment Joel well and you turn your head to look for your victim when you spot him back at the rack of skirts, running his fingers over something.
In a few strides, you're by his side and by the way he jumps a little as you appear next to him, he's clearly startled, “Jesus. What's up?”
His eyes scan the surroundings for possible danger as you shake your head, picking up the item he's been looking at. It's a pleated skirt of medium length, a plaid pattern similar to the ones that Joel's usual shirts carry. The colors are muted, beige and dark gray mixed with a few stripes of color.
The color that is the most interesting to you, however, is the one of Joel's face. His cheeks are a soft pink, the blush spreading down towards his neck. It's the same blush he had a few months ago in the sex shop, the same one he had when you had packed the pink strapon into your backpack and it's precisely the same color his cheeks turn when you're behind him at night, gently thrusting into him. It's that blush that gives him away.
“It's pretty,” you say gently, looking over at Joel to catch his reaction. He keeps a straight face that seems a little too straight to not be premeditated. 
“Yeah.” His voice is a little thin, confirming your suspicions and you watch him closely as he continues, maybe to break the slightly awkward silence, “Would look good on ya.”
“It would look good on you too, Joel,” you mumble, reaching out to take it off the rack and hold it between you. Soft, brown eyes meet yours and the look in them is so damn insecure it makes you wanna cry. He opens his mouth and closes it again, clearly struggling to find his words.
“I'm not-” You shake your head before he can go on, “I know. It's just a piece of clothing.” He nods at that, his gaze on the skirt in your hands.
“Tell you what, I'll pack this. If anyone asks, it's mine. That sound good?”
Joel clears his throat, looking down for a moment before nodding, “Sound good.”
You peck a quick kiss to his lips before leaning down to gently roll up the skirt and store it in your backpack, more than aware of Joel watching your every move.
You sigh, gently knocking on the bathroom door, “Joel, baby, come on out. At least let me see.”
A grumble behind the door, a similar response that you've already gotten a few times in the past twenty minutes, the exact time since Joel has disappeared into the bathroom to change into his newly acquired piece of clothing. It has taken a few days until he's come around to it after you hung it up in your shared closet.
Funnily enough, it reminds you of a cat after having a new piece of furniture placed in their home, the way they avoid it for days only to come closer and closer with each one until they finally determine that there's no danger and carefully discover the new item.
Joel is not yet in the no danger phase.
“Just one peek?” You ask quietly through the door and after another sigh, the door clicks and, inch by inch, opens. You take a few steps back, watching as Joel steps into the bedroom and your breath catches in your throat as you take in his form.
His broad shoulders are covered in a slightly worn-out sweater that pools around his waist. Below is the skirt, the pleating standing to the sides a bit, creating a cute form. His strong, hairy legs are bare, only his feet covered with black socks that he frequents.
You stare at his strong thighs peeking out, shamelessly and with your mouth slightly ajar and it takes you a second before you can pull yourself back to any thoughts other than the very inappropriate ones you're having right now.
Joel still looks self-conscious, his left hand playing with the hem of the skirt absentmindedly as he waits for your reaction. At your silence, he opens his mouth, of course, wrongly interpreting it, “Sorry, I didn't mean to- you know what, we'll just give it to the store.”
You surprise yourself with a small growl at that, sucking at your lower lip as you take a step towards him, “If you don't like it, we will.”
Your voice is quiet as you speak, “But goddamn, Joel, you look so hot right now.”
The blush is back and you're fairly certain that you've never seen him as shy as he looks now.
“You like it?” He still sounds so unsure and quiet and that's what makes you close the distance between you, reaching for his hand that's still fumbling with the fabric, “I love it. You look-” You force yourself to look up at him, taking in his soft, brown eyes, “You look absolutely amazing.”
A small breath of relief escapes him at that and he nods. You make a mental note to ask him about this sometime, how long he's been wanting to try a skirt. Your feeling tells you that it goes back, before you, before Jackson, possibly before the outbreak. Either way, you feel honored in a way, that he trusts you enough to do this with you instead of anyone else.
You watch as Joel moves a bit in the skirt, clearly trying to get a feel for the unfamiliar piece of clothing. He sits down on the bed, smoothing the skirt down over his bare legs and it's getting harder to ignore the heat in your stomach at that sight. Still, you don't want to turn this moment into something it's not, not unless he wants to.
Your hand finds his shoulder, squeezing slightly, your eyes darting between his eyes and his skirt, “You want me to-?” An eager nod comes before you even finish your question and with a small smile, you reach around to straddle him, placing your own form so perfectly on his lap.
“You look so fucking pretty, Joel,” you whisper again, your lips ghosting over his as your hand wanders behind you, caressing his knee for a few moments before slowly inching up his leg. It's something you've done a million times, skin that you've kissed and rubbed yourself on and stroked at night and still, this feels different.
Joel tenses under you, his breathing going a bit faster as he feels your hand moving further and further until, finally, you reach where you assume his boxers to be- just that they're not there. A small gasp escapes you at the surprise before you catch yourself and tut softly, staring right into the chocolate brown eyes in front of you. “First time wearing a skirt and you're already going commando?” You whisper, your voice hushed, “Were you hoping I'd find that? That I'd touch you like this?” Joel takes a sharp breath at your words. Or maybe it's the way your hand finds his balls, beginning to fondle them softly.
“You're being such a good boy for me, you know that? Looking all pretty for mommy.”
An actual whimper leaves Joel's lips at that and you know you've hit the mark. It does things to you, his noises, the skirt above his strong thighs, the little kisses you exchange and it isn't long until the skirt is pulled up, revealing Joel in all his glory for a split second before you're on him, enveloping him between your walls, your muscles already eager to milk him.
You play with the hem of his skirt afterwards, the same spot he'd held earlier. His breath is soft again and his heart is full, feeling so loved and worshiped and good.  
“You've been wanting to try that for a while, hm?” You whisper, finger ghosting over his thigh and he nods softly, “Yeah. Yeah, I guess I have.”
“Everything you imagined it to be?”
Brown eyes meet yours before he presses a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Better,” he whispers, his eyes wandering down to your hand on his legs, the fabric covering his now softened dick, slowly getting used to the way it looks on him, to the way it feels around his legs and Joel Miller finds then, cuddled up with you in a heated bedroom somewhere in Wyoming that he likes wearing skirts.
People are just people.
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rxptdevil · 1 year
Diamonds and dance floors playlist
Didn’t include Cartman because I didn’t know what to write for him
Plot:ava max New album for South Park characters [CANCELED]
Warnings:cussing,minor sexual content,cheating
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Stan marsh [sleepwalker]
Dream of me wherever you go
If I take you home, I'll turn you to a
Eyes are burnin' open or closed
Thought you should know, oh”
“I'm an obsession, not just a game
It feels like inception, stuck in your brain, oh
Dream of me wherever you go
Remember, I told you so”
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Kyle brofloski [one of us]
“One of would die for love
One of us would give it up
One of us would risk it all
One of us won't even call
One of us could say goodbye
Never even bat an eye
One of us is hurting you
And baby, that's the last thing that I wanna do”
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Kenny MCconrick[Ghost
“Everywhere I go I'm haunted by your ghost
You stay on my mind, can't help but keep you close
Oh baby, everywhere I go I'm haunted by your ghost
You're the one I love and I fear the most, ahh”
“I'm haunted by your ghost
It's what I fear the most
I'm haunted by your ghost
It's what I fear the most”
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Craig tucker [weapons]
“Stop using your words as weapons
They're never gonna shoot me down
Stop, it's time that you learned a lesson
My love is gonna drown you out
You wanna fight? Do you wanna dance?
'Cause tonight might be the only chance (oh), so
Stop using your words as weapons
“Shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby
'Nother round, 'nother round, baby, baby
Shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby
One more time for the hell of it”
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Clyde donovan[get outta my heart]
“Oh, some days I miss ya
But most days I won't
Oh, some nights I'll wish ya
Could kiss me one more time for the rush
It was nice to know ya (know ya)
But it hurts to know, oh (know)
What you did last summer (summer)
And I can't let it go”
“Get outta my head, get outta my car
Get outta my bed, get outta my heart
You've run up your tab, you took it too far
So pack up your bags, get outta my heart-heart-heart-heart”
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Tolkien black [million dollar baby]
She turns tears to diamonds, whoa-oh
To find that silver linin', whoa-oh-oh
And once in a while
I'll go walkin' in the twilight, countin' down to midnight
Close my eyes and wait for her to shine
I'm hidin' in the shadows, prayin' that she'll break free
In the dark of the night, she got danger on her mind
She's a million dollar baby, nobody can explain it
She's a miracle
She's a miracle, oh, oh, oh, ooh
She broke out of her chains, turned the fire into rain
She's a million dollar baby, she bound to drive you crazy
She's a miracle
She's a miracle, oh, oh, oh, ooh
Heart broke, oh-oh
You can't keep her down, no, oh-oh (ah, ah, ah)
Ice-cold, oh-oh
Just comin' back to life, no, oh-oh-oh”
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Butters scotch [last night on earth]
“Drive, oh yeah
Take me to the edge real slow, oh-oh
I want a front-row seat for this show, oh yeah
Before it all goes down
So hold me close, ooh
So, let's go 'cause we can't live forever
So, show me how to love
Like it's the last night, baby
Like it's the last night, baby
So, let's go, do it now or never
Show me how to love
Like it's the last night, baby
Like it's the last night on Earth, oh yeah
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Like it's the last night, baby
Like it's the last night on Earth, oh yeah
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Like it's the last night, baby
Like it's the last night on Earth, oh yeah
Say you'll, say you'll be there
When it all comes crumbling
Down, down, down, down, down”
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worriedvision · 2 years
That Cynari poly idea with a reader who is great in acting is just so good, and I could totally see the reader growing even more famous in the art world because of their performances and their skill with the crafts!
Imagine them finally following Nilou’s advice and deciding it’s time for a new relationship, or even some time alone to really be who they want to be. Imagine them going to help Yun Jin in Liyue for one if her performances, and in the way, they start getting close to a person from there! (It could be Zhongli because of his like for opera and performances, or even Ningguang!)
It would be even more funny to see reader getting in a relationship with Nilou lmao, after all, she was the one who truly was for them every time, and she also is the one who understood their passion for the arts :)
We just love to see reader grow after going through some angst 💕
Okay so this is gonna start with yet another argument with Tighnari and Cyno (smh you two all you do is pick on poor reader!). Gender neutral reader. It's a happy ending if you like Kazuha, but a sad one if you like Tighnari in particular.
"Every time you ask us that question, we always say no." Tighnari huffs in response to you asking if Cyno and Tighnari wanted to come along to watch a performance. "You're so persistent, even after we make it clear that we aren't interested."
"I just thought it'd be nice for you guys to watch a performance." You pout, crossing your arms.
"Well, it wouldn't be. You know I can't deal with loud sounds, and both of our work is too timely to have the spare time to come along." Tighnari fires back. You feel the imminent shouting session Tighnari was about to start, and out of instinct you run.
"Oh and there you go, running off an inevitably going to crawl back and give a pathetic apology for not listening, only to do this again!" Tighnari rambles off, Cyno silently standing with him and watching you run off.
"_, wait!" You hear Nilou calling out. You stop, Nilou taking a breather before she begins to speak again. "I'm sorry, I should have asked you if they were okay with watching the arts before encouraging you to ask them again." She admits, before she thinks to herself. "...Hold on, do they support you at all with your dancing?"
"Not really, but I don't really tell them about it unless it's asking them if they want to watch a performance." You admit. "I know they're really busy, and maybe they're right. Maybe I should just give up on my dreams, and start to look for a real job."
"No, please don't do that." Nilou stops you. "You are a phenomenal dancer, not to mention your propwork is immaculate. If your boyfriends do not accept your passion, then forget them!" She huffs.
"But I love them! I can't just move on like that." You protest.
"They don't accept that you have lots of potential as a dancer, and that is their loss. It will be hard, but I will be here to help you get through this." Nilou states. "You enjoy dancing, I know it, and your props also allow you some extra finance."
You nod, wiping your tears before nodding.
Your first dance after the last argument you would have with Tighnari, you couldn't dance normally. Usually optimistic and full of energy in your moves, you become slow and weighted with your movements. Graceful in a sorrowful way, you decide against going to grab the prop you had ready, letting your limbs do the work. You feel like the music has stopped, but you keep going, your mind creating a sad melody that you would dance to. Your eyes close shut, you fully becoming immersed with the impending sense of sorrow as you feel your dance beginning to come to it's end. Your last step fumbles at the end, but your arms recover, you on the ground as you slowly open your eyes.
A few seconds pass, and you hear someone start to applaud, everyone else joining in. Looking up, you see Nilou waving at you, mouthing at you to talk to her.
When you go along, she gives you a suggestion. Not one on your dance that you just monumentally changed, but on how to be happier. She suggests that you go to Liyue and find a woman that goes by the name of Yunjin.
"I think you need to be away from Sumeru, at least until you can stop thinking about them." She explains. "I look forward to seeing you again." She smiles, you nodding before you decide to head off towards Liyue.
"Excuse me sir." You call out to a man enjoying a cup of tea, hoping you weren't interrupting him. "I am looking for a Miss Yunjin, do you know where I can find her?"
"I do, actually." The man responds. "I was just about to head off for a performance of hers. Would you care to come along?"
"I would love that, thank you sir." You smile, following the man when he stands up, walking towards the location where Yunjin was.
You watch on in awe, taking in the beauty that was her performance. She was truly captivating, and you almost completely forget about needing to meet her and ask her about something before the man across from you nudges you, saying that now was the chance.
"Excuse me, Mis Yunjin?" You call out, the woman turning in surprise. "Sorry, haha. I'm from Sumeru, and Nilou has told me to look for you. I don't know if you would be looking to help me with my performances, however I also do my own prop work."
Yunjin laughs lightly, shaking her head out of disbelief.
"Ahh, yes. Nilou has told me all about you. Quite the story, I'm sure I could write a script on it." She teases lightly. "Accompany me, and I shall help you in finding yourself." She states.
You didn't actually see that man after the interaction at all, which did make you feel sad. You did hope you could thank him somehow, perhaps pay for his meal or give him a carving.
Yunjin turns out to be the discipline you need to solidify your dance. Your movements always remained heavy, however Yunjin taught you how to make even the heaviest of steps graceful and flawless to the blind eye. She also shows you how you can incorporate your props into your dance in various ways, her complimenting your handiwork in the process, and after she believes you are recovered from the last argument you had with your boyfriends, she tells you that she would like to have one performance where it's just you.
There is the man that showed you where Yunjin was. There is a shorter man across from him, in Inazuman attire, and hes also there to enjoy the show.
The performance seems to go much better than you anticipated, your dance showing your process of recovering from the heartbreak of 'a' lover who chastised you repeatedly for a passion that was immature according to them. The performance ends, and you hear two sets of feet approaching you.
"Your footwork is quite exquisite." The taller man states. "And those arms carry the burden of a lover scorned."
"Thank you, sir. Oh, and I must also thank you for showing me where miss Yunjin was." You smile.
"What are your plans now that your training is complete?" The man asks.
"Well, I have Sumeru I can return to. I had to leave from a previous relationship, however I feel that I can continue my craft back in my home nation." You respond.
"Would you mind if I accompany you?" The shorter man asks. "I have always wanted to see Sumeru for myself, and I'm sure you could show me some special spots most could only dream of."
You nod, introducing yourself. The man introduces himself as Kazuha, a mere wanderer.
The walk to Sumeru was surprisingly nice, the man with you having a lovely conversation with you. You find out he enjoys exploring, not intending on settling soon, and he tells you of all these places he had been. He doesn't bring up Inazuma, and you decide against asking him. Chances are, he had an awful time in Inazuma and you'd rather not sour this mood.
He finds out, after he promises not to judge you, that you had two lovers who never truly supported your dance career. It was the very reason you left Sumeru, and there was a small part of you that felt worried. Kazuha reassures you that he was going to be there with you when you return to your usual place, and you smile and nod in acknowledgement.
The moment Nilou spots you, she gasps before she runs up to you, asking how you were. You say you're doing much better, and you were now thankfully no longer so stuck in the past.
She looks at Kazuha, hiding her smirk before introducing herself. Kazuha introduces himself, and Nilou invites him to stay for a performance before heading off for his next destination. Of course, she drags you along explaining she was looking forward to seeing you dance.
"I think he likes you, _." Nilou teases.
"Oh please. He's a free soul, I wouldn't be able to date him."
"Whatever you say." She giggles, looking over at Kazuha before freezing.
Tighnari is there.
"Tighnaris here, do you still want to perform?" Nilou asks, clearly worried you were going to get worse again.
"Yes." You definitively state, a determined look in your eye.
A performance later, and you walk over to Kazuha, Tighnari conveniently behind him. You don't see How Tighnaris tail stills when he realises you weren't walking to him, but another man. Here he was, hoping to apologise for being so mean and tell you that you were great.
"You did well." Kazuha states, you smiling and thanking him. You look behind Kazuha, seeing Tighnari waiting for you to talk to him, and you tell Kazuha you'll be ready to show him around Sumeru after you finish old business.
"_, I've missed you so much." Tighnari begins. "I decided to come along when I saw you were back, and I figured I may as well watch one of those performances. I realise now that you are very good at this, and-"
"Stop, please." You hush him. "In our relationship, the only thing we did was fight. I'm sure the only reason you even came here today was because you saw me with a man that wasn't you nor Cyno."
"I can do better, please give me a chance."
"No, I'm at peace now. It's about time you adjusted to not having me in the relationship, which I'm sure won't be too difficult for you."
"Can he provide what I can? Is he smarter than me, do you find him-"
"Tighnari, stop." You growl. "He's just a friend, and he isn't even going to be staying in Sumeru for too long. I'm only here to show him some spots."
And with that, Kazuha taps your shoulder.
"I think it might be a good time for us to get some rest. Your friend gave us a room for the night." Kazuha states, his eyes going to Tighnari. "It's nice to put a face to the name."
Before Tighnari can ask Kazuha what he knows about Tighnari, Kazuha guides you along, a smug looking Nilou showing you your room.
And of course there was only one bed.
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